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Mid- Test English for midwife 2015-2016

Directions :Speaking test, Complete this dialogue, Questions 1- 15 are

incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence. You will see four words or phrases,
marked (A) , (B), (C), and (D). Choose the one word or phrase that best completes
the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill
in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have choose. Fill in the
space so that rhe leetter inside the oval can not be seen.
Speaking I
English For Medical Purpose
Nurse : Good morning, what have you come in this morning?
Patient : 1) _____________ , but I dont seem to have a fever.
Nurse : I see. 2)______________these symptoms?
Patient : oh. I have had the cough for two weeks, but feeling ill just
these pass few days.
Nurse : Are you having any other problems?
Patient : Well, I have got a headache. 3) I _________________of diarrhea
Nurse : Do you produce any phlegm when coughing?
Patient : Sometimes, but it is usually pretty dry.
Nurse : Do you smoke?
Patient : Yes, a few cigarettes a day. Certainly no 4)_____________a day.
Nurse : How about allergies? Do you have any allergies?
Patient : Not that I am aware of.
Nurse : Does your head 5)_______________?
Patient : Yes, for the past few days
Nurse : Ok, now lets have a look. 6)_____________your mouth and say ah?

1. A. got quite a cough bad 4. A. a half pack more

B Ive got quite a bad cough B. the more than a half a pack
C Ill get a quite cough this morning C. more than a half a pack
D Id get a quite a bad cough D. more a pack than
2. A. How long have you had 5. A. feel stuffy
B. How long have you have B. feeling stuffy
C. How long have been had C. Felt stuffy
D. How long had you had D. feels stuffy
3. A. I have also have a little bit 6. A. Could open please
B. I have also little bit B. please could open
C. I also had a little bit C. you could please open
D. I have also had a little bit D. Could you please open

English For Medical Purpose, Speaking II. FEELING QUEASY

Nurse : Good morning, Mr. Adams. How are you doing today?
Patient : Horrible, I cannot eat anything , 7)__________________. Take the tray
Nurse : That is too bad. I will just put this over here for now. 8)______________ for
very long?
Patient : I woke up during the middle of the night. I Could not get back to
sleep, and now I feel terrible
Nurse : have you been to the toilet? 9) ___________ or___________?
Patient : 10)________________, but no diarrhea or Vomiting. Perhaps, I should
drink something.
Can I have a cup of tea?
Nurse : Certainly, I will get you a cup immediately. 11) _________________ or
peppermint tea?
Patient : Peppermint, please. Do you think 12)__________________? I am so cold.
I think I am getting the chills.
Nurse : Here is an extra blanket. Let me tuck you in.
Patient : You are so sweet. What is your name?
Nurse : My name is Alice. 13) _______________ during the day for the next few days
Patient : Hello Alice. My name is Jack, nice to meet you
Nurse : Lets get you 14)_________________Jack! Is there anything else I can get for
Patient : Thats alright. I think a cup of tea and warm blanket should help
Nurse : OK. 15)_______________________ is ready.
Patient : Thank you

7. A. I fell sick for my stomach 12. A. I could have another blanket?

B. I just feel sick to my stomach B. I could have other blankets?
C. I have just felt to my stomach C. you could one blanket?
D. I have trouble in my stomach D. Could not you have another

8. A. have you felt queasy 13. A. I will have shift

B. Did you feel queasy B. I will have been on shift
C. Do you feel queasy C. I will be on shift
D. have you been queasy D. I will be here on the shift

9. A. some diarrhea or vomiting? 14. A. felt better

B. Anything diarrhea or vomiting B. Feeling better
C. Any diarrhea or vomiting C. feel better
D. for diarrhea or vomiting D. Better than
10. A. I have been to the toilet twice 15. A. I will be back as soon as the tea
B. I have a toilet twice B. I will be soon with the tea
C. I have had been to the toilet C. I will be back as possible as
twice D. I will back to the hospital with the
D. I have gone to toilet tea
11. A. do you like black tea
B. I like black tea
C. would you like to drink black
D. would you like black tea

Match in the column A with the column B to make perfect definition, number
16- 27
16. Chemical Pathology a. Brain and spinal cord surgery
obstetrics Care of Women and babies
during pregnancy, birth and the
postnatal period
17. Gastroenterology b. Problems of the joins and surrounding
18. Neurosurgery c. Problem of the kidneys and urinary
19. Rheumatology d. Chest and lung surgery
20. Urology e. analysis of substances found in
of blood, urine and faeces.
21. Thoracic Surgery f. Problems of the stomach and

22. Free gingivae g. Vaccine Vial Monitor

23. Gingival papilla h. this is the medical name for the thin
strip of gum which is directly next to the
crown of the tooth
24. Clinical h. this is the part of the gingiva that lies
between the teeth.
25. VVM This usually refers to anything that is
done, or used for, the patient.
26. constipation i. the need to pass frequent, loose
27. Diarrhea j. Having a difficulty in emptying the

Reading Comprehension
Vomitus and Faeces
Vomitus, when a patient is sick, the contents of the stomach are ejected
through the mouth. These ejected stomach contents are correctly known as
vomitus. Vomitus usually consists of partially digested food, but many consist
of bile, blood or a foul-smelling, brown fluid. Vomiting, or emesis, is one of the
principal symptoms of disorder of digestive systems but it is also a symptom
of many other illnesses.
When vomiting is a symptom, the consistency of the vomitus and the
frequency of vomiting are noted. The patient is asked whether nausea
precedes vomiting, if pain is present and whether vomiting occurs
immediately after or sometime aftera meal.

In the adult, normal faeces are brown, semi-solid and have a characteristic
odour. Faeces consist of indigestible or undigested food, altered bile
pigments, water, mucus, cells from the intestinal tract, and bacteria. When
observing faeces, the following points are noted : the frequency of
defaecation and whether flatus is passed, the color and consistency of the
stools, and the presence of any abnormal substances or objects. Fresh blood
in a stool is usually due to bleeding in the stomach or small intestine and
produces dark, tarry stool-melaena. The obsence of bile pigments and the
presence of large amounts of fat produce stools that are putty-colored and
extremely offensive. Constipation is condition in which the passing of stools is
difficult and infrequent. Diarrhoe is condition in which frequent loose or liquid
stools are passed.
Complete the following sentences based on the reading above
28. If something cannot be digested, it can be
29. If something has not been digested, it
30. We can say, the passing of faeces, or
31. We can talk about gas or air in the bowels
32. We can say, altered blood in the stool,
33. We can say organic coloring matter, or
34. we can say, the intestines, or
35. We can say, an

Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Meaning (Indonesian)
36. a. Plague
b. Small pox and chicken
c. Leprosy
d. Appendicitis
e. inflammation of the
f. Concussion of the
37. Skin diseases
a. Bollosus
b. pimples
c. freckles
d. ulceration
e. scab
f. scar
38. Medical expert
a. Internist
b. obstetrician
c. pediatrician
d. ophthalmologist
39. Dental and oral terms
a. Crown
b. Cusp
c. Buccal
d. mesial
e. Distal
40. Nursing
a. Bandage Gauze
b. Zincaband
c. Skin Traction kit
d. Cheatles forceps
e. Kidney dish

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