CT Observation 2 - Read Aloud

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Standard - What standard is LAFS.K12.R.1.

this lesson working to Determine central ideas or
develop? themes of a text and analyze
their development; summarize
the key supporting details and
Purpose/Objective - What Find different themes in the
skill(s) are you developing story and be able to support it
in this lesson? What do you with text evidence
want students to practice,
or be able to do?

Book Selection & Rationale I chose the story Meatball from

What book have you Tails From The Pantry because
selected for this read each story have a specific
aloud? Why have you theme and life lesson it is
selected this book (how trying to teach. I will be
does it support your reading the whole book
objective/purpose)? Will because it is necessary to
you be reading the whole determine the theme
book (why/why not)?

Step-by-Step Plan I will introduce the book, the

title of the book is Meatball
1. Describe how you will from Tails From The Pantry and
preview the book and set- it was written by Patsy
up the read aloud. Clarimont.
I will tell the students that we
are going to be determining
2. Describe the purposeful the theme at the end of the
questions you will ask. story and that they will have to
Make sure they are related support it with the text.
to your objective/purpose. At the end of the story I will
tell them to discuss with their
3. Describe how students shoulder partner and give
will summarize and share them time to discuss what
their thoughts about the they think the theme is and
story. How will you wrap-up evidence to support their
the story with students? claim.
How will they share their The students will discuss for
thoughts or feelings about about 3 minutes depending on
the story? How will you lead the conversations and I will
students into the walk around making sure the
assessment (i.e. after students are on the right track.
reading activity)?
After the the students are done
discussing in their groups I will
ask them to share in the big
group what they talked about.
Evaluation Plan How will I will know the students have
you know students have mastered Theme if they can
mastered your come up with at least one
objective(s)? theme for the book and
support that claim with textual
Describe the after- evidence
reading/assessment activity
students will complete and
how it shows if they have
mastered your objective.

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