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JEE Main 2014 (Online 09-04-2014) 1. Let P be the relation defined on the set of all real numbers such that : P= {(a,b): sec” a—tan? b = 1}. Then P is: (a) reflexive and symmetric but not transitive. (b) reflexive and transitive but not symmetric. (0) symmetric and transitive but not reflexive. (d) an equivalence relation. 2. Let w(Im w #0) be a complex number. Then the set of all complex numbers z satisfying the equation w~ i2=K(—2), for some real number k, is : (@ (:lz|=1) () @:2=3} © 24} @® @:|2|=1,241) 3. If equation ax? + bx-+e=0, (a, b,c € R,a#0) and 2x?+3x-+4=0 have a common root, then a: b:¢ equals : (a) 1:2:3 (b) 2:3:4 (©) 4:3:2 (@) 3:2:1 4.1f 1 and —L are the roots of the equation, ax? + bx +1 = 0 (a #0, a, b, € R), then the equation, va Bb x(x +b) + (@ — 3abx) = 0 has roots : 5 5 (a) and p*? (b) afl? anda!? B (0) JoPandaB — (d) @ 2 and Bh? 5. If a,b, c are non-zero real numbers and if the system of equations (a-Ix=ytz, (b-ly=zta, (c-Dz=x*y, has a non - trivial solution, then ab + be + ca equals : (a) a+b+e (b) abe 1 (@) -1 6. If Bis a3 x3 matrix such that B? = 0, then det. [( +B)” - S0B}is equal to : (@ 1 () 2 3 (@) 50 7, The number of terms in the expansion of (1 + x)!°! (1 +22 -x)! in powers of x is : (a) 302 (b) 301 (© 202 (@ 101 8. The sum of the digits in the unit's place of all the 4 - digit numbers formed by using the numbers 3, 4, 5 and 6, without repetition is : JEE Main 2014 (Online 09-04-2014) 89 (@) 432 (b) 108 (©) 36 (@) 18 9, Given an A.P. whose terms are all positive integers. The sum of its first nine terms is greater than 200 and less then 220. If the second term in it is 12, then its 4" term is : (a) 8 (b) 16 (© 20 @ 24 10. Ifthe sum 34+ it ae Papa to 20 terms is equal to Py equal to: (@ 120 (b) 180 (©) 240 @ 60 1. If fa) is continuous and 9/2) = 2/9, then im, (= is equal to: (a) 9/2 (b) 2/9 @o (d) 8/9 12. Ify=e, then (24 $ecamt: (@) ne™ (b) ne™ ©1 @ -ne™ 13. If the Rolle's theorem holds for the function flx) = 2x? + ax” + bx in the interval [~ 1, 1] for the point c= 7p then the value of 2a+ bis: @1 (b) -1 ©@2 (@) -2 wp (2) +3) ~1,xe R, then the equation x) = 0 has : (2) no solution (b) one solution (6) two solutions (@) more than two solutions sin’ x. —cos® x 15. is equal to : Sasa seas™ a a @) jsin2xre (b) ~Fsindx+e © ~jsinste (@ -sin?x+c 16, The integral |? sate a, equals : © © © t —In2 (b) —In2 —in2 = (a) aa (b) 3 OG @ 3 17. Let A= {(x, y) 1? $ 4x, y— 2.x >—4}. The area (in square units) of the region A is @ 8 (b) 9 (© 10 @ ul 18, If the differential equation representing the family of all circles touching x - axis at the origin is (P-¥* ee = 9(x) y, then g(x) equals : @ 3 (b) 22 9% oye 11 19, Letaand bbe any two numbers satisfying +75 = a + thea, the foot of | ee from the origin on 90 JEE Main Mathematics the variable line, 1, lies on : a (@) abyperbola with each semi axis= 2. (b) a hyperbola with each semi — axis = 2. (©) acirele of radius = 2. @ acircle of radius = V2. 20. Given three points PQ, R with P(S, 3)and R lies on the x - axis. If equation of RQ isx~2y=2 and PO is parallel to the x - axis, then the centroid of A POR lies on the line (2) %&+y-9=0 — (b) x-2y+1=0 ©) Sx-2y=0 (@) 2x-Sy=0 21. If the point (1, 4) lies inside the circle x? +)? - 6x -10y+ p = 0 and the circle does not touch or intersect the coordinate axes, then the set of all possible values of p is the interval: (a) (0,25) (b) (25, 39) (© (9,25) (@) (25,29) 22. If OB is the semi - minor axis of an ellipse, F; and Fy are its foci and the angle between FB and FB is aright angle, then the square of the eccentricity of the ellipse is : 1 1 1 1 @> OF Oo O47 z-l_y-2_ 2-3 23, Equation of the plane which passes through the point of intersection of lines zaueyaleee2 1 2 3 (a) Tx+2y+42=54 (bd) 3x+4y+52=49 (0) dv +3y4+5z=50 (A) Set dy 432-57 and and has the largest distance from the origin is : 24, A line in the 3 - dimensional space makes an angle 6 (0 <0< 5) with both the x and y axes. Then the set of all values of @ is the interval: x nn nn an @ (04) © [54] o [4] @ 4] 25. If |a/=2,|b|=3 and | 2a—b |= 5, then |2a+b | equals : (a 17 7 () 5 @1 26. Ina set of 2n distinct observations, each of the observation below the median of all the observations is increased by 5 and each of the remaining observations is decreased by 3. Then the mean of the new set of observations : (a) increases by 1. (b) decreases by 1. (¢) decreases by 2. (d) increases by 2. 271f A and B are two events such that P(A UB) = P(A > B), then the incorrect statement amongst the following statements is : (a) Aand B are equally likely (&) PAB) =0 (© Pla’ B)=0 (@) P(A) + P(B)=1. 28. The number of values of 0: in (0, 2m] for which 2 sin? or—7 sin? +7 sin or=2, is (a) 6 (b) 4 © 3 (@) 1 JEE Main 2014 (Online 09-04-2014) 91 29. If cosee 0= 2*4 (pq #0), then fa(2+2) is equal to: p-4 472 @ & © f © vpq @ pq q P 30. The contrapositive of the statement "I go to school if it does not rain "is : (a) Ifit rains, I do not go to school. (b) If do not go to school, it rains. (©) Ifit rains, I go to school. (@)_ If1 go to school, itrains. L@ 2@ 3.0) 4. (a) 5. (b) 6.) - © 8%) 9%) 10. (a) 11. (b) 12. (d) 13. (b) 14. (b) 15. (b) 16. (c) 17.) 18. @) 19. (c) 20. (a) 21. (d) 2. (a) 23. (0) = 4 (0) 25. ) 26. (a) 22.4) 28. (0) 29, (b) 30. (b) OE 1. Not reflexive : For a = 7/2 (real number) (a, a) ¢ Pas sec? a—tan? a #1 Symmetric : Let (a, b) € P= se¢ a- tar? b= 1 => sec? a—1= tan? b= tan? a= sec? b—1 => sec? b-tan?a=1=(b,a)e P ‘Transitive : Let (a, b) € Pind (b, c) € P => sec” a~tan® b= 1 and sec” b—tan? c= 1 => sec? a—tan® b+ sec? b-tan?c=1+1 => sec” a-tan’c=1= (a,c)e P Let @’ and B’ be the roots of 2. w— = KI -2) 2+ (—3abx+a°=0 => w-k=z(w-k) Sum =a’ + B’ =3ab— 6° and 5 =a' B’=a= (Va. = wel (we product = ar’ B’= a" ( vB) => [|= 1 as |w—k) #0, Im(w)#0 o a'B’=0? pe? When z=l, then w= i = Im (w) = 0, not possible, Now, 077+ 6° (a) +(VB) ) “ j=landz41 =(Ja+ JB) Wai va+ VB) 2x? +3x+4=0,D=9-4x2x4=-23<0 , = -D-3a(-b)=3ab-8 -. Roots are a and, ad Roots are imaginary and imaginary roots are in pair, so, both roots are common. JEE Main Mathematics 5. (a-I)x-y-z=0,x-(b- Dy +z=0, xty-(c-1)z=0. For non - trivial solution ja-l1-1 -4 -(b-1) 1 |=0=ab+ bet ca=abe. 1 -€-0) 6. Note (1+3)"="Cy+"Cyx4"Qx2+...4"C,x" B=03B=B (1+ By? — 50B = 1+ c, B+ ™C, B+ C; s0_ 9 BP+...+ Cop B—50B =1+50B+0-S0B=1 co. det (([+ By - SOB] = 1. 7. Note Number of terms in (I +x)" isn + 1. atna+e-ym =(1 +x) (1 +x) -x4 27) = (tay tey@ After expansion, all terms are distinct. :. Number of terms in the expansion = 2(100 + 1) = 202. 8. Sum ofthe digits in the unit's place ofall the 4 digit numbers = (4— 1) ! (sum of all the four digits) =31(38+4+5+6)= 108. 9. A. P.a,a+d,a+2d,.... -; Allterms are positive integers ~. aand b are positive integers. Given 200 < $< 220 200< 3a 8d) < 220 200 <9 (a+ 4d) <220 “hay 12atd=12 200<9 (12 + 3d) < 220 2 ge sacdchloda4 27 2 Butat+d =12>a=8 . = SS "Pee te? a= a+3d=8+ 12=20. 2n+1 6(2n+1) n(n+l)(2n+l) — =f] nnel) Ln nl sof LH L)_120_ (on eae ( 7) ma ver) « k=120. 1-cos3x u. tig =F") =lim x0 (topes *2) 2x7(1+c083x) _ sin?3x_)_ - tin (3) dy I= oo bane ot arte log y = log e™ = nr 13. Rolle's theorem holds then Aq 1)=All) and f’() = 0 c. Dta-b=2+atbb=-2 f() = 6x? + 2ax+b f'(Q)=0 = 6c? + 2ac + b=0 = a 26ft}taro-0-0=5 2 4 2 JEE Main 2014 (Online 09-04-2014) 93 18, Let the circle with centre (0, a)and radius a AO)=1+1-1=1, touches the x - axis at origin. =Lasx eo wi omer oe 2 Bey-aiad 0 As the graph crosses the x - axis one time, YA so flx) = 0 has one solution. (sin’ x+cos* x)(sin? x—cos? x). (sin? x+.cos? x (0a) (1-2sin? oe 2 x) a : [(sin? x +.c0s? x)? —2sin? x cos? x] -J (-cos2x)dv => +2 (y-ay,= (1-2sin? xcos* x) ome Ly ase cos2r de =—sin2x+C. a From (), 242, = 4+ vi a 16. Note J oea+ tanx)de = “log? : s = POP +D= On +9 Put 2x=tan 0=> 2 dr = sec? 00 2 @-Y) y= 20m = @ -YPy =2y Lp toat stan) oo? 940 4 240 1+tan?@ = (Pv )E = =2xy _ Lg . ay = 5]p loat+tanoydo Comparing with(x? —y*)& = gy, we ast g(x) = 2x. 1. y? = 4x, x=yt4 @+P 1 ah 2,2 ats A) ae 4 ate > io P 4 te ABii is* Lp = Lens 4 Its normal OC is 94 JEE Main Mathematics (i) y (0,08) Cc 2 1416-6-40+ p<0=9p<29. Circle does not touch the axes, so x u Ae. 0) r<3=9 \9+25—p <3=9+25-p<9 Solving (i) and (fi), we get =

e=bla 2 But 2-1-4 = 320-146 (8,3) x-2y=2 R(x, 0) e 23. To find the point of intersection of lines. R(2,0) Line PQ is parallel to x - axis. So, PQ is y= 3. 2+ Q(8, 3). Thus, centroid of A POR is (5,2) which lies on 2x ~Sy=0. 2.x? + y?- 6x— 10y +p =0..4i) Centre (3, S)and r= 9425 p SMS yO QWs 1 z= 3U+2 Point (1, 4) lies inside the circle (i) Both the lines must have a common point. JEE Main 2014 (Online 09-04-2014) 95, BAP = M43, A42=2U +1, 2043 =30+2 = A=1,11= 1. So point of intersection is A(4, 3, 5) For the largest distance of plane from origin, the plane must pass through the point of intersection A and OA must be perpendicular to the plane. a= 4i+3]+5k and n 4143] 45k So, plane is (7-4). =0 = 4x + 3y + 52=50, 24. = cos®, m = cos6, n= cosy But P+ m?+1?= 1 = 2cos@+ cos? y=1 = 2cos*@= sin’ y< 1 = cos? OS =9 OS cos He v2 = 4.449-4ab=25=9ab=0 2 [2a+bP = 4jaP +|bP +4ab=16+9=25 = |2atb 26. Let the observations in ascending order be Xp X2p X35 Xn nt by In . Mean z @ + Median (for even) = Ae hich lies between x, and xp + |. So, the observations below the median are x,, yy.» X, and the remaining observations are Xn t Xn $2909 One New mean = (4 +5) # (ay #5) +--+ (a, +5) + (p13) +Cns2 —3)4+ pq 3) 2n a ntpty ter, t5no3n 2n [From (i)] Thus, new mean increases by 1. 21. PAU B) = P(A B) 3A =B 2 Option (a)is true. AAB’= 6= P(A B’)=0. Option (6) is true A‘OB= $= P(A’ B)=0. Option (c) is true. Let S={1,2,3,4,5,6},4=B= {2,4} 2 P(A)=P(B)= ze 2 P(A) + PB)#1. This may be true in a particular case when a 3 P(A)= P(B) = ; then P(A) + PCB) = 1. So, in general P(A) + P(B) #1. Hence option (d) is NOT TRUE. 28, 2 sin’ 7 sin? a+ 7 sin @-2=0 (sin @-1)(2 sin? or—5 sin a+2)=0 (sin @- 1)(2 sin a 1{sin 2-2) =0 sin @= 1, sin @= 1/2, sina#2 rT a St = S05, in [0,271 Bee Gg el ~. Number of values of ais 3. g 29. cosec = P*4 — sing = 2-4 P-4 p+q 5 29) Veo _ 2608°0/2 _ 429 amp) I-cos 2sin?6/2 2 1 1+cos| —+0 7 a) sole) oe (Est) a ae 2 ~as( +8) I+sind 2 perd eee gue es Pod P 96 JEE Main Mathematics <2 0 7 So, the given statement is in the form of o cot tS “\p ~p>q. : Thus, its contrapositive is ~ q'— p. 30. p> q means ifp then g. ae 5 Hence, contrapositive is" If I do not go to ontrapositive ofp > q is~q—>~p. : seni ili school, it rains”. Let p:Itrains q: 1 go to school. JEE Main 2014 (Online 11-04-2014) 1. Let / be an odd function defined on the set of real numbers such that for x> 0, (fix) =3 sin.x + 4 cos x. lin, Then fs) atx= “is equal to: (@) Seni ) ani © 5-05 @ 3-05 2. If'z,, 2) and zs, 24 are 2 pairs of complex conjugate numbers, then o( 2) @ 0 © % © * @x 3. If rand Bare roots of the equation, x? - 4/2 kx + 24" 1 =0 for some k, and a” + B= 66, then of + B is equal to : (a) 248V2 (©) 280V2 4, Let A be a 3 x 3 matrix such that 1273 oor foe ele dae fa i-liss 3.12 321 013 123 @ : 0 ] (b) [3 2 i () f 2 | @ f 1 | 101 11 0, 111 0 2 3. 5, Let for i= 1,2,3,p{x) be a polynomial of degree 2 in x, pyx) and p,"(x) be the first and second order derivatives of p(x) respectively. Let, (b) -32V2 (@) -280V2 AA) A) pr") AG)=| p(x) py) v2") Ps) Ps). Ps") 98 JEE Main Mathematics and B(x) = [AG)|” A(x). Then determinant of B(x) : (@) is a polynomial of degree 6 in x. (b) is a polynomial of degree 3 in x. (6) isa polynomial of degree 2in x.. (4) does not depend on x. 6. An eight digit number divisible by 9 is to be formed using digits from 0 to 9 without repeating the digits. ‘The number of ways in which this can be done is : @ 2) (©) 180) (b) 40(7!) @ 36(7) 7. The coefficient of x in the binomial expansion of (1 +x)! + xd #2) +21 +28 +t 1s: (1000)! (yy 000) (1001)! (1001)! © (@) @ (50)1(950)! (CONCH (511950)! (50)1(951)! 8. In.a geometric progression, ifthe ratio of the sum of first 5 terms to the sum of their reciprocals is 49, and the sum of the first andthe third term is 35. Then the first term of this geometric progression is (7 (0) 21 (©) 28 (@ 42 9. The sum of the first 20 terms common between the series 3-+7+ 11 +15+..and 146411416 +... is: (a) 4000 (b) 4020 (c) 4200 (d) 4220 tanfs=2)0 + (E2523 «5 then kis equal to: 10. If tim 2222) rod waded (a) 0 1 (©) 2 @ 3 11. Let flx) = xx}, (x) = sin x and h(x) = (gof\(x).Then (a)_ h(x) is not differentiable at x= 0 (b) h(x) is differentiable at x= 0, but h(x) is not continuous at x= 0. (6) H{() is continuous atx=0 but it is not differentiable at x = 0. (a) W(x) is differentiable at x= 0. 12. For the curve y=3 sin @ cos ,x= in 6,0 < 8 <7, the tangent is parallel to x - axis when is : (a) 30/4 (b) 72 (©) W4 (@) 6 13. Two ships A and B are sailing straight away from a fixed point O along routes such that ZAOB is always 120°, Ata certain instance, A= 8 km, OB = 6 km and the ship A is sailing at the rate of 20 km/hr while the ship B sailing at the rate of 30 km/hr, Then the distance between 4 and B is changing at the rate (in km/hr) : ¢ (a) 260/37 (b) 260/37 (©) 80/37 (@) 80/37 14, The volume of the largest possible right circular cylinder that can be inscribed in a sphere of radius Bis (a) iin (b) Mi x © 42 (@) 20 JEE Main 2014 (Online 11-04-2014) 99 2 15. The integral fuse a (x> 0) is equal to : 1+x’ (a) -x+(1+P)tan xtc (b) x-(1+x’)cot~!x +e (0) -x+(1+)cot7!x+e @ x-(+2)tan xtc 16. If for n> 1,P,= | (log.x)" dr, then Pj ~90P¢ is equal to: 1 (a) 9 (b) 10e (©) -9 @ 10 17. Ifthe general solution of the differential equation y=» +o(2}, for some function ®, is given by y e yn ex| =x, where cis an arbitrary constant, then ® (2) is equal to : 1 1 ») 1 - = (a) 4 (b) 1 @ -4 @ z 18. A stair-case of length / rests against a vertical wall and a floor of a room,. Let P be a point on the stair-case, nearer to its end on the wall, that divides its length in the ratio 1 : 2. If the stair-case begins to slide on the floor, then the locus of P is : (@) anellipse of eovetricty + (b) anellipse of eccentricity = (©) acircle ofraivs 4 (@ aciteleofradis “31 19. The base of an equilateral triangle is along the line given by 3x + 4y = (1, 2), then the length of a side of the triangle is : wh a3 a3 2N3 ev py 443 ae @ 23 (a) 5 (b) ia © 5 @) 5 20. The set ofall real values of A for which exactly two common tangents can be drawn to the circles x+y? —4y—4y + 6=Oand 24 Ifa vertex of the triangle is ~10x— 10y + A=0 is the interval (a) (12, 32) (b) (18, 42) (c) (12,24) (d) (18, 48) 21, Let L; be the length of the common chord of the curves x° + y*=9 andy? = 8x, and L be the length of the latus rectum of? = 8x, then : (a) L,>Ly ©) LyaLy © Lely @ ALG 100 JEE Main Mathematics 22. Let P(3 sec 6,2 tan 6) and O(3 sec 6, 2 tan 4) where 6+ = Ebe two distinct points on the hyperbola 2 aa 1. Then the ordinate of the point of intersection of the normals at P and Q is: i i 13 13 uy = 13) ee OFZ () 3 OF @-7 23, Let AQ, 3, 5), B(-1,3, 2) and C(A, 5, jt) be the vertices of a A ABC. If the median through A is equally inclined to the coordinates axes, then : (@) 5A-8u=0 = (b) 8A-S=0 (©) 10A-7TH=0 ~— @) 7-10 1-0 24, The plane containing the line - the point : (@) (1,-2,5) () (1,0, 5) (©) 0,3,-5) @ ©1,-3,0) 25, If |c[P= 60 and ex(i+27-+5k) = ed and parallel to the line - 7 passes through 1 then a value of c(-7i+2j+3k)is : (a) 4v2 (b) 12 © 4 @ 122 26. Asset S contains 7 elements. A non-empty subset 4 of Sand an element x of S are chosen at random. Then the probability that x € A is : 1 64 68 31 @ 2 (b) rd © 8 @ Te 27. If X has a binomial distribution, B(n, p) with parameters n and p such that P(X’= 2) = P(X'= 3), then E(X), the mean of variable X, is : (a) 2-p (b) 3-p (co) pi2 (d) pi3 28. 120s +n 0=1(0# 2) then 7 cs 6+ 6 sin Bs equal to: 1 ul 46 @> () 2 OF OF 29. The angle of elevation of the top of a vertical tower from a point P on the horizontal ground was observed to be a. After moving a distance 2 meters from P towards the foot of the tower, the angle of elevation changes to f. Then the height (in metres) of the tower is : (@) 2snasind sinarsin ) 2snB=a) fg) cosa) sin(B—a) cos(B— 0x) sinasin B sinarsin B 30. The proposition (p v~ q) v~(p v q) is logically equivalent to : (a) p (b) ¢ © ~p (@) ~q JEE Main 2014 (Online 11-04-2014) 101 SES L©. 2@ 3. (b) 4. @) 8.) 9. (b) 10.) 11.) 15.(@) 16. () 1.@ 180) 22.4) 23. (c) 24.6) 5. @) 29. (a) 30. (c) 5. (d) 6. (d) “1. @ 12. (c) 13. (a) 14.0) 19. (b) 20. (b) 21.0) 26. (b) 27. (b) 28. (b) BY 1. ffx) =3 sin x + 4 cos x forx 20 But fi) is an odd function. #5 AB) " -4 3 #3). = [sin 2 +400 6 -2w3 mea 2 2 2, Letz) =r (cos 6, + isin 6,)= re + 2,= r(c0s 8; —isin 6,)= re“ and 25~ 1p (cos6, + isin 8) = ne” 2+ %4=r9(c0s 6 ~i sin )= re* Now on( 2} an(2) ane (Let san teva) ny % = 8, + (8) + 8)=0 3. Note For In k, k> O and eft = eltk’ — 4 2 4v2 ke +2-1=0 a+ B= 4V2 k, oB=2K~1 Given o¢ + B° = 66 = (a+ B) -20B= 66 => (4V2k)? -2(2k4 = 1) = 66 = #-47=0 > =45k=2,a8k>0 2. 0+ B= 8V2,08 =31 @ + B= (a+ B 3afKa+B) = (8V2)> -3x31x8v2 = 8Y2(128-93) = 2802. 127 4,A4'=1= 41 =|0 2 3 oll But this is not given in options. a= 1 = [Ala =1. so, choose 4 such that |4~ does not change. 123) (321 0 2 3/=-(3 20] Gea oral Lio 312 =|3 02 Qo 101 3.12 At=|3 0 2|. Hence (a). 101 5, Let py(x) = ayx? + yx +c, PAX) = ax” + bx + cy 102 2 JEE Main Mathematics pals) = ax? + byx + 65 ax thxtq 2axth 2m - 100 aet™[i-(2] | Lex AQG)=] az? +bx+e, 2ax+b, 2a, er . ax +bxtc, 2ax+b; 2a; 1 ~[oroe-2 foro ax thxt+q ba — = Lax +hx+c b, a|G2G-Gx =(1+x)!001— 11 < Coeff. of xin its expansion a axr+bxtc, by a 1001 (oon! = WC, = qh a (S095! =e by a G9 G-Gx-Cx Ga atar+ar?+ar>+art _ 49 ob a : = constant @ Now |4|=14"| and |4B) =|4) |B] +: [BG = [[AG)]” AG] = |AC@)? = constant. From @ Hence deter. of B(x) does not depend on x. a -)5(r-1) _ 49 5. A number is divisible by 9 if ts sum of digits is @-)G-)r 7 divisible by 9. = a4 =49 = ar? 142434. 48= 29 = 36 isaiv, by9 But atar=35 2. a=28. “ 2 . 9, First AP. 3 +74 11+ 15+19+23+27+31 Possible numbers with no repetitions are Fan ( Sidibiisino: exaluding 0 228! Second AP. 1+6+11+16421+26+31 +... (ii) 8 digits no. excluding 1 & 8=7x7! Common difference of first A.P is 4 and (iii) 8 digits no, excluding 2 & 7=7x7! common difference of second A.P. is 5. . :. LCM (4 and 5) =20 8 digits no. excluding 3 & 6=77! @) ~~ ne So, common terms of both APs will form A.P. with (@) 8 disitsinosexcluding 4.22/55 7271 common difference 20 whose frst term is 11. ¢, Total no. = 8! + 4x77! = 36(7!) 114314514. > In(1 +x)", 4, = "Cx" . Sy9= 2 2x 11+ 20-1920] =4020. Coeff. of x” in (1 +x)"="C, 2 sim 20 DMlx= 20-4] Given series is in GP. with a= (1+ x), 10. tim (x2 ° : ray and n= 1001, = 1Q+h=Sak=3 ( ufg=ai= {2 77° ' . fo) = = : Sum= 4 “P x<0 1 Ax) = (go) (&) = gf) JEE Main 2014 (Online 11-04-2014) 103 | sinx’, x20 sin(—x*)=-sinx*, <0 Obviously, h(x) is continuous at x= 0 . wey= [Bees x20 -2xcosx’, x<0 lim A‘) = lim h'@)=h'0)=0 a0" 0 h(a) is continuous at x = 0 2eosx?—4x?sinx?, x20 Again, h’"(x)= —2cosx?+4x?sinx?, x<0 Rh"')=2andLh" RHD.#LHD.atr=0. x -. h’(x) is not differentiable at x = 0, I2y= sin 20,x=e* sind s = 340520, = (din +056) dy 3c0s26 dx &°(sin@-+cos6) Since tangent is parallel to x - axis. 3m 2% = 0-5 c0s20=03 0-7 % de a4 (not defined) a (rejected). Hence @= =, 4 4 2 ape 13, Note In AABG, cos C= #2 =e ab a = 20 Kmhr, dt dy = =30 Kim/hr dt 2 =x +y— Dy cos 120°. ze\r+y ty a 1 dt Wty de dy dy a) xf 42y2 4 xB 4 yS (=F tad dt whenx=8 Km, y=6 Km #. 1820 +2.630+830+ 6.20) dt 164436448 320+360+240+120 _ 260 ee kowhe. Wiss 437 14.2 ty=R V= nx ry=n(R’-y)2y =2a( y-y) $= rn -37)=0 R= by ay << 0= Vismax.at R=V3y we 104 JEE Main Mathematics R)R A ord (2) : =2n| P-L 17. Given DE. is y= 2+9| = @ <. Max volume ah aE y= +9) 7 ) Its solution is y Injex| = (i) 4nR? = Se a4 (:R=3) D alexl+ 33 Baltes: 1-. 2 15. Note 2 tan-"y= cost 5220 From (i) 1=2 Jean-x)xde (By Parts) (iv) => This is the differential equation of (ii) ++ (and (iv) ate identical. x) yl (2-4 rey ¥. = Ptantx—x+tarete. 1 1 1 snes $= —790@=-e-y = -xt(1+2yan ete 18. AB=1 1 afloga)™! 16. fogs te = gay x- [ME aa (one =x(logx)" -nf (log. a) de b ee =x(loe x)" l(a 2 = x(log x) nf (log) x(n Df og) as] as = x(log x)" ~ nx(log x)""! + n(n — 1) f(logx)"* ae P+P=P @ € , 5 p= Lat2.0 - « py= | lows) =[ og)" -m(logsy iam 1 . pe WOH2b 3k 4n(n=1)f logs)" de 142 2 a . From (i), on =P . PrgaLtlogs)” -10a(oga)? a . oy? x e Locus is 9x? +—=— =P +109 ognae a > =(e.1-10e.1)-(0-0) + 90 Py {+ log e= 1, log 1=0}, Pip - 90 Pg=~9e. is an ellipse. JEE Main 2014 (Online 11-04-2014) 105 19. Let each side of an equilateral triangle be a. (12) a 3x4 4y=9 3.14+42-9 2 veg 5 h 43 in 60° = “= q=— =, ea BAS 20. Two circles intersect if In-nl< CQ 18<2 Gi) Also, V2 -V50-2 <3V2 = -2V2 < V50=2 for 4<50 (iii) From (i), (ii) and (ii), 18 21. Note Mean = np. PU=2)=P(X=3) = "CG prg"?="Cyp'q" > 28. 2cos 6+ sin @= 1 (i) (2.c0s 6) = (1 ~ sin 6° 4(1-sin?@) 5 sin°@—2 sin @-3=0 2 sin + sin?@ (sin 8-1) (5 sin @+3)=0 025 in 9= —3 sin =~ : 4 From (i), cos 0= 3 4 3 *. Tcos 0+ 6 sin O= 74+6(-2)=2 29, In A ABC A h ZY LV d2c x B h=xtanB InA ABD A= (x+2)tan © JEE Main 2014 (Online 11-04-2014) 30 = p= Ztanatan B tan B— tana 2sinarcosa ~sin(B= a) Pa |~P |~4) p vq |p vq |~(pv~q) |p vq) |~(p v~q) v ~pvaq) T[tlF fe [tt [F F F T\FIF |T T F F F F(t|T [F |r fr [tr F T FIFIT |T IT F F T T Clearly, ~ (p v~ q) v~(p vq) is equivalent to ~p. Alternate Method ~@v~vV~P Vg=~TP V~ QP vq) =~PyCaag] =-Pyf] + ~qaq=f (fallacy) =P 107 JEE Main 2014 (Online 12-04-2014) ss Lif (+3) is expanded in the ascending powers of x and the coefficients of powers of x in two consecutive terms of the expansion are equal, then these terms are: (a) 7 and s* (b) 8 and 9" (© 27" and 28" (@) 28" and 29" 2. Let G be the geometric mean of two positive numbers a and b, and Mbe the arithmetic mean of find : a ui is 4: 5, then a: b can be: (a) 1:2 (b) 2:3 @ 1:4 @) 3:4 3, Let¥and M.D. be the mean and the mean deviation about X of n observations x, '= 1,2,.......m-Ifeach of the observations is increased by 5, then the new mean and the mean deviation about the new mean, respectively, are: (a) X,M.D.+5 (b) X¥+5,MD.+5 (©) X,M.D. (d) X¥+5,MD. 4.1f &,/ and 2 are three unit vectors in three-dimensional space, then the minimum value of [at oP + S+ EP +1280 is (a) 3v3 (b) : (3 (@) 6 1 cos@ 1 5.1ff(@)=|-sin@ 1 —sin@ |and A and B are respectively the maximum and the minimum values -1 sin@ 1 of), then (A, B) is equal to: (@) (2+V2,2-V2) @) (4,2-y2) © @,-1) () (2+¥2,-1) sia-[t 2 * eels that AB =|° then: =| 2] andB=|-x| besuch that AB =| |, then: @ ya-x (b) y=x (© y=-2x (d) y=2x JEE Main 2014 (Online 12-04-2014) 109 7. Let p, q, r denote arbitrary statements. Then the logically equivalent of the statement p => (q v r) is: @ P=9re>~) ) P=9ve>” © 2-037) @ exger 5 8. If 1 +x +2°= )a(1+x), for all xin R, then ay is: = (a) 6 (b) 10 © 4 (d) 8 9.1 fx) =x? =x + 52> > and g(x) is its inverse function, then g/(7) equals: 1 1 1 1 @® -5 (b) B © 3 @ 3 10. 8-digit numbers are formed using the digits 1, 1, 2, 2, 2,3, 4, 4. The number of such numbers in which the odd digits do not occupy odd places, is: (a) 60 (b) 48 (c) 120 (d) 160 11. The general solution of the differential equation, sin (2 fan x} y=0, is: (a) yytanx =x+0 (b) yyeot x =x+e (©) yytanx =cotx+e (d) yycot x =tanxt+e 12, For the two circles x2 +)? = 16 and x? +3? 2y = 0, there is/are: (a) three common tangents (b) no common tangent (c) two pairs of common tangents (d) one pair of common tangents sin? xeos? x 13, The integral f dx is equal to: (sin’ x+cos* x)? 1 cos’ x a) ————+e (ot) -—"4—+e ® (1+ cot* x) 3 (+sin’ x) 3 -—! = us 3.(1+tan? x) (1+cos? x) 14, Ifa line intercepted between the coordinate axes is trisected at a point A (4, 3), which is nearer to x-axis, then its equation is: (a) 4x—3y=7 (b) x+3y=13 (o) 3x+2y=18 (@) 3x+8y=36 2 2 15, The minimum ates of triangle formed by any tangent to the ellipse <=+>=1_ and the co-ordinate axes is: (a) 12 () 26 (©) 36 (@ 18 16. Two tangents are drawn from a point (-2, -1) to the curve, = 4x. If vis the angle between them, then {tan of is equal to: @ + 3 @ 8 OF 110 JEE Main Mathematics a P 2 la? Be WME (ata)? (b+A> (c+AP|=kAla bc}, #0, then kis equal to: (a-ayr (b-ayP (e- 4) toto (a) 42 ( -4? (©) Akabe (@) —4habe _ [) x40 18. Let f; g: R— R be two functions defined by f(x) = x and g(x) = afta) 0, x=0 Statement I: fis a continuous function at x= 0 Statement Il: g is a differentiable function at x = 0. (a) Statement | is true, statement IT is false. (b). Both statements I and Il are true. (c) Statement | is false, statement II is true (4) Both statements I and Il are false. 19, Let fand g be two differentiable functions on R such that f(x) >O and gx) f@@-)) (>) F@@)> fee +)) © gfe) gfe) 20. A number x is chosen at random from the set {1, 2, 3, 4, 100}. Define the event: A = the chosen. number x satisfies an > 0, Then P(A) is : @) 051 () 071 (© 0.0 (@) 020 21. . Statement I: The equation (sin x)° + (cosx)3 — an? = 0 has a solution forall a > = 2 gg? Statement II: For any x€ R, sin"! x + cos! x I and 0 (s'x-4) < (@) Both statements [and IL are false. (b) Statement | is false and statement II is true. (©) Both statements I and Il are true. (@) Statement [is true and statement Ili false. 22. If[ ] denotes the greatest integer function, then the integral i [cos.x] dx is equal to: © x =e b) 0 oe) = ) -1 (a) 2 (b) © 2 (d) 23. The least positive integer m such that |= —5—--— 5 <9 (a) 5 (b) 4 () 7 (d) 6 24, A symmetrical form of the line of intersection of the planes x= ay +b and z= cy + dis: @ xra_y-0_z-¢ b JEE Main 2014 (Online 12-04-2014) Mt @ wbetted (@ Sora yod_endme a ¢ a 1 ¢ 25, Arelation on the set A = {x :[x| <3, x €Z}, where Z is the set of integers is defined by R= {(x,y): y= |x|, x #—L}. Then the number of elements in the power set of R is: (a) 64 (b) 8 (c) 16 (d) 32 26. If the three distinct lines x + 2ay + a= 0,x + 3by + b=0 and x + 4ay + a = 0 are concurrent, then the point (a,b) lies on a: xb yd 1 (a) parabola (b) hyperbola (0) straight line (@) circle 27. The sum of the roots of the equation, x7 + |2x-3|-4=0, is: @ “2 () V2 @2 @2 1 28, If for a continuous function f(x), J (f(@)+xdr=2?-P, forall 12 —7, then i(-4) is equal to: x z x ir = (c) = (d) = (@) oF OF @; 29. If the distance between planes, 4x — 2y—4z + 1 =0 and 4x - 2y— 42 + d= is 7, then dis: (a) 420144 (b) 41 or—42 (©) Al or 43 (d) 42or-43 30. Lets #-ibe any complex number such that 2—! tea purely imaginary number: Then. £1 ia: z4i z (a) 0 (b) any non-zero real number. (©) apurely imaginary number. (a) any non-zero real number other than 1. ee) 3. (@) 4. (0) 5.(@) 6. (d) 7.(0) &@ 9.) 10. (0) 1.) 12.) 13. (c) 14.(0) 15.() 16. (b) 17. (a) 18.(b) 19.) 20. (b) 21. @) na) 23. @) 24. (d) 25.() 26. (e) 27. (b) 28. (a) 29. (0) 30. (b) Es 1. Let coeff. of rth term = coeff. of (r+ 1)th term so geo = 550 28sr 1 po a ¥ SC, _ 55-(r=1) = = =a) C, = r=8-. 8th & 9th terms, = rd 2 JEE Main Mathematics By componendo and dividendo ca? Jef atb+2Wab _ 5+4 eO~ [By-x42] [8 at+b-2ab 5-4 yt3x=6, 3y-xt2=8 ervey 9 Verve _3 aaa (o-Vay? ret Va 1 “ yt3x=3y-x => y=2. Again, by componendo and dividendo 7. p= (qv 1) is equivalent to (p= 4) v (pr) (lb+Va)+(lo-Va) 341 By truth table (b+Va)-(Wo-Va) 3-1 Ir lqvr |p > (avr) p> alp>r\psa@v vo_2_ 6 4 (en) in Trt] 7] Tit] T ~ TTF} T| Ti Fi] T Els) -X| 3.MD.= "(By defn) TFT] T| oT Fi] T| T Obviously, new mean = + 5 ei bee ele x Fit|t}T| ©) a) 7 L(x, +5)-(X+5)] New MD.="S "emp. glrlel | or trilrloot 4, Note le = iP P+ 28-5 rey yyy ot eter HN Ne FFF] F| oT Ts eT | Given |; . IS a Equivalent c. let +[p+2f +lz+at ioe =642R- V+ 242%) (i) (L4ay"= "Cy 4" Cx" Cyr? tet" Cyt, Now |[x+y+2|20 5 > fs 14 xtt8= Ya (+x) o> [i aff +l +20 p4+y-242-x) 20 0 5 =ay+ay (1 +x) +a, (1 +2) +45 (1 +a + ay (14x)* +45 (14x) > 64Ueptp-2+2-3) 23 (adding 6) Equating coeff. of x, x4, x° and.x°, we get a5=1, a5 *°Cy+a4-4Cy=1, 5, 4 302 as -5Cy+a4°4C; +a; -7C,=0 = Arye p-z+z-x) 2-3 From (j), minimum value= 3 5. AO)=1+ sin 20+ 2 cos’6 224sin 20+ cos 28 and as °Cy+ ay *4Cy +43 *3Cy + ay *7Cy=0 resp. But V2 Ssin 20+ cos 26< V2 as=1, Sastay=1=ay=-4, = 2-V2 $2+sin26+ cos 205 24+V2 3 2-V2 f(OS 2+V2 :. A=max, value= 242, B=min. value= 2-2. Was + 4a, + a, =0=> a;=6, Was + 6a, + 3a; +a, =0=9 a=, 9. g(x) is inverse of f(x) + fe@) =x > f'(g@)-g@)=1 JEE Main 2014 (Online 12-04-2014) 113 13. Divide numerator and denominator by cos®x = 0-5 280-z— 0 f(g) f(a) po [amet f@)=2x-1 (i) (1+ tan? x)? To find pre-image of 7 in f, put f(x) =7 Put 1 +tan’x=1=> 3 tan? x see” x dx=dt = P-x45=7 = (x-2DE+N=0 1 Lrdt_ 1 = x=2 as x>12 fQ=7 = f'(=2>9e)=2 14. Let = are (ef'=8) etl a From (i), (7) F@3 {using Gi] 01®30507® Odd digits 1, 1, 3 are placed at even places. 3 even places can be selected out of 4 even places by *C; ways. Even digits are 2, 2, 2,4, 4 8 digits numbers = (arrangement of 3 odd digits at 4 even places) * (arrangement of remaining 5 even digits at the remaining 5 places) 3! 1 -(' Gx «G) (5) =12x 10= 120 11, © —ycosee2x= Jian Aca ey p= omen = eatin . ee Any point on ellipse be P(4 cos 8, 9 sin 6) +c = yvootx=xte Tangent at P, poose+ sind =1 = A(4 sec 6, 0), BQO, 9 coser 6) 1 2 Reg, area (A AOB) | 4scc0-9coso Clearly, no common tangent. re Fie 4 (0, 4) Ol (4, 0) 114 JEE Main Mathematics 16. Any tangent to” = 4 avis a yams = m A tangent to y* = 4ris 1 yemrt+ + as a=1 m Tt passes through (-2, -1) am+ = m=l,m=-1/2 m mm 1+ mm, Use tan a= (av 1-1/2! . 1 17. Apply (i) Rp > RyRy H) RyRy Ri+ Ro je Pe le Bc ala b c\=kAla bc Iai raid k= 42 18, Statement I im f(x) = lim rsin-=0=/(0) ml my «fis cont, atx=0 vsint, x20 : Statement Il g(x) =x f(x) = x=0 Note f(x) is diff. atx = aif R@=1f@) = im LO2D= LA) _ jin, HOW =L@) h90 h tO -| WP sin (i)-0 Re(0) = lim =0 isin 1g"(0)= tim——_! _= 0 jy — G0 Re'(0)=Lg'(0) = gisdiff. atx=0 19. Note: If fis strictly increasing then 1 <¥2 = fle) for) Given f(x)>0,Vxe R = fis strictly increasing 8") <0,Vxe R = gisstrictly decreasing xox-1 = g@)ger+1) => fig@)>Aga+l) +. iis true (ix f@) gf) >g(fetl) -. (ili) is wrong. (iv) x>x-1 > fQ)>fe-1) = af) a=b,a=0 7 Ssin"™ xa isnot true because ©. (a,b) lies on thelinex=y or x=0 1 é 217.x7 + [2x-3]-4=0 ~ySsitt xs. (i) When 2x-320 = x23/2 - 2 Statement I is false. BAe 3-A- Ot IPB => x= W2-1 asx23/2 . _ en x 22. [teossiae = f (cosx] e+ [7 fe0sx] de i) When 2x-3 <0 x<3/2 P-2r+3-4=05(x- 1) =2 st, ox = JP Oder ft Dara > => x=1- VP asx<3/2 2. Sum of roots = (2,V2 -1) + (1 -V2) = V2. 23. 28, Leibnitz Rule of differentiation under Integral sign, _ phe Tepe) = J} (0 dt then d ' Fl af (x) = o(4))h'@) - 9(@@) 8'@) Lod re —<— 3 10<3 = yt Sq007 JU =r -P Least positive integer n = 6. Differentiating wart. t ea AO += Uf z=qtd= So, d. ratios of line of intersection of planes are = d-1=4423d=-41,43 a,c. st : Options (c) and (4) are possible. 30. Hed (purely imaginary) But, only option (4) which passes through the point (b + a, 1, d+ c) satisfies both the given > planes. Hence (4). 25, A= {-2,-1, 0, 1,2} R= {(0,0), (1, 1), 2, 2), 2, Bh Number of elements in the power set of _ (ki? +(ki=1 4k R=2. (ki-Dk-)) P41 k-i JEE Main 2014 (Online 19-04-2014) 1. Let f: R > R be defined by flx) = = then fis: (a) both one - one and onto (b) one - one but not onto (0) onto but not one - one (@) neither one - one nor onto. 2. For all complex numbers z of the form 1 + ia, ae R, ifz*=x+ iy, then: (a) P-4e+2=0 (d) #4x-4=0 (©) Y-4et4=0 @) +4x42=0 3. The equation V3x" +x+5=x—3, where x is real, has: (a) no solution (b) exactly one solution (c) exactly two solutions (d) exactly four solutions. 4, Let A and B be any two 33 matrices. IfA is symmetric and B is skewsymmetric, then the matrix AB ~ BAis: (a) skewsymmetric (b) symmetric (c) neither symmetric nor skewsymmetric —(d) ‘Zor ~Z, where /is an identify matrix. rel 3r- Pa 5.1f A,= A n-l a then the value of )'A,: ml Enon (n-1P Flo Nn 4) (a) depends only ona (b) depends only on n (©) depends both on a and n (@) is independent of both a and n. 6. Two women and some men participated in a chess tournament in which every participant played two games with each of the other participants. If the number of games that the men played between themselves exceeds the number of games that the men played with the women by 66, then the number of men who participated in the tournament lies in the interval: (a) [8,9] (b) [10, 12) (©) (11, 13) (a) (14, 17) JEE Main 2014 (Online 19-04-2014) 117 7. The coefficient of x'°” in the expansion of (1 +x" + 7%)", (where n <2 is any positive integer), is: @ 1 () "°C, (©) 4n @ *c, 8. The number of terms in an A.P. is even; the sum of the odd terms in it is 24 and that the even terms is 30. If the last terms exceeds the first term by 105 , then the number of terms in the A.P. is: @4 (b) 8 (©) 12 (@ 16 3 9. Let fln) = is ah , where [7] denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to n. Then Y\ f(n) is equal to: m (@) 56 (b) 689 (©) 1287 (d) 1399 ¥2+cosx-1 an 10. Ifthe function f(x)=) (n-xy ’ is continuous at x = 7, then k equals: k xen @o 4 @2 @t 2 4 11. Let f R > R bea function such that | f(«)| $x°, forall € R. Then, at x=0, fis: (2) continuous but not differentiable (6) continuous as well as differentiable (©) neither continuous nor differentiable (4) differentiable but not continuous. 12. If non-zero real numbers 6 and c are such that min f(x) > max g(x), where fle) = 2 + 2bx + 2c? and g(x) =x? — 2ex +B (xe R); | then |-| lies in the interval: 1 11 0= b) |e d) (V2,00 @ (04) © [E45] @ (Sie) 13. If the volume of a spherical ball is increasing at the rate of 47 cc/sec, then the rate of increase of its radius (in cm/sec), when the volume is 2887 ce, is: 1 1 1 1 - (b) — = d) — @ 5 5 © 6 @F Smt g pyle 14, If mis @ non-zero number and [> e= f(x) +e, then fs) is (x +2" +1) ‘sn tn 0 sow tb * m2" +x" +1)? ) 2m(x?" +x" +1) 118 JEE Main Mathematics 2m( x0" + x4") Qe -x") Ma Ge +x" +1)? te +x" 417 15, Let function F be defined as F(x) = hi © at, x>0 then the value ofthe integral [2 Fags where a>0, is: (@) ¢[F@)- Fl +a)] (b) e*[F@ + a)— F(a)] (© e[F(e+a)-F(+a)] (@) e*[Fa+a)—F(l +a)] 16. The area of the region above the x-axis bounded by the curve y = tan x, 0Sx< 7 and the tangent tothe curve at r= = is: 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 @ 4(1062-4) ©) 5{loe2) © F0-tog2)— @) $+ 092) 17. 0 +y tan x= sin 2x and y(0) = 1, then y() is equal to: @ 1 (b) -1 © 5 @ 5 18. The circumcentre of a triangle lies at the origin and its centroid is the mid point of the line segment joining the points (a + 1, a’ + 1) and (2a, -2a), a #0. Then for any a, the orthocentre of this triangle lies on the line: (a) y-2ax=0 () y-@+1)x=0 (©) y+x=0 @ @-1x-(a+ Iy=0 19. Ifa line L is perpendicular to the line 5x—y = 1, and the area of the triangle formed by the line L and the coordinate axes is 5, then the distance of line L from the line x + Sy = 0 is: 1 5 1 5 @ tcf (b) niet © @ = 20. The equation of the circle described on the chord 3x+y +5 =0 of the circle x” + y= 16 as diameter is: @ P+y¥+3xt+y-11=0 (b) P+ +3x+y+1=0 (@) Pty +3xt+y-2=0 (@ 2+ +3x+y-22=0 21. A chord is drawn through the focus of the parabola y*= 6x such that its distance from the vertex of this parabola is = then its slope can be: 5 3B 2 2 o> o> OF OF JEE Main 2014 (Online 19-04-2014) 9 22. The tangent at an extremity (in the first quadrant) of latus rectum of the hyperbola Be 5 meets x - axis and y - axis at A and B respectively. Then (04)* - (OB), where 0 is the origin, equals: @ -2 o* 4 23. Equation of the line of the shortest distance between the lines 2 = ytl_z 1 24, Ifthe angle between the line 2(x+ 1)=y=2+4 and the plane 2x- y+Viet4=0is7, then the value of A is: 135 45 45 138 Les) Be Es) a 35 @F OF OF OF 25.1f ¥=31-6j-k, F=i+4j-3k and 2=37-4]-12K, then the magnitude of the projection of Ex} on Z is: (a) 12 (b) 15 © 14 @ 3 26, Let A and E be any two events with positive probabilities: Statement - 1: P(E/A) 2 P(AIE)P(E) Statement - 2: P(A/E) 2 P(A NE). (a) Both the statements are true (b) Both the statements are false (0) Statement - 1 is true, Statement -2 is false (d) Statement - 1 is false, Statement - 2 is true. 27. Let %, M and © be respectively the mean, mode and variance of n observations x, x2, .... x, and d,=-x;—a,i= 1, 2, ...,n, where ais any number. Statement I: Variance of d,, dy, ..., dy is ©. Statement II: Mean and mode of d, d,,.., d, are -X—a and—M~ a, respectively (a) Statement I and Statement II are both false (b) Statement I and Statement II are both true (©) Statement [is true and Statement Ilis false (d) Statement [is false and Statement I is true 28. The function f(x) = jsin 4x| + [cos 2x}, is a periodic function with period: © 7 (a) 2a (b) x © a @ a 120 JEE Main Mathematics 29, The principal value of tar(co) 7 3n n x @ -> () = (o) 4 @ 7 30. The contapeitive of the statement “if am not feeling well, then I will go to the doctor” is: (a) If Lam feeling well, then I will not go to the doctor (b) If will go to the doctor, then I am feeling well (©) If Twill not go to the doctor, then I am feeling well (@) If Iwill go to the doctor, then I am not feeling well. ____ SES 1. @) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4, (b) 5. (d) 6. (b) 1. (b) 8. (@) 9. (d) 10. (d) 11. (b) 12. (d) 13. (c) 14. (b) 15. (d) 16. (a) 17. (0) 18. (d) 19. (b) 20. (a) 21. (a) 2. (a) 230+) 24) 25.0) 26.(a) 27.0) 28. (0) 29. (c) 30. ©) LfQ)=f@2) (4B - BA)" = (AB)’ ~ (BA)! But 2 #~2, so not one-one. = BYA! — A'B" =-BA-A(-B)= AB BA Ial-1 yt 2. Hence symmetic. For onto: f(x)=y=> —— =y=>h{|= me “oN b+ 5. Sra ao Ser )=(n-1? -1 Sy <1. So range of f(a)=[1, » So, other elements of R (co-domain) has no pre-image in R (domain). Thus fis not onto. 22=1+iand2?=x+ iy . 1-0 +2ia=x+iy -@,y=2a => a=yl2 1-(7/4) = y+4r-4=0 rl Sor Q= Sr n=) rl = F=D6n-4) wt et Bx? x45 =x-3 0) Yer-) ¥Gr-2) On squaring, 3x +x + 5= (x3)? Pl rl 3 Qx-N@+4=0 > x=12,4 n-l a ‘They don’t satisfy (i). Hence no solution. 1 -y =(n- ee ee (DF Flo DGn+4) a 2 JEE Main 2014 (Online 19-04-2014) (2-1) (a-1P dL —1en—4) n 2 n = n-1 a 2 Fn =1) (n=l? =(n-1)Gn+4) 1 2 Apply Rs —> Ry ~ Ry, then expand along R; =0. Number of games that m men played between themselves =2-"C, Number of games that n men played with 2 women =2-2n 2-"Cy-2-2n= 66 = nn—1)-4n= 66 = (n= 11) (n+6)=0 n=l Note (at b)"="Cya"+"C, a! b+ "Cyd? + $C, bY (14x49)! 42) +23)" =", (1+ 2)94 MC, (14 2) 8 + 6, (x BFE MC, +x) O28) + 16, 1+ x96 (YEE + Cg (2%) Asns22 Max. degree of Ist term = 22 x 10 = 220 Max. degree of 2nd term = 22 x 9+ 253 = 451 Max. degree of 3rd term = 22 x 8 + 253 x 2 = 681 Max. degree of 4th term = 22 x 7 + 253 x 3 =913 Min, degree of Sth term = 253 x 4 = 1012 Max. degree of Sth term = 22 x 6 + 253 x 4 = 1144 Min. degree of other terms = 253 x 5 Consider the Sth term 1, (1 +5380 Obviously, the coefficient of x! = '"c,. 121 8. Let the number of terms in A.P. be 2n with common difference d ay tastast tay, )=24 > Fea +(n- 12d] =24 => nfay + (n= Id] = 24 @ ay tay gt ++ ayy = 30 = Flea, + (n— 1)2d)=30 = nla; + (n= Id] = 30 = nlay + d+ (n- 1d] =30 (ii) (i)-() > nd=6 Also, dy a= = Qn-1)d= a (iv) (iv) +i) > n=4, . f(n)= F an h 9. + 3 100, 1 3n 200 AEE > aa ama 1, 3n 500 _ 55 55 tos n=—=55. 3 100 9 - Eial* © f()= fQ)=-= f22)=0 pa 37100)” 1, 3n [File 56 YF (n) = 23) +,f\24) + + +55) ml + (56) = 1.234 1.24+---+1.55+2,56 1sns22 23

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