Diaspora Video Questions

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Bakrania: South Asian Diaspora

Edward Said on Orientalism: Questions/Guidelines

1. The film begins with a series of images; briefly describe one of them.
One of the images that are shown in the begging is a portrait of a nude boy who is
holding a snake in front of a group of men.

2. When was the book, Orientalism, written? 1978

3. What question does Said try to answer in this book?

Why when we think of the Middle East we have preconceived notion of what kind of
people live there, despite not living there.

4. What were Saids 2 impulses in writing this book?

The 1967 Arab-Israeli War and the constant disparity Said felt between what his
experience of being an Arab was and what was portrayed by other sources.

5. How does he define Orientalism?

An organized science.

6. Describe 1-2 examples of Orientalist images.

Sensual women there for the fun of men and the east being a place of mystery are two
examples of orientalist images.

7. What does Said mean when he says that the Orient provides an ideal other for the
He means it creates an image outside of history. Unlike the west, it does not progress and
is eternal.

8. How did Orientalism emerge?

It emerged after Napoleon invaded Egypt.

9. How/why was Orientalism critical to colonial rule?

Through colonialism reality is imagined.

10. What are the 2 major differences between European and American forms of Orientalism?
Prof. Bakrania: South Asian Diaspora

Europeans had directly occupied parts of the Middle East, while America had not.
Furthermore, there has never been a full American occupation of the Middle East.
America is also very politicized in its orientalism.

11. How are Arabs and Muslims portrayed in U.S. media and film?
They are portrayed, typically, as violent, threatening, and terrorist.

12. What are some of the problems with these portrayals?

This creates a false image for people living in the U.S. and creates hostility toward the
people of the Islamic world, which takes away from the humanity and innocence from the
average person living there.

13. According to Said, how have these images changed in the last 20 years or so?
The situation got worse and the threatening images became more severe.

14. What is Saids definition of discourse?

It is what makes you think or produces what you say or think.

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