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Unit Plan Jennifer Rozo (8th Grade Science)

Unit Title: Newtons 2nd and 3rd Laws

Time Frame: 5 weeks
Course: Physical Science Motion and Forces
Grade Level: 8

Arizona State Standards
Strand 5 Concept 2 PO 3. Describe how the acceleration of a body is dependent on its mass and the net applied force
(Newtons 2nd law of Motion).
Strand 5 Concept 2 PO 4. Describe forces as interactions between bodies (Newtons 3 rd Law of Motion).
Strand 5 Concept 2 PO 5. Create a graph devised from measurements of moving objects and their interactions, including:
position-time graphs
velocity-time graphs
PS2.A: Forces and Motions

1. Acceleration changes with magnitude of mass.
2. Acceleration changes with magnitude or direction of force.
3. Acceleration, mass or net force, are calculated with F = ma.
4. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
5. Action/reaction forces do not cancel each other out because they are acting on different objects.
6. All materials are slightly elastic; therefore, all objects can react when an action force acts on it.
7. Momentum depends on the mass of the object and the velocity with which it is traveling.

Law 2 and Law 3 Quizzes
Writing Assignment: Newtons Laws Booklet
Newtons Laws Exam
Prentice Hall Science Explorer Forces and Motion
PowerPoints: Newtons Second Law, Newtons Third Law, and Newtons Laws in Practice
Demos: skateboard demo (pushing on a wall); weighted cars (inclined plane, cars, weights, timer)
Labs: Straw and Ball Lab (need straws, golf balls, lab sheets, graph paper); rocket launcher lab (PVC piping, bike pump, PVC
primer and cement, handsaw, drill, bit, construction paper for student rockets, masking tape); Fettucini physics lab (dry
spaghetti noodles, textbooks, masking tape, goggles)
Student Computers
Other: Reading Guide on 2nd Law, Reading Guide on 3rd Law, note-takers on PPTs, math/story problem worksheet, blank paper
and art supplies for Laws booklets.

Unit Calendar
In order to accommodate any scheduling changes, classes are listed as lessons instead of weekdays. This calendar
is currently scheduled for February 2017.

Wee Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5

Explore: straw and Finish straw and ball Skateboard Demo. Guided reading of Begin rocket launcher
ball lab (day 1). lab. Newtons 2nd Law PPT textbook on 2nd law. lab.
1 Group discussion with note-taker. Students complete
about lab results the 2nd Law Reading
(previewing Newtons Guide.
2nd Law).
Rocket launcher lab. Rocket launcher lab. Rockets launch! Class Students make pages Students finish 2nd
results. for their Laws book law pages.
2 on Newtons 2nd Law.

2nd Law quiz. Weighted cars demo. Newtons 3rd Law PPT Guided reading on Students continue the
Intro to Newtons 3rd with note-taker. textbook on Newtons 3rd Law Reading
3 Law. 3rd law. Students Guide packet.
begin the 3rd law
Reading Guide.
Fettuccini lab day 1. Fettuccini lab day 2. Fettuccini Lab day 3. Class competition PPT and note-taker on
and discussion of Newtons Laws in the
4 results of Fettuccini real world.
Math/story problem
Students complete Students complete Students present 3rd Law quiz. Unit exam on all 3 of
pages on 3rd Law and pages. their booklets to the Newtons Laws
5 real life in their class. (includes earlier
booklets. Quiz review. material on velocity,
acceleration, and 1st
Law; may be done at
a later date.)

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