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Subject: Religious Education 2

I. Objectives: The students in the long run will be able to:

define the significance of the sacrament of initiation and its function to our faith.
appreciate the presence of Jesus in the celebration of the sacrament of initiation .
manifest devotion to the role of the sacrament in the life of faith and holiness.

II. Subject Matter: The Sacrament of Initiation

LCD Projector, Laptop

III. Procedures:


A. Prayer: Prayer to Our Lady of the Liturgical Life

B. Review: Biblical scenes of the seven sacraments.

C. Motivation: The students will be guessing the different symbols that they will find in the
sacrament of initiation and its definitions and significance.

D. Proper Discussion:


What is sacrament of initiation?

What makes it significant as we welcome Christ in our life?
How can the sacraments lead us to holiness?
E. Synthesis:
The celebration of the sacrament of initiation is the open door in the life of the
Church that helps to make the faithful be more holy and connected in the love of God
instituted by Christ.

F. Assessment/Evaluation:

In an activity paper students will determine the biblical passages that connect the
sacrament of initiation and its significance.

A Biblical and Symbolic Look at the Sacraments of Christian Initiation

Learning Plan in Religious Education Page 1

Part 1
Each of the Sacraments incorporates concrete objects and actions as symbols. Begin to examine
some of these symbols by answering the following questions:

1. Name at least four uses for, or characteristics of, water. How might these symbolically relate
to the Sacrament of Baptism?

2. Name at least three uses for, or characteristics of, oil. How might these symbolically relate to
the Sacrament of Confirmation?

3. Name three uses for, or characteristics of, bread and wine. How might these symbolically
relate to the Sacrament of the Eucharist?

Part 2
Read each Scripture passage below carefully. Look for an object or action that is (or became) a
symbol. Then explain the symbols meaning in the celebration of the Sacrament. Use the sample
as a model.

Scripture Passage Symbolic Object or Action Explanation of the
in Scripture Symbol as It Relates to

Genesis 6:1122
God tells Noah to build an ark The Flood is a water event of Baptism is death to an old
to save himself, his offspring, destruction and death. life of sin and rebirth to a
and animals from a flood. Symbolically, the Flood can new life in Christ, using
indicate how sin leads to death. water.
Exodus 14:2125

Joshua 3:1417

John 4:415

Learning Plan in Religious Education Page 2

Scripture Passage Symbolic Object or Action Explanation of the Symbol
in Scripture as It Relates to Confirmation
1 Samuel 16:1113

Isaiah 61:12

John 3:38

Acts 2:113

Scripture Passage Symbolic Object or Action Explanation of the Symbol
in Scripture as It Relates to the Eucharist

Learning Plan in Religious Education Page 3

Exodus 12:1420

Matthew 14:1321

Luke 22:1420

John 6:3035

1 Corinthians 11:2326

G. Assignment:

In a short bond paper, write your own experience that made you realized of how God loves you.


Catechism of the Catholic Church, Catechism for Filipino Catholics, Saint Joseph Catholic Bible

Electronic References:

Suggested Readings:

Learning Plan in Religious Education Page 4

Subject: Religious Education

I. Objectives: The students in the long run will be able to:

know the four gospels and its interpretation.

identify the different writings of the authors of the gospel.
differentiate the reflective experience of the authors of the gospels.

II. Subject Matter: The Four Gospels

LCD Projector, Laptop

III. Procedures

Learning Plan in Religious Education Page 5


A. Prayer: Prayer to the Holy Spirit

B. Review: The different historical backgrounds of the four authors of gospels.

C. Motivation: The students will give an account form the four gospels when the name of the
author/evangelists is mentioned.

D. Proper Discussion:


How do you interpret the gospel?

What makes the gospel as your guide in life?
What is the core message of the Gospel in the life of the Churchs mission?
They will determine of the biblical connection of the activity given

Matthew, Mark, or Luke?

The following verses are taken from the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Write the name of
the correct evangelist in front of the verse. Remember that Matthew portrays Jesus as the Perfect
Teacher, Luke portrays him as the Compassionate Savior, and Mark portrays him as the Suffering
Servant. Articles 56, 57, and 58 in your book also describe other characteristics of each Gospel,
which will help you in your choices.

1. _________ She, from her poverty, contributed all she had.

2. _________ He was moved with pity for her and said to her, Do not weep.

3. _________ I have come not to abolish but fulfill.

4. _________ Blessed are the poor in spirit.

5. _________ The Son of Man is to be handed over to men and they will kill him.

6. _________ The rich he has sent away empty.

7. _________ The Son of Man has come to seek and save what was lost.

8. _________ Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites.

9. _________ For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a

ransom for many.

10. _________ I tell you, not even in Israel have I found such faith.

Learning Plan in Religious Education Page 6

Look through the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, and find other passages illustrating the
characteristics of these Gospels. Create a similar activity on a separate sheet of paper, with
blanks to be filled in as above. Write the complete references to the verses on the back of the
paper. Hand it in to your teacher. Your teacher may then use your activity to stump your

E. Synthesis:

The Gospel who is Jesus is the core of the gospel which is the written document.

F. Assessment/Evaluation:

The students will write a reflection paper of how the Gospel gives meaning to their life. This
activity will be assessing with a rubric.

The depth of the content.20%

Grammar and its usage10%
Relevance of the message....20%
G. Assignment:

In one whole sheet of paper, create an acronym of the Mother Mary.


Catechism of the Catholic Church , Catechism for Filipino Catholics, Saint Joseph Catholic

Electronic References

Suggested Readings

Subject: Religious Education

I. Objectives: The students in the long run will be able to:

discuss the significance of Marys role in the Church.

internalize the mission of Mary in our faith.
develop intense appreciation towards the Virgin Mary

II. Subject Matter: Mary, Mother of the Church

LCD Projector, Laptop

Learning Plan in Religious Education Page 7

III. Procedures


A. Prayer: Video Prayer Aba Ginoong Maria

B. Review: The scene of the Annunciation of Jesus birth.

C. Motivation: The students will be guessing the pictures of the different scenes in the bible
where Mary, mother of Jesus is present and involved.

D. Proper Discussion:

What is the role of Mary in Jesus life?
What made her significant in the life of the Church?
How can we appreciate more the love of Mary in our own lives?

E. Synthesis: The role of Mary in the Church is the great intercessor before the Holy Trinity.
She has a big role in the salvation history of humanity.

F. Assessment/Evaluation:
The students will create reflection on the following question given. They will be assessed by
a rubric.
How did Mary respond to the message of God?
What makes her important to you?
How can you make firm of your YES to God?

Depth of the Reflection..30%
Biblically Grounded...25%
G. Assignment:

I short bond paper. Choose your favorite apostle of Jesus and answer these following questions

1. Why did you choose that apostle?

2. Why he is meaningful to you?


Catechism of the Catholic Church, Catechism for Filipino Catholics, Saint Joseph Catholic

Suggested Readings:

Learning Plan in Religious Education Page 8

Subject: Religious Education

I. Objectives: The students in the long run will be able to:

discuss the role and the faith experience of the apostles.

select significant messages or lines from the apostles words.
demonstrate the different significant virtues that the apostles possessed.

II. Subject Matter: The Twelve Apostles

LCD Projector, Laptop

III. Procedures


Learning Plan in Religious Education Page 9

A. Prayer: Video Song on Pagkakaibigan by Bukas Palad

B. Review: Who choose the apostles? Why did he choose them?

C. Motivation: The students will be guessing the different symbols that they will found in the
seven sacraments of the Church and its definitions

D. Proper Discussion:


A. What is the contribution of the apostles in our faith?

B. What makes them be closer to God?
C. In what way to imitate the apostles in terms of obeying the Lord?

E. Synthesis:

To be the people of God, first of all means that God doesnt belong to any particular people,
because he is the one who calls us and this invitation is addressed to all, without distinction,
because Gods mercy wills everyone to be saved. Jesus doesnt tell the apostles and us to form
an exclusive group of elite members. Jesus says: Go and make disciples of all nations.
Pope Francis
F. Assessment/Evaluation:

The students will print out the document and they will answer it.

G. Assignment:


Catechism of the Catholic Church, Catechism for Filipino Catholics, Saint Joseph Catholic

Suggested Readings:

Learning Plan in Religious Education Page 10

Subject: Religious Education

I. Objectives: The students in the long run will be able to:

explain the role of the pope in our catholic faith..

recognize the extraordinary responsibility of the pope.
imitate the leadership of the pope in daily living as Christian.
II. Subject Matter: The Role of the Pope

LCD Projector, Laptop



A. Prayer: Prayer for the Pope

B. Review: Why we need the pope in our faith?

Learning Plan in Religious Education Page 11

C. Motivation:
What makes the pope meaningful in our daily living as catholic?
How can we show our respect towards the pope?

D. Proper Discussion:


What is the essence of apostleship in the life of the pope?

What made him holy?
How can we manifest devotion in following the pope?

E. Synthesis:
The Pope is also the Unifier of the People of God. Because of the international character
of the Church, this will create many demands. The good of the world-wide Church and
the autonomy of local Churches need to be balanced.

F. Assessment/Evaluation
Follow the given instructions in the website given

G. Assignment:

Choose your own favorite pope and cite his very own quote. In a one whole short bond paper.


Catechism of the Catholic Church, Catechism for Filipino Catholics, Saint Joseph Catholic

Suggested Readings:

Prepared by:

Sem. Jessie Felomino, Jr. BSED 3

Education 11 Student

Learning Plan in Religious Education Page 12

Checked by:

Ms. Sarah Jane Zaragoza, MSHSS

Education 11 Professor

Learning Plan in Religious Education Page 13

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