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Below you can find my list of sources for the work presented on this site.

First, for those of you interested in reading more on this, I particularly recommend:

Botha et al. (2008): The book is in two parts. The first presents a very concise and in-
depth overview of knowledge management (KM), organizational learning,
organizational memory, organizational culture, and so on. The second part offers one
of the most in-depth looks at knowledge management systems that I have ever seen
in a KM book.

Gamble & Blackwell 2001: An older text, but a very well written one, presenting an
excellent overview of KM, which extends beyond what is offered in most books (e.g.
discussing external relationships).

Liebowitz (2009): A short book focused on knowledge retention. It offers many

interesting case studies, taking a more practical oriented approach than other texts.

There are many noted authors that I did not list above (e.g. Brown & Duguid's
contribution to communities of practice) since I was trying to point the reader in the
direction of more general KM texts.

Ackerman, M.S. (1996) Definitional and Contextual Issues in Organizational and Group
Memories, Information Technology and People Vol 9, no 1, pp. 10-24.

Ackoff, R.L. (1999) Re-creating the corporation: a design of organizations for the 21st
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Bali, R., Wickramasinghe, N., & Lehaney B. (2009) Knowledge management primer,
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Alan Frost M.Sc., 2010 - Updated 2015

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Below you can find my list of sources for the work presented on this site.

First, for those of you interested in reading more on this, I particularly recommend:

Botha et al. (2008): The book is in two parts. The first presents a very concise and in-depth
overview of knowledge management (KM), organizational learning, organizational memory,
organizational culture, and so on. The second part offers one of the most in-depth looks at
knowledge management systems that I have ever seen in a KM book.

Gamble & Blackwell 2001: An older text, but a very well written one, presenting an excellent
overview of KM, which extends beyond what is offered in most books (e.g. discussing external

Liebowitz (2009): A short book focused on knowledge retention. It offers many interesting case
studies, taking a more practical oriented approach than other texts.

There are many noted authors that I did not list above (e.g. Brown & Duguid's contribution to
communities of practice) since I was trying to point the reader in the direction of more general
KM texts

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