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2 Corinthians 9:10-15

Seed To The Sower

Bread For The Eater
God Uses
Like You
And Me
Uganda Drought and Famine:
Praying For Rain, Supplying
Seed and Food
In 2016 Uganda experienced a drought which produced very
low yields in produce. The drought covering two harvests has
resulted in what is described as the beginning of a famine.
Some people when we visited Uganda this month in February,
2017 had not eaten for days. Some were in the process of
selling animals, so that they could purchase grain.

10 Million People are currently experiencing starvation.

What part will we play:

Pray for an abundance of rain

Collect funds for the purchase of seed.
Collect funds for the purchase of posho (corn meal) which is the main food
Funds will be delivered to our Person of Peace in Uganda for distribution
for those in immediate need.

For more information on how you can give, go to:
Gods Promise To Those Who
Sow Seed and Give Bread To
The Eater

2 Corinthians 9:10-15
10Now may he who supplies seed to the
sower and bread for food, supply and
multiply your seed for sowing, and increase
the fruits of your righteousness, 11you being
enriched in everything to all generosity,
which produces thanksgiving to God through
us. 12For this service of giving that you
perform not only makes up for lack among
the holy ones, but abounds also through
much giving of thanks to God, 13seeing that
through the proof given by this service, they
glorify God for the obedience of your
confession to the Good News of Messiah and
for the generosity of your contribution to
them and to all, 14while they themselves
also, with supplication on your behalf, yearn
for you by reason of the exceeding grace of
God in you. 15Now thanks be to God for his
unspeakable gift!
How We Have Addressed The
Starvation Issue So Far:

We are distributing seed for planting and food to local pastors,

their families and villages as the funds become available.

Join us as we come alongside our sisters and brothers in Uganda.

For more information on how you can give, go to:

You may also send your contributions to:

Godly Life Learning Center International Ministries
P.O. Box 14005
Richmond, VA 23225

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