3 Data Import

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Data import CHAPTER 3 — Data import PETREL Co Mapping and scaled plotting Date import © 23, Data import Lecture and Exercise goa! Goal: To learn howto import the most commonly used data into Petrel. You will learn: ‘+ Which file types can be imported into Petre + The formats required for each of those file types. + Toimport: Well tops 20 grids Lines and points Seismic interpretation PETREL © Data import fraroduetion ~ Typos of data PETREL © 24 Data import Mapping and scaled plotting Data import Fermat overviow Many formats available for import into Petre! Formats for general data (lines, points and grids, etc); Charisma lines, grids (ASCII) JESX Lines, 2D and 3D (ASCI)* Kingdom seismic lines, 20 and 30 (ASCII) EarthVision grid (ASCII) Seisworks Horizon picks, fault sticks lrap Classic lines (ASCII/binary), layers, arids, points (ASCII) + Zmap+ lines (ASCII), fault traces (ASCII, arids CPS-3 lines, grids (ASCII)* General ASCII reader* Bitmep Images (*.BMP) Function X, ¥ SEG-Y Seismic Data “To be discussed in detail in the exercises. Formats for well data: + Completion logs * [rap RMS well (ASCII) * Well logs (ASCII) and Multiple Well Logs (ASCII) ‘+ Well Paths/Deviations (ASCII) and ‘Multiple Well Paths/Deviations (ASCII) Petrel Format (Binary) Petro Works SMI Well Format Production logs Simple Well and Log (ASCII} Well Design XY, Z (ASCII) Well Heads Petrel weil tops* PETREL © Data import Formats for points and linos + An ASCII ile defining each point or vertex position (XY-2), * Columns are space or tab delimited Points x y z ssuingestee s7szs0dosssat — 2108.427170 Lines x y D oz 452485, 343000 o7et4agsses6 t 1774199501 Supported formats CPS-3 2-MAP Plus EarthVision Seisworks Charisma \ESX Kingdom Irap classic Petrel Bitmap image General ASCII ele, % ° PETREL oy Mapping and scaled plotting Data import © 25, Data import Formats for 20 grids ‘+ AN ASCII le with header and node Z-values * Columns are space or tab delimited Example: 2-MAP Plus Format “ie cmostest it eerie, ese, arasnc sree cere @ Sunporta/ formats “igioeta "Steams “\nuten”” seace “saea | 2-MAP Plus ASCII 28 BSSe Eg TEES | ces-aascu inssiee fomeanne — teeeteesowncees Cps= eotame [rap classic Binary Irap classis ASCII EarthVision PETREL © Data import Format for wal tops © ANASCII file defining top pick loc: data for multiple wells and horizons * Columns are space or tab delimited ions and associated i) _ = 25 « Date import Mapping and scaled plotting Data import Gonorat procedura ‘The general workflow for importing data as follows: Insert new folders (General, Wells, Well ‘tops, Interpretation, ote) Right Click on folder and select Import {on Selection) For each folder, select the proper file ‘and the proner format Specify the proper Category/Template ‘and Domain (ft apalicable) ~ @) coon ‘sede ME ‘aoa joe a tee oat “omew I Bp A a al PETREL © Data import A Lines and points B. c a3 Define fields Specify Category and Domain and Data range parameters Files are stored in folder under Input tab Neato | peered [RT Unateantnan TE —| ge || semen [ey | ee Yeaneame Fe say | cov [Besos JF be | vie Bue sma amo ten vterie Fe se [Siam] =: [Taino Fez J) Tar Foote BI UST asso 05 4 i on PETREL © Mapping and scaled plotting Data import « 27 Data import Wet tops A. Adjust units and flag for making values negative B, Well tops are placed in Wel! tps folder and organized into sub-folders Stratigraphy, Faults or Others a 7 TEP Wall Tope = 1 em an ret ‘oy ate Fa tmte P| ES srt bei as 127 BoseCeceaus —| edad om le Pn caine a int ooo BE Tew See Tate Say SPR Teoh Missi ah steel “A Noss Die Tape FIR) gy he” Booms WAL werner = ‘| 1 or] sve [Tam [ee PETREL © Data import ‘Seismic interpretation A. Specify Category and Domain Interpretations are imported (on selection) and stored in the predefined Interpretations folder in the Input tab. ania cooy tm cose | omen eeeay | "2 Soe “SS RE | See = ei ees ee ee | PETREL © Mapping and scaled plotting Data import Exercise IMPORT: ‘Well tops: 20 grids Point and line data Seismic interpretations PETREL © eee ‘Mapping and scaled plotting Data import» 29, Data import - Exercises Importing into Petrel is generally very easy to do. It begins with inserting folders, then choosing Import on Selection and choosing the proper formats, categories and tomplates. The following exercises walk you through import of basic data types. Insert folders Itis importantto pay attention to the types of folders that are available for importing into. This is important because some types of folders contain functionality that restricts the types of data that can be imported into them. Any folder that you insert into Petrel will automatically be placed in the Input tab in the Petrel Explorer. Exercise 1. Open new project and save it to your Student folder with the name of your choice, 2, Insert general folders: a. Click on Insert > New Folder in the menu bar. b. Rename the folder from New folder to Porosity Data by right clicking on the folder, choosing Settings and typing the new name in the Info tab. ~ mm — Er ite | suas} ee ia a ae : ame eo Se! || le Pes Feat iniainwindow cor | moe [Douce Cltormees | Wa type [Fate c. Repeat these steps for 2 more folders (if prompted to place the new folder inside the existing folder, click no) a af baba eran taustesiose) 30 © Data import - Exercises Mapping and scaled plotting 3. 4. d. Call one Fault Polygons and the other Porosity Grids. Pavey Dots Paoiy Gide GD FaaPobare Insert an Interpretation Folder: a. Click on Insert >New Interpretation Folder in the menu bar. b. Rename the folder Seismic Interpretations in a similar fashion to step 1b above. import (on Selection) BGrephic.. sy New Intersection plane BE New We (3 New Wel Tops “ad, New Check shots Ej, New Workflow [By New Annotstions (Oi New colder New Well Section Folder A New Well Folder (23) New Function Folder [E New Variogram Folder Insert a Well Tops Folder: | SaaS | a. Click on Insert > New Well Tops Folder in the menu bar. (eae a Porat Gn autos Seem viepreatons See} [Racing roa a Mapping and sealed ploting Data import - Exercises « 31 Import data Many types of data can be imported into Petrel. The following exercise shows you only a fraction of the file formats that Petrel can easily read. If you are loading any type of data, itis important to know the format ahead of time. In order to make this easier, there is a list of file formats available for you in the Online Help Manual. In addition, whenever you choose a file format during import, an example of that format type is shown at the base of the import window, Using the table that follows as a guide, import data into its respective folder being sure to select the proper format category and domain/template. Data format Category Domain Template CPS-3 ling Fault Polygons Depth NA General lines/poinis tascil Property N/A Porosity CPS-3 grid (ASCII) Property NA Porosity IESX 3D seismic lines Horizons Depth NA Well tops Petrel Well Tops NA NA NA Exercise 1. Importing fault polygons, porosity grids and porosity data: a. Right-click on the proper folder (ie. Fault Polygons) and choose Import (on Selection). b. Select the data files from the Data Directory (for instance AUSTIN fault polys, DALLAS fault polys and HOUSTON fault polys) and the proper format (CPS-3 lines). c. Click Open. d. Inthe Input dialog window that pops up, choose the correct Category (Fault Polygons) and Domain (depth) or Template from the respective pull-down menus. e. Click OK For All f. Repeat similar steps for each of the remaining 2 folders. Remember to select “points” and not lines for Porosity Data! [ceca 2x) sa t= He: fostwina pie | MO | Tine: Peery | MAE 2. Import Seismic interpretations: a. Right click on the Seismic Interpretation folder and choose Import (on Selection). b, Select the data files from the Data Directory (in the Seismic Interpretations folder) and choose IESX 3D seismic lines. c. Click Open. d. Choose Horizons as the Category and Depth as the Domain. e. Click OK for all 3, Import well tops: a, Right click on the Well Tops Folder and choose Import (on Selection). b, Select the Well tops file from the Data Directory and choose the proper file format (Petrel Well Tops (ASCII)) c. Leave the units as they are and click OK, SAVE YOUR PROJECT!! (in Student folder) Mapping and scaled plott Data import - Exercises © 33,

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