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The Process of Management in Education

An academic essay submitted to the faculty of School of Liberal Arts, Languages Department

Mr. Joylito L. Lahoylahoy


Gulperi Seyda Koremez

Pinki Marie Bas

January 16, 2017

The Process of Management in Education

I. Introduction

Management is the main key of the organization to achieve its objectives; it involves
in coordinating and overseeing the work activities of others, Henri Fayol, the Father
of school of systematic management first proposed the four functions of management
that focuses on the key relationships between the staff and management which are
categorized as it follows: 1. Planning 2. Organizing 3. Leading 4. Controlling.
However, these functions are also strategies and manners utilized in Educational
Management where it deals with allocating all the educational associations inside an
institution, the role and application of this functions to educational management will
also be discussed.

A. Thesis Statement

Educational Management is an applied field of management where it elucidates the

educational managers role on how they can manipulate the people and activities of
the organization, so that the goals of the educational associations will be achieved on
the basis of comprehensive understanding and competent application of management

B. Purpose / Goal

To examine whether the functions of management are implemented at the educational

institutions, which contributes to the better understanding of the management in the
field of education.

C. Body
1. Educational Planning

a. Setting Goals
b. Establishing Strategies
c. Developing plans

2. Educational Organization (Determining what needs to be done, and who is to

do it.)
a. Learning Objectives
b. Identifying the tasks
c. The grouping of activities (assignment of tasks)

3. Educational Direction
4. Educational Evaluation
a. Monitoring Activities to ensure that they are accomplished

Management is the main key of the organization to achieve its objectives; it involves in
coordinating and overseeing the work activities of others,it also serves as a tool for the
upliftment as well as betterment of the society. Through increased productivity & employment,
management ensures better standards of living for the society. Henri Fayol, the Father of school
of systematic management first proposed the four functions of management that focuses on the
key relationships between the staff and management, these functions will help everyone to
identify ineffective needs to take to become an effective one which are categorized as it follows:
1. Planning 2. Organizing 3. Leading 4. Controlling. However, these functions are also strategies
and manners utilized in Educational Management where it deals with allocating all the
educational associations inside an institution, the role and application of this functions to
educational management will also be discussed.

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