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Acta Ophthalmologica 2012

Visual outcomes 12 months after

phacoemulsication cataract
surgery in patients with diabetes
Calvin Sze-un Fong,1 Paul Mitchell,1 Elena Rochtchina,1
Tania de Loryn,1 Thomas Hong1 and Jie Jin Wang1,2
Centre for Vision Research, Department of Ophthalmology and Westmead
Millennium Institute, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Centre for Eye Research Australia, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Vic.,

ABSTRACT. 4-fold higher risk than in older per-

Purpose: To assess cataract surgery visual outcomes 12 months postopera- sons aged <65 without diabetes
tively in patients with diabetes, with or without diabetic retinopathy (DR), (Ederer et al. 1981).
compared to patients without diabetes. Although cataract surgery provides
Methods: We followed 1192 cataract surgical patients aged 65 for 12 months an effective means to restore vision,
postoperatively. Standardised pre- and postoperative pinhole LogMAR visual its benets to patients in terms of
acuity (VA) measurements were taken. Mean VA improvement was deter- vision gained after surgery may be
reduced if these eyes had other
mined by comparing VA after 12 months to preoperative VA.
pathology, including DR (Henricsson
Results: Of 1192 surgical patients, 324 (27.2%) had diabetes, of whom, 136
et al. 1996; Dowler et al. 2000;
(42.0%) had DR. After adjusting for age, gender, diabetes duration and preop- Squirrell et al. 2002; Scanlon et al.
erative pinhole VA, the average VA gained 12 months after surgery was 10.8 2008). Many previous studies have
letters among 868 patients without diabetes, 10.6 letters among 188 patients shown that either DR or level of DR
with diabetes but no DR, 10.0 letters among 95 patients with DR but no past severity, predicts worse postoperative
laser treatment, and no letters among 41 patients with DR plus past laser visual outcomes in patients with dia-
treatment (p < 0.0001, compared to the other three groups). Diabetes dura- betes (Antcliff et al. 1996; Henricsson
tion 20 years was associated with mean VA gain of 3 fewer letters than dura- et al. 1996; Chew et al. 1999; Dowler
tion <10 years (7 versus 10 letters, p = 0.023), after adjusting for age, et al. 1999, 2000; Zaczek et al. 1999;
gender, DR and preoperative pinhole VA. Mittra et al. 2000). A retrospective
Conclusion: Cataract surgery improved VA by an average two lines for study showed that older age was an
patients both with and without diabetes, or with DR but no past laser treat- additional factor for the relatively
ment. No signicant VA improvement was evident for patients who had preop- poorer postcataract surgery visual
erative DR and laser therapy. outcome in patients with diabetes
(Benson et al. 1993). Although age
could be a surrogate for the duration
Key words: Cataract Surgery and Age-Related Macular Degeneration Study cataract surgery
outcomes diabetes diabetic retinopathy epidemiology vision of diabetes and is a major risk factor
for the development and progression
of DR (Klein et al. 1984; Benson
Acta Ophthalmol. 2012: 90: 173178
et al. 1993; Cikamatana et al. 2007),
2010 The Authors
Acta Ophthalmologica 2010 Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica Foundation evidence supporting the inuence of
diabetes duration on postcataract sur-
doi: 10.1111/j.1755-3768.2009.01851.x gery visual outcomes has been incon-
sistent (Henricsson et al. 1996; Dowler
A larger proportion (5998%) of per- et al. 2000; Squirrell et al. 2002;
Introduction sons with Type 2 diabetes aged 30 to Mozaffarieh et al. 2005; Scanlon et al.
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a fre- 75+ will develop cataract (Klein et al. 2008).
quent complication of diabetes, devel- 1985). Diabetes contributes to the With the advent of modern phaco-
oping in more than 75% of persons development of cortical and posterior emulsication cataract surgery, the
with diabetes after 20 years duration subcapsular cataract (Delcourt et al. overall postoperative visual outcome
(World Health Organization 2006). 2000; Hennis et al. 2004), with a 3- to has been found to have improved for

Acta Ophthalmologica 2012

the large majority of cataract surgical oramphenicol 0.5% (Chlorsig eye The most recent preoperative blood
patients (Antcliff et al. 1996; Zaczek drops, Sigma Pharmaceuticals) four glucose level (mmol l) was recorded,
et al. 1999; Dowler et al. 2000; Squir- times a day for 4 weeks and topical either self-reported by the patient or
rell et al. 2002; Scanlon et al. 2008). dexamethasone 0.1% (Maxidex, Alcon reported by the patients doctor for
It remains unclear, however, whether Laboratories) four times a day for those who did not perform glucose
patients with diabetes or with dia- 6 weeks. If cystoid macular oedema was testing at home. The most recent gly-
betic retinopathy achieve less visual observed at the 1-month postoperative cosylated Hb (HbA1c) levels and the
acuity (VA) gain after phacoemulsi- visit, patients received a course of topi- presence of microalbuminuria were
cation cataract surgery than patients cal dexamethasone 0.1% (Maxidex, reported by the patients doctor.
without diabetes, and if so, how Alcon Laboratories) eight times a day, Comprehensive eye examinations
much less VA gain can be expected. and ketorolac trometamol (Acular, were conducted, including the mea-
We aimed in the current study to Allergan Australia, NSW, Australia) surement of presenting VA (with
assess the inuence of diabetes status, four times a day for 4 weeks. If macular habitual correction) and pinhole-cor-
its duration, and the presence and oedema had not resolved by 4 weeks, rected VA, using a back-illuminated
severity of DR on visual outcomes patients would receive focal laser LogMAR (Vectorvision CSV 1000,
12 months after phacoemulsication and or intravitreal triamcinolone ace- Vectorvision Inc, Dayton, OH, USA)
cataract surgery. tonide 4 mg (Bristol-Myers Squibb chart. VA was the number of letters
Pharmaceuticals, Vic., Australia) and read correctly at 2.44 m (8 ft). If no
followed to be assessed for treatment letters could be read at 2.44 m (8 ft),
Materials and Methods effects. VA was assessed as counting ngers at
The Cataract Surgery and Age-Related Of the 1995 patients, 1525 (76.4%) 0.61m (2 ft), hand movements, percep-
Macular Degeneration Study is a had 12-month postoperative examina- tion of light or no perception of light.
clinic-based cohort study of older tions, and of these, 1349 (88.5% of The maximum number of letters read
patients undergoing cataract surgery patients who completed 12-month correctly was 70, while )15 letters rep-
at Westmead Hospital in Sydney. follow-up) had complete data on VA resented either no letters read correctly
Westmead Hospital is a major tertiary and baseline diabetes status. Of the or a VA of Counting Fingers, Hand
hospital and provides eye services to 470 patients (23.6%) who had not Movements, Perception or No Percep-
the suburban population of western completed 12-month postoperative tion of Light. Mydriatic retinal photo-
Sydney, Australia. The study was examinations, 194 (41.3%) were either graphs were also taken of both eyes,
approved by the University of Sydney still waiting for surgery or had had using either a Topcon TRC 50 IA reti-
and the Sydney West Area Health Ser- surgery but had not had their 12- nal camera (Topcon Optical, Tokyo,
vice Human Research Ethics Commit- month assessment, 64 (13.6%) had Japan) with Kodachrome 64 35 mm
tees and conducted according to the died, 53 (11.3%) withdrew because of slide lm or a Canon CF-60DSi myd-
provisions of the Declaration of Hel- health reasons, 11 (2.3%) were no riatic digital camera. A Canon CR-45
sinki. Written, informed consent was longer contactable and 148 (31.0%) NM non-mydriatic camera was only
obtained from all participants. We cer- declined to continue participation. used when patients refused pupil dila-
tify that all applicable institutional and tion (both were from Canon, Tokyo,
governmental regulations concerning Japan). Retinal photographs were
the ethical use of human volunteers Examination procedure taken at preoperative and 1-month
were followed during this research. postoperative visits, with both visits
A standardised questionnaire was
During 20042007, we recruited 1995 considered to provide information
administered at the preoperative sur-
patients aged 65 who underwent cata- about the baseline retinal status (Cug-
vey by trained interviewers. The mean
ract surgery at Westmead Hospital. ati et al. 2007). The photographs
duration between the study recruit-
Past medical histories were collected, included Early Treatment Diabetic
ment and surgery was 108 days (95%
and visual acuity was assessed before Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) standard
CI 102114 days). History of diabetes
surgery. All cataract surgical proce- elds 1 (optic disc) and 2 (macula) for
was assessed using the following ques-
dures were performed using phaco- patients without diabetes, and addi-
emulsication with intraocular lens tional elds 4 (supero-temporal), 5
(IOL) implantation. Several types of (1) Have you ever been told by a (infero-temporal) and a nasal eld for
IOLs were used, including the Acrysof doctor that you have diabetes? all patients with diabetes. A grader ini-
SA60AT (72.8%; Alcon Laboratories, (2) If yes, when was it rst diag- tially assessed the photographs for the
Fort Worth, TX, USA), Sensar AR40e nosed? presence of DR and a second grader
(10.4%; Advanced Medical Optics, (3) What type of treatment have you (TH) assessed DR according to ET-
Santa Ana, CA, USA), MA50BM had for diabetes? Choices of answer DRS criteria (Davis et al. 1998), with
(4.7%, Alcon Laboratories), Akreos included: no treatment, diet alone, adjudication provided by a retinal
Adapt (4.7%, Bausch & Lomb), Akreos oral hypoglycaemic, and or insulin. specialist (PM). DR was determined
Adapt AO (1.8%, Bausch & Lomb) and (4) Have you ever been told by a by the presence of any microaneu-
Quatrix (0.70%, Corneal Croma, Aus- doctor that you have an eye disease rysms, haemorrhages, hard or soft ex-
tria). Postoperatively, patients received or eye damage related to your diabe- udates, venous beading, intraretinal
a course of acetazolamide (Diamox; tes (diabetic retinopathy)? microvascular abnormalities or new
Sigma Pharmaceuticals, Victoria, Aus- (5) Have you ever had laser treat- vessels in eyes of patients with diabe-
tralia), 250 mg 4 doses, topical chl- ment for your diabetic eye disease? tes. Clinically signicant macular

Acta Ophthalmologica 2012

oedema (CSME) was dened by one treatment. We also compared the report a history of random blood glu-
or more of the following ETDRS cri- mean improvement in pinhole VA by cose 8.0 mmol l and HbA1c
teria: (i) apparent thickening of the the duration of diabetes. Comparisons 7.0%, than those with diabetes but no
retina <500 lm from centre of the by diabetes status were made after DR. They were also more likely to be
macula, (ii) hard exudates with appar- adjusting for age, gender, duration of on insulin treatment (Table 1).
ent thickening of adjacent retina diabetes and preoperative pinhole VA. Table 2 shows that the mean post-
<500 lm from centre of the macula Comparisons by diabetes duration operative LogMAR VA 12 months
or (iii) a zone of apparent retinal were made after adjusting for age, after surgery improved from 37.6
thickening 1 disc area or larger <1 gender, presence of DR and preopera- (95% CI 36.738.4) to 48.2 (47.6
disc diameter from centre of the mac- tive pinhole VA. Odds ratios (OR) 48.9) letters in patients without diabe-
ula (Early Treatment Diabetic Reti- and 95% condence intervals (CI) tes, from 38.5 (36.740.2) to 48.3
nopathy Study Research Group. were estimated for the dichotomous (47.049.6) letters in patients with dia-
1991), and adjudication by PM. Prolif- outcome of postoperative VA 6 12, betes but no DR, from 37.2 (34.4
erative DR (PDR) was dened if reti- after adjusting for age, gender, dura- 39.9) to 47.4 (45.349.5) letters in
nal or optic disc neovascularisation tion of diabetes and preoperative pin- patients with DR and no signs of past
was present or if pan-retinal laser scars hole VA, using multivariate logistic laser treatment, but only from 30.1
were present. Only one eye per patient regression models. sas software (V9.1; (25.934.4) to 35.7 (32.438.9) letters in
was included that did not have surgery SAS, Cary NC, USA) was used for patients with DR who had signs of past
before study recruitment but was oper- statistical analysis. laser treatment, after adjusting for age,
ated soon after recruitment (the study gender and diabetes duration. After
eye). Past laser treatment was self- additional adjustment for preoperative
reported and conrmed using retinal
Results pinhole VA, there was no improvement
photographic grading. We excluded 153 patients with signs of in mean VA (95% CI )3.1 to 3.1
glaucoma or late age-related macular letters) in eyes with laser-treated
degeneration and 4 who received DR compared to an improvement of
extracapsular cataract extraction, leav- approximately 10.3 letters (95% CI
Analysis of covariance (ancova, F-test) ing 1192 patients for this report. 7.513.1) in the other three groups (all
was used to compare the mean Included were 324 (27.2%) with diabe- p-values <0.0001).
improvement in pinhole VA between tes (3 with type 1 and 321 with type 2) Of the 41 patients who had signs of
the preoperative level with the level at and 868 (72.8%) without diabetes. Of past laser treatment, 9 (22.0%) had
the 12-month follow-up visits among those with diabetes, 136 (42.0%) had pan-retinal laser scars, 16 (39.0%)
four groups of patients: patients with- DR, including 41 (12.7%) with the had macular laser scars, 12 (29.3%)
out diabetes, patients with diabetes signs of past laser treatment. Table 1 had evidence of both types of treat-
but no DR, patients with DR but no shows selected baseline characteristics ment and 4 (9.8%) had only localised
past laser treatment and patients with of the groups by diabetes status. peripheral laser scars. Table 3 shows
DR who had signs of previous laser Patients with DR were more likely to the mean VA change 12 months after

Table 1. Selected characteristics in diabetic patients (with or without diabetic retinopathy) and in non-diabetic patients.

With diabetes Without diabetes

With DR Without DR
Characteristics* (n = 136) (n = 188) p-value (N = 868) p-value

Age (years), mean (SD) 73.5 5.5 74.1 5.9 0.35 74.9 5.7 0.0060
Caucasian (%) 56.6 58.2 0.78 70.6 <0.0001
Female (%) 48.5 49.7 0.83 60.0 0.0008
Ever smoked cigarettes (n = 1186) (%) 45.1 49.7 0.41 49.7 0.56
BMI (kg m2) (n = 1039) mean (SD) 28.1 6.0 28.7 6.1 0.48 26.7 5.2 <0.0001
History of
Angina (n = 1189) (%) 18.4 22.8 0.34 11.3 <0.0001
Myocardial infarction (n = 1190) (%) 21.3 16.9 0.32 11.9 0.0022
Stroke or TIA (n = 1189) (%) 14.0 9.5 0.21 10.0 0.49
Hypertension (n = 1190) (%) 69.1 75.7 0.19 54.7 <0.0001
High cholesterol (n = 1189) (%) 46.3 56.6 0.067 43.4 0.0059
History of random plasma glucose 8 mmol l (n = 287) (%) 83.2 70.1 0.010
History of HbA1c 7% (n = 194) (%) 64.1 37.6 0.0002
Presence of microalbuminuria (n = 171) (%) 44.3 35.7 0.25
Using oral hypoglycaemic (%) 82.4 81.0 0.75
Using insulin (%) 35.3 10.1 <0.0001

DR = diabetic retinopathy and SD = standard deviation. Means were compared using Students t-test and proportions compared using chi-
square statistics.
* Number of patients who answered questions is in parentheses.

p-value comparing patients with DR to those without DR.

p-value comparing patients with diabetes to those without diabetes.

Acta Ophthalmologica 2012

Table 2. Adjusted mean pinhole visual acuity (letters read correctly) in operated eyes of 868 non-diabetic patients and 324 diabetic patients [188
without diabetic retinopathy (DR), 95 with DR without past laser treatment and 41 with past laser treatment] in the Cataract Surgery and Age-
Related Macular Degeneration Study before and 12 months after cataract surgery.

VA at 12-month Difference Difference

Diabetes status Preoperative VA* follow-up* in VA* in VA p-value

No diabetes (n = 868) 37.6 (36.738.4) 48.2 (47.648.9) 10.6 (9.71.5) 10.8 (10.111.4) <0.0001
Diabetes without DR (N = 188) 38.5 (36.740.2) 48.3 (47.049.6) 9.8 (8.011.7) 10.6 (9.411.9) <0.0001
With DR but no past laser treatment (N = 95) 37.2 (34.439.9) 47.4 (45.349.5) 10.2 (7.413.1) 10.0 (8.112.0) <0.0001
DR with past laser treatment (N = 41) 30.1 (25.934.4) 35.7 (32.438.9) 5.5 (1.110.0) 0.0025 ()3.1 to 3.1) Reference

VA = mean pinhole visual acuity and DR = diabetic retinopathy.

* VA values reported as mean (95% CI), after adjusting for age, gender and duration of diabetes.

VA values reported as mean (95% CI), after adjusting for age, gender, duration of diabetes and preoperative pinhole visual acuity.

p-value, after adjusting for age, gender, duration of diabetes and preoperative pinhole visual acuity, in comparison with patients with DR who
had previous laser treatment.

surgery in patients with signs of past VA 12 months after surgery increased a signicant difference in VA gain
laser treatment. There was only a by three letters (from 28 to 31). between patients with diabetes dura-
3-letter improvement (range )3 to 9) After adjusting for age, gender, pres- tion 15 years and those with diabetes
in eyes with macular laser scars but ence of DR at baseline and preopera- duration <15 years (p = 0.0074),
this VA change was not signicant tive pinhole VA, diabetes duration after controlling for age, gender, dia-
compared to the other groups who 20 years was associated with a mean betic retinopathy and preoperative pin-
had signs of past laser treatment VA gain of 6.8 letters (95% CI 4.98.8) hole visual acuity.
(0.25 p 0.6). 12 months after cataract surgery Patients with DR and signs of past
Only three patients in our study (Table 4). This was similar to patients laser treatment were slightly younger
cohort had cystoid macular oedema, with diabetes duration 1519 years (mean age 73.7 years versus 75.3 years,
including two without diabetes and (mean 7.4 letters gained; 95% CI 4.2 p = 0.048) but had a longer mean
one with macular laser scars. Of the 10.6), but less than the gain by patients duration of diabetes (24.6 years versus
three patients, two were treated suc- with diabetes duration 1014 years 16.8 years, p = 0.0004) than those
cessfully with topical eye drops, while (mean 10.0 letters gained; 95% CI 7.9 with DR but no past laser treatment.
one had further treatment with intra- 12.0) or those with diabetes duration Eyes that had past laser treatment for
vitreal triamcinolone and focal laser. <10 years (mean 9.9 letters gained; DR before surgery were 6 times more
On average, their mean postoperative 95% CI 8.411.5) (Table 4). There was likely to have postoperative VA less

Table 3. Adjusted* mean preoperative and 12-month postoperative pinhole visual acuity (letters read correctly) of operated eyes of 41 patients
who had signs of past laser treatment, stratied by laser type, in the Cataract Surgery and Age-Related Macular Degeneration Study.

VA at 12-month
Type of laser scar Preoperative VA follow-up Difference in VA p-value

Pan-retinal laser scars (N = 9) 30.6 (22.738.4) 36.3 (30.342.2) 5.7 ()2.4 to 13.9) 0.60
Macular laser scars (N = 16) 32.5 (26.838.3) 35.7 (31.340.1) 3.2 ()2.8 to 9.2) Reference
Both pan-retinal and macular laser scars (N = 12) 28.3 (21.435.1) 36.5 (31.341.7) 8.2 (1.115.4) 0.25
Localised peripheral laser scars (N = 4) 24.7 (13.336.1) 33.3 (24.641.9) 8.6 ()3.3 to 20.4) 0.41

VA = mean pinhole visual acuity.

* All VA values reported as mean (95% CI), after adjusting for age, gender and duration of diabetes.

p-value for comparison to patients with macular laser scars.

Table 4. Adjusted mean preoperative and 12-month postoperative pinhole visual acuity (letters read correctly) of operated eyes of 324 patients
with diabetes, stratied by diabetic duration, in the Cataract Surgery and Age-Related Macular Degeneration Study.

Duration of VA at 12-month
diabetes (years) Preoperative VA* follow-up* Difference in VA* Difference in VA p-value

<10 (N = 142) 37.3 (35.239.4) 47.1 (45.448.8) 9.8 (7.612.0) 9.9 (8.411.5) 0.023
1014 (N = 72) 36.2 (33.538.9) 46.8 (44.749.0) 10.6 (7.813.5) 10.0 (7.912.0) 0.033
1519 (N = 29) 37.4 (33.241.6) 44.6 (41.248.0) 7.2 (2.711.6) 7.4 (4.210.6) 0.78
20+ (N = 81) 36.5 (33.939.1) 43.8 (41.745.9) 7.3 (4.610.1) 6.8 (4.98.8) Reference

VA = mean pinhole visual acuity and DR = diabetic retinopathy.

* VA values reported as mean (95% CI), after adjusting for age, gender and DR.

VA values reported as mean (95% CI), after adjusting for age, gender, DR and preoperative pinhole visual acuity.

p-value, after adjusting for age, gender, DR and preoperative pinhole visual acuity, in comparison with patients who reported 20+ years of dia-

Acta Ophthalmologica 2012

than 6 12 after 12 months follow-up, Squirrell et al. 2002). In our study (2002) excluded patients with CSME
compared to eyes with DR and no pre- sample, we found that, after adjusting and ocular diseases other than cataract
vious laser treatment (adjusted OR for the presence of DR, a diabetes and DR, identied before cataract sur-
5.84, 95% CI 2.2715.03). Further, duration 15 years was associated gery, which could explain a higher pro-
only 34% (n = 14) of the operated with a signicantly lower mean VA portion achieving VA improvement 2
eyes that had past laser treatment gain than a diabetes duration shorter lines after surgery.
gained 2 LogMAR lines after cataract than 15 years. This suggests that the A previous study showed that pro-
surgery, compared to 42% (n = 40) of effect of diabetes duration on cataract phylactic topical non-steroidal, anti-
operated eyes with DR but no past surgery visual outcomes could be inammatory medication was more
laser treatment (adjusted OR 0.24, independent of the severity of DR. efcacious than topical steroids at sup-
95% CI 0.070.74 for eyes with past VA levels 6 12 after a postsurgical pressing increased retinal thickness in
laser treatment to gain VA 2 Log- period of 12 months were attained by patients with non-proliferative diabetic
MAR lines, compared to eyes with no 44% of eyes with DR that had past retinopathy at four postoperative
past laser treatment) (Table 5). laser treatment, compared to 86% of weeks and at 6 weeks after cataract
those with DR but no past laser treat- surgery, but both eye drops were
ment (Table 5). Few studies have equally efcacious at suppressing
Discussion reported the postsurgical visual out- increased retinal thickness in patients
We report that cataract surgery come of eyes with diabetic retinopathy without DR (Endo et al. 2009). In our
improved mean VA 12 months after that had been treated with laser prior study, only three patients (including 1
surgery equally for eyes of patients to phacoemulsication cataract sur- with DR) had cystoid macular oedema
with and without diabetes or with DR gery. An ETDRS report found that after cataract surgery, and two were
but no past laser treatment, by an 46% of eyes assigned to photocoagu- successfully treated with a combina-
average 2 LogMAR lines. However, lation before cataract surgery achieved tion of topical steroidal and non-ste-
in eyes with DR treated by laser best-corrected VA better than 6 12 roidal, anti-inammatory medications.
before surgery, there was, on average, (Chew et al. 1999). However, the tech- Strengths of our study include its
no gain in postoperative VA after nique of cataract surgery was not longitudinal nature, the presence of
12 months. specied in that study. We included in non-diabetic controls for the compari-
Previous reports indicate that poor this report only patients who received son of baseline characteristics and
cataract surgery visual outcomes are phacoemulsication cataract surgery. records of 12-month postoperative VA
related to the preoperative retinal sta- In addition, the prospective nature of improvement levels. Our questionnaire
tus, particularly when PDR and our study and its adjustment for age, was administered by trained interview-
CSME are present (Antcliff et al. gender, diabetes duration and preop- ers who ensured consistency in the way
1996; Zaczek et al. 1999; Dowler et al. erative pinhole VA provide a more the information was collected. In addi-
2000; Mittra et al. 2000). Our study realistic estimate for postoperative VA tion, self-reported history of laser treat-
ndings are consistent with these pre- in eyes with diabetic damage. ment was conrmed at the retinal
vious reports, showing around 2-line Previous studies have shown that photographic grading. However, we
lower VA improvement in eyes that VA improved by 2 lines in between could have underestimated or overesti-
had undergone preoperative laser 74% and 86% of patients with diabetes mated the visual outcome of cataract
treatment (probably because of PDR before surgery (Antcliff et al. 1996; surgical patients with underlying
or CSME), than other eyes that had Krepler et al. 2002). Our nding that CSME, because of the very small num-
not had prior laser treatment. Despite 42% of patients, with DR but not pre- ber of cases with CSME in this sample.
the differences in VA (lines of letters) viously treated by laser before cataract Second, the number of patients with
gained after cataract surgery, all surgery, gained 2-LogMAR lines is less laser-treated DR before surgery in our
groups, on average, had VA improve- than these previous reports. These pre- sample was relatively small (n = 41),
ment after the surgery. vious studies had relatively small num- which is likely to have decreased the
Previous studies were equivocal bers of patients (n < 64). The study by precision of our estimates. We recently
about the inuence of diabetes dura- Antcliff et al. (1996) was retrospective, reported that DR was more likely to
tion on the visual outcome after cata- a study design dependent on the accu- progress by one or more steps of the
ract surgery (Mittra et al. 2000; racy of medical records. Krepler et al. modied ETDRS classication system

Table 5. Diabetic retinopathy (DR) and postcataract surgery visual acuity levels, comparing eyes with DR and previous laser treatment to eyes
with DR but no previous laser treatment.

DR with no DR treated by OR adjusted for age, Multivariate

previous laser treatment laser previously sex and diabetes duration adjusted
Change in visual status (n = 95) N (%) (n = 41) N (%) (95% CI) OR (95% CI)*

Loss of 1 LogMAR line 7 (7) 10 (24) 3.45 (1.1110.69) 5.90 (1.6620.93)

Gain of 1 LogMAR line 60 (63) 20 (49) 0.56 (0.251.25) 0.26 (0.100.69)
Gain of 2 LogMAR lines 40 (42) 14 (34) 0.80 (0.351.82) 0.24 (0.070.74)
Gain of 3 LogMAR lines 24 (25) 8 (20) 0.90 (0.342.38) 0.10 (0.020.54)
Visual acuity <6 12 at 12-month follow-up 13 (14) 23 (56) 7.38 (2.9818.32) 5.84 (2.2715.03)

* Additionally adjusted for preoperative pinhole visual acuity.

Acta Ophthalmologica 2012

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suggest that such progression did not a JA & Vander JF (1993): Extracapsular cat- iologic study of diabetic retinopathy. III.
outweigh the gain in vision 12 months aract extraction with placement of a Prevalence and risk of diabetic retinopa-
after surgery. Third, subjective refrac- posterior chamber lens in patients with dia- thy when age at diagnosis is 30 or more
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rected VA, probably underestimates 1606. outcome, progression of diabetic retino-
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macular oedema after cataract surgery in
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patients with diabetes. Acta Ophthalmol. Correspondence:
no competing interests. The authors [Epub ahead of print]. Dr Jie Jin Wang
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Hong T, Mitchell P, de Loryn T, Rochtchina E, Tel.: 61 2 9845 5006
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Cugati S & Wang JJ (2009): Development Fax: 61 2 9845 8345
Phacoemulsication in diabetics. Eye 10:
and progression of diabetic retinopathy Email:


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