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by Sheena Johnson/Seeding Courage Consulting

Social equity is the just and fair inclusion of all members of society in the decisions and institutions that shape our
ability to have safe, healthy, vibrant and sustainable communities and livelihoods. For lasting social equity to
occur, systemic change wins in the arena of public policy must take root on the individual and community level.
Cultural equity efforts have the unique ability to tie public policy efforts (system change), grassroots organizing
(community empowerment), and individual agency (personal transformation) together to maximize the impact of
social equity strategies. Arts and culture can serve as the glue to connect and cement efforts for social equity in
all areas from education and health to criminal justice and economic development. Investment in arts and culture
builds the capacity and agency of both individuals and communities to take advantage of policy opportunities and
to fully participate at the decision making table by addressing internalized oppression and supporting
intergenerational healing. Through arts based healing and identity formation work individuals and communities
gain the capacity to dream, create and act in the following ways:

Creative Capacity- Art education improves learning outcomes and nurtures creative, innovative and
imaginative citizens. Ex: Boston School Turnaround & GIA Arts Education Equity Initiative research

Cultural Pluralism- Supporting diverse range of cultural expression moves western dominate cultural
assumptions out of the center of paradigms of understanding. This helps to also build stronger
communities, promotes cultural understanding, and fosters diversity of thought and solutions to social
problems. EX: Cultural Vitality Indicators, Cultural Bridging and Bonding research

Democratizing Voice- Arts and culture based advocacy efforts can link diverse voices to the decision
making table creating advocates who are those most impacted by social inequity. EX: Youth Radio

Social Re-imagining- Artists and culture bearers have the ability to facilitate a communitys ability to
envision and write their own future, not determined by race, class or gender. EX: Arlene Goldbard,
Sheenas MFA Thesis

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