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For functional simulation, the waveform obtain is as the same as the theoretically.
This simulation used Quartus II to produce the waveform. Based on the waveform
from figure ( dsvs) the input is 0001 and the output is 1001111 that will produced
the number of 1 on the FPGA board. In this project, as for the output, the 0 is
declared as HIGH while 1 is declared as LOW.
As for the FPGA part, the result obtain from this project shows the digits used in
decimal and its equivalents in binary. The light emitting diodes (LEDs) on FGPA was
used and produce 7-segment displays as output devices. The switches from 0-3 on
the FPGA board was used as inputs to the circuit. For the FPGA, Quartus IV E was
used to produce output on the board. Based on the Verilog coding that downloaded
into the FPGA board, the output that is produced is the same as in the coding. In
example figure (nnti nak letak no) , for coding 0000001 WHEN 0000 it will
display the number of 0 on the LED display. It will automatically turns off the LED
at g. It continue until the number of 9 with the change of the switch on the FPGA
board. The coding is up until only until 9, so above than that will not show any

As a conclusion, the result of this project for functional and FPGA simulation by
connection to the computer is obtain because the output produced the same output
as the theoretically. From the project, students know how to read the waveform
produce during the functional simulation. The practice from this project is important
because it helps students obtain knowledge and being exposed about the uses of
Verilog codes, performing simulation for the waveform and implement the designs
on FPGA with DE2 board utilizing switches, LEDs, and seven-segment displays and
digital electronics systems. This project helps student in understanding more on
what students learn theoretically in class.

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