Chapter 1 Hallo World

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Chapter 1 Hallo World

Part 1
I could not see anything I just sat there in the dark waiting for it all to start but
before I could thing further a loud voice boomed over the speakers.
Welcome ladies and gentlemen I hope you are as excited as I am as the voice went
silent I heard an almost explosion of cheering coming from somewhere above. Well
before we begin let me introduce you to our esteemed host, the noble, the strong, the
amazing, the one and only Lord Sebastian. After a short silence, the speakers started
again Now with the introductions in order it is to begin this nights entertainment.
Right on que the sealing above me opened up as the floor moved up, the moment the
sealing opened I was blinded by strong stage lights as the almost maddening cheering
echoed across the walls. It took a moment but my eyes slowly readjusted to the light
so that I could see the room better. I stood in what looked like a large caged area,
above me stood a lean man in a ridiculous white suit. Above him was several balconies
etch seated with their own respectable group. The lowest baloney was populated by
what faintly looked like guards some clad in armor others in more everyday clothes.
Above them sat, more high-class people dressed in fancy suits and dresses. I tried to
see the top baloney but the stage lights blinded out every attempt.
Before I had time to look around further the bright figure above began again Let me
introduce you to todays participants as he finished he made a gesture towards me
and all lights focused on my blinding me once again. Todays new challenger was
generally provided by Lord Nero for todays entertainment. While before we begin let
me introduce him while we still have time.
Finally, my eyes began adjusting to the bright light and I could finally make out my
surrounding, I was standing in caged off area the floor littered with smaller weapons
like shattered swords, clubs and knifes. What did he mean with challenger and what
am I even doing here the last I remember was the beating Neros guards gave me
disobedience. What if? I quickly ran my hands against my neck letting out a sigh as I
once again felt the metal color that I had worn for several years, still ready to shock
my into submission like every other bound slave.
My short thoughts about freedom were interrupted when the bight figure moved so
that he directly stood above me. As you can see ladies and gentlemen this fine
specimen is a beast man or anthro as the lower class call them, furthermore as you all
might remember it has only been around 20 years since we for the first time made

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