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Tingrong Zhang


As a naturally creative person who is adaptable, ambitious, and proactive in seeking and creating
opportunities, I am interested in a career in the fashion industry where I will be able to draw on my
highly refined design, textile, and styling skills. I developed communication and teamwork skills in
two unpaid work experience placements, and this has helped me take on a sense of responsibility
that I will be able to draw on in a professional setting. I have a comprehensive range of design-
specific skills, including drawing, manufacturing, pattern cutting, photography, and innate creativity,
and, as evidenced by marketing my work and turning a profit in high school, I have been innovative
in applying these skills in practical ways. In light of this, I am keen to use my creativity and my
ability to learn rapidly to contribute enthusiastically to a career in the fashion industry.


Volunteer Community Service Center (Hunan, China)

My duties included helping to clean a community space and assisting with
cleaning maintenance on local roads.
This was an ideal opportunity to work effectively in a team towards a single goal,
dividing labour and allocating tasks according to each persons strengths.
I developed my communication skills, my sense of responsibility, and I also improved in
terms of professional conduct.

Volunteer Orphanage (Hunan,China)

My duties included helping children in the orphanage with their daily affairs.
I also made preparations to ensure a happy childrens day.
I developed a range of skills, including teamwork, presentation abilities, and communication,
by interacting with various people.

Nottingham Trent University

BA Fashion Design 09/2015---Now Degree Classification: [pending]

Key Modules: FASH (Concepts from Pictures).

Other Modules: DCC (Design, Culture, and Context) Dissertation on Do we say yes to
everything in fashion in the postmodern era?

Nottingham Trent International College

Foundation Degree 09/2014---09/2015
Degree Classification: Foundation Certificate in Art and Design

Key Modules: Art and design

Other Modules: Language


I am enthusiastic about handcrafts, and I enjoy designing and producing things that I can use
in everyday life. I have made handbags, scarfs, rings, phone cases, and other forms of hand-
made jewellery and, during high school, I turned a profit by selling a range of products.
Drawing is a central passion in my life and I have 8 years of experience. Since the age of 10,
I havent been able to stop drawing, and I have taken part in several Chinese drawing
competitions, receiving excellent awards.


Travel: I enjoy experiencing other cultures, and have travelled to many different regions.
Photography: I find that photography creates memories that can talk.

CAD Drawing

Mandarin (native)

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