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Vlemny (ha beszlsz egy filmrl)

1., title of film / play = cme

2., actors, actresses, director, producer = sznszek, sznsznk,rendez s a producer
3., summary of plot = a trtnete
4., my opinions +/- (special effects) = a vlemnyem
5., recomendation = ajnls

Egy film / knyv / darab jellemzi :

Brutal durva
Fast-moving prgs, gyors
Gloomy stt, komor
Horrific ijeszt,flelmetes
Impressive hatsos
Powerful erteljes, izgalmas
Moving megindt, meghat

Ha a kedvenc filmedrl beszlsz :

My favourite film

My favourite film is ...

There are 1 / 2 / 3 main actors. One of them was .. , the other was .
( sznszek nevei )

. / a sznsz(ek) neve ) play(s) the leading part / role. = (jtssza a fszerepet )

/ a sznsz(ek) neve) is / are in minor roles. = (... a mellkszereplk)

The main character is a child / a student /a doctor/ a criminal / a policeman / (egy fnv)

First there is a city / a village / ( a helyszn) , where ( alapszitu, az eleje )

There s a turning point in the film, when ..
In the end.. ( a vge)

It was very fast-moving / gloomy / moving / ..

(This is Oscar prized film. ) = Oscar-djas film

It s a thriller / a comedy / and a love story / an adventure film / at the same time.

( I saw this film and I read this book. I preferred the film / the book to the film / the book.)
I ( dont ) recommend it to you, because it was so exciting / powerful / brutal / =
(nem ) ajnlom neked, mert olyan volt.

The last film

The last film that I saw was

The actors name is ., who is ( a filmbeli neve) in the film. / I cant remember
the names of the actors / who played the main role.
. / a sznsz(ek) neve ) played the leading part / role. = ( jtszotta a fszerepet )
/ a sznsz(ek) neve) was / were in minor roles. = ( . voltak a mellkszereplk)

The main charcter is a child / a student / a doctor/ a criminal / a policeman / (egy fnv )

Firstly there was a city / a village / ( a helyszn) , where . ( alapszitu, az eleje

There was a turning point in the film, when ..
In the end.. ( a vge)

It was very fast-moving / gloomy / moving / ..

( This is Oscar prized film. It was directed by .. )

It was a thriller / a comedy / and a love story / an adventure film / at the same time.

( I saw this film and I read this book. I preferred the film / the book to the film / the book.)

I ( dont ) recommend it to you, because it was so exciting / powerful / brutal / =

(nem ) ajnlom neked, mert olyan volt.

My favourite book

My favourite book is .. It was written by .

The book speaks about a / an ( egy fnv pl. egy szerelmesprrl = a love couple /
hborrl = a war, a boy called .Harry Potter / ................. )

The main characters are .

There s a turning point in the film, when ..
In the end .

The book speaks not only to children / teenagers / . , but also to adult / children / tenagers /
.. ( A knyv nemcsak -hoz, hanem -hoz is szl. )

It was a bestseller. It s a tragedy / a comedy / and a love story / an adventure story /

at the same time.

Az olvassrl nhny 3 pontos ( ts) mondat :

Fantasy books, science fiction, detective storie , short stories and poems help you to create a world of
your own, ( = segt ltrehozni a sajt vilgodat )

Factual books (such as textbook s at schools, encyclopaedias , dictionar ies , guidebooks,

biographies ,) help you to form a picture of the world around you. ( segt kpet alkotni a krltted
lv vilgrl)

Reading is really important, because you learn to visualise ( vizsuljz) things, and it helps you to
learn to use your imagination. (megtanulod elkpzelni a dolgokat s segt megtanulni hasznlni a

Reading is getting less and less popular, mostly because of the increasing influence of TV.

Where can you get a book , if you want to read ?

If you want to something to read, you can either buy a book from a bookshop or borrow one from a

You can read : novels = regny (a book which tells an invented story)
biographies / bjogrfiz/ = letlers (which tells the story of another persons life)
autobiographies (the writers own life story)
short stories = novella
crime stories
adventure stories
science fiction
and the chiildren read fairy tales and / or comics.

If you want to get information about the world, you should read newspapers and / or watch the news
channels, such as CNN, BBC World and Hungarian News Channel.

If you are a student, you may buy a textbook = tanknyv (a book used at school or university).
while those, who learn foreign languages, read language books.

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