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What is engineering management?

Engineering Management is a graduate program specifically designed for engineers,

scientists, and computer scientists who want to add management and leadership skills to their
technical undergraduate base.

Engineering Management is a specialized form of management that is required to

successfully lead engineering or technical personnel and projects. The term can be used to describe
either functional management or project management.

Engineering managers typically require training and experience in both general management and the
specific engineering disciplines that will be used by the engineering team to be managed.

The successful engineering manager must have the skills necessary to coach, mentor and motivate
technical professionals, which are often very different from those that are required for individuals in
other fields

Why is engineering management important to all engineers?

True engineering is managing man, money and machines. Every engineer is a

Project Manager. We bring concepts to life by dreaming, conceiving, proposing, selling, The
importance of management skills was underscored when participants described their immediate
plans for professional development. Fifty-five percent planned to undertake management
training such as project management, general management, strategic planning, marketing, or
accounting/finance. Nearly half of those planning to pursue management-focused professional
development considered pursuing certification or a degree.ommitting, managing and releasing
onto the unsuspecting public glimmers in our eyes

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