GCCM Europe 2016 Magazine

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EUROPE 2016 GCCM | February 2016


sponsored by
Carrier Community

Wida Schmidt,
CEO at Carrier Community
We are committed to providing carr-

ier-exclusive events that are unique
and focused on facilitating industry
networking. Already in 2015, our events
have shown tremendous growth and
our delegates have succeeded in creating
and capturing new business opportu- Press Release - Carrier Community..........3
nities. We also saw an increase in the
number of Data and SMS operators Interview - BTS...................................................4
attending our annual meetings and
new ISP and mobile operators joining Industry News....................................................6
our club events. We are really proud of
the role we have been able to play in the Press Release - e-shelter.............................14
carrier community.
Press Release - Nexmo...................................18
Victor Lopez,
Director of Marketing & Interview - Expereo........................................24
Communications at BTS
Company Profiles .........................................40
The future of retail & wholesale telecoms
finds itself in uncharted territory and
carrier business models are being
adapted for survival in what will no
doubt be a challenging environment.
A lot of people comment that the day
to abandon the business is coming
but as carriers reinvent their business
models and explore new service areas
and become more efficient, the future
continues to shine.
The Skype Effect shows everybody
in the telecoms sector that consolida-
tion is inevitable. The international
voice market is crowded, offers narrow
margins, presents no easy growth op- Follow Carrier Community:
portunities, and holds the prospect of Social Media:
a longer-term decline. Consequently, On Facebook: facebook.com/CarrierCommunity
a growing number of retail service On Twitter: twitter.com/carrierclub
On Linked in: linkedin.com/company/carrier-community
providers, including many incumbents,
will choose to get out of the business Apps
of transporting and terminating Simply Search For GCCM Magazine & Inside GCCM
international voice traffic.
Sabine Zimmermann - Chief Editor
Carrier Community GmbH GCCM INSIDE
T: +41 (0) 31 544 21 31 MAGAZINE GCCM
Marktstrasse 10, 6060 Sarnen, Switzerland
E: info@carriercommunity.com
W: www.carriercommunity.com

2 Carrier Community 2015

Press Release - Carrier Community

Carrier Community moved

forward this year: Achieved
growth of member base and
set new regional footprints
in further Telecom market
An increasing number of members is participating and contributing in our exclusive global
telecom club, enhanced reach by successfully entering two new regions.

S arnen, Switzerland December 18, 2015

The member base of Carrier Community,
an exclusive global industry-networking
platform for global telecom operators and service
providers within Wholesale Voice, Data, Data
Telecall, Cellfind, Gsoft Technologies LLC,
iVoice Networks Pte Ltd., Kryptos Global Pte
Teraco Data Environments Pty Ltd., tyntec, WIC,
centers, ISP, Cloud, SMS, Mobile, VAS and other
related segments, has grown during this year. About Carrier Community
My aim is to add more and more value
Beside the existing locations for the Global Carrier
for the Carrier Community Club members Carrier Community is an exclusive global
Community Meetings (GCCM) in Berlin, London,
and deliver this value proposition also next club for telecom carriers and service pro-
Singapore and Dubai, Carrier Community has
year to address new ones to join us. viders. It was founded as a central platform
extended its presence and business to Africa and
to enhance business opportunities across
LATAM regions with a very positive resonance.
the industrys various sectors and services.
(DIGITALK), GlobeNet, TELEBRAS and Voxvalley
Community founders believe that the
The Global Carrier Community Meeting is Technologies.
voluntary free exchange of contacts and
constantly growing. At the end of 2015 we have
information via a central portal as well
successfully reached up to 3.800 members, We have seen phenomenal growth in our
as organised annual networking events
representing 1.900 telecom operators and GCCM events in 2015 and this demonstrates
are core to the creation of new business
providers in the global telecoms industry from the benefits we are delivering for members. We
opportunities in order to help the world
over 120 countries. had a record turn out for its Singapore event
become more connected.
with 500+ delegates attending, confirming
Carrier Community offers the industry
The Global Carrier Community Meeting has our Asia activities. Showing courage Carrier
a meeting place where members from
been growing rapidly in 2015 with an increasing Community targets new interesting markets
voice, data, mobile, sms, vas, datacentres,
number of Tier 1 carriers attending GCCM with Africa and the LATAM regions this year.
enterprise and other related segments
events and joining the community. In total, It went out as a good move, as I expected it. We
can get together and share ideas, contacts
850 companies have shown presence and 2.200 are continuing with GCCMs in Cape Town and
and business information for the mutual
delegates from 257 countries who made business Rio de Janeiro next year, says Wida Schmidt,
benefit of all members. It hosts annual
at our events. CEO of Carrier Community.
networking events throughout the year
Carrier Community is continuously adding
such as Global Carrier Community Meet-
The first time, GCCM events have taken place services as benefits for members. In September,
ings (GCCM) in London, Dubai, Singapore,
in Cape Town and Rio de Janeiro in the fourth new main website has been launched. There is a
Berlin, Rio de Janeiro and Cape Town as
quarter of 2015. In Cape Town 320 representatives new section press-room providing members the
well as the European Network Planning
out of the Voice-, Data-, Mobile-, SMS-, VAS-, opportunity to publish
Meeting (ENPM).
Internet/IX-, Cable-, Satellite-, Data centre- and their press releases and
The Carrier Community has qualified more
streaming content business have attended the articles in the Media
than 3,800+ members since its inception
first event. In Rio de Janeiro 220 members have Portal. The recruitment-
representing 1,900+ Operators from more
made the first move to this region with a real tool is used in order to
than 130+ countries. Our members occupy
success. The sponsors, which have supported get employees out of the
C-Level, VP, Director and Manager Posi-
the Carrier Community for the new path are industry.
tions at incumbent, mobile and alterna-
BICS, Turk Telekom International, NewTelco,
tive operators.

To become a member of Carrier Community, please visit: www.carriercommunity.com

To find out more GCCMs around the world, please visit: http://carriercommunity.com

3 EUROPE 2016 GCCM - London

Interview - BTS

Interview with Q: What does BTS bring to the market?

A: BTS advanced cutting edge flexible network provides world class
Victor Lopez, fiber, satellite, VoIP and TDM connectivity to meet its customer require-
ments of transporting voice services worldwide. BTS has sophisticated
Director of Marketing & NOC facilities located in U.S.A and Spain providing supervision and
monitoring of voice traffic in real time in order to guarantee the level
Communications at BTS of quality of the network. It is equipped with the latest state of the
art interactive tools and software to provide 24 by 7 Network control,
supervision and coverage.
Recently BTS created a Traffic
Management Team that works
closely with the Network Team
to ensure the effective optimiza-
tion of the routing capabilities
for customers and suppliers.
BTS advance routing software
algorithm utilizes the combined parameters of ACD, ASR, NER, ABR
Q: When was the company founded? and revenue optimization tables to provide value proposition to its
A: BTS was founded in 1993 in Miami, Florida, with the objective of service offerings.
providing global telecommunications services.
BTS is offering right now more than just voice solutions.
Q: Key areas that were focused on at the start and have they developed Our main services are:
or changed at all since then?
A: It has been over two decades since the beginning of BTS - Business Origination and Termination of Global Voice Traffic.
Telecommunications Services. BTS has become one of the leading IPX HD Voice & Virtual Pop Services
companies in the telecommunications sector managing over 8 billion Traffic Reporting Tools and Software Applications
minutes globally with more than 100 Direct links as part of its over Fraud & FAS Detection Services & SIM Blockage
600 interconnections worldwide. Ranked in the Top 15 in the Whole- Benchmarking Analysis
sale market with unique niche strengths in the Latin American & Gateway Exchange Services Outsourcing (Partial or Full)
African Regions offering its customers and suppliers the ability to Design and Deployment of International Gateways
effectively optimize their routing capabilities with its IPX and HD SLAs - Service Level Agreements Quality of Service (QoS)
Enhanced Network. Content & Calling Mobility Apps
BTS welcomes new partners to join us to maximize BTS extensive array Prepaid Platform Services & Mobile Top Up
of opportunities in the voice market as well as other telecom services Electronical Transactions & Mobile Payment
such as SMS Messaging, Content Mobility Apps, Antifraud Systems, Call Center Services
Traffic Reporting Tools for monitorization and optimization of your SMS Messaging provider
volumes, Platform Services to enhance your business and of course Global Quality Coverage & Competitive Pricing
IPX and HD Voice services. BTS is a member of the i3 Forum and the
GBET group of Top Operators bringing new experience to customers Q: Is the industry currently buoyant? What sort of hurdles, obstacles
around the globe. are being faced at the moment?
Our main mission is to connect people with others. When anyone uses A: The future of retail & wholesale telecoms finds itself in uncharted
a phone at work or when calling friends and family to different parts territory and carrier business models are being adapted for survival
of the world, probably unknowingly they are using BTS to transport in what will no doubt be a challenging environment. A lot of people
the call as it is known in the industry. BTS operates a private voice & comment that the day to abandon the business is coming but as carri-
data network used by the the worlds largest international telecom ers reinvent their business models and explore new service areas and
operators including: AT&T, British Telecom, Deutsche Telecom, France become more efficient, the future continues to shine.
Telecom, KPN, Orange, Tata, Telefonica, Telecom Italia, Verizon and Few industries have experienced more disrupting changes than the
even Skype to ensure that we are all permanently interconnected. international voice business. Over the past two decades, service pro-
viders have weathered market liberalization, the enormous telecom
Q: What other markets is BTS involved in, if any? market bubble and its aftermath, intense competition, rapid techno-
A: BTS has regional presence in North America, Asia, Europe, Latin logical innovation and
America, Middle East and Africa. BTS is a Key Player in the Retail continual price erosion. Throughout these years of market turbulence,
and Wholesale Telecommunications industry with 150 employees in continuous doble-digit traffic growth helped the industry to post mod-
Miami, Madrid, Rome, Bogota, Zaragoza, Sao Paolo, Guatemala, Warsaw, est revenue gains in most years. Over the past 20 years, international
Singapore and Buenos Aires. voice traffic has grown at a compounded rate of just over 13 percent

4 EUROPE 2016 GCCM - London

Interview - BTS

annually. Growth was especially rapid during the late 1990s and early holds the prospect of a longer-term decline. Consequently, a growing
2000s due to deregulation and competition bringing telecommunications number of retail service providers, including many incumbents, will
services to billions of people in developing countries where previously choose to get out of the business of transporting and terminating
had limited access. Traffic growth peaked at 25% in 2000 while 12 years international voice traffic.
later total international voice traffic grew by 8% in 2012. The Telecoms industry is in the midst of a major transformation. Big
However, even greater challenges lie ahead: traffic growth is slowing, data, IPX, HD Voice, Cloud and M2M are just some of the exciting new
just as telcos must come to grips with competition from software based revenue opportunities opening up to the industry. In order to survive,
computer and smartphone applications, such as Skype and Google telcos need to latch on to one of the many emerging technology cycles
Voice, and make difficult decisions about investment in new previously mentioned but we also need to change our business
infraestructure. models by moving towards software services, restructur-
Mobiles have provided a key engine of growth for the ing our businesses such that our new products are not
international long distance market. In 2012, mobiles extremely regulated and by consolidating to eliminate
accounted for 84% of global phone lines. excess competition.
Not surprisingly, sharply declining wholesale rates The market has moved on, and the focus now is on
to high volume destinations in South Asia, and the engaging partners to deliver excellent experiences
rapid reduction in mobile interconnection rates, to end users. Do-it-alone strategies are not sustain-
have affected wholesale carrier revenues. While able, thus collaborative partnerships are on the rise.
wholesale traffic has grown nearly 50 percent since Partners now want access to our capabilities in a
2008, revenues have remained stubbornly flat, and variety of ways, we are experience a more open context.
declined modestly in 2012, to $13.4 billion. As prices have Its the end of the world for old business models. 75% of
declined relentlessly, a handful of carriers like bigest one, voice traffic now is VoIP. As margins are continuously being
Tata Communications, have pursued a strategy of volume growth, squeezed and increased volumes can only make up the gap for so
expanding their wholesale operations and acquiring or combining long as we have to reinvent ourselves. We need to partner more than
their operations with those of other carriers to increase the scale of ever, in relations where both parties benefit. Its all about how to work
their business. But not all carriers are pursuing volume growth. Ve- out equitable revenue sharing deals offering the best quality networks.
rizon, which was long the worlds largest voice carrier, has taken the
opposite approach, deliberately allowing volumes and gross revenues New Developments for 2016 and Beyond
to decline in pursuit of higher margins. Now we are focused on efficiencies, reaching out with new destinations
Its worthy to note how BTS is breaking the barriers in this market full and harmoniously co-exist with the OTTs to find a mutually satisfactory
of turbulence and Business model. For me Its clear that 2016 will be the year of greater
uncertainty with collaboration and a shift in mindset. Its not a debate anymore about
challenges and OTTs paying carriers, but more about sharing the revenue cake. We
difficult decisions need to reach win-win partnerships, creating a opportunity for the
bringing eficiency OTT to get more customers and for the service provider to create value
to a global market for the final users. In the long run, carriers may need to develop their
place. own OTT apps, even when they are successful deals in place with
third party OTTs.
The sector has to
assume that the With the deployment of 4G and upgrades of 3G networks, next genera-
era of double-digit tion mobile IP communications services such as HD Voice are gaining
traffic growth is over by the fact that OTT services such as internet value in the market. BTS is offering HD Voice on its global IPX platform.
TV, mobile payments and cloud services are siphoning off at least a BTS has successfully tested HD voice interoperability with British
share of international voice traffic. Hundreds of millions of people Telecom, BICs, Tata Communications and more.. in the process to
now use over-the-top (OTT) voice, video, and text communications expand testing with other Tier 1 operators.
on their computers and mobile devices for a growing share of their BTS understands the importance of IPX in enabling wholesale play-
calls. Skypes on-net international traffic grew 36 percent in 2013. ers to move up the value chain. IPX will allow mobile operators to
Skype added approximately 54 billion minutes of international traffic offer faster speeds, higher capacity bandwidth and introduced new
in 2013, 50 percent more than the combined volume growth of every services and apps. For this reason, BTS is providing high quality to
carrier in the world, combined. Given these immense traffic volumes, all our customers worldwide currently connected via IPX with BT
its difficult not to conclude that at least some of Skypes growth is and BICs and is in the process of establishing an IPX interconnection
coming at the expense of traditional carriers like us. with other Global Players.

The Skype Effect shows everybody in the telecoms sector that con-
solidation is inevitable. The international voice market is crowded,
offers narrow margins, presents no easy growth opportunities, and

5 EUROPE 2016 GCCM - London

Industry News

TDC Group reveals new

strategy; embarks on strategic
review of Swedish unit February 12, 2016

T DC Group has revealed a new three-

year strategy (2016-2018), which will
focus on improved connectivity, better
offerings and enhanced customer experience.
In its domestic market, the group will unify
Danish households by 2018, 100Mbps to
70% of households and 10Mbps to virtually
any address in Denmark.
In its international markets, TDCs newly
acquired Norwegian brand Get will
its premium consumer household offerings introduce its own 1Gbps services in the
by merging the TDC brand into YouSee, as country and will expand its HFC footprint
of 1 July 2016. The initiative will involve the into new local markets. Further, Get is
full integration of the two brands, including aiming to launch an MVNO service Get
combining IT platforms and backhaul; merging Mobile in 2016, which will also lead to
channels, go-to-market-strategy and branding; the introduction of the companys first Source: https://www.telegeography.com/products/commsupdate/
and offering an integrated portfolio of services. triple-play offer. In regards to Sweden, TDC articles/2016/01/27/tdc-group-reveals-new-strategy-embarks-on-
The adoption of one unified household brand pointed out that it is currently conducting a
will simplify the operating model, optimise strategic review of its local operation, which
investment and marketing spend and reduce may or may not lead to the disposal of TDC
complexity and duplication, TDC said. In Sverige. TDC concluded a strategic review of
addition, the group is also aiming to accelerate its TDC Hosting division (started in April 2015),
the upgrade of its HFC network, with plans to with the group opting to retain ownership of
provide download speeds of 1Gbps to half of the the business provider, going forward.

Smartfren 4G LTE rollout

reaches 85 cities February 13, 2016

I ndonesian CDMA operator-turned-LTE

provider Telekom PT SmartFren (Smart-
fren) has successfully deployed its LTE
network in 85 cities across the country as it
ramps up efforts to take a bigger share of the
Networks and ZTE, with the former develop-
ing base transceiver stations (BTS) in Greater
Jakarta, West Java and Sumatra, and the latter
handling Smartfrens infrastructure rollout
across Central Java, East Java, Bali, Lombok,
and fast internet access.
TeleGeography notes that Smartfren booked a
net loss of IDR1.341 trillion in the nine months
ended 30 September 2015 on the back of an
IDR942.657 billion loss in the corresponding
fledgling 4G market there. Earlier this month, Kalimantan and Sulawesi. year-earlier period. The operator said that its
TeleGeographys CommsUpdate reported that Smartfren currently has around 13 million mo- inability to continue 2014s double-digit revenue
as part of its 2016 strategy bile subscribers on its books growth had weighed heavily on its bottom
plan, Smartfren is target- (CDMA and LTE), of which line. The publicly listed telco booked turnover
ing signing five million LTE one million are reportedly of IDR2.274 trillion in the January-September
subscribers by the end of this on the new 4G network, 2015 period, up 3.8% when compared to the
year and expanding its service signed up to products such IDR2.191 trillion figure it reported in 9M14. Of
coverage from the 22 covered as its 4G LTE Internet tariff, the total, IDR1.843 trillion was derived from
at end-2015. At the time, company president comprising an Andromax MiFi 4G LTE modem data services, IDR217.618 billion from voice
Merza Fachys confirmed that the carrier had and True Unlimited Internet 4G LTE service call services and IDR107.844 billion from SMS
sufficient financial reserves to meet its rollout priced from IDR25,000 (USD1.81). The operators messaging. Operating costs, however, climbed
targets, adding that it was also working with a 4G network uses a combination of frequency to IDR3.057 trillion in the period under review,
number of smartphone manufacturers such division duplex (FDD) technology in the 850MHz up from IDR2.914 trillion a year ago, and served
as Lenovo to improve 4G penetration across band, and time division duplex (TDD) running to push operating losses higher to IDR783.094
the country. The carrier is working with Nokia at 2300MHz, to allow wider network coverage billion from IDR723.521 billion.
Source: https://www.telegeography.com/products/commsupdate/articles/2016/01/27/smartfren-4g-lte-rollout-reaches-85-cities/index.html

6 EUROPE 2016 GCCM - London

Press Release - Carrier Community

Transforming Business
Giving you a UK presence with one of the
UKs largest voice infrastructure providers

Gammas UK Carrier Infrastructure-as-a-Service (CIaaS) provides global carriers and platform

owners with a compelling and cost-effective white label UK carrier infrastructure without the need
to deploy in the UK.

By partnering with Gamma you can benefit from:

Wide product portfolio - choice of fixed line, IP telephony, mobile and data services
UKs leading provider of SIP Trunking - and one of the UKs largest providers of voice
services and applications
Award winning UK network - consistent winners of Fixed Network Of The Year award
Low cost entry to the UK market - take advantage of the UKs high-volume market without
the need to invest in a national network infrastructure
Best-of-breed network interconnects - providing you with access between the UK and your
international backbone
First-class service - dedicated 24/7 support, porting, accurate billing and access to an easy-
to-use web portal for simple provisioning and management
Flexible and competitive commercials - ensuring your services are competitively priced

Next-generation voice, data and mobile solutions

to help you stand out in the UK business market

0333 014 0000 I marketing@gamma.co.uk I www.gamma.co.uk VOICE DATA MOBILE

7 EUROPE 2016 GCCM - London

Industry News

Cable Compendium: a guide

to the weeks submarine and
terrestrial developments January 22, 2016

R AM Telecom International (RTI) and

Bluesky Pacific Group, a subsidiary
of Madrid-based multinational
communications group Amper, have agreed
to optimise end-to-end connectivity between
trunk line Diverse Route for European and Asian Markets (DREAM) network. Launched
in October 2013, DREAM extends through the territories of Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine,
Slovakia, Austria and Germany, and was created in cooperation with Kazakhtelecom
(KT) and Interoute. The route connects Frankfurt, Germany to the Kazakhstan-China
border, and has a potential capacity of up to 8Tbps. MegaFon opened a 10Gbps channel
the South-East Asia-US (SEA-US) fibre-optic for China Unicom in 2014.
network and Bluesky Pacific Groups Moana
cable network by interconnecting the two Level 3 Communications has increased the capacity on its fibre-optic network in Southern
systems. The 15,000km SEA-US submarine Brazil. The additional 250Gbps of capacity between Porto Alegre and Curitiba enables
cable will link Manado (Indonesia) to Los lower latency and increased redundancy and route diversity for the region. Several
Angeles (US) via Oahu (Hawaii) in Q4 2016. cities will benefit from the upgrade, including Lajeado, Bento Goncalves and Vacaria in
For its part, the Moana Cable which is Rio Grande do Sul, as well as the regions of Lages (Santa Catarina) and Mafra (Parana).
scheduled to be completed in 2018 will Elsewhere, Level 3 and Google have entered into an interconnection agreement and
be developed in two phases: the first stage, free-peering between their global backbone networks. The agreement is based on the
comprising two fibre pairs, will stretch concept of balance bit miles.
8,000km from New Zealand to Hawaii,
serving Samoa and American Samoa and The Asia America Gateway (AAG) consortium has upgraded its trans-Pacific AAG cable
significantly enhancing route diversity for network with Cienas GeoMesh submarine solutions. With Cienas 6500 Packet-Optical
New Zealand, while the second segment Platform powered by WaveLogic coherent optics and Flexible Grid technology AAG
(based on one fibre pair) will link the Cook can seamlessly add capacity and cost-effectively extend the useful lifetime of its
Islands to the Samoa hub. network. The 20,000km AAG link is the sole submarine cable directly connecting south-
east Asia to the US, via Guam and Hawaii. It provides connectivity between Malaysia,
Seabras-1 USA has applied for a licence to Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, Vietnam, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Guam, Hawaii and
land and operate a fibre-optic submarine the US West Coast.
cable connecting Praia Grande (Brazil)
with Avon-by-the-Sea (New Jersey, US) SEACOM is expanding its terrestrial network and upgrading capacity on key submarine
within the US. The company is planning links with Cienas GeoMesh submarine solution and converged Packet-Optical Platform to
to commence commercial services on the deliver new network solutions to service providers. SEACOMs submarine and terrestrial
Seabras-1 route in Q2 2017. Seabras-1 USA networks stretch across 17,000km, connecting Africa to Europe, Asia and the Middle
which will operate the cable system on a East. Elsewhere, Global Cloud Xchange (GCX) has deployed Cienas Packet Networking
non-common-carrier basis by providing bulk solutions to enable high-capacity Ethernet services on its transatlantic route.
capacity to customers on particularised terms Xtera Communications has announced the completion of the marine installation of
and conditions pursuant to individualised an unnamed second repeatered submarine cable system, which was deployed in the
negotiations has observed that a timely Atlantic Ocean in Q4 2015. Xtera also completed testing of all fibre pairs between the
grant of a cable landing licence by the two landing sites by that date. The 1,500km cable system has been built with Xteras
Commission no later than September 2016 Raman-based repeaters, which offer multiple optical transmission benefits, including
of paramount importance. wider spectrum, better noise performance, longer repeater spacing and higher tolerance
to strong increases in span loss, compared with repeaters based on erbium-doped fibre
China Unicom has boosted its access to a amplifiers.
terrestrial Asia-Europe transmission route
by expanding a deal with Russian carrier According to a Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) released last week, the city
MegaFon, EuroComms.com reports. Under of Hermosa Beach in Los Angeles, California could serve as a landing site for up to four
the new agreement, MegaFon will provide submarine cables connecting the US coast to a number of locations, including south-
China Unicom with two new 10Gbps data east Asia, China, Australia and Japan. Under RAM Telecom Internationals (RTI)s
transfer channels via its 8,700km fibre-optic Transpacific Submarine Fibre Optic Cable Systems project, the SEA-US cable (scheduled

8 EUROPE 2016 GCCM - London

Industry News

and upgrading capacity on key submarine technology will extract the maximum capacity from subsea and long haul terrestrial
links with Cienas GeoMesh submarine cable systems carrying super-channels.
solution and converged Packet-Optical
Platform to deliver new network solutions Lastly, US-based Allied Fiber has entered into a 20-year Indefeasible Right of Use (IRU)
to service providers. SEACOMs submarine agreement with full-service telecoms firm Southern Light. Southern Light will leverage
and terrestrial networks stretch across Allied Fibers Southeast Network and will use two fibre strands and establish a presence
17,000km, connecting Africa to Europe, in all five of Allied Fibers colocation facilities in Georgia. Southern Light has the option
Asia and the Middle East. Elsewhere, Global to purchase additional strands on similar terms within a fixed-time period.
Cloud Xchange (GCX) has deployed Cienas
Packet Networking solutions to enable Source: https://www.telegeography.com/products/commsupdate/articles/2016/01/22/cable-compendium-
high-capacity Ethernet ser vices on its a-guide-to-the-weeks-submarine-and-terrestrial-developments/index.html
transatlantic route.

Xtera Communications has announced the

completion of the marine installation of KT, Nokia conduct
eMTC (LTE-M) field
an unnamed second repeatered submarine
cable system, which was deployed in the
Atlantic Ocean in Q4 2015. Xtera also

completed testing of all fibre pairs between
the two landing sites by that date. The
February 10, 2016
1,500km cable system has been built with
Xteras Raman-based repeaters, which offer
multiple optical transmission benefits, South Koreas KT Corp has partnered with Finnish vendor Nokia Networks
including wider spectrum, better noise to conduct what they claim is the industrys first eMTC (enhanced
performance, longer repeater spacing and Machine Type Communications) field trial. With the technology pilot
higher tolerance to strong increases in carried out over KTs LTE infrastructure using Nokias Flexi Multiradio
span loss, compared with repeaters based 10 Base Station, it was noted that eMTC utilised only 1.4MHz of the full
on erbium-doped fibre amplifiers. 20MHz LTE system, leaving the remaining spectrum free for normal
LTE traffic. In a press release, Nokia said the trial marked an important
According to a Draft Environmental Impact milestone for the Internet of Things, allowing for coexistence with
Report (DEIR) released last week, the city of the existing LTE network as well as providing extended coverage.
Hermosa Beach in Los Angeles, California eMTC, which is also referred to as LTE-M, is a feature that will be fully
could serve as a landing site for up to four standardised with 3GPP Release 13, the first evolution step of LTE-
submarine cables connecting the US coast Advanced to LTE-Advanced Pro (a term approved by 3GPP in October
to a number of locations, including south- 2015). eMTC will reportedly provide data rates of up to 1Mbps and up
east Asia, China, Australia and Japan. to four times better coverage, while reducing device complexity by up
Under RAM Telecom Internationals (RTI) to 80%, in comparison with conventional LTE.
s Transpacific Submarine Fibre Optic Cable Commenting on the trial, Chang Seok Seo, Senior Vice President and
Systems project, the SEA-US cable (scheduled Head of Network Strategy Unit at KT, was cited as saying: This trial, a
to be ready for service [RFS] by end-2016) and world-first, offers a solid platform to promote the widespread application
a second fibre-optic network the planned of services powered by IoT technology by addressing limitations that
China-US system are both set to land at are hampering its spread and reach.
the mooted 25th Street site. Two additional
cross-Pacific submarine networks are also Source: https://www.telegeography.com/products/commsupdate/articles/2016/01/28/
projected to land at Hermosa (25th Street kt-nokia-conduct-emtc-lte-m-field-trial/
or Neptune Avenue) between 2017-2020
and 2020-2025. The DEIR is open for public
comments until 17 February.

Infinera and Telstra have successfully

validated Infineras Advanced Coherent
Toolkit (ACT) for super-channels over the
9,125km Telstra Endeavour submarine
cable linking Sydney (Australia) and Oahu
(Hawaii). The vendor claims that the new

9 EUROPE 2016 GCCM - London

The joint-stock company Dial Telecom is a provider of a complex portfolio of voice, data and Internet
services with guaranteed service availability all over the Czech Republic through its own unied
optical network.


2014 Dial Telecom nished the merger with Dial Telecom owns and operates an extensive infra-
MAXPROGRES telco s.r.o., its daughter company structure made of cables with optical bers and the
2013 the acquisition of MAXPROGRES telco s.r.o.; tubes for these optical cables. This backbone infrastruc-
a signicant expansion of the metropolitan ture, including the metropolitan, national and interna-
network in Brno, Hradec Krlov, Ostrava, tional optical network, forms the basis for the operation
Pilsen, Hodonn, Jihlava and Boskovice of higher layers of the network. The technologies us-
2013 the creation of Telemetry Services s.r.o., ing the optical network as a base transmission layer
which provides telemetric and electronic are mostly based on DWDM, CWDM, L2 Ethernet and
communication services MPLS. The network has two independent 10 Gbps con-
2013 the start of 100G transmissions on its own nections to NIX exchanges and two independent con-
DWDM network nections to transit IP providers, also with a capacity of
2012 the acquisition of STAR 21 Networks a.s. 10 Gbps. Dial Telecom is a signicant partner of foreign
2012 Dial Telecom renewed the validity of Internet exchanges (SIX, DECIX, LINX, AMSIX, ECIX).
its certicates: ISO 9001:2009 Quality
Management; ISO 14001:2005 Environmental MONITORING AND CUSTOMER CARE
Management; and ISO 27001:2006 The Dial Telecom network has its central monitoring
Information Security Management center in Prague. The network monitoring, as well as the
2011 the creation of a sister company, Fiber customer support center, is in operation 24 hours a day,
Services a.s., whose work is to provide 7 days a week. The company headquarters are in Prague,
complex technical services on the optical with business representation for Moravia in Brno.
routes all over the Czech Republic
2011 the start of 40G transmissions on its own
DWDM network. Within the backbone
network, the customers can use a capacity of In the eld of Internet provision, Dial Telecom
up to n x 40G has long been one of the best companies
2010 Dial Telecom was given a prestigious award in the eld. The Dial Telecom serverhousing
by the Economic Chamber of the Czech center is cited as the absolute top by
Republic as the winner of the In spite of the renowned experts. We are a member of
crisis project in the elds of Transportation a strong international telecommunication
and Telecommunications group the Dial Telecom Group, which also
2010 the acquisition of the wholesale division of includes the Voln brand.
telecommunication services from Master
Internet s.r.o.
2009 Dial Telecom became an ofcially qualied
supplier pursuant to the law of government
2008 the acquisition of 100% of the stock of
Telekom Austria, Czech Republic, which
provides services under the VOLN brand
and 100% of the shares in eTel Slovakia
2007 Dial Telecom a.s. purchased the national
optical network of net4net a.s. and
became a signicant partner of European
telecommunication operators
2005 Dial Telecom purchased the Prague
metropolitan network from InWay a.s.
2000 the founding of Dial Telecom s.r.o.

Dial Telecom, a.s., Corso Karln, Kikova 36a/237, 186 00 Prague 8, Czech Republic,
tel.: +420 226 204 111, fax: +420 226 204 197, e-mail: info@dialtelecom.cz, sales@dialtelecom.cz
Press Release - Carrier Community

PROFI INTERNET symmetric connection to the CLOUD the latest solution for operating
Internet using an optical, metallic or radio network company servers in the cloud placed in
a secured data center with maximum availability
DATA SERVICES SECURITY professional Internet communication
MPLS L3VPN a service enabling secured security using the latest technologies with the
branch-to-branch communication via a dedicated option of exibly adjusting the conguration
data network of Dial Telecom HOUSING the servers are placed in the air-
DATA CIRCUIT a service enabling the conditioned Dial Telecom data center
connection of 2 points using dedicated data TELEMETRY CONNECT this service enables
capacity safe two-way data transmission via the mobile
LAMBDA the leasing of wavelength using networks. I tis available throughout almost 100%
optical ber, the service is used for high-capacity of the Czech Republic
transmissions of 1100 Gbps
VOICE SERVICES OPTICAL FIBER lease of optical bers in the
VOIP a complex voice service based on VOIP metropolitan network in Prague and on the
technology using the SIP protocol, with the national backbone optical network
possibility of activating a virtual branch exchange HDPE PIPE lease of HDPE pipes in Prague and
VIRTUAL EXCHANGE offers functions to fully along gas pipelines in the Czech Republic
cover your company communication needs
without having to buy a standard exchange
800 LINE the activation of a toll free number for
provision of services for end customers
900 LINE a service of premium calls with an
increased charge rate, from which the provider
obtains commissions. The service can be used in
both the Czech Republic and Slovakia
TELECONFERENCE a simple service for holding
teleconferences with many participants all over the
FAXSERVER the service enables receiving
and sending fax messages via the Internet. The
incoming fax messages are sent as an attachment
in an email message.
PREMIUM SMS the service enables paying for
services and goods via mobile telephone
VIDEOCONFERENCE a modern means of
multimedia communication, enabling parallel
transmission of voice, image and data between
two or more participants

Dial Telecom, a.s., Corso Karln, Kikova 36a/237, 186 00 Prague 8, Czech Republic,
tel.: +420 226 204 111, fax: +420 226 2016
204 197, GCCMinfo@dialtelecom.cz,
e-mail: - London sales@dialtelecom.cz
Industry News

Beeline adds MegaFon LTE

network sharing deal to
its arrangements with MTS February 09, 2016

R ussian cellular rivals Beeline (part of

the VimpelCom group) and MegaFon
have formed a partnership to jointly
construct, operate and share 4G LTE radio access
network (RAN) infrastructure across ten regions
project with VimpelCom will allow us to enhance
harmoniously our infrastructure in the 1800MHz
band in the most efficient way. With this project,
we are going not only to improve the existing
network significantly, but also to rapidly launch
Sevastopol which are served by recently-formed
small regional Russian companies.
Source: https://www.telegeography.com/products/
of Russia. Expenditure on the development and LTE in new locations in the selected regions at arrangements-with-mts/
use of the base stations will be shared equally a minimum cost.
by the operators, thus accelerating LTE coverage A Beeline spokesperson added: With the start of
penetration at lower costs, according to MegaFons this project with MegaFon, we have the widest
press release. The joint 4G agreement aims to 4G LTE network sharing partnership programme
launch more than 1,300 additional LTE-enabled of any Russian mobile operator. TeleGeography
base stations in the Smolensk, Belgorod, Voronezh, notes that in two deals in December 2014 and
Lipetsk, Bryansk and Arkhangelsk regions, the December 2015 Beeline and Mobile TeleSystems
Republic of Karelia, and other regions, after the (MTS) agreed to jointly construct/operate LTE
second quarter of this year. network infrastructure across a total of 56
A quote from MegaFon reads: After the acquisition Russian regions. Russias mainstream mobile
of Scartel, MegaFon owns the widest range of network providers operate 2G/3G/4G services in
frequencies in the 2600MHz band in Russia, 83 regions of the vast federal territory, excluding
and the implementation of a joint RAN-sharing the former Ukrainian areas of Crimea and

China Unicom, China Telecom

partner to boost network
performance, lower costs February 11, 2016

Operators seek to heap pressure In a statement, China Unicom and China Telecom The partnership comes as China Unicom and
on China Mobile by sharing said they will also promote structural reform China Telecom seek to compete more aggressively
infrastructure and cooperating on on the supply side, specifically handsets and with market leader China Mobile.
equipment, handset procurement. network equipment, in order to lower costs
while improving operating efficiency. In November, China Telecom added just over 1
China Unicom on Wednesday established a million customers, giving it 196.6 million by the
broad partnership with rival China Telecom By improving supply-side quality, the telcos end of the month. China Unicom lost 346,000
aimed at improving network performance and hope to provide better networks and services customers during the same period, leaving it
lowering costs. to their customers. with 286.9 million in total.

The two operators have pledged to work In addition, China Unicom and China Telecom By comparison, China Mobile had 825.2 million
together to accelerate shared infrastructure have agreed to improve interconnection between mobile customers at the end of November, having
deployment in a bid to improve mobile coverage their respective networks to enhance the customer added 1.2 million during the month.
and performance more rapidly. They will also experience, and will also work together with
work together to restore one anothers services foreign operators in order to improve the quality Source: http://www.totaltele.com/view.
should they suffer outages caused by natural of international roaming services. aspx?ID=492345
disasters and major emergencies.

12 EUROPE 2016 GCCM - London

Press Release - e-shelter

Carrier Community | February 14th, 2016

Good Reasons: Flexible,

Secure and Connected
e-shelter is a carrier-neutral supplier of data center services. As the tenant, you decide on
your carrier or peering partner. The great choice of connectivity providers in our data centers
enables you to compare offers and reduce your costs while increasing performance. You also
benefit from a community of potential partners and customers who are housed in the same
data center. Our data centers all have two Carrier-Meet-Me-Rooms to guarantee redundancy
at all times. The rooms are subject to strict regulations for access and cable management to
ensure maximum security.

e-connect helps our customers to stay connected at any time and any place

Access to 350+ Carriers number of carriers

is steadily growing (Frankfurt Campus)

Connectivity About us
Highest capacity and connectivity at all e-shelter locations e-shelter designs, builds and operates high-availability data
Direct access to global cloud and application providers on e-shelter Campus centers, whose infrastructure guarantees the highest standards
Direct Peering via BCIX, DE-CIX, SWIX, VIX of physical security and operational reliability. e-shelter operates
Via e-connect access to further internet exchange points and cloud services approximately 90,000 sqm of data center space, on seven sites.
Datacenter Connect: high-performance connection between the e-shelter locations 60,000 sqm space alone are located at e-shelters main site in
Internet Connect: Internet connection (optionally redundant) over global Tier Frankfurt, Germany, making it Europes largest single data center
I providers with dedicated bandwidth with 100M/1G/10 G Port site. Additional sites are located in Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg,
Cross Connect: connection points on the e-shelter campus Munich as well as in Zurich and Vienna. Among e-shelters
Services for Convenience clients are financial services companies, telecoms operators
Redundant Carrier-Meet-Me-Rooms (CMMR) and IT service providers as well as cloud service providers. As
Redundant and intersection free cabling from Campus entry a part of NTT Communications Corporation e-shelter provides
points to CMMR, between the CMMRs and customer colocation access to a network of 140 data centers around the world.
CMMRs with adjacent colocation space
Meet-Me Connects (single-mode) delivered within 24h For further information about e-shelter,
VLANs delivered within 24h visit http://www.e-shelter.com
Maintenance support staff 24/7 on site

14 EUROPE 2016 GCCM - London

Industry News

Cubic Telecom and iBasis

Connect to Enable Next Gen
Roaming for Connected Cars in
Europe and Future IoT Services February 12, 2016

WIRE)--iBasis, a KPN company, and
Cubic Telecom, a global connectivity
platform provider, have implemented an LTE
Roaming solution that uses iBasis global
said James Denis, Network Director of Cubic
Telecom. iBasis understood our unique needs
and deployed a robust, customized solution
very quickly, including a sophisticated
analytics tool that helps us ensure high
About iBasis
A wholly-owned KPN company, iBasis is
LTE footprint, hosted Diameter Signaling quality of service to end-users. a leading international voice carrier and
service and custom development to enable a provider of data services and solutions
Cubics intelligent Multi-IMSI solution for Cubic is empowering an exciting new for mobile operators. The company offers a
connected cars and other future IoT/M2M generation of digital services for connected comprehensive portfolio of voice termination
applications. cars and other IoT and M2M applications, ser vices and data ser vices, including
said iBasis CEO Feddo Hazewindus. We messaging, signaling and roaming, for
Cubic sought a partner with global LTE are very pleased to partner with them to many of the worlds largest fixed and
roaming coverage that could deliver a solution deliver their vision seamlessly and globally. mobile operators, as well as over-the-
supporting their embedded connectivity top and voice-over-broadband ser vice
platform in a ver y About Cubic Telecom providers. iBasis customers include KPN
short time. iBasis Cubic Telecom is a global and its mobile operators and more than
met the challenge connectivity platform 1,000 other providers around the world. The
with a cost-effective company that offers flexible company can be reached at its worldwide
and operationally mobility solutions that headquarters in Burlington, Mass., USA
efficient solution power connectivity for at +1 781-505-7500 or at w w w.ibasis.com.
that utilizes hosted leading Internet of things
Diameter Routing (IoT), machine-to-machine iBasis and KPN are registered marks. All
Agents (DRA) to enable (M2M) and mobile device other trademarks are the property of their
Cubic Telecom to offer companies across the respective owners.
seamless 4G/LTE connectivity throughout globe. The company enables users to offer
Source: http://www.businesswire.com/portal/
Europe. not just products, but post-sale services
building a lasting and ongoing relationship
Cubic Telecom, which recently announced a with end-users. Providing connectivity
partnership with Audi to deliver high-speed in over 100 countries; the most robust
connectivity for Audi connect infotainment network, device and retail partnerships
services to drivers across Europe, is at the worldwide; and flexible over-the-air (OTA)
heart of a new digital solutions ecosystem. device management; Cubic Telecom enables
According to Machina Research, the total global scalability with local connectivity
number of M2M connections will grow anytime, anywhere. Based in Dublin
from 5 billion in 2014 to 27 billion Ireland, Cubic Telecoms partners
in 2024. Cellular connections will and customers include some of the
grow from 256 million at the end of worlds leading Fortune 100 tablet
2014 to 2.2 billion by 2024, the majority of and notebook manufacturers, retailers,
which will be LTE, and over 50% will be in and M2M and automotive companies. The
the Connected Car sector. company launched its connected platform
It was critical for us to find a responsive in 2012 and is privately held with over $37.1
and innovative partner who can help us million in funding by Audi, Qualcomm and
deliver this new generation of connectivity Sierra Wireless, among others. For more
and digital services efficiently and reliably, information, visit www.cubictelecom.com.

16 EUROPE 2016 GCCM - London

Press Release - Carrier Community

17 EUROPE 2016 GCCM - London

Press Release - Nexmo

Carrier Community | February 15th, 2016

Nexmo Agreement with

SAP Extends Social Chat
Capabilities to SAP Cloud
for Customer
S HANGHAI, Dec. 14, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Nexmo, a
leader in global cloud communications platforms,
today announced that it has signed a partnership
agreement with SAP SE that allows it to integrate Nexmo
Chat App API with the SAP Cloud for Customer solu-
tion. By using Nexmo Chat App API, customer service Streamline Quality Scale Globally Act on Data
agents will now be able to engage customers on chat Direct-to-carrier network and Our global network, backed Real-time analytics and
apps like WeChat and Viber through SAP Cloud for Adaptive Routing technol- by local country connec- tools give you the informa-
Customer, and service customers in real time without ogy deliver low latency and tors, ensures reach to any tion you need to measure
having to leave the SAP solution. consistent performance for phone while keeping your the effectiveness of your
any message or voice call. business compliant. communication and return
We are excited to partner with SAP to connect customer on investment.
service agents to their customers on WeChat and other
chat apps, said Chris Moore, chief revenue officer at
Nexmo. SAP is a global leader in customer engagement
and commerce, and we are thrilled to extend SAPs
customer engagement channels to include social chat.
About Nexmo
The partnership is the latest for Nexmos Chat App API,
which connects brands and CRM platforms to custom- Nexmo is a global cloud communications platform
ers via their preferred chat apps. In October, Nexmo leader providing innovative communication APIs and
connected KLM Airlines to its customers on WeChat SDKs for voice, text, messaging and phone verification
via KLMs CRM platform. Nexmo also announced a services. Nexmo enables applications and enterprises
partnership with Marketo and Bright Pattern. to communicate with their customers reliably and with
ease, no matter where in the world they are located.
Chat apps like WeChat, KakaoTalk and Viber are crucial High-volume communication companies such as Alibaba,
in reaching consumers, having amassed over 1 billion WeChat and Viber send millions of messages per month
monthly active users worldwide. WeChat, the domi- using Nexmo APIs. Nexmo was recognized by analyst
nant chat app in China, recently exceeded 650 million firm Gartner as a 2014 Cool Vendor in Communication
monthly active users. Users are spending the majority Services, has been recognized by Roaming Consulting
of their time within the chat apps, using them to access Company as a Tier 1 A2P SMS Messaging Vendor in 2015
diverse services like e-commerce, taxis and customer and was selected as an Aragon Research Hot Vendor in
service. With this integration, customer service agents Real-Time Communication and Collaboration Platform
using SAP Cloud for Customer can service customers as a Service in 2015. http://www.nexmo.com
on the platforms where they are spending the major-
ity of their time. SAP and other SAP products and services mentioned
herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks
or registered trademarks of SAP SE (or an SAP affiliate
company) in Germany and other countries. See http://
for additional trademark information and notices.

18 EUROPE 2016 GCCM - London

Press Release - Carrier Community

19 EUROPE 2016 GCCM - London

Press Release - Carrier Community

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Industry News

Nokia talks up product TeliaSonera

portfolio on first day of to take 775m
combined operations with haircut in Q4
Alcatel-Lucent January 28, 2016
February 08, 2016

Swedish incumbent writes down value

of Uzbek, Danish operations.

Finnish vendor reopens public exchange offer for

outstanding Alcatel-Lucent shares.
R ussian cellular rivals Beeline (part of
the VimpelCom group) and MegaFon

have formed a partnership to jointly
okia on Thursday marked the first day of combined operations with construct, operate and share 4G LTE radio access
Alcatel-Lucent by talking up the strength and breadth of its product network (RAN) infrastructure across ten regions
portfolio. of Russia. Expenditure on the development and
use of the base stations will be shared equally
The Finland-based vendor, which officially took control of its Franco-U.S. rival by the operators, thus accelerating LTE coverage
on 4 January, now has five divisions that between them cover fixed, mobile, penetration at lower costs, according to MegaFons
optical/IP networking, analytics and applications, and patents. press release. The joint 4G agreement aims to
launch more than 1,300 additional LTE-enabled
Combining with Alcatel-Lucent comes at just the right time: we can align base stations in the Smolensk, Belgorod, Voronezh,
our product and technology roadmaps for the next generation of network Lipetsk, Bryansk and Arkhangelsk regions, the
technology at the outset, allowing us to take full advantage of the coming Republic of Karelia, and other regions, after the
opportunities and better serve customers including communication service second quarter of this year.
providers, governments, Internet players and large enterprises, said Nokia
CEO Rajeev Suri, in a statement. A quote from MegaFon reads: After the acquisition
of Scartel, MegaFon owns the widest range of
Nokia also talked up its R&D credentials, noting that 40,000 of its now frequencies in the 2600MHz band in Russia,
104,000-strong workforce are engaged in R&D. Combined pro forma R&D spend and the implementation of a joint RAN-sharing
in 2014 was 4.2 billion, Nokia said, adding that the companies together boast project with VimpelCom will allow us to enhance
31,000 patent families. harmoniously our infrastructure in the 1800MHz
On a financial basis, the combined company would have generated pro forma band in the most efficient way. With this project,
revenues of 24.7 billion in 2014, and an operating profit of 2.3 billion. we are going not only to improve the existing
Nokia also gave a potted history that included the buyout of former partner network significantly, but also to rapidly launch
Siemens, the sales of its handset and Here mapping businesses, and the purchase LTE in new locations in the selected regions at
of Alcatel-Lucent. a minimum cost.

Incidentally, the timeline starts with the Siemens buyout in 2013, not with A Beeline spokesperson added: With the start of
Nokias decision taken less than five years ago to restructure, selling its this project with MegaFon, we have the widest
optical networking, fixed broadband access, and microwave transport divisions 4G LTE network sharing partnership programme
in order to narrow its focus to mobile broadband. of any Russian mobile operator. TeleGeography
notes that in two deals in December 2014 and
Meanwhile, Nokia also on Thursday reopened the public exchange offer, giving December 2015 Beeline and Mobile TeleSystems
remaining Alcatel-Lucent shareholders an opportunity to swap their shares for (MTS) agreed to jointly construct/operate LTE
those in the combined company. network infrastructure across a total of 56
The offer will close on 3 February, after which Alcatel-Lucent will be delisted. Russian regions. Russias mainstream mobile
Nokia also reiterated its plan to embark on a 7 billion programme to optimise network providers operate 2G/3G/4G services in
its capital structure and return as much as 4 billion to shareholders. 83 regions of the vast federal territory, excluding
the former Ukrainian areas of Crimea and
With the [Alcatel-Lucent] deal closed and the integration of the two companies Sevastopol which are served by recently-formed
moving forward from today, we firmly believe that it is in the best interests of small regional Russian companies.
any remaining Alcatel-Lucent securities holders to tender their shares, Suri said.
Source: http://www.totaltele.com/view.aspx?ID=492353
Source: http://www.totaltele.com/view.aspx?ID=492366

22 EUROPE 2016 GCCM - London

Interview - Expereo

Carrier Community | February 14th, 2016

Q&A with Irwin Fouwels, in from pricing and availability to delivery status, service assurance
and ticketing, to billing data.
Chief Commercial Officer
at Expereo International, Q: Expereo is access technology agnostic, but what is your opinion
on wireless service, often an overlooked access medium.

about why Internet is key A: The recent hype is Cloud, but The Internet of Things (IoT) and M2M
(Machine to Machine) are equally as real today. Whereas IoT and
to optimize your hybrid M2M is largely part of the mobile operator terminology, it is equally
relevant to corporate and government internet access WAN strategies.
network. To illustrate, we are in conversation with an SI partner looking to
wire-up retail outlets connecting to a big-data mining
Q: Good to have Expereo back at GCCM London; can facility, pushing trending promotional messaging to
please let us know, what does Expereo do? in-store displays. It does compliment the mobile space;
A: In summary, Expereo provides managed, enterprise a next iteration would entail real time screening and
grade internet access services globally, enabling cloud ordering via the consumers mobile device We are
access, web- and hybrid VPN solutions. We fully manage now also pursuing more in depth partnerships with
procurement, delivery, service assurance, compliance the mobile operating community.
and billing of internet access solutions in over a 180
countries. Essentially, managing internet access as if Q: You mentioned reduced operating cost, how do
it were a private network including SLAs, standardized you achieve this?
design / interface, with a global footprint, over any ac- A: To both our partners and customers, the procurement
cess technology available. cost of a multitude of relatively low unit-cost access cir-
cuits are astounding; multiple sources, multiple rounds
Q: What is on the cards for Expereo this year? of price reviews, the haggling over a few percentage
A: Speed, accuracy and service details in access quoting. points price reduction, and then to find out the service
Expereo has the ability to provide a technically validated solution at as quoted and ordered cant actually be delivered on the customer site.
firm pricing within 5 days in over 90% of service requests this across Delivery intervals are not met, book-to-bill is affected and worst case,
all technologies from all our partners worldwide. Whereas this, lets penalties have to be paid. Expereo takes away the burden in the pro-
say, not bad we have raised the bar and our looking to provide a curement and management process and validates service availability
technically feasible and confirmed available solution at firm pric- and pricing. Through our new platform, we do this across an even more
ing virtually real-time. We are investing in the development of API extensive and in-depth provider base, faster, accurate, and reliable.
capabilities of our ExpereoOne portal as well as an extensive set of
geo-coding solutions, working with our global partner base to achieve
real time pricing and service availability data.

Q: Do you foresee future functionality beyond service pricing and

A: Certainly, with internet access now taking central stage in the Hybrid Q: What about equipment and Professional Services?
VPN and Cloud space, speed and accuracy in pricing and availability A: The game is changing; Expereo has a unique capability of deliver-
of a wide array of value add services, both in terms of technology as ing and supporting CPE in-country, anywhere. Delivery intervals are
well as geographical diversity, becomes paramount in the design and often impaired by equipment getting stuck, in customs or otherwise.
procurement of more and more mission critical solutions. The adoption In-house cabling and power are still any telcos nightmare when
of cloud is now fuelling further growth opportunities as many private pressured to meet delivery timeframes. When operating in diverse
carrier MPLS circuits are being substituted with public internet access geographies like we do, SDN, NaaS, Virtualization are not going to
services. This plays into our hand as we provide the specific expertise solve the basic challenges on the last mile and on-site. Even though
and technical routing capabilities to accelerate cloud access over the the notion of CPE will change, routing and switching functions are
(public) internet and do it securely. Security is also high on the agenda virtualized and will still require an on-site device, installed on-time
as firewalls are virtualized and deployed in the core cloud architecture, and stringent performance SLAs. This is where we see a great marriage
eliminating the need for costly on premise deployment of firewall between our play in the automation of global access management and
solutions. This allows for local enterprise location internet connectivity our global on-site capabilities.
whilst retaining security under central and standardized governance.
This is where Expereo comes in and our ExpereoOne platform makes
its mark, extending our e-bonding within the eco-system we operate

24 EUROPE 2016 GCCM - London

Press Release - Carrier Community

Breaking Barriers
Building Bridges
Maana Innovations As a Group company Strives to provide Lifestyle
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+91-8377837289 +91-9818431153 +91-9122626262
Sales@mananainnovations.com Sales@mananamobile.com Sales@mananamobile.com
25 EUROPE 2016 GCCM - London
India | Singapore | Hong Kong | Gibraltar
Industry News

123Net expands high-speed TTCL to raise

fixed wireless access in USD330m in
Detroit with CBNL February 12, 2016 five-year
C ambridge Broadband Networks
(CBNL), the market leader in point-
to-multipoint (PMP) microwave, has
announced that 123Net, one of Michigans
largest telecommunications and internet
Were delighted VectaStar has been selected
by 123Net for such a landmark deployment,
said Mark Ashford, Vice President North
America, CBNL. VectaStar is able to provide
250Mb/s per link, 13.2Gb/s per hub site and
plan January 28, 2016

National PTO Tanzania Telecommunication

service providers, is using CBNLs VectaStar up to 50 percent total cost of ownership Company Ltd (TTCL) aims to raise USD330
solution to offer carrier-grade connectivity savings compared to PTP or fiber. This offers million as part of a five-year restructuring
in Detroit. As a result, Detroit businesses a transformational business case for service project, The East African reports. The decision
can quickly and cost-effectively expand providers to expand fixed wireless access includes plans to list on the Dar es Salaam Stock
their network capacity and reach. and is a highly innovative use of the 28GHz Exchange (DSE), and arrives as the government
LMDS spectrum. The 123Net network marks is finalising its acquisition of Indian-backed
123Net is the first ser vice provider in the exceptionally fast uptake of VectaStar, Bharti Airtels 35% stake in TTCL, which will
Detroit to deploy CBNLs market-leading which is now deployed across nine states. bring the operator back under full state control.
VectaStar licensed PMP technology, We have developed a strong partnership TTCL Managing Director, Dr Kamugisha Kazaura,
which offers their business customers up with 123Net and look forward to supporting commented: We will list on the stock market
to 250Mb/s of carrier-grade bandwidth that them as their network grows. as part of the strategic business plan, which
can be up and running within days for we will start implementing immediately after
many sites. The network utilizes licensed For the 123Net deployment, CBNL is the takeover. We will strategically expand into
28GHz LMDS spectrum that enables 123Net partnering with Alliance Corporation, a the mobile-phone market, focusing on voice
to provide their customers with exclusive leading distributor of CBNL products and and data services in both rural and urban
use of carrier-grade bandwidth and high services across the United States and the areas. It is expected that USD100 million will
service level agreements. Americas. be invested in operations over the first year
of the restructuring plan, while the second
Until now, performance-guaranteed network phase will see approximately USD200 million
capacity has only been possible via fiber or of capital injected via a commercial loan, which
licensed point-to-point (PTP) connections, will be utilised to expand TTCL services across
which are both costly and time-consuming the country.
to deploy. Unlike PTP, that requires two As noted in TeleGeographys GlobalComms
radios for each link, PMP reduces equipment Database, under the rules laid down in 2010,
requirements and saves deployment time by domestic telcos were required to offer shares to the
connecting multiple end points to a single public and list with the DSE within three years
hub radio. By utilizing licensed PMP as a of the regulations enactment. It was October
last mile solution, 123Net is able to upgrade 2014 before there was any traction regarding the
and deploy new high-speed access twice as legislation, when Minister for Communication,
fast as traditional technologies. Science and Technology, January Makamba,
revealed plans to start listing all telecoms
123Net serves over 7,000 businesses with operators on the stock exchange in early 2015
communication services and during the in order to allow citizens a stake in what had
past year we have seen insatiable demand become one of Tanzanias fastest growing
for higher bandwidth and performance- industries. As yet, listing has still not begun.
guaranteed services, said Jim Hart, Director
of Wireless Operations, 123Net. We are Source: https://www.telegeography.com/products/
committed to leading the industr y by commsupdate/articles/2016/01/28/ttcl-to-raise-
adopting the most advanced technologies usd330m-in-five-year-restructuring-plan/index.html
in meeting this demand and bringing
outstanding value to our customers.

Source: http://www.totaltele.com/view.

26 EUROPE 2016 GCCM - London


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Industry News

Cape Town taps ADVA for 400G metro

network trial January 22, 2016

A DVA Optical Networking and the

City of Cape Town announced
today that they have successfully
transmitted data rates of up to 400Gbit/s
across Cape Towns metro transport network.
covers the whole metropolitan area. The meshed network is built
on the ADVA FSP 3000, a modular optical networking platform
designed for scalability and bandwidth optimization. To achieve the
phenomenally high channel capacity, the demonstrators created
a two-wavelength super-channel. Data rates were then switched
The trial combined existing ADVA FSP 3000 between 200, 300 and 400Gbit/s to show how capacity can be
infrastructure and the latest CloudConnect automatically adjusted according to the networks shifting traffic
400Gbit/s technology to connect the and transmission quality requirements. Successfully transmitting
townships of Nyanga and Mitchells Plain. a 300Gbit/s channel at just DP-8QAM is a significant milestone.
It was one of the first demonstrations to This modulation format can handle lower signal-to-noise ratios
transmit traffic at data rates of 200, 300 and for increased reliability, yet optimized fiber utilization.
400Gbit/s over a deployed metro network.
Using existing WDM equipment to achieve Using existing optical infrastructure to transmit up to 400Gbit/s
such high capacity underlines how the highlights the scalability of our FSP 3000 and shows our customers
ADVA FSP 3000 scales to accommodate growing how much potential lies in their deployed networks, commented
bandwidth demand. The trial is also notable Gnter Landers, sales director Africa, ADVA Optical Networking.
for being one of the first field demonstrations This trial demonstrates that backbone networks can be made to
of DP-8QAM to achieve interim capacity of work even more efficiently so that future bandwidth demand can
300Gbit/s. The showcase underlines the City be met without the need for significant investment. The City of
of Cape Towns commitment to delivering Cape Town is one of the leading municipalities in the country
high-speed connectivity throughout the when it comes to providing its residents with state-of-the-art
metropolitan area and to underser ved connectivity. Its been great to work with them on a demo like
townships. ADVA Optical Networkings this. Weve proved that they already possess the infrastructure
Elite partner XON Systems was integral to do so much more. Their not-for-profit network will soon be able
in facilitating the trial. to give an even bigger boost to local businesses and enhance the
life chances of more people.
What weve showcased here with ADVA Source: http://www.totaltele.com/view.aspx?ID=492482&G=2&C=4&page=1
Optical Networking is a genuine technology
landmark. Now that we know we have the
power to create a 400Gbit/s backbone the

AT&T claims 27m VoLTE

possibilities are immense, said Leon van
Wyk, telecommunications manager, City

subs; network available

of Cape Town. Ultra-fast connectivity will
give government departments access to

to 295m people
innovative new solutions. It will also make a
huge difference for businesses and residents January 22, 2016

in this area. Successfully connecting the
townships of Nyanga and Mitchells Plain n a post on AT&Ts Innovation Space blog, Bill Smith,
with a 400Gbit/s transmission shows that president of network operations, has announced
we can bring high-speed broadband to areas that the US telecoms giant has notched up 27
that need it most. We know the power the million voice-over-LTE (VoLTE) subscribers, a figure Source: https://
Internet has to expand horizons, raise he describes as more than any other US carrier. In www.telegeography.
aspirations and enrich lives. Connecting terms of network coverage, Smith notes that the VoLTE com/products/
people and local businesses with each other network is now available to 295 million US citizens, commsupdate/
and with the world will regenerate entire adding: Were rolling out VoLTE market-by-market articles/2016/01/08/
communities. and testing each market before launching. This gives att-claims-27m-
customers the best possible experience. According to volte-subs-network-
The 400Gbit/s trial made use of the City of TeleGeographys GlobalComms Database, AT&T switched available-to-295m-
Cape Towns existing WDM infrastructure, on its VoLTE network in May 2014. people/index.html
which stretches over more than 100km and

28 EUROPE 2016 GCCM - London

Press Release - Carrier Community

NewTelco Ukraine Ltd. NewTelco GmbH NewTelco South Africa Ltd NewTelco Georgia Ltd.
Gaydara Street 50 Mainzer Landstrasse 351 353 Cnr. Alexandra Avenue & 2nd Road, A. Politkovskaja Street 5
01033 Kiev 60326 Frankfurt am Main Midrand, Johannesburg 1685 0186 Tbilisi
Ukraine Germany South Africa Georgia
T: +38 044 201 1422 Tel.: +49 69 750027-0 T: +27 11 266 1500 T: +995 322 425425
F: +38 044 201 1423 Fax: +49 69 750027-27 F: +27 11 266 1752 E: info@newtelco.ge
E: info@newtelco.ua E-mail: info@newtelco.de E: info@newtelco.co.za www.newtelco.ge
www.newtelco.ua www.newtelco.de EUROPE 2016 GCCM - London
Industry News

NewVoiceMedia bulks-up Six happy to partner with Ericsson to support

Pack Shortcuts outbound

our network modernization and expansion

sales February 06, 2016 Rajendra Pangrekar, Head of Ericsson

Bangladesh, says: Through our partnership

with Robi, Ericsson strengthens our technology
ewVoiceMedia, a leading global Salesforce and the power of its technology and service leadership in one of the worlds
provider of cloud technology, which have completely changed the dynamics of our fastest growing markets. We will support
helps businesses sell more, serve sales team and allowed them to hit conversion the delivery of unique experiences for
better and grow faster, today announced metrics that are unheard of in our industry. people, business and society, thus shaping
a new two-year contract with Six Pack I would recommend NewVoiceMedia to any and accelerating our vision of a Networked
Shortcuts, a provider of specialised training company that uses phones in any capacity. Society in Bangladesh.
systems designed to enhance muscle building,
encourage fat loss and improve overall Jonathan Gale, CEO of NewVoiceMedia, Ericsson will roll out network hardware and
fitness. Since deployment of NewVoiceMedias said, We are delighted to be a part of Six software and provide integration services to
ContactWorld for Sales solution a year ago, Pack Shortcuts success and pleased that the deliver the upgrade of Robis existing 2G/GSM
the company has increased conversion rates company is experiencing the full benefit of network and expansion of the 3G/WCDMA
by 42 percent while improving efficiencies ContactWorld. As a fully scalable solution, network. This capacity expansion will help
across the business. which integrates seamlessly with Salesforce, Robi to cater for more customers, enhance data
our technology enables companies like Six speeds and improve app coverage; enabling
ContactWorld for Sales is a cloud customer Pack Shortcuts to maintain a rapid pace on consumers to enjoy improved smartphone
contact solution with seamless Salesforce the sales floor. We are confident that as the experience such as faster web browsing and
integration, well-suited for Six Pack Shortcuts company grows, our solution will continue to downloads.
high volume outbound sales needs. The facilitate valuable connections and improve
technology monitors and delivers data on conversion rates. According to the latest edition of the South
individual performance, so that executives can Source: http://www.totaltele.com/view. East Asia and Oceania regional Ericsson
develop a dynamic picture of the companys aspx?ID=492484&G=5&C=3&Page=0 Mobility Report, Bangladesh is in the top 10
overall pipeline and sales performance. This countries globally for mobile subscription
includes a breakdown of data on number of calls growth; ranking 5th with a net addition of
made, length of conversations, conversions
to meetings and eventual conversions all Dragonwave 4 million mobile subscriptions. The report
shows there will be up to 20% smartphone
tracked using Salesforce dashboards.
doubles subscription penetration by end of 2015
and this will double by 2018. In addition,
After struggling with hard phones and
providers that didnt integrate with Salesforce, microwave data consumption has taken off since the
introduction of 3G/WCDMA in 2013.
Six Pack Shortcuts turned to NewVoiceMedia
for a more capable and intuitive solution. backhaul This network transformation will ensure
Over the past year, NewVoiceMedia provided
the sales insights, high call quality and capacity February 11, 2016
that Robis network can continue to evolve
-making it ready for next level technology

reliable international service and global like 4G/LTE and be able to deliver a new
presence Six Pack Shortcuts needed. Local ricsson signed a three year contract service to customers within a short lead time,
and international connectivity was key as with Robi Axiata Limited to upgrade following the issuing of licenses.
the company continued to grow and expand 2G/GSM sites in the Chittagong and
both in the U.S. and globally. Comilla regions. In addition, Ericsson will Freer adds, Our partnership with Intuitive
deploy substantial number of 3G/WCDMA is a key strategic decision that will allow us
Since its ContactWorld deployment, Six Pack sites in the same regions, enabling Robi to to take full advantage of the growing demand
Shortcuts has seen an increase in connection expand the network to address demand from for dashboard technologies in South Africa.
rates in the U.S. and internationally, increased rapid data growth. As well as generating a brand new revenue
conversion rates and improved efficiencies stream from our existing customer base, we
across the business. Robis Chief Technology Officer AKM Morshed know that the BI Dashboard will entice many
says: Ensuring consistent quality service is new customers to Vox, ensuring we remain
Dan Rose, CEO of Six Pack Shortcuts, said Robis commitment to its valued subscribers. several steps ahead of the competition.
NewVoiceMedias ContactWorld solution As we head for a digital society, we see a
has been an absolute game-changer for the rapid rise in the demand for data services in Source: http://www.totaltele.com/view.
growth of our sales floor. Its integration with the country. In this backdrop, we are very aspx?ID=492468&G=1&C=4&Page=0

30 EUROPE 2016 GCCM - London

Business with
Provide your customers a range of bandwidth and performance options with Verizon Partner Solutions flexible Ethernet
solutions. We offer a suite of award-winning Ethernet solutions to power your customers business now and in the future
over a world-class network. Verizons Ethernet solution can handle any class of data transfer and allow you to build upon
or add bandwidth efficiently at any time, so its easy to incrementally add services as your customers needs grow.

Verizon Partner Solutions serves technology customers including network, hosting, xSP and security companies.

2015 Verizon.
Industry News

Vox Telecom, Intuitive

announce alliance February 07, 2016

S outh African-based Vox Telecom (Vox)

has signed a partnership agreement
with UK-based Intuitive Business
Intelligence (www.intuitivebi.com) in
response to growing customer demand for
Craig Freer, Head of Cloud from Vox Telecom
says, RightFax customers have been asking
us for a solution that provides an instant
snapshot of how their system is operating,
particularly in relation to faxing capacity.
RightFax distributor for South Africa and with
hundreds of RightFax customers, Vox is ideally
positioned to roll-out the BI Dashboard. With
plans to install BI dashboards into its other
solutions, there are exciting opportunities
Opentext RightFax dashboards. Leading It is extremely important that bottlenecks ahead and we look forward to our partnership
telecoms operator, Vox Telecom, is the sole when faxing out important documents, such with Vox going from strength to strength.
RightFax distributor for Sub-Saharan Africa. as international payments, contracts and
purchase orders, are identified and eliminated. Freer adds, Our partnership with Intuitive
Under the terms of the partnership, Vox is Intuitives dashboard solution is the perfect is a key strategic decision that will allow us
now able to provide its Rightfax and Rightfax fit. It provides users with invaluable insights to take full advantage of the growing demand
Cloud customers with simple-to-understand whilst helping us to expand our footprint for dashboard technologies in South Africa.
graphical dashboards that provide powerful within the RightFax customer base. As well as generating a brand new revenue
insights into their network fax server solutions. stream from our existing customer base, we
Powered by Intuitive, the RightFax BI We are delighted to have already won know that the BI Dashboard will entice many
Dashboard provides users with instant access significant BI Dashboard orders from two new customers to Vox, ensuring we remain
to a wide range of analytical functionality major public sector customers, adds Freer. several steps ahead of the competition.
across multiple devices, including Android
smartphones and tablets, delivering a holistic Vox is also investigating how Intuitives
view of fax volumes, capacity, usage trends, BI dashboards can be used with its other
costs and failure rates and reasons. Users can solutions to provide a range of key insights.
even analyse potential problem areas so that Roger Stocker, Sales Director from Intuitive
remedial action can be taken. Business Intelligence, says, As the sole Source: http://www.totaltele.com/view.aspx?ID=492470

400 small businesses trialling

App2Chat mobile office system February 22, 2016

L aunched at The Business Show in

December last month, the Pink Telephone
Companys mobile office system for
small and medium sized enterprises is fast
gaining traction with small businesses in
hardware and software in the office. With
the App2Chat installed on smartphones, SME
office and field personnel have the equivalent
of a fully blown mobile switchboard in the
palm of their hands with all the features of
No capital investment is needed whatsoever,
allowing telecoms budgets to be allocated
elsewhere in the business. The service
does not impact on data usage or incur data
charges. When travelling overseas, App2Chat
Britain. a classic cord-based PBX for use at any time works over that countrys GSM network or
or location. Wi-Fi zones.
Called App2Chat, over 400 SMEs are progressively Since launch, App2Chat has captured the
introducing the mobile office system into App2Chat features include voicemail, auto attention of business owners and office
their daily operations and Pink Telephone attendant, call transfer, call forwarding managers alike and is fast becoming the
expects to have a 2,000 SME business user and call recording and the ability to have must-have mobile office system of choice,
base by October 2016. The firm is also seeking multiple phone numbers sitting on one says Nolan Braterman, Chairman, The Pink
resellers to upsell App2Chat to their SME device to make business or personal calls. A Telephone Company. Quite simply, its a game
customers and expects to sign up 20 by the further stand-out feature is the availability of changer for a smarter, busier, business world.
end of January. landline numbers for more than 65 countries The App2Chat Cut the Cord unified
worldwide. Existing numbers can also be communications app has been developed
In Britain alone, App2Chat could help 5 transferred to App2Chat quickly and the for the Pink Telephone Company by London
million plus SMEs businesses to slash the system is scalable enabling new contacts software house RIPTec.
cost of communications by up to 50% with to be added into the mobile office system
better quality and end the era of high and with a few clicks. Source: http://www.totaltele.com/view.
recurring capital investments in telecoms aspx?ID=492437&G=1&C=1&Page=0

32 EUROPE 2016 GCCM - London

Press Release - Carrier Community

33 EUROPE 2016 GCCM - London

Press Release - Carrier Community

34 EUROPE 2016 GCCM - London

One of the Leading International Voice Carrier with Global Coverage
combined with Local Expertise & best-in-class solutions for both Voice
and Messaging services.
Discover our Portfolio of Voice Products
with Dedicated Account Managers

Rohan Barot
Email - rohan.barot@bankaigroup.com
Phone - +1 818 450 5746
Our Basics are uncOmprOmised . While We serve WITH THE LATEST, IN VOICE & DATA.

Sheng Li Telecom Limited established in 2008 and now completing the successful journey of almost 8
years. During this journey managements vision has helped the 3 employee company to grow into 100+
employee diversified group. After achieving the respectable mark in Global wholesale and retail voice,
now the company has acquired CLASS A ISP license in India to provide services in Broadband, Wireless,
Wifi to Enterprise , Government and home users using own and shared infrastructure.

Sheng Li Telecom Limited offers a complete suite of solutions in VOIP ranging from DID services, to
our reseller platform for Wholesale and retail VOIP termination and Origination and Hosted PBX, among
other services.

Sheng Li Telecom known for its uncompromised quality standards and relationship & we fully
understand that our partners (carriers, calling card operators, call shops and resellers) needs.

Our Basics are uncOmprOmised . While We SERVE THE LATEST IN VOICE & DATA.
Our Basics are uncOmprOmised . While We serve the latest in vOice & data.
Our Basics are uncOmprOmised . While We servewww.shenglitel.com
the latest in vOice & data.
Our Basics are uncOmprOmised . While We serve the latest in vOICE & DATA.
Our Basics are uncOmprOmised . While We serve the latest in vOice & data.
Our Basics are uncOmprOmised . While We serve the latest in vOice & data.
Our Basics are uncOmprOmised . While We serve the latest in vOice & data.
OUR BASICs are uncOmprOmised . While We serve the latest in vOice & data.
Our Basics are uncOmprOmised . While We serve the latest in vOice & data.
Press Release - Carrier Community

37 EUROPE 2016 GCCM - London

Industry News

BT to close EE acquisition
this month after competition
watchdog OK January 22, 2016

CMA passes takeover deal with no the mobile market almost 15 years after
remedies; U.K. incumbent says it will it spun off O2, there has been significant
complete 12.5 billion mobile operator opposition from rival players, many of
buy on 29 January. whom have been vocal about the threat it

poses to the competitive landscape.
he U.K. competition watchdog on
Friday gave the green light to BTs The CMA sided with BT though.
planned acquisition of EE, paving
the way for the U.K. incumbent to complete The 12.5 billion deal brings together the
the deal before the end of the month. U.K.s largest fixed telecoms business with
its largest mobile telecoms business, but
The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is not expected to result in a substantial approximately 3.4 billion (4.5 billion) in
said that after an in-depth investigation it lessening of competition (SLC) in any cash, subject to adjustments.
concluded that the proposed deal would not market or markets in the U.K., including
have a significant impact on competition in relation to the supply of retail mobile, There has naturally been talk of closer
in any U.K. telecoms markets and therefore wholesale mobile, mobile backhaul, wholesale ties between BT and Deutsche Telekom at
cleared it without applying remedies. broadband and retail broadband services, a time when consolidation is rife in the
it said on Friday. European telco industry.
BT welcomed the decision and said it will
begin the formal process of completing The telcos operate mainly in separate areas Last week, there were indications that
the acquisition. It plans to close the deal with limited overlap, the CMA said. the two companies aim to work together
on 29 January, when EE parents Deutsche going forward, including possible strategic
Telekom and Orange will receive their The retail mobile ser vices market in partnerships and media deals that would
stakes in BT, as outlined under the terms the U.K. is competitive, with four main boost BTs TV offering.
of the transaction. mobile providers and a substantial number
of smaller operators, said John Wotton, For now though, EEs parent companies
BT chief executive Gavin Patterson said he chair of the CMAs inquir y. As BT is a have simply said they are happy that the
looks forward to welcoming EE into the BT smaller operator in mobile, it is unlikely deal will go ahead.
family. EE will operate as a distinct line that the merger will have a significant
of business under the BT umbrella and will effect. Similarly, EE is only a minor player We look forward to supporting BT with
be led by EEs current chief commercial in retail broadband, so again it is unlikely relevant expertise to help generate the
officer Marc Allera, who will replace Olaf that the merger will have a significant anticipated value growth of its integrated
Swantee as CEO once the deal closes. effect in this market, he said. business model, said Deutsche Telekom
CEO Tim Hoettges on Friday.
The combined BT and EE will be a digital We have also found that in supplying
champion for the U.K., providing high levels services such as backhaul, wholesale mobile The combination with BT is a very positive
of investment and driving innovation in a or wholesale broadband services a combined step forward for U.K. consumers who are
highly competitive market, Patterson said. BT/EE would not have both the ability and set to benefit from convergent fixed-mobile
the incentive to disadvantage competitors ser vices, said Stephane Richard, his
I have no doubt that consumers, businesses such that there would be significant harm counterpart at Orange. We are very happy
and communities will benefit as we to competition, Wotton added. with todays decision, which provides an
combine the power of fibre broadband with important signal for telecoms operators
the convenience of leading edge mobile Once the deal closes, Deutsche Telekom across Europe that the sector is ready for
services, he added. will take a 12% stake in the telco and will fixed-mobile consolidation.
appoint a representative to its board in
But while BT can clearly see the benefits due course, while Orange will hold 4%. Source: http://www.totaltele.com/
of the deal, which marks its full return to The French telco noted that it will also get view.aspx?ID=492371

38 EUROPE 2016 GCCM - London

Press Release - Carrier Community

SMG Global
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39 www.SMGGlobaltel.com EUROPE 2016 GCCM - London
Company Profiles

Smart Routes
Smart Routes is a subsidiary company of Smart Trades (Wales) Ltd. registered in the United Kingdom Were
one of the fastest growing wholesale carrier within Europe specializing in A-Z Premium CLI termination
through our network of 200+ active interconnection which includes 30+ Tier1 operators across the globe and
SMART ROUTES major European MVNOs. We are also into calling cards, calling card platform, products & solutions, technology
and providing 24/7 NOC support. Our professional Sales force and quality driven team is always eager to get
strategic interconnections on board which helps us in terminating our retail and wholesale volumes or using
us as a strategic supplier to terminate their traffic. We terminated around 1.2 billion minutes in 2015 closing
at a revenue of more than 50 million Euros which is growing at a rapid pace on monthly basis.
Weve recently launched a series of new services that includes Virtual Sim which is a brand new concept for
extending Telco services into OTT/IP space, Mparking End to end parking solution for whole city, SOS Credit/
Service extension, SMSC/SMPP Gateway and many more. Were always on the hunt for strategic business
partners that can add value mutually to the organizations. Creativity and ability to come up with unique,
modern age services, products and solutions has helped us achieve the milestones and were always happy
and open to share our success with our partners.

Verscom Solutions
Verscom Solutions is an established leader and market pioneer in delivering & integrating next generation
voice&data solutions: IP/Packet-Voice transformation, Class 4 NGN,Class 5 NGN, Diameter Routing, access/
interconnect Session Border Control, fraud detection&protection, revenue assurance, International DPI
VERSCOM SOLUTIONS Gateway and Mobile EPC systems vital to communications across Europe, Middle East, Africa and Southwest
Asia. Headquartered in Istanbul with regional offices in London, Dubai and Lahore, Verscom Solutions
geographical presence, focus and cultural fluency bridges Europe and Asia, while uniquely serving emerging
markets across Africa.

Verscom Carrier Voice

Verscom Carrier Voice has been active in the market since 2003, pioneering and deploying IP based voice
termination services across Middle East, Africa and Southwest Asia regions. Verscom Carrier Voice offers its
partners a single source for niche call termination to fixed and mobile networks by leveraging its relationships
VERSCOM CARRIER VOICE with local partners and entities to provide a quality of service that is of the highest standard. Utilizing broad
range of products, destination portfolio, and a best of breed IP infrastructure complemented by a superb
back office team, Verscom Carrier Voice is able to deliver the best voice services with competitive pricing
and quality for both retail and wholesale. Verscom Carrier Voices extensive international reach and local
know-how combined with a supreme network topology delivers inventive and flawless wholesale and retail
termination services to its customers and suppliers around the world.

IPT Networks
IPT Networks was founded in 2009 as a consultancy and managed solutions provider delivering services to
the IT and telecommunications sectors.
Bringing together over 40 years of experience in IT and Telecoms managed services, we are a team of driven
IPT Networks
individuals who are passionate about delivering not only the best technical solutions but also the most cost
effective and business orientated ones available.

Kryptos Global Pvt Ltd

Kryptos Global is an emerging telecom player offering cutting-edge turnkey voice solutions for the telecom
industry and is a part of Multi-million Dollar Kryptos Group. Kryptos Global offers competitive and flexible
Global Voice termination options by leveraging its multi-million dollar network and connecting businesses
Kryptos securely. Our telecom services encompassing wholesale as well as retail voice are both affordable and enjoyable.

40 EUROPE 2016 GCCM - London

Press Release - Carrier Community

42 EUROPE 2016 GCCM - London

Building Bridges
RT X Fast Pay Expedites Settlements
across its Carrier Exchange

ast April, RTX announced the introduction of
RTX Fast Pay, a service feature that bridges
the cash ow gap between carriers buying
and selling voice, SMS and data services. With The definitive
this new facility, RTX is able to provide suppliers with and most secure
faster access to funds thereby improving their cash
ow and competitiveness in the marketplace. GLOBAL CARRIER
With the introduction of Fast Pay, RTX became the rst EXCHANGE
carrier exchange to offer expedited payment terms across
its existing range of services, removing the traditional for telecoms
barriers faced by suppliers dealing with large carriers
who pay on extended terms. RTXs quality assured and
fully credit insured model enables quick and guaranteed
payments, allowing suppliers to generate immediate
revenue, manage cash ow and plan further destinations.

Provides suppliers with faster

payments allowing them to
better manage their cash ow
and increase supply based on
capacity requirements...
Andrew Jacobs, Director, RTX
RTX Fast Pay is a usage based service so suppliers
maximise their return in the wholesale cycle of uctuating
capacity and demand. The service sits across the RTX
exchange, providing carriers with a robust and nancially
secure environment to conduct transactions and enter
into mutually benecial agreements.
Andrew Jacobs, Sales Director at RTX, explained:
Our exchange allows operators to identify protable
routes and destinations for network trafc. RTX Fast Pay
provides suppliers with much faster payments allowing
them to better manage their cash ow and increase
supply based on capacity requirements.
Albert Mackey, CEO at RTX, added: RTX Fast Pay
enables greater competition in the wholesale market as it
increases the volume of competitive supply. Through RTX
both sets of carriers enter into fully secured agreements
with improved control of their cash ow and growth
opportunity. The opportunity for carriers to drive revenue from
buying and selling capacity for voice, SMS and
The market is evolving and so is the need for a data, has never been greater. Carriers can now
platform that provides carriers with the ability to buy and access a global network of suppliers to meet
sell capacity, meet demand and secure new revenues. capacity demand, guarantee quality assurance
One thing is certain, RTX has its ngers on the pulse and generate new revenues, through the RT X
and continues to develop new products and services Exchange.
that meet the needs of it customers in an ever changing
Please contact our team at info@routetrader.com or
come and see us at our stand during GCCM London for rtx.routetrader.com
more deatils and how to apply. info@routetrader.com
Company Profiles

Nexge provides diverse range of NGN, VoIP, SMS & VAS Telecom Solutions to Service Providers. Nexge has an
installation base of its solutions with more than 200 Service Providers globally. Service Providers utilize the
Carrier Grade and secure Nexge Platforms for releasing Wholesale VoIP, Wholesale SMS Hubbing, Calling
Card, Callback, Class 5 Voice over Broadband, Hosted PBX / IP Centrex, MVNO, Audio Conferencing and High
Density Call Logging Solutions to their Residential and Business subscribers.

Ecocarrier Inc.
Ecocarrier provides Premium Non-CLI call termination for wholesale and retail call traffic on direct routes
Ethiopia, Somalia, Uganda, South Sudan, Mozambique, Guinea, Tunisia etc. Our IntelliDR Network technology
and effective 24x7 NOC enable us to maintain reliable high performance consistently. We carry very large
Ecocarrier volume of call traffic to these destinations daily for tier1 and Tier2 carriers and service providers. We seek
cooperation with suitably situated companies/individuals to build direct routes in countries worldwide.
Additionally, we seek to build Strategic Alliance between Ecocarrier and established players in the telecom
space in countries/markets worldwide to resell our managed services for retail telecom service provision.
Please view full presentation on Ecocarrier Managed Services by Interactive PDF at www.ecocarrier.com for
Mobile Roaming Services with 3G-WiFi Mobile Broadband on Demand and Multi-IMSI SIM; Airtime Credit
Recharge Service; Micro Money Remittance; Prepaid Telephone Service. Special Feature: Personal Hotline
Service with extensive coverage for all Russia catering to diaspora Russians.

Carrier Call
Carrier Call builds solutions to solve the complex problems of the international telecommunications market.
The Swiss software and services company works with its own development team in-house. Carrier Call
uses its long-term industry specific knowledge as well as feedback from customers to constantly refine and
Carrier Call enhance its products. In close cooperation with market experts Carrier Call added a fraud module XFraud
to its range of solutions. Fraud detection is a challenge, which needs a flexible system to detect unusual
patterns of behavior. Automated traffic monitoring has also positive impact on your revenue assurance. In
combination with other XCarrier modules, e.g. XProvisioning you will have an all-inclusive fraud solution.

A wholly-owned KPN company, iBasis is a leading international voice carrier and a provider of data services
and solutions for mobile operators. The company offers a comprehensive portfolio of voice termination services
and data services, including messaging, signaling and roaming, for many of the worlds largest fixed and
mobile operators, as well as over-the-top and voice-over-broadband service providers. iBasis customers
include KPN and its mobile operators and more than 1,000 other providers around the world. The company can
be reached at its worldwide headquarters in Lexington, Mass., USA at +1 781-430-7500 or at www.ibasis.com.

44 EUROPE 2016 GCCM - London

Press Release - Carrier Community

45 EUROPE 2016 GCCM - London




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