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Jolina Mendez


*Comparison and Contrast*

Differences between High School & College Life

College student life is very different compare to the secondary level

of education which is the high school degree. When I came here at the
tertiary level, there are many adjustments that I need to work for.

In high school each day you proceed from one class directly to
another, spending 6 hours each day 30 hours a week in class while in college
you often have hours between classes, throughout the day and evening and
you spend 12 to 16 hours each week in class. Your high school teachers
keep a watchful eye on your progress and will contact you or your family if
your grades are failed, on the other hand your professors in college may well
be aware of your progress but most expect their students to initiate
discussions about grades and all of which is done during your professor's
office hours. In high school, you are able finish all your homework in one
night but in college, thats a near to impossible. In high school make up tests
are often available but in college make up tests are seldom an option if they
are, you need to request them. And last, In high school, you wrote notes to
friends while in college, you take notes for yourself its fun to heard but It is

But as a college student, I have to establish my personal goal for the

best that I can be. These are my personal goal as a simple student: First, I
want to have focus to finish my respective course. Secondly, I need to get a
passing grade for every semester of the school year. Considering these
specific goal. Lastly, I need to comply for every details that my professors
are asking me to do.

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