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Mat 211
Dr. Firoz
7-8: Probability and Statistics

Chapter 7 Probability
Definition: Probability is a real valued set function P that assigns to each event A in the
sample space S a number P(A), called the probability of A, such that the following
properties hold:

a) 1 P( A) 0
b) P(S ) 1
c) P(S ) P( A) P( A ) P( A) 1 P( A ) , where A is the complement of A.
d) For events A,and B we have P( A B) P( A) P( B) P( A B)
e) If A and B are mutually exclusive (means A B , P( A B) P( ) 0 , then
P( A B) P( A) P(B)
f) For three events A, B, and C verify that
P( A B C) P( A) P(B) P(C) P( A B) P(B C) P(C A) P( A B C)

Example 1. Roll a die once. The total outcomes are namely 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. The
sample space is the set S {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} . The event E rolling a 3 is the singleton set
E {3} . Now the probability of the event E for rolling a 3 is p( E ) p(rolling a 3) ,
because there are 6 total outcomes and 1 desired outcome.

Example 2. Roll a die once. Write the sample space. Find the following probabilities:

a) P( E ) P(rolling a 3 or a 5)
b) P( E ) P(rolling a 3 or more)
c) P( E ) P(rolling a number greater than 10)
d) P( E) P(rolling an even number)
e) o(E) = odds for the event that the roll is a 3 or a 5
Answer: a) 1/3 b) 2/3 c) 0 d) e) 2 : 4

Example 3. Roll a die twice. Write the sample space. Find the following probabilities:
a) P( E ) P(rolling a sum 3 or a sum 5)
b) P ( E ) P (rolling a sum 3 or more)
c) P ( E ) P (rolling a sum greater than 10)
d) P ( E ) P (rolling a sum greater than 12)
The sample space of the event of rolling a die twice:

11 12 13 14 15 16
21 22 23 24 25 26
31 32 33 34 35 36
41 42 43 44 45 46
51 52 53 54 55 56
61 62 63 64 65 66

Answer: a) 6/36 b) 35/36 c) 3/36 d) 0

Example 4. Roll a die twice. Write the sample space. Find the following probabilities:
a) P( E) P(all two rolls are either a 1 or a 3)
b) P( E) P(all two rolls are not 2)
c) P( E) P(all two rolls are above 3)
d) P( E) P(all are a 1 or all are a 5)
The sample space of the event of rolling a die twice:

11 12 13 14 15 16
21 22 23 24 25 26
31 32 33 34 35 36
41 42 43 44 45 46
51 52 53 54 55 56
61 62 63 64 65 66

Answer: a) Look at the sample space, we have all three rolls either a 1 or a 3 are 11, 13,
31, and 33. Thus P( E) P(all two rolls are either a 1 or a 3) = 4/36.
We could find this probability using independent event and multiplication principle as
the probability of getting first outcome either 1 or 3 is 2/6, then the probability of getting
second outcome either 1 or 3 is again 2/6. By multiplication principle the probability of
getting all two outcomes either a 1 or a 3 is 2 / 6 2 / 6 4 / 36

b) P( E) P(all two rolls are not 2) = 25/36, you may verify looking at the sample space,
that we have 12, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 32, 42, 52, 62 with outcome 2s. There are 25
outcomes with no 2s.
Using independent event and multiplication principle we have
P( E) P(all two rolls are not 2) = 5 / 6 5 / 6 25 / 36

c) P( E) P(all two rolls are above 3) = 9/36

Using independent event and multiplication principle we have
P(E) P(all two rolls are above 3) = 3 / 6 3 / 6 9 / 36
d) P( E) P(all are a 1 or all are a 5) = 1/ 6 1/ 6 1/ 6 1/ 6 2 / 36 . You look at the
sample space we have only two outcomes 11 and 55.

Example 5. Roll a die three times. How many outcomes do we have in the sample space?
Find the following probabilities:
a) P ( E ) P (all three rolls are either a 1 or a 3)
b) P ( E ) P (all three rolls are not 2)
c) P( E ) P(all three rolls are above 3)
d) P( E) P(all are a 1 or all are a 5)

Answer: a) 2 / 6 2 / 6 2 / 6 8 / 216 b) 5 / 6 5 / 6 5 / 6 125 / 216

c) 3 / 6 3 / 6 3 / 6 27 / 216 d) 1/ 6 1/ 6 1/ 6 1/ 6 1/ 6 1/ 6 2 / 216

Example 6. Roll a die five times. How many outcomes do we have in the sample space.
Find the following probabilities:
a) P ( E ) P (all five rolls are either a 1 or a 3)
b) P ( E ) P (all five rolls are not 2)
c) P( E ) P(all five rolls are above 3)
d) P( E) P(all are a 1 or all are a 5)

Answer: a) 2 5 / 6 5 b) 55 / 65 c) 35 / 65 d) 2 / 65

Methods of Enumeration

1. A true/false test contains 10 questions. In how many ways can a student answer
the questions? If a student makes random guesses, what is the probability that the
student will make exactly 5 questions correct? Answer:
2 1024, c(10,5) /1024 0.2461 .

2. How many three letter words (without meaning) are possible when repetition of
letters is not allowed? What is the probability that those words will not start with
a vowel? Answer: P(26,3), 0.8077

3. How many three letter words (without meaning) are possible when repetition of
letters is allowed? What is the probability that those words will not start with a
vowel? Answer: 263 , 0.8077

4. A coin is tossed 9 times. What is the probability of getting at least 2 heads?

Answer: 0.9805

5. A company has 9 women and 8 men. What is the probability that a 7 person
committee will have 4 men and 3 women? Answer: 0.3023

6. If the letters in the word POKER are rearranged, what is the probability that the
word will begin with a K and ends with an O? Answer: 0.05

7. A computer retail store has 12 personal computers in stock. A customer wants to

purchase three of the computers. Assume that of the 12 computers, 4 are
defective. If the computers are selected at random what is the probability that
exactly one of the purchased computers is defective? Answer: 0.509

8. A computer retail store has 12 personal computers in stock. A customer wants to

purchase three of the computers. Assume that of the 12 computers, 4 are
defective. If the computers are selected at random what is the probability that at
least one of the purchased computers is defective? Answer: 0.7455

Independent Probabilities:

Example 1. A card is chosen at random from a deck of 52 cards. It is then replaced, the
deck reshuffled and a second card is chosen. What is the probability of getting a jack and
an eight?
Solution. The event is independent. The probability of drawing first card a jack is 4/52
and second card an eight is 4/52. Also drawing a first card an eight is 4/52 and second
card a jack is 4/52. The probability of drawing a jack and an eight is
4 / 52 4 / 52 4 / 52 4 / 52 2 / 169

Exercise: A card is chosen at random from a deck of 52 cards. It is then replaced, the
deck reshuffled and a second card is chosen.
a) What is the probability of getting a jack and then an eight? Ans: 1/169
b) What is the probability of getting a diamond and then a heart? Ans: 1/16

Example 2. A family has two children. Using b to stand for boy and g for girl in ordered
pairs, give each of the following.

a) the sample space b) the event E that the family has exactly one daughter.
c) the event F the family has at least one daughter
d) the event G that the family has two daughters
e) p(E) f) p(F) g) p(G)

Example 3. A group of three people is selected at random. 1)What is the probability that
all three people have different birthdays. 2) What is the probability that at least two of
them have the same birthday?

1) The probability that all three people have different birthdays is

365P3 365 364 363
3653 365 365 365
2) The probability that at least two people have same birthday is
365 364 363
1 1 0.992 0.008
365 365 365

Conditional probability. A conditional probability is a probability whose sample space

has been limited to only those outcomes that fulfill a certain condition. A conditional
n( A B)
probability of an event A, given event B is p( A | B)
n( B)

Example 1. In a newspaper poll concerning violence on television, 600 people were

asked, what is your opinion of the amount of violence on prime time television is there
too much violence on television? Their responses are indicated in the table below.
Yes (Y) No (N) Dont know Total
Men (M) 162 95 23 280
Women (W) 256 45 19 320
Total 418 140 42 600

Suppose we label the events in the following manner: W is the event that a response is
from a woman, M is the event that a response is from a man, Y is the event that a
response is yes, and N is the event that a response is no, then the event that a woman
responded yes would be written as Y | W and p(Y | W) = 256/320 = 0.8.
Use the given table to answer following questions.

a) p(N) b) p(W) c) p(N | W) d) p(W | N) e) p( N W )

f) p(W N ) g) p(Y) h) p(M) i) p(Y | M) j) p(M | Y)
k) p(Y M ) l) p(M Y ) m) p(W Y ) n) p(W | Y )

Answer: a) 0.23 b) 0.53 c) 0.14 d) 0.32 e) 0.08

f) 0.08 g) 0.70 h) 0.47 i) 0.58 j) 0.39 k) 0.27
l) 0.27 m) 0.43 n) 0.61

Independent Events

Independent Events: Two events A and B are called independent if and only if
P( A B) P( A) P( B) , otherwise A and B are dependent.

Example 1. In two tosses of a single fair coin show that the events A head on the first
toss and A head on the second toss are independent.

Solution: The sample space S S {HH , HT , TH , TT } , the event with a head on the first
toss A {HH , HT } and an event with a head on the second toss B {HH , TH }.
Now show that P( A B) P( A) P( B) .

Bayes Formula: Let A, B, C are mutually exclusive events whose union is the sample
space S. Let E be the arbitrary event in S such that P(E) 0 , then
P( A E ) P( B E ) P(C E )
P( A | E ) , P( B | E ) , P(C | E )
P( E ) P( E ) P( E )
where P( A E) P( E | A) P( A) and so on.

General form of Bayes Theorem (Page # 348)

P ( B ) P ( A | Bk )
P( Bk | A) m k , where k 1, 2, 3, ......m . The conditional probability
P( Bi ) P( A | Bi )
i 1
P ( Bk | A) is often called the posterior probability of B k .

Example 1. A company produces 1,000 refrigerators a week at three plants. Plant A

produces 350 refrigerators a week, plant B produces 250 refrigerators a week, and plant C
produces 400 refrigerators a week. Production records indicate that 5% of the
refrigerators at plant A will be defective, 3% of those produced at plant B will be
defective, and 7% of those produced at plant C will be defective. All refrigerators are
shipped to a central warehouse. If a refrigerator at the warehouse is found to be defective,
what is the probability that it was produced a) at plant A? b) at plant B? c) at plant C?
We consider D as defective and D as non defective.

0.05 D
0.95 D
0.03 D
Start 0.25 B
0.97 D
0.07 D
0.93 D
We now answer all questions from the tree diagram.
P( A D) 0.35(0.05) 1
a) P ( A | D)
P ( D) 0.35(0.05) 0.25(0.03) 0.40(0.07) 3

P ( B D) 0.25(0.03)
You now try to find b) P( B | D) ?
P( D) 0.35(0.05) 0.25(0.03) 0.40(0.07)
P(C D) 0.40(0.07)
c) P(C | D) ?
P ( D) 0.35(0.05) 0.25(0.03) 0.40(0.07)

More examples on Bayes Theorem:


1. The Belgian 20-frank coin (B20), the Italian 500-lire coin (I500), and the Hong
Kong 5-dollar (HK5) are approximately the same size. Coin purse one (C1)
contains six of each of these coins. Coin purse two (C2) contains nine B20s, six
I500s, and three HK5s. A fair four-sided die is rolled. If the outcome is {1}, a
coin is selected randomly from C1. If the outcomes belong to {2, 3, 4}, a coin is
selected randomly from C2. Find
a) P(I 500) , the probability of selecting an Italian coin
b) P(C1 | I 500) , the conditional probability that the coin selected from C1,
given that it was an Italian coin.

Solution: We have P(C1) 1/ 4 and P(C 2) 3 / 4 . We know that (you may draw a
tree diagram) P(C1 | I 500) 6 / 18 1/ 3 , P(C1 | B20) 6 / 18 1/ 3 and
P(C1 | HK 5) 6 / 18 1/ 3 , and you can find for C2 in the same way.
P(I 500) P(I 500 | C1)P(C1) P(I 500 | C2)P(C2) 1/ 3 *1/ 4 1/ 3 * 3 / 4 4 / 12 1/ 3

P(C1) P( I 500 | C1) 1 / 3 *1 / 4

b) P(C1 | I 500) 1/ 4
P( I 500) 1/ 3

2. The Belgian 20-frank coin (B20), the Italian 500-lire coin (I500), and the Hong
Kong 5-dollar (HK5) are approximately the same size. Coin purse one (C1)
contains six of each of these coins. Coin purse two (C2) contains nine B20s, six
I500s, and three HK5s. A fair four-sided die is rolled. If the outcome is {1}, a
coin is selected randomly from C1. If the outcomes belong to {2, 3, 4}, a coin is
selected randomly from C2. Find

a) P(B20) , the probability of selecting a Belgian coin (Answer: 11/24)

b) P(C1 | B20) , the conditional probability that the coin selected from C1,
given that it was a Belgian coin. (Answer: 2/11)
3. Given two urns, suppose urn I contains 4 black and 7 white balls. Urn II contains
3 black, 1 white, and 4 yellow balls. Select an urn and then select a ball.
a) What is the probability that you obtain a black ball? (Answer: 65/176)
b) What is the probability that you obtain a ball from urn II, given that the ball is a
black ball? (Answer: 33/65)

4. An absence minded nurse is to give Mr. Brown a pill each day. The probability
that the nurse forgets to administer the pill is 2/3. If he receives the pill, the
probability that Mr. Brown will die is 1/3. If he does not get the pill, the
probability that he will die is . Mr. Brown died. What is the probability that the
nurse forgot to give Mr. Brown the pill? (Answer: 9/11)

Solution hints: A = the nurse forgets to give pill, B = do not forget, E = Mr.
Brown dies. Now P(A) = 2/3, P(E|A) = 1/3, P(E) = P(A)P(E|A)+P(B)P(E|B), find

5. A company that specializes in language tutoring lists the following information

concerning its English-speaking employees: 23 speak German, 25 speak French,
31 speak Spanish, 43 speak Spanish or French, 38 speak French or German, 46
speak German or Spanish, 8 speak Spanish, French and German, and 7 office
workers and secretaries speak English only. Make a Venn Diagram and show all
information in it. Find the following a) What percent of the employees speak at
least one language other than English? b) What percent of the employees speak at
least two languages other than English. Answer: a) 88.9% b) 23.8%

6. A box of candy hearts contains 52 hearts of which 19 are white, 10 are tan, 7 are
pink, 3 are purple, 5 are yellow, 2 are orange, and 7 are green. If you select 9
pieces candy randomly from the box, without replacement, give the probability
that a) three of the hearts are white b) Three are white, two are tan, one is pink,
one is yellow, and two are green. [a) 29.17% b) 0.87%]

7. Suppose that P(A) = 0.7 and P(B) = 0.5 and P[ ( A B) ] = 0.1. Find a) p( A B)
b) p( A | B) c) p( B | A)

8. Let A and B be the events that a person is left-eye dominant or right-eye

dominant, respectively. When a person folds their hands, let C and D be the
events that their left thump and right thump, respectively are on top. A survey in
one statistics class yielded the following table:
C 5 7
D 14 19
If a student is selected randomly, find the following probabilities: a) p( A C)
b) p( A C ) c) p( A | C) d) p(B | D)

Chapter 8 random Variables and Statistics

Random variables of the discrete type

In probability theory, a probability distribution is called discrete if it is characterized by a

probability mass function. Thus, the distribution of a random variable X is discrete, and X
is then called a discrete random variable, if p( X ) 1

If a random variable is discrete, then the set of all values that it can assume with non-zero
probability is finite or countably infinite, because the sum of uncountably many positive
real numbers (which is the least upper bound of the set of all finite partial sums) always
diverges to infinity.

Given a random experiment with an outcome space S, a function X that assigns to each
element s in S one and only one real number X(s) = x is called a random variable, like a

function of s. The space of X is the set of real numbers {x : X (s) x, s S} , where s S

means the element s belongs to S. The probability mass function (pmf) f ( x) of a
discrete random variable X is a function that satisfies the following properties:

1. f ( x) 0, x S;
2. f ( x) 1;
x S

3. P( X A) f ( x), A S
x A
Example 1. Suppose that X has a discrete uniform distribution on S {1, 2,3, 4,5,6} and
its pmf is f ( x) , x 1, 2,3, 4,5,6 .
As a general case we may write pmf as f ( x) , x 1, 2,3, 4,, m

Example 2. Roll a 4 sided die twice and let X equal the larger of the two outcomes if
they are different and common value if they are the same. The outcome space for this
experiment is S0 {(d1 , d 2 ); d1 1, 2,3, 4; d 2 1, 2,3, 4} , where we assume that each of
these 16 points has probability . Then
1 3 5
P( X 1) P[(1,1)] , P( X 2) P[{(1, 2),(2, 2),(2,1)] , P( X 3)] and
16 16 16
P( X 4) . Looking at the pattern one can easily find the pmf
2x 1
f ( x) , x 1, 2,3, 4

1. Let the pmf of X be defined by f ( x) ,x 2,3, 4 , a) draw a bar graph and a
b) probability histogram
2. For each of the following, determine the constant c, so that f ( x) satisfies the
conditions of being a pmf for a random variable X,

a) f ( x) , x 1, 2,3, 4
b) f ( x) cx, x 1, 2,3, 410
c) f ( x) c , x 1, 2,3, 4
d) f ( x) c(1 x) 2 , x 0,1, 2,3
e) f ( x) , x 1, 2,3, 4,, n

Mathematical expectation

In probability theory and statistics, the expected value (or expectation value, or
mathematical expectation, or mean, or first moment) of a random variable is the
integral of the random variable with respect to its probability measure. For discrete
random variables this is equivalent to the probability-weighted sum of the possible

The term "expected value" can be misleading. It must not be confused with the "most
probable value." The expected value is in general not a typical value that the random
variable can take on. It is often helpful to interpret the expected value of a random
variable as the long-run average value of the variable over many independent repetitions
of an experiment.

When it exists, mathematical expectation E satisfies the following properties:

a) If c is a constant, E(c) c
b) If c is a constant and u is a function, E[cu( x)] cE[u( x)]
c) If c1 and c2 are constants and u1 and u2 are functions, than
E[c1u1 ( X ) c2u2 ( X )] c1E[u1 ( X )] c2 E[u2 ( X )]
Example 1. Let X have the pmf f ( x) , x 1, 2,3, 4 . Find E ( X )
Solution: E ( X ) xi f ( xi ) x 3 , verify.
x 1 10
Example 2. Let X have the pmf f ( x) , x 1, 2,3 . Find mean = E ( X ) and also
E ( X 2 ) and variance 2 E ( X 2 ) ( E ( X )) 2 and also standard deviation .
x 7
Solution: Mean = E ( X ) xi f ( xi ) x
x 1 6 3
x 36
E( X 2 ) xi 2 f ( xi ) x2 6
x 1 6 6
2 2 2 7 5 5
Variance E ( X ) ( E ( X )) 6 and
3 9 3
Example 3. A politician can emphasize jobs or the environment in her election
campaign. The voters can be concerned about jobs or the environment. A payoff matrix
showing the utility of each possible outcome is shown.
Jobs Voters Environment
Jobs 25 10
Environment 15 30
The political analysts feel there is a 0.39 chance that the voters will emphasize
jobs. Which strategy should the candidate adopt to gain the highest utility

a) Environment b) Jobs, explain mathematically.


Solution: For the environment the expected value is E( x) 15(.39) 30(1 .39) 12.45
On the other hand for jobs the expected value is E( x) 25(.39) 10(1 .39) 3.65 . So
the preference will go for a) Environment (because of higher expected value).


1. Find mean and standard deviation of the following:

a) f ( x) , x 5,10,15, 20, 25
b) f ( x) 1, x 5
4 x
c) f ( x) , x 1, 2,3
2. Given E ( X 4) 10, E[( X 4) 2 ] 116 , determine 2
Var ( X 4) and
mean= E ( X )
Bernoulli trials and the Binomial distribution

A Bernoulli experiment is a random experiment, the outcome of which can be classified

in but one of two mutually exclusive and exhaustive ways, say, success or failure (life or
death, head or tail, 3 or not 3 etc. The pmf of a Bernoulli trail is
f ( x) p x (1 p)1 x , x 0,1 and we say that the random variable x has Bernoulli
distribution. The mean of Bernoulli trial is given as
E( X ) xp x (1 p)1 x
p , verify.
x 0
The variance of Bernoulli trial is
Var ( X ) (x p) 2 p x (1 p)1 x
p(1 p) pq, q 1 p
x 0
Example 1. In the instant lottery with 20% winning tickets, if X is equal to the number of
winning tickets among n = 8 that are purchased, the probability of purchasing two
winning tickets is f (2) P( X 2) (0.20) 2 (1 0.2)6 0.2936 29.36%
One may use calculator as follows (TI)
2nd DISTR 0 (binompdf) (8, 0.20, 2) will display 0.29360128

Example 2. In the instant lottery with 20% winning tickets, if X is equal to the number of
winning tickets among n = 8 that are purchased, the probability of purchasing at best 6
winning tickets is
8 8
P( X 6) 1 f (7) f (8) 1 (0.20)7 (1 0.2)1 (0.2)8 0.99991552
7 8
One may use calculator as follows (TI)
2nd DISTR A (binomcdf) (8, 0.20, 6) will display 0.99991552

Example 3. In the instant lottery with 20% winning tickets, if X is equal to the number of
winning tickets among n = 8 that are purchased. Find the probability of purchasing at
least 6 winning tickets.
Hint. Find P( X 6) P( X 6) P( X 7) P( X 8) or
P( X 6) 1 P( X 5) 1 binomcdf (8,.2,5)

Example 4. A quiz consists of 24 multiple choice questions. Each question has 5 possible
answers, only one of which is correct. If you answer the questions completely based on
guessing, what is the probability that

a) You will answer exactly 4 wrong?

b) You will answer exactly 4 correctly?
c) You will answer at least 20 correctly?
d) You will answer at most 3 wrong?
e) You will answer at most 3 correctly?

Solution: The probability that you will answer one question wrong is 0.8 .
a) The probability of answering exactly 4 wrong is a binomial probability of
B(24, 0.8, 4), which is P( X 4) B(24, 0.8, 4) (0.8) 4 (0.2) 20 4.56 10 11
which is almost zero.
If you use TI calculator use binompdf (24, 0.8, 4). Check your calculator using the
following code:

2nd DISTR 0 binompdf (24, .8, 4)

b) The probability that you will answer exactly 4 correct is B(24, 0.2, 4) = 0.196
c) At least 20 correct P( X 20)
= 20 correct + 21 correct + 22 correct + 23 correct + 24 correct = 4.79 10 11 .

It is easy to use calculator with binomcdf as follows:

P( X 20) 1 binomcdf (24, 0.2,19) 4.79 10 11

d) At most three wrong: P( X 3) binomcdf (24, 0.8,3) 2.25 10
e) At most three correct: P( X 3) binomcdf (24,0.2,3) 0.264

Example 5. A computer manufacturer tests a random sample of 28 computers. The

probability that a computer is non defective is 91.3%. What is the probability that:
a) Exactly 7 computers are defective? Answer: 0.006605
b) At least two computers are defective? Answer: 0.7131689
c) At most two computers are defective? Answer: 0.555224

Example 6. A quiz consists of 10 multiple choice questions, each with 4 possible

choices. For someone who makes random guesses for all of the questions, find the
probability of passing if the minimum passing grade is 90%.

Solution: P( X 9) 1 binomcdf (10, 0.25,8) 2.95639 10

Example 8. A student claims that he has extrasensory perception (ESP). A coin is flipped
25 times, and a student is asked to predict the outcome in advance. He gets 20 out of 25
correct. What was the probability that he would have done at least this well if he had no

Solution: P( X 20) 1 binomcdf (25,0.5,19) 0.002038658

Exercise 1. Toss a fair coin 12 times. How many possible outcomes do you have? What
is the probability of getting a) exactly 7 heads, b) at least 7 heads, c) at most 7 heads?

Exercise 2. A student claims that he has extrasensory perception (ESP). A coin is flipped
30 times, and a student is asked to predict the outcome in advance. He gets 25 out of 30
correct. What was the probability that he would have done at least this well if he had no
Exercise 3. A quiz consists of 20 multiple choice questions, each with 5 possible choices.
For someone who makes random guesses for all of the questions, find the probability of
passing if the minimum passing grade is 80%.
Example 4. A computer manufacturer tests a random sample of 30 computers. The
probability that a computer is defective is 7 %. What is the probability that:
a) Exactly 7 computers are defective?
b) At least two computers are defective?
c) At most two computers are defective?
Exercise 5. In the instant lottery with 10% winning tickets, if X is equal to the number of
winning tickets among 20 tickets that are purchased, find the probability of purchasing
a) at best 7 winning tickets,
b) at least 7 winning tickets,
c) no more than 6 winning tickets,
d) no less than 6 winning tickets

Exercise 6. The rates of on-time flights for commercial jets are continuously tracked by
the U.S Department of transportation. Recently, Southwest Air had the best rate with
80% of its flights arriving on time. A test is conducted by randomly selected 16
Southwest flights and observing whether they arrive on time. Find
a) the probability that exactly 4 flights arrive on time
b) The probability that at least 4 flights arrive on time
c) At best 4 flights arrive on time

Random variable of the continuous type

A random variable is a function X that assigns to each element s in the outcome space S
one and only one corresponding real number X(s) = x. The space of X is the set of real
numbers S {x : X (s) x, s S} is an interval. In discrete case the S is the set of discrete
points. In the continuous case we call the integrable function f ( x) , a probability
density function (pdf) which satisfies the following:
a) f ( x) 0, x S b) f ( x )dx 1

c) The probability of the event X A is P( X A) f ( x)dx

Probability Distribution Function: A function F is a distribution function of the
random variable X iff the following conditions are satisfied:
a) F is non decreasing i.e., F 0 , or F ( x) F ( y) for all x y
b) F is continuous c) F is normalized i.e., lim F ( x) 0; lim F ( x) 1
x x
x / 20
Example 1. Evaluate the integral dx
x / 20
e x / 20 b
Solution: dx lim e 1
20 b 0

Example 2. Show that f ( x) , 0 x is a probability density function.
Solution (Hint): Show that f ( x) 0 and dx 1
Example 3. Let Y be a continuous random variable with pdf g ( y) 2 y, 0 y 1 and the
distribution function is defined by
0 y 0

G( y) 2t dt y2 0 y 1

1 1 y
Find mean E (Y ) yg ( y )dy (check the integral) and
2 2 2 1
Variance Var (Y ) E (Y ) y 2 g ( y )dy 2
(check the integral). Find
also the standard deviation .

Example 4. The probability density function of a continuous random variable x is given

as f ( x) 1 x 1 , 0 x 2 . Find its corresponding distribution function, mean,
variance and standard deviation, interval of one standard deviation of mean, two standard
deviation of mean and three standard deviation of mean.

Solution: The distribution function is the integral of the 1

pdf function over the real line.
Draw the graph of the pdf and notice that F(0) = 0,

0 1 2
F(1) = 1/2 and F(2) = 1. We also notice that distribution function is zero, i.e., F (0) 0
when x < 0.
The distribution function over the interval 0 x 1 is
F ( x) (1 x 1)dx (1 (1 x) dx x dx c, c 0,as F (0) 0
The distribution function over the interval 1 x 2 is
x2 1
F ( x) (1 x 1)dx (1 x 1) dx (2 x)dx 2x c, c 1, as F (1)
2 2
The distribution function over the interval 2 x is
F ( x) f ( x) dx 0 dx c 1, as F (2) 1

Thus we have the probability distribution function defined as follows:

0 x 0
, 0 x 1
F ( x) 2
2x 1, 1 x 2
1 x 2
You can calculate mean, standard deviation and variance. Look at example 3.

Example 5. Show the following function is a probability distribution function

0 x 0
, 0 x 1
F ( x) 2
2x 1 1 x 2
1 x 2
Solution: We need to check the following properties:
a) Check that F is non-decreasing.
0 x 0
0, x 0
x, 0 x 1
F ( x) 1 | x 1|, 0 x 2
2 x 1 x 2
0, x 2
0 x 2
shows that F is not decreasing.

b) For continuity check that lim F ( x) lim F ( x) F (0) 0 and

x 0 x 0

lim F ( x) lim F ( x) F (2) 1

x 2 x 2

c) F is normalized: lim F ( x) 0; lim F ( x) 1

x x

The function F(x) defined above is probability distribution function.


1. For each of the following functions, i) find the constant c so that f (x) is a pdf of
the random variable X, ii) find the distribution function F(x) P( X x) and iii)
sketch f (x) and F(x), iv) find also , 2 , .
a) f ( x) ,0 x c
3x 2
b) f ( x) , c x c
c) f ( x) 4 x c , 0 x 1
d) f ( x) c x , 0 x 4

2. Sketch the graph of the following pdf f (x), then find and sketch the probability
distribution function F(x) on the real line. Review example 4.
3x 2 1
a) f ( x) , 1 x 1 b) f ( x) , 1 x 1
2 2
1 x, 1 x 0
c) f ( x)
1 x, 0 x 1

The Normal Distribution

A normal distribution of a random variable X with mean and variance is a statistic
distribution with probability density function (pdf)


on the domain . While statisticians and mathematicians uniformly use the term
"normal distribution" for this distribution, physicists sometimes call it a Gaussian
distribution and, because of its curved flaring shape, social scientists refer to it as the
"bell curve."

De Moivre developed the normal distribution as an approximation to the binomial

distribution, and it was subsequently used by Laplace in 1783 to study measurement
errors and by Gauss in 1809 in the analysis of astronomical data (Havil 2003, p. 157).

The normal distribution is an extremely important probability distribution in many

fields. It is a family of distributions of the same general form, differing in their location
and scale parameters: the mean ("average") and standard deviation ("variability"),
respectively. The standard normal distribution is the normal distribution with a mean
of zero and a standard deviation of one (the green curve in the plots below). It is often
called the bell curve because the graph of its probability density resembles a bell.

If a random variable X has this distribution, we write ~ . If and , the

distribution is called the standard normal distribution and the probability density
function reduces to

Area under a normal curve:

For a standard normal variate z, the normal distribution has mean zero and standard
1 1 2
deviation one with pdf f ( x) exp z 2 / 2 e z /2
2 2
The area under the standard normal distribution curve for
1 u2
f (Z z) exp du . We have now the difficulty to evaluate the integral
2 2
without having the knowledge of multivariable calculus and polar coordinate form. But
this difficulty we can manage using standard values from the table 5 of Normal
distribution at page # 423 or using our calculator. Look at example 3.
Important Information: All normal density curves satisfy the following property which
is often referred to as empirical rule:
1. 68.26% of the observations fall within 1 standard deviation of mean.
2. 95.44% of the observations fall within 2 standard deviation of mean
3. 99.74% of the observations fall within 3 standard deviation of mean
Note: Within 5 standard deviation of mean we assume 100% data points.

Example 1. Find the mean and standard deviation of the normal distribution whose pdf is
1 ( x 7)2
given as f ( x) exp
128 128
Solution: Compare with the standard formula of pdf for the normal distribution and find
that 8, 7.

Example 2. Write the pdf of a normal distribution with mean 3 and variance 16.

Solution: We have 4, 3 , the pdf of the normal distribution is given as

1 ( x 3)2
f ( x) exp
4 2 32

Example 3. Find the area under the normal curve with mean zero and standard deviation
one for the standard variate z 1.24 .

Solution: From table 5a:

P( z 1.24) 0.8925 89.25%

For this value choose row with 1.2 and column 0.04.

0 1.24
Using calculator: P( z 1.24) 0.8925 89.25%

The calculator code:

2nd DISTR 2 normalcdf (-5, 1.24) =0.8925120

Example 4. Find the area under the normal curve with mean zero and standard deviation
one for the standard variate z 1.24 .

Solution: From table 5a:

P( z 1.24) 1 0.8925 10.75%

For this value choose row with 1.2 and column 0.04.

0 1.24
Using calculator: P( z 1.24) 0.1075 10.75%
The calculator code: 2nd DISTR 2 normalcdf ( 1.24, 5) =0.1074875

Example 5. Find the area under the normal curve with mean zero and standard deviation
one for 0.12 z 1.24 .

Solution: From table 5a:

P( 0.12 z 1.24) P( z .12) P( z 1.24) 1 44.03%

-0.12 0 1.24
Using calculator: P( 0.12 z 1.24) 0.4402707 44.03%
The calculator code:

2nd DISTR 2 normalcdf (-0.12, 1.24) =0.4402707

Example 6. Suppose x is a normally distributed random variable with mean 10.2 and
standard deviation 1.5. Find each of the following probabilities.
a) P(6.1 x 13.3) .
b) P(9.4 x 13)
c) P(15.5 x 13.1)
d) P( x 11.6)
e) P( x 14.4)
Draw normal curve and show the region bounded by the normal curve and the x values.

Solution: from calculator a)

P(6.1 x 13.3) normalcdf 6.1,13.3,10.2,1.5 0.9774824 97.75%
try similar way for b), and c),

11.6 10.2
b) P( x 11.6) normalcdf ,5 17.53%
Try for e).
6.1 10.2 13.3
Exercise Set

1. The physical fitness of an athlete is often measured by how much oxygen the
athlete takes in (which is recorded in millimeters per kilogram, ml/kg). The
maximum oxygen uptake for elite athletes has been found to be 80 with a standard
deviation 9.2. Assume that distribution is approximately normal.
a) What is the probability that an elite athlete has a maximum oxygen uptake of
at least 75 ml/kg? Answer: 70.66%
b) What is the probability that an elite athlete has a maximum oxygen uptake of
65 ml/kg or lower? Answer: 5.15%
c) Consider someone with a maximum oxygen uptake of 26 ml/kg. Is it likely
that this person is an elite athlete? Answer: No

2. The combined score of SAT 1 test are normally distributed with mean of 998
and a standard deviation of 202. If a college includes a minimum score of 800
among its requirements, what percentage of students do not satisfy that
requirement? Answer: 16.35%

3. IQ score are normally distributed with mean of 100 and a standard deviation 15.
Mensa is an international society that has one and only one qualification for
membership, a score in the top 2 on an IQ test.

a) What IQ score should one have in order to be eligible for Mensa?

Answer: hint: (x-100)/15 = invnorm(0.98), x = 130.81
b) In a typical region of 90,000 people, how many are eligible for Mensa?
Answer: 90,000 (0.02) = 1800

4. Using diaries for many weeks, a study on the lifestyle of visually impaired
students was conducted. The students kept track of many lifestyle variables
including how many hours of sleep obtained on a typical day. Researchers found
that visually impaired students averaged 9.6 hours of sleep, with a standard
deviation of 2.56 hours. Assume that the number of hours of sleep for these
visually impaired students is normally distributed.
a) What is the probability that a visually impaired student gets less than 6.1
hours of sleep? Answer: 8.58%
b) What is the probability that a visually impaired student gets between 6.3 and
10.35 hours of sleep? Answer: 51.65%

c) Forty percent of students get less than how many hours of sleep on a typical
day? Answer: 8.95 hours

5. Healthy people have body temperatures that are normally distributed with a mean
of 98.20 degree Fahrenheit and a standard deviation of 0.62 degree Fahrenheit.
a) If a healthy person is randomly selected, what is the probability that he or she
has a body temperature above 98.9 degree Fahrenheit? Answer: 12.94%
b) A hospital wants to select a minimum temperature for requiring further
medical tests. What should that temperature be, if we want only 1% of healthy
people to exceed it? Answer: hint: (x-98.2)/.62 = invnorm(0.99), 99.64

6. The heights of a large group of people are assumed to be normally distributed.

Their mean height is 68 inches, and the standard deviation is 4 inches. What
percent of these people are taller than 73 inches? Answer: 10.56%

7. Suppose a population is normally distributed with a mean of 24.6 and a standard

deviation of 1.3. What percent of the data will lie between 25.3 and 26.8?
Answer: 24.91%

Statistics (this section will be discussed briefly in the class)

Measures of Central Tendency

Mean Median and Mode of a set of data:

Measures of Dispersion:

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