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The Academic Performance of Single and in a Relationship Students of USLS: A

Comparative Study

A Research Paper
Submitted to
The Faculty of
College of Arts and Sciences

In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements in
English 2


Joman Cordero
Abbie Teh Dolleno
Vince Michael Hebron
Jay Lorenz Lu
Julienne Therese Torres

March __, 2017


This chapter begins with a brief background of the study to be conducted.

Thereafter, this chapter presents the statement of the problem, the purpose of the study as

well as research objectives and questions connected to the said objectives. It then presents

the significance of the study, conceptual as well as operational definitions and limitations

of the study. Furthermore, it also presents sections on reliability of instruments used,

validity of results and ends with a summary.

Background of the Study

In the era of globalization and technological revolution, education is considered as

a first step for every human activity (Battle & Lewis, 2002). Globally, a number of

students are pursuing college education to at least get a degree. This is in line with their

need to raise their status in the society, the need to belong and the need to secure a

passable job in the near future. Although grades during ones college days are not the

sole basis for securing a job after graduation, it cannot be denied that these numbers does

have its impact. Research by Krause et al. (2005) at University of Melbourne indicates

that, a number of factors affect the academic performance of students. Some of these are;

student demographic characteristics, student psychological characteristics student prior

academic performance, social factors, institutional factors, and outcomes of the learning


The academic performance of a student plays an important role in producing the

best quality graduates who will become great leaders and manpower for a country thus

responsible for the country economic and social development (Ali et al., 2009). In todays
generation, students attention is divided into various matters. With the fast-paced culture

of millennials, everyone would like to indulge themselves in everything. With these,

academic performance of the students is greatly affected. Social factors are said to have a

great link to the academic performance of students. Although it is common for young

people specifically college students to be in romantic relationships, it is important to

maintain a balance between school and personal relationships. Furman and Shaffer

(2003) as cited in Huggins (2015) said that romantic relationships formed during

adolescent development can be known as short-lived and superficial but play a significant

role in shaping the general course of development during adolescence. Collins (2003)

explains that romantic relationships are very common for young people and can often

times alter an adolescents moods and their way life. These constant changes may

influence things such as academic achievement.

However, even though considerable research has been devoted to connecting the

academic performance of students with them engaging in a romantic relationship, rather

less attention has been paid to comparing the academic performance of students who are

in a relationship and those who are not and eventually, discover if these relationships

really does affect academic performance. Despite prior observations that engaging in a

romantic relationship has an impact on academic performance, it remains a mystery

whether the academic performance of students who are in a relationship differs from

those who arent. Consequently, the factor of romantic relationships in connection with

academic performance needs to be examined in more detail.

This study will be conducted to point out the differences of the academic

performances of students who are in a relationship and those who are not. Stated
differently, this study aims to determine if being in a relationship during ones college

days can impact the ways a student performs academically. Many factors will be taken

into consideration in conducting the study such as the age and gender. The researchers

involved in this study believed that this was a subject that needs to be further tested

because of its relevance and timeliness. Relationships among college students are highly

common and should be further researched on to obtain a conclusion regarding the effects

that they can come with.

Statement of the Problem

This paper aims to compare the effects of being single and in a romantic

relationship on the academic performance of college students at the University of St. La

Salle for academic year 2016-2017.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

What is the percentage of college students who are involved in a romantic


What are the differences in the study habits between students who are single

and in a relationship?

What is the effect of being single and in a relationship to the academic

performance of the students?

Significance of the Study

This study will be used to many people who may want to know if being in a

relationship does affect the academic performance of students. Therefore, the study is

significant in this regard.

College Students. The results of this study would raise awareness among

college students on the effects of being single or in a romantic relationship on

their academic performance, especially on the negative ones, if any.

Parents. Findings of this study could be beneficial to parents so that they

could guide and give proper attention to their children.

Teachers. The results will give the teachers a better understanding of their

students so that they can provide assistance to the students.

Guidance Counsellors. The outcome of the study will aid the

aforementioned in providing proper counselling to the students who may seek

help regarding the problems they face.

Future Researchers. Information from this study may be used as references for

other researchers who are interested on doing a study relating to the academic

performance of students.

Scope and Limitations

This study focuses on the effects of being single and in a relationship on the

academic performance of the students of class ______ of La Salle-Bacolod for the

second semester of academic year 2016-2017. The researchers chose to conduct a survey

to __ single and in a relationship students each.

The status of the participants included in the survey is consistent as of the date of

the conduct of the survey that is ______ to _______ 2017. Any changes of status beyond

the date of the collection of data will not be considered by the researchers.

Definition of Terms

Academic Performance. Conceptually, Academic achievement refers to what the

student have learned or what skills the student has learned and is usually measured

through assessments like standardized tests, performance assessments and portfolio

assessments (Santrock, 2006).

In this study, it pertains to the GPA of a student in a given term since it provides a

measure of a students academic performance across time.

In a Relationship. Conceptually, it cover all sorts of human connection (DePaulo,


In this study, it refers to the romantic relationship between students of the

opposite sexes.

Effects. Conceptually, commonly used as a noun meaning the result or impact of

something, an outcome (

In this study, it refers to the result of being single and engaging in a relationship to

ones academic performance.

Comparative Study.The comparative method is often used in the early stages of

the development of a branch of science. It can help the researcher to ascend from the
initial level of exploratory case studies to a more advanced level of general theoretical

models, invariances, such as causality or evolution (Peter, 2008).

In this study, it refers to the comparison of the academic performance of single

and in a relationship students.

Single. Conceptually, it is an individual person or thing rather than part of a pair

or a group (DePaulo, 2010). In this study, it means that students that are not in a romantic


Review of Related Literature

This section provides the reader related studies about the topic specified in the

preceding sections that the researchers considered significant to the given problem.

Factors why Students Engage in a Relationship

Students involve themselves into dating for a variety of reasons. According to

Bernales and Corona (2011), teens develop a desire to belong with others, thus giving rise

to their interest in getting into romantic relationships. They added that it is according to

the need to belong theory by which individuals have the determination to connect with

others in enduring, close relationships. Aristotle called the human beings social

animals. In his book, Myers (2010) defined the need to belong as a motivation to bond

with others in relationships that provide ongoing, positive interactions. He supplemented

that we feel a bigger sense of happiness when we are supported by close, intimate

Due to this need, university students often involve themselves into romantic

relationships which have several effects on them. In a study conducted by psychologists

Baumeister and Leary (1995), by using a sample of 10,000 tape recordings of half-minute

cuts of students waking hours, they found out that 28% of an average students waking

hours are spent to talking to someone. That time excludes the hours spent on listening to

someone talking.

Studies on the Impact of Relationships on Academic Performance

It cannot be denied that being in a relationship does have its effects on how one

performs at school. According to Lucas and Curpuz (2007), personal relationships such as

romantic relationships could increase a learners sense of belonging, self-respect and self-

acceptance thus providing a positive climate for learning. This is in accordance with the

theory of incentive approach of motivation which states that the desirable properties of

external stimuli be it in food, money, affection, etc. could be a persons source of


Vgotskys theory proposes that social interaction plays a very significant role on

ones cognitive development and could not be understood without looking into the social

and cultural context. Furthermore, Vygotskys ideas about cognitive development have

become major influences in psychology and education today (Lucas & Corpuz, 2007).

Theorists suggested that romantic relationship has a great role in the academic

performance of adolescents. Parents, peers, and partners, on the other hand, cooperate,

collaborate and enrich the learning experience (Lucas & Corpuz, 2007). In this way,

adolescents who are more knowledgeable can help in the cognitive development of their

On the other hand, numerous negative effects are evident with respect to the

impact of romantic relationships on a students academic performance. Although

romantic relationships could be a source of motivation, it is also the number one source

of stress among students (Manning et al., 2009). It is due to conflicts that may occur in a

relationship as well as unexpected break-ups. This also applies to students who give more

importance to academics because engaging in a relationship can be an undeniable


Myers (2010) also said that relationships, specifically in relation to college

students consume much of ones time. One sampling of 10,000 tape recordings of half-

minute slices of students waking hours(using belt-worn recorders) found them talking to

someone 28% of the time - and that doesnt count the time they spent to someone (Mehl

& Pennebaker, 2003). In 2008, the average American 13-17 year-old sent or

received1742 text messages per month.


Considerably, studies reviewed above provide insights on the comparison between

academic performance of students who engage in a relationship ad those who are not.

These studies may be used in making the methodology of the current study. Furthermore,

they may prove useful in attaining the goals of the study and for those concerned for

further research, not only in the field of language learning but also in other relevant areas.

Ali, N. et al. (December, 2009). The factors influencing students performance at
university teknologi mara kedah, malaysia. Management Science and
Engineering, 4 (3), 81 90.

Baumeister, R. & Leary, M. (1995). The need to belong: desire for interpersonal
attachments as a fundamental human motivation. Psychological Bulletin, 117 (3),
497 529.

Collins, A. (February, 2003). More than a myth: the developmental significance of

romantic relationships during adolescence. Research on Adolescence, 13 (1), 1 -

Corpuz, B. & Lucas, M.R. (2007). Facilitating learning: a metacognitive process.

Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing.

Farooq, M.S., Chaudhry, A.H., Shafiq, M. & Berhanu, G. (December, 2011). Factors

affecting students quality of academic performance: a case of secondary school

level. Journal of Quality and Technology Management, 7 (2), 1 14.

Huggins, G. (June, 2015). Romantic relationships and academic achievement. Retrieved


Myers, D. (2010). Social psychology. Boston: McGraw-Hill College.

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