Negative Impact of Modern Communication Tools

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Negative Impact Of Modern Communication Tools

Dr. Ferdous

Adjunct Faculty of Business Studies

Bangladesh University of Professionals

Md. Mehedee Hasan
ID. 16232003
MBA 2016

Date of Submission: 30 April 2016

Letter of Transmittal

30 April 2016

Dr. Ferdous
Adjunct Faculty of Business Studies
Bangladesh University of Professionals

Subject: Submission of term-paper on The Negative impact of modern communication


Dear sir,

I am pleased to inform you that I have completed the term paper as per your instruction,
on the theme which covers five basic tools of modern communication.

We would like to thank you for giving us the opportunity to work on this topic as it has
helped us to knowledge about negative impact of modern communication tools .

However, we have tried our best to complete the paper with relevant and to-the-point
information. But for obvious reasons it is very likely that the paper may have some
unintentional mistakes & lacking and may also contain some wrong assumptions. We are
looking forward to your kind suggestion in this regard.

We will be glad to answer any kind of question about any matter relating to this paper
and will be pleased to provide further clarification if necessary.

Yours sincerely,

Md. Mehedee Hasan

ID: 16232003

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Finally I have finished my first term paper for the first semester. First of all, all thanks
goes to the Almighty, because its only his blessings which enable me to do everything
that is good and also help refrain me from every evil deed. So, my deepest gratitude to
the Almighty for giving us the strength and the composure to finish the task within the
due time.

Next, our sincere gratitude goes to our honorable teacher Mr. Ferdous, Adjunct Faculty of
Business studies, Bangladesh University Professionals (BUP). It was a challenging task to
gather correct data from internet. From the huge amount of data I collect all relevant
data. It is not so easy task because I have to read our all data then collect. If I start work
earlier it could be more easy. Whatever, I wish I would learn from this mistake and
prepare ourselves for the future.

Finally a silent stream of gratitude is for my most adorned parents and friends, whose
blessings are always with me in this windy world. We beg pardon to my teacher for our
unintentional error, if any.

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Todays youth have unprecedented access to modern technology and use them in
expected and unexpected ways. Youth spend many hours a day using the
technology, and the vast majority of them have access to Internet, cell phones,
smart phone, video games and many more. This chapter provides an overview of the
impact of modern technology on personal, educational, economical, social and cultural
aspect. Over and unconsciously use of these technology people face some impact. Some
impact are short term and some effects are long terms. Recommendations were made
for user ways to increase the benefits and reduce the harm that technology can
have for adolescents.

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Table of Contents

Chapter Chapter Name Page No.


01 Introduction 01-02
1.1 Origin of the report 02
1.2 Background of the report 02
1.3 Objective of the report 02
1.4 Methodology 02
1.5 Limitations 02
02 Overview of Communication 03-06
History of Communication 04
03 About Modern Communication Tools 07-11
3.1 Computer 08
3.2 Smartphone 09
3.3 Internet 09
3.4 Social Media 10
3.5 Television 11
04 Negative Impact of Modern Communication Tools 12-22
4.1 Negative impact of Computer 13
4.2 Negative impact of Smartphone 14
4.3 Negative impact of Internet 16
4.4 Negative impact of Social Media 18
4.5 Negative impact of Television 20
05 Conclusion & Recommendation 23-25
Conclusion 24
Recommendation 25
06 Reference 26-27

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1.1 Origin of the report
1.2 Background of the report
1.3 Objective of the report
1.4 Methodology
1.5. Limitation Introduction

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1.1 Origin of the report

I am the student of MBA of Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP). Every semester

I have 5 courses. The completion of every course requires to have a term paper. This
assignment is a partial requirement of the course BUS 5101, namely Business

1.2 Background of the report

Modern technology has experienced vast expansion in recent years, leading to its
extensive use by people from all generations. For a generation of young people,
technology has assumed a substantial stake in their social and educational lives. The
vast majority of adolescents have access to computers, the Internet, cell phones, video
games, Social media and many other forms of modern technology. With the increased
use of modern technology adolescents lives has fall into dinger. They face many health
and social and cultural problems. Proper use of modern technology in communication
people can reduce problem largely. So we should follow the recommendation rid of these

1.3 Objective of the report

The objective of the report is to find out some impact of modern communication tools
and recommended about the tools. To full fill these objective first describe the use of
tools and then sequentially describe impact and then recommendation. So that we can
understand the bad impact of these tools and know how to rid of these problems.

1.4 Methodology

It is a basic research assignment on modern communication tools. The source of

information is secondary that is collected from different online site and class lecture.
Finally, after gathering all required information I present those under negative impact
and finalize the report.

1.5. Limitations

To find out the negative impact of modern communication is not a easy job. It is very
difficult and time consuming. I am full time students of MBA, where I have course load
for 5 or 6 courses each semester. The university schedule is designed in such a way it is
hard to manage enough time to find out the negative impact of modern communication.
All Collected data may not be hundred percent accurate because I can not justify. So,
time and correct source are the main limitation of this research.

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History of communication

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History Of Communication

The history of communication began with man communicating with others like him, using
oral communication that was understandable to the listener. Hand signs and body
language played important roles while our ancestors communicated with one another.
Man then developed a sense of what surrounded him, by trying to depict all that he saw
and experienced, using mud and sharpened tools, to draw and carve on walls. Let's take
a look at how communication progressed over the years.

2.1 Petroglyph ( 10,000BC) :

A petroglyph is a method that involves carving/incising/ picking

rocks, using a sharp instrument to produce works of art. A
petrograph on the other hand, is when one paints imagery on
rocks, without the use of carving instruments. Both are forms of
pictograms that depict certain objects or situations that tell a
story, or are random interpretations of man wanted to put down
on rock, of what he saw around him.

2.2 Pictograms (6000-5000 BC):

Pictograms are forms of imagery that depict a single object,

situations, or other forms of image depiction. The Chinese are
well-known for relying on pictograms, which are a core part of
their language and style of communication. A single Chinese
pictogram can translate into many kinds of things; the image
given above means 'good fortune' in Chinese. Words don't have
to be spelled out, but denoted by certain symbolic representations that give us the
meaning all at once. Pictograms were usually decipherable in a glance, depending on
who was looking at it.

2.3 Egyptian Hieroglyphs (26th century BC):

Egyptian hieroglyphs heavily relied on a logographic system that

represented a grapheme (the translation of a grapheme is
called a morpheme). The term 'morpheme' is the smallest unit
of language that holds meaning - they stand for words that
represent symbols, rather than the sounds that make up the
core of that particular word. Phonemes (sounds), were harder to

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decipher than what one saw through a logogra m. Africa, Central America, and China,
were some of the civilizations that relied on a logographic system.

2.4 Greek and Roman Alphabets:

The Greeks adopted their alphabetical system from the

Phoenician alphabet, which later served as the basis for scripts
in the Middle East and Europe. It contains 24 letters in both
modern and classical scripts, out of which 22 were taken from
the Phoenician script, with five letters changed to represent
vowels. The Latin/Roman alphabet took shape, post the popularity of the westernized
script of the Greek alphabet - called the Cumaean alphabet - which was taken and
modified by the Etruscans; rulers of early Rome. The Romans then tweaked the Etruscan
alphabet, further modifying it and turning it into Latin script.

2.5 Postal Services:

Who developed the act of delivering posts first, is still a

vague, debatable historical matter, with many claiming that it
may have been Cyrus the Great, the Persian king. Others
claim that it may have been Hammurabi a nd Sargon II,
because of their ingenious postal service that gathered
information related to tax called the angaria system. Crucial
information was taken back and forth using this system, where a carrier would ride to his
destination but halt at various posts, swapping horses and resuming travel - it made
delivery swift and highly effective.

2.6 Smoke Signals

Smoke signals were an important form of communication between

parties, of impending danger or important messages that needed to be
encoded via the signal. The Chinese used smoke signals before
enemies attacked, where two towers across from each other could view
the smoke and accordingly act on what was interpreted. Native tribes
like the North American Indians, used smoke signals to alert others
across a certain stretch of land, of whether things were good or bad.

2.7 Pigeon Post

The highlight of using pigeon post is recorded during 1870-71, when

Paris used pigeons to send messages to neighboring areas. The
Germans would train hawks to attack these pigeons, being a common
means of communication during wartime (siege in Paris). A lot of
important messages were sent via pigeon post for military purposes,
proving to be a highly sought-after method of communication.

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2.8 Heliograph

he French engineer Claude Chappe, is said to be possibly the

first man - along with his brothers - to put together a
successfully constructed optical telegraph. It was used for
military purposes along with other forms of national
communication, spanning the country with a strong network of
556 stations. The Swedish and English devised a different way
of communicating with others, with the help of shuttered panels that were engineered to
work out the same function, but as an advanced and more reliable invention.

2.9 Wireless Telegraph

While the telegraph was a significant discovery of its time,

wireless telegraphy was slowly emerging as the 'it' invention,
because of its extremely shrewd construct of not having to use
wires between two connecting points. Before it became known
as the 'radio', it was frequently used to convey Morse code
messages for decades, before it was popularized as a
commercial product. Public broadcasting found its roots in radiotelephony, which was a
successor of radio telegraphy as we know it today. Heinrich Hertz was the first to prove
that electric waves could be wirelessly transmitted, but abandoned the idea because he
thought it lacked practicality.

2.10 Typewriter

While many believe that William Austin Burt was the first to invent
the typewriter (called the typographer), it was Italian inventor
Pellegrino Turri who invented the first of its kind - including carbon
paper as ink for the typewriter - for the blind. William was the first
to patent the invention, in spite of Turri's earlier make.
Nonetheless, the typographer didn't have a chance to make an
appearance commercially, because no one was willing to patent it.

2.11 Telephone

The telephone was a radical invention of its time, with many

inventors contributing to the efforts behind the acoustic telegraph. It
was an invention that replaced its electric counterpart, making
communication easier, because of the exchange of messages by
speech. The story has controversial variations that are until today, a
fuzzy interpretation of what may or may not have happened. Some
say that Alexander Graham Bell stole the idea from Elisha Gray,
another inventor in the race. All we do know today, is that Bell received his patient first
an hour or two before Gray.

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3.1 Computer
3.2 SmartPhone
3.3 Internet
3.4 Social Media
3.5 Television

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Modern Communication Tools
We communicate in many different mediums. Modern communication is predominantly
shaped by the advancement in technology. The human race has come a long way from
tribal epoch to the electronic epoch. However, the electronic approach to
communication has grown exponentially during the last decade. Most communication
mediums we use today such as-




Social Media


3.1 Computer:

A computer is an electronic device that processes data, converting it into information

that is useful to people.

A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information, or data. It has the ability to
store, retrieve, and process data. You probably already know that you can use a computer to type
documents, send email, play games, and browse the Web. You can also use it to edit or create
spreadsheets, presentations, and even videos.

Using computer

For Communication
Collect and Provide Information
For Research and Development
Field of Medical
For Entertainment

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3.2 Smart Phone:

A cellular phone that performs many of the functions of a computer, typically having a
touch screen interface, Internet access, and an operating system capable of running
downloaded applications.

Phones used to be all about making calls, but now your mobile can do so much more.
The range of new touchscreen Smartphone allows you to access the internet, use social
media, get live news updates, play music and video, and much more. They almost
universally use touchscreens for control, however, which can be a challenge for people
new to the technology.

Using Smartphone

For Messaging
To Listening Music
To Listening Radio
Searching the Web
For Phone Call
For Social Media
Giving and receiving Personal E-mail
Play game
Watch live television
Watching News

3.3 .Internet:

The Internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks that use the
Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link billions of devices worldwide.

The popular name for the Internet is the information superhighway. Whether you want to
find the latest financial news, browse through library catalogs, exchange information with
colleagues, or join in a lively political debate, the Internet is the tool that will take you
beyond telephones, faxes, and isolated computers to a burgeoning networked
information frontier.

Using Internet

For Communication
For Education
Doing Financial Transaction
For Real Time Updates
Sharing Information
Using multimedia
Sharing multimedia
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3.4.Social Media:

Forms of electronic communication through which users create online communities to

share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content.

Social media originated as strictly a personal tool that people used to interact with
friends and family but were later adopted by businesses that wanted to take advantage
of a popular new communication method to reach out to customers.

Some popular Social media are-








Using Social Media

For Social interaction

For Passing time
For Entertainment
For Relaxation
To Express opinion
For Convenience people
Sharing information
For Online advertising
For Online business
For Online voice and video call
For Online messaging
Sharing audio, video and picture

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3.5 Television:

a system for transmitting visual images and sound that are reproduced on screens, chiefly used
to broadcast programs for entertainment, information, and education.

Television is one of our worlds most important media of mass communication. It shows
us information programs, like the news, documentaries, and sports events. We can
watch films, listen to interviews and hear the sounds of events that happen far away.
Television teaches us about countries and cultures and we can enjoy entertainment, like
series, comedies, game shows or sitcoms.

Using Television

Passing time
News and Information
Products advertisement and promotion

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4.1 Negative impact of Computer
4.2 Negative impact of SmartPhone
4.3 Negative impact of Internet
4.4 Negative impact of Social Media
4.5 Negative impact of Television

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Negative Impact of Modern Communication Tools

Modern communication tools has taken a revolutionary change in our society in the field
of personal, social, financial and economical situation. Its also some negative impact
that affects in our personals and social life.

Negative impact of Computer

Though computer is a more beneficial but it has some negative impacts. Negative
impacts are-

4.1.1 Increased Stress

Learning new computer skills and programs can put stress on workers, especially older
or less-educated workers. In addition to this, employees are constantly connected to co-
workers, clients, vendors and business networks throughout the workday. Because
interactions can happen instantaneously, often with a desire for instant responses, this
can cause additional stress in the workplace.

4.1.2 Distractions

According to CNET News, office workers are interrupted approximately every three
minutes by emails, instant messages, phone calls or other distractions. This causes
overall lower productivity as it takes eight minutes for the brain to achieve a creative
state. Aside from legitimate work-based interruptions, employers are also competing
against technology-driven distractions such as social media, online games, news feeds
and even pornography.

4.1.3 Health Issues

Aside from the widely discussed vision and musculoskeletal problems, according to
Communications Workers of America, there is an increased rate of heart-related disease
in computer-based offices due to the intense pressure of having work constantly
monitored via computer.

4.1.4 Exposure to Radiation

Many computers have CRT, or Cathode Ray Tube, monitors that give off X-ray radiation
that can affect your health. Being exposed to computer radiation can cause cancer,
tumors, miscarriage and birth defects, headaches and insomnia. The FDA requires that a

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computer and TV monitors meet a radiation limit. However, they still give off a small
amount of radiation.

4.1.5 Addiction

Computers also give you access to a wide variety of information and entertainment.
People who use computers for this reason, which develop a computer addiction. This
may cause a person to become addicted to online activities like reading articles and
researching for fun, playing online games, visiting chat rooms, gambling or even
pornography or cybersex. This can cause the person to lie about their online habits and
activities, neglect family and social events and academic failure. Strong addiction may
require sufferers to seek professional therapy.

4.1.6 Lack of Privacy

Stored documents or important documents i.g account number, password etc. can be
stolen by hack or free access of computer.

4.1.7 More Violence

After people lose empathy and are accustomed to violence, it becomes the social norm.
Teenage girls are videoing themselves violently beating another girl; the number of
school shootings are rising and videos of people attacking homeless people are a few
examples of violent behavior caused by media.

Negative impact of Smartphone

Smartphone has been revolutionary changing in our society but it has some problems.

4.2.1 Loss of Hearing and Eyesight

Using headphones and ear buds can cause people to lose their hearing over time.
Likewise, straining your eyes looking at phone screens can cause people to need glasses
much earlier in life.

4.2.2 Brain cancer

Over use of mobile phone the mobile phones radiation can injure our brain that create
brain cancer.

4.2.3 Disconnect

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Some people find themselves so addicted to their smart phone that they feel
disconnected from the people in their life.

4.2.4 Lack of Social Bonds

Creating a lasting bond with other people requires face-to-face interaction. The more we
isolate ourselves with technology the fewer bonds we will form. People are expected to
do more work at home which takes away time they would be spending with their families.
Also, younger people prefer communicating online versus face-to-face. When people are
in the same room and communicating via text or instant messaging instead of speaking
to each other, theres a problem.

4.2.5 Wastage of Time and Money

People are wasting lot of their time by browsing internet, sending unnecessary sms
(messages), to one another through their mobile phones. This is totally wastage of time
and money.

4.2.6 Increases Anxiety

Relying on texting as a primary mode of communication can increase anxiety in teens.

Texting is instantly gratifying, but it also produces anxiety. The instant reply by the friend
can bring joy and elation. But in case of delayed response or no response, this same
pleasure turns into disappointment.

4.2.7 Infested with germs

Your phones dont need to literally come in contact with dirt or mud to be contaminated
by germs. You carry your mobile phone everywhere you go and it touches many surfaces
that may not be clean. Your own hand that holds the cell phone may not always be clean
either. A research conducted in 2011, found that one in six mobile phones were
contaminated with some sort of fecal matter and E. coli bacteria, which could cause
fever, vomiting and diarrhea, if consumed; it stated that these germs were caused
because the owner probably did not wash his hands.

4.2.8 Infertility

All those men out there, do you know your phone can make you infertile. Yes, it might
come as a shock to you, but the radiation from a mobile can decrease your sperm count.
So, limit your phone use and also make it a point to never carry it in your pockets.

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5.2.9 Concentration Issue

No matter whether you use smartphone one, chances are that you check your phone
even while driving, travelling and even walking on the road. Phones can potentially
distract a person and increases a risk of traffic accidents. Also, phone addicts find it
difficult to concentrate while working or studying.

Negative impact of Internet

4.3.1 Thinking Capacity Reduced

These days, whenever teacher gives assignments to students, they tend to search it on
the internet and copy down the facts. But, this is not the right thing to down. This would
reduce their thinking capacity and they just cram the facts listed on the internet. This
also makes students lazier. If this thing continues in the future as well, chances are there
that students would not do anything on their own and just cram what is given on internet,
they would not even try to think whether the matter given there is actually correct or not.

4.3.2 Sexual Exploitation

According to a study conducted by University of Florida, the students who use internet
two to three hours on a daily basis are likely to fall a prey to sexual exploitation. With the
advent of internet, exploiting small children sexually has become very easy. There are a
large number of sexual predators lying there on the internet and once a student comes in
contact with such people, his mind and thoughts are affected by that. In the long run, this
can produce adverse effects on the mental health of the student and he is sexually
exploited online. In the extreme cases, student might not be able to tell this thing to

4.3.3 Privacy is disturbed

The more you use internet, more are the chances that your privacy is disturbed. Hacking
the internet has become very easy these days, hackers are very intelligent and you
cannot even imagine how they are going to use this talent of theirs to spoil your life. Not
only your basic information, but some of your most confidential details might get into
their hands if you do not use the internet safely. Students must operate the internet
under supervision of their parents and even if they think they are old enough, parents
should not allow them to be that much self-dependant.

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4.3.4 Addiction

After alcohol and drugs, internet is the third most addictive thing. Once you fall a prey to
this drug of internet, it is very difficult to come back from there. The internet addiction
can be of any kind, a student might be addicted to the social networking sites or the
gaming sites and in the extreme cases, a student might even fall a prey to the gambling
sites. In the third case, student may even lose all his familys wealth.

4.3.5 Insomnia

Due to the presence of internet, some students shorten their sleeping hours. They sit on
their laptops late at night, chatting with their friends or playing games on the online
gaming sites. If this thing continues for a long time, insomnia may occur. This is a state
where a person is unable to sleep. This condition is very harmful as we all know that
proper sleep is a must for good health. Not only it would affect your mental growth, but
your physical growth would also be very much affected by it. These days, students check
their updates on Face book and Gmail even in the middle of nights on their mobiles. This
also causes problems in the eyes of the students.

4.3.6 Moral corruption

There are many things available on the internet that should not be in the reach of
students. But internet does not have any hard and fast rule for that. A 5 year kid can
approach the content which only an 18+ is allowed to see. This leads to some kind of
moral corruption among the students. The innocence and purity of the school students
as well as the college students is extremely affected by such things.

4.3.7 Inactivity

These days, students hardly do any of the physical exercises. They prefer bikes instead of
cycles or walking. This may cause obesity. And, to add to this problem, internet is there.
Students spend most of their leisure time sitting at one place in front of their computers
and very less movement is done by their body. Lack of any kind of activity is one of the
root causes of all the problems occurring to the body. Even at night, instead of sleeping,
they prefer to waste their time on the internet. Many of other health related problems
may also rise due to obesity and inertia.

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4.3.8 Lack of Creativity

Students are often given a loathsome of projects and presentations to make. Well, what
happens nowadays is that they simply copy paste all the information available from the
net into their notebooks. Not a single student tries doing it on his own. This plagiarism on
their part leads to lack of creativity in the students. Due to this they hardly even
understand whatever topic their project is on. They do not get a chance to explore
anything on their own as information an almost anything is readily accessible. Things
become easier for them in such a way that it hinders learning.

4.3.9 Getting bulled over the net

Cyber bulling is the term added to explain bulling over the net. It is much easier than
physical bulling. Students easily get trapped into it. The very much explorations of the
social networking sites make the work of cyber bullies all the more easy to carry out.
Students are most bullied over the net. The cyber bullies over expose and demoralize the
victims. This is also leading to rise in suicidal attempts by students. They get harassed
and face embarrassment but still they are not able to share such a drastic experience
with anybody.

Negative impact of Social media

This technology might be doing more harm than good. It is not only changing how we
communicate, but how we inter-act with each other in daily life. Social networking affects
our lives in many ways, including our communication, self-expression, bullying,
friendships, and even our own mental health.

4.4.1 Social media makes us restless

Out of the same sample as the above example, two-thirds admitted to having difficultly
relaxing when unable to use their social media accounts.

4.4.2 Social media gives rise to cyberbullying.

Cyberbullying is an enormous concern, especially for adolescents. An organization that

aims for internet safety, called Enough is Enough, conducted a survey that found 95% of
teenagers who use social media have witnessed cyberbullying, and 33% have been
victims themselves.

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4.4.2 Social media glamorizes drug and alcohol use.

A study that explored the relationship between teenagers, social media, and drug use
found that 70% of teenagers ages 12 to 17 use social media, and that those who
interact with it on a daily basis are five times more likely to use tobacco, three times
more likely to use alcohol, and twice as likely to use marijuana. In addition, 40%
admitted they had been exposed to pictures of people under the influence via social
media, suggesting correlation between the two factors. Although a correlation is all it is, it
makes sense that social media would amp up the amount of peer pressure to which
teenagers are exposed.

4.4.3 Social media can make us unhappy.

A study from the University of Michigan collected data about Facebook users and how it
correlated with their moods. Simply put, they found that the more avid users were overall
more unhappy than those who used the site less. Over more time, avid users also
reported lower satisfaction in their lives overall.

4.4.4 Social media makes us compare

Posts on social media many times present an idealized version of whats happening,
what something looks like, or how things are going. This can lead users to constantly
compare themselves to others and think less of their own lives. If things are going
particularly well for people in your newsfeed and youre having a rough day, of course this
will likely negatively affect your mood. In fact, in 2012 a team of researchers in the UK
surveyed users, 53% of whom said social media had changed their behavior; 51% said it
was negative behavior because of decline in confidence they felt due to unfair
comparisons to others.

4.4.5 Diminishing Privacy

Social networking sites encourage people to be more public about their personal lives.
Because intimate details of our lives can be posted so easily, users are prone to bypass
the filters they might normally employ when talking about their private lives. What's more,
the things they post remain available indefinitely. While at one moment a photo of
friends doing shots at a party may seem harmless, the image may appear less attractive
in the context of an employer doing a background check. While most sites allow their
users to control who sees the things they've posted, such limitations are often forgotten,
can be difficult to control or don't work as well as advertised.

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4.4(a) Negative impact of twitter, facebook, viber, whatsapp..

1.Many students rely on the accessibility of information on social

media specifically and the web in general to provide answers. That
means a reduced focus on learning and retaining information.

2. Students who attempt to multi-task, checking social media sites

while studying, show reduced academic performance. Their ability to concentrate on the
task at hand is significantly reduced by the distractions that are brought about by
YouTube, stumbleupon, Facebook or Twitter.

3. The more time students spend on social sites, the less time they spend socializing in
person. Because of the lack of body signals and other nonverbal cues, like tone and
inflection, social networking sites are not an adequate replacement for face-to-face
communication. Students who spend a great deal of time on social networking are less
able to effectively communicate in person.

4. The popularity of social media, and the speed at which information is published, has
created a lax attitude towards proper spelling and grammar. The reduces a students
ability to effectively write without relying on a computers spell check feature.

5. The degree to which private information is available online and the anonymity the
internet seems to provide has made students forget the need to filter the information
they post. Many colleges and potential employers investigate an applicants social
networking profiles before granting acceptance or interviews. Most students dont
constantly evaluate the content theyre publishing online, which can bring about negative
consequences months or years down the road.

6. Extreme usage of social media has reduced the level of human interaction. Because of
social networks the interaction with other people has become effortless and people have
isolated their lives behind their online identities. Face to face communication and
meetings has been reduced and many of us have lost the flavor and charm to be
together under one roof.

Negative impact of television

Has watching television become an essential part of your routine? Do you have the habit
of watching TV for long hours after returning from work? Do you and your family watch it
regularly during meals or before bedtime? If your answer to all these questions was
positive, it is time you cut down on your TV viewing, and incorporate healthier activities
like exercising and reading, into your daily schedule. You don't want yourself or your
children turning into couch potatoes. Limit your screen time, as the negative effects of
television are many.

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5.5.1 Higher risk of premature death:

A study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association says that adults who
watch television for three or more hours daily are at a two-times higher risk of premature
death than those who watch TV for an hour or less daily.

5.5.2 Lead to overeating:

Watching TV is a sedentary activity. Moreover, it could lead to overeating in some, further

adding to the health hazards associated with television viewing. Mental engagement
while watching TV, to an extent, numbs the sensation of feeling full after eating, which
may lead to excess food intake, further resulting in obesity and the associated health

5.5.3 Long-lasting impression on one's mind:

Studies in psychology have shown that watching intense emotions on television leaves a
long-lasting impression on one's mind. Horror scenes or other frightful scenes on
television have a negative impact on the minds of people watching. Verbal, physical, or
any other form of abuse shown on TV has a psychological effect on the viewers.

5.5.4 Negative impact on young minds:

Television is bad, especially for kids, because of the kind of content featured on it. Sex,
violence, and horror have a negative impact on young minds.

5.5.5 Leads to aggressive behavior in children:

Watching content with violence (includes bloodshed, horror, murders, etc.) leads to
aggressive behavior in children. Such negative elements also generate fright in them and
increase their stress levels, further leading to sleep disturbances.

5.5.6 Sexual content on TV leads those vulnerable:

Sexual content on TV leads those vulnerable, towards sexual behavior. Children and
teenagers form this vulnerable group. TV programs may not show the real picture, and if
not given proper sex education, youngsters may engage in sexual behaviors that are
unsafe or unacceptable.

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5.5.7 Copy actors acts:

When an actor or TV celebrity is shown performing a stunt, teenagers tend to copy his
acts without considering the risks involved. An actor, as a part of the TV program or
movie, may be shown engaging in a risky behavior such as smoking or drinking. Kids and
youngsters may feel like imitating that behavior, thinking of it as casual or cool.

5.5.8 Psychological effects:

There is a theory that when a person plays video games or watches TV, the basal ganglia
portion of the brain becomes very active and dopamine is released. Some scientists
believe that release of high amounts of dopamine reduces the amount of the
neurotransmitter available for control of movement, perception of pain and pleasure and
formation of feelings, although this remains a controversial conclusion. A study
conducted by Herbert Krugman found that while viewers are watching television the right
side of the brain is twice as active as the left which causes a state of hypnosis.

5.5.9 Social and cultural effect:

When people watch tv show, serials, movies etc. in other culture or other religious. By
watching television people accept other culture and eliminations own culture. Thats
cultural problem create cultural conflicts. Cultural impact influence peoples activities and
behavior. Cultural problem impost people to create social crime.

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Though technology give speed but take emotion. Despite the fact that we cannot really
ignore that there are a number of ways in which technology negatively impacts our society, for
the better part it has greatly helped to make out lives better. Technology has greatly helped us to
become more efficient thus increasing our productivity. It has also helped us a great deal to be
able to save on many resources such as time and money and these are great benefits that
cannot be ignored. It has also worked well in bringing unity into the world by turning it into a
global village which has in turn helped people to more easily overcome their cultural, racial and
continental barriers.

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1. Computer user should use computer for important purpose, because unnecessary
use create addiction to computer.
2. User should seating maintain at least 30 inch distance from monitor so that
harmful radiance can not affect.
3. User should use internet security to protect valuable documents from virus and
also take personal computer in safe place where unknown people can not access.
4. I recommend user dont over use ear phone and dont talk too much via mobile
5. User should wash hand before and after use mobile phone because it carry germs
and bacteria different ways.
6. Men should not carry mobile phone in our pocket because its radiation decrease
sperm count.
7. User Should not depends on internet every aspect of life because it reduce
thinking capacity and creativity.
8. We should reduce unnecessary use of social media because it loss our time and
9. We should secure our account from unknown and unnecessary access.
10. We should not share account and password to unknown people.
11. We should not watching television more then 1 or 2 hours.
12. Should not watch other culture programs because it affect own culture.

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Class lecture

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Class lecture..

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