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February 5th

To Whom It May Concern:

The {Name of Entity} has issued this Request for Proposal (RFP) in order to select and contract with a
company (vendor) to create a new website { url here} that is a modern, highly attractive and built with
responsive web design.
The {entity type} is seeking proposals from highly qualified, experienced website development
companies to design, develop and implement its public-facing website. The chosen strategic partner must
be a firm that has experience in managing local government website design projects, and expertise with
best practices regarding:
successful website design
user experience and usability testing
information architecture
website development and deployment
website hosting
content strategy
social media integration
search engine optimization

1.Statement Of Work:
As part of the Website design Project the contractor will be responsible for performing tasks throughout
various stages of this project. The following is a list of these tasks which will result in the successful
completion of this project:

Contractor will create and present detailed project plan including schedule, testing plan,
implementation plan, training plan, and transition plan
Contractor will present project plan to company for review and approval

Design Phase:
Work to gather requirements and establish metrics
Create site design based on collected requirements
Develop site design proposal for company to review and approval
Present written status at weekly meeting

Build Phase:
Contractors will complete all coding for approved site design
Contractors will provide compay with a detailed testing plan
Contractors will include all content as decided on designed web site
Contractors will conduct testing
Contractors will resolve any coding and site issues identified in testing
Contractors will compile a testing report to present to company for review/approval
Present written status at weekly meeting

Implementation Phase:
Contractors will implement the newly redesigned web site on servers
Contractors will begin providing 24x7 web site support at this point forward until the end of the
period of performance
Present written status at weekly meeting
Training Phase:
Contractors will provide training in accordance with approved training plan provided in the
Present written status at weekly meeting

Project Handoff/Closure:
Contractors will provide with all documentation in accordance with the approved project plan
Contractors will present project closure report to company for review and approval
Contractors will complete the project requirements checklist showing that all project tasks have
been completed
Contractors will conclude 24x7 web support at 11:59pm on the final day of the period of
Present written status at weekly meeting

2.Requirements And Goals:

2.1.The primary requirements and goals of the website design are as follows:

2.1.1 Interactive and Engaging Website We are seeking to redesign our website to include an
intuitive, easy-to-use interface that allows visitors to easily donate whenever the want to. The solution
should be also be easy to maintain for our administrators and content creators, streamline business
operations and increase productivity.

2.1.2 Purpose of our Website

Our site should:
Serve the needs of all users by letting them easily donate providing them with access to key services on
a 24x7 basis, allowing them to share information and interact with our staff.
Promote transparency of donation based services.
Provide a pleasant and delightful experience to all users by making it easy for them to complete their
tasks or find what they want in a straightforward manner.
Be strategic and nimble, and focus on making our content useful, interactive and engaging. We know
that things will change in the future, and we want our site to adapt and remain relevant.

2.1.3 Customers We take a broad customer-centric view of our community since we view anyone who
visits our website or community as a customer. Our website is our digital front door and our goal is to
focus on the needs of our customers, and on improving our interactions and engagement with our
customer base.

2.1.4 Research Based Design We want a site that is user friendly and easy to operate.

2.1.5 Accessible Site Our new website should comply with World Wide Web Consortiums (W3C) Web
Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 (Level AA compliance) and Section 508 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973. In addition, the vendor should follow best practices, voluntary standards and
guidelines developed by the World Wide Web Consortiums (W3C) Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI),
and train our users in creating accessible content.

2.1.6 Flexible Solution The new site should build upon proven and accepted website development
standards while maintaining flexibility to easily grow and add new functionality over time and with
minimal cost. The solution should also accommodate existing auxiliary department sites to maintain a
unique look and feel, but share overall infrastructure and features.

2.1.7 Robust Hosting Environment we are seeking a hosted website solution that should include:
Hosting in SSAE 16 Type II compliant data centers with redundancies for ISP providers, power and
Guaranteed uptime of 99.9% backed by a Service Level Agreement (SLA)
Full disaster recovery to a backup data center with less than 60 minutes site restoration and less than 15
minutes data replication.
Complete Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) mitigation solution to detect and mitigate malicious
cyber attacks.

2.2.Technology/Platform Requirements:
2.2.1 Browser Support The {entity} is looking for the new website to support mobile and desktop
versions of Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer and Edge, and Mozilla Firefox.
The site should support all versions of the browsers that have been released within the last 5 years.
2.2.2 DDoS Mitigation The hosted solution should protect the website against Distributed Denial of
Service (DDoS) and other cyberattacks, and should be able to detect and mitigate malicious traffic within
seconds. The solution should have smart-detection technology that can identify the source and analyze the
behavior of the attack.
2.2.3 Disaster Recovery In the event of any outage impacting the primary data center, the hosting
solution must have a disaster recovery or backup data center where our website visitors will continue to
be able to access our site. The Recovery Time Objective (RTO) should be 60 minutes or less and the data
replication (Recovery Point Object or RPO) should be 15 minutes or less.
2.2.4 Hosting Data Center and Backup Data Center The hosting platform must be in a certified data
center (SSAE 16 Type II Compliant) with multiple layers of security access, redundant ISP providers,
backup power and redundant generator, and firewall protection.
2.2.5 Page Load Time The solution should ensure that pages load on an average of 1.5 seconds of less.
2.2.6 Programming Experience Explain your firms experience with other programming capabilities
that would be useful in developing websites.
2.2.7 Responsive CMS Recommendation The {entity} is looking to have the vendor recommend a
content management system. Explain your firms experience utilizing recommended CMSin designing
responsive websites.
2.2.8 System Uptime Guarantee The hosting platform should have a guaranteed uptime of 99.9% and
be backed by a Service Level Agreement (SLA).
2.2.9 Third Party Plugins The {entity} will allow the vendor to use third-party plugins where
appropriate as potential solutions for a requirement.
2.2.10 Web and Database Servers Preference will be given to vendors that split website management
between web servers and SQL database servers in order to optimize load time and efficiency in the
hosting environment.

The following are inclusive but not necessarily exhaustive lists of requirements and deliverables for each
phase.User Testing is expected at all applicable phases, and the testing deliverable will be in the form of a
findings report for each applicable phase.
3.1.Discovery Phase:
The following is an inclusive but not necessarily exhaustive list of requirements and deliverables for the
Discovery Phase:
Performing onsite interviews to understand website mission, vision and key business
drivers and how these criteria inform project objectives.
Working with team and company,conduct a website audit which will be used to identify
the core content, prioritize content, eliminate duplicate and outdated content.
Reviewing historic web analytic data to inform IA to meet our objectives.
Developing a detailed project schedule.

Deliverable will include both a Findings Report outlining recommendations for meeting
project goals and an outline of the proposed website.
Detailed Project Schedule.
Design Phase
The following is an inclusive but not necessarily exhaustive list of the requirements, desired
features, and deliverables for the Design Phase:
Conduct necessary user research and usability testing throughout the life of the project to
achieve objectives.
Design should support a framework, such as wordpress, to provide a flexible viewer
experience that can be integrated into the CMS. Should use platform-agnostic standards
for dynamic content elements such as HTML5.
The design process will include review and revision cycles as needed to achieve approval
of final design.
Ensure the website aligns with search engine optimization best practices.
Develop wesite which will:
o prioritize content.
o simplify discoverability.
Align the new design with WC3 Priority 1 Accessibility Guidelines, Section 508 of the
US Rehabilitation Act, and the fundamentals of Universal Design to provide optimal
accessibility to all of our users.
Detailed design layouts for all page and feature templates.
Detailed functional specifications.
Usability test results and related data.
Prototype Page Design Phase
The following is an inclusive but not necessarily exhaustive list of the elements of the Prototype Page
Design Phase. This list includes all of the deliverables necessary to begin building the site in the
CMS. Note that layers in documents must be clearly labeled and contain only the necessary assets.
Page Prototypes:
o Design, create, and deliver layered-HTML files which serve as a non-functional
Prototype for each page type.
Graphic Assets:
o Layered-files for all necessary graphic assets.
4.Items Supplied:
Our company will provide the detailed information of the project.

5.Approvals Required:
The contractors must obtain the approval of company for final version of website before it is

6.Type Of Contract:
The contract will be for a fixed price for all of the work to meet all requirements.

7.Due Date:
The contractors must submit 5 copies of proposal to IGDTUW on or before February 20 th.

Discovery Period - Initial Meetings & Planning [date]
Content Production [date]
Wireframes & Design [date]
Front-End Development [date]
General Development [date]
Content Implementation & Quality Assurance Testing [date]
Final Review by Company [date]
Final Go-Live Date [date]

9.Payment Terms:
We will make payments to the contractor according to following schedule:

One-third of total amount when project is shown to be one-third complete.

One-third of total amount when project is shown to be two-thirds complete.
One-third of total amount when company is satisfied that project is 100% complete.

10.Proposal Contents:
A discussion that indicates the contractor clearly understands the request for proposal and what is
expected.Also a detailed discussion of approach and description of each task.
A description of each deliverable that constructor will provide.
A bar chart or network diagram showing the weekly schedule of detailed tasks to be performed.

A discussion of recent similar projects the contractor has performed.
The names and resumes of specific individuals who will be assigned to work on project.
The total fixed price must be stated and supported by detailed breakdown of hours and cost rate for each
person who will be assigned to the project.

11.Proposal Evaluation Criteria:

Proposals will be distributed to contractors for evaluation utilizing the criteria set below:

Schedule (20%)
Technical Expertise (30%)
Client List and References (10%)
Pricing (10%)

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