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Des Moines Valley Health and Human Services

Board Meeting Agenda

January 12, 2017 9:00AM

Jackson County Government East Door #7, Cafeteria Jackson, MN

The Mission of Des Moines Valley Health and Human Services is to promote, protect and preserve the health and
well-being of individuals, families and communities throughout Cottonwood and Jackson Counties.

I. Call to Order / Establish Quorum

II. Public Hearings (if applicable)

III. Approval of Agenda

IV. Organizational Meeting

a. Election of Chair, Vice-Chair & Secretary

b. Appointment of Associate Secretary

c. Appointment of Associate Treasurer

d. DVHHS Permanent Board Appointments per ByLaws

i. Executive Committee

ii. Finance Committee

iii. Personnel Committee

iv. Policy Committee

e. Advisory Committee Appointments

i. Benefits and Wellness Advisory Committee

ii. Policy Advisory Committee

iii. Information Systems/Technology Committee

f. Set 2017 DVHHS Board Meeting Dates

g. Set 2017 Per Diem for Board Members (2016 Per Diem Rate - $75.00)

h. Designate Cottonwood County Citizen and Jackson County Pilot as Official Newspapers

i. Set Mileage Rates in Accordance with Travel and Expense Policy #290

i. 2017 Full Rate (2017 IRS Rate - $.535/mile) (2016 IRS Rate - $.54/mile)

ii. 2017 Reduced Mileage Rate (2016 Reduced Mileage Rate - $.34/mile)

j. Authorization of Executive Director to Sign Contracts

k. Authorization for Use of Auditor Warrants

l. Authorize United Prairie Bank as the Official Depository of DVHHS Funds

m. Authorization for Fiscal Manager to renew all Federal and State Numbers
n. Authorization for 2017 Per Diem and Mileage for appointed community members serving on DVHHS Boards or
Councils (2016 Per Diem - $75.00, 2016 Mileage Rate IRS Rate)

V. Consent Agenda: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the DVHHS Board and will be
enacted by one motion and an affirmative vote of a majority of the members present. There will be no separate discussion
of these items unless a Board Member so requests, in which event the item(s) will be removed from the Consent
Agenda and considered separately by the Board under Other below.

a. Approve December 2016 Auditor Warrants

b. Approve DVHHS Board Minutes December 8, 2016

c. RBA Approve 2017 Greater Minnesota Family Services Purchase of Service Contract

d. RBA Approve 2017 Contract with Southwest Minnesota Private Industry Council (SW PIC) for MFIP/DWP
Employment Training and Services for DVHHS

e. RBA Accept 2017 State of MN DHS CSP Grant Contract

f. RBA Accept All 2016 Donations and Grant Awards Received by DVHHS

g. RBA Approve Appointed Members to the 2017 DVHHS Mental Health Local Advisory Council (LAC)

h. RBA Approve 2017 Contract between Improve Group and Community Wellness Grant (CWG)

i. RBA - Approval of Evaluation Status to Regular Status for Sarah Krause, Lead Childrens Services Social Worker

j. RBA Approval of Evaluation Status to Regular Status for Jacqueline Flohrs, Lead Childrens Services Social

VI. Staff / Programming Report

VII. Employee Introductions

VIII. Other

IX. Executive Director

a. RBA Set Executive Director, Craig Myers 2017 Mileage Stipend

b. Directors Report

X. Human Services

a. RBA Approve Guardianship/Conservatorship Policy Revision Rate Adjustment - Policy DV 7010

b. Directors Report

XI. Public Health

a. Appointment of Medical Consultant

b. Directors Report

XII. Fiscal

a. Report of Agency Credit Card Physical Inventory Per Policy #215

b. Fiscal Reports

c. Directors Report

XIII. Operations Shared Services / Human Resources

a. RBA Accept Record Retention Schedule Updates - Policy DV 2200

b. RBA Approve Purchasing and Procurement Policy Revisions Fiscal Policy #600
c. RBA Purchase of Van from Jackson County

d. RBA Approve Request to Obtain Quotes for Agency Vehicle Replacements

e. 2017 Conflict of Interest for Elected Officials and Department Heads, Policy #205

f. 2017 DVHHS Personal Policy Acknowledgement Board Members

g. Verify 2017 Commissioners Contact Information

h. Directors Report

XIV. Adjourn

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