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Rubrics for language class observation of MEd student

Learning Systems in ELT

Nazeer Observation no. 1 Grade level IX Total students 31


Target school: Sultanabad community school

3 2 1
Nonverbal skills
Eye contact Holds student Consistent uses of Minimal eye
attention eye contact with contact with
with direct eye students, but still students, read and
contact, seldom refer the planning. refer the plan
looking at again and again

Body language Movements seem Random No movement

in flow and help movements during the lesson
the students to observed
have individual throughout the
attention at their lesson.
seating place.
Gestures Descriptive Descriptive Very little or no
gestures observed gestures observed descriptive
as per need. occasionally. gestures.

Comments: Constant eye contact was observed throughout the lesson, but due to
the little walking space inside the classroom allows random movement as students
of the back benches need more vigilant eyes. Occasional gestures were witnessed
which need to be change as per classroom requirement.

3 2 1
Verbal skills
Enthusiasm and Demonstrate Occasionally show Shows some
interest positive feelings interest and negativity and less
and show interest positive feelings. interest towards
about the topic the topic.
throughout the

Elocution and Use clear voice and Use clear voice and Use low voice and
delivery correct pronouns most pronouns some
pronunciation of words correctly. text incorrectly.
delivered text so Most students can Students face
all the students hear and difficult in hearing
can hear and understand. the delivered text/
understand. content.

Comments: Clear audible voice observed during the lesson which was delivered
with complete interest and enthusiasm

3 2 1
Introduction Introduction was Introduction was Introduction was
totally attention- rarely attention- distracting the
getting, lays out getting, take the attention.
the topic well, and topic to dull phase.
establishes a
framework for the
rest of the lesson.
Term define Technical terms Technical terms Technical terms
were well-defined were defined in were not defined
in language language at all.
appropriate for appropriate for
the target the target
audience. audience.
Content Content contains Content contains Content contains
information accurate accurate accurate
information and information and information but
points were ready points were ready no points were
to reflect with to reflect with reflected.
well relative rare importance.

Comments: As in the community schools audience/ students are from diverse

background, but the catching introduction divert students attention because all the
terms were explained in students friendly language with accurate information but
unnecessary information needs to omitted.

3 2 1
Learning space
Classroom Utilize the space Continue with the No changes made
arrangement inside the same arrangement in classroom
classroom in with little shuffling. arrangements.
positive and
effective way.

Seating Make seating Make seating Make no changes

arrangement arrangements with arrangements with in seating
mixed group mixed group arrangements.
abilities, with abilities, without
continuous monit
monitoring and
made changes
where required.

Comments: Need of monitored the groups as per requirement.

3 2 1
Semiotic resources
Charts, written The display and Information is Information is
materials and charts include all somewhat not well
displays correct organized and organized.
information about most information Information
the topic in an is factually contains several
organized way correct. factual errors and
and presented does not have all
clearly. of the relevant

Pictures Pictures were Pictures were Pictures were not

appropriate somewhat appropriate.
which engaged appropriate and
Not used
and help students engage few
to relate in their students to relate
lesson. in their lesson.
Comments: Use of handwritten chart with bulk of information need to be
organized and if the related pictures were used, the discussion became more

Rubrics for language class observation of MEd student

Learning Systems in ELT

Nazeer Observation no. 2 Grade level IX Total students 29


Target school: Sultanabad community school

3 2 1
Nonverbal skills
Eye contact Holds student Consistent uses of Minimal eye
attention eye contact with contact with
with direct eye students, but still students, read and
contact, seldom refer the planning. refer the plan
looking at again and again

Body language Movements seem Random No movement

in flow and help movements during the lesson
the students to observed
have individual throughout the
attention at their lesson.
seating place.
Gestures Descriptive Descriptive Very little or no
gestures observed gestures observed descriptive
as per need. occasionally. gestures.

Comments: In observation 2 movement was observed during the lesson but most
of the time planning was referred as a tool of reminder and hurries were noted to
finish the lesson but the gesture were appropriate as per need.

3 2 1
Verbal skills
Enthusiasm and Demonstrate Occasionally show Shows some
interest positive feelings interest and negativity and less
and show interest positive feelings. interest towards
about the topic the topic.
throughout the

Elocution and Use clear voice and Use clear voice and Use low voice and
delivery correct pronouns most pronouns some
pronunciation of words correctly. text incorrectly.
delivered text so Most students can Students face
all the students hear and difficult in hearing
can hear and understand. the delivered text/
understand. content.

Comments: due to multiple tasks planned and want to finish as soon as possible
encouragement part was occasionally observed, but the text was clear and audible
till end.
3 2 1
Introduction Introduction was Introduction was Introduction was
totally attention- rarely attention- distracting the
getting, lays out getting, take the attention.
the topic well, and topic to dull phase.
establishes a
framework for the
rest of the lesson.
Term define Technical terms Technical terms Technical terms
were well-defined were defined in were not defined
in language language at all.
appropriate for appropriate for
the target the target
audience. audience.
Content Content contains Content contains Content contains
information accurate accurate accurate
information and information and information but
points were ready points were ready no points were
to reflect with to reflect with reflected.
well relative rare importance.

Comments: Content delivered with correct and relevant information where

students/audience showed their interest from beginning to end and all the terms
were discussed with examples of daily life experiences and all the questions were
addressed raised from the audience/ students.

3 2 1
Learning space
Classroom Utilize the space Continue with the No changes made
arrangement inside the same arrangement in classroom
classroom in with little shuffling. arrangements.
positive and
effective way.

Seating Make seating Make seating Make no changes

arrangement arrangements with arrangements with in seating
mixed group mixed group arrangements.
abilities, with abilities, without
continuous monitoring.
monitoring and
made changes
where required.

Comments: Need to make changes in seating arrangement but due to less

capacity in the room with more number of students was the challenge but if
the students are sitting in pairs must be shuffle with mix ability.

3 2 1
Semiotic resources
Charts, written The display and Information is Information is
materials and charts include all somewhat not well
displays correct organized and organized.
information about most information Information
the topic in an is factually contains several
organized way correct. factual errors and
and presented does not have all
clearly. of the relevant

Pictures Pictures were Pictures were Pictures were not

appropriate somewhat appropriate.
Not applicable which engaged appropriate and
and help students engage few
to relate in their students to relate
lesson. in their lesson.

Comments: As in lesson1 post observation meeting it was suggested to use

relevant pictures (if required) to make the lesson and discussion more
effective. Only reading text paper was used with one audio recording as a
teaching resource.

Rubrics for language class observation of MEd student

Learning Systems in ELT

Nazeer Observation no. 3 Grade level IX Total students 27


Target school: Sultanabad community school

3 2 1
Nonverbal skills
Eye contact Holds student Consistent uses of Minimal eye
attention eye contact with contact with
with direct eye students, but still students, read and
contact, seldom refer the planning. refer the plan
looking at again and again

Body language Movements seem Random No movement

in flow and help movements during the lesson
the students to observed
have individual throughout the
attention at their lesson.
seating place.
Gestures Descriptive Descriptive Very little or no
gestures observed gestures observed descriptive
as per need. occasionally. gestures.

Comments: follow up of the home task with effective feedback holds the students
attention and frequent rounds till end of the classroom make the students
accountable to be vigilant and alert.

3 2 1
Verbal skills
Enthusiasm and Demonstrate Occasionally show Shows some
interest positive feelings interest and negativity and less
and show interest positive feelings. interest towards
about the topic the topic.
throughout the

Elocution and Use clear voice and Use clear voice and Use low voice and
delivery correct pronouns most pronouns some
pronunciation of words correctly. text incorrectly.
delivered text so Most students can Students face
all the students hear and difficult in hearing
can hear and understand. the delivered text/
understand. content.

Comments: Till the end of the lesson same zeal and interest was observed for the
content delivered.

3 2 1
Introduction Introduction was Introduction was Introduction was
totally attention- rarely attention- distracting the
getting, lays out getting, take the attention.
the topic well, and topic to dull phase.
establishes a
framework for the
rest of the lesson.
Term define Technical terms Technical terms Technical terms
were well-defined were defined in were not defined
in language language at all.
appropriate for appropriate for
the target the target
audience. audience.
Content Content contains Content contains Content contains
information accurate accurate accurate
information and information and information but
points were ready points were ready no points were
to reflect with to reflect with reflected.
well relative rare importance.

Comments: as the lesson was in continuation, so the outcome writing pieces from
students/audience side were the evidence of the content which was delivered with
accurately and correctly.

3 2 1
Learning space
Classroom Utilize the space Continue with the No changes made
arrangement inside the same arrangement in classroom
classroom in with little shuffling. arrangements.
positive and
effective way.

Seating Make seating Make seating Make no changes

arrangement arrangements with arrangements with in seating
mixed group mixed group arrangements.
abilities, with abilities, without
continuous monitoring.
monitoring and
made changes
where required.

Comments: While doing the pair activities mix ability pair was focused with
the same seating arrangements of the class.

3 2 1
Semiotic resources
Charts, written The display and Information is Information is
materials and charts include all somewhat not well
displays correct organized and organized.
information about most information Information
the topic in an is factually contains several
organized way correct. factual errors and
and presented does not have all
clearly. of the relevant

Pictures Pictures were Pictures were Pictures were not

appropriate somewhat appropriate.
Not applicable
which engaged appropriate and
and help students engage few
to relate in their students to relate
lesson. in their lesson.

Comments: Besides video recording relevant text was also used as

supporting tool.

Some amendments have been done after the negotiation between student
and mentor on 26-1-17.

This is the final rubric from mentor side.

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