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BY :-
PRN -16021141064
FORECASTING is the process of making predictions of the future based on past
and present data and most commonly by analysis of trends. A commonplace
example might be estimation of some variable of interest at some specified future
date. Prediction is a similar, but more general term. Both might refer to formal
statistical methods employing time series, cross-sectional or longitudinal data, or
alternatively to less formal judgmental methods.
Types of Forecasts
Economic forecasts predict a variety of economic indicators, like money
supply, inflation rates, interest rates, etc.
Technological forecasts -Predict rates of technological progress and
Demand forecasts o Predict the future demand for a companys products or


Qualitative methods: These types of forecasting methods are based on

judgments, Opinions, intuition, emotions, or personal experiences and are
subjective in nature. They do not rely on any rigorous mathematical
Quantitative methods: These types of forecasting methods are based on
mathematical (quantitative) models, and are objective in nature. They rely
heavily on mathematical computations.

Time Series Models:

Assumes information needed to generate a forecast is contained in a
time series of data
Assumes the future will follow same patterns as the past
Causal Models or Associative Models
Explores cause-and-effect relationships
Uses leading indicators to predict the future
Housing starts and appliance sales


Nave -Uses last periods actual value as a forecast
Simple Mean (Average) -Uses an average of all past data as a forecast
Simple Moving Average- Uses an average of a specified number of the
most recent observations, with each observation receiving the same
emphasis (weight)
Weighted Moving Average -Uses an average of a specified number of the
most recent observations, with each observation receiving a different
emphasis (weight)
Exponential Smoothing -A weighted average procedure with weights
declining exponentially as data become older
Trend Projection Technique -uses the least squares method to fit a
Straight line to the data
Seasonal Indexes -A mechanism for adjusting the forecast to accommodate
Any seasonal patterns inherent in the data

Patterns that may be present in a time series

Trend: Data exhibit a steady growth or decline over time.
Seasonality: Data exhibit upward and downward swings in a short to
intermediate time frame (most notably during a year).
Cycles: Data exhibit upward and downward swings in over a very long time
Random variations: (level ) Erratic and unpredictable variation in the data
over time with no discernable pattern .

Causal Models
Often, leading indicators can help to predict changes in future demand e.g.
housing starts
Causal models establish a cause-and-effect relationship between independent
and dependent variables
A common tool of causal modeling is linear regression:
Additional related variables may require multiple regression modeling
Linear Regression

Identify dependent (y) and independent (x) variables

Solve for the slope of the line

Solve for the y intercept

Develop your equation for the trend line

Y=a + bX

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