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Steps to Generate Alerts

1. Create an ABAP Query

With Help of SQ03 transaction create a user group

Using Button Assign users and InfoSets, we can authorize users who can execute the ABAP Query.

Using SQ02 transaction, Create InfoSet.

To join two tables there is a button Insert table on next screen.

Click on InfoSet Maintenance button in application toolbar.

A Pop Up is displayed. Click on Create Empty Field Groups radio button and press enter.

Select a field group and insert fields into the field group by right click on fields and click on Add field to
field group.
You can add other fields as well based upon what kind of output user wants.

For example in this case we want to find out the jobs that are started by a particular person and the status
of the job. So we added fields Initiator and State of background jobs in field groups.

Generate Info Set

Using Role/User Group Assignment, assign the User Group ZABORT_UGRP created above to InfoSet
and press Save.

Go to SQ01 transaction to create an ABAP Query.

With the help of ABAP Query we can avoid coding and get the results based on the data entered on the
selection screen.
You can select the output format. By click on Basic List button in application toolbar you can select the
fields to be displayed in output and on Selection screen.

By updating the InfoSet you can add more fields to field group and accordingly modify your Selection
Screen criteria. Here we have selected only 4 fields.

Click on Save button and go to previous screen and create a selection screen. Here we would define
format of the selection screen.

For example: whether we a field as a Select Option or as a parameter, Sequence of the fields on
Selection screen etc.
Based on the fields selected in Basic List, the fields are displayed here. You can define whether you want
to display a Field as Select Option or as a Parameter. Also you can define the sequence in which the
fields will be displayed on Selection Screen.

Save the ABAP Query and get the report name.

With the help of report name we can schedule a job in background and if job returns some output then
mail will be sent to the people whom user wants to send alerts. Save a variant for the report with the help
of SE38 transaction. The variant may depend upon the requirement of the user.

First we will create a distribution list through SO23 transaction.

Add recipients and Save distribution list.

Go to SM36 transaction and Schedule a background job.

Enter background Job name and Enter the distribution list name in Spool List Recipient.

Enter Program name and Variant.

Enter Date and Time to Schedule a Job and press save.

Job is scheduled can be seen through SM37 transaction.

The alerts will only be triggered if scheduled job returns some output. Otherwise no alerts are

Whether mail is triggered or not can be seen through SOST transaction.


So in this manner we can create an ABAP Query and Create alerts for the same depending on the
requirement of the user.

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