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Associate/Mentor Teacheros Formative Report

To be completed MID-WAY through practicum.

Wy,i,I:'iy Consecutive: nar,l

Concurrenf: SnnlNC
wrNrnn $ srnnvc Q
(Last Namc) (First Name)
ASSOCIATE TEACHER: N Foster scgool: Ursuline College Chatham

GRADE(S) and/or SUBJECT: 12lEnglich

BOARD: Greater Essex County DSB ) Windsor Essex CDSB (i) St Clair CDSB (Qj Lambton Kent DSB 1fi Other:

Displays very good/excellent teaching skills in applying the most appropriate content and methodology to meet learners' needs. Actively seeks
feedback. Uses a reflective approach to independently modifu teaching practice. Consistently explores and extends understanding of professional
growth and responsibilitv. includine resDectins confidential information about students.
Displays sound teaching skills in applying appropriate content and rnethodology to meet learners' needs. Requires rninimal assistance in responding
to suggestions for improvement. Demonstrates ability to apply reflective thought successfully in a variety of teaching situations. Displays solid
understanding ofprofessional erowth and responsibilitv. includine respectins confidential information about students.
Displays adequate understanding ofteaching skills. Content and methodology selected are generally appropriate and/or adequate to meet learners'
needs. I{equires some assistance in responding to suggestions for improvement. Limited rnodifications in teaching practice are implernented as a
result of reflection. Displays basic understanding of professional growth and responsibility, which rnay include respecting con{dential information
about students.
Displays unsatisfactory understanding ofteaching skills. Content and methodology are generally inappropriate and/or inadequate to meet the learners'
needs. There may be some response to suggestions for improvement but has difficulty in reflecting on practice and implementing rnodifications.
Although there may be some understanding of the need for professional growth and professional responsibility, there is minimal evidence in practice,
which may include respecting confidential information about students.


The teacher canldnte :
1. Models professional and appropriate conduct dt ri t1 { {*;
2. Cooperates with members of the school communitv t n n r.'
3. Dresses professionally and appropriatelv t c (r {}
4. Is punctual and prepared for school {} a, t) f-: t)
5. Completes assigned tasks satisfactorilv , () il ti {-l
6. Responds positively to constructive feedback G f_l {i {.: {}
7. Practices independence and initiative 1, l*l Cr ( a
8. Actively participates in the 'life' of the school (1 l} l: f^:
Lauren was very receptive to feedback and was always professional. She was always prompt and extremely well prepared


The teacher cnnddnte:
l. Shows awareness ofhow children develop and learn c l: (.j c
2. Incorporates awareness of how socio-cultural differences irnpact
student learning into lessons C * {) {i
3. Demonstrates a positive rapport with students ( {ll f fi {.1
4. Encourages active student participation in the learning rocess {i li a f*,
5. Promotes respectful pupil interactions in the school i ( {t {*r
Lauren's awareness of the student's learning methods and their differences was quite clear during her time in my class. Since we have
all grade twelve students but both pathways, she was able to adapt her lessons to their learning and to their needs. Well done!
She had a great rapport with our students - in fact, they missed her this week.
Associate/Mentor Teacher's Formative Report, p. 2. TEACHER CANDIDATE: Mailloux Lauren


A. Curriculum & Subject Mafter Competence

The teacher cntlidate :
1. Demonstrates accurate knowledge ofcurriculum content (.i {i *
2. Differentiates instruction for learners l.J ti (.i li
3. Sets clear instructional expectations a+ {i tl {:
4. Uses effective strategies to assess student learning (:] {i {} t.i
Lauren demonstrated keen knowledge of the literature - she was involved in all three classes, with three different pieces of literature. Her
instructions were clear and she effectively used Success Criteria in her lessons. This was particularly impressive for two reasons: [1]
this is a very effective teaching tool/strategy which she used well and [2] our department is focusing on this element. Once I told her
this, she willingly and readily implemented it.
Lauren was keenly aware of the wide range of need and the wide range of ability in our classes, and differentiated her lessons, her
approach to meet those needs. She was also very good at conferencing with the student, coaching them as they practiced a skill

B. Planning and Preparation E P A D nla

The tencher conddate:
1. Prepares appropriate and relevant instructional resources ( {l (-t
2. PreDares appropriate instructional plans { (} C
3. Links daily lesson plans and long-range plans G {} i] (i r
4. Includes kev questions in lesson planning Drocess { * {l n
5. Plans ensasinq introductorv activities (* t_] {); {l
. Plans ellective culminating activities {:l (-] l-) C (i
7. Uses technologv effectivelv i (i {_1 il C'
8. Plans opportunities for students to applv new learning Q} {-i (") * {}
9. Keeps an up-to-date and well organized Teacher's Day Book r' C' (} r: C,

Lauren recorded ALL the titles of the books I recommended for professional learning! Her lessons were well prepared, neat and clei
Her activities were engaging and she altered them to suit the needs of the two different pathways.
She is always eager to learn more and try new strategies.

C. Lesson Execution E P A D n/a

The teacher cnnddnte:
1. Presents material in an accurate and meaningful manner to students (a: {) {) *
2. Sequences learning experiences logically ft {i (} * c
3. Uses a varietv of strategies to motivate students {.: n C, (
4. Effectively engages students in the learning process fi c {i j {)
5. Demonstrates flexibility and adaptability in lesson delivery and
pacing r t: # Cr
6. Handles lesson transitions effectively {:-' C () {i
7. Provides effective feedback and individual attention {i {} ii r;
8. Utilizes a variety of questions with fluidity within the learning
context * {} LJ \.i
9. Iespondsappropriatelvto students' cluestions Ot C, {*i Ct
Lauren and I discussed the approach that our school has taken - the components of effective teaching. She then formulated her lessons
with these components in mind and did very well!
She used her voice and her proximity effectively with the students.
Associate/Mentor Teacher's Formative Report, p. 3. TEACHER CANDIDATE: Mailloux Lauren

D. Communication E P A D nla
The teocher condidate:
1. Speaks with clarity, and with appropriate volume and exression r) C' {': {^
2. Models appropriate oral communication including phrasing,
and enunciation # {i {) .i
3. Displays sensitivity to earners by a variety of
nonverbal to enhance 0r * {} Cr

Lauren used her voice particularly well, often repeating a student's response so that the entire class could hear. She was respectful of
the students' "comfort zone" when expressing themselves.

E. Learning Environmcnt, Classroom Management and E P D nla

The techer condidate:
1. Supports a classroom environment conducive to learning (*: f:
2. Values the individuality of all leamers, and responds in an inviting
manner 0 {i {)
3. Handles classroom/school schedulingroutines effectively i {-l ri t
4. Displays and models good time management and organizational skills l) f: () l*r
5. Uses appropriate classroom management strateeies {i ( {} ; |:
Lauren adapted to our routines immediately and worked them into her instruction so that the lessons between us flowed seamlessly
This elements works well for the students' learning and speaks to Lauren's abilities as a facilitator.

Arcas ofStrength: Provide suggestions for improvementr
Lauren is incredibly organized and very willing to adapt the lesson Continue to examine the lesson planning and look for areas of
'is the timing is changed. Working with interruptions or unexpected focus for next lesson such as "coaching" or "anticipatory set" or
turns in the unfolding of the lesson is essential to good teaching. "modelling". Looking at each of these components in the lesson
She is willing to learn all she can - watch everything - see planning will ensure the lesson meets its learning goal and
everything - and try things that she'is convinced are "good unfolds with as much opportunities as possible for learning.
practice". Can't wait for her to come back!

Overall Pcrformance Asscssment: If a teacher candidate is experiencing serious difficulties in the placement nnd is at risk of rcceiving a
"Borderline" or "Unsafisfactory" Summative report, consultation with the Faculty Advisor is required.

Dates of Absence(s): gg

.frt '{tt
Si of Teacher(s) or Principal subn'ritting this report

\)o o lolzols
ofteacher candidate Date
(Indicates receipt ofthe report, not necessarily agreement with its content)
Associate/Mentor Teacher's Formative Report, p. 4. TEACHER CANDIDATE: Mailloux Lauren

O The report has been reviewed with the teacher candidate

o The teacher candidate has signed the AssociateAvlentor Teacher's Formative Report
O The teacher candidate has NOT signed the Formative report. Please contact the Faculty of Education

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