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Education 3-13: International Journal

of Primary, Elementary and Early Years
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100 ideas for teaching creative

Jan Ashbridge
University of Cumbria, UK

Available online: 22 Mar 2010

To cite this article: Jan Ashbridge (2010): 100 ideas for teaching creative development, Education
3-13: International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education, 38:1, 111-111

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Education 313
Vol. 38, No. 1, February 2010, 111


100 ideas for teaching creative development, by Wendy Bowkett and Stephen
Bowkett, London, Continuum, 2008, 108 pp., 12.99 (paperback), ISBN 0-82-

In this book we are provided with exactly what it says on the tin 100 ideas for
engaging children in creative development. The ideas are organised around three
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themes: media and materials; listening, sounds and music; and imagination, words
and feelings, which loosely match up with the aspects of creative development as
identied in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).
In the introduction to the ideas and activities, the authors outline their belief
that all children are born creative and that creativity and creative thinking are vital
for our children in the rapidly changing world they inhabit. This is something that is
very pertinent in the current climate with curriculum reviews taking place and a
much higher prole being given to the creative curriculum in which this kind of
thinking is encouraged and nurtured.
I will be recommending this book to students going into EYFS settings and
early years classrooms as it gives a good, balanced range of ideas and experiences
for children. It takes a common-sense approach and tips on how to set up the
environment in order for children to make their own discoveries. The ideas are multi-
sensory and can be adapted to suit a range of childrens needs and interests with just
a little imagination.
There is a smattering of interesting and useful information which helps to add
some depth to the understanding of the reader, for example a simple explanation of
metacognition! More of this would have been useful for practitioners who already
have more experience and condence in their practice.
Some of the ideas are tried-and-tested favourites and some extend familiar ideas
further. There are some ideas which do not quite t in with the philosophy that was
outlined in the introduction and appear to have a much more adult-directed
outcome, for example cardboard tube trees.
Nevertheless, this is a useful book and one which students and practitioners can
dip into for ideas and inspiration.

Jan Ashbridge
University of Cumbria, UK
2010, Jan Ashbridge

ISSN 0300-4279 print/ISSN 1475-7575 online

DOI: 10.1080/03004270903099835

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