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Operating and Programming


Sinumerik Operate
828D/840D sl

Edition 2011.9
Training Manual

This document was produced for training purposes.

Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.
840D sl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating and Programming

Manual for Milling machines

Valid for:

Sinumerik 828D
840D sl Sinumerik Operate
Software 2.7

B552 B553 B554
Geometry Simple Contour Mathematical
Basics Elements Principles
Zero offset and

B559 B558
Cutting Edge
Loops, Jumps, Program of
and Repetitions Subroutines
B560 Correction
Mirror - offset -
rotate - scale
when milling


B566 B567 B568

Operating Switching on Basic
Elements the Machine Operations
Operating Area

Operating Mode
B573 B572 B571
Operating Area Operating Mode Operating Mode
Operating Area

Operating Area
Manager B604
B576 B577 Basics of
Operating Area Operating Area Programming
Diagnostics Start-Up with

B656 B624
Basics of
Measure Milling Contour Milling
programGUIDE programGUIDE
with Shopmill

B615 B700
Milling B655 Drawings of
Shopmill Measure Milling programming
Shopmill Examples
B623 B639
Contour Milling Straight Circle
Shopmill Shopmill
B551 General technology basics

1 Brief description

Objective of the module:

Working through this module you become familiar with the most important technological aspects and
machine functions.

Description of the module:

This module explains the general layout of a program, with respect to the technological commands as
per DIN 66025 for turning and milling.


Layout of a CNC-program

Programming of the technology data

Switching commands

Programmable presettings


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

B551 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate


General geometry basics: Description General

This module explains the general layout of a pro- START
gram, with respect to the technological commands
as per DIN 66025 for turning and milling.

Layout of a

of the techno-
logy data






828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 B551

Section 2 Layout of a CNC-program

A CNC-program, also known as part program, consists of a logical se-
quence of commands, which are executed step-by-step by the control unit
after the program has been started.
The manufacturers of control units recognize and apply the guidelines as
per DIN 66025.

Each program is compiled and stored under a program name in the con-
trol unit. The name can contain letters as well as numbers.

A block starts with a block number followed by the commands.

Each command consists of command words, which in turn consist of an

address letter (A-Z) and an associated numerical value (both upper or
lower case characters are permissible).

Program layout:

Departure information Switching information

Block Auxil-
Nr.. Misc.
iary Interpolation para-
Coordinate axes Feed Speed Tool func-
com- meter tion


Geometrical data Technological data

The block number is a program-technical assignment, which is not evalu-

ated by the control unit as a command. It is usually programmed to go up
in steps of 10 and serves the user only for a better oversight. It has no
effect on the program execution.

The geometrical data include all instructions that clearly define mathemati-
cally the motion of the tool or the axes.

The technological data are used for instance to activate the required tool
and to pre-select the necessary cutting parameters feed rate and spindle
speed. Miscellaneous functions can control for example such things as di-
rection of rotation and auxiliary appliances.

Programming example:
N80 T1; Roughing tool
N90 M6
N100 G54 F0.2 S180 M4
N110 G00 X20 Y0 Z2 D1

In order to improve the overview within a program, comments can be op-

tionally added at the end of a block. These must be preceded by a semi-
colon; Any characters that follow thereafter will not be taken account of by
the control unit.

B551 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Programming of the technology data Section 3
Before every technological working step in a CNC-Program the respective
tool must be selected by means of the addresses T and D.

The address T is followed by the name of the tool, which may be stated
either with numbers or letters (here only the variant using numbers will be
dealt with).

All applicable tool data (e.g. tool type, length, radius, etc.) are activated in
the program with the address D.
Here a complete set of data D is referred to as Cutting edge.

Several cutting edge numbers (D1 D9) may be generated for each tool.

Programming example: Explanation:

N10 T17 ; Drill Block 10, call-up of tool 17,
Commentary to the tool
N20 M6 Tool change,
N30 D1 The cutting edge D... must be activated
in the block with the first axis movement.

After the call-up of the tool, follows the selection of the optimum cutting
values with the addresses F and S.

The feed rate vf with the address F can be entered either as feed per min
(in mm/min) or as feed per revolution (in mm/rev).

The Cutting speed vc with the address S can be entered either as spindle
speed in revolutions per minute (rev/min) or direct as cutting speed in me-
ters per minute (m/min).

Default status of the machines when they are powered up are as follows:
Milling machines with feed rate F in mm/min Code G94
Turning machines with feed per revolution F in mm/rev Code G95
Selection of cutting speed:
Constant cutting speed S in m/min Code G96
(Relative to workpiece )
Deactivate constant cutting speed S Code G97
spindle speed in rev/min (default)

Programming example 1: Explanation:

N10 T20 ; Endmill
N20 M6
N30 G94 F200 S1000 M3 D1 vf = 200 mm/min, n = 1000 min-1
N40 .

Programming example 2: Explanation:

N10 T2; Turning tool, finishing
N20 G96 F0.1 S200 M4 D1 vf = 0,1 mm/rev , vc = 200 m/min
N30 .

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 B551

Section 4 Switching commands

There are different commands to control the direction of rotation of the
work spindle.
Additional auxiliary functions can for example control cooling circuits,
clamping devices, auxiliary functions and running of the program.
But the presence of these additional functions depends entirely on the
technology and the machine design.
The following list should be only considered as an example of commands:

Instruction Meaning
M00 Programmed Stop
M03 Work spindle ON, clockwise
M04 Work spindle ON, anti-clockwise
M05 Work spindle Stop (however, the program continues)
M06 Tool change
M08 Coolant ON
M09 Coolant OFF
M30 End of program; jump back to the start of the program

Programming example: Explanation:

N10 T1; Face mill
N20 M6 Tool change
N30 G94 G97 F600 S2500 D1 vf = 600 mm/min, n = 2500 min-1
N40 M3 M8 Spindle ON clockwise, coolant ON
N90 M30 End of program

(Note: Further functions can be found in the annexure of this manual)

Effect of the switching commands M3 and M4

Example Milling Example Turning


Viewing direction


B551 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Programmable presettings Section 5
When starting a part program the basic settings as defined by the manu-
facturer will be activated. These depend on the individual machine specifi-
cation and apply thereafter for the whole of the program run (modal) unless
they are changed by the operator in the program.

This section describes just a few of the possible selections for turning- and
milling machines that deserve highlighting.
Note: Codes that have already been dealt with are no longer included

Continuous path behaviour:

Exact stop Code G09 block-by-block Code G60 * modal

In order to reach the final position precisely the path velocity is reduced at
the end of the block towards zero. This is useful, for instance, to obtain
relatively sharp edges when machining around contour corners.
However, it must be borne in mind that, if there are too many positioning
sequences, it will result in increased machining time and cannot be ne-

Continuous control operation Code G64

In this case the tool moves as much as possible with constant velocity
without deceleration at the end of a block. Hence the machining time is
less than under the continuous path status Exact stop.

The corners of contours are machined without any relief and therefore the
corners are not so sharply defined.
With this function the control works with a speed control taking into ac-
count several blocks ahead (Look Ahead).

The even speed in this instance results in better cutting conditions and
also a better surface quality.

The following image compares the frequent braking and accelerating se-
quences between the individual blocks in case of G60 and the constant
speed in case of G64.

Feed rate
G64 Continuous path mode
with Look Ahead
Programmed feed rate

G60 Exact stop

Block path

Usual preset starting status

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 B551

Section 5 Programmable presettings

The continuous path behaviour Exact stop with the Codes G09 or G60
respectively does not entirely ensure dimension-wise as to how precisely a
corner point between two positioning blocks is attained.

If an exact stop has been activated in a program, the codes described be-
low can be used to specify a very precise braking behaviour at the end of
blocks. By this it is possible to determine as to how precisely the pro-
grammed corner point will be attained.

Change-over when the positioning window fine is reached

Code G601

The tool motion changes to the next block when the tool has reached the
fine positioning window.
Sharp contour corners result at the programmed destination points.

Change-over when the positioning window coarse is reached

Code G602

This code can be used to obtain a defined rounding of the programmed

contour corners. The block change-over occurs already at the coarse posi-
tioning window.

Block change-over

Destination point of the pro-

G601 grammed path

Actual tool paths depending on the

G60 positioning window


A dimensional definition of the positioning windows coarse and fine is

preset by means of machine data.

Please find out the values preset on your machine by the machine manu-
facturer from his operation manual if you are going to use the described

B551 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Programmable presettings Section 5
There is yet another means of influencing the continuous path behaviour
by changing over to the next positioning block depending on the pro-
grammed path velocity of the tool.

Change-over when the setpoint position is reached: Code G603

The block change-over is initiated as soon as the control has calculated

the setpoint speed for all axes to be equal to zero.

Since the physical tool position lags behind the calculated value by a cer-
tain amount, the effect in this case is that the axis changes direction before
the end of the interpolation is reached.

The greater the feed rate, the greater is also the lag of the tool behind the
evaluated value and therefore the rounding radius.

This permits the contour corners to be formed in dependence on the path


Destination point of the pro-

grammed path (Interpolation ends)

Actual tool path with smaller feed


Actual tool path with greater feed

Workpiece rates

The rounding radius depends on the programmed path velocity as swell as
the drive dynamics of the machine.

The codes G601, G602 and G603 are modal.

They only have an effect in conjunction with active exact stop
with G09 or G60.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 B551

Section 6 Summary

Address Meaning
T Tool number
D Cutting edge (tool data)
F Feed/Feed rate
S Speed/Cutting speed
Path information/departure commands

Instruction Meaning
G09 Exact stop, operative block-by-block
G60 Exact stop, modal function
G64 Continuous path control
G601 Change-over when positioning window fine is reached
G602 Change-over when positioning window coarse is reached
G603 Change-over when the interpolation end is reached

G70 Input system in inches

G71 Input system metrical

G94 Linear feed in mm/min *

G95 Feed per revolution in mm **

G96 Constant cutting speed in m/min **

G97 Spindle speed in min-1 *

* Switching-ON status for milling machines

** Switching-ON status for turning machines

Switching information
Instruction Meaning
M00 Programmed stop

M03 Work spindle ON, clockwise

M04 Work spindle ON, anti-clockwise
M05 Work spindle Stop

M06 Tool change

M08 Coolant ON
M09 Coolant OFF

M17 End of subprogram

M18 End of program, jump back to the beginning of program

All instructions (except G09) mentioned above are modal, until they are pro-
grammed to deactivate with different set of instructions.

Furthermore there are instructions that are operative only block-by-block,

e.g. G09. These are automatically reset by the control unit with the succeed-
ing block.

B551 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

B552 General geometry basics

1 Brief description

Objective of the module:

Working through this module you learn to understand the programming planes and also how to
specify points in a DIN conforming coordinate system.

Description of the module:

This module explains the assignment of the axis and plane descriptions to the coordinate system of
the machine and also teaches the definition of points in relation to the work space.


Right hand rule

Explanation of the axis assignments

Points and distances in the work space

Programming planes

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

B552 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate


General geometry basics: Description

General geometry
This module explains the assignment of the axis START
and plane descriptions to the coordinate system of
the machine and also teaches the definition of
points in relation to the work space.
Right hand

Explanation of
the axis as-

Points and
distances in
the work


General geometry


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 B552

Section 2 Right hand rule


According to DIN standard the various axes of motion within work space of
CNC machines are addressed by alphabets. The rules for the assignment
of the axes are determined in this DIN-standard.

The machine coordinate system that is derived from the DIN-standard is

the base for the geometrical description of work pieces which allows us to
clearly determine the points in a plane or in space.

The cartesian (rectangular) spatial coordinate system can be best de-

scribed with the Right hand rule. Here the fingers of the right hand rep-
resent the axes: X (thumb), Y (first finger) and Z (middle finger). The
finger tips point in the positive direction.

Vertical turning machine Horizontal milling machine

The position of the machine coordinate system is specified by the machine

manufacturer keeping the following in mind:

Definition of axis according to DIN-standard:

Z-Axis: Is aligned parallel to the working spindle or coincides with it.

The positive direction points away from the work piece. In case of more
than one spindle, one of them will be declared as the main spindle.
X-Axis: Is aligned parallel to the set-up plane or coincides with it. If the
Z-axis is vertical, the positive X-axis is directed towards the right. If the
Z-axis is horizontal, the positive X-axis is directed towards the left.
Y-Axis: Is perpendicular to the X- and Z-axis, in such a way that a spa-
tial cartesian coordinate system results.

The direction FROM the work piece TO the tool is PLUS

The tool movement is ALWAYS to be programmed!

B552 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Defining of axis within a workspace Section 3
Explanation as per DIN 66217 or ISO 841:

However defining only three axes is not enough on modern machine tools.
For instance if the milling head of a milling machine is to be swivelled by a
certain angle or the quill of a tailstock is to be moved, a further definition of
these axes is required.

The DIN standard provides the following variants for such cases.

Here the rotational axes A/B/C

are associated with the X/Y/Z

Looking in the positive direc-

tion of the linear axis, a clock-
wise rotation equals a positive
rotation of the associated ro-
tary axis.

The axes U/V/W are parallel to

the axes X/Y/Z.
The positive direction is that of
the associated main axis.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 B552

Section 4 Points and distances within the work space


For the determination of all points within the work space, the control unit
requires a zero point of the coordinate system. This has been determined
by the machine manufacturer. All other points have either fixed distances
from the machine zero point or else the distance must be defined.

The machine zero point (M) is determined by the

machine manufacturer and cannot be altered. On
milling machines point is usually set on the work
table, and on turning machines on the spindle

The work piece zero point (W) is the origin of the

work piece coordinate system. This can be specified
by the programmer and should always be chosen in
a way that the least calculation work is required to
determine points on the contour given the dimen-
sioning of the drawing. For turning work it lies mostly
on the turning axis and the right hand planar face.

The reference point (R) is approached for initializ-

ing the path measuring system, which means that at
this point all axes are set to zero. This is necessary
since generally speaking the machine zero point
cannot be approached.

The tool carrier reference point (F) is of prime im-

portance for the adjustment of preset tools. The
lengths L (XPF) and offset O (ZPF) shown in the
image below are used as tool calculation values for
instance for the tool radius correction and must be
entered into the tool memory of the control unit.

2-axis turning ZMF




B552 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Points and distances within the work space Section 4
3-axis milling




Distances from the reference point to the machine

XMR = zero point. These are set by the machine manufac-
YMR = turer during commissioning and are transferred to
ZMR = the control unit when the reference point is reached.

These represent distances from the machine zero

XMW = point to the work piece zero point. The work piece
YMW = zero point must be determined by the operator by
ZMW = scratching or probing and entered into the tool cor-
rection memory.

Distances from the tool carrier reference point to the

XPF = tool point on the cutting edge or the front face of the
ZPF = milling cutter.

Distances from the machine zero point to the tool

XMF = carrier reference point. The distance is determined
ZMF = by the machine manufacturer and entered into the
control unit (only relevant on turning machines).

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 B552

Section 5 Programming planes

Continuous path control units can control slides and tool carriers simulta-
neously along 2 or more axes at a programmed feed rate. For this the
speed of the individual drives must be matched to one another. This job is
taken over by the interpolator of the CNC-control unit. This is a software
program for the evaluation of intermediate positions and speed conditions
of the individual axes such that the slides can follow the programmed path.
Starting with a 2 -D Continuous path control unit the interpolation can be
switched between the three different planes.




A selection of the plane is made with the associated programming

XY-Plane - programming command G17
XZ-Plane - programming command G18
YZ-Plane - programming command G19

The standard plane being used for working with CNC-Turning machines is
G18. With CNC-Milling machines the programming plane G17 is being

The working plane should either be programmed at the beginning of the

NC-program, or before programming an operation in the relevant working

The active programming plane is modal and remains active until changed
by another programming instruction.

B552 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

B553 Simple contour elements

1 Brief description

Objective of the module:

Working through this module you learn to program linear and circular interpolation commands both
with absolute and incremental dimensions.

Description of the module:

This module explains the use of absolute, incremental and mixed coordinate points. It also explains
the programming of simple geometrical path conditions.


Absolute and incremental dimensioning, mixed programming

Rapid traverse motion

Straight line interpolation

Circular interpolation


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

B553 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate


Simple contour elements: Description

Simple contour
This module explains the use of absolute, incre- START
mental and mixed coordinate points. It also ex-
plains the programming of simple geometrical path
conditions. Absolute and in-
cremental dimen-
sioning, mixed

Rapid traver-

Straight line



Simple contour


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 B553

Section 2 Absolute and incremental dimensioning, mixed programming

2. 1 Absolute dimensioning

When writing CNC-programs a fundamental differentiation must be made

between absolute and incremental coordinates.
Which of the two options the programmer chooses depends on the usage
of the program and the dimensioning on the drawing.

Absolute dimensioning, Code G90

All dimensions always refer to the active work piece zero point.
About workpiece zero point refer to Module B555 - reference point, work-
piece offset, Section 3.

The absolute coordinates in a departure command describing the position,

to which the tool is to traverse.

Coordinates for milling:

Workpiece zero point

G90 X Y
P1 20 35

P2 50 60

P3 70 20

An example for turning:
(All X values are diameter
values, DIAMON)

G90 X Z
P1 25 -7.5

P2 40 -15

P3 40 -25

P4 60 -35

Code G90 is usually activated as machine default when switching ON.

It is modally active for all axes simultaneously and can be reset to incre-
mental dimensioning with G91.

B553 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Absolute and incremental dimensioning, mixed programming Section 2
2.2 Incremental dimensioning

Code G91
(also known as chain dimensioning).

All position statements refer to the current starting position of the tool.

The programmed value states the coordinate distance, by which the tool is
being traversed.

Coordinates for milling:

G91 X Y
P1 20 35

P2 30 20

P3 20 -35

Coordinates for turning:
(All X values are radius
values, DIAMOF)

G91 X Z

P1 12.5 -7.5

P2 7.5 -7.5

P3 0 -10

P4 10 -10

Code G91 is modally active for all axes simultaneously and can be reset to
absolute dimensioning with G90.

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Section 2 Absolute and incremental dimensioning, mixed programming

2.3 Mixed Programming

As already mentioned, the destination point coordinates can be stated in

the program for all types of interpolation as absolute or incremental values

Depending on the presently activated status (G90 or G91), all further coor-
dinate values will refer then also this type of dimensioning.

In practice, however, it is often sensible to mix the two possibilities within a

program block. The control unit provides a comfortable means of instruc-
tion to utilize this additional possibility.

Mixed programming: Codes AC() and IC()

A dimension value will also be taken as an absolute dimension under G91

if the following syntax is used: AC(numerical value)

If a dimension value is to be taken to be an incremental value under G90, it

must be written as follows: IC(numerical value)

Clarification of mixed programming with an example for milling:

G90 X Y
P1 20 35

P2 IC(30) IC(25)

P3 70 IC(-40)

G91 X Y
P1 AC(20) AC(35)

P2 30 AC(60)

P3 20 -40

A great number of various possibilities are available to the operator in deal-

ing with a mixture of the two types of dimensioning:

The above example describes only a small selection of mixed coordinate
inputs. A further selection of examples can be found in the description of
interpolation types in this manual.

B553 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Rapid traverse motion Section 3
Code G00

Rapid traverse is used for the quickest possible repositioning of the tool to
the contour element or, for instance, for moving the tool to the tool chang-
ing position.

The highest possible speed along a straight line that the machine is capa-
ble of attaining is used, however, no machining is possible here. Hence the
control unit does not require a value input under the address F.

Repositioning with rapid traverse can be programmed to take place in sev-

eral axes simultaneously.

Programming example: Explanation:

N10 T1 ; End mill
N20 M6
N30 G00 X200 Y80 Z2 D1 Motion at rapid traverse to the desti-
nation point X200, Y80, Z2 (taking
into account the tool length)

N90 M30 End of program

The above programming example repositions the tool from point P1 to the
point P2.

straight line

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 B553

Section 4 Straight line interpolation

4.1 Straight line interpolation

Code G01

The straight line interpolation is used to move the tool with an exactly de-
fined speed along a straight line from the current position to the pro-
grammed destination point.
All axes can be traversed simultaneously, in which case the resulting line
of motion can lie anywhere at an angle within the working space. For this
the control unit requires a specified feed rate which at the latest must be
defined under the address F in the block containing the Code G1.

The following example describes the milling of a slot with absolute dimen-
sioning as per the drawing shown below.

The setup feed rate G94 defines the feed rate in millimetre per minute
(mm/min), in comparison to setup feed rate G95 that defines the feed rate
in millimetre per revolution (mm/rev).

Programming example: Explanation:

N10 T1 ; End mill Tool call-up T1
N20 M6
N30 G94 F300 S2000 M3 D1 Technology block for the tool T1
with the cutting edge D1,
N40 G90 G00 X40 Y48 Z2 M8 With rapid traverse to the starting po-
sition P1 on the safety plane (absolute
N50 G01 Z-12 Plunging with feed rate,
N60 X20 Y18 Z-10 Milling the slot in 3 axes (G1 is
modally active),
N70 Z2 F1000 Retraction with increased feed rate
N80 G00 Z200
N90 M30

The following program section shows the milling of the same slot using in-
cremental dimensioning (up to N40 see above):

N50 G91 G1 Z-14 Infeed along Z by 14 mm,

N60 G01 X-20 Y-30 Z2 Incremental traversing of the axes
N70 G90 Z2 F1000 Retraction with absolute dimensions
N80 G00 Z200
N90 M30
B553 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate
Straight line interpolation Section 4
4.2 Straight line interpolation with mixed programming

The example shown below describes the milling of the slot with mixed
coordinates input.
Program blocks such as the call-up of the tool etc., which have already
been dealt with, will not be repeated.

If any address letter X, Y, Z is not followed immediately by a numerical
value, an equal-sign must be written instead.

Syntax: X=IC(), Y=AC(), Z...

Programming example under G90: Explanation:

N40 G90 G00 X40 Y48 Z2 M8 To starting position absolute
N50 G01 Z=IC(-14) Incremental coordinate Z
N60 X20 Y=IC(-30) Z-10 Incremental coordinate Y
N70 Z2 F1000

Programming example under G91: Explanation:

N10 G91 Incremental dimensioning,

N40 G00 X=AC(40) Y=AC(48) Z=AC(2) To starting position P1 absolute
N50 G01 Z-14 Incremental coordinate Z
N60 X=AC(20) Y-30 Z2 Absolute coordinate X
N70 Z=AC(2) F1000 Absolute coordinate Z

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 B553

Section 5 Circular interpolation

5.1 Circular interpolation

Code G02 (clockwise)

Code G03 (anti-clockwise)

A circular interpolation permits the traversing of the tool with a defined

speed along a circular path from the present start point to the programmed
destination point.
Apart from the destination point coordinates, the control unit also needs
statements about the sense of rotation and the centre of the circle.
The centre is entered with I, J and K with incremental dimensions with
the centre point as origin.

The following assignment applies:

I for the X-axis
J for the Y-axis
K for the Z-axis

Programming example with G02: Explanation:

N40 G00 X30 Y40 Z2 With rapid traverse to the start point
N50 G01 Z-5 Grooving with Z
N60 G02 X50 Y40 I10 J-7 Circular interpolation clockwise
N70 G01 Z2 F1000

Start point
End point

Centre point

The following example describes an anti-clockwise circular interpolation as

shown in the sketch above.

The endpoint in the sketch is now the starting point for the circular interpo-

Programming example with G03: Explanation:

N40 G00 X50 Y40 Z2 With rapid traverse to the start point
N50 G01 Z-5
N60 G03 X40 Y40 I-10 J-7 Circular interpolation anti-clockwise
N70 G01 Z2 F1000

B553 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Circular interpolation Section 5
5.2 Circular interpolation with mixed programming

Particularly the incremental statement of the centre of the circle usually

represents some difficulties to the operator in practice, since it must often
be evaluated using triangle calculations.

This is a prime example of where the mixed coordinate programming of the

circle centre point in absolute dimensions comes in useful.

Programming example: Explanation:

N40 G00 X30 Y40 Z2
N50 G01 Z-5
N60 G02 X50 Y40 I=AC(40) J=AC(33) Circle centre absolute
N70 G01 Z2 F1000

Start point
End point

Centre point

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 11 B553

Section 5 Circular interpolation

5.3 Circular interpolations before and behind the turning axis

The sketch below shows once again the principle of direction programming
of circular interpolations.

Code G02: Circular arc clockwise

Code G03: Circular arc anti-clockwise

The following sketch shows the circular arc orientation on turning ma-
chines with different tool arrangements due to the machine layout.

Tool arrangement behind the

turning axis





Tool arrangement in front of

the turning axis

No matter which tool arrangement is applicable to the particular machine,
the program as per DIN ISO always describes the contour of the workpiece
behind the turning axis.

B553 Page 12 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Summary Section 6
Path information

Instruction Meaning
G90 Coordinate input with absolute dimensions

G91 Coordinate input with incremental dimensions

G00 Linear motion with rapid traverse

G01 Straight line interpolation with defined speed

G02 Circular interpolation clockwise

G03 Circular interpolation anti-clockwise

All the above departure commands are modal.

Interpolation Meaning
I Circle centre coordinate in X, incremental from
starting point
J Circle centre coordinate in Y, incremental from
starting point
K Circle centre coordinate in Z, incremental from
starting point

The interpolation parameters are operative block-by-block

Mixed programming for coordinate input

IC() Incremental dimension input

AC() Absolute dimension input

The statements IC() and AC() are valid only for the address preceed-
ing them.


Instruction Meaning
X=IC(10) Traverse by 10 mm in X
Y=AC(20) Traverse to 20 mm in Y

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 13 B553

B553 Page 14 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate
B554 Basic mathematical principles

1 Brief description
Objective of the module:

Working through this module you learn the mathematical approach necessary for the programming
and for the calculation of missing contour points.

Description of the module:

In this module contour points will be calculated using the Pythagorean theorem and trigonometrical
functions (sine, cosine and tangent).


Types of angles

The Pythagorean theorem

Trigonometrical functions

Example calculations

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

B554 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate


Basic mathematical principles: Description

Basic mathematical
In this module contour points will be calculated START
using the Pythagorean theorem and trigonometri-
cal functions (sine, cosine and tangent).

Types of

The Pythago-
rean theorem

cal functions


Basic mathematical


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 B554

Section 2 Types of angles

2.1 Basic principles of coordinate evaluation

Almost all of the contours encountered during machining can be traced

back to a interface of straight lines and circular arcs.

For part programming the respective endpoint of the contour element must
be known.

In most cases these contour points can be taken directly from the drawing
provided dimensioning is NC-suitable. In some cases, however, the an
evaluation of coordinates may be necessary. For these calculations a ba-
sic knowledge of the types of angles, trigonometrically functions and the
Pythagorean theorem is required.

2.2 Types of angles

In the case of oblique work piece contours angles with a definite relation-
ship to one another result between the contour sections. Depending on
their relative position a differentiation is made between complementary an-
gles, step angles and side angles.

Complementary angles Step angles

add up to 180 have always the same value

If a transition is at right angles to the radius centre point it is always a tan-

gential transition, and there is no corner shown on the technical drawing.
If a corner line is shown, it is not a tangential transition.

B554 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

The Pythagorean theorem Section 3
The right angled triangle has a special meaning in geometry, since the
sides of such a triangle exhibit a definite relationship to one another.

The various sides of the right angled triangle are named specifically:
The longest line opposite the right angle is called the hypotenuse.
The two other lines, which form the right angle, are called cathetus.
The side opposite an angle is called the opposite side.
The bounding side of the angle is called the adjacent side.

In case of a right angled triangle the missing length of a side can be calcu-
lated if the length of the other two sides is known. For this the Pythagorean
theorem is used.

Pythagorean theorem:

In a right-angled triangle the square of the hypotenuse (the side

opposite the right angle), c, is equal to the sum of the squares
of the other two sides, b and a - that is: a + b = c.

c= a + b


a 3x3=9

c = a2 b2

b = c 2 a2

c 2 b2
By suitable rearrangement of
the equations the respective a =
sides can be calculated.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 B554

Section 4 Trigonometrical functions

The trigonometrical ratios describe the relationships between the angles
and the sides in a right angled triangle. With the aid of these trigonometri-
cal functions it is possible to calculate both angles and sides in a right an-
gled triangle. For this one side and an angle or two sides must be known.
The selection of the suitable trigonometrical function, i. e. the sine, cosine
or tangent, depends on which sides and angles are known and which side
or angle is to be found.

1. Adjacent side (AS)

2. Hypotenuse (H)

3. Opposite side (OS)

Angle 2

By the use of the various trigonometrical functions all sides and angles can
be calculated.

Sine function

sin H OS sin * H
H sin

Cosine function

cos H AS cos * H
H cos
Tangent function

tan AS OS tan * AS
AS tan

B554 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Example calculations Section 5
5.1 Task

P1 M1 P2 P3 P4 M2

X 25 35 40 30

Z -20 -20

Evaluate the missing coordinates of the points P1 to P4, as well as

M1 and M2

Enter the coordinate values in the table.

The values for the spaces shown with a dark background are dimen-
sions that can be taken directly from the drawing.

Note: All X values are diameter values

See the next page for the solution of this example.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 B554

Section 5 Example calculations

5.2 Solution for the example calculation

P1 M1 P2 P3 P4 M2

X 25 35 27,929 37,071 40 30

Z -20 -20 -23,536 -28,107 -31,642 -31,642

For the solution method see the following page

B554 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Example calculations Section 5
5.3 Solution method

Since the two sides are equal, all values can be found using the Pythago-
rean theorem.

xp2 5 5 / 2 3,5355
zp2 xp2 3,5355
zp4 zp2 * (1) 3,5355
xp3 zp4 3,5355

P2x 25 (2 * (5 xp2)) 25 (2 * (5 3,5355)) 27,929

P2z P1z zp2 20 zp2 20 5 / 2 20 3,5355 23,5355
P3x 40 2 * (5 3,5355) 37,071
a (P3x p2x) / 2 (37,071 27,929) / 2 4,571
zp3 a 4,571
P3z P1z zp 2 zp3 20 3,535 4,571 28,1065
P4z P3z zp2 28,1065 3,5355 31,642

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 B554

B554 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate
B555 Zero points, work offset and reference

1 Brief description
Objective of the module:

In this module you learn to use the various zero points within the working space of a milling machine.

Description of the module:

This module describes the call-up of individual work piece zero points on the work piece with
reference to various starting conditions.


Position of the machine zero point

Zero point offset G54

Further zero point offsets

Further zero point offsets


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

B555 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate


Zero offsets and reference points: Description

Zero offsets and
reference points:
This module describes the call-up of individual START
work piece zero points on the work piece with ref-
erence to various starting conditions.
Position of the
machine zero

Zero point
offset G54

Further zero
point offsets

Further zero
point offsets


Zero offsets and

reference points:


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 B555

Section 2 Position of the machine zero point

All axis motions on a CNC-machine tool refer to the right-hand Cartesian
coordinate system.

See also Module B552 - Geometry basics.

The entire path measuring system is initialized by approaching the refer-

ence point with all axes.

At the same time the control unit activates the coordinate system at the
machine zero point.

M Machine zero point

This fixed coordinate point (origin) is determined by the manufacturer and

cannot be altered by the operator.

It serves as a reference point for the machine coordinate system (MCS) of

the machine tool.


B555 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Zero point offset G54 Section 3
For machining the workpiece the workpiece coordinate system (WCS) is
available on the machine.

This can be freely chosen by the operator depending on the manufacturing

conditions or according to the usual workshop practice.

By this you define a zero point on the workpiece which is offset from the
machine zero point by a defined distance, obtaining a work piece zero
point that is directly referred to the workpiece to be machined.

W Workpiece zero point

Zero point offset: Code G54 (modally operative)

With this command the workpiece zero point can be defined on the ma-

The following image shows how the position of the workpiece zero has
been shifted with G54 by the operator to the marked corner point, alterna-
tively any other corner can be defined as workpiece zero

The determined zero point on the machine can be set in JOG mode and
can be activated in the program with the same comand (G54).

By this the coordinate origin for the program and the machine zero point
coordinate are now identical.

Programming example: Explanation:

N10 G17 G54 ... Plane selection, call-up of the
zero point offset G54
N20 G00 X200 Z300 Approach tool changing point
N30 T1; Surface cutter Call-up tool T1

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 B555

Section 4 Further zero point offsets

Nevertheless, for the efficient production of parts the availability of several
workpiece zero points often makes sense.

The control unit manufacturer provides for up to 99 selectable zero point


Depending on the machine parameters this number can be set differently.
Please refer to the machine manual regarding the exact number of avail-
able zero points.

Further zero point offsets: Codes G55, G56 and G57

Codes G505 to G599

(all stated codes are modally operative)

The application example shows a requirement for a second workpiece zero


In the picture below the work piece zero point has been transferred with
G55 exactly to the setting plane of the chuck jaws.
In the program this must be activated by means of the code G55.



The use of several zero point offsets can substantially reduce the setup
times particularly in cases of one-off or small series machining.

For example: You could define just once a specific setting point for each
one of your clamping fixtures or else a specific work piece zero point for
various work pieces.
In the program the respective zero point offset depending on the clamping
fixture or the work piece can then be selected.

If an identical work piece is to be machined at a later time, the respective

zero point is immediately available under the same code.

Zero point offset instructions or commands are MODAL COMMANDS .i.e.
once executed they remain active until they are newly defined with the
same command or a different set of commands is activated.

B555 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Tool changing point Section 5
Milling machines usually have a fixed tool change position (TCP).
This point is typically chosen in a way, that tools can be changed in a
collision-proof area in the work space of the machine.

For this the tool carrier is generally retracted well back into the positive
range of the work space.

Take into account the real traverse ranges of your machine; the values
used in the example are only exemplary!

Programming example 1: Explanation:

N10 G17 G54 ...
N20 G00 X300 Z150 Approach of the tool changing point
N30 T1; Milling cutter Indexing the turret to position T1

On this basis the tool carrier will traverse to various positions depending on
the active tool length (Z) and the position of the work piece zero point.

It is always the tool tip that is being positioned.

Pos. Z Pos. X

Pos. Y

On the next page a suggestion for the programming of an independent tool

changing point can be found.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 B555

Section 5 Tool changing point

In order to approach a tool changing point that is independent of the length
of the tool and the presently active zero point offset, the following condi-
tions must be programmed:

Switching OFF of all the active offsets Code SUPA

or manipulations of the coordinate system (operative block-by-

Deactivation of the tool lengths in X and Z Code D0

(modally operative)

Programming example 2: Explanation:

N10 G17 G54...
N20 G00 X400 Z500 SUPA D0 Approach of tool changing point in the
MCS, without tool data,
N30 T1; milling cutter Indexing the turret to position T1,
N40 D1 Call-up of the tool data for T1

Pos. X
Pos. Z

Pos. Y

Since with the use of the SUPA command any manipulations of the coordi-
nate system have been deactivated for the programmed block only, they
do not need to be reactivated.

Keep in mind, to call up the required cutting edge again, after each tool

The extent of programming for the approach of the tool changing point can
be reduced if for this purpose a subprogram is written (see page 8 in this

B555 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Summary Section 6
Suggestion of a subprogram for tool changing:

Subprogram name: SUBR100.SPF

N10 G17 G00 X300 Z500 SUPA G40 D0; Approach of tool changing
point, zero point offsets OFF,
all tool corrections OFF

N20 RET; Return to the main program,

without interruption of the
feed motion.

Explanation of the symbols

M Machine zero point

W Workpiece zero point

MCS Machine coordinate system

WCS Workpiece coordinate system

Instruction Meaning

G54 to G57 Call-up of a selectable zero point offset *

G505 to G599 Call-up of further zero point offsets *

(conditionally available)

D0 Deactivation of the tool offsets *

D1 - D9 Reactivation of the tool offsets after the

tool change *

SUPA Switching-OFF of programmable, selectable and

external offsets **

RET End of subprogram, return jump

* Modally operative instruction

** Instruction operative block-by-block

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 B555

B555 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate
B556 Program structure

1 Brief description
Aim of the module:

In this module you learn how to structure a part program clearly and functionally.

Description of the module:

This module describes the programming structure of NC-programs.


Basic principles of programming

Program structure of a part program

Program structure of a machining sequence

Settings at the start of a program

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

B556 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate


Program structure: Description

Program structure:
This module describes the programming structure START
of NC-programs.

Basic princi-
ples of pro-

structure of a
part program

structure of a

Settings at the
start of a pro-

Program structure:


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 B556

Section 2 Basic principles of programming

Certain principles should be followed during the creation of part pro-

The program must ensure that an unlimited number of work pieces can
be produced with the quality (tolerances, surface quality, form and posi-
tion deviation, etc.) required on the drawing with a minimum of produc-
tion time and the least possible material wastage.
It is always the motion of the tool along the drawn ideal contour of the
work piece.
If tolerances are shown, the programming is always referred to the mid-
dle of the tolerance.
Example: 20 + 0,1 - programmed value = 20,05.
Precise dimension corrections can be carried out on the machine by
means of the wear correction feature for the tool.
The program should exhibit a clear and concise structure and should
contain comments wherever possible to ensure that other users can un-
derstand the layout easily at later stages.

B556 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Program structure of a part program Section 3
The following flow chart represents a possible suggestion for a suitable
structure of the main program.


Tool call-up 1

Technology block

Approaching the safety

level with the tool

Machining sequence 1

Retraction of the tool

no yes
Workpiece finished

Tool call-up 2 End of program

Technology block

Approaching the safety

level with the tool

Machining sequence 2

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 B556

Section 4 Program structure of a part program

The programming of the machining sequence can be achieved by means
of description of the individual steps using departure commands (e.g. G00,
G01, G02, etc.) or by means of machining cycles.

The following representation refers to the flow chart in section 2 of this

manual and describes a possible machining sequence.

Programming with G-Codes Programming using cycles

Activation of radius correc-

tion Input of the individual pa-
rameters using the input
mask and graphical support
Interpolation to the first
destination point

Interpolation to the next

destination point

Interpolation to the last

destination point

Deactivation of the radius


The following criteria should be kept in mind when selecting between the
two described possibilities:
Availability of the cycles on the respective machine.
Machining time required with cycles or with G-codes.
The relation of the number of work pieces to the required programming

B556 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Settings at the start of a program Section 5
For the user it may be advantageous to switch on certain settings, that are
to be activated in the part program, already in the program heading.

If necessary, these modally operative commands can always be reset by

other commands at any stage during the program.

Suggestion of a program heading for a milling application:

Programming example: Explanation:

N10 G17 G54 G64 G71 G90 G94 X/Y-plane, 1st ZP-offset,
continuous control, metrical
system, absolute dimensions,
linear feed rate F in mm/min,

Suggestion of a program heading for a turning application:

Programming example: Explanation:

N10 G18 G54 G64 G71 G90 G96 Z/X-plane, 1st ZP-offset,
continuous control, metrical
system, absolute dimensions,
constant cutting speed S in m/

N20 DIAMON LIMS=3000 Diameter input*, speed limitation

nmax= 3000 min-1


As the tool progresses towards the centre during facing, the spindle speed
evaluated internally in the control unit increases steadily until eventually
the maximum possible spindle speed would be attained.

Depending on the clamping conditions and the size of the work piece a
speed limitation should always be selected for reasons of safety.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 B556

B556 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate
B557 Cutting edge radius correction

1 Brief description

Objective of the module:

In this module you learn to write a simple milling program, taking into account the radius correction.

Description of the module:

This module describes the commands for radius correction, the rounding and the chamfering of
edges. These commands can be used for writing a simple CNC-program. A explanations of the com-
mands is provided.


Cutter radius compensation

Rounding and chamfering of edges

Mixed incremental and absolute programming


Solutions of the tasks

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

B557 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate


Cutting edge radius correction: Description

Cutting edge radius
This module describes the commands for radius START
correction, the rounding and the chamfering of
edges. These commands can be used for writing a
simple CNC-program. A explanations of the com-
mands is provided. Cutter radius

Rounding and
chamfering of

Mixed incre-
mental and
absolute pro-


Solutions of the

Cutting edge radius



828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 B551

Section 2 Cutter radius compensation

The path programmed with G01, G02 and G03 represents the path taken
by the centre of the milling cutter. In this case the radius of the milling cut-
ter must be taken into account.
Exercise 1

Open the program editor by pressing the following keys successively:

Write the following program header into the editor. Explain the blocks in
the table. While doing this make yourself familiar with the editor. Mark the
zero point on the drawing

N10 G54 G64 G17

N20 T1 Select tool Nr. 1 (PF60 with tool tips)
N30 M6
N40 S1000 F200.M3
M8 D1
N50 G00 X115 Y65 Approach of starting point and safety level (P1)
N60 G01 Z0
N70 X-35
N80 G00 Z2
N90 X115 Y15
N100 G01 Z0
N110 X-35
N120 G00 Z150
N130 X150 Y150

Solution see page 13

N70 N50

N110 N90

Motion at feed rate

Motion with rapid traverse

B557 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Cutter radius compensation Section 2
The instructions G41 or G42 are necessary for the programming of con-
tours. With this the contour shown on the drawing can be described di-
rectly. The radius value for the milling cutter entered in the tool manage-
ment is taken into account. The equidistant path for the cutter centre evalu-
ated by the control unit is such that the required contour results on the cut-
ter circumference.

To enable the control unit to evaluate the correct equidistant path it must
know whether the milling cutter is on the right or the left of the contour.
This is determined by relative to the machining direction.

Dimensional deviations can then be compensated for by changing the

cutter radius.

Before activating the radius compensation a starting point should be cho-

sen that is sufficiently far from the contour. If possible this distance should
be greater than the cutter radius. The starting and end point must be cho-
sen such that no damage to the contour occurs.

S=starting point E=end point Px=programmed contour points

Equidistant path with feed direction

Solution 1: Solution 2:
Approach and exit of the Approach and exit from/into open
contour area. The points P0 and P9 do
not lie on the contour

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 B557

Section 2 Cutter radius compensation

The work piece shown on the left is to
be machined in the course of this

First the edge of the contour is to be

roughed out. For this the instruction
G00, G01, G02, G41 and G40 will be

Supplement the program commenced on page 2 in the editor, by the fol-

lowing blocks. Specify the contour in the missing blocks.

N140 T=SF14 ;Endmill 14 mm HSS

N150 M6
N160 F280 S1400 M3 M8 D1
N170 G00 X-10 Y3 Z2 S
N180 G01 Z-5
N190 G...
N200 1
N210 2
N220 3
N230 4
N240 5
N250 6
N260 7
N270 8
N280 9
N290 10
N300 11
N310 12
N320 13
N330 14
N340 G...
N350 G01 X-10 Y12 E
N360 G00 Z150
N370 X150 Y150 M8

Solution see page 14

B557 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Cutter radius compensation Section 2
The activation of the cutting edge radius correction can be supported by
means of the commands G247/G248 and G347/G348. By their use the
contour can be approached along a circular arc. This is called a soft ap-
proach that prevents any contour damage at the point of contact.

The function soft approach and exit is a tangential approach at the point
of contact independently of the starting point.

The function is used predominantly in conjunction with the tool radius cor-
rection, however, this is not compulsory.

(Tangential appro-
ach/departure move
with a quarter circ-

N40 G00 X=P0 Y=P0 Positioning for activation of the radius compensation
N50 G41 G247 DISR=2 X=P1 Y=P1 Radius compensation activation. Approach with a
quarter circle with radius 2 to position P1. The values
for DISCL, FAD F have not been programmed.
N60 G01 X=P2 Machining the contour.

N110 G01 X=Pn-1 Y=Pn-1 Approach of the last contour point

N120 G40 G248 DISR=2 X=Pn Y=Pn Radius compensation deactivation by leaving with a
quarter circle of radius 2 to position P0/Pn

(Tangential ap-
departure move
with a semi circ-

N40 G00 X=P0 Y=P0 Positioning for activation of the radius compensation
N50 G41 G347 DISR=2 X=P1 Y=P1 Radius compensation activation. Approach with a
half circle with radius 2 to position P1. The values
for DISCL, FAD F have not been programmed.
N60 G01 X=P2 Machining the contour..

N110 G01 X=Pn-1 Y=Pn-1 Approach of the last contour point

N120 G40 G348 DISR=2 X=Pn Y=Pn Radius compensation deactivation by leaving with a
quarter circle of radius 2 to position P0/Pn

DISR (Approach/departure radius)

progr. con-
is the radius of the tool centre path.
If the tool radius correction is acti-
vated, an arc is generated with a ra-
dius such that also in this case the
tool centre path results with the pro-
grammed radius.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 B557

Section 2 Cutter radius compensation

Possible approach movements:

G140 Approach and departure direction depending on the current

correction side (basic position value)

G141 Approach from the left and departure to the left

G142 Approach from the right and departure to the right

G143 Approach and departure direction depends on the position of

the starting and end point relative to the tangential direction
G147 Approach with a straight motion
P3 at approaching/leaving
tool with straight line (G147)

G148 Departure with a straight motion tool centre path

P4 contour

G247 Approach with a quarter circle P0

P3 at approaching/leaving
with quarter circle (G247)
G248 Departure with a quarter circle
DISR tool centre path
P4 contour

G347 Approach with a half circle

G348 Departure with a half circle
P3 at approaching/leaving
with half circle (G347)

G340 Approach and leaving in space DISR tool centre path

P4 contour
G341 Approach and departure in a plane
Approaching and leaving shown with interpoint
P4 (with concurrent activation of the tool radius
Associated parameter values:

DISR Approach and departure with straights (G147/G148). Distance

of the cutter edge from the starting point on the contour.
Approach and departure with arcs (G247, G347/G248, G348)
Radius of the cutter centre path.
Caution: In case of REPOS with a semi circle DISR states
the circle diameter.

DISCL DISCL=... Distance of the end point of the rapid approach

motion from the machining plane.
DISCL=AC (...) Statement of the absolute position of the end
point of the rapid approach motion.

FAD Speed of the slow feed motion.

FAD=... the programmed value works according to the
G-Code of group 15 (feed; G93, G94, etc.).
FAD=PM (...) the programmed value is interpreted as a linear
feed (like G 94) independent of the active G-Code of the group
The soft approach and departure is very well explained in the module -
B558 Program of subroutines.

B557 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Rounding and chamfering of edges Section 3
For the machining of the finished contour the instructions RND, CHR, CHF
are to be used for the radii and the chamfers.

At the programmed intersection
between two straights a radius is
added. The size of this is defined
by RND=7.

At the programmed intersection
between two straights a cham-
fer is added. The length of the
chamfer is defined by CHF=9.

At the programmed intersection
between two straights a cham-
fer is added. CHR=5 defines
the length of the legs of this

All not dimensioned radii and chamfers are 2 mm.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 B557

Section 3 Rounding and chamfering of edges

Describe the contour using the instructions referred to so far. A milling cut-
ter with a diameter of 8mm is to be used (Name SF8). Start describing the
contour at the point X13; Y5.

All not dimensioned radii and chamfers are 2 mm.

N380 T=SF8 ;End mill 8 mm HSS

N390 M6
N400 F280 S1400 M3 M8 D1
N410 G00 X6 Y-7
N420 G01 Z-5
N430 G... Activation of the radius compensation
N440 G01 X13 y3 Traverse close to the contour
N450 Y 1st contour point
N460 G03 X Y I J... Milling the radius 8 mm
N470 G Y ... Approach of top left contour point and rounding with 2 mm to
the subsequent element
N480 X ... Milling the contour corner at the chamfer 4 mm
N490 Y... Approach of the stating point for the radius 20 mm
N500 G ... X Y I J Milling the radius 20 mm
N510 G X Y ... Approach of the starting point of the pocket and chamfer
N520 X Y ... Approach of the top pocket corner and rounding 4 mm
N530 X Y ... Approach of the bottom pocket corner and rounding 4 mm
N540 X Y Approach end point of the pocket and chamfer
N550 Y Approach of starting point with radius7 mm
N560 G X Y I J Milling the radius 7 mm
N570 G X10 Leaving the contour
N580 G Deactivation of the radius compensation
N590 X Y Retraction of the cutter
N600 G Z M... Retraction to the tool changing point, coolant OFF
N610 X150 Y150 Traverse to the tool changing point

Solution see page 14

B557 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Mixed incremental and absolute programming Section 4
Angle ANG=

If for a straight only one end point coordinate of the plane is known, or in
the case of contours the final end point via several blocks, an angular
statement can be used to completely define the straight path section. The
angle is always referred to the abscissa of the current plane G17 to G19;
e.g.: in case of G17 to the X-axis. Positive angles are taken to be anti-


G01 X15
Abscissa G01 X20 ANG=-36
G01 X23 ANG=-72

Mixed programming:

Absolute and incremental dimensions (G90/G91) you know already for the
programming of contours. These two types can be programmed together in
one block. For this the instructions IC (incremental) and AC (absolute)
can be used. In this way IC can be used to program incremental dimen-
sions within G90. The instruction G90 is modal.

X=IC(10) The cutter moves along the X-axis incrementally by 10

mm in the positive direction.
Y=AC(12) The cutter will be positioned absolute along the Y-axis to
the Coordinate of Y12 .

12 4

G90 G91
G01 X12 Y25 G01 X=AC(12) Y=AC(25)

G01 X=IC(4) Y22 G01 X4 Y=AC(22)


G01 X20 Y=IC(-3) G01 X=AC(20) Y-3


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 11 B557

Section 4 Mixed incremental and absolute programming

Describe the contour using the instructions referred to so far. A milling cut-
ter with a diameter of 8 mm is to be used (Name SF8).

All radii R4

N620 G00 X17.5 Y60.5 Z2 Positioning above the centre of left upper pocket
N630 G... Z M... Plunging into the pocket and coolant ON
N640 G... Activation of cutter radius compensation
(climb milling)
N650 G01 X12 Y60.5 Approach of contour
N660 G01 Y... RND=... 1st corner point with rounding to the next element
N670 G01 X=IC(...) Approach of starting point for 55 chamfer
N680 G01 X.. ANG= Oblique 55
N690 G01 X... RND=... 2nd corner point with rounding to the next element
N700 G01 X=...(10) RND=... 3rd corner point with rounding to the next element
N710 G... Switching to incremental dimensions
N720 G01 Y... RND=... 4th corner point with rounding to the next element
N730 G01 X=AC(...) CHR=... 5th corner point with chamfering to the next element
N740 G01 Y=...(...) RND=... 6th corner point with rounding to the next element
N750 G01 X... RND=... 7th corner point with rounding to the next element
N760 G... Switching to absolute dimensions
N770 G01 X... Y... Closing of contour
N780 G... Deactivation of cutter radius compensation
N790 G01 X17.5 Y60.5 Retraction of the cutter
N800 G00 Z150 M9 Leaving the contour and coolant OFF
N810 G00 X... Y... Traverse to tool changing position
N820 M... End of program

Solution see page 16

B557 Page 12 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Summary Section 5
Path information/path commands

Instruction Meaning
G40 Cutter radius compensation deactivated * **
G41 Cutter radius compensation to left of contour
G42 Cutter radius compensation to right of contour

CHR Chamfering the contour corner by statement of leg

CHF Chamfering the contour corner by statement of
the length of chamfer
RND Rounding the contour corner (radius statement)
ANG Straight with an angle

X=IC() Statement of the coordinates with incremental

Y=AC() Statement of the coordinates with absolute

* Power-ON status of milling machines

** Power-ON status of turning machines

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 13 B557

Section 6 Solution of the tasks

6.1 Cutter radius compensation

The path programmed with G01,G02 and G03 represents the path of the
cutter centre. In this case the cutter radius must be taken into account by
Exercise 1

Open the editor by pressing the following keys successively:

Write the following program header into the editor. Explain the blocks in
the table. While doing this make yourself familiar with the editor. Mark the
zero point on the drawing.

N10 G54 G64 G17 Zero point offset, continuous control ON, plane selec-
SOFT tion XY, soft control
N20 T1 Select tool Nr. 1 (PF60 with tool tips)
N30 M6 Load the selected tool
N40 S1000 F200 M3 Speed (rpm), feed (mm/min), rotation clockwise, cool-
M8 D1 ant ON, activation of first cutting edge
N50 G00 X115 Y65 Approach of starting point and safety level (P1)
N60 G01 Z0 Infeed to command dimension
N70 X-35 Milling (P2)
N80 G00 Z2 Lift-off to safety level
N90 X115 Y15 Approach of starting point for 2nd pass (P3)
N100 G01 Z0 Infeed to command dimension
N110 X-35 Milling (P4)
N120 G00 Z150 Lift-off to tool changing level
N130 X150 Y150 M9 Approach tool changing position, coolant OFF

N70 N50

N110 N90

Motion at feed rate

Motion with rapid traverse

B557 Page 14 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Solution of the tasks Section 6
The work piece shown on the left is to
be machined in the course of this mod-

First of all the edge of the contour is to

be roughed out. For this the instruction
G00, G01, G02, G41 and G40 will be

In the editor supplement the program commenced on page 2 by the follow-

ing blocks. Specify the contour In the missing blocks.

N140 T=SF14 ;End mill 14 mm HSS

N150 M6
N160 F280 S1400 M3 M8 D1
N170 G00 -10 Y3 Z2 S
N180 G01 Z-4
N190 G41
N200 G01 X4 Y10 1
N210 Y74 2
N220 G02 X6 Y76 I2 Y0 3
N230 G01 X68 4
N240 Y63.5 5
N250 X76 Y50 6
N260 Y42 7
N270 X64 8
N280 Y26 9
N290 X76 10
N300 Y12 11
N310 X68 Y4 12
N320 X12 13
N330 X0 Y16 14
N340 G40
N350 G01 X-10 Y12 E
N360 G00 Z150
N370 X150 Y150 M8

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 15 B557

Section 6 Solution of the tasks

6.2 Rounding and chamfering of edges

Describe the contour using the instructions referred to so far. A milling cut-
ter with a diameter of 8 mm is to be used (Name SF8). Start describing the
contour at the point X13; Y5.

All not dimensioned radii and chamfers are 2 mm.

N380 T=SF8 ;End mill 8 mm HSS

N390 M6
N400 F280 S1400 M3 M8 D1
N410 G00 X6 Y-7 Z2 Start point
N420 G01 Z-5 Infeed to depth
N430 G41 Activation of radius compensation
N440 G01 X13 Y3 Approach the contour
N450 Y5 1st contour point
N460 G03 X5 Y13 I8 J0 Milling of radius 8
N470 G01 Y75 RND=2 Approach upper left contour point and rounding 2 mm to the
next element
N480 X67 CHF=4 Milling of corner of contour at chamfer 4 mm
N490 Y65 Approach starting point for the radius 20 mm
N500 G03 X75 Y49 I20 J0 Milling of radius 20 mm
N510 G01 X75 Y43 CHR=1.5 Approach of starting point of pocket and chamfering
N520 X61 Y43 RND=4 Approach upper corner of pocket and rounding 4 mm
N530 X61 Y25 RND=4 Approach lower corner of pocket and rounding 4 mm
N540 X75 Y25 CHR=1.5 Approach end point of pocket and chamfering
N550 Y12 Approach starting point of radius 7mm
N560 G03 X68 Y5 I0 J-7 Milling of radius 7 mm
N570 G01 X10 Leaving the contour
N580 G40 Deactivation of radius compensation
N590 X6 Y-7 Retraction of cutter
N600 G00 Z150 M9 Retraction to tool changing level, coolant OFF
N610 X150 Y150 Traverse to tool changing position
N620 M30

B557 Page 16 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Solution of the tasks Section 6
6.3 Mixed incremental and absolute programming

Describe the contour using the instructions referred to so far. A milling cut-
ter with a diameter of 8mm is to be used (Name SF8). Start describing the
contour at the point X13; Y5.

All radii R4

N620 G00 X17.5 Y60.5 Z2 Positioning above the centre of left upper pocket
N630 G01 Z-3 M8 Plunging into the pocket and coolant ON
N640 G41 Activation of Cutter radius compensation
(climb milling)
N650 G01 X12 Y60.5 Approach of the contour
N660 G01 Y52 RND=4 1st corner point with rounding to the next element
N670 G01 X=IC(7.8) Approach of starting point for 55 chamfer
N680 G01 X23.8 ang=-55 Oblique 55
N690 G01 Y41 RND=4 2nd corner point with rounding to the next element
N700 G01 X=IC(10) RND=4 3rd corner point with rounding to the next element
N710 G91 Switching to incremental dimensions
N720 G01 Y18 RND=4 4th corner point with rounding to the next element
N730 G01 X=AC(23) CHR=1.5 5th corner point with chamfering to the next element
N740 G01 Y=AC(69) RND=4 6th corner point with rounding to the next element
N750 G01 X-11 RND=4 7th corner point with rounding to the next element
N760 G90 Switching to absolute dimensions
N770 G01 X12 Y60.5 Closing the contour
N780 G40 Deactivation of Cutter radius compensation
N790 G01 X17.5 Y60.5 Retraction of the cutter
N800 G00 Z150 M9 Leaving the contour
N810 G00 X150 Y150 Traverse to tool changing position
N820 M30 End of program

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 17 B557

B557 Page 18 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate
B558 Program of subroutines

1 Brief description

Objective of the module:

In this module you will get to know the use of subroutines. You will learn to write subroutines for con-
tours with soft contour approach and departure with cutter radius compensation and how to call them
up in a simple milling program.

Description of the module:

This module explains the programming with subroutines.

The soft approach and departure of the contour will be used for contour machining.


The use and necessity of sub-routines

Call-up of subroutines

Programming of subroutines


Solution for the programming of subroutines

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

B558 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate


Program of subroutines: Description

Program of
This module explains the programming with sub- START
The soft approach and departure of the contour
will be used for contour machining. The use and
necessity of

Call-up of

of subroutines


Solution for the

of subroutines

Program of


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 B558

Section 2 The use and necessity of subroutines

If contours are programmed that are used repeatedly, it is possible to do
this using subroutines. There is a differentiation between local subroutines,
which belong to a work piece and global sub-routines, which are generally
usable. Subroutines have the file extension *.SPF (Subprogram File).

2.1 Global subroutines

These subroutines can be used for all kinds of workpiece programs; they
must be written keeping in mind the danger of possible collisions. Both pro-
grams using incremental or absolute dimensions can be used.

The machine table is to be positioned at a certain location for tool changing
after the machining has been completed. The coordinates can therefore be
stated with absolute values.
In order to avoid collisions, Z must be positioned first followed by X/Y.

2.2 Local subroutines

Local subroutines are often used where contours are repeated on the
same work piece. If, for instance, a pocket is to be milled several times on
one workpiece, it can be programmed just once and then repeated several
times. Since the absolute dimension vary, the pocket must be programmed
from a defined starting point, which is then approached in the main pro-
gram. From there the pocket is then described with incremental dimen-

The contour of a pocket must be milled at 2 different locations.
Fill in the following program header into the editor. Explain the sentences
in the table. By the way make yourself familiar with the editor. Mark the
zero point in the drawing.

B558 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Call-up of subroutines Section 3
The choice of the type of dimensions depends largely on the usage of the
subroutine. When programming the following principle must be kept in
mind: When exit the subroutine, the status that existed before the call-up
must be re-established.
The subroutine is called up by its name and the number of times it is to be
used. The number of repeats is programmed with the address P.
At the end there must follow the instruction M17 (end of subroutine). After
this the control jumps back to the calling-up place in the main program and
continues with the next block.

Main program Subroutine Explanation

N40 G90 G00 X20 Y20 Approach of the starting point

N50 Contour P1 Call-up of the subroutine Contour

for 1 pass

N10 G91 Switching to incremental dimen-


N20 G01 Z-5 Plunging into the contour to Z3

N30 X10 Motion by 10 mm along X-axis in


N40 Y-10 Motion by 10 mm along Y-axis in


N50 X-10 Motion by 10 mm along x-axis in


N60 Y10 Motion by 10 mm along Y-axis in


N70 G90 Re-establish status of main pro-


N80 M17 End of subroutine

N60 G01 Z2 Retraction to safety level

N70 G00 X50 Y20 Z2 Approach of next starting point

N80 Contour P2 Call-up of the local subroutine

contour for 2 passes

Milling of the pocket to 8

N90 G01 Z2 Retraction to safety level

N100 Workpiece change Call-up of the global subroutine

Workpiece change
G53 G00 Zero point offset block-by-block
OFF and retraction in Z-direction

G53 x200 Zero point offset block-by-block

OFF and retraction in X/Y direc-
y200 tion

M17 End of subroutine

N110 M30 End of main program

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 B558

Section 4 Programming of subroutines

Below, you are asked to program the pocket as a subroutine
(Name:UP_MODUL31). The subroutine is to be called up from the main
program (Name: MODUL31).

Task 1:
The workpiece has already been programmed in the program
MODUL30.MPF. This is now to be copied, renamed in MODUL31.MPF
and then modified.
Change to the Program Manager. Open the program directory and select
the program MODUL30.MPF.
By pressing the PROGRAM In the workpiece direc-
MANAGER button on the tory select the program
keyboard change to the MODUL30.MPF with
Program Manager screen. the blue cursor keys.

Copy the file by

pressing the VSK 5

The program ac-

knowledges the
selection and copy-
ing in the status line.
With the now active
insert the file into the

The Paste window opens. Rename the file in MODUL31.MPF

and accept with the VSK 8 OK.

B558 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Programming of subroutines Section 4
Task 2:
Commence a new subroutine by the name of UP_MODUL31.SPF and
programme the following program lines with the respective supplements.
The program starts at the centre cross.

N10 G Switching to incremental dimensions

N20 G G DISR= X5 Activate cutter radius compensation for climb milling with soft approach
in a quarter circle r = 0.5
N70 Contour description using climb milling
N130 G G DISR= X-5 Deactivate cutter radius compensation with soft departure the
contour in a quarter circle r = 0.5
N140 G Switching to absolute dimension programming
N150 M End of subroutine

For solution see page 10

Task 3:
In the main program MODUL31.MPF delete all lines starting with block
Open program MODUL31.MPF
and set the cursor on N620. Mark and delete the selected

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 B558

Section 4 Programming of subroutines

Task 4:
Alter the main program MODUL31.MPF such that the internal contours
are machined using the subroutine. When positioning in the Z-axis care
must be taken to consider the infeed amount (Z-4) per subroutine pass.

N610 X150 Y150
N620 G X Y Z M With rapid traverse to the start-point of the upper left contour and
coolant ON
N630 .. P Call-up of subroutine for one pass
N640 G01 Z1 Retraction from the pocket at feed rate
N650 G... X Y Z With rapid traverse to the start-point of the upper right contour
N660 .. P... Call-up of subroutine for two passes
N670 G Z Retraction from the pocket at feed rate
N680 G Z M... Departure in Z to the tool changing point and coolant OFF
N690 G X Y Departure in X and Y to the tool changing point
N700 M End of main program

For solution see page 11

B558 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Summary Section 5
Path information/Approach and Departure commands

Instruction Meaning

UP_... P1 Subroutine call-up with number of repeats

M17 End of subroutine

G147 Approach with a straight

G148 Departure with a straight

G247 Approach with a quarter circle

G248 Departure with a quarter circle

G347 Approach with a semi-circle

G348 Departure with semi-circle

G340 Approach and departure in space

G341 Approach and departure in a plane

Parameter Explanation

DISR Radius of the tool centre path for approach and


DISCL DISCL=... Distance of the end point for the rapid

infeed motion

FAD Speed of the slow infeed motion

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 B558

Section 6 Solution for the programming of subroutines

Solution for Task 2:

N10 G91 Switching to incremental dimensions

N20 G41 G247 DISR=0.5 x5 Activate cutter radius compensation for climb milling with soft approach
in a quarter circle r=0.5
N30 G01 Y9 RND=4
N40 X-10.8 CHF=2.12
N50 Y10 RND=4
N60 X-11 RND=4
N70 Y-17 RND=4
N80 x7.8 Contour description using climb milling
N90 Y-5.71 ANG=-55
N100 Y-5.287 RND=4
N110 X10 RND=4
N120 Y9
N130 G40 G248 DISR=0.5 X-5 Deactivate cutter radius compensation and soft departure of the
contour in a quarter circle r = 0.5
N140 G90 Switching to absolute dimension programming
N150 M17 End of subroutine

Solution for Task 3:

Open the program MODUL31.MPF Press the VSK 4 Mark to

and set cursor on N620 by navigat- select the desired lines.
ing with the blue cursor keys on the Move the cursor with the
keyboard. cursor-down key until all lines
are marked.
Then press the VSK 7 Cut to
delete all marked entries.

B558 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Solution for programming of subroutines Section 6
Solution for Task 4:

N610 X150 Y150
N620 G00 X28.8 Y50 Z1 M8 With rapid traverse to the start-point of the upper left contour and
coolant ON
N630 UP_Modul31 P1 Call-up of subroutine for one pass
N640 G01 Z1 Retraction from the pocket at feed rate
N650 G00 X53.6 Y50 Z3 With rapid traverse to the start-point of the upper right contour
N660 UP_MODUL31 P2 Call-up of subroutine for two passes
N670 G01 Z2 Retraction from the pocket at feed rate
N680 G00 Z150 M9 Departure in Z to the tool changing point and coolant OFF
N690 G00 X150 Y150 Departure in X and Y to the tool changing point
N700 M30 End of main program

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 11 B558

B558 Page 12 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate
B559 Loops, jumps, repetitions

1 Brief description

Objective of the module:

Working through this module you become familiar with the usage of loops, jumps and repetitions in a
milling program.

Description of the module:

In the module you will learn about the commands for looping parts of the program, for jumping to cer-
tain blocks in the program and how to repeat certain sections of the program.


Label name, Parameter usage

Jump instructions, Program section repetitions

Example and tasks


Solution of the tasks

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

B559 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate


Loops, jumps, repetitions: Description

Loops, jumps,
In the module you will learn about the commands START
for looping parts of the program, for jumping to
certain blocks in the program and how to repeat
certain sections of the program. Label name,

Jump instruc-
tions, Pro-
gram section

Example and


Solution of the

Loops, jumps,


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 B559

Section 2 Label name, Parameter usage

2.1 Label name

In order to repeat certain sections of a program or the jump to a certain

section of the program, we make use of LABELS to mark the beginning/
end of certain sections of the program. In most cases a LABEL is used to
mark the beginning, but when you want to perform repetitions of sections
of a program, then you require both beginning and end LABELS (refer to
section 3.2 in this module).
The LABEL must consist of at least two or a maximum of 8 characters.
The first two characters must always be letters or underlines.
The LABEL must always be followed by a colon.

N100... Assigning the name BL123 to a label

N110 BL123:
N120 G00 X10..

2.2 Parameter usage

In some cases the use of parameters is highly advisable. For instance, the
cutting values for the tools to be used can be assigned to parameters in
the program header, which can then be used for programming instead of
the cutting values themselves. The parameters are programmed with the
address letter R and a number R1. Values can be assigned to these in
the section Parameter or also in the program itself.

;T1-WSF Dr60
R1=200 ; n for WSF Dr60 Program header
R2=30 ; vf for WSF Dr60
N100 T1 ; WSF Dr60
N110 M6
N120 S=R1 F=R2 M3 M8 D1 Assignment of speed and feed by means of
N130 ... R1 and R2

Parameters can be used within the program for calculation of individual

values or for themselves. For reason of the advance calculation by the
control unit it is possible that undesirable effects on the active parameters
might occur. This can be prevented by using the instruction STOPRE.
The next block will only be executed after the previous block has been
For this STOPRE must be written in a block by itself.

N10 R1=0
N110 BL123:
N120 G00 x10..

N140 STOPRE The control unit waits until block N130 has
N150 R1=R1+1 been completed.
N160 EL123:STOPRE Each time the block is run for machining R1
is increased by 1.

B559 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Jump instructions, Program section repetitions Section 3
3.1 Jump instructions

Jump instructions can also be used within a program. They permit the
omission of certain sections of the program or to jump back for repetitions.
The instruction GOTOF is used to jump forward, while the GOTOB is used
to jump backward.
For this a search is carried out for the included label name or the block
number before the jump to this location is carried out.

;T1WSF Dr60
R1=200 ; n for WSF Dr60
R2=30 ; vf for WSF Dr60
N10 GOTOF N100 Jump to block N100
N20 LB001:

N90 GOTOF N170 Jump to block N170
N100 T1 ; WSF Dr60
N110 m6
N120 S=R1 F=R2 M3 M8 D1
N160 GOTOB LB001 Jump back to label LB001
N170 T4

The jump instruction caused a change in the machining sequence.

3.2 Program section repetitions

Program sections between two labels can be repeated any number of

times as specified under the address P. For this the program jumps to the
first stated label and executes all blocks of the program until the second
label is reached. If the number of repetitions is greater than one, this pro-
cedure will be repeated as often as stated under address P.

;T1-WSF Dr60
R1=200 ; n for WSF Dr60
R2=30 ; vf for WSF Dr60
N10 T1 ; WSF Dr60
N20 M6
N30 S=R1 F=R2 M3 M8 D1
1 N40 G00 z2
N50 LB001:
N50 G1 Z=IC(-10)

N90 LE001:
... Jump back to Label LB001 and two
N160 Repeat LB001 LE001 P2 repetitions between LB001and
N170 T4 LE001

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 B559

Section 4 Example and tasks

2 Holes are to be drilled into the milled work piece. These holes are to be
programmed using jumps and parameters.

Task 1:

Copy the program file MODUL31.MPF in Program Manager. Rename

this program to MODUL32.MPF. For explanations see Module B558 -
Subprogram techniques.

Task 2:

Open the program MODUL32.MPF and supplement the program by the

following lines for the drilling.

N690 G00 X150 Y150 Traverse to the tool changing point in x and y
N700 R1=... R2=... Set the parameter R1 (drilling and counter depth) and R2 (feed rate)
to zero
N710 T=NC-centre drill Request NC-centre drill larger 12 mm (for simulation SF10)
N720 M6 Load NC-centre drill
N730 R1= R2=... Specify depth for centring and feed rate
N740 S1000 F=... M3 M8 D1 Specify technology data for centring
N750 Repeat ... ... P1 Execute program between the Labels LB001 and LE001 once
N760 T=SPB8 Request drill diameter 8 mm (for simulation SF8)
N770 Load drill
N775 Advance evaluation Stop
N780 ...=8+(8*1/3) ...=50 Specify depth for centring and countering in R1 and feed rate in R2
N790 S800 F=R2 M3 M8 D1 Specify technology data for the drill
N800 R...=8+(8*1/3) Specify depth for drilling (1/3 drill point)
N810 ... LB001 LE001 p1 Execute the program between the Labels once
N820 G00 Z150 Retraction in Z-direction
N830 X150 Y150 Retraction in X- and Y-direction
N840 M30 End of program

N850 Give the label the name LB001

N860 G... X... Y... Z... Traverse to 1st drilling position
N870 GOTOF ... Jump to block N920
N880 LB002: Give the label the name LB002
N890 G... X... Y... Z... Traverse to 2nd drilling position
N900 Repeat N... N Execute blocks N920 to N940
N910 Give the label the name LE001

N920 G01 Z=... F=... Drill at feed rate

N930 G04 S2 Dwell after reaching the drilling depth for smoothing
N940 G01 Z... F=... With double the feed rate move to z2
N950 ... Jump back to Label LB002

B559 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Summary Section 5
Loops/ jumps/repetitions

Instruction Meaning

GOTOF Forward jump to destination mark


GOTOB Backward jump to destination mark


When using GOTOB and GOTOF care must be
taken against endless loops. They call up each
other repeatedly. Hence the program cannot leave
this range.

The use of block numbers as destination mark is

not advisable. If the block number changes, there
will be no automatic correction.

REPEAT Repeats the section between the labels for the pro-
grammed number of times.
Repeat LB002 LE002 P2

The use of block numbers as destination mark is
not advisable. if the block number changes, there
will be no automatic correction.

R... Parameter 1-99


STOPRE The next block will not be decoded until the previ-
ous block has been completed.

.: Label name

Label names must have at least 2 and a
maximum of 8 characters. The first 2 of which must
be either letters or underlines.

G04 Dwell
G04 S2 Dwell for 2 revolutions
G04 F2 Dwell for 2 seconds

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 B559

Section 6 Solution of the tasks

Solution for task 2:

N690 G00 X150 Y150 Traverse to the tool changing point in X and Y
N700 R1=0 R2=0 Set the parameter R1 (drilling and counter depth) and R2 (feed rate)
to zero
N710 T=NC-centre drill Request NC-centre drill larger 12 mm (for simulation SF10)
N720 M6 Load NC-centre drill
N730 R1=-5 R2=100 Specify depth for centring and feed rate
N740 S1000 F=R2 M3 M8 D1 Specify technology data for centring
N750 Repeat LB001 LE001 P1 Execute program between the Labels LB001 and LE001 once
N760 T=SPB8 Request drill diameter 8 mm (for simulation SF8)
N770 M6 Load drill
N775 STOPRE Advance evaluation Stop
N780 R1=8+(8*1/3) R2=50 Specify depth for centring and countering in R1 and feed rate in R2
N790 S800 F=R2 M3 M8 D1 Specify technology data for the drill
N800 R1=8+(8*1/3) Specify depth for drilling (1/3 drill point)
N810 Repeat LB001 LE001 P1 Execute the program between the labels once
N820 G00 Z150 Retraction in Z-direction
N830 X150 Y150 Retraction in X- and Y-direction
N840 M30 End of program

N850 LB001: Label name LB001

N860 G00 X25 Y25 Z2 Traverse to 1st drilling position
N870 GOTOF N920 Jump to block N920
N880 LB002: Label name LB002
N890 G00 X50 Y25 Z2 Traverse to 2nd drilling position
N900 Repeat N920 N940 Execute blocks N920 to N940
N910 LE001: Label name LE001

N920 G01 Z=R1 F=R2 Drill at feed rate

N930 G04 S2 Dwell after reaching the drilling depth for smoothing
N940 G01 Z2 F=R2*2 With double the feed rate move to Z2
N950 GOTOB LB002 Jump back to Label LB002

B559 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

B560 Mirror, offset, rotate, scale

1 Brief description

Objective of the module:

With help of this module you will get to know commands for mirroring, shifting, rotating and scaling of

Description of the module:

This module explains the use of the commands for the machining of identical contour elements in
various positions.








828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

B560 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate


Mirror, offset, rotate, scale: Description

Mirror, offset, rotate,
This module explains the use of the commands for START
the machining of identical contour elements in
various positions.







Mirror, offset, rotate,



828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 B560

Section 2 Shifting

General introduction

The commands in this module are known as frames (calculation instruc-

tions). They can influence, cancel or condition each other. In our example
a known contour, which is described in a subprogram, is to be milled in
various positions and sizes.
For this the zero point at the starting point of the contour of the sub-
program must be rotated. In order to be able to rotate the program about
the starting point of the sub-program, this point must be the zero point. Our
work piece zero point (G54) lies in the middle of the work piece.

The zero point can be shifted in the programmed axes by means of these
commands. The command TRANS clears all active frames.
ATRANS (additive shift) works incremental from the active frames.

Workpiece 1 Workpiece 2 Workpiece 3 Workpiece 4



For instance in case of multiple settings of work pieces the zero point can
be shifted and the main program repeatedly executed .

B560 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Shifting Section 2
In the following example the zero point is to be transformed to the starting
point of the left hand contour.

Task 1:

Create a new file with the name MODUL34.MPF!

Task 2:

Programme the tool path for face milling the surface. Take into account
that the zero point lies in the middle. The Face mill (FACE_MILL_D60) has
a diameter of 60 mm, the work piece measures 80 x 80 mm.

N10 G54 G64 G17 SOFT

N20 T=.
N30 M.
N40 S1000 F200 M3 M8 D1
N50 G00 X.... Y. Z.
N60 G01 Z0
N70 X-80
N80 G00 Z2
N90 X80 Y-20
N100 G01 Z0
N110 X-80
N120 G00 Z150
N130 X150 Y150 M9

Task 3:

Load a milling cutter CUTTER_8, shift the zero point to the starting point
of the contour and position the tool at this location.

N140 T=.... Call up the tool

N150 ... Tool change
N160 S2000 F100 M3 M8 D1 Technology data for the tool
N170 . X. Y. Shift the zero point additively
N180 G00 X... Y... Z... Position the tool

Solution see page 11

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 B560

Section 3 Rotating


The coordinate system can be rotated by means of the command ROT or

AROT. The counter-clockwise rotation is taken to be positive. The posi-
tive X-axis represents the zero-degree position.

There are two ways of programming.

Variant 1
Rotation about an axis AROT X.. Y.. Z..

Y+ + AROT Z=90
The zero point has been rotated by 90 about the Z-axis.

Variant 2
Rotation of the active plane AROT RPL...


The active plane has been rotated by 90 about the Z-axis.

The command ROT resets the coordinate system and all other active
frames back to the original status.

Task 4:

Rotate the coordinate system by the required amount about the now valid
zero point. Now plunge into the work piece with the milling cutter at a feed
rate of 3 mm. Thereafter start the subprogram. Deactivate all frames.

N190 Rotate the coordinate system

N200 G Z... Plunge into the contour
N210. Call up subprogram UP_MODUL31
N220 G00 Z2 Retract to 2 mm above the work piece
N230. Deactivate all frames

Solution see page 12

B560 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Mirroring Section 4

With the command MIRROR or AMIRROR the coordinate system can

be mirrored about the programmed axis or axes. In such a case the pro-
grammed coordinates are mirrored about the axis or axes by their sign.

Variant 1
Mirroring an axis

X+ X+

Variant 2
Mirroring several axes



The command MIRROR resets the coordinate system and all other active
frames back to the original status.

Task 5:

Mirror the work piece about the X-axis. Shift the zero point to the starting
point of the contour and there rotate the coordinate system. Take into ac-
count the position of the positive X-axis.

N240 .. X Mirroring the X-axis

N250 A. X... Y... Shifting to the starting point of the contour
N260 G00 X... Y... Z2 Position the tool
N270 ... Rotate coordinate system additively

Solution see page 12

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 B560

Section 5 Scaling


In some cases the scaling of contour elements is quite sensible. The exist-
ing contours can be scaled up or down by a given factor.

The factor is defined following the command Scale for each individual axis.



When programming with ASCALE the calculations are always referred to

the presently valid coordinate system. With the command SCALE the val-
ues of the active zero point offset are taken as a basis. All presently active
transformations (frames) like offset, mirror, scale are cancelled.

If no value follows the command SCALE all frames are cancelled. The
same applies to the command M30.

The value programmed under SCALE represents a factor. If this is >1 an

enlargement takes place, in case of values <1 diminished. Care must be
taken that radii are also affected. This can possibly lead to errors.

Variant 1
........Scaling of an axis

All X-values are multiplied by 1.5

Variant 2
.......Scaling of several axes
ASCALE X=1x1.5 Y=1x1.5

The scaling factor can also be calculated in the program by entering the

B560 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Scaling Section 5
Task 6:

Scale the X- and Y-axis. Let the control unit calculate the respective factor.
Plunge into the work piece by 3 mm and cal up the subprogram
UP_MODUL31. Traverse to the tool changing point. Terminate the main

The scaling factor (Sf) is calculated from the formula:

Dimension of command geometry 32.55

Sf 1,1625
Dimension of actual geometry 28

N280 ... X=/21.8 Y=32.55/.. Scale additively the X- and Y-axis

N290 G... Z-3 Plunge into the contour.
N300 .. Call the subprogram
N310 G... Z200 Retraction in Z
N320 X150 Y150 M9 Traverse to tool changing position
N330 M... End of program

Solution see page 13

Task 7:

Fill in the missing values for the blank piece and start a simulation.



Solution see page 13

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 B560

Section 6 Summary of the instructions

Frame - Concept (Calculation instructions)
TRANS X... Y... Z... Absolute programmable zero point offset as referred to the presently
valid, with G54 to G57 and G505 to G599 selected work piece zero

ATRANS X... Y... Additive programmable zero point offset as referred to the presently
valid, selected or programmed zero point

X..... Y..... Z..... Shift value in direction of the stated axis

TRANS Deactivation of programmable zero point offsets, previously pro-

grammed frames are cleared

ROT X.. Y.. Z.. Absolute programmable rotation as referred to the presently valid, with
G54 to G57 and G505 to G599 selected work piece zero point
AROT X.. Y.. Z.. Additive programmable rotation as referred to the presently valid, se-
lected or programmed zero point
X..... Y..... Z..... Rotation angle in space: - Geometry axis that is being rotated

RPL= ..... Rotation angle in a plane: - angle by which the coordinate system Is
rotated - (plane previously selected with G17 to G19)

ROT Deactivation of programmable rotation, previously programmed frames

are cleared

SCALE X... Y... Z... Absolute programmable enlarging or diminishing (scaling), as referred to
the presently valid, with G54 to G57 and G505 to G599 selected work
piece zero point

ASCALE X... Y... Additive programmable enlarging or diminishing (scaling) as referred to

the presently valid, selected or programmed zero point

X..... Y..... Z..... Scaling factor (smaller / greater 1) in direction of stated axis

SCALE Deactivation of programmable enlarging or diminishing, previously pro-

grammed frames are cleared

MIRROR X... Y... Absolute programmable mirroring as referred to the presently valid, with
G54 to G57 and G505 to G599 selected work piece zero point
AMIRROR Additive programmable mirroring as referred to the presently valid,
selected or programmed zero point
X..... Y..... Z..... Coordinate axis, in which the signs are changed, (the value for X/Y or Z
can be freely selected - e. g. X0/Y0/Z0)

MIRROR Deactivation of programmable mirroring, previously programmed frames

are cleared

B560 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Solutions Section 7
7.1 Solution for Shifting

Solution for task 2:

N10 G54 G64 G17 Soft

N30 M6
N40 S1000 F200 M3 M8 D1
N50 G00 X80 Y20 Z2
N60 G01 Z0
N70 X-80
N80 G00 Z2
N90 X80 Y-20
N100 G01 Z0
N110 X-80
N120 G00 Z150
N130 X150 Y150 M9

Solution for task 3:

N140 T="CUTTER_8" Call up the tool

N150 M6 Tool change
N160 S2000 F100 M3 M8 D1 Technology data for the tool
N170 ATRANS X-16.02 Y-10.02 Shift the zero point additively
N180 G00 X0 Y0 Z2 Position the tool

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 11 B560

Section 7 Solutions

7.2 Solution for Rotating

Solution for task 4:

N190 AROT Z-20 or (AROT RPL-20) Rotate the coordinate system

N200 G01 Z-3 Plunge into the contour
N210 UP_MODUL31 Call up subprogram UP_MODUL31
N220 G00 Z2 Retraction to 2 mm above the work piece
N230 TRANS or (ROT) Deactivate all frames

7.3 Solution for Mirroring

Solution for task 5:

N240 AMIRROR X0 Mirroring the X-axis

N250 ATRANS X-16.02 Y-10.02 Shifting to starting point of the contour
N260 G00 X0 Y0 Z2 Position the tool
N270 AROT Z-20 or RPL=-20 Rotate coordinate system additively

B560 Page 12 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Solutions Section 7
7.4 Solution Scaling

Solution for task 6:

The scaling factor (Sf) is calculated from the formula:

Dimension of command geometry 32.55

Sf 1,1625
Dimension of actual geometry 28

N280 ASCALE X=26.35/21.8 Y=32.55/28 Scale additively the X/Y axis

N290 G01 Z-3 Plunge into the contour.
N300 UP_MODUL31 Call-up of subprogram
N310 G00 Z200 Retraction in Z
N320 X150 Y150 M9 Traverse to tool change pos.
N330 M30 End of program

Solution for task 7:

Fill in the missing values and start a simulation.

In the program editor press the HSK 7 Simulation.

The simulation window opens.

Press the VSK 1.8 to extend the vertical softkey bar

and press the VSK 2.5 Blank.

The Blank input window with the following input

mask opens.

Insert the values like shown below.

Accept the values by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

Jump back to the VSK 1 by pressing the VSK 2.8.

Press the VSK 1.1 and start the simulation run.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 13 B560

Section 7 Solutions

The simulation run starts and ends (see picture below).

B560 Page 14 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

B565 Basics

1 Brief description
Objective of the module

In this module you learn about the functions of the different components of a machine tool and how
they work together.

Description of the module:

In this module you get to know the basic concepts and basic logic functions of the control unit, the
possibility of extending the peripherals and common abbreviations.


Types of machine tools

Advantages of the CNC controlled machine tool

Basic concepts - basic logic functions

Sample configurations of the Sinumerik Operate

Drive system - example Machining centre

Shortcuts and abbreviations

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

B565 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate


Basics: Description
In this module you get to know the basic concepts START
and basic logic functions of the control unit, the
possibility of extending the peripherals and com-
mon abbreviations.
Types of
machine tools

of the CNC
machine tool

Basic con-
cepts - basic
logic functions

Sample con-
figurations of
the Sinumerik

Drive system -
example Ma-
chining centre

Shortcuts and



828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 B565

Section 2 Types of machine tools

2.1 The conventional machine tool

2.2 The CNC controlled machine tool

B565 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Advantages of the CNC controlled machine tool Section 3
Low waste costs
Low control costs
Smaller optimal batch sizes
Shorter cycle times
Multi-shift work
Multi-machine operation
Higher efficiency
Increase of the manufacturing capacity
Rationalisation of the organisation
Shortening of the delivery time
Reduction of the set-up time
Repetition accuracy does not depend on the operator

The CNC technology should not replace the worker or put more load on
him, rather it shall:

efficiently use the machine and the cutting tools

shorten the ancillary time and waiting period
produce better quality much faster.
cover the constantly rising demand
make detailed changes faster
insure the competitiveness of the company on the market

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 B565

Section 4 Basic concepts - basic logic functions

4.1 Definition of main components:

NC Numerical Control
control in numerical form
CNC Computerized Numerical Control, numerical control with one
or several microcomputer
DNC Direct Numerical Control, one or several CNC s receive their
part programs from a central computer over a cable or
PLC Programmable Logic Controller, a programmable logic circuit.
is used in the machine tools for adjusting the control.

4.2 CNC basic functions:

A big colour monitor for the display, programming, simulation, opera-

tion and diagnosis.
Operation with interactive dialogue with at least two switchable for-
eign language options.
A bus-linked-, or integrated PLC to control the switching functions.
Software end switches as a substitution of mechanical end-switches.
Operational-/machine data logging, e.g. temperature error compen-
sation, variable space encoding of the tools, tool failure and service life
Additional functions:
Axis block
Powered tools
Data interface
Manual input
Correction values
Position set
Program test
Block masking/block search
Re-approaching the contour

B565 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Sample configurations of the Sinumerik Operate Section 5
The following two graphics show sample configurations of the Sinumerik
Operate, their optional components an their communication paths.

Sample configuration of the SINUMERIK 840D sl:

Sample configuration of the SINUMERIK 828D:

Factory network (Industrial Ethernet)

PLC E/A-Interface
2 x Handwheels based upon PROFINET

Synchronos motor 3

Synchronos motor 2
Asynchronos motor

Synchronos motor 1

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 B565

Section 6 Driving mechanisms/positioning actions

A typical machining center with feed drives, main spindle drive and auxil-
iary drive is shown below.

Feed drives Auxiliary drive

Main spindle drive

According to the drive tasks planed, controlled electrical drives for NC-
machines are divided into the following:
Feed drives for all axis, e.g. X, Y, Z.
Main spindle drive, e.g. for the milling spindle of a machining centre,
the spindle drive of turning machines or a grinding wheel drive.
Auxiliary drive, e.g. for the tool changer, the circular table or the pallet

Operation diagram of the position-regulated axis:

B565 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Shortcuts and abbreviations Section 7
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
AS Automation System
AT Advanced Technology
BA Mode of Operation
BCD Binary Code Decimals
BCS Basic Coordinate System
CAD Computer Aided Design
COM Communication Module
COR Coordinate Rotation
CNC Computerized Numerical Control
CPU Central Processing Unit
CRC Cutter Radius Compensation
CUTOM Cutter Radius Compensation (Tool Radius Comp)
DAC Digital Analogue Converter
DB Data Block in the PLC
DBB Data Block-Byte in the PLC
DBW Data Block-Word in the PLC
DBX Data Block Bit in the PLC
DDE Dynamic Data Exchange
DIR Directory
DOS Disk Operating System
DTE Data Terminal Equipment
DRV Driver Module
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
ENC Encoder
EPROM Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
ESD Electro Static Discharge
FC Function Call
FDD Feed Drive
FPU Floating Point Unit
FST Feed Stop
GIA Gear Interpolation Data
GUD Global User Data
HD Hard Disk
HHU Handheld Unit
HMI Human Machine Interface
IM Interface Module
IM-Adress Interface Module-Address
INC Increment
INI Initializing Data
I/O Input- / Output
ISA Industry Standard Architecture
JOG Jogging
K-Bus Communication Bus
LED Light Emitting Diode
LF Line Feed
MB Mega Byte (Million Bytes)
MD Machine Data
MCP Machine Control Panel
MCS Machine coordinate system
MCU Machine Control Unit
MDA Manual Data Automatic

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 B565

Section 7 Shortcuts and abbreviations

MM Millimetre
MMC Man machine communication = HMI
MPI Multi Point Interface
MPF Main Program File
MSD Main Spindle Drive
MSTT Machine Panel
NC Numerical Control
NCK Numerical Control Kernel
NCU Numeric Control Unit
NMI Non Mask able Interrupt
OI Operator Interface
OP Operator Panel
OPI Operator Panel Interface
P-Bus Peripheral-Bus
PC Personal Computer
PCU Personal Computer Unit. Component of the NC-control,
which allows communication between operator and ma-
PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Associa-
PG Programming Device
PLC Programmable Logic Control
PRAL Process Alarm
PS Power Supply (SIMATIC S7-300)
PTP Point to Point
P2P Point to Point
RAM Random Access Memory (read write memory)
REF Reference Point Approach Function
ROV Rapid Override
SBL Single Block
SK Softkey
SKP Skip Block
SW Software
SPF Sub Programm File
SYF System Files
T Tool
TC Tool Change
TLC Tool Length Compensation
TO Tool Offset
TRC Tool Radius Compensation
UFR User Frame
VGA Video Graphics Adapter
WCS Workpiece Coordinate System
WPD Work Piece Directory
ZO Zero Offset

B565 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

B566 Operating elements

1 Brief description
Objective of the module:

With help of this module you learn to recognise general operating elements of the Sinumerik Operate,
and how to differentiate them from one another.

Description of the module:

The general operation of a Sinumerik Operate will be described.

Depending on the machine manufacturer the following operating elements can be used:
Operator panels (OP)
CNC-full keyboard
Machine control panel (MCP)


Operator panel layouts of the Sinumerik Operate

CNC-full keyboard (QWERTY - type)

Machine control panel (MCP)

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

B566 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate


Operating elements: Description

Operating elements:
The general operation of a Sinumerik Operate will START
be described.
Depending on the machine manufacturer the fol-
lowing operating elements can be used: Operator
panel layouts
Operator panels (OP) of the Sinu-
merik Operate
CNC-full keyboard
Machine control panel (MCP)
CNC-full key-

control panel

Operating elements:

Notes :

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 B566

Section 2 Operator Panel layouts of the Sinumerik Operate

The operator panel (OP) consists of the following operating elements:
Membrane keyboard with 8 + 4 horizontal and 8 vertical softkeys
Colour display (10.4 Display on 828D, 15 Display on 840D sl)
Front-USB-plug on operator panel front (840D sl),
USB, CF-card, Ethernet on operator panel front (828D)
Fully integrated QWERTY CNC-keyboard (828D)

2.1 Operator panel layout of the Sinumerik 840D sl:


1 Horizontal softkey strip (HSK) with 4 screen keys (2 each located

on the left and right side)
2 Vertical softkey strip (VSK)

3 15 TFT-colour display
4 Front-USB-plug (Sinumerik 840D sl) , e.g. for connection of exter-
nal memory media, mouse or keyboard
5 Status-LED: Power
Status-LED: Temp

2.2 Operator panel layout of the Sinumerik 828D



5 6
3 6

B566 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operator Panel layouts of the Sinumerik Operate Section 2
1 Horizontal softkey strip with 4 screen keys (2 each located on the
left and right side) (HSK)
2 Vertical softkey strip (VSK)

3 10,4 TFT-colour display

4 USB, CF-card and Ethernet on panel front behind removable
5 Ready-LED (Status red/green), NC-LED (Status LED of the NC)
and CF-LED (write/read access on CF-card) behind lockable and
removable cover
6 Integrated QWERTY CNC-keyboard (for reference see section 3)

2.3. Horizontal and vertical Softkey bar (HSK/VSK)

Softkeys are buttons, which are dynamically linked with programmed func-
tions. These functions are presented on the monitor above the softkey bar
(HSK) or to the left of the softkey bar (VSK) as a strip of icons.
The 8 horizontal softkeys are used to access the individual operation
sectors including further menu layers. There is an associated vertical
menu strip/Softkey strip for each of the horizontal menu points.
The 8 vertical Softkeys are functions associated with the presently se-
lected horizontal Softkey.
The function will be called up when the vertical softkey is pressed.
The content of the vertical softkey bar can therefore change once again
if a sub-function to the selected function is chosen.

The horizontal softkey bar consists furthermore of:

4 screen keys (see pictures below)

Calls-up the operating area MACHINE (in operat-
ing mode JOG, MDA or AUTO).
Jumps to the next highest menu level.

Extends the horizontal softkey bar.

Calls the main menu for operating area selection.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 B566

Section 2 Operator Panel layouts of the Sinumerik Operate

2.4 Screen area

The screen is laid out as follows:

1 4 12
2 9
3 5



1 8
Operation sector Display of:
Program path and name T = Active tool
Status, program influence and F = Present feedrate
program name S = Actual spindle revolution
Alarm and message line Spindle load factor in percent
Channel operation messages Vertical softkey bar (VSK)
Position readout for the axes Working window
Display of the active zero point Horizontal softkey bar (HSK)
and rotation 12
Date and Time

B566 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

CNC-full keyboard Section 3
According to the model of operating panel that is used, a CNC-keyboard
can be integrated for operation and programming.
The keys that are described here can also be located directly on the opera-
tor panel.
The layout of the operating panel is described in the documentation of the
machine manufacturer.
Below follows a description of the basic keys of the CNC-Full keyboard.

CNC-Full keyboard KB 483:

Alpha-Block Hotkey-Block Cursor-Block Number-Block.

Alpha-Block: The alpha-block features the letters A, ..., Z, the

space key and the special character for the input of
Hotkey-Block: The hotkey-block serves the direct selection of op-
eration areas.
Cursor-Block: The cursor-block is used for navigation around the
screen display.
Number-Block: The number-block features the numbers 0 ... 9, the
decimal point and special characters for the input of
numerical characters and operators.

Keys in the Alpha-Block

Clears a value in the input field.
If in edit mode, the character in front of the cursor
will be cleared.
Indent the cursor by several characters.

If the Shift-key is held depressed, the upper charac-
ter on keys with double usage will be entered.

With the following key combinations navigation in the
work plan and the G-Code-Editor is carried out:
Ctrl + NEXT WINDOW: Jump to the beginning.
Ctrl + END: Jump to the end.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 B566

Section 3 CNC-full keyboard

Accepts an edited value
Opens / closes a directory
Opens a file
Keys in the Hotkey-Block

Opens up the operating area "Machine" (JOG, MDA,
Auto). Corresponds to the yellow HSK 1 Machine
Opens up the operating area "Program".
The key corresponds to the yellow HSK 3 Program.
Opens up the operating area "Parameter (Tool list,
Tool wear, Magazine, Work offset, User variable,
Setting data). The key corresponds to the yellow
HSK 3 "Parameter".
Opens up the operating area "Program manager.
The key corresponds to the yellow HSK 4 "Program
Opens up the actual Alarmlist-window.
The key corresponds to the VSK 1"Alarm list" in the
operating area Diagnostics.
This key can be customized by the machine manu-
See the machine manufacturers documentation .

Keys in the Cursor-Block

Clears an active alarm shown in the alarm and mes-
sage line that is identified with this symbol.
Selects a channel from 1 - n.

Opens the context-sensitive help window in a split-
screen view. In case of the G-Code editor the help
documentation with intelligent support for program-
ming instructions is called up.
Activates the next subwindow in the actual working
window. By pressing CTRL + NEXT WINDOW in
the G-Code editor window you can jump to the first
line of the program code.
Paging up or down in a directory or the work plan.

B566 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

CNC-full keyboard Section 3
Further keys in the Cursor-Block
Locates the cursor in the last input field of a parame-
ter mask. In the G-code editor the cursor will be set
to the end of the active line and by pressing STRG +
END the cursor jumps to the end of the last line of
the program.

Navigates through the various fields or lines on the
While in a program listing, the cursor-to-the-right-
key opens a directory or a program. To change to
the next level above the present level press the

With this key you can select amongst several given

Keys in the Number-Block

Clears a value in the active input field.
While in the edit mode, just the character in front of
the cursor will be cleared.

Deletes the value in the parameter field.
While in the edit mode, just the character behind the
cursor will be deleted.

Activation of the insertion mode or the pocket calcu-
lator. Opens a parameter menu in an input field if

Accepts an edited value
Opens/closes a directory
Opens a file

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 B566

Section 4 Machine control panel

Depending on the type of operating panel the machine manufacturer may
be using either a SIEMENS or his own machine control panel for the op-
eration of the machine.
This section describes the standard-keys of the Siemens machine control
Depending on the machine further keys may be used; such information
should be taken from the documentation by the machine manufacturer.

Machine control panel MCP 483:

Below follows a description of the keys of the machine control panel and
their function:
Press this key in the case of an emergency, i.e. if
human life is endangered or if the machine or work
piece could be damaged.
All drives will be braked to a standstill with the great-
est possible braking torque.

For further reactions that may be caused by pressing
the EMERGENCY-OFF key please refer to the docu-
mentation by the machine manufacturer.

Stops the machining from executing the presently
running program. The NC-control unit remains
synchronized with the machine. It is now in the
basic condition ready to commence a new pro-
gram run.
Clears an active alarm.
Selection of the operating mode JOG.

Creation of programs in interactive mode with the
Selection of the operating mode MDA (Machine
Data Automatic).
Selection of the operating mode Machine Auto.

B566 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Machine control panel Section 4
Runs a program block-by-block (single block).

Repositions and re-approaches a contour.

REF. Point
Approaches a reference point.

VAR (Variable JOG step)

Traverse through an incremental dimension with
variable step lengths.

Inc (Incremental JOG step)

Traverse through an incremental dimension with a
given step size of 1, ..., 10000 increments.
The actual length of an incremental step depends on
a machine datum.
Read the machine manufacturers documentation.
Starts a program run.

Stops a program run.

Axis keys
Axis (X, Y, Z, 4, 5, 6) selection.

Direction keys
For traversing an axis either in the positive or nega-
tive direction.

For traversing an axis at rapid traverse rate (fastest

Toggling between the work piece coordinate system
(WCS) and the machine coordinate system (MCS).

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 11 B566

Section 4 Machine control panel

Feed / Rapid traverse override
For increasing or reducing the programmed
feedrate. The programmed feedrate is represented
by 100% and can be varied within the range of 0%
to 120%, in rapid traverse only up to 100%. The new
adjusted value appears as an absolute and percent-
age value in the feed status display on the screen.

Stops the machining of the currently running pro-
gram, in order to stop the axes.

Continuation of the program as from the present
block and to increase the feedrate to the pro-
grammed value.

Spindle override
For increasing or reducing the programmed speed.
The programmed speed corresponds to 100% and
can be varied within the range of 0% to 120%. The
new value thus selected appears as an absolute
value and as a percentage in the speed status dis-
play on the screen.

To stop the spindle.

To start the spindle.

Key switch
Position 0 Lowest access
No key stage
Access stage 7

Position 1
Key 1 black
Access stage 6 Increasing access
Position 2
Key 1 green
Access stage 5

Position 3 Highest
Key 1 red access right
Access stage 4 (Key switch)

Further access rights (Access stage 3 - 0) are possi-

ble by means of passwords.

B566 Page 12 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

B567 Switching on the machine / control unit -
reference point

1 Brief description
Objectives of the module:

In this module you learn how to switch on the machine and / or the control unit and how to approach
the reference point of the axes.

Description of the module:

Both the machine and the control unit must be switched on before any work can be done on the ma-
chine. Following this all axes with incremental measuring systems must be referenced in order to en-
able the control unit to establish the position of the axes within the machine coordinate system.
There is no need to reference any axes equipped with absolute measuring system. In this case the
control unit recognizes the position of the axes automatically.


Switching on the machine and the control unit

Approaching the reference point of the axes

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

B567 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate


Switching on the machine: Description

Switching on the
Both the machine and the control unit must be START
switched on before any work can be done on the
machine. Following this all axes with incremental
measuring systems must be referenced in order to Switching on
enable the control unit to establish the position of the machine
the axes within the machine coordinate system. and the con-
trol unit
There is no need to reference any axes equipped
with absolute measuring system. In this case the
control unit recognizes the position of the axes Approaching
automatically. the reference
point of the

Switching on the


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 B567

Section 2 Switching ON the machine and the control unit

Switching ON sequence
Please note the explicit switching ON rules as
stated by the machine manufacturer.

1. Turn on the main switch of the machine.

Normally the main switch will be found on the switchgear cabinet.

2. All EMERGENCY-STOP keys of the machine must be released

(operating panels, switchgear cabinet, etc.).

The locations of the EMERGENCY-STOP keys are shown in the machine
manufacturers documentation.

B567 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Switching on the machine and the control unit Section 2
3. Switch on the control unit. Depending on the individual machine this
switch can be found on the operating desk or the switchgear cabinet of
the machine or else the control unit is switched ON automatically when
turning the main switch.

For more information see the documentation of the machine manufacturer

The control unit boots.

While booting a welcome image is displayed, followed by the basic screen
of the SINUMERIK HMI (displayed below):

4. Any fault messages that might be displayed can be cleared by means of

the RESET-key on the machine control panel.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 B567

Section 3 Approaching the reference point of the axes

3.1 Referencing sequence

Before referencing the axes a check must be car-

! ried out to ensure that there is no danger of colli-
sions during the approach.
Machines with incremental measuring systems must be referenced after
switching ON in order to synchronize the measuring system with the ma-
chine coordinate system.
Press the JOG-button on the machine control

Press the REF.POINT-button on the machine con-

trol panel.

The respective LEDs above the keys are illuminated.

The referencing screen 1 opens up with all the axes that need referenc-
ing (see image below).

3.2 Approaching the reference point

Depending on the commissioning of the machine there are various ways of

For further details see the machine manufacturers documentation.

3.2.1. Automatic referencing

Press the CYCLE START-button on the machines

control panel.

The axes will be referenced one after the other.

B567 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Approaching the reference point of the axes Section 3
3.2.2 Manual referencing
Press the FEED START-button on the machine
control panel.

Select an axis for referencing.

Press or .

Refer to the machine manufacturer's documentation.

Select all other axes one after the other and start the reference point ap-
proach by pressing either + or -.

While referencing confirm the feed override setting,

since the axes are traversed at the feed rate that has
been preset by means of a machine datum.

Axes that have been referenced are shown on the

display with a Reference point symbol preceding
the axis name.

See the screen below.

The axis is referenced as soon as the reference point is reached. The ac-
tual value display is set to the reference point value.
From now on, path limits, such as software limit switches, are active.
End the function via the machine control panel by selecting operating
mode AUTO or JOG.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 B567

B567 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate
B568 Basics of operation

1 Brief Description
Objective of the module:

In this module you learn about the screen layout of the display panel of the Sinumerik Operate, as
well as the the basic operation of the control using softkeys and buttons.

Description of the module:

This module describes the relevant parts of the main screen with help of the basic screen layout.
In addition to the topic above, this module covers the selection of parameters with respect to units
(mm/inch) used and the usage of the calculator within the input masks.


Basics of operation

Considerations for the input masks

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

B568 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate


Basic operations: Description

Basic operations:
This module describes the relevant parts of the START
main screen with help of the basic screen layout.
In addition to the topic above, this module covers
the selection of parameters with respect to units
(mm/inch) used and the usage of the calculator Basics of
within the input masks. operation

tions for the
input masks

Basic operations:


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 B568

Section 2 Basics of operation

2.1 Main screen of the HMI in the operating mode JOG

In this section the parts of the main screen will be declared.

1 4 6

2 12
3 5



1 8
Active operating area and Position readout for the axes
mode 9
Display of the active zero
Program path and name point, rotation, mirroring and
Status, program influence and scaling
channel name Working window
4 11
Alarm and message line Horizontal softkey bar
5 12
Channel operation messages Vertical softkey bar
Date and time
Display of:
T = Active tool
F = Present feedrate
S = Spindle
Spindle load factor in percent

B568 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Basics of operation Section 2
Active operating area and operating mode

(The display mode depends on the selected operating mode on the ma-
chine control panel (MCP)).
Display area Description

The operating mode Machine Manual (setup mode)

can be selected by pressing the JOG-button on the
machine control panel.
Functions adjusted under T,S,M like tool selection,
work offset and spindle control affect all movements
in the manual operating mode.
Another function using the JOG-Mode is the ap-
proaching of the reference point (REF.POINT).
If you use a mouse to operate the HMI Sinumerik
Operate, a click in the upper left corner of the display
area (here the upper case M with over line and un-
derline) opens the yellow horizontal- and vertical
softkey bar, from which you can access comfortably
all the main functions of the control unit.

Program path and name

NC programs can be created, modified and selected in the three main di-
rectories on the NC of the type DIR.

Folder Part programs

Part programs have the file extension MPF and are stored in a sepa-
rate part programs folder.
Display in editor Description
The shown program path to the left indicates that
the selected program TEST.MPF can be found on
the NC. The MPF in the program path refers to
the directory Part programs.
Folder Subprograms
Subprograms have the file extension SPF and are stored in a separate
subprogram folder
Display in editor Description
The selected program TEST.SPF is stored on the
NC in the SPF subprogram folder as the folder path
to the left points out.

Folder Workpieces
Workpiece programs have the file extension WPD and are stored in a
separate workpiece folder.
Display in editor Description
The selected program TEST.MPF is stored on the
NC in the created workpiece directory TEST.WPD
The WKS in the program path refers to the direc-
tory Workpieces.
828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 B568
Section 2 Basics of operation

Status, program influence and channel name
Display area Description



Alarm and message line

In case of a syntax error in the program code or a hardware malfunction

(e.g. emergency stop) an alarm number with explaining text shows up.

MCP Display Description


After correcting the error (correction of the hard-

ware malfunction) you can reset the error message
with the RESET-button.

By pressing the ALARM-key on the keyboard the
Alarm list-window shows up, with a list of all active
alarm messages.

After correcting the error (correction of the syntax

error) you can reset the error message with the
ALARM CANCEL-key on the keyboard.

B568 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Basics of operation Section 2
Chanel operation messages
Display of operation messages with symbols.
Display area Description
Attention: In case of conditions with this sym-
bol a manual operation is required.

Operation in case of the message Stop:

After the fault remedy the machining program will

be continued after pressing NC-Start.

Operation in case of the message Wait:

After a successful acknowledgement of the fault the

machining program will be continued automatically.
Stop: No NC-Ready
Stop: BAG-Ready (mode-of-operation group)
Stop: EMERGENCY-STOP activated
Stop: Alarm with Stop activated
Stop: M0/M1 activated
Stop: Block completed in single block mode
Stop: Cycle-Stop activated
Wait: Read-in release missing
(Part program is not further processed by NC)
Wait: Feed enable missing
Wait: Axis enable missing
Wait: for Feed override
Stop: NC-block erroneous
Wait: for external NC-blocks
Wait: Spindle enable missing
Wait: Axis feed rate is 0
Stop: No channel ready
Stop: SERUPRO has reached the search desti-
nation and the NCK has stopped. SERUPRO is
the abbreviation for Search Run by Program
test and represents a new kind of block search.

In case of conditions with this symbol, a manual

operation is usually not necessary.
Wait: Remaining dwell time in seconds or in
spindle revolutions
Wait: HiFu-acknowledgement missing
Wait: Exact stop not reached
Wait: for positioning axis

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 B568

Section 2 Basics of operation

Notes Display area Description (continuation)

In case of conditions with this symbol a manual op-
eration is usually not required.
Wait: for spindle
Wait: for another channel
Wait: due to a SYNACT-instruction
Wait: Block advance activated
Wait: for tool change acknowledgement
Wait: for gear change
Wait: for closed loop
Wait: for tapping start
Wait: for safe operation
Halt: oscillation activated
Wait: during access to a system variable


Current date and time are shown in the upper right corner of the screen.

Display of T,F,S and spindle-value

Display area Description

T: (Tool) Name of the active tool. The op-
tional display of TC is only available if
a swivel head table is present.
F: (Feed) Display of the active feed rate
for the current machining (top: actual
feed rate, large digits during machin-
ing), as well as the display of the pro-
grammed feed rate (bottom) and the
feed override in %.
S: (Spindle) Display of the active spindle
speed for the current machining (top:
actual speed, large digits during ma-
chining), as well as the display of the
programmed spindle speed (bottom)
and the speed override in %.

B568 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Basics of operation Section 2
Position display for the axes
MCP/Display area Description
With the key WCS MCS on the MCP or
the VSK 7 Act. values. Machine it is
possible to switch between the machine
coordinate system (MCS) and the work-
piece coordinate system (WCS).

Display of the available axes with axis as-

signment and position data in the machine
coordinate system (Mach).

Display of the available axes with axis as-

signment and position data in the work
piece coordinate system (WCS). However,
programmable zero offsets are not taken
into consideration in the display.

9 Display of the active zero point offsets, rotation, mirroring and


The machine coordinate system (MCS) does not consider zero point off-
sets in comparison to the workpiece coordinate system (WCS).

Display area Description

Name of the currently active work offset,
rotation, mirroring, rotation and scaling for
the present machining sequence.

Work window

Depending on the pressed horizontal softkey the associated parameter

fields and help pictures are displayed. Here the T,S,M-mask is shown.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 B568

Section 2 Basics of operation

Notes 11
Horizontal softkey bar (HSK)

The user interface consists of different subsections. At the bottom of the

screen is the horizontal softkey bar (HSK) containing 8 softkeys (see Sec-
tion 2.2.1 in this module). The selection of a new window is made by
pressing the buttons just under the softkeys. If the number of functions
exceeds the representation capacities of the maximum of 8 softkeys than
a partitioning in two different horizontal softkey bars occurs.

The change over forth and back takes place with

the Menu extend-key on the operator panel.

Vertical softkey bar (VSK)

The available functions and operating modes can be selected from the
keys right beside the vertical softkey bar (VSK) on the right hand side of
the screen. If the number of functions exceeds the representation possi-
bility capacity of the maximum of 8 softkeys than a partitioning in two dif-
ferent vertical softkey bars occurs.

The changeover takes place with the:

Forward-key or the

Backward-key (VSK 8).

2.2 Operating with softkeys and buttons

The Sinumerik Operate separates into 6 different operating areas

(Machine, Parameter, Program, Program Manager, Diagnostics,
Start-up), 3 operating modes (JOG, MDA, AUTO) and 2 functions

By pressing the button MENU SELECT on the

operator panel the active screen will be overlaid
with the display of a yellow horizontal softkey bar at
the bottom and a yellow vertical softkey bar on the
left side of the screen. They consist of 6 operating
area softkeys in the HSK and 3 operating mode-, as
well as 2 function softkeys in the vertical softkey

B568 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Basics of operation Section 2
2.2.1 Horizontal softkey bar (HSK)

Display area Description

By pressing HSK 1 Machine the operating are
Machine will be called up.
See module B569 - Operating area machine.

By pressing the HSK 2 Parameter the operating

area Parameter will be called up.
See module B573 - Operating area Parameter.

By pressing the HSK 3 Program the operating

area Program will be called up.
See module B574 - Operating area Program.

By pressing the HSK 4 Program-Manager the op-

erating area Program-Manager will be called up.
See module B575 - Operating area Program-

By pressing the HSK 5 Diagnose the operating

area Diagnose will be called up.
See module B576 - Operating area Diagnose.

By pressing the HSK 6 Setup the operating area

Setup will be called up.
See module B577 - Operating area Setup.

2.2.2 Vertikale Softkey-bar (VSK)

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1 AUTO the operating mode
AUTO will be called up
See module B572 - Operating mode AUTO.

By pressing the VSK 2 MDA the operating mode

MDA will be called up.
See module B571 - Operating mode MDA.

By pressing the VSK 3 the operating mode JOG

will be called up.
See module B570 - Operating mode JOG.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 11 B568

Section 2 Basics of operation

Notes Display area Description (continuation)

By pressing the VSK 4 REPOS the function

REPOS will be called up.
See module B569 - Operating area Machine.

By pressing the VSK 5 REF POINT the function

REF POINT will be called up.
See module B569 - Operating area Machine.

B568 Page 12 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Notes for the input masks Section 3
3.1 Measurement units [metric/imperial]

The measurement units of all parameters used in the entire documentation

are defined in the metrical system (mm). The following table compares the
equivalent imperial measuring units (inch and foot) with the metric system.

A description how to change between metric (mm) and imperial system
(inch) can be found in the module B570 - Operating mode JOG.

Metric Inch/foot
mm in
mm/tooth in/tooth
mm/min in/min
mm/rev in/rev
m/min ft/min

3.2 Parameter selection

The following described selection of parameters in an input mask can be

called in every entry field where parameter selection is possible and nu-
merical input is not possible.

A list of possible parameters is displayed by press-

ing "INSERT"-key on the keyboard
Navigation through the menu occurs with the blue

Navigation in long lists can be short cutted by
pressing the initial letter or number of the parameter
directly on the keyboard. Each additional pressed
letter continuous to restrict the selection.

If the selected entry is orange highlighted (actual

cursor position) then with pressing on of the yellow
INPUT-keys on the keyboard the chosen value is
taken over into the input field.

Alternatively you can switch through a list of possi-

ble choices in the input field by pressing the blue
SELECT-key repeatedly.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 13 B568

Section 3 Notes for the input masks
Notes 3.3 Pocket calculator

The calculator can be called-up from every part of the operating area.

If a numerical entry is necessary in an input field

you can open the pocket calculator by pressing the
equal sign (=) on the keyboard.
If their is already a value existing in the input filed
e.g. 100 , then the value will be captured into the
calculator window.

Softkeys Description
By pressing the softkey Delete every input or out-
come value in the calculator will be deleted.

For calculating values the four basic arithmetical

operators are available,

as well as..

square root (R) and.

Square (S).

If you enter the letter R with a following number in

the calculator and press the Calculate button than
the square root of the entry will be calculated. If you
place first a S instead of a R in front of the num-
ber, the square will be calculated.

A mathematical function with values in parenthesis

allows the calculation of complex mathematical ex-

The softkey Accept transfers the result to the input

field and closes the pocket calculator independ-

The button Cancel closes the pocket calculator.

B568 Page 14 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

B569 Operating area "Machine"

1 Brief Description
Objective of the module:

In this module you learn how to work with the different options of the operating area "Machine".

Description of the module:

In this module the basic menu is explained, with respect to each operating options. The basic menu
consists of a yellow horizontal softkey bar (with 6 operating areas) at the bottom and a yellow vertical
softkey bar (with 3 operating modes and 2 functions) at the right hand side of the screen. Depending
on the elective operation mode (JOG, MDA, AUTO) a different window option (HSK) and function
option (VSK) is displayed in the operating area "Machine".


Operating area "Machine"

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

B569 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate


Operating area machine: Description

Operating area
In this module the basic menu is explained, with START
respect to each operating options. The basic
menu consists of a yellow horizontal softkey bar
(with 6 operating areas) at the bottom and a yel-
low vertical softkey bar (with 3 operating modes Operating
and 2 functions) at the right hand side of the "Machine"
screen. Depending on the elective operation mode
(JOG, MDA, AUTO) a different window option
(HSK) and function option (VSK) is displayed in Operating area
the operating area "Machine". machine:


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 B569

Section 2 Operating area "Machine".

2.1 Selecting the operating area "Machine"

The operating area "Machine" can be selected as follows:

Press the button "MENU SELECT" on the operator

panel .

The actual operator interface will be overlaid with the display of a basic
menu containing the yellow horizontal softkey bar (with the 6 operating ar-
eas: Machine, Parameter, Program, Program manager,
Diagnostics and Start-up) and the yellow vertical softkey bar (with 3 op-
erating modes: JOG, MDA, AUTO and 2 functions: REPOS,

By pressing the HSK 1 "Machine" depending on the

formerly chosen operation mode:
JOG (see module B520)
MDA (see module B521)
AUTO (see module B522)
there will be different window options (HSK) and
function options (VSK) available in the operating
area "Machine",

After pressing the HSK 1 "Machine" (selecting the operating area

"Machine") in the operating mode "JOG" the "Machine" operator interface
opens up (see the following image).

B569 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating area "Machine" Section 2

You can switch to the operating modes "JOG", "MDA" or "AUTO" in the
operating area "Machine" immediately by pressing the respective button
on the machine control panel, or by pressing the button MENU SELECT
first and then the corresponding VSK.

2.2 Vertical softkey (VSK) bar of the main menu

Display section Description

By pressing the VSK 1 "AUTO" in the operating

area "Machine", the operation mode "AUTO" will be
called up.
See module B572 - Operating mode "AUTO".

By pressing the VSK 2 MDA in the operating area

"Machine" the operation mode MDA will be called
See module B571 - "Operating mode MDA"

By pressing the VSK 3 JOG in the operating area

Machine the operating mode "JOG" will be called
See module B570 - "Operating mode JOG".

After a program interruption (CYCLE STOP) and

after traversing the axis you can reposition the axis
to a saved position by pressing the VSK 4

By pressing the VSK 5 "REF POINT" in the operat-

ing mode "JOG" or "MDA" you can approach the
reference points.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 B569

Section End

B569 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

B570 Operating mode JOG

1 Brief description
Objective of the module:

In this module you learn the different options of the operating area "Machine" in the operating mode

Description of the module:

In this module the softkeys of the Sinumerik Operate, available in the manual mode (setup- and basic
functions), will be described.


Operating mode "JOG"

Tool-, spindle- and machine commands (T,S,M)

Set Work offset (Set WO)

Measure workpiece

Measuring a tool


Face milling


Synchronized actions


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

B570 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate


Operating mode JOG: Description

Operating mode
In this module the softkeys of the Sinumerik Oper- START
ate, available in the manual mode (setup- and ba- Synchronized
sic functions), will be described.
mode "JOG"


Tool-, spindle-
and machine
(T,S,M) Operating mode

Set Work
(Set WO)


Measuring a


Face milling



828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 B570

Section 2 Operating mode JOG

Operation mode JOG is used, for setting up the machine for program run-
off or if you simply want to traverse the axes on the machine:
Reference point approach, i.e. calibration of the position measuring sys-
Preparing a machine for executing a program in automatic mode, i.e.
measuring tools, measuring the workpiece and, if necessary, defining
the work offsets used in the program
Traversing axes, e.g. during a program interruption
Positioning axes

2.1 Selecting the operating mode JOG

The operating mode "JOG" can be selected as follows:

Press the JOG button on the machine control panel

The operating mode JOG opens directly.
- OR -
Press the button MENU SELECT on the machine
control panel.
Press the VSK 1 JOG in the yellow vertical softtkey
bar on the right hand side of the screen to switch
directly to the operating mode JOG.

Then Switch to the operating area Machine by

pressing the MACHINE key on the operator panel
or on the keyboard or press the MENU SELECT-
key on the operator panel and the yellow HSK 1
The following screen opens:

B570 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating mode JOG Section 2
The following functions are offered in the horizontal and vertical softkey bar
of the operating area "Machine" ( see section 2.2 and 2.3).

2.2 Vertical softkey bars 1 and 2

Display area Description

The most important G-functions are displayed in a
sub-window by pressing the VSK 1.1 "G functions".

Available auxiliary functions are displayed in a sub-

window by pressing the VSK 1.2 "Auxiliary func-
tions" at the time of the output.

By pressing the VSK 1.7 "Act. values. Machine",

the coordinate system will be toggled between the
machine coordinate system (MCS) and the work-
piece coordinate system (WCS).

Refer to the machine manufacturers documenta-

By pressing the VSK 1.8 "Forward" on the operator

panel (OP) the selection of additional softkeys on
the vertical softkey bar is possible

By pressing the VSK 2.2 "All G functions" all G-

functions will be shown.

By pressing the VSK 2.6 "Zoom act. val." all actual

axes positions in the selected coordinate system as
well as the currently active feed rate and feed over-
ride of each individual axis are displayed full
screen. In addition all active zero point offsets,
transformations and the T,F,S data is being dis-
played in the foot line.

If the machine is in the sub-mode REPOS, then
the in manual mode traversed path difference is
also being displayed.

By pressing the VSK 2.8 "Back" on the operator

panel (OP) the vertical softkey bar switches back to
the menu of the VSK 1.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 B570

Section 2 Operating mode JOG

2.3 Horizontal softkey bar 1 and 2

Display area Description

By pressing the HSK 1 "T,S,M" the input screen
"T,S,M" will be activated.

By pressing the HSK 2 "Set WO" the input screen

for setting the work offset will be activated.

By pressing the HSK 3 "Meas. workp. the input

mask for measuring a workpiece will be activated.

By pressing the HSK 4 "Meas. tool" the function

"Measure tool" will be activated and the extended
options "Length/Radius manual", "Length/Radius
auto", "Calibrate Probe", and Calibrate fixed pt.
will be available in the vertical softkey bar.

By pressing the HSK 5 "Position" the input screen

"Target position" will be activated.

By pressing the HSK 7 "Face mill." the input screen

"Face milling" will be activated.

By pressing the "Extend"-button on the operator

panel (OP) more softkeys on the HSK are available.

This symbol on the right of the dialogue line indi-

cates that more options on the HSK are available.

This symbol indicates that you are in the expanded

softkey bar.

By pressing the HSK 2.6 "Handwheel" the input

mask for traversing the axis in machine coordinate
system (MCS) or workpiece coordinate system
(WCS) will be available.

By pressing the HSK 2.7 "Synch. Action." the

screen which shows the current synchronized ac-
tions is displayed.

By pressing the HSK 2.8 "Settings" a window opens

up where you can adjust the settings for manual
operation on the Sinumerik Operate.

B570 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Tool-, spindle- and machine commands (T,S,M) Section 3
3.1 Selecting the function "T,S,M" Notes
(Tool, spindle and machine commands)

By pressing the HSK 1 "T,S,M" in operation area

Machine under operation mode JOG the follow-
ing input mask will be displayed on the screen .

3.2 Vertical softkey bar (VSK)

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 2 "Select tool" the tool list

opens on the screen.

See module B573 - "Operating area Parameter".

By pressing the VSK 3 "Select work offs" a list with

the zero point offsets will be displayed.

Refer to Work offset section 4 in this module and

module B573 - "Operating area Parameter".

By pressing the VSK 8 "Back" switch back to the

main screen of the Sinumerik Operate.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 B570

Section 3 Tool-, spindle- and machine commands (T,S,M)

3.3 Parameters of "T,S,M" (Tool, spindle and machine commands)

Input mask for tool-, spindle- and machine commands:

Values can be entered directly in the orange marked input fields or by se-
lecting predefined parameters with the SELECT-key.
Alternatively the INSERT-button in the marked cursor field opens a select
menu of all possible parameters, in which you can navigate with the Tab-
key as well as the blue cursor-up- and cursor-down-down buttons. The
button INPUT takes over the selected values.
In order to be independently of country specific measuring units [metric/
imperial] not all units are displayed in the input masks.
See module B568 - "Basic operations".
In this documentation the measuring units are always metric.

Parameter Unit Meaning

T Tool name: e.g.: T12 or Cutter_7

D Cutting edge number of the tool.

Spindle: [rpm] Spindle speed (revolutions per minute, nu-


Spindle M function: Spindle machine functions: (Make a selec-

tion using the "SELECT"-key on the key-
Empty field
No selection is made.
Right(M 3)
Clockwise rotation of the spindle.
Left (M 4)
Counter clockwise rotation of the spindle.
Off (M 5)
Spindle is stopped.
(SPOS) Spindle positioning: Spindle is positioned to
the desired position.

Other M function: Manufacturer defined M-functions.

By inserting the number of the function, a
corresponding M-function is selected.

Refer to the machine manufacturers table

for the correlation between the meaning and
the number of the function.

B570 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Tool-, spindle- and machine commands (T,S,M) Section 3
Parameter Unit Meaning (continuation) Notes

Work offset: Alternative parameter options:

The actual value of the work offset refers
None to the machine zero point, after approach-
Basic reference ing the reference point.
In contrast a machining program refers to
G54 the workpiece zero point. This offset is to
G55 be entered as zero point offset.
G56 You can select work offsets from the tool
list of settable work offsets via the "Work
G57 offset" softkey.
See module B573 - "Operating area Pa-

Unit of measure.: Alternative parameter options:

mm [mm] Note:
inch [inch] The setting made here has effect on the

Machining plane:

G17 (XY)
G18 (ZX)
G19 (YZ)

Gear stage: Specification of the gear stage

(none, auto, I - V).

Stop-Position: [Degree] Input of the spindle position in degrees.

This parameter shows up by selecting the
spindle M-function .

With CYCLE START the inserted values will be executed. The entries in
the option fields will be deleted, ready for new inputs.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 B570

Section 4 Work offset

4.1 Selecting the function "Work offset"

By pressing the HSK 2 "Set WO" in operation area

Machine under operation mode JOG the input
field for the programming of a work offset will be
opened, like displayed below.

Input value: By selecting an axis you can insert a value for the
zero point offset in the orange marked field (see the
picture above).

The navigation through the axis-fields can be ac-

complished by pressing the blue cursor-up and
cursor down keys on the keyboard.
The slider on the right side of the sub window indi-
cates that there are more axis values available, that
can be reached by using the cursor-down key.

Important: The horizontal softkey 2 "Set WO" is only select-

able if the workpiece coordinate system is selected
and a zero point offset (in this example G54) is ac-
The entered values for a zero point offset of the
axis will be accepted and displayed in the work-
piece coordinate system (WCS).
The difference between the original position to the
new entered value will be written to the active zero
point offset.

B570 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Set work offset (Set WO) Section 4
4.2 Vertical softkey bar Notes

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1 "X=0" the position of the X-
axis will be reset to zero.
By pressing the VSK 2 "Y=0" the position of the Y-
axis will be reset to zero.
By pressing the VSK 3 "Z=0" the position of the Z-
axes will be reset to zero.
By pressing the VSK 4 X=Y=Z=0 the position of
the X/Y/Z-axis will be reset to zero.
By pressing the VSK 5 "Delete active WO" the zero
point offset of all axes is set back to zero.
By pressing the VSK 8 "Back" you switch back to
the main screen of the Sinumerik Operate.

After setting a position or deleting a zero point offset you switch back
automatically to the main screen of the Sinumerik Operate.

4.3 Setting the "Work offset"

Press the HSK 1 "T,S,M" to activate the

T,S,M (Tool-, spindle- and machine) -mode.

In the input mask select the input field "Work off-


By pressing the "INSERT"-key on the keyboard, an

option menu opens where you can make the de-
sired selection of possible zero point offsets.
You can navigate through this menu by means of
the blue cursor-up- and cursor-down-keys on
the keyboard.

Navigation in long lists can be easier by pressing
the initial letter or number of the parameter directly.
Each additionally pressed letter continuous to re-
strict the selection.

When the desired zero point offset is marked or-

ange, you can accept this value by pressing the yel-
low INPUT-key on the keyboard.

Alternatively you can toggle through all possible

options by pressing the "SELECT"-key repeatedly.

By pressing the button "CYCLE START" on the ma-

chine control panel the chosen zero point offset is

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 11 B570

Section 4 Set work offset (Set WO)


4.4 Deactivating the "Work offset"

Press the HSK 1 "T,S,M" to select the operation

mode T,S,M.

The T,S,M subwindow opens (see picture above).

In the "T,S,M" input mask select the input field

"Work offset". By using one of the previous de-
scribed selection methods select the empty input

Press the button "CYCLE START on the machine

control panel (MCP) and the "Work offset" will be

B570 Page 12 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Measure workpiece Section 5
5.1 Selecting the function Measure workpiece Notes

In the operating area Machine under the operating

mode JOG press the HSK 3 "Meas. workp." to
open the Measure workpiece window shown be-

The reference point for programming a workpiece is always the workpiece

zero. You can determine the workpiece zero on the following workpiece
Edges (Set edge, Align edge)
Corner (Rectangular corner)
Hole (1 Hole, 2 Holes, 3 Holes, 4 Holes))
Spigot (Circular spigot, rectangular spigot)
The workpiece zero can be measured either manually or automatically.

Measuring manually:
For manual measuring their are parameters that depend upon tool type,
and therefore are only available for the particular case. The tool must be
manually approached to the workpiece. You can use edge probes, sensing
probes, or dial gauges with known radii and lengths. You can also use any
other tool of which you know the radius and length. The tools used for
measuring must not be electronic probes.
Measuring automatically:
For automatic measurements always use electronic 3-D or mono work-
piece probes. You must calibrate the electronic workpiece probes before-
hand. First position the workpiece probe manually. As soon as you start
the process with the "CYCLE START" key, the workpiece probe automati-
cally approaches the workpiece at measuring feedrate and then returns to
the starting position at rapid traverse.
The machine manufacturer must first set the appropriate machine parame-
ters (e.g. the measuring feedrate).
Note: During all measurements the override of the feedrate should be
set to 100%.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 13 B570

Section 5 Measuring workpiece

5.2 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1 Calibrate probe the input
mask for Calibrate probe opens.
(See section 5.3).
By pressing the VSK 2 Set edge the Set edge
window opens.
(See section 5.4).
By pressing the VSK 3 Align edge the Align
edge window opens.
(See section 5.5).
By pressing the VSK 4 Rectangular corner the
Rectangular corner window opens.
(See section 5.6).
By pressing the VSK 5 1 Hole the 1 Hole window
(See section 5.7).
By pressing the VSK 6 1 Circular spigot the 1 Cir-
cular spigot window opens.
(See section 5.8).
By pressing the VSK 8 "Back" you switch back to
the main screen of the Sinumerik Operate.

5.3 Selecting the function Calibrate probe

When the tool probes are attached to the spindle, clamping tolerance usu-
ally occurs. This can lead to measurement errors.
Furthermore, you need to determine the trigger points of the probe rela-
tive to the spindle center.
Therefore the tool probe has to be calibrated.
The radius is calibrated in a hole, the length is calibrated on a surface.
For the hole you can use a bore in the workpiece or a setting ring gauge.
The radius of the workpiece probe ball and its length 1 must be stored in
the tool list.

By pressing the HSK 3 Meas. workp. and the VSK

5 Calibrate probe (in operating area Machine
and operating mode JOG) the following input
screen will be displayed (see the next page).

B570 Page 14 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Measuring workpiece Section 5

5.3.1 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 2 Length the following de-
scribed parameter fields will be active.
(See section 5.3.2)
By pressing the VSK 2 Radius the following de-
scribed parameter fields will be active.
(See section 5.3.2).
By pressing the VSK 8 "Back" you switch back to
the main screen for measuring the workpiece.

5.3.2 Parameters of Calibrate probe.

Depending on the activated vertical softkey (Length or Radius) the

available parameter input fields are different.
Parameter Unit Description
Probe number: Number of Probes
Z0: [mm] Height of reference

Only with activated
vertical softkey

: [mm] Diameter of the ref-

erence piece

Only with activated
vertical softkey

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 15 B570

Section 5 Measuring workpiece

5.3.3 Calibration of the probe length:

1. Load a tool of the type 3-D probe into the spindle.

2. Position the tool probe approximately over the centre

of the measuring surface.

3. In the operating area Machine under the operating

mode JOG press the HSK 3 Meas. workp..
4. Press Softkey "Calibrate probe and then Length.
The calibrate probe Length window opens.

5. Enter the reference point Z0 of the surface, e.g. of

the workpiece or the machine table.
6. Press CYCLE START on the machine control

The calibration process starts. The length of the measuring tool will be cal-
culated and entered in the tool list.

5.3.4 Calibration of the probe radius:

1. Load a tool of the type 3-D probe into the spindle.

2. Move the workpiece probe into the hole and position

it into the approximated centre of the hole.

3. In the operating area Machine under the operating

mode JOG press the HSK 3 Meas. workp..

4. Press the VSK "Calibrate probe and choose the

VSK 3 Radius.

The calibrate probe window for the Radius opens.

5. Enter the diameter of the hole.

6. Press CYCLE START on the machine control

The calibration starts. First the exact hole centre is determined, then the
four trigger points on the inside wall of the hole are being approached.

B570 Page 16 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Measuring workpiece Section 5
5.4 Measure workpiece zero Set edge Notes

The workpiece lies parallel to the coordinate system on the work table.
One reference point will be measured in one of the axes (X, Y, Z).
The following requirements must be fulfilled:
Any tool can be loaded in the spindle for scratching when measuring
the workpiece zero manually.
An electronic workpiece probe is loaded in the spindle and activated
when measuring the workpiece zero automatically.

By pressing the HSK 3 Meas. workp. and the VSK

2 Set edge, in the operating area Machine and
operating mode JOG, the following screen will be

5.4.1 Vertical softkey bar (VSK)

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 2 Select work offset a list of
the work offsets opens.
See module B573 - Operating area Parameter.
By pressing the VSK 3 X the measured values for
the X-axis will be determined.
By pressing the VSK 4 Y the measured values for
the Y-axis will be determined.
By pressing the VSK 5 Z the measured values for
the Z-axis will be determined.
By pressing the VSK 7 Set WO the values will be
accepted for the work offset.
By pressing the VSK 8 Back you switch back to
the Measure workpiece main screen .

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 17 B570

Section 5 Measuring workpiece

Notes 5.4.2 Parameters of "Set edge"

Parameter Description
Work offset: Alternative parameters
Measure only The measured values are
computed and displayed
Work offset
without changing the coordi-
Basic reference nate system.
Global base
Channel specific
X The selection of the axes di-
rections X/Y/Z is made
by the vertical softkey bar.
With the measurement direc-
tion (+ or -) it is determined
Y whether the workpiece will be
approached from a positive
or negative X- or Y-
By selection of the axis direc-
tion Z it is only possible to
Z approach the work piece
from a negative Z-direction.

Reference point X0, Y0, Z0

5.4.3 Procedure for Setting edge manually:

1. Load any tool in the spindle for scratching when measuring the
workpiece zero manually.
2. In the operating area Machine under the operating mode JOG
press the HSK 3 Meas. workp..
3. Press the VSK 2 Set edge.
The "Set edge" window opens.

4. Select "Meas. only" if you only want to display the measured values.

- OR -
4. Select "Work offset" and the work offset (G54...G57) in which you
want to store the zero point in the associated selection box.
The selection of the work offsets can differ.

Please refer to the machine manufacturer's specifications.

B570 Page 18 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Measuring the workpiece zero Section 5
- OR -
4. Select "Basic ref." if the zero point is to be saved in the active sys-
tem offset.
- OR -
4. Select "Chan. -spec. base" and the desired basic offset
(No.1...No.9) in which the zero point is to be saved.

4 Select "Global basic" and the desired basic offset (No.1...No.7) in
which the zero point is to be saved.
4. Press the VSK 2 "Work offset" and select the work offset in which
the zero point is to be saved in the "Work offset - G54 G57"
window and press the VSK 1 "In manual".
You return to the "Set Edge" window. If it does not, press the VSK
3 Meas. workp. .

The selection of work offsets can differ.
Please refer to the machine manufacturer's specifications.

5. Position the cursor to the desired Zero point offset (G54-G57),

then press the VSK 1 In manual

6. Use the VSKs 3 - 5 (X/ Y/ Z) to select in which axis direc-

tion you want to approach the workpiece first.
7. Select the measuring direction (+ or -) you want to approach the
workpiece in. The measuring direction cannot be selected for Z0.

8. In X0, Y0, or Z0, specify the reference position of the work-

piece edge you are approaching.
The reference point position corresponds, e.g. to the dimension
specifications of the workpiece edge from the workpiece drawing.

9. Traverse the tool up to the workpiece edge.

10. Press the VSK 7 "Set WO".

The position of the workpiece edge is being calculated and dis-


The reference position of the workpiece edge is being stored as

new zero point with Set WO. The tool radius is hereby automati-
cally compensated for.

Reference point of workpiece edge X1 = -50, measuring direction
+, tool radius = 3mm, zero point offset X = 53.
11. If needed repeat the measuring procedure (step 5 to 10) for the
other two axes.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 19 B570

Section 5 Measuring workpiece

5.4.4 Procedure for setting edge automatically

1. Load a tool of the type 3-D probe into the spindle.

2. Prepare the measurement (as described before in

section 5.4.3 Set edge manually steps 2 to 8, on
previous pages).
3. Approach the tool near to the work piece edge that
you want to measure.

4. Press the "CYCLE START" key. The automatic

measuring process is starts. The position of the
workpiece edge is being measured. The position of
the workpiece edge is being calculated and dis-
played. The setpoint position of the workpiece edge
is being stored as new workpiece zero point if Set
WO was selected. The tool radius is automatically
compensated for.

5. If desired repeat the measuring process (step 3 to 4)

for the other two axes.

B570 Page 20 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Measuring workpiece Section 5
5.5 Measure workpiece zero Align edge Notes

The workpiece lies in any direction, i.e. not parallel to the coordinate sys-
tem on the worktable. By measuring two points on the workpiece refer-
ence edge that you have selected, you determine the angle to the coordi-
nate system.
The following prerequisites must be fulfilled:
You can load any tool in the spindle for scratching when measuring the
workpiece zero manually.
An electronic workpiece probe is loaded in the spindle and activated
when measuring the workpiece zero automatically.
By pressing the VSK 3 Align edge under the function
Meas. workp. (in operating area Machine and operat-
ing mode JOG) the following screen will be displayed.

5.5.1 Vertical softkey bar (VSK)

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 2 Select work offset a list of the
work offsets will be displayed.
See module B573 - Operating area Parameter.

By pressing the VSK 3 Save P1 the determined posi-

tion of the measuring point P1 is stored.

By pressing the VSK 4 Save P2 the determined posi-

tion of the measuring point P2 is stored.

By pressing the VSK 8 Back you jump back to the

previous main screen.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 21 B570

Section 5 Measuring workpiece

Notes Optionally two more softkey are available in the VSK, as later on de-
scribed in this module (see section 5.7):
By pressing the VSK 5 Save P3 the determined
position of the measuring point P3 is stored.
By pressing the VSK 6 Save P4 the determined
position of the measuring point P4 is stored.

After completion of measuring a workpiece automatically with the elec-

tronic probe, the softkeys P1 saved to P2 saved are being highlighted
and the softkey Set WO is being activated.

5.5.2 Parameters measure workpiece Align edge

Parameter Description

Work offset: Alternative parameters:

Measure only The measured values are com-
puted and displayed without
changing the coordinate system.

Work offset G54 ... G57

Basic reference G500
Global Base

Measurement direction/Measurement axis:

-X Alternative
parameter selection:

With the measuring direction

(+ or -) it will be determined
whether the workpiece will be
approached from positive or
+X negative X- or Y-direction.



B570 Page 22 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Measuring workpiece Section 5
5.5.3 Procedure for Align edge manually

1. Load any tool into the spindle for scratching when measuring the
workpiece zero manually.
2. In operating mode JOG press the HSK 3 Meas. workp..

3. Press the VSK 2 Align edge.

The input screen opens.
4. Select Measuring only or "Work offset" , with the desired WO
number (G54...G57) in which you want to store the zero point in the
associated box (as described in section 5.4.3 Set edge, step 4).

5. In the input fields "Meas. axis", select the axis in which you want to
approach the workpiece, and the measuring direction (+ or -).

6. Select in the input field Angle. Offs weather a correction as Coor-

dinate rotation or rotary axis offset is being preformed. Select here
Coord. Rotation or C-Axis. In the last case the rotary axis for
which a correction is to be executed can be selected.

7. Enter the setpoint angle between the workpiece edge and the refer-
ence axis.
8. Traverse the tool to the workpiece edge.
9. Press the VSK 3 "Store P1".
10. Reposition the tool and repeat the measuring procedure (steps 5 to
7) to measure the second point, and then press the "Store P2" soft-
11. Press the VSK 7 "Set WO"
The angle between the workpiece edge and reference axis is calcu-
lated and displayed.
With "Set WO", the workpiece edge now corresponds to the setpoint angle.
The calculated rotation is stored in the work offset.

5.5.4 Procedure for Aligning edge automatically

1. Load a tool of the type 3-D probe into the spindle.

2. Prepare the measurement (as described in section 5.5.3, Align edge
manually, steps 2-7).
3. Traverse the workpiece probe close to the workpiece edge on which
you wish to measure.
4. Press the "CYCLE START" key. The automatic measuring process
is being started. The position of P1 is being measured and stored.
The VSK 3 P1 saved becomes active.
4. Repeat the operation (step 3 to 4) to measure and store P2.
The position of P2 is being measured and stored. The VSK 4
P2 saved becomes active
6. Press the VSK 7 "Set WO" or "Calculate".
The angle between the workpiece edge and reference axis is calculated and
displayed. With "Set WO", the workpiece edge now corresponds to the set-
point angle. The calculated coordinate rotation is stored in the correction tar-
get that you have selected.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 23 B570

Section 5 Measuring workpiece

5.6 Measure workpiece zero Rectangular corner

The workpiece has a 90 corner and is located anywhere on the work ta-
ble. By measuring three points you can determine the corner point in the
working plane (X/Y plane) and angle between the reference edge on the
workpiece (line through P1 and P2) and the reference axis (always the 1st
axis in the working plane).
The following prerequisites must be fulfilled:
You can load any tool in the spindle for scratching when measuring the
workpiece zero manually.
An electronic workpiece probe is loaded in the spindle and activated
when measuring the workpiece zero automatically.
By pressing the VSK 4 Rectangular corner under
the function Meas. workp. (operating area
Machine and operating mode JOG) the following
screen will be displayed:

5.6.1 Vertical softkey bar (VSK)

See page 25/26 measure workpiece Aligning edge.

5.6.2 Parameters of measure workpiece Rectangular corner
Parameter Description
Work offset: Alternative parameters
Measuring only The measured values are
computed and displayed
without changing the coordi-
nate system.
Work offset G54-G57
Basic reference G500
Global base

B570 Page 24 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Measuring workpiece Section 5
Parameter Description (continuation) Notes

Channel-specific The zero point is stored into the active system frame.
base Channel -specific base is saved under No. 1 ... No. 7

Outside corner: Measures the outside corner of the workpiece:

Pos. 1

Pos. 2

Pos. 3

Pos. 4

Inside corner: Measures the inside corner of the workpiece:

Pos. 1

Pos. 2

Pos. 3

Pos. 4

X0 Reference point X

Y0 Reference point Y

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 25 B570

Section 5 Measuring workpiece

5.6.3 Procedure for Measuring a Rectangular corner manually

1. Load any tool into the spindle for scratching when measuring the
workpiece zero manually.
2. In the operating mode JOG press the HSK 3 Meas. workp..

3. Press the VSK 4 "Rectangular corner" if the workpiece has a right

angled corner that is to be measured.
The "Rectangular corner" window opens.
4. Select Measuring only or "Work offset" , with the desired WO
number (G54...G57) in which you want to store the zero point in the
associated box (as described in section 5.4.3 Set edge, step 4).
5. Select the Corner (inside corner or outside corner) that you wish
to measure and its position (e.g. Pos. 1... Pos. 4).
6. Specify the setpoint of the workpiece corner (X0, Y0) you want to
7. Traverse the tool to the first measuring point P1,
according to help screen.
8. Press the VSK 1 "Save P1".
The coordinates of the first measuring point are measured and
9. Reposition the spindle with the tool each time to approach measur-
ing point P2 and P3 and press the VSK 4 "Save P2" and VSK 5
"Save P3".
10. Press the VSK 7 "Set WO" or "Calculate".
The corner point and angle are calculated and displayed. The corner
point now corresponds to the setpoint position. The calculated offset is
stored in the work offset.

5.6.4 Procedure for measuring a Rectangular corner automatically

1. Load a tool of the type 3-D probe into the spindle.

2. Prepare the measurement (as described in section 5.6.3 Procedure
for Measuring a Rectangular corner manually, step 2-6).
3. Approach measuring point P1 with the workpiece probe.

4. Press the "CYCLE START" key.

This starts the automatic measuring process.
The position of P1 is measured and stored.
The VSK 3 "P1 stored" softkey becomes active.
5. Repeat the operation (step 3 and 4) to measure and store points
P2 and P3.
6. If a corner not equal to 90 degrees is to be measured, repeat the
previous step to measure and store P4.
7. Press the "Set WO" or "Calculate" softkey.

The corner point and angle are calculated and displayed. The corner
point now corresponds to the setpoint position. The calculated offset is
stored in the correction target that you have selected.

B570 Page 26 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Measuring workpiece Section 5
5.7 Measuring workpiece zero 1 Hole Notes

The workpiece lies anywhere on the work table and has a hole. You can
determine the diameter and centre point of the hole with four measuring
points (P1 - P4) .

The following prerequisites must be fulfilled:

You can load any tool in the spindle for scratching when measuring the
workpiece zero manually.
An electronic workpiece probe is loaded in the spindle and activated
when measuring the workpiece zero automatically.

By pressing the VSK 5 1 Hole under the function

Meas. workp. (in operating area Machine and
operating mode JOG) the following screen will be

5.7.1 Vertical softkey bar (VSK)

See page 25-26 measure workpiece Aligning edge.

5.7.2 Parameters of measure workpiece 1 Hole

The following parameters of Aligning the edge are used also in 1

Hole (see page 25-26):
[Work offset, G54, X0, Y0]
Some additional parameters are available if a 3-D probe is used:
Parameter Unit Description

Hole [mm] Diameter of the hole

Contact ang. [Degree]Contact angle

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 27 B570

Section 5 Measuring workpiece

5.7.3 Procedure for measuring 1 Hole manually

1. Load any tool into the spindle for scratching when measuring the
workpiece zero manually.
2. In operating mode JOG press the HSK 3 Meas. workp..

3. Press the VSK 5 "1 Hole".

The "1 Hole" input screen mask opens.
4. Select Measuring only or "Work offset" , with the desired WO
number (G54...G57) in which you want to store the zero point in the
associated box (as described in section 5.4.3 Set edge, step 4).

5. Specify the setpoint position (X0/Y0) of pocket centre point P0.

6. Traverse the tool to the first measuring point P1.

7. Press the VSK 3 "Save P1".

The point is measured and stored.
8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 to measure and store measuring points P2,
P3 and P4.
9. Press the VSK 7 "Set WO" or "Calculate".
Diameter and centre point position of the hole are calculated and dis-
played. The set position of the centre point is stored as a new zero point
with "Set WO". The tool radius is automatically compensated for in the
5.7.4 Procedure for measuring 1 Hole automatically

1. Load a tool of the type 3-D probe into the spindle.

2. Prepare the measurement (as described in section 5.7.3 Procedure
for measuring 1 Hole manually, step 2-5).
3. Move the workpiece probe until it is positioned approximately at the
centre of the hole.
4. Under " hole" enter the approximate diameter to delimit the area in
which the tool can be traversed.
If no diameter is entered, travel starts from the starting point at
measuring feedrate.
5. If needed, insert a value in the field Contact angle.
With the contact angle the direction in which you approach the wall
of the hole can be rotated at any angle.

6. Press "CYCLE START" on the MCP.

This starts the automatic measuring process.
The workpiece probe automatically measures four points in succession
around the inside wall of the hole. When measurement has been success-
fully completed, the VSK "P0 stored" becomes active.
The diameter and centre point of the hole are calculated and displayed.
The set position of the centre point is stored as the new zero point in the
correction target that you have selected, if you have selected "Work offset".

B570 Page 28 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Measuring workpiece Section 5
5.8 Measuring workpiece zero 1 Circular spigot Notes

The workpiece is located anywhere on the work table and has a circular
spigot. You can determine the diameter and centre point of the spigot with
four measuring points.
The following prerequisites must be fulfilled:
You can load any tool in the spindle for scratching when measuring the
workpiece zero manually.
An electronic workpiece probe is loaded in the spindle and activated
when measuring the workpiece zero automatically.
By pressing the VSK 6 1 Circular spigot under the
function Meas. workp. (in operating area
Machine and operating mode JOG) the following
screen will be displayed:

5.8.1 Vertical softkey bar (VSK)

See page 25-26 measure workpiece Aligning edge.

5.8.2 Parameters of measure workpiece 1 Circular spigot

The following parameters of Set edge (Section 5.4.2) are used also in 1
Circular spigot:
[Work offset, G54...G57, X0, Y0]

The following parameters are only shown if a 3-D probe is in the spindle:

Parameter Unit Description

Spigot [mm] Diameter spigot

DZ [mm] Infeed measurement


Contact ang. [Degree]Contact angle

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 29 B570

Section 5 Measuring workpiece

5.8.3 Procedure for measuring 1 Circular spigot manually

1. Insert any tool in the spindle for scratching on

2. In the operating mode JOG press the HSK 3 Meas. workp.

3. Select the VSK 6 1 Circular spigot.

The 1 Circular spigot window opens.
4. Select Measuring only or "Work offset" , with the desired WO
number (G54...G57) in which you want to store the zero point in
the associated box (as described in section 5.4.3 Set edge, step
5. Specify the setpoint position (X0/Y0) of the spigot centre point P0

6. Traverse the tool to the first measuring point.

7. Press the "Save P1" softkey.
The point is measured and stored.
8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 to measure and store measuring points P2, P3
and P4.
9. Press the VSK 7 "Set WO" or "Calculate".

The diameter and centre point of the spigot are calculated and displayed.
The set position of the centre point is stored as a new zero point with "Set
WO". The tool radius is automatically compensated for in the calculation.

5.8.4 Procedure for measuring 1 Circular spigot automatically

1. Insert a tool of the type 3-D probe in the spindle.

2. Prepare the measurement like described before (section 5.8.3 Proce-
dure for measuring 1 Circular spigot manually, steps 2 to 5).
3. Move the workpiece probe until it is approximately at the centre of the
4. In " Spigot", enter the approximate diameter of the spigot. This limits
the area for rapid traverse. If no diameter is entered, travel starts from
the starting point at measurement feedrate.

5. Insert a value for DZ to set the infeed measurement depth.

6. Press "CYCLE START" on the machine control panel.

This starts the automatic measuring process.

The tool automatically measures four points in succession around the spigot
outside wall. When measurement has been successfully completed, the "P0
stored" softkey becomes active. The diameter and centre point of the spigot
are calculated and displayed. The set position of the centre point is stored as
the new zero point in the correction target that you have selected.

B570 Page 30 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Measure tool Section 6
6.1 Selecting the function Measure tool Notes

The geometries of the machining tool must be taken into consideration

when executing a part program. These are stored as tool offset data in
the tool list. Each time the tool is called, the control considers the tool off-
set data. When programming the part program, you only need to enter the
workpiece dimensions from the production drawing. After this, the control-
ler independently calculates the individual tool path.
You can determine the tool offset data, i.e. the length and radius or di-
ameter, either manually or automatically with tool probes.

By pressing the HSK 4 Meas. tool in the operating

mode JOG under the operating area Machine
the following window opens:

Measuring a tool manually

For manual measurement, move the tool manually to a known reference

point to determine the tool length and the radius or diameter. The control
then calculates the tool offset data from the position of the tool carrier ref-
erence point and the reference point.
With the measuring of the tool length either the workpiece or a fixed point
in the machines coordinate system, e.g. a load cell or a fixed point in con-
junction with a distance meter, can be used as a reference point. The posi-
tion of the workpiece is specified during the measurement. The position of
the fixed point however must be announced before the measurement.
With the determination of the radius or diameter the workpiece always
serves as the reference point.

Depending on the setting in a machine data either the radius or the
diameter of the tool can be measured.

Refer to the machine manufacturer's specifications.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 31 B570

Section 6 Measure tool

Measuring a tool automatically (Length and radius or rather diameter)

For automatic measurement, you determine the length and radius or di-
ameter of the tool with the aid of a tool probe (table contact system). The
Sinumerik Operate uses the known positions of the tool holder reference
point and tool probe to calculate the tool offset data.
Before a toll can be measured automatically, the approximate tool geome-
try data (length and radius or diameter) must be entered in the tool list and
the probe must be calibrated.
Depending on the setting in a machine data, the radius or the diameter of
the tool can be measured.
You can consider a lateral or longitudinal offset V when measuring. If the
maximum length of the tool is not at the outer edge of the tool or the maxi-
mum width is not at the bottom edge of the tool, you can store this differ-
ence in the offset.
If measuring shows that the length of the tool diameter is greater than the
probe diameter, measurement is automatically performed with a turning
spindle rotating in the opposite direction. The tool is then not moved over
the probe centre-to-centre, but with the outside edge of the tool above the
centre of the probe.

6.2 Vertical softkey bar (VSK)

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1 Length manual the Length
manual input mask opens.
(See section 6.3).

By pressing the VSK 2 Radius manual or rather

Diameter manual the input mask Radius manual
or rather Diameter manual opens.
(See section 6.4).
By pressing the VSK 3 Length auto the Length
auto input mask opens.
(See section 6.5).
By pressing the VSK 4 Radius auto or rather
Diameter auto the input mask Radius auto or
rather Diameter auto opens.
(See section 6.6).

By pressing the VSK 6 Calibrate probe the

Calibrate probe input mask opens.
(See section 6.7).
By pressing the VSK 7 Calibrate fixed pt. the
Calibrate: fixed point input mask opens.
(See section 6.8).
By pressing the VSK 8 Back you jump back to the
Meas. tool screen of the Sinumerik Operate.

B570 Page 32 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Measure tool Section 6
6.3 Measure tool Length manual Notes

By pressing the HSK 4 Meas. tool and the VSK 1

Length manual (in the operating area Machine
under the operating mode JOG) the following in-
put mask opens.

6.3.1 Vertical softkey bar (VSK)

Display area Description
By pressing the VSK 2 Tool the tool list opens.
See module B573 - Operating area Parameter.

By pressing the VSK 7 Set length the entered val-

ues will be accepted.

By pressing the VSK 8 Back you jump back to the

Measure tool screen of the Sinumerik Operate.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 33 B570

Section 6 Measure tool

Notes 6.3.2 Parameters of measure tool Length manual

Parameter Description
T Tool name
Alternatively you can select a tool
via the VSK 2 Tool.

D Edge number
(1 to 9)

ST Replacement tool
(01- 99)

Ref. point Workpiece or Fixed pt.

Z0 Workpiece edge

6.3.3 Procedure for Measuring tool Length manual

1. Load the tool in the spindle you want to measure.

2. In the operating mode JOG press the HSK 4 Meas.

3. Press the VSK 1 Length manual.
The Length manual input screen opens.
4. Press the VSK 2 Tool.
Select a tool from the Tool list that opens immediately
after pressing the softkey.

5 Press the VSK 1 In manual to switch back with the se-

lected tool to the Length manual window.
4. Select the cutting edge number D and the number of the
replacement tool ST.
5. Approach the workpiece in the Z direction, scratch it with a
turning spindle
6. Enter the set position Z0 of the workpiece edge.

7. Press the VSK "Set length" softkey.

The tool length is calculated automatically and entered in the tool list.

If the tool length should be determined not with the help of a work piece
but rather with a fixed point, no zero offset may be selected, or the basis
reference must be zero.

B570 Page 34 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Measure tool Section 6
6.4 Measure tool Radius manual or Diameter manual Notes

By pressing the HSK 4 Meas. tool and the VSK 2

Radius manual or Diameter manual (in the oper-
ating area Machine and operating mode JOG)
the following input mask opens.

6.4.1 Vertical Softkey bar (VSK)

Display area Description
By pressing the VSK 2 Select tool the tool list

By pressing the VSK 7 Set radius (or Set diame-

ter.) all entered values will be accepted.

By pressing the VSK 8 Back you jump back to the

Measure tool screen of the Sinumerik Operate.

6.4.2 Parameters measure tool Radius manual or Diameter

The following parameters of the function Length manual are used also
with Radius manual and Diameter manual:
[T, D, ST]

Beside the before mentioned parameters you find the following additional
parameters in the Radius manual or Diameter manual window:

Parameter Description
X0 Workpiece edge

Y0 Workpiece edge

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 35 B570

Section 6 Measure tool

6.4.3 Procedure for measuring the tool radius manual (or
diameter manual )
1. Load the tool you want to measure in the spindle.

2. In the operating mode JOG and operating area Machine press

the HSK 4 Meas. tool.

3. Press the VSK 2 Radius manual ( or Diameter manual).

4. Select the cutting edge number D and the number of the re-
placement tool ST of the tool.

5. Approach the workpiece in the X- or Y-direction and perform

scratching with the spindle rotating in the opposite direction.

6. Specify the setpoint position X0 or Y0 of the workpiece edge.

7. Press the "Set radius" or "Set diameter" softkey.

The tool radius or diameter is calculated automatically and entered in

the tool list.

B570 Page 36 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Measure tool Section 6
6.5 Measure tool Length auto Notes

By pressing the HSK 4 Meas. tool and the VSK 3

Length auto (in the operating area Machine and
operating mode JOG) the following input mask

6.5.1 Vertical softkey bar (VSK)

Display area Description
By pressing the VSK 2 Select tool the tool list
See module B573 - Operating area Parameter.
By pressing the VSK 8 Back you switch back to
the Measuring tool main window.

6.5.2 Parameter for measuring the tool length automatically

The following parameters that are available for Length manual are avail-
able for Length auto too:
[T, D, ST]

With Length auto the following additional parameter is available:

Parameter Unit Description
V [mm] Lateral offset

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 37 B570

Section 6 Measuring a tool

6.5.3 Procedure for tool measure length auto

1. Load the tool you want to measure in the spindle.

2. Position the tool near the tool probe, so that you can approach
the probe collision free.

3. In the operating mode JOG and operating area Machine

press the HSK 4 Meas. tool.

4. Press the HSK 3 Length auto.

5. Select the cutting edge number D and the number of the re-
placement tool ST.

6. If necessary, enter the lateral offset V.

7. Press CYCLE START on the machine control panel (MCP).

This starts the automatic measuring process.

The tool length is calculated automatically and entered in the tool list.

How the measuring process works exactly depends on the settings of the
machine manufacturer.

B570 Page 38 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Measure tool Section 6
6.6 Measure tool Radius auto or Diameter auto Notes

By pressing the HSK 4 Meas. tool and the VSK 2

Radius auto or Diameter auto (in the operating
area Machine and operating mode JOG) the fol-
lowing input mask opens:

6.6.1 Vertical softkey bar (VSK)

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 2 Select tool the tool list wil

be opened.
See module B573 - Operating area Parameter.

By pressing the VSK 8 Back you switch back to

the Meas. Tool screen.

6.6.2 Parameters of measure tool Radius auto or Diameter auto

The following parameters that are available for Length manual are avail-
able for Radius auto or Diameter auto too:
[T, D, ST]

With Radius auto or Diameter auto the following additional parameters

are available:

Parameter Unit Description

V [mm] Lateral offset

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 39 B570

Section 6 Measure tool

6.6.3 Procedure for tool measure radius auto or diameter auto

1. Load the tool you want to measure in the spindle.

2. Position the tool near the tool probe, so that you can approach
the probe collision free.

3. In the operating mode JOG and operating area Machine press

the HSK 4 Meas. tool.

4. Press the VSK 4 Radius auto or Diameter auto.

5. Select the cutting edge number D and the number of the re-
placement tool ST.

6. If necessary, enter the lateral offset V.

7. Press CYCLE START on the machine control panel.

This starts the automatic measuring process.

When you measure the tool radius or diameter, measurement is performed

with a spindle rotating in the opposite direction.
The tool radius and diameter are calculated automatically and entered in
the tool list.

How the measuring process works exactly depends on the settings of the
machine manufacturer.

B570 Page 40 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Measure tool Section 6
6.7 Selecting the function Calibrate probe Notes

If you want to measure your tools automatically, you must first determine
the position of the tool probe on the machine table with reference to the
machine zero.
Mechanical tool probes are typically shaped like a cube or a cylindrical
disk. Install the tool probe in the working area of the machine (e.g on the
machine table) and align it relative to the machining axes.
You must use a mill-type calibration tool to calibrate the tool probe.
You must enter the length and radius/diameter of the tool in the tool list

Refer to the machine manufacturer's specifications.

By pressing the HSK 4 Meas. tool and the VSK 6

Calibrate probe (in the operating area Machine
and operating mode JOG) the Probe calibration
window opens.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 41 B570

Section 6 Measure a tool

Notes 6.7.1 Vertical softkey bar (VSK)

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 8 Back you switch back to
the Measure tool window.

6.7.2 Parameters of measure tool Calibrate probe

By calibrating the probe the following parameters are displayed:

Parameter Unit Description

Length [mm] Automatic determination of the tool length by

moving the tool against the probe.

Length and diame- [mm] Automatic determination of the tool length

ter and diameter by moving the tool against the

6.7.3 procedure for tool measure Calibrating probe

1. Move the calibration tool until it is approximately

over the centre of the measuring surface of the tool

2. In the operating mode JOG press the HSK 4

Meas. tool.

3. Press the VSK 6 Calibrate probe.

4. Choose whether you want to calibrate the length or

the length and the diameter.

5. Press the CYCLE START key on the machine con-

trol panel.

Calibration is automatically executed at the measuring feedrate. The dis-

tance measurements between the machine zero and tool probe are calcu-
lated and stored in an internal data area.

B570 Page 42 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Measure tool Section 6
6.8 Selecting the function Calibrate fixed point

If you want to measure your tools manually, you must first determine the
height of the fixed point on the machine table with reference to the ma-
chine zero.
The fixed point can be either a measuring gauge of a known height or an
electronic height gauge of known height. Place the gauge in the working
area of the machine (e.g on the machine table) and align it relative to the
machining axes.
You can use any type of tool to measure the fixed point.
You must enter the length and radius/diameter of the tool in the tool list

Refer to the machine manufacturer's specifications.

By pressing the HSK 4 Meas. tool and the VSK 7

Calibrate fixed pt. (in the operating area Machine
and operating mode JOG) the Fixed point calibra-
tion window opens.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 43 B570

Section 6 Measure a tool

Notes 6.8.1 Vertical softkey bar (VSK)

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 7 Calibrate the control calcu-
lates the fixed point height.
By pressing the VSK 8 Back you switch back to
the Measure tool window.

6.8.2 Parameters of measure tool Calibrate: fixed height

By calibrating the probe the following parameters are displayed:

Parameter Unit Description

DZ [mm] Is the distance from the table to top of the

fixed point gauge.

6.8.3 procedure for tool measure Calibrating fixed point

1. Move the calibration tool until it is approximately

over the centre of the measuring surface of the fixed
point gauge

2. In the operating mode JOG press the HSK 4

Meas. tool.

3. Press the VSK 6 Calibrate fixed pt..

4. Use the JOG keys in Incremental mode, or the

handwheel to position the tool at the fixed position

5. Press the Calibrate softkey to calibrate the fixed


B570 Page 44 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Position Section 7
7.1 Selecting the function Position Notes

In order to implement simple machining sequences, you can traverse the

axes to certain positions in manual mode.

The feedrate/rapid traverse override is active during traversing.

By pressing the HSK 6 Position in the Operating

area Machine and operating mode JOG the fol-
lowing input mask will be shown on the screen:

7.2 Vertical softkey bar (VSK)

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 5 Rapid the value of the set
machine data for feed rate velocity in JOG is taken
over in the parameter F (feed).
The VSK 5 Rapid traverse can also be pressed if
the input field parameter F is not the active input
field (highlighted in orange)

By pressing the VSK 8 Back you switch back to

the main screen of the Sinumerik Operate.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 45 B570

Section 7 Position

Notes 7.3 Parameters of Position

Parameter Unit Description
F [mm/min] Feed

X [mm] Target position of the selected axes

Z Several target positions can be entered.
B-axis and C-axis are manufacturer specific.
Follow the documentation of the machine

SP [Degree] Target angle [abs, inc]

7.4. Procedure for positioning the axes

1. Select the JOG operating mode.

2. Press the HSK 6 Position.

3. Specify the desired value for the feedrate F.

- OR -

3. Press VSK 5 "Rapid".

*Rapid tr.* is displayed in the input field F.

4. Enter the target position or the target angle for the axis or
axes to be traversed.

5. Press the "CYCLE START" button on the machine control


The axis is traversed to the specified target position.

If target positions were specified for several axes, the axes are traversed

B570 Page 46 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Face milling Section 8
8.1 Selecting the function Face milling Notes

You can use this cycle to face mill any workpiece. A rectangular surface is
always machined.

By pressing the HSK 7 Face mill. in the Operating

area Machine and operating mode JOG the fol-
lowing input mask will be shown on the screen.

8.2 Vertical softkey bar (VSK)

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1 Select tool you can insert a

tool. Select the desired tool in the tool list (e.g
FACING_TOOL_D60) with the orange selection
cursor and press VSK 1 In program
With VSK 2 Graphic view you can switchover be-
tween help screen and graphical view.
With VSK 3 "lateral limitation left" you can specify
the lateral limitation in X- direction.
With VSK 4 "lateral limitation top" you can specify
the lateral limitation in Y+ direction.
With VSK 5 "lateral limitation right" you can specify
the lateral limitation in X+ direction.
With VSK 6 "lateral limitation bottom" you can spec-
ify the lateral limitation in Y- direction.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 47 B570

Section 8 Face milling

Display area Description (continuation)
By pressing the VSK 7 Cancel you can escape
the screen face milling.

With pressing of VSK 8 Accept the following pro-

gram block is generated:

With CYCLE START the cycle Face milling will

be executed.

8.3 Parameters of Face milling

Parameter Unit Description
T Tool name
D Cutting edge number of the tool.
F [mm/min] Feed

S [rpm] Spindle speed

V [m/min] or constant cutting speed
Machining The following machining operations can be
Same direction of machining

Alternating direction of machining

X0 Corner point 1 of surface in X direction (abs)

Y0 mm Corner point 1 of surface in Y direction (abs)
Z0 Height of blank (abs)
X1 Corner point 2 of surface in X (abs or inc)
Y1 mm Corner point 2 of surface in Y (abs or inc)
Z1 Height of finished part (abs or inc)
DXY mm Max. infeed in the XY plane (dependent on
milling cutter diameter)
% Alternatively you can specify the plane infeed
as a %, as a ratio plane infeed (mm) to mill-
ing cutter diameter (mm).
DZ mm Max. infeed in Z direction (only for roughing)
UZ mm Finishing allowance, depth

B570 Page 48 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Handwheel Section 9
9.1 Selecting the function Handwheel Notes

You can traverse the axes in the machine coordinate system (MCS) or in
the workpiece coordinate system (WCS) via the handwheel.
All axes are provided in the following order for handwheel assignment:
Geometry axes (X, Y, Z)
Channel machine axes (X1, Y1, Z1, C1)
Refer to the machine manufacturer's instructions.

By pressing the HSK 2.6 Handwheel in the ex-

tended horizontal softkey bar the following input
mask will be shown on the screen.

An input field for the assignment of the axes is offered for every hand-
wheel on the machine. The axis-assignment can be made like described
in the module B568 - "Basic operations". Besides there is the possibility to
assign an axis directly to a handwheel using the corresponding softkey on
the VSK.
9.2 Vertical softkey bar
The number of softkeys for the axis assignment is limited. For the assign-
ment of all other axes refer to the module B568 - "Basic operations", Sec-
tion 3.2 "Parameter selection". Generally you can switch through all avail-
able axes by repeatedly pressing the blue "SELECT"-key on the key-
Display area Description

Geometry axes:
By pressing the VSK 1 "X" the X-axis is assigned to
the selected handwheel.
By pressing the VSK 2 "Y" the Y-axis is assigned to
the selected handwheel.
By pressing the VSK 3 "Z" the Z-axis is assigned to
the selected handwheel.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 49 B570

Section 9 Handwheel

Notes Display area Description (continuation)

Machine axes
By pressing the VSK 4 "X1" the X1-axis is assigned
to the selected handwheel.
By pressing the VSK 5 "Y1" the Y1-axis is assigned
to the selected handwheel.
By pressing the VSK 6 "Z1" the Z1-axis is assigned
to the selected handwheel.
By pressing VSK 7 "A1" the A1-axis is assigned to
the selected handwheel.
By pressing the VSK 8 "Back" the Handwheel win-
dow is being closed.

9.3 Handwheel assignment

1. In the operating mode JOG (or MDA or AUTO)

select the operating area Machine, then press the
HSK 2.6 Handwheel in the extended horizontal
softkey bar.
2. The Handwheel window opens. A field for axis as-
signment will be offered for every connected hand-
3. Place the cursor in the field next to the handwheel
with which you wish to assign the axis (e.g. No. 1).
4. Press the corresponding VSK to select the desired
axis (e.g. "X").
- OR -
To open the "Axis" selection box using the "INSERT"
key on the keyboard, navigate to the desired axis,
and press the "INPUT" key. Selecting an axis also
activates the handwheel (e.g., "X" is assigned to
handwheel no. 1 and is activated immediately).
5. Press the HSK 2.6 "Handwheel" again, or press the
VSK 8 "Back", to close the "Handwheel" window.

9.4 Deactivating the handwheel

1. The cursor must be placed on the handwheel whose

axis-assignment should be cancelled (e.g. No.1).
2. By pressing the corresponding axis-softkey again
the assignment is cancelled.
- OR -
2. Open the input field Axis with the INSERT-key,
navigate to the blank field, and press the yellow
"INPUT"-key. The empty value will be accepted. De-
activating on of the axes also deactivates the Hand-
wheel (e.g. X deactivates Handwheel No. 1)
3. Press the HSK 2.6 "Handwheel" again, or press the
VSK 8 "Back", to close the "Handwheel" window.

B570 Page 50 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Synchronized actions Section 10
10.1 Selecting the function Synchronized actions Notes

By pressing the HSK 2.7 Synchronized actions in

the extended horizontal softkey bar in operation
area Machine under operation mode JOG the
following input mask will be shown on the screen.

You can display status information for diagnosing synchronized actions in

the Synchronized actions window. You get a list with all currently active
synchronized actions.
In this list the synchronized action programming is displayed in the same
form as in the part program.
You can see the status of the synchronized action in the Status column.

Refer to the machine manufacturers documentation for further in formation
about the programmed synchronized actions.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 51 B570

Section 11 Settings

Notes 11.1 Selecting the function Settings

You can predefine millimetre or inch as the measuring units for the control
unit. The change-over of the measurement units is done for the whole
control. All necessary entries are thereby converted automatically into the
new measurement units, e.g.:
Positional data
Tool corrections
Zero point offsets

By pressing the HSK 2.8 Settings in the extended

horizontal softkey bar in operation area Machine
under operation mode JOG the following input
mask will be shown on the screen.

11.2 Vertical softkey bar (VSK)

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 5 "Changeover inch" the
measuring units are converted from the metric to
the imperial (inch) dimension system. New values
have to be entered in inches. By pressing this key
the key function switches to "Changeover metric".

By pressing the VSK 5 "Changeover metric" the

measuring units are converted from the imperial
(inch) to the metric dimension system. New values
have to be metric. By pressing this key the key
function switches to "Changeover inch".
Accept the selection by pressing the VSK 8 OK or
cancel by pressing the VSK 7 Cancel.

By pressing the VSK 8 "Back" you switch back to

the main screen of the Sinumerik Operate with ex-
tended HSK.

B570 Page 52 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Settings Section 11
11.3 Measurement units [metric/imperial]

Country specific settings of the measuring units are not displayed in the
input masks. In the following table the measuring units metric and imperial
are compared with one another. A switchover can be made in the "T,S,M,"
input mask or by pressing the HSK 2.8 Settings in the extended HSK-bar
and VSK 5 Changeover Inch or Changeover Metric as mentioned

metric Inch
mm in
mm/tooth in/tooth
mm/min in/min
mm/U in/U
m/min ft/min

11.4 Parameter setting for manual operation

In the Settings for manual mode window all configurations for manual
operation can be done.

Parameter Unit Meaning

Type of feedrate:

G94 [mm/min] Axis feedrate/linear feedrate

G95 [mm/rev] Revolutional feedrate

Setup feedrate:

G94 [mm/min] Axis feedrate/linear feedrate

G95 [mm/rev] Revolutional feedrate

Variable increment Enter the desired increment for axis tra-

versal by variable increments

Spindle speed [rpm] Spindle speed in revolutions per minute

After inserting the values in the input fields, press the VSK 8 Back to
switch back to the main screen of the Sinumerik Operate in the extended

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 53 B570

Section End

B570 Page 54 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

B571 Operating mode MDA

1 Brief description
Objective of the module:

In this module you learn the different options of the operating mode MDA in the operating area

Description of the module:

This module describes how a program can be loaded directly from the program manager into the
MDA-buffer and how the processing of the program is started.
It will be explained how an edited program, created in the working window, is written from the MDA-
buffer to any directory on the control unit.
You learn how to create a directory and a workpiece file of the type *.WPD (workpiece directory.
Furthermore the functions Program control and Handwheel will be explained.


Operating mode MDA

Load MDI

Save MDI

Program control


Synchronized actions


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

B571 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate


Operating mode MDA: Description

Operating mode
This module describes how a program can be START
loaded directly from the program manager into the
MDA-buffer and how the processing of the pro-
gram is started.
It will be explained how an edited program, cre- Operating
mode MDA
ated in the working window, is written from the
MDA-buffer to any directory on the control unit.
You learn how to create a directory and a work-
piece file of the type *.WPD (workpiece directory.
Furthermore the functions Program control and Load MDI
Handwheel will be explained.

Save MDI





Operating mode


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 B571

Section 2 Operating mode MDA

In "MDA" mode (Manual Data Automatic), you can enter G-code com-
mands block-by-block and immediately execute them for setting up the
You can load an MDA program straight from the Program Manager into the
MDA buffer. You may also store programs which were rendered or
changed in the MDA operating window into any directory of the program

2.1 Selecting the operating mode MDA

The operating mode MDA can be selected as follows:

Press the MDA-key on the operator panel (OP).

The operating mode MDA will be opened

- OR -
Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator

Press the VSK 2 MDA in the yellow vertical softkey

bar on the right side of the screen and the operating
mode MDA will be opened immediately.
Now switch to the operating area Machine by
pressing the MACHINE key on the operator panel
or on the keyboard or press the MENU SELECT-
key on the operator panel and the yellow HSK 1
Machine. The following screen opens:

In the operating mode MDA the following softkeys are shown in the hori-
zontal and vertical softkey bar of the Sinumerik Operate:

B571 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating mode MDA Section 2
2.2 Vertical softkey bar Notes

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1.1 G functions the most

important G-functions are displayed in a window.

Available auxiliary functions are displayed in a sub-

window by pressing the VSK 1.2 "Auxiliary func-
tions" at the time of the output.

By pressing the VSK 1.5 Delete blocks entered

program blocks can be deleted.

By pressing the VSK 1.7 "Act. values. Machine",

the coordinate system will be toggled between the
machine coordinate system (MCS) and the work-
piece coordinate system (WCS).

Note the machine manufacturers documentation.

By pressing the VSK 1.8 "Forward" on the operator

panel (OP) the selection of additional softkeys on
the vertical softkey bar 2 is possible

By pressing the VSK 2.2 "All G functions" all G-

functions will be shown.

By pressing the VSK 2.6 "Zoom act. val." all actual

values are displayed full screen.

By pressing the VSK 2.8 "Back" on the operator

panel (OP) the vertical softkey bar switches back to
the menu of the VSK 1. The VSK-bar 1 is active

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 B571

Section 2 Operating mode MDA

2.3 Horizontal softkey bar 1 and 2
Display area Description
By pressing the HSK 1 Load MDI the Load into
MDI with the program manager window opens.
By pressing the HSK 2 Save MDI the Save from
MDI : Select storage location with the program
manager window opens.

By pressing the HSK 4 Prog. cntrl. the Program

control subwindow opens on the screen.

By pressing the "Extend"-button on the operator

panel (OP) more softkeys on the HSK will be avail-

This symbol on the right of the dialogue line indi-

cates that more options on the HSK are available.
Press the Extend-button on the OP to open the
extended HSK.

This symbol indicates that you are in the extended

softkey bar.
Press the Extend-button on the operator panel to
switch back to the main HSK.

By pressing the HSK 2.6 "Handwheel" the input

mask for traversing the axis in machine coordinate
system (MCS) or workpiece coordinate system
(WCS) will be available.

By pressing the HSK 2.7 "Synchr. Action." the

screen which shows the current synchronized ac-
tions is displayed.

By pressing the HSK 2.8 "Settings" a window

opens up where you can adjust the settings for
manual operation on the Sinumerik Operate.

B571 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Load MDI Section 3
3.1 Selecting the function Load MDI Notes

By pressing the HSK1 Load MDI the Load into MDI

window with the Program Manger is displayed as below:

To navigate in the program manager window use the blue cursor-keys

The following operation options are available in the vertical softkey bar to
the right:
3.2 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

Press the VSK 3 Search to open the Find file

Press the VSK 7 Cancel to close the Load into
MDI window.
By pressing the VSK 8 OK the marked program will
be opened after closing the window Load into MDI
and taken over in the MDI-window.
If a program is already in the MDI-buffer, you will be
asked to overwrite. Accept with OK or refuse with
Cancel. A program loaded in the MDI-buffer can
be edited or can be executed by pressing the
CYCLE START-button on the MCP

3. 3 Loading a MDI-program
1. Switch to operating mode MDA (see section 2.1).
2. Press the VSK 1 Load MDA.
The Load into MDI Program manger window
3. Mark the program you want to load with the orange
4 Press the VSK 8 OK.
The window closes and the program is ready for machining.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 B571

Section 4 Save MDI

Notes 4.1 Selecting the function Save MDI

By pressing the HSK2 Save MDI the Save from

MDI : Select storage location window with the
Program Manger is displayed as below:

Navigate through the program manager window by means of the blue


The following softkeys are available in the vertical softkey bar.

4.2 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1 New directory a new di-
rectory can be created in the Local drive folder.
An input window opens where a name can be en-
tered for the new directory that is to be created.
Create a new directory by pressing the VSK 8 OK
or abort with pressing the VSK 7 Cancel.

The New directory-softkey is not active if you have

placed the cursor on or in the NC data directory.
Press the VSK 3 Search to open the Find file

B571 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Save MDI Section 4
Display area Description (continuation)

By pressing the VSK 7 Cancel the Save from

MDI window will be closed without saving.

By pressing the VSK 8 OK, with the cursor on a

folder, the New G code program window opens.
Select the file type (Main program: MPF/
Subprogram: SPF) that you wish to create. After in-
put of the filename the program will be written from
the MDI-buffer to the new created file or the file that
is marked with the cursor.

4.3 Saving a MDI-program

1. Select the operating mode MDA (see section 2.1)

The MDI editor opens.

2. Create the MDI program by entering the G-code commands

using the keyboard.

3. Press the VSK 2 "Save MDI.

The "Save from MDA : Select storage location" window

opens. It shows you a view of the program manager.

4. Select the drive to which you want to save the MDI program
you have created, and place the cursor on the directory in
which the program is to be stored.

5. Press the VSK 8 OK.

When you place the cursor on a folder, a window opens which
prompts you to assign a program name.
When you place the cursor on a program, you are asked
whether the file should be overwritten or not.

7. Enter a name for the program and press the VSK 8 OK.

The program will be saved under the specified name in the selected

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 B571

Section 5 Program control

5.1 Selecting the function Program control

By pressing the HSK 4 Prog. cntrl. the Program

control window will be opened, as displayed below.

Navigate with the blue cursor-up and cursor-down

through the option fields.

To activate or deactivate a program control option

press the SELECT-key on the machine control
The following program control options are available:

Program control Scope
PRT The program is started and executed with auxiliary
no axis motion function outputs and dwell times. In this mode, the
axes are not traversed.
The programmed axis positions and the auxiliary
function outputs are controlled this way.
Note: Program processing without axis motion can
also be activated with the function "Dry
run feedrate".
DRY The traversing velocities programmed in conjunc-
Dry run feedrate tion with G1, G2, G3, CIP and CT are replaced by a
defined dry run feedrate. The dry run feedrate also
applies instead of the programmed revolutional
Workpieces should not be machined when "Dry run
feedrate" is active, because the altered feedrates
might cause the permissible tool cutting rates to be
exceeded and the workpiece or machine tool could
be damaged.

B571 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Program control Section 5
Abbreviation/ Scope (continuation)
Program control

RG0 In the rapid traverse mode, the traversing speed of

Reduced rapid trav. the axes is reduced to the percentage value entered
in RG0.

(Please refer to chapter 9.1 in module B572)

M01 The processing of the program stops at every block

Programmed stop 1 in which supplementary function M01 is pro-
grammed. In this way you can check the already ob-
tained result during the processing of a workpiece.
In order to continue executing the program, press
the "CYCLE START" key again.

Programmed stop 2 The processing of the program stops at every block

(e.g. M101) in which the "Cycle end" is programmed
(e.g. with M101).

In order to continue executing the program, press
the "CYCLE START" key again.

This function must be projected via a machine da-

tum. Refer to the machine manufacturers documen-

DRF Enables an additional incremental zero offset while

Handwheel offset processing in automatic operation mode
with an electronic handwheel.

This function can be used to compensate for tool

wear within a programmed block.

SB Individual blocks are configured as follows:

SB 1 - Single block, coarse: The machining stops
only after blocks that perform a machine function
(exept for cycles).
SB 2 - Data block: The machining stops after
each block; also for data blocks (except for cy-
SB 3 - Single block, fine: The machining stops
after each machine block (also in cycles).

Select the desired setting using the "SELECT" key.

The activation of the function Single block takes
place by pressing SINGLE BLOCK on the machine
control panel.

SKP Skip blocks are skipped during machining.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 11 B571

Section 5 Program control

5.2 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 8 Back you can switch back
to the Program control window in MDA mode.

5.3 Controlling the program run

1. In the operating mode MDA select the HSK 4
Progr. cntrl..

The Program control window opens.

2. Select the desired program control (see Section 5.1

in this module).

3. Press the VSK 8 Back to switch back to the main

screen of the Sinumerik Operate in MDA-operating

B571 Page 12 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Handwheel Section 6
6.1 Selecting the function Handwheel Notes

You can traverse the axes in the machine coordinate system (MCS) or in
the workpiece coordinate system (WCS) via the handwheel.
All axes are provided in the following order for handwheel assignment:
Geometry axes (X, Y, Z)
Channel machine axes (X1, Y1, Z1, A1)
By pressing the HSK 2.6 Handwheel in the ex-
tended horizontal softkey bar the following input
mask will be shown on the screen.

An input field for the assignment of the axes is offered for every hand-
wheel parameterised on the machine. The axis-assignment can be made
like described in the module B568 - "Basic operations". Besides there is
the possibility to assign an axis directly to a handwheel using the corre-
sponding softkey on the VSK.

6.2 Vertical softkey bar

The number of softkeys for the axis assignment is limited. For the assign-
ment of all other axes refer to the module B568 - "Basic operations", Sec-
tion 3.2 "Parameter selection". Generally you can switch through all avail-
able axes by repeatedly pressing the blue "SELECT"-key on the key-

Display area Description

Geometry axes
By pressing the VSK 1 "X" the X-axis is assigned to
the selected handwheel.

By pressing the VSK 2 "Y" the Y-axis is assigned to

the selected handwheel.

By pressing the VSK 3 "Z" the Z-axis is assigned to

the selected handwheel.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 13 B571

Section 6 Handwheel

Display area Description (continuation)
Machine axes
By pressing the VSK 4 "X1" the X1-axis is assigned
to the selected handwheel.

By pressing the VSK 5 "Y1" the Y1-axis is assigned

to the selected handwheel.

By pressing the VSK 6 "Z1" the Z1-axis is assigned

to the selected handwheel.

By pressing VSK 7 "A1" the A1-axis is assigned to

the selected handwheel.

By pressing the VSK 8 "Back" you can switch back

to the main screen of the Sinumerik Operate with
extended HSK-bar.

6.3 Handwheel assignment

1. In the operating mode MDA (or JOG or AUTO)

select the operating area Machine, then press the
HSK 2.6 Handwheel in the extended horizontal
softkey bar.

2. The Handwheel window opens. A field for axis

assignment will be offered for every connected

3. Place the cursor in the field next to the handwheel

with which you wish to assign the axis (e.g. no. 1).

4. Press the corresponding softkey to select the de-

sired axis (e.g. "X").
- OR -
To open the "Axis" selection box using the
"INSERT" key, navigate to the desired axis, and
press the "INPUT" key. Selecting an axis also acti-
vates the handwheel (e.g., "X" is assigned to hand-
wheel no. 1 and is activated immediately).

5. Press the HSK 2.6 "Handwheel" again

- OR -

Press the VSK 8 "Back".

The "Handwheel" window closes.

B571 Page 14 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Handwheel Section 6
6.4 Deactivating the handwheel

1. The cursor must be placed on that handwheel

whose axis-assignment should be cancelled.

2. By pressing the corresponding axis-softkey again

the assignment is cancelled.


Alternatively with pressing the INSERT-key, the

selection menu with all available axes can be

3. By using the blue Cursor-up- and Cursor-down-

keys on the keyboard, switch to the empty field on
top of the menu and press the yellow "INPUT"-keys
on the keyboard. The empty value will be accepted.

The corresponding handwheel is now deactivated.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 15 B571

Section 7 Synchronized actions

7.1 Selecting the function Synchronized actions

By pressing the HSK 2.7 Synchronized actions on

the extended horizontal Softkey-bar, in the opera-
tion area Machine in operation mode MDA , the
following mask will be shown on the screen.

You can display status information for diagnosing synchronized actions in

the Synchronized actions window. You get a list with all currently active
synchronized actions.
In this list the synchronized action programming is displayed in the same
form as in the part program.
You can see the status of the synchronized action in the Status column.

Refer to the machine manufacturers documentation for further in formation
about the programmed synchronized actions.

B571 Page 16 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Settings Section 8
8.1 Selecting the function Settings Notes

You can predefine millimetre or inch as the measuring units for the control
unit. The change-over of the measurement units is done for the whole
control. All necessary entries are thereby converted automatically into the
new measurement units, e.g.:
Positional data
Tool corrections
Zero point offsets

By pressing the HSK 2.8 Settings in the extended

horizontal softkey bar in operation area Machine
under operation mode JOG the following input
mask will be shown on the screen.

8.2 Vertical softkey bar (VSK)

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 5 "Changeover inch" the
measuring units are converted from the metric to
the imperial (inch) dimension system. New values
have to be entered in inches. By pressing this key
the key function switches to "Changeover metric".

By pressing the VSK 5 "Changeover metric" the

measuring units are converted from the imperial
(inch) to the metric dimension system. New values
have to be metric. By pressing this key the key
function switches to "Changeover inch".
Accept the selection by pressing the VSK 8 OK or
cancel by pressing the VSK 7 Cancel.

By pressing the VSK 8 "Back" you switch back to

the main screen of the Sinumerik Operate with ex-
tended HSK.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 17 B571

Section 8 Settings

8.3 Measurement units [metric/imperial]

Country specific settings of the measuring units are not displayed in the
input masks. In the following table the measuring units metric and imperial
are compared with one another. A switchover can be made in the "T,S,M,"
input mask or by pressing the HSK 2.8 Settings in the extended HSK-bar
and VSK 5 Changeover Inch or Changeover Metric as mentioned

metric Inch
mm in
mm/tooth in/tooth
mm/min in/min
mm/U in/U
m/min ft/min
8.4 Parameters for "Settings for automatic mode"

In the Settings for automatic mode window all configurations for auto-
matic operation can be done.

Parameter Unit Meaning

Dry run feedrate [mm/ The feedrate defined here replaces the pro-
DRY min] grammed feedrate during execution if you
have selected DRY dry run feedrate under
program control.

Reduced rapid trav- [%] This value entered here reduces the rapid
erse RG0 traverse to the entered percentage value if
you have selected RG0 reduced rapid trav-
erse under program control.

Display result of Using a MMC command, you can display

measurement measurement results in a part program:

When the control reaches the command, it

automatically jumps into the Machine oper-
ating area and the window with the measure-
ment results is displayed.

The window with the measurement results is

opened by pressing the softkey
Measurement result.

B571 Page 18 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

B572 Operating mode AUTO

1 Brief description
Objective of the module:

In this module you learn the different options of the operating mode "AUTO" in the operating area

Description of the module:

This module describes, how to overstore technological parameters (for example, auxiliary
functions, axis feed, spindle speed, programmable instructions, etc.) for a program run in the
main memory of the NCK.
It is described among other things, how the execution of a program can be stopped at a specific part
of the program run with the function Program control (programmed stop).
The differences between the two block search modes (with or without calculation) will be explained in
detail as well as the function Simultaneous recording.
The handwheel assignment and the functions Settings and Synchronized actions
complete this module.


Operating mode AUTO


Program control

Block search

Simultaneous recording

Program correction


Synchronized actions


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

B572 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate


Operating mode AUTO: Description

Operating mode
This module describes, how to overstore techno- START
logical parameters (for example, auxiliary Settings
functions, axis feed, spindle speed, programmable
instructions, etc.) for a program run in the
main memory of the NCK. Operating
It is described among other things, how the execu- mode AUTO
tion of a program can be stopped at a specific part Operating mode
of the program run with the function Program con- END
trol (programmed stop).
The differences between the two block search
modes (with or without calculation) will be ex- Overstore
plained in detail as well as the function
Simultaneous recording.
The handwheel assignment and the functions
Settings and Synchronized actions
complete this module. control

Block search






828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 B572

Section 2 Operating mode AUTO

2.1 Selecting the operating mode AUTO

The operating mode AUTO can be selected as follows:

Press the AUTO button on the machine control
panel (MCP).
The operating mode AUTO opens directly.
- OR -
Press the button MENU SELECT on the machine
control panel.
Press the VSK 1 AUTO in the yellow VSK-bar on
the right hand side of the screen to switch directly to
the operating mode AUTO.
Next, switch to the operating area Machine by
pressing the MACHINE-key on the operator panel
or the keyboard else press the MENU SELECT-
key on the operator panel and the yellow HSK 1
The following screen opens:

The following softkeys will be shown in the vertical and horizontal softkey
2.2 Vertical softkey bar 1 and 2
Display area Description
By pressing the VSK 1.1 G functions the most
important G-functions will be displayed.
By pressing the VSK 1.2 Auxiliary functions,
available auxiliary functions will be displayed at the
time of the output.
By pressing the VSK 1.3 Basic blocks all G-code
commands that trigger a function on the machine
will be displayed. The display updates both in the
test operation and in the actual machining of the
workpiece at the machine.

B572 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating mode AUTO Section 2
Display area Description (continuation) Notes

By pressing the VSK 1.4 Time / counter the pro-

gram run time, the rest of the program run time and
the amount of machined workpieces will be dis-
Note: Refer to the machine manufacturers docu-
By pressing the VSK 1.5 Program levels you can
display the current program level during the execu-
tion of a large program with several subprograms.

By pressing the VSK 1.7 Act values. Machine

you can switch over from the machine coordinate
system (MCS) to the workpiece coordinate system
Refer to the machine manufacturers documenta-

By pressing the VSK 1.8 "Extend" on the operator

panel (OP) you switch to the vertical softkey bar 2
with additional softkeys displayed.

By pressing the VSK 2.2 All G functions all G-

functions will be displayed.

By pressing the VSK 2.6 Zoom act. val. all actual

values will be displayed full-screen.

By pressing the VSK 2.8 Back on the operator

panel you can switch back to the vertical softkey
bar 1.

2.2 Horizontal softkey bar 1 and 2

Display area Description
Pressing the HSK 1.2 Overstore allows you to
overstore technological parameters (for example,
auxiliary functions, axis feed, spindle speed, pro-
grammable instructions, etc.) for a program run in
the main memory of the NCK.

By pressing the HSK 1.4 Prog. cntrl. the working

window for controlling the program run will be

By pressing the HSK 1.5 Block search the block

search window opens.

By pressing the HSK 1.7 Simultaneous record.

you can graphically display the execution of the
program on the screen before or during machining
of the workpiece, to monitor the result of the pro-

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 B572

Section 2 Operating mode AUTO

Notes Display area Description (continuation)

By pressing the HSK 1.8 Prog. corr. (program

correction) the program editor opens.

By pressing the "Extend"-button on the operator

panel you can switch between the normal and the
extended horizontal softkey bar.

This symbol on the right of the dialogue line indi-

cates that more softkeys are available on the ex-
tended horizontal softkey bar.

This symbol indicates that the extended horizontal

softkey bar is shown on the screen. You can switch
back to the HSK 1 again by pressing the Extend-

By pressing the HSK 2.6 "Handwheel" the input

mask for assigning axes to all parameterized hand-
wheels is displayed.

By pressing the HSK 2.7 "Synchr. Action." the

screen which shows the current synchronized ac-
tions is displayed.

By pressing the HSK 2.8 "Settings" a window

opens up where you can adjust the settings for
manual operation on the Sinumerik Operate.

B572 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Overstore Section 3
3.1 Selecting the Function Overstore Notes

By pressing the HSK 1.2 Overstore the

Overstore window opens (see picture below).

The program to be corrected has to be in the STOP or RESET mode.

In the Overstore editor view you can overstore technological parameters
(for example, auxiliary functions, axis feed, spindle speed, programmable
instructions, etc.) for a program run in the main memory of the NCK.
The programs in the part program memory are not changed while using
the function Overstore.
You cannot change the operating mode while you are in overstore mode.
3.2 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1.5 Delete blocks you can
delete the blocks you have entered before.
By pressing the VSK 1.8 Back the window is being
closed. A change of the operation mode is now pos-
sible. Press CYCLE START to continue running
the previously selected program.
3.3 Procedure for Overstore
1. Open a program in the operating mode AUTO then press the
HSK 1.2 Overstore. The Overstore window opens.
2. Enter the required data and NC block.
3. Press the CYCLE START key. The blocks you have entered
are stored. You can observe execution in the "Overstore" win-
dow. After the entered blocks have been executed, you can ap-
pend blocks again.
4. Press the VSK 8 "Back". The "Overstore" window closes.

5. Press the CYCLE START key again.

The program selected before overstoring continues to run.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 B572

Section 4 Program control

Notes 4.1 Selecting the function Program control

By pressing the HSK 1.4 Prog. cntrl. the Program
control window opens like displayed below:

Navigation through the option menu takes place by

pressing the blue Cursor keys on the keyboard.

You can activate or deactivate an option by selecting

the entry first and then pressing the blue SELECT

The following program control options are selectable:

Abbreviation/ Scope
Program control
PRT The program is started and executed with auxiliary
No axis motion function outputs and dwell times. In this mode, the
axes are not traversed.
The programmed axis positions and the auxiliary
function outputs are controlled this way.
Program processing without axis motion can also be
activated with the function "Dry run feedrate".
DRY The traversing velocities programmed in conjunction
Dry run feedrate with G1, G2, G3, CIP and CT are replaced by a de-
fined dry run feedrate. The dry run feedrate also ap-
plies instead of the programmed revolutional
Workpieces must not be machined when "Dry run
feedrate" is active because the altered feedrates
might cause the permissible tool cutting rates to be
exceeded and the workpiece or machine tool could
be damaged.

B572 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Program control Section 4
Abbreviation/ Scope (Continuation)
program control
RG0 In the rapid traverse mode, the traversing speed of
Reduced rapid trav. the axes is reduced to the percentage value entered
in RG0.

(Please refer to chapter 9.1 in this module)

M01 The processing of the program stops at every block

Programmed stop 1 in which supplementary function M01 is pro-
grammed. In this way you can check the already ob-
tained result during the processing of a workpiece.

In order to continue executing the program, press
the "CYCLE START" key again.

Programmed stop 2 The processing of the program stops at every block

(e.g. M101) in which the "Cycle end" is programmed (e.g. with

In order to continue executing the program, press
the "CYCLE START" key again.
The display can be changed. Please also refer to the
machine manufacturer's instructions.

DRF Enables an additional incremental zero offset while

Handwheel offset processing in automatic operation mode with an
electronic handwheel.
This function can be used to compensate for tool
wear within a programmed block.

SB Individual blocks are configured as follows:

SB 1 - Single block, coarse: The program stops
only after blocks which perform a machine func-
SB 2 - Data block: The program stops after each
SB 3 - Single block, fine: The program stops also
in cycles after blocks, which perform a machine

Select the desired setting using the "SELECT" key

on the keyboard.
The selection of the function Single block takes
place by pressing the SINGLE BLOCK-key on the
machine control panel (MCP).

SKP Skipped blocks are skipped during machining.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 B572

Section 4 Program control

4.2 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 8 Back you return to the win-

dow Program control.

4.3 Controlling the program run

1. In the operating mode AUTO and the operating

area Machine press the HSK 4 Prog. cntrl..

The Program control window opens and shows a

list of program control options.

2. Select the desired program control (see section 4.1

in this module).

3. Press the VSK 8 Back to go back to the main

screen of the Sinumerik Operate in the operating
mode AUTO and operating area Machine.

The orange selection cursor disappears, if a skip
block is confirmed with the yellow INPUT-key.

With the blue cursor to the left or cursor to the

right you return again to the selection mode.

B572 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Block search Section 5
5.1 Selecting the function Block search Notes

By pressing the HSK 1.5 Block search the block

search window opens as shown below.

If you would only like to perform a certain section of a program on the ma-
chine, then you dont have to start the program from the beginning. You
can also start the program from a specified program block.
Applications of this function are to stop or interrupt program execution and
to specify a target position (e.g. during machining).

Determination of search targets per:

a. Easy search target definitions (search positions)
Direct specification of the search target by positioning the cursor in the
selected program (main program).
Search target via text search.
The search target is the interruption point (main program and subpro-
gram). The function is only available if there is an interruption point. Af-
ter a program interruption (CYCLE STOP or RESET), the controller
saves the coordinates of the interruption point.
The search target is the higher program level of the interruption point
(main program and subprogram). The level can only be changed if it
was previously possible to select an interruption point in a subprogram.
It is then possible to change the program level up to the main program
level and back to the level of the interruption point.
- OR -

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 11 B572

Section 5 Block search

b. Search pointer
Direct entry of the program path in the Search pointer window.

If a search target was found, it is possible to start another search run im-
mediately. This can be done many times after every successful search
Pay attention to a collision-free starting position as well as accurate active
tools and other technological values. If necessary move the tool to a save
starting position. Select the target block considering the selected block
search type.
Navigation through the program blocks takes place
by using the blue cursor-keys on the keyboard.

The following functions are available in the vertical softkey bar:

5.2 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1 Start search the search run
starts depending on the search mode you have se-
lected before. Press the VSK 1 several times, until the
found target (z.B. with search text) corresponds to the
searched program block.
By pressing the VSK 2 Blk. sear. mode the Block
search mode window opens.
Two different block search modes are selectable:
With calculation:
Without approach:
It is used in order to be able to approach a target
position in any circumstance (e.g. tool change po-
sition). The end position of the target block or the
next programmed position is approached using the
type of interpolation valid in the target block. Only
the axes programmed in the target block are
With approach:
It is used to be able to approach the contour in any
circumstance. The end position of the block prior to
the target block is found with "CYCLE START".
The program runs in the same way as in normal
program processing.

B572 Page 12 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Block search Section 5
Display area Description (continuation) Notes

Without calculation:
For a quick search in the main program. Calcula-
tions will not be performed during the block
search, i.e. the calculation is skipped up to the
target block. All settings required for execution
have to be programmed from the target block
(e.g. feedrate, spindle speed, etc.).

Pressing the VSK 3 Higher level changes the

program level to one level higher.

Pressing the VSK 4 Lower level changes the pro-

gram level to one level lower.

By pressing the VSK 5 Search for text the

Search window opens. After entering the search
direction in the Direction field and the search text
in the Text field and by pressing the VSK 8 OK
the search run starts. After a successful search
you can search for the same search parameter
again, by pressing the VSK 8 Continue search.
The search can be cancelled by pressing the VSK 7
Cancel. A new search run with new search pa-
rameters can be initiated with the VSK 4 Search.

By pressing the VSK 6 Interrupt point the pro-

gram that was interrupted before, by pressing the
RESET key, will be executed again.

By pressing the VSK 7 Search pointer you can

jump directly to a desired part of the program.
The following options are available in a list in the
Search pointer window:
The name of the currently loaded program is
automatically entered
File extension
Pass counter: If a program section is performed
several times, you can enter the number of the
pass here at which processing is to be continued
Is automatically filled for an interruption point

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 13 B572

Section 5 Block search

Notes Display area Description (continuation)

N no.: Block number
Label: Jump label
Text: Text string
Subprg.: Subprogram call
Line: Line number
Search target
Search target point in the program at which ma-
chining is to start

By pressing the VSK 8 Back the Search window


5.3 Starting a block search

1. A desired program is selected and the machining

was discontinued with pressing RESET or
CYCLE STOP or the control unit is generally in
RESET state.

2. In the operating mode AUTO and the operating

area Machine press the HSK 5 Block search.
For further steps see below:

Simple search target definition:

Steps 1 and 2 (see above).

3. Place the cursor on a particular program block.

- OR -
Press the VSK 5 "Search for text", select the
search direction, enter the search text and confirm
with the VSK 8 "OK".
4. Press the VSK 1 Start search.

The search starts.

Your specified search mode will be taken into ac-
count (indicated in the upper blue title bar of the
search target window). The current block will be
displayed and marked in the "Program" window as
soon as the target is found.

5. If the located target (for example, when searching

via text) does not correspond to the program block,
press the "Start search" softkey again until you find
your target.

6. Press the "CYCLE START"-key twice.

Processing is continued from the defined position.

B572 Page 14 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Block search Section 5
Interruption point as search target: Notes

1. - 2. Steps 1 and 2 (see above).

3. Press the VSK 6 Interrupt point

The interruption point is loaded.

4. If the VSK 3 "Higher level" and the VSK 4 "Lower

level" are available, use these to change the pro-
gram level.

5. Press the VSK 1 "Start search".

The search starts.

The specified search mode will be taken into ac-
count (indicated in the upper blue title bar of the
search target window).

The search screen closes.

The current block will be displayed and marked in
the "Program" window as soon as the target is

6. Press the "CYCLE START"-key on the machine

control panel (MCP) twice.

The execution will continue from the interruption


Search target via search pointer:

Steps 1 and 2 (see above).

3. Press the VSK 7 Search pointer.

The Search pointer window opens.

4. Enter the full path of the program as well as the

subprograms, if required, in the input fields.

5. Press the VSK 1 Start search.

The search starts.

The specified search mode will be taken into ac-
count (indicated in the upper blue title bar of the
search target window).

The search screen closes.

The current block will be displayed and marked in
the "Program" window as soon as the target is

6 Press the "CYCLE START" key on the machine

control panel twice.

Processing is continued from the defined location.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 15 B572

Section 6 Simultaneous recording

Notes 6.1 Selecting the function Simultaneous recording

Pressing the HSK 1.7 Simult. Record. opens the

simultaneous recording window.

Before machining the workpiece on the machine, you can graphically dis-
play the execution of the program on the screen to monitor the result of the
programming. You can replace the programmed feedrate with a dry run
feedrate to influence the speed of execution.
Simultaneous record can also be turned on, if machining is already run-
ning. You can also use simultaneous recording during machining of a
workpiece. This helps if the view towards the inside of the cabin is ob-
structed by coolant. In each different view of the Simultaneous recording
window you can adjust the view by using the blue cursor keys and zoom in
or out by using the plus (+) and minus (-) keys on the keyboard.
The traversing paths of the tool in the Simultaneous recording window
are displayed in different colours: red for rapid traverse and green for feed
The following softkeys, each representing a different view on the simulated
workpiece, are available on the vertical softkey bars.

6.2 Vertical softkey bar 1 and 2

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1.3 Top view the work
piece will be shown in a plan view from the top.

By pressing the VSK 1.4 3D view the work piece

will be shown in a 3-D view.

By pressing the VSK 1.5 Further views the verti-

cal softkey bar 3 opens with options to change to
different views of the workpiece (see section 6.3).

B572 Page 16 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Simultaneous recording Section 6
Display area Description (continuation) Notes

By pressing the VSK 1.6 Details the vertical soft-

key bar 4 opens (see section 6.4 in this module).

By pressing the VSK 1.7 Extend on the operator

panel the softkeys of the vertical softkey bar 2 will
be shown.

By pressing the VSK 1.8 Back you switch back to

the main screen of the operating area Machine in
the operating mode AUTO.

By pressing the VSK 2.1 Show tool path the ani-

mated path display that follows the programmed
tool path of the selected program is shown on the
screen. Press this softkey again to turn off the func-
tion. The traversing paths are shown in two different
colours: red colour for rapid traverse and green col-
our for feed motion.

By pressing the VSK 2.2 Delete tool path all tool

paths so far generated, including tool paths gener-
ated in the background, are deleted.

By pressing the VSK 2.3 Blank the Blank input

window opens. Here, the zero offset, the form and
the dimensions of the blank can be entered,.

By pressing the VSK 2.8 Back on the operator

panel you switch back to the vertical softkey bar 1.

6.3 Vertical softkey bar 3 (from VSK 1.5 Further views)

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 3.2 From front the screen

will show the view from the front side of the work
By pressing the VSK 3.3From rear the screen will
show the view from the rear side of the work piece.

By pressing the VSK 3.4From left the screen will

show the view from the left side of the work piece.

By pressing the VSK 3.5 From right the screen

will show the view from the right side of the work
By pressing the VSK 3.7 Machine space the
screen will show the view from the machine per-
spective 3D.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 17 B572

Section 6 Simultaneous recording

Notes 6.4 Vertical softkey bar 4 (from VSK 1.6 Details)

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 4.1 Autozoom the work-
piece will be aligned in an optimal way on the
screen, so that it fits the whole window.
By pressing the VSK 4.2 Zoom + you zoom in to
magnify the graphical representation of the work-
piece in the window. Alternatively you can press the
plus (+) key on the number block of the keyboard.

By pressing the VSK 4.3 Zoom - you zoom out of

the window to reduce the graphical representation
of the workpiece.
Alternatively you can press the minus (-) key on
the number block of the keyboard.

By pressing the VSK 4.4 Zoom a zoom window in

the shape of a right angled frame is placed on the
With the VSK Zoom + and the VSK Zoom - you
can increase or decrease the size of the right an-
gled frame and therefore the zoom-factor. Alter-
natively you can use the plus (Zoom +) or minus
(Zoom -) vertical softkeys. The blue cursor keys
on the keyboard are used to pan the frame on the
screen, adjusting the fragment you wish to magnify.
After pressing the VSK 8 OK the screen will be
zoomed in to the extend of the frame window. You
can exit the Zoom function with the Softkey

By pressing the VSK 4.5 Rotate view the vertical

softkey bar 5 opens (see section 6.5).

By pressing the VSK 4.6 Cut the vertical softkey

bar 6 opens (see section 6.5).

By pressing the VSK 4.8 Back on the operator

panel you switch back to the vertical softkey bar 1.

B572 Page 18 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Simultaneous recording Section 6
6.5 Vertical softkey bar 5 (from VSK 4.5 Rotate view)

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 5.1 the workpiece will be

turned right around its own vertical centre line.

By pressing the VSK 5.2 the workpiece will be

turned left around its own vertical centre line.

By pressing the VSK 5.3 the workpiece will be

turned upwards around its own horizontal centre

By pressing the VSK 5.4 the workpiece will be

turned downwards around its own horizontal centre

By pressing the VSK 5.5 the workpiece will be

turned left (counter clockwise) around the centre of
the screen.

By pressing the VSK 5.6 the workpiece will be

turned right (clockwise) around the centre of the

By pressing the VSK 5.8 Back on the operator

panel you switch back to the vertical softkey bar 4.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 19 B572

Section 6 Simultaneous recording

6.6 Vertical softkey bar 6 (from VSK 4.6 Cut)

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 6.1 the workpiece will be

shown with the cut-out active.

By pressing the VSK 5.2 the X axis intersection

plane will move in the X+ direction.

By pressing the VSK 5.3 the X axis intersection

plane will move in the X- direction.

By pressing the VSK 5.4 the Y axis intersection

plane will move in the Y+ direction.

By pressing the VSK 5.5 the Y axis intersection

plane will move in the Y- direction.

By pressing the VSK 5.6 the Z axis intersection

plane will move in the Z+ direction.

By pressing the VSK 5.6 the Z axis intersection

plane will move in the Z- direction.

By pressing the VSK 5.8 Back on the operator

panel you switch back to the vertical softkey bar 4.

B572 Page 20 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Simultaneous recording Section 6
6.6 Simultaneous recording of a program run

Simultaneous recording before machining of the workpiece

1. Load a program in the operating mode AUTO.

2. Press the HSK 1.4 Prog. cntrl. and activate the

checkboxes "PRT No axis motion" and "DRY Dry
run feedrate".
The program is executed without axis movement.
The programmed feedrate is replaced by a dry run
Let the DRY Dry run feedrate box unchecked.

Simultaneous recording is performed with the pro-

grammed feedrate.

3. Press the HSK 7 Simult. record..

The Simultaneous recording window opens.

4. Press the CYCLE START key on the machine con-

trol panel (MCP).
The execution of the program on the machine is
started and displayed graphically on the screen.

5. Press CYCLE STOP to stop machining and the

HSK 7 "Simult. record." again to close the
Simultaneous recording window.

Simultaneous recording during machining of the workpiece

1. Load a program in the operating mode AUTO.

2. Press the HSK 7 Simult. record..

The Simultaneous recording window opens.

3. Press the CYCLE START-key on the machine con-

trol panel (MCP).
The machining of the workpiece is started and
graphically displayed on the screen.

4. Press the CYCLE STOP-key and the HSK 7

"Simult. record." again to stop the recording and to
close the Simultaneous recording window.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 21 B572

Section 7 Program correction

As soon as a syntax error in the part program is detected by the controller,
program execution is interrupted and the syntax error is displayed in the
alarm line.

Depending on the state of the control, you can make the following correc-
tions using the Program correction function:
STOP mode: Only program lines that have not yet been executed can
be edited.
RESET state: All program lines can be edited

The "Program correction" function is only available for part programs in
the NC memory, not for external execution (e.g. on USB media).

7.1 Selecting the function Program correction

By pressing the HSK 1.8 Prog. Corr. the program

editor window opens for correction of the program.

See modules B600 and B604 Basics of program-


7.2 Vertical softkey bar 1 and 2

A precise description of the vertical softkeys can be found in the modules

B600 and B604 Basics of programming.

B572 Page 22 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Program correction Section 7
7.3 Correcting a program

1. The program to be corrected is in the STOP or

RESET mode.

2. Press the HSK 8 Prog. corr..

The selected program is opened in the editor.
The program pre-processing and the current block
are displayed. The current block is also updated in
the running program, but not the displayed program
section, i.e. the current block moves out of the dis-
played program section.
If a subprogram is executed, it is not opened auto-

3. Make the necessary corrections.

4. Press the HSK 8 "NC Execute".

The system switches back to the "Machine" operat-
ing area and selects operating mode "AUTO".

5. Press the CYCLE START key on the machine con-

trol panel (MCP).

The program execution is resumed.

Leaving the program editor via the VSK 2.7 EXIT,
opens the operating area Program Manager.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 23 B572

Section 8 Handwheel

Notes 8.1 Selecting the function Handwheel

You can traverse the axes in the machine coordinate system (MCS) or in
the workpiece coordinate system (WCS) via the handwheel.
All axes are provided in the following order for handwheel assignment:
Geometry axes (X, Y, Z)
Channel machine axes (X1, Y1, Z1, A1)
By pressing the HSK 2.6 Handwheel in the ex-
tended horizontal softkey bar the following input
mask will be shown on the screen.

An input field for the assignment of the axes is offered for every hand-
wheel on the machine. The axis-assignment can be made like described
in the module B568 - "Basic operations". Besides there is the possibility to
assign an axis directly to a handwheel using the VSK 1 - 8.

8.2 Vertical softkey bar (VSK)

The number of softkeys for the axis assignment is limited. For the assign-
ment of all other axes refer to the module B568 - "Basic operations", Sec-
tion 3.2 "Parameter selection. Generally you can switch through all avail-
able axes by repeatedly pressing the blue "SELECT"-key on the key-
Display area Description

Geometry axes
By pressing the VSK 1 "X" the X-axis is assigned to
the selected handwheel.

By pressing the VSK 2 "Y" the Y-axis is assigned to

the selected handwheel.

By pressing the VSK 3 "Z" the Z-axis is assigned to

the selected handwheel.

B572 Page 24 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Handwheel Section 8
Display area Description (continuation) Notes

Machine axes:
By pressing the VSK 4 "X1" the X1-axis is assigned
to the selected handwheel.
By pressing the VSK 5 "Y1" the Y1-axis is assigned
to the selected handwheel.
By pressing the VSK 6 "Z1" the Z1-axis is assigned
to the selected handwheel.
By pressing VSK 7 "A1" the A1-axis is assigned to
the selected handwheel.
By pressing the VSK 8 "Back" you can close the
window for the Handwheel

8.3 Handwheel assignment

1. In the operating mode AUTO select the operating

area Machine, then press the HSK 2.6
Handwheel in the extended horizontal softkey bar.
2. The Handwheel window opens. A field for axis as-
signment will be offered for every connected hand-
3. Place the cursor in the field next to the handwheel
with which you wish to assign the axis (e.g. no. 1).
4. Press the corresponding softkey to select the desired
axis (e.g. "X").
- OR -
To open the "Axis" selection box using the "INSERT"
key, navigate to the desired axis, and press the
"INPUT" key. Selecting an axis also activates the
handwheel (e.g., "X" is assigned to handwheel no. 1
and is activated immediately).
5. Press the HSK 2.6 "Handwheel" again.
- OR -
Press the VSK 8 "Back" .

The "Handwheel" window closes.

8.4 Deactivating the handwheel

The cursor must be placed on that handwheel whose axis-assignment

should be cancelled. By pressing the corresponding axis-softkey again
the assignment is cancelled. Alternatively with pressing the INSERT-
key, the selection menu with all available axes can be opened.
By using the blue cursor-up- and cursor-down-keys on the keyboard,
switch to the empty field on top of the menu and press one of the yellow
"INPUT"-keys on the keyboard. The empty value will be accepted.
The corresponding handwheel is now deactivated.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 25 B572

Section 9 Synchronized actions

Notes 9.1 Selecting the function Synchronized actions

By pressing the HSK 2.7 Synchronized actions

the following mask will be shown on the screen:

You can display status information for diagnosing synchronized actions in

the Synchronized actions window. You get a list with all currently active
synchronized actions.
In this list the synchronized action programming is displayed in the same
form as in the part program.
You can see the status of the synchronized action in the Status column.

Refer to the machine manufacturers documentation for further in formation
about the programmed synchronized actions.

B572 Page 26 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Settings Section 10
10.1 Selecting the function Settings Notes

By pressing the HSK 2.8 Settings the following

input mask with the settings for automatic mode is
shown on the screen.

10.2 Vertical softkey bar (VSK)

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 5 "Changeover inch" the
measuring units are converted from the metric to
the imperial (inch) dimension system. New values
have to be entered in inches. By pressing this key
the key function switches to "Changeover metric".

By pressing the VSK 5 "Changeover metric" the

measuring units are converted from the imperial
(inch) to the metric dimension system. New values
have to be metric. By pressing this key the key
function switches to "Changeover inch".

Accept the selection by pressing the VSK 8 OK or

cancel by pressing the VSK 7 Cancel.

By pressing the VSK 8 "Back" you switch back to

the main screen of the Sinumerik Operate.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 27 B572

Section 10 Settings

10.3 Parameters for "Settings for automatic mode"

In the Settings for automatic mode window all configurations for auto-
matic operation can be done.

Parameter Unit Meaning

Dry run feedrate [mm/ The feedrate defined here replaces the pro-
DRY min] grammed feedrate during execution if you
have selected DRY dry run feedrate under
program control.

Reduced rapid trav- [%] This value entered here reduces the rapid
erse RG0 traverse to the entered percentage value if
you have selected RG0 reduced rapid trav-
erse under program control.

Display result of Using a MMC command, you can display

measurement measurement results in a part program:

When the control reaches the command, it

automatically jumps into the Machine oper-
ating area and the window with the measure-
ment results is displayed.

The window with the measurement results is

opened by pressing the softkey
Measurement result.

B572 Page 28 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

B573 Operating area Parameter

1 Brief description
Objective of the module:

In this module you learn to use the tool management with the Sinumerik Operate. You learn about
the programming philosophy of the adjustable and programmable work offset, the function of the user
variables and how to modify the working area limitation.

Description of the module:

In the tool management area all tool data relevant for machining (e.g., tool length, radius correction,
tool wear and magazine configuration) can be viewed and modified.
The tool management contains the following sub-functions:
the tool list
the tool wear
the magazine management

In addition to these sub-functions a machine specific list can be configured by the machine manufac-
turer. Refer to the machine manufacturers documentation.
In the "Work offset" menu the linear and rotational offsets can be viewed and modified in the settable
work offset (WO).
The working range in which a tool can proceed, can be restricted in all axes with the function
Working area limitation.
Hereby safety zones can be installed in the workspace, where tool movement is prohibited.
This function limits the traversing area of the axes, in addition to the limit switches.


Operating area Parameter

Tool list

Tool wear

Magazine management

Zero offset basics

Work offset

User variable

Setting data

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

B573 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate


Operating area Parameter: Description

Operating area
In the tool management area all tool data relevant START
for machining (e.g., tool length, radius correction,
tool wear and magazine configuration) can be
viewed and modified. Operating
The tool management contains the following sub- area
functions: Parameter

the tool list

the tool wear
Tool list
the magazine management

In addition to these sub-functions a machine spe-

cific list can be configured by the machine manu-
facturer. Refer to the machine manufacturers Tool wear
In the "Work offset" menu the linear and rotational
offsets can be viewed and modified in the settable
work offset (WO).
The working range in which a tool can proceed, Magazine
can be restricted in all axes with the function management
Working area limitation.
Hereby safety zones can be installed in the work-
space, where tool movement is prohibited.
This function limits the traversing area of the axes, Zero offset
in addition to the limit switches. basics

Work offset

User variable

Setting data

Operating area


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 B573

Section 2 Operating area Parameter

2.1 Selecting the operating area Parameter
In the Operation area Parameter you have a choice of selecting between
various lists (e.g. Tool list, tool wear, magazine list, offsets, user variables
and setting data). For example in the tool management area, all tools and
if configured also the magazine locations are being displayed. Both lists
display the same tools in the same order. When switching between lists,
the position of the cursor on a particular tool in the current screen is carried
over to the same tool in a new screen. The lists differ from each other by
the displayed parameters and the Softkey functions.

Switching between lists is a specific change from one topic to the next.
Tool list: All parameters and functions required to create and set up
tools are displayed.
Tool wear: All parameters and functions that are required during opera-
tion, e.g. wear and monitoring functions, are listed here.
Magazine: Magazine and magazine location-related parameters and
functions for the tools and magazine locations are listed here.

The operating area Parameter can be opened from every operating

modes (JOG, MDA, AUTO).

Press the OFFSET-key on the keyboard.

The operating area Parameter respectively the
Tool list opens directly.
- OR -
Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator
panel. The yellow horizontal and vertical softkey bar

Then switch to the operating area Parameter by

pressing the HSK 2 Parameter on the operator

The operating area Parameter opens, with the

Tool list, Tool wear, Magazine, Work offset,
User variables and the Setting data.

These functions are made available in the following

described horizontal softkey bar.

2.2 Horizontal softkey bar (HSK)

Display area Description

By pressing the HSK 1 Tool list the tool list win-

dow opens.
See section 3 Tool list.
By pressing the HSK 2 Tool wear the tool wear
list opens.
See section 4 Tool wear.

B573 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Tool list Section 3
Display area Description (continuation) Notes

By pressing the HSK 4 Magazine the Magazine

management is opened.
See section 5 Magazine.
By pressing the HSK 5 Work offset a list with all
Work offsets is opened.
See section 7 Work offset.
By pressing the HSK 6 User variable a list with all
R variables is opened.
See section 8 User variable.
By pressing the HSK 8 Setting data a list with all
setting data is opened.
See section 9 Setting data.
By pressing the "Extend"-button on the operator
panel (OP) more softkeys on the HSK are available.
By pressing the HSK 2.6 CTRL Energy the SINU-
MERIK Ctrl-Energy analysis screen is opened.
See section 10 Ctrl Energy.

3.1 Selecting the Tool list

By pressing the HSK 1 Tool list the Tool list
window opens.
(Note the screen below.)

In the tool list all parameters and functions that are required to create and
set up the tools are displayed, regardless weather the tools are assigned
or not assigned to a magazine location. Each tool is uniquely identified by
the location number, the tool name and the replacement tool number.
The most common tools and probes for turning, drilling and milling are
offered in the tool list.
Geometrical and technological tool data can be assigned to each tool type.
Depending on the tool type different correction data are necessary.

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Section 3 Tool list

Notes 3.2 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1.1 Tool measure the
Measuring tool window opens.
(See section 3.7 in this module)
By pressing the VSK 1.2 New tool a new tool can
be created. This function is only available, if the
cursor is positioned on a filed that does not yet has
a tool assigned to it.
(See section 3.5 in this module)
By pressing the VSK 1.3 Edges the vertical soft-
key bar for assigning new cutting edges and delet-
ing existing cutting edges opens to the right side of
the screen. If a tool has several cutting edges each
edge gets its own set of correction data.
(See section 3.8 in this module)
By pressing the VSK 1.4 Further data more infor-
mation about a tool will be displayed. This function
is only available for tools which have additional in-
(See section 3.5, page 17 in this module)
By pressing the VSKs 1.5 Unload or Load the
actual selected tool wil be unloaded from or loaded
to the magazine. Unloaded tools are being dis-
played on the bottom of the magazine list.
(See section 3.10, page 24 in this module)
By pressing the VSK 1.6 Delete tool the selected
tool will be deleted from the tool list.
(See section 3.9, page 23 in this module)

By pressing the VSK 1.7 Magazine selection

Softkey multiple times you can jump between buffer
location (spindle and gripper), Magazine and NC-
memory (unloaded tools) and back to the buffer lo-
cation. The cursor is always positioned at the be-
ginning of each group.
(See section 3.11, page 26 in this module)
By pressing the VSK 1.8 Extend on the operator
panel the extended vertical softkey bar 2 opens on
the right hand side of the screen.
By pressing the VSK 2.1 Sort you can sort the
tools in the tool list according to the following crite-
The suitable softkeys are offered in the vertical soft-
key bar.
(See section 3.12 in this module)

B573 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Tool list Section 3
Display area Description (continuation)
Pressing the VSK 2.2 Filter opens the screen to
set the filter options.
(See section 3.13 in this module)
Pressing the VSK 2.3 Search opens a new softkey
bar with the functions
Magazine location
Empty location
The type of search is selected by the sotfkey selec-
Pressing the VSK 2.4 Details opens a new softkey
bar with the functions
Tool Data
Cutting edge data
Monitoring data
The details of the tool which is selected by the cur-
sor position are listed in the screen.
Pressing the VSK 2.8 Back on the operator panel
you switch back to the vertical softkey bar 1.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 B573

Section 3 Tool list

3.3 Tool parameters
Column header Meaning

Loc. Magazine/location number

Spindle location as an icon

Location for gripper 1 and 2 as icons:

(Applies only when a spindle with dual gripper is

Magazine number:
If more than one magazine is available, first the loca-
tion number and then the magazine number is dis-
played separated by a slash. E.g.:
Location number 1 in magazine 1
Location number 1 in magazine 2

Tools in the tool list not assigned to a magazine are

displayed without a location number at the end of the
You can manage tools that are not changed auto-
matically, by hands (hand tools).

If the orange selection cursor is placed in the type

field on a tool icon you can change the tool type by
pressing the SELECT-key.

Type Tool type

Tools can be created on a free tool position or by pressing the VSK 1.2
New tool in the tool list. The following tool windows can be opened by
pressing the corresponding vertical softkeys.

Press the VSK 1

Favourites to open the
New tool - favourites
list. In the favourite list
the most often used tools
are saved as favourites
for a fast access.

B573 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Tool list Section 3

Press the VSK 2

Cutters 100-199 to
open the New tool -
milling cutter list.
A list of all available
milling cutters opens.

Press the VSK 3

Drill 200-299 to
open the New tool -
drill list.
A list with all available
Drilling tools opens.

Press the VSK 5

Spec.tool 700-900
to open the New tool
special tools list.
A list with special tools

Press the VSK 7 Cancel to reject the tool selection

and to jump back to the Tool list window in the op-
erating area Parameter.
Press the VSK 8 OK to accept the selected tool
and to jump back to the Tool list window in the op-
erating area Parameter.
The selected tool will be loaded into the tool list

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 B573

Section 3 Tool list

Notes Column header Meaning (continuation)

Tool name Name of the tool:
To identify a tool you can enter a tool name as text
or a T-number. If a new tool is created, tool names
are pre-assigned as default.

ST Replacement tool number:

(for replacement tool strategy) As default 1 is being
entered here. If a new tool with the same name, as a
already existing tool, is being created, then the new
tool gets the Index 2. This way it is possible to de-
fine a replacement tool.

D Cutting edge number:

For tools with multiple cutting edges, each tool re-
ceives its own correction data field. Up to 9 edges per
tool can be managed. The max. Number depends
upon the control configuration.

Length Tool length:

Geometry length of the tool.

Radius/diameter Tool radius/diameter

For every tool, information about the tool radius or
diameter can be entered here.
The changeover from diameter to radius or vice versa
can be set via a machine datum.

Tip angle or Pitch Tip angle for

Type 200 - twist drill
Type 220 - center drill
Type 230 - countersink
Pitch for
Type 240 - tap

N Number of teeth for:

Type 100 - milling tool
Type 110 - ball nose cylindrical die sinking cutter
Type 111 - ball nose tapered die-sinking cutter
Type 120 - end mill
Type 121 - end mill with corner rounding
Type 130 - angle head cutter
Type 140 - facing tool
Type 150 - side mill
Type 155 - bevelled cutter
Type 156 - bevelled cutter with corner rounding
Type 157 - tapered die-sinking cutter
Type 160 - drill and thread cutter

B573 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Tool list Section 3
3.4 Icons in the toolbar and their meaning Notes

Icons Meaning

Red X The tool is disabled

Yellow triangle The pre-warning limit has been reached

pointing downward

Yellow triangle The tool is in a special state

pointing upward Place the cursor on the marked tool. A tool
tip will provide a brief description

Green frame The tool is preselected.

Magazine/location number:

Green double arrow The magazine location is positioned at the

change position

Gray double arrow The magazine location is positioned at the

loading position

Red X The magazine location is disabled

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 11 B573

Section 3 Tool list

3.5 Additional data

The following tool types require geometry data that is not included in the
tool list display.

Tool type Additional parameters

111 Conical ball Corner radius

head cutter

121 End mill with Corner radius

corner rounding

130 Angle head Geometry length (length X, length Y, length Z)

cutter Wear length (length X, length Y, length Z)
Adapter length (length X, length Y, length Z)
V (direction vector 1 - 6)
Vector X, vector Y, vector Z

131 Angle head Geometry length (length X, length Y, length Z)

cutter with Corner radius
corner rounding Wear length (length X, length Y, length Z)
Adapter length (length X, length Y, length Z)
V (direction vector 1 - 6)
Vector X, vector Y, vector Z

140 Face milling External radius

Tool angle

155 Bevel cutter Taper angle

156 Bevel cutter Corner radius

with corner Taper angle

157 Conical die Taper angle

milling cutter


You can use the configuration file to specify the data to be displayed for
specific tool types in the "Additional Data" window.

The VSK Further data is only available for those tool types which will
support this function.

B573 Page 12 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Tool list Section 3
3.6 New tool Notes

In the window New tool - favourites you can choose a new tool from a
list of favourite tools (VSK 1 Favourites). If the desired tool type should
not be available in the Favourite list, you can simply select a tool from a
group of cutting, drilling, turning or special tools by pressing the corre-
sponding VSKs 2 - 5.

3.6.1 Selecting the function New tool

By pressing the VSK 1.2 New tool the

New tool - favorits window opens.

3.6.2 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

For the softkeys see section 3.3.

3.6.3 Creating a new tool

1. In the operating mode JOG, MDA or AUTO se-

lect the operating area Parameter by pressing the
MENU SELECT-key on the keyboard and the
HSK 2 Parameter.

1. -OR-

Alternatively press the OFFSET-key on the key-

board, to get directly to the tool list.

2. Press the VSK 1 Tool list to open the tool man-

agement screen.
The Tool list window opens directly.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 13 B573

Section 3 Tool list

3. Place the cursor in the tool list at the position where
the new tool should be stored. For this, you can se-
lect an empty magazine location or the NC tool
memory outside of the magazine. You may also
place the cursor on an existing tool in the NC tool
memory region. Data from the displayed tool will not
be overwritten, but the new tool is created below.
4. Press the VSK 1.2 New tool
The "New tool - favourites" window opens.
- OR -
5. If you want to create a tool that is not in the
Favourites list, press the VSK 2 "Cutters 100-199",
VSK 3 "Drill 200-299" or the VSK 5 "Spec. tool 700-
900" .
The corresponding tool window opens.
6. Select the tool by placing the cursor on the corre-
sponding tool type.

7. Press the VSK 8 OK to create the new tool.

The tool is added to the tool list with a predefined

name. If the cursor is located on an empty magazine
location in the tool list, then the tool is loaded to this
magazine location.

Multiple loading points:

If you have configured several loading points for a magazine, then the
"Select loading point" window appears when a tool is created directly in
an empty magazine location or when the "Load" softkey is pressed.
Select the required load point and confirm with the VSK 8 "OK" or abort
with pressing the VSK 7 Cancel.

Additional data:
If configured proper, the "New tool" window opens after the required tool
has been selected and confirmed with the VSK 8 "OK".

You can define the following data in this window:

Tool location type
Size of tool

(See section 3.4 in this module)

For further information see the commissioning manual of the Sinumerik

B573 Page 14 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Tool list Section 3
3.7 Tool measure

You can measure the tool offset data for the individual tools directly from
the tool list.
Tool measurement is only applicable with an active tool.

3.7.1 Selecting the function Tool measure

With an active tool selected press the VSK 1.1 Tool

measure to switch to the Length manual window
in the operating mode JOG.

The control will advise you that tool you wish to

measure is not the tool in the spindle, and a mes-
sage will state Please replace tool with NC start
prior to measurement, as shown above.

3.7.2 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

For the softkeys see module B570 Operating mode JOG, section 6.3.
3.7.3 Measuring a tool

1. Either press the OFFSET-key on the keyboard or

press MENU SELECT on the operator panel, then
the HSK 2 Parameter and the HSK 1 Tool list to
switch to the tool list.

2. Select the active tool that you want to measure in

the tool list and press the VSK 1.1 "Tool measure".
You jump to the "JOG" operating mode and the tool
to be measured is entered in the "T" field in the
"Length manual" screen.
828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 15 B573
Section 3 Tool list

3. Select the cutting edge number D and the replace-
ment tool number ST.

4. Approach the workpiece in Z direction, scratch it with

a rotating spindle and enter the set position of the
workpiece edge in the Z0 field.

5. Press the VSK 7 "Set length".

The tool length is calculated automatically and

entered in the tool list.

3.8 Managing cutting edges

In the case of tools with more than one cutting edge, a separate set of off-
set data is assigned to each cutting edge. For every tool up to 9 edges can
be installed. No gaps in the assignment of edges are allowed. If a tool has
3 cutting edges then edge numbers 1 to 3 have to be assigned.
Tool cutting edges that are not required can be deleted.

3.8.1 Selecting the function Edges

By pressing the VSK 1.3 Edges the following verti-

cal softkey bar opens on the right hand side of the
Tool list- window.

B573 Page 16 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Tool list Section 3
3.8.2 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

Pressing the VSK 1 New cutting edge installs a

new cutting edge for a tool in the tool list.

Pressing the VSK 2 Delete cutting edge deletes a

selected cutting edge of a tool.

3.8.3 Installing a new cutting edge

1. Either press the OFFSET-key on the keyboard or

press MENU SELECT on the operator panel, then
the HSK 2 Parameter and the HSK 1 Tool list to
switch to the tool list.

2. In the tool list, position the cursor on the tool for

which you would like to store more cutting edges.
Press the VSK 1.3 Edges.

3. Press the VSK1 New cutting edge.

A new data set is stored in the list.

The cutting edge number is incremented by 1 and
the offset data is assigned to the values of the cut-
ting edge on which the cursor is positioned.

4. Enter the offset data for the new cutting edge.

5. Repeat the steps 3 - 4 if you wish to create more tool

edge offset data.

3.8.4 Deleting a cutting edge

1. Either press the OFFSET-key on the keyboard or

press MENU SELECT on the operator panel, then
the HSK 2 Parameter, then press the HSK 1 Tool
list to switch to the tool list.
3. In the tool list, position the cursor on the tool for
which you would like to delete cutting edges, then
press the VSK 1.3 Edges.

4. Press the VSK 2 Delete cut. edge.

The data set is deleted from the list.

The first tool cutting edge cannot be deleted.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 17 B573

Section 3 Tool list

3.9 Delete tool

To keep the tool list short and clear, unused tools can be deleted from the
tool list.

3.9.1 Selecting the function Delete tool

Pressing the VSK 1.6 Delete tool the Delete tool

dialogue window opens.

3.9.2 Deleting a tool

1. Either press the OFFSET-key on the keyboard or

press MENU SELECT on the operator panel, then
the HSK 2 Parameter and the HSK 1 Tool list to
switch to the tool list.

2. In the tool list window place the cursor on the tool

that you would like to delete.
Press the VSK 1.6 Delete tool.
A safety prompt is displayed asking for confirmation.

3. Press the VSK 8 OK to delete tho tool or press the

VSK 7 Cancel to abort.

The tool is deleted from the tool list.

If the tool is in a magazine location, it is unloaded
and then deleted.

Several load points

If you have configured several loading points for a magazine, then the
"Select loading point" window appears after pressing the VSK 6 "Delete
Select the required load point and press the VSK 8 "OK" to unload and de-
lete the tool.

B573 Page 18 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Tool list Section 3
3.10 Loading or unloading a tool

You can load and unload tools to and from a magazine via the tool list.
When a tool is loaded, it is taken to a magazine location. When it is
unloaded, it is removed from the magazine and stored in the tool list.
When you are loading a tool, the application automatically suggests an
empty location. You may also directly specify an empty magazine location.
You can unload tools from the magazine that you are not using at present.
The Sinumerik Operate then automatically saves the tool data in the tool
list in the NC memory outside the magazine.
Should you want to use the tool again later, simply load the tool with the
tool data into the corresponding magazine location again. Then the same
tool data does not have to be entered more than once.

3.10.1 Selecting the function Load or Unload.

By pressing the VSK 1.5 Load the following Load

on ... window opens.
The softkey is only active if the cursor is located on a
tool that is not assigned to the magazine.

By pressing the VSK 1.5 Unload the selected tool

will be unloaded from the magazine. The softkey is
only active if the cursor is placed on a tool that is as-
signed to a magazine location.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 19 B573

Section 3 Tool list

3.10.2 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

Press the VSK 4 Spindle to load the selected tool

to the spindle location.

3.10.3 Loading a tool

1. Either press the OFFSET-key on the keyboard or

press MENU SELECT on the operator panel, then
the HSK 2 Parameter and the HSK 1 Tool list to
switch to the tool list.

2. In the tool list press the VSK 1.5 Load.

The Load on ... window opens.

The field ... loc." is reallocated with the first empty

place in the magazine.

3. Press the VSK 8 OK to accept the suggested loca-

tion number.

- OR -

3. Insert another location number and press the VSK 8


- OR -

3. Press the VSK 4 Spindle.

The tool is loaded into the specified magazine loca-

tion or spindle.

Several magazines
If you have configured several magazines, the "Load on ..." window ap-
pears after pressing the VSK 1.5 "Load".
If you do not want to use the suggested empty location, then enter your
desired magazine and magazine location. Confirm your selection with the
VSK 8 "OK".

Several loading points

If you have configured several loading points for a magazine, then the
"Select loading point" window appears after pressing the VSK 1.5
"Load". Select the required loading point and confirm with the VSK 8 "OK".

B573 Page 20 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Tool list Section 3
3.10.4 Unloading a tool

1. Either press the OFFSET-key on the keyboard or

press MENU SELECT on the operator panel, then
the HSK 2 Parameter and the HSK 1 Tool list to
switch to the tool list.

2. Place the cursor on the tool that you would like to

unload from the magazine and press the VSK 1.5

3. Select the required loading point in the "Select load-

ing point window.

4. Confirm the selection with pressing the VSK 8 OK

or abort with pressing the VSK 7 Cancel.

3.11 Selecting a magazine

You can directly select the buffer memory, the magazine, or the NC mem-

Press the VSK 1.7 Magazine selection.

If there is only one magazine, you will move from
one area to the next (i.e. from the buffer to the
magazine, from the magazine to the NC memory
and from the NC memory back to the buffer) each
time you press the softkey. The cursor is positioned
at the beginning of the magazine each time.

If there is more than one magazine, the "Magazine

selection" window opens. Position the cursor on the
desired magazine in this window and press the
"Go to" softkey.
The cursor jumps directly to the beginning of the
specified magazine.

Magazines can be hidden in the magazine list.

Uncheck the checkbox alongside the corresponding magazine in the
Magazine selection window, by pressing the SELECT-key on the key-

The magazine selection behaviour with multiple magazines can be config-
ured in different ways.
Please refer to the machine manufacturer's specifications.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 21 B573

Section 3 Tool list

3.12 Sort

With the help of this function Sort you can sort and view the tools in the
tool list depending on different sorting criteria.

3.12.1 Selecting the function Sort

Pressing the VSK 2.1 Sort opens the following soft-

keys in the vertical softkey bar.

3.12.2 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

The tools in the tool list are sorted numerical by their
positions in the magazines.
Tools with identical magazine location will be sorted
by tool type and tools of the same type are sorted
depending on their radius value.

The tools are sorted alphabetical by name.

The tools are sorted by tool type.

Similar types will be sorted by radius.

The tools are sorted by tool number.

3.12.3 Sorting tools

1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator panel,

then the HSK 2 Parameter and the HSK 1 Tool list
to switch to the tool list.

The Tool list window opens.

2. Press the VSK 2.1 Sort.

A vertical softkey bar with all available sort criteria

opens to the right (see section 3.12.2).

3. In order to sort the tool list depending on the tool

name, magazine location, tool type or T-number
press the corresponding softkey (VSK 1 - 4)
(see section 3.12.2).

The tool list will be sorted following the chosen search


B573 Page 22 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Tool list Section 3
3.13 Filter

The filter function allows you to filter-out tools with specific properties in the
tool management lists.

3.13.1 Selecting the function tool Filter

Pressing the VSK 2.2 Filter the Filter dialogue
window for the tool list, tool wear and magazine
list is opened. Following selection window is dis-

Filter criteria:

Only display the first Only tools with the cutting edge number D1 are
cutting edge listed.

Only tools that are Only tools that are ready to use are listed.
ready to use

Only tools that have Only tools that have reached the pre-warning limit
reached the pre- are displayed.
alarm limit

Only locked tools Only locked tools are displayed.

Note: You have the option of selecting several criteria. You

Multiple selection will receive an appropriate message if conflicting fil-
ter options are selected.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 23 B573

Section 3 Tool list

The following shows the filter setting only tools with pre-warning limit

3.14 Search

The search function allows you to search tools with specific locations in the
tool management lists.

3.14.1 Selecting the Search softkey

Pressing the VSK 2.3 Search you can search for
Tools, Magazine location, or Empty location,
using the Vertical softkeys..

B573 Page 24 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Tool list Section 3
3.15 Details

The Details function allows you to look at tool data in the tool management

3.15.1 Selecting the Details softkey

Pressing the VSK 2.4 Details opens a new softkey
bar with the functions
Tool Data
Cutting edge data
Monitoring data
The details of the tool which is selected by the cur-
sor position are listed in the screen.
Pressing the VSK 3.2 Tool data opens the screen
Tool details.

Tool state Meaning

A Tool activated
P Enable tool
D Tool disabled
M Measure tool
W Tool has reached pre warning limit
C Tool being changed
L Tool on fixed location
U Tool was in use

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 25 B573

Section 3 Tool list

Display area Description (continuation)
Pressing the VSK 3.4 Cutting edge data opens
the screen Tool details for Cutting edges.

Tool details
Tool name
Tool length
Tool wear length
Tool radius
Tool radius wear
Number of teeth
Direction of spindle rotation
Coolant 1 on / off
Coolant 2 on / off

B573 Page 26 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Tool list Section 3
Display area Description (continuation)
By pressing the VSK 3.5 Monitoring data you can
select the monitoring data of the selected tool.

Tool details Meaning

Tool name
Monitoring type T tool Life [min] C quantity
By pressing the VSK 3.7 Further details opens the
screen Further details and shows All parameters.

Alternately you can also navigate with the cursor buttons cursor left and
cursor right between the masks Tool data, Cutting edge data and
Monitoring data.
828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 27 B573
Section 4 Tool wear

Notes 4.1 Selecting the function Tool wear

All parameters and functions that are required during operation are con-
tained in the tool wear list.
Tools that are in use for long periods are subject to wear. You can meas-
ure this wear and enter it in the tool wear list. The Sinumerik Operate then
takes this information into account when calculating the tool length or ra-
dius compensation.
This ensures a consistent level of accuracy during workpiece machining.
You can automatically monitor the tools' working times via the workpiece
count, tool life or wear.
In addition, you can disable tools when you no longer wish to use them.

Note: Depending on the control configuration, the input of the tool wear
can be additive. Please refer to the machine tool manufacturer documen-

By pressing the HSK 2 Tool wear the Tool wear

screen input mask opens.

4.2 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1 Sort and Filter you can

sort and filter the tools in the tool list according to
different parameters.( See section 3.12 and 3.13)

By pressing the VSK 1 Search and Details you

can search and view the tool details in the tool list
according to different parameters.( See section
3.14 and 3.15)
By pressing the VSK 6 Reactivate locked tools,
and tools that have reached their pre-warning limit
can be made operational again.
(See section 4.7)

B573 Page 28 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Tool wear Section 4
4.3 Parameters for Tool wear Notes

Parameter Meaning

Location Magazine/location number:

(Only display, see section 3.3 Tool list)

Type Tool type:

(See section 3.3 Tool list)

Tool name Tool name:

(See section 3.3 Tool list)

ST Replacement tool number:

(Only display, see section 3.3 Tool list)

D Cutting edge number

(Only display, see section 3.3 Tool list)

Length Length wear

In this field changes for the tool length are entered

Radius Radius wear

The Sinumerik Operate checks the entered values

whether they exceed an absolute or incremental
threshold or not.
The incremental threshold is the maximum difference
between present wear and new wear.
The absolute threshold is the maximum total wear
value that can be entered.

Please refer to the machine manufacturer's specifica-

T Tool monitoring by tool life:

With the tool life T (Time), the service life for tool
with machining federate is monitored in minutes.
C Tool monitoring by count
With the count C, the number of workpieces ma-
chined by the tool is counted.
W* Tool monitoring by wear
With wear W, the greatest value in the wear pa-
rameters Length X, Length Z, Radius or
in the wear list is monitored.
* The wear monitoring is configured via a machine
data item.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 29 B573

Section 4 Tool wear

Notes Parameter Meaning (continuation)

Tool life (T) Tool life

Quantity (C) Number of workpieces

Wear (W) Tool wear

The wear monitoring is configured via a machine data
item. Please refer to the machine manufacturer`s in-

Set val Setpoint value for tool life, workpiece count, or wear.

Prewar limit Prewarning limit:

Specification of the tool life, workpiece count or wear
at which a warning is displayed.

If the adjusted rest life of the tool, the number of
changes or the wear is reached, the tool will be dis-
This tool will not be selected for the next tool change.
If present, an adequate sister tool will be used in-
The monitoring refers in each case to the selected
cutting edge.
It is possible to reactivate a disabled tool.
D Single tools can also be disabled by hand, if these
tools are not in use anymore or if the tools life ran off.
(The tool is disabled if the checkbox is activated).

4.4 Icons in the tool wear list and their meaning

(See section 3.3, Icons in the tool list, in this module)

4.5 Entering the tool wear or disabling a tool

1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator

panel, then the HSK 2 Parameter and the HSK 2
Tool wear to switch to the tool wear list.

2. Enter values for length, radius, setpoint, prewarning

and tool life.
- OR -
2. Activate the D-parameter checkbox for disabling
the tool manually.

B573 Page 30 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Tool wear Section 4
4.6 Sort and Filter

For the functions Sort and Filter in the tool list refer to the section 3.12
and 3.13 in this module.

4.7 Reactivating a tool

You can replace disabled tools or make them ready for reuse.

Prerequisite is, that the monitoring function must be active and a setpoint
is stored.
1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator
panel, then the HSK 2 Parameter and the HSK 2
Tool wear to switch to the tool wear list.

2. Position the cursor on the disabled tool which you

would like to reuse.

Press the VSK 6 "Reactivate".

The value entered as the setpoint is entered as the
new tool life workpiece count.

The disabled tool is active again.

Reactivating and positioning

When the "Reactivate with positioning" function is configured, the selected
tool's magazine location will also be positioned at a loading point.
You can exchange the tool.

Reactivation of all monitoring types

When the "Reactivation of all monitoring types" function is configured, all
the monitoring types set in the NC for a tool are reset during reactivation.

Refer to the machine manufacturers specifications.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 31 B573

Section 5 Magazine management

Notes 5.1 Selecting the function Magazine

Tools are displayed with their magazine-related data in the magazine list.
Here, you can take specific actions relating to the magazines and the
magazine locations. Individual magazine locations can be location-coded
or disabled for existing tools.
By pressing the HSK 4 Magazine the following
magazine list will be displayed on the screen.

In the magazine list, all magazine locations are shown.

It is indicated whether a magazine location is available, disabled or
occupied by a tool.
If a magazine location is defect, this location can be disabled.
If an oversized tool is inserted, which uses more than a half of the
neighbouring magazine locations, then the neighbouring magazine
locations will be disabled.

5.2 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 5 Unload all all tools can be
transferred from the magazine location to the tool
libuary, Unload all must be confirmed with the
By pressing the VSK 5 Relocate a tool can be
transferred from one magazine location to another
or, with pressing the VSK 4 Spindle, it can be
transferred to the spindle. The selected target loca-
tion must be confirmed with the VSK 8 OK or can
aborted with VSK 7 Cancel.

B573 Page 32 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Magazine management Section 5
5.2 Vertical softkey bar continued

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 6 Position magazine you
can position magazine locations directly on the
loading point. (See section 5.6)
By pressing the VSK 1.8 Extend on the operator
panel the extended vertical softkey bar 2 opens
with the functions Sort, Filter and Details
(see sections 3.12 and 3.13).

5.3 Parameters for Magazine

Parameter Meaning
Loc. Number of the magazine location:
(Only display, see section 3.3 Tool list)
Type Tool type:
(Only display, see section 3.3 Tool list)
Tool name Tool name:
(See section 3.3 Tool list)
ST Sister tool:
(Only display, see section 3.3 Tool list)
D Edge number:
(Only display, see section 3.3 Tool list)
D Magazine location disabled
Z Oversized tool:
Marking a tool as oversized. The tool occupies two
half locations left, two half locations right, one half lo-
cation top and one half location bottom in a magazine.
Only tools that are not loaded yet can be marked as

L Fixed location coding.

The tool is fixed to the magazine location.

5.4 Sorting and filtering tools

When you are working with many tools, with large magazines or several
magazines, it is useful to display the tools sorted according to different cri-
teria. Then you will be able to find a specific tool more easily in the lists.

For sorting tools in the magazine see section 3.12 and 3.13 in this module.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 33 B573

Section 5 Magazine management

5.5 Relocate
Tools can be directly relocated within magazines to another magazine lo-
cation, which means that you do not have to unload tools from the maga-
zine in order to load them into a different location.
When you are relocating a tool, the application automatically suggests an
empty location.
You may also directly specify an empty magazine location.

5.5.1 Selecting the function Relocate

By pressing the VSK 5 Relocate depending on the
tool type following window opens.

5.5.2 Relocating a tool

1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator

panel, then the HSK 2 Parameter to open the oper-
ating area Parameter.
Alternatively press the OFFSET-key on the key-
2. Press the HSK 4 Magazine.
The magazine window opens.
3. Position the cursor on the tool that you wish to relo-
cate to a different magazine location.
4. Press the VSK 5 Relocate.
The ...move from location...to... window opens.

The "... loc." field is initialized with the number of the

first empty magazine location.
5. Press the VSK 8 "OK" to relocate the tool to the sug-
gested location.

B573 Page 34 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Magazine management Section 5
- OR -

5. Enter the location number you require and press the

VSK 8 "OK".
- OR -

5. Press the VSK 4 "Spindle" to load a tool into the

spindle and press the VSK 8 "OK".

The tool is moved to the specified magazine location

or the spindle.

Several magazines
If you have set up several magazines, then the "...move from magazine...
location... to..." window appears after pressing the VSK 5 "Relocate" .
Select the desired magazine and location, and confirm your selection with
the VSK 8 "OK" to load the tool.

5.6 Positioning a magazine

You can position magazine locations directly on the loading point.

1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator

panel, then the HSK 2 Parameter and the
HSK 4 Magazine.
Alternatively press the OFFSET-key on the

2. Place the cursor on the magazine location that you

want to position onto the load point.

3. Press the VSK 6 "Position magazine".

4. Select a loading point in the input mask.

The magazine location is positioned on the loading


Several load points

If you have configured several loading points for a magazine, then the
"Load Point Selection" window appears after pressing the VSK 6
"Position magazine".
Select the desired loading point in this window and confirm your selection
with the VSK 8 "OK" to position the magazine location at the loading point.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 35 B573

Section 6 Zero offset basics

Following reference point approach, the actual value display for the axis
coordinates is based on the machine zero (M) of the machine coordinate
system (MCS ). The program for machining the workpiece, however, is
based on the workpiece zero (W) of the workpiece coordinate system
(WCS ).
The machine zero and workpiece zero are not necessarily identical.
The distance between the machine zero and workpiece vary in
accordance with the type of tool and the way it is clamped. This zero offset
is taken into account during execution of the program and can be a combi-
nation of different offsets.
On the Sinumerik Operate, the position actual value display refers to the
SZS-coordinate system (settable zero system). The position of the active
tool relative to the workpiece zero is displayed. The offsets are added as


Transformation of coordinates

Tool offset SZS

Work offset fine

Work offset coarse

Base offset MCS


Base offset The base offset is a zero offset that is always active.
If you have not defined a base offset, its value will be
zero. You determine the base offset via "Measure
workpiece zero .
See Module B570 - Operating mode JOG, in Sinu-
merik Operate section Set Work offset and
Measure workpiece zero.

Zero offsets Every zero offset (G54 to G57, G505 to G599) con-
sists of a coarse offset and a fine offset. You can call
the work offsets from any sequence program (coarse
and fine offsets are added together).
You can save the workpiece zero, for example, in
the coarse offset,
and then store the offset that occurs when a new
workpiece is clamped between the old and the new
workpiece zero in the fine offset.

B573 Page 36 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Zero offset basics Section 6
Fine offsets must be set up by the machine manu-
Also refer to the machine manufacturer's instruc-

Coordinate You always program coordinate transformations for

transformations: a specific sequence program.
They are defined by:

These transformations can work as new or they

can work additive to the active zero point offset.

Total offset: The total offset is calculated from the sum of all off-
sets and coordinate transformations.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 37 B573

Section 7 Work offset

Notes 7.1 Selecting the function Work offset

By pressing the HSK 5 Work offset. The screen

mask of the active work offsets is opened.

The horizontal scroll bar above the horizontal softkey bar indicates that
more parameters for the work offset are available. Because of the limited
screen area, they are covered by the softkeys of the VSK bar. Move the
orange selection cursor, with the help of the blue cursor keys on the key-
board to the left to reach the additional parameters.

7.2 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 2 Active for all installed axis
all current active offsets will be displayed, as well
as all active system offsets.
Fields in the work offset list with a light blue back-
ground can not be altered.
(See section 7.4 in this module)

By pressing the VSK 3 Overview the active off-

sets and system offsets are displayed for all set-up
axes. Only fields with a white background can be
edited. (see section 7.4)
By pressing the VSK 3 Base for all installed axis
the channel specific basic work offsets are dis-
played in coarse offset and fine offset.
The values can be changed directly in the Work
offset - basic window,
(See section 7.5 in this module)

B573 Page 38 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Work offset Section 7
Display area Description (continuation) Notes

By pressing the VSK 4 G54...G57 for all installed

axis the work offsets G54 to G57 are displayed in
coarse offset and fine offset.
The values can be changed directly in the Work
offset - G54...G57 window.
(See section 7.6 in this module)

By placing the cursor in an offset field in the work

offset list and pressing the VSK 7 Details more
information (fine, coarse, scaling, shifting, mirroring)
about all installed axis for the selected offset type
will be displayed.
Inputs for coarse and fine offset, already entered,
are taken over or can be entered.
The values can be changed directly in the Work
offset - details:... window.
(See section 7.7 in this module)

By pressing the VSK 7 Details the following softkeys in the vertical soft-
key bar open.

7.3 Vertical softkey bar Details

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1 WO + within the selected
offset type (Active, Base, G54...57) you can
change to the next work offset in the work offset list
without changing back to the Work offset window

By pressing the VSK 2 WO - within the selected

offset type (Active, Base, G54...57) you can
change to the previous work offset in the work off-
set list without changing back to the Work offset
window first.

By pressing the VSK 7 Clear offset all entered

offsets for the installed axis will be deleted from the

By pressing the VSK 8 Back you switch back to

the Work offset window.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 39 B573

Section 7 Work offset

7.4 Active work offset

The following work offsets are displayed in the Work offset - active win-
Work offsets, for which offsets are included, or for which values are
Adjustable work offsets
Total work offset

This window is generally used only for monitoring. The availability of the
offsets depends on the setting. Please refer to the manufacturer's docu-

7.4.1 Selecting the function Active

By pressing the VSK 2 Active the Work offset -

active window opens.

7.5 Work offset overview

In the Work offset - Overview window, all active offsets and system off-
sets are displayed for all set-up axes.

In addition to the offset, the rotation, scaling and mirroring defined using
this are also displayed.

This window is generally used for monitoring.

B573 Page 40 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Work offset Section 7
7.5.1 Selection of the function Work offset - Overview
By pressing the VSK 2 Overview the window
Work offset - overview opens.

7.5.2 Parameters for Work offset - active

Parameters Meaning
DRF Display of the handwheel axis offset.
Rotary table ref. Display of additional work offsets programmed with
Basic reference Display of additional work offset programmed with
$P_SETFRAME. Access to the system offsets is
protected via a keyswitch.
Total base WO Displays all effective basic offsets as well as rota-
tion, scaling and mirroring. Values can not be
changed here.
G500 or Display of all work offsets activated with G500, G54 -
G54 - G57 G57, as well as rotation, scaling and mirroring.
You cannot edit these values here.
Tool reference Displays the additional work offset programmed with
Workpiece ref. Displays the additional work offset programmed with
Programmed WO Displays the additional work offset programmed with
Cycle reference Display of all additional work offsets activated via
Total WO Display of the active work offset, representing the
sum of all work offsets, as well as rotation, scaling
and mirroring.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 41 B573

Section 7 Work offset

7.6 Base zero offset

The defined channel-specific and global base offsets, divided into coarse
and fine offsets, are displayed for all set-up axes in the "Work offset - ba-
sic" window.

7.6.1 Selecting the function Work offset - basic

By pressing the VSK 3 Base the Work offset - ba-

sic window with the channel specific and global
basic work offsets opens.

The horizontal scroll bar above the horizontal softkey bar indicates that
more parameters for the work offset are available. Because of the limited
screen area, they are covered by the softkeys of the vertical softkey bar.
Move the orange selection cursor, with the help of the blue cursor keys on
the keyboard to the left, to reach the additional parameters.

7.6.2 Displaying and editing base zero offset

1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator

panel, then the HSK 2 Parameter to open the op-
erating area Parameter. Alternatively press the
OFFSET-key on the keyboard.
2. Press the HSK 5 Work offset
3. Press the VSK 3 Base.
The Work offset - basic window opens. With the
cursor positioned on the fields with the white back-
ground you can edit the values directly in the table.
The entered offset values are active directly.

B573 Page 42 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Work offset Section 7
7.7 Settable zero offset

All settable offsets, divided into coarse and fine offsets, are displayed in
the "Work offset - G54...G57" window.
Rotation, scaling and mirroring are displayed.

7.7.1 Selecting the function Work offset - G54...G57

By pressing VSK 4 G54...G57 the following window


7.7.2 Displaying and editing settable zero offset

1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator

panel, then the HSK 2 Parameter to open the op-
erating area Parameter. Alternatively press the
OFFSET-key on the keyboard.
2. Press the HSK 5 Work offset.
3. Press the VSK 4 G54G57.
The Work offset - G54...G57 window opens.

4. Values can be edited directly in the table.

The settable work offsets must first be selected in the program before they
have an impact.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 43 B573

Section 7 Work offset

7.8 Details of the work offset

For each work offset, you can display and edit all data for all axes.
You can also delete work offsets.
For every axis, values for the following data will be displayed:
Coarse and fine offsets
Settings for rotation, scaling and mirroring are specified here and can only
be changed here.
7.8.1 Selecting the function Work offset - details:
By pressing the VSK 7 Details a different work offset win-
dow opens, depending on the work offset (Active, Base,
G54...G57) selected before:
Work offset - details: Rotary table ref./Basic reference/
Total basic WO/G54 - G55/Tool reference/Workpiece ref./
Programmed WO/Cycle reference/Total WO
Work offset - details: 1. chan.-sp. Basic WO
Work offset - details: G54 - G57

7.8.2 Displaying details of the work offset

1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator

panel and the HSK 2 Parameter to open the oper-
ating area Parameter. Alternatively press the
OFFSET-key on the keyboard.
2. Press the HSK 5 Work offset.

B573 Page 44 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Work offset Section 7
3. Press the VSK "Active", "Base" or "G54G57".
The corresponding window appears.
4. Place the cursor on the desired work offset to view its details.

5. Press the VSK 7 Details.

A window opens, depending on the selected work offset,
e.g. "Work offset - details: G54...G57".
6. Enter changes of values directly into the table.
- OR -
6. Press the VSK 1 WO + or the VSK 2 WO - to select the next
or previous offset, respectively, within the selected area ("Active",
"Base", "G54 to G57") without having first to switch to the overview
window. If you have reached the end of the range (e.g. G57), you
switch automatically to the beginning of the range (e.g. G54).

- OR -
6. Press the VSK 7 "Clear offset" to reset all entered values.

7. Press the VSK 8 Back to close the window.

The changes become effective immediately in the part program or after
pressing the "RESET"-key.

7.9 Measuring the workpiece zero

1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator panel, then the

HSK 2 Parameter to open the operating area Parameter. Alter-
natively press the OFFSET-key on the keyboard.
2. Press the HSK 5 Work offset
3. Press the VSK 4 G54...57.
4. Select the work offset in which the zero point ist to be saved by
placing the cursor in an axis field right beside the corresponding
work offset G54-57.
5. Press the VSK 1 Work Measure.
The operating area Meas. Workp. in the operating mode JOG
6. Press the VSK 2 Set edge, if not already active.
The Set edge window opens
7. Use the softkeys X, Y, Z to select in which axis direction you
want to approach the workpiece first.
7 Select the measuring direction (+ or -) you want to approach the
workpiece in.
The measuring direction cannot be selected for Z0.
8. In X0, Y0, or Z0, specify the setpoint position of the workpiece edge
you are approaching. Traverse the tool up to the workpiece edge.

Press the VSK 7 "Set WO" to measure the workpiece zero.

For more details see module B570 - Operating mode JOG, section 5
Measuring the workpiece zero.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 45 B573

Section 8 User variables

The following variables can be defined:
Arithmetic parameters (R variables):
These are channel-specific variables that you can use within a G
code program. G code programs can read and write R parameters.
These values are retained after the control is switched off.
Global user data (Global GUD) are valid in all programs and can be de-
fined as follows:
Keyword DEF
Range of validity NCK
Data type (INT, REAL,.)
Variable names
Value assignment (optional)
Channel-specific user data (Channel GUD) can be defined with a dif-
ferent value for each channel.
Local user data (LUD) are valid in one program.
Program-global user data (PUD) are valid in one program and the
called subroutines.
Local user data (LUD) defined in the main program can become
program-global user data (PUD) by setting a machine datum.
With that, they are valid in all subprograms, where they can be read and
written. The PUD mode of action is depending on the machine settings.
Only local and program-global user data can be displayed.
Up to 15 decimal places (including the place after the column) are being
evaluated. If a number with more then 15 decimals is being entered, then
exponential number format is used (15 places +EXXX).

8.1 Selecting the function User variable

By pressing the HSK 6 User variable the R vari-

ables window opens like displayed below.

B573 Page 46 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

User variables Section 8
8.2 Vertical softkey bar 1 and 2 Notes

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1.1 R variables the R vari-
ables window opens. The entered values (R0 -
R999, depending on a machine datum) are retained
after the control is switched off.

By pressing the VSK 1.2 Global GUD a list of

Global user variables (UGUD) defined by the user
is displayed. Further selection is possible with
VSK 1.6 GUD selection.
By pressing the VSK 1.3 Channel GUD all chan-
nel-specific user variables will be displayed in a list.
Further selection is possible with VSK 1.6 GUD
By pressing VSK 1.4 Local LUD a list with local
user data will be displayed.

By pressing the VSK 1.6 GUD selection, depend-

ing on the softkeys pressed before VSK 1.2
Global GUD or VSK 1.3 Channel GUD a new
vertical softkey will be displayed.
Depending on the control configuration a additional
area (UGUD) can be selected.

SGUD: Definition of SIEMENS-system applications

MGUD: Definitions of machine builder applications.
UGUD: Definitions of user applications

By pressing the VSK 1.7 Search you can search

within all available lists for any user variable by en-
tering an arbitrary character string.

By pressing the VSK 1.8 Extend a new vertical

softkey bar (VSK 2) with different functions opens.

By pressing the VSK 2.1 Delete in the extended

vertical softkey bar you can delete R variables in a
defined range (from... to...) from the R variables
list. Deleting must be confirmed with the VSK 1.8
OK or aborted with the Cancel Softkey. Alterna-
tively you can delete all R variable with the VSK
Delete all.

By pressing VSK 2.8 Back you switch back to the

vertical softkey bar 1.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 47 B573

Section 8 User variables

8.3 Arithmetic parameters (R variables)

R variables (arithmetic parameters) are channel-specific variables that

can be used within a G code program.
G code programs can read and write R variables.

8.3.1 Selecting the function R variables

By pressing the VSK 1 R variables the following

window opens.

8.3.2 Displaying and editing R variables

1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator

panel and the yellow HSK 2 Parameter to open the
operating area Parameter.
Alternatively press the OFFSET-key on the key-
board to switch to the operating area Parameter

2. Press the HSK 6 User variable.

3. Press the VSK 1.1 R variables.

The R variables window opens

4. Enter the desired R variable value in the corre-

sponding R variable field.

B573 Page 48 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

User variables Section 8
8.3.3 Selecting the function Delete R variables

After pressing the VSK 2.7 Delete the following

Delete R variables window opens.

8.3.4 Deleting R variables

1 Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator

panel, then the HSK 2 Parameter to open the oper-
ating area Parameter. Alternatively press the
OFFSET-key on the keyboard.

2. Press the VSK 8 Extend.

The vertical softkey bar 2 opens.

3. Press the VSK 2.7 Delete.

4. Enter the range in which you want to delete R vari-

ables. Enter even numbers from the range 0 to 99.
Accept the selection by pressing the VSK 8 OK
or abort by pressing the VSK 7 Cancel.
The selected R variables will be deleted.

- OR -

5. Press the VSK 6 Delete all to reset all R variables

to 0 (zero). Accept your choice by pressing the VSK
8 OK or abort by pressing the VSK 7 Cancel.

All R variables will be reset to 0 (zero).

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 49 B573

Section 8 User variables

8.4 Global user data

Global GUD are NC global user data (Global User Data) which remain
available after switching the machine off. GUD apply in all programs.
A GUD variable can be defined through:
Keyword DEF
Range of validity NCK
Data type (INT, REAL, .)
Variable names
Value assignment (optional)
Example.: DEF NCK INT COUNTER1 = 10
GUD are defined in files with the extension *.DEF.

The following file names are reserved for this purpose:

File name Description
SGUD.DEF Definitions for system data (reserved)
MGUD.DEF Definitions for machine manufacturer data
UGUD.DEF Definitions for user data
GUD4.DEF - Definitions for user data

8.4.1 Selecting the function Global GUD

By pressing the VSK 1.2 Global GUD the following

window opens.

B573 Page 50 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

User variables Section 8
8.4.1 Displaying and editing global GUD

1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator

panel, then the HSK 2 Parameter to open the op-
erating area Parameter. Alternatively press the
OFFSET-key on the keyboard, to directly change
into the operation area Parameter.

2. Press the HSK 5 User variable.

3. Press the VSK 1.2 Global GUD.

4. The Global user variables window opens.

A list of the defined SGUD variables respectively

the data selected by VSK 6 GUD selection are dis-

-OR -

4. By pressing the VSK 6 "GUD selection" further

GUD data are available.

Please refer to the manufacturer's manual.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 51 B573

Section 8 User variables

8.5 Channel specific user data

Like the GUD, channel-specific user data are applicable in all programs for
each channel. However, unlike GUD, they have specific values.
A channel-specific GUD variable is defined with the following:
Keyword DEF
Range of validity CHAN
Data type
Variables names
Value assignment (optional)

Example: DEF CHAN REAL X_POS = 100.5

8.5.1 Selecting the function Channel GUD

After pressing the VSK 1.3 Channel GUD the fol-
lowing window opens.

8.5.2 Displaying and editing channel GUD

1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator

panel, then the HSK 2 Parameter to open the op-
erating area Parameter. Alternatively press the
OFFSET-key on the keyboard, to directly change
into the operation area Parameter.

2. Press the HSK 5 User variable.

3. Press the VSK 3 Channel GUD and the VSK 6

GUD selection to select the specific GUD area.

(See section 7.6 in this module)

B573 Page 52 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

User variables Section 8
8.6 Local user data
LUD are only valid in the program or subroutine in which they were de-
fined. The control displays the LUD after the start of program processing.
The display is available until the end of program processing.
A local user variable is defined with the following:
Keyword DEF
Data type
Variable names
Value assignment (optional)

8.6.1 Selecting the function Local LUD

After pressing the VSK 1.4 Local LUD a window

with all present local user variables opens.

8.6.2 Displaying local user data

1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator

panel, then the HSK 2 Parameter to open the op-
erating area Parameter. Alternatively press the
OFFSET-key on the keyboard, to directly change
into the operation area Parameter.
2. Press the VSK 6 User variable.

3. Press the VSK 1.4 Local LUD.

The window with the local user data opens.

If no local user data are defined the window stays

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 53 B573

Section 8 User variables

8.7 Search

You can search for R variables and user data directly.

8.7.1 Selecting the function Search

Pressing the VSK 1.7 Search opens the

Find R variables window.

8.7.2 Searching for R variables and user data.

1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator

panel, then the HSK 2 Parameter to open the op-
erating area Parameter. Alternatively press the
OFFSET-key on the keyboard, to directly change
into the operation area Parameter.

2. Press the VSK1.1 R variable, the VSK 1.2 Global

GUD, the VSK 1.3 Channel GUD or the VSK 1.4
Locale GUD to select the list in which you would
like to search for user data.

3. Press the VSK 1.7 Search.

The Find R variable or Find user variable
window opens.

4. Enter the desired search term in the orange marked

input field and press the VSK 8 OK to accept or
press the VSK 7 Cancel to abort the search.
The cursor is automatically positioned on the R vari-
able or user data you are searching for, if they exist.

B573 Page 54 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Setting data Section 9
With the function Setting data you have the option to install safety areas Notes
for the tool movement and to alter parameters for the spindle speed.

9.1 Selecting the function Setting data

By pressing the HSK 8 Setting data the Working

area limitation window will be displayed.

9.2 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1 Working area limit. the

working area limitation window opens, where you
can install safety zones for the tool movement.

By pressing the VSK 3 Spindle data the

Spindles window opens, where you can set
limitations for the Spindle speed.

By pressing the VSK 6 Data lists the window

Setting data list opens where you can select
predefined lists of setting dates.

Please refer to the machine manufacturer's docu-


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 55 B573

Section 9 Setting data

9.3 Working area limitation

The "Working area limitation" function can be used to limit the tool trav-
erse range in all channel axes (e.g. X1, Y1, Z1, C1, AWZ1, SP2 and Z2).
These commands allow you to set up protection zones in the working area
which are out of bounds for tool movements. In this way, you are able to
restrict the traversing range of the axes in addition to the limit switches.
By marking the checkbox active the safety area is activated.

9.3.1 Selecting the function Working area limitation

You can only make changes in "AUTO" operating mode when in the
RESET condition. These changes are then immediate.
You can make changes in "JOG" operating mode at any time. These
changes, however, only become active at the start of a new motion.

By pressing the VSK 1 Working area limit. the

Working area limitation window opens.

9.3.2 Specifying working area limitations

1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator panel, then the

HSK 2 Parameter to open the operating area Parameter. Alter-
natively press the OFFSET-key on the keyboard, to directly
change into the operation area Parameter.
2. Press the HSK 8 Setting data.
The Working area limitation window opens.
3. Place the cursor in the required field and enter the new values via
the numeric keyboard.
The upper or lower limit of the protection zone changes according
to your inputs.

4. Click the checkbox "active" to activate the protection zone.

B573 Page 56 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Setting data Section 9
9.4 Spindle data

The speed limits set for the spindles that must not be exceeded, are dis-
played in the "Spindles" window. You can limit the spindle speeds in the
fields "Minimum" and "Maximum" within the limit values defined in the
relevant machine data.
In the field "Spindle speed limitation for G96", the programmed spindle
speed limitation at constant cutting speed is displayed together with the
permanently active limitations. A additional limitation of the Spindle speed
with constant cutting speed can be entered. This speed limitation, for ex-
ample, prevents the spindle from accelerating to the max. spindle speed of
the current gear stage (G96) when performing tapping operations or ma-
chining very small diameters.

9.4.1 Selecting the function Spindle data

By pressing the VSK 3 Spindle data the

Spindles window opens.

9.4.2 Editing spindle data

1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator

panel, then the HSK 2 Parameter to open the op-
erating area Parameter. Alternatively press the
OFFSET-key on the keyboard, to directly change
into the operation area Parameter.
2. Press the HSK 8 Setting data.

3. Press the VSK 3 Spindle data

The Spindles window opens.
4. If you want to change the spindle speed, place the
cursor on the "Maximum", "Minimum", or "Spindle
speed limitation at G96" and enter a new value.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 57 B573

Section 10 Control Energy

Notes With the function Ctrl Energy you have the ability to see energy con-
sumed while control is at rest and in motion.

10.1 Selecting the function Ctrl Energy

By pressing the HSK 2.6 Ctrl Energy the

SINUMERIK Ctrl-Energy analysis window will be

10.2 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 5 Start measurement the

Settings measurement window opens, allowing
the operator to select a device to measure the en-
ergy used, and start the measurement. Once the
measurement has been started the same softkey
will allow the measurement to be Stopped.
By pressing the VSK 6 Graphic the graphics win-
dow opens, where you can look at the measured
devise characteristics.

By pressing the VSK 7 Reset the contents of the

Infeed, Energy recovery and Total columns are de-

B573 Page 58 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Control Energy Section 10
By pressing the VSK 5 Graphic the following softkeys in the vertical soft-
key bar open.

10.3 Vertical softkey bar Details

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 3 Save measurement the
usage values of the actual measurement are save
to a file

By pressing the VSK 4 Details will show the cur-

rent devise that has been measured..

By pressing the VSK 6 Saved messages all en-

tered offsets for the installed axis will be deleted
from the list.

By pressing the VSK 8 Back you switch back to

the Ctrl Energy table window.

10.3 Measuring and saving the energy consumption data.

1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator

panel, then the HSK 2 Parameter to open the op-
erating area Parameter. Alternatively press the
OFFSET-key on the keyboard, to directly change
into the operation area Parameter.

2. Press the VSK2.6 Ctrl Energy, the SINUMERIK

Ctrl-Energy analysis window will be displayed.

- Or -
press CTRL + E

3. Press the VSK 5 Start measurement softkey.

4. The selection box Setting measurement: Select de-

vice window is opened. Select the required device
in the list and press OK softkey.
The trace is started.

5. Press the VSK 5 Stop measurement softkey.

The measurement is ended.

6. Press the VSK 6 Graphic softkey to track the

measurement characteristics.

7. Press the VSK 3 Save measurement to save the

usage values of the actual measurement are save to
a file

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 59 B573

B573 Page 60 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate
B574 Operating area Program

1 Brief description

Objective of the module:

In this module you learn about the structure of the program editor in the operating area Program.

Description of the module:

The SINUMERIK Operate provides the opportunity to create NC-programs, and also to integrate
comfortably cycles into the program. These programs are created as G-code programs as per DIN
66025, however, elements of the high level language can be included.
This module shows the general structure of a G-code programs.

The creation of G-code programs is explained in detail in the following modules: B655 Programming
milling, B656 Programming contour milling , B657 Programming diverse functions , and B575
Operating area Program-Manger.


Structure of the program editor

Options in the editor

Screen elements and their meaning

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

B574 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate


Operating area Program: Description

Operating area
The SINUMERIK Operate provides the opportunity START
to create NC-programs, and also to integrate com-
fortably cycles into the program. These programs
are created as G-code programs as per DIN Structure of
66025, however, elements of the high level lan- the program
guage can be included. editor
This module shows the general structure of a G-
code programs.

The creation of G-code programs is explained in Options in the

detail in the following modules: B655 editor
Programming milling, B656 Programming con-
tour milling , B657 Programming diverse func-
tions , and B575 Operating area Program-
Manger. Screen
elements and
their meaning

Operating area


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 B574

Section 2 Structure of the program editor

2.1 Opening a program

Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator


The following screen of the Sinumerik Operate will be displayed. This ex-
ample shows the part program NC/WKS/DOKU/DIN_DRILLING_1.

Press the HSK 3 Program or the corresponding

key on the keyboard.

If a program is already loaded into the program edi-

tor, because it was processed or edited before, then
it opens immediately.

If no program was loaded before, then the program

manager opens first, giving you the opportunity to
select a program.
- OR-
Press the HSK 4 Program-Manager or the corre-
sponding key on the keyboard.

The program manager window opens with a view to

the directory structure of the NC-memory.

If the desired program is not on the NC-memory,

then you can switch over to a local drive by pressing
the HSK 2 Local drive or to an USB device (such
as an USB stick, or USB hard drive) by pressing the

See module B575 Operating area Program manager.

B574 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Structure of the program editor Section 2
2.2 The NC main memory
The memory structure shown in the picture below, with the 3 main directo-
Part programs
is always available on the NC, and does not have to be created.

1 Here you can see the free available main memory on the NC.
The memory can not be fully used. If less then 0,1 MB is
available, more memory should be freed by:
deleting unused programs
moving unused programs to another storage (e.g. memory stick).

Directories are displayed with a folder icon in the program manager
window and have the extension *.DIR (Directory) or *.WPD (work
piece directory).

Programs and data are displayed with a document icon.
Used file extensions:
*.WPD = Workpiece
*.MPF = Main program file
*.SPF = Sub program file
If the workpiece directory contains a part program with the same name as
the directory, this part program is automatically selected for machining
when the workpiece directory is selected. For example, with selecting the
workpiece POCKET.WPD the main program POCKET.MPF is selected
If an INI-file of the same name exists (e.g. POCKET.INI), it is executed
once at the start of the part program selected.
828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 B574
Section 2 Structure of the program editor

2.3 Navigation and program selection
Shown below is a directory tree of the opened NC-memory:

With the blue cursor up and the cursor down

keys the orange cursor is being positioned and you
can navigate through the directory tree in the pro-
gram manager window.
With the blue cursor to the right key you can
open a folder or subfolder and select and open a file.
In case of further subdirectories you can also extend
the directory tree with the cursor to the right.

Alternatively you can use the yellow INPUT key or

the VSK 1.3 Open, to load a selected program di-
rectly into the program editor window. A double click
with the mouse also opens the program file.

The VSK 1.1 Execute loads a selected program

into the main memory of the NC, ready for machin-

With the cursor to the left key on the keyboard

you can close the selected folders or subfolders and
step back one level higher in the directory hierarchy.

B574 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Structure of the program editor Section 2
2.4 The program editor
By pressing the yellow HSK 3 Program, or the cor-
responding key on the keyboard the program editor
window opens with the part program selected be-
fore, as long as the program was not closed explic-
itly with the VSK 2.7 Exit after editing.

Shown below is the opened program editor with a part program loaded:

With the editor you can go through the program more clearly and make
necessary changes by editing them.
Note: The maximum record length amounts to 512 characters.
The navigation in the editor window takes place with the blue cursor keys
on the keyboard.
NC blocks consist of the following components:
Commands (instructions) as per DIN 66025 (G-code programs)
Elements of the NC high-level language

If the editing of the program is finished, you can

take over all changes in the program code with
pressing the HSK 8 Execute. The program is taken
over and loaded to the machine. The screens
switches to the operating area Machine.

The program editor is described precisely in the module B600 and B604
Basics of programming.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 B574

Section 2 Structure of the program editor

3.1 Horizontal softkey bar:

In this section the general functions of programming with the

SINUMERIK Operate will be described.
More information is available in the corresponding modules.

By pressing the HSK 1 Edit. the following functions

can be used:
Select tool
Build group
See modules B600 and B604 - Programming.

By pressing the HSK 2 Drilling the following cycles

for drilling will be called up:
Drilling and Reaming
Deep hole drilling
Positions repetition
See modules B608 and B609 - Drilling.

By pressing the HSK 3 Milling the following cycles

for milling will be called up:
Face milling
Multi-edge spigot
Thread milling
See module B615 and B616 - Milling.

B574 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Options in the editor Section 3
By pressing the HSK 4 Cont. mill. the following
cycles for contour milling will be called up:
Path milling
Rough drill
Pocket residual material
Spigot residual material
See module B623 and B624 - Contour milling.
By pressing HSK 6 Various the following functions
will be called up:
See module B600 an B604 Basics of programming.

By pressing the HSK 7 Simulation the program

run and the machining of the workpiece can be
Different views on the simulated workpiece are avail-
Top view
3D view
Further views
Program control
Show tool path
Delete tool path
See module B600 an B604 Basics of programming.

Press the HSK 8 Execute to change over to the

operating area Machine and to start the machining
of the program.
See module B600 an B604 Basics of programming.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 B574

Section 4 Screen elements and their meaning

4.1 The Current block display screen

The following screen shows the actual machined program blocks.

1 Program name/Program path

2 Program code
3 Message bar

4.2 Help menu

By pressing the HELP-key on the CNC-keyboard,

the help window with the vertical softkey bar opens .
If there is a specific help item for the current cursor
position the corresponding help screen is shown.

B574 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Screen elements and their meaning Section 4
If there is no specific help available the following screen is shown:

A message box with the note No help available for appears. You can
close this box with VSK 8 OK and afterwards you can call a specific help
directly below the line Overview of Editor.

4.3 Vertical softkey bar of the help menu

Orange marked blocks will be taken over into the editor


Shows the complete table of contents

Shows all G-functions.

Opens a search mask for searching for help topics.

Enlarges the help window to full-screen.

Follows a reference to a help topic selected.

Returns to the table of content.

Closes the help window.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 11 B574

B574 Page 12 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate
B575 Operating area Program manager

1 Brief description
Objective of the module:

In this module you learn to handle programs and files in the program manager of the Sumerik Oper-

Description of the module:

All NC-Programs, which are created with the Sinumerik Operate, are stored in the NC-work memory.
These programs can be accessed via the program manager for:
The SINUMERIK Operate provides the following means of data transmission of NC-programs to
other storage media depending on the system components:
NC memory
Local drive memory
Its own hard disk (PCU 50.x)
Network connection
USB-storage (stick or drive)

The system components are described in the machine manufacturer documentation.


Selection and function of the program manager

Storage medium NC

Storage medium Local drive

Storage medium USB drive

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

B575 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate


Operating area Program Manager: Description

Operating area
Program Manager:
All NC-Programs, which are created with the Sinu- START
merik Operate, are stored in the NC-work mem-
These programs can be accessed via the program Selection and
manager for: function of the
execution manager
deletion Storage
medium NC
The SINUMERIK Operate provides the following
means of data transmission of NC-programs to
other storage media depending on the system
components: Storage me-
Its own hard disk (only with 840D sl and dium Local
PCU 50.x)
V.24-interface (with PCU 20 and PCU 50.2)
Floppy disk drive (only PCU 20 and PCU
50.2) Storage me-
PCMCIA Card (only PCU 20) dium USB
Network connection
USB-storage (stick or drive)
Operating area
Note: Program Manager:
The system components are described in the ma- END
chine manufacturer documentation.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 B575

Section 2 Selection and functions of the program manager

2.1 Selecting the function Program manager

The program manager can be selected as follows:

Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator


The following horizontal softkey bar of HMI sl will be displayed:

Press the HSK 4 Program manager to open the

program manager window.

- OR -
Press the PROGRAM MANAGER-key on the CNC
-keyboard to open the program manager window

The following functions and softkeys will be available in the horizontal soft-
key bar of the Sinumerik Operate.

2.2 Horizontal softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the HSK 1 NC all directories, folders

and files of the NC/Hard disc will be displayed in a
directory tree view in the program manager window.

By pressing the HSK 2 Local drive all programs

and directories on an allocated network drive or on
an allocated user memory on a CF-Card at the
NCU will be displayed. Prerequisite for this function
is that the "Additional 256 MB HMI user memory on
CF card of NCU" option is activated. For larger CF-
cards also more than 256 MB memory can be en-

By pressing the HSK 3 USB all programs and di-

rectories on an USB drive will be displayed in a di-
rectory tree view in the program manager window.
Programs created on an external PC can be copied
to an USB drive and transferred to the NC via the
USB interface where they can be processed further.
Direct processing from the USB flash drive is not
recommended. The text on the Softkey e.g USB
can also be replaced by a drive letter e.g. G.

Note: Refer to the documentation of the machine


B575 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Storage medium NC Section 3
3.1 Selecting the function NC Notes

By pressing the HSK 1 NC the program manager

opens .

The complete NC-memory is displayed along with all workpieces, the main
programs and subroutines.
The directories and programs are listed with the following information:
(For navigation in the directory structure refer to module B574 Operating
area Program, Section 2.3)
The name can contain up to 28 characters (24 characters for the name
+ dot + 3-character extension, e.g. MPF). Permissible characters in-
clude all upper-case letters (without accents), numbers, and under-
Type *.WPD Directory (Workpiece Directory)
Directory/ *.MPF Program (Main program File)
Programs *.SPF Subprogram (Subprogram File)
*.JOB Job list (Job list)
*.TOA Tool data (Tool Offset Active)
*.TMA Magazine (Tool/Magazine data)
*.UFR Zero points (User Frame)
*.RPA R-Parameter (R-Parameter Active)
*.GUD Definitions (Global User Data)
*.SEA Setting data (Setting data)
*.PRO Protection zone (Protection zones)
*.CEC Sag (Sag/angularity)
*.INI Initialization (Initializing Data)

The size of files of the selected directory is displayed in byte.
Date and time of file creation or last change

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 B575

Section 3 Storage medium NC

Notes 3.2 Vertical softkey bar 1

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1.1 Execute you can select
a program and change over to the operating area
Machine in order to start machining the selected

By pressing the VSK 1.2 New you can create a

new directory. In the selected directory you can cre-
ate a new ShopMill- or a programGUIDE-program .
(See section 3.4 in this module)

By pressing the VSK 1.3 Open the selected pro-

gram (marked with an orange cursor) will be
Alternatively you can also press the yellow
INPUT-key on the keyboard or the blue cursor to
the right-key to open a program.

By pressing the VSK 1.4 Mark several programs

or directories can be marked for copying or cutting.
(See section 3.5 in this module)

By pressing the VSK 1.5 Copy one or several pro-

grams or directories can be copied.
(See section 3.6 in this module)

By pressing the VSK 1.6 Paste the copied pro-

gram(s) or directorie(s) are inserted into the se-
lected place in the directory tree of the NC, of a lo-
cal drive or an USB drive.
(See section 3.6 in this module)

By pressing the VSK 1.7 Cut one to several pro-

grams or directories can be cut out and inserted
somewhere else on a location in the directory tree
of the NC, a local drive or on an external USB drive.
(See section 3.7 in this module)

By pressing the VSK 8 Extend the extended verti-

cal softkey bar 2 with new functions will be dis-

Files can not be copied under the same name into the same directory.
The files are to be renamed.

B575 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Storage medium NC Section 3
3.3 Vertical softkey bar 2 Notes

Display area Description (continuation)

By pressing the VSK 2.1 Archive a new vertical
softkey bar is opened (see section 3.10 Archives)

By pressing the VSK 2.2 Preview window a sub

window opens below the file browser window, with
a preview of the program code of the selected pro-
gram (see picture in section 3.9).

By pressing the VSK 2.3 Search you can search

for File name, using the Vertical softkeys.

By pressing the VSK 2.5 Multiple clamping you

can optimize tool changes over several workpiece
clamping (see section 3.9).

By pressing the VSK 2.6 Properties the

Properties of ... input mask opens where you can:
View program path and modify the program
View the time and date of creation.
View the time and date of last changing of the
program or folder.
User rights for execution, writing, listing and
reading of files and folders.
(See section 3.11 Properties)

By pressing the VSK 2.7 Delete the program or

folder marked with the cursor will be deleted.

(See section 3.8)

By pressing the VSK 2.8 Back on the operator

panel (OP) you switch back to the vertical softkey
bar 1.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 B575

Section 3 Storage medium NC

Notes 3.4 Starting a new NC-program

Press the VSK 1.2 New to start a new G-code

program or workpiece. Depending on the cursor
position the following input masks open.

If the cursor is placed on the folder for part programs or subprograms,

then a new G-code program of the type *.MPF (for part programs) or
*.SPF (for subprograms) is created by pressing the VSK 1.2 New.
In the name field of the input mask, a name for the program with a maxi-
mum of 28 characters (name + point + extension) has to be entered.
Cursor is positioned on the directory (DIR):
With the VSK 2.1 Directory you can create a new Workpiece di-
rectory (WPD).

Cursor is positioned on or in the workpiece directory (WPD):

Press the VSK 2.3 ShopMill to create a new sequential program.

Press the VSK 2.4 programGUIDE G-code to create a new

G code program. In this case you select between a
main program (MPF) or a subprogram (SPF).

B575 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Storage medium NC Section 3
You can create a program of any type in every directory or subdirec-
tory by pressing the VSK 5 Any. However in the area local drive
and USB this does not apply. Only in the area NC you can create
a program of different types (see the type list below).

After pressing the VSK 1.2 New the following functions in the vertical
softkey bar are available.

3.4.1 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 2 Directory you can create

a new workpiece of the type *.WPD (Workpiece di-
The current cursor position determines the folder
where the workpiece is created.
The New workpiece window opens.
Note: The softkey is only available if the HSK 1
NC was selected before.

By pressing the VSK 2.3 ShopMill a new sequen-

tial program will be created.

By pressing the VSK 2.4 programGUIDE G code,

a new main program or subprogram will be created,
depending on the program type selected in the in-
put mask.

By pressing the VSK 2.6 Any an arbitrary pro-

gram depending on the file type can be created
(see the picture above).

By pressing the VSK 2.7 Cancel the actual selec-

tion will be discarded and the window closed.

By pressing the VSK 2.8 OK or pressing the

INPUT-key on the keyboard the entered values or
selection made will be accepted and the window

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 B575

Section 3 Storage medium NC

Notes 3.4.2 Parameters for New workpiece

Parameter Meaning
Type: Program type:
WPD Workpiece directory

Name Program name:

The program name can only consist of a maximum
number of 28 characters (Name + dot + 3-character
extension, e.g. *.WPD).
Permissible characters include all upper-case letters
(without accents), numbers, and underscores (_).

3.4.3 Parameters for New G code program

Parameter Meaning
Type: Program type:
MPF Program (Main program file)
SPF Subprogram (Subprogram file)

Name Program name

(see section 3.4.2 above)

3.4.4 Parameters for Any new program

Parameter Meaning
Template If templates are available, they are shown and select-

Type: Program type:

JOB Job list
TOA Tool data
TMA Magazine assignment
UFR Zero points
RPA R-Variable
GUD Definitions
SEA Setting data
PRO Protection zones
CEC Sag compensation
INI Initialization program

Name Program name (see section 3.4.2)

B575 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Storage medium NC Section 3
3.5 Marking directories / NC-programs Notes

First open the desired directory in the program manager, like described in
sections 2.1 and 3.1.
1. Place the cursor with the blue cursor down-key
on the first program or folder that you want to mark.

2. Press the VSK 4 Mark.

The program or directory selected with the orange
cursor is marked.
3. Mark more NC-programs or directories by pressing
the blue cursor down-key.
All selected files or directories are marked grey.

Thereafter, the marked NC-programs can stored to the clipboard of the

PCU by pressing the VSK 5 Copy or the VSK 7 Cut .
The programs stored to the clipboard can then be:
Copied in a different directory or to a different storage device
Deleted from a directory (cut) and pasted into a different directory or
storage device.

Tip 1:
To shortcut the marking process place the cursor on the first program or
directory you want to copy.
Now press the SHIFT-key on the keyboard, hold it pressed and move
the cursor with the blue cursor down key to the last program or directory
you want to copy. Release the SHIFT-key.
The files are now marked.
Tip 2:
If you only want to mark a single program or directory place the cursor on
the file and press the blue SELECT-key on the keyboard.
The single file is now selected.

Go on with copying, cutting or deleting, like described next.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 11 B575
Section 3 Storage medium NC

Notes 3.6 Copying and pasting directories / NC- programs

First open the desired directory in the program manager, like described in
section 2.1 and 3.1 in this module.
1. Move the cursor with the blue cursor keys to the directory or
file which you want to copy. If you want to copy more then
one program or directory, mark them first with the VSK 4
Mark (see section 3.5).
2. Press the VSK 5 Copy.
3. If the program is to be copied into another directory on the
NC, move the cursor with the cursor to the left-key to the
next higher level of the directory tree.
4. Select the new directory where you want to copy the data with
the cursor up and cursor down-key and open the direc-
tory by pressing the cursor to the right or the yellow INPUT-
key on the keyboard.
5. Alternatively you can select another storage medium e.g. local
drive or USB drive on the horizontal softkey bar.
6. By pressing the VSK 6 Paste the program or directory can
be inserted into the selected location.
Accept with pressing the VSK 8 OK or abort with pressing
the VSK 7 Cancel.
The original file remains.
Tip 3:
To shortcut the copying process place the cursor on the program or di-
rectory you want to copy and press the CTRL + C keys on the keyboard
at the same time. In order to paste the file to another location move the
cursor to that location and press CTRL + V at the same time.

3.7 Cutting out directories / NC-programs

First open the desired directory in the program manager, like described in
section 2.1 and 3.1 in this module.
1. Move the cursor with the blue cursor keys to the directory or
file which you want to cut out. If you want to cut out more then
one program or directory, mark them first with the VSK 4
Mark (see section 3.5).
2. Press the VSK 7 Cut.
In the message line the message 1 element has been cut. It
can now be pasted will be displayed.
3. If the program or directory is to be moved to another directory
on the NC, move the cursor with the cursor to the left-key to
the next higher level of the directory tree.
4. Select the new directory with the cursor up and cursor
down-key where you want to insert the data and open the
directory by pressing the cursor to the right or the yellow
INPUT-key on the keyboard.
5. Alternatively you can select another storage medium (e.g.
USB stick) on the horizontal softkey bar.
Tip 4:
To shortcut the cutting out of a program or directory place the cursor on
the selected file and press the CTRL + X keys at the same time.

B575 Page 12 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Storage medium NC Section 3
Press the VSK 6 Paste to insert the clipped data to the direc- Notes
tory or storage location of your choice. Accept your selection by
pressing the VSK 8 OK or abort with pressing the VSK 7
Cancel. The source file or directory will be deleted.

3.8 Deleting directories / NC-programs

1. Move the cursor with the blue cursor keys to the directory or file
which you want to copy. If you want to copy more then one pro-
gram or directory, mark them first with the VSK 4 Mark (see
section 3.5).
2. Press the VSK 2.7 Delete in the extended vertical softkey bar
2. Accept the deletion process with pressing the VSK 8 OK or
abort with pressing the VSK 7 Cancel.
The selected program or directory will be deleted.
3.9 Opening a preview window

1. Press the VSK 2.2 Preview window in the extended VSK-bar.

The preview sub window opens directly below the program man-
ager window.
2. Use the blue cursor keys to navigate to the program you want to
preview. The program code of the selected program is now dis-
played in the preview window.

3. To deselect the function press the VSK 2.2 Preview window

The preview window disappears.

Note: You cannot edit program code in the preview window.

Tip 5: Press the NEXT WINDOW-key on the keyboard to activate the pre-
view window. Now you can navigate freely through the program code by us-
ing the blue cursor keys.
Tip 6: The preview window stays active, even if you switch back to the verti-
cal softkey bar 1, in order to copy or cut a program or directory.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 13 B575

Section 3 Storage medium NC

3.10 Generating archive files of programs and directories

3.10.1 Vertical softkey bar

Pressing the VSK 2.1 Archive in the extended

VSK-bar, will open the next vertical softkey bar.
After pressing the VSK 3.1 Generate archive the
following input mask appears to select the storage

With the VSK 3.7 Back you can go back to the pre-
vious vertical softkey bar.

Afterwards the storage location is selected the next

mask appears to enter the name of the archive file.

Pressing the VSK 4.2 New directory will open an

input mask New directory, where you can define a
new directory at the selected cursor position.
Pressing the VSK 4.7 Cancel will abort the gener-
ating of archive files and the first vertical softkey bar
is selected.
Pressing the VSK 4.0 OK will start generating the
archive file.

B575 Page 14 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Storage medium NC Section 3
3.11 Multiple clamping

By pressing the VSK 2.5 Multiple clamping you

can optimize tool changes over several workpiece

Parameters Meaning
Number of clamp- Total number of workpieces being machined..
First work offset: Choose the first work offset to be used for multiple

Name: Name of the new program with optimized tool clamp-

ing over several workpiece clamping.

By pressing the VSK 8 OK all parameters and

names will be accepted.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 15 B575

Section 3 Storage medium NC

3.11 Multiple clamping continued

By pressing the VSK 2.1 Select program you can

choose the programs for optimizing tool changes
over several workpiece clamping.

By pressing the VSK 2.3 Search you can search

for File name, using the Vertical softkeys.

By pressing the VSK 2.6 On all clampings you

can apply the same file name to all clamping.

By pressing the VSK 2.5 Delete entry you can de-

lete the file name that the curser has highlighted .

By pressing the VSK 2.6 Delete all you can delete

all file names for each clamping name.

B575 Page 16 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Storage medium NC Section 3
3.11 Multiple clamping continued
By pressing the VSK 8 OK all parameters and
names will be accepted.

The multiple clamping program is then calculated.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 17 B575

Section 3 Storage medium NC

3.12 Properties of programs and directories

By pressing the VSK 2.6 Properties in the ex-

tended vertical softkey bar depending on the cursor
position and the selected program (here TEST.MPF)
the properties of ....-window with security options
for the selected program or directory opens.

Note: You can change the program name and the


Parameters Meaning

Path and name: Program path and Program name;

The program with the name TEST1.MPF is located
in the folder NC/Workpieces/DOKU.

Created: Date and time of creation:

On the right side of the field Created: Date and
time of creation are displayed here.

Changed: Date and time change:

On the right side of the field Changed: Date and
time since the last edit of the program are displayed.
Rights: User rights for executing, writing, listing and reading
of a program or directory.
7 protection levels are possible (level 1 highest pro-
tection level, level 7 the lowest).
Protection level 1 Manufacturer Protected by password
Protection level 2 Service Protected by password
Protection level 3 User Protected by password
Protection level 4 Programmer Key switch 3
Protection level 5 Qualified worker Key switch 2
Protection level 6 Skilled worker Key switch 1
Protection level 7 Semi skilled worker Key switch 0

B575 Page 18 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Storage medium NC Section 4
4.1 Selecting the function Local drive Notes

By pressing the HSK 2 Local drive the program

manager shows the directory structure of the local

A complete listing of all folders and files of the local drive is shown in the
program manager window. For a description of the information of name,
type, length and date/time displayed in this window, see section 3.1.

4.2 Vertical softkey bar

The full functionality available under the NC program manager window is

available by pressing the HSK 2 local drive or HSK 3 USB (see sec-
tion 3 in this module).
Additional, here you can create a new directory by pressing the VSK 1
By pressing the VSK 1 Directory the New direc-
tory input mask opens where you can create a new
directory on the local drive.
Enter a name for the new directory and accept with
pressing the VSK 8 OK, or abort with the VSK 7

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 19 B575

Section 5 Storage medium USB drive

5.1 Selecting the function USB

By pressing the HSK 3 USB the following direc-

tory tree of the USB drive is displayed.

A complete listing of all folders and files of the USB drive is shown in the
program manager window. For a description of the information displayed in
this window, see section 3.1.

5.2 Vertical softkey bar

The full functionality available under the NC program manager window is

available by pressing the HSK 2 local drive or HSK 3 USB (see sec-
tion 3 in this module).

B575 Page 20 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

B576 Operating area Diagnostics

1 Brief description
Objectives of the module:

With this module you learn to recognize and understand the alarms and messages that can occur
during the operation of the machine.
Furthermore you learn to correct the problems indicated by alarm messages.

Description of the module:

Faulty states which can occur during operation are shown in an alarm list on the Sinumerik Operate.
If necessary the operation is interrupted, depending on the kind of error. The operator can acknowl-
edge alarms or delete them. Messages give hints to certain behaviour patterns of cycles and to the
machining progress. Generally they are displayed during a processing stage or at the end of a cycle.
All present alarms and messages are shown in a sequential order of appearance in a alarm protocol.


Selection and function of the operating area Diagnostics

Displaying and handling alarms

Displaying messages

Alarm log

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

B576 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate


Operating area Diagnostics: Description

Operating area
Faulty states which can occur during operation are START
shown in an alarm list on the Sinumerik Operate.
If necessary the operation is interrupted, depend-
ing on the kind of error. The operator can acknowl- Selection and
edge alarms or delete them. Messages give hints function of the
to certain behaviour patterns of cycles and to the operating area
machining progress. Generally they are displayed
during a processing stage or at the end of a cycle.
All present alarms and messages are shown in a
sequential order of appearance in a alarm proto- Displaying
and handling
col. alarms


Alarm log

Operating area


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 B576

Section 2 Selection and function of the operating area Diagnostics

2.1 Selecting the operating area Diagnostics

The operating area Diagnostics can be selected as follows:

Press the ALARM-key on the CNC-Keyboard.

The operating area Diagnostics opens
- OR -
Press the MENU SELECT-key on the CNC-

The following horizontal softkey bar opens on the Sinumerik Operate.

Press the HSK 5 Diagnostics to open the operat-

ing area Diagnostics.

The following softkeys and functions are available in the horizontal soft-
key bar of the operating area Diagnostics.

2.2 Horizontal softkey bar 1 (HSK)

Display area Description

By pressing the HSK 1.1 Alarm list the Alarms-
window opens.
See section 3 Alarm list.

By pressing the HSK 1.2 Messages the

Messages -window opens and PLC or program
massages are being displayed.
See section 4 Messages.

By pressing the HSK 1.3 Alarm log a protocol list

with all alarms and messages opened so far, are
being displayed.
See section 5 Alarm log.

By pressing the HSK 1.4 NC/PLC variab. a win-

dow opens where you can observe and modify PLC
memory locations and NC system variables.
This function is described in the commissioning
manual of the Sinumerik Operate.

By pressing the HSK 1.6 Remote diag. a window

opens where you can make the settings for remote
diagnostics (RCS).
This function is described in the commissioning
manual of the Sinumerik Operate.

B576 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Selection and function of the operating area Diagnostics Section 2
By pressing the HSK 1.8 Version als software
components with their version information will be
This function is described in the commissioning
manual of the Sinumerik Operate.

2.3 Horizontal softkey bar 2 (HSK)

Display area Description

By pressing the HSK 2.1 BUS TCP/IP in the ex-
tended horizontal softkey bar, the profibus status
for diagnostic purposes during the configuration or
when errors occur will be displayed.
This function is described in the commissioning
manual of the Sinumerik Operate.

By pressing the HSK 2.2 Axis diag. in the ex-

tended horizontal softkey bar the Service over-
view-window opens.
This function is described in the commissioning
manual of the Sinumerik Operate.
By pressing the HSK 2.3 Safety in the extended
horizontal softkey bar the Trace window opens.
This function is described in the commissioning
manual of the Sinumerik Operate.
By pressing the HSK 2.4 Trace in the extended
horizontal softkey bar the Safety integrated status-
window opens.
This function is described in the commissioning
manual of the Sinumerik Operate.
By pressing the HSK 2.7 System utiliz. in the ex-
tended horizontal softkey bar, the System utiliza-
tion-window opens where the system resources for
the NC areas are shown.
This function is described in the commissioning
manual of the Sinumerik Operate.

By pressing the HSK 2.8 Drive system in the ex-

tended horizontal softkey bar the Overview for the
drive states-window opens.
This function is described in the commissioning
manual of the Sinumerik Operate.

By pressing the HSK 3.1 PB/PN diag. in the ex-

tended horizontal softkey bar the PROFIBU PRO-
FINET diagnostics-window opens.
This function is described in the commissioning
manual of the Sinumerik Operate.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 B576

Section 3 Displaying and handling alarms

Notes 3.1 Selecting the function Alarm list

Press the HSK 1.1 Alarm list to open the

Alarms-window like displayed below. All present
alarms are displayed here and can be acknowl-

If faulty conditions are recognized in the operation of the machine, then an

alarm will be generated and, if necessary, the machining will be inter-
rupted. The error text that is displayed together with the alarm number
gives you more detailed information on the error cause.
Date and time
- If a faulty condition is determined in the control, the system
time (hh:mm:ss) and system date (TT.MM.YY) is monitored
and displayed in a list. The date is above the clock time.
Clearing criterion
- For every alarm an icon shows the key that has to be pressed on the
keyboard to clear the alarm (here the ALARM CANCEL -Taste auf
dem Keyboard).
Alarm number
- The alarms are displayed with an alarm number, in sequence of their
Alarm text
- The alarm text describes the error in short words.

Please check the situation in the plant on the basis of the description of the
active alarm(s). Eliminate the cause/s of the alarm/s and acknowledge it/
them as instructed. Failure to observe this warning will place your ma-
chine, workpiece, stored settings and eventually even your own safety at

B576 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Displaying and handling alarms Section 3
3.2 Vertical softkey bar
Press the HSK 1.1 Alarm list and select the Alarm with the blue cursor
key on the keyboard. Press the following vertical softkeys shown in the
VSK-bar to delete or acknowledge the Alarm.

Display area Description

Press the VSK 1 Delete HMI alarm to delete a
marked alarm.

Press the VSK 2 Acknowl. alarm to delete a PLC
alarm of the SQ type (Alarm numbers starting from

The softkeys are activated when the cursor is placed on the correspond-
ing alarm.
By pressing the VSK 3 Sort you can sort the
alarms in the alarm list according to the following

Press the VSK 6 Hide SI alarms all posted SI

alarms will be hidden.

3.3 Acknowledgement symbols

Symbol Instruction

Turn the unit off and back on (main switch), or press

Press the RESET-key.

Press the ALARM CANCEL"-key.

Press the Acknowl. HMI alarm-key.

Press the key provided by the manufacturer.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 B576

Section 3 Displaying and handling alarms

3.4 Deleting or acknowledging an alarm

1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the CNC-

keyboard and the yellow HSK 5 Diagnostics.
Alternatively press the ALARM-key on the CNC-
The operating area Diagnostics opens.
2. Press the VSK 1.1 Alarm list to open the Alarms-
3. Navigate the cursor with the blue cursor keys to the
corresponding alarm.
4. Press the corresponding key on the keyboard that is
displayed in the alarm line.
- OR -
4. Press the VSK 1 Delete HMI alarm to cancel a
HMI alarm.
- OR -
4. Press the VSK 2 Acknowl. Alarm to delete a PLC
alarm of the SQ type (alarm number as of 800000).
The alarms are now deleted.

B576 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Displaying messages Section 4
4.1 Selecting the function Messages Notes

By pressing the HSK 1.2 Messages the

Messages-window opens, showing PLC and part
program messages during machining.

PLC and part program messages may be issued during machining.

Messages provide information with regard to a certain behaviour of the cy-
cles and with regard to the progress of machining and are usually kept be-
yond a machining step or until the end of the cycle.
Date and time
- On the occurrence of the message,
the actual system time (hh:mm:ss) and system date (TT.MM.YY)
are displayed in this list. The date is above the clock time.
- Message number only displayed for PLC messages.
- Message text in short words.

These message will not interrupt the program execution.
4.2 Vertical softkey bar
Press the HSK 1.2 Messages. Press the following vertical softkey
shown in the VSK-bar to sort the messages.
Display area Description
By pressing the VSK 3 Sort you can sort the
alarms in the alarm list according to the following
828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 B576
Section 5 Alarm log

Notes 5.1 Selecting the function Alarm log

By pressing the HSK 1.3 Alarm log the following

Alarm log-screen will be displayed.

A maximum of up to 32000 alarm messages can be displayed in the

Alarm log window.
They are shown chronological ordered with the following parameters:
- If the alarm message is raised, the actual system
time (hh:mm:ss) and system date (TT.MM.YY) is
displayed in a list. The date is above the clock time.
- If the alarm message is cleared, the actual system
time (hh:mm:ss) and system date (TT.MM.YY) is
displayed in a list. The date is above the clock time.
- In this column the alarm number or massage is being output .
- In this column a short description of the alarm or massage is being

These message will not interrupt the program execution.

B576 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Alarm log Section 5
5.2 Vertical softkey bar Notes

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1 Display new the actual
alarm log list will be updated.

By pressing the VSK 3 Sort you can sort the

alarms in the alarm list according to the following

By pressing the VSK 6 Settings the Settings

input mask opens, where you can limit the numbers
of entries in the log list and decide to write the log
into a file on the control.

By pressing the VSK 7 Save log the actual alarm

log is saved as a text file.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 11 B576

Section 5 Alarm log

Notes 5.3 Showing and saving alarm logs

1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator

panel and then the yellow horizontal softkey 5
Diagnostics. Alternatively you can press the
Alarm-key on the keyboard.
The operating area Diagnostics opens.
2. Press the VSK 3 Alarm-log..
The Alarm log window opens with the correspond-
ing vertical softkey bar.
3. Press the VSK 1 Display new to update the log
- OR -
3. Press the VSK 2 Settings to open the Settings-
input mask. In the Number of entries-field enter
values for the maximum number of entries
(maximum 32000) that shall be displayed in the log
window and in the Write mode file select:
off, if the changes are not to be written to a file.
At every event, if every change is to be written
to a file.
Time-controlled if the file is to be overwritten
after a particular time period. A new option field
opens where you can insert the write interval in
Accept your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 OK or
abort with pressing the VSK 7 Cancel.
- OR -
3. Press the VSK 7 Store log to save the log directly
to the file:
on the on the control.

B576 Page 12 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

B577 Operating area Setup

1 Brief description
Objective of the module:

In this module you learn to adjust the operating interface of the Sinumerik Operate to your local lan-
guage and to set the password and the key-switches.

Description of the module:

The user interface is adjustable to the most common global languages English, French, German, Ital-
ian, simplified Chinese and Spanish, which you can select from a list.
Furthermore you can adjust the functionality of the user interface and so the functionality of the con-
trol to different levels of user groups, which allows different user groups different operations on the
machine, depending on their knowledge and education. This can be done by passwords and key


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

B577 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate


Operating area Setup: Description

Operating area
The user interface is adjustable to the most com- START
mon global languages English, French, German,
Italian, simplified Chinese and Spanish, which you
can select from a list.
Furthermore you can adjust the functionality of the
user interface and so the functionality of the con-
trol to different levels of user groups, which allows
different user groups different operations on the
machine, depending on their knowledge and edu- Operating area
cation. This can be done by passwords and key


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 B577

Section 2 Setup

2.1 Selecting the operating area Setup

The operating area Setup can be selected as follows:

Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator

The following horizontal softkey bar of the Sinumerik Operate is displayed.

Press the HSK 6 Setup, to open the window for


The Machine configuration window opens.

2.2 Horizontal softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the HSK 1 Mach. data the General
MD-window opens.
The display of the machine data or drive mecha-
nism depend on the configuration of the control.
The access rights to the machine data are re-
stricted by the position of key switches or pass-
This function is described in the commissioning
manual of the Sinumerik Operate.

By pressing the HSK 2 NC the NC - machine

configuration data-window opens.
This function is described in the commissioning
manual of the Sinumerik Operate.

B577 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Setup Section 2
2.2 Horizontal softkey bar (continued)

Display area Description

By pressing the HSK 5 HMI the HMI data-
window opens.
The display of the HMI data depend on the configu-
ration of the control.
The access rights to the HMI data are restricted by
the position of key switches or passwords.

This function is described in the commissioning

manual of the Sinumerik Operate.

By pressing the HSK 6 System data the System

data-window opens.
The display of the system data depend on the con-
figuration of the control.
The access rights to the system data are restricted
by the position of key switches or passwords.

This function is described in the commissioning

manual of the Sinumerik Operate.

2.3 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 3 Change language you
can adjust the user interface language to the lan-
guage of your choice.
By pressing the VSK 6 Password the VSK 1 Set
password becomes active. You can switch to dif-
ferent protection levels of the control by using differ-
ent passwords.

By pressing the VSK 7 Details you can view de-

tails of the axis that is highlighted by orange cursor.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 B577

Section 2 Setup

Notes 2.4 Selecting the function Change language

By pressing the VSK 3 Change language the

Language selection-window opens.

2.5 Changing the user language

1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator
The yellow horizontal softkey bar opens.
2. Press the HSK 6 Start-up.
3 Press the VSK 3 Change language
The Language selection window opens.
4 Move the orange cursor over the language field of
your choice, by using the blue cursor keys.
Accept your selection by pressing the VSK 8 OK
or abort with pressing the VSK 7 Cancel.
The Sinumerik changes the user interface language
to the language of your choice.
You can change the user language of the interface directly at any time by
pressing the CTRL + L key on the keyboard simultaneously.

B577 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Setup Section 2
2.6 Selecting the function Password Notes

The access to programs, data and functions is restricted user-oriented by

8 hierarchical protection levels.
They are separated into:
4 password levels for system, machine manufacturer, commissioner,
and user
4 key-switch positions for the end user
There are the protection levels 0 - 7, where 0 is the highest and 7 is the
lowest level.
By pressing the VSK 6 Password and VSK 1 Set
password an input mask opens where you can set
a new protection level by entering a password.

2.7 Changing the protection level via password

1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator

The yellow horizontal softkey bar opens.
2. Press the HSK 6 Start-up.
3. Press the VSK 6 Password.
4. Press the VSK 1 Set password.
The Define password input mask opens.
5. Enter the password in the orange marked input field
and accept with pressing the VSK 8 OK or abort
with pressing the VSK 7 Cancel.

The additional softkeys and functions Set pass-
word and Change password are only accessible
at a higher protection level.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 B577

B577 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate
B604 Basics of programming with the program-

1 Brief description

Objective of the module:

Working with this module you will learn the concept of the G code programming with help of the pro-
gramGUIDE under ShopMill .

Description of the module:

This module explains the general program structure of a ShopMill G code program, programmed with
the programGUIDE. Furthermore the functions of the Editor are described, as well as the functions
Various , Simulation and NC-Execute.



Creating G-code programs




NC Execute

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

B604 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Basics of the Programming with the program-
GUIDE: Description Basics with
This module explains the general program struc-
ture of a ShopMill G code program, programmed
with the programGUIDE. Furthermore the func-
tions of the Editor are described, as well as the Basics
functions Various , Simulation and NC-





NC Execute

Basics with


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 B604

Section 2 Basics

2. 1 G code programming with ShopMill

ShopMill offers beside the manual operation area, also the possibility, to
create a NC-program on the control. These programs can be chained
sequential programs, G code programs or a mixture of both.

If you do not want to program with the ShopMill functionality, you can
generate G code programs with G code commands in the ShopMill user
interface. G code commands can be programmed as per DIN 66025.
The creation of chained sequential programs is discussed in detail in the
module -B600 Basics of programming with ShopMill.

With the G code programming in ShopMill, with the programGUIDE, pa-

rameter masks guide you in the process of measuring, the programming of
contours, as well as drilling and milling cycles.
From within the parameter masks, G code will be generated, which can
also be translated back into the parameter masks.
The following functions support the programming of G code programs:

Technology oriented program step selection (cycles) using softkeys

Input masks and -windows for parameters, with animated help graphics
Context sensitive online help for every input mask and window
Comfortable definition of the blank
Support for the contour input (geometric processor)

G code programs can be represented in different views:

As a work plan showing the call up of the tool, path commands, revolu-
tion settings, spindle data, feed, cycle calls, the program end, etc.

B604 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Basics Section 2
As a parameter mask, with 3-D help pictures and animation during pa-
rameter input, with the VSK 2 Graphic view deactivated.

As a parameter mask with an outline drawing during parameter input,

with the VSK 2 Graphic view activated.

The animated help pictures are displayed always in the correct position to
the adjusted coordinate system.
The parameters are dynamically displayed into the graphic and are high-
lighted in a different colour.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 B604

Section 2 Basics

2.2 General program structure

In general, a G code program can be programmed freely.

For a good legibility however, the following structure is recommended:

Zero point selection, plane selection, absolute dimensioning
Blank attribution for the simulation
Tool call-up and tool change
Technology data, path commands
Programming of the technologies (cycles)
Program end



B604 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Basics Section 2
2.3 Standard commands in the G code Editor

Unlike in a program with ShopMill functionality, the following G-code com-

mands are programmed through graphically supported parameter masks,
where as in the programGUIDE G-code editor they have to be specifically
typed into the editor.
Note: Unnamed G commands are freely selectable. The documentation by
the machine manufacturer must be observed.
Command Meaning

G 00 Rapid traverse command

G 01 Linear interpolation (Feed motion)
G 02 Circular interpolation clockwise
G 03 Circular interpolation anti-clockwise
G 04 Dwell time: additional parameters F or S are required
G 17 Plane selection XY
G 18 Plane selection ZX
G 19 Plane selection YZ
G 54 - G 57 Selection of the zero points
Note: More zero points may be available.
The documentation by the machine manufacturer must be
G 90 Absolute dimensions
G 91 Incremental dimensions

The following standard M commands are available in the G code editor.

Unnamed M-commands are freely selectable.
The documentation by the machine manufacturer must be observed.
Command Meaning

M00 Programmed Halt

M01 Optional Stop, see also M00
M02 End of Program
M03 Spindle Start clockwise
M04 Spindle Start anti-clockwise
M05 Spindle Stop
M06 Tool change
M08 Coolant ON
M09 Coolant OFF
M19 Defined spindle stop
M30 End of Program (see also M02)

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 B604

Section 2 Basics

The following standard other commands are available in the G code edi-
The documentation by the machine manufacturer must be observed.

Command Meaning

T Tool call-up (Tool)

S Speed (Speed)
F Feed rate (Feed)

2.4 Navigation in the editor window

For a fast and comfortable navigation within a G code program and the
parameter masks you can use the blue cursor keys.

With the blue cursor-up-key on the keyboard you

can navigate upwards in the program editor and the
parameter masks.

With the blue cursor-down-key on the keyboard

you can navigate downwards in the program editor
and the parameter masks.

The arrow symbol (extend symbol) on the right side

of a cycle or workpiece line in the editor window
indicates that you can enter the parameter input
mask by pressing the cursor-to-the-right-key
(see picture below).

The cursor-to-the-right-key opens the parameter

mask of the corresponding program block.

The cursor-to-the-left-key closes the parameter

mask for the cycle or workpiece settings and brings
you back to the editor window, displaying the G
code program.

B604 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Creating G code programs Section 3
3.1 Creating a new G code program or opening an existing one

A new G code program can be created from the operating modes JOG,
MDA and AUTO as follows:
Press the Program Manager-key on the keyboard.
The program manager for creating and administering
programs opens directly.
See module B575 - Operating area Program Manager.

- OR -
Press the MENU SELECT key on the operator panel
Press the yellow HSK 1.4 Program Manager.
The program manager for creating new programs
and administering existing programs opens.

- THEN -
Select a storage drive (by pressing the horizontal soft-
key NC, Local drive or USB) where you want to cre-
ate the program.
Move the orange cursor with the blue cursor-keys to the
directory of your choice.
For the navigation process refer to the modules B566 -
Operating elements or B575 - Operating area Pro-
gram Manager.

Press the VSK 2 New.

The vertical softkey bar with functions for creating new
programs opens.
Press the VSK 3 programGUIDE G code, to open the
input mask for creating a new ShopMill G code program.
Here you can create a new main program

or a new subprogram.

Enter a name for the program and confirm your input by

pressing the VSK 8 OK, or abort with pressing the
VSK 7 Cancel.

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Section 3 Creating G code programs

After creating a new programGUIDE program, the program is loaded into
the G code editor in the operating area Program, where all the functions
for tool selection, entering and editing G code commands and cycles are
available (see picture below).

3.2 Programming a tool

Within the editor, tools can be selected and inserted in the G code program
comfortably by using a softkey.

Under the function Edit HSK 1 press the VSK 1.1

Select Tool to open the tool selection window.

You can use the cursor key to select the tool you
require followed by pressing the VSK 1.8 OK

- OR -
Press the VSK 1.2 Tool list Will open the tool list
in the operating area Parameter.
(see module - B573 Operating area Parameter).
Select an already existing tool from the tool list by
placing the orange selection cursor on that tool and
pressing the VSK 1.1 To program.

Afterwards program the tool change (M06), the spin-

dle start (M03/M04), the coolant (M07/M08), the
speed (S...), the feed (F) and if needed, some tool
specific functions.

B604 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Creating G code programs Section 3
3.3 Programming the blank

The blank is needed for the simulation and the simultaneous recording.
Only with a blank, that represents the real blank as precise as possible, a
accurate simulation is possible. For the blank you have to define the shape
(Block, Pipe, Cylinder, N-corner or Block centric) and dimensions.
In the operating area Program press the HSK 1.6
Various to open the vertical softkey bar with
various functions.

Here, press the VSK 1.1 Blank to open the input

mask for defining the blank.
Fill in the needed parameters and press the VSK 8
Accept to take over the blank settings into the pro-
gram, or abort by pressing the VSK 7 Cancel
(see section 5.3).

3.4 Programming a cycle

Cycles (technologies) can be programmed easily by using softkeys and

parameter masks as follow.
In the operating area Program
press the HSK 1.2 Drilling, or

press the HSK 1.3 Milling, or

press the HSK 1.4 Cont. mill.,

to open the cycles for drilling, milling or contour mill-

ing. Select the corresponding technology (cycle) and
a position pattern and accept the input.

See module B609 - Drilling, B616 - Milling and

B624 - Contour milling.

3.5 Inserting G code and programming the program end

In the G code editor window several functions for inserting, copying and
cutting G code commands are available.
In the operating area Program press the HSK 1
Edit to program a part program with G code com-
mands or to edit an already loaded program.
Then program the program end (M02/M30)
(see section 4).

Press the HSK 1.7 Simulation to simulate the ma-

chining (see section 6).
- OR -
Press the HSK 1.8 NC Execute to load the pro-
gram to the NC memory, ready for machining
(see section 7).

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Section 4 Edit

With the editor you can create, supplement, or change part programs.

4.1 Selecting the function Edit

The program editor can be opened from the operating modes JOG,
By pressing the PROGRAM-key on the keyboard
the editor window opens directly, with the last
opened program.
If no program was loaded before, the program man-
ager window opens instead, where you can create or
select an existing program.
- OR -
Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator

Press the yellow HSK 3 Program to open the oper-

ating area Program. By default the editor window
opens with the last opened program (see picture be-
If the function is not active, press the HSK 1 Edit.
If no program had been opened for editing purpose,
then the Sinumerik Operate opens the Program
Manager window, offering a chance to the user for
choosing the desired program for editing.
For further details see module - B574 Operating
area Program, and also module - B576 Operating
area Program Manager.

The following softkeys are available for editing a program:

B604 Page 12 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Edit Section 4
4.2 Vertical softkey bar 1 and 2
Display area Description
Under the function Edit HSK 1 press the VSK 1.1
Select Tool to open the tool selection window.
Here you can select a tool, By pressing the VSK 1.8
OK you can insert the selected tool data into the G
code program.

By pressing the VSK 1.2 Build group you can cre-

ate programme blocks into groups, this can be use-
ful when creating large programs.

By pressing the VSK 1.3 Search you can search

for any text in the current program. A search window
opens where you can enter a search string. You can
continue searching afterwards (see section 4.3).

By pressing the VSK 1.4 Mark you can mark one

or several program blocks in order to copy or cut
(delete) them.

By pressing the VSK 1.5 Copy you can copy one

or several program blocks to the internal memory of
the control, to paste them to a different location in
the active program or to another program.

By pressing the VSK 1.6 Paste copied or cut pro-

gram blocks can be inserted behind the selected
program block (actual cursor position). You can
paste the block to the active program as well as to
another G code program on the NC, local drive or

By pressing the VSK 1.7 Cut you can cut out one
or several program blocks, to paste them later some-
where in a program or to delete them. Cut program
steps remain in the clipboard and can be inserted
again with the VSK 1.6 Paste (see VSK 1.6

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 13 B604

Section 4 Edit

4.2 Vertical softkey bar 1 and 2 continued
Display area Description
By pressing the VSK 1.8 Extend the extended ver-
tical softkey bar 2 will be displayed.

By pressing the VSK 2.1 View you can choose be-

tween Close all blocks and Open all blocks
(see section4.6).

By pressing the VSK 2.2 Mold mak. view you can

see the simulated workpiece from a top view as an
outline drawing.
(see section4.7).

By pressing the VSK 2.3 Renumbering you can

assign new numbers for every program step in the
editor window
(see section 4.8).

By pressing the VSK 2.4 Open further program

you can view two programs side by side
(see section 4.9).

By pressing the VSK 2.6 Settings you can change

the setting for the program editor
(see section 4.10).

By pressing the VSK 2.7 Exit you close the editor

with the active program.

By pressing the VSK 2.8 Back you switch back to

the vertical softkey bar 1.

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Edit Section 4
4.3 Select tool

With the function Select tool you can search and select a tool .

4.3.1 Selecting the function Search

By pressing the VSK1.3 Search the search win-

dow opens like displayed below, with the following
functions available in the vertical softkey bar.

Use the cursor up & cursor down keys on the key board the select the
required tool for the machining block.
If the required tool is not available press the VSK1 Tool list so that a new
tool can be created .

See module - B573 Operating area Parameter.

4.3.2 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1 Tool list you are taken to

the tool list.

See module - B573 Operating area Parameter.

With pressing the VSK 7 Cancel you can abort the
search process.
By pressing the VSK 8 OK you will load the se-
lected tool into the machining block.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 15 B604

Section 4 Edit

4.4 Build group
With the function Build group you can group similar machining blocks
together .
4.4.1 Selecting the function Search

By pressing the VSK1.2 Build group the build new

block window opens like displayed below, allowing
you to give a name to a group

Once you have typed in a name press the OK softkey

You can now create machining blocks inside the group.

4.4.2 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

With pressing the VSK 7 Cancel you can abort the

search process.
By pressing the VSK 8 OK you will load a new
group block into the program with the name you
have chosen.
B604 Page 16 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate
Edit Section 4
4.5 Search

With the function Search you can search for any text in a sequential pro-
gram and even replace the text with other text.

4.5.1 Selecting the function Search

By pressing the VSK1.3 Search the search window

opens, where you can search for any program code
in the current program.

4.5.2 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1 Go to start the cursor will

be positioned on the first line of the program.
By pressing the VSK 2 Go to end the cursor will be
positioned on the last line of the program.
By pressing the VSK4 Search the search mask
opens, where you can decide to search for complete
words, select the search direction (forward/
backwards) and enter the search text.
By pressing the VSK5 Find + replace the Search
and replace mask opens where you can decide to
search for complete words, select the search direc-
tion (forward/backwards), enter the search text and
enter the text you want to use for the replacement.
With pressing the VSK 7 Cancel you can abort the
search process.
By pressing the VSK 8 OK you start a search run
with the above mentioned search criteria.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 17 B604

Section 4 Edit

4.6 View
With the function View you can expand or close all groups that have
been created in the program.
4.6.1 Selecting the function View

By pressing the VSK2.1 View the softkeys Close

all blocks and Open all blocks are shown like dis-
played below.

Press VSK 5 Open all blocks

4.6.2 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

Pressing the VSK 4 Close all blocks you can

close all block in the program.
Pressing the VSK 5 Open all blocks you can open
all block in the program

With the VSK 8 Back you can go back to the previ-

ous vertical softkey bar.

B604 Page 18 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Edit Section 4
4.7 Mold mak. view
With the function Mold mak. view you can open up the quick viewer, this
allows you to see a simulated picture of the mold program.
4.7.1 Selecting the function Mold mak. view
By pressing the VSK2.2 Mold mak. view the soft-
keys Close all blocks and Open all blocks are
shown like displayed below.

4.7.2 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

Pressing the VSK 1 NC blocks the window for the

NC blocks is opened or closed.

Pressing the VSK 2 Graphic the window for the

graphics is opened or closed.

With the VSK 6 Details the following functions can

be used:
Zoom +
Zoom -
Pressing the VSK 7 followed by VSK2.3 Select
point a point on the graphics can be selected and
the corresponding NC line will be shown, or vis-

Pressing the VSK 8 Back the Mold mak. View win-

dow closed.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 19 B604

Section 4 Edit

4.8 Renumbering

With the function Renumbering you can renumber manually the program
steps in the work plan with an increment you can select here.

4.8.1 Selecting the function Renumbering

By pressing the VSK 2.3 Renumbering the input

window opens where you can change the settings
for the renumbering of the program blocks in the edi-
tor window.

4.8.2 Parameters for Renumbering

Parameters Meaning

First block number The first block number you want to start with.
The values shown here by default can be adjusted
under the function Settings in the input field First
block number (see section 4.5).

Increment The Increment between the program blocks.

The values shown here by default can be adjusted
under the function Settings in the input field
Increment (see section 4.5).

B604 Page 20 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate


4.9 Open further programs
With the function Open further programs the control will show two pro-
grams side by side.
4.9.1 Selecting the function Open further programs

By pressing the VSK1.4 Open further programs the

window opens that allows you to choose a further
program to be shown.

Use the cursor up or cursor down keys on the key board the select the
required program and press VSK8 OK

4.9.2 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

With pressing the VSK 7 Cancel you can abort the

select process.
By pressing the VSK 8 OK the control will show
two programs side by side, as shown above.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 21 B604

Section 4 Edit

4.10 Settings
With the function Settings you can change the settings for the program
4.10.1 Selecting the function Settings
By pressing the VSK 2.6 Settings the settings win-
dow for the program editor opens.

4.10.2 Parameters for Settings

Parameters Meaning
Number automati- Program blocks will be numbered automatically.
cally (Yes/No) Deactivating this parameter, hides the following two
parameters too.
First block number Block number of first block.
Increment Increment between block numbers.

Show hidden lines Show hidden line (with the ID ;*HD).

Display block end as A symbol is displayed at the end of each block.
symbol (Yes/No)
Move horizontally Blocks are displayed in one line with a scroll bar at
(Yes/No) the right side.
Save automatically Changes are saved automatically without a query.
(only local and ex-
ternal drives)
Visible programs Selects how many programs can be displayed next
to one another in the editor
Width of program Here, you enter the width of the selected program in
with focus the editor as a percentage of the window width.

B604 Page 22 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Various Section 5
5.1 Selecting the function Various

The function Various can be selected from the operating mode JOG,
MDA or AUTO in the operating area Program as follows:
Press the HSK 6 Various to switch over to the
function Various.
Following functions are displayed in the vertical Soft-
key-bar in the program editor.

5.2 Vertical softkey bar 1 and 2

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1.1 Blank an input mask
opens where you can change the settings for the
blank (see section 5.3 Blank).
By pressing the VSK 1.4 HighSpeed settings the
input mask for adjusting the settings for the optimal
speed in relation to the machining method opens
(see section 5.4 HighSpeed settings).
By pressing the VSK 1.6 Subprogram the input
mask for calling a subprogram opens in the main
program (see section 5.8).

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 23 B604

Section 5 Various

5.3 Blank

The blank is needed for the simulation and the simultaneous recording dur-
ing machining. Only with a blank, which corresponds to the real workpiece
as exactly as possible, a meaningful simulation is possible.
For defining the blank, the form (block, pipe, cylinder, N corner, block cen-
tred) and the dimensions are needed.

5.3.1 Selecting the function Blank

By pressing the VSK 1.1 Blank the blank input win-

dow opens.

B604 Page 24 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Various Section 5
5.3.2 Parameters for the Blank

Parameter Meaning
Blank The following blank can be selected:
Block centred

X0 1 corner point X

Y0 1 corner point Y

X1 (abs/ink) 2 corner point related to X0 (absolute or incremental)

(only with block)

Y1 (abs/ink) 2 corner point related to Y0 (absolute or incremental)

(only with block)

ZA Initial dimension

ZI (abs/ink) Final dimension related to ZA (absolute or incre-


XA Outside diameter (only with pipe or cylinder)

XI Inside diameter (absolute or incremental)

N Number of edges (only with N corner)

SW Width across flats (only with N corner)

W Width of blank (only with Block centred)

L Length of blank (only with Block centred))

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 25 B604

Section 5 Various

5.3.3 Changing the graphical view on the blank

The graphic view on the blank is adjustable in the operation area

Program under the functions Edit, Drilling, Milling, Contour milling,
Various and Straight Circle by pressing the VSK 1.2 Graphic view.
Within the function Various you can adjust the graphic settings with the
Softkey Graphic view for the blank.
Help pictures and animations are only displayed if the VSK 2 Graphic
view is deselected and then only in the side view.

You can change the graphic view on the blank as follows:

1. In the operating area Program and operation
mode JOG, MDA, or AUTO press the HSK 1.6
2. Press the VSK 1.1 Blank to open the input mask
for the blank settings.

By activating and deactivating the VSK 2 Graphic

view you can switch the graphical representation of
the blank, the help pictures and animations between
2 different views:

3D view/side view

A wireframe model

B604 Page 26 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Various Section 5
5.3.4 Changing the setting for the blank

1. In the operating area Program and operation

mode JOG, MDA, or AUTO press the HSK 1.6

2. Press the VSK 1 Settings.

3. Optionally change the graphic view for the blank be-

tween 3D-/side view or wireframe model by pressing
the VSK 2 Graphic view.

4. Enter the parameter values for the blank (see pa-

rameter list in section 5.3.2).

5. Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept

or abort with pressing the VSK 7 Cancel.
A new program block Workpiece is inserted in the
program (see the picture below).

5.4 High Speed Settings

With the machining of free form surfaces, there are high demands on ma-
chining speed as well as accuracy and surface finish.
The optimal speed profile in conjunction with the machining method
(roughing, pre-finishing, finishing) can be adjusted easily with the function
HighSpeed settings.
It is advisable to program the cycle in the technology part first, before pro-
gramming the geometry part.

Machining methods:
With the function HighSpeed settings you can select from 3 different
technological machining methods:
"deselect" (default setting)
These four machining methods are associated directly with accuracy, ve-
locity and surface quality of the contour path (see the triangle in the Help
The operator/programmer can make an appropriate weighting by adjusting
the tolerance value.
Different tolerance values and technologies can be assigned to the four
machining methods.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 27 B604

Section 5 Various

5.4.1 Selecting the function HighSpeed settings

By pressing the VSK 4 HighSpeed settings the

High-speed Settings screen opens.
The screens roughing, pre-finishing and finishing change in intervals be-
tween Help picture and animation.

5.4.2 Parameter for HighSpeed settings

Parameter Help picture Animation

PL The parameter for the machining plane is optional

and has to be activated by a machine datum.

Tolerance Tolerance values for the machining




B604 Page 28 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Various Section 5
Parameter Help picture Animation (continuation)



5.4.3 Changing the High-speed settings

1. In the operating area Program and operation

mode JOG, MDA, or AUTO press the HSK 6
2. Press the VSK 4 HighSpeed settings.
3. Optionally change the graphic view for the blank by
pressing the VSK 2 Graphic view.
4. Enter the parameter values for Tolerance and
Machining. Press the VSK 8 Accept to accept
your inputs or abort by pressing the VSK 7 Cancel.

A new program block CYCLE832 with the High

Speed settings is inserted into the program (see
picture below).

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 29 B604

Section 5 Various

5.5 Subprogram

If you require the same machining steps in the programming of different

workpieces, you can define these machining steps in a separate routine.
You can then call this subroutine in any programs.
Identical machining steps therefore only have to be programmed once.
ShopMill does not differentiate between main program and subprogram.
This means that you can call a "standard" sequential control or G code
program as subprogram in another sequential control program.
In this subprogram, you can also call another subprogram.
The maximum nesting depth is 8 subroutines.
You cannot insert subroutines among blocks chained by the control.
If you want to call a sequential control program as a subroutine, the
program must already have been calculated once (load or simulate
program in Machine Auto mode). This is not necessary for G code
The subroutine must always be stored in the NCK main memory (in a
separate directory "XYZ" or in the "ShopMill", "Part programs",
"Subroutines" directories).
If you want to call a subprogram located on another drive, you can use the
G code command "EXTCALL".
Please note that, when a subprogram is called, ShopMill evaluates the
settings in the program header of the subroutine. These settings also
remain active even after the subprogram has ended.
If you wish to activate the settings from the program header for the main
program again, you can make the settings again in the main program after
calling the subprogram.

5.5.1 Selecting the function Subprogram

By pressing the VSK 3 Subprogram, the input win-

dow for calling up a subprogram opens.

B604 Page 30 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Various Section 5
5.5.2 Loading subprograms

1. In the operating area Program and operating

mode JOG, MDA or AUTO press the HSK 6
2. Press the VSK 1.6 Subprogram.

3. Enter the directory path to the subprogram and the

name of the subprogram in the input mask.
4. Press the VSK 8 Accept to confirm your inputs or
press the VSK 7 Cancel to abort.

A new program block Execute with the directory

path to the subprogram is inserted
(see picture below):

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 31 B604

Section 5 Simulation

ShopMill provides various extensive and detailed simulation functions for
displaying the simulation of the machining.

During simulation, the current program is calculated in its complete form

and the result is displayed in graphic form.

You can select the following modes of representation for simulation:

Top view
3-D view
Side view

The simulation uses the correct proportions for the tools and
workpiece contours. Cylindrical die-sinking cutters, bevel cutters,
bevel cutters with corner rounding and tapered die-sinking cutters are dis-
played as end milling tools.

The traverse paths for the tools are shown in colour:

Red line = tool is moving at rapid traverse
Green line = tool is moving at machining feedrate

In all views, a clock is displayed during graphical processing. The

displayed machining time (in hours/minutes/seconds) indicates the ap-
proximate time that would actually be required to execute the machining
program on the machine (incl. tool change).
If a program is interrupted during simultaneous recording, the clock stops.
In addition, the current axis coordinates, the override, and the program
block currently being executed are also displayed.
The active tool with the cutting edge number and feedrate are also dis-
played in the simulation.

Transformations are displayed differently during simulation and

simultaneous recording:
Coordinate transformations (translation, scaling, ) are displayed as
Cylinder surface transformations are displayed as a developed surface.
After swivel transformation, the previous machining operations are de-
leted from the display and only machining of the swivelled plane is dis-
played (viewing angle perpendicular to the swivelled plane).
Zero offsets (G54, etc.) do not alter the zero in the graphical display.
This means that, in the case of multiple clamping, the machining opera-
tions for each of the individual workpieces are plotted on top of one an-

If you want to display a different portion of the workpiece from the one de-
fined in ShopMill, you can define a new blank in the program (see section
5.3 Blank in this module).

B604 Page 32 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Simulation Section 6
6.1 Selecting the function Simulation

The function Simulation can be selected from the operating mode

JOG, MDA and AUTO as follows:

With a program loaded, press the HSK 1.7

Simulation to start a simulation run.
The following screen opens.
The simulation starts after a short computing time in
the top view by default.

Press the VSK 1.4 3D view the simulated work-

piece is displayed 3-dimesionally (see picture be-

The following functions will be available in the vertical softkey bar.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 33 B604

Section 6 Simulation

6.2 Vertical softkey bar 1 and 2

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1.1 Stop the simulation will
be halted. The softkey will be replaced with the VSK
1.1 Start, in order to continue the simulation again.
By pressing the VSK 1.1 Start the simulation will
be started or continued. The softkey will be replaced
with the VSK Stop.
By pressing the VSK 1.1 SBL the simulation will be
processed block by block. This softkey replaces the
softkey Start, if the VSK 4 Single block is acti-
vated under the function Program control.
By pressing the VSK 1.2 Reset the simulation will
be aborted, and can be started again by pressing the
VSK 1.1 Start.
The Top view is activated by default and shows
the simulation in a plan view from above

By pressing the VSK 1.4 3D view the simulation

will be shown in a 3-D view
By pressing the VSK 1.5 Further views the vertical
softkey bar opens, with more options to adjust the
view on the simulation process (see section 6.3).
By pressing the VSK 1.6 Details the vertical soft-
key bar opens, where you can adjust the level of de-
tails that will be shown during the simulation (see
section 6.4).
By pressing the VSK 1.7 Program control the ver-
tical softkey bar opens, with further functions to con-
trol the simulation run (see section 6.5).
By pressing the VSK 1.8 Extend the vertical soft-
key bar 2 with the following functions will be dis-
By pressing the VSK 2.3 Show tool path the dis-
play of the simulated tool path can be switched on
and off.
By pressing the VSK 2.4 Delete tool path the ani-
mated tool path in the simulation window will be de-
leted. A new tool path is shown immediately after
pressing this softkey or after running a new simula-
tion (if the simulation is in Stop- or Reset- mode).
By pressing the VSK 2.5 Blank you can change
the dimensions of the simulated blank (see also sec-
tion 5.3). This softkey is active if the simulation is in
Reset mode.
By pressing the VSK 2.8 Back you switch back to
the vertical softkey bar 1.

B604 Page 34 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Simulation Section 6
6.3 Further views
With the function Further views you can change the graphical side-views
on the blank, to view the simulation process in an optimal way. You can
change the sides from which you want to see the simulation.

6.3.1 Selecting the function Further views

By pressing the VSK 1.5 Further views the follow-

ing window with side views on the blank opens.

6.3.1 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1 From front the simulated
workpiece will be shown in a front view.

By pressing the VSK 2 From rear the simulated

workpiece will be shown in a rear view.

By pressing the VSK 3 From left the simulated

workpiece will be shown from the left side.

By pressing the VSK 4 From right the simulated

workpiece will be shown from the right side.

By pressing the VSK 8 Back on the operator panel

(OP) you switch back to the vertical softkey bar of
the operating area Details.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 35 B604

Section 6 Simulation

6.4 Details
With the function Details you can zoom in, zoom out, rotate and cut out
parts of the workpiece.

6.4.1 Selecting the function Details

By pressing the VSK 1.6 Details the following func-

tions are available in a vertical softkey bar.

6.4.2 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1 Autozoom the workpiece
fills out the simulation window in an optimal way.

By pressing the VSK 2 Zoom + you zoom in into

the simulation window. Alternatively you can press
the +-key on the number block of the keyboard.

By pressing the VSK 3 Zoom - you can zoom out

of the simulation window. Alternatively you can press
the --key on the keyboard.
By pressing the VSK 4 Zoom a frame opens in the
simulation window, that lets you zoom in to the
frame size.
Press the VSK1 Zoom + to increase and the VSK
2 Zoom - to decrease the frame size. Alternatively
you can change the frame size of the zoom area
with the +or - key on the number pad of the key-
board. Move the frame with the blue cursor keys on
the keyboard.
Press the VSK 8 Accept to zoom to the selected
extent or abort with pressing the VSK 7 Cancel.

B604 Page 36 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Simulation Section 6
Display area Description (continuation) Notes
By pressing the VSK 5 Rotate view a vertical
softkey bar opens to the right, with functions to ro-
tate the workpiece in the simulation window (see

By pressing the VSK 6 Cut the functions for cut-

ting out parts of the workpiece are available in a
vertical softkey bar (see section

By pressing the VSK 8 Back on the operator

panel you switch back to the vertical softkey-bar 1. Selecting the function Rotate view

By pressing the VSK 5 Rotate view the following

functions will be displayed in a vertical softkey bar. Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK Arrow right the workpiece

will be turned right around the centre of the simula-
tion window.

By pressing the VSK Arrow left the workpiece will

be turned left around the centre of the simulation

By pressing the VSK 3 Arrow up the work piece

will be turned up around the centre of the simulation

By pressing the VSK 4 Arrow down the work

piece will be turned down around the centre of the
simulation window.

By pressing the 5 Arrow turns left the workpiece

will be rotated to the left, around the centre of the
simulation window (counter clockwise).

By pressing the 5 Arrow turns right the work-

piece will be rotated to the right, around the centre
of the simulation window (clockwise).

By pressing the VSK 8 Back you switch back to

the VSK-bar Details.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 37 B604

Section 6 Simulation

Notes Selecting the function Cut

By pressing the VSK 1.7 Cut the functions for cut-

ting out parts of the simulated workpiece will be
shown in a vertical softkey bar. The cut surface ar-
eas are only displayed during simulation run. Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1 Cut active you can acti-

vate the cut surfaces on the workpiece and activate
the greyed out axes softkeys in the vertical softkey
bar. The function Cut stays active until the VSK
Cut active is deactivated.

By pressing the VSK 2 X+ the cutting plane is

shifted on the X-axis to the positive (to the right).

By pressing the VSK 3 X- the cutting plane is

shifted on the X-axis to the negative (to the left).

By pressing the VSK 4 Y+ the cutting plane is

shifted on the y-axis (ordinate) to the positive (to
the rear ).

By pressing the VSK 5 Y- the cutting plane is

shifted on the y-axis (ordinate) to the negative

By pressing the VSK 6 Z+ the cutting plane will be

shifted on the Z-axis (applicate) to the positive

B604 Page 38 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Simulation Section 6
Display area Description (continuation)

By pressing the VSK 7 Z- the cutting plane will be

shifted on the Z-axis (Ablikate) to the negative

By pressing the VSK 8 Back you switch back to

the operating area Details.

6.5 Program control

With the function Program control the override can be adjusted for the
simulation, the program can be executed in single blocks and alarm mes-
sages, that occurred during simulation, can be displayed.

6.5.1 Selecting the function Program control

By pressing the VSK 1.7 Program control the fol-

lowing functions will be shown in a vertical softkey
bar on the right side of the screen.

6.5.2 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1 100% override the feedrate

override is set to the maximum override of 100%.

By pressing the VSK 2 Override + the override will

be increased in 5% steps each time you press the
softkey, until a maximum of 100% is reached.

By pressing the VSK 3 Override - the override will

be decreased in 5% steps each time you press the
softkey until a minimum of 0% is reached.
With a feedrate override of 0% the simulation is

By pressing the VSK 4 Single block the simulation

will be executed block by block.
With pressing this softkey the VSK 1.1 Start in the
operating area Simulation will be exchanged with
the VSK 1.1 SBL (see section 6.2).

By pressing the VSK 7 Alarm the Simulation

alarms window opens, with alarm messages that
have occurred during a simulation run.
This can be used for error detection.
By pressing the VSK 8 Back you switch back to
the vertical softkey bar 1.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 39 B604

Section 6 Simulation

6.6.1 Selecting the function Alarm

By pressing the VSK 7 Alarm the Simulation

alarms window opens, with a list of all current active
alarm messages that occurred during the simulation.
For error messages and acknowledgement symbols
see module - B576 Operating area Diagnostics,
section 3.

6.6.2 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description
By pressing the VSK 1 Acknowl. Alarm all with
the Reset- or Cancel-symbol marked alarm mes-
sages can be deleted. This softkey is inactive as
long as no appropriate error message is shown.
By pressing the VSK 2 Simulation Power On you
can trigger a warm restart for the active simulation.

Press the VSK 8 OK to confirm or the VSK 7

Cancel to abort the warm restart.
With a warm start the simulation will be ended and
started new.

By pressing the VSK 8 Back you switch back to

the operating area Program control.

B604 Page 40 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

NC Execute Section 7
7.1 NC Execute

The function NC Execute lets you load the active program from the editor
to the operating area Machine in the operating mode AUTO.

7.1.1 Selecting the function NC Execute

By pressing the HSK 1.8 NC Execute the control,

switches to the operating area Machine under the
operating mode AUTO.

The program is loaded into the internal memory of

the NC and is now ready for machining (see picture
The Softkey NC Execute is inactive on a running

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 41 B604

B604 Page 42 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate
B609 Drilling with programGUIDE

1 Brief description

Objective of the module:

Working through this module you become familiar with the technology Drilling by programming two
G code programs with the programGUIDE in ShopMill.

Description of the module:

This module explains the programming of a simple drilling example with the programGUIDE in Shop-
Mill, as well as well as the programming of a more complex workpiece by means of drilling cycles and
position patterns.

Simple programming example

Complex programming example

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

B609 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Drilling - programGUIDE: Description
This module explains the programming of a simple START
drilling example with the programGUIDE in Shop-
Mill, as well as well as the programming of a more
complex workpiece by means of drilling cycles and Simple
position patterns. programming




828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 B609

Section 2 Simple programming example


A simple drilling using the drill cycle is to be programmed with the pro-
gramGUIDE in ShopMill.


A new G code program is to be created and opened.

The G code lines and the drill cycle must be programmed and the program
is to be simulated.
For this, the tool and technology data below are to be used:

Tool data: Drill 8,5 mm (DRILL_D8.5)

Technology data: As a start position for the machining, the first pro-
grammed drill hole is to be used.
This position is approached in rapid traverse.

2.1 Creating a new programGUIDE program

A new G code program can be created from within the operating modes
JOG, MDA and AUTO as follows:

1. Press the Program Manager-key on the keyboard.

The program manager will be opened directly.

- OR -

1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator


Press the yellow HSK 1.4 Program Manager.

The program manager opens.

2. Select a drive by pressing a horizontal softkey where

you want to create the program (NC, Local drive,

3. Press the VSK 2 New.

The vertical softkey bar with functions for creating
new programs opens.

4. Press the VSK 4 programGUIDE G code to open

the input mask for creating a new G code program.
Select Main program MPF.

5. Enter a name for the program in the Name field,

e.g DIN_DRILLING_1.MPF and accept with press-
ing the VSK 8 OK.
The editor window for entering G code commands

B609 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Simple programming example Section 2
2.2 Example: Drilling

The following G code program, with the call up of a simple drilling cycle, is
to be programmed.

Create a new G code programGUIDE program, as described before in sec-

tion 2.1 and give the program the name DIN_DRILLING_1.

1. Program the first line of the program:

N10 G54 G17 G90
2. Insert now a blank for the simulation.
Press the HSK 1.6 Various to open the operating
area Various.
Press the VSK 1 Blank to open the input mask for
the blank.
3. Fill in the following parameters for the blank:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following line will be inserted into the program:
N20 WORKPIECE(,,,"RECTANGLE",64,0,-20,-
4. Now, insert a drill tool into the program.
Press the VSK 1.1 Select tool. The tool selection
list window opens. Select the tool DRILL_D8.5 by
using the blue cursor key on the keyboard.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 B609

Section 2 Simple programming example

Press the VSK 1.8 OK.
The following program line is inserted into the pro-
gram: N30 T="DRILL_D8.5"
5. Program the following G code commands:
N40 M6
N50 S1000 M3 F150
N60 G0 X0 Y0 Z100
6. Program the drilling-cycle CYCLE82.
For this, press the HSK 1.2 Drill. to open the tech-
nology Drilling.
Press the VSK 2 Drilling Reaming.

Press the VSK 3 Drilling. The input mask for the

drilling cycle CYCLE82 opens.

7. Insert the values into the parameter mask like dis-

played below:

The following program line will be inserted into the

program: N70 CYCLE82(100,0,1,,25,0,10,1,11)
9. Program the program end:
N80 M30
10. Simulate the machining.

Press the HSK 1.7 Simulation to run the simula-

tion of the program.

B609 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Simple programming example Section 2
Press the VSK 1.4 3D view to view the simulation
in a 3D view.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 B609

Section 3 Complex programming example


By using different drilling cycles (Centering, Drilling, Thread drilling) and a

position pattern, a more complex programGUIDE-program (drill pattern) is
to be created in ShopMill.


The workpiece shown below is to be programmed.

Afterwards, the program is to be simulated.

The following tools and technology data are to be used.

Tool data: Center drill 12 mm (CENTERDRILL_D12)

Drill 8,5 mm (DRILL_D8.5)
Tap M10 (TAP_M10)

Technology data: As a start position for the machining, the first pro-
grammed drill hole is to be used.
This position is approached in rapid traverse.

B609 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
3.1 Example: Drill pattern

The following program, with the call up of a drilling-, center drilling- and
thread drilling-cycle, is to be programmed:

Create a new programGUIDE-program in ShopMill, like described in sec-

tion 2.1 in this module.
Give the program a name, for example DIN_DRILLING_2.
1. Program the first line of the program:
N10 G54 G17 G90
2. Now insert a blank for the simulation.
For this, press the HSK 1.6 Various to open the
operating area Various.
Press the VSK 1 Blank to open the parameter
mask for the blank.
3. Insert the values into the parameter mask like dis-
played below:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following line will be inserted into the program:
N20 WORKPIECE(,,,"BOX",112,0,-20,-
4. Insert a tool into the program.
Press the VSK 1.1 Select tool.
The tool selection list window opens.
Use the blue cursor keys to select the tool:
828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 B609
Section 3 Complex programming example

Press the VSK 1.8 OK.
The program line N30 T="CENTERDRILL_D12" is
inserted into the program.

5. Program the following G code commands:

N40 M6
N50 S2000 M3 F100

6. Program the center drill cycle CYCLE 81.

Press the HSK 1.2 Drill., to open the technology

Press the VSK 1 Centering.

The input mask for the centering cycle CYCLE81

Insert the values into the parameter mask like dis-

played below:

Accept your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following line will be inserted into the program:

N60 MCALL CYCLE81(100,0,1,10,,0,10,1,11).

7. Insert now the position patterns (CYCLE802) for

Press the VSK 7 Positions for selecting a position
Press the VSK 3 Positions to program the
Insert DRILLING_1 into the LAB field to set a
name for the jump marks for the repeat positions.
Fill out the rest of the input mask like displayed be-

B609 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following line will be inserted into the program:

N70 DRILLING_1: CYCLE802(111111111,

8. Program the following G code command:


9. Insert the tool DRILL_D8.5 into the program (see

step 4) or type into the editor the following line by
N90 T="DRILL_D8.5"

10. Program the following G code commands:

N100 M6
N110 S1000 M3 F150

11. Program the cycle for drilling (CYCLE82).

Press the VSK 2 Drilling Reaming.

Press the VSK 3 Drilling.

The input mask for the drilling cycle CYCLE82

12. Insert the values into the parameter mask like dis-
played below:

Accept your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following line will be inserted into the program:

N120 MCALL CYCLE82(100,0,1,,25,0,10,1,11).

13. Program the following G code commands:


14. Insert the tool TAP_M10 into the program (see

step 4) or type into the editor the following line by
N150 T="TAP_M10"

15. Program the following G code commands:

N160 M6
N170 S1000 M3 F150

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 11 B609

Section 3 Complex programming example

16. Finally program the cycle for the thread drilling.

Press the VSK 6 Thread to open the input mask

for the CYCLE84 Tapping.

17. Insert the values into the parameter mask like dis-
played below:

Accept your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following line will be inserted into the program:

N180 MCALL CYCLE84(100,0,1,-

18. Program the following lines and complete the pro-

N210 M30

19. Start the simulation of the program.

Press the HSK 1.7 Simulation to open the simula-

tion window.
The control calculates the simulation and shows the
simulation in a top view.

B609 Page 12 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3

Press the VSK 1.4 3D view to run the simulation in

a 3-dimensional view.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 13 B609

B609 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate
B616 Milling with programGUIDE

1 Brief description

Objective of the module:

Working through this module you learn about the technology Milling by programming two G code
programs with the programGUIDE in ShopMill.

Description of the module:

This module explains the explains the programming of a simple milling example with the program-
GUIDE in ShopMill, as well as the programming of a more complex workpiece by means of milling
cycles and a position pattern.


Simple programming example

Complex programming example

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

B616 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Milling - programGUIDE: Description
This module explains the explains the program- START
ming of a simple milling example with the pro-
gramGUIDE in ShopMill, as well as the program-
ming of a more complex workpiece by means of Simple
milling cycles and a position pattern. programming




828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 B616

Section 2 Simple programming example


A simple milling operation is to be programmed with the programGUIDE in



A new G code program is to be created and opened in the editor window.

The G code lines and the milling cycle are to be programmed and the pro-
gram is to be simulated
For this the tool and technology data shown below are to be used:

Tool data: Milling cutter 10 mm (CUTTER_D10)

Technology data: F 0,15 mm/tooth, V120 m/min

2.1 Creating a new programGUIDE program

A new programGUIDE program can be created from within the operating

modes JOG, MDA and AUTO as follows:

1. Press the Program Manager-key on the keyboard.

The program manager will be opened directly.

- OR -
1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator
Press the yellow HSK 4 Program Manager.
The program manager opens.

2. Select a drive, where you want to create the pro-

gram (NC, Local drive, USB).

3. Press the VSK 2 New.

The vertical softkey bar for creating new programs
4. Press the VSK 4 programGUIDE G code to open
the input mask for creating a new ShopMill G code
program. Select Main program.

Enter a name for the program in the Name field,

e.g DIN_MILLING_1.MPF and accept with press-
ing the VSK 8 OK.

The G code program is loaded to the editor.

B616 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Simple programming example Section 2
2.2 Example: Rectangular pocket

The following program, with a simple call up of a milling cycle, is to be pro-

grammed with the programGUIDE in ShopMill:

1. Program the first line of the program:

N10 G54 G17 G90

2. Insert now a blank for the simulation.

Press the HSK 1.6 Various to open the operating
area Various.
Press the VSK 1 Blank to open the parameter
mask for the Blank input.

3. Insert the following values into the parameter mask:

Confirm your inputs with pressing the VSK 8

The following line is inserted into the program_
N20 WORKPIECE(,,,"BOX",112,0,-20,-

4. Insert now a tool into the program.

Press the VSK 1.1 Select tool.
The tool selection list window opens.
Place the orange selection cursor on the tool
CUTTER_D10 by using the blue cursor keys on the

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 B616

Section 2 Simple programming example

Press the VSK 1.8 OK.
The program line N30 T="CUTTER_D10"
is inserted into the program. Alternatively you can
also program the line by hand.

5. Insert the following G code commands into the pro-

N40 M6
N50 S3820 M3
N60 G95 FZ=0.15
6. Program now the rectangular pocket.

For this, press the HSK 1.2 Mill., to call up the

technology Milling.
Press the VSK 2 Pocket.

Press the VSK 3 Rectang. pocket.

The input mask for the rectangular pocket opens.

7. Insert the following values into the parameter mask:

Confirm your inputs with pressing the

VSK 8 Accept:

The following line will be inserted into the program:

N70 POCKET3(100,0,1,-10,60,30,7,75,50,0,10,
9. Program now the program end with the following
G-code command:
N80 M30

B616 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Simple programming example Section 2
10. Simulate the machining of the workpiece.

Press the HSK 1.7 Simulation to start the simula-

tion run.

The control calculates the simulation parameters

and opens the simulation in the simulation window in
Top view.

To view the simulation in 3-dimensional press the

VSK 1.4 3D view.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 B616

Section 3 Complex programming example


A more complex program (slanted rectangular pocket) is to be created with

the programGUIDE in ShopMill, using milling cycles and a position pattern.


The workpiece shown below is to be programmed and simulated after-

For this the tool and technology data shown below are to be used:

The following tool- and technology data are needed for the programming:

Tool data:: Milling cutter 10 mm (CUTTER_D10)

F 0,15 mm/tooth, V 120 m/min (roughing) and
F 0,08 mm/tooth, V 150 m/min (finishing)

Technology data: The pocket is to be roughed first and later on to be


B616 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
3.1 Example: Rotated rectangular pocket

The following program is to be programmed using the milling cycle

Rectang. Pocket.

For this, create a new programGUIDE G code program, like described in

section 2.1 in this module.
Give the program for example following name DIN_MILLING_2.
1. Program in the first line following G code command:
N10 G54 G17 G90
2. Insert now a blank for the simulation into the pro-

Press the HSK 1.6 Various to open the operating

area Various.

Press the VSK 1 Blank to open the parameter win-

dow for the blank input.

3. Insert the following parameters into the parameter


Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following line is inserted into the program:

N20 WORKPIECE(,,,"BOX",112,0,-20,-
4. Insert now a tool into the program.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 B616

Complex programming example
Section 3
Press the VSK 1.1 Select tool.
The tool selection list in the operating area
Parameter opens.
Use the blue cursor keys on the keyboard to select
the tool CUTTER_D10.
Press the VSK 1.8 OK.
The program line N30 T="CUTTER_D10" is inserted
into the program. Optionally you can program this
line by typing it into the editor.

5. Program the following G code commands:

N40 M6
N50 S3820 M3
N60 G95 FZ=0.15
6. Rough the rectangular pocket.

Press the HSK 1.3 Mill., to open the technology

Press the VSK 2 Pocket.

Press the VSK 3 Rectang. pocket.

The parameter mask for the rectangular pocket cycle
7. Here, enter the values displayed below and press
the VSK 8 Accept.

The following line is inserted into the program:

N70 POCKET3(100,0,1,-15,60,40,6,75,50,30,2.5,

B616 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
8. Insert now the following G code command:
N80 S4775

9. Finish the rectangular pocket.

Press the VSK 2 Pocket.

Press the VSK 3 Rectang. pocket.

The parameter mask for the rectangular pocket cycle

10. Insert the following values into the parameter mask

and press the VSK 8 Accept.

The following line is inserted into the program:

N90 POCKET3(100,0,1,-15,60,40,6,75,50,30,15,0.3,

11. Program the following G code command and end the

N100 M30

12. Start the Simulation of the program.

Press the HSK 1.7 Simulation to start the simula-

tion run.

The control calculates the simulation parameters

and opens the simulation in the simulation window in
Top view.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 11 B616

Section 3 Complex programming example


To view the simulation 3-dimensional press the VSK

1.4 3D view.

B616 Page 12 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

B624 Contour milling programGUIDE

1 Brief description

Objective of the module:

Working with this module you learn about the technology Contour milling, by programming two G
code programs with the programGUIDE in ShopMill.

Description of the module:

This module explains the programming of a simple contour milling example (straight line) with the
programGUIDE in ShopMill, as well as well as the programming of a more complex workpiece
(mould plate) by means of contour milling cycles and contour descriptions.

Simple programming example

Complex programming example

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

B624 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Contour milling - programGUIDE: Description
Contour milling
This module explains the programming of a simple START
contour milling example (straight line) with the pro-
gramGUIDE in ShopMill, as well as well as the
programming of a more complex workpiece Simple
(mould plate) by means of contour milling cycles programming
and contour descriptions. example


Contour milling


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 B624

Section 2 Simple programming example

A simple straight line is to be programmed using the technology Contour
milling with the programGUIDE in ShopMill.

A new G code program is to be created and opened.
The G code lines and the contour milling cycles must be programmed and
the program is to be simulated
For this the tool and technology data below are to be used:

Tool data: Milling cutter 32 mm (CUTTER_D32)

Technology data: F 0,15 mm/tooth, V 120 m/min

As a start position for the machining, the following

position is to be used:
X0, Y-100
This position is approached in the cycle in rapid trav-

2.1 Creating a new programGUIDE program

A new G code program can be created from within the operating modes
JOG, MDA and AUTO as follows:
1. Press the Program Manager-key on the keyboard.
The program manager will be opened directly.

- OR -
1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator

Press the yellow HSK 1.4 Program Manager.

The program manager opens.

2. Select a drive by pressing a horizontal softkey where

you want to create the program (NC, Local drive,
3. Press the VSK 2 New.
The vertical softkey bar with functions for creating
new programs opens.
4. Press the VSK 4 programGUIDE G code to open
the input mask for creating a new G code program.
Select Main program MPF.

Enter a name for the program in the Name field,

e.g. DIN_CONTOURMILLING_1.MPF and accept
with pressing the VSK 8 OK.

The editor window for entering G code commands


B624 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Simple programming example Section 2
2.2 Programming example: Straight line

The following G code program DIN_CONTOURMILLING_1.MPF is to be


1. Program the first line of the program:

N10 G54 G17 G90
2. Insert now a blank for simulation.

Press the HSK 1.6 Various to open the operating

area Various.
Press the VSK 1 Blank to open the input mask for
the blank.
3. Fill in the following parameters for the blank:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following line will be inserted into the program:
N20 WORKPIECE(,,,"BOX",64,0,-25,-80,-50,-
4. Now, insert a tool into the program.
First Press HSK 1 Edit. A vertical softkey-bar with
additional functions shows on the right of the screen.

Press the VSK 1.1 Select tool.

The tool selection list window opens.
Select the tool CUTTER_D32 by using the blue
cursor key on the keyboard.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 B624

Section 2 Simple programming example

Press the VSK 1.8 OK.
The program line N30 T="CUTTER_D32" is inserted
into the program. Alternatively you can type this line
by hand into the editor.
5. Insert the following G code commands into the pro-
N40 M6
N50 S1194 M3
N60 G95 FZ=0.15
6. Insert a contour call (CYCLE62) into the program.
For this, press the HSK 1.4 Cont. mill. to open the
technology Contour milling.
Press the VSK 2 Contour.

Press the VSK2 Contour call to open the input

mask for the contour call.

7. Give the contour a name:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following line is inserted into the program:

Press VSK 2.8 to return to the VSK-bar 1.

8. Insert the cycle Path milling (CYCLE72) into the

Press the VSK 2 Path milling to open the parame-
ter mask for the Path milling cycle.

9. Enter following values into the input mask. Use

the Select key on the MCP where indicated.

B624 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Simple programming example Section 2
Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following line will be inserted into the program.

N80 CYCLE72("",100,0,1,-15,5,0,0,0.15,0.1,

10 Program the following line:

N90 M30

11. At the end, program the contour for the straight line
that you have called up in step 7.
Press the VSK 1 Contour.
The vertical softkey bar with functions for calling up,
or creating a new contour description opens.
Press the VSK1 New contour to insert a new con-
tour description for the contour milling machining
into the program.

12. The input window for a new contour opens.

Fill in the following name into the name field:

Confirm your input by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

13. The contour editor for the input of the start point of
the contour description opens.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 B624

Section 2 Simple programming example

14. Insert the following coordinates for the starting point:

Confirm by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

15. Program the contour with a straight line in Y-

Press the VSK 1.3 Straight line Y.
The input mask for the Straight line Y opens.

16. Enter the coordinates as follows:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The contour description is now finished.

17. Now, check the outline of the programmed contour.

In order to do this, use the blue cursor keys on the

keyboard, to place the orange selection cursor on
the symbol, on the left side of the screen. The
contour graphic is being displayed.

B624 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Simple programming example Section 2
18. Complete the contour description by pressing the
VSK 8 Accept.

The editor window opens and the following program

lines are entered into the program:
;#7__DlgK contour definition begin - Don't
G0 X0 Y-100 ;*GP*
G1 Y150 ;*GP*
;#End contour definition end - Don't

The lines marked as italic are shown optionally (see
Settings - Show hidden lines).

19. Now simulate the machining of the workpiece.

Press the HSK 1.7 Simulation to start the simula-

tion of the program.

The control calculates the simulation and opens the

animation of the machining in top view by default.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 B624

Section 2 Simple programming example

Press the VSK 1.4 3D view to view the simulation
in a 3-dimensional.

B624 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
A more complex program (moulding plate) is to be created with the pro-
gramGUIDE in ShopMill.

The workpiece shown below is to be programmed and simulated.










Tool & technology Milling cutter 32 mm (CUTTER_D32)

data: F 0,15 mm/tooth, V 120 m/min (roughing)
F 0,08 mm/tooth, V 150 m/min (finishing)
Milling cutter 16 mm (CUTTER_D16)
F 0,15 mm/tooth, V 120 m/min (roughing)
Milling cutter 8.0 mm (CUTTER_D8)
F 0,10 mm/tooth, V 120 m/min (roughing)
F 0,05 mm/tooth, V 150m/min (finishing)

Operations list: 1. Outer contour roughing + finishing

2. Spigot contour roughing + finishing
3. Contour pocket roughing
4. Contour pocket rest material roughing
5. Contour pocket wall + base finishing

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 11 B624

Section 3 Complex programming example

3.1 Programming example: Moulding plate
The following program is to be programmed with the technology
Contour milling.

Create a new programGUIDE program in ShopMill, like described in sec-

tion 2.1 in this module, with the name DIN_CONTOURMILLING_2.MPF.

1. Program the first line of the program with the follow-

ing G code commands:
N10 G54 G17 G90

2. Insert a blank for the simulation.

Press the HSK 1.6 Various to open the operating

area Various.

Press the VSK 1 Blank to open the parameter win-

dow for the blank.

3. Insert the following parameters for the blank:

Press the VSK 8 Accept to confirm your inputs.

The following line is inserted into the program:

N20 WORKPIECE(,,,"BOX",64,0,-25,-80,-50,-

B624 Page 12 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
4. Insert now a tool call into the program.

First Press HSK 1 Edit. A vertical softkey-bar with

additional functions shows.

Press the VSK 1.1 Select tool.

The Tool selection list window opens.
Use the blue cursor keys on the keyboard to select
the tool CUTTER_D32.

Press the VSK 1.8 OK.

The line N30 T="CUTTER_D32" will be inserted
into the program.
Alternatively you can also program this line by hand.

5. Program now the following G code commands:

N40 M6
N50 S1194 M3
N60 G95 FZ=0.15 ; Feedrate per tooth

6. Insert a contour call into the program (CYCLE62),

for the moulding plate outside.

To do this, press the HSK 1.4 Cont. Mill to open

the technology Contour milling.

Press the VSK 1 Contour.

Press the VSK 2 Contour call to open the input

mask for calling up a contour in the program.
The input mask for naming the contour opens.

7. Fill out the name field like displayed below:

Confirm the contour name by pressing the VSK 8

The following line will be inserted into the program:

Press VSK 2.8 to return to the VSK-bar 1.

8. Insert now the first path milling cycle (CYCLE72)

into the program, for roughing the outside contour.

Press the VSK 2 Path milling to open the input

mask for the CYCLE72 Path milling.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 13 B624

Section 3 Complex programming example

Enter following values into the input mask. Use
the Select key on the MCP where indicated.

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following line will be inserted into the program:
N80 CYCLE72("",100,0,1,-15,5,0.3,0.3,0.15,
10. Program now the following G code command:
N90 S1942

11. Insert now the second path milling cycle (CYCLE72)

into the program, for finishing the outside contour.

Press the VSK 2 Path milling to open the parame-

ter mask for the path milling cycle (CYCLE72).

Enter following values into the input mask. Use

the Select key on the MCP where indicated.

B624 Page 14 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following line will be inserted into the program.

N100 CYCLE72("",100,0,1,-15,5,0.3,0.3,

12. Insert another contour call into the program

(CYCLE62), for the spigot boundary.

Press now the VSK 1 Contour.

Press the VSK 2 New contour to insert a new con-

tour description into the program.

The input mask for naming the contour opens.

14. Give the contour a name as shown below:

Confirm the contour name by pressing the VSK 8

The following line will be inserted into the program:
N110 CYCLE62

Press VSK 2.8 to return to the VSK-bar 1.

15. Insert another contour call (CYCLE62) into the

program for the moulding plate spigot.

Press the VSK 1 Contour.

Press the VSK 2 Contour call to open the input

mask for calling up a contour in the program.

The input mask for naming the contour opens.

16. Give the contour a name as shown below:

Confirm the contour name by pressing the VSK 8

The following line will be inserted into the program:

Press VSK 2.8 to return to the VSK-bar 1.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 15 B624

Section 3 Complex programming example

17. Insert now the first spigot milling cycle (CYCLE63),
into the program, for roughing.

Press the VSK 6 Spigot to open the input mask for

the CYCLE63 Mill Spigot.

18. Enter following values into the input mask. Use

the Select-key on the MCP where indicated.

Note: With the blue Select-key the machining

depth Z1 can be set to inc or abs and the tool
path step over DXY can be set to % of tool or
as value in mm.

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following line will be inserted into the program:

N130 CYCLE63

19. Insert now another spigot milling cycle (CYCLE63)

into the program for wall finishing

Press the VSK 6 Spigot to open the input mask for

the CYCLE63 Mill Spigot.

Enter following values into the input mask. Use

the Select-key on the MCP where indicated.

B624 Page 16 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following line will be inserted into the program:

N140 CYCLE63

20. Insert now a tool call into the program.

First Press HSK 1 Edit. A Vertical softkey-bar with

additional functions opens.

Press the VSK 1.1 Select tool.

The Tool list window opens.
Use the blue cursor keys on the keyboard to select
the tool CUTTER_D16.
Press the VSK 1.8 OK.
The line N150 T="CUTTER_D16" will be inserted
into the program.
Alternatively you can also program this line by hand.

21. Program now the following G code commands:

N160 M6
N170 S2388 M3
N180 G95 FZ=0.15; Feedrate per tooth

22. Insert another contour call (CYCLE62) into the pro-

gram for the Moulding plate pocket.

To do this, press the HSK 1.4 Cont. Mill to open

the technology Contour milling.

Press the VSK 1 Contour.

Press the VSK 2 Contour call to open the input

mask for calling up a contour in the program.
The input mask for naming the contour opens.
23. Fill out the name field like displayed below:

Confirm the contour name by pressing the VSK 8

The following line will be inserted into the program:
N190 CYCLE62

Press VSK 2.8 to return to the VSK-bar 1.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 17 B624

Section 3 Complex programming example

25. Insert now a pocket milling cycle (CYCLE63) into
the program for roughing the pocket.

Press the VSK 4 Pocket to open the input mask for

the CYCLE63 Mill pocket.

Enter following values into the input mask. Use

the Select key on the MCP where indicated.

With the blue Select-key the machining depth Z1
can be set to inc or abs and the tool path step
over DXY can be set to % of tool or a value in
mm of the tool .

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following line will be inserted into the program:

N200 CYCLE63("CONTOUR_POCKET",1011,100,-

26. Insert now a tool call into the program.

First Press HSK 1 Edit. Vertical softkey-bar with

additional functions opens.
Press the VSK 1.1 Select tool.
The Tool list window opens.
Use the blue cursor keys on the keyboard to select
the tool CUTTER_D8.

Press the VSK 1.1 To program.

The line N210 T="CUTTER_D8" will be inserted
into the program.
Alternatively you can enter this line by hand.

B624 Page 18 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
27. Program now the following G code commands:
N220 M6
N230 S4774 M3
N240 G95 FZ=0.1; Feed rate per tooth

28. Insert now a Pocket residual material cycle

(CYCLE63) for residual material roughing of the
pocket into the program.
To do this, press the HSK 1.4 Cont. Mill to open
the technology Contour milling.

Press the VSK 5 Pocket res.mat. to open the input

mask for the CYCLE63 Pocket residual material.

Enter following values into the input mask. Use

the Select key on the MCP where indicated.

With the blue Select-key the machining depth Z1
can be set to inc or abs and the tool path step
over DXY can be set to % of tool or a value in
mm of the tool .

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following line will be inserted into the program:
N250 CYCLE63

29. Insert another pocket milling cycle (CYCLE63) into

the program for base finishing.

Press the VSK 4 Pocket to open the input mask for

the CYCLE63 Mill pocket.

30. Program now the following G code commands:

N260 S5968

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 19 B624

Section 3 Complex programming example

Enter following values into the input mask. Use
the Select key on the MCP where indicated.

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following line will be inserted into the program:

N270 CYCLE63

31. Insert another pocket milling cycle (CYCLE63) into

the program for Wall finishing.

Press the VSK 4 Pocket to open the input mask for

the CYCLE63 Mill pocket.

Enter following values into the input mask. Use

the Select key on the MCP where indicated.

B624 Page 20 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following line will be inserted into the program:

N280 CYCLE63

32. Program the following G code command to end the

N290 M30

33. Now program the contour description for the

Moulding plate outside, that you have called up
in step 7 and in the program line N70 before.

Press now the VSK 1 Contour.

Press the VSK New contour to insert a new con-

tour description for the machining operation.

The window for the contour name input opens.

Assign the following name for the new contour.

Confirm your input by pressing VSK 8 Accept.

34. The contour description window opens, where you

can enter a starting point for the new contour.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 21 B624

Section 3 Complex programming example

Enter the starting point coordinates as follows:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The contour description is being started and new

functions to define the contour are available on the
vertical softkey-bar on the right of the screen.

35. Start now the contour description with the first con-
tour element Straight line Y.

Press the VSK 1.3 Straight line Y.

The input mask for the straight line in Y-direction

Enter the following coordinates:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The first contour element is to be created.

36. Extend the contour now, by adding a straight line in


Press the VSK 1.2 Straight line X.

The input mask for the straight line in X-direction

Enter the following coordinates:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The contour description is extended by a new ele-

37. Finish the contour description by adding a straight

line in Y-direction.

B624 Page 22 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
Press the VSK 1.3 Straight line Y
The input mask for the Straight line Y opens.

Enter the following coordinates:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The contour description will be finished.

38. Check now the outline of the programmed contour.

For this, use the blue cursor keys on the keyboard to

place the orange selection cursor on the symbol
on the left side of the screen.
The following screen will be shown.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 23 B624

Section 3 Complex programming example

Finish now the contour description by pressing the
VSK 8 Accept .

The editor window opens and the following lines will

be inserted into the program:
;#SM Z:2
;#7__DlgK contour definition begin - Don't
G0 X-35 Y-100 ;*GP*
G1 Y35 RND=15 ;*GP*
X35 RND=15 ;*GP*
Y-100 ;*GP*
;#End contour definition end - Don't

39. Now program the contour description for the

Moulding plate pocket, that you have called up in
step 22 and in the program line N180.

Press now the VSK 1 Contour.

Press the VSK New contour to insert a new con-

tour description for the machining operation.

40. The window for the contour name input opens.

Assign the following name for the new contour.

Confirm your input by pressing VSK 8 Accept.

41. The contour description window opens, where you

can enter a starting point for the new contour,

B624 Page 24 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3

42. Enter the starting point coordinates as follows:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The contour description is being started and new

functions to define the contour are available on the
vertical softkey-bar on the right of the screen.
43. Start now the contour description with the first con-
tour element Straight line X.

Press the VSK 1.2 Straight line X.

The input mask for the straight line in X-direction

Enter the following coordinates:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The first contour element is being created.

44. Extend the contour now, by adding a straight line in


Press the VSK 1.3 Straight line Y.

The input mask for the straight line in Y-direction

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 25 B624

Section 3 Complex programming example

. Enter the following coordinates:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The contour description is extended by a new ele-


45. Extend the contour now, by adding a circle in clock-

wise direction.

Press the VSK 1.5 Circle.

The input mask for the circle opens.

Enter the following coordinates:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept

The contour description is extended by a new

46. Extend the contour now, by adding a straight line in


Press the VSK 1.3 Straight line Y.

The input mask for the straight line in Y-direction

B624 Page 26 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
Enter the following coordinates:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The contour description is extended by a new

47. Finish the contour description by adding a straight

line in X-direction.

Press the VSK 1.2 Straight line X

The input mask for the Straight line X opens.

Enter the following coordinates:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The contour description of the pocket will be

48. Check now the outline of the programmed contour.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 27 B624

Section 3 Complex programming example

For this, use the blue cursor keys on the keyboard to
place the orange selection cursor on the symbol
on the left side of the screen.
The following screen will be shown.

Finish now the contour description by pressing the

VSK 8 Accept .

The editor window opens and the following lines will

be inserted into the program:

;#SM Z:5
;#7__DlgK contour definition begin - Don't
G0 X0 Y-90 ;*GP*
G1 X30 RND=5 ;*GP*
Y-20 RND=5 ;*GP*
G2 X-30 I=AC(0) J=AC(-.1) RND=5 ;*GP*
G1 Y-90 RND=5 ;*GP*
X0 ;*GP*
;#End contour definition end - Don't

B624 Page 28 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
49. Now program the contour description for the
Boundary, that you have called up in step 13 and
in the program line N110.

Press now the VSK 1 Contour.

Press the VSK New contour to insert a new con-

tour description for the machining operation.

The window for the contour name input opens.

Assign the following name for the new contour.

Confirm your input by pressing VSK 8 Accept.

50. The contour description window opens, where you

can enter a starting point for the new contour,

Enter the starting point coordinates as follows:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The contour description is being started and new

functions to define the contour are available on the
vertical softkey-bar on the right of the screen.

51. Start now the contour description with the first con-
tour element Straight line Y.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 29 B624

Section 3 Complex programming example

Press the VSK 1.3 Straight line Y. The input mask
for the straight line in Y-direction opens.

Enter the following coordinates:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The first contour element is being created.

52. Extend the contour now, by adding a Straight line in


Press the VSK 1.2 Straight line X.

The input mask for the straight line X opens.

Enter the following coordinates:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The contour description is extended by a new

53. Extend the contour now, by adding a

Straight line in Y-direction.

Press the VSK 1.3 Straight line Y.

The input mask for the straight line Y opens.

Enter the following coordinates:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The contour description is extended by a new

B624 Page 30 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
54. Finish the contour description by adding a straight
line in X-direction.

Press the VSK 1.2 Straight line X

The input mask for the Straight line X opens.

Enter the following coordinates:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The contour description of the Boundary will be


55. Check now the outline of the programmed contour.

For this, use the blue cursor keys on the keyboard to

place the orange selection cursor on the symbol
on the left side of the screen.
The following screen will be shown.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 31 B624

Section 3 Complex programming example

Finish now the contour description by pressing the
VSK 8 Accept .

The editor window opens and the following lines will

be inserted into the program:


;#7__DlgK contour definition begin - Don't
G0 X-30 Y-100 ;*GP*
G1 Y40 ;*GP*
X30 ;*GP*
Y-100 ;*GP*
X-30 ;*GP*
;#End contour definition end - Don't

56. Now program the contour description for the

Moulding plate spigot, that you have called up in
step 7 and in the program line N120.

Press now the VSK 1 Contour.

Press the VSK New contour to insert a new con-

tour description for the machining operation.

. The window for the contour name input opens.

Assign the following name for the new contour:

Confirm your input by pressing VSK 8 Accept.

57. The contour description window opens, where you

can enter a starting point for the new contour,

B624 Page 32 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3

Enter the starting point coordinates as follows:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The contour description is being started and new
functions to define the contour are available on the
vertical softkey-bar on the right of the screen.

58. Start now the contour description with the first con-
tour element a Circle in clockwise direction.

Press the VSK 1.5 Circle.

The input mask for the circle opens.

Enter the following coordinates:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The contour description is extended by a new ele-
828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 33 B624
Section 3 Complex programming example

59. Extend the contour now, by adding a Straight line in

Press the VSK 1.3 Straight line Y.

The input mask for the straight line in Y-direction
Enter the following coordinates:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The contour description is extended by a new ele-


60. Extend the contour now, by adding a circle in clock-

wise direction.

Press the VSK 1.5 Circle.

The input mask for the circle opens.

Enter the following coordinates:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The contour description is extended by a new ele-


B624 Page 34 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
61. Extend the contour now, by adding a Straight line in

Press the VSK 1.3 Straight line Y.

The input mask for the straight line in Y-direction

Enter the following coordinates:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The contour description is extended by a new ele-


62. Finish the contour description by adding a circle in

clockwise direction.

Press the VSK 1.3 Circle

The input mask for the Straight line X opens.

Enter the following coordinates:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The contour description of the Spigot is now


63. Check now the outline of the programmed contour.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 35 B624

Section 3 Complex programming example

For this, use the blue cursor keys on the keyboard to
place the orange selection cursor on the symbol
on the left side of the screen.
The following screen will be shown.

Finish now the contour description by pressing the

VSK 8 Accept .

The editor window opens and the following lines will

be inserted into the program:


;#7__DlgK contour definition begin - Don't
G0 X0 Y-30 ;*GP*
G2 X-20 Y-22.361 I=AC(0) J=AC(0) ;*GP*
G1 Y22.361 ;*GP*
G2 X20 I=AC(0) J=AC(0) ;*GP*
G1 Y-22.361 ;*GP*
G2 X0 Y-30 I=AC(0) J=AC(-0) ;*GP*
;#End contour definition end - Don't

B624 Page 36 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
Program overview DIN_COUNTOURMILLING_2.MPF after comple-
tion of all inputs.

N10 G54 G17 G90

N20 WORKPIECE(,,,"BOX",64,0,-25,-80,-50,-100,100,150)
N30 T="CUTTER_D32"
N40 M6
N50 S1194 M3
N60 G95 FZ=0.15
N80 CYCLE72("",100,0,1,-
N90 S1942
N100 CYCLE72("",100,0,1,-

N110 CYCLE62("BOUNDRY",1,,)
N130 CYCLE63
N140 CYCLE63

N150 T="CUTTER_D16"
N160 M6
N170 S2388 M3
N180 G95 FZ=0.15
N200 CYCLE63("POCKET_ROUGHING",1011,100,-

N210 T="CUTTER_D8"
N220 M6
N230 S4766 M3
N240 G95 FZ=0.1
N250 CYCLE63
N260 S5968
N270 CYCLE63
N280 CYCLE63

N290 M30


;#7__DlgK contour definition begin - Don't change!;*GP*;*RO*;*HD*
G0 X-35 Y-100 ;*GP*
G1 Y35 RND=15 ;*GP*
X35 RND=15 ;*GP*
Y-100 ;*GP*
;#End contour definition end - Don't change!;*GP*;*RO*;*HD*

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 37 B624

Section 3 Complex programming example

;#7__DlgK contour definition begin - Don't change!;*GP*;*RO*;*HD*
G0 X0 Y-90 ;*GP*
G1 X30 RND=5 ;*GP*
Y-20 RND=5 ;*GP*
G2 X-30 I=AC(0) J=AC(-.1) RND=5 ;*GP*
G1 Y-90 RND=5 ;*GP*
X0 ;*GP*
;#End contour definition end - Don't change!;*GP*;*RO*;*HD*


;#7__DlgK contour definition begin - Don't change!;*GP*;*RO*;*HD*
G0 X-30 Y-100 ;*GP*
G1 Y40 ;*GP*
X30 ;*GP*
Y-100 ;*GP*
X-30 ;*GP*
;#End contour definition end - Don't change!;*GP*;*RO*;*HD*


;#7__DlgK contour definition begin - Don't change!;*GP*;*RO*;*HD*
G0 X0 Y-30 ;*GP*
G2 X-20 Y-22.361 I=AC(0) J=AC(0) ;*GP*
G1 Y22.361 ;*GP*
G2 X20 I=AC(0) J=AC(0) ;*GP*
G1 Y-22.361 ;*GP*
G2 X0 Y-30 I=AC(0) J=AC(-0) ;*GP*
;#End contour definition end - Don't change!;*GP*;*RO*;*HD*

B624 Page 38 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
64. Start the simulation of the program.
Press the HSK 1.7 Simulation to open the simula-
tion window.

The control calculates the simulation and shows the

simulation by default in the top view.

Press the VSK 1.4 3D view to run the simulation in

a 3D view.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 39 B624

Section End

B624 Page 40 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

B656 Measurement milling with programGUIDE

1 Brief description

Objective of the module:

Working through this module you become familiar with the technology Measurement milling by pro-
gramming two G-code programs with the programGUIDE in ShopMill.

Description of the module:

This module shows the efficient measuring of the top side of a workpiece, as well as the measuring of
the 4 edges of a rectangular workpiece


Simple programming example

Complex programming example

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

B656 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Measure milling - programGUIDE: Description
Measure milling
This module shows the efficient measuring of the START
top side of a workpiece, as well as the measuring
of the 4 edges of a rectangular workpiece


Measure milling


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 B656

Section 2 Simple programming example


A simple measuring movement on the top side of the work piece is to be

programmed with the programGUIDE in ShopMill.


A new G code program is to be created and opened in the editor window.

The G code lines and the measuring cycle are to be programmed and the
program is to be simulated

For this, the data shown below is to be used:

Tool data: 3D-Probe (3D_PROBE)

2.1 Creating a new programGUIDE program

A new programGUIDE program can be created from within all operating

modes as follows:

1. Press the Program Manager-key on the keyboard.

The program manager is opened directly.

- OR -
1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator

Press the yellow HSK 4 Program Manager.

The program manager opens.

2. Select a drive, where you want to create the pro-

gram (NC, Local drive, USB).

3. Press the VSK 2 New.

The vertical softkey bar for creating new programs


4. Press the VSK 4 programGUIDE G code to open

the input mask for creating a new G code program.

Enter a name for the program in the Name field,

e.g. DIN_MEASURING_1.MPF and accept with
pressing the VSK 8 OK.

The program is loaded to the editor.

B656 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Simple programming example Section 2
2.2 Programming example: Measuring a surface

The following program, with a simple call up of a measuring cycle

(CYCLE978), is to be programmed with the programGUIDE in ShopMill:

1. Program the first line of the program:

N100 G54 G17 G90

2. Insert a blank for the simulation into the program.

Press the HSK 1.6 Various to open the operating
area Various.
Press the VSK 1 Blank to open the parameter
mask for the Blank input.

3. Insert the following values into the parameter mask:

Confirm your inputs with pressing the VSK 8

The following line is inserted into the program:
N110 WORKPIECE(,,"","RECTANGLE",0,0,-50,-

4. Insert now a measuring probe into the program.

Press the HSK 1 Edit to open the operating area
Press the VSK 1.1 Select tool.
The tool selection list window opens.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 B656

Section 2 Simple programming example

Place the orange selection cursor on the tool
3D_PROBE by using the blue cursor keys on the
keyboard an press the VSK 1.8 OK.
The program line N120 T="3D_PROBE"
is inserted into the program.

5. Insert the following G code commands into the pro-

N130 M6
N140 G0 Z100
N150 G0 X0 Y0
N160 G0 Z10

6. Program now the measuring cycle (CYCLE978):

Press the Extend-key on the operator panel in or-
der to switch to the horizontal softkey bar 2.
The horizontal softkey bar 2 opens.

Press the HSK 2.6 Meas. Workp..

The work area Measurement milling with extended
measuring functions opens.
Press the VSK 2 Edge distance.
A vertical softkey bar with functions for measuring
workpieces opens.
Press the VSK 1 .
The Input window for the cycle Measure: edge.

7. Insert the following values into the parameter mask:

Accept your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

B656 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Simple programming example Section 2
The following line is inserted into the program:
N170 CYCLE978

11. Program the program end with the following G code

N170 M30

12. At the end, simulate the machining of the workpiece.

Switch back to the vertical softkey bar 1, by pressing

the Extend-key on the operator panel.

Press the HSK 1.7 Simulation to start the simula-

tion of the program.

The control calculates the simulation parameters

and opens the simulation in the simulation window in
Top view.

To view the simulation in 3-D press the VSK 1.4 3D


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 B656

Section 2 Simple programming example


B656 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3

A more complex measurement movement on the top side and the 4 edges
of the work piece is to be programmed with the programGUIDE in Shop-

A new G code program is to be created and opened in the editor window.

The G code lines and the milling cycle are to be programmed and the pro-
gram is to be simulated

For this, the data shown below are to be used:

Tool data: 3D-Probe (3D_PROBE)

3.1 Programming example: Measuring edges

The following program with the call up of two measuring cycles is to be


For this, create a new programGUIDE G code program, like described in

section 2.1.

Give the program the following name: DIN_MEASURING_2.MPF.

1. Program the first line of the program:

N100 G54 G17 G90

2. Insert now a blank for the simulation into the pro-

Press the HSK 1.6 Various to open the operating
area Various.
Press the VSK 1 Blank to open the parameter win-
dow for the blank input.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 B656

Section 3 Complex programming example

3. Insert the following values into the parameter mask:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following line is inserted into the program:

N110 WORKPIECE(,,"","RECTANGLE",0,0,-50,-

4. Insert now a measuring probe into the program.

Press the HSK 1 Edit to open the operating area

Press the VSK 1.1 To program.
The tool selection list window in the operating area
Parameter opens.
Use the blue cursor keys on the keyboard to select
the tool 3D_PROBE.
Press the VSK 1.8 OK.
The program line N120 T="3D_PROBE" Is inserted
into the program.

Optionally you can program the tool by hand.

5. Program now the following G code commands:

N130 M6
N140 G0 Z10
N150 G0 X0 Y0

6. Program now the measurement edge cycle

Press the Extend-key on the operator panel in or-
der to switch to the horizontal softkey bar 2.

The horizontal softkey bar 2 opens.

Press the VSK 2.6 Meas. Workp..
The work area Measurement milling with extended
measuring functions opens .
Press the VSK 2 Edge distanc.
A vertical softkey bar with functions for measuring
workpieces opens.
Press the VSK 1 .

The Input window for the cycle Measure: edge.


B656 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
7. Insert the following values into the parameter mask:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 OK.

The following lines are inserted into the program:

N170 CYCLE978

8. Program now the CYCLE977 to measure the spigot

of the workpiece.

Press the VSK 8 Back.

Press the VSK 5 Spigot.

The vertical softkey bar with functions for the meas-

urement of workpieces opens.
Press the VSK 1 .

The input window for the cycle Measure: rectang.

spigot opens.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 11 B656

Section 3 Complex programming example

9. Insert the following values into the parameter mask:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 OK.

The following line is inserted into the program:

N90 CYCLE977(6,,,1,,70,70,1,1,0,-

10. At last, program the end of the program with the fol-
lowing G code command:
N160 M30

11. Simulate now the measuring of the workpiece.

Switch back to the horizontal softkey bar 1, by press-

ing the Extend-key on the operator panel.

Press the HSK 1.6 Simulation to start the simula-

tion of the program.

The control calculates the simulation parameters

and opens the simulation in the simulation window in
Top view.

First, the top side of the workpiece is measured,

then successively the edges.

B656 Page 12 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Simple programming example Section 3

To view the simulation in 3-D press the VSK 1.4 3D


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B600 Basics of programming with ShopMill

1 Brief description

Objective of the module:

Working with this module you will learn the basics of creating ShopMill sequential programs.

Description of the module:

This module explains the general structure of a ShopMill program which includes the program
header, the program block and the program ending. In addition to this, the programming of chained
programming blocks (sequential programs), the functions of the Editor, as well as the functions
Various, Simulation and NC Execute will be described.



Creating ShopMill programs




NC Execute

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

B600 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Basics of programming with Shopmill:
Basics of program-
ming with Shopmill:

This module explains the general structure of a

ShopMill program which includes the program
header, the program block and the program end- Basics
ing. In addition to this, the programming of
chained programming blocks (sequential pro-
grams), the functions of the Editor, as well as the
functions Various, Simulation and NC Execute
will be described. ShopMill




NC Execute

Basics of program-
ming with Shopmill:


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 B600

Section 2 Basics

2. 1 Programming with ShopMill

ShopMill offers the option to create NC programs directly on the control in

the manner of chained sequential block programs. It also offers the option
to program G-code programs directly, with additional ShopMill functionality.

The creation of G code programs under ShopMill is described in detail in
module - B604 Basics of programming programGUIDE.
The advantage of programming a ShopMill program lies in the graphical
guiding of the programming process in the editor.
The following functions are available for this task:

Technology oriented program step selection (technology/cycles) using

Input masks and windows for parameters, with animated help graphics
Context sensitive online help for every input mask and window
Support for the contour input (geometric processor)

ShopMill programs can be represented in different views:

As a work plan, showing the program header, the programming steps
with their linkages (chains) and the end of the program.

B600 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Basics Section 2
As a programming graphic in the graphic view (with activated VSK 2.2
Graphic view): The workpiece or machining step are shown as an out-
line graphic in side view or top view. The marked program block in the
work plan is shown with a different colour.

As a parameter mask with a help graphic in 3-D, or a simulation of the

machining step in side view or top view.
If available, the view changes continuously from Help picture to anima-

The animated help graphics are displayed always in the correct position to
the adjusted coordinate system. The parameters are dynamically over-
layed into the graphic and are highlighted in a different colour.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 B600

Section 2 Basics

2.2 The work plan

Main aspect of programming with ShopMill is the Work plan in the editor
window. The structure of the Work plan is as below:

Program header (with the base settings of the program like measuring
units, work offset, blank dimensions, retraction plane, safety distance
Program blocks (the program steps with the cycles)
End of program (see also picture below)

2.2.1 Program header

The program header (also see section 2.2) contains the dimensions of the
blank for the simulation, as well as the parameters that influence the whole
program, as for example:
Work offset
Dimension units (mm/inch)
Tool axis X, Y or Z
Retraction plane, safety distance and machining sense
In the work plan, the program header is at the beginning of the program
and is labelled with the icon , and the signature Program header and
the corresponding parameters (see picture below).

2.2.2 Program blocks

Program blocks are programmed working steps, which are shown in the
editor in single rows marked with an icon and text representing the corre-
sponding technology and the entered parameters (alike the picture be-

2.2.3 Sequential program blocks

For the functions Drill, Mill, and Contour milling, technology

blocks and contours are programmed separately. These pro-
gramming blocks are automatically linked by the control and
connected in the work plan with square brackets. Technology
blocks are blocks that describe in which manner the machining
is to be processed, such as for instance centring and drilling.
Position blocks or geometry blocks respectively, describe
the positions where machining takes place, e.g. holes on a bolt
hole pattern. A sequential program block (chain) is only consid-
ered closed, if one ore more Technology blocks, end with a
Position block. A error massage will be output if one of these
elements is missing.

B600 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Basics Section 2
The icons of these blocks are marked by a square bracket, right
beside the Technology block icon, from the beginning of the
program chain to the end of the program chain. Every technology
is represented by a unique icon. This icon and its chaining are
also displayed on the left edge of the screen in the programming
graphics and parameter input masks. (here centering, drilling and
position circle).

2.2.4 End of program

The program end indicates to the control the end of the processing of the
workpiece. Besides, you can define to repeat the program for multiple
work pieces. The program end is marked with the icon and the text
End of program and if selected with the text Repetition = Yes (see pic-
ture below).

2.2.5 G code programming steps

In the work plan, G code program blocks can also be inserted.

For this, you must place the cursor on the desired position in the editor
window, where you want to insert the G code block. Pressing the yellow
INSERT-key on the keyboard, opens a new orange command line,
marked with the letter G and a blinking cursor where you can enter G
code commands. With the blue cursor up or cursor down the block can
be closed. The input value is now accepted.
From a G code line you can not switch to a parameter mask window.

2.3 Navigation in the editor window

For a fast and comfortable navigation within a sequential program and the
parameter masks you can use the blue cursor keys.

With the blue cursor-up key on the keyboard you

can navigate upwards in the program editor and the
parameter masks.

With the blue cursor-down-key on the keyboard

you can navigate downwards in the program editor
and the parameter masks.

The arrow symbol (extend-symbol) on the right side

of program block line in the editor window indicates
that you can enter the parameter input mask by
pressing the cursor-to-the-right key.

The cursor-to-the-right key opens the parameter

mask of the corresponding program block.

The cursor-to-the-left key closes the parameter

mask of the corresponding program block and
brings you back to the editor window, displaying the
ShopMill program steps.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 B600

Section 3 Creating ShopMill programs

3.1 Creating a new ShopMill program

A new ShopMill program can be created from the operating modes JOG,
MDA and AUTO as follows:
Press the Program Manager key on the keyboard.
The window for creating and manage programs opens
See module B575 - Operating area Program Manager.

- OR -
Press the MENU SELECT key on the operator panel
Press the yellow HSK 4 Program Manager.
The window for creating and managing programs opens.

- THEN -
Select a storage drive by pressing the horizontal softkey
NC, Local drive or USB where you want to create
the program.
Move the orange cursor with the blue cursor-keys to the
directory of your choice.
For the navigation process refer to the modules B566 -
Operating elements or B575 - Operating area Program
Press the VSK 2 New.
The vertical softkey bar with functions for creating new
programs opens.
Press the VSK 3 ShopMill, to open the input mask for
creating a new sequential ShopMill program, like dis-
played below.

B600 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Creating ShopMill programs Section 3
3.2 Defining the program header

After entering a name for the program and pressing the VSK 8 OK the
mask for entering the parameters for the program header opens automati-
cally. Here you can enter parameters for the measuring units, the work off-
set, blank shape, blank dimensions, retraction plane, safety distance, ma-
chining sense and the retract position patterns (see picture below).

Enter the appropriate parameter values and confirm with pressing the VSK
8 Accept or abort with pressing the VSK 7 Cancel, to switch back to
the editor window.
The view changes to the work plan view in the editor window. Program
header and program end are automatically programmed.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 B600

Section 3 Creating ShopMill programs

3.3 Creating program blocks

Place the orange cursor on the program header block, or any other pro-
gram block after which you want to insert a new program block. Select a
technology you want to apply like Drilling, Milling, Contour milling,
Straight Circle. For example select Milling -> Pocket -> Rectangular
pocket to open the corresponding parameter window and help screen by
means animation for this technology.

Enter the appropriate parameter values and confirm with pressing the VSK
8 Accept or abort with pressing the VSK 7 Cancel, to switch back to
the editor window. The new program block is inserted automatically into
the editor window. The cursor-to-the-right key opens the parameter win-
dow anytime, to change the input parameters you have done before.

If necessary enter more program steps like described above.

B600 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Creating ShopMill programs Section 3
3.4 End of program

The program block End of program is already created automatically

upon creation of a new program. if you want to make changes to the pro-
gram end, you have to place the orange selection cursor with the blue ar-
row keys on the End of program block and extend the display by press-
ing the cursor-to-the-right key. The parameter input mask for END of
program opens as displayed below. You can set here , if the program is
to be repeated for multiple workpieces.

Select Yes if you want to repeat the workpiece and confirm with pressing
the VSK 8 Accept or abort with pressing the VSK 7 Cancel to switch
back to the editor window.

The new values entered are updated automatically .

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 11 B600

Section 4 Edit

With the editor you can create, supplement and change part programs.

4.1 Selecting the function Edit

The function Editor can be opened from the operating mode JOG,
By pressing the PROGRAM-key on the keyboard
the operating area Program opens, showing the
last program you have worked on.

- OR -
Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator
panel (OP).

Press the yellow HSK 3 Program to switch to the

operating area Program.
The operating area Program opens, showing the
last program you have worked on (see picture be-

If not selected, press the HSK 1 Edit.

If no program was loaded after starting the control,

the program manager window opens first, after
pressing the HSK 3 Program.
Here you can select either a existing ShopMill-
program or create a new one.

See module - B574 Operating area Program und

module - B576 Operating area Program Manager.

The following softkeys with their corresponding functions are now available
in the vertical softkey bar:

B600 Page 12 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Edit Section 4
4.2 Vertical softkey bar 1 and 2
Display area Description
In a ShopMill program the tool call is inside the cycle
mask. The function Select tool is available for ShopMill
programs under the technologies Drilling, Milling,
Contour milling, Straight Circle or in a corresponding
program block with tool utilization. This is the reason for
VSK 1.1 Select tool being grayed out (inactive) as long
their is no G code line inserted. (see section 2.2.5)

By pressing the VSK 1.2 Build group you can create

programme blocks into groups, this can be useful when
creating large programs.

By pressing the VSK 1.3 Search you can search for

any text in the program blocks. A search window opens
where you can enter a search string. You can continue
searching afterwards (see section 4.3).

By pressing the VSK 1.4 Mark you can mark one or

several program blocks in order to copy or cut (delete)

By pressing the VSK 1.5 Copy you can copy one or

several program blocks to the internal memory of the
control, to paste them to a different location in the active
program or to another program.

By pressing the VSK 1.6 Paste copied or cut program

blocks can be inserted behind the selected program
block (actual cursor position). You can paste the block to
the active program as well as to another ShopMill pro-

By pressing the VSK 1.7 Cut you can cut out one or
several program blocks, to paste them later somewhere
in a program or to delete them. Cut out program blocks
remain in the clip board and can be inserted again with
the VSK 1.6 Paste (see VSK 1.6 Paste).

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 13 B600

Section 4 Edit

4.2 Vertical softkey bar 1 and 2 continued
Display area Description
By pressing the VSK 1.8 Extend the extended vertical
softkey bar 2 will be displayed.

By pressing the VSK 2.1 View you can choose be-

tween Close all blocks and Open all blocks.

By pressing the VSK 2.2 Graphic view you can see

the simulated workpiece from a top view as an outline
drawing (see section 2.1, picture programming graphic).

Note SK only visible in ShopMill

By pressing the VSK 2.3 Renumbering you can assign
new numbers for every program step in the Work plan

By pressing the VSK 2.4 Open further program you

can view two programs side by side.

By pressing the VSK 2.6 Settings you can change the

settings for the editor.

By pressing the VSK 2.7 Exit you close the editor with
the active program.

By pressing the VSK 2.8 Back you switch back to the

vertical softkey bar 1.

B600 Page 14 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Edit Section 4
4.3 Select tool

With the function Select tool you can search and select a tool .

4.3.1 Selecting the function Select tool

By pressing the VSK1.3 Select tool the search

window opens like displayed below, with the follow-
ing functions available in the vertical softkey bar.

Use the cursor up & cursor down keys on the key board the select the
required tool for the machining block.
If the required tool is not available press the VSK1 Tool list so that a new
tool can be created .

See module - B573 Operating area Parameter.

4.3.2 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1 Tool list you are taken to

the tool list.

See module - B573 Operating area Parameter.

With pressing the VSK 7 Cancel you can abort the
search process.
By pressing the VSK 8 OK you will load the se-
lected tool into the machining block.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 15 B600

Section 4 Edit

4.4 Build group
With the function Build group you can group similar machining blocks
together .
4.4.1 Selecting the function Search

By pressing the VSK1.2 Build group the build new

block window opens like displayed below, allowing
you to give a name to a group

Once you have typed in a name press the OK softkey

You can now create machining blocks inside the group.

4.4.2 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

With pressing the VSK 7 Cancel you can abort the

search process.
By pressing the VSK 8 OK you will load a new
group block into the program with the name you
have chosen.
B600 Page 16 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate
Edit Section 4
4.5 Search

With the function Search you can search for any text in a sequential pro-
gram and even replace the text with other text.

4.5.1 Selecting the function Search

By pressing the VSK1.3 Search the search window

opens like displayed below, with the following func-
tions available in the vertical softkey bar.

4.5.2 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1 Go to start the cursor will

be positioned on the first line of the program.
By pressing the VSK 2 Go to end the cursor will be
positioned on the last line of the program.
By pressing the VSK4 Search the search mask
opens, where you can decide to search for complete
words or Exact expression, select the search direc-
tion (forward/backwards) and enter the search text.
By pressing the VSK5 Find + replace the Search
and replace mask opens where you can decide to
search for complete words, select the search direc-
tion (forward/backwards), enter the search text and
enter the text you want to use for the replacement.
With pressing the VSK 7 Cancel you can abort the
search process.
By pressing the VSK 8 OK you start a search run
with the above mentioned search criteria.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 17 B600

Section 4 Edit

4.6 View
With the function View you can expand or close all groups that have
been created in the program.
4.6.1 Selecting the function View

By pressing the VSK1.2 View the softkeys Close

all blocks and Open all blocks are shown like dis-
played below.

Press VSK 5 Open all blocks

4.6.2 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

Pressing the VSK 4 Close all blocks you can

close all block in the program.
Pressing the VSK 5 Open all blocks you can open
all block in the program

With the VSK 8 Back you can go back to the previ-

ous vertical softkey bar.

B600 Page 18 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Edit Section 4
4.7 Renumbering

With the function Renumbering you can renumber the program steps in
the editor window with an increment you can select here.

4.7.1 Selecting the function Renumbering

By pressing the VSK 2.3 Renumbering the input

mask for the renumbering settings of blocks opens.

4.7.2 Parameters for Renumbering

Parameters Meaning

First block number The first block number you want to start with.
The values shown here by default can be adjusted
under the function Settings in the input field First
block number (see section 4.5).

Increment The Increment between the program blocks.

The values shown here by default can be adjusted
under the function Settings in the input field
Increment (see section 4.5).

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 19 B600

Section 4 Edit

4.8 Open further programs
With the function Open further programs the control will show two pro-
grams side by side.
4.8.1 Selecting the function Open further programs

By pressing the VSK1.4 Open further programs the

window opens that allows you to choose a further
program to be shown.

Use the cursor up or cursor down keys on the key board the select the
required program and press VSK8 OK

4.8.2 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

With pressing the VSK 7 Cancel you can abort the

select process.
By pressing the VSK 8 OK the control will show
two programs side by side, as shown above.

B600 Page 20 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Edit Section 4
4.9 Settings
With the function Settings you can change the settings for the editor.

4.9.1 Selecting the function Settings

By pressing the VSK2.6 Settings the input mask

for the editor settings opens.

4.9.2 Parameters for Settings

Parameters Meaning
Number automati- Program blocks will be numbered automatically.
cally (Yes/No) Deactivating this parameter, hides the following two
parameters too.
First block number Block number of first block.
Increment Increment between block numbers.

Show hidden lines Show hidden line (with the ID ;*HD).

Display block end as A symbol is displayed at the end of each block.
symbol (Yes/No)
Move horizontally Blocks are displayed in one line with a scroll bar at
(Yes/No) the right side.
Save automatically Changes are saved automatically without a query.
(only local and ex-
ternal drives)
Visible programs Selects how many programs can be displayed next
to one another in the editor

Width of program Here, you enter the width of the selected program in
with focus the editor as a percentage of the window width.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 21 B600

Section 5 Various

5.1 Selecting the function Various

The function Various can be selected from the operating mode JOG,
MDA or AUTO in the operating area Program as follows:
Press the HSK 1.6 Various to switch over to the
function Various.
A screen similar to the screen shown below opens.

The following functions with their corresponding softkeys are displayed

in a vertical softkey bar:

5.2 Vertical softkey bar 1 and 2

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1.1 Settings an input mask
opens where you can change the settings for the
blank (see section 5.3 Settings).
By pressing the VSK 1.4 HighSpeed settings the
input mask for adjusting the settings for the optimal
speed in relation to the machining method opens
(see section 5.4).
By pressing the VSK 1.5 Transformations the ver-
tical softkey bar with the functions for the coordinate
transformations is displayed (see section 5.5).
By pressing the VSK 1.6 Subprogram the input
mask for loading a subprogram to the main program
opens (see section 5.8).
By pressing the VSK 1.8 Extend the vertical soft-
key bar 2 opens.

B600 Page 22 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Various Section 5
Display area Description (Continuation)

By pressing the VSK 2.3 Repeat program the ver-

tical softkey bar with the function for repeating parts
of programs opens (see section 5.7).
By pressing the VSK 2.8 Back you switch back to
the vertical softkey bar 1.

5.3 Settings

Each parameter defined in the program header, except the measuring

units, can be changed everywhere in the program.
The settings in the program header are constant, as long as they are not
altered later in the program.
For example you can define a new blank in a sequential program later on,
if during a simulation run there is the need to change the visible view on
the workpiece. This can be reasonable within the functions Work offset
Coordinate transformation Cylinder barrel transformation and
With that you can program the above mentioned functions first, and then
define the blank afterwards.
The function Settings can be opened as follows:

5.3.1 Selecting the function Settings

By pressing the VSK 1.1 Settings the following

window for entering the parameters for the blank

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 23 B600

Section 5 Various

5.3.2 Parameters for setting the blank

Parameter Meaning Help picture/animation

X0 1 corner point X
Y0 1 corner point Y
X1 (abs/ink) 2 corner point related
to X0 (absolut or in-

Y1 (abs/ink) 2 corner point related

to Y0 (absolut or in-

ZA Initial dimension

ZI (abs/ink) Finishing dimension

related to ZA (absolut
or incremental)

PL Machining plane:

RP Retraction plane
SC Safety distance

B600 Page 24 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Various Section 5
Parameter Meaning Help picture/animation Notes
Machining sense Down-cut


Retraction position RP:

pattern Liftmode before new
infeed related to pa-
rameter RP

Lift mode before
anew infeed, opti-

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 25 B600

Section 5 Various

5.3.3 Changing the graphical view on the blank

The graphic view on the blank is adjustable under the functions Edit, Drill-
ing, Milling, Contour milling, Various and Straight Circle by pressing
the softkey Graphic view. Within the function Various you can adjust
the graphic settings with the Softkey Graphic view for the blank. Help
pictures and animations are only displayed if the VSK 2 Graphic view is
deselected and only in the side view.

You can change the graphic view on the blank as follows:

1. In the operating area Program and operation

mode JOG, MDA, or AUTO press the HSK 1.6
2. By activating and deactivating the VSK 2 Graphic
view you can switch the graphical representation of
the blank, the help pictures and animations between
2 different views:

3D-/side view

A wireframe model

B600 Page 26 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Various Section 5
5.3.4 Changing the setting for the blank

1. In the operating area Program and operation

mode JOG, MDA, or AUTO press the HSK 1.6

2. Press the VSK 1 Settings.

3. Optionally change the graphic view for the blank be-

tween 3D-/side view or wireframe model by pressing
the VSK 2 Graphic view.

4. Enter the parameter values for the blank (see pa-

rameter list in section 5.3.2).

5. Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept

or abort with pressing the VSK 7 Cancel.
A new program block Settings is inserted in the
program (see the picture below).

5.4 High Speed Settings

With the machining of free form surfaces, there are high demands on ma-
chining speed as well as accuracy and surface finish.
The optimal speed profile in conjunction with the machining method
(roughing, pre-finishing, finishing) can be adjusted easily with the function
HighSpeed settings.
It is advisable to program the cycle in the technology part first, before pro-
gramming the geometry part.

Machining methods:
With the function HighSpeed settings you can select from 3 different
technological machining methods:
"deselect" (default setting)
These four machining methods are associated directly with accuracy, ve-
locity and surface quality of the contour path (see the triangle in the Help
The operator/programmer can make an appropriate setup by adjusting the
tolerance value.
Different tolerance values and technologies can be assigned to the four
machining methods.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 27 B600

Section 5 Various

5.4.1 Selecting the function HighSpeed settings

By pressing the VSK 4 HighSpeed settings the

High-speed Settings screen opens.
The screen changes in intervals between Help picture and animation.

5.4.2 Parameter for HighSpeed settings

Parameter Help picture Animation

PL The parameter for the machining plane is optional

and has to be activated by a machine datum.

Tolerance Tolerance values for the machining




B600 Page 28 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Various Section 5

Parameter Help picture Animation (continuation) Notes



5.4.3 Changing the High-speed settings

1. In the operating area Program and operation

mode JOG, MDA, or AUTO press the HSK 6
2. Press the VSK 4 HighSpeed settings.
3. Optionally change the graphic view for the blank be-
tween sectional drawing/3-D model or wireframe
model by pressing the VSK 2 Graphic view.
4. Enter the parameter values for Tolerance and
Machining. Press the VSK 8 Accept to accept
your inputs or abort by pressing the VSK 7 Cancel.

A new program block High-speed settings is in-

serted into the program (see picture below).

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 29 B600

Section 5 Various

5.5 Transformations

To make programming easier, you can transform the coordinate

Use this function, for example, to rotate the coordinate system.
Coordinate transformations only apply in the current program.
You can define displacement, rotation, scaling or mirroring.
You can select between a new or an additive coordinate transformation.
In the case of a new coordinate transformation, all previously defined
coordinate transformations are deselected.
An additive coordinate transformation acts in addition to the currently se-
lected coordinate transformations.

Supported are:
For each axis, you can program an offset of the zero point.
You can rotate every axis through a specific angle. A positive angle
corresponds to a counter-clockwise rotation.
You can specify a scale factor for the active machining plane as well as
for the tool axis. The programmed coordinates are then multiplied by
this factor. Note that the scaling always refers to the zero point of the
workpiece. For example, if you increase the size of a pocket whose
centre point does not coincide with the zero point, scaling will shift the
centre of the pocket.
Furthermore, you can mirror all axes. Enter the axis to be mirrored in
each case. Note that with mirroring, the travel direction of the cutting
tool (conventional/climb) is also mirrored.

B600 Page 30 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Various Section 5
5.5.1 Selecting the function Transformations

By pressing the VSK 5 Transformations the fol-

lowing vertical softkey bar in the editor window

5.5.2 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1 Work offset the parameter

window for the work offset opens (see section 5.5.3).

By pressing the VSK 2 Offset the parameter win-

dow for the offset opens (see section 5.5.4).

By pressing the VSK 3 Rotation the parameter

window for the rotations opens (see section 5.5.5).

By pressing the VSK 4 Scaling the parameter win-

dow for the scaling opens (see section 5.5.6).

By pressing the VSK 5 Mirroring the parameter

window for the mirroring opens (see section 5.5.7).

The VSK 8 Back brings you back to the start

screen of the function Various.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 31 B600

Section 5 Various

5.5.3 Work offset

You can call work offsets (G54, etc.) from any program.
You can use these offsets, for example, when you want to machine
workpieces with various blank dimensions using the same program.
The offset will, in this case, adapt the workpiece zero to the new blank. Selecting the function Work offset

By pressing the VSK 1 Work offset the input mask

work offset opens. Parameters for the work offset

Parameter Meaning

Work offset. Alternative work offsets

Basic ref. Basic Reference G500

G54 Storable Zero offset

G55 Storable Zero offset

G56 Storable Zero offset

G57 Storable Zero offset

B600 Page 32 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Various Section 5
Notes Setting the work offset

1. In the operating area Program and operation

mode JOG, MDA, or AUTO press the HSK 6
Various and the VSK5 Transformations.
2. Press the VSK 1 Work offset.
3. Optionally change the graphic view for the blank be-
tween sectional drawing/3-D model or wireframe
model by pressing the VSK 2 Graphic view.
4. Select the work offset (Basic reference, G54, G55,
G56 or G57).
Press the VSK 8 Accept to confirm your selection
or press the VSK 7 Cancel to abort.
A new program block Work offset is inserted into
the program in the editor window (see picture be-

5.5.4 Offset

Offsets apply only to the current program.

Besides, you can select between a new and an additive offset.
With a new offset, all offsets defined before are deselected.
An additive offset works additional to the current selected offset.
For every axis an offset can be programmed. Selecting the function Offset

By pressing the VSK 2 Offset the input screen

mask Offset opens.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 33 B600

Section 5 Various

Notes Parameters for the Offset

Parameters Description Help picture/Animation


New Adds a new offset

Additive Adds an additive off-


Axes: Unit

X Offset X-axis mm

Y Offset Y-axis mm

Z Offset Z-axis mm Setting the Offset

1. In the operating area Program and operation

mode JOG, MDA, or AUTO press the HSK 6
Various and the VSK5 Transformations.
2. Press the VSK 2 Offset.
3. Optionally change the graphic view for the blank be-
tween sectional drawing/3-D model or wireframe
model by pressing the VSK 2 Graphic view.
4. Select the kind of offset new or additive.
Enter the offset values for the different axes (X,Y,Z)
in millimetre.
Press the VSK 8 Accept to confirm your inputs or
press the VSK 7 Cancel to abort.

A new program block Offset is inserted into the

program in the editor window (see picture below).

B600 Page 34 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Various Section 5
5.5.5 Rotation

Rotations apply only to the current program.

Besides, you can select between a new and an additive rotation.
With a new rotation, all rotations defined before are deselected.
An additive rotation works additional to the current selected rotation.
For every axis an rotational angle in degrees can be programmed.
A positive angle means a rotation counter clockwise. Selecting the function Rotation

By pressing the VSK 3 Rotation the input screen

mask Rotation opens. Parameters for Rotation

Parameters Description Help picture/Animation


New Adds a new rotation

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 35 B600

Section 5 Various

Parameter Description Help picture/Animation

Additive Incremental rotation

Axes: Units

X Rotation around the mm


Y Rotation around the mm

Y- axis

Z Rotation around the mm

Z-axis Setting the rotations

1. In the operating area Program and operation

mode JOG, MDA, or AUTO press the HSK 6
Various and the VSK5 Transformations.
2. Press the VSK 3 Rotation.

3. Optionally change the graphic view for the blank be-

tween sectional drawing/3-D model or wireframe
model by pressing the VSK 2 Graphic view.
4. Select if you want to add a new or a additive
rotation. Enter the values for the rotation about the
axes X, Y, und Z in degrees.

Press the VSK 8 Accept to confirm your inputs or

press the VSK 7 Cancel to abort.

A new program block Rotation is inserted into the

program in the editor window (see picture below).

B600 Page 36 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Various Section 5
5.5.6 Scaling

Scaling applies only to the current program. Besides, you can select be-
tween a new and an additive scaling.
With a new scaling, every scaling defined so far is deselected.
An additive scaling works incremental to the current selected scaling.
You can specify a scale factor for the active machining plane as well as for
the tool axis. The programme coordinates are then multiplied by this factor.

Note that the scaling always refer to the zero point of the workpiece.
For example, if you increase the size of a pocket whose centre point does
not coincide with the zero point, scaling will shift the centre of the pocket. Selecting the function Scaling

By pressing the VSK 4 Scaling the input screen

mask Scaling opens.

5.9.2 Parameters for Scaling

Parameter Description Help picture/Animation


New Adds a new scaling

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 37 B600

Section 5 Various

Parameter Description Help picture/Animation

Additive Adds an additive



XY Scaling factor XY

Z Scaling factor Z Setting the scaling

1. In the operating area Program and operation

mode JOG, MDA, or AUTO press the HSK 6
Various and the VSK5 Transformations.
2. Press the VSK 4 Scaling.

3. Optionally change the graphic view for the blank be-

tween sectional drawing/3-D model or wireframe
model by pressing the VSK 2 Graphic view.
4. Select whether the scaling new or additive.
Insert the values for the scaling factor XY and Z.

Press the VSK 8 Accept to confirm your inputs or

press the VSK 7 Cancel to abort.

A new program block Rotation is inserted into the

program in the editor window (see picture below).

B600 Page 38 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Various Section 5
5.5.7 Mirroring

Mirroring applies only to the current program.

Besides, you can select between a new and an additive mirroring.
With a new mirroring, all mirror images defined so far are deselected.
An additive mirroring works additional to the current selected mirroring.
Furthermore it is possible to mirror all axes.
Activate the axis to be mirrored in each case.

Note that with mirroring, the travel direction of the cutting tool (down-cut/up
-cut) is also mirrored. Selecting the function Mirroring

By pressing the VSK 5 Mirroring the input screen

mask Mirroring opens. Parameters for Mirroring

Parameter Description Help picture/Animation


New Adds a new mirroring

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 39 B600

Section 5 Various

Parameters Description Help picture/animation

Additive Adds an additive mir-



X Mirroring for the X-

axis (on/off)

Y Mirroring for the Y-

axis (on/off)

Z Mirroring for the Z-

axis (on/off) Mirroring the axes

1. In the operating area Program and operation

mode JOG, MDA, or AUTO press the HSK 6
Various and the VSK5 Transformations.
2. Press the VSK 5 Mirroring.

3. Optionally change the graphic view for the blank be-

tween sectional drawing/3-D model or wireframe
model by pressing the VSK 2 Graphic view.
4. Select whether the Mirroring is new or additive.
Switch on or off the axis that you want to have mir-

Press the VSK 8 Accept to confirm your inputs or

press the VSK 7 Cancel to abort.

A new program block Mirroring is inserted into the

program in the editor window (see picture below).

B600 Page 40 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Various Section 5
5.6 Subprogram

If you require the same machining steps in the programming of different

workpieces, you can define these machining steps in a separate subrou-
tine. You can then call this subroutine in any program.
Identical machining steps therefore only have to be programmed once.
ShopMill does not differentiate between main program and subprogram.
This means that you can call a "standard" sequential program or G code
program as subprograms in another sequential program.
In this subprogram, you can also call another subprogram.
The maximum nesting depth is 8 subroutines.
You cannot insert subroutines among blocks chained by the control.
If you want to call a sequential control program as a subroutine, the
program must already have been calculated once (load or simulate
program in AUTO operating mode). This is not necessary for G code
The subroutine must always be stored in the NCK main memory (in a
separate directory "XYZ" or in the "ShopMill", "Part programs",
"Subprograms" directories).
If you want to call a subprogram located on another drive, you can use
G code command "EXTCALL".
Please note that, when a subprogram is called, ShopMill evaluates the
settings in the program header of the subroutine. These settings also
remain active even after the subprogram has ended.
If you wish to activate the settings from the program header for the main
program again, you can make the settings again in the main program after
calling the subprogram.

5.6.1 Selecting the function Subprogram

By pressing the VSK 3 Subprogram the input

screen mask Subprogram opens.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 41 B600

Section 5 Various

5.6.2 Inserting a subprogram

1. In the operating area Program and operation

mode JOG, MDA, or AUTO press the HSK 6
2. Press the VSK 1.6 Subprogram.
3. Optionally change the graphic view on the blank by
pressing the VSK 2 Graphic view.
4. Enter the path to the subprogram folder and the
name of the subprogram in the input mask.
Press the VSK 8 Accept to confirm your inputs or
press the VSK 7 Cancel to abort.

A new program block Execute is inserted into the

program in the editor window (see picture below).

5.7 Repeating program blocks

If certain steps in the machining of a workpiece have to be executed more

than once, it is only necessary to program these steps once.
ShopMill offers a function for repeating program blocks.
You must mark the program blocks that you want to repeat with a start and
end marker. You can then call these program blocks up to 9999 times
again within a program. The markers must be unique, i.e. they must have
different names. No names used in the NCK can be used for this.
You can also set markers and repeats after creating the program, but not
within chained program blocks.

It is also possible to use the same marker as the end marker of the preced-
ing program blocks and as the start marker for the following program

5.7.1 Selecting the function Repeat program

By pressing the VSK 3 Repeat Program the follow-

ing vertical softkey bar with the functions for repeat-
ing program parts opens.

5.7.2 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1 Set Mark the window for
setting a start or end mark opens.

By pressing the VSK 2 Repeat program an input

mask opens where you can specify the start and end
marker which enclose the program parts you want to

B600 Page 42 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Various Section 5
5.7.3 Repeating a program block

1. In the operating area Program and operation

mode JOG, MDA, or AUTO press the HSK 6
2. Press the VSK 1.8 Extend to open the extended
vertical softkey bar 2.

3. Press the VSK 2.3 Repeat program.

4. Place the orange selection cursor on the program

block before the program block that you want to re-

5. Press the VSK 1 Set Mark to open the input

screen mask for input of the start mark.

In the Set mark input window, enter a unique name

for the start mark (see the following picture).

With pressing the VSK 8 Accept a new program

block MARK1 is inserted into the work plan (see
picture below).

6. Place the orange selection cursor on that program

block in the editor window that shall be the last block
in the repetition sequence.

7. Press the VSK 1 Set mark to open the input

screen mask for input of the end mark.

In the Set mark input window, enter a unique name

for the end mark (see the following picture).

With pressing the VSK 8 Accept A new program

block MARK2 is inserted into the work plan (see
picture below)..

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 43 B600

Section 5 Various

8. Place the orange selection cursor on that block, after
that you want to repeat the program sequence.

9. Press the VSK 2.3 Repeat program.

In the input mask enter the name for the start mark
and the end mark as well as the number of repeti-

Confirm your selection by pressing the VSK 8


A new program block Repetition MARK1 MARK2

is inserted into the work plan
(see picture below).

10. The program blocks between the marks will be re-

peated during machining of the program.

B600 Page 44 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Simulation Section 6
ShopMill provides various extensive and detailed simulation functions for
displaying the simulation of the machining.

During simulation, the current program is calculated in its complete form

and the result is displayed in graphic form.

You can select the following modes of representation for simulation:

Top view
3-D view
Side view

The simulation uses the correct proportions for the tools and
workpiece contours. Cylindrical die-sinking cutters, bevel cutters,
bevel cutters with corner rounding and tapered die-sinking cutters are dis-
played as end milling tools.

The traverse paths for the tools are shown in colour:

Red line = tool is moving at rapid traverse
Green line = tool is moving at machining feedrate

In all views, a clock is displayed during graphical processing. The

displayed machining time (in hours/minutes/seconds) indicates the ap-
proximate time that would actually be required to execute the machining
program on the machine (incl. tool change).
If a program is interrupted during simultaneous recording, the clock stops.
In addition, the current axis coordinates, the override, and the program
block currently being executed are also displayed.
The active tool with the cutting edge number and feedrate are also dis-
played in the simulation.

Transformations are displayed differently during simulation and

simultaneous recording:
Coordinate transformations (translation, scaling, ) are displayed as
Cylinder surface transformations are displayed as a developed surface.
After swivel transformation, the previous machining operations are de-
leted from the display and only machining of the swivelled plane is dis-
played (viewing angle perpendicular to the swivelled plane).
Zero offsets (G54, etc.) do not alter the zero in the graphical display.
This means that, in the case of multiple clamping, the machining opera-
tions for each of the individual workpieces are plotted on top of one an-

If you want to display a different portion of the workpiece from the one de-
fined in ShopMill, you can define a new blank in the program (see section
5.3 in this module).

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 45 B600

Section 6 Simulation

6.1 Selecting the function Simulation

The function Simulation can be selected from the operating mode

JOG, MDA and AUTO as follows:

With a program loaded, press the HSK 1.7

Simulation to start a simulation run.
The following screen opens.
The simulation starts after a short computing time in
the top view by default.

Press the VSK 1.4 3D view the simulated work-

piece is displayed 3-dimesionally (see picture be-

The following functions will be available in the vertical softkey bar.

B600 Page 46 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Simulation Section 6
6.2 Vertical softkey bar 1 and 2

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1.1 Stop the simulation will
be halted. The softkey will be replaced with the VSK
1.1 Start, in order to continue the simulation again.
By pressing the VSK 1.1 Start the simulation will
be started or continued. The softkey will be replaced
with the VSK Stop.
By pressing the VSK 1.1 SBL the simulation will be
processed block by block. This softkey replaces the
softkey Start, if the VSK 4 Single block is acti-
vated under the function Program control.
By pressing the VSK 1.2 Reset the simulation will
be aborted, and can be started again by pressing the
VSK 1.1 Start.
The Top view is activated by default and shows
the simulation in a plan view from above

By pressing the VSK 1.4 3D view the simulation

will be shown in a 3-D view
By pressing the VSK 1.5 Further views the vertical
softkey bar opens, with more options to adjust the
view on the simulation process (see section 6.3).
By pressing the VSK 1.6 Details the vertical soft-
key bar opens, where you can adjust the level of de-
tails that will be shown during the simulation (see
section 6.4).
By pressing the VSK 1.7 Program control the ver-
tical softkey bar opens, with further functions to con-
trol the simulation run (see section 6.5).
By pressing the VSK 1.8 Extend the vertical soft-
key bar 2 with the following functions will be dis-
By pressing the VSK 2.3 Show tool path the dis-
play of the simulated tool path can be switched on
and off.
By pressing the VSK 2.4 Delete tool path the ani-
mated tool path in the simulation window will be de-
leted. A new tool path is shown immediately after
pressing this softkey or after running a new simula-
tion (if the simulation is in Stop- or Reset- mode).
By pressing the VSK 2.5 Blank you can change
the dimensions of the simulated blank (see also sec-
tion 5.3). This softkey is active if the simulation is in
Reset mode.
By pressing the VSK 2.8 Back you switch back to
the vertical softkey bar 1.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 47 B600

Section 6 Simulation

6.3 Further views
With the function Further views you can change the graphical side-views
on the blank, to view the simulation process in an optimal way. You can
select the sides from which you want to see the simulation.

6.3.1 Selecting the function Further views

By pressing the VSK 1.5 Further views the follow-

ing window with side views on the blank opens.

6.3.1 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1 From front the simulated
workpiece will be shown in a front view.

By pressing the VSK 2 From rear the simulated

workpiece will be shown in a rear view.

By pressing the VSK 3 From left the simulated

workpiece will be shown from the left side.

By pressing the VSK 4 From right the simulated

workpiece will be shown from the right side.

By pressing the VSK 8 Back on the operator panel

(OP) you switch back to the vertical softkey bar of
the operating area Details.

B600 Page 48 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Simulation Section 6
6.4 Details
With the function Details you can zoom in, zoom out, rotate and cut out
parts of the workpiece.

6.4.1 Selecting the function Details

By pressing the VSK 1.6 Details the following func-

tions are available in a vertical softkey bar.

6.4.2 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1 Autozoom the workpiece
fills out the simulation window in an optimal way.

By pressing the VSK 2 Zoom + you zoom in into

the simulation window. Alternatively you can press
the +-key on the number block of the keyboard.

By pressing the VSK 3 Zoom - you can zoom out

of the simulation window. Alternatively you can press
the --key on the keyboard.
By pressing the VSK 4 Zoom a frame opens in the
simulation window, that lets you zoom in to the
frame size.
Press the VSK1 Zoom + to increase and the VSK
2 Zoom - to decrease the frame size. Alternatively
you can change the frame size of the zoom area
with the +or - key on the number pad of the key-
board. Move the frame with the blue cursor keys on
the keyboard.
Press the VSK 8 Accept to zoom to the selected
extent or abort with pressing the VSK 7 Cancel.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 49 B600

Section 6 Simulation

Notes Display area Description (continuation)

By pressing the VSK 5 Rotate view a vertical

softkey bar opens to the right, with functions to ro-
tate the workpiece in the simulation window (see

By pressing the VSK 6 Cut the functions for cut-

ting out parts of the workpiece are available in a
vertical softkey bar (see section

By pressing the VSK 8 Back on the operator

panel you switch back to the vertical softkey-bar 1. Selecting the function Rotate view

By pressing the VSK 5 Rotate view the following

functions will be displayed in a vertical softkey bar. Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK Arrow right the workpiece

will be turned right around the centre of the simula-
tion window.

By pressing the VSK Arrow left the workpiece will

be turned left around the centre of the simulation

By pressing the VSK 3 Arrow up the work piece

will be turned up around the centre of the simulation

By pressing the VSK 4 Arrow down the work

piece will be turned down around the centre of the
simulation window.

By pressing the 5 Arrow turns left the workpiece

will be rotated to the left, around the centre of the
simulation window (counter clockwise).

By pressing the 5 Arrow turns right the work-

piece will be rotated to the right, around the centre
of the simulation window (clockwise).

By pressing the VSK 8 Back you switch back to

the VSK-bar Details.

B600 Page 50 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Simulation Section 6
Notes Selecting the function Cut

By pressing the VSK 1.7 Cut the functions for cut-

ting out parts of the simulated workpiece will be
shown in a vertical softkey bar. The cut surface ar-
eas are only displayed during simulation run. Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1 Cut active you can acti-

vate the cut surfaces on the workpiece and activate
the greyed out axes softkeys in the vertical softkey
bar. The function Cut stays active until the VSK
Cut active is deactivated.

By pressing the VSK 2 X+ the cutting plane is

shifted on the X-axis to the positive (to the right).

By pressing the VSK 3 X- the cutting plane is

shifted on the X-axis to the negative (to the left).

By pressing the VSK 4 Y+ the cutting plane is

shifted on the y-axis (ordinate) to the positive (to
the rear ).

By pressing the VSK 5 Y- the cutting plane is

shifted on the y-axis (ordinate) to the negative

By pressing the VSK 6 Z+ the cutting plane will be

shifted on the Z-axis (applicate) to the positive

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 51 B600

Section 6 Simulation

Notes Display area Description (continuation)

By pressing the VSK 7 Z- the cutting plane will be

shifted on the Z-axis (Ablikate) to the negative

By pressing the VSK 8 Back you switch back to

the operating area Details.

6.5 Program control

With the function Program control the override can be adjusted for the
simulation, the program can be executed in single blocks and alarm mes-
sages, that occurred during simulation, can be displayed.

6.5.1 Selecting the function Program control

By pressing the VSK 1.7 Program control the fol-

lowing functions will be shown in a vertical softkey
bar on the right side of the screen.

6.5.2 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1 100% override the feedrate

override is set to the maximum override of 100%.

By pressing the VSK 2 Override + the override will

be increased in 5% steps each time you press the
softkey, until a maximum of 100% is reached.

By pressing the VSK 3 Override - the override will

be decreased in 5% steps each time you press the
softkey until a minimum of 0% is reached.
With a feedrate override of 0% the simulation is

By pressing the VSK 4 Single block the simulation

will be executed block by block.
With pressing this softkey the VSK 1.1 Start in the
operating area Simulation will be exchanged with
the VSK 1.1 SBL (see section 6.2).

By pressing the VSK 7 Alarm the Simulation

alarms window opens, with alarm messages that
have occurred during a simulation run.
This can be used for error detection.
By pressing the VSK 8 Back you switch back to
the vertical softkey bar 1.

B600 Page 52 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Simulation Section 6
6.6 Selecting the function Alarm
By pressing the VSK 7 Alarm the Simulation
alarms window opens, with a list of all current active
alarm messages that occurred during the simulation.
For error messages and acknowledgement symbols
see module - B576 Operating area Diagnostics,
section 3.

6.6.2 Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description
By pressing the VSK 1 Acknowl. Alarm all with
the Reset- or Cancel-symbol marked alarm mes-
sages can be deleted. This softkey is inactive as
long as no appropriate error message is shown.
By pressing the VSK 2 Simulation Power On you
can trigger a warm restart for the active simulation.

Press the VSK 8 OK to confirm or the VSK 7

Cancel to abort the warm restart. With a warm
start the simulation will be ended and started new.

By pressing the VSK 8 Back you switch back to

the operating area Program control.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 53 B600

Section 7 NC Execute

7.1 NC Execute

The function NC Execute lets you load the active program from the editor
to the operating area Machine in the operating mode AUTO.

7.1.1 Selecting the function NC Execute

By pressing the HSK 1.8 NC Execute the control,

switches to the operating area Machine under the
operating mode AUTO.
The program modified in the editor is now ready for
machining (see picture below).
The Softkey is deactivated if the program is running.

B600 Page 54 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

B608 Drilling with ShopMill

1 Brief description

Objective of the module:

Working through this module you become familiar with the technology Drilling by programming two
chained sequential ShopMill programs.

Description of the module:

This module explains the programming of a simple drilling example with ShopMill functionality, as
well as well as the programming of a more complex workpiece by means of chained drilling cycles
and position patterns.

Simple programming example

Complex programming example

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

B608 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Drilling - Shopmill: Description
This module explains the programming of a simple START
drilling example with ShopMill functionality, as well
as well as the programming of a more complex
workpiece by means of chained drilling cycles and Simple
position patterns. programming




828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 B608

Section 2 Simple programming example


A simple drilling machining, using a drill cycle is to be programmed as a

sequential program with ShopMill functionality.


A new sequential ShopMill program is to be created and opened in the edi-

tor. The program header, as well as drilling cycle and position cycle
(sequential chain program) are programmed.
After this the program is to be simulated.
For this, the below listed tool and technology data are to be used:
Tool data: Drill 8,5 mm (DRILL_D8.5)

Approach strategy: As a start position for the machining, the first pro-
grammed drill hole is to be used.
This position is approached in rapid traverse.

2.1 Creating a new sequential program

A new ShopMill program can be created from within the operating modes
JOG, MDA and AUTO as follows:

1. Press the Program Manager-key on the keyboard.

The program manager will be opened directly.

- OR -

1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator

panel and then the yellow HSK 4 Program Man-

The program manager opens.

2. Select a drive, where you want to create the pro-

gram (NC, Local drive, USB).

3. Press the VSK 2 New.

The vertical softkey bar for creating new programs

4. Press the VSK 3 ShopMill to open the input mask

for creating a new ShopMill sequential program.

Enter a name for the program in the Name field

and accept with pressing the VSK 8 OK.

The program is loaded to the editor and the pa-

rameter window for the program header is opened
by default.

B608 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Simple programming example Section 2
2.2 Example: Drilling

The following sequential program, with the call up of a simple drilling cycle,
chained with a position pattern, is to be programmed.

1. Create a new ShopMill program like described in the previ-

ous section 2.1 and give the program a name, for example

The input window for the program header opens.

2. Enter following values in the program header like

displayed below, and confirm your inputs with by
pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block Program header will be in-

serted into the program.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 B608

Section 2 Simple programming example

3. Program the drilling cycle.
For this, press the HSK 1.2 Drill., to open the tech-
nology Drilling.
Press the VSK 2 Drilling Reaming.

Press the VSK 3 Drilling.

The input mask for the drilling cycle opens.

4. Enter the following parameters like displayed below:

To insert a tool into the parameter window, press the

VSK 1 Select tool, mark the desired tool (here
DRILL_D8.5) in the tool selection list with the orange
selection cursor and press the VSK 8 OK.
Confirm the input with the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block Drilling will be inserted

into the program.

5. Insert now the position pattern for the drilling.

Press the VSK 7 Positions.

Select the VSK 4 Positions as a position pattern

for the drilling.
The input window for the position settings opens.
6. Enter the following position values into the mask and
confirm by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The program block Positions will be inserted into

the program:

7. Program the end of the program and simulate the

Place the orange selection cursor on the program
block End of program and extend the program
block by pressing the blue cursor-to-the-right-key
on the keyboard.

B608 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Simple programming example Section 2
8. The settings window for the program end opens,
where you can define to repeat the workpiece.

Accept the default value by pressing the VSK 8

For starting the simulation, press the VSK 1.7
Simulation. The control calculates the simulation
parameters and opens the simulation in the simula-
tion window in Top view.

To view the simulation in 3-dimensional press the

VSK 1.4 3D view.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 B608

Section 3 Complex programming example


A more complex program (hole pattern) with chained program blocks is to

be created in ShopMill.
For this, different drilling cycles and a position pattern cycle will be called
up and chained to a sequential program.


The following workpiece is to be programmed and simulated.

For this, the tool data and technology data shown below shall be used.

The following tool- and technology data are needed for the programming:

Tool data: Center drill 12 mm (CENTERDRILL_D12)

Drill 8,5 mm (DRILL_D8.5)
Tap M10 (TAP_M10)
Approach strategy: As a start position for the machining, the first pro-
grammed drill hole is to be used.
This position is approached in rapid traverse.

B608 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
3.1 Example: Hole pattern

The following program with call of the drilling cycles Centring, Drilling,
Taping and a hole pattern is to be programmed.

Create a new ShopMill program, like described in section 2.1 in this

Give the program a name, for example SM_DRILL_2.MPF.
The program with the parameter mask for the program header opens auto-

1. Program the Program header, by taking over the

following values:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block Program header will

be inserted into the program:

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 B608

Section 3 Complex programming example

2. Program the center drilling cycle.

Press the HSK 1.2 Drill..

Press the VSK 1 Centering.

The parameter mask for the Centering opens.

3. Insert the following values for centering in the pa-

rameter input mask, like displayed below.

To insert a tool into the parameter window, press the

VSK 1 Select tool, mark the desired tool (here
CENTERDRILL_D12) in the tool selection list with
the orange selection cursor and press the VSK 8
Confirm the input with the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block Centring will be in-

serted into the program.

The program chain starts (see bracket symbol).

4. Program the drill cycle.
Press the VSK 2 Drilling Reaming.

Select the VSK 3 Drilling to open the input mask

for the drilling.

5. Fill out the input mask like displayed below:

To insert a tool into the parameter window, press the

VSK 1 Select tool, mark the desired tool (here
DRILL_D8.5) in the tool selection list with the orange
selection cursor and press the VSK 8 OK.
The following program block Drilling will be inserted
into the program.

The program chain will be extended.

B608 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
6. Now program the tapping cycle.

Press the VSK 5 Thread.

The Tapping window opens.

7. Insert the following values into the input mask:

To insert a tool into the parameter window, press the

VSK 1 Select tool, mark the desired tool (here
TAP_M10)) in the tool selection list with the orange
selection cursor and press the VSK 8 OK.
Confirm the input with the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block Tapping will be in-

serted into the program.

The chaining of the program blocks will be extended.

8. Program now the position pattern for the drilling, in

order to close the program block chain.
Press the VSK 7 Positions.
The positions window opens.
To set the positions for the drillings press the VSK 4
The drill position window opens.

9. Insert following values:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block Positions will be in-


The program block chain will be closed.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 11 B608

Section 3 Complex programming example

10. Program the program end and simulate the machin-

Place the orange selection cursor on the End of

Program program block. Extend the program block
by pressing the blue cursor-to-the-right-key on
the keyboard.

The input mask for the End of program opens.

11. The settings window for the program end opens,

where you can define to repeat the workpiece.

Accept the default value by pressing the VSK 8


Press the HSK 1.7 Simulation to start the simula-

tion of the program.
The control calculates the simulation parameters
and opens the simulation in the simulation window in
Top view.

B608 Page 12 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
To view the simulation 3-dimesional press the VSK
1.4 3D View.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 13 B608

B608 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate
B615 Milling with ShopMill

1 Brief description

Objective of the module:

Working through this module you become familiar with the technology Milling by programming two
chained sequential ShopMill programs.

Description of the module:

This module explains the programming of a simple milling machining with ShopMill functionality, as
well as the programming of a more complex workpiece by means of milling cycles and a position pat-

Simple programming example

Complex programming example

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

B615 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Milling - Shopmill: Description
This module explains the programming of a simple START
milling machining with ShopMill functionality, as
well as the programming of a more complex work-
piece by means of milling cycles and a position Simple
pattern. programming




828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 B615

Section 2 Simple programming example


A simple milling machining is to be programmed as a chained sequential

program in ShopMill.


A new ShopMill program is to be created and opened in the editor.

The program header, a milling cycle and a position pattern (program chain)
are programmed.
After this the program is to be simulated.
For this, the tool and technology data below are to be used:

Tool data: Milling cutter 10mm (CUTTER_D10)

Technology data: F 0,15 mm/tooth, V120 m/min

2.1 Creating a new ShopMill program

A new ShopMill program can be created from within the operating modes
JOG, MDA and AUTO as follows:

1. Press the Program Manager-key on the keyboard.

The program manager will be opened directly.

- OR -

1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator


Press the yellow HSK 4 Program Manager.

The program manager opens.

2. Select a drive, where you want to create the pro-

gram (NC, Local drive, USB).

3. Press the VSK 2 New.

The vertical softkey bar for creating new programs

4. Press the VSK 3 ShopMill to open the input mask

for creating a new ShopMill sequential program.

Enter a name for the program in the Name field

and accept with pressing the VSK 8 OK.

The program is loaded to the editor and the pa-

rameter window for the program header is opened
by default.

B615 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Simple programming example Section 2
2.2 Example: Rectangular pocket

The following program with a chained milling cycle and position pattern is
to be programmed.

1. Create a new ShopMill program like described in the

previous section 2.1 and give the program a name,
for example SM_MILLING_1.MPF.

The input window for the program header opens


2. In the parameter mask for the program header enter

the following values.

Accept your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block is inserted into the pro-


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 B615

Section 2 Simple programming example

2. Program now the rectangular pocket.
For this, press the HSK 1.3 Milling to open the
technology Milling.
Press the VSK 2 Pocket.

Press the VSK 3 Rectang. pocket.

The parameter mask for the rectangular
pocket cycle opens.

3. In the parameter mask for the rectangular pocket

enter the following values:

To insert a tool into the parameter window, press the

VSK 1 Select tool, mark the desired tool (here
CUTTER_D10) in the tool selection list, with the or-
ange selection cursor and press the VSK 8 OK
Confirm the input with the VSK 8 Accept.

The program block Rectangular pocket will be

inserted into the program.

The program chain opens.

4. Insert now a position pattern for the milling cycle.

Press the HSK 1.2 Drill..

Press the VSK 7 Positions.

Select the VSK 4 Positions as a position pattern

for the milling.
The input window for the position settings opens.

B615 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Simple programming example Section 2
5. In the parameter mask for the Position pattern, en-
ter the following values and confirm your inputs by
pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The program block Row of positions is inserted into

the work plan.

The program chain closes.

6. Program now the end of the program and simulate

the machining.

For this, place the orange selection cursor on the

program block End of program using the blue cur-
sor keys and switch over to the parameter window
by pressing the blue cursor-to-the-right key on
the keyboard.

7. The settings window for the program end opens,

where you can define to repeat the workpiece.

Accept the default value and press the VSK 8


In order to start the simulation, press the HSK 1.7


The control calculates the simulation parameters

and opens the simulation in the simulation window in
Top view.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 B615

Section 2 Simple programming example


To view the simulation 3-dimensional press the VSK

1.4 3D view.

B615 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3

A more complex program (a slanted rectangular pocket) with chained pro-

gram blocks is to be created in ShopMill.


The workpiece shown below is to be programmed and simulated.

For this, the tool and technology data below are to be used:

The following tool- and technology data are needed for the programming:

Tool data: Milling tool 10 mm (CUTTER_D10)

Technology data: F 0,15 mm/tooth, V 120 m/min (roughing) and

F 0,08 mm/tooth, V 150 m/min (finishing)

The pocket is to be roughed first and finished after-


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 B615

Section 3 Complex programming example

3.1 Example: Slanted rectangular pocket

The following program, with the call up of rectangular pocket cycles and a
position pattern, is to be programmed.

Create a new ShopMill program first, like described in Section 2.1 in this
Name the program, e. g. SM_MILLING_2.MPF.
The new ShopMill program, with the parameter window for the program
header opens.
1. Program the program header like displayed below:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block will be inserted into the


B615 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
2. Rough the rectangular pocket.

Press the HSK 1.3 Mill. to open the technology

Press the VSK 2 Pocket.

Press the VSK 3 Recttang. pocket.

The input mask for the rectangular pocket cycle

3. Insert the following values and confirm your inputs

by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

To insert a tool into the program, press the VSK 1

Select tool, in topening tool selection list, select
the tool CUTTER_D10 with the orange selection
cursor and press the VSK 8 OK.
Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.
The program block Rectang. Pocket is inserted
into the program:

The program chain starts (see chain symbol).

4. After this finish the rectangular pocket.

Press the VSK 2 Pocket.

Press the VSK 3 Rectang. pocket.

The parameter mask for the rectangular pocket cycle

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 11 B615

Section 3 Complex programming example

5. Insert the following values into the parameter mask
and confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8

To insert a tool into the program, press the VSK 1

Select tool, in opening tool selection list, select the
tool CUTTER_D10 with the orange selection cursor
and press the VSK 8 OK.
Confirm the input with the VSK 8 Accept.

The program block Rectang. Pocket is inserted

into the program:

The program chain is extended (see chain symbol).

6. Insert now a position pattern for the rectangular


Press the HSK 1.2 Drill..

Press the VSK 7 Positions.

The window for setting a position patterns for the
rectangular pocket opens.

Press the VSK 4 Position pattern to open the

position pattern input mask for the pocket positions.

B615 Page 12 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
7. Enter the following values into the parameter win-

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The program block Row of positions is inserted

into the program:

The program chain closes.

8. Program now the program end and simulate the ma-


Place the orange selection cursor on the program

block Program end and open the parameter list by
pressing the blue cursor-to-the-right-key on the

The input mask for the End of program settings


9. Here you can define to repeat the program for

multiple workpieces.

Take over the default value and press the VSK 8


Press the HSK 1.7 Simulation to start the simula-

tion of the program run.
The control calculates the simulation parameters
and opens the simulation in the simulation window in
Top view.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 13 B615

Section 3 Complex programming example


To view the simulation 3-dimensional, press the VSK

1.4 3D view.

B615 Page 14 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

B623 Contour milling with ShopMill

1 Brief description

Objective of the module:

Working with this module you become familiar with the technology Contour milling by programming
two chained sequential ShopMill programs

Description of the module:

This module explains the programming of a simple and a more complex contour in ShopMill, with the
technology contour milling and with help of the contour editor.


Simple programming example

Complex programming example

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

B623 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Contour milling - Shopmill: Description
Contour milling
This module explains the programming of a simple START
and a more complex contour in ShopMill, with the
technology contour milling and with help of the
contour editor. Simple


Contour milling


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 B623

Section 2 Simple programming example


A simple contour milling operation is to be programmed as a chained se-

quential program in ShopMill.


A new ShopMill program is to be created and opened in the editor.

The program header, a contour description and a contour milling cycle (as
chain program) are to be programmed.
Afterwards, the program is to be simulated.
For this, the tool and technology data below are to be used:

Tool data: Milling cutter 32 mm (CUTTER_D32)

Technology data: F 0,3 mm/tooth, V120m/min

2.1 Creating a new ShopMill program

A new ShopMill program can be created from within the operating modes
JOG, MDA and AUTO as follows:

1. Press the Program Manager-key on the keyboard.

The program manager will be opened directly.

- OR -

1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator


Press the yellow HSK 4 Program Manager.

The program manager opens.

2. Select a drive, where you want to create the pro-

gram (NC, Local drive, USB).

3. Press the VSK 2 New.

The vertical softkey bar for creating new programs

4. Press the VSK 3 ShopMill to open the input mask

for creating a new ShopMill sequential program.

Enter a name for the program in the Name field

and accept with pressing the VSK 8 OK.

The program is loaded to the editor and the pa-

rameter window for the program header is opened
by default.

B623 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Simple programming example Section 2
2.2 Programming example: Straight line

The following ShopMill program with a contour description and a contour

milling cycle, chained together, is to be programmed.

1. Create a new ShopMill sequential program like de-

scribed in the previous section 2.1 and give
the program for example the name

The input window for the program header opens


2. Insert the following parameter values. Use the

blue Select-key on the MCP where indicated.

Accept your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 B623

Section 2 Simple programming example

The following program block is inserted into the pro-

3. Start with the programming of a contour path for the

contour milling machining.

For this, press the HSK 1.4 Cont. mill. to open the
technology Contour milling.

Press the VSK 1 New contour.

A parameter mask where you can insert a new name
for the new contour opens.
4. Enter a name for the new contour, e.g. PATH,

Confirm your input by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The contour editor opens automatically and the pa-

rameter mask for entering a start point for the con-
tour is active by default.
5. Insert the following coordinates for the starting point:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The contour description begins and new functions

for defining a contour are available as yellow vertical
softkeys on the right side of the screen.

6. Extend the contour path by adding a straight line in


Press the VSK 3 Straight line Y.

The parameter mask where you can define a straight
line in Y direction opens.

Enter following coordinates into the parameter mask:

B623 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Simple programming example Section 2
Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.
The contour path will be extended with a straight line
in Y-direction.

Note: In the input field Y you can switch between

inc and abs by pressing the blue SELECT-key
on the keyboard.

7. Now, check the programmed contour.

For this, place the orange selection cursor on the

-symbol in the yellow column on the left side of
the screen, by using the blue cursor keys on the key-

The contour path is displayed graphically.

In the white column on the left side of the screen you
see all the program blocks programmed so far as
symbols (representing the technology) and in the
yellow column you see the symbols of all the pro-
grammed contour elements.

8. Finish now the contour description by pressing the

VSK 8 Accept.
The program editor opens and the following program
block is inserted into the program:

The program chain opens.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 B623

Section 2 Simple programming example

9. Program now the contour milling cycle.

Press the HSK 1.4 Cont. Mill. to open the technol-

ogy Contour milling.

Press the VSK 1.2 Path milling to select the func-

tion Path milling.
The parameter mask for the path milling cycle

10. Insert the following parameter values. Use the

blue Select key on the MCP where indicated.

Note: In the input field F you can switch between

mm/tooth or mm/min . The input field for Speed
can either be V in m/min or S in rev/min by
pressing the blue SELECT-key on the keyboard.
To insert a tool into the cycle input mask, press the
VSK 1 Select tool.
The Tool selection list window opens.
Use the blue cursor keys on the keyboard, to mark
the tool CUTTER_D32, with the orange selection
Press the VSK 1.8 OK.
The tool CUTTER_D32" will be inserted into the
cycle input mask.

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block will be inserted into the

The program chain closes.

11. End the programming by placing the orange selec-

tion cursor on the program block End of program

and switch to the parameter mask by pressing the

blue cursor-to-the-right-key on the keyboard.

B623 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Simple programming example Section 2
The setting window for the program end opens,
where you can define to repeat the program for
multiple workpieces.

Accept the default value No and press the VSK 8


12. Now simulate the program to verify tool path.

Press the HSK 1.7 Simulation to start the simula-

The control calculates the simulation and opens the
simulation window in a Top view on the workpiece.

To view the simulation 3-dimensional,

press the VSK 1.4 3D view.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 B623

Section 3 Complex programming example

A more complex program (moulding plate) with chained program blocks is
to be created in ShopMill with the technology Contour milling.

Following workpiece is to be programmed and simulated.










The following Tool & technology data are needed in the program:

Tool & technology Milling cutter 32 mm (CUTTER_D32)

data: F 0,30 mm/tooth, V 120 m/min (roughing)
F 0,15 mm/tooth, V 150 m/min (finishing)
Milling cutter 16 mm (CUTTER_D16)
F 0,15 mm/tooth, V 120 m/min (roughing)
Milling cutter 8.0 mm (CUTTER_D8)
F 0,10 mm/tooth, V 120 m/min (roughing)
F 0,05 mm/tooth, V 150m/min (finishing)

Operations list: 1. Outer contour roughing + finishing

2. Spigot contour roughing + finishing
3. Contour pocket roughing
4. Contour pocket rest material roughing
5. Contour pocket wall + base finishing

B623 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
3.1 Programming example: Moulding plate

The following program is to be programmed with the technology

Contour milling.

1. Create a new ShopMill program like described in sec-

tion 2.1 in this module with the name
The program with the parameter mask for the program
header opens automatically.
2. Insert following values for the program header.
Use the Select key on the MCP where indicated.

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block is inserted into the pro-

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 11 B623

Section 3 Complex programming example

3. Start programming the contour description for the
Moulding plate outside with help of the contour
Press the HSK 1.4 Cont. mill., to open the technol-
ogy Contour milling.

Press the VSK 1 New contour.

A parameter mask where you can enter a name for
the new contour opens.
4. Enter a name for the new contour, e.g.

Confirm your input by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The contour editor opens automatically and the pa-

rameter mask for entering a start point for the con-
tour is active by default.

5. Enter the following coordinates for the starting point:

Confirm your input by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The contour description starts and new functions
for defining a contour are available as yellow vertical
softkeys on the right side of the screen.

6. Extend the contour description by adding a straight

line in Y-direction.

Press the VSK 3 Straight line Y.

The input window for the Straight line Y opens.

B623 Page 12 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
Enter following values into the parameter mask:

Confirm your input by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

A straight line in Y-direction is added to your contour

7. Extend the contour description by adding a straight

line in X-direction.

Press the VSK 2 Straight line X.

The input window for the Straight line X opens.

Enter the following values into the parameter mask:

Confirm your input by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

A straight line in X-direction is added to your contour


8. Now finish the programming of the contour path by

adding a straight line in Y-direction.

Press the VSK 3 Straight line Y.

The input window for the straight line in Y-direction

Enter the following values into the parameter mask:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The contour description is finished.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 13 B623

Section 3 Complex programming example

9. Now, check the outline of the contour path.

For this, place the orange selection cursor on the

-symbol in the yellow column on the left side of
the screen, by using the blue cursor keys on the key-

The contour is displayed graphically.

The white column on the left side of the help screen
shows all the program blocks programmed as sym-
bols (representing the technology). The yellow col-
umn next to it shows all the programmed contour
elements as symbols.


Finish now the programming of the contour by press-

ing the VSK 8 Accept.
The program editor opens and the following program
block is inserted into the program:

The program chain opens.

B623 Page 14 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
11. Insert now a path milling cycle into the program
for roughing the moulding plate.

Press the HSK 1.4 Cont. mill. to open the

technology Contour milling.

Press the VSK 1.2 Path milling.

The input window for the path milling cycle opens.

12. Insert the following parameter values. Use the

blue Select key on the MCP where indicated.

In the input field F you can switch between
mm/tooth or mm/min . The input field for Speed
can either be set to cutting speed V in m/min or
Spindle speed S in rpm.
The machining depth Z1 can be inc or abs.

To insert a tool into the cycle input mask, press the

VSK 1 Select tool.
The Tool selection List window opens.
Use the blue cursor keys on the keyboard, to mark
the tool CUTTER_D32, with the orange selection
Press the VSK 1.8 OK.
The tool CUTTER_D32" will be inserted into the
cycle input mask.

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block will be added to the
program chain.

The program chain closes.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 15 B623

Section 3 Complex programming example

13. Extend now the program chain by inserting another
path milling cycle for finishing the outside.

Press the VSK 1.2 Path milling.

The input window for the path milling cycle opens.

14. Insert the following parameter values. Use the

blue Select key on the MCP where indicated.

In the input field F you can switch between
mm/tooth or mm/min . The input field for Speed
can either be set to cutting speed V in m/min or
Spindle speed S in rpm.
The machining depth Z1 can be inc or abs.

To insert a tool into the cycle input mask, press the

VSK 1 Select tool.
The Tool selection list window opens.
Use the blue cursor keys on the keyboard, to mark
the tool CUTTER_D32, with the orange selection
Press the VSK 1.8 OK.
The tool CUTTER_D32" will be inserted into the
cycle input mask.

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block will be added to the
program chain.

The program chain is now complete and closed.

B623 Page 16 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
15. Start programming the contour description for the
Spigot boundary with help of the contour editor.

Press the VSK 1 New contour.

A parameter mask where you can enter a name for
the new contour opens.
16. Enter a name for the new contour, e.g.

Confirm your input by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The contour editor opens automatically and the pa-

rameter mask for entering a start point for the con-
tour is active by default.

17. Enter the following coordinates for the starting point:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The contour description starts and new functions

for defining a contour are available as yellow vertical
softkeys on the right side of the screen.

18. Enter the first contour element by adding a straight

line in Y-direction.

Press the VSK 3 Straight line Y.

The input window for the Straight line Y opens.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 17 B623

Section 3 Complex programming example

Enter following coordinates into the parameter mask:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

A straight line in Y-direction is added to your contour
19. Extend the contour description by adding a straight
line in X-direction.
Press the VSK 2 Straight line X.
The input window for the Straight line X opens.
Enter following coordinates into the parameter mask:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

A straight line in X-direction is added to your contour
20. Extend the contour description by adding a straight
line in Y-direction.
Press the VSK 3 Straight line Y.
The input window for the straight line in Y-direction
Enter following coordinates into the parameter mask:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

A straight line in Y-direction is added to your contour

21. Now finish the contour description by adding a

straight line in X-direction.
Press the VSK 2 Straight line X.
The input window for the straight line in Y-direction

B623 Page 18 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
Enter following coordinates into the parameter mask:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The contour description of the Spigot Boundary is

22. Now, check the outline of the contour path.

For this, place the orange selection cursor on the

-symbol in the yellow column on the left side of
the screen, by using the blue cursor keys on the key-
The contour is displayed graphically.

The white column on the left side of the help screen
shows all the program blocks programmed as sym-
bols (representing the technology). The yellow col-
umn next to it shows all the programmed contour
elements as symbols.

Finish now the contour description by pressing the
VSK 8 Accept.
The program editor opens again and the following
program block is inserted into the program:

The program chain opens.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 19 B623

Section 3 Complex programming example

24. Start programming the contour description for the
Spigot with help of the contour editor.

Press the VSK 1 New contour.

A parameter mask where you can enter a name for
the new contour opens.
25. Enter a name for the new contour, e.g. SPIGOT,

Confirm your input by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The contour editor opens automatically and the pa-

rameter mask for entering a start point for the con-
tour is active by default.

26. Enter the following coordinates for the starting point:

Press the VSK 8 Accept to confirm your updates.

The contour description starts and new functions

for defining a contour are available as yellow vertical
softkeys on the right side of the screen.

27. Start the contour description with a circle in clock-

wise direction.

Press the VSK 1.5 Circle.

The input window for the Circle opens.

B623 Page 20 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
Enter following coordinates into the parameter mask:

Confirm your input by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

A circle in clockwise direction is added to your con-

tour description.

28. Extend the contour description by adding a straight

line in Y-direction.

Press the VSK 3 Straight line Y.

The input window for the Straight line Y opens.

Enter following coordinates into the parameter mask:

Confirm your input by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

A straight line in Y-direction is added to your contour


29. Extend the contour description by adding a circle in

clockwise direction.

Press the VSK 5 Circle.

The input window for the Circle opens.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 21 B623

Section 3 Complex programming example

Enter following coordinates into the parameter mask:

Confirm the VSK 8 Accept.

A circle in clockwise direction is added to your con-

tour description.

30. Extend the contour description by adding a straight

line in Y-direction.

Press the VSK 1.3 Straight line Y.

The input window for the Straight line Y opens.

Enter following coordinates into the parameter mask:

Confirm the VSK 8 Accept.

A straight line in Y-direction is added to your contour


31. Now finish the contour description by adding a circle

in clockwise direction.

Press the VSK 5 Circle.

The input window for the circle opens.

B623 Page 22 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
Enter following coordinates into the parameter mask:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The contour description of the Spigot is finished.
32. Now, check the outline of the contour path.

For this, place the orange selection cursor on the

-symbol in the yellow column on the left side of
the screen, by using the blue cursor keys on the key-
The contour is displayed graphically.

33. Finish now the programming of the contour by press-

ing the VSK 8 Accept.
The program editor opens and the following program
block is inserted into the program:

The program chain remains open.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 23 B623

Section 3 Complex programming example

34. Insert now a spigot milling cycle into the program
for roughing the spigot contour within the defined
boundary area.

Press the VSK 1.6 Spigot.

The input window for the spigot milling cycle opens.

35. Insert the following parameter values. Use the

blue Select key on the MCP where indicated.

In the input field F you can switch between
mm/tooth or mm/min . The input field for Speed
can either be set to cutting speed V in m/min or
Spindle speed S in rpm.
The machining depth Z1 can be inc or abs.
The tool path step over DXY can be set to % of tool
or a value in mm of the tool .

To insert a tool into the cycle input mask, press the

VSK 1 Select tool.
The Tool selection list window opens.
Use the blue cursor keys on the keyboard, to mark
the tool CUTTER_D32, with the orange selection
Press the VSK 1.8 OK.
The tool CUTTER_D32" will be inserted into the
cycle input mask.

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block will be added to the
program chain.

The program chain closes.

B623 Page 24 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
36. Extend the program chain by inserting another
spigot milling cycle into the program for
finishing the spigot Wall.

Press the VSK 1.6 Spigot.

The input window for the spigot milling cycle opens.

37. Insert the following parameter values. Use the

blue Select key on the MCP where indicated.

In the input field F you can switch between
mm/tooth or mm/min . The input field for Speed
can either be set to cutting speed V in m/min or
Spindle speed S in rpm.
The machining depth Z1 can be inc or abs.

To insert a tool into the cycle input mask, press the

VSK 1 Select tool.
The Tool selection list window opens.
Use the blue cursor keys on the keyboard, to mark
the tool CUTTER_D32, with the orange selection
Press the VSK 1.8 OK.
The tool CUTTER_D32" will be inserted into the
cycle input mask.

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block will be added to the
program chain.

The program chain is now complete and closed.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 25 B623

Section 3 Complex programming example

38. Start programming the contour description for the
Moulding plate pocket with help of the contour

Press the VSK 1 New contour.

A parameter mask where you can enter a name for
the new contour opens.

Enter a name for the new contour, e.g.


Confirm your input by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The contour editor opens automatically and the pa-

rameter mask for entering a start point for the con-
tour is active by default.

39. Enter the following coordinates for the starting point:

Press the VSK 8 Accept to confirm your inputs.

The contour description starts and new functions

for defining a contour are available as yellow vertical
softkeys on the right side of the screen.

B623 Page 26 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
40. Begin the contour description by adding a straight
line in X-direction.
Press the VSK 1.2 Straight line X.
The input window for the Straight line X opens.

Insert the following values into the parameter mask.

Press the VSK 8 Accept to confirm your inputs.

The first Kontur element is generated and a straight

line in X-direction is added to your contour descrip-

41. Extend the contour description by adding a straight

line in Y-direction.

Press the VSK 3 Straight line Y.

The input window for the Straight line X opens.

Insert the following values into the parameter mask.

Press the VSK 8 Accept to confirm your inputs.

A straight line in Y-direction is added to your contour


42. Extend the contour description by adding a circle in

clockwise direction.

Press the VSK 5 Circle.

The input window for the Circle opens.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 27 B623

Section 3 Complex programming example

Enter following coordinates into the parameter mask:

Confirm the VSK 8 Accept.

A circle in clockwise direction is added to your con-
tour description.

43. Extend the contour description by adding a straight

line in Y-direction.
Press the VSK 3 Straight line Y.
The input window for the Straight line Y opens.
Insert the following values into the parameter mask.

Confirm the VSK 8 Accept.

A straight line in Y-direction is added to your contour

44. Now finish the programming of the contour path by

adding a straight line in X-direction.
Press the VSK 2 Straight line X.
The input window for the straight line Y opens.
Enter following coordinates into the parameter mask:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The contour description is now closed by a straight
line in Y-direction and therefore finished.

B623 Page 28 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
45. Now, check the outline of the contour path.

For this, place the orange selection cursor on the

-symbol in the yellow column on the left side of
the screen, by using the blue cursor keys on the key-

The contour is displayed graphically.

The white column on the left side of the help screen
shows all the program blocks programmed as sym-
bols (representing the technology). The yellow col-
umn next to it shows all the programmed contour
elements as symbols.


Finish now the programming of the contour by press-

ing the VSK 8 Accept.
The program editor opens and the following program
block is inserted into the program:

The program chain opens.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 29 B623

Section 3 Complex programming example

47. Insert now a pocket milling cycle into the program
for roughing the moulding plate pocket.

Press the VSK 1.4 Pocket.

The input window for the pocket milling cycle opens.

48. Insert the following parameter values. Use the

blue Select key on the MCP where indicated.

In the input field F you can switch between
mm/tooth or mm/min . The input field for Speed
can either be set to cutting speed V in m/min or
Spindle speed S in rpm.
The machining depth Z1 can be inc or abs.
The tool path step over DXY can be set to % of
tool or a value in mm .

To insert a tool into the cycle input mask, press the

VSK 1 Select tool.
The Tool selection list window opens.
Use the blue cursor keys on the keyboard, to mark
the tool CUTTER_D16, with the orange selection
Press the VSK 1.8 OK.
The tool CUTTER_D16" will be inserted into the
cycle input mask.
Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.
The following program block will be added to the
program chain.

The program chain closes.

B623 Page 30 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
49. Extend the program chain by inserting a Pocket
residual material cycle for roughing of the
residual material of the moulding plate pocket.

Press the VSK 1.5 Pocket resid. mat..

The input window for the pocket residual material

cycle opens.

50. Insert the following parameter values. Use the

blue Select key on the MCP where indicated.

In the input field F you can switch between
mm/tooth or mm/min . The input field for Speed
can either be set to cutting speed V in m/min or
Spindle speed S in rpm.
The tool path step over DXY can be set to % of
tool or a value in mm .

To insert a tool into the cycle input mask, press the

VSK 1 Select tool.
The Tool list window opens.
Use the blue cursor keys on the keyboard, to mark
the tool CUTTER_D8, with the orange selection
Press the VSK 1.8 OK.
The tool CUTTER_D8" will be inserted into the cy-
cle input mask.
Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.
The following program block will be added to the
program chain.

The program chain is closed.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 31 B623

Section 3 Complex programming example

49. Extend the program chain by inserting another
Pocket milling cycle for finishing the base of
the moulding plate pocket.

Press the VSK 1.4 Pocket.

The input window for the pocket milling cycle opens.

50. Insert the following parameter values. Use the

blue Select key on the MCP where indicated.

In the input field F you can switch between
mm/tooth or mm/min . The input field for Speed
can either be set to cutting speed V in m/min or
Spindle speed S in rpm.
The machining depth Z1 can be inc or abs.
The tool path step over DXY can be set to % of
tool or a value in mm of the tool .

To insert a tool into the cycle input mask, press the

VSK 1 Select tool.
The Tool list window opens.
Use the blue cursor keys on the keyboard, to mark
the tool CUTTER_D8, with the orange selection
Press the VSK 1.8 OK.
The tool CUTTER_D8" will be inserted into the cy-
cle input mask.
Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.
The following program block will be added to the
program chain.

The program chain is closed.

B623 Page 32 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
51. Insert another Pocket milling cycle into the pro-
gram for finishing the base of the moulding
plate pocket.

Press the VSK 1.4 Pocket.

The input window for the pocket milling cycle opens.
52. Insert the following parameter values. Use the
blue Select key on the MCP where indicated.

In the input field F you can switch between
mm/tooth or mm/min . The input field for Speed
can either be set to cutting speed V in m/min or
Spindle speed S in rpm.
The machining depth Z1 can be inc or abs.

To insert a tool into the cycle input mask, press the

VSK 1 Select tool .
The Tool selection list window opens.
Use the blue cursor keys on the keyboard, to mark
the tool CUTTER_D8, with the orange selection
Press the VSK 1.8 OK.
The tool CUTTER_D8" will be inserted into the cy-
cle input mask.

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block will be inserted into the

The program chain is now finished and closed.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 33 B623

Section 3 Complex programming example

53. End the programming by placing the orange selec-
tion cursor on the program block End of program

and switch to the parameter mask by pressing the

blue cursor-to-the-right-key on the keyboard.

The parameter mask for the program end opens,

where you can define to repeat the program for
multiple workpieces.

Accept the default value No and press the VSK 8


The program is now completed and ready for simula-


B623 Page 34 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
54. Simulate now the program to verify tool path.

Press the HSK 1.7 Simulation to start the simula-

The control calculates the simulation and opens the
simulation window in a Top view on the workpiece.

Press the VSK 1.4 3D view to run the simulation in

a 3-dimensional view.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 35 B623

Section 3 Complex programming example

Press the blue highlighted HSK 1.7 Simulation" to
return to the ShopMill chain program.

After completion of the workpiece Simulation, the

Total machining time is being displayed behind the
End of program program block

The total time represents approximately the real time
of machining. Tool change time and rapid traverse
movements are being taken into consideration
based on the values in the machine data.

B623 Page 36 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

B639 Straight Circle with ShopMill

1 Brief description

Objective of the module:

Working with this module you become familiar with the technology Straight Circle in ShopMill with
the programming of two sequential ShopMill programs.

Description of the module:

This module explains the programming of a simple program using the straight circle technology in
ShopTurn, as well as well as the programming of a more complex workpiece by means of chained
straight circle cycles.


Simple programming example

Complex programming example

828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate

828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

B639 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Straight - Circle: Description
This module explains the programming of a sim- START
ple program using the straight circle technology in
ShopTurn, as well as well as the programming of
a more complex workpiece by means of chained Simple
straight circle cycles. programming




828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 B639

Section 2 Simple programming example


A simple straight circle machining is to be programmed with ShopMill func-



A new sequential program is to be created and opened in the editor.

The program header, a Straight line and circle and the program end
are to be programmed.
Afterwards the program is to be simulated.
For this the following tool- and technology data are to be used:

Tool data: Cutter 20 mm (CUTTER_D20)

Technology data: Constant cutting speed V 80 m/min

2.1 Creating a new sequential program

A new ShopMill program can be created from within the operating modes
JOG, MDA and AUTO as follows:

1. Press the Program Manager-key on the keyboard.

The program manager will be opened directly.

- OR -

1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator


Press the yellow HSK 1.4 Program manager.

The program manager window opens.

2. Select a drive, where you want to create the pro-

gram (NC, Local drive, USB).

3. Press the VSK 2 New.

The vertical softkey bar for creating new programs

4. Press the VSK 3 ShopMill to open the input mask

for creating a new ShopMill sequential program.

Enter a name for the program and accept with

pressing the VSK 8 OK.

The program is loaded to the editor and the parame-

ter window for the program header is opened by de-

B639 Page 4 828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate

Simple programming example Section 2
2.2 Example: Straight

The following ShopMill program is to be programmed:

1. Create a new ShopMill program, as described in

section 2.1 and enter a new program name e.g.

The input mask for the program header is opened by


2. Enter following values for the program header and

confirm with the VSK 8 Accept:

The following program block is inserted into the

work plan:

828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 B639

Section 2 Simple programming example

3. Program now the tool.
For this, extend the horizontal softkey bar by press-
ing the Extend-key on the operator panel.

The horizontal softkey bar 2 opens

Press the HSK 2.2 Strght Circle to open the func-

tion Straight Circle with the corresponding vertical
softkeys .
Press now the VSK 1 Tool.
The input mask for the tool parameters opens.

4. Enter following values into the input mask:

To insert a tool into the parameter window, press the

VSK 1 Select tool, mark the desired tool (here
CUTTER_D20) in the tool selection list with the or-
ange selection cursor and press the VSK 1.8 OK.

The following program block will be inserted into the

work plan.

5. Insert a straight line for positioning to the starting

point of the milling operation.
Press the VSK 2 Straight.
The input mask for the straight parameters opens.

6. Enter the following values for approaching the work-

piece in a straight line into the input mask:

Press the VSK 5 Rapid traverse in order to posi-

tion to the starting point in rapid traverse.

7. Press the VSK 8 Accept to confirm your input.

The following program block is inserted into the work


B639 Page 6 828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate

Simple programming example Section 2
8. Insert a work step to approach the target position Z
in a straight line.
Press the VSK 2 Straight
The window for the straight parameters opens.

9. Enter the following values into the input mask:

Press the VSK 5 Rapid traverse in order to ap-

proach the target position Z in rapid traverse.

10. Press the VSK 8 Accept to confirm your input.

The following program block is inserted into the work


11. As next work step insert a straight line in Y-direction

Press the VSK 2 Straight.

The input mask for the straight line opens.

12. Enter the following values into the input mask:

13. Press the VSK 8 Accept to confirm your input.

The following program block is inserted into the work


14. As next work step insert a straight line in Z-direction,

to retract the tool.
Press the VSK 2 Straight.
The input mask for the parameter values for the
straight opens.

828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 B639

Section 2 Simple programming example

15. Enter the following values into the input mask:

Press the VSK 5 Rapid traverse to execute the

movement in rapid traverse.

16. Press the VSK 8 Accept to confirm your input.

The following program block is inserted into the work


17. Program the end of the program and simulate the


Place the orange selection cursor on the program

block End of program and extend the program
block by pressing the blue cursor-to-the-right-key
on the keyboard.

The input mask for the end of program opens.

Leave the parameter Repetition on No, as

shown below.

Accept the default value by pressing the VSK 8


In order to start the simulation, extend the horizontal

softkey bar by pressing the Extend-key on the op-
erator panel.

The horizontal softkey bar 1 opens

Press the HSK 1.7 Simulation to start the simula-

tion of the program.

The control calculates the simulation parameters

and opens the simulation in the simulation window in
Top view.

B639 Page 8 828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate

Simple programming example Section 2

To view the simulation 3-dimensional press the VSK

1.4 3D view.

828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 B639

Section 3 Complex programming example


A more complex program (die plate) is to be programmed, by using the

technology Straight Circle.


The workpiece shown in the graphic below is to be programmed.

Afterwards the program is to be simulated.

The following tool and technology data are used for the programming.

Tool data: Cutter 20 mm (CUTTER_D20)

Technology data: Constant cutting speed V 80 m/min
: As starting point for the machining the following posi-
tion is specified:
X - 12
Y - 12
Z -5
This point is approached in rapid traverse.
The contour starting point (X5 and Y5) is ap-
proached in a straight line (F 100 mm/min, cutter
radius compensation left).

B639 Page 10 828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
3.1 Programming example: die plate

The following ShopMill program is to be created.

1. Create a new ShopMill program like described in

section 2.1 in this module.
Give the program the following name:

The program, with the input mask for the program

header opens by default.

2. Enter the following values into the program header:

828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate Page 11 B639

Section 3 Complex programming example

3. Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block is inserted into the work


4. Inset now a tool (CUTTER_D20) into the program.

In order to do this, switch to the horizontal softkey

bar 2, by pressing the Extend-key on the operator

The horizontal softkey bar 2 opens.

Press the HSK 2.2 Strght Circle to select the func-

tion Straight Circle.

The operating area of the function Straight Circle


Now press the VSK 1 Tool to open the input mask

for the tool (see picture below).

To insert a tool into the parameter mask, press the

VSK 1 Select tool. Select the
The tool list window opens.

Here, place the orange selection cursor on the tool

CUTTER_D20, by using the blue cursor keys on
the keyboard and press the VSK 1.8 OK.

The selected tool is inserted into the tool input mask

like displayed below

5. Fill out the rest of the input mask, as follows:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block is inserted into the work


B639 Page 12 828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
6. Position now the tool to the starting position of the
machining operation in a straight line.
Press the VSK 2 Straight to open the input mask
for the function Straight.

7. Insert the following values into input mask:

Press the VSK 5 Rapid traverse in order to posi-

tion to the starting point in rapid traverse.

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block is inserted into the pro-


8. Insert now another straight move into the program.

Press the VSK 2 Straight to open the input mask
for the function Straight.

9. Insert the following values into the input mask:

Press the VSK 5 Rapid traverse, in order to move

to the Z depth in rapid traverse.

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block is inserted into the pro-


10. Insert now another Straight move into the program.

Press the VSK 2 Straight to open the input mask

for the function Straight.

828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate Page 13 B639

Section 3 Complex programming example

11. Insert the following values into the parameter win-

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block is inserted into the pro-


12. Define now the reference point of the polar coordi-

nate system (pole) for the technology Straight cir-
Press the VSK 6 Polar to open the input window
for the function Polar.

Press the VSK 2 Pole to open the input mask for

the function Pole.

13. Define the pole as follows:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block is inserted into the pro-


14. Insert now a Straight polar move into the program.

Press the VSK 6 Polar to open the input window
for the function Polar.

Press the VSK 3 Straight polar to open the input

mask for the function Straight polar.

15. Enter the values as follows:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block is inserted into the work


B639 Page 14 828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
16. Insert another Circle polar move into the program.
Press the VSK 6 Polar to open the operating area
for the function Polar.

Press the VSK 4 Circle polar, the input mask for

the circle polar opens.

17. Enter the values into the input window like displayed

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block is inserted into the work


18. Insert now a straight machining movement.

Press the VSK 2 Straight to open the input win-


19. Enter the values into the input window like displayed

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block is inserted into the work


20. Define now a second reference point of the polar

coordinate system (pole) for the technology Straight

Press the VSK 6 Polar to open the input mask for

the function Polar.

Press the VSK 2 Pole to open the input mask for

the function Pole.

828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate Page 15 B639

Section 3 Complex programming example

21. Enter the values into the input mask as displayed

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block is inserted into the work


22. Insert another Circle polar move into the program.

Press the VSK 6 Polar to open the operating area

for the function Polar.

Press the VSK 4 Circle polar, to open the input

mask for Circle polar.

23. Enter the values into the input mask as displayed


Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block is inserted into the work


24. Insert now a straight machining movement.

Press the VSK 2 Straight to open the input window.

25. Enter the values into the input mask as displayed


Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block is inserted into the work


B639 Page 16 828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
26. Insert another Straight machining movement into
the program.
Press the VSK 2 Straight to open the input mask
for the function Straight.

27. Enter the values into the input mask as displayed


Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block is inserted into the work


28. Insert the final straight machining movement into the

Press the VSK 2 Straight to open the input win-
29. Enter the values into the input mask as displayed

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block is inserted into the work


30. Program the end of the program and simulate the


Place the orange selection cursor on the program

block End of program and extend the program
block by pressing the blue cursor-to-the-right-key
on the keyboard.

828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate Page 17 B639

Section 3 Complex programming example

The input mask for the program end opens.

Leave the parameter Repetition on No as shown


Accept the default value by pressing the VSK 8


31. To run the simulation go back to the horizontal soft-

key bar 1.

Extend the horizontal softkey bar by pressing the

Extend-key on the operator panel.

The horizontal softkey bar 1 opens.

Press the HSK 1.7 Simulation to start the simula-

tion of the program.

The control calculates the simulation parameters

and opens the simulation in the simulation window in
Top view.

B639 Page 18 828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
To view the simulation 3-dimensional press the VSK
1.4 3D view.

828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate Page 19 B639

Section End

B639 Page 20 828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate

B655 Measurement Milling with ShopMill

1 Brief description

Objective of the module:

Working with this module you become familiar with the technology Measurement milling by pro-
gramming two sequential ShopMill programs.

Description of the module:

This module explains the programming of a simple and a complex measuring process of the work-
piece with the function Measurement milling in ShopMill.


Simple programming example

Complex programming example

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

B655 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Measure milling - Shopmill: Description
Measure milling
This module explains the programming of a simple START
and a complex measuring process of the work-
piece with the function Measurement milling in
ShopMill. Simple


Measure milling


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 B655

Section 2 Simple programming example


A simple measuring movement with a 3d-probe to the top side of a work-

piece is to be programmed under ShopMill.


A new ShopMill program is to be created and opened in the editor.

The program header, a measuring cycle and the program end are to be
Later, the program is to be simulated.

For this, the data below are to be used:

Tool data: 3D Probe (3D_PROBE))

2.1 Creating a new ShopMill program

A new ShopMill program can be created from within all operating modes
as follows:

1. Press the Program Manager-key on the keyboard.

The program manager will be opened directly.

- OR -

1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator


Press the yellow HSK 4 Program Manager.

The program manager opens.

2. Select a drive, where you want to create the pro-

gram (NC, Local drive, USB).

3. Press the VSK 2 New.

The vertical softkey bar for creating new programs


4. Press the VSK 3 ShopMill to open the input mask

for creating a new ShopMill sequential program.

Enter a name for the program in the Name field

and accept with pressing the VSK 8 OK.

The program is loaded to the editor and the pa-

rameter window for the program header is opened
by default.

B655 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Simple programming example Section 2
2.2 Programming example: Measuring a surface Notes

The following ShopMill program with a measuring cycle is to be pro-


1. Create a new ShopMill program like described in the

previous section 2.1 and give the program a name,

The input mask for the program header opens auto-

2. Insert the following values into the input mask of the
program header and confirm the input with the VSK
8 Accept:

The following program block is inserted into the work


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 B655

Section 2 Simple programming example

3. Program now a measuring cycle (CYCLE978).
In order to get to the function "Measurement milling",
expand the horizontal softkey-bar 1 by pressing the
"Extension"-key on the operator panel.
The horizontal softkey-bar 2 opens.
Press the HSK 2.6 Meas. Workp..
The work area Measurement milling with extended
measuring functions opens.
Press the VSK 2 Edge distanc.
The vertical softkey bar with functions for the meas-
urement of workpieces opens.
Press the VSK 1.
The Input window for the cycle Measure: edge.
4. Insert the following values into the parameter mask:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block is inserted into the work


5. Program the program end and simulate the meas-

urement of the work piece.
Place the orange selection on the program block
End of program and extend the line by pressing
the blue cursor-to-the-right key on the keyboard.
6. The input mask for the program end opens.
Here, you can decide to repeat the program run.

Accept the default value and press the VSK 8


B655 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Simple programming example Section 2
Switch back to the vertical softkey bar 1 by pressing
the Extend-key on the control panel.

The horizontal softkey bar 1 opens.

Press the HSK 1.6 Simulation to start the simula-

tion of the program.
The control calculates the simulation and opens the
simulation window in Top view by default.

To view the simulation 3-dimensional press the VSK

1.4 3D-view.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 B655

Section 3 Complex programming example


Another program to measure a square work piece is to be programmed in



The program header, two measuring cycles and the program end are to be
Afterwards the program is to be simulated.

For this, the data below is to be used:

Tool data: 3d probe (3D_PROBE)

3.1 Programming example: Measuring edges

The following program with two measuring cycles is to be programmed:

1. Create a new ShopMill program like described in the

previous section 2.1 and give the program a name,

The input mask for the program header opens auto-


B655 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
2. Insert the following values for the program header
into the input mask and confirm your inputs by
pressing the VSK 8 Accept:

The following program block is inserted into the work


3. Program now a measuring cycle (CYCLE978).

In order to get to the function "Measurement milling",

expand the horizontal softkey-bar 1 by pressing the
"Extension"-key on the operator panel.
The horizontal softkey-bar 2 opens.
Press the HSK 2.6 Meas Workp..
The work area Measurement milling with extended
measuring functions opens.
Press the VSK 2 Edge distanc.
The vertical softkey bar with functions for the meas-
urement of workpieces opens.
Press the VSK 1 .
The Input window for the cycle Measure: edge.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 B655

Section 3 Complex programming example

4. Insert the following values into the input mask:

5. Program now a measuring cycle to measure the 4

edges of the workpiece.
Press the VSK 8 Back.

Press the VSK 4 Spigot.

The vertical softkey bar with functions for the meas-

urement of workpieces opens.
Press the VSK 1.

The input window for the cycle Measure: rectang.

spigot opens.

B655 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Complex programming example Section 3
6. Insert the following values into the parameter mask:

7. Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block is inserted into the work

plan window.

8. Program the program end and simulate the meas-

urement of the work piece.

Place the orange selection on the program block

End of program and extend the line by pressing
the blue cursor-to-the-right key on the keyboard.
9. The input mask for the program end opens.
Here, you can decide to repeat the program run.

Accept the default value and press the VSK 8


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 11 B655

Section 3 Complex programming example

Switch back to the horizontal softkey bar 1 by press-
ing the Extend-key on the operator panel.

The horizontal softkey bar 1 opens.

Press the HSK 1.6 Simulation to start the simula-

tion of the measurement.

The control calculates the simulation and opens the

simulation window in Top view by default.

To view the simulation 3-dimensional, press the VSK

1.4 3D view (see following page).

B655 Page 12 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

B500 Cycles

1 Brief Description

Objective of the module:

With the help of this module you will get to know the various cycle parameters in ShopMill and Shop-

Description of the module:

This module explains the various parameters that are called up in the cycle masks in tabular form .
In the course of this the relationship and the differences of the parameters to the individual cycles
and techniques are pointed out.







828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

This documentation was produced for training purposes.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 1 SIEMENS does not accept resposibility for the contents. B500

B500 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Cycles: Description
This module explains the various parameters that START
are called up in the cycle masks in tabular form .
In the course of this the relationship and the differ-
ences of the parameters to the individual cycles
and techniques are pointed out. Fundamentals







828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 B500

Fundamentals Section 2
2. 1 Cycles Notes

Cycles are sub-programs (technology-orientated functions) for the execu-

tion of a repeatedly occurring operation on a work piece.

Cycles can be selected comfortably via Softkeys and can simply be pa-
rameterised by means of input masks.

Programmed cycles are inserted in G-Code or step-chain-programs as a

program step and can be re-selected and newly parameterised at any

The following functionality is available both in ShopMill and ShopTurn

Technology-orientated cycle selection with help of Softkeys

Input masks for cycle parameters (cycle masks) with help pictures and

Context-sensitive online-help for every input window

Support for the contour input (geometry processor)

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 B500

Section 3 Turning

Plunge angle Degrees

(Thread relief)

0 Starting angle offset Degrees

1 Angle of the tapers Degrees

1 Angle of the first edge Degrees

(Stock removal)

1 Flange angle 1 Degrees


2 Angle of the second edge Degrees

(Stock removal)

2 Flange angle 2 Degrees


P Infeed taper (angle) Degrees

Allowance Finishing allowance (only with finishing) mm

(Stock removal) Yes
U1 contour allowance

Selection Table value, e.g. M10, M12, M14,


B1 Width of groove, bottom mm

B2 Width of groove, top mm

Machining Roughing
Roughing + Finishing

Machining Machining directions

direction Planar
Turning Longitudinal
(Stock removal

Machining Longitudinal
direction Parallel to contour
(Thread relief)

B500 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Turning Section 3

Machining Planar
direction Longitudinal
Parallel to contour
Contour- From inside outward
turning From outside inward
(Stock removal) From front to rear end
From rear end to front

BL Blank description (contour, cylinder, allowance)

D Cutting edge number

D Maximum infeed depth (inc) mm

D1 First infeed depth mm

DA Start-changing depth (inc)

DI At 0 continuous cut

DIR Spindle rotation direction

(parting) counter-clockwise (CCW)
clockwise (CW)

DP Infeed taper as a flank (inc)


DP Distance of back-cut (inc) mm

(Groove) DP is not displayed when N = 1
DX Maximum infeed depth (only parallel to contour mm
alternatively to D)
DZ Maximum infeed depth (only for parallel to con- mm
tour and UX)
Limit Machining range limitation

XA: 1st limit XA

XB: 2nd limit XB (abs)

or 2nd limit referred to XA (inc)

ZA: 1st limit ZA

ZB: 2nd limit ZB (abs)
or 2nd limit referred to ZA

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 B500

Section 3 Turning

F Feed mm/min

Form Normal (Form A)

(Thread relief) Short (Form B)

FR Reduced feedrate mm/rev


FR Plunging feedrate for relief cuts

(Stock removal)

FS Chamfer (n = 1...3) alternative to R mm

(Stock removal)

FS Chamfer width mm

FS1 Chamfer width 1 mm

FS2 Chamfer width 2 mm

FS3 Chamfer width 3 mm

FS4 Chamfer width 4 mm

FX Feed in X-direction mm/rev

FZ Feed in Z-direction mm/rev

G Change of thread pitch per rev.

Thread Internal thread

(Longitudinal External thread
thread )

H1 Calculated from thread pitch mm

(Taper thread)
H1 Depth of thread obtained from thread table mm
thread )

Relief cuts Machining of relief cuts

(Stock removal) Yes

Location Location of stock removal

turning right top
(Stock removal) right bottom
left top
left bottom

B500 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Turning Section 3

Location front
contour- back
turning internal
(Stock removal, external

LR Thread run-out (inc) mm

LW Thread lead (inc) mm

Multi-start No
0 Starting angle offset
Nr. of thread starts are spread evenly
around the circumference of work piece
N Number of grooves (N = 1...65535)

N Nr of thread starts

NN Number of dummy passes


P Thread pitch (to be selected from DIN-table) or mm/rev

(Thread relief entered manually

P Selection of the thread pitch/-starts

(Longitudinal Thread pitch in mm/rev mm/rev
thread ) Thread pitch in inch/rev in/rev
Threads per inch threads/"
Thread pitch in modulus modulus

R1 Rounding radius 1 mm

R2 Rounding radius 2 mm

R3 Rounding radius 3 mm

R4 Rounding radius 4 mm

R Radius (n = 1...3) alternative to FS mm

S Spindle speed rev/min

SR Reduced speed rev/min

SV Maximum rotary speed for constant cutting rev/min


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 B500

Section 3 Turning

Table Selection of the thread table

ISO metric
Whitworth BSW
Whitworth BSP

T Tool name

T1 Groove depth (abs) or groove depth mm

(Groove) referred to X0 (inc)

U1 Contour allowance mm

U Finishing allowance mm

UX Finishing allowance in X mm

UZ Finishing allowance in Z mm

V Constant cutting speed m/min

VR Retraction distance (inc) mm

VX Planar pass (abs) or planar pass (inc) mm

(Relief cut)

X0 Reference point (abs) mm


X1 Allowance in X (abs) or allowance in X (inc) mm

(Relief cut)

X1 End point of the thread (abs) or thread mm

(Stock removal length (inc)

X1 End point X (abs) or end point referred to X0 mm

(Taper thread) (inc)

X1 Thread taper Degrees

(Taper thread)

X1 Depth for speed reduction (abs) or depth for mm

(Parting cut) speed reduction referred to X0 (inc)

X2 Final depth (abs) or final depth referred to mm

(Parting cut) X1 (inc)

B500 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Turning Section 3

XA 1st limit XA (abs) (limiting)

XB 2nd limit XB (abs) (limiting)

(Stock removal)

XD Allowance or cylinder dimension (inc) mm


XDA 1st parting-limit tool (abs) mm


XDB 2nd parting-limit tool (abs) mm


XF2 Relief cut (alternative to FS2 or R2) mm

(Stock removal)

XM Intermediate point referred to X0 mm

Z0 Reference point Z (abs) mm


Z1 End point Z (abs) referred to Z0 mm

(Stock removal)

Z1 Allowance in Z mm
(Relief cut)

Z1 End point of the thread mm


ZA 1st limit ZA (abs) (limiting)

(Stock removal)

ZB 2nd limit ZB (abs) (limiting)

(Stock removal)

ZD Allowance or cylinder dimension (inc) mm


ZM Intermediate point Z mm

Infeed Linear:
Infeed with constant cutting depth

Infeed with constant chip cross-section

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 11 B500

Section 4 Drilling

Lifting angle (tool orientation angle) (only for Degrees

lifting the tool), spindle position for orientated
spindle stop in the cycle.

0 Rotation angle for the straight line, referred to Degrees

the X-axis

1 Advancing angle (only for circular pattern pitch Degrees

(Pitch circle) circle)

Lifting mode No lifting Degrees

The cutting edge is not retracted, but re-

turns to the safety clearance with rapid


The cutting edge is moved clear of the

edge of the hole and is then lifted to the
retraction level.

S Starting angle offset (only for tapping without a Degrees

compensating chuck)

X Shearing angle X (only for the location pat- Degrees

terns grid or frame)

Y Shearing angle Y (only for the location pat- Degrees

terns grid or frame)

Centre Centre drilling with reduced feedrate

drilling Yes

The reduced feedrate is executed as


Drilling feedrate F1 < 0,15mm/rev:

Centre drilling feedrate = 30% of F1

Path feedrate F1=> 0,15mm/rev:

Centre drilling feedrate = 0,1 mm/rev

Selection Selection of table value:

(tapping) M1 - M68 (ISO metric)
W3/4"; etc. (Whitworth BSW)
G3/4"; etc. (Whitworth BSP)
1" - 8 UNC; etc. (UNC)

B500 Page 12 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Drilling Section 4

Selection Coordinate system

Right-angled (Cartesian)

Machining Chip breaking

Chip clearing

Machining The following machining methods are avail-

(without comp. able:
One cut only:
(Tapping) The tapping takes place in one pass
without interruption.

Chip breaking:
The drill is retracted by an amount V2 for
chip breaking.

Chip clearing:
The drill is retracted from the work piece
for chip clearing.

Machining The following machining methods are avail-

(with comp. able:
With encoder:
(Tapping) Tapping with spindle encoder

Without encoder:
Tapping without spindle encoder selec-
tion with specification of the "pitch" pa-

Machining Single location:

location Drilling at the programmed location

Location pattern:
Location with MCALL

Drilling depth Referred to

Drilling until the drill-shaft has reached
the programmed value X1. The angle in
the tool list is taken into account.

Drilling until the drill point has reached
the programmed value X1.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 13 B500

Section 4 Drilling

C0 Polar coordinates of the 1st location, with

(Locations) the selection "polar"

longitudinal (abs) mm
angle (abs) Degrees

C1...C7 Polar coordinates of further locations, with

(Locations) the selection "polar"

longitudinal (abs) mm
angle (abs) Degrees

Drilling continues until the diameter has been

reached (only with centring)

Nominal diameter mm

D Cutting edge number

D maximum depth infeed mm

(only with chip clearing or chip breaking)

D Lift-off amount (inc) (only for lifting, SN) mm


DF Percentage for all further infeeds %


amount for every further infeed mm

DIR Direction of rotation

counter-clockwise (CCW)

clockwise (CW)

DT Dwell at final drilling depth in seconds s

Dwell at final drilling depth in revs rev

DTB Dwell at drilling depth in seconds s

Dwell at drilling depth in revs rev

DTS Dwell at the start point for chip clearing s

in seconds (only for chip clearing)

Dwell at the starting point for chip clearing rev

in revs (only for chip clearing)

B500 Page 14 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Drilling Section 4

Through Remaining drilling depth at path feedrate


DX Lift-off amount in X-direction (inc)

(only for lifting, standard)

DY Lift-off amount in Y-direction (inc)

(only for lifting, standard)

DZ Lift-off amount in Z-direction (inc)

(only for lifting, standard)

Chip clearing Chip clearing before thread milling

(Drill + thread
milling) Yes

Retract to work piece surface for chip

clearance before thread milling.

F Feedrate mm/min

F1 Path feedrate mm/min


FD1 Percentage feedrate for the first infeed %

FR Drilling feedrate for remaining depth mm/min

(Drill + thread mm/rev

FR Feedrate for retraction mm/min

FS Finishing feedrate mm/min

(only for down cut / up cut ) mm/tooth

Milling Down-cut (climb milling)

direction Up-cut (conventional milling)
(Drill + thread Down cut / up cut (climb/conventional
milling) milling)

Thread Thread sense


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 15 B500

Section 4 Drilling

L0 Distance of the first location from the reference mm

point (only for location pattern straight line)

L0 Polar coordinates of the first location with selec-

(Locations) tion "polar"

longitudinal (abs) mm
angle (abs) Degrees

L Distance between the locations (only for location mm

pattern straight line)

L1 Distance between the columns (only for location mm

pattern grid or frame)

L1...L7 Polar coordinates of further locations, with

(Locations) selection "polar"

longitudinal (abs) mm
angle (abs) Degrees

L2 Distance between the lines (only for location mm

pattern grid or frame)

LAB Repeat of jump mark for location

Compensa- with compensating chuck

ting chuck without compensating chuck

N Number of locations (only for location pattern

straight line)

N1 Number of columns (only for location pattern grid

or frame)

N2 Number of lines (only for location pattern grid or


P Thread pitch

in modulus: modulus = pitch/ modulus

in mm/rev mm/rev
in inch/rev in/rev
in threads per inch Threads/"

Positioning Positioning motions between the locations

(Pitch circle)

PL Machining plane G17 (XY)

B500 Page 16 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Drilling Section 4

R Radius mm

RP Retraction plane (abs) mm

Retraction (only for machining with "Chip breaking")

retraction amount


SC Safety distance (inc)

SDE Direction of rotation after end of cycle

S/V Spindle speed or rev/min

constant cutting speed m/min

SPOS Spindle stop position Degrees

SR Spindle speed for retraction rev/min

Pitch User entry of the input

(only for ma- active feed, pitch is derived from the feed
chining with- rate
out encoder)

T Tool name

Table Selection of the thread table:

ISO metric
Whitworth BSW
Whitworth BSP

V1 Minimum infeed depth mm

V2 Retraction amount (only for retraction mm

(Tapping) "manually")

Amount, by which the tap is retracted for chip


V2 = automatically: The tool retracts by one


V2 Retraction amount after each machining opera- mm

(drilling) tion (only for machining "chip breaking")

V3 Pre-stopping distance mm
(only for pre-stopping distance "manually")

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 17 B500

Section 4 Drilling

Pre-stopping (only for machining "chip clearing")


VR Constant cutting speed for retraction m/min

XD Centre offset

X0 X-coordinate of the reference point X (abs) mm

X1...X7 X-coordinate of further reference points (abs or mm

(Locations) inc)

Y0 Y-coordinate of the Reference point Y (abs) mm

Y1...Y7 Y-coordinate of further reference points mm

(Locations) (abs or inc)

Z0 Reference point Z mm

Z1 Final drilling depth X (abs) or final drilling depth mm

(Drilling) referred to Z0 (inc)

Z1 End point of the thread (abs) or thread length mm

(Thread) (inc)

Z1 Final drilling depth X (abs) or final drilling depth mm

(Drilling) referred to Z0 (inc)

Z1 End point of the thread (abs) or thread length mm

(Thread) (inc)

Z2 Retraction amount before thread milling mm

ZR Remaining depth for through drilling mm

("Yes" only for through-holes)

B500 Page 18 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Drilling Section 4

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 19 B500

Section 5 Milling

0 Rotation angle Degrees

0 Start angle Degrees

(circular slot)

1 Opening angle of the slot Degrees

(circular slot)

1 Text direction Degrees

(Engraving) (only for linear alignment)

1 Starting direction relative to X-axis Degrees


1 Opening angle of the slot Degrees

(circular slot)

2 Advancing angle Degrees

(circular slot) (only for pitch circle)

2 angle to previous element Degrees


S Starting angle Degrees


Retract mode Retract mode in plane

(Path milling)
Quarter circle:
Part of a spiral (only for path milling to
the left and the right of contour)

Semi circle:
Part of a spiral (only for path milling to
the left and the right of the contour)

Oblique in space

Retract Axis-by-axis
strategy spatial
(Path milling)

B500 Page 20 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Milling Section 5

Lift mode Lifting mode before a renewed infeed mm

If for the machining several plunging points
are required, the retraction height can be

to RP (retraction plane)

Z0 + safety distance

Lift mode If several depth infeeds are required, the re- mm

(Path milling) traction height to which the tool is retracted
to between the individual infeeds, can be
specified here. (at the transition at the end of
the contour to the beginning).

Lifting mode before a renewed infeed

No retraction

to RP (retraction plane)

Z0 + safety distance

by safety distance

Lift mode Lifting mode before renewed infeed mm

centring) If for the machining several plunging points
(Pocket are required, the retraction height can be
milling) programmed as following:

to RP

Z0 + safety distance

X0 + safety distance

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 21 B500

Section 5 Milling

Approach Approach mode in plane

(Path milling)
Quarter circle:
Part of a spiral (only for path milling left
and right of the contour)

Semi circle:
Part of a spiral (only for path milling left
and right of the contour)

Oblique in space

Perpendicular to the path (only for path
milling on the centre line path)

Approach Axis-by-axis (only for approach "quarter mm

strategy circle or semi circle")
(Path milling)
Spatial (only for approach "quarter circle,
semi circle or straight")

Removing Complete machining:

(Rectangular The rectangular pocket is milled out of
pocket, only for the solid material.
An already existing small rectangular
pocket or a bore is enlarged in one or
more axes. In this case the parameters
AZ, W1, and L1 must be programmed.

Alignment Linear alignment

Curved alignment, arch at the top
Curved alignment, arch at the bottom

B500 Page 22 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Milling Section 5

Selection Selection of table values:

M3, M10, etc. (ISO metric)
W3/4"; etc. (Whitworth BSW)
G3/4"; etc. (Whitworth BSP)
1" - 8 UNC; etc. (UNC)

AZ Depth of roughing mm
(only for re-machining)
1 End-angle to X-axis Degrees

2 Opening angle of the circle Degrees

Machining Roughing
thread-milling) Finishing

Machining Roughing
round spigot) Finishing
(path milling) Chamfering

Machining Roughing
circ. pocket) Finishing
(Longitudinal/ Finishing edge
circ. slot)
(multi edge
circ. spigot)

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 23 B500

Section 5 Milling

Machining Selection of the machining plane

G17 (X/Y)
G18 (Z/X)
G19 (Y/Z)

Machining Centric:
type Clearing a circular pocket plane-by-plane
pocket) Helical:
Clearing a circular pocket helically

Machining Front Y:
face Machining on a front face with Y-axis
(Planar milling)
Mantle Y:
Machining on a cylindrical surface with

Machining Front C:
face Machining on a front face with C-axis
circ. spigot) Front Y:
Thread milling)
Machining on a front face with Y-axis

Mantle Y:
Machining on a cylindrical surface with

Machining Front C:
face Machining on a front face with C-axis
pocket) Front Y:
Machining on a front face with Y-axis
circular slot)
(Open slot)
(Circ. spigot) Mantle C
(Engraving) Machining on a cylindrical surface with
(Path milling) C-axis

Mantle Y
Machining on a cylindrical surface with

Machining Z0 Z1
direction Machining from top to bottom
(Thread mill-
ing) Z1 Z0
Machining from bottom to top

B500 Page 24 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Milling Section 5

Machining Machining in the programmed contour direction

(Path milling) Forward:
The machining takes place in the pro-
grammed contour direction

The machining takes place against the
programmed contour direction

Machining Single location:

location Milling a rectangular pocket at the pro-
(Rectangular grammed location (X0, Y0, Z0) .
(Longitudinal Location pattern:
slot) Location MCALL

Machining Single location:

location Milling a circular pocket at the programmed
(circular location (X0, Y0, Z0).
Location pattern:
Several circular pockets are milled on a
location pattern (e.g. full circle, pitch circle,
grid etc.).

Machining Single location:

location Milling a rectangular/circular spigot at a
(Rectangular/ programmed location (X0, Y0, Z0).
spigot) Location pattern:
Location with MCALL.

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 25 B500

Section 5 Milling

Machining Single location:

location A multi-edge spigot is milled at the
(multi-edge programmed location (X0, Y0, Z0).
Location pattern:
Several multi-edge spigots are milled on
the programmed location pattern (e.g.
pitch circle, grid, straight line).

Machining Single location:

location Milling a slot at the programmed location
(Open slot) (X0, Y0, Z0).

Location pattern:
Milling of several slots on a programmed
location pattern (e.g. full circle or grid).

Reference Location of the reference point:

(Open slot) Left edge
Right edge

Reference Location of the reference point:

(Engraving) Bottom left
Bottom centre
Bottom right

Top left
Top centre
Top right

Centre left
Centre right

Reference Location of the reference point:

(Slot) Left edge
Inside left
Inside right
Right edge

B500 Page 26 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Milling Section 5

Reference The following various locations of the

point reference point can be selected:
pocket) Centre
Bottom left
Bottom right
Top left
Top right

CP Positioning angle for machining range Degrees

(only for front Y)

C0 Positioning angle for machining face Degrees

(only for mantle Y)

Diameter of the pocket mm


Diameter of the spigot mm


Nominal diameter, mm
(Thread- Example: Nominal diameter of M12 = 12 mm

1 Diameter of the blank spigot mm

1 Diameter of pre-machining mm
(Circular (only for re-machining)

D Cutting edge number of the tool (1 - 9)

Direction of Direction of the thread rotation:

(Thread- Right hand thread
milling) A right-hand thread is milled

Left hand thread

A left-hand thread is milled

Rotation Rotation clockwise

(Milling) Rotation counter-clockwise

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 27 B500

Section 5 Milling

DX1 Character spacing or total width mm

(Engraving) (only for linear alignment)
for front face machining

DX Maximum depth infeed mm

DXY Maximum plane infeed mm

Alternatively the plane infeed can also be %

stated as a percentage ratio of plane infeed
(mm) to the milling cutter diameter (mm)

DY1 Character spacing or total width mm

(Engraving) (only for linear alignment)
for mantle machining

DYZ Maximum plane infeed mm

Alternatively the plane infeed can also be de- %

fined as a percentage ratio of the plane infeed
(mm) to the milling cutter diameter (mm)

DZ Maximum depth infeed mm

(only for roughing)

Plunging Vertical:
(Rectangular Vertical plunging to the pocket centre
(Longitudinal Helical:
slot) Plunging along a spiral path
milling) Oscillating:
Plunging with an oscillating motion along
the central axis of the rectangular pocket.

Plunging Vertical:
(Circular Vertical plunging at the centre of pocket.
Plunging along a spiral path

EP Maximum pitch of the helix mm/rev

(Rectangular/ (only for helical plunging)
circular pocket)

B500 Page 28 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Milling Section 5

ER Radius of the helix mm

(Rectangular/ (only for helical plunging)

EW Maximum plunge angle Degrees

(Rectangular (only for oscillatory plunging)

F Feed mm/min

FR Retraction feed for intermediate positioning

(Path milling)

Milling Milling direction (other than plunge milling)

(Open slot) Climb milling
Conventional milling

FS Chamfer width for chamfering mm

(Rectangular/ (only for chamfering)
(Path milling)

FX Infeed feed depth mm/min

(Rectangular/ (only for vertical and pre-drilled plunging) mm/tooth
circular for mantle C/Y
FZ Infeed feed depth mm/min
(Rectangular/ (only for vertical and pre-drilled plunging) mm/tooth
circular for front C/Y machining
Engraving Maximum 100 characters

H1 Thread depth mm

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 29 B500

Section 5 Milling

I Circle centre point in X-direction (abs or inc) mm

J Circle centre point in Y-direction (abs or inc) mm

Circular Full circle:

pattern The circular slots are positioned on a full
(Circular slot) circle. The distance of one circular slot to
the next circular slot is always the same
and is determined by the control unit.

Pitch circle:
The circular slots are positioned on a pitch
circle. The distance of one circular slot to
the next circular slot can be determined by
means of angle 2.

L1 Pre-machined pocket length mm

(Rectangular (only for further machining)

L1 Blank material length of spigot mm

(Rectangular (only for further machining)

L1 Approach length mm
(Path milling) (only for approach "Straight")

L2 Exit length mm
(Path milling) (only for exiting "Straight")

L2 (abs) Distance between pole and circle centre mm

(Circle) point
(inc) Distance between the last point and circle
centre point

L Length of pocket, spigot, slot, straight mm

Position of Position of the thread:

the thread
(Thread- Internal thread:
milling) An internal thread is milled

External thread:
An external thread is milled

B500 Page 30 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Milling Section 5

N Number of edges
N Number of slots
(Circular slot)

NT Number of teeth per cutter


P Thread pitch

(Thread in modulus: modulus = pitch/ modulus

in mm/rev mm/rev
in inch/rev in/rev
in threads per inch Threads/"

The thread pitch depends on the tool


PL Machining plane

G17 (XY)
G18 (ZX)
G19 (YZ)

Positioning Positioning between the slots:

(Circular slot)
The next location is approached along a
straight line at rapid traverse.

The next location is approached along a
circular path at the programmed feedrate

R1 Rounding radius mm

R2 Exit radius mm
(Path milling) (only when exiting contour with "quarter circle
or semi circle")

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 31 B500

Section 5 Milling

R Corner radius mm

R Radius of the circular slot mm

(circular slot)

R Radius of the circle mm


RP Retraction plane mm

Radius cor- Left

rection (machining to the left of the contour)

(Path milling) Right

(machining to the right of the contour)

(machining tool centre path)

Direction Same machining direction

to the right
to the top

Changing machining direction

meandering left/right
meandering up/down

S Spindle speed rev/min

Stop-Position Input of the spindle position in degrees

Starting point Manually preset starting point

(Pocket Automatic starting point calculation

SW Spanner size A/F


T Input of the tool

(Name or number)

B500 Page 32 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Milling Section 5

Table Selection the thread table:

milling) without
ISO Metric
Whitworth BSW
Whitworth BSP

Techno-logy Whirling:
(Open slot) Circular motion of the cutter through the
slot and back again

Plunge milling:
Sequential boring motions along the tool

TR Reference tool for rest material machining

(Pocket Rest-

U Finishing allowance in Y and X mm


UX Finishing allowance depth mm


UXY Finishing allowance plane mm

UYZ Finishing allowance plane mm

UZ Finishing allowance depth mm

V Feed constant cutting speed m/min

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 33 B500

Section 5 Milling

W Width of the pocket mm


W Width of the spigot mm


W Width of the slot mm

circular slot)

W Character height mm

W1 Width of the pre-machining mm

(Rectangular (only for further machining)

W1 Width of the raw material spigot (Important for mm

(Rectangular the determination of the approach location)

X0 Reference point X mm
(Rectangular (only for single location)
X0 Reference point 1 X mm
X1 Reference point 2 X (abs) or reference point mm
(Planar 2X referred to X0 )inc)
X1 Spigot depth (abs) or depth referred to Z0 or mm
(Rectangular/ X0 (inc)
X1 Slot depth (abs) or depth referred to Z0 or X0 mm
(Longitudinal (inc)
XFS Plunging depth of tool tip (abs or inc) mm
(only for chamfering)
Machining mantle C/Y

XM Centre point X (abs) or centre point polar mm or

(Engraving) length (only for curved alignment) Degrees

XS Starting point X
(Pocket (only if starting point is preset manually)

B500 Page 34 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Milling Section 5

Y0 Reference point Y mm
(Rectangular/ (only for a single location) or
circular Degrees
Y0 Reference point 1 in Y mm

Y1 Reference point 2 in Y referred to Y0 mm


YM Centre point Y (abs) or C (abs) mm

(Engraving) (only for curved alignment) or
(only for machining mantle C/Y) Degrees

YS Starting point Y
(Pocket (only if starting point is preset manually)

Z0 Reference point Z mm
(Rectangular/ (only for single location)
Z0 Height of blank material mm

Z1 Height of the finished item referred to Z0 mm


Z1 Final depth (abs) or final depth referred to Z0 mm

or X0 (inc)

Z1 Engraving depth (abs) or depth referred to Z0 mm

(Engraving) or X0 (inc)

Z1 End point of the thread (abs) or thread length mm

(Thread- (inc)

ZFS Plunging depth tool point (abs or inc) mm

(only for chamfering)
(only for machining front C/Y)

ZM Centre point Z (abs) mm

(Engraving) (only for curved alignment)
(only for machining mantle C/Y)

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 35 B500

Section 6 Measuring

Angle between measuring axis and workpiece. deg

0 Angle between measuring axis and workpiece. deg

1 Opening angle. deg

Angle cor- Correction rotates, Coordinate system. deg

rect. Correction rotates, Rotary Axis A
Correction rotates, Rotary Axis C

Diameter of the pocket. Or mm

Diameter of the spigot

Determ. Sph. Determine the sphere diameter.

Diam. Yes

DFA Measurement path mm

DZ Infeed to measurement height mm

L Pocket length set point mm

L1 Distance to first measuring point. or mm

Distance from pole to first measuring point.

L2 Distance to second measuring point. mm

Distance from pole to first measuring point.

L3 Distance to third measuring point. mm

L4 Distance to fourth measuring point. mm

L2X Distance to the 2nd measuring point in direc-

tion of the X axis

L3X Distance to the 3rd measuring point in direction

of the X axis

L3Y Distance to the 3rd measuring point in direction

of theY axis

Meas. Direct. +

Measuring X
axis Y
B500 Page 36 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate
Measuring Section 6
Unit Notes

Measuring X
axis Y

Offset target Meas. Only

Work offset ( G54 - G57)
Tool offset

Pos. Outside corner

Inside corner

Positioning Parallel to axis

Parallel to edge

Prot. zone Use protection zone

Do not use protection zone

Repeat meas- Yes


Spindle re- Measure with or without 180 degree spindle

versal reversal

TVL Limit value for triangle distortion mm

TZL Tolerance range for work offset mm

W Pocket width set point or mm

Slot width set point

XM Centre point in X mm

YM Centre point in Y mm

ZM Centre point in Z mm

XM1 Centre point of 1 sphere in X mm

YM1 Centre point of 1 sphere in Y mm

ZM1 Centre point of 1 sphere in Z mm
XM2 Centre point of 2 sphere in X mm

YM2 Centre point of 2 sphere in Y mm

ZM2 Centre point of 2 sphere in Z mm
XM3 Centre point of 3 sphere in X mm

YM3 Centre point of 3 sphere in Y mm

ZM3 Centre point of 3 sphere in Z mm

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 37 B500

Section 6 Measuring
Notes Unit

XP Pole point X mm

YP Pole point Y mm

X0 Reference point X mm

Y0 Reference point Y mm

Z0 Reference point Z mm

B500 Page 38 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

B700 Drawings of programming examples

1 Brief description

Objective of the module:

This module provides the means to carry out further exercises regarding the programming with Shop-
Mill and to consolidate the programming knowledge so far attained.

Description of the module:

This module contains all the drawings that were used in the individual modules so far and additional
work piece drawings as exercises for the consolidation of the acquired knowledge.


Shop drawings
- Mould
- Mould plate
- Guide plate_1
- Mounting plate
- Perforated plate
- Housing cover
- Longitudinal guide
- Example_1
- Mould_2
- Exhibition example
- Mould plate_2
- Excercise_12
- Flange
- Pressure plate
- Guide plate_2
- Kidney-shaped plate
- Con-rod
- Wing
- Connecting piece

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

B700 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Drawings of programming
Drawings of
examples: Description programming
This module contains all the START
drawings that were used in the Mould_2 Con-rod
individual modules so far and
additional work piece drawings
as exercises for the consolida- Mould
tion of the acquired knowl-
edge. Exhibition Wing

Mould Plate


Plate_1 Drawings of
Exercise-12 examples:








shaped plate



828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 B700

Section 2 Shop drawings

2.1 Mould




R2 M10

50 30

25 A R6

- 12



- 12

B700 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Shop drawings Section 2
2.2 Mould plate













Y 70


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 B700

Section 2 Shop drawings

2.3 Guide plate_1







factor: 1,5



B700 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Shop drawings Section 2
2.4 Mounting plate





828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 B700

Section 2 Shop drawings

2.5 Perforated plate









Alle nicht bematen Radien 5 mm

B700 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Shop drawings Section 2
2.6 Housing cover

Section A-A





8 100



828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 B700

Section 2 Shop drawings

2.7 Longitudinal guide








B700 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Shop drawings Section 2
2.8 Example_1







828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 11 B700

Section 2 Shop drawings

2.9 Mould_2





75 30

50 30

25 A R6





B700 Page 12 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Shop drawings Section 2
2.10 Exhibition example










15 30 30




828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 13 B700

Section 2 Shop drawings

2.11 Mould plate_2


10 10









B700 Page 14 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Shop drawings Section 2
2.12 Excercise_12

Section A-A


8,5 10



A R15


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 15 B700

Section 2 Shop drawings

2.13 Flange



R10 110






B700 Page 16 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Shop drawings Section 2
2.14 Pressure plate






R5 R5


40 R6


15 15

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 17 B700

Section 2 Shop drawings

2.15 Guide plate_2

Section A-A M12








B700 Page 18 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Shop drawings Section 2
2.16 Kidney-shaped plate





828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 19 B700

Section 2 Shop drawings

2.17 Con-rod

Section A-A




R5 6




B700 Page 20 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Shop drawings Section 2
2.18 Wing






828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 21 B700

Section 2 Shop drawings

2.19 Connecting piece

Section A-A

14H7 1









B700 Page 22 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 23 B700

B700 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

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