Sheet (1) - Fluid Mechanics II

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Introductory Problems 44 Consider the following steady, two-dimensional veloc-

41C What does the word kinematics mean? Explain what ity field:
! ! !
the study of fluid kinematics involves. V 5 (u, v) 5 (a2 2 (b 2 cx)2) i 1 (22cby 1 2c2xy) j
42C Briefly discuss the difference between derivative Is there a stagnation point in this flow field? If so, where is it?
operators d and . If the derivative u/x appears in an equa- 45 A steady, two-dimensional velocity field is given by
tion, what does this imply about variable u? ! ! !
V 5 (u, v) 5 (20.781 2 4.67x) i 1 (23.54 1 4.67y) j
43 Consider steady flow of water through an axisymmet- Calculate the location of the stagnation point.
ric garden hose nozzle (Fig. P43). Along the centerline of
the nozzle, the water speed increases from uentrance to uexit 46 Consider the following steady, two-dimensional veloc-
as sketched. Measurements reveal that the centerline water ity field:
! ! !
speed increases parabolically through the nozzle. Write an V 5 (u, v) 5 (0.66 1 2.1x) i 1 (22.7 2 2.1y) j
equation for centerline speed u(x), based on the parameters Is there a stagnation point in this flow field? If so, where is it?
given here, from x 5 0 to x 5 L. Answer: Yes; x 5 20.314, y 5 21.29

Lagrangian and Eulerian Descriptions

Dentrance Dexit 47C What is the Eulerian description of fluid motion?
How does it differ from the Lagrangian description?
I 48C Is the Lagrangian method of fluid flow analysis more
similar to study of a system or a control volume? Explain.
uentrance uexit
49C What is the Lagrangian description of fluid motion?
410C A stationary probe is placed in a fluid flow and
measures pressure and temperature as functions of time at
I x=0 x=L


* Problems designated by a C are concept questions, and students

are encouraged to answer them all. Problems designated by an E
are in English units, and the SI users can ignore them. Problems
with the icon are solved using EES, and complete solutions
together with parametric studies are included on the text website.
Problems with the Hicon are comprehensive in nature and are
d Probe

intended to be solved with an equation solver such as EES. FIGURE P410C

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one location in the flow (Fig. P410C). Is this a Lagrangian airplane flies, the probe measures relative wind speed. Is this
or an Eulerian measurement? Explain. a Lagrangian or an Eulerian measurement? Explain.
411C A tiny neutrally buoyant electronic pressure probe is 416C Is the Eulerian method of fluid flow analysis more
released into the inlet pipe of a water pump and transmits 2000 similar to study of a system or a control volume? Explain.
pressure readings per second as it passes through the pump. Is 417 Consider steady, incompressible, two-dimensional
this a Lagrangian or an Eulerian measurement? Explain. flow through a converging duct (Fig. P417). A simple
412C Define a steady flow field in the Eulerian reference approximate velocity field for this flow is
frame. In such a steady flow, is it possible for a fluid particle ! ! !
to experience a nonzero acceleration? V 5 (u, v) 5 (U0 1 bx) i 2 by j
413C List at least three other names for the material deriv-
where U0 is the horizontal speed at x 5 0. Note that this
ative, and write a brief explanation about why each name is
equation ignores viscous effects along the walls but is a rea-
sonable approximation throughout the majority of the flow
414C A weather balloon is launched into the atmosphere field. Calculate the material acceleration for fluid particles
by meteorologists. When the balloon reaches an altitude where passing through this duct. Give your answer in two ways:
it is neutrally buoyant, it transmits information about weather (1)as acceleration components ax and ay and (2) as accelera-

conditions to monitoring stations on the ground (Fig. P414C). tion vector a .
Is this a Lagrangian or an Eulerian measurement? Explain.

weather balloon




415C A Pitot-static probe can often be seen protrud- 418 Converging duct flow is modeled by the steady,
ing from the underside of an airplane (Fig. P415C). As the two-dimensional velocity field of Prob. 417. The pressure
field is given by

P 5 P0 2 c 2U0 bx 1 b2(x 2 1 y 2)d

where P0 is the pressure at x 5 0. Generate an expression for

the rate of change of pressure following a fluid particle.
419 A steady, incompressible, two-dimensional velocity
field is given by the following components in the xy-plane:
u 5 1.85 1 2.33x 1 0.656y

v 5 0.754 2 2.18x 2 2.33y

Calculate the acceleration field (find expressions for accelera-

tion components ax and ay), and calculate the acceleration at
FIGURE P415C the point (x, y) 5 (21, 2). Answers: ax 5 0.806, ay 5 2.21

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420 A steady, incompressible, two-dimensional velocity

field is given by the following components in the xy-plane:
u 5 0.205 1 0.97x 1 0.851y
v 5 20.509 1 0.953x 2 0.97y
Calculate the acceleration field (find expressions for accelera-
tion components ax and ay) and calculate the acceleration at
the point (x, y) 5 (2, 1.5).
! !The !velocity
! field for a flow is given by
V 5 u i 1 v j 1 wk where u 5 3x, v 5 22y, w 5 2z. Find
the streamline that will pass through the point (1, 1, 0).
422 Consider steady flow of air through the diffuser por-
tion of a wind tunnel (Fig. P422). Along the centerline of
the diffuser, the air speed decreases from uentrance to uexit as
sketched. Measurements reveal that the centerline air speed
decreases parabolically through the diffuser. Write an equa-
tion for centerline speed u(x), based on the parameters given
here, from x 5 0 to x 5 L.



1! u(x) uexit

x=0 x=L I

423 For the velocity field of Prob. 422, calculate the

fluid acceleration along the diffuser centerline as a function
of x and the given parameters. For L 5 1.56 m, uentrance 5
24.3 m/s, and uexit 5 16.8 m/s, calculate the acceleration at
x 5 0 and x 5 1.0 m. Answers: 0, 2131 m/s2
424 A steady, incompressible, two-dimensional (in the
xy-plane) velocity field is given by
! ! !
V 5 (0.523 2 1.88x 1 3.94y) i 1 (22.44 1 1.26x 1 1.88y) j

Calculate the acceleration at the point (x, y) 5 (21.55, 2.07).

425 For the velocity field of Prob. 43, calculate the fluid
acceleration along the nozzle centerline as a function of x and
the given parameters.

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