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BbCcDd EeFf Gg HhliJjKk LI MmNnOoPp Qq Rr SsTt UuVvWwXxYy Zz1234567890&7ECE$S(E%!?




This Issue "Whatever liberates our spirit without giving us

itorial and TIC Look Alikes
editorial by Aaron Burns on the continuing plight
self control is disastrous."...Goethe
le typeface designer, whose unprotected work It was in this spirit that the 16th A.TYP.I. (L'Association
ill copied and sold against his will and without TYpographique Internationale) Congress met in Copenhagen
permission. to ponder "Education in Letterforms," an issue of considerable
cat's New from ITC concern in this age of rapid technological and social change.
review showing of the newest in typeface designs:
Letterforms are like a strand of
Artext, Korinna, and Serif Gothic now being A Proposition personal expression, intertwined with
Ted through ITC subscribers.
for Education other strands of creative education.
Old criteria of good form, beauty,
e ABC's of Illustration
lc invited 26 famed illustrators to take a letter from HER in Letterforms
taste, no longer apply. In the
absence of basic standards, new
) Z and see what they would do with it. Result? Look
de and feast your eyes on some highly creative A GRA- By Wim Cromwell
teaching methods are called for.
Mr. Crouwel has specific suggestions.
(king put into alphabetic action.
e Story of "0" BYJUDITH ver6.1 Mrs. Gray notes the variety among
people, everyday situations and
w do you make something out of nothing? Designer
rb Lubalin does just thatand often. In this issue, he
Lettering moods, and feels that a wide range
of letterforms is needed to best
nonstrates a variety of his own designs that include
very first "0" he ever created.
and Society meet the communication needs of
the wide range of messages and
By Nicolete Gray message situations and to contrib-
e Faith of Graffiti
ute to a more lively environment.
the past few years, anyone living in New York City
been bombarded with the youth-cult-inspired phe- Here's how tools, technologies and
nenon of graffitithat unique "art form" screaming
The Inter- materials have shaped letters, taking note
augh space on a unilinear subway line. A couple of
erprising fellows have combined sophisticated de-
dependence of of such varied influences as the broad
quill pen, the pointed pen, the 48x48
1 and photography with the naievete of graffiti art Technique and grid of Louis XIV, the development
s a text by Norman Mailer. Typography of calendered paper, the Jacquard loom,
and more right through today's CRTs
oundSpel" By Max Caflisch and OCRs
Rondthaler writes of a computerized system of WEIL
A thoughtful look at such stresses
habet simplification which transliterates our present
guage into a phonetic rendering that makes pos-
Technical and strains as those among new tech-
e reading without further training for the literate,
minimal training for the illiterate.
Training for nologies and old design concepts,
the emphasis on legibility in text type-
udent Typographics PAGE 15
Technicians and setting and the treatment of display

:ording to Herb Lubalin: "The best 0 through 9 THE j'AT TURAR Y

Typographers lettering as illustration, and the
limits but expanding capabilities of
ever seen:' EVEIVIfiG POST By Adrian Frutiger reading machines.
Le Good Old Saturday Evening Post .., ; YOUNG MEN & The alphabet may be on its way out.
is a time B.T. (Before Television) when middle-class REPUBLI The modular system of combining
iericans spent their free timebelieve it or not Type in Our phonetic symbols to make visual
sense is becoming too awkward, too
lc:ling. For a nostalgic look at "the way we were" U&lc
?cents words, ads, illustrations, from the July 6, 1901 t Environment slow, too limiting. Film has freed
ae of The Saturday Evening Post. By Armin Hofmann the written word to become as adapt-
PAGE 16 able as speech. This is a challenge
omething for Everybody for tomorrow's designers.
sturettes, aphorisms, cartoons, comparisons (French
U.S. tax forms), and you name it. There is a clash between the classical,
V Best with Letters
Education and calligraphic and historical approach to
teaching letterforms and the impatience
egular U&lc feature. Four outstanding designers Training in of today's students. Specific approaches
er their one "best" piece of typographic art along with and a contemporary curriculum are
,ersonal commentary. Letterforms recommended. The need for public
Dnderful Wonderful Copenhagen By Gunter Gerhard Lange appreciation of letterforms is also
PAGE 18- discussed.
tterforms, Signs, and Symbols are dynamic means
communication and as such perform a vital social Design is a rule-guided problem-
Iction. This theme and others were discussed at the solving activity. In designing alphabets,
th A. TYP. I. Congress. The Rules first state the objective, then analyze
the situation, list requirements and
rtters to the Editor of the Game criteria and then sequence the list for
iblushingly, a compilation of just a fistful of encomiums, By FHK Henrion action. Rules help define problems,
negyrics, and plain old-fashioned pats on the back help solve them and make many
A have come to U&lc on the heels of our first issue solutions possible.
Im all parts of the globe.
VOLUME t. NUMBER 2, 1974


216 EAST 46TH STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10017


As easily surmised from the first

issue, LT&lc is a vehicle for presenting
ITC's newest typefaces "at work."
Some ITC typefaces are introduced
for the first time; others are repeated
in different sizes and layouts. It is
our hope that specifiers and users of
typography will thus have an oppor-
tunity to see how these new designs
look in a greater variety of formats
than a type specimen booklet permits.
I IC typefaces are becoming more
and more popular throughout the
world. Their popularity is due both to LICENSED
the artistry of the type-designers
who created these faces and to their ADDRESSOGRAPH MULTIGRAPH
Webster's Third international Dict
acceptance by the world typographic DIVISION ary defines "piracy" as"any unautl
arts community. PI IOTOLETTERING SYSTEMS ized appropriation and reproductic
ALPHATYPE CORPORATION of another's production, invention
The typographic community, how- SYSTEMS or conception; literary or artistic ti
.- ever, needs to be reminded of the
Pictured above Gerry Gersten's.
ARTYPE, INC. drawing of a newsboy from
continuing plight of the typeface DRY TRANSFER LETTERS the front cover of our first issue of
designer, whose unprotected work DIATYPE, DIATRONIC, STAROMAT,
"U&Ic:' (Copyright 1973). Below is
is still copied and sold 7against DR. BOGER PHOTOSATZ GMBH bald and direct swipe.
COPYTYPE Why they bothered to rework thl
his will and without hi; permission. CELLO TAI( MFG., INC.
DRY TRANSFER LETTERS drawing, when a simple photoStat
The World Treaty on Intellectual CHARTPAK
the original would have produced
COMPUGRAPHIC CORPORATION ter results, we don't know. What w(
Properties, held in JUI3,e 1973 PI IOTO TEXT AND DISPLAY do know is that this is a flagrant
in Vienna, has brought us one step DEANS GEOGRAPHICS LTD. example of plagiarismor, to put
closer to the end of this practice DYMO BELGIUM N.V.
less politelydownright thefta
of unauthorized copying and its long VISUAL SYSTEMS DIVISION dition which unfortunately contim.
FILM BANDS FOR, STAROMAT, to plague the graphic arts profess
overdue demise. STARSETTOGRAPH, 2" FILM FONTS If there is a compensating factor tc
FILM FONTS this dismal activity, its that the origir
But until the time when internation- HARRIS CORPORATION artist (Gersten) doesn't lose finan-
al copyright protection of typeface HARRIS COMPOSITION SYSTEMS
DIVISION cially from this sort of deviousnes.!
designs is enacted into law, organi- FOTOTRONIC 600 Beyond that, some of us actually
zations such as ITC together with the LETRASET INTERNATIONAL LTD.
enjoy the show of recognition be-
MECANORMA stowed on us by these swipers whc
manufacturers on this page, who DRY TRANSFER LETTERS evidently are impressed with the e
constitute ITC Subscribers, provide MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE COMPANY
LINOFILM, LINOTRON, VIP cellence of our graphics and dubio
fair compensation to ITC designers MGD GRAPHIC SYSTEMS
about their own.
for their creative efforts. INFORMATION PRODUCTS DIVISION
ITC lists these manufacturers in order 3M BRAND PROMAT LETTER
to state publicly that theyand only PHOTON, INC.
theyare licensed to manufacture PHOTODIVISION OF CALIFORNIA INC.
and offer ITC typefaces for sale. The VISUAL DISPLAY SETTER AND
ITC license mark on their products is PRESSURE GRAPHICS.INC.
your guarantee that-the designer's PROTYPE, INC.
work is honored and paid forand SYSTEMS AND FILM FONTS
that your purchase of these "licensed" PHOTOTITESETTLNG MACHINES
products is your assurance that the D. STEMPEL AG
designer will receive his royalties. TACTYPE INC.
Check your supplier to see that he FILM FONTS AND STUDIO FILM KITS
is purchasing ITC typefaces from one DRY TRANSFER LETTERS

What's New from ITC?

Newtext, Korinna, and Serif Gothic are

new from ITC. Only licensed ITC Sub-
scribers are authorized to reproduce,
manufacture and offer for sale Newtext,
Korinna, and Serif Gothic and all other
ITC typefaces shown in this issue. This
mark is your guarantee of authenticity.


ay Baker's Newtext* is more than a
ell designed, strikingly legible type-
ice. It tops these attributes in a very
Iportant way: Newtext is a major
)ace saver. Baker's search for a space-
lying device has uncovered a winner-
?rtical economy. Into this winner he
3 s built every design refinement that
)uld sharpen its usefulness. The ex-
3nded shapes give the letters a gen-
-ous feeling of legibility, and the
:onomical vertical set adds more 0%) W;7I t
les to the page. For example, a letter 1:10 101)1111ft:A 01441yiwii ,1:LYtt.)
rith a 9 point width and legibility "feel"
?ts successfully on an 8 point body.
he clarity of ITC Newtext is a valuable
sset where photographic reductions
) 4 or even 3 point are required. The
ride proportions and reliable serifs
ssure readability of incidental ma-
?rial in packaging where extremely
mall sizes are needed. This is achieved
rithout loss of graphic ambience.

ibcdefghijk mnopqrstuvwxyzct$@ AB

The vigorous design of Korinna has brought

this letter out of obscurity and tosses it di-
rectly into the typographic limelight. Rarely
has a revival been so perfectly in tune with
the contemporary scene. The original draw-
ings for Korinna were executed at H. Berthold
AG in 1904, as was the first cutting. ITC rec-
ognizes Berthold as the originator, and com-
pensates the foundry for use of the name
and general design. Enriching of the flavor
and augmenting the letter into a useful series
of four weights and an outline is the work of
Ed Benguiat, Vic Caruso and the staff of
Photo-Lettering, Inc. There is not the slightest
doubt that Korinna's second debut will far
outshine her first, for here is an enchanting
lady who, at seventy, is younger than ever.

rstuvwxyzJi!?($0 PD3C)DMPOL'11:0nRAM
LiAaualUYVKTI fl,22410070MSd
mffc2,Y1W,nimaapqmoRmwmu ifaiNg0C

erif Gothic is an original typeface
9ned by Herb Lubalin and Antonio
igna for International Typeface
poration. Originally designed in
two weights, Regular and Bold,
success of these first two weights
fired the creation of four additional
hts, Light, Extra Bold, Heavy, and
k. All six weights are available
as text and display typefaces
photographic composition as well
>r use as dry transfer letters. The
tanding features of the ITC Serif
)ic series ore their uniquely de-
ed serifs which combine gothic
)licity together with traditional
an elegance.

DbcdeeffgNkl.qmnopqrssi- tuvwxyzo2cea213?fM6/ABCDE
effghijkKmnopqrssttuvwxyzce0azB6-!?a4%(*).9 9ABCDEEF






The Story of "0"
(Among Other Characters)

THANKS! U&LC is a clean newspaper.

I want to make it perfectly clear
that, in spite of my"reputation"as
seven years, which is a long time
between filling"O"s.
back into English ( oh boy!), became
the basis for a booklet published
Then, in 1947,Iwas working on by Sanders Printing Corporation:
Gentlemen, a designer of erotic magazines, this an ad for CIBA on a product called
Last week I glimpsed at an issue of
article has no significance as a Pyribenzamine Expectorant, for the How To Become Successful,
Though an Art Director
"UGIc:' Bravo!
Would it be possible to mail me a copy psycho-analytical exploration of relief of cough symptoms, through And Achieve Immortality...
and to include my name on your mailing
the sexual implications of my Sudler & Hennessey, a well-respect- For a While.
list for any future mailings that you plan?
A publication of this sort has long been involvement with the letter"0." ed pharmaceutical ad agency. The This book was specfically written as a public
awaited in the art field and I'm sure it will
It is meant to document copy, again sparkling and provoca- service to all those students of the graphic arts
prove invaluable to me in my duties as
Art Director. how a designer can make some- tive, said "Break up Cough." I set who have an uncontrollable desire to make it
Thank you for your consideration, thing out of nothing. Zero. "0." the word cough in Franklin Gothic big in a hurry.
Al Camasto
I owe (no pun intended) my Condensed U & LC, and proceeded Its impact on this aspiring group, after 5
Arizona State University
financial status and my reputation to shove my fist through the type years of publication, has yet to be recorded.
Exhibits AA, BB, CC, DD, EE, etc., will give
to the"O,"and other assorted proof in the area occupied by the you a feeling of the booklet's graphics.
Dear Mr. Lubalin:
That's an enjoyable and even inform- characters. "0"in cough, to symbolize the words The text is as follows:
ative first issue you have produced, with
It all started 100 years ago "break up." I missed. My intentions Open your eyes.
a satisfactory helping of meat (such as
Burns' pertinent comments on piracy) and when I was 20. (I've picked these were good but my aim was bad. I Look around.
some flavorful sauce (the graphics).
good round numbers because they broke up the entire word. I tried Perceive.
Ernie Smith's humor slid off into cute-
ness once or twice, and an extra point of symbolize my preoccupation, not again with the same results. Observe.
Expand your viewpoint.
leading might have "uncrowded' a number
because they indicate my age, now Finally, undismayed by adversity, Above all, recogniie the significance of an
of paragraphs, but that's the only area of
quibbling I believe could be found with the conveniently concealed behind a I submitted the job as it was. The Rearrange your life to accommodate an "O."
project. You've started a "trade" journal
grey beard.) I was a struggling client flipped (See Exhibit B). An "0" can be nothing... or something.
that should be interestingand attractive
to many folks outside the world'of senior at the Cooper Union, trying A few months later I had occa- Or, it can be a bagel.
to find a graphic direction which sion to exploit the"S." Or one sex symbol or another.
I'd like to see more of U&Ic. Would you
let me know what subscription arrange- would instantly establish me as the In an ad for the William Merrell An "0" can mean money.
ments you're making?
world's greatest designer and get Co. for a product called Bentyl, an A successful career is often built on a sound
Thank you... and best wishes for the
newborn publication! me rich quick. antispasmodic for the treatment of Setfoundation of money.
your sights on this valuable commodity.
Sincerely, A call for entries from the stomach disorders, I created an"S" Develop an attractive personality and wealth
Robert A. Wilson, Jr.
McCandlish outdoor advertising in the word spasm out of "Slinky," And with wealth, confidence.
competition came to my attention. a wirey kids' toy that has a spasmod- You have won half the battle.
ic action. (See Exhibit C.) This There is no better combination than security
Dear Mr. Lubalin: I entered the contest, hoping to approach stimulated the judges and confidence to inspire aesthetic achieven
I've just had a chance to take a good
look at the first issue of U&Ic, and I was
win a prize along with the ensuing at the New York Art Directors Show, So, achieve.
very pleased by what I saw. The fact that publicity a"winner" deserves. the A. I. G. A., and the Type Directors And, with a little luck,
you've all put a great deal of work into the
publication is obvious, and I wish you all
I won first prize in the student Club to reward me for my efforts. glory can be yours.
the success possible. category with a poster for Hires Root Certificates.
At this point, I lost all constraint. Certificates of Merit.
Sincerely, Beer. The sparkling, persuasively I became so obsessed with my gra- Certificates of Distinction.
Charlie Downs
Art Director
original copy line was: "It's tops." phic alphabet that ! became verbally Certificates of Distinctive Merit.
Public Relation/Advertising The graphics displayed this head- uncommunicative. Awards.
Kaiser Aetna
line in the sky with the Hires bottle When my wife asked why Awards of Merit.

Dear Aaron, Ed, Herb:

top situated in the"O"of the word I didn't talk to her anymore, all I
Awards of Distinction.
Awards of Distinctive Merit.
Just a note to say what a wonderful job
"tops." Get it? (ExhibitA). Evidently, could say was"OH?" Medals.
all you people did on the "U&Ic"! the judges got it. And I got $25.00 Appearing on this page are a few Silver medals
It is absolutely beautiful in content,
thought, and design.
plus the enthusiastic handclasp of of my more notorious efforts over a Bronze medals.
I wish you and the publication every my graphic design instructor. span of 20 years which brings us to Gold medals.
success. It fills a design and communi- Gold Cleos.
cation void long overdue in our field. Spurred on , I decided to 1967. (See Exhibits D, E, F, G, H, I, J, Gold Andys.
Pleasekeep it up! become the first designer to not K, L, M, N, 0, P, Q, R, S,T, U,V,W,Y, Z. ) Golden T-Squares.
Bob Greenwell
only fill the` 0" with every conceiv- After basking so long in the Etc.
NBC able round graphic symbol, but to glory afforded by the admiration Yours.
exploit the characteristics of all the of my contemporaries, I All yours.
Dear International Typeface Corporation, letters of the alphabet with the decided to share the accumulation To own.
To cherish.
The faculty members at New York City
Community College were very impressed
goal to replace them, when- of knowledge which had made me To prize:
with the first publication of "UG-Ic:' We were ever the occasion arose, with a the recognized mavin in this field. To encase in plastic.
glad to learn from a telephone conversa-
tion that it would be possible to receive
symbol reflecting the nature of the You might consider it my modest Forever.
several copies for the large typographical character. Ultimately, I hoped to contribution to society. And with these Kudos fame.
design classes at the college.
There are close to twenty faculty mem-
create a new graphic language, One day, in Kyoto, Japan, I Headlines,

bers in our art and advertising design replacing the roman alphabet, was addressing 1,500 students. travel,
department and I am enclosing only those
faculty members who teach typography
which would eliminate all language At the end of my speech I was asked friends,
and have expressed an interest in the barriers and, thus, enhance com- to what I attributed my success. worshippers,
Thank you very much, "U&Ic" will reach
munications among all the peoples I replied," To the'0'." idolatry.
hundreds of students. of the world and, thus, create ever- I noticed a lack of enthusiasm You are a hero.
Tom Chibbaro lasting peace and harmony. for this response which was prompt- Your name is in lights.
Sid Sasson
Bob Holden
So be it. ed by a lack of understanding I felt You have attained the ultimate success...
You are now eligible to become a member of
Bill Sealy I bided my time waiting for the obliged to explain. that great AD Club in the sky.
Anne Namm
Adjunct Lecturer
opportunity to exploit my theory. This explanation, which was And achieve Immortality.
New York City Community College Nothing significant happened for recorded in Japanese and translated For a while.
1.272.ox.rntire eme,
In wooing a woman or a customer na single technique
has yet been invented that, to our knowledge, is infallible.
And yet the advertising business seems to develop peri-
odic passions for a single font of wisdom. Unfortunately.
when all products are dressed alike in a single advertis-
- ges adckessed alike to allcust ono
ing style and their messa
fro their individual motto of me-me-nn become indistin-
BENTYL guishable in the chorus of rne-toos. We don't believe in
this kind of typewasting.To us. the heart of ad is a
simple. vital, selling idea. To convey it. our illustration

PUTS he art. photographytype: our s. DAT or

bard.our copy long or short. It takes all types. Call SHUL

Fi TshtorreutchtBeusr,lieRoasnd:eiawonaNeueionnrcidlee aia pnpnproeouiracanemds
selling opportunities seven days a
weekall starting November 28th.









Ic I Atte
Ti U HT Al
T T 11

I sn't SoI ki(I

NVhcniotiOntsider FUN FOR KIDS
theAlternat INL 10, 1.,101 ISRLPF IPP PRINTS
THE FAITH OF GRAFFITI into sound'The name,' says Cay, 'is
faith of graffiti.'"
DOCUMENTED BY MERVYN KURLANSKY AND There jyou have it. Mailer has done
JON NAAR WITH TEXT BY NORMAN MAILER homework well. He talks with everyone
can collar: Sly, Stay High, Phase 2, Bc
Anyone living in New York City has been Snake, Stitch, and Star Ill. He gives then
bombarded the past few years with the youth- the benefit of any doubt. And he fairly press
cult-inspired phenomenon of graffitithat conflicting views. He quotes Dr. Frede
unique "art form" screaming through space Wertham: "It is part of the widespread
on a unilinear subway line or adorning the dalism, the mood to destroy, the brutal
that is everywhere." And Richard Golds
sprayed walls of schools, warehouses, and
low-income housing developments. from New York Magazine: "The graffiti m
To see beauty out of all this urban squalor ment is a lot like rock 'n roll in its pre-enl
is an unusual feat. And yet it has been superb- ened phase. To me it announces the
ly realized in this large new handsomely- genuine teenage street culture since
mounted work, revealing photographs that
You pays your nickel and you takes
are in fact paintings in themselvesleffering
so imaginative and colorful as to readily sup- choice. Art or junk? Perhaps it's somethin
each. Some of the lettering is surely nott
port the old adage, "one picture is worth a
more than a naive and random straw
thousand words." Like all good art, these
But, as these photographs reveal, a sur
graffiti speak very much for themselves.
ing amount of the work fills the space st
That is, for everyone but Norman Mailer.
Mailer, with his extraordinary gifts, identifies latingly and proportionatelymuch alonc
the letterings with a literary posture worthy of lines of a creative art directorits provocc
styling fairly screaming to be heard out of
a Miro or Giotto. He takes Claes Oldenburg's
classic remark: "You're standing in the sta- depths of the New York jungle: "Hey, loo
tion, everything is gray and gloomy and all of me, everybody! I'm here!"
In point of fact, many of the "drawir
a sudden one of those graffiti trains slides in
would make for eye-catching packaginc
and brightens the place like a big bouquet
some hip enterprising company or ad age
from Latin America" and lays it at your feet.
But there are two sides to this provocative eager to draw instant consumer response
in all, a remarkable new world of typogr
coin. Although a minor media wonder of the
decade, the graffiti are not smut but a litany of ics, where the writer's vision and exceptic
abilities present a case that expands
namesa craft outside the law, an adoles-
youthful graffiti-makers' efforts, giving tt
cent rebellion that appals one side of the com-
a far broader canvas than they ever ei
munity and stultifies their lives. The other view
sees the leffering as stunning calligraphy, a
In her review in The New York Tin
free new artform of the masses.
Corinne Robins reports that "The final
Mailer places himself in the laffer group.
tograph in the book is of a band of he
With the renditions as scaffolding, he
launches into his media e:,,,ay spectacularly. dozen leather-jacketed boys on the sub.
steps, several of them holding up little pie
Assuming his familiar fightA stance, he
of paper with their signature trademarks
flails about for lofty insights as he faces the
them. The children are beautiful. Here they
question of Art with a very capital A. The graf-
not being caught out, beaten up, or at
fiti-makers take him back to the first caveman
reprimanded, but rather acknowledged
drawings on the walls of Altamira and, as he
celebrated by the photographer for de
puts it, "the hand pushes forward into the ter-
originally done for each other's benefit
ror of future punishments from demons filled
have suddenly, illogically received a
with fury at human audacity."
approval. It's a sweet photograph an
He speaks with a whole semblage of the
sweet moment of glory."
young letterers: Cay 161, Junior 161, Japan
Or, as Norman Mailer would have it: '
1, L'il Flame, Hitler, and Super Kool. The
haps it is the unheard echo of graffiti,
numerals identify the street (Washington
vibration of that profound discomfort it ar
Heights and 161st Street), but the names are
es, as if the unheard music of its procic
not their own. According to Mailer, "It is like a
tion and/or its mess, the rapt intent seen
logo. Moxie or Sonoco; Tang, Whirlpool,
of its foliage, is the herald of some oncon
Duz. The kids bear a definable relation to their
apocalypse less and less far away. Gr
product." It is not their name but the name.
lingers on our subway door as a moment
Mailer tries hard to get at the heart of the
what may well have been our first ar
matter. "What is the meaning to you of the
karma, as if indeed all the lives ever lived
name?" he asks Cay 161. Cay answers forth-
sounding now like the bugles of gathe
rightly. 'The name,' says Cay, in a full voice,
armies across the unseen ridge."
Delphic in its unexpected resonanceas if
the idol of a temple has just chosen to break


" $ ;

. -p.-Avue ,,,onorwr,.,iesarAw,...seemscoirawft'avw


v u ever considerd th benefits ov a simplified foenetic

speling that soundz just liek riten? A speling that children, adults and
forin stoodents can lurn qikly, eezily and without laborius memoriezing?
A method that u yuurself aulredy
Deer Tim:
can reed with fair rapidity and sum Meny thanks for yuur coments about Soundspel. I see,
eez liek u'r reeding this! If u'd liek however, that I'v faeld to bring out a moest important

to no more about it, just reed on... point. U predict that Soundspel wil obsoleet th millyunz
ov buuks that ar now in our liebrerryz. Absolootly not;
not for fifty yeerz! And not eeven then. For mor than
Soundspel is phoneticjust as Eng- Let's suppose that tomorrow you pick fifty yeerz thair'l be plenty ov peepl around hoo can
lish spelling's meant to be, but isn't. up your morning paper and find it
Hundreds of years ago English was writ- printed in soundspel. You discover that reed boeth waez. Diligent yung stoodents hoo need to
ten phonetically, until the early printers all TV commercials, the magazines deliv- refur to oelder buuks wil lurn to reed them just az u
muddled it up, the kings okayed the mud- ered to your door, and most of your third lurnd to reed sixteenth senchery buuks in scool yuurself.
dle, the writers accepted it, and the rest of class mail are in soundspel too. Billboards
It wil be no harder for an advanst stoodent to lurn to
us have struggled along knowing that and road signs, when replaced, will be in
something was wrong with our spelling, soundspel; also labels, directions, and reed 1974 Ingglish in 1994 than it iz for children begin-
but not knowing how to straighten it out. other public reading matter. Suppose this ing scool in '74 to lurn to reed and riet our craezy
Soundspel may remind you of your began tomorrow. It would be a jolt. But
Ingglish az we spel it todae!
childhood spelling, but don't be fooled how big a jolt would it really be?
it's no "kid-scribbling". On the contrary, it In the soundspel paragraphs here you Just ask yuurself how much u reed. in an ordinerry
brings together the best ideas that genera- may have encountered a dozen words that
dae that wuz riten mor than ten yeerz ago. Probably not
tions of scholars have had for the simplifi- stumped you briefly. Next time you meet
cation of our writing. Soundspel is for them they'll be as easy as the other 500 oever 2%. Seldom do u reed a nuezpaeper, a magazeen,
children, for adults, for foreigners learning words you read without difficulty. Your leter, memo or a report that iz oever a fue weeks oeld.
English, for everybody. It has a few simple personal and business letters, memos and
Eeven moest buuksinclooding text buuksar fairly nue.
rules, but even without them you can read reports will not be affected. You'll keep on
it pretty well at first sight. No twisted spell- writing them in oldspell as usual. You U,ov cors, wil be aebl to reed boeth waez for th rest
ings, no unused silent letters. Soundspel might compare a switch to soundspel with
is, above all, honest: each word is pro- the jolt you'd have tomorrow if many of ov yuur lief. In fact, th oenly tiem u'l ever need to
nounced exactly as it's written. your friends began talking with a strong riet Soundspel wil be when u riet to yuur grandchildren.
Italian, Spanish, German, Dutch, Hun- British accent. It would, by jove, be jolly So whi not giv th next jeneraeshun a braek and let them
garian, Finnish, Russian and most other annoying and a bit sticky at first, but you'd
western languages match letters to spoken lurn to reed th eezy was furst?
catch on in a jiffy.
sounds. We can do it in English too: A quick switch to soundspel would slow Sinseerly, (52.511
down your speed-reading for a while, but
Th wether man predicts sum cloudy- you'd know that those few weeks of in-
Joon 1, 1974
nes todae but th probability ov raen iz convenience were laying the foundation
sliet sins th skiez ar expected to begin for a more literate and, hopefully, a more
cleering toniet. Then Saterdae wil be fair trouble-free Americaand certainly a every author, journalist, copywriter and ing-plaes for thoez hoo heer gaev thair
and just a bit wormer. more communicative world. English is the typesetter. No longer. Today we can place lievz that that naeshun miet liv. It iz
This Octoeber wil probably be remem- world's best hope for an international a transliterating computer between the aultogether fiting and proper that we
berd for qiet a whiel, in fact it wil hav a language. Except for China, 30% of the typesetter's keyboard and the photo print- shuud do this.
distirakshun rairly claemd sins th Valy haz world's literate population already has a out unit. At the turn of a switch the oldspell But in a larjer sens, we canot dedicaet-
staed sogy for moest ov three weeks. working knowledge of English. And we're input comes out as soundspel typesetting. we canot consecraetwe canot halothis
And th printed report wil luuk verry un- told that English has replaced Russian as And the saving in printing bulk will pay for ground. RI braev men, living and ded,
uezhooal with a string ov figuerz in th pre- the second language in Chinese schools. the computers again and again. hoo strugld heer, hay consecraeted it far
cipitaeshun colum. Last Octoeber thair Its major international drawback is the way abuv our power to ad or detract. Th wurld
wuz a singgl entry for raen. we spell it. By haphazardlyrather than We have, at last, the technology.
We hav, at last, th tecnolojy. wil litl noet nor long remember whut we
Tho it seldum caem net on skejool, th systematicallymaking our 26 letters rep- sae heer, but it can never forget whut thae
raen wuz mor than welcumaul that free resent the 42 sounds of English, we have Do we have the courage to use it?
did heer. It iz for us, th living, rather, to be
lawn wautering plus long raenj benefits. created a Frankenstein of 600 exceptions Do we hav th curej to uez it? dedicaeted heer to th unfinisht wurk
Th best part haz bin th jentl, unstormy to the rule of "one letter for one sound' which thae hoo faut heer hav so noebly
carracter: No big windz spred laeerz ov Spelling failure is high on the drop-out list. TH GETIZBERG ADRES... advanst. It iz rather for us to be heer dedi-
sand befor th drops caem down. Our children use more than a year of their Forscor and seven yeerz ago our faatherz caeted to th graet task remaening befor
Temperatuerz ar beeing verry consis- early education trying to memorize these braut forth on this continent a nue nae- usthat from theez onord ded we taek
tent. Wenzdae had 70-49 and todae au- 600 exceptionsexceptions that give an shun, conseevd in liberty, and dedicae- increest devoeshun to that cauz for which
ferz 70-48. Windz wil be moestly jentl. unnatural spelling to almost two-thirds of ted to th propozishun that aul men ar thae gaev th last fuul mezhuur ov de-
Bi th washow about that wintry visi- our words! By contrast, children in Italy creeaeted eeqal. voeshun: that we heer hiely rezolv that
taeshun to uther parts ov th cuntry with and Spain learn to write their language Now we ar enngaejd in a graet sivil wor, theez ded shal not hav died in vaen: that
sno in Nue York for th furst tiem so urly in without even the aid of a spelling book. testing whether that naeshun, or eny nae- this naeshun, under God, shal hav a nue
103 yeerz! Pitsberg had fluryz last Mun- Ten years ago the dream of simplifica- shun so conseevd and so dedicaeted, can burth ov freedom; and that guvernment
dae, and uther points between heer and tion defied fulfillment. But not today. Ten long enduer. We ar met on a graet batl- ov th peepl, bi th peepl, for th peepl, shal
th Atlantic hav had a furst snap ov Winter. years ago we would have faced the impos- feeld ov that wor. We hav cum to dedicaet not perrish from th urth.
Thae ar welcum to th hoel thing. sible task of changing the writing habits of a porshun ov that feeld az a fienal rest- A. LINCOLN
The complete Soundspel alphabet
system is shown here. Children,
adults, and foreign students who
master this relatively simple sys-
tem will then be able to write, in
Soundspel, anything they can say
in English. The Soundspel concept
is not novel: it is an adaptation
for Englishof the phonetic spell-
ing used daily by millions who
write in Spanish, Italian, German,
Russian, Swedish, Dutch, Finnish,
Hungarian, Turkish and most other
western languages. Some day a
system like this may free us from
the ordeal of memorizing the spell-
ing irregularities that are found in
more than 100,000 English words. a as ae air ar au b ch d e eei er2
father age fair car auto bed church dip edit
system *
eat baker

nvt ng nk o oei of oo or ou

eer f g h
hear fat got
hat it
kit cat
sink hot
open oil ooze sore out
how " "

In general it has been possible to make

pqr a rrow
t th4 u ue
tin thin up unit
Pairs of vowels ending in 'e' (ae ee ie oe ue)
are pronounced like the first letter of the pair
when you say "a, e, i, o, u" in reciting the
soundspel comfortable for most readers
by selecting the digraph or trigraph that is
already firmly associated with a particular
pet quit this alphabeta bcd efgh ijklmn opqrstu.
hurry Oldspell, wait
sound in the reader's mind, eye and ear.

ur uu v w wh x
urgent put van wet when ax


Soundspel ...daet, waet (ae)
Oldspell ...heat, feet
Soundspel ...heet, feet (ee)
There is, however, one selection that is
not easily made. It concerns the digraph
chosen to represent these two different
Oldspell ...bite, right `oo' sounds: loop...look
Soundspel ...biet, net(ie)
Th 'eland wuz atacht to th maenland What's Been Done to Make It Easy? Oldspell ...boat, note
Soundspel ...boet, noet (oe)
bi a long strech ov sand. Sloely it wuz There are millions in America today and mood...good
Oldspell ...cute, few
civiliezd, furst bi Indianz, hoo caem to fish millions out there in the future for whom Soundspel ...cuet, fue (ue) loom...wood
in th sumerz, and then bi whiet men, hoo the gift of phonetic spelling is the key to a The vowel-sound in 'good, should' etc. is soon... book
bilt manshunz amung th treez and braut bright new world. But there are other mil- written 'uu'guud, shuud. (No change in moon...cook
thair familyz out from th sity. Th wimen, lions who already know how to read and `00' for the sound in 'moon, food, boot,
loom, groom,' etc.) The rest of Soundspel is
planting flowerz, discuverd arroehedz. Th write. They, for the most part, oppose close enough to our present-day English so would
reedz wer cleerd until eech hous had a change. "Leave good enough alone and you're not likely to misread it. should
beech. Yaats, moord aufshor, revolvd on don't rock the boat", they say. "Don't u'r not liekly to misreed it.
Dr. Godfrey Dewey's thoro research in-
thair angcor lien, bras fitingz winking in th make us learn to spell all over again". * The Short Vowels (a e i o) in unstressed dicates that the 'oo'-sound in 'moon' oc-
sunliet. A tomahawk wuz found in th Even the most utilitarian contractions syllables are often pronounced almost like a
curs more frequently than the bo'-sound
nite, thru, foto, slo, tho, etc.have had short u. (Linguists call this diluted pronun-
graev yard. Elizabeth, Mathue's oeldest ciation `schwa'.) in 'wood' or 'would'. So soundspel picks
dauter, marryd Qentin, Ken Richardsun'z ruf going. Readers often regard spelling "" To keep certain words looking more famil- the digraph 'oo' for the vowel-sound in
oeldest sun, and a nue hous wuz bilt at th change as degrading, not knowing that iar, medial and final au and ou may be re- `moon' and uses a new digraph curl'
verry tip ov th ieland, faesing south. Be- many linguistic scholars are in the van- placed by aw and ow (as in law, tower' ).
for the 'wood-would' sound. At first the
cauz th hous wuz expoezd to th wind, it guard of those supporting it. But the 1. To keep words looking more familiar, the
combination 'Liu' may seem a bit awk-
finale may be dropped from words ending in
wuz qiet cold in th winter. Elizabeth public's attitude today is negative. So we ee (we0, he0), ie (alibi 0), oe (go0, noe). ward to English readers because today it is
planted roezez and hung wiker burd cae- must be sure that every stone has been found only in the word 'vacuum'. Fortu-
2. er and ur sound alike. Use er in unstressed
jez from th treez. Qentin raezd goelden turned that might reveal one more way to syllables; use ur in stressed syllables. nately it will occur but once in every 1.35
retreeverz and wun troefyz, hunted duk, reduce, by even a trifle, the impact of 3. After the short vowel-sounds a e o u use words only two or three times on an av-
qael, and fezant. Bi th tiem Samueel wuz change on present readers. We who see double rr rather than single r (to prevent
erage page. The other soundspel digraphs
confusion with the digraphs ar, er, or, ur).
born, th civiliezing wuz oever. Twenty-for the advantage of change must make every and trigraphs fall naturally into place and
effort to put ourselves in the shoes of the 4. th and x have two pronunciations
manshunz liend th singgl roed that ran unvoiced th (thin), and voiced th (this); their pronunciation is largely self-evident.
down th midl ov th ieland. Men hierd from millions who do not. unvoiced x (ax,6), and voiced x (exam,g-:).
That's why anyone who can read
th vilej neerbi kept th oek treez and apl Winning converts from those who al- 5. y is used not only as a consonant (yet), but
ready know how to read English is the English will soon see that he can read
treez and elmz and evergreenz proond, th also as a vowel (holy) often replacing
soundspel too.
lawn and hejez trimd, th leevz raekt, th Number One job of soundspel, and the unstressed ee or i.
That's whi enywun hoo can reed
windoez polisht. Gardnerz continued to only way to win them if indeed it can be Five self-evident abbreviations are used

done at all is to make the changeover u (you); i (1); th (the); to (to); do (do). Ingglish wil soon see that he can reed
fiend arroehedz in th soil, sum ov which soundspel too.
thae kept, sum ov which thae turnd oever easy. Two hundred million people is a lot
of opposition, but if the cause is just and Spelling Simplification and
to thair emploierz. Samueel, Qentin and graphically unacceptable unacceptable
the solution is reasonable victory may not Phototypesetting...the new road to a
Elizabeth's oenly sun, explord th ieland. to the eye. So, to smooth the path of
be beyond reach. This article is published quick changeover.
He bilt model boets, airplaenz, and carz, change, we regard wh as a digraph (rep-
foloed th fezants and squrelz bak and forth in the hope of winning friends for the resenting h + w) and make it part of writ- The 400-year history of simplification
acros th lawn, and lisend to "Capten Mid- cause. And prospective friends should be ten soundspel. Another good example is makes it clear that writers and typesetters
niet" on th raedio. Th strech ov sand con- told what has been done to smooth the `or'. The sound of 'or' could be phoneti- not readershave consistently scuttled
ecting th ieland to th maenland becaem a way. Knowing what has already been cally written 'aur', but to use such spellings all serious attempts at spelling reform. The
public beech. Th neerbi vilej becaem a done, they too may have suggestions as 'maul', 'aur', `baurn', etc. for words like public has never seen more than token
rezort. But in th autum, after th vacae- leading to further improvement. more, or, born, for, store, sport, resort, samples of simplificationnever enough
shunerz had left and befor th sno had All the sounds of spoken English can be implore, etc. would look very awkward. for readers to pass judgment on it.
faulen, th ieland luukt much th was it had written with as few as 42 symbols. But if So soundspel accepts 'or' as a digraph Some time around 1910 twenty impor-
when th Indianz furst caem to fish. Th only 42 were used the spelling would look and makes it part of the written language. tant newspapers agreed to try simplifica-
sand wuz cleen and whiet, th wauter quite awkward. Soundspel uses 53 elev- Other concessions to visual familiarity are tion on a piecemeal basis: 12 words this
sparkld liek a handful ov goeld coin, and en more than the absolute minimum. shown in the panel above. year, 30 next, 300 the year after, and
th houzez wer verry qieet behiend th treez, These extra symbols are familiar letter These concessions, of course, put a 1500 or more eventually. It may have
az if no wun livd in them. Siting outsied combinations so deeply ingrained in our slight extra burden on students learning to been a great idea but it was bad psychol-
wun afternoon, woching a squrel chaes a reading habits that to replace them with write English particularly on the foreign ogy. Nobody wants to change his writing
waulnut, Samueel smeld th smoek ov th unfamiliar, tho accurate, combinations student. But it's easier for him to master habitsleast of all journalists and typeset-
next dor naebor'z burning leevz and nue would be offensive to the reader's eye. A what he'll regard as eleven consistent in- ters frantically trying to meet deadlines.
that sumdae he wuud hav to go. Th good example is wh which appears again consistencies than to memorize hundreds As for readers, we can't say how much
smoek, th smaul whiet cloud riezing throo and again in our writing. Wh is not one of of irregular irregularities. And the same resistance they'd generate because we do
th treez, seemd a signal. Hiz muther wuz the 42 basic English sounds because it can may be said for our own first graders. It's not know. If the simplified spelling were
on th terris, wautering flowerz. Out on th be broken down into the phonemes h and not unreasonable to require them to yield comfortable enough so that almost any-
wauter a singgl saelboet slid throo th w, in that order. But to write 'hwen', something for the benefit of adult readers body could quickly "catch on", the resis-
jentl sunliet. Th squrel lost th waulnut hwich', etc. for words like when, which, who ate in the driver's seat and can say tance might fade away rapidly (as it has in
and began chaesing a leef. where, while, why, what, etc. would be NO to the whole idea of simplification. England with the recent change to decimal


coinage). We'll never know how much SOCIETY and SIMPLIFICATION less waste of human resource. We must an oportuenity to lift th qolity ov lief in
resistance we'll get from readers until we opportunity to do a good turn end its astronomical cost in well-being and Amerricaand probably in th wurld bi
try simplification on a large scale, and up for the future ... in money. suporting speling reform and puushing it
to now we've had no good way to try it. Spelling simplification may be the very Spelling reform offers us social benefits throo to fuulfilment. Heer iz whair th baul
If, at the outset, we limit our use of sim- best way to attack four problems baffling equal to the metric system's economic ben- can start roeling. And u can plae a verry
plification to newly printed material and American society today: juvenile delin- efits. Many schools are already teaching significant part in this graet moovment.
new public signs, we can completely quency, crime-in-the-streets, hard core phonetic systems of writing and reading to Yuur grafic no-how, yuur inflooens and
eliminate the writers' and typesetters' re- unemployment, and expanding relief rolls. first graders before subjecting them to the yuur eforts can do much to get reform
sistance. They need make no change. Lurking behind these evils is the failure disharmony of traditional spelling. This is started. This mae be yuur was to help
Why not? Because we can program com- of many to master our illogical, incongru- a good foundation for the coming of sim- build a beter Amerrica this mae be yuur
puters to convert their typewritten oldspell ous spelling. It is the chief cause of student plification. The educators now need gift to tomorro.
into typeset soundspelat fantastic speeds! drop-out. Drop-outs, in turn, are the ma- strong support from the adult population The Typographic Committee for Spelling Simpli-
Take a look at what is happening today jor source of our delinquents, criminals, support for a simplified system that adults fication, sponsored jointly by Photo-Lettering Inc.
in the phototypesetting revolution. More unemployables and paupers. can accept and use. and the International Typeface Corporation, has
and more type is being set this way: supplied the material for this article and acknow-
10,000,000 students are falling hope- In this presentation we have tried to ledges its debt to earlier writers on the subject.
1. The author typewrites his manuscript
lessly behind in their effort to memorize sho that simplified speling iz practical Much benefit has been derived from their work.
as usual. The findings of this committee are offered as a
2. The typesetter keyboards the manu- the hundreds of different ways we write now; that adults can reed it without further public service. Inquiries may be addressed to:
script onto punched or magnetic tape. our 42 basic sounds. 16,000,000 Ameri- traening; that thae need lurn no nue riet- Edward Rondthaler, Photo-Lettering Inc.,
cans cannot read a newspaper, and ing habits; that thair persunal rietingin- 216 East Forty-fifth Street, New York City 10017.
(The holes in the paper tape simply repre- deed aul thair rietingcan continue with-
sent letters that have been keyed.) 19,000,000 cannot fill out a job applica- NOTE An experimental feasibility program demon-
3. The tape is then converted back into tion form. Seriously disabled readers in out chaenj, and that compueterz wil trans- strating tape-to-tape computer transliteration of
laet riten oldspell into printed soundspel. soundspel is presently being conducted by Edward
visible letters and projected, a paragraph our prisons outnumber the national aver- Lias, director of the computer center at Ocean
or two at a time, onto a proofreading age almost 4 to 1. We must stop this need- Th Grafic Comuenity haz befor it todae County College in Toms River, New Jersey.
screen resembling a TV screen with a
typewriter keyboard attached to it.
4. The proofreader reads the copy on
the screen. He can type in corrections, ,_(Gt`'.:_,Z. ,_)?//777,C,f,r4//tie- .22,3.z-)2):57:3/_57_47/i77:,602vaiv
additions, etc. As he types, the errors
magically vanish from the screen and the
- ae ' ,/ieN-,.5Xyyze
[R /2/f,i9--713/g7/tET/ye-A/A,,,7

to: /2/0-A397/pA/F/t/WE- /(10,,//i7///(/,e-5-U/4/6 /17U0E/494,157Z6X4E-1

This invoice was
corrections take their place. rendered by Jerome Snyder
fir: - OPCR kg /02-9/
5. When the proofreader is satisfied the ae: CiAe ,r PSI /7- r
for his illustration for a short
paragraph is correct he presses a button //V:&/e piece further back in this
and the letters on the screen are converted 4-7. i k,'00. OD issue entitled "Avant-Garde:'
into new perforations on a new tape. , oz-tipoxa-ox2 A7/a-/Tafq 7XM7-6- 7,-y,-- x- --r,r/c,-.- 72, sc, 9DA,--/e
6. The new tape is fed into a computer- i4 5 1"- I - Each and every one of Jerry's
ized print-out unit which photocomposes 4, ; or -2- , /F7'. ` bills is a social document.
0 : /'/'L5 N47 4//&r5:
words at the rate of 10 to 10,000 letters Loaded with humor. Fraught
per second! with satire. Endowed with
7. Out comes a film positive or paper
print that may be developed convention- the same care he lavishes on
ally and used in offset, gravure or letter- his paid for illustrations. The
press printing. editors of U&Ic have decided
This is no longer a dream. It is in daily
successful operation. to devote three or four pages
It takes very little contemporary in our next issue to honor his
imagination to see that the computer be- bookkeeping accomplish-
hind the typesetter's keyboard could be ments. If anyone, anywhere,
programmed to read words rather than cy/A oaAgo Ais opi --,
:.5- - -- 13-5,,--
- -0, :,,--
letters, and that it could transliterate old- has a Jerome Snyder invoice
spell input into soundspel on the tape. .'`"-`.-_--:
r."'. _ __ .- -.-: ,',:,--"7
, :. . - /) , i r ' please send it to Herb Lubalin
Thus authors and journalists could con-
tinue to write in oldspell, but when their ,-,9,-Pg.--,(47/4k- --- ------' ,-,,,--
:5,V<,-- *--Aftvrir,,,w at 223 East 31st Street, New
words appeared in print they would be in fr
f; 15 ;I' d(; rIIII
c.,-,,,,,,s.,,, York, N.Y. 10016. We'll handle
soundspel. And the author could write it with love.
either "through" or "thru" both would Amirre01-----s,%s-VO '
go onto the tape as "throo". The same ,// , / 4
applies to homophones. Homographs -.... ",-, :///,':
;:).:(00 to -..
jr:....:--- 04tor
e "- v4?,
and author's typing errors become a little
more difficult. These would show up on ---- /1 rimp- ii.,, 4,49scmeo
r--- ,,,w6- ovcoeps
die AWIY,e,0
the screen IN CAPS in their oldspell form ki-o

and the proofreader could then type in the ,9f F60IRA ---._
correct soundspelling. !GREAT
And all this will be practical long before if --- THE ONE \\
simplification is accepted. REN,n4 !oft0 /MAT HITS
The important thing to remember is that OP hqe 'YOU RIGHT
the resistance shown to previous attempts 1164046-4m,o
at reform has been writer-resistance- 6'44,6-- Re*01-1u4rue
not reader-resistance.
We can now detour around the writer- /
74 r Gagge)
resistancethanks to phototypesetting
and its energetic computers.
Question: Which are the greatest
numerals you have ever seen.

Answer: Stilla numerals.
And the'ris kind of great, too.
That was a time B. T.L.&L. (Before Tel
sion, Life, and Look) and The Saturd(
Evening Post was truly a household u
Was a time when every Saturday nigh'
In 1962, Herb Lubalin was asked saw the man of the house coming hor
to redesign The Saturday Evening from work with a copy of the Past tu(
Post. He said,"What for?"They said, underneath his arm readyfor Sunday
"To restore the interest of the ad family reading.
agencies and the youth market." And what a magazine it was! Foun
Herb's idea was to redesign the by Benjamin Franklin way back when,
magazine back to what it was before featured stories and articles by the out
it became something else. Once standing writing talents of the day fic
again to make it the great Middle and non-fiction with much text and in
Class American Literary Magazine
dental illustrations. A magazirc to ent(
it used to be. Once again to make
tain, inspire, and help you rise ahcr)e
'GOOD OLD cares of the moment. To make you this
SATURDAY to make you laugh, and yes maybe ev(
make you cry a little.
EVENING POST It was not at all unusual to see such





Paper......... VOLTAIRE
L'. . TIT,-.....;:=:::. ,....------. _ _ ......_

EVEATING POST CI .. Ply A. op. .r. .../ 1 I. Sod..

WWI .,,......),

.. .

An Illustrated Weekly Magazine .7...
mee nem/an .ov.

., uomf .... rr,
e' 1' 1 v ,,.

Founded Ai DI 1728 by Benj.Franklin

Five Cent. the Copy
Volume 174, No. 1 Philadelphia, July 6, 1901
., 11.7 ` l ' The Publisher announces a hnuted De
. ,k'''''41 Luxe ed., In Fonte-Two t'otttiv.h.
'''' , eh the incom,rable Romance, Illstones,
Dramas, Poems, Hera, and Epistles. emNet,t .....,ett..tte
1.11:1'60h,1 including -La Pucelleh the -Philosopth
t teal Dichonary... and the Laemty hIht. ,., .,

YOligNaprtAMEN .

HOW Will

you trade

The Great Universal Genius
..570,... ehl. BIOGRAPIO, Ore The Rim lenenNe JO
....... . e....
..,Olt _ ..


E. R, DuMONT, Publisher,

.."` -'7712,:7: ... r.--..:

0, ,
the hook

err or ..... et tte,"mt

.E. R. DuMONT, Publisher

7111.711.14.en S. cmcA00

VAL:. CurtisPublishing Company Philadelphia

es as Ernest Hemingway Scott Fitz- Instead of maintaining the magazine's, throughout the picture simulate the Post's
'd, Willa Cather, Paul Gallico, and H.L own standards of excellence, Post editors unique graphic lettering, enhancing the
:kenall in one issuealong with rushed to compete with these pictorial overall quality of the film "more than some-
r illustrations by such prominent art- upstarts and made the inexpedient change what" to quote Damon Runyon. yet
s Norman Rockwell, John Falter, from illustrated fiction and non-fiction to another legendary contributor to the ,Post.
Leyendecker, and Robert Charles what amounted to little more than a poor But the rest is more or less a mlange
e. And the editorial concept and for- man's photographic, public affairs pub- of everything but the kitchen sinka kalei-
iesign were so distinctive that even lication. Ostrich-like, they tried to vie with doscope of overabundance without direc-
dvertising took its place as an inte- information that was more immediate tion. And you can blame it all on Herb
d part of the physical appearance, en- and visually more stimulating on the tele- Lubalin. He still thinks the magazine should
ing the overall graphic quality rather vision screenresulting in a readership be redesigned back to the way it looked
distracting from it. that dwindled down to a sort of "Middle on July 6, 1901. He still thinks they should
vas, in short, a wonderful magazine- America Geriatric" with little or no appeal put out a magazine that looks like what
uch a part of the American scene as to youth. you see on these pages. He still thinks
roverbial hot dog and apple pie. That's when the unhappy editors turned they should put out a magazine that looks
latever happened to us that there is to Herb Lubalinand promptly turned exactly like the good old Saturday Evening
milar market today for writers and il- down his suggestion to redesign the maga- Post. -

!tors of comparable ability? zine back to its original form. They said, What do you think? U&Ic will welcome
!II, TV, Life, and Look for one thing. "You're out of your mind! This your opinions.
is the 20th Century!" So Herb resignedly
redesigned what turned out to be a big
e Senator's MightDs General Charles King 20th Century compromise and an even
17:4 bigger 20th Century total failure.
But people learn by experience. Right?
In 1968 after a six-year downhill strug-
gle a new management once again (you
guessed it) asked Herb Lubalin to redesign
The Saturday Evening Post. Herb said,
"You're out of your minds. I al-
most put you out of business in '62. Now
you're coming back for a second chance?
You'll be defunct in 8 months"
Management decided to risk it and were
out of business in 8 months.
A continuing debate has since raged on
who it was exactly who put The Saturday
Evening Post out of business. Ad people
claimed it had no place in our present
society and appealed to the wrong audi-
ence. The Post people claimed that the Ad
people were responsible because they
failed to understand the value and appeal
of the magazine's editorial policy. Herb 16

Lubalin said, "Don't fight! It's all my fault

because you wouldn't listen to my advice
and I stupidly went along with you. It's all
my fault. I did it!"
Whoever's fault it was, it's nonetheless
apparent that you can't keep a bad maga-
zine down. You may not have noticed, but Syphon Bottle, a Cap-
The Saturday Evening Post is out on the sule of Gas, and you
newsstands once againstill trying to play can instantlycarbonate
all ends against the middle in a last-ditch any beverage at home, milk,
stand to attract a national readership. But cold tea, cider, lemonade, etc.,
it's still not the same old Post. Only one at a cost of only 4c. a quart.
element remains the marvelous "Alex-
ander Botts"stories by William Hazlett
Upson, the latest issue offering the 106th
A' Child Can Do it
story in a series that began in 1927 Addi- Fill the bottle, insert a capsule
tionally, the movies have stolen a page in the top, screw
from the magazine or at least from its down the cap,
titles. In the new Academy Award-winning shake well.
film, "The Sting," all the varied titles
Useful always.
EATLET =tag at this season.

No .3 $500 R
*am Globular Wicker Quart Syphon I book Raspberry Syrup (8 oa.)
4 boxes Quart SPARKLETS I " Strawberry "
bade Vichy Tablets t Root Sc,,
=15 .1511
Schur" " Sarsaparilla
Ch. of Magnesia Tablet. " Ginger Al,
Bicarbonate of Soda ., e " Vanilla "

Make Money at Howe Everything as perfect as care and
money can make it. All that it
Ia Sal sl Makesiselle costs you in addition is the expressage.
Compact, Light, Portable and Cheap.


Something for Everybody from U&lc.

OUR CHANGING LANGUAGE Candidates for the next dic-

tionary are being scrutinized by
For all kinds of purposes, the the expertsneologisms such
English language has been grow- as "logophag" (one who eats
ing so quickly that Merriam- one's wordsStewart Alsop's
Webster must scurry to keep up term for Senator George Mc-
with mutants in fields such as Govern), "tenuree" (one who is
sports, computer science, the tenured), and "kissee" (one who
drug subculture, molecular biol- is kissed) among others.
ogy, immunology, genetics, But the game works both ways.
neurosciences, and ecology. Philologian Emmett Murphy's
Some words, such as"sputnik,' heart leaped up whenprepar-
are important as soon as they ing the editionhe beheld the
come into being. The impor- word "introgenous" three times
tance of other words doesn't inThomas Huxley's "On the Everybody knows the phrase
become evident until long after Origin of Species, as when Dr. "male chauvinist pig:' But there
their first use. The first citation Huxley traced the horse back to are few who know the derivation.
for"atomic bomb" we have is "a minute particle of introgenous Nicolas Chauvin was a gallant
1917, but it wasn't put in a dic- matter It was, alas, a typograph- soldier of Napoleon I, wounded
tionary until 1947. ical error for"nitrogenous:' in battle and everlastingly devot-
ed to his peerless leader. By his
own standards, he was one of
FORNIGRAPHY: A NEW ART FORM the few true patriots remaining

COMBINING SEX AND TYPOGRAPHY "AMPERSANIX'THE in France after his hero's exile,
SIGN & IS CALLED and he was not shy about express
ing his continuing high regard
THE AMPERSAND, for Napoleon. It is ironic that
FROMTHE PHRASE his excessive zeal in behalf of a
"AND PER SE AND" cause most of his countrymen
RR OR"&"BY ITSELF thought well lost resulted in his
becoming an object of ridicule.
MEANS"AND:'THE Perhaps, though, Nicolas
Chauvin has the last laugh for,
though all those who mocked
him are long-forgotten, his
ORIGINATEDAS AN name remains in the language

of us all the word chauvinism
being coined to describe his
fanaticism. And it remains ever
popular today as the one best
MEANING "AND:' word to indicate militant, boast-
PRONUNCIATION? ful, and wholly unreasoning de-
AM-PER-SAND. votion to one's country, one's
race, or one's gender.
A literal translation of the
French words making up
MARRIAGE avant-garde would be "be-
fore the guard" The English
modification of it is van-

MMIRIAGE guard, meaning a group in

the leading position in any
field. Tbday, the original
French phrase is used to
designate leaders in politi-
cal and intellectual fields.
In this use it also usually con-
notes a deviation from the
normal pattern, as in the
case of avant-garde poetry,
avant-garde art, and so on.
Itis alsothe name of a popu-
THE END lar current typeface, de-
signed by Herb Lubalin.
I met Roger Excoffon, one of France's
leading graphic designers, in London a
few months ago. He told me that his
design for the French Internal Revenue
Service tax form had been selected over
many others submitted to the IRS.
The reason? Souvenir Light!
The French IRS asked him specifically
to get in touch with the designer of
this face and congratulate him for his
contribution to the advancement of
communications because of Souvenir's
extreme legibility 19.111esi` Rens
We want to thank the French IRS for
their perceptiveness, and the original
designer, Morris Fuller Benton and the
re-designer, Ed Benguiat for making us
(ITC) look so good.

Commune et Departement
i 1040
Far the year January 1-December 31 1973 or Other taxabio vear Ceg inning
Department of the Treasury-100mM Revenue Service

Individual Income Tax Return

1973 ending
en dl pid.dwe, . Ng aama and Initials*/ edm Lear .,n. COUNTY OF Yew social secumy num*
Nom M. Mme Mlle


Pm. Nom alms omen sad WM, Miading M. rm., era ml to Sammie sordid madly ne
Prdnoms 1 cio, me emu .00, Stab mod ZIP We 1)
, :z I ;01.111. 17
. .

Declaration Date et lieu de naissance

jour anneeau_u
- Filing Statuscow,
1 0 Single
only one:

2 0 Married filing joint return (even If only one kid Mdofne)

3 0 Married filing separately. II spouse is also fling give
Ga Yourself .
"b Spouse
. 0
. .
Regular /

as er over /Pone
. 0

=7 1.
a First names of your dependent children who lived with
0 enuu..

departement spouses 'add security number in designeted space above

and enter full name here numsar ip. ____
commune 4 0 Unmarried Head of Household d Number of other dependants ,., (from line 27) .
nt: ..
5 0 Vfi dow(a) with dependent shed (Year spouse died le 19 7 Total exemptions claimed 1 . . . ..... Im
Nde securite sociale I I ill
Presldentlal Elentlen Campaign Fund.Check 0 if you wish to designate $1 of your taxes for this fund. If joint r turn,

revenus Adresse au 1 janvier 1974

N rue
check 0 If spouse wishes to designate $1. Note: This will not increase your tax or reduce your refund. See note below.

h N. PI-2. If
Wages, salaries, tips, and other employee compensation. ananned., ntww wsmatimi

.. .._.., 10b Lees exclusion


exclusion $. ., Beam 105

batiment escalier etage ri
. 10. DMderlde ( Seirtre )S.
10d (Gross amount received,
re if different from line 10a 6 .. 1
1 11 Interest income 11
code postal ii ii 1
-S 12
Income other than wages, dividends, and Interest (from line 30)
Total (add lines 9, 100, 11, and 12)

.5 14 Adjustments to income (such as "sick pay, moving expenses, etc, from line 43)
commune 0 15 Subtract line 14 from line 13 (ad usted rocs income) . .. . . . . . . '15
t f you do not Remise deductions and line 15 Is under 610,000, find tax in Tables and ante on Use 16.
11En cas de changement De domicile s f you Itemize deductions or line 15 is $10,000 Or mane, go to line ed to figure tax
.5 CAUTION. If you nave uneamed income and can be claimed as a dependent on Soin,parentkretfirn. check hero 0 and see Instructions on page].
durant Fannee ecoulde, indiguez
11 Form 4726 ORDform 49721
16 Tax, check if from: Tables 1-12 Tax Rate Schedule X, Y, or Z
votre adresse au 1" janvier 1973.
0 Schedule D .1 . - S chaduIe G 1 16

`!!Palapuequau.lhed 'xe4,
17 Total credits (from line 54) 12
N rue
18 Income tax (subtract line. 17 from line 16) 18

batiment escalier etage 19 Other taxes (from II na 61), .19

20" "Tistai (add !Ina 18; and , 13)
Code poitai 21* Total Federal income tax withheld (attach Forms

"EGGHEAD" commune
W-2 or W-2P to front)
b 1973 estimated . tax payments (include amount
,, ,,
/ /
'/ "
allowed as credit from 1972 return) . . . . b
,1 v".p.4

lead was first used by Ower A. le 1974 c Amount paid with Form 4868, Application for AutOnlatic
Extension of Time to HIS U.S. Individual fik5Cme T. Return

" t

/ A., , w
son..Abne of the famed ; , .efl . Other payments (from line ssy . ,. . ;; . - 4 / e .,

1., 'Iota, (add lines 21a, b, c, and d)1 . . i J. .! .

0 .-- ,...
essee Shad stories beloved Man a la successIon
- ''
- "
23 If line20 is larger than line 22,i entr.
. SALA MI*,tor... -1ili, ,,i.,


)y readers of the early days aaI 2 . ,a (0. ow je , he; 771.--; ar mummi i. inweme..S. Wen... aim. ad. :-'.
It form 1210,

sincir=== 8=1118C1811.11MILES 8 v ,';',' 24 " If line 22 is larger than line 20, entkif amodni 13VERPAID . . . -. . . ' .11.
e century EINCION111111 val.111111111 "g .1 .., 25 Amount of line 24 to be REFUNDED tO YOU

1 r 7////la
ej edi 26 Amount of line 24 to be credited on 1974esti , 1 ! ,
e word was revived during 8 Note: 1972 Presidential Election Campaign Fund Designation.Chea ,-, if you clla not designate $1 of your taxes on your
2042 C E ONO

CADRE R E SERVE A LADMINI TIO g 1972 return. but now wish to do so. If joint returri, check Ei if spouse did not designate on 1972 return but now *sheet ea sd.i
952 Eisenhower-Stevenson 1.1_1_1_11 111 , 1.1 i; J_ 1 I III _11_1 1_1 iilvi II(11111111 11 Sign inti,r=r.:fileieWV.11ZAW:f7e4ri:flteuitlo'4.iiiTt:arL ill:till::,%%dlt",11142::irs:.""7 0d"""6'"
Daign. There's no doubt that 21_1_1_11, _L_L I 1_1_1 1 I 1 I I le i here illo y.r ,,,,.... .
One. 1111' riowere wand.. iww. biJa amused oars

s often used invidiously and 4,1_1 I I 1 ,1_1_1_11 L 1 11,1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1_1_1 1_1_1_, 51 I I I iI ia

i saa,,,es lie.. ill nuns InAntla, POTX en.s men see II only see led Incem, addreN Is DP Cadet Imam Em. rod . me SR ee Ns.
isagingly by commentators
[ anti-intellectual stripe. But,
gh Stevenson and his asso-
s were lampooned as egg-
Is, it's hard to believe that
mne using the term seriously
tioned that so fai- as formal
.ation was concerned the
leads rated Very high. ,,..,a
- ,- _,,
` ,1/0.1'
;- ....

iring more recent cam- te e,

ns, and especially since the .!.=----
...\-,,,-;.\ 4.41,10,p
!rgate, the word has been AL,i'Alaseals ,
\--, / AS ilINNI*1
used, perhaps because the 7, \icIcK, .

itry is finally ready to con- AIIMINSII

,Y. i-,-,k,-_.
! that there might be a place I*/17411E11161111alfk
lorality and intellect in high l ' 7iSINHANNilk% a.
AllaliMMIINN ,
!s of our government after all.
"HOT niskinHaams. A
tilftliCill*iiii&WAIIML --
"MEATH FAD" DOG' mwommrs. -,itobtk,sa. p _``it
Rig...,111 .0
he opposite of egghead.
The first recorded appearance in print of the term hot dog was
in 1903. The late Henry Mencken as would be expected by
anyone familiar with his massive and enormously entertaining
tome,"The American Language did some very thorough re-

search on the origins of hot dog.

His findings:
Although sausages in rolls have been sold in this country
for many years, the very first person to heat the roll and add PICA
mustard and relish was the famous Harry Stevens, concession- AN ABNORMAL CRAVING FOR
aire at the Polo Grounds and Yankee Stadium. CERTAIN UNNATURAL FOODS,
And the coiner of the name hot dog? None other than AS PICKLES AND ICE CREAM,
the late T. A. Dorgan who, signing his work "Tad',' was without SOMETIMES OCCURRING IN
doubt the best-known sports cartoonist of the era. PREGNANCY, HYSTERIA, AND

This is a favorite of mine typographically (1) Kobel for displayNote title and
as well as conceptually. The typography cover and frontispiecethe only
is hardly flamboyant or inventive and cer- 'designed' typography. Also used for day-
tainly not meant to be. It's meant to be to-day section dividers and storyboard
intelligent, logical and clear in a most heads.
complex situation; trying to capture in (2) Century ExpandedAppears for
book form 46 hours of continuous CBS editorial transitionsbetween voices or
News television coverage of the first to establish time and locations
landing on the moon. intelligence.
Typography attempts to distinguish and (3) Century Expanded ItalicThese are
separate CBS News 'voices' from astro- verbatim CBS News reports as they
nauts, Houston Center voices' and edi- appeared on the air. So Century
torial transitions, etc. It breaks down as Expanded Italic represents CBS News.
In all six typefaces were used throughout (4) Century BoldIdentifies CBS News
people who are being quoted (in Century
this book.
Expanded Italic). Also Century Bold used
for verbatim 'voices' of the astronauts
and the Houston Space Center people
or everyone but CBS News.
Man (5) Century Bold ItalicIdentifies all
on the Moon This ad was prepared for presentatio
other voices' other than CBS News. purposes only. While designing the al
July20,21 (6) Spartan MediumIn 4 pt. typeface liked the way the pieces fell together
captions for the off-the-screen photos of so easily.
the entire event (treated as a story- The two-part headline, with its allusic
board). Also to identify each frame accu- to original sin, had a see-saw quality
rately as to the moment it appeared on which allowed either part lo be read 1
the television screen. Using a compass, Futura Light transfl
LOU DORFSMAN, USA sheet type, an Art Kane foto and stats.
I designed this "poster ad" to be seen
across a conference table rather Thai
paging through a magazine.
I did it in 1969 and on subsequent vie
ing I'm sure it's not my best bit of typc
raphy. But at the time it satisfied me c
a solution and impressed those being

Several remarkable things happenec

during my work for the Swedish coma
"addo-x" Difficult to believe but true, it
took only 6 or 7 minutes to be told to
design a new trademark and get its
visual appearance approved by the c
executive. I still recall my saying, "Fa
'addo-x' means four circles sitting on
horizontal line culminating in an 'X'"
to demonstrate my idea, I sketched il
the empty corner of an architects pla
lying on the desk in front of me.That
it.This historic event took place in the
Spring of 1956.

1056:20 EDT

72069 The historic. voioptest of the noton as reported to the American people
by CBS News over the CBS Television Network.

Dear Friend Burns,

The first critical moment of the day in space was coming up. Collins
At first, it did not seem difficult for me to
was alone in the Command Module; and Armstrong and Aldrin were in comply with your wishto select one of
the Lunar Module preparing for the undocking, the next step toward my works which I like and to explain why
the moon landing.
The separation would take place seconds after the spacecraft
I like it.
came around the near side of the moon. Collins would fire the service As Nicholas Jensen prognosticated by
propulsion system engine to pull away from the Lunar Module, and his perfect typesetting, in the 15th Cen-
Armstrong and Aldrin would be on their own.
tury, the modern, photomechanical han-
Capeom: Hello, Eagle, Houston. We're standing by. Over. dling of letters is not limited in respect to
Eagle, Houston. We see you on the steerable. Over. space by the traditional laws of hand-
Ceonkitei That volt to Engle is to the Lunar Module. The Command
Module's call-word is Colunthin. Our simulation shows a sophisti- The monumental typography which had
rated maneuver at this fine, cos Alike Collins in the Com land Module
takes a good look ,,t the LIII7,11 . Alod ale, checks if oat by atonal observa-
such success in recent years is already
tion. He advises the crew ol the bloat. Modide, Armstrong and Aldrin, being discredited by the fantastic speed
that they look porn!, arid ad rise,: He ground ref tlint as well. of passing time.
Finally. Eagle answered and the anxious moments were over.
We are now witnessing the tension be-
tween a dynamic scientific technology
Eagle: Roger. Eagle. Stand by. and the present fashionable line. At this
Caprom: Roger. Eagle. How does it look? point, we need to come back to the orig-
Armstrong's happy voice cut through the 242,000 miles of space
inal, sound principles in the use of type.
to earth: "The Eagle has wings." And Eagle indeed did have wings, as The second wave of Secession is already
Armstrong pulled the LM away from Mike Collins in the Command receding.
Module. Then Collins prepared to ignite Columbia's engine for the final
separation maneuver. Back to Bodoni, therefore? Not neces-
sarily. Perhaps I only like it again after all
Columbia: I think you've got a fine looking fly ing machine there,
Eagle, despite the fart you're upside down.
these years. Or perhaps because I have
Eagle: Somebody's upside down.
not always been successful with editors
in previous years.
m Columbia: Okay Eagle, one minute to T. You guys take rare.
The task you set me has been a difficult
one, my friend. It would have been much
easier to simply select ten of my works.

COPE* general. Regular patterns, in the widest Rhythmic scribbling exercises could serve designed with this in mind. All this public let-

HAGEN sense, allow the greatest freedom of forms to uncover natural basic patterns. The most
and shapes, and at the same time bring a important element in this pattern is the
specific point of view which goes like a red angle or the different angles of movements;
line through eery form that results from other elements are widths and heights
this way of conceiving design. Let crys- which can only be defined at a later stage.
tallography serve as an excellent example in Having defined the principal pattern ele-
tering is thus a factor in social life in quite a
different sense from ordinary reading and
writing and it is a new factor. It has become
part of the environment and its problems. It
is lettering for these new and various uses,
as opposed to the design of text typefaces
ments of each individual child, the actual for books and newspapers upon which I
New rules for new methods... teaching ofwriting can begin. . ." propose to concentrate here...The char-
"... The complete regular pattern can be acters which we write or which we read in
".. . We have to create rules for a new design
method; to work in accordance with these used right away without the fear of disturb- books are normally small black marks on
ing the natural free movement because this white paper. Those which we see dis-
A Proposition for rules will lead to results which will fit into a
pattern is itself a record of free muscle played in advertisements, in shops, on the
new invisible system, this will not force us
Education into uniformity but will allow the greatest reflexes. For these earliest writing exer- streets, on the screen are made up of all
in Letterforms degree of freedom and flexibility. . " cises, we should not teach basic symbols of sorts of sizes, mostly large, or very large; in
the alphabet in a specific traditional form, all sorts of materials, plastic, metal,
and Handwriting "... At the same time letterforms will evolve but only basic form-characteristics. These ceramic, fibreglass, etc., as well as paper;
away from their existing forms, and it will basic form-characteristics should be shown produced by many different sorts of pro-
By Wim Crouwel almost cease to be possible to make faithful cesses; and in many cases, with the added
in such a way that the child can interpret
copies of historical typefaces. (See for them in its own way. A moving picture dimensions of color, artificial illumination
example what the Digiset, the Linotron, or could serve this purpose, or a series of and movement.... public and display let-
any other CRT-machine, which works slides could show the symbol in different tering everywhere leaves much to be
along the lines of regular patterns, is mak- existing forms. The idea is not to show a of the things to be done is to
ing of historical types. Take a close look specific "a," etc.. .." educate public authorities as well as those
through a magnifying-glass; because the who commission, and those who read, so
Wim Crouwel is head of the Total Design
pattern is so small as to be almost invisible Studio in Amsterdam.
that they can discriminate between good
to the naked eye, we accept these ill-shaped and bad lettering. We need to show them
results!). .." what good lettering is like, and the ways in
which it can enrich instead of defacing our
"... So we no longer have to teach finished
lettirforms, but instead we have to teach
im Crouwel How do you think about letters?...
sees letterforms as a means to personal
the rules of regular patterns; and we have to Lettering and Society
open up the fantastic world of pattern sys- "...We have all been shown what good let-
expression. Excerpts from his tems. .This is the grammar to serve a Ian By Nicolete Gray tering is like. We have only to look at the
observations follow... guage of new forms and shapes . . ." best Roman inscriptions to see the most
... When talking about 'education in letter- beautiful possible letterforms.... Everything
"... almost every teaching method for hand-
)rms,' we cannot separate this activity depends on how you think about letters. If
writing starts with a determined pattern,
-om other activities in the field of creative you think of them conceptually, as signs
and from the strict limitations of this basis,
ducation. In my view, education in letter- which are individualisations of an idea in
one has later to develop a personal style
irms means helping a human being to find the mind, which are beautiful in so far as
... we have to invert this system. We have
personal form of expression through let- this idea is clear and correct, and its reali-
first to find the basic pattern which is
n-forms. It dOenot mean learning how to sation is skilled, then perhaps we need only
strictly personal for each individual, so as to
opy existing types... we have discovered to maintain this revival. This is a classical
explore the existing creativity of the child;
ow nonsensical it is to follow any of the way of thinking, and it undoubtedly pro-
personality in handwriting style can then
umerous 'how-to-do-it' systems." duced very beautiful and sensitive clas-
start much earlier and will develop far more
ettering sical lettering on classical buildings. But we
.. the same critical point has been reached harmoniously..."
can and should be infinitely no longer build in the classical style, and
most other fields of education. It is no "... Different teaching systems exist today. diverse one has only to look at the Roman letters
mger possible to talk about 'beauty' or Systems that use single, double, triple, or
igliness,' or about 'good taste' or 'bad taste' This was the theme of Nicolete Gray's pre- produced in the forms of perspex boxes
more lines along which to write; systems sentation. Mrs. Gray focused on letterforms now to be seen in many streets, to realise
1 absolute terms. 'Aesthetic' has become a that start off beginners with a flexible pen, a that Romans are not readily adaptable to
:rm which can be interpreted in many dif- for display purposes. The thread of her
flat pen or a pencil; systems that use pre- comments weaves through the following all uses and materials. The classical idea
'sent ways. Any shape for a utility-object is printed examples, which start with the sin- that each letter has one perfect form is one
3 good as any other shape, as long as it excerpts of her text...
gle letter, or which start with certain letter- which was tied at the Renaissance to the
,rues a certain purpose; as long as it is eco- combinations; or the most advanced sys- "...lettering is a means of communication stone-cut...monumental letter of the
omically satisfactory in handling So any tem, which starts with the drawing. But all and as such performs a vital social func- Romans. Perhaps if we detach it from this
:tterform is as good as any other letterform these systems have one thing in common: tion. But...reading is a very private affair arbitrary connection it will still work today. It
iday, provided it serves a certain aim . . ." the result is to be more or less the same and the written word implies lack of con- can surely be more logically applied to a
. o longer a basic standard . . . script so as to provide a communication tact...This written product is received by an sanserif letter based on objective geomet-
tool. This utility purpose is primary; self- individual, and the criterion of the success rical principles. The result is just one sort of
.. The result is that there is no longer any expression is always secondary. . ." and value of any lettering is, in the final letter applied to all purposes. Is this really
standard to which we can refer, either
isic resort, its impact upon individuals. I pro- what we want? To a certain extent, we
)r shape in general, or more specifically for Self-expression is co-primary... pose therefore, to begin my inquiry on the have it already and can imagine the result.
tterforms. Today we are still willing to "... In my opinion both purposes are side of the reader:" Surely it would not only become very
:cept that certain historic typefaces are equally important; neither should be given monotonous but also unfunctional. Far from
.,:rfect examples, mainly because these Here Mrs. Gray reflected on the impact of
preference. Certainly not in this era of type- lettering in the life of different kinds of peo- being more restful, one would be obliged
pes were in accord with the time of their writers, dictaphones and other tools, which to read everything, instead of being able
eation, and perfectly expressed that time. ple in a variety of everyday situations. She
serve the same purposes of communication feels that "... For most people lettering is not to recognize the kind of product at a
ut what typeface today expresses our just as well or even better. . ." glance by its lettering style. The idea of a
me? Is it the so-called computer-type with only omnipresent in everyday life, but takes
_range dots and thicknesses here and
Instead of trying to teach every individ-
4 . . a great variety &forms...people are nor- house-style, in itself restful and convenient,
ual child to write in the same style, with the mally involved in two quite different sorts of would disappear. In a station, how would
tere? Or is it the neutral easy-to-read sans- directions be differentiated from advertise-
underlying belief that this will later change reading. One is private and voluntary; we
:rif? Is it the standanlized functional forms
handwriting with those ball-point pens
automatically into a more personal style, we choose whether to make notes or write let- ments? And why should the advertiser be
should help the child by the rules of the ters, whether or not to read a book, what deprived of this direct way of catching the
hich are forced into the child's fingers?" eyes of indifferent readers? And most rele-
game and by the natural feeling for the basic book and for how long. When we are tired
.. The only way out of this critical stage in patterns. For this we have to discover basic of it we close the book and its contents are vant of all to my mind, why should we
:signing and teaching is, in my view, a patterns from a study of the child's uncon- seen no more. But the other greater part of deprive ourselves of the possibility of mak-
Ilular approach to the problems. This trolled scribbling in its pre-writing period, our daily reading is involuntary if not actu- ing our environment gayer and more
eans thinking along the lines of cellular and these will provide basic directions ally against our will. Even book jackets and lively?"
ttterns as a basic structure for design in towards its natural feeling for rhythm. record sleeves are displayed in shops, and The letters as a visual sound...

"...A monetary consideration of the anal- ty? If we expect invention and originality, 1. "Gutenberg brought us lettercasting, page
ogy of the spoken word may be illumina- how can such talent be trained and fos- make-up, and left and right justification"
ting. In ordinary speech we seldom note tered? Current practice seems to consist in 2. "In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the
Technical Training
the quality of a voice: we are more inter- reviving designs from trendy decades of diagonal stress of the broad quill pen deter- for Technicians
ested in whether what is said is audible and the recent past, which thought it had rein- mined the shape of both gothic and roman and Typographers
distinct. But we also recognize that words troduced a few good designs, seems a types, especially in the lowercase"
can be shouted to attract attention, or can barren and defeatist method." By Adrian Frutiger
blare at us and become a menace; or they 3. "As earlyas the end of the seventeenth cen-
"There are two methods of approach by tury and particularly in the eighteenth century,
can be spoken or sung with such art as to which the designer can expand his formal
give a whole gamut of entertainment from punchcutters began to veer away from existing
lettering vocabulary and find a training forms at much the same speed as calligraphers
the trivial to the sublime. The possibilities of which will discipline and enlarge his native

the art of lettering are parallel. I see letters made increasing use of pointed pens, and
invention. One is the application of geo- made sharpness and fine lines into their ideal!'
as a medium by which the designer trans- metrical principles, the other is the study of
mits not just the meaning which the words the past." 4. "An important influence towards a departure
spell out, but also his attitude to those from Renaissance typefaces was exerted by
words. This may be completely impersonal, "...I am not a revivalist; I do not believe that Louis XIV... outlines of the letters for the new
as in a directional sign, when it should be you should use Roman rustics today, any typeface were laid down on a grid of forty-eight
as clear and simple as possible; or the more than that we should build classical or by forty-eight squares. However these carefully
designer may make his point with a simple Gothic buildings. I do however, think that built-up outline drawings had to be transferred he norms,
visual transferencefat letters to spell the no letter is obsolete which is legible, and to copperplates as engravings, and then cut by there's a good reason for them.
word 'fat '. He may wish to evoke various that all forms are usable, provided that hand upon punches by Grandjean ... in so That's Adrian Frutiger's position and here ai
connotations in advertising scent or ciga- there is a good reason for their use. As I see doing he departed to some extent from the some of the things he said to support it...
rettes; or the shape of the letters may be an the history of lettering, its pattern consists in originals... it, nevertheless, set the general pat-
opening into a world of fantasy as with the a series of classical revivals, followed by "...The strength with which memories ai
tern for typecasters of that time, and the prin-
nineteenth century fairy story illustrators, or periods of experiment and invention." retained depends upon the strength of of
ciple of a stronger vertical stress"
in a different way Saul Steinberg. Lettering feelings when they were formed, or upon tt
Even the great tangled Baroque letters, 5. "The development of calendered paper by
may also be used to convey deep per- number of times they are repeated. The lette
Pre-Carolingians, art nouveau forms, com- Baskerville and Bodoni, and the invention of
sc ,u1 feeling, as by Rudolph Koch, or to of our alphabet are part of the 'images' whic
pressed sansserifs, eighth century Irish capi- papier velin in France, made it possible to cut
jive a sense of the sublime import of what is tals or brick and tile Kufic lettering still has its
are most deeply rooted within us ...the:
written, as by medieval artists copying the
punches with still finer lines and to increase the images of sign form the fundamental e
place when appropriately fitted to the
contrast with vertical strokes. Rounded serifs ments of reading and writing..."
design problem involved. were gradually abandoned and were replaced
"If letters are thought of as a medium, their Who 'makes' typography today...
..Or again suppose the problem is linear, by fine horizontal terminals!'
physical qualities regain importance. The a neon sign or a line which grows on the TV "...A very clear distinction is made took
6. "Between 1800 and 1850 punchcutters ex-
whole thingcolor, form, dimensionis Screen; the handwriting of the contem- between two kinds of printed communicatic
celled in virtuosity, competing against the onset
important and integral and they can all porary student does not easily work up into The first consists of texts composed in small (
of lithographic alphabets some of them
equally be used to fulfill the purpose in lively movement, but he can find delightful medium sizes of type, produced by fast col
highly ornate. These new designs were ad-
hand..." convolutions in late Roman cursive script posing machines, in order to transmit kno\
mirable more for their technical brilliance than
Qualityhow to recognize it... and in the books of the early French writing edge, ideas and information. The types use
for their aesthetic excellence...Following the
masters. The lettering work of the past is like are increasingly subject to strict rules, whic
"...If letters are indefinite concepts, which delicate classic forms of the eighteenth and
result in widespread comprehension of ti
are a medium for diverse purposes, how a great store where the designer can early nineteenth centuries, attempts were made
search for forms of letters, ideas, and types. The second category comprises fan(
can we expect individuals or committees to alter the thickness and forms of main types, whose shapes may assume every ima
to discriminate between good and bad? inspiration--according to his problems stems as well as serifs. This led to light and
and his taste." inable style, right to the very limits of legibili
And most important of all, how are we to bold, narrow and wide, and partly decorated without upsetting the reader who is firmly set]
train art students to master this medium? For In conclusion Mrs. Gray says...students display faces of the early industrial age: his reading habits. Why is this so? BecauE
many years.I have been trying to think out must: Egyptian, Bold Roman, Clarendon and ulti- fewer words are used, their range of meanin
and check the criteria by which lettering 1. Learn to draw. mately to every kind of sanserif Grotesque!' is limited, and because these textseven wile
should be judged. There are various defi- 2. Analyse existing alphabets. Here Max Caflisch notes the influence on they are meant to convey a meaning al
nite factors; fitness for purpose, which 3. Think about design problems (including letterforms of such diverse inventions as viewed more like an illustration, and are see
includes legibility; fitness for the place and materials, purpose, and working). Jacquard's punch card controlled loom, photog- rather than read, that is to say they do not ft.
the material and process in question; com- 4. Have a wide vocabulary of letterforms. raphy Braille's abstract alphabet for the blind, intoplayersu
petence of execution; judgment in details Nicolete Gray is a Professor at the Morse Code, the Telephone and the wire-
of design and spacing; sensitivity in delin- Central School of Art and Design, London "...About ten years ago the first so-called elE
less, the scanning tube and the CRT transis-
eation; feeling for individual letter charac- writing and letterform design. tors, lasers, and of course, hot metal composing
tronic letters appeared. Readers were at fir
ter; originality. The relative importance of shocked by their deformed appearance, 1
machines. He continues this historical review
these factors varies with each particular their illogical and discordant excrescence
noting the influence of filmsetting systems,
job.... Sensitizing the student.... Finally we Nevertheless their use served to accompliE
OCRs, digitally produced alphabets and the
come to the vital question of the training of an act of liberation so far as traditional forrr
requirement of reading machines. He con-
art students in letter-design. To what end The Interdependence of were concerned. The chain was broken; ne
cludes: "...Radical alterations to the traditional,
should such a training be adapted? Surely forms of writing appeared, freed from the
Technique and Typography basic forms of our alphabet are neither desir-
ters of tradition, and this act cleared the stac
to meet the requirements of present-clay able nor possible. Newly invented letters, how-
society; again the sort of usage I suggested By Max Caflisch for creativity; the results can be seen today
ever ingenious, are not likely to become widely
earlier. For calligraphy in the sense of for- periodicals and poSters. It is not easy to judc.
accepted. Let us remember what Stanley
mal pen writing or illuminating, I see little theirqualy.Yon
Morison wrote in his First Principles, 'A type
place. Lettering as a personal means of person in charge of groups of graphic desic
which is to have anything like a present, let
expression is for the specialist; the sort of ers making typefaces now has to change h
alone a future, will be neither very"different"
course which I envisage might lead to this, teaching programme, so as to take inl
nor very"jolly."The demand that we make
but it should be primarily directed to com- account the psychological changes whic
of a typeface is not simplicity but legibility This have occurred."
mercial usesor rather possibilitiesof let-
legibility along with familiar letterforms, must
tering. it has been my argument that Typography for continuous texts ...
be preserved in the future, despite technical
lettering can and should be infinitely di-
developments that may still arise.'" "It is necessary to stress the essential c
verse... All Students should know something
about the principles and the history of san- "The automation of manufacture for high- ference which exists between text types ar
serif and roman letters, and be able to use he speed setting is a task for the future; the cre- display types, because in exactly the same wi
them and to discriminate between good interdependence of technique and ation of legible and aesthetically satisfying there are really two categories of type desk
and bad designs, suitable and unsuitable typography is traced by Max Caflisch typefaces is the task of the type designer" ers; it is hard for one and the same designer I
usage. But beyond this, how are they to from the medieval scribes through work in both fields."
Max Caflisch is head of the Department
achieve versatility in this medium which is today's reading machines. of Arts and Crafts of Kunstgewerbe- "....One criticism might be made here: tyf
potentially so rich in scope and opportuni- In sum, he notes: schule, Zurich. He is also a Professor. designers do not keep up fast enough with tt

lopment of new kinds of machines, and integrate them. The alphabet has become Knowledge and awareness of type and letter-
:onsulted too late in the day. Thus for eager to co-operate, and is fully capable of forms for other professional groups...
Iple the 18-unit system seems to be set
Type in Our Environment assuming new co-ordinating roles. The media 44
...If we wish to emphasize the importance of
to years ahead. Yet one knowsdespite By Armin Hofmann are beginning to overlap and combine and
letterforms as our most significant means of
act that typography using the 18-unit sys- even to swallow each other up, so as to arise
communication... then other professional
forms a good basis for qualitythat anew.
groups must be made acquainted with the
grow, for a limited investment, it will be
"The coming generation of designers will many styles and varieties of letterforms already
ible to produce a typography which will
have to take on the task of constructing open- in existence... such as architects, industrial
no limitations at all of units affecting
ended, superior communication systems in designers, communication experts, journalists,
is. So it seems paradoxical that a virtue is
which type may have its part to play, but which television technicians, specialists in the role of
dy made of necessity, and that the shapes
will be quite unlike anything we know today." newspapers, publishers, booksellers, and
tters which are limited by techniques in
Armin Hofmann is head of Graphic Design librarians
!nt use are fixed to form prototypes in the
Department of the School of Design, Basel.
ar's subconscious (for example, types for "Letterforms must also be presented to the
composition are today cast on 18-units public in more attractive guise if they are to
rrespond with the 'standard of reading' of fter arouse greater interest..."
ke of typesetting machine in widespread appropriate bows to the crucial role
"The aim is to popularise letterforms amongst
... Those responsible for the results played by moveable type in the Education and Training all age groups and social strata. To gain support
ned are no longer only the type designers development of our culture, Armin Hofmann in Letterforms for this view, it would be advisable to include a
Iso the filmsetter operators, who hold in suggests that the alphabetical system
study of letterforms in the curricula of all intro-
hands the possibility of debasing fun- may have outgrown its usefulness. By Gunter Gerhard Lange ductory courses offered by schools whose
antal forms, of altering traditional spacing, He compares writing to speech.

main concerns are form and color."
hanging upright lines to a slope, and of In writing one must learn to string
1g around with the weight of the strokes." together fragments to make words, phrases, Here Dr. Lange referred to the influence of
ideas. This is becoming too Johannes Itten and noted that...
refore it is a most important matter that
a. artistic training be given to the tech- awkward, too slow, too limiting... "The success of his educational theories was in
ns who are in daily control of machines. "A brief comparison between the written word no small measure due to the fact that he was
a Stradivarius costing 100,000 dollars and our other traditional means of communi- prepared to adapt his theories in the light of
make beautiful music on its own." cation, namely speech, clearly establishes practical experience."
.training type designers... that the latter is in a better position to cope Noting the shrinking job market for type
with the deterioration of meaning, form and designers Dr. Lange sees... "The main task of
might say that hardly any problems arise
practice. Due to its more flexible structure, it ypographic all these groups is at present the creation of
ining type designers to make text type ...
can adapt more speedily and is in general able educationfor whom?... subtle adaptations of existing types, in confor-
.training operators ... to react more decisively to the challenges of mity with the requirements of particular com-
our time. Speech is less formal, less determi- "... Professional groups concerned with edu-
training of operators for filmsetting position techniques, mechanical systems, or
nate, less definite, less tied to technology cation in letterforms as part of vocational train-
lines poses quite different and far more raw materials. This is not a creative task..."
than writing; it is not so firmly fixed in time and ing schemes are: poster designers, manufactur-
trtant problems. We might go back to the
is a more highly articulated, efficient means of ers of signboards, graphic designers, advertis- "Despite these limitations there are other pos-
ufacturer and ask to what extent he is
expression; it is more discriminating and con- ing agents, typographers, book designers, sibilities. Anyone possessing a good grounding
)nsible for training the user of a filmsetter
trollable, it is more easily corrected than the engravers, stonemasons, teachers in the fields in the theory and practice of type design,
numerous capacities. Or ought we to
written word... of type design, composition,and printing." coupled with skills in typography, photography
it to schools, with their limited and often
or design will not lack employment. Hence the
fated means, to make it their concern to "Naturally it is not a question of spoken lan- "These groups usually develop an interest in
basic idea behind such a revised educational
:rye quality in composition? Might not the guage serving as a pattern for written lan- fundamental problems of letterforms while
program should be to provide students with a
ling of a new method of composition be guage, nor vice versa of written language studying calligraphy and drawing. At present
creative model within the general framework of
e the responsibility (including with the serving as a pattern for speech. But if we com- the emphasis is on classical inscriptions, callig-
type design. Its aim would be to cultivate a
tion of quality) of both industrialists and pare both communication systems, we come raphy and historical examples of letterforms."
sense of form, color and proportion in the indi-
ationalists? ..." across some interesting factors relating to "Instruction in the field of type design is bound vidual student, which would bring about a gen-
ling automatic reading... quality, speed and differences in perceptual to have a subjective bias, since it is dependent eral raising of standard of formal perception."
processes; and we pick up hints about the on the teacher's personality. He chooses the
matic machines will be subservient to direction which future methods of communi- He suggests a basic course with the following
examples which will provide his students with
s needs, and tomorrow they will be able to cation might possibly take. subjects required...
their standards of workmanship. Tuition is
not only the most beautiful alphabets,
"Moveable letters secured a new freedom of backward looking, at best conservative in con- "Precision drawing, study of contrasts, optical
tut deforming them, but they will also be
movement from the time their material forms tent, and buoyed up by exercises in calligraphy illusions, theory of colors, studies of materials
:o read all our handwriting.
ceased to be restricted to wood, metal or syn- and expressive writing. Occasional practice in and textures, introduction to manual graphic
n recognize any letter I receive from a thetics. Far too little importance has been alphabet design allows the students to study techniques, and principles of photography."
i in any part of the world by his handwrit- given to this fact, for otherwise we would have the difference between static and dynamic con- For courses in type design he would include...
Handwriting is an aspect of personality realised immediately that filmsetting dis- cepts of letterforms
an expression of character...when one "Practice in writing and drawing typefaces,
penses with those functions which were the "Today's students do not possess the patience
iders automatic reading, the same ques- bookhand typefaces, sanserifs, Modern serifs,
backbone of the original invention: individual required to work on page after page of calli-
Iways comes up: how can a machine ever Egyptian serifs, English copperplate writing
parts are no longer interchanged, nor do they graphic exercises. They totally reject the con-
3nize the many different kinds of hand- styles, study of the form of earlier romans and
run only in one direction; they are no longer cept of lessons in writing as a form of discipli-
ig for such purposes as sorting mail? We italics, type widthspast and present, legibility,
restricted to the previous limited range of nary exercise.. ,"
only assert that we see considerable hand-cut types, phonetic typefaces, semantic
sizes, no longer chained to type-carriers, no
ress in this field..." "...By now it should have become quite clear characters, electronic reproduction and
longer limited to specific dimensions...
that education in letterforms is in need of radi- recording of type, modification of letterforms
does not mean that a great deal more
"The written word has moved closer to spo- cal reform. We must begin our inquiries into arising from reproeducational techniques, let-
t not be said on the question of how to ken language, to gesture and can now be this subject with the question: How, and for terforms for headlines, non-representational
handwriting properly. But I would like to
compared more readily with representational what purpose? ... The narrow view of educa- uses of letterforms, letterforrns in mobile adver-
this topic to qualified specialists, and I images. Technical developments point to the tion in letterforms as a question simply of tising, letterforms in architecture and space, let-
ly wish to say that it no longer means to us
possibility of disseminating messages that calligraphic exercise must be aban- terforms as educational aids, and significance
cquisition of a 'fine hand' but rather the are more precise and more colorful. doned...writing is not only the preserve of of letterforms in the context of total design."
ing out of fundamental structures which
"The alphabet is now less dependent upon experts." "These headings are merely intended as key-
De internationally applicable, and which
I help different peoples throughout the any one system. It has reached a stage where "...To ensure that knowledge imparted to words and can be developed. They contain the
I with different tongues to understand one it can be used in conjunction with other com- students is up to date, a short compendium of basis of a training course for specialists in the
ter." munication methods and systems. It can be the principal works of international importance field of type design. Investigations into legibility
n Frutiger is a Type Designer, running his used to assist in getting across complicated in our field would be of value. A committee, and psychological effects of letterforms should
audio for typography and letterform design, subject matter, it can assimilate complemen- responsible for compiling such a study should complement these courses. For the writing
her with his associate Bruno Pfaffh in Paris. tary elements from systems alien to itself and be set up under the auspices of A.TYP.I." down of letterforms only serves to elucidate

their distinctive features. Type designers of theLogotypesanother story... The Association Typographique Internationale, Whereas one of the aims of the Association T),
old school have no place in our future; we ask a founded in 1957, owes its existence to the vision graphique Internationale as given in artic
"The rule of the alphabet game is that and energy of Charles Peignot. the President of of the Statutes is
great deal more of contemporary type design- twenty-six signs must all relate to each other A.TYP.I.from1957 to1967. Need forsuch an organi- "To fight by all means in its power against
ers. It is in this spirit that education in letter-
in any combination. But with logotypes, zation became obvious to him through his experi- authorized copying; and to insist on the obr
forms ought to be reformed." ence as a type-founder, machine manufacturer, once of industrial properly laws and copy
consisting of three or four letters, these artist, editor, film-maker and businessman. His legislation, and to uphold among its mem
Dr. Gunter Gerhard Lange is Art Director, rules are changed as there are only three or skillful direction of the 'Association has gained the principles of professional ethics expre:
H. Berthold AG, Berlin. four signs which have to relate to each other universal respect for A.TYP.I. in its moral code:'
and no longer twenty-six. Through this The Association was founded with the convic-
Members of the Association Typographi
change of the rules we can arrive at a dif- tion that the typographic arts cannot advance
without proper protection for new type designs, Internationale agree to honour the folio\
ferent letterformin fact a letterform which and without efforts toward better typography. Moral Code, provided it does not conflict
The Rules of the Game does not only belong to an existing alphabet It was realized that a matter of fundamental National or International law.

By FHK Henrion as in the case of Mobil but a sequence of five importance was to create first, a moral climate (1) In accordance with the terms or the Vie
letters, in this case of a known typeface; but and next, legal conditions, in which new types
could be designed to suit old and new typo-
Agreement for the Protection of Type Faces
their International Deposit, members undersl
through the very simple device of having graphical techniques. It was also realized that typefaces to mean sets of designs of:
blue letters with a red '0' or black letters with artists should be stimulated to create new type (a) letters and alphabets as such with their
an outline '0' becomes a familiar and legally designs, and that the relationship between the cessories such as accents and punctuE
manufacturers of type faces (in the form of print-
registerable word feature, i.e., logotype." ing type matrices or film alphabets) and the type
(b) numerals and other figurative signs suc
"In corporate design, in packaging, in initials designers could be improved. It was also ac- conventional signs, symbols and scientific
for a well-known international company, the cepted thatto promote bettertypography was a
challenging and important task. (c) ornaments such as borders, fleurons
design of logotypes has become very im- Since its foundation, A.TYP.I. has attempted to vignettes
portant. In fact in many ways it has become obtain effective international protection for new which are intended to provide means for c
more important than the design of symbols, type designs. Copying type designs is not a new posing texts by any graphic technique.
because every symbol must have a word ref- decidedproblem, but in the past a type-founder who term "typefaces" does not include iypefE
to copy another typefounder's design of a form dictated by purely technical req
has become erence so that if you have a symbol you need was put to considerable expense in equip- ments.
axiomatic of late to refer to design a word in addition.. :' ping himself with the required founts of type,
as a problem-solving activity, no matter Conclusion... and could only complete them after months of (2) Members consider it to be incompatible
whether it is industrial design, work. Today, a new type design can be cheaply their professional ethics to make a reproduc
communication design, or any other "These are just indications how letter design copied by photography, and can be ready for
sale within a few days as film negatives or letter
of another member's typeface, whether id
cal or slightly modified, irrespective of
kind of design and I believe in logotypes and display lettering can enrich transfersheets, in which form they are so lig ht that medium, technique, form or size used, ui
whatever design we practice we must our environment on the lines indicated and they can be flown across the world to every the owner of the typeface has given his w
recognize the rules of the game advocated by Nicolete Gray. I can only very country which does not restrict them by tariff. agreement on terms granting a license.
warmly endorse what she has said that the If those concerned with the progress of the
within which we play. (3) If, after a minimum period of fifteen yec
challenge is enormous and our environment typographic arts do not give thought now to the
thetypeface first being offered for sale, the a
These rules apply of course equally in the capable of great improvements with the full implications of the increasing use of film, refuses to grant a licence, members may
areas of designing display letters and alpha- contributions of professional designers who future generations may condemn them for fail-
ing to face up to their responsibilities, and espe- sider themselves free to manufacture a sit
bets. If we do equate design with problem- can apply themselves to whatever problems cially for failing to obtain effective international typeface, and to offer it for sale under anE
solving the proper sequence of action is: name, where the typeface is not protecte ,
they find; be it one of pure information or ad- protection for new type designs. It is as if those
concerned with the protection of musical works suchmeantrdk
1.State the objective to be achieved. vertising, or of illuminated signs. Whatever had failed to obtain adequate protection before erty rights, copyrights, laws against unfair c
we do, we either impoverish or enrich our the widespread use of gramophone records, petition, or private agreements.
2. Analyse the situation.
3. Make a list of requirements and criteria. environment, and we can only do a proper radio, recording.
talking pictures, television, and tape (4) If the adaptation for contemporary use
4. Put the list of these requirements into a job if we are aware of the rules of the game, The aims of the Association as contained in
typeface entails a high degree of artistic skill
ingenuity, members of A.TYP.I. consider it as b
priority order and you define the rules of what the criteria are; if we set the appropri- article II of the Statutes of the Association are as new, and will respecf the design according
the game. ate criteria to establish the particular rules of follows:
the gaMe we can achieve our objectives in Its aim is to bring together, co-ordinate the (5) Typographical layouts enjoy the same
In spelling out these rules F.H.K. Henrion the most imaginative and the most appro- ideas and give effect to the wishes of all those tection as typefaces.
also noted that... priate manner."
whose profession has to do with the art of typog-
Members understand a typographical layc
raphy, namely:
"...Rules of the game however determine FHK Henrion Is head of be an artistic creation made for selecting
designers and typographers disposing typefaces, illustrations etc. for a
the varying emphasis of these criteria in any Henrion Design Associates, London. type-founders and manufacturers of composing cific purpose.
rticular case, the priority of each over the machines (for metal or film).
Oi. ' and therefore by establishing them we (6) All typefaces and layouts will be consid
Endings, beginnings and continuums tions, printing houses, and adyertising firms, associa-
to be new upon their first appearance untE
are 'Ale step further towards understanding and professional bodies (also any individ-
board of experts nominated by the Boar
particular problems." .. All good things should come to a uals, companies, groups or clubs interested in
,Directors of A.TYP.I. rules to the contrary.
Mr. Henrion accepted Adrian Frutiger's beginning. And so it was with the ...who declare their intention of giving moral (7) When licences are granted, member:
thesis that letters of the alphabet are images 16th International Congress of support to the aims of the Association, and who recommended to specify precisely what
well anchored in our memory and that there the A.TYP.I. When it closed in are ready to make a united effort to proMote are granted, and the purposes to which
good typography, to extend a critical knowl- may be applied. Provisions should cover
are two kinds of lettering: text for pure infor- Copenhagen lost August it gave edge of the subject, and to uphold principles in sible alterations and additions to a typefac
mation and display lettering "which can be birth to a Working Seminar to be respect of legal rights. which a licence is granted.
shown in all imaginable type variations and "To promote a procedure of arbitration for deal-
imaginative evolutions and deformations." held in November, 1974, in (lase!, ing with typographical matters. (8) If a dispute arises between members of A
over the interpretation of the terms of this l
His comments focused on the latter, which Switzerland. The theme will be "To ensure world-wide contact and cooperation Code, members ought not to resort to law be
he recognizes can become "almost illegible The Teaching of Letterforms, Signs,
between organizations and bodies with similar trying to settle the dispute between themsE
without however impairing the process of and Symbole The organizational aims. Forthis purpose an arbitration committee cc
reading." The virtue of the rules is not simply "To create an international center for documen- set up within A.TYP.I. Only if parties to a disput
to agree before an arbitration committee sh
that they help state and solve problems but committee includes Aaron Burns, tary information on typographical matters.
a lawsuit be started.
that in spite of their requirements and limita- Nicolete Gray, Andre Gurtler "To set up for its members an information center
The arbitration committee of A.TYPI.Is also
to co-ordinatetheiractivities, so as to avoid losses
tions they make many solutions possible. (Chairman), Ernest Hoch, Alfred which might arise if one member works in igno- petent to establish the fact that a copy has t
After showing some examples of different Hoffman, Walter Jungkind, Christian rance of what is being done by others. made of a typeface by a non-member of A
approaches to one problem he notes...
Mengelt, Niklaus Morgenthaler, "To offer its services to members for the protection
"...These are all examples of typical design Ralph Prins, Karl Schneider and of their interests. - U & lc is pleased to announce that it has just learned the
problems where the aim to be achieved is "To act as arbitrator in any dispute which might result of The World Treaty on Intellectual Properties
in June, 1973, in Vienna (as mentioned in the edito
very clearly stated, certain limitations im- Michael Twyman. For more details arise amongst its members, or to refer them to a
third party outside the Association. this issue of U&Ic) the United States Copyright Office'
posed, but the ways and means to achieve and up-to-date information please rently reviewing its position on the registration for cop
these aims within these limitations are left contact Andre Gurtler at Allgemeine "Finally, to organize various activities, exhibitions,
publications, films, conferences, etc., which
protection of typeface designs and letterforms. We i
stand that industry hearings may be held during the o
completely free so that they can be, as we Gewerbeschule School of Design, might develop a critical knowledge of typog- months in Washington. This may well be the most sign
have shown here, greatly varied...Any de- raphy amongst the public' opportunity of this century for American artists engal
sign problem can be solved and the result Vogelsangstrasse 15, CH-4000 the field of letterform designs to achieve the same t
One of the first actions of the Association was to legal recognition and protection for their work that is co
measured by comparing a number of solu- Basel, Switzerland. establish a moral code as a guide to its members today to composers, writers and other artists.
tions as twits appropriateness." in recognizing rights in type designs .
ROGER HANE. JANUARY 3. 1939JUNE 17. 1974

.It is with numb

disbelief that we write
these inadequate words
to underline our frustration and
outrage over the senseless wasting
of Roger Hane.
The young boy who did this unconscionable
thing is a miserable product of our times.
He wielded the weapon, but the climate in which we live
set the stage for the attack. So the kid has his bicycle
and Roger Hane is dead.
Roger was quiet, thoughtful, unassuming.
An illustrator of high artistry, respected by his peers as
being among the very best He was presently to
receive the New York Artists Guild's "Artist of the Year"
award in the field of media. It will be presented
Ironically, his last piece of work was done for this
newspaperthe letter "Q" He delivered
it to us on the moming of the day his life was
so callously ended. Each of the other
twenty-five illustrators who contributed
to the alphabet seen on these pages joins with the
editors of U&lc in this small and anguished
gesture which expresses the deep pain
and bewilderment that this monstrous killing
so bitterly evokes. Roger Hane will be much missed.
He leaves a legacy of beautiful illustrations
and the memory of a superior human being.
A void that can never be filled.

AU fibCc Dd Ff Gg Hit Kk LI Mm tin Oo Pp


To Contributors: Our first issue of

U&lc was a big success, But we have
no intention of resting on our laurels.
Like all newborn babies, were having
growing pains-- and are glad of it. In
this second issue we have tried to elim
inate the negative and accentuate the
positive, as should be evident in the
reading. And we expect our third is
sue to take us another step further.
Who knows? Maybe one day we'll be
come perfect.
U&lc is in business for good, a pub
lication unique in the field of typo
graphics. A virtual communications
revolution present-
ing vital ideas for a
new world -- an all-
encompassing news-
paper designed to
reach the young of
all ages. Though pub-
lished in New York,
U8z1c doesn't want to
limit its scope to a loving care and con- long way but we've still got a long
single area. There siderable financial way to go. Perfection is our ultimate
are lots of things we investment. We feel goal. But accomplishing this is a two-
don't know and lots that a graphics jour- way street. We need support, edito-
of things going on all nal of this caliber is rial and financial. You can be good
over we don't know indispensable to the for us and we can be good for you.
about. communication field. The advertising, as may be seen in
In short, we need Already achieving this issue, has been encouraging. The
your help. Whether the largest circulation interest, extraordinary. But we still
you're a designer or of any publication in need you. And, maybe, you need us.
art director, a typographeror illustra- its field, U&lc is one-of-a-kind reach- History has a way of repeating it-
tor, a cartoonist or photographer, a ing buyers, users, and specifiers of print- self in new ways to new generations
writer or technician, a housewife, ing, typography, plates, film, paper, and new markets. If you see a place
your help is needed. If you think you and related products and services. As for yourself in our future, please let
have something of interest that would well as blanketing key segments of us know and we'll get you the full in-
add stature to the kind of editorial the mushrooming international youth formation on rates and specifications.
material U&lc is attempting to pub- market, it is unique in its coverage of Write Aaron Burns, International
lish. we invite you to send it in to us. the rapidly growing "in-house" type- Typeface Corporation, 216 East 45th
Oureditorial board will take an appre- setting/printing operation and of the Street, New York City 10017. Or; if
ciative look at it and, if it deserves to broad spectrum of hard-to-find pro- you can't wait and must place an ad
be published, we will publish it. spective buyers of your products immediately, call U&lc collect at
To Advertisers: U&lc is edited, de- and/or services. (212) 371-0699.
signed, and published with tender In just two issues we've come a
If you would like to start
your own personal col-
lection of colorful ITC
specimen booklets,you
can begin now by return-
ing the order form print-
ed belowaccompanied
by your check or money
order. (No booklets will
be sent unless the order
is accompanied by your
check or money order or
by an official purchase
order signed by an ap-
propriate purchasing
agent for your company.
Personal purchase or-
ders will not be accepted
and invoices will not be
sent to individuals who
order booklets and ask
to be billed separately.)
Each issue of U&lc will
introduce new ITC type-
faces for use in text and
display. Handsomely de-
signed and colorful type
specimen booklets will
be prepared for each
new typeface.
These booklets will be
the foundation of your
future library of ITC
typefaces. Start your
collection of them now.


Unit Total International lypeface Corporation

216 East 45th Street
Avant Garde Gothic 75C New York, N.Y. 10017 (212) 371- 0699
pant Garde Gothic Cond. 75C
Friz Quadrata 75C
Korinna" 76C
Newtext* 75C
Serif Gothic 75C
Souvenir 75C
Tiffany 750
$1.50 Title
ITC Typeface Catalog
SPECIAL-Entire collection $6 00
Total Order Street Address

New York residents add State Sales Tax

rgE,Nlory,a, typEfACE COPE, 21E EAST 45TH 51 City
NEW VON NEN PORK 10017 Add Postage .50

Remittance enclosed State Zip Code

To be mailed as soon as completed

28 Since Helvetica from ITC and Mergenthaler
a surprising number of new (and some old) faces have appeared on Mergenthaler V-I-P Avant Garde GothicHerb Lubalin, Tom Carnese; Friz QuadrataErnst Friz /VGC;
ai. d Linofilm Systems some of them called Helvetica. Serif GothicHerb Lubalin, Antonio DeSpigna; KorinnaH. Berthold AG; Souvenir, Tiffany,
Avant Garde Gothic CondensedEd Benguiat.

Helvetica Light Roman Avant Garce Gothic Ex Lt Roman

Helvetica Light Italic Avant Garde Gothic Book Roman
Helvetica Roman Avant Garde Gothic Med Rom
Helvetica Italic Avant Garde Gothic Demi-Bold
Helvetica Bold Roman Avant Garde Gothic Bold Rom
Helvetica Bold Italic
Avant Garde Gothic Book Cond Roman
Helvetica Bold Roman No. 2
Avant Garde Gothic Med Cond Roman
Helvetica Black Roman
Avant Garde Gothic Demi Cond Roman
Helvetica Black Italic
Avant Garde Gothic Bold Cond Roman
Helvetica Black Roman No. 2
Helvetica Light Condensed Roman Friz Quadrata Roman
Helvetica Light Condensed Italic Friz Quadrata Bold Roman
Helvetica Condensed Roman
Korinna Roman
Helvetica Condensed Italic
Korinna Bold Roman
Helvetica Bold Condensed Roman
Korinna Extra Bold Roman
Helvetica Bold Condensed Italic
Korinna Heavy Roman
Helvetica Black Condensed Roman
Helvetica Black Condensed Italic Serif Gothic Light Roman
Ho woUca 'Sok CDR)A Serif Gothic Roman
HekoeTtipa 'EXXnviKel Serif Gothic Bold Roman
HEAcocrupa 'EAAritaKei Kupra Serif Gothic Extra Bold Roman
1-lekoe -ritpa Maiipa 'EanviK6 Serif Gothic Heavy Roman
renBervika PyccKai Serif Gothic Black Roman
lenBermica llonymipHasi PyccKasI
Souvenir Light Roman
Helvetica Compressed Souvenir Light Italic
Helvetica Extra Compressed Souvenir Medium Roman
Souvenir Medium Italic
Helvetica Ultra Compressed Souvenir Demi - Bold Roman
Souvenir Demi Bold Italic -

Souvenir Bold Roman

Souvenir Bold Italic

Tiffany Light Roman

For a specimen wall chart
showing these faces and many more, developed by us, and licensed from others,
Tiffany Medium Roman
the complete 18 unit library as set on V-I-P, contact Typographic Development,
Mergenthaler Linotype Company, PO Box 82, Plainview, New York 11803;
Tiffany Demi Roman
Tele: (516) 694-1300, ext. 213, 214 or 385.
Tiffany Heavy Roman
from Stempel through Mergenthaler and from Mergenthaler
AldusHermann Zapf; BemboStanley Morison /the Monotype Corporation; Auriga, CRT Gothic, Olympian, Snell RoundhandMatthew Carter; AstersFrancesco Simoncini;
CandidaJ. Erbar / Ludwig & Mayer; FuturaPaul Renner /Bauer; SabonJan Tschichold; CloisterMorris Fuller Benton /ATF; JansonNicholas Kis; OrionHermann Zapf;
. SyntaxHans Eduard Mayer; Iridium, UniversAdrian Frutiger. PilgrimEric Gill.

Aldus Roman Aster Roman

Aldus Italic Aster Italic
Aster Bold Roman
Bembo Roman
Bembo Italic Auriga Roman
Bembo Bold Roman Auriga Italic
Auriga Bold Roman
Candida Roman
Candida Italic Clarendon Light Roman
Candida Bold Roman Clarendon Roman
Clarendon Bold Roman
Futura Light Roman
Futura Book Roman Cloister Roman
Futura Heavy Roman Cloister Italic

Futura Bold Roman Cloister Bold Roman

Iridium Roman CRT Gothic Light Roman

Iridium Italic CRT Gothic Medium Roman
Iridium Bold Roman CRT Gothic Bold Roman
CRT Gothic Black Roman
Sabon Roman
Sabon Italic Goudy Old Style Roman
Sabon Bold Roman Goudy Old Style Italic
Goudy Bold Roman
Syntax Roman Goudy Extra Bold Roman
Syntax Italic
Syntax Bold Roman Janson Roman
Janson Italic
Univers 45 Light Roman
Univers 46 Light Italic Olympian Roman
Univers 55 Roman Olympian Italic
Univers 56 Italic Olympian Bold Roman
Univers 65 Bold Roman Orion Roman
Univers 66 Bold Italic Orion Italic
Univers 75 Black Roman
Univers 76 Black Italic Pilgrim Roman
Univers 47 Light Cond. Roman Pilgrim Italic
Univers 57 Condensed Roman filed .wouraklia,x,ot
Univers 58 Cond. Italic
Univers 67 Bold Cond. Rom.

Our Photo Typositor will never win a contest plumbing. A unique display system lets you
for its good looks. But thousands of art and view every letter, word and space for superior
design people, including scores of "big names:' typesetting quality Other ingenious features VISUAL GRAPHICS CORPORATION
1400 Northeast 125th St., N. Miami, Fla. 33161.
rely on it for all their headlines because it has let you interlock, overlap, bounce or stagger
another kind of beauty. Its typefaces. characters, so your headlines always look
Please contact me to arrange for a demonstration
There are now more than 1400 display exactly the way you want them to.
of the Photo Typositor.
faces in the Photo Typositor library. And three The Photo Typositor. Beautiful. Please send me more information.
new ones being added every week. Novelty
faces. Classic faces. Elegant and rugged faces. Send copies of your new typeface catalog.
Just Published: "The World-Famous
Enclosed is $ (Please include any applicable
The very latest "in" faces. !Faces to capture the Photo Typositoe Alphabet Library." Complete sales tax, plus 50 cents per copy for postage and handling.)
mood and personality of any headline. alphabets of Visual Graphics' current typeface
All available on convenient and inexpen- collection. An indispensable reference guide and Name
sive film fonts. All designed to give you almost working tool for designers, art directors, students
unlimited creative flexibility, because the Photo and other type specifiers. 270 pages, 8-1/2 x 11:' Position
Typositor can set 2800 variations in size, slant, perfect-bound paperback edition. To order, send Company
and proportion from a single font! coupon and check for $12.50 for a single copy
The Photo Typositor will also give you (2-5 copies $11.25 each ). Please add any Address
sharper, cleaner images than any other system. applicable sales tax, plus 50 cents per book, City State Zip
Automatically in broad daylight, without for postage and handling. L_ _J

on a

ototypesetting, to use an appropriate Exactly What Are We Ready To Do? We have a full lineseven basic So What is "Spectrum" Again?
rtaphor, has many faces. It can be At your invitation, we'll bring in our unitsof the famous Electro/Set Spectrum is our name for our capability
mentary. It can be complex. And PTS specialists, examine your oper- keyboards. Ask any Electro/Set to employ all of our resourcesexperi-
w, wherever along the spectrum your ations, evaluate your present equip- owner how great they are. ence, hardware, sales and application
needs fall, VariTyper is ready to ment, and then recommend the opti- Check out Electro/Set 450the help, operator training, and back-up
.pond on a total systems basis. mum phototypesetting system for your latest addition to the Electro/Set serviceto put, and keep in place, an
No longer do you have to shop from needs (with an eye to future growth). seriesthe industry's first low-cost, optimum PTS system for your oper-
)plier to supplier for key pieces of The analysis and proposal are free. All automated tape correction ter- ations.
edware, only to wind up having to we expect is your sincere interest in minal. You can use Spectrum no matter
ve the interface problems yourself. optimizing your typesetting operations. Meet Scan/Seto, a low-priced OCR what the size and type of your oper-
VariTyper Qualified? system that uses an IBM Selectric ation, or the character of your photo-
Do You Have To Start All Over?
s. we're the phototypesetting sup- typewriter to cut input costs and typesetting needs.
No. The system we propose will take
?.r: with all of these ingredients of improve system flexibility. How Do We Get Started?
full advantage of your present hard-
e systems capability: See Edit/Setour full screen VariTyper PTS specialists are ready
ware that is compatible with a modern
We have long-time heritage in video editing terminal will out- now to put the Spectrum concept to
phototypesetting system. It will be in-
graphic arts, combining in-depth perform any competitive model work for you. Call your local VariTyper
tegrated into the proposed new system
knowledge of typography and we've seen in complex editing office today. Or for a free copy of our
along with the most appropriate Vari-
optics, with today's advanced elec- functions. Spectrum brochure, write VariTyper,
Typer equipment.
tronic technology. We've just announced Amtrol 11 Mt. Pleasant Avenue, E. Hanover,
We have a tradition as solvers of What About VariTyper Hardware? our AM-developed minicomputer N. J. 07936.
customer problems, not just sellers Along with our unending R&D activity, an integral part of our photo-
of machines. today we offer a broad array of reliable, typesetting equipment including
We have a broad array of ad- high-performance equipment for every the 748, Edit/Set and the Scan/
Advancing the state
vanced-design hardware to per- facet of the phototypesetting function: Set system. of the graphic art
form all key functions in modern Heart of our system is the new AM
phototypesetting. 748 Phototypesetter, with its built-
We have the largest local sales, in minicomputer and Storanethe
training and service network in industry's most versatile and ad-
We have the corporate resources
vanced software package. The 748
produces type in a range of 17 sizes
and stability to assure you that from 5 to 72 pt., with any four text
we'll be around when you need us sizes and any four display sizes on VARITYPER DIVISION
in the years ahead. line at one time.
A concert violinist is just a fiddler
if he isn't playing the right violin.
And an art director or designer may come off looking available to you on short notice in many cases,
like an ordinary layout man if the type he buys is set on the overnight! (And our fonts are priced low enough so
wrong machine. that you needn't be reluctant to order the typefaces that
Fiddles have their place. For example, they're great for interest you.)
square dances. And a typesetting machine designed for When you consider quality typography, consider
newspapers or throwaway publications may be perfect AlphaSette by Alphatype. Because when you're getting
for that purpose. ready for your next concert, you don't want to fiddle
But when you're playing Carnegie Hall, you'd better find with less than the best while Romeor a clientburns.
yourself a Strad. Here's our Stradivarius: AlphaSette,
by Alphatype.
AlphaSette incorporates exclusive features that enable it P.S.: Drop us a note for complimentary brochures
to set type of unmatched precision and sharpness. featuring some of our recent ITC typeface releases. We'll
AlphaSette is also the world's most versatile phototype- also put your name on our mailing list, so you'll be
setting system, with more than 2,000 typefaces among the first to learn of future offerings from Alphatype.

alphatype corporation
7500 McCormick Boulevard
Skokie, Illinois 60076/312-675-7210
This ad was composed on the AlphaSette System

`Wlerry. pes Chicago-One tithe largest selections of cHotclIfetal

faces in the cWidWest.c P- horie 467-7117

and "Photo
c. r (47t
1 9. onlei,-Gc S."; I t. 92ogyl.
rr..nfr, ,; rvy, . C A
34 BrOdtext fr6n Typografen i gradanpassad tillriktning.

Avant Garde Extra Light 28 p


Irdutensiliorna i ofttryckeri Oro ingalunca en oviK - ic faktor, fc
trefnacons, orcningons och okonomiens uppratth011ance
och COCK Or cot icKc sOl Ian som sorgligc oriaronhcfor gore
grund of detofOrstOnd moo hvilkof <aster, formbrOcon c
regalor tillverKcs och fOrsOljca <cstor som Oro dOligt hopkc
Avant Garde Book 18 p
Sent Gothic Bold 24 p


Trautensilierna i ett tryckeri dro ingalOnda en o
faktor, for trefnadens, ordningens och ekonom Trautensilierna I ett tryckeri aro in g
upprdtthallande, och dock Or det icke sdllan en oviktig faktor, for trefnadens, ord
som sorgliga erfarenhetergoras p6 grund af d och ekonomiens uppratthollande, o
ofOrstand med hvilket kaster, formbrdden och
regaler tillverkas och forsdljas. Kaster som dro
dock Or det icke sonar) som sorgliga
daligt hopkomna och af otillrdckligt torrt trd, as
z .. . . goras p6 grund of det
snart nog officinen extra kostnader i reparationolorstand med hvilket kaster, formb
Kasten ID& vara af kvistfritt och torrt trd, kdnnas
och regaler tillverkas och forsOljas i
Idtt, och bottnen bor icke vara limmad men der Kaster som aro daligt hopkomna o
vdl fdstad med skrufvar serval rundt kanterna s
af otillrack
ligt torn tra, aka snar
Avant Garde Demibold 18 p sam
TRAUTENSILIERNA I ETT TRYCKERI ARO INGALU nog officinen extra kostnader i repo
Trautensilierna i ett tryckeri aro ingalunda e Kasten bar vara of kvistfritt och torrt
oviktig faktor, for trefnadens, ordningens,
ekonomiens uppraffhallande, och dock err
0 tra, kannas Witt, och bottnen bar icke
det icke salon som sorgliga erfarenheter g vara limmad men daremot val fast
pd grund af det oforstand med hvilket kast med skrufvar saval rundt kanterna
formbraden och regaler tillverkas och fork! Serif Gothic 18 p

Kaster som aro ddligt hopkomna och af otilTRAUTENSILIERNA I ETT TRYCKERI ARO INGALU
torrt tra, asamka snarl nog officinen extra k
Trautensilierna i ett tryckeri Oro ingalunda en ov
i reparationer. Kasten bar vara af kvislfritt o
faktor, for trefnadens, ordningens och ekonom
torrt tral kannas Iatt, och bottnen bar icke v
uppratthallande, och dock Or det icke salon so
Korinna 24 p sorgliga erfarenheter g - ra pa grund of det of
TRAUTENSILIERNA I ETT TRY och med hvilket kaster, form% s e_n_oc i regaler till
farsaljas. Kaster som Orraoddal hopkomna go
Trautensilierna i ett tryckeri aro ing och nlroce
acli iligt torrt trb, ct'isamkig a snort
ch k faktor, for trefnadens, or etxc raofsko titi re parationer. Watt
sten bar vara
af.. I och font rO t .cf3.61 st nt (Dedn
och bottnen
och eko nomiens u ppratthallande , o er'cskieiruvaorar limmad mad men ddremot

dock d et icke sallan som sorgliga med fv serval erurpdto kanterna som den gr
.. renheter goras pa grund af det m
of midtbalken sa avt ytt ai med n csikoruf i krys
a feeltlan
t afat clien. Fram4? keret med r ea n
rstand med hvilket kaster, form aretrOsIag, sasom bjark eller rOcdbloaliras
och regaler tillverkas och forsaljas heist for
f strefn adens skull fernissadt, det kern de) a
vid eventuellt behov aftvarras. Bottenmellonlag
Kaster som aro daligt hopkomna o bar vara of godt tjocktpopper, som icke upplO
Typografen AB, Pyromidvagen 7, Box 1164, 171 23 Solno 1, Tel 08-27 27 60.
Typografen AB, Stora Tradgordsgotan 3 B, Box 6104, 200 11 Malmd, Tel 040-11 26 50, 11 2660.
Ty/pho/grofen ads, Solvgade 10, 1307 Kobenhavn K, Tel 01-151134.
Norske Typografen o.s, Karl Johonsgote 25, Postboks 59 Sentrum, Oslo 1, Tlf. (02) 33 00 19, 33 20 01.
Oy Suomen Typogrofi, idakdrinkatu 4 C, Helsinki 15, Puh. 13695.

iy Light 24 P


rautensilierna i ett tryckeri aro ingalunda en oviktig faktor, for trefn
rdningens och ekonomiens uppratthallande, och dock ar det icke sail
sorgliga erfarenheter goras pa grund af det othrstand med hvilket
aster, formbraden och regaler tillverkas och forsaljas. Kaster som ar
aligt hopkomna och af otillrackligt torrt tea, asamka snart nog offici
ctra kostnader i reparationer. Kasten bor vara of kvistfritt och torrt t
annas latt, och bottnen bor icke vara limmad men darem.ot val fasta
Souvenir Medium 20 p
my Medium 24 p


Trautensilierna i ett tryckeri aro ingalunda e
'rautensilierna i ett tryckeri aro oviktig faktor, for trefnadens, ordningens och
valunda en oviktig faktor, for tre ekonomiens uppratthallande, och dock ar de
rdningens och ekonomins upprat icke sallan som sorgliga erfarenheter goras
allande, och dock ar det icke sail pa grund af det ofOrstand med hvilket kaster
formbraden och regaler tillverkas och forsalj
om sorgliga erfarenheter goras p Kaster som aro daligt hopkomna och af otill
f det oforstand med hvilket kast tout tra, asamka snart nog officinen extra ko
)rmbraden och regaler tillverkas i reparationer. Kasten bar vara af kvistfritt oc
ich forsaljas. Kaster som aro dal' tout tra, kannas latt, och bottnen bor icke va
Lopkomna och af otillrackligt ton Souvenir Demibold 16 p


rd, asamka snart nog officinen ex Trautensilierna i ett tryckeri aro ingalunda en ovi
fany Heavy 18 p
faktor, for trefnadens, ordningens och ekonomie
AtAUTENSILIERNA I ETT TRYCKE uppratthallande, och dock ar det icke sallan som
sorgliga erfarenheter goras pa grund af det oforst
iautensllierna i ett tryckeri aro ing med hvilket kaster, formbraden och regaler tillve
:n oviktlig faktor, for trefnadens, ord och forsaljas. Kaster som aro dfiligt hopkomna o
och ekonoinins uppratthallande, och af otillrakligt torrt tra, asamka snart nog officine
lock ar det icke sallan som sorgliga e extra kostnader i reparationer. Kasten bor vara af
,rfarenheter goras pa grund af det o kvistfritt och tout tra, kannas lam och bottnen b
ned hvilket kaster, formbraden och r icke vara limmad men daremot val fastad med sk
egaler tillverkas och forsaljas. Kast saval rundt kanterna som den grofre midtbalken

)uvenir Light 28p


Frauterisilierrla i ett tryckeri aro ingalunda en oviktig faktor, for trefna
)rdningens och ekonomiens uppratthallande, och dock ar det icke s
;orn sorgliga erfarenheter goras pa grund af det oforstand- med hvilk
caster, formbraden och regaler tillverkas och forsaljas. Kaster som aro
ialigt hopkomna. och af otillrackligt tout tra, asamka snart nog officin
extra kostnader i reparationer. Kasten bor vara af kvistfritt och tout IT
...All the supplies I need, it's worth the trip. Paul Rand, Graphic Designer

...As a manufacturer,
I've been all over the world. Few stores equal this one. J. B. Adams, President: Winsor & Newton

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Quality Art & Drafting Materials
Custom Picture Framing

(212) 245-6600

Come see for yourself.

Just completed, two newly modernized stores:
25 West 45th Street
37 West 53rd Street
New York City

The New Name for Quality

Phototypesetting Products,
Equipment &lots' of Service!
"We've added a new name to our family and we
are going to offer you better prices, a larger font
selection, a discount club, FREE phone orders,
a new business offer, low cost setting equipment
and photo supplies and So Much Service we re
sure you'll soon only think of PhotoVision for
all your headline needs:'


We'll FinanceYou... in Largest 2" Film Font

;forting Your Own Library & Selection.
-1eadline Business.
he ideal offer for the individual or firm wishing to
art or expand a business. For less than the cost
a1111 We presently are the only firm licensing all styles
produced byITC,TDI, John N. Schaedler, etc., and
are continually adding our own and other licensed
styles from worldwide sources.
add one $3. per hour employee to your staff This makes our font library one of the world's
e will set you up in a full service headline business largest. If you would like to see a selection list of
ith: 1. Our complete phototype library; 2. Spec over 4,000 styles, please ask for our...
Doks, layout aids and a planned promotion pro-
Pam; 3. Management and studio training with a
rofessional backup staff to assist you. Successfully
Free Typeface
iarket tested for 3 full years, we feel this package
the most attractive business offer ever presented
Comparitor Catalog.
Because of the confusion over typeface names in
the typographic industry. our industry (many styles carry different names
THE PROFESSIONAL because the 'original' named style was pirated and/
2" Film Font Discount VISUAL PHOTO DISPLAY SETTER or 'contact copied' and a 'safe' new name added)
You can buy three of 'ours' we have compiled this comprehensive list of style
Saves You 10 to 40%. for the price of only one of 'theirs' names from worldwide sources. As a service to our
customers we will be happy to advise you on such
Jpon becoming a member of our Discount Club or even end up with yours free. Yet 'ours' does
ou are entitled to a 10 to 40% saving on all your everything 'theirs' does combined including an matters as: what is the 'original' name, what other
ant purchases! Spectra Setter owners are auto- extended range of enlarging, reducing, bouncing, names it is also known by, sources of proprietory
natic members, which can mean $100's in savings italicizing and interlocking lines. It is completely styles and other sources of style availability.
D you. Plus, as a member you also get discounts `visual' see each letter as it is exposed in a large This is just one of many 'extra' services we offer
>n supplies and are entitled to our special ... 7"x18" area on paper or film. Sets up in a 2'x3' our customers.
area. Super sharp, direct image no reflectors or
Up to 50% Savings plastic cells to impair quality. Manufactured in Cali-
fornia and guaranteed heavy-duty construction.
Free Phone Orders
s+,s part of our 'extra' service to our members, 6 Plus we pay for any service calls! The 'professional' & Overnite Delivery.
o 12 special font styles will be offered each month setter for the phototypographer, yet ideally priced We'll pay for your phone call when ordering from
it savings up to 50%. Only Club members can take for the agency or art studio that wants to set or anywhere in the country. (Dial direct and we'll add
advantage of this offer. 'visually' test their own headlines. Call or write for a credit on your invoice.)
your nearest showroom and ask how you can own Order fonts by noon 3 p.m. EST (or even 4 p.m.
You can be listed in your setter FREE! 7 p.m. EST if it's 'on the shelf') and we'll get
them out Air/Special or U.P. Air ( specify) that same
all our National Ads. Automatic Processors afternoon!
Jut) members are also eligible to be listed in our Our Technographics 'Dry to Dry' Automatic Film

ull page national ads. These are run periodically Processors are offered in 3 distinct models from Brochures and full details are available on any of
o show new styles. You are listed as 'where to buy' our 14" 'Technomatic' (designed for film and paper the above items by calling or writing

ypesetting. Another 'extra' to our customers. printout from any phototypesetting unit such as

Phototype Supplies.
AlphaSette, VIP, Photon, etc.) to our 20" 'Chal-
lenger: the all-purpose graphic arts line and half-
tone processor. Units use any type film, paper and
chemistry, and are priced from only $4,650,
P.O. Box 552-T 8540 W. Washington Boulevard,
Ne offer a full range of paper, film, chemistry and Culver City, California 90230 (213) 870-4828
color cell materials for your setters and camera. completely installed.

"Phototypesetting products developed by the people who design and set typeevery day:"
MU 2.3498

Korinna Serif Gothic Souvenir

Korinna Serif Gothic Souvenir
Korinna Serif-Gothic Souvenir
innovate (in'a-vat ), v.i.[1NNOVATED (-id),
INNOVATING], [< L. innovatus, pp. of inno- Korinna Souvenir
vare, to renew; in-, in + novare, to alter,
Serif Gothic
make new < nouus, new], to introduce new
methods, devices, etc.; make changes; bring
in innovations. v.t. [Rare], to bring in as an
Korinna Serif Gothic
innovation On'a-va'shari), n. [LL. inno-
vatio], 1. the act or process of innovating. Korinna Serif Gothic
2. something newly introduced; new
method, custom, device, etc.; change in the
way of doing things. 3. The middle name of
TGI (TypoGraphic Innovations, Inc.)
eoNc Souvenir
located at 221 Park Avenue South, New
York, N.Y. 10003; Phone: 777-3900. Korinna
innovative (in'a-Va-tiv), adj. causing, or
characterized IN innovation. First name of
Innovative Communications, Inc., of which natEEE Saliq egehk
TGI is a subsidiary.

Look at all these different versions of Korinna, Serif Gothic

and Souvenirs...from lights thru extra bolds...outlines...
outlines with drop shadows...solids with shadow outlines...
and most of them come with a complete compliment
of swashes.
Here at MKP we have kept pace with ITC, adding all
their beautifully designed and proportioned faces just as
soon as they are released. We have them in display and,
where applicable, in text.
Above we have shown you what additions we have
made to three of these standards. Designers can let their
imaginations run wild with all of these versions and with
MKP's twenty years of experience in photo-typography,
we can execute their designs with a taste and finesse
second to none.
Just as soon as ITC releases a new style, you can look
to MKP as the place that will have it...the place
to have all your composition set. Drop us a note and we
will send you a mind-boggling catalog of styles.

41. ,t7,11%

Helvetica "si lhe

has wt become more polyvalent.

Thelielvetica Semibold IVTodified*
is now available.
Exclusivity of the firni
Dr. BOger Photosatz GmbH. *Lizenz: Haas' sche SchrifIgtef3erel AG + Dr Boger Photosatz GmbH


el eti a
Helvetica Helveticd
Helvrti cr

Dr. Bdger Photosatz GmbH D2 Wedel Rissenerstralle 94 Telephon (04103)6021

Other exclusive series foreseen for 1974: The exclusive typefaces of the frrn Dr Boger Photosatz GmbH.
are kept by the folowiig firms in west germany
Plea,se mail coupon to:
Dr. Boger Photosatz GmbH D2 Wedel, Rissenerstra8e 94

1 Berlin 62 (Schonberg) HauptstraBe 9 VVe are always riterested n new photo-typesettrig typefaces
6 Frankfurt a.M.1 Hanauer LandstraBe 135/137 hformation free d chage, please
Furst Dusseldorf
4 DOsseldorf 1 Bilker Allee 217 Aciess/Departrier

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Axel Rung
8 MUnchen 80 Lucile - Grahn - StraBe 41

For the people who make ideas happen

aron c
happens to make:
1 zfocl-one
An all new dry transfer lettering system. Over 200
type styles to choose from. A unique transfer sheet
that will not dry out ... guarantees sharp transfer for
as long as 10 years. Completely redesigned carrier
sheet averaging 30% more letters than other systems.

2 zipabne
Over 300 self-adhesive shading film
patterns. A complete package of
screen tints, graduated tints,
perspective line, architectural,
geological and newspaper tints.
Zipatone adhesive allows easy
application ... even on large areas,
yet is completely heat resistant.

3 zipdone
142 of the cleanest, most vibrant colors
are available in both matte or gloss
finish. These transparent acetate
sheets have a low surface tack
adhesive that's easy to position ...
and reposition ... yet bond strongly
and are heat-resistant after burnishing.


There's a complete selection of colors, patterns, point sizes and border tapes
featuring a Zipline exclusive ...ENCAPSULATION. This protective coating
prevents the tape's adhesive edge from collecting dirt. The result ... longer shelf
life, cleaner artwork and less negative opaquing.

1 ZI 0Cbne Inc. 150 Fend Lane, Hillside, Illinois 60102 -1I
Please send me more information about the
I YES following Zipatone products: 1

1 Dry Transfer Lettering Shading Sheets I

Color Overlays
0 NEW Zipatone catalog
Zipaline Tapes I

ZI 3C bn
I Now ... a lot more
I ADDRESS I than ever before
I CITY I FREE ... New Zipatone catalog.
I STATE ZIP I Complete product line, fully illustrated.

L. _I

We work with
Lr alive typ
of tomorrow,

Some of the mos

One of our most recent efforts with That's what it's all about at
relevant characte
tomorrow's "creative types" involved Nationalcreative typesetting and
attention to detail give art directors
in NewYor
students from the Washington
University School of Fine Arts. and designers extra freedom and hang ou
We asked them to redesign the capability in creative communications.
alphabet ... and wow! Their designs We have innovative types for here
were so creative and so innovative "creative types."
that they won a gold medal for If you'd like to have a copy of
design excellence. And we were the award winning "new alphabet,"
proud to play a part in producing drop a line to Victor Clavenna
the "new alphabet" packet. and he'll speed one your way.
Take, for instance, the comma, hal
When the need is creative sister to the period. Or again, thei
the type is National. cousins, the colon and semi-colon
How shall we dispose of the hyphen
National Typographers Inc. the quotation mark or apostrophe .
914 Pine Street "Give them their very own place in
St. Louis, Missouri 63101
314 241-8297 the sun. Nourish their hungry egos
plead those of more gentle persua-
sion. "Hang them, hang them all,
demand the hard liners. Here, a
Baumwell, we daily (and most e
pertly) reconcile the warring point
of view. Fearlessly and without favo
be it with Korinna, Souvenir, Seri
Gothic, Friz Quadrata, Avant Gard
Olivette, or any of the faces you se
in U&lc (along with many more)
we staunchly, albeit carefully, march
down both sides of the road, arm-i
arm with a host of ha
GRIM py designers. Care t
OF join the ranks? Start b
AVAIVIBIE asking (on your lette
&ICES head, please) for ou
expanded Catalog o
Available Faces.


461 81H AVENUE
(212) 868-0515
CALL US AT 326-99-15

For the best looking in town.

The fact that our names look and sound alike is coincidental. The fact that LSC and ITC share
a common interest, a love of letterforms, is what U&lc is all about. We .are happy and proud to
contribute our talents to making this one of the most interesting journals of the graphic arts.

223 E313TRET
W TOW Y :10016
(9N 9.2636
The Sensitive Photography of Caroline
Hunter S. Thompson: The Counter-Cul-
ture's Gonzo Journalist
Down by the RiversideA report on folk
singer Pete Seeger's successful one-man cru-
sade to,clean up the Hudson.
This Crumb Is No Milktoast A portrait of
the hip world's courageous, outrageous,
inimitable cartoonist Robert Crumb.
Howard Hughes' Plan to Mine the Ocean
Arthur Miller's Next
Sit-Down StrikeProtest plans of the Com-
mittee to End Pay Toilets in America.

As you can see, reading . Avant-Garde

will be like being plugged in every week to a
fantastic intergalactic brain that gluts the
information- and pleasure-centers of your
Avant-Garde boasts the most formid-
able list of contributors ever gathered by a
weekly periodical. Among them are: Andy
Warhol, Peter Max, Norman Mailer, Dick
Gregory, Charles Schulz, Allen Ginsberg,
Lily Tomlin, Roald Dahl, Dan Greenburg,
Melvin Belli, Kurt Vonnegut, William Sty-
ron, Gloria Steinem, Jerry Rubin, Joyce
Carol Oates, Isaac Asimov, Kenneth Tynan,
Cleveland Amory, Richard Avedon, Herb
Gold, William Burroughs, James Baldwin,
Alexander Calder, Isaac Bashevis Singer,
William Bradford Huie, Cornell Capa, Salva-
dor Dali, and Muhammad Ali.
In format, Avant-Garde is a nonpareil.
Its dramatic layout, innovative typography,
and lush color will take your breath away.
Under the inspired art direction of Herb
Lubalin, one of the world's foremost design-
ers of publications, Avant-Garde will raise
4. he tabloid newspaper to a new art form.

Avant-Garde is available by subscrip-

tion only. The cost of six months (26 issues)
of what you pay nowadays for most weekly
What's more, if you order right now,
you become a Charter Subscriber. This
means that:
You'll always be able to buy Avant-

Ralph Ginzburg, that brandied fruitcake will produce a weekly of incredible power
that prints high-compression news, pants-
Pot BustThe discovery by Boston sur-
geons M.S. Aliapoulis and John Harmon
Garde at lowest available rates;
You'll be entitled to buy gift sub-
scriptions at the same low rate; and,
Your subscription will start with
Volume I, Number 1. This is not to be taken
lightly since first issues of Crazy Ginzburg's
other publications now sell for as much as
of a publisher, is at it again. that heavy use of marijuana may cause
First he devilishly exposed the intimate down profiles, mind-searing photographs, gynecomastia development of female $200 EACH!
no-bull editorials, turn-'em-over-in-their- breasts in men. To enter your Charter Subscription,
parts of Fanny Hill and Lady Chatterley to simply fill out the coupon below and mail it
a blushing America while those erotic clas- graves obituaries, system-beating consumer Nixon's Freudian Slips An hilarious collec-
tips, last-laugh political cartoons, kiss-of- tion. with $5 to: Avant-Garde, 251 W. 57th St.,
sics were still banned. New York, N.Y. 10019.
Then he bought himself a $2-million death reviews of cinema, books and theatre, The Zeppelin Will Rise AgainFuel-wise, it
hash-pipe fiction and poetry, and tear-it- is one of the most efficient conveyances Get your check in the mail today.
lawsuit by daring to question Barry Gold-
water's psychological fitness to finger the out-and-frame-it illustrations. Avant-Garde ever devised. Avant-Garde Weekly is going to cause the
nuclear trigger when Goldwater was run- Weekly is going to be one of those things High Public OfficeA report on the shock- greatest cultural cataclysm since the advent
ning for President in 1964. you've got to see just to be able to say ing drinking habits of leading Congressmen. of the Beatles.
Next, with his muckraking magazine you've seen it. "Crime Doesn't Pay" Clifford Irving's
million dollar debt is no hoax.
Fact, he risked the wrath of the mighty by Just look at this list of the kinds of -

attacking Detroit (for building cars that far-out articles and features Avant-Garde The Spirited New Sale of Ouija Boards
were uncrashworthy; this was before Ralph will print: No-Fault Divorce
Nader), drug manufacturers (for selling
Pre Mortem-28 celebrities (including Fed-
cyclamates which had been proven to cause erico Fellini, Art Buchwald, Woody Allen,
chromosome damage), and the tobacco in- Gerald Ford's Devotion to the Teachings of and Gore Vidal ) write their own obituaries.
Mao Tse-TungBased on actual quotes.
dustry (for attempting to hide the tragic The 10,000 M.P.H. Train The Rand Cor-
link between cigarettes and cancer; this was The U.S.'s Plan to Grow Opium -

poration has the whole thing figified out

before the Surgeon-General's report). Is Cancer Contagious? Startling new facts.

except what to do if a cow gets on the track.
Still on the rampage, he brashly waved a Coming: Psychiatric Screening for Presidents
Now, a Right to Suicide .
red flag in the face of prudes and bigots by Bella Abzug's Crazy New $2 Bill
running a photographic study of a nude Inflation-Proof Bonds: Another Bright Idea Two Generations of Brubecks
Contraceptive Foods 251 W. 57TH ST., NEW YOR K, N.Y. 10019
interracial couple in his elegant quarterly from George McGovern
Eros (this bit of lunacy won him numerous Psychic Castration : Vasectomy's Aftermath
graphic-art awards and 8 months in prison). The Inevitability of Hydrogen as the
In no way "rehabilitated," he turned to World's Chief Fuel AVANT-GARDE, 251 WEST 57TH STREET, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10019
the field of consumerism and set it on its ear A Day for a LayFirst publication of W.H.
with his hugely successful, greed-gratifying Auden's long suppressed erotic masterpiece.
I enclose $5 for a six-month (26 issue) Charter Subscription to Avant-Garde. I
newsletter Moneysworth, in which he pub- Kennedy vs. Nader: A Preview of the '76 understand that I am paying A MERE FRACTION of the going rate for such a
lished such bawdy, and useful, articles as "A Democratic Convention dynamite weekly, and that my subscription will begin with Volume I, Number 1.
Consumer's Guide to Prostitution." Carly Simon, James Taylor, and Baby
Now at the peak of his madness, Ginz- Sarah: A Family Album SPECIAL CUT-RATE BONUS OFFER: Check this box 0, enclose $9 and you'll
burg is about to come out with the wildest, The Book that Terrifies the CIA get TWELVE months (52 issues) of Avant-Garde PLUS a copy of the historic
most enticing, exasperating, you-can't-live- Ralph Ginzburg collector's item portfolio "Picasso's Erotic Engravings"!
"The Way We Were": Drawings by John
without-it publication of his career: LennonOf himself and Yoko Ono.
Avant-Garde Weekly. The Personal Political Convictions of Chan- NAME
This dynamite weekly tabloid news- cellor, Reasoner, and Cronkite
paper will completely demolish all precon- California's Coed Monastery ADDRESS
ceptions of what a weekly paper should be.
It will be as irrepressible, ingenious, sensual
and thoroughly madas Ginzburg himself.
Drawing upon the talents of the most
Uncle Sam at 200-42 notables (including
Otto Preminger, Dr. Albert Sabin, Cleve-
land Amory, Paul Krassner, and Marshall
McLuhan) offer suggestions for celebrating
America's forthcoming bicentennial.

brilliant artists, writers, photographers, and

journalists of our day (see list below), he Golda Meir's Recipe for Gefilte Fish
. 4,1111 t #
trIVIt 3! tit r
* Irtf? t# * t #t


Shadow . .
The Great
Time Fighter
Chartpak Shadow Letter-
ing saves time and money.
This ready-to-use product
instantly adds color and
dimension to all types of
artwork. Use it to produce
"finished" layouts, signs,
package mock-ups, comps;
plus 35mm slides, televi-
sion animations, and
camera cards.
Shadow Lettering is avail-
able in six popular drop
shadow font styles and one
outline face. Each style
can be obtained in five
opaque colors - red, light
blue, green, yellow and
white - and a choice of
three sizes - 60, 72, and
96 point.
Save time, ask your art
dealer for Chartpak
Shadow Lettering today.

A Division of Avery Products Corporation e4.
Leeds, Massachusetts 4i1

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The two-step way to

expand your creativity in
photo-lettering with


At long last you now can

produce multiple-line
headlines with type heights
up' to 5 inches. If that
isn't big enough you
can project a 6 foot
image on the wall!
Fotostar combined with
ITC licensed Facsimile
Fonts make a truly
creative package.
Send for information on
the Facsimile Fonts
creative package.

GF Facsimile Fonts & Fototype

3600 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. 90010
No. 33 I-.'
(213) 381-1812




T3624 5

216 EAST 45 ST- XYC 10017. 212/MU2- 2345 9360



How we do itthe machines and other way. That's the only basis on
methods we useis our business. How which we ask you to work with us.
it comes out is yours. If you're already a TGC client,
At TGC we've spent our entire you're going to be receiving our new
business career discovering new ways to 174-page VIP Type Specimen
set type faster, for less money, and with Catalogue.
better quality. If you're not a TGC client, give us
To do this we've introduced a lot of one jobany size, any priceand we'll
revolutionary hardware. But we don't throw in the VIP Catalogue free.
kid ourselves that you care one iota Our Programmed Typography
whether we've set your copy with a folder and Spacing Guide booklet are
space-age phototypesetting system or also yours free for the asking.
with our toes. So call us the first chance you get.
All you care is how it looks on the We know you'll like what you see.
paper. And we wouldn't have it any

TypoGraphics Communications, Inc. Name

305 East 46th Street,
New York, N.Y. 10017

Gentlemen: Please send me my FREE

copies of the following TGC materials: Company

Programmed Typography Folder Street Address

TGC's ABC's Spacing Guides Booklet City

ljpoG ruphics
Cothmunications, 111 C.
TGC's VIP Typeface Catalog. (My State
3o5 East 40Street,
typesetting order which is required to Navlbrk,N:Yroo/7
receive this catalog is attached)
Zip Code
(212) 688-2445

If you use type,you'll want to use

If you want the newest dry transfer arrangement and point sizes are
Deans Geographics Ltd.
product on the market, with clear, based on North American standards. Manufacturers of Geotype, Geocolor. Geotone.
Geosign and Geotape.
sharp edges, on a carrier sheet that Geotype sheets are 28% larger and USA

won't buckle, with unlimited shelf therefore cost less than our major Box 489. Richfield. Utah 84701


life - you'll want Geotype. dry transfer competitor. Head Office 1110 Seymour Street. Vancouver.
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More and more interest in We'd like to show you how easy Central Marketing Division 23 Railside Road.
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type services. The wide range of complete information and a free COMPANY

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If you enjoyed this copy

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Mail to: U & lc receive future complimentary
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