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Unit 1 vocabulary Jump to conclusions/ down my throat

Tatty Leap of faith/ in the dark/ at the opportunity

Hustle Dress rehearsal

Prerequisite On cue

Sartorial In the lime light

Jaded Standing ovation

Financial constrains Backing vocals

Churn of Living performance

Scrounging Curtain call

Slink into Stage fright

Prerequisite for Emotional recall

Insistence, Intent, on Playwright/ understudy/ backstage

Thirst for revenge Lyricists/ preview

Reason to do sth Deafening/ discordant/ soothing/ uplifting/

Interpretation of
Stint (comedy) / generate interest
Fundamental in/for
To stem
Control over/ of
Is to be/ about to/ on the point/ verge of/
Recognition for (un)likely
Contribution to Expect sth to/ stands to/ bound to/ just
Influence on !!!! about/ supposed to/ due to

Resonate with Denouement/ score/ lead role/ box office

hit/ rave reviews/ silver screen
Thrive on
Hard-pressed for
Hoisted (lift sth heavy)
Hark back
Glide vs skid (patina)
Work towards a goal
Tripped (lose balance)/ twiled (dar vueltas)
Take to sth like a duck in water
Let sb in for= volunteering
Know no bounds/ out of bounds/ by leaps
and bounds

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