Solución Trabajo de Inglés 17 de Febrero

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Solucin trabajo de ingls 17 de febrero

1. Choose the best Word, a), b) or c), to complete the sentences.

1. Its hot and: dry.
2. Its cold and: wet.
3. Its a: cheap restaurant.
4. Its: beautiful.
5. Its: good.
6. Its: bad.
7. Its a: famous English football club.

3. Which months are in which seasons in your country? .Write the months
March June
April July
May August
June September

September December
October January
November February
December March

4. Complete the sentences about your country. Write months or seasons in

the blanks.
1. Its beautiful in winter and summer
2. Its hot in summer
3. Its cold in winter
4. Its wet in spring
5. Its dry in autumn

5. Write one word from this page on each line.

Ea: cheap, seasons
Ou: about, your
Oo: football, good
Au: beautiful, autumn
6. Read the text about Amsterdam. Choose the correct word.
Amsterdam is the capital of Holland
It is a beautiful city. It is cold in winter but warm in summer
Dan, Bob and Ana are students.
They are at caf in Amsterdam, Dan and Bob are English, but
Ana is not.

7. Complete the conversation between Ana, Bob and Dan.

Ana: are you form London?
Bob: no, we arent. Im from Oxford, and Dan is from Manchester.
Ana: Oxford and Manchester are famous cities.
Dan: are you know about?
Ana. Yes, they are! Oxford university is famous, and Manchester
united football club is famous.
Dan: Im in a football club in Manchester, but it isnt the famous
Ana: are you footballers?
Dan: no, we arent. We are students and Manchester University.
Are you a student?
Ana: yes, Im
Bob: are you from the USA?
Ana: no, Im not. Im from Vancouver, Canada.
Dan: is Vancouver in the west of Canada?
Yes, it is. Is a beautiful city.

8. Translate into your language. Notice the differences.

Are you a student?, yes, I am
Eres un estudiante?, si, lo soy
Is it a cheap restaurant? , no, it isnt
Es un restaurante barato?, no, no lo es
The restaurants are not expensive.
Los restaurantes no son caros
She is English.
Ella es inglesa

9. Read the descriptions and complete the words.

A building for films= cinema
A place for boats= harbour
There are a lot in Venice= canals
A big building with old things in it= museum

10.Choose the best Word, a), b) or c), to complete the sentences.

Theres a big fountain in the park
There are a lot of boats on the beach
A lot of temples are beautiful buildings
There are 12 bridges in the city
This is a famous bridge in San Francisco

11.Make sentences about Moscow. Match 1-6 with a-f.

1) There is a e) famous opera house
2) there are c) five airports
3) there isnt f) a harbour
4) there arent b) any beaches
Is there d) an airport?
Are there a) any beaches?

12.Complete the sentences.

There are about 14 million people in Moscow
Are there a lot of museums in Moscow?
Yes, there are 141 museums in Moscow
Is there a harbour in Paris?
No, there isnt. Paris isnt near the sea
There are 143 parks in London

13.Are the sentences about Tallinn true or false?

Tallinn is the capital of Estonia: True
The Centre of the city is new: false
There are a lot of cars in the old part of the city: false
The cafes and restaurants in Tallinn are expensive: false
There are seven beaches: false
The winters are cold, but the summers are not: true
There is an airport in the city Centre: false

14.Rewrite the false sentences from exercise 8. Make them true

The Centre of the city is old
There arent a cars in the old part of the city
The cafes and restaurants in Tallinn arent expensive
There are three beaches
There is an airport 4 kilometers from the city Centre
15.Write seven places in a city. Use words from the box on the left and the
box on the right. You can use the words in the box on the right more than
Railway station
Swimming pool
Shopping Centre
Post office
Car park
Information Centre
Bus Centre

16.Complete the labels with the correct prepositions.

1) Next to
3) Between
2) In
4) Opposite

17.Complete the phone conversation with the words in the box.

Maria: yes, there is, but it is very good. Is there a caf in the
Ellie: no, but there are a good caf in south street. Its between
the market and the bus station
Maria: is in the street opposite the bus station?
Ellie: Yes, it is.
Maria: ok. Is the caf turn to the left or the right?
Ellie: its on the left. Its between the post office and the tourist
information Centre.
Maria: ok. See you there in 5 minutes

18.Where are you now? Write a text message to a friend.

Hi, Im in the computers room at the EAN University. Its opposite
to the Semana building and next to the heroes station

19.Complete the information about the picture on page 7.

it is a picture of three students in Amsterdam. Dan is on the right
and Bob is on the left. Bob is next to Dan and opposite Ana

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