2nd Negative Speaker

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2nd Negative Speakers Constructive Speech

There is a saying that goes Render unto Caesar what is Caesars,

and unto God the things that are Gods. The practice of ordination or
excommunication, both big deals in most religions, are out of the
jurisdiction of the government, no matter how sexist or outdated they
may actually be. This very separation is why, if, say, gay marriage
were made to be legal in the Philippines, religions need not worry
about being forced to fall in line with this newly legalized practice.

Freddie Aguilar did in 2013 when, at the time, he couldnt legally

marry his 16-year old girlfriend. He changed religion to marry his
16year old girlfriend. Separation of Church and State is already being
ignored in ways very advantageous for religious organizations, such as
the special consideration regarding marriage for our Muslim brothers.
We are not under shariah law, yet these marriage exceptions magically

Even Divorce is not legal here in the Philippines, which makes us

the only country along with Vatican the only country not to legalize
divorce and for what reason? Divorce being immoral?. My point is,
though it clearly states that there should be a separation between
Church and state it clearly shows that this two institutions will always
overlap and will influence the one or the other.
While there is some level of protection afforded the government
by theoretical separation of State and Church, most of the protection is
in favor of the Church, actually. For example, the government cant
dictate who becomes church leaders to a given church, but the church
can dictate to their flock who to vote for, and if the flock obeys, well,
thats just too bad for the candidates who didnt curry the favor of the
church in question.

The same thing can be said of the State and religion. They may
differ in their

domain and purpose, but they do not necessarily antagonize or cancel

each other.

In fact it is only through their co-existence and harmony that the well-
being of man

is achieved, that is, the State providing for the material goods of man
and religion

ministering to mans spiritual needs. This co-existence comes about

because they

have a common form of referencemans well-being

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