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,6 Aglrhlmr Tho Hhtorlru Bookz ,7

pended on the nature of the terraln, eince the rlv* whlell flowed to hla right thgush there erg n fcw u'ho wcat helmets, BacI( and chegt are bate as far as
seemed to constiture a natural brier against atteck, [Io had brought greot thc waiat, the legr bcing encased in linen or leathet trousers. 4. Rarely if
numbers of wagons with him. Taking ofi their wheels and fitring them to. lver do thcy uoc horoes, being adepts in infanuy fighting, whidr, is the
gether rim to rim in a conrinuous line he stucl< their felloes into the grouncl urtomy mode of waffare of their nation. They wear a sword slung from
and covered them with earth right up to the hubs, so that only a half circle he thigh and a shield hanging at the left side. Bows and arrows, slings and
of wheel protruded above ground-leve1 in eadr case. 6 After ba.rricading other weapons capable of hitting a distant target form no part of their
his entire camp with these and numerous other wooden objects he 1eft a Gquipment. Two-headed axes and their "angones" are in fact the arms with
naffow exit unfenced, to allow them to sally forth against the enemy and which they do most of their fighting. 5 Angones are spets which are
retrrn agaia as they wished. z The bridge over e river constituted a ncither especially short nor especially long, but can be used both as javelins
possible source of trouble if le{t unguarded. so he seized it in advance and rd, if need be, as thrusting weapons in close combat. They are almost enti-
built a wooden tower on it in which he placed as many as he could of his rcly encased in iron so that very little of the wood shows t}rough and even
best armed soldiers apd his 6nest tghting men so that they might do battle the spike at the butt end of the spear is partly concealed. At the top of the
{rom a safe point of vanrage and repel the Romans should they decide to qleatpoint, presumably on either side of the spear-head itself, cuwed barbs
closs over. pfoiect and are bent round, not unlike fish-hooks. 6 Now your Frank
8 Having arranged eadr particular as described he felt that adequate throws this ango of his in the midst of the fray.If. it suikes any part of the
mesures had been taken and that he had made himself masrer of the body then the point goes in, of course, and it is no easy taslc eithet for the
situation. The initiative in the fighting would rest with him alone and the wounded man or for anybody else to pull out the spear. The barbs prevent
battle would take place when, and only when, he wished it. 9 He had not It, stid<ing to the flesh and making the pain more agonizing, so that even if
yet received any intelligence of what had happened to his brother in Venetia It should happen that the enemy has not been mortally wounded he still
but he was surprised that he had not sent his army as had been agreed. He dies. 7 If it pierces a shield then it remains attadred to it with the butt-end
surmised, however, that they would not have delayed so long unless some trailing on te ground. The man whose shield has been hit is unable to pull
direicalamity had befallen them. But even without their assisrance he thought out the spear because its barbs ate embedded in his shield. He cannot hacl<
he could beat the enemy, since he was still superior to them in numbers. it offi with his sword, either, because the interposing layers of iron prevent
ro His remaining forces amounted to thirty thousand fighting men all told. him from getting to the wood. 8 As soon as he perceives this the Frank
The strength of the Romans was scarcely eighteen thousand. puts his foot out suddenly and stepping onto the butt weighs the shield
5. Butilinus himself was in high spirits and urged ail his men ro consider down, so that the man holding it loosens his grip and his head and drest are
that the impending struggle would be decisive. "7e are faced", he said, left unprotected. He then makes short work of his defenceless victim either
"with the alternative either of becoming the masters of ltaly, which was striking him in the front part of the face with an axe or driving another spear
our object in coming here, or of being annihilated on the ,poi.'It is in our through his windpipe. 9 This then is the type of equiprnent the Franks
poriler, my brave soldiers, providing we ght courageously, to adrieve the have and the manner in which they were preparing for battle.
fullrnent of our ambitions. can there b. *y doubt about which alternarive 6. On learning of these prE)arations Narses left Rome with his entire
we should droose? ". army and encamped so close to te enemy that he could both hear the noise
z He kept on orhorting the toops in this strain and succeeded in boosting they were making and see clearly the outlines of their fortification. z Vith
their morale considerably. Eadr in his ovm way, rhey began ro make ready tlre armies in fulI sight of eadr other there was a geat bustle of war-
their weapons. fn one place axes in large numbers were being sharpened Iike preparations. Guards u/'ere patrolling in large numbers, sentries were
and in another, tle native spears or "angone" as they are called. Elsewhere posted at frequent intervals and the generals kept inspecting t}eir men.
broken shields were being mended and pressed inro service. 3 A1l their pre- There were all the usual con*adictory emotions whidr beset men on the eve
parations proceeded with ease since as a narion their style of fighting-equip- of, a great battle. The mood altetnated rapidly on either side between the
ment is simple and of a kind whicl does not require a varlety of mechanical e)(tremes of hope and The cities of ltaly were in a stte of feverish
skills for its maintainance but can, I believe, be pur right, in case of damage, encitement and suspense, wondering into whose hands they would fall.
by the men themselves who wear it. They are ignorant of the use of breast- 3 Meanwhile the Franks were ravaging the neighbouring villages and
plates and greaves and most of them fight with their heads unprotected, openly bringing in provisions for themselves. 7hen Narses saw this he

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