Rang and Dales Pharmacology

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Preface vii

Acknowledgements viii

Abbreviations and acronyms 1x

General principles Drugs aHecting maior organ

1. What is pharmacology? 3
2. How drugs oct: general principles 8 18. The heart 277
3. How drugs oct: molecular aspects 24 19. The vascular system 298
4. How drugs oct: cellular aspects-excitation, 20. Atherosclerosis and lipoprotein metabolism 321
contraction and secretion 54 21 . Hoemostosis and thrombosis 33 1
5. Cell proliferation and apoptosis 72 22 . The hoemopoietic system 347
6. Method and measurement in pharmacology 87 23. The respiratory system 356
7. Absorption and distribution of drugs 98 24. The kidney 368
8. Drug elimination and pharmacokinetics 113 25. The gastrointestinal tract 385
26. The endocrine pancreas and the control of blood
glucose 397
' '
27. Obesity 410
28. The pituitary and the adrenal cortex 420
2 ,.- A ,~ 29. The thyroid 437
30. The reproductive system 445
Chemical mediators 3 1. Bone metabolism 461

9. Chemical mediators and the autonomic nervous

system 131
10. Cholinergic transmission 144
11. Norodrenergic transmission 168
12. Other peripheral mediators: 5-hydroxytryptamine
and purines 189
13. local hormones, inflammation and immune
reactions 202
14. Anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressant
drugs 226
15. Connobinoids 248
16. Peptides and proteins as mediators 256
17. Nitric oxide 265


',E' TIC >r J

The nervous system Special topics
32. Chemical transmission and drug action in the 52 . Individual variation and drug interaction 739
central nervous system 473 53. Harmful effects of drugs 7 5 1
33 . Amino acid transmitters 479 54 . Lifestyle drugs and drugs in sport 765
34. Other transmitters and modulators 492 55. Biopharmaceuticals and gene therapy 770
35 . Neurodegenerative diseases 508 56. Drug discovery and development 781
36. General anaesthetic agents 523
37. Anxiolytic and hypnotic drugs 535
38. Antipsychotic drugs 545 Appendix 787
39. Antidepressant drugs 557
40. Antiepileptic drugs 575
41 . Analgesic drugs 588 Index 797
42. CNS stimulants and psychotomimetic drugs 610
43 . Drug addiction, dependence and abuse 619
44. Local anaesthetics and other drugs affecting
sodium channels 638

Drugs used in the treatment of

infections and cancer
45 . Drugs used in the treatment of infections and
cancer 647
46. Antibacterial drugs 661
47. Antiviral drugs 679
48 . Antifungal drugs 692
49. Antiprotozoal drugs 698
50. Antihelminthic drugs 712
51 . Cancer chemotherapy 71 8

Abbreviations and acronyms

a-l\le-5-HT a-methyl 5-hydroxytrypamine Arg arginine

a-MSH a-melanocyte-stimulating hormone ARND alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder
12-S-HETE 12-S-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid ASCI ATP-sensitive Ca2+-inseositive
2-AG 2-arachidonoyl glycerol ASCOT Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial
2-Mc-5-IIT 2-mcthyl-5-hydroxytrypamine ASlC acid-sensing ion channel
4S Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival Study AT angiotensin
5-CT 5-carboxamidotryptamine AT 1 angiotensin ll receptor subtype I
5-HIAA 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid AT 2 angiotensin ll receptor subtype 2
5-HT 5-hydroxytryptamine [serotonin] AT Ill antithrombin Ill
8-0H-DPAT 8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino) tetraline ATP adenosine triphosphate
AA arachidonic acid AUC aren under the curve
AC adenylate cyclase AV atrioventricular
\ C \T acyl cocnqme A: cholesterol acyltransferase AZT 1ido\udine
AcCoA acetyl coenqme A BARK B-adrenoceptor kinase
\ CE angioten~in-converting enzyme BDNF brain-derived neurotrophic factor
ACh acetylcholine Bma\ binding capacity
AChE acetylcholinesterase BMT body mass index
ACTH adrenocorticotrophic hormone BMPR-2 bone morphogenetic protein receptor type 2
AD Al1heimer's di~ease BNP B-typc natriuretic peptide
ADH antidiuretic hormone BSE bovine spongiform encephalopathy
ADHD attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder RuChE butyrylcholinesterase
A0l\1A a~ymmetric dimethylarginine CaC calcium channel
ADME absorption, distribution, metabolism and CAD coronary artery disease
elimination [studies! cADPR cyclic ADP-ribose
ado-8 12 5'-deoxyadcnosylcobalamin CaM calmodulin
ADP adenosine diphosphate cAMP cyclic 3',5'-adenosine monophosphate
AFt activation funct ion I CAR constitutive androstane receptor
AF2 activation function 2 CARE Cholesterol and Recurrent Events [trial]
AGEPC acct y1-gl ycery1-ether-phosphorylchol i ne CAT choline acetyltransferase
.\GRP agouti-related protein CBG corticosteroid-binding globulin
Ah aromatic hydrocarbon CCK cholecystokinin
\IDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome cdk cyclin-dependent kinase
AIF apoptotic initiating factor eDNA circular deoxyribonucleic acid
ALA b-amino laevulinic acid CETP chole1>teryl ester transfer protein
ALDH aldehyde dehydrogenase CFfR cyMic fibrosis transport [transmembrane
AMP adeno~ine monopho~pbate conductance) regulator
AMPA <.t-amino-5-hydroxy-3-methyl-4-isoxazole cGMP cyclic guanosine monophosphate
propionic acid CGRP calcitOnin gene-related peptide
A\F atrial natriuretic factor ChE choline~terase
A'IP atrial natriuretic peptide CHO Chinese hamster ovary [cell)
AP adapter protein CICR calcium-induced calcium release
Apaf-J apoptotic protease-activating factOr- I CIP cdk inhibitory proteins
APC antigen-presenting cell CJD Crcutlfeldt-Jakob disease
APP amyloid precursor protein CL total clearance of a drug
APTT activated partial thromboplastin time CNP C-natriuretic peptide
AR aldehyde reductase; androgen receptor CNS central nervous system ix

co carbon monoxide FAA II fany acid amide hydrola~e

CoA coenqmeA FAD flavin adenine dinucleotide
COMT catechol-0-methyl transferase FAS fetal alcohol syndrome
COPO chronic obstructive pulmonary disease FOUMP fluorodeoxyuridine monophosphate
cox cyclo-oxygenase Fe 2+ ferrous iron
CREB cAMP response element-binding protein Fe 3+ ferric iron
C RF corticotrophin-releasing factor FeOJ+ ferric oxene
C RH corticotrophin-releasing hormone FEV 1 forced expiratory volume in 1 second
CRLR calcitonin receptor-like receptor FGF fibroblast growth factor
CSF cerebrospinal fluid; colony-stimulating factor FH2 dihydrofolate
c.. ~teady-state plasma concentration FH4 tetrahydrofolate
CTL cytotoxic T lymphocyte FKBP FK-binding protein
CTZ chemoreceptor trigger zone FLAP livc-lipoxygenase activating protein
CYP cytochrome P450 [system] FMN flavin mononucleotide
DAAO d-amino acid oxidase formyi-F"" formyl tetrahydrofolate
DAG diacylglycerol FSII fo il icle-stimulating hormone
OAGL diacylglycerol lipa~e FXR farnesoid [bile acid] receptor
OAT dopamine transporter G6PD glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase
DBH dopamine-~-hydroxylase GABA g<unma-aminobutyric acid
DOAH dimethylarginine dimethylamino hyd rolase GAO glutamic acid decarboxylase
OHFR dihydrofolate reductase GC guanylate cyclase
OHMA 3.4-dihydroxymandelic acid G-CSF granulocyte colony-stimulating factor
OHPEG 3,4-dihydroxyphenylglycol GOP guanosine dipho::.phate
orr diiodotyrosine GFR glomerular filtration rate
OMARO disease-modifying antirheumatic drug GH growth hormone
O~IPP dimethylphenylpipenuinium GHB y-hydroxybutyrate
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid G IIRF growth hormone-releasing factor
DO ll oxidiscd [hydroxylated] drug G HRH growth honnone-releasing hom10nc
DOPA dihydroxyphenylalanine GI gastrointestinal
DO PAC dihydroxyphenylacetic acid G IP ga~tric inhibitory polypeptide
OSI depolarisation-induced suppression of inhibition G IRK G-protein-sensitivc inward-rectifying
OTMP 2-deoxythymidylate potassium [channelj
DUMP 2-deoxyuridylate G IT ga~trointesti nal tract
EAA excitatory amino acid Gla y-carboxylated glutamic acid
EC 51/ED5o concentration/dose effecti ve in 50% of the GLP glucagon-like peptide
population Clu glutamic acid
ECG electrocardiogram C M-CSF granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating
ECM extracellular matrix factor
ECP eosinophi l cationic protein G nRH gonadotrophin-releasing hormone
ECT electroconvulsive therapy GP glycoprotein
EDHF endothelium-derived hyperpolarising factor GPCR G-protein--coupled receptor
EORF endothelium-derived relaxing factor CPL glycerophospholipid
EEG electroencephalography CR glucocorticoid receptor
EET epoxyeicosatetraenoic acid CRE glucocorticoid response element
EGF epidermal growth factor C RK GPCR kinase
EG-VEGF endocrine gland-derived vascular endothelial GSII glutathione
growth factor GSSG glutathione, oxidised
Ema maximal response that a drug can produce GTP guanosine triphosphate
EMBP eosinophil major basic protein GUSTO Global Use of Strategies to Open Occluded
Ei\IT endocannabinoid membrane transporter Coronary Arteries [trial]
ENaC epithelial sodium channel 1120 2 hydrogen peroxide
eNOS endothelial nitric oxide synthase [ OS-UI] HAART highly active iJ.ntiretroviral !herapy
epp endplate potential HCG human chorionic gonadotrophin
E PS extrapyramidal side effects HCI hydrochloric acid
eps p excitatory postsynaptic potential HDAC histone deacetylase
ER endoplasmic reticulum; (o)estrogen receptor IIOL high-density Iipoprotein
FA kinase focal adhesion kinase HDL-C high-density lipoprotein cholesterol

HER2 human epidermal growlh factor LSD ly<>ergic acid died1ylamide

receptor 2 LT leukotriene
HERG human ~ther-a-go-go related gene LTP long-term potentiation
HETE hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid LXR liver oxysterol receptor
hGH human growth hormone lyso-PAF lysoglyceryl-phosphorylcholine
HIT heparin-induced thrombocytopenia mAb monoclonal antibody
lUV human immunodeficiency virus MAC minimal alveolar concentration
HLA histocompatibility antigen mAChR muscarinic acetylcholine receptor
HMG-CoA 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A MAGL monoacyl glycerol lipase
HnRNA heterologous nuclear RNA MAO monoamine oxidase
HPA hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal [axis] MAOI monoamine oxidase inhibitor
HPETE hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid MAP mitogen-activated protein
HRT hormone replacement therapy MAPK mitogen-activated protein kinase
HSP heat shock protein MCP monocyte chemoattractant protein
HVA homovani ll ic acid M-CSF macrophage cotony-sti mulating factor
TAP inhibitor of apoptosis protein MOMA methytenedioxymethamphetamine l 'ecstasy' J
TC5j1 concentration causing 50% inhibition in the MeN A methylnoradrenaline
population methyi-FH4 meth y Itetrah ydrofolate
ICAM intercellular adhesion molecule MGiuR metabotropic glutamate receptor
ICE interleukin-1-converting enzyme MHC major histocompatibility complex
ICSH interstitial cell-stimulating hormone MHPEG 3-methoxy, 4-hydroxyphenylglycol
JDDM insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus MHPG 3-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenylglycol
Inoll' knOll'II as type I diabetes] MIT monoiodotyrosinc
IFN interferon MLCK myosin light-chain kinase
lg immunoglobulin MPTP 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1 ,2.3,5-tetrabydropyridine
TGF in~ulin-likc growth factor MR mineralocorticoid receptor
IL interleukin mRNA messenger ribonucleic acid
Int. inhibitors of kinases MRSA methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
iNOS inducible nitric oxide synlhase MSH melanocyte-stimulating hormone
INR international normalised ratio N20 nitrous oxide
IP inositol phosphate NA noradrenaline rnorepinephrine]
TP3 inositol trisphosphate NAAOP nicotinic acid dinucleotide phosphate
IP3R inositol trisphosphate receptor NaC voltage-gated sodium channel
w~ inositol tetraphosphate nAChR nicotinic acetylcholine receptor
ipsp inhibitory postsynaptic potential NAD nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
IRS in~u li n receptor substrate NAOH nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, reduced
lSI international sensitivity index NAOPH nicoti namide adenine dinucleotide phosphate,
ISIS lntcrnationaJ Study of Infarct Survival reduced
ISO isoprenali ne NANC non-noradrenergic non-cholinergic
JUPHAR International Union of Pharmacological NAPBQI N-acetyl-p-benzoquinooe imine
Sciences NAPE N-acyl-phosphatidylethanotamine
JRA juvenile rheumatoid arthritis NASA ational Aeronautics and Space
K\Ch pota~!>ium channel Administration
K\TP ATP-sensitive potassium [activator. channel] NAT N-acyl-transferase
KIP kina'e inhibitory protein NCX Na -Ca 2 exchange transporter
LA local anaesthetic NET norepinephrine transporter
LC locus coeruleus NF nuclear factor
LCAT lecithin choleMerol acyltransferase NFlCB nuclear factor kappa B
LDso do~e that is lethal in 50% of the population NGF nerve growth factor
LDL low-den~ity lipoprotein nGRE negative glucocorticoid response element
LDLC low-den~ity lipoprotein cholesterol NIOOM non-in!>ulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
LGC ligand-gated cation channel [now known as type 2 diabetes]
LH luteinising hormone NIS Natr symporter
LMWH low-molecular-weight heparin NK natural killer
L-NAME 1VC.-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester NM normetanephri ne
LNMMA N''-monomethyi-L-arginine NMDA N-mcthyl-D-aspartic acid
LQT long QT [channel, syndrome] nNOS neuronal nitric oxide synthase [NOS-I] xi

NNT number needed to treat PPA OS pyridoxal-phospbate-6-azophenyl-2',

NO nitric oxide 4' -disulfonate
NOS nitric oxide synthase PPAR peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor
NPR natriuretic peptide receptor PR progesterone receptor: prolactin receptor
NPY neuropeptide Y PRF prolactin-releasing factor
NRM nucleus raphe magnus PRIF prolactin release-inhibiting factor
NRPG nucleus reticularis paragigantocellularis Pro-CCK procholecysLOkinin
NSAIO non-~teroidal anti-inflammatory drug pS picosiemens
OOQ I H-[ I,2.4 j-oxadiazole-[4,3-aj-quinoxalin- PT prothrombin time
l-one PTH parathyroid hormone
OPG osteoprotegerin PTZ pentylenetetrazol
oxLOL oxidised low-density lipoprotein PUFA polyunsaturated fatty acid
PA partial agonist: phosphatidic acid PUVA psoralen plus ultraviolet A
PABA p-aminobenwic acid QALY quality-adjusted life year
PAco2 partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial R&D research and development
blood RA rheumatoid arthritis
PAF platelet-activating factor RAMP receptor activity-modifying protein
PAG periaqueductal grey RANK receptor .activator of nuclear factor kappa B
PAH p-aminohippuric acid RANKL RANK ligand
PA l plasminogen activator inhibitor RANTES regulated on .activation normal I-cell ~xpressed
PAMP pathogen-associated molecular pattern and liecreted
PAOz partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood RAR retinoic acid receptor
PAR protease-activated receptor Rb retinoblastoma
PARP poly-LADP-ribose]-polymerase REM rapid eye movement [sleep]
PC phosphorylcholine RGS regulator of G-protein signalling
PCPA p-chlorophenylalanine RIMA reversible inhibitor of the A-isoform of
PO Parkinson s disease monoamine oxidase
POE phosphodiesterase RNA ribonucleic acid
PDGF platelet-dependent growth factor RNAi ribonucleic acid interference
PDS pendrin; paroxysmal depolarising shift ROS reactive oxygen species
PE pho~phatidylethanolamine rRNA ribosomal ribonucleic acid
PECAM platelet endothelium cell adhesion RT I reverse transcriptase inhibitor
molecule RTK receptor tyrosine kinase
PEFR peak expiratory flow rate RXR retinoid X receptor
PEG polyethylene glycol RyR ryanodine receptor
PG pmstaglandin SA sinoatrial
PGE prostaglandin E SA H subarachnoid haemorrhage
PGI 2 prostacyclin rprostaglandin 12] SCF stem cell factor
PI phosphatidylinositol SCIO severe combined immunodeficiency
PIN protein inhibitor of nNOS SERCA sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum APTase
PIP2 phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate SERM selective (o) estrogen receptor modulator
PKA protein kinase A SERT serotonin transporter
PKC protein kinase C SG substantia gelatinosa
PKK cGMP-dependent protein kinase SH sulfhydryl [e.g. -SH group]
PL phospholipid siRNA small [short) interfering ribonucleic acid
PLA 2 phospholipase A 2 (see also sRNAi below)
PLC phospholipase C SLE systemic lupus erythematosus
PLC~ phospholipase c~ SNA P S-nitrosoacetylpenicillamine
PLO phospholipase D SNOG S-nitrosoglutathione
Plk Polo-like kinase SNRI serotonin/noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor
PLTP phospholipid transfer protein soc store-operated calcium channel
PMCA plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase SOD superoxide dismutase
PMN polymodal nociceptor SP substance P
PNMT phenylethanolamine N-metbyl transferase SR sarcoplasmic reticulum
PNS peripheral nervous system sRNAi small ribonucleic acid interference
Po2 partial pressure of oxygen (see also siRNA above)
xii POMC prepro-opiomelanocortin SRS-A slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis

SSRI selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor TRP transie nt receptor pote ntial [channel]
STX ~axitoxin TRPVJ tran ~ient receptor potential vanilloid
SLR sulfonylurea receptor receptor I
SVT ~upraventricu lar tachycardia T SH thyroid-stimulating hormone
SXR xenobiotic receptor ITX tel rodotox in
Tl triiodothyronine TX thromboxane
T4 thyroxine T XA 2 thromboxane A 2
TBG thyroxine-binding globulin TXSI TXA 2 synthesis inhibitor
TC tubocurarine UCP uncoupling protein
TCA tricyclic antidepressant UDP uridine diphosphate
TEA tetraeth yIammonium UDPGA uridine diphosphate g lucuronic acid
TF transcription factor UMP uridine monophosphate
TGF transforming growth factor vCJD variant CreutLfeldt-Jakob disease
Th T-helper [cell] Vd volume of diwibution
THC 6.9 -tetrahydrocannabinol VDCC voltage-dependent calcium channel
Thp T-helper precursor [cell] VDR vitamin D receptor
TIMI Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction [trial] VEGt< vascular e ndothelial growth factor
TIMJ>s tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases VGCC voltage-gated calc ium channel
TLR Toll receptor VHeFT Vasodilator Heart Failure Trial
TNF tumour necrosis factor VTP vasoactive intestinal peptide
TNFR tumour necrosis factor receptor VLA very late antigen
tPA tissue pla~minogen activator VLDL very low-density lipoprotein
TR thyroid receptor VMA vanillylmandelic acid
TRAIL tumour occrosi!> factor-a- related f!poptosis- VMAT vc!.icular monoamine transporter
inducing ligand voce voltage-operated calcium channel
TRH thyrotrophin-relea!>ing hormone WHO World Health Organization
IR~A transfer ribonucleic acid WOSCOPS West of Scotland Coronary Prevention Study

What IS pharmacology?

medicines but are neverthclcs~ useful research tools. ln everyday

Overview 3 parlance. the word drug is often associated with addictive,
What is drug? 3 mucotic or mind-altering substances-an unfortunate negative
connotation that tends to bias opinion against any form of
Origins and antecedents 3 c hemical therapy. In this book, we focus mainly on drugs used
Pharmacoiogy in the 20th and for therapeutic purposes but also describe important examples of
21 st centuries .4 drugs used as experimental tools. Although poisons fall strictly
-Alternative therapeutic principles 4 within the definition of drugs, they arc not covered in this book.
-The emergence of biotechnology 5
-Pharmacology today 6
Pharmacology can be defined a~ the study of the effects of drugs
on the function of living systems. As a science, it was born in the
mid-19th century, one of a host of new biomedical sciences based
OVERVIEW on principles of experimentation rather than dogma that came
into being in that remarkable period. Long before that- indeed
In this introductory chapter, we explain how
from the dawn of civilisation-herbal remedies were widely
pharmacology came into being and evolved as a
used, pharmacopoeias were written, and the apothecaries' trade
scientific discipline, and describe the present day
flourished, but nothing re!>Cmbling scientific principles wa~ applied
structure of the subject and its links to other
to therapeutics. Even Robert Boyle. who laid the scientific
biomedical sciences. The structure that has
foundations of chemistry in the middle of the 17th century, was
emerged forms the basis of the organisation of the
content. when dealing with therapeutics (A Collection of Choice
rest of the book. Readers in a hurry to get to the
Remedies, 1692), to recomme nd concoctions of worms. dung,
hereand-now of pharmacology can safely skip
urine, and the moss from a dead man's skull. The impetus for
this chapter.
pham1acology came from the need to improve the outcome of
therapeutic intervention by doctors, who were at that time skilled
WHAT IS A DRUG? at clinical observation and diagnosis but broadly ineffectual when
it came to treatment. ' Un til the late 19th century, knowledge of
For the purposes of this book. a dng can be defined a~ a the normal and abnonnal functioning of the body was too
chl'lnical substance of knOII'Il structure, other than a nurriem or rudimentary to provide even a rough basis for understanding drug
an e.l.lelllial dietary ingrediefll. which, when administered to a effects; at the same time, disease and death were regarded a~
/iling organism. produces a biological effect. ~>emisacrcd subjects, appropriately dealt with by authoritarian,
A rcw points are worth noting. Drugs may be synthetic rather than scientific, doctrines. Clinical practice often displayed
chemicals. chemicals obtained from plants or animals, or an obedience to amhority and ignored what appear to be easily
products of genetic engineering. A medicine is a chemical ascertainable facts. For example, cinchona bark was recognised
preparation. which usually but not necessarily contains one or as a specific and effective treatment for malaria, and a sound
more drugs. administered with the intention of producing a protocol for its use was laid down by Lind in 1765. In 1804,
th~rapculic effect. Medicines usually contain other substances however. Johnson declared it to be unsafe until the fever had
(C\Clpients. stabilisers. solvents, etc.) besides the active drug, to
make them more convenient to use. To count as a drug, the
substance must be administered a .. such, rather than released by 101iver Wendell Holmes, an eminent phy~ician, wrote in 1860: ... firmly
physiological mechanisms. Many subMances. such as insulin or believe thai if the whole materia medica, a~ now used. could be unk 10 the
thyroxine, are endogenous hormones but are also drugs when bottom of the sea, il would be atlthc better for mankind and the worse for
they are administered intentional ly. Many drugs arc not used in the fhhes.' (see Porter, t997). 3

sub~ided, and he recommended instead the use of Large doses of These few well-known examples ~how how the growth of
calomel (mercurous ch loride) in the early stages-a murderous synthetic chemistry, and the resurgence of natural product
piece of advice, which was slavishly followed for the next 40 years. chemistry, caused a dran1atic revitalisation of therapeutics in the
The motivation for understanding what drugs can and cannot first half of the 20th century. Each new drug cl~~ that emerged
do came from clinical practice, but the science could be built gave pharmacologbts a new challenge, and it was then that
only on the basis of secure foundations in physiology, pathology pharmacology really established its identity and its status among
and chemistry. 1t was not until 1858 that Virchow proposed the the biomedical sciences.
cell theory. The first u~e of a structural formula to describe a ln parallel with the exuberant proliferation of therapeutic
chemical compound was in 1868. Bacteria as a cause of disease molecules--driven mainly by chemistry-which gave pharma-
were discovered by Pasteur in 1878. Previously, pharmacology cologists so much to think about, physiology was also making
hardly had the legs to stand on, and we may wonder at the bold rapid progress, panicularly in relation to chemical mediato~.
vision of Rudolf Buchheim. who created the first pharmacology which are discu!.sed in depth elsewhere in this book. Many
institute (in his own house) in Estonia in 1847. hormo nes, neurotransmitters and intlammatory mediators were
In its beginnings, before the advent of synthetic organic disco\'ered in thic, period, and the realisation that chemical
chemistry, pharmacology concerned itself exclusively with communication plays a central role in almost e\'ery regulatory
understanding the effects of natural substances, mainly plant mechanism that our bodies po~sess immediately eMablished a
extracts-and a few (mainly toxic) chemicals such as mercury large area of common ground between physiology and
and arsenic. An early development in chemistry was the purification pharmacology, for interactions between chemical sub~tances and
of active compounds from plants. Friedrich Sertilmer, a young living syMems were exactly what pharmacologists had been
German apothecary, purified morphine from opium in 1805. Other preoccupied with from the outset. The concept of 'receptors' for
sub:.tances quickly followed, and, even though their structures chemical mediators, first proposed by Langley in 1905, was
were unknown, these compounds showed that chemicals. not quickly taken up by pharmacologists such as Clark, Gaddum,
magic or vital forces, were responsible for the effects that plant Schild and others and is a constant theme in present day
extracts produced on living organisms. Early pharmacologists pharmacology (as you will !>OOn discover as you plough through
focused most of their attention on such plant-derived drugs as the next two chapters). The receptor concept. and the
quinine, digitalis. atropine, ephedri ne, strychnine and others technologies developed from it, have had a massive impact on
(many of which arc still used today and will have become old drug discovery and therapeutics. Biochemistry also emerged as a
friends by the time you have finished reading this bool.). 2 distinct science early in the 20th century. and the discovery of
enzymes and the delineation of biochemical pathways provided
yet another framework for understanding drug effects. The picture
PHARMACOLOGY IN THE 20TH AND of pharmacology that emerges from this brief glance at history
21ST CENTURIES (Fig. 1.1) is of a subject evolved from ancient prescientific
therapeutics, involved in commerce from the 17th century onwards,
Beginning in the 20th century, the fresh wind of &ynthetic chemistry and which gained respectability by donning the trappings of
began to revolutionise the pharmaceutical industry. and with it science as soon as this became possible in the mid-19th century.
the science of pharmacology. New synthetic drugs, such as Signs of its carpetbagger past ~till cling to phannacology, for the
barbiturates and local anaesthetics, began to appear, and the era pharmaceutical industry has become very big business and much
of antimicrobial chemotherapy began with the discovery by Paul pharmacological research nowadays takes place in a commercial
Ehrlich in 1909 of arsenical compounds for treating syphilis. environment, a rougher and more pragmatic place than the glades
Further breakthroughs came when the sulfo nam.idcs, the first of acadcmia. 3 No other biomedical 'ology' is so close to Mammon.
antibacterial drugs. were discovered by Gerhard Domagk in 1935,
and with the development of penicillin by Chain and Florey during
the Second World War, based on the earlier work of Fleming.
Modern medicine relies heavily on drugs as the main tool
of therapeutics. Other therapeutic procedures such as surgery.
'A handful of ynlhetic subMances achieved pharmacological prominence diet. exercise, etc. are also important, of course, Ul> i~ deliberate
long before the era of synthetic chemistry began. Diethyl ether, firt
prepared a.~ 'sweet oil of vitriol' in the 16th century. and nitrom. oxide.
prepared by Humphre) Davy in 1799, 'Were used to liven up panics before
being introduced as anaesthetic agents in the mid-19th century (sec Ch. 36).
Amyl nitrite (see Ch. 18) was made in 1859 and can ci(Jim to be the first 'Some of our most ditinguished pharmacological pioneers made their
r.uional therapeutic drug; iL\ therapeutic effect in angina was predicted on career;. in industry: for example, Henry Dale, who laid the foundations of
the basis of its physiological effects-a true 'phannacologist's drug' and the our knowledge of chem1cal rransmt~\ton and the autonomic nervous
smelly forerunner of the nitrovasodilators that are widely u5ed today. system; George Hitchings and Gertrude Elion, who described the
A~pirin (Ch. 14), the most widely used therapeutic drug in history, was first antimet.abolite principle and produced the first effective anticancer drugs;
\ynlhesised in 1853, with no therapeutic application in mind. It was and James Black, who introduced the first ~-adrenoceptor and histamine
redto;covered in 1897 in the laboratorie\ of the Gennan company Bayer, H2-receptor antagonists. It is no acctdent that tn this book, where we focu'
who were seel..ing a less toxic derivative of salicylic acid. Bayer on the scientific principles of phannacology. most of our examples are
4 commercialised aspirin in 1899 and made a fortune. products of industry, not of nature.

Approximate dates
>3000 BC Therapeutics
Magical potions
Herbal remedies

-1600 AD Commerce

-1800 Chemistry
Natural Biomedical
products sciences

~ Pathology Pharmaceu1ical
. 1
Ch em1ca Pharmacoogy Phys1
.01ogy industry

strurre //

- 1900
~ . .
..------- B1ochem1stry
~ biology ---.
+-- - - - - - Biopharmaceuticals
2000 Pharmacology

Fig. 1.1 The development of pharmacology.

non-intervention, but none is so widely applied as drug- chemical or structural terms, detected by objective means, and
based therapcu tics. influenced beneficially by appropriate chemical or physical
Before the advent of science-based approaches, repeated attempts interventions. They focus instead mainly on subjective malaise,
were made to construct systems of therapeutics. many of which which may be disease-associated or not. Abandoning objectivity
produced even worse results than pure empiricism. One of these in defining and measuring disease goes along with a similar
was allopathy, espoused by James Gregory (1735-1821). The deparrure from scientific principles in assessing therapeutic efficacy
favoured remedies included blood letting, emetics and purgatives, and risk, with the result that principles and practices can gain
which were used until the dominant symptoms of the disease acceptance without satisfying any of the criteria of validity that
were suppressed. Many patients died from such treatment, and it would convince a critical scientist, and that are required by law
was in reaction against it that Hahnemann introduced the practice to be satisfied before a new drug can be introduced into therapy.
of homreopathy in the early 19th century. The guiding principles Public acceptance, alas, has little to do with demonstrable efficacy.
of homreopathy are:


activity can be enhanced by dilution.
Since the 1980s, biotechnology has emerged as a major source of
The system rapidly drifted into absurdity: for example, Hahnemann new therapeutic agents in the form of antibodies, enzymes and
recommended the use of drugs at dilutions of I: l 0 60, equivalent various regulatory proteins, including hormones, growth factors
to one molecule in a sphere the size of the orbit of Neptune. and cytokines (see Buckel, 1996; Walsh, 2003). Although such
Many other systems of therapeutics have come and gone, and products (known as biopharmaceuticals) are generally produced
the variety of dogmatic principles that they embodied have tended by genetic engineering rather than by synthetic chemistry, the
to hinder rather than advance scientific progress. Currently, pharmacological principles are essentially the same as for
therapeutic systems that have a basis which lies outside the domain conventional drugs. Looking further ahead, gene- and cell-based
of science are actuaUy gaining ground under the general banner therapies (Ch. 55), although still in their infancy, will take thera-
of 'alternative' or 'complementary' medicine. Mostly, they reject peutics into a new domain. The principles governing the design,
the 'medical model', which attributes disease to an underlying delivery and control of functioning artificial genes introduced
derangement of normal function that can be defined in bio- into cells, or of engineered cells introduced into the body, are s

very different from those of drug-based therapeutics and will are subjects such a~ pharmacogenomics, pharmacoepidemiology
require a different conceptual framework, which texts such as and pharmacoeconomics.
this will increa!>ingly need to embrace if they are to stay abreast Bioleclmology. Originally. this was the production of drugs
of modem medical treatment. or other useful products by biological means (e.g. antibiotic
production from microorganisms or production of monoclonal
antibodies). Currently in the biomedical sphere, biotechnology
refers mainly to the usc of recombinant DNA technology for
A with other biomedical disciplines, the boundaries of pharma- a wide variety of purposes. including the manufacture of
cology are not sharply defined, nor are they constant. Its exponents therapeutic proteins, diagnostics, genotyping, production of
are, a~ befits pragmatists, ever ready to poach on the territory and transgenic animals, etc. The many non-medical applicatiOn!.
techniques of other disciplines. If it ever had a concepntal and include agriculture, forensics, environmental sciences, etc.
technical core that it could really call its own, this has now Pharmacogenetics. This is the tudy of genetic influences on
dwindled almost to the point of extinction, and the subject is re~ponses to drug~. Originally, pharmacogenetics focused on
defined by its purpose-to understand what drugs do to living familia l idiosyncratic drug reactions, where affected individuals
organisms, and more particularly how their effects can be applied show an abnormal-usually adverse--response to a class of drug
to therapeutics-rather than by its scientific coherence. (sec Nebert & Weber, 1990). It now covers broader variations in
Figure 1.2 shows the structure of pharmacology as it appears drug response, where the genetic basis is more complex.
today. Within the main subject fall a number of compartments Pharmacogenomics. This recent term overlaps with pharma-
(neuropharmacology, immunopharmacology, pharmacokinetics, cogenetics, describing the use of genetic information to guide the
etc.), which arc convenient, if not watertight, subdivisions. These choice of drug therapy on an individual basis. The underlying
topics fom1 the main subject matter of this book. Around the principle i!> that differences between individuals in their rcspon\C
edges arc ~everal interface disciplines, not covered in this book, to therapeutic drugs can be predicted from their genetic make-up.
which form imponant two-way bridges between pharmacology Examples that confirm lhi~ are steadily accumulating (see Ch. 51). n
and other fields of biomedicine. Pharmacology tends to have So far, they mainly involve genetic polymorphism of drug-
more of these than other disciplines. Recent arrivals on the fringe metabolising enqmes or receptors (see Weinshilboum & Wang, D




Psycho- Clinical Veterinary Pharmaceutical Medicinal

Biopharmaceuticals Toxicology
pharmacology pharmacology pharmacology sciences chemistry

Pharmacokinetics/ Biochemical
drug metabolism pharmacology


Systems pharmacology

Neuro- Cardiovascular Gastrointestinal

pharmacology pharmacology pharmacology
lmmuno- Respiratory
pharmacology pharmacology

Pharmacogenetics Pharmacogenomics Pharmacoep1dem1ology Pharmacoeconomics


Fig. 1.2 Pharmacology today with its various subdivisions. Interface disciplines (brown boxes) link pharmacology to other
mainstream biomedical disciplines (green boxes).

2004). Ultimately, linking specific gene variations with variations new drugs can be licensed for therapeutic use. Variability between
in therapeutic or unwanted effects of a particular drug should individuals o r populations has an adverse effect on the utility of
enable the tailoring of therapeutic c hoices on the basis of an a drug, even though its mean effect level may be satisfactory.
individual's genotype. The consequences for therapeutics will be Pharmacoepidemiological studies also take into account patient
far-reaching.4 compliance and other factors that apply when the drug is used
Plwrmacoepidemiology. This is the study of drug effects at under real-life conditions.
the population level (see Strom, 1994). Tt is concerned with the Pharmacoeconomics. This branch of health economics aims
'ariab1lity of drug effects between individuals in a population. to quantify in economic terms the cost and benefit of drugs used
and between populations. lt is an increasingly important topic in therapeutically. It arose from the concern of many governments
the eye~ of the regulatory authorities who decide whether or not to provide for healthcare from tax revenues, raising questions of
what therapeutic procedures represent the best value for money.
This, of course, rahcs fierce controversy, because it ultimately
comes down to putting monetary value on health and longevity.
~An interesting recent example conccms a newly introduced anticancer
As with pharmacocpidemiology, regulatory authorities are increas-
drug. gcfitinib. which i~ highly effective in treating lung cancer but work~
in only about I 0% of ca~c,. Re;ponders have mutations in the receptor
ingly requiring economic analysis, as well as evidence of indi-
tym,ine kinu~e ('ec C h. 3) that i& the tnrget of this drug, and can be vidual be nefit, when making decis ions o n licensing. For more
identified in adva nce hy genotyping (see Ly nch ct al., 2004). information on this complex subject, see Dnunmond et al. ( 1997).


Bu.:Lrl P 1996 Recomhtnnnt protein' for lherapy. Trends therapeutics. Science :!86: ~87 SO I (A xmmli thl' htrtnf) nf medicine, with good covero~:e of the
Ph.umacol 'kt 17 450-456 (T/umghtful "'ie..- of tile oveni""' ofphamwcogmomics) earl) de~elopmmt ofpharmacology and the
Jl<llu\ tif. anJ pm.pt'cO for. protem-/xzsed thPropeuucs) L)'nch T J, Bell 0 W, Sordella R et al. 2()().1 Acmaung pharmacemical industf)')
Om\, J 19981n quc't of tomorrow, llk."Cilcine>. mutations m the ep1dennal gnl"1h factor receptor Strom B L (ed) 2000 Phatmacoepidemiology. 3rd edn.
SJ'finger \'erlag. ;\ew Yod (An ~xull~nt acco11111 of the underlying n:~porhi\ ene,s of non-o;mall-cell lung Wtley. Chichester (A multiamhar book coe ring all
ptnt. prr<tnt and futlm t>/ the drug diJcoe f) proass, cancer 10 gefitinib. N Engl J Med 350: 2129 21 W IJJ(H!CIS of a n<'l<i)' emerged discipline, mcludm~
~mrllauung th~ groo.m~: role of biOtechnology) (An imponam early exampl~ of a ~:mnic dnennm;mt IJJ(H!OS ofpharmarot!cnnomic~)
Druounond \1 F. o Bncn B. 'itoddatt G I. of theropemic l'ffictiC)' de(H!ndmg 011 mwmions ajJeOIII/1 Wahh G 2003 Btopbannaceuticals: biocbemt~Uy and
T1>rr.m.:c G W 1997 Method\ for the economic the drug target-a huh pomter to o.hmn Ill mme) biotechnology. ChJcbe;tcr. Wiley (Gl)(){l mtroducton
tahuuon of hcahhcan: programme,. Oxford Neben 0 W, Weber W W 1990 Pharmacogeneuc~. In uxtbooJ.. rnvering manJ OS(H!CIS of biotechflology
Unl\er.tt) Pre" Oxford (Ctwtru~e of the geMral Prau W B. Taylor P (eds) Principles of drug actron. based therapeutics)
pnnriplfl of t'WIIuming the economic costs and 3rd edn. Churchiii-Livingstone, New Yor~ (II tltllliltd Wein;hllboum R. Wang L 2()().1 Phannacogenomics:
b.nt[m of lt~ctlthtt~re. mclmlmg drug-based account ofgenetic factors thor affect rt'f{I(NIUI to tlmgr, bench to bed>1de. Nat Rev Drug Discov 3: 739-748
thrraprutt.J 'ith ma11y examples from the P"!!""omic lllerlllurt') (Discusses, with exam{Jies. tlte gro'ing imponance of
E>an' W E, Reiling M V 1999 Phannacogcnomics: Poner R t 997 The greatc't benefit to manl..ind. llarpcr- the corre/aJit111 between genetic make-up tmd Jl'Sptm<t'
tmn,Jaetng funcuonnt genomic> into rational Collins. London (A11 exullent a11d readohle account tif 10 therapeutic tlrugs)

HoY~ drugs act:
general principles

for dispelling the idea that the remarkable potency and specificity
Overview 8 of ac tio n of some drugs put them somehow out of reach of
The binding of drug molecules to cells 8 che mistry and phys ics and required the intervention of magical
-Protein targets for drug binding 9 'vital fo rces'. Althoug h many drugs produce effec ts in extra-
-Drug receptors 9 ordinarily low doses a nd concentrations, low concentrations s till
-Drug specificity 10 invo lve very large numbe rs of molecules. One drop of a solution
-Receptor classification 10 of a drug at only 1o - IOmol/! !>till contains about 10 10 drug molecules,
-Drug-receptor interactions 10 so there i1. no mystery in the fact that it may produce an obvious
-Partial agonists and the concept of efficacy 12 pharmacological respo nse. Some bacterial toxins (e.g. diphtheria
toxin) act with !>uch precision that a s ing le molecule taken up by
Drug antagonism 15 a target cell is ~ufficient to kill it.
Desensitisation and tochyphylaxis 18 One of the basic tenets of pharmacology is that drug molecules
must exert \Orne chemical influence on one or more constituents
Quantitotive aspects of drug-receptor of cells in order to produce a phannacological response. In other
interactions 20 word!>, drug molecule!> must get so close to these constituelll cellular
The nature of drug effects 22 molecules that the two interact chemically in s uch a way that the
function of the latter is altered. Of course, the molecules in the
organism vastly outnumber the drug molecules, and if the drug
molecules were merely distributed at random, the c hance of
interaction with any particular class of cellular molecule would
be negligible. Pharmacological effects, therefore, require, in general.
OVERVIEW the no n-uniform distribution of the drug molecule within the
body or tissue, which is the same as saying that drug mo lecules
The emergence of pharmacology as a science came
must be ' bound' to particular constituents of cells and tissues in
when the emphasis shifted from describing what
order to produce an effect. Ehrlich summed it up thus: 'Corpora non
drugs do to explaining how they work. In this
agunf ni.~i jixara' (in this context, 'A drug will not work unless it
chapter, w e set out some general principles
is bound'). 1
underlying the interaction of drugs with living
These critical binding s ites are often refe rred to as 'drug targets'
systems (Ch. 3 goes into the molecular aspects in
(an obvious allusion to Ehrlich's famous phrase 'magic bullets'
more detail). The interaction between drugs and
describing the potential of antimicrobial drugs). The mechanisms
cells is described, followed by a more detailed
by which the association of a drug molecule with its target leads
examination of different types of drug-receptor
to a physiological re!.ponsc constitute the major thrust of pharma-
interaction. We are still far from the holy grail of
cological research. Most drug targets are protein molecules. Even
being able to predict the pharmacological effects of
general anael>theticl> (l>ee Ch. 36), which were long thought to
a novel chemical substance, or to design ab initio a
produce their effects by an interaction with membrane lipid, now
chemical to produce a specified therapeutic effect;
appear to interact mainly with membrane proteins (see Franks &
nevertheless, we can identify some important general
Lieb, 1994 ). All rules need exceptions, and many antimicrobial
principles, which is our purpose in this chapter.
and anti tumour drug!> (Cbs 45 and 51), as well as mutagenic and
carcinogenic agent!> (Ch. 51), interact directly with DNA rather
'There arc. if one loolo..s hard enough. exceptions to Ehrlich's dictum-drugs REC
To begin with, we s hould g ratefully acknowledge Paul Ehrlich that act without being bound to any tissue constituent (e.g. osmotic
for insisting that drug action must be explicable in terms of con- diuretic~. o~motic pu rgatives. antacids. and heavy meial chelming agents). Rccc:
8 ventional chemical inte rac tio ns between drugs and tissues, and Nonetheless, the principle remains true for the great majority. muni

than protein: bio,pho~phonutes, used to treat osteoporosis (Ch. 31), activities of their cells and organs. Without them, we would be no
bind 10 calcium salts in the bone matrix, rendering it toxic to bcner than a bucketful of amoebae.
o-.teocla\1\, much like rat poison. Some fundamental properties of receptors are illustrated by
the action of ad renaline (epinephrine) on the heart. Adrenaline
firs1 binds to a receptor protein (the J3 adrenoceptor, see Ch. II)
PROTEIN TARGETS FOR DRUG BINDING that serves as a recognition site for adrenaline and other
catecholamines. When it binds to tbe receptor. a train of reactions
Four main kind~ of regulatory protein are commonly involved as
is initiated (see Ch. 3) leading to an increase in force and rate
primal) drug 1argets, namely:
of the heartbeat. Ln lhe absence of adrenaline, the receptor is
receptor~ functionally silent. This is true of most receptors for endogenous
cn1yme~ mediators (hormones, neurotransmitters, cytokines, etc.),
carrier molcculeo, (tran~porte rs) although there are now several examples (see Ch. 3) of receptors
~ity 1011 channels. that are 'conslitutively active'- lhat is, they exert a controlling
of influence even when no chemical mediator is present.
A few other types of protein arc known to function as drug
leal There is an important distinction between agonists, which
target\, and there cxbt many drugs witb sites of action that arc
tra- 'activate' the receptors, and amagonists, which may combine
not yet known. Furthermore, many drugs are known to bind (in
;till at the same site without causing activation, and block the effect
adt.li1ion to their primary targets) to plasma proteins (see Ch. 5),
ion of agonisls on that receptor. The distinction between agonists and
und to a variety of cel lular proteins, without producing any
!le~. antagonists only exists for receptors with this type of physiological
ob\ iou' phyo,iological effect. Nevertheless, the generalisation
K>US regulatory role; we cannot usefully speak of 'agonists' for the
that mo\t drugs act on one or other of the four types of protein
l!ria more general class of drug targets, such as the noradrenaline
li-.1~d ahO\e \Crve\ 3.\ a good \ tarting point.
by (norepinephrine) tranl>porter, the voltage-sensitive sodium channel
Funher discu%ion of the mechanisms by which such binding
or dihydrofolate reductase, or for entities such as lhe transferrin
lead, 10 cellular responses is given in Chapters 3-5.
ules receptor.
ents The characteri stics of pharmacological receptors, and the
ther DRUG RECEPTORS descriptors that are conventionally used for them, are described
in a review by eubig et al. (2003). The origins of the receptor
concept and its pharmacological significance are discussed by
Y "' emphaw,cd in Chapter I. the concept of receptors is cenlml to Rang (2006).
pharmacolog). and the 1erm i> moM often used 10 describe lhe targe1
mnlecule' through which '>Oiuble physiological medi:11ors-hormones,
neurolran,mlllcf\, mnammatory media10rs. elc.-produce !heir effecl~.
uld F.\ample' 'uch n.' uco:tylchol ine recep1ors, cy1okine receptors, Meroid recep-
ral, lllf'. and gr~l~th hormone receptors abound in this book. and generally Targets for drug action
the the term fl!ttptor indicu1c~ a recogn ition molecule for a chemical medimor.
ulcs 'Receptor' i' 'omctime~ u~ed to denote any target molecule with which a A drug is a chemical applied to a
:s in dn1g molecule (i.e. u foreign compound rather than an endogenous physiological system that affects its function in a
mediator) ha~ to combine in order to elicit iiS specific effect. For example, specific way.
the volwgc-~ensi tive sodium channel i~ sometimes referred to as the
With few exceptions, d rugs act on target proteins,
'receptor' for locol anacsthetlcs (see Ch. 44). or the enzyme dihydrofolate
reduct;".; a' 1he 'receptor' for methotrexate (Ch.l 4). The term drug namely:
~ets' targtt" preferable in thi\ context. -receptors
lets' -enzymes
In the more gcncrul comcxl of cell biology, me tem1 receptor is used to
i\ffiS dc..cribe \ariou\ cell '>urfacc molecules (such as T-cell recep1ors, -carriers
eads 1ntegnn,. Toll reccptOI'\, etc.) involved in lhe immunological response 10 -ion channels.
rma- 1ore1gn protein., and 1he interaction of cells wilh each olhcr and wilh 1he The term recep tor is used in different ways. In
E,en t\lr.ICtllular matri,. The\C have many imponam roles in ceiJ growth and pharmacology, it describes protein molecules whose
mtgrJtion (-.o;c Ch.5l. and arc al\o emerging as drug uu-ge1;.. The~e
ht to functton is to recognise and respond to endogenous
reccp1or. diller from con,enuonal pharmacological recep1ors in thai they
now re'pvnd 10 protem' m1ached 10 cell ~urface:. or eJttracellular ~tructures. chemical signals. Other macromolecules with which
l~& rJther lhan to -oluble med.alof\. drugs interact to produce their effects are known as
pbial drug targets.
\".mou' c.micr pro1cin~ arc oltcn referred 10 as recep1ors, such as me /ow-
:and dtrull)' lif1<1prorem reaptor 1ha1 plays a key role in lipid membolism Specificity is reciprocal: individual classes of drug
ather tC'h.l9) and 1he rran'ifurill "c<'ptor mvolved in iron absorption (Ch.2 1). bind only to certain targets, and individual targets
n,~,e cnuuc, ha'e linlc in common "'ilh pharmacological recep1or~. recogn1se only certain classes of drug.
No drugs are completely specific in their actions. In
many cases, increasing the dose of a d rug will cause
it to affect t argets other than t he principal one, and
Ill.). Receptors form a key part of the system of chemical com- this can lead to side effects.
municalion that all multicellular organisms use to coordinate the 9

of major therapeuuc ~ignificance (Ch. 25). Two funber types of hiMamine rcc~
receptor (H , and H.) were recogni!.ed later. bintl
For a drug to be useful as either a therapeutic or a scientific tool, Receptor clru.>ification based on pharmacological re>pon~s continue, to the;
it must act selectively on particular cells and tissues. In other words, be a valuable and wtdely u-.ed approach. ewer experimental approaches
it must . how a high degree of binding site specificity. Conversely, ha' e produced other criteria on which to base receptor clas.sificauon. The
proteins that function as drug targets generally show a high direct mea,urcmcnt of ligand binding to receptors (see p.ll) ha> allowed
many new n."Ceptor ~ubtypes to be defined that could not easily be
degree of ligand specificity; they will recognise only ligands of a
distingui~hed by studie~ of drug effects. Molecular cloning (see Ch.3)
cenain prcci'ie type and ignore closely related molecules. provtded a completely new basi' for classification at a much finer level of
These principles of binding site and ligand specificity can be detatl than can be reached through pharmacological analysio;. Finally.
clearly recognised in the actions of a mediator such as angiotensin analy~i' of the biochemical pathways that arc linked to receptor activation

(Ch. 19). This peptide acts strongly on vascular s mooth muscle, ('>ee Ch.3) provide~ yet another basis for classification.
and on the kidney tubule, but has very little effect on other kinds The rewlt of thh. data explo~ioo has been that receptor classification has
of l>mooth muscle or on the intestinal e pithelium. Olher mediators ~uddeoly become very much more detai led, with a proliferation of receptor
affect a quite different s pectrum of cells and tissues, the patte rn subtype~ for all the main types o f ligand; more worryiogly. alternative
molecular and biochemical classifications began to spring up that wero::
in each case being determined by the specific pattern of expression
incompat ible with the accepted pharmacologically defined receptor cla%e,.
of the protein receptors for the various mediators. A small chemical Respond ing to this growing con fusion, the l11ternational Union of Pharma-
change, such as conve rsion of one of the amino acids in angiotensin cologica l Sciences (IUPIIAR) convened expert working groups to produce
fro m L to o form, or removal of one amino acid from the chain, agreed receptor c la,sifications for the major types, taking into account the
can inactiva te the molecule altogether, because the receptor fails pharmacological, molecular and biochemical information avai lable (see
http://www.iuphar.org). These wise people have a hard task; their con-
to bind the altered fonn. The complementary specificity of ligands
clu<,ions will be neither perfect nor final but are essential to ensure a
and binding sites, which gives rise to the very exact molecular consi'>tCnt terminology. To the student, this may seem an arcane exercio;e oni~
recognition propenies of proteins. is central to explaining many in taxonomy, generating much detail but liulc illumination. There i' a rccc
of the phenomena of phannacology. It is no exaggeration to say danger that the tedious lisllt of drug names. actions and '>ide effects that
that the ability of proteins to interact in a highly selective way u~d to burden the ~ubJeCt will be replaced by exhausti\e tables of
receptors. lig:md'> :md tmn ..duction pathways. ln this book. we ha\"e tned
with o ther molecules-including other proteins-is lhe basis of
to avoid detatl for it\ own sake and include only such infom1ation on
living machines. It\ relevance to the understanding of drug action receptor cla.\\tlication a.\ ~ems interesting in its own right or i\ helpful m
will be a recurring theme in this book. e\plaining the action\ of important drugs. A useful summar) of t..nown
Finally, it mu\1 be emphasised that no drug acts with complete receptor cla'>>es IS now publi\hed annually (Alexander et al.. 2006).
specificity. Thus tricyclic antidepressant drugs (Ch. 39) act by
blocking monoamine tramponers but are notorious for producing
side effects (e.g. dry mouth) related to their ability to block
various receptors. In gene ral , the lower the potency of a drug. and Occupation of a receptor by a drug molecule may or may not
the higher the dose needed, the more likely it is that sites of result in actil'ation of the receptor. By activation, we mean that
action other than the primary one will assume significance. ln
clinical terms, this is ofte n associated with the appearance of
the receptor is affected by the bound molecule in suc h a way as
to elicit a tissue response. The molec ular mechanisms associated
unwanted side effects, of which no drug is free. with recepto r activation arc discussed i11 Chapter 3. Binding and In
S ince the 1970s, pharmacological research has succeeded in activation represent two dis tinct steps in the generation of the lig'
identifying the protein targets of many different types of drug. d
Drugs such as opiate analgesics (Ch. 41 ), cannabinoids (Ch. 15),

and benzodiaLcpine tranquillisers (Ch. 37), with actions that were nQ
Occupation Activation NC:
described in exhausti ve detail for many years. are now known to governed governed pr
target well-defined receptors, which have been fully characterised by by of
by gene-cloning techniques (<,ee Ch. 3). affinity efficacy ag

+ R ----
AR -:::: AR*
T Where the acuon of a drug can be associated with a panicular ca
receptor. thi' provide\ a \aluablc means for classification and refinement
in drug de,ign. For C\amplc. pharmacological analys~ of the actions of Drug
hhtamine (\CC Ch. 13) showed that some of its effects (the H1 effects. B + BR NO RESPONSE
such a\ ~mooth mu-.cle contrnction) were strongly antagonised by the (antagon1st)
competitive hi\tamine antagoni\L\ then knoy. n. Black and his colleagues
<,ugge\ted 1n 1970 that the remaining actions of histamine, which included Fig. 2. 1 The distinction between drug binding and
its stimulant effect on ga~tric secretion. might represent a second class of receptor activation. The rate constants k ., k ., fl and CL,

hi\tamine receptor (112). Testing a number of hbtamine analogues, they which apply to the binding and activation reactions,
found that some were ~elective in producing H2 e ffects, with little H1 respectively, are referred to in the text (pp. 15-20). Ligand A is
activity. By analysing which parts of the histam ine molecule conferred an agonist, because it leads to activation of the receptor (R),
this type of ~pecificity. they were able to develop selective antagonists. whereas ligand B is an antagonist. )
10 which proved to be potent in blocking ga>tric acid secretion. a development

receptor-mediated response by an agonist (Fig. 2.1). If a drug sufficient for many purposes. but for more detailed analysis a
binds to the receptor without causing activation and thereby prevents quantitative formulation is needed (see p. 20).
the agoni~t from binding, it is termed a receptor antagonist. The
tendency of a drug to bind to the receptors is governed by its THE BINDING OF DRUGS TO RECEPTO RS
affinin. where~ the tendency for it, once bound, to activate the
T The binding of drug~ to recepto~ can often be measured directly by
receptor is denoted by its efficacy. These terms are defined more
the use of drug molecule' labelled with one or more radioactive atoms
preci~ly below (p. 12). Drugs of high potency will generally have 1
(u~ually H. 11C or m l). The main requirements are that the radioactive
a high affinity for the receptors and thus occupy a significant ligand (which may be an agonist or antagonist) mu~t bind with high
proportion of the receptors even at low concentrations. Agonists affimty and specificity. and that it can be labelled to a sufficient specific
will also possess high efficacy, whereas antagonists will, in the radioactivity to enable minute amounts of binding to be measured. The
usual procedure i~ to incubate samples of the tissue (or membrane
simple~t ca~e. have zero efficacy. Drugs with intermediate levels
fragment\) with variou~ concentrations of radioactive drug until
of efficacy, such that even when LOO% of the receptors are equilibrium is reached. The tissue il, then removed, or the membrane
occupied the tissue response is submaximal, are know n as parrial fragments separated by filtration or centrifugation. and dissolved in
agonists, to distinguish them from full agonists, the efficacy of scintillation nuid for mea~urement of its radioactive content.
which is sufficient that they can elicit a maximal tissue response. ln such experiments, there is invariably a certai n amount of 'non-specific
These concepts, even though we now see them as an oversimplified binding' (i.e. drug taken up by wuctures other than receptors), wh ich
description of events at the molecular level (see Ch. 3), provide a obscun.:s the speci fic componem and needs to be kept to a minimum. The
useful basis for characterising drug effects. amount of non-specific binding is estimated by measuring the
radioactivity taken up in the presence of a saturating concentration of a
We now discuss certain aspects in more detail, namely drug
(non-radioactive) ligand that inhibils completely the binding of the
binding, agonist concentration-effect curves, competitive antag- radioac1ive drug to the receptors, leaving behind the non-~pecific
onism, partial agonists and the nature of efficacy, and spare component. This i~ then !>Ubtracted from the total binding to give an
receptors. Under!>tanding these concepts at a qualitative level is e\timate of specific binding (Fig. 2.2). The binding cune (Fig. 2.28)

!A: :E
300 100
0 :.
E "'0
::::. c:
Fig. 2.2 Measurement of 0 ~
..c iij
receptor binding (p adrenoceptors iij 0
In cardiac cell membranes). The ;2 ~
ligand was r H]-cyanoplndolol, a a.
derivative of pindolol (see Ch. 11).
A] Measurements of total and
20 0 20
non-specific binding at equilibrium.
Non-specific binding Is measured in the Concentration (nmol/1)
presence of a saturating concentration
of a non-radioactive P-adrenoceptor
agonist, which prevents the radioactive
:9 [Q] Scatchard plot
ligand from binding to p adrenoceptors.
The difference between the two lines 100 150
represents specific bind1ng. o;
B Specific bind1ng plotted against E
::::, Bmax = 91 fmoVmg
concentration. The curve is a
0 c;
.E E
rectangular hyperbola (equation 2.5). "'0
c: .2:
.C. Specific binding plotted against :::1 Q)
0 Q)
concentration (log scale). The sigmoid ..c
curve is a logistic curve representing ~ ~c:
iij :::1
the logarithmic scaling of the 0
;o:; 0
rectangular hyperbola plotted in '(3
panel B. a.
IQ1 Scatchard plot (equation 2.7,
0 0
p. 21). This gives a straight line from
0.001 100 0 100
which the binding parameters K and
, B.,., can be calculated. Concentration (nmol/1, log scale) Bound (fmol/mg)

defines 1he relation\hip between concentration and the amount of drug from the known concentration in the organ bath. Agonists may be
bound (8). and in mo\t cases it ti~ well to the relationship predicted subject to rapid enzymic degradation or uptake by cells as they
theoretically (!,ce Fig. 2.12. below). allowing the affinity of lhe drug for diffuse from the surface towards their site of action, and a steady
the receptor. to be estimated. a.'> well as the binding capacity (8...,.),
state can be reached in which the agonist concentration at the
repre'>enting the dcn~ity of receptors in the tissue.
receptor.-. is very much less than the concentration in the bath. In
AU1orad1ograph) can abo be used to imestigate the distribution of the case of acetylcholine, for example. which is hydroly~ed by
receplof\ in '>lnJCture~ ~uch a~ lhe brain. and direct labelling with ligand~ cholinesterase present in most tissues (see Ch. 10), the con-
conlaining po~1tron-emiuing 1\otopes is now used to obtain image~ by
cenlration reaching the receptors can be less than I% of that in
po..uron cmi~s1on tomography of receptor distribution in human'>. Thi'>
technique has been u<,ed, for e1.ample. to meal>ure lhe degree of dopamine the bath. and an even bigger difference has been found with
receptor blockade produced by antipsychotic drugs in the brains of noradrenaline (norepinephrine). which is avidly taken up by
schi1ophrenic patient> (>ee Ch. 38). When combined wilh pharmacological ~ympathetic nerve terminals in many tissues (Ch. 11 ). Thus, even
Mudic'>. binding meawrements have proved very valuable. It has, for if the concentration-effect curve, as in Figure 2.3, looks just like
example. been confim1ed that the spare receptor hypolhesis (p. 15) for
a facsimile of the binding curve (Fig. 2.2C), it cannot be used
muscarinic receptor in smooth muscle is correct: agonists are found to
bind. in general. with rather low affinity, and a maximal biological effect directly to determine the affinity of the agonist for the receptors.
occur at low receptor occupancy. It has also been shown, in skeletal
mu~clc and other !issues. that denervation leads lO an increase in lhe
number of recep1ors in the target cell. u finding that accounts. al least in PARTIAL AGONISTS AND THE CONCEPT
part, for lhe phenomenon of de nervation supersensirivity. More generally, OF EFFICACY
it appears thnt receptors lend to increase in number. usually over 1he
course of a few days. if the relevant hormone or transmitter is absent or So far, we have considered drugs either as agonists. which in some
scarce. and to decrea~e in number if it is in excess. a process of adaptation way activate the receptor when they occupy it, or as antagonists,
10 drug' or hormone' re .. ulting from continued administration (seep. 17). which cause no activation. However, the ability of a drug molecule
Bindmg cunc~ with agoniSt\ are more difficult to interprcl !han those to activate the receptor is actually a graded, rather than an aU-or-
wilh antagoni'>t\, becau<,e !hey often reveal an apparent heterogeneity nothing, property. lf a series of chemically related agonist drugs
among receptor\. For example. agoni~l binding to muscarinic receptors acting on the same receptors is tested on a given biological
(Ch. 10) and abo to (3-adrenoceptors (Ch. ll) suggests at least t"o system. it is often found that the maximal response (the largest
population'> ofbmding site' wilh different affinities. This may be becauo,e re~pon c that can be produced by that drug in high concentration)
the receptOr\ can e~iSt either unattached or coupled wilhin the membrJne
differ.-. from one drug to another. Some compounds (known as
to another macromolecule. the G-protein (see Ch. 3). which con.,ritules
part of the tran..ctuction syMem through "hich the receptor exens ils full agonists) can produce a maximal response (the largest respon'>C
regulatory effect. Antagoni\t binding does not show this comple:dty. that the tissue is capable of giving). whereas others (panial agonists)
probably because antagonists. by their nature. do not lead to the can produce only a submaximal response (Fig. 2.4). The difference
'>econdary event of Gprotein coupling. Agonist affinity bas proved to be between full and partial agonists lies in the relationship between
an clus1ve concept, a fact that has generated an algebraic paper-cha.~e in
1he pharmacolog1cullitcrature. with many enthusiastic followers. receptor occupancy and response.
Figure 2.5 shows schematically the relationship between occu-
Although binding can be measured directly, it is usually a bio- pancy and concentration for two drugs that have the same affinity
logical response, such as a rise in blood pressure, contraction or for receptors, producing 50% occupancy at a concentration of
re laxation of a strip of smooth muscle in an organ bath, or the
activmion of an entyme, that we are interested in, and this is often
p lotted as a concemration-effect or dose-response curve, as in 100
Figure 2.3. Such curves allow us to estimate the maximal response
that the drug can produce (01.,). and the concentration or dose
needed to produce a 50% maximal response (EC 50 or ED50 ), par- ~
ameters that are u<,eful for comparing the potencies of different E Acetylcholine
drugs that produce qualitatively similar effects (see Ch. 4 ). Although ~ (frog rectus muscle)
3l 50
they look similar to the binding curves in Figure 2.2. concenlration c:
-effect curves cannot be used to measure the affinity of agonist ~
drug'> for their recepton.. because the physiological response prod- a:
uced i!t not. a-, a rule, directly proportional to occupancy. For an
integrated physiological response, such as a rise in arterial blood
pressure produced by adrenaline (epinephrine). many factors
interact. Adrenaline (see Ch. II) increases cardiac outpUl and
constricts some blood vessels while dilating others, and the change Concentration (moVI)
in arterial pre!>sure it~clf evokes a reflex response that modifies Fig. 2.3 Experimentally observed concentration-effec t
the primary response to the drug. The final effect will clearly not c urves. Although the lines, drawn according to the binding
equation 2.5, fit the points well, such curves do not give
be a direct measure of receptor occupancy in this instance, and
correct estimates of the affinity of drugs for receptors. This is
the same is true of most drug-induced effects. because the relationship between receptor occupancy and
In interpreting concentration-effect curves, it mus t be remem- response is usually non-linear.
12 bered that the concenuution of the drug at the receptors may differ

occupancy is much smaller for the partial agonist. which cannot

100 produce a maximal response even at 100% occupancy. This can
be expressed quantitatively in terms of efficacy (e), a parameter
A=Me originally defined by Stephenson ( 1956) that describe. the strength
80 of the agonist-receptor complex in evoking a response of the tissue.
In the s imple scheme shown in Figure 2.1, efficacy describe~> the
x111 tendency of the drug-receptor complex to adopt the active (AR*),
E 60 rather than the reMing (AR) state. A drug with zero efficacy
e... (e = 0) has no tendency to cause receptor activation, and causes
no tissue response. A drug with maximal efficacy (e =
I) is a
VI 40 full agonist. while partial agonists lie in between.
'f' Subsequently, it was appreciated that characteristic~ of the tissue {e.g.
the number of receptors that it posses~e~ and the nature of the coupling
20 between the receptor and the response: <,ee Ch.J), as well as of the drug
itSelf, were important, and the concept of inmmic efficac)' was developed
(~ee Jenkinson, 1996; Kcnakin, 1997). The rel ation~hip between

o~--. ;-_.--~_.--.-_.~.-_.~
occupancy and response can thus be represented:
10-6 10'5 10-4
Concentration (moVI)
Fig. 2.4 Partial agonists. Concentration-effect curves for In this equation.j(thc transducer function) and N.,. (the total number of
substituted methonium compounds on frog rectus abdominis receptor~) are characteristic~ of the tissue: (the intrin'>ic efficacy) and
muscle. The compounds were members of the decamethonium K;. (the equilibrium constant, ~ce p. 20) are characteri&uc~ of the agonist.
series (Ch. 7), RMe~N'(CH2l 10 WMe2 R. The maximum response The importance of this formal representation is that it explain how
obtainable decreases (i.e. efficacy decreases) as the size of A differences in the transducer function and the density of receptors in
is lllcreased. With A = nPr or larger, the compounds cause no different tissues can result in the \arne agoni,t, acting on the same recep-
response and are pure antagonists. (Results from Van Rossum tor, appearing as a full agonist in one tis;ue and Oil> a partial agonist in
J M 1958 Pharmacodynamics of cholinometic and cholinolytic another. By the same token, the relative potencies of two agonists may be
drugs. St Catherine's Press, Bruges.) different in different tissue;. even though the receptor h the same.

For a more detailed discussion of drug-receptor imeracuons, sec Jenkmwn

(1996) and Kenakin (1997).
1.0 ~-tmol/1. Drug a is a fu ll agonist, producing a maximal response
at about 0.2Jlmolll, the relationship between response and occu- It would be nice to be able to explain what efficacy means in
pancy being shown by the steep curve in B. Comparable plotS for physical terms, and to understand why one drug may be an agonist
a partial agonist (b) arc shown as the shaJlow curves in A and B, while another, chemically very similar, is an antagonist. We are
the essential difference being that the response at any given beginning to understand the molecular events underlying receptor

1.0 100

(full agonist)
x<0 0
E Q.
~ 0 ~
3lc 50 0.5 ~<0 3l 50
c c
a: ~ a:
Part1al agonist

0 0
0.01 0.1 1.0 10.0 0 0.5 1.0
Concentration (~-tmoVI) Occupancy

Fig. 2.5 Theoret ical occupancy and response c urves for full and p artial agonists. rAJ The occupancy curve is for both drugs, the
response curves a and b are for full and partial agonist, respectively. !Dl The relationship between response and occupancy for full and
partial agonist, corresponding to the response curves in A. Note that curve a produces maximal response at about 20% occupancy,
while curve b produces only a submaximal response even at 100% occupancy. l3

activation (described in Ch. 3) but can still give no clear a nswer consti tutive activation; such dnags are known as illl'eru agonists (Fig.2.6;
to the question of why some ligands are agonist!. and some are see De Ligt et al., 2000) to distinguish lhem rrom simple competitive
antagoniM~. which do not by themselves affect the level of activation.
antagonists, although the simple theoretical two-state model
Inverse agoni\ts can be regarded as dntgs with negative efficacy. to
described below provides a useful !.tarting point. distinguish them from agoni\t\ (posithe efficacy) and competitive
Despite its uncertain theoretical status, efficacy is a concept antagonists (1-ero efficacy). New examples of constitutively active reccpto~
of great practical importance. Adrenali ne (epinephrine) and and inver~e agonists are emerging with increasing frequency (mainly
propranolol have comparable affinities for the ~-adrenoceptor among G-protein-coupled receptors; sec Daefner & Landry, 2000; Seifert
& Wenzel-Seifert. 2002). Kenakin (2002) reported that over SO'l- of
but differ in efficacy. Woebetide the doctor- and the Mudent. for
G-protein receptor antagonists reponed in the literature are actually invcr.e
that mauer-who confuses them. Efficacy matters! agonisu. when tested in systems 'howing constitutive receptor activauon.
However, most receptors-like cat<>-seem to have a ~Lrong preference
for the inactive ~tate, and for these there is no practical difference between
CONSTITUTIVE RECEPTOR ACTIVATION AND a competitive antagonist and an inverse agonist. It ha~ been suggested.
INVERSE AGONISTS however. that inverse agoni~m at serotonin receptOr\ may be relevant for
T Although we nre accustomed to lhmlung that receptors are activated antips)chouc drugs (see Ch. 38). but it remain~ to be seen whether lhc
only when an agoni~t molecule i~ bound, there are examples (see De Ligt in,erse agoni\t principle will prove to be generally important in therapeutiC\.
et al .. 2000; Tcitler ct al., 2002) where an appreciable level of activation So far, nearly all the examples come from the family of G-protein-
may exist even when no ligand is pre\ent. These include receptors for coupled receptor~ (see Ch. 3, review by Costa & Cotecchia. 2005). anti it
benzodiazepines (sec Ch. 37). ca nnabinoids (Ch. 15). serotonin (Ch. 12) is not clear whether similar phenomena occur with other receptor fami lies.
and several other mediators. Furthennore, receptor mutations occur- The two-Mate model described below explams nonnal and mve~
either spontaneou\1), in some disea~ Mates or expenmentally created agonism in tenns of the relative affinuy of different ligands for the re'ting
(see Ch. 4}-that re\uh in appreciable activation in the ab\ence of any and activated \tates of the receptor. Constitutive acuvation is a relatively
ligand (constirutil't actil'arion). Resting activity may be too low to have recent discovery. however, and may prove to be of greater phannacologic:tl
any effect under norma l conditions but become eviden t if receptors are significance than is realised at presen t (see Milligan et :11.. 1995).
ovcrcxpressed, a phenomenon clearly demonstrated for P-adrcnoceptors
(~ee Bond et al .. 1995). a result that may prove to have major
The two-state receptor model
p:uhophysiologtcal tmplication~. Thus if, say, I <;f- of receptors are active
m lhe absence of any agonist, in a normal cell expre~~mg perhaps 10 000 As illu~tratedin Figure 2.1. agonisL~ and antagonisL'> bolh bmd to
receptors, only 100 will be acti\e. lncrea~ing !he expre~'ion level 10-fold recepto~. but only agonisu. activate them. How can we expre~~ thi
will result in 1000 active receptors, producing a significant effect. Under difference in theoretical tenn~? The simplest ronnulation (see Fig. 2.1)
the'e conditions, it may be possible for a ligand to reduce the level of envisages that the occu pied receptor can switch from i" resting' (R) Mate

100 100
Antagonist in
presence of agonist
Agonist in presence
of antagonist 50

Constrtuttve level of
- - receptor activation
---- - ------ 1100
.!: .!:
Q) Q)
Ol Ol
c c
.s= Antagonist in presence
u u of inverse agonist
-504----------r---------.----------~ -50 -~~--------------------------------_J

10 10 10.v 1010

Ligand concentration (M) Antagonist concentration (M)

Fig. 2 .6 The interaction of a c ompetitive antagonist with normal and inverse agonists in a system that shows receptor
activation in the absence of any added ligands (constitutive activation). IAl The degree of receptor activation (vertical scale)
1ncreases in the presence of an agonist (open squares) and decreases In the presence of an inverse agonist (open circles). Addition of a
competitive antagonist shifts both curves to the right (closed symbols). 1m The antagonist on its own does not alter the level of
constitutive activity (open symbols), because it has equal affinity for the active and inactive states of the receptor. In the presence of an
agonist (closed squares) or an inverse agonist (closed circles), the antagonist restores the system towards the constitutive level of
act1v1ty. These data (reproduced with permission from Newman-Tancredi A et al. 1997 Br J Pharmacol120: 737-739) were obtained with
cloned human 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) receptors expressed in a cell line. (Agonist, 5carboxamidotryptamine; inverse agonist,
\_spiperone; antagonist, WAY 100635; ligand concentration (M = mol/1); see Ch. 9 for information on 5-HT receptor pharmacology.) _)

to an ~CU\ated (R*l state, R being fawured by binding of an agoniJ.t but difficult, however. and will require a more complicated state transition
not an antagonist molecule. theory than that described here.
The tendency for the occupied receptor, AR, to conven to the activated
fonn, AR*. will depend on the equilibrium con~tant for this reaction, ~/a. SPARE RECEPTORS
For u pure antagonist, ~a = 0, implying that there is no conven,ion to T Stephenson ( 1956), studying the actions of acetylcholine analogues in
the activated state, whereas for an agon i ~t. ~/a > 0 and will be different isolated tissues. found that many fu ll agonists were capable of eliciting
for different drugs. Suppol>e thm for drug X. ~Ia is ~mall. ~o that only a maximal responses at very low occupancies. often less than ICff. This
"mlll proponion of tbe occupied receptors will be activated even when means that the mechanism linking the response to receptor occupancy has
the receptor occupancy approache~ IOOo/r, whereas for drug Y, ~10. is large a ,ubMantiaJ reserve capacity. Such systems may be said to posse!>\ spare
nnd mo'>t of the occupied recepto~ will be activated. The conJ.tant ~/a i~. receptors. or a receptor restrvt'. This IS common with drugs that elictt
therefore. a measure of efficacy (~e p. 12). A~ "'e now know. receptors ,mooth muscle contracuon but les\ so for other types of receptor-
mal ,how constiruthe activation (i.e the R conformation can exiJ.t "'1thout mediated response. such as <,eereuon, '>mooth muscle relaxation or card1ac
an; ligand being bound. ~o the added drug encounters an equilibrium stimulation. where the effect IS more nearly proporuonal to receptor
m1xture of Rand R* (Fig. 2.7). If it ha' a higher affinity for R than for occupancy. The exiMence of spare receptors does not in1ply any functtonal
R, the drug will cause a shift of the equilibrium towards R (i.e. it will subdivision of the receptor pool. but merely that the pool is larger than the
promote activation and be cla~l>ed as an agonist). If its preference for R* number needed to evoke a full re<,pom,e. This surplus of receptors over the
i' very large, nearly all the occupied receptors will adopt the R* confor- number actually needed might seem a wasteful biological arrangement. It
mation and the drug will be a full ngoni~t (posi ti ve efficacy); if it shows means, however, that a given number of agonist-receptor complexes.
no preference, the prevailing R:R* equilibrium will not be disturbed and corresponding to a given level of biological response, can be reached with
the drug wil l be a competitive antagonist (zero efficacy), whereas if it a lower concentration of hormone or neurotransmitter than wou ld be the
prefers R it will shift the equilibrium towards Rand be an inverse agoni!>t case if fewer receptors were provided. Economy of hormone or tmn'>miuer
!negative efficacy). We can therefore think of efficacy as a propcny ..ecretion is thus achieved at the expense of providing more receptOfl>.
dct~rmtned b) the relathe affintly of a ligand for Rand R*. a formulation
Ln011 n a.~ the two-start' llypotltt'~i~. which is useful in that it put~ a
ph)'lcal interpretation on the othcrwi\e tn}'>terious meaning of efficacy.
A maJor problem with the two-Mate model is that, as we now know.
receptor<. are not actually restricted to r"'o distinct stares but have much Frequently. the effect of one drug is diminished or completely
~rcater conformational nexibility. ~o that there is more than one inactive
abolished in the presence of another. One mechanism, competitive
and active conformation. The different conformations that they can adopt
may be preferentially stabili!.ed by different ligands, and may produce
antagonism, was discussed earlier; a more complete classification
different functional effects by activating different signal transducti on includes the following mechanisms:
p.lthways (see Cb. 3). Redefining efficacy for such a multistate model i'>
chemical antagm1ism
pharmacok.inetic antagoni11m
antagonism by receptor block
non-competitive antagonism. i.e. block of receptor-effector
physiological antagonism.


~>< ~
Chemical antagonism refer~ to the uncommon situation where
the two substances combine in solution; as a result, the effect of
the active drug is lost. Examples include the use of chelating
R R* RESPONSE agents (e.g. dimercaprol) that bind to heavy metals and thus reduce
their toxicity. and the use of neutral ising antibodies against protein
Aestmg \. / Activated
state mediators, such as cytokines and growth factors, a strategy recently
state "\
applied for therapeutic use (see Ch. 14).
Fig. 2. 7 The two-state model. The receptor is shown in PHARMACOKINETIC ANTAGONISM
two conformational states, 'resting' (R) and 'activated' W,
which exist in equilibrium. Normally, when no ligand is present, Pharmaeokinetic antagonism describes the situation in which the
the equilibrium lies far to the lett, and few receptors are found 'antagonist' effectively reduces the concentration of the active
In the R" state. For constitutively active receptors, an drug at its site of action. This can happen in various ways. The
appreciable proportion of receptors adopt the R conformation
rate of metabolic degradation of the active drug may be increased
1n the absence of any ligand. Agonists have higher affinity for
A' than for R, so shift the equilibrium towards A". The greater (e.g. the reduction of the anticoagulant effect of warfarin
the relative affinity for R' with respect to R, the greater the when an agent that accelerates it~ hepatic metaboli~m. such as
efficacy of the agonist. An inverse agonist has higher affinity phenobarbital, is given; see Chs 8 and 52). Alternatively, the
for A than for A' and so shifts the equilibrium to the lett. A rate of absorption of the active drug from the gastrointe tina!
'neutral' antagonist has equal affinity for R and A" so does not
by itself affect the conformational equilibrium but reduces by
competition the binding of other ligands. .
j tract may be reduced, or the rate of renal excretion may be
increased. Interactions of I his sort can be important in the clinical
setting and are discussed in more detail in Chapter 52. 15

ANTAGONISM BY RECEPTOR BLOCK concentration can restore the agonist occupancy (and hence
the tissue response). The antagonism is therefore said to be
Receptor block antagonism involves two important mechanisms: sunnountable, in contrJ~t to other types of antagoni!>m (see below)
reversible competitive antagonism where increas ing the agonist concentration fails to overcome the
irreversible, or non-equilibrium, competitive antagonism. blocking effect A simple theoretical analysis (see p. 21) predicts
that in the presence of a fixed concentration of the antagonist, the
Competitive antagonism log concentration-effect curve for the agonist wi ll be shifted to
Competitive antagonism describes the common ~ituation the right. without any change in slope or maximum the hallmark
whereby a drug binds selectively to a particular type of receptor of competitive antagonism. The shift is expressed as a dose ratio
without activating it, but in such a way as to prevent the binding (the ratio by which the agonist concentration has to be increased
of the agonist. There is often ~ome similarity between the c hemical in the presence of the antagonist in order to restore a given level
structures of the agonist and antagonist molecules. The two drugs of response). Theory predicts that the dose ratio increases linearly
compete with each other, because the receptor can bind only one with the concentration of the antagonist (see p. 21 ). These pre-
drug molecule at a time. At a given agonist concentration, the dictions are often bomc out in practice (see Fig. 2.8}, and examples
agonist occupancy will be reduced in the presence of the antagonist. of competitive antagonism are very common in pharmacology.
However, because the two a re in competition, raising the ago nist The surmountabilit y of the block by the antagonist may be important

Agonlsts, antagonists and efficacy

Drugs acting on receptors may be agonists or produce only submaximal effects) have
antagonists. intermediate efficacy.
Agonists initiate changes in cell function, producing According to the two-state model, efficacy reflects the
effects of various types; antagonists bind to receptors relative affinity of the compound for the resting and
without initiating such changes. activated states of the receptor. Agonists show
Agonist potency depends on two parameters: affinity selectivity for the activated state; antagonists show no
(i.e. tendency to bind to receptors) and efficacy selectivity. This model, although helpful, fails to account
(i.e. ability, once bound, to initiate changes that lead for the complexity of agonist action.
to effects). Inverse agonists show selectivity for the resting state of
For antagonists, efficacy is zero. the receptor, this being of significance only in unusual
Full agonists (which can produce maximal effects) situations where the receptors show constitutive activity.
have high efficacy; partial agonists (which can

A] liD
100 5

80 4
E ,...
K8 = 2.2 x 109 mol/1
~ 60 3
l!- I
c: ~
40 -J 2

0 0 !---=f-~---.----.~-.-----1
1011 10 10 10'9 10-8 10'7 10"6 10-5 10"4 10"9 10-8 10"7 10-6
Isoprenaline concentration (moVI) Propranolol concentration (moVI)
Fig. 2.8 Competitive antagonism of isoprenaline by propranolol measured on isolated guinea pig atria. :Al Concentratio~ffect
curves at various propranolol concentrations (indicated on the curves). Note the progressive shift to the right without a change of
slope or maximum. B Schild plot (equation 2.10). The equilibrium constant (K) for propranolol is given by the abscissa! intercept
\. 2.2 x 1o-9 mol/1. (Results from Potter L T 1967 J Pharmacal 155: 91.)
'~--- --------------

in practice, because it allows the functional effect of the agonist

Competitive nt.gonlsm
to be restored by an increa~e in concentration. With other types
of antagonism (see below), the block is usually insurmountable.
Reversible competitive antagonism is the The salient features of competitive antagonism are:
commonest and most important type of antagonism;
11 has two mam characteristics: shift of the agoni'>t log concentration-effect curve to the
in the presence of the antagonist, the agonist log right, without change of slope or maximum
concentration-effect curve is shifted to the right linear relation,hip between agonist dose ratio and antagonist
w1thout change in slope or maximum, the extent concentration
of the shift be1ng a measure of the dose ratio evidence of competition from binding studies.
the dose ratio mcreases linearly with antagonist Competitive antagoni!.m is the most direct mechanism by which one
concentration; the slope of this line is a measure dntg can reduce the effect of another (or of an endogenous
of the affinity of the antagonist for the receptor. mediator), and !.everaJ examples are listed in Table 3.1; other mech-
Antagonist affinity, measured in this way, is widely anisms that are commonly encountered are discussed below.
used as a basis for receptor classification. The ch~1ract eris tics of reversible competitive antagonism
described above rencctthe fact that the rate of dissociation of the
antagonist molecu les is sufficiently high that a new equilibrium
is rapidly established on addition of the agonist. In effect, the agonist

A Reversible competitive antagonism


0 ~~~~-=~~~~~~-c~-,------------~-------
10'2 10

Agonist concentration

~ Irreversible competitive antagonism

~ Antagonist
c concentration
g 0.5
0 L---~~~~~==============~1~oo~
10-2 10-1 10 102
Agonist concentration
Fig. 2.9 Hypothetical agonist concentration-occupancy curves in the presence of reversible and irreversible competitive
antagonists. The concentrations are normalised with respect to the equilibrium constants, K, (i.e. 1.0 corresponds to a concentration
equal to K and results in 50% occupancy). IAI Reversible competitive antagonism. (ID Irreversible competitive antagonism.

is able to displace the antagonist molecules from the receptors, are mainly used as experimental tools for investigating receptor
although it cannot. of course, evict a bound antagonist molecule. function, and few arc u ed clinically. Irreversible enLyme inhibitors
Displacement occurs because, by occupying a proportion of the that act similarly are clinically used, however, and include drugs
vacant receptors, the agonist reduces the rate of association of such as aspirin (Ch. 14). omeprazole (Ch. 25) and monoamine
the antagonist molecules; consequently, the rate of dissociation oxidase inhibitors (Ch. 39). m
temporarily exceeds that of association, and tbe O\'erall antagonist
occupancy falls. Non-competitive antagonism
irreversible, or non-equil ibrium, competitive antagonism occurs Non-competitive antagonism describes the situation where the
when the antagonist dissociates very slowly, or not at all, from antagonist blocks at some point the chain of events that leads to
the receptors, with the result that no change in the antagonist the production of a response by the agonist. For example, drugs
occupancy takes place when the agonist is applied.2 such as vera pamil and nifedipine prevem the influx of Ca2+
The predicted effects of reversible and irreversible antagonists through the cell membrane (see Ch. 19) and thus block non-
are compared in Figure 2.9. specifically the contraction of smooth muscle produced by other
drugs. As a rule, the effect will be to reduce the slope and
T In some cases (Fig. 2.1 OA ). the theoretical effect is accurately reproduced.
but the distinction between reversible and irreversible competitive maximum of the agonist log concentration-response curve as in
antagonism (or even non-competitive antagon ism: sec below) is not Figure 2.1 OB, although it is quite possible for some degree of
always so clear. This is because of the phenomenon of spare receptors rightward shift to occur as well.
(see p. 15): if the agonist occupancy required to produce a maximal
biological respon~ is vel) small (say I 'k of the total receptor pool). then are'
11 is possible 10 block irreversibly nearly 99% of the recepror~ withour PHYSIOLOGICAL ANTAGONISM oflcn
reducing the maximal response. The effect of a lesser degree of antagonist IS CO
occupancy will be to produce a parallel shift of the log concentration- Physiological amagonism is a term used loosely to describe the
effect curve that IS indistingui~hable from rever.ible competitive antagonism interacLion of two drugs whose opposing actions in the body
{Fig. 2.108 ). In fact, il was the finding thm an irre,ersible competitive thc d
tend to cancel each other. For example, histamine acts on
antagonist of hiMamine was able to reduce the sensitiviry of a smooth receptors of the parietal cells of the gastric mucosa to stimulate
muscle preparation to histami ne nearly I 00-fold withoul reducing the
maximal response that fiN gave rise to the ~pare receptor hypothesis. acid secretion, whi le omcprazole blocks this effect by inhibiting
the proton pump; the two drugs can be said to act as
Irreversible competitive antagonism occurs with drugs that possess physiological antagonists.
reactive groups that form covalent bonds with the receptor. These


ln11s type of antagoni~m is sometimes called non-competiti1e. but that term
i~ best reserved for antagonism thai does not involve occupation of the Often, the effect of a drug graduall y diminishes when it is given
receptor site. continuously or repeatedly. Desensitisation and tachyphylaxis

~ [ID

100 Control 100

15 min
xco xco
~ ~
~ 30min ~
Q) Q)
50 - 50
"'c0 "'c
a. a.
a: "'
120 min

60 min
0 0
1010 10-9 10-8 107 10~ 105 10-8 10-7 10-8 10-5 10-4 10-3
5-Hydroxytryptamine concentration (mol/1) Carbachol concentration (mol/1)

Fig. 2 .1 0 Effects of irreversible competitive antagonists o n agonist co ncentration-effect c urves. Rat stomach smooth
muscle responding to 5-hydroxytryptamine at various times after addition of methysergide (1 o-;
moVI). lru Rabbit stomach responding to
carbachol at various times after addition of dibenamine (10- 5 mol/l). (After: (A) Frankhuijsen A L, Bonta I L 1974 Eur J Pharrnacol 26: 220;
\ (B) Furchgott R F 1965 Adv Drug Res 3: 21.)
----------------------------------------------------------------------' add itt

Drug antagonism

Drug antagonism occurs by various

chemical antagonism ~nteraction in solution)
pharmacokinetic antagonism (one drug affecting the
absorptton, metabolism or excretion of the other) ] SmV
competitive antagonism (both drugs binding to the 111111 111 11 1 11 111 1 1 tl l lll ll ll!
same receptors); the antagonism may be reversible or
irreversible ~
non-competitive antagonism (the antagonist
interrupts receptor-effector linkage) 100
physiologtcal antagonism (two agents producing
opposing physiological effects).
ec 80
0 60

are synonymou terms used to describe this phenomenon, which

cQ) 40
often develop~ in the C0Uf1.e Of a few minutes. The tenn tolerance Q)
i~ convemionall) u~ed to describe a more gradual decrea<>e in 20
rt!~ponsivene~s to a dntg. taking day~> or weeks to develop, but
the distinction i~ not a sharp one. The term refractorines.v is also
0 4 8 24 56 88
~ometimes used, mainly in relation to a loss of therapeutic
Time (h)
efficacy. Drug resistance is a term used to describe the loss
of cffecti,eness of antimicrobial or antitumour dntgs (sec Fig. 2.11 Two kinds of receptor desensitisation.
00 Acetylcholine (ACh) at the frog motor endplate. Brief
Cbs 45 and 51). Many diiierent mechanisms can give rise to this
depolarisations (upward deflections) are produced by short
type of phenomenon. They include: pulses of ACh delivered from a micropipette. A lung pulse
(horizontal line) causes the response to decline with a time
change in receptors course of about 20 seconds, owing to desensitisation, and it
loss of receptors recovers with a similar time course.
exhaustion of mediators liD ~-Adrenoceptors of rat glioma cells in tissue culture.
increased metabolic degradation of the drug Isoprenaline (1 !Jmol/1) was added at time zero, and the
adenylate cyclase response and ~-adrenoceptor density
physiological adaptation
measured at 1ntervals. During the early uncoupling phase,
acti\C C\tnt~ion of drug from cells (mainly relevant in cancer
the response {blue line) declines with no change in receptor
r.:hemotherapy; see Ch. 51). density (red line). Later, the response declines further
concomitantly with disappearance of receptors from the
membrane by internalisation. The green and orange lines
CHANGE IN RECEPTORS show the recovery of the response and receptor density after
the isoprenaline is washed out during the early or late phase.
Among receptors directly coupled to ion channels. desensitisation (From: (A) Katz B, Thesleff S 1957 J Physiol138: 63;
i' often raptd and pronounced. At the neuromuscular junction (B) Perkins J P 1981 Trends Pharmacal Sci 2: 326.) )
(Fig. ~.II A), the desensitised state is cau<.ed by a conformational
change in the receptor. resulting in tight binding of the agonist
molecule without the opening of the ionic channel (see Changeux
ct al., 1987). Phosphorylation of intracellular regions of the receptor
protein is a second. slower mechanism by which ion channels Prolonged expo~ure to agonists often results in a gradual decrease
become desen~itised (see Swope et al., 1999). in the number of receptors expressed on the cell surface, as a result
Most G-protein-<:oupled receptOr'> (see Ch. 3) also !>how of intemalisation of the receptors.1l1i.., is shown for ~adrenoceptors
de,ensitisation (see Fig. 2.11 B). Phosphorylation of the receptor in Figure 2.11 B and is a slower process than the uncoupling
interferes with it'> ability to activate second messenger cascades, described above. Tn studies on cell cu ltures. the number of ~
although it can still bind the agonist molecule. The molecu lar adrenoceptors can fall to about I 0% of normal in 8 hours in the
mechanisms of lhi~ 'uncoupling' arc described by Lefkowitz et presence of a low concentration of isoprenaline, and recovery takes
al. (1998) and considered further in Chapter 3. This type of desensi- several days. Similar changes have been described for other types
ti~ation usually take!. a few minutes to develop, and recovers at a of receptor, including those for various peptides. The internalised
'imilar rate when the agonist is removed. receptors are taken into the cell by endocytosis of patches of the
It will be rcali~ed that the two-state model in its simple form. membrane. a process that also depends on receptor pho!tphorylation.
d1scussed earlier, needs to be further elaborated to incorporate This type of adaptation is common for hormone receptors and has
additional desensiti~ed' states of the receptor. obvious relevance to the effects produced when drugs arc given for 19
extended periods. It is generally an unwanted complication when agonht such as adrenaline (epinephrine). When the ti%ue i\ expo,ed to
drugs are used clinically, but it can be exploited. For example, adrenaline at concentration x,. and allowed to come to equilibnum. a
gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (see Ch. 30) is used to treat cenam number. N ,... of the receptors "'ill become occupied. and the number
of \acant receptor-. will be reduced toN,"' - N,.. Nonnally, the number
endometriosis or prostatic cancer: given continuous ly, this hormone
of adrenaline molecules applied to the tissue in solution greatly exceed'
paradoxically inhibits gonadotrophin release (in contrast to the N,,.., \0 that the binding reaction does not appreciably reduce .\ ,... The
nomHll ~ti mulatory effect of the physiological secretion. which is magnatude of the re.,ponse produced by the adrenaline will be related
pu Isari le ). (C\Cn if we do notl..no"' exactl} how) to the number of receptors occupied,
\0 it i\ u\cful to consider ''hat quantitative relationship is predicted
bct...,.ccn N, and 1,. The reaction can be represented by:
In \Orne ca~es, desen s iti~ation
is associated with depletion of an A + R ..,....--- AR
dnag + free receptor k., complex
es~e nti al intermediate substance. Drugs such as amphetamine,
(.I,.) (N,ot-NA) (N")
which acts by releasing amines from nerve terminals (see Chs II
and 32), show marked tachyphylaxis because the amine sto res The Law of Muss Action (which states that the rate of a chemical reaction
is proportional to the prod uct of the concentrations of reactants) can be
become depleted. applied to this reaction.
Rme of forward reaction = k. 1x,, (N,0, - N"} (2.1)
Rate of backward reaction = k 1N" (2.2)
Tolerance to some drugs, for example barbiturates (Ch. 37) and At equilibrium, the two rates are eq ual:
ethanol (Ch. 43), occurs partl y because repeated administratio n
of the ~arne dose produces a progressively lower plasma concen-
tration, because of increased metabolic degradation. The degree The proponion of receptor~ occupied, or occupancy (pA). is N,.IN,,.
of tolerance that results is generally modest, and in both of these "hich i\ mdependcnt of N,,..
example~ other mechanisms contribute to the substantial tolerance
P, = x,. ( 2.4)
that actually occ u~. On the othe r hand, the pronounced tOlerance x,. + k tfk.,
to nitrovasodilators (see Chs 17 and 19) resuhs mainly from IXIimng the equilibrium constant for the binding reaction. K, = J.. 1/J.. 1,
decreased me tabolism. whjch reduces the release of the active equation 2.4 can be "rinco:
mediator, nitric oxide.

PHYSIOLOGICAL ADAPTATION Y Thi'> unportant result is l..no"'n as the Hill- Langmuir equation.-'

Dimi nution of a drug's effect may occur because it is nulli fied by The equilibnum con\tant.' K,., is a characteristic of the drug and or
the receptor: it ha' the dimen;ions of concentration and is numerical!}
a homeostatic re!,pOnse. For example, the blood pressure-lowering equal to the concentration of drug required to occupy 50% of the \i te> at
effect of thiazide ruurctics is limited because of a gradual acti vation equilibrium. (Veri fy from equation 2.5 that when xA = KA. p,. = 0.5.)
of the renin- angiotensin system (sec Ch. 19). Such ho meostatic The higher the affinity of the drug for the receptors, the lower wil l be
mechanisms arc very commo n, and if they occur slowly the result the val ue of K"' Equation 2.5 descri bes the relationship between occu-
will be a g raduall y developing tolerance. It is a common experie nce pancy and dnag concentration, and it generates a characteristic curve known
a' u rectangular hyperbola, as sbown in Figure 2.1 2A. It is common in
that many s ide effects of drugs, suc h as nausea or s leepiness, te nd pharmacological work to usc a logarithmic scale of concentration: thb
to subside even though drug admjnistration is continued. We may convem the hyperbola to a symmetrical sigmoid curve (Fig. 2.128}.
assume that :.orne kind of physiological adaptation is occurring,
The '>ame approach is u;ed to analyse data from experi ments in which
presumably associated with altered gene expression resulting in drug binding is mea.sured di rectly (see p. 11, Fig. 2.2). In this case, the
c hanges in the levels of various regulatory molecules, but little is re latiom.hip between the amount bound (8) and ligand concentration (xAJ
known about the mechanisms involved. '>hould be:

Y Here we pre~nt wme a~pecL~ of so-called receptor theory, which is
ba..ed on applymg the Law of Ma.'s Action to the drug- receptor
interaction and "'hich ha~ \er.ed "'ell as a framework for interpreung a 'A. V. Hill fir'>t published it in 1909, \\hen he was still a medical smdcnt.
large body of quantitative experimental data.
Langmur. a physical chemist working on gas adsorption. derived it
independently in 1916. Both ;ub~uently won Nobel prizes. Unti l recent!).
The binding reaction it was know n to phannacologisLs as the Langmuir equation. even though
Hill deserve., the credit.
Y The first step in drug action on specific receptors is the formation of a
reversible dnag receptor complex, the reactions bei ng governed by the ' Theequil ibri um constant is sometimes called the dissociation constant.
Law of Mass Action. Suppose that a piece of tissue, such as hean muscle Some authors prefer to use the reciprocal of K,., referred to as an affin ity
20 or Mnooth muscle, contai ns a total number of receptors, N10 1, for an constant. in these expressions. which can cause confusion to the unwary.

pham1acology, we muM con~ider (a) what happens when more than one
Binding of druga to receptora ligand i' pre,ent. and (b) how the tissue response is related to receptor
Binding of drugs to receptors necessarily
obeys the Law of Mass Action. Binding when more than one drug is present
At equilibrium, receptor occupancy is related to drug
T Suppo<.c thatt\~0 drug~. A and B. which bind to the ~arne receptor with
concentration by the Hill-Langmuir equation (2.7). equilibrium con~tant~ K,. ;md K8 respectively. are preoent at concentration\
The higher the affinity of the drug for the receptor, the ~~and 1 8 . If the two drug~ comp<>te (i.e. the receptor can accommodate
lower the concentration at which it produces a given onl) one at a time), then. by application of the same reasoning as for the
level of occupancy. one-drug \ituauon de\cribed above. the occupancy by drug A is given by:
The same principles apply when two or more drugs p "' x,lK, (2.8)
compete for the same receptors; each has the effect 11,/K + r,/K8 +1
of reducing the apparent affinity for the other. Comparing thi' rc~ult with equation 2.5 shows that adding drug B. a.\
expected. reduce the occupancy by drug A. Figure 2.9A show the
predicted bi nding cu rves for A in the presence of increaing concen-
trations of B, demonstrating the shift without any change of slope or
maximum th at characterise> the phannacological effect of a competitive
fA omagonil>t (f.ce Pig. 2.8). 'nle extent of the rightward shift, on a logari thmic
..calc. represent;, the r:ttio (rA, given by x,.'lxA where xA' is the increa>ed
g 1.0 concentration of A) by which the concentration of A must be increased to
overcome the competition by B. Rearranging 2.8 shows that
=> (2.9)
Thus r,. depend\ only on the concentration and equilibrium con~tant of
the competing drug B. not on the concentmtion or equilibrium constant
of A.
0'--------------' If A i~ an agoni\t, and B i~ a competitive antagonist, and we assume that
0 5 10
Concentration (linear scale) the respon\e of the tl\\ue w1ll be a functon of p,. (not necessaril} a linear
funcuon). then the value of r~ determined from the shift of the agomst
concentr:uion-effcct curve at different antagonist concentrations can be
uo;cd to C\llmate the equ1hbnum constant K8 for the antagonist. Such
pharmacological e\timate~ of r, are common!} termed a.t:onilt dol<'
~ 1.0
c rotior (more properly concentration ratios. although most pharmacol-
c. ogiw, U'>C the older. improper term). This simple and very useful equation
(2.9) b ~nown a\ the Schild equation, after the pbarmacologht who firM
0.5 used it to annly~e drug antagonism.
20 Equation 2.9 can be exprcM.ed logarithmically in the form:
u. 0 log (rA - I) : log x8 - log K8 (2. 10)
0.1 1.0 10 .0
Th u~ a plot of log (rA - I) agai nst log x8, usually called a Schild plot
Concen tration (log scale)
(a~ in Fig. 2.1\), ' hould give a straight line with unit slope and an abscis~nl
Fig. 2.12 Theoretical relationship between o ccupancy intercept cquttl to log K6 . Following the pH and pK notation, antagoni"
and ligand concentr ation. The relationship is plotted potency can be cxpre~~ed a; a pA 2 value: under conditions of competitive
according to equation 2.5. ~ Plotted with a linear antagonism. pA 2 : log Ku. Numerically. pA2 is defined as the
concentration scale, this curve is a rectangular hyperbola. negative logarithm of the molar concentration of antagonist required to
B Plotted with a log concentration scale, it is a symmetrical produce an agoni\t do\e ratio equal to 2. As with pH notation, its
sigmoid curve. principal advantage i'> that it produce\ simple numbers, a pA2 of 6.5 being
equivalent to a K 8 of 3.2 x 10 1 molll.
Thi' analy\1\ of competitive antagonism shows the following
characten,uc' of the do~ ratio r:

\\here 8_, ., the total number of binding sites in the preparation (often n depends on I) on the concentration and equilibrium con\tant of the
e'pre"ed a' pmollmg of protein). To display the results in linear form. antagoni,t. and not on the ~i/e of re~pon~ that is chosen as a reference
equation 2.6 rna) be rearr.mged to: point for the mea .. urement<,
it doe' not depend on the equilibrium constant for the agonist
(2.7) it increa\C\ linearly" ith x 8 and the slope of a plot of (r,. - I) again\!
.t 8 is equal to IIK8 ; thb relationship, being independent of the
A plot of Bll" against 8 {known as a Scatchard plot; Fig. 2.2C) ghes a
charncterbtic' of the agoniM. should be the same for aU agonists that
~tra1ght hoe from which both Brrw. and K,. can be estimated. Statistically,
act on the ..ame population of receptor<>.
thi\ procedure i\ not without problems. and it is now usual to estimate
the\C parameter;. from the untransformcd binding values by an iterative The~e predictions have been verified for many examples of competitive
non-linear curve-filling procedure. ontagoni~m (Fig. 2.8).
To thi~ point, our analysis has considered the binding of one ligand to a In this secti on, we have avoided going into great detail and have
homoge neous population of receptors. To get closer to rea l-life oversimplified the theory considerably. As we learn more about the actual 21

Drug effects
Drug + target

Drugs act mainly on cellular targets,

producing effects at different functional levels (e.g.
biochemical cellular, physiological and structuraQ.
The direct effect of the drug on lts target produces
acute responses at the biochemical cellular or Rapid
physiological Altered gene
physiological levels. Slow
responses expression
Acute responses generally lead to delayed long-term
effects, such as desensitisation or down-regulation of
receptors, hypertrophy, atrophy or remodelling of It
tissues, tolerance, dependence and addiction.
Long-term delayed responses result from changes in ~ I
gene expression, although the mechanisms by which Delayed
the acute effects bring this about are often uncertain. responses
Therapeutic effects may be based on acute
responses (e.g. the use of bronchodilator drugs to Fig. 2 .13 Early and late responses to drugs. Many drugs
treat asthma; Ch. 23) or delayed responses (e.g. act directly on their targets Qeft-hand arrow) to produce an
immediate physiological response. If this is maintained, it IS
antidepressants; Ch. 39).
likely to cause changes in gene expression that give rise to
delayed effects. Some drugs (right-hand arrow) have their
primary action on gene expression, producing delayed
physiological responses. Drugs can also wor1< by both
pathways. Note the bidirectional interaction between gene
expression and response.
molecu lar details of l1ow receptors work to produce their biological
effect~ (~c Ch. 3), the ~hortcomings of thi\ theoretical treatment become
more obvious. Particular complication\ arise when v.c include the
involvement of G-protcm~ (see Ch. 3) in the reaction M:hcme. and when
we allow for the fact th at receptor 'activation' is not a s imple on off to both the rapeutic efficacy and harmful effects (see Fig. 2.13).
switch. as the two-state model assumes, but may take different form ~. It For example, activation of a ~-adrenoceptor in the heart (sec Chs 3
is as though the same receptor can tum on a tap or a light bulb, depending
and 18) causes rapid changes in the functioning of the hean muscle,
on which agonbt does the talking. Ancmp!S by theoreticians to allov. for
such possibilities lead to M>me unwieldy algebra and fancy three-dimensional
but abo '>lower (minutes to hours) changes in the functional state
graphics. but somehow the molecules always seem to remain one step of the receptors (e.g. desensitisation), and even slower (hours to
ahead. Despite its shortcom ings. the two-~tate model remains a useful days) c hanges in gene expressio n that produce long-term changes
basis for developing quantitative model\ of drug action. The book by (e.g. hypertrophy) in cardiac stmctu re and function. Similarly, anti-
Kenakin ( 1997) is recommended as an introduction. and his later review
depressant drugs, which have immediate effects on transmitter
(Kenakin. 2002) present\ a more elabor.ue theoretical approach.
metabolism in the brai n (see Ch. 39) take weeks to produce thera-
peutic benefit Opiates (see Ch. 4 1) produce an immediate analgesic
THE NATURE OF DRUG EFFECTS effect but, after a time, tolerance and dependence ensue, and io
some cases long-term addiction. In these, and many othe r examples,
In discussing how dmgs act in this chapter, we have focused the nature of the intervening mechanism is unclear, although as a
mainly o n the consequences of receptor activation. Details of the general rule any long-term phenotypic change necessarily involves
receptors and their linkage to effects at the cellular level are alterations of gene expression. Drugs are often used to treat
described in Chapter 3. We now have a fairly good understanding chronic conditions. and understandi ng long-term as well as acute
at this level. It is important, however, partic ularly when con- drug effects is becoming increasingly important. Pharmacologists
sidering drugs in a therapeutic context. that the ir direct effects have traditionally te nded to focus on short-term physiological
on cellular function generally lead to secondary, delayed e ffects, responses, which are much easier to study, rather than on delayed
which arc often highly relevant in a clinical situation in relation effects. The focus is now clearly shifting.


G1!neral Trend~ Pharmacol Set 8: 459-465 (0111! of the Jenkinson 0 II t996 Cta.~~icnl approachc. to the study of
Alexander SP, Muthie A. Petcl'l. JA 2006 Guide to fir.H tlescriptioll.v of ll!Ct!ptor actio11 tJttM drug-rcccplor interoction<. In: Foreman J C, Johan!><:n
receptors and cltannels, 2nd ediloon. Br J Phannacol m()/tcular lt!lle/) T (ed!.) Textbook of receptor pharmacology. CRC
147 (suppt J):SI Frankl. 'I P. Lieb W R 1994 Molecular and cellular Press. BO<:a Raton (Good acco1mt ofphnrmDcologicol
Chaogeux J P. Gtraudat J. Denm' M 1987 The mecham;ms of general anaeslhesia Nature 367: onnlysiv of ~uptor-metliatttl tfftcrs)
nicotinic acetylchotine receptor: molecular 607 6 t4 (A m '"" of chtmging idtas about the sire Kcnakin T t997 Pharmacologtc nnalysb of
22 architecture of " ligaod-regulalcd ion channel. ()faction of anaeJthetic drugs) drug-receptor i nteract:ions, 3rd cdn. Lippincoll Raven.
How drugs act:
molecular aspects

than is necessary for understanding today's

Overview 24 pharmacology at a basic level, intending that
Targets for drug action 24 students can, if they wish, skip or skim these
chapters without losing the thread; however, we
Receptor proteins 27 are confident that tomorrow's pharmacology will
-Type l: ligand-gated ion channels 31 rest solidly on the advances in cellular and
-Type 2: G-protein-coupled receptors 33 molecular biology that are discussed here.
-Type 3: kinase-linked and related receptors 42
-Type 4: nuclear receptors 45
lon channels as drug targets 48 TARGETS FOR DRUG ACTION
Control of receptor expression 51 The protein targets for drug action on mammalian ceJJs (Fig. 3.1)
Receptors and disease 52 that are described in Lhi~ chapter can be broadly divided into:

io n channels
carrier molecules (tran~porters).

The great majority of important drugs ac t o n one or other of

OVERVIEW these types of protein, but there are exceptions. For example
colchicine (Ch. 14) interact!> with the structural protein rubufin,
In this chapter, we move from the general while several immunosuppre~si ve drugs (e.g. ciclosporin,
principles of drug action outlined in Chapter 2 to Ch. 14) bind to cytosolic proteins known a'> immunophilins.
the molecules that are involved in recognising Therapeutic anti bodies that act by sequestering cytoJ..ines
chemical signals and translating them into cellular (protein mediators involved in inflammatio n, see Ch. 14) are
responses. Molecular pharmacology has advanced also used. Targets for chemotherapeutic drugs (Chs 45 -5 1),
rapidly in recent years. This new knowledge is not where the aim is to !>uppress invading microorganism!> or
only changing our understanding of drug action, it cancer cells, include DNA and cell wall con!>tituents as well a~
is also opening up many new therapeutic other proteins.
possibilities, further discussed in other chapters.
First, we consider the types of torget proteins on Receptors
which drugs act. Next, we describe the main Receptor!> (Fig. 3.1 A) arc the sensing elements in the !>y<;tem of
families of receptors and ion channels that have chemical communications that coordinates the function of all
been revealed by cloning and structural studies. the different cells in the body, the chemical messengers being the
Finally, we discuss the various forms of various ho rmones, trans mitters and other mediators discussed
receptor-eHector linkage (signal transduction in Section 2. Many therapeutically useful drugs act, either a~
mechanisms) through which receptors are coupled agonists or antagonists, on receptors for known endogenous
to the regulation of cell function. The relationship medjators. Some example<; are given in Table 3.1. ln mo<.t ca\es.
between the molecular structure of a receptor and the endogenous mediator wa~ discovered bcfore-Qften man}
its functional linkage to a particular type of years before-the recepto r was characterised pharmacologicall}
eHector system is a principal theme. In the next and biochemically, but there are examples of receptors for
two chapters, we see how these molecular events synthetic drug molecules (e.g. benzodiazepines, Ch. 33: and
alter important aspects of cell function-a useful s ulfonylureas, Cb. 26) for which no endogenous mediator
basis for understanding the eHects of drugs on has been identified. Receptors are discussed in more dctllil
24 intact living organisms. We go into more detail below (p. 27).

lon channels 1 (A RECEPTORS ton channel

Some ion channels (known as ligand-gated ion channels or /Direct opening/closing
ionotropic rcctpwn-) incorporate a receptor and open only when Enzyme
the receptor is occupied by an agonist: others (see p. 48) are
gated b) different mechanisms, toltage-gared ion channels (sec
Agonist r"C/1
_1. Transduction
ion channel
p. -l9) being panicularly important. ln general. drugs can affect DNA
ion channel function by interacting either with the receptor site
of hgand-gated channels, or with other parts of the channel 0 No effect
Antagonost Endogenous mediators blocked
molecule. Tile interaction can be indirect, involving a G-protein
and other intermediaries (see below), or direct, where the drug
ihclf binds to the channel protein and alters its function. Tn the [.] ION CHANNELS
.,implcst ca'>c. exemplified by the action of local anaesthetics on Permeation
the voltage-gated sodium channel (see Ch. 44). the drug molecule blocked
plug~ the channel physically (Fig. 3. 1B). blocking ion penneation.
Increased or
Examples of drugs that bi nd to accessory sites on the channel decreased
protein and thereby affect channel gating include: opening probability
va,odilator drugs of the dihydropyridine type (see Ch. 19),
which inhibit the opening of L-type calcium c_hannels c] ENZYMES
(\CC Ch. 4).
bcn7odiazcpine tranq uillisers (see Ch. 37). These drugs
Inhibitor CJ Normal reaction

bind to a region of the GABA receptor-chloride channel False -::::-, f- 0 Abnormal

complex (a ligand-gated channel; see above), this region substrate metabolite produced
bcmg di'>tinct from the GABA binding site. Most
bcn!Odtatepines facilitate the opening of the channel by the
~ ;;;;: 0
inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA (see Ch. 33), but some Pro-drug Active drug produced
imwse agonisl.l are known that have the opposite effect,
causmg :m-:iety rather than tranquillity. [0 TRANSPORTERS
Sulfon}lureas (see Ch. 26) used in treating diabetes. which
act on ATP-scnsitive potas~ium channels of pancreatic ~-cells Normal
ant! thereby enhance insulin secretion.
A summary of the ditTerent ion channel families and their
i\ given below (p. 50). or Transport
Inhibitor blocked
Many drugs arc targeted on enzymes (Fig. 3. 1C). examples being False Abnormal compound
given in Table 3.1. Often, the drug molecule is a substrate analogue substrate accumulated
that acts as a competitive inhibitor of the enzyme (e.g. captopr il,
acting on angiotensin-convening enzyme; Ch. 19); in other cases, AgonisVnormal substrate Q Abnormal product
the binding i~ irreversible and non-competitive (e.g. aspirin, G Antagonist/inhibitor 0 Pro-drug
acltng. on cyclo-oxygenase; Ch. 14). The inununophilin LO which \. Fig. 3 .1 Types of target for drug action. j
ctclosporin binds (!tee above) has enzymic activity as an isomerase
that catalyses the cis- trans isomerisation of proline residues in
- -
proteins, a reactton that is important in allowing expressed
protems to fold correctly. Inhibition of this enzymic activity is
one of the mcchani<,ms by which ciclosporin causes immu- uracil as an intermediate in purine biosynthesis but cannot be
no,upprcssion. Drug~ may also act as false substrates, where the converted into thymidylate. thus blocking DNA synthesis and
drug molecule undergoe!t chemical transformation to form an preventing cell division (Ch. 51).
abnormal product that subverts the normal metabolic pathway. It should also be mentioned that drugs may require enzymic
An example is the anticancer drug fluorouracil. which replaces degradation to convert them from an inactive form. the prodrug
(see Ch. 8), to an active form. Examples are given in Table 8.3.
Furthermore, as discussed in Chapter 53, drug toxicity often
results from the entymic conversion of the drug molecule to a
' ion channel\ an<.lthe electrical propenies they confer on cells are involved
in every human characteristic that dbtinguishes us from the stones in a
reactive metabolite. As far as the primary action of the drug is
field.' (Ann\trong C M 2003 Voltage-gated K channels concerned, this is an un wanted side reaction, but it is of major
hnp://www.stke.org). practical importance. 25

Table 3 . 1 Some examples of targets for drug action

Type of target Effectors Chapter(s) to refer to

Receptors Agonists Antagonists

Nicotmic ACh receptor Acetylcholine Tubocurarine 10
Nicotine a-Bungarotoxin

~-Adrenoceptor Noradrenaline (norepinephnne) Propranolol 11


Histamine (H 1 receptor) Histamine Mepyramine 18

Opiate ijt receptor) Morphine Naloxone 41

Dopamine (D2 receptor) Dopamine Chlorpromazine 35 and 38


Oestrogen receptor Ethinylestradiol Tamoxifen 30

Epidermal growth factor receptor Trastuzumab 55

lon channels Blockers Modulators

Voltage-gated sodium channels Local anaesthetics Veratridine 44

Renal tubule sodium channels Amiloride Aldosterone 24

Voltage-gated calcium channels Divalent cations (e.g. Cd2 ) D1hydropyridines 18 and 19

Opioids 41

ATP-sensihve potassium channels ATP Sulfonylureas 26

GABA-gated chloride channels Picrotoxin Benzodiazepines 33

Enzymes Inhibitors False substrates

Acetylcholinesterase Neostigmine 10

Cyclo-oxygenase Aspirin 14

Angiotensin-converting enzyme Captopril 19

HMG-CoA reductase Slmvastatin 20

Monoamine oxidase-A Iproniazid 39

Phosphodiesterase type V Sildenafil 30

Dthydrofolate reductase Trimethoprim 46

Methotrexate 14 and 51

Thymidine kinase Aciclovir 47

HIV protease Saquinavir 47

Carriers Inhibitors False substrates

Noradrenaline transporter Tricyclic anttdepressants - 39
Cocaine 11and53
Amphetamine 11 and 42
Methyldopa 19

Weak acid carrier (renal tubule) Probenecid 24

Na'/K'/2CI cotransporter (loop of Henle) Loop diuretics 24

Proton pump (gastric mucosa) Omeprazole 25


Tllble 3.1 (cont'd) Some examples of targets for drug action

Type of target Effectors Chapter(s) to refer to

1mmunoph11tns Ciclosporin 17
Tacrolimus 17

Tubuhn Colchicine 17
Taxol 50

HMG-CoA, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A.
"These are representative examples and by no means a complete list. Other biochemical targets for drugs used in chemotherapy are
discussed in Chapters 44-51.

Carrier molecules that bind with very high specificity to nicotinic acetylchol ine
The tr3n-,port of ion~ and small organic molecules across cell receptors. These subMances, known a~ a-toxins, can be labelled
membrane\ generally requires a carrier protein, because the per- and used to assay the receptor content of tissues and tissue extracts.
meating molecule~ arc often too polar (i.e. insufficiently lipid- The best t...nown i~ a-bungarotoxin, the mrun component of the
-,oluble) to penerratc lipid membrane!> on their own. There are many venom of the Malayan banded krrut (BungantS multicinctus).~
e\arnpJe., of \UCh carriers (Fig. 3.1 D). including those respon- Treatment of muscle or electric tissue with non-ionic detergents
'ible for the transport of glucol.e and amino acids into cells, the render<; the membrane-bound receptor protein soluble, and it can
tr.ln'>port of ions and many organic molecules by the renal tubule, then be purified by the technique of affiruty chromatography.
the transport of Na and Ca 2 out of cells. and the uptake of Similar approache~ have now been used to purify a great man)
neurotransmitter precun,ors (such as choline) or of neurotrans- hormone and neurotransmitter receptors, as well as ion channels.
mmcn, themsclvc-. (\uch as noradrenaline. 5-hydroxytryptamine carrier protein~. <Uld other IJnds of target molecules.
[5-HT). glutamate, and peptides) by nerve terminals. The amine
T Once receptor protein~ were isolated and purified. it wa~ po-.siblc to
tran,portcl'll belong to a well-defined structural family. djstinct from analyse the ammo acid ~equence of a short stretch. allowing the
the corresponding receptOr<;. In most cases, the transport of organic corre-.ponding ba~e ~equence of the mRNA to be deduced and full-length
molecules is coupled to the transport of ions (usually Na), either DNA to be i\olmed. by conventional cloning methods, starting from a
in the same direction (symport) or in the opposite direction eDNA libr.1ry obwi ned from a tis~ue ~ource rich in the receptor of intert:\t.
The lirM receptor clone were obtained in this way. but 'ub~cq ucmly
(antiport), a~ discussed in Chapter 24. The carrier proteins embody
expression cloning and cloni ng ~trategies based on sequence homologies.
a recogni tion site that makes them specific for a particular per- which do not require prior isolation and purification of the receptor
meating species, and these recogn ition sites can also be targets protein, were widely used, and now several hundred receptors of all four
for drugs whose cfTcct is to block the transport system. Some structural fam ilies (~ee helow) have been cloned. Endogenous ligands for
l!xumples arc given in Table 3.1. many of thc~e 'receptor-like' molecules identified by gene cloning are ~o
far unknown. and they arc de;cribed as 'orphan receptors'.' Identifying
ligands for these presumed receptors is often difficult. However. there are
examples (e.g. the cannabinoid receptor: ;ec Ch. 15) where important
RECEPTOR PROTEINS ligand ha\e hecn linked to hitherto orphan receptors, and it is likely that
thi'> pool of unclaimed receptors will yield many more receptors of
ISOLATION AND CLONING OF RECEPTORS phy\iological and therapeutic ;ignificance.
In the 1970'>, pharmacology entered a new phase when receptors,
\\hich had until then been theoretical entities, began to emerge as Much information has been gruned by introducing the cloned
biochemtcal rcalitie\ following the development of receptor- DNA encoding individual receptors into cell lines. producing
labelling technique~ (see Ch. 2), wruch made it possible to extract
and purify the receptor material. This approach was first used
successfully on the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (see Ch. 7).
\\here ad\antage was taken of two natural curiosjties. The first was Nmurc has had the good sense to keep these heavily anned fishes and
~nakes wel l apart. Ironically enough. B. multicincws is now officially an
that the electric organs of many fish, such as rays (Torpedo sp.) endangered ~pecic\, threatened by scienti;ts' demand for its venom.
anti electric eels (Electrophorus sp.) consjst of modified muscle Evolution for !>urvivaJ can go one Mep too far.
ti'>'IUC in which the acetylcholine-sensitive membrane is extremely
JAn oddly Dickcn>ian term that seems inappropriately condescending.
abundant, and these organs contain much larger amounts of becam.e we can U\:.umc that these receptors play defined role~ in
acetylcholine receptor than any other tissue. The second wa~ that physiological signalling their orphanhood' renects our ignorance, not
the vcnorn of snakes of the cobra family contains polypeptides their sta!lls.

1.Ligand-gated ion 2.G-protein-coupled 3.Kinase-linked 4.Nuclear receptors

channels receptors receptors
(ionotropic receptors) (metabotropic)

Ions Ions

o ~~;- A (f)~-~
y { \
Hyperpolarisation Change Second messengers
'" "'"''"''"ly 1 phosphorylation

t Gene transcription
Ca 2+ release Protein Other
phosphorylation t
Protein synthesis

Cellular effects
1 i
Cellular effects
1 t
Cellular effects
Protein synthesis
Cellular effects

Time scale
Milliseconds Seconds Hours Hours
N1colln1c Muscarinic Cytokine receptors Oestrogen
ACh receptor ACh receptor receptor

Fig. 3.2 Types of receptor~ffector linkage. ACh, acetylcholine: E, enzyme; G, G-protein; A, receptor.

ce ll~ that cxpre~s the foreign receptors in a functional form. Such opcr:.11ing within milliseconds. whereas other receptor-mediated
engineered cells allow much more precise control of the expressed effects, ~uch as tho~e produced by thyroid hormone or variou'
receptors than is pos~ible with natural cells or intact tissues, and the steroid hormone~. occur over hours or days. There are also many
technique is widely used to study the binding and pharmacological examples of intcrn1ediate timescales-<:atecholamines. for example,
characteri~ti cs of cloned receptors. usually act in a maucr of seconds, whereas many peptides take rather
The cloning of receptors revealed many molecu lar variants longer to produce their effects. Not surprisingly, very different types
(subtypes) of known receptors, which had not been evident from oflinkage between the receptor occupation and the ensuing response
pham1acological studies. Thi s produced some taxonomic confusion, arc invol ved. Based on molecular structure and the nature of thi~
but in the long term molecular characteri sation of receptors is linkage (the transduction mechanism), we can distinguish four
essential. Barnard. one of the high priests of receptor cloning, receptor types, or superfamilies (see Figs 3.2 and 3.3 and Table 3.2).
was undaunted by the proliferation of molecular subtypes among
receptors that pharmacologist-; had thought that they understood. Type I: ligand-gated ion channels (also known as ionot ropic
He quoted ThomaJ> Aquina.\: T ypes and shadows have their ending, recept ors).~ These are membrane proteins with a similar
for the newer rite i~ here. The newer rite. Barnard confiden tly ~tructurc to other ion channeb. and incorporate a ligand-binding
as~ened, was molecular biology. Analysis of the human and other (receptor) ~ite, u~ually in the extracellular domain. Typicall}.
mammalian genomcs suggests that many hundreds of receptor- these are the receptors on which fast neurotransmitters act.
like gene'> arc present. of which only a minority so far have a Example~ include the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR.
pham1acological identit). ow that most of the genes have been see Ch. 10): GABAA receptor (see Ch. 33): and glutamme
clearly identified. and the full molecular inventory established, the receptors of the NMDA. A MPA and kainate types (see Ch. 33).
emphasis has shifted to characterising the receptors pharma-
cologically and determining their physiological functions.

11crc. focu~ing on receptors, we consider ligand-gated ion channcb as an
example ol a receptor fam il y. O ther types of ion c han nels are described
Receptors elicit many different types of cellular effect. Some of later (p. 48); m:my of them are also drug targeL~. although not receptors i n
28 them arc very rapid. such as those involved in synaptic transmi ssion, the slrict sem.c.

Type 1 c N - - - - - - - - - Binding domain


ion channels
receptors) x 4 or 5


Type 2
(metabotropic Gprotein
receptors) coupling
Fig. 3 .3 General structure of
four receptor families. The domain
rectangular segments represent
hydrophobic ex-helical regions of the
protein compnsing approximately
20 amino acids, which fonm the
membrane-spanning domains of the
c] Binding domain
receptors. A Type 1: ligand-gated Kinase-linked
100 channels. Many ligand-gated ion
channels compnse four or five
subunits of the type shown, the
whole complex contaimng 16-20
membrane-spanning segments
surrounding a central ion channel.
Other structural types are shown in
F1g. 3.16. B Type 2: G- c
proteJrH:Oupled receptors. c . Type
3: kinase-linked receptors. Most
growth factor receptors incorporate Type4 c-'C- - - Binding domain
the llgandbJnding and enzymatic Nuclear ;::)

(kinase) domains in the same receptors DNA-binding domain
molecule, as shown, whereas
('zinc fingers')
cytokine receptors lack an
intracellular kinase domain but
link to cytosolic kinase molecules.
Other structural variants also exist.
o Type 4: nuclear receptors that N
control gene transcnption.

Type 2: G-protei n~oupl ed r eceptors (GPCRs). These are see Ch. 10). adrenergic receptors (see Ch. II ) and chemokine
abo known a~ m et abo tropic receptors or 7-transm embran e receptors (sec Ch. 16).
-spanning (heptahelical ) r eceptors. They are membrane Type 3: kjnase-lioked and r elated r eceptors. Thi s is a large
receptor. that are coupled to intracellular effecror systems via and heterogeneou~ gr oup of membrane receprors responding
a G-protein (~ee below). T hey constitute the largest family.5 mainly to protein mediator:.. T hey comprise an extracellular
and include receptor.. for many hormones and slow transmitters. ligand-binding domain linked to an imracellular domain by a
fore:<amplc the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (mAChR: single transmembrane helix. In many cases. the intracellular
domain is enLymic in nature (with protein kinase or guanylyl
cyclase activity). Type 3 receptor:. include those for insulin and
for various cytokines and growth factors (see C hs 16 and 26):
1-Jn~rc urc probably more than I 000 human GPCRs. compri sing rough ly
the receptor for atri al natriuretic factor (ANF. C hs 18 and 19)
3' olthc genome. About h:1lf of these are bel ieved to be odorant receptors
Jll\Oived in ' mel I and ta\te ~en~ation~. the remainder bei ng recepwrs for is the main example o f the g uany lyl cyclase type. The two
m kno\\n or un ~nown cndogennu~ mediators-ennugh to keep kind s arc very similar struc turally. even though their
phann:t~ulogi\1~ bu~y for l>Ollle Li me yet. transduc ti o n mechanism!> differ.

Table 3.2 The four main types of receptor

Type 1: ligand-gated
ion channels
Type 2: G-protein-coupled
Type 3: receptor kinases Type 4: nuclear receptors '

Location Membrane Membrane Membrane Intracellular a

Effector ion channel Channel or enzyme Protein kinases Gene transcription f.
Coupling Direct G-protein Direct Via DNA
Examples Nicotinic acetylcholine Muscarinic acetylcholine Insulin, growth factors, Steroid receptors Yo
receptor, GABAA receptor receptor, adrenoceptors cytokine receptors Cl
Structure Oligomeric assembly of Monomeric dimericor Single transmembrane Monomeric structure with t\.
subunits surrounding structure comprising seven helix linking extracellular separate receptor- and
central pore transmembrane helices receptor domain to DNA-binding domains
Intracellular kinase domain ac
Type 4: nuclear receptors. These are receptors that regulate acetylcholine receptors respond to the same physiological ct-
gene transcription. The term nuclear receptors is something mediator and produce the same kind of synaptic response, so su
of a misnomer, because some are actuaUy located in the cytosol why many variants should have evolved is still a puzzle.
and migrate to the nuclear compartment when a ligand is 'Y Much of the sequence variation that accounts for receptor diversity
present. They include receptors for steroid hormones arises at the genomic level, i.e. different genes give rise to distinct
(see Ch. 28), thyroid hormone (Ch. 29), and other agents receptor subtypes. Additional variation arises from alternative mRNA
such as retinoic acid and vitamin D. splicing. which means that a single gene can give rise to more than one
receptor isoform. After translation from genomic DNA, the mRNA
normally contains non-coding regions (inmms) that are excised by
MOLECULAR STRUCTURE OF RECEPTORS mRNA splicing before the message is translated into protein. Depending
on the location of the splice sites. splicing can result in inclusion or
The molecular organisation of typical members of each of these deletion of one or more of the mRNA coding region~. giving rise to long
four receptor superfamilies is shown in Figure 3.3. Although or short forms of the protein. This is an imponant source of variation,
particularly for GPCRs (see Kilpatrick et al., 1999), which produce
individual receptors show considerable sequence variation in receptors with different binding characteristics and different signal
particular regions, and the lengths of the main intracellular transduction mechanisms. although its pharmacological relevance remain'
and extracellular domains also vary from one to another within to be clarified. Another process that can produce different receptors from
the same family, the overall structural patterns and associated the same gene is mRNA editing, whicb involves the mischievous
signal transduction pathways arc very consistent. The realisation substitution of one base in the mRNA for another, and hence a small
variation in the an1ino acid sequence of the receptor.
that just four receptor superfamilics provide a solid framework
for interpreting the complex welter of information about the Molecular heterogeneity of this ki nd is a feature of all kinds of
effects of a large proportion of the drugs that have been studied receptors-indeed of functional proteins in general. New receptor
has been one of the most refreshing developments in modem subtypes and isoforms are continually being discovered, and
pharmacology. regular updates of the catalogue arc available (Alexander et al.,
2004; JUPHAR Receptor Database and Channel Compendium).
Receptor heterogeneity and subtypes The problems of classification, nomenclature and taxonomy
Receptors within a given family generally occur in several molecular resulting from this flood of data have been mentioned earlier
varieties, or subtypes. with similar architecture but significant (p. 28). From the pham1acological viewpoint, where our concern
differences in their sequences, and often in their pharmacological is to understand individual drugs and what they do to living
properties.6 Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors are typical in this organisms, and to devise better ones, it is important that we keep
respect; distinct subtypes occur in different brain regions, and these molecular phrumacology in perspective. The 'newer rite' has proved
differ from the muscle receptor. Some of the known pharma- revelatory in many ways, but the sheer complexity of the ways in
cological differences (e.g. sensitivity to blocking agents) between whjch molecules behave means that we have a long way to go
muscle and brain acetylcholine receptors correlate with specific
sequence differences; however, as far as we know, all nicotinic
before reaching the reductionist Utopia that molecular biology
promises. When we do, this book wi ll get much shorter. Tn tbe
meantime, we try to pick out the general principles without getting h
too bogged down in detail.
6Receptors for 5-HT (see Ch. 12) are currently the champions with respect We will now describe the characteristics of each of the four c:
30 to diversity, with 14 cloned subtypes. receptor superfami lies.

TYPE 1: LIGAND-GATED ION CHANNELS the Ct \ubunit\ twio,t, cau'>ing the kinked M 2 segments to swivel out or the
way, thu\ opening the channel (Mjyazawa et al, 2003).
The usc of \ite-directed mutagenesis. which enable.s shon regions, or single
The'e molecule~ have ~tructural features in common with other re\idue,, of the amino acid !>C<)Uence to be altered. has shown (see Gal1i
ion channel~. described on p. 50 (see Ashcroft, 2000). The nicotinic & Changcux, 1994) that a mutation of a critical residue in the Mz helix
changes the channel from being cation-selective (hence excitatory 1n the
acetylcholine receptor (Fig. 3.3A), the first to be cloned, has been
context of synaptic function) 10 being anion-selective(typical of receptors
'tudted in great detail (see Karlin, 1993). It is assembled from for inhibitory tr.tn\mlller.. such a.s GABA). Other mutation~ affect
four diflcrl!nt type!~ of :.ubunit, termed a. ~. y and S. each of M, propcnie, ~uch a\ gating and dcscnsitisation of ligand-gated channel\.
.t0-58 illa. The four subunits show marked sequence homology,
Receptors for \Orne other f~t tran.,millers, such as the GABAA receptor
and analysi'> of the hydrophobicity profile, which determines (Ch. 33),the 5-HT, receptor (Ch. t2) and the glycine receptor (Ch.33) are
11 hi~:h section\ of the chain are likely to form membrane-spanning built on the same pattern. and some show considerable sequence homology
a helices, sugge~ts that they arc inserted into the membrane as with the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor; the number or subunits that go
shown in Figure 3.4. The pl!ntamcric structure (Otz, ~. y, o) possesses to make up a functional receptor varies somewhat but is usually four or
five. However, other ligand-gated ion channels have a somewhat different
two acetylcholine binding sites, each lying at the interface between
architecture, in which the pore is built from loops rather than tran~
one of the two a subunits and its neighbour. Both must bind mcmbranc helices (&ec p. 50), in common with many other (non ligand-
act!tylcholine molecules in order for the receptor to be activated. gated) ion channels. ATP receptors of the P2X type (sec Ch. 12) and
This receptor is sufficiently large to be seen in electron micrographs, g lutamate receptors (see Ch. 33), whose structures are shown in
and Figure 3.4 shows its structure, based mainly on a high- Figure 3.18, arc of this type.
resolution electron diffraction ~tudy (Unwin 1993, 1995; M.iyazawa
et al., 2003). Each subunit spans the membrane four times, so the
channel comprbe~ no le~s than 20 membrane-spanning helices
surrounding a central pore. Receptors of this type control the fastest synaptic events in the
nervous system, in which a neurot:r.msmitter acts on the postsynaptic
Y ~ t"-O acctylcholinebinding sites lie on the extracellular pam of the membrane of a nerve or muscle cell and transiently increases its
t\\o u 'ubumh. One of the u-;m,membrane helice~ (M:V from each of the
h1c 'ubumh fonm the hnmg of the ion channel (Fig. 3.4). The five M 1
pt!nneability to particular ions. Most excitatory neurotransmitters,
hchcc' that fonn the pore are sharpl) kinked inwards halfway through the such as accrylcholine at the neuromuscular junction (Ch. 10) or
mcmbrJn.:, fonnmg a con~tliction. When acetylcholine molecule~ bind. gluramate in rhe central nervous system (Ch. 33), cause an increase

Pore - 0.7 nm diameter

---------- 1



_______ __ _l

a-Helices forming gate

Fig. 3.4 Structure of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (a typical ligand-gated ion channel) in side view ~eft) and plan view (right).
The five receptor subunits (Ct2, ~. y, B) form a cluster surrounding a central transmembrane pore, the lining of which is formed by the M2
helical segments of each subunit. These contain a preponderance of negatively charged amino acids, which makes the pore cation
selective. There are two acetylcholine binding sites in the extracellular portion of the receptor, at the Interface between the et and the
adjoining subunits. When acetylcholine binds, the kinked et helices either straighten out or swing out of the way, thus opening the
channel pore. (Based on Unwin 1993, 1995.) 31

in Na+ and K+ permeability. Thi'> results in a net inward current of an agonist. there i\ a d) namtc equtlibrium between open nod closed ion
carried mainJy by Na+, which depolarise:, the cell and increa'>es channels. ln the \lead) \tate. the rate of opening balance' the rate of
closing, but from moment to moment the number of open channel' IHII
the probability that it will generate an action potential. The action
show ntndom nuctuations about the mean. By measuring the amplitude
of the transmitter reaches a peak in a fraction of a millisecond,
of these tluclltations. the conductance of a single ion chnnncl ~an be
and usuaJiy decays within a few mill iseconds. The sheer speed of calculated. and by mea~uringthcir frequency (u~ually in the form or a
this response implies that the coupling between the receptor and spectrum in which the noi ~c power of the signal i:. ploned a~ a function of
the ionic channel is a direct one, and the molecular structure of frequency) the average duration for which a single channel ~lay'> open
(mean open time) can be calculated. In the ca~e of acetylcholine acting at
the receptor-channel comp lex (see above) agrees with thi~. I n
the end plate, the channel cnnductance i;; about 20 pico\iemen' (l>S).
contrast to other receptor families (see below), no intem1cdiate which is equivalent to an intlux of about JO' ions per 'econd through a
biochemical steps are involved in the transduction process. ~inglc channel under nonnal phy;iological conditions. and the mean open
time is 1-2 millisecond,. Tite magmtude of the smgle channel conductance
'If A breakthrough by Katt and Miledi in 1972 made it po;~ible for the confirm' that permeation occur\ through a physical pore through the
liN ume to study the propcrtie., oltndividual ligand-gated channel b) membrane. becau<;e the ion tlo" " too large to be compatible 11 ith a earner
the U!.e of noise analysis. Studying the ;~clion of acet)lcholtnc at the mechanism. The channel conductance produced by different acetylcholine
motor endplate. they observed that \rn:tll r.tndom fluctuations of membrane LiJ...e agonists is the ~ame. whereas the mean channel lifetime 1ane,.
potenti~l were superimposed on the steady depolarisation produced by
ucetylcholinc (Fig.3.5). These tluctuations arise because. in the presence The simple scheme shown in Fig. 2.1 is a useful model for ion chan nel
gating. The conformation R", rcpre;enting the (Jpcn state of the ion
channel, is thought to be the ~ame for all agonists. accounting for the
finding that the channel conductance doe!. not vary. Kinetically, the mean
open time is determined mainly by the closing rate con\tant. a. and th1.,
ACh . . . varies from one drug to another. A~ e:~.plamed in Chapter 2. an agonl\t of
t., L~~ i4~ t!:l~,W,~ -i~ :=~~-!l:..if~
.\.:.' t .. :.:..
~, . . ,. . .,.~.: , ., . ! ~ --~;, ~""
high efficacy that activate' a l;trge proponion of the receptor\ that tt
occupies will be charactcri-,ed by ~a >> I. whereas for a drug olio\\
: ~ .!t~ f~ -~
~- !
! '"~.!;.:!: 1:4
[ ;
! .
! t : C,.I
. :
t \.:
efficacy fVa has a lo\\er value.
~1 'fOU- ,~I*" ;.,.. :..~:tw~ The patch clamp recording technique, devised by Neher und Sa~mann.
Control 1 allows the very small current nowing through a single ionic channel to be
mea,urcd directly (Fig. 3.6). and the resu lts have fully confirmed the
100 ms interpretation of channel propcrtiet- ba;ed on noise ann l yi~. Thi'
technique provides a view, unique in biology, of the physiological
behaviour of individual protein molecules in real time. and ha' given
B) many new insight'> into the gating reactions and pcrmcabtlit)
10-21 Cut-off frequency characteristics of both ligand-gated channel~ and 101tagegated channeh
42.5 Hz (see p. 49). Single-channeli\.'COrding ha\ sh01~ o that many agoni.,h cau..c
indi1idual channels to open to one or more of \everal di.,unct
conductance le\cb. In the ca-,e of glutamate-activated channeb. tl
appears that different agonl\h produce different receptor conformauon'


t. . ~ .,....._
~"' til\..,~~ !lf'.~t ~ 0 Qi

I c

~ l~
10 100 c
Frequency (Hz)
'rl 0
Fig. 3.5 Acetylcholine-induced noise at the frog motor 0
endplate. A Records of membrane current recorded at high ~
~3pA ~~
gain under voltage clamp. The upper noise record was E
2 z
recorded during the application of acetylcholine (ACh) from a
micropipette. The lower record was obtained in the absence of
10 ms trans
ACh, the blip in the middle being caused by the spontaneous
release of a packet of ACh from the motor nerve. The steady discu
(DC) component of the ACh signal has been removed by Fig . 3 .6 Single acetylcholine-operated ion channel s at varyi
electronic filtering, leaving the high-frequency noise signal. the frog motor endplate recorded by the patch clamp
are d
(] Power spectrum of ACh-induced noise recorded in a similar technique. The pipette, which was applied tightly to the
experiment to that shown above. The spectrum is calculated surface of the membrane, contained 1OJlmol/1 ACh. The
by Fourier analysis and fitted with a theoretical (Lorentzian} downward deflections show the currents flowing through single
curve that corresponds to the expected behaviour of a single ion channels in the small patch of membrane under the pipette
population of channels whose lifetime varies randomly. The tip. Towards the end of the record, two channels can be seen
cut-off frequency (at which the power is half of its limiting to open simultaneously. The conductance and mean lifetime of
low-frequency value) enables the mean channel lifetime to be these channels agrees well with ind1rect estimates from noise
calculated. (From: (A) Anderson C R, Stevens C F 1973 J Physiol I analysis (see Fig. 3.5). (Figure courtesy of D Colquhoun and )
235: 655; (B) Ogden DC et al. 1981 Nature 289: 596.) __) \ DC Ogden.)

a\\t>Ci.ucu Wtth dtftcrent channel conductances (Jin et al., 2003).

D.;,cn,ni-ation of hgand-gated ion channel~ also imolves one or more Ligand-gated lon channels
addtuonal agonl\tinuuced conformational Mates. These findings
n.x:.:,,itate 'orne claborJilon of the ~imple scheme of Fig. 2.1. in which These are sometimes called ionot ropic
unl) a "ngk open 'tilt.:. R . ~ reprc-ented. and are an example of the wa)
m \1 hkh the J'tual bcha\iour of receptor. make' our theoretical model\
hul.. a hnle threadbare. They are involved mainly in fast synaptic
There are several structural families, the commonest
TYPE 2: GPROTEIN-(OUPLED RECEPTORS betng heteromeric assemblies of four or five subunits,
The abundant GPCR family comprises many of the receptors that with transmembrane helices arranged around a
arc familtar to pharmacologiM:-.. 1>uch as mAChRs. adrenocepLOrl>, central aqueous channel.
dopamine receptors. 5-HT receptors, opiate receptors, receptor:. Ligand binding and channel opening occur on a
ner for many peptides, purine receptors and many others, including millisecond timescale.
the chemoreceptor<. involved in olfaction and pheromone detection, Examples include the nicotinic acetylc holine, GABA
and ai\O many 'orphans' (1.cc Pierce et al., 2002). For most of type A (GABAA), and 5-hydroxytrypt amine type 3 (5-
neJ thc~c. quantitm ive pharmacologil:al studies w ith di fferent agonists HT3) receptors.
und antagonists have revealed a variety of subtypes. M any
GPCR~ have been cloned. revealing a strikingly coherent pattern
of their molecular ~tructure.
Many ncurotran~mittcr~>. apart from peptides, can interact with There i'> con~idcrable sequence homology between the members
both GPCR, and with ligand-gated channels. allowing the same of one fami ly, but none between different families. They !.hare
molecule to produce a wide variety of effect<>. Individual peptide the same seven-helix (heptahelical) structure, but differ in other
hom10nc'l. on lhc other hand, generally act eitJ1er on GPCRs or respect\, principally in the length of the extracellular N lcrminus
on J..ina,..:linJ..ed receptors (~ee below), but rarely on both, and and the location of the agonist binding domain (Table 3.3). Family
a 'imilar choo~ine~' applies to lhe many ligand:. that act on A i~ by far the large'>t, comprising most monoamine, neuropeptide
nudear receptors. and chemoJ..inc receptors. Family B includes recepto~ for .-.ome
The human genome includes genes encoding about -tOO GPCR <; other peplide\. '>UCh as calcitonin and glucagon (see Ch. 14).
(c\duding odorant recep1or1>: ~cc Bcn-Shlomo et al.. 2003). GPCRs Family C i'> the smallest. its main membeTh being the metabotropic
con,titule the commonest '>ingle dru.s of targets for therapemic glutamate and GABA receptors (Ch. 33) and the Ca1-sensing
drug,. and it is though! 1ha1 many promising therapeutic drug receptor~H (~ec Ch. 31 ).
targeh of thb 1ype remain to be identified. For a short review, see The under~tanding of 1he function of receptors of this type
Htll (2006). owes much 10 ~tudics of a closely related protein, rhodopsin,
which i~ re.,ponsible for transduclion in retinal rods. This protein
is abundant in the ret ina, and much easier to study than receptor
proteins (which are anything but abundant); it is built on an
The tir~l GPCR to be fu lly characterised was the ~-adrenoccptor identical plan to I hal shown in Figure 3.3 and also produces a
((h. I I ). which was cloned in 1986. Subsequently, molecular response in the rod (hyperpolarisation, associated with inhibition
hiology caughl up very rapid ly with pharmacology. and most of of a Na conduclancc) lhrough a mechanism involving a G-protein
1he receptors that had been identified by their pharmacological (sec below). The most obvious difference is that a photon, rather
propcnic~ have now been cloned. What seemed revolutionary in lhan an agonist molecule. produces the response. In effecl,
1986 i' now commonplace, and nowadays any aspiring receptor rhodopsin can be regarded as incorporating its own inbuilt agonist
ha~ to be doned before it is taken seriously. molecule, namely retilwl, which isomerises from the trans (inactive)
G-prolcin-coupled receptor~ consist of a single polypeptide to the cis (aclive) form when it absorbs a photon.
chain of up to 1100 re~idues whose general anatomy is shown in Site-directed mutagene~i!. experiments show that the long third
Figure 3.3B. Their characteristic structure comprises seven cytopla~mic loop i'> the region of the molecule that couple:. to the
tran,membrane o: helices. similar to those of lhe ion channels G-protein, because deletion or modification of this section results
di..cu,\Cd above. with an extracellular N-lerminal domain of in receptors that still bind ligands but cannot associate with
\af)ing lenglh. and an intracellular C-terminal domain. GPCRs G-protein:-. or produce responses. Usually. a particular receptor
an: dh idcd into three di~tinct families (sec ScbwartL. 1996). sub1ype couple'> 1>electively with a particular G-protein, and

' The Cal.,cn,ing receptor (~ee Conigrave et al.. 2000) i\ an unu'>ual GPCR
that i~ acuvmcd, not by conventional mediators. but by extracellular Ca 2 ' in
Example' of promi..:uity are incre<\\ing. however. Steroid hormones, nom1ally the range of I I0 mM un extremely low affinity in comparison with other
lallhfult<l nuclear receptor~. m:lke the occasional pa.% at ion channels and GPCR agoniM~. It is expres~eu by cell> of the parathyroid gland, and serves
other target' t-ee ~ut ken\tcin el al .. 2000). and ~orne eicosanoids act on nuclear to regu late the extracellular e;,~ concentration by controlling parathyroid
rec~pt<lr' n' wellu~ GPCR>. Nature i~ 4uite open-minded, although such hormone ccretion (Ch. 31 ). This homeo>tatic mechanism is quite distinct
example' an: ltahlc to make pharmacologists frown and students despair. from the rncc.:h<m i\nh for regulating intracellular Ca2 discussed in Chapter4. 33

Table 3.3 G-proteln-coupled recept or families

Family Receptors" Structural features

A: rhodopsin family The largest group. Receptors for most amine Short extracellular (N terminal) tail. Ugand
neurotransmitters, many neuropeptides, b1nds to transmembrane helices (amines) or
purines, prostanoids, cannabinoids, etc. to extracellular loops (peptides).

8: secret1n/glucagon Receptors for peptide hormones, including Intermediate extracellular tail incorporating
receptor family secretin, glucagon, calcitonin. ligand-binding domain.

C: metabotrop1c glutamate Small group. Metabotropic glutamate Long extracellular tail incorporating ligand
receptor/calcium sensor family receptors, GABAe receptors, Ca2 binding domain.
sensing receptors.

"A fourth distinct family Includes many receptors for pheromones but no pharmacological receptors.
For full lists, see http://www.iuphar-db.org.

swapping part!. of the cytoplasmic loop between different receptors a pr01ca~c rel ea~ed from ma't cells, and is expressed on sensory neuron\.
a lters their G-protein selectivity. 11 i<> 1hough1 10 play a role in innammatory pain (see Ch. 41 ). One
con\equence of Ihi\ 1ype of activation is that the receptor can be ac1ivmed
For small molecules, such as noradrenaline (norepinephrine), the
only once. becauo,c the cleavage cannot be re,ersed. so continuous
ligand-binding domain i:. buried in the cleft between the a-helical re'ynlhc'i' of receptor prolein is neces~. Inactivation occurs by deo;en'>
segments within the membrane (Fig. 3.3B), similar to the slot usauon, imoh mg pho,phorylation (see below), after which lhe receptor
occupied by retinal in the rhodopsin molecule. Peptide ligands, i' inlema.h,cd and degraded. to be replaced by newly synthe<>iscd prolcin
~uch ~ \ub-.tance P (Ch. 16) bind more superficially to the extra- Sc' eraI human di\Ca\e \tale~ ha' c been described (see below) Ihal ~
cellular lOOp'>. a\ '>hown in Figure 3.3B. By single-site mutagenesis a\\IX:iated ellher with \p<>ntancous receptor mutations that resuh 10
experiments. it is po~'>ible to map the ligand-binding domain of con\tllulhe acu' ali on of receptor~. or "ith the producuon of
autoanubo<hc~ d1rected again~t the extracellular domain of receplor,.
these receptor... and the hope is that it may soon be possible to
which mimic I he effec1 of agoniSL\.
design '>ynthetic ligand'> b~ed on knowledge of the receptor :.ite
\tructure- an important mibtone for the pharmaceutical industry.
which ha'> relied up to now mainly on the structure of endogenous G-proteins and their role
mediator~ ('>uch a., histamine) or plant alkaloids (such as morphine) G-proteins comprise a family of membrane-resident proteins
for ih chemical in~piration. 9 So far. GPCRs cannot be obtained in whose function i.'. to recognise activated GPCRs and pass on the
crystalline form. so the powerful technique of X-ray crystallography message to the effector .'.ystems that generate a cellular response.
cannot yet be used to dcline the molecu lar structure of these They represent the level of middle management in the organisational
receptors in detail. Until then, designing new GPCR ligands will hierarc hy, intervening between the receptors--choosy mandarins
remain a somewhat hit-or-miss business. alert tO the faintest wh iff of their preferred chemical-and the
effector e1u.ymes or ion channels-the blue collar brigade that
gets the job done without needing to know which hormone
ALTERNATIVE MECHANISMS OF RECEPTOR authorised the process. They are the go-between proteins, but
ACTIVATION were actually called G-proteins because of their interaction with
T Ahhough aclivation of GPCR~ i~ normally the consequence of agonist the guanine nucleotides, GTP and GDP. For more detailed
binding. il can occur by other mechani~ms. Rhodopsin. mentioned earlier, information on the structure and functions of G-proteins, see
i<> ncli\ aled by hghHnduced cis-trans i'omerisation of pre bound retinal. review<; by OITermanns (2003) and Milligan and Kostenis (2006)
Ano1her C\ilmple i' 1ha1 of the pmteaseactil'Oted receptors (PARs), of
"hich four ha\c \ll far been 1dcntitied (see Vecgnolle et al.. 200 I). Many
G-protein!> consist of three 1.ubunits: a, ~and-y (Fig. 3.8). Guanine
pro1ea..c,. \uch a\ thromb10 (a protea-e involved in the blood-dolLing cas- nucleotides bind to the a subunit. which bas enzymic accivit).
cade . ..ce Ch. 21 ), acll\ale PAR~ by 'mpping off the end of the extracellular catalysing the conversion of GTP to GDP. The f3 and y subunit\
tenmnall;ul of the receptor (Fig. 3.7). The exposed N-tenninal residue~ remain together as a ~'Y complex. All three subunits are anchored
then bmd to receptor domain' in the extracellular loops. functioning a~ a to the membrane through a fauy acid chain, coupled to the G
'lelhcrcd agoni\t' Rcceplor, of thi!> type occur in many tb~ue\ (see
o,,of,l..:tya & Bunnell. 2004. Vergnolle. 20Q..l). and they appear to play a
protein through a reaction known as prenylarion. G-protein<.
role in innamma1ion and other re~ponse~ to ti~sue damage where tissue appear to be freely diffusible in the plane of the membrane. so a
protea<,e~ are re lea\ed. One of the family of PARs. PAR-2. is aclivmed by single pool of G-protein in a cell can interact with several
different receptors and effectors in an essentially promiscuou~
fashion. In the 'resting' stale (Fig. 3.8), the G-protein exists as an
Many lead compound~ i n recent year~ have come from screening huge
unauached a~y trimer, with GDP occupying the site on the a
chemical libraric& (sec Ch. 56). No inspiralion i~ req LLired, just robust subunit. Whe n a GPCR is activated by an agonist molecule, a
34 assays, large computers and efficient robotics. conformational change occurs, involving the cytoplasmic domain

Cleavage by thrombin
Released N



Fig. 3. 7 Activation of the thrombin receptor by proteolytic cleavage of the N -terminal extracellular domain. Inactivation occurs
by phosphorylation. Recovery requires resynthesis of the receptor.

Resting state
Receptor Receptor occupied by agonist

Target Target Target
2 1 ......,......... a ~y 2
lnachve GOP Inactive Inactive GOP , Inactive
/., ',
Target proteins
~al GTP hydrolysed activated
rms Target Target Target
the 2
2 l..__ 1 _.J, ~y ~
Active GOP Active Active

Fig. 3 .8 The function of the G-protein. The G-protein consists of three subunits (ex, ~. J?, which are anchored to the membrane
through attached lipid residues. Coupling of the ex subunit to an agonist-occupied receptor causes the bound GOP to exchange with
Me Intracellular GTP; the a-GTP complex then dissociates from the receptor and from the ~y complex, and interacts with a target protein
ty. (target 1, wh1ch may be an enzyme, such as adeny!ate cyclase, or an ion channeQ. The ~y complex may also activate a target protein
lllits (target 2). The GTPase acllv1ty of the a subunit is increased when the target protein is bound, leading to hydrolysis of the bound GTP
to GOP. whereupon the ex subunit reunites with ~y.
I G-
10a of the receptor (Fig. 3.38), causing it to acquire hjgh affinity for activation of the target (Fig. 3.8). It was originally thought that
ttal ~'(. A~'ociation of a~y with the receptor causes the bound GDP only the a subunit has a signalling function. the ~y complex
loUS to dts~ociate and to be replaced with GTP (GDP- GTP serving merely as a chaperone to keep the flighty a subunits out
~an exchange), which in tum causes dissociation of the G-protein of range of the various effector proteins that they might otherwise
1(!0. trimer, releasing o.-GTP and ~y subunits; these are the 'active' excite. However, the jYy complexes actually make assignations of
~.a forms of the G-protein, which diffuse in the membrane and can their own, and control effectors in much the same way as the a
associate with various enzymes and ion channels, causing subunits (see Clapham & Neer, 1997). In general, it appears that 35

Tble 3 .4 The main G-protein subtypes and their functions

Subtypes Associated receptors Main effectors Notes

Ga subunits
Ga., Many amine and other Stimulates adenylyl cyclase, causing Activated by cholera toxin, which
receptors (e.g. catecholamines, Increased cAMP formation. blocks GTPase activity, thus
histamine, serotonin) preventing inactivation.

Ga, As for Ga,., also opioid, Inhibits adenylyl cyclase, decreasing Blocked by pertussis tox1n, which
cannab1noid receptors cAMP formation. prevents dissociation of aj3y complex.

Ga., As for Gcx.. also opio1d, ?Limited effects of a subunit (effects Blocked by pertuss1s tox1n. Occurs
cannabino1d receptors mainly due to j3y subunits). ma1nly in nervous system.

Gexq Amine. peptide and Activates phospholipase C,

prostanoid receptors increasing production of second
messengers inositol trisphosphate
and diacylglycerol (see p. 38).

Gj3y subunits All GPCRs As for Ga subunits (see above). Also: Many Gj3y isoforms Identified, but et
activate potassium channels specific functions are not yet known.
inhibit voltage-gated calcium channels Gj3y -mediated effects probably
activate GPCR kinases (p. 40) reqUire higher levels of GPCR
activate mitogen-activated protein activation than Gamediated effects.
kinase cascade.
GPCR, G-proteincoupled receptor.
-rhis table lists only those isoforms of major pharmacological significance. Many more have been Identified, some of which play roles in
olfaction, taste, visual transduction and other physiological functions (see Offermanns, 2003).

higher concentrations of py complex than of a subunits are is molecular variation within the a subunits, of which more than
needed, so py-mediated effect~ occur at higber levels of receptor 20 subtypes have been identified 0 (see Wess. 1998: Table 3.4). Four
occupancy than a-mediated effect!>. Association of a subunits main classes of G-protein (G,. G,. Go and Gq) arc of pharmaco-
with target enzymes can cause either activation or inhibation. logical importance. A'> "ummari!>ed in Table 3.4, they !.hov, ~elec
depending on which G protein in involved (see Table 3.4). tivity with respect to both the receptors and the effecto~ with
Signal ling is terminated when the hydrolysis of GTP to GOP which they couple, having l)pecific recognition domain~ in their
occurs through the GTPase activity of the a subunit. The structure complementary to specific G-protein- binding domains
resulting a-GOP then dissociates from the effector, and reunites in the receptor and effector molecules. G~ and G; produce, respect-
with py, completing the cycle. Attachment of rhea subunit to an ively. stimulation and inhibition of the enzyme adenylyl cyclase
effector molecule actually increases its GTPase activity. the (Fig. 3.9). The G-proteins can be thought of as the intramembranc
magnitude of thi increase being different for different types of managers. bustling between receptors and effectors, controlling this
effector. Because GTP hydrolysis is the step that terminates the microcosm but communicaLing very little with the world out~idc.
ability of the a subunit to produce its effect. regulation of its The a subunits of these G-proteins differ in structure. One
GTPase activity by the effector protein means that the activation functional difference that has been useful a~ an experimental tool
of the effector tends to be self-limiting. The mechanism results in to distinguish which type of G-protein is involved in different
amplification because a single agonist-receptor complex can situations, concerns the action of two bacterial toxins, cholera
activate several G-protein molecules in tum, and each of these toxin and pertussis toxin (sec Table 3.4). These toxins, which an:
can remain associated with the effector enzyme for long enough enzymes, catalyse a conjugation reaction (ADP ribosylation) on
to produce many molecules of product. The product (see below) the a subunit of G-protcins. Cholera toxin acts only on G,. and
i~> often a 'second messenger', and further ampl ification occurs it causes persistent activation. Many of the symptoms of cholera,
before the final cellular response is produced. such as the excessive secretion of nuid from rhe gastrointeM inal
How is specificity achieved w that each kind of receptor produces
a distinct pattern of cellular responses? With a common pool of
promiscuous G-proteins linking the various receptors and effector wA~ well as more than 20 known '>Ubi) pes of Ga. there arc 6 of G~ and 12
of Gy, providing, in them). about 1500 varianiS of the uimer. We r..now
systems in a ceU, it might seem that all specificity would be l o~t.
liule about the role of different a, p. y '>Ubtypes. but it would be r.l'oh to
but this is clearly not the case. For example, mAChRs and P- assume that the variation\ arc functionally irrelevant. By now, you will be
adrenoceptors, both of wh ich occur in cardiac muscle cells. pro- un;urprised (even if 'omcwlmt bemused) by such ;1 di!>play of molecular
36 duce opposite functional effects (Chs I 0 and II ). The main reason heterogeneity, for it is the way of evolutinn.

Inhibitory Target
receptor enzyme
Fig. 3.9 Bidirectional control
of a target enzyme, suc h as
adenylyl cyclase by G1 and G1
Heterogeneity of G-prote1ns allows
d1fferent receptors to exert opposite
effects on a target enzyme.

epithelium, arc due to the uncontro lled activatio n of ade ny ly l biochemistry and pharmacology, and introduced the concept of
cyclase that occun.. Pertu ~si s toxin specificall y blocks G, and 0 0 second messengers in signal transd uction. cAMP is a nucleotide
hy preve nting dissociation of the G -prote in trimer. synthesised within the cell fro m ATP by the actio n of a
membrane-bo und c nty mc. adeny ly l cyclase. It is produced
TARGETS FOR G-PROTEINS continuously and inactivated by hydro lysis to 5'-AMP. by the
action o f a fami ly or e nq mcs known as phosphodiesterases (PDEs).
The main target ~ for G-prote ins. through which GPCRs contro l Man y diffe re nt drugs, ho rmo nes and neurotrans mitters act on
tlin'erent aspects of cell function (sec Milligan. 1995; Gudetmann GPC Rs and produce their effects by inc reasing or decreasing the
ct al., 1996: Nahorski, 2006: Table 3.4), are: catal ytic ac ti vit y o f ade nylyl cyclase, thus raising or lowering
adenvlrl crcla\e, the e n1.yme respo nsible for cAMP formatio n th e concentratio n of cAMP within the cell. There arc several
phospholipa.\ e C, the etvy me respo ns ible for inosito l d iiTen.:nt mo lecular i~ofonns of the enzyme, some of which respond
pho-.phate and diacy lg lycerol (DAG ) form ation <>electively toGa, or Ga, (see Si mo nds, 1999).
itm chtmntds, particularly calcium and potassium c hannels Cyclic AMP regulates many aspects of cellular function includ-
Rlw NR/w ~ina!Je, a syMcm that controls the activity or ing, for example, enzymes involved in energy metabolism, cell
many stgnalhng pathways contro lli ng cell growth and d ivision and cell differentiation, ion transport, ion c hannels, and
prohferauon. smooth muscle contraction. e tc. the contractile prote ins in smooth muscle. These varied effects
are. however, all brought about by a common mechanism, namely
The adenylyl cyclase/cAMP system the activation of protein kinase:. by cAMP. Protein kina<>es regu late
The di-.con:ry b) Sutherland and his colleagues of the role of the function or many different cell ular proteins by conrro lling pro-
an c.\MP (cyclic 3'.5'-adenosine monophosphate) as an intracellular tein pho!>phorylation (~ee p. 43). Figure 3.10 shows how increased
lUr mediator demolished at a ~troke the barriers that existed between c AMP production in response to ~-adrenoceptor activation affects
to- e nzy mes invo lved in g lycoge n and fat metabolism in liver, fat
t'C- and muscle cells. The result is a coordinated response in wh ich
ith Gproteln-coupled receptors s tored energy in the fo rm o f g lycogen and fat is made available
1eir as g lucose to fue l muscle contraction.
pns These are sometimes called metabotropic Other examples o f regulati on by cAMP-depe ndent pro tein
ect- receptors. kin ases include the increased acti vity of voltage-activated calcium
~:~se Structures comprise seven membrane-spanning channels in heatt muscle cells (see C h. 18). Phosphorylation of these
1!11e a-helices, often linked as d imeric structures. c hannels inc rea~es the a mount of Ca2+ enteri11g the cell durin g
this One of the intracellular loops is larger than t he others the acti on pote ntia l, and thus increases the force of contractio n of
de. and interacts with the G- protein. the heart.
)ne 1 The G-protein is a membrane protein comprising In smooth muscle, cAMP-dependent protein kinase phos-
ool three subunits (ex, ~. "(), the a subunit possessing phorylates (the reby inacti vati ng) anothe r enzyme, myosi n- light-
rnt GTPase act1vity. chain "-ina e, which is req uired for contractio n. This accounts for
era 1 When the trimer binds to anagonist-occupied receptor, the smooth muscle re lax ation produced by many drugs that
are the <X subunit dissociates and is then free to activate increase cAMP production in smooth muscle (see Ch. 19).
on an effector (a membrane enzyme or ion channel). In As mentioned above, receptors li nked toG, rather than G, inhibit
md some cases, the ~Y subunit is the activator species. adcny ly l cyclase. and thus reduce cAMP formation. Examples
:ra, 1 Activatton of the effector is terminated when the include certain types of mAChR (e.g. the M 2 receptor of cardiac
nal bound GTP molecule is hydrolysed, which allows the muscle; see C h. I 0). <Xz-adrcnocep tors in smooth muscle
a subunit to recombine with py. (Ch. I I). and opioid receptors (see C h. 41 ). Adeny ly l cyclase can
There are several types of G-protein, which interact be acti vated direc tly by certain agents, includi ng forsko lin and
12 with different receptors and control different effectors. fluori de i on ~ . agents that are used experime ntall y to s tudy the
1 Examples include muscarinic acetylcholine receptors , ro le of the cAMP syste m.
adrenoceptors, neuropeptide and c hemokine Cyclic AMP is hydro lysed w ithin cells by phosphodiesterases
receptors, and protease-act ivated receptors. (PDEs), an importan t and ubiquito us family of enzymes (see Beavo,
1995, for review). Many POE s ubty pes exist, of which some (e.g. 37

Increased lipolysis
Lipase (inact1ve)


Protein kinase

~ Glycogen synthase Reduced glycogen synthesis

\ ' cAMP -~--z(active)

) Protein kinase
'- (active) /

Glycogen synthase

Agonist ) Phosphorylase Increased glycogen breakdown

kinase (inactive)

kinase (active) Glycogen

Phosphorylase a ~ATP
..._ (active) )
r - ADP

Glucose 1-phosphate

Fig. 3 . 1 0 Regulation of energy metabolism by cAM P. AC, adenylate cyclase.

PDE, and PDE4 ) are cAMP-selective, while others (e.g PDE5) are of salt secretion by the nasal glands of seabirds. They found that
cGMP-selecti ve. M o~>t are weakly inhibited by drugs such as secretion was accompanied by increased turnover of a minor
methylxanthines (e.g. theophylline and caffeine: see Chs 23 and class of membrane phospholipids known as plzosphoinositide.~
42). Rolipra m (used to treat asthma, Ch. 23) is selective for PDE4 (collectively known as Pis; Fig. 3. 11 ). Subsequently, Michell and
expres!'>ed in innammatory cells; milrinone (used to treat heart Berridge found that many hormones that produce an increase in
failure, Ch. 18) is . elective for PDE4 , which is expressed in heart free intracellular Ca 2+ concentration (which include, for example.
muscle: ildenafll (better known as Viagra, CIL 30) is selective for muscarinic agoni~ts and o..-adrenoceptor agonists acting on smooth
PDEs. and consequently enhances the vasodilator effects of NO muscle and salivary glands. and vasopressin acting on liver cell~)
and drugs that release NO, whose effects are mediated by cGMP abo increase Pr turnover. Subsequently. it was found that one
(see Ch. I 7). The similarity of some of the actions of these drugs particular member of the Pl family. namely phosphatidylinositol
to those of catecholamines probably reflects their common property (4,5) bi1>phosphate (PrP2). which has additional phosphate groups
of increasing the intracellular concentration of cAMP. Selective attached to the inositol ring, plays a key role. PIP2 is the substrate
inhibitors of the various PDEs are being developed, mainly to for a membrane-bound enzyme, phospholipase C~ (PLC~).
treat cardiovascular and respiratory diseases (Chs 19 and 23). which pi its it into DAG and inositol ( 1.4,5) trisphosphate (TP1:
Fig. 3.12), both of which function as second messengers as
The phospholipase C/ inositol phosphate discus ed below. The activation of PLC~ by various agonists is
system mediated through a G-protein (Gq, see Table 3.4). After cleavage
The phosphoinositide system, an important intracellular second of PIP2 , the status quo is restored as shown in Figure 3. 12, DAG
messenger system, was first discovered in the 1950s by Hokin being phosphorylated to form phosphatidic acid (PA), while the
._.---- and Hokin, whose recondite interests centred on the mechanis m IP 3 is dcphosphorylated and then recoupled with PA to form PIP2

within the membrane. It binds to a specific site on the PKC

)> molecule, which migrates from the cytosol to the cell membrane
in the presence of DAG, thereby becoming activated. There are
a: 10 different mammalian PKC subtypes. which have distinct
-:i 0
~ 0 cellular distributions and phosphorylate different proteins. Most
are activated by DAG and raised intracellular Ca 2. both of which
Q) Q)
0 0
a: a:
arc produced by activation of GPCRs. PKCs are also activated by
PA p horbol esters (highly irritant, tumour-promoting compounds
produced by certain plants}, which have been extremely useful in
0 0 studying the functions of PKC. One of the subtypes is activated
PIP2 , PLA2, by the lipid mediator arachidonic acid (see Ch. 13) generated by
c c c the action of pho:.pholipase A 2 on membrane phospholipids, so
0 PKC activation can also occur with agonists that activate this
p enzyme. The various PKC isoforms, like the tyrosine kinases
PLD discussed below (p. 43) act on many different functional proteins,
6 2 such as ion channels. receptors, enzymes (including other
1(1 ,4,5)P 3
5 3 kjnascs) and cytoskeletal proteins. Kinases in general play a
p 4 OH central role in signal transduction, and control many different
p aspects of cell function. The DAG-PKC link provides a channel
whereby GPCRs can mobilise this army of control freaks.
Fig. 3.11 Structure of phosphatidylinositol
bisphosphate (PIPJ, sh owing sites of cl eavage by different lon channels as targets for G proteins
phospholipases to produce active mediators. Cleavage by
0-protein-<oupled receptors can control ion channel function
phospholipase A, (PLA,) yields arachidonic acid. Cleavage by
phospholipase C (PLC) yields inositol trisphosphate (1(1,4,5)P:J directly by mechanisms that do not involve second messengers such
and diacylglycerol (DAG). PA, phosphatidic acid; PLD, as cAMP or inositol pho~phates. This was first shown for cardiac
phospho~ pase 0 muscle, but it now appears that direct G-protein-<bannel interaction
may be quite general (see Wickham & Clapham. 1995). Early
examples came from :.tudies on potassium channel . In cardiac
Olk.'t agam 1 Lithium. an agent used in psychiatry (see Ch. 39) muscle, for example, mAChRs are known to enhance K+ per-
!litll:b this TCC}Chng pathway (see Fig. 3.12). meability (thu~ hypcrpolarising the cells and inhibiting electrical
activity: see Ch. 18). Similar mechanisms operate in neurons, where
Inositol phosphates and intracellular calcium many inhibitory drugs such m; opiate analgesics reduce excitability
lnosnol (I .4.5) trbphosphate is a water-soluble mediator that is by opening potassium channels (see Ch. 41). These actions arc
rck;Jscd mto the cytosol and act~ on a specific receptor-the fP3 produced by direct interaction between the l3y subunit of 0 0 and
receptor -which b a ligand-gated calcium channel present on the channe l, without the involvement of second messengers.
th~ membrane of the endopla~mic reticulum. The main role of
IP, tbcribcd in more detail in Chapter 4, is to control the The Rho/ Rho k inase system
1nd that rd~asc of Ca'+ from intrncellular stores. Because many dmg and "' Thi~ rcccnlly discovered !.ignal transduction pathway (see Bishop &
1 minor hormone effect~ involve intracellular Ca2+, thjs pathway is llall, 2000) i~ ~ctivaled by certain GPCRs (and aho by non-GPCR
ositide\ partkularly important. lP3 is converted inside the cell to the mechanisms). which couple 10 G-proteins of the G 12113 type. The free
nell and (1.\4,5) tctrapho~phate.IP4 , by a specific kinase. The exact role G-protcin a. subunit interJct!. with a guanosine nucleotide exchange
factor. which facililales GDP-GTP exchange at another GTPase,
rease in r>l IP4 remain' unclear (<,ec Irvine, 200 I), but there is evidence
Rho. Rho-GOP. the rc'ting fonn, is inactive, but when GDP-GTP
kample. thai it too I!I Jn\Oived in Ca 2+ signalling. One possibility is that it exchange occur~. Rho is activaled. and in tum activates Rho l.inase.
-,mooth faclht.llcs Ca' entry through the plasma membrane, thus avoiding Rho kin:t\e phO\phorylate' many ~ubs1rate proteins and control' a wide
er celb) dtpktwn of the intracellular store~ as a result of the action of IP3 . variety of cellular functions. including smooth muscle contraction and
hat one prolifcra1ion. angiogenesi\ and synaptic remodelling. B) enhancing
lino~Hol Diacylglycerol and protein kinase c hypoxia-mduced pulmonary artery vasooonstriction. acti\'ation of Rho
kina\e 1\ thought to be importanl in the pathogenesis of pulmonal')
rgroups DJac)lgl}cerol 1' produced a~ well as IP 3 whenever receptor- hypertension (sec Ch. 19). Specific Rho kinase inhibitor.. are m
ub~trate mduced PI hydrolysis occu~. The main effect of DAG is to dc\'Ciopmcm for a w1de range of clinical indications-an area to watch.
PLC~). &.:tll'ate a membrane-bound protein kinase, protein J.:inase C (PKC),
~te (IP,: The main postulated roles of GPCRs in controlling enzymes and
11h1lh catalyse' the phosphorylation of a variety of intracellular
ion channels arc summarised in Figure 3.13.
1ger.. as prot~m' bee Ni'>hituka, 1988; Walaas & Greengard, 1991 ). DAG,
tmists 1s unhke the 1nositol phosphates, is highly lipophilic and remains Desensitisation
"' As described in Chapter 2, desensitisation is a feature of all GPCRs.
2.DAG and the mechanisms underlying it have been extensively Mudied. Two
rhile the 11 \hcrnali~c ahb~viations for these medialors are Ptdlns (PI), Ptdlns (4,5)- main processes are involved ('ec Koenig & Edwardson. 1997; Krupnick
1m1 PIP2 & 13enovic, 1998; Fergu~on, 200 I):
P !PIP I. In\ (1,.1,5) P1 (IP3). and Ins ( I , 2, 4, 5)-P4 (lP4 ).



Phospholipase C

Phosphatidic acid OAG

\. Kinase /

Activation o f
--~F=--~~ protein k inase C J

o ~
, 1-phosphatase.t Phosphatases

0 0 Release of
intracellular Ca2+
Inositol IP

1(1 ,4 ,S)P3

1 1

? Ca2+ entry
through membrane

1(1,3,4)P3 1(1 ,3,4,S)P4

Fig. 3 .1 2 Th e phos phatidylinositol (PI} cycle. Receptor-mediated activation of phospholipase C results in the cleavage of
phosphatidylinositol b isphosphate (PIP2), forming diacylglycerol (DAG) (which activates protein kinase C) and inositol t risphosphate (IP:J

(which releases intracellular Ca2). The ro le of inositol tetraphosphate (IP4 ), which is formed from IP3 and o ther inositol phosphates, is
unclear, but it may facilitate Ca + entry th rough t he plasma membrane. IP3 is inactivated by dephosphorylat ion to inositol. DAG is
converted to phosphatidic acid, and these two p rod ucts are used to regenerate PI and PIP2 .

receptor pho.,phorylation internet ion with G-proteins and also target Lhe receptor for endocyto~i'.
receptor intcrnali\ation (endocytosis). producing a more profound and long-la~ting desensitisation. The fil'\t GRK
to be identified wa' the fl-adrcnoccptor kinase. BARK. but severJI other'
The o,equcnce of GPCRs includes ccnain residues (serine and threonine).
mainly in the C-tcrminal C) toplasmic tail. which can be pho~phorylated have since been discovered. and this rype of desensitbmion ..eem' tc
occur with mo\t GPCR,.
by kinao,c, ..uch a<, protein kma-e A CPKA), PKC, and specific membrane-
bound GPCR kina!>e!> CGRK\l.

Phosphor)lation by PKA and PKC. which are activated by many GPCR.s, SOME RECENT DEVELOPMENTS
general!} lead) to tmpaued coupling between the activated receptor and
the G-protein. \O the agonist effect ts reduced. These kinases are not very T Our knowledge of GPCR biolog) is expanding rapid!). Here we deo;crilJ(
..electi\e, \O receptor.. other than that for the desensitising agonist will \Orne recent de'elopments that may ha\e imponant implications for ph=
abo be affected. Thts effect. whereby one agonist can desensitise other cology in the future (~>ee review by Pierce et al.. 2002). Those wishmg tu
rccepmrs. i'> known a~ heterologous de>ensitisation, and is generally '>tiel.. to the basic story of GPCR function can safely skip this section.
weal.. and shon-la!>tmg (!>ee Fig. 3.14).

Phosphorylation by GRK' bee Krupnick & Benovic, 1998; Fig. 3.14) is

GPCR dime risation
receptor-specific to a greater or les\er degree. and affects mainly receptors T The conventional view that GPCRs exist and function as monomen.
10 their activated (i.e. agoni,t-bound) state, resulting in homologous proteins (in contrast to ion channels. which generally form multimcn,
desen.liti.llltion. The residue~ that IGRKs phosphorylate are different complexes: 'iCC p. 50) was first overturned by work on the GABA 0 receptor
from tho~e targeted by other kina~e,, and the phosphorylated receptor 1\vo 'ubtypc~> o f this GPCR el\ist. encoded by different genes. and the
40 '>Crve~ ll'> a binding ~i te for arreltitlS, intracellul ar proteins that block the functi onal receptor consists of a heterodimer of the two. It now seem>

Receptors G-prote~f---------------,

Guanylate Adenylyl
Phospholipase C
enzymes cyclase cyclase
' ,

(\ (\
messengers cGMP cAMP - AA

t [Ca2..)1
Eicos anoids --- -- - -- - -,

1 1
as local

J l

Effectors Enzymes,
l lon
transport proteins, etc. protetns channels

Fig. 3.13 G-protein and second messenger control of cellular effec tor system s. AA, arachidonic acid; DAG, diacylglycerol; IP3 ,
inosttol trisphosphate.

hkd} that mtht. tf not all. GPCRs exi\1 as oligomers (Angers et al .. 2002). simply o'erc11prcs~ion of the receptor. result in constitutive receptor
Withm the opioiu rcct:ptor family (~ee Ch. 4 1), Mabie and functional dimen. activat ion. There are now m:my e~tamples of native GPCRs that show
''' K ami 0 r~~cptors have been found whose pharmacological properties constitutive activity when expresed in vitro (see Teitler et aJ.. 2002). 111e
utller twm those ot either parent. More diverse GPCR combination~ have hiMaminc H 1 receptor also ~>hows constitutive activity in vivo, and thb
also been toumJ. such as that between dopam ine (D!) and somatostati n may prove to be a quite genera l phenomenon. It means that imer,e
rc~cpwr~. on which both ligand act with increased potency. Roaming agonist~. which suppress this ba~>al acti vi ty, may exert effects disti nct
even funhcr alicld in search of functional assignations. the dopami ne from those of neutral antagonists. which block agonist effects without
receptor D, can couple directly wi th a ligand-gated ion channel, the GABAA affecting ha~al activity.
n:..:cpw, inhibiting the function of the latter without the intervention of
an} G prmcm (Ltu et al.. 2000). These interaction~ have so far been
studied mainly 111 t:ngineercd t:ell lineii, and their imponance in native Agonist specificity
cells is unccnain. There i;, C\ idcnce. however (AbdAlla et al.. 200 I). that
Jun~tn>n<tl dnncnc complcxc' bemecn angiotensin (AT 1) and bradykinin
T It was thought that the linkage of a panicular GPCR to a particular
tBj) r~ceptors occur in human platelets and show greater sen~itivity to
signal transduction pathway depends mainly on the structure of the
angmten,in than pure Af 1 receptors. In pregnant women suffering from receptor. panicularly 111 the region of the third intracellular loop, which
confer;, ;,pecilicity for a panicular G-protein. from which the rest of the
h)penen\lon (pre-eclampuc toxaemia). the number of these dimers increases
'>ignal tr.ln\ducuon pathway follow,. This would imply. in line with the
<lue to increasc:d e'pre"ton of B. receptors. re~ulting-paradoxically- in
tWlHt:ue model discu.,~cd in Chapter 2. that all agonists acting on a
m<:rca'<--d SCn\IUHty to the 'a!>oconstrictor action of angiotensin. This is
the hrsttn,tancc ot the role of dimerisation in human disease.
panicular receptor Mabilise the same activated (R*) state and ;,hould
activate the \arne \lgnal tran,duction pathway. and produce the same type
It '' too carl} to 'a} \\hat tmpact this newly discovered versatility of of cellular rc;,pon,e. It i;, now dear that this is an o,ersimplitication. In
GPCR' in linlmg up "-llh other receptors to form functional combi- many ca\e\. for example with agoni~ts acting on opiate receptors, or with
nauon, "til ha~c on conventional pharmacology and therapeutics, but it inver;,c agoni~l'> on ~-adrcnoccpton.. the ceUular effects are qualitatively
~uulu be considerable. different with diiTcrent ligand~. implying the existence of more than
one probably many R* Mates (sometimes referred to as agonis1
Constitutively active receptors rrafficking or prorean agonism. ~ee Kenakin, 2002). How general this will
~ric prove to be i' not yet clear. but it may have profound implications
1tric 'f G protein coupled receptors may also be constitutively (i.e. indeed heretical w many pharmacologists. who are accustomed to think
ptor. \pontancou,ly) active in the ab~>ence of any agonist (see Ch. 2. rev iew by of :lgonim in terms of their affin ity and efficacy, and nothing else. If
the Co,ta & Cotccchia. 2005). Th i' wa~ first ~>hown for the ~-adrenoceptor substan ti ated, it wi ll add a new dimension to the way in wh ich we th ink
ems 1\cc Ch. II). where mutations in the third intrace ll ular loop. or about drug eftlcacy and spet:ificity. 41

mechanism that is thought to have a regulatol') function in man)

situations. RAMPs and RGS proteins arc two example' (see Pierce ct al
Agonist 2002) where protein-protein interaction~ influence the pharmacologk
beha' iour of the receptors in different ways.

Gprotein-independent signalling
T fn u~ing the term G-protein-<oupled receptor to de-.cribc the cla\S d
receptors characterised by their heptahelical ~tructurc. we are fol low1ng
Activation of conventional textbook dogma but neglecting the fact that G-proteins an
PKA, PKC, etc. not the only link between GPCR!> and the variou!> effector system~ thai
they regu late. The example of d1rect linkage between GPCR, and i01
channcb wa~ mentioned abo, e. There are al'o many example\ where the
variOU\ 'adapter proteins' that link receptor' of the tyrosine kimt\e typo:
phosphorylation to thetr effectors (MX below) can al\0 intemct with GPCR\ (see 8rO<,tow'l
(non-specific) & Kimmel. 200 I), allowing the 'arne eiTector sy~tems to be regu lated h)
receptors of either type. In this context. the ~pecific receptor kioac;es till..

j \ are involved in de~nsiti!.ation (see above) may al\o contribute to signoli

transduction, because pho~phorylation of the C-tcrminal region of tb
GPCR produce' a recognition site for molecules of the ~ignaltransduction

...etc. pathway. analogous to the functioning of the kina'oe-linked receptor\ (set

below: review by Bockaen & Pin. 1999).

In summary, the simple dogma that underpins much of our current
Arrestin understanding of GPCRs. namely,

I \ one GPCR gene-one GPCR protein-

one functional GPCR-one G-protein-one response
Loss of Reduced
G-protein Endocytosis G-protein is beginning to show s igns of wear. In particular:
coupling coupling
one gene, through alternative splicing, RNA editing, etc., can
give rise to more than one receptor protein
one GPCR protein can associate with others, or with other
Fig. 3.14 Desensitisation of G-protein-coupled proteins such as RAMPs, to produce more than one type of

receptors (GPCRs). Homologous (agonist-specific)
functional receptor
desensitisation involves phosphorylation of the activated
different agoni~ts may affect the receptor in different ways

receptor by a specific kinase (GPCR kinase, GRK). The
phosphorylated receptor (P-R) then binds to arrestin, causing and elicit qualitatively different responses
it to lose its ability to associate with a G-protein, and to the signal tran~duction pathway does not invariably require
undergo endocytosis, which removes the receptor from the G-proteins, and shows cross-talk with tyrosine kinase-linked
membrane. Heterologous (cross-)desensitisation occurs as a I receptors (see below).
I result of phosphorylation of one type of receptor as a result of I
activation of kinases by another. G-protein-coupled receptors arc evidently versatile and Ihie
l~an~KC, protein kinase A and C, respective!~ _ _ ) advcnrurous molecules around which much modem pharm.-
cology revolves, and nobody imagines that we have reached tht
end of the story.
RAMPs and RGS proteins
T Receptor activity- modifying proteins (RAMPs) are a family of TYPE 3: KINASE-LINKED AND RELATED
membrane prote10;, that associate with GPCRs and alter their functional RECEPTORS
characteristics. They were di..co,ercd in 1998 when it was found that the
functionally active receptor for the neuropepude calciwnin gene-related Thc~>e membrane receptors are quite different in structure ana
peptide (CGRP) (\ee Ch. 13) con~i\ted of a complex of a GPCR-called function from either the ligand-gated channels or the GPCRs
calcitonin receptor- like receptor (CRLR)-that by itself lacked activity,
with another membmne protein (RAMP I). More surprising!). CRLR
They mediate the actions of a wide variety of protein mediatol\
when coupled with another RAMP (RAMP2) showed a quite different including growth factors and cytokincs (see Ch. 16). and honnono
pham1acology, being activated by an unrelated peptide, adrenomedullin. such as insulin (sec Ch. 26) and leptin (Ch. 27), whose effects are
In other words. the agonist specificity is conferred by the associated exerted mainly at the level of gene transcription. Most of theSt
RAMP as well as by the GPCR it~elf. Whether this cype of modulation receptor11 are large proteins consisting of a single chain of up 1
occur' with other GPCR families b not yet known.
1000 residues. with a single membrane-spanning helical region
Regulators of G-protein \ignalling (RGS) proteins (see review by associated with a large extracellular ligand-binding domain, an~.
Hollinger & Hepler, 2002) are a large and diverse fam ily of cellular an intracellular domain of variable size and function. The basK
proteins that pos\ess a con~rved sequence that binds specifically to Gc:x
-.ubunits. They increase greatly the GTPase activity of the active GTP-Ga
tructure is shown in Fig. 3.3C, but many varianL~ exist (sec belo\1>
comple)(, thus hastening the hydrolysi~ of GTP and inacuvaring the Over I 00 such receptors have been cloned, and many stntctui'3l
42 comple~. They thus exen an inhibitory effect on G-protein \ignnl ling, a variations exist. For more detail, sec reviews by Barbacid ( 1996

IWIY activate, a cytosolic tyrosine kinase, such as Jak (the Janus

al.. Effectors controlled by G-proteins l.inasc) or other kinases. Ligands for these receptors include
cylokines such a~ interferons and colony-stimulating factors
Two key pathways are controlled by receptors involved in immunological responses.
vta G-proteins. Both can be acttvated or inhibited by Guanylyl cyclase- linked receptors. These are similar in
pharmacological ligands, depending on the nature of structure to RT~. but the enzymic moiety is guanylyl cyclase
the receptor and G-protein. and they exert their effects by stimulating cGMP formation.
tng Adenylyl cyclase/cAMP: The main example i!> the receptor for ANF (see Ch. 18).
adenylyl cyclase catalyses formation of the
1 thai
intracellular messenger cAMP
uhe - cAMP activates various protein kinases that
lype control cell function in many different ways by CASCADE MECHANISMS
IWski causing phosphorylation of various enzymes, One of the major principles to emerge from recent studies (sec
:d by
carriers and other proteins. Cohen, 2002) is that protein phosphorylation is a key mechanism
ignal Phospholipase C/inositol trisphosphate for controlling the function of proteins (e.g. enzymes, ion channels,
f !he (IP~/diacylglycerol (DAG):
receptors, transport proteins) involved in regulating cellular pro-
elion catalyses the formation of two intracellular cesses. Phosphorylation and dephosphorylation are accomplished
(see messengers, IP3 and DAG, from membrane by kina1e.1 and plwsplwtases, respectively-enzymes of which
phospholipid several hundred subtypes are represented in the human genome-
Tent IP3 acts to increase free cytosolic Ca2 by which are themselves subject to regulation dependent on their
releasing Ca2 from intracellular compartments phosphorylation c;tatus. Much effort is currently being invested in
increased free Ca2' initiates many events, mapping the complex interactions between signalling molecules
Including contraction, secretion, enzyme that are involved in drug effect~ and pathophysiological processes
activation and membrane hyperpolarisation such as oncogenesis. neurodegeneration, inflammation and much
DAG activates protein kinase C, which controls else. Here we can present only a few pharmacologically relevant
many cellular functions by phosphorylating a a~pects of what has become an enormous subject.
tan variety of proteins. In many cases. ligand binding to the receptor leads to
Receptor-linked G-proteins also control: dimerisation. The association of the two intracellular kinase
phospholipase ~ (and thus the formation of domains allow~ a mutual autophosphorylation of intracellular
arachidonic actd and eicosanoids) tyrosine residue!> to occur. The phosphorylated tyrosine residues
ion channels (e.g. potassium and calcium channels, then serve a'> high-affinity docking sites for other intracellular
thus affecttng membrane excitability, transmitter proteins that form the next stage in the signal transduction cas-
release, contractility, etc.). cade. One important group of such 'adapter' proteins is known as
the SH2 domain proteins (standing for Src homology, because it
was first identified in the Src oncogene product). These possess a
highly conserved sequence of about 100 amino acids, fotm ing a
I hie ( 1995), and Schenk & Snaar-Jakelska ( 1999). They play a
and recognition ~> ite for the phosphotyrosine residues of the receptor.
major role in controlling cell division, growth, differentiation,
ma- Individual SH2 domain proteins, of which many are now known,
inllammation, ti~>sue repair, apoptosis and immune responses,
llhe bind selectively to particu lar receptors, so the pattern of events
di~cu~~cd further in Chapters 5 and 13.
triggered by particular growth factors is highly specific. The
The main type!. arc as follow.
mechanism is summarised in Figure 3.15.
Receptor rvro.~ine kina.\eS (RTKs). These receptors have the What happen!. when the SH2 domain protein binds to the
ba,ic \tructure shown in Fig. 3.15A, incorporating a tyrosine phosphorylated receptor varies greatly according to the receptor
kina-.e mOiety in the intracellular region. They include receptors that is involved; many SH2 domain proteins are enzymes, such as
and for many growth factors. such a~ epidermal growth factor and protein kinases or phospholipases. Some growth facLOrs activate
::Rs. nene gru\1 th factor. and also the group of Toll-like receptors a specific subtype of phospholipase C (PLCy), thereby causing
rs. that n.'Cognt-.e bacteriallipopolysaccarides and play an important phospholipid breakdown. IP3 formation and Ca2 release (see
'fleS role in the body'11 reaction to infection (see Ch. 13 and review above). Other SH2-containing proteins couple phosphotyrosine-
are by Cook c1 al., 20Q.l). The insulin receptor (see Ch. 26) also containing protein~ with a variety of other functional proteins,
bese belongs to 1he RTK cla~s. although it has a more complex including many that arc involved in the control of cell division
IP to d1menc structure. and differentiation. The end result is to activate or inhibit, by
non, Serine/threonine kinases. Thb smaller class is similar in phosphorylation, a variety of transcription factors that migrate to
and stntcture to RTKs but phosphorylate serine and/or threonine the nucleus and suppre~s or induce the expression of particular
~ic r~siducs rather than tyrosine. The main example is the genes. For more detail, see Pawson (2002). Nuclear factor knppa
pw). r~ccptor for transforming growth factor (TGF). B (NFKB) is a transcription factor that plays a key role in inflam-
tural Cytokine receptors. These receptors (Fig. 3.15B) lack intrinsic matory response!> (sec Ch. 13; Karin et aL, 2004). It is normally
~6), enzyme activity. When occupied, they associate with, and present in the cy tosol complexed with an inhibitor (lKB).

A Conformation
Growth change Tyrosine Phosphorylation
factor 0 Dimerisation autophosphorylation of Grb2

Receptor 0 0 0 0 Acllvation of Ras

domain - GDP/GTP exchange
a helix MEMBRANE

A as
Tyrosine kinase
domain -

GTP ! Activation

Tyrosine Raf
! Phosphorylation

Binding of SH2-domain
protein (Grb2)


Map kinase

! Phosphorylation

Various transcription

fe Cytoklne - 9 Conformation change Phosphorylation of receptor
Binding of Jak +Jak
0 0 0 0


Binding and Dimerisation

of SH2-domain
protein (Stat)
of Stat


Fig. 3.15 Transduction mechanisms of kinase-linked receptors. The first step following agonist binding is dimerisation, which
eads to autophosphorylation of the intracellular domain of each receptor. SH2 domain proteins then bind to the phosphorylated receptor

land are themselves phosphorylated. Two well-characterised pathways are shown: [A] The growth factor (Ras/Raf/mitogen -activated
protein (MAP) kinase) pathway (see also Ch. 5); rnl the cytokine (Jak/Stat) pathway (see also Ch. 13). Several other pathways exist, and
hese phosphorylation cascades interact with components of G-protein systems.

A ~econd pathway, the Jak/Stat pathway (Fig. 3.15B) is involved in

Kinase-linked receptors re~pon\c~ to many cytol.incs. Dimerisation of these receptors occurs when
the cytol. tnc btnd>. and thb attracts a cytosolic tyrosine kinac;e unit (Jak)
Receptors for various growth factors incorporate to a~soci:ue with. and pho>phorylate. the receptor dimer. Jaks belong to a
famtly of protein,, dtfferent member> having specificity for different
tyrosine kinase in their intracellular domain.
cytokine receptor\. Among the targeLs for phosphorylation by Jak are a
Cytokine receptors have an intracellular domain that family of tran\Cription factor> (SLats). These are SH2 domain protein'
binds and activates cytosolic kinases when t he that bind to the pho>photyro>toe group:. on the rcceptor-Jak comple~. and
receptor is occupted. arc thcmsehe> phosphorylated. Thus activated. Stat migrates to the
nucleu\ and activate\ gene e\pre'>-\ion (see lhle. 1995).
The receptors all share a common architecture, with a
large extracellular ligand-binding domain connected Recent ...,ork on ~ignal transduction pathway~ has produced a be...,ildering
vta a single membrane-spanning helix to t he profu\ion of molecu lar detail. oflen couched in a jargon that is apt to deter
the faint-heaned. Per>everance will be rewarded. however. for there is no
tntracellular domain.
doubt thm imponant new drugs. particularly in the areas of innammation.
Signal transduction generally involves dimerisation of
immunology and cancer. will come from the targeting of these prOteins
receptors, followed by autophosphorylation of tyrosine (sec Cohen. 2002). A recent breakthrough in the treatment of chronic
residues. The phosphotyrosine residues act as myeloid lcuk:temia was ach ieved with the introduction of the first spec ifi c
acceptors for the SH2 domains of a variety of kinase inhibitor. ima tinib. a drug that inhibits a s pecific tyrosi ne kinase
intracellular proteins, thereby allowing control of many involved in the pathogenesis o f the disease (see Ch. 5 1).

cell functions. The membrane-bound form of guanylyl cyclase. the enzyme respon-
They are involved mainly in events cont rolling cell sible for generating the second messenger cGMP in response
growth and differentiation, and act indirectly by to the binding of pcptides such as atrial natriuretic peptide (see
regulating gene transcription. Chs 16 and 18), resembles lhe ty rosine kinase family and is
Two important pathways are: activated in a similar way by dirncrisation when the agonist is
the Ras/Raf/mttogen-activated protein (MAP) bound (sec Lucas ct al.. 2000).
kinase pathway, which is important in cell division, Figure 3. 16 illuwate:. the central role of protein kinases in
growth and differentiation signal tran-.duction pathways in a highly simplified and schematic
the Jak/Stat pathway activated by many way. Many, if not all, of the proteins involved. including lhe
cytokrnes, which controls the synthesis and receptors and the kina:.es themselves. are substrates for kinases.
release of many inflammatory mediators. so there are many mechani\ms for feedback and cross-talk between
A few hormone receptors (e.g. atrial natriuretic factor) the various signalling pathways. Given that there are over 500
have a srmtlar architecture and are linked to guanylate protein kinases, and 11imilarly large numbers of receptors and
cyclase. other signalling molecules, the network of interactions can look
bewilderingly complex. Dissecting out the details has become a
major theme in cell biology. For pharmacologists. the idea of a
simple connecti on between receptor and response, which guided
Pho~phorylati on of IKB occurs when a specific kinase (IKK) is thinking throughout the 20th century, is undoubtedly crumbling,
activated in response to various inflammatory cytokines and although it wi ll take some time before the complexi ties of signal-
GPCR agoniMs. This results in dissociation of IKB from NFKB ling pathways arc assimilated into a new way of thinkin g about
und migration of NFKB to the nucleus, where it switch es on a drug action.
wide variety of proinllammatory genes.
'f Thn well-defined ~ignal tran~duction pathways are summarised in TYPE 4: NUCLEAR RECEPTORS
Figure 115. The RavRaf pathway (Fig. 3. 15A) mediate~ the effect of
man} growth factor' and mttogen>. Ras. wh ich is a proto-oncogene The founh type of receptors we will consider belong to the
product. function' ltke a G-protein. and conveys the signal (by GDP/GTP nuclear receptor ft11nily. By lhe 1980s, it was clear that receptors
exchange) from the SH2 domain protein, Grb, which is phosphorylated
for steroid honnoncs such as oestrogen and the glucocorticoids
b) the RTK Acuvauon of Ra\ in tum activates Raf. which is the
fiN ot a -.equcncc of three serine/threonine kinases. eacb of which were present in the cytoplasm of cells and translocated into the
phlhphorylateo,, and acttvate~. the next m line. The la~t of these. mitogen- nucleus after binding with their steroid partner. Other hormones,
aculated protein (\lAP) kma..e, pho~phol) lates one or more transcription such as the thyroid hormone T 3 (Cb. 29) and the fat-soluble 'it-
fa.:tor... that imthlte gene e\pre\sion. resulting in a variety of cellular amins D and A (retinoie acid) and their derivatives that regulate
re'Jll'"-..!' mcludtng cell di1 1\ion. This three-tiered MAP kinase cascade
growth and development. were found to act in a similar fashion.
form, pan of many intracellular signalling pathways (see Garrington &
Jllhn,cm. 1999) tmolvcd in a 11 ide \ariety of disease processes. including
Genome and protein sequence data revealed a close relationship
mahgnanc), mllammauon. neurodegeneration. atherosclerosis and much between these receptor:. and led to the recognition that they were
ch.:. The l.inu..e\ fomt a large family, with different subtypes serving members of a much larger family of related proteins. As well as
'pc:ctlic role\. They are thought to represent ao imponant target for the glucocorti coid and retinoic acid receptor whose ligands were
future therapeutic drugs. Many cancer~ are associated wi th mutation~
well characterised, the nuclear receptor family (as it became known)
tn the gene\ cod tng for proteins involved in this cascade, leadi ng to
3l:lilation of the cascade in the absence of the growth factor signal
included a great many orphan receptors-receptors with no known
t' cc Chs. 5 ond 51). For more detai ls, see reviews by Marshal l (1996), well-defined li gand~>. The first of these to be described, in the
Schenk & Smtar-Jakcbka ( 1999). and Chang & Karin (200 I). 1990s, was RXR, a receptor cloned on the basis of its similarity


Ca 2 cGMP


~ ~ ! phosphorylation



l 1 1 ! l j


Ion Transcription Contractile Secretory

Enzymes Receptors Transporters
channels factors proteins mechanisms


Physiological Immune Malignant

responses responses transformation

Fig. 3.16 Central role of kinase cascades in signal transduction. Kinase cascades (e.g. those shown in Fig. 3.15) are activated by
GPCRs, either directly or via different second messengers, by receptors that generate cGMP, or by kinase-linked receptors. The kinase
cascades regulate various target proteins, which in turn produce a wide variety of short- and long-term effects.
CaM kinase, Ca2 /calmodulin-dependent kinase; DAG, diacylglycerol; GC, guanylate cyclase; GRK, GPCR kinase; IP:~o inositol
trisphosphate; PKA, cAMP-dependent protein kinase; PKC, protein kinase C; PKG. cGMP-dependent protein kinase. )

with the vitamin A receptor and that was subseque ntly found tu
bind the vita min A deri vati ve 9-cis-retino ic acid. O ver the inter
vcning years, binding partners have been identified for man).
a ltho ugh by no means all, of these receptors. but some autho11
continue to use the te rminology 'orphan receptor' e ven when a
Protein phosphorylation In signal ligand has been identified or 'adopted' (as in the case ofRXR).Ii
transduction is now clear that the re are at least 48 membe rs of the nuc lear
receptor famil y in the human genome. and while this represent\
Many receptor-mediated events involve protein a rathe r sma ll proportio n of all receptors (less than I 0% of the
phosphorylation, which controls the functional and tota l number of G PC Rs), the nuclear receptors are important drug
binding properties of intracellular proteins. targets a nd play a vital ro le in endocrine signalling as well a1
Receptor-linked tyrosine kinases, cyclic metabolic regulation.
nucleotide-activated tyrosine kinases, and Today, it is conve nient to regard the entire nuclear receptor
intracellular serine/threonine kinases comprise a fami ly as ligand-activated transcription factors that transduct
'kinase cascade' mechanism that leads to signa ls by modifying gene transcription. Unlike the recepton
amplification of receptor-mediated events. described in the preceding sections of this chapter, the nuclea:
There are many kinases, with differing substrate receptors arc not embedded in membranes but are present in th\
specificities, allowing specificity in the pathways soluble phase of the cell. Some. such as the steroid receptOI\.
activated by different hormones. become mobile in the presence of their ligand and can trans local(
Desensitisation of G-protein-coupled receptors from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. while o thers such as the RXR
occurs as a result of phosphorylation by specific probably dwe ll mai nl y within the nuclear compartment. Man}
receptor kinases, causing the receptor to become nuclear receptors act as lipid 1:oensors and are intimately i nvol v~
non-functional and to be internalised. in the regulation of lipid metabo lism within the cell. In this wa)
There is a large family of phosphatases that act to they a rc c rucia l links between our die tary and metabolic statu,
reverse the effects of kinases. and the expressio n of genes that regulate the metabo lism and
46 dispositio n of lipids. Pharmacologically, this e ntire famil y of

nuclear receptors i., very important; they can recognise an extra- ~pccific tran~cription factors in a ligand-independent way and modifie~

ordinanly diver<;e group of substances. They regulate many drug the binding or activity of the receptor itself. Alternative splicing of gene\
metabolic enzyme~ and tran~porters and are responsible for the may yield ..everal receptor i~forms each with slightly different N-terminal
region\. The core domain of the receptor is highly conserved and consists
biologtcal effects of approximately I 0% of all prescription drugs. of the structure responsible for DNA recognition and binding. At the mol-
There are abo many illnesses ac;sociated with malfunctioning of ecular le~el. this comprises two dnc fingus-cysreine (or cystine/histidine)
the nuclear receptor system. including inflammation. cancer, dia- rich loops in the amino acid challl that are held in a particular confor-
bcte,, cardiova.,cular disease, obesity and reproductjve wsorders mauon by 11nc aon\. The main function of this ponion of the molecule i~
(\O.:C: Murphy & Holder, 2000, and Kersten et al., 2000).
to recogm..e and bind to the homwne response elements located in genes
that are ~en\itive to regulation by this family of receptors, but it pia), a
pan in regulating receptor dimerisation as well.

STRUCTURAL CONSIDERATIONS A highly nexible hinf{e region in the molecule allows it to dimerisc with
other nuclear receptors and also to exhibit DNA binding in a variety of
T The nuclear recept(lr> ~hare a broadly similar structural design configurations. Finally. the C-tenninal domain contains the ligand-binding
compri\ed of lour modu le<, (see Fig. 3. 17 and Bourguet et al.. 2000, for modu le and is >pccific to each class of receptor. A highly con~rved AF2
funhcr detail~). The N-tl'rminal domain displays the most heterogeneity. region i~ imponanJ in ligand-depcndem activation. Also located near the
It harbour\ the AFI (activation function I) site that binds to other cell- C-terrninal are motifs that contain nuclear localisation signals and others

Zinc finger module 1 Zinc finger module 2

ld to

N-terminus Core DNA binding domain Hinge Ligand binding domain


~any, AF1 Co-activator region with "Zinc fingers" region AF2 Co-activator region extension
hors HSP binding
en a
t). [t
Types of nuclear receptor
ents RXR RXR
'the or
present tn cytoplasm mainly endocrine present in nucleus
operale as homodimers operate as RXR heterodimers operate as heterodimers (except RXA)
the mainly endocnne ligands matnly lipid ligands
tors. high affinaty low afflnity
lXR e.g. GR, MR. ER, PR e.g. TR, VDR e.g. PPAR, LXR, FXR, RXR
tved Fig. 3.17 Nuclear receptors. A. Structure of a nuclear receptor, showing the different domains. The partial structure of the 'zinc
~ay. !angers' Is shown above using the single-letter amino acid code. Residues in yellow actually contact DNA. B. The two main classes of
nuclear receptors.
ER, oestrogen receptor; FXR, farnesoid receptor; GR, glucocorticoid receptor; LXR, liver oxysterol receptor; MR, mineralocorticoid receptor,
and PPAR, peroxisome proliferator receptor; PR, prolactin receptor; RXR, retinoid receptor; TR, thyroid receptor; VDR, vitamin D receptor.
r of

that may, in the ca.\c of some receptor~. bind accessory heat shock and CONTROL OF GENE TRANSCRIPTION
other protein~.
'Y llormone re~pon~e elementS are the short (four or five ba~e
~quence., {lf DNA to which the nuclear recepton. bind to modify
CLASSIFICATION OF NUCLEAR RECEPTORS trnn\cription. They arc usually present symmetrically in pairc; or ha
fittl. although thc!>e may be arranged together in djfferent ways (e

The nuclear receptor superfamily consist of rwo main classes- simple repeat~ or inverted repeatS). Each nuclear receptor exhibit~
together with a third that shares some of the characteristics of preference for a particular comensus sequence but because of the
homology. there i'> a clo!>e similarity between these !>equence.,.
both (see Fig. 3. 17 and Novae & Henzel, 2004, for further details).
Class I consists largely of receptors for the steroid hom1ones, In the nucleu~. the ligand-bound receptor recruits further
including the glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptors tncluding coactimtors or corepres:.ors to modify gene expre.,~ion throug
1h AFI and AF2 domains. Some of these coactivator., are en7}111(1
(GRand MR. re!.pectively), as well as the oestrogen, progesterone invohcd in chromatin remodelling ~uch a~ histone acetylase wh1ch.
and androgen receptor~ (ER. PR, and AR, respectively). In the together with other entyme... regulates the unravelling of the DNA ~
absence of their ligand, these receptors are predominantly located faci litate acce~., by polymerase enzymes and hence gene tran~cripuon
in the cytoplasm. complexed with heat shock and other proteins Corepre~~or complexes are recruited by some receptor;, and compri~e

and possibly reversibly attached to the cytoskeleton or other IIi stone deacetyluse and other factor> that cause the chromatin to becorm
tightly packed. preventing further transcriptional activation. Some unligand.'li
structures. Fol lowing diffusion (or possibly transportation) of class II receptON ~uch as TR and VDR are constitutively bound to the....
their ligand partner into the cell and high-affinjty binding, these repre,sor complexe;, in the nucleus. thus 'silencing' the gene. The complcl
n.:ccptors generally fonn homodimers and b'llnslocate to the nucleus, dissociate~ on Jjgand binding. permitting an activator complex to bind. Th<
where they can trtmsactivate or transrepress genes by binding to case of CAR i& particularly interesting; like some types of G-protcm
de~cribed earlier in thb chapter. CAR also forms a constitutively acu1
'positive' or 'negative' hormone response elements (see Ch. 28).
complex that i'> tenninated when it binds its ligand.
Large number~ of genes can be regulated in lhjs way by a single
ligand. For example. it is estimated that the activated GR itself The discussion here must be taken only as a broad guide to lht
can regulate up to I% of the genome either directly or indirectly. action of this family of nuclear receptors. as many other types cl
Class I receptor!. generally recognise hormones that act in a interaction have also been discovered. For example, some mernlx>n
negative feedback fashion to control biological events (see Ch. 28 may bring about non-genomic actions by directly interacting ~it!
for more discussion on this topic). factors in the cytosol. or they may be covalently modified lr
Class II nuclear receptors function in a slightly different way. pho!>phorylation or by protein-protein imeractions with othe~
Their ligands are generally lipids already present to some extent transcrip<ion factors and their function altered as a result (c;c~
within the cell. This group includes the peroxisome proliferator- Falkenc;tein et aL 2000). In addjtion. there is good evidence f<J
actimted receptor (PPAR) that recognises fauy acids; the fiver separate membrane and other types of receptor that can billl
oxysterof (LXR) receptor that recognises and acts as a cholesterol some steroid hormones such as oestrogen (see Walters & Ncmert
sensor, the famesoid (bile acid) receptor (FXR). a xenobiotic 2004). Thi~ intricate network of receptor and their nuclear am.
receplor (SXR: in rodents the PXR) that recognises a great many cytosolic interactions serves as a subtle regulator of blood lipids
foreign sub~tances, including therapeutic drugs, and the consti- as well as transducing the effects of hormones that have arrivtx.
tutive andromme receptor (CAR). which not only recognises the from distant tissues. Much remains to be discovered abouJ thi1
steroid androstane but also some drugs such as phenobarbita l interesting <tnd complex fami ly of receptor proteins.
(see Ch. 40}. These latter receptors are akin to airport security guards
who a lert the bomb disposal squad when suspicious luggage is
found. They induce drug-metabolising enzymes such as CYP3A ION CHANNELS AS DRUG TARGETS
(which is responsible for metabolising about 60% of all prescrip-
tion drugs: see Ch. 8 and Synold et a!., 200 I), and also bind some We have discussed ligand-gated ion channels as one of the fou
prostaglandins and non-steroidal drugs, as well as the antidiabetic main types of drug receptor. There are many other !)'pes of i~
thiazolidinedio nes (see Ch. 26) and fibrates (see Ch. 20). Unlike channel that represent important drug targets, even though the
the receptors in cla~s I. these receptors almost always operate as arc not generally classified as receptors' because they are not u.
heterodimerc; together with the retinoid receptor (RXR). They immediate target~ of fast neurotransmitters. 12
tend to mediate po itive feedback effects (e.g. occupation of the Here we discu~s the structure and function of ion channels
receptor amplific~ rather than inhibits a particular biological event). the molecular level: their role as regulators of cell function
When clas!> ll monomeric receptors bind to RXR. rwo types of described in Chapter 4.
heterodimcr may be formed: a non-pennissive heterodimer, which
can be activated only by the RXR ligand itself, and the permissi1e
heterodimer. which can be activated either by retinoic acid itself
or by its partner's ligand. 12
1n truth. the dbtinction between ligand-gated channels and other ion cham~e
A third group of nuclear receptors is really a subgroup of cla~s i., an arbitrary one. In grouping ligand-gated channels with other types of
receptor in this book. we are respecting the historical tradition establi.,hed
II in the sense that they form obligate heterodimcrs with RXR,
by Langley and other~. who fir~l defined receptors in the context of the acti!l
but rather than sensing lipids, they too play a part in endocrine of acety lcholine m the neu~romuscular junction. The advance of molecuhu
signalling. The group includes the thyroid hormone receptor (TR), biology may force u~ to recon~ider this semantic issue in the future. but for
48 the vitamin D receptor ( VDR) and the retinoic acid receptor (RAR). now we make no upology for upholding the pharmacological tradition.

Nuclear receptors
p3ir,) Channels are generally either cation-selecti ve or anion-selective.
gene o A family of 48 soluble receptors that sense Cation-. elective channels may be selective for Na, Ca 2 or K,
lipid and hormonal signals and modulate gene or non-selective and permeable to all three. Anion channels are
transcription. mainly permeable to Cl-, although other types also occur. The
o Two main categories: effect of modulation of ion channels on cell function is discussed
those that are present in the cytoplasm, form in Chapter4.
reins homodimers in the presence of their partner, and
egh migrate to the nucleus. Their ligands are mainly
1)mes endocrine in nature (e.g. steroid hormones).
hieb. those that are generally constitutively present in
'A to
Voltage-gated channels
the nucleus and form heterodimers with the These channels open when the ceU membrane is depolarised. They
nprise retinoid X receptor. Their ligands are usually lipids form a very important group because they underlie the mechanism
ecome (e.g. the fatty acids). of membrane excitability (see Ch. 4). The most important channels
r.mded A third subgroup transduce mainly endocrine in thi s group are selective sodium, potassium or calcium channels.
I these
signals but function as heterodimers with retinoid Commonly, the channel opening (activation) induced by mem-
d The
X receptor (e.g. the thyroid hormone). brane depolarismion is short-lasting, even if the depolarisation is
rote ins o The liganded receptor complexes initiate changes in maintained. This is because, with some channels, the initial
active gene transcription by binding to hormone response activation of the channels is followed by a slower process of
elements in gene promoters and recruiting inactivation.
coactivator or corepressor factors. The role of voltage-gated channels in the generation of action
o the
o The receptor family is responsible for the pharmacology potentials and in controlling other cell functions is described in
le~ of
of approximately 10%, and the pharmacokinetics of Chapter4.
some 60%, of all prescription drugs.
id b} Ligand-gated channels
other These (see above) arc activated by binding of a chemical l igand
Jon' are unable to penetrate the lipid bilayer of the ceU membrane, to a ~ite on the channel molecule. Fast neurotransmitters, such as
nnd can get aero ~ only with the help of membrane-spanning glutamate, acetylcholine, GABA and ATP (see Chs 10, 12, and 33)
'e for
protein'> in the form of channel!> or transporters. The concept of act in this way, binding to sites on the outside of the membrane.
ion channel'> wa'> developed more than 50 years ago on the basis The vani lloid receptor TRPV I mediates the pain-producing
of clectrophysiological Mudies on the mechanism of membrane effect of capsaicin on sensory nerves (see Ch. 41 ).
c\Citatton (st:c below). Electrophysiology, particularly the voltage Some ligand-gated channels in the plasma membrane respond
clamp technique (~occ Ch. 4) remains an essential tool for studying to intracellular rather than extracellular signals. the most important
the phy.,iological and pharmacological properties of ion channels. being the following.
I this
Since the mid-I 980s. when the first ion channels were cloned
by Numa in Japan, a highly productive collaboration between o Calcium-activated potassium channels, which occur in most
ch:ctrophy~i o l ogil>tS and molecular biologists has revealed many cells, and open, thus hyperpolarising the cell, when [Ca2+),

r detail\ about the structure and function of these complex molecules.

The U\C of tight-sen! ('patch clamp') recording, which allows the o
ATP-sensitive potassium channels. which open when the
intracellular ATP concen tration falls because the cell is short
beha,iour of individual channels to be studied in real time. has
been particularly valuable in distinguishing channels on the basis of nutrients. These channels, which are quite distinct from
of their conductance and gating characteristics. A ccounts by Hille tho~e mediating the excitatory effects of extracellular ATP,
(:~OOI).A,hcroft (2000), and Catterall (2000) give more information. occur in many nerve and muscle cells, and also in insulin-
Jon channel\ con.,ist of protein molecules designed to form secreting cell~ (see Ch. 26), where they are pan of the
wat~r-filled pore' that span the membrane, and can switch between mechani'>m linking insulin secretion to blood glucose
open and clO'>Cd states. The rate and direction of ion movement concentration.
Jn is
through the pore is governed by the electrochemical gradient for Other example1> of chaoneh. that respond to intracellular ligands
the ion in question. which is a function of its concentration on include arachidonic acid-~ensi tive potassium channels and
either "de of the mcmbntne. and of the membrane potential. Ion DAG-sensitive calcium channels, whose functions are not well
channel\ are characterised by: understood.
l!lel~ their selectivity for particular ion species, determined by the
of '>17e of the pore and the nature of its lining Calcium release channels
'ICd their gming properties (i.e. the nature of the stimulus that These are present on the endoplasmic or sarcoplasmic reticulum
ular control'> the transition between open and closed states of the rather than the plasma membrane. The main ones, IP3 and ryanodine
1 for channel) receptors (sec Ch. 4) arc a special class of Ligand-gated calcium
their molecular architecture. channels that control the release of Ca2 from intracellular stores. 49

Store-operated calcium channels structure ha\ accumulated since the mid- 1980s. when the fiN ligand-gated
When the intracellular Ca2 stores are de pleted, channels in the channel (the nicoti nic acet} !choline receptor) and the first voltage-gmc-d
plas ma membrane open to allow Ca2 entry. The mechanism by <,odium channel '*Cre cloned. The main structural subtypes are shown io
Figure 3.18. All con~ist of several (often four) domains. which are \imilar
which thi ~ linkage occun. is poorl y understood (see Barritt, I 999), or identical to each other. orgalllied either as an oligomeric array of sepanut
but ~tore-operated calcium channels (SOCs) are important in the subunll\. or as one large protem. Each subunit or domain contains a bundl<
mechanism of action of many GPCRs that elicit Ca 2+ release. The of t\\O to \IX membrJne-\panning helices. Most ligand-gated chan~h
opening of SOCs allows [Cah], to remain elevated even when the ha\e the ba,1c 'tructurc 'hown in Figure 3.18A. comprising a pentameri'
stores are running low. and also provides a route through which array of non-Identical ~ubunits. each consisting of four tran\membr.ult
helices. of which one-the M2 se1,oment-from each wbunit line~ the port
the stores can be replenished (sec Ch. 4). The large extracellular N-terminal region contains the ligand-hindi~
reg1on. Several exct:ption~ to thi\ simple design for ligand-gated channel
MOLECULAR ARCHITECTURE have emerged recently. They include (sec Fig. 3. 18) the glutamate ~ID\
receptor (Ch. 33). the purine P2x receptor (Ch. 12) and tht: vu nilloid
T ton channels are !urge and elaborate molecules. Their characteristic receptor (a channel that rc~ponds not only to cbemicab or the vani lloiJ
Mructurul moti f~ have bee n revealed a; knowledge of their sequence and e t as~. but al~o to heat and protons; see Ch. 4 1). In these, as in many other



(4-5 subunits)

Examples: nAChR, GA BAA, Examples NMDA
5-HT3, IP3R, RyR

6T1P 2T1P 4T2P

(4 subunits)
N C N c
Examples: Voltage-gated Examples: Inward-rectifying Examples: Resting K+
K+ channels, TAP channels K' channels, P2XR, ASIC, channels
ENaC, degenerins


Fig. 3.18 Molecular architecture of ion channels. Red and blue rectangles represent membrane-spanning a. helices. Blue hairpins
are pore loop (P) domains, present in many channels, blue rectangles being the pore-forming regions of the membrane-spanning a. helices.
Cross-shaded rectangles represent the voltage-sensing regions of voltage-gated c hannels. The green symbol represents the inactivating
particle of voltage-gated sodium channels. Potassium channel nomenclature is based on the number of transmembrane helices (T) and
pore-form ing loops (P) in each subunit. Further information on ion channels is given in Chapter 4.
SO 5-HT3 , 5-hydroxytryptamine type 3 receptor; ASIC, acid-sensing ion channel; ENaC, epithelial sodium channel; GABAA. GABA type A
..,...----- receptor; IP3R, inositol trisphosphate receptor; nAChR, nicotinic acetylcholine receptor; Pl xR. purine P2x receptor; RyR, ryanodine receptor.

:.ted I) J'C'nl ~hanncl. the pori!-forming part of the molecule con~i'>ts of a

ated ha1rp111 lut>p- the pore (Pl loop-between two of the helice;,. ALTERED CHANNEL
\nllagc-gated channel' g~nerall) include one tr.msmembrane heli" that
")!ll:iln' an allundan.:c of lla~ic (i.e. p<hili\ely charged) amino acid\. Tetrodotoxin
1111"3te \\ben 111<' membrane 1., dcpolano,ed. '\0 that the interior of the cell become~
C'ldle GPCR liga nds Saxitoxin
1.:" negau,c. lhl\ reg1on-the voltage ~cnsor-mo\'es slightly IO\\ard<; Conotoxins
111<' utMr 'url,"e nf the membram:. wh1ch has the effect of opening the
channel. \fan) \nltagc-acll\aled channel' af,o ~h0\1 innctivation. which BLOCK OF
h:tppcn' \\hen an intracellular appendage of the channel protein mO\C:'> 10 INACTIVATION
pxe. plug the channel lrom the m~idc. Voltage-gated sodium nnd calcium
.Uing GPCRs Veratridine
,hannel' arc remMknble 111 that the whole stmcture \l-ith four si)(-helix
~"' Jnmam' wn'i'" of ,1 'ingle huge protein molecule. the domains being

IIDA Scorpion toxins
!Inlet! h>gcthcr by intra..'l!llular loop' nf varying length. Pota~sium ch:mnel\ DDT, pyrethroids
illoid cump1 1\C the mo't numcrou> and heterogeneous class." Vohage-gated
pot,1"1um channel' re~emble ~odium channels. e)(cept that they arc made
1Mer Second messengers
up nllour .,uhun1h rather than a .. ingle long chain. The class of potassium
channel' kn<l\1 n a' 'inward rectifier channeb because of their biophy8ical
propcruc' h,,, the lwo-hcl i~ Mructurc !>hown in Figure 3. 18C. wherea~
other' nrc cl.1"cd lh ' two pore domain' channel>. because each subunit
~ontain' 1wo P loops.
The lilTIOU\ ;Jrchitectumlmoti f~ ~hown in Figure 3.18 only scrape the ~ur
Iace of the mokcul;rr diwr..ily of ion channeb. ln all cases. the individual
'uhunll' 'ume m \Cieral rnnlccular varieties. and these can unite in dif-
Local anaesthetics
Antiepileptic drugs
(e.g. phenytoin)
ferent wmhinauun' to fonn functional channel\ a~ hetero-oligomers (~
Antldysrhythmic drugs
tl1,1inct from hnrnn-oligomcf\ buill from identical subuniL~). Furthennore.
(e.g. disopyramide)
!he chlnnellonmng '>lmcture' de\Cribed are usually associated \I ilh other
m<mhranc protein,, whi~:h 'ignificaml) affect their functional propenie,.
For c\.1mpk. the ATP-gated pota,;ium channel exi,L<. in a;..ociation with Fig. 3 .19 Drug-bind ing domains of voltage-gated
lbe>uljt~mlrtrta Tl'fl'/lf<lr(SURI. and it is through litis linkage that variou~
sod ium c ha nne ls (see Ch. 44). The multiplicity of different
drug' undutling amid~abellc drug> of the ~ulfonylurea class. sec Ch. 26) binding Sties and effects appears to be typical of many ion
fl'Uiatc 111<' .:h.mnel (o,ee A'hcrofl & Gribble. 2000). Good progress is bemg channels. DOT, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (dicophane, a
ma.k 111 undeNandmg the ret.uwn bel\\een mokcular structure and ion
well-known insectictde); GPCR, G-protein-coupfed receptor;
dunncl lun.:uon. but '' e \lilt ha\ c onI} a fragmemill') understanding of PKA, protetn kinase A; PKC, protein kinase C.
lhc: ph) ""lti)!IC.ll n1k of m<IO) of~ ch;mnels. Man) iruponant drug, excn
thm dtc.:h h) mlluencing channel function. either directly or indirectl}.

111/raa//ulor .li!IIWI~. particularly c and llllcleotides filCh O.f A I'P

PHARMACOLOGY OF ION CHANNELS and GTP (see Ch. 4 ). Many ion channels posseS> binding site> for these
intracellular mcdiaton:. lncrca~cd [Ca2+], opens certain types of pota;..~ium
Y Many drug> and phy\lological mediators described in this book exen chunncb. and inacti vate~ voltage-gated calcium channels. As described
thclrdfcch by uttering the behaviour of ion channels. Here we outline the in Chaplcr4. [Cal+]i i~ itself affected by the function of ion chan neb
gcncrulmcchani~m' a' excrnplificd by the pharmacology of voltage-gated and GPCR~. Drug; of the sulfonylurea class (see Ch. 26) act selectively
'odium channel (Fig. :\.19). ton channel pharmacology is likely 10 be a on ATP-gmcd potasium channels.
lcnilc MIUTCC ()!'future new drug~ (see Clare et al.. 2000).
Th~ gaung and permeation of both voltage-gated and ligand-gated ion Figure .l19 summari;..c;.. Ihe main siLes ;md mecbanbms by which drugs
channel' i' modulated by many factors. including the following. affect volwg.c-g;ucd >odium chru111eb. a typical example of Lhi~ type of
drug target.
Li~und1 rlratl>i111i dir.crly IOI'Orious sires on the channel pn>rein. These
indudc man} neurotr;IO\tnine~. and al:;o a variety of drugs and toxin~
thai acl in diffcrem "'aY' for example by blocking the channel or by
~lfccung the gaung prtlCe\\. thereby either faciliwting or inhibiting the
upcnang of the channel.
lfc diuton cmJ <lnt~\ I hill ucf mdirect/_1: mailrly by acrimrion ofGPCRf. Receptor protein~ are synthesised by the ceUs that express them,
lbt IJucr produce 1he1r effect~ mainl) by affecting the >talc of and the level of expression is itself controlled, via the pathways
ph<,.phor)lauun ul indi\ idual amino acid, located on the intrJcellular discus.,cd above. by receptor-mediated events. We can no longer
ttgKm olth<' channel protem. A!. dc'>t:ribed above. thi, modulation im oi\C\ thin!.. of the receptors as the fixed clements in cellular control
111<' pruduction ol 'ccond mc,'>Cnge~ that activate protein kina....:~. The
systems, responding to changes in the concentration of ligands,
tlpcnmg of the channel may be facilitated or inhibited. depending on
\\h1ch rNduc' are pho,phorylated. Dmgs such as opioids (Ch. -tIl and and initiating changes in the components of the signal transduction
PadrentlCcpwr .tgoni''' (Ch. I I) affect calcium and potassium channel pathway-they arc themselves subject to regulation. Short-tenn
ns fun.:uun m thi' "I). pmducing a wide variety of cellular effects. regulation of receptor function generally occurs through desens-
s. itisation, as di&cussed above. Long-term regulation occurs through
'l9 an increase or decrease of receptor expression. Example!. of this
d type of control (sec review by Donaldson et al.. 1997) include the
~rhc human genome encodes mon: than 70 distinct potassium channel proliferation of various postsynaptic receptors after denervation
(see Ch. 9). the up-regulation of various G-protein-couplcd and 51
IUblypc,-cilhcr a nightmare or a golden opportunity for the pharmacologist.
depending on one\ pcr~pcctivc. cytoJ...inc receptors in response to inflammation (see Ch. 13), and

the induction of growth factor receptors by certain tumour viruses inactivate nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Autoantibodic!> can
(sec Ch. 5). Long-tenn drug treatment invariably induces adaptive also mimic the efTect ~ of agonists. as in many cases of thyroid
respon se~. which, particularl y with drugs that act on the central hypersecretion. caused by activation of thyrotropin receptor-
nervous system, are often the basis for therapeutic efficacy. They Activating antibodies have also been discovered in patient~ \\.ith
may take the fonn of a ,ery slow onset of the therapeutic effect severe hypertension (o:-adrenoceptors), cardiomyopathy (~
(e.g. with amidepressant drugs; see Ch. 39), or the development adrenoceptors), and certain fom1s of epilepsy and neurodegenerati\(
of dn1g dependence (Ch. 43). Although the details are not yet disorder (glutamate receptors).
clear. it i!> mo\t likely that change!> in receptor expression. secondary Inherited mutations of genes encoding GPCRs account fo
to the immediate action of the drug, are involved-a kind variou'> d isea~e states (see Spiegel & Weinstein, 2004). Mutateo
of secondary phannacology' whose importance is only now va-,opressin and adrenocorticotrophic honnone receptors (set
becoming clearer. The same principles apply to drug targets other Ch'> 24 and 28) can result in resistance to these hom10nes. Receptor
than receptors (ion channels. enzymes, transporters, etc.) where mutation!> can re:.ult in activation of effector mechanisms in the
adaptive change!> in expression and function follow long-term absence of agonist. One of these involves the receptor f01
drug administration, re:.ulting, for example, in resistance to th yrotropin, producing continuous oversecretion of thyroid
certain anticancer drugs (Ch. 5 I). hormone; another involves the receptor for luteinising honnonc
and results in precocious puberty. Adrenoceptor polymorphism1
arc common in humans, and recent studies suggest that certair.
RECEPTORS AND DISEASE mutations of the Pr adrenoceplor. although they do not directl)
cause disease, are associated with a reduced effi cacy of
lncrea!.ing under~tanding of receptor function in molecular tenns ~-adren oceptor agonists in treating asthma (Ch. 23) and a poo
has revealed a number of disease states directly linked to receptor prognosis in patient~ with cardiac failure (Ch. 18). Mutation., ic
malfunction. The principal mechanisms involved are: G-proteins can also cause disease (see Farfel et al., 1999; Spiege
& Wein<,tein. 2004 ). For example, mutations of a particular Go
autoantibodies directed against receptor proteins
subunit cause one form of hypoparathyroidism. while mutatioll'
mutation-. in genes encoding receptors and proteins involved
of a G ~ ~ubun i t result in hypertension.
in signal transduction.
Many cancers are associated with mutations of the gene~
An example of the former is myasthen ia grmis (see Ch. 10), a encoding growth factor receptors. kinases and other prote1ns
di!>ease of the neuromuscular j unction due to autoantibodie~ that involved in signal transduction (see Ch. 5).


Gi!ncrn l references on1ogcny and function Annu Rev Phunnncol Toxicol Kilpatrick G. Dautzenberg F ~1. Mnnin G R. Egkn R M
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rt>ccptor< nnd channel, , Or J Ph,lrmacol 141 GPCRs in linkillfl /Oflether as ditlll'r.) Pharrnacol Sci 20: 294-301 (Re.iell' <if the importm"
Supplcmcnl I (CmiiJlrelttWJil'e ca/11/ogue of Bockncn J, Pin J P 1999 Mulcculur linkcring uf G of mRNA splicing as a source of mriation mnong
moftmlar aml!llrrmtllll'Oiogimi/JI'UJ!erties of k11own pro1ein-coupled rcccp1ors: nn coluli unury \Ucccs1. GPCRs-a solllfan reminder that clonill!: genes L1 111
rt'cepton also ll'tui\POrTl!l~ mul som' enzymes EMBO J l 8: 1723- 1729 (Short l't'l'itu l'l/l't'ri11g .WIII/I' thl' last II'Ord In defining receptor dier.rity)
llwaletl i11 i!llllll mm.wluaia11 ) 11ewer aspens of GPCR fimctitm) Koenig J A, Edwardson J M 1997 Endocy1osis and
BcnShlomo I. ll\u S Y. Rauch R el nl. 200J Signalling Coni&'Ta\ e A D. Qui nn S J, Brown E M 2000 re9cling of G pro1eincoupled recepton<. Tfl!nd'
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plasma membrane rcCCI>tor' mvolvL-d in ' ignal implications of the extrncellulnr Ca'.,en,tng receptor. wmpleA life cyde of a receptOr molecule)
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ct~lm~ 11 h~""' for rr-tcptnr' 011d dwtml'b. Not '~' consti1u1i\e recepwr actia tion tmtllfJ\'t'Mt- liRtUII\1\) <'OUphng enable~ CllhS-t.alk bet\\een dopamine D;
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and select/\ 1ty of rcccp1or G protein "!!nalhng Annu O,>Or,l.aya V S. Bunnell N W 2()().1 Protenseacthatol
Recepi01"1 Re\ Pharmacol Toxicol 36: 429-159 (/)II< 1111n lw" receptor\: conlribu1ion to ph} siolog} and dl....,;t.,.:
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AbdA lla S, Lothcr ~1 . El \1a'"CI) A. Quitterer U 200 1 receptors and i11terlmkm~ trmntluuion fllltlmll\'.\) latf11rlnlge of fllltlwphysiologicol rolf of prc>tea<r
lncrca..ed AT1 reeep1or hclcrodimcn. m prccclamp;iu Hill S J 2006 Gprolein-coupled rcccptol'\: JX"'prc,cnl tl<'lil'<ltecl rec'eptnr.l)
mediate enhanced angiolcn, in II rcsptln,hcncss. Nat :md future. Br J Pham1acol 147 (Suppl): 27 17 (Gt~od P1ercc K L. Premon1 R T. Lcfkowill R J 2002 SC\CII
Mcd 7: I003- 1009 (/ Ire fmt ill.\Illlire of di.!lurhed introductory reiew) transmembmne receptors. Nat Rev Mol Cell Brol 3
GPCR lutrltxlimnimticm i11 relation to lwmarr di.~~ase) Kcnakin T 2002 Efficacy m G-protein-couplcd rcccp10rs. 639-650 (Useful general l'l'vlew ofGPCR.r. indudm
52 Anger'S, Salahpour A. Rouvicr M 2002 Dimeri w tion: Na1 Rev Drug Di~cov I: I03 I I0 (Mai1111' thtt!Mic'al dcsnrsitisation mechanisms. siRna/transtlurtion
an cmcrging conccp1 for G protcmcouplcd rcccp10r discussio11 of lite implicatiom ()fagtlllill traf]itk.~J patlmuy.\ tuul dimt ri.WIIion)
Hovv drugs act: cellular
aspects- excitation,
contraction and secretion
Overvie w 54 the storage and release of Ca2 by intracellular
Regulation of intracellular calcium levels 54 Ca2-dependent regulation of enzymes,
-Calcium entry mechanisms 55 contractile proteins and vesicle proteins.
-Calcium extrusion mechanisms 57
More de tailed coverage of the topics presented in
-Calcium release mechanisms 57
this chapter can be found in Nicholls et al. (2000),
-Calmodulin 58
Nestler et al. (200 1) and Levitan & Kaczmare k
Excitation 59 (2002).
-Channel function 60 Because [Ca2 ] ; plays such a key role in cell
function, a wide variety of drug eHects re sults from
Muscle contraction 64
interference with one or more of these
Re lease of chemical mediators 67 mechanisms. If love makes the human world go
t-- round, [Ca2 ] ; does the same for cells. Knowledge
Epithe lial ion transport 70
of the molecular and cellular details has expanded
remarkably in the past decade, and here we focus
on the aspects that help to explain drug eHects.

The link between a drug interacting with a CALCIUM LEVELS
molecular target and its effect at the
Eve r s ince the famous accident by Sidney Ringer's technician
pathophysiological level, such as a change in blood
which showed that using tap wate r rathe r than distilled water ll
glucose concentration or the shrinkage of a
make up the bathing solution for isolated frog hearts would allo~
tumour, involves events at the cellular level.
the m to carry o n contracting, the role of Ca2+ as the most importa111
Whatever their specialised physiological function,
regulator o f cell functio n has never been in question. Many drug'
cells generally share much the same repertoire of
and phys io logical mechanisms o perate, directl y o r indirectly, hi
signalling mechanisms. In the next two chapters,
influe nc ing [Ca 2+j,. He re we consider the ma in ways in which;
we describe the parts of this repertoire that are of
is regulated, a nd later we describe some of the ways in wht<l
particular significance in understanding drug action
[Ca 2+], controls cell function. Details of the molecular componcn
at the cellular level. In this chapter, we describe
and drug targets arc presented in C hapter 3, and descriptions~
mechanisms that operate mainly over a short
drug e ffects o n integrated physiological function arc given n
timescale (milliseconds to hours), particularly
later chapters.
excitation, contraction and secretion, which account
The ' tudy of Ca2 regulatjon took a big step forward in t
for many physiological responses; Chapter 5 deals
1970s wi th the development o f fluorescent technique!. based c.
with the slower processes (generally days to
the Ca2 -~e n\itive photoprotein aequorin. and dyes such ~
months), including cell division, growth,
Fura-2, which, for the first tjme, allowed free [Ca2]; to b
diHerentiation and cell death, that determine the
continuoul.ly monitored in uving cells with a high level c
body's structure and constitution.
temporal and ~patia l reso lution.
The short-term regulation of cell function depends
Most of the Ca 2 in a resti ng cell is sequestered in organclk-;
mainly on the following components and
particularly the endoplasmic or sarcoplasmic reticulum (ER a
mechanisms, which regulate, or are regulated by,
S R) a nd the mitochondria, and the free [Ca2+], is kept to a len.
the free concentration of Ca2 in the cytosol, [Ca2 ];:
level. abo ut I 7 M. The Ca2+ concentration in tissue fluid tCa21
ion channels and transporters in the plasma is abo ut 2.4 mM , so there is a large concentration gradielll
54 membrane favouring Ca 2+ entry. fC a2..l 1 is ke pt low (a) by the o peration o

tlcliH! tran~port mechanisms that eject cytosolic Ca 2 through the store-operated calcium channels (SOCs)
pla-.ma membrane :md pump it into the ER, and (b) by the Na-Ca 2 exchange (can operate in either direction; see
nom1ally IO"- Ca2 permeability of the plasma and ER membranes. Calcium extrusion mechanisms).
Regulauon of !Ca2 ], tmolves three main mechanisms:


control of C'a~ extru\ion
The pioneering work of Hodgkin and Huxley on the ionic basis
c\changc of Ca! between the cytosol and the intracellular
of the nerve action potential (sec below) identified voltage-
\lOre\ .
dependent Na and K + conductances as the main participants. II
The-.c mcchani'>ms are described in more detail below and was later found that some invertebrate nerve and muscle cells
arc 'ummari'>ed in Figure 4.1 (see reviews by Berridge et al., could produce action potentiab that depended on Ca2 + rather than
2()()(). 2003). Na, and improved voltage clamp methods revealed that vertebrate
cells also possess voltage-activated calcium channels capable of
allowing substantial amounts of Ca2 to enter the cell when the
CALCIUM ENTRY MECHANISMS membmnc is dcpolarised. These voltage-gated channels arc highly
selective for Ca2 (although they also conduct Ba2+ ions. which
There arc rour main routes by which Ca2+ enters cells across the
arc often used as a substitute in electrophysiological experiments),
in pla.,ma membrane:
and do not conduct Na' or K; they are ubiquitous in excitable
0), cells and allow Ca 2+ to enter the cell whenever the membrane is
\Oitagc-gatcd calcium channels
ligand-garcd calcium channels depolarised, for example by a conducted action potential.



tcr to
y. by GPCRs
ich it
n~ of
~n in

Endoplasmic rettculum
n the
Plasma membrane
h a<;
o be Fig. 4.1 Regulation of intracellular calcium. The main routes of transfer of Ca2 into, and out of, the cytosol and endoplasmic
reticulum are shown for a typical cell (see tex1 for details). Black arrows: routes into the cytosol. Blue arrows: routes out of the cytosol.
~I o f
Red arrows: regulatory mechanisms. Most of the channels and transporters have been characterised at the molecular level, but the
mechamsm by which store-operated calcium channels (SOCs) are linked to the state of the intracellular Ca2+ store is uncertain. Normally,
elles. [Ca2Jjts regulated to about 1(17 moVI in a 'resting' cell. Mitochondria (not shown) also function as Ca2 ' storage organelles but release
R or Ca2 only under pathological conditions, such as ischaemia (see tex1). There Is also evidence for an intracellular store (not shown)
tlow achvated by the second messenger nicotinic acid dinucleotide phosphate. GPCR, G-protein-coupled receptor; IP3 , inositol
tnsphosphate; IP3 R, inositol trisphosphate receptor; LGC, ligand-gated cation channel; NCX, Na-Ca2 exchange transporter; PMCA,
plasma membrane Ca2' -ATPase; RyR, ryanodine receptor; SERCA, sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum ATPase; VGCC, voltage-gated
dient calcium channel.
>n of 55

A combination of electrophy1>iological and pharmacological important in regulating contraction of cardjac and smooth mu~ck
criteria suggests that there are five distinct subtypes of voltage- (see belov.. ), and N channeb (and also P/Q) are involved t
gated calcium channel!.: L, T, N. P and R. 1 The subtypes vary ncurotr ansmjner and hormone release, w hjJe T channels mcdiatt
with respect to their activation and inactivation kinetics, their voltage Ca2+ entry into neuron-, and thereby control variou'> Ca;
threshold for acti vati on, their conductance. and their sensitivity dependent functi ons such as regulation of other channels. enzyme,.
to blocking agents, a~ summari sed in Table 4. 1. T he molecular etc. Clinically used drugs that act directly on these channel!
basi ~ for this heterogeneity has been worked out in some detail. include the group of 'Ca2+ antagonists' consistin g of dihydro
The main pore-forming subunits (tenned al. see Fig. 3.4) occur pyridines (e.g. nifcdipine), ver apamil and diltiazcm (used for
in at least 10 molecular subtype!., and they are associated w ith their cardiovascular effect:.; see Chs 18 and 19), and aho
other subunits (f3, y, b) that also exil>t in differem form s. D ifferent gabapentin and pregabalin (used to treat epilepsy and prun: \l't
com bi nations of these <;ubunits give ri se to the dif ferent Chs 40, 41 ). M any drugs affect calcium channel\ indirect!) b)
physiological subtypes. In general. L channels are particularly acting on G-protcin-coupled receptors (see Ch. 3: Triggle, 1999
A number of toxin~ act ~e lecti vel y on one or other type of calciurr
channel (Table 4. 1). and these are used as experi mental tool\.

A ~ i xrh (Q ) has also been fou nd, bul it~ propcnies so closely re~emblc
tho~e of P that they usu~ l ly gel lumped together. The terminology i' lc~s LIGAND-GATED CHANNELS
than poetic: L stund~ for long-la,ting: T stands for tramient; N !>tand' for
neither long-lasting nor tran\ient: anti P. Q and R carry on alphabeucally M ost Jjgand-gated cati on channel s (see Ch. 3) th at arc activated
from N, with 0 (of cour,cl omiued. by excitatory neurotran ~mi ttcrs are relatively non-selective. ana

Types and functions of calcium channels

Gated by: Main types Characteristics Location and function Drug effects

Voltage L High activation threshold. Plasma membrane of many cells. Blocked by dihydropyridines,
Slow inactivation. Main Ca2 ' source for contraction verapamil, diltiazem. Activated
in smooth and cardiac muscle. by BayK 8644.
N Low activation threshold. Main Ca2 source for transmitter Blocked by w-conotoxin (component
Slow inactivation. release by nerve terminals. of Conus snail venom).
T Low threshold. Fast Widely distnbuted. Important 1n Blocked by mibetradil.
1nact1vation. card1ac pacemaker and atria
(role 1n dysrhythmias).
P/ Q Low activation threshold. Nerve terminals. Transmitter Blocked by w-agatoxin (component
Slow inactivation. release. of funnel web spider venom).
A Low threshold. ?
Fast inactivation.

Inositol IP3 receptor Ligand-gated channel Located in endoplasmic/ Not directly targeted by drugs. Some
trisphosphate activated by IP3 . sarcoplasmic reticulum. experimental blocking agents known
Mediates Ca2 ' release (e.g. heparin, injected intracellularly).
produced by GPCR activation. Responds to GPCR agonists and
antagonists in many cells.

elf, sensitised Ryanod1ne Directly activated 111 striated Located in endoplasmic/ Activated by caffeine (high
by cyclicADP receptor muscle via dihydropyridine sarcoplasmic reticulum. concentrations). Blocked by ryanodine.
ribose receptor of T tubules. Mediates Ca2' -evoked Ca~ Mutations may lead to drug-induced
release in muscle. Also malignant hyperthermia.
activated by the second
messenger cyclic ADP ribose.

Store Store- Indirectly coupled to Located in plasma membrane. Activated indirectly by agents that
depletion operated endoplasmic/sarcoplasmic deplete intracellular stores (e.g.
channels reticulum Ca2' stores. GPCR agonists, thapsigargin). Not
directly targeted by drugs.

NAADP Act1vated by NAADP Located 111 lysosomes.

formed as second Functional role not clear.

GPCR, G-protein-<:oupled receptor; NAADP, nicotinic acid dinucleotide phosphate.


ascle conJuct Ca~ ions as well a~ other cations. Most important in this electrochemical gradient for Na. not directly from ATP
~in rc~pcct '' the glutamate receptor of the NMDA type (Cb. 33), hydroly'>iS. This means that a reduction in the Na concentration
tliate 11hich ha' a particularly high penneability to Ca 2+ and is a major gradient resulting from Na entry will reduce Ca1+ extrusion by
contributor to Ca~ uptake by postsynaptic neurons (and also the exchanger, causing a ~econdary rise in [Ca1 ],. a mechanism
~es, ghat celh) m the centml nervous system. Activation of this that is particularly important in cardiac muscle (sec Ch. 18). The
nels receptor can rcadil) cau\e 'o much Ca2.. entry that the cell die~. exchanger can actuaJJy function in reverse if [Na], rises
dro- maml) through acti\ation of Ca 2-dependent proteases but also excessively, resulting in increased Ca 1+ entry into the cell (see
dfor b) triggering apopt0\1~ (\ee Ch. 5). Tbjs mccharusm, tenned above). The effect of d igoxin on cardiac muscle (Ch. 18) is
also f.lritoto.licir~. probabl) plays a part in various neurodegenerative produced in this way.
r. ~ee JiwJer... (\cc Ch. 35).
) by For man) years, there has been dispute about the existence
999). of 'receptor-operated chan neb' in smooth muscle, responding
llirectl) to mediator' such as adrcnaJjne (epinephrine), acetylcholine There arc two main types of calcium channel in the ER and SR
and hi,taminc. Now it seems (sec Kuriyama et al.. 1998) that the membrane, which play an important part in controlling the
P2x receptor (sec Ch. 3), activated by ATP, is the o nly example re lease of Ca~ from these stores.
or a true ligand-gated channel in smooth m uscle, a nd this
The inositol trisphosphate receptor (IP 3R) is activated by
COil\t itutes an important route or entry for Ca2 . Other mediators,
inositol trisphosphate (l P3), a second messenger produced by
~a ted acting on G-protcin-coupled receptors, affect Ca2 en try
the action of many ligands on G-protein-coupled receptors
and inllirectly. mainly by regulating voltage-gated calcium channels
(sec Ch. 3). IP1R is a ligand-gated ion channel, although its
or pota.,,ium channels.
molecular structure differs from that of ljgand-gated channels
in the plasma membrane. This is the main mechanism by
STORE-OPERATED CALCIUM CHANNELS which activation of G-protein-coupled receptors causes an
increa~e in 1Ca1],.
Thc'e arc channel' that occur in the plasma membrane and open
The ryanodine receptor (RyR) is so called because it wa.,
to allo11 Ca' cntf) when the ER stores are depleted. They are
fir;t identified through the specific blocking action of the
Ji,tinct from other membrane calcium channels, and belong to
plant all.. aloid r yanodine. It is particularly important in
the large. recent!} di'>CO\ered group ofTRP (standing for 'transient
skeletal muscle, where there is direct coupling between the
nx:eptor potential') chan neb. whjch have many different functions
RyR.., of the SR and the dihydropyridine receptors of the
('ee Clapham, 2003). SOCs remain somewhat mysterious,
T-tubub (see below); this coupling results in Ca 2 release
becau'e 11 " unclear what lind of linkage couples them to the
following the action potential in the muscle fibre. RyRs are
ER (\t:t: Berridge. 1997: Barritt. 1999). Like the ER and SR
also present in other types of cell that lack T tubules; they
chanm:b. they can serve to amplify the rise in [Cah], resulting
arc activated by a small rise in [Ca2 ], producing the effect
lrom Ca' release from the stores. So far, only experimental
known as calcium-induced calcium release (CICR). which
compounds are J..nown to block these channels, but efforts arc
serves to amplify the Ca 2 t signal produced by other
being made to develop specific blocking agents for therapeutic
mechanisms such a~ opelling of calcium channels in the
u~e a' rdaxanh of \mooth muscle.
plasma membrane. CICR means that release tends to be
regenerat ive, because an initial puff of Ca 2 releases more,
CALCIUM EXTRUSION MECHANISMS resu lting in localised 'sparks' or 'waves' of Ca 2 release
(sec Berridge, 1997).
Active tran'po11 of Ca ' outwards across the plasma membrane,
and 1011ard' aero'>'> the membranes of the ER or SR. depends on The functions of IP3Rs and RyRs arc modulated by a variety
the actiVIt} of a Ca'-dependcnt ATPase, similar to the Na/K- of other intracellular signals (sec Berridge et al., 2003), which
dcpendent ATPa\e that pumps Na+ out of the cell in exchange for affect the magnitude and spatiotemporal patterning of Ca2+
li. Se\eral '>Ubtypcs of the Ca1-dependent ATPasc have been signals. Fluorescence imaging techniques have revealed a
dnncJ hut the physiological significance of this heterogeneity remarkable level of complexity of Ca2+ signals, and much
remain' unclear. They ha\e not been implicated in pharmacological remain!. to be discovered about the importance of this patterning
re,pon..cs. 11 ith the exception that tbaps igargi n (derived from a in relation to phy<,iological and pharmacological mechanisms.
~kJu.:rranean plant. Tlwpsia garganica) specifically blocks the The Ca 2+ -;en~itivity of RyRs is increased by caffeine, causing
ER pump. cam.ing loss of Ca2 from the ER. lt is a useful Ca2 rclea~e from the S R even at resting levels of [Ca2 ],. This is
experimental tool but ha\ no therapeutic significance. used experimentally but rarely happens in humans. because the
Calcium i'> abo extruded from cells in exchange for a+, by other pharmacological effects of caffeine (see Ch. 42) occur at
;\a'-Ca' exchange. The transporter that does this has been fully much lower doses. The blocking effect of dantrolene, a compound
char.tctt:riscd and cloned, and (as you would expect) comes in related to ryanodine, is used therapeutjcally to relieve muscle
'evcral molecular subtype~ whose functions remain to be worked spasm in the rare condition of malignant hyperthermia (sec
nut. The exchanger transfers three Na ions for one Ca2, and Ch. 36), which is associated with inherited abnormalities in the
therefore produce!> a net dcpolarising current when it is RyR protei n. There are as yet few other examples of drugs that
extruding Cn2. The energy for Ca2 extrusion comes from the directly affect these Ca 2 release mechanisms. 57


T Under nonnal condition~. mitochondria accumulate Ca ' passi\CI}
'-----' a rc\uh of the intramilochondrial potential. wbich 1\ 'trongly
s 0.8 1 min "llh rc,p..'Ct to the cyto,ol. This negativity i' maintained by

E ea
cxtru,ion of proton.,. and i' lo;,t-thus relea\ing 2
into the cy
2: the cell run' -,hon of ATP. for e~ample under conditions of hypcma
0.6 only happen' m c\tremb. and the resulting Ca~ relea-e contribute\
I'D Normal extracellular [Ca2 ]
~ tht: C}tt>toxicit} as,oei;tted with sc,ere metabolic di,turbance. Cell
iii rc-,uhing from braan t\Chaemia or coronary i\Chaemia (see Ch\ t 8 and
0.4 Zero extracellular [Ca2 j
2 involve' thi' mechani-,m. along with others that contribute to an
~ n'e in 1Ca2 I,.
e 0.2

Calcium exerts its control over ceU functions by virtue of 11
Bradykinin 30 nmoVI
abi Iity to regulate the activity of many different proteins. includin
enzymes (parti cularly kinases and phosphatases). channel1
Fig. 4 .2 Increase in intracellular calcium concentration
in response to receptor activation. The records were tran!.portcrs, transcription factors, synaptic vesicle proteins, 011(
obtained from a single rat sensory neuron grown in tissue many others. In most cases, a Ca2-bindjng protein serves as a
culture. The cells were loaded with the fluorescent Ca2 intermediate hetween Ca2 and the regulated functional protem
indicator Fura-2, and the signal from a single cell monitored the best 1-.nown such binding protein being the ubiquito~
with a fluorescence microscope. A brief exposure to the
calmodulin. Thi., regulates at least 40 different function
peptide bradykinin, which causes excitation of sensory
neurons (see Ch. 41), causes a transient increase in [Ca2"], from proteins indeed a powerful fixer. Calmodulin i<; a dimer, \\i
the resting value of about 150 nmoVI. When Ca2 is removed
from the extracellular solution, the bradykinin-induced increase
in [Ca2 '), is still present but is smaller and briefer. The response
1n the absence of extracellular Ca2 represents the release of
stored Intracellular Ca2 ' resulting from the intracellular
product1on of inositol trisphosphate. The difference between
this and the larger response when Ca2 ' is present extracellular1y Calcium regulation
is believed to represent Ca2 entry through store-operated ion
channels in the cell membrane. Intracellular Ca2 concentration, (Ca2].. is
(Figure kindly provided by G M Burgess and A Forbes, Novartis critically important as a regulator of cell function.
Institute for Medical Research.)
Intracellular Ca2 is determined by (a) Ca2 ' entry; (b)
Ca2 ' extrusion; and (c) Ca2 exchange between the
cytosol, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondria.
Calcium entry occurs by various routes, including
A typical [Ca 2' 1, signal resulting from activation of a 0- voltage- and ligand-gated calcium channels and
protein-coupled receptor is shown in Figure 4.2. The response Na-ca2 exchange.
produced in the absence of extracellular Ca2+ represents release Calcium extrusion depends mainly on an ATP- driven
of intracellular Ca1. The larger and more prolonged response Ca2 ' pump.
when extracellular Ca 2 is present shows the contribution of Calcium ions are stored by the ER or sarcoplasmic
SOC-mediated Ca2 entry. reticulum (SR), from which they are released in
response to various stimuli.
Calcium ions are released from ERISA stores by (a)
OTHER SECOND MESSENGERS the second messenger inositol trisphosphate acting
T 1\o intracellular metabolite~. cyclic ADPribose (cADPR: 'ee Gu<>e. on inositol tnsphosphate receptors; or (b) increased
2000) and ni<'otinic acid dmucleoride plrospluue (NAADP: <>ee Chini & [Ca2], itself acting on ryanodine receptors, a
De Toledo. 2002>. fonned from the ubiquitous coenzyme:. nicotinamide mechanism known as Ca2 -induced Ca2 release.
adenme dinuclcmide (NAD) and NAD phosphate. al'>o affect Ca~
\lgnalting. cADPR act~ by mcre~ing the sensitivity of R}RS to Ca~-. thus
Other second messengers, cyclic ADP-ribose and
increa\ing the 'gain' of the CICR effect. NAADP release~ Ca from
2 ntcotlntc acid dinucleotide phosphate, also promote
l}'>o.,ome' by acuvaung channel<. not yet identified but e'idently distinct the release of Ca2 ' from Ca2 stores.
from the IP,R and RyR . Depletion of ER/SR Ca2 stores promotes Ca2 ' entry
The level\ of these me\M!ngen. in mammalian cells may be regulated through the plasma membrane, via store-operated
mainly in re~JXln\e 1<1 change~ in the metabolic status of the cell. although channels.
the detai l\ are not yet clear. Abnorma l Ca2' signalling is involved in many Calcium ions affect many aspects of cell function by
pmhophy~i ol ogical conditions. such as ischaemic cell death, endocrine
binding to proteins such as calmodulin, which in turn
di~order' and cardiac dysrhythmias. where the roles of cADPR and
bind other proteins and regulate their function.
NAA DP, and their interaction wi th other mechanisms that regulate
58 [Ca'l" are the subject t>f much current work (see Berridge ct al .. 2003). less

lour Ca1 binding '>ite,. When all are occupied. it undergoes a

confonnauonal change. expo!.ing a '!.ticky' hydrophobic domain ''
that lures many protein., into a.\sociation, thereby affecting '
' CYTOSOL 'Resting'
the1r functional propenie'>. ATP ',
'' potassium
' -4
, channels

lk' to EXCITATION Intracellular Equif>brium potential Extracenular

.Ieath Na 12mmolll - :!!l!'lY- 145mmolll
hcitabilit} descn~'> the ability of a cell to show a regenerative ~- -- -- Ca2 K 150mmoVl -- :-~rr!Y----- - 2.4mmolll
all-or-nothtng electrical response to depolarisation of its ATP 0.1 f.imoVI __ :t120roV_-- - - 2mmoVI
membrane. this membrane re-.ponse being known as an action
5mmoVI - ---=-90m\L __ -- --125mmoVI
potential. It b a characteri!.tic of most neurons and muscle cells
(mduding striated, cardiac and smooth muscle), and of many
Jf its cndoaim: gland cells. In neurons and muscle celJs, the ability of
th~ action potential, once initiated, to propagate to all parts of I
Jding I I

mels, the c\!11 membrane. and often to ~>pread to neighbouring cells, I

.and explains the importance of membrane excitation in intra- and .: / Na-ca2


intercellular signalling. In the nervous system, and in striated .: e xchange
mu,de. action potential propagation is the mechanism responsible Na+
itous hlr communication over long dhtances at high speed, indispensable Fig. 4.3 Simplified diagram showing the ionic balance
for large. fast-moving creatures. ln cardiac and smooth muscle, of a typical 'resting' cell. The main transport mechanisms that
ion a! maintain the Ionic gradients across the plasma membrane are
u' 11dl a\ in 'omc central neurons. spontaneous rhythmic activity
the ATP-driven Na-K and Ca2 pumps and the Na-ca2
llCCUrs.ln gland cells. the action potential, where it occurs. serves exchange transporter. The membrane is relatively permeable to
to amplify the 'ignalthat cau'e" the cell to secrete. In each type K+, because potassium channels are open at rest, but
1>f ti,,uc. the propenies of the excitation process reflect the special impermeable to other cations. The unequal ion concentrations
charac:t~n,IIC\ of the ion channels that underlie the process. The on either side of the membrane grve rise to the 'equilibrium
mol(\:ular natur~ of ion channels, and their importance as drug potentials' shown. The resting membrane potential, typically
about -60 mV but differing between different cell types, is
targch. is con,Jdered m Chapter 3: here we discuss the cellular determined by the equilibrium potentials and the permeabilities
pnx:~''c' that depend primaril} on ion channel function. For of the various ions involved, and by the 'electrogenic' effect of
more detail. 'cc Hille (:!001 ). the transporters. For simplicity, anions and other ions, such as
protons. are not shown, although these play an important role
in many cell types.
a. The rc,ting cell i' not resting at all but very busy controlling the
\late of ih interior, and it requires a continuous suppl.y of energy
w do ,o. In relation to the topics discussed in this chapter, the
following chaructcri!-tics arc especial ly Lmportant:
Our present undcrstunding of electrical excitability rests tirmly
membrane potential
on the work of Hodgkin, Huxley and Katz on squid axons,
permeability of the plasma membrane to different ions
published in 1949-52. Their experiments (see Katz, 1966)
intr.tccllular ion concentrations, especially [Ca2];.
revealed the existence of voltage-gated ion channels (sec above)
t'ndcr rc,ung conditions. all cells maintain a negative internal and showed that the action potential is generated by the interplay
potential bct\veen about -30 mV and -80 mV, depending on the of two proccsse~:
cdl t) pc. Til is ari-.es because (a) the membrane is relatively
I. a rapid, transient increa.o;e in Na permeability that occurs
tmpcm1eahlc to a. and (b) a+ ions are actively extruded from
when the membrane b depolarised beyond about-50 mV
lhe cell in exchange for K+ ions by an energy-dependent
2. a slower, sustained increase in K+ permeability.
tran,ponl!r. the a pump (or a-K ATPase). The re!.ult il> that
the mtmcellular K' concentration, LK+J,, is higher. and [Na], is Because of the inequality of Na+ and K+ concentrations on the
lo"er. than the respective extracellular concentrations. In many two 1>ide!. of the membrane. an increase in Na+ permeability
celk other ion-.. particularly CI-. are also actively transported causes an inward current of Na ions, whereas an incrca e in K+
and unequally di-.tributed acros'> the membrane. In many cases permeability causes an outward current. The separate nature of
(e.g. in m:urons). the membrane penneability to K+ is relatively these two current!> can be most clearly demonstrated by the usc
high. and the membrane potential settles at a value of -60 to of drugs blocking sodium and potassium channels, as shown in
-80mY. clo~e to the equilibrium potential for K+ (Fig. 4.3). In Figure 4.4. During the physiological initiation or propagation of
tn other cells (e.g. smooth muscle). anions play a larger part, and a nerve impu lse, the first event is a small depolarisation of the
the membrane potential is generally lower (-30 to -50 mV) and membrane, produced either by transmitter action or by the
bs dependent on K. approach of an action potential passing along the axon. This 59

~ Time (ms) c] Time (ms)

0 5 10 0 5 10 15 20

Fig. 4.4 Separation of sodium and


potassium currents in the nerve (,) - 10 (,)

membrane. Voltage clamp records

from the node of Ranvier of a single - 10
frog nerve fibre. At time 0, the
membrane potential was stepped to a
depolarised level, ranging from -60 mV [_B [Q]
(lower trace in each series) to +60 mV
(upper trace In each series) in 15-mV
steps. [A] [C] Control records from two
fibres. B Effect of tetrodotoxin (ITX),
which abolishes Na' currents. IJ2J Effect
of tetraethylammonium (TEA), which TTX
abolishes K+ currents.
(From Hille B 1970 Prog Biophys 21: 1.)

open!> ~odium channels, allowing an inward current of Na+ ions

to now, which depolarisel> the membrane still further. The
process i'> thu-, a regenerative one. and the increase in Na+
permeability i-, enough to bring the membrane potential close to N"
E,a The increa'>ed a conductance is transient, because the 30
channel-, inactivate rapidly and the membrane returns lO its E
resting ~late. .s
In many type~ of cell, including most nerve cells. repolarisation 0
is a~si'>tcd by the opening of voltage-dependent potassium
<ll 10
channel!>. These function in much the same way as sodium '0
chan neb, but their activation kineticl> are about 10 times slower 0
and they do not inactivate appreciably. This means that the
potas~ium channels open later th an the sodium channels, and 0 2 3 4
contribute to the rapid termination of the acti on potenti al. The Time (ms)
behaviour of the sodium and potassium channels duri ng an acti on Fig. 4 .5 Behaviour of sodium and potassium channels
potent ial is shown in Figure 4.5. during a conducted action potential. Rapid opening of
The foregoing nccount, based on Hodgkin & Huxley's work sodium channels occurs during the action potential upstroke.
Delayed opening of potassium channels, and inactivation of
50 years ago, involves only Na and potassium channels.
sodium channels, causes repolarisation. Em, membrane
Subsequently (sec llille. 2001 ), voltage-gated calcium channels potential 9N 9k, membrane conductance to Na+, K
(see Fig. 4.1) were discovered. These function in basically the
'>ame way as sodium channels; they contribute to action potential
generation in many cell\, particularly cardiac and smooth muscle
cell!>, but al'>o in neurons and secretory cells. Ca2+ entry through
voltage-gated calcium channels plays a key role in intracellular different cclb normally discharge action potentials also varit
signalling, tl'> de.,cribed above. greatly. from '>everal hundred Hertz for fast-conducting neuro11
down to about I Ht for cardiac muscle cells. T hese vel) pn.
nounccd functional variations reflect the different characteristJ.
of the ion channeb expressed in different cell types.
The di.,charge patterns of excitable cells vary greatly. Skeletal Drugs that alter channel characteristics, either by interacu
muscle fibres arc quicsccm unles~ Mimulated by the arrival of a directly with the channel itself or i ndirectly through sec01
nerve impul\e at the neuromuscular junction. Cardiac muscle messenger~.. affect the function of many organ systems. includm,
fibres discharge spontaneously at a regular rate (see Ch. 18). the nervous. cardiovascular. endocrine. respiratory and reproductil
Neuron~> may be normally silent , or they may discharge syMems, and arc a frequent theme in this book. Here we describo:
spomaneously. either regularl y or in bursts; smooth muscle cells some of the key mechanisms invol ved in the regu lation o
60 show a similar variety of liring patterns. The f requency at which excitable cells.

In general. action potcntiab are initiated by membrane currents on the squid giant axon, described above, revealed the e~~ential
that cau~c dcpolarisation of the cell. These currents may be functional properties of these channels. Later. advantage was
20 produced by synaptic activity. by an action potential approachi ng taken of' the potent and highly selective blocking action of
from another part of the cell. by a sensory stimulus. or by tetrodotoxin (TfX. see Ch.44) to label and purify the channel
'pontancou' pacenwker activity. The tendency of such currentl> protein. and '>Ubsequently to clone it. revealing the complex
10 initiate an acuon potential is governed by the excitability of the structure shown in Figure 3.18. with four similar domains each
cell. 11hich depend~ mainly on the Mate of (a) the voltage-gated comprising ~ix membrane-spanning helices (reviewed by Catterall.
'odium and/or calcium channels, and (b) the potassium channels 2000). One of these helice~. S4, contains several ba~ic amino
of the rc~ting membrane. Anything I hut increases the number of acids and forms the voltage senl.Or, and moves outward~. thus
available 'odium or calcium channels, or reduces their activation opening the channel, when the membrane is dcpolarised. One of
threshold. v.ill tend to increase excitability. whereas increasing the intracellular loops is designed to ~wing across and block the
th~ rNing K conductance reduces it. Agen~ that do the rcver,e, channel when S4 is displaced. thu~ inactivating the channel.
b) blodtng channeb or interfering with their opening. will It wa!. 1-..nown from phy~iological studicl> that the sodium chan-

haH! the oppo,ite effect. Some examples arc shown in nels of heart and ~keletal mu'>clC differ in various ways from those
Figur.:' ~.6 and 4.7 and in Table 4.1. of neuron.,. In particular. cardiac ~odium channeb arc relatively
insensitive 10 TTX. and slower in their kinetics (as arc those of
some sensory neurons), compared with most neuronal sodium
channels. Nine distinct molecular subtypes have so far been
T \oltag~gat~d channels can e~i\t in three functional \late' ('ig.4.8J: identified, more than enough to e>..plain the functional divefl>ity.
tntm~ lthe d<hCd Mate that pre1ail\ at the nonnal resting potenti;ll). Various experimental compound~ affect sodium channel gating
a.:/II'Cll<~itthc o~n 'tate fa1oured b} bnef depolari-ation) and intiCIII'lllcd
tthe blt,.;~cd ,t.uc r~sulting from auap door hke occlusion of the chunnt.!l
and inactivation. the most important being tetrodotoxin, a highly
b} a lloppy intract.!llular appendage of the channel protein). After the potent and selective blocl-..ing agent (Ch.44}, and certain sub-
action potential ha' pas~cd, many MKl ium channels are in the inactivmcd stances (e.g. batrachotoxin and veratridine) that prevent inacti-
,tate, after 1hc membrane potential return~ to its resting va lue. the vation and therefore cause sodium channels to remain open after
1nat:ti1~ted channel\ revert to the re\ting \tate and thus become uvailahle
activation. Therapeutic agents that act by blocking sodium chan-
for actllation unce more. In the meantime. the membrane is temporarll}
nels include local anaesthetic drugs (Ch.44). antiepileptic drugs
trjnuron. r:.1ch action potential cau...:' the channels to qcl.: through
the..c 'tate,. Th.: durmion of the refractOr) period. which determmco, the (Ch.40) and antidysrhythmic drugs (Ch.l8). The sodium channel-
D1t\imum lrequcnc) at which action potentials can occur. depend' on the blocking action., of these drug!. were in most case~ di!.covered
r.ue (lf rccovcl) from inactivation. Drug~ that block sodium channcb. long after their clinical applications were recognised; many of
'uch as IlK:<~ I anac;thetics (Ch. 44), antidy,rhythmic drugs (Ch. 18) and them lack 1-peciticity and produce a variety of unwanted side
anticpileptic drug' (Ch. 40). commonly o,how a selective aflinity for one
or other uf thco,c functional \tate~ of the channel. and in their presence the
effects. The usc of induced mutations in cloned sodium channels
proponmn ,,(channel\ in the high-affinuy \tote is increlbed. Of particular cxpres<;ed in cell I incs is now revealing which regions of the very
tmponan..:e are drugo, that bind most 'ttongly to the inacti\ated o,tate of the large channel molecule are involved in the binding of particular
<hanntl and thu' fa1our the adopuon of tht\ \late. thus prolongmg the agents. and it is hoped that this information will allow more
relract>l) ~nod and reducing the maximum frequency at which action specific drugs to be designed in the future. Certain inherited neuro-
polenual' can be generated. Thi~ type of block b called w.e-dependem,
becau'e the btnding of ~uch drugs increa~e' as a function of the rate of
logical disorders are associated with sodium channel mutations
Is action potcnual di<.,charge. wbich governs the rate at wh ich inactivated- (see Ashcroft, 2000).
and therefore drug-en~itivc--channel\ are generated. This is important
e. fur ")me antidyo,rh)thmlc drugs ('ee Ch. I!!) and for antiepileptic drug<.
tCh.401. bo!cau...: h1gh-frequency di~charge~ can be inhibited without POTASSIUM CHANNELS
affe.:tmg C\Citabihty at nonnal fn.'qucncie~. Drug~ that readil} bloc~
,otJium channel' 10 the1r resting o,tate (e.g. local anaesthetic~. Ch. 44) Tn a typical resting cell (see above). the membrane i., selectively
pre1cnt excllutmn :11 low as well as high frequencies. permeable to K+. and the membrane potential (about -60 mY)
is somewhat positive to the K+ equilibrium (about - 90 mV).
:.1o\t \tKhum channel-blocking drugs arc c;lli onic at phy~iological pi I
Ulld are 1hcrcfore affected by the voltage gradient aero;,<., the cell
This resting permeability comes about because potassium
membrane. 'o that their blocking action i' favoured by depolari,ation. channels arc open. Jf more powssium channels open, the
1aries Tim phenumcnon. lulO\\ n as I'Oitagr depelldi!IICt'. is also of relevance to membrane hypcrpolarises and the cell is inhibited. wherea~ the
rons. the :K:II<>n ot ;Jnlld)'rh) thmic and ant1cpilepuc drugs. bccauo;c the cell' opposite happen<, if pomssium channels clol.e. A\ well as
that urc the -eat of dy>rhythmia~ or \e11ure acti,'it) are generJII)
y pro- affecting excitability in this way. potassium channel-. also play
"-'me\\ hat dcf><>l.lrht.!d and therefore more \lmngly blocked than 'healthy'
ristic:. cell' Similar cono,iderations apply abo to drug' that block pota.,.,ium or
an important role in regulating the duration of the action
calctum channels. but we know les' uhout the imporwnce of usc and potential and the temporal pattenri11g of action potential
acting 1oltage dependence for the~e than we do for -,odium chan nels. discharges; altogether. these channels play a central role in
;econd regulating cel l function. As mentioned in Chapter 3, the number
uding and variety of potassium channel .,ubtypes i~ extraordinary.
implying that evolution has been driven by the '>COpe for
~ribc In most excitable cells. the regenerative inward current that initiates biological advantage to be gained from subtle variation!. in
ion of the action potential results from activation of voltage-gated sodium the functional properties of these channels. A recent resume
channe l ~. The early voltage clamp studies by Hodgkin & I lux ley lists over 60 different pore-forming subunits. plus <mother 20 61


r Inhibitory voltage-gated channels

Excitatory voltage-gated channels

Na+ 'Resting' channels

Local anaesthetics (Ch. 44)
GPCR ligands (some)
Antlepileptics (some, Ch. 40) Anaesthetics (some, Ch. 36)
Antldysrhy1hmics (some, Ch. 18)
GPCR ligands (some)
BayK 8644 (some)
cAMP (some)
Ca 2+ Ca 2-gated channels
D1hydropynd1nes (some, Ch. 19)
w-Conotox1ns (some)
GPCR ligands (some)

Excitatory ligand-gated channels



Low pH

Amiloride (some, Ch. 24)

Inhibitory ligand-gated channels
GABA (Ch. 33)
Noxious heat
Vanllloids - - -- - - - -- - -...;..-*'-'
(Ch. 41 ) Capsazepine

Glycine (Ch. 33)

Fig . 4 .6 Jon channels associated with excitatory and inhibit ory mem brane effects, a nd some of the drugs and other ligands
that affect them. Channel openers are shown in green boxes, blocking agents and inhibitors in pink boxes. GPCR, G-protein-coupled


Tetraethy lammonium
4-Am inopyridine

Membrane Slow + } - - - - - - - - - - - - l
depolarisation conductance

Fast ~ +
Sodium channel

Batra chotox in
Inward Na+ Increased Na+ Scorpion toxin
current conductance etc.

Fig. 4 .7 Sites of action of drugs

and toxins that affect channels
involved in action potential
generation. Many other mediators
affect these channels indirectly via Outward K
membrane receptors, through current
phosphorylation or altered expression.
STX. sax1tox.n, TTX, tetrodotoxin.

or ' o auxiltary subunits. An impressive evolutionary display. channels, either by genetic mutation~ or by unwanted drug effects, is a
maybe, but hard going for most of us. Here we outline Lhe main major factor in cau~ing cardiac dysrhyth mias, which can cause sudden
deat h (see Ch. 18). Many of these channels are blocked by drugs such
t)pe~ that arc known to be important pharmacologically. For
as tetraethylamm onium and 4-aminopyridine.
more details, and information on potassium channels and Lhe Inwardly rectifying potassium channels, so called because they allow
variou~ urugs and toxins that affect them, see Shieh et al. (2000), K ' to pa~' inwards much more readi ly than outwards (see review by
Gutman et al. (2003) and Jenkinson (2006). Reimann & Ashcroft, 1999). These have two membrane-spanning
helices and o si ngle pore-forming loop (P loop). These channels are
T Pota~>ium channels fa ll into three main classes (Table 4.2),2 of which regulated by interaction with G-protcins (see Ch. 3) and mediate the
tlw ' tructures are shown in Figure 3. 18. inhibitory effects of many agonists acting on G-protei n-coupled
receptor~. Certain types are important in the heart, particularly in
llwgt-gared 11otaJ.1hmr channels, which possess six membrane- regulating the duration of the cardiac action potential (Ch. I 8); others
'panning helicc~. one of which serves as the voltage sensor, causing the are the target for the action of sulfonylureas (antidiabetic drugs that
hannel to open when the membrane is depolarised. Included in this ~timulate in!>ulin \ecretion by blocking them; see Ch. 26) and smooth
~tmup are channel\ of the lhaker fanlily. accounting for most of the mu~cle relaxant drugs, such as cromakalim and diazoxide, which
\\lltage-gatcd K currents familiar to electrophysiologists, and others open them (see Ch. 19).
'uch 3\ Cal -ami'Oted potassium clwnnels and two subtypes that are 1io-pore domain potassium clwmrels. with four helices and two P
Important mthe heart. HERG and LQT c/wnnels. Disrurbance of these loops (sec re' iew by Goldstein et al., 2001). These show oUiward
rectification and therefore exert a strong repolarising influence.
opposing any tendency to excitation. They may contribute to the
resting K conductance in many ceUs. and are susceptible to regulation
P<ll;t\\IUm channel terminology is confusing. to put it mildly. 'ia G-proteins; certain ~ubtypes have been implicated in the action of
Ek;,"'ll>ph}''olog"" ha\e christened K+ currents prosaically on the basis of volatile anae~thetics such as halothane (Ch. 36).
thc1r tuncuonal propertie~ (IKv IKe. IKMP. 1""', etc.); geneticists have
nam<d g~ne' \Orne" hat fancifully according to the phenotypes associated Inherited abnormalities of potassium channels (channelopathies)
"'"h mutation\ (~haker. ether-a-go-go. etc.). while molecular biologists have contribute to a rapidly growing number of cardiac, neurological
ntroduced a rational but unmemorable nomenclature on the basis of
and other diseases. These include the long QT syndrome
se~u~nce data (KCNK, KCNQ, etc., with numerical suffixes). The rest of us
h.11e to make what we can of the unlovely jargon of labels such as HERG associated wilh mutations in cardiac voltage-gated potassium
t~~<hich-don't bh nk-Mands for Human Et her-a-go-go Related Gene), channels, causing episodes of ventricular arrest that can result in
nVJK, TREK and TASK. sudden death. Certain familial types of deafness and epilepsy are 63

lon channels and electrical excitability

Restmg Open Inactivated

Favoured by Na Exc itable cells generate an ali-or-nothing

depolansatJOn I
action potential in response to membrane
' depolarisation. This occurs in most neurons and
fast slow
muscle cells, and also in some gland cells. The iomc
basis and time course of the response varies

~ lnachvating particle
between tissues .
The regenerative response results from the
depolarising current associated with opening of
Blocking voltage-dependent cation channels (mainly Na and
drug Ca2 ). It is terminated by spontaneous closure of
A y' 8
these channels accompanied by opening of
potassium channels.
The sodium, calcium and potassium channels exist In
many molecular varieties, with specific functions in
different types of cell.
The membrane of the 'resting' cell is relatively
Fig. 4.8 Resting, act ivated and inactivated states of permeable to K ' but impermeable to Na+ and Ca2 .
voltage-gated channels, exemplified by the sodium Drugs or mediators that open potassium channels
channel. Membrane depolarisation causes a rapid transition reduce membrane excitability, and vice versa.
from the resting (closed) state to the open state. The
Inhibitors of sodium or calcium channel function have
inactivating part1cle (part of the intracellular domain of the
channel protein) IS then able to block the channel. Blocking the same effect.
drugs (e.g. local anaesthetics and antiepileptic drugs) often Cardiac muscle cells, some neurons and some
show preference for one of the three channel states, and thus smooth muscle cells generate spontaneous action
affect the kinetic behaviour of the channels, with implications potentials whose amplitude, rate and rhythm is
for thelf clin1cal application.
affected by drugs that affect ion channel function.

a-.l>ociatcd with mut~t ionl> i n voltage-gated potassium channels. SKELETAL MUSCLE

Other genetic disorders-mostly very rare-involving potassium
Skeletal muscle posses~es an array of transverse T wbule--
channels arc described by A11hcroft (2000).
extcnding into the cell from the plasma membrane. The actioc
potential of the plasma membrane depends on voltagc-gatea
MUSCLE CONTRACTION sodium channels. as in most nerve cells, and propagates rapid!)
from its site of origin, the motor endplale (see Ch. 10), to the re11
Effect ~ of drugs on the contractile machinery of smooth muscle of the fibre. The T tubule membrane contains L-type calcium
arc the basis of many therapeutic applications. for smooth muscle channels, which re~pond to membrane depolarisation conducteG
is an important component of most physiological systems, passively along the T tubule when the plasma membrane i
including blood vessels and the gastrointestinal and respi ratory invaded by an action potential. These calcium channel\ ar.
tracts. For many decadel>, ~mooth muscle pharmacol ogy with its located extremely clo~e to ryanodine recep1ors (see Ch. 3) in t~
trademark technology the isolated organ bath-held the centre adjacent SR membrane. and acti vation of these RyRs caust
of the pharmacological l>tage. and neither the subject nor the relea~e of Ca~ from the SR. There is evidence of direct couplin
technology -.how any sign of flagging. even though the stage has between the calcium channels of the T tubule and the RyR'
become much more crowded. Cardiac muscle contractility is also the SR (a!> l.hown in Fig. 4.9): however. Ca~~ entry through tr
the target of important dng effect!>. whereas striated muscle T-tubule channeb into the restricted zone between these channc
contractil ity io; only rarely affected by drugs. and asl>ociated RyRs may also contribute. Through this linl
Although in each case the basic molecular basis of contraction depolarismion rapidly activates the RyRs. releasing a shon pur.
is similar, namely an interaction between actin and myosin. of Ca 2+ from the SR into the sarcoplasm. The Ca~ bind~o
fue lled by AT P and initiated by an increase in [Ca 2+),. there are 1roponin. a protein that normally blocks the interaction betwec
di fferences between thCl>C three kinds of muscle that account for actin and myosin. When Ca~+ bind!>, troponi n moves out of th:
their different rc~pon!. i vcncss to drugs and chemical mediators. way and allows the contrac ti lc machinery to operate. Ca2 relea.\(
These differences (Fig. 4.9) involve (a) the linkage between is rapid and brief, and the muscle responds with a short- lastin
membrane events and increase in LCa2+);. and (b) the mechanism ' twitch' response. This is a relatively fast and direct mechani1n:
64 by which [Ca2"' I, regulates contraction. compared with the arrangement in cardiac and smooth muse!,
,...... 4.2 TYpes and functions of potassium channels

Structural class Functional subtypesb Functions Drug effects Notes

Voltage-gated Voltage-gated Action potential Blocked by tetraethyl- Subtypes in the heart include
(6T, 1P) potasstum channels repolarisation. Umits ammonium, 4-aminopyridine. HERG and LOT channels,
maximum firing Certain subtypes blocked whtch are involved In
frequency. by dendrotoxins (from congenital and drug-induced
mamba snake venom). dysrhythmias. Other subtypes
may be involved in inherited
forms of epilepsy.
ca~ -acltvated Inhibition following Certain subtypes blocked Important in many excitable
potassium channels stimuli that increase by apamin (from bee venom), tissues to limit repetitive
(Ca2 ] , and charybdotoxin (from discharges, also In
scorpion venom). secretory cells.

Inward recttfylng G-proteln-activated Mediate effects of many GPCR agonlsts and antagonists. Other inward-rectifying
(2T.1P) GPCRs that cause No important direct interactions. potassium channels
inhibition by increasing Important in kidney.
K' conductance.
AlP-sensitive Found in many cells. Association of one subtype with
Channels open when the sulfonylurea receptor results
(ATP] is low, causing in modulation by sulfonylureas
Inhibition. Important in (e.g. glibenclamide), which close
control of insulin channels, and by potasstum
e secretion. channel openers (e.g. diazoxide,
pinacidil), which relax
smooth muscle.

Two-pore domatn Several subtypes Most are voltage- Certain subtypes are activated Recently discovered, so
(4T, 2P) identtfied (TWIK, tnsensitive; some are by volatile anaesthetics (e.g. knowledge is fragmentary
TRAAK. TREK, normally open and halothane). No selective as yet.
TASK. etc.) contribute to the 'resting' blocking agents. Modulation
K" conductance. by GPCR agonists and
Modulated by GPCRs. antagonists.

GPCR, G-protem-coupled receptor.

'Potassium channel structures (see Fig.3.17) are defined according to the number of transmembrane helices (T) and the number of pore-
buies formtng loops (P) In each a subuntt. Functional channels contatn several subunits (often four), which may be Identical or different, and
they are often assoctated with accessory (m subunits.
bWtthin each functional subtype, several molecular variants have been identified, often restricted to particular cells and tissues. The
gated phystologtcal and pharmacological significance of this heterogeneity Is not yet understood.
ucted h~c he low), and consequently less susceptible to phannacological to activate the contractile machinery directly. Instead. this initial
ne is modulation. The few examples of drugs that directly affect skeletal Ca1+ entry acts on RyRs (a different molecular type from those of
b are mu,clc contraelton arc shown in Table 4. I. skeletal muscle) to release Ca1+ from the SR, producing a
.n the secondary and much larger wave of Ca2+. Because the RyRs of
auJ>es cardiac muscle arc themselves activated by Ca1 +, the LCa 2+], wave
pling is a regenerative. all-or-nothing event. The initial Ca1+ entry that
R~ of Cardia, mu,de bee review by Ben;. 2002) differs from skeletal trigger-, thi'> event is highly dependent on the action potential
h the mu-cic in ,e,eml important re~pect~. The nature of the cardiac duration. and on the functioning of the membrane L-type
nnels a.:uon potential. the ionic mechanisml. underlying its inherent channels. Some of the drugs that affect it are shown in Table 4.1.
link. rh) thmicit}. and the effect!> of drugs on the rate and rhythm of the With minor differencel>. the mechanism by which Ca2+ acti\-ates
puff heart are dco,cribcd in Chapter 18. Cardiac muscle cells lack T the contractile machinery is the same as in skeletal muscle.
d~ lO tubule,. and there is no direct coupling between the plasma
ween membrane and the SR. The cardiac action potential varies in its
1f the conligurauon in different part'> of the heart, but commonly shows
lease J 'plateau' lasting ~>evera l hundred milliseconds following the The properties of smooth muscle vary considerably in different
L~ting tnttial rapiu depolarisation. The plasma membrane contains many organl., and the linl-.. between membrane events and contraction
1nism Ltype calcium channels. which open during this plateau and is less direct and less well understood than in other kinds of
uscle all011 Cal+ to enter the cell, although not in sufficient quantities rnuscle. The action potential of smoOth muscle is generally a 65

A Skeletal muscle B Cardiac muscle

Conducted action potential (slow)
Conducted action potential (fast)

L-type Cac PLASMA
1 NaC
~ L-typeCaC


= =fa~~\
'~ /

Ca 2
Troponin Ca2 -troponin y
Troponin Ca2-troponin

Fig. 4.9 Comparison of

excitation-contraction coupling in fAl striated
muscle, B] cardiac muscle and ~ smooth
muscle. Striated and cardiac muscle differ mainly
in the mechanism by which membrane C Smooth muscle
depolarisation 1s coupled to Ca2 release. In
striated muscle, the T-tubule membrane is coupled
closely to the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) via the
Ligand-gated CaC
L-type CaC and the ryanodine receptor (RyR). In
GPCR ( 2
cardiac muscle, Ca2 entry via voltage-gated ) Ca L-type CaC
calcium channels initiates a regenerative release
through activation of the Ca2-sensit1ve RyRs. In

smooth muscle, contraction can be produced

'f I

either by Ca2 entry through voltage- or ligand- I

gated calcium channels, or by inositol
trisphosphate (IP:J-mediated Ca2 release from the
SR. The mechanism by which Ca2 activates
contraction is different, and operates more slowly,
in smooth muscle compared with in striated or
cardiac muscle. CaC, calcium channel; CaM,
calmodulin; ER, endoplasmic reticulum; GPCR,
G-protein-coupled receptor; MLCK, myosin light-
chain kinase; NaC, voltage-gated sodium channel;
RyR, ryanodlne receptor. drugs

rather lazy and vague affair compared with the more military The contractile machinery of smooth muscle is activated whc
behaviour of skeletal and cardiac muscle, and it propagates the myosin light elwin undergoes phosphorylation, causing it~
through the tissue much more slowly and uncertainly. The action become de1ached from the actin filaments. This phosphorylatio
potential is. in mo\t case~. generated by L-typc calcium channels is cataly~ed by a kina~e. myolin light-elwin kinase (MLCA
rather than by voltage-gated !>odium channels. and this is one which is activated when il binds to Ca 2+-calmodulin (seep. 58
important route of Ca' entry. In addition, many smooth muscle A second enqme, myosin phosphatase. reverses the phc
celb po~~es!> ligand-gated cation channels. which allow Ca!+ phorylmion and causes relaxation. The activity of MLCK at.'
entry when they respond to transmitters. The best characterised myosin pho~phatase thus exerts a balanced effect, promouc
of the~e arc the recepto~ of the P!x L) pe (see Ch. 12). which contraction and rcla>..ation. respectively. Both enzymes are regula~c
respond to ATP relea.\ed from autonomic nerves. Smooth muscle by cyclic nucleotide~ (cAMP and cGMP: see Ch. 3). and mar
cell<, also store Ca! in the ER. from which it can be released drug~ that cause smooth muscle contraction or relaxauo
when the IP1R is activated (see Ch. 3). TP3 is generated by medimed through G-protein-coupled receptors or throug
aclivation of many types of G-protein-coupled receptor. Thus, in guanylate cyclase- linked receptors act in this way. Figure 4.1
contrast to skeletal and cardiac muscle, Ca 2+ relea~e and summarise~ the main mechanisms by which drugs contr
contraction can occur in smooth muscle when such receptors arc smooth muscle contraction. The complexity of these conlr
activated wi1hout necessaril y involving depolarisation and Ca 2+ mechanisms and interactions explains why pharmacologists halt
66 entry through the plasma membrane. been en1ranccd for so long by smooth muscle. Many therapem they

Agonlsts Potassium-channel Agonists
Noradrenaline Adenosine
Histamine ~-Agonlsts
Angiotensin Prostagla nd ins
etc. et c.

+ I

Ca2 rele a s e - - - - - - ---

'' ~


Fig. 4.10 Mechanisms controlling smooth muscle contraction and relaxation. 1. G-protein-coupled receptors for excitatory
agon1sts. ma1nly regulating inositol trisphosphate formation and calcium channel function. 2. Voltage-gated calcium channels. 3. Ligand-
gated cation channels (the P2X receptor for ATP is the main example). 4. Potassium channels. 5. G-protein-coupled receptors for
1nh b1tory agomsts, mainly regulating cAMP formation and potassium and calcium channel function. 6. Receptor for atrial natriuretic
peptide (ANP), coupled directly to guanylate cyclase (GC). 7. Soluble guanylate cyclase, activated by nitric oxide (NO). 8.
Phosphodiesterase (POE), the main route of inact ivation of cAMP and cGMP. AC, adenylate cyclase; PKA, protein kinase A; PKG,
prote1n kinase G: PLC, phospholipase C.

drug' work by contrac ting or relaxing smooth muscle, parti cu larl y a ll the conventional neurotransmitters and neuromodulators
tho\t: affecting the cardiovascular. respiratory and gastrointestinal (sec C hs 9 and 32). and many hormones. It also includes
'}stems. a' dbcus,ed in later chapters. where details of specific secreted proteins such as cytokines (Ch. 13) and various
drug' and their physiological effects are g iven. growth factors (Ch. 16).
"'hen Mediators that arc produced on demand and are released by
~it to diffusion or by membrane carriers. This group includes nitric
!arion RELEASE OF CHEMICAL MEDIATORS oxide (Ch. 17) and many lipid mediators (e.g. prosranoids,
[.CK). Ch. 13. and endocannabinoids. Ch. 15).3
\luh of pharmacology is based on interference with the body's
). 58).
O\\ n chenucal medtato~. particularly neurotransmitters, hormones
phos- Calcium ionc, play a key role in both cases, because a rise in
and mOammatO!) mediator'>. Here we di~uss some of the common
~and LCa 2+j, initiates exocytosis and is also the main activator of the
mechani,ms tmolved in the release of such mediators, and it will
10ting enqmc!> responsible for the synthesis of diffusible mediator!>.
come a' no o,urpri'>e that Ca2 plays a central role. Drugs and
ulated In addition to mediator> that are released from cells, some are
other agents that affect the various control mechanisms that regu-
many formed from precur~o~ in the plasma. two important examples
late [Ca~ t, \~ill therefore abo affect mediator release. and this
tation being kinin\ (Ch. 13) and angiotensin (Ch. 19), which are peptides
accounts for many of the physiological effects that they produce.
rough produced by protca~c-mediated cleavage of circulating proteins.
Chemical mediators that are relea~ed from cells fall into two
main group~ (Fig. 4.1 I).
ontrol Mediators that arc preformed and packaged in storage
'have \esiclcs-sometimes called storage granules-from which 3
Carrier-med iated release can also occur with neurotrnnsminers that are stored
peutic they arc released by exocytosis. This large group com prises in vesicle~ but i~ quantilalively less ignificam than exocytosis (see Ch.9). 61

Muscle contraction

Muscle contraction occurs in response to a

rise in [Ca 2 l1 CARRIER
In skeletal muscle, depolarisation causes rapid Ca2 RELEASE
release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SA); in
cardiac muscle, Ca2 enters through voltage-gated T T
channels, and this initial entry triggers further release
from the SR; in smooth muscle, the Ca2 signal is due
'\Q-- _ ,'....-~

partly to Ca2' entry and partly to inositol ; "

trisphosphate (IP3)-mediated release from the SR. Pl
In smooth muscle, contraction can occur without
action potentials, for example when agonists at
G-protein- coupled receptors lead to IP3 formation. Synaptic
Activation of the contractile machinery in smooth cycle NO AA
muscle involves phosphorylation of the myosin light
chain, a mechanism that is regulated by a variety of
..... --- ... ~
, '\
second messenger systems. : Endocytosis ,'
...... '
I '

Exocytosis, occurring in re~ponse to an increa~e of [Ca~],, is the Fig. 4.11 Role of exocytosis, carrier-mediated transport
principal mechani'm of transmitter re lea<>e (see Fig. 4.11) in the and diffusion in med iator release. The main mechanism of
peripheral and central nervous systems. as well as in endocrine release of monoamme and peptide mediators is Ca2 -mediated
exocytosis, but carrier-mediated release from the cytosol also
cells and ma'>t celb. The secretion of enzymes and other proteins
occurs. T represents a typical amine transmitter, such as
by gastrointestinal and exocrine glands and by vascular endothelial noradrenaline (norepinephrine) or S-hydroxytryptam1ne. N1tric
cclh i~ ul!>o ba.,ically similar. Exocytosis (see Burgoyne & Morgan. oxide (NO) and prostaglandins (PGs) are released by diffusion
2002) involves fusion between the membrane of synaptic vesicles as soon as they are formed, from arginine (Arg) and
and the inner surface of the plasma membrane. The vesicles arc arachidonic acid (AA), respectively, through the action of
Ca2 ' -activated enzymes, nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and
prcloaded wit h stored transmitter, and release occurs in d iscrete
phospholipase A;. (see Chs 16 and 17 for more details).
packets, or qum11a. each representing the conte nts of a single
vesicle. T he first evide nce for this (see Nic holls et a l., 2000)
came fro m the work of Kat;r and his colleagues in the I 950s, who
recorded spo ntnneous ' miniature endplate pote ntials' at the frog membra ne from whic h exocytosis occurs, s ituated close to tb.
neuro muscular j unctio n, and showed U1at each resulted from the re levant calc ium c hanne ls and opposite recepto r-rich zones ofth
spontaneous re lease of a packet of the transmi tte r, acetylc ho line. postsynaptic membrane (sec Stanley, 1997). Elsewhere, whc
They abo showed that re lease evoked by nerve stimulation 1>peed is Jess c ritical. Ca 2 may come from intracell ular ~tore~
occurred by the sync hronous release of several hundred such described above, and the spatial o rganisation of active ;rone'
quanta, and was highl y dependent o n the presence of Ca~'" in the le% c lear. It i& common for secretory cells, including neuron'.
bathing solution. Uneq uivocal evidence that the qua nta release more than one mediator (for example. a fast' transmit!.
represented ve~icles relea.o,ing their contents by exocytosis came such a' glutamate and a 'slow' traru.mitter such as a neuropcptiu.
from electron microscopic studies. in which the tissue was from different vesicle pools (see Ch. 9). The fast trammit
rapidly fro;ren in mid- release, revealing vesicles in the process of vesicles are located close to active zones. while the slow transmiU
extrusion, and from e legant electrophysiological measuremems vesicles are fu rther away. Re lease of the fast transmitter, becat~A
showing that membrane capacitance (reflecting the area of the of the tight spatial organisation. occurs as soon as the neighbounc
pres) naptic membrane) increased in a stepwise way as each calcium channels open. before the Ca~ has a chance to diffi.
vesicle fused. and then gradua lly returned as the vesicle throughout the terminal. whereas release of the slo'" tran.,mit
membrane wa1> recovered from the surface. There is a lso require1> the Ca 2 to diffuse more widely. As a result. rele.
biochemical evidence showing that. in addition to the transmitter, of fast tran<;mitters occurs impulse by impulse. even at I
o ther con~ t i tucnts of the vesicles arc released at the same ri me. stimulation frequcncie1>, whereas release of s low transmitter
In nerve terminals specialised for fast synaptic transmission, builds up on ly at higher stimulation f reque nc ies. The rete.
Ca2 enter!> through voltage-gated calc ium c hannels, mainly of rates of the two the refore de pe nd critically on the freque ncy a
the N and P type (&ee above), and the synaptic vesicles are patterning of liring of the presynaptic neuron (Fig. 4. 12). In no
68 "docked' at active zones-specialised regions of the presynaptic excitable cells (e.g. most exocrine and e ndocrine glands), t~

Fig. 4.12 Time cou rse and

frequency dependence o f the

release of 'fast ' and 'slow'
transmitters. Fast transmitters
(e.g. glutamate) are stored in synaptic
V&S!Cies that are 'docked' close to Fast transmitter
voltage-gated calctum channels tn the (e.g. glutamate) Brief localised pulses Brief localised pulses
membrane of the nerve terminal, and
are released tn a short burst when the
membrane is depolarised (e.g. by an
actton potential). Slow transmitters
(e.g. neuropeptides) are stored tn Slow transmitter
separate vesicles further from the (e.g. neuropeptide) No release Slow diffuse build-up and decay
membrane. Release is slower,
because they must fi rst migrate to
the membrane, and occurs only
when [Ca'J, builds up sufficiently. Low frequency impulses High frequency impulses

,Ill\\ mcchani<,m predominates and is activated mainl y by Ca 2+ whence it escapes via the monoamine transporter in the plasma
rdca-.c from intracellular store!>. membrane. a mechanism that does not depend on Ca 2+.
T Cakwm cau\C\ cxocylll'>i'> by binding to the vesicle-bound pr01ein
itric oxide (see C h. 17) and arachidonic acid metabolites
JlllllJItlltl~/11111. and tht' favour<. a~~ociation between a second vesicle- (e.g. prostaglandin!.; Ch. 19) arc two important examples of
bound prutctn. .1\llll(ltobrtTin. and a related protein. synaprota.xin. on the mediators that are rclca~ed by diffusion across the membrane or
mn~r ,urfa'e of the pla,ma membrane. Thi~ association brings the vesicle by carrier-mediated extrusion. rather than by exocytosis. The
~mbranc tnhl do-c appo~llton with the pla~ma membrane. cau'iing
ort mediator'> arc not \tored but escape from the ceU as soon as they
membrane fu,ion. Th" group ot protein~. known collectively as SNAREs.
arc synthcsi~ed. In both cases, the synthetic enzyme is activated
:ed pia> a ~C) 1'\IIC Ill CXOC) tO\i~.
by Ca 2 . and the moment-to-moment control of the rate of
IJ Ha\lng undcrg<m.: c'oc) to~i~. the empty vesicle i~ recaptured by synthesis depends on [Ca~1,. This kind of release is necessarily
cndoc>t<N' and return~ to the intenor of the terminal. \\here it fuses with
the larger cndo,nmal membrane. The endosome buds off ne\\ ve~icle,,
slower than the ela<,sic exocytotic mechanism. but in the case of
l'htch ta~e up tr;an,mittcr from the cyto~ol by means of specific transport nitric oxide is fast enough for it to function as a true transmitter
protem' and arc agam docked on the pre~ynaptic membrane. This (see Ch. 17).
''lJUencc. whtch t)'pic;tlly take~ ~eventl minute~. is controlled by various
traltkkmg protein' t~s~octated with the plasma membrane and the
'''"b. a' well ''' cytosolic protein,. Further details about exocytm,i>
and vc,tclc recycling are given by Calakos & Scheller ( 1996). NeMier et
.tl. (20()1) anti Sildhof (2004). So far, there are few examples of drugs that Mediator release
all cct tr:ln,lllittcr rclea\e by interacting with synaptic proteins, although
.o the the botulinum ncurol oxins (see Ch. I 0) produce their effecb by Most chemical mediators are packaged into
pmtcnl)'tic cleavuge of SNARE proteins. storage vesicles and released by exocytosis. Some
of the
o\here are synthesised on demand and released by diffusion
re' a~ or the operation of membrane carriers.
NON-VESICULAR RELEASE MECHANISMS Exocytosis occurs in response to increased [Ca2~], as
nes is
n,, tO II thi' neat and tidy picture of transmitter packets ready and a result of a Ca2 ' -mediated interaction between
niuer \latting to pop obediently out of the cell in response to a puff of proteins of the synaptic vesicle and the plasma
plide) Ca~ 'eem~ a lillie too good to be true. rest assured that the membrane, causing the membranes to fuse.
nitter ptlture i' not quite so '>imple. Acetylcholine, noradrenaline After releasing their contents, vesicles are recycled
mitter !norepinephrine) and other mediators can leak out of nerve endings and reloaded with transmitter.
cause irom the C}to~olic compartment. independently of \'esicle fusion, Many secretory cells contain more than one type of
~t~ring b} uttli,ing carrier.. in the plasma membrane (Fig. 4.11 ). Drugs vesicle, loaded with different mediators and secreted
iffuse 'uch a.\ amphetamine<,, which release amines from central and independently.
nitter peripheral nmc terminals (see Chs 11 and 32), do so by displacing Stored mediators (e.g. neurotransmitters) may be
:lease the endogcnou~ amine from storage vesicles into the cytosol, released directly from the cytosol independently of
t low Ca2 and exocytosis by drugs that interact with
Jitters membrane transport mechanisms.
:lease Non-stored mediators, such as prostanoids and nitric
tn~ ~e,idc comcnt' may not alway~ di~charge completely. Instead.
y and oxtde, are released by increased [Ca2];, which
'~'"b mny fuse tnw.icnll y with the cell membrane and release only pan
1 non- ofth~tr content'> (sec Burgoyne & Morgan, 2002) before becoming activates the enzymes responsible for their synthesis.
J, the dt\Ctlnncctcd (termed J..i.ISwrd run exocytosis).


Fluid-secreting epithelia include the renal tubule, saHvary glands,
ga'>trointe~tinal tract and airways epithelia. In each case. - --~ Na-

epithelial cell'> are arranged in sheets separating the interior

(blood-perfused) compartment from the exterior lumen
compartment. into which. or from which. secretion takes place. I

Fluid secretion involve!> two distinct mechanisms, which often I

coexist in the same cell and indeed interact with each other.
Greger (2000) and Ashcroft (2000) give more detailed accounts. - K'" ~ '~~ K.. - - -
The two mechanisms (Fig. 4.13) are concerned. respectively.
Potassium Potassium
with Na transport and Cl transport. channels channels
In the case of Na transport. secretion occurs because Na+
enters the cell passively at one end and is pumped out actively at LUMEN
the other, wi th water following passively. Critical to this
mechanism is a class of highly regulated epithelial sodium
channels (ENaCs) that allow Na entry.
Epithelial sodium channels (see De Ia Rosa et al., 2000) are
widely cxprcs~ed, not on ly in epithelial cells but also in neurons CI-- HC03 I
and other excitable cells, where their function is largely exchange I '
I '- - -- K+
unknown. They are regulated mainly by aldosterone. a hormone , ~ c~- -- I
I '
produced by the adrenal cortex that enhances Na reabsorption I
' '\
by the kidney (Ch. 24). Aldosterone, like other steroid hormones, I Potassium
exerts its effects by regulating gene expression (see Ch. 3). and ', channels
causes an increase in ENaC expression. thereby increasing the ~ - ~, ~ ~ - -- - - - -- Na
rate of Na and tluid transport. This takes a few hours. and '~ - -- --- --ci-
aldosterone also affects E aC function through other more rapid Natcl
mechanisms. but the details arc not weU understood. ENaCs are co-transporter
selectively blocked by certain diuretic drugs, notably a miloride
(see Ch. 24), a compound that is widely used to study the LUMEN
functioning of ENaCs in other situations.
Chloride transport is particularly important in the airways and Fig. 4.13 M echanism s of epithelial ion transport. Such
gastrointestinal tract. In the airways, it is essential for tluid mechanisms are important in renal tubules (see Ch. 43 for
secretion, whereas in the colon it mediates fluid reabsorption, the more details) and also in many other situations, such as the
gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts. ~ Sodium transport. A
difference being due to the different arrangement of various
special type of epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) controls entry
transporters and channels with respect to the polarity of the cells. of Na' into the cell from the lumenal surface, the Na being
The simp!ificd diagram in Figure 4.13B represents the situation actively pumped out at the apical surface by the Na-K
in the pancreas. where secretion depends on o- transport. The exchange pump. K moves passively via potassium channels.
key molecule in o - transport is the cystic fibrosis transmembrane ~ Chloride transport. Cl- leaves the cell via a special
membrane channel, the cystic fibrosis transmembrane
conductance regulator (CFTR; see Hwang & Sheppard, 1999),
conductance regulator (CFTR), after entering the cell either
so named becau~e early studies on the inherited disorder cystic from the apical surface via the NaJcl- cotransporter, or at the
fibrosis ~howed it to be associated with impaired Cl lumenal surface via the ci-/HCo3- cotransporter.
conductance in the membrane of secretory epithelial cells, and
the CFTR gene. identified through painstaking genetic linkage
studies and isolated in 1989. was found to encode a Cl
conducting ion channel. Severe physiological consequences phosphorylation of channels and transporters. CFTR it~lf
follow from the impairment of secretion. particularly in the activated by cAMP. In the gastrointestinal tract, increased cA\f.
airways but al<>o in many other systems. such as sweat glands and formation causes a large increase in the rate of fluid secretion
pancreas. Genetic Mudies revealed mutations in the CFTR gene; effect that leads to the copious diarrhoea produced by chole
this knowledge has produced a tlood of research on the infection (sec Ch. 3) and also by inflammatory conditions
molecular mechanisms involved in cr transport, but as yet no which prostaglandin formation is increased (see Ch. 13
significant therapeutic advance. So far. no drugs are known that Activation of G-protein-coupled receptors, which cause relea..
interact specifically with CFTRs. of Ca2, also stimulates secretion, possibly also by activat1~
Both Na and Cl transport are regulated by intracellular CFTR. Many examples of therapeutic drugs that affect epitheli
messengers, notably by Ca2 and cAM P. the latter exerting its secretion by activating or blocking G-proteio-coupled receptor
70 effects by activating protein kinases and thereby causing appear in later chapters.

lplthela.l lon tnlnaport

Many epithelia (e.g. renal tubules, exocrine glands, Anion transport depends on a specific
and airways) are specialised to transport specific chloride channel (the cystic fibrosis transmembrane
tons. conductance regulator), mutations of which result in
Thts type of transport depends on a class of sodium cystic fibrosis.
channels known as epithelial sodium channels, which The activity of channels, pumps and exchange
allow Na entry mto the cell at one surface, coupled transporters is regulated by various second
to active extrusion of Na, or exchange for another messengers and nuclear receptors, which control the
10n. from the oppostte surface. transport of ions in specific ways.

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A C!k1um "~nailing. J l'hy>iol499. 291 - 306 (RCliew of Gutman G A et al 2003 IUPII AR compendium or the mecltcmism of exoc:) tosis)
try Ca'' \1~/Utllmq. emplwriin11 tilt \'orious intmcellular voltagegated ion channel~: pola<sium channel<, Greger R 2000 The role of CFTR in the colon. Annu Rev
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r1itlfntlll}.! '\{Hlrk.\ ', 'IHH't'\ ', ('/(',) Hi lle B 200 I louie chanucls of excitable membranes. ahout CF'f'R t111d epithelia/.,ecretion, more gener~~l
lkmdgc M J, Oouunnn M D. Llewellyn Roderick II Sinauer Associates. Sunderland (A rlear am/ detailed than ill lille sugge>t.l)
21XI' Cakium \lgnnlhng: dyn11mics. homeostasis and account ofthe lxiSic [Jrinciple.t tif ion rlunmefl. with II wang T-C. Sheppard D N 1999 Molecular
11'm1><k l hn~. Nat Rev Mol ('ell llool 4: S 11 -529 emphasis on their biophysical pmpatie.f) phannacology of 1he CPTR channel. Trend'

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1!> i n
Cell proliferation
and apoptosis

Overview 72

Cell proliferation 72 Cell proliferation is involved in many physio logical an,

-The cell cycle 72 pathological processes includi ng growth, healing, repair, hype
- Interactions between cells, g rowth factors and the trophy, hyperplasia and the development of tumours.
extracellular matrix 76 genesis (Lhc development of new blood vessels) necessarily
during many of these processes.
Angiogenesis 77 Proliferating cells go through what is tem1cd the cell c_n,
Apoptosis and cell removal 77 during which the ceil replicates aJJ its components and then
-Pathways to apoptosis 78 itself into two idcmical daughter cells. Important componcnh
the ~ignalling pathways in proliferating cells are receptor tyro'
Pathophysiological implications 80
-Therapeutic implications 83
kinase\ or receptor-linked kinases. and the mitogen-acti\
kina~e ca\Cade (~>ee Ch. 3). In all ca<;es, the pathways e\
lead 10 tran~cription of the genes that control the cell cycle.


The cell cycle is an ordered series of events consisting of
<;cquential phase~: G 1 S. G2 and M (see Fig. 5.1).

M is the phase of mitosis

OVERVIEW S is the phase of DNA .synthesis
G 1 is the ~ap between the mitosis that gave rise to the cell
In the postembryonic body, about 10 billion new
and the S phase; during G,, the cell is preparing forD A
cells are ma nufactured daily through division of of
existing cells-a prodigious output that must be
counterbalanced by the elimination of a similar
G 2 is the gap between S phase and the mitosis that wi ll gil(
rise to two daughter cells; dULing G 2, the cell is preparing fa
number of cells. A balance between cell generation
and cell removal is also critical during
the mitotic division into two daughter cells.
embryogenesis and development. This chapter Cell division requires the com rolled timing of two critical
covers the main elements involved in the processes of the cell cycle: S phase (DNA replication) and M pha<;e (
of cell proliferation and cell removal. We consider Entry into each of these phases is carefully regulated, and
the changes that occur within an individual cell are thu~ two 'check points' 2 (restriction points) in the cycle:
when, after stimulation by growth factors, it gears at the ~tart of S and one at the start of M. DNA damage result,
up to divide into two daughter cells. We consider the cycle being !>lopped at one or other of these. The integrit~
the interaction of cells, growth factors and the the check point~ is critical for the maintenance of genetic ~tab
extracellular matrix in cell proliferation. We (explained below), and failure of the check pointS to stop the
consider the phenomenon of apoptosis-a when it i~ appropriate to do so is a hallmark of cancer.
programmed series of events leading to cell
death-detailing the changes that occur in a cell
preparing to die and describing the intracellular 1
1n cells that are dividing continuously. G1 S and G2 compri'>e illlt'mltcJJt'.l!
pathways that lead to its demise. the phase between one mitosis and the next.
Last, the pathophysiological significance of the 2
Some authoritie~ have ch;11lenged the concept of celb simuhaneou;ly
events described is considered and their
being arrcMed at the check points and. on the basis of cell culture studie'
implications for the potential development of favour a continuum model in which arrest does not occur at a defined
72 clinically useful drugs briefly discussed. in the cycle.

forces and the negative regulatory forces. Apoptosis also has a

Check point 2 role in the control of cell number<; (see below).


The cycle i~ initiated when a growth factor acts on a quiescent
cell. provol..ing it to divide. One of the main actions of a growth
factor ic; to 'itimulate production of the cell cycle regulators.
which are coded for by the delayed response genes (explained
The main component11 of the control system that determines
progress through the cycle arc two families of proteins: cycfins3
and cycfin-dependent kinases (cdks). Recently, another family of
Check point 1 kinases- Polo-likc kinases (Plks)-have been shown to play an
I and Fig. 5.1 The main phases of the cell cycle of dividing cells. imponant role in the cell cycle (sec below).
1yper- The cdks phosphorylate various proteins (e.g. cnzymcs)-
.ngio- ac.:tivating some and inhibiting others- to coordinate their
'lCCUTS activities.
In the adult. most cell~ are not constantly dividing; most spend Sequential functioning of several different cdks activates the
ere/e. a varying amount of time in a quiescent phase outside the cycle processe!> that promote progress through the phases of the cycle.
isect<; a' 11 wc:re, in Ihe pha~e termed G 0 (Fig. 5.1 ). (Note that G 0 means Each cdk is inactive until it binds to a cyclin, the binding
ms of 'G nought'. not the word 'Go'.) Neurons and skeletal muscle enabling the cdk to pho~phorylate the protein(s) necessary for
rosine cell' 'f'\!nd all their lifetime in G0 ; bone marrow cells and the a particular Mep in the cycle. It is the cyclin that detcnnines
hated lming cdb of the ga~trointe~tinal tract divide daily. which protein(s) arc phosphorylated. After the phosphorylation
IUall) QUJN:Cnt cell\ can be activated into G1 by chemical stimuli event has taken place. the cyclin is degraded (Fig. 5.2) by the
u"tX'iatcd \\ ath damage; for example, a quiescent skin cell can be ubiquitin/protease system. This involves several enzymes (E1 E1
timulatcd b} a wound into dividing and repairing the lesion. The E, ) acting sequentially to add small molecules of ubiquitin to
1mpetu' for a cell to \tart off on the cell cycle (i.e. to move from the cyclin. with the resulting ubiquitin polymer acting as an
C~jj into G1J can be provided by several stimuli. tbe most impor- address label' that directs the cyclin to tbe proteasome where it
everal tant being growth factor action though G-protein-coupled is degraded.
r~ceptor,, \\h1ch can al\O stimulate cell proliferation. The action There are eight main groups of cyclins. Those important in the
of ligand' on G-protcin-coupled receptors (dealt with in Ch. 4) control of the cell cycle are cyclins A. B. D and E. Each cyclin
~:an al'o \llmulate the cell to embark on the cell cycle (Johnson is associated with and activates particular cdk(s). Cyclin A
& Walker. 1999; Cumming~ et al., 2004 ). activate!. cdks I and 2; cyclin B, cdk I; cyclin D, cdks 4 and
Growth factors stimu late the production of signal transducers 6; and cyclin E, cdk 2. Precise timing of each activity is essen-
of two type~: tial, and many cycle proteins are degraded after they have carried
out their functions. The actions of the cycl in/cdk complexes in
give positive regulators of the cell cycle that control the changes
the cell cycle are depicted in F igure 5.3.
ag for ncce,.,ary for cell division
ncgati'e regulators that control the positive regulators.
events The maintenance of normal cell numbers in tissues and organs 'The name cyclin' come' from lhe fact that these proteins undergo a cycle
itosis). rc4uirc' that there be a balance between the positive regulatory of ')'nlhe"' an<.J breaJ..<.Jown during each cell division.
I there
e: one
ult<; in
nt) of
A 8 c


Fig. 5.2 Schematic representation of the a ctivation of a cyc lin-de pe nde nt kinase. [A] An inactive cdk. E The inactive cdk is
1dies. activated by being bound to a cyclin; it can now phosphorylate a protein substrate (e.g. an enzyme). c After the phosphorylating event,
l point the cyclin is degraded.

Cell during G2 X Anaphase

G~ < ?
< ?

Daughter cells

Check point 1

Rb acts as a brake here, keeping

the cell in G 1 by inhibiting the genes
necessary for the entry into S
phase; phosphorylation by the cdks
releases the brake. The p53 Cell during G 1
protein stops the cycle here if there
has been DNA damage

Fig . 5.3 Schematic diagram of the cell cycle, showing the role of the cyclln/cyclin-d ependent kinase complexes. The
processes outlined in the cycle occur inside a oell such as the one shown in Figure 5.4. A quiescent cell Qn G0 phase), when stimulated
to divide by growth factors, is propelled into G1 phase and prepares for DNA synthesis. Progress through the cycle is determined by
sequential acllon of the cyclin/cdk complexes - depicted here by coloured arrows, the arrows being g1ven the names of the relevant
cyclins: D, E, A and B. The cdks (cyclin-dependent kinases) are given next to the relevant cyclins. The thickness of each arrow
represents the intensity of acllon of the cdk at that point in the cycle. The activity of the cdks IS regulated by cdk inhibitors. If there is
DNA damage, the products of the tumour suppressor gene p53 stop the cycle at check point 1, allowing for repair. If repair fails,
apoptosis (see Fig. 5.5) is initiated. The state of the chromosomes is shown schematcally in each G phase-as a single pair in G., and
each duplicated and forming two daughter chromatids in G2 Some changes that occur during mitosis (metaphase, anaphase) are shown
in a subsidiary circle. After the mitotic division, the daughter cells may enter G1 or G0 phase. Rb, retinoblastoma gene.

The activity of these cycl in/cdk complexes is modulated by Phase G 1

various negative regu latory forces (considered below), most of a. is the phase in which the cell is preparing for s pha~e m
which act at o ne or other of the two check points. sy nthc~ isi ng the messenger RNAs and proteins needed for Dt-.
replication. During a 1, the concentration of cyclin D incrca-.:
Cells in G0 and the cyclin D/cdk complex phosphorylates and activate~ tl
In quiescent an cell~. cyclin D is present in low concentration, necessary proteins.
and an important regulatory protein-the Rb protein 4-is In mid-a 1, the cyclin D/cdk complex phosphorylates the R
hypophosphorylated. protein, releasing tran!>cription factor E2F; this then activates tit
Hypophol>phorylated Rb holds the cell cycle in check at check genes for the components specified above that are essential ~
point I by inhibiting the expression of several proteins critical the next phase- D A synthesis-namely cyclin E and A. D\
for cell cycle progre~l>ion. The Rb protein accomplishes this by polymerase and so on.
binding to the E2F tram,cription factors. which control the The action of the cycLin E/cdk complex is necessaf} I
expression of the geneo, that code for cyclins E and A. for DNA tran'>ition from a, to S phase. i.e. past check poim I. Once p;
polymerase, for thymidine kinase. for dihydrofolate reductase. check point I. the processes that have been set in motion canrr
etc.- all Cl>SCntial for D A replication during S phase. be rever!>ed. and the cell is committed to continue with D~
Growth factor action on a cell in G0 propels it into G 1 phase. replication and mitosis.

5 phase
Cycl in Elcdk and cyclin A/cdk regulate progress through S pha
..,.he Rb pr01cin is coded for by the Rb gene. The Rb gene is so named phosphorylating and thus activating proteins/enzymes invoh
because rnu 1mion~ of this gene are associo1ed with retinoblastoma 1umours. in DNA synlhesis.

G2 phase Anaphase. A specialised device, the mitotic apparatus,

In G, phase. the cell, which now has double the number of captures the chromosomes and draws them to opposite poles
chromo,omcs. mu~t duplicate all other cellular components for of the dividing cell (see Fig. 5.3).
allocation 10 the two daughter cells. Synthesis of the necessary Telophase. A nuclear membrane forms round each set of
mc,~nger Rl\A., and protein~ occurs. chromosome!>. Finally, the cytoplasm divides between the
C)din Vcdk and cyclin 8/cdk complexes are active during two fonning daughter cells. Each daughter cell will be in G0
G~ pha'c and are nece\\ary for entry into M phase. i.e. for phase and will remain there unless stimulated into G 1 phase
p:t"mg check point 2. The presence of cyclin B/cdk complexes a!> dc~cribcd above.
mthe nucleu' j, required for mitosi' to commence.
Cnlike cyclin-. C. D and E, which are short-lived, cyclins A During metaphase, the cyclin A and 8 complexes phosphorylate
and B remain \table throughout interphase but undergo cytoskcletal proteins, histones, and possibly components of the
prot~uly'" by a ubiquitin-dependent pathway during mitosis. !.pindlc (the microtubule!. along which the chromatids arc pulled
during metaphase).
~1ltos1s is a continuous process but can be considered to consist Polo-like kinoses
of four stages. Polo-like kinases (Plks) are a family of kinases that arc involved
Prophase. The duplicated chromosomes (which have up to in the regulation of the cell cycle (Dai, 2005). There are rour
this point formed a tangled ma~s fil ling the nucleus) Plks in humans: Plks 1-4. l11 G" they are active in centrosome
condl.!n.,c, each now consisting of two daughter chromatids dynamics and the DNA damage response; their action is import-
Ohc original chromosome and a copy). These are released ant at the point where the cell enters the mitotic phase, they play
mto the cytoplasm as the nuclear membrane disintegrates. a part in spindle assembly, their action peaks cyclically during
1ft wplwse. The chromosomes are aligned at the equator anaphase- telophase, and they have a role in postmitotic function
('CC Fig. 5.3). when the cell passes into the G0 phase.

>wn Growth factors ~ ~

Fig. 5.4 Simplified diagram of Growth factor

the effect of growth factors on a receptors
cell in G0 The overall effect of
Aas I
growth factor action is the
Kina~ FA kinase
generation of the cell cycle I
transducers. A cell such as the one I
be by depicted will then embark on G 1 Kinase 2 I

phase of the cell cycle. Most growth Cytosolic

DNA Kinase 3
factor receptors have integral transducers
tyros1ne k1nase (see Fig. 3.15). CYTOSOL
e~ the
These receptors dimerise (form
pa1rs), then phosphorylate each

. . . .! . . . .
heRb other's tyros111e residues. The early
.e~ lhe cytosolic transducers include
ial for protems that bind to the
phosphorylated tyrosine residues.
DNA Optllllum effect requires cooperation Nuclear
Wlth 1ntegnn action. lntegrins (which transducers
I) for have ct and ~ subunits) connect the I
e past extracellular matnx with intracellular I
:annot SIQnalhng pathways and also with I
___ II
the ce l's cytoskeleton (not shown
DNA here). G-protein-coupled receptors
Pos1!1ve regulators of Negative regulators of I
can also stimulate cell proliferation, I
the cell cycle: the cell cycle: I
because their intracellular pathways
cyclins p53 protein
can connect with the Raslkinase Cellcyjle
cycllndependent Rb protein
phase. cascade (not shown). AP, adapter
kinases (cdks) cdk inhibitors
prote1n; FA kinase, focal adhesion
k1nase; Rb, retinoblastoma.


One of the main negative regulators has already been
mentioned the Rb protein that holds the cycle in check while it The term cell cycle refers to the sequence
i~ h) popho\phorylated. of events that take place within a cell as it
Another negative regulatory mechanism is the action of the tools up for division.
inhibitor-. of the cdks. These bind to and inhibit the action of the The phases of the c ell cycle are:
complexes, their main action being at check point I. G 1 - preparation for DNA synthesis
There arc two families of inhibitors: S - DNA synthesiS
G2 - preparation for division
the CI P family (~dk inhi bitory J!rOteins. also termed KIP or mitosis-division into two daughter cells.
hina~e inhibitory arotein~)-p2 1 , p27 and p57 Growth factor action stimulates a quiescent cell - said
the Ink fami ly (inh ibitor~ of kinases)-p16, p l 9, and p i S. to be in G0 (G nought)-to divide, i.e. to start on G 1
The action of p2 1 (explai ned below) serves as an example of the phase.
role of a cyclin/cdk inhibitor. Protein p21 is under the control of In G0 phase, a hypophosphorylated protein, coded
the p53 gene-a parti cularl y important negati ve regulator that for by the Rb gene, holds the cycle in check by
operates at check point I . inhibiting expression of critical factors necessary for
DNA replication.
Inhibition of the cycle at check point 1 Progress through the cycle is controlled by specific
T he p53 gene has been called the 'guardian of the genome'. It kinases (cyclin-dependent kinases, cdks) that are
code~ for a protein transcription factor-the p53 protein. I n activated by binding to proteins termed eye/ins.
normal healthy celb. the steady-~tate concentration of the p53 Four main cyclin/ cdk complexes involving cyclins D.
protein is low. But when there is D A damage, the protein E, A and B drive the cycle; the first complex, cyclin
accumulate!> and activates the transcription of several genes. one 0 /cdk, releases the Rb protein-mediated inhibition.
of which code~ for p21. Protein p21 inactivates cyclin/cdk com- Vanous families of proteins act as cdk inhibitors.
plexes, thus preventing Rb pho!>phorylation. which means that Important is protein p21 , which is expressed when
the cycle i'> arre\ted at check point I. T his allows for D A DNA damage causes transcription of gene p53. The
repair. If the repair is !>uccc!>sful. the cycle proceeds past check p21 protein stops the cycle at check point 1.
point I into S phase. If the repair is unsucces ful. the p53 gene
trigger~ apoptosis-<ell ~uicide (see below).

Inhibition of the cycle at check point 2 i nitiating the cell cycle (~ee above}-is a fundamental parr of
T here i!> evidence thut DNA damage can result in the cycle being these processes. There are numerous growth factors, i mporran
Mopped m check point 2. but the mechanisms involved are less examples being fibrob last growth factor (FGF). epidermal growtl:
clear than those at check point I . Inhibition of the accumulation factor (EGF), platelet-dependent growth factor (PDGF}, vascuiJ'
of cyclin B/cdk complex in the nucleus seems to be a factor. endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and transforming gro"'th
For more detail on the control of the cell cycle, see Swanton factor (T GF-p). (But as pointed out above, there is also a role fo1
(2004). ligands acting on G-protein-coupled receptors in cell cycl~
initiation; sec also Ch. 3.)
The main components of the extracellular matri x arc as folio"'
FACTORS AND THE EXTRACELLULAR Proreoglycans. These have a growth-regulating role, in pan
MATRIX by fu nctioning as a reservoir of sequestrated growdl facto!'\
(as specified above). Some proteoglycans are associated \\ith
Duri ng cell proliferation. there is integrated interplay between
the cell surface, where they help to bind cells to the matrix
growth factor!>, cell\, the extracellular matrix, and the marrix
(K resse & Schonherr, 200 I).
me ta ll oproteina<,e~. The extracellular matrix suppl ies the
Collagens. These arc the main proteins of the extracellular
supponing framework for the cells of the body and is secreted by
the cell~ t hcmsclvc~. It abo profoundly influences cell behaviour
Adhe.\il'e proteins (e.g. fibronectin). These link the variou\
through the cell's intcgrin!> (sec below). M atrix cxpres!>ion is
clements of the matrix together. and also form links bet\\Ct.
regulated by the action on the cell of growth factors and
the cells and the matrix through integrins on the cells
cytokincs (~cc Chang & Werb. 200 I ; M cCawley & M atrisian,
(~ee below).
200 I). T he activation status of some growth factors is, in tum,
determi ned by the matrix, because they are sequestered by inter-
action wi th matrix components and released by enzymes (e.g.
meta ll oprotei na ~cs. see below) secreted by the cells.
It is clear that the action of growth factors-which act through lntegrin s are transmembrane receptors, with a and Psubunits, th.
76 receptor tyrosine kin ases or receptor-coupled kinases (see Ch. 3) on interaction with the extracellu lar matrix elements outside th,

cell (e.g. 11bronectin) mediate various cell responses, such as

l~1o,kclctal rearrangement (not considered here) and coregulation
Interactions between cells, growth
ot gro\\th factor function. Intracellular ~ignalling by both growth factors and the matrix
factor receptors and integrins is important for optimal cell pro-
htcration <Fig. 5.4). l ntegrin stimulation activates an intracellular Cells are embedded in the extracellular
tran,duction pathwa). which. through an adapter protein and an matrix (ECM), which is secreted by the cells
en!) me (focal adhc.,ion kina\e). can activate the kinac;e cascade themselves.
that forms part of the growth factor signalling pathway (Fig. 5.4 ). The ECM profoundly influences the cells through the
(ffi\,-talk between the integrin and growth factor pathways occur~ cells' 1ntegrins; it also forms a store of growth factors
~) ,e,cral other means as wel l. Autophosphorylati on of growth by sequestering them.
f,t~tor receptors (Ch. 3) i., enhanced by integrin activation, and
lntegrins are transmembrane receptors that on
Jid mtegrin-mcdiated adhesion to the extracellular matrix (Fig. 5.4) not interaction with elements of the ECM, cooperate w1th
onl} suppresses the concentrations of cdk inhibitors p2 1 and p27 growth factor signalling pathways (this is necessary
rut IS rc4uinxl for the cxpre\sion of cyclins A <md D, and therefore for optimum cell division) and also mediate
lor the progression of the cell cycle. Furthermore, iutegrin acti on cytoskeletal adjustments within the cell.
stimulutcs <~poptosi s-i nhibiti ng signals (sec below), further faci li- On stimulation with growth factors, cells release
tating growth factor action. Sec reviews by Schwart7 & Baron metalloproteinases that degrade the local matrix in
( 1999). Dcdhar (2000), Eliceiri (200 I ), and Schwartz (200 I ). preparation for the increase in cell numbers.
Metalloproteinases release growth factors from the
ECM and can activate some that are present in
O.:grJdation of the extracellular matrix by metalloproteinases is
nw:"af) during the growth. repair and remodelling of tissues.
The.,c en1ymes are secreted a<, inactive precursors by local cells. 2. Endothelial cclb migrate out. forming a solid capillary sprout.
\\ hen grol\ th factors '>timulate a cell to enter the cell cycle. they 3. T he endothelial cells behind the leading cells are activated by
al-a 'ltimulate the secretion of metalloproteinases, which then growth factor~ and start to di1ide.
~ulptthc matri\ producing the local changes necessary for the 4. A lumen form~ in the sprout.
re.ulting mcrca"! in cell numbers. M etalloproteioases in tum 5. Local fibrobla'tts, activated b) growth factors. proliferate and
pl.t~ a part in relea.,ing growth factors from the matrix as lay down matrix around the capillary sprout.
1hl:ribed abo1c and. in some cases (e.g. inlerleukin IL- l ~). in 6. A proccsl. of 'maturation occun. in which there is stabilisation
prll\:e~'mg them from precursor to uctive form. of the endothelial layer through cell to ceil binding by adherence
!U't of 'I he action of these cnqmcs is regulated by T IMPS (lissue protei n ~ and integrin binding of the cells to the matrix.
:>rtant inhtbitof\ of metallouroteinases), which are also secreted by
rowth local cell~.
;cular In addition to thl.! phy:,iological functi on outlined above, APOPTOSIS AND CELL REMOVAL
rowth mctalloprotcinascs arc involved in the tissue destructi on that
le for o~cUI'\ in various disl.!ascs, such as rheumatoid arthriti s, osteo- Apoptosi~> is cell suicide by a built-in sclf-destwct mechanism
cycle arthritis. periodontitis. macular degeneration, and myocardi al con1.isting of a geneti cally programmed sequence of biochemical
re,tcno\i~. They also have u critical role in the growth, invasion events. It is l hu)> unlike necrosi s, w hicb is disorgan ised
Uows. and mcta\tasi' of tumours etc. See reviews by Chang & Wcrb disintegration of damaged cells resulting in products that trigger
t21Xll ). McCawley & M atrisian (200 I ). Stcrnlicht & Werb the innammatory respon~e.
(2!X)J ). Von Adrian & Engelhardt (2003) and Skiles et al. (2004).

\ngiogcnc~i~. 11hich normally accompanies cell proliferation, Angiogenesis is the formation of new
'' thc formatton of new capillaries from existing small blood capillaries from existing blood vessels, an important
l e,-el,. Angiogenic Mimuli. in the context of ceU proliferation. stimulus being vascular endothelial growth factor
mclude the action of variou\ growth factors and cytokines, in (VEGF). The sequence of events is as follows.
partkular VcGF. l'he '>equence of events is as follows. 1. The basement membrane is degraded locally by
I. VFGF tnduces nitric oxide and also the expression of 2. Endothelial cells migrate out, forming a sprout.
protcascs (e.g. rnctalloprotl.!inases). Nitric oxide (see Ch. 17) 3. Endothelial cells following the leading cells proliferate
cause~ local vasodilatation; and the protcascs degrade the under the influence of VEGF.
ts.that loc:tl basement membrane and the local matri x, and they also 4. Matrix is laid down around the new capillary.
de the mobilise further growth factors from the matrix. 77

Apoptosis play' an essential role in embryogenesis, helping con~tituent~ (entymel), mitochondrial components, D A frag-
!0 shape organs during development by eliminating cell-; that ment~. etc.) into the cell's surroundings could trigger ar
have become redundant It is the mechanism that each day unwanted innammatory reaction. An additional safeguard
unobtrusively removes I0 billion cells from the human body. It against this is that macrophages that are engaged in the clearanc,
is invohed in numerous physiological events: the shedding of the of the cell corpses release anti-inflammatory mediators such a'
intestinal lining, the death of time-expired neutrophils, and the TGF-~ and IL-10.
turnover of tissues as the newborn infant grows to marurity. h is
the basis for the development of self-tolerance in the immune
system (Ch. 13) and is implicated in the pathophysiology of many
conditions-from cancer (Ch. 51). where there is insufficient The repertoire of reactions in apoptosis is extremely comple\
apoptosis, to conditions in which there is disturbed or increased and can vary not only between species but between cdl
apoptosis, 'uch a~ autoimmune diseases (Ch. 13). neurodegenerative types. Yet it could be, as some authorities have suggested, tha<
conditions (Ch. 35). cardiovascular diseases (Chs 19 and 20). the pivotal rcaction(s) that lead to either cell survival or eel
diseases of bone metabolism (Ch. 31), and AiDS (Ch. 47). death arc controlled by a single gene or combination of gene'
Apoptosi!> has a role in the monitoring of cancerous change If so, the exciting possibility exists that these genes could
because it acts as a first- line defence against mutations-purging be attainable targets in the development of drugs for man)
cells with abnonnal DNA that could become malignant. proliferative diseases.
T Apopto~i~ i~ p:miculurly important in the regulation of the immune T Only a "implc outline of the apoptotic repertoire of reaction~ can bt
respon~e and in the many conditions in which it is an underlying given here. Intriguingly. an increased understanding of the critical comr
component. There i' recent evidence that T cells have a negative point\ of apoptosis has resulted from comparison of the procc" m
regulatory pathway controlled by "urface programmed cell death mammal\ with that 111 the nematode Cae11orhabdiris e/e[ions. fh
receptOI"> <e.g. the PD-1 receptor). and that there is normally a balance nematode undergoe~ an unvarying procedure of apopto'>i' in which 13
between the stimulatory path\\ays triggered by antigens and this negative cell, out of a total of t090 die during the development of the worm, \\hk1
regulatory apopt0\1\-inducing pathway. The balance is important in the thu<. c1 cntually consht> of JU~t 959 cells. It seems that some cnu.:al
maintenance of p.:ripher.tl toler.tnce. in that the receptor i~ up-regulated control pomt~ fur cell death are not all that different in wonn
on autoreactive T cclb (Okazaki et al .. 2002). A disturbance of thi'> mammal hcc Damal & Kol">meyer, 2004.). More recently. an e\en mw.
balance i~ -.een an autoimmune di~easc. in tbc 'exhaustion ofT cells in lntere,ung and potentially lei') fruitful approach to dissecting out tlr
chronic viral di'>C3\e\ '>UCh a'> I UV (see Ch. 47). and possibl} in tumour detail of the <lpoptotic pathways has been proposed: the u...e of ~etr
e!>cape from immune de.,trucllon (Greenwald et al.. 2002: Zha \ilcncng b) RNA antcrfcrcncc (R."'Ai) tcchnolog}. This pcmuh 'nJ
ct al.. 2004 ). efficient and preci,iun 'ilencing of gene expre,sion and is being u-.ed
idenllf} anuapoptotic gene~ (Milner, 2004). For simple mer.iey.,
It is l.nown that apopto~is is a default response. i.e. that RNA 'ilcncing. 'ee Black & i'icwbury (2QO.t) and Zhang (2004).
cominuous active signalling by tissue-specific trophic factors,
cytokinc,, hormones. and cell-to-cell contact factors (adhesion The major players arc the caspases-a family of cy~teilll
molecules. intcgrins. etc.) may be required for cell survival and protcascs present in the cell in inactive form. They do n
viabi lity, anu that the sclf-destntct mechanism is automatically perform gencrali~cd proteolysis; they undertake delicme protei
triggered un less it is actively and continuously inhibited by these surgery, selectively cleaving a specific set of target proteJO
antiapoptotic factors. Different cell types require differing sets of (enzymes, structural components), inactivating some an~
survival factors, which fu nction only locally. If a cell strays or is activating others. A cascade of about nine different caspases takt
dislodged from the area where its paracrine survival signals part in bringing about apoptosis, some functioning as initiaton by
operate, it will die. that transmit the initial apoptotic signals, and some bc10
Withdrawal of these cell survival factors-which has been responsible for the fina l effector phase of cell death (Fig. 5.5).
termed 'death by neglect'-is not the only pathway to apoptosis The caspases are not the only executors of apoptotic change THE
(see Fig. 5.5). The death machinery can be activated by ligands Various pathways that result in apoptosis without the action
that stimulate death receptors ('death by design') and by DNA the ca~pase fraternity have been described. One invohe'
damage. But it is generally accepted that cell proliferation protein termed AIF (i!poptotic initiating factor) tbat is relea~
processes and apopto~i., are tightly connected (see below). from the mitochondria, enters the nucleus and triggers cell suictdc
Note that not all caspases are death-mediating en7ymes; orr
have a role in the processing and activating of cytokines (e.
caspase 8 is active in processing the inflammatory cy10kin,
As the cell dies it rounds up, the chromatin in the nucleus IL-l and JL-18).
condenses into dense masses and the cytoplasm shrinks. This is
followed by blebbing of the plasma membrane. and finally
transformation of the cell into a cluster of membrane-bound
entities constituting the corpse of tbe cell: this displays eat me' There arc two main routes to cell death, one involvin.
signals-surface exposure of phosphatidylscrine and changes in stimulation of death receptors by external ligands, and o
surface sugars. Macrophagcs recognise these signals and rapidly arising within the cell and involving the mitochondria. Both thN
phagocytose the remains. The fact that the remains are routes activate initiator caspases and both converge on a fin
18 membrane-bound is important, because release of the internal common effector caspase pathway.

Survival factors
~r an
ranee Death
~~urvival Receptor for
ch as domains



nplex DNA damage
cell +
, that
r cell p53 prot
enc~. Mitochondnon


;an be Death
vntrol Mitochondrial
!'\' 10 pathway

r ,,. ... ...,..,. ,.

Caspase 9

h 131
n ant.l lAPs -0-- Caspase 3 --<)-+ cleavage and Inactivation. ===?
more .....__,;~ of enzymes and structural
ut the consbtuents, fragmentabon
of genomiC DNA etc. APOPTOSIS

Fig. 5.5 Simplified diagram of the t w o main signalling pathways in apo ptosis. The death receptor pathway is activated when
death receptors such as members of the tumour necrosis factor (TNF) family are stimulated by specific death ligands. This recruits
adapter proteins that activate initiator caspases (e.g. caspase 8), which in turn activate effector caspases such as caspase 3. The
mitochondrial pathway is activated by diverse signals, one being DNA damage. In the presence of DNA damage that cannot be repaired,
tt!ine the p53 protein (see text and Figs 5.3 and 5.4) activates a subpathway that results in release of cytochrome c from the mitochondrion,

not with subsequent involvement of the apoptosome and activation of an initiator caspase, caspase 9. The apoptosome is a complex of
otein procaspase 9, cytochrome c and apoptotic-activating protease factor-1 (Apaf-1). Both these pathways converge on the effector
teins caspase (e.g. caspase 3), which brings about the demise of the cell. The survival factor subpathway (shown here faded) normally holds
apoptosis at bay by inhibiting the mitochondrion pathway through activation of the antiapoptotic factor Bcl-2. The receptor labelled 'R'
represents the respective receptors for trophic factors, growth factors, cell -to-cell contact factors (adhesion molecules, integrins), etc.
take Continuous stimulation of these receptors is necessary for cell survivaVproliferation. If this pathway is non-functional (as depicted here
1tor:; by being shown in grey), this antiapoptotic drive is withdrawn. lAP, inhibitor of apoptosis.
~eing ---
; ).
mgc. THE DEATH RECEPTOR PATHWAY them to get together in threes (trimcrise), and recruit an adapter
m of protein that complexes with the trimer by associating with the
es a Lurking in the plasma membrane of moM cell types are members death domains. The resulting complex activates caspase 8, an
ased or the tumour necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) superfamily, initiator caspase that in turn activates the effector caspases
cide. whtch function as death receptors (Fig. 5.5). Important ramily (Fig. 5.5).
.orne membe~ are TNFR-1 and CD95 (al-:a Fa!. or A po-l). but there
(e.g. are man) other\. ~ Each receptor has a 'death domain' in it!.
tine~ l)topl~mic tail. Stimulation of the receptors by an external ligand
,uch a!. tumour necrosis factor (TNF) itself or TRAIL1' causes This pathway can be called into action in two principal ways:
by DNA damage and by wilhdrawal of the action or cell survival
'There are two gene familie~. which include 28 receptor> and 18 Ligand\. PO-
\ing ''' adeath n:.:cptor that can be induced on actiHued T cells. as discu~!>Cd. DNA damage and the mitochondrial pathway
one In the presence of DNA damage that cannot be repaired, the
'1RAlL i> {Umour necro\i\ factor-a-relatct.ll!poptosis-inducing ligand of
hese coarse: \\bat et-.c' Sec Jan\!>en ct al. (2005) for t.lio,cu.,sion of a role of TRAIL p53 protein activates a subpathway involving the p21 protein
final PI).LI. a ligand for the PO-l receptor. is found on all haemopoietic cell\ (see above) and proapoptotic members of the Bcl-2 protein
Jlldmany other tbsucs, and on many tumours in mice (Latchman et al., 2004). family-Bid, Bax and Bak. In addition to these proapoptotic 79

Withdrawal of survival factors and the

Apoptosls mitochondrial pathway
In normal cell:., \urvival factors (specified above) conti
Apoptos1s is programmed cell death, activme antiapoptotic mechanisms, and the withdra\~al
essential in embryogenesis and tissue -.urvival factor~ can cause death in !>everal diffe rent \\
homeostasis; 1t is brought about principally by a depending on the cell type. But a common mechanism 1'
cascade of proteases-the caspases. Two sets of tipping of the balance between Bcl-2 family members lead1
initiator caspases converge on a set of effector to los' of the Mimulation of antiapoptotic Bcl-2 protein
caspases. with re~ultant unopposed action of the proapoptotic
There are two main pathways to activation of the protein!. (~ee Fig. 5.5).
effector caspases: the death receptor pathway and
the mitochondrial pathway. Cross-talk between the death receptor
The death receptor pathway involves stimulation pathway and the mitochondrial pathway
of members of the tumour necrosis factor The two main pathways to cell death are connected
receptor family; and the main initiator caspase is each o the r, in that ca:.pasc 8 in the death receptor pathwil
caspase 8. can ac tivate the proapoptotic Bcl-2 and thus activate lk
The mitochondrial pathway is activated by internal mitocho ndrial pathwuy.
factors such as DNA damage, which results in
transcription of gene p53. The p53 protein
activates a subpathway that results in release THE EFFECTOR STAGE CASPASES
from the mitochondrion of cytochrome c. This in The effector stage caspases (e.g. caspase 3) clea\e
turn complexes with protein Apaf-1, and together inactivate cell con~tituen ts such as the DNA repair en7)m;
they activate initiator caspase 9. protein kina~e C, and cytoskeletal components. A
In undamaged cells, survival factors (cytokines, i!> activated and cul<; genomic DNA between the nucleo,o!l'.
hormones, cell-to-cell contact factors) continuously generating DNA fragmen~ of approximately I 80 ba~e pair..
act1vate ant1apoptot1c mechanisms. Withdrawal of
survival factor stimulation causes cell death through
the m1tochondnal pathway. THE FINAL STAGE: DISPOSAL OF THE REMAINS
The effector caspases (e.g. caspase 3) start a When the effector ca:.pases have carried out their function'.
pathway that results in cleavage of cell constituents, cell i\ reduced to a cluster of membrane-bound bodie'>. ~
DNA, cytoskeletal components, enzymes, etc. This containing a variety of organelles. This i~ the corpse of tht: c,
reduces the cell to a cluster of membrane-bound which. as described above. is phagocytosed by macrophage,.
entities that are eventually phagocytosed by
individual!., thi1. fami ly has antiapoptotic members. They meet It has been briclly mentioned above that cell proliferation
at the surface of mitochondria and compete with each other. The apoptosit. arc involved in many physiological and
proapoptotic branch of the family (e.g. Bax) promotes re lease proce!.ses. These are:
of cytochrome c from the mitochondria: the antiapoptotic
the growth of tis:.ucs and o rgans in the embryo and later
branch inhibits this. The released cytochrome c complexes with
during chi ldhood
a protein termed Apaf-1 (i!.poptotic nrotease-i!.Ctivating factor- I),
the repleni~hment of lost or time-expired cells such a~
and the two then combine with procaspase 9 and activate it.
leucocyte~. gut epithel ium, and uterine endometrium
This latter entyme orchestrates the effector ca<>pase pathway.
the development of immunological tolerance to ho~t
The three-party compo~ite of cytochrome c. Apaf-1 and
repair and healing after injury or inflammation
procaspa'>e 9 is termed the apoptosome (sec Fig. 5.5).
the hyperplasia (increase in cell number and in conneCII\e
Note that nitric oxide (sec Ch. I 7) is another mediator
tissue) associated with chronic inflammatory. hyper!.cnsitil
that can have proapoptotic and antiapoptotic actions (Chung
and autoimmune diseases (Ch. 13)
et al., 2001 ).
the growth, invasion and metastasis of tumours
regeneration of tissues.

The role of cell proliferation and apoptosis in

processes li sted is self evident and needs no
Another br:akc on the cell death mechanisms is a family of caspase- comment, and their invo lve ment in immune tolerance
in hibiti ng proteins called. you will not be surprised to learn. lAPs discus!.ed brieny above. But the other processes need
80 (inhibitor~ of apoptm is proteins). comme nt.

REPAIR AND HEALING Repair, healing and regeneration

DUSI} Repa1r tx:CUI'\ when there has been damage or loss of tissue; it
11 of 1' 3ho implicated in the resolution of the local inflammatory Repair and healing occur when there has
"\\ays reacuon to a pathogen or chemical irritant. ln some instances. been damage or loss of tissue and are also
damage or ti"ue lo'" can lead to regeneration. which is quite implicated in the resolution of the local inflammatory
'" a reaction to a pathogen or chemical irritant. It involves
lding J1llc:rc:nt to repa1r and i' con\idered separately beiO\\.
:lion. In rcpa1r and healing. there is an ordered series of events the act1vat1on and proliferation of connective tissue
Bcl-2 IR\Uhmg cell migration. angiogenesis. proliferation of connec- cells, white blood cells and blood vessels.
11\ C: ti"uc cell\, synthesis of extracellular matrix and fina lly Regeneration 1s the replacement of the tissue or
rc:nllldc!lling all coordinated by the growth factors and organ that has been damaged or lost. It involves the
C)tllkines that are relevant for the particular tissue involved . activation of primitive st em cells that have the
TGF-~ 1s a key cytokine in several of these processes. (There is potential to develop into any cell in t he body.
:d tO con"llerable overlap between the inflammatory reaction and Regeneration of a tissue or organ is rare in m ammals.
hway rcpuir in 1enns of the cells and mechanisms activated.) If a mammal is injured or has its tissue removed,
: the repair processes-often with subseq uent scarring-
usually make good the damage.
HYPERPLASIA It may be that repair (with rapid closure of the defect
Hyperplasia (cell proli fe ration and matrix expansion) are after tissue loss) is an evolutionary trade-off in mammals
hallmarks of chron ic inflammatory. hypersensitivity and for the lost power of regeneration. But recent work
and autOimmune disea~es such as rheumatoid arthritis (Ch. 13), has suggested that it might be possible to activate in
, mes. r-oria,is. chronic ulcers. chronic obstructive lung disease, the mammals the original regenerative pathways-at
IAase rnxc"~' underlying the bronchial hyperreactivity of chronic least to some extent and in some organs.
)mes. u'1hma (Ch. 23). and glomerular nephritis. The cells that take
s. pan and the C\Cnts them,ehes are described in more detail in
Chapter 13 (p. 205). eventually differentiating into the various ccU types needed to
Cell proliferation and apoptotic events are also implicated in replace the mi'>'>ing part.
athcro-.clero'i'. rc,tenosi\. and myocardial repair after infarction. llowcvcr, during evolution. mammals in general have lost this
' the ability and now have regenerative capacity in only a few tis..,ue\.
each Blood cell\, intestinal epithelium and the outer layers of the skin
! cell. are replaced continuously throughout life. Of the more discrete
organ1:.. there is a low degree of turnover and replacement of cells
Onelloe'n 't need to be a rocket scientist to be aware that tumour in ~uch organ<, a' liver, kidney and bone. This is in essence
~elb proliferate, but what may not be so obvious is that perturba- physiological renewal and is effected by local tissue-specific
llllll\in the growth factor signalling pathways. the antiapoptotic stem cells.
pathways, and the fun ction of the cell cycle controllers have an Allnol.t alone, the liver has significant ability to replace itself
Important role in the pathogenesis of malignancy. New under- if much of it il. removed. It can regenerate to its original size in a
nand qanding of this is leading to novel approaches to the treatment of remarkably short time, provided that at least 25% has been left
)gical cancer. Sec below and in Chapter 51 (p. 7 18). intact. 8 And the mature parenchymal liver cells participate in this
Rl'~l'llermion is di'> tinct from the processes above and needs to process as well a!> all the other cellular components of the liver.
Ill: con,1dercd in more detail. What underliel. the different regenerative abilities of mammals
and amphibians is that although stem cells are known to exist in
most tissues in adult mammal'>, they are very sparse in number,
the vast majority of cells in most tissues being irre1ersibly
Rcg~ncrJiion after damage or tissue loss implies re!.litution differentiated. If a mammal is injured or itS tissue is removed.
or replacement of the area !tO that it is identical to what was repair processes-often with subsequent scarring- usually
there before. make good the damage. It seems that rapid closure of the defect
Man) animal' (e.g. amphibian~ and other lower orders) have after tissue los~ (which i~ much more speedily accomplished by
an m1pre"I\C power 10 regenerate their tissues. even to regrow an
o~gan 'uch as a limb. The es~ential process is the activation of
~tern cdb primitive celb that are multipotent. i.e. they have the ' There i<. an nccoum of li,cr regeneration in Greek myths. Promctheu~ stole
Jll>lcntial 10 de\elop into any or most of the specialised cells in the \ccrel of tire from Zeu\ and ga~e it tO manl..ind. To punish him. Zeu\
1 two the Oody. Amphibian\ have a plenti fu l supply of these primitive had him -.had.led to a crag in the Cauca~us, and every day an eagle tore at
~ rthe r celb in their organs and. furthermore, many of their specialised hi' nc,h and devoured much of hi~ liver. But during the night, it
regenerated and in the morn ing wa> whole agai n. The legend doesn't say
ce is cdb can dedifferentiate to become stem cells. These stem cells whether the requi,itc 25\lf wa; left after the eagle bad had its fill, and the
unher then multiply and retrace the path ways that generated the organ regenerat ion described i~ unphysiologically ;peedy-rat liver takes 2 week ~
te.g. a limb) during fetal li fe, proliferating again and again and or more 10 gel hack to the origi nal si1-e after 66% hepatectomy. 81

repair mechanism~) takes pnonty over regeneration. Until interaction between matrix and integrins and fibronectin to
recently. it was a<,~umed that this was an unalterable situation. link the new elements together.
except for a few examples, some mentioned above.
But recent work ha'> ~uggested that it might be possible to Concomitant replacement of components of the lost connecti1~
acti\'ate in mammal\ the original regenerative pathways-at tissue (fibroblast'>, macrophages. etc.) would also be necessat)
least to some extent and in some organs. Regeneration of a lost ot all regenerative processes involve replacement of all the
limb as happens in amphibian~ is manifestly not possible in elements in a tis!>uc. ln the case of regeneration of a pcripher.
human'>. but regeneration of limited areas of a tissue or of a small nene after damage or cutting. the cell bodies in the spinal coro
part of an orgnn may well be feasible. For this to happen. it would are intact and it is the sensory axons that are replaced. Th1~ j,
be neccssnry to encourage some stem cells to proliferate, develop a~-.ociated with the transport of retrograde injury signals fron:
and differentiate at the relevant sites. Or-and this is a rather the damage site to the dorsal root ganglion neurons. The-<
more remote prospect in humans-to persuade some local signals trigger the expres!>ion of genes controlling the regeneratile
specialised cell~ to dedifferentiate. This can occur in some process (Blesch & Tu~1ynski, 2004).
mammals under special circumstances (see below). However,
it may be that repa ir is the Janus face of regeneration. repair Is it possible to stimulate regeneration of
being a n evolutionary trade-off in mam mals for the lost power damaged tissue in humans?
of regeneration. T his is nn important question, because drugs that could awaken
T Where arc the relevanl stem cclb that could be re~pons i ble for
the lost regenerative ubility could be of immense value in
regeneration proce,~es'! And what ~ort of stem celb are they? There arc numerous diseases.
two po\sibilities: To approach the question of whether it wou ld be possible to
'>ome ti,~ucs (e.g. bone marrow) in the postembryonic body have a stimulate regeneration pharmacologically, we need to consida
cohon of reserve pluripotent \tcm cells9 set aside during fetal life that '>Orne of the tissue!> in which there is little or no regeneration afta
could seed other w.-,uc~ ;md. wnh the right signals. develop imo the damage or loss. and consider to what extent the pathways are lo-1
requi'>llC tis~ue\pecilic celh and to what extent they are merely dormant but capable, with tb:
..ome ussue'> contain ti\\UC\pecific stem celh developed during fetal life.
right stimulation. of being reactivated. The central nervous sy\te
In the lir.t ca-.c. the adult stem cells ~ould have to be continuously ~elf and the myocardium are taken as examples here. but th
renew mg. \\ ith an unu.,ual liN mitotic di\ isioD-<lne daughter cell
regenerative capacit) of other tissues and the role of stem ce b
maturing to de\elop into a ti~\ue-~pccific cell of one ~ort or another
when 1t reaches a panicular tbwc. 10 and one daughter cell remaining a> therein arc abo under investigation.
a multipotent ~tem cell. The ti\\ue-~pecfic cells in a particular organ
~ould prc\umably be one \lep further along the differentiation pathway The central nervous system
and yet \till be "\ti!m cell~ undergoing. at mterval~. a second unusual The adult central nervous system. unlike the peripheral ncno..
mitotic d1vision.
sy~tem. has virtually no capacity to regenerate. The rea..,ons arc
Thi' subject i\ too complex to cover here. but reviewb by Raff (2003) and not fully understood. although there is some understanding o
Rosentha l (2003) e<tch provide a fascinating discu~sion of this topic. the lethal events at the site of injury. Apoptosis of cells i,
Suffice it to ~ay here that the possibility of making use of the body's own
certainly implicated. Thus there is evidence that in the spina'
pool of stem cells in the treatment of disease by using pharmacological
meam. (e.g. cytokincs) to coax them into regenerative service is being cord, injury triggers increased expression of the death recepttl
vigorou~l y investigated. CD95/Fas in the neurons and other cells at the damage site. anJ
also up-regulation of the na tural ligand for the CD95/Fas-whic
Requisites for replacement of a portion of a leads to apoptosis (Barthelemy & Henderson, 2004). Necro11
tissue or organ also occurs.
What would need to happen if. after Joss, a portion of a tissue Regeneration after injury to the central nervous system
such as, for example. the liver or the heart were to regenerate? hampered by two main obstacles.
Replacement of the lo~t specialised parenchymal cells is a sine
Inhibition by myelin-deril'ed factors. Three of these inhibiton
qua non, and growth factor stimulation of the local tissue-
have been identified, the receptor for at least one of them b
specific stem cells to start them off on the cell cycle and continue
been cloned, and small GTP kinases of the Rho family are
to proliferate would be one of the first requirements for this. But
believed to be involved in the inhibitory action. (For fun~r
other e~sential proces<,es would be:
discussion. see Ch. 35.)
The del'elopmellt of a glial scar by the astrocytes.
angiogenesi'> to supply the necessary blood vessels
activation of matrix metalloproteinases to replace the matrix In recent years. worl.. on these aspects in experimen
in which the new cells would need to be embedded systems has resulted in significant advances in gening axoo;
to regrow. This is discussed further in Chapter 35 (see al
Filbin, 2003).
~eferrcd to as being pla.1tic in their development potential. or having plasticity.

10Not all authors ure convinced thnl there i~ plasticity of stem cells. i.e. that Heart muscle
any stem cell is pluripotent und c;m. on being transferred to or homing on a The usua l assu mption is that cardiac muscle has no power b
82 pan icu lar organ, give rb.e to the 'pecilic parenchymal cells of that Qrgan. regenerate. But in a particular strain of mouse, when part of tit scle

0 heart i' damaged by freezing. repair processes do not start up; conditions with tissue damage or cell loss, such as myocardial
tn\tcad. the area is replaced by regeneration within a few months. infarction (Ch. 18), stroke. and spinal cord injury (Ch. 35)
The implication of this is that in this mouse strain, the genes that depletion ofT cells in HJV infection (Ch. 47)
clive din.--ct the mechanbms for repair of cardiac muscle have been osteoarthritis (Ch. 31)
.II). \\\itched off and thol>c that direct regeneration (silent in other haematological disease such as aplastic anaemia (Ch. 22).
lthe mouse stram\- and in humans) are activated.
1eral .\1ice are not the only mammals to be imbued with the Examples of defecrile apoprosis (Melnik:ova & Golden, 2004)
cord abtlit} to replace areas of the myocardium: there is regeneration include:
ll~ .... of hcan ti"ue in dogs after acute heart failure. Mitosis of
cancer evasion of the immune response and resistance to
!rom m)OC)te'> is seen in the normal human heart, and cell
cancer chemotherapy (Ch. 51)
'hese proliferation of myocytes immediately after infarction has
autoimmunc/intlammatory diseases such as myasthenia
mive been reponed. Indeed, the sequence of events described above
gravis, rheumatoid arthritil. (Chs 13 and 14), and bronchial
Iunder Requisites for replacement of a portion of a tissue
a!>thma (Ch. 23)
or organ) ha~ been shown to occur during the process of
viral infections with ineffective eradication of virus-infected
remodelling after myocardial infarction in rodents (Nian et
cells (Ch. 47).
al., 2004).
aken Potential apoptosis-modu lating compounds are being actively
1' Cytokines such ~~~ TNF-u and IL-6 ure produced after the ischaemic
e m investigated (sec Cummings et al., 2004; Melnikova & Golden,
inJury of myocanlial infarction and arc implicated in the immediate
e\cnts: cell death, recruitment of inflammatory cells, ru1d repair. Their 2004). Here we can only outline some of the more important
le to \ttllllimd presence has a role in remodelling--activation of matrix approaches.
sider metalloproteinasc;. angiogcne;is, the regulation of integrins and the
recruumcm of progenitor cells. TNF-a is able to self-amplify by targeting
after Promoters of apoptosis
the ll1ln-cription factor nuclear factor (NF) KB and initiating a positive
! lo-.t
fetdbad loop becau!>e NFKB activates the expression of cytoprotective
h the gene' that promote cell survival (Nian et al., 2004). The Bc/-2 family as a target for new drugs
'tern The Bcl-2 protein is oncogenic because it inhibits apoptosis and
the It '' not certain whether the myocytes that proliferate after an increases resistance to cancer chemotherapy; other antiapoptotic
cells 10\Uh to the heart are derived from local stem cells or from membe~ of the Bcl-2 family are Bcl-xt. and Mel- J. These arc all
'tem cell\ from other tissues that have homed to the heart current targets for anticancer drugs.
1~mersa & Nadai-Ginard, 2002).
T An anu..ense compound again;! Bcl-2 (oblimerson) is in phase m trial
Some researchers arc of the opinion that the sleeping for muluple myeloma and leukaemia. Investigations of antisense com-
"\'OUS regenerative pathways in humans could possibly be reawakened. pounds agamst Mcl-1 arc in progress (Melnikova & Golden. 2004).
" are !I this were possible, it would be of immense therapeutic benefit
1g of becau'e death of heart muscle underlies myocardial infarction Death receptors and their ligands as target for new drugs
lis is and other serious cardiac conditions. Death receptors for ligands such as TRAIL (see above) are
pinal expressed on cancer cells and undergo apoptosis when TRALL
eptor binds. Monoclonal antibodies to TRAIL are in phase J trial for
. anti THERAPEUTIC IMPLICATIONS cancer chemotherapy (Melnikova & Golden, 2004) and could
l'hich well become important in conditions in which tl1e immune
:rosis Con\idcrablc effort is being expended on finding compounds response might need to be enhanced (Janssen et al., 2005).
that will inhibit or modify the processes described in this T Viral infections are controlled largely by the action of cytotoxic
m is chapter. much work being aimed at developing new drugs T cell~ (~ee hg. 13.3). and the persistence and chronicity of viral
for cancer therapy. Theoretically. aJI the processes could infection~ (such as IIJV) is mainly due to exhaustion of T-ccll cytolytic
con,titutc targets for new drug development. Here we con- activity and cytokine production. A monoclonal antibody has been
)itor:-. \hown to block the interaction of the apoptosis-inducing PD-1 receptor
,entrJtc on those approaches that arc proving or are likely to
1 has and it., ligand and re\er.e thi~ exhaustion in mice with chronic
prmc fruitful. lymphocyuc choriomeningitis (Barber et al .. 2006). This approach-the
u<e of a blockjng antibody to the PD- 1 receptor and its tile 1S
mooted a' bemg a po1en11ally fruitful new a,enue to explore for the
APOPTOTIC MECHANISMS ueaLmem of HIV. hepatitis B and hepatitis C infection;-three chronic
\' outhned above, disrupted apoptosis is a factor in several infection., that affect > 500 million individuals worldwide-as well
as other chrome infection\ and <;Ome cancers that express the ligand for
ten tal di,ca\C\, and compounds that could modify it are being PD- I(Williruns & Bevan. 2006).
lXOOS IOten,iH:Iy investigated ( icholson, 2000; Reed, 2002;
also Melntkova & Golden, 2004). Indirect promoters of apoptosis
E~amples of over-exubertmr apoptosis with increase of Various compounds that act on the cell survival and proliferation
cell death (Mclnikova & Golden, 2004) include: pathways can induce cell death indirectly; see Cell cycle
regulator.\ as tarp,ersfor new drug development below.
;er to neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, multiple A new indirect target is the proteasome, which is the part
of the ~clcrosis, and Parkinson's disease (Ch. 35) of the cel l's machinery for degradation of proteins-including 83

thO\C involve<.! in apoptosi~. A new drug, bonemozib, which Cyclin-dependent kinases

inhibit'> the protea...ome, is on the market for the treatment of Several small molecules that target the ATP-binding site~ o1
\elected cancers. It causes the build-up of Bax, an apoptotic these kinases have been developed; examples are flavopirido
promoter protein of the Bcl-2 family that acts by inhibiting roscovitinc and UC -01 (7-hydroxystaurosporine). Flavopirid1
antiapoptotic Bcl-2. Bonemozib is recognised as acting panly inhibits all the cdJ...s, causing arrest of the cell cycle; it al"
by inhibiting NFKB action. 11 promotes apopto~is. has antiangiogenic ability and can indu,,
An endogenow.. caspa.o;e inhibitor. sunil'in. occurs in high diiTercntiation. All three compounds are in early clinical trial (x-t
concentration in cenain tumours. its gene being one of the Scnderov.. ict, 2003: Swanton, 2004).
mo~t cancer-~pecific genes in the genome. The possibility of Some compound~ affect upstream pathways for cdk acti\atioo.
<.leveloping compounds that inhibit this inhibitor (lAPs) is Examples are lovastatin and perifosine.
being pursued, the object being to free caspascs to induce
cancer cell suicide. Drugs based on antisense approaches to Proteasome-mediated degradation of cell cycle proteins
survivin inhibition arc being considered for clinical trial as a target
(Cumming~ et al., 2004). Bonezomib. a boronate compound, covalently binds th.
proteasome. Early results of a phase ill trial in melanorlll
Inhibitors of apoptosis patients have proved promising (Richardson et al., 2005).
Apoptosis inhibitors s uch as the caspases are activated by
stimuli produced by damaged or diseased tissue. Several The growth factor signalling pathway
caspase inhibitors are under investigation for usc in the Of the various component~ of the growth factor signalling patlma)
treatment of myocardial infarction, stroke. liver disease, organ receptor tyrosine kinases, the Ra.'> protein and cytoplasmic k.ina~r
transplantation and sepsis. One, still only with a number for its have been the ~ubject~ of most interest, and several new drup
name, i1> in pha\e II trial. have been developed. Their main use is in cancer therapy, i!llo.
detaib are given in Chapter 51 (p. 730) and Figure 51 .I.


A., outlined above, metalloproteinases and angiogenesis have
critical role<, in numerou~ bodily processes. some physiological
(e.g. growth. repair) and some pathological (e.g. tumour The potential use of embryonic stem cells in the treatment
growth. chronic inflammatory conditions), and disturbances of human disease is a thorny and emotionally charged topic-and
these prOCC'>i>CS are implicated in many diseases. There has beyond the remit of this book. But that endogenous adult
been a con~iderable amount of work. done in the attempt to cells could have a therapeutic role in regeneration and repair i'
find clinically useful inhibitor1>. but this bas not so far been possibility for the future (see above). There is some experiment.:.
successful. At present, only one new drug bas been approved for evidence that cytokincs and secreted proteins might be able
usc in cancer treatment: the antiangiogenesis compound kick-start regeneration pathway!. (Bock-Marquette et al., 200:
bcvacizumab, a monoclonal antibody that acts against YEGF. Liberto et al., 2004 ). Retinoic acid. a biologically active mctaboli,
of vitamin A, has been shown to induce alveolar regeneration 1
rats and mice with experimental emphysema or with alv1XJ11
disrupted by various noxious treatments (Maden & Hind, 200.11
Many researchers in regenerative medicine are reasonabl
The main cndogenou'> pol>itive regulators of the cell cycle are the optimistic that it may eventually become possible to reawake
cdks. During the past decade, these have been cloned and small the lost regenerative pathways at least to some extent and '
molecule inhibitor~ ~ought (Senderowicz, 2003). '>Orne organs.

uclear factor t.B i' a trano,cription factor that. among multiple other actions, i' imol\ed in 1he imegration of many of the ~un ivai-signalling palh\\3}' h
alo,o inhibit\ acti\ation of ca.\pa~ 8 by up-regulating its inhibitor, I-LIP (o,ee Fig. 5.5).


t\poptost~ (jtenerall Chung H T, Pae H 0. Chm B M c1 nl. 2001 Nitnc oxide Biochim Biophys Acta t705: 53-6610tHHI rf!ie.
Ashkcnosi A 2002 Tnl)lcllng death and decoy receptor' a' a biorcgulmor of ,,ropto'" Oiochcm B1ophy' Res tliscussing-in the comext of tuuiwncer dntg
of the tumour necrosi' receptor supcrf,unity. Nat Rev Cornmun 282: I 075-1079 c/eve/oJJment-Bcf2 proteim. lAP.;. [!fOH thjw lt>N
Cancc12: -120-42'1 (I; lt'IIIJ>Iary rekw. Cummings J. Ward T. Ran,on M. Dive C 20().1 ApoptOSI' tyrosine k-inase inhibiwr.~. and ti.Htl)'.~ for apOJllmn
84 cmnprrlwtl\i\'l',' !(aod cliar.trwm) pathway targeted drugs- from the hcnch to I he chn ic. inducing dmgs)
a of

Method and measurement

1n pharmacology

Overview 87 BIOASSAY

Bioassay 87 Methods for measuring drug effects are needed in order that we
the -General principles of bioassay 89 may compare the properties of different substances, or the same
-Bioossays in humans 90 substance under different circumstances, requirements that are
Animal models of disease
91 met by the techniques of bioassay, defined as the estimation of
the concentration or potency of a substance by measurement of
Clinical trials 92 the biological response that it produces.
I Balancing benefit and risk 95
The uses of bioassay are:
to measure the pharmacological activity of new or chemically
We emphasised in Chapters 2 and 3 that drugs, undefined substances
being molecules, produce their effects by interacting to inveMigate the function of endogenous mediators
with other molecules. This interaction can lead to to measure drug toxicity and unwanted effects.
eHects at all levels of biological organisation, from
'Y Bioas\ay play~ a key role in the developmem of new drugs. discussed
molecules to human populations (Fig. 6 . 1). 1 in Chapter 56.
In this chapter, we cover the principles of
metrication at the various organisational levels, In the p:t\t. bioa!>\ay wa~ often used to measure !he concemrarion of
drugs and other active substances in the blood or other body fluids, an
ranging from laboratory methods to clinical trials. applicati on now superseded by analytical chemistry techniques.
Assessment of drug action at the population level is
the concern of pharmacoepidemiology and Bioassay is usefu l in the study of new hormonal or other chemically
mediated control systems. Mediators in such systems are often first
pharmacoeconomics (see Ch. 1 ), disciplines that are recognised by the biological effects !hat they produce. The first clue may
beyond the scope of this book. be the finding thm a tb~ue extract or some o!her biological sample
We consider first the general principles of produce\ an effect on an as~ay system. For example, !he ability of extracts
bioassay, and its extension to studies in human of the posterior lobe of the pituitary to produce a rise in blood pressure
beings; we describe the development of animal and a contraction of the uterus was observed at the beginning of the 20th
century. These actions were developed as quantitative assay procedures,
models to bridge the predictive gap between and a 'tandard preparation of the extract was established by international
animal physiology and human disease; we next agreement in 1935. By use of these a~says. it was shown !hat mo distinct
discuss aspects of clinical trials used to evaluate peptide'>-l'OSOpll'nm and oxywcin-v. ere responsible, and !hey were
therapeutic efficacy in a clinical setting; finally, we eventual!) identified and syn!hesised in 1953. Biological as'>ay had
consider the principles of balancing benefit and already revealed much about the ~yn!hesis. ~10rage and relea.se of the
hormone\, and wa' e~senllal for their purification and identification.
risk. Experimental design and statistical analysis No" aday\. 11 docs not take 50 years of laborious bioassays to identify
are central to the interpretation of all types of new hormones before they are chemically characterised. 2 but bioassay
pharmacological data. Kirkwood & Sterne (2003) still pia}~ a kC) role.
provide an excellent introduction.

C1n\ldCr the eftect of cocaine on organised crime, of organophosphate

n~l\e ga'c~ on the smbilily of dictatorships, or of anaesthetics on the 2
1n 1988. a Japanc~e group (Yanagisawa et al., 1988) described in a single
tmibility of surgical procedures for examples of molecular interactions remarkable paper the bioa!>;ay. purification, chemical analysis and synthesis,
that affect the behaviour of populations and societies. and DNA cloning of a new vosc ular peptide, endothelin (~ee Ch. 19). 87

Level of biological Test system Response measures Methods

organisation (examples) (example relating to
Population & society Socioeconomic Impact on health-care Pharmaco-
group costs. social costs,
disability costs,
disease prevalence c:
epidemiology 0
Fam1ly Patients' family Impact on relationships, Social "i3
members job prospects, suicide risk medicine CJ)

Patient Patients undergoing Pain relief, improvement Clinical trials

medical treatment of disability, etc.

Individual Human Normal healthy Subjective pain Intensity Clinical

1r\ ~""....

Rat, mouse.
and th reshold

Behavioural responses to

am mal primate, etc. nox1ous and non-noxious


Phys1ologtcal system CNS Reflex responses to

noxious stimuli Physiological

T1ssue & organ Spinal cord Synaptic responses in


!i dorsal horn G>

Cell Spinal cord
Membrane responses



Transfected cell Second messenger
DRUG lines responses

Molecule Substance P Binding studies on
(NK-1) receptor cloned receptor
expressed in cell lines

Fig. 6 . 1 l evels of biological organisation and types of pharmacological m easurem ent.


princ i pl e~ of bioa!>say to allow reliable measurements to be m
Nowaday~. an imponant u~e of bioassay is to provide information with these sometimes difficult and unpredictable test system'
that \\ ill predict the effect of the drug in the clinicaJ situation Bioa-.says on different test systems may be run in parallel
(where the aim i~ to improve function in patients suffering from reveal the profi le of activity of an unknown mediator. This 1
the effcch of di~ea,e). The choice of laboratory test system~ (in developed to an almost baroque splendour in the work of\
vitro and in vivo 'mode b.') that provide this predictive link is an and his colleagues. wbo studied the generation and destructi0'1
important a\pect of quantitative pharmacology. As our under- endogenous active substances such as pro tanoids (see Ch.
standing of drug action at the molecular level advances (Ch. 3). by the technique of cascade superfusion (Fig. 6.2). ln this techn14
this knowledge. and the technologies underlying it, have greatly the sample ill run sequentially over a series of test preparati
extended the range of models that are available for measuring chosen to differentiate between different active constituent'
dntg effects. By the 1960s. pharmacologists had become adept at the !.ample. The pattern of responses produced identifie, ~
using isol:ued organs and laboratory animals (usually under active m::uerial , and the use of such assay systems for 'on Iii);
88 anaesthesia) for quantitative experiments, and had developed the analysis of biological samples has been invaluable in stud)i


J H Bum wrote in 1950: 'Phannacologists today strain at the
king's arm, but they <,wallow the frog, rat and mouse. not to
Water Jacket (38.C)
mention the guinea pig and the pigeon: He w~ referring to the
fact that the 'king's arm had been long since abandoned as a
\tandard mea~ure of length. whereas drug activity continued to
be defined in term!> of dose needed to cause. say. vomiting of a
pigeon or cardiac arrest in a mouse. A plethora of 'pigeon units'.
'mouse units' and the like. which no two laboratories could agree
on, contaminated the literature. 3 Even if two Laboratories cannot
agree- because their pigeons differ-on the activity in pigeon
units of the same sample of an active substance. they should
nonetheless be able to agree thm preparation X is, say, 3.5 times
B Adr Nor Ang II BK PGs 5-HT ADH as active as st.a ndard preparation Yon the pigeon test. Biological
V vf.------- J\. f\_ __ Rat stomach assays arc therefore designed to measure the relative potency of
two preparations. usually a standard and an unknown. The best
Chick rectum kind of standard is, of course. the pure substance, but it may be
necessary to establish standard preparations of various hormones,
Rat colon natural products and antisera against which laboratory samples
can be calibrated. even though the standard preparations are not
Rabbit rectum
chemically pure.

Cat jejunum
Fig. 6.2 Parallel assay by the c ascad e superfusion
Given the aim of comparing the activity of two preparations. a
technique. A Blood IS pumped continuously from the test
an1mal over a succession of test organs, whose responses are standard (S) and an unJ...nown (U) on a particular preparation. a
measured by a simple transducer system. ~ The response of bioassay must provide an eMimate of the dose or concentration of
these organs to a variety of test substances (at 0.1-5 ng/mQ is U that will produce the san1e biological effect as that of a known
shown. Each active substance produces a distinct pattern of dose or concentration of S. As Figure 6.3 shows. provided that
responses. enabling unknown materials present in the blood to
the log dose-effect curves for S and U are parallel, the ratio, M.
be Identified and assayed. 5-HT, 5-hydroxytryptamine; AOH,
anltdturetic hormone; Adr, adrenaline (epinephrine); Ang II, of equiactive doses will not depend on the magnitude of response
ang1otensm II; BK, bradykinin; Nor, noradrenaline chosen. Thus M provides an estimate of the potency ratio of the
(norepinephrine); PG, prostaglandin. (From Vane J R 1969 Br J two preparations. A comparison of the magnitude of the effects
Pharmacol 35: 209-242.) produced by equal doses of Sand U does not provide an esti mate
of M (sec Fig. 6.3).
The main problem with all types of bioa~say is that of biological
the production and fate of shan-Lived mediators such as prostanoids variation, and the design of bioassays is aimed at:
and th\! endothelium-derived relaxing factor (Ch. 14).
minimising variation
These 'traditional assay systems address drug action at the
avoiding systematic errors resulting from variation
ph) stologicalle\el roughly, the mid-range of the organisational
estimation of the limits of error of the assay result.
hterarch} shown in Fig. 6.1. Subsequent developments have
extended lhe range of a\'ailable models in both directions. T Many diOercnt experimental dc>igns ha'e been proposed to m3ximi\C
made tOI\anh the molecular and towards the clinical. The introduction the efficiency and rehabiluy of bioa<.,ays (see Laska & 111eisner. 1987).
Common!). compan,on~ are ba..ed on analy~i~ of do!>e-re!>pon-.e cu"e'.
llS. of bmding a~'ay., (Ch. 3) in the 1970s was a significant step from which the matching do\e!> of Sand U are calculated. Thi~ anal)'is
llel to t011'3.rch analy'i' at the molecular level. More recently, the usc of ;., much \impler 1f the do,e-re,ponse curves are linear. v. hich can often
., wa.-. cell hne' engmccred to express specific human receptor subtypes be aclue~ed by u"ng a log;mthmic dose ,caJe and resuicting observation'
Vane has become wide.,pread as a screening tool for drug discovery
ion of (see Ch. 56). Indeed. the range of techniques for analysing drug
h. 13) effl!l:h at the molecular and cellular levels is now very impressive.
nique. Bndging the gap between effect~ at the physiological and the
ations th~rapeutic level~ has. however. proved much more difficult, M ore picturesque e,x:1mple' of ab;olute units of the kind that Bum would
nts of ht.'Cau'e human il lness cannot. in many cases, be accurately have frowned (ln arc the PJ II and the mHclen. PHI, cited by Colquhoun
( 1971 ). stands for 'purity in heart index' and measures the ability of a virgin
:s the r~produced in experimental animals. The use of transgenic animals
pure-in-heart to tran.,form. under appropriate condjtions. a he-goat iruo a
1 line to model human disea'e represents a real advance, and is discussed youth of urpa~si ng beau ty. The mHelen b a unit of beauty. I mHclcn
tdying mmore detai l below. being sufficicm to launch I ship. 89


( 100
T An assay may be based on a graded response (e.g. change in blood
glucose concentration, contraction of a strip of smooth muscle, change ill
I iii the time taken for a rat to run a mate), or on a/l-or-nothing responses It~
xE<ll death. lo'>' of righting reflex. succco,~ in maze running withJO a '>lipularcd
time). With the latter. >Omettmes l..nown a.s a disconrimiOUl or qu~
respons~. the proportion of animal\ responding will mcrease with dw
~ ll1e ~hapc and slope of such a curve i., governed by the indi\ldual variti(
c between animals- the more uniform the population, the ~leeper the CUI\
0 and the more precise the assay. With graded responses, the steepnes1 a
Ql the dm,e- response curve is a propcny of the test system ami ha~ nothin;
a: to do with biological variation. Quanta! responses can be used in esscmi:lll.
!he same way a\ graded respon\e\ for the purposes of bioa.\\ay. ulthoo..,
the appropnme statistical procedure\ are ~lightly different.

0 2 3
log 10 volume administered (J.d) BIOASSAYS IN HUMANS
Fig. 6 .3 Co mparison of the potency of unknown and
Studies involving human subjects fa ll into two distinct cmegorie1
standard by bioassay. Note that comparing the magnitude of
responses produced by the same dose (i.e. volume) of The first. lwman pharmacology, focuses on using human subjec:L
standard and unknown gives no quantitative estimate of their (either healthy volunteers or patients) essentially as ex peri men
relative potency. (The differences, A 1 and Az, depend on the animals. for example to check whether mechanisms that open..
dose chosen.) Comparison of equieffectlve doses of standard in other !>pecies also apply to humans, or to take advantage ofli..
and unknown gives a valid measure of their relative potencies.
much broader response capabilities of a person compared with,
Because the lines are parallel, the magnitude of the effect
chosen for the comparison is immaterial; I.e. log M is the rat. The scienti fic principles underlying such measurements an-
same at all points on the curves. the same, but the ethical and safety issues are paramounl, ar..
ethical committees associated with all medical research ccntn
tightly control the rype of experiment that can be done.
T An example of an experiment to compare two analge~ic drug' (
Ch. 41) in human, is shown in Figure 6.4. Although many ani mall
to !he midd le region of the log10 do;.e-effect curve, which is usual ly close have been devised (e.g. measuring I he effect of an analgc~ic drug on th:
to a straight line (see Ch. 2). The usc of a logari thmic dose scale means
that !he curves for S and U wiU normally be parallel, and !he potency ratio
(M) is estimated from the horizontal di~tance between the two cur\'es
(Fig. 6.3). Assays of 1his 1ype are knO\vn a.s pam/lei line tiJJII)J, the
minimal design being !he 2 + 2 ~say. in which 1wo dose' of standard Morphine Codeine
(S 1 and S2) and two of unkno\\ o (U 1 and U2) are used. The do\es are

~ /;
chosen to give respon~s lying on the hnear pan of the log10 dose 6
- response curve, and nrc given repeated ly in randomised order. providing
an inherent mca~ure of the variabi lity of the test system. wh ich can be
used, by means of straightforward statiMical analysis, to estimate the
confidence limirr of the final result.

In practice, mo't bioassays will give re\uhs whose 5'k confidence limits
~ ~
Potency ratio = 1

lie within :!Oct. and many will do better than this. / 2

The 2 + 2 assay also detec1s whether or not the rwo log dose-effect
lines deviate ;.ignificantly from paralleli;.m. If the lines are not parallel, 2
which may be the cnse if the assay i~ u!ted to compare two drug' whose
mechanism of action is not the same. it is not possible to define the
relative potcncic~ of S and U unrunbiguou~ly in terms of a .,imple
ratio. The e~penmenter must then face up to the fact that there are
qualitative a~ well a'> quantitative differences between the two. so that 0
comparison requtre, measurement of more than a single dimen\ion of 8 16 30 60 120 240
potency. An example of this kind of difficulty is met when diuretic drugs
(Ch. 24) are compared. Some ('low ceiling') diuretics arc capable of
Dose (mg)
producing only a small diuretic effect, no maHer how much b given; Fig. 6 .4 Assay of morphine and c odeine as analgesics
others ('high ceiling') can produce a very intense diu resis (described in humans. Each of four patients (numbered 1- 4) was given,
as 'torrential' by authors with vivid imaginations). A compari'>on of on successive occasions in random order, four different
two ~uch drug'> requires not only a measure of the doses needed to treatments (high and low morphine, and high and low codeine
produce an equal low-level diuretic effect. but also a measure of the by intramuscular injection, and the subjective pain relief score
relative he1ghb of the ceilings. More generally. full and partial agoni'>l> calculated for each. The calculated regression lines gave a
at the 'rune receptor (see Ch. 2) will generate non-parallel log dose
- response curve. so the difference between 1hem cannot be expressed
~~t_ency ratio estimate of 13 for the two drugs. (After Houde
~ et al. 1965 In: Analgetics. Academic Press, New York.)
90 simply in termb of u potency raLio.

mean ume taken for group' of mice to JUmp off a surface heated to a types of nausea in humans. Irritant chemical s injected into rats'
mlldl> painful temperature). they often fail to predict accurately the paws cause them to become swollen and tender, and thi!. test
blood subje<:tile relief of pain in human\. Figure 6.4 shows a compari!>on of predicts very well the efficacy of drugs used for symptomatic
oge in morphme and codeine in humanJ., ba'><.'<l on u modified 2 + 2 design. Each
.l(e.g. of the four dose> wa!> given on different occa!>ions 10 each of the four relief in inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthriti ~ in
ulated >ttbject~. the order being mndomi ~cd and both subject and observer bei ng humans. As discussed elsewhere in thi s book, models for many
Jantal unaware of the dose given. Subjecti ve pain relief was assessed by a important disorders, such as epilepsy, diabetes, hypertension, and
dose. tramed observer, and lhc resuIts showed morphine to be 13 times m. potent gastri c ulceration, based on knowledge of the physiology of the
1ation J\ todeine. This, of course, docs not prove it> >uperiority. but merely
condition, are available, and have been used successfully to produce
cu rve 'ho''' that a smaller dose b needed to produce lhe same effect. Such a
e~~ of
new drugs. even though their success in predicting therapeutic
rn<J,urem.:nt i>. however. an es>ential preliminary 10 assessing lhe relative 4
>thing therapeutic merit> of the t11.o drug.,, for an) comparison of other factor\, efficacy is f ar from perfect.
DtiaJ J} such:., 'ide effects. duration of action. tolerance or dependence. needs to Generalising, we can say that an animal model ~hou ld ideally
10ugh be done on the basis of doses lhat arc equiacth e as analgesics. resemble the human disease in the following ways:

I . similar pathophysiological phenotype (sometim es called face

The 'ccond type of human assay, the clinical trial, is designed
to measure therapeutic effecti veness, an important and highly
2. similar causation (sometimes called construct validity)
'P~cmliscd fonn of biological assay. The need to use patients for
3. similar response to treatment (sometimes call ed predictive
l ries. ~xpctimcnta l purposes impose:. many restrictions. Below, we
1jects di,,u,, ' ome of the basic principles involved in clinical trial s; the
ental role of such tri al s in the course of drug development is described In practice, there are many difficulties. and the shortcomings of
erate in Chapter 56. animal model s are one of the main roadblocks on the route from
1f the basic medical science to improvemems in therapy. The difficulties
lith a include the following.
, and M any diseases, particularly in psychiatry, are defined by
ntrcs Th~re are many examples where ~impl e intuitive models predict phenomena in humans that arc difficult or impossible to
with fair accuracy therapeutic effi cacy in humans. Ferrets, wh en observe in animals. whi ch rul es out criterion 1. As far as we
housed in swaying cages, respond by vomiting. and drugs that know, mania or delusions have no counterpart in rats, nor can
s (see
I test.<> pr~vcnt this arc also found to relieve moti on sickness and other we recognise in them anything resembling a migraine attack
Jn lhe or suicidal behaviour. Pathophysiological similarity is al ~o
inapplicable to conditions such as depression or anxiety
disorders. where no clear brai n pathology has been defined.
The 'cause' (criterion 2) of many human diseases i~ complex
or unknown. For many degenerative diseases (e.g. A l1hei mer\
Bioassay is the measurement of potency of a disease, osteoarthritis, Parkinson ~ disease), we need to
drug or unknown mediator from the magnitude of the model the upstream (causative) factors rather th<m the
biological effect that it produces. downstream (symptomatic) features of the disease, although
Bioassay normally involves comparison of the unknown the latter are the basis of most of the simple physiological
preparation with a standard. Estimates that are not models used hitherto.
based on comparison with standards are usually Relying on response to treatm ent (criterion 3) as a test of
unreliable and vary from laboratory to laboratory. val idity carries the ri ~k that drugs acting by novel
Compansons are best made on the basis of mechani sm s could be missed, because the model will have
dose-response curves, which allow estimates of the been selected on the basis of its responsiveness to known
equiactive concentrattons of unknown and standard drugs. With schi10phren ia (Ch. 38) for example, it is clear
to be used as a basis for the potency comparison. that dopamine antagoni!>tS arc effective, and many of the
Parallel line assays follow this principle. models used are designed to renect dopamine f unction in the
The biological response may be quanta! (the brain, rather than oth er potential mechanisms th at need to be
proportion of tests in which a given aU-or-nothing identified if drug discovery is to move on.
effect is produced) or graded. Different statistical
procedures are appropnate in each case.
D1fferent approaches to metrication apply according
to the level of biological organisation at which the
drug effect needs to be measured. Approaches range "There have been many example' ol drugs lhat ~ere high!) effecti'e in
e) through molecular and chemical techniques, in vitro experimental animals (e.g. in reducing brain damage following ccn:br.ll
e ischaemia) but ineffccti1e tn human\ (\troke victims). Similarly, recent
and in vivo animal studies, and clinical studies on
~ ork on substance P antagoni\t~ (Ch. 16) showed lhem to be "ery effective
volunteers and patients, to measurement of effects at in ant mal tests for analgesia, bul I hey proved inaclive in humans. How
the socioeconomic level. many errors in the opposite di rection may have occurred we shal l never
know, because sucb drug~ will not have been Jested in humans.

human cancers. Mice in which the gene for a particular aoe:no,li:IW

GENETIC AND TRANSGENIC ANIMAL MODELS receptor subtype has been inactivated show distinct beha\
owadays. genetic approaches arc increasingly used as an adjunct and cardiovascular abnormalities. such as increased '"''""""'"-
to conventional physiological and pharmacological approaches reduced response to noxious l>timuli. and raised blood
to d isease modelling. (Lcdcnt et al., 1997). The!.e findings serve to pinpoint
By selective bre.eding, it is possible to obtain pure animal strains physiological ro le of this receptor, whose function was
with characteristics closely resembling certain human disea~es. unknown. and to suggest new ways in which agonists or an
Genetic models of this kind include spontaneously hypertensive for these receptors might be developed for therapeutic u~e
rat'>, genetically obese mice, epilepsy-prone dogs and mice, rats to reduce aggresshe behaviour or to treat hypertension).
with deficient vasopressin secretion, and many other examples. mice can, however, be mil.leading in relation to human dio,e
In most cases. the genes rc ... ponsible have not been idelllified. For example, the gene defect responsible for causing cystic fibl
More recently. deliberate genetic manipulation of the germ line (a disease affecting mainly the lung1. in humans). when retti'O<IIucdl
is increasingly used to generate transgenic animals as a means in mice causes a di~order that mainly affects the inte~tine.
of replicating human disea),c states in experimental animals, and The use of tranl>gcnic animals in pharmacological rcscan;
thereby providing animal models that are expected to be more increasing rapidly as the technology improves. For more
predictive of therapeutic drug e tTccls in humans (see reviews by information, sec Offcrrnanns & Heio (2004).
Rudolph & Moehler, 1999; 1ornell & Snaith, 2002). This versatile
technology, first reported in 1980, can be used in many different
ways. for example: CLINICAL TRIALS
to inactivate individual gene\, or mutate them to pathological
A clinical trial is a method for comparing objecti-.el}. b)
prospective study. the rc!.ults of two or more therapeutic
to introduce new (e.g. human) genes
For new drugs, this is carried out during phase TIT of
to overexpress genes by inserting additional copies
development (Ch. 56). lt is important to realise that, until :ttl
to allow gene expression to be controlled by the experimenter.~
30 years ago, methods of treatment were chosen on the ba\11
Currently, most transgenic technologies arc applicable in mice cli nical impression a nd personal experience rather than oh11rt1r
but much more difficult in other mammals. 6 testing. 7 Although many dntgs. with undoubted elti~clivcn:
Exan1ples of such models include transgenic mice that remain in use without ever having been subjected to a """"'"n.-
overexpress mutated forms of the amyloid precursor protein or clinical trial, any new dntg is now required to have been
presenilins (see Yamada & Nabeshima, 2000). which are this way before being licensed for general clinical u~c. 8
important in the pathogenesis of AlLheimer's disease (see Ch. 35). On the other hand, digitalis (l>CC Ch. I 8) was used for 200
When they are a few month'> old. the!.e mice develop pathological to treat cardiac failure before a controlled trial showed it to
lesions and cognitive changes resembling Alzheimer's disea~e. very limited value except in a particular type of patient.
and provide very useful models with which to test possible new A good account of the principles and organisation of
therapeutic approaches to the disease. Another neurodcgenerative trials is given by Friedman et a l. ( 1996). A clinical trial aim
condition, Parkinson's disea~e (Ch. 35) has been modelled in compare the response of a test group of patients receiving a
transgenic mice that overcxpress synudein, a protein found in the treatment (A) with that ora control group receiving an
brain inclusions that are characteristic of the disease (sec Beal, 'standard' treatment ( B). Treatment A might be a new drug
200 l ). Transgenic mice with mutations in tumour suppre%or new combination of existing drugs, or any other kind ofthcmp:~/4~1
genes and oncogenes (!.ec Ch. 5) are widely used as models for intervention, such a!> a '>Urgical operation, a diet, phy'>i

Not exclusively. Jame~ Lind conducted a controlled trial in 1753 on I~
mariners. which showed that ornnges and lemons offered protection a~ ,
scurvy. However, 40 years pa~~ed before the British Navy acted on hi1
advice. and a further century before the US Navy did.
' With conventional transgenic technology. the genetic abnormality i' 8It is fashionable in some quarter~ to argue that to require evidence of
expre~~ed throughout development, 'ometime;, proving lethal or cau,ing
major developmental abnom1alitie,. Conditional transgene~h b now pos,ible. efficacy of therapeutic procedure~ in the fonn of a controlled trial run1
counter to the doctrine\ of 'holi,tic' medicine. Thb is a fund:uncnt311)
allo\\ ing the mutation to remain .. itcnt until triggered by the administration
antiscicntific view. for 'cience ad' ances only by generating predicuon'
of a chemical promoter (e.g. the tctrncychne analogue. doxycycline, tn the
from hypothese~ and b) \UbJCCttng the predictions to cxpcrimcnul tN
mo~t "'ide!) used Cre-Lox conditional ')'h:m). This a'oids the complication'
Very few alternative' or complementat} medical procedure\, \Uch IS
of developmental effects and long-term adaptations. and may aiiO\\ adult
dt...ea..e to be modelled more accurJtcl). homeopath). aromathcrnp). acupuncture or 'detox' . ha'e been ~o t~'tcd.
Standing up for the sctenttfic approach is the evidence-based medtcinc
~on the other hand. nemmodcs. fnut flte\ and tebrn fish-fast-multiplying mo,ement (sec Sackett et al .. 1996). which sets out ~trict criteria for
species whose genetics has been exten,ively \tudied. arc very amenable to assessing therapeutic efficacy. ba~cd on random bed, controlled climcdl
tran~genic approaches and, unlike mice, can be used in automated high- trial~. and urge~ scepticism about therapeutic doctrines who~c effica9
92 throughput drug-screening as~ay' (sec Ch. 56}. not been so demonstrated.

osinc and 'o on. The \tandard against which it is judged (treatment B)
oural might he a currently used drug treatment or (if there is no cunently Animal models
,sion. a1ailable effecti1e treatment) a placebo or no treatment at all.
'\SUre The u'e of colllrols i~ crucial in clinical trials. Claims of Animal models of disease are important for
II the lherJpeutic cfticac) ba~ed on reports that. for example, 16 out the discovery of new therapeutic agents. Animal
iherto of 20 paticnh rece11ing drug X got better within 2 weeks are of models generally reproduce imperfectly only certain
onists no 1alue 11ithout a knowledge of how 20 patients receiving no aspects of human disease states. Models of
, (e.g. treatment. or a d1ffcrent treatment. would have fared. Usually. the psychiatric illness are particularly problematic.
:genic controb arc provided by a separate group of patients from those Transgenic animals are produced by introducing
ease. recCI\mg the te\ttreatmcnt. but sometimes a cross-over design is mutations 1nto the germ cells of animals (usually
brosis ptMible in which the \arne patients are switched from test to control mice). which allow new genes t o be introduced
Juced treatment or vice versa, and the results compared. Randomisalion ('knock-ins') or existing genes t o be inactivated
1\C,.,cnualto avoid bias in assigning individual patients to test or ('knockouts') or mutated in t he animals in a breeding
reb is control group~. l ienee, the randomised coli/rolled clinical trial is colony.
tailed no1~ regarded a., the essential tool for assessing clinical efficacy Insertion or deletion of certain genes sometimes
ol new drugs. results In phenotypic changes resembling human
Concern inevitably arises over the ethics of assigning patients disease, and is an approach increasingly used to
at random to an untreated control group when the doctor in develop d isease models for drug testing. M any such
~harge believes the test Lrcauncnt to have advantages. However, models are now available.
the rea~on for setting up a trial is that doubt exists in the minds The induced mutation operates throughout the
by a ul man) doctor<. that the treatment is efficacious, so for these development and lifetime of the animal. and may be
dures. d1lCtOI\ there is no ethical dilenuna. [f individual doctors are lethal. The new technique of conditional mutagenesis
1nical peMnall} con1inced that the treatment is beneficial, they should is an advance that allows the abnormal gene to be
about dearly avoid panicipating in a controlled trial. All would agree switched on or off at a chosen time.
J!>il> of on the principle of informed consen1,9 whereby each patient must
ective be told the nature and risk!> of the trial. and agree to participate
encss. on the ba'i' that he or she will be randomly and unknowingly
rolled a.'1igncd to either the te\t or the control group.
aed in t!nlikc the kmd of bioas.,ay discussed earlier. the clinical trial
doe' not nonnally give an) information about potency or the form There arc two main strategies that aim to minimise bias in clinical
I year; of the do'c re~ponse curve, but merely compares the response trials. namely:
1be of produced by two stipulated therapeutic regimens. Additional
4UC,lions may be posed, such as the prevalence and severity of
linical the double-blind technique.
,tJe effects. or whether the treatment works better or worse in
ims to particular classes of patient. but only at the expense of added If two treatments, A and B, arc being compared on a series of
a new complexity and numbers of patients, and most trials are kept as selected patients, the simplest form of randomisation is to allocate
tisting ' implc as possible. The investigator must decide in advance what each patient to A or B by reference to a series of random numbers.
1g or a Ju\e to u~e and how often to give it, and the trial will reveal only One difficulty with simple randomisation. particularly if the groups
1peutic 11hethcr the chosen regimen performed better or worse than the arc small, is that the two groups may turn out to be ill-matched
1erap) .ontroltreatmcnt. It will not say whether increasing or decreasing with respect to characteristics such as age. sex. or disease severity.
the dm.e ~ould have improved the response; another trial would Stratified randomisation i~ often used to avoid the difficulty.
be needed to ascenain that. The basic question posed by a clinical Thus the subjects might be divided into age categories, random
tnsl1' thu' simpler than that addressed by most conventional allocation 10 A or B being used within each category. It is possible
I~ bJ<Y.b'J}' However. the organisation of clinical trials, with the to treat two or more characteristics of the trial population in this
pwblcm of a101ding bias. is immea~urably more complicated, time- way, but the number of strata can quickly become large. and the
corhuming and cxpcm.ivc than that of any laboratory-based assay. proce~~ i~ ~elf-defeating when the number of subjects in each
becomes too \mall. A.., well as avoiding error resulting from
imbalance of groups a~signed to A and B. stratification can also
allow more sophi~ticated conclusions to be reached. B might, for
I~ 'EI'(QIII" .:-.m toe contcntiou\. becau~e patients wbo are unconscious.
n> demented or mcnlall) ill <In: unable to gn:e such consent. yet no one would example. prove to be better than A in a particular group of patients
...t. w to prcdudc trial' that might ofh:r improved Lhempie~ to these needy even if it is not~>ignificantly better overall.
lb PJUcm,. Clini~altriab '" children are particularly problematic but are The douhle-hlind 1eclmique, which means that neither subject
ted. oec-c,,JI) 11 the treatment of childhood di.,eases is to be placed on the same nor investigator is aware at the time of the assessment which
1e t11Jcnc~ bJ,c a' i' judged appropriate for adults. There are many example~
treatment is being used, is intended to minimise subjective bias.
~here~~pcncncc ha' >hown that children respond differently from adults.
:at nJ the~" now increa,ing prcs\urc on phannaceutical cornpanie~> to perform It has been repeated ly shown that, with the best will in the world,
;y have tn.ll> in ~hildrcn. dc,pitc the thfticulties of carrying out such S!Udies. The subjects and investigators both contribute to bias if they know
'ame cllnccrn' npply to tria ls in elderly patients. which treatment i~ which. so the use of a double-blind technique 93

is an important safeguard. It is not always possible. however. A regarded as clinically significant. For example, to detect that.
dietary regimen or a surgical operation, for example, can seldom given treatment reduces the mortality in a cenain condition b)
be disguised, and even with drugs, pharmacological effects may least I 0 percentage points, say from 50% (in the control group
reveal to patients what they arc taking and predispose them to report to 40% (in the treated group), would require 850 subject\
accordingl y. 10 In general, however, the use of a double-blind assuming that we wanted to achieve a 0.05 level of significan,
procedure, with precautions if neces~ary to disguise such clues as and a power of 0.9. If we were content only to reveal a reduct~
the taste or appearance of the two drugs, is an important principle. by 20 percentage points (and very likely miss a reduction ~
Maintaining the blind can be problematic. Ln an attempt to I0 points), only 2 10 s ubject~ would be needed. Tn this exampk
determine whether melatonin is effective in countering jet lag, a missing a real I 0-point reduction in mortality could re~uh 1
pharmacologiM selected a group of fellow pharmacologists abandonment of a treatment that would save I 00 lives for c1c
attending a cong ress in Australia, providing them with unlabelled 1000 patients treated-an extremely serious miqake from
capsules of melatonin or placebo, with a jet lag questionnaire point of view. T his simple example emphasises the need to
to fill in when they arrived. Many of them (one of the author<; clinical benefit (whic h is often difficult to quantify) in parall
included), with analytical resource~ easily to hand, opened the with statistical considerations (which are fairly straightforn.w:
capsules and consigned them to the bin on finding that they in planning trials.
contained placebo. Pharmacologists arc only human. T A trial may give a ignificant result before Jhe planned oumb<!r
pa1iem~ have been cnroUed. so i1 i~ common for interim analyses
carried out (by an mdependem Jearn ~o that the trial team n:
THE SIZE OF THE SAMPLE unaware of the reo;ults). If this analy'i' gives a conclusive result,
it show~ that continuati on is un li ~e l y to give a conclusive re\uli.
Both ethical and financial considerations dictate that the trial
trial can be terminated, thus reducing the number of !.ubjects 1e1t~d
should involve the minimum number of subjects, and much one \Uch large-scale trial (Beta-blocker Heart Attack Trial
Matistical thought has gone into the problem of deciding in Group. 1982) of the value of long-term treatmelll with th
advance how many subjects will be required to produce a useful adrenoceptor-blockmg drug propmnolol (Ch. 18) following hean
result. The results of a trial cannot, by their nature, be absolutely the interim results \howed a significant reduction in mortality. v.h~eh
to the early termination of the trial. In sequential trials, the reuh>
conclusive. This is because it is based o n a sample of patients,
computed case by case (each case being paired with a control) a~ the
and there is always a chance that the sample was atypical of the proceed~. and the trial Mopped as soon as a re'uh (at a prede1c~l
population from which it came. Two types of erroneous conclusion level of ~tgnificance) 1~ achieved.
are possible, referred to as type I and type 11 errors. A type I Variou~ 'hybrid' tri al designs, which have the advantage of sequc
error occurs if a difference is found between A and B when none tria ls in minimising the number of patients needed but do not
actually exists (false positive). A type TI error occurs if no difference ~trict pairing of ~ubjcc~. have b.:en de' i~ed (!>ee Friedman et al. I
is found although A and 8 do actually differ (false negative). A
major factor that determines the size of sample needed is the
degree of certainty the investigator seeks in avoiding either type
of error. The probability of incurring a type I error is expressed The measurement of clinical outcome can
as the significance of the result. To say that A and B are different business. and is becoming increasingly so as society
at the 0.05 level of significance means that the probability of more preoccupied with assessing the efficacy of thp,,.,,..,, .-
obtaining a false positive result (i.e. incuiTing a type I error) is procedures in terms of improved quality of life, societal
less than I in 20. For most purposes, this level of significance is economic benefit, rather than in terms of objective clinical
considered acceptable as a basis for drawing conclusions. such as lowering of blood pressure, improved airways curtuuc;...:~~
The probability of avoiding a type IT error (i.e. failing to or increased life expectancy. Various scales for a~sessing
detect a real diffe rence between A and 8) is termed the power of related quality of life' have been devised and tested (see
the trial. We tend to regard type TI errors more leniently than type et al., 1997; Walley & Haycocks, 1997), and the tendenc}
l errors, and trials are often designed with a power of 0.8-0.9. To combine these with measures of life expectancy to arri'e ~
increase the significance and the power of a trial requires more measure 'quality-adjubted life yean,' (QALYs) as an overall
patients. The second factor that determines the sample si7c of therapeutic efficacy, which attempts to combine both
required i!> the magnitude of difference between A and 8 that is time and relief from !-.uffering in assessing overall benefil

A'> may be imagined, trading off duration and quality of life rai..es
about which man) of U\ feel decidedly <;queamish. Not ~o economNs.
however. They approach the problem by a\king such que\ttons as: 'Ht
many yeu r' of life would you be prepared to sacrifice in order to live 1hr
0orhe distinction between a true pharmacological response anu a beneficial rest of your life free of the disability you arc currently experiencing''()
clinical effect produced by the knowledge (ha..ed on the pham1acological even more disturbingly: 'If you could gamble on sun iving free of
eftccts that the drug produCe\) that an acme drug is being administered h for your normal lifespan. or (if you lo~ the gamble) dytng immediille
not easy to draw. ond we should not expect a mere clinical trial to resolve what odds would you accept?' Imagine bemg asked thi'> by your dO<.'
94 such a line ~emantic issue. ' Btll I unly wanted something for my ~ore throat ' you protest weakly.

that a planning clinical trials, it i!\ necessary to decide the purpose of META-ANALYSIS
by at the trial in ad\'ance, and to define the outcome measures accordingly.
1' It i~ po''iblc. by the u\e of ~tatistical techniques. to combine the data
;roup) obtained in >everal indi\ idual trials (provided each ha.~ been conducted
1jects. according to a randomi<.ed design) in order to gain greater power and
FREQUENTIST AND BAYESIAN APPROACHES '>ignificancc. Tht\ procedure. ~:nown ~ mera-anclysis or oven'iew analnis,
Jction " The con,emional approach to analysis of scientific data (including can be \Cry uwful in arriving at a conclusion on the basis of se\Cmll
chrucal mah <iua)t\ knO\\-n ~ 'frequenust' and is based on a null hypothesi~. published triab. of "'hich >orne claimed superiority of the test treatment
) n b)
for t\ample ot the form tretllment A is no more effecthe than treatment over the control while others did not. A5 an objective procedure, it is
mplc. B ReJection of the h) pothesis implies tbar A is more effective than B. cenaml) preferable to the 'take your pick' approach to conclusion forming
ult in Suppo-e that a trial \hOW\, on average. that patients treated with A live adopted by mo\t human being' when confronted with contradictory data.
eve!) l1111~<r than patient\ treated with B. Conventional frequentist statistics It ha, ltC\Cral drawback>, however (see Naylor. 1997). the main one being
:iety's ..Jdre,,e, the que;tton: /fA were acwally no more effecrive than 8. whar 'publication bias', because negative studies are generally considered less
;, thr pmbabilm (P) of obtaining 11te results tluu were acwally tJblllined intcrc'>ling, and are therefore less likely to be published, than positive
m thr Ifill/? In other words, given that treatment A is no belter than B, \lud ic\. Double counting. cau~ed by the same data being incorpor.Jted into
:rrallel more th an one trial report. i' anmher problem.
ho11 ulten, had we repeated the trial ma ny times, would we have obtained
ward) r.:,ult, \uggeMing that A is better? If this probability is low (say Jess than
11.05), we reJeCt the null hypothesis and conclude thai A is most likely
better. II' P i\ larger. the re~ults could quite easily have been obtained
1ber of
llith\lut there being any true difference between A and B, and we cannot
'to be
reject the nul l hypmhc;is.
emains The o rga nisation of large-scale clinical trials invol ving hundreds
It, or if II ~~~ ha\e no prior rem,on for thinking that A will be belter than B, the or thousands of patie nts at many different centres is a massive
ult, the trequ~ntiM approach i' perfectly appropriate, and it is the usual principle and expensive undertaking that makes up one of the major costs
,ted. ln 1>n 11hich trial' of un~nown drug~ are ba>ed. But often. in real life. there
of developing a new drug, and can easily go wrong.
~arch 11111 be j;ood rca,on, ba;cd on previous trials or clinical experience. to
the f\- bche'c that A i\ actually better than B. Using a Bayesian approach allow~ One large trial (Anturane Reinfarction Trial Research Group,
anacks, th1' to bc taken into account formally and explicitly by defining a prior 1978) involved 1620 patients at 26 research centres in the USA
ucb led pro/tal>ih1,1 for the effect of A. The data from the new trial. which can be a nd Canada, 98 collaborating researchers, and a formidable list
ults are >l!lJller than a COO\entional trial. are then statistically superimposed on of organilting committees. including two independent audit
lbe trial the pnor probabilit) cune to produce a posterior probabiliry curve. in
committees to check that the work was being carried out in
tffect an update of the pnor probabilit) curve that takes account of the
ll(ll data The Ba)e,ian approach is controversial. depending as it does on
conformity with the strict protocols established. The conclusion
t\prt"'"!! the often \UbJCC:U\e prior assumption in e;~;plicit mathematical wa<, that the drug under test (sulfinpyrazone) reduced by almost
require term,, and the MaU\liCal <tnalysis is complex. Nevertheless. it can be one-half the mortality from repeat heart attacks in the 8-month
1996). argued that to ignore altllgether prior knowledge and experience when period after a fir~t anack, and could save many lives. The US
lnt(IJ'rellng ne11 data i' unJu,tified, and even unethical. and the Bayesian Food and Dntg Adminil>Ltation. however, refused to grant a
appnX~Ch j, wn'>l!<IUt:nt ly gaming acceptance, although most rrials are
'till bJ-ed 1ln lrequcnt"t principles.
licence for the usc of the drug, c riticising the trial as unreliable
and biased in several respects. Their independent analysis of
The princ1ple' underlying Bayesian approaches. which are being
lie a ted the data s howed the beneficial effect of the drug to be slight
maea"ngl)' upplicu to clinical trial~. are described by Spiegelhalter et al.
'Comes tl99<1) and Lilford & Braunholtz (2000). and insignificant. Further analysis and further trials, however,
tpeulic supported the ori ginal conclusion, but by then the efficacy of
al and aspirin in this condition had been established, so the use of
~ffects, PLACEBOS sultinpyra.wne never found favour.
tctance 'f \ placebo i' '' dummy medicine containing no active ingredient (or
health- ahcrnatively, a dummy >urgical procedure, diet. or other kind of
nmond thcrap.:utic intervention), which the patient believes is (or could be, in the BALANCING BENEFIT AND RISK
y is to ,om~xt of a controlled trial) the real thing. The 'placebo response' is
v.1J~I) bdie,ed to be a powerful therapeutic effect. producing a
:at the
tgmtkant bcnctkial effect in about one-third of patients. While many
leaSUJ'C Ehrlich recognised that a drug must be judged not only by its
c JnK"al trial\ include a placebo group that shows improvement, only a
urvival \1113ll mtnnnt} have compared this group with untreated control>. A useful propertiec,, but also by its toxic effects. and he expressed
tit. 11 In r.:.-ent >une) of the\e trial re\ult> (Hr6bjaruson & Grmsche. 200 I) the rherapetttic index of a drug in terms of the ratio between the
sbo<Aed that the placebo effect wa.' generally insignificant. except in the average minimum effective dose and the average maximum
.:ase of pam relief." here u "'~~mall but significant. The) concluded that tolerated dose in a group of subjects. i.e.
the popular belief in the >trength of the placebo effect is misplaced. and
probabl) reflect\ m pan the tendcnc} of many symptoms to improve Th . d Maximum non-toxic dose
i~sues ~ntJneou'l) and in pan the reporting bias of patient.~ v. ho want to erapeutlc 10 ex = Minimum effective dose
l\, plea-e the1r doctors. The ethical ca>e for using placebos as therapy, which
Ho"' ha> been the >UbJCCt ot much public discu>sion. may therefore be weaker Unfortunately, the variabi lity between individuals is not taken
e the than ha, been argued. The risk!. of placebo therapies should not be into account in this definition. Even if for a particular subject
~Or. undere,timnted. The U\e of active medicines may be delayed. The
the re is a large margin between the maximum tolerated dose and
habi lity n.:.;e,..:ll')i element of deception risks undermining the confidence of
p.lli~nt' tn the intcgrtty of doctors. A state of 'therapy dependence' may
minimum effective dose, individuals may vary widely in their
:tor. be pmJuccd in people who are not ill, because there is no way of sens itivity, so it is quite possible that the effective dose in some
y. u,\CI,ing whether n patient ~till needs' the plncebo. individuals wil l be toxic to others. 95

LD50 does not reflect toxicity in the therapeutic setting.

Clinical trials which produces unwanted effects bU rarely death.
ED50 is often not definable, because it depends on what
A clinical trial is a special type of bioassay measure of effectiveness is used. For example, the ED~o for (
done to compare the clinical efficacy of a new drug aspirin used for a mild headache is much lower than for f,
or procedure with that of a known drug or procedure aspirin as an antirheumatic drug. e
(or a placebo). Some very important form~ of toxicity arc idiosyncratic (i.t
Generally, the aim is a straight comparison of unknown only a small proportion of individuals are susceptible; sec
(A) with standard (B) at a single dose level. The result Ch. 53). ln other cases. toxicity depends greatly on the
may be: '8 better than A', '8 worse than A', or 'No clinical state of the patient. Thus propranolol is dangerOU\
difference detected'. Efficacy, not potency, is compared. an asthmatic patient in doses that are harmless to a nonnal
To avoid bias, clinical trials should be: individuaL More generally, we can say that wide indh.tdual
controlled (comparison of A with B, rather than variation (see Ch. 52) in either rhe effective dose or the tox..
study of A alone) dose of a drug makes it inherently less predictable, and
randomised (assignment of subjects to A or B on therefore less safe, allhough thi s is not reflected in the
a random basis) therapeutic index.
double-blind (neither subject nor assessor knows
whether A or 8 is being used) In conclusion. therapeutic index is of little value as a measure
Type I errors (concluding that A is better than 8 when the clinical usefulne1.s of a drug, It may have some relevance
the difference is actually due to chance) and type II a measure of the impunity with which an overdose ma) be g11
errors (concluding that A is no better than 8 because Thus one reason why the benLodiazepiues replaced barbitul'iL
a real difference has escaped detection) can occur; as hypnotic drugs (see Ch. 37) i!> that their therapeutic inde\
the likelihood of either kind of error gets less as the much greater. and they are much less likely to kill when taken
sample size and number of end-point events is accidental or deliberate overdose. Ironically. though, thalidorr
increased. - probably the mo~t harmful drug ever marketed-'.\
Interim analysis of data, carried out by an independent promoted specifically on the basis of its exceptionally h1
g roup, may be used as a basis for terminating a trial therapeutic index.
prematurely if the data are already conclusive, or if a Although therapeutic index expresses a valid general con.:t
clear result is unlikely to be reached. by emphasising the balance between risk and benefit, its p~euJ
All experiments on human subjects require approval quantitative precision is misleading. and it provides no mea'
by an independent ethical committee. of the usefulness of a drug.
Clinical trials require very careful planning and
execution, and are inevitably expensive.
Clinical outcome measures may comprise: OTHER MEASURES OF BENEFIT AND RISK
physiological measures (e.g. blood pressure, liver Alternative ways of quantifying the benefits and risk!. of dn.,
function tests) in clinical use have received much attention. One use
long-term outcome (e.g. survival) approach is to estimate from clinical trial data the proportion
subjective assessments (e.g. pain relief) test and control patients who will experience (a) a defined b
overall 'quality of life' measures of clinical benefit (e.g. survival beyond 2 years. pain relief lL
'quality-adjusted life years' (QALYs), which cenain predetermined level, slowing of cognitive decline b}
combine survival with quality of life
Meta-analysis ts a statistical technique used to pool
the data from several independent trials.
Determination of rtk and benefit

An often-quoted definition that aims to take into account Therapeutic index (lethal dose for 50% of the
individual variation is: population d ivided by effective dose for 50%)
provides a very crude measure of the safety of any
Therapeutic index= LD5ofEDso
drug as used in practice. Its main limitations are:
where LD50 is the dose that is lethal in 50% of the population, it is based on animal toxicity data, which may not
and ED50 is the dose that is effective' in 50%. reflect forms of toxicity or adverse reactions that
Thus defined, therapeutic index is intended to indicate the are important clinically
margin of safety in use of a drug, by drawing attention to the it takes no account of idiosyncratic toxtc reactions.
relationship between the effecti ve and toxic doses, but it has More sophisticated measures of risk-benefit analysis
obvious limitations and is therefore very rarely quoted as a for drugs in clinical use are coming into use, and
number. For many reasons, it is not a useful guide to the safety include the number needed to treat (NNT) principle.
96 of a drug in clinical usc.

gl\cn amount), and (b) ad ve~e e ffecll> o f de fined degree. The~e therapeutic choices. One advantage of this type o f a nalys is is that
Nlmate~ of proportions o f patie nt!> showing benefic ial o r it can take into account the underl ying disease severit) in
harmful reactions can be expressed as number needed to treat quantifying benefit. Thu-, if drug A halves the mortality of an
for t v,\T: i.e. the number of patients who need to be treated in order o ften fatal disease (reduc ing it from 50% to 25%, say), the NNT
lor one to show the given effec t, whether beneficial or adverse). For to save one life is 4; if drug 8 halves the mortality o f a rare ly
~xample. in a recent study of pain re lief by anti depressa nt drugs fatal disease (reducing it from 5% to 2.5%, say), the NNT to save
(i.e. compared with placebo, the finding~ were: for benefit (a defined one life is 40. Notwithstanding other considerations, drug A is
e bel of pain relief), NNT =
3; for mino r unwanted effects, NNT = judged to be more valuable than dru g B. eve n thoug h both
3; for major adverse effects, NNT 22. Thus of 100 pati ents reduce mortaJity by a half. Furthermore, the clinic ia n must
J~ to treated \\ith the drug, on a' erage 33 will experience pain re lie f. 33 reaJise that to save one life with dntg B. 40 patie nts must be
Ia! 111ll experience minor un wanted e ffects. and 4 or 5 wilJ experience exposed to a risk o f ad vcr-.c e ffecll>. w hereas only 4 are expo~ed
ual maJor adverse effecl~. infom1arion that is he lpful in g uiding for eac h life saved w ith drug A .


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' not


Absorption and
distribution of drugs

long-distance distribution system. In contra.<,t, diffu\iOill..

Overview 98 characteri!>tics differ markedly between different drugs. It
Translocation of drug molecules 98 particular, ability to cross hydrophobic diffusion barrier~
-The movement of drug molecules across strongly influenced by lipid solubility. Aqueous diffusion is al>.
cell barriers 98 part of the overall mechanism of drug transport, because it 11
-Binding of drugs to plasma proteins 102 this process that delivers drug molecules to and from the nll
-Partition into body fat and other tissues 103 aqueous barriers. The rate of diffusion of a substance depen-:
mainly on its molecular size, the diffusion coefficient for srru..:
Drug disposition 104 molecules being inversely proportional to the square root
Drug absorption 104 molecular weight. Consequently, while large molecule!> diffu>~
- Routes of administration 104 more slowly than small ones, the variarion with molecu lar wcigl:'
- Distribution of drugs in the body 108 is modest. Many drugs fa ll within the molecular weight r.tng.
200-1000, and variations in aqueous diffusion rate have onI)
Special drug delivery systems 110 small effect on their overall pharmacokinetic behaviour. For roo
purposes. we can regard the body as a series of interconnectt
well-stirred compartments within each of which the dru
concentration is uniform. l t is movement beLween compartmenh
generally involving penetration of non-aq ueous diffmiu
barriers, that determines where, and for how long, a drug will~
OVERVIEW present in the body after it has been administered. The anal)'
of drug movements with the help of a simple compartmenu
In order to work, drugs need to achieve an
model is discussed in Chapter 8.
adequate concentration in their target tissues. The
two fundamental processes that determine the
concentration of a drug at any moment and in any THE MOVEMENT OF DRUG MOLECULES
region of the body are: ACROSS CELL BARRIERS
translocation of drug molecules Cell membranes form the barriers between aqueous corr
chemical transformation. partrnents in the body. A single layer of membrane !>eparat:.
the intracellular from the extracellular compartments. 1.
In this chapter, we discuss drug translocation and
epithelial barrier, such as the gastrointestinal mucosa or ren
the factors that determine absorption and
tubule, consists of a layer of cells tightly connected to ea:.
distribution. These are critically important for
other so that molecules must traverse at least two cell mcmbran:
choosing appropriate routes of administration, and
(inner and outer) to pass from one side to the other. Vasco
this aspect is emphasised. Chemical transformation
endothelium is more complicated, its anatomical disposiu.
by drug metabolism and other processes involved
and permeability varying from one tissue to another. G
in drug elimination are described in Chapter 8.
between endothelial cells are packed with a loose matrix
proteins that act as filters, retaining large molecules ru:
TRANSLOCATION OF DRUG MOLECULES letting smaller ones through. The cut-off of molecular si~
is not exact: water transfers rapidly whereas molecules c
Drug molecules move around the body in two ways: 80 000- 100 000 Da transfer very slowly. In some orgat
especially the central nervous system (CNS) and the placeli
bulk flow (i.e. in the bloodstream)
there are tight junctions between the cells, and the endothcli
diffusion (i.e. molecule by molecule, over short distances).
is encased in an impermeable layer of periendothelial ce
The chemical nature of a drug makes no difference to its transfer (pericytes). These features prevent potentially harm!
98 by bulk flow. The cardiovascular system provides a rapid molecules from leaking from the blood into these org<~;.

and have major pharmaeokinetic consequences for drug

dl,tribUtiOn. 1 Diffusion
Diffusion through
In other organ~ (e.g. the liver and spleen) endothelium is through aqueous
dt..continuous. allowing free passage between cells. In the liver. lipid channel Carrier
hcpatOC)tes form the barrier between intra- and extravac;cular 0 0 0
companment:. and take on several endothelial cell functions.
Fene-.trated endothelium oceurc; in endocrine glands, facilitating I I
tran,fer to the bloodstream of hormones or other molecules 0
through pore~ in the endothelium. Angiogenesis of fenestrated
endothelium is controlled by a specific endocrine gland-derived MEMBRANE 1iii :iiiiiiilt: lti11i 'H
\ii...CUiarendothelial growth factor (dubbed EG-VEGF). Endothelial
cells lining postcapillary venules have specialised functions relating
iilllllill ;
Jsional to leucocyte migration and inflammation: the sophistication of INTRACELLULAR
y y
gs. ln 1he mterccllular junction can be appreciated from the observation
iers is
is also
,c it is
1e non-
r small
that leucocyte migration can occur without any detectable leak of
1\atcr or small ions (see Ch. 13).
Thcr~ arc four main ways by which small molecules cross cell
m~rnbrancs (Fig. 7.I):

by diffusing directly through the lipid

l Fig. 7.1

Routes by which solut es can traverse cell
membranes. (Molecules can also cross cellular barriers by

by dtiTusing through aqueous pores formed by special

root of
proteins ('aquaporin~') that traverse the lipid
diffuse temperature), and consequently diffuse readily across cell mem-
by combination with a transmembrane carrier protein that
weight branes. The number of molecules crossing the membrane per unit
bind\ a molecule on one side of the membrane then changes
t range area in unit time is determined by the permeabiliry coefficient, P.
conformation and relea:,es it on the other
only a and the concentration difference across the membrane. Permeant
b) pinOC}tO\i<,.
or most molecules must be pre!>ent within the membrane in -;ufficient
mected Of the~e routes. diffusion through lipid and carrier-mediated numbers and mu\t be mobile within the membrane if rapid
e drug tralllfiOrt arc panicularly important in relation to pharmacokinetic permeation ic; to occur. Thus two physicochemical factors contribute
tments. me~ham'm'. Diffusion through aquaporins (membrane glyco- toP. namely solubility in the membrane (which can be expressed
ffusion protein' that can be blocked by mercurial reagents such as para- as a partition coefficient for the substance distributed between the
will be hloromercurobentene sulfonate) is probably important in the membrane phase and the aqueous environment) and diffusivity,
malysis tran,ferof gase~ ~uch as carbon dioxide, but the pores are too small which is a measure of the mobility of molecules within the lipid
I mental tn dtameter (about 0.4 nm) to allow most drug molecules (which and is expressed as a diffusion coefficient. Among different drug
u~ually exceed 1 nm in diameter) to pass through. Consequently, molecules, the diffusion coefficient varies only slightly, as noted
drug distribution is not notably abnormal in patients with genetic above. so the most important variable is the partition coefficient
di,~asc~ affecting aquaporins. Pinocytosis involves invagination (Fig. 7.2). Consequently, there is a close correlation between
of pan of the cell membrane and the trapping within the cell of a lipid solubility and the permeability of the cell membrane to
'mall vesicle containing extracellular constituents. The vesicle differen t substances. For this reason, li pid solubility is one of the
s eom- contents can then be re lea~ed within the cell, or extruded from most important determinants of the pharrnacokinetic characteristics
:parates "'other .,ide. This mechanism appears to be important for the of a drug, and many properties-such as rate of absorption from
us. An tr.tn,pon of some macromolecules (e.g. insulin, which crosses the gut, penetration into the brain and other tissues, and lhe
)r renal ~11: blood {)rain banier by this process), but not for small molecules. extent of renal elimination--can be predicted from knowledge of
to each Diflu,ion through lipid and carrier-mediated transport will now a drug's lipid solubility.
nbranes 1>e di,cu\\ed in more detail.
iascular pH and ionisation
position One important complicating factor in relation to membrane
DIFFUSION THROUGH LIPID permeation b that many drugs are weak acids or bases, and
r. Gaps
atrix of :-.on-polar moleculel> (in which electrons are uniformly distributed) therefore cxi!>l in both unionised and ionised form, the ratio of
les and di,,ohe freely in membrane lipids (which are liquid at body the two forms varying with pH. For a weak base. the ionisation
Jar size reaction is
ules of
1laeenta. Th1' i' illu,trated by waan and spec1es differences. For example, collie dogs
l:x:k the rnuiL1drug re,bt<lnce gene (mdrl) and a P-glycoprmein that contributes and the dissociation constant pK, is given by the
tmpon~ntl} to the blood- brain bnrrier ('ee p. I02), with important Henderson-Hasselbalch equation
ial cells ,on,cqucncc' for veterinary medicine because ivermectin (an anthelminthic
harmful [BWl
drug. Ch. 50. p. 715) i' con,equcntly severely neurotoxic in the many
bre~tb with collie ancewy (sec Mealey et al., 200t; Neff et al., 2004).
pK" = pH + log1 0 [B] 99

pH partition and ion trapping

I AJ .----------,-.....------,

Compartment 1
Membrane Compartment 2
Ionisation affects not only the rate at which drugs
membranes but also the steady-state distribution of drug molccu
between aqueous compartments, if a pH difference exislS
them. Figure 7.3 shows how a weak acid (e.g. aspirin. pK. l '
and a weak base (e.g. pethidine, pK, 8.6) would be distributcJ
equilibrium between three body compartments, name!} pl~r
(pH 7.4). alkaline urine (pH 8) and gastric juice (pH 3). \Vith-
each compartment, the ratio of ionised to unionised drug
c governed by the pK. of the drug and the pH of that compartmt
g It is as~umed that the unionised species can cross the membra .
8 and therefore reaches an cquaJ concentration in each comparrme
The ionised species is assumed not to cross at aJI. The rc,ub 1
that, at equilibrium, the totaJ (ionised + unionised) concentratil
High lipid solubility of the drug wi ll be different in the two compartments, with
acid ic drug being concentrated in the compartment wi th highpH
('ion trapping'), and vice versa. T he concentration gradients proo
Compartment 1 Membrane Compartment 2 uced by ion trappi ng can theoreticaJ ly be very large if then: j,
(extracellular) (intracellular)
E[ large pH difference between compartments. Thus aspirin would~
01 concentrated more than fourfold with respect to plasma in
2 alkaline renal tubule, and about 6000-fold in plasma with re'~
0 to the acidic gastric contents. Such large gradients are, howe1.
.Q unlikely to be achieved in reaJity for two main reasons. FiN.
ca> attribution of total impenueability to the charged species "
realil.tic, and even a ~mall permeability will considerably 3IL
8 uate the concentration difference that can be reached. Soo
c, _________ j lc.t
body compartments rarely approach equilibrium. Neither
gastric contents nor the renal tubular fluid stands still. and
Low lipid solubility resulting flux of drug molecules reduces the concen
Fig. 7.2 The importance of lipid solubility in membrane
gradients well below the theoretical equilibrium condition Th
permeation. and ~ Figures show the concentration profile pH partition mechanism nonetheJess correctly explains SO!Ik
in a lipid membrane separating two aqueous compartments. A the qualitative effects or pH changes in different body comp..;
lipid-soluble drug (A) is subject to a much larger transmembranje ments on the pharmacokinetics of weakJy acidic or basic dru
concentration gradient (6C,.,) than a lipid-insoluble drug (B). It particu larly in relation to renal excretion and to penetration ofUt
therefore diffuses more rapid ly, even though the aqueous
blood- brain barrier.
concentration gradient (C 1-C.J is the same in both cases.
pi I partition is not the main determinant of the site
absorption of drugs from the gastrointestinal tract. This is becau
the enormous absorptive s urface area of the villi and microvilli
the ileum compared with the much smaller surface area in lh
For a weak acid: stomach i!> of overriding importance. Thus absorption of an an
K. drug such as as pirin is promoted by drugs lhat accelerate ga.1t
AH ~A+ W emptying (e.g. m etoclopramide; see pp. 392-393) and retaro.
by drugs that s low gastric emptying (e.g. propantheline: ,
pK. = pH + log10 [A-] p. 395), dc!>pite the fact that the acidic pH of the stomach c.
tents favours absorption of weak acids. VaJues of pK. for-.
In either ca~e. the ionised species. BH+ or A-. bas very low lipid common drugs are shown in Figure 7.4.
solubility and is virtually unable to permeate membranes except There are <;everal important consequences of pH partition.
where a specific transport mechanism exists. The lipid solubility
of the uncharged species. B or AH. depends on the chemical Urinary acidification accelerates excretion of weak basesw
nature of the drug: for many drugs, the uncharged species i<; retard<, that of weak acids.
sufficiently lipid-soluble to permit rapid membrane permeation, Urinary alkalinisation has the opposite effects: it reduce~
although there are exceptions (e.g. aminogJycosidc antibiotics; excretion or weak bases and increases excretion or weak oo
see Ch. 46) where even the uncharged molecule is insufficiently lncrca<;ing plasma pH (e.g. by administration of sodium
lipid-soluble to cross membranes appreciably. This is usually bicarbonate) causes weakly acidic drugs to be extracted fro
because of the occurrence of hydrogen-bonding groups (such as the CNS into the plasma. Conversely, reducing plasma pH
hyd roxyl in sugar moieties in ami noglycosides) that render the (e.g. by adm inis tration of a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor su.
......----- unc harged molecule hydrophilic. as acetazo la mide; see p. 375) causes weakJy acidic drugs t

meate Gastric juice Plasma Urine

ecules pH3 pH 7.4 pH 8
I 3.5): >400
tted a t
las rna
,\I thin Aspirin
rug is
Weak acid
uncnt. pK8 3.5
brane .
~ult i<>
c: U ndissociated
tration 0
rith an ~ < 0.1 AH...____.._.....
gh pH c<ll
Fig. 7.3 Theoretical partition of
, prod- () ~----------------+-----------------~--------------~
:re is a a weak acid (aspirin) and a w eak
base (pethidine) between aqueous >
uld be
compartments (urine, plasm a a nd ~
in an gastric juice) according to the pH
-espect difference between them .
wever. Numbers represent relative
rst. Lhe coocentrattons (total plasma Pethidine
concentration= 100). It is assumed
is not
that the uncharged species in each Weak base
auen- case can permeate the cellular pK8 8.6
oecond. battier separating the

1er Lhe compartments, and therefore
100 Protonated base B
reaches the same concentration in
md the
1. The
ome of
all three. Variat1ons in the fractional
IOfllsation as a function of pH give
nse to the large total concentration
differences w1th respect to plasma. - L______!,_.______!....._-
D : "-6

1 of the

~ite of Bases Acids

>ecau se Weak
willi in Chloroqu lne -.......JtT.l~~rr'!:l',-'':;;"'i

1 in Lhe Desmethyllmipramlne Ascorbic acid

1 acidic Amphetam ine 11
gastric Atropine
Histam ine 10
ne: see 9
:b con- Phenytoin
lr some 8 Thiopental
Noradrenaline (norepinephrine) 7
Morphine 6
.es and Ergometrine

:es 4
Aspi ri n
Probenec id
m 3
-d from
2 Levodopa
tpH Fig. 7.4 pK1 values for some
.or suc h acidic and basic drugs.
11gs to

become concentrated in the CNS, increasing their binding to plasma proteins

neurotoxicity. This has practical consequences in choosing a partition into body fat and other tissues.
means to alkalinise urine in treating aspirin overdose (see
p. 119): bicarbonate and acetazolamide each increase urine
pi I and hence increase salicylate elimination, but bicarbonate
reduce~ whereas acetazolamide increases distribution of
salicylate to the C S. At therapeutic concentrations in plasma, many drugs exist maud~
in bound form. The fraction of drug that is free in aqueous soluua
can be as low as I %. the remainder being associated with pJa,m;
protein. It is the unbound drug that is pharmacologically acmt
Many cell membranes possess specialised transport mechanisms The most important plasma protein in relation to drug binding
that regulate entry and exit of physiologically important albumin. which binds many acidic drugs (e.g. warfarin (~<.
molecules, such as sugars, amino acids, neurotransmitters and p. 338), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, sulfonamide
metal ions. Generally. such transport systems involve a carrier and a smaller number of basic drugs (e.g. tricyclic antidepressan
molecule, i.e. a tran smembrane protein that binds one or more and chlorprom azine: sec p. 55 J). Other plasma protein
molecules or ions, changes conformation. and releases them on including ~-g lobulin and an acid glycoprotein that increases i
the other side of the membrane. Such systems may operate purely inflammatory disease, have also been implicated in the bindin,
passively, without any energy source; in this case, they merely of certain basic drugs, such as qui nine (see p. 706).
facilitate the process of transmembrane equilibration of the tran s- The amount of a drug that is bound to protein depends on thrtt
ported species in the direction of its electrochemical gradient, factors:
and the mechanism is called facilitated diffusion. Alternatively,
the concen tration of free drug
they may be coupled to the electrochemical gradient of Na+: in
its affinity for the binding sites
this case, transport can occur against an electrochernicaJ gradient
the concentration of protein.
and is called active transport. Carrier-mediated transport, because
it involves a binding step, shows the characteristic of saturation. As a first approximation, the binding reaction can be regarll
With simple diffusion. the rate of transport increases directly in as a simple association of the drug molecules with a fin
proportion to the concentration gradient, whereas with carrier- population of binding sites. exactly analogous to drug-recep!
mediated transport the carrier sites become saturated at high ligand binding (see Ch. 2).
concentrations and the rate of transport does not increase beyond
this point. Furthermore, competitive inhibition of transport can
occur in the presence of a second ligand that binds the carrier.
Carriers of this type are ubiquitous, and many pharmacological Movement of drugs across cellular
effects are the result of interference with them. Thus nerve barriers
terminals have transport mechanisms for accumulating specific
neurotransmitters, and there are many examples of drugs that act To traverse cellular barriers (e.g. gastrointestinal
by inhibiting these tran sport mechanisms (see Chs 10, 11 and 32). mucosa, renal tubule, blood-brain barrier, placenta),
From a general phannacokinetic point of view, however, there drugs have to cross lipid membranes.
are only a few sites where carrier-mediated drug tran sport is Drugs cross lipid membranes mainly (a) by passive
important, the main ones being: diffusional transfer and (b) by carrier-mediated transfer.
The main factor that determines the rate of passive
the blood- brain barrier
diffusional transfer across membranes is a drug's lipid
the gastrointestinal tract
solubility. Molecular weight is less important.
the renal tubule
Many drugs are weak acids or weak bases; their state
the biliary tract
of ionisation varies with pH according to the
the placenta.
Henderson-Hasselbalch equation.
P-glycoprotein (the drug transporter responsible for multidrug With weak acids or bases, only the uncharged
re~istance in neopla!>tic cells; p. 731) is present in ren al tubular species (the protonated form for a weak acid, the
brush border membranes, in bile canaliculi. in astrocyte foot unprotonated form for a weak base) can diffuse
processes in brain microvessels, and in the gastrointestinal tract. across lipid membranes; this gives rise to pH partitior
It plays an important part in absorption. distribution and elimination pH partition means that weak acids tend to
of many drugs. The characteristics of transport systems are accumulate in compartments of relatively high pH,
discussed later, when patterns of distribution and eliminati on in whereas weak bases do the reverse.
the body as a whole arc considered more fully. Carrier-mediated transport (e.g. in the renal tubule,
Tn addition to the processes so far described, which govern blood-brain barrier, gastrointestinal epithelium) is
the transport of drug molecules across the barriers between important for some d rugs that are chemically related
different aqueous compartments, two additional factors have a to endogenous substances.
major influence on drug distribution and elimination. These arc:

D + s DS so can cause hannful effects by displacing other drugs or, in

free binding complex premature babies. bilirubin (Ch. 52, p. 747). Much has been
drug site made of binding inter.1ctions of this kind as a source of untoward
drug interactions in clinical medicine, but this type of
The u~ual concentration of albumin in plasma is about 0.6 mmoVl competition is les~ important than was once thought (see Ch. 52).
(4g1100ml). With two sites per albumin molecule, the drug-
, main!) bindmg capacity of plasma albumin would therefore be about
11 mmol/1. For moq drugs. the total plasma concentration required
plasma TISSUES
for a climcal effect is much less than 1.2 mmoVL so with usual
' active. therapeutic do,es the binding sites are far from saturated, and the Fat represents a large, non-polar compartment. In practice, this is
nding is concentration bound [DSJ varies nearly in direct proportion to important for only a few drugs, mainly because the effective
in [see the free concentration lDJ. Under these conditions, the fraction fat:water partition coefficient is relatively low for mo!.t drugs.
ami des) oound, IDSI!(IDJ + lDSJ), is independent of the drug concen- Morphine (see p. 596), for example, although quite lipid-soluble
ressants tmtion. However, some drugs, for example tolbutamide (Ch. 26) enough to cross the blood-brain barrier, has a lipid:water partition
roteins. and some sulfonamides (Ch. 46), work at plasma concentrations coefficient of only 0.4, so sequestration of the drug by body fat
!ases in at \\hich the binding to protein is approaching saturation (i.e. on is of little importance. T hiopental (p. 532), by comparison
binding the tlat part of the binding curve). This means that adding more (fat:watcr partition coefficient approximately 10), accumulates
drug to the pla~ma increases its free concentration disproportion- substanti al ly in body fat. This has important consequences that
on three ately. Doubling the dose of such a dmg can therefore more than limit its usefulness as an intravenous anaesthetic to short-term
uoublc the frl!e (pharmacologically active) concentration. This is initiation ('induction') of anaesthesia (Ch. 36).
lllu,trated in Figure 7.5. The ~:.econd factor that limits the accumulation of drugs in
Bmding sites on plasma albumin bind many different drugs, so body fat is its low blood supply-less than 2% of the cardiac
compctllion can occur between them. If two drugs (A and B) output. Consequently, drugs are delivered to body fat rather slowly,
compete m this way. admini!>tration of drug B can reduce the and the theoretical equilibrium distribution between fat and body
egarded protem bmdmg, and hence increase the free plasma concentration, water is approached slowly. For practical purposes. therefore,
a finite ol drug A. To do this. drug B needs to occupy an appreciable partition into body fat when drugs are given acutely is important
receptor lracuon of the bmding sites. Few therapeutic drugs affect the only for a few highly lipid-soluble drugs (e.g. general anae!.thetics:
hmdmg of other drugs because they occupy, at therapeutic Ch. 36). When lipid-soluble drugs arc given chronically, however,
rl.t,ma concentrations, only a tiny fraction of the available sites. accumulation in body fat is often significant (e.g. benzodiazepines:
Sulfonamide' (Ch. 46) are an exception, because they occupy Ch. 37). Furthennore, there are some environmental contaminants
JOOUt 50</r of the binding sites at therapeutic concentrations and ('xenobiotics'). such as insecticides. that are poorly metabolised.
If ingested regularly, 1.ucb xenobiotics accumulate slowly but
progressively in body fat.
Body fat is not the only tissue in which drugs can accumulate.
800 100
C hlor oquine- -an antimalarial drug (Ch. 49) used additionally to
ta), s
0 s0 treat rheumatoid arthritis (Ch. 14)-has a high affinity for melanin
~ and is taken up by tissues such as retina that are rich in melanin
ve c I
0 600 I c granules, which may account for the retinopathy that can occur
1sfer. ~
I .;::;
ve c: I

ilipid I 0
8 400
c I
I 50 0
Binding of drugs to plasma proteins
state c
0 I
N I 0

I <0
3 Plasma albumin is most important; ~-globulin
>. I .0
and acid glycoprotein also bind some drugs.
Q) 200 I
Free >-
c. I .c Plasma album1n binds mainly acidic drugs
I a.
,, (approximately two molecules per albumin molecule).
c CJ)
__ .... , , ~ Basic drugs may be bound by ~-globulin and acid
200 400 600 800 Saturable binding sometimes leads to a non-linear
-!, Total phenylbutazone relation between dose and free (active) drug
concentration (f.lmoVI)
fe, Fig. 7.5 Binding of phenylbutazone to plasma albumin. Extensive protein binding slows drug elimination
The graph shows the disproportionate increase in free (metabolism and/or glomerular filtration).
concentration as the total concentration increases, owing to
Competition between drugs for protein binding can
the bindlllg sites approaching saturation. (Data from Brodie 8,
Hogben C A M 1957 J Pharm Pharmacol 9: 345.) lead, rarely, to c linically important drug interactions.
during prolonged treatment of patients with rheumatoid disease. by the ionisation and lipid solubility of the drug molecule
Tetracyclines (Ch. 46) accumulate slowly in bones and teeth, Figure 7.7 shows the absorption of a series of weak acid~.
because they have a high affinity for calcium, and should not be base'> as a function of pK. A'S expected, strong bases of pK, I
used in children for this reason. Very high concentrations of or higher are poorly absorbed, as are strong acids of pK.Ie~\
a miodaro ne (an antidysrhythmic drug: Ch. 18) accumulate in 3, because they are fully ionised. The arrow poison curare
li\er and lung. where they can cause adverse effects of (respectively) by South American Indians contained quaternary ammom~
hepatitb and interstitial fibrosis. compound.' that block neuromuscular transmission (Ch. 10). ~
strong ba~es are poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal IIi
so the meat from animals killed in this way was safe to eat
DRUG DISPOSITION There are a few instances where intestinal absorption depe
on carrier-mediated transport rather than simple lipid diffu,
We will now con~ider how the physical processes described Examples include levodopa. used in treating Parkinson's di~ea
above-diffusion, penetration of membranes, binding to plasma (sec Ch. 35), which is taken up by the carrier that normal!
protein, and partition into fat and other tissues-influence the transports phenylalanine, and fluorouracil (Ch. 51), a cytoto\.
overall disposition of drug molecules in the body. Drug disposition drug that is transported by the system that carries natu~
is divided into four stages: pyrimidines (thymine and uracil). Iron is absorbed via specih
absorption from the site of administration carriers in the surface membranes of jejunal mucosa, and calciu
distribution within the body is absorbed by means of a vitamin D-dependent carrier sy\tem
excretion. Factors affecting gastrointestinal absorption
Typically, about 75% of a drug given orally is absorbed in 1-3
Absorption and distribution arc considered here. metabolism and but numerous factors alter this, some physiological and 'orne
excretion in Chapter 8. The main routes of drug administration do with the formulation of the drug. The main factor<> are:
and elimination are shown schematically in Figure 7.6.
gastrointe'\tinal motility
splanchnic blood flow
particle ~i;e and formulation
physicochemical factors.
Ga,trointel>tinal motility has a large effect. Many disorder\ (l
Absorption is defined as the passage of a drug from its site of migraine, diabetic neuropathy) cause gastric stasis and slo" d:'-
administration into the plasma. It is therefore important for all absorption. Drug treatment can also affect motility, either redu~o
routes of administration, except intravenous injection. There arc (e.g. dmgt.that block muscarinic receptors: sec Ch. I0) or increa'
instances, such a.~ inhalation of a bronchodilator aerosol to treat it (e.g. metoclopramide, an antiemetic used in migraine to facilit.
asthma (Ch. 23), where absorption as just defined is not required absorption of analgesic). Excessively rapid movement of!
for the drug to act, but in most cases the drug must enter plasma contents (e.g. in some forms of diarrhoea) can impair absorpii~X
before reach ing its site of action. Conversely, a drug taken after a meal is often more slo"l
The main routes of administratio n are: absorbed because its progress to the small intestine is deluyc
oral There are exceptions, however, and several drugs (e.g. nW1n"'" 111"
sublingual see p. 16) reach a higher plasma concentration if they are
rectal after a meal, probably because food increases splanchnic
application to other epithelial surfaces (e.g. skin. cornea, flow. Conversely, splanchnic blood flow is greatly reduced
vagina and nasal mucosa) hypovolaemia or heart failure, with a resultant reduction of
inhalation absorption.
injection Particle site and formulation have major effects on ab~orpr
-subcutaneous In 1971, patient~ in a New York hospital were found to req
-intramuscular unusually large maintenance doses of digoxin (Ch. 18). 1,
- intravenous Mudy on normal volunteers, it was found that standard
-intrathecal. tablets from different manufacturers resulted in grossly di
pla~ma concentrations (Fig. 7.8), even though the digoxin
of the tablets was the same, because of differences in
size. Because digoxin is rather poorly absorbed, small d
Most drugs are taken by mouth and swallowed. Liule absorption in the pharmaceutical formulation can make a large difference
occurs until the drug enters the small intestine. the extent of absorption.
Therapeutic drugs are formulated pharmaceutically to
Drug absorption from the intestine desired absorption characteristics. Capsules may be de~igned
The mechanism of drug absorption is lbe same as for other remain intact for some hours after ingestion in order to
epithelial barriers, namely passive transfer at a rate determined absorption, or tablets may have a resistant coating to give

'and Administration Absorption and distribution Elimination
r. 10
,than ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - Bile ~ ----- -
used .' A ',
' I
nium , _ ~ Portal __ Liver _____ -:-" ~
These y 1 system Metabolites , ....__ _..
tract. Oral or rectal --- --~ Gut ---------- -~ ~
t I
. - - ,..
, ,,:!--------- -- -~ Faeces

:x:nd'> :...
t I I
, , ,'

Jsion. , , ,, ,,
Percutaneous - - Sk1n , ,
sease ~, ,
mally ,
arural Intravenous ----------------,., PLASMA - ,... Breast, sweat glands - -- Milk,
~-- sweat
ecific ......... : ......
Gcium ,' ,' ;f
k '' ,' ,'
Intramuscular -- )too Muscle - ~ ,~, & I
Brain ,': ":' 1
n J
, ""T I I
, I y
hour;, ,~ ,',' Placenta
Intrathecal - - - - - - ~ CSF ,':
me to ,,
,, ,,
: ,; Fetus
Inhalation - - - - -- - -~
Lung - - - -- - - - - ------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - air

Fig. 7.6 The main routes of drug administration and eliminat ion.

easing 'ame effect. In ~ome cases, a mixture of s low- and fast-release not only increase the dose interval but also reduce adverse effects
;iii tate p;tmcle~" included in a capsule to produce rapid blll sustained related to high peak plasma concentrations following administration
)f gut .tbo;orplion. More elaborate pharmaceutical systems include various of a conventional formulation (e.g. flushing following regular
-ptlon. mlldifictl release preparations (e.g. a long-acting form of oifedipine, nifedipine). Osmotically driven 'minipumps' can be implanted
;Jowly \C~ pp. ~95 296, that permits once-daily use). Such preparations expcrimcmally, and some oral extended-release preparations that
layed. are used clinically use the same principle, the tablet containing
molol; an osmotically active core and being bound by an impermeable
taken membrane with a precisely engineered pore to allow drug to exit
blood in solution, delivering drug at an approximately constant rate into
:ed by the bowel lumen. Such preparations may, however, cause problems
,f drug related to high local concentrations of drug in the intestine (an
osmotically released preparation of the anti-inflammatory drug
rption. indome tacin, Ch. 14, had to be withdrawn because it caused
-equire s mall bowel perforation). and are subject to variations in small
. In a bowel tranl.it time that occur during ageing and with disease .
igoxin Physicochemical factors (including some drug interactions;
fferem 5 Ch. 52) affect drug absorption. Tetracycline binds strongly to
:on tent Ca2+, and calcium-rich foods (especially milk) prevent its absorption
article 2 (Ch. 46). Bile acid- binding resins such as colest yramine (used
rences to treat diarrhoea caused by bile acids) bind several drugs, for
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
!nee to example wa rfarin (Ch. 2 1) and thyroxine (Ch. 29).
When drugs are administered by mouth. the intention is
Fig. 7.7 Absorption of drugs from the intestine, as a usually that they should be absorbed and cause a systemic effect,
function of pK., for acids and bases. Weak acids and bases
rned to bul there arc exceptions. Vancomycin (p. 674) is very poorly
are well absorbed; strong acids and bases are poorly absorbed. J
delay {Redrawn from Schanker L Setal. 1957 J Pharrnacol 120: 528l_} absorbed. and is administered orally to eradicate toxin-forming
ive the Clostridium dijficile from the gut lumen in patients with 105

individual on a particular occasion, and F determined in a

l of healthy volunteer subjects may differ substantially from Itt

value determined in patients with diseases of gastrointestinal
circulatory systems.
Even with these caveats. the concept is of limited u e beaux
it relate~ only to the total proportion of the drug that reache'
~y~temic circulation and neglects the rate of absorption. If a
i!> completely absorbed in 30 minutes, it will reach a much
peak pl~ma concentration (and have a more dramatic effect)
if it were absorbed more slowly. For these reasons, regul:u
authorities- which have to make decisions about the licensing
products that are 'generic equivalents' of patented products-
2 3 4 5 importance on cvide11Ce of bioequivalence, i.e. evidence that~
Hours new product behaves sufficiently similarly to the existing one
Fig. 7.8 Variation in oral absorption among different be substituted for it without causing clinical problems.
formulations of digoxin. The four curves show the mean
plasma concentrations attained for the four preparations, each
of which was given on separate occasions to four subjects. SUBLINGUAL ADMINISTRATION
The large variation has caused the formu lation of digoxin
tablets to be standardised since this study was published. Absorption directly from the oral cavity is sometimes usel
(From Lindenbaum J et al. 1971 N Engl J Med 285: 1344.) (provided the drug does not taste too horrible) when a
response is required, particularly when the drug is either
at gastric pi I or rapidly metabolised by the liver. Glyceryl
is an example of a drug that is often given sublingually (Ch '
pseudomembranoul> colitis (an adverse effect of broad-spectrum Drugs absorbed from the mouth pass directly into the sy,te
anri~ticl> caused by appearance of this organism in the bowel). circulation without entering the portal system, and so
M esalaz ine (p. 395) is a fommlation of 5-arninosalicylic acid in first-pass metabolism by enzymes in the gut wall and li,er.
a pH-dependent acrylic coat that degrades in the terminal ileum
and proximal colon, and is used to treat inflammatory bowel
disease affecting this part of the gut. Olsalazine (p. 395) is a
prodrug consisting of a dimer of two molecules of 5-aminosalicylic Rectal administration is used for drugs that are required either
acid that is cleaved by colonic bacteria in the distal bowel and is produce a local effect (e.g. anti-inflammatory drugs for u...:
used to treat patients with distal colitis. ulcerative colitis) or to produce systemic effects. Absorpt
following rectal administration is often unreliable, but this root
Bioavailability can be useful in patients who are vomiting or are unable to tal
To get from the lumen of the small intesti ne into the systemic medication by mouth (e.g. postoperatively). It is used to admini~
circulat io n, a drug must not only penetrate the intestinal mucosa, diazcJ>am to chi ldren who arc in status epilepticus (Ch. 401,
it must also run the gauntlet of enzymes that may inactivate it in whom it is difficult to establish intravenous access.
gut wall and liver. The term bioavailability (F) is used to indicate
the fraction of an orally administered dose that reaches the
syMemic circulation as intact drug, taking into account both
ab~orption and local metabolic degradation. F is measured by Cutaneous administration
determining the plasma drug concentration versus time curves in Cutaneous administration is used when a local effect on the
a group of subjects following oral and (on separate occasions) i required (e.g. topically applied steroids). Appreciable
intravenous administration (the fraction absorbed following an may nonetheless occur and lead to systemic effects.
intravenous dose is I by definition). The areas under the plasma Most drugs are absorbed very poorly through unbroken
concentration time cunes (AUC) are used to estimate F as However, a number of organophosphate insecticides (see Ch.
AUC,....lAUC,,,""""" AUC is estimated using the trapezoidal which need to penetrate an insect's cuticle in order to work.
rule', by calculating the area under each pair of data points as a absorbed through skin. and accidental poisoning occurs in
trapezoid (i.e. a rectangle with a triangle on top). The areas of all workers.
the trapctoids are ~ummed, and the area from the last point to T A ca~e i~ recounted of a 35-year-old floriM in 1932. 'While eng.ag!d._
infinite time is estimated as clasllk. where clasl is the la!>t doing a light electrical repair job at a work bench he sat down in
measured concentration and k is the elimination rate constant of on the 'teat of which some "Nico-Fume liquid .. (a 40% soluuon
the slowest elimination phase. Bioavailability is not a characteristic nicotine) had been ~pilled. He felt the solution wet through his cloth-
the ~kin over the left buttock, an area about the size of the palm ol
solely of the drug preparation: variations in enzyme activity of
hand. He thought nothing further of it and continued at hi~ work for
gut wall or liver, in gastric pH or intestinal motility all affect it. 15 minute~. when he was suddenly seized witb nausea and faintne<
Because of this. one cannot speak strictly of the bioavailability of and found him~elf in a drench ing sweat. On the way to hospital he
106 a particu lar preparation, but only of that preparation in a given com.ciousncsft.' He survived, just. and then 4 days later: on

group lfllm the ho,p1tal he wa\ gi' en the same clothes that he had worn when ammonium ion analogue of atropine. It is used as an inhaled
)ID the ht \\a' brought in. The clothe~ had been kept in a paper bag and were bronchodilator because its poor absorption minimises systemic
'ull damp\\ here they had been wet with the nicotine solution.' The ~equel adverse effects.
1nal or
\\a' prcdi,tabl~ He \Uf\ ived again but felt thereafter unable to enter a
grtcnhou...: where mcotine w~ being sprayed'. Transdcrmal dosage
ecause fomt' of nicotine are no'~ u..ed to reduce the withdrawal symptoms that ADMINISTRATION BY INJECTION
1es the aw11npan) \toppmg ~moking (Ch. 54).
a drug Imravenous injection is the fa~test and most certain route of drug
higher Tran-.dcrmal do. age forms. in which the drug is incorporated in administration. Bolu~ injection produces a very high concentration
:t) than a ,uc~-on patch applied to the ~kin. are used increasingly, and of drug, fi~t in the right heart and lungs and then in the systemic
Jlatory \C\erJI drugs-for example oestrogen for hormone replacement circulation. The peak concentration reaching the tissues depends
sing of (Ch. 30)-arc available in this form. Such patches produce a critically on the rate of injection. Administration by steady intra-
s-lay steady rate of drug delivery and avoid presystemic metabolism. venous infusion avoids the uncertainties of absorption from other
hat the Ho,,ever, the method is suitable only for lipid-soluble drugs and sites, whi le nvoiding high peak plasma concentrations cauc;ed
one to i' relatively expensive. by bolus injection. Drugs given intravenously include several
antibiotics, anaesthetics such as propofol (Ch. 36), and d iazepam
Nasal sprays for patients with status epilepticus (Ch. 40).
Some peptide hormone analogues, for example of antidiuretic Subcutaneous or intramuscular injection of drugs usually
hormone (Ch. 24) nnd of gonadotrophin-releasing honnone (see produces a faster effect than oral administration, but the rate of
useful Ch. 30). are given as nasal sprays, as is calcitonin (Ch. 31). absorption depends greatly on the site of injection and on local
t rapid Ab~orption i'> believed to take place through mucosa overlying blood flow. The rate-limiting factors in absorption from the
ll!>table na,al-aS\ociated lymphoid tissue. This is similar to mucosa injection site arc:
nitrate O\crlying Peyer\ patche!. in the small intestine, which is also
diffusion through the tissue
:h. I 8). UDU\UUII) penncablc.
removal by local blood flow.
escape Eye drops Ab!.orption from a site of injection is increased by increased
r \l.m) drug~ are applied as eye drops, relying on absorption blood flow. Hyaluronidase (an enzyme that breaks down the
through the epithelium of the conjunctival sac w produce their intercellular matrix, thereby increasing diffusion) also increases
eiTcXt\. Dc.,irable local effects within the eye can be achieved drug absorption from the site of injection. Conversely, absorption
1\tthout cau.,ing syMemic side effects; for example. dorzolamide i!. reduced in patients with circulatory failure ("shock') in whom
ither to '' a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor that is given as eye drops to tissue perfusion is reduced (Ch. 19).
use in lm\CT ocular pressure in patients with glaucoma. It achieves this
orption 1\tthout affecting the kidney (see Ch. 24), thus avoiding the Methods for delaying absorption
~route J(ldlhiS that is cau~ed by oral administration of acetazolamide. lt may be desirable to delay absorption. either to produce a local
to take Some ~y.,temic absorption from the eye occurs, however, and can effect or to prolong systemic action. For example, addition of
ninister rNth in unwanted effects (e.g. bronchospasm in asthmatic patients adrenaline (epin ephrine)-see p. 177-to a local anaesthetic
40), in u'ing timolol eye drops; see Table I0.4 on p. 153, for glaucoma). reduces absorption of the anaesthetic into the general circulation,
usefully prolonging the anaesthetic effect. Formulation of insulin
Administration by inhalation with protamine or zinc produces a long-acting form (see Ch. 26,
Inhalation is the route used for volatile and gaseous anaesthetics p. 404). Procaine penicillin (Ch. 46) is a poorly soluble salt of
(\cc Ch. 36). the lung serving as the route of both administration penicillin; when injected as an aqueous suspension, it is slowly
Jnd elimination. The rapid exchange resulting from the large absorbed and exerts a prolonged action. Esterification of steroid
he skin ,urface area and blood flow makes it possible to achieve rapid hormones (e.g. medroxyprogesterone acetate, testosterone
.orption adju,lmenh of pla.,ma concentration. The pharmacokinetic propionate; see Ch. 30) and antipsychotic drugs (e.g. nuphenazine
heha\lour of mhalation anaesthetics is discussed more fully in decanoate; Ch. 38) increases their solubility in oil and slows
~n skin. Chapter 36. Recently, the potential of the lung as a site of absorption their rate of absorption when they are injected in an oily solution.
:h. 10). of!l(ptide., and proteins has been appreciated, and inhaled human Another method used to achieve slow and continuou absorption
)rK, are m'ulin "now available for use in diabetes mellitus (see Ch. 26). of certain steroid hormones (e.g. estradiol: Ch. 30) is the
in fann Drug, used for their effects on the lung are also given subcutaneous implantation of solid pellets. The rate of absorption
b~ mhalation. u\ually as an aerosol. Glucocorticoids (e.g. is proportional to the surface area of the implant.
1gaged in
beclomelasone dipropiona te) and bronchodilators (e.g.
n a chair \lllbutamol; Ch. 23) are given in this way to achieve high local Intrathecal injection
n of free concentrations in the lung while minimising systemic side effects. Injection of a drug into the subarachnoid space via a lumbar punc-
lothes to Ho\\CW. drugs given by inhalation in this way are usually partly ture needle is used for some specialised purposes. Methotrexate
.m of hh ah,orbed into the circulation, and systemic side effects (e.g. tremor (Ch. 51) is administered in this way in the treatment of certain
for about
ntnes~ ...
following salbutamol) can occur. Chemical modification of a drug childhood lcukaemias to prevent relapse in the CNS. Regional
J] he lost ma} minimise such absorption. For example, ipratropium, a anaesthesia can be produced by intrathecal administration of a
jischarge muscarinic receptor antagonist (Chs I0 and 23), is a quaternary local anaesthetic such as bupivacaine (see Ch. 44); opiate 107

analge-.ic~ can also be u~ed in this way (Cb. 41). Baclofen

(a GABA analogue: Ch. 33) is used to treat disabling muscle Drug absorption and bloavallability
~pa'>ms. It ha~ been administered intratbecally to minimise its
advc~c effect\. Some antibiotics (e.g. aminoglycosides) cross Drugs of very low lipid solubility, including
the blood bmin barrier very slowly, and in rare clinicall>ituations those that are strong acids or bases, are generally
where they are e~~ential (e.g. nervous system infections with poorly absorbed from the gut.
bacteria resbtant to olher antibiotics) can be given intrathecally A few drugs (e.g. levodopa) are absorbed by carrier-
or directly into the cerebral ventricles via a reservoir. mediated transfer.
Absorption from the gut depends on many factors,
DISTRIBUTION OF DRUGS IN THE BODY gastrointestinal motility
gastrointestinal pH
Body water is di!>tributed into four main compartments, as shown physicochemical interaction with gut contents
in Figure 7.9. The total body water as a percentage of body (e.g. chemical interaction between calcium and
weight varies from 50 to 70%. being rather less in women than tetracycline antibiotics).
in men. Bioavailability is the fraction of an ingested dose of a
Extracellular tluid comprises the blood plasma (about 4.5% drug that gains access to the systemic circulation. It
of body weight), interstitial tluid (16%) and lymph (1.2%). may be low because absorption is incomplete, or
Intracellular fluid (30-40%) is the sum of the fluid contents of because the drug is metabolised in the gut wall or
all cells in the body. Transcellular fluid (2.5%) includes the liver before reaching the systemic circulation.
cerebrospinal, intraocular, peritoneal. pleural and synovial fluids, Bioequivalence implies tha~ if one formulation of a
and dige'>tive secretions. The fetus may also be regarded as a drug is substituted for another, no clinically untoward
special type of tran~cellular compartment. Within each of these consequences will ensue.
aqueous compartments, drug molecules usually exist both in free
solution and in bound form: furthermore, drugs that are weal-.
acids or ba<;e~ will exbt as an equilibrium mixture of the charged
and uncharged form~. the position of the equilibrium depending
pi I partition
on the pH (see pp. 99-1 00).
fat:water partition.
The equilibrium pattern of distribution between the various
compartments will therefore depend on: To enter the tran~:.cellular compartments from the extracellu
compartment, a drug must cross a cellular barrier, a panicul.r
permeability acrosl. tis!>ue barriers important example in the context of pharmacokinetics being
binding within compartments blood- brain barrier.

Interstitial Intracellular
water water
-16% -35%


I . .I... . ....I -- I
Plasma Transcellular
water water
-5% -2%

--- __________

' Bound drug molecules
Fig. 7.9 The main body fluid compartments,
expressed as a percentage of body weight. t e ee Free drug molecules
Drug molecules exist in bound or free form in BBB
each compartment, but only the free drug is able
l to move between the compartments. Fat -20%

cannot easi ly enter cells because of th eir low lipid solubilit),.:

Drug distribution
they do not traverse the blood-brain or placental barriers free!

The major compartments are:

Distribution throughout the body water
plasma (5% of body weight)
Total body water represents about 0.55 1/kg. This approxun-.1!!
interstitial fluid (16%)
the distribution of relatively lipid-soluble drugs that readil} rn
intracellular fluid (35%)
cell membranes, such as phen)10in (Cb. 40) and ethanol (Ch ~
transcellular fluid (2%)
Binding of drug out!>ide the plasma compartmen t, or partitioo
fat (20%).
into body fat, increases Vd beyond total body water. Consequem
Volume of distribution (Vc:J is defined as the volume of
there are many drugs with Vd greater than the total body volur.-<
plasma that would contain the total body content of
such as m orphine (Ch. 41 ), tricyclic antidepressants (Ch 3
the drug at a concentration equal t o that in the
and h aloperidol (Ch. 38). Such drugs are not efficiently remo~<
from the body by haemodialysis, which is therefore unhelpful
Lipid-insoluble drugs are mainly confin ed to plasma
managing overdose with such agents.
and interstitial fluids; most do not ent er the brain
following acute dosing.
Lipid-soluble d rugs reach all compartments and may SPECIAL DRUG DELIVERY SYSTEMS
accumulate in fat.
For drugs that accumulate outside the plasma Several approaches are being explored in an attempt to impro1
compartment (e.g. in fat or by being bound t o drug delivery. They include:
tissues), Vd may exceed total body volume.
biologically erodablc microspheres
antibody-drug conjugates
packaging in liposomes
Drugs distributed in the extracellular coating implantable devices.
The total extracellular volume is about 0.2 1/kg. and this is the Biologically erodable microspheres
approximate V~ for many polar compounds. such as vecuronium Microspheres of biologically erodable polymers (see Yarde &1\.
(Ch. 10), gen tamicin and carb enicillin (Ch. 46). These drugs 2004) can be engineered to adhere to mucosal epithelium m

Table 7.1 Distribution volumes for some drugs compared with volume of body fluid compartments

Volume (1/kg body weight) Compartment Volume of distribution (Vd; 1/ kg body weight) Drug{s)

0.05 Plasma 0.05-0.1 Heparin

0.1-Q.2 Warfarin

0.2 Extracellular fluid 0.2-Q.4 Tubocurarine

0 .4-0.7 Theophylline

0.55 Total body water Ethanol

1-2 Methotrexate
Udocaine {lignocaine)
2-5 Glyceryl trinitrate
> 10 Nortriptyline

, and ~ul. Such microspheres can be loaded with drugs. including designer was warned as long ago as 1965: 'he will have to bear
eely. high-molecular-weight substances, as a means of improving in mind that an organism's normal reaction to a foreign substance
absorption, which occurs both through mucosal absorptive is to burn it up for food'.
eptthclium and also through epithelium overlying Peyer's patches.
nates Tht~ approach ha'! yet to be used clinically, but microspheres Antibody-drug conjugates
cross made from polyanhydride copolymers of fumaric and sebacic One of the aims of cancer chemotherapy is to improve the
43). acid' b) a technique known as phase inversion nanoencapsulation selectivity of cytotoxic drugs (see Ch. 51). One interesting
ming ha\e been used to produce systemic absorption of insulin and of possibility is to attach the drug to an antibody directed against a
mtly. pJa,mid 0;-lA following oral administration in rats. Because drug tumour-specific antigen, which will bind selectively to tumour
umc, deli,ery is a critical problem in gene therapy (Ch.55), this is cells. Such approaches look promising in experimental animals.
). 39) potentially momentous! but it is sti ll too early to say whether they will succeed in humans.
ful in Prodrugs Packaging in liposomes
Prodrugs arc inactive precursors that are metabolised to active Liposomcs are minute vesicles produced by sonication of an
metabolites; they arc described in Chapter 8. Some of the examples aqueous suspension of phospholipids. They can be filled with
in clinical usc confer no obvious benefits and have been found to non- lipid-soluble drugs or nucleic acids (Ch. 55), which are
be prodrugs only retrospectively, not having been designed with retained until the liposome is disrupted. Liposomes are taken up
this in mind. However, some do have advantages. For example, by reticuloendothelial cells. especially in the liver. They are also
JrOVe the cytOtoxic drug cyclophosphamide (sec Ch. 51) becomes active concentrated in malignant tumours, and there is a possibility of
onl) aft~r it has been metabolised in the liver; it can therefore be achieving selective delivery of drugs in this way. Amphoter icin.
tak~n orally without causing serious damage to the gastrointestinal an antifungal drug used to treat systemic mycoses (Ch. 48), is
epithelium. Levodopa is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract available in a liposomal fonnulation that is less nephrotoxic and
and cro\\CS the blood-brain barrier via an amino acid transport bener tolerated than the conventional form, albeit considerably
mechani m before conversion to active dopamine in nerve terminals more expensive. ln the future, it may be possible to direct drugs
mthe basal ganglia (Ch. 35). Zidovudine is phosphorylated to its or genes selectively to a specific target by incorporating antibody
ac111e tnsphosphate metabolite only in cells containing appropriate molecules into liposomal membrane surfaces.
re1ef\e transcnptase. hence conferring selective toxicity towards
Pack. celb tnfected with IIJV (Ch. 47). ValacicloYir and famcicloYir Coated implantable devices
n the are each eMcr prodrugs of prodrugs; respectively. of aciclovir Impregnated coatings have been developed that permit localised
and of penciclovir. Their bioavailability is greater than that of drug delivery from implants. Examples include hormonal delivery
xiclom and penciclovir, each of which is converted into active to the endometrium from intrauterine devices, and delivery of
metabolite~ in virally infected cells (Ch. 47). antithrombotic and antiproliferative agents (drugs or radiophar-
Other problem~ could theoretically be overcome by the use of maceuticals) to the coronary arteries from stents (devices inserted
~uitablc prodrugs; for example, instability of drugs at gastric pH, via a catheter after a diseased coronary artery has been dilated
dtr~ct gastric irritation (aspirin was synthesised in the 19th with a balloon). Stents reduce the occurrence of restenosis, but
c~ntury in a deliberate attempt to produce a prodrug of salicylic this can still occur at the margin of the device. Coating stents
acid that would be tolerable when taken by mouth), failure of with drugs such as sirolimus (a potent immunosuppressant; sec
drug to cross the blood-brain barrier and so on. Progress with Ch. 14) embedded in a surface polymer prevents this important
thts approach remains slow. however, and the optimistic prodrug clinical problem.


llru( dl\lrihulion Oncluding blood-brdin bu r rier) Bauer B, HlllU A ~ S, Fncl..er G. \1tller 0 S 2005 rol~ tifcarrier and rrctpiOr-~ioted tronsport I) <t~m<

Ahboa \ J ~2 ''ti'OC)tc~ndochchal mtemcuons and Modulation of P-glycoprocein cr-an\port fun~uon at the rn the bl~rain barrier; these mclude P-glyroproteil~
b~mlln t>.mcr rcnncabohty. J Anal 200; 62~38 blood-brain barrier. Ep Bol Med 230: 118-127 multiliru~rrsistance proteins I 7. nucleoside
Th 1188 plotm>f\pt: de>~lop$ 11ndu tlr~ inj111~nce of (Rtniews mechanum.r b) which P-gl_!coprotem actml) tramponers. organic ani011 transporters. and large
cutrontl< glw. atul COII$1SIS of morr complex ti~ht can be modulated. inc/11di11~ direct i11lr1bllian b1 ammo acid transporters. the transfemn-1 and -Z
J011CIIOtutlwn on mlru <<lplllan tndmlrdia. and a .(ptcific comperiron. 011d fimctwnal and fl't'tpton. and the scovenger Tt.'Ceptors SB-Al and SB-8f)
lllll!lbtr oJ pt:<'ljl< tronlport 1111d mzym~ ry.Henu transcriptional modulation) Doan K M M. Humphreys J E. Web\ter L 0 et al. 2002
lti&h "~"'"" moluular traffic across the endothelial Cooper G J. Boron W F 1998 Effect of pCMBS on the P:lsshe permeability and P-glycopro<ein-mediated
ti!J. rru~\{klfl<n ('hlll'l.l('/aisllc of the 888 CO, penneabtln:y of Xmop1u OOC}te~ e<pre\,ing efllux differenuate cencral nervous system (CNS) and
pltLN llf mrl11de hmh upwke mrdumi.rmJ (e.g. aquaporin I or it~ CI89S mutMt. Am J Phy-.ol 275: non-CNS marketed drug,. J PET 303: 1029--1037
C/17 I~'"""" wmn Ll wnino acre/ tr<msponer) CI481-C1486 (Carbon clio ride awlificatiOII li<pends (Smdy on 48 CNS anc/45 nan-CNS drugs. comporing
alldrff/IL tnuo1por1er; (e.g. P-g/ycoprotein) ... 011 trcuufer via a channel cttlled aquaporin I. rather permet1bility and P-glycoprotei11--medimed ejJiu.x
tn.l<'thtlwl rei/; all' mvolled in ixlt!r long- and ~hon than free dij]iuion 0.1 thought prt>lioiiJI!) het~<l'ell compou11ds; concl11tles that for CNS delilef),
/trm chtnural cnmmunictuiou with neighbourinR de Boer A G, van der Sandt l C J, Gaillard P J 2003 The a drug should ideally hove an in l'ilro passive
ali<, walt tloe prrila\cllftlf ttul feet of"'"'xytes role of drug transponers atlhe blood brain barrier. permeabilitv > I 50 11mls and not be o good
l~m~ 1>/ fi<Orliwlur imfiOrlllnce. ') Ann Rev Pharm:tcol Toxicol 43; 629--656 (Revit.'ws tire Pglycopmrein substrate)
11 1

Drug elimination and

Overview 11 3 INTRODUCTION
Introduction 11 3 Drug eliminution ill the irreversible loss of dmg from the body. It
Drug metabolism 113 occurs by two processes: metabolism and excretion. Metabolism
JDNi\l -Phase I reactions 114 involves enzymic conversion of one chemical entity to another
-Phase II reactions 116 within the body, whereas excretion consists of elimination from
Jfflt"S -Induction of microsomal enzymes 116 the body of chemically unchanged drug or its metabolites. The
-First-pass (presystemic) metabolism 117 main routes by which dmgs and their metabolites leave the body are:
-Pharmacologically active drug metabolites 117 the kidney'>
Biliary excretion and enterohe patic the hepatohiliary <>y~tem
circulation 11 8 the lungs (important for volatile/gaseous anaesthetics).
n alld
md Renal excretion of drugs and drug Most drug'> leave the body in the urine. either unchanged or as
metabolites 118 polar metabolite!.. Some drugs are secreted into bile via the liver,
.,mux but mo!.t of these are then reabsorbed from the intestine. There
-Glomerular filtration 118
- Tubulor secretion 119 arc. however, in\tances (e.g. rifampicin: see Ch. ~. p. 675) \\here
-Diffusion across the renal tubule 119 faecal lo-.~ account'> for the elimination of a substantial fraction
-Renol clearance 119 of unchanged drug in healthy individuals. and faecal elimination
EfllcaC) of dn1gs such a" digoxin that are normally excreted in urine
.1Iom. .~
Pharmacokinetics 120 (Ch. 18. p. 292) become!> progres1.ivcly more important in patient~
1; -Drug elimination expressed as clearance 121 with advancing renal failure. Excretion via the lungs occurs only
-Single-comportment model 121 with highly volatile or gaseous agents (e.g. general anaesthetics;
-More complicated kinetic models 123 Ch. 36). Small amounts of some drugs are also excreted in secretions
such as milk or sweal. Elimination by these routes is quantitatively
negligible compared with renal excretion, although excretion into
u;td to milk can sometimes be important because of effects on the baby
(e.g. ~>ee McNamara & Abbassi, 2004).
::'i-51 Lipophi lie substances are not eliminated efficiently by the
on o11d kidney (~cc p. 119). Con!>equently, most lipophilic dmgs arc
<lat.d OVERVIEW metabolised to more polar products, which are then excreted
in urine. Drug metabolism occurs predominantly in the liver.
r.t.~ Uft
In the first part of this chapter, we describe the
especially by the cytochrome P450 (CYP) system. Some P450
main pathways of drug metabolism, factors that
enzymes arc extrahepatic and play an important part in the
influence drug elimination by the kidney, and
biosynthe~is of 1>teroid hormones (Ch. 28) and eicosanoids (Ch. 13 ),
biliary excretion and enterohepatic recirculation of
but here we are concerned with cataboJjsm of dmgs by the hepatic
drugs. The second part presents a simple approach
P450 sy..,tem.
to quantitative pharmacokinetics, explaining how
drug clearance determines the steady-state plasma
concentration during constant-rate drug DRUG METABOLISM
administration and how the characteristics of
absorption and distribution (considered in Ch. 7), Animals have evolved complex systems that detoxify foreign
plus metabolism and excretion, determine the time chemicals, including carcinogens and toxins present in poisonou<;
course of drug concentration in the blood before plants. Drugs arc a ~pecial case of l>UCh foreign chemicals and,
and after steady state and how these vary with like plant alkaloids. they often exhibit distinct chirality (i.e. there
diHerent dosing regimens. 113
is more than one stereoisomer). which affects their overall

metabolism. Drug metabolism involves two kinds of reaction, Stereoselectivity

known as phase I and phase II. These often, although not Many clinically important drugs, such as sotalol (Ch. 18), warfaM
invariably, occur sequentially. (Ch. 21) and cyclophosphamide (Ch. 5 I). are mixtures of ~lcr
Phase I reaction<; are catabolic (e.g. oxidation, reduction or eoisomers. L11e components of which differ not only in
hydrolysis), and the products are often more chemically reactive pharmacological effects but also in their metabolism, which m.:
and hence. paradoxically, sometimes more toxic or carcinogenic follow completely distinct pathways. Several clinicall} import;;Jt
than the parent drug. Phase IT reactions are synthetic ('anabolic') drug interactions involve stereospecific inhibition of metabo 1
and involve conjugation. which usually results in inactive products of one drug by another (Ch. 52). In some cases, drug toxiclt)
(although there are exceptions, e.g. the active sulfate metabolite mainly linked to one of the stereoisomers, not necessaril)
of minoxidil, a potassium channel activator used to treat severe pharmacologically active one. Where practicable, regulat
hyperten!>ion; Ch. 19). Phase I reactions often introduce a reactive authorities urge that new drugs should consist of pure stereoisomen
group. such as hydroxyl. into the molecule, a process known as to avoid these compl ications. 1
'functionalisation'. This group then serves as the point of auack
for the conjugating system to attac h a substituent s uch as
glucuron ide (Fig. 8.1), explaining why phase I reactio ns so often PHASE I REACTIONS
precede phase II reactions. Bo th phases decrease lipid solu bi lity,
thus increasi ng renal eli mination.
Phase I and phase 11 reactions take place mainl y in the liver, Nature, classification and mechanism of P450
although some drugs are metabolised in plasma (e.g. hydrolysis en%y-mes
of s uxa mcthonium by plasma cholinesterase; see Ch. 10), lung Cytochrome P450 enzymes are haem proteins, comprisin<
(e.g. various prostanoids; see Ch. 13) or gut (e.g. tyram ine, large fami ly ('superfami ly') of related but distinct enzymes
salbutamol; Chs 9 and 23). Many hepatic drug-metabolising referred to as CYP followed by a defining set of number.
enzymes, including CYP enzymes, are embedded in the smooth leuer). These enzymes differ from one another in amino
endoplasmic reticulum. They are often called 'microsomal' enzymes sequence, in sensitivity to inhibitors and inducing agent\, anu
because, on homogenisation and differential centrifugation, the the specificity of the reactions that they catalyse (sec Coon, 21
endoplasmic reticulum is broken into very small fragments that for a review). Different members of the family have distinct.
sediment only after prolonged high-speed centrifugation in the often overlapping. substrate specificities. with some enz)
microsomal fraction. To reach these metabolising enzymes in acting on the same substrates as each other but at different r.
life, a drug must cro s the plasma membrane. Polar molecules do Purification of P450 enzymes and complementary 0 A
this less readily than non-polar molecules except where there arc fonn the basis of the current classification, which is ba~d
specific transport mechanisms (Ch. 7), so intracellular metabolism
is in general les~ important for polar drugs than for Lipid-soluble
drugs, and the former tend to be excreted unchanged in the urine. 1No doubt a good idea: less happily, some in the industry have perceilt'll
Conversely, non-polar d rugs can readily access intracellular
commercial opportunity, and 'novel' entities that are actually juq the"
enzymes, but are elimi nated very inefficiently by the kidneys isomers of well-established and safe racemates have been l icen~ed and
because of passive tubular reabsorptio n (seep. I I 9). aggrc~sive l y marketed.

Phas e 1 Phase 2
Drug It Denvative Conjugate
Oxidation Conjugation



I 6 I 0H
6o c~ I

114 l Fig. 8.1 The two phas es

of drug metabolism.
Aspirin Salicylic acid Glucuronide

ammo acid sequence similarities. Seventy-four CYP gene families

.rfarin ha~t: been de~cribed, of which three main ones (CYPl, CYP2 Table 8.1 Examples of drugs that are substrates for
.C stcr- P450 isoenzymes
and CYP3) are involved in drug metabolism in human liver.
their .,ample~ of therapeutic drugs that are substrates for some important
hmay Isoenzyme P450 Drug(s)
N50 isoen1ymes are shown in Table 8.1. Drug oxidation by the
JOrtant monooxygenase P450 system requires drug (substrate, 'DH'), CYP1A2 Caffeme, paracetamol (-+ NAPQI; see
:JOlism N50 enzyme, molecular oxygen. NADPH and a flavoprotein p. XXX), tacrine, theophylline
city is I~ADPH-P450 reductase). The mechanism involves a complex
tl) the C)cle (Fig. 8.2), but the overall net effect of the reaction is quite CYP286 Cyclophosphamide, methadone
Jlatory 'ltmple, namely the addjtion of one atom of oxygen (from molecular
CYP2C8 Paclitaxel, repaglinide
;omers o'ygcn) to the drug to form a hydroxyl group (product, 'DOH'),
the other atom of oxygen being converted to water. CYP2C19 Omeprazole, phenytoin

l' The P450 cn1yme have unique spectral properties. and the reduced
CYP2C9 Ibuprofen, tolbutamide, warfarin
form; combine with carbon monoxide to fonn a pink compound (hence
'P') with absorption peaks near 450 om (range 447-452 nm). The first
CYP206 Codeine, debrisoquine, S-metoprolol
clue th31there nrc multiple forms of CYP came from the observation that
tremmcnl of rut~ with 3-methylcholanthrene, an inducing agent (see
CYP2E1 Alcohol, paracetamol
450 below). cuu,es n sh ift in the absorption maximum from 450 to 448 nm.

Cytochrome P450 en1ymes have unique redox properties that are CYP3A4, 5, 7 Ciclosporin, nifedipine, indinavir, simvastatin
sing a fundamental to their diverse functions. These relate to the variable spin
\late (high/low) of the haem iron, which lies in an octahedral complex (Adapted from http://medicine.iupui.edu/flockhart/table.htm.)
with ~ix ligand~ and within which it can adopt either a pcnta or
;and a
he,acoordinate configuration. NADPH-P450 reductase supplies one or
o acid both electron\ needed for the oxidation. and restores the redox ~tate of the
and in P450. C)clic oxidation/reduction of haem iron occurs in conjunction with
.2005, 'ub,trate bmding and Ollygen activation. The ferric iron (Fe3 ) in free
ICt. but P450 i' maml) in a low-~pm form. After bmding DH, a conformational
change con\'en' the ferric Fe ' iron to the high-spin state. making it easier
uymes Product (DOH) Drug (DH)
to reduce Reducuon from Fe3' to Fe2' is achieved by a single electron.
t rates. wh~eh "relayed from NADPH (electron donor) to P450 via tbc flavoprotein
:Joning N:\DPH P450 rcductn~e. Molecular oxygen binds tbe reduced Fe2 ' -DH
\ed on complex to form a Fe2'0r DH complex. This then accepts a second
electn>n fmm NADPH- P450 reductase (or alternatively from cytochrome
b,) wnd a proton. to yield a peroxide complex: Fe2QOH- DH. Addition of
a \C\:ond proton cleaves the Fe 2'00H- DH complex to yield water and a

aved a feme oxcne (f7c0)1' drug complex: (Feoi- oH. (FeO)J.. extract~ a
:active hydrogen atom from DH to form a pair of transient free radicals: D and
nd Fel'OH. D acquire\ the bound OH radical to form hydroxylated drug
(DOH), which is rclea~ed from the complex with regeneration of P450 in
11' initial state.

P450 and biological variation

There are important variations in the expression and regulation
of P450 enzymes between species. For instance, the activation
pathways of certain dietary heterocyclic amincs (formed when
meat i~ cooked) to genotoxic products involves one member of
the P450 superfamily (CYP I A2) that is constitutively present in

human' and rats (which develop colon tumours after treaonent
~otth such amines) but not in cynomolgus monkeys (wruch do
noo. Such ~peciel> differences have crucial implications for the
NADPH-P450 reductase

Cytochrome b 5

chotec of species to be used for toxicity and carcinogenicity Fig. 8 .2 The monooxygenase P450 cycle. P450 containing
tNtng during the development of new drugs for use in humans. ferric iron (Fe:~+) combines with a molecule of drug ('DH');
receives an electron from NADPH-P450 reductase, which
Within human populatjons. there are major sources of
>H tntenndi\idual variatjon in P450 enzymes that are of great
reduces the iron to Fe2; combines with molecular oxygen, a
proton and a second electron (either from NADPH-P450
tmponance in therapeutics. These include genetic polymorphisms: reductase or from cytochrome b 5) to form an Fe200H-DH
for example, one variant of the gene CYP2D6 leads to poor or complex. This combines with another proton to yield water and
C\tcnsi\e hydroxylation of debrisoquine. Environmental factors a ferric oxene (Fe0)3+-DH complex. (FeO):~+ extracts a hydrogen
atom from DH, with the formation of a pair of short-lived free
(Ch. 52) arc also important. Enzyme inrubitors and inducers are
radicals (see text), liberation from the complex of oxidised drug
present in the diet and environment. For example. a component ('DOH'), and regeneration of P450 enzyme.
of grapefruit juice inhibits drug metabolism (leading to potentially 115

disastrous consequences, including cardiac dysrhythmias; from which glucuronic acid is transferred to an electron-ncb
Ch. 52, p. 748), whereas Brussels sprouts and cigarette smoke atom (N, 0 or S) on the substrate, forming an amide, ester or til!
induce P450 enzymes. Components of StJohn's wort (used ro bond. UDP glucuronyl transferase, which catalyses these reacuo .
treat depression in alternative medicine) induce CYP450 has very broad substrate specificity embracing many drug~ ..
isoenzymes and P-glycoprotein, which is important in drug other foreign molecules. Several important endogenous substaJl(c
distribution and excretion (see below. and Henderson et aJ.. 2002). including bilirubin and adrenal corticosteroids, are conjugated"'
the same sy!>lem.
Inhibition of P450 Acetylation and methylcllion reactions occur with acetyl-Co.
Inhibitors of P450 differ in their selectivity towards different and S-adcnosyl methionine, respectively, acting as the dorx
i~oforms of the enzyme, and arc classified by their mechanism of compounds. Many of these conjugation reactions occur in lbe
action. Some drugs compete for the active site but arc not themselves liver, but other tissues, such as lung and kidney. are also involltd
substratcl. (e.g. quinidin e is a potent competitive inhibitor of
CYP2D6 but i1> not a substrate for it). Non-competitive inhibitor!>
include dntgs such as ketoconazole, which forms a tight complex
with the Fe l+ form of the haem iron of CYP3A4, causing reversible A number of drugs, such as rifampicin (Ch. 46), ethanol
non-competitive inhibition. So-called mechanism-based inhibitors (Ch. 43) and carbamazepin e (Ch. 40), increase the activity tt
require oxidation by a P450 enzyme. Examples include gestodene microsomal oxidase and conjugating systems when administere~
(CYP3A4) and diet hylca rbamazine (CYP2El)-see p. 450 and repeatedly. Many carcinogenic chemicals (e.g. benzpyrene
p. 7 15, respectively. An oxidation product (e.g. a postulated 3-methyl-cholanthrene) also have tlus effect, which can ['(
epoxide intermediate of gcstodene) binds covalently to the enzyme, substantial; Figure 8.4 shows a nearly 10-fold increase in the rat:
which then destroys itself ('suicide inhibition'). Many clinically of ben:rpyrene metabolism 2 days after a single dose. The effe~.
important interactions between drugs are the result of inhibition is referred to as induction, and is the result of increased synthn
of P450 entymc:. (see Ch. 52, p. 742). and/or reduced breakdown of nucrosomal enzymes-sec rec~
reviews, for example Park et at. (1996) and Dickins (2004). ~
more detail.
Enzyme induction can increase drug toxicity and camr
Not all drug oxidation reactjons involve the P450 system. For genicity (Park et at.. 2005), because several pha e I metabolil,
example, ethanol h. metabolised by a soluble cytoplasmic enzyme. arc toxic or carcinogenic: pa racetamol is an important exam.
alcohol dehydrogenase. in addition to CYP2El. Other P450- of a dntg with a highly toxic metabolite (see Ch. 53).
indcpendent enlymes involved in drug oxidation include The mechanbm of induction is incompletely understood tlt
:camhine oxidase. which inactivates 6-mercaptopurine (Ch. 51), is similar to that involved in the action of steroid and ol/IC!
and monoamine oxidase. which inactivates many biologically hormones that bind to nuclear receptors (see Ch. 3). The m;
acti ve amines (e.g. noradrenaline [norepinephrine], tyramine, thoroughl y !>tudied inducing agents arc polycyclic aromall.
5-hydroxytryptamine; see Chs II and 12). hydrocarbons. These bind to the ligand-binding domain of
Reductive reactions arc much less common than oxidations, but soluble protein, termed the aromatic hydrocarbon (Ah) recepto
some arc important. For example, warfarin (Ch. 2 1) is inactivated This complex is transported to the nucleus by an Ah receptUt
by convers io n of a ketone to a hydroxyl group by CYP2A6. nuclear translocator and binds A11 receptor response elemenN 1
Hydrolytic reactions (e.g. of as pirin, Fig. 8.1; see Ch. 14) do the DNA, thereby promoting transcription of the gene CYPIAJ
not involve hepatic microsomal e nzymes but occur in plasma and Tn addition to enhanced transcription, some inducing agent
in many tissues. Both ester and (less readily) amide bonds are (e.g. ethanol. which induces CYP2E1 in humans) also stabili~r
susceptible to hydroly!>is. mRNA or P450 protein.

If a drug molecule has a suitable 'handle' (e.g. a hydroxyl, thiol
or amino group), either in the parent molecule or in a product UDP-a -gluc uronide
resultjng from ph~ r metabolism, it is susceptible to conjugation,
i.e. attachment of a ub~tituent group. This synthetic step is called
a phase n reaction. The resulting conjugate is almost always Glucuronyl transfer UDP-glucuronyl transferase
pharmacologically inactive and less lipid-soluble than its
precursor, and is excreted in urine or bile.
The group~ most often involved arc glucuronyl (Fig. 8.3).
sulfate, methyl, acetyl and glycyl. The tripeptide glutathione
can conjugate drug metabolites via its sulfbydryl group, as in the
G=:r Glucuronide

detoxification of pa racetamol (see Fig. 53.1, p. 755). Glucuronide Drug-p-gluc uro nide conjugate
formation involves the formation of a high-energy phosphate Fig . 8 .3 The glucuronide conjugation reaction.
compound, uri dine diphosphate (UDP) glucuronic acid (UDPGA),

lf thiol 10 Table 8.2 Examples of drugs that undergo substantial

:tions. 2 first-pass elimination

~~ and ! 8
:ances. E Asp1rin Metoprolol
ted by :8
Ill- Glyceryl trinitrate Morphine
0 6
1-CoA ec: lsosorbide din1trate Propranolol
donor !g 4 0.4 11mol dose
in the E'i: Levodopa Salbutamol
olved. .8 Lidocaine Verapamil
0 2

hanoi 0 2 3 4 5 6 inswnces, metabolites have pharmacological actions simi lar to
ity of
Benzpyrene administered
Days those of the parent compound (e.g. benzodiazepines, many of
which fom1 long-lived active metabolites that cause sedation to
persist after the parent drug has disappeared; Cb. 37). There are
an be also cases in which metabolites arc responsible for toxicity.
Fig. 8.4 Stimulation of hepatic metabolism of benzpyrene.
1e rate Hepatotoxicity of paracetam ol i s one example (see Ch. 53), and
Young rats were given benzpyrene (intraperitoneally) in the
effect doses shown, and the benzpyrene-metabolising activity of liver bladder toxicity of cyclophosphamide. which is caused by its
uhesis homogenates was measured at times up to 6 days. (From toxic metabolite acrolein (Cb. 51. p. 724), is another. Methanol
recent Cooney A H et al. 1957 J Bioi Chern 228: 753.) j and ethylene glycol both exert their toxic effects via metabolites
4), for -----~
formed by alcohol dehydrogenase. Poi soning with these agents
is treated with ethanol (or with a more potent inhibitor), which
.rcino- competes for the active site of the enzyme. Terfenadine. a non-
JOlites FIRSTPASS (PRESYSTEMIC) METABOLISM sedating antihistamine (p. 237-238). can. rarely, cau!>e l>erious
ample cardiac dysrhythmias by blocking cardiac potassium channels. Its
Some drug~ arc extracted so efficiently by the liver or gut wall
pharmacologically active metabolite (f exofenadine) blocks
that the amount reaching the systemic circulation is considerably
:xl but histamine H 1 receptors but not cardiac potassium channels, and
lc" than the amount absorbed. This is known as first-pass or
other has now largely replaced terfenadine in therapeutic use for this
pll'I'Utemic metabolism and reduces bioavailability (Ch. 7, p. 106)
even when a drug is well absorbed from the gut. Presystemic
)rna tic
mctaboli~m i~ important for many therapeutic drugs (Table 8.2
1 of a
'how~ ~ome examples). and is a problem because:
;eptor. Drug metabolism
ceptor a much larger dose of the drug is needed when it is given
! nts in orally than when it is given by other routes Phase l reactions involve oxidation, reduction
'PIA I. marked individual variations occur in the extent of first-pass and hydrolysis. They:
agents metabolism of a given drug (see Ch. 52), resulting in usually form more chemically reactive products,
abilise unpr~dictabi lity when such drugs are taken oraUy. which can be pharmacologically act ive, toxic or
often tnvolve a monooxygenase system in which
cytochrome P450 plays a key role.
Phase II reactions involve conjugation (e.g.
In 'omc cases (see Table 8.3). a drug becomes pharmacologically glucuromdation) of a reactive group (often inserted
aC111e only after it ha!> been metabolised. For example, during phase I reaction) and usually lead to inactive
azathioprine. an immuno~upprcssant drug (Ch. 14), is metabolised and polar products that are readily excreted.
to mercaptopurine; and enalapril, an angiotensin-converting Some conjugated products are excreted via bile, are
ent)me inhibitor (Ch. 19). is hydrolysed to its active form reactivated in the intestine and then reabsorbed
enalaprilat. Such drugs. in which the parent compound lacks ('enterohepatic circulation').
IICIIIIt) of ih own. arc lnown as prodrugs. These are sometimes Induction of P450 enzymes can greatly accelerate
de,tgned deliberately to overcome problems of drug delivery hepatic drug metabolism. It can increase the toxicity
tCh 7). Metabolism can alter the pharmacological actions of a of drugs with toxic metabolites.
drug qualitatively. Aspirin inhibits some platelet functions and Presystemic metabolism in liver or gut wall reduces
h~' anti-inn:unmatory activity (Ch 21. pp. 34 I -342: Ch. 14, t he bioavailability of several drugs when t hey are
pp. 23-1-235). It is hydrolysed to salicylic acid (Fig. 8.1 ), which administered by mouth.
ha' anti-innammatory but not antiplatelet activity. rn other 117

Tllble 8.3 Some drugs that produce active or toxic metabolites

Inactive (prodrugs) Active drug Active metabolite Toxic metabolite See Chapter(s):

Azathioprine Mercaptopurine 14

Cortisone Hydrocortisone 28

Prednisone Prednisolone 28

Enalapril Enalaprilat 19

Zidovudine Zidovudine trisphosphate 47

Cyclophosphamide Phosphoramide mustard Acrolein 51

Diazepam ,. Nord iazepam Oxazepam 37

Morphine ,. Morphine 6-glucuronide 41

Halothane Trifluoroacetic acid 36

Methoxyflurane Fluoride 36

Paracetamol N-Acetyl-p- 14 and 53

benzoquinone imine

reason. Hepatic necrosis is a rare but sometimes fatal so even1ually most of the drug leaves the body in this fonn
complication of halotha ne anaesthesia. lt is caused by immune the faeces.
sensitisation to new antigens formed by trifluoroacetylatioo of
liver protein (Ch. 53, p. 763). Disulfiram (see pp. 632-633)
inhibits CYP2E I and reduces substantially the formation of RENAL EXCRETION OF DRUGS AND
tritluoroacctic acid during halothane anaesthesia, raising the DRUG METABOLITES
intriguing possibility that it could prevent halothane hepatitis
Drugs differ greatly in the rate at which they are excreted bylh'
(Kharasch el al., 1996).
kidney, ranging from penicillin (Ch. 46), which is cleared frrr
the blood almost completely on a single transit through lh:
kidney, to diazepam (Ch. 37), which is cleared extremely slow I)
BILIARY EXCRETION AND Most drugs fu ll between these extremes, and metnbolites w.
ENTEROHEPATIC CIRCULATION nearly always cleared more quickly than the parent drug. Thret
fundamental processes account for renal drug excreHon:
Liver cells transfer various substances, including drugs. from
plasma to bile by means of transport systems similar to those of glomerular filtration
the renal tubule and that involve P-glycoprotein (see Ch. 7). active rubular secretion
Various hydrophilic drug conjugates (particularly glucuronides) passive diffusion across tubular epithelium.
arc concentrated in bile and delivered to the intestine, where the
glucuronide is usually hydrolysed, releasing active drug once
more; free drug can then be reabsorbed and the cycle repeated
(enterohepatic circulation). The effect of this is to create a 'reservoir' Glomerular capillaries allow drug molecules of molecular weif
of recirculating dn1g that can amount to about 20% of total drug below about 20 000 to diffuse into the glomerular filtrate. Pla~r
in the body and prolongs drug action. Examples where this albumin (molecular weight approximately 68 000) is alllll
is important include morphjne (Ch. 41) and ethinylestradiol completely impermeable, but most drugs-with the exception
(Ch. 30). Several drugs arc excreted to an appreciable extent in macromolecules such as heparin (Ch. 21)-cross the bam
bile. Vecuronium (a non-depolarising muscle relaxant; Cb. 10) freely. If a drug binds appreciably to plasma alburrun, its conce1
is an example of a drug that is excreted mainly unchanged in tration in the filtrate will be less than the total plasma conccn1rati01.
bile. Rifampicin (Ch. 46) is absorbed from the gut and slowly If, like warfarin (Ch. 21 ), a drug is approximately 98% bounl
deacetylated, retaining its biological activity. Both forms arc to albumin, the concentration in the filtrate is only 2% of that 1
118 secreted in the bile, but the deacetylated form is not reabsorbed, plasma, and clearance by fi ltration is correspondi ngly reduced.

TUBULAR SECRETION Table 8 .4 Important drugs and related substances

actively secreted Into the proximal renal tubule
Lpto20~ of renal plasma flow is filtered through the glomerulus,
lea\ ing at lea\t 80% of delivered drug to pass on to the peri tubular
A cid s Base s
capillaric~ of the proximal tubule. Here. drug molecules are
tran,ferred to the tubular lumen by two independent and relatively p -Aminohippuric acid Amiloride
non,elective carrier c;ystems. One of these transports acidic drugs
l:t\ \\ell ac; variou~ endogenou acids. such as uric acid), while the Furosemtde (frusemide) Dopamine
01her handlec; organic bases. Some of the more important drugs
Glucuronic acid conjugates Histamine
that are transported by these two carrier systems are shown in
Table 8.4. The carrier:. can transport drug molecules against an Glyc1ne conjugates Mepacrine
electrochemical gradient, and can therefore reduce the plasma
concentration nearly to L.ero. Because at least 80% of the dmg lndometacin Morphine
delivered to the kidney is presented to the carrier, tubular secretion
Methotrexate Peth idine
is potentially the most effective mechanism of renal drug
elimination. Unlike glomerular filtration, carrier-mediated transport Penicillin Quaternary ammonium
can achieve maximal drug clearance even when most of the drug probenecid compounds
ts bound to plasma protein. 2 Penicillin (Ch. 46), for example,
although about 80% protein-bound and therefore cleared only Sulfate conjugates Quinine
,(O\\Iy by filtration, is almost completely removed by proximal
Thiazide diuret ics 5-Hydroxytryptamine (serotonin)
tubular ~ccrction, and it!> overall rate of elimination is very high.
\lany drug!> compete for the same transport system (Table 8.4), Uric acid Triamterene
kJdmg to drug imcrJctions. For example, probenecid (see p. 239)
\1-:t, de\ eloped originally to prolong the action of penicillin by
retarding its tubular secretion.
Many drug!>, being weak acids or weak bases, change their
ionisation with pH (see pp. 99-1 00), and this can markedly affect
min renal excretion. The ion-trapping effect means that a basic drug
\\ater is reabsorbed as fluid traverses the tubule, the volume of is more rapidly excreted in an acid urine, because the low pH
unne emerging being only about I% of that of the glomerular within the rubule favours ionisation and thus inhibits reabsorption.
nitrate. If the tubule is freely permeable to drug molecules, some Conversely, acidic drugs are most rapidly excreted if the urine
99~ of the fi ltered drug will be reabsorbed passively. Lipid- is alkaline (Fig. 8.5). Urinary alkalinisation is used to accelerate
'oluble dmgs arc therefore excreted poorly. whereas polar dmgs the excretion of salicylate in treating selected cases of aspir in
of low tubular permeability remain in the lumen and become overdose (p. I00).
y the
pmgressivcly concentrated as water is reabsorbed. Dmgs handled
10 this way include digoxin (p. 292) and aminoglycoside
1 the
antibiotics. These exemplify a relatively small but important group
of drugs (Table 8.5) that are not inactivated by metabolism, the El imination of drugs by the kidneys is best quantified by the
;; are
rate of rl!nal elimination being the main factor that determines renal clearance (CL,). This is defined as the volume of plasma
1heir duration of action. The~e drugs have to be used with special
c:rre mindividuals whose renal function may be impaired, including
1he elderly and patients with renal disease or any severe acute Elimination of drug by the kidney
illnN (Ch. 52. pp. 740-745).
Most drugs, unless highly bound to plasma
protein, cross the glomerular filter freely.
Many drugs, especially weak acids and weak bases,
are actively secreted into the renal tubule and thus
eight lkcJU,;e hhrauon tR\ olve~ t5o~motic movement of both water and solutes.
more rapidly excreted.
d iloo 1101 allect the free concentration of drug in the plasma. Thus the
asma Lipid-soluble drugs are passively reabsorbed by
cqwl brium bct\\een free and bound drug ts not disturbed. and there is no
Imost ~ndrn.:) for bound drug 10 dtssociate a5 blood traverses the glomerular
diffusion across the tubule, so are not efficiently
on of captllal). The ra1e of cleamnce of a drug by filtration is therefore reduced excreted in the urine.
arrier dlrt<:ll} '" proponton to 1he fraction that is bound. In the case of active Because of pH partition, weak acids are more rapidly
ncen- lubul.u 'e~retion, 1h i~ i) no1 so: secre1ion may be retarded very linle even excreted in alkaline urine, and vice versa.
ation. 1hoogh lhe llrug i~ mo;tly bound. Th is is because the carrier lfanspons drug
Several important drugs are removed predominantly
mole~:ule' unaccompanied by water. As free drug molecul es are taken from
K>und lhc pla;ma, therefore. lhe free pla~ma concentration falls, causing by renal excretion, and are liable to cause toxicity in
hat in Jil'ialion of bound drug from pl a,ma albumin. Consequently, effectively elderly persons and patients with renal disease.
ced. 10or, ol 1hc drug, bound and free, is available 10 the carrier. 11 9

i s termed pharmacokinetics ("what the body does to the dru.

Table 8 .5 Examples of drugs that are excreted largely to distinguish it from pharmacodynamics ('what the drug doe1
unchanged in the urine
the body', i.e. events consequent on interaction of the drug 1o1
its receptor or other primary site of action). The diMincuon
Percentage Drugs excreted
useful, although the words cause dismay to etymological purN
10Q-75 Furosemide (frusemide), gentamicin, Knowledge of pham1acoki netics is crucial for drug dcvclopm'
methotrexate, atenolol, digoxin both to make sense of preclinical toxicity testing and of who
animal pharmacology,3 and to decide on an appropriate d<h
75-50 Benzylpenicillin, cimetidine, regimen for pivotal phase rn
<;tudies of efficacy. Understandioi
oxytetracycline, neostigmine
the general principle. of pharmacokinetics is also imponant ~
-50 Propantheline, tubocurarine clinicians, who need to understand how dosage recommendaiMXS
in the product information provided with licensed drug' hm
been arrived at if they are to use the drug optimally and under
stand its limitations. In particular, clinicians dealing '>'ilh
containing the amount of substance that is removed by the kidney severely ill patient often need to individualise the dose reguner
in unit time. It is calcu lated from the plasma concentration. CP, depending on how rapid ly a therapeutic plasma concentratiOn I
th e urinary concentration, c. and the rate of flow of urine, Vu, by required, and whether the clearance of the drug is impairt
the equation: because of renal or l iver disease.

CL, = C.x v. (8.1) Scope

cp ln this section, we explain how the total clearance of a
CL, varies greatly for different drugs, from less than I mllmin to determines its steady-~tate pla!.ma concentration during continoo:;
the theoretical maximum set by the renal plasma tlow, which i<; administration. We then present a simple model in wh1ch 1lit
approximately 700 m1/min, measured by p-aminohippuric acid body is represented a~ a single well-stirred compartment, of \Oiulll
(PAH) clearance (renal extraction of PAH approaches 100%). Vd, that describes the situation before steady state is reache<l
terms of elimination half life (1 112). Three dosing situatiom .1r

Definition and uses of pharmacokinetics 1
For example. do~~ u~d in experimemal animals often need to b.: mocb
The relationship between the time course of drug concentrati ons greater than those in humans Con a 'per unit body weight' ba~i\), ballle
auained in different regions of the body during and after dolling drug metaboli~m is commonly much more rapid in rodenb. IS

Phenobarbital (dog) ~ Amphetamine (human)

[a weak acid] [a weak base]
50 ,...----..---.----~----.
40 Psychological
l!! response
~ 20-
Alkaline urine
c pH 7.8-8.0
I 3o 2
Fig. 8.5 The effect of urinary pH Q)
on drug excretion. Phenobarbital c E
clearance in the dog as a function of ~ 20
urine flow. Because phenobarbital Q)
is acidic, alkallnislng the urine 30 Urinary
increases clearance about fivefold.
fm Amphetamine excretion in
10- s0
E 15
humans. Acidifying the urine ::1.
increases the rate of renal elimination
0 ~----~----.---------~ 0
of amphetamine, reducing its plasma 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 3 4 5 6 7
concentration and its effect on the
Urine flow (mVmin) Days
subject's mental state. (Data from
Gunne & Anggard 1974 In:
Torrell T et al. (eds) Pharmacology - - Acidic urine (pH-5)
and pharmacokinetics. Plenum,
- - Alkaline urine (pH-7)
New York.)

;ug'), on-.idercd: continuous intravenous infusion, bolus dose admin-

x:s to .,,rauon and repeated administration. Finally, we consider some A)
with ,11uations where the ~imple model is inadequate, and either a
Css Css=XICL
on is 11\o-companment model or a model where clearance varies with
1rists. drug concentration ('non-linear kinetics ' ) is needed. More detailed
ment. account, are provided by Rowland & Tozer (1995) and B irken c
1hole 1~0021: Atkmson et al. (2002) describe an alternative approach.
1ding 0
1t for (Infusion) Y mg minl nme-
have The O\crall clearance of a drug (CL) is the volume of plasma
ndcr- containing the total amount of drug that is removed from the
ith a body in unit time. It is the fundamental pharmacokinetic
;imcn paramc1cr 1hat relate!> the rate of elimination of a drug to its
ion is pla\ma concentralion (C):
aired c
Rate of drug elimination = C x CL (8.2)

Drug clearance can be determined in an individual subject

by mea~uring 1he plasma concentration of the drug (in units of,
drug -.a}. mg/1) at intervals during a constant-rate intravenous infusion
fBolus (0 mg) Time-

nuous l\3) X mg/h), until a steady state is approximated (Fig. 8.6A). At

h the ''~3d)
\talc, the rate of input to the body is equal to the rate of
)lwne elimmauon, \O:
led in
X = Css x CL (8.3)
~~ Vd:CVC
: 0

ts arc
Rearranging thi~.

CL = X (8.4)
use \\here Css i~ the plasma concentration at steady state, and CL fBolus (0 mg) Time-
~' m unit\ of volume/time (1/h in the example given).
Fig. 8 .6 Plasma drug concentration-time curves.
For many drugs. the clearance in an individual subject is the !AI During a constant intravenous infusion at rate X mg/min,
'arne a1 different doses (at least within the range of doses used indicated by the horizontal bar, the plasma concentration (C)
lherapeu1ically- but sec the Saturation kinetics section below, increases from zero to a steady-state value (Css); when the
pp. 124-126, for exceptions), so knowing CL enables one to cal- infusion is stopped, C declines to zero. lm Following an
intravenous bolus dose (0 mg), the plasma concentration rises
culate the dose rate needed to achieve a desired steady-state
abruptly and then declines towards zero. ~ If the data from
pl~'ma concentration from equation 8.3. panel B are plotted with C on a logarithmic scale, there Is a

Cl can also be estimated by measuring plasma concentrat ions linear portion during which the concentration declines
~~ 1n1ervals following a single intravenous bolus dose of, say, approximately exponentially. Extrapolation of this portion of the
Qmg (fig. 8.68). curve back to the ordinate at zero time gives an estimate of C0 ,
the concentration at zero time, and hence of Vd, the volume
Q of distribution.


11hcre AUC is 1he area under the curve relating C to time (see
Ch. 7. p. 106. and Birkett, 2002. for a fuller account of AUC and the body to its concentration in plasma (see Ch. 7, p. 109). The
hoY il is e\timated). quantity of drug in the body when it is administered as a single

bolus is equal to the administered dose Q. The initial concentration.
C0 will therefore be given by:
Con,der a highly s implified model of a human being, which Co = Q
con,i\ts of a single well-stirred compartment, of volume Vd
idl,triblllion volume), into which a quantity of drug Q is introduced In practice, C0 is eMimated by extrapolating the linear portion

rapidly by intravenous injection. and from which it can escape of a semi logarithmic plot of C against time back to its intercept
e1thcr by being mclabolised or by being excreted (Fig. 8.7). For at time 0 (Fig. 8.6C). The concentration C, at a later time t will
most drug~, V11 is an apparenl volume rather than the volume of depend on lhc rate of eliminalion of the drug (i.e. on its total
an anatomical compartment. It links the total amount of drug in clearance, CL). Many drugs exhibit first-order kinetics where the 121

Dose, a
(oral) --------->- s

0 8 (kef= 0.2/h)
E /

Absorption , f<abs .:.

..,' ~
Dose, a VolumeVd
(intravenous) c
Single wellsbrred 0
compartment <II
: kexc : kfnet

t t 0
Excretion Metabolism 0 3.5 13.9 25 50

Fig. 8. 7 Single-compartment pharmacokinetic model.
This model is applicable If the plasma concentration falls r7 value
exponentially after drug administration (as in Fig. 8.6). for a
r? value
to'r b & b'

riD 10
rate of elimination is directJy proportional to drug concentration. (ij
Drug concentration then decays exponentially (Fig. 8.8), being ~
described by the equation: ~
(8.7) E 2
.Q ' .,
Taking logarithms: ~ ',.,
c ................
lnC(t) = lnC(01 - -CL., t (8.8)
g8 0.5 .,
vd <II
Plotting C, on a logarithmic scale against 1 (on a linear scale)
yields a straight line with slope CL/Vd. The inverse of this slope
"' 0.2 -
(CL/Vd) is the elimination rate constant ket The elimination half- 0 25 50
life, 1112, is an easily conceptualised parameter inversely related to Hours
ket Tt is the time taken for C, to decrease by 50%, and is equal to Fig. 8 .8 Predicted behaviour of single-compartment
ln2/ke1 (0.693/ke1). The plasma half-life is therefore determined by model following intravenous drug administration at time 0.
Vd and CL$. Drugs a and b differ only in their elimination rate constant, k.
When the single-compartment model is applicable, the drug Curve b shows the plasma concentration time course for a
smaller dose of b. Note that the half-life (t1n) (indicated by
concentration in plasma approaches the steady-state value ap- broken lines) does not depend on the dose. IAI Linear
proximately exponentially during a constant infusion (Fig. 8.6A). concentration scale. 1m Logarithmic concentration scale.
When the infusion is discontinued, the concentration falls
exponentially towards zero: after one half-life, the concentration
will have fallen to half the initial concentration; after two half-
live!>, it will have fallen to one-quarter the initial concentration;
after three half-lives, to one eighth; and so on. It is intuitively loading dose may be used (see below). The size of such a
obvious that the longer the half-life, the longer the drug will persist determined by the volume of distribution (equation 8.6).
in the body after dosing is discontinued. It is less obvious, but
nonetheless true, that during chronic drug administration the
longer the half-Life the Longer it will take for the drug to
accumulate to it!> steady-state level: one balf-life to reach 50% of Drugs are usually given as repeated doses rather than
the steady-state value, two to reach 75%, three to reach 87.5%, injections or a constant infusion. Repeated injections
and so on. This is extremely helpful to a clinician deciding how dose Q) give a more complicated partern than the
to Mart treatment. If the drug in question has a half-life of approxi- exponential ri&e during intravenous infusion, but the principl
mately 24 hours, for example, it will take 3-5 days to approximate the same (Fig. 8.9). The concentration will rise to a mean
the steady-state concentration during a constant-rate infusion. If state concentration with an approximately exponential time
122 this is too slow in the face of the prevailing cl inical situation, a but will oscillate (through a range Q!Vd). The smaller and

15 c
Fig. 8.9 Predict ed behaviour of ~
single-compartment model with
g 10
continuous or Intermittent drug ~
administration. Smooth curve A
shows the effect of continuous c
,nfus1on for 4 days; curve B the 8
<IS 5-
same total amount of drug given in E
e1ght equal doses; and curve C the
same total amount of drug given in
four equal doses. The drug has a
half-life of 17 hours and a volume of
d1stnbution of 20 litres. Note that in
each case a steady state is A. Infusion at 200 11mol/day
effectively reached after about
B. Injection 100 J..lmol twice daily
2 days (about three half-lives), and
that the mean concentration C Injection 200 11mol once daily
reached in the steady state is the 0 2 3
same for all three schedules. Days

frequent the doses, the more closely the situation approaches p. 100) approximates a constant-rate infusion. Once absorption is
that of a continuous infusion, and the smaller the swings in complete, the plasma concentration declines with the same half-
concentration. The exact dosage schedule, however. does not time, irrespective of the rate of absorption.
atlect the mean steady-state concentration, nor the rate at which T For the kind of pharmacokinetic model discussed here, the area under
11 i' approached. In practice, a steady state is effectively achieved the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) is directly proportional to the
alter three to five half-lives. Speedier attainment of the steady total amount of drug introduced into the plasma compartment, irrespective
,tate can be achieved by starting with a larger dose, as explained of the rate at which it enters. Incomplete absorption, or destruction by
first-pass metabolism before the drug reaches tbe plasma compartment,
Jbove. Such a loading dose is sometimes used when starting
reduces AUC after or-dl administration (see Ch. 7. p. I 06). Changes in the
treatment with a drug with a half-life that is long in the context rate of absorption, however, do not affect AUC. Again, it is worth noting
of the urgency of the clinical situation, as may be the case when that provided absorption is complete, tbe relation between the rate of
o. treating cardiac dysrhythmjas with drugs such as amiodarone or administration and the steady-state plasma concentration (equation 8.4)
digoxin (Ch. 18). is unaffected by kt>o although the size of the oscillation of plasma
concentration with each dose is reduced if absorption is slow.


If adrug is ab orbed slowly from the gut or from an injection site
mto the pla~ma, it is (in terms of a compartmental model) as
though 11 were being injected slowly into the bloodstream. For
So far, we have considered a single-compartment pharma-
cokinetic model in which the rates of absorption, metabolism and
excretion are all assumed to be directly proportional to the con-
the purpose of kinetic modelling, the transfer of drug from the centration of drug in the compartment from which transfer is
ose is te of adminbtration to the central compartment can be occurring. This is a useful way to illustrate some basic principles
repre-.cnted approximately by a rate constant, kabs (see Fig. 8.7). but is clearly a physiological oversimplification. The characteristics
Thi~ a'~umes that the rate of absorption is directly proportional, of different partS of the body, such as brain, body fat and muscle,
at an} moment, to the amount of drug still unabsorbed, which is are quite different in terms of their blood supply, partition coefficient
at bN a rough approximation to reality. The effect of slow for dmgs, and the permeability of their capillaries to dmgs.
;ingle a!hOrption on the time course of the rise and fall of the plasma These differences, which the single-compartment model ignores,
.ch of ronentrmion is shown in Figure 8. I 0. The curves show the effect can markedly affect the time courses of drug distribution and action,
nooth of ~preading out the absorption of the san1c total amount of drug and much theoretical work has gone into the mathematical
pJe IS o1crdifferent times. In each case, the drug is absorbed completely, analysis of more complex models (see Rowland & Tozer, 1995;
eady- but the peak concentration appears later and is lower and less Atkinson et al., 2002). They are beyond the scope of this book,
ourse, 1harp if absorption is slow. In the limiting case, a dosage form and perhaps also beyond the limit of what is actually useful, for
more !hat releases drug at a constant rate as it traverses the ileum (Ch. 7, the experimental data on pharmacokinetic properties of drugs are 123

~ liD
~ 10
:J c
>- t1 abs 0 20
~ ~
:e~ Oh


eE 5 6h Q)
: 10
Q) :;:.
0 .s::
c a.
8 c
en IU
0::: E
0 IU
0 8 16 24 0::: 2 4 6 8
Hours Hours

Fig. 8.10 The effect of slow drug absorption on plasma drug concentration. ~ Predicted behaviour of single-compartment

model with drug absorbed at different rates from the gut or an injection site. The elimination half-time is 6 hours. The absorption half
times (t112 abs) are marked on the diagram. (Zero indicates instantaneous absorption, corresponding to intravenous administration.)
Note that the peak plasma concentration is reduced and delayed by slow absorption, and the duration of action is somewhat increased.
B Measurements of plasma aminophylline concentration in humans following equal oral and intravenous doses. (Data from Swintowsky
J V 1956 JAm Pharrn Assoc 49: 395.)

eldom accurate or reproducible enough to enable complex models in the case of a few drugs that distribute especially rapidly). Th
to be tested critically. effect of adding a second compartment to the model is to introduu
The two-compartment model, which introduces a separate a second exponential component into the predicted time coul"<
'peripheral' compartment to represent the tissues, in communication of the plasma concentration, so that it comprises a fast and a ,J
with the 'central' plasma compartment, more closely resembles phase. This pattern is often found experimentally, and i~ l1lll
the real situation without involving excessive complications. clearly revealed when the concentration data are plo1
semilogarithrnically (Fig. 8. 12). lf, as is often the case, the Iran
of drug between the central and peripheral compartmenl~
relatively fast compared with the rate of elimination, then th~
The two-compartment model is a widely used approximation in phase (often called the a phase) can be taken to rcpre~ent
which the tissues are lumped together~ a peripheral compartment. redistribution of the drug (i.e. drug molecules passing fr
Drug molecules can enter and leave the peripheral compartment plasma to tissues, thereby rapidly lowering the plasma con~en
only via the central compartment (Fig. 8.1 1), whic h usually tration). The plasma concentration reached when the fast pha1~
represents the plasma (or plasma plus some extravascular space complete, bnt before any elimination has occurred, allow>
measure of the combined distribution volumes of 1he t~
compartments; the half-time for the slow phase (the ~ pha
provides an estimate of kc~. lf a drug is rapidly metabolised
a and fi phases are not well separated, and the calculation of
and kc~ is not straightforward. Problems also arise with drug' It
( Oral dose } - - - - -
very fat-soluble drugs) for which it is unrealistic to lump all
peripheral tissues together.
Absorption : kobs
..,.. compartment
' k
k12- _,... p enp
- - --
. hera I
ln a few cases, such as etha nol, 1>heoytoin and salicylate.lh
(1) -c- - -21- - - (2) time course of disappearance of drug from the plasma doe,
follow the exponential or biexponeotial patterns shOI\O
Figures 8.8 and 8.12 but is initially linear (i.e. drug is rem01eJ
kexc a constant rate that i~ independent of plasma concentrationJ.lt
y y is often called zero-order kinetics to distinguish it from the u
Excretion Metabolism first-order kinetics that we have considered so far (these l

lFig. 8.11 Two-compa rtment pharm acokinetic model. have their origin in chemical kinetic theory). Saturation kme
is a better tenn. Figure 8. 13 shows the example of ethanol. he

11118r1118coklnetlca 5~-------------.-------------.

Diazepam 105 p.mol orally

Total clearance (CL) of a drug is the
fundamental parameter describing its elimination: the
rate of elimination equals CL times plasma i
..:. 2
concentration. c:
CL determines steady-state plasma concentration ~
(C..): C = rate of drug administration/CL. c: 1.0
For many drugs, disappearance from the plasma ~
follows an approximately exponential time course.
Such drugs can be described by a model where t he [ 0.5
body is treated as a single well-stirred compartment :;j
of volume Vd. Vd is an apparent volume linking the co
amount of drug in the body at any time to the plasma E
Elimination half-life (t112) is directly proportional to Vd
and Inversely proportional to CL.
With repeated dosage or sustained delivery of a drug, 0.1
0 12 24
ed. the plasma concentration approaches a steady value
;ky withtn three to five plasma half-lives.
Fig. 8 .12 Kinet ics of diazepam elimination in humans
In urgent situations, a loading dose may be needed to
following a single oral dose. The graph shows a
achieve therapeutic concentration rapidly. semilogarithmic plot of plasma concentration versus time. The
The loadtng dose needed to achieve a desired initial experimental data (black symbols) follow a curve that becomes
plasma concentration is determined by Vd. linear after about 8 hours (slow phase). Plotting the deviation of
). The
A two-compartment model is often needed. In this the early points (pink shaded area) from this line on the same
-oduce coordinates (red symbols) reveals the fast phase. This type of
case. the kinetics are biexponential. The two
two-component decay is consistent with the two-compartment
~ siO\\
components roughly represent the processes of model (Fig. 8.11) and is obtained with many drugs. (Data from
most transfer between plasma and tissues (a phase) and Curry S H 1980 Drug disposition and pharmacokinetics.
lotted elimination from the plasma (13 phase). Blackwell, Oxford.)
ru1sfer Some drugs show non-exponential 'saturation'
'OIS is
kinetics, with important clinical consequences,
1e fast especially a disproportionate increase in steady-state
nt the plasma concentration when daily dose is increased.
lasc 1s
ows a be \Cen that the rate of disappearance of ethanol from the plasma
20 Dose
e two 11 con~tant al about 4 mmol/1 per hour. irrespective of its plasma
concentration. The explanation for this is that the rate of oxidation
phase) E Dose
~d. the by the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase reaches a maximum at low .sc: mol/kg)
1 of V ethanol concentrations, because of limited availability of the .Q
~s(e.g. cofactor NAD (see Ch. 43, p. 632, Fig. 43.6). ~
all the Saturation kinetics has several important consequences (see ~
c: 10
Fig. 8.14). One is that the duration of action is more strongly 8
dcJl(ndem on dose than is the case with drugs that do not show :g
metabolic saturation. Another consequence is that the relationship 8
bet\\een do e and ~teady-state plasma concentration is steep and
te. the unpredictable, and it does not obey the proportionality rule ~
ICS not tmphclltn equation 8.4 for non-saturating drugs. The maximum
wn in rat~ of metabolism sets a lirrut to the rate at which the drug can
0 60 90 120
>Ved at be admimstered; if this rate is exceeded, the amount of drug in
Time after ingestion (minutes)
). Thts the body will, in principle, increase indefinitely and never reach
a,teady state (Fig. 8. 14). This does not actually happen, because Fig. 8.13 Saturating kinet ics of alcohol elimination in
! usual
humans. The blood alcohol concentration falls linearly rather
tem1s there is always some dependence of the rate of elimination on the than exponentially, and the rate of fall does not vary with dose.
inetics pla~ma concentration (usually because other, non-saturating (From Drew G C et al. 1958 Br Med J 2: 5103.)
. It can metabolic pathways or renal excretion contribute significantly at

A] Normal kinetics B] Saturating ki netics

150 150
s0 ~
.:. .:.
c: 100 c: 100
.Q .Q
~ ~
c: 2l
0 8
ca ca
ca ca
a: a:
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Days Days

- --------,
:_ _______ ..! Therapeutic range [iQ] Dose (units= 1-1mol/kg}

Fig. 8.14 Comparison of non-saturating and saturating kinetics for drugs given orally every 12 ho urs. The curves show an
imaginary drug, similar to the antiepileptic drug phenytoin at the lowest dose, but with linear kinetics. The curves for saturating kinetics
are calculated from the known phannacokinetic parameters of phenytoin (see Ch. 40). Note rl\l that no steady state is reached with
higher doses of phenytoin, and that a small increment in dose results after a time in a disproportionately large effect on plasma
concentration. With linear kinetics, the steady-state plasma concentration is directly proportional to dose. (Curves were calculated With
~e Sympak pharmacokinetic modelling program written by Dr J G Blackman, Univers_i_ t y_o_f_o_t_
ag_o_._>_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....._~

high concentrations). Nevertheless, steady-state plasma concen- drug&&uch as phenytoin, an anticonvulsant for which pi~~.>
trations of drugs of this ki nd vary widely and unpredictably with concentration needs to be closely controlled to achieve an opu
dose. Similarly, variations in the rate of metabolism (e.g. through clinical effect (see Ch. 40, p. 582, Fig. 40.3).
enzyme induction) cau e disproportionately large changes in the Clinical applications of pharmacokinetics are summarised
plasma concentration. These problems are well recognised for the clinical box.


Pharmacokinetic studies performed during drug markedly increased in a patient with renal
development underpin the standard dose regimens failure (Ch. 46, pp. 670-671)
approved by regulatory agencies. - the dose increment needed to achieve a target plasma
Clinicians sometimes need to individualise dose concentration range of a drug such as phenytoin
regimens to account for individual variation in a with saturation kinetics (Ch. 40, p . 582, Fig. 40.3) is
particular patient (e.g. a neonate, a patient with much less than for a drug with linear kinetics.
impaired and changing renal function, or a patient Knowing the approximate t 112 of a drug can be very
taking drugs that interfere with drug metabolism; useful, even if a therapeutic concentration is not known:
see Ch. 52). - in correctly interpreting adverse events that occur
Drug effect (pharmacodynamics) is often used for such some considerable time after starting regular treatmeo
individualisation, but there are drugs (including some (e.g. benzodiazepines; see Ch. 37, pp. 541-542)
anticonvulsants, antidysrhythmics and antineoplastics) - in deciding on the need or otherwise for an initial
where a therapeutic range of plasma concentrations loading dose when starting treatment with drugs such
has been defined, and for which it is useful to adjust as digoxin and amiodarone (Ch. 18, pp. 290 and 292)
the dose to achieve a concentration in this range. The volume of distribution (V& of a drug determines the
Knowledge of kinetics enables rational dose size of loading dose needed. If Vd is large (as for many
adjustment. For example: tricyclic antidepressants), haemodialysis will not be an
the dose interval of a drug such as gentamicin effective way of increasing the rate of elimination in
eliminated by renal excretion may need to be treating overdose.
Chemical mediators
and the autonomic
nervous system
Historical aspects 13 1 , Swdies initiated on the peripheral nervous system have been central to
~---------------~----------------------------~ the understand ing and classification of many major types of drug action,
1he peripheral nervous system 132
so il is wonh recounting a tittle history. Excellent accounts are given by
-Basic anatomy and physiology of the autonomic nervous Bacq ( 1975) and Valcnstein (2005).
system 132
Experimental phy~iology became established as an approach to the
-Transmitters in the autonomic nervous system 135
under<>tanding of the function of living organisms in the middle of the
Some general principles of chemical t9th century. The peripheral nervous system, and particularly the autonomic
nervous system, received a great deal of anention. The fact that electrical
lransmiu ian 136 stimulation of nerve~ could elicit a whole variety of physiological effecL~
- Dole's principle 136 -from blanching of the ~kin to arrest of the hean-prescnted a real
- Denervotion supersensitivity 136 challenge to comprehension. particularly of the way in which the signal
-Presynaptic modulation 137 was passed from the nerve to the effecter tissue. In 1877, Du Bois-
- Postsynaptic modulation 138 Reymond wa~ the fi~t to put the altemati,e~ clearly: or known namral
proces..es that might pa~ on excitation. only two are, in my opinion. wonh
- Transmitters other than acetylcholine and talking aJx)ut-either there exisL~ at the boundary of the contractile substance
noradrenaline 139 a stimulatory secreuon ... or the phenomenon is electrical in nature'.
-Cotronsmission 140 The Iauer v1ew wa~ generally favoured. In 1869. it had been shown
-Termination of transmitter action 140 that an exogenou!> ~ub~tance, muscarine. could mimic the effects of
stimulating the vagu~ nerve, and that atropine could inhibit the actions
luic steps in neurochemical transmission: sites both of muscarine and of nerve stimulation. In 1905, Langley showed the
af drug action 14 1 same for nicotine and curare acting at the neuromuscular junction.
Most physiologist~ imerpreted these phenomena as stimulation and
inhibi tion of the nerve e nding~. re,pectivety, rather than as evidence for
chemical transmission. Hence the suggestion ofT R Elliott, in 1904, that
OVERVIEW J adrenaline (epinephrine) might act as a chemical transminer mediating
the actions of the sympathetic nervous system was coolly received, until
Langley, the Professor of Phy~iology at Cambridge and a powerful figure
The network of che mical signals and a ssociate d
at that time, suggested, a year later, that t.mnsmission to skeletal musc le
receptors by which ce lls in the body communicate involved the secretion by the nerve tenn inals of a substance related
with one another provides many targets for drug to nicotine.
action, and has always bee n a focus of attention
One of the key observations for Elliott was that degeneralion of
for pharmacologists. Chemical transmission in the sympathetic ncr\e terminals did not abolish the sensitivity of smooth muscle
peripheral nervous syste m, and the various ways preparations to adrenaline (which the electrical theory predicted) but actually
in which the proce ss can be pharmacologically enhanced it. The hypothesis of chemical transmission was put to direct
subverted, are discussed in this chapter. In addition test Ill 1907 by Dixon, who tried to show that vagus nerve stimulation
to neurotransmission, w e also consider briefly the released from a dog~ hean into the blood a substance capable of
inhibiting another heart. The experiment failed, and the atmosphere of
less clearly defined processes, collectively termed scepticism prevailed.
neuromodulation, by which many mediators and
It was not until I921. in Germany, that Loewi showed that stimulation
drugs exert control over the function of the nervous
of the vagosympathet.ic trunk connected to an isolated and cannulated
system. The re lative anatomical and physiological frog's heart could cause the release imo the cannula of a substance
simplicity of the periphe ral ne rvous system has (' Vagusstoff') that. if the cannula fluid was transferred from the first hean
mode it the proving ground for most of the important to a second. would mhibit the second hean. This is a classic and
discoveries about che mical transmission, a nd the much-quoted experiment that proved extremely difficult for even Loewi
to perform reproducibly. ln an autobiograpb.ical sketch, Loewi tells us
same general principle s apply to the central nervous
that the idea of chemical transmission arose in a discussion that he had
system (see Ch. 32). For more detail than is give n in t 903, but no way of testing it experimentally occurred to him until
here, see Broadley ( 1996), Brading ( 1999), and he dreamed of the appropriate experiment one night in 1920. He wrote
Cooper et al. (2004). some notes of this very imponant dre;1m in the middle of the nighl, bul 131

in the morning could not read them. The dream obligingly returned the
next night and. takang no chance\. he went to the laboratory at 3 a.m. BASIC ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF
and carried out the experiment ~ucce~sfully. Loewi"s experiment may be, THE AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM
and wa.s, criticised on numerou~ grouncb (it coulcl for example, have
been pota.\\IUm rather than a neurotraosmiuer that was acting on the The autonomic nervous sy~tcm (see Appenzeller & Oribe.
recipient heart). but a ~cries of further experiments proved lum 10 be right. consists of three main anatomical divisions: sympatheu
H1~ findmgs can be ~ummarised as follow. parasympathetic (see Fig. 9.1). and the enteric nervou<. ') '
con~is1ing of 1he intrinsic nerve plexuses of the gastroime
Sumulauon of the vagus caused the appearance in the perfu~ate of
the frog bean of a sub,tance capable of producing. in a second bean. tract, which are closely interconnected with the sympalhet11.
an mh1b1tOI)' effect re\embling vagus stimulation. parasympathetic systems.
Stimulauon of the sympathetic nervous system caused the appearance The autonomic nervous system conveys all the output\
of a \Ub\tance capable of accelerating a second bean. By Ouorescence the central nervous system to the rest of the body, except fL
meawrements. Loc" i concluded later that this substance was
motor innervation of skeletal muscle. The enteric nervou~
Atropine prevented the inhibitory action of the vagus on the bean but has ~>Ufficient integrative capabilities to allow it to function
did not prevent rclca'e of Vagusstoff. Atropine thus prevented the effects. pendently of the central nervous system, but the sympatheti~
rather than the release. of the transmitter. parasympathetic systems are agents of the central nervou~
When YagussLOff was incubated with ground-up heart muscle, it became and cannot function without it. The autonomic ncrvou~ syMc
inactivmed. This effect b now known to be due to enzymatic destruction
of acetylchol ine by cholinestera.~e.
largely outside the influence of voluntary control. The
Physostigmin e (eserine). which potentiated the effect of vagus processes that it regulates are:
stimulmion on the bean. prevented destruction of Vagus~toff by heart
mu~cle, providing evidence that the potentiation is due to inhibition
contraction and relaxation of vascular and visceral smootll
of cholinestem~e. which normally destroy~ the tran~miuer sub,tance muscle
acetylcholine. all exocrine and certain endocrine secretions
the heartbeat
A few yea~ later. in the early 1930~. Dale showed convincingly that
acetylcholine wa'> al\o the transmitter substance at the neuromuscular energy metabolism. particularly in liver and skeletal mu><
JUnction of ~triated mu<.cle and at autonomic ganglia. One of the key~ 10
A degree of autonomic control also affects many other
Dale, \ucce~~ lay m the u'e of very highly 'ensitive bioa~'ay,, especially
the leech dorsal mu<.cle, for me~uring acetylcholine release. Chemical including the kidney, immune system and somatosensol)
tran'>rni'>\ion at \}mpathellc ner.e terminals "~demonstrated at about The main difference between the autonomic and the
the 'arne ume ~ cholinergic transmission and by very similar methods. efferent pathways is that the fonner consists of two neurons
Cannon and hi'> colleague' at Har,ard first showed unequi,ocally the in series. whereas in the latter a single motor neuron connec~
phenomenun or chem1cal tmnsmi,,ion at sympathetic ner.e endings, b)
central nervous syMem to the skeletal muscle fibre (Fig. 9.2J
experiment\ in '1vo in "hich tissues made supersensitive to adrenaline
by prior sympathetic denervation were shown to respond. after a delay. two neurons in the autonomic pathway are known.
to the transmitter released by stimulation of the sympathetic nerves to as preganglionic and postganglionic. In the sympathetic nen
other pan\ of the body. The chemical identity of the tran'>miuer, !>ystem, the intervening synapses lie in autonomic ganglia,
tantalisingly like adren:aline but not identical to it, caused confu~ion for arc outside the central nervous system, and contain the
many yeaN, unti l in 1946 von Euler showed it 10 be the non-methylated
endings of preganglionic fibres and the cell bodies of po~;tga1ngli''''l
derivative norndrenuline (norepinephrine).
neurons. In parasympathetic pathways. the postganglionic
arc mai nly found in the target organs, discrete oarasvmlnatllltt<ll
THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM ganglia (e.g. the ci liary ganglion) being found only in 1he
and neck.
The peripheral nervous system consists of the following principal The cell bodies of the sympathetic preganglionic neuron1
elements: in the lateral horn of the grey matter of the thoracic
lumbar segments of the spinal cord, and the fibres leave
autonomic nervou~ system, which includes the enteric
spinal cord in the spinal nerves as the thoracollm
nervous sy!>tcm
sympathetic outflow. The preganglionic fibres synap~c in
somatic efferent nerves. innervating skeletal muscle
parmertebral chains of sympathetic ganglia. lying on
\Omatic and vbceral afferent nerves.
side of the spinal column. These ganglia contain the cell
In this chapter, we focus on the autonomic nervous of the postganglionic sympathetic neurons, the axons of
syMcm, which for a long time occupied centre stage in the rejoin the spinal nerve. Many of the postganglionic ~)
pharmacology of chemical transmission. Aspects of the somatic fibres reach their peripheral destinations via the branch~
efferent system are considered in Chapter I0. Afferent nerves the spinal nerves. Others. destined for abdominal and
(particularly the non-myelinated nerves subserving nociceptive viscera, have their cell bodies in a group of unpaired
and other functions: see Ch. 41) also have important effector ganglia in the abdominal cavity. The only exception
functions in the periphery. mediated mainly by neuropeptides two-neuron arrangement is the innervation of the
(Ch. 16). Many afferent fibres are present in autonomic nerves medulla. The catecholamine-secreting cells of the
and arc anatomically part of the autonomic nervous system, medulla arc, in effect, modified postganglionic
but it is the efferent pathways that are the main concern of neurons, and the nerves supplying the gland are equivalcm
132 this chapter. pregangl ionic fibres.

Sympathetic Parasympathetic

Structures in
97) head and neck:
em. Eye
Blood vessels
Salivary glands
and etc.

Lhe Heart

Adrenal medulla Lung

Upper Gl tract


j Pelvic ganglia

Gl tract
. .: ~ Lowe' Gl
.-- '

Fig. 9.1 Basic plan of the

mammalian auto no mic nervous Blood vessels Paravertebral
system. C, cerv1cal; Gl, Sweat glands sympathetic Preganglionic
gastrointestinal; L, lumbar; M, etc. Segmental chain
medullary; S, sacral; T, thoracic. outflow (bilateral)

< ACh
/ Skeletal muscle
Somatic efferent

--- ---<< (nic) et -- - -< N.A, - - : ' Blood vessels



------<< ACh let --
<(mus) Sweat glands

..J ACh
< (nic) Adrenal medulla
ACh .__ __

< (nic)
<(mus) 0 Salivary glands

Fig. 9.2 Acetylcholine and noradrenaline as tr ansmitters in the p eripheral nervous system. The main two types of acetylcholine
~ lO (ACh) receptor, nicotinic (nlc) and muscarinic (mus) (see Ch. 10), are indicated. NA, noradrenaline (norepinephrin e).

The parasympathetic nerves emerge from two separate regions In some places (e.g. in the visceral smooth muscle of rt
of the central nervous system. The cranial outflow consists of gut and bladder, and in the heart), the sympathetic and :
preganglionic fibres in certain cranial nerves, namely the parasympathetic systems produce opposire effects, but there .1.
oculomotor nerve (carrying parasympathetic fibres destined for others where only one division of the autonomic system open.:es.
the eye), the facial and glossopharyngeal nerves (carrying fibres The sweat glands and most blood vessels, for example, b
to the salivary glands and the nasopharynx), and the vagus nerve only a sympathetic innervation, whereas the ciljary muscle oflk
(carrying fibres to the thoracic and abdominal viscera). The ganglia eye has only a parasympathetic innervation. Bronchial ~mo
lie scattered in close relation to the target organs; the postganglionic muscle has only a parasympathetic (constrictor) inne"..r
neurons are very short compared with those of the sympathetic (although its tone is highly sensitive to circulating adrenaline
system. Parasympathetic fibres destined for the pelvic and acting probably to inhibit the constrictor innervation rather tit:::
abdominal viscera emerge as the sacral outflow from the spinal on the smooth muscle directly). Resistance arteries (see Ch JL
cord in a bundle of nerves known as the nervi erigentes (because have a sympathetic vasoconstrictor innervation but no pa:
stimulation of these nerves evokes genital erection-a fact of sympathetic innervation; instead, the constrictor tone i~ oppo!>t
some importance to those responsible for artificial insemination by a background release of nitric oxide from the cndotheli
of livestock). These fibres synapse in a group of scattered pelvic cells (sec Ch. 17). There are other examples, such as the saliva;
ganglia, whence the short postganglionic fibres run to target glands, where the two systems produce similar, rather th
tissues such as the bladder, rectum and genitalia. The pelvic opposing, effects.
ganglia carry both sympathetic and parasympathetic fibres , and It is therefore a mistake to think of the sympathetic art
the two divisions are not anatomically distinct in this region. parasympathetic systems simply as physiological opponem
The enteric nervous system (reviewed by Goyal & Hirano, Each serves its own physiological function and can be mn
1996) consists of the neurons whose cell bodies lie in the intramural or less active in a particular organ or tissue according to thent.:
plexuses in the wall of the intestine. It is estimated that there are of the moment. Cannon rightly emphasised the general role
more cells in this system than in the spinal cord, and functionally the sympathetic system in evoking 'fight or flight' reactiOn\
they do not fit simply into the sympathetic/parasympathetic an emergency, but emergencies are rare for most animail.
classification. Incoming nerves from both the sympathetic and everyday life, the autonomic nervous system function~ ,
the parasympathetic systems terminate on enteric neurons, as tinuously to control specific local functions, such as adjustmer:::
well as running directly to smooth muscle, glands and blood to postural changes, exercise or ambient temperature (see J
vessels. Some enteric neurons function as mechanoreceptors or & McLachlan, 1992). The popular concept of a continuum 1
chemoreceptors, providing local reflex pathways that can control the extreme 'rest and digest' state (parasympathetic aculf.
gastroimestinal function without external inputs. The enteric sympathetic quiescent) to the extreme emergency fight or fl1,
nervous system is pharmacologically more complex than the sym- state (sympathetic active, parasympathetic quiescem) is
pathetic or parasympathetic systems, involving many neuro- oversimplification.
peptide and other transmitters (such as 5-hydroxytryptamine, Table 9. 1 lists some of the more important autonom
nitric oxide and ATP). responses in humans.

1able 8.1 The main effects of the autonomic nervous system

Organ Sympathetic effect Adrenergic Parasympathetic effect Cholinergic

receptor type receptor type

Sinoatrial node Rate t ~1 Rate l M2
Atrial muscle Force t ~1 Force l M2
Atrioventricular node Automaticity t ~1 Conduction velocity l M2
Atrioventricular block M2
Ventricular muscle Automaticity t ~1 No effect M2
Force t

Blood vessels
Coronary Constriction a No effect
Muscle Dilatation ~2 No effect
Viscera, skin, brain Constriction {.( No effect
Erectile tissue Constriction a Dilatation Ml
Salivary gland Constriction 0. Dilatation Mao

1 the Table 8.1 (cont'd) The main effects of the autonomic nervous system
~ are

ates. Organ Sympathetic effect Adrenergic Parasympathetic effect Cholinergic

have receptor type recept or type
Veins Constriction a No effect
ooth Dilatation ~2 No effect
1e- Viscera
than Bronchi
Smooth muscle No sympathetic innervation, Constriction M3
. 19) but dilated by circulating
>ara- adrenaline (epmephrine)
osed Glands No effect Secretion M3
elial Gastrointestinal tract
vary Smooth muscle Moti lity~ a, , a2, ~2 Motility t M3
Sphincters Constriction a2, ~2 Dilatation M3
than Glands No effect Secretion M3
Gastric acid secretion M,
and Bladder Relaxation 132 Contraction M3
!OlS. Sphincter contraction u, Sphincter relaxation M3
Pregnant Contraction a Variable
1eed Non-pregnant Relaxation ~
e of
iS in Male sex organs Ejaculation a Erection M3
. I n
::on -
Pupil Dilatation a Constriction M3
rents Ciliary muscle Relaxation (slight) 13 Contraction M3
'rom Skin
tiv e, Sweat glands Secretion (mainly cholinergic No effect
via M3 receptors)
Pilomotor Piloerection u No effect
Salivary glands Secretion u,jl Secretion M3
Lacrimal glands No effect Secretion M3

Kidney Renin secretion j3, No effect

Uver Glycogenolysis a , ~2 No effect


'The adrenergic and cholinergic receptor types shown are described more fully in Chapters 7 and 8. Transmitters other than
acetylcholine and noradrenaline (norepinephrine) contribute to many of these responses (see Table 9.2).
"Vasodilator effects of M3 receptors are due to nitric oxide release from endothelial cells (see Ch. 15).

All moto r nerve fibres leaving the central nervous system

release acety lcholine. w hich acts on nicotinic receptors
(although in autonomic ganglia a m inor component of excitation
The two main neurotransmi tters that operate in the autonomic is due to activatio n of m uscarinic receptor s; see Ch. I 0).
')'tem are acetylcholine and nor adren aline, whose sites of action AU postganglionic parasympathetic fibres release acetylcholine,
are shown diagrammatically in Figure 9.2. This diagram also shows which acts on muscarin ic recepto rs.
the type of postsynaptic receptor w ith which the transmitters interact All postganglionic sympathetic fibres (with one importan t
31 lhe difTerenl sites (discussed more full y in Chs 10 and l 1). Som e exception) release nor adrenaline, which may act o n either
general rules apply. a- or ~-adrenoceptors (sec Ch . I I ). The exceptio n is the 135

Baalc anatomy of the autonomic SOME GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF

The autonomic nervous system comprises three The essential processes in chemica] transmission-the release o(
divisions: sympathetic, parasympathetic and enteric. mediators, and their interaction with receptors on target celh-
The basic (two-neuron) pattern of the sympathetic are described in Chapters 4 and 3, respectively. Here we con,idcr
and parasympathetic systems consists of a some general characteristics of chemical transmission of paniculr
preganglionic neuron with a cell body in the central relevance to pharmacology. Many of these principles apply al~t
nervous system (CNS) and a postganglionic neuron the central nervous system and are taken up again in Chapter3~
with cell body in an autonomic ganglion.
The parasympathetic system is connected to the
CNS via:
- cranial nerve outflow (Ill, VII, IX, X) T Dale's pri nciple, advanced in 1934, states, in its modern form: ,
mature neuron relea~es the same transmitter (or transmitters) at all of,~ sy
- sacral outflow.
~ynapscs'. Dale considered it unlikely that a single neuron could store a~.
Parasympathetic ganglia usually lie close to or within release differem transmitter~ at different nerve terminals, and his 1ie.
the target organ. was supported by phy&iological and neurochemical evidence. h is know~
Sympathetic outflow leaves the CNS in thoracic and for example, that the axons of motor neurons have branches that synap
lumbar spinal roots. Sympathetic ganglia form two on interncurons in the spinal cord. in addition to the main branch lh~
paravertebral chains, plus some midline ganglia. inncrvatc5 skeletal mu~cle fibres in the periphery. The transmitter atlx b
the central and the peripheral nerve endings is acetylcholine, m
The enteric nervous system consists of neurons lying in
accordance with Dale'~ principle. Recent work, however, ~ugge~ts thJI
the intramural plexuses of the gastrointestinal tract. It there are situation~ where different transmitters are released lr1111
receives inputs from sympathetic and parasympathetic different terminals of the same neuron. Further. we now know that nm
systems, but can act on its own to control the motor neuron~ rcle~e more than one tran~miuer (see Corransmission, bd

and secretory functions of the intestine. and may change theti transmitter repertoire, for example during develop!'
or in re\pon-.e to IOJUry. Moreover (see Fig. 4.12). the balance of
cocl..tail of mediators released by a nerve terminal can ''aC)' with stimulci
conditiOn\, and tn response to presynaptic modulators. Dale's principl
was. of cou~. framed long before the~e compleJtities were dio;co\cnt,
and it has probably now outlived i!S usefulness, although punm '"
Phplology of the autonomic
curiou\ly reluctant to let it go.
nervoua ayatem

The autonomic system controls smooth muscle DENERVATION SUPERSENSITIVITY

(visceral and vascular), exocrine (and some
[t is known, mainly from the work of Cannon on the sympatheti,
endocrine) secretions, rate and force of the heart, and
system, that if a nerve is cut and its terminals allowed to degener.ue
certain metabolic processes (e.g. glucose utilisation).
the structure supplied by it becomes supersensitive to the transmincr
Sympathetic and parasympathetic systems have
substance released by the terminals. Thus skeletal muscle, which
opposing actions in some situations (e.g. control of
normally responds to injected acetylcholine only if a large do~
heart rate, gastrointestinal smooth muscle), but not in
is given directly into the arterial blood supply, will, after denervation.
others (e.g. salivary glands, ciliary muscle).
respond by contracture to much smaJJer amounts. Other organ~.
Sympathetic activity increases in stress ('fight or
such as salivary glands and blood vessels, show similar supersen'1
flight' response), whereas parasympathetic activity
tiviry to acetylcholine and noradrenaline when the postganglionh
predominates during satiation and repose. Both
nerves degenerate, and there is evidence that pathways in t1x
systems exert a continuous physiological control of
central nervous system show the same phenomenon.
specific organs under normal conditions, when the
body is at neither extreme. T Se' era I mechani~ms contribute to denervation supersensitivity, and die
extent and mechanism of the phenomenon varies from organ to ~n
Reponed mechani'm~ include the following.
Proliferation of receptors. This is panicularly marked in skeletal mll:idc.
sympathetic innervation of sweat glands, where transmission in which the number of acetylcholine receptors increases 20.fold cr
is due to acetylcholine acting on muscarinic receptors. ln more after denervation: the receptors. normally localised to the endpl311
some species, but not humans, vasodilatation in skeletal region of the fibre~. spread over the whole surface. Elsewhere, mod
muscle is produced by cholinergic sympathetic nerve fibres. smaller increases in receptor number (about twofold) have often bm
reponed. but there are examples where no change occurs.
Acetylcholine and noradrenaline are the grandees among autonomic Loss of mecitamsms for transmitter removal. At noradrenergic synapx
transmitters, and arc central to understanding autonomic the lo8~ of neuronal uptake of noradrenaline (see Ch. I I) com:rioote
substantiall y to denervation supersensitivity. At cholinergic syna~s .
pharmacology. However, many other chemical mediators are also
partial loss of cholinesterase occurs (see Ch. 10).
released by autonomic neurons (see below), and their functional Increased posrjunctiona/ responsiveness. In some cases, the postsynapt
136 significance is gradually becoming clearer. cells become supersensitive without a corresponding increase in tht

number of receptor.. Thu.\ -.mooth mu~le cell~ become partly dcpolariscd no rad renaline acting on the parasympathetic nerve terminals. A
and hyperexcitable. and thh phenomenon contributes appreciably to similar situation of mutual pre!>ynaptic inhibition exists in the
their \Uper.en~itivuy. The mechani~m of this change and its imponance
heart, where noradrenaline inhibits acetylcholine release, as in
for other '>ynap\e' i\ not known.
the myenteric plexus, and acetylcholine also inhibits noradrenaline
Super.ensitivity can occur, but is less marked, when transmission release. These are examples of heterotropic interactions, where
~ intcnupted by procc!.se!. other than nerve section. Pbarmaco- one neurotransmitter affects the release of another. Homorropic
logtcal blocl.. of ganglionic transmission, for example, if sustained interactions also occur, where the transminer. by binding to
for a few days. causes some degree of supersensitivity of the target presynaptic autoreceptors. affects the nerve terminals from which
) !O
organs, and long-term blockade of postsynaptic receptors also it is being released. Thi~ type of autoinhibitory feedback acts
cau..e~ rccepton. to proliferate, leaving the cell supersensitive when powerfully at noradrenergic nerve tenninals (see Starke et al., 1989).
lhe blocking agent is removed. Phenomena such as this are of One of the strongest pieces of evidence is that the amount of
imponance in the central nervous system, where such super- noradre naline rel ea~ed from tissues in response to repetitive
'ensitivity can cause ' rebound' effects when drugs that impair stimulation of sympathetic nerves is increased 10-fold or more
~ynaptic transmission are given for some time and then stopped. in the presence of an antagonist that blocks the presynaptic
f iiS
and noradrenaline receptors (see Ch. ll). This suggests that the released
Jew noradre nal ine can inhibit further release by at least 90%. In the
brain, acetylcholine release is modulated by a similar autoinhibitory
1pse n1c presynaptic te rminals that synthesise and release tran:.mittcr
feedback involving presynaptic muscarinic acetylcholine receptors.
10 rc~pon~c to electrical activity in the nerve fibre are often In both the no radre nergic and chol inergic systems, the
in lhcm~elve~ sensitive to transmitter substances and to other presynaptic autorcceptors are pharmacologically di!>tinct from
ihat >Ub~tanccs that may be produced locally in tissues (for reviews the postsynaptic receptors (see Chs 10 and 11). and there arc
rom '<C Starke ct al., 1989; Fuder & Muscholl, 1995). Such presynaptic drugs that act selectively, as agonists o r antagonists, o n the pre-
eiTem mo~t commonly act to inhibit transmitter release, but may or po~t~ynaptic receptors.
enhance it. Figure 9.3 !>hows the inhibitory effect of adrenaline Cholinergic and noradrenergic nerve terminals respond not
the on the relea~e of acetylcholine (evoked by electrical stimulation) only to acetylcholine and noradrenaline, as described above, but
llus from the postganglionic parasympathetic nerve terminals of the also to other ~ubl>tanc~ that are released as cotransmitters, such
iple inte..tine. The release of noradrenaline from nearby sympathetic as ATP and neurope ptide Y (NPY). or derived from other
ied. nerve terminals can also inhibit release of acetylcholine. sources, including nitric oxide, prostaglandins. adenos ine.
t\oradrcnergic and cholinergic nerve terminals often lie close do pamine. 5-hydroxytryptamine. GABA. o pioid peptides.
together in the myenteric plexus, so the opposing effects of the endocanna binoids and many other substances. The physiologi-
>)mpathetic and parasympathetic systems result not only from cal role and pharmacological signjficance of these various
the oppo~i te effect<. of the two transmitters on the smooth muscle interactions is still unclear (see review by Vizi. 200 1). but the
cell,, but also from the inhibition of acetylcholine release by description of the autonomic nervous system represented in
Figure 9.2 is undoubtedly oversimplified. Figure 9.4 shows some
of the main presynaptic interactions between autonomic ne uro ns,
a nd summari!>es the many chemical influences that reg ulate
transmi tter release from noradrenergic neurons.
on, Presynaptic receptors regulate transmitter release mainly by
ns, affecting Ca 2' e ntry into the nerve tenninal (sec Ch. 4). Most
presynaptic receptors arc of the G-protein-coupled type (see Ch. 3),
'--' 15 min
which control the function of calcium channels and pota~sium chan-
:he nels either through second messengers that regulate the state of
phosphorylation of the c hannel proteins, or by a direct interaction
of G-proteins with the channels. Transmitter release is inhibited
when calcium channel opening is inhibited, or when potassium
channel opening is increased (sec Ch. 4): in many cases, both mech-
anisms operate simultaneously. Presynaptic regulation by receptors
;le. linked directly to ion channels (ionotropic receptors; see Ch. 3)
or Slim. 0.4 Hz rather than toG-proteins also occurs (see Mac Dermott et al., 1999).

Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are particularly
important in this respect. They facilitate the release of other trans-
Fig. 9.3 Inhibitory effect of adrenaline on acetylcholine mitters, such a\ glutamate (see Ch. 33). and most of the nAChRs
(ACh) release from pos tganglionic parasympathetic nerves
in the guinea pig ileum. The intramural nerves were stimulated
electrically where indicated, and the ACh released into the
bathing fluid determined by bioassay. Adrenaline strongly
inhibits ACh release. (From Vizi E S 1979 Prog Neurobiol 12: 181.}
J expressed in the central nervous system are located presynaptically.
Another example is the GABAA receptor, whose action is to
inhibit transmitter release (see Chs 4 and 33). Other ionotropic
receptors, such as those activated by ATP and 5-hydroxytryptamine
the (Ch. 12), may have similar effects on transmitter release. 137

mainly from a decrca1.c in K+ permeability. Conversely, the neurotransmission (which occurs in milliseconds), and operates
inhibitory effect of various opiates is mainly due to increased through cascades of intracellular messengers (Ch. 3) rather than
K permeability. directly on ligand-gated ion channels. Some aspects of this problem
Benzodiazepine tranquillisers (Ch. 37) act directly on of tcnninology are discussed in Chapter 16.
receptors for GABA (see Ch. 33) to facilitate their inhibitory
effect. There is some evidence that drugs such as galantamine
act similarly on nAChRs to facilitate the excitatory effect of
acetylcholine in the brain. which may have relevance for the
u..e of such drug!. to treat dementia (see Ch. 35). As mentioned above, acetylcholine or noradrenalirte are not the
t'ieuropeptide Y, which is released as a cotransmirter with only autonomic transmitters. The rather grudging realisation that
nomdrcnaline at many sympathetic nerve endings and enhances this was ~>O dawned many years ago when it was noticed that
the vasoconstrictor effect of noradrenaline, thus greatly autonomic transmission in many organs could not be completely
faci litating tran~miS!>iOn (Fig. 9.5); the mechanism is not known. blocked by drugs that abolish responses to these transmitters. The
dismal but tenacious term non-adrenergic non-cholinergic
The pre- and postsynap tic effects described above are often (NANC) transmission was coined. Later, fluorescence and
described a!> neuromodulation, because the mediator acts to immunocytochemical methods showed that neurons, including
increase or decrease the efficacy of synaptic transmission w ithout autonomic neurons, contain many potenti al transmitters, often
participating directly as a transmitter. Many neuropeplides, for several in the same cel l. Compounds believed to function as
example, affect membrane ion channels i n such a way as to NANC transmillers include ATP, vasoactive intestinal peptide
mcrease or decrease excitability and thus control the firing (VIP), NPY and nitric oxide (see Fig. 9.6 and Table 9.2), which
pa!lem of the cell. Neuromodulation is loosely defined but, in function at postganglionic nerve terminals, as well as substance
geneml. involves slower processes (taking seconds to days) than P, 5-hydroxytryptamine. GABA and dopamine, which play a

Fig. 9.5 Effect of neuropeptide Y Oi

(NPV) on noradrenergic E NA
transmission. Vasoconstriction . 60 1 Hz 10s
(upward deflection) of the rabbit ear ~
artery occurs in response to injections lll
of noradrenaline (NA) or to a brief ~ 40
period of sympathetic nerve c
stimulation. Infusion of a low u;
concentration of NPY greatly
Increases the response to both. (From
20 -
Rand M J et al. 1987 Cardiovasc NPY 10nmol/l 1min
Pharmacol 1O(suppl 12): S33-S44.)

Fig. 9.6 Noradrenaline/ATP cotransmission in the guinea pig vas deferens. Contractions of the tissue are shown in response to
a single electrical stimulus causing excitation of sympathetic nerve endings. With no blocking drugs present, a twin-peaked response is
produced (C). The early peak is selectively abolished by-tne ATP antagonist suramin (S), while the late peak is blocked by the a,-
adrenoceptor antagonist prazosin (P). The response is completely eliminated when both drugs are present. (Reproduced with permission
from von Kugelglen & Starke 1991 Trends Pharmacal Sci 12: 319- 324.)

Table 9 .2 Examples of non-noradrenergic non-cholinergic transmitters and cotransmitters in the peripheral nervous system

Transmitter Location Function

ATP Postganglionic sympathetic neurons Fast depolarisation/contraction of smooth
(e.g. blood vessels, vas deferens) muscle cells

GABA, 5-hydroxytryptamlne Enteric neurons Peristaltic reflex

Dopamine Some sympathetic neurons (e.g. kidney) Vasodilatation

Nitric oxide Pelvic nerves Erection

Gastric nerves Gastric emptying

Neuropeptide Y Postganglionic sympathetic neurons Facilitates constrictor action of noradrenaline;
(e.g. blood vessels) inhibits noradrenaline release

Vasoactive intestinal peptide Parasympathetic nerves to salivary glands Vasodilatation; cotransmitter with acetylcholine
NANG innervation of airways smooth muscle Bronchodilatation

Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone Sympathetic ganglia Slow depolarisation; cotransmitter with


Substance P Sympathetic ganglia Slow depolarisation

Enteric neurons Cotransmitter with acetylcholine

Calcitonin gene-related peptide Non-myelinated sensory neurons Vasodilatation; vascular leakage; neurogenic

NANG, non-noradrenergic non-cholinergic.

role in ganglionic transmJsson (see Lundberg, 1996, for a The balance of the transmitters released may vary under
comprehensive review). different conditions. At sympathetic nerve terminals, for
example, where noradrenaline and NPY arc stored in separate
vesicle!;, NPY is preferentially released at high stimulation
frequenc ies (see Stjarne, 1989), so that differential release of
It is probably the rule rather than the exception that neurons one or OLher mediator may result from varying impulse pattern,
release more than one transmitter or modulator (see Lundberg, Differential effects of presynaptic modulators are also pos~ibk.
1996), each of which interacts with specific receptors and for exnrnple, activation of (3-adrenoceptors inhibits ATP
produces effects, often both pre- and postsynaplicaliy. We arc release while enhancing noradrenaline release from sympathe11,
only just beginning to understand the functional implications of nerve terminals (Gon~alves et al.. 1996).
this (see Kupfcrmann, 1991 ). The example of noradrenaline/ATP
cotransmission at the ~ympathetic nerve endings is shown in
Figure 9.6, and the best-studied examples and mechanisms are
summarised in Table 9.2 and Figures 9.7 and 9.8. Chemically transmiuing ~ynapses other than the peptidergic varid1
What, one might well ask, could be the functional advantage (Ch. 16) invariably incorporate a mechanism for dispo.. m_
of cotran~mi'>sion, compared with a single transmitter acting on rapidly of the relea ed transmitter. so that its action remains bnt
various different receptors? The possible advantages include the and localised. At cholinergic synapses (Ch. 10), the reiC<1'4:1
following. acetylcholine is inactivated very rapidly in the synaptic cleft~,
acetylcholinesteral.e. In most other cases (see Fig. 9.9). transmitl
One constituent of the cocktail (e.g. a peptide) may be removed action is terminated by active reuptake into the presynaptic ner.c
or inactivated more slowly than the other (e.g. a monoamine). or into supporting cells such as glia. Such reuptake depend~ o
and therefore reach targets fuithcr from the site of release transporter protein~. each being specific for a particular transmittt:
and produce longer-lasting effects. This appears to be the (sec Nelson, 1998; Torres et aJ., 2003). They belong to a distin,,
case, for example, with acetylcholine and gonadotrophin- family of membrane proteins, each possessing 12 transmembnm(
140 releasing hormone in sympathetic ganglia (Jan & Jan, 1983). helices. Different members of the family show selectivity fo

Parasympathetic Sympathetic

~~ ACh response ATP ~,

Fig. 9 . 7 The main

cotransmitters at postganglionic Intermediate
- ~ NO response NA -
parasympathetic and sympathetic
neurons. The different mediators
generally give rise to fast,
Intermediate and slow responses of ~ VIP
~ NPY .i.:"
the target organ. ACh, acetylcholine;
NA. noradrenaline; NO, nitric oxide;
NPY, neuropeptide Y; VIP, Tissue response
vasoactive intestinal peptide.

each of the main monoamine transmitters (e.g. the norepinephrine current across the membrane, which can be measured directly
transporter, NJ:.I, which transports noradrenaline: the serotonin and used to monitor the transport process. Very similar mechanisms
transporter, SERT. which transports 5-hydroxytryptamjne); are responsible for other physiological transport processes, such
tran~porters for glutamate and GABA show greater diversity, as glucose uptake (Ch. 26) and renal tubular transport of amino
~mal subtypes of each having been described. Vesicular acids. Because it is the electrochemical gradient for Na+ that
/ramporters (Ch. 4), which load synaptic vesicles with transmitter drive<, the inward transport of transmitter molecules, a reduction
molecules, are closely related to the membrane transporters. of thi~ gradient can reduce or even reverse the flow of transmitter.
~1embrane transporter!. usually act as cotransporters of Na .., Cl- Thi is probably not important under normal conditions, but
:md tran\mitter molecules. and it is the inwardly directed 'downhill' when the nerve terminals are depolarised or abnormally loaded
gradient for Na+ that provides the energy for the inward 'uphill' with sodium (e.g. in ischaemic conditions) the resulting non-
mO\ement of the transmjuer. The simultaneous transport of ions ve~icular release of transmitter (and inhibition of the normal
along with the transmitter means that the process generates a net synaptic reuptake mechanism) may play a significant role in
the effects of ischaernia on tissues such as heart and brain (see
Chs 18 and 35). Studies with transgenic 'knockout' mice (see
Torres et al., 2003) show that the store of releasable transrniner
is substantially depleted in animals lacking the membrane
Transmitters of the autonomic
transporter, showing that synthesis is unable to maintain the store
arate nervous system
if the recapture mechanism is disabled.
As we shall see in s ubsequent chapters, both membrane and
;e or The principal transmitters are acetylcholine (ACh) and
vesicular transporters are targets for various drug effects, and
ems. noradrenaline.
defining the physiological role and pharmacological properties of
:.ible; Preganglionic neurons are cholinergic, and ganglionic
these molecu les is the focus of much current research.
transmission occurs via nicotinic ACh receptors
lhetic (although excitatory muscarinic ACh receptors are
also present on postganglionic cells). BASIC STEPS IN NEUROCHEMICAL
Postganglionic parasympathetic neurons are TRANSMISSION: SITES OF DRUG ACTION
cholinergic, acting on muscarinic receptors in target
organs. Figure 9.9 summarises the main processes that occur in a classical
lriecy Postganglionic sympathetiC neurons are mainly chemically transmitting synapse, and provides a useful basis for
:>sing noradrenergic, although a few are cholinergic (e.g. understanding the actions of the many different classes of drug,
brief sweat glands). discussed in later chapters. that act by facilitating or blocking
~ased Transmitters other than noradrenaline and neurochemical transmission.
ft by acetylcholine (NANG transmitters) are also used All the steps shown in Figure 9.9 (except for transmitter diffusion,
nitter extensively in the autonomic nervous system. The step 8) can be influenced by drugs. For exan1ple, the enqmes
terve. main ones are nitric oxide and vasoactive intestinal involved in synthesis or inactivation of the transmitter can be
Js on pept1de (parasympathetic), ATP and neuropeptide Y inhibited, as can the transport systems responsible for the neuronal
nittcr (sympathetic). Others, such as 5-hydroxytryptamine, and vesicular uptake of the transmitter or its precursor. The actions
,tinct GABA and dopamine, also play a role. of the great majority of drugs that act on the peripheral nervous
)rane Cotransmission is a general phenomenon. system (Chs I0 and I I) and the central nervous system fit into
this general scheme. 14 1
y for

~ Presynaptic Inhibition NERVE TERMINAL

Many noradrenergic and

cholinergic terminals

' ',
- - ..a.. Precursor

B Heterotropic presynaptic Inhibition ~

--------- - -~ T
nerve terminals
in the heart
Degradation T
I :@ products
@] Postsynaptic synergism I I
Noradrenaline/NPY in : : Y / __ _____ , . T
blood vessels ' ----
'--------- -----T
- -- ~12
- - ----
'----Inactivated ~
transmitter 10
l -----------
~-- ~

Noradrenaline/ATP in blood
vessels, vas deferens
Fig. 9 .9 The main pro cesses involved in synthesis,
ACh/GnRH in sympathetic
storage and release of amine and amino acid transmitters.
1, Uptake of precursors; 2, synthesis of transmitter; 3,
ACh/SP in enteric ganglia
uptake/ transport of transmitter into vesicles; 4, degradation of
surplus transmitter; 5, depolarisation by propagated action
potential; 6, influx of Ca2 in response to depolarisation; 7,
release of transmitter by exocytosis; 8, diffusion to postsynaptiC
membrane; 9, Interaction with postsynaptic receptors; 10,
inactivation of transmitter; 11, reuptake of transmitter or
degradation products by nerve terminals; 12, uptake of
transmitter by non-neuronal cells; and 13, interaction with
presynaptic receptors. The transporters (11 and 12) can release
transmitter under certain conditions by working in reverse.
Fig. 9 .8 Cotransmission and neuromodulation-some These processes are well characterised for many transmitters
examples. IAl Presynaptic Inhibition. (ru Heterotropic (e.g. acetylcholine, monoamines, amino acids, ATP). Peptide
presynaptic inhibition. ~ Postsynaptic synergism. ACh, mediators (see Ch. 16) differ in that they may be synthesised
acetylcholine; GnRH, gonadotrophin-releasing hormone and packaged In the cell body rather than the terminals.
Outelnlsing hormone-releasing hormone); NPY, neuropeptide Y;
SP, substance P; VIP, vasoactive intestinal peptide.

Neuromodul tlon nd presynaptic interactions

As well as functioning directly as neurotransmitters, Inhibitory presynaptiC autoreceptors occur on

chemical mediators may regulate: noradrenergic and cholinergic neurons, causing each
- presynaptic transmitter release transmitter to inhibit its own release (autoinhibitory
- neuronal excitability. feedback).
Both are examples of neuromodulation and generally Many endogenous mediators (e.g. GABA.
involve second messenger regulation of membrane prostaglandins, opioid and other peptides). as well as
ion channels. the transmitters themselves, exert presynaptic control
Presynaptic receptors may inhibit or increase (mainly inhibitory) over autonomic transmitter release.
transmitter release, the form er being more important.
Cholinergic transmission

100 000 times more active than choline in lowering the rabbit's bl,
Overview 144 pressure. The physiological role of ACh was not apparent at thut time.
it remained a pharmacological cu ri osity until Loewi and Dale and 1~
Muscarinic and nicotinic actions of colleagues discovered ih transmitter role in the 1930s.
acetylcholine 144
Analysing the pharmacological actions of ACh in 1914, OJ.
Acetylcholine receptors 145 distinguished two types of activily, which he designated a
-Nicotinic receptors 145 muscarinic and nicotinic. The muscarinic actions of ACh ;r.
-Muscarinic receptors 145 those that can be reproduced by the injection of muscarine,~
1--- ~ -~--

Physiology of cholinergic transmission 146 active principle of the poisonous mushroom Ama11ita muscaro
-Acetylcholine synthesis and release 147 and can be abolished by small doses of atropine. Muscaru
-Electrical events in transmission ot fast cholinergic action~ closely resemble the effects of parasympathetic stimulal!<

synopses 148 as shown in Table 9.1. After the muscarinic effects have bet
blocked by atropine, larger doses of ACb produce another <,c,
Effects of drugs on cholinergic transmission 149 effects, closely similar to those of nicotine. They include:
-Drugs affecting muscarinic receptors 150
-Drugs affecting autonomic ganglia 155 ~timulation of all autonomic ganglia
-Neuromuscular-blocking drugs 157 Mimulation of voluntary muscle
-Drugs that oct presynaptically 161 secretion of adrenaline from the adrenal medulla.
-Drugs that enhance cholinergic transmission 162 The mu~carinic and nicotinic actions of ACh are demonstrat~d
Figure I0.1. Small and medium doses of ACh produce a tramJt
fall in blood pressure due to arteriolar vasodilatation and siOIIL
of the heart- muscarinic effects that are abolished by atropin~
OVERVIEW large dose of ACh given after atropine produces nicotinic efftxb
an initial rise in blood pressure due to a stimulation of sympathell.
This chapter is concerned mainly with cholinergic ganglia and consequent vasoconstriction, and a secondary n~
transmission in the periphery, and the ways in resulting from secretion or adrenaline.
which drugs aHect it. Here we describe the diHerent Dale's pharmacological classification corresponds clo~ely 1
types of acetylcholine (ACh) receptors and their the main physiological functions of ACh in the body. The muscarin
functions, as well as the synthesis and release of actions corre!>pond to those of ACh released at postganglior
ACh. Drugs that act on ACh receptors, many of parasympathetic nerve endings, with two significant exceptior
which have clinical uses, are described in this
chapter. Cholinergic mechanisms in the central Acetylcholine causes generalised vasodilatation. even thou,
nervous system (CNS) and their relevance to most blood vessels have no parasympathetic innervation. Th
dementia are discussed in Chapters 32 and 35. is an indirect effect: ACh (like many other mediators) acl\
va<;cular endothelial cells to release nitric oxide (see Ch. I"
which relaxes smooth muscle. The physiological function~
MUSCARINIC AND NICOTINIC ACTIONS thb i!) uncertain. because ACh is not normally present in
OF ACETYLCHOLINE circulating blood.
Acetylcholine evokes secretion from sweat glands, which .ue
'f' 'The di-,ctwery of the phannacologtcal action of ACh came. paradoxically.
innervated by cholinergic fibre!. of the sympathetic nervou,
from worl.. on adrenal gland~. extracu. of which were known to produce a
ri~e in blood pre~sure owing to thetr content of adrenaline (epinephrine).
system (l>ee Table 9.1 ).
In 1900, Reid Hum found that after adrenaline had been removed from The nicotinic actions correspond to those of ACh acting o
such extract\, they produced a fall in blood pressure instead of a rise. He
auributed the fall to the presence of choline. but later concluded that a autonomic gang Iia of the sympathetic and parasympathetic systel1'
more potent derivative of choline must be responsible. With Taveau, he the motor end plate of voluntary muscle, and the secretory cellsol
144 tested a number of choline derivatives and discovered that ACh was some the adrenal medulla.

1 min
~ [ID

.. 150
a. 100

and 50

AC h ACh
Atropine ACh
>ale 2 1!9 50 119 2 m9 50 1!9 5m9
as Fig. 10.1 Dale's experiment showing that acetylcholine (ACh) produces two kind s of effect on the eat's blood pressure.
are Arterial pressure was recorded with a mercury manometer from a spinal cat. [A) ACh causes a fall in blood pressure due to vasodilatation.
the B A larger dose also produces bradycardia. Both ~ and [] are muscarinic effects. [Q; After atropine (muscarinic antagonist), the same
ria. dose of ACh has no effect. Dl Still under the influence of atropine, a much larger dose of ACh causes a rise in blood pressure (due to
stimulation of sympathetic ganglia), accompanied by tachycardia, followed by a secondary rise (due to release of adrenaline from
inic the adrenal gland). These effects result from its action on nicotinic receptors. (From Burn J H 1963 Autonomic pharmacology.
ion. Blackwell, Oxford.)
t of

cholinergic \)'napses in the CNS might be different again, the diversit)

ACETYLCHOLINE RECEPTORS goes far beyond thh. and liS functional significance is not yet clear (for
reviewo; see McGehee & Role. 1995: Cordero-Erauskin et 31., 2000).
Although Dale himself dismissed the concept of receptors as
'ophistry rather than science, his classification provided the basis The different action of agonists and antagonists on ganglionic
din fordiqinguishing the two major classes of ACh receptor (see Ch. 3). and neuromuscular !>ynapses is of practical importance and mainly
ient renects the differences between the muscle and neuronal nAChRs
ing (Table I 0.1 ).
ICtS: Nicotinic ACh receptors (nAChRs) fall into three main classes, MUSCARINIC RECEPTORS
etic the muscle, gang Iionic and CNS types, whose subunit composition
rise is ~ummarised in Table I 0. 1. Muscle receptors are confi ned to Muscarinic receptors (mAChRs) are typical G-protein-coupled
the skeletal neuromuscular junction; ganglionk receptors are receptors (sec Ch. 3), and five molecular subtypes (M 1-M5) are
v to re~ponsible for transmission at sympathetic and parasympathetic
known (see Wcss. 1996). The odd-numbered members of the group
inic ganglia; and CNS-type receptors mc widespread in the brain, a11d (M 1, M 3, M 5 ) couple with Gq to activate the inositol phosphate
~nic :rre heterogeneous with respect to their molecular composition pathway (Ch. 3), while the even-numbered receptors (M2, M4)
ms: and location (see Ch. 35). act through G, to inhibit adenylyl cyclase and thus reduce
intracellular cAMP (see Goyal. 1989).
Jgb T All nAChR~ are pcntameric structures that function as ligand-gated ion Three ofthe~e (Mt, M2, M3) are well characterised (fable 10.2).
1us channel<. (see Ch. 3). The five subunit~ that form the receptor~hannel
cnmple\ are sim1lar in \tructure. and so far 16 different members of the M 1 receptors ('neural') are found mainly on CJ Sand peripheral
on neurons and on gastric parietal cells. They mediate excitatory
famil} ha\e been identified and cloned. designated a (nine types). ~(four
7). types). y, 0 and E (one of each). The five subunits eacb po51>ess four effects, for example the slow muscarinic excitation mediated by
of membrane-spanning helical domains. and one of these helices (M 2) from ACh in sympathetic ganglia (Ch. 9) and central neurons. This
t-xh subunit define~ the central pore (see Ch. 3). nAChR subtypes generally excitation i'> produced by a decrease in K+ conductance, which
contain both a and ~subunit\, the exception being the homomeric (a7)s
'ubtype found mainly in the brain (Cb. 35). The adult muscle receptor has causes membrane depolarisation. Deficiency of this kind of
are ACh-mcdiated effect in the brain is possibly associated with
the compo~1110n (<X I ),l~l)'E, while the main ganglionic subtype is
!o.3),(j34),. The two binding sites for ACh (both of which need to be dementia ().ee Ch. 35), although transgenic M 1 receptor knockout
occupied to cause the channel to open) reside at the interface berween the mice show only slight cognitive impairment (see Wess, 2004).
extracellular domnin of each of the a subunits and itS neighbour. The
on M 1 receptors are also involved in the increase of gastric acid
diver~ity of the nAChR fami ly (sec Hogg et al., 2003. for details), which
emerged from cloning studies in the 1980s, took pharmacologists secretion fol lowing vagal stimulation (see Ch. 25).
Is of somewhat by surpril>c. Although they knew that the neuromuscular and M2 receptors ('cardiac') occur in the heart, and also on the
ganglionic ~ynapscs differed pharmacologically. and suspected that presynaptic terminals of peripheral and central neurons. They

Tllble 10.1 Nicotinic receptor subtypes

Musc le type Ganglion type CNS type Notes

Main molecular form (a1hj31& (adult form) (a3k (J34h (a4k(J32h (a7)s

Ma1n synaptic Skeletal Autonomic ganglia: Many brain regions: Many brain regions:
location neuromuscular mainly postsynaptic pre- and pre- and
junct1on: mainly postsynaptic postsynaptic

Membrane response Excitatory Excitatory Pre- and Pre- and (a 7)5 receptor
Increased cation Increased cation postsynaptic postsynaptic produces large
permeability permeability excitation excitation Ca2 entry, evok1ng
(mainly Na, K) (mainly Na+, K) Increased cation Increased Ca2 transmitter release
permeability permeability
(mainly Na, K)

Agonlsts Acetylcholine Acetylcholine Nicotine Epibatidine (a.4l2 (J32b is

Carbachol Carbachol Eplbatidine Dimethylphenyl- brain ' nicotine
Succinylcholine Nicotine Acetylcholine piperazinium receptor'
Epibatidine Cytosine (see Ch. 34)

Antagonists Tubocurarine Mecamylamine Mecamylamine a-Bungarotoxin

Pancuronium Trimetaphan Methylaconitine a-Conotoxin
Atracurium Hexamethonium Methylaconitine
Vecuronium a-Conotoxin
a -Bungarotoxin
a -Conotoxin

~is table shows only the main subtypes expressed in mammalian t1ssues. Several other subtypes are expressed in selected brain
regions, and also in the peripheral nervous system and in non-neuronal tissues. For further details, see Chapter 34 and reviews by
Lindstrom (2000), Cordero-Erausquin et al. (2000) and Dajas-Bailador & Wonnacott (2004).

exert inhi bitory effects, mainly by increasing K+conductance and treatments for de mentia. There is more selectivity amon4
by inhibiting calcium channcb (see Ch. 4). M 2 receptor activation antagonists. Although most of the classic muscarinic antagonl\l
is responsible for cholinergic inhibition of the heart, as well as (e.g. atropine, scopolamine) are non-selective, pirenzepine ~
presynaptic inhibition in the CNS and periphery (Ch. 9). They are selecti ve for M 1 receptors, and darifenacin for M3 rcccptoN
also cocxprcssed with M3 receptors in visceral s mooth muscle, Gallamine, better known as a neuromuscular-blocking drur
and contribute to the smooth-muscle- stimulating effect of (see p. 157), is also a selective, although weak, M2 recept(n
mu ~carinic agonists in several organs. antagonist. Recently, toxins from the venom of the green mam~.
M3 receptor~ ('glandular/smooth muscle') produce mai nl y have been discovered to be highly selective mAChR antagoni,.
excitatory effect~. i.e. stimulation of glandular secretions (salivary, (!>ee Table 10.2), as well as various synthetic compounds w
bronchial, sweat, etc.) and contraction of visceral smooth muscle. some degree of selectivity (see Eglen et al., 1999, for mort
M 1 receptor!> also mediate relaxation of smooth muscle (mainl y details). Compounds that have recently been approved forclimcJ
vascular), which results from the release of nitric oxide from use are described below (p. 152).
neighbouri ng endothelial cells (Ch. 17). M 1, M 2 and M3 receptors
occur also in specific locations in the C 1S (see Ch. 34). M~ and
M5 receptors arc largely confi ned to the CNS. and their functional PHYSIOLOGY OF CHOLINERGIC
role is not well understood, although mice lacking these receptors TRANSMISSION
do show behavioural c h ange~ (Wess. 2004).
The physiology of cholinergic transmission is described in det~
The pharmacological cla~sificat i on of these receptor types
by Nicholls et al. (200 I). The mai n ways in which drugs can affe,
relies on the limited selectivity of certai n agonists and antagonists
cholinergic transmission arc shown in Figure 10.2.
th at can distinguish between them. Most agonists are non-selective,
but two experimental compounds, McNA343 and oxotremorine, T Acetylcholine is synthesised and stOred in many tissues that 1...
cholinergic innervation. such as the placenta and cornea. 0e>p1
are selective for M 1 receptors; carbachol is relatively inactive
speculation about po'sible regu latory and trophic functions (see rev1c.
on these receptors. Other M 1-selective agonists (e.g. xanomeline) by Wcsslc et al.. 1998), the role of non-neuronal acetylcholine ~
have recently been discovered and are in development as possible uncertain.

Table 10.2 M uscarinic receptor subtypes

M , ('neural') M 2 ('cardiac') M 3 ('glandular/ M Ms

s m ooth muscle')

Man locations Autonomic ganglia Heart: atria Exocrine glands: CNS CNS: very localised
Glands: gastric, CNS: widely gastric, salivary, etc. express1on 1n
salivary. etc. distributed Smooth muscle. substantia nigra
Cerebral cortex gastrointestinal tract, eye, Salivary glands
airways, bladder Iris/ciliary muscle
Blood vessels: endothelium

Cellular response j IP3 , DAG .l.cAMP j iP3 .l. cAMP j IP3 Excitation
Depolarisation Inhibition Stimulation Inhibition
Excitation (slow epsp) .l. Ca2 conductance j[Ca2 ],
.l. K+ conductance j K conductance

Functional CNS excitation Cardiac inhibition Gastric, salivary Enhanced Not known
response (?memory) Neural inhibition secretion locomotion
Gastric secretion Central muscarinic Gastrointestinal smooth
effects (e.g. tremor, muscle contraction
hypothermia) Ocular accommodation

Agomsts (non- Acetylcholine AsM 1 AsM 1 AsM 1 AsM 1

selecttve. except Carbachol
those 1n italics) Oxotremorine
See also McNA343
Table 10.3 Talsaclidine

Antagonists Atropine Atropine Atropine Atroptne Atropine

(nonselecttve. Dicycloverine Dicycloverine Dicycloverine Dicycloverine Dicyclovenne
except those in Tolterodine Tolterodine Tolterodine Tolterodine Tolterodine
1tahcs) See also Oxybutynin Oxybutynin Oxybutynin Oxybutynin Oxybutynin
Table 10.5 lpratrop1um lpratropium lpratropium lpratropium lpratropium
Pirenzepine Gallamine Darifenacin Mamba toxin MT3
Mamba toxin MT7
CNS, central nervous system; DAG, diacylglycerol; epsp, excitatory postsynaptic potential; IP3, inositol trisphosphate.
"This table shows only the predominant subtypes expressed in mammalian tissues. For further details, see Chapter 34 and reviews by
is Caulfield & Birdsall (1998) and Wess (2004).

lba is present in the presynaptic nerve tenninals, and ACh is continually
SIS being hydrolysed and re~ynthesised. Inhibition of the nerve tenninal
ith !\cetylcholine metabolism is well reviewed by Parsons et al. cholinestera\e cau~e~ the accumulation of 'surplus' ACh in the
ore (1993). ACh is 'ynthe~ised within the nerve tenninal from choline, cytosol, which is not available for release by nerve impulses
cal 1\htch i' taken up into the nerve terminal by a specific carrier (although it i., able to leak out via the choline carrier). Most of
Ch 9). 'imilar to that" hich operates for many transmitters. The the ACh ~ynthe'>i'>ed, however, is packaged into synaptic vesicles,
difference is that it tran~ports the precursor. choline, not ACh, so in which it'> concentration is very high (about I 00 mmoU I). and

r n ''not imponant in tcnninating the action of the transmitter. The

concentration of choline in the blood and body fluids is nonnaiJy
from which release occun. by exocytosis triggered by Ca 2+ entry
into the nerve terminal (sec Ch. 4).
about 10 j.lmoUI, but in the immediate vicinity of cholinergic nerve Cholinergic vesicle:, accumulate ACh actively. by means of a
t.aiJ renninals it increases. probably to about 1 rnmoUl. when the specific transponer (see Usdjn et al.. 1995: Liu & Edwards, 1997)
ect ~leased ACh is hydrolysed. and more than 50% of this choline is belonging to the family of amine transponers described in Chapter 9.
nom1ally recaptured by the nerve terminab. Free choline within Accumulation of ACh is coupled to the large electrochemical
th~ nerve tcm1inal i), aeetylated by a cytosoJic enzyme, choline gradient for protons that exjstl> between intraceUular organelles
acery/rransfemse (CA 7), which transfer~ the acetyl group from and the cytosol: it is blocked selectively by the experimental drug
acetyl cocr11yme A. The rate-limiting process in ACh synthesis vcsamicol (sec Parsons et aJ., 1993). FoUowing its release. the ACh
e is appear' to be choline transport, the activity of which is regulated diffuses across the synaptic cleft to combine with receptors on
according to the nlle til which ACh is being re leased. Cholinesterase the postsynaptic cell. Some of it succumbs on the way to hydrolysis 147

a second receptnr. The re~ult is that rransmiuer action 1' 'el) rdptd
Acetylcholine receptors very brief. \\hich t\ tmp<mant for a synap:.e that ha~ to tmllat~
muscular rc;pon\C\, and that may ha,e to rran;mit ;ignah fauhfu
Main subdivision is into nicotinic (nAChR) and high frequency. Mu.,clc cell-. are much larger than neuron' .tnd rcqt::
much more t.ynaptic currcm 10 generate an action potential. Thu' al
muscarinic (mAChR) subtypes.
chemica l event~> happen 0 11 a larger ~cale than m a neuronal~>ynap,c.
nAChRs are directly coupled to cation channels, and number or Lra nsmil ter molecules i n a quantum. the numht!r ol qu,
mediate fast excitatory synaptic transmission at the released. and the number of receptors activated by each quan
neuromuscular junction, autonomic ganglia, and are all I 0- 100 time~> greater. Our brains would be huge. but 111~ 1
various sites in the central nervous system (CNS). clever. if their ~ynupo,e~ were built on the indu\trial \C<tle ol
neuromw,cular junction.
Muscle and neuronal nAChRs differ in their molecular
structure and pharmacology.
mAChRs and nAChRs occur presynaptically as well PRESYNAPTIC MODULATION
as postsynaptically, and function to regulate
Acetylcholine relea. e is regulated by mediator~. mcluJ
transmitter release.
ACh itself. acting on presynaptic receptor~. as discuo,o,ed
mAChRs are G-protein-coupled receptors causing:
Chapter9. At postgangl ionic parasympathetic nerve cndm,
activation of phospholipase C (hence formation of
inhibitory M 2 receptors participate in autoinhibition of AC'h
inositol trisphosphate and diacylglycerol as
release; other mediatorl>, such as noradrenaline, also inhibit th
second messengers)
release of ACh (~>ee Ch. 9). At the neuromusc ular junctinn. on the
inhibition of adenylyl cyclase
other hand. pre~ynaptic nAChRs are believed to fac il itat~ \
activation of potassium channels or inhibition of
release (see Prior et al.. 1995), a mechanism that may allow
calcium channels.
synapse to function reliably during prolonged high frcq
mAChRs mediate acetylcholine effects at postganglionic
activity. In the brain (\cere' iew by Dajas-Bailador & Wonn3C
parasympathetic synapses (mainly heart, smooth
2004). most of the nAChRo, are located presynaptically and~
muscle, glands), and contribute to ganglionic
to facilitate transmission by other mediators. such "' gluta1
excitation. They occur in many parts of the CNS.
and dopamine.
Three main types of mAChR occur.
M 1 receptors ('neural') producing slow excitation
of ganglia. They are selectively blocked by ELECTRICAL EVENTS IN TRANSMISSION AT
M 2 receptors ('cardiac') causing decrease in Acetylchol ine, acting on the postsynaptic membrane o
cardiac rate and force of contraction (mainly of nicotinic (neuromuscular or ganglionic) synapo,e. cau'e' a I.
atria). They are selectively blocked by gallamtne. increase in it!> permeability to cations, particular!} to a- andK
M2 receptors also mediate presynaptic inhibition. and to a lesser extent Ca 2+. The resulting inflow of Na+dcpol3ru6
M3 receptors ('glandular') causing secretion, the postsynaptic membrane. This transmitter-mediated dcpo!
contraction of visceral smooth muscle, vascular isation is called an endplate potential (epp) in a skeletal mux
relaxation. fi bre, or a fast excitatory postsynaptic potential (ja.1t epsp) m
Two further molecular mAChR subtypes, M4 and M 5 , ganglionic synapse. ln a muscle fi bre, the localised epp \preau
occur mainly in the CNS. to adjacent, electrically excitable parts of the muscle libr~: if
All mAChRs are activated by acetylcholine and amplitude reaches the threshold for excitation. an action pot~nt
blocked by atropine. There are also subtype- selec tive is initiated. which propagates to the rest of t.he fibre and c1ok
agonists and antagonists. contraction (Ch. 4).
In a nerve cell. depolarisation of t.he soma or a dendntc b)
fast epsp causes a local current to now. Th i~ depolarise~ the \
by acerylcholinestera!>e (AChE). an enzyme that is bound to the hillock region of the cell. where, if the epsp is large enough
basement membrane, which lies between the pre- and post!>ynuptic action potential is initiated. Figure 10.3 shows that tubocuroriDt
membranes. At fast cholinergic synapses (e.g. the neuromuscular a drug that blockl> po~tsynaptic ACh receptors (see p. 158), rcdtl(
and ganglionic sym1pses), but not at slow ones (smooth muscle, the amplitude of the fast ep!>p until it no longer initi ate~ an uct1
gland cells. heart, etc.), the released ACh is hydrolysed very potentiaL although the cell is still capable of responding when
rapidly (within 1 ms), so that it acts only very briefly. is stimulated antidromically. Most ganglion cells arc supplieJ
~everal presynaptic axons. and it requires simultaneous aCttl lt~
T At the neuromu~cular junction. which is a highly specialised synap~c.
a ~ingle ner.e impulse relea'>Cs about 300 synaptic \C~icles (altogether more than one to make the postganglionic cell fire. At the ne
about three miUion ACh molecule~) from the nerve terminah ~uppl)ing muscular junction. only one nerve fibre supplies each mu..clc hlrt
a single m~le fibre. "hich contain altogether about three million Nevertheless, the amplitude of the epp is nonnally mor~ d
synaptic vesicle<.. Approxtmately two million ACh molecule' comb10c
enough to initiate an action potential-indeed. tran~mi.,.,ion
with receptors. of which !here are about 30 million on each muscle
fibre. the re~t being hydroly,cd without reaching a receptor. The ACh
occurs when the epp is reduced by 70-80%, and is '>aid to 'ho
molecules remain bound lo receptors for, on average. about 2m~. and arc a large margin of.\Clfety so that fluctuations in transmitter rele.
148 quickly hydrolysed after di~ociati ng. so that they cannot combine w ith (e.g. during repetitive stimulation) do not affect transmission

I) at
AcCoA) (Choline
the CAT ~ \
the CoA __ ACh ' ',
tanta ,- \

uum ACh ,' \

el) carrier"\ ,' , 1
\ I
the I
Fig. 10.2 Events and sites of I

drug action at a nicotinic +-- Empty 1:

cholinergic synapse. vesicle : ~
Acetylcholine (ACh) is shown I
acting postsynaptically on a ~ I I
l ing nicotinic receptor controlling a I
I in cation channel (e.g. at the I Choline carrier
neuromuscular or ganglionic
ngs. synapse), and also on a Exocytosts
\Ch presynaptic nicotine receptor that
the acts to facilitate ACh release Presynaptic
the during sustained synaptic activity. l
The nerve term inal also contains l e .g . botulinum
\Ch l
acetylcholinesterase (not shown); l
the when this is inhibited, the amount
l l '
ncy l y II> l
of free ACh, and the rate of
;ott. leakage of ACh via the choline ',----------------------- ~ Choline
~rve carrier, is increased. Under Non-depolarislng 1 , AChE / +
1ate normal conditions, this leakage of blocking agents, Acetate
ACh is insigntficant. At muscarinic e.g. tubocurarine 1
cholinergic junctions (e.g. heart, I
smooth muscle, exocrine glands), Depolarising I
both postsynaptic and blocking agents, I
presynaptic Qnhibitory) receptors I e.g. neostigmine
e.g. suxamethonium
are of the muscarinic type.
AcCoA, acetyl coenzyme A;
AChE, acetylcholinesterase; CAT,
' :111111111111111111111111
choline acetyltransferase; CoA, Postsynaptic nicotinic
coenzyme A. ACh receptor

lar -
Transmission m the ganglionic synapse is more complex than at the thi s di1>charge cea~e~ and transmtsso n i s bloc ked . The loss
ncuronwscular j unction. A lthough the primary event at both is the epp or o f electrica l ex citabi lity at thi s time is shown by the fact th at
fast cpsp produced by ACh acti ng on nAChRs, this is followed in the antidro m ic stimuli also fail to produce an ac tio n potential. T he
its ganglion by a 'lucce~sion of much slower postsynaptic responses.
tial main reason for the loss of electrical ex c itability during a peri od
comprii.ing the follow ing.
o f m aintained depo lari sati on is that the vol tage-sensitive sodium
A .fiOIV inhihirory (hl'flerpolarising) postsynaptic potential (sloo. ipsp)
channels (see C h. 4) becom e inactivated ( i.e. refractory) and no
lastillfl 2-5 !ecomiJ. Thh mainly refle.cts a muscarinic {M 2) receptor
longer able to open i n respo nse to a brief depolari sing st imulus.
the -mediated mcrca~c 111 K conductance. but other transmitters. such as
!ton dopamine and adcno~ine. abo contribute. A second type of effect is al~o seen in the experiment shown in
A 1/tn ep.1p, which laMJ for aholll 10 seconds. This is produced by Figure 10.4. After nicotine ha;, acted for sc,eral minutes. the cell panially
ACh acung on M 1 receptor<.. which close potassium channels. repolarise\ and it\ electrical excitability returns but. despite this.
ine. A late flow epsp. lasting for 1-2 min11tes. This is thought to be mediated trun\mi\,ion remains blocked. This type of secondary. non-depolari~ing
ICCS by a peptodc cotran~mmer. which may be substance Pin some ganglia. block occurs also at the neuromu.,cular junction if repeated do~e~ of the
ion and a gonadotroplun-rel~~~ng hollll()ne-like peptide in others (see Ch. 9). depolari~ing drug ~uccin) lcholine (sec below) are used. The main factor
nit Like the 'low epsp. 11 i' produced by a decrease in K- conductance. respon\1ble for the 'econdlll) block (known clinically as phase II block)
by appear<. to be receptor desell5itisation (see Ch. 2). This causes the
depolan\ing action of the blocking drug to subside. but transmission
DEPOLARISATION BLOCK remain\ blocked bccauo,e the receptor!. are desensitised to ACb.

bre. Depolarisation block occurs at c ho linerg ic synapses w hen the

han excitatory nAChRs are persi stently acti vated, and it results fro m EFFECTS OF DRUGS ON CHOLINERGIC
sti II a decrease in the elec tri cal excitability of the postsynaptic cell. TRANSMISSION
lOW Thi~ is shown in Fi gure I 0.4. Applicati o n of n icotine to a
ase ,ympathetic gang l io n causes a depolarisation of the cell, which A s shown in Fig ure I 0.2, drugs can influence cho linergic
transmission either by acting on postsynaptic ACh receptors as
at first initiate!> actio n po1enlial discharge. After a few seconds,

Cholinergic transmission

Control Acetylcholine (ACh) synthesis:

requires choline, which enters the neuron via
carrier- mediated transport
requires acetylation of choline, utilising acetyl
coenzyme A as source of acetyl groups, and
involves choline acetyl transferase, a cytosohc
enzyme found only in cholinergic neurons.
ACh is packaged into synaptic vesicles at high
concentration by carrier-mediated transport.
ACh release occurs by Ca2+-mediated exocytosis. At
the neuromuscular junction, one presynaptic nerve
40 min impulse releases 100-500 vesicles.
At the neuromuscular junction, ACh act s on nicotinic
receptors to open cation channels, producing a rapid
depolarisation (endplate potential), which normally
initiates an action potential in the muscle fibre.
Transmission at other 'fast' cholinergic synapses
60 min
(e.g. ganglionic) is similar.
At 'fast' cholinergic synapses, ACh is hydrolysed
within about 1 ms by acetylcholinesterase, so a
Fig. 10.3 Cholinergic transmission in an autonomic presynaptic action potential produces only one
ganglion cell. Records were obtained with an intracellular postsynaptic action potential.
microelectrode from a guinea pig parasympathetic ganglion Transmission mediated by muscarinic receptors is
cell. The artefact at the beginning of each trace shows the
much slower in its t1me course, and synaptic
moment of stimulation of the preganglionic nerve. Tubocurarine
(TC), an acetylcholine antagonist, causes the epsp to become structures are less clearly defined. In many situations,
smaller. In record C, it only just succeeds in triggering the ACh functions as a modulator rather than as a direct
action potential, and in D it has fallen below the threshold. transmitter.
Following complete block, antidromic stimulation (not shown) Main mechanisms of pharmacological block:
will still produce an action potential (cf. depolarisation block,
inhibition of choline uptake, inhibition of ACh release.
Fig. 10.4). (From Blackman J G et al. 1969 J Physiol 201 : 723.)
block of postsynaptic receptors or ion channels,
persistent postsynaptic depolarisation.

agonists or antagonists (Tables 10.1 and I 0.2), or by affecting th e

release or destruction of endogenous ACh.
ln the rest of this chapter, we describe the following groups of
drugs, subdivided according to their physiological site of acti on: given in Table I0.3. ACh itsel f and related choline ester' df.
agonists at both mAChRs and nAChRs. but act more potentI} Ul
muscarinic agonists
mAChRs (see Fig. 10. 1). Only bethanechol and pilocarpillt
muscarinic antagonists
arc now used clinically.
ganglion-stimulating drugs
The key fea tures of the ACh molecule that are important for
ganglion-blocking drugs
activity are the quaternary ammonium group, which bears a Jl<hl i1
neuromuscular-blocking drugs
charge, and the e~ter group. which bears a partial negati,e ch..r,
anticholine terases and other drugs that enhance cholinergic
and is susceptible to rapid hydrolysis by cholinesterase. Van
transmis~ion .
of the choline ester structure (fable I0.3) have the effect of redu.:1
the susceptibility of the compound to hydrolysis by choline't~ra>.
DRUGS AFFECTING MUSCARINIC and altering the relative activity on mAChRs and nAChR'>.
RECEPTORS Car bachol and methacholine are used as experimental tOI.~
Bethanechol, which is a hybrid of these two molecule~. i'> \W~
to hydrolysis and selective for mAChRs, and is occasionall} u"
Structure-activity relationships clinically. Pi locarpine is a partial agonist and shows SOI!k
Muscarinic agonists, as a group, are often referred to as selecti vity in stimulating secretion f rom sweat, salivary, lacrim..
parasympathomimetic, because the main effects that they produce and bronchial glands, and contracting iris smooth muscle (~a
in the w hole animal resemble th ose of parasympathetic below), w ith weak effects on gastrointestinal smooth muscle un.
150 stimulati on. The structures of the most important compounds are the heart. to

(a nitric oxide-mediated effect; see Ch. 17), and these two effects
combine to produce a sharp fall in arterial pressure (Fig. I 0.1 ).
A The mechanism of action of muscarinic agonists on t11e heart is
discussed in Chapter 18.
0 A Smooth muscle. Smooth muscle other tllao vascular smooth
muscle contmcts in response to muscarinic agonists. Peristallic
activity of the gastrointestinal tract is increased. which can
cause colid..y pain, and tlle bladder and bronchial smootll muscle
also contract.
\ Sweating, lacrimation, salivatum and bronchial secretion.
Cell body
Preganglontc Postganglionic These result from stimulation of exocrine glands. The combined
trunk trunk effect of bronchial secretion and constriction can interfere with
Effects Oil the eye. Such effects are of some importance. The
para&ympatheti c nerves to the eye supply the constrictor pupillae
B Nicotine (50 J.tmol/1)
muscle, which runs circumferentially in tlle iris, and the ciliary

(a) Control 1 (b) 14 s (c) 18 s

mrtscle, which adjusts the curvature of the lens (Fig. 10.5). Con-
traction of the ciliary muscle in response to activation of mAChRs

50mV [
40ms 0 A 0 A 0 A
pulls the ci liary body forwards and inwards, tllu s relaxing the
tension on the suspensory ligament of the lens, allowing the lens
to bulge more and reducing its focal length. Thi s parasympathetic
reflex is thus necessary to accommodate the eye for near vision.
The constrictor pupillae is important not only for adjusting the
pupil in re. pon~e to changes in light intensity, but also in
(d) 1 min (e) 2 min (f) 6.5 min
regulating the intraocular pressure. Aqueous humour is secreted

0 A 0 A
=t 0 A
slowly and continuously by the cells of the epitllelium covering
tllc ciliary body, and it drains into the canal of Schlemm
(Fig. 10.5). which runs around tlle eye close to tlle outer margin
of the iris. The intraocular pressure is normally 10-15 mmHg
above atmospheric, which keeps the eye slightly distended.
Fig. 10.4 Depolarisation block of ganglionic Abnormally raised intraocular pressure (associated with glaucoma)
transmission by nicotine. A System used for intracellular damages the eye and is one of the commonest preventable causes
recordtng from sympathetic ganglion cells of the frog, showing
of blindness. In acute glaucoma. drainage of aqueous humour
the location of orthodromic (0) and antidromic (A) stimulating
(slim) electrodes. Stimulation at 0 excites the cell via the becomes impeded when the pupil is dilated. because folding of
cholinergic synapse, whereas stimulation at A excites it by the iris ti ssue occludes the drainage angle, causing the intraocular
electrical propagation of the action potential. ~ The effect of pressure 10 ri se. Activation of the constrictor pupillae muscle
nicotine: (a) Control records. The membrane potential is -55 mV by muscarini c agonists in these ci rcumstances lowers the
(dotted line = 0 mV), and the cell responds to both 0 and A.
intraocular pressure, although in a normal individual it has little
(b) Shortly after adding nicotine, the cell is slightly depolarised
are and spontaneously active, but still responsive to 0 and A. effect. The increased tension in the ciliary muscle produced
on (c and d) The cell Is further depolarised, to -25 m\1, and by these drugs may also play a part in improving drainage by
ine produces only a vestigial action potential. The fact that it does realigning the connective tissue trabecuJae through which the
not respond to A shows that it is electrically inexcitable. (e and canal of Schlemrn passes.
ij In the continued presence of nicotine, the cell repolarises
its and regains its responsiveness to A, but it is still unresponsive T In addition 10 the~e peripheral effects. muscarinic agonistS that are able
ive to 0 because the ACh receptors are desensitised by nicotine. 10 penetratethe blood brain barrier produce marked cenlr.ll effects due to
rge (From Ginsborg 8 L, Guerrero S 1964 J Physiol172: 189.) acthauon mainly ot M 1 receptol'\ in the brain. These include uemor,
nts hypothennia and increa...ed locomotor activiry, as well as impro' ed
cognition beeCh. 34). M 1-sclective agonbts (e.g. tacJirensine) are being
ing imcsugmed for po~~ible use in treating dementia (see Eglen et al.. 1999;
~e. Ch.35).

))S. EHects of muscarinic agonists Clinical use

blc The main actions of muscarinic agonists are readily understood The main use of mu~carinic agonists is in treating glaucoma, by
ICd in term~ of the parasympathetic nervous system. local instillation in the form of eye drops. Pilocarpine is the mo~t
me Cardiovascular effects. These include cardiac slowing and a effective as, being a tertiary anunc. it can cross the conjunctival
nal decrea\e in cardiac output. The latter action is due mainly to a membrane. I t is a Mable compound whose action lasts for about
.ee decreased force of contraction of the atria, because the ventricles I day. A variety of drugs with different mechanisms of action are
md have only a sparse parasympathetic innervation and a low sensitivity now available for the treatment of glaucoma, and are summarised
to muscarinic agonists. Generalised vasodilatation also occurs in Table I 0.4. 151

Table 1 0 .3 Muscarinic agonists

Drug Structure Receptor specificity Hydrolysis by Clinical uses


Muscarinic Nicotinic

0 CH,
)l_ 1$
HC ~-CH,
Acetylcholine tH3 +++ +++ +++ None

0 yH,
Carbachol H,N tH, ++ +++ None

0 ~CH

Methacholine H,
C)l_ N-CH3
tH, +++ + ++ None

0 ~CH
> I E9
Bethanechol tH
+++ Bladder" and
gastrointestinal hypotonia

H ~~H,
' tH3
Muscarine +++ None11

Pilocarpine ++ Glaucoma

Q/ !!!!!!!

Oxotremorine ++ None

"Necessary first to ensure that bladder neck is not obstructed.

~>cause of mushroom poisoning.


Ciliary uri
muscle lllll
Fig. 10.5 The anterior hlu

chamber of the eye, showing the
pathway for secretion and Suspensory
drainage of the aqueous humour. ligaments

Table 10.4 Drugs that lower intraocular pressure

Dru!( Mechanism Notes Reference

Pilocarpine Muscarinic agonist Widely used as eye drops This chapter

Ecothiopate Anticholinesterase Widely used as eye drops Can cause muscle This chapter
spasm and systemic effects.

Timolol, carteolol 13-Adrenoceptor Given as eye drops but may still cause systemic Chapter 11
antagonist side effects: bradycardia. bronchoconstnct1on.

Acetazolamide, Carbonic anhydrase Acetazolamide is given systemically. Side effects include diuresis, Chapter 24
dorzolamlde inhibitor loss of appetite, tingling, neutropenia. Dorzolamide is used as eye
drops. Side effects include bitter taste and burning sensation.

Clonidine, apraclonidine ~-Adrenoceptor agonist Used as eye drops Chapter 11

Latanoprost Prostaglandin analogue Can cause ocular pigmentation Chapter 13

"The most important drugs are shown in bold type.

Bcthancchol i'> very occa,ionally used to a~sist bladder emptying for example for the heart or lhc gastrointestinal tract, reflecting
or to \timulate ga ... trointestinal motility (see Table 10.3). It acts heterogeneity among mAChRs (seep. 145).
mainly on M 1 recep10rs and has little effect on lhe heart. In The main effects of atropine are as follow.
principle. a -.elective M~ agonist would be useful for treating Inhibition of secretions. Salivary, lacrimal. bronchial and sweat
cardiac dy,rh)'thmias. but such drugs remain to be discovered. gland!. are inhibired by very low doses of atropine. producing an
uncomfortably dry mouth and skin. Ga~tric secretion is only slightly
MUSCARINIC ANTAGONISTS reduced. Mucociliary clearance in the bronchi is inhibited, '-O that
\luo;carinic receptor antagonists (parasympatholytic drugs; re,idual ~ecretions tend to accumulate in the lungs. lprmropium
Table 10.5) are competitive antagonists whose chemical structures lacks thi<> effect.
u~ually comain ester and basic groups in lhe same relationship as Effects on heart rate. Atropine causes tachycardia through
~Ch. butthcy have a buiJ...y aromatic group in place of the acetyl block of cardiac mACh Rs. T he tachycardia is modest. up to
group. The two naturally occurring compounds, atropine and 80-90 beats/min in humans. This is because there is no effect
h}oscine (scopolamine) are a lkaloids found in solanaceous plants. on the sympathetic 1>ystem, but only inhibition of the existing
The deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna) contains mainly parasympathetic tone. Tachycardia is most pronounced in young
atropine. whereas the thorn apple (Datura stramonium) contains people, in whom vagal tOne at rest is highest; it is often absen t
mainly hyoscine. These arc tertiary ammonium compounds that in the e lderly. AI very low doses, atropine causes a paradoxical
an: sufficiently lipid-soluble to be readily absorbed from lhe gut bradycardia, possibly due to a central action. The response of
or conjunctival ~ac and, importantly, to penetrate the blood- the heart to exercise is unaffected. Arterial blood pressure is
brain barrier. The quaternary derivative of atropine, atropine unaffecred, because most resistance vessels have no cholinergic
mcthonitra te, has pcripheruJ actions very similar to those of innervation.
alropine bur. because of its exclusion from the brain, lacks Effects 0 11 the eye. The pupil is dilated (mydriasis) by atropine
cemral actions. Tiotro pium and ipratropium are also quaternary administration. and becomes unresponsive to light. Relaxation of
deri\atives that are poorly absorbed from lhe lung. Given by lhe ciliary muscle causes paralysis of accommodation (cycloplegia).
,, inhalation. they act on airways smooth muscle and are used
ro treat asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
so that near vision is impaired. Intraocular pressure may ril>e;
m although thi'> b unimportant in normal individuals. it can be
C)clopentola te and tropicamide are tertiary amines developed dangerou'> in patients suffering from narrow-angle glaucoma.
for ophthalmic use and administered as eye drops. Pire nzepine Effects 0 11 the gastroi11testi11al tract. Gastrointestinal motilit}
1' a relative!) selective M 1 receptor antagonist. Oxybuty nin,
is inhibited by atropi ne, although this requires larger doses than
tolterodinc and darife nacin (M3 -selective) are new drugs that the other effects listed. and is not complete. This is because
act on the bladder to inhibit micturition. and are used for treating excitatory transmiuers other than ACh are important in normal
urinary incontinence. They produce unwanted effects typical of function of the myenteric plexus (sec Ch. 9). Atropine is used in
muscarinic antagoniM1>. such as dry mouth, constipation and pathological conditions in which there is increased gastrointestinal
blurred vbion, but these are les1. severe than wilh earlier drugs. motility; agents selective for M 3 receptors, which are being
Effects of muscarinic antagonists
j All the muscarinic antagonists produce basically s imi lar
peripheral effects. although ~ome show a degree of selectivity,
developed, may be preferable. PircMepine, owing to its selectivity
for M 1 receptors, inh ibits gastric acid secretion in doses that do
not affec t other systems.

Table 10.5 Muscarinic antagonists

Compound Phannacological properties Clinical uses Notes

Atropine Non-selective antagonist Adjunct for anaesthesia Belladonna alkaloid

Well absorbed orally (reduced secretions, bronchodilatatlon) Main side effects: urinary retenhoo.
CNS stimulant Anticholinesterase po1soning dry mouth, blurred vision
Bradycardia Dicycloverine (dicyclomine) 1s Stmila'
Gastrointestinal hyperrnottlity and used mainly as antispasmod c
(antispasmodic) agent

Hyoscine Similar to atropine As atropine Belladonna alkaloid (also known as

CNS depressant Motion sickness Causes sedation; other side effects
as atropine

Atropine Similar to atropine but poorly Mainly for gastrointestinal hypermotility Quaternary ammonium derivative
methonitrate absorbed and lacks CNS effects Similar drugs include
Significant ganglion-blocking activity methscopolamine, propantheline

Tiotroplum Similar to atropine methonitrate By inhalation for asthma, bronchitis Quaternary ammonium compound
Does not inhibit mucociliary lpratropium similar
clearance from bronchi

Tropicamide Similar to atropine Ophthalmic use to produce mydriasis

May raise intraocular pressure and cycloplegia (as eye drops)
Short acting

Cyclopentolate Similar to tropicamide As tropicamide Qong acting)

Pirenzeptne Selective for M 1 receptors Peptic ulcer Fewer side effects than other
Inhibits gastric secret1on by action muscarinic antagonists
on ganglion cells Largely superseded by other
Little effect on smooth muscle antiulcer drugs (see Ch. 25)

Darifenacin Select1ve for M3 receptors Urinary incontinence Few side effects

For chemical structures, see Hardman J G, Limbird L E, Gilman A G, Goodman-Gilman A et al. 2001 Goodman and Gilman's
pharmacological basis of therapeutics, 10th edn. McGraw-Hill, New York.

Effects 011 other smooth muscle. Bronchial, biliary and the brain. and they arc opposed by anticholinestera~e dru~
urinary tract smooth muscle are all relaxed by atropine. Renex such a<, physostigmjne. which i!. an effective antidote 1
bronchocon\triction (e.g. during anae&thesia) is prevented by atropine poisoning. Scopolamine in low doses causes marked
atropine. whereas bronchoconstriction caused by local mediators. ~edation. but ha.~ ~imilar effects in high dosage. Scopolamme
!ouch as histamine and leukotrienes (e.g. in asthma: Ch. 23) is also ha~ a useful antiemetic effect and is used in treaun
unaffected. Biliary and urinary tract smooth muscle are only motion l>ickne'>'>. Mu!.carinic antagonists also affect
~lightly affected, probably because transmitters other than ACh cxtrap}ramidal system. reducing the involuntary mO\emt
(see Ch. 6) are important in these organs; nevertheless. atropine and rigidity of patient!> \.,ith Parkinson's disea e (Ch 1;
and similar drugs commonly precipitate urinary retention in and counteracting the extrapyramidal side effects of mam-
elderly men with prostatic enlargement. antip-.ychotic dn1g:. (Ch. 38).
Effects 011 the CNS. Atropine produces mainly excitatory
effects on the CNS. At low doses. this causes mild restlessness: Clinical use
higher doses cause agitation and disorientation. In atropine The main u.,es of muscarinic antagonists are shown in Table 10 i
poisoning, which occur~> mainly in young children who eat and the clinical box (p. 156). Apart from piren7epmc
deadly nightshade berries, marked excitement and irritability (M 1-selective). currently u::.ed muscarinic antagonists show liule
result in hyperactivity and a considerable rise in body subtype selectivity. M3-selective antagonists, which may be
temperature, which i~> accenlllated by the loss of sweating. U!>cful as smooth muscle relaxants, are in development, but none
These central effect1> are the result of blocking mAChRs in has so far been approved for clinical use.

DRUGS AFFECTING AUTONOMIC GANGLIA By interference with ACh release, as at the neuromuscular
GANGLION STIMULANTS junction (seep. 161 and Ch. 9). Botulinum toxin and
h emicholinium work in thh way.
\IO\t nAChR agonbt~ affect both ganglionic and motor endplate By prolonged depolari~ation. Nicotine (see Fig. 10.4) can
receptor\. but nicoti ne. lobeline and dimethylphenylpiperazinium block ganglia. after initial stimulation. in this way. as can
0\TPP) affect ganglia preferentially (Table 10.6). ACh itself if cholinesterase is inhibited so that it can exert a
Nicotine and lobeline are tertiary amines found in the leaves continuing action on the postsynaptic membrane.
of tobacco and lobelia plant!>, respectively. Nicoline belong~ in By interference with the postsynaptic action of ACh. The fe\"'
pharmacological foii...Jore, as it was the substance on the tip of ganglion-blocking drugs of practical importance ac t by
Llngley\ paintbru'h cau~ing ~>timulation of muscle fibres when blocking neuronal nAChRs or the associated ion channels.
applied to the endplate region, leading him to postulate in 1905
T Fifty year~ ago. Paton and Zaimi~ investigated a series of linear
the existence of a 'receptive ~ubstance on the surface of the fibres
bi\quaternary compound~. Compounds with five or six carbon atom'>
tCh. 9). DMPP is a synthetic compound that is selective for (h exa methonium : T<~ble t0.6) in the methylene chain linking the mo
ganglionic receptors. qumernary gmupo, produced ganglionic block. whereas compounds \\ith
Only nicotine is used clinically (to help people to stop smoking; nine or ten carbon atom\ (decamethonium) produced neuromuscular block. 1
1CC Ch. 43); o th erwi se these drug~ are used only as experimental Hexamethonium, although no longer used, deserves recognition as
tools. They cause complex peripheral responses associated with the fin.t ciTcctivc anLihyperten~ive agent (see Ch. 19). The on ly ganglion-
generalised stimu lation of autonomic ganglia. The effects of blocking dnag currently in clinical usc is trimetapban (Thble t0.6: see
nicotine on the gastrointestinal tract and sweat glands are familiar
to neophyte smokers (see Ch. 43), although usually insufficient
to act a, an effective deterrent.

Ba<;ed on their \tructurJl ~imilarit} to ACh. the!.e compound'> were
Ganglion block b often used in experimental studies on the
origanall} bchc\ed to act as compctimc antagonists. Ho'' e'er. the) are now
autonomic nervous !.ystem but is of little clinical importance. It known to act mainly b)' blocling the ion channel rather than the receptor
can occur by several mechani'>ms. .,ite il'>etf.

Table 10.1 Nicotine receptor agonists and antagonist s

Drug(s) Main site Type of action Notes

Nicotine Autonomic ganglia Stimulation then block See Chapter 43
CNS Stimulation For CNS effects, see Chapter 43

Lobeline Autonomic ganglia Stimulation

Sensory nerve terminals Stimulation
ted Eptbatldine Autonomic ganglia, CNS Stimulation Isolated from frog skin
lUll! Highly potent
No clinical uses
Lhe Suxamethonium Neuromuscular junction Depolarisation block Used clinically as muscle relaxant
~5) Decamethonium Neuromuscular junction Depolarisation block No clinical use
Hexamethonium Autonomic ganglia Transmission block No clinical use

Tnmetaphan Autonomic ganglia Transmission block Blood pressure-lowenng in surgery (rarely used)
ine Tubocurarine Neuromuscular junction Transmission block Now rarely used
Pancuronium Neuromuscular junction Transmission block Widely used as muscle relaxants in anaesthesia
be Atracurium
)llC Vecuronium

Clinical uses of muscari ni c antagonists Drugs acti ng on muscarinic receptors
Cardiovascular M uscarinic agonists
Treatment of sinus bradycardia (e.g. after myocardial Important compounds include acetylcholine,
infarction; see Ch. 18): atropine. carbachol, methacholine, muscarine and pilocarpine.
They vary in muscarinic/nicotinic selectivity, and in
susceptibility to cholinesterase.
To dilate the pupil: for example tropicamide or
Main effects are bradycardia and vasodilatation
cyclopentolate eye drops.
(endothelium-dependent), leading to fall in blood
Neurological pressure; contraction of visceral smooth muscle (gut,
Prevention of motion sickness: for example bladder, bronchi, etc.); exocrine secretions, pupillary
hyoscine (orally or transdermally). constriction and ciliary muscle contraction, leading to
Parkinsonism (see Ch. 35), especially to counteract decrease of intraocular pressure.
movement disorders caused by antipsychotic drugs Main use is in treatment of g laucoma (especially
(see Ch. 38): for example benzhexol, benztropine. pilocarpine).
Most agonists show little receptor subtype selectivity, ei
but more selective compounds are in development. re
Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(see Ch. 23, clinical boxes): ipratropium or M uscari nic antagonist s ac
tiotropium by inhalation. Most important compounds are atropine, to
scopolamine, ipratrop1um and pirenzepine.
Anaesthetic premedication an
Main effects are inhibition of secretions; tachycardia.
To dry secretions: for example atropine, th
pupillary dilatation and paralysis of accommodation,
hyoscine. (Current anaesthetics are relatively 111
relaxation of smooth muscle (gut, bronchi, biliary
non-irritant, see Ch. 36, so this use is now less lw
tract, bladder); inhibition of gastric acid secretion
(especially pirenzepine); central nervous system
Gastrointestinal effect s (mainly excitatory with atropine; depressant,
To facilitate endoscopy and gastrointestinal radiology including amnesia, with scopolamine), including
by relaxing gastrointestinal smooth muscle antiemetic effect and antiparkinsonian effect.
(antispasmodic action; see Ch. 25): for example
As an antispasmodic in irritable bowel syndrome or
colonic diverticular disease: for example ea~ily blinded by bright hght. The redne~>s of his eyeball~ ma} 'UW!I
dicycloverine (dicyclomine). irregular habit~ and in fact hi\ head is rather weak. But he alway' beha1 In
To t reat peptic ulcer disease by suppressing gastric like a gentleman and never belchc;, or hiccups. He tend\ to gel cold 0111 'ct
keeps well wrapped up. But hi ~ health i~ good: he docs not have chilb!J
acid secretion (see Ch. 25): for example pirenzepine rat I
and Lhose diseases of modern dv ilitat ion. bypenension and r ertic ulc,
(M 1 -selective antagonist). This is used less since the pa~s him by. He gets thin bccau;,c hib appetite is modeM; he never fee Cu
introduction of histamine H2 antagonists and proton hunger pains and hi~> Momach never rumbles. He gets rather con,tip.,
pump inhibitors. ~o that his intake of liqu id paraffin i'> high. As old age come., on. he~
suffer from retention of unne and impotence. but frequency. precapllaDCJ
and strangury will not wor) ham. One b uncertain how he "'ill end. t.1
perhaps if be i~ not careful. b} eating les\ and less and gelling colder
colder. he will bink into a ;,)mptomle.,<.. hypoglycaemic coma and dae,a
EHects of ganglion-blocking drugs was proposed for lhe umvcrsc. a 'on of entropy dealh.
The effects of ganglion-blocking drugs are numerous and
(From Paton W D M 1954 The principles of ganglion block. l..ccturNJG
complex, as would be expected, because both di vi sion~ of the scientific ba.,i~ of medicine. vol. 2.)
the autonomic nervous sy!.tem are blocked indiscriminately.
The description by Paton of 'hexamethonium man' cannot be In practice, the imponant effects are on the cardiovascular system
bettered: A marked fall in arterial blood pressure results mainly from bloc~
of sympathetic ganglia, which cau~es a1teriolar vasodilatation. Mu-
"f' He is a pink-complexioned peNon. except when he has stood in a queue
for a long time. when he may get pale and faint. His handshake i~ warm
cardiovascular retlexe~ are blocked. In particular. the venocon,.
and dry. He is a placid and relaxed companion: for instance be may laugh Lriction, wb.ich occurs nom1ally when a subject stands up, and \\hldl
but he can't cry becau~ the tear.. cannot come. Your rudest Mo) wall not is necessary to prevent the central venous pressure from falhn:
make him blush. and lhe mo\t unplea\ant circumstances will fail to make sharply, is reduced. Standing thu~ causes a sudden fall in cardU.
him tum pale. His collars and \OCk\ \Ia) \e) clean and sweet. He wear.
output and arterial pressure (postural hypotension) that can cau
corse~ and may, if you meet him out, be rather fidgety {coNet\ to
compre5s his ~planchnic va~>cular pool. fidgety to keep the vcnou<o. return
fainting. Similarly, the vasodilatation of skeletal muscle dunn.
going from his legs). He dii>likcs speaking much unless helped with exercise is normally accompanied by vasoconstriction elsewhl!re
156 ~omcthing to moisten hii> dry mouth nnd Lhroat. He is long-sigh ted and (e.g. splanchnic area) produced by sympathetic activity. If 1ha1

adju<.tment i~ prevented, the overall peripheral resistance fa lls fo ld what if. needed to elicit an action potential in the muscle
and the blood pre~\ure abo fall~ (po:.texercise hypotension). fibre. It is therefore neces~ary to block 70-80% of the receptor
site!. before tran!.mission actually fails. When this happens. it is
Clinical use still po~'>ible to record a subthreshold epp in the muscle fibre
Ganglion-blocking drug~. becau~e of their many side effects. are (Fig. 10.6). In any individual muscle fibre. transmission is all or
chnicall) obc;olcte. witJ1 tlle exception of trimetaphan. a very short- nothing. so graded degrees of block represent a varying proportion
...:ting drug that can be adminiMered as an intravenous infusion of muscle fibre!-. failing to respond. ln this situation. where the
for certain types of anae~thetic procedure. Tilting of the operating amplitude of cpp in all the fibres is close to threshold (just above
table results in controlled hypotension, used to minimise bleeding in some, just below in other5). small variations in tlle amount of
during certain l-ind~ of surgery. Trimetaphan can also be u~ed to tran!.miuer released. or in the rate at which it is destroyed, will
lo11er blood pres... ure as an emergency procedure. have a large effect on the proportion of fibres contracting. so the
degree of block is liable to vary according to various physiological
NEUROMUSCULAR-BLOCKING DRUGS circumstances (e.g. stimulation frequency. temperature, and
cholinesterase inhibition), which normally bave relatively little
The pharmacology of neuromuscular function is well reviewed effect on the efficiency of transmission.
by Bowman ( 1990). Drugs can block neuromuscular transmission Some non-dcpolarising blocking agents also appear to block
either by acting presynaptically to inhibit ACh synthesis or presynaptic autorcceptors, and thus inhibit the release of ACh
release, or by acting po~ tsy napti cally, the latter being the site of during repetitive stimulation of tlle motor nerve (see Prior et al.,
action of all the cli nically important drugs (except for botulinum 1995). This may play a part in causing the 'tetanic fade' seen witll
toxin; see below). these drugs (sec p. 160).
Clinically, neuromuscular block is used only as an adjunct to
anae-thcsia. when artificial venti lation is available; it i<; not a
therapeutic intervention. The drugs tllat are used all work by
interfering with the post~ynaptic action of ACh. They fal l into
1110 categoric<,:
non-depolari\ing blocking agentc, (the majority), which act by
blocl-ing ACh receptor" (and, in 5ome cases. also by blocl-ing Drugs acting on autonomic ganglia
aon channel')
dcpolarising blocking agents. which are agonists at ACh Ganglion-stimulating drugs
Compounds include nicotine,
damethylphenylpiperazinium (DMPP).
NON-DEPOLARISING BLOCKING AGENTS Both sympathetic and parasympathetic ganglia are
stimulated, so effects are complex, including
In 1856, Claude Bernard, in a famous experiment, showed that
tachycardia and increase of blood pressure; variable
~umre' causes paralysis by blocking neuromuscular transmission,
n;, effects on gastrointestinal motility and secretions;
mther than by abolishing nerve conduction or muscle contracti lity.
er. increased bronchial, salivary and sweat secretions.
Curan: is a mi xture of naturally occurring alkaloids found in
Additional effects result from stimulation of other
cd various South American plants and used as arrow poisons by
neuronal structures, including sensory and
ill South American Indian,. The most important component is
noradrenergic nerve terminals.
tubocurari ne. the structure of which was elucidated in I935.
Ganglion stimulation may be followed by
Tubocurarine is now rarely used in cli nical medicine. being
depolarisation block.
>uper-.eded by ~ynthetic drug!> with improved properties. The
Nicotine also has important central nervous system
mo>t important arc pa ncu ronium. vecuronium and atracur ium
1Tablc 10.7). which differ mainly in their duration of action.
pn No therapeutic uses, except for nicotine to asstst
Gallamine wac, the fiN u<.,eful ~ynthetic successor to tubocurarine,
giving up smoking.
but has been re placed by compound~ with fewer side effects.
'll. The!>C substances arc all quaternary ammonium compounds, Ganglion-blocking drugs
:k 11hach means thai they are poorly absorbed and generally rapidly Compounds include hexamethonium, trimetaphan,
hi mreted. They ai'>O fail to cross the placenta. which is important tubocurarine (also nicotine; see above).
..,_ Block all autonomic ganglia and enteric ganglia. Main
an relation to their use in ob!>tetric anaesthesia. The low oral
r::h ab,orption of tubocurarine allowed it to be used safely in the effects: hypotension and loss of cardiovascular
1g hunting of ani mal<, for food. reflexes, inhibition of secretions, gastrointestinal
uc paralysis, impaired micturition.
se Mechanism of action Clinically obsolete, except for occasional use of
1g Non-depolarising blocking agents all act as competitive antagonists trimetaphan to produce controlled hypotension in
re tsee Ch. 2) at the ACh receptors of the endplate. The amount of anaesthesia.
li S ACh released by a nerve impulse normally exceeds by several- 157

Ta ble 10.7 Characteristics of neuromuscular-blocking drugs

Drug Speed of onset Duration of action Main side effects Notes

Tubocurarine Slow (> 5 mtn) Long (1-2 h) Hypotension (ganglion block Plant alkaloid, now rarely used
plus histamine release) A lcuronium is a semisynthetic
Bronchoconstriclion derivative with similar properties
(histamine release) but fewer side effects

Pancuronium lntermedtate Long Slight tachycardia The first steroid-based compound

(2-3mtn) No hypotension Better side effect profile than tubocurarine
Widely used
Pipecuronium is similar

Vecuronium Intermediate Intermediate Few side effects Widely used

(30-40min) Occasionally causes prolonged paralysis,
probably owing to active metabolite
Rocuronium is similar, with faster onset

Atracurium Intermediate Intermediate Transient hypotension Unusual mechanism of elimination

(< 30 min) {histamine release) (spontaneous non-enzymic chemical
degradation in plasma); degradation
slowed by acidosis
Widely used
Doxacurium is chemically similar but stable
in plasma, giving it long duration of action
Cisatracurium is the pure isomeric
constituent of atracurium, similar but wtth
less histamine release

Mivacurium Fast (-2 min) Short (- 15 min) Transient hypotenston New drug, chemically similar to atracunum
(histamine release) but rapidly inactivated by plasma
cholinesterase (therefore longer acting tn
patients with liver disease or with genetic
cholinesterase deficiency (see p. 160)

Suxamethonium Fast Short (- 10 min) Bradycardia (muscarinic Acts by depolarisation of endplate (nicotintc
agonist effect) agonist effect)-the only drug of this type
Cardiac dysrhythmlas still in use
(increased plasma K+ Paralysis is preceded by transient
concentration-avoid In muscle fasciculations
patients with burns or Short duration of action owing to hydrolysiS
severe trauma) by plasma cholinesterase (prolonged action
Raised intraocular pressure in patients with liver disease or genetic
(nicotinic agonist effect on deficiency of plasma cholinesterase) oy
extraocular muscles) Used for brief procedures (e.g. tracheal
Postoperative muscle pain Intubation, electroconvulsive shock therapy)
Rocuronium has similar speed of onset and
recovery, with fewer unwanted effects

"For chemical structures, see Hardman J G, Umbird L E, Gilman A G, Goodman-Gilman A et al. 2001 Goodman and Gilman's
pharmacological basis of therapeutics, 10th edn. McGraw-Hill, New York.

EHects of non-depolarising blocking drugs ventilatio n e~tabli shed this orderly paralytic march. and shO\Icd to
The effects of no n-de polaris ing ne uromuscular-blocking agents that conscio usness and aware ness of pain were quite nom1al e1c
arc mainly due to motor paralysis, althoug h some of the drugs when paralysis was complete. The spec ial characteristics of no
also produce clinically sig nificant autonomic effects. The first depolaris ing block, and the ways in which it differs fror
muscles to be affected are the extrins ic eye muscles (causing double de polarisation block, arc described on page 160.
vision) and the small muscles of the face, limbs and pharynx
(causing difficulty in swallowing). Respiratory muscles are the Unwanted eHects
last to be affected and the first to recover. An experiment in 1947 The main s ide e ffect of tubocurarine is a fall in arterial pressurt.
158 chicf1y due to gang lion block. An additional cause is the relcast
in which a heroic volunteer wa~ fully curarised under artificial

jE Normal
Action Action
/ p otential / p otential
mV -40
Fig. 10.6 The effect of
tubocurarine on neuromuscular
transmission. A Microelectrode
record1ng at the endplate (left)
normally shows a complex response -40~
to nerve stimulation, consisting of
an endplate potential (epp), from the 80
peak of which the action potential is Recording from endplate Recording away from endplate
initiated. The action potential is
distorted by the local Increase in
conductance produced by the
transmitter, Away from the endplate,
a simple propagated action potential
Is recorded, Bl Tubocurarine
reduces the epp amplitude, so that
no action potential is generated,

of histamine from ma!>t cells (see Ch. I 3), which can also give
n-.e to bronchospasm in c;ensitive individuals. This is unrelated to 100

n..\ChR'> but al<;o occurs with atracurium and mivacurium (as

11ell a.~ with some unrelated dmgs such as morphine, Ch. 4 I),
The other non-depolari1>ing blocking drugs lack these side 80
efl"ect\. and hence cause less hypotension. Gallamine, and to a
lesser extent pancuronium, block rnAChRs, particularly in the
heart, which re~ults in tachycardia.
Pharmacokinetic aspects
"lcuromuscular-blocking agents are used mainly in anaesthesia to
produce mu~cle relaxation. They are given intravenously but differ
in their rates of onset and recovery (Fig. I 0.7 and Table I 0.7).
Most of the non-depolarising blocking agents are metabolised
b) the liver or excreted unchanged in the urine, exceptions being
atracurium, which hydrolyses spontaneously in plasma, and 20
mhacurium, which, like succinylcholine, is hydrolysed by plasma
choline\tCrase. Their duration of action varies between about
IS minute\ and I 2 hours (Table J 0. 7). by which time the patient
regain' enough ~trength to cough and breathe properly, although 0
re'1dual weakness may persist for much longer. The route of 0 20 40 60 80
Time (min)
elimination i'> important, because many patients undergoing
dnaesthe~ia have impaired renal or hepatic function. which, Dimethyltubocurarine Fazadinium
oepending on the drug used, can enhance or prolong the paralysis Tubocuranne Gallamine
,ed to an important degree.
Pancuronium Alracurium
'CO Atracurium wa\ de'>igned to be chemically unstable at physio-
on- logical pH (spliuing into two inactive fragments by cleavage at Fig. 10.7 Rate of recovery from various non-
om one of the quaternary nitrogen atoms), although indefinitely depol arising neuromuscular-blocking drugs in humans.
'table when ~tored at an acid pH. It has a short duration of action, Drugs were given intravenously to patients undergoing surgery,
11hich is unaffected by renal or hepatic function. Because of the in doses just sufficient to cause 100% block of the tetanic
tension of the indirectly stimulated adductor pollicis muscle.
marked pH dependence of its degradation, however, its action
Recovery of tension was then followed as a function of time.
Jre, becomes considerably briefer during respiratory alkalosis caused (From Payne J P, Hughes R 1981 Br J Anaesth 53: 45.)
ase by hyperventilation, 159

DEPOLARISING BLOCKING AGENTS interaction, for it is unlikely that appreciable dissocwtion of

the antagonist can occur in the short time for which the \Q
Thi~ cla~s
of neuromuscular-blocking drugs was discovered by
i'> present. In contra~!. depolarisation block is unaffected. a
Paton and Zaimi'> in their study of the effect<; of symmetrical
even increased, by anticholinesterase drugs.
bisquaternary ammonium compounds. One of these,
The fa'>ciculations seen with suxan1ethonium (see Tabk 10
decamethonium, was found to cause paralysis without appreciable
as a prelude to paralysis do not occur with compelili\e d
ganglion-blod.ing activity. Several features of its action showed
There appear:. to be a correlation between the amount of
it to be different from competitive blocking drugs such as
fasciculation and the severity of the postoperative mu'l<:lc
tubocurarine. In particular, it was found to produce a transient
pain that is often produced by succinylcholine.
twitching of skeletal muscle (fasciculation) before causing block,
Tewnic fade (a term used to describe the failure of mu-.cle
and when it wa!> injected into chicks it caused a powerful extensor
tension to be maintained during a brief period of nerve
spasm, 2 whereas tubocurarine simply caused flaccid paralysi1.. In
stimulation at a frequency high enough to produce a fu,cd
1951, Burns and Paton showed that its action was to cau~e a
tetanus) i)> increa~>ed by non-depolarising blocking drug,.
maintained depolarisation at the endplate region of the mu&cle
compared with normal muscle. This is probably due main!)
fibre, which led to a loss of electrical excitability (sec p. 149),
to the block of pre:-.ynaptic nAChRs. which normally scne t
and they coined the term depofarisation block. Fasciculation
sustain transmitter release during a tetanus (see Prior et al,
occurs because the developing endplate depolarisation initially
1995), and it docs not occur with depolarisation block. Th1,
causes a discharge of action potentials in the muscle fibre. This
forms the basis of a simple test used by anaesthetists to
subsides after a few seconds as the electrical excitability of the
discover which type of block is present. Electrodes are
endplate region of the fibre is lost.
applied lo the skin over a peripheral nerve, such as the uln
Decamethonium itself was used clinically but has the
nerve, and mu..,cle contraction is observed during a short
disadvantage of too long a duration of action. Suxamethonium
period of tetanic stimulation.
(Table 10.7) is closely related in structure to both decamethonium
and ACh (consi:.ting of two ACh molecules linked by their acetyl
groups). Its action is '>horter than that of decamethonium, because Unwanted eHects and dangers of depolarising
it is quickly hydrolysed by pla1.ma cbolinesterdSc. Suxamethonium drugs
and decamethonium act-like ACb-as agonists on the receptors Suxamcthonium. the only drug of this type in clinical u-e.
of the motor end plate. llowever. when given as drugs, they diffuse produce a number of important adverse effects (see Table IQ
relatively slowly to the endplate and remain there for long enough Bradycardia. Thi ~ i!. preventable by atropine and is pro~
that the depolarisation causes loss of electrical excitability. ACh, due to a direct muscarinic action.
in contrast, when released from the nerve, reaches the endplate in Potassium release. The increase in cation permeabilit} oft
very brief spurt!> and is rapidly hydrolysed in situ, so it never motor end plates cause!. a net loss of K+ from muscle, and thu,
causes sufficiently prolonged depolarisation to result in block. If small rise in pla!.ma K+ concentration. Tn normal individuah.L
cholinesterase is inhibited. however (seep. 164), it is possible for is not important, but in cases of trauma, especially bum' c
the circu lating ACh concentration to reach a level sufficient to injuries causing muscle denervation, it may be (Fig. 10.8). Th
cause depolarisation block. is because dcnervation causes ACh receptors to spread to region
of the muscle fibre away from the end plates (see Ch. 9). so that
Comparison of non-depolarising and much large r area of membrane is sensitive to succinylcholilll
depolarising blocking drugs The resulting hyperkalae mia can be enough to cause ventricuJ,
There arc several differences in the pattern of neuromuscular dysrhythmia or even cardiac arrest.
block produced by depolarising and non-depolarising mechanisms. Increased intraocular pressure. This results from contractu
of extraocular muscles applying pressure to the eyeball. It
Anticholine~terase drugs are very effective in overcoming the particularly important to avoid this if the eyeball ha.~ been injured
blocl.ing action of competitive agents. This is because the Prolonged paralysis. The action of succinylcholine g11
released ACh, protected from hydroly:.is, can diffuse further intravenously normally lasts for less than 5 minutes, becau-e t1r
within the <;ynaptic cleft. and so gains access to a wider area drug is hydrolysed by plasma cholinesterase. Its action is prolonged
of post~ynaptic membrane than it normally would. The chances by variou<, factors that reduce the activity of this enLyme:
of an ACh molecule finding an unoccupied receptor before
being hydrolysed are thus increased. This diffusional effect Genetic variants in which plasma chounesterase is abnonru.l
seems to be of more importance than a truly competitive (sec Ch. 52). Severe deficiency, enough to increase the durntioo
of action to 2 hours or more, occurs in only about I in 200l
individuals. Very rarely, the en.qme is completely absenl and
the paralysis lasts for many hours.
Birds possess a special type of skeletal muscle. rare in mammals. that has Anticholinesterase drugs. The use of organophosphates to treo
many endplate~ scattered over the surface of each muscle fibre. A drug that
glaucoma (see Table I 0.4) can inhibit plasma cholinestera'e
cau~c~ cndplatc de polarisation produces <1 widespre<~d depolarisation in such
mu~cle~. rc,ulting in a maintained contracture. In oormal skeletal muscle,
and prolong the action of succinylcholine. Competing substr.rte'
with only one endplate per fibre. end plate depolarisation i~ too localised to for plasma c holinesterase (e.g. procaine. propanidid) can al\11
160 cause con tracture on it~ own. have this e iTeet.

9 Neuromuscular-blocking drugs

Substances that block choline uptake: for
Paralysed example hemicholinium (not used clinically).
gs. s 7 Substances that block acetylcholine release:

E am~noglycoside antibiotics, botulinum toxin .
.s 6 Drugs used to cause paralysis during anaesthesia are
~ as follows.
ro 5 Non-depolarising neuromuscular-blocking agents:
"'ro tubocurarine, pancuronium, atracurium,
a: 4
vecuronium. These act as competitive antagonists
at nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and differ
Sux mainly in duration of action.
Depolarising neuromuscular-blocking agents:
to 2
20 suxamethonium.
0 4 8 12 16
Important characteristics of non-depolarising and
s Minutes
depolarising blocking drugs:
Fig. 10.8 Effect of succinylcholine (Sux) o n plasma
non-depolarising block is reversible by
potassium concentration in humans. Blood was collected
from veins draining paralysed and non-paralysed limbs of anticholinesterase drugs, depolarising block is not
seven injured patients undergoing surgery. The injuries had depolarising block produces initial fasciculations
resulted in motor nerve degeneration, and hence denervation and often postoperative muscle pain
supersensitivity of the affected muscles. (From Tobey R E et al. suxamethonium is hydrolysed by plasma
1972 Anaesthesiology 37: 322.) cholinesterase and is normally very short-acting,
'9 but may cause long-lasting paralysis in a small
group of congenitally cholinesterase-deficient
Main side effects: tubocurarine causes ganglion
block, histamine release, hence hypotension.
bronchoconstriction; newer non-depolarising blocking
the drugs have fewer side effects; suxamethonium may
a ~eonates and patients with liver disease may have low plasma
cause bradycardia, cardiac dysrhythmias due to K
his cholinesterase activity and show prolonged paralysis with
release (especially in burned or injured patients).
~uccinylchol i ne.
or increased intraocular pressure, malignant
hi-, Ma/igna11t hyperthermia. This is a rare inherited condition. hyperthermia (rare).
ns due to a mutation of the Ca 2 release channel of the sarcoplasmic
t a reticulum (the ryanodine receptor, sec Ch. 4), which results in
ne. intcn~c muscle spasm lUld a dramatic rise in body temperature when
lar certain drugs arc given (sec Ch. 51). The most commonly implicated
drug' are suxamethonium and hal othane, although it can be DRUGS THAT INHIBIT ACETYLCHOLINE RELEASE
precipitated by a variety of other drugs. The condition carries a
Acetylcholine release by a nerve impulse involves the entry of
is wy high mortality (about 65%) and is treated by administration Ca2+ into the nerve terminal; the increase in [Ca 2..], stimulates
:d. of dantrolcnc, a drug that inhibits muscle conttaction by preventing
cxocytosis and increases the rate of quantal release (Fig. I0.2).
en Ca~ relea-;e from the sarcopla.<omic reticulum.
Agents that inhibit Ca 2 + entry include Mg2 and various
aminoglycoside antibiotics (e.g. streptomycin and neomycin:
DRUGS THAT ACT PRESYNAPTICALLY sec Ch. 46), which occa:.ionally produce muscle paralysis as an
unwanted side eiTect when used clinically.
DRUGS THAT INHIBIT ACETYLCHOLINE Two potent neurotoxins. namely botulinum toxin and ~
SYNTHESIS bungarotoxin. act specifically to inhibit ACh release. Botulinum
The ~teps in the '>ynthe~>is of ACh in the presynaptic nerve terminals toxin is a protein produced by the anaerobic bacillus Clostridium
ld arc shown in Figure 10.2. The rate-limiting process appears to be bowlinum, an organi~>m that can multiply in preserved food and
the transport of choline into the nerve terminal. H emicholinium can cause botulism. an extremely serious type of food poisoning.
at blocks this transport and thereby inhibits ACh synthesis. 1t is useful The potency of botulinum toxin is extraordinary, the minimum
a!> :m experimental tool but has no clinical applications. Its blocking lethal dose in a mouse being less than w-12 g-only a few million
effect on transmission develops slowly, as the existing stores of molecules. It belongs to the group of potent bacterial cxotoxins
so ACh become depleted. Vesamicol, which acts by blocking ACh that includes tetanus and diphtheria toxins. They possess two
transport into synaptic vesicles, has a similar effect. subunits, one of which binds to a membrane receptor and is

re~ponsible for cellular ~pecificity. By this means, the toxin fluid (AChE). Elsewhere. the catalytic units are linked to collager
enters the cell, where the other !>ubunit produces the toxic effect like proteins or to glycolipids, through which they are tethereu
(see Montecucco & Schiavo. 1995). Botulinum toxin contain~ like a bunch of balloons. to the cell membrane or the ba..emet:
~everal components (A- G). They are peptidases that cleave membrane at various c;ites, including cholinergic synapse\ I
'>pecific protein~ involved in exocytosis (synaptobre1ins. al'>o. oddly. the erythrocyte membrane. where the function of he
symaxins. etc.-see Ch. 9). thereby producing a long-lasting enzyme is unknown).
block of synaptic function. Each toAin component inactivates a The bound AChE at cholinergic synapses serves ro h}drol~
different functional protein- a remarkably coordinated attack the released transmitter and temunate its action rapid!). SolubJ
by a humble bacterium on a vital component of mammalian AChE is al'>o present in cholinergic nerve terminals. "here
physiology. seems to have a role in regulating the free ACh concentrauua.
Botulinum poisoning causes progressive parasympathetic and and from which it may be secreted: the function of the secre1td
motor paralysis, with dry mouth. blurred vision and difficulty in enzyme is so far unclear. AChE is quite specific for ACh
swallowing, followed by progressive respiratory paralysis. closely re lated esters 1.uch as methacholine. Certain neuropepttdc~,
Treatment with untitoxin is effecti ve only if g iven before such as substance P (Ch. 16) are inactivated by AChE, but it1
symptoms appear. for o nce the toxin is bound its action cannot be not known whether this is of physiological significance. Overall
reversed. Morta lity is high. and recovery takes several weeks. the re i!> poor corresponde nce between the dis tribution ur
Anticholinesterases and drugs that increase transmitter re lease chol inerg ic synapses and that of AChE. both in the brain and in
(sec p. 163) are ine ffective in restoring transmission. Among the the periphery, and AChE most probably has functions otherthJ
more spectacular o utbreaks of botulinum poisoning was an dispo~a l of t\Ch, although the details remain unclear (see revic.
incident on Loch Maree in Scotland in 1922, when all eight by Sorcq & Seidman, 200 1).
members of a fishing party died after eating duck pate for their Butyrylcholine!>tem.se (or pseudocholinesterase) ha~ a wide\prc.il
lunch. Their ghillies, con,uming humbler fare no doubt. survived. distribution. being found in tissues such as liver, skin, brain .w
The innkeeper committed suicide. gastrointestinal \mooth muscle, as well as in soluble form in ihe
Botulinum toxin. injected locally into mu des. is used to treat plasma. It is not particularly associated with cholinergic synaJ)'e\
a fonn of per<,i'>tent and disabling eyelid spasm (blepharol.pasm) and its phy~iological function is unclear. It has a broader ~ub>llld:
as well a., other type'> of local mu1>cle spasm. for example in specificity than AChE. It hydrolyses the synthetic ~ub,u;
spasticity (sec T<,ui. 1996). Boto"< is abo fashionable as a wrinkle butyrylcholine more rapidly than ACh. as well as other e'Je
remover, remO\ ing frown lines by paralysing the superficial muscles such a<, p rocaine. s uccinylcholine and p ropa n idid (a short-a.:
that pucker the skin. Injections must be repeated every few momhs anaesthetic agent: 1>ec Ch. 36). T he plasma enzyme is import.~~
to sustain the effect. For the same agent to figure as a beauty in rel:llion to the inactivation of the drugs listed above. Gene .
treatment a., well as a weapon of biological warfare renects variants of BuChE occur (see Ch. 52). and these partly accou
strangely on the modern wo rld. for the variability in the duration of action of these drugs. Th.
"' 1'\-llungarotO:\in i\ a protein contained in the venom of various snakes very 1.hort duration of action of ACh given intravenously (It
of the cobra family, und hil~ a ;imilar action to b<>tulinum toxin. although Fig. I 0. 1) re~ults from its rapid hydrolysis in the plasma. Nonnal11
it~ active component i~ a phospholipase rather than a pcptida~c. The 'ame AChE a nd BuChE between them keep the plasma ACh at ru:
venom\ abo contain a-bun ga rotoxi n (see p. 27). whic h blocks undelectably low level, so ACh (unlike noradrenaline) is stricll)
po!.H.ynaptic ACit receptors. so these snakes evidently cover all
a ncurotran!>mit te r and not <I hormone.
cvcmualitics a\ far as causing paralys is of their victims is concerned.
Both AChE and BuChE belong to the class of serine hydrolase.
which includes many proteases, suc h as trypsin. The acti\e ,n,
DRUGS THAT ENHANCE CHOLINERGIC of AChE comprises two distinct reg ions: an anionic site (glutamak
TRANSMISSION residue), which bind!. the basic (choline) moiety of ACh: and
esreratic site (h i ~tidine +serine). As with other serine hydrola~
Drugs that enhance cholinergic transmission act either by inhibiting the acidic (acetyl) group of the ~ubstrate is transferred to tJ
cholinesterase (the main group) or by increasing ACh release. ln serine hydroxyl group. leaving (transiently) an acetylated enz~m:
thi'> chapter, we focu~ on the peripheral actions of such drugs; molecule and a molecule of free choline. Spontaneous hydro!~
drug' affecting cholinergic transmission in the CNS. used to treat of the serine acetyl group occurs rapidly. and the overalltumO\tt
senile dementia, are discussed in Chapter 35. number of AChE i\ extremely high (over 10 000 molecule, d
ACh hydroly<,ed per second by a single acti\'e site).
There are two diMinct types of cholinesterase, namely Peripherall y acting anticholinesterase drugs fall into three m...
acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE), closely group~ according to the nature of their interaction with the acU1.
related in molecular Mructure but differing in their distribution, 1.ilc, which determines their duration of action. Most of the
su bstrate specific ity and functions (see Cbatonnet & Lockridge. inhibit AChE a nd BuChE about equally. Centrally actm,
1989). Both consist of g lobular cata lytic subunits. which constitute anticholinesterases, developed for the treatment of dementia, ar,
the soluble forms fo und in plasma (B uChE) and cerebrospinal discussed in C hapter 35.

1- Short-acting anticholinesterases compounds of clinical importance, and physostigmine (c crine).

ti. The only important drug among the short-acting anticholinesterases a tertiary amine. which occurs naturally in the Cal abar bean.'
t "edrophonium (Table I0.8), a quaternary ammonium compound These drugs are all carbamyl. as opposed to acetyl, esters, and
ld that binds to the anionic site of the enzyme only. The ionic bond all possess basic groups that bind to tbe anioruc site. Transfer of
IC fom1ed is readjly reversible, and the action of the dmg is very brief. the carbamyl group to the serine hydroxyl group of the esteratic
h i~ used mrunly for diagnostic purposes, because improvement site occurs as with ACh, but the carbamylated enzyme i~> very
of muscle strength by an anticholinesterase is characteristic of much slower to hydrolyse (Fig. I 0.9), taking minutes rather than
le mya~thenia gravis (see p. 165) but docs not occur when muscle microseconds. The anticholinesterase drug is therefore hydrolysed.
it weakness is due to other causes.
:d Medium-duration anticholinesterases 'Otherwise known a' the ordeal bean. In the Middle Ages, extracts of the..e
1d The medium-duration anticholinesterases (Table 10.8) include bean\ were used to determine the guilt or innocence of those accu~ed of
!S~ neostigmine and pyridostigmine, which are quaternary ammoruum crime or heresy. Death implied guah.
Table 10.8 Anticholinester ase drugs
d Drug Structure Duration Main site Notes
he of act ion of action

Edrophonium H~~Lf > Short NMJ Used mainly in diagnosis of myasthenia gravis
:::,... I tH, Too short acting for therapeutic use

Neostigmine H,C, ~I Medium NMJ Used intravenously to reverse competitive
H,c'Y N-CH, neuromuscular block
0 :::,... &, Used orally in treatment of myasthenia gravis
Visceral side effects
ly I I p
Physostigmine CH3 CH3 Medium Used as eye drops in treatment of glaucoma

H,<Y I
Medium NMJ Used orally in treatment of myasthenia gravis
Better absorbed than neostigmine and has
an 0 :::,... longer duration of action

ne Dyflos ~>--o'pto Long p Highly toxic organophosphate, with very
H,C>-O 'F prolonged action
~is H,c Has been used as eye drops for glaucoma
H,c'-../o,P,o ?~
Ecothiopate HP,..'d 's,.........,_.'fcH, Long p Used as eye drops in treatment of glaucoma
CH3 Prolonged action; may cause systemic effects

lin Parath1on H,C'-../Oys Long Converted to active metabolite by replacement

\'e H,<Y" o 0--Q-No, of sulfur by oxygen
Used as insecticide but commonly causes
em poisoning in humans
tre NMJ, neuromuscular junction; P, postganglionic parasympathetic junction.

Reversible anticholinesterase Irreversible anticholinesterase

Active enzyme

coo- Ho-r-oPr
J F Dyflos
' r
HO- P- OPr
Histidin~:> Anionic
No spontaneous
site coo-
site Serine Glutamate

Carbamyl transferred
to serine -OH


coo- b

J ..
' a
: Reactivation
.. ,.... -............................. --:' ' transferred to -NOH
: Carbamyl-serine :
Enzyme OPr ~
: hydrolysed
:__ _____(slow)
_________ ,
reactivated PrQ- r- o-~~

Fig. 10.9 Action of anticholinesterase drugs. Reversible anticholinesterase (neostigmine): recovery of activity by hydrolysis of the
carbamylated enzyme takes many minutes. Irreversible anticholinesterase (dyflos): reactivation of phosphorylated enzyme by pralidoxime.

but at a negligible rate compared with ACh, and the slow recovery drugs. such as ecolhiopatc, slow hydrolysis occurs over the couroc
of the carbamylatcd enzyme mean~ that the action of these drug-; of a few days, so that their action is not strictly irrevcr.iblt
is quite long-lasting. Dynos and parathion are volatile non-polar substance!) of ll'l)
high lipid solubility, and arc rapidly absorbed through muco
Irreversible anticholinesterases membranes and even through unbroken skin and insect cuudc
Irreversible anticholinesterases (Table I 0.8) are pentavalent the use of these agents as war gases or insecticides relie~ on th
phosphorus compounds containing a labile group such as nuoride property. The lack of a specificity-conferring quaternary grour
(in dyflos) or an organic group (in parat hion and ecothiopatc). means lhat most of these drugs block other serine hydrola-.e1
This group is released, leaving the serine hydroxyl group of the (e.g. trypsin, thrombin), although their pharmacologicnl effcct1
enzyme phosphorylated (Fig. 10.9). Most of these organophosphate resu lt mainly from c ho linesterase inhibition.
compounds. of which there are many, developed as war gases and
pesticides as well as for clinical u~c: they interact only with the Effects of anticholinesterase drugs
esteratic site of the enzyme and have no cationic group. Ecothiopme Cholinesterase inhibitors affect peripheral as well a~ centro!
i~ an exception in having a quaternary nitrogen group designed to cholinergic synapses. Ill
bind also to the anionic site. Some organophosphate compounds can produce, in addition .. \\

The inactive phosphorylated enzyme is usually very stable. severe form of neurotoxicity.
With drugs such as dynos. no appreciable hydrolysis occurs. and Effects 011 autonomic cholinergic sy11apses. These mainly ren~
recovery of enzymic activity depends on the synthesis of new enhancement of ACh activity at parasympathetic postgangliom,
164 ent.yme molecules, a process that may take weeks. With other synapses (i.e. increased secretions from salivary, lacrimal, bronchial

:md ga~trointestinal glands: increased peristaltic activity: bro ncho- only pan ly understood, but it seems to result from inhibition of
constriction: bradycardia and hypotension: pupillary consuiction: an esterase (not cholinesterase itself) specific to myelin.
fi'ation of accommodation for near vis io n: fall in intraocular The main u~es of anticholincsterases are summarised in the
pn!,-.ure). Large do'>es can 'timulate. ru1d later block, autonomic clinical box.
ganglia, producing complex autonomic effects. The block, if it
occurs, i<> a depolarbmion block and is associated wi th a build-
up of ACh in the pla:.ma and body fl uids. Neostigmine and
p)rido~tigmine tend to affec t neuromuscular transmission more Spontaneous hydrolyl-.b of phosphorylated cholinesterase is
than the autonomic sy~tem. w hereas physostigmine and organo- extremely <;(ow, a fact that make~ poisoning with organophosphates
pho,phates . how the reverse pattern. T he reason is not clear, but very dangerous. Pralidoxime (Figs I 0.9 and I0. 10) reactivates
therapeutic usage ta l...es advantage o f this partial selectivi ty. the cntymc by bringing an oxime g roup into close proximity
Acute antic ho linesterase poisoni ng (e.g. from contact with with the phosphorylated esteratic site. T his group is a strong
in~ccticides or war gases) causes 11cvere bradycardia, hypotension nuc lcophile and lures the phosphate group away from the serine
and difficulty in breathing. Combined with a depo larising ne uro- hydroxy l gro up o f' the en;,yme. The effecti veness of pralidox ime
muscular block, and central e ffects (see be low), the result may be in reacti vating pl a~ma cho linesterase activity in a po isoned subject
fatal. is shown in Figure I0. 10. The main drawback to its use as an
Effects on the neuromuscular j unction. The twitch te nsion antidote to o rgano phosphate poisoning is that, within a few hours,
of a muscle stimulated via its moto r ne rve is inc reased by the phosphorylated enzy me undergoes a chemical change ('ageing')
anticholinesterases. owing to repetitive firing in the muscle fibre that rende rs it no lo nger !>Usceptible to reacti vation, so that
a~sociated wi th prolongation of the epp. Normally, the AC h is
h)drolysed so qu icldy that each stimulus initiates only one actio n
potential in the muscle fibre, but whe n AChE is inhibited th is is
Clinical uses of anticholinesterase drugs
convened to a '>hon train of action potentials in the muscle fibre.
and hence greater ten,ion. Much more important is the effect
To reverse the action of non-depolarising
produced when tran<,mis.,ion ha'> been blocked by a competitive
neuromuscular-blocking drugs at the end of an
blocking agent such a'> tubocurarine. In this ca<>e, add ition of an
operation (neostigmine).
anucholincMcrase can dramatically restore trans mission. 1f a large
To treat myasthenia gravis (neostigmine or
proponion of the receptor~ are blocked. the majority of ACh
molecules will normally encounter. and be destroyed by. an AChE
As a test for myasthenia gravis and to distinguish
molecule before reaching a vacan t receptor; inhibiting AChE
weakness caused by anticholinesterase overdosage
gi1e~ the ACh mol ecu l e~ a greater chance of finding a vacam
('cholinergic crisis') from the weakness of myasthenia
r~ceptor before being destroyed. and thus inc rease the epp so that
itself ('myasthenic crisis'): edrophonium, a
it reaches thresho ld. In myasthenia gravis (see below ). transmi~~i on
short-acting drug given intravenously.
faib because there arc too few ACh recepto rs, and cholineste rase
Alzheimer's dieases (e.g. donepezil; see Ch. 35).
inhibition improves transmission j ust as it does in curari sed muscle.
Glaucoma (ecothiopate eye drops).
In large doses, :-.uch as can occur in poisoning, anticholinesterases
initiall y cause !witching o f muscles. This is because spontru1cous
ACh release can g ive rise to cpps that reach the firing threshold.
Later. paralysis may occur due to depo larisation block, whic h
c. i' as~oc iat cd wi th the build-up o f AC h in the plasma and tissue
ry lluids.
JS Effects on the CNS. Tertiary compounds, such a<> physostigmine,
and the non-polar organopho~phates penetrate the blood-brain
banicr freely and affect the brain. The result is an initial excitation, e
1p \\hich can result in convuhion~. followed by depression, wh ich 0
can cau-,c unconscious ness and respiratory failure. These central ~
effects result mainly from the activation of rnAChRs, and are >
antagoni'>ed by atropine. The use of anticholi nesterascs to treat u
\Cnile dementia i<. di-,c ussed in C hapter 35. w
Neurotoxicity of organophosphates. Many organophosphates <
nl can cause a severe type of peripheral nerve demyelination. leading E
< 0
to progressive weaknes'i and l-.cnsory loss. This is not a problem 0::: I
0 30 60 90
a \\ith clinically u~ed a nticholinestcrases but occasiona lly occurs Time (min)
11 ith accidental poisoni ng with insecticides. ln 193 1, an estimated
Fig. 10.10 Reactivation of plasma cholinesterase (ChE)
Ct 20 000 Americans were affected , some fata lly. by contaminatio n in a volunteer subject by intravenous injection of
ic of fruit juice with an organophosphate insectic ide, and other similar pralidoxime. (Redrawn from Sim V M 1965 JAMA 192: 404.) )
outbreaks have been recorded. T he mechanism of this reaction is 165

affect\ it bee LindMrom. 2000). This disea<.e affecu, about I 1n

A indi' idual,, who ~hO\\ muscle wcakncs~ and increa.\00 fatiguahilit} re'
Normal fmm a failure of neuromu~ular transmission. The tendency for 1ro111'
J10mV 10 fail during repeliti\e acthity can be seen in Figure 10.11 . t'unch
u result, 10 !he inability of muscle~ to produce sustained contr.~cn<-m.
which the characterhtic drooping eyelid~ of myasthenic patienh m
J 10kg
'ign. The ellecti\eness of anticholinesterase drugs in impnl' ing
\trcngth in mya\thenia was di~overed in 1931, long before the C3DSe
the di\C3.\C \\il\ J.n<l\\n.

The cau-.e of the transmission failure is an autoimrnune re,pon-.e

B] cau'e' a lo\\ of nAChR\ from the neuromuscular junction, fiN re'
J 10 mV
in \ludic' \ho\\ing that the number of bungarotoxin-binding sne-> a: lit
endplates of myu"hcnic patients was reduced by about 70% c1>m~
Control with normal. It had been ;uspected !hat myasthenia had an immunulogd
] 10 kg ha\i~. becau ..e removal of the thymus gland was frequently of ilcll(
lmmuni ~ati on of nthbit~ with purified ACh receptor causes, after a dt
symptom; very 'imilar to those of human myasthenia gravis.'l11c prt~e
of antibody directed against' !he ACh recepwr protein can be detecttd
the ~crum of mya~lhenic patients. but the reason for the dcvclop111ent
After the autoimmune rc~pon~ in human' i' still unknown (see Lindstrom.llll
The improvement of neuromu~cu l ar function by anticholin~,l~r
treallllCill ('hown in Fig. 10.11) can be dr.tmatic, but if !he disease~"""
too far. !he number of reccpto" remaining may become too few to prOOIII
Fig . 10.11 Neuromuscular transmission in a normal and an adequate cpp. and anticholine,tera\e drug!> willlh.:n cease to be elle.u
a myasthenic human subject. Electrical activity was recorded Alternative approachc\ to !he treatmem of myasthenia are 10 remo1e
with a needle electrode in the adductor pollicis muscle, in culating anubody by plasma exchange. which is transiently cffecti,~.O!
response to ulnar nerve stimulation (3 Hz) at the wrist. IAl In a a more pmlonged effect, to inhibit antibody production with <,tem<h e
normal subject, electrical and mechanical response is well prednisolone) or unmun<l,upp~t drug~ (e.g. azathioprine: s..-c Ot If
sustained. B In a myasthenic patient, transmission fails rapidly
when nerve is stimulated. Treatment with neostigmine improves
transmiSSIOn. (From Desmedt J E 1962 Bull Acad Roy Med OTHER DRUGS THAT ENHANCE CHOLINERGIC
Belg VII 2: 213.)
T It v.a\ ob\ened many years ago !hat tetraethylammonium bt
!.no\\ n a\ a ganglion-blocking drug. could reverse !he neuromu-..:
blocking action of tubocurarine. and this was shown to be be~au<e
pralidoxime must be given early in order to work. Pralidoxime
incrca\C\ the relea\e of tran'omitter evoked by nerve \limul
does not enter the brain, but related compounds have been developed Subsequently. aminopyridines. 11hich bloc!. potaS,ium channel' (..ee CbA
to treat the central effects of organophosphate poisoning. and thu\ prolong th<.: action potential in !he presynaptic nene term1
were founu 10 act similarly and to be considerably more potent
Myasthenia gravis ..elective in their acti ons than tetraethylammonium. These drugs are'
5electivc for cholinergic nerves but increase the evoked release of m:m.
T The neuromuscu lar junction j, a robust wucture that very rarely fai ls, different tran~mittcrs, ~o have too many unwanted effect; to be u~elul m
mya~theniagr:wi& being one of the very few disorders thm specifically treating neu romuscular di~orders.

Chollneste,.se and anticholinesterase drugs

There are two main forms of cholinesterase: Effects of anticholinesterase drugs are due
acetylcholinesterase {AChE), which is mainly mainly to enhancement of cholinergic transmission at
membrane-bound, relatively specific for acetylcholine, cholinergic autonomic synapses and at the
and responsible for raptd acetylcholine hydrolysis at neuromuscular junction. Anticholinesterases that cross
cholinergtc synapses; and butyrylcholinesterase the blood-bratn bamer (e.g. physostigmine,
(BuChE) or pseudocholinesterase, which is relatively organophosphates) also have marked central nervous
non-selective and occurs in plasma and many tissues. system effects. Autonomic effects include bradycardia
Both enzymes belong to the family of serine hydrolases. hypotension, excessive secretions, bronchoconstriction.
Anticholinesterase drugs are of three main types: gastrointestinal hypermotility, decrease of intraocular
short-acting (edrophonium); medium-acting pressure. Neuromuscular action causes muscle
(neostigmine, physostigmine); irreversible fasciculation and increased twitch tension, and can
(organophosphates, dyflos, ecothiopate). They differ produce depolarisation block.
in the nature of their chemical interact ion with the Ant icholinesterase poisoning may occur from exposure
act ive site of cholinesterase. to insecticides or nerve gases.


Adrenaline (epinephrine), a hormone secreted by the

Overview 168
f-- adrenal medulla
Catecholamines 168 D op amine, the metabolic precursor of noradrenaline and
adrenaline, also a transmitter/ neuromodulator in the central
Classification of adrenoceptors 168 nervous sys tem
Physiology of noradrenergic transmission 171 I soproter enol (previously isopren ali n e). a synthetic
-The noradrenergic neuron 171 derivative of noradrenaline. not present in the body.
Drugs acting on noradrenergic transmission 176
-Drugs acting on adrenoceptors 176 CLASSIFICATION OF ADRENOCEPTORS
Drugs that affect noradrenergic neurons 182 In 1896, Oliver and Schafer demonstrated that injection of extrac
-Drugs that affect noradrenaline synthesis 182 of adrenal gland caused a rise in arterial pressure. Follm1 mg t1r
-Drugs that affect noradrenaline storage 182 subsequent i'>olation of adren aline as the active principle. n ~
-Drugs that affect noradrenaline release 183 shown by Dale in 1913 that adrenaline causes two di~tinct ~1r
-Inhibitors of noradrenaline uptake 184
of effect. namt!ly vasoconstriction in certain vascular beds ("h
normally predominates and. together with its actions on the hc311
- sec below--causes the rise in arterial pressure) and vasodilau.
tion in others. Dale showed that the vasoconstrictor compone
disappeared if the animal was first injected with an eq;<t
dcrivative 2 (see p. 193), and noticed that adrenaline then caultd
The peripheral noradrenergic neuron is an a fall, instead of a rise, in arterial pressure. This result pamllel<.\
important target for drug action, both as an object Dale's demonstration of the separate muscarinic and nicotin,
for investigation in its own right and as a point of componen ts of the action of acety lcholine (see Ch. 10). H(
attack for many clinically useful drugs. In this avoided interpreting it in terms o f different types of receptor. bill
chapter, we describe the physiology and function later pharmncological work, beginning with that of Ahlqubtu
of noradrenergic neurons and the properties of 1948, showed clearly the existence of several subcla~sc> o
adrenoceptors, and discuss the various classes of adrenoccptor. Ah lquist found that the rank order of the potencit
drugs that affect them. For convenience, much of of variou~ catecholami nes. including adrenaline. n oradrenalint
the pharmacological information is summarised and isoproterenol, fell into two distinct patterns, depending t
later in the chapter. what re!>pon\e was being mea~urcd. He postulated the exi~tenct
of two kind' of receptor, a and B.
defined in terms of agom
potcncic~ a!. follow~:
CATECHOLAMINE$ u: noradrenaline > adrenaline > isoproterenol
~: i'oprotcrcnol > adrenaline > noradrenaline.
Catecholamine~ are compounds containing a catechol moiety (a
ben7ene ring with two adjacent hydroxyl groups) and an amine side-
chain (Fig. 11.1 ). Pharmacologically. the most important ones are: 2
Dale was a new recruit in the laboratories of the Wellcome
pharmaceutical company, given the job of checking the potency o1
Noradren aline (n orepin ep h r i n e'). a transmitter released by batches of adrenaline coming from the factory. He tested one batch
sympathetic nerve terminal!. at the end of a day's experimentation on a cat that he had earl1er
injected with an ergot preparation. Because it produced a fall in
blood pressure rather than the expected rise, he had advised that
the whole expensive consignment should be rejected. Unknown to
The conventional British names (e.g. adrenaline, noradrenaline) are him, he was given the same sample to test a few days later, and
used, although the recommended International non-proprietary reported it to be normal. How he explained this to Wellcome's
names (riNNs) are now epinephrine and norepinephrine. management is not recorded.

It was then recognised that certain ergot alkaloids, which Dale

had studied, act as ~elective a-receptor antagonists, and that
Noradrenaline Dale's adrenaline reversal experiment reflected the unmasking of
the ~ effect\ of adrenaline by a-receptor blockade. Selective 13-
reccptor antagoni),t~ were not developed until 1955, when their
effect-; fully confirmed Ahlquist"s original classification and also
11uggc~ted the exi~tence of funher subdivi ions of both a and f3
Adrenaline reccpto~ . Subsequent studies with agonists and antagonists have
confirmed the exiMence of two maio a-receptor subtypes (a 1 and
a 2) and three ~-receptor subtypes (~" ~ 2 and ~3 ; Table 11.1 ).
All are typical G-protein-coupled receptors, and cloning hal>
revealed that a 1 and a 2 receptors each comprise three further sub-
classes, which arc expressed io different locations but whose func-
tions are, for the most part, !>till unclear (Bylund, 1994; l nsel, 1996).
Each of these receptor classes is associated with a specific

HOo-~:-CH2 - NH -i:' lsopmte<enol

second mcs~cnger system (Table I 1.1 ). T hus a 1 receptors are
coupled to phospholi pase C and produce their effects mainly by
the relea\e of intracellular Ca2; a 2 receptors are negatively coupled

HO CH3 to adenylyl cyclase, and reduce cAMP formation as well as
inhibiting calcium channels; and all three types of ~-receptor act
Fig. 11. 1 Structures of the major catecholamines.
by stimulation of adenylyl cycla<>e. The major effects that are

IS Table 11 . 1 Characteristics of adrenoceptors

h Clt ~ ~I ~2 1\3
Tissues and effects
Smooth muscle
lt Blood vessels Constrict ConstricVdilate Dilate
)I Bronchi Constrict Dilate
d Gastrointestinal tract Relax Relax (presynaptic effect) - Relax
(J Gastrointestinal sphincters Contract
Uterus Contract Relax
Bladder detrusor Relax
e Bladder sphincter Contract
)I Seminal tract Contract Relax
n Iris (radial muscle) Contract
~f Ciliary muscle Relax

e Rate Increase Increase
n Force of contraction Increase Increase
,{ Skeletal muscle Tremor Thermogenesis
Increased muscle mass
and speed of contraction

Uver Glycogenolysis Glycogenolysis

Fat Upolysis

Pancreatic islets Decrease insulin


Nerve terminals
Adrenergic Decrease release Increase release
Cholinergic Decrease release

Table 11.1 (cont'd) Characteristics of adrenoceptors

u, ~ ji, ~2 p3
Salivary gland K release Amylase

Platelets Aggregation

Mast cells Inhibition of histamine


Brain stem Inhibits sympathetic

Second messengers and Phospholipase C ~cAMP t cAMP t cAMP t cAMP
effectors activation ~ Calcium channels
t Inositol t Potassium channels
t diacylglycerol
t Ca2

Agonist potency order NA ~ A ISO A> NA ISO ISO > NA > A ISO > A > NA ISO > NA = A

Select ive agonists Phenylephrine, Clonidine Dobutamine, Salbutamol, BRL 37344

xamoterol terbutaline,
methoxamine salmeterol,
Selecttve antagontsts Prazosin, Yohimbine, idazoxan Atenolol, Butoxamtne
doxazosin metoprolol

A, adrenaline; ISO, isoproterenol; NA, noradrenaline.

Mtnor component normally but may tncrease in heart rise.

produced by thcl.e receptors. and the main drugs that act on them. and pharm acological responses of the cardiovascular sy~tcm ''
are shown in Table I 1.1. only partly understood (see Guimaraes & M oura, 2001 ).
The distinction between ~ 1 - and f3 2-receptors is an important
one, for ~ 1 - recepto rs are found mainly in the heart, where they
Partial agonist eHects
are responsible for th e positive inotropic and chronotropic effects
of catecholamines (see Ch. 18). f3 2-receptors, on the other hand, T Several drugs that act on adrenoceptors have the characteristics of part1
are responsible for causing smooth muscle rel axation in many agonisrs (see Ch. 2), i.e. they block receptors and thus antagoni-e 11't
action'> of fu ll agonists. but also have a weak agonisr effect of their(l\ir.
organs. The latt er is often a useful therapeutic effect, while the
Examples include ergo!Ji minc (u1-receptors) and clonidine (a1-receptro
former is more often harm ful; consequently. considerable efforts Some ~-adrenoceptor-blocking drugs (e.g. alprenolol, oxprenololl cau-c,
have been made to fi nd selecti ve f3 2 agonists, which would relax under rc\ling conditions. an increase of heart rate while at the same ti
smooth muscle w ithout affectin g the heart. and selective f3 1 opposing rhe tachycardia produced by sympathetic stimulation. Th1' Ill!
antagonists. which would exert a use fu l blocking effect on the been interprered as a partial agonist effect. although there is evidtn.'t
that mechani'm~ other than ~-receptor activation may contribute row
hean without at the same time blocking f3 2-receptors in bronchial
taCh) cardia.
smooth muscle (sec Table I 1.1). It is important to realise that the
There are ~cveral additional factors thar mal..e 1}-adreno.:.:pca
selectivity of these drugs is re lative rather than absolute. Thus pharmacology more complicated than it appears at first s1ghr. and I'\IT
compounds used as selective f3 1-antagonists invariably have some ha\'e 1mphcation~ for the clinical usc of 13-adrenoceptor antagoni,l\:
action on f3 2-rcccptor<; as well, which can cause unwanted effects
The high degree of receptor specificity found for some compoo11<h
such as bronchoconstriction. laboratory animal~ b seldom found in humans
ln relation to vascular control. it is broadly true that a 1- and ~ 2- A; well o; f3 1-receptors. f32-reccptors contribme to the cardioslimub
receptors act mainly on the smooth muscle cells themsel ves, while ciTech of catecholam ine;. Normally. the 131contribution predominates.
o.2-recepw rs act on presynaptic terminals, but different vascular bul in failing heart; {~ee Ch. 18) f3 2-receptors become more irnpoiLlll
There i ~ evidence that 1)-ndrenoceptor agonists and partial agom
beds devi ate from thi s general rule. Both a- and f3-receptor
mny net not only through cA MP formation. but also through o1he1
subtypes arc expressed in smooth muscle cells, nerve terminals signal transduction pathways {e.g. the mitogen-activated protein kina< l'O
and endothelial cells, and their rol e in physiological regulation pa1hway: see Ch. 3). and that the relative contribution of these signJh .Ill

ATP and ncuropcptidc Y (sec Ch. 12). Ruorescence histochemistry.

Classification of adrenoceptors in which fonnaldehyde treatment i:. used to convert eatecholamines
to nuore~cent qui none derivatives. shows that noradre naline is
Main pharmacological classification into a and prel.ent at high concemration in these varicosities. where it is !>lored
~ subtypes, based originally on order of potency in large de nse-core ve!.icles. and re leased by exocytosis. ln most
among agonists, later on selective antagonists. periphera l tb:.ues. the ti,!.ue coment of noradre nali ne closely
Adrenoceptor subtypes: parallels the den'>ity of the sympathetic innervation. With the
two main a-receptor subtypes, a 1 and ~. each exception of the adrenal medulla. sympathetic nerve terminah
divided into three further subtypes account for all the noradrenaline conte nt of peripheral tis:.ues.
three ~-adrenoceptor subtypes ([3,, [32. fill Organs :.uch as the hean, spleen, vas deferens and some blood
all belong to the superfamily of G-protein-coupled vessels are part icularly rich in noradrenaline (5- 50 nmollg of
receptors. tissue) and have been wide ly used fo r studies of no radrene rgic
Second messengers: transmission. For deta iled info rmation o n noradre nerg ic neuro ns,
ct 1-receptors activate phospholipase C, producing see Trendelenburg & We ine r ( 1988) and Cooper et al. ( 1996).
inositol trisphosphate and diacylglycerol as
second messengers
a 2-receptors inhibit adenylate cyclase, decreasing NORADRENALINE SYNTHESIS
cAMP formation The biosynthctic pathway for noradre naline synthes is is shown in
all types of ~- receptor stimulate adenylyl cyclase. Figun.: 11 .2. The metabolic precursor fo r noradrenaline is L-tyrosine.
The main effects of receptor activation are as follows. an aro matic amino acid that is present in the body fluids, and is
,-receptors: vasoconstriction, relaxation of taken up by adrenerg ic neurons. Tyrosine hydro.rylase. a cytosolic
gastrointestinal smooth muscle, salivary secretion
and hepatic glycogenolysis
u 2-receptors: inhibition of transmitter release
(including noradrenaline and acetylcholine release
from autonomic nerves), platelet aggregation,
contraction of vascular smooth muscle, inhibition Tyrosine
of insulin release
fl 1-receptors: increased cardiac rate and force
13z-receptors: bronchodilatation, vasodilatation,
Rate-lim1t1ng step Tyrosine hydroxylase
relaxation of visceral smooth muscle, hepatic \.. /
glycogenolysis and muscle tremor
~3 -receptors: lipolysis. COOH


dill'er!i fordiflcrcnl dmg~. Fun he1more,Lhe p:.uhways show di fferent levels
of con~t ilutive acti vmion. which is reduced by ligands tbat function as
inver~e agon i,l\. Cli nically u~cd ~-aclrcnoccptor antagon ists differ in
HO .# j, DOPA '"'"""~"" /

e re\pect of thc~oc propcnic~. and dmgs clas1.ified a.o; partial agoni ~ts may
actually activate one pathway whi le blocking the other (sec Baker et HOo -CH, -CH, - NH, Dopemlno
). al.. 2003J.
clinical significance of antagoni,~. panial agonist~ and
.1g0111\h i\ d1~CU\\Cd under the he:1ding~ of individual drug~ later
HO # ~~opamine ~-hydroxylas!t
in Lhi' chapter. fhc pharmacology of ergot derivati,es is discu~scd in OH

HOo-~ t H-CH2-NH2
Chapter 12.
TRANSMISSION '- N-methyltransferase ./
l.nt ~oradrc ncrgic neu ro ns in the pe ri phery are postganglionic Adrenaline
es. ~ympathct ic neuron'i whO\C cell bodies lie in sympathetic gang(ja.
They generally have lo ng axons that e nd in a series of varicosities
,trung along the branching termina l network. These varicosities Fig. 11 .2 Biosynthesis of catecholamines. DOPA,
contain numerous ~ynaptic vesicles. which are the sites of synthesis dihydroxyphenylalanine. 171
and release of no radre na line a nd of core leased mediators suc h as

en7yme that cataly\e~ the conversion of tyrosine to dihydroxy- so that the noradrenaline content of tissues is constanl regardk
phenylalanine (dopa) is found only in catecholamine-containing of how fa~t it is being released.
cell~. It i-, a mthcr selective enzyme; unlike other enzymes involved
in catecholamine metaboli~m. it does not accept indole derivative~
as '>Ub~tr.llc'>, and ~oil> not involved in 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)
metaboli'>m. Thi'> fif'>t hydroxylation Mep is the main control point Most of the noradrenaline in nerve terminals or chromaffin cdh
for noradrenaline \ynthe'>i~. Tyro~ine hydroxylase is inhibited by is contained in ve~icles: only a little is free in the C}IOpl
the end-product of the bio~ynthetic pathway. noradrenaline, and under normal circumstances. The concentration in the 'es1ck'n
this provide'> the mechanbm for the moment-to-moment regulation vel) high (0.3-1.0 mol/1) and is maintained by the mtcul
of the rate of synthesi~: much slower regulation. taking hours or monoamine transporter, which is similar to the amine tran~~
days, occurs by change'> in the rate of production of the enzyme. re<,ponsible for noradrenaline uptake into the nerve terminal. Ill
The tyrosine analogue a -methyltyrosine strongly inhibits usc'> the transvesicular proton gradient as its driving force('<.
tyrosine hydroxylase and may be used experimentally to block Liu & Edward~. 1997). Certain drugs. such as reserpine ('"
noradrenaline synthesis. below; Table 11.2) block this transport and cause nerve termmal
The next step, conversion of dopa to dopamine, is catalyscd to become depleted of their noradrenaline stores. The vesick
by dopa decMboxy/ase. a cytosolic enzyme that is by no means contain two major constituents besides noradrenaline, namch
confined to catecholam ine-synthesising cells. It is a relatively ATP (about four molecules per molecule of noradrenaline) anJ
non-specific cn;ymc, and catalyses the decarboxylation of various a protein called cltmmogranin A. These substances are rclca1cd
other I.-aromatic amino acid~. such as L-histidinc and L-tryptophan, along with noradrenaline. and it is generally assumed that
which arc precursors in the synthesis of histamine (Ch. 13) and revcr~>ible complex, depending partly on the opposite charge101
5-HT (Ch. 12). respectively. Dopa decarboxylase activity is not rate- the molecule~ of noradrenaline and ATP, is formed within 1lr
limiting for noradrenaline synthesis. Although various factors, vesicle. This would <>erve both to reduce the osmolarity of llr
including certain drug'>, affect the enzyme. it is not an effective vesicle content~ and abo to reduce the tendency of noradrenaline
means of regulating noradrenaline synthe~is. to leak out of the vesicles within the nerve terminal.
Dopamine-~hydmxylase (DBH) is also a relatively non-specific ATP itself ha'> a transmitter function at adrenergic S}naP'CI
en1yme. but i<; re'>tricted to catecholamine-synthesising cells. It is (sec Lundberg 1996: Ch. 12). being responsible for the [
located in synaptic ve..,icles. mainly in membrane-bound form. A excitmory synaptic potential and the rapid phase of contr.J(IIOII
small amount of the en;yme i~ released from adrenergic nerve produced by ~ympathetic nerve activity in many smooth mu...."'e
terminal<. in company with noradrenaline, representing the tissues.
small proportion in a soluble form within the vesicle. Unlike
nomdrcnalinc, the released DBH i~ not subject to rapid degradation an
or uptake, so its concentration in plasma and body fluids can be
used a' an index of overall sympathetic nerve activity. The procc~ses linking the arrival of a nerve impulse m
Many drug!> inhibit DBH, including copper-chelating agents noradrenergic nerve 1ermi nal to the release of noradrenaline art
and disulfira m (a drug used mainly for its effect on ethanol basically the same as those at other chemically transmitting synapx'
metabolism: !ICC Chs 8 and 54). Such drugs can cause a partial (see Ch. 4). Depo l ~lrisation of the nerve terminal rnernbrdnc
dep letion of noradrenaline stores and interference with opens calcium channels in the nerve terminal membrane. and the
sympathet ic transmission. resulting entry of Ca 2 ' promotes the fusion and discharge of
Phenyletlwno/amine N-methyf transferase (PNMD catalyses synaptic vesicles. A surprising feature of the release mechani\m
1he N-mcthylation of noradrenaline to adrenaline. The main location at the varicosities of noradrenergic nerves is thai the probabili11
of this cn1-ymc i~ in the adrenal medulla, which contains a popu- of relea'>e, even of a single vesicle, when a nerve impulse arri1c1
lation of adrenaline-releasing (A) cells separate from the smaller at a varicosity, is very low (less than I in 50; see Cunnane. 198~
proportion of nomdrenaline-releasing (N) cells. The A cells, which A single neuron pos.,esse~ many thousand varicosities. so o~
appear only afler birth, lie adjacent to the adrenal cortex. and the impulse leads to the discharge of a few hundred vesicles, scattert I
production of PNMT i~ induced by an action of the steroid O\'er a wide area. Thi'> contra\ts sharply with the neuromu\cular
hormones <>ccrcted by the adrenal cortex (see Ch. 28). PNMT is junction (Ch. 10). where the relea..\e probability at a single tennuu:
also found in certain pam. of the brain. where adrenaline may i'> high. and release of acetylcholine is sharply localised.
function as a transmitter. but little is known about its role.
oradrenaline turnover can be measured under steady-Mate Regulation of noradrenaline release
conditions by measuring the rate at which labelled noradrenaline Noradrenaline release is affected by a variety of substance' lhJ
accumulates when a labelled precursor. such as tyrosine or dopa, act on presynaptic receptors (see Ch. 9). Many different type' of
is adminbtercd. The turnover time is defined as the time taken for nerve terminal (cholinergic, noradrenergic, dopaminergic, 5-HT
an amount of noradrenaline equal to the total tissue content to be ergic, etc.) are :,ubject to this type of control, and many dilfere01
degraded and rcsynthcsiscd. In peripheral tissues, the turnover mediators (e.g. acetylcholine acting through muscarinic receptor,.
time is generall y about 5- 15 hours, but it becomes much shorter catecholamines acting through a- and ~-receptors, angioten110
if sympathetic nerve activity is increased. Under normal circum- II, prostaglandins. purine nuclcotides. neuropeptides, etc.) ~:an
172 stances, Ihe rute of synthesis closely matches the rate of release, act on presynaptic terminals. Presynaptic modulation rcprcscn11

Table 11.2 Characteristics of noradrenaline (norepinephrine) transport systems

Uptake 1 Uptake 2 Vesicular-

Transport of NA (rat heart)

Us v_ (nmoVg per m1n) 1.2 100

K,. btmoVI) 0.3 250 - 0.2

Specificity NA > A > ISO A > NA > ISO NA = A = ISO

Location Neuronal membrane Non-neuronal cell membrane (smooth Synaptic vesicle membrane
ee muscle, cardiac muscle, endothelium)
tb Other substrates Methylnoradrenaline (+)-Noradrenaline Dopamine
Tyramine Dopamine 5-Hydroxytryptamine
Adrenergic neuron- blocking 5-Hydroxytryptamine Guanethidine
Iy drugs (e.g. guanethidine) Histamine MPP+ (see Ch. 35)
~d Inhibitors Cocaine Normetanephrine Reserpine
a Tricyclic antidepressants Steroid hormones (e.g. corticosterone) Tetrabenazine
(e.g. desipramine) Phenoxybenzamlne
1e Amphetamine
lC A, adrenaline; ISO, isoprenaline; NA, noradrenaline.
-Transporters corresponding to uptake 1 and vesicular transporter have been cloned and termed noradrenaline transporter and
vesicular monoamine transporter, respectively (see review by Nelson 1998 J Neurochem 71: 1785-1803). The uptake 2 transporter has
not yet been 1dent1f1ed.


an important phy~io logical control mechanism throughout the

n~rvou s system.
Furthermore. noradrenaline. by acting on presynapti c
receptors, can regulate its own release. and also th at of The acti on of released noradrenaline is terminated mainly by
!S corcleased ATP (sec Ch. 9). This i s believed to occur reuptakc of the transmitter into noradrenergic nerve terminal s.
IC physiologically, so that released noradrenaline exerts a local Some is also seque!>tercd by other cells in the vicinity. Circulating
te inhibitory effect on the terminal s from which it came-the so- adrenaline and noradrenaline are degraded enzymically, but much
>t called autoinhibitory feedback mechanism (Fig. I 1.3; see Starke more slow ly than acety lcholine (see Ch. I 0). where synaptically
n et al.. 1989). Agonists or antagonists affecting these presynaptic located ace ty lcholinesterase inacti vates the transmitter in
y receptors can have large effects on sympatheti c transmission. milliseconds. T he two main catecholamine-metabolising enzymes
The physiological significance of presynaptic autoinhibition in are located intrace llularl y, !tO uptake into cells necessarily precede.,
). the sympathetic n ervou ~ <,y~tem is still somewhat contentious, metabolic degradation.
e and there is evidence that, in mo~t ti ssues, it is less influential
d than biochemical mea!>urement~ of transminer overflow would Uptake of catecholamines
lf 1mply. T hus, although blocking autoreceptors causes large Radioactive noradrenaline injected into the bloodstream is
tl changes in noradrenaline meljloll'-the amount of noradrenaline rapidly taken up into tbsues. Part of this uptake is by sympathetic
relca~ed into the bathing solution or the bloodstream \\ hen neuron., (for it di!>appcars when '>ympathetic nerves are caused to
~~mpathet ic nerves are !ttimulated-the associated changes in degenerate). from which it can be released again by sympathetic
the tissue rc~pon'>e are often rather small. This suggests that what nerve stimulation. In a study of noradrenaline uptake by isolated
lt i~ meao,ured in overfl ow experi ments may not be the rat heart~. l ven,en identified two distinct uptake mechanisms.
i[ phy~iologically important component of transmitter release. each having the characteristics of a saturable active transport
The inhibitory feedback mechanism operates through a 2 system capable of accumulating catecholamines against a large
It recepton., which inhibit adenylatc cyclase and prevent the opening concentration gradient. T he..,e two mechanh ms, called uptake I
1. of calcium channels. Sympathetic nerve terminals also possess and uptake 2, correspond to neuronal and extraneuronal uptake,
n ~-receptors, coupled to acti vation of adcnylyl cyclase. which respecti vely. About 75% of the noradrenaline released by
n cause an increased noradrenal ine release. Whether they have any sympathetic neurons is recycled via uptake 1, the remainder being
b phy~ i ol ogi ca l functi on is not yet cleru. captured by other cells in the vicinity via uptake 2. Thus uptake I

Non~drenerglc transmission

Transmitter syntheSIS involves the following.

( r
L-tyrosine is converted to dihydroxyphenylalanine
(d opa) by tyrosine hydroxylase (rate-limiting step).
Tyros1ne hydroxylase occurs only in ,
catecholaminergic neurons. Calcium channels
Dopa IS converted to dopamine by dopa ~
Dopamine is converted to noradrenaline by cAMP)
dopamine ~- hydroxylase (DBH), located in
synaptic vesicles.
In the adrenal medulla, noradrenaline is converted
ATP lJ cyclase

to adrenaline by phenylethanolamine N-methyl

Transmitter storage: noradrenaline is stored at high
concentration in synaptic vesicles, together with ATP,
l ~ ~-Adrenoceptor
I ' I

chromogranin and DBH, all of which are released by y '............ //

ATP , ~ NA .;---'
exocytosis. Transport of noradrenaline into vesicles
occurs by a reserpine-sensitive transporter. '' \
Noradrenaline content of cytosol is normally low due
to monoamine oxidase in nerve terminals.
Transm1tter release occurs normally by Ca2 -mediated
exocytosis from varicosities on the terminal network.
Non-exocytot1c release occurs in response to Fig. 11.3 Feedback control of noradrenaline release.
indirectly acting sympathomimetic drugs (e.g. The presynaptic u 2 receptor inhibits adenylate cyclase,
amphetamine), which displace noradrenaline from thereby reducing intracellular cAMP. cAMP acts to promote
vesicles Noradrenaline escapes via uptake 1 Ca2 ' influx in response to membrane depolarisation, and heN:e
(reverse transport). to promote the release of noradrenaline and ATP.

Transmitter action is terminated mainly by

transporter-mediated reuptake of noradrenaline into
nerve terminals (uptake 1). Uptake 1 is blocked by
tricyclic antidepressant drugs and cocaine. Noradrenaline transporters belong to the fam ily of neur
Noradrenaline release is controlled by autoinhibitory tran~ mi ttcr trnn~porterproteins (NET. OAT, SERT, etc.) spec1~ .
feedback mediated by a 2 receptors. for different amine tra nsmitters. described in Chapter 9: these nd
Cotransmission occurs at many noradrenergic nerve as cotrn nsporters of Na+, CJ- and the amine in question, u s ingth~
terminals, ATP and neuropeptide Y being frequently electrochemical gradient for Na+ as a dri ving force. Changc1 I"
coreleased with NA. ATP mediates the early phase of this gradient can alter, or even reverse. the operation of uptake
smooth muscle contraction in response to with marked effects on the availability of the released transmit!:
sympathetic nerve activity. at postsynaptic receptors. Uptake of noradrenaline from thecyto~
into the synaptic vessel is carried our by a different transport(
the l'esicufar monoamine transporter (VMA T).

serve~ to cut short the action of the transmitter, and to recycle it, Metabolic degradation of catecholamines
whereas uptake 2 \erve~ mainly to limit its spread. Uptakes I and Endogenous and exogenous catecholamines are metabolised man::.
2 arc associated with di'>tinct transporter molecules, which have by two enzymes: monoamine oxidase (MAO) and catechol-0.
different kinetic propertie!t as well as different substrate and methyl transferase (COMn. MAO occurs within cells. bound~~:
inhibitor specificity, a'> ~ummarised in Table 11.2. Uptake I is a the ~urfacc membrane of mitochondria. It is abundant 11
high-affinity system. relatively l.elective for noradrenaline, with a noradrcncrgic nerve terminals but is also present in man) other
low maximum rate of uptake, and it is important in maintaining places, such as liver and intestinal epithelium. MAO comens
relea~able store~ of noradrenaline. Uptake 2 has low affinity, and catecholamines to their corresponding aldehydes, which, in the
tran~port~ adrenaline and isoproterenol as well as noradrenaline, periphery. arc rapidly metabolised by aldehyde dehydrogena'~ t
at a much higher maximum rate than uptake I. The effects of the corresponding carboxylic acid (3,4-dihydroxyphenylgi)Cl
several important drugs that act on noradrenergic neurons being formed from noradrenaline; Fig. 11.4). MAO can also oxidi..
depend on their nbi lity either to inhibit uptake 1 or to enter the other monoamincs, important ones being dopamine and 5-Hr It
174 nerve terminal with it shelp (see Table 11.2). is inhibited by various drugs (see Table 11 .3). which are u~<.'il

mainly for their effects on the central nervous system. where these tissue that secrete these amines (a rare cause of high blood
three amincs all have tran:.miuer functions (see Ch. 34). These pressure), the urinary excretion of VMA is markedly increased,
drug~ have important ~ide effects that are related to disrurbances this being used a\ a diagnostic test for this condition.
of peripheral adrenergic tran~mission. Within sympathetic neurons, In the periphery, neither MAO nor COMT is primarily
\lAO comroh the content of dopamine and noradrenaline, and the responsible for the tcnnination of tnmsmitter action. most of
releasable store of noradrenaline increases if the enzyme is inhibited. rhc released noradrenaline being quickly recapiUred by
\1AO and its inhibitor-, are discussed in more detail in Chapter 39. uptake I. Circulming catccholamines are usually inactivated by
The second major pathway for catecholamine metabolism a combination of uptake I. uptake 2 and COMT. the relative
involves meth}lation of one of the catechol hydroxyl groups to importance of thc:.c processe~ varying according to the
gl\e a mcthoxy dcrivati\'C. COMT is absent from noradrencrgic agent concerned. Thus circulating noradrenaline is removed
neurons but present in the adrenal medulla and many other cells mainly by uptake I, whereas adrenaline is more dependent
and tissues. The final product formed by the ~equential action of on uptake 2. l&oproterenol. on the other hand, is not a substrate
MAO and COMT is J-llydrvxy-4-methoxypheny/glycol (MHPG; for uptaf..c I, and is removed by a combination of uptake 2
~ec Fig. 11.4). This is partly conjugated to sulfate or glucuronide and COMT.
derivativcl>, which are excreted in the urine. but most of it is In the centr:.ll nervous system (see Ch. 32), MAO is more
converted to wmillylmcmde/ic (lcic/ (VMA: F ig. 11.4) and excreted important as a means of termi nating transmi tter action than it
in the urine in this fom1. 3 In patients with tumours o f c hromaffin is in the periphery, a nd MAO knockout mice show a greater
enhancement of noradrcncrgic transmission in the brain than
do NET knockouts, in which neuronal stores of noradrenaline
%e amounts of MHPG and VMA excreted are often taken to reflect
noradrenaline release from sympathetic neurons and central are much depleted (sec Gainetdinov & Caron, 2003). The
nervous system neurons, respectively, but this is now believed to be main excretory product of noradrenaline released in the brain
unreliable (see Eisenhofer et al., 2004). isMI IPG.

( OH l

HoV VMA Major Metabolite

_)/ t
( OH -- OH ~ r T oH ---.

HOV -NM ~ HO V .. ..NM ./ HO V DHMA
t t
aldehyde I ADH A

,cr- ---- ~ 7.: ~
~ OH NH,



~~;;~~ URINE

Minor Metabolite

~ l OH ~
r HO~CH20H

Fig. 11.4 The main pathways of no radrenaline meta bolism . The oxidative branch (catalysed by ADH) predominates, giving VMA
as the main urinary metabolite. The reductive branch (catalysed by AR) produces the less abundant metabolite, MHPEG, which is
conjugated to MHPEG sulfate before being excreted . ADH, aldehyde dehydrogenase; AR, aldehyde reductase; CNS, central nervous
system; COMT, catechol-0 -methyl transferase; DHMA, 3,4-dihydroxymandellc acid; DHPEG, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylglycol; MAO,
monoamine oxidase; MHPEG, 3-methoxy, 4-hyd roxyphenylglycol; NA, noradrenaline; NM, normetanephrine; VMA, vanillylmandelic acid.

peripheral rcsi~tance, all of which contribute to an increa..e

DRUGS ACTING ON NORADRENERGIC systolic and dia~tolic arterial pressure and increased cardi.
TRANSMISSION work. Some vascular bed!> (e.g. cerebraL coronary and pulmonur
are relatively little affected.
Many clinically important drugs, particularly those used ro treat
In the whole animal, baroreceptor reflexes are activated b} tlr
cardiovascular. re::.piratory and psychiatric disorders (see Chs 18,
rise in arterial pressure produced by a agonists, causing retb
19. 23 and 39) act by affecting noradrcnergic neuron function.
bradycardia and inhibition of respiration.
The main drug targets are:
Smooth muscle in the vas deferens, spleen capsule and C)e~
adrenoccptors retractor muscles (or nictitating membrane. in some specie'
monoamine transporter::. also stimulated by a agonists. and these organs are often us
catccholaminc-mctabolising enzymes. for pharmacological studies.
The a-receptors involved in ~>mooth muscle contraction .:.
The propcrtic~ of the most important drugs that act on adrenergic
mainly a 1 in type. although vascular smooth muscle po~sc~'>C~ boc
transmission arc !>ummarised in Table 11.3.
a 1 and <.trrcceptors. lt appears that a 1-rcceptors lie close to th.
sites of release (and arc mainly responsible for neurally mediak..:
DRUGS ACTING ON ADRENOCEPTORS va!>oconstrict ion), while a 2-rcceptors Lie elsewhere on the muse.
fibre surface and are activa ted by circulating catecho l amine~.
The overall activity of these drugs is governed by their affinity,
Stimulation of f)-receptors causes relaxation of most kind1
efficacy and selectivity with respect to different types of
smooth muscle by increasing cAMP formation (see Ch.~1
adrcnoccptor, and intensive research has been devoted to
Additional ly. ~-receptor activation enhances Ca 2+ extrusion a.
developing drugs with the right properties for specific clinical
intracellular Ca 2' binding, both effects acting to redu,
indication~. As a result. the pharmacopoeia is awash with
intracellular Ca 2' concentration.
adrenoceptor ligand!>. Many clinical needs are mer, it turns out,
Relaxation is usually produced by ~ 2-receptors, although lh:
by drugs that relax -,mooth muscle in different organs of the
receptor that is responsible for this effect in gastrointe-tm:
body:~ on the other hand, cardiac stimulation is generally unde-
smooth muscle is not clearly 13 1 or l3 2 ln the vascular system. lit
sirable. Broadly speal..ing, ~-adrenoceptor agonist<> are useful as
mediated vasodilatation is (particularly in humans) m.
bronchodilator-,, '' hile ~-adrenoceptor antagonists (often called
endothelium-dependent and mediated by nitric oxide rclca~e (~
13-blocl..er-,) and a-adrenoceptor antagonists are used mainly in
Ch. 17). It occu~ in many vascular beds and is especiall} mar\.K
cardiovascular indications, by virtue of their respective cardio-
in <,kclctal muscle.
dcprcssant and vasodilator effects.
The powerful inhibitory effect of the sympathetic sy~tc:m
ga~trointestinal !>mOOth muscle is produced by both a and r
ADRENOCEPTOR AGONIST$ receptor<,, thb tiswe being unusual in that a-receptors c~u-.c
relaxation in most regions. Part of the effect is due to stimulau
Example~ of the main types of adrenoceptor agonist are given in
of pre:-.ynaptic a 2-receptors (see below), which inhibit the rele..
Table I I. I, and the characteristics of individual drugs arc
of excitatory transmitters (e.g. acetylcholine) from intramur.
summarised in Table 11.3.
nerve:-., but there are also a-receptors on the muscle ceiJ,
stimulation or which hyperpolarises the cell (by increasing th,
membrane permeability to K+) and inhibits action potenb.1
The major physiological effects mediated by different types of
discharge. The sphincters of the gastrointestinal tract are contracted
adrcnoceptor arc ~ummarised in Table 11.1.
by a-receptor activation.
Smooth muscle Bronchial smooth muscle is strongly dilated by activation o
All types of ~mooth mu~cle, except that of the gastrointestinal ~ 1-adrenoceptors, and selective B~ agonists are important 10 ~.
tract, contract in re~pon~e to stimulation of a 1-adrenoceprors. treatment of asthma (see Ch. 23). Uterine smooth muscle re~po.~~u
through activation of the signal transduction mechanism similarly, and thc~e drugs are also used to delay premarure Jabot
described in Chapter 4. (Ch. 30).
When a agonists arc given ::.y!>temically to experimental animal~ a-Adrcnoccpto~ also mediate a long-lasting trophic responl(
or humans. the mo::.t important action is on vascular smooth \timulating smooth muscle proliferation in various tissues, fa
muscle, particularly in the skin and splanchnic vascular beds. example in blood vessels and in the prostate gland, which 1' r4
which are strongly constricted. Large arteries and veins, as well pathological importance. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (see Ch. )I
as arterioles. arc also constricted. resulting in decreased vascular is commonly treated with a-adrenoceptor antagonists (see d
compliance, increased central venous pressure and increased clinical box on p. 179). cross-talk' between the a 1-adrenocepllf
and the growth factor signalling pathways (see Ch. 3) probab!}
accounts for this effect.
And conversely, contracting smooth muscle is usually bad news.
This bald statement must not be pressed too far, but the exceptions Nerve terminals
(such as nasal decongestants and drugs acting on the eye) are Presynaptic adrenoceptors are present on both cholinergic an,l
176 surprisingly few. noradrcncrgic nerve terminals (sec Chs 4 and 9). The main effect

(u~-mcdiatcd} i'> inhibitory. but a weaker facilitatory action of~ the fibres, these effect~ combining to produce an instability in the
receptors on adrenergic nerve terminah has also been described. reflex control of muscle length. (3-Receptor antagonists are
sometimes used to control pathological tremor. The ~2 agoni,ts
Heart abo cause long-term changes in the expression of sarcoplasmic
Cah:cholamines. acting on (3 1-receptors, exert a powerful reticulum protein<, that control contraction kinetics. and thereby
,umulant effect on the heart (-.ee Ch. 18}. Both the heart rate
:x increase the rate and force of contraction of skeletal muscle (see
(chmnotmpic effect) and the force of contraction (inotropic Zhang et al.. 1996). C l enbuter ol. an 'anabolic drug used illicitly
tffect} are incrca\cd. re~ulting in a markedly increased cardiac by athlete<; to improve performance (see Ch. 54). is a ~ 2 agonist
output and cardiac oxygen con~umption. The cardiac efficiency that act<, in this way.
(sec Ch. 18) i<, reduced. Catecholamines can also cause H istamine release by human and guinea pig lung tissue in
di'>rurbancc of the cardiac rhythm, culminating in ventricular response to anaphylactic challenge (see Ch. 13) is inhibited by
fibrillation. (Paradoxically. but importantly. adrenaline is also catecholamines. acting apparently on (32-recepton,.
u'ed to treat ventricular fibrillation arrest as well as other forms Lymphocytes and other cells of the immune system also express
of cardiac arre!.l-Ch. 18, Table 18. 1.) In normal hearts, the dose adrenoceptof'> (mainly ~-adrenoceptors). L ymphocyre proliferation,
required to cause marked dysrhythmia is greater than that which lymphocyte-mediated cell killing, and production of many cytokines
produces the chrono tropic and inotropic effects. but in ischaemic are inhibited by (3-adrenoceptor agonists. The physiological and
conditions dysrhythmias are produced much more readi ly. cl inical importance of these effects has not yet been established.
Figure I 1.5 show!. th e overall pattern o f cardiovascular responses For a review o f the effects of the sympathetic nervous system on
to catecholamine infusions in humans. ren ecting their actions on immune function, sec Elcnkov et al., 2000.
~ ).
both the heart and vascular system.
Cardiac hypertrophy occurs in response to activation of a 1- Clinical use
receptors, probably by a mechani~m similar to the hypertrophy The main clinical uses of adrenoceptor agonists are summarised
of ,.a\cular and prostatic smooth muscle. This may be important in the clinical box (p. 179).
in the pathophy~iology of hypertension and cardiac failure
1-ce Ch. 18).
ly Metabolism
The main drugs are lbted in Table 11.1. and further information
Catecholamines encourage the conversion of energy stores
ed is given in Table 11.3. In contrast to the situation with agonists,
(glycogen and fat) to freely available fuels (glucose and free fatty
most adrenoceptor antagonists are selective for a or ~-receptors.
acid-.), and cau'e an increa~c in the plasma concentration of the
m and many are abo subtype-selective.
latter '>Ub\tancc-,. The detailed biochemical mechanisms (see review
3- b) NonogaJ,.i, 2000} vary from species to species, but in most
e ca..,e~ the cffeeh on carbohydrate metabolism of liver and muscle
n !Fig. 11.6) arc mediated through (3 1-receptors (although hepatic
e glucose release can al~o be produced by a agonists), and the
al \timulation or lipolysis is produced by Brreceptors (see Table 11.1 ).
Insulin secreti on is through arreceptors, an effect that further
'le Adrenoceptor agonlsts
contributes to the hyperglycaemia. Additionally, the production
a1 of leptin by adipose tis~ue (sec C h. 27) is inhibited. Adrenaline-
~d Noradrenaline and adrenaline show relatively
induced hypcrglycaemia in humans is blocked completely by a
little receptor selectivity.
combination of u and ~ antagonists but not by either on its own.
of Selective n 1 agonists include phenylephrine and
Selective ~,-receptor agonists (e.g. BRL 37344) have been
1e oxymetazoline.
developed a~ pos~ible treatment<> for obesi ty, but their action is
j.., Selective ct2 agonists include c lonidine and a -
too tran<,ient for them to be clinically useful.
ur m ethylnoradrenaline . They cause a fall in blood
Other effects pressure, partly by inhibition of noradrenaline release
e. Skeletal muscle is affected by adrenaline. acting on 131-recepton,. and partly by a central action. Methylnoradrenaline is
or although the effect i~ far less dramatic than that on the heart. The formed as a false transmitter from methyldopa,
of I\\ itch ten'>ion of fast-contracting fibres (white muscle) is increased developed as a hypotensive drug (now largely obsolete).
0) b) adrenaline, particularly if the muscle is fatigued, whereas the Selective 131 agonists include dobutamine. Increased
1e 1\\Hch of !.low (red) muscle is reduced. These effects depend on cardiac contracttlity may be useful clinically, but all ~~
or an action on the contractile proteins. rather than on the membrane, agonists can cause cardiac dysrhythmtas.
ly and the mechani~m i1. poorly underMood. In humans, adrenaline Selecttve ~2 agonists include salbutamol,
and other ~ 2 agonists cause a marked tremor, the shakines~ that t erbuta line and salmeterol, used mainly for their
accompanies fear, excitement or the excessive use of t32 agonists bronchodilator action in asthma.
(l!.g. salbutamol) in the treatment of asthma being examples of Selective lh agonists m ay be develop ed for the
ld thi~. It probably results from an increase in muscle spindle control of obesity.
et discharge, coupled with an effect on the contraction kinetics of


(mm Hg)

Heart rate
100 (beats/minute)

{arbitrary units) a

Adrenaline Noradrenaline Isoprenaline

Fig. 11.5 Schematic representation of the cardiovascular effects of intravenous infusions of adrenaline, noradrenaline and a
isoproterenol in humans. Noradrenaline (predominantly a agonist) causes vasoconstriction and increased systolic and diastolic \
pressure, with a reflex bradycardia. Isoproterenol $ agonist) is a vasodilator, but strongly increases cardiac force and rate. Mean artenaJ
pressure falls. Adrenaline combines both actions.

Glycogen Glycogen \\

e Glyctohgen
.., syn ase ,;
f 1,
EB e Phosphorylase EB

1j 11
Glucose6P Glucose --+ Glucose-6-P

11 .... J

Glucose )

-- Bloodstream

Fatty acids

Triglyceride ENERGY

Fig. 11.6 Regulation of energy metabolism by catecholamines. The main enzymic steps that are affected by ~-adrenoceptor

activation are indicated by + and - signs, denoting stimulation and inhibition, respectively. The overall effect is to mobilise glycogen and
fat stores to meet energy demands.

Labetalol and carvedilol are mixed a and ~-receptor

aAdrenoceptor antagonists
blocking drugs, although clinically they act predominantly on ~
The main groups of a-adrenoceptor antagonists are:
receptor;. Much ha~ been made of the fact that they combine
non-selective a-receptor antagonists (e.g. both acti vities in one molecule. To a pharmacologist. accustomed
phenoxybenzamine. phentol amine) to puning specificity of action high on the list of pharmacological
u.-!.elective antagonist!. (e.g. prazosin. doxazosin, terazosin) saintly virtues. this may ~:.eem like a step backward!> rather than
a~-sc lcctive antagonists (e.g. yohimbine. idazoxan) forwards. Canedilol is used mainly to treat hypertension and
ergot derivatives (e.g. ergotamine, dib)droergotamine). heart failure (see Ch~ 18 and I 9): labetalol is used to treat
This group of compounds has many actions in addition to hypertension in pregnancy.
a-receptor block, and i~:. discussed in Chapter 12. Their action
on a-adrcnoccptors is of pharmacological interest (see Selective o. 1 antagonists
p. 168) but not u11ed th erapeutically. Prazosin was the first a 1-:.elective antagonist. Similar drugs with
longer half- lives (e.g. doxazosin. terazosin), which have the
Non-selective o.-adrenoceptor antagonists advantage of allowing once-daily dosing, are now available. They
Phenoxybenzaminc is not specific for a-receptors, and also arc highly selective for a 1-adrenoceptors and cause vasodilatation
antagonises the act i on~ of acetylcholine, histamine and 5-HT. Tt and fal l in arteria l pressure, but less tachycardia than occurs with
is long-last ing because it binds covalently to the receptor. non-selecti ve a-receptor antagonists, presumably because they
Phentol amine is more selective, but it binds reversibly and its do not increase noradrenaline release from sympathetic nerve
action is short - lasting. Ln humans, these drugs cause a fa ll in terminal ~. Some postural hypotension may occur.
arterial pressure (because of block of a-receptor-mediated The a 1-reccptor antagonists cause relaxation of the smooth
moconstriction) and postural hypotension. The cardiac output muscle of th e bladder neck and prostate capsule, and inhibit
and heart rate arc increased. This is a reflex response to the fall hypertrophy of these ti ssues, and are therefore usefuJ in treating
in arterial pre sure, mediated through ~-receptors. The concomitant urinary retention associated with benign prostatic hypertrophy.
block of a~-rcceptors tends to increase noradrenaline release, Tamsulosin. an a 1A-rcceptor antagoni st. shows some selectivity
1\hich ha<, the effect of enhancing the reflex tachycardia that
occuf'. with any blood p~sure-lowering agent. Phenoxybenzarnine
retain'> a niche (but vital) use in preparing patients with
Clinical use s of tx-adrenoceptor
phaeochromoc) toma for surgery: its irreversible antagonism and
the resultant depres.,ion in the maximum of the agonist dose
-response curve (cf. Ch 2. Fig. 2. 10) are desirable in a situation
Severe hypertension (see Ch. 19): a 1-selective
\\here surgical manipulation of the tumour may release a large
antagonists (e.g . doxazosin) in combination with
bolus of pressor amine into the circulation.
other drugs.
Benign prostatic hypertrophy (e.g. tamsulosin, a
selective a 1A-receptor antagonist).
Clinical uses of adrenoceptor agonists
Phaeochromocytoma: phenoxybenzamine
(irreversible antagonist) in preparation for surgery.
Cardiovascular system:
cardiac arrest: adrenaline
- cardiogenic shock (see Ch. 19): dobutamine
(~ 1 agonist)
Anaphylaxis (acute hypersensitivity, see Ch. 13, and tx-Adrenoceptor antagonists
Ch. 23): adrenaline.
Respiratory system: Drugs that block a, and a 2 adrenoceptors
asthma (Ch. 23): selective 132 -receptor agonists (e.g. phenoxybenzamine and phentolamine) were
(salbutamol, terbutaline, salmeterol, formoteroO once used to produce vasodilatation in the treatment
nasal decongestion: drops containing of peripheral vascular disease, but this use is now
xylometazoline or ephedrine for short-term use. largely obsolete.
Miscellaneous indications: Selective et1 antagonists (e.g. prazosin, doxazosin,
adrenaline: with local anaesthetics to prolong terazosin) are used in treating hypertension. Postural
their action (see Ch. 44) hypotension and impotence are unwanted effects.
premature labour (salbutamol; see Ch. 30) Yohimbine is a selective a 2 antagonist. It is not used
u 2 agonists (e.g . clonidine): to lower blood clinically.
pressure (Ch. 19) and intraocular pressure; as an Tamsulosin is <x1A-selective and acts mainly on the
adjunct during drug withdrawal in addicts (Ch. 43; urogenital tract.
Table 43.2); to reduce menopausal flushing; and to Some drugs (e.g. labetolol, carvedilol) block both a
reduce frequency of migraine attacks (Ch. 12). and f3 adrenoceptors.

for the bladder. and causes less hypotension than drugs such as drugs. they cause a modest decrease in low-density lipoprotein
prazosin, which act on a 18-receptors to control vascular tone. and an increac;e in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (see Ch. 20
1t is believed that a 1A-receptors play a part in the pathological although the clinical importance of these ostensibly benefici
hypertrophy not only of prostatic and vascular smooth muscle, effects is uncertain. They are also used 10 control urinary retenuo::
but also in the cardiac hypertrophy that occurs in hypertension, in patients with benign prostatic hypertrophy.
and the use of selective a 1A-receptor antagonists to treat these Phaeochromocytoma is a catecholamine-secreting tumour <i
chronic condition!> is under investigation. chromaffin tissue. which causes episodes of severe hyperten,IOO.
A combination of a- and ~-receptor antagonists is the most
Selective a 2 antagonists
effective way of controlling the blood pressure. The tumour 1113)
Yohimbine ic; a naturally occurring alkaloid: various synthetic
be surgically removable, and it is essential to block a- and~
analogues have been made, such as idazoxan. T hese drugs are
receptors before surgery is begun, to avoid the effects of a sudden
used experimentally to analyse a-receptor subtypes. and yohimbine,
release of catecholamines when the tumour is disturbed. A
probably by virtue of its vasodilator effect, historically enjoyed
combination of phenoxybenzamine and atenolol is effective f~
notoriety as an aphrodisiac, but they are not used therapeutically.
this purpose.
General clinical uses a nd unwanted effects of
a-odrenoceptor antagonists 13-Adrenoceptor antagonists
T he main uses of a-adrenoceptor an tagonists are re lated to their The ~-adrenoeeptor antagonists are an important group of drug1.
cardiovascular actions, and are summarised in the clinical box They were first discovered in 1958, I0 years after Ahlquist had
(below). They have been tried for many purposes, but have on ly postulated the existence of B-adrenoceptors. The first compounu
limited therapeutic applications. In hypertension, non-selective dichloroisoprotcrcnol, had fairly low potency and was a panial
a-blocking drugs are unsatisfactory, because of their tendency to agoni~t. Further development led to propranolol, which is muc
produce tachycardia and cardiac dysrhythmias, and increased more potent and a pure antagonist that blocks B1- and ~
gastrointestinal activity. Selective a 1-receptor antagonists receptor. equally. T he potential clinical advantages of drugs 1111f
(especially the longer-acting compounds doxazosin and terazosin) some partial agonist activity, and/or with selectivity for ~
arc. however, useful. They do not affect cardiac function receptors, led to the development of practolol (selective for 1
appreciably. and po!>tural hypotension is less troublesome than receptors but withdrawn because of its toxicity). oxprenolol -,
with pra.wsin or non-selective a-receptor antagonists. They have alprenolol (non-selective with considerable partial agonist actJ\U\
a place in treating severe hypertension, where they arc added to and a te nolol (~ 1 -sclective with no agonist activity). T\\.O ne\ltr
treatment with fif!>t- and second-line drugs, but are not used as drugs are carvedilol (a non-selective ~-adrenoceptor antagomll
first-line agents (see Ch. 19). Unlike o ther antihypertensive with additional o. 1-blocking activity) and nebjvolol (a f3 1 -~elecmt

Control First half Interval Second half



.8 120 -

:I: 100 l ...
l ~.J.~\
Oxprenolol 40 mg orally

0 30 60 90
Time (min)
Fig. 11.7 Heart rate recorded continuously in a spectator watching a live football match, showing the effect of the ~

180 l adrenoceptor antagonist oxprenolol. (From Taylor S H, Meeran M K 1973 In: Burley et al. (eds) New perspectives in beta-blockade.
CIBA Laboratories, Horsham.)

antagonist that also cau ...es vasodilatation through an endothelium- Despite the involvement of ~-receptors in the hypcrglycacmic
dependent mechanbm). Both of these drugs have proven more actions of adrenaline, ~-receptor antagonists cause only minor
ll effoctive than conventional ~-adrenoceptor ant agonis~ in treating metabolic change!. in nonnal subjects. They do not affect the onset
n hean failure (see Ch. 18). The characteristics of the most important of hypoglycaemia following an injection of insulin, but somewhat
compounds arc \C t out in Table I 1.3. Most 13-receptor amagonists delay the recovery of blood glucose concentration. In diabetic
If are inactive on (3 1-receptors so do not affect lipolysis. patient.... the usc of f3-receptor antagonists increases the likelihood
of exercise-induced hypoglycacmia. because the normal adrenaline-
Actions induced release of glucose from the liver is diminished.
) The pharmacological action!. of f3-receptor antagonist<; can be
deduced from Table 11.1. The effects produced in humans depend Clinical use
on the degree of sympathetic activity and are slight in subjects at The main uses of f3-rcccptor antagonists are connected with their
re~t. The most important effects arc on the cardiovascular system effects on the cardiovascular system, and are discussed in
of and on bronchial smooth muscle (sec Chs 19 and 23). Chapters 18 and 19. They are as summarised in the clinical box
In a subject at relit. propranolol causes little change in heart (p. 182).
rate, cardiac output or ~utcrial pressure. but reduces the effect of The usc of f3 -receptor antagonists in cardiac fai lure deserves
exercise o r exciteme nt on these variables (Fig. 11.7). Drugs with spec ial me ntio n, as clinical opinion has undergone a U-turn in
partial agonist activity. such as oxpre nolol, increase the heart rate recent yea rs. Patie nts with heart disease may rely on a degree of
at rest but reduce it during exercise. Maximum exercise tolerance sympathetic drive to the heart to maintain an adequate cardiac
I. is considerably reduced in normal subjects. partly because of output, and removal of this by blocking f3 receptors can exacerbate
II the limitation of the cardiac re~ponse, and partly because the cardiac failure, so using these drugs in patients with cardiac
h ~-mediated vasodilatation in skeletal muscle is reduced. Coronary failure was con~idered ill-advised. ln theory. drugs with partial
now is reduced. but relatively le% than the myocardial oxygen agonist activity (e.g. oxprenolol, alprenolol) offer an advantage
con~umption. \O oxygenation of the myocardium is improved, an because they can, by their own action. maintain a degree of ~~
effect of importance in the treatment of angina pectoris (see Ch. 18). receptor activat ion, while at the same time blunting the cardiac
In normal subjects, the reduction of the force of contraction of response to increa~cd l.ympathetic nerve activity or to circulating
d the heart is of no importance, but it may have serious consequences adrenaline. Clinical trials. however. have not shown a clear
I. for patients with heart disea\e (see below). advantage of these drugs measurable as a reduced incidence of
r An important. and somewhat unexpected, effect of f3-receptor cardiac failure.
.t antagonists is their antihypertensive action (see Cb. 19). Patients Paradoxically. B-receptor antagonists are increasingly being
e with hypertension (although not normotensive subjects) show a used in low doses to treat cardiac failure. although at the outset
grndual fall in arterial pressure that takes several days to develop there i~ a danger of exacerbating the problem. Several mechanism'>
fully. The mechanism i~ complex and involves the following: may contribute. including inhibition of central sympathetic
outnow. direct vasod ilator effects (see review by Pfeffer &
reduction in cardiac output
Stevenson, 1996). and prevention of cardiac hypertrophy by
reduction of renin release from the juxtaglomerular cells of
inte rfere nce with signalling pathways other than the major cAMP
the kidney
pathway- a phenomenon s till poorly understood. Carvedilol is
a central action, reduc ing sympathetic activity.
often used for this purpose.
Carvcdilol and nebivolo l (sec above) arc particularly effective in
lowering blood pressure, because of their additional vasodilator Unwanted effects
properties. The main side effects of B-receptor antagonists result from their
Bloclo.ade of the facilitatory effect of presynaptic f)-receptors receptor-blocking action.
on noradrenaline rel ea~e (see Table 11.1 ) may also contribute to Bronchoconstriction. This is of lillie importance in the absence
the antihyperten-,ive effect. The antihypertensive effect of ~ of airways disease. but in asthmatic patients the effect can be
receptor antagonists is clinically very useful. Because reflex dramatic and life-threatening. It is also of clinical importance in
\asocon<,triction i'> pre e rved, postural and exercise-induced patients "'ith other forms of obstructive lung disease (e.g. chronic
h)potension (',ee Ch. 19) are less troublesome than with many bronchitis, emphy~ema).
other antihypertensive drugs. Cardiac depression. Cardiac depression can occur. leading to
Many ~-receptor antagonists have an antidysrhythmic effect signs of heart failure. particularly in elderl)' people. Patients
on the heart, which is of clinical importance (see Ch. 18). suffering from heart failure who are treared with B-receptor
Airways resistance in normal subjects is only slightly increased antagonists (see above) often deteriorate in the first few weeks
b} ~-receptor antagonists. and this is of no consequence. Tn before the beneficial effect develops.
asthmatic subjects, however, non-selective 13-receptor antagonists Bradycardia. This ~ide effect can lead to life-threatening heart
(such as propranolol) can cause severe bronchoconstriction, block and can occur in patients with coronary disease, particularly
which does not, of course, respond to the usual doses of drugs if they arc being treated with antiarrhythmic drugs that impair
such as salbutamol or ad re naline. This danger is less with ~~ cardiac conduction (sec Ch. 18).
selective antagonists, but none are so selective that this danger llypoglycaemia. Glucose release in response to adrenaline is a
can be ig nored. safety device that may be important to diabetic patie nts and to 181

occurrence of bad dream<,, which occur mainly with highly hp1d

Clinical uses of fladrenoceptor
soluble drugs <,uch as propranolol, which enter the brain ea,il~

Cardiovascular (see Chs 18 and 19):

angina pectoris
myocardial infarction
dysrhythmias Ernphasi!> in thi& chapter is placed on peripheral S)mpatht
heart failure transmbsion. The ~a me principles, however, are applicable tot
hypertension (no longer first choice; Ch. 19) central nervou-, !>yMem (!>ce Ch. 34), where many of the dru.
Other uses: mentioned here all.o act.
glaucoma (e.g. timolo l eye drops)
thyrotoxicosis (Ch. 29), as adjunct to definitive
treatment (e.g. preoperatively) DRUGS THAT AFFECT NORADRENALINE
anxiety (Ch. 37), to control somatic symptoms SYNTHESIS
(e.g. palpitations, tremor) Only a few clinically important drugs affect noradrenaline synthe>~
migraine prophylaxis (Ch. 12) directly. Examples are oc-mcthy ltyrosine, which inhibits tyrosin.;
benign essential tremor (a familial disorder). hydroxylase (used rarely to treat phaeochromacytoma), and
carbidopa, a hydrazi ne derivative of dopa, which inhibit\ uop;.
decarboxylase and is used in the treatment of parkin.-;oni\m hu
Ch. 35).
fl-Adrenoceptor antagonists M ethy ldopa, a drug still used in the treatment of hypencn''
during pregnancy (sec Ch. 19) is taken up by noradrenergic neum
Non-selective between f3 1 and 132 where it is converted to the false transmitter a -methylnoradrena o
adrenoceptors: propranolo l, alpreno lol, oxp renolol. This -.ub~tance i'> not deaminated within the neuron by ~lAO.
131-selective: atenolol, nebivolol. it accumulate'> and displaces noradrenaline from the S)nap
Alprenolo l and oxprenolol have partial agonist activity. vesicles. <'L-Methylnoradrenaline is released in the same Y.a> as
Many clinical uses (see clinical box). noradrenaline, but i~ le~s active than noradrenaline on a 1-receptoo
Important hazards are bronchoconstriction, and and thus is lcs'> effective in causing vasoconstriction. On the
bradycardia and cardtac failure (possibly less with other hand. it is more active on presynaptic (a 2) receptOr'>.\Othe
parttal agontsts). autoinhibitory feedback mechanism operates more strong!) th
Side effects include cold extremities, insomnia, normal, thus reducing transmitter release below the normallc\d
depression, fattgue. Both of these effects (a!> well as a central effect, probably cau,(d
Some show rapid first-pass metabolism, hence poor by the same cellular mechanism) contribute to the hypotcn,11
bioavailabllity. acti on. It produces side effects typical of centrally acun,
antiadrcnergie drugs (e.g. sedation), as well as carrying a ri'>l ol
immune haemolytic reactions and liver toxicity, so it is now little
used, except for hypertension in late pregnancy.
other individuals prone to hypoglycaernic attacks. The sympathetic 6-Hydroxydopamine (identical with dopamine except that 1
response to hypoglycaemia produces symptoms (especially possesses an extra ring hydroxyl group) is a neurotoxin of th,
tachycardia) that warn patients of the urgent need for carbohydrate Trojan hor~e kind. It is taken up selectively by noradrenerg1,
(usually in the form of a sugary drink). ~-Receptor antagonists nerve terminals, where it is converted to a reactive quinon-:
reduce these symptoms, so incipient bypoglycaemia is more likely which destroys the nerve terminal, producing a chemll
to go unnoticed by the patient. The use of f3-receptor antagonists sympathectomy'. The cell bodies survive, and eventually the
is generally to be avoided in patients with poorly controlled diabete~. sympathetic innervation recovers. The drug is useful lot
There is a theoretical advantage in U!>ing f3 1-selective agents, because experimental purposes but has no clinical uses. If injecttd
glucose release from the liver is controlled by 132-receptors. directly into the brain, it selectively destroys those n~n
Fatigue. This is probably due to reduced cardiac output and terminals (i.e. dopaminergic, noradrenergic and adrenergic) tha
reduced mu-;cle perfu'>ion in exercise. It is a frequent complaint take it up, but it doe~ not reach the brain if given systemu:all
of patients taking f3 receptor- blocking drugs. MPTP ( 1-rnethyl-4-phenyl- 1,2,3,5-tctrabydropyridine; see Ch 1i
Cold extremities. These are presumably due to a loss of is a rather simi lar selective neurotoxin.
13-rcceptor-mediated vasodilatation in cutaneous vessels, and
arc a common side effect. Theoretically, f3 1-selective drugs arc
less likely to produce this effect, but it is not clear that this is so
in practice.
Other side effects associated with 13-rcceptor antagonists are Reserpin e is an alkaloid from the shrub Rauwolfia, which ha-
not obviously the result of 13-receptor blockade. One is the becn used in India for centuries for the treatment of mental di1

orders. Rc~crpinc. at very low concentration, blocks the transport of to undergo exocytosis. and also displacing noradrenaline. In this
noradrenaline and other amincs into synaptic vesicles, by blocking way, it cau<.,es a gradual and long-la~ting depletion of noradrenaline
the \C,icular monoamine transporter. Noradrenaline accumulates in sympathetic nerve endings. similar to the effect of reserpine.
JO'tead in the cytoplasm, where it is degraded by MAO. The Given in large do'>es. guanethidine causes structural damage to
noradrenaline content of tisioues drops to a low level, and sym- noradrenergic neurons, which is probably due to the fact that the
pathetic tran'>mi'>'>ion i.., blocked. Reserpine also causes depletion tenninals accumulate the drug in rugh concenu-ation. It can
of 5-HT and dopamine from neurons in the brain. in which these therefore be used experimentally a a selective neurotoxin.
amines arc tran\mitter-. (see Ch. 34). Reserpine is now used only Guanethidine, bethanidine and dcbrisoquin are no longer used
e\perimcntally. but wa\ at one time used as an antihypertensive clinically, now that better antihypertensive drugs are available.
drug. Its central cfTccl\, e'>pecially depression, which probably result Although e:\tremely effective in lowering blood pressure, they
from impairment of noradrenergic and 5-HT-mediated trans- produce severe side effects associated with the loss of sympathetic
mi..,-.ion in the brain ('>ee Ch. 39) are a serious disadvantage. reflexes. The most troublesome are postural hypotension,
diarrhoea, nasal congestion and failure of ejaculation.
e Drug'> can affect noradrcm1l inc release in four mai n ways: AMINES
by direct ly blocking release (noradrenergic neuron- blocking
M echanism of action and structure-activity
a relationships
e The most important drugs in the indirectly acting sympathomimetic
by evoking noradrenaline rclca~c in the absence of nerve
amine category are ty ram ine, amph etamine and ephedrine.
terminal depolarisation (indirectly acting sympathomimetic
which arc \tructurally related to noradrenaline. Drugs that act
similarly and are used for l11eir central effects (see Ch. 42)
by imeracting with prc.,ynaptic receptors that indirectly inhibit
include m ethy lphenida t e and a to moxetin e.
or enhance dcpolarisation-evoked relea<oe (e.g. a 2 agonjsts,
0 These drugs have only weak actions on adrenoceptors. but
angiotcn'>in II. dopamine. and pro\taglandins). Effects mediated
c through u 1-adrenoceptor-. are discussed elsewhere in this
sufficiently re.,cmble noradrenaline to be transported into nerve
terminals by uptake I. Once inside the nerve terminals. they arc
chapter: the other mechanic.,ms are probably more important
taken up into the vesicles by the vesicular monoamine transporter,
in the central than in the peripheral nervous system.
b) incrca\ing or decrea,ing available stores of noradrenaline in exchange for noradrenaline, which escapes into the cytosol.
(e.g. reserpine. see above: MAO inhibitors. see Chapter 39). Some of the cytosolic noradrenaline is degraded by MAO, while
the re~t escapel. via uptake I. in exchange for the foreign
monoamine. to act on postsynaptic receptors (Fig. 11.8).
NORADRENERGIC NEURON-BLOCKING DRUGS Exocytol>i~ is not involved in the release process, so their action~
e '\oradrenergic neuron- blocking drugs (e.g. guan ethidine) were do not require the presence of Ca 2 . They are not completely
lin.t discovered in the mid-1950~> when a lternatives to ganglion- specific in their actions, and act partly by a direct effect on
f blocking drugs. for usc in the treatment of hypertension, were udrenoceptOr\, partly by inhibiting uptake 1 (thereby enhancing the
e being sough1. The main effect of guanethidine is to inhibi t the cfTect of the released noradrenaline), and partly by inhibiting MAO.
release of noradrenaline from sympathetic nerve term inals. ft has As would be expected, the effects of these drugs are strong ly
it lillie effect on the adrenal medulla, and none on nerve terminals influenced by other drugs that modify noradrenergic transmission.
c that release tran'>mitter1> other than noradrenaline. Drugs very Thus reserpine or 6-hydroxydopanline abolishes their effects by
c.: similar to it include b r etylium, b etha n idine, and d eb risoqui n depleting the terminals of noradrenaline. MAO inhibitors, on
e. (which is of interest mainly a~ a tool for studying drug the other hand, Mrongly potentiate their effects by preventing
metaboli~m: ... ce Ch. 8). inactivation. within the terminals. of the transmitter displaced
from the ve~icle~. MAO inhibition particularly enhances the
If Actions action of ty r a mine. because this <>ubstance is itself a substrate for
d Drug' of thi<. cia\\ reduce or abolish the response of tissues to MAO. Normally, dietary tyramine is destroyed by MAO in the
e 'ympathetic nerve .,timulation. but do not affect (or may potentiate) gut wall and liver before reaching the systemic circulation. When
:u the ciTech of circulating noradrenaline. MAO is inhibited this is prevented. and ingestion of tyramine-
t The action of guanethidine on noradrenergic transmission i1> rich foods !.UCh as fermented cheese (e.g. ripe Brie) can then
i) complex (\ee Broadley. 1996). It i"> selectively accumulated by provoke a sudden and dangerous rise in blood pressure. Inhibitors
noradrenergic nerve terminals, being a substrate for uptake 1. lts of uptake I, such as imipramine (see below), interfere with the
initial blod.ing activity is due to block of impulse conduction in efTects of indirectly acting ~>ympatbomimetic amines by preventing
the nerve terminab that selectively accumulate the drug. Its their uptake into the nerve temtinals.
action i., prevented by drugs, ~>uch as tricyclic antidepressants These drugs, especially amphetamine, have important effects
(sec Ch. 39), which b lock uptake I. on the central nervous system (see Ch. 39) that depend on their
Is Guanethidine b also concentrated in synaptic vesicles by means abi lity to re lease not only noradrenaline, but also 5-HT and
,_ of the vesicular tran!-.porter, po~>sibly interfering with their abi lity dopamine from nerve terminals in the brain. A n important

Drugs acting on noradrenergic nerve


Drugs that inhibit noradrenaline synthesis include:

c:v-methyltyrosine: blocks tyrosine hydroxylase;
not used c linically
carbidopa: blocks dopa decarboxylase and is
used in treatment of parkinsonism (see Ch. 35);
not much effect on noradrenaline synthesis.
Methyldopa gives rise to false transmitter
(methylnoradrenaline), which is a potent ~ agonist,
thus causing powerful presynaptic inhibitory feedback
(also central actions). Rarely used as antihypertensive
Reserpine blocks carrier-mediated noradrenaline
accumulation in vesicles, thus depleting
noradrenaline stores and blocking transmission.
Effective in hypertension but may cause severe
POSTSYNAPTIC RECEPTORS depression. Clinically obsolete.
Noradrenergic neuron- blocking drugs (e.g .
guanethidine, bethanidine) are selectively
Fig. 11.8 The mode of action of amphetamine, an concentrated in terminals (uptake 1) and in vesicles
indirectly acting sympathomimetic amine. Amphetamine (vesicular transporter), and block transmitter release.
enters the nerve terminal via the noradrenaline (NA) transporter
partly by loc al anaesthetic action. Effective in
(uptake 1} and enters synapt1c vesicles via the vesicular
monoamine transporter (VMAT), in exchange for NA, which hypertension but cause severe side effects (postural
accumulates 111 the cytosol. Some of the NA is degraded by hypotension, d iarrhoea, nasal congestion, etc.), so
monoam1ne oxidase (MAO) within the nerve terminal and some now little used.
escapes, in exchange for amphetamine via the noradrenaline 6-Hydroxydopamine is selectively neurotoxic for
transporter, to act on postsynaptic receptors. Amphetamine
also reduces NA reuptake via the transporter, so enhancing the noradrenergic neurons, because it is taken up and
action of the released NA. converted to a toxic metabolite. Used experimentally
to eliminate noradrenergic neurons, not clinically.
Indirectly acting sympathomimetic amines (e.g.
amphetamine, ephedrine, tyramine) are
accumulated by uptake 1 and displace noradrenaline
from vesicles, allowing it to escape. Effect is much
enhanced by monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibition,
characteristic of the effects of indirectly acting sympathomimetic which can lead to severe hypertension following
amines is that marked tolerance develops. Repeated doses of ingestion of tyramine-rich foods by patients treated
amphetamine or tyramine, for example, produce progressively with MAO inhibitors.
smaller pre~sor responses. This is probably caused by a depletion Indirectly acting sympathomimetic agents are central
of the releasable store of noradrenaline. A similar tolerance to the nervous system stimulants. M ethylphenidate and
central effect'> abo develops with repeated administration, which atomoxetine are used to treat attention
partly accounts for the liability of amphetamine and related drugs deficit- hyperactivity d isorder.
to cau<.e dependence. Drugs that inhibit uptake 1 include cocaine and
tricyclic antidepressant drugs. Sympathetic effects
Actions are enhanced by such drugs.
The peripheral actions of the indirectly acting sympathomimetic
amines include bronchodilatat ion. raised arterial pressure,
peripheral va'>oconstriction. increased heart rate and force of
myocardial contraction. and inhibition of gut motility. They have
important central action~. which account for their signi ficanr
abuse potential and for their li mited therapeutic applications (sec
Chs 43 and 54). Aprut from ephedrine, which is still sometimes Neuronal reuptake of relea~ed noradrenaline (uptake I) is the 1110\t
used as a nasal decongestant because it has much less central important mechanism by which its action is brought to an end.
action, these drugs are no longer used for their peripheral Many drugs inhibit this transport, and thereby enhance the elTech
184 sympathomimetic effect!>. of both sympathetic nerve activity and circulating noradrenaline.

Uptake I is not responsible for clearing circulating adrenaline, Many drugs that act mainly on other steps in sympathetic
so lhc!>c drug~ do not affect responses to this amine. transmission also inhibit uptake 1 to some extent, presumably
The main clal.S of drugs whose primary action is inhibition of because the carrier molecule has structural features in common
uptake I are the tricyclic antidepressants (see Ch. 39), for with other noradrenaline recognition sites, such as receptors and
example desipramine. These drugs have their major effect on the dcgradative enzymes.
central nervous syaem but also cause tachycardia and cardiac Extraneuronal uptake (uptake 2). which is important in clearing
dysrhythmias, reflecting their peripheral effect on sympathetic circulating adrenaline from the bloodstream. is not affected
tranl>mj<.,ion. Cocajne, known mainly for its abuse liability (Ch. 43) by most of the drugs that block uptake I. ll is inhibited by
and local anaesthetic activity (Ch. 44). enhances sympathetic phenoxybcnzamine, however, and also by various corticosteroids
transmission, causing tachycardia and increased arterial pressure. (see Ch. 14). This action of corticosteroids may have some relevance
It:. central effects of euphoria and excitement (Ch. 42) are probably to their therapeutic effect in conditions such as asthma, but is
a manifestation of the same mechanism acting in the brain. It probably of minor importance.
'irongly potentiates the actions of noradrenaline in experimental The main sites of action of drugs that affect adrenergic
animals or in isolated tissues provided the sympathetic nerve transmission are ~ummarised in Figure 11.9.
terminals arc intact.

Noradrenergic varicos ity

MAO Inhibitors a-Methyltyrosine

C MeNA ___ ,.. MeNA
NA ~
I ',
)I I '
( Reserpine I ''
y '' MeNA
' \


cx2-Adrenoceptor 1------< I
II ,,'-....J:::., ___...,( Uptake 1 inhibitors )
antagonists , ~

" __ ...


P-Adrenoceptor t-----....(
Adrenocep~~r-- -, Uptake 2 inhibitors
antagonists antagonists



Fig. 11 .9 Generalised diagram of a noradrenergic nerve terminal, showing sites of drug action. MAO, monoamine oxidase;
MeNA, methylnoradrenaline; NA, noradrenaline.

Teble 11.3 Summary of drugs that affect noradrenergic transmission

Type Drug" Main Uses/function Unwanted effects Pharmacokinetic Notes

action aspects

Sympathomimetic NorepmephnneO a.j3Agonist Not used clinically Hypertensoon, Poorty absorbed

(d~rectly achng) Transm1tter at vasoconstncbon, by mouth
postganglioniC tachycardia (or Rapid removal
sympathet1c reflex by !Issues
neurons, and in CNS bradycarcha), Metabolised by
Honnone of ventncular MAOandCOMT
adrenal medulla dysrhythm1as Plasma t, fl -2 min
EpinephnneO a/j!Agonist Asthma (emergency As norep1nephnne As norepinephrine See Chapter 23
treatment), Given i.m. or s.c.
anaphylactic shock,
cardiac arrest
Added to local
anaesthetic solutions
Main hormone of
adrenal medulla
Isoproterenol ~Agonist Asthma (obsolete) Tachycardia, Some tissue uptake, Now replaced by
(non-selective) Not an endogenous dysrhy1hmias followed by salbutamol in
substance inactivation (COMT) treatment of
Plasma t, fl - 2 h asthma (see Ch. 23)
Dobutamme ~,Agonist Cardiogenlc shock Oysrhythmlas Plasma t, 12 -2 min Chapter 18
(non-selective) G1ven i.v.
Salbutamol jl2 Agonist Asthma, premature Tachycardia, G1ven orally or Chapter23
labour dysrhy1hmias. by aerosol
tremor, Ma1nly excreted
penpheral unchanged
vasochlatatlon Plasma I '2 - 4 h
Salmeterol ~Agonist Asthma As salbutamol G1ven by aerosol Formoteroi 1S sunlar
long act1ng
Terbutahne ~ Agonist Asthma As salbutamol Poorly absorbed orally Chapter23
Delay of partuntion Given by aerosol
Ma1nly excreted
Plasma 11 '2 -4 h
Clenbuterol j32 Agonist 'Anabolic' act1on to As salbutamol Active orally Illicit use 1n sport
1ncrease muscle long acting
R1todnne ~Agonist Delay of partuntion As salbutamol Poorly absorbed Rarely used
by mouth; given i.v.
Phenylephrine u , Agonist Nasal HypertenSIOn, Given intranasally
decongestion reflex bradycardia Metabolised by MAO
Short plasma t ,,
Methoxamine a Agonist Nasal As phenylephnne Given intranasally
(non-selective) decongestion Plasma t ,12 - 1 h
Clonidine <t, Partial Hypertension, Drowsiness, Well absorbed orally See Chapter 18
agonist migraine orthostatic Excreted unchanged
hypotension, and as conjugate
oedema and weight Plasma 11'2 -12h
gain, rebound

Sympathomimetic Tyram1ne NA release No chn1cal uses As norep1nephnne Normally destroyed Chapter39

(indirectly acting) Present 1n various by MAO 1ngut
foods Does not enter brain
Amphetamme NArelease, Used asCNS Hypertens1on. Well absorbed orally Chapter42
MAO stimulant in tachycardia, Penetrates freely Methylphenidate
mhibitor, narcolepsy, also 1nsomma 1nto brain and atomoxetl/le
uptake 1 (paradoxically) in Acute psychOSIS Excreted unchanged are Similar (used lot
inh1brtor. hyperactive ch11dren w1th overdose in urine CNS effects; see
CNS Appetrte Dependence Plasma 1112 - 12 h, Ch. 42)
stimulant suppressant depending on
Drug of abuse unne flow and pH
Ephednne NA release, Nasal As amphetamine Sim11ar to Contraindicated
~agonist, decongestion but less amphetamine if MAO inhibltOfS
weakCNS pronounced are g1ven

T ble 11.3 l cont'd) Summary of drugs that affect noradrenergic transm1ssion

1YPe Drug" Main Uses/function Unwanted effects Pharmacokinetic Notes

action aspects

Adrenoceptor Phenoxybenzarmne a Antagonist Phaeochromocytoma Hypotens1011, Absorbed orally Action outlasts

antagonists (non-selectiVe. llush1ng, Plasma t 12 -12 h presence of drug
irreversible) tachycarda. nasal in plasma, because
Uptake 1 congestion, of covalent binding
1nh1brtor 1mpotence to receptor
Phentolamine (t Antagonist Rarely used As Usually given i. v. Tolazohne is similar
(non-select1ve), phenoxybenzam1ne Metabolised by liver
vasodilator Plasma t 11, -2 h
Prazos1n u 1 Antagonist Hypertension As Absorbed orally Doxazosin,
phenoxybenzamine Metabolised by liver terazosin are similar
Plasma t 112 -4 h but longer act1ng
See Chapter 19
Tamsulosin o. 1Antagonist Prostatic Failure of Absorbed orally Selective for cx,A
('uroselective') hyperplasia ejaculation Plasma t 112 -5 h adrenoceptor
Yohimbine a 2 Antagonist Not used clinically Excitement, Absorbed orally ldazoxan is similar
Claimed to be hypertension Metabolised by liver
aphrodisiac Plasma t 112 -4 h
Propranolol ~Antagonist Angina, Bronchoconstnction, Absorbed orally Timolol is similar
(non-selective) hypertension, cardiac latlure. cold Extensive l1rst- and used mainly
cardiac extremities, fatigue pass metabolism to treat glaucoma
dysrhythm1as. and depression. About 90% bound See Chapter 18
anxiety tremor, hypogtycaemla to plasma protem
glaucoma Plasma 1112 -4 h
Alprenolol ~Antagonist As propranolol As propranolol Absorbed orally Oxprenolol and
(non-selective) Metabohsed by liver pindolol are Similar
(partial agonist) Plasma t 112 -4 h See Chapter 18
Practolol ~.Antagonist Hypertens1on, As propranolol, also Absorbed orally Withdrawn from
ang1na, oculomucocutaneous Excreted unchanged climcal use
dysrhythm1as syndrome m unne
Plasma t u7 -4 h
Metoprolol ~ 1 Antagomst Angina, hypertension, As propranolol. Absorbed orally Atenolol IS
dysrhythmias less nsk of Ma1nly metabolised similar, with a
bronchoconstnchOn in hver longer half-life
Plasma t 112 -3 h See Chapter 18
Nebivolol II, Antagonist Hypertension Fatigue. headache Absorbed orally
Enhances nitric t,/2 - 10h
Butoxamlne fl2 Antagonist, No clinical uses
weak n agonist
Labetalol a/~ Antagonist Hypertension in Postural Absorbed orally Chapters
pregnancy hypotension, Conjugated In liver 18 and 19
brochoconstriction Plasma 1112 - 4 h
Carvedlloi a/~ Antagonist Heart failure As tor other Absorbed orally Additional
I\blockers t ,l'l -1 0 h actions may
Initial exacerbation contribute to
of heart fa1lure clinical benefit
Renal failure {Ch. 18)

Drugs affecting u-Methyl- Inhibits tyrosine Occasionally used 1n Hypotens1on.

NA synthesis p-tyros1ne hydroxylase phaeochromocytoma sedation
Carbidopa lnh1bits dopa Used as adjunct to Absorbed orally Chapter35
decarboxylase levodopa to prevent Does not enter
penpheral effects bratn
Methyldopa False HypertensiOn 1n HypotensiOn, Absorbed slowly Chapter 19
transmitter pregnancy drowsmess, by mouth
precursor diarrhoea, Excreted unchanged
Impotence, or as conJugate
hypersens11tv1ty Plasma t, 12 -6 h


Table 11.3 lc:ont'd) Summary o f drugs that affect noradrenergic transmission

Type Drug" Main Uses/function Unwanted effects Pharmacokinetic Notes

action aspects

Drugs affecting Reserpine Depletes NA HypertensiOn As methyldopa Poorly absorbed orally Antih ypertensiVe
NA release stores by (obsolete) Also depreSSion, Slowly metabolised effect develops
lllhibiting parkinsonism, Plasma t,12 - 100 h slowly and per51sts
vesicular gynaecomast1a Excreted in milk when drug iS
uptake of NA stopped
Guaneth1d1ne Inhibits NA HypertenSIOn As methyldopa Poorly absorbed orally Ac tion prevented by
release (obsolete) HypertensiOn on Mainly excreted uptake 1 1nh1bttors
Also causes first administration unchanged in urine Bethanid1ne and
NA d ep letion Plasma t ,12 - 1 00 h debrisoquin are
and c an similar
d amage NA
irreversib ly

Drugs affecting Imipramine Blocks Depression Atropine- like side Well absorbed orally Desip ramine
NA uptake uptake e ffects 95% bo und to and amitnptyhne
Also has Card iac plasm a protein are similar
atro pine-like dysrhythmias Converted to active See Chapter 39
action in overdose metabolite
Plasma t 1n - 4 h
Cocame Local Rarely used local Hypertension, Well absorbed orally See Chapters
anaesthetic; anaesthetic excitement, or 1ntranasally 42 and 53
blocks M ajor drug of abuse c onvulsions.
uptake 1 dependence
CNS stimulant

COMT, catechol-0 - rnethyltransferase; MAO, monoamine o xidase; NA, noradrenaline.

For chem1cal structures. see Hardman J G , Umbird L E. Gilman A G . Goodman-Gilman A et a l 2001 Goodman and Gilman's pharmacological basts of
therapeutics, 10th edn. McGraw-Hill, New York.
"Note that norep1nephnne and eptnephnne are the recommended drug names for noradrenaline and adrenaline, respectively.


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bet\\een t"'o ~upel'\) 'tcm" the brarn and the 1mmune fillacits conct'ming tlr<' rowt's b) which rot<'< lk>l<
Ad renocc1>1ors S)Stem. Phanna.."'I Re1 52: 595-638 (Dttaikd from different wurces art" metabolu"d and
Baker J G. Hall I P. I h ll S J 2003 Agonist and inverse cmologu<' of t'jJ<'cts of catulwlmmnt'< und thr acrt"ted)
agonl\t oK:hon' of Jl-blocker. at the human Jlr sympathetic nenvu\ \\ ~tem (m the umnmae J)Jietn) Nonogalti K 2000 New in\ights into ') mpathcth:
adrcnoceptor pro' 1de e' ideoce for agonist-directed Gainetdino R R. Cnron M G 2()(JJ M onoamrne n.-gula11on of glucose and fat metabolism
~ignalling \lol Pll:mnacol64 1357-1369 (R<'cent transporter.: from gene, It> hcha10ur. Annu Re Diabetologia 43: 533-549 (R<'l'it'l< of tht complr<
muli~t fiiOIHn~ tlwt /3-blodC'rs diff<"r in their obi/it) Ph:mnacol Tox1col 43: 261 - 284 (Re\lt'" artidt odTI'nOCt'ptor-mtdiatt'd efft'ctr on tht' mnaholum cf
to aoil'fltt' ami b/(1('/c < IMP ond mitogen-actimted ftJcusinK "" t/r,. choracterwin t>/ tnm.S!(tmc mrct' lier muscle and odi(>Qse tissue; up to dille, /1111 II/Jif
pmtt'm Amau Jxllhwan, JIQ~<ibly explaimng whJ lacking \{leci}it mOIIO<Jmme trmr.lporttr>) portimlorl) <'OS)' read)
'""'" ,,... 1><-ttu thon other~ 111 trt'ating heart disease) Liu Y. Edwards R H 1997 The role of ve\lculnr tr:rn,pon Pfeffer M A, Ste,~nson L W 1996jl-adrenerg>c blo.:l.t!:
Gut m~rac' S. "'oura l) 2001 Va\Cular adrenoceptors: an protein\ 111 1ynaptic trJn'm"'iCln und neural nnd su~hal in bean failure. New Engl J Med Jl4
updntc. Pllnrmacol Rev 53: 3 19 356 (Review degeneration. A nnu Rev Neurosc>20 125-156 (Rt'>rt'IV 1396-1397 (Sbows that fl-adrenergic bloc l ei'\ 1n low
deunhing the wmple.\ rolt':. of different of TI'Cent ideas abowt!rt' fwrctiomrl mle nf ITIIIIS/I<Jrlfi'S) do'c' can be beneficial in hean fai lure)
adT1'11nc-eptors i11 blood ''esse/s) L undberg J M 1996 Pharmacology of co-lt:tnl n>i, l ion 111 Zhang K-M, tlu P. Wang S-W el aJ. 1996 Sulbotaml
l n,el P A 1996 Adrenergic receptors-evolving conccp~s the autonomic nervous ~yMcm: mtcgrmi-..e n!)pccb on changes tbe molecular and mechanical propentc' ol
and clinical implicnl ion,. New Engl J M cd 334: amines, neuropeplides. adenosine tripho;phate. amino cuni nc skeletal muscle. J Physiol 496: 2 11-220
58(}..585 (r:Xcellenr f'f!Vit'IV focusing 011 acids and nitric oxide. Pharmacal Rev 48: I 14-192 (Surprising jindin11 rhat salhwamol affectt mmrle
188 applications) (Cmn,>relre,.sive mul irrformmit Tl'1'it11') .fimctirm by non-receptor mechanisms)
Other peripheral mediators:
and purines
identified chemica lly as 5-hydroxytryptamine in 1948 and shown
Overview 189 to originate from platelets. ft was subsequently found in the
5hydroxytryptamine 189 gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system (CNS), and shown
-Distribution, biosynthesis and degradation 189 to function both as a neurotransmitter and as a local hormone
-Pharmacological effects 190 in the peripheral va~cu lar system. This chapter deals with the
-Classification of 5-HT receptors 191 metabolism, distribution and possible physiological roles of
-Drugs acting on 5-HT receptors 192 5-HT in the periphery, and with the different types of 5-HT
-Clinical conditions in which 5-HT ploys o role 195 receptor and the drugs that act on them. Further information on
the role of 5-HT in the brain, and its relationship to psychiatric
Purines 198 disorders and the actions of psychotropic drugs. is presented in
-ATP as o neurotransmitter 198 Chapters 32, 38 and 39. The usc of drugs that modulate 5-HT in
-ADP and platelets 199 the gut is dealt with in Chapter 25.
-Adenosine as o mediator 199
-Purine receptors 199
5-Hydroxytryptamine occurs in the highest concentrations in
three organ~.
In the wall of the imestine. Over 90% of the total amount in
In this chapter, we discuss two types of mediator, the body i~ present in the entemchmmaffin cells in the gut
both of which play a role as neurotransmitters in (endocrine cells with distinctive staining properties). These
the brain and periphery and also function as local arc cells derived from the neural crest and resemble those of
hormones. S Hydroxytryptamine (SHT) has a the adrenal medulla. They are interspersed with mucosal cells.
longer pharmacological history than purines main ly in the stomach and smal l intestine. Some 5-HT also
(nucleosides and nucleotides), and numerous drugs occurs in nerve cells of the myenteric plexus, where it functions
in current use act wholly or partly on 5-HT as an excitatory neurotransmiuer (see Chs 9 and 25).
receptors, of which no fewer than 1 S subtypes In blood. 5-HT i~ present in high concentrations in platelets,
have been identified. Purine pharmacology is which accumulate it from the plasma by an active transport
currently a less well-exploited area, but this is system and release it when they aggregate at sites of tissue
I changing and there is increasing interest in the damage (see Ch. 21 ).
potential role of purinergic agents in the treatment In the CNS. 5-IIT is a transmitter in the CNS and is present
.s of thrombotic and respiratory disorders. In the case in high concentration' in localised regions of the midbrain.
of both mediators, the physiological significance- lt!> functional role is dio;cussed in Chapter 34.
and hence therapeutic relevance-of the various
Although 5-1IT is present in the diet. most of this is metabolised
receptor subtypes is still being unravelled. In our
before entering the blood~tream. Endogenous 5-HT arises from
discussion, therefore, we will focus on the more
a biosynthetic pathway similar to that which generates
secure hypotheses, recognising that the overall
noradrenaline (norepinephrine; see Ch. 11). except that the
picture is far from complete. Useful reviews include
precursor amino acid is tryptophan in tead of tyrosine
Burnstock (2002) and Gershon (2004).
(Fig. 12.1 ). Tryptophan is converted to 5-hydroxytryptophan (in
chromaffin celb and neurons, but not in platelets) by the action of
SHYDROXYTRYPTAMINE tryptophan hydmxylase, an en~yme confined to 5-HT-producing
cells. The 5-hydroxytryptophan is then decarboxylated to 5-HT
Serotonin was the name given to an unknown vasoconstrictor by a ubiquitous amino acid decarboxylase that also participates
substance found in the serum after blood had clotted. lt was in the synthesis of catecholmnincs (Ch. I I) and histamine (Ch. 13). 189

Platelets (and neurons) possess a high-affinity 5-HT uptake

mechanism, and platelets become loaded with 5-HT as they pass
through the intestinal circulation, where the local concentration
is relatively high. The mechanisms of synthesis. storage, release
and reuptake of 5-HT are very similar to those of noradrenaline.
Many drugs affect both processes indiscriminately (see Ch. II),
but selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors have been developed Tryptophan hydroxylase
and arc important therapeutically as antidepressants (Ch. 39). 5-HT
is often !.tored in neurons and chromaffin ceUs as a cotransminer COOH
together with various peptide hormones, such as somatostatin,
substance P or vasoactive intestinal polypeptide.
Degradation of 5-HT (Fig. 12.1) occurs mainly through oxidative ~N) NH2
5-Hydroxytryptophan H
deamination, catalysed by monoamine oxidase, followed by
oxidation to 5-ltydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-H/AA), the pathway L-Aromatic acid decarboxylase)
being the same as that of noradrenaline catabolism. 5-HlAA is '- (=dopa decarboxylase)
excreted in the urine and serves as an indicator of 5-HT production
in the body. This is used, for example, in the diagnosis of
carcinoid syndrome (sec below).
5-Hydroxytryptamine H

The actions of 5-HT arc numerous and complex, and there is Monoamine oxidase
considerable species variation. This complexity reflects a
profu!.ion of 5-IIT receptor subtypes, which has been revealed in
recent year~ (see below). The main sites of action are as follows.
Gastrointestinal tract. 5-HT subserves complex and important
roles in the regulation of gastrointestinal function (see Gershon,
2004). Only about lOCK of 5-HT in the intestine is located in
neurons, where it acl'> as a neurotransmitter, while the remainder Aldehyde dehydrogenase
is located in the enterochromaffin cells, which act as sensors to
transduce information about the state of the gut. The 5-HT is
released from enterochromaffin cells into the lamina propria, HO~CH 2COOH
where it stimulates receptors located on enteric neurons. Acting ~N)

at 5-HT18 receptors, 5-HT initiates secretory and peristaltic 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic H
reflexes. Stimulation of presynaptic 5-HT4 receptors amplifies acid (5-HIAA)
neurotransmission in some enteric neurons, resulti og in increased Fig. 12.1 Biosynthesis and metabolism of 5-
Distribution, biosynthesis and
degradation of a -hydroxytryptamine

Tissues rich in 5-HT are: prokinetic activity in the gut, and may also play a part in the
gastrointestinal tract (chromaffin cells and enteric regulation of colonic motility. Stimulation of 5-HT3 receptor.
neurons) slows motility and mediates the neurotransmission involved in
platelets sen<;ory perception of the gut by the CNS.
central nervous system. The importance of 5-HT in the gut is underlined by the:
Metabolism closely parallels that of noradrenaline. widespread distribution of the serotonin uptake transporter. ~h1cb
5-HT is formed from dietary tryptophan, which is rapidly and efficiently removes released 5-HT, limiting its acuon
converted to 5-hydroxytryptophan by tryptophan Back-up tran!>porters have also been identified. Interesting!}
hydroxylase, then to 5-HT by a non-specific there is evidence for defects in this reuptake system in irritable
decarboxylase. bowel syndrome (Ch. 25), which might explain the rather be~ll
5-HT is transported into cells by a specific transport dering symptoms of the disease.
system. Smooth muscle. ln many species (although only to a minor
Degradation occurs mainly by monoamine oxidase, extent in humans), smooth muscle (e.g. uterus and bronchial trw
forming 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), which is is contracted by 5-HT.
excreted in urine. Blood vessels. The effect of 5-HT on blood vessels depends on
190 various factors, including the size of the vessel, the species and

the prevailing sympathetic activity. Large vessels, both arteries respon\e~. Table 12.1 give!. an overview of the most imponant receptOr\.
and \cins, arc usually constricted by 5-HT, although the sensitivity Some of the more ~ignificant drug targets include the following.
\aries greatly. This is a direct action on vascular smooth muscle
5-IIT1 receptors. The~ occur mainly in the brain, the subtype~ being
cell~. mediated through 5-HT2A receptors (see below). Activation distingui,hed on the basb of their regional distribution and their
of 5-HT1 receptors causel> con~triction of large intracranial pharmacological \pecilicity. They function mainly as inhibitory
\O:sseh, dilatation of which contribute~ to headache (see below). presynaptic receptors and are linked to inhibition of adenylate C) clase.
5-HT can abo cause va-.odilatation, partly by acting on endothelial The 5-HT 1A \Ubtype IS pancularly important in the bmin. in relation to
mood and behaviour (see Ch!. 37-39). The 5-HT10 subtype. which is
cells to release nitric oxide (!.ee Ch. 17) and partly by inhibiting
eltpressed 111 cerebro1.l blood ve\seb, is believed to be important in migraine
noradrenaline release from sympathetic nerve tenninals. If 5-HT (see below) and i\ the target for ~umatriptan, an agonist used 10 treat
is injected intravenously, the blood pressure usually first ri ses, acute attacks. The cerebral ves-.els are unu~ual in that vasoconstriction is
O\\ ing to the constricti on of large vessels, and then falls, owing mediated by 5 IIT1 receptors; in moSt vessels. 5-HT 2 receptors are
to arteriolar dilatation. re~pon~iblc. The haple~s '5-I!Tac' receptor- actually the first to be cloned
has been officially declared non-exhtent, having been ignominiou\ly
Platelets. 5-HT causes platelet aggregation (see Ch. 21) by
rec lass ified a~ the 5- HT2c receptor when it was found to be linked to
acting on 5-HT 2A receptors, and the platelets that collect in the inositol trisphosphate production rather than adenylate cyclase.
vessel release furth er 5-HT. lf the endothelium is intact, 5-HT
release from adherent platelets causes vasodilatation, which helps 5-IIT2 receptors. The~e are particularly important in the periphery. The
effects of 5-I IT on smooth muscle and platelets, which have been known
to sustain blood flow; if it is damaged (e.g. by atherosclerosis),
for many years. are mediated by the 5-HTzA receptor, as are some of the
5-HT causes constriction and impairs blood flow further. These behavioural e ffect> of agent~ \uch as lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD;
effects of platelet-derived 5-HT are thought to be important in see Table 12.1 nnd Ch. 42). 5-HT2 receptors are linked to phospholipase
vascular disease. C and thus stimulate inm.itol trisphosphate formation. The 5-HT2A
Nerve endings. 5-HT stimulates nociceptive (pain-mediating) subtype is functionally the most important. the others having a much
more limited distribution and functional role. llle role of 5-HT1 receptors
'ensory nerve endings. an effect mediated mainly by 5-HT1
in nonnal physiological proce~~s is probably a minor one. but it become~
r.:ceptors. l f injected into the skin. 5-HT causes pain; when given more prominent in pathological conditions such as asthma and vascular
'}'temically, it clicitl> a variety of autonomic reflexes through thrombo'>i'> (-.ee Ch\ 21 23).
stimulation of afferent fibres in the heart and lungs. which further
complicate the cardiovascular response. Nettle stings contain
5-HT among other mediators. 5-HT also inhibits transmitter Actions nd functions of
release from adrenergic neurons in the periphery. 5-hydroxytrypblmlne
Central nervous system. 5-HT excites some neurons and
inhibits others; it may al~o act presynaptically to inhibit transmitter Important actions are:
release from nerve terminals. Different receptor subtypes and increased gastrointestinal motility (direct excitation
different membrane mechanisms mediate these effects (sec of smooth muscle and indirect action via enteric
Table 12. 1; Barnes & Sharp, J999; Branchek & Blackburn, neurons)
2000). The role of 5-HT in th e CNS is discussed in Chapter 34. contraction of other smooth muscle (bronchi,
mixture of vascular constriction (direct and via
CLASSIFICATION OF 5-HT RECEPTORS sympathetic innervation) and dilatation
"' It wa' long ago reali~ed thm the actions of 5-HT are not all mediated (endothel iurn-dependent)
by receptor> of the Name type. and various pharmacological cla~sification~ platelet aggregation
have come and gone. The current ~yMem ( Hoyer et al., 1994) was agreed stimulation of peripheral nociceptive nerve
after long deliberation at a ~ummit meeting of 5-HT aficionados and
delivered. with puff, of white smoke and much celebration, in 1992. It is
summari~ed in Table 12.1. Thb c lru.sification takes into account ~equence excitation/inhibition of central nervous system
data derhed from cloning, signal transduction mechanisms and neurons.
ph3IT!lacological 'iJeCifiCity. llleir diversity is astonishing. Currently. Postulated physiological and pathophysiological roles
there are 15 known receptor \ubtype\ (see Kroeze et al., 2002). lllese are 1nclude:
di,ided into ..even cl:tso;es (5-IIT, _7). one of \\hich (5-HT3 ) is a ligand-
in periphery: peristalsis, vomiting, platelet
gated 10n channel and the remainder G-prmein-coupled receptors
(GPCR\; see Ch. 3). The 'i~ GPCR families are funber subdivided into aggregation and haemostasis, inflammatory
13 receptor I)-pes ba~d on the1r sequence and phannacology. Mo~t mediator, sensitisation of nociceptors and
subtypes are found in all \pecie> ,o far e:r.:unined. but there are wme microvascular control
c~cepuons (5 liT , 8 IS found in mouse but probably does nor exist in in CNS: many postulated functions, including
humans) and the GPCR ~lructures are highly conserved. The most common
control of appetite, sleep, mood, hallucinations,
..econd me,..enger appcan. to be cAMP produced by activation of adenylate
cyclase. but some members (the 5-HT2 subtype) activate phospholipase stereotyped behaviour, pain perception and
r C to generate phospholipid-derived second messengers (see Cb. 3). vomiting.
Clinical conditions associated with disturbed 5-
Tron~gcnic mice lacking ~ome functional members of this receptor family
have been produced (sec for example Bonasera & Tecou. 2000). llle hydroxytryptamine function include migraine,
functional dcticit~ in ~ouch animals are generally quite subtle. suggesting carcinoid syndrome, mood disorders and anxiety.
that these receptors may ~erve to tune, rather than to enable, phys iological 191

T ble 12. 1 The main 5-HT receptor subtypes

Receptor Location Main effects Second m essenger Agonists Antagonists

1A CNS Neuronal inhibition l cAMP 5-CT Spiperone

Behavioural effects: sleep, 8-0H-DPAT Methiothepin
feeding, thermoregulation, Buspirone (PA) Ergotamine (PA)

1B CNS Presynaptic inhibition 1 cAMP 5-CT Methiothepin

Vascular smooth Behavioural effects Ergotamine (PA)
muscle Pulmonary vasoconstriction

10 CNS Cerebral vasoconstriction 1 cAMP 5- CT Methiothepin

Blood vessels Behavioural effects: Sumatriptan Ergotamine (PA)

2A CNS Neuronal excitation t IPJ DAG a-Me-5-HT Ketanserin

PNS Behavioural effects LSD (CNS) Cyproheptadine
Smooth muscle Smooth muscle contraction LSD (periphery) Pizotifen (non-selective)
Platelets (gut, bronchi, etc.) Methysergide
Platelet aggregation

2B Gastric fundus Contraction t IP:IDAG u-Me-5-HT

2C CNS Cerebrospinal fluid secretion t IPJ DAG u-Me-5-HT Methysergide

Choroid plexus LSD

3 PNS Neuronal excitation (autonomic, None -ligand-gated 2-Me-5-HT Ondansetron

nOCICeptive neurons) cation channel Chlorophenyl- Tropisetron
CNS Emesis biguanide Granisetron
Behavioural effects: anxiety

4 PNS (GI tract) Neuronal excitation f cAMP 5-Methoxy- Various experimental

CNS Gl motility tryptamine compounds (e.g.
Metoclopramide GR113808, SB207266)

5 CNS Not known Not known Not known Not known

6 CNS Not known Not known Not known Not known

7 CNS Not known t cAMP 5-CT Various 5-HT2

Gl tract LSD antagonists
Blood vessels No selective agonists No selective antagonists

2-Me-5-HT, 2-methyl-5-hydroxytrypamine; 5-CT, 5-carboxamidotryptamine; 8-0H-DPAT, 8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino) tetraJine; CNS,

central nervous system ; DAG, diacylglycerol; Gl, gastrointestinal; IP3 , inositol trisphosphate; LSD, lysergic acid diethylamide: PA, partial
agontst: PNS, penpheral nervous system; a -Me-5-HT, u -methyl 5-hydroxytrypamine.
' For further details, see Hoyer et al. (1994). The list of agonists and antagonists includes only the better known compounds. Many new
selective 5-HT receptor ligands, known only by code numbers, are being developed.

5- HTJ receptors. The..c occur mainly in the peripheral nervous system. 5-H T4 receptors. Th~ occur m the br:Jin, as well as in periphernl orr.ms
particularly on noc1cepti\e scnsol) neurons (see Ch. 41 J and on ~uch a.'> the gru.trointe~llnaltraet. bladder and heart. Their main phy,io!ogiCi
autonomic and cntenc neurons, where 5-HT exerts a strong excitatol) role appears to be in the gastrOintestinal trnct. where they produce nelll'OO.ll
etTect. 5-HT lll>clf C\Olc~ pain when injected locally: when given excitation and medi:lte the effect of 5-HT in stimulating perist.al~i\.
intr:J\enou~ly, 11 elicit~ a fine di~play of autonomic reflexe~. which result
from c~c 1tation of many type~ of vascular, pulmonary and cardiac sensory
nerve fibre\. 5-HT1 receptor~ also occur in the brain, panicularly in the
area po.1trema, a region of the medulla involved in the vomi ti ng reflex, DRUGS ACTING ON S HT RECEPTORS
and selective 5 II r 1 antagoni~t> are used as antiemetic drugs (see Ch. 25).
5-IIT , receptor; arc exceptional in being directly linked to membrane
Table 12. 1 lists some of the agonists and antagonists for the different
ion channcb (Ch. 3) t1nd cause excitation directly, without involvement receptor types. Many arc only partly selective. The improved
192 of any 'ccond mc;scngcr. understanding of the location and function of the different

pizotiren ) act mainly on 5-HT2 receptors but also block other

5-Hydroxytryptamlne receptors 5-HT receptor<;, as well as a adrenoceptors and histamine
receptors (Ch. 14). Dihydroergotamine and methysergide
There are seven types {5-HT1_7), with further belong to the ergot family (see below) and are used mainly
subtypes of 5-HT, {A-F) and 5-HT2 {A-C). All are for migraine prophylaxis. Other 5-HT2 antagonists are used
G-prote~n-coupled receptors, except 5-HT3 , which 1s to control the symptoms of carcinoid tumours.
a ligand-gated cation channel. S-HT, receptor antagonists (e.g. ondansetron , granisetron,
5-HT1 receptors occur mainly in central nervous tropisetron ) are used as antiemetic drugs (see Cbs 2S and S I),
system {CNS) {all subtypes) and some blood vessels particularly for controlling the severe nausea and vomiting
{5-HT10 subtype). Effects, mediated through inhibition that occurs with many forms of cancer chemotherapy.
of adenylate cyclase, are neural inhibition and S-HT4 receptor agonists, which stimulate coordinated peristaltic
vasoconstriction. Specific agonists include activity (known a:. a ' prokinetic action'), are used for treating
sumatriptan {used 1n migraine therapy) and buspirone gastrointestinal disorders (see Ch. 2S). Metoclopr amide acts
(used in anxiety). Ergotamine is a partial agonist. in this way, although it also affects dopamine receptors. The
Specific antagonists include spiperone and new drug tegaserod is more selective and is used to treat
methiothepin. irritable bowel syndrome.
5-HT2 receptors occur in CNS and many peripheral
sites {especially blood vessels, platelets, autonomic S-l-IT is also important as a neurotransmitter in lhe CNS, and several
neurons). Neuronal and smooth muscle effects are important antipsychotic and antidepressant drugs owe their actions
excitatory. Some blood vessels dilated as a result of to effect~ on these pathways (see Chs 34, 38 and 39). LSD is a
nitric oxide release from endothelial cells. 5-HT2 relatively non-selective S-HT receptor agonist or partial agonist,
receptors act through the phospholipase C/inositol which acts centrally as a potent hallucinogen (see Ch. 42).
trisphosphate pathway. Specific ligands include
lysergic acid diethylamide {LSD; agonist in CNS,
antagonist in periphery). Specific antagonists are
ketanserin, methysergide and cyproheptadine. Ergot alkaloid~ con'>titute a hard-to-classify group of drugs that
5-HT3 receptors occur in peripheral nervous system, have preoccupied pharmacologists for more than a century. Many
especially nociceptive afferent neurons and enteric of them act on S-liT recepton., but not selectively. and their actions
neurons, and in CNS. Effects are excitatory, mediated arc complex and diver!>e.
through direct receptor-coupled ion channels. T Ergot comam~ many active substances. and it was !he study of !heir
Specific agonist is 2-methyi-5-HT. Specific pham1acologic:1l propenies that led Dale to many imponam discoverie\
antagonists include ondansetron and tropisetron. concerning acetylcholine, histamine and catecholamincs. Ergot alkaloids
Antagonists are used mainly as antiemetic drugs but occur naturally in a fungus (Claviceps purpurea) !hat infests cereal
crops. Epidemic;, of ergot poisoning have occurred. and still occur, when
may also be anxiolytic.
contaminated grain is used for food. The symptoms produced include
5-HT4 receptors occur mainly in the enteric nervous mental disturbances and intensely painful peripheral vasoconstriction
system (also in CNS). Effects are excitatory, through leading 10 gangrene. This came to be known in the Middle Ages as
stimulation of adenylate cyclase, causing increased St Alllhony's fire, because it was believed that it could be cu red by a visit
gastrointestinal motility. Specific agonists include to the Shrine of S1 Anthony (which happened to be in an ergot-free region
of France).
metoclopramide {used to stimulate gastric emptying).
Little is known so far about the function and Ergot alkaloids arc complex molecules based on lysergic acid
pharmacology of 5-HTs-7 receptors. (a naturally occurring tctracyclic alkaloid). The important
members of the group (Table 12.2) include various naturally
occurring and synthetic derivatives with different substituent
groups arranged around a basic nucleus. These compounds display
receptor subtypes has. however. caused an upsurge of interest in many different types of pharmacological action, and it is difficult
de\eloping compounds with improved receptor selectivity, and to discern any clear relationship between chemical structure and
useful new drug!> are likely to appear in the near future. pharmacological properties.
Important drugs that act on 5-HT receptors in the periphery
I mclude the following.
Selective 5-HT1A agoni~t!., !>Uch as 8-hydroxy-2-(di-n- Most of the effects of ergot alkaloids appear to be mediated
propylamino) tetra lin (Table 12.1 ). are potent hypotensive through adrenoccptors. S-l-IT or dopamine receptors (Table 12.2),
agents, acting by a central mechanism, but are not used although some effect& may be produced through other
clinically. mechanism!>. All alkaloid1. stimulate smooth muscle, some being
5-HT10 receptor agonists (e.g. sumatriptan) used for treating relatively selective for vascular smooth muscle while others act
migraine (sec below). mainly on the uterus. Ergotamine and dihydroergotamine are,
5-HT2 receptor antagonists (e.g. dihydroergotamine, respectively, a partial agonist <md an antagonist at a adreno-
methysergidc, cyproheptadine, ketan serin, ketotiren, ceplors. Oromocriptine is an agonist on dopamine receptors, 193

T ble 12.2 Properties of ergot alkaloids

Drug 5- HT recept or a Adrenoceptor Dopamine Uterine Main uses Side effects etc.
receptor contraction

Ergotam1ne AntagonisVpartial Partial agonist Inactive ++ M1graine Emesis

agonist (5-HT1} (blood vessels} Vasoconstriction
Antagonist (avoid in peripheral
(other sites) vascular disease}
Avoid in pregnancy

Dihydroergotamine AntagonisVpartial Antagonist Inactive + Migraine (largely Less emesis than

agonist (5-HT1} obsolete} with ergotamine

Ergometrine AntagonisVpartial Weak antagonisV Weak +++ Prevention of

agonist (5-HT1} partial agonist postpartum
(weak} haemorrhage

Bromocriptine Inactive Weak antagonist AgonisVpartlal - Parkinson's disease Emesis

agonist (Ch. 35}
Endocrine disorders
(Ch. 28}

Methylsergide AntagonisVpartial - Carcinoid syndrome Retroperitoneal and

agonist (5-HT~ Migraine (prophylaxis} mediastinal fibrosis

particularly in the CNS (Ch. 28). and methysergide is an antagoniM which considerably restricts its clinical usefulness, is retroperitoneal
at 5-HT2 receptors. and mediastinaJ fibrosis. which impairs lhe functioning of Ilk:
The main phannacologicaJ actions and uses of these drugs are gastrointc!>linal tr1ct. kidneys. heart and lungs. The mechani'm
summari~ed in Table 12.2. As one would expect of drugs with so of this is unknown. but it is noteworlhy that simi lar tibroti.
many actions. their physiological effects are complex and rather reactions also occur in carcinoid syndrome (see below) in which
poorly understood. Ergotamine, dihydroergotamine and methy- there is a high circulating level of 5-HT.
sergide are di~cussed here; further information on er gometrin e
and bromocriptine is given in Chapters 28, 30 and 35.
Vascular effects. When injected into an anaesthetised animal,
ergotamine activates a adrenoceptors, causi ng vasoconstrict ion
and a sustained rise in blood pressure. At the same time, ergolamine Ergot alkaloids
reverses the pressor effect of adrenaline (epinephrine; see Ch. 9).
The vasoconstrictor effect of ergotamine is responsible for the These active substances are produced by a
peripheral gangrene of St Anthony's ftre. and probably also for fungus that infects cereal crops; it is responsible for
some of the effects of er got on the CNS. Melhysergide and occasional poisoning incidents. The most important
dihydroergotamine have much less vasoconstrictor effect. compounds are:
Methysergide is a potent 5-HT2 receptor antagonist, whereas ergotamine, dihydroergotamine, used in migraine
ergotamine and dihydroergotamine act selectively on 5-HT1 ergometrine, used in obstetrics to prevent
receptors. Allhough generally classified as antagonists. they show postpartum haemorrhage
partial agonist activity in some tissues. and this may account for methysergide, used to treat carcinoid syndrome,
their activity in treating migraine attacks (see below). and occas1onally for migraine prophylaxis
Clinical use. The only use of ergotamine is in lhe treatment of bromocriptine, used in parkinsonism and
attacl0. of migraine unresponsive to simple aoaJgesics (see below). endocrine disorders.
M cthysergide is occasionally used for migraine prophylaxis, but Main sites of action are 5-HT receptors, dopamine
its main usc is in treating the symptoms of carcinoid tumours (see receptors and adrenoceptors (mixed agonist,
below). All these drugs can be used orally or by injecti on. antagonist and partial agonist effects).
Un wanted effects. Ergotamine often causes nausea and Unwanted effects include nausea and vomiting,
vomiting, and it must be avoided in patients with peripheral vasoconstriction (ergot alkaloids are contraindicated
vascular disease bccnuse of its vasoconstrictor action. Methyscrgide in patients with peripheral vascular disease).
also causes nausea and vomiting, but its most serious side effect,


In this !>Cction, we discuss two situations in which the peripheral g
actions of 5-HT are believed to be important. name ly migraine
and carcinoid syndrome. Further information may be found in
8 100
llouston & Vanhoutte ( 1986). The usc of 5-HT3 antagonists ~ 50
!!? Headache
in treating drug-induced emesis arc discussed in C hapter 25. Q)
(.) 0 I
\1odulation of 5-HT-mediated transmission in the C S is an
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
tmportaot mechanism of action of antidepressant and ami psychotic Hours
drugs (see Cbs 34, 38 and 39). Fig. 12 .2 Cerebr al blood flow changes during migraine.
(After Olesen et al. 1990 Ann Neurol 28: 791-798.)


Migraine is a common and debilitating condition affecting
10 15% of people, although the causes are not well understood the headache to dilatation in these large mteries. While some
(~ee Moskowitz, 1992; Edvinsson, 1999; Villalon et al., 2003). A studies have shown a uni lateral widening of the middle cerebral
'textbook' migraine attack consists of an initial visual disturbance artery on the same side as the headache sensatio n, others have
(the aura), in which a nickering pallern, followed by a blind spot shown no clear change. Ovemll, the evidence for arterial dilatation
(a 'scintillating scotoma'), progresses gradually across an area as a cause of the headache is controversial (see Thomsen, 1997 ).
of the visual field. This visual distu rbance is followed. about The 'brain' hypothesis (sec Lauriuen. 1987) links migraine to
30 minutes later. by a severe throbbing headache, starting the phenomenon of cortical spreading depression. This is a
unilaterally, often accompanied by photophobia, nausea, vomiting dmmatic although poorly undcn.tood phenomenon, triggered in
and prostration, which lasts for several hours. Jn fact, the visual experimental animaJs by local application of K+ to the cortex and
aura occurs o nl y in abou t 20% of migraine sufferers, although thought to occur in concussion. This causes an advancing wave
many experience other kinds of premonitory sensation. Sometimes of profound neural inhibitio n, which progresses slowly over the
auacks are precipitated by particu lar foods or by visual stimuli, cortical surface at a rate of abo ut 2 mm/ min. ln the depressed
but more often they occur wi thout obvious cause. area, the ionic balance is gro~s l y disturbed, with an extremely
high extracellular K+ concentration, m1d the blood now is reduced.
n Pathophysiology There is ~trong evidence to sugge:.t that the aura phase of a migraine
c Although controversy abounds and opinions vary. there are three attack is associated with a wave of spreading depression, although
h fundamental views of the physiological mechanisms underlying what initiates it remains obscure. However. spreading depression
mtgrnine. linking it to primary events in blood vessels. the brain triggered in animal models does not lead to activation or
or sensory nerves. scnsitisation of trigeminal afferents (Ebersberger et al., 200 I). It
The classic 'vascular' theOI)', first proposed around 50 year:. is now believed that the aum is associated with spreading depression,
ago by Wolff, implicated an initial humorally mediated intracerebral but that this is not a necessary step in the pathogenesis of the
vasoconstriction causing the aura, followed by an extracerebral migraine attack itself.
vasodilatation causing the headache. This venerable hypothesis The 'sensory nerve' hypothesis (see Moskowitz, 1992) proposes
has not. however. been generally supported by more recent blood that activation of trigeminal nerve terminals in the meninges and
flow studies involving non-inva!>ive monitoring techniques in extracranial vessels is the primary event in a migraine attac)...
patients with migraine (see review by Friberg, 1999). Jn episodes This would cause pain directly and will also induce inflammatory
of migraine with aura, there is indeed a biphasic change in changes through the relca'>e of neuropeptides from the o,ensory
cerebral blood flow (Fig. 12.2), with a reduction of 20-30% nerve terminals (neurogenic inflammation; see Chs 16 and 41 ).
preceding the premonitory aura, followed by a highly variable This theory is supported by experiments showing that one '>uch
increase of similar magnitude. However. the headache usually peptide (calcitonin gene-related peptide; see Ch. 16) is released
begins during the initial vasoconstrictor phase, and blood now into the meningeal circulation during a migraine attack.
changes of similar magnitude caused by other factors do not These theories arc summarised in Figure 12.3. Many varian ts
produce symptoms. The vasoconstriction starts posteriorly and of these mechanis ms have been proposed. but it is noteworthy
gradually spreads forwards over the hemisphere, implyi ng a that none can explain at the biochemical level what initiates a
neural rather than a humoral cause. These changes occur only in migraine anack or define the underlying abnormality that
association with an aura and do not occur in the remaining 80% predisposes particular individuals to suffer such attac)..s. In . ome
of migraine sufferers. o con~istent blood flow changes are rare types of familial migraine. inherited mutations affecting
associated with the headache phase itself. calcium channels and Na-K+ ATPase have been found, suggesting
The headache originates not in the brain itself. but in extra- that abnormal membrane function may be responsible, but in
cerebral stntctures lying within the cranial cavity innervated by most forms of migraine there il. no clear genetic cause. Whether
nocicepti ve sensory nerve fibres of the trigeminal pathway, such one inclines to the view that migraine is a vascular disorder, a
as the meninges and large arteries. The vascular theory attributes type of spontaneous conc ussion, an inflammatory disease or just 195

Dilatation of


Sensitisation of
Fig. 12.3 Postulated
pathogenesis of migraine. The
initiating event is uncertain but may
Release of mediators /
be an abnormal neuronal discharge (prostaglandins, kinins, etc.)
Neuropeptide release
( NSAIOs ~
set off by emotional or biochemical
disturbances. This leads to localised / (CGRP,SP)
'spreading depression', which
causes the aura and may also lead Neuroinflammation
to sensitlsation of central pain
pathways. In migraine without aura,
the primary event Is excitation CENTRAL MECHANISMS
(cause unknown) of nociceptive
nerve terminals In the meningeal
Central pain
vessels, leading to the cycle of
sensitisation - - - .
neurogenic inflammation shown in
the upper part of the diagram. 5-HT,
5-hydroxytryptamine; CGRP, Unknown factors
calcitonin genEKelated peptide; NO,
nitric oxide; NSAIDs, non-steroidal
anti-Inflammatory drugs; SP,
substance P.

a bad headache, there are two important factors that implicate

5-HT in its pathogenesi!>.

There i.<. a sharp increase in the urinary excretion of the main

Drugs used for migraine
5-HT metabol ite, 5-l llAA. during the attack. The blood
concentration of 5-1-!T fal ls, probably because of depletion of
Acute attack
platelet 5-HT.
Simple analgesics (e.g. aspirin, paracetamol; Ch. 14)
Many of the drugs that arc effective in treating migraine are
with or without metoclopramide (Ch. 25) t o hasten
5-HT receptor agonists or antagonists. See Figure 12.3 and
the clinical box for further information.
Ergotamine (5-HT10 receptor partial agonist).
Sumatriptan, zolmitriptan (5-HT10 agonists).
Antimigraine drugs
The main drugs used to treat migraine are summarised in Prophylaxis
Table 12.3, and their po!>tulated sites of action are shown in ~-Adrenoceptor antagonists (e.g. propanolol,
Figure 12.3. It is important to distinguish between drugs used m etoprolol; see Ch. 11 ).
therapeutically to treat acute attacks of migraine (appropriate Pizotifen (5- HT2 receptor antagonist).
when the allacks are fairly infrequent) and drugs that arc used for Other 5- HT2 receptor antagonists:
prophylaxis. Apart from 5-HT2 receptor antagonists. the drugs cyproheptadine: also has antihistamine actions
used prophylactically are a mixed bag, and their mechanism of - methysergide: rarely used because of risk of
action is poorly understood. retroperitoneal fibrosis.
Tricyclic antidepressants (e.g . amitriptyline; Ch. 39). 5
Clonidine, an a 2-adrenoceptor agonist (see Ch. 11).
Calcium antagonist s (e.g. dihydropyridines,
Carcinoid l.yndromc (sec Creutzfeld & Stockmann, 1987) is a verapamil; see Ch. 18): headache is a side effect of
rare disorder associated with malignant tumours of enterochromaffin these drugs but, paradoxically, they may reduce
cells, which usually arise in the small intestine and mctastasise to frequency of migraine attacks.
the liver. These tumours secrete a vari ety of chemical mediators:

Table 12.3 Antimigraine d rugs

Use Drug(s) M ode of action Side effects Pharmacokinetic aspects Notes

Acute Sumatriptan 5-HT10 receptor Coronary Poor1y absorbed by mouth, Effective in - 70% of
agonist vasoconstriction, hence delayed response migraine attacks, but
Constricts large dysrhythmias Can be g1ven subcutaneously short duration of action
arteries, inhibits Does not cross blood- is a drawback
trigeminal nerve brain barrier Contraindicated in patients
transmission Plasma half-life 1.5 h w1th coronary disease

Almotriptan As sumatriptan, Side effects less Improved bioavailability and Basically sumatriptan
Eletriptan with additional than with duration of act1on compared lookalikes, with improved
Frovatriptan actions on central sumatriptan with sumatriptan pharmacokinetics and
Naratriptan nervous system Able to cross blood- reduced card iac side
Rizatriptan brain barrier effects

Acute Ergotamine 5-HT1 receptor Peripheral Poorly absorbed Effective, but use limited
partial agonist; vasoconstriction, Sometimes given by by side effects
also affects including coronary suppository, inhalation, etc.
a adrenoceptors vessels Duration of action 12-24 h
Vasoconstrictor Nausea, vomiting
Blocks trigeminal Contracts uterus
nerve transmission and may cause
fetal damage

Prophylaxis Methysergide 5-HT2 receptor Nausea, vomiting, Used orally Effective, but rarely used
antagonisVpartial diarrhoea owing to side effects and
agonist Rarely, but seriously, insidious toxicity
retroperitoneal or
mediastinal fibrosis

Prophylaxis Pizotifen 5-HT2 receptor Weight gain Used orally

antagonist Antimuscarinic
Also muscarinic side effects

Prophylaxis Cyproheptadine 5-HT2 receptor Sedation, weight Used orally Rarely used
antagonist gain
Also bloc ks
histamine rec eptors
and calc ium channels

Prophylaxis Propranolol and r~-adrenoceptor Fatigue Used orally Effective and wid ely used
similar drugs antagonists Bronchoconstriction for migraine
(e.g. metoprolol) Mechanism of
ant1migraine effect
not clear

1. Aspirin-like or opiate analgesic drugs (see Ch. 41) are often used to treat acu1e migraine attacks.
2. Other drugs used for migra1ne prophylaxis include calcium channel blockers (e.g. mfedipine, see Ch. 19), antidepressants
(e.g. amitriptyline, see Ch. 39), valproate (see Ch. 40) and clonidine (Ch. 11 ). The1r efficacy is limited.

5-HT is the most important, but neuropeptides. such as substance of retroperitoneal and mediastinal fibrosis, which are adverse
P (Ch. 16). and other agents, such as prostaglandins and bradykinin effects of methy!>ergide (see above. p. 194). and hence is probably
(Ch. 13). arc also produced. The release of these substances into related to an unknown action of 5-HT.
the bloodstream resul ts in several unpleasant symptoms, The syndrome is readi ly diagnosed by measuring the urinary
including flushing, diarrhoea, bronchoconstriction and hypotension, excretion of the main metabolite of 5-HT, 5-HIAA. Excretion in
which may cause dizziness or fainting. Stenosis of heart valves, the disease may increase 20-fold and is raised even during periods
which can result in cardiac fai lure, also occurs. ll is reminiscent when 01e tumour i~ asymptomatic. 5-HT2 antagonists, such as 197

cyproheptadine. are effective in controlling some of the symptom<> but it i'> now firmly established. ATP is a transmitter in the
of carcinoid syndrome. A complementary therapeutic approach is periphery, both as a primary mediator and as a cotransmittcr in
to u~e octreotide (a long-acting analogue of somatostatin). which noradrenergic nerve terminals (see Bumstock. 1985; Lundberg.
suppresses hormone ~ecret ion from neuroendocrine. including 1996; Khakh, 200 I). The nucleotide is contained in synaptic
carcinoid, cells (see Ch. 28). vesicle~ of both adrenergic and cholinergic neurons, and u
accoums for many of the actions produced by stimulation 01
PURINES autonomic nerve~ that are not caused by acetylcholine or
noradrenaline (see Ch. 9). These effects include the relaxation of
Nucleosides (especially adenosine) and nucleotides (especially intestinal smooth mu1>cle evoked by sympathetic stimulation.
ADP and ATP) produce a wide range of pharmacological effects and contraction of the bladder produced by parasympatheth:
that are unrelated to their role in energy metabolism. lt was shown nerves. Burnstock and his colleagues have shown that ATP
in 1929 that adenosine injected into anaesthetised animals causes is released On nerve Mimulation in a Ca2+-dcpcndcnt fashion,
bradycardia, hypotension, vasodilatation and inhibition of intestinal and that exogenous ATP, in general, mimics the effects of nef\e
movements. Since then, it ha~ become clear that purines participate stimulation in various preparations. Furthcm1orc, the ATP
in many phyl>iological control mechanisms, including the regulation receptor antagonist suramin (a drug developed many yeaf\
of coronary now and myocardial function (Chs 18 and 19), platelet ago for treating trypanosome infections) blocks these synaptic
aggregation and immune responses (Chs 13 and 2 1), and neuro- responses. Recent work has also shown ATP to funct ion as a
transmission in both the central and peripheral nervous system conventionnl 'fast' transmitter in the CNS and in autonomtc
(Chs 9 and 34; for rev iew~. see Illes et a!., 2000; Cunha, 200 I). ganglia (see Kha!Jl, 200 I). ATP is present in all cells m
Figure 12.4 summarises the mechanisms by which purine)) are millimolar concentrations and is released, independently of
released and interconverted, and the main receptor types on exocytosis, if the cells arc damaged (e.g. by ischaemia). ATP
which they act. released from cells is rapidly dcphosphorylated by a range o
The full complexity of purinergic control systems. and their tissue-specific nucleotidases, producing ADP and adeno .. mc
importance in many pathophysiological mechanisms. is only (Fig. 12.-t). both of which produce a wide variety of receptor-
now emerging, and there is no doubt that therapeutic agents mediated effects. Adenosine. produced following hydro!}'"
affecting the~e systems will a~sume growing significance. of ATP. exert~ presynaptic inhibitory effects on the release of
excitatory transmitters in the CNS and periphery.
ATP AS A NEUROTRANSMITTER The role of intracellular ATP in controlling membrane
pota-.sium channels. which is important in rhe control of '"ascular
The idea that ~uch a worladay metabolite as ATP might be a smooth muscle (Ch. 19) and of insulin secretion (Ch. 26). ,,
member of the neurotransmiller elite was resisted for a long time. quite dbtinct from its transmitter function.

Synt hesis
and release
Adenosine k1nase
~ AMP Adenosine

.., Exocytos1s
Fig. 12 .4 Purines as ATP
mediators. ATP (and in platelets, I
ADP) 1s stored in vesicles and I
released by exocytosis. It is also '' : \_ Nucleolldases ) Extracellular
present in the cytosol of all cells,
from which large quantities may be ' , y l 1
ATP ~ ADP~ AMP~ Adenosine
~ conversions
released by cellular damage.
Adenosine is present in the cytosol
of all cells, and is taken up and
released via a spectfic membrane
l l
transporter. Released ATP and ADP
are rapidly converted to adenosine ltgand G-protein-coupled Receptors

l by the action of tissue gated ion receptors


e ADP AND PLATELETS The'e \ubtypes are dif>tinguished on the basis of their agonist and
m antngoni~t selectivity. as well as molecular structure (for recent
rg. The secretory ve!>icles of blood platelets store both ATP and ADP review-.. see von Ki.igelglen & Wetter. 2000: Fredholm ct al.,
tic in high concentrations. and release them when the platelets arc 200 I: Khakh. 200 I). Although there are many experimental
it activated (sec Chs 20 and 21 ). One of the many effects of ADP il> compound<; with varying degrees of receptor selectivity. there arc
of to promote platelet aggregation. ~o thh system provides positive so far few therapeutic agents that act on these receptors, and we
or feedback an important mechanism for controlling this process. will confine this account to some functional aspects that rna}
of as anel>ted by the thempeutic effectiveness of clopidogrel, which give ri~c to therapeutic drugs in the future.
n. \\Orks via amagoni-.m of platelet ADP receptors (Ch. 21, p. 342).
:m. Adenosine receptors
e Adenosine differs from ATP in that it is not stored by, and The main effects of adenosine, and the receptors involved, are as
TP released from, secretory vesicles. Rather, it exists free in the follow.
ar-; cytosol of all celb and is transported in and out of cells mainly
~ic using a membrane transporter. Not much is known about the way Vasodilatation, including coronary vessels (A 2). except in the
a in wh ich this is controlled. Adenosine in tissues comes partly kidney, where A 1 receptors produce vasoconstriction.
ic from this source and partly from extracellu lar hydrolysis of Adenosine infusion causes a fall in blood pressure.
in released ATP or ADP (Fig. 12.4). Inhibition of platelet aggregation (A 2).
of Adcno!>inc produces many pharmacological effects, both in Block of cardiac atrioventricular conduction (A 1) and
rP the periphery and in the CNS (sec Brundege & Dunwiddic, 1997; reduction of force of contraction.
of Cunha. 200 I). Based on its ability to inhibit cell function and Bronchoconstriction, especially in asthmatic subjects (A 1);
ne thus minimise the metabolic requirements of cells. one of its the antiasthmatic effect of m et hylxa n t hines may partly
r- functions may be a<, a protective agent released when tissue reflect A 1 receptor antagonism.
integrity is threatened (e.g. by coronary or cerebral ischaemia; Release of mediator.; from mast cells (A 3): this contribute!> to
'-l!e Ch!> 18 and 35). Under le!>s extreme conditions, variations in bronchocon'>lriction.
adenosine release may play a role in controlling blood flow and Stimulation of nociceptive afferent neurons, especially in the
ne (through effect'> on the carotid bodies) respiration. matching heart (A 2 ): adenosine release in response to ischaemia has
ar them to the metabolic needs of the tissues. been !.uggested as a mechanism of anginal pain (Ch. 18).
... Adenosine is del>troyed or taken up within a few seconds of Carotid body affcrents arc abo stimulated, causing reflex
intravenous administration (as in the treatment of supraventricular hyperventilation.
tachycardias; sec Ch. 18), but longer-lasting analogues have been Inhibition of transmitter release at many peripheral and
discovered that also show greater receptor selectivity. Adenosine central synapses (A 1). ln the CNS. adenosine generally exerts
uptake is blocked by dipy rid a m ole , a vasodilator and anti platelet a pre and postsynaptic depressant action, reducing motor
drug (sec Ch. 2 1). activity, depre!>sing respiration, inducing sleep and reducing
Another area of growing interest is asthma (see Adriaensen anxiety, all of which effects are the opposite of those
and Timmcrmans, 2004). Adenosine has been identified as a produced by mcthylxanthines (Ch. 42).
potentia l mediator of cytokine release from mast cells, of hyper- Ncuroprotcction. in cerebral ischaemia, probably through
reactivity of vagal and other airway neurons, and other actions inhibi tion of glutamate release through A 1 receptors.
that may directly or indirectly contribute to the disease. In general, the A 1 receptor has been characterised as a homeostatic'
receptor with protective functions in many tissues, whereas the
A2 receptor has more specific regulatory functions, especially in
PURINE RECEPTORS the brain. where it i~ widely expressed.
Receptor... for purines, like those for other mediators. have
undergone classification and reclassification several times, but a P2 receptors and actions
rational !>Cherne ha<, now been agreed. There are two main types P2 receptor<, rc~pond to various adenine nucleotides, generally
(see Fredholm ct al., 1994). preferring ATP over ADP or AMP. The role of ATP as a fast
transmitter (sec above) involves Pzx receptors. of which seven
P1 recepton (l>ubtype~ A 1 A 2 and A,). These are G PCRs that
subtypes have been identified. These occur as a variety of mixed
respond to adenosine and are present in many different
(hctcromcric) assemblies (see Khakh, 200 I). Not all their functions
ti~sues. They are linked to stimulation or inhibition of
arc clear, but the following actions are generally agreed.
adenylatc cyclase.
P1 receptors (subtypes Pzx and P 2y, each with several funher P2x 1 receptors arc expressed on various smooth muscle cells.
subdivisions). These respond to ATP and/or ADP. P 2x ATP is a cotran~mittcr released by sympathetic nerve (Ch. II),
receptors are multimeric ionotropie receptors (sec Ch. 3). and P2x 1 receptors are responsible for the initial contraction.
whereas P2y receptors are GPCRs coupled to adenylate P 2x2 receptors are expressed in many brain regions and
cyclase or phosphoinositidc metabolism. mediate 'fast' transmission by ATP in the brain. 199

P2x 1 receptors occur i n nociceptive afferent neurons and may of its short duration of action. Otherwise, adenosine is not used
parti cipate in pai n associated with ATP released rhrough therapeutically, although longer-lasting A 1receptor agonists might
ti s!>ue i nj ury. prove useful in various conditions (e.g. hypertension, ischaem1c
P2x7 receptors are unusual in that activation causes a large hcan disease and stroke). Selective adenosine receptor antagom b
and non-selective increase in membrane permeability. They could also have advantages over t heophylline in the treatment of
are expre~~ed mainly by ceLls of the immune system, and asthma (sec Cb. 23).
they control the release of certain cytokines.

T he other actions of ATP in mammals are mediated through some

Drugs acting on purine receptors
eight subtypes of P2y receptors. These are GPCRs and are linked M ethy lxanthincs, especially analogues of theophy lline (Ch. 23),
to various second messenger systems. They occur in many are A 1/ A 2 receptor antagonists; however, they also incrca!>l:
ti ssues, and the lack of :-electi ve antagonists makes it difficult to cAMP by inhibiting phosphodiesterase, which contribute., to
define their functions individually, although the actions of ADP their pharmacological ac6ons independently of adenosine receptor
on platelets and vascular endothelial ceLls are ascribed to the P2YI antagonism. CNS stimulation by methylxanthines such as caffeine
subtype. Drugs acting selecti vely on P2 receptors have not yet (see Ch. 42) is partly a result of block of inhibitory A 1/A2 receptor'
been developed for clinical purposes. Certain derivatives of theophylline arc claimed to show greater
selectivity for adenosine receptors over phosphodiesterase. p,
receptors are blocked by suramin and the experimental
compound PPADS.
Uses of adenosine Intensive efforts are underway to develop drugs with improved
Because of its inhibitory effect on cardiac conduction, adenosine receptor selectivity for therapeutic purposes. There are many
may be used as an intravenous bolus injection to tenninatc potential applications f or such compounds in different indication,.
<.upraventricular tachycardia (Ch. 18). It is sa fer than altern ative including heart disease, stroke, pain and immunological disordm .
drugs such a~ (3-adrenoccptor antagonists or verapamil , because Probably, their time wi ll come.

Purines mediators

ATP functions as a neurotransmitter (or cotransmitter) Adenosine affects many cells and tissues,
at peripheral neuroeffector junctions and central including smooth muscle and nerve cells. It is not a
synapses. conventional transmitter but may be important as a
ATP is stored in vesicles and released by exocytosis. local hormone and 'homeostatic modulator'.
Cytoplasmic ATP may be released when cells are Adenosine acts through A 1, A2 and A3 receptors,
damaged. It also functions as an intracellular coupled to inhibition or stimulation of adenylate cyclase.
mediator, inhibiting the opening of membrane A 1 and A 2 receptors are blocked by xanthines such as
potassium channels. theophylline. The main effects of adenosine are:
ATP acts on two types of purinoceptor (P2), one of hypotension (A0 and cardiac depression (A1)
which (P2x) is a ligand-gated ion channel responsible inhibition of atrioventricular conduction
for fast synaptic responses. The other (P2v) is coupled (antidysrhythmic effect, A 1)
to various second messengers. Suramin blocks the inhibition of platelet aggregation (A0
P2x receptor. bronchoconstriction (probably secondary to mast
Released ATP is rapidly converted to ADP and cell activation, A3J
adenosine. presynaptic inhibition in CNS (responsible for
ADP acts on platelets, causing aggregation. This is neuroprotective effect, A 1).
important in thrombosis. It also acts on vascular and Adenosine is very short acting and is sometimes used
other types of smooth muscle, as well as having for its antidysrhythmic effect.
effects in the central nervous system (CNS). New adenosine agonists and antagonists are in
development, ma1nly for treatment of ischaemic heart
disease and stroke.

Local hormones,
inflammation and

1mmune react1ons
response acts to protect us, but occasionally it goes
Overview 202 awry, leading to a spectrum of inflammatory
Introduction 202 diseases, and it is under these circumstances that
we need to resort to drug therapy to dampen or
The components of the acute inflammatory
abolish the inflammatory response.
reaction 203
This chapter deals with this inflammatory
-The innate immune response 203
response and its regulation. We outline the
-The adaptive immune response 207
principal features of the twin pillars of the
-Systemic responses tn inflammation 211
inflammatory reaction-the innate and the
-Unwanted inflammatory and immune responses 212 adaptive components-and provide a detailed
The outcome of the inflammatory response 212 description of the pathways involved in their
activation. We then describe the main chemical
Mediators of inflammation and immune
mediators that control the responses, emphasising
reactions 213
their role in disease. This chapter should be read in
-Histamine 213
conjunction with the next, which explains in more
-Eicosanoids 215
detail how anti-inflammatory drugs themselves
-Platelet-activating Factor 219 actually act.
-Bradykinin 220
Unfortunately for the reader, the inflammation
-Nitric oxide 222
literature is rife with acronyms and abbreviations.
- Neuropeptides 222
For this reason, a glossary is provided on p. 224.
-Cytokines 222

When faci ng invasion by disease-causing organisms (pathogen\),
mammals can call on a daunting arsenal of defensive responses,
the deployment of which constitutes the acute inflammatory/
immune reaction. When these defences are defective (as for
OVERVIEW example in AIDS) or are suppressed by drugs, organisms that are
not normally pathogenic can cause opportunistic infection\,
All living creatures are born into a universe that sometimes with fatal consequences. Under other circumstance,,
poses a constant challenge to their physical well- the. e defensive re~ponses may be deployed inappropriately m
being and survival. Evolution, which has equipped response to other sorts of injury. such as that caused by chemical,,
us with homeostatic systems that maintain a stable ultraviolet light or heat, against innocuous foreign substance'
internal environment in the face of changing (e.g. pollen) or against the tissues of the body itself (in autoimmune
external temperatures and fluctuating supplies of conditions). When this happens, the inJlammation itself inflich
food and water, has also provided us with damage and may be responsible for the major symptoms of the
mechanisms for combating the ever-present threat disease-either acutely in (for example) anaphylaxis. or chronicall)
of infection and for promoting healing and in (for example) asthma, rheumatoid arthritis or atherosclerosi,.
restoration to normal function in the event of The~e 'defcn~ive responses' are initiated and regulated by an arra)
injury. In mammals, this vital function is subserved of different mediators released from different cell types, and an
by the innate and acquired (or adaptive) immune understanding of the effects, mechanisms of action and clinical
responses, working together with a variety of usc of drugs that affect the inflammatory and the immune response~
mediators and mechanisms that give rise to what depends on an appreciation of the way in which these cells and
202 we collectively term inflammation. Generally this their mediators act and interact.

THE COMPONENTS OF THE ACUTE The acute Inflammatory reaction

The 'acute inflammatory reaction' occurs in
The acute innammatory reaction has two components:
tissues in response to a pathogen or other noxious
an innate. non-adaptive response. thought to have been substance.
de\eloped early in evolution and presem in some form or It usually has two components: an innate non-
other in most multicellular organisms adapttve response and an adaptive (acquired or
the adapti1e immune response. specific) immunolog tcal response.
These reactions are generally protective, but if
Some aspecb of the innate response are non-immunological.
inappropriately d eployed they are deleterious.
for example the hi!>tamine-induced vascular changes to ultraviolet
The normal outcome of the response is healing w ith
damage, and some reactions of the neutrophil polymorphs. Other
or without scarring; alternatively, if injurious agent
aspects, particularly thol.e that occur in response to an invading
persists, chronic inflammation.
organism. form part of the overall immune response and are
Many of the diseases that require drug treatment
referred to a~ the innme immune response. The innate response is
involve inflammation. Understanding t he action and
act ivated immed iately' after i nfec ti on or injury. A number of
use of anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive
multipurpose defences are automatically put in place, and the
drugs necessitates understanding t he inflammatory
adaptive immune response il> alerted. The innate response al so
has a role in preveming the adaptive response from targeting and
damaging host cells.
The adaptile immune response starts up only after a pathogen
has been reeogni!>ed by the innate system. It comprises a range of
exquisitely pathogen-specific responses, as well as boosting the receptors on tir.~ue maerophages of specific pathogen-associated
actions of the cells and mediators of the innate response. Several molecular panems (PAMP!;) on the microorganism (see Medzhitov
back-up' systems e"bt, such that a pathogen can be neutralised & Janeway, 2000: Brown, 200 I). PAMPs are highly conserved
or killed in . everal way .... components that arc common to entire classes of pathogen (bacteria,
In the discus. ion that follows. we concentrate on the local viru!>es and fungi). They are usually crucial structural components
manifestalions of the acute reaction to an invading organism. The of the pathogen that are critical for its survival and \'irulence.
outline gi\en will. of necessity. be a very general one, but because Example~ of bacterial PAMPs are:

e\'eryone has experienced the innammatory response to a greater peptidoglycan. a con~tituent of the cell wall common to
or lesser degree during their lifetime, all will be broadly familiar virtually all bacteria (!>ee Ch. 45)
\\ ith the redness, swelling, heat and pain that are called the four bacterial lipopolysaccharide. a constituent of the outer
mrdinal signs of inflamnwtion (there is a fifth too: loss of membrane of al l Gram-negative bacteria.
function). The changes occurring within the tissues at this time
can be divided into cellular and vascular events. M ediators are Unlike the antigen receptors on T and B cells that are genemted
generated both from plasma and from cells, and these, in tum. somatically as the T and B cells develop, endowi ng each
modify and regulate the vascular and cellular reactions. lymphocyte clone with a structurally unique receptor, Toll
receptors (TLRs) arc encoded in the host DNA and are expressed
THE INNATE IMMUNE RESPONSE on the surface of 'professional' antigen-presenting cells (APCs),
the dendritic cell!. and macrophages. Interaction of a PAMP with
The innate immune response has usually been rather airily TLRs triggers the dendritic cell or macrophage ro respond
dismi!>scd by most immunologists as being an ancient throw- immediately; imracellular signal pathways activate the production
back that merely provides a temporary holding operation until of the main proinnanunatory cytokine!t (see below) tumour necro~is
the more effective ~pecific adaptive immune response gets going. factor (TNF)-CL and interlcukin (IL)-1. as well as other mediators
In fact, the innate response has a much more significant role in (such a~ prostaglandins and histan1ine) that act on the vascular
host defence. An important initiating event in the innate immune endothelial cells of the po~tcapillary venules, causing expression
response is the recognition by pattern recognition. or Tol/, 2 of adhesion molecules on the intimal surface and an increase in
vascular permeability. This allows exudation, into the extravascular
space. of nuid containing the components of enzyme cascade!>
(Fig. 13.1) that give rise to more inflammatory mediators (e.g.
the chcmotaxin C5a).
'One unmunologi\t referred to the innate re~ponse as the organism's 'knee
w~' re~pon~eto infection. It i'> a good description. White blood cell!> adhere to the endothelial cells through
interactions between their cell surface integrins (see below) and
-1'he<;e transmembrane receptor., were first identified in Drosophila and
adhesion molecu les on endothelial cells. This enables them to
believed to be involved in ~patial organisation of the developing embryo.
Later, it was appreciated that the receptor was also crucial to host defence. migrate out of the vessels, attracted by chemotaxins generated by
The name, which loo~cly tran~lates from Gennan as 'G reat!' or 'Eu reka!', the micro-organisms or as a resull of their interaction with tissues
has remained firm ly attached to the family. (sec Fig. 13.2). Chcmokines released during TLR acti vation play 203

Classical CASCADE Alternative
pathway pathway
.... ------ ~ Plasma fibrinogen - - - - - - + Fibnn
$ ~170~+ C
< /3

---+ ..._..,_ _ _ _)~

CASCADE ---+ \....,_ _ _ _,
Neutral proteases from
'- phagocytic cells ./~
CASCADE ---+ ' Kallikrein .I

'C7-(Bffi"dy~ ~
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - )> :~~~~~n (Vasodilator; Increases vascular (Releases histamine;
permeability; spasmogen;
causes pain; generates
eicosanofds; stimulates @
endothelial NO synthesis) (Opsonin)

(Chemotaxtn; activates
phagocytic cells;
releases histamine)

(Lysis of bacteria)
Fig. 13.1 Four enzyme cascades are activated when plasma leaks out into the tissues as a result of the increased vascular
permeability of inflammation. Factors causing exudation are depicted in Figure 13.2. Med1ators generated are shown in red-bordered
boxes. Complement components are indicated by C1, C2, etc. When plasmin is formed, it tends to increase kinin formation and
decrease the coagulation cascade. (Adapted from Dale et al., 1994.)

an important part in this. (Cytokines and chemoki nes arc tissue, where the products of the invading microorganism trigger
considered on pp. 222-223.) the adaptive phase of the response.
'111e complement system comprises nine major componenh.
designated C I to C9. Activation of the cascade is initiated by
substance~ derived from microorganisms. such as yeast cell wal11
or endotOxins. This pathway of activation is termed the
The initial vascular event<> include dilatation of the small arterioles, alternative pathway (Fig. 13.1) as opposed to the classic path a)
re~uhing in increased blood flow. This is foiJowed by a slowing that i'> dealt with later. One of Lhe main events is the en1ymauc
and eventually stasis of blood, and an increase in the permeability splitting of C3. giving rise to various peptides, one of which, CJc
of the po tcapillary venules with exudation of fluid. The val.o- (termed an anaphylatoxin) stimulates mast cells to secrete funk
dilatation is brought about by mediators including hisramine, chemical mediator.. and can also directly stimulate smooth mu\Cic
prol.taglandin (PG) ~and PGI 2 (prostacyclin) produced by the while CJb (termed an opsonin) attaches to the surface of a micro-
interaction of the microorganism with tissue. some of which act organism, facilirating ingestion by white blood cells. C5a, generated
together with cytokines to increase vascular permeability. enqmatically from C5, also releases mediators from mast celh
The fluid exudate contains the components for four proteolytic and is a powerfully chemotactic attractant and activator of \\hitc
enzyme cascadcl.: the complement system, the coagulation system, blood cells.
the fibrinolytic l>ystem, and the kinin system (see Fig. 13.1 ). The The final components in the sequence, complement-deri\ed
components of th ese cascades are proteases that are inactive in mediators (C5 to C9). attach to certain bacterial membranes, leading
their nalivc form but that are activated by proteolytic cleavage, to lysis. Complement can therefore mediate the destruction of
each activaled component then activating the next. The exudate invading bacteria or damage multicellular parasites; however. il
204 is carried by lymphatics to local lymph glands or lymphoid may sometimes cause injury to the host. The principal enzymes

( PAMPs on the pathogen

1. IL-1 andTNF-a act on ,_ IL-1 , tngger release from
endothelial cells, which ----- TNFa macrophages of IL-1
express adhesion molecules andTNF-a
2 Phagocytes Bacteria
adhere to , I , I
Chernotaxins CSa, LTB4 ,
endothelium ' -' IL-8, PAF, are
generated/released ...
3 Phagocytes
migrate towards , I

bacteria - , I
...and attract neutrophils

4. Phagocytosis of I Opsonins C3b, lgG

bacteria ,
-' l ' - mediate attachment to

5. Killing and digestion Bactericidal mechanisms:

of bacteria ( Granule enzymes
Toxic 0 2 products

Fig. 13.2 Simplified diagram of the initial events in a local acute inflammatory reaction. Recognition by tissue macrophages of
pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) on the pathogen triggers release, from tissue macrophages, of the proinflammatory
cytokines interleukin (IL)-1 and tumour necrosis factor-a {TNF-a). These act on the endothelial cells of postcapillary venules, causing
exudation of fluid and expression of adhesion factors (e.g. selectins, integrins) to which counter-ligands on blood-borne neutrophils
adhere. Subsequent steps are listed in the figure. C5a and C3b, complement components; lgG, immunoglobulin G; LTB4 , leukotriene B.;
PAF, platelet-activating factor.

of the coagulation and fibrinolytic cascades. thrombin and component'> C3a and C5a. Ligands acting at these receptors
pla..\min, can abo activate the cascade by hydrolysing C3, as can trigger mediator relea<,e, as does direct physical damage. One of
en7ymes released from white blood cells. the main 1.ubstanccs released is histamine: others include heparin,
The coagulation system and tllefibrinolytic system are described lcu kotriene~. PGD 2, platelet-activating factor (PAF). nerve
tn Chaptcr21. Factor XII is activated to Xlla (e.g. by collagen), growth factor and some interleukins.
and the end product. fibrin. laid down during a host-patllogen
Polymorphonuclear leucocytes
interaction may serve to limit the extent of the infection. Thrombin
Neutrophil polymorphs are the shock troops of inflammation.
i~ additionally involved in the activation of the kinin (Fig. 13.1 )
and are the first of the blood leucocytes to enter an in named area
and, indirectly, the fibrinolytic systems (sec Ch. 21).
(Fig. 13.2). The whole process is cleverly choreographed: under
The kini11 system is another enzyme cascade relevant to
direct observation, the neutrophils may be seen first to roll along
Inflammation. It yields several mediators, in particular bradykinin
the activated endothelium, then adhere and fina lly migrate out of
(Fig. 13. 1 and sec below).
the blood vessel and into tlle extravascular space. This process is
regulated by the successive activation of different families of
CELLULAR EVENTS adhesion molecules (selectins, intercellular adhesion molecule
LICA M] and integrins) on the inflamed endothelium that engage
Of the cell!> involved in innammation. some (vascular endothelial
corresponding COimter-ligands on the neutrophil, capturing it as
cells. mast cells and tissue macrophages) are normally present
~ it roll!> along the ~urface, stabilising its interaction with the
in tissues, while others (platelets and leucocytes) gain access
c endothelial cells. and enabling it to migrate out of the vessel
from the blood. The lcucocytes are actively motile cells and are
a (using a further adhe!>ion molecule termed PECAM. platelet
of two clas<,es.
tr endothelium adhesion molecule). The neutrophil is attracted to
~. Polymorphonuclear cells (cells witll multilobcd nuclei. also the invading pathogen by chemicals termed chemoraxins. some
1- called granulocytes). which are further subdivided into of \>. hich (such as the tripeptide formyi-Met-Leu-Phe) arc
d newrophils. eosinophils and basophils according to the rclca~ed by the microorganism, whereas otllers, such as CSa. arc
staining properties of granules in their cy1oplasm. Some use produced locally or by local cells such as macrophages (e.g.
e the tenn to refer exclu!.ively to neutrophils. chcmokinc~ such as lL-8).
Mononuclear cells (or cells with single-lobed nuclei), which Neutrophils can engulf, kill and digest microorganisms.
Ll arc subdivided into monocytes and lymphocytes. Together with eosinophils, they have surface receptors for C3b,
g which acts as an opsonin that forms a link between neutrophil
f Mast cells and invading bacterium. (An even more effective link may be
The mast cell membrane has receptors both for a special class of made by antibody; see below.) Neutrophils kill microorganisms
s antibody, immunoglobulin (lg)E. as well as for the complement by generating toxic oxygen products and other mechanisms, and 205

en7ymatic digestion then follows. if the neutrophil is inappropriately muscle (~cc Ch. 17}, vasodilatation, and increased delivery of
activated, the toxic oxygen products and proteolytic enzymes pla.,ma and blood cells to the inflamed area. The endothelial cclb
can cause damage to the host's own tissues. When neutrophib of the po~tcapillary venule!> regulate plasma exudation and thu'
have rclea.,cd their toxic chemicals. they undergo apoptosis and the delivery of pl~ma-dcrivcd mediators (sec Fig. 13.1 ). Va'>Cular
must be cleared by macrophages. It is the live and apoptotic endothelial cells express several adhesion molecules (the ICAM
neutrophil., that constitute 'pus. and '>elect in families: sec Fig. I3.2). a!> well as a ,aricty of receptor\
Eosinophils have similar capacities to neutrophils but arc abo including tho.,e for histamine, acetylcholine and IL-l. In addition
armed '' ith a bauery of substances stored in their granules. to NO. the cell\ can '>ynthesise and release the "asodilator agent
which. when released. kill multicellular parasites (e.g. helminths). PGI ,, the va<,ocon~trictor agent endothelin. plasminogen acti\'atOr
These include eosinophil cationic protein, a peroxidase, the PAF and several cytolinel... Endothelial cells also participate in
eosinophil major bmic protein and a neurotoxin. The eosinophil the angiogenesis that occurs during innammawry resolution,
is con ... idcred by many to be of primary importance in the chronic innammation and cancer (see Chs 5 and 51).
pathogenesis of the late phase of asthma where, it is suggested,
granule protein., cause damage to bronchiolar epithelium (Fig. 23.3). Platelets
Basophils arc very similar in many respects to mast cells. The Platelets are involved primarily in coagulation and thrombotic
basophil content of the tissues is negligible-except in certain phenomena (see Ch. 21) but also play a part in inflammation.
parasitic infections and hypersensitivity reactions-and in health They have low-affinity receptors for lgE, and are believed to
they form only 0.5% of circulating white blood cells. contribute to the first phase of asthma (Fig. 23.3). In addition to
generating thromboxane (TX) A2 and PAF, they can generm~
Monocytes/ macrophages free radicals and prointlammatory cationic proteins. Platelet
Monocytcs arrive in inflammatory lesions several hours after the derived growth factor contributes to the repair processes that
polymorph\. Adhe~ion to endothelium and migration into the follow innammatory responses or damage to blood vessel~.
tissue follow a pattern similar to that of the ncutrophils (sec
above). although monocyte chemotaxis utilises additional Neurons
chemokine.,, ... uch a., MCP- 11 ('"hich. reasonably enough. stands In addition to relaying impulses to the central nenous S}\tcm
for monocyte chemoauractant protein- I) and RANTES (which <C 'S), \Orne ;.,en;.,ory neurons release infiammatory neuropeptide'
\Cry unreasonabl\' !>land!> for regulated on i!Ctivation normal I - when appropriately \timulated. These neurons are fine afferent'
cell Xpres\cd and ~ecreted-immunological nomenclature ha-. (capsaicin-.,en'>itive C and AO fibres) with specific receptor\ at
excelled it,clf here!). their peripheral terminals. Kinins. 5-hydroxytryptamine and other
Once in tiS\Ue!.. blood monocytes differentiate into macrophages chemical mcdiatorl> generated during inflammation act on the"'
(literally 'big eaters. compared with neutrophils. originally called receptors. stimulating the release of neuropeptides such a\ th(
microphagcs or 'liule eaters'). The resultant cell has a remarkable tachykinin., (neurokinin A. substance P) and calcitonin gene
range of abilities. being not only a jack of all trades hut also related peptide (CGRP). The neuropeptides are considered
ma.,tcr of many (see below). During innate reactions, macrophages further in Chapter 16.
bind lipopolysaccharide and other PAMPs using specific cell
surface receptors. This stimulates the generation and release of Natural killer cells
cytokincs and chcmokines that act on vascular endothelial cells. Natural killer (NK) cells arc a specialised type of lymphocyte. In
auract other leucocytes to the area, and give rise to systemic an unusual twist to the receptor concept, NK cells kill target'
manifestations of the inflammatory response such as fever. (e.g. virus-infected or tumour cells) that lack ligands for inhibi((m
Macrophnges engulf tis!>uc debris and dead cells. as well a... receptors on the NK cells themselves. The ligands in question are
phagocyto!.ing and killing most (but unfortunately not all) micro- the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules, and an}
organbm.... When ~timulatcd by glucocorticoids. they secrete cell\ lacking these become a target for NK-cell attack, a mateg)
anncxin-1 (a potent anti-inflammatory polypeptide; see Ch. 28). sometime\ culled the 'mother turkey strategy' .4 MHC protem,
arc expressed on the surface of most host cells and, in simple
Vascular endothelial cells terms. arc specific for that indi\'idual, enabling the NK cell' to
Va\cular endothelial cclb (sec also Cbs 19 and 2 I). originally a'oid damaging host cells. NK cells ha\'e other functions: the)
considered a., p~si'e lining cells. are now known to play an are equipped with Fe receptors and. in the presence of antibod)
ucti\e pan in inflammation. Small aneriole endothelial cells secrete directed again\t a target cell, they can kill the cell by antib(}(l\~
nitric oxide ( 0). causing relaxation of the underlying smooth dependem ce!ltt!ar crtotoxicity.

'Richard Daw kin-. in Rilw out of Eden. citing the zoologi~t Schlicdt.
explain~ that the 'rule ot thumb a mother turkey uses to recognise nest
Humon immunodeficiency viru;- 1 binds to the ~urface CD4 glycoprotein
robber' i' a dbmayingly bnt-.quc one: in the vicinity of the nest, anac~
on monocytc/macrophages but i; able to penetrate the cell only after anything thtll move~ unlc>\ it ma~e' a noi~c like a baby turkey' (quoted b)
206 binding nl~o to MCP I and RANTES receptors. KUrre & Wch.h. 1997).


lb The Innate Immune response
When innammatory cells arc !>timulated or damaged, another
major mediator family. the eicosanoids. are called into play. The innate response occurs immediately on
~1any ami-innammatory drugs act. at least in part, by interfe ri ng injury or infection. It comprises vascular and cellular
with '>ynthe\i'> of eico~anoids. O ther important innammatory elements. Mediators generated by cells or from
mediatOr\ deri\ed from cell\ are hi'>tamine, PAF. 10 , neuropeptides plasma mod1fy and regulate the magnitude of the
and the cytol..ines. response.
or. Tissue macrophages, bearing Toll receptors,
Ill recognise specific pathogen-associated molecular
)ll .
THE ADAPTIVE IMMUNE RESPONSE patterns on the microorganism and release cytokines,
The adaptive immunological response is an immeasurably particularly interleukin (IL)-1 and tumour necrosis
more efficient defe ns ive manoeu vre and highly specific for the factor (TNF)-n, as well as various chemokines.
invading pathogen. A simplified ve rsion will be g iven he re, IL-1 and TNF-u act on local postcapillary venular
tic stressing onl y th ose aspects that are re levant for an understanding endothelial cells, causing:
1n. of dru g ac tion; fo r mo re d etailed coverage. see Janeway vasodilatation and fluid exudation
to et at. (2004). - expression of adhesion molecules on the cell
to T he key cells arc the lymphocytes. of whic h the re are three surfaces.
main groups (see Fig. 13.3): Exudate contains enzyme cascades that generate
bradykinin (from kininogen), and C5a and C3a (from
o 8 ce{{.\ , responsible for antibody production, i.e. the humoral complement). Complement activation lyses bacteria.
immune response C5a and C3a stimulate mast cells to release
o T ce{{.\, which are important in the induction phase of the histamine, wh1ch dilates local arterioles.
immune rcspon.,e and in cell-mediated immune reactions Tissue damage and cytokines release prostaglandin
o NK cells. which arc specialised lym phoid cells that are (PG) 12 and PGE2 (vasodilators) and leukotriene (Ll)
active in the non-immunological. innate response. 84 (chemotaxin).
~l iraculou'>ly. T and B lymphoc) tes harbour antigen-specific Cytokines st1mutate synthesis of vasodilator nitric
rcceptOrl> that recogn ise and react with virtually all foreign oxide, which increases vascular permeability.
protein<. and polyl>accharides that we are Likely to encounter Using adhesion molecules, leucocytes roll on, adhere
during our lifetime. The spccil1c immune re ponse occurs in to and fmally migrate through vascular endothelium
two phases: towards the pathogen (attracted by chemokines,
IL-8, C5a, and LTB4) , where phagocytosis and killing
I. Duri ng the induction phase. antigen is presemed 10 T cells takes place.
by large dendritic ce{{s, and th is is fo llowed by complex
interactions o f those T cells with 8 cells and othe r T cells.
On first contact with an a ntigen (foreign protein or
polysacchari de), the lymphocytes that have ' recognised' it
(by means o f s urface recepto rs speci fi e for that antigen) outline o f the main interactions between ce lls and mediators i'>
undergo clmwl expansion, g iv ing rise to a mass of cells that give n in Figure 13.3.
all have the capacity to recognise and respond to that
particu lar antigen. T hese cells arc eventually responsible fo r
the effector phase of the respon!>e.
2. During the effecror phase. these cells differentiate either Antigenic molecules reach the local lymph nodes through the
into pla.ww ce{{s or into memory ce{{s. The plasma cells lym phatics. A PCs ingeM and process the antigen and present it
produce an tibodies (if they are B cells). or are involved in on their \urface to:
cell-mediated immune re!>poru.es such as activating
uncommitted (naive) CD4 .. T-helper lymphocytes, termed
macrophage'> o r killing viru~-infected host cells (if they are
Th cell\. or T-helper precursor (T hp) cells. in association
T cell\). Other cell\ form an increased population of an tigen-
wi th clas., II MHC molecules (see Fig. 13.4) and/or
'>en!.itive memory cell\. Any subsequent exposure to the
naive Co s T lymphocytes in association wi th class I MHC
antigen calls fonh a greatly enhanced response.
mol ecu l e\. ~
The receptor repertoi re on T and 8 cells is genera ted randoml y
and would recognise self' proteins as well as foreign antigens if
it were not that tolerance to self antigens is acquired during feta l
~he main rca~on thai b difficult to transplant organs such a~ kidney from
life by apoptotic de le tio n of T-cell c lones that recognise the
one pcr,on to another i~ that their re~pective M HC molecules are different.
host's own tissues. Dendritic cells and macrophages involved in Lymphocyte~ in the recipent wi ll react to non-self (al logeneic) MHC
the innate res ponse a lso have a role in preventing harmful immune molecule' in the donor ti,~ue. which is then likely to be rejected by a rapid
reactions against the host's own cells (sec below). A s implified nnd powerful immunologica l reaction.

Induction phase Effector phase

Antigen presentation Clonal expansion and maturation

B ... p
---- ---~ ~ ANTIBODIES

IL-4~ y ~
~ T:2 4 ~ ... B ... p -------~ ~
'\~ v '
'\~/ ThO ,, l..______B_ ._
. ._M_B_ _ Antibody-mediated reactions j


ThO Th1 ... MT
Glucocorticoids 11
~.) I

Th1 m<-activating
---~ (IL-2 and IFNy)
and other
Th1 cytokines

__ -~ Kill virally
infected cells

Fig. 13.3 Simplified diagram of the induction and effector phases of lymphocyte activation with the sites of action of
immunosuppressants. Antigen-presenting cells (APCs) ingest and process antigen () and present fragments () to naive, uncommitted
CD4 T cells in conjunction with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules, or to naive CDS T cells in conjunction with
MHC class I molecules (), thus 'arming' them. The armed CD4' T cells synthesise and express interleukin (IL)-2 receptors and release
this cytokine, which stimulates the cells by autocrine action, causing generation and proliferation of T-helper zero (ThO) cells. Autocrine
cytokines (e.g. IL-4) cause proliferation of some ThO cells to give Th2 cells, which are responsible for the development of antibody-
mediated immune responses. These Th2 cells cooperate with and activate B cells to proliferate and give rise eventually to memory B
cells (MB) and plasma cells (P), which secrete antibodies. Other autocrine cytoklnes (e.g. IL-2) cause proliferation of ThO cells to give
Th1 cells, which secrete cytokines that activate macrophages (responsible for some cell-mediated immune reactions).
The armed cos T cells also synthesise and express IL-2 receptors and release IL-2, which stimulates the cells by aU1ocrine action to
proliferate and g1ve nse to cytotoxic T cells. These can kill virally infected cells. IL-2 secreted by CD4' cells also plays a part in
stimulating CDS' cells to proliferate. Note that the 'effector phase' depicted above relates to the 'protective' action of the immune
response. When the response is inappropriately deployed- as in chronic inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis-the Th1
component of the immune response is dominant and the activated macrophages (m4P) release IL-1 and tumour necrosis factor-a, which
in turn trigger the release of the chemokines and inflammatory cytokines that play a major role in the pathology of the disease.

Fig. 13.4 The activation of aT
cell by an antigen-presenting cell
(APC). A The activation process costimulatory signal
--------- -- -- ~
Involves three stages. (i) Interaction
between the complex of pathogen-
derived antigen () w1th peptide Qj
major histocompatibility complex
(MHC) class II and the antigen- Qj
specific receptor on the T cell. E~ ()
T <Do ~
B (ii) Interaction between the CD4 IJ)Il.
CD4 ~< ....
coreceptor on the T cell and an c 0
MHC molecule on the APC. (iii) A Q)
costimulatory signal from the APC c
to the T cell. The CD4 coreceptor, <
together with a T-cell chemokine
receptor, constitute the main binding
sites for the HIV virus (see Fig. 47.3).

CD4 and CDS arc coreceptors on T lymphocytes that cooperate cello; and is facilitated by Th2 responses. Progression of some
with the main antigen-specific receptors in antigen recognition. diseases is associated with c hanges in the Th I/Th2 balance; for
Macrophages also carry surface CD4 proteins. example, in tuberculoid leprosy, Th I responses predominate, in
Activation of a T cell by an APC requires that severaJ signab /epmmawus leprosy Th2 responses predominate.
pa~s between the two cells (Fig. 13.4; see Medzhitov & Janeway, Understanding the rclationsbjp between T-cell subsets, their
2000). Researching the imeraction between the APC and the T cell respective cytokine profiles and pathological conditions is
may enable u. to exploit these pathways in the treatment of HIY expected to highlight ways to manipulate the immune responses
infection and the therapy of immunologically mediated diseac;e. for di<;casc prevention and treatment. There arc already many
After activation, the T cells acquire IL-2 receptors and experimental models in wruch modulation of the Th lffh2
generate IL-2 il\elf. This cytokine has an autocrine action, balance with recombinant cytokines or cytokine an tagonists
causing proliferation and giving rise to a clone ofT cells termed alters the outcome of the disease.
ThO cells, which, in turn, give rise to two different subsets of
am1ed helper cell~ termed Til I and Th2 cells. The action of specific Th 1 cells and cell-mediated events
interleukins determine!> whether Th I or Th2 cells develop; IL-12 Th I cells produce cytokines ( IL-2. TNF-~ and interferon
favours progre% down the Th I, and IL-4 the Th2. pathway. Each [rFNI-y), which:
sub~et of Th cells then produces its own profile of cytokines,
which control a unique subset of immune responses. The Th I activate macrophages such that tJ1cy phagocytose and kill
pathway mainly controls macrophage- initiated cell-mediated microo rganis ms (such as mycobacteria) that might otherwise
responses, and the Th2 pathway antibody-medjated responses. survive and grow intracellularly
The cyto kines serve as autocrine growth factors for their own stimulate CDS+ lymphocytes to release IL-2 that drives
subset ofT cells and have cross-regulatory actions on the devel- proliferation and the subsequent maturation of the clone into
opment of the other subset. cytotoxic cells that kill virally infected host cells (Fig. 13.3)
inhibit Th2 cell functions (by IFN-y action).
The relationship of Th 1 and Th2 responses to
disease Th2 ce lls and antibody-mediated events
The T-cell sub. et!> are emphasised here because the balance Th2 cell\ produce cytokine<; (IL-4, transforming growth factor
between the function1. of the two sub~ets i important in [TGFJ-B. IL-l 0), which:
Immunopathology. Diseases in which Th I responses are
stimulate 8 cells to proliferate and mature into plasma cells
dominant include insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (Ch. 26),
producing antibodies. particularly IgE, the antibody that fixes
multiple sclerosi\. Helicobacter pylori-induced peptic ulcer
to mast cells and. in the lung. to eosinophils
(Ch. 25), aplastic anaemja (Ch. 22) and rheumatoid arthritis (see
stimulate dijferentilllion and actimtion of eosinophils
Ch. 14 ). Th I responses are aJso implicated in aJlograft rejection
inhibit Tit /-cell functions. i.e. the activation of inflammatory
(i.e. rejection of grafts between individuals of the same species),
cells and the cell-mediated reactions produced by Th l
although, interestingly, conversion of these Th I responses to Th2
cytokincs. For this reason, these cytokines are often thought
responses at the maternal/fetal interface prevents rejection of the
of as anti-innammatory.
fetus, which is a sort of foreign 'allograft'.
Th2 responses predominate in allergic conditions such as The induc tio n of antibody-mediated res ponses varies with the
asthma (Ch. 23). AIDS progression is associated with loss ofTh I type of antigen. With most antigens. a cooperative process between 209

Th2 cell., and B cells is necessary to produce a response. B cells respon<.c to a particular pathogen, because the antigcn-antibod)
can also present antigen to T cells that then release cytokines reaction that initiates it is not only a highly specific recognition
that act on the B cell. The anti-inflammatory glucocorticoids event but also occur<> in close association with the pathogen
(sec Chs 14 and 28) and the immunosuppressive drug ciclospo ri n The lytic property of complement can be used therapeuticall}
(sec Ch. 14) affect the events at the stage of induction. The cytotoxic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and complement together can be
immuno.,uppres\ivc drugs (sec Ch. 14) inhibit the proliferation of u~ed to clean bone marrow of cancer cells as an adjunct to
both B and T celb. Eicosanoids are believed to play a part in chemotherapy or radiotherapy (see Ch. 51). Complemen1 l}~i' ''
controlling these processes. For example. prostaglandins of the E a lso implicated in the action of antilymphocyte immunoglobulin.
serie., inhibit lymphocyte proliferation. probably by inhibiting
Antibodies and the phagocytosis of bacteria
the release of IL-2.
When antibodic:. arc attached to their antigens on micro-organism'
by their Fab portions, the Fe domain is exposed. Phagoc)tll
THE EFFECTOR PHASE cells (neutrophi Is and macrophages) have receptors on their
mcmbranc11 for these projecting Fe portions. Antibodies thu>
The effector phase may be antibody- or cell-mediated. The fo rm a very specific link between microorganism and phagocyt~
antibody-me diated (humora l) response is effective in the that ill more effective than C3b as an opsonin in facilitating
extracellular nuid, but antibodies cannot neutralise pathogens phagocytosis (see Fig. 13.2).
within cells. Cell-med iated immune mechanisms hnve evolved to
deal with this problem. Antibodies and cellular cytotoxicity
In some cases, for example with parasitic worms, the invader
The antibody-mediated (humoral) response may be too large to be ingested by phagocytes. Antibody molecule'
There arc fhe classes of antibody- IgG. IgM, IgE, IgA and can form a lin!.. between parasite and the host's white celh (in
!gO-which differ from each other in certain structural respects thil> case, eo<,inophils), which are then able to damage or kill th~
(sec Janeway et al., 2004). All are y-globulins (immunoglobulins) parasite by surface or extracellular actions. NK cells in conjunctiOn
and ge nerally have two functions: with Fe receptors can also kill antibody-coated target cells tan
example of antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytoxicity).
to recogni\e and interact specifically with antigens, i.e.
protein\ or polysaccharides foreign to the host Antibodies and most cells or basophils
to acti,ate one or more further components of the host's Ma<,t celb and basophils have receptors for IgE, a particular form
defence sy\tems. of antibody that can attach ('fix') to their cell membranes. Whc:n
antigen reacts with this cell-fixed antibody, a whole panopl) of
The amigen may form part of an invading organism (e.g. the coat pharmacologically active mediators is secreted. This \el)
of a bacterium) or be released by such an organism (e.g. a bacterial complex reaction is found widely throughout the animal kingdom
toxin), or it may be a substance introduced experimentally in the and is unlikely to have been developed and retained during
laboratory to study the immune response (e.g. the injection of evolution unless it offered clear survival val ue to the host. Ha\ ing
egg a lbumin into the g uinea pig). An antibody is a Y-shaped said that, its precise biological s ig nificance is not entire ly clear,
protein molecule in which the arms of theY (the Fab portions) although it may be of importance in association with eosinophil
arc the recognitio n sites for specific antigens, and the stem of the activity as a defence against parasitic worms. When inappropriate!}
Y (the Fe portion) activates hos t defences. The B cells that arc triggered by substances not inherently damaging to the host, it i1
responsible for antibody production recognise foreign molecules implicated in certain types of allergic reaction (see below) and
by mean!> of surface receptors that are essentially the apparently contributes more to iUness than to survival in the
immunoglobulin that that B-cell clone will eventually produce. modern world.
Mammals possess a vast number of B-ceJJ clones that produce
different antibodies with recognition s ites for diffe re nt antigens. The cell-mediated immune response
As you might guess, the ability to make antibodies has huge Both cytotoxic T cell!. (deri ved from CD8+ cells) and inflam-
survival value; children born without this ability c;uffer repeated matory (cytokine-rclcasing) Thl cells are involved in cell-mediated
infections such as pneumonia, skin infections and tonsillitis. rc<,ponsc~ (;.,ee Fig. 13.3). They enter inflammatory lesions 10 d
Before the days of antibiotics. they died in early childhood. and similar manner to neutrophils and macrophages, namely by imer
even today they require regular replacement therapy with action between adhesion molecules on the endothelial cell and the
immunoglobulin. Apart from their ability to neutralise pathogens, lymphocyte and attraction to the inflammatory site by chemolinc:'.
antibodies can boo~t the effectiveness and specificity of the host's
defence reaction in several ways. Cytotoxic T cells
Anncd cytotoxic T cells kill intracellular micro-organisms such
Antibodies and the complement sequence as vin1scs. When a virus infects a mammalian cell, there are t\\O
Formation of the antigen-antibody complex exposes a binding aspects to the resulting defe nsive response. The first step i'> the
site for complement on the Fe domain. This activates the comp- expression on the cell surface of peptides derived from the
lement sequence a nd sets in train its attendant biological e ffects pathogen in association with MHC molecules. The second step i1
(see Fig. 13. 1). This route to C3 activation (the classic pathway) the recognition ofthc pcptidc-MHC complex by specific receptors
provides an especially selective way of activating complement in on cytotoxic (CD8+) T cells (Fig. 13.4 shows a s imilar process for

d} a CD4+ T cell). The cytotoxic T cells then destroy virus-infected

The adaptive response
cells by programming them to undergo apoptosis. Cooperation
!n. with macrophage'> may be required for killing to occur.
1}: The adaptive (specific, acquired)
be Mocrophoge-octivoting CD4+ Th 1 cells immunological response boosts the effectiveness of
to Some pathogen\ (e.g. mycobacteria. listeria) have evohed the 1nnate responses. It has two phases, the
is strategies for sumving and multiplying within macrophages induction phase and the effector phase, the latter
in. after ingeqion. Anned CD4+ Thl cells release cyrokines that cons1stmg of (i) antibody-mediated and Oi) cell-
activate macrophages to kill these intracellular pathogens. Th I mediated components.
celb abo recruit macrophages by releasing cytokines that act on During the induction phase, naive T cells bearing
ns either the CD4 or the CDS coreceptors are presented
vascular endothelial cclb (e.g. TNF-a) and chemokines (e.g.
tic with antigen, triggering proliferation:
macrophage chemotacti c factor- !) that attract the macrophagcs
ei r COS-bearing T cells develop into cytotoxic T
to the site., of infection.
IUS cells that can kill virally infected cells
A complex of microorgani~m-derived peptidcs plus MHC
1te C04-bearing Th cells are stimulated by cytokines
molecules i~ expressed on the macrophage surface and is recognised
ng to develop into Th1 or Th2 cells
by cyto kinc-rc lcasing Th I cells, which then generate cytokincs
that enable the mac rophage to de ploy its killing mec hanisms. Th2 cells control antibody-mediated responses by
Activated macrophage!. (wi th or without intracellular pathogens) stimulating B cells to proliferate, giving rise to
arc factories for the production of chemical med iators, and can antibody-secreting plasma cells and memory cells
les genera te and !.ecrete not o nl y many cytokincs but also toxic Th1 cells develop into cells that release cytokines
(i n oxygen mewbolites and neutral protea~es that kill extracellular that activate macrophages; these cells, along with
he organism'> (e.g. Pneumo(-ysti.l carinii and helminths). com- cytotoxic T cells, control cell-mediated
on plement components. eicosanoids. 0. a fibroblas t-stimulatin g responses.
an factor. pyrogens and the tissue factor' that initiates the extrinsic The effector phase depends on antibody- and cell-
pathway of the coagulation cascade (Ch . 21 ). as well as various mediated responses.
other coagulation factors. They are also important in the repair Antibodies provide:
proce.,ses that mu'>t occur for inflammation to resolve. Among more selective complement activation
the cytol..ines '>ecrctcd i'> lL-12. which has a positive feedback more effective pathogen phagocytosis
en more effective attachment to multicellular
effect. driving the development of further Thl cells. It i!>
of paras1tes, facilitating their destruction
primarily the cell-mediated reaction that is responsible for
ry direct neutralisation of some viruses and of some
allograft rejection.
1111 bactenal toxins
The specific cell-mediated or humoral immunological response
ng Cell-mediated reactions involve:
i~ superimposed on the non-\pecific vasc ular and cellular reactions
ng cos cytotoxic T cells that kill virus-infected cells
described previou~ly. making them not only markedly more
ar. cytokine-releasing co4 T cells that enable
effective but much more selective for partic ular pathogens. An
hi! macrophages to kill intracellular pathogens such
important as pect o f the specific immunologica l response is that
:ly as the tubercle bacillus
the clone of lymphocytes that arc programmed to respond to
is memory cells primed to react rapidly to a known
an antigen is greatl y expa nded after the first contact with the
nd antigen.
organism and now contains memory cells. These changes cause a
he Inappropriately deployed immune reactions are
greatly acce lerated and more effective response to subseq uent
antigen expo~urc. In r-ome cases. the response is so rapid and termed hypersensitivity reactions.
efficient that. after one exposure. the pathogen can never gain a Anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive drugs are
foothold again. Immunisation procedures make use of this fact. used when the normally protective inflammatory
m- and/or tmmune responses escape control.
TI1e general event\ of the inflammatory and hypersensitivity
reaction-, 'pecified above vary in some tissues. For example, in
1 a
the aimay inflammation of a:.thma. eosinophils and neuro-
peptides play a particularly :.ignificant role (see Ch. 23). ln CNS
mtlammation. there b le!>!. neutrophil infiltration and monocyte
mtlux is delayed. po~'>ibly becau!>e of lack of adhesion molecule
e\pression on C S vascular endothelium and deficient generation
ch of chemotaxins. It ha~ long been known that some tissues-the In addition to the local change!> in an inflammatory area, there
o\'0 CNS parenchyma. the anterior chamber of the eye. and the are often general systemic manifel>tations of inflammatory
llc testi.,-arc prilileged sites. in that a foreign antigen introduced disea~e. including fever. an increase in blood leucocytes tenned
llc directly does not provol-..e an immune reaction. However, intro- leucocytosis (or newmphilia if the increase is in the neurrophils
I IS duction e lsewhere of an antigen already in the CNS pare nc hy ma only ). and the re lease from the liver of acute-phase proteins.
)rs wi ll tri gger the development of immune/inflammatory responses These inc lude C-rcactivc protein. a 2-macrogtobul in. fibrinogen.
for in the CNS. a 1-anLitrypsi n and some complement components. While the 2 11

function of many of these components is still a mauer of Type Ill: complex-mediated hypersensitivity
conjecture. they all seem to have antimicrobial actions. C-reactive Type Ill hypersensitivity occurs when antibodies react with soluble
protein, for example, binds to some microorganisms, and the antigens. The antigen-antibody complexes can activate complement
re~ulting complex activates complement. Other proteins ~cavenge or auach to maM cells and stimulate the release of mediators.
iron (an cssemial nutrient for invading organisms) or block
T An ex pen mental example of thi\ is the Anhus reaction that occur.. at" a
protea~e'>, perhap protecting the host against the worst excesses
foreign protein is injected subcutaneously into a rabbit or guinea pig" uh
of the inflammatory response. Cortisol is also increased and high circulating concentrations of antibody. Within 3-8 hour.., the area
exerts an important counter-regulatory effect on the inflammatory become~ red and ;wollen because the antigen-antibody compte\e'
respon<,e (see Chs 14 and 28). precipitate in \mall blood ve;,els and activate complement. Neutrophil'
are :mracted and acti\ated (by C5a) to generate toxic oxygen ~pecte\ and
to secrete cn1ymes.
Mast cells are also stimulated by C3a to release mediators. Damage
caused by this process is involved in serum sickness, cau~ed
The immune response ha~ to strike a delicate baJance. According when antigen persists in the blood after sensitisation causing a
to one school of thought, an infection-proof immune system severe reaction, as in the response to mouldy hay (known as
would be a possibility but would come at a serious cost to the farmer's lung), and in certain types of autoimmune kidney and
host. With approximately I trillion potential antigenic sites in arterial disease. Type rn hypersensitivity is also implicated in
the host, such a 'superimmune' system would be some 1000 times lupus erythematosus (a chronic, autoimmtUle inflammatory disease).
more likely to allack the host itself, triggering autoimmune
diseal>c. In practice, therefore, it is not uncommon to find that Type IV: cell-mediated hypersensitivity
innocuous substances such as pollen. or the host's own tissues, The prototype of type IV hypersensitivity (also known as delayed
sometimes inadvertently activate the immune system; when this hypersensitivity} is the wberculin reaction, a local inflammatol)
occur~. anti-inflammatory or immunosuppressive therapy may response seen when proteins derived from cultures of the tubercle
be required. Unwanted immune responses, termed allergic or bacilluc; are injected into the skin of a person who has been sensitised
hypenemitil'ity reactions, have been classified into four types by a previous infection or immunisation. An 'inappropriate' cell-
(Janeway et al., 200-l ). mediated immune response is stimulated, accompanied b)
infiltration of mononuclear cells and the release of variou'
Type 1: immediate or anaphylactic cytokines. Cell-mediated hypersensitivity is also the basis of the
hypersensitivity reaction seen in some other infections (e.g. mumps and measle\).
Type I llypenen.\itility (often known simply as 'allergy') occurs as well as with mosquito and tick bites. It is also important m
in individuab who predominantly exhibit a Th2 rather than a Th I the skin reactions to drugs or industrial chenticaJs (see Ch. 53),
response to antigen. In these individuals, substances that are not where the chemical (termed a hapten) combines with protein~ in
inherently noxiOU!, (such as grass pollen, house dust mites, certain the skin to fonn the 'foreign' substance that evokes the ceU-mcdiated
foodstuffs or drugs. animal fur and so on) provoke the production immune response (Fig. 13.3). Other examples of cell-mediated
of antibodies of the lgE type. These fix on mast cells, in the lung, hypersensitivity arc rheumatoid arthritis (Ch. 14), multiple
and aJso to eosinophils. Subsequent contact with the material sclerosis and type I (insulin-dependent) diabetes (Ch. 26).
causes the release of histamine, PAF, eicosanoids and cytok.ines. In essence, inappropriately deployed T-cell activity underlies all
The effects may be localised to the nose (hay fever), the types of hypersensitivity, initiating types I, II and lll, and being
bronchial tree (the initial phase of asthma), the skin (urticaria) or involved in both the initiation and the effector phase in type IV.
the gastrointestinal tract. Tn some cases. the reaction is more These reactions are the basis of the clinically important group
generalised and produces anaphylactic shock, which can be severe of autoimmune diseases. immunosuppressive drugs (Ch. 14)
and life-threatening. Some important unwanted effects of drugs and/or glucocorticoids (Ch. 28) are routinely employed to treat
include a11aphyla('(ic hyperse11sitility responses (sec Ch. 53). such di~orders.

Type II: antibody-dependent cytotoxic

Type II h\'persensirility occurs when the mechanisms outlined RESPONSE
above are directed against cells within the host that are (or appear
to be) foreign. For example, host cells altered by drugs are After outlining the specific immune response, we need to return
sometime-. mistaken by the immune system for foreign proteins to a consideration of the locaJ acute inflammatory response that
and evoke antibody formation. The antigen-antibody reaction occurs at the site of the host-pathogen interaction. It should no11
triggers complement activation (and its sequelae) and may promote be clear that this comprises an innate, immunologically non
attack by NK cells. Examples include alteration by drugs of specific component together with a variable involvement of the
neutrophib, leading to agranulocytosis (see Ch. 53), or of platelets, 1.pecific immunological response (either humoraJ or cell-mediated).
leading to thrombocytopenic purpura (Ch. 21 ). These class II The degree to which the latter is implicated depends on several
reaction!> are also implicated in some types of autoimmune factors, such as the nature of the pathogen and the infected organ
212 thyroidit is (e.g. Hashimoto's disease; see Ch. 29). or tissue.

It is important not to lose sight of the fact that the inflammatory Synthesis and storage of histamine
response i~ a defence mechanism and not, ipso facto. a disease. Histamine i~ a basic amine formed from histidine by histidine
Its role is to restore normal strucrure and function to the infected decarboxylase. It ic, found in most tissues but is present in high
or damaged tissue and, in the vast majority of cases, this is what concentration'> in the lungs and the skin, and in particularly high
happens. The healing and resolution phase of the inflammatory concentration!> in the gastrointestinal tract. At the cellular level. it
response is an active process and does not simply 'happen in the i~ found largely in mast cells (approximately 0.1-0.2 pmoVccll)
absence of further inflammation. This is an area that we are just and basophils (0.0 I pmoVcell), but non-mast cell histamine occurs
beginning to understand, but it is clear that it utilises its own unique in 'histaminocytes' in the stomach and in histaminergic neurons
palette of mediators and cytokines (including various growth factors, in the brain (see Ch. 34). In mast cells and basophils, histamine
annellin-A I, lipoxin and IL-l 0) to terminate residual inflammation i~ complexed in intracellular granules with an acidic protein and
and to promote remodelling and repair of damaged tissue. a high-molecular-weight heparin tem1ed macroheparin.
In some case!>, healing will be complete, but if there has been
damage (death of cells, pus formation, ulceration) repair is usually Histamine re lease
necessary and may result in scarring. Tf the pathogen persists, the Histamine is released from mast cells by exocytosis during
acute response is likely to transform into a chronic inflammatory innammatory or allergic reactions. Sti muli include C3a and C5a
response. This is a slow, smou lderi ng reaction that can conti nue that interact with specific surface receptors, and the combi nation
indefinitely, destroying tissue and promoting local pro liferation of antigen with cel l-fixed lgE an tibodjes. ln common with many
of cells and connective tissue. The principal cell types found in secretory procc!>ses (Ch. 4), histamine release is initiated by a
areas of chronic inflammation are mononuclear ceUs and abnormal rise in cytosolic Ca 2+. Various basic drugs, such as morphine and
macrophage-derived cells. During healing or chronic inflammation, tubocurarine, release histamine through a non-receptor action.
growth factors trigger angiogenesis and cause fibroblasts to lay Agents that increase cAMP formation (e.g. ~-adrenoceptor
down fibrou1> tis~ue. Infection by some microorganisms, such as agonists; sec Ch. I I) inhibit histamine secretion. Replenishment
syphilis, tuberculosis and leprosy, bears the characteristic hall- of secreted histamine by mast cells or basophils is a slow process,
marks of chronic inflammation from the start. The cellular and which may take days or weeks, whereas n1mover of histamine in
mediator components of this type of inflammation are also seen the gaMric hiMaminocyte is very rapid. Histamine is metabolised
in many, if not most, chronic autoimmune and hypersensitivity by histaminase and/or by the methylating enzyme imida:.ole
di~eases, and are important targets for drug action. N-methyltransferase.


IMMUNE REACTIONS Histamine acts on specific receptors that may be distinguished by
means of selective antagonist drugs. Some details relating to the
Soluble mediators, many of which may be regarded as local four main types of histamine receptor, all of which are implicated
honnones, play a key (if sometimes mysterious) role in the in the inflammatory response (see Gutzmer et al., 2005, for a
orchestration of the inflammatory response. A 'mediator' is review), arc given in Tables 13. I and 13.2. Selective antagonists
operationally defined as a substance that fulfils a set of criteria at H 1, H2 and H 3 receptors include mepyramine, cimetidine and
generally modelled on the original suggestions of Sir Henry Dale thioperamidc, respectively. Selective agonists for H 2 and H 3
in 1933. A modified version, more applicable to the field today, receptors arc, respectively, dimaprit and (R)-methylhistamine.
was considered by Dale ( 1994 ). The principal mediators of Histamine 11 1 antagonists are the principal antihistamines used
pharmacological significance will be described below. in the treatment of inflammation (notably rhinitis). Other clinjcal
uses of ~ubtype antagonists may be found in Chapters 14, 25 and 34.
HISTAMINE Gastric secretion
In a classic tudy, Sir Henry Dale and his colleagues demonstrated Histamine ~timulates the secretion of gastric acid by action on H 2
that a local anaphylactic reaction (a type I or 'immediate hyper- receptors. In clinical terms, this is the most important action of
sen~itivity reaction'; see above) was caused by antigen-antibody histamine. because it is implicated in the pathogenesis of peptic
reactions in sensitised tissue, and found that histamine mimicked ulcer. It is considered in detail in Chapter 25.
this effect both in vitro and in vivo. The first generation of
Smooth muscle effects
antihistamine drugs was discovered by Bovet and colleagues. but
Hi!>tamine, acting on H 1 receptors, contracts the smooth muscle
careful quantitative studies by Schild suggested that there were in
of the ileum, bronchi, bronchioles and uterus. The effect on the
fact two types of histamine receptor in the body. Contemporary
ileum i'> not as marked in humans as it is in the guinea pig (this
antihistamine<, affected only one type, the H 1 receptors, and
tissue remains the de facto standard preparation for histamine
were without action on the second group of H2 receptors, which
bioa~say). Histamine reduces air flow in the first phase of bronchial
were important in gastric acid secretion. Utilising Schild's
asthma (see Ch. 23 and Fig. 23.3).
classification. Black and his colleagues developed the second
generation of ami histamine drugs, the H2 receptor antagonists. Cardiovascular effects
A third subtype of histamine receptor, the H3 receptor, was Histamine d ilates human blood vessels by an action on H 1
receptors, the effect being partly e ndothelium-dependent in some 21 3
cloned in 1999, and the H4 receptor in 200 I (Zhu et al., 200 I).

Table 13.1 Details of some agonist drugs used to define the three types of histamine receptor

Drug Relative activity in vitro

H 1 receptors H2 receptors H3 receptors

(ileum contraction) (stimulation of atrial rate) (histamine release from brain tissue)
Histamine 100 100 100

Dimaprit < 0.0001 71 0.0008

(R)-u-Methylhistamine 0.49 1.02 1550

(Data derived from Black J Wet al. 1972 Nature 236: 385-390; Ganellin C A 1982 In: Ganellin C A, Parson ME [eds] Pharmacology of
histamine receptors. Wright, Bristol, pp.11-1 02; Arrang J M et al. 1987 Nature 327: 117-123; van der Werf J F, Timmerman H 1989 Trends
Pharmacal Scl10: 159-162.)

Table 13.2 Details of some antagonist drugs used to Hlatamlne

define the three types of histamine receptor
Histamine is a basic amine, stored in mast cell
Drug Binding constant (K 8 ; moVI) and basophil granules, and secreted when C3a and
C5a interact with specific membrane receptors or when
Mepyramine 0.4 X 109 antigen interacts with cell-fixed immunoglobulin E.
Histamine produces effects by acting on H, H2 or H3
Cimetidine 4.5 X 10' 0.8 X 106 (and possibly H 4) receptors on target cells.
The main actions in humans are:
Thioperamide > 10' 4.3 X 109
stimulation of gastric secretion (H~
(Data derived from Black J W et al. 1972 Nature 236: 385-390; contraction of most smooth muscle, except blood
Ganellin C R 1982 In: Ganellin C A, Parson ME [eds) vessels (H 1)
Pharmacology of histamine receptors. Wright, Bristol, pp. 11-1 02; cardiac stimulation (H 2)
Arrang J M et al. 1987 Nature 327: 117-123; van der Werf J F. vasodilatation (H,)
Timmerman H 1989 Trends Pharmacal Sci 10: 159-162.)
increased vascular permeability (H 1).
Injected intradermally, histamine causes the 'triple
response' : reddening (local vasodilatation), weal
(direct action on blood vessels) and flare (from an
vascular beds. It also increases the rate and the qutput of the heart 'axon' reflex in sensory nerves releasing a peptide
by action on cardiac H2 receptors. mediator).
When injected intradermally, histamine causes a reddening of The main pathophysiological roles of histamine are:
the skin, accompanied by a weal with a surrounding flare. This i s as a stimulant of gastric acid secretion (treated
the triple response described by Sir Thomas Lewis over 50 years with H2 -receptor antagonists)
ago. The reddening renects vasodilatation of the small arterioles as a mediator of type I hypersensitivity reactions
and precapillary sphincters, and the weal the increased permeability such as urticaria and hay fever (treated with H 1-
of the postcapillary venulcs. These effects are mainly mediated receptor antagonists).
through activation of H 1 receptors. The flare is an axon reflex: H3 receptors occur at presynaptic sites and inhibit
stimulation of sensory nerve fibres evokes antidromic impulses the release of a variety of neurotransmitters.
through neighbouring branches of the same nerve, releasing
vasodilators such as CGRP (see Chs 14 and 16).

Itching occurs if histamine is injected into the skin or applied to
a blister base, because it stimulates sensory nerve endings by an
histamine H 1 antagonists do not have much clinical utility in the
H1-dependent mechanism.
acute inflammatory response per se, because other mediator~ are
Central nervous system effects more important. Histamine is, however, significant in type I
Histamine is a transmitter in the CNS (Ch. 34). hypersensitivity reactions such as allergic rhinitis and urticaria.
Despite the fact that histamine release is evidently capable of The usc of H 1 antagonists in these and other conditions is dealt
214 producing many of the innammatory signs and symptoms, w ith in Chapter 14.

EICOSANOIDS for example the lipoxins, are also produced. (The term
prostanoid will be used here to encompass both prostaglandins
Unlike histamine, eicosanoids are not preformed in cells but are and thromboxanes.)
generated from phospholipid precursors on demand. They are In most instances, the initial and rate-limiting step in
implicated in the control of many physiological processes, and eicosanoid synthesis is the liberation of aracbidonate, either in
are among the most important mediators and modulators of the a one-step process (Fig. 13.6) or a two-step process (Fig. 13.7),
mflammatory reaction (Fig. 13.5). from phospholipid-; by the enzyme phospholipase A 2 (Pl.A 2 ).
Interest in eicosanoids arose in the 1930s after reports that Several pecies exist, but the most important is probably the
semen contained a lipid substance that contracted uterine smooth highly regulated cytosolic Pl.A 2 This enzyme generates not only
muscle. The substance was believed to originate in the prostate, arachidonic acid (and thus eicosanoids) but also lysoglyceryl-
and was saddled with the misnomer prostaglandin. Later, it became phosphorylcholine (lyso-PAF), the precursor of platelet
clear that prostaglandin was not a single substance but a whole activating factor, another inflammatory mediator (sec Figs 13.5
family of compounds that could be generated from 20-carbon and 13. 10).
unsaturated fatty acids by virtually all cells. Cytosol ic PLA 2 is activated (and hence arachidonic acid
liberated) by phosphorylation. T his occurs i n response to signal
Structure and biosynthesis transduction events triggered by many stimuli, such as thrombin
In mammals, the main eicosanoid precursor is arachidonic acid action on platelets, C5a on neutrophils, bradykinin on fibroblasts,
(5,8, II , 14-eicosatetraenoic acid), a 20-carbon unsaturated fatty and antigen- antibody reactions on mast cells. General cell damage
acid containing four double bonds (hence eicosa, referring to the also triggers the activation process. The free arachidonic acid is
20 carbon atoms, and tetrae1wic, referring to the four double metabolised by several pathways, including the following.
bonds). Tn most cell types, arachidonic acid is esterified in the
phospholipid pool, and the concentration of the free acid is low. Falty acid cyclo-oxygenase (COX). Two main isoform fonns,
The principal eicosanoid~ arc the prostaglandins. the rhromboxanes COX- I and COX-2, tran:,fonn arachidonic acid to
and the leukotrienes, although other derivatives of arachidonate, prostaglandins and t11romboxanes.

Glucoco rticoids
(induce annexin 1)


~ ____, , cyclo-oxygenase, ~
'- 5-Lipoxygenas~

Glucocorticoids TXA2 SLipoxyg enase

inhibit synthase inhibitors (vasodilator;
induction Inhibitors (e.g. zlleutln) increases vascular
12-HETE Llpoxlns PGI2 TXA 2 bronchoconstrictor:
(chemotaxin) A and B (vasodilator; (thrombotic; chemotaxin)
hyperalgesic; vasoconstrictor)
stops platelet
aggregation) Leukotriene
LTB 4 (chemotaxin) antagonists,
e.g .
PGF20 PGD2 PGE 2 zafirukast ,
(bronchoconstrictors; montelukast
(bronchoconstrictor; (inhibits platelet (vasodilator;
increase vascular
myometnal aggregation; hyperalges1c)
contraction) vasodilator)

Fig. 13.5 Summary diagram of the inflammatory mediators derived from phospholipids, with an outline of their actions and
the sites of action of anti-inflammatory drugs. The arachidonate metabolites are eicosanoids. The glucocorticoids inhibit transcription
of the gene for cyclo-oxygenase-2, induced in inflammatory cells by inflammatory mediators. The effects of prostaglandin (PG) E:! depend
on which of the three receptors for this prostanoid are activated. HETE, hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid; HPETE, hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic
acid; LT, leukotriene; NSAID, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug; PAF, platelet-activating factor; PGI2 , prostacyclin; TX, thromboxane.

into every arachidonate molecule, forming the highly un~table

( Phospholipase A1 / endopcroxide!> PGG1 and PGH2 . These are rapidly transfonned
number by isomerase or symhase enzymes to PGE2, PGJ2, PGD 2, PGF~"
0 and TXA 2, which are the principal bioactive end products of th1,
A'-C ~ O-CH2 reaction. The mix of eicosanoids thus produced varie!> between
~ I \. Phospholipase D /
cell type!> depending on the particular endoperoxide isomerase~
or synthases present. In platelets, for example. TXA2 predominate\,
A -;~ 0-~H ~ ( whereas in vascular endothelium PGI2 is the main product
3 CH2-0 ~ P ~ 0 - A'' Macrophagcs, ncutrophils and mast ceUs synthesise a mixture
' Phospholipase A _, 2
) 6H of products. If eicosatrienoic acid (three double bonds) rather
than arachidonic acid is the substrate. the resulting prostanoid\
\. Phospholipase C ~ have only a single double bond, for example PGE,, while
eicosapentaenoic acid, which contains five double bonds, yields
Fig. 1 3 . 6 The structure of phospholipids and the sites
of action of phospholipases. Generally speaking, unsaturated
PGE1 . The latter substrate is significant because it is present in
fatty acids such as arachidonic acid are esterified at the C2 abundance in some fish oils and may, if present in sufficient
position, from which it can be removed by phospholipase A2 , amounts in the diet, come to represent a significant fraction of
but other metabolic routes are known (see Fig. 13.7). The cellular fatty acids. When this occurs, the production of the
numbering of the carbon atoms in the glycerol 'backbone' is proinflammatory PGE2 is diminished and, more significantly, the
given on the left. This figure shows 0-acyl residues on carbon
generation of TXA 2 as well. This may underlie the beneficial
atoms 1 and 2, but 0-alkyl residues can occur (see Fig. 13.1 0).
Different bases are found at C3. A' is choline, ethanolamine, anti-inflammatory and cardiovascular actions that are ascribed to
serine, inositol or hydrogen. diets rich in this type of marine product.

Catabolism of the prostanoids

This is a multistep process. After carrier-mediated uptake, mo~t
prostaglandins are rapidly inactivated by 'prostaglandin-specific'

"" r====
enzymes. and the inactive products are further degraded b)
, Phospholipase D~ ;.Phospholipase C, general fatty acid-oxidising enzymes. The prostaglandin-specific

PhosphatidiC acid Diacylglycerol
cnqmes are present in high concentration in the lung, and 95r.
of infused PGE2, PGE, or PGF2a is inactivated on first passage.
The half-life of most prostaglandins in the circulation is less than
[ ':, DAG kinase : I I minute.
Pro!>taglandin 12 and TXA2 are slightly different. Both are
: hospholipase A2, \ DAG lipase 1 inherently unstable and decay rapidly (5 minutes and 30 seconds,
~ Arachidonate 7<:::::: Glycerol respectively) in biological fluids into inactive 6-keto-PGF1n and
TXB 2 Further metabolism occurs. but it is not really relevant to

l Fig. 1 3 .7 Alternative pathways for release of

arachldonate from phospholipids. DAG, diacylglycerol; IP,
inositol phosphate.
us here.

Prostanoid receptors
There are five main classes of prostanoid receptors (Coleman et
al.. 1993), all of which are typical G-protein-coupled receptor~.
They arc termed DP, FP, IP, EP and TP receptors, respectively,
Lipoxvgena~el. Several ~ubtypes synthesise leukotrienes, depending on whether their ligands are PGD 2, PGF2u, PGl~.
lipoxins or other compounds (Figs 13.5 and 13.8). PGE2 or TXA 2 Some have further subtypes; for exan1plc, the LP
receptors are ~ubdivided into three subgroups.
Chapter 14 deals in detail with the way inhibitors of these pathwa}S
(including non-'>teroidal anti-inflammatory drugs [NSAIDs] and
Actions of the prostanoids
glucoconicoid'>) produce anti-inflammatory effects.
The prostanoids affect most tissues and exert a bewildering
variety of effects.
PGD1 causes vasodilatation. inhibition of platelet
Cyclo-oxygenase-1 is present in most cells as a constitutive aggregation, relaxation of gastrointestinal and uterine muscle.
enzyme that produces prostanoids that act as homeostatic regulaton. and modification of release of hypothalamic/pituitary
(e.g. modulating vascular responses). whereas COX-2 is not nor- hormones. It has a bronchoconstrictor effect through an
mally present but it is strongly induced by inflammatory stimuli action on TP receptors.
and therefore bel ieved to be more relevant to inflammation PGF2a causes myometrial contraction in humans (see
therapy (sec next chapter for a fu ll discussion of this point). Both Ch. 30), luteolysis in some species (e.g. cattle) and
216 enzymes catalyse the incorporation of two molecules of oxygen bronchoconstriction in other species (cats and dogs).

, 15-lipoxygenaseJ Arachidonic acid "':12-lipoxygenase!

15-HPETE .' - - 12-HPETE


5-llpoxygenase inhibitors
(e.g. zileutin) 5-HPETE - - - -- - - - - --+ 5-HETE


(Structure includes cysteine, Leukotriene E4
Leukotr Iene A4 glycine and (Structure includes cysteine)
Glutathione$- t . 'd)
'-transferase.I y-g1u amtc act

, DipeptidaseJ

Leukotriene D4 Leukotriene F4
Leukotriene 6 4 (Structure tncludes (Structure includes cysteine
glycine and cystetne) and y-glutamic acid)

Fig. 13.8 The biosynthesis of leukotrienes from arachidonic acid. Compounds with biologtcal action are shown in grey boxes.
HETE, hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid; HPETE, hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid.

PG/2 causes vasodilatation, inhibition of platelet aggregation

(i>ee Ch. 21 ), renin release and natriuresis through effects on Mediators derived from phospholipids
tubular reabsorption of Na+.
TXA 2 causes vasoconstriction, platelet aggregation (see Ch. 21) The main phospholipid-derived mediators are
and bronchocon~otriction (more marked in guinea pig than in the eicosanoids (prostanoids and leukotrienes) and
humans). platelet-activating factor (PAF).
PG2 has the follow ing actions: The eicosanoids are synthesised from arachidonic
-on EP 1 receptors, it causes contraction of bronchial and acid released directly from phospholipids by
gastrointestinal smooth muscle phospholipase A2 , or by a two-step process involving
-on EP2 receptors, it causes bronchodilatation, phospholipase C and diacylglycerol lipase.
vasodilatation, stimulation of intestinal fluid secretion. and Arachidonate is metabolised by cycle-oxygenase
relaxation of gawointestinal &mooth muscle (COX)-1 or COX-2 to prostanoids, or by
-on EP1 receptor'>, it causes contraction of intestinal smooth 5-lipoxygenase to leukotrienes.
muscle, inhibition of gastric acid secretion (see Ch. 25), PAF tS derived from phospholipid precursors by
increased gastric mucus secretion, inhibition of lipolysis. phospholipase Al, giving rise to lyso-PAF, which is
inhibition of autonomic neurotransmitter release, and then acetylated to give PAF.
stimulation of contraction of the pregnant human uterus
(Ch. 30).
inflammation, stimulating some responses and decreasing other!>.
The role of the prostanoids in inflammation The most striking effects arc as follow.
The inflammatory response is inevitably accompanied by the [n their own right. PGE2 PG12 and PGD2 are powerful vaso-
release of pro!>tanoid<,. PGE:! predominates, although PGI2 is also dilators and synergise with other inflammatory vasodilators such
important. In areas of acute inflammation, PG. and PGT2 are as histamine and bradyJ...inin. It is this combined dilator action on
generated by the local tissues and blood vessels, while mast precapillary anerioles that contributes to the redness and increased
cells release mainly PGD2 In chronic inflammation. cells of the blood fl ow in areas of acute in!1ammation. Prostanoids do not
monocyte/macrophage series also release PGE2 and TXA 2 . directly increase the permeability of !he postcapillary vcnules,
but potentiate this effect or histamine and bradykinin. Similarly, 21 7
Together, the prostanoids exert a sort of yin-yang effect in

Prostanolds Clinical uses of prostanoids

The term prostanoids encompasses the Gynaecological and obstetric (see Ch. 30)
prostaglandins and the thromboxanes. term1nat1on of pregnancy: gemeprost or
Cyc lo-oxygenases (COXs) oxidise arachidonate, misoprostol (a metabolically stable prostaglandin
produc1ng the unstable intermediates prostaglandin (PG) E analogue)
(PG) G2 and PGH 2 induction of labour: dinoprostone or misoprost ol
There are two ma1n COX isoforms: COX-1 , a postpartum haemorrhage: c arboprost.
constitutive enzyme, and COX-2, which is often Gastrointestinal
induced by inflammatory stimuli. to prevent ulcers associated with non-steroidal
PGI 2 (prostacyclin), predominantly from vascular anti-inflammatory drug use: misoprostol (see
endothelium, acts on IP receptors, producing Ch.25).
vasodilatation and inhibition of platelet aggregation. Cardiovascular
Thromboxane (TX) A 2 , predominantly from platelets, t o maintain the patency of the ductus arteriosus
acts on TP receptors, causing platelet aggregation until surgical correction of the defect in babies
and vasoconstriction. with certain congenital heart malformations:
PGE2 is prominent in inflammatory responses and is a a lprostadil (PGE 1)
mediator of fever. Main effects are: to inhibit platelet aggregation (e.g. during
EP1 receptors: contraction of bronchial and haemodialysis): epoprostenol (PG12l. especially if
gastrointestinal tract (Gil) smooth muscle heparin is contraindicated
EP 2 receptors: relaxation of bronchial, vascular primary pulmonary hypertension: epoprost enol
and GIT smooth muscle (Ch. 19).
EP3 receptors: inhibition of gastric acid secretion, Ophthalmic
1ncreased gastric mucus secretion, contraction of - open-angle glaucoma: latanoprost eye drops.
pregnant uterus and of GIT smooth muscle,
inhibition of lipolysis and of autonomic
neurotransmitter release.
PGF2, acts on FP receptors, found in uterine (and
other) smooth muscle, and corpus luteum, producing LEUKOTRIENES
contract1on of the uterus and luteolysis (in some
Leukotrienes (leuko because they are made by white cells, and
trienes because they contain a conjugated triene system of double
PGD2 is derived particularly from mast cells and acts
bond~) are synthe:-.ised from arachidonjc acid by l ipoxygena\C
on DP receptors, causing vasodilatation and
ca talysed pathways. These soluble cytosolic enzymes are found
inhibition of platelet aggregation. ) in lung, platelets, mast cells and whi te blood cells. The ma10
enzyme in thi s group is 5-/ipoxygenase. On cell activation, this
ent.ymc translocatcs to the nuclear membrane, where it associate\
with a cru cial accessory protein affectionately termed FLA P
(/jl'e-[ipoAygenase activating a rotein ). The 5-lipoxygena\C
incorporate:. a hydropcroxy group at CS in arachidonic acid
they do not themselves produce pain, but potentiate the effect (Fig. 13.8), leading to the production of the unstable compound
of bradykinin by sensitif.ing afferent C fibres (see Ch. 41) to the leukotriene (L1) A 1 This may be converted enzymically to LTB,
effect!> of other noxiou~ stimuli. The anti-inflammatory effects of and is ai'>O the precur~or of the cysteinyl-containing leukotricne,
the SA ID'> stem largely from their ability to block these action!. LTC~. LTD4 , LT4 and LTF4 (also referred to as the suljidopeplldt
of the prostaglandin\. leukotrienel ). Mixture!. of these cysteinyl adducts c0nstitute
Pro\taglandins of the E series are also pyrogenic (i.e. they the vlow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis (SRS-A). a substance
induce feve r). lligh concentrations are found in cerebrospinal -.hown man} yea(!) ago to be generated in guinea pig lung during
nuid during infection, and there is evidence that the increase in anaphylaxb. and believed to be important in asthma. LTB~ j,
temperature (attributed to cytokines) is actually finally mediated produced mainly by neutrophils. and the cysteinyl-lcukotncne,
by the relea\e of PG~. NSAIDs exen antipyretic actions (Ch. 14) mainly by eosinophils. mast cells. basophils and macrophage'.
by inhibiting PGE! '>ynthesi\ in the hypothalamus. Lipoxins and other active products. some of which have anti
However. !)Omc prostaglandins have anti-inflammatory effects in narnmatory propertie:.. arc also produced from arachidonate b)
under some circumMances. For example, PGE1 decreases this pathway (Fig. 13.8).
lysosomal entyme release and the generation of toxic oxygen Leukotriene B~ is metabolised by a unique membrane-bound
metabolites from neutrophi b, as well as the release of histamine P450 enzyme in neutrophils, and then further oxidised to 2().
from mast cells. Several prostanoids are available for clinical use carboxy-LTB4 LTC, and LTD~ are metabolised to LTE4 which
218 (~ee clinical box). i ~ excreted in the urine.

Actions and receptors of the leukotrienes psoriasi\ and ulcerative colitis. The cysteinyl-leukotriencs arc
Receptors for the leukotrienes are termed /eukotriene receptors: present in the sputum of chronic bronchitis in amounts that arc
BLTifthe ligand is LTB 4 , and CysLTifthecysteinyl-leukotricnes. biologically active. On antigen challenge. they are released from
LTB 4 act~ on specific LTB4 receptors as defined by selective sample~ of human a thmatic lung in vitro, and into nasal lavage
agonists and antagoniMs. The transduction mechanism utilises fluid in subjects with allergic rhinitis. There is evidence that they
ino!titol tri~pho~phate and increased cytosolic Ca 2+. LTB~ is a contribute to the underlying bronchjaJ hyperrcactivity in
potent chemotactic agent for neutrophils and macrophages (see a\thmatics, and it i~ thought that they are among the main
Fig. 13.2). On neutrophils. it also up-regulates membrane adhesion mediators of both the early and late phases of asthma (Fig. 23.2).
molecule expres~ion. and increases the production of toxic oxygen The CysLT-receptor antagonists zafirlukast and montel uk ast
produCt!. and the release of granule enzymes. On macrophage!. arc now in use in the treatment of asthma (see Ch. 23). Cy~teinyl
and lymphocytes. it stimulates proliferation and cytokine release. lcukotricnes may mediate the cardiovascular changes of acute
Cysteinyl-lcukotrienes have important actions on the respiratory anaphylaxis. Agents that inhibit 5-lipoxygenase are under devel-
and cardiovascular systems, and specific receptors for LTD4 have opment as antiasthmatic agents (see Ch. 23) and anti-inflammatory
been defined on the basis of numerous selective antagonists. agents. One such drug, zileutoo. is available in some parts of the
world but has not won a definite place in therapy yet (see Larsson
The respiratory system. Cysteinyl- leukotrienes arc potent et al., 2006).
spasmogcns, causing dose-related contraction of human
bronchiolar muscle in vitro. LTE4 is less potent than LTC4
and LTD4, but its effect is much longer lasting. A ll cause an LIPOXINS
increase in mucus secretion. Given by aerosol to human Recent work has indicated that products of the 15-lipoxygenasc
volunteers. they reduce specific airway conductance and enzyme termed lipoxins (Fig. 13.8) act on specific receptors on
maximum expiratory flow rate, the effect being more polymorphonuclear leucocytes to oppose the action of LTB 4 ,
protracted than that produced by histamine (fig. 13.9). supplying what might be called 'stop signals' to inflammation.
The cardimascular system. Small amounts of LTC4 or LTD4 Oddly, aspirin stimulates the synthesis of these sub tances, perhaps
given intravenously cause a rapid. short-lived fall in blood contributing to its other anti-inflammatory effects (see Gilroy &
pressure. and significant constriction of small coronary Perrelli, 2005; Serhan, 2005). Lipoxins utilise the same form) I
resismncc vessels. Given subcutaneously. they are equipotent peptide G-protein-<:oupled receptor system as the anti-inflammatory
with histamine in causing weal and flare. Given topically in protein annexin-A I.
the no!tc, LTD~ increases nasal blood flow and increases local
vascular permeability.
The role of leukotrienes in inflammation Platelet-activating factor, also variously termed PAF-ace1her and
Leukotriene 6 4 is found in inflammatory exudates and tissues in AGEPC (acery/-g/yceryl-erher-phosphorylcholine). is a biologically
d many inflammatory conditions. including rheumatoid arthritis. active lipid that can produce effects at exceedingly low concen-

il ec 5-Lipoxygenase oxidises arachidonate to give
0 90
d 0 5-hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid (5-HPETE), which
is converted to leukotriene (LT) ~. This, in t urn, can
Q) 80
c be converted to either LTB4 or to a series of
'e ~:I
70 glutathione adducts, the cysteinyl-leukotrienes LTC 4,
.e '0
c LTD4 and LTE4.
e 8 60 LTB4, act1ng on spectfic receptors, causes adherence,
g "'>-
<a chemotaxis and activation of polymorphs and
,.., ~ 50 monocytes, and sttmulates proliferation and cytokine
.... < production from macrophages and lymphocytes.
0 10 20 30 40 50 The cysteinyl-leukotrienes cause:
i- Time (min) contraction of bronchial muscle
Fig . 1 3.9 The time course of action on specific airways - vasodilatation in most vessels, but coronary
conductance of the cysteinyl-leukotrienes and histamine, vasoconstriction.
d in six normal subjects. Specific airways conductance was LTB4 is an important mediator in all types of
measured in a constant volume wholebody plethysmograph,
)- infl ammation; the cyst einyl-l eukotrienes are of
and the drugs were given by inhalation. (From Barnes P J,
h Piper P J, Costello J K 1984 Thorax 39: 500.) particular importance in asthma.

tmtions (less than I 10 mol/1). The name is somewhat misleading, the late phase of asthma (Fig. 23.3). It can activate PLA 2 and
because PAF has actions on a variety of different target cells, and initiates eicosanoid synthe~is.
is believed to be an important mediator in both acute and chronic On platelets, PAF triggers arachidonate turnover and TXA
allergic and innammatory phenomena. PAF is biosynthesised generation, producing shape change and the release of the
from acyl-PAF in a two-step process (Fig. 13.10). The action of granule contents. This is important in haemostasis and thrombo~l\
PLA, on acyl-PAF produce~ lyso-PAF, which is then acetylated (see Ch. 21 ). PAF has ::.pasmogenic effects on both bronchial and
to give PAF. PAF. in turn, can be deacetylated to the inactive ileal smooth muscle.
lyso-PAF (Fig. 13.11 ). The anti-innammatory actions of the glucoconicoids rna> be
caused, at least in part, by inhibition of PAF synthesis (Fig. 13.5).
Sources of platelet-activating factor Competitive antago11ists of PAF and/or specific inhibitors of
Platelets stimulated with thrombin and most inflammatory cells lyso-PAF acetyltransferuse could well be useful anti-innammatol)
can release PAF under the right circumstances. drugs and/or antiaMhmatic agents. The PAF antagonist lexipafant
is in clinical trial in the treatment of acute pancreatitis (see
Actions and role in inflammation Leveau et ul.. 2005).
By acting on specific receptor~. PAF is capable of producing
many of the signs and symptoms of inflammation. Injected
locally, it produces vasodilatation (and thus erythema), increased
vascular pcrmeubi lity and weal formation. Higher doses produce Bradykinin and lysyl bradykini n (kallidin) are active pcptidcs
hyperalgesia. It is a potent chemotaxin for neutrophils and formed by proteolytic cleavage of circulating proteins termed
monocyte!.. and recruits eosinophils into the bronchial mucosa in kininogens through a protease cascade pathway (Fig. 13.1 ).

Source and formation of bradykinin

An outline of the formation of bradykinin from high-molecular-
Carbon weight J..ininogen in plasma by the serine protease kalli~rein 1s
atom given in Figure 13.12. K ininogen is a plasma u-g1obulin that
number exists in both high (M, 1 J0 000) and low (Mr 70 000) molecular
weight forms. Kallikrein is derived from the inactive precuMr
0 prekallikrein by the action of Hageman factor (factor Xll: ~ee
II Ch. 21 and Fig. 13.1 ). Hageman factor is activated by contact
with negatively charged surfaces such as collagen, basement
II membrane. bacterial lipopolysaccharides, urate crystab and so
3 CH-0-P-0-R
2 I on. Hageman factor. preka1likrein and the kininogenl> leak om of
OH the vessels during innammation because of increased vascular
Fig. 1 3 .10 The structure of platelet-activating factor permeabil ity, and exposure to negatively charged surfaces promotes

l (PAF). A hexadecyl or octadecyl 0-alkyl residue is attached to

carbon atom 1 (cf. Fig. 13.6). Compounds containing either of
these moieties have PAF activity. R is choline.
the interaction or Hageman factor with prekallikrein. The activated
enzyme then cJ ips' bradykinin from its kininogen precursor
(Fig. 13. 13). Kallikrein can also activate the complement system
and can convert plasminogen to p la~min (see Fig. 13.1 and Ch. 21).

I '-Acy~"'''m'"
/ A c yi-PAF ~
l In add ition to plasma kall ikrein, there are other kinin
generating isoe1uymes found in pancreas. salivary glands. colon
and skin. These tissue kaflikreins act on both high- and 1011

Acyl Release of fatty acids

CoA A e.g. arachidonate
Platelet-activating factor
L oH + PAF IS released from activated inflammatory
Cpc PGs, LTs, HETEs
Lyso-PAF cells by phospholipase ~ and acts on specific
Acetyl --..,_ / ~ , - - Acetyl receptors in target cells.
group y ~ GoA Pharmacological actions include vasodilatation,

I. Acetyl hydr~ 71 transferase,

increased vascular permeability, chemotaxis and
activation of leucocytes (especially eosinophils),
activation and aggregation of platelets, and smooth

muscle contraction.
Fig. 1 3 .11 The synthesis and breakdown of platelet -
activating factor (PAF). HETE, hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid; PAF is implicated in bronchial hyperresponsiveness
LT, leukotriene; PC, phosphorylcholine; PG, prostaglandin. and in the delayed p hase of asthma.

II. Thus kininase U inactivates a vasodilator and activates a

Prekallikrein vasoconstrictor. Potentiation of bradykinin actions by ACE

H~~~~:n T +
inhibitors may contribute to some side effecrs of these drugs (e.g.
cough; p. 309). Kinins are also metabolised by various less
specific peptidases, includjng a serum carboxypeptidase that
removes the C-terminal arginine. generating des-Arg9-bradykinin,
Negatively Kallikrein
charged surface ~ a specific agonist at one of the two main classes of bradykinin
receptor (see below).
HMWkininogen ____I_____ BRADYKININ
\ Kininases, -<>--! Actions and role of bradykinin in
pep tides Bradykinin causes vasodilatation and increased vascular
permeability. lts vasodilator action is partly a result of generation
Fig. 13.12 The generation and breakdown of
bradykinin. High-molecular-weight kininogen (HMW-kininogen) of PG12 (Fig. 13.5) and release of NO. lt is a potent pain-producing
probably acts both as a substrate for kallikrein and as a agent, and itS action is potentiated by the prostaglandms. Bradykinin
cofactor In the activation of prekallikrein. also has spasmogenic actions on intestinal, uterine and bronchial
smooth muscle (in some species). The contraction is slow and
sustained in comparison with that produced by histamjne (hence
brady, which means 'slow').
molecular-weight kininogens and generate mainly kallidin, a Although bradykinin reproduces many inflammatory signs
peptide with actions similar to those of bradykinin. and symptoms, its role in inflammation and allergy has not been
clearly defined, partly because its effects are often part of a
Metabolism and inactivation of bradykinin complex cascade of events triggered by other mediators.
Specific enzymes that inactivate bradykinin and related kinins llowever, excel.sive bradykinin production contributes to the
are caJied kininases (Figs 13. I 2 and 13.13). One of these, diarrhoea of gastrointestinal djsorders. and in allergic rhinitis it
kininase II, is a peptidyl dipeptidase that inactivates kinins by stimulates nasopharyngeal secretion. Bradykinin also contributes
removing the two C-tcrminal amino acids. This enzyme, which is to the clinical picture in pancreatitis. Physiologically, the release
bound to the luminal surface of endothelial cells, is identical to of bradykinin by tis~ue kallikrein may regulate blood flow to
angiotensin-comerting entyme (ACE; see Ch. 19). which cleaves certain exocrine glands, and influence secretions. It also
the two C-terminal residues from the inactive peptide angiotensin stimulates ion transport and fluid secretion by some epithelia,
I, converting it tO the active vasoconstrictor peptide angiotensin including intestine, airways and gall bladder.

Sites of cleavage for kinin form ation

(kallidin) l
. - - - - - - - - - Bradykinin - - - - - - - - - -

H,N- Kininogen - Met- Lys- Arg- Pro- Pro- Gly- Phe- Ser- Pro- Phe- Arg- Kininogen - COOH
molecule -. .. l molecule
Kininas~ Kininase I ,

Sites of cleavage for inactivation

B2- receptor antagonist, Hoe 140: 0-Arg - Arg - Pro- Hyp- Gly- Thi - Ser- 0Tic- Oic- Arg
8 1- receptor antagonist, des-Arg Hoe 140: o-Arg- Arg- Pro- Hyp- Gly- Thi- Ser- o-Tic- Oic
Fig. 13 .13 Structure of bradykinin and some bradykinin antagonists. The sites of proteolytic cleavage of high-molecular-weight
kininogen by kallikrein kallidin involved in the formation of bradykinin are shown in the upper half of the figure; the sites of cleavage
associated with bradykinin inactivation are shown in the lower half. The 8 2-receptor antagonist icatibant (Hoe 140) has a pA 2 of 9, and

l the competitive 8 1-receptor antagonist des-Arg Hoe 140 has a pA2 of 8. The Hoe compounds contain unnatural amino acids: Thi, d-Tic
and Oic, which are analogues of phenylalanine and proline. 221

Bradykinin receptors compounds derived from it, also hac; cytotoxic actions, killing
There are two bradykinin receptors, designated B 1 and B2 Both bacteria, fungi, viruses and metazoan parasites, so in this respect
are G-protein-coupled receptors and mediate very similar NO enhance~ local defence mechanisms. However, produced in
effects. B 1 receptors are normally expressed at very low levels excesl>, ic may abo harm host cell .
but arc !.trongly induced in inflamed or damaged tissues by Inhibitors of iNOS are under investigation for treatment
cytokines such a\ I L- l. B 1 receptors respond to des-Arg9- of inflammatory conditions. Patients with septic shock ha\e
bradykinin but not to bradykinin it'ielf. A number of selective benefited from inhibitors of iNOS, and in experimental arthritis
peptide antagonists are l..nown. ft is likely that B 1 receptors play iNOS inhibitors reduce disease activity. NSAIDs coupled ~ich
a significant role in inflammation and hyperalgesia, and there ic; NO-releasing groups have fewer side effects than convenlional
recent interest in developing antagonists for use in cough and NSATDs and greater anti-inflammatory efficacy (see Ch. 14).
neurological di~orders (see Chung, 2005; Rodi et al., 2005).
8 2 receptor& arc con~titutively present in many normal cells
and arc activated by bradykinin and kallidin, but not by des-Arg9 -
bradykinin. Peptide and non-peptide antagonists have been Neuropcptidcs rel ca~.cd from sensory neurons cause newvgenic
developed, the best known being icati ban t. None are yet inflammation (Maggi, 1996). The main peptides involved arc
avai lable for cl inical usc. substance P, neurokinin A and CGRP (sec Ch. 16). Substance P
and neurokini n A (members of the tachyk.inin fami ly) act on
mast cells, releasing histamine and other mediators, and producing
smooth muscle contraction and mucus secretion, wherea~ CORP
Chapter 17 discusses NO in detail, and here we will consider i<> a potent vasodilator. Neurogenic inflammation is implica1ed in
only it~ role in inflammation. Inducible NO synthase (i OS) is the pathogene~i~ of several inflammatory conditions, including
the chief i!>ofom1 relevant to inflammation. and virtually all the delayed pha),e of asthma, allergic rhinitis, inflammatory
inflammatory cell~ express the enzyme in response to cytokine bowel disea~e and some types of arthritis.
stimulation. iNOS is also present in the bronchial epithelium of
asthmatic ~ubjccts. in the mucosa of the colon in patients with
ulcerative colitis. and in synoviocytes in inflammatory joint
di~ease. 0 probably has a net proinflammatory effect: it increases Cytokine is an all-purpose functional term that is applied 10
vascular permeability and prostaglandin production. and is a protein or polypeptide mediators synthesised and released b}
potent va.,odilator. Some other properties may be seen as anti- cells of the immune system during inflammation. More than 100
inflammatory: for example, endothelial NO inhibits adhesion cyto!..ines have been identified. and the superfamily is generall)
of neutrophils and platelets, and platelet aggregation. NO. or regarded a~ compri~>ing:

colony-s timulating factors
growrh facLOrs and TNFs.
8K is a nonapeptide 'c lipped' from a plasma
a-globulin, kininogen , by kallikrein. Cytokines act locally by autocrine or paracrioe mechanisms. On
It is converted by kininase I to an octapeptide, 8K1-s the target cell, they bind to and activate specific, high-affinity
(des-Arg 9-8K), and inactivated by kininase II recep1ors thnt, in moM cases, are up-regulated during inflammation.
(angiotensin-converting enzyme) in the lung. Except for chemokines. which act on G-protein-<;oupled receptoT',
Pharmacological actions: most cytokines act on kinase-linked receptors, regulating pho~
vasodilatation (largely dependent on endothelial phorylation cascade<; that affect gene expression, such as the
cell nitric oxide and prostaglandin I:J Jak/Stat pathway (Ch. 3).
increased vascular permeability Tn addition to their own direct actions on ceUs, some cytokinc'
stimulation of pain nerve endings amplify inflammation by inducing formation of other intlammatOI)
stimulation of epithelial ion transport and fluid mediators. Others can induce receptors for other cytokines on
secretion in airways and gastrointestinal tract their target cell. or engage in synergistic or antagonistic inler
contraction of intestinal and uterine smooth actions with other cytokines. Cytokines have been likened to a
muscle. complex signalling language, with the final response of a particular
There are two main subtypes of 8 K receptors: 8 2 , cell involved being determined by the strenglh and number of
which is constitutively present, and 8 1 , which is different messages received concurrently at the cell surface.
induced in inflammation. Various systems for classifying cytokines can be found in the
There are selective competitive antagonists for both literature, as can a multitude of diagrams depicting cornple~
8 1 receptors (des-Arg Hoe 140; pA 2 :8) and 8 2 networks of cytokines interacting with each other and with n
receptors (icatibant, pA 2 :9). range of target cells. T he cytokine aficionado can find classi-
fication tables in Casciari et al. (J 996) and Janeway et al. (2004).

g or by using the web links listed at the end of the chapter. A subvert the host's defences (Murphy, 200 I). Some produce
comprehensive coverage of this area is beyond the scope of this proteins that mimic host chemok ines or chemokine receptor!>.
book but, for the purposes of this chapter, it is useful to divide some act as antagonists at chemokine receptors, and some
cytokines into two main groups: masquerade as growth or angiogenic factors. The AIDS-causing
HfV virus i. responsible for the most audacious exploitation of
tho!>e involved in the induction of the immune response,
the ho~t chemokinc system. Thh virus ha<; a protein (gp 120) in
described above and outlined in Figure 13.5
its envelope that recognises and binds T-cell receptors for CD-l
those proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines
and a chemokine coreceptor that allows it to penetrate the T cell
involved in the effector phase of the immune/inflammatory
(see Ch. 47).
response, which we will consider below.

Proinjlammatory cytokines. These cytokines participate in

acute and chronic inflammatory reactions as well as repair and
resolution. The primary proinflammatory cytokines are TNF-a Interferons are con~>i dered in more detail below: the colony-
and lL- 1; sec above (Fig. 13.2). The latter cytokine actually stimulating factors are considered in Chapter 22.
e comprises a family of three cytokines consisting of two agonists, There arc three classes of interferon, termed JFN-a, !FN-{3 and
p IL- l a, I L- 1~. and, surprisingly, an endogenous IL- l -receptor IFN-y. IFN-u is not a single substance but a family of approximately
antagonisl ( IL- l ra). Mixtures of these are released from 20 proteins with similar activities.lFN-a and IFN-B have antiviral
macrophages and many other cells during inflammation and can activity, and IFN-a also has some antitumour action. Both
initiate the synthesis and release of a cascade of secondary arc released from virus-infected cells and activate antiviral
cytokines, among which arc the chemokines (see below). Various mechani!>m~ in neighbouring cells. IFN-y has a role in induction
cytokine growth factors (e.g. platelet-derived growth factor, of Th I responses (Fig. 13.3; sec al so Abbas et al., 1996).
fibrob last growth factor, vascul ar endothelial growth factor) are
crucial to the repair processes and are implicated in chronic Clinical use of inte rferons
inflammation (sec Ch. 5). Interferon-a is used in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B and
The anti-inflammatory cytokines. These comprise those that C, and has some action against herpes :.oster and in the
mhibit aspects of the inflammatory reaction, including TGF-~. prevention of the common cold. Antitumour action again~t some
to JL-4, fL-10 and IL-13. They inhibit chemokine production, and lymphomas and solid tumour~ has been reported. A variety of
the anti-inflammatory interleukins can inhibit responses driven dose-related side effect~ may occur. IFN-~ is u~ed in some
by Th I celb, whose inappropriate activation is involved in the patients with multiple ~clerosis, whereas IFN-y is used in chronic
pathogencsi!> of everal diseases. granulomatous di11ease in conjunction with antibacterial drugs.

Chemokincs arc defined as chemoattractant cytokines that
con trol the migration of lcucocytes, functioning as traffic
coordinators during immune and inflammatory reactions. The Cytoklnes
nomenclature (and the classification) i s a little confusing here,
because some non-cytokine mediators also control leucocy te Cytokines are polypeptides released d uring
movement (C5a, LTB 4, f-Met-Leu-Phe, etc.; see Fig. 13.2). inflammation that regulate the action of inflammatory
Furthermore, many chemokines have other actions. f or example and immune system cells.
causing mast cell degranulation or promoting angiogenesis. The cytokine superfamily includes the interferons,
More than 40 chemokines have been identified. and for those interleukins, tumour necrosis factor (TNF). growth
of us who are not professional chemokinologists they can be factors, chemokines and colony-stimulating factors.
conveniently di'itinguished by considering whether key cysteine Utilising both autocrine or paracrine mechanisms,
residues in the polypeptide chain are adjacent (C-C chemokines) they exert complex effects on leucocytes, vascular
or separated by another residue (C-X-C chemokines). endothelial cells, mast cells, fibroblasts, haemopoietic
The C-X-C chemokines (main example TL-8: see Fig. 13.2) act stem cells and osteoclasts, controlling proliferation,
r- on neutrophils and arc predominantly involved in acute inflam- differentiation and/ or activation.
a matory responses. The C-C chemokines (main examples M CP-1 lnterleukin (IL)-1 and TNF-a are important primary
ar and RANTES) act on monocytcs. eosinophils and other cells, and inflammatory cytokines inducing the formation of
of are involved predominantly in chronic inflammatory responses. other cytokines.
Chemokines act through G-protein-coupled receptors, and Interferon (IFN)-u and IFN-~ have antiviral activity,
c alteration or inappropriate expression of these is implicated in and IFN-a is used as an adjunct in the treatment of
~ multiple sclerosis, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and some viral infections. IFN-y has significant
a cardiovascular diseases (Gerard & Rollins, 2001 ). Some types immunoregulatory function and is used in the
1- of virus (herpesvirus. cytomegaJovirus, poxvirus and members of treatment of multiple sclerosis.
). the retrovirus fami ly) can exploit the chemokine system and


APC antigen-presenting cell NK natural killer lymphocyte

complement (as in C3a. CSa. C3b, etc.) SAID non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
CO-l and CDS coreceptors in T lymphocytes for MHC PAF platelet-activating factor
molecules classes IT and I. respectively PAMP pathogen-associated molecular pattern
COX- I and COX-2 i. oforms of cyclo-oxygenases PG prostaglandin (as in PGE:!, PG1 2, etc.)
ICAM intercellular adhesion molecule RANTES regulated on activation normal T-cell
rFN interferon (as in IFN-a, IFN-f3, IFN-y) expressed and secreted
rL interleukin (as in IL- l, IL-2, etc.) Th T-helper lymphocyte (occurs as Th I and
LT lcukotriene (as in LTB4 , LTC4 , LTD4 ) Th2)
mAb monoclonal antibody TLR Toll receptor
MCP- 1 monocyte chemoattractant protein- I TN F-a tumour necrosis factor-a
MHC major histocompatibility complex TNF-B tumour necrosis factor-f3


The innate and adnp1h e I'CSI>Onses the -chanisms ini'OIIed in innlll~ immunity and itr proo;taglsndin;. Edward Arnold. London, pp. 15-36
Abba' A K. Murphy K M. Sher A 1996 Functional significana for the adaptil'~ immune respa11u) (Useful coerage; iJJc/udes structures ofprosuuwids.
d.veNty of helper lymphocyte\. Nature 383: 787-793 Murphy P M 200 I Viral exploitatiOn nnd \ubveNon of thdr aJJolog~Jes (1JJ(/ (JJJ/agonists-a t:lassificmitm th.u
(Exullenr rt~in.: h~lpfil dwgronu: commendable the immune system through chemokme m1m1cry. :-I at bro~Jght forth order from chaos!)
co~ raRe of Th I and Th2 c~IIJ (1JJ(/ thl'ir respecti1e 1mmunol 2: 116-122 (Exull~nt de.1crrption of Dale M M 1994 Summary of section on me(hatOI'>. In
C,IIOkmt .<ubul\) iraVimmune SJ.ttem mteraction) Dale M M, Foreman J C. Fan T-P (eds) Textbool or
Adams D H, Lloyd A R 1997 Chemokme: leucocyte Panes J. Perry M, Granger D N 1999 1mmunophannaeology. 3rd edn. B1aekwell Sc:ienufir.
recnnunem and acuvation cytokme,. Lancet 349: Leucocyte-endothelial cell adhes1on: a,enue. for Oxford, pp. 206-207 (Considers whkh -diators
490-495 (Comm~ndablt rrHt'l) therapeutic interven11on. Br J Phannacol 126: 537-5SO mut dtjined cmeria)
Akua S, Taleda K. Kal\ho T 2001 Toll-like receptors: (Bnef corerogt! of the prinnpal u/1 adhtrion Gerard C. RoWns B 2001 Cbemokines and disea...e. S31
critical prote1ns hnkmg 1nnate and acqwred 1mmun11y. molecults and factors affectmg leiiCOC)t~ndotlttlial 1mmunol 2: IQS-115 (Discusses diseases assooartd
I':at lmmunol 2 6 75 680 (A melt dt'scrrbtn/i the adhesion p~cede.r considerotion ofpottnual with inappropriau actiation of the chemo~mt
reuptor> for PAM Ps shored bJ larg~ groups of micro therapeutic tar.gers) network, and discusses some theropeuric impllcanOttJ
orgam.rm.s. S11mulat10n of theu re<eptor> by Parkin J. Cohen B 2001 An overview of the immune dtscribes how viruses evade the immune responses h>
componems of mcro-orgamsms actimll's 11111ate system. Lancet357: 1777-1789 (A competent numicry of the chemokmes or their receptors)
immuniry and it a prtrt'quirit~ for triggering acquired straightforward rtin- cov~ring thl' rolt of tht' Gutzmer R. Diestel C. Mommen S et nl. 2005 Hi,usmin.:
immunit). Us~fill dtafjrOlltf.) immune system in recot~nisinf1, Tl!pt!llinR tmd H.. receptor stimulation suppresses IL-12p70
Brown P 2001 Cinderella goes to the ball. Nature 4 10: erodicating pathogens and i11 retrctiltg llf/trinst production and mediates chemotaxis in human
1018 1020. molecules foreign to the body) monocyte-derived dendritic cells. J lmmunol 174:
Delves P J, Roin I M 2000 The immune YMCm. N Engl Romagnani S 1996 Shon analytical review: Th I and Th2 5224. 5232
J Med 343: 37-49, 108-1 17 (A good overvii!W of the in human diseases. Clin lmmunol lmmunopa1hol 80: lloruk R 2001 Chemokine receptor>. Cytokine Growth
immune system-llminite.ltlxJok of major arras in 225-23.5 (Admirable coverag~ of the pmhopltysiology Fllctor Rev 12: 313-335 (Comprehl'nsive review
inummology; rolollrful tlrreedimeiiSimwl figures) of Thl and Th2 responses) focusillfl 011 recent findings ilt chemokine receptor
Gabay C. Kushner 1 1999 Acute phase proteins and other Walker C. Zuany-Amorini C 2001 New trend\ in research; describes the molecular. physiological and
systemic responses to inflammation. N Engl J Med immunotherapy to prevem atopic di ~e.1sc. Trends biochemiral properties of each clremokine receptor)
340: 448-454 (Lim the ocurephase protein.r (1JJ(/ Phannacol Sci 22: 84-91 (Discusres porentiol Luster A D 1998 Mechanisms of disease: chemokine'
omlmes th~ medtani.\nu rontmlling their symlwsis therapies based on ret'l'ttl adl'(llll'ts in tltt chemotactic cytokines !hat mediate inflammation 1\
and releast) understanding of the immune mechanism.! ()f ultJpy) Engl J Med 338: 436-445 (Excellent review:
KWTC K. Wel\h R M 1997 Viral decoy vetoes killer cell. Wills-Karp M. Santeliz J, Karp C L 2001 The germles~ olllsta11dmg diagrams)
Na10re 386: 446-447 theory of allergic di..ea.scs. Nat Rev 1mmunol J 69--75 Mackay C R 2001 Cbemokines: immunology's high
Kay A B 200 I Allergic dl\ea!>CS and lhetr treatment. (Discu.>St!.rthe hypotht'sirthat early chi/d/1()(1(/ impact factors. Nas lmmunol2: 95-101 (Clear.
N Engl J Med 344: 30 37, 109 113 <Coers atopy infl!ctions inhibit the undt'rtC)' ro dntlop alltrgic t/eyant roverage of the rolt of chemoldnu in
(1JJ(/ Th2 ctlls, tht role af17t2 C,IUJ!cinl!.t m allergies, disease) leuCOC)te~ndothelial interoction. control ofpnmary
lgE. tht' main f)pts of allerg,1. anti new theropeutic 1mmunt> responses and T/8 u/1 intuoction. T ulu
approaches) ~1ainly mediators inflammatory diseases, and ira/ subersion of
Mackay CR. Lan7<wecchla A. Sallu~to F 1999 A.rrang J M. Garbalg M, Schwanz J C 1983 tmmune t1'sponses)
Chemoattra<:tant receptor. and 1mmune responses. AutoinhiblliOn of bram histamine release mediated by Magg1 C A 1996 Pbatmacology of the efferent fuocuon
1mmunologm 7 112-118 (Masterly shan rt'l'tt'l< a no\'el class (H,) of histam1ne recep1or. Nature 302: of pnmary sensory neurooes. In: Geppetti P. Holztt P
cowmng the m/~ of chemoarrractantl in OIThestrotin~t 832-834 (Seminal antde on the <'XISienu of H 1 (eds) Neurogenic mfl311Uru1tioo. CRC Pre..s, London
immuM respons~s-both thl' rnnatt f'r'action and the receptors) (Worthwhile. Coers neurogemc inflammation, tM
Thl (1JJ(/ Th2 I'I!Sponus) Casdari J J, Sato H et al. 1996 Tabo1ar lexicon of release of JJeuropeptides from <ensory nerves. and
Med1.h11ov R 2001 Toll-lile receptor. and innate cytokine structure and function. In: Chnbncr B A. inflammatory mediators. Discussu agem> thlll inhthu
immunity. Nnt Rev lmmunol 1: 135-145 CE.tcellent Longo D N (eds) Cancer chemotherapy and reletL\e and the phamacolcgical modulanon of
revi~w of the rol~ afTn/1-/ikt TI!Ceptors it1 (a) the biotherapy, 2nd edn. Lippincott Raven, Philadelphia. rt'Ceptor-mediated release.)
detectum ofmirmbittl inft'ctott. a11d (b) theactimtion pp. 787-793 (Useful cla.,sification brin11ing orrlu to '' Mantovani A. Bussolino F. lntrona M 1997 Cytokme
of innm~ ltOIItrdaptivt rt'.<ponl~.s. which in fllm lead confusing field) regulation of endolhelial cell function: from molecular
ro antif/eN.II>ecific tdaptile rro.rpo11s~s) Coleman R A. Humphrey P A et al. 1993 Prostanoid level to the bedside. lmmunol Today 5: 231-239
Medzhilov R, Janeway C 2000 Innate immunity. N Engl receptors: their function and clas\ification. In : Vane J, (Patlwphy.siology of endothelial re/1-cytokine
224 J Med 343: 338 344 (0111> /lflltfilfg clear coverage of O'Grady J (eds) Therapeutic applications of interactions; detailt!d diagrt11ns)
Anti-inflammatory and
immunosuppressant drugs

immunosuppressant drugs used to prevent

Overview 226
rejection of organ transplants. Finally, we consider
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 226 drugs used to treat gout and (although they are
-Pharmacological actions 226 not strictly anti-inflammatory agents) the histamine
-Mechanism of cycle-oxygenase inhibitory action 230 H 1 receptor antagonists used to treat certain acute
-Common unwonted effects 232 allergic conditions.
-Some important NSAIDs 234
-Agents selective for cyclo-oxygenase-2 236
Antagonists of histamine 237 DRUGS
Drugs used in gout 238
The NSAIDs, sometimes called the aspirin-like drugs, are among
Antirheumatoid drugs 239 the mol>t widely used of all drugs. There are now more than 50
different NSAIDs on the global market: some of the more
Immunosuppressant drugs 242
imponant examples are listed in Table 14.1 and some structure\
Anticytokine drugs 243 in Figure 14.1. They provide symptomatic relief from pain and
swelling in chronic joint disease such as occurs in osteo- and
Possible future developments 245
rheumatoid anhritis, and in more acute inflammatory conditions
such as spons injuries, fractures, sprains and other soft tissue
injuries. They also provide relief from postoperative, dental and
menstn.al pain, and from the pain of headaches and migraine. A~
OVERVIEW .several NSAIDs are available over the coumer, they are often
This chapter deals with the drugs used to treat taken without prescription for other types of minor aches and pains.
inflammatory and immune disorders. While There arc many different formulations available, including tablet;,
generally associated with disorders such as injections and gels. Virtually all NSAIDs, particularly the 'classic'
rheumatoid arthritis, it has become clear that NSAIDs, can have significant unwanted effects, especially in the
inappropriate inflammatory or immune reactions elderly. Newer agents have fewer adverse actions.
form a significant component of many, if not most,
of the diseases encountered in the clinic, and PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTIONS
consequently anti-inflammatory drugs are extensively
employed in virtually all branches of medicine.
All the NSALDs have actions very simjlar to those of aspirin, the
The three major groups of drugs are the non
archetypal NSAID, which was introduced into clinjcaJ medicine
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs); the in Lhe 1890s. The three main therapeutic effects are:
antirheumatoid drugs, which include the disease- an anti-inflammatory effect: modification of the
modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs); and the innammatory reaction
glucocorticoids. We describe the therapeutic effects, an analgesic effect: reduction of certain rypes of (especiall)
mechanisms of action, and unwanted effects innammatory) pain
common to all NSAIDs, and deal in a little more an amipyretic effect: lowering of body temperanrre when thi\
detail with aspirin, paracetomol and drugs that are is raised in dil>ease (i.e. fever).
selective for cyclo-oxygenase (COX)2. DMARDs
comprise a rather heterogeneous group of drugs
In addition, all the NSAIDs share, to a greater or lesser degree.
and include some important new agents. The
the same types of mechanjsm-based side effects. These include:
glucocorticoids are covered in Chapter 28, but their gastric irritation, which may range from simple discomfort
immunosuppressive actions are discussed briefly in to ulcer formation
226 this chapter. Also considered in this chapter are an effect on renal blood flow in the compromised kidney

Table 14.1 Comparison of some common non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and coxibs

Usual indications

Drug Type RD Gout MS PO Dys H&M Comments

Aceclofenac Phenylacetate

Acemetacin Indole ester Ester of indometacin

Aspirin Salicylate Mainly cardiovascular usage

Celecoxib Coxib Fewer gastrointestinal effects

Dexketoprofen Propionate

Diclofenac Phenylacetate Moderate potency

Diflunlsal Salicylate

Etodolac Pyranocarboxylate Possibly fewer gastrointestinal effects

Etoricoxib Coxib

Fenbufen Propionate

Fenoprofen Propionate Prodrug activated in liver

Flurbiprofen Propionate

Ibuprofen Prop1onate Suitable for children

lndometacin Indole Suitable for moderate to severe disease

Ketoprofen Propionate Suitable for mild disease

Ketorolac Pyrrolizine

Mefenamic acid Fenamate Moderate activity

Meloxlcam Oxicam Possibly fewer gastrointestinal effects

Nabumetone Napthylalkenone Prodrug activated in liver

Naproxen Propionate

Parecoxib Coxib Prodrug activated in liver

Piroxicam Oxlcam

Sulindac lndene Prodrug

Tenoxicam Oxicam

naprofenic acid Propionate

Tolfenamic acid Fenamate

Dys, dysmenorrhoea; H&M, headache and migraine; MS. musculoskeletal disorders; PO, postoperative pain; RD, rheumatic diseases
(e.g. rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis).
(From British Medical Association and Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain 2005 British National Formulary. BMA and RPSGB,


OuP697 Meloxlcam Etodolac

Nlmesulide Celecoxib Rofecoxib

Paracetamol Phenacetin Aspirin lndometacin

Fig. 14. 1 Structures of some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and coxibs. Most 'classic' NSAIDs are carboxylic
, acids, but the coxibs contain 'bulky groups' that impede access to the hydrophobic channel in the cyclo-oxygenase-1 enzyme.

a tendency to prolong bleeding through inhibition of plare/et example, gastric cytoprotcction (see Ch. 25), platelet aggregation
Junction (Ch. 2 1), renal blood tlow autoregulation (Ch. 24, p. 374) and the
controversially, it is argued that they may also all-but initiation of parturition (Ch. 30).
especially COX-2 selective drugs-increase the likelihood of In contrast, COX-2 is induced in inflan1111atory cells when
thrombotic events &uch as myocardial infarction by inhibiting they arc activated, and the primary inflammatory cytokines-
prostaglandin (PG) 12 synthesis. intcrleukin (lL)-1 and tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-a (sec
Ch. 13)-are important in this regard. Thus the COX-2 i~ofonn
While there are differences between individual drugs, all these is re. ponsible for the production of the prostanoid mediator~ of
effects arc generally thought to be related to the prim81) action innammation (Vane & Botting, 2001), although there arc \orne
of the drugs- inhibition of the farty acid COX enzyme, and thus significant exceptions. For example. there is a considerable pool
inhibition of the production of prostaglandins and thromboxanes. of 'com.titutive' COX-2 present in the central nervous sy,tem
There are three known isoforms-COX-1. COX-2 and COX-3- (CNS) and -.ome other tissues, although its function is not }et
as well as some non-catalytic species (see Table 14.2). As it is not completely clear.
yet cenain that COX-3 actually occurs in humans in a functional Most 'traditional' NSAIDs are inhibitors of both isoenz)me'.
form, we will confine the discussion mainly to a consideration of although they vary in the degree to which they inhibit each
COX-I and COX-2. While they are closely related (> 60o/c isoform. It i!> believed that the anti-inflammatory action (and
sequence identity) and catalyse the same reaction. it is clear that probably moM analgesic actions) of the NSAlDs is relak'll
there are imponant differences between the expression and role to their inhibition of COX-2. while their unwanted effects
of these two isoforms. COX-I is a constitutive enzyme expressed particularly those affecting the gastrointestinal tract-are large!)
in most tissue!.. including blood platelets. It has a 'housekeeping' a result of their inhibition of COX-I. Compounds with a selecti\e
ro le in the body, being involved in tissue homeostasis, and is inhibitory action on COX-2 are now in cl inical use. but
228 responsible for the production of prostaglandins involved in, for expectations that these inhibitors would transform the treatment

Table 14.2 The cyclo-oxygenase family: a summary of p roperties

Gene Gene product Tissue expression Functions Inhibitors Comments

COX1 COX-1 Constitutively expressed Platelet aggregation, Most 'classic' NSAIDs, First COX to be
1n most t1ssues gastrointestinal protection, some selective inhibitors identified
some pain, production of
vascular prostacyclin

COX1 COX-3 Brain, heart and aorta; Pain perception Paracetamol, diclofenac, Few details presently
constitutive? ibuprofen, d1pyrone, known
phenacetin, antipyrine

COX1 pCOX-1a Brain ? n/a Not catalytically active

COX1 pCOX-1b Brain ? n/a Not catalytically active

COX2 COX-2 Induced In many tissues Inflammation, fever, some Many NSAIDs, COX-2-
by many stimuli, including pain, parturition and renal selective drugs such
growth factors, cytokines, function . Production of as the coxibs and others
oxidative stress, brain vascular prostacyclin?
hypoxia or seizures, and
other forms of injury or
stress; constitutively
present in brain, kidney
and elsewhere

COX2 COX-? J774 cells during ? Paracetamol Studied in only one

apoptosis system to date

COX, cyclo-oxygenase; n/a, not applicable; NSAID, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

p stands for partial; th1s refers to the fact that the protein is a truncated form.
(Modified from Bazan & Flower 2002.)

of innammatory conditions have received a setback because of pharmacology of the selective COX-2 inhibitors, and finally the
an increase in cardiovascu lar risk (see below). A broad scheme clinical applications of the group as a whole.
for classifying the relalive selectivity for COX-112 of the
currently avai lable NSAfDs is given in Table 14.3.
There are few significant differences in pharmacological
actions among the currently used NSAlDs, but there are marked Normal body temperature is regulated by a centre in the
m differences in toxicity and degree of patient tolerance. Aspirin, hypothalamus that controls t11e balance between heat loss and
pf however, has other qualitatively different pharmacological actions, heat production. Fever occurs when there is a disturbance of this
~e and paracetamol i<; an interesting exception to the general NSAID hypothalamic 'thennostat, which leads to the set point of body
~)I stereotype'. While it is an excellent analgesic and antipyretic, temperalUre being raised. NSAfDs 'reset" this them10stat. Once
JTl the anti-innammatory activity of paracetamol is very low and there has been a return to the normal set point, the temperature-
et seems to be restricted to a few special cases (e.g. inflammation regulating mechanisms (dilatation of superficial blood vessels,
following dental extraction: sec Skjelbred et al .. 1984). Paracetamol sweating, etc.) then operate to reduce temperature. Nonnal body
has been shown to inhibit prostaglandin biosynthesis in some temperature in humans is not affected by NSAIDs.
experimental seuings (e.g. during fever) but not in others. It was The NSAIDs exert their antipyretic action largely through
hoped that the discovery of COX-3A (Chandrasek.haran et al: inhibition of prostaglandjn production in the hypothalamus.
2002), an isoform found in dog brain and that seemed more During an inflammatory reaction. bacterial endotoxins cause the
sensitive to paracctamol, might provide a neat explanation of this release from macrophages of a pyrogen-IL-l (Ch. 13)-which
anomaly, but it is too soon to teU whether this will be the case. stimulates the generation, in the hypothalamus, of E-type
The main pharmacological actions and the common side prostaglandins that elevate the temperature set point. COX-2
effects of the NSAJDs are outlined below, followed by a more may have a role here, because it is induced by IL-l in vascular
detailed coverage of aspirin and paracetamol, an outli ne of the endothelium in the hypothalrunus. There is some evidence that 229

Table 14.3 Cyclo-oxygenase-inhibitory specificity of some common non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and coxibs

Group Description Selectivity ratio Examples

Highly COX-1-selective 10Q-1000 Ketorolac

II Very COX-1-selective 10-100 Flurbiprofen

Ill Weakly COX-1-selective 1-10 lndometacin, aspirin, naproxen, ibuprofen

IVa Non-selective; full inhibition of both enzymes Fenoprofen

IVb Non-selective; incomplete inhibition of both enzymes Salicylate

v Weakly COX-2-selective 1-10 Diflunisal, piroxicam, meclofenamate,

sulindac, diclofenac, celecoxib

VI Very COX-2-selective 10-100 Valdecoxib, etoricoxib

VII Highly COX-2-selective 100-1000 Rofecoxib8

COX, cyclo-oxygenase.
"Rofecoxib has been withdrawn from use and is shown here as an illustration only.
(Based on data from Warner T 0, Mitchell J A 2004 FASEB J 18: 790-804.)

prostaglandins are not the only mediators of fever, hence increased vascular permeability, cell accumulation, etc.--can be
NSATDs may have an additional antipyretic effect by mechanisms produced by everal eparate mechanisms.
as yet unknown. The NSAIDs reduce mainly those components of the inflam-
matory and immune response in which prostaglandins, mainl}
derived from COX-2. play a significant part. These include:
The NSAIDs arc effective against mild or moderate pain,
oedema (by an indirect action: the vasodilatation facilitates
especially that arising from inflammation or tissue damage. Two
and potentiates the action of mediarors such as histamine that
sites of action have been identified. First, peripherally, they decrease
increase the permeability of postcapillary vcnules-Ch. 13.
production of the prostaglandins that sensitise nociceptors to
p. 204)
inflammatory mediators such as bradykinin (see Chs 13 and 41)
pain (see above), again potentiating other mediators, such as
and they arc therefore effective in arthritis, bursitis, pain of
bradykinin (see Ch. 4 1, Fig. 41.7).
muscular and vascular origin, toothache, dysmenorrhoea, the
pain of postpartum states and the pain of cancer metastases in The NSAIDs suppress the pain, swelling and increased blood
bone-all conditions that are associated with increased local flow associated with inflammation but have little or no action on
prostaglandin synthesis. In combination with opioids, they decrease the actual progress of the underlying chronic disease itself. As
postoperative pain, and in some ca~es can reduce the requirement a class, they are generally without effect on other aspect~ of
for opioids by as much as one-third. Their ability to relieve inflammation, such as leucocyte migration, lysosomal enzyme
headache may be related to the abrogation of the vasodilator release and toxic oxygen radical production, that contribute to
effect of prostaglandins on the cerebral vasculature. tissue damage in chronic inflammatory conditions such .~,
In addition to these peripheral effects. there is a second, less rheumatoid arthriti~. vasculitis and nephritis.
well-characteri ed central action. possibly in the spinal cord.
Inflammatory lesions increa~e prostaglandin release within the
cord. causing facilitation of transmission from afferent pain
fibres tO relay neurons in the dorsal hom.
Vane and his colleagues established in 1971 that the main action'
of NSAIDs were bought about through inhibition of arachidonic
acid oxidation by the fatty acid COXs (see Fig. 14.2).
Many mediators coordinate inflammatory and allergic reactions. These are bifunctional enzymes, having two distinct catalytic
While some are produced in response to specific stimu li (e.g. activities. The first. dioxygenase step incorporates two molecule'
his tamine in allergic inflammation), there is considerable of oxygen into the arachidonic (or other fatty acid substrate) chain at
230 redundancy, and each facet of the response-vasodilatation, C II and C 15, giving rise to the highly unstable endoperoxide

Non-steroidal anti-Inflammatory drugs

The NSAIDs have three major pharmacologically bradykinin and 5-hydroxytryptamine. Relief of
desirable actions, stemming from the suppression of headache is probably a result of decreased
prostanoid synthesis in inflammatory cells through prostaglandin-mediated vasodilatation.
inhibition of the cycle-oxygenase (COX)-2 isoform of the An antipyretic effect: interleukin-1 releases
arachidonic acid COX. They are as follow. prostaglandins in the central nervous system, where
An anti-inflammatory action: the decrease in they elevate the hypothalamic set point for temperature
prostaglandin E2 and prostacyclin reduces control, thus causing fever. NSAIDs prevent this.
vasodilatation and, indirectly, oedema. Accumulation Some important examples are aspirin, ibuprofen,
of inflammatory cells is not reduced. naproxen, indometac1n, piroxicam and paracetamol.
An analgesic effect: decreased prostaglandin Newer agents with more selective inhibition of COX-2
generation means less sensitisation of nociceptive (and thus fewer adverse effects on the gastrointestinal
nerve endings to inflammatory mediators such as tract) include celecoxib and etoricoxib.



'Side pocket'

- - - - - - Hydrophobic - - -

,s Intracellular membrane
.0 Br

S02CH3 --grouping
CH 3

COX1 inhibitor COX2 inhibitor

Flurbiprofen DuP697
Fig. 14.2 Schematic diagram comparing the binding sites of cycle-oxygenase (COX)-1 and COX-2. The cartoon shows the
c differences in NSAID binding sites in the two isoforms. Note that the COX-2 binding site is characterised by a 'side pocket' that can
accommodate the bulky groups, such as the methylsulfonyl moiety of the prototype COX-2 inhibitor DuP697, which would impede its

Iaccess to the COX-1 site. Other NSAIDs, such as flurbiprofen (shown here), can enter the active site of either enzyme. (After Luong et al.
~ 996 Nat Struct Bioi 3: 927-933.)

intermediate PGG2 with a hydroperoxy gro up at CIS. A liver, kidney, spleen, blood and bone marrow. COX-2-selective
second, peroxidase function of the enzyme converts this to PGH2 drugs have less gastrointestinal toxicity (see below).
with a hydroxy group at Cl5 (see Ch. 13), which can then be
transformed in a cell-specific manner by separate isomerase,
reductase or synthase enzymes into other prostanoids. Both
COX-I and COX-2 are haem-containing enzymes (see Ch. 8, Adverse gastroiritestinal events are the commonest unwanted
p. ll4) that exist as homodimers in intracellular membranes. effects of the NSAlDs, and are believed to result mainly from
Structurally, the isoforms are similar; both have a long inhibition of gastric COX-1, which is responsible for the synthesis
hydrophobic channel into which the arachidon ic or other of the prostaglandins that normally irihibit acid secretion and
substrate fatty acids dock so that the oxygenation reaction can protect the mucosa (see Fig. 25.2).
proceed. Common gastrointestinal side effects include gastric
Most NSAIDs inhibit only the initial dioxygenation reaction. discomfort, dyspepsia, diarrhoea (but sometimes constipation),
They are generally 'competitive reversible' inhibitors, but there nausea and vomiting, and in some cases gastric bleeding and
are differences i11 their time courses. Generally, these dmgs ulceration. It has been estimated that 34-46% of users of
inhibit COX-1 rapidly, but the inhibition of COX-2 is more time- NSATDs will sustain some gastrointestinal damage that, while it
dependent and the inhibition is often irreversible. To block the may be asymptomatic, carries a risk of serious haemorrhage
enzymes, NSAIDs enter the hydrophobic channel, forming and/or perforation (Fries, 1983). The mechanism is dependent on
hydrogen bonds with an arginine residue at position 120, thus irihibition of COX in the gastric mucosa, and damage is seen
preventing substrate fatty acids from entering into the catalytic whether the drugs are given orally or systemically. However, in
domain. However, a single amino acid change (isoleucine to some cases (aspirin being a good example) local damage to the
valine at position 523) in the structure of the entrance of this gastric mucosa caused directly by the dmg itself may compound
channel in COX-2 results in a bulky side pocket that is not found the damage. Figure 14.3 gives the relative risks of gastrointestinal
in COX-l. This is irnp01tant in understanding why some dmgs, damage with some common NSAIDs. Oral administration of
especially those with bulky side groups, are more selective for prostaglandin analogues such as misoprostol (see Ch. 25) cao
the COX-2 isofo1m (Fig. 14.2). Aspirin is, however, an anomaly. diminish the gastric damage produced by these agents.
It enters the active site and acetylates a serine at position 530, Based on extensive experimental evidence, it had been predicted
uTeversibly inactivating COX-l. This is the basis for aspirin's that COX-2-selective agents would provide good anti-inflammatory
long-lasting effects on platelets (see below). and analgesic actions with less gastric damage, and some older
Other actions besides inhibition of COX may contribute to the drugs (e.g. meloxicam) that were believed to be better tolerated
anti-inflammatory effects of some NSAIDs. Reactive oxygen in the clinic turned out to have some COX-2 selectivity. Two
radicals produced by neutrophils and macrophages are implicated large prospective studies compared cclecoxib and rofecoxib with
in tissue damage in some conditions, and some NSAIDs (e.g. standard comparator NSAIDs in patients with arthritis and showed
s ulindac) have oxygen radical- scavengirig effects as well as some benefit, although the results were not as clear-cut as bad
COX inhibitory activity, so may decrease tissue damage. Aspirin been hoped. Less encouraging, however, was an increase in the
also inhibits expression of the transcription factor nuclear factor incidence of serious cardiovascular illcidents seen in Lhese trials
(NF) KB, which has a key role in the transcription of the genes (Boers, 2001; FitzGerald & Patrono, 2001). At the time, it was
for i11flammatory mediators. not clear that this was connected with COX-2 inhibition, and
two 'coxibs', as they came to be called, were licensed in the USA
in 1998 (and in the UK shortly after), with many more in the
pipeline. Continuing uncertainty about the cardiovascular risk
Because prostaglandins are involved in gastric cytoprotection, led to the addition of warning labels on these drugs in 2002.
platelet aggregation, renal vascular autoregulation and induction but the results from a long-term trial designed to assess the
of labour, among other effects, it may be reasonably expected that anticancer activity of rofecoxib showed that the risk of cardio-
all NSATDs share, to some extent, a similar profile of mechanism- vascular events increased significantly after 18 months' treatment.
dependent side effects. While this is true, Lhere may be other As a result of this, the dmg was voluntarily withdrawn in 2004.
additional unwanted effects peculiar to individual members of When another coxib, valdecoxib, apparently showed similar
the group. effects as well as serious skin reactions, this too was withdrawn.
Overall, the burden of unwanted side effects is high. Severe At the time of writing, only celecoxib, parecoxib and etoricoxib
gastrointestinal effects alone (perforations, ulcers or bleeding) remain licensed in the UK (see below).
are said to result in the hospitalisation of over 100 000 people It seems that adverse cardiovascular pharmacology, especially
per year in the USA. Some 15% of these patients may die from during prolonged use or ill patients with high cardiovascular risk,
this iatrogenic disease (Fries, 1998). These figures probably may be a class effect of coxibs-indeed, this was anticipated in
reflect the fact that NSAIDs are used extensively in the elderly, a previous study (McAdam et al., 1999)-although the reason for
and often for extended periods of time. When the classic NSAlDs this is not entirely clear. It appears that while COX-1 was considered
are used in joint diseases (which usually necessitates fairly large to be the main source of the antiaggregating PGI2, some individuals
doses and long-continued use), there is a high incidence of depend on COX-2 to synthesise this important regulator of
232 side effects-particularly in the gastrointestinal tract but also in cardiovascular function. If this is disturbed, it may lead to an



Fig . 14.3 The ris k of
gastrointestina l complications
with va rious non-steroida l
anti-infla mmatory drugs. The risk lndometacin
is shown relative to ibuprofen Tolmetin
(relative risk = 1). Ibuprofen, given
tn a dose of 1200 mg daily, 1tself
carries a risk double that of placebo. Ketoprofen
The lines represent 95% confidence Azapropazone
intervals. (From a figure by Hawkey,
2001; data derived from a
meta-analysis of 12 comparative 3 30
studies in Henry et a l., 1996.) Relative risk

increase in thrombotic epi!.odes including myocardial infarction inhibition of the bio!.ynlhe~is of those prostanoids (PG~ and PG1 2;
and \troke. Boers has concluded that, 'in patients who do not prostacyclin) involved in the maintenance of renal blood flow,
require platelet inhibition, selective COX-2 inhibitors seem to be specifically in the PGE2-mediated compensatory vasodilatation
a true advance and an attrJctive alternative to classic NSAIDs that occur.. in re~ponse to the action of nomdrenaline or angiotensin
combined with ga,troprotective l>trategies', but points out that II (~ee Ch. 24). Neonates and the elderly are especially at risk, as
cardiologists and rheumatologists should routinely consider arc patient~ with heart, liver or kidney disease (p. 745), or a
ga~troprotection alongside cardioprotection. This episode has reduced circulating blood volume.
proved a disappointing outcome for an apparently promising Chronic NSAID consumption. especially NSAID 'abuse', 1
thcmpcutic ~trategy, and at the time of writing it is not clear how can cause ana/gelic nephropathy characterised by chronic
this area will develop-if at all-in the future. Some feel that the nephritis and renal papillary necrosis (Ch. 24, p. 374).
reputation of these inhibitors has been irretrievably tarnished P he nacetin, now withdrawn. was the main culprit; paracetarnol,
(Melnikova, 2005), and that it i~ unlikely that the field will one of its major metabolites, is much less toxic. Regular usc of
recover: indeed. the cardiovascular side effects of the COX-I prescribed doses of NSAlDs is less hazardous for the kidney in
inhibitor~ arc currently being re-examined in the light of the this respect than is very heavy and prolonged use of over-the-
COX-2 debate. counter analgesics in a social context (e.g. Swiss workers
Other ideas have been proposed to explain the gasttic side man ufacturing wa tches wou ld hand round analgesics in the same
effects of NSAIDs. The administration of COX- I inhi bitors way as shari ng sweets or cigarettes).
themselves causes COX-2 induction and, on the basis of
experimental evidence, Wallace (2000) has argued that selective
inhibitors of either isoqmc will cause less gastric damage than
non-selective drugs. Other, much less common. unwanted effects of NSAIDs include
CNS effects, bone marrow disturbances and liver disorders, the
last being more likely if there is already renal impairment. 2
Paracetamol overdose causes liver failure (see below). Approxi-
Rashes are common idiosyncratic unwanted effects of NSATDs, mately 5% of patients exposed to NSAIDs may experience
particularly with mefenamic acid (I 0-15% frequency) and nspirin-sensitile nstlmw. The exact mechanism is unknown, but
sulindac (5-10~ frequency). They vary from mild erythematous,
urticarial and photo~ensitivity reactions to more serious and
potentially fatal disease~ including Stevens-Johnson syndrome 1
So called becau.,c the a~ailabtlit} of NSAIDs in proprietary medicines over
(1\hich is fortunately rare). the counter. often in combination with other substances. such as caffeine,
ha, tempted ~orne people to consume them. often in prodigious quantities,
for every conceivable malady.
An odd >ide effect of the NSAJD daclofenac came to light when a team of
>ciemi~t~ investigated the curiou'> decline in the population of several
Therapeutic dol:.cs of NSAJDs in healthy individuals pose little
species of vu ltures in the lndittn ~ubcontinent. Dead cattle fonn an
threat to kidney function, but in susceptible patients they cause imponant part of the diet of the~c bird~. and some animals had been treated
acute renal insufficiency, which is reversible o n stopping the wi th diclofenac.: for veterinary reasons. Apparently. residual amounts of the
drug (sec Ch. 53, p. 755. Table 53.1 ). T his occurs through the drug in the carca>,e> proved un iquely toxic to this species. 233

inhibition of COX is implicated (see Ch. 23). Aspirin is the worst

offender, but there is cross-reaction with all other class members, Clinical uses of NSAIDs
except possibly COX-2 inhibitors (see Ch. 23). All NSAIDs
(except COX-2 inhibitors) prevent platelet aggregation and For analgesia (e.g. headache, dysmenorrhoea,
therefore may prolong bleeding. Again. aspirin is the main backache, bony metastases, postoperative pain):
problem in this regard (see below). short-term use: aspirin, paracetamol or
chronic pain: more potent, longer lasting drugs
(e.g. diflunisal, naproxen, piroxicam)
Table 14.1 lim commonly used NSAIDs, and the clinical uses of to reduce the requirement for narcotic analgesics
the NSAIDs are summarised in the clinical box. Here we discuss (e.g. ketorolac postoperatively).
only aspirin and paracetamol. For anti-inflammatory effects (e.g. rheumatoid
arthritis and related connective tissue disorders, gout
ASPIRIN and soft tissue disorders).
Note that there is substantial individual variation In
Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) was among the earliest drugs c linical response to NSAIDs and considerable
synthesised, and is still one of the most commonly consumed unpredictable patient preference for one drug
drugs worldwide. It is relatively insoluble, but its sodium and rather than another.
calcium salts are readily soluble. A newer related drug is To lower temperature (antipyretic): paracetamol.
dinunisal (Table 14. I ).

Aspirin in non-inflammatory conditions

A~pirin previously thought of as an old anti-inflammatory Alzheimer's disease: again. clinical trial results are awaited
worl,.horse- b now approaching the status of a wonder drug that (Ch. 35)
is of benefit not only in inflammation, but in an increasing radiation-induced diarrhoea.
number of other conditions. These include:
Pharmacokinetic aspects
cardiovascular disorders: through the antiplatelet action of
Aspirin, being a weak acid, is protonated in the acid environment
low-dose aspirin (Ch. 21)
of the stomach, thus facilitating its passage across the muco,...
colonic and rectal cancer: aspirin (and COX-2 inhibitors)
M ost absorption, however. occurs in the ileum. because of the
may reduce colorectal cancer-clinical trial results are
extensive surface area of the microvilli. Aspirin is rapid!}
(probably within 30 minutes) hydrolysed by esterases in the pla~m
and the tissues- particularly the liver-yielding salicylate. Thi'
compound itself has anti-inflammatory actions (indeed, it wa'
the ori ginal anti-intlammatory from which aspirin was derived);
the mechanism is not clearly understood, although it involve)
General unwanted effects of NSAIDs
the COX system. Oral salicylate is no longer used for treating
intlammation, although it is a component of some topical
Unwanted effects, many stemming from
preparations. Approximately 25% of the salicylate is oxidised.
inhibition of the constitutive housekeeping enzyme
some is conjugated to give the glucuronide or sulfate before
cyclo-oxygenase (COX)-1 isoform of COX, are common,
excretion, and about 25% is excreted unchanged, the rate of
particularly In the elderly, and include the following.
excretion being higher in alkaline urine (see Ch. 8).
Dyspepsia, nausea and vomiting. Gastric damage
The plasma half-life of aspirin will depend on the dose, but th(
may occur in chronic users, with risk of haemorrhage.
duration of action is not directly related to the plasma half-life
The cause is suppression of gastroprotective
because of the irreversible nature of the action of the acetylation
prostaglandins in the gastric mucosa.
reaction by which it inhibits COX activity.
Skin reactions. Mechanism unknown.
Reversible renal insufficiency. Seen mainly in
Unwanted effects
individuals with compromised renal function when the
Salicylatcs may produce both local and systemic toxic effect\.
compensatory prostaglandin E2-mediated
Aspirin shares many of the general unwanted effects of NSAJD,
vasodilatation is inhibited.
outlined above. In addition, there are certain specific unwanted
'Analgesic-associated nephropathy'. This can occur
effects that occur with aspirin and other salicylatcs.
following long-continued high doses of NSAIDs (e.g.
paracetamol) and is often irreversible. Salicylism, characterised by tinnitus. vertigo, decreased
Liver disorders, bone marrow depression. Relatively hearing, and sometimes also nausea and vomiting, occurs
uncommon. with overdosage of any salicylate.
Bronchospasm. Seen in 'aspirin-sensitive' asthmatics. Reye's syndrome, a rare disorder of chi ldren that is
characterised by hepatic encephalopathy following an acute

viral illness and a 20-40~ mortality. Since the withdrawal of

a!>pirin for paediatric u~e in the U K , the incidence of Reye's
syndrome has fallen dramatically.
Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) is the oldest non-
Salicylate poisoning is a result of disturbances of the steroid al anti-inflammatory drug. It acts by irreversibly
acid-base and the electrolyrc balance that may be seen in patients inactivating both cyc lo-oxygenase (COX)-1 and COX-2.
rreated with high do~es of salicylate-containing drugs and in In addition to its anti-inflammatory actions, aspirin
auempted suicide~. These drug'> can uncouple oxidative inhibits platelet aggregation, and its main clinical
phosphorylarion (mainly in skclewl muscle). leading to increased rmportance now is in the therapy of myocardial
o:~.ygen consumption and thus increased production of carbon infarction.
dioxide. Thi!. stimulates respiration. which is also stimulated by It is given orally and is rapidly absorbed; 75% is
a direcr action of rhe drugs on the respiratory centre. T he metabolised in the liver.
resulting hypervenri larion causes a respiratory alkalosis that is Elimination follows first- order kinetics w ith low doses
normally compensated by renal mechanisms involv ing increased (half- life 4 hours), and saturation kinetics with high
bicarbonate excretion. Larger doses can cause a depression of the doses (half-life over 15 hours).
respiraLOry centre. w hich leads eventually to retention of carbon Unwanted effects:
dioxide and thu!. an increase in plasma carbon dioxide. Because w ith therapeutic doses: some gastric bleed ing
this is superi mposed on a reduction in plasma bicarbonate, an (usually slight and asympt omatic) is common
uncompensated respiratory acidosis w ill occur. This may be with large doses: dizziness, deafness and tinnitus
complicated by a mewlmlic acidosis, w hich resulls from the ('salicylism'); compensated respiratory alkalosis
accumulation of metabolites of pyruvic, lactic and acetoacetic may occur
acids (an indirect consequence of interference with carbohydrate with toxic doses (e.g. from self-poisoning):
metabolism). The acid load associated with the salicylate itself is uncompensated respiratory acidosis with metabolic
quantitatively trivial. Hyperpyrexia secondary to the increased acidosis may occur, particularly in children
metabolic rare is abo likely to be present, and dehydration may aspirin has been linked with a postviral
follow repeated \Omiting. encephalitis (Reye's syndrome) in children.
In the CNS, initial stimulation with excitemem is followed If g1ven concomitantly w ith warfarin, aspirin can
eventually by coma and respiratory depression. Disturbances of cause a potentially hazardous increase in the risk
haemostasis can also occur. mainly as a result of depressed of bleeding.
platelet aggregation. Salicylate poisoning is a medical emergency:
it i~ more common. and more &erious. in children than i n adults.
The acid-ba~e disturbance seen in children is usually a metabol ic
acidosis. whereas thnt in adults b a respiratory alkalosis.
product of COX- I ) existed predominantl y in the CNS of some
species, and that paracetamol. as well as some orher drugs with
Some important interactions with other drugs similar properti es (e.g. antipyr ine and dipyrone), were selecti ve
Aspirin causes a polentially h azardou~> increase in the effect of inhibitors of this enzyme (Chandrasekh aran et al. 2002). T his
war farin , partl y by displacing it from plasma proteins (Ch. 52) elegant idea is still under inves tigation. Alternati ve explanations
and part ly because its effec t on platel ets interferes w ith for the ability of paracetamol selectively to inhibit COX in the
haemosratic mechanisms (see Ch. 2 1). Aspirin also interferes CNS alone have been provided by Ouellet & Percival (2001) and
wi th the effecr of uricosuric agents such as pr oben ecid and Boutaud et al. (2002).
sulfinpy razone, and because low doses of aspirin may, on their
own, reduce urare excretion, aspirin should not be used in gout. Pharmacokinetic aspects
Paracctamol i'> given orally and is well absorbed, with peak
plasma concentrations reached in 30-60 minutes. T he plasma
PARACETAMOL half-life of therapeutic doses is 2-4 hours. but with toxic doses it
Paraceramol (called acetaminophen in the USA) is one of the may be c~tended to 4-8 hours. Paracetarnol is inactivated in rhe
most commonly used non-narcotic analgesic-antipyretic agents, liver, bl!ing conjugated to gi'e the glucuronide or sulfate.
and is a component of many over-the-counter proprietary prep-
ararion'>. I n ~;ome ways. rhe drug constitutes an anomaly: while Unwanted eHects
it ha-. excellent analgesic and antipyretic activity. which can be Wirh therapeutic dosel>. :.ide effects are few and uncommon,
traced 10 inhibition of C S proMaglandin synthesis. it has weak ahhough allergic skin reactions sometimes occur. It is possible
anti-inflammatory activity (except i n some speci fic instances) that regular intake of large doses over a long period may cause
and does not share the ga.stric or platelet side effects of the other kidney damage.
NSATDs. For this reason, paracetamol is sometimes not classified Toxic dose~ ( 10- 15 graml>) cause potentially fatal hepatotoxicity.
a~ an NSAID at all. T his occurs w hen the liver enzymes catalysing the normal conj u-
A potemial solu.tion to this puzzle was supplied by the obser- gation reaction!. arc saturated, causing the drug to be metabolised
instead by mixed funcri on ox idases. The resulting toxic
vation thar a further COX isoform, COX-3 (an alternate spl ice

metabolite, N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine, is inactivated by CELECOXIB AND ETORICOXIB

conjugation with glutathione, but when glutathione is depleted
the toxic intermediate accumulates and reacts with nucleophilic Celecoxib and etoricoxib arc licensed in the UK for symptomatic
constituents in the cell. This causes necrosis in the liver and also relief in the treatment of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthriti\.
in the kidney tubules. Both are administered orally.
The initial symptoms of acute paracetamol poisoning are
nausea and vomiting, the hepatotoxicity being a delayed mani- Pharmacokinetic properties
fe tat ion that occurs 24-48 hours later. Further details of the toxic Both dnag have similar pharmacokinetic profiles. being 11ell
effects of paracctamol are given in Chapter 53. If the patient is absorbed with peak plasma concentrations being achieved within
seen sufficiently soon after ingestion, the liver damage can be 1- 3 hours. They are extensively (> 99%) metabolised in the
prevented by giving agents that increase glutathione formation in liver, and pla!>ma protein binding is high (> 90%).
the liver (acetylcysteine intravenously, or methionine orally). If
more than 12 hours have passed since the ingestion of a large Unwanted effects
dose, the antidotes, which themselves can cause adverse effects Common unwanted effects may include headache, dizziness. sJ..m
(nausea, allergic reactions}, are less likely to be useful. Regrettably, rashes, and peripheral oedema caused by fluid retention. As with
ingestion of l arge amounts of paracetamol is a common method all COX-2 inhibitors, consideration should be given to the possibility
of suicide. of seri ous adverse cardiovascular events. Because of the potential
role of COX-2 in the healing of ulcers, the drugs should be
avoided. if possible, by patients with pre-existing disease.
Three coxibs, agents selective for COX-2, are currently available
for clinical usc in the UK: others may be available elsewhere. Parecoxib is a prodrug of valdecoxib. The latter drug has no11
Several have been withdrawn. and the overall licensing situation been withdrawn. but parecoxib is licensed for the shon-tenn
is volatile. Current advice restricts the usc of coxibs to patients treatment of postoperative pain. It is given by intravenou~ or
for whom treatment with conventional SAIDs would pose a intramu<;cular injection.
high probability of serious gastrointestinal side effects, and coxibs
are prescribed only after an assessment of cardiovascular risk. Pharmacokinetic properties
There is still a pos~ibility that gastrointestinal disturbances will Following injection, parecoxib is rapidly and virtually completd)
occur with these agents, perhaps because COX-2 has been (> 95%) converted into the active valdecoxib by enzymau.
implicated in the healing of pre-existing ulcers. so inhibition hydrolysi!> in the liver. Maximum blood levels are achieved withm
could delay recovery from earlier lesions. approximately 30-60 minutes, depending on the route of admini,.
tration. Plasma protein binding is high. Elimination of the active
metabolite. valdecoxib, is through hepatic metabolism. Multiple
pathways arc utilised. About 70% of the total dose is excreted in
the urine, with an elimination half-l ife of approximately 8 hours.

Paracetamol has potent analgesic and

antipyretic actions but rather weaker anti-inflammatory Clinical uses of histamine H 1 receptor
effects than other NSAIDs. It may act through inhibition antagonists
of a central nervous system- specific cyclo-oxygenase
(COX) isoform such as COX-3, although this is not yet Allergic reactions (see Ch. 13):
conclusive. non-sedating drugs (e.g. fexofenadine, cetirizine)
It is given orally and metabolised in the liver (half-life are used for allergic rhinitis (hay fever) and urticaria
2-4 hours). topical preparations may be useful for insect bites
Toxic doses cause nausea and vomiting, then, after injectable formulations are useful as an adjunct to
24-48 hours, potentially fatal liver damage by adrenaline for severe drug hypersensitivities and
saturating normal conjugating enzymes, causing the emergency treatment of anaphylaxis (see Ch. 23).
drug to be converted by mixed function oxidases to As antiemetics:
N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine. If not inactivated by prevention of motion sickness
conjugation with glutathione, this compound reacts - other causes of nausea, especially labyrinthine
with cell proteins and kills the cell. disorders.
Agents that increase g lutathione (intravenous For sedation:
acetylcysteine or o ral methionine) can prevent liver some H, receptor antagonists (e.g. promethazine;
damage if given early. see Table 14.4) are fairly strong sedatives.


The risk of precipitating cardi ovascular events should be
c Details of some characteristic H 1 receptor antagonists are shown
carefully considered prior to treatment with any COX-2 inhibitor.
in Table 14.4.
Skin reactions, some of them serious, have been reponed with
the active metabolite valdecoxib, and patients shou ld be
monitored carefully. The drug should also be given with caution Pharmacological actions
to patients wilh impaired renal function, and renal failu re has Many of the pharmacological actions of the H 1 receptor antagonists
been reported in connecti on with this drug. Postoperative follow from the actions of histamine outlined in Chapter 13. In
anaemia may also occur. vitro, for example, they decrease histamine-mediated contraction
of the smooth muscle of the bronchi, the intestine and the uterus.
They inhibit histan1ine-induced increases in vascular permeability
ANTAGONISTS OF HISTAMINE and bronchospasm in the guinea pig in vivo, but are unfonunately
of little value in allergic bronchospasm in humans. The clinical
There are three groups: H 1, H 2 and H 3 receptor antagonists. The uses of H 1 receptor antagonists are summarised in the clinical box.
fi rst group was introduced first by Bovet and his colleagues in the Some H 1 receptor antagonists have pronounced effects in the
1930s, at a time when histamine receptors had not been classified CNS. These are usually listed as 'side effects', but they may be
(indeed, this was possible only because these agents were available). more clinically useful than the peripheral H 1 antagonist effects.
For historical reasons then, the generi c term amihistamine Some are fairly strong sedatives and may be used for thi s acti on
conventionally refers only to the 11 1 receptor antagonists that (e.g. di phenhydramine: sec Table 14.4). Several are antiemetic
affect various inflan1matory and allergic mechanisms, and it is and are used to prevent motion sickness (e.g. prom ethazine; !>ee
these drugs that are discussed in this section. The main clinical Ch. 25).
effect of H 2 receptor antagonists is inhibition of gastri c secretion, M any H 1 receptor antagonists (e.g. diphenhydramine) also
and this is discussed in Chaptcr25. Several H 3 receptor agonists show significant antimuscarinic effects, although their affinity is
and antagonists arc now available, and the potential for their much lower for muscarinic than for histamine receptors. When
clinical use (mainly in CNS conditions) is being explored. selective H 1 receptor antagonism is desired, untrammelled by

T ble 14.4 Comparison of some commonly used H1 receptor antagonists

Common uses

Type Drug H u R AE s Comments

Non-sedating Acrivastine
Desloratidlne Metabolite of loratidlne
Fexofenadine Metabolite of terfenadine
Levocetrizine Isomer of cetrizine
Mizolastine May cause QT interval prolongatiOn

Sedating Alimemazine Used for premedication

Cyproheptadine Used also for migraine
Diphenhydramine Mainly used as a mild hypnotic
Doxylamine Mainly used as an Ingredient of proprietary decongestant and
other medicines
Hydroxyzine Also used to treat anxiety
Promethazine Also used for motion sickness
Triprolidine Mainly used as an ingredient of proprietary decongestant and
other medicines

AE, allergic emergency (e.g. anaphylactic shock); H, hay fever; A, rhin11is; S, sedation; U, urticaria and/or pruritis.
(From British Medical Association and Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain 2005 British National Formulary. BMA and RPSGB,

CNS effect~. newer drugs-such as Cetirizine (Table 14.4) lysis of the cells with release of proteolytic enzymes. Urate
which do not penetrate the blood-brain barrier-may be used. crystals also induce the production of IL- l and possibly other
Some norH.cdating a ntihistamines such as terfenadine, (now cytokincs too.
withdrawn) can cause serious cardiac dysrhyrhmias (p. 117). Drugs used to treat gout may act in the following ways:
The risJ,. is extremely low but is increased if taken witb grapefruit
by inhibiting uric acid synthesis: allopurinol (this is the
juice or agent'> that inhibit cytochrome P450 in the liver
main prophylactic drug)
(see Chs 8 and 52). Fexofenadine. the non-toxic, pharma-
by increa-,ing uric acid excretion (uricosuric agents:
cologically active metabolite of terfenadine, is now available
probenecid, sulfinpyrazone)
(see p. 117). Other, newer drugs that lack sedative action are
by inhibiting leucocyte migration into the joint (colchicine)
loratadine and mizolastine.
by a general anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect (NSAfD~).
Several H 1 receptor antagonists show weak blockade at a 1
adrenoceptors (an example is the phenothiazine promethazine).
Cyprohepta dine is a 5-hydroxytryptamine antagonist as well as ALLOPURINOL
an H 1 receptor antagonist.
Allo purinol is an analogue of hypoxanthine and reduces the
Pharmacokinetic aspects synthesis of uric acid by competitive inhibition of xamhi11e
Most l 11 receptor antagonists are given orally, are well absorbed, oxidase (Fig. 14.4). Some inhibition of de novo purine synthesis
reach their peak effect in l-2 hours and are effective for 3-6 hours, also occurs. Allopurinol is converted to alloxanthine by xanthine
although there are exceptions. Most appear to be widely oxidase, and this metaboUtc, which remains in the tissue for a
distributed throughout the body, but some do not penetrate the considerable time, is an effective non-competitive inhibitor of the
blood-brain barrier, for example the non-sedative drugs mentioned enzyme. The pharmacological action of allopurinol is largely due
above (see Table 14.4). They are metabolised in the liver and to alloxanthinc.
excreted in the urine. Allopurinol reduces the concentratio n of the relatively
insoluble urates and uric acid in tissues. plasma and urine, while
Unwanted eHects increasing the concentration of their more soluble precursors, the
What is defined as 'unwanted' will depend to a certain extent on xanthines and hypoxantbines. The deposition of urate crystals rn
the purpose for which a drug is used. When used to treat tissues (tophi) is reversed, and the formation of renal stones .,
allergies. for example, the sedative C S effects arc generally inhibited. Allopurinol is the drug of choice in the long-tenn
unwanted, but there arc other occasions (e.g. in small children treatment of gout, but it is ineffective in the treatment of an acute
approaching bedtime) when such effects are more desirable. Even attack and may even exacerbate the inflammation.
under these circumstances, other CNS effects, such as dizziness,
tinnitus and fatigue. are unwelcome. Pharmacokinetic aspects
The peripheral anti muscari nic actions are always unwanted. Allopurinol is given o rally and is well absorbed in the
The commonest of these is dryness of the mouth. but blurred gastrointestinal tract. Its half-life is 2-3 hours; it is converted to
visio n, constipation and retention of urine can also occur. alloxanthine (Fig. 14.4), which has a half-Life of 18-30 hours.
Unwanted effects that arc not mechanism-based are also seen;
gastrointestinal dis turbances are fairly common, while allergic
dermatitis can foll ow topical application.
Allo purino l


Gout is a metabolic disease in which plasma urate concentration
, Xanthine oxidase / l

is rai!>Cd because of overproduction (sometimes linked to indulgence

Xanthine oxidase
in alcoholic beverages, especially beer. or purine-rich foods such
as offal, or increased cell turnover as in haematological
malignancies, particularly when treated with cytotoxic drugs; Alloxanthine Xanthine
Ch. 51) or impaired excretion of uric acid. It is characterised by
very painful intermittent attacks of acute arthritis produced by
the deposition of crystals of sodium urate (a product of purine
metabolism) in the synovial tissue of joints and elsewhere. An
' X'"thtoe """''" ;l
inflammatory response is evoked. involving activation of the
kinin, complement and plasmin systems (see Cb. 13 and Fig. 13. 1),
generation of lipoxygenase products s uch as leukotriene B4 ( Uric acid )

(Fig. 13.5), and local accumulation of neutrophil granulocytes.
Fig. 14.4 Inhibition of uric acid synthesis by allopurinol.
These engulf the crystals by phagocytosis, releasing tissue- (See text for details.)
238 damaging toxic oxygen metabolites and subsequently causing

Renal excretio n is a balance between glomerular filtration and a proble m, and with large doses may be associated with
probenec id-sensitive tubular reabsorpti on. gal>tro intestinal haemo rrhage and kidney damage. Pro lo nged
treatme nt can, rarely. cau~e blood dyscrasias. rashes or periphera l
Unwanted eHects ne uropathy.
These a re few. Gastro intestinal disturbances and allerg ic
reactions (mainly ra~hes) can occur but usually disappear if the
drug is stopped. Pote ntia ll y fatal skin diseases (Stevens- Johnson ANTIRHEUMATOID DRUGS
syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis-a horrible disorde r
where skin peels away in sheets as if scalded) are rare but Arthritic disease is o ne o f the commonest c hronic inflammatory
devastating. Rcchallc nge is never justified. Acute attacks of gout conditio ns in developed countries, and rheumatoid arthritis is a
occur commonly during the early stages of therapy (possibly as a common cause o r disability. One in three patients with rheumatoid
result of physicoche mical changes in the surfaces of urate crystals arthriti!> is like ly to become severely disabled. The joint changes,
as these start to redissolve), so treatme nt is neve r initiated during which probably re present an autoimmune reaction, comprise
an acute attack and is usually initiated accompanied by an NSATD. inflammatio n, pro liferation of the synovium, and e rosion o f
carti lage and bone. The primary inflammatory cytokines, IL- l
Drug interactions and TNF-a , have a major role in pathogenesis (Ch. 13).
Allopurino l inc reases the effect of me r c a pto purine, an The drugs most frequently used in therapy are the DMARDs
antimetabolite used in cancer che motherapy (Ch. 51), and also and the NSA!Ds. Unlike the NSAJDs, which reduce the symptoms,
that of azathioprine (an immunosuppressant used to prevent trans- but not the progress, of t~e disea&e, the former g roup may halt o r
plant rejection; see below), which is metabolised to mercaptopurine. reverse the underlying disease itself. Such claims may be more
Allopurino l also e nha nces the e ffect o f another anticancer drug, optimi ~ti c than real, but nevertheless these drugs are useful in the

cyclop hospha m id e (Ch. 5 1). The effect of warfarin is increased treatment o f discrete groups o f patients. So me immunosuppressants
because its metabo lism i!> inhibited. (e.g. azathioprine, ciclospori n; see below and Ch. 51 ) are a lso
used, as are the g lucoco r ticoids (covered in Ch. 28). Newer
agents, with more specific actio ns, arc the anticytokine drugs.
Uricosuric drugs increase uric acid excretio n by a direct action
on the renal tubule. Exa mples are probenecid and sulfinpyrazone.
They remain useful as prophylaxis for patients with severe The term DMARD is a latex concept that c an be stretched to
recurrent gout who have severe adverse reactions to allo purino l. cover a hete ro logous g roup of agent with unrelated che mical
Sulfinpyratone has NS AID activity; treatment wi th uricosuri c stntctures and d iffere nt mechanisms of action. Included in th i!>
drugs is initiateu with a n SATD, as for allopurinol. category are metho trexate. s ulfasalazine, gold com pounds.
penicillamine a nd chloro quine (see Table 14.5).
The antirhe umatoid action of most of these agents was usually
COLCHICINE discovered through a mixture of serendipity and clinical intuition.
Colchic ine is an alkaloid extrac ted from the autumn crocus. It When the dntgs we re introduced, nothing was known about the ir
has a specific e ffect in gouty arthritis and can be used both to mechanism of action in these conditions, and decades of in vitro
preve nt and to relieve acute attacks. It prevents migration of experiments have generally resulted in further bewildennent rather
ncutro phils into the j oint, appare ntly by binding: ,to tubulin, than understanding. DMARDs generally improve symptoms and
resulting in the de po lymeris atio n o f the microtubules and can reduce disease activity in rheumato id arthritis, as measured
reduced cell mo tility. Co lchic ine-treated neutrophils develop a by reductio n in number o f swo llen and tender joints, pain score,
'drunke n walk'. Colchic ine may also preve nt the productio n of a disability score, artic ular index on radio logy. and serum concen-
putative infla mmatory g lycoprotein by neutropruls that have
phagocytosed urate crystal s, and o ther mec hanisms may also be
important in bringing about its effects.
Drugs used In gout
Pharmacokinetic aspects
Colchicine is g iven o ra lly, is well absorbed. and reaches peak To treat an acute attack:
concentrations in about I hour. It is excre ted partly in the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have anti-
gastrointestinal tract and partly in the urine. inflammatory action and reduce pain
colchicine reduces leucocyte migration into joints.
Unwanted eHects For prophylaxis:
The acute unwanted effects o f colchicine are largely gastrointestinal: - allopurinol inhibits uric acid synthesis
nausea , vomiting and abdominal pain. Seve re diarrboea3 may be - probenecid increases uric acid excretion.
Drugs used for prophylaxis must not be started until
3Because the therapeutic margin is so small, i t used to be said by the acute attack has resolved.
rheummologistS that ' patients mu&t run before they can walk' .

Table 14.5 Comparison of some common 'disease-modifying' and immunosuppressive drugs


Drug Type RA JRA SLE Severity Comments

Sodium aurothiomalate Gold complex

Auranofin Gold complex

Penicillamine Penicillin metabolite Severe

Chloroquine Antimalarial Moderate

Hydroxychloroquine Antimalarial Moderate Useful for some skin disorders


Mepacrine Antimalarial Moderate

Methotrexate lmmunomodulator Moderate to severe Also used in Crohn's disease, psoriasis

and cancer treatment

Azathioprine lmmunomodulator Also used in transplant rejection

Ciclosporin lmmunomodulator Severe Used when other therapies fail; some skin
diseases; transplant rejection

Cyclophosphamide lmmunomodulator Severe

Leflunamide lmmunomodulator Moderate to severe Also used In psoriatic arthritis

Adaiimumab Cytokine inhibitor Moderate to severe Used when other drugs inadequate; often
combined with methotrexate

Anakinra Cytokine inhibitor Moderate to severe Used when other drugs inadequate; often
combined with methotrexate

Etanercept Cytokine inhibitor Used when other drugs inadequate; often

combined with methotrexate

lnfliximab Cytokine inhibitor Used when other drugs inadequate; often

combined with methotrexate; used in

Sulfasalazine NSAID Also used in ulcerative colitis

JRA, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis; NSAID, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; SLE, systemic lupus
(From Brit ish Medical Association and Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain 2005 British National Formulary. BMA and RPSGB,

tration of acute-phase proteins and of rheumatoid factor (an concomitant NSAID (or glucocorticoid) therapy can generally be
immunoglobulin [lg] M antibody against host TgG). However, dramatically reduced. Some DMARDs have a place in the
whether they actually halt the long-term progress of the disease treatment of other chronic inflammatory diseases, whereas others
is hotly debated. (e.g. penicillamine) are not thought to have a general anti-
The DMARDs were often referred to as second-line drugs, inflammatory action. Putative mechanis ms of action of
with the implication that they are only resorted to when other DMARDs are reviewed by Bondeson (1997).
therapies (e.g. NSAIDs) failed. Today, however, DMARD therapy
may be initiated as soon as a definite diagnos is has been reached.
Their clinical effects are usually slow (months) in onset, and it is
usual to provide NSAID 'cover' during this induction phase. If Sulfasalazine, a common first-choice DMARD in the UK,
240 therapy is successful (and the success rate is not invariably hig h), produces remission in active rheumatoid arthritis and is also used

for chronic inflammatory bowel disease. It may act by scavenging plateau for several months. Penicillamine is thought to modify
the toxic oxygen metabolites produced by neutrophils. The drug rheumatoid disease partly by decreasing the immune response,
is a combination of sulfonamide (sulfapyridine) with a salicylate. TL-1 generation, and/or partly by an effect on collagen synthesis,
It is split into its component parts by bacteria in the colon, the 5- preventing the maturation of newly synthesised collagen.
aminosalicylic acid being the putative radical scavenger. Tt is However, the precise mechanism of action is still a matter of
poorly absorbed after oral administration. The common side effect~ conjecture. The drug has a highly reactive thiol group and also
are gastrointe tina! disturbances, malaise and headache. Skin has metal-chelating properties, which are put to good use in the
reactions and leucopenia can occur but are reversible on stopping treatment of Wilson's disease (pathological copper deposition
the drug. The absorption of folic acid is sometimes impaired; this causing neurodegencration) or heavy metal poisoning.
can be countered by giving folic acid supplemenrs. A reversible
decrease in sperm count has also been reported. As with other Phormocokinetic aspects
sulfonamides, blood dyscrasial> and anaphylactic-type reactions Penici II ami ne ilo given orally, and only half the dose administered
may occur in a few patients. is absorbed. It reaches peak plasma concentrations in 1-2 hours
and is excreted in the urine. Dosage is s tarted low and increased
only graduall y to minimise unwanted effects.
Gold is ad ministered in the form of organic complexes: Unwonted eHects
sodium aurothiomalatc and auraoofin are the two most Unwanted effects occur in about 40% of patients treated and
common preparations. The effect of gold compounds develops may necessitate cessation of therapy. Anorexia, fever, nausea and
~lowly, the maximum action occurring after 3-4 months. Pain vomiting, and disturbances of taste (the last related to the chelation
and joint swelling subside, and the progression of bone and joint of zinc) are seen but often disappear with continued treatment.
damage diminishes. The mechanism of action is not clear, but Proteinuria occurs in 20% of patients. Rashes and stomatitis are
auranofin, although not au rothiomaJate, inhibits the induction of the most common unwanted effects and may resolve if the
TL-1 and TN F-a. dosage is lowered, as may dose-related thrombocytopenia. Other
bone marrow disorders (leucopenia, aplastic anaemia) are
Phormocokinetic aspects absolute indications for stopping therapy, as are the various
Sodium aurothiomalate is given by deep intramuscular injection; autoimm une conditions (e.g. thyroiditis, myasthenia gravis) that
auranofin is given orally. Peak plasma concentrations of the sometimes supervene. Because penicillamine is a metal chelator,
former dmg are reached in 2- 6 hours. The compotmds gradually it should not be given with gold compounds.
become concentrated in the tissues, not only in synovial cells in
joints but also in liver cells. kidney tubules. the adrenal cortex
and macrophage~ throughout the body. The gold complexes
remain in the tissues for some lime after treatment is stopped. Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are 4-aminoquinoline
Excretion is mostly renal, but some is eliminated in the drugs used mainly in the prevention and treatment of malaria
gastrointestinal tract. The half-life is 7 days initially but increases (Ch. 49), but they arc also used as DMARDs. Chloroquine is
with treatment, so the drug is usually given first at weekly, then usuall y reserved for cases where other treatments have failed.
at monthl y intervals. They are also used in patients with systemic or discoid lupus
erythematosus, but are contraindicated in patients with psoriatic
Unwonted eHects arthropathy because they make the skin lesions worse. Mepacrine
Unwanted effects with aurothiomalate are seen in about one-third is also sometimes used in discoid lupus. Pharmacological
of patients treated, and serious toxic effects in about! patient in I 0. effects do not appear until a momh or more after the drug is
Unwanted effects with auranofin are less frequent and less started, and only about half the patients treated respond. The
severe. Important unwanted effects include skin rashes (which pharmacokinetic aspects and unwanted effects of chloroquine
can be severe), mouth ulcers, non-specific flu-like symptoms, are dealt with in Chapter 49; screening for ocular toxicity is
proteinuria, thromboctyopenia and blood dyscrasias. Enceph- particularly important.
alopathy, peripheral neuropathy and hepatitis can occur. If therapy
is stopped when the early symptoms appear, the incidence of
serious toxic effects is relatively low.
Methotrexate is a folic acid antagonist with cytotoxic and
immunosuppressant activity (see below and Chs 45 and 51) and
PENICILLAMINE potent antirheumatoid action. It is commonly a first-choice
Penicillamine is dimethylcysteine: it is one of the substances DMARD. Tt has a more rapid onset of action than other
produced by hydrolysis of penicillin and appears in the urine DMARDs, but treatment has to be closely monitored because of
after treatment with that drug. The D isomer is used in the blood dyscrasia~ (some fatal) and liver cirrhosis. More than 50%
therapy of rheumatoid disease. About 75% of patients with of patients continue with it for 5 years or more, whereas about
rheumatoid arthritis respond to penicillan1ine. ln responders. half stop other DMARDs within 2 years because of unwanted
therapeutic effects are seen within weeks but do not reach a effects and lack of efficacy. 241

proliferation, although others also inhibit aspects of the effector

Antlrheumatold drugs phase. They can be roughly characterised as:

These comprise non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that inhibit lL-2 production or action (e.g. ciclosporin.
drugs (see key points box on p. 234), disease-modifying tacrolim us)
antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) and anticytokine agents. drug!. that inhibit cytokine gene expression (e.g. the
DMARDs: corticos teroids)
include sulfasalazine, m ethotrexate (a folate drugs that inhibit purine or pyrimidine synthesi:. (e.g.
antagonist), gold compounds, chloroquine a7athioprine, m ycophenolate m ofetil)
(an antimalarial), penicillamine and azathioprine drugs that block the T-cell surface molecules involved in
(an immunosuppressant) signalling (e.g. monoclonal antibody-based agents).
are slow-acting drugs and can improve symptoms
and reduce the inflammatory process
retard progress of the disease but do not halt it
entirely. Ciclosporin is a compound first found in fungus. It consists of
Anticytokine agents (e.g. infliximab, etanercept) are a cyclic peptide of II ami no acid residues ( including some not
used In Crohn's disease {Ch. 25, p. 396) and psoriatic found in animals) with potent immu nosuppressive activity but no
arthropathy, as well as in rheumatoid arthritis. ciTcct on the acute innammatory reaction per se. lts unusual activity,
wh ic h, unl ike most earlier immunosuppressants, docs not involve
cytotoxicity. wa~ discovered in 1972 and was crucial for the devel-
opment of transplant ~urgery (for a detailed review. see Borel
ct al., 1996). The drug has numerous actions on several cell type>,
in general. the actions of relevance to immunosuppression arc:
Immunosuppressants are used in the therapy of autoimmune decrea<,ed clonal proliferation ofT cells. primarily by
disea~e and to prevent and/or treat transplant rejection. Because inhibiting lL-2 :.ynthe!.is and possibly also by decreac;ing
they impair immune responses. they carry the hazard of a decreased cxprcs.,ion of lL-2 receptor<>
respon-.e to infections and may facilitate the emergence of malignant reduced induction. and clonal proliferation. of cytotoxic T
cell lines. However. the relationship between these adverse effects cells from CDS+ precur.or T cells
and potenc) in preventing graft rejection varies with different reduced function of the effector T celJs that arc respon~iblc
drugs. The clinical u!.e of immunosuppressants is summarised in for cell-mediated responses (e.g. decreased delayed-type
the clinical box. hypersen~itivity)
Most of thel.e drug!> act during the induction phase of the some reduction ofT cell-dependent B-cell responses.
immunological responl>c (:.cc Ch. 13), reducing lymphocyte
The main action is a relatively selective inhibitory effect on lL-2
gene tran~cription, although a ~imi lar effect on irlterfcron (IFN)-
y and lL-3 has also been reported. Nommlly, interaction of
antigen with o T-he lper (Th) cell receptor results in increased
Clinical uses of Immunosuppressants intrace ll ular Ca 2 (Chs 2 a nd 13). which in turn stimulates a
phosphata!>e, calcineurin: this ac tivates various transcription
Immunosuppressants are used: factors that initiate lL-2 transcription. Ciclosporin binds 10
to suppress rejection of transplanted organs and cyclophi/in, a cytosolic protein member of the immunophilinJ Ia
tissues (kidneys, bone marrow, heart, liver, etc.) group of proteins that act as intracellular receptors for \uch
to suppress graft-versus-host disease in bone drug~). The drug- immunophilin complex binds to and inhibi~>

marrow transplantation calcincurin. thereby preventing activation of Th cells and

to treat conditions with an autoimmune production of IL-2 (Ch. 13).
component in their pathogenesis, including
idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, some Pharmacokinetic aspects
forms of haemolytic anaemia, some forms of Ciclosporin is poorly ab~orbed by mouth but can be given or.lll}
glomerulonephritis, myasthenia gravis , systemic in a more readil) absorbed fonnulation. or given by intravcnou'
lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, infusion. After oral administration. peak plasma concentration'
psoriasis, and ulcerative colitis. are usually attained in about ~ hours. The plasma half-life i'
Therapy of autoimmune disease often involves a approximately 24 hours. Metabolism occur~ in the liver, anJ
combination of glucocorticoid and cytotoxic agents. most of the metabolites arc excreted in the bile. Ciclosporin
For transplantation of organs or bone marrow, accumulates in most tissues at concentrations three to four times
ciclosporin is usually combined with a glucocorticoid, that seen in the plasma. Some of the drug remain~ in
a cytotoxic drug or an antilymphocyte immunoglobulin. lymphomyeloicl tissue and remains in fat depots for some time
242 after administratio n has stopped.

Unwanted eHects AZATHIOPRINE

The commonest and most ~erious unwanted effect of ciclosporin
is nephrotoxicity, which is thought to be unconnected with A7athioprine interferes with purine synthesis and is cytotoxic. It
is widely U'>ed for immunosuppression, particularly for control of
calcineurin inhibition. It may be a limiting factor in the use of
amoimmune diseases !.uch as rheumatoid arthritis and ro prevent
the drug in some patients (~ec also Ch. 52). Hepatotoxicity and
tissue rejection in transplant surgery. This drug is metabolised
hypertension can also occur. Less important unwanted efTects
to give mercaptopurine. a purine analogue that inhibits DNA
include anorexia, lethargy. hin.utism. tremor. paraesthesia (tingling
synthesis (see Ch. 51). Both cell-mediated and antibody-mediated
sensation). gum hypertrophy (especially when coprescribed
immune reaction!> are depressed by this drug, because it inhibits
with calcium antagoniMs for byperteru.ion: Cb. 18) and gastro-
clonal proliferation during the induction phase of the immune
intestinal diMurbances. Ciclosporin bas no depressant effects on
the bone marrow. response (see Ch. 13) by a cytotoxic action o n dividing cells. As
is the case wi th mercaptopurine itself. the main unwanted effect
is depression of the bone marrow. Other toxic effects are nausea
TACROLIMUS a nd vomiting. skin eruptions and a mild hepatotoxicity.

Tacrolimus is a macrolide antibiotic of fungal origin with a very

simi lar mechanis m of action lo ciclosporin, but considerably MYCOPHENOLATE MOFETIL
more potency. The main difference is that the intemal receptor
Mycophenolate mofetil is a semisynthetic derivative of a fungal
for this drug is not cyclophilin but a different immunophilin
antibiotic. In the body, it is converted to mycophenolic acid,
termed FKBP (.K.-I2inding fl1Vtein, so-called because tacrolimus
which restrains proliferation of both T and B lymphocytes and
was initially tem1cd FK506). The tacrolimus- FKBP complex
reduces the production of cytotoxic T cells by inhibiting inosine
inhibit~ calcineurin with the effects described above.
mo1wplwsplwre dehydrogenase, an e nzyme crucial for de nmo
Pimecrolimus (used topically for atopic eczema) and sirolimus
purine biosynthe~i'> in both T and B cells (other cells can generate
(used to prevent organ rejection after transplantation. and also in
purines through another pathway). so the drug has a fairly
coming on <;tents to pre,ent restenosis: Ch. 7. p. Ill ) have similar
selective action. It b mainly used to curtail transplant rejection.
Mycophcnolate mofetil is gi,en orally and is well absorbed.
Magnesium and aluminium hydroxides impair absorption. and
Pharmacokinetic aspects
colestyramine reduces plasma concentrations. The metabolite
Tacrolimus can be given orally. by intravenous injection or as
mycophenolic acid undergoes enterohepatic cycling and is
an ointment for topical use in inflammatory disease of the
eliminated by the t..idney as the inactive glucuronide. Unwanted
skin. It is 99% metabolised by the liver and bas a half-life of
gastrointestinal effect~ are common.
approximately 7 hour~.

Unwanted eHects LEFLUNOMIDE

The unwanted effects of tacrolimus are similar to those of
LeOunomide ha:-. a relatively specific inhibitory effect on activated
ciclosporin but are more severe. The incidence of nephrotoxicity
T cells. It gives rise to a metabolite that inhibits de novo synthesis
and neurotoxicity is highe r, but that of hirsutism is lower.
of pyrimidines by inhibiting dihydroorotate dehyd1vgenase. It is
Gastrointestinal disturbances and metabolic disturbances
orally active and well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. It
(hyperglycaemia) can occur. Thrombocytopenia and hyper-
has a long pla<,ma half-life, and the active metabolite undergoes
lipidaemia have been reported but respond to reducing the
e nterohcpatic circulation. Unwanted effects include diarrhoea,
alopecia, raised liver enzymes and indeed a risk of hepatic
failure. The long half-life increases the risk of cumulative toxicity.
Immunosuppression by glucocorticoids involves both their ANTICYTOKINE DRUGS
effects on the immune response and their anti-inflammatory
actions. The~e arc de cribed in Chapter 28. and the sites of action The drugs in this section probably represent the greatest
of the agents on cell-mediated immune reactions are indicated in conceptual breaJ..through in the treaunent of severe chronic
Figure 14.5. Glucocorticoids are immunosuppressant chiefly inflammation for many years (see Maini. 2005). Using these
because. like ciclosporin. they restrain the clonal proliferation of agents. treatment can. for the first time. be aimed at specific
Th cells. through decreasing transcription of the gene for IL-2. aspects of the di~ease processel. in rheumatoid arthritis. The
However, they also decrease the transcription of many other dmgs arc 'biopharrnaceuticals'. that is to say. they are recombinant
cytokine genes (including those for TNF-a. IFN-y. IL- l and e ngineered antibodies and other proteins (see Ch. 55). As such.
many other interleukins) in both the induction and effector they arc difficult and expensive to produce, and this limits their
phases of the immune response. These effects on transcription usc. In the UK. their usc (on the National Health Service) is
are mediated through inhibitio n of the action of transcription restricted to patients who do not res pond adequately to other
factors, such as ac ti vator prolein- 1 and NFKB. DMARD therapy. 243

meth otrexate
CD4 ...

Release of other
cytokines and

Influx of
inflammatory cells

Fig. 14.5 A schematic diagram

Erosion of cartilage and bone
of the cells and mediators involved
in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid
joint d amage, indicating the sites
of action of antirheumatoid drugs.
The antHumour necrosis factor
(TN F) agents are etanercept,
adalimumab and infliximab, and the DMARDS: Mechanism of

l anti-inter1eukin (IL)-1 drug is anakinra. Sulfasalazlne, penicillamine, gold compounds, action:

DMARD, disease-modifying chloroquine not clearly known
antirheumatic drug.

Clonal proliferation of T-helper cells can be decreased DNA synthesis is inhibited by:
through inhibition of transcription of interleukin (IL)-2: -azathioprine, through its active metabolite
ciclosporin, tacrolimus and glucocorticoids act in this mercaptopurine
way. - mycophenolate mofetil, through inhibition of d e novo
Ctclosporin and tacrolimus are given orally or punne synthesis.
intravenously; common adverse effect is T-cell stgnal transduction events are blocked by
nephrotoxicity. basiliximab and daclizumab, which are monoclonal
For glucocorticoids, see pp. 242-243. antibodies against the a chain of the IL-2 receptor.

The drugs currently available are inniximab and adalimumab (Fig. 14.5). Etanercept and anak.inra function as antagonists.
(chimeric mou1:1elhuman monoclonal antibodies against TNF-a), although etanercept can also bind another cytokine, lymphotoxin
etanercept (a TNF receptor fused to the Fe domain of a human -a, which may be of relevance for the treatment of juvenile
IgG molecule) and anakinra (an IL-l antagonist). InDix..imab, arthritis because this cytokine is found in inflamed tissue~ in
24 4 adalimumab and etenercept bind TNF and inhibit its effects this condition.

Related compounds include basiliximab and daclizumab, surrounding the adverse cardiovascular side effects of the COX-
monoclonal antibodies against the a chain of the IL-2 receptor. 2 inhibitors and the withdrawal of several prominent members of
They exert an immunosuppressant action by blocking this this class. The emerging evidence that traditional SAIDs may
receptor on Th cells (see Ch. 13). They are given by intravenous also have s imilar cardiovascular side effects has cast a pall over
infusion and can cause seriouc; hypersensitivity reactions. our existing therapie)>. At the time of writing. it is too early to say
exactly how thi'> awkward !>ituation will be resolved.
Pharmacokinetic a spects One of the few innovation~ in the beleaguered SAID area has
Etanercept i!> given \ubcutaneously twice a week. Infliximab
been the design and synthesis of nitric oxide (NO)-NSA!Ds-
is used in conjunction with methotrexate therapy and is given conventional NSAID~ that have NO-donating groups attached to
intravenously every 6 8 weeks. Adalimumab is given by sub- them by eMer linkage!.. The ability of these dntgs to release NO
cutaneous injection in alternate weeks. Anakinra is given daily by following hydroly11is in plasma and tissue fluid is associated with
subcutaneous injection. a decreased ri!tk of ulcerogenic events and an improved anti-
inflammatory profile, presumably due to the beneficial effects of
Unwanted eH ects
Cytokines have an important part to play in the regulation of low concentrations of NO (sec Ch. 17). Some of these drug~ are
host defence systems, so one might predict that an ticytoki ne currently in cl inical trial.
therapy- like any treatment that interferes with immune function Other techniques for manipu lati ng or inhibiting the production
-may precipitate latent disease or encourage opportunistic of arachidonic acid metabolites, such as inhibiting phospholipase
infections. With ctancrccpt, unwanted effects have in general A 2 or preventing the generation or action of lipoxygenase
been minimal and consist mainly of reactions at the injection products, have yet to realise their apparent potential, except in
site, although there have been reports of blood dyscrasias the ca!.e of the leukotrienc receptor antagonist mootelukas t (see
and demyelinating CNS disorders. Anakinra is similarly well Ch. 23), which has a minor role in the treatment of asthma.
tolerated. Infliximab and adalimumab have been associated Elsewhere. a lot of attention has been given to inhibitors of
with recurrence of tuberculosi~. and there is evidence that leucocyte trafficking, on the premise that this would achieve a
long-tern1 usc can cause the development of autoantibodies. comprehensive anti-inflammatory action. The rationale for
Despite misgivings. it seems that prolonged inhibition of these developments has arisen from the detailed researches into
T F action doc'> not substantially increase infections or the integrins, selectim. and other adhesion molecules that are
malignancies. involved in the targeting. capture and transmigration of blood-
borne leucocyte<, a!t they enter an area of inflammation. Sever.1l
putative compounds have utilised a monoclonal antibody
POSSIBLE FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS strategy. One of these. efaJuzimab. which binds the CDJ Ia
adhc!>ion molecule. has been approved in some countries for
At the time of writing, it would seem that the whole area of anti- the treatment of psoriasi~.
inflammatory dntg development :.tands at a crossroads. The
Another adhesion molecule that has been targeted is very
mainstay treatments for inflammation (e.g. the NSAIDs and
late antigen (VLA)-4. Natalizumab antagonizes this adhesion
the glucocorticoids) are rather 'old' drugs-aspirin, it will be
molecu le. It prevents lymphocytes from targeting the plaques in
remembered, being synthesised in the fi nal years of the 19th
mu ltiple sclerosis, but is used therapeutically only in the rapidly
century and the glucocorticoids having been discovered in the
evolvi ng severe relapsi ng-remiltiJlg form of this disease because
late 1940s. Compared with the innovation in some other therapeutic
it can, rarely, precipitate a lethal viral encephalopathy.
areas. such as the treatment of hypertension, for example, the
field seems somewhat impoverished. The journal Currem Opinion in Phannacology has several
A major blow to the NSAlD area (and indeed to the pharma- compendium issues devoted to recent advances in anti-inflammatory
ceutical indu-,try in general) has been the recent controversy therapy for those who wish to research this field in more derail.


Seminal or original papers most aiNmdanrly in urebral cone\ wrd heart. It i1 C) clo-ox) genase pharmacology
Chandra-.ekharan NV e1 nl 2002 COX-3. a se/uti>elJ mhibited b1 analgtriclmrtt/>)rt'tlf' drug> BaLan 'I G 2001 COX-2 as a mullifunclional neuron.1l
C)Ciooxygennoel variam mhrbrlctl by acetaminophen such as paracetamal and i.! inhibitn/1" ;omt' mher motlulalor. Nm Med 7: 41+-415 (Succinct trnllment uj
and olher anall!c"c/.mlrpyretrc drug;: cloning. NSA/Ds.) P<JJ>iblt rolt of COXZ in the CNS: u.\eful dia~rarrul
lotru~tun:, and expre"ion Proc Nail Acad Sci USA 99: Vane J R 1971 Inhibition of pro,wglandm 'Ynlhesi, o' u BMon N G. Flower R J 2002 Upid signals 10 pain
1392(>..1393 1 (A ntu COX tw:vme ;., dt.\cnbed: mecbani;m of action for a.'prrin-like drul!' Nal New control. NaiUre 420: 135-138. (Succinct artid<'
COX.J. In hunwm. tire COXJ mRNA is eJ.presstd Bioi 231: 232-239 (Dtfiniti e. remilutlartidr) t'Ofllfllflllifl!1 (m the di.vC<fl'ery of COX-3)


et al.. 1992). This led to the purification of arachi-

Overview 248 donylerllanolamide, an eicosanoid mediator (~ee Ch. 13), the:
Endocannabinoids 248 structure of which is ~hown in Figure 15.1. Thi\ was chri'ltcned
- Biosynthesis of endocannabinoids 249 anandamide. 1 Anandnmide not on ly displaced labelled
- Termination of the endocannabinoid signal 249 carmabinoid from synaptosomal membranes in the binding assay.
but also inhibited electrically evoked twitches of mouse \as
Cannabinoid receptors 250 deferens, a bioassay for psychotropic cannabinoids (Fig. 15.2). A
Physiological mechanisms 251 few years later, a second endocannabinoid, 2-arachidonoyl
glycerol (2-AG), was identified, and more recently three further
Plant-derived cannabinoids and their endocannabinoid candidates with distinct CB 1/CB 2 (see below)
pharmacological eHects 252 receptOr selectivities have been added to the list (Table 15.1).
Synthetic ligands 253 Endocannabinoids are made 'on demand' like o ther eicosanoi~

Pathological involve ment 253

Clinical applications 254

Modern pharmacological interest in cannabinoids
dates from the discovery that 6 9 -tetrahydrocannabinol
(THC) is the active principle of cannabis, and took
oH with the discovery of specific cannabinoid 69-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
receptors-termed CB receptors-and endogenous
ligands (endocannabinoids), together with
mechanisms for their synthesis and elimination.
Drugs that act on this endocannabinoid system
have considerable therapeutic potential. Here we
consider endocannabinoids, cannabinoid receptors,
physiological functions, plant-derived cannabinoids,
synthetic ligands, pathological mechanisms and
potential clinical applications, which are revisited in
Ch. 27. More detailed information is given in reviews C-OH
0 I
by DiMarzo et al. (2004), DePetrocellis et al. (2004)
and Howlett et al. (2004). The pharmacology of /c
0 C-OH
cannabinoids in the central nervous system (CNS) is
discussed in Chapters 34, 42 and 43.
2 Arachldonoyl Glycerol (2 AG)
ENDOCANNABINOIDS I Fig. 15 .1 Structures of 6 9 -tetrahydrocannabinol and
The discovery of specific cannabinoid receptors led to a search
for endogenou~ mediaton.. The first success was chalked up by
a team that screened fractions of extracted pig brain for ability
248 to displace a radiolabelled eannabinoid receptor ligand (Devane 1
From a Sun~kril word meaning 'bliss'+ amide.

I rA ]]
100 110

90 100

:::e 80
70 e..

:::e ~ 70
e.. c
;; 60 . 60
~ ~
::> .c
:c 50 50
c 0 40
'5 40 c
c .Q
05 :5 30
30 :c
..s 20
10 0

1 10 100 1000 10000 10 100 1000 10000
Anandamide (nM) Anandamide (nM)

Fig. 1 5.2 Anandamide as an endocannabinoid. Anandamide is an endogenous cannabinoid. ~ Competitive inhibition of tritiated
HU-243 (a cannabino1d receptor ligand) binding to synaptosomal membranes from rat brain by natural anandamide. lru Inhibition of vas
deferens twitch response (a bioassay for cannabinoids) by natural anandamide. Note the similanty between the binding and bioactivity.
(Redrawn from Devane et al. 1992.)

other membrane pho~pholipid!>. and known as NAPE-PLD. NAPE-PLD

Tbl 15. 1 Definite and possible endocannabinoids is a 7inc metallohydrola!>e that is stimulated by Ca 2' and also by polyamines.
Selective tnhibitors for NAPE-PLD are being sought. The precursors are
Endocannabinoid Selectivity produced by an as-yet-uncharacterised but Ca2 -sensitive transacyluse
thai trnn~fer; an acyl group from the sn- l position of phospholipids to the
Definite endocannabinoids nitrogen atom of phosphatidylethanolam ine.
Anandamlde CB, > CB2 2-AG is also produced by hydrolysis of precursors derived from
phospholipid metabolism. The key enzymes are two recently cloned sn-1-
2-Arachidonoyl glycerol CB, = CB2 selective diacylglycerol lipases (DAGL-a and DAGL-j3), which belong to
the family of serine lipases. Both these enzymes, like NAPE-PLD, are
Ca 2 '-~ensitive, consistent with intracellular Ca 2 acting as the
Less well-established
endocannabinoid candidates physiological stimulus to endocannabinoid synthesis. The DAGLs are
Virhodamine located in axon\ and presynaptic axon terminals during development, but
poMsynaptically in dendrites and cell bodies of adult neurons. con~i~tent
Noladin CB, C~
with a role for 2-AG in neurite growth. and with a role as a retrograde
mediator (<.ee below) in adult brain.
Lmle 1\ known a.<, yet about the biosynthesis of the more recent
N-Arachidonoyl dopamine CB, C~
endoc:annabmo1d candidate5 noladin. virhodamine and N-amchidonoyl
dopamine. pi !-dependent non~ntymatic intcrcooversioo of vihrodamine
and anandamidc i\ one po~sibility. and could result in a switch between
CB,- and CB -med1ated re~ponse~ (see Table 15.1 ).
(e.g. prostaglandins and leukotrienes; see Ch. 13), rather than
being presynthe!>ised and stored for release when needed.
Endocannabinoids are rapidly taken up from the extracellular
Biosynthesis of anandamidc and of 2-AG is summarised in space. Being lipid-soluble, they diffuse through plasma
Figure 15.3. membranes down a concentration gradient. There is also
T Anandamidc is formed by a diMinct phospholi pa.~e D (PLD) selective plausible but indirect evidence for a saturable, temperature-
for N-acyl-phosphatidylcthanolamine (NAPE) but with low affini ty for dependent, fac ilitated transport mechanism for anandamide and 249


2At \ 0
Sn-1-acyl-2 ~

arachidonoyl glycerol
Pre synaptic
neuron ....
Post synaptic

---' GPL
/ /\ NAPE~P+E

Receptor Anandamlde '-----"
FAAH ~-__..-'------'


Fig. 15.3 Biosynthesis and inactivation of endocannabinoids. 2-AG, 2-arachidonoyl glycerol; A, arachidonic acid; DAGL,
diacylglycerol lipase; E, ethanolamine; EMT, endocannabinoid membrane transporter; FAAH, fatty acid amide hydrolase; GPL,
glycerophospholipid; MAGL, monoacyl glycerol lipase; NAPE, N-acyl-phosphatidylethanolamine; NAPE-PLD, N-acyl
phosphatidylethanolamine-specific phopholipase D; NAT, N-acyl-transferase; PE, phosphatidylethanolamtne; PLC, phospholipase C.

2-AG dubbed the 'endocannabinoid membrane transporter. This CANNABINOID RECEPTORS

has yet to be isolated and cloned. but selective uptake inhibitors
(e.g. UCM-707) have been developed. Pathways of endo- Cannabinoids. being highly lipid-soluble, were originall}
cannabinoid metabolism are summarised in Figure 15.3. The key thought to act in a similar way to general anaesthetics. However,
enzyme for anandamide is a microsomal enzyme known as fa tty in 1988, saturable high-affinity binding of a tritiated cannabinoid
acid amide hydrolase (FAAH). FAAH has been crystallised and was demonstrated in membranes prepared from homogcniscd
is a serine hydrolase. It converts anandamide to arachidonic acid rat brain. This led to the identificarion of specific cannabinoid
plus ethanolamine and also hydrolyses 2-AG. yielding arachidonic receptors in brain. These are now termed CB 1 receptors to
acid and glycerol. Expression of its gene is up-regulated by leptin distinguish them from the C8 2 receptors subsequently identified
and progesterone, and down-regulated by oestrogen and in peripheral tis~ues. Cannabinoid receptors are typical membcl\
glucocorticoids. of the family of G-protein-coupled receptors (Ch. 3. p. 29). CB
The phenotype of FAAH 'knockout" mice gives some clues to receptor; are linked via G110 to inhibition of adenylate cycla<>e and
endocannabinoid physiology; such mice have an increased brain of voltage-operated calcium channels. and to activation of
content of anandamide and an increased pain threshold. Selective G-protein- sensitive inv.ard-rectif) ing potassium (GIRK) channel,,
inhibitOr'> of FAAH have analgesic and anxiolytic properties in causing hyperpolarisation (Fig. 15.4). These effects are \imilar
mice (see Ch. 37, p. 537. for an explanation of how drugs are to those mediated by opioid receptors (Ch. 41. p. 598). CB
tested for anxiolytic properties in rodents). In contrast to receptors are located in the plasma membrane of ner"e endmg'
anandamide. brain content of 2-AG is not increased in FAAH and inhibit tran'>mitter release from presynaptic terminals. "htw
knockout animals, indicating that another route of metabolism of is caused by depolarisation and Ca 2 entry (Ch. 4, pp. 67-68). CB
2-AG, for example via monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL), an receptors also influence gene expression. both directly b)
enzyme that i coexpressed with presynaptic CB 1 receptors in the activating mitogen-activated protein kinase, and indirectly O)
hippocampus, is liJ..ely to be important. Other possible routes of reducing the activity of protein kinase A as a result of reduced
metabolism include esterification, acylation and oxidation by adcnylate cyclase activity (see Ch. 3).
cyclo-oxygenase-2 to prostaglandin ethanolarnides ('prostamides'), The CB 1 receptors are among the most numerous receptor> in
250 or by 12- or 15-1ipoxygenase (see Ch. 13). the brain. their abundance being comparable with receptor~ for

Altered gene
~ expression
~ voc

Fig. 15.4 C ellular act ions

of cannabinoids. CB 1 receptor
activation inhibits
neurotransmitter release via
inhibition of Ca2 entry and
hyperpolarisation due to
activation of potassium
channels. It also alters gene
expression. GIRK: G-
protein-responslve potassium
channel; MAPK: mitogen-
activated protetn kinase; PKA: ~
protein kinase A; VOC, voltage- ' .... \
operated calcium channel. Cannabinoid

glutamate and GABA. the main central excitatory and inhibitory protein kina.'e l.imilarly to CB 1, but not to voltage-operated
neurotran!>mitters (Ch. 33). They are not homogeneously dis- calcium channels (which are not expressed in immune cells). So
tributed. being concentrated in the hippocampus (relevant to far, rather little is known about their function. They are present
effects of cannabinoids on memory). cerebellum (relevant to loss in atherosclerotic lesions (see Cb. 20), and CB 2 agonists have
of coordination). hypothalamus (important in control of appetite; antiatherosclerotic effects (Steffens et al., 2005).
see Ch. 27 and below), substantia nigra, mesolimbic dopamine Some endocannabinoids turned out, surprisingly,2 to activate
pathways that have been implicated in psychological 'reward' vanilloid receptors. ionotropic receptors that stimulate
(Ch. 43, p. 621 ), and in association areas of cerebral cortex. nociceptive nerve endings (see Ch. 41. p. 593). Other as-yet-
There is a relative paucity of CB 1 receptors in the brain stem, unidentified G-protein-couplcd receptors are also implicated,
perhaps explaining the lack of serious respiratory or cardio- because cannabinoids exhibit analgesic actions and activate
vascular toxicity of the cannabinoids. At a cellular level, CB 1 G-proteins in the brain of CB 1 knockout mice despite the absence
receptors arc local ised presynaptically. and inhibit transmitter of CB 1 receptors.
release as explained above. Like opioids, they can, however,
increase the activity of some neuronal pathways by inhibiting
inhibitory connections, including GABA-ergic interneurons in PHYSIOLOGICAL MECHANISMS
the hippocampus and amygdala.
In addition to their well-recognised location in the CNS, CB 1 Stimuli that release endocannabinoids, leading to activation of
receptor~ are also expressed in peripheral tissues, including on CB 1 receptors and the linkage to downstream events including
endothelial cells and adipocytes. Cannabinoids promote lipogenel.is behavioural or psychological effects. are very incompletely
through activation of CB 1 receptors, an action that could contribute defined. l ncreawd intracellular Ca2+ concentration is probably
to their effect on body weight (Cola et al., 2003). an important cellular trigger because, as mentioned above,
The peripheral cannabinoid receptor (CB2 subtype) has only Ca2 activates NAPE-PL D and other enzymes involved in
approximately 45% amino acid homology with CB 1 and is endocannabinoid biosynthesis.
located mainly in lymphoid til.sue (spleen, tonsils and thymus as Activation of CB receptors is implicated in a phenomenon
well a!. circulating lymphocytes. monocytes and tissue mast known as depolarisation-induced suppression of inhibition (DSf).
cells). CB 2 receptors are also present on microglia-immune DSI occurs in hippocampal pyramidal cells; when these are
cells in the CNS (Ch. 32, p. 475). The localisation of CB 2 depolarised by an excitatory input, this suppresses the GABA-
receptors on cells of the immune system was unexpected, but
it may account for inhibitory effects of cannabis on immune
function. CB 2 receptors differ in their responsiveness to cannabinoid 2
Surpri~ing because capsai cin. the active principle of chilli peppers. cause~
ligands from CB 1 receptors (see Table l5.J ). They are linked via intense burning pain. wherea~ the endocannabinoid anandamide is associated
G;10 to adenylate cyclase, G IRK channels and mitogen-activated with pleasure. or even bliss ... so perhaps not so surprising after all! 251

mediated inhibitory input to the pyramidal cells, implying a

retrograde flow of information from the depolarised pyramidal The endocannablnold system
cell to inhibitory axon~ terminating on it. Such a reverse flow of
information from po!>t- to presynaptic cell is a feature of other Cannab1noid receptors (CBh CB:J are G-
instanCe!> of neuronal plasticity, such as 'wind-up' in nociceptive protein-coupled (G11o).
pathways (p. 591, Fig. 41.3) and long-term potentiation in Activation of CB1 inhibits adenylate cyclase and
the hippocampu\ (p. 486. Fig. 33.7). where nitric oxide is calc1um channels, and activates potassium channels,
implicated a~ an excitatory reverse messenger diffusing from inhibiting synaptic transmission.
depolarbed hippocampal neurons to a glutamate-releasing The peripheral receptor (CB2) is expressed mainly in
excitatory axon terminal. DSI is blocked by the CB 1 antagonist cells of the immune system.
rimonabant. The presynaptic location of CB 1 receptors and Selective agonists and antagonists have been
cellular distributions of the DAGL and MAGL enzymes developed.
(Fig. 15.3) fit nicely with the idea that the endocannabinoid 2-AG Endogenous ligands for CB receptors are known as
could be a 'retrograde' mcs~cngcr in DS I (see Fig. 34.9, p. 506). endocannabinoids. They are eicosanoid mediators
NeuromodulaLOry actions of endocannabinoids could influence (see Ch. 13).
a wide range of physiological activities, including nociception, The best-established endocannabinoids are
cardiovascular, respiratory and gastrointestinal f unction. anandamide and 2-arachidonoy/ glycerol (2-AG). They
Hypothalamic horm one interactions could influence food intake act as 'retrograde' mediators passing informat ion
and reproductive function. Effects of endocannabinoids on food from postsynaptic to presynaptic neurons.
intake are of particular interest. because of the importance of The main enzyme that inactivates anandamide is fatty
obesity (Ch. 27) and the potential of CB receptor antagonists in acid amide hydrolase (FAAH).
treating this (see below). A putative 'endocannabinoid membrane transporter'
may transport cannabinoids from postsynaptic
neurons, where they are synthesised, to the synaptic
PLANT-DERIVED CANNABINOIDS AND cleft, where they access CB1 receptors, and into
THEIR PHARMACOLOGICAL EFFECTS presynaptic terminals, where 2-AG is metabolised.
FAAH 'knockout' mice have an increased brain
Cannabis sarila, the hemp plant. has been used for its
content of anandamide and an increased pain
p),ychoactive propertic~ for thousands of years (Ch. 54). It!>
threshold; selective inhibitors of FAAH have analgesic
medicinal Ul>C was advocated in antiquity, but serious intere~t
and anxiolytic properties, implicating
resurfaced only with the identification of THC, see Figure 15.1,
endocannabinoids in nociception and anxiety.
as the main p!>ychoactive component in 1964. Cannabis extracts
Rimonabant, an antagonist at CB1 receptors, causes
contain numerous related compounds. called cannabinoids, most
sustained weight loss and may promote abstinence
of which arc in~olublc in water. The most abundant cannabinoids
from tobacco.
are THC, its precursor cannabidiol, and cannabinol, a breakdown
product formed spontaneously from THC. Cannabidiol and
cannabinol lack the p~ychoactive properties of THC, but can
exhibit anticonvulsant acti vity and induce hepatic drug metabolism extremely slowly. The alarming sensations and paranoid delusion'
(see Ch. 8, p. 11 6). that often occur with LSD arc seldom experienced after cannabis.
There is, however, evidence that chronic use is associated with
PHARMACOLOGICAL EFFECTS an increased incidence of schizophrenia and mood disorder
(Henquet et al., 2005).
~9-Tetrahydrocannabinol acts mainly on the CNS, producing a
Central effect!> that can be directly mea<>ured in human and
mixture of psychotomimetic and depressant effects, together
animal studie~ include:
with various centrally mediated peripheral autonomic effects.
The main ~ubjective effects in humans consist of the foJJowing: impairment of short-term memory and simple learning
tasks-subjective feel ings of confidence and heightened
Sensations of relaxation and well-being. similar to the effect
creativity are not reflected in actual performance
of ethanol but without the accompanying recklessness and
impairment of motor coordination (e.g. driving perfonnance)
aggression. (Insensitivity to ri~k is an important feature of
catalepsy-the retention of fixed unnatural postures
alcohol-often a factor in road accidents. Cannabis users are
less accident-prone. even though their motor performance is
similarly impaired.)
antiemetic action
Feelings of sharpened l.ensory awareness. with sounds and
increased appetite.
sights seeming more intense and fantastic.
The main peripheral effects of cannabis are:
These effects arc similar to. but usually less pronounced than,
those produced by psychotomimetic drugs such as lyser gic acid tachycardia, which can be prevented by drugs that block
252 diethylamide (L SD ; sec Ch. 42). Subjects report that time passes sympathetic transmission

vasodilatation, which is panicularly ma rked o n the scle ral

and conjuncti val vessels, producing a bloodshot appearance
characteri~t ic of cannabis smokers
reduction of int raocular pressure Main active constituent is !l9-
bronchodilatation. tetrahydrocannabinol (THC); a pharmacologically
active 11 -hydroxy metabolite is also important.
Actions on the central nervous system include both
TOLERANCE AND DEPENDENCE depressant and psychotomimetic effects.
Subjective experiences include euphoria and a feeling
Tole rance to cannabis. and physical dependence. occur onl y to a
of relaxation, with sharpened sensory awareness.
minor degree a nd mainl y in heavy users. The abstinence symptoms
Objective tests show impairment of learning, memory
are similar to those of e thanol or opiate withdrawal. namely
and motor performance, including impaired driving
nausea, agitation, irri tability, confu~ ion . tachycardia and sweating,
but are relatively mild and do not result in a compulsive urge
THC also shows analgesic and antiemetic activity, as
to take the drug. Psychological de pe ndence does occur with
well as causing catalepsy and hypothermia in animal
cannabis, but it is less compelling than with the major drugs of
addiction (Ch. 43), and it is arg uable whether cannabis should
Peripheral actions include vasodilatation, reduction of
be classified as addictive (see reviews by Abood & Martin, 1992:
intraocular pressure, and bronchodilatation.
Maldonado & Rodriguez de Fo nseca. 2002).
Cannabinoids are less liable than opiates, nicotine or
alcohol to cause dependence but may have long-

The effect of cannabis, taken by smoki ng, ta kes about I ho ur to

develop fu lly and la\ts for 2-3 hours. A small fraction of THC is
convened to 11-llydroxy-THC, which is more active than THC
itself and probably contribute<> to the pharmacological effect of analgesics (cf. Chs 4 I and 14, respectively. for limitations of
smoking cannabis, but mo'>t is converted to inactive metabolites opioid'> and NSAIDs). but adverse effects. panicularly sedation
that arc <,ubjcct to conjugation and e nterohepatic recirculation. and memory impairment. were problematic. everthelcss. one
Being highly lipophi lic. THC and its metabolites are sequestered such drug, na bilone. i!. sometimes used clinically for nausea
in body fat, and excretion continues for several days after a single and vomiting caused by cytotoxic chemotherapy if this is unrespon-
dose. Radioimmunoa\say ofTHC is bedevilled by cross-reactivity, sive to conventional antiemetics (Ch. 25. pp. 39 1-392). The cloning
and accu ra te identification and q uantification of THC in of CB ~ receptor~. and their absence from healthy brain, led to the
biological fl uidl>, impon ant for medico-legal reasons. depends o n synthesis of CB2-i>elective agonists in the hope that these would
mass spectro metry. lack the C S-related adverse effects of plant cannabinoids. Several
such drugs arc being invc1:1tigated for possible use in inflammatory
and neuro pathic pain. See Howlett (2004) fo r a review of effi cacy
in CB 1-mediated signal transductio n and a discussion of synthetic
In overdose, THC is relatively safe, producing drowsiness and analogues with a ra nge of agonist selectivities.
confusion but not life-threate ning respiratory or cardiovascular The fi rst selecti ve CB 1 receptor antagonist, rimona bant, also
depression. In this respect, it is safer than most abused sub- has inverse agonist pro pcnies in some systems and shows con-
stances, particularl y opiates and ethanol. Even in low doses, THC siderable therapeutic promi~e (see below). It is in advanced clinical
and synthetic deri vatives such as na bilone (see below) produce trials for the indications of obesity and tobacco dependence.
euphoria and d rowsiness, sometimes accompanied by sensory Synthetic inhi bitors of endocannabinoid uptake and/or metabolism
distonion and hallucinations. These effects. together with legal (see above) have !.hown potentially useful effects in animal
restrictions on the use of cannabis. have precluded the wide- models of pain. epi lcp1:1y. multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease,
spread therapeutic usc of cannabinoids. anxiety and diarrhoea.
ln rodents. Tl IC produces teratogenic and mutagenic effects,
and an increa'>cd incidence of chromosome breaks in circulating
white cells has been reponed in humans. Such breaks are, PATHOLOGICAL INVOLVEMENT
however. by no mean!. unique to cannabis. and epidemiological
There i'> evidence, both from experimental animals and from human
studies have not shown an increased risk of fetal malfonnation or
ti s~ue, that cndocannabi noid signalling is abnonnal in various
cancer among cannabis users.
neurodegcncrativc diseases (sec Ch. 35). Other diseases where
abnormalities of cannabinoid signalling have been reponed in
SYNTHETIC LIGANDS human tissue as well as expe rimental models include hypotensive
shock (both hacmorrhagic and septic; see Ch. l 9, pp.3 15-3 16).
Cannabinoid receptor agonists were developed in the 1970s in advanced cirrhosis of the liver (where there is evidence that vaso-
the hope that Lhey would prove useful non-opioid/non-NSATD dilatatio n is mediated by c ndocannabinoids acting on vasc ular CB 1 253

receptors-see Batkai e t al ., 200 I), miscarriage (see Maccarro nc

et al., 2CX>0) and malignant disease (see Gal ve-R operh e t al., 0
2000). It secm c; like ly that in som e disorders. e ndocannabino id ~
activity is a compensatory mechanis m Limiting the progrcl>sion of ,!;;; 2
disease or occurre nce of symptoms, whereas in othe rs it m ay be IJ)

' too much of a good thing and actually contribme to disease "'
progression. Conscquenlly. there may be a place in therapeutics ,g
for drugs that pote ntiate or inhibit the cannabinoid system; see Q)
01 6
DiMarzo et al. (2(}().l) for a fuller discussio n.
.E 8

0 12 24 36 52
C linical uses o f drugs that act on the cannabinoid sys tem remain Weeks
contro ve rsial, but in bo th the UK and the USA cannabinoids have
been used as antie mcti cs and to encourage weight gain in patie nts Placebo
with chro nic disease such as HJV-AIDS and malignancy. A & Rimonabant Smg
substantial randomised controlled trial of TH C in patients with & Rimonabant 20mg
multiple sclerosis found no objective evidence of bene fit o n
spastic ity but improved mobility (see a lso Ch. 4 3, p. 6 36). Fig. 15.5 Change from baseline in body weight in a
Ad verse events were ge nemlly mild at the doses used-see U K double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of rimonabant versus
placebo in 1507 overweight patients. (Redrawn from Van
MS Research G roup (2003). Other po te ntial c linical uses arc Gaal et al., 2005.)
give n in the clinical box.
The C B 1 receptor antagonist rimo nabant, combined w ith a
reduced calo ric diet, caused a dose-re lated weight loss
(of approxi mately o ne sto ne at the hig her dose) afte r 12 mo nths' blocking the actions of a tonically active c ndocannabin01d
treatment in one placebo-contro lled trial (see F ig. 15.5, a nd see sy"em. Long-term psychological effects in clinical triah will
abo C h. 27). Advcfl>C effects at doses used in re ported c linical be care full y analysed for evidence of anhedonia (i.e. los' of
tri als have been relati vely mild and consist of sympto ms such pleasure) and othe r sympto ms of depression o r psychologica
as nausea and d iarrhoea. w hich mig ht be anticipated fro m disturbance.

Potential and actual clinical uses of cannablnold agonlata and antagonists

Cannabinoid agonists and antagonists are undergoing - Tourette's syndrome (to reduce tics- rapid
evaluation for a wide range of possible indications, involuntary movements that are a feature of this
including the following. disorder)
Agonists: - Parkinson's disease (to reduce involuntary
glaucoma (to reduce pressure in the eye) movements caused as an adverse effect of
nausea/vomiting associated with cancer L-dopa; see Ch. 35, p. 520).
chemotherapy Antagonists:
to reduce weight loss in patients with cancer or -obesity
AIDS - tobacco dependence
neuropathic pain -drug addiction
head injury -alcoholism.


urther ~ading DiMarzo V, Bifulco M. DePctroccll " l. 2()().1 The Freund T F, Katona I, Piomelli D 2003 Role of
OcPetrocelh\ I~ Casco M G. DiMarzo V 2()().l The endocannnbinoid system and it\ therapeutic cndogcnou\ cnnnnbinoids in synapuc ;ignaling
cndocannahinmd 'Y'lcm: a general view and latest e~ploi talion Nat Rev Drug Discov 3: 77 1- 784 Physiol Rev 83: 1017-1066 (fhejinegrain
addlliOn\. Br J Phnm1ncol 14 1: 765 774 (Reiew.<the (Reviews the system. nr itwolvemtm in Jllllholot~ital anatomical distribution of the tll'Limlutl ctmnabwoid
late.ft 'adduimu ' to the endtx:amwbilwid,ystem, cmrditiom mrd potl'lllial for therttpetl/i(' receptor CB1 IS described. and possible fim('tionr of
2 54 mcltuling trewer endocilllfrobitwid callllidates) drugs) endoramwbinoids as retrogrcu/{ synaptic .vigtwl
Peptides and proteins
as mediators

non-peptide~. One reason for thb apparently irrational disl ike h thm. at
Overview 256 one ti me, mo~t drugs were natural (mainly plant) products. Very few were
-Historical aspects 256 pcptidcs or acted through what we now recognise as peptide signalling
system~. A second reason b that the methodology required to stud}
General principles of peptide pharmacology 256 pcpti dcs is of more recent origin. The development of high-performance
-Structure of peptides 256 liquid chrmnatography and solid-phase pepti de sy nthesis, and the u~ nf
antibod ic~ for rad ioimmunoassay and immunocytochemistry, as well a>
-Types of peptide mediator 257
the usc of molecular biology, have fac ilitated the development of the area.
Biosynthesis and regulation of peptides 259 In 1953, du Vigneaud made history. and earned a Nobel Prize, by
-Peptide precursors 259 determining the o,tructure and carrying out the synthesis of o:~:ytocin. the
-Diversity within peptide families 260 first pepude mediator to be characterised and the first to be produced
-Peptide trafficking and secretion 261 commercially for dmaca l u~e. The structure~ of many other mediato~. f11f
r-- -
Peptide antagonists
- 262
example \ub-.tance P. bradykinin and angimensin, ''hich had ~n
idcnutied a' peptide~ io the 1930~. remained unsohed for many yem
While nil are ~mall peptide~ of II residues or fewer, determination of
Proteins and peptides as drugs 262 thcar ~tructure. and their total chemical synthesb, was a Herculean elTon.
r--- - - - ---

The \tructure of bmdykimn was not elucidated until 1960. ~hile that of
Concluding remarks 262 \Ub,tance P wa.\ published in 1970.

By contr.t\t. the u~ of contemporary techniques enabled cndothehn

(a much larger peptide) to be fully characterised, synthesised and cloned
with an about a year. the complete information being published in a singk
OVERVIEW paper ( Yanagisawa et a!.. 1988). Protein mediators. such as cytokine'
(Ch. 131 and growth factor~ (Ch. 22). containing 50 or more residue' are
Mi ll very dif!icult to synthesi\e chemically, and maj or advance' mu~t rei}
Much of today's pharmacology is based on
large ly on molecular biology. The use of recombinant proteins as thcmpcuu'
signalling molecules that are of low molecular agcnt\- a development driven mai nly by the emergent biotechnolog}
weight and non-peptide in nature. Since the 1970s, industry- is napidly gaining ground (see Ch. 55). Whereas the discov~r)
it has emerged that peptides and proteins are at of new 's mn ll molecule" mediators has vinually dried up, the discovery nr
least as important, maybe more so, as signalling new protein and peptide mediators continues apace. Htikfelt et al. (2000)
list 13 ncuropcpti dcs that have been discovered since 1990.
molecules. Yet the pharmacological manipulation
of peptide signalling is still far less advanced than
that of, say, the cholinergic, adrenergic or
5 -hydroxytryptamine systems (Chs 1 o-12).
Pharmacology, one could say, has some catching
up to do. In this chapter, we give an overview of STRUCTURE OF PEPTIDES
the main characteristics of peptides and proteins as
Peptide and protein mediators vary from 3 to about 200 amino
mediators and as drugs, bringing out the contrasts
acid residue\ in <>il e (Fig. 16. 1), the arbitrary dividing line between
between these and nonpeptides, and we evaluate
peptides and proteins being about 50 residues. For convenience.
the present and possible future use of peptides as
in thb chapter, we use the term peptide to cover both classes.
therapeutic agents. For reviews, with more detail
Specific residues in peptides generally undergo post-translational
than can be provided here, see Buckel ( 1996),
modification!., l>uch as C-terminal amidation, glycosylmion.
Cooper et al. (1996}, Hokfelt et al. (2000) and
acetylation, carboxylation, su/fation or phosphorylation. The)
Nestler et al. (2001 ).
also may contain intramolecular disulfide bonds, such that the
molecule adopt!. a partial ly cyclic conformation, or may comprise
HISTORICAL ASPECTS two or more separate chains linked by disulfide bonds.
T De~ pite the fact that some peptide mediators were discovered early in
lL is difficult to determine the conformation of peptides in
the hiMory of our disc ipline (e.g. subMance P was discovered in the solution because they are so flexible, and peptides of less than
256 1930s), pharmacology has historically harboured a strong bias towards about 40 residues have proved impossible tO crystal!ise, precluding

nevertheless led in recent years to the discovery of many non-

peptide antagonisL~-although few agonists-for peptide receptors
Biologically Active Peptides (see below; Betancur et al., 1997).


Peptide mediators that are secreted by cells and act on surface
receptors of the . arne or other celJs can be very broadly divided
5 Enkephahns into four groups:
_ _ / Angiotensrn II Oxytocin
neurotransmillers and neuroendocrine mediators (discussed
further in thi~ chapter)
hormones from non-neural sources: these comprise (a)
10 Substance P plasma-derived peptides, notably angiotensin (Ch. 19) and
-AiphaMSH [Somatostatin bradykinin (Ch. 13), and (b) s ubstances such as insulin
'(3 (Ch. 26) cndothclin (Ch. 19), atrial natriuretic peptide
0 (Ch. 19) and lepti n (Ch. 27)
c 20 Secretin
.E Glucagon growth factors: produced by many different cells and tissues
0 Cholecystokinin that control cell growth and differentiation (see Ch. 22)
Q; Calcitonin mediators of rile immune system (cytoki11es and chemokines;
E [ Neuropeptide Y see Ch. 13).
50 Insulin Some important examples of peptide and protein mediators are
~hown in Figure 16. J.

~-Lrpotrophin Role of molecular biology


F- Nerve growth factor

- - - - - - Leptin
T Becau~e peptide 'tructures are represented directly in the genome.
molecular b1olog) ha\ been the key to most of the recent advances in
l..nowledge. It b used 10 many ways. a.~ in the following examples.

200 ~~:
Cloning of the gene~ mcoding peptide precursors has shown how
several active peptides can arise from a single precursor protein.
Calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP) was discovered in this way.
Prolactin Cloning of the gi'III'S encoding peptide receptors has revealed that
Most cytokines nearly all belong either to the class of G-protein-coupled r.:ceptors or
the tyro;,ine kina;,e- linkcd receptors (see Ch. 3). Very few peptides act
on ligand-gated channels.
Fig. 16.1 Some typical peptide med iators. ACTH, Severn I new pepride mediators have been discovered by screening for
adrenocorticotrophic hormone; Alpha-MSH, (l-melanocyte lignndv of 'orphon receptor~, (see Civelli et al., 200 I). Searching in an
stimulating hormone; CGRP, calcitonin gene-related peptide; ex tract of brain peptides for possible ligands for an opioid
CRH, corticotrophin-releasing hormone; FSH, follicle- receptor-like orpha11 (called ORLI) Jed to the idemification of the
stimulating hormone; GH, growth hormone; GHRH, growth novel neuropcptidc nociceptin (Meu nier et al., 1995). When the gene
hormone-releasing hormone; GnAH, gonadotrophin-releasing encoding nociceptin w:1s cloned. it was found also to encode another
hormone; LH, luteinlsing hormone; TRH, thyrotrophin-releasing pcptide,nociswtin. which had the opposi te effects on pain transmi%ion
hormone; TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone; VIP, vasoactive and acted on yet another receptor (see Okuda-Asbit.aka & Ito, 2000).
intestinal peptide. The di\CO\ cry of orexins (peptides involved in appetite and obesity; sec
Ch. 27) aro~c through ~imilar molecular orienteering.
The control of precur.or ~ynthesi~ can be srudied indirectly by measuring
mRNA, for ~hich highly 'en~itive and specific assays have been
de~cloped. The techmque of in situ hybridisation enables the location
and abundance of the mRNA to be mapped at micrzy.,copic resoiUiion.
the use of X-ray diffraction methods to study their conformation TrallSI/I!IIic animals wnh pepude or receptor genes deleted or
(although some other techniques. such as nuclear magnetic O\erexpres!iCd provide valuable clues to the functions of novel
resonance, have proved helpful). Larger proteins adopt more pcpudes. Anllstllft' oligonucleotides (see abo Cb. 55, p. 779) can also
be u~ed to Mlence ~uch genes.
restricted conformations, but because of their size they generally
interact with multiple sites on the receptor. To envisage peptides
fitting into a receptor l.ite in a precise 'lock and key' mode is
to imagine that you can unlock your front door with a length of
cooked spaghetti. Such problems have greatly impeded the
rational design of non-peptide analogues (peptidomimetics) that
mimic the action of peptides at their receptors. The use of random The abundance of neuropeptides in the brain and elsewhere
screening methods has (somewhat to the chagrin of the rationalists) became evident in the 1970-SOs, and new examples are still 257

emerging. In mo!>l respects, neuropeptide-mediated transmission in the manner of non-peptides such as acetylcholine, glutamate.
resemble!. transmission by 'conventional" non-peptide mediators; glycine or GABA (see Chs lO and 32). Instead, they serve (as do
the mechanisms for peptide storage and release (summarised in many non-peptides) mainly as neuromodulators, by acti\'atJng
Fig. 16.2), and the receptor mechanisms through which their G-protein-<:oupled receptors. In contrast. the ligands for tyro~ine
eiTects are produced, are essentially the same in both cases. One kinase l inked receptors are all peptides or proteins.
diiTcrcncc is that the vesicles are loaded with peptide precursors Tn summary, the similarities in function between peptide and
in the cell body, the active peptides being generated within the non-peptide mediator:. are more striking than the diiTcrence,.
vesicles as they move to the nerve terminals. Following exocytosis. The main diiTerence sterns from the fact that peptides, being gen~
the vc~>icles cannot be reloaded in situ but must instead be replaced products, represent variations on a single theme-a linear string
with new prcloadcd veskles. Transmitter turnover is therefore of amino acido,. Such sequences are much more susceptible
less rapid than with conventional meruators, and recapture of the to evolutionary change than are the structures of non-peptide
released transmitter does not occur. mediators, and the number of known peptide mediators no11
As with other chemical mediators, the effects of peptides may greatly exceeds that of non-peptides. As I versen pointed out in
be excitatory or inhibitory, pre- or postsynaptic, and exerted over 1983: 'almost overn ight. the number of putative transmi tter~ in
short or long distances from the site of release. There arc, however, the mammalian nervous system has jumped from the ten or so
certain monopolies of function between peptide and non-peptide monoamine and amino acid candidates to more than 40'. Since
mediators. For example, pepti des do not activate ligand-gated ion then, no new monoamine transmitters have appeared, but there
channels, and therefore do not function as fast neurotransmitters arc at lea~L another 60 peptides.


_Rough endoplasmic
---:::::::::=::=:::::/ reticulum

Smooth endoplasmiC

~~; ~J) _______ Transport

Fig. 16.2 Cellular mechanisms ~ vesicle
for peptide synthesis and release.
Proteins synthesised by ribosomes
are threaded through the membrane
of the rough endoplasmic reticulum,
from where they are conveyed in SORTING
transport vesicles to the Golgi
apparatus. Here, they are sorted
and packaged into secretory
vesicles. Processing (cleavage,
glycosylation, amidation, sulfation,
etc.) occurs within the transport and
secretory vesicles, and the products PROCESSING
are released from the cell by Cleavage, amidation,
exocytosis. Constitutive secretion sulfat1on. etc. I
(e.g. of plasma proteins and clotting
factors by liver cells) occurs
continuously, and little material is ~ I
stored in secretory vesicles. Y ~ Secretory vesicles
Regulated secretion (e.g. of
neuropeptides or cytokines) occurs Cell membrane
in response to increased intracellular ~ I
Ca2 or other intracellular signals,
and material is typically stored in
~ ~~
significant amounts in secretory Regulated secretion Continuous secretion
vesicles awaiting release. (e.g. neurotransmitter release) (e.g. clotting factors)

The role of peptide!> a~ cotran~mitters is discussed in Chapter 9.

Structure and function of
Two well-documented examples (reviewed by Lundberg, 1996)
peptide mediators
are the parasympathetic nerves innervating the salivary glands
(\~here the secretory rc:-.pon~e is produced by acetylcholine and
the ,asodilatation partly by msoacti1e imestinal peptide) and the Size varies from three to several hundred amino acid
sympathetic inncn.ation to many tissues. which releases the residues. Conventionally, molecules of fewer than
,asocon'>trictor neuropeptide Y in addition to noradrenaline 50 residues are called peptides, larger molecules
(norepi nephrinc ). being proteins.
The di!.tinction between neuropeptides and peripherally acting Neural and endocnne mediators range in size from
honnones i'> useful but not absolute. Thus insulin, angiotensin. 3 to over 200 residues. Cytokines, chemokines and
atrial natriuretic peptide and oxytocin are best known as growth factors are generally larger than 100 residues.
hormones that arc formed, released and act in the pe riphery. They Most known peptide mediators come from the
arc. however, abo found in the brain, although their role there is nervous system and endocrine organs. However,
uncertain. Similarly, e ndothclin was first discovered in blood some are found in the plasma, and many occur at
vessel~ but i~ now known to occur extensively in the brain as well.
other sites (e.g. vascular endothelium, heart, cells of
the immune system). The same peptide may occur in
several places and serve different functions.
MULTIPLE PHYSIOLOGICAL ROLES OF PEPTIDES Small peptides and chemokines act mainly on
T In common wi th muny non-peptide mediators. such as noradre naline,
G-protein-coupled receptors, and act through the same
dopamine. 5 hydroxytrypwmine or acetylcholine, the same peptides may second messenger systems as those used by other
function a~ mediator' in '>everal ditTerent organs. and intriguingly often mediators. Cytokines and growth factors generally act
appear to '>ub~r. e '>omc coordinated phy~iological function. For example. through tyrosine kinase-linked membrane receptors.
angioten,in ac:h on the celt- of the h) pothalamus to release antidiurc:tic Peptides frequently function in the nervous system as
hormone (va\Opre\\111). which in tum causes water retention. Angiotensin
also acts el~" her.: 111 the brain to promote drinking behaviour and to
cotransmitters with other peptides or with non-
increa..e bkK>d prC'>'>ure by acuvauon of the sympathetic system: in peptide transmitters.
addJtion. it rclea'>C'> aldO'>terone. "hich cause~ ~alt and water retention The number of known peptide mediators now greatly
and act'> directly to constrict blood 'e<.'>els. Each of these effects play~ a exceeds that of non-peptides.
part in the O\crall re'>pon'>e of the body to water deprivation and reduced
circulaung volume. There are other examples of what appears to be an
orche'>tr.ued function<tl response produced by the various actions of a
'ingle mediator. but there are many more examples where the multiple
etTech \CCm ju'>l to be-multiple effects.
So far. the 'tream of ne'~ information about neuropcptides since the
197(}, h<h led to few usefu l gcnerali\ations about their functional role. The precursor protein, or prepmlwrmone. usually I 00-250 residues
and ~urprisingly few new drug;- with the exception of anti byperten,ive in length, consists of an N-terrninal signal sequence (peptide),
dntgs acting on the reni n ang iotensin system (see Ch. 19). For whatever
followed by a variable stretch of unknown function, and a peptide-
reason. peptide phannacology has proved to be something of a graveyard
for drug discovery projects. For example, substance P antagonists were containing regio n in which several copies of active peptide
confidently expected to be ef'f'ecti ve analgesic drugs based on copious fragments m:.~y be contained. Often, several different peptides are
data from animal studies, but proved to have no analgesic activity in found within one precursor, but sometimes there is only one in
humans, although one such drug, aprepitant. has beeo found 10 have multiple copie!t. An extreme example occurs in the invertebrate
a role in pre,enting vomiting caused by cisplatin-based cytotoxic
Aplysia. in which the precursor contains 28 copies of the same
chemotherapy (Ch. 51). They al\o have unexpected anxiolytic properties.
short peptide. The signal peptide, which is strongly hydrophobic,
facilitates insertion of the protein into the e ndoplasmic reticulum
BIOSYNTHESIS AND REGULATION and is then cleaved off at an early stage, yielding the prohormone.
OF PEPTIDES The active peptides are usually demarcated within the
prohom1onc sequence by pairs of basic amino acids (Lys-Lys or
Peptide '>lructurc i'>, of course. directly coded in the genome. in Lys-Arg). which are cleavage point., for the trypsin-like proteases
a manner that the structure of (say) acetylcholine is not. so that release the peptide~. Thi~ endoproteolytic clea,age generally
intracellular manufacture is simpler. Peptide synthesis (Fig. 16.3) occurs in the Golgi apparatus or the secretory vesicles. The enzymes
begins with the manufacture of a precursor protein in which the responsible arc known a., prolwrmone convenases, of which two
peptide sequence i~ embedded, along with specific proteolytic subtypes (PC I and PC2) have been studied in detail (see Cullinan
enzyme'> that exci.,e the active peptide. a process of sculpture ct al., 1991 ). Scrutiny of the prohormone sequence often reveals
rather than synthe!.i.,. The precursor protein is packaged into likely cleavage points that demarcate unknown peptides. In some
vesicles at the point of synthesis, and the active peptide is formed cases (e.g. CGRP: see below), new peptide mediarors have been
in situ ready for release (Fig. 16.2). Thus there is no need for discovered in this way, but there are many examples where no
specialised biosynthetic pathways. or for uptake or recapturing Function has yet been assigned. Whether these peptides are, like
mechanisms, such as arc important for the synthesis and release strangers at a funeral , waiting to declare their purpose or merely
func tio nless relics, remains a mystery. There are also large
of non-pe ptide mediators.

Gene Exons lntrons


mANA Poly-A tail

(protein) --~____......___ ,__'1-----'' termtnal
Fig. 16.3 Synthesis of a
peptide mediator. The coding -i----'---'--..J..
P-ai_rs__,of basic residues

regions of the gene (exons) are demarcating active peptides
transcribed and spliced to give rise Cleavage of signal peptide
to mANA, segments of which (blue)
are translated to produce
Prohormone J
preprohormones. Cleavage of the
Endoproteolytic cleavage ~
N-terminal signal peptide produces
the prohormone, from which
- Amidation,
endopeptldases excise peptide
Secreted t sulfation, etc.

fragments. These may be active as
such, or they may undergo further
peptides ---------< -
{ Further cleavage
post-translational processing
(amidation etc.).

stretches of the prohormone sequence of unknown function lying rc~pond to peripheral inflammation by increased expression of
between the active peptide fragmenrs. tachykinins. which is important in the genesis of inflammatol)
The abundance of mRNA coding for particular preprohormones, pain (sec Ch. 41 ).
which reflects the level of gene expression. is very sensitive to
physiological conditions, and this type of transcriptional control DIVERSITY WITHIN PEPTIDE FAMILIES
is one of the main mechanisms by which peptide expression and
T Peptide-. commonly occur in families with similar or related ~equence
release are regulated over the medium to long term. Inflammation,
and action-. Opioid peptides (see Ch. 41) provide a good example of tilt
for example. increases the expression, and hence the release, of representation of such a family at the genomic level. Opioid peptides.
various cytokincs by immune cells (see Ch. 13). Sensory neurons defined a~ peptide~ with opiate-like pharmacological effects. are coded by

Fig. 16.4 Opioid precursors.
Structures of the three opioid
precursor proteins, showing the
location of op1oid and other peptides
within the sequence. These
embedded peptides are bounded by
pairs of basic amino acids, which
form points of attack for enzymatic
cleavage. The signal peptide
sequence is shown in green. ~-END,
jl-endorphin; ACTH,
adrenocorticotrophic hormone; DYN,
dynorphin; L, leucine enkephalin; M,
methionine enkephalin; MSH,
melanocyte-stimulating hormone;
___ 6_0
2 ..:. ~EO, neoendorphln.

three di,tinct gene'> who~e products are, respectively, prepro-

opiomelanoeortin (POMC), p!Y'proenf>pha/in and preprodynorphin. Each PEPTIDE TRAFFICKING AND SECRETION
of theo,e precur.or. contain!. the sequenceJ, of a number of opioid peptides
The ba!.iC mechanisms by which peptides are synthesised,
(Fig. 16.4). Hughe~ and Ko~terhu, who discovered the enkephalins in
1975. noticed that the o,equence of ml!tenkephalin i~ contained within packaged into vesicles. processed and secreted are summarised
that of a pituita!) hormone. ji-)jpotrophin. About this time. three other in Figure 16.2 (see review by Perone et al .. 1997). Two secretory
peptide' with morphme-tike action~ were disco\ered. a-. ji- andy-endorphin. pathways exist, for constitutive and regulated secretion,
\1-hich al~o \1-Cre contamed wnhin the ~-lipotrophin molecule. It wa~ then respectively. Constitutively secreted proteins (e.g. plasma proteins,
found that the enkephahn'> actuall) come from the other gene products,
some cloning factors) are not stored in appreciable amounts, and
p~nAeplwlin and prodynorphin. POMC itself serving as a ~ource of
adrenoconicotrophic honnone (ACfH). melanocyte-stimulating hormones secretion is coupled to l>ynthesis. Regulated secretion is, as with
and ~-endorphin. but not or erikephal in~. many hormones and transmitters, controlled mainly by
intracellular Ca2+ (l>ee Ch. 4), and peptides awaiting release are
The e'pre\\ion of the precu~or protein~ varie~ grea!ly in different tissues
and brain areas. For example. POMC and its peptide products are found stored in cytoplas mic vesicles. Specific protein-protein
mainly in the pituitary and hypothalamus. whereas endorphin, met interactions appear to be responsible for the sorting of different
enkephalin, leu-en kephalin and dynorphin are more widely distributed. In proteins into different vesicles, and for their selective release.
the spinal cord, dynorphin occurs mai nly in intemeurons, whi le the Identification of the specific ' trafficking' proteins involved in
cnkephal in~ arc fou nd mainly in long descending pathways from the
particular secretory pathways may yield novel drug targets for
midbrai n to the dor~al horn. Opioid peptide!> are also produced by many
non-neuronal cells. including endocrine and exocrine glands and cells of the selective control of secretion, but the prospect is still some
the immune system, a~ well as in brain area~ distinct from those involved way off, and conventional receptor-based pharmacology will be
in nociception. and corre~pondi ngl y they play a regulatory role in many the basis for shorter term therapeutic developments.
different physiological syMem~. as renected in the rather complex
pharmacological propenie~ of opiate drug~.
Dhe"ity of mcmbe~ of a peptide family can also arise by gene splicing
or dunng pall-translational proceuing of the prohormone.

Gene splicing as a source of peptide diversity Bloayntheala and ntleaH of peptldea

'f' Gene'> contain codmg region~ (exon~) interspersed with non-coding
regions Cintron,). and when the gene is transcribed RNA (hnRNA- The genettcally coded preprohormone is a
heterologous nuclear RNA) i'> '>pi iced to remove the introns and some of large protein comprising a signal sequence (involved
the e~on'>. formmg the final mRJ A that i~ translated. Control of the in transfer of the protein across the membrane) and
~plicing process allow~ a measure of cellular control over the peptide~
the prohormone, containing the embedded
that are produced. Good examples of this are calcitonin/CORP and
~ubstance P/neuro~inin A.
sequences of one or more active peptides.
The active peptides are produced intracellularly by
The calci tonin gene codes for culcitonin itself (Ch. 31) and al~o for
selective enzymic cleavage, centred on pairs of
a completely dissimilar pepti de. CO RP. Alternative splicing allows cells
to produce either pmralcitonin (expres~ed in thyroid cells) or pro-CGRP adjacent Arg or Lys residues. In most cases, the
(expre;sed in many neurons) from the same gene. Substance P and active peptides are stored (often in vesicles) in a
neurokinin A arc two clo~el y related tachykinins belonging to the same releasable form.
family. and are encoded on the same gene. Alternative splicing results in A single precursor gene may give rise to several
the production of two precu r~or proteins: one of these includes both
peptides by selective mANA splicing before
pcptidcs, the other includes only substance P. The ratio of the two varies
widely between ti'>'>UCS, which correspondingly produce either one or translation, by selective cleavage of the prohormone,
both pepti des. The control of the splicing process is not weU underMood. or by post-translational modification.
Peptides and proteins are located in intracellular
Post-translational modifications as a source of vesicles, which are budded off from the endoplasmic
peptide diversity reticulum and Golgi apparatus.
After sorting and post-translational processing of the
'f' Many peptides, wch a'> tachykinins and peptides related toACTH (see
peptide products, the vesicles differentiate into secretory
Ch. 28), mu'>l undergo enzymatic amidation at the C-terminus to acquire
full biological actinty. Ti'>'>UC'> rna) also generate peptides of val)ing vestcles, whtch discharge their contents by exocytosis.
length from the <arne primary sequence by the action of specific peptidascs With constitutive release (e.g. plasma proteins,
that cut the chain at different point~. For example. procholecystokinin clotting factors), secretory vesicles are discharged as
(pro-CCK) contain'> the sequence~ of at least five CCK-Iike peptides soon as they are formed, and secretion is continuous.
ranging in length from 4 to 58 amino acid re~idues, all with the same
With regulated release (neuropeptides and endocrine
C-terminal sequence. CCK itself (33 residues) is the main peptide
produced by the imesune. whereas the brain produces mainly CCK-8. peptides), exocytosis is controlled by intracellular
The opio1d precu~or. prodynorphin, similarly gives rise to several pcptides Ca2 , as with release of conventional transmitters.
with a common terminal sequence. the proponions or which vary in different There are many examples of closely related peptides,
tis~ue~ and in d1fferent neurons in the brain. Ln some case~ (e.g. the presumably produced by divergent evolution from a
innamm::uory mediator bmdy ~i nin; Ch. 13), peptide cleavage occurring
single gene, with different locations and physiological
after release generate~ a new active peptide (des-Arg9-bradykinin), which
acts on a different receptor, both pcptidcs contributing differently to the functions.
inflammatory response.

for large peptides and proteins (e.g. cytokines and gro,qh

PEPTIDE ANTAGONISTS factors), which interact with the receptor at many points. ThN
receptors arc not ca<;ily fooled by small molecules. and effon~
Although selective antagoni!>ts are available for the great
to target them therapeutically rely on protein-based approache~
majority of non-peptide receptors, only a few peptide antagonists
(~ce below).
are so far in clinical uc;e, although their therapeutic potential
is con,iderable (sec Betancur et al.. 1997). Substitution into
endogenou~ peptide~ of unnatural amino acids, such as o-amino PROTEINS AND PEPTIDES AS DRUGS
acid'>. ~omctime!> produces excellent antagonists. This strategy
was successful in the case of substance P, angiotensin and Many proteins, including antibodies, decoy receptors, cytokine,,
bradykinin. llowcver. for reasons discussed below. such peptide cnqmcs and clotting factors, are registered for use as therapeuuc
antagonists arc of liulc usc therapeutically. so effort has been agents in specific conditions; they are mainly given by injection
channelled instead into discovering non-peptides that bind to but occa\ionally by other routes (see Table 16.1 ). Many of the
peptide receptors. In a few cases, 'peptoids' have been produced protein!> currently in therapeutic use are functional human
by modifying the peptide backbone, while retaining as far as proteins prepared by recombinant technology, which are used to
possible the disposition of the side-chain groups that are supplement the action of endogenous mediators. Although their
responsib le for binding to the receptor. Such compounds have preparation requires advanced technology, such proteins arc
been developed as antagonists for several peptide receptors (e.g. relatively straightforward to develop as drugs, because they rnrely
CCK and ncuropcptide Y). In other cases, random screening of cause toxicity and have a more predictable therapeutic effect
large compound libraries has succeeded where rational approaches than synthetic drugs. 'Designer proteins' -genetically
failed, resulting in highly potent and selective antagonists, some engineered variants of natural proteins-for specific purposes are
of which arc in use, or under development, as therapeutic agents. already a reaJity. Examples include 'humanised antibodies' and
The most important peptide receptor antagonists in clinical use, fusion proteins consisting of an antibody (targeted, for example.
all of them non-peptidcs, are: at a tumour antigen) or a peptide (e.g. bombesin or somatostatm.
which bind to receptors on tumour cells) linked to a toxin (such
naloxone. na ltrcxonc (1..1-0pioid receptors): used to as ricin or diphtheria toxin) to kill the target cells (see Ch.51).
antagonise opiate effect!> (see Ch. 41) Many ingenious ideas arc being explored. and some prophet.,
losar tan . valsartan, ibresartan, etc. (angiotensin AT1 anticipate the dawn of a new era of therapeutics, as the hegemon)
recepton.): u\ed a\ antihypertensive drugs (see Ch. 19) of small-molecule therapeutics begins to fade. Pharmacologi\h,
boscnta n (endothelin ET 1/ET2 receptors). needles\ to l.ay, are somewhat sceptical. but nobody can afford
to ignore the potential of biotechnology-based therapeutic' m
Antagonists for many other peptides. including bradykinin,
the future. A full discussion of this exciting area is pro,ided
substance P. CGRP, corticotrophin-releasing factor. neuropeptidc
in Chapter 55.
Y, neurotcnsin. oxytocin, antidiuretic hormone and somatostatin,
Smaller peptides are u&cd therapeutically mainly when ther~
have been discovered but. with some notable exceptions (e.g. the
is simply no viable alternative (e.g. insulin and its designer
oxytocin antagonist atosibao; see Ch. 30), have not yet been
variants, Ch. 26) but, in general, peptides make bad drugs. There
developed for clinical usc. Details can be found in Alexander et
arc several reasons for this.
a l. (2006) and in the review by Betancur et al. (1997).
Few, if any, agonists at peptide receptors have been discovered Most must be administered by injection or nasal spray,
by random l>Crccning, and morphine-like compounds are probably because they arc poorly absorbed or metabolised in the gut.
the most important clinical examples of non-peptide agonists at (An important exception is ciclosporin, discussed inCh. 14,
peptide receptor~. It i& becoming increasingly clear, however, which contains so many unnatural amino acids that no
that some peptide receptors are 'promiscuous'. in that they can peptidase will touch it.)
bind both peptide and non-peptide ligands. A recent example is They are expensive to manufacture.
that of the FPR family of G-protein-coupled receptors, some of They u~ually have a short biological half-life because of
which recogni'>e both the bacterial tripeptide}MLP and also the hydroly\iS by plasma and tissue peptidases. although there
anti-innammatory lipid lipoxin A 4 Binding of the rwo ligand!> are exception., to this.
probably occun. at different receptor domains. Understanding They do not penetrate the blood-brain barrier.
of \\-hat make~ non-peptides chemicaJly recognisable by peptide
A list of some important therapeutic proteins and peptidcs i'
receptors remain<; elu\ive. much to the frustration of medicinal
given in Table 16.1.
chemist<, who would dearly like to be able to design such
compound!> de novo. There remain many peptide mediators
for which no antagoni~ts are known, but strenuous efforts are CONCLUDING REMARKS
being made to fill this gap in the hope of developing new
therapeutic agents. The physiology and pharmacology of peptides-particularly
Not !>Urpri\ingly, it has proved easier to find synthetic ncuropcptides has stimulated a large amount of research since
compounds that block receptors for small peptidcs (e.g. most the early 1980s, and the now of data continues unabated. With
262 neuropcptidcs), which have only a few points of attachment, than more than a dozen major fami lies of peptides, and a host of

minor player~. it is beyond the scope of this boo k to cover them regulation (Ch. 19): tachykinins in asthma (Ch. 23): tac hykinins
individually or in de tail. Instead, we will introduce informatio n and o pio id pe ptides in nociceptio n (Ch. 41 ); and leptin,
on peptide pharmacology wherever it has relevance to the neuropeptidc Y and orexins in o bes ity (Ch. 27). Useful general
physiology and pharmacology under di!>cussio n. Examples are accounts of peptide pharmaco logy include Sherman e t al. ( 1989),
bradykinin (Ch. 13) and monoclo nal antibodies (Chs 14 and 55) Hokfe lt e t al. (1 99 1, 2000), Cooper et al. (1 996) and e!.Lier
m infla mmation; e ndo the lins and a ngio ten!>in in cardiova~cula r et al. (200 I ).

Peptldes and proteins as drugs

Despite the large number of known peptide mediators, Important peptide antagonists used clinically
only a few peptides, mostly close analogues of include naloxone, losartan and bosentan.
endogenous mediators, are currently useful as drugs. Protein-based therapeutic agents are limited in number
In most cases, peptides make poor drugs, because: and include hormones (e.g. insulin, growth hormone),
they are poorly absorbed when given orally clotting factors, cytokines, antibodies and enzymes. In
they have a short duration of action because of many cases, these are produced using recombinant
rapid degradation in vivo technology.
they do not cross the blood-brain barrier 'Designer proteins' prepared by recombinant techniques
they are expensive and difficult to manufacture. are expected to play an increas1ng therapeutic role 1n
Peptide antagonists were slow to be discovered, but the future.
many are now available for experimental purposes
and in development as therapeutic agents.

Table 16.1 Some peptide and protein drugs

Drug Use Route

CaptopriVenalaprll (peptide-related) Hypertension, heart failure (Ch. 19) Oral

Antidiuretic honnone, desmopressin and lypressin D1abetes insipidus (Ch. 24) Intranasal, injection

Oxytocin Induction of labour (Ch. 30) Injection

Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone analogues Infertility, suppression of ovulation (Ch. 30), Intranasal, injection
(e.g. buserelin) prostate and breast tumours

Adrenocorticotrophic honnone Diagnosis of adrenal insufficiency (Ch. 28) Injection

Thyroid-stimulating hormone/thyrotrophin-releas~ng honnone Diagnosis of thyroid disease (Ch. 29) Injection

Calcitonin Paget's disease of bone (Ch. 31} Intranasal, injection

Insulin Diabetes (Ch. 26) Injection

Somatostatin, octreotlde Acromegaly, gastrointestinal tract tumours Intranasal, injection

(Ch. 25)

Growth hormone Dwarfism (Ch. 28) Injection

Ciclosporin Immunosuppression (Ch. 13) Oral

F(ab) fragment Digoxin overdose Injection

Prot eins
Streptokinase, t1ssue plasminogen activator Thromboembolism (Ch. 21} Injection

Asparaginase Tumour chemotherapy (Ch. 51) Injection


Table 18.1 (cont'd) Some peptide and protein drugs

Drug Use Route

ONAase Cystic fibrosis (Ch. 23) Inhalation

Glucocerebrosidase Gaucher's disease Injection

Interferons Tumour chemotherapy (Chs 13 and 51), Injection
multiple sclerosis (Ch. 35)

Erythropoietin, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, etc. Anaemia (Ch. 22) Injection

Clotting factors Clotting disorders (Ch. 21) Injection

Monoclonal antibodies (e.g. anti-tumour necrosis factor-a) Inflammatory diseases (Ch. 13) Injection

Antibodies, vaccines, etc. Infectious diseases Injection or oral

Enfurvitide HIV infection (Ch. 47) Injection


Ale~311der S P. \la1h1e A. Peter.. J A (eds) 2006 Gwde 10 G-protein-coupled rooeptor.. Trench /lleul'lhei 24 \hleJew'kt G J 2001 Peptides as receptor lig311d dru~
reccplor. and channel\, 211<1 edn. Br J Ph<mnacol 230-237 (DescriMs hoM "~" peprule methuum ha~ and the.r relarionship to G<OUpled signal
147(suppl 3): Sl - 5168 (Cmnprrhmm~ wrunary of Men discmered by scrumng orplto11 lr311sduction. Expert Opin (0\estig Drugs 10:
rrupton, mdudm~ pepllde rrupton. and compomtds receplorJ) 1063-1073 Wse/ttiJ1enera/ mit'K ofpeptide
thtll IICt l>fl tht'nl) Cooper JR. Bloom FE. R01h R ~I 1996 B1oc:henucal thuupeutit:.l, dealing "ith many inue.\ inc/udin( 1~
Bet311cur C. An1 \1. Rchlene W 1997 Nonpeptide basis of neurophannacology. Q,ford Unl\eNI) Pre". tulvamages mtd disad>atllages of pep11des Ill dru~
antagon"r; of neuropepride receptor... Trends New Yorl. (x,ellem <llllldtlrd texrhtHik) multheir potemial use in mrricm1cer
Pharrnacol Sc1 I!!: 372- 386 (Descflbes sucuss in Cullinan WE. Day N C. Schafer M K cr al. 1991 thertpy)
jindifl!llltmptprule tmw,qot~isrs-for <long rime Neuroanatomical 311d functional studoes of pepudc Nestler E J, Hyman S E. Malcnka R C 2001 Molecul;tr
elusil'-<mtltheir fXI.I.Iihle rlrrrapeutic mes) precur..or-proces,ing enzyme~. Enzyme 45: 285- 300 neuropharmacology. McGmw-Hill, New York IGt~>il
Bri\tow A F 1991 The currenr statu' of therapeutic (Revieu: of en:..vme mecJumi\m,t imwltnl in motlern textbook)
pepridc, and prolein~. In: Hider R C. Barlow 0 (eds) neuropeptide processil!g) Ol..uda-Ashitaka E. Ito S 2000 Nocisrarin : a novel
Polypeptide and protean drugs. t:!lli> Horwood, HClkfelt T I 99 I Neuropeplides in perspective: 1he 1,,,, ten neuropeptide encoded by the gene for the
Chiche\lcr (Reiew article) years. Neuron 7: 867- 879 (F..~rrllenr "''1'11'iew by a nociceplin/orphanin FQ precursors. Pepl ides 21:
Bruckdorfer T, Marder 0. Albcricio F 2()().j From neuropeptide pioneer) 1101-1109
producrion of pcptide> in milligram amounts for Hokfelt T, Broberger C. Xu Z-Q 0 et nl. 2000 Perone M J, Windeau S, Ca>tro M G 1997 1nrraccllu1Jr
research to multi-tons q unn1i1 ies for drugs of rhe Ncuropeptides-:m overview. Neurophnm1ncology 39: trafficking of prohom1ones and proneuropeplides: cell
future. Curr Phnrrn Biorechnol 5: 29-43 (Deals wirh 1337-1356 (xul/em .wmmW')' oj'deelopmtrllf t1trhe type-specific soning and targeting. Exp Phy~iol 82:
the rat~ridullhl~ redmlcal pmblems in scaling up rhe millennium) 609-628 (Excellent reo'iew of mechanisms by whirh
nmil~.fi.1of f>rf>lidc dmg.r, and gie.\ rlze l'xample of Lundberg J M 1996 Phannacology of co-lr:tn\mi,,ion in cells manage to avoid getting their mOrt)
~nfunllide, rhe ami-AID; dmg that wa.1 rM jim the auronomic ne.-ous 'Y'ICnl: inrcgrarhc ll\pect' on neuropeptides confused)
p~ptidt ro hr pmduud m mulmon amoums: 11 is a amines. neuropepudes, adenos1nc Lripho~pharc. anuno Sherrn311 T G, Akil H. WaL'>On S J 1989 The molecular
rrmarkahlc flO') , l''l'tll if rou urr IUJt a cheuucal acids and nitric oxide. Phannacol Re 48 b1ology of neuropepudes. Disc Neuro-.ct 6: I 58
tnRmrerinf( xuk) 114-192 (Gmeral ,.,., it"K)
Buckel P 1996 Recombma01 pi'Oiem\ for therapy. Trend, \llcunter J-C. Mollercau C. Toll L et at. I'195 holatton Yanagt~wa M. Kurihara H. Kimura Setal. 1988A
Phnnnacol S.:r 17 450-456 (Good account of and strucrure of the endogenou<, agOnhl of opio1d no1cl porcnl va>oconstriclor peptide produced b)
rhtntpelllic pmttim) receptor-like ORLI receplor 'laturr 377: 532- 535 -ascular endothelial eel b. 'larure 332: 411-415
Cielli 0. '101hacker H-P. Sruto Yet at. 2001 Noel (Dest:riMs the difC(J>UJ of on (l(lll>idflk~ peprull' (The discou>o ofendotheli~ rrnttJrliabl~ """de
n.:uf'Oiran\mlllcr. a\ narural hgand~ of orphan ligand for a hitherto 'orphart ' reupiiJr) forrt')
Nitric oxide

(Fig. 17.1) i!. NO (Fig. 17.2). NO is the endogenous activator of

Overview 265 soluble guanylate cyclase, leading to the formation of cyclic
Introduction 265 GMP (cGMP), an important 'second messenger' (Ch. 3) in many
--------------------------~ celts, including nerves, smooth muscle, monocytes and platelets.
Biosynthesis of nitric oxide and its control 266 Nitrogen and oxygen are neighbours in the periodic table, and
Degradation and carriage of nitric oxide 268 NO shares several properties with 0 2, in particular a high affinity
for haem and other iron-sulfur groups. This is important for
Effects of nitric oxide 269 activation of guanylate cyclase, which contains a haem group,
--------------------~ and for the inactivation of NO by haemoglobin (see below).
Therapeutic approaches 270
-Nitric oxide 270 The role of 0 in specific settings is described in other
-Nitric oxide donors 271 chapters: the endothelium in Chapter 19, the autonomic nervous
-Inhibition of nitric oxtde synthesis 271 system in Chapter 9, as a chemical transmitter and mediator of
-Potentiation of nitric oxide 272 excitotoxicity in the central nervous system (CNS) in Chapters
32-35, and in the innate mediator-derived reactions of acute
Clinical conditions in which nitric oxide may play inflammation and the immune response in Chapter 13. Therapeutic
a part 272 uses of organic nitrates and of nitroprusside (NO donors) are
described in Chapters 18 and 19.

Nitric oxide (NO) is a ubiquitous mediator with Unrubbed
diverse functions. It is generated from Larginine
by nitric oxide synthase (NOS), an enzyme that
occurs in endothelial, neuronal and inducible
j 7
isoforms. In this chapter, we concentrate on Smin
general aspects of NO, especially its biosynthesis,
degradation and effects. We touch on recent NA -7.7
evidence that it can act as a circulating as well as
a local mediator, and conclude with a brief
consideration of the therapeutic potential of drugs Rubbed
that act on the Larginine/NO pathway. ~
ACh -8 -7 -6 wl

itric oxide, a free radical gas. is formed in the atmosphere 1'
NA -7.7
during lightning Morms. Less dramatically. but with far-reaching w
biological consequences, it is also formed in an enzyme-catalysed
reaction between molecular oxygen and L-arginine. The
convergence of several tines of research led to the realisarion Fig. 17.1 Endothelium-derived relaxing factor.
that 0 is a key signalling molecule in the cardiovascular and Acetylcholine (ACh) relaxes a strip of rabbit aorta precontracted
nervous systems. and that it has a role in host defence. with noradrenaline (NA) if the endothelium is intact ('unrubbed':
upper panel), but not if it has been removed by gentle rubbing
A physiological function of NO was discovered in the 'rubbed': lower panel). The numbers are logarithms of molar
vasculature when it was shown that the endothelium-derived concentrations of drugs. (From Furchgott & Zawadzki, 1980.)
relaxing factor described by Furchgott & Zawadzki ( 1980)



3 10 30 100 O.o7 0.22 0.67
'-y----J '---v------'
c EDRF from BK nmol/1 TC NO nmol
<( 10 min


0 3 10 30 100 0.07 0.22 0.67
400 425 450 400 425 450
' - - - - - v - - ' '--..r-----'
Wavelength (nm) EDRF from BK nmol/1 TC NO nmol

Fig. 17.2 Endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EO AF) is c losely related to nitric oxide (NO). A EDRF released from aortic
endothelial cells (EC) by acetylcholine (ACh) (right-hand panel) has the same effect on the absorption spectrum of deoxyhaemoglobin
(Hb) as does authentic NO (left panel). 18' EDRF is released from a column of cultured endothelial cells by bradykinin (BK 3-100 nmol)
applied through the column of cells (TC) and relaxes a de-endothelialised precontracted bioassay strip, as does authentic NO (upper
trace). C A chemical assay of NO based on chemiluminescence shows that s1milar concentrations of NO are present in the EDRF
released from the column of cells as in equiactive authentic NO solutions. (From: A lgnarro et al. 1987 Circ Res 61: 866-879; (lW and
C) Palmer et al. 1987 Nature 327: 524-526.)

BIOSYNTHESIS OF NITRIC OXIDE AND T All three NOS isoenzymes are dimers. They are structurally Wld
functionally complex. bearing simllariries to the cytochrome P450 ent.yme'
(described in Ch. 8. p. 114) that are so imponant in drug metaboli,m.
Each isoform contains iron proloporphyrin IX (haem}, flavin adenine
Nitric oxide synthase ent.ymes are central to the control of NO dinucleotide (FAD). flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and retrahydrobiop1erin
biosynthesis. There are three known isoforms: an inducible form ( H4 13) as bound prosthetic groups. They also bind !-arginine. reduced
(iNOS or NOS- II ; expressed in macrophages and Kupffer cells, nicotinamide aden ine d inucleotide phosphate (NADPH) and calcium
neutrophils, fibroblasts, vascular smooth muscle and endothelial -calmodu lin. These prosthetic groups and ligands control the a~sembly of
cells in respon~e to pathological ~timuli such as invading the en7yme into the active dimer. Calcium-calmodulin regulates elewon
tran~fer within the molecule.
microorganisms) and two so-called constitutive forms, which are
present under physiological conditions in endothelium (eNOS Both nNOS and iN OS are ~oluble cytosolic enzymes, and eNOS
or OS-I II ) and in neurons (nNOS or NOS-I). eNOS is not is dually acylated by N- myri~toylation and cysteine palmitoylation:
restricted to endothelium. It is also present in cardiac myocytes, thc~c post-tran!>lational modifications lead to its association with
renal mesangial cells, o~teoblru.~ and osteoclasiS. airway epithelium membranes in the Golgi apparatus and in caveolae, speciali'>ed
and, in !.mall amounts, platelet<;. The constitutive enzymes generate cholesterol-rich microdomain!> in the plasma membrane deri\ed
small amount~ of 0. whereas iNOS produces much greater from the Golgi apparatu~>. In the caveolae. e OS is associated
amount~ both because of its high activity and because of the large with ca1eolin. a transmembrane protein involved in signal
amount!. in which it i!> present, at least in pathological states transduction. A~sociation of eNOS with caveolin is reversible.
a!>sociatcd with cytokine release. ' dissociation from caveolin activating the enzyme. Oxidised low
density lipoprotein (oxLDL) displaces eNOS from caveolae by
binding to endothelial cell CD36 receptors. This depletes the
11 is po~~ible that -.ome of the NO made in healthy animals under basal
cavcolac of cholesterol, disturbing eNOS function.
condition~ is derived from the action of iN OS. just as the inducible form of
cycle-oxygenase is active under basal conditions (Ch. 13}--whether this is T The nitrogen atom in NO is derived from the terminal guanidine groop
becau~e there is hOme iNOS expressed even when there is no pathology, or of L-arginine. NOS enzymes are functionally 'bimodal'. in that they
becau~e there i~ always enough 'pathology'. for example gut microtlora. 10 combine oxygenase and reductase activities associaied with di\lin<:t
266 induce it. i\ u mool point. struclum l domains. The oxygenase domain contains haem. while the

reducta\e domatn bind\ calcium-<almodu)jn. FMN, FAD and NADPII. endothelial NO biosynthesis in some pathological state~ (e.g.
NOS en1yme., are the only flavohaem enzymes tha! use H,B as a redox hyperchole~terolaemia; ~ee below) in which endothelial function
cofactor The cry.,tal structure of the NOS berne (oxygena;e) domain in is impaired. Po'>sible explanations for this paradox include:
iNOS and eNOS has revealed hoY. !-arginine. heme and H4B bind in the
acthe .. ue. By analogy Y.ith cytochrome ?450, it is believed that the
fla' in'> accept electron' fmm NADPH and transfer them to the haem iron, compartmentation: i.e. existence of a distinct pool of
Y.hich bmds otygen and cataly..e' the Mepwise oxidation of L-arginine. ubstrate in a cell compartment with access lO the synthase
via a hydro,yl-argmmc intermediate. to NO and ciLrulline. ln pathological en7yme, which can become depleted despite apparently
state,. the en1yme can undergo \tructural change leading to electron plentiful total cytoplasmic arginine concenrrations
tran,fer bet"ecn substrate\, enL}'rne cofactors and producll> becoming
competition with endogenous inhibitors of NOS such as
uncoupled'. \O thm electrons are tran'>fcrred to molecular o:-.ygcn,
leading to the sy ntheSts of 'upero,ide anion rather than NO. This is asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA: see below),
important. a' superoxidc anion i'> a reactive oxygen specie'> and react\ which is elevated in plasma from patients with
with NO to form a to,ic product (peroxynitrite anion. seep. 268 below). hyperchole!.terolaemia
L-Arginine is usually pre~ent in excess in endothelial cell reassembly/reactivation of enzyme in which transfer of
cytoplasm, so the rate of production of NO is determined by electrons has become uncoupled (rom L-arginine
the <lCtivity of the enzyme rather than by substrate availabi lity. relative deplelion of arginine, which can inhibit NOS activity
Nevertheless, very high doses of L-arginine can restore by inhibiting Lranslation of iNOS mRNA.

(acetylcholine, bradykinin,
0' substance P, etc.) Mechanical shear stress
~ 100
c a
iii 80
u; [Ca2+]i

0 40
u Calmodulin ---'----.-Ca2+-calmodulin


12>. 20
n. <
e (!) 0 (active) (inactive)
'- ~

:d +
'[ 60
b Citrulline + NO Arginine
,D ~

c 50
s :[
n; (/)
iii 30
lh (I)
d c:>. SMOOTH
:d Q)
:d :E 10
5 0 ( cGMP GTP
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 1.6
Free Ca2 concentration (J.tmol/1)

Fig. 17.3 Control of constitutive nitric oxide synthase (NOS) by calcium-calmodulin. ~1 Dependence on Ca of nitric oxide (NO)

and citrulline synthesis from L-arginine by rat brain synaptosomal cytosol. Rates of synthesis of NO from L-arginine were determined by
stimulation of guanylate cyclase (GC) (a) or by synthesis of [3H)-citrulline from L-[3H)-arginine (b). lm Regulation of GC in smooth muscle
ey by NO formed in adjacent endothelium. Akt is a protein kinase that phosphorylates NOS, making it more sensitive to
ICI calcium-calmodulin. (From: (A) Knowles R Get al. 1989 Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 86: 5159-5162.) 267

The activi ty of constitutive isoforms of NOS is controlled by

intracellular calcium-calmodulin (Fig. 17.3). Control is exerted Nitric oxide: synthesis, inactivation and
in two ways: carriage

many endothelium-dependent agonists (e.g. acetylcholine, Nitric oxide (NO) is synthesised from L-arginine and
bradykinin, sub!.tance P) increase the cytoplasmic molecular 0 2 by nitric oxide synthase (NOS).
concentration of calcium ion~. [Ca2] ,; the consequent NOS exists in three isoforms: inducible, and
increase in calcium-calmodulin activates e OS or nNOS constitutive endothelial and neuronal forms
phosphorylation of specific residues on eNOS renders it more (respectively iNOS, eNOS and nNOS). NOSs are
or less active at a given concentration of dimeric flavoproteins, contain tetrahydrobiopterin and
calcium-calmodulin: this can alter NO synthesis in the have homology with cytochrome P450. The
ab~ence of any change in [Ca2],. constitutive enzymes are activated by
The main physiological stimulus controlling endothelial NO calcium-calmodulin. Sensitivity to
synthesis in re~ i stance vessels is probably shear stress. This is calcium-calmodulin is controlled by phosphorylation
sensed by e ndothelial mechanoreceptors and transduced via a of specific residues on the enzymes.
serine-threonine protein kinase called Akt or p!Vtein kinase B. iNOS is induced in macrophages and other cells by
Agonists that increase cAMP in endothel ial cells (e.g. p2 lnterferon-y.
ago nists) a lso increase eNOS activity, but via protein kinase nNOS is present in the central nervous system (see
A- mediated pho~phorylation, 2 whereas protein kinase C reduces Chs 32-35) and in non-noradrenergic non-cholinergic
eNOS acti vi ty by phosphorylating residues in the calmodulin- nerves (see Ch. 9).
binding domain, thereby reducing the binding of calmodulin. eNOS is present in platelets and other cells in
Insulin increases eNOS activity via tyrosine kinase activation addition to endothelium.
(and a lso increases the expression of nNOS in diabetic mice). NO is inactivated by combination with the haem of
In contrast to constitutive NOS isoforms, the activity of iN OS haemoglobin or by oxidation t o nitrite and nitrate,
is independent of rca 2],. Although iNOS contains a binding site which are excreted in urine.
for calcium-calmodulin, the very high affinity of this site for its NO is unstable but can react reversibly with cysteine
ligand mean~ that i OS is activated even at the low values of residues (e.g. in globin or albumin) to form stable
[Ca 2 ], present under resting conditions. The eruyme is induced nitrosothiols; as a result, red cells can act as an
by bacterial li popolysaccharide and/or cytokjnes synthesised in 0 2 -regulated source of NO. NO released in this way
response to lipopolysaccharide. notably interferon-y, the antiviral escapes inactivation by haem by being exported via
effect of which can be explained by this action. Tumour necrosis cysteine residues in the anion exchange protein in red
factor-a and interleukin-1 do no t alone induce iNOS, but they cell membranes.
each syncrgise with interferon-y in this regard (see Ch. 13).
Induc tion of iNOS is inhibited by glucocorticoids and by several
cytoki nes, including transforming growth factor-p. There are
important species differe nces in the induc ibility of iNOS, which
is less readi ly induced in human than in mouse cells. s mall amounts of NO produced in the lung escape degradation
and can be detected in exhaJcd air. In contrast, NO reacts very
rapid ly with even low concentrations of superoxide anion (0, 1
DEGRADATION AND CARRIAGE OF to produce peroxynitrite anion (ONoo-), which is responsible
NITRIC OXIDE for some of its toxic effects.
Endothelium-derived NO acts locally o n underlying vascular
Nitric oxide reacts with oxygen to fonn 20 4 , which combines
smooth muscle or on adherent monocytes or platelets. The potential
with water to produce a mixture of nitric and nitrous acid~.
for action at a distance is neatly demonstrated by Rhodni111
Nitrite ions are oxidised to nitrate by oxyhaemoglobin. These
proltxu.\, a blood-sucking insect that produces a saliva"
reactions are !.ummarised as follow.
vasodilator/platelet inhibitor with the properties of a nitr;
2NO + 0 2 -+ N 20 4 (17.1) vasodilator. This consists of a mixture of nitrosylared
haemoprotein!., which bind NO in the salivary glands of the
N204 + Hp -+ N0 3- + N0 2- + 2W ( 17.2)
insect but release it in the tissues of its prey. The consequent
N02- + HbO -+ N0 3- + Hb ( 17.3) vasodilatation and inhibition of platelet activation presumabl)
facilitates extraction of the bug's meal in liquid fonn. A strong.
Low conccnLrations of NO arc relatively stable in air because the
but still controversial, case has been made that NO can also act
reaction ~hown in equation l7 . 1 is second order. Consequently,
a t a dbtance in the mammalian circulation via reversibk
interactions with haemoglobin. Here we describe this proposal
o nly in broad outline; readers who require a more detailed
~he ~z agonbt~. which have endothelium-dependent as well as account arc directed to reviews by Singel & Stamler (2005) and,
268 endothelium-independent relaxing effects, work partly i n this way. for a sceptical view, Schechter & Gladwyn (2003).

Haem has an affinity for NO> I 0 000 times greater than for
oxygen. In the absence of oxygen. NO bound to haem is relatively EFFECTS OF NITRIC OXIDE
stable, but in the presence of oxygen NO is converted to nitrate
Nitric oxide reacts with various metals, thiols and oxygen
and the haem iron oxidised to methaemoglobin. Distinc t from
species, thereby modifying proteins, DNA and lipids. One of its
this inactivation reaction, a specific cysteine residue in globin
most important biochemical effects (sec Ch. 3) is activation of
combines reversibly with 0 under phy~iological conditions.
soluble guanylate cyc/(1.\e. a heterodimcr present as distinct
The re~ulting S-nitrosylated haemoglobin is believed to be involved
isoenzymes in vascular and nervous tis~ue. Guanylate cyclase
in various NO-related activities, including the control of vascular
synthesises the second messenger cGMP. NO activates the
resistance, blood pressure and respiration. Key features of the
enzyme by combining with its haem group. and many physiological
propo!>ed mechani!>m include the following.
effects of low concentrations of NO are mediated by cGMP.
Nitrosylation of haemoglobin is reversible. These effects arc prevented by inhibitors of guanylate cyclase
It depends on the state of oxygenation of the haemoglobin, (e.g. I H-1 1,2,4]-oxadiazole-r4,3-aj-quinoxalin- l-one, ODQ),
which consequently takes up NO in the lungs and releases it which are useful investigational tools. NO activates soluble
in tissues, in concert with release of oxygen. Haemoglobin guanylate cyclase in intact celb (neurons and platelets)
acts as an 0 2 sensor and could regulate vascular tone (and extremely rapidly, and activation is followed by desensitisation
hence tissue perfusion) in response to the local partial to a steady-state level. This contrasts with its effect on the
pres~ure of 0 2 by releasing NO in this way. This mechanism isolated enzyme, which is slower but more sustained. Guanylate
is impaired in sickle cell disease (a common inherited cyclase contains another regulatory site, which is NO-
di~order caused by a molecular variant of haemoglobin). independent. This is activated by several investigational drugs
NO is not relca~ed into the cytoplasm of erythrocytes (where (e.g. BAY 41-2272 and YC-1) that potentiate NO and have
it would promptly be inactivated by haem), but is transported therapeutic promise.
out of the red cells via cysteine residues in the haemoglobin- Effects of cGMP are terminated by pho!>phodiestera e enzymes.
binding cytoplasmic domain of an anion exchanger called AE 1.3 S ildeoafil and tadalafil are inhibitors of phosphodie~terasc type
S-nitrosylated albumin also constitutes a source of circu lating V that arc used to treat erectile dysfunction, because they
NO bioactivity. An alternative view is that nitrite anion, potentiate NO actions in the corpora cavemosa of the penis
rather than nirrosylated protein, is the main intravascular NO by this mechanism (sec Ch. 30. p. 458). 0 also combines
storage molecule (see Kim-Shapiro et al., 2006). with haem groups in other biologically important proteins (e.g.
cytochrome c oxidase, where it competes with oxygen,
contributing to the control of cellular respiration). Cytotoxic and
AEI i~ responsible for the exchange of chloride and b1carbonare ions
/or cytoprotective effect.'> of higher concentrations of NO relate to
acro~sthe cell membrane. the Hamburger shifl' beloved of red cell its chemistry as a free radical (see Ch. 35). Some physiological
physiologists. It i s rhc most abundam protein in red cell membranes. and pathological effects of NO are s hown in Table 17. I.

Table 17.1 Postulated roles of endogenous nitric oxide

Syste m Phys iological role Pat hological role

Excess production Inadequate production or action

Ca rdiovascular
Endothelium/vascular Control of blood pressure and Hypotension (septic shock) Atherogenesis, thrombosis (e.g.
smooth muscle regional blood flow m hypercholesterolaemia,
diabetes mellitus)

Platelets Limitation of adhesion/aggregation

Hos t defence
Macrophages, Defence against viruses, bacteria,
neutrophils, leucocytes fungi, protozoa, parasites

Nervous sys te m
Central Neurotransmiss1on, long-term Excitotoxicity (Ch. 35) (e.g.
potentiation, plasticity ischaemic stroke, Huntington's
(memory, appetite, nociception) disease, AIDS dementia)

Peripheral Neurotransmission (e.g. gastric Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis,

emptying, penile erection) erectile dysfunction

hypertrophy causing gastric outflow obstruction, which occur... m

approximately I in 150 male infants and is corrected surgicall) J.
Pharmacological effect~ of 0 can be studied with NO gas n OS knockout mice rcsiM stroke damage caused by middle
dissolved in deoxygenated ~alt solution. More conveniently, but cerebral artery ligation but are aggressive and over.;e~ed
less directly. variou~ donon. of NO, such as nitroprusside. (characteristics that may not be unambiguously disadvantageou'.
S-nitro.wacetylpenicillamine (SNAP) or S -nitrosoglwathione at least in the con1ext of natural selection !).
(SNOG) have been u~ed ~ ~urrogates. This has pitfalls; for
example, a\corbic acid potentiate~ SNAP but inhibits responses
to authentic o.~
Nitric oxide can activate guanylate cyclase in the same cells Cytotoxic and/or cyto'>tatic effects of NO arc implicated m
that produce it, giving ri!>e to autocrine effects, for example on prim iti ve non-'>pecific host defence mechanisms again\!
the barrier function of the endothelium. NO also diffuses from it!> numerous pathogens, including viruses. bacteria, fungi, proto10a
site of !>ynthcsis and activates guanylate cyclase in neighbouring and parasites, and against tumour cells. The importance of thb i\
cells. The resulting increase in cGMP affects protein kinase G, evidenced by the susceptibility to Leishmania major (to which
cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases, ion channels and possibly wild-type mice are highly resistant) of mice lacking iNOS
other proteins. This inhibits the rca~+l,-induced smooth muscle M echanisms whereby NO damages invading pathogens include
contraction and platelet aggregation that occur in response to nitrosylation of nucleic acids and combination with haem
agonists. NO also hyperpolariscs vascular smooth muscle, as a containing ent.ymes, such as the mitochondrial enzymes involved
consequence of potassium channel activation. NO inhibits in cel l re!.piration.
monocyte adhesion and migration. adJ1esion and aggregation of
platelet~. and ~mooth muscle and fibroblast proliferation. These
cellular effect\ probably underlie the antiatberosclerotic action of THERAPEUTIC APPROACHES
NO (see Ch. 20, p. 321 ).
Large amounts of 0 (released following induction of NOS or
excessive stimulation of NMDA receptors in the brain; sec Inhalation of high concentrations of NO (a~ occurred \\hen
pp. 510-512) cau!>e cytotoxic effects (either directly or via cylinder.. of nitrous oxide, N 10, for anaesthesia were accidentall)
peroxynitrite anions). These contribute to host defence, but also contaminated) causes acute pulmonary oedema and methacrno-
to the neuronal destruction that occurs when there is globinacmia. but concentrations below 50 ppm (pans per mliltonl
overstimulation of NMDA receptors by glutamate (see Chs 33 are not toxic. NO (5-300 ppm) inhibits bronchoconsrriction
and 35). Paradoxically. NO is also cytoprotective under some (at lea~t in guinea pigs). but the main action of inhaled NO i'
circumstances (\Ce Ch. 35). pulmonary vasodilatation. inspired NO acts preferentiall} on
ven tilated al veoli, and could therefore be therapeutically u-.eful
in respiratory distress syndrome. This condition has a high
mortality and is caused by diverse insults (e.g. infection). It i'
The endothelial I.-arginine/NO pathway is tonically active in
resistance vessels, reducing peripheral vascular resistance and
hence systemic blood prcssuJe. Mutant mice that lack the gene Actions of nitric oxide
coding for eNOS arc hypertensive, consistent with a role for
0 bio~ynthcsis in the physiological control of blood pressure. Nitric oxide (NO) acts by:
[ncrea~cd endothelial 0 generation may contribute to the combining with haem in guanylate cyclase,
generalised vasodilatation that occurs during pregnancy. activating the enzyme, increasing cGMP and
thereby lowering [Ca2+]1
combining with haem groups in other proteins
(e.g. cytochrome c oxidase)
TABLE 9.2 AND FIG. 9.7, AND CH. 34, P. 504)
combin1ng with superoxide anion to yield the
Nitric oxide i'> a non-noradrenergic non-cholinergic ( A C) cytotoxic peroxynitrite anion
neurotransmitter in many tissues (Ch. 9). and is important in tllc nitrosation of proteins, lipids and nucleic acids.
upper airway'>. gastrointe!.tinal tract and control of penile erection Effects of NO tnclude:
(Chs 23. 25 and 30). It is implicated in the control of neuronal vasodilatation, Inhibition of platelet and monocyte
development and of synaptic plasticity in the CNS (Chs 32 and 34). adhesion and aggregation, inhibition of smooth
Mice carrying a mutation disrupting tlle gene coding nNOS have muscle proliferation, protection against atheroma
grossly di\tended !.lomachs similar to those seen human synaptic effects in the peripheral and central
hypertrophic pyloric !>Ienos is (a disorder characterised by pyloric nervous system (see Chs 9 and 32-35)
host defence and cytotoxic effects on pathogens
(see Ch. 13)
"A~corbic acid rcl ea~es NO from SNAP but accelerates NO degradaLion in cytoprotection.
270 solution. which could exp lain lhi~ divergence.

characteri~ed by intrapulmonary 'shunting' (i.e. pulmonary

arterial blood entering the pulmonary vein without passing
through capillaric:. in contact with ventilated alveoli), resulting
in arterial hypoxacmia. and by acute pulmonary arterial
hypencn'>ion. Inhaled NO dilate~ blood \'essels in ventilated
alveoli (which arc expo~ed to the inspired gas) and thus reduces
'>hunting. NO is u'>ed in intensive care units to reduce pulmonary
h) pcnen~ion and to improve oxygen delivery in patients with
n.:spiratory diMre.,., syndrome. but it is not known whether this
imprO\CS long-term '>Urvival in these severely ill patients. E thy l
nitrite gas ha., been inve.,tigated in newborns (who arc at much
t------~ Citrulline
increa ed risk of respiratory di!>tress syndrome because of their
immature lungs) as a potentially less toxic alternative. ' DDAH ~


Nitrovasodilators have been used therapeutically for over a L-arginine NOS /
+ - --=-=..:;.._____,., NO+ Citrulline
century. The common mode of action of these drugs is as a
source of 0 (Chs 18 and 19). There is interest in the potential
for selectivity of nitrova&ocli lators; for instance. gl yceryl Fig. 17.4 Effect of a symmetric dimethylarginine
trinitrate is more potent on vascular smooth muscle than on (ADMA). DDAH, dimethylarginine dimethylamino hydrolase;
platelet!>, whereas SNOG !>electively inhibits platelet function. NO, nitric oxide; NOS, nitric oxide synthase.


Drugs can inhibit NO '>ynthesis or action by several mechanisms. 110
Arginine analogues compete with arginine for NOS. Several such
compound'>, for example N'-monomcthyi-L-arginine (L-NMMA) 8
0 90
and JV'i-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME). have proved of
~ 80
great mlue as experimental tool&. One such compound, ADMA. ~
is approximately equipotent with L-NMMA. Jt is present in <;::;
human plasma and is excreted in urine. Its plasma concentration 8
:0 60
correlates with vascular mortality in patients receiving
haemodialysi~ for chronic renal failure, and is increased in iii 50
people with hypercholeMerolaemia (see p. 266, above). In 0
u. 40
addition to urinary excretion, ADMA is a lso eliminated by DNMA lNMA
metabolism to citru lline and methylami ne by dimethylarginine L-Arg
dimerhylamino hydrolase (DDAH), an enzyme that exists in two
isoforms, each with a functional ly essential reactive cysteine
residue in the active site that is subject to control by nitrosylation.
Inhibition of DDAH by NO causes feedback inhibition of the 0 20 40 60 80 100
L-arginine/NO pathway by allowing cytoplasmic accumulation Minutes after cannulation
of AD MA. Conversely, activation of DDAH could potentiate the Fig. 17. 5 Bas al blood flow in the human forearm is
L-argininc/NO pathway see Figure 17 .4. influenced by nitric oxide (NO) biosynthesis. Forearm blood
lnfw,ion of a low do'>e of t.-NMMA into the brachial artery flow is expressed as a percentage of the flow in the non-
cannulated control arm (which does not change). Brachial
cau<>es local va~oconwiction (Fig. 17.5), owing to inhibition of
artery infusion of the o-isomer of the arginine analogue
the basal production of NO in resi~tancc vessels of the infused ~-monomethyiL-arginine (o-NMA) has no effect, while the
arm, without inOucncing blood pressure or causing other systemic L-isomer (L-NMA) causes vasoconstriction. L-Arginine (L-Arg)
effects. whereac; intravenous L-NMMA causes vasoconstriction accelerates recovery from such vasoconstriction (dashed line).
in renal, mesenteric, cerebral and striated muscle resistance (From Valiance et al. 1989 lancet ii: 997-1000.)
vessels. increase~ blood pressure and causes reflex bradycardia.
There is therapeutic interest in selective inhibitors of different
isoforms of OS. Drugs for long-tenn treatment should not has been implicated (e.g. asthma). 7-Nitroindazole inhibits nNOS
inhibit eNOS, to avoid adverse cardiovascular effects. Selective and, following intraperitoneal administration to mice, inhibits
in hibitors of iNOS versus the two constitutive forms have been nociception wi thout ahering anerial blood pressure: this selectivity
described (e.g. N-iminocthyl-L-Iysine). and have potential for the apparent ly results from an incompletely understood phannac-
treatment of innammatory and other conditio ns in whic h iNOS okinetic effect relating to access of the drug to NOS in brain. 271

An endogenous protein inhibitor of n OS (termed PIN) works a con~iderab le refinement is to administer l 15N]-argininc and
by an entirely diiTereot mechanism, namely destabilising the use ma~s ~pectrometry to measure the enrichment of 15N O\er
NOS dimer. naturally abundant [ 14N]-nitrate in urine
measuring NO in exhaled air
measuring eiTectl> of NOS inhibitors (e.g. L-NMMA)
comparing responses to endothelium-dependent agoni~t~ (e.g.
Several means whereby the L-arginine/NO pathway could be acetylcholine) and endothelium-independent agonists (e.g.
enhanced are under investigation. Some of these rely on existing nitropru~side)
drugs of proven value in other contexts. The bope (as yet unproven) measuring responses to increased blood flow ("flow-mediated
is that, by potentiating NO. they will prevent atherosclerosis or dilatation'), which are largely mediated by NO
its thrombotic complications or have other beneficial effects studying histochemical appearances and pharmacological
attributed to NO. Possibilities include: respon1>es in vitro of ti ssue obtained at operation (e.g.
coronary artery surgery).
selecti ve NO donors as 'replacement' therapy (see above)
dietary supplementation with L-argi nine (see above) All these methods have limitations, and tbe dust is far from
antioxidants (to reduce concentrations of reactive oxygen settled. Nevertheless, it seems clear that the L-arginine/NO pathwa}
species and hence stabili se NO; Ch. 20) is indeed a player in the pathogenesis of severn! important
drugs that restore endothelial f unction in patients with diseases, opening the way to new therapeutic approaches. Som~
metabolic risk factors for vascular disease (e.g. angiotensin- pathological roles of excessive or reduced NO production are
converti ng enzyme inhibitors, statins, insulin, oestrogens; summarised in Table 17.I. We touch only briefly on these cl i nic~!
Chs 19, 20, 26 and 30) conditions, and would cau tion the reader that not all of lhN
~ 2 -adre noceptor agonists and related drugs (e.g. nebivolol , a exciting pos<.ibilities are likely to withstand the test of rime!
~ 1 -adrenoceptor antagonist that is metabolised to an active Sepsis can cause multiple organ failure. Whereas NO benefit-
metabolite that activates the L-arginine/NO pathway) host defence by killing invading organisms, excessive NO cau-.e,
phosphodiesterase type V inhibitors (e.g. sildenafil ; see harmful hypotension. Disappointingly, however, L-NM\iA
above and Ch. 30). worsened !>Urvival in one controUed clinical trial. Chronic lo~..
grade endotoxaemia occurs in patients with hepatic cirrho'''
Systemic vasodilatation is typical in such patients. Unnal)
CLINICAL CONDITIONS IN WHICH NITRIC excretion of cGMP i~ increased. and vasodilatation rna} be a
OXIDE MAY PLAY A PART consequence of induction of NOS leading to increased t\0
synthesis. Nitrosative stress and nitration of proteins in aim~
The wide distribution of OS enzymes and diverse actions of
epithelium may contribute to steroid resistance in asthma, and
NO suggest that abnormalities in the L-arginine/NO pathway
the ineffectiveness of glucocorticoids in chronic obstructile
could be importnnt in disease. Either increased or reduced
pulmonary disease (see Ch. 23, pp. 365- 366).
production could play a part, and hypotheses abound. Evidence
Nitric oxide biosynthesis i s reduced in patients with
is harder to come by but has been sought usi ng various indirect
llypercholesterolaemia and some other disorders that predispose
approaches, including:
to atheromatous vascular disease, i ncluding cigarette srnokmg
analysing nitrate and/or cGMP in urine: these are bedevilled, and diabetes mellitus. In hypercholesterolaemia, evidence or
respectively, by dietary nitrate and by membrane-bound
guany late cyclase (which is stimulated by natriuretic
peptides; see Ch. 18)
Nitric oxide In pathophysiology

Nitric oxide (NO) is synthesised under

Inhibition of the L-arglnlne/nitric oxide physiological and pathological circumstances.
pathway Either reduced or increased NO production can
contribute to disease.
Glucocorticoids inhibit biosynthesis of inducible (but Underproduction of neuronal NO is reported in babes
not constitutive) nitric oxide synthase (NOS). with hypertrophic pyloric stenosis. Endothelial NO
Synthetic arginine analogues (e.g. L-NMMA, L-NAME; production is reduced in patients with
see text) compete with arginine and are useful hypercholesterolaemia and some ot her risk factors for
experimental tools. atherosclerosis, and this may contribute to
Endogenous NOS inhibitors include ADMA (see text) atherogenesis.
and PIN (a protein t hat inhibits NOS dimerisation). Overproduction of NO may be important in
lsoform-selective inhibitors have therapeutic neurodegenerative diseases (see Ch. 35) and in septic
potential. shock.

blunted NO relea1>c in forearm and coronary vascular beds is with traces of albumin in their urine (' microalbuminuria': early
suppo rted by evidence that this can be corrected by lowering evidence of glome rular endothelial dysfunctjon), suggesting that
plas ma cholesterol (with a statin; sec Ch. 20) or by suppleme n- basal NO synthesis may be reduced throughout their circulation.
tation with L-argininc. It is thought that failure to increase endogenous NO biosynthesis
Endothelial dysfunction in diabetic patients with erectile normally during pregnancy contributes tO eclampsia. This is a
dysfunction occurs in tissue from the corpora cavemosum of the hypcrtcn1>ive disorder that accounts for many maternal deaths
penis, as evide nced by blunted relaxation to ace tylcholine despite and in whic h the normal vasodilatatio n seen in healthy pregnancy
preserved responses to nitro prusside (Fig. 17.6 ). Vasoconstric tor is lost.
response~ to intra-arterial L-NMMA are reduced in fo ream1 Exccs!>ive NMDA receptor acti vatio n inc reases NO synthesis,
vasculan1re of insulin-dependent diabetics, especially in patients which contributes to several forms of neurological damage
(sec Ch. 35). nNOS i ~ absent in pyloric tissue from babies with
idiopathic hype rtrophic pyloric stcnosis. 5
r- 0 Established cli nical uses of drugs that intlue nce the
L-arginine/NO syste m are summarised in the clinical box.

0 Nitric oxide In therapeutics
~ 30
1il /
~ 40 Nitric oxide (NO) donors (e.g. nitroprusside
-a; and organic nitrovasodilators) are well established
;;: 50 (see Ch. 19, clinical box, p. 31 0).
E Type V phosphodiesterase inhibitors (e.g. sildenafil,
0 60
c tadalaf il) potentiate the action of NO. They are used:
e 70 to treat erectile dysfunction (Ch. 30)
~ - other possible uses (e.g. pulmonary hypertension,
gastric stasis) are being investigated.
90 Inhaled NO is used in adult and neonatal respiratory
distress syndrome.
100 Inhibition of NO biosynthesis (e.g. by L-NMMA; see
-9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 text) is being investigated in disorders where there is
Acetylcholine concentration (log mol/1) overproduction of NO (e.g. inflammation and
Fig. 17.6 Impaired endothelium -mediated relaxation of neurodegenerative disease). Disappointingly, L-NMMA
penile smooth muscle from d iab etic men with erectile increases mortality in one such condition (sepsis).
dysfunction. Mean (:: SE) relaxation responses to
acetylcholine in corpora cavernosa tissue (obtained at the time
of performing surgical implants to treat impotence) from 16
I diabetic men and 22 non-diabetic subjects. (Data from Saenz
\_de Tejada et al. 1989 N Engl J Med 320: 1025-1030.) ' Arc such individuals 'nNOS gene knockout humans"/ What of their
~ubsequcm development?


Biochemical aspect~ Fleming L Busse R 2003 \1olecular mcchanbm' hemoglobin in physiology and !herapeulic>.
Aldenon W K. Cooper(' I'" Kno-.le; R G 2001 Nitric involved in the regulation of lhc endothelial notric Anenoscler Thromb Vase Bioi 26: 697- 705 (Rmnu
o~1de '> nlha..c.: ,uuc:IUre. funcuon and inhibition. oxide synthase. Am J Ph) "ol 284 R I R 12 reantnidl'IICl' thot nitrite anion may bl' thl! mam
BlllChem J 357 593-615 Fulton D. Fontana J, Sowa G e1 al 2002 Locahtall<ln of mtrm-a>cutar NO soorage 1110/uute: cf Singe/ &
Bellamy T C. Wood J. Good--.n 0 A. Ganhwalle J 2000 endolhelial nitric-o~ide ~yntha-.c pho-phorylaled on Stamler. 2005. below)
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2928-2933 (In it< 1111/Ur<ll rmirrmmelll. soluble phosphorylatt!d eNOS rrside.1 in cmeo/i11-rnriched lee: J. Ryu H. Ferrante R J e1 al. 2003 Tran\lauonal
[llltm\ltlle 1ydll\l' ht-hae, ffllll'h morr /oAe a plasmalemma and Go/gi membrcml'.; both po<Jis Ill\' control of mducible nitric Ollide S) nthase ex pre" ron
11eumtro11Jmlll<r rt'fe{>tor tlwn htul bu11 l'T{H'Cted VcGF-regulated to !Jnx./ucl' NO) by argirnnc can eJtplain the arginine pnrado~. Proc
from pn:riou< m:;~mologiml <tlldlct. rarml Hess D T. Matsumoto A. Kim S 0 et al 2005 Prmein S- Natl Acad Sci USA 100: 484~848 (Inhibition of
de\m\lflltllion ;, /iAe/.1 w bt: lfnJ>Qrttmt wuler nitrosylation: purvie" and paran\CICI'I. Nature Re' NOS activity by arginme depletion in stimulated
phwo/0/ll<a/ WflliltiOIIS) Mol Cell Biol6: 150-166 ll.ltro<yte c11/tures occurs via inhibition of trans/arion
Davis K L, Manin F.. Turko I V. Murad F 200 I Novel Jaffrey S R, SnyderS 1996 PIN: on n>\ociatcd prolcin of iNOS mRNA. and provides oM explanorion for the
eiTcch of nllric oxide. Annu Rev Phannacol Toxicol inh.ibi10r of neuronal nilric oxide 'Ynlha\e. Science 'a'8mine paradox' while indicating a distinct
4 1: 203 236 (R,.iew.\ 111111 -;GMPmediwed effects of 274: 774-777 (Works by tlestahilisin!l the nNOS dlmer) mechanism b which substmte cwr regulate the
NO, i11duding modijiwtion1 ofiJIVItiiiS. li!Jids and Kim-Shapiro D B, Schcch1cr A N. Gladwin M T 2006 activit) of its asso,icoted
nucleic t1citls) Unraveli ng the reactions of nitric ox ide. 111tritc. nnd em:yme)
The heart

rate and rhythm

Overview 277 myocardial contraction
Introduction 277 metabolism and blood tlow.

Physiology of cardiac function 277 The effects of drugs on these aspects of cardiac function are not,
-Cardiac rate and rhythm 277 of course, independent of each other. For example, if a drug
-Cardiac contraction 280 affects the electrical properties of the myocardial cell membrane,
-Myocardial oxygen consumption and coronary it is likely ro innucnce both cardiac rhythm and myocardial
blood flow 282 contraction. Similarly, a drug that affects contraction will
-Autonomic transmitters 283 inevitably alter metabolism and blood flow as well. Nevertheless,
-Cardiac natriuretic peptides 285 from a therapeutic point of view, these three classes of effect
------------------~ represent di'>tinct clinical objectives in relation to the treatment,
lschaemic heart disease 285 respectively, of cardiac dysrhythmias. cardiac failure and
Drugs that aHect cardiac function 286 coronary insufficiency (as occurs during angina pectoris or
-Antidysrhythmic drugs 286 myocardial infarction).
-Drugs that increase myocardial contraction 290
-Antianginal drugs 292
The chambers of the heart normally contract in a coordinated
OVERVIEW manner, pumping blood efficiently by a route determined by the
In this chapter, we review briefly the physiology of valves. Coordination of contraction is achieved by a specialised
cardiac function in terms of electrophysiology, of conducting ~ystcm. Phy:;iological sinus rhythm is characterised
contraction, of oxygen consumption and coronary by impulses arising in the si noatrial (SA) node and conducted in
blood flow, and of autonomic control. This provides sequence through the atria, the atrioventricular (AV) node,
a basis for understanding eHects of drugs on the bundle of His, Purkinje fibres and ventricles. Cardiac cells owe
heart and their place in treating cardiac disease. their electrical excitability to voltage-sensitive plasma membrane
The main drugs considered are antidysrhythmic channels selective for various ions, including Na+, K+ and Ca 2,
drugs, drugs that increase the force of contraction the ~tructure and function of which are described in Chapter 4.
of the heart (especially digoxin), and antianginal Electrophysiological features of cardiac muscle that distinguish
drugs. The commonest forms of heart disease are it from other excitable tissues include:
caused by atheroma in the coronary arteries, and pacemaker activity
thrombosis on ruptured atheromatous plaques; absence of fast Na+ current in SA and AV nodes, where slow
drugs to treat and prevent these are considered in in\\ard Ca 2 current initiates action potentials
Chapters 20 and 21. Heart failure is mainly long action potential ('plateau') and refractory period
treated indirectly by drugs that work on vascular innux of Ca1+ during the plateau.
smooth muscle, discussed in Chapter 19, by
Thus several of the special features of cardiac rhythm relate to
diuretics (Ch. 24) and Padrenoceptor antagonists
Ca 1 current'>. The heart contains intracellular calcium channels
(Ch. 11 ).
(i.e. the large ryanodine receptors and smaller inositol
trisphosphate-activated calcium channels described in Chapter 4
INTRODUCTION and important in myocardial contraction) and I'Oitage-dependent
calcium channel!> in the plasma membrane, which are important
In this chapter, we consider effects of dmgs on the heart under in controlling cardiac rate and rhythm. The main type of voltage-
three main headings: dependent calci um c hnnnel in adult working myocardium is the 277

L-type channel, which is also important in vascular smooth Several voltage- and time-dependent outward currents play a part as "'ell:
muscle; L-typc channels are important in specialised conducting delayed rectifier K current (IK), which is activated during the acuon
potential, ~ turned ofT by the negative membrane potential earl) in
regions as well as in working myocardium.
dia~tole. Current from the electrogenic NatK pump abo contribute, to
The action potential of an idealised cardiac muscle cell is the outward current during the pacemaker potential.
shown in Figure 18.1 A and is divided into five phases: 0 (fast
depolarisation), I (partial repolarisation), 2 (plateau), 3 Figure 18.1 B shows the action potential configuration in
(repolarisation) and 4 (pacemaker). different parts of the heart. Phase 0 is absent in the nodal
regions, where the conduction velocity is correspondingly slo\1
T Ionic mechanasm\ underlying these phase> can be summarised as
(- 5 cm/s) compared with other regions such as the PurkinJc
fibres (conduction velocity - 200 cm/s). which propagate the
Phase 0, rapid dt'polarisation. occurs wben the membrane potential action potential rapidly to the ventricles. Regions that lack a ra~t
reache'> a critical firing thre~hold (about -60 mV), at which the inward
inward current have a much longer refractory period than fast-
current of Nn nowing through the voltage-dependent sodium channels
becomes large enough to produce a regenerative ('all or nothing) conducting regions. This is becau e recovery of the slow inward
depolarisation. This mechan ism is the same as that responsible for action current following ill> inactivation during the action potential take,
potential generation in neurons (see Ch. 4). Activation of sodium channels a considerable time (a few hundred milliseconds), and the
by membrane depolarisation is transient. and if the membrane remains refractory period outlasts the action potential. With fast-conducting
dcpolarised for more than a few milliseconds, they close again (inactivation).
fibres, recovery from inactivation of the Na+ c urrent is quick, and
They arc therefore c l o~ed du ring the plateau of the action potential and
remain unavailable for the initiation of another action potential unti l the the cell becomes excitable again as soon as it is repolarised.
membrane repolari~es. The orderly pattern of sinus rhythm can become disrupted
either by heart disease or by the action of drugs or circulating
Pho.se I, partial t"t'polarisotion. occurs as the Na current is inactivated.
There may also be a tran<oient voltage-sen~itive outward current. hormones, and an important therapeutic use of drugs is to restore
a normal cardiac rhythm where it has become disturbed. The
Phase 2. the plateau, results from an inward Ca2 current. Calcium
commone. t cause of cardiac dysrhythmia is ischaemic hean
channcb '>how a pattern of voltage-<,ensitive activation and inactivation
qualitatively similar to sodium channels. but with a much slower time disease. and many deaths following myocardial infarction re'ult
cour-e. The plateau i\ assiMed by a special property of the cardiac muscle from \Cntricular fibrillation rather than directly from contracule
membrane known as an ward-going rectification. which means that the K failure. For a more detailed coverage, 'from cell to bed,ide',
conductance falls to a low level when the membrane is depolarised. readers are referred to an authoritative textbook such a!> that of
Becau~e of tht'>. there i'> little tendency for outward K current to restore
Zipes & Jalife (2004).
the resting membrane potential during the plateau. so a relathely small
inward Ca' ' current suffices to maintain the plateau.
Pltasl' 3. rtpolarisatton. occurs as tbe Ca2" current inactivates and a DISTURBANCES OF CARDIAC RHYTHM
delayed outwardly rectifying K' current (analogous to but much slower
than the K' current that cause~ repolarisation in nerve fibres; Ch. 4) Clinically. dysrhythmial> are classified according to:
activate\, cau\ing outward K' current. Thi~ b augmented by another K
current. which is activated by high intracellular Ca2 concentration~. the site of origin of the abnormality- atrial, junctional or
!Ca21,. during the plateau. and sometimes also by other K~ currents. ventricular
including one through cha nnels activated by acetylcholine (see below) whether the rate is increased (tachycardia) or decreased
and anmher that is activated by arachidonic acid. which is libera1ed under (bradycardia).
pathological conditions ~>uch as myocard ial infarction.
Plwse 4, the pacemaker potellfial, is a gradual depolarisation during
They may cause palpitations (awareness of the heartbeat) or
dia~tole. Pacemaker activity i ~ normally found only in nodal and conducting symptoms from cerebral hypoperfusion (feeling faint or losing
tissue. The pacemaker potential is caused by a combination of increasing con~ciousness). Their diagnosis depends on the surface electro-
inward currents and declining outward currents during diastole. It is cardiogram (ECG), and details are beyond the scope of thi'
u\ually mo\1 rapid in cells of the SA node. whicb therefore acts a.~ book- sec Braunwald & Opie (2001 ). The commonest t)pe'
pacemaker for the whole heart. Celb in the SA node have a greater
background conductance to Na' than do atrial or ventricular myocytes,
of tachyarrhythmia are atrial fibrillation, where the heartbeat 1\
leading to a greater background inward currenl ln addition, inactivation completely irregular, and supraventricular tachycardia (SVfl.
of voltage-dependent calcium channels wears off during dia.Stole, resulting '"here the heartbeat is rapid but regular. Occasional ectopic beat'
10 increasmg mward Caz current during late diastole. Activation of (ventricular as well as supraventricular) are common. Sustain(()
T-type calcaum channeb during late diastole contributes to pacemaker ventricular tachyarrhythmias are much Jess common but much
activity in the SA node. The negative membrane potential early in diastole
activates a cauon channel that is permeable to Na and K. giving rise to
more serious; they include ventricular tachycardia and ventricular
another inward current, called 111 An inhibitor of this current. habradinc, fibrillation. where the electrical activity in the ventricle, i)
slows the heart and b u~d therapeutically (see below, p. 292). completely chaotic and cardiac output ceases. Bradyarrhythmtii\
include various kinds of heart block (e.g. at the AV or SA node>
and complete cessation of electrical activity ('asystolic arre.,t').lt
is often unclear which of the various mechanisms discussed
below are rel>ponsiblc. These cellular mechanisms neverthcle"
'f' for funny', because it is unu~ual for cati on channels to be activated by
1 provide a useful starting point for understanding how
hyperpolari~ation; electrophysiologists are renowned for a peculiar sen~e of antidy:.rhythmic drugs work. Four basic phenomena underlie
278 humour! disturbances of cardiac rhythm:


]! 0

.c -50


0 0.5 1.0
Time (sec)

SA node


AV node
Fig. 18.1 The cardiac action
potential. A Phases of the action
Purkinje fi bre

potential: 0, rapid depolarisation;
1, partial repolarisation; 2, plateau;
3, repolarlsatlon; 4, pacemaker Ventricle
depolarisatlon. The lower panel
shows the accompanying changes
in membrane conductance for Na,
K and Ca2. [ij] Conduction of the
impulse through the heart, with the
corresponding electrocardiogram
(ECG) trace. Note that the longest
delay occurs at the atrioventricular
(AV) node, where the action
potential has a characteristically
slow waveform. SA, sinoatrial.
(Adapted from: (A) Noble 0 1975
The initiation of the heartbeat. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6
Oxford University Press, Oxford.) Time (sec)

delayed after-depolarisation
abnormal action potentiaJs (Fig. 18.2). After-depolarisation is the
re-entry result of a net inward current, known as the transient inward current.
ectopic pacemaker activity A rise in iCa2+], activates Na+/Ca2+ exchange. This transfers one
heart block.
Ca2+ out of the cell in exchange for entry of three Na+. resulting
The main cause of delayed ajier-depolarisation is abnormally in a net innux of one positive charge and hence membrane
raised [Ca 2+],, which triggers inward current and hence a train of depolarisation. Additionally. Ca2+ opens non-selective cation

( Normal Damaged
1 sec

81 82 83 Anterograde Circus
impulse movement
Fig. 18.2 After-depolarisation in cardiac muscle
recorded from a dog c oronary sinus in the presence of
noradrenaline (norepinephrine). The first stimulus (81) causes
Fig. 18 .3 Generation of a re-entrant rhythm by a
an action potential followed by a small after-depolarisation. As
damag ed area of myocardium. The damaged area (brown)
the interval 82-83 is decreased, the after-depolarisation gets
conducts in one direction only. This disturbs the normal pattern
larger (t) until It triggers an indefinite train of action potentials
of conduction and permits continuous circulation of the
\ (:j:). (Adapted from Wit A L, Cranefield P F 1977 Circ Res 41 : 435.)
impulse to occur.

channeb in the plas ma membrane, causing depolarisation Although the physiological pacemaker resides in the SA node,
analogou!> to the endplate potential at the neuromuscular junction other cardiac tissues can take on pacemaker activity. This pro\tdc:,
(Ch. 10). Con.,equently. hypercalcaemia can delay repolarisation. a safety mechanism in the event of failure of the SA node but can
This is recognised clinically from prolongation of the QT interval also trigger tachyarrhythmias. Ectopic pacemaker actil'it\' i'
in the ECG. Hypokalaemia also prolongs the QT interval (via an encouraged by sympathetic activity and by partial depolarisauon.
effect on the gating of cardiac delayed rectifier potassium which may occur during ischaemia. Catecholamines, acting on
channels). Many drug~. including ones whose principal effect~ ~ 1 adrcnoceptors (sec below), increase the rate of depolarisatton
are on other systems, delay cardiac repolarisation as a result of during phase IV and can cause normally quiescent parts of thl:
effects on electrolyte concentrations or from binding to heart to take on a spontaneous rhythm. Several tachyarrhythmia'
potassium or other cardiac channels (see Roden, 2004). This (e.g. paroxysmal atrial fibrillation) can be triggered b}
increases Ca2 entry during the prolonged action poten6al, c ircumstances associated with increased sympathetic activity.
leading to aftcr-depolarisation. Prolongation of the QT interval, Pain (e.g. during myocardial infarction) increases sympathetic
which carries a risk of causing dangerous ventricular dysrhythmias, d ischarge and re leases adrenaline (epinephrine) from the adrenal
is a concern in drug development (see section below, Class Ill gland. Partial de polarisation resulting from ischaemic damage
drugs, and sec C h. 53). also causes abnormal pacemaker activity.
In normal cardiac rhythm, the conducted impulse dies out after Heart hlock results from fibrosis of, or ischaemic damage to,
it has activated the vcnuiclcs because it is surrounded by refractory the conduc ting system (often in the AV node). ln complete hean
tissue, which it has just traversed. Re-entry (Fig. 18.3) describes block, the atria and ventricles beat independently of one another,
the situation in which the impulse re-cxcites regions of the the ventricles beating at a slow rate determined by whate\er
myocardium after the refractory period has subsided, causing pacemaker picks up distal to the block. Sporadic complete failure
continuous circulation of action potentials. It can result from of AV conduction causes sudden periods of unconseiou\nc''
anatomical anomalies or. more commonly, from myocardial (Stoke~ Adam!> atLacks) and is treated by implanting an anificial
damage. Re-entry underlies many types of dysrhythmia, the pattern pacemaker.
depending on the ~ite of the re-entrant circuit, which may be in
the atria, ventricles or nodal tissue. A simple ring of tissue can
give rise to a re-entrant rhythm if a transient or unidirectional
conduction blocl.. is present. Normally. an impulse originating at Cardiac output is the product of heart rate and mean left
any point in the ring will propagate in both directions and die out ventricular stroke volume (i.e. the volume of blood ejected from
when the two impubes meet, but if a damaged area causes either the ventricle with each heartbeat). Heart rate is controlled b)
a transient block (so that one impulse is blocked but the second the autonomic nervous system (Chs I 0 and II, and see belo11.
can get through; Fig. 18.3) or a unidirectional block, continuous pp. 283-285). Stroke volume is determined by a combination of
circulation of the impul1.e can occur. This is known as circus factors, including some intrinsic to the heart itself and other
movement and was first demonstrated experimentally on rings of hacmodynamic factors extrinsic to the heart. Intrinsic facto~
280 jellyfish tissue many years ago. regulate myocardial contracti lity via fCa2+l; and ATP, and arc

caused by ischaemic preconditioning, and blockade of adenosine

receptors prevents the protective effect of preconditioning (see
Saurin et aJ., 2000; Linden, 200 l). There is considerable interest
Dysrhythmias arise because of: in developing strategies to min.im.ise harmful effects of ischaemia
delayed after-depolarisation, which triggers while maximising preconditioning.
ectopic beats
re-entry, resulting from partial conduction block
heart block. FAILURE
Delayed after- depolarisation is caused by an inward The force of contraction of the heart is determined partly by its
current associated with abnormally raised intracellular intrinsic contractility (which, as described above, depends on
[Ca 2+], and availability of ATP), and partly by extrinsic
Re-entry is facilitated when parts of the myocardium haemodynamic factors that affect end-diastolic volume and
are depolarised as a result of dtsease. hence the resting length of the muscle fibres. The end-diastolic
Ectopic pacemaker activity is encouraged by volume is determined by the end-diastolic pressure, and its effect
sympathetic activity. on stroke work is expressed in the Frank-Starling law of the
Heart block results from disease in the conducting heart, which reflects an inherent property of the contractile
system, especially the atrioventricular node. system. The Frank-Starling law can be represented as a
Clinically, dysrhythmias are divided: ventricular function curve (Fig. 18.4). The area enclosed by the
according to their site of origin (supraventricular pressure-volume curve during the cardiac cycle provides a
and ventricular) measure of ventricular stroke work. It is approximated by the
according to whether the heart rate is increased product of stroke volume and mean arterial pressure. As Starling
or decreased (tachycardia or bradycardia). showed, factors extrinsic to the heart affect its performance in
various ways, two patterns of response to increased load being
particularly important.

Increased cardiac filling pressure (preload), whether caused

<;ensitive to various drugs and pathological processes. Extrinsic
by increased blood volume or by venoconstriction. increases
circulatory factors include the elasticity and contractile state of
arteries and veins, and the volume and viscosity of the blood,
which together determine cardiac load (preload and afterload).
Drugs that inrluence these circulatory factors are of paramount
importance in treating patients with heart failure. They are
covered in Chapter 19.


The contractile machinery of myocardial striated muscle is
basically the same as that of voluntary striated muscle (Ch. 4). Il
involves binding of Ca2+ to troponin C; this changes the con-
formation of the troponin complex. permining cross-bridging of
myosin to actin and initiating contraction.
Many effects of drugs on cardiac contractility can be explained
in terms of actions on [Ca 2+]i, via effects on calcium channels in
plasma membrane or sarcoplasmic reticulum, or on the Na+/K+
pump, which indirectly influences the Na/Ca2+ pump (see below,
pp. 291-292). Other factors that affect the force of contraction
are the availability of oxygen and a ~ource of metabolic energy
such as free fatty acids. Myocardial stunning-<:ootractile 4
dysfunction that persists after ischaemia and reperfusion despite End diastolic pressure (kPa)
restoration of blood flow and absence of cardiac necrosis- is
Fig. 18.4 Ventricular function curves in the dog.
incompletely understood but can be clinically important. Its Infusion of physiological saline increases blood volume and
converse is known as ischaemic preconditioning; this means an hence end-diastolic pressure. This increases stroke work
improved ability to withstand ischaemia following previous ('extrinsic' control) by increasing the force of contraction of the
ischaemic episode~. This potentially beneficial state could also heart. This relationship is called the Starling curve.
Noradrenaline has a direct action on the heart ('intrinsic'
be clinically important. There is some evidence that it is
control), increasing the slope of the Starling curve. (Redrawn
mediated by adenosine (see Ch. 2), which accumulates as ATP is from Sarnoff S J et al. 1960 Circ Res 8: 11 08.)
depleted. Exogenous adenosine affords protection similar to that

ventricular end-diastolic volume. This increases stroke

volume and hence cardiac output and mean arterial pressure. Myocardial contraction
Cardiac work and cardiac oxygen consumption both increase.
Arterial and arteriolar vasoconstriction increases afterload. Controlling factors are:
End-diastolic volume and hence stroke work are initially - intrinsic myocardial contractility
unchanged, but con<>tant stroke work in the face of increased - extrinSIC circulatory factors.
vascular resistance causes reduced stroke volume and hence Myocardial contractility depends critically on
increased end-diastolic volume. This in turn increases stroke intracellular Ca2, and hence on:
work, until a steady state is re-established with increased -Ca2 ' entry across the cell membrane
end-diastolic volume and the same cardiac output as before. -Ca2 storage in the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
As with increa ed preload, cardiac work and cardiac oxygen The main factors controlling Ca2 entry are:
consumption both increase. - activity of voltage-gated calcium channels
- intracellular Na, which affects Ca2tNa exchange,
Normal ventricular filling pressure is only a few centimetres of Catecholamines, cardiac glycosides, and other
water, on Lhe steep part of the ventricular function curve, so a mediators and drugs influence these factors.
large increase in woke work can be achieved with only a s mall Extrinsic control of cardiac contraction is through the
increase in filling pressure. The Starling mechanism plays little dependence of stroke work on the end-diastolic
part in controlling cardiac output in healthy subjects (e.g. during volume, expressed in the Frank-starling law.
exercise), because c hanges in contractility, mainly as a result of Cardiac work is affected independently by afterload
c hanges in sympathetic activity, achieve the necessary regulation (i.e. peripheral resistance and arterial compliance) and
wi tho ut any increase in ve ntricular filling pressure (Fig. 18.4). In preload (i.e. central venous pressure).
contrast, the denervated heart in patients who have received a
heart transplant relies on the Starling mechanism to increase
cardiac output during exercise.
In heart failure, the cardiac output is insufficient to meet the
circulatory needs of the body, initially only when these are
Physical factors
During systole, the pressure exerted by the myocardium on
increased during exercise but ultimately, as disease progresses,
vessels that pass through it equals or exceeds the perfusion
also at re~t. It has many causes, most commonly ischaemic heart
pres~ure, so coronary flow occurs only during diastole. Diastoll:
disease. In patients with heart fai lure (see Ch. 19), the heart may
is shortened more than systole during tachycardia. reducing 1he
be unable to deliver as much blood as the tissues require, even
period available for myocardial perfusion. During diastole, the
when its contractility is increased by sympathetic activity. Under
effective perfusion pressure is equal to the difference between the
these conditions, the basal (i.e. at rest) ventricular function curve
aortic and ventricular pressures (Fig. 18.5). If diastolic aortic
is greatly depressed, and there is insufficient reserve, in the sense
pressure falls or diastolic ventric ular pressure increase,.
of extra contractility that can be achieved by sympathetic
perfusion pressure falls and so (unless other control mechanism'
activity, to e nable cardiac output to be maintained during
can compe nsate) does coronary blood flow. Stenosis of the aortic
exercise without a large increase in central venous pressure
(Fig. 18.4). Oedema of peripheral tissues (causing swelling of the
legs) and the lungs (causing breathless ness) is an important
consequence of cardiac failure. It is caused by the increased
venous pressure, and retention of Na (see Ch. 19). 20 Systole Diastole Systole


Relative to it~ large metabolic needs, the heart is one of the most
poorly perfused ti~sues in the body. Coronary flow is, under
nonnal circumstances, closely related to myocardial oxygen
consumption, and both change over a nearly 10-fold range
between conditions of rest and maximal exercise. 0


Fig. 18 .5 Mecha nical factors affecting coro nary blood
The main phyl>iological factors that regulate coronary flow are: flow. The 'window' for coronary flow may be encroached
physical factors on by: (1) shortening diastole, when heart rate increases;
(2) increased ventricular end-diastolic pressure; and
vascular control by metabolites (3) reduced diastolic arterial pressure.
2 82 neural and humoral control.

valve reduce~ aortic pre~~ure but increases left ventricular AUTONOMIC CONTROL OF THE HEART
pre!>Sure up. tream of the narrowed valve, and often causes
ischaemic che!>t pain (angina) even in the absence of coronary The sympathetic and parasympathetic systems each exert a tonic
artery di!>ease. effect on the heart at rest. They influence each of the aspects of
cardiac function that have been discussed above, namely rate and
Vascular control by metabolites/ mediators rhythm, myocardial contraction. and myocardial metabolism and
Vascular control by metabolites is tbe most important mechanism blood flow.
b} which coronary flow is regulated. A reduction in arterial
partial pressure of oxygen (Po!) causes marked vasodilatation of Sympathetic system
coronary vessels in situ but has little effect on isolated strips of The main effects of sympathetic activity on the heart are:
coronary artery. Thi~ suggests that it is a change in tbc pattern of
increased force of conuaclion (positive inotropic effect;
metabolites produced by the myocardial cells, rather than the
Fig. 18.6)
change in Po 2 per sc, that controls the state of lbe coronary
increased heart rate (positive chronotropic effect; Fig. 18.7)
vessels, a popular candidate for the dilator metabolite being
increased automaticity
adenosine (sec Ch. 12).
repolarisation and restoration of function following
general ised cardi:Jc depolarisation
Neural and humoral control
reduced cardiac efficiency (i.e. oxygen consumption is
Coronary vessels have a dense sympathetic innervation, but
increased more than cardiac work).
sympathetic nerves (like circulating catecholamines) exert only a
small direct effect on the coronary circulation. Large coronary These effects all result from activation of ~ 1 - adrenoceptors. The
vessels possess a-adrcnoceptors that mediate vasoconstriction, ~ 1 effects of catecholamines on the heart, although complex,
whereas smaller vessels have ~ 2 -adrenoceptors that have a dilator probably all occur through increased intracellular cAMP (see Ch. 3).
effect. Coronary vessels are also innervated by purinergic, cAMP activates protein kinase A, which phosphorylates sites on
pcptidergic and nitrergic nerves. Normally, neural and endocrine the a, subunit!> of calcium channels. Tbis increa~e~ the
effects on coronary vasculature are overshadowed by lbe vascular probability that the channels will open. increasing inward Ca 2
response to altered mechanical and metabolic activity. current and hence force of cardiac contraction (Fig. 18.6).
Activation of ~ 1 -adrenoceptors also increases the Ca 2+ sensiti\ ity
of the contractile machinery, possibly by phosphorylating troponin
AUTONOMIC TRANSMITTERS C; furthermore, it facilitates Ca2"' capture by the sarcopla<;mic
Many aspects of autonomic pharmacology have been discussed reticulum. thereby increa:.ing the amount of Ca2+ available for
in Chapter!> 9-11; here. we mention only aspects that particularly release by the action potential. The net result of catecholamine
concern the heart. action is to elevate and steepen the ventricular function curve
(Fig. 18.4). The increase in heart rate results from an increased
slope of the pacemaker potential (Figs 18.1 and 18.7). Increased
Ca2+ entry also increases automaticity because of the effect of
lCa 2+J; on the transient inward current, which can result in a train
of action potentials following a single stimulus (Fig. 18.2).
Coronary flow, Ischaemia and infarction Activation of ~ 1 -adrcnoceptors repol arises damaged or
hypoxic myocardium by stimulating the Na+/K+ pump. This can
The heart has a smaller blood supply in
relation to its oxygen consumption than most organs.
Coronary flow is controlled mainly by:
physical factors, including transmural pressure
....____c_ ontroQ ( Isoprenaline 2.5 nmoVI
during systole

vasodilator metabolites.
Autonomic innervation is less important.
Coronary 1schaem1a IS usually the result of
atherosclerosis and causes angina. Sudden
ischaemia is usually caused by thrombosis and may
result in cardiac infarction.
Coronary spasm sometimes causes angina (variant 1s
angina). Fig. 1 8.6 The calcium transient in frog cardiac muscle.
Cellular Ca2 overload results from ischaemia and A group of cells was injected with the phosphorescent Ca2
may be responsible for: indicator aequorin, which allows (Ca2 ], to be monitored
optically. Isoprenaline causes a large increase in the tension

cell death
and in the [Ca2], transient caused by an electrical stimulus (.A).
- dysrhythmlas. (From Allen D G, Blinks J R 1978 Nature 273: 509.) )

restore function if asystole has occurred following myocardial

A infarction, and adrenaline is one of the most imponant drug'
10 sec used during cardiac arrest.
The reduction of cardiac efficiency by catecholamincs i,
imponant because it means that the oxygen requirement of the
I Action myocardium increases. This limjts the use of~ agonists such a'
potential adrenaline and dobutamine for circulatory shock (Ch. 19)
Myocardial infarction activates the sympathetic nervous sy\tc:m
c 0 (Fig. 18.8), wruch bas the undesirable effect of increasing the
10 sec oxygen needs of the damaged myocardium.
- ---<

f'tc::~ol Parasympathetic system

I ~Ch Action
Parasympathetic activity produces effects that are, in general,
opposite to those of sympathetic activation. H owever. in contra't
Vagal stimulation 400ms to sympat hetic activity, the parasympathetic nervous system ha\
lillie effect on contractil ity, its mai n effects being on rate and
Fig. 18.7 Autonomic regulation of the heartbeat. A and rhythm, namely:
B. Effects of sympathetic stimulation and noradrenaline (NA). C
and D. Effects of parasympathetic stimulation and cardiac slowing and reduced automaticity
acetylcholine (ACh). Sympathetic stimulation (A) increases the inhibition of AV conduction.
slope of the pacemaker potential and increases heart rate,
whereas parasympathetic stimulation (C) abolishes the These effects result from occupation of muscarinic (M 2)
pacemaker potential, hyperpolarises the membrane and acetylcholine receptors, which arc abundant in nodal and atrial
temporarily stops the heart (frog sinus venosus). NA (B) tissue but sparse in the ventricles. These receptors are negativel}
prolongs the action potential, while ACh (D) shortens it (frog coupled to adenylate cyclase and thus reduce cAMP formauon,
atrium). (From: (A and C) Hutter 0 F, Trautwein W 1956 J Gen
acting to inhibit the slow Ca2 current, in opposition to ~
Physiol 39: 715; (B) Reuter H 1974 J Physiol242: 429; (D) Giles
W R, NobleS J 1976 J Physiol261: 103.) adrenoceptors. M 2 receptors also open a potassium channel
(called KAC'h ). T he resulting increase in K permeability produce'

Thrombolytic drugs

p8__ Myocardial

t Sympathetic ----+ t cardiac work

activity +Cardiac efficiency


Receptor activation (e.g. TN Fa)
+ton pumps
ICE-related protease activation
t[Ca 2"li PARP-inactivation
Protease act1vation
DNA fragmentation
Membrane damage

Necrosis ~ptosis

Fig. 18.8 Effects of myocardial ischaemia. This leads to cell death by one of two pathways: necrosis or apoptosis. ICE,
284 \ interleukin-1-converting enzyme; PARP, poly-[ADP-ribose)-polymerase; TNF-q, tumour necrosis factor-a.

a hyperpolarising current that opposes the inward pacemaker

current, slowing the heart and reducing automaticity (see Fig. 18.7). Autonomic control of the heart
Vagal activity b often increased during myocardial infarction,
both in association with "agal afferent stimulation and as a side Sympathetic activity, acting through ~ 1
effect of opioid~ u~ed to control the pain. and parasympathetic adrenoceptors, increases heart rate, contractility and
effects are important in predisposing to acute dysrhythmias. automaticity, but reduces cardiac efficiency (in
Vagal stimulation decreases the force of contraction of the relation to oxygen consumption).
atria associmed with marked shortening of the action potential The ~~ adrenoceptors act by increasing cAMP
(Fig. 18.7). Increased K+ permeability and reduced Ca2+ current formation, which increases Ca2 currents.
both contribute to conduction block at the AV node, where Parasympathetic activity, acting through muscarinic
propagation depend~ on the Ca 2 current. Shortening the atrial M2 receptors, causes cardiac slowing, decreased
action potential reduces the refractory period, which can lead to force of contraction (atria only), and inhibition of
re-entrant arrhythmias. Coronary vessels lack cholinergic atrioventricular conduction.
innervatio n; consequently, the parasympathetic nervous system M2 receptors inhibit cAMP formation and also open
has little effect o n coronary artery tone (see Ch. 10).2 potassium channels, causing hyperpolarisation.


afferent arterioles are dilated by ANP but efferent arterioles are
Atrial cells have a !.pecialised endocrine function in relation to constricted, so filtration pressure is increased, leading to
the cardiovascular system. They contain secre tory granules, and increased g lomerular filtration and enhanced Na+ excretion.
store and release atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP). This has Elsewhere, natriuretic peptidcs cause vasorelaxation and reduce
powerful effect<, on the kidney and vascular system. Release of blood pressure. Their therapeutic potential is considered in
ANP occurs during vol ume overload in response to stretching of Chapter 19.
the atria. Saline infuc;ion is sufficient to evoke ANP release. Two
related natriuretic peptides (B and C) are found, respectively, in
\'entricular muscle and vascular endothelium. The plasma con- ISCHAEMIC HEART DISEASE
centration of B-type natriuretic hormone (BNP) is predictably
Atheromatous deposits are ubiquitous in the coronary arteries of
increased in patients with heart failure and is increasingly used as
adults living in developed countries. They are asymptomatic for
an aid to diagnosil..
most of the natural history of the disease (see Cb. 20), but can
The main effects of natriuretic peptides are to increase Na and
progress insidiously, culminating in acute myocardial infarction
\\ater excretion by the kidney; relax vascular smooth muscle
and its complications, including dysrhythmia and heart failure.
(except efferent arterioles of renal glomeruli; see below);
Details of ischemic heart disease are beyond the scope of this
increase vascular permeability; and inhibit the release and/or
book, a nd up-to-date accounts (e.g. Braunwald, 2005) are
actions of several hormones and mediators, including aldosterone,
avai lable for those seeking pathological and clinical information.
angiotensin IT, c ndothe lin and antidiuretic hom10ne. They exert
Here, we merely set the scene for understanding the place of
their effects by combining with membrane receptors (natriuretic
drugs that uffcct cardiac function in treating this most common
peptide receptors, NPRs, which exis t in at least two subtypes,
form of heart disease.
designated A and 8 ). 3
lmp011ant conseque nces of coronary atherosclerosis include:
Both NPR-A and NPR-B incorporate a catalytic guanylate
cyclase moiety (see C h. 3). Binding of one of the natriuretic angina (ischaemic c hest pain)
peptides to either receptor leads to intracellular generation of myocardial infarction.
cGMP. This is the same respon!.e as that produced by organic
nitrates (see later) and endothelium-derived nitric oxide (Ch. 17),
which, however, achieve this by interacting with soluble rather
than membrane-bound guanylate cyclase. Renal glomerular Angina occurs when the oxygen supply to the myocardium is
insufficient for ih needs. The pain bas a characteristic
distribution in the chest. arm and neck, and is brought on by
exertion, cold or excitement A similar type of pain occurs in
'The Creator h:~-.. howe,er. thoughtfully provided coronary endothelium skeletal muscle when it i~ made to contract while its blood supply
\\ith muscarinic receptor.. linked to nitric oxide synthesis (see Cbs 17 and is interrupted. and Lewis showed many years ago that chemical
19), presum:~bt:r for the delectation of va.<,cular pharmacologists.
fact6rs released by ischaemic muscle are responsible. Possible
'The nomenclnturc of natriuretic peptides and their receptors is peculiarly cin"didatcs include K, H+ and adenosine (Ch. 12), all of which
obtuse. The peptide~ are named 'A' for atrial. 'B' for brain-despi te being stimulate nociceptors (see Ch. 41 ). It is possible lhal the same
pre:.ent mainly in cardiac ventricle- and 'C' for A. B, C ...: NPRs are named
mediator that causes coronary vasodilatation is responsible. at
NPR-A. which preferentially binds ANP: NPR-B, which binds C natriuretic
peptide preferentially: and NPR-C for 'clearance' receptor. because until hig her concentration. for initiating pain.
recently clearance via cellular uptake and degradation by lysosomal Three kinds of angina are recognised clinically: stable,
enzymes was the only dclinitc known function or this binding site. unstable and variant 285

Stable angina. Thi~ i~ predictable chest pain on exertion. h i!. have an important benefit during chronic treatment in reducing
produced by an increased demand on the heart and is caused by dysrhythmic deaths, and are widely used in patients with uNable
a fixed narrowing of the coronary vessels, almost always by angina; they increase the risk of cardiogenic shocl.. if gi,cn
atheroma. Symptomatic therapy is directed at altering cardiac during acute infarction to patients with signs of heart failure. but
worl.. with organic nitrates, 13-adrenoceptor antagonis~ and/or are started as ~oon as is haemodynamically prudent (COMMIT
calcium antagoni L~ (as described below), together with treatment Collaborative Group. 2005). Several clinical trials ha\e
of the underlying atheromatous diseac;e. usually including a statin demonwated that ACE inhibitors improve survival if gi\en to
(Ch. 20), and prophylaxis against thrombosis with an antiplatelet patients shortly after myocardial infarction, especially if there IS
drug, usually aspir in (Cb. 21 ). even a modest degree of myocardial dysfunction. It is possible
Unstable angina. This is characterised by pain that occurs (sec Ch. 19 for a discussion of the differences bemeen
with less and less exertion. cuJminating in pain at rest. The angiotcn!>in receptor antagonists-sanans-and ACE inhibitor')
pathology is sirnil<tr to that involved in myocardial infarction, that sartan~ could prove similarly beneficial.
namely platelet- fibrin thrombus associated with a ruptured Despite several encouraging small trials of organic nitraJI'l, u
atheromatous plaque. but without complete occlusion of the large randomiscd controlled trial (the Fourth International Stud>
vessel. The risk of infarction is substantial, and the main aim of of Infarct Survival, lSlS-4. 1994) showed that these drugs do not
therapy is to reduce this. Aspirin approximately halves the risk of improve outcome in patients with myocardial infarction,
myocardial infarction in this setting, and hepar in and platelet although they are useful in preventing or treating anginal pain
glycoprotein receptor a ntagonists add to this benefit {Ch. 21 ). (see below). Calcium antagonists. which reduce cardiac work
Variant angina. This is uncommon. It occurs at rest and is (via arteriolar vasodilatation and afterload reduction) and block
caused by coronary artery spasm, again usually in association Ca 2 entry into cardiac myocytes, have been disappointing. and
with atheromatous disease. Therapy is with coronary artery several clinical trials of short-acting dihydropyridine~ (e.g.
va~odilators (e.g. organic nitrates, calcium antagonists). nifedipine) were halted when adverse trends were C\ident
Trimctazidinc. a 3-ketoacyi-CoA thiolase inhibitor. is belie\ed
to protect the heart from ischaemia by switching cardiac
metabolism from fatty acid to glucose oxidation, but its place (if
Myocardial infarction occurs when a coronary artery hac; been any) in therapeutics is yet to be established (sec Manilli. 2(kH;
blocked by thrombus. This may be fatal and is a common cause and Lee ct al., 2004).
of death, usually as a result of mechanical failure of the ventricle
or from dysrhythmia. Cardiac myocytes rely on aerobic
mctaboli,m. If the supply of oxygen remains below a critical DRUGS THAT AFFECT CARDIAC
value, a sequence of events leading to cell death (by necrosis or FUNCTION
apoptosis) cn~ucs (sec Ch. 5 for a fuller account of apoptosis).
Drug!> that have a major action on the heart can be divided mto
The sequences leading from vascuhtr occlusion to cell death via
three groups.
the two pathways arc illustrated in Figure 18.8. The relative
importance of necrosis and apoptosis in myocardia] cell death in Drugs that affect myocardial cells directly. These include:
clinically distinct seuings is unknown, but it has been suggested - autonomic neurotransmitters and related drugs
that apoptosis may be an adaptive process in hypoperfused reg ions, - antidysrhythmic drugs
sacrificing some jeopardised myocytes but thereby avoiding the - cardiac glycosides and other inotropic drugs
disturbance of membrane function and risk of qysrhythmia - miscellaneous drugs and hormones; these are dealt with
inherent in necrosis. Consequently, it is currently unknown if elsewhere (e.g. doxorubicin, Ch. 51; thyroxine, Ch. 29;
pharmacological approaches to promote or inhibit this pathway glucagon, Ch. 26).
could be clinically beneficial. Drugs that aj](!CI cardiac function indirectly. These have
Prevention of irreversible ischaemic damage following an actions el!>ewhere in the vascular system. Some antianginal
episode of coronary thrombosis is an important therapeutic aim. drugl> (e.g. nitrates) fall into this category. as do most drug,
The main po~~ibilities among existing therapeutic drugs, sho\.\n that are u~ed to treat heart failure (e.g. diuretics and ACE
in Figure 18.8, are: inhibitor,).
Calcium antagonists. These affect cardiac function b) a
thrombolytic and antiplatelet drugs (aspirin and clopidogrel)
direct action on myocardial cells and also indirectly b)
to open the blocked artery and prevent their reocclusion (1>ee
relaxing arterioles.
Ch. 21)
opioid~ to prevent pain and reduce excessive sympathetic ANTIDYSRHYTHMIC DRUGS
A classification of antidysrhythrnic drugs based on their
~-adrcnoceptor antagonists
clectrophysiological effects was proposed by Vaughan William'
angioten!>in-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors (see Ch. 19).
in 1970. It provides a good starting point for discus,ing
The Iauer two classes of drug reduce cardiac work and thereby mechanisms, although many useful drugs do not fit neatly mto
286 the metabolic needs of the heart. The 1~-adrenoceptor antagonists this classification (Table 18.1 ). Furthermore, emergenc}

treatment of serious dysrhythmias is usually by physical meanl>

e (e.g. pacing or electrical cardioversion by applying a direct Pacemaker
1 current shock to the chest or via an implanted device) rather than potential
l drugs. (phase 4)
r There are four classes (see Table 18.2).
Class 1: drugs that block voltage-sensitive sodium channels.
They are subdivided: la, lb and lc (see below).
Class II: ~-adrenoceptor antagonists.
Class Ill: drugs that substantially prolong the cardiac action
Cla.~s IV: calcium antagonists.
The pha~e of the action potential on which each of these classes Plateau
of drug have their main effect is shown in Figure 18.9. (phase 2)

Table 18.1 Antidysrhythmic drugs unclassified in the (phase 3)
Vaughan Williams system
Fig. 18.9 Effects of antidysrhythmic drugs on the
Drug Use different phases (as defined in Fig. 18.1) of the cardiac
action potential.
Atropine Sinus bradycardia

Adrenaline (epinephrine) Cardiac arrest

Isoprenaline Heart block M ECHANISMS OF ACTION

Digoxin Rapid atrial fibrillation Class I drugs
Class I drugs block sodium channels, just as local anael>thetics
Adenosine Supraventricular tachycardia
do, by binding to sites in the a subunit (see Chs 4 and 44 ).
Calcium chloride Ventricular tachycardia due to Because th.is inhibits action potential propagation in many
hyperkalaemia excitable cells. it has been referred to as 'membrane-~tabili~ing'
activity. a phrase best avoided now that the ionic mechanism is
Magnesium chloride Ventricular fibnllation, digoxin toxicity understood. Their characteristic effect on the action potential is
to reduce the maximum rate of depolarisation during phase 0.
The reason for further subdivision of these drugs into classes
Ia, [b and lc is that the earliest examples, quinidine and
procaina mide (class la), have different effects from many of the
more recently developed dng~. even though all share the same
Table 18.2 Summary of antidysrhythmic drugs ba'>ic mechanism of action. A partial explanation for these
(Vaughan Williams classification)
functional differences comes from elec!rophysiological ~tudies
of the characteristics of the sodium channel block produced by
Class Example(s) Mechanism
different class I drugs.
Ia Disopyramide Sodium channel block The central concept is of use-dependem channel block. It is
(intermediate dissociation) this characteristic that enables all class I drugs to block the
hig h-frequency excitation of the myocardium that occurs in
lb Lidocaine Sodium channel block tachyarrhythmias, without preventing the heart from beating
(fast dissociation)
at nom1al frequencies. Sodium c hannels exist in three distinct
lc Flecainide Sodium channel block functional states: resting. open and refractory (see Ch. 4). Channels
(slow dissociation) switch rapidly from resting to open in response to depolari'>ation;
this is known a<> activation. Maintained dcpolarisation. as in
II Propranolol ~-Adrenoceptor antagonism ischaemic muscle. causes channels to change more slowly from
Amiodarone, sotalol Potassium channel block
open to refractory (inacti vatio n), and the membrane must then be
rcpolarised for a time to re~tore the c hannel to the resting Mate
IV Verapamil Calcium channel block before it can be activated again. Class I drugs bind to c hannels
most strongly when they are in either the open or the refractory 287

state, less strongly to channels in the resting state. Their action (delayed) rectifier. Action potential prolongation increases the
therefore shows the property of 'use dependence' (i.e. the more refractory period, accouuti11g for powerful and varied ami-
frequently the channels are activated, the greater the degree of dysrhythmic activity. for example by interrupting re-entrant
block produced). tachycardias and suppressing ectopic activity. However, all drugs
Class Tb drugs, for example lidocaine. associate and that prolong the cardiac action potential (detected clinically a\
dissociate rapidly within the timeframe of the nonnal heartbeat. prolonged QT interval on the ECG; see above) can paradoxically
The drug binds to open channels during phase 0 of the action also have proarrbythrnic effects, notably a polymorphic fom1 of
potential (affecting the rate of rise very little, but leaving many of ventricular tachycardia called (somewhat wbimsicaUy) torsade
the channels blocked by the time the action potential reaches its de pointes (because the appearance of the ECG trace is said to be
peak). Dissociation occurs in time for the next action potential, reminiscent of tins ballet sequence). This occurs particularly in
provided the cardiac rhythm is normal. A premature beat. patients taking other drugs that can prolong QT, including several
however, will be aborted because the channels are still blocked. antipsychotic drugs; those with disturbances of electrolytes
Furthermore, class lb drugs bind selectively to refractory involved in repolarisation (e.g. hypokalaenlia. hypercalcaemia);
channels and thus block preferentially when the cells are or individuals with hereditary prolonged QT (Ward- Romano
depolarised, for example in ischaemia. syndrome). 4 The mechanism of the dysrhythmia is not fully
Class lc drugs, such as Oecainide and encainide, associate understood; possibilities include increased dispersion of
and dissociate much more slowly, thus reaching a steady-state repolarisation (i.e. lack of spatial homogeneity) and increased
level of block that does not vary appreciably during the cardiac Ca2+ entry durllig the prolonged action potential, leading to
cycle; they also show only a marginal preference for refractory increased aftcr-depolarisation.
channels, so are not specific for damaged myocardium. Therefore
they cause a rather general reduction in excitability and do not Class IV drugs
discriminate particularly against occasional prematuJe beats. as Class IV agents act by blocking voltage-sensitive calcium
class Tb drugs do, but will suppress re-entrant rhythms that channels. Class IV drugs in therapeutic use as an6dysrhythmic
depend on unidirectional or intermittent conduction pathways drugs (e.g. vera pamil) act on L-type channels. Class IV drugs
operating at a low margin of safety (e.g. some forms of slow conduction in the SA and AV nodes where action potential
paroxysmal atrial fibrillation). They markedly inhibit conduction propagation depends on slow illward Ca2+ current, slowing lhe
through the His-Purkinje system. heart and terminating SVT by causing partial AV block. They
Class Ia, the oldest group (e.g. qu inidine, procainamide, shorten the plateau of the action potential and reduce the force of
djsopyramide), lies midway i11 its properties between Ib and Ic contraction. Reduced Ca2+ entry reduces after-depolarisation and
but, in addition, prolongs repolarisation, albeit less markedly thus suppresses premature ectopic beats.
than class ill drugs (see below).

Class II drugs
Class ll drugs comprise the ~- adrenoceptor antagonists (e.g. Quinidine, procainamide and disopyramide
propranolol). (class Ia)
Adrenaline can cause dysrhythmias by its effects on the Quinidine and procainamide are pharmacologicaUy similar.
pacemaker potential and on the slow inward Ca 2+ current They are now mainly of historical interest. Disopyramide
(see above). Ventricular dysrhythrnias following myocardial resembles quinidine, including in its marked atropine-like
infarction are partly the result of increased sympathetic activity effects, which result in blurred vision, dry mouth, constipation
(see Fig. 18.8), providing a rationale for using ~-adrenoceptor and urinary retention. It bas more negative inotropic action than
antagonists in this setting. AV conduction depends critically on quinidine but is less likely to cause hypersensitivity reactions.
sympathetic activity; (3-adrenoceptor antagonists increase the
refractory period of the AV node and can therefore prevent Lidocaine (class lb)
recurrent attacks of SVT. The ~-adrenoceptor antagonists are Lidocaine, also well-known as a local anaesthetic (see Ch. 44) t>
also used to prevent paroxysmal attacks of atrial fibrillation when given by intravenous infusion to treat and prevent ventricttlar
tllese occur in the setting of sympathetic activation. dysrhythmias in the immediate aftermath of myocardial infarction.
Tt is almost completely extracted from the portal circulation by
Class Ill drugs
The class ITJ category was originally based on the unusual
behaviour of a single drug, amiodarone (see below), although 4
A 3-year-old girl began to have blackouts, which decreased in frequency
others with similar properties (e.g. sotalol) have since been with age. Her ECG showed a prolonged QT interval. When 18 years of age.
described. Both amiodarone and sotalol have more than one she lost consciousness running for a bus. When she was 19, she became
mechanism of antidysrhythrnic action. The special feature that quite emotional as a participant in a live television audience and died sudden!~.
defines them as class ill drugs is that they substantially prolong The molecular ba~is of tltis rare inherited disorder is now known. It is
caused by a mutation in either the gene coding for a particular potassium
the cardiac action potential. The mechanism of this effect is not channel-called HERG-or another gene, SCN5A , which codes for the
fully understood, but it involves blocking some of the potassium sodium channel and disruption of which results in a loss of inactivation of
288 channels illvolved in cardiac repolarisation, including the outward the Na' currem (see Welsh & Hoshi, 1995, for a commentary).

hepatic first-pass metabolism (Ch. 8), and so cannot usefully be

admini~tercd orally. Its plasma half-life i~ normally about
Clinical use s of cla ss II antidysrhythmic
2 hours. but its elimination is slowed if hepatic blood now is drugs (e.g. propranolol, tlmolol)
reduced, for example by reduced cardiac output following
myocardial infarction or by drugs that reduce cardiac To reduce mortality following myocardial infarction.
contractility (e.g. p-adrenoceptor antagonists). Dosage must be To prevent recurrence of tachyarrhythmias (e.g.
reduced accordingly to prevent accumulation and toxicity. paroxysmal atrial fibri llation) provoked by increased
Indeed. its clearance has been used to estimate hepatic blood sympathetic activity.
now, analogous to the use of para-aminohippurate clearance to
measure renal blood now.
The adverse effects of lidocaine are mainly due to its actions
on the central nervous system and include drowsiness,
di~orientation and convulsions. Because of its relatively short the clinical box. Propranolol. like several other drugs of this
half-life, the plasma concentration can be adjusted frurly rapidly type. has some class I action in addition to blocking ~
by varying the infusion rate. adrenoceptors. This may contribute to its antidysrhythrnic
effects, although probably not very much, because an isomer
Phenytoin (class lb) with little p antagonist activity has little antidysrhythmic
Phenytoin is an antiepileptic drug (Ch. 40); it has anti- activity, despite similar activity as a class T agent.
dy~rhythmic actions on the heart, but its clinical use for this Adverse effects arc described in Chapter 11, the most
indication is obsolete. important being worsening bronchospasm in patients with
asthma. a negative inotropic effect. bradycardia and fatigue. II
Flecainide and encainide (class lc) was hoped that the use of ~ 1 -!.clective drugs (e.g. metoprolol,
Flecai nide and encainide suppress ventricular ectopic beats. atenolol) would reduce the risk of bronchospasm, but their
They are long acting and reduce the frequency of ventricular selectivity is insufficient to achieve this goal in clinical practice.
ectopic beats when administered orally. However. in clinical although the once-a-day convenience of several such dngs has
trials, they increase the incidence of sudden death associated led to their widespread usc in patients without lung disease.
with ventricular fibri llation after myocardial infarction, so they
are no longer used in this setting. This counter-intuitive result Amiodarone and sotalol (class Ill)
had a profound impact on the way clinicians and drug regulators Arniodar one is highly effective at suppressing dysrhythmias (see
view the use of seemingly reasonable intermediate end points (in the clinical box). Like other drugs that interfere with cardiac
thi case. reduction of frequency of ventricular ectopic beats) as repolarisation, it is important to monitor plasma electrolyte
C\'idence of efficacy in clinical trials. Currently. the main use of concentrations during its use to avoid precipitating 10rsadcs de
necainide is in prophylaxis again!>! paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. pointes. Unfortunately, it has several peculiarities in addition to
its mrun pharmacological action on potassium channels, that
rlAdrenoceptor antagonists (class II) complicate its use. It is extensively bound in tissues, has a long
The most important P-adrenoccptor antagonists are described in elimination half-life ( 10-100 days) and accumulates in the body
Chapter 11. Their clinical usc for rhythm disorders is shown in during repeated dosi ng (sec p. 104). For this reason, a loading
dose is used, and for life-threatening dysrhythmias this is given
intravenously via a central vein (it causes phlebitis if given into
a peripheral vessel). Adverse effects are numerous and important:
Clinical uses of class I they include photosensiti\e siJn rashes and a slate-grey/bluish
antJctprhythmic drugs discoloration of the skin: thyroid abnormalities (hypo- and hyper-,
connected with its high iodine content): pulmonary fibrosi . which
Cla ss Ia (e.g. dis o pyramide) is slo"' in onset but may be irreversible: corneal deposits: and
ventricular dysrhythmias neurological and gastrointestinal disturbances, including hepatitis.
- prevention of recurrent paroxysmal atrial Sotalol is a non-selective f3-adrcnoccptor antagonist, this
fibri llation triggered by vagal overactivity. activity residing in the L isomer. Unlike other 13 antagonists, it
Cla s s lb (e.g. intravenous lidoca ine) prolongs the cardiac action potential and the QT interval by
treatment and prevention of ventricular delaying the slow outward K+ current. This class Ill activity is
tachycardia and fibrillation during and immediately present in both L and o isomers. Racemic sotalol (the form
after myocardial infarction. prescribed) appears to be '>Omewhat less effective than amiodaronc
Class lc in preventing chronic malignant ventricular tachyarrhythmias. lt
to prevent paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (flecainide) shares the ability of amiodaronc to cau:,e torsades de pointcs but
recurrent tachyarrhythmias associated with lacks its other adverse effects: it is valuable in patients in whom
abnormal conducting pathways (e.g. f3-adrenoceptor antagonists arc not contmindicated. As with
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome). amiodarone, close monitoring of plasma electrolytes is imponant
during its usc. 289

Clinical uses of class Ill Clinical uses of class IV

antldysrhythmlc drugs antldysrhythmlc drugs

Amiodaro ne: tachycardia associated with the Verapamil is the main drug. It is used:
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. It is also effective to prevent recurrence of paroxysmal
in many other supraventricular and ventricular supraventricular tachycardia (SV7)
tachyarrhythmias but has serious adverse effects. to reduce the ventricular rate in patients with atrial
(Racemic) sot alol combines class Ill with class II fibrillation, provided they do not have
actions. It is used in paroxysmal supraventricular Wolff-Parkinson-White or a related disorder.
dysrhythmias and suppresses ventricular ectopic Verapamil was previously given intravenously to
beats and short runs of ventricular tachycardia. terminate SVT; it is now seldom used for this because
adenosine is safer.

Verapamil and diltiazem (class IV)

enzymes on the lumenal surface of vascular endothelium.
Verapamil is given by mouth. (Intravenous preparations are
Consequently, the effects of a bolus dose of adenosine last only
available but are dangerous and almost never needed.) lt has a
20-30 seconds. Once SVT has terminated, the patient usuall}
plasma half-life of 6-8 hours and is subject to quite extensive
remains in sinus rhythm, even though adenosine is no longer
firM-pass metabolism, which is more marked for lhe isomer lhat
present in plasma, but the unwanted effects resolve very rapid!).
is responsible for its cardiac effects. A slow-release preparation
These include chest pain. shortness of breath, dizziness and
is available for once-daily use, but it is less effective when used
nausea. Theophylline and other xanthine alkaloids blod
for prevention of dy~rhythmia than the regular preparation
adenosine receptors and inhibit lhe actions of intravenou'
bccau~e the bioavailability of the cardioactive isomer is reduced
adenosine, whereas dipyridamole (a vasodilator and anti platelet
through the presentation of a steady low concentration to the
drug; see below and Ch. 21) blocks the nucleoside uptake
drug-metabolising enzymes in the liver. If verapamil is added to
mechanism, potentiating adenosine and prolonging its ad,crse
djgoxin in patients with poorly controlled atrial fibrillation, lhe
effects. Both these interactions are clinically important.
dose of digoxin should be reduced and plasma digoxin
concentration checked after a few days. because verapamil both
displaces digoxin from tissue-binding sites and reduces its renal DRUGS THAT INCREASE MYOCARDIAL
elimination, hence predi:.posing to digoxin accumulation and CONTRACTION
toxicity (sec Ch. 52).
Verapamil is contraindicated in patients with Wolff- CARDIAC GLYCOSIDES
Parkinson White syndrome, and is ineffective and dangerous in Cardiac glycosidel! come from foxgloves (Digitalis spp.) and
ventricular dysrhythmias. Adverse effects of verapamil and related plants. Withering ( 1775) wrote on the use of the foxglove:
diltiazcm arc described below in the section on calcium channel ' it has a power over the motion of Lhe heart to a degree yet
antagonists. unobserved in any other medicine...' There is evidence in
Diltiazem is si milar to verapamil but has relatively more mammals of an endogenous digitalis-like factor closely similar to
smooth muscle relaxing effect and produces less bradycardia. another cardiac glycoside, ouabain, and this is of potenual
physiological and pathological significance (see Schoner, 20021.
Adenosine (unclassified in the Vaughan
Williams classification) Chemistry
Adenosine is produced endogenously and is an important
T Foxglove~ contain !.everal cardiac glycosides with similar act1oo
chemical mediator (Ch. 12) with effects on breathing, on cardiac
Digo\in 1\ the mO\t 1mportant therapeutically. Ouabain is similar IIIII
muscle and afferent nerves, and on platelets. in addition to the ~honer acting. The ba,ic chemical structure of glycosides con\hh of
effect!. on cardiac conducting tissue that underlie i ts therapeutic three components: a sugar moiety. a steroid and a lactone. The 'liP1
u~c. The A receptor is responsible for its effect on the AV node. mo1ety conMSt~ of unu~ual 1-4 linked monosaccharides. The lactone fUll
The!>e receptors arc linked to the same cardiac potassium channel i' e\-.ential for activit). and substituted lactones can retain biologlal
activity even when the Merotd moiet) is removed.
(KAC'lt) that is activated by acetylcholine. and adenosine
hyperpolarises cardiac conducting tissue and slows the rate of
Actions and adverse eHects
rise of the pacemaker potential accordingly. It is used
The main action!> of glycosides are on the heart, but some ofthetr
intravenously to terminate SVT if this rhythm persists despite
adverse effects are extracardiac, including nausea, vomiting,
manoeuvres such as carotid artery massage designed to increase
diarrhoea and confusion. The cardiac effects are:
vagal tone. It has largely replaced verapamil for this purpose,
because it is safer owing to its effect being short-lived. This is a cardiac slowing and reduced rate of conduction through the
consequence of its pharmacokinetics: it is taken up via a specific AV node
290 nucleoside transporter by red blood cells and is metabolised by i ncreascd force of contraction

disturbances of rhythm, especially:

-block of AV conduction
-increased ectopic pacemaker acti vi ty.
L Control J[ Acetylstrophanthidin o 75 j.lmoVI J

Adverse effects are common and can be severe. One of the main
drawbacks of glycosides in clinical use is the narrow margin Tension ~ f \ _ [o.2mN
between effectiveness and toxicity.

The main mechanisms of action of cardiac glycosides are
increased vagal activity and inhibition of the Na+fK.+ pump. Fig. 18.10 Effect of a cardiac glycoside
Cardiac glycosides bind to a site on the extracellular aspect of the (acetylstrophanthidin) on the Ca2 transient and tension
a subunit of the NaJK+ ATPase (which is an af3 heterodimer), produced by frog cardiac muscle. The effect was recorded as
and arc useful experime ntal tools for studying this important \ In Figure 18.6. (From Allen D G, Blinks J A 1978 Nature 273: 509.)
transport system.

Rate and rhythm The effect of extracellular potassium

Cardiac glycosides s low AV conduc tion by increasing vagal Effects of cardiac glycosides are increased if plasma [K+J
outnow via central nervous syste m activity. Their beneficial decreases, because of reduced competition at the K+-binding site
effect in established rapid atrial fibrillation results partly from on the Na'IK' ATPase. This is clinically important, because
this. If ventricular rate is excessively rapid, the time available for diuretics (Ch. 24) are often used to treat heart failure, and most
of them decrea~e plasma [K+], thereby increasing the risk of
diastolic filling is inadequate. Increasing the refractory period of
the AV node reduces ventricular rate. The atrial dysrhythmia is glycoside-induced dysrhythmia.
unaffected, but the pumping efficiency of the heart improves
owing to improved ventricular filling. SVT can be terminated by Pharmacokinetic aspects
cardiac glycosides, which slow AV conduction. although other Digoxin is administered by mouth or, in urgent situations,
drugs are usually employed for this indication (see below). intravenously. It is a very polar molecule; elimination is mainly
Larger doses of glycosides disturb sinus rhythm. Tbis can by renal excretion and involves ?-glycoprotein (p. 102). leading
occur at pla~ma concentrations of digoxin within. o r only slightly to clinically significant interactions with other drugs used to rreat
above. the therapeutic range. Slowing of AV conduction can heart failure. such as spironolactone, and with antidysrhythmic
progress to AV bloc!.. Glyco~ides can also cause ectopic beats. drugs such a verapamil and amiodarone. Elimination half-time
Because Na;K+ exchange is electrogenic. inhibition of the pump is approximately 36 hours in patients with normal renal function.
by glycosides causes depolarisation. predisposing to but considerably longer in elderly patients and those with overt
disturbances of cardiac rhythm. Furthermore, the increased renal failure, in whom reduced doses are needed. A loading dose
[Ca 2 I, causes increased after-depolarisation. leading first to is used in urgent s ituations. The therapeutic range of plasma
coupled beats (bigeminy), in which a normal ventricular beat is concentrations, below which digoxin is unlikely to be effective
fol lowed by an ectopic beat; this is followed by ventricular and above which the risk of toxicity increases substantially, is
tachycardia and eventually by ventricular fibrillation. fairly well defined ( 1- 2.6 nmol/1). Determination of plasma digoxin
conce ntration is useful when lack of efficacy or toxicity is suspected.
Force of contraction
Glycosides cause a large increase in twitch tension in isolated Clinical use
preparations of cardiac muscle. Unlike catccholamines, they do Clinical uses of digoxin arc summarised in the clinical box.
not accelerate relaxation (compare Fig. 18.6 with Fig. 18.10).
Increased tension i!. caused by an increased fCa 2+]1 transient OTHER DRUGS THAT INCREASE MYOCARDIAL
(Fig. 18.10). The action potential is only slightly affected and CONTRACTILITY
the slow inward current liule changed, so the increased
Certain ~ 1 -adrenoceptor agonists. for example dobutamine, are
[Ca 2+], transient probably reflects a greater release of Ca 2+ from
used to treat acute but potentially reversible heart failure (e.g.
intracellular stores. The most likely mechanism is as follows
following cardiac surgery or in some cases of cardiogenic or
(see also Ch. 4).
septic shock) on the basis of their positive inotropic action.
I. Glycosides inhibit the NaJK+ pump. Dobutamine, for reasons that are not well understood, produces
2. Inc reased [Nal, slows extrusion of Ca2+ via the Na/ca 2 less tachycardia than other ~~ agonists. ll is administered
exchange transporter. Increasing [Na], reduces the inwardly intravenously. Glucagon also increases myocardial contractility
directed gradient for Na+; the smaller this gradient. the by increasing synthesis of cA1\1P, and has been used in patients
slower is extrus io n of Ca 2+ by Na/ca2+ exchange. with acute cardiac dysfunction owing to overdosage of ~
3. Inc reased 1Ca2+1 1 is stored in the sarcoplasmic reticulum, and adrenoceptor antagonists (see the glucagon clinical box on p. 402).
thus increases the amount of Ca2+ released by each action Inhibitors of the heart-specific subtype (type Ill) of
potential. phosphodieste rase, the enzyme responsible for the intracellular 291

have led to the synthesis of several related organic nitrates, of

CllniCIII uses of cardiac glycosides
which the most important is isosorbide mononitrate.
(e.g. digoxin)
To slow ventricular rate in rapid persistent atrial
Organic nitrates relax vascular and some other (e.g. oesophageal
and biliary) smooth muscles. They cause marked vcnorela."<auon.
Treatment of heart failure in patients who remain with a consequent reduction in central venous pressure (reduced
symptomatic despite optimal use of diuretics and
preload). In healthy subjects. this reduces stroke volume. Venou'
angiotensrn-converting enzyme inhibitors (Ch. 19).
pooling occurl> o n standing and can cause postural hypotensiOn
and diuiness. Therapeutic doses have less effect on small
resistance arteries than on veins, but there is a marked effect on
larger mu~cular arteriel>. This reduces pulse wave reflection from
degradation of cAMP, increase myocardial contractility. arterial branches (as appreciated in the 19th century by Murrell
Consequently, like ~-adrenoceptor agonists, they increase but neglected for many years thereafter), and consequently
intracellu lar cAMP but cause dysrhythmias for the same reason. reduces central (aortic) pressure and cardiac afterload (see Ch. 19
Compounds in this group include amrioone and milrinone, for mo re detail on the role of these factors in determining cardiac
which arc c hemically and pharmacologically very similar. They wo rk). The direct effect on coronary artery tone oppose'
improve haemodynamic indices in patients with heart failure coronary artery spasm in variant angina. With larger dose\.
but paradoxica lly worsen survival. presumably because of resista nce arteries and arterioles dilate, and arterial pressure falls.
dysrhythmias. This dichotomy has had a sobering effect on Nevertheless, coronary flow is increased as a result of coronary
clinicians a nd drug regulatory authorities. vasodilatation. Myocardial oxygen consumption is reduced
because of the reductions in both cardiac preload and afterload.
This, together with the increased coronary blood flow, causes a
large increa1.e in the oxygen content of coronary sinus blood.
The mechanism of anginal pain is discussed above (p. 285). Studies in experimental animals have shown that glyceryl trinitrate
Angina is managed by using drugs that improve perfusion of the diverts blood from normal to ischaemic areas of myocardtum.
myocardium or reduce its metabolic demand. or both. Two of the The mechanism involves dilatation of collateral vesseb that
main groups of drugs, organic nitrates and calcium amagonists, bypa!>S narrowed coronary artery segments (Fig. 18. I I).
are vasodilators and produce both these effects. The third group, T It i' mtereMmg to compare this effect with that of other va\odilatlli"S,
{3-adrenoceptor amagonists, slow heart rate and hence reduce notably dip)ridamole. which dilate arterioles but not collateral,
metabolic demand. Organic nitrates and calcium antagonists are Dipyridamole is at least a'> effective as nitrates in increasing cororta)
described below. The B-adrenoceptor antagonists are covered in flow in normal ~ubjects but actually worsens angina. This is probabl~
becau~e arterioles in an ischaemic region are fuUy dilated by ~
Chapter II , except for their antidysrhythmic actions, which are
i ~chaemia. and drug-induced dilatation of the anerioles in normal an:"'
described above. Very recently, ivabradioe, which slows the hns the effect of divening blood away from the ischaemic are<~l
heart by inhibiting the sinus node 11 current (see above, p. 278) (Pig. 18. 1t ). producing what is termed a vascular steal. This effect 11
has been introduced as an alternati ve to ~ -adrenoceptor exploited in 3 pharmacological 'sU'ess' test for coronary arterial di..ea;e.
antagonists in patients in whom these are not tolerated or arc in which dipyridamole is administered ioU'avcnously to patien t~ in whom
this diagno~i~ is su~pected but who cannot exercise, wh ile monitorin~
myocardial perfusion and the ECG.

In summary, the antianginal action of nitrates involves:

reduced cardiac oxygen consumption. secondary to reduced
The ability of organic nitrates (see also Chs I 7 and 19) to relieve
cardiac preload and afterload
angina was discovered by Lauder Brunton, a distinguished British
redistribution of coronary flow towards ischaemic areas via
physician, in I 867. He had found that angina could be partly
relieved by bleeding, and also knew that amyl nitrite, which had
relief of coronary sp<ll>m.
been synthesised 10 years earlier, caused flushing and tachycardia,
with a fall in blood pressure, when its vapour was inhaled. He In addition to iLc; effects on smooth muscle, nitric oxide increa-e,
thought that the effect of bleeding resulted from hypotension, the rate of relaxation of cardiac muscle (dubbed a 'lusiotropic'
and found that amyl nitrite inhalation worked much better. Amyl action). It is probable that organic nitrates mimic this action. \\hich
nitrite has now been replaced by glyceryl trinitrate (nitroglycerin). 5 could be important in patients with impaired diastolic function a
Efforts to increase the duration of action of glyceryl trinitrate common accompaniment of hypertension and of heart failure.

Mechanism of action
Organic nitrates arc metabolised with release of nitric oxide. At
sNobel discovered how to ~tahil i'e nitroglycerin with kieselguhr, enabling concentra tions achieved during therapeutic use, this invol\es nn
him to exploit its explosive propenies in dynamite. the manufacture of which entymic step and possibly a reaction with tissue sulfhydf)l
292 earned him the fortu ne with which he endowed the eponymous prizes. (- SH) groups. Niuic oxide activates soluble guanylate cyclase


~ Control (no drug) in a patient with CAD

tion. Atheromatous
Effect of mlrate
IOOUS Effect of dipyridamole
mall Collateral
t:t on Normal
arteriolar tone
ently Collateral

not dilated

Blood flow to Blood flow to
mary normal area of lschaemlc area of
IUCed myocardium myocardium
ses a
ood. Blood flow to Blood flow to Blood flow to
itratc 1schaem1C area normal area ischaemic area
Fig. 18.11 Comparison of the effects of organic nitrates and an arteriolar vasodi lator (dipyridamole) on the coronary
circulation. A Control. lm Nitrates dilate the collateral vessel, thus allowing more blood through to the underperfused region (mostly by
~uors. d1version from the adequately perfused area). Dipyridamole dilates arterioles, increasing flow through the normal area at the expense of
terah. the 1schaemic area (in which the arterioles are anyway fully dilated). CAD, coronary artery disease.

ect b
'ease. (see Ch. 17), increasi ng formatio n of cGMP, which activates nitrate-free inlerval (which is why the symptoms appeared on
vhom Mondays and not later in the week). Formation of methaemoglobin,
protein ki nase G and leads to a cascade of effects in smooth
muscle culminating in dephosphorylatio n of myosin light c hains an oxidatio n product of haemoglobin that is ineffective as an
and sequestration of intracellular Ca2+, with consequent relaxation. oxygen carrier, seldom occurs when nitrates are used clinically
but is induced deliberately with amyl nitrite in the treatment of
ed Tolerance and unwanted effects cyanide poisoning, because methaemoglobin binds cyanide ions.
Repeated admini!>tration of nitrates to smooth muscle preparations
in vitro results in diminished relaxation, possibly partly because Pharmacokinetic and pharmaceutical aspects
of depletion of free -SH groups, aJthough attempts to prevent Glyceryl trinitrate is rapidly inactivated by hepatic metabolism.
tolerance by agents that restore tissue -SH groups have not been IL is well absorbed from the mouth and is taken as a tablet under
clinically u eful. Tolerance to the antianginal effect of nitrates the tongue or nl> a sublingual spray, producing its effects within a
~es doe~ not occur to a clinically important extent with ordinary few minutes. lf swallowed, it is ineffective because of first-pass
lpic' formulations of short-acting drugs (e.g. glyceryl trinitrate), but metabolism. Given sublinguaHy. the trinitrate is converted to di-
hich does occur with longer-acting drugs (e.g. isosorbide mononitrate) and mononitrate~. It<; effective duration of action is apprmtimatel}
,>n. a or when glyceryl trinitrate is administered by prolonged 30 minutes. It is quite well absorbed through the skin. and a more
'1!. intravenou~ inful>ion or by frequent application of slow-release sustained effect can be achieved by applying it as a transdermal
transdermal patches (see below). patch. Once a bottle of the tablets has been opened, its shelf life
The main adverse effects of nitrates are a direct consequence is quite short because the volatile active substance evaporates;
:. At of their main pharmacological actions, and include postural spray preparations avoid this problem.
s an hypoten~ion and headache. This was the cause of ' Monday Isosorbide mononitrate is longer acting than glyceryl trinitrate
rdryl morning sickness' among workers in explosives factories. Tolerance (half-life approximately 4 hours) but has similar pharmacological
:lase to these effects develops quite q uickly but wears off after a brief ac tio ns. It is swallowed rather than taken sublingually, and is 293

taken twice a day for prophylaxis (usually in the morning and at

lunch, to allow a nitrate-free period during the night, when Organic nitrates
patients arc not exerting themselves. to avoid tolerance). Tt is also
available in !>low-release form for once-daily use in the morning. Important compounds include glyceryl
trinitrate and longer-acting isosorb ide mononitrate.
Clinical use These drugs are powerful vasodilators, acting on
The clinical use of organic nitrates is summarised in the veins to reduce cardiac preload and reducing artenal
clinical box. wave reflection to reduce afterload.
Act via nitric oxide, to which they are metabolised
Nitric oxide strmulates cGMP fonnation and hence
POTASSIUM CHANNEL ACTIVATORS activates protein kinase G, affecting both contractile
Nicorandil combines activation of the potassium K An> channel proteins (myosin light chains) and Ca2 + regulation.
(see Chs 4 and 26) with nitrovasodilator (nitric oxide donor) Tolerance occurs experimentally and is important
actions. It is both an arterial and a venous dilator, and causes the clinically with frequent use of long-acting drugs or
expected unwanted effects of headache. flushing and dizziness. It sustained-release preparations.
is used for patients who remain symptomatic despite optimal Effectiveness in angina results partly from reduced
management wi th other drugs. often while they await surgery or cardiac load and partly from dilatation of collateral
angioplasty. coronary vessels, causing more effective distribution
of coronary flow. Dilatation of constricted coronary
vessels is particularly beneficial in variant angina.
~-ADRENOCEPTOR ANTAGONISTS Serious unwanted effects are uncommon; headache
~-Adrenoceptor antagonists (sec Ch. II) are important 111 and postural hypotension may occur initially.
prophylaxis of angina, and in treating patients with unstable Overdose can, rarely, cause methaemoglobinaemia.
angina. They work for these indications by reducing cardiac oxygen
consumption. In addition. they reduce the risk of death following
myocardial infarction, probably via their antidysrbythmic action.
Their effects on coronary vessels are of minor importance, although Clinical uses of organic nitrates
these drugs arc avoided in variant angina because of the theoretical
risk that they will increase coronary spasm. Their very diverse Stable angina:
clinical uses are !.ummarised in the clinical box on p. I 82. prevention (e.g. daily isosorbide mononitrate, or
glyceryl trinitrate sublingually immediately before
treatment (sublingual glyceryl trinitrate).
The term calcium antagonists is often used for drugs that block Unstable angina: intravenous glyceryl trinitrate
cellular entry or Ca 2+ through calcium channels rather than its Acute heart failure: intravenous glyceryl trinitrate
intracellular actions (Ch. 4). Some authors use the term Ca2+ Chronic heart failure: isosorbide mononitrate, with
entry blockers to make this distinction clearer. Therapeutically hydralazine in patients of African origin (Ch. 19).
important calcium antagor1ists act on L-type channels. L -type Uses related to relaxation of other smooth muscles
calcium antagoniMs comprise three chemically distinct classes: (e.g. uterine, biliary) are being investigated.
phenylalkylamines (e.g. verapamiJ), dihydropyridines (e.g.
nifedipine, amlodipinc) and benzothiazepines (e.g. diltiazem).

M echanism of action: types of calcium channel

The properties of voltage-gated calcium channels have been T Dihydropyridine;, affect calcium channel function in a complex 1\l).
not Mmply by ph)'\ical plugging of the pore. This became clear \\hen
studied in great detail by voltage-clamp and patch clamp
\Orne dihydrop)ridinc~. exemplified by BAY K 8644. were found kl
techniques (see Ch. 2). Drugs of each of the three chemical bind to I he \arne \lte but to act in the converse way; that i~.to promo1ethe
classe!> mentioned above all bind the a 1 subunit of the cardiac opening or ~oltage-gated calcium channels. Thus BAY K 864-1 pmlum
L-typc calcium channel but at distinct sites. which interact effects oppo"te 10 those of the clinical!) used dihydropyridines. namely
allosterically with each other and with the gating machinery of an increase m the force of cardiac contraction. and constriction of blood
ve~..eb: it b competitively antagoni<;ed by nifedipine. Studies on the
the channel to prevent it!> opening (see below), thus reducing
re<,pon.,e of ~mgle calcium channels to a ~tep depolarisation of the
Ca2 entry. Many calcium antagonists show properties of use membrane \uggest that channels can exist in one of three distinct ~l.llc>,
dependence (i.e. they block more effectively in those cells in termed 'mode~ (Fig. 18.12). When a channel is in mode 0. it doe, n~
which the calcium channels are most active; see the discussion of open in re~pon'>e to dcpolari>ation: in mode 1. depolarisation produce, a
class I antidysrhythmic drugs above). For the same reason, they low opening probability, and each opening is brief. In mode 2.
depolari,mion produces a very high opening probability. and single
also show voltage-dependent blocking actions, blocking more
openings are prolonged. Under normal condi tions, about 70% of the
strongly when the membrane is depolarised, causing calcium channels at any one moment exist in mode I. with only I% or les' 10
294 channel opening and inactivation. mode 2; each channel swirches randomly and quite slowly belween the

Mode ModeO Mode1 Mode2

~ I
1 ,1 .............. - Channel closed
~ Channetopen
A-Depolarising- A A-Depolarising- A A-Depolarising-!
step step step
Opening probability Zero Low High

Favoured by DHP antagonists DHP agonlsts

% of time normally
<1% -70% -30%
spent in this mode

Fig. 18.1 2 Mode behaviour of ca lcium channels. The traces are patch clamp recordings (see Ch. 2) of the opening of single
calcium channels (downward deflections) in a patch of membrane from a cardiac muscle cell. A depolaristng step is imposed close to
the start of each trace, causing an increase in the opening probability of the channel. When the channel is in mode 1 (centre), this
causes a few brief openings to occur; in mode 2 (right), the channel stays open for most of the time during the depolarising step; in
mode 0 (left), it fails to open at all. Under normal conditions, the channel spends most of its time In modes 1 and 2, and only rarely
enters mode 0. (Redrawn from Hess et al. 1984 Nature 311: 538-544.)

three modes. Dihydrop) ridine\ of the antagonbt type bind \Ciecti\cly to Vascular smooth muscle
channeb in mode 0. thus favounng thl\ non-opening state, wherea'> Calcium antagonists cause generalised arteriaUarteriolar dilatation.
agoni\ts bind selectively to channel\ in mode 2 (Fig. 18.12). Thi\ type of thereby reducing blood pressure, but do not much affect the
two-directional modulation rc~cmble~ the phenomenon ~een with the
veins. They affect all vascu lar beds, although regional effects
GABAibenzodiazepine interaction (Ch. 37). and invites speculation about
po~sible endogenous dihydropyridine-like mediator(s) with a regulatory
vary considerably between different drugs. They cause coronary
effect on Ca 2 entry. vasodilatation and are used in patients with coronary artery spa~m
(variant angina). Other types of smooth muscle (e.g. biliary tract.
Mibcfradil i~ distinctive in that it block~ T- a~ well as L-typc channel' at
therapeutic concentrations, but it \\a; withdrawn from therapeutic u~e urinary tract and uterus) are also relaxed by calcium antagonists.
lx.'Cau>e it caused ad,ef\e drug interaction~ by interfering with drug but these effects arc less important therapeutically than their
metabolism. actions on vascular smooth mu..,cle, although they do cause adverse
effects (see below).
Pharmacological eH ects
Protection of ischaemic tissues
The main effects of calcium antagonists, as used therapeutically,
There are theoretical reasons (see Fig. 18.8) why calcium
are on cardiac and smooth muscle. Vera pamil preferentially
antagonists might exett a cywprotective effect in ischacrnic tissues
affects the heart, whereas most of the dihydropyridines (e.g.
and thus be of use in treating heart attack and stroke (see Ch. 35).
nifcd ipinc) exert a greater effect on smooth muscle than on the
However, randomised clinieaJ trials have been disappointing,
heart. Diltiazem is intermediate in its actions.
with little or no evidence or beneficial (or harmful) effects of
Cardiac actions calcium antagonists on cardiovascular morbidity or mortality in
The antidysrhythmic effect!> of vcr a pamil and diltiazcm have patient groups other than patients with hypertension, in whom
been discussed above. Calcium amagonists can cause AV blod.. calcium antagonists have beneficial effects comparable \\ ith
and cardiac slowing by their actions on conducting tissues, but those of other drugs that lower blood pressure to similar extent'>.
this is offset by a reflex increase in sympathetic activity Nimodipine has some selectivity for cerebral vasculature and is
secondary to their vasodilator action. For example, nifcdipinc sometimes used in the hope of reducing cerebral vasospasm
typically causes reflex tachycardia: diltiazem causes little or no following subarachnoid haemorrhage.
change in heart rate and vcra pa mil s lows the heart rate. Calcium
antagonists also have a negative inotropic effect. which results Pharmacokinetics
from the inhibition of the slow inward current during the action Calcium antagonists in clinical use are all well absorbed from the
potential plateau. Despite thi!>, the cardiac output usually !>Lays ga!.trointestinal tract, and are given by mouth except for some
constant or increases because of the reduction in peripheral special indications. such a~ following subarachnoid haemorrhage.
resi~tance. Again. there are clinically important differences for which intravenou~ preparations are available. They are
between the different classes of drug. with verapamil having the extensively metabolised. Pharmacokinetic differences bet\\een
mo!>t marked negative inotropic action. and therefore being different drugs and different pharmaceutical preparation~ are
contraindicated in heart failure. as are most other calcium clinically important, because they determine the dose interval
antagonists, although amlodipinc does not worsen cardiovascular and also the intensity of some of Lhe unwanted effects, such as
mortality in patients with severe chronic heart failure. headache and flushing (sec below). Amlodipine has a long 295

elimination half-life and is given once daily, whereas nifedipine, permeability of postcapillary venules. Verapamil can cau'c
diltiazem and verapamil have shorter elimination half-lives and constipation, probably because of effects on calcium channeb in
arc either given more frequently or are formulated in various gastrointestinal nerves or smooth muscle. Effects on catdJac
slow-release preparations to permit once-daily dosing. rhythm (e.g. heart block) and force of contraction (e.g. won.ening
heart failure) are discussed above.
Unwanted effects Apart from these predictable effects, calcium channel antagom~l'.
Most of the unwanted effects of calcium antagonists are as a class. appear rather free from idiosyncratic adverse effect>.
extension of their main pharmacological actions. Short-acting
dihydropyridinel> cause flushing and headache because of their Clinical uses
vasodilator action, and in chronic use dihydropyridines often The main clinical uses of calcium antagonists are summari~ed in
cause anlde l>Welling related to arteriolar dilatation and increased the clinical box below.

Calcium antagonists

Block Ca 2 entry by preventing opening of voltage-gated L-type calcium channels.

There are three main L-type antagonists, typified by verapamil, diltiazem and dihydropyridines (e.g. nifedipine).
Mainly affect heart and smooth muscle, inhibiting the Ca2+ entry caused by depolarisation in these tissues.
Selectivity between heart and smooth muscle varies: verapamll is relatively cardioselective, nifedipine is relatively
smooth muscle-selective, and diltiazem is intermediate.
Vasodilator effect (mainly dihydropyridines) is mainly on resistance vessels, reducing atterload. Calcium antagonists
dilate coronary vessels, which is important in variant angina.
Effects on heart (verapamil, diltiazem): antidysrhythmic action (mainly atrial tachycardias), because of impaired
atrioventricular conduction; reduced contractility.
Clinical uses:
antidysrhythmic (mainly verapamil)
- ang1na (e.g. diltiazem)
- hypertension (mainly dihydropyridines).
Unwanted effects 1nclude headache, constipation (verapamil) and ankle oedema (dihydropyridines). There is a risk of
causing cardiac failure or heart block, especially with verapamil.

Clinical uses of calcium antagonists

Dysrhythmias (verapamil):
to slow ventricular rate in rapid atrial fibrillation
- to prevent recurrence of supraventricular tachycardia (SV7) (intravenous administration of verapamil to terminate
SVT attacks has been replaced by use of adenosine).
Hypertension: usually a dihydropyridine drug (e.g. amlodipine or slow-release nifedipine; Ch. 19).
To prevent angina (e.g. dihydropyridine or diltiazem).


Funber reading Specific aspects Saurin AT. Rakhol R D, Mather M S 2000Thcrap<c c
Braun\Ooald E 2005 Cnrdoology: bow did we gel here, Physiological and pathoph) siological aspects potential of oscbaemic precooditioning. Br J Chn
\Ooben: an: "-C l<Xb) and when: are we going" Can J Jngwall J S 2oot Transgenesos and cardonc energe1ics: Pharmacol 50: 87-97 (Adenosine ere.)
Cardiol 21 1015 1017 new insights into cnrdinc metnbohsm J \1ol Cell Schoner W 2002 Endogenous cardiac glycosi~. tll(Vo
Braun"'aid t. Op1e t H 200 I Drug> for the hean. Cnrdiol37: 61~23 class of slerood hormones. Eur J Biocbem 269:
Saunder.. Phola.Jelphoa Linden J 2001 Molecular npprooch 10 ndenO\onc 2440-2448
Vaughan Wilham\ EM 1989 CJn,>Oficmoon of receptors: receplor-mediaoed onechan"m' Of II!UC Trochu J N. Boubour J B. Kale) G. Hintze T H 2<m
anuarrhythmic a.;uon,. In: V,lUghan William' E M protec1ioo. Annu Rev Phannacol Toxicol 41 775 -787 Role of endolhelium-denved nil ric o~ode m the
(ed) Anunrrhythmoc drug>. I land book of experimental (Adenosine in cardiac: i.\'dwenuc:prectmdttwmng) regulnuon of cardtac oxygen melllbolism-
pharmacology. vol. 89. Springer Verlag. Berlin (For a Opie L H 1999 Cardiac metabolism in i.chemic hean implications in health and disease. Circ Res
tlijj'l'rt!lll ap1>mac!J Jte Circularioro 1994, 84: 1848) disease. Arch Mal Coeur Vniss 92: 175.5-1760 87: II 08-1117 (Emlunres rile role of nitric oxidr
Zipc, D. Jalifc J 200-1 Cardiac clectropby,iology: from Rockman H A. Koch W J, Lefkowil? R J 2002 Scven- ill the collfml of mirocloontlrial respiration. wull
cell to bed\ ide, 41h cdn. Snundcrs. Philadelphia transmembrane-sp;mning reccp1ors und heart function. :.pecial emplwsis 011 irs effect on cardiac
296 (Compnhtn\il'l! te.\lbook) Na1Ure4 15: 206 2 12 merabalism)
The vascular system


Vascular structure and function 298 Blood is ejected with each heartbeat from the left ventricle into
Control of vascular smooth muscle tone 299 the aorta. whence it flows rapidly to the organs via large conduit
-The vascular endothelium 299 arteries. Successive branching leads via muscular arteries to arteri-
-The renin-angiotensin system 303 oles (endothelium surrounded by a layer of smooth muscle only
one cell thick) and capillaries. where gas and nutrient exchang~'
Vasoactive drugs 305 occur. Capi llaries coalesce to form postcapillary venules. \enub
-Vasoconstrictor drugs 305
and progressively larger veins leading. via the vena cava, to the
-Vasodilator drugs 305
r-- right heart. Deoxygenated blood ejected from the right ventncle
Clinical uses of vasoactive drugs 310 travels through the pulmonary artery, pulmonary capillarie\ and
-Systemic hypertens1on 311 pulmonary veins back to the left atrium. ' Small mul.cular anerie
-Cardiac failure 312 and arterioles are the main resistance vessels, while vein' are
-Shock and hypotens1ve stoles 314 capacity vessels that contain a large fraction of the total blood
-Penpherol vascular disease 316 volume. In terms of cardiac function. therefore, arterie, and
-Reynaud's disease 316 arterioles regulate the afterload, while veins and pulmona!)
-Pulmonary hypertension 316 vessel!. regulate the preload of the ventricles.
Viscoelastic properties of large arteries determine artenal
compliance (i.e. the degree to which the volume of the artenal
system increases as the pressure increases). This is an important
factor in a circulatory system that is driven by an intcm1ittent
pump such as the heart. Blood ejected from the lefl ventricle i'
accommodated, in the ftrst instance, by distension of the aorta.
which absorbs the pulsations and delivers a relatively steady Oow
to the tissues. The g reater the compliance of the aorta, the more
OVERVIEW effectively are nuctuations damped out,2 and the smaller the oM:d-
This chapter is concerned with the pharmacology of lations of anerial pressure with each heartbeat (i.e. the difference
blood vessels. The walls of arteries, arterioles, between the sy&tolic and diastolic pressure, known as the 'puh~
venules and veins contain smooth muscle whose pressure). Renection of the pressure wave from branch point\'"
contractile state is controlled by circulating hormones the vascular tree also sustains arterial pressure during diastole. In
and by mediators released locally from sympathetic young people, this helps to preserve a steady perfusion of \ita!
nerve terminals (Ch. 9) ond endothelial cells. These organ-., -.uch as the J.Jdney. during diastole. However, exce\\1\e
work mainly by regulating Ca 2 in vascular smooth renection can pathologically augment aortic systolic pre,,ure
muscle cells, as described in Chapter 4. In the present
chapter, we first consider the control of vascular
smooth muscle by the endothelium and by the ' William Harve) (ph)~ician to King Charles I) inferred the circulation ot
renin-angiotensin system, followed by the actions the blood on the ba"' of ~uperbly elegant quantitative experiment, tong
of vasoconstrictor and vasodilator drugs. Finally, before the in\cntion of the micro~cope enabled visual coofimtation of the
tiny ve~sets he had predicted. Thi~ intellectual triumph did his med1cat
we briefly consider clinical uses of vasoactive
~tanding no good at alt. and Aubrey wrote that 'he felt mightily in hi~
drugs in some important diseases, namely practice, and wa\ regarded by the vulgar as crack-brained'. Plus ~a
hypertension (pulmonary as well as systemic), change ...
heart failure, shock, peripheral vascular disease 2
This cu~hioning action i called the windkesser effect The same principle
and Raynaud's disease. The use of vasoactive wac, u~etlto deliver a steady rather than intennirtent flow from old-
298 drugs to treat angina is covered in Chapter 18. fashioned fire pump~.

This results from stiffening of the aorta due to loss of elastin

during agei ng, especially in people with hypertension. Elastin is Vascular smooth muscle
replaced by inelastic collagen. Cardiac work (see Ch. 18) can be
reduced by increasing arterial compliance or by reducing arterial Vascular smooth muscle is controlled by
''ave reflection. even if the cardiac output and mean arterial press- mediators secreted by sympathetic nerves (Chs 9 and
ure are unchanged. Over around 55 years of age. pulse pressure 11) and vascular endothelium, and by circulating
and aortic stiffness are important risk factors for cardiac disease. hormones.
Actions of drugs on the vascular system can be broken down Smooth muscle cell contraction is initiated by a rise
into effects on: in [Ca2 ],. which activates myosin light-chain kinase,
causing phosphorylation of myosin, or by
total systemic ('peripheral') vascular resistance, which is one sensitisation of the myofilaments to Ca2 by inhibition
of the main determinants of arterial pressure and is relevant of myosin phosphatase (see Ch. 4).
to the treatment of hypertension Agents cause contraction via one or more
the resistance of individual vascular beds, which determines mechanism:
the local distribution of blood flow to and within different release of intracellular Ca2+ via inositol
organs; such effects arc relevant to the drug treatment of trisphosphate
angina (Ch. 18), Raynaud 's phenomenon, pulmonary depolarising the membrane, opening voltage-
hypertension and circulatory s hock gated calcium channels and causing Ca2 entry
aortic compliance and pulse wave reflection, which are increasing sensitivity to Ca2+ via actions on
relevant to the treatment of cardiac failure and angina myosin light-chain kinase and/or myosin
venous tone and blood volume (the 'fullness' of the phosphatase (Ch. 4, Fig. 4.9)
circulation). which together determine the central venous Agents cause relaxation by:
pressure and arc relevant to the treatment of cardiac failure inhibiting Ca2 entry through voltage-gated
and angina; diuretics (which reduce blood volume) are calcium channels either directly (e.g. nifedipine)
discussed in Chapter 24 or indirectly by hyperpolarising the membrane
atheroma (Ch. 20) and thrombosis (Ch. 2 1). (e.g. potassium channel activators such as
increasing intracellular cAMP or cGMP; cAMP
CONTROL OF VASCULAR SMOOTH inactivates myosin light-chain kinase and
MUSCLE TONE facilitates Ca2 efflux, cGMP opposes agonist-
induced increases in (Ca2 ],.
Like other muscle cells. vascular smooth muscle contracts when
[Ca 2+], rises. but the coupling between [Ca2+], and contraction is
less tight than in striated or cardiac muscle (Ch. 4). Vasoconstrictors
and vasodi lators act by increasing or reducing [Ca2+],, and/or
by altering the sensitivity of the contractile machinery to [Ca2+J,. inhibits noradrenaline (norepinephrine) release from
Figure 4.10 (p. 67) summarises cellular mechanisms that are sympathetic nerve terminals, while lacking the effect of PGI2
involved in the control of smooth muscle contraction and on platelets. Prostaglandi n endoperoxide intermediates
relaxation. (PGG 2 PGH2) are endothelium-derived contracting factors
acting via thromboxane (T prostanoid) receptors.
Nitric oxide (NO) (sec Ch. 17). Endothelium-derived relaxing
THE VASCULAR ENDOTHELIUM factor (EDRF) was discovered by Furchgott and Zawadzki in
1980, and identified as NO by the groups of Moncada and of
A new chapter in our unden.tanding of vascular control opened with
lgnarro (sec Fig. 17.2, p. 266). These discoveries enormously
the discovery that vascular endothelium acts not only as a passive
expanded our understanding of the role of the endothelium.
barrier between plasma and extracellular fluid. but also as a source
NO activates guanylate cyclase. It is released continuously in
of numerous potent mediators. These actively control the contraction
rc~i<,tance vessel<;, giving rise to vasodilator tone and
of the underlying smooth muscle as weU as influencing platelet
contributing to the physiological control of blood pressure.
and mononuclear cell function: the roles of the endothelium in
As well as causing vascular relaxation. it inhibits vascular
haemostasis and thrombosis are discussed in Chapter 21. Several
smooth mu1.cle cell proliferation. inhibits platelet adhesion
distinct classes of mediator are involved (Fig. 19.1).
and aggregation. and inhibits monocyte adhesion and
Prostanoids (1.ee Ch. 13). The discovery by Bunting, migration; consequently, it may protect blood vessels from
Gryglewski, Moncada & Vane ( 1976) of prostaglandin (PG) atherosclerosis and thrombo1.is (see Chs 20 and 21).
11 (also known as prostacyclin) ushered in this era. This Peptide.\. The endothelium secretes several vasoactive peptides.
mediator, acting on I prostanoid receptors (Ch. 13), relaxes C-natriuretic peptide (Ch. 18, p. 285) and adrenomedulin
smooth muscle and inhibits platelet aggregation by activating (a vasodi lator peptide originally discovered in an adrenal
adenylatc cyclase. Endothelial cells from rnicrovessels tumour- phaeochromocytoma-but expressed in many
synthesise PGE2 , which is a direct vasodilator and also tissues, including vascular endothelium) are vasodilators 299

Various Shear Agonists

(thrombin, stress (ACh, BK, 5-HT, etc.)
All Al IL-1,
endotoxin) !
~ [Ca2..] 1

spread of
NO GNP PG~ EDHF hyperpolarisation



Fig. 1 9.1 Endothelium- derived mediators. The schematic shows some of the more important endothelium-derived contracting and
relaxing mediators; many (if not aiQ of the vasoconstrictors also cause smooth muscle mitogenesis, while vasodilators commonly mhibtt
mitogenesis. 5-HT, 5-hydroxytryptamine; A, angiotensin; ACE, ang1otens1n-converting enzyme; ACh, acetylcholine; AT1 , angiotensin AT1
receptor; BK, bradykinin; GNP, C-natriuretic peptide; DAG, diacylglycerol; EDHF, endothelium-derived hyperpolarising factor; EET,
epoxyeicosatetraenoic acid; ET-1, endothelin-1; ETAI(B) endothelium A (and B) receptors; Gq, G-prote1n; IL-1, interleukin-1; IP, I
prostanoid receptor; IP3, inosinoi 1,4,5-trisphosphate; i<tR, inward rectifying potassium channel; NatK ATPase, electrogenic pump; NPR,
natriuretic peptide receptor; PG, prostaglandin; TP, T prostanoid receptor.

working, respectively. through cGMP and cAMP. Angiotensin are not necessarily mutually exclusive. These are (i)
If, formed by angiolensin-converling enc;yme (ACE) on the epoxyeicosanoids synthesised from arachidonic acid by an
surface of endothelia l cells (see below), and endolhelin are isoform of cytochrome P450; (ii) electrotonic spread of
potent endothelium-derived vasoconstrictor peptides. hyperpolarisation from endothelium to vascular smooth
Endothelium-derived hyperpolarising factor(s) (EDHFs). muscle by gap junctions; and (iii) K+ released from
Endothelium-dependent dilatation in response to several endothelium, which paradoxically hyperpolarises vascular
mediators (including acetylcholine and bradykinin) persists smooth muscle by activating inwardly rectifying potassium
in some vessels despite complete inhibition of prostaglandin channels (which can be blocked by barium ions) and an
and NO synthe~is. Such relaxation is accompanied by electrogenic atK pump (which can be blocked by
endothelium-dependent hyperpolarisation of vascular smooth ouabain or other cardiac glycosides; p. 291 ).
muscle, and is abolished by an unusual combination of Ca 2-
dependent potassium channel-blocking toxins (apamin plus ln addition to secreting this array of vasoactive mediator.., en<Jo.
charybdotoxin). but not by these toxins individually. Such thelial cclb express several enzymes and transpon mechanisrru.oo
hyperpolarising/relaxant responses are caused by EDHFs their pla!.ma membranes that act on circulating hormone!> and drt
distinct from prostanoids and N0.3 EDHF becomes important targets of drug action. ACE is a particularly imponant
progre!.sively important. compared with NO, in progressively example (see below).
smaller arteries. Its chemical identity (or identities) remains Many endothelium-derived mediators are mutually antagonbuc,
elusive, but there are currently three main contenders, which conjuring an image of opposing rugby football players swaymg
back and forth in a serum: in moments of exasperation, on~
sometimes wonders whether aU this makes sense or whctherthe
Confusingly, P01 2 ond NO do e<~ch byperpolarise vascular smooth muscle. designer simply could not make up his mind! An important
300 and thi~ can contribute 10 their re lallant effects. distinction ill made between mechanisms that are tonically active

in resistance vessels under basal condition~. as is the case with the

noradrenergic neJ1'0IIS system (Ch. J J). 0 (Ch. 17). and possibly Table 19.1 Distribution of endothelins and endothelin
receptors in various tissues"
endorhelin, and tho'>e that operate mainly in response to injury,
inflammation, etc., as with PGI 2 Some of Lhe latter group may be
Tissues Endothelin Endothelin receptor
functionally redundant, perhaps representing vestiges of mechan-
tsms that were important to our evolutionary forebears. or they 1 2 3 ETA ETa
rna) simply be taJ...ing a breather on the touchline and are ready Vascular tissue
to rejoin the fray if called on by the occurrence of some vascular Endothelium ++++ +
insult. Evidence for ~uch a 'back-up role comes, for example, Smooth muscle + ++
from mice that lacJ... the 1 prostanoid receptor for PGI2, and that +++
Bra1n +++ + +
have a normal blood pre!.sure and do not develop spontaneous
thrombol>il>. but are more susceptible to vasoconstrictor and Kidney ++ ++ + + ++
thrombotic stimuli than their wild-type litter mates (Murata et al.,
1997). Such redundancy complicates interpretation of experiments Intestines + + +++ + +++
using mutant gene 'knockout' animals. For example. whereas
Adrenal gland + +++ + ++
acetylcholine relaxes arterioles (from muscle) of wild-type mice
mainly by re leasing NO. it also relaxes vessels from 'eNOS "Levels of expression of endothelins or the receptor mRNA
knockout' mice (which lack the gene for the endothel ial NO and/or Immunoreactive endothelins: ++++, highest; +++, high;
synthase, eNOS) by releasing EDHF in place of NO. ++, moderate; +, low.
(Adapted from: Masaki T 1993 Endocr Rev 14: 256-268.)

The endothelium in angiogenesis

As touched on in Chapter 7 (pp. 98-99), the barrier function of
\'ascular endothelium differs markedly in different organs. and its Stimuli to endothelin synthesis include many noxious vasocon-
development during angiogenesis is controlled by several growth !>trictor mediators released by trauma or inflammation, including
factors, including non-specific ones such as vascular endothelial activated platelet , endotoxin. thrombin, various cytokines and
gro\\ th factor (VEGF) and tissue-specific factors such as endo- growth factors, angiotensin II. antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
crine gland VEGF. These are involved in repair processes but (arginine-va~opres'>in). adrenaline (epinephrine), insulin, hypoxia
aho in pathological l>ituations. including tumour growth and and low shear stress. Inhibitors of ET synthesis include NO.
neovascularisation in the eye (an important cause of blindness in natriuretic pcptidcs. PGE2 PG12 heparin and high shear stress. It
patients with diabetes mellitus). These factors and their receptors was originally believed that ET-1 is generated entirely de novo
are potentially fruitful targets for drug development and new and not stored intraccllularly. but secretion of ET-1 can occur
therapies (including gene therapies; Cb. 55, p. 773). more rapidly (e.g. in response to stretch) than would be expected
if it were alway~> freshly synthesised, and there is evidence that
preformed ET- 1 can be stored in endothelial cells, although
ENDOTHELIN probably not in granules. Release mechanisms of such stored ET-
1 arc poorly understood. ET-1 concentration i.n plasma is low
Discovery, biosynthesis and secretion
(< 5 pmol/1) compared with concentrations that activate endot.helin
Hickey ct al. described a vasoconstrictor factor produced by cultured
receptors, but concentra tions in the extracellular space between
endothelial cells in 1985. This was identified as cndothelin, a 21-
endothelium and vascular smooth muscle are presumably much
residue peptide. by Yanagisawa et al. (1988), who achieved the
higher, and endothelin receptor antagonists (see below) cause
isolation. analysi!> and cloning of the gene for this peptide in an
vasodilatation when infused directly into the brachial artery, con-
impres!lively short space of time.
sistent with tonic ET-1-mediatcd vasoconstrictor activity in resist-
T Three gene' encode different 'equcnccs (ET- 1. ET-2 and ET-3), each ance vasculature. ET-1 has an elimination half life of< 5 minutes,
with a di\tincti\'e '\hepherd\ crool..' \tructurc produced by two internal
despite a much longer duration of action. and clearance occurs
d1\ulfide bonds. Thco.e I\Ofom1s arc differently expressed in organ~ such
a~ brnin and adrenal glands (Table 19. I ). \uggCJ>ti ng Lhat endothelins ha' e
mainly in the lung and J...idneys.
function' beyond the cardiovascular system. and this is supponed by
ob..ervauons of m1ce 111 "'luch Lhe gene coding for ET-1 is disrupted (see
below ). 1:.1- 1 1s the onl) endothelin pre~nt in endothelial cells, and is Endothelin receptors and responses
also c'pre,sed 111 many other ussue~. hs synthesi~ and acuons are There are two types of endothelin receptor, designated ETA and
~ummari~cd schcmaucally in Figure 19.2. ET-2 is much le~s widely ET 8 (Table 19.2). both of which are G-protein-coupled (Ch. 3).
distributed: 11 IS present in ~idney and inteMine. ET-3 is present in brnin, The predominant overall response is vasoconstriction.
lung. mtesune and adrenal gland. ET- 1 is synthesised from a 212-residue
precun.or molecule (prcpro-1:.1). which is processed to 'big ET-1' and T Endothelin l preferentially activate!. ETA receptors. Messenger RNA
finally cleaved by an endmhe lin-conven.ing enzyme to yield ET- 1. for the ETA receptor;, expre~'>Cd in many human tissues. including vascular
Cleavage occun. not at the u\ual Lys-Arg or Arg-Arg position, but at a smooth mw,cle. heart. lung and kidney. It is not expressed in endothelium.
Trp-Val pair, implying a very atypical endopeptidase. The convening ETA-mediated responses include vasoconstriction, bronchoconstriction
enl}'me i~ a metalloprotca~e and is inhibited by phospboramidon. Big and aldostt>rolle secretion. ETA receptors arc coupled to phospholipa~e
ET-1 i~ converted to ET- 1 intraccllularly and also on Lhe surface of C, which !>timu late.\ NafH exchange, protein kinase C and mitogenesis,
endothelial and smooth mu~clc cells. as well as causing va~oconstriclionthrough inositol trisphosphate-media!cd

Stimulation Inhibition

Adrenaline Thrombin Shear stress

Angiotensin II Glucose PGI 2
Vasopressin Oxidised LDL NO
Insulin Hypoxia Natriuretic peptides (A, B, C)
Cortisol Ciclosporin




ET-1 Clearance
(lungs, kidneys)

Fig. 19.2 Endothelin-1 (ET-1) Signal transduction Effects

synthesis and actions. Tyrosine kinase/MAPK
The schematic shows some of the
Gene expression } { f Blood pressure
Phospholipase A2 , C, D Vasospasm

more important actions only. IL-1,
Inositol trisphosphate /Mitogenesis - Smooth muscle proliferation
nterleukin-1; LDL, low-density
ipoproteln ; NO, nitric oxide; PGI 2, Ca2 } Activation of hypothalamic-
prostaglandin 12 Protein kinase C Contraction pituitary axis

Ca1 release (Ch. 3). There are several selective ETA-receptor amagon""
including BQ- 123 (n cyclic pentapeptide) and several orally active non
peptide drug' (e.g. bosentan. a mixed ETA/ET8 antagonist u!>ed in tre ung
pulmonary anerial hypertension-see below). ET8 receptors are actillc.
to a >imilar extent by each of the Lhree endothelin isofonns, but sarafoto\in
Table 19.2 Endothelin receptors S6c (a 21-re\idue peptide that shares the shepherd's crook suucture of tl-
endothelin~ and wru. i~lated from the venom of the burrowing ~'P' h a
..electil'e :~goni~t and hru. pro"ed useful as :1 pharmacological tool for <;QJdymg
Receptor Affinity Pharmacological response the ET8 recep10r. Me,..enger RNA for the ET8 recep1or i~ mrunl} e~fn\sal
111 brain (c~pecJall} cerebral cortex and cerebellum), with modentt
ETA ET-1 = ET-2 > ET-3 Vasoconstriction, expression in aorta. heart. lung. kidney and adrenals. In coniJ':bt ro the
bronchoconstriction, ETA receptor. it i~ highly expressed in endothelium. where 11 may lnt!WC
stimulation of l'a.wdilawrion by stimulating NO :10d PGI 2 production. but 11 j, al;o
aldosterone secretion present in vascular smooth muscle. where it initiates vasoconstriction lu.e
the ET" receptor.
ET-1 ET-2 ET-3 Vasodilatation, inhibition
of ex vivo platelet
aggregation Functions of endothelin
Endothelin- 1 is a paracrine mediator rather than a circulating
(From: Masaki T 1993 Endocr Rev 14: 256-268.) hormone, although it stimulates secretion of several hormone'
302 (see below). Administration of an ETA-receptor antagonist or of

phosphoramidon into the brachial artery increases forearm blood

tlow, suggesting that ET-1 may contribute to vasoconstrictor tone
and the control of peripheral vascular resistance (Haynes &
( Ro 46-2005 (mg/kg)
Webb, 1994). Endothelin!> have several other possible function&.
0 3
including roles in: 0
release of various hom1ones, including atrial natriuretic
peptide, aldosterone, adrenaline. and hypothalamic and 10
pituitary hormones
thyroglobulin synthesis (the concentration of ET-1 in thyroid
follicle~ is extremely high)
~ 20

control of uteroplacental blood flow (ET-1 is present in very 8

:0 30
high concentrations in amniotic fluid) (ij
renal and cerebral vasospasm (Fig. 19.3) Q)
development of the cardiorespiratory systems (the ET-1 gene
has been disrupted experimentally; pharyngeal arch tissues
develop abnormally in such mice and homozygotes die of
respiratory fai lure at birth).


The renin- angiotensin system synergises with the sympathetic
~ r
nervous system. for example by increasing the release of e SAH
noradrenaline from sympathetic nerve terminals. It stimulates
aldosterone &ecretion and plays a central role in the control of ~
Na excretion and fluid volume, as well as of vascular tone.
8 25
Renin i~ a proteolytic enzyme that is secreted by the
jtLttaglomerular apparatus (see p. 370. Fig. 24.2). The control of .0
renin secretion (Fig. 19.4) i:. only partly understood. It is secreted in (I)
re~ponse to various phy'iiological stimuli. including a fall in Na
concen tration in the distal tubule and a fall in renal perfusion Baseline 30 60 90 120
pressure. The Na concentration in the distal tubule is sensed by Time after SAH (min)
the macula densa (a specialised part of the distal tubule apposed
to the juxtaglomerular apparatus). Renal sympathetic nerve activity,
1}-adrenoceptor agoniMs and PG! 2 all stimulate renin secretion
directly, whereas angiotensin ll causes feedback inhibition. Atrial c;;
natriuretic peptide (Ch. 18, p. 285) also inhibits renin secretion . E
s2? - 10
The role of the endothelium In controlling 2?
a. -20
vacular mooth mucle (ij
Endothelial cells release vasoactive mediators co -30
tncluding prostaglandtn 12 and nitric oxide (NO) (I)
(vasodilators), and endothelin (vasoconstrictor).
Many vasodilators (e.g. acetylcholine and bradykinin) 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
act via endothelial NO production. The NO derives Time (h)
from arginine and is produced when [Ca2], increases
Fig. 19 .3 In vivo effects of a pot ent non-peptide
in the endothelial cell, or the sensitivity of endothelial endothelin-1 ETA- and ET8 -receptor antagonist, Ro 46-
NO synthase to Ca2 is increased (see Fig. 17.3, p. 267). 2005, in three animal m odels. [AI Prevention by Ro 46-2005
NO relaxes smooth muscle by increasing cGMP of postischaem1c renal vasoconstriction in rats. E Prevention
formation. by Ro 46-2005 of the decrease in cerebral blood flow after
subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) in rats treated with placebo
Endothelin is a potent and long-acting vasoconstrictor
(blue) or with Ro 46-2005 (red). [Q] Effect of orally administered

peptide released from endothelial cells by many Ro 46-2005 on mean arterial pressure in sodium-depleted
chemical and physical factors. It is not confined to squirrel monkeys treated with placebo (blue) or increasing
blood vessels, and it has several fu nctional roles. doses of antagonist (red: <4 < t ). (From Clozel M et al. 1993
Nature 365: 759--761.) 303

Renin is cleared rapidly from plasma. It acts on angiotensinogcn

Renal perfusion (a plasma globulin made in the liver), splitting off a decapcplide,
~ pressure ~ angiOtensin I, from the N-tenninal end of the protein.

Angiotensin I has no appreciable activity per se, but is con\ened
Renal by ACE to an octapeptide. angiotensin II. which is a potent
sympathetic Glomerular vasocon!>trictor. Angiotensin II is a substrate for enz) me'
nerve actiVIty ~ filtration
(aminopeptidase A and N) that remove single amino acid resid\Jc!\,
giving ri!>e. rc!>pcctively. to angiotensin fiJ and angiotensin 1\'
Atrial natriuretic
Renin release -<>- ~-Agonists
(Fig. 19.5). These had been regarded as of little importance. but
2 it i~ now known that angiotensin lll stimulates aldosterone
secretion and i~ involved in thirst. Angiotensin IV also hn'
Angiotensinogen distinct actions. probably via its own receptor, including relea-c
of plasminogen activator inhibitor-! from the endothelium (Ch. 21 ).
Angiotensin T Receptors for angiotensin IV have a distinctive distribution,
including the hypothalamus.

Angiotensin II
Angiotensin-converti ng enzyme is a membrane-bound enzyme
on the surface of endothelial cells, and is particu larly abundant in
the lung, whic.;h has a vast surface area of vascular endothelium.~
! Angiotensin 11
The common isoform of ACE is also present in other va~cular
tissues, including heart, brain, striated muscle and kidney, and I\
AT, subtype not restricted to endothelial cells.5 Consequently, local formation
r,....._ __ __ r_e_cr~, antagonists
of angiotensin ll can occur in different vascular beds, and it pro-
vides local control independent of blood-borne angiotensin II.
ACE inactivates bradykinin (see Ch.l3-Fig.l3.13 and p.221)
and se' eral other peptides. This may contribute to tbe pharma<:o-
Vascular growth: Vasoconstriction: Salt retention. logical actions of ACE inhibitors. as discussed below. The main
1 Hyperplasia 1. D1rect 1. Aldosterone action~ of angioten in ll are mediated viaAT1 and/ or AT2 receptO"o.
2 Hypertrophy 2 Via increased secretion which belong to the family of G-protein-<:oupled receptol\.
noradrenaline 2. Tubular Na
release from reabsorption Effects mediated by AT1 receptors include:
nerves generali\ed vasocon~triction. especially marked in efferent
arteriole~ or the kidney
Fig. 19 .4 Control of renin release and formation, and increa!>ed relea~e of noradrenaline from sympathetic nerve
action of angiotensin II. Sites of action of drugs that inhibit terminals, reinforcing vasoconstriction and increasing the rate
1 the cascade are shown. ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme;
\ AT1 , angiotensin II receptor subtype 1. and force of contraction or the heart
stimulation of proximal tubular reabsorption of Na+
secretion of aldosterone from the adrenal cortex (see Ch. 28)
cell growth in the heart and in attcries.6
The AT 2 receptors have also been cloned. They are expn.:~~cd
during feta l life and in distinct brain regions in adults. Studie>of
mice in which the gene for the AT2 receptor has been disrupted
suggest that it may be involved in growth. development and

I C-terminal
etc. v
exploratory behaviour. Cardiovascular effects of AT2 receptol'l
(inhibition of cell growth and lowering of blood pressure) appear
to be relative!} :.ubtle and oppose those of AT1 receptors.
The renin-angioten!>in-aldosterone pathway is imponant m the
pathogenesis of heart failure. and several very important cla~-e~ of
therapeutic drug act by inhibiting it at various points (see bel011)

'-------- ..-------'
Angiotensin 11

Approximutely that of a football field.
Angiotens111 I ' A differem i\oform of ACE i> abo present in testis. and male mice laclmg
~ - --------------v-----------------J this ACE have markedly reduced fertility.
l>fhese effects are initiated by the G-protein-coupled AT 1 reccp10r acting
Fig. 19.5 Formation of angiotensins I-IV from the N- via the bamc intrnccllu lar tyroinc pho5phorylation pathways as are used b}
terminal of the precursor protein angiotensinogen. cytokincs, for example the Jak/Stat pathway (Ch. 3; Marrero et al. 1995
304 Nature 375: 247- 250).
Endothelins arc discussed above in the context of their
Drugs can affect vascular ~mooth muscle by acting either directly physiological roles: a~ explained, they have vasodilator and vaso-
on smooth mu<,cle cell!.. or indirectly, for example on endothelial constrictor actions. but vasoconstriction predominates. Intravenous
cells, on ~ympathetic nerve terminals or on the central nervous administration causes transient vasodilatation followed by pro-
system (CNS) (Table 19.3). Another type of indirect action is found and very long-lived vac;oconstriction. The endothclins are
exemplified by ACE inhibitor~. Mechanisms of directly acting even more potent vasoconstrictors than angiotensin IT. As yet.
vasocon~trictors and vasodilators are summarised in Figure 4.10 they have no clinical uses and their pharmacological importance,
(p. 67). Many indirectly acting drugs are discussed in other like that of angiotensin IT, will probably lie in drugs that affect
chapter~ (see Table 19.3). We concentrate here on agents that are the cardiovascular sy~tem by reducing their production or actions.
not covered elsewhere.

Many vasodilators are clinically important, being used to treat
The a 1-adrenoccptor agonists and drugs that release noradrenaline common conditions including hypertension. cardiac failure and
from sympathetic nerve terminals or inhibit its reuptake angina pectoris.
(sympathomimetic amines) cause vasoconstriction and are discussed
in Chapter II . Some eicosanoids (e.g. thromboxane A2 ; see Chs 13
and 21) and several peptides, notably endothelin, angiotensin and DIRECTLY ACTING VASODILATORS
ADH, are also predominantly vasoconstrictor. Sumatriptan and Targets on which drugs act to relax vascular smooth muscle
ergot alkaloids acting on certain 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors include plasma membrane voltage-dependent calcium channels,
(5-HT2 and 5-HT 11.>) also cause vasoconstriction (Ch. 12). sarcoplasmic reticulum channels (Ca2 release or reuptake), and
entyme!oo that determine Ca2 sensitivity of the contractile proteins
(see Fig. 4.1 0, p. 67). A pyridine drug. Y27632, causes \'aso-
rela'<ation by inhibiting a Rho-associated protein kinase, thereby
The physiological role of the renin-angiotensin system is selecti vely inhibiting smooth muscle contraction by inhibiting
described above. Angiotenl.in n is roughly 40 times as potent as Ca 2 ~en.,iti'>ation.
noradrenaline in raising blood pressure. Like a 1-adrenoceptor
agonists, it constricts mainly cutaneous. splanchnic and renal Calcium antagonists
vasculature, with less effect on blood flow to brain and skeletal L-type calcium antagonists are discussed in Chapter 18 (pp. 294-
muscle. It has no routine clinical uses, its therapeutic importance 296). They cause generalised arterial vasodilatation, although
lying in the fact that other drugs (e.g. captop ril and losartan; individual agents exhibit distinct patterns of regional potency.
see below) affect the cardiovascular system by reducing its Dihydropyridines (e.g. nifedipine) act preferentially on vascular
production or action. smooth muscle, whereas vcrapamil acts also on the heart;
diltiazem is intermediate in specificity. Consequently, rapid acting
dihydropyridines usually produce reflex tachycardia as a result of
Antidiuretic hormone (also known as vasopressin) is a posterior
pituitary peptide hormone (Ch. 28, pp. 425-426). It is important
for its antidiuretic action on the kidney (Ch. 24, p. 372) but is Vsoconstrlctor substances
abo a powerful vasoconstrictor in skin and some other vascular
beds. Its effects are initiated by two distinct receptors (V 1 and The main groups are sympathomimetic
V2). Water retention b mediated through V2 receptors, occurs at amines (direct and indirect; Ch. 11 ), certain
low plasma concentrations of ADH, and involves activation of eicosano1ds (especially thromboxane A2 ; Ch. 13),
adenylate cyclase in renal collecting ducts. Vasoconstriction is peptides (angiotensin II, antidiuretic hormone [ADH)
mediated through V 1 receptors. requires higher concentrations and endothelin; Ch. 16) and a group of miscellaneous
of ADH, and involves activation of phospholipase C (see Ch. 3). drugs (e.g. ergot alkaloids; Ch. 12).
ADH causes generalised vasoconstriction, including the coeliac, Clinical uses include local applications (e.g. nasal
mesenteric and coronary vessels. It also affects other (e.g. gastro- decongestion, coadministration with local
intestinal and uterine) ~mooth muscle and causes abdominal anaesthetics). Sympathomimetic amines and ADH are
cramps for this reason. It is sometimes used to treat patients with used in circulatory shock. Adrenaline is life-saving in
bleeding oesophageal varicc~ and portal hypertension before anaphylactic shock and in cardiac arrest. ADH may
more definitive treatment. although many gastroenterologists be used to stop bleeding from oesophageal varices
prefer to use octreotide (unlicensed indication; see Ch. 28-also in patients with portal hypertension caused by liver
Ch. 26 and Ch. 5 1) for this. It may also have a place in treating disease.
hypotensive shock (sec below, p. 3 16). 305

Table 19.3 Classification of vasoactive drugs th at act indirectly

Site Mechanism Examples Chapter(s) for further details

Vasoc onstrictors
Sympathellc nerves Noradrenaline (norepinephrine) release Tyramtne 11
Blocks noradrenaline reuptake Cocaine 11

Endothelium Endothelin release Angiotensin II On part) This chapter

Sympathetic nerves Inhibits noradrenaline release Prostaglandin E2, guanethidine 9, 11 and 13

Endothelium Nitric oxide release Acetylcholine, substance P 17

Central nervous system Vasomotor inhibition Anaesthetics 36

Enzymes Angiotensin-converting enzyme Captopril This chapter


lowering the blood pressure, whereas verapamil and diltiazem do binding troponin (Ch. 18, p. 281 ), and is used in decompensated
not because, although they also lower blood pressure, they slow heart failure (see below, p. 314).
the cardiac pacemaker by their direct action on the heart.

Drugs that act v ia cyclic nucleotide s

Drugs that activate potassium channe ls (see
also Ch. 18, pp. 294-295) Cyclase activation
Some drugs (e.g. cromakalim and minoxidil) relax smooth muscle Many drugs relax vascular smooth muscle by increasing th~
by !.electively increasing the membrane permeability to K+ by cellular concentration of either cGMP or cAMP. For exampl~.
KAT!' channel activation. This hyperpolarises the cells and switches 0, nitrates and the natriuretic peptides act through cGMP (~ee
off voltage-dependent calcium channels. Patch clamp recording Chs 17 and 18); BAY4 I-2272, a pyrazolopyridine, activates solubk
(see Fig. 19.6 and p. 32) demonstrated that these drugs open a guanylate cyclase via an NO-independent site (see Ch. 17, p. 269).
high-conductance potassium channel. This discovery coincided The /32 agonists, adenosine and PG/2 increase cytoplasmic cAMP
with studies demonstrating the existence of ATP-sensitive (sec Chs I 1- 13). Dopamine has mixed vasodilator and vasocon
potassium channels in various cells. In cardiac muscle and panc- stricter actions. It selectively dilates renal vessels, where it increa..-.e\
reatic islet insulin-secreting B cells, for example, intracellular cAMP by activating adcnylate cyclase. It is the precursor of
ATP closes these potassium channels, thus causing depolarisation. 7 noradrenaline (Ch. I 1), and is also a transmitter in its own right
Potassium channel activators work by antagonising the action of in the brain (Ch. 34) and probably also in the periphery (Ch. 9).
intracellular ATP on these channels (Fig. 19.6), thus opening them The proposal that dopamine might serve a role as a peripheral
and causing hypcrpolarisation and relaxation. transmillcr came from observations that stimulation of sympathetic
Minoxidil is a very potent and long-acting vasodilator, used as nerves to the kidney causes vasodilatation that is not affected by
a drug of lal>t resort in treating severe hypertension unresponsive adrenoccptor antagoni!.ts, but is blocked by dopamine receptor
to other drugs. It causes hirsutism (its active metabolite is acrually antagonists such as halope ridol. Dopamine. when adrniniMered
used as a rub-on cream to treat baldness). This is unacceptable as an intravenous infusion, produces a mixture of cardiovascuiOJI
to most women. It also causes marked salt and water retention, effect.~ resulting from agonist actions on a and ~ adrenoceptol'\,
and is usually prescribed with a loop diuretic. It cause!. reflex as well as on dopamine receptors. Blood pressure increa\C>
tachycardia, and a ~-adrenoceptor antagonist is used to prevent o;Iightly, but the main effects are vasodilatation in the renal
thi!>. Crom a ka lim and its active isomer Jemakalim are also KATP circulation and increased cardiac output. Dopamine was \~1dd)
channel activators. Nicorandil (Ch. 18. p. 294) combines KAT!' U!>ed in intensive care units in patients in whom renal failure
channel activation with NO donor activity. and is used in refractory associated with decreased renal perfusion appeared immin~nt:
angina. Levosimendan combines K..xrp channel activation with despite its beneficial effect on renal baemodynamics, it doe~ not
scnsitisation of the cardiac contractile mechanism to Ca 2 by however, improve survival in these circumstances and thi~ uo,e '
ob!.olctc. Nesiritide, a recombinant form of human B-t)pe
natriuretic peptide (BNP) (see Ch. I 8, p. 285), has been appro1ed
This mechani~m form~ an imponantlink between the metabolic srare of
in the USA for the treatment of acutely decompensated heart
the cell and mcmbr;me function. and ~ulfonylurea drugs cause insulin
secretion by mimicking the action of ATP on these channels (see Ch. 26). failure, but a pooled analysis of randomised controlled trial~ ha1
Conversely, ~orne potassium ch;mnel activators increase blood glucose by suggested that it too may increase mortality (Sackner-Bemstein
306 inhibiting in~u l in secretion from the pancrem. e t al., 2005).

0.5 mmol/1 ATP

100 ~-tmoVI Diazoxide


Fig. 19.6 ATP-sensitive potassium cha nnels. Patch clamp (see Ch. 3) record from insulin-secreting pancreatic 8 oell: sapomn
permeabilised the cell, with loss of intracellular ATP, causing the channels to open (upward deflection) until they were inhibited by ATP.
Addition of diazoxide, a vasodilator drug (which also inhibits insulin secretion; see text) reopens the channels. In smooth muscle, this
causes hyperpolarisation and relaxation. (Redrawn from Dunne et al. 1990 Br J Pharmacal 99: 169.)

Nitroprusside (nitroferricyanide) is a powerful vasodilator with

liule effect outside the vascular !>yl>tem. It reacts with tissue V.sodlletor drugs
sulfhydryl group!. under physiological conditions to yield NO.
Unlike the organic nitrates, which preferentially dilate capaci- Vasodilators act:
tance vessels and muscular arteries, it acts equally on arterial and to increase local tissue blood flow
venous smooth muscle. Tts clinical usefulness is limited because it - to reduce arterial pressure
must be given intravenously. In solution, particularly when exposed - to reduce central venous pressure.
to light, nitroprusside hydrolyses with formation of cyanide. The Net effect is a reduction of cardiac preload {reduced
intravenous solution must therefore be made up freshly from dry filling pressure) and atterload (reduced vascular
powder and protected from light (usually by covering the con- resistance), hence reduction of cardiac work.
tainer with foil). Nitroprusside is rapidly convened to thiocyanate Main uses are:
in the body, its plas ma half-life being only a few minutes, so it antihypertensive therapy (e.g. AT 1 antagonists,
must be given as a continuous infusion with careful monitoring to calcium antagonists and a 1 antagonists)
avoid hypoten~ion. Prolonged use causes thiocyanate accumulation treatment/prophylaxis of angina (e.g. calcium
and toxicity (weakness, nausea and inhibition of thyroid func- antagonists, nitrates)
tion): consequently, nitroprusside is useful only for shon-term treatment of cardiac failure {e.g. angiotensin-
treatment (usually up to 72 hours maximum). It is used in converting enzyme inhibitors, AT1 antagonists).
intensive care units for hypenensive emergencies, to produce
controlled hypotension during surgery, and to reduce cardiac
work during the reversible cardiac dysfunction that occurs after increase mortality in heart failure, possibly by causing dysrhythmias
cardiopulmonary bypass surgery. (p. 292). Cilostazol, a related drug, improves symptom!> in patients
with peripheral vascular disease (see below). Dipyridamole can
Phosphodiesterase inhibition provoke angina (p. 293) and is used to prevent stroke (p. 342).
Phosphodiesterases (POEs; see Ch. 3) include at least 14 distinct Selective POE type V inhibitors (e.g. sildenafil) inhibit the break-
isoeozymes. Methylxanthines (e.g. theophylline) and pa paverine down of cGMP. Penile erection is caused by increased activity in
are non-selective POE inhibitors (and have other actions too). nitrergic nerves in the pelvis. These release NO, which activates
Melhylxanthines exen their main effects on bronchial smooth guanylate cyclase in smooth muscle in tbe corpora cavemosa.
muscle and on the CNS, and are discussed in Chapters 23 and 42. Taken by mouth about an hour before sexual stimulation, sildenafil
In addition to inhibiting POE, some methylxanthines arc also purine increases penile erection by potentiating this pathway. It has
receptor antagonists. They are not used clinically as vasodilators. revolutionised treatment of erectile dysfunction (see Ch. 30) and
Papaverine is chemically related to morphine, and indeed is has therapeutic potential via potentiation of other NO-mediated
produced by opium poppies (sec Ch. 41, p. 596). Pharmacologi- activities (Ch. 17), including pulmonary hypertension (see below).
cally, it is quite unlike morphine, however, its main action being
to relax smooth muscle in blood vessels and elsewhere. Its
mechanism is poorly understood but seems to involve a combi-
nation of PDE inhibition and block of calcium channels. Selective
PDE type m inhibitors (e.g. milrinone, amrinone) increase cyto- Hydralazine
plasmic cAMP in cardiac muscle. They have a positive inotropic Hydralazine acts mainly on arteries and arterioles, causing a fall
effect but, despite short-term hacmodynamic improvement, in blood pressure accompanied by reflex tachycardia and an 307

increased cardiac output. ll interferes with the action of inositol Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors
trisphosphate on Ca 2 release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Several specific ACE inhibitors have been developed. the fiN of
Ils original clinical u\e was in hypertension. It is still used for which wa'> captopr il (Fig. 19.7). ACE cleaves the C-tenntnal
short-tcnn treatment of severe hypertension in pregnancy but pair of amino acids from peptide substrates. Its acti\e -.ite
can cau!>e an immune disorder resembling systemic lupus containc; a zinc atom. The development of captopril \\aS one ot
erythemato.w\,8 'o alternative agents are now usually preferred the first exan1ples of successful drug design based on a chemical
for long-term treatment of hypertension. Recent evidence has, knowledge of the target molecule. Various small peptide\ h..d
however, suggested that it has a place in treating heart failure in been found to be weal.. inhibitors of the enzyme,9 but these \\en:
patient\ of African origin (l.ee below). unsuitable as drugs becau'>e of their low potency and poor oml
absorption. Captopril was designed to combine the steric propente'
Ethanol of such peptide antagonists in a non-peptide molecule. It contatn,
Ethanol (sec Ch. 43) dilates cutaneous vessels. causing the familiar a sulfhydryl group appropriately placed to bind the Line mom.
dnmkard's flush. Several general anaesthetics (e.g. proporol) coupled to a proline residue that binds the site on Lhe enqrnc thJt
cause vasodilatation as an unwanted effect (Ch. 36). normally accommodates the terminal leucine of angioten~in I
(Fig. 19.7). Several ACE inhibitors. differing in duration of
action and tissue d istribution. arc used clinically, including
ena lapril. lisinopril. rarnipriJ. perindopril and t ra ndolapril.
The two mai n groups of indirectly acting vasodi lator drugs are
Pharmacological eHects
inhibitor<; of:
Captopril is a powerful inhibitor of the effects of angioten~in I tn
sympathetic vasoconstriction the whole animal. It causes only a small fall in arterial pres,urc
the renin-angiotensin system. in normal animals or human subjects who are consuming the
amount of salt contained in a usual western diet, but a much
The central control of ~ympathetically mediated vasoconstriction
larger fall in hypertensive patients, particularly those in \\hom
is believed to involve not only a 2 adrenoceptors but also another
renin c,ecretion is enhanced (e.g. in patients receiving diuretic,).
class of receptor, termed the imida:.oline 11 receptor, present in
ACE inhibitors affect capacitance and resistance vessels, and redlk.-e
the brain stem in the rostral ventrolateral medulla. Drugs can
cardiac load as well as arterial pressure. They do not affect cardtac
inhibit the sympathetic pathway at any point from the C S to the
contractility. so cardiac output normally increases. The) act pref
peripheral sympathetic nerve tenninal (see Cb. I 1). ln addition,
ercntially on angioten&in-sensitive vascular beds. which include
many vasodilator~ (e.g. acetylcholine. bradykinin. substance P)
those of the t...idney, heart and brain. This selectivit) rna) be
exert some or all of their effects by stimulating biosynthesis of
important in ~uMaining adequate perfusion of these vital organ,
vasodilator prostaglandins or of NO (or of both) by vascular
in the face of reduced perfusion pressure. Critical renal arttT)
endothelium (sec above and Ch. 17), thereby causing functional
stenosis 11l represents an exception to this. where ACE inhibition
antagonism of the constrictor tone caused by sympathetic nerves
resu lts in a ft~ ll of glomerular fi ltration rate (sec below).
and angiotensin 11. Endothelia receptor antagonists including
bosenta n lower systemic and pu lmonary arterial pressure. Clinical uses
We concentrate here on the ren in-angiotensin-aldosterone Clinical uses of ACE inhibitors are summarised in the clinical box.
system. This can be inhibited at several points:

renin release: P-adrenoceptor antagonists inhibit reni n release

(although their other actions can result in a small increase in Clinical uses of angiotensin-converting
peripheral vascular resistance) enzyme Inhibitors
renin activity: renin inhibitors
ACE: ACE inhibitors Hypertension.
angiotensin II type I (AT 1) receptors: AT 1-receptor Cardiac failure.
antagonists Following myocardial infarction (especially when there
aldosterone receptors: aldosterone receptor anragonisL<>. is ventricular dysfunction).
In people at high risk of ischaemic heart disease.
All o;uch drugs can increase plasma K+ concentration by reducing
Diabetic nephropathy.
aldosterone secretion or action.
Progressive renal insufficiency.

Renin inhibitors
Orally active renin inhibitors (e.g. enalkiren ) reduce plasma
renin activity, but their effects on blood pressure in patients with 11nc lead compound wa~ a nonapeptide derived from the venom of
hypertension have been disappointing. Bmlrmps jacumca-a South American snake. It was originally
charactcri ~cd as n bradykinin-potentiating peptide, an indire~:t effect of
inhibiting ACE, which inactivate; bradykinin (see Ch. 13).
An autoimmune tli~ea~e affecting one or more tissues, including joints, skin lf)Scverc narrowing of the renal artery, for example that caused by atheroma
308 and pleural membranes. It is characterised by antibodies directed against DNA. (Ch. 20).

~ ~IMio~ s1tes

C-terminal of Captoprll
angiotensin I

( \ ~

Fig . 1 9 . 7 The active site of angiotensin-converting enzyme. ~ Binding of angiotensin I. 8 Binding of the inhibitor captopril,
which is an analogue of the term1nal dipeptide of angiotensin I.

Unwonted effects
Captopri l was initially used in doses that. in retrospect, were Angiotensin II receptor subtype 1 antagonists
excessive. In these large doses, it caused rashes, taste disturbance, (sartans)
neutropenia and heavy proteinuria. Th is pattern of adverse Losar ta n , cnndesarta n, valsartan and irbesarta n (sartans)
effect~ also occur~ during treatment with pe nicillamjne (Ch. 14), arc non-peptide, orally active AT 1 receptor antagonists. The~e
which also contains a sulfhydryl group, and it has been argued differ predictably from ACE inhibitors in their pharmacological
that these effects are attributable to this chemical feature of the properties (Fig. 19.8) but behave rather similarly to ACE
molecule rather than to ACE inhibition as such. Other ACE inhibitors in clinical practice, apart from not causing cough-
inhibitors that do not possess a sulfhydryl group do not cause consistent with the 'bradykinin accumulation' explanation of this
these effects. In contrru,t, adver:.e effects that are directly related side effect, mentioned above. ACE is not the only enzyme capable
to ACE inhibition are common to all drugs of this class. These of fonning angiotensin II, chymase (which is not inhibited by
include hypotension, especially after the first dose and especially ACE inhibitors) providjng one alternative route. It is not known
in patients with heart failure who have been treated with loop if alternative pathways of angiotensin II formation are imponant
diuretics, in whom the renin- angiotensin system is highly in vivo, but if so, then AT1 receptor antagonists could be more
activated. A dry cough, possibly the result of accumulation of effective than ACE inhibitors in such situations. It is not known
bradykinin (Ch. 16), is the commonest persistent adverse effect. whether any of the beneficial effectc; of ACE inhibiwrs are
Patients with severe bilateral renal artery stenosis predictably bradykinin/NO-mediated, so it is unwise to assume that AT 1
develop renal failure if treated with ACE inhibitors, because receptor antagonists will necessarily share all the therapeutic
glomerular filtration in the face of low afferent arteriolar pressure properties of ACE inhibitors. Experience with valsartan
is maintained by angiotensin n, which constricts the efferent and candesarta n (a longer-acting drug) in patients with
arteriole; hyperkalaemia may be severe owing to reduced heart fai lure has, however, been positive, as bas experience
aldosterone secretion. Such renal failure is reversible provided with irbesa r ta n , in limiting the progression of diabetic
that it is recognised prompt ly and the ACE inhibitor stopped. nephropa thy. 309

A, "'Ypes of vasodilator drug

_J Placebo Directly acting vasodilators

20 I Enalapril Calcium antagonists (e.g. nifedipine, diltiazem,
.A Losartan verapamil): block Ca2 entry in response to
~ 0 depolarisation. Common adverse effects include ankle

swelling and (especially with verapamil) constipation.
- 20 KArP channel activators (e.g. minoxidil): open
membrane potassium channels, causing
c: -40
hyperpolarisation. Ankle swelling and increased hair
(.) growth are common.
- 60
Drugs that increase cytoplasmic cyclic nucleotide
- 80 concentrations by:
increasing adenylyl cyclase activity, for example
prostacyclin (epoprostenol), ~2 -adrenoceptor
10 1 102 10 3
agonists, ad enosine
Angiotensin ll (pmol/min) increasing guanylyl cyclase activity: nitrates (e.g.
glyceryl trinitrate, nitroprusside)
inhibiting phosphodiesterase activity (e.g. sildenafiQ.
I Placebo Indirectly acting vasodilators
D Enalapril ,....., Drugs that interfere with the sympathetic nervous
.A Losartan system (e.g. a 1-adrenoceptor antagonists). Postural
400 hypotension is a common adverse effect.
Drugs that block the renin-angiotensin system:
renin inhibitors (e.g. enalkiren)
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (e.g.
enalapril); dry cough may be troublesome
AT, receptor antagonists (e.g. losartan).
Drugs or mediators that stimulate endothelial NO
release (e.g. acetylcholine, bradykinin).
Drugs that block the endothelin system:
- endothelin synthesis (e.g. phosphoramidon)
101 102 - endothelin action (e.g. bosentan).
Bradykinin (pmol/min)
Vasodilators whose mechanism is uncertain
Fig. 19.8 Comparison of effects of angiotensin-converting
enzyme inhibition and angiotensin receptor blockade in the Miscellaneous drugs including alcohol, propofol
human forearm vasc ulature. @ Effect of brachial artery (Ch. 36) and hydralazine.
infusion of angiotensin II on forearm blood flow after oral
administration of placebo, enalapril (1 0 mg) or losartan (1 00 mg).
B Effect of brachial artery infusion of bradykinin, as in A. (From
Cockcroft J R et al. 1993 J Cardiovasc Pharmacal 22: 579-584.)

Clinical uses of angiotensin II subtype 1

receptor antagonists (sartans)
The AT, antagonists are extremely well tolerated.
It is beyond the scope of this book to provide a detailed account
Their uses include the following.
of the clinical use!> of vasoactive drugs. but it is nonetheless
Hypertension, especially in:
useful to con ider briefly the treatment of certain important
young patients (who have higher renin than older
di!.ordcrs. The conditions that will be discussed are:
systemic hypertension hypertensive diabetic patients
cardiac failure hypertension complicated by left ventricular
shock hypertrophy.
peripheral vascular disease Heart fai lure
Raynaud's disease Diabetic nephropathy.
310 pulmonary hypertension.
blood pressure in the early days of antihypertensive therapy,
including ganglion blockers, adrenergic neuron blockers and
Systemic hypcrtem,ion i~ a common disorder that, if not effectively reserpine (see Ch. II ), produced a fearsome array of adverse
treated, re!>ult~ in a greatly increased probability of coronary effects and are now ob5olete. The preferred regimem have changed
thrombosis, strokel> and renal failure. Until about 1950, there was progressi\'ely as better-tolerated drugs have become available.
no effective treatment, and the development of antihypertensive One rational ~trategy with some evidence to support it, and
drugs, which restore healthy life expectancy. has been a major recommended by the current British Hypertension Society
therapeutic success story. guidelines. is to start treatment with either an ACE inhibitor or an
There are a few recognisable and surgically treatable causes AT 1 antagonist in patients who are likely to have normal or raised
of hypertension. such a-, phaeochromocytoma. 11 s teroid-secreting plasma renin (i.e. younger white people), and with either a
tumours of the adrenal cortex, renal artery stenosis and so on, but thiat.ide diuretic or a calcium antagonist in older people and
most cases involve no obvious cause and are grouped as essential people of African origin (who are more likely to have low plasma
hypertension (so-called because it w~ originally, albeit incorrectly, re nin). If the target blood pressure is not achieved but the drug is
thought that the raised blood pressure was 'essential' to maintain well tolerated, then a drug of the other group is added. lt is best
adequate tissue perfusion). Increased cardiac output may be an not to increase the dose of any one drug excessively, as this often
early feature, but by the time it is diagnosed (commonly in causes adverse e ffects and engages homeostatic control
middle li fe) there is usually increased peripheral resistance and mechanisms (e.g. re nin release by a diuretic) that limit efficacy.
the cardiac output is normal. Blood pressure control is intimately ~-Adrenoceptor antagonists are less well tolerated than
related to the kidneys, as demonstrated by transplantation exper- ACE inhibitors o r AT 1 antagonists, and the evidence supporting
iments in which kidneys are transplanted from or to animals with their ro utine use is less strong than for other classes of
genetic hypertension, or to humans requiring renal transplantation: antihypertensive drugs. They are useful for hypertensive patients
hypertcn!>ion 'goes with' the kidney from a hypertensive donor, with some addi tional indication for ~ blockade, such as angina
and donating a J...idney from a normotensive to a hypertensive or heart failure.
corrects hypertension in the recipient (see also Ch. 24 ). Persistently Addition of a third or fourth drug (e.g. to sartan/diuretic or
raised arterial pressure leads to hypertrophy of Lhe left ventricle sartan/calcium antagoni ~t combination) is often needed, and a
and remodelling of resistance arteries. with narrowing of the long-acting 0:1 antagonist (Ch. ll, p. 180) such as doxazosin
lumen. The raised peripheral vascular resistance calls into play is one option in this setting. The o:1 antagonists additionally
various physiological responses involving the cardiovascular improve symptoms of prostatism,12 enabling one to kill two birds
system, nervous y~tem and kidney. Such vicious circles provide with one stone in older men with the common disorder of benign
targets for pharmacological attack. prostatic hypertrophy, albeit at the expense of some postural
Figure 19.9 summarises physiological mechanisms that control hypotension, which is the main unwanted effect of these agents.
arterial blood pressure and shows sites at which antihypertensive Doxazosin is used once daily and has a mild but theoretically
drugs act. The main systems include the sympathetic nervous desirable ciTect on plasma lipids (reduci ng the ratio of low-
system, the renin-angiotensin-tlidosterone system and tonically to high-density lipo proteins; see Ch. 20). S pironolac tone
active endothelium- derived au/acoids (NO and probably ET- 1; (a competitive antagonist of aldo1:.terone; Ch. 24, p. 379) has
see above). Remodelling of resistance arteries in response to the staged something of a come back in treating severe hyperte nsion,
raised pressure reduce!\ the ratio of lumen diameter to wall thickness with the realisa1ion that this is often associated with an excess of
and increases the peripheral v~cu lar resistance. The role of cellular circ ulating aldoslerone relative to renin. Careful monitoring of
growth factors (including angiotensin IT) and inhibitors of growth plasma K+ concentration is required. because spironolactone
(e.g. NO) in the evolution of these structural changes is of great inhibits urinary K+ excretion as well as causing oestrogen-related
interest to vascular biologists. and is potentially of importance to adverse effects (see p. 379). but it is usually well tolerated
the therapeutic use of drugs suc h as ACE inhibitors. in low doses. Methyldopa (p. 184) is now used mainly for
Contrary to the earlier view that hypertension was 'essential' hypertension during pregnancy because of the lack of
to sustain life, reducing arterial blood pressure greatly improves documented adver,e effects on the baby (in contrast to ACE
the prognosis of patients with hypertension. Controlling hyper- inhibitor<., sartam, and l>tandard ~-adrenoceptor antagonists, which
tension (whic h is asymptomatic) without producing unacceptable are contramdicated during pregnancy). Oonidine (a centrally acting
side effect'> b therefore an important clinical need, which is. in o:2 agonist; clinical box. p. 179) is now seldom used. Moxonjdine.
general. well catered for by modern drugs. Treatment involves a centrally acting agonist at imidazoline 11 receptors that causes
non-pharmacological measures (e.g. increased exercise. reduced less drowsines-. than o:2 agonists. is licensed for mild or moderate
dietary salt and saturated fat with increased frujt and fibre. weight hypertension, but there is little evidence from clinical end-point
and alcohol reduction) followed by the staged introduction of trials to support its usc. Minoxidil. combined with a diuretic and
drugs, Marting with tho~>e of proven benefit and least likely to ~-adrcnoccptor antagonist, is sometimes effective where other
produce side effect~. Some of the drugs that were used to lower

12 Difficulty ~turting the stream, poor ~trcam , terminal dribbling, and

Catecholamine-~ecreting tumours or chromaffin tis~ue. usually the adrenal needing to get up often in the night to pass urine-all depressingly common
medu lla (Ch. II). in ageing men.

Methyldopa Ganglion-

...,..f----1 Endothelial Blood volum e


ET-1 Cardiac i
resistance output


Al l AI Angiotensinogen

~ -------------- -
Fig. 19.9 Diagram showing the m ain m echanisms involved in arterial blood pressure regulation (black lines), and the sites of
action of antihypertensive drugs (hatched boxes+ orange lines). ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; AI, angiotensin I; All, angiotensin
II; ET-1, endothelin-1; NA. noradrenaline; NO, nitric oxide.

drugs have fai led in ~evere hypertension resistant to other drug!.. demands of the body during exerci!>e (and ultimately also at re-tl.
Fenoldopam, a selective dopamine D 1 receptor agonist, is It may be cau~ed by disease of the myocardium itself Cmo t
approved in the USA for the short-term management in hospital commonly ischaemic heart disease). or by circulatory factoo
of severe hypertension. Its effect is similar in magnitude to that such as volume overload (e.g. leaky valves, or arteriovenous shunts
of intravenous nitropr usside, but it lacks thiocyanate-a<>sociated caused by congenital defects) 13 or pressure overload (e.g. stellO\ed-
toxicity and is slower in onset and offset. narrowed valves, arterial or pulmonary hypertension). Some of
Commonly used antihypertensive drugs and their common these underlying causes are surgically correctable, and in son~
adverse effects are summarised in Table 19.4. either the underlying disease (e.g. hyperthyroidism; Ch. 29). or

So-called ' hole in the heart" babies have a defect in the atrial or
The underlying abnormality in cardiac failure (see also Ch. 18) ventricu lar septum. lead ing to shunting of blood from high- to low-pres\we
3 12 is a cardiac o utput that is inadequate to meet the metabolic parts of I he circulution.

Tble 19.4 Common antihypertensive drugs and their adverse effects

Drug Adverse effect s

Postural hypotension Impotence Other

Thiazide diuretics" (e.g. bendroflumethiazide) ++ Urinary frequency, gout, glucose intolerance,
K .1, Na J..

Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhib1tors First-dose hypotension, dry cough, reversible

(e.g. ramipril, lisinopril) renal dysfunction in patients with bilateral
renal artery stenosis, fetal toxicity

AT 1 antagonists (e.g. losartan, candesartan) Reversible renal dysfunction in patients with

bilateral renal artery stenosis, fetal tox1city

Ca2 antagonists (e.g. nifedipine, amlodipine) :t Ankle oedema

~-Adrenoceptor antagonistsc (e.g. metoprolol) + Bronchospasm. fatigue, cold hands/feet,


tt,-Adrenoceptor antagonistsc (e.g. doxazosin) ++ First-dose hypotension

1ndicates that the adverse effect occurs in special circumstances only (e.g. postural hypotension occurs with a thiazide diuretic only 1f
the patient is dehydrated for some other reason or is taking some additional drug.)
"See Chapter 24.
<see Chapter 11.

an aggravating factor such as anaemia (Ch. 22) or atrial fibrillation Drugs used to treat heart failure act in various complementary
(Ch. 18), is treatable with drugs. Here, we focus on drugs used to ways to do the following.
treat hean failure irrespective of the underlying cause. When Increase natriuresis. Diuretics, especially loop diuretics
cardiac output is insufficient to meet metabolic demand, an (Ch. 24), are important in incre~ing salt and water excretion,
increase in fluid volume occurs. partly because increased venous e1.pecially if there is pulmonary oedema. In chronic heart failure,
pressure causes increased formation of tissue fluid, and partly drugs that have been shown to improve prognosis were all
because reduced renal blood flow activates the renin-angiotensin- studied in patients treated with diuretics.
aldol>terone system, causing Na+ and water retention. irrespective Inhibit the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. The
of the cause, the outlook for adu lts with cardiac failure is grim: renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is inappropriately activated
50% of those with the most severe grade are dead in 6 months, in patients with cardiac fai lure, especially when they arc treated
and of those with 'mild/moderate' disease 50% are dead in 5 with diuretics. The ~-adrcnoceptor antagonists inhibit renin
years. Non-drug measures, including dietary salt restriction, are secretion and arc used in clinically stable patients with chronic
important. but drugs arc needed to improve symptoms of heart failure (see below). ACE inhibitors and AT1 antagonists
oedema. fatigue and breathlessness. and to improve prognosis. block the fonnation of angiotensin ll and inhibit its action,
A highly simplified diagram of the sequence of events is respectively. thereby reducing vascular resistance, improving
\hown in Figure 19.1 0. A common theme is that several of the tissue perfusion and reducing cardiac afterload. They also cause
feedbacks that are activated are 'counter-regulatory'-i.c. they natriuresis by inhibiting secretion of aldosterone and by reducing
make the situation worse not better. This occurs because the body the direct stimulatory effect of angiotensin II on reabsorption of
fails to distinguish the haemodynamic state of heart failure from Na+ and HC03- in the early part of the proximal convoluted
haemorrhage, in which release of vasoconstrictors such as tubule. Most important of all, they prolong life. The question
angiotensin ll and ADH would be appropriate. 14 ACE inhibitors of whether ACE inhibitors and AT 1 antagonists can usefully be
and AT~o ~-adrenoceptor and aldosterone antagonists interrupt combined is being evaluated. Angiotensin ll is not the only
these counter-regulatory neurohormonal mechanisms and have stimulus to aldosterone secretion, and during chronic treatment
each been 1.bown to prolong life in heart failure. although prognosis with ACE inhibitors, circulating aldosterone concentrations
remain~ poor despite optimal management. return towards pretreatment value!> (a phenomenon known a..,
'aldosterone escape'). This provided a rationale for studying the
eiJect of combining spironolactone (an aldosterone antagonist
Natural selection presumably favoured mechanisms that would benefit sec Cb. 24) with ACE inhibitor trcaLmenL, and this further reduces
young bunter gatherers at risk of haemorrhage: middle-aged or elderly mortality. Eplereoone is a recently licensed aldosterone antagonist
people at high risk of hean fai lure arc past their reproductive prime. with less oestrogen-like adverse effects than sprironolactonc; il 313

common in severe heart failure. 15 Tolvaptan is an orally active

( Pathological factors non-peptide selective V2 receptor antagonist that has sh011n
promise in patients with heart failure and hyponatraemia. It~
effect (if any) on mortality is unknown, and it is not yet licen-ed
for general use.
Relax vascular smooth muscle. Glyceryl trinitrate (Ch. 18,
pp. 292-294) 1\ infused intravenously to treat acute cardiac
failure. It., venodilator effect reduces venous pressure, and 11~

effects on arterial compliance and wave reflection reduce cardiac
work. The combination of hydralazine (to reduce afterload)
with a long-acting organic nitrate (to reduce preload) in patienb
! blood
with chronic heart failure improved survival in a randomised
controlled trial known as VHeFf (Vasodilator Heart Failure Trial).
~ Retrospective analysis of this trial suggested that the benefit wa\

+ restricted to black patients, and a prospective study in African-
Renin release
American patients with severe heart fai lure receiving standard
~ treatment indicated that addition of hydralazine and isosorbide
dinitrate caused a substantial (and significant) reduction in
Formation of
angiotensin II mortality. This evidence has been accepted by the US Food and

~ Drug Administration. but people of African origin are genetically

very heterogeneous, and it is unknown what other groups will
Release of
aldosterone benefit from such treatment.
Increase the force ofcardiac contraction. Cardiac glyco~ide'
~ +
(Ch. 18, pp. 291-292) are used either in patients with heart failure
who also have chronic rapid atrial fibrillation. or in patients who
( Diuretics~ retention
remain <,ymptomatic despite treatment with diuretic and ACE
~ inhibitor. Digoxin does not reduce mortality in heart failure
O edema patients in sinus rhythm who are otherwise optimally treated. but
does improve ymptoms and reduce the need for hospital admission.
Fig. 19.10 Simplified scheme showing the pathogenesis In contrast, POE inhibitors (e.g. amrinone. milrinone; see Ch. 18,

of heart failure, and the sites of action of some of the p. 292) increase cardiac output acutely but increase mortality in
drugs used to treat it. The symptoms of heart failure are heart failure, probably through cardiac dysrhytbmias. Dobutamine
produced by reduced tissue perfusion, oedema and increased
(a ~ 1 -selective adrenoceptor agonist; see Ch. 18, p. 291) is used
central venous pressure. ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme.
intravenously when a rapid response is needed in the short teml,
for example following heart surgery. Levosimendan, a positive
inotropc with additional vasodilator properties attributed, respect-
ively, to scnsitisation of cardiac muscle to [Ca2+], and activation
of KATP in vascular smooth muscle (p. 306), is showing promise in
too has been shown to improve survival in patients with heart the treatment of severe heart fai lure and circulatory shock (below).
failure when added to conventional therapy. Patients with
impaired renal function were excluded from these trials, and
careful monitoring of plasma K+ concentration is important when
they are treated with an ACE inhibitor or an AT1 antagonist in Shock is a medical emergency characterised by inadequate per-
combination with an aldosterone antagonist. fusion of vital organs. usually because of a very low arterial blood
Antagonise f3 adrenoceptors. Heart failure is accompanied by prc<,<,ure. This leads to anaerobic metabolism and hence
potentially harmful activation of the sympathetic nervous system to increased lactate production. Mortality is extremely high. e\t:n
as well as of the renin-angiotensin system. providing a rationale with optimal treatment in an intensive care unit. Shock can be
for u~ing ~-adrenoceptor antagonists for this disorder. Most cau<,ed by variou!. insults. including haemorrhage. bums, bactenal
clinicians have been very wary of this approach because of the infections, anaphylaxis (Ch. 13) and myocardial infarction
negative inotropic action of these drugs, but wben started in low (Fig. 19.1 I). Reduced effective circulating blood volume
doses that are increased ~lowly, metoprolol. carvedilol and (hypovolacmia) may be cau!>ed either directly by bleeding or b)
bisoprolol have each been shown convincingly to improve
survival when added to other treatment in clinically stable
patients with chronic heart failure. 15
Jnappropriatc ,ecrction of ADH causes hyponatraemia because the kidne~
Inhibit ADH. ADH, also known as vasopressin (above. p. 305; fa il\ lO excrc1c water while continuing to excrete sodium ions, while drinking.
Ch. 24, p. 372; and Ch. 28 pp. 425-426), is released inappropriately which is largely determined by habit in addition to thirst, continues. '111i1
314 in heart failure and may contribute to the hyponatraemia that is lead~ to rcd uc1ion of the plasma sodium concentration as a result of dilution.

movement of Ouid from the plasma to the gut lumen or ti~sues.

Drugs used in chronic heart fa ilure The physiological (homeostatic) response to this i!> complex:
vasodilatation in a vital organ (e.g. brain, heart or kidney) favours
Loop diuretics, for example furosemide perfusion of that organ, but at the expense of a further reduction
(Ch. 24, pp. 375-377). in blood pressure. which leads to red uced perfusion of olher organ!..
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (e.g. Ideally, there is a balance between vasoconstriction in non-essential
captopril, enalapril). vascu lar beds and vasodilatation in vital ones. The dividing line
Angiotensin II subtype 1 receptor antagonists (e.g. between the norma l physiological response to blood loss and
valsartan, candesartan). c linical shock is lhat in shock tissue hypoxia produces ~econdary
~-adrenoceptor antagonists (e.g. metoprolol, effects that magnify rather than correct the primary diMurbance.
bisoprolol, carvediloQ, introduced in low dose in Therefore patients with established shock have profound and
stable patients. inappropriate vasodilatation in non-essential organs, and this i'>
Aldosterone receptor antagonists (e.g. difficult to correct with vasoconstrictor drugs. The relea~e of
spironolactone, Ch. 24, p. 379; and eplerenone). mediators (e.g. histamine, 5-hydroxytryptaminc. bradykinin,
Digoxin (see Ch. 18, pp. 291-292), especially for heart prostaglandins, cytok.ines including interleukins and tumour
failure associated with established rapid atrial necrosis factor, NO, ond undo ubtedly many mo re as-yet-
.rd fibrillation. It is also indicated in patients who remain unidentified substances) that c ause capillary dilatation and
symptomatic despite optimal treatment. leakiness is the opposite of what is required to improve function
Organic nitrates (e.g. isosorbide mononitrate) reduce in this setting. Mediators promoting vasodilatation in shock
preload, and hydralazine reduces afterload. Used in converge on two main mechanisms:
combination, these prolong life in African-Americans.
activation of ATP-!.en'>itive potassium channels in va~cular
smooth muscle by reduced cytoplasmic ATP and increased
lactate and protons

Myocardial damage
]f.- ---. ,. +circulating volume

+Cardiac output

+Renal blood flow

+Arterial pressure

Renal failure Renin release


. . - - - - - Tissue hypoxia
1 Acidosis


at ~

i ~~:~H.:::y
Arteriolar and
Release of mediators -----+

Fig. 19.11 Simplified sche me

s howing the pathogenesis of
hypovolaemic s hoc k. Adrenaline Bacterial Burns,

causes vasodilation in some vascular endotoxin traumaj
beds, vasoconstriction in others. 315

increased synthesis of NO, which activates myosin light- hyperaemia following return of blood flow). This can be mild,
chain phosphata~e and activates Kc. channels. but if ~evere cau~es ulceration and gangrene of the fingers. It can
occur in isolation (Raynaud's disease) or in association with a
A third key mechanism seems to be a relative deficiency of ADH,
number of other diseases, including several so-called connecti\e
which il> ~>ecrctcd acutely in response to haemorrhage but sub-
tissue disea~es (e.g. systemic sclerosis, systemic lupu'
sequently declinel.. probably because of depletion from the
erythematosu<>). Treatment of Raynaud's phenomenon invohe,
neurohypophysil> (see Ch. 28, pp. 425-426).
Mopping '>moking and avoiding the cold: ~-adrenoceptor
Patients with -;hock are not a homogeneous population.
antagoni'>L'> are contraindicated. Vasodilators (e.g. nifedipine,
making it hard to perfonn valid clinical trials, and in contr~t to
see Ch. 18, pp. 295-296) are of some benefit in severe ca<;es, hut
hypertension and heart failure there is very little evidence to
treatment is difficult.
support treatment wategic!. based on hard clinical end points
(such as improved . urvival). Hypoperfusion leads to multiple
organ failure, and intensive therapy specialists spend much effort PULMONARY HYPERTENSION
supporting the circulations of such patients with cocktails of
After birth, pulmonary vascular resistance is much lower than
vasoactive drugs designed to optimise flow to vital organs. Trials
systemic vascular resistance, and systolic pulmonary artery pressure
of antagonists designed to block or neutralise endotoxin,
in adults is normally approximately 20 mmHg. 16
interleukins, tumour necrosis factor and the inducible form of
Pulmonary artery pressure is much less easy to measure than
NO synthase have so far been disappointing. Volume replacement
is systemic pressure, requiring cardiac catheterisation. lf pulmonary
is of benefit if there is hypovolaemia; antibiotics are essential if
artery pressure is raised. this usually causes some leak of the
there is per~istent infection; adrenaline can be life-saving in
tricuspid valve, allowing regurgitation of blood from the right
anaphylaxis; a preparation of recombinant activated protein C,
ventricle to the right atrium. This phenomenon, detectable b}
drotrecogin alpha (activated ) (see Ch 21, p. 334) improves
ultra!.onography, can be used to estimate the pulmonary artel')
mortality in severe septic shock with multiple organ failure and
pressure indirectly. Because of the difficulty in measuring
is licensed for thi'l indication; ADH may be effective in increasing
pulmonary artery pressure, only severe and symptomatic
blood pressure even when there is resistance to adrenaline;
pulmonary hypertension usuaJiy gets diagnosed. Such pulmon:lr)
corticosteroid~ ~uppresl> the formation of 0 and of prostaglandins
hyperten. ion may be idiopathic (i.e. of unknown cause. analogou'
but are not of proven benefit once shock is established;
to essential hypertension in the systemic circulation), or associated
epo p roste nol (PGI 2) may be useful in patients with inappropriate
with some other disease. Increased pulmonary pressure can re~uh
platelet act ivation (e.g. meningococcal sepsis); positive
from an increased cardiac output (such as occurs for example 10
inotropcs, including ad rena line and dobotamine. may help in
patients with hepatic cirrhosis-where vasodilatation rna}
individual patients.
accompany intermillent subclinical exposure to bacterial
endotoxin-or in patients with congenital connections between
PERIPHERAL VASCULAR DISEASE the systemic and pulmonary circulations that lead to increa~
flow of blood in the low-pressure pulmonary circuit a' a
When atheroma involves peripheral arteries, the commonest consequence of 'shunting' of blood from high to low pressure).
symptom is pain in the legs on walking (claudication), followed Alternatively, vasoconstriction and/or structural narrowing of the
by pain at rest, and in severe cases gangrene of the feet or legs. pulmonary resista nce arteries increase p ul monary arterial
Treatment is often surgical (s urgical reconstruction or an1putation) pressure, even if now (cardiac output) is maintained con~tant. In
or by angiopfasty (disruption of atheroma by inflation of a some situations, both increased cardiac output and increa,ed
balloon !>urrounding the tip of a catheter). Other vascular beds pulmonary vascular re~istancc are present. A clinical classification
(e.g. coronary. cerebral and renal) are often a lso affected by has been proposed by the World Health OrganiLation (sec
atheromatous dbease in patients with peripheral vascular disease. http://www. who. int/card iovascu Iar_diseases/en/).
Drug treatment includes antiplatelet drugs (e.g. aspirin, In contrast to ~ystemic hypertension. pulmonary hypertensiOn
clopidogrel; see Ch. 21 ), a statio (e.g. simvastatin: see Ch. 20) a~sociated with other di~cascs is much more common than
and an ACE inhibitor (e.g. ramipril; see above). These reduce idiopathic pulmonar) hyperten!>ion. which is a rare. severe and
the excess risk of ischaemic coronary and cerebra] events. progressive disease. Onset of idiopathic pulmonary bypcrten,JOn
Additionally, sever.ll placebo-controlled studies have demonstrated is usually in the thirties, with progressive shortness of breath and
that cilostazol, a type Ill POE inhibitor (see above, p. 307), fatigue. Women arc affected more commonly than men
improves pain-free and maximum walking distance in such Approximately 10% of patients have Raynaud's phenomenon
patients, but its effect on mortaJiry is unknown.

RAYNAUD'S DISEASE 16 1n fetal life, pulmonary va;.cular resi~tance is high: failure to adapt

Inappropriate vasoconstriction of small arteries and arterioles appropriately at birth i associated with prematurity, lack of pulmonary
urfuclant, and hypoxacmia. The resulting pulmonary hypertension is
gives rise to Raynaud's phenomenon (blanching of the fingers treated by paediatric inrensivists with measures including replacement of
during vasoconstriction, followed by blueness owing to surfactant and venti latory support, sometimes including inhaled NO-
316 deoxygenation of the static blood and red ness from reactive &ce Ch. 17, pp. 270-271.

a. (see above). Endothelial dysfunction (see above) p. 299. Ch. 20 Drug treatment
tn p. 321. and Cb. 21 pp. 333-334 i1. implicated in its aetiology. Drugs used in treating pulmonary arterial hypertension are
a Familial primary pulmonary hypertension is caused by mutations shown in the ctinical box. It follows from the above discussion
e in the gene coding for a receptor related to transfom1ing growth that treatment is often that of the underlying disease. In addition
JS factor-~ called bone morphogenetic protein receptor type 2 to anticoaguLation and inhaled oxygen, digoxin (Ch. 18) and
~s (BMPR-2). diuretics (Ch. 24) can provide symptomatic improvement.
Drugs (e.g. anorexic drugs including dexfenflura mine) and Recently, several direct and indirect vasodilators have been
e: toxins (e.g. monocrotaline) can cause pulmonary hypertension. shown to have useful clinical effects, including improved
Ut Occlusion of the pulmonary arteries. for example with recurrent exercise tolerance and slowing of disease progre,!>ion.
pulmonary emboli (Ch. 2 1. p. 335). causes pulmonary hyper- Continuous intravenous e poprostenoi (see Ch. 13). inhaled
tension. Pulmonary emboli or thrombi fonned in siru as a result ilopros t (a stable analogue of prostacyclin. ~ometime~
of endothelial dysfunction (Ch. 21. pp. 333-334) commonly administered by inhalation of a mist of nebulised solution. in
accompany pulmonary hypcrten~ion-both the idiopathic form the same way as for ~everal of the drugs used to treat asthma.
Ill and when associated with other pmhologies. Consequently. anti- Ch. 23), subcutaneous tre prostinil and oral bosentan (see
e coagulation (see Ch. 2 1) is an important part of treatment. Aggre- above, pp. 301-303) arc all used clinically. The choice of drug is
gates of sickled red cells in patients with sickLe cell anaemia influe nced by the stage of the disease (usually classified using a
Ill (Ch. 22) can occlude small pu lmonary arteries duri ng sickling system modified from that used in heart failure-the New York
crises and increase pulmonary artery pressure. exacerbated by Heart Association-World Ilealth Organization classification
te the increased cardiac output associated with chronic anaemia. where I is very mild and IV severe). Oral treatment (e.g. bosentan)
ht Increased pulmonary va~cular resistance may. alternatively. is used for the less severe and parenteral (subcutancou!> trepro!>tinil,
I}' re~ult from vasoconstriction ancVor strucrural changes in the intravenous epoprostenol) for the more severe. Survival may
fY walls of pulmonary resistance arteries. Many of the diseases (e.g. be improved by epoprostenol (~ee Fig. 19.12). Inhaled 0 is
lg \y&~emic sclerosis) associated with Raynaud's phenomenon
ic mentioned in che section above are also associated with pulmonary
'iY hypertension. and there are cal>e reports where pulmonary hyper-
Drugs used In pulmonary hypertension
IS tension was observed in discrete episodes. presumably as a resu lt
cl of vasoconstriction occurring in the pulmonary circu latio n rather
It than (or as well as) in the skin of the fingers. Vasoconstriction O ral anticoagulants (Ch. 2 1).
n may precede cellular proliferation and medial hypertrophy in the Diuretics (Ch. 24).
pulmonary vasculature. Treatment with vasodilators such as the Oxygen.
calcium antagonist nifedipine is of some use. but vasodilators Digoxin (Ch. 18).
n that al o have an antiproliferative ac tion (e.g. epoproste noi. drugs Calcium channel blockers (Ch. 18).
id that potentiate NO. or drug~ that antagonise endothclin) are more Epoprostenol (Ch. 13).
a promising-see below. Prostanoid analogues (iloprost, treprostinil. beraprost).
Several diseases affect che pu lmonary vasculature directly (e.g. Bosentan.
sarcoidosis, histiocytosis X and schistosomiasis 11 ) and can cause P hosphodiesterase V inhibitor (sildenafil).
pulmonary hypertension. In addition. pulmonary vessels are un ique
in constricting in response to hypoxia; physiologically, this
enables the lung to match poorly ventilated areas with reduced
n perfusion. but when hypoxia is generalised it causes pulmonary
e hypertension. 18 Consequently. any lung disease that cau!>es
hypoxaemia of sufficient severity will be complicated by pulmonary .8
n hypertension. even if the pulmonary vasculature is not directly >
ill involved. and oxygen treatment i~ indicated to correct this. The ::l
1/) .6
d mechanism of pulmonary hypoxic vasoconstriction remain& .~ IV epoprostenol
n elusive, but both an increase in l Ca2+ji and increased sensitivity 1ii .4
d to Ca 2+, possibly mediated by Rho kinase (see above, p. 305) E
1. have been implicated. () .2 His torical control
n p < 0.0001 (CoxManlellog-rank test)
1"Re,pecthely. a granulommou~ disea'e with histological fearures related to 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120
lho..e of tuberculosis. infiltration of' arious thsues with aboonnal (Monlhs)
h1~Uocytes. and an infection with a para~ite that is endemic in the ile della
and has a life cycle shared berwecn humans and ~nail~see Ch. 50. p. 713. Fig. 19.12 Surviva l in primary pulmonary hypertension.
Survival in 178 patients treated with intravenous epoprostenol
~Giover and Newson were commissioned by cattle ranchers to Mudy high versus a historical control group of 135 patients matched for
mountain diesease in cattle in Colorado in 1913. leading to the recognition disease severity. (Adapted from Sitbon 0 et al. 2002 Prog
th<tt chronic hypoxia cau~e pulmonary hypcnension, medial hypertrophy of \_Cardiovasc Dis 45:115.)
the ~malt pu lmonary arteries, and right ventricu lar hypertrophy.

mentioned above in the context of pulmonary hypertensive crises, Unwanted effects

for example in the newborn. POE V inhibitors (e.g. sildenafil) Adverse effects of the pro!.taglandin analogues relate mainly
potentiate the action of NO by blocking the metabolism of cGMP to systemic vasodilatation (e.g. flushing, hypotension, syncope:):
(Ch. 17, p. 269) and show promise in idiopathic pulmonary bosenta n causes dose-related increases in liver transamin:l'-e':
hypertension. unwanted effects of sildenafil are on page 459.

Clini cal disorders for which vasoactive drugs are important

Systemic hypertension: -aldosterone antagonists (e.g. spironolactone).

secondary to underlying disease (e.g. renal or Shock. Several diseases (e.g. overwhelming bacterial
endocrine) infections, Ch. 46; anaphylactic reactions, Ch. 23) lead
primary 'essential' hypertension, an important risk to inappropriate vasodilatation, hypotension and
factor for atheromatous disease (Ch. 20). reduced tissue perfusion with raised circulating
Treatment reduces the excess risk of stroke or concentrations of lactic acid. Pressors (e.g. adrenaline)
myocardial infarction, the main classes of drugs are used.
being A, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) Peripheral vascular disease. Atheromatous plaques in
inhibitors or AT1 receptor antagonists; 8, P- the arteries of the legs are often associated with
adrenoceptor antagonists; C, calcium antagonists; atheroma in other vascular territories. Statins (Ch. 20)
and D, diuretics. and antiplatelet drugs (Ch. 21) are important.
Cardiac failure. Several diseases (most commonly Raynaud's disease. Inappropriate vasoconstriction in
ischaemic heart disease) impair the ability of the heart small arteries in the hands causes blanching of the
to deliver an output adequate to metabolic needs. fingers followed by blueness and pain. Nifedipine or
Symptoms of oedema can be improved with diuretics. other vasodilators are used.
Life expectancy is reduced but can be improved by Pulmonary hypertension, which can be:
treatment of haemodynamically stable patients with: -idiopathic (a rare disorder): epoprostenol, iloprost,
ACE inhibitors and/or AT1 receptor antagonists bosentan and sildenafil are of benefit in selected
P-adrenoceptor antagonists (e.g. carvedilol, patients
bisoprolol) -associated with hypoxic lung disease.


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and possible therapemic tl//1'111 in heart failuf'f'. <Ji,ca,<;c and claudication. N Engl J Mcd 344:
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system, measumnent tif cln:ulallnli CIIIIC'flllrlllitmr tif summarises evitlerorf' fur efficacy of ciloswwl, und
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BNP ... to cfill/llltl.le heart failure ami a.vsnr fii'OI/IIII.vil describes mtimwle for several investlfltlt/onal dmgs,
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in patients with rardit1c abnomwfitie1, all(/ u.ve tif for e.wmple tlmpionyllevocamititw)
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lrm<' muttwlly coufiiUtlctillt,r lraemodynamic effects; Raynuud 's disease and pulmonary hypertension
vasopeptidtlse inhibirors wrremlteurt fiolluf'f'.)
AT, regulate! CNS fimctiOill, Including behaviour)
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and the cndotheli um-<hvcr'c "&nah and effects. Rich S. McLaughlin V V 2005 Cbapler 67. In: Zipes 0
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sUJndanl therapy hal prom IS<' for htart failull')
the dil eru .fiRIIall und effi'w mt'diatt'd by multipl~ PhJ!adelphia, pp. 1807-1842
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angiottnfin I and tlnJ:WitfiStn 1/..tfemed ptptides, TaJ>I.forcc on Ooagnosis and Treaunent of Pulmon3r}
blockers benefit hean failure pauenb already n:cc"'"ll Anerial H)penension of the European Sociel)l of
multiple Ulll/10/tnSIIImetabolifiiiR en:,)mtl. multiple
ACE inhibitor thcrapy'l ~at Clio Prac1 Cardon, a...:
l'l'l'l'pton, and afcultJr bt'd>M<'ific mtmctllulnr Canliolog) 2()().1 Guideline, on diagnosis and
~1ed 2: 128-129
fifllltlll) treaunent of pulmonary anerial bypenen'lon. Eur
MERITHF Study Group 1999 Effe.:t of metoprolol
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\'asoacth e drugs CRIXL in chrome hcan failure Metoprolol ('R/XL
RandomiLed lmel"'enuoo Trial in Conl!e'u'c I lean R<'ftrenus
\'asoeon~trictor drug.~
Failure (MERITHFI. Lnnccl 35J: 2001-2007 Abe K. Sbunoka"a H. Monl.a.,.a Ketal 2()().1 Long
Antidiuretic honnone (Random/sed trialm 3991 P<llimfl atltluion of term ueaunent with a Rho-kinase inhibotor ompro'e'
Holme' C I " Ru,...:ll J A 2()().1 V~opresson Scmin metoprololto Standonl optimum rrearmnu monocrotalonc-onducoo fatal pulmonru') h) perten"oo
Rc,por Cnt Care \1ed 25. 705 711 ('A defidenc) of substantially impm>ed sun ivai; ue alw in rats. Core Res 94: 385-393 ('The Rho
aJoprrnm r.o ftf in wme 1hod. s/11/t'S tmd tU:companying eduoriale11titled Benefit of ~ blocl.e~ kmwe-medillled pathK'a,l' is irrvolvetl ill the
replacemmt of fill) 1wlogiwllnels of msopre.>.llfl ctm for bean failure: proven on 1999 b) N Sharpe ftJr fllllhogenesis of pulmOIIllf)' hypenension. nogxe>ting
rer/01'1' tl~tultlf 1011e. Vusopres1in is thet?fore references to other fJ blocker!h~tlrt fit/lure tritlls) tlotllthos molecule could be a no1el thempeuti<' lllf!let
emerf!,/111( nr a rati01111l therctpyfor Vli.\Otlilatory Sackoer-Bemstein J D, Kowal,~i M, Fox M, Aaron,on K for this fatal tlt>onler.')
.thock.' Revi<'W.f rmimwle, evidence mod u!lcertainties 2005 Shon tcrm ris~ of death after treatment with Badescb DB, Abmun S H, Ahearn G S et al. 2()().1
for usin11 a.orJrenw ;, shod.) ncsiritidc for decompen~ated hcan failure a pooled Medical therapy for pulmonary an erial hypcncnsion-
Atherosclerosis and
lipoprotein metabolism


Atherogenesis 321 Atheroma is a .focal disease of the intima of large and medium-
-Prevention of atheromatous disease 322 s ized arteries. Lesions evolve over decades, during most of which
Lipoprotein transport in the blood 323 time they arc clinically silent. the occurrence of symptoms signal-
-Dyslipidaemia 324 ling advanced disease. Presymptomatic lesions are often difficult
to detect non-invasively. although ultrasound is useful in relatively
Lipid-lowering drugs 325 static and l>upcrficial arteries (e.g. the carotids), and associated
-Statins: HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors 325 changes such as reduced aortic compliance and arterial calcium
-Fibrates 326
deposition can be detected by measuring. respectively, aortic pulse
-Drugs that inh1bit cholesterol absorption 327
wave velocity and coronary artery calcification. Until recently,
-Nicotinic acid derivatives 328
there have been no good subprimate models, but transgenic mice
-Fish oil derivatives 329
(see Ch. 6) deficient in apolipoproteins or receptors that play key
rolel> in lipoprotein metabolism have transformed this scene.
evertheless, most of our current understanding of atherogenesis
comes from human epidemiology and pathology. and from
clinical investigations.
Epidemiological studies have identified numerous risk factors
for atheromatous disease. Some of these cannot be altered (e.g. a
OVERVIEW family history of ischaemic heart disease). but others are modi-
fiable (see Table 20.1) and are potential targets for therapeutic
Atheromatous disease is ubiquitous and underlies
drugs. Clinical trials have shown that improving risk factors can
the commonest causes of death (myocardial
reduce the consequences of atheromatous disease. For example,
infarction caused by thrombosis-Chapter 21-
drugs that reduce the concentration of low-density lipoprotein
which occurs on ruptured atheromatous plaque)
cholesterol (LDL-C) in plasma reduce the incidence of myocar-
and disability (stroke, heart failure) in industrial
dial infarction. Many risk factors cause e ndothelial dysfunction
societies. Hypertension is one of the most
(sec Ch. 19, pp. 299-30 I), evidenced by reduced vasodilator
important risk factors for atheroma, and is
responses to acetylcholine or to increased blood flow (so-called
discussed in Chapter 19. Here, we consider other
now-mediated dilatation', a response that is inhibited by drugs
risk factors, especially dyslipidaemia, 1 which, like
that block nitric oxide, NO, synthesis; Ch. 17, pp. 271-272).
hypertension, is amenable to drug therapy. We
Healthy endothelium produces NO and other mediators that
describe briefly the processes of atherogenesis and
protect again~! atheroma. so it is likely that the adverse effects o n
of lipid tronsport as a basis for understanding the
endothelium of many metabolic risk factors are a common path-
actions of lipid-lowering drugs. Important agents
way to atherogenesis.
(statins, fibrates, cholesterol absorption inhibitors,
Atherogenesis involves the following.
nicotinic acid derivatives, fish oil derivatives) are
described, with emphasis on the statins, which I. Endothelial dysfunction. with altered prostaglandin (PG) 12
reduce the incidence of arterial disease and (prostacyclin: Ch. 13) and 0 (Ch. 17) biosynthesis.
prolong life. 2. Injury of dysfunctional endothelium leads to expression of
adhesion molecules. Thi~> encourages monocyte attachment
and migration of monocytes from the lumen into the intima.
Lesions have a predilection for regions of disturbed flow
The term dy.11ipidaemia is preferred to hyper/ipidaemia because a /ow s uch as the origins of aortic branches.
plasma concentration of high density lipoprotein cholesterol is believed to 3. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles are transported into
be harmful and i~ a novel therapeutic targel. the vessel wall. Endothelial cells and monocytes/macrophages 3
__2_1_ _

Table 20.1 Modifiable risk factors for Atheromatous disease

atheromatous disease
Atheroma is a focal disease of large and
Raised low-density hpoprote1n cholesterol medium-sized arteries. Atheromatous plaques are
almost universally present in members of
Reduced high-density lipoprotein cholesterol
economically developed countries, progress
Hypertension (Ch. 19) insidiously over many decades. and underlie the
commonest causes of death (myocardial infarction)
Diabetes mellitus (Ch. 26) and disability (e.g. stroke) in these countries.
Fatty streaks are the earliest structurally apparent
Cigarette smoking (Ch. 54)
lesion and progress to fibrous and/or fatty plaques.
Obes1ty (Ch. 27) Symptoms depend on the vascular bed and occur
only when blood flow through the vessel is reduced
Physical inactivity below that needed to meet the metabolic demands of
tissues downstream from the obstruction.
Raised C-reactive protein
Important modifiable risk factors include hypertension
Raised coagulation factors (e.g. factor VII, fibrinogen) (Ch. 19), dyslipidaemia (this chapter) and smoking
Raised homocysteine The pathophysiology is of chronic inflammation fn
response to injury. Endothelial dysfunction leads to
Raised lipoprotein(a)b
loss of protective mechanisms,
strongly associated with atheromatous disease but unknown monocyte/macrophage and T-cell migration, uptake
if this is causal. of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and its
bPotentially modifiable but strongly genetically determined: oxidation, uptake of oxidised LDL by macrophages,
nicotinic acid does lower lipoprotein(a).
smooth muscle cell migration and proliferation, and
deposition of collagen.
Plaque rupture leads to platelet activation and
thrombosis (Ch. 21).

generate free radicals that oxidise LDL (oxLDL ), resulting in

lipid peroxidation.
4. The oxLDL is taken up by macrophages via 'scavenger PREVENTION OF ATHEROMATOUS DISEASE
receptors. Such macrophagcs arc caJled foam cells because of
their 'foamy' histological appearance, resulting from Drug treatment is often justified, to supplement healthy habits.
accumulation of cytoplasmic lipid. Uptake of oxLDL Treatment of hypertension (Ch. I 9) and, to a lesser exten1.
activates macrophages and releases proinilammatory diabetes mellitus (Ch. 26) reduces the incidence of symptomatic
cytokincs. Foam cells are pathognomonic of atheroma. atheromatous disease, and antithrombotic drugs (Ch. 2 1) reduce
Macrophage chemotaxi s is inhibited by arterial thrombosis. Reducing LDL-C is highly effective and b
rerrahydmcannahinol, and CB 2 receptor agonists have the main subject of this present chapter, but several other steps m
potential as antiatherosclerotic drugs (see Ch. 15). atherogenesis are also potential targets for phannacological attack.
5. Subendothelial collections of foam ce!Js and T lymphocytes Angiorensin-cotwerring enzyme inhibitors (Cb. 19) improve end<r
form fatty streak~. thelia) function and prolong life in patients with atheromatous
6. Cholesterol can be mobilised from tbe artery walJ and di ease. Other drugs that also increase NO biosynthesis or 3\ail
transponed in plasma in the form of high-density lipoprotein ability are under inve~tigation. Moderate alcohol consumption
chole!>terol (HDL-C). increa!>es HDL-C, and epidemiological evidence fa\ours mod
7. Activated platelets. macrophages and endothelial cells release crate alcohol consumption in older pcople. 2
cytokines and growth factors. causing proliferation of smooth T Regular exercise abo mcrca~s circulating HDL-C; drug ueauncntiO
muscle and deposition of connective tissue component<>. This increa..c HDL-C 1\ le,~ established than drugs thmlo\\er LDL-C. lln'31l5t
inflammatory fibroproliferative response leads to a dense until recent!) ~uch drug~ (e.g.jibrates and nicotinic acid derimllm ->
below) ha\C had only modeM effects on HDL-C. accompanied b} effe..'!S
fibrous cap overlying a lipid-rich core. the whole structure
on LDL-C and triglyceridcs that complicate interpretation of chnial
comprising the atheromatous plaque. trials. However. in subject~ with low HDL-C. inhibition of chole,wnl
8. A plaque can rupture. forming a substrate for thrombosis ester tram,fer protein (CETP; see below) with torcetrapib mar~tJiy
(see Ch. 2 1, Figs 2 1.1 and 2 1.10). The presence of large
numbers of macrophages predisposes to plaque rupture,
whereas vascular smooth muscle and matrix proteins stabi lise 2
'Sinful, ginful. rum-soaked men. survive for lhree score year~ and ten'-or
322 the plaque. longer. we rather hope...

increases IIDLC (Brou~~eau et al., 2004). Torcetrapib is being developed lipids, as well as a path way for reverse cholesterol transport
in combination with a Malin. ApoA-1 Milano is a variant of apolipoprotcin (Fig. 20.1 ). The pathways are distinguished by the main apoproteins
A-1 identified in tndivtdual., in rural Italy with very low le' els of HDL
(apoB-48, apoB-1 00 and apoA 1. respectively) that are ligand~
but low anerial di-e:~..e pre,alence. lnfu<,ion of recombinant ApoA-1
Milano-pho!>phohpid comple'e~ produces rapid regression of for the key receptors. ln the exogenous pathway, cholesterol and
athero\Ciero'' tn animal model~. and administered intravenously caused triglycerides absorbed from the ileum are transported as
regre~sion of atherosclero~i~ tn pauents with acute coronary S) ndrome chylomicrons (diameter 100-1000 nm), in lymph and then blood.
(Ni'>sen et al., 2003). to capillaries in mu~cle and adipose tissue. Here. triglyceridcs are
Amio.\idams (e.g. vuamtn C and vitamin E) are of interest. both because hydrolysed by lipoprotein lipac;e, and the tissues take up the
of evidence th:tt the) improve endothelial function in patients with resulting free fatty acids and glycerol. The chylomicron remnants
increa..ed oxtdant !>Ire'' and because of epidemiological evidence that a (diameter 30-50 nm). still containing their fuU complement of
diet rich in antioxidant~ b ~soci:tted with reduced risk of coronary artery
cholesteryl e~ ters, pass to the liver, bind to receptors on hcpato-
disease. Results from chnical triab have been negative. however, and
'everal :~ntiox Jdant'> reduce HDL-C. Oestrogen, used to prevent cytes and undergo endocytosis. Cholesterol liberated in hepato-
'>ymptom.. of the mcnopau~c (Ch. 30) and to prevent postmenopau.,al cytes is stored, oxidised to bile acids, secreted unaltered in bile,
osteoporosis, has antioxidant properties and exens other vascular effects or can enter the endogenous pathway.
that could be benefic ial. Epidem iological evidence suggested that women In the endogenous pathway, cholesterol and newly synthesised
who usc such hormone replacemen t are at reduced risk of atheromatous
triglyceridcs are transported from the liver as VLDL (diameter
disease, hut contro ll ed trials show ~ignificant adverse effects on
cardiovascular mon:~lity (Ch. 30 and see commentary by Dubey et at., 30-80 nm) to muscle and adipose tissue, where triglyceride is
2004). Drug treatment to lower C-reacti ve protein has been mooted, but hydrolysed to fatty acids and glycerol; these enter the tissues as
it i~ pos~iblc that elevated C-reaclive protein is a marker of vascular described above. During this process, the lipoprotein particles
inflammation rather than playing an active pan in disease progression. become smaller (diameter 20-30 nm) but retain a full complement
Other anti-inflammatory mea.\ures are being investigated: for example, an
of cholcstcryl esters. Consequently, they increase in density to
acyl coen1ymc A: cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT) inhibitor.
a\asimibe. reduce\ circulating tumour necrosis factor-a levels in intermediatc-den~ity cholesterol and ultimately LDL-C particles.
hyperchole\lerolaemic \UbjecL'> without much effect on plasma lipids, and LDL-C provides the source of cholesterol for incorporation into
impro~e' re!>i'>tancc \C\\el endothelial function (Kharbanda eta!., 2005). cell membrane~ and for synthesis of steroids (see Chs 28 and 30)
but it may not improve coron:~ry atherosclerosis (Tardif et al .. 2004). but is also key in atherogenesis, as described above. Cells take up
Other novel therapie~ in development were revie" ed recently
LDL-C by endocyto)ois via LDL receptors that recognise LDL
(Wieobtcl..t, 200-' ).
apolipoproteins. Some drugs (notably statins: see below) reduce
Pla~ma homocy~teine can be lowered by supplementing the diet with folic circulating LDL-C by inhibiting endogenous cholesterol synthesis
acid, and it "ill be interc\ting to sec whether countries such as the USA,
and stimulating the synthesil> of hepatic LDL receptors. Cholesterol
which have tntroduced folate supplemenb to pre,ent congenital neural
rube defect~ (see Ch. 53. p. 759). experience a reduced incidence of can rerum to plasma from the tissues in HDL particles (diameter
atheromatous di~ea'>e. 7-20 nm). Chole!>terol is esterified with long-chain fatty acids in
HDL particles. and the resulting cholesteryl esters are transferred
In contrast to thi!> somewhat unclear (albeit exciting) picture, drugs
to VLDL or LDL particles by a transfer protein present in the
that lower plasma LDL-C are of proven benefit in preventing
plasma and known as cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP).
coronary a.nery di),ease. To understand how such drugs work, it
Lipoprotcin(a), or Lp(a), is a species of LDL that is strongly
i!> necessary to address how lipids are handled in the body.
associated with atherosclerosis and is localised in atherosclerotic
lesions. Lp(a) cont<tins a unique apoprotein, apo(a), with stntctural
LIPOPROTEIN TRANSPORT IN similarities to plasminogen (Ch. 21, p. 344). Lp(a) competes with
THE BLOOD and inhibits the binding of pla~minogen to its receptors on the
endothelial cell. Plasminogen is normally the substrate for
Lipids and cho le~terol are transported through the bloodstream plasminogen activator, which is secreted by and bound to endo-
as macromolecular complexes of lipid and protein known as thelial cells. generating the fibrinolytic enzyme plasmin (see
lipoproteins. These consist of a central core of hydrophobic lipid Fig. 21.1 0). The effect of the binding of Lp(a) is that Jess plasmin
(including triglyceridcs and cholesteryl esters) encased in a hydro- is generated, fibrinolysis is inhibited and thrombosis promoted.
philic coat of polar phospholipid, free cholesterol and apolipo- There i~ currently much interest in four lipid transfer proteins
protein. There are four main clac;ses of lipoprotein. differing in the that have been implicated in atherogenesis. ACAT (acyl coenzyme
relative proportion of the core lipids and in the type of apoprotein. A: cholesterol acyltran!>fera~e), which is expressed in two forms,
They also differ in site and density, and this latter property. as cataly!>eS the intracellular synthesis of cholesteryl ester in macro-
meru.ured by ultracentrifugation, is the basis for their classi- phage!>, adrenal cortex, gut and liver. LCAT (lecithin cholesterol
fication into: acyltransferase) catalyses cholesteryl ester synthesis in HDL
particlcl>. CETP and PLTP (phospholipid transfer protein) are
HDL-C particles
involved in transfer of cholesterol between different classes of
LDL-C particles
lipoprotein particle in plasma. Tamoxifen. used in the treatment
very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) particles
and prevention of breast cancer (Ch. 51, p. 729; also discussed in
Ch. 30 on p. 449), was recently discovered to be a potent ACAT
Each class of lipoprotein has a specific role in lipid transport, and inhibitor (De Medina et al., 2004). So far, the most promising
there arc different pathways for exogenous and for endogenous therapeutic approach has been inhibition of CETP: torcetra pib 323

Exogenous pathway


Statlns decrease '--__,.~ HMG CoA - HMG CoA

synthesis of C reductase )

Statlns, resin s, "Coated pit"

c~ / ------------

fib~:.~.':~ ------.. /. / :/ \ "':~i~~- m-u--m -- ---~ -- - ..~ addo

,'' ~---.....,. LDL PORTALVEIN
/ receptors
I I Fat +C
in diet

' I

Fatty acids
#- Chylomicron Glycerol
VLDL remnant +
' c
' CE__ - -- ~ TG > CE CE > JG
, \ . -- INTESTINE
,' ' \
' \ ChylomiCrons
/ CE '
HOL , .... --- .......... LDL t Faecal
elimination of
,.. , bile acids

I / Lipoprotein lipase ',


( I }0 [( I I

I l[ -=;
,/ I

C from cell Uptake Free fatty Free latty PERIPHERAL TISSUES
turnover oiC acids acids (FAT, MUSCLE)

Fig. 20.1 Schematic diagram of cholesterol transport in the tissues, with sites of action of the main drugs affecting
lipoprotein metabolism. ACoA, acetyl-coenzyme A; C, cholesterol; CE, cholesteryl ester; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; HMG-CoA
reductase, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase; LOL, low-density lipoprotein; MVA. mevalonate; TG, triglyceride; VLDL,
very low-density lipoprotein.

(mentioned above) increases HD L-C and is in a late stage of diet and genetics (often but not always polygenic). The} are
development. class ified, according to which lipoprotein particle is raised. mto
six phenotypes (the Frederickson classification; Table 20.2). An
especially great risk of ischaemic heart disease occurs in a sub'cl
of primary type na hyperlipoproteinaemia caused by single-gene
The normal range of plasma total cholesterol concentration defects of LDL receptors: this is known as familial hyper
varies in different populations (e.g. in the UK 25-30% of middle- choleslerolaemia, and the sentm cholesterol concentration in
aged people have sentm cholesterol concentrations > 6.5 mmol/1, affected adults is typically > 8 mmol/1 in heterozygotes and
in contrast to a much lower prevale nce in China). There are 12 25 mmol/1 in homozygotcs. Study of familial hyper
smooth gradations of increased cardiovascular risk with increased cholesterolaemia enabled Brown & Goldstei n ( 1986) to define
LDL-C and with reduced H DL-C. Dyslipidaemia may be primary the LDL receptor pathway of c holeste rol homeostasis (for which
324 or secondary. The primary forms are due to a combination of they shared a Nobel Prize).

T ble 20.2 Frederickson/World Health Organization classification of hyperlipoproteinaemia

Type Lipoprotein elevated Cholesterol Triglycerides Atherosclerosis risk Drug treatment

Chylomicrons + +++ NE None

IIa LDL ++ NE High Statin ezellmibe

lib LDL + VLDL ++ ++ High Fibrates, statin, nicotinic acid

Ill fWLDL ++ ++ Moderate Fibrates

IV VLDL + ++ Moderate Fibrates

v Chylomicrons + VLDL + ++ NE Fibrate, niacin, fish oil and

statin combinations

+, increased concentration; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; NE, not elevated; VLDL, very low-density lipoprotein; ~VLDL, a qualitatively
abnormal form of VLDL identified by its pattern on electrophoresis.

Secondary forms of dyslipidaemia arc a consequence of other

conditions. such a!> diabetes mell itus, alcoholism, nephrotic syn- Lipoprotein metabolism
drome. chronic renal failure, hypothyroidism, liver disease and and dysllpldaemla
administration of drugs, for example isotretinoin (an i!>omer of
vitamin A given by mouth as well as topically in the treatment Lipids, including cholesterol and triglycerides, are
of \evere acne), tamoxifen (Mikhailidis ct al., 1997, and see transported in the plasma as lipoproteins, of which
above), ciclosporio (Cb. 14) and protease inhibitors used to treat there are four classes.
infection with human immunodeficiency virus (Ch. 47). Chylomicrons transport triglycerides and
cholesterol from the gastrointestinal tract to the
tissues, where triglyceride Is split by lipoprotein
LIPID-LOWERING DRUGS lipase, releasing free fatty acids and glycerol.
These are taken up in muscle and adipose tissue.
Several drugs decrease plasma LDL-C. Drug therapy is used in Chylomicron remnants are taken up in the liver,
addition to dietary measures and correction of other modifiable where cholesterol is stored, secreted in bile,
cardiovascular risk factors. The selection of patients to be treated oxid1sed to bile acids or converted into
with drugs remains controversial. not least for reasons of cost: the very low density lipoproteins (VLDL), wh1ch
benefit is greatest for those who are at greatest risk, including those transport cholesterol and newly synthesised
with symptomatic atherosclerotic disease (referred to as secondary triglycerides to the tissues, where triglycerides are
pre1ention) and those with several cardiova!>cular risk factors, as removed as before, leaving
well as those with the highest plasma concentrations of cholesterol. low-density lipoprotein (LOL) particles with a large
The main agents used clinically are: component of cholesterol; some LDL cholesterol
statins: 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) is taken up by the tissues and some by the liver,
reductase inhibitors by endocytosis via specific LDL receptors.
fibrates High-density lipoprotein (HOL) particles adsorb
inhibitors of cholesterol absorption cholesterol derived from cell breakdown in tissues
nicotinic acid or its deri vati ves (including arteries) and transfer it to VLDL and
e LDL particles.
fish oil derivatives.
Hyperlipidaemias can be primary, or secondary to a
Fish oil lowers plasma triglyceride concentration but can disease (e.g. hypothyroidism). They are classified
increase plasma cholesterol. according to which lipoprotein particle is raised into
e six phenotypes (the Frederickson classification). The
- STATINS: HMGCoA REDUCTASE higher the LDL cholesterol, and the lower the HDL
INHIBITORS cholesterol, the higher the risk of ischaemic heart
rl disease.
- The rate-limiting enzyme in cholesterol synthesis is HMG-CoA
e reductase. which catalyses the conversion of HMG-CoA to
h mevalonic acid (see Fig. 20. 1). Simvastatin. lovastatin and pra-
vastatin are specific, reversible, competitive II MG-CoA reductase

inhibitOr\ with K, values of approximately I nmoiJl. Atorvasta tin effects). Some of these actions are undesirable (e.g. HMG-CoA
and rosuvasta tin arc long-lasting inhibitors. Decreased hepatic reductase guide!> migrating primordial genn cells, and stalin U'>l:
cholesterol synthesi~ up-regulates LDL receptor synthesis, is contraindicated during pregnancy), but some otTer thempeutic
increasing LDL-C clearance from plasma into liver cells. The promise. for example in Alzheimer's disease (Sparks et al.. 2005J
main biochemical effect of statins is therefore to reduce plasma and prevention of prostate cancer (Shannon et al.. 2005). Su.:h
LDL-C. There b also some reduction in plasma triglyceride and actions include:
increase in HDL-C. Several large randomised placebo-conrrolled
improved endothelial function
trials of the effects of llMG-CoA reductase inhibitors on morbidity
reduced vascular inflammation
and mortality have been positive.
reduced platelet aggregability
.., The Scandinavian Smmwatin Survival Swdy (4S) recruited patients increased neovascularisation of ischaemic tissue
with i\chaemic hean d:.ease and plasma cholesterol of 5.5-8.0 mmol/1;
simva,tatin lowered serum LDL-C by 35% and death by 30% (Fig. 20.2).
increased circulating endothelial progenitor cells
This wa~ accounted for by a 42% reduction in death from coronary stabilisation of atherosclerotic plaque
disease over the median follow-up period of 5.4 years. Other large trials antithrombotic actions
have confirmed reduced mortality both in patients with estnbli~hed enhanced fibrinolysis
i~chuemic hear1 di&ea5e (e.g. the Clwle!>tetvlanrl Recurrent Event.~. CARE.
inh ibition of germ cell migration during development
Trial) :md in hc;t lthy people ;~t ri:,k of coronary djsease, with a wide range
of pla,ma cholesterol value~> and other risk factOrs. and treated with
immune suppression
different Matin~ (e.g. the West of Scotlanrl Coronal)' Prevemion Study protection against sepsis.
[WOSCOPS], the Heart Protection Study and the AngloScarulinal'ian
Cardiac Otttroml'.l' Trial rASC07l). Intensive lowering of LDL-C with
The extenl to which these effects contribute to the antiathero
morva\tatin 80 mg had " greater effect on event rate than did a I0-mg matous actions of statins is unknown.
dose in a recent r.llldomi.,ed compari~cm, but with a greater incidence of
abnormally rai<>ed plru.ma tran'>llminase activity (LaRosa et al., 2005). In Pharmacokinetics
..econdary prevention trial~ of stntins. cardiovascular event rate is Shon-acting \Latins are given by mouth at night to reduce peak
approximately linearly related to the achieved plasma LDL-C over a
concentration range from approx111Jatel) 1.8 to 4.9 mmol/1. and the event cholesterol !>ynthe~is in the early morning. They arc 11cU
mte fall\ on the 5arne line in placebo and statin-treated patientS. absorbed and extracted by the liver, !.heir site of action, and are
subject to extensive presystemic metabolism via cytochrome P450
Other actions of statins and glucuronidation pathways. Simvastatin is an inactive lactone
Products of the mevalonate pathway prenylate or farnesylate prod rug; it is metabolised in the liver to its active fonn. the corre-
several imponant membrane-bound enzymes (e.g. endothelial sponding ~-hydroxy fatty acid.
NO synthase; see Ch. 17). These fatty groups serve a!> anchors,
localising the en;yme in organelles such as caveoli and Golgi Adverse eHects
apparatus. Consequently, there is currently great interest in Statins are well tolerated; mild unwanted effects include myalgia.
actions of statin~ that are unrelated, or indirectly related, to their gastrointestinal di~turbance, raised concentrations of liver enLyme~
effect on plasma LDL-C (sometimes referred to as pleiotropic in plasma, insomnia and rash. More serious adverse effect~ are rare
but include severe myositis (rhabdomyolysis) and angio-oedema.
Myositis is a class effect of stalins, occurs also with other lipid-
lowering drugs (especially fibrates) and is dose-related.' It i\
commoner in patients with small lean body mass or uncorrected
Clinical uses
-~ See the clinical box.
lV 0.90
&. - - Simvastatin FIBRATES
0.85 --Placebo
Sever-al fibric acid derivatives (fibrates) are available, includin!-
bezafibrate. ciprofibrate, gemfibroz.il. fenofibrate and clofibmte
These cau~e a marked reduction in circulating VLDL. and hl!net
P= 0.0003 triglyceride, with a modest (approximately 10%) reduction m
0.00 ...L..-"'T""-"'T""_ _ _ _ _ _ _____J
LDL-C and an approximately 10% increase in HDL-C. In one
0 2 3 4 5 6
study, gemfibrolil reduced coronary bean disease by approximate!)
Years since randomisation
one-third compared with placebo in middle-aged men with primru;

Fig. 20.2 Survival in patients with coronary heart disease
and serum c holesterol 5.5-8.0 mmol/ 1treated either with
placebo o r with s imvas tatin. The relative risk of death in the
~imvastati n group was 0. 70 (95% confidence intervals
~.58-0.85). (Based on 4S study 1994 Lancet 344: 1383-1389.)
J ' Ccrivastatin. a potent ~latin introduced at relatively rugh dose, was
withdrawn because of severe myositis occurring pamcularly in patient-
treated with gcmfibrozil---{]iscu&sed later in the chapter.

A such paLienL~ and also in alcoholic individuals, who are predisposed

Clinical uses of HMG-CoA to hypertriglyceridaemia but are at risk of rhabdomyolysis. 5
reductase Inhibitors (statins, Myositb can abo be caused (rarely) by statins (see above), and
e.g. slmvastatln. atorvastatin) the combined use of fibrates with this class of drugs is therefore
generally inadvisable (although it is sometimes undertaken by
Secondary prevention of myocardial infarction and specialists). Gastrointestinal symptoms. pmritus and rash are more
stroke in patients who have symptomatic common than with Matins. Clofi brate predisposes to gallstones,
atherosclerotiC disease (e.g. angina, transient and its use is therefore limited to patients who have had a
ischaemic attacks, or following myocardial infarction cholecystectomy (i.e. removal of the gall bladder).
or stroke).
Primary prevention of arterial disease in patients who Clinical u se
are at high risk because of elevated serum cholesterol Sec the clinical box.
concentration, especially if there are other risk factors
for atherosclerosis. Tables (available for example in
the British National Formulary) are used to target DRUGS THAT INHIBIT CHOLESTEROL
treatment to those at greatest risk. ABSORPTION
Atorvastatin lowers serum cholestero l in patients Historical ly, bile acid-binding resins were the only agents avail-
w ith homozygous fami lial hypercholestero laemia. able to reduce cholesterol absorption and were among the few
In severe drug-resistant dyslipidaemia (e.g. means to lower plasma cholesterol. Decreased absorption of exo-
heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia), genous cholesterol and increased metabolism of endogenous
ezetimibe is combined with statin treatment. cholesterol into bile acids in the liver lead to increased expression
of LDL receptors on hepatocytes, and hence to increased clear-
ance of LDL-C from the blood and a reduced concentration of
:II LDL-C in plasma. Such resins (see below) reduce the incidence
e hyperlipoproteinaemia. An HDL-C intervention trial performed of myocardial infarction, but their effect is modest and they are
-o by the US Veteran s Affairs Department in some 2500 men with bulky, unpalatable and cause diarrhoea. With the introduction of
ne coronary hean disease and low HDL-C together with low LDL-C statins, their role in treating dyslipidaemia was relegated largely to
showed that gemfibrotil increased HDL-C and reduced coronary additional treatment in patients with severe disease (e.g. familial
disease and stroke. Event rate!> were linked to changes in HDL-C hypercholesterolaemia).
but not to triglycerides or to LDL-C, suggesting that increasing 'f' Sub~equently, plant sterols and Manols have been marketed; the\e are
HDL-C with a fibrate reduces vascular risk. isolated from wood pulp and used to make margarines or yoghun.\. They
fa, The mechanism of aclion of fibrates is complex (see Fig. 20.1 ). mode'>tly reduce pla.,ma cholesterol and are tastier than resins. 6 Their
es They are agonists for a subset of l ipid-controlled gene regulatory
re elements (PPARs4 ), PPARo, which are members of the super-
a. family of nuclear receptors (Ch. 3); in humans, the main effects
iJ- are to increase transcription of the genes for lipoprotein lipase, Clinical uses of flbrates
IS apoA I and apoA5. They increase hepatic L DL-C uptake. In addition (e.g. gemflbrozll, fenoflbrate)
~d to effects on lipoproteins, fibrates reduce plasma C-reactive protein
and fibrinogen, improve glucose tolerance, and inhibit vascular Mixed dyslipidaemia (i.e. raised serum triglyceride as
smooth muscle innammation by i nhibiting the expression of the well as cholesterol), provided this is not caused by
transcription factor nuclear factor KB (see Ch. 28, p. 428). As excessive alcohol consumption. Fenofibrate is
with the pleiotropic effects of stalins (see above), there is great uricosuric, which may be useful where
interest in these actions. although again it is unknown if they are hyperuricaemia coexists with mixed dyslipidaemia.
clinically important. In patients with low high-density lipoprotein and high
risk of atheromatous disease (often type 2 diabetic
g Adverse eH ects patients; see Ch. 26).
e. Myositis is unusual but can be severe (rlzabdomyolysis). with Combined with other lipid-lowering drugs in patients
;e myoglobinuria and acute renal failure. I t occurs particularly in with severe treatment-resistant dyslipidaemia. This
in patients with renal impairment. because of reduced protein binding may, however, increase the risk of rhabdomyolysis.
te and impaired dmg elimination. Fibrates should be avoided in

'For .,everal reason\, including a tendency to lie immobile for prolonged

Standing for neroxi~ome nrolifcrator-J!ctivated receptors-don'! a~k! periods followed by gcnerali5ed convulsions-'rum fits'-and del irium
(Peroxisome~ arc organelles that arc not present in human cells. so
sornelhing of a misnomer!) Th iazolidined ione drugs used in treating
diabetes act on related PPARy receptors ; see Chapter 26. l><fhis is not. however, say ing much. 327

mecham~m i\ unclear: ~ito;tanol in the gut lumen competes with increase in Lriglycerides. The American Lipid Research Clinic\'
cholesterol for an cnterocyte cholesterol uptake receptor called NPC ILl, 7 trial of middle-aged men with primary hypercholesterolacmia
and sitosterol interferes with cholesterol transfer within the enterocyte.
showed that addition of a resin to dietary treatment caused a mean
Stano! supplement~ "-O~o homozygous sirosrerolaemia. a rare autosomal
rece\\ive dt..ea\e characteri..ed by increased intestinal absorption of plant 13% fall in plasma cholesterol and a 20-25% fall in coronary
..reroJ,. ckcrea\Cd hepauc excretion into bile and raised plasma phyrostcrols. hean disease over 7 years .
tuberous xanrhom<b (potato-like accumulations of lipid-rich material in
tendons) and :nhero~lerosis. Unwanted eHects
Because resins are not absorbed, systemic toxicity is 10\~ but
EZETIMIBE gastrointestinal symptoms-especially diarrhoea-are common and
dose-related. Resins are bulky and unappetising. They interfere
Ezetimibe is one of a group of azetidinone choleste rol absorp- with the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, and of drugs such a'
tion inhibitors, and i!. indicated as an adjunct to diet and statins chlorothiazide (Chs 19 and 24), digoxin (Ch. 18) and warfarin
in hypercholesterolaemia. It specifically inhibits absorption of (Ch. 2 1), which should therefore be taken at least I hour before
cholesterol (and of plant s tanols) from the duodenum by blocking or 4-6 hours after the resin.
NPC 1Ll in the brush border of enterocytes, without affecting the
absorptio n of fat-solub le vitamins, triglycerides or bile acids. It Clinical use
is truly a drug in the sense defined in Chapter 2 (p. 8). in conLrast They have been superseded by ezetimibe in treating
to resins, which act by combining with bile acids rather than by dyslipidae mia in adu lts; for other uses, see the clinical box.
binding to receptors; ezctimibc is consequently very much more
convenient to take because of its high potency (a daily dose of
I 0 mg compared with a dose of resin of up to 36 g of NICOTINIC ACID DERIVATIVES
colcstyra mine--a differe nce of 3600-fold), and represents a Nicotinic acid is a vitamin, and as such is essential for man~
very real advance as a substitute for resins as supplementary imponant metabolic processes. Quite separately from this, it ha,
treatment to statins in patients with severe dyslipidaemia. Its been used in gram quantities as a lipid-lowering agent. Nicotinamide
mechanism b dbtinct from that of phytosterol and phytostanol inhibits hepatic triglyceride production and VLDL secretion(~
esters, which interfere with the micellar presentation of sterols to Fig. 20.1 ), with reductions in triglyceride and LDL-C includmg
the cell 1.urface. Lp(a), and increnr.e in HDL-C. The mechanism is poorl) under
stood but is believed to be initiated by an effect on lipolysis \ia a
Pharmacokinetic aspects G-protein-coupled orphan receptor called HM74A and prt'<nt
Ezetimibe is administered by mouth and is absorbed into intes- in adipocyte membranes (see review by Karpe & Frayn. 200H It
tinal epithelial cellr., where it localises to the brush border, which also influences hepatic diacylglycerol transferase. Long-term
is its presumed site of action. lt is also extensively (> 80%) administration to survivors of myocardial infarction reduced
metabolised to eLetimibe-glucuronide, which is pharmacologically rnonality in the Coronary Drug Project trial. but unwanted ctTcch
active. Total ('parent' plus glucuronide) ezetimibe concentrations limit its clinical usc. A modified-release preparation is better lol
reach a maximum 1-2 hours after administration, followed by crated, with preserved lipid etTects, marginal adverse effecl\ on
entcrohcpatic recycling and !.low elimination. The terminal half- glycaemia nnd liver function, and efficacy on intermediate {angio-
life is approximately 22 hours. It enters milk (al least in animal graphic and ultrasound) end points; it is a real, if modest, advance.
studies) and, in conLras t to resins, is therefore contraindicated for
women who nrc breast feeding.

Adverse eHects
Ezctimibe is generally well tolerated but can cause diarrhoea,
abdominal pain or headache; rash and angio-oedema have
been reported. Clinical use of drugs that reduce
cholesterol absorption: ezetlmibe or bile
Clinical use acid-binding resins (e.g. colestyramlne)
See clinical box.
As an addition to a statin when response has been
inadequate (ezetimibe).
For hypercholesterolaemia when a statin is
Colestyra mine and colestipol are anion exchange resins. Taken contraindicated.
by mouth, they seque!>ter bile acids in the intestine and prevent their Uses unrelated to atherosclerosis, including:
reabsorption and enterohepatic recirculation (Fig. 20. 1). The con- pruritus in patients with partial biliary obstruction
centration of HDL-C is unchanged, and they cause an unwanted (bile acid-binding resin)
bile acid diarrhoea, for example caused by
diabetic neuropathy (bile acid- binding resin).
328 7
Por Niemann- Pick C 1-like protein- I

Druga In clpllpldaemla Clinical uaea of nicotinic acid

derivative are:
The main drugs used in patients with
dyslipidaemias are: as adjunct to a statin and diet in dyslipidaemia,
HMG-CoA reductase Inhibitors (statins, e.g. especially when associated with low HDL-C and
simvasta1in): inhibit synthesis of cholesterol, raised triglycerides
1ncreas1ng expression of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) when a statin is contraindicated.
receptors on hepatocytes and hence LDL cholesterol
(LDL-C) uptake. Adverse effects include myalgias (rarely,
severe muscle damage) and raised liver enzymes.
Fibrates (e.g. gemfibrozil): activate PPARa receptors, arc less strongly associated with coronary artery disease than is
increase activity of lipoprotein lipase, decrease c holesterol, but there is e pidemiological evidence that eating fish
hepatic very low-density lipoprotein producti on, and regularl y does reduce ischaemic heart disease, and dietary sup-
enhance clearance of LDL-C by the liver. They plementa tion with n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) improves
markedly lower serum triglycerides, and modestly survival in patientS who have recently had a myocardial infarction
increase high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Adverse (GTSS I-Prevenzione Inves tigators. 1999). The mechanis m may
effects include muscle damage. be the pote nt antiarrh ythmic effects of PUFA (reviewed by Leaf
Agents that interfere with cholesterol absorption, et al., 2003). The mechanism of action of fi sh oil o n plas ma
usually as an adjunct to diet plus statin: triglyceride concentrations is unknown. Fish oil is rich in PUFA,
ezetimibe including cicosapcntaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid, and it has
- stanol-enriched foods other potentially important effects including inhibition of platelet
- bile acid- binding resins (e.g. colestyramine). fu nction, prolongation of bleeding ti me, anti-inflammatory effects
Modified-release nicotinic acid. Flushing is the main and reduction of pla.~ma fibrinogen. Eicosapentaenoic acid sub-
adverse effect. stitutes fo r arachidonic acid in cell membranes and gives rise to
Fish oil derivatives- omega-3-acid ethyl esters. 3-series prostaglandi ns and thromboxanes (that is, prostanoids with
th ree double bondc; in their side-chains rather than the usual two),
and 5-~eries leukOLrienes. This probably accounts for their effects
on haemostasi~. because thromboxane A3 is much less active as
Adverse eHects a platelet-aggregating agent than is lhromboxane A2 whereas
Adverse effect~ include Oushing, palpitations and gastrointestinal PGI 1 is simiJar in potency to PGI2 as an inhibitor of platelet function.
dislllrbancc~. Fl u~hing b associated with production of PGD 2 The alteration in leukotricnc biosynthesis probably underlies the
(Ch. 13) and i-; reduced by taking the dose 30 minutes after aspirin. ami-innammatory effects of fish oil. Fish oil is contraindicated in
High doses can disturb liver function, impair glucose tolerance, patie nts with type Ila hypcrlipoproteinaemia because of the
and precipitate gout by increasing circulating urate concentration. inc rease in LDL-C that it causes. A pre paration of omega 3-acid
ethyl esters is licensed in the UK for prevention of recurre nt
events aft er myocardial infarction in addition to treatment of
hypc rtriglyceridae mia; it causes less inc rease in LDL-C and
Omega-3 marine triglyccridcs reduce plasma triglyceride concen- fewer problems wi th fishy odour, weight gain and dyspe ps ia than
trations but increase cholesterol. Plasma triglyceride concentratio ns the older fish oil preparatio ns.


Atherosclero<;b lipoprotein(a). Nature 339: 301- 303 (Su a/10 Stalins
Brown M S. Gold\letn J L 1986 A receptor-mediated com~nt: Scon J 1989 fhromb<gt-nei lm~~d to Almog Y. Shefer A. :"o11ek V et al. 2004 Pnor Stalin
pathiU) for chole,terol ho~t:l.>l\. Sctence 232: ath~rogenesis at /rut? Aaturt 341: 22-33) thcntpy " ..._'>Oeiated with a decrea.~ rote of seere
34-47 (C/awc from tht'ft' N~l Pri;t' "mnt'n; '"" Ross R 1999 Alheroscero,is-an inflamm:~tOI) dt-.ea.-.e ~P>i\. Circulauon 110: 8~85 (Statin thuap) "as
also Goltlsr~ill J l . Bm1111 M S /990 R~gu/01ron of th~ ' Eogl J Med 340: I t5-126 aJ!I<Kialetf with a ~duud rate ofsnert upsts and
mnalt>llalt' fXllh>~a.\ Ntllllrt 343 425-130) Stein 0. Stein Y 2005 Lipid tron,fer protem' (LTPJ and 111/ensrv~ cart umr admission-a role for stotins in th'
(}.J\Ies M J. Woolf~ 1993 Athero-.cleroo,b: whatts it alhero~teroo,i:.. Athero,clerosis 178: 217-230 prrvenllon of sepns ?)
and why doe~ 11 occur? Br Hcan J 69: S1 S II (Revi~wsfour lipid transfer proteuu-ACAT. CrfP. LaRo~a J C et at. for the Treating to New Targets (TNT)
( Rni~w offXIIIIO/tlfl)'lfl<lllltll(<ll~\1 1) LCAT and PLTP-and the tht'rapeutic fXIIt'ntwl of ln,estigator.; 2005lntensive Upid Jo,..ering wilh
Gin" C K. Wimum J L 2001 Atherosclerosis. The Road modulating them) atorva>tntin in parienll> with stable coronary dio;ease. N
Ahead Cell 104: 503-S 16 Fngl J Med 352: 1425-1435 (Intensive lif>ldIOI>erlllfl
~l cCully K S 1996 Homoc:y,tcutc and vn-.cular di~ea>e. Lipoprotein metabolism and dysllpid aemlas therapy atorvostatin 80 mg doily in coronary hean
Nat Mcd 2: 386 389 (Dht'll.\\es ther1111eutic promise Gervois P. Torra I P. Fruchart J C. Stuch B 2000 tlisease patie11ts prol'ided significam cli11ical benefit
of inc,etlled diewry folllle wtd vitamin 8 0 ) Regulation of li pid and lipoprotcut metabolism by beyo11tlthat afforded by 10 mg: this O<'curretl with 11
}.1iles LA. Aess G M. Levm E G ct ul. 1989 A potential PPAR activator<>. Clin Chem Lab Med 38: 3 I I fl'elller incidence of elewJted aminotra/lsferase
basis for the thmmbotic ri'k' ll'\Cx:intcd with (Review) leels)
Haemostasis and

Platelet activation leads to the formation of a haemostatic plug,

Overview 331 which stops the bleeding and is subsequently reinforced by fibrin.
Introduction 331 The relative importance of each process depends on the type of
vessel (arterial, venous or capillary) that bas been injured.
Blood coagulation 332 Thrombosis is the pathological formation of a 'haemostatic'
-Coagulation cascade 332 plug within the vasculature in the absence of bleeding. Over a
-Vascular endothelium in haemostasis and century ago, Rudolph Virchow defined l.hree predisposing factors,
thrombosis 333 still known as Yirchow's triad. This comprises injury to the vessel
Drugs that act on the coagulation cascade 334 wall-for example when an atheromatous plaque ruptures or
-Coagulation defects 334 becomes eroded: altered blood flow-for example in the left atrial
-Thrombosis 335 appendage of the hean during atrial fibrillation, or in the veins of
the legs while sitting cramped up on a long journey; and abnonnal
Platelet adhesion and activation 339 coagulabiliry of the blood-as occurs, for example, in the later
-Antiplatelet drugs 340 stages of pregnancy or during treatment with certain oral contra-
Fibrinolysis (thrombolysis) 344 ceptives (see Ch. 30). Increased coagulability of the blood can be
-Fibrinolytic drugs 344 inherited and is referred to as thrombophilia. A thrombus, which
-Antifibrinolytic and haemostatic drugs 345 forms in vivo, <;hould be distinguished from a clot, which forms
in static blood in vitro. Clots are amorphous. consisting of a diffuse
fibrin me hwork in which red and white blood cells are trapped
indiscriminately. By contrast. arterial and venous lhrombi each
OVERVIEW have a distinct structure.
An arteria/thrombus (see Fig. 2l.l) is composed of so-called
This chapter summarises the main features of white thrombus consisting mainly of platelets and Jeucocytes
blood coagulation, platelet function and in a fibrin mesh. It is usually associated with atherosclerosis. It
fibrinolysis. These processes underlie haemostasis interrupt~ blood flow, causing ischaemia or death (infarction) of
and thrombosis, and provide a basis for the tissue beyond. Venous thrombus is composed of 'red thrombus'
understanding haemorrhagic disorders (e.g. and consists of a small white head and a large jelly-like red tail,
haemophilia) and thrombotic diseases both of s imilar in composition to a blood clot, which streams away in
arteries (e.g. thrombotic stroke, myocardial the now. Thrombus can break away, forming an embolus; this
infarction) and of veins (e.g. deep vein thrombosis). may lodge in the lungs or. if it comes from the left heart or a
Drugs that act on the coagulation cascade, on carotid artery, in the brain or other organs, causing death or other
platelets and on fibrinolysis are considered. disaster.
Anticoagulants, antiplatelet drugs and fibrinolytic Drug therapy to promote haemostasis is rarely necessary, being
drugs are especially important clinically because of required only when thi~ essential process is defective (e.g. coagu-
the prevalence of thrombotic disease, and are lation factors in haemophilia or following excessive anticoagulant
emphasised for this reason. therapy). or when it proves difficult to staunch haemorrhage fol-
lowing surgery or for menorrhagia (e.g. antifibrinolytic and haemo-
static drugs: see below). Drug therapy to treat or prevent thrombosis
INTRODUCTION or thromboembolism. by comparison, is extensively used because
such discase1. are common as well as serious. Drugs affect hae-
Haemostasis is the arrest of blood loss from damaged blood
mostasis and thrombosis in three distinct ways, by affecting:
vessels and is essential to life. A wound causes vasoconstriction,
accompanied by:
blood coagulation (fibrin formation)
adhesion and activation of platelets platelet function
fibrin formation. fibrin removal (fibrinolysis). 331

Rupture of atherosclerotic
plaque in artery

[ )
Adhes1on, activation and In vivo pathway Contact
aggregation of platelets~ (tissue factor and pathway factors
factor VIla) (XII & XI)

Secretion of preform ed
mediators (e.g. ADP) and
synthesis of mediators
(e.g.TXA 2, PAF)
Thrombin +-- - - - - - _ _ , : : , - - II

Further aggregation
of platelets
- - - - - - ----(+}----:---:----:-- Fiboo~--_,;::!.__ _ _ _ _ _ __.,. Fibrin


Fig. 21 .1 The main events in the formation of an arterial thrombus. Exposure of acidic phospholipids during platelet activation
provides a surface on which factors IXa and VIla interact with factor X; factor Xa then interacts with factor II, as illustrated in more
detail in Figure 21.4. Activation of factor XII also initiates the fibrinolytic pathway, which is shown in Figure 21.1 0. (A similar series of
events occurs when there is vascular damage, leading to haemostasls.) PAF, platelet-activating factor; TXA!, thromboxane ~

BLOOD COAGULATION this accelerating enzyme cascade has to be controlled by inhibl

------~-----~~-----~ tors. becaw.e otherwise all the blood in the body would solidif}
COAGULATION CASCADE within minutes of the initiation of haemostasis. One of the mo't
important inhibitors is amithrombin Ill, which neutralises all the
Blood coagulation means the conversion of fluid blood to a solid
serine proteases in the ca~cade. Vascular endothelium also actilel)
gel or clot. The main event is the conversion by thrombin of
limits thrombus extension (see below).
soluble fibrinogen to insoluble ~trands of fibrin. the last step in a
There are two main pathways of fibrin formation (Fig. ~1.21.
complex entyme cascade. The components (called factors) arc one traditionally tenned 'intrinsic' (because all the component\ are
present in blood :l!. inactive precursors (zymogens) of proteolytic present in the blood) and the other 'extrinsic' (because some com-
enzymes and cofacto~. They are activated by proteolysis. the ponents come from outside the blood). The extrinsic path\\a) is
active forms being designated by the suffix 'a. Factors XTTa, Xla, especially important in controUing blood coagulation and can
Xa. TXa and thrombin (Tla) are all serine proteases. Activation of accurately be called the in vivo pathway. The intrinsic path\\11)
a sm:lll amount of one f:~ctor catalyses the formation of larger (better called the contact pathway) is activated when shed blood
amounts of the next factor, which catalyses the formation of still comes into contact with an artificial surface such as glass.
larger amounts of the next. and so on; consequently, the cascade
provides a mechanism of amplification. 1 As might be expected, T The in vivo (extrin;ic) pathway is initiated by 'tissue factor'. Th~> ''
the cellular receptor for factor V11, which. in the presence of Ca
undergoes an active site transition. This results in rapid autocatnl}lic
'Coagulation of 100 ml of blood requires 0.2 mg of factor VIII, 2 mg of activmion of factor VII to Vlla. The tissue factor-V[[a complex activate\
332 factor X. 15 mg of prothrombin and 250 mg of fibri nogen. factors IX nnd X. Acidic phospholipids function as surface caml,1>11.

Haemostaala and thromboala VASCULAR ENDOTHELIUM IN

Haemostasis is the arrest of blood loss from Vascular endothelium. the container of the circulating blood. can
damaged vessels and is essential to survival. The change from a non-thrombogenic to a thrombogenic structure in
main phenomena are: rcspon!tc to different demands. Normally, i t provides a non-
- platelet adheston and activation thrombogenic <;urfacc by vinuc of surface heparan sulfate, a
- blood coagulation (fibrin formation). glycosaminoglycan related to heparin, which is, like heparin, a
ThromboSIS is a pathologtcal condition resulting from cofactor for antithrombin ill. Endothelium thus plays an essential
inappropriate activation of haemostatic mechanisms: role in preventing intravascular platelet activation and coagulation.
venous thrombosis is usually associated with However, it also plays an active pan in haemostasis, synthesising
stasis of blood; a venous thrombus has a small and storing 1>everal l..ey haemostatic components; von Willebrand
platelet component and a large component of factOr, 2 tissue factor and plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAl)- I
fibrin are particularly important. PA 1- 1 is secreted in response to
arterial thrombosis is usually associat ed with angiotensin IV, receptors for which are present on endothelial
atherosclerosis, and the thrombus has a large cells, providing a link between the renin-angiotensin system (see
platelet component. Ch. 19) and thrombosis. These prothromboticfaczors are invol ved,
A portion of a thrombus may break away, travel as an
embolus and lodge downstream, causing ischaemia
and infarction.
Blood coagulation (fibrin formation)

The clotting system consists of a cascade of

proteolytic enzymes and cofactors.
Inactive precursors are activated in series, each
gtving nse to more of the next.
They are pro~ 1dcd during plmclet activation. which exposes acidic The last enzyme, thrombin, derived from prothrombin
pho~phohp1d\ (e\pecmlly pho~phaUd) I<>Crinc ), and these activate various (II}, converts soluble fibrinogen (I) to an insoluble
clottmg factor<.. clo\CI) JU'tafl(l\lllg them in functional complexe\. meshwork of fibrin in which blood cells are trapped,
Platelet' aho contribute by 'ecreting coagulation factors. including factor
forming the clot.
Va and fibrinogen . Coagulauon is sustained by further generation of
There are two pathways in the cascade:
factor Xa by !Xa Vllla....Ca 2- phospholipid complex. This is needed
becau~e the ti~MlC factor- VIIa complex i~ rapidly inactivated in pl~ma the extrinsic pathway, which operates in vivo
by tb~ue factOr pathway inhibitor and by untithrombin m. Factor Xa, in - the intrinsic or contact pathway, which operates in
the pre,ence of Ca 2 , pho,pholipid and factor Va. activates prothrombin vitro.
to thrombin. the main cntymc of the cascade. The contact (intrinsic) Both pathways result in activation of factor X, which
pathway comme nces when factor XII (Hageman factor) adheres to a
negatively churgctl ~urface and converges with the in vivo pathway at the then converts prothrombin to thrombin.
stage of factor X activntion (see Fig. 2 1.2). The proximal part of this Calcium ions and a negatively charged phospholipid
pal11way i ~ not crucial for blood coagulation in vivo. The two pathways (PL) are essential for three steps, namely the actions of:
arc not entirely ~cparate even before they converge. and various positive factor IXa on X
feedbacks promote coagulation. - factor VIla on X
- factor Xa on II.
The role of thrombin PL is provided by activated platelets adhering to the
Thrombin (factor lfa) cleaves fibrinogen, producing fragments
damaged vessel.
that polymeri~>e to form fibrin. It also activates factor xm.
a fibri - Some factors promote coagulation by binding to PL
ooligase. which ~trengthcnc, fibrin-to-fibrin links, thereby stabilising and a senne protease factor; for example, factor Va
the coagulum. In addition to coagulation, thrombin also causes in the activation of II by Xa, or VIlla in the activation of
platelet aggregation, stimulates cell proliferation and modulates
X by IXa.
smooth muscle contraction. Paradoxically, it can inhibit as well Blood coagulation is controlled by:
as promote coagulation (see below). Effects of thrombin on platelets enzyme inhibitors (e.g. antithrombin Ill}
and smooth muscle are initialed by interaction with specific
- fibrinolysis.
protease-activated receptors (PARs), which belong to the super-
family of G-protein-<:oupled receptors. PARs initiate cellular
responses that contribute not only to hacmostasis and thrombosis,
but abo to innammation and perhaps angiogenesis. The signal
2Von Willebrand factor is a glycoprotein that is missing in a hereditary
transduction mechanism is unusual: receptor activation requires
haemorrhagic di~order called von Willebrand's disease. It is synthesi!>ed by
proteolysis by thrombin of the extracellular N-terminal domain vascular cndothcliul cel l ~ (the presence of immunoreactive von Wi llebrand
of the receptor, revealing a new N-terminal sequence that acts as factor is an ide ntifying featu re or these cells in culture) and is also present
a 'tethered agonist' (sec ri g. 3.7. p. 35). in platelet.

Extrinsic pathway Intrinsic pathway

Tissue damage

Tissue factor
Ca2 +


Fig. 2 1.2 The coagulation

cascade: sites of action of
anticoagulant drugs. Oral ~~ ~)
anticoagulants interfere with post-
translational y-carbOxylation of
factors II, VII, IX and X (shown in II (Prothrombin)----L-- lito (ThomWo)- - "''
blue boxes); see Figure 21.4.

Heparins activate antithrombin Ill.
ATIII, antithrombin Ill; LMWHs, low-
molecular-weight heparins; PL,
negatively charged phospholipid
supplied by activated platelets. Ab"oogeo FiMo Isoow"'"' '""'

respectively, in platelet adhesion and in coagulation and clot stabil-

isation. However, the endothelium is also implicated in thrombus DRUGS THAT ACT ON THE
limitation. Thus it generates prostaglandin (PC) 12 (prostacyclin; COAGULATION CASCADE
Ch. 13) and nitric oxide (NO; Ch. 17); converts the platelet
Drugs are used to modify the cascade either when there is a
agonist ADP to adenosine, which inhibits platelet function
defect in coagulation or when there is unwanted coagulation.
(Ch. 12); synthesises tissue plasminoge11 activator (IPA; see below);
and expresses thrombomodulin, a receptor for thrombin. After
combination with thrombomodulin, thrombin activates protein C,
a vitamin K-dependent anticoagulant. Activated protein C, helped
by its cofactor protein S, inactivates factors Va and Vlla. This is Genetically determined deficiencies of clotting factors arc rare.
known to be physiologically important, because a naturally occur- Examples are classic haemophilia, caused by lack of factor VIII.
ring mutation of the gene coding for factor V (factor V Lei den), and an even rarer form ofhaemophilia (haemophilia B orChri,t
which confers resistance to activated protein C, resuJts in the rna!> disease) caused by lack of factor IX (also called Christma.,
commonest recogni!>ed form of inherited thrombophilia. A synthetic factor). Missing factors can be supplied by giving fresh pl:!!>ma
form of activated protein C. drotrecogin aJpha (activated), is or concentrated preparations of factor VUJ or factor IX. In
licensed for the treatment of severe septic shock with multiple the past, these have transmitted viral infections including HI\
organ failure (Ch. 19). and hepatiti B and C (Ch. 47). Pure forms of several human
Endotoxin and cytokines, including tumour necrosis factor. tilt factors arc now available. synthesised by recombinant technolog).
the balance of prolhrombotic and anti thrombotic endothelial func- but are difficult to manufacture because of the need for
tions towards thrombosi& by causing loss of heparan and expression posHran!>lational modification in mammalian cells, and they are
of tissue factor, and impair endothelial NO function. If other mech- expensive.
anisms limiting coagulation are also faulty or become exhausted, Acquired clotting defects are more common than heredital'}
disseminated intravascular coagulation can result. This is a ones. These include liver disease, vitamin K deficiency (universal
serious complication of sepsis and of certain malignancies, and in neonates) and excessive oral anticoagulant therapy, each of
334 the main treatment is to correct the underlying disease. which may require treatment with vitamin K.

Vitamin K (for Koagulation in German) is a fat-soluble vitamin 0
occurring naturally in plants (Fig. 2 1.3). It is essential for the
formation of clotting factors 11, V U, lX and X. These are all
glycoprotein~ with several -rcarboxygltlfamic acid (Gia) residues. y- Vitamin K
(natural vitamin)
Carboxylation occur. after the synthesi s of the chain, and the
carboxylase enzyme requires vi tamin K as a cofactor. The role of
the vitamin ic; clarified by considering the interaction of factors X a
and prothrombin (factor II) with Ca2+ and phospholipid. as
shown in Figure 2 1.4. Binding does not occur i n the absence of
y-carboxylation. The reduced form of vitamin K is an essential
cofactor in the car boxylation of glutamate residues (Fig. 2 1.5).
Similar considerations apply to the proteolytic activation of factor ONa
X by TXa and by V Ila (sec Fig. 2 1.2).
There are several other vitamin K-dependent Gla proteins,
including proteins C and S (see above) and osteocalcin in bone.
The effect of Lhe vitamin on osteoporosis is under investigation.

Administration and pharmacokinetic aspects Warfarin

(vitamin K antagonist)
Natural vitamin K (phytomenadione) may be given orally or by
injection. l f given by mouth, it requires bile salts for absorption,
and this occurs by a saturable energy-requiring process in the Fig . 21 .3 Vitamin K and warfarin. Warfarin, a vitamin K
antagonist, is an oral anticoagulant. It competes with vitamin K
proximal small intestine. A synthetic preparation, menadiol
(note the similarity 1n their structures) for the reductase enzyme
sodium phosphate, is also available. I t is water-soluble and does that activates vitamin K (see Fig. 21.5).
not require bile salts for its absorption. This synthetic compound \......
takes longer to act than phytomeoadione. There is very little storage
of vitamin K in the body. It is metabolised to more polar substances
that are excreted in the urine and the bile.
injectable anticoagulants (heparin and newer thrombi n
Clinical uses
oral anticoagulants (warf arin and rel ated compounds).
Clinical uses of vitamin K are summ arised in the clinical box.
Heparins act immediately, whereas oral anticoagulants take
several days to exert their effect. Consequently, patients with
venous thrombosis are treated immediately with an injectable
Thrombotic and thromboembolic disease is common and has severe anticoagulant , which is continued until the effect of warfarin has
consequences, including myocardial infarction, stroke, deep vein become established.
thrombosis and pulmonary embolus. The main drugs used for
platelet-rich ' white' thrombi are the <Ultiplatelet drugs (notably
aspirin ) and fi brinolytic drugs, which arc considered below. The
main drugs used to prevent or treat 'red' thrombus are: Clinic al use of ant icoagulants

Heparin (often as low- m olecu lar-weight

hep arin) is used acutely. Wa rfarin is used for
prolonged therapy. Anticoagulants are used to
Clinical use of vitamin K - deep vem thrombosis (e.g. perioperatively)
extension of established deep vein thrombosis
Treatment and/ or prevention of bleeding: pulmonary embolus
from excessive oral anticoagulation (e.g. by thrombosis and embolisation in patients with atrial
warfa rin) fibrillation (Ch.18)
in babies: to prevent haemorrhagic disease of the thrombosis on prosthetic heart valves
newborn. clotting in extracorporeal circulations (e.g. during
For vitamin K deficiencies in adults: haemodialysis)
sprue, coeliac disease, steatorrhoea myocardial infarction in patients with unstable
- lack of bile (e.g. with obstructive jaundice). angina.

0 2 + C02 + Glutamic acid y-Carboxyglutamic acid
Heparin (including low-molecular-weight
heparins) r (in II, VII, IX, X)
(in II, VII, IX, X)

Heparin wac; discovered in 1916 by a second-year medical

student at Johns Hopl..in'> Hospital. He was attempting to extract
thromboplastic (i.e. coagulant) substances from various tissues
during a vacation project, but found instead a powerful anticoa-
gulant activity. 1 This wac, named heparin, because it was first
Vitamin K reduced form Vitamin K oxidised form
extracted from Iiver. (hydroquinone) (epoxide)

Vitamin ~
l leparin is not a single substance but a family of sulfated glyco-
saminoglycans (mucopolysaccharides). It is present together with
/ vitamin K
hi~taminc in the granules of mast cells. Commercial preparations ~eductas~ Vi t~minK \. reductase 1
are extracted from beef lung or hog intestine and, because prep- (qu1none) ('----"""
arations differ in potency, assayed biologically against an agreed

lr ~ ~
Fig. 21.5 M echanism of vitamin K and of warfarin. Alter
the peptide chains in clotting factors II, VII, IX and X have
been synthesised, reduced vitamin K (the hydroquinone) acts
(/) as a cofactor in the conversion of glutamic acid (Giu) to y-
Xa carboxyglutamic acid (Gia). During this reaction, the reduced
form of vitamin K is converted to the epoxide, which in turn is
reduced to the quinone and then the hydroquinone.

international !>tandard: doses are specified in units of activity rather

lWJlli llUllU
than of mass.
Heparin fragments (e.g. enoxaparin, dalteparin) or a synthetic
Ca2+ 'ca2 11 pcntasaccharide (fondaparinux), referred to as low-molecular-
...!..!..!...!.!~-!.------ - - 1!... -- ~ '- '-'-'----- weight heparins (LMWHs), are used increasingly in place ol
unfractionated heparin.

Acidic phospholipid Heparin inhibits coagulaUon, both in vivo and in vitro, by activating
antithrombin Ill (see above). Antithrom bin ill in hi bits th rombin
* and other serine proteases by binding to the active serine ~ile.
Enzymic sites
l y-Carboxyglutamic
acid residues Heparin modifies this interaction by binding, via a unique pcntasac
charide sequence, to antithrombin m, changing its conformation
Activation _.r- Site of cleavage of
and accelerating its rate of action.
peptides II byXa
Thrombin is con~iderably more sensitive to the inhibitory effe~t
of the heparin antithrombin Ill complex than is factor X. To
Fig. 21.4 Activation of prothro mbin (factor II) by factor
Xa. The complex of factor Va with a negatively charged
inhibit thrombin, it is necessary for heparin to bind to the enz)me
phospholipid surface (supplied by aggregating platelets) forms as well a, to antithrombin Jll; to inhibit factor X, it is nece>'JJ)
a binding s1te for factor Xa and prothrombin (II), which have only for heparin to bind to antithrombin ill (Fig. 21.6). Anti
peptide chains (shown schematically) that are similar to one thrombin Il l deficiency is very rare but can cause thrombophilia
another. Platelets thus serve as a locahsing focus. Calcium ions and resistance to heparin therapy.
are essent1al for binding. Xa activates prothrombin, liberating
thrombin (shown in grey). (Modified from Jackson C M 1978 Br
The LMWHs increase the action of antithrombin Ill on fador
J Haematol 39: 1.) Xa but not it!> action on thrombin, because the molecules are too
small to bind to both enzyme and inhibitor, essential for inhibition
of thrombin but not for that of factor Xa (Fig. 21.6).

Yrhis kind of good fonunc aho favoured Vane and his colleague~ in their
Administration and pharmacokinetic aspects
di~covcry of PG1 2 (Ch~ 13 and 19), where they were looking for one kind of Heparin is not absorbed from the gut because of its charge and
biological activity and found another. More specific chemical assays (Ch. 6), large size, and it is therefore g iven intravenously or suhcuta
336 for all their Mreng1hs, cannot throw up this kind of unexpec1ed discovery. neously (i ntramuscular injections would cause haematomas).


Unwanted effects
Haemorrhage. The main hazard is haemorrhage, which is
treated by stopping therapy and, if necessary, giving protamin e
sulfate. This heparin antagonist is a strongly basic protein that
Heparin forms an inactive complex with heparin; it is given intravenou~ly.
The dose i~ estimated from the dose of heparin that has been
admini'>tered recently. and it is important not to give too much, as
this can itself cau~e bleeding. ff necessary. an in vitro neutralisation
test is performed on a sample of blood from the patient to provide
Heparin a more preci'>e indication of the required dose.
Thrombosis. Thi~ is an uncommon but serious adverse effect
of heparin and. a!> with warfarin necrosis (see below), may be
misattributed to the natural history of the disease for which heparin
is being administered. Paradoxically, it is associated with heparin-
induced 1hromhocytopenia (/i/7). A transitory early decrease in
platelet numbers is not uncommon, and is not clinically important.
More serious thrombocytopenia occurring 2-14 days after the stan
Fig. 21.6 Action of heparins. The schematic shows
or th erapy is uncommon and is caused by lgM or JgG antibodies
interactions of heparins, antithrombin Ill (AT Ill) and clotting
factors. To increase the inactivation of thrombin (lla) by AT Ill, against complexes of heparin and platelet factor 4. Circulating
heparin needs to interact with both substances (top), but to immune complexes bind to Fe receptors (see Ch. 13) on circulating
speed up its effect on factor Xa it need only interact with AT platelet<.. thereby activating them and releasing more platelet factor
Ill (middle). Low-molecular-weight heparins (LMW Hep) 4 and causing thrombocytopenia. Antibody also binds to platelet
increase the action of AT Ill on factor Xa (bottom), but cannot
factor 4 complexed with glycosarninoglycans on the surface of
increase the action of AT Ill on thrombin because they cannot
bind both simultaneously. (Modified from Hirsh J , Levine M endothelial cells, leading to immune injury of the vessel wall.
1992 Blood 79: 1-17.) thrombosis and dis::.eminated intravascular coagulation. LMWHs
are less liable than standard heparin to activate platelets to release
platelet factor 4, and they bind le::.s a' idly to platelet factor 4. Con-
sequently, LMWHs arc less likely than uofrnctionated heparin to
cause thrombocytopenia and thrombosis. If antibodies to
heparin- platelet factor 4 complexes have formed, however, it is
T Arter intra,enou\ lnJCCtion of a bolu5 dose. there is a phase of rapid
elimination followed by a more gradual disappearance owing both to to be expected that LMWHs could trigger these immunologically
\aturable proce~~c' (involving binding to s ites on endothelial cells and mediated adverse effects. Management of patients with thrombo-
macrophage\) and ~lower tir~t-order processes including renal excretion. embolic disease who develop HIT is therefore usually with either
A~ a resu lt , once the do\e exceed' the ~aturating concentration. a gr.:ater d a naparoid or with a direct thrombin inhibitor (see below).
proportion b dealt with by thc;e s lower processes. and the apparent half-
Danaparoid is a low-molecular-weight heparinoid consisting of
life incrca~cs with incre:J;ing dose (sutumtion kinetics: see Ch. 8).
a mixture of heparan, dermatan and chondroitin sulfates, with well-
Heparin acts immediately following intravenous administration, established antithro mbotic activity.
but the onset is delayed by up to 60 minutes when it is given Osteoporosis with spontaneous fractures has been reported
subcutaneou:.ly. The elimination half-life is approximately with long-term (6 months or more) treatment with heparin
40-90 minutes . In urgent situations, it is therefore usual to start (usually during pregnancy, when warfarin is contraindicated or
treatment with a bolus intravenous dose, followed by a constant- problematic-~ee below). Its explanation is unknown.
rate infusion. The activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), Hypoaldosterouism (with consequent hyperkalaemia) has
or some other in vitro clotting test. is measured and the dose of been described.
unfractionated heparin adjusted to achieve a value within a target Hypersensitivity reactions are rare with heparin but more
range (e.g. 1.5- 2.5 time!. control ). common with protamine. (Protamine sensitivity al o occurs in
Low-molecular-weight heparins are given subcutaneously. patient., treated with protamine zinc insulin: seep. 404. Protamine is
They have a longer elimination half- life than unfractionated extracted from fish roe. and sensitivity to protamine occurs in
heparin, and this is independent of dose (first-order kinetics), so some people with fish allergy.)
the effects are more predictable and dosing less frequent (once or
twice a day). LMWll!. do not prolong the A PTT; unlike unfrnc-
tionated heparin, the effect of a standard dose is sufficiently predict-
able that monitoring i~ not required routinely. They are eliminated
mainly by renal excretion, and unfractionated heparin is preferred Hirudin!> arc direct thrombin inhibitors derived from the anticoagu-
in renal failure. In general, they are at least as safe and effective lant present in 1.aliva from the medicinal leech. Hirudin itself has
as unfractionated heparin and are more convenient to use, because been synthesised by recombinant DNA techniques, but clinical
patients can be taught to inject themselves at home and there is trials, including Global Use of Strategies to Open Occluded
generall y no need for blood tests and dose adjustment. Coronary Arteries (GUST0)-2 and Thrombolysis in Myocardial

Infarction (TIMI)-9, have been somewhat disappointing. degradation of preformed carboxylated clotting factors. Their
Lepirudin is a related polypeptide that binds irreversibly both to onset of action thus depends on the elimination half-live~ of
the fibrin-binding and catalytic sites on thrombin. Argatroban is the relevant factors. Factor vn, with a half-life of 6 hour,, i'
a synthetic low-molecular-weight inhibitor that binds irreversibly affected first, then IX. X and II, with half-lives of 24, 40 and
to the catalytic site alone. Each of these agents is effective for 60 hours, respectively.
preventing and treating thrombosis in HIT. Lepirudin can itself
provoke antibody synthesis. Melagatran is a related inhibitor that
can be administered subcutaneously. A prodrug form of melagatran,
Administration and pharmacokinetic aspects
Warfarin is absorbed rapidly and completely from the gut after
ximelaga tra n, is an orally active direct thrombin inhibitor. It can
oral administration. It has a small distribution volume, being
be administered in a standard dose twice daily. In large clinical
strongly bound to plasma albumin (see Ch. 7). The peak concen-
trials, it has proved to be similarly effective as warfarin in pre-
tration in the blood occurs within an hour of ingestion, but
venting stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation, and it may well
because of the mechanism of action this does not coincide with the
be safer than warfarin. Disappointingly, it caused abnormal liver
peak pharmacological effect, which occurs about 48 hours later.
function in around 6% of patients, and its licensing has been
The effect on prothrombin time (PT. see below) of a single dose
delayed in consequence. Bivalirudin, another hirudin analogue,
starts after approximately 12-16 hours and lasts 4-5 days.
is used by cardiologists in selected patients undergoing percu-
Warfarin is metabolised by the hepatic mixed function oxidase
taneous coronary interventions.
P450 system, and its half-life is very variable, being of the order
'Y Various other approaches are being explored. These include several of 40 hours in many individuals.
naturally occurring anticoagulants (tissue factor pathway inhibitor,
Warfarin crosses the placenta and is not given in the fir\t
thrombomodulin and protein C) synthe~ised by recombinant technology.
A particularly ingenious approach is the development of thrombin months of pregnancy because it is teratogenic, nor in the later
agoni \t'> that are ~elective for the anticoagulant properties of thrombin. stages because it can cause intracranial haemorrhage in the baby
One '>UCh modified thrombin, differing by a single amino acid during delivery. It appears in milk during lactation. This could
subsmution, has ~ubstrate specificity for protein C. It produce\ theoretically be important because newborn infants are natural!)
anticoagulation in monkeys without prolonging bleeding times,
deficient in vitamin K. However, infants are routinely prescribed
sugge\ling that 11 may be less likely than standard anticoagulants to cause
bleeding (Gibbs. 1995; Pineda et al2004). vitamin K to prevent baemorrhagic disease (see above), so warfarin
treatment of the mother does not generally pose a risk to the
breal>t-fed infant.
VITAMIN K ANTAGONISTS: WARFARIN The therapeutic use of warfarin requires a careful balance bet
'Y Oral anticoagulant~ were discovered as an indirect result of a change
ween giving too little, leaving unwanted coagulation unchecked. and
in agricultural policy in North America in the 1920s. Sweet clover was giving too much, thereby causing haemorrhage. Therapy is com
substituted for corn in cattle feed. and an epidemic of deaths of cattle plicated not only because the effect of each dose is maximal some
from haemorrhage ensued. This turned out to be caused by 2 days after its administration, but also because numerous medical
bishydrorycoumarin in spoiled sweet clover, and it led to the discovery of
and environmental conditions modify sensitivity to warfarin,
wa rfarin (named for the .Wisconsin Alumni Research foundation). One
of the first uses to which this was put was as a rat poison. but for the past including interactions with other drugs (see Ch. 52). The effect of
50 years it has been the standard anticoagu lant for the treatmen t and warfarin is monitored by measuring PT, which is expressed as an
prevention of thromboembolic disease. international normalised ratio (INR).
Warfarin (Fig. 21.3) is the most important oral anticoagulant; 'Y The PT is the time taken for clotting of citrated plasma after the
alternatives with a simi lar mechanism of action, for example add ition of Ca1 and ~tandardised reference thromboplastin; it 11
expressed us the ratio (PT ratio) of the PT of the patient to the PT of a
phenindione, arc now used only in rare patients who experience
pool of pl a~ma from healthy subjects on no medication. Because of the
idiosyncratic adverse reactions to warfarin. Warfarin and other variability of thromboplaslins, different results are obtained in different
vitamin K antagonists require frequent blood tests to iodividu- laborntorie~. To Mandardise PT measurements internationally. each
ali!.e dose, and arc consequently inconvenient as well as having thrombopla;tin is ~~igned an international sensitivity index (lSI), and the
a low margin of safety; hopes that the oral direct thrombin patient's PTi~expre'>'>ed as an INR. where INR = (PTratio)151 Thisklnd
of nonnalisation procedure shocks puris~ but provide~ ~imilar !'e'Uits
inhibitor ximelagatran (see above) would replace warfarin for
when a pattent mo"e' from. say. Birmingham to Baltimore, pennitun~
some at Jeac;t of it!. many indications have been put on hold ac; a warfarin dose adju~tment independent of laboratory. Pra~matc
result of hepatotoxicity. haematologtsts argue that the proof of the pudding is in the eating'

The do e of warfarin is usually adjusted to give an INR of 2-4.

Mechanism of action
the precise target depending on the clinical situation. The
Vitamin K antagonists act only in vivo and have no effect on
duration of treatment also varies, but for several indication~
clotting if added to blood in vitro. They interfere with the post-
(e.g. to prevent thromboembolism in chronic atrial fibrillauon)
translational y-carboxylation of glutamic acid residues in clotting
treatment is long term.
factors II, VIT, IX and X. They do this by inhibiting enzymic
reduction of vitamin K to its active bydroquinonc form
(Fig. 2 1.5). Inhibition is competitive (reflecting the structural Factors that potentiate oral anticoagulants
similarity between warfarin and vitamin K, Fig. 21 .3). Their effect Various diseases and drugs potentiate warfarin, increasing the
338 takes several days to develop because of the time taken for risk of haemorrhage.

Disease only s lowly after the inducing drug is discontinued, making it

Liver disease interfere~ with the synthesis of clotting factors; difficult to adjust the dose appropriately.
condition. in which there is a high metabolic rate, such as fever Drugs that reduce absorption. Drugs that bind warfarin in the
and thyrotoxicosi,, increase the effect of anticoagulants by gut, for example colestyramine, reduce its absorption.
increasing degradation of clotting factors.
Unwanted effects
Drugs (see also Chs 8 and 52) Haemorrhage (c'>pecially into the bowel or the brain) is the main
Many drug'> potentiate warfarin. hau:trd. Depending on the urgency of the situation, treatment may
Agents that inhibit hepatic drug metabolism. Exan1ples con'>i\1 of withholding warfarin (for minor problems). adminis-
include cimetidine. imip ra m ine. co-trimoxazole. chJoramphe- tration of vitamin K. or fresh plasma or coagulation factor con-
nicol. cipronoxacin. m etro nidazole. amiodar one and many centrates (for life-threatening bleeding). OraJ anticoagulants arc
antifungal azote.,. Stereoselective effects (warfarin is a racemate. teratogenic. Hepatotoxicity occurs but is uncommon. Necrosis of
and its isomers arc metabolised differently from one another) are soft tissues (e.g. breast or buttock) owing to thrombosis in venules
described in Chapter 52. occurs shonly after staning treatment and is attributed to inhibition
Drugs that inhibit platelet f unction. Aspirin increases the of biosynthesis of protein C. which has a sboner elimination half-
risk of bleeding if give n during warfarin therapy, although this life than do the vitamin K-dependent coagu lation factors; this
combinatio n can be used safely with careful mon itoring (e.g. results in a procoagulant state soon after starting lreatment. This is
Turpic, 1993). Other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs a rare but serious adverse effect Treatment with bepari11 is usually
(NSAIDs) also increase the risk of bleeding, partly by their effect staned before warfarin, avoiding this problem except in individ ual!.
on platelet thromboxanc synthesis (Ch. 14) and. in the case of experiencing lilT as an adverse effect of heparin (see above).
~orne NSAIDs. also by inhibiting warfarin metabolism as above.
Some antibiotic.,, includi11g moxalactam and carbenicillin, inhibit Clinical use
platelet function. The clinical use of anticoagulants is summarised in the box on
Drugs that displace warfarin from binding sites on plasma page 335.
albumin. Some of the SAID!. and chloral hydra te, for example,
result in a tran,ient increa\e in the concenlration of free warfarin
in plasma. Thi., mechani'>m '>eldom causes clinically imponant PLATELET ADHESION AND ACTIVATION
effects. unle!ts accompanied in addition by inhibition of warfarin
metabolism. a' with phen) lbutazone (Ch. 52). Platelets maintain the integrity of the circulation: a low platelet
Drugs that inhibit reduction of vitamin K. Such dmgs count result'> in thrombocytopenic purpura. 4
include the cephalosporins. When plateletl> are activated, they undergo a sequence of reac-
Drugs that decrease the availability of vitamin K. Broad- tion!. that are esl.ential for haemostasis, important for the healing
spectrum antibiotics and some wlfonamides (see Ch. 46) depress of damaged blood vessels, and play a pan in inflarnmation (see
the intestinal nora that normally synthesise vitamin K2 (a form Ch. 13). The~e reactions. several of which are redundant (in the
of vitamin K made by gut bacteria); this bas little effect unless sense that if o ne pathway of activation is blocked another is
there is concurrent dietary deficiency. available) and several autocatalytic, include:

adhesion fol lowing vascular damage (via von Wille brand

facto r bridging between subendothelial macromolecules and
Factors that lessen the effe ct of oral
glycoprotein (GP) lb receptors on the platelet s urface)5
shape change (from smooth discs to spiny spheres with
Physiological state/disease protruding p~eudopodia)
There is a decrea~ed rel.ponse to warfarin in conditions (e.g. secretion of the gran ule contents (including platelet agonists,
preRJWncy) where there is increa ed coagulation factor synthesis. such as ADP and 5-hydroxytryptamine, and coagulation factors
Similarly. the effect of oral anticoagulants is lessened in and growth factors, such as platelet-derived growth factor)
hypothyroidism, which ill associated with reduced degradation of biosynthesis of labile mediators such as platelet-activating
coagulmion factors. factor and thromboxane (TX) A 2 (see Fig. 21.7)
agRregation, which i~ promoted by various agonists,
Drugs (see also Chs 8 and 52) including collagen, thrombin, ADP, 5-hydroxytryptamine and
Several drug'> reduce the effectiveness of warfarin; this leads to TXA 2 acting on specific receptors on the platelet surface:
increased doses being used to achieve the target INR. If the dose activation by agonists leads to expression of GPIIb/Illa
of warfarin is not reduced when the interacting drug is discon-
tinued. this can result in over-anticoagulation and haemo rrhage.
Vitamin K. This vitamin is a component of some parenteral Purpura mean' tl purple rash cau~ed by multiple spontaneous bleeding
feeds and vitamin preparations. poims in the skin. When thh b cau!>ed by reduced circulating plateletS,
Drugs that induce hepatic P450 enzymes. Enzyme induction bleeding can occur imo other organ~. including the gut and brain.
(e.g. by rifa mpicin, carbamazepine, barbiturates, griseofulvin) 'Various platelet membrane glycoproteins are receptors or binding sites for
increase!> the rate of degradation of warfarin. Induction may wane adhesive protein> Mach a.~ von Willebrand factor or fibrinogen. 339

Drugs affecting blood coagulation Platelet function

Procoagulant drugs: vitamin K Healthy vascular endothelium prevents

Reduced vitamin K is a cofactor in the post- platelet adhesion.
translational y-carboxylation of glutamic acid (Giu) Platelets adhere to diseased or damaged areas and
residues in each of factors II, VII, IX and X. The become activated, i.e. they change shape, expostng
y-carboxylated glutamic acid (Gla) residues are negatively charged phospholipids and glycoprotein
essential for the interaction of these factors with Ca2 (GP) lib/lila receptors, and synthesise and/or release
and negatively charged phospholipid. various mediators, for example thromboxane A2 and
ADP. which activate other platelets, causing
Injectable anticoagulants (e.g. heparin, low-
molecular-weight heparins)
Aggregation entails fibrinogen binding to GPIIb/llla
Potentiate antithrombin Ill, a natural inhibitor that
receptors on adjacent platelets.
inactivates Xa and thrombin.
Activated platelets constitute a focus for fibrin
Act both In vivo and in vitro.
Anticoagulant activity results from a unique
Chemotactic factors and growth factors necessary for
pentasaccharide sequence with high affinity for
repair, but also implicated in atherogenesis, are
antithrombin Il l.
released during platelet activation.
Heparin therapy is monitored via activated partial
thromboplastin time, and dose individualised.
Low-molecular-weight heparins have the same effect
on factor X as heparin but less effect on thrombin;
therapeutic efficacy is similar to heparin but monitoring
and dose individualisation are not needed. Patients
can administer them subcutaneously at home. Antlplatelet drugs

Oral anticoagulants (e.g. warfarin) Aspirin inhibits cycle-oxygenase irreversibly.

lnhibtt the reduction of vitamin K, thus inhibiting the The balance between prostaglandin (PG) 12 (an
y-carboxylation of Glu in II, VII, IX and X. inhibitor of aggregation generated by vascular
Act only in vivo, and their effect is delayed until endothelium) and thromboxane (a stimulant of
preformed clotting factors are depleted. aggregation generated by platelets) is thus altered,
Many factors modify their action; drug interactions because the endothelium can synthesise more
are especially important. enzyme but platelets cannot. Aspirin is very
There is wide variation in response; their effect is important clinically.
monitored by measuring the international normalised Clopidogrel is a prodrug. Given by mouth, it inhibits
ratio (INA) and the dose individualised accordingly. platelet responses to ADP. Its actions are additive
with aspirin.
Antagonists of GPIIb/ llla receptors include a
monoclonal antibody (abciximab) and several
receptors that bind fibrinogen, and this links adjacent
oligopeptides (e.g. tirofiban). They inhibit diverse
platelets, sticking them together (aggregation)
agonists, for example ADP and thromboxane (TX) A2,
expo.mre of acidic phospholipid on the platelet surface,
because different pathways of activation converge on
promoting thrombin formation (and hence further platelet
GPIIb/llla receptors. They are used intravenously for
activation via thrombin receptors and fibrin formation via
short-term treatment.
cleavage of fibrinogen; see above).
Dipyridamole is a phosphodiesterase inhibitor. It is
These processes are e '>ential for haemostasis but may be inappro- used in addition to aspirin.
priately triggered if the artery wall is diseased. most commonly Epoprostenol (synthetic PG12l is chemically unstable.
with atherosclerosis, resulting in thrombosis (Fig. 2 1.7). Given as an intravenous infusion, it acts on I
Prostanoid (IP) phosphate receptors on vascular
smooth muscle and platelets (Ch. 15}, stimulating
adenylate cyclase and thereby causing vasodilatation
Platelets play ~uch a critical role in thromboembolic disease that and inhibiting aggregation caused by any pathway
it is no surprise that antiplatelet drugs are of great therapeutic (e.g. ADP and ~).
value. Clinical triab of aspirin radically altered clinical practice, Agents that inhibit T~ synthesis or block TXA2
and more recently drugs that inhibit ADP and GPTTb/IITa have also receptors, or have both actions, are available but are
been found to be therapeutical ly useful. Sites of action of antiplatelet not used clinically.
340 drugs arc shown in Figure 2 1.7.

Ruptured atherosclerotic plaque )

Adhesion of platelets to
thrombogenic surface

Activation of platelets
Exposure of
------------~ acidic
p hospholipids

AA generation

Production of cyclic


Release of ADP etc. ~ Synthesis of TXft.:! Direct thrombin

TXA2 -
(e.g . hirudin)
Tlclopldlne receptor
Clopldogrel antagonists
Expression of GP
lib/lila receptors

Antagonists of GP

!---<- >---t

Linkage of adjacent platelets

lib/lila receptors (e.g.
abclxlmab, tirofiban)

by fibrinogen binding to
GP lib/lila receptors

AGGREGATION of Epoprostenol, NO

Fig. 21 .7 Platelet activation. Events involved in platelet adhesion and aggregation are shown, with the sites of action of drugs and
endogenous mediators. AA, arachidonic acid; ADP, adenosine bisphosphate; GP, glycoprotein; NO, nitric oxide; ~. thromboxane ~
"--- _./

is relatively selective for platelets because of presystemic

elimination (sec p. 117). Furthermore. vascular endothelial cells
Aspirin (see Ch. 14, pp. 234-235) alters the balance between can synthesise new enzyme via regeneration of COX-I
TXA2 , which promotes aggregation. and PGI2, which inhibits it. and via COX-2, whereas platelets (which comain only COX-I
Aspirin inactivates cycle-oxygenase (COX)-acting mainly on and have no nuclei) cannot. After administration of aspirin,
the constitutive form COX- 1-by irreversibly acetylating a serine TXA2 synthesis does not recover until the affected cohort of
residue in its active l>ite. This reduces both TXA2 synthesis in platelets is replaced in 7-10 days. Consequently, low doses of
platelets and PG 12 synthesis in endothelium. Oral administration aspirin given once every 24 or 48 hours decrease the synthesis 341

of TXA 1 without drastically reducing PGI2 synthesis. Clinical death in \uch pat ienL~ by around 15%-a similar effect to that of
trials have demon~trated the efficacy of aspirin in several clinical a~pirin (25 mg twice daily). 6 The beneficial effects of a~ptrin
setting!> (e.g. Fig. 21.8). with similar efficacy over a dose range and dipyridamole were additive. Headache was the commone't
of 50- 1500 mg per day, all of which doses nearly completely adverse effect of dipyridamole: unlike aspirin, it caused no
aboli!.h platelet thromboxane biosynthesis (see the clinical box exce!.s risk of bleeding.
on p. 343). Adve~ effecLc; of aspirin. mainly on the gastrointestinal
tract (pp. 232-234), are. however. clearly dose-related. so a low
dose (often 75 mg once daily) is usually recommended for
thromboprophylaxis. Treatment failure can occur despite taling Ticlopidine inhibiL'> ADP-dependent aggregation. IL\ action 1~ ,JO\I
a-.pirin, and there i' currently interest in the possibility that some in onset, taking 3 7 days to reach maximal effect, and it worl'
patients exhibit a syndrome of 'aspirin resistance'. although through an active metabolite that blocks platelet P~v 1 ~ receptof\
the mechanism and pos~iblc importance of this remains (sec Ch. 12, p. 199). It~ efficacy in reducing stroke is simtlar to
controversial (sec Sande~on et al.. 2005, for a review). Other that of aspirin, but idiosyncratic unwanted effects, including
non-steroidal drugs (e.g. sulfinpyrazone, for which there is sup- severe blood dyscrasia~ (e~pecially neutropenia), have limited it>
portive trial evidence) may have similar antilhrombotic effects long-term u~e.
to aspirin, but they differ from aspitin in several potentially C lopidogrel is structurally related to ticlopidine and also
important ways (notably in being revers ible rather than inhibits ADP-induced aggregation through an active metabolite.
irreversible inhibitOr!. of COX), so it is unwise to assume this in Like ticlopidine, it can cause rash or diarrhoea, but ncutropcnta
the absence of clinical trials. is no more common than with aspirin. Clopidogrel wa~ ~light!)
more effective than a~pirin in reducing a composite outcome of
ischacmic ~troke, myocardial infarction or vascular death in on~
large trial. Because ADP antagonists inhibit a separate pathwa} ot
The value of dipyrida mole-a phosphodiesterase inhibitor (sec platelet activation than that which is inhibited by aspirin. theirefTcc'
Ch. 19. p. 307)-ha~ been clarified by the European Stroke add to those of aspirin. Clinical trials of adding clopidogrel o
Pre.,ention Study 2 in patients with a history of ischaemic stroke or aspirin in patients with acute coronary syndromes7 (see Fig. 21.9)
transient cerebral io;chaemic attack. This showed that a modified- and (in a megatrial of O\'er 45 000 patients) in patients \\ith au e
relea.,e form of dipyridamole reduced the risk of stroke and myocardial infarction (COMMIT CoUaborathe Group. 2005) h;11e
confirmed that combined treatment reduces mortality. Pretreatment
with clopidogrel and aspirin followed by long-term therap) h
also effective in patients with ischaemic heart disease undcrgomg
percutaneous coronary interventions.
Placebo Infusion
and placebo
tablets-......... GLYCOPROTEIN liB/lilA RECEPTOR
AntagoniMs of the GPilb/Ula receptor have the theoretical attntc
tion that they inhibit all pathways of platelet activation (because

400 these all converge on activation of GPllbfllla receptors). A
~ hybrid murine human monoclonal antibody Fab fragment directed
~~ 300
against the GPilblll la receptor. which rejoices in the catchy litt l~
name of abciximab. is licensed for use in highrisk patient\
0 undergoing coronary angioplasty, as an adjunct to heparin and
Streptokinase infusion
jJ and aspirin tablets a~pirin. It reduces the risk of restenosis at the expense of an
c: 200 increased risk of bleeding. lmmunogenicity limits its u c 10 1
~ ~ingle administration.
'5 Tirofiban and eptifibatide are cyclic peptides based on the
100 Arg-Giy-Asp ('RGD') sequence that is common to ligand' for

0 ~---r--------------------------~
0 7 14 21 28 35
Days from start of trial
"Thi' d<hC rcgancn of a~pirin L\ unconventional. being somewhat lo"er
Fig. 21.8 Efficacy of aspirin and streptokinase for than the 75 mg once daily commonly used in thromboprophylaxi,.

myocardial infarction. The curves show cumulative vascular
mortality in patients treated with placebo, aspirin alone, Acute coronary ~yndrome'> include unstable angina (p. 286) and
streptokinase atone or a combined aspirin-streptokinase myocardial infarction that hm, not extended through the wall of the hean.
regimen. (ISIS-2 trial 1988 Lancet ii: 35G-360.) The clinical picture i~ similar to transmuml infarction, but there is no ST
342 segment elevation on the dectrocardiogram.




~ 0.10
N 0.08
~ 0.06
Fig. 21.9 Effect of adding ::J 0.04
clopidogrel to aspirin. The curves
show cumulative hazard rates for
major vascular events in patients 0.02
with acute coronary syndromes
treated either with placebo + aspirin 0.00
or clopidogrel + aspirin. (Modified
0 3 6 9 12
from CURE lnveslgators 2001 N
Engl J Med 345: 494-502.) Months of follow-up
GPil bll lla receptor... Given intravenously, these agents reduce early Clinical use of antiplatelet drugs
events in acute coronary ~yndrome~ when given as an adjunct to The clinical use of anti platelet drugs is summarised in the clinical
aspirin and a heparin preparation. but long-term oral therapy with box below.
GPII bfllla receptor antagonists i~ not effective and may be harmful.
Unsurprisingly, they increase the risk of bleeding.

OTHER ANTIPLATELET DRUGS Clinical uses of antlplatelet drugs

Epoprostenol (PGI,) may be administered imo blood entering

The main drug is aspirin. Other drugs with
the dialy~is circuit to prevent thrombosis during haemodialysis,
distinct actions (e.g. dipyridamole, clopidogrel) can
especially in patients in whom heparin is contraindicated. It is also
have additive effects, or be used in patients who are
used in ~evcre pulmonary hypertension (Ch. 19. pp. 316-318) and
intolerant of aspirin. Uses of antiplatelet drugs relate
circulatory shock. It i1. unstab le under physiological conditions
mainly to arterial thrombosis and include:
and has a half-life of around 3 minutes, so it is adm inistered by
acute myocardial infarction
an intravenous infusio n pump. Adverse effects related to its
high risk of myocardial infarction, including a
vasodilator action include nushing, headache and hypotension.
history of myocardial infarction, angina or
T Thrombo.mne Azlw:epror ('TP') onragonisrs (e.g. GR32191) are intermittent claudication (see Ch. 19)
unlikely to be more eiTcctivc than low-dose aspirin but could have fewer
following coronary artery bypass grafting
adver<>c effect\. TXA 2 ~ynrhesis inhibitors ('TXSl'. e.g. daz.oxiben, an
analogue of imidaLolc) increase PGI~ synthesis. as a consequence of
unstable coronary syndromes (clopidogrel is
divcr,ion of endopcroxide intem1ediates from TXA1 synthesis to PGI~ added to aspirin)
symhe;io,, a' well a~ reducing TXA~ production. However. they only following coronary artery angioplasty and/or
weakly mh1b11 platelet function in vitro. probably because pro.,taglandin stenting (tntravenous glycoprotein lib/lila
cndnp.!rOxldC' (e.g. PGH 2 ) arc agonist;, at thromboxanc receptor<>.
antagonists, e.g. abciximab, are used in some
Compound' that ha\e both TXA~ ;,ynthetase inhibition as well a' TXA~
receptor-blod.mg aciiHty offer a better pos,ibilit) of selccti\Cl) inhibiting
pattents in addition to aspirin)
thromboxanc o,ynthe'" while mcrea.,ing PGI~ S)nthesis. and drug' with trans1ent cerebral ischaemic attack ('ministrokes')
thi' combination of Jct1v1tie' (e.g. ridogrel) arc in development. or thrombotic stroke, to prevent recurrence
{dipyridamole can be added to aspirin)
atrial fibrillation, if oral anticoagulation is
Other antiplatelet drugs (e.g. epoprostenol [PGI:J;
see Ch. 13) have specialised clinical applications (e.g.
"The UK National l n~titute for Clinical Excellence belied su;.picions that it
was actually an in\tl tute for rationing the use of expen;ive drugs by
In haemodialysis or haemofiltration, Ch. 24, or in
endor~ing GP II b/llla antagonist in ucute coronary syndromes when a pulmonary hypertension, Ch. 19).
pcn;utancou~ invention i desirable but has to be delayed.

inactivmed by plasmin inhibitors. including PAI-l (see abo'e and Ch.l9.

FIBRINOLYSIS (THROMBOLYSIS) p. 304), which protect us from digesting ourselves from within.

When the coagulation system is activated, Lhe fibrinolytic system Drugs affect t11is system by increasing or inhibiting fibrinolysis
is also c;et in motion via ~everal endogenous plasminogen (fibrinolytic and antifibrinolytic drugs. respectively).
activators, including tPA. urokinase-type plasminogen activator,
kallikrein and neutrophil elastase. tPA is inhibited by a structurally FIBRINOLYTIC DRUGS
related lipoprotein, lipoprotein(a), increased concentrations of
Figure 21.10 summarises the interaction of Lhe fibrinolytic
which constitute an independent risk factor for myocardial infarction
system with the coagulation cascade and platelet activation, and
(Ch. 20, p. 323). Plasminogen is deposited on the fibrin strands
the action of drugs that modify this. Several fibrinolytic (throm-
within a thrombus. Plasminogen activators are serine proteases
bolytic) drugl> are used clinically. principally to reopen the occluded
and are un~table in circulating blood. They diffuse into thrombus
coronary artery in patients with acute myocardial infarction, less
and cleave plasminogen to release plasmin (see F ig. 21. I 0).
commonly in patients with life-threatening venous thrombosis or
T Pla~min is trypsin -like. acting on Arg-Lys bonds. and thus digests not pulmonary embolism.
only fibrin but fibrinogen; factor~ II. V and VIU; and many other protein~.
Strep tok i nase is a protein extracted from cultures of strepto-
It is formed locally and acts on the fibrin meshwork, generating fibrin
degradation product!. and lysing the cloL ll~ action is localised to the clot, cocci. It activates plasminogen. I nfused intravenously, it reduces
because pla8minogcn activators are ell'ective mainly on plasminogen mortality in acute myocardial infarction, and this beneficial effect
adsorbed to fibrin: any plasmin that escapes into the circulation is is additive with aspirin (Fig. 21 .8). Its action is blocked by anti-

_ Plaque rupture

Platelet Activation of
adhesion clotting factors,
{ activation tissue factor, Xlla,
aggregation Xa,lla etc.

FIBRIN forms the
framework of the


~ Fibrin
Tranexamic acid products

Anistreplase Plasminogen Proactivators in
Alteplase acttvator plasma and
Reteplase A tissues

Fig. 21 .10 Fibrinolytic system. The schematic shows interactions with coagulation and platelet pathways and sites of action of
drugs that modify these systems. LMHs, low-molecular-weight heparins. For more details of platelet activation and the coagulation
:- ------
cascade, refer to Figures 21.1, 21.2 and 21. 7. _______________________________________________________________ /

bodies, which appear about 4 days or more after the initial dose.
At least I year must elap e before it is used again.
A ltepl ase and d uteplase are. respectively, single- and double-
chain recombinant tPA. They are more active on fibrin-bound Tranexamic acid inhibits plasminogen activation and thus
plasminogen than on plasma plasminogen, and are therefore said prevents fibrinolysis. It can be given orally or by intravenous
to be 'clot-selective'. Recombinant tPA is not antigenic, and can injection. It is u:.ed to treat various conditions in which there is
be used in patients likely to have antibodies to streptokinase. bleeding or risk of bleeding. such as haemorrhage following
Because of their short half-lives, they must be given as intra- prostatectomy or dental extraction. in menorrhagia (excessive
venous infusions. Reteplase is similar but has a longer elimin- menstrual blood loss) and for life-threatening bleeding following
ation half-life, allowing for bolus administration and making for thrombolytic drug administration. lt is also used in patients with
simplicity of admini!>lration. ft is available for clinical use in the rare disorder of hereditary angio-oedema.
myocardial infarction. A protinin inhibits proteolytic enzymes and is used for
hyperplasminaemia caused by fibrinolytic drug overdose and in
Unwanted eHects and contraindications patients at risk of major blood loss during cardiac surgery.
The main ha1,ard of all fibrinolytic agents is bleeding, including
gastrointestinal haemorrhage and stroke. If serious, this can be
treated with trancxamic acid (see below), fresh plasma or
coagulation factors. Streptokinase can cause allergic reactions Fibrinolysis and drugs modifying
and low-grade fever. Streptokinase causes a burst of plasmin fibrinolysis
formation, generating kinins (see Ch. 13), and can cause hypo-
tension by this mechanism. A fibrinolytic cascade is initiated concomitantly with
Contraindications to the use of these agents are active internal the coagulation cascade, resulting in the formation
bleeding, haemorrhagic cerebrovascular disease, bleeding diath- within the coagulum of plasmin, which digests fibrin.
eses, pregnancy, uncontrolled hypertension. invasive procedures Various agents promote the formation of plasmin from
in which haemostasis i'> important, and recent trauma-including its precursor plasminogen, for example streptokinase,
vigorous cardiopulmonary resuscitation. and tissue plasminogen activators (tPAs) such as
a lteplase, duteplase and reteplase. Most are
Which fibrinolytic agent is best? infused; reteplase can be given as a bolus injection.
Several large placebo-controlled studies in patients with myo- Some drugs (e.g. tranexamic acid, aprotinin) inhibit
cardial infarction have l.hown convincingly that fibrinolytic drugs fibrinolysis.
reduce mortality if given within 12 hours of the onset of symp-
toms. and that the sooner they are administered the better is the
result. Much has been written as to which drug is best, but an
authoritative review (Collins et al., 1997) concluded that:
Clinical uses of fibrinolytic drugs
... the choice of fibrinolytic drug makes little difference to the
overall probability of stroke-free survival, because the regimens
The main drugs are streptokinase and tissue
that dissolve coronary thrombi more rapidly produce greater
plasminogen ac tivat ors (tPAs), for example
ri sks of cerebral haemorrhage... it is ... important that any
t enect eplase.
uncertainties about which fibrinolytic regimen or dose of
The main use is in acute myocardial infarction, with
aspirin to usc do not engender uncertainty about whether to use
ST segment elevation on the ECG within 12 hours of
fibrinolytic and antiplatelet therapies routinely.
onset (the earlier the better!)
The important thing is to open up the thrombosed coronary artery Other uses include:
as swiflly as possible. lf facilities are available to do this mech- acute thrombotic stroke within 3 hours of onset
anically (percutaneous coronary intervention), this is at least as (tPA), in selected patients
good as using a lytic drug. clearing thrombosed shunts and cannulae
acute arterial thromboembolism
Clinical use life-threatening deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary
The clinical use of fibrinolytic agents is summarised in the embolism (streptokinase, given promptly).
clinical box.


Blood coagulation und anticoagulants Clouse L H. Camp PC 1987 The rcgulnuon of Coughlm S R 2000 Thrombin signalling und protea,e
Bates SM. Wcit7 J I 2003 Emerging ;'"t icoagulant hemostasis: the protein C 'YMCm. N Engl J Med 3 14: uctivarcd receptors. Nature 407: 258-264 (Review.>
drugs. AneriosclcrThmmb Vase Biol 23: 1491-1500 1298-1304 celllllar acrioas ofrllrombill via PARs: .let' al>o Brass
The haemopoietic system

function of platelets is discussed in Chapter 21, and that of

Overview 347 leucocytes in Chapter 13. Drugs used in the chemotherapy of
The haemopoietic system 347 leukemias, a very important part of oncology, are described in
-Types of anaemia 347 Chapter 5 1.

Haematinic agents 348

-Folic acid and vitamin B12 350 Anaemia is defined as a reduced concentration of haemoglobin in
Haemopoietic growth factors 352 the blood. It may give rise to fatigue but, especially if it is chronic,
-Erythropoietin 353 is often l>Urprisingly asymptomatic. The conunonest cause is blood
-Colony-stimulating factors 354 loss related to menstruation and child bearing, but there are several
different types of anaemia and several different diagnostic levels.
Determining indices of red cell siL.e and haemoglobin content and
microscopical examination of a stained blood smear of blood allow
characterisation into:
hypochromic, microcytic anaemia (small red cells with low
In this chapter, we summarise the different kinds of haemoglobin: caused by iron deficiency)
anaemia and cover the main haematinic agents macrocytic anaemia (large red cell , few in number)
used to treat them, namely iron, folic acid and normochromic normocytic anaemia (fewer normal-sized red
vitamin 8 12 We also cover erythropoietin, a cells. each with a normal haemoglobin content)
growth factor specific for red blood cells used to mixed pictures.
treat anaemia of chronic disease, and several other
Further evaluation may include determination of concentrations
haemopoietic factors, known as colony-stimulating
of ferritin, iron, vitamin 8 12 <md folic acid in serum (haematinics),
factors (CSFs), which are used to increase numbers
and microscopic examination of smears of bone marrow. This leads
of circulating white blood cells.
to more precise diagnostic groupings of anaemias into:
defi ciency of nutrients necessary for haemopoiesis, most
- iron
The main components of the hacmopoictic system are the blood,
-folic acid and vitamin 8 12
bone marrow, lymph nodes and thymus, with the spleen, liver and
-pyridoxine, vitamin C.
kidneys as important accessory organs. Blood consists of formed
depression of the bone marrow, caused by:
elements (red and white blood cells and platelets) and plasma. It
-toxin!. (e.g. drug~ U\Cd in chemotherapy)
has diverse functions, including key roles in host defence (Ch. 13)
-radiation therapy
and haemostasis (Ch. 21 ). This pre ent chapter deals mainly with
--diseases of the bone marrow of unknown origin (e.g.
red cells, which have the principal function of carrying oxygen.
idiopathic aplastic anaemia, leukaemias)
Their oxygen-carrying power depends on their haemoglobin
- reduced production of, or responsiveness to, erythropoietin
content. The most important site of formation of red blood cells in
(e.g. chronic renal fai lure, rheumatoid arthritis, AIDS).
adults is the bone marrow, whereas the spleen acts as their grave-
excessive destruction of red blood cells (i.e. haemolytic
yard. Red cell loss in healthy adults is precisely balanced by pro-
anaemia); this has many causes, including
duction of new cells. The liver stores vitamin B 12 and is involved
haemoglobinopathies (such as sickle cell anaemia), adverse
in the process of breakdown of the haemoglobin liberated when
reactions to drugs, and inappropriate immune reactions.
red blood cells are destroyed. The kidney manufactures erythro-
poietin. Cells from various organs synthesise and release CSFs, It is important tO note that the use of haematinic agents is often
which regulate the production of leucocytes and platelets. The only an adjunct to treatment of the underlying cause of the 347

anaemia-for example surgery for colon cancer (a common cause haem group can carry one oxygen molecule, which is bound
of iron deficiency) or anthelminthic drugs for patients with hook- reversibly to Fe 2+ and to a histidine residue in the globin chain.
worm (a frequent cause of anaemia in parts of Africa and Asia; This reversible binding is the basis of oxygen transport.
Ch. 50). Sometimes treatment consists of stopping an offending
drug, for example a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that Iron turnover and balance
causes blood loss from the stomach (Ch. 14). Both the normal phy~iological turnover of iron and plumnacokinetic
factors affecting iron when it is given therapeutically will be deah
with here. The normal daily requirement for iron is approximate()
HAEMATINIC AGENTS 5 mg for men, and IS mg for growing children and for
menstruating women. A pregnant woman needs between 2 and
I 0 times this amount because of the demands of the fetus and
lron is a transition metal with two important properties relevant increased requirements of the mother. 1 The average diet in Western
to its biological role: Europe provides 15-20 mg of iron daily, mostly in meat. Iron in
meat is generally present as haem, and about 20-40% of haem
ability to exist in several oxidation states
iron is available for absorption.
abi lity to form stable coordination complexes.
'9' Humans are adapted to absorb iron in the form of haem. It is thought
The body of a 70-kg man contains abo ut 4 g of iron, 65% of that one reason why modern humm1s have problems in maintaining tron
which circu lates in the blood as haemoglobin. About one-half of balance (there are an e~timated 500 million people with iron deficienc)' in
the remainder is stored in the liver, spleen and bone marrow. chiefly the world) i~ that the change from hunting to grain cultivation 10000
as ferritin and haemosideri11. The iron in these molecules is avail- years ago led to cereab, which have a relatively small amount ol
utilisable iron. being sub~tituted for meat in the diet.
able for haemoglobin synthesis. The rest, which is not available
for haemoglobin synthesis, is present in myoglobin, cytochromes Non-haem iron in food is mainly in the ferric state, and this need'
and various enzymes. to be converted to ferrous iron for absorption. Ferric iron, and to
The distribution of iron in an average adult man is shown in a lesser extent ferrous iron, has low solubility at the neulrnl pH
Table 22.1. The corresponding values for a woman would be about of the intestine; however, in the stomach iron dissolves and bind,
55% of these. Because most of the iron in the body is either part to mucoprotein. ln the presence of ascorbic acid. fructose and
of--or destined to be part of-haemoglobin. the most obvious various amino acids. iron is detached from the carrier. formmg
clinical result of iron deficiency is anaemia. and the only indica- soluble low-molecular-weight complexes that enable it to remain
tion for therapy with iron is for treatment or prophylaxis of iron in soluble form in the intestine. Ascorbic acid stimulates iron
deficiency anaemia. absorption partly by forming soluble iron-ascorbate chelate'> and
Haemoglobin is made up of four protein chain subunits partly by reducing ferric iron to the more soluble ferrous form.
(globins), each of which contains one haem moiety. Haem consists Tetracycline form& an insoluble iron chelate, resulting m
of a tetrapyrrole porphyrin ring containing ferrous (Fe2+) iron. Each impaired uptake of both substances.
The amount of iron in the diet and the various factors affecting
its availability are thus important determinants in absorption, but
the regulation of iron absorption is a function of the intestinal
Table 22.1 The distribution of iron in the body of a
healthy 70-kg man mucosa, intluenced by the body's iron stores. Because there is no
mechanism whereby iron excretion is regulated, the absorptive
Protein Tissue Iron c onte nt mechanism has a central role in iron balance as it is the sole
(mg) mechanism by which body iron is controlled.
The site of iron absorption is the duodenum and upper jejunum.
Haemoglobin Erythrocytes 2600 and absorption is a two-stage process involving first a rapid
uptake across the brush border and then transfer into the plasma
Myoglobin Muscle 400
from the interior of the epithelial cells. The second stage, ~htch
Enzymes (cytochromes, Liver and other 25 is rate limiting. is energy-dependent. Haem iron in the diet i~
catalase, guanylate tissues ab!>orbed as intact haem, and the iron is released in the muco,aJ
cyclase, etc.) cell by the action of haem oxida e. Non-haem iron is absorbed in
the ferrou'> state. Within the cell. ferrous iron is oxidised to ferri;:
Transferrin Plasma and 8
extracellular fluid iron. which is bound to an intracellular carrier, a transferrin-like
protein; the iron is then either held in storage in the mucosal cell
Ferritin and haemosiderin Liver 410 as ferritin (if body stores of iron are high) or passed on to th.:
Spleen 48 plasma (if iron stores are low).
Bone marrow 300

(Data from Jacobs A, Worwood M 1982 Chapter 5. In: Hardisty

A M, Weatherall D J (eds] Blood and its disorders. Blackwell 1
Ench pregnancy co-.ts' the mother 680 mg of iron, equivalent to 1300 ml
Scientific, Oxford.) of blood. owing to the demands of the fetus. plus requirements of the
348 expanded blood volume nnd blood loss at delivery.
Iron is carried in the plasma bound to transferrin, a ~-globulin tion mechanism in the intestinal mucosa. This absorption is
with two binding ~ites for ferric iron, which is normally only influenced by the iron stores in the body. but the precise
30% saturated. Pla~ma contain~ 4 mg of iron at any one time, bur mechanbm of this control is still a matrer of debate; the amount
the daily turnover i~ about 30 mg (Fig. 22.1 ). Most of the iron of ferritin in the intestinal mucosa may be important, as may the
that enters the pla!.ma is derived from mononuclear phagocytcs, balance between ferri tin and the transferrin-like carrier molecule
following the degradation of time-expired erythrocytes. Intestinal in these cells. The daily movement of iron in the body is
absorption and mobilisation of iron from storage depots contrib- illustrated in Figure 22.1.
ute only ~mall amounts. Most of the iron that leaves the plasma The clinical use of iron is given in the clinical box.
each day i used for haemoglobin synthesis by red cell precur-
sors. These cells have receptors that bind transferrin molecules, Administration
releasing them after the iron has been taken up. Iron is usually given oralJy but may be given parenterally in
Iron is stored in two forms: soluble ferritin and insoluble special circumstances.
haemosiderin. Ferritin is found in all cells, the mononuclear pha- Several different preparations of ferrous iron salts are available
gocytes of liver, spleen and bone marrow containing especially for oral administration. The main one is ferrous s ulfate, which
high concentrations. lt is also present in plasma. The precursor of has an elemental iron content of 200 ~.tg/mg. Others arc ferrous
ferritin. apoferritin, is a large protein of molecular weight succinate, ferrous gluconate and ferrous fumarate. These arc all
450 000, composed of 24 identical polypeptide subunits that absorbed to a comparable extent.
enclose a cavity in which up to 4500 iron molecules can be Pare nteral iron may be necessary in individuals who are not
stored. Apoferritin takes up ferrous iron, oxidises it and deposits able to absorb oral iron because of malabsorption syndromes, or
the ferric iron in its core. ln this form, it constitutes ferritin, the as a result of surgical procedures or inflammatory conditions
primary storage form of iron, from which the iron is most readily involving the gastrointestinal tract. lt is also used for patients
available. The lifespan of this iron-laden protein is only a few who do not tolerate oral preparations. and patients with chronic
days. llaemo:;.iderin is a degraded form of ferritin in which the renal failure receiving treatment with erythropoietin (see below).
iron core~ of several ferritin molecules have aggregated, fol- The preparations used are iron-dextran or iron-s ucrose. iron-
lowing partial disintegration of the outer protein shells. dextran can be given by deep intramuscular injection or slow
The ferritin in plasma has virtually no iron associated with it. intravenous infusion: iron-sucrose is given by slow intravenous
It i~ in equilibrium with the <;torage ferritin in cells. and its con- infusion. A small initial dose is given because of the risk of
cemralion in plasma provide~ an e:;.timate of total body iron stores. anaphylactoid reaction.
The body has no means of actively excreting iron. Small
amounts leave the body through desquamation (peeling off) of Unwanted effects
mucosal cells containing ferritin, and even smaller amounts leave The unwanted effects of oral iron administration are dose-related
in the bile. sweat and urine. A total of about 1 mg is lost daily. and include nau~ea, abdominal cramps and diarrhoea. Parenteral
Iron balance is therefore critically dependent on the active absorp- iron can cause anaphylactoid reactions (cf. p. 212).
Acwe iron toxicity, usually seen in young children who have
swallowed attractively coloured iron tablets in mistake for sweets,
occurs after ingestion of large quantities of iron salts. This can
result in severe nccrotising gastritis with vomiting, haemorrhage
1-2 mg daily and diarrhoea, followed by circulatory collapse.
Chronic iron toxicity or iron overload is virtually always
t caused by conditions other than ingestion of iron salts, for
(4 mg) example chronic haemolytic anaemias such as the thalassaemias
(a large group of genetic disorders of globin chain synthesis) or
~f 5mg
repeated blood transfusions.
30mg Tissues 30mg
(150 mg)
t Clinical uses of Iron salts
1-2 mgdaily
r Bone marrow:
6mg Stores in mnp
To treat iron deficiency anaemia, which can be
in rbc precursors (1000 mg) caused by:
(150 mg) chronic blood loss (e.g. with menorrhagia,
Hb 1n rbc hookworm, colon cancer)
(3000 mg) increased demand (e.g. in pregnancy and early
Fig. 22.1 Distribution of iron in the body. The quantities inadequate dietary intake (uncommon in
by the arrows indicate the usual amounts transferred each day.
developed countries)
, haemoglobin; mnp, mononuclear phagocytes; rbc, red
od cells. inadequate absorption (e.g. following gastrectomy).

T he treatment of acute and chronic iron toxici ty involves the each w ith a high RNA:DNA ratio as a result of decreased DNA
use of iron chelators such as desferrioxamine. This is not synthesis. The circulating erythrocytes (macrocytes) are large
absorbed from the gut but is nonetheless given intragastrically fragile cells, often distorted in shape. Mjld leucopenia and
followi ng acute overdose (to bind iron in the bowel lumen and thrombocytopenia usually accompany the anaemja, and the nuclei
prevent its absorption) as well as intramuscularly and, if necessary, of polymorphonuclear leucocytes are abnormal (hypersegmented).
intravenously. In severe poisoning, it is given by slow intravenous eurological disorders caused by deficiency of vitamin B1:
i nfusion. Desferrioxamine forms a complex with ferric iron and, include peripheral neuropathy and dementia. as well as subacutt
unlike unbound iron, this is excreted in the urine. Deferiprone, combined2 degenemtion of the spinal cord.
an orally ab!.orbed iron chelator. is an alternative treatment for Folic acid deficiency is caused by dietary insufficienC}.
iron overload in patient!. with thalassaemia major who are unable especially in seuings of increased demand (e.g. during pregnanC).
to take desferrioxamine. Agranulocytosis and other blood dys- or because of chronic haemolysis in patients with haemoglobino-
crasias are serious potential adverse effects. pathies). Vitamin 8 12 defi ciency, however, is usually caused by
decreased absorption, caused either by a lack of intrinsic factor
(sec below ) or by conditions that interfere with its absorpti on in
the terminal ileum, for example resection of diseased ileum in
Vitamin B 12 and foli c acid are essential constituents of the patients with Crohn's disease (a chronic inflammatory bowel
human diet, being necessary for DNA synthesis and consequently disease that can affect this part of the gut) . Intrinsic factor is a
for cell proliferation. T heir biochemical actions are interdependent glycoprotein secreted by the stomach and is essential for vitamm
(sec below), and treatment of vitamin 8 12 deficiency with folic B 12 absorption. It is lacking i n patients with pernicious anaemia
acid corrects some, but not all, of the f eatures of v itamin 8 12 and in individuals who have had total gastrectomjes. In pem1
deficiency. Deficiency of either vitamin 8 12 or folic acid affects cious anaemia, there is atrophic gastritis caused by autoimmune
tissues wi th a rapid cell turnover, particularly bone marrow, but i nj ury of the stomach, and antibodies to gastric parietal cell ~ ar~
vitamin 8 12 deficiency also causes important disorders of nerves, often present in the plasma of such patients.
which arc not corrected (or may even be made worse) by treat-
ment w ith folic acid. Deficiency of ei ther vitamin causes megalo-
blastic lwemopoiesis, in which there is disordered erythroblast
differentiation and defective erythropoiesis in the bone marrow. Folic acid (pleroylglutamic acid) consists of a pteridine ring,
Large abnormal erythrocyte precursors appear in the marrow. para-aminobenzoic acid and glutamic acid. Some aspects of folate
structure and metabolism are dealt with in Chapters 45 and 51.
because several important antibacteri al and anticancer drug~ are
Iron antimctabol ites that interfere with folate synthesis in micro-
organisms. Liver and green vegetables are rich sources of folate.
Iron is important for the synthesis of ln healthy non-pregnant adults, the daily requirement is about
haemoglobin, myoglobin, cytochromes and other 200 ~tg daily, but this is increased duri ng pregnancy.
Ferric iron (Fe3 ) must be converted to ferrous iron Actions
(Fe2 ) for absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. Dihydrofolate (FH 2) and tetrahydrofolate (FH4) act. as carriers
Absorption involves active transport into mucosal and donors of methy l groups (!-carbon transfers) in a number of
cells in jejunum and upper ileum, from where it can important metabolic path ways. For example, FH4 is essential for
be transported into the plasma and/or stored DNA synthesis because of its role as cofactor in the synthesis of
intracellularly as ferritin. purines and pyrimidines. It is also necessary for reactions invol\ed
Total body iron is controlled exclusively by in amino acid metabolism. The active FH4 form is maintained by
absorption; in iron deficiency, more is transported into dihydrofolate reductase. This important enzyme reduces dicta!)
plasma than is stored as ferritin in jejunal mucosa. folic acid to FH 4 and regenerates F~ from FH2 (see Fig~ 22.2
Iron loss occurs mainly by sloughing of ferritin- and 22.3). Folate antagoni<>LS (e.g. trimetboprim, methotrexate
containing mucosal cells. are imponant antibacterial and anticancer drugs, and work b)
Iron rn plasma is bound to transferrin, and most is inhibiting dihydrofolate reductase (see also Chs 46, 49 and 51).
used for erythropoiesis. Some is stored as ferritin in M ethotrexate is al so used as a disease modifying drug for
other t issues. Iron from time-expired erythrocytes rheumatoid arthritis (p. 241) and for treating severe form~ of
enters the plasma for reuse. psoriasis-a common skin disorder characterised by scaly lesion'
The main therapeutic preparation is ferrous sulfate; Tctrahydrofolate is especially important for the conversion of
iron-sucrose can be given as an intravenous infusion. dcoxyuridylatc monophosphate to deoxythy midy late monopho,.
Unwanted effects include gastrointestinal phate. This is rate-limjting in mammalian DNA synthesis and i'
disturbances. Severe toxic effects occur if large
doses are ingested; these can be countered by
desferrioxamine, an iron chelator. 1
'Combi ned' because the lateral as well as l.he dorsal columns are involved,
350 g ivi ng ri ~e to motor as well as sensory symptoms.


.: I N: CH,
l i --c~"r<H
l i --c~+H
I. H ' DHFA I . H
Fig. 22.2 Folate reduction.
Reductton from folate (F), to
dihydrofolate (FH2), to
H c~
tetrahydrofolate (FH4 ) by --., N~--
dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR).

Unwanted eHe cts

Unwanted effects do not occur even with large doses of folic
acid-except possibly in the presence of vitamin B 12 deficiency,
because if the vitamin deficiency is treated with folic acid, the
blood picture may improve and give the appearance of cure while
the neurological lesions get worse. ll is therefore important to
determine whether a megaloblastic anaemia is caused by a folate
or a vitamin 8 12 deficiency. This could have been import.am in

H20 3 P
_,o0l)CH, the setring of supplementation of bread with folate, which is used
in the USA as a public health measure to reduce the number of
neural tube defect~. There is a theoretical risk of precipitating
neuropathy in the small group of people with undiagnosed
pernicious anaemia by such measures, but such problems have
DTMP not been noted.

Fig. 22.3 The synthesis of 2-deoxythymidylate (DTMP).

DTMP is syntheSISed by the transfer of a methyl group from
tetrahydrofolate (FH 4) to 2-deoxyuridylate (DUMP), the FH4
being oxidlsed to dihydrofolate (FH:J in the process. __} Clinical uses of folic acid and

Folic acid
Treatment of megaloblastic anaemia resulting from
folat e deficiency, which can be caused by:
catalysed by thymidylate :.ynthetase, with FH 4 acting as methyl
poor diet (common in alcoholic individuals)
donor (Fig. 22.3).
- malabsorption syndromes
- drugs (e.g. phenytoin).
Pharmacokinetic aspe cts Treatment or prevention of toxicity from
Folates in food are in the form of polyglutamates. These are
methotrexate, a folate antagonist (see Ch. 51).
converted to monoglutamates before absorption, and are trans-
Prophylactically in individuals at hazard from
ported in blood as ~uch. They are converted back into polyglu-
developing folate deficiency, for example:
tamates, which are considerably more active than monoglutamates,
pregnant women and before conception
in the ti~sue~. Therapeutically, folic acid is given orally (or. in
(espec1ally if there is a risk of birth defects)
exceptional circumstances. parenterally) and is absorbed in lhe
premature infants
ileum. Methyi-FH~ is the form in which folate is usually carried
patients with severe chronic haemolytic anaemias,
in blood and which enters cells. It is functionally inactive until it
including haemoglobinopathies (e.g. sickle
is demelhylated in a vitamin 8 12-<lcpendent reaction (see below).
cell anaemia).
This is because (unlike FH 2, FH4 and formyl-FH4) methyi-FH~ is
a poor substrate for polyglutamate fom1ation. This has relevance Hydroxocobalamin (vitamin B 1:J
for the effect of vitamin B 12 deficiency on folate metabolism, as Treatment of pernicious anaemia and other causes of
is explained below. Folate is taken up into hepatocytes and bone vitamin 812 deficiency.
marrow cells by active tran~port. Within the cells. folic acid is Prophylactically after surgical operations that remove
reduced and formylated before being converted to the active the site of production of intrinsic factor (the stomach)
polyglutamate form. Folink acid, a synthetic FH4 , is converted or of vitamin 8 12 absorption (the terminal ileum).
much more rapidly to the polyglutamate forrn.

Clinical use
Methyl FH 4
The clinical use of folic acid is given in the box opposite (p. 35 1). I
Methyl FH4
Vitamin 8 12 is a complex cobalamin compound. The vi tamin
B t ~ used medically is hydroxocobalamin. The principal dietary
sources of vitamin Bt 2 are meat (particularly liver), eggs and dairy
products. All cobalamins, dietary and therapeutic, must be converted
FH, - - --;-- _ . Formyl
to methylcobalamin (methyl-S 12) or 5'-deoxyadenosylcobalamin
(ado-Bd for activity in the body. The average daily diet in
Western Europe contains 5-25 f,Ag of vitamin B 12 , and the daily
requirement is 2-3~-tg. Absorption requires intrinsic factor polyglutamate
(p. 350), which forms a one-to-one complex with vit<mlin B 12 A
healthy stomach secretes a large excess of intrinsic factor, but this
is not true in patientl> with add isonian pernicious anaemia (an
autoimmune disorder where the lining of the stomach atrophies),
or fo llowing to tal gastrectom y. Vitamin B 12, complexed with Fig. 22.4 The role of vitamin 8 12 in the synthesis of
intrinsic factor, is absorbed by active transport. folate polyglutamate. Methyltetrahydrofolate (Methyl FH 4)
enters cells by active transport. The methyl group is transferred
Vitamin 8 12 is carried in the plasma by binding proteins called to homocysteine to form methionine via vitamin 8 12, which IS
1ranscobalamins. The vitamin is stored mainly in the liver, the bound to the apoenzyme homocysteine-methionine
total amou nt in the body being about 4 mg. This store is so large methyltransferase. (Vitamin 8 12 is shown as '8 12' and as
compared with the daily requirement, that if v itamin B 12 'methyl 8 12 ', but the enzyme is not shown.) Methionine is
absorption i~ stopped ~uddenly-as after a total gastrectomy-it important in the donation of formate (shown by the curved red
arrow) for the conversion of tetrahydrofolate (FH 4) to formyl
takes 2-4 year~ for evidence of deficiency to become manifest.
tetrahydrofolate (formyl FH.J, which is the preferred substrate
for the formation of folate polyglutamates. J
Actions ------
Vitamin 8 12 b required for two main biochemical reactions
in humans:

the conversion of metbyi-Fll4 to FI-14

isomerisation of methylmalonyi-CoA to s uccinyl-CoA. lsomerisafion of methylmalonyf-CoA to succinyi-CoA
This isomerisation reaction is part of a ro ute by which propionate
The conversion of methyi-FH4 to FH4
is converted to succinate. Through this pathway, cholesterol, odd-
The role of vitam in B 12 in folate coenzyme synthes is is
chain fatty acids, ~orne amino acids and thymine can be used for
illustrated in Figure 22.4. lt is through these mechanisms that the
g luconeogenesis o r for energy production via the tricarboxylic
me tabo lic activities of vitamin 8 12 and folic acid are linked and acid cycle. Coenzyme B 12 (ado-B 12) is an essential cofactor, so
implicated in the synthesis of DNA. Jt is also through this
methylmalonyl-CoA accumulates in vitamin 8 12 deficiency. This
pathway that fo late/vitamin B 12 treatment can lower plasma
distorts the pattern of fa tty acid synthesis in neural tissue and
homocysteine concentration. Because increased homocysteine
may be the basis of neuropathy in v itamin B 12 deficiency.
concentrations may have undesirable vascular effects (Ch. 20,
Table 20. 1, p. 322), this ha~ potential therapeutic and public Administration and pharmacokinetic aspects
health implications. When vitamin 8 12 is used therapeutically (as hydroxocobalamin),
T The reaction In\ oh e~
conversion of both methyi-FH, to FH4 and it is almost always given by injection because, as explained above,
homOC)'tteine to methtonine. The enzyme that accomplishes this i~ vitamin 8 12 deficiency is a result of malabsorption. Plasma
homocy~teine methionine melhyllransferase: Lhe reaction requires
transport and distribution of therapeutically administered vitamm
\itamin Bp a<, cofactor and methyi-FH.. as melhyl donor. Methyi-FH4
donate~ the methyl group to B 12, the cofactor. The meth) I group is then
8 12 arc described above.
uansferred to homocysteine to form methionine (Fig. 22.4). This vitamin Patients with pernicious anaemia require lifelong thcrap)
B1r<Jepcndent reaction generates active FH.. from inactive methyi-FH4 Unwanted effects do not occur. Clinical use of vitamin B 2 ~~
and comen~ homocyMeme to methionine. summarised in the box.
Vitamin 8 1, deficiency thu'> uaps folate in the inactive methyi-FH4 form.
thereby depleting the folate polyglutamate coenzymes needed for DNA
'>ynthe\i<o (see ubove). HAEMOPOIETIC GROWTH FACTORS
Vitamin 8 12 -dependent methionine synthesis also affects the synthesis
Every 60 seconds, a human being must generate about 120
of folate polyglutnmme coenzymes by an additional mechanism. The
preferred ~oub;,trate for polyglutamate synthesis is formyi-FH.,, and the million granulocytes and 150 million erythrocytes, as well a~
conver-.ion of FH4 to formyi-FH4 requires a formate donor >uch as nume rous mo no nuclear cells and platelets. The cells responsible
352 methionine. for th is re markable productivity are derived from a relatively

VItamin 8 12 and folic acid Haemopoletlc growth factors

Both vitamin 8 12 and folic acid are needed for Erythropoietin

DNA synthesis. Deficiencies particularly affect Regulates red cell production.
erythropoiesis, causing macrocytic megaloblastic Is given intravenously, subcutaneously,
anaemia. intraperitoneally.
Can cause transient flu-like symptoms, hypertension,
Folic acid
iron deficiency and increased blood viscosity.
Folic acid consists of a pteridine ring, p-aminobenzoic
Is available as epoietin.
acid and a glutamate residue.
There is active uptake into cells and reduction to Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor
tetrahydrofolate (FH4 ) by dihydrofolate reductase; Stimulates neutrophil progenitors.
extra glutamates are then added. Is available as filgrastim, pegfilgrastim or
Folate polyglutamate is a cofactor (a carrier of lenograstim; it Is given parenterally.
1-carbon units) in the synthesis of purines and
pyrimidines (especially thymidylate).
Vitamin 8 12 (hydroxocobalamin)
Vitamin 8 12 needs an intrinsic factor (a glycoprotein)
secreted by gastric parietal cells for absorption in CSP (molgrasmostim) are used clinically; thrombopoietin is in
terminal ileum. It is stored in the liver. development. Some of the other haemopoietic growth factors
It is required for: (e.g. interleukin-1. interleukin-2 and various other cytokines) are
conversion of methyi-FH4 (inactive form of FH 4) to covered in Chapter 13.
active formyi-FH 4 , which, after polyglutamation, is
a cofactor in the synthesis of purines and
pyrimidines (see above) ERYTHROPOIETIN
isomensation of methylmalonyi-CoA to succinyi- Erythropoietin i\ produced in juxtatubular cells in the kidney and
CoA. alc;o in macrophages; its action is to stimulate committed
Defictency occurs most often in pernicious anaemia, erythroid progenitor cells to proliferate and generate erythrocytes
which results from malabsorption caused by lack of (Fig. 22.5). Two forms of recombinant human erythropoietin,
intrinsic factor from the stomach. It causes epoetin alfa and epoetin beta, are available. These are clinically
neurological disease as well as anaemia. indistinguishable and are referred lO here simply as epoetin.
Vitamin 8 12 is given by injection to treat pernicious Oarbopoietin, a hyperglycosylated form of epoetin, has a longer
anaemia. half-life and can be administered less frequently.
The clinical use of epoietin is given in the box below.

Pharmacokinetic aspects
Epoetin and darbopoietin can be given intravenously or subcu-
small number of self-renewing, pluripotent stem cells laid down taneously, the response being greatest after subcutaneous injection
duri ng embryogenesis. Main tenance of haemopoiesis necessitates and fastest after intravenous injection.
a balance between self-renewal on the one hand, and differen-
tiation into the various types of blood cell on the other. The factors
involved in controlling this balance are the haemopoietic growth
factors, which direct the division and maturation of the progeny
of Lhe!.e cells down eight possible lines of development (Fig. 22.5).
These cytokine growth factors are bigWy potent glycoproteins, Clinical uses of epoletln
acting at concentrations of 10"12-10-10 mol/l. They are present in
plasma at very low concentrations under basal conditions, but on Anaemia of chronic renal failure.
stimulation their concentrations can increase within hours by Anaemia during chemotherapy for cancer.
1000-fold or more. Erythropoietin regulates the red cell line, and Prevention of the anaemia that occurs in premature
the signal for its production is blood loss and/or low tissue infants.
oxygen tension. CSFs regulate the myeloid divisions of the white To increase the yield of autologous blood before
cell line, and the main .stimulus for their production is infection blood donation.
(see also Ch. 13). Anaemia of AIDS (exacerbated by zidovudine).
The genes for several haemopoietic factors have been cloned, Anaemia of chronic inflammatory conditions such as
and recombinant erythropoietin (epoetin), recombinant granulo- rheumatoid arthritis (investigational).
cyte CSF (filgrastim, lenograstim) and granulocyte-macrophage 353

Erythropoietin GM-CSF IL-3
}------'----'----------------~ Erythrocytes

IL-3 GM-CSF Thrombopo1etin

Megakaryocyte - Platelets
_ _ __...J


Monocyte- Monocytes
precursor GM-CSF G-CSF IL-3
-=:.:.:.:....::..:::..:_.....:::.....=-=.:.._.:..:..:::__~: Neutrophils


r---------------------------------~I E~-

} - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + , Basophils

~----------------------------~ 8~~

lnterleukins 1,2,4,6,7
r-------.....;..;.;...;;.;;;.;......;..;.;....:.;;;;.:....:..;;.:.._ __.I T~

Fig. 2 2 .5 Haemopoietlc growth factors in blood cell differentiation. The factors shown in bold are in clinical use under different
names (see text). Most T cells generated in the thymus die by apoptosis; those that emerge are either CD4 or CDS T cells. The colours
used for the mature blood cells reflect how they appear in common staining preparations (and after which some are named). CSF,
colony-stimulating factor; G-CSF, granulocyte CSF; GM-CSF, granulocyte-macrophage CSF; IL-1, interleukin-1; IL-3, interleukin-3 or
multi-CSF; M-CSF, macrophage CSF; SCF, stem cell factor. (See also Ch. 13.)

Unwanted effects Actions

Transient influenza-like symptoms are common. Hypertension is Granulocyte CSF acts only on the neutrophil line (Fig. 22.5}-
also common and can cause encephalopathy with headache, increasing the proliferation and maturation of neutrophils.
disorientation and sometimes convulsions. Iron deficiency can be stimu lating their release from bone marrow storage pools and
induced because more iron is required for the enhanced erythro- enhancing their function.
poiesis. Blood viscosity increases as the haematocrit (i.e. the The clinical use of granulocyte CSFs is given in the box.
fraction of the blood that is occupied by red blood cells) rises,
increasing Ihe risk of thrombosis, especially during dialysis. There
have been rare reports of pure red cell aplasia, possibly connected
with development of antibodies directed against erythropoietin.

Clinical uses of the

colony-stimulating factors
The CSFs are so-called because they stimulate the formation of
maturing colonies of leucocytes in semisolid medium in vitro. Colony-stimulating factors are used in specialist
CSFs arc classified as cytokines (sec Ch. 13). They not only stimu- centres:
late particular committed progenitor cells to proliferate (Fig. 22.5) to reduce the severity/duration of neutropenia
bUI also cause irreversible differentiation. The responding precursor Induced by cytotoxic drugs during:
cells have membrane receptors for specific CSFs and may express anticancer chemotherapy
receptors for more than one factor, thus permitting collaborative intensive chemotherapy necessitating autologous
interaction'> between factors. bone marrow rescue
Granulocyte CSF i~ produced mainly by monocytes, fibro- following bone marrow transplant.
blasts and endothelial cell!., and controls primarily the to harvest progenitor cells.
development of neutrophils. Recombinant forms (filgrastim, to expand the number of harvested progenitor cells
which is not g lycosylatcd, and glycosylated lenograstim) are ex vivo before reinfusing them.
used therapeutically. Pegfilgrastim is a derivative of filgrastim for persistent neutropenia in advanced HIV infection.
conjugated with polyethylene glycol (pegylated) w ith a in aplastic anaemia.
354 prolonged duration of action.

Pharmacokinetic aspects and unwanted eHects

Filgrastim and lenograstim are given either subcutaneously or
by intravenous infusion. Pegfilgrastim is administered subcu- Thrombopoietin Mimulates proliferation of the progenitor cells
taneously. Gastrointe!>linal eiTects. fever. bone pain, myalgia and of the platelet lineage and &trikingly increases platelet production.
rash are recognised adverse eiTects: less common effects include Recombinant thrombopoictin is being tested cJjnically.
pulmonary infiltrates and enlargement of liver or spleen.


Generul Iron a nd iron deficiency rccommendauons: are the recommendations l!oorking?
Clar~e R, Armitage J 2000 Viwmin ;upplement and Andrew' N C 1999 Di>order~ of iron mewboli ~m N Engl Br Med J 330: 571-573 (Nor as well as mi11ht bt'
cardJOvno;culnr ri,k: rcvtew of the mndomited 1r1als of J Med 341: 1986-1995 hoped)
homocysteine-lowering itamm wpplcmcrm. Semrn Finch CA. Hueber S H 1982 Pe,..;pcctives in iron Ref\urn H 2001 Folate. vitamin 8 12 and homocysteine in
Thromb Hcrno\1 26: 14 1-348 metabolism. N Engl J Med 306: 1520-1528 (Good relmion to birth defects and pregnancy outcome. Br J
Fishman S M. Chri>Uan P. WcM K P 2000 The role of backgmwul article on iron) Nutr 85(suppl 2): S I09-S 113
vitamin~ in the prevent ion und control of anaemia. Frewin R. Henson A, Provar1 D 1997 ABC of cl inical Steinberg S 8 1984 Mechanisms of folate homeostasis.
Public Health Nutr 3: 125- 150 haemalology: iron deficiency anaemia. Br Med J 3 14: Am J Physiol 246: G319--G324 (Good background
Goodenough L r. Mon~ T G. Andriole 0 L 1997 360-363 <rride on folate)
Erythropoier in therapy. N Eng I J Med 336: 933 938 Hoflbrand A V. Herbert V 1999 Nutrit ional anemia,. Wald N J, Bower C 1994 Folic acid, pernicious anaemia,
Hocl1er D 1997 Hacrnopoicuc growth factors-not Semin Hematol 36(suppl 7): 13-23 and prevemion of neural tube defect~. Lancet 343: 307
whether. but when and where. N En[tl J Med 336: Lieu P T, Hei,kala M, Peterson I' A. Yang Y 2()()1 The
1822- 1824 (f:di/lin~ tditnrial wmmr/11) roles of iron in health and di~a~. \1ol A'pee" Med Colon)-slimulating factors
Kurzrock R 2005 Thrombopotetic factol'\ rn chronic 22: l-87 Dale DC 1995 Where now for colony-Mimulatiog
bone marrow failure 'llltC\ the platelet problem Pro'-an D. Weatherall D 2000 Red cell~ 11 ncqurrcd factors? Lancet 346: 135-136
tevhlled. Clrn Cancer Re' II : l.l61 1167 (S/cM anaemias and poi)C)thaemia. Lancet 355: 1260 1268 1.1e\Chke G J. Buf[!~ A W t992 Granulocyte colony-
P"'II"Hl Toh B-H. ,.an Oriel I R. Glee<nn P A 1997 PerlllciOU> 'umulating factor and granulocylcOlliCrophage
Le\ln J 1997 Thromhoporcun-<:hnicall) realised? 1'\ anaemia..~ Engl J \1e<l 337: 1-141 1-148 colony-~timulating factor. N Engl J Med 327: 1-35.
Engl J Med 336. ~34-1 '6 (A utt'ful t'dllorial) (lmmunoporhogent!.liS <1pemiciouf mwemia; 99 106 (\1\Jnh... hile. comp"hl'nsi\e mi,....s)
~irner S D 1997 Platelet \Umulatmg agenl\-offthe t'.rcellenr jigu"s) Petro' W P 1996 Colon)~Umulating factors. In: Chabner
launch pad. Nat Med 3. 154-155 !Throml>t>pot~ttc B A. Longo D L (edsl Cancer chcmOiherap) and
gro>"h fartafl pm1 ~ u~frlm dmicoltrialsl Folic acid and >itamin Bl2and their deficiencies brOiherapy. 2nd edn. Lippincou-Ra\en. Pbrladelphia,
Sph ~ J L 1993 Rccombrnant Ct) thropoteun. Annu Rev Bono L D et al. 2005 lntemauonal retro,p..'CII\C cohort pp. 639-654 (COl't'r:f mechanism ofaction. biolo~:ical
Me<l-14: 241-253 study of neural tube defect~ in relation 10 fohc acid rffeciJ and clinical phamtacology)

The respiratory system

and vagal aiTerents from the lungs. Various chemical factors affect
Overview 356 the respiratory centre, including the partial pressure of carbon
The regulation of respiration 356 dioxide in arterial blood (PAco2) by an action on medullary chemo
-Regulation of musculature, blood vessels and g lands of receptors, and of oxygen (PAo2) by an action on the chemo
the airwoys 356 receptors in the carotid bodies.
Some voluntary control can be superimposed on the automauc
Pulmonary disease and its treatment 357
regulation of breathing, implying connections between the cortex
-Bronchial asthma 357
and the motor neurons innervating the muscles of respiration
- Drugs used to treat asthma 361
Bulbar poliomyelitis and certain lesions in the brain stem result
-Severe acute asthma (status osthmoticus) 364
in loss of the automatic regulation of respiration wilhoutlo~'i of
- Allergic emergencies 364
voluntary rcgulation. 1
-Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 365
-Surfoctonts 366
-Drugs used for cough 366 VESSELS AND GLANDS OF THE AIRWAYS
Efferent pathways controlling the airways include cholinergK'
parasympathetic nerves and non-noradrenergic non-cholinergic
(NANC) inhibitory nerves. Inflammatory mediators (~ee Ch. IJ)
and NANC bronchoconstrictor mediators also have a role m
OVERVIEW diseased airways. The afferent pat.hways include three different
types of sensory receptor, described below.
In this chapter, we cover some basic aspects of the
The tone of bronchial muscle influences the airways resistance.
physiology of the respiratory system as a prelude
wh ich is also affected by the state of the mucosa and activity of
to pulmonary diseases and drugs used in their
the glands in patients with asthma and bronchitis. Airway reSISt
treatment. We devote most of the chapter to
ancc can be measured indirectly by instruments that record the
asthma, dealing first with factors involved in its
volume or flow of forced expiration. FEV 1 is the forced expira-
pathogenesis and then the moin drugs used in its
tory volume in I second. The peak expiratory flow rate (PEFRi
treatment-the bronchodilators and anti-inflammatory
is the maximal flow (expressed a~ !/min) after a full inhalation.
agents. We address chronic obstructive pulmonary
this is simpler to measure at the bedside than FEV1 which ll
disease (COPD). There are short sections on allergic
follows closely.
emergencies, surfactants and the treatment of
cough. Other important pulmonary diseases, such
as bacterial infections (e.g. tuberculosis and acute EFFERENT PATHWAYS
pneumonias) ond malignancies, are addressed in
Autonomic innervation
Chapters 46 and 51 , respectively, or are not yet
The autonomic innervation of human airways is reviewed b) \3D
amenable to drug treatment (e.g. occupational and
der Velden & Hulsmann (1999).
interstitial lung diseases). Antihistamines, important
Parasympathetic innervaJion. Parasympathetic innervation of
in treatment of hay fever, are covered in Chapter 13.
bronchial smooth muscle predominates. Parasympathetic ganglia
Pulmonary hypertension is covered in Chapter 19.
are embedded in the walls of the bronchi and bronchioles, and the


Referred to as Oodine~ curse. Ondine was a water nymph who fell in lol(
Respiration is controlled by spontaneous rhythmic discharges
with a mortnl. When he was unfaithful to her. the king of the water nymph'
from the respiratory centre in the medulla, modulated by input put a curse on him- that he must s1ay awake in order to breathe. When
356 from pontine and higher central nervous system (CNS) centres exhuu~tion final ly supervened and he feU asleep, he djed.

postganglionic fibres innervate airway smooth muscle, vascular

smooth muscle and glands. Three types of muscarinic (M) receptors Regulation of airway muscle, blood
are present (see Ch. 10, Table 10.2). M 3 receptors are pharma- veuels and glands
cologically the most important. They are found on bronchial
smooth muscle and glands, and mediate bronchoconstriction and Afferent pathways
mucus secretion. M 1 receptors are localised in ganglia and on Irritant receptors and C fibres respond to exogenous
post ynaptic cells, and faci litate nicotinic neurotransmission, chemicals, inflammatory mediators and physical
whereas M2 receptors are inhibitory autoreceptors mediating stimuli (e.g. cold air).
negative feedback on acetylcholine release by postganglionic Efferent pathways
cholinergic nerves. Stimulation of the vagus causes bronchocon- Parasympathetic nerves cause bronchoconstriction
striction- mainly in the larger airways. The possible clinical rel- and mucus secretion through M3 receptors.
evance of the heterogeneity of muscarinic receptors in the Sympathetic nerves innervate blood vessels and
airways is discussed below (on p. 363). glands, but not airway smooth muscle.
Sympath etic innervation. Sympathetic nerves innervate ~ 2 -adrenoceptor agonists relax airway smooth
tracheobronchial blood vessels and glands, but not human airway muscle. This is pharmacologically important.
smooth muscle. B-Adrenoceptors arc, however, abundantly Inhibitory non-noradrenergic non-cholinergic (NANG)
expressed on human airway smooth muscle (as well as mast cells, nerves relax airway smooth muscle by releasing nitric
epithelium, glands and alveoli) and ~ agonists relax bronchial oxide and vasoactive intestinal peptide.
smooth muscle, inhibit mediator release from mast cells, and Excitatory NANC nerves cause neuroinflammation by
increase mucociliary clearance (see below). In humans, virtually releasing tachykinins: substance P and neurokinin A.
all the j3-adrenoceptors in the airways are of the (31 variety.
Non-noradrenergic non-cholinergic nerves. Inhibitory NANC
nerves, releasing 1'asoacti1e intestinal peptide (Ch. 9, Table 9.2)
and nitric oxide (NO; Ch. 17, p. 270), are important neural
bronchodilator pathways in human airways. ExcitatOt)' NANC is of the underlying disease, but sometimes symptomatic treat-
ner.es are at o present in human airways. In animal models, they ment. for example of cough, is all that is possible. The lung is
cause an inflammatory response consisting ofbronchoconstriction. an important target organ of many diseases addressed elsewhere
mucus secretion, increased vascular permeability, cough and in this book, including infections (Chs 46-50), malignancy
vasodilatation. Neuropcptides released from excitatory NANC (Ch. 5 1), and occupational and rheumatological diseases; drugs
nerves initiate this neurogenic injlammaiion (see p. 222) and (e.g. amiodarone, p. 290; m ethotrexate. p. 241) can adversely
influence the recruitment, proliferation and activation of affect the pulmonary interstitium. Heart failure leads to pul-
inflammatory cells that can, in tum, modulate neuronal function. monary oedema (Ch. 19). Thromboembolic disease (Ch. 2 1) and
The main excitatory neuropeptides in the lung are the tachykinins pulmonary hypertension (Ch. 19) affect the pulmonary circulation.
substance P and neuroki11in A- see Chapter 41, p. 596. ln this present chapter, we concentrate on two important diseases
of the airways: asthma and COPD.


Slowly adapting stretch receptors control respiration via the Asthma is the commonest chronic disease in children in econ-
respiratory centre. Unmyelinated sensory C fibres and rapidly omically developed countries, and is also common in adults. It is
adapti ng irritant receptors associated with myelinated vagal increasing in prevalence and severity. It is an inflammatory con-
fibres are al&o important. dition in which there is recurrent reversible airways obstruction
Physical or chemical stimuli, acting on irritant receptors on in response to irritant stimuli that are too weak to affect non-
myelinated fibres in the upper airways and/or C-fibre receptors asthmatic subjects. The obstruction usually causes wheeze and
in the lower airways, cause coughing, bronchoconstriction and merits drug treatment, although the natural history of asthma
mucus secretion. Such stimuli include cold air and irritants such includes spontaneous remissions. 2 Reversibility of air.vays
as ammonia, sulfur dioxide, cigarette smoke and the experi- obstruction in asthma contrasts with COPD, where the obstruc-
mental tool cap~aicin (Ch. 41, p. 593), as well as endogenous tion is either not reversible or at best incompletely reversible, by
inflammatory mediators. bronchodilators.


William O~ler, 19th century doyen of American and British clinicians,
wrote thai 'the n~thm atic pants imo old age'-this at a time when lhe mos1
Common symptoms of pulmonary disease include shortness of effective drug that he could offer was to smoke stramonium cigarettes, a
breath, wheeze, chest pain, and cough with or without sputum pro- herbal remedy the anti muscarinic effects of which were offset by direct
duction or haemoptysis-blood in the sputum. Ideally, treatment irritm ion from the smoke.

Asthmatic patients experience intermittent attacks of wheezing,
shortnc~!. of breath-with difficulty especially in breathing ow, Diluent
and sometime!> cough. A!. explained above, acme attacks arc
revcr~iblc, but the underlying pathological disorder can progress
l 2.5
in older patients to a chronic state superficially resembling COPD.
Acute severe asthma (also known as status asthmaricus) is not
u. 1.5
easily reversed and causes hypoxaemia. Hospitalisation is necess- Early phase: Late phase.
ary, as the condition. which can be fatal. requires prompt and 1.0 bronchospasm inflammation
energetic treatment. 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Asthma is characterised by: Hours

inflammation of the airways Fig. 23.1 Two phases of asthma demonstrated by the
changes in forced expiratory volume In 1 second (FEV1)
bronchial hyper-reactivity
after Inhalation of grass pollen In an allergic subject. (From
reversible airways obstruction. Cockcroft D W 1983 Lancet ii: 253.)
The term bronchial h)1Jer-reactivity (or hyper-responsiveness)
refers to abnormal sensitivity to a wide range of stimuli, such as
irritant chemicals. cold air, and stimulant drugs, all of which can Numerous cells and mediators play a part in the pathogcnc:.i>
result in bronchoconstriction. In allergic asthma, these features of asthma, and the full details of the complex events involved are
may be initiated by sensitisation to allergen(s). but once estab- still a matter of debate (Walter & Holtzman, 2005). The following
lished asthma attacks can be triggered by various stimuli such as simplified account i!> intended to provide a basis for und~r
viral infection, exerci'>e (in which the stimulus may be cold air standing the rational use of drugs in the treatment of a~thma.
and/or drying of the airways). and atmospheric pollutants such as
sulfur dioxide. Immunological descnsitisation to allergens such
as pollen or dust mites is popular in some countries but is not
superior to conventional inhaled drug treatment. A!>thmatics ha,e activated T cells, with a Th2 profile of cytokine
The pathogenesis of asthma involves both genetic and environ- production ('ee Ch. 13 and Fig. 13.3), in their bronchial muco,a.
mental factors, and the asthmatic attack itself consists, in many How these cells are activated is not fully understood, but aller-
subjects. of two main phases: an immediate and a late (or gens (Fig. 23.2) are one mechanism. The Th2 cytokine!. that are
delayed) phase (sec Fig. 23.1 ). released do the following.


c6 - ThO' t
Th2 --$-- B
B p

---4> lgE

J B ..

( G!ucocortlcolds }-0 { \~


Fig. 23.2 The part played by T lymphocytes in allergic asthma. In genetically susceptible individuals, allergen (green circle)
interacts with dendritic cells and CD4+T cells, leading to the development of ThO helper lymphocytes, which give rise to a clone of
helper Th2 lymphocytes. These then (i) generate a cytokine environment that switches B cells/plasma cells to the production and
release of lgE; (ii) generate cytokines, such as interleukin (IL)-5, which promote differentiation and activation of eosinophils; and (iiQ
cytokines (e.g. IL-4 and IL-13) that induce expression of lgE receptors. Glucocorticoids Inhibit the action of the cytokines specified. APC,
antigen-presenting dendritic cell; B, B cell; P, plasma cell; Th, T-helper cell.

Clinician~ often refer to atopic or 'extrinsic' asthma and non-

Asthma atopic or 'intrinsic' asthma; we prefer the terms allergic and
Asthma 1s def1ned as recurrent reversible
airway obstruction, with attacks of wheeze, shortness The immediate phase of the asthmatic attack
of breath and often nocturnal cough. Severe attacks In allergic a~thma, the immediate phase (i.e. the initial response
cause hypoxaemia and are life-threatening. to allergen provocation) occurs abruptly and is mainly caused
Essential features include: by spasm of the bronchial smooth muscle. Allergen interaction
airways inflammation, which causes with ma~t cell fixed lgE causes release of several spasmogens:
bronchial hyper-responsiveness, which in turn histamine, leukotriene 8 4 (Ch. 13) and prostaglandin (PG) 0 2 .
results in Other mediators released include IL-4, IL-5, IL-13, macrophage
recurrent reversible airway obstruction. inflammatory protein- La and tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-a.
Pathogenesis involves exposure of genetically Various chemotaxins and chemokines (see Ch. 13) attract
disposed individuals to allergens; activation of Th2 leucocytes-particularly eosinophils and mononuclear cells-
lymphocytes and cytokine generation promote: into the area. setting the stage for the delayed phase (Fig. 23.3).
differentiation and activation of eosinophils
lgE production and release The late phase
expression of lgE receptors on mast cells and The late phase or delayed response (see Figs 23.1 and 23.3) may
eosinophils. be nocturnal. It is, in essence, a progressing inflammatory
Important mediators include leukotriene 8 4 and reaction, initiation of which occurred during the first phase, the
cysteinyl leukotrienes (C4 and 0 4); interleukins IL-4, influx of Th2 lymphocytes being of particular importance. The
IL-5, IL-13; and tissue-damaging eosinophil proteins. inflammatory celb include activated eosinophils. These release
Antiasthmatic drugs include: cysteinyl leukotrienes; interleukins IL-3, IL-5 and TL-8; and the
- bronchodilators toxic proteins. eosinophil cationic protein, major basic protein
- anti-inflammatory agents. and eosinophil-derived neurotoxin. These play an important part
Treatment is mon1tored by measuring forced in the events of the late phase, the toxic proteins causing damage
expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) or peak and loss of epithelium (see for example Larche et al., 2003; Kay.
expiratory flow rate and, in acute severe disease, 2005). Other putative mediators of the inflammatory process in
oxygen saturation and arterial blood gases. the delayed pha-.e are adenosine (acting on the A 1 receptor; see
Ch. 12). induced NO (see Ch. 17) and the neuropeptides (see
Chs 13 and 16).
Growth factors released from inflammatory cells act on smooth
muscle cells, causing hypertrophy and hyperplasia, and the smooth
muscle can itself release proinflan1matory mediators and autocrine
Attract other inflammatory granulocytes, especially
growth factors (Chs 5 and I 3). Figure 23.4 shows schematically
eosinophils, to the mucosal surface. lnterleukin (TL)-5 and
the changes that take place in the bronchioles. Epithelial cell Joss
granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor prime
means that irritant receptors and C fibres are more accessible to
eosinophils to produce cys tcinyl leukotrienes, and to release
irritant stimuli-an important mechanism of bronchial hyper-
granule proteins that damage the epithelium. This damage is
one cause of bronchial hyper-responsiveness.
Promote l gE synthesis and responsiveness in some asthmatics
' Aspirin-sensitive' asthma
(IL-4 and IL-13 ;&witch' B cells to TgE synthesis and cause
Non-steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs (NSA IDs). especially
expression of l gE receptors on mast cells and eosinophils;
aspi rin, can precipitate asthma in sensitive individuals. Such
they also enhance adhesion of eosinophils to endothelium).
aspirin-sensitile asthma is relatively uncommon ( < I 0% of
Some asthmatics, in addition to these mechanisms, are also asthmatic subjects). and is often associated with nasal polyps.
atopic-i.e. they make all ergen-specific I gE that binds to mast Individuals sensiuvc to one SAID are usually also sensitive to
cells in the airways. inhaled allergen cross-links TgE molecules other chemically unrelated cyclo-oxygenase (COX) inhibitors,
on mast cells. triggering degranulation with release of histamine including sometimes par acetamol. but not highly selective
and leukotriene 8 4 both of which are powerful bronchocon- COX-2 inhibitor- (Ch. 14, pp. 236-237). Abnormal leukotriene
strictors to which asthmatics are especially sensitive because of (Ch. 13) production and sensitivity are implicated. Patients with
their airways hyper-responsiveness. This provides a mechanism aspirin-!>ensitive asthma produce more cysteinyl leukotriene and
for acute exacerbation of asthma in atopic individuals exposed have greater airway hyper-responsiveness to inhaled cysteinyl
to allergen. The effectiveness of om alizumab (an anti-lgE anti- Jcukotrienes than aspirin-tolerant asthmatics. Such airway
body; see below, p. 364) serves to emphasise the importance hyper-responsiveness reflects elevated expression of cysteinyl
of lgE in the pathogenesis of asthma as well as in other allergic leukotriene receptors on inflammatory cells, and this is down-
diseases. Noxious gases (e.g. sulfur dioxide, ozone) and airway regulated by aspi rin desensitisation (Sousa et a!., 2002). In
dehydration can also cause mast cell degranulation. addition, aspirin and similar drugs directly activate eosinophils 359

Immediate phase Late phase

Eliciting agent: Infiltration of
allergen or cytokine-releasing Th2 cells,
non-specific st1mulus and monocytes, and activation
of inflammatory cells,
particularly eosinophils
I \

Mast cells,
Mediators e.g.
mononuclear cells cysLTs,

_____ lI ___ _ neuropeptides?,
NO?, adenosine?
I/ 'I
'i/ v
Spasmogens Epithelial
cysLTs, Chemotaxins,


Fig. 23.3 Immediate and late

phases of asthma, with the
actions of the main drugs. CysLTs,
cysteinyl leukotrienes Oeukotrienes
Reversed by
CysLT-receptor Bronchospasm,
C4 and OJ; ECP, eosinophil cationic antagonists and wheezing,
protein; EMBP, eosinophil major theophylline coughing
basic protein; H, histamine; iNO,
induced nitric oxide. For more detail
of the Th2-derived cytokines and
chemokines, see Chapter 13, Inhibited by glucocorticoids
~e 221, and Figure 13.4.

Mucosa - -

Infiltration of /
inflammatory cells,
(mononuclear 0
cells, eosinophils,
etc.) Mucus plug wllh
eosinophils and
Fig. 23.4 Schematic diagram desquamated
of a cross-section of a bronchiole, Hypertrophied epithelial cells
showing changes that occur with smooth muscle
severe chronic asthma. The
individual elements depicted are Mononuclear cell Mast cell
not, of course, drawn to scale. Oedema
360 .J

and mast cells in these patients through I gE-independcnt

mechanisms. Antla.th..,. drugs: bronchodllators

f32-Adrenoceptor agonists (e.g. salbutamol)

DRUGS USED TO TREAT ASTHMA are first-line drugs (for details, see Ch. 11).
There are two categories of antiasthma drugs: bronchodilators They act as physiological antagonists of the
and anti-inflammatory agents. Bronchodilators reverse the spasmogenic mediators but have little or no effect
broncho~pasm of the immediate phase: anLi-inflammatory agents on the bronchial hyper-reactivity.
inhibit or prevent the inflammatory components of both phases Salbutamol is given by inhalation; its effects start
(Fig. 23.3). These two categories are not mutually exclusive: immediately and last 3-5 hours, and it can also be
some drug~ classified as bronchodilators also have some anti- given by intravenous infusion in status asthmaticus.
intlammatory effect. Salmeterol or formoterol are given regularly by
How best to use these drugs to treat asthma is complex. A inhalation; their duration of action is 8-12 hours.
guideline (see British Thoracic Society, updated in 2004) specifies Theophylline (often formulated as am ino phy lline) is
five therapeutic steps for adults and children with chronic asthma. a third-line drug for asthma. Theophylline:
Very mild disease may be controlled with short-acting broncho- is a methylxanthine
dilator alone (step I ), but if patients need thi s more than once a Inhibits phosphodiesterase and blocks adenosine
day a regular inhaled corticos teroid should be added (step 2). If receptors
the asthma remains uncontrolled, the next step is to add a long- has a narrow therapeutic window: unwanted
acting bronchodilator (salmeterol or formoterol); this minimises effects include cardiac dysrhythmia, seizures and
the need for increased doses of inhaled corticosteroid (step 3). gastrointestinal disturbances
Theophylline and leukotriene amagonists, such as montelukast, is given intravenously (by slow infusion) for status
also exert a corticosteroid-sparing effect. but this is less reliable. asthmaticus, or orally (as a sustained-release
One or other is added in for patients with more severe asthma preparation) as add-on therapy to inhaled
who remain symptomatic and/or the dose of inhaled cortico- corticosteroids and long-acting f32 agonists (step 4)
steroid increased to the maximum recommended (step 4). ff the is metabolised in the liver by P450; liver
patient's condition is still poorly controlled, it may be necessary dysfunction and viral infections increase its
to add a regular oral corticosteroid (e.g. prednisolone)-step 5. plasma concentration and half-life (normally
Corticosteroid~ are the mainstay of therapy because they are the approximately 12 hours)
only asthma drugs that potently inhibit T-cell activation, and thus 1nteracts Importantly with other drugs; some (e.g.
the intlammatory response, in the asthmatic airways. Crornoglicate some antibiotics) increase the half-life of
(see below) has only a weak effect and is now seldom used. theophylline, others (e.g. anticonvulsants)
decrease it.
Cysteinyl leukotriene receptor antagonists (e.g.
m ontelukast ) are third-line drugs for asthma. They:
The main dngs used as bronchodilators are f3z-adrenoceptor competitively antagonise cysteinyl leukotrienes at
agonists; others include xanthines, cysteinylleukotriene receptor CysLT1 receptors
antagonists and muscarini c receptor antagonists. are used mainly as add-on therapy to inhaled
corticosteroids and long-acting ~2 agonists (step 4).
jl-Adrenoceptor agonists
The f3 2-adrenoceptor agonists are dealt with in detail in
Chapter I I . Their primary effect in asthma is to dilate the bronchi
by a direct action on the ~ 2 adrenoceptors on the smooth muscle.
Being physiological antagonists of bronchoconstrictors (see Ch. 2,
Longer-acting agents: e.g. salmeterol and formoterol. These
p. 17), they relax bronchial muscle whatever the spasmogens
are given by inhalation. and the duration of action is
involved. They al<>o inhibit mediator release from mast cells and
8-12 hours. They are not used 'as needed' but are given
TNF-a release from monocytes, and increase mucus clearance
regularly, twice daily, a<> adjunctive therapy in patients whose
by an action on cilia.
asthma is inadequately controlled by glucocorticoids.
The ~ 2 -adrenoceptor agonists are usually given by inhalation
of aerosol, powder or nebulised solution, but some may be given Unwonted effects
orally or by injection. A metered-dose inhaler is used for aerosol The unwanted effects of ~2 -adrenoceptor agonists result from
preparations. systemic absorption and are given in Chapter 11. fn the context
Two categories of ~radrcnoceptor agonists are used in asthma. of their usc in a~thma. the commonest adverse effect is tremor,
other unwanted effects including tachycardia and cardiac
Short-acting agent, : sal butam ol and ter butaline. These are
given by inhalation: the maximum effect occurs within
30 minutes and the duration of action is 3-5 hours; they are Clinical uses
usually used on an 'as needed' basis to control symptoms. Cli nical uses are summarised in the clinical box. 361

Unwanted effects
Clinical use of P2 -adrenoceptor agonlsts
as bronchodllators When theophylline is used in asthma, its other effects (CI\S.
cardiova cular, gastrointestinal and diuretic) are unwanted s1de
effects. Funherrnore, the the rapeutic plasma concentration range
Short-actng drugs (salbutamol or terbutaline, usually
is 30-100 j.lmoVI, and adverse effects are common with concen
by inhalation) to prevent or treat wheeze in patients
trations greater than II 0 ~tmolfl; thus, there is a relative!} naiTO\\
with reversible obstructive airways disease.
therapeutic window. Mea~urements of its concentration in plasma
Long-acting drugs (salmeterol, formoterol) to
are useful for optimising dosage of aminophylline. Serious car
prevent bronchospasm (e.g. at night or with exercise)
diova~cular and CNS effects can occur when the plasma concen
in patients requiring long-term bronchodilator therapy.
tration exceeds 200 j.lmol/1. The most serious cardiovascular
effect is dy. rhythmia, which can be fatal. Seizures can occur w1th
theophyll inc concentrations at or slightly above the upper limit of
Xanthine drugs the therapeutic range, and can be fatal in patients with impaired
There are three pharmacologically active, naturally occurring respiration due to severe asthma.
methylxanthines: theophylline, rheobromine and caffeine (see also
Ch. 19, p. 307, and Ch.42). T heophylHne (1,3-dimethylxanthine), Pharmacokinetic aspects
which is also used as theophylline ethylenediamine (known as Methylxanthines are give n orally in sustained-release prep-
a minophylline), is the main therapeutic drug of this class. arations. Aminophylline can also be given by slow i ntravcnou~
Theophylline has a bronchodilator action, although it is more likely injec tio n of a loading dose followed by intravenous infusion.
to cause side effects (tachycardia, agitation, seizures) than the ~2- Theophylline is well absorbed from the gastrointestinaltra~t.
adrenoceptor agonists and ha!. a less favourable risk:benefit ratio. It is metabolised by the P450 system in the liver, and the elimin
ation half-life is about 8 hours in adults but varies widely tn
Actions different subjects.
Antiasthmatic. Methylxanthines have long been used as The half-life of theophylline is increac;ed in liver disea-e.
bronchodilators. 1 cardiac failure and viral infections, and is decreased in heal)
Centra/nervous system. Methylxanthines stimulate the CNS, cigarette smokers and drinkers (ac; a result of enzyme induction I.
increasing alertnesl. (see Ch. 42). They can cause tremor and Theophylline i' innuenced by many unwanted drug interaction'.
nervou~ness. and can interfere with s leep and have a stimulant
its plasma concentration is decreased by drugs that induce P-150
action on respiration. This may be useful in patients with COPD enzymes (including r ifampicin. phenobarbital, phenytoin and
and reduced rc piration evidenced by a tendency to retain C0 2 carba mazepine- ce Cbs 46 and 40. also Ch. 8, p. 116. and
(see below). Ch. 52, p. 747, for more on induction of microsomal enzyme\).
Cardiovascu lar. Mcthylxantbines stimulate the hean (see The concentration is increased by drugs that inhibit P450 entyme\
Ch. 18), having positive chronotropic and inotropic actions, while such as erythr omycin, cJar ithromycin, ciprofloxacin, diltiazem
relax ing vascular smooth muscle (Ch. 19). They cause gener-
alised vasodilatation but constric t cerebral blood vessels.
and flu conazole (sec Chs 46, 19 and 48, also Ch. 52, p. 747, for
more on enzyme inhibition). This is important in view of the

Kidney. Mcthylxanthines are weak diuretics, although this narrow therapeutic window; antibiotics such as clarithromycin
effect is not the rape utically useful. arc often s tarted when asthmatics are hospitalised because of a
Mechanisms of action severe attack precipitated by a chest infection, and if the dose or
The ways in which the xanthine drugs produce effects in asthma theophylline is unalte red severe toxicity can result.
are still unclear. The clinical use of theophylline is summarised in the box.
The relaxant effect on smooth muscle has been attributed to
inhibition of the phosphodie~terase (POE) isoenzymes, with result- Muscarinic receptor antagonists
ant increase in cAMP and/or cGMP (see Fig. 4.10. p. 67). However. Muscarinic receptor antagonists are dealt with in detrul m
the concentrations necessary to inhibit the isolated enzymes exceed Chapter I 0. The main compound used as a bronchodilator ~
the therapeutic range of plasma concentrations. iprat ropium. Tiot ropium is also available; it is a longer-acting
Competitive antagonism of adenosine at adenosine A 1 and A 2
receptors (Ch. 12) may contribute, but the POE inhibitor
enprofylline, which is a potent bronchodilator, is not an
adenosine antagonist. Clinical use of theophylline
Type rv PDE is implicated in inflammatory cells (see below),
and non-specific methylxanthines may have some anti- As a second-line drug, in addition to steroids,
inflammatory effect. (Rofl umilas t, a type IV PDE inhibitor, is in patients whose asthma does not respond
mentioned below in the context of COPD.) adequately to ~2-adrenoceptor agonists.
Intravenously (as aminophylline, a combination of
theophylline with ethylenediamine to increase its
0ver 200 years ago. William Wilhering recommended 'coffee made very solubility in water) in acute severe asthma.
362 strong' as a remedy for asthma.

drug used in maintenance treatment of COPD (sec below). Unwonted effects

lpratropium i~ <,eldom u!>ed on a regular basis in astluna but can These are few, consisting mainly of headache and gastrointestinal
be useful for cough caused by irritant stimuli in suc h patients. disturbances. They have. rarely, been associated with the emerg-
lpra t ropium i-, a quaternary derivative of N-isopropylatropine. ence of Churg-Strauss syndrome.4 but the consensus is that this
II doe\ not discriminate between muscarinic receptor subtype!. is because of withdrawal of concomitant conicosteroid therapy
(\ee Ch. 10). and it is po!.!.iblc that its blockade of M 2 auto- that had masked this dhease.
receptors on the cholinergic nerves increases acetylcholine
release and reduce., the effectiveness of its antagonism at the Ml Phormocokinetic aspects
receptors on the smooth muscle. lt is not particularly eiTective Both drugs are given orally, montelukast once daily. zafir lukast
agai n-.t a llergen challenge. but it inhibits the augmentation of twice.
mucus secretion that occur:- in asthma and may increase the Clinical use
mucociliary c learance of bronchial secretion!>. It has no effect o n They arc used in combination with an inhaled corticosteroid,
the late inflammatory pha~e of a:.thma. u~uall y aL step 3, when regular lo ng-acting f32 agonists arc inad-
It is given by acro~>ol inhalation. As a quaternary nitrogen com- equately effective.
pound, it is highl y polar and is not wdl absorbed into the c ircu-
lation (Ch. 7. p. 99), and thus does not have much action at H istamine H 1-receptor antagonists
muscarinic receptors other than those in the bronchi. The maxi- Althoug h mast cell mediators play a part in the inunediate phase
mum e ffect occurs after approximately 30 minutes and persists of allergic asthma (Fig. 23.3) and in some types of exercise-induced
for 3 5 hours. lt has few unwanted effects and is, in general, safe asthma, hi ~ t am inc H1-rcccpto r antagonists have no routine place
and well to lerated. ll can be used with ~2 -adrenoceptor agonists. in therapy, a lthough they may be modestly effective in mild atopic
Sec the c linical box for c linical uses. a<,thma, c'>pecially when this is precipitated by acute histamine
relcar>e in patient~ with concomitant allergy such as severe hay fever.
Cysteiny l le ukotriene rece ptor antagonists
All the cy\teinyl leukotricnes (LTC4 , LTD4 and LTE~) act on the
same high-affinity cystcinyl lcukotriene receptor termed CysLT1 ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AGENTS
(see Chs 13 and 14). Two receptors have been cloned, CysLT The main drugs used for their anti-inflammatory action in asthma
and Cy-.LT2 and both are expressed in respiratory mucosa and arc the glucocorticoids.
infiltra1ing inflammatory cells. but the functional significance of
each is unclear. The Jukast' drugs (montelukast and zafirlukast) Glucocorticoid s
antagonise only CysLT 1 Glucoconicoids arc dealt with in detail in Chapter 28. They are
not bronchodilators, but pn:vent the progression of chronic asthma
Pharmacological actions and are effecti ve in acu te severe asthma (see be low). 5
Lukasts reduce acute reactions to aspirin in sensitive patients, but
have not been ~o.hown to be particularly effective for aspirin- Actions and mechanism
sensitive a~ thma (see above, p. 359) in the clinic. They inhibit The basis of the anti-inflammatory action of glucocorticoids is
exercise-induced asthma and decrease both early and late discussed o n page 428. An impottant action. of relevance for
responses to inhaled allergen. They relax the airways in mild asthma, is that they dec rea.<;e formation of cytokines (Fig. 13.3),
asthma but arc less e ffective than salbutamol. Their action is in particular the Th2 cylokines that recmit and activate eosinophils
additive with ~ 1 -adrenoceptor agonists. They also reduce sputum and arc responsible fo r promoting the production of lgE and the
eosinophi lia, but so far there is no clear evidence that they expression of lgE receptors (p. 358 and Ch. 13). Glucocorticoids
modify the underlying inflammatory process in chronic asthma. a lso inhibit the generation of the vasodilators PGE2 and PGI2 by
inhibiting induction of COX-2 (Fig. 13.5). By inducing annexin I~
(p. 428). they could inhibit production of lcukotrienes and platelet-
acti vating factor. although there is currently no direct evidence
Clinical use of Inhaled muscarinic that the release of thi:. protein is involved in the antiasthma
receptor antagonists (e.g. lpratropium) effects of glucocorticoids.

For asthma, as an adjunct to ~-adrenoceptor

-'Tit" uncommon but \e\ ere \yndrome L\ characterised by systemic
antagonists and steroids. va-.culiti'>. eo'>mophllia. and a hi'>IOJ') of asthma. sinusitis and rhinitis.
For some patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease, especially long-acting drugs (e.g. tiotropium). 'In 1900. Soli~-Cohcn reponed that dried bovine adrenals had amia\lhma
acttvity. lie noted thm the extract dtd not >-ene acutely 'to cut shon the
For bronchospasm precipitated by f32-adrenoceptor paroxy'>m' but wa.s u.,cful in melting recurrence of paroxysm~. Mi.,taken
antagonists. for the fir,! rcpon on the effect of adrenaline. his astule observation wa<,
For clinical uses of muscarinic receptor anta gonists probably the tir~L on the efficacy of Mcroids in asthma.
in other organ systems see clinical box in Chapter 1 0 bPrcviou,ly known a~ /ipocortin-1 the nomenclature was changed in order
(p. 156). to comply with the hucst genomics data, which indicate then: are
approximately 30 member~ of this family! 363

Corticosteroids inhibit the a llergen-induced influx of eosino-

phils into the lung. Glucocorticoids up-regulate ~ adrenoceptor , Clinical use of glucocortlcolds In asthma
decrease microva~cular pem1eability, and indirectly reduce mediator
release from eosinophils by inhibiting the production of cytok:ines Patients who require regular bronchodilators
(e.g. TL-5 and granulocyte- macrophage colony-stimulating factor) should be considered for glucocorticoid treatment
that activate eosinophils. Reduced synthesis of IL-3 (the cytokine (e.g. with inhaled beclometasone).
that regulates mast cell production) may explain why long-term More severely affected patients are treated with high-
steroid treatment eventually reduces the number of mast cells in potency inhaled drugs (e.g. budesonide).
the respiratory mucosa, and hence suppresses the early-phase Patients with acute exacerbations of asthma may
response to allergens and exercise. require intravenous hydocortisone and oral
Glucocorticoid resistance. Glucocorticoids are sometimes prednisolone.
ineffective, even in high doses, for reasons that are incompletely A 'rescue course' of oral prednisolone may be
under~tood (see for example review by Adcock & Ito, 2004). Many needed at any stage of severity if the clinical
individual mechanisms could contribute to this. The phenomenon condition is deteriorating rapidly.
has been linked to the number of glucocorticoid receptors, but in Prolonged treatment with oral prednisolone, in
some situations other mechanisms arc clearly in play-for addition to inhaled bronchodilators and steroids, is
example reduced act ivity of histo ne deacetylase (HDAC) may be needed by a few severely asthmatic patients.
important in cigarette r.mokers (see below, p. 365).
The main compo unds used are beclometasone, budesonide,
fl uticasone, mometasonc and ciclesonide. These are given by the response of sensory C fibres to capsaicin and may inhibit the
inhalation with a metered-dose or dry powder inhaler, the full release ofT-cell cytokines. Various other effects on the inflammatol)
effect on bronchial hyper-responsiveness being attained only cells and mediators involved in asthma have been described.
after weeks or months of therapy.
Anti-lgE treatment
Unwonted effects
Oma lizuma b is a humanised monoclonal anti-IgE antibody It i'
Serious unwanted effects are uncommon with inhaled steroids.
effective in patients with allergic asthma a<; well as in allergic
Oropharyngeal candidiasis (thrush; Ch. 48) can occur (T lympho-
rhinitis. It is of considerable theoretical interest (see above, p. 359.
cytes are important in protection against fungal infection), as can
and review by Holgate et al.. 2005). but it is very expensi\e and
sore throat and croaky voice, but use of 'spacing' devices, which
its place in therapeutics is still unclear.
decrease oropharyngeal deposition of the drug and increase air-
way deposition, reduces these problems. Regular high doses can
produce some adrenal suppression. particularly in children, and SEVERE ACUTE ASTHMA (STATUS
necessitate carrying a 'steroid card' (Ch . 28). This is less likely ASTHMATIC US}
with flu ticasone, mometasone and ciclesonide, as these drugs
Severe acute as thma is a medical emergency requiring hospitalis
arc poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and undergo
ation. Treatmem includes oxygen (in high concentration, usuall)
almost complete presystemic metabolism. The unwanted effects
2: 60% ), inhalatio n of s a lbutamol g iven by nebuliser, and intra
of oral g lucocorticoids are given in Chapter 28, page 433 and
venous hydrocortisone followed by a course of oral prednisolone.
Figure 28.7.
Additional measures occasionally used include nebulised ipra
tropium . intravenous sa lbutamol or aminophylline, and anti biot ic~
Cromoglicate and nedocromil
(if bacterial infection is present). Monitoring is by PEFR or
These drugs are now hardly used for the treatment of asthma.
FEV1, and by measurement of arterial blood gases and oxygen
Although very safe, they have only weak anti-inflammatory
saturation. Oxygen saturation can be measured continuously and
effects and short duration of action. They can be used topically
non-invasively by means of an oximeter clipped over a finger.
for allergic conjunctivitis or rh.initi~. They are not bronchodilators,
having no direct effects on smooth muscle. nor do they inhibit the
actions of any of the known smooth muscle stimulants. Given ALLERGIC EMERGENCIES
prophylactically, they reduce both the immediate and late-phase
Anaphylfllis (Ch. 19) and angio-oedema are emergencies imoh-
asthmatic responses and reduce bronchial hyper-reactivity.
ing acute airways obstruction: adrenaline (epinephrine) is poten
Mechanism tially life-saving. It is administered intramuscularly (or occasional!)
Their mechanism of action is not fully understood. Cromoglicate intravenously, as in anaphylaxis occurring in association \lith
is a mast cell stabiliser', preventing histamine release from mast general anaesthesia). Patients at risk of acute anaphylaxis, for
cells. However, this b not the basis of its action in asthma, example from food or insect sting allergy, may self-admini"er
because compounds have been produced that are more potent than intramuscular adrenaline using a spring-loaded syringe. Oxygen.
cromoglicate nt inhibiting mast cell histamine release but arc an antihistamine such as chlorpbenamine, and hydrocortisone
ineffective agai ns t asthma. are a lso indicated.
Cromogl icatc depresses the exaggerated neuronal reflexes that Angio-oedcma is the intermittent occurrence of focal swelling
364 are triggered by stimulatio n of the 'irritant receptors'; it suppresses of tho s kin or intra-abdo minal organs caused by plasma leakage

(Ch. l9) is a late complication, causing symptoms of heart failure

Antlaathma drugs: anti-Inflammatory (cor pulmonale). Exacerbations may be complicated by type I or
agents type 2 respiratory failure (i.e. reduced PAo2 alone or with increased
PAco 2, respectively) requiring hospitalisation and intensive care.
Glucocorticoids (for details see Ch. 28) Tracheostomy and artificial ventilation. while prolonging survival,
These reduce the Inflammatory component in chronic may serve only to return the patient to a miserable life.
asthma and are life-saving in status asthmaticus Pathogenesis. There is small airways fibrosis, resulting in
(acute severe asthma). obstruction, and/or destruction of alveoli and of elastin fibres in
They do not prevent the immediate response to the lung parenchyma. The Iauer features are hallmarks of emphy-
allergen or other challenges. sema.' thought to be caused by proteases, including elastase,
The mechan1sm of act1on involves decreased formation released during the inflammatory response. Small airways obstmc-
of cytokines, particularly those generated by Th2 tion and emphysema vary independently of one another. The
lymphocytes (see key points box on p. 359), decreased explanation for this variation is unknown. It is emphysema that
activation of eosinophils and other inflammatory cells. causes respiratory fai lure, because it destroys the alveoli, impairing
They are given by inhalation (e.g. beclometaso ne); gas transfer. There is chronic inflammation, predominantl y in
systemic unwanted effects are uncommon at small airways and lung parenchyma, characterised by increased
moderate doses, but oral thrush and voice problems numbers of macrophagcs. ncutrophils, and T lymphocytes. The
can occur. Systemic effects can occur with high inflammatory mediators have not been as clearly defined as in
doses but are less likely with m ometasone because asthma. Lipid mediators, inflammatory peptides, reactive oxygen
of its presystemic metabolism. In deteriorating and nitrogen species. chemokines, cytokines and growth factors
asthma, an oral glucocorticoid (e.g. prednisolone) or arc all implicated (Barnes, 2004).
intravenous hydrocortisone is also given. Pri11ciples of treatment. Stopping smoking (Ch. 43) slows the
~--/ progreM, of COPD. Patients should be immunised against
influen7a and Pneumococcus, because superimposed infections
from capillaries. Most often. it is mild and idiopathic'. but it can with these organisms are potentially lethal. Glucocorticoids are
occur as part of acute allergic reactions. when it is generally generally ineffective, in contra<;t to asthma, but a trial of gluco-
accompanied by urticaria-'hives'--caused by histamine release corticoid treatment is worthwhile because asthma may coexist
from mast cells. If the larynx is involved. it is life-threatening; with COPD and have been overlooked. This contrast with asthma
swelling in the peritoneal cavity can be very painful and mimic a is puzzling. because in both diseases multiple inflammatory genes
surgical emergency. It can be caused by drugs, especially arc activated. which might be expected to be turned off by gluco-
angiotensin-converting en~yme inhibitors-perhaps because they corticoids. Inflammatory gene activation results from acetylation
block the inactivation of peptides such as bradykinin (Ch. 19)- of nuclear histoncs around which DNA is wound. Acetylation
and by as pirin and related drugs in patients who are aspirin- opens up the chromatin structure. allowing gene transcription and
sensiti ve (!>cc above, p. 359, and Ch. 14, p. 233). The hereditary synthesis of inflammatory proteins to proceed. HDAC is a key
form is associated with lack of C I esterase inhibitor-C I molecule in suppressing production of pro inflammatory cytokinc:..
esterase is an enzyme that degrades the complement component Corticosteroids recruit HDAC to activated genes, reversing
C l (see Ch. 13, Fig. 13. 1). Trancxamic acid (Ch. 2 1, p. 345) or acetylation and switching off inflammatory gene transcription
danazol (Ch. 30, p. 453) may be used to prevent attacks in (Barnes ct al., 2004). There is a link between the severity of
patients with hereditary angionewvtic oedema, and administration COPD (but not of asthma) and reduced HDAC activity in long
of C I esterase inhibitor or fresh plasma can terminate acute attacks. tissue (Ito cl al., 2005); furthennore, HDAC activity is inhibited
by smoking-related oxidative stress. which may explain the lack
of effectiveness of glucoconicoids in COPD.
Long-acting bronchodilators have been a worthwhile if modest
advance in the treatment of COPD. but do not deal with the
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a major global health underlying inflammation. No currently licensed treatments reduce
problem. Cigarette smoking is the main cause. and is increasing the progression of COPD or suppress the inflammation in !.mall
in the developing world a!> a result of targeting by the tObacco airways and lung parenchyma. Several new treatments that target
industry. Air pollution. also aetiologically important, is also increas- the inflammatory process are in clinical deve1opment (Barnes &
ing, and there is a huge unmet need for effective drugs. Despite this. Stockley, 2005). Some, such a<> chernokine antagonists. are directed
COPD has received relatively little attention compared with asthma. again">! the influx of inflammatory cells into the airways and lung
Clinical features. The clinical picture starts with attacks of parenchyma, whereas others target inflammatory cytokincs such
morning cough during the winter, and progresses to chronic as TNF-a. POE IV inhibitors (e.g. roDumilast: Rabe et al., 2005)
cough with intermittent exacerbations, often initiated by a cold,
when the sputum becomes purulent ('chronic bronchitis'). There
is progressive breathles~ness. Some patients have a reversible 7
Emphysema is a pathologica l condi ti on someti mes associated wi th COPD,
component of airflow obstruction identifiable by an improved in which lung parenchyma i> destroyed and replaced by air spaces that
FEV1 following a dose of bronchodilator. Pulmonary hypertension coalesce to form bu//al'- blister-like air-fi lled spaces in tbc lung tissue. 365

show some promi.,e. Other drugs that inhibit cell signalling (see the airways rather than by binding to specific receptors. They are
Chs 3 and 5) include inhibitors of p38 mitogen-activated protein effective in the prophylaxis and management of respiratory di'trc''
kina~e. nuclear factor KB and pbosphoinositide-3 kinase-y. More syndrome in newborn babies. especially if premature. Example,
pecific approaches arc to give antioxidants, inhibitors of inducible include beractant and poractant a lpha , which are deri,ati\c~ol
0 '>ynthase and leukotriene 8 4 antagonists. Other treatments have the physiologically produced pulmonary surfactant protein that i'
the potential to combat mucus hypersecretion. and there is a search important in preventing collapse of the alveoli. They are ad mini,.
for -.erine proteina~e and matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors to tcred directly into the tracheobronchial tree via the endotracheal
prevent lung destruction and the development of emphysema. tube. (The mothen. of premature infants are sometimes treated \\tth
Specific aspects of treatment. Short- and long-acting inhaled glucocorticoids before birth in an attempt to accelerate maturation
bronchodilator., can provide useful palliation in patients with a of the fetal lung and minimise incidence of this disorder.)
reversible component. The main short-acting drugs arc ipratro-
pium (see p. 363) and salbutamol (p. 36 1); long-acting drugs
inc lude tiotropium (p. 362) and salmeterol or formoterol (p. 36 1).
T heophylline (p. 362) can be given by mouth but is of uncertain Cough is a protective rellex that removes foreign material and
benefit. Its respiratory stimu lant effect may be useful for patients secretions from the bronchi and bronchioles. lt is a very common
who tend to re tain C0 2 Other respiratory stimulants (e.g. doxa- adverse e ffect of angiOiensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, in
pra m ; sec Ch. 42) arc sometimes used briefly in acute respiratory wh ic h case the treatmen t is usual ly to substiiUte an alternmi~c
fai lure (e.g. postoperatively) but have largely been replaced by dru g, notably an angiotensin receptor antagonist, less likely lll
ventilatory support (intermittent positive-pressure ventilation). cause this adverse effect (Ch. 19, p. 309). It can be triggered b)
Long-term oxygen therapy administered at home pro longs life inflammation in the respiratory tract, for example by undiagnosed
in patient\ wi th severe disease and hypoxaemia (at least if they a!.thma or chronic reflux with a~pi rati on, or by neopla<;ia. In thN
refrain from 'moking-an oxygen fire is not a pleasant way to cases. cough suppressant (antitussant) drugs are sometimes u,eful.
go. especially for one's neighbours!). for example for the dry painful cough associated with bronchial
Acute exacerbations. Acute exacerbations of COPD are treated carcinoma, where opioids are invaluable. Antitussive drug~ are to
with inhaled 0 1 in a concentration (initially, at least) of only 24% be avoided in ca<,es of chronic pulmonary infection, as they can
0 2, i.e. only ju'>t above atmospheric 0 2 concentration (approxi- cause undesirable thicl.ening and retention of sputum. and m
mate!) 20%). The need for caution is because of the risl. of asthma because of the risk of respiratory depression.
precipitating col retention as a consequence of terminating the
hypoxic d rive to respiration. Blood gases and tissue oxygen
saturation arc monitored. and in!>pired 0 2 subsequently adjusted
accordingly. Broad-spectrum antibiotics (e.g. cefuroximc: Ch. 46) Antitussive drugs act by an ill-defined effect in the brain stem
including activity again:,t 1-faemophilus injluen;:.ae are used if depre~singan even more poorly defined cough centre'. All optotd
there is evidence of infection. Inhaled bronchodilators may narcotic analgesics (see Ch. 41) have antitussive actions in do'c'
provide some symptomatic improvement. below those required for pain relief. Those used a., cough
A system ically active g lucocorticoid (intravenous hydro- suppressants are me mbers of the group with minimal analgest'
cortisone or oral prednisolone) is also administered routinely, actions and addictive properties. New opioid analogues that
although efficacy is modest. inhaled steroids do not influence the suppress cough by inhibiting release of excitatory neuropeptide'
prog ressive decline in lung function in patients with COPD, but throu gh an action on ~l receptors (see Table 4 1. 1) on sen,ory
do improve the quality of life, probably as a result of a modest nerves in the bronchi are being assessed.
reduction in ho,pital ad missions. Codeine (methylmorphine) is a weak opioid (see Ch. 41 ) \\tth
considerably less addiction liability than the main opioids, and.,
a mild cough supprcssant. lt decreases secretions in the bronchiole'.
which thicken~ sputum, and inhibits ciliary activity. Constipation
Pulmonary l.urfactants arc not true drugs in Ehrlich s sense (Ch. 2, is common (~ee Chs 25 and 41 ). Dextromethorphan and
p. 8). acting a'> a result of their physicochemical properties within pholcodine arc believed to have fewer adverse effects.


Buck~:round mnterinl inhibiting the dl!velopmnll t>/ Ulll(>y: uuju/ Small K M. McGra"' D W. Liggeu S B 2()(11
Ert> K J 199<) Atnp1c d"ordc"'; a d~fault pathway in the diagrams) Pharmacology and physiology of human ndtell(rgiC
ab,ence of mfc~tion hnmunol Tod.1y 20: 317- 322 Kirstein S L. ln;el P 1\ 200* Autonomic ncrvou' '}>lcm receptor polymorpbisms. Annu Rev Pharmacol
(Diwmlfl tltt- hyrmtlte\1\ that the derline of infectious phanmlcogcnomic;: a progrc" report l'hunn;~cot Rev Toxicol 43: 38 1-H l (Reviews th~ conseqttetttt uf
"'-""'"' in tilt deve/optd world multi tlcc'Otml for 56: 3 1- 52 (RI'I'il'WI l'l'l"l'nl idt'/11 rt'!fOnfilll{ atlrtmergic rereptor polymorphism\ in tPnnt of
an inaeaw in ttltlpk dhan/er:.. :.tres.1ing tile role plwrmacogetwmin of cO!IIfJlJJJ(nt.\ oftht! <Wtonoulic Jtgnalling. lruman phy.~io!tJgy andtliseaw~. tmd
366 of 1hr Til ll)'fll' mwtWil' rl'spnll~<' tn infection m nenous system) response to therapy)
The kidney

indicated in kidney disease) are covered in

Overview 368 Chapter 19, immunosuppressant drugs (eHective in
Outline of renal function 368 several of the diseases that can cause renal failure,
and crucial for maintaining the health of patients
The structure and function of the nephron 368 who have received a kidney transplant) in
-Tubular function 370
Chapter 14, and antibacterial drugs (used to treat
-Acid-base balance 373
renal and urinary tract infections) in Chapter 46.
-Potassium balance 373
-Excretion of organic molecules 374
-Natriuretic peptides 374 OUTLINE OF RENAL FUNCTION
-Prostaglandins and renal function 374
The main function of the lcidney is to maintain the constanq of
Drugs acting on the kidney 375 the 'interior environment' by eliminating waste products and b}
-Diuretics 375
regulating the volume, electrolyte content and pH of the e."<tra
Drugs that alter the pH of the urine 380 cellular fluid in the face of varying dietary intake and Vat)ing
1-- environmental (e.g. climatic) demands.
Drugs that alter the excretion of organic The kidneys receive about a quarter of the cardiac outpm.
molecules 381
From the several hundred litres of plasma that flow through them
Drugs used in renal failure 382 each day, they filter (in a 70-kg human) approximately 1201itre~
- Hyperphosphataemia 382 per day, II times the total extraceUular fluid volume. This filtrate
-Hyperkalaemia 382 is similar to plasma apart from the absence of protein. A~ it
passes through the renal tubule, about 99% of the filtered water.
Drugs used in urinary tract disorders 383 and much of the fi ltered sodium ions, are reabsorbed, and ~orne
substances arc secreted into it from the blood. Evenrually.
approximately 1.5 litres is voided as urine per 24 hours under
usual conditions (Table 24.1 ).
Each kidney consists of an outer cortex, an inner medulla and
OVERVIEW a hollow pelvis, which empties into the ureter. The functional
unit is the nephron, of which there are approximately 1.4 x I()"
The main drugs that work by altering renal
in each kidney (approximately half this number in people with
function-the diuretics-are crucial for the
hypertension: Keller et al., 2003), with considerable variation
management of cardiovascular disease (Chs 18 and
between individuab and an age-related decline.
19). The kidneys are the main organ by which
drugs and their metabolites are eliminated from
the body (Ch. 8), and so when they fail dosing THE STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION OF THE
regimens of many drugs must be adapted. NEPHRON
Furthermore, they are a target for various kinds of
drug toxicity (Ch. 53). In the present chapter, we Each nephron consists of a glomentlus. proximal mbu/e-
set the scene for describing drugs that aHect renal comprising convoluted and straight segments, loop of Henle.
function with a brief outline of renal physiology distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct-Figure 24.1. The
based on the functional unit of the kidney-the glomerulus comprises a tuft of capillaries projecting into a dilated
nephron. Subsequent emphasis is on diuretics- end of the renal tubule. Most nephrons lie largely or entirely 1n
drugs that increase the excretion of No ions and the cortex. The remaining 12%, called the juxtamedullary
water. We also consider briefly other drugs that nephrons, have their glomeruli and convoluted tubules next to the
are used in treating renal failure and urinary tract junction of the medulla and cortex. and their loops of Henle pa\s
368 disorders. Antihypertensive drugs (commonly deep into the medulla. l'n juxtamedullary nephrons, part of the

thick ascending limb of the loop of H enle (as weU as the thin pan
Tble 24.1 Reabsorption of fluid and solute in of the loop) lies in the medulla; the pan of the medulla containing
the kidneya
the thick ascending limb is known as the outer stripe of the medulla,
as opposed tO the inner stripe, which contains thin segments only
Filtered/ Excreted/ Percent age
(the difference i1. visible to the naked eye).
day dayb reabsorbed

Na' (mmol) 25000 150 99+

K (mmol) 600 90 93+ Nephrons possess the special characteristic of having two capillary
beds in series with each other (see Fig. 24. 1). The afferent arteriole
Cl"(mmol) 18000 150 99+
of each cortical nephron branches to form the glomerulus; glom-
HC03 (mmol) 4900 0 100 erular capillaries coalesce into the efferent arteriole, which, in
turn, branches to form a second capillary network in the cortex,
Total solute (mosmol) 54000 700 87 around the convoluted tubules and loops of Henle, before con-
verging on venules and thence on renal veins. By contrast,
H20 (lltres) 180 - 1.5 99+
efferent arterioles of ju.xtamedullary nephrons lead to vessel
"Typical values for a healthy young adult: renal blood flow, loops that pass deep into the medu lla with the thin loops of
1200 ml/mln (20-25% of cardiac output); renal plasma flow, Henle. These loops are called vasa recta and play a key role in
660 ml/mln; glomerular filtration rate, 125 ml/min. counter-current exchange (sec p. 373).
1>-fhese are typical figures for an individual eating a western
diet. The kidney excretes more or less of each of these
substances to maintain the constancy of the internal milieu, so THE JUXTAGLOMERULAR APPARATUS
on a low-sodium diet (for instance in the Yanomami Indians of
the upper Amazon basin), NaCI excretion may be reduced to A conjunction of afferent arteriole. efferent arteriole and distal
below 10 mmol/day! At the other extreme, individuals liv1ng in convoluted tubule ncar the glomerulus forms the juxtaglomerular
some fishing communities in Japan eat (and therefore excrete)
appamtul> (Fig. 24.2). At this site, there are specialised cells in
several hundred mmol/day.
both the afferent arteriole and in the tubule. The Iauer, termed

Bowman's capsule Glomerulus

Distal tubule

Proximal tubule

/. ~tubule

Peritubular capillaries

( artery
,.. __
I \ Arcuate


: Vasa recta Loop of Henle Collecting duct

lg. 24.1 Simplified diagram of a juxtamedullary neph ron and its blood supply. The tubules and the blood vessels are shown
eparately for clarity. In the kidney, the peritubular capillary network surrounds the convoluted tubules, and the distal convoluted tubule
asses close to the glomerulus, between the afferent and efferent arterioles. (This last Is shown in more detail in Fig. 24.2.)

accompanied by passive absorption of water so that fluid leaving

Distal tubule the proximal tubule remains approximately isotonic to the filtro1te
entering Bowman\ capsule.
Some of the transport processes in the proximal tubule are
\hown in Figure!> 24.3-24.5. The most important mechani~m for
Na entry into proximal tubular cells from lhe filtrate occur\ by
Narw exchange (Fig. 24.5). Intracellular carbonic anhydrase 1\
essential for production of W for secretion into the lumen. Na is
reabsorbed in exchange for H+. and transported out of the cell'
into the interstitium and thence into the blood by a Na fK
ATPase (sodium pump) in the basolateral membrane. This is the
Fig. 24.2 The juxtaglomerular apparatus. The cutaway main active transport mechanism of the nephron in tenns of
sections show the granular renin-containing cells round the energy consumption. BoU1 Na+rH+ and Na+rK+ exchange arc
afferent arteriole, and the macula densa cells in the distal
convoluted tubule. The inset shows the general relationships j instance!> of a111iport systems-that is, ones in which sub~tancc~
arc exchanged with cuch other in opposite directions across a

l between the structures. DT, distal tubule; G, glomerulus.

(Modified from Sullivan & Grantham, 1982.) membrane, in distinction from symporters, where coupled
transport takes place in the same direction (see below).
Bicarbonate i!. normally completely reabsorbed in the proximal
tubule. This is achieved by combination with protons, yielding
carbonic acid, which dissociates to form carbon dioxide and
mamla densa cells, re~pond to changes in the rate of flow and the water- a reaction cataly~ed by carbonic anhydrase present in the
composition of tubule fluid, and they control renin release from lumenal brush border of the proximal tubule cells (Fig. 24.5)-
the specialised granular renin-containing cells in the afferent followed by pa!.!.ive reabsorption of the dissolved carbon dioxide
arteriole (Ch. 19). Other mediators also influence renin secretion, The selective removal of sodium bicarbonate. with accompanying
including ~2 agoni!.ts. vasodilator prostaglandins and feedback water. in the early proximal tubule causes a secondary rise in the
inhibition from angiotensin II acting on AT1 receptors (see concentration of chloride ions. Diffusion of chloride down it-.
Fig. 19.4). The role of tile juxtaglomerular apparatus in the concentration gradient via tile paracellular shunt leads. in tum. to
control of Na balance b dealt with below. and its cardiovascular a lumen positive potential difference that favours reabsorption of
role ic; con!.idered in Chapter 19. sodium. The other mechanism involved in movement "ia tht:
paracellular route b that sodium ions are secreted by NafK
Fluid il> driven from 1he capillaries into tile tubular capsule
(Bowman\ capsule) by hydrodynamic force opposed by the
oncotic pressure of the plasma proteins to whic h tile g lomerular
capi llaries arc impermeable. All the low-molecular-weight
constituents of plasma appear in the filtrate, while albumin and
larger proteins arc retained in the blood.

The apex (lumenal surface) of each tubular cell is surrounded by Na+, Cl-,
a tight junction. as in all cpitilelia. This is a specialised region of glucose, HC03-.
amino acids,
membrane that separates tile intercellular space from the lumen water (isosmotic)
(see Figs 24.7- 24.10. below). The movement of ions and water
aero<,~ the epithelium can occur through cells (the t:ransccllular
pathway) and betll'een cell'> through tile tight junctions (tile
paracellular pathway).


The epithelium of the proximal convoluted tubule is 'leaJ.:y', i.e. Fig. 24.3 Transport processes in the proximal
the tight junction~ in the proximal tubule are not so 'tight' after convoluted tubule. The main driving force for the absorption
all, being permeable to ions and water, and permitting passive of solutes and water from the lumen is the NatK ATPase in
the basolateral membrane of the tubule cells. Many drugs are
flow in either direction. This prevents the build-up of large con-
secreted into the proximal tubule (see Ch. 8). (Redrawn from
cenlratio n gradients; thu!>, although approximately 60-70% of Burg, 1985.)
3 70 Na reabsorptio n occurs in lhe proximal tubule, tilis lransfer is

Na+ 145, 100% Na 30, 10%

c1- 115, 100% Cl 30, 10%

Fig. 24.4 Schematic showing
the absorption of sod ium and
chloride in the nephron and the y DT
main sites of action of drugs. Na"' Na' Cl
Cells are depicted as an orange
border round the yellow tubular
lumen. Mechanisms of ion
absorpt1on at the apical margin of
the tubule cell: (1) Natw exchange;
(2) NatK'/2CI- cotransport; (3)
Na'/CI- cotransport, (4) Na' entry Osmotic diuretics
through sodium channels. Sodium modify filtrate
is pumped out of the cells into the content
interstitium by the Na'tK ATPase in
the basolateral margin of the tubular
cells (not shown). The numbers in
Na' 145,35%
the boxes give the concentration of
Cl- 115, 40%
ions as mlllimoles per litre of filtrate,
and the percentage of filtered ions
still remaining in the tubular fluid at
the sites specified. CT, collecting
tubule; DT, distal tubule; PCT,
proximal convoluted tubule; TAL,
Na... 0 .1-2%
thick ascending loop. (Data from
c1- 0.1- 2%
Greger, 2000.)

Proximal tubule



-:;::. Na - - --- --- ---- ,.. Na'
;'if p
.,. /
~ .,.'
Na'..... .,."
___. .A.
NaHC03 -- -------- A
-- -
Fig. 24.5 Renal mec hanism of Hco3- - - ------ ~ Hco -
bicarbonate ion reabsorption in /
the proximal convoluted tubule, H2C03

-~~~-.....Jt a~~:~:e.~
showing the action of ca rbonic
anhydrase inhibitors. Sodium ions
are absorbed and H' secreted at
H2 0 + C02 ~- - - -- -- - - - - C02
the lumenal surface by an antiport
mechanism (A). The primary active
transport mechanism is the Na' LUMEN Metabolism
pump (P). The diagram Is simplified:
the sodium pump exchanges 3Na'
for 2 K. (Adapted from Hendry &
Ellory 1988 Trends Pharmacol Sci 9:

ATPa~e into the lateral intercellular space, slightly ratstng irs enter> the distal convoluted tubule (Fig. 24.4). The thick ascending
o~molality bccau\e of its 3:2 stoichiometry. This leads to osmotic limb is therefore sometimes referred to as the 'diluting segment',
movement of water across the tight junction. in tum causing
sodium reab.,orption by convection (solvent drag).
Many organic acids and bases are actively secreted into the
tubule from the blood by specific transporters (see below. In the early distal tubule. aCI reabsorption. coupled with imper-
Fig. 24.3 and Ch. 8). meability of the :onula ocdudens to water, further dilutes the
After passage through the proximal tubule. tubular fluid (now tubular fluid. Transport is driven by a+/K+ ATPase in the ba'o-
30-40% of the original volume of the filtrate) passes on to the lateral membrane. This lo,vers cytoplasmic Na concentration.
loop of Henle. and consequently a enters tbe cell from the lumen dm\n il\
concentration gradient, accompanied by Cl-, by means of an
clcctroncutral a+/CJ carrier (Fig. 24.8).
The excretion of Cal il> regulated in this part of the nephron.
The loop of Henle consists of a descending and an ascending parathormone and calcitriol both increasing Cal+ reabsorption
portion (Figs 24. 1 and 24.4), the ascending portion having both (sec Ch. 31 ).
thick and thin segments. Up to 30% of filtered a+ is reabsorbed
by this part of the nephron, which enables the kidney to excrete
urine that is either more or less concentrared than plasma, and
hence to regulate the osmotic balance of the body as a whole.
The descending limb is permeable to water, which exits passively Distal convoluted tubules empty into collecting tubules. which
becau<,c the interstitial fluid of the medulla is kept hypertonic by coale'>CC to form collecting ducts (Fig. 24.1 ). Collecting tubule'
the counter-current concentrating system (p. 373).1njuxtamedullary include principal cells, which reabsorb Na+ and secrete K. and
nephrons with long loops. there is extensive movement of water two populations of intercalated cells. a and ~which secrete acid
out of the tubule 'iO that the fluid eventually reaching the tip of and ba'>c, respectively.
the loop has a high osmolality-normally approximately The tight junctions in thi:. portion of the nephron are tmper
1200 mosmollkg. but up to 1500 mosmol/kg under conditions of mcablc to water and ions. The mo\'ement of ions and water m thl\
dehydration--compared with plasma and extracellular fluid. '>cgment is under independent hormonal control: absorption of
which i'> approximately 300 mo~mol/kg. 1 The hypertonic milieu of aCI by aldosteiVIU! (Ch. 19). and absorption of water b} allfl
medulla. through which the collecting dueL<> of all nephron'\ pa~., diuretic hormone (ADH). all>o tenned msopressin (Ch. 28).
on the way to the renal pelvis. is important in providing a Aldosterone enhances Na+ reabsorption and promote., K
mcchani'>m by which the osmolarity of the urine is controlled excretion. It promote~ a+ reabsorption by:
(see below).
a rapid effect. stimulating Na+fH+ exchange by an action on
The ascemling limb has very low permeability ro water. i.e. the
memhrane aldosterone reccptors 2
tight junctions really are 'tight'. enabling the build-up of a
a delayed effect, via nuclear receptors (see Chs 3 and 28),
substantia l concentration gradiem across the wall of the tubule. It
directi ng the ))ynthesi)) of a l>pecific protein mediator that
is here, in the thick a~cending Limb of the loop of Henle, that
activates sodium channels in the apical membrane
20-30% of fihcrcd Na+ is reabsorbed. There is active reabsorption
long-term effects, by increasing the number of basolatcral
of NaCl. unaccompanied by water, reducing the osmolarity of
Na+ pumps.
the tubular lluid and making the interstitial fluid of the medulla
hypertonic. Jon~ move into the cell across the apical membrane Antidiuretic hormone is secreted by the posterior pituitary (Ch. 28t
by a Na+JK+/2 Cr symporter (sec p. 370 above for the distinction and binds V2 receptors in the basolateral membrane!>. increasing
between '>ymport and antiport systems). The energy for this is expression of aquaporin (water channels: see Ch. 7) in the apiwl
derived from the electrochemical gradient for a produced by membranes. This renders this part of the nephron penneable to
the Na;K" ATPase in the basolateral membrane. Chloride exits water, allowing passive reabsorption of water as the collecting
the cell into the circulation. partly by diffusion through chloride duct traverses the hypcrosmotic region of the medulla, and hence
channel., and partly by a symport mechanism with K'". Most of the excretion of concentrated urine. Con\'ersely. in the ab-..:ncc
the K+ taken into the cell by the NaJK+/2cr cotransponer returns of ADH collecting duct epithelium i!> impermeable to \\ater. '>0
to the lumen through apical potassium channeb. but some K+ is hypotonic fluid that lca,es the di!>tal tubule remaini> hypotonic ;l\
reabsorbed. along with Mg2 and Ca2+. it passes down the collecring ducts. leading to rhe excrctton of
Reabsorption of salt from the thick ascending limb is not eli/we urine.
balanced by reabsorption of water. so tubular fluid is h)poronic Ethanol (sec p. 629) inhibits the secretion of ADH. cau,mg a
with respect to pla'>ma as it leaves the thick a cending limb and water diuresis (possibly familiar to some of our readers) ;h a ~ind

'These figures arc for humunb; 'omc other species. notably the desert rat, ~A mcchuni~rn di~tinct from regulation of gene transcripLion, which;, the
372 c;m do much better, with urine o~mol a l it i es up to 5000 mosmol/kg. normal rran\duction mcchunism for steroid hormones (Chs 3 and 2g).
of transient diabetes ill$ipidus-a disorder in which patients
excrete large volume~ of dilute urine because of failure to secrete Renal tubular function
ADH (pp. 425-426). Several drugs inhibit the action of ADH:
lithi um (u!.ed in p~ychiatric disorders: see Cb. 38). demeclocycline Protein-free filtrate enters via Bowman's
(a tetracycline u~ed not as an antibiotic-Chapter 46--but rather capsule.
to treat condition,. \uch as some lung cancers. associated with Na'/K ATPase in the basolateral membrane is the
inappropriate secretion of ADH), colchicine (Ch. 14) and l'inca main acttve transporter. It provides the gradients for
alkaloids (Ch. 51). All the~e drugs can cause acquired forms of passive transporters in the apical membranes.
11ephrogenic diabete.\ imipidus-i.e. diabetes insipidus caused 6D-70% of the filtered Na and > 90% of HC03 is
not by a failure to secrete ADH but by a failure of the renal absorbed in the proximal tubule.
collecting ducts to respond to its action. Nephrogenic diabetes Carbonic anhydrase is key for NaHC03 reabsorption
insipidus can also be caused by two genetic disorders (mutations and distal tubular urine acidification.
of the Y 2 receptor in the rare X-linked variety. and mutations of The thick ascending limb of Henle's loop is
aquaporin-2 in the even rarer autosomal recessive variety). impermeable to water; 20-30% of the fi ltered NaCI is
actively reabsorbed in this segment.
Ions are reabsorbed from tubular fluid by a
THE MEDULLARY COUNTER-CURRENT MULTIPLIER Na'/K'/2 Cl- cotransporter in the apical membranes
AND EXCHANGER of the thick ascending limb.
The loops of Henle of the juxtamedullary oephrons function as NaJK/2 Cl cotransport is inhibited by loop
counter-curren t multipliers, and the vasa recta as counter-current diuretics.
exchangers. NaCI is actively reabsorbed in the thick ascending Filtrate is diluted as it traverses the thick ascending
limb. causing hypertonicity of the interstitium. In the descending limb as ions are reabsorbed, so that it is hypotonic
limb. water moves out and the tubular fluid becomes progress- when it leaves.
i\'ely more concentrated as it approaches the bend. The resulting The tubular counter-current multiplier actively
osmotic gradient range:. from botonicity (300 mosmoVI) at the generates a concentration gradient-small horizontal
conical boundary to~ 1500 mosmoVI in the deepest part of the differences 1n solute concentration between tubular
renal papilla. This gradient is the key consequence of the counter- fluid and interstitium are multiplied vertically. The
current multiplier sy\tem. the main principle being that small deeper 1n the medulla, the more concentrated is the
horizontal osmotic gradients stack up to produce a large vertical interstitial fluid.
gradient. Urea contributes to the gradient because it is more Medullary hypertonicity is preserved passively by
slowly reabsorbed than water and may be added to fluid in the counter-current exchange in the vasa recta.
descending limb, so its concentration rises along the nephron Na'/CI- cotransport (inhibited by thiazide diuretics)
until it reaches the collecting tubules. where it dilluses out into reabsorbs 5-10% of filtered Na in the distal tubule.
the interstitium. It is thus 'trapped' in the inner medulla. K ' is secreted into tubular fluid in the distal tubule
T he vertical osmotic gradient would be rapidly dissipated if and the collecting tubules and collecting ducts.
solute in the medu llary interstitium were carried away by brisk In the absence of antidiuretic hormone (ADH), collecting
blood now. This docs not happen because the vasa recta function tubule and collecting duct have low permeability to
as passive COrtll/er-current exchangers: water effectively 'short- salt and water. ADH increases water permeability.
circuits' the deepest parts of the vasa recta by leaving these Na is reabsorbed from collecting duct through
vessels a~ they descend into the medulla, re-entering them as they epithelial sodium channels.
ascend and exit the medulla, and thus preserving the These are stimulated by aldosterone and inhibited by
concentration gradient built up in the medullary interstitium by amiloride. K'" or W is secreted into the tubule in
the active counter-current multiplier. exchange for Na in this distal region.

The kidney~ (together with the lungs: Ch. 23. p. 356) regulate the
W concentration of body Ouids. Acid or alkaline urine can be
excreted according to need. the usual requjrement being to form Extracellular K-critically important for excitable tissue function;
acid urine to eliminate phosphoric and sulfuric acids generated see Chapter 4, page 63-64-is tightly controlled through
during the metabolism of nucleic acids. and sulfur-containing regulation of K+ excretion by the kidney. Urinary K+ excretion
amino acid~ con~umed in the diet. Consequently. metabolic acidosis matches dietary intake, usually approximately 50-100 mmol in
is a common accompaniment of renal failu re. Carbonic anhydrase 24 hours in western countries. M ost diuretics cause K+ loss (see
is essential for acid base control both because of its lumenal and below). This causes potentially important dmg interactions (see
cellular roles in the proximal tubule (sec above), and because Ch. 52, p. 746) if they are coadministered with cardiac f(lycosides
intracellular carbonic anhydrase is essential for distal tubular or class l/1 a11tidysrltythmic drugs (whose toxjcity is increased
urine acidification. by low plasma K+; see Ch. 19). 373

Pota!>sium ions are transported into collecting duct-and Within the kidney, the post-translational processing of Ai~P
collecting tubule-cells from blood and interstitial fluid by Na/K prohormone differs from that in other tissues, resulting in an
ATPasc in the ba~olateral membrane. and leak into the lumen additional four amino acids being added to the amino terminu~ of
through a K-!>elective ion channel. la passes from tubular fluid A P to yield a related peptide. urodilatin, that promotes 'a
through !>odium channel~ in the apical membrane down the excretion by acting on receptors on the lumenal side of the
electrocbcmical gradient created by the Na/K+ ATPase; a lumen- collecting duct cells (Vesely. 2003).
negative potential difference across the cell results, increasing the
driving force for K+ secretion into the lumen. Thus K+ secretion is
coupled to Na reabsorption.
Con~equently. K+ is lost when: Prostaglandins (see Ch. 13) generated in the kidney modulate ih
haemodynamic and excretory functions. The main renal pro~tag
more a reaches the collecting duct. as occurs with any
landins in humans are vasodilator and natriuretic, namely pro-
diuretic acting proximal to the collecting duct
staglandin (PG) E2 in the medulla and PGI 2 (prostacyclin) in
Na reabsorption in the collecting duct is increased directly
glomeruli. Factors that stimulate their synthesis include ischaemia,
(e.g. in hyperaldosteronism).
angiotensin II , ADH and bradykinin.
K" is retai ned when:
Influence on haemodynamics
a reabsorption in the collecting duct is decreased, for
Prostaglandin biosynthesis is low under basal condition~. !low-
example by amiloridc or triamtcrenc, which block the
ever, when vasoconstrictors (e.g. angiotensin II, noradrenaline
sodium channel in this part of the nephron, or
rnorepinephrine]) are released, PGE 2 and PGI 2 modulate thetr
spironolactone or eplerenone, which antagonise aldosterone
effects on the kidney by causing compensatory vasodilatation.
(sec p. 379).
Influence on the renal control of NaCI and
The influence of renal prostaglandins on salt balance and haemo-
There arc distinct mechanisms (see Ch. 8, Table 8.4) for secreting dynamics can be inferred from the effects of drugs that inhibit
organic anions and cations into the proximal tubular lumen. prostaglandin synthesis. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug'
Secreted anions include ~everal important drugs. for example (NSAID~. which inhibit prostaglandjn production; see Ch 1-t)
thia:ides, furosemide, salicylate (Ch. 14). and most penicillins have little or no effect on renal function in healthy people. but
and cephalosporins (Ch. 46). Similarly, several secreted organic predictably cau~e acute renal failure in clinical condition' in
cations are important drugs. for example triamterene. amiloride, which renal blood Oow depends on vasodilator prostaglandm
atropine (Ch. I0), morphine (Ch. 41) and quinine (Ch. 49). Both biosynthc!>is. These include cirrhosis of the liver, heart failure.
anion and cation trun!>port mechanisms arc, like other renal ion nephrotic syndrome, glomerulonephritis and extracellular mlume
transport processes. indirectly powered by active transport of a contraction (see Ch. 53. Table 53.1 and pp. 754-755). Volume
and K, the energy being derived from Na+/K+ ATPase in the contraction st imulates the renin- angiotensin- aldosterone ~ystcm.
basolateral membrane. and the rise in angiotensin [) causes glomemlar prostaglandin
Organic anions are exchanged with a-ketoglutarate by an anti- synthesis (sec above) without which glomeru lar blood now and
port (sec p. 370 above for an explanation of antiportlsymport) in glomerular filtration rate would be compromised due to the
the basolatcral membrane, and diffuse passively into the tubular unopposed vasoconstrictor action of angiotensin IT on the afferent
lumen (Fig. 24.3). and efferent arterioles. NSAIDs consequently cause renal failure
Organic cations diffuse into the cell from the interstitium and are in states of extracellular volume contraction (Cuzzolin et al., 2001).
then actively transported into the tubular lumen in exchange for H. NSAIDs increase blood pressure in patients treated for h)per-
tension by impairing vasodilatation and salt excretion. They
exacerbate \alt and water retention in patients with heart failurt'
(see Ch. 19. pp. 313-314). partly by this same direct mechanism.3
Endogenous A, B and C natriuretic peptides (AtW. BNP and CNP;
see Ch. 18, p. 285. and Ch. 19. p. 306) are involved in the
regulation of Na excretion. They are released from the heart in
respon~e to stretch (A and 8), from endothelium (C) and from
brain (8). They activate the particulate form of guanylate cyclase
(Ch. 3. p. 29), and cau!.e natriuresb both by renal haemodynamjc
effects (increasing glomerular capillary pressure by dilating
afferent and constricting efferent arterioles) and by direct tubular 'Additionally. NSAlD~ make many of the diuretics used to treat hean
actions. The tubular actions include the inhibition of angiotensin failure less effective by competing witb them for the weak acid secretory
mechanism mentioned above; loop diuretics and thiazides act from \\ ilhin
IT-stimulated Na and water reabsorption in the proximal convol- the lumen by inhibiting exchange mechanisms-see later in this chaptcr-
uted tubule, and of the action of ADH in promoting water ~o blocking their secreti on into the lumen reduces their effectivenes~ by
374 reabsorption in the collecting tubule. reducing their concentration at their site or action.

Urinary loss of bicarbonate depletes extracellular bicarbonate,

DRUGS ACTING ON THE KIDNEY and the diuretic effect of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors is con-
~cqucntly <;elf-limiting.
DIURETICS Their mechanism of action is shown in Figure 24.5.
Diuretic!> increa\e the excretion of Na and water. They decrease
the reabsorption of a and (usually) Cl- from the filtrate, Loop d iuretics
increased water loss being secondary to the increased excretion Loop diuretic~ arc the most powerful diuretics. capable of causing
of NaCI (natriuresis). This can be achieved by: the excretion of 15- 25% of filtered a+ (see Fig. 24.6 for com-
parison with a thiatide). Their action is often described-in a
a direct action on the cells of the nephron phrase that conjures up a rather uncomfortable picture-as causing
indirectly, by modifying the content of the filtrate. 'torrential urine now'. The main example is furosemide;
Because a very large proportion of salt (NaCI) and water bumctanide i& an alternative agent. These drugs act on the thick
that passe~ into the tubule in the glomerulus is reabsorbed ascending limb, inhibiting the NafKJ2CJ- carrier in the lumenal
(Table 24.1 ), a small decrease in reabsorption can cause a membrane (see above and Figs 24.4 and 24.7) by combining with
marked increase in Na excretion. A summary diagram of the its Cl binding site.
mechanisms and sites of action of various diuretics is given Loop diuretics also have incompletely understood vascular
in Figure 24.4. actions. Intravenous administration of furosemide to patients with
Note that the diuretics that have a direct action on the cells of pulmonary oedema caused by acute heart failure (see Ch. 19,
the nephron (with the exception of s pironolactone) act from p. 3 13) causes a therapeutically useful vasodilator effect before
within the tubular lumen and reach their sites of action by being the onset of the diuretic effect. Possible mechanisms that have
secreted into the proximal tubule. been invoked include decreased vascular responsiveness to vaso-
constrictors such as angiotensin IJ and noradrenaline; increased
formation of vasodilating prostaglandins (see above, p. 374);
DIURETICS ACTING DIRECTLY ON CELLS OF THE decreased production of the endogenous ouabain-like natriuretic
NEPHRON honnonc (NatK ATPa<;e inhibitor: see Ch. 18, p. 291 ), which has
Drug!> that cau~e NaCI los!> by an action on cells must obviously vasoconstrictor properties: and potassium channel-opening
affect those pans of the nephron where solute reabsorption effech in resistance arteries (see Greger et al.. 2005).
occurs. Most Na ab~orption occurs in the proximal tubule Loop diuretics increa\e the delivery of Na+ to the distal
(see above. p. 370), ~o it may seem surprising that carbonic nephron. causing loss of Wand K. Because Cl- but not HC03 is
anhydrase inhibitors- the only class of diuretic drugs that acts
on the proximal tubule- are not particularly potent. This is
because they inhibit NaHC0 3 rather than NaCl absorption.
and HC0 1 normally has only approximately one-quarter the 14
abundance of Cl in the glomerular filtrate, and because of the
important sodium-reabsorbing sites further down the nephron, 12
which increase in activity in the face of mild volume contraction,
attenuating the effect of diuretics acting proximal to them. Ill
Plasma HC0 3- concentration declines during chronic usc of ~0
these drugs because of the increased urinary excretion of HC03- 0)

(see below), further limiting the diuretic potency of carbonic ~

anhydrase inhibitors. Instead, the main therapeutically useful .s
diuretics act on the:
.c 6
thick ascending loop of Henle .s
early distal tubule E
::::J 4
collecting tubules and dueLS. ~

For a more detailed review of the actions and clinical uses of the 2
diuretics, see Greger et aJ. (2005).

Diuretics acting on the proximal tubule
0.01 0.1 1.0 10 100
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors- for example acetazolamide
Dose (mglkg)
(Fig. 24.5)---incrcasc excretion of bicarbonate with accompanying
a, K+ and water, resulting in an increased flow of an alkaline Fig. 24.6 Dose-response curves for furosemide
(frusemide) and hydrochlorothiazide, showing differences
urine and metabolic acidosis. These agents, although not now
in potency and maximum effect 'ceiling'. Note that these
used as diuretics, arc still used in the treatment of glaucoma doses are not used clinically. (Adapted from Timmerman R J et
to reduce the formatio n of aqueous humour, and also in some al. 1964 Curr Ther Res 6: 88.) 375
unusual types of infantile epilepsy.

Ascending limb of Henle's loop



--- -- ....

'' I
Loop diuretics
e.g. furosemide

Fig. 24.7 lon tra nsport in the thic k ascending lim b of Henle's loop , showing the s ite of action of l oop d iuretics. The sodium
pump (P) is the mam primary active transport mechanism, and Na , K and c1- enter by a cotransport system (C1 ). Chloride leaves the
cell both through basolateral chloride channels and by an electroneutral K/CI cotransport system (C~. Some K. returns to the lumen
via potassium channels in the apical membrane, and some Na is absorbed paracellularty through the zonula occludens. The diagram
is Simplified: the sodium pump exchanges 3 Na for 2 K. (Based on Greger, 2000.)

lost in the urine, the plasma concentration of HC03- increases as

In nephrotic syndrvme,4 loop diuretics become bound to albumin
plasma volume is reduced- a fo1m of metabolic alkalosis therefore
in the tubular fluid, and consequently are not available to act on the
referred to as 'contraction a lkalosis'.
Na+fK+/2Cl- carrier- another cause of diuretic resistance. Mol
Loop diuretics increase excretion of Ca2+ and Mgl+ and decrease
ecular variation in the Na ../K../2Cl- carrier may also be imponant
excretion of uric acid.
in some cases of diuretic resistance (Shankar & Bratcr, 2003).
Pharmacokinetic aspects The fraction not excreted in tl1e urine is metabolised, mainly in
Loop diuretic!> are normally readily absorbed from the liver bumeta nide by cytochrome P450 pathways and ruro-
gamointe~tinal tract, and arc usually given by mouth. They may semide being glucuronidated. The plasma balf-li\"es are about
also be given intravenou:.ly in urgent situations (e.g. acute pul- 90 minutes (longer in renal failure), and the duration of acuon
monary oedema) or when intel.tioal absorption is impaired. for 3-6 hours. The clinical use of loop diuretics is given in the box.
example as a result of reduced intestinal perfusion in patients
with chronic congesti~e heart failure. who can become resistant
to the action of orally adminiMercd diuretics. Given orally, they
act within I hour; given intravenously. they produce a peak effect
within 30 minutes. Loop diuretics are strongly bound to plasma
protein, and so do not pass directly into the glomerular filtrate.
They reach their site of action- the lumenal membrane of the 4
Seventl disea,es that damage renal glomeruli impair !.heir ability to retain
cells of the thick ascending limb--by being secreted in the
pl a~maalbumin. cau~ing mus;ivc loss of albumin in the urine and u reduced
prox imal convoluted tubule by the organic acid transport conccntratiun of albumin in I he plasma. which can in turn cause peripheral
mechanism; the fraction th ul> secreted is excreted in the urine. oedema. This conMcllmion is referred to as nephroric syndrome.

Idiosyncratic a llergic reactions (e.g. rashes, bone marrow

Clinical uses of loop diuretics dcprc.,~ion}are uncommon.
(e.g. furosemide)
Diuretics acting on the distal tubule
Loop diuretics are used (cautiously!), in conjunction Diuretic~ ac ting on the diMal tubule include thia:.ides and related
with dietary salt restriction and often with other drug~. Widely u~ed thiazides include bendroflumethiazide
classes of diuretic, in the treatment of salt and water (bendronuwide) and h ydrochlo rothiazid e. Chemically distinct
overload assoctated with: drug!. '-"ith '>imilar actions include chlor talidone, inda pamide
acute pulmonary oedema and mctolazone.
chronic heart failure Thiatide~ arc less powerful than loop diuretics (Fig. 24.6) but
cirrhosis of the liver complicated by ascites arc preferred in treating uncompUcated hypertension (Ch. 19).
nephrotiC syndrome They arc better tolerated than loop diuretics. and in clinical trial\
renal failure. have been shown to reduce risks of stroke and heart attack associ-
Treatment of hypertension complicated by renal ated with hyperte nsion. fn the largest trial (ALLHAT 2002),
impairment (thiazides are preferred if renal function is chlortalidone performed as well as newer antihypertensive drug!>
preserved). (a n angiotensin-converting enzy me [ACE] inhibitor and a cal-
Treatment of hypercalcaemia after replacement of cium antagonbt). They bind to the Cl- s ite of the distal LLibular
plasma volume with intravenous NaCI solution. Na+Jcl- cotransport system, inhibiting its action (Figs 24.4 and
24.8) a nd causing natriuresis with loss of sodium and c hloride
ions. The re~ulting contraction in blood volume stimulates renin
~ecrction, leading to angiotensin formation and aldosterone
Unwonted effects secretion (Ch. 19, ~ee Figs 19.4 and 19.9). This homeostatic
Unwanted effects directly related to the renal action of loop mechani'>m limits the effect of the diuretic on the blood pressure.
diuretic~ arc common.~ Exce!.~ive Na+ loss and diuresis arc com- re~ulting in an in vivo dose- hypotensive response relation~hip
mon, especially in elderly patien~. and can cause hypoi'O!aemia wit11 only a \Cry gentle gradient during chronic dosing. Potal>sium
and h.\110ten~ion. Potassium lo1.s. resulting in low plasma K loss (by mechani~ms explained on p. 374) can be important, as
(hypoka/aemia). and metabolic a lkalosis are common. can los'> of Mg2 Excretion of uric acid is decreased, and hypo-
Hypokalacmia increases the effects and toxicity of several dmgs chloraemic alkalosi!> can occur. Effects of thiazides on Na. K.
(e.g. digoxi n , p. 292. and t) pe Ill antidysrhythmic drugs. H+ and Mg 2 balance are thul> qualitati,ely similar to those of
pp. 288-289), !10 thil> i~ potentially a clinically importanr source loop diuretics. but ~maller in magnitude. ln contrast to loop
of drug interaction (Ch. 52. p. 746). If necessary. hypokalaemia diuretics, however, thia:tides reduce Ca2 excretion. This could
can be averted or treated by concomitant use of K+-sparing favour thiazidcs over loop diuretics in terms of bone metabolism
diuretic!. (sec below), &ometimes with supplementary pOLassium during long-term use in older patients (Re id et al., 2000: Rejnmark
replacement. llypomagne.1aemia is less often recognised but can e t al.. 2003; Schoofs et al.. 2003). The mec hanism underlying
also be c linicall y important. llyperuricaemia is common and can hypocalc iuria caused by thiazide diuretics may be e nhanced
precipitate ac ute gout (sec Ch. 14. pp. 238-239). passive Ca 2 trans port in the proximal tubule rather than active
Unwanted c ffectl> unrelated to the renal actions of the drugs Ca2 transport in the distal tubule (Nijenhuis e t al., 2 005).
arc infreque nt. They include predictable reactions related to the Alt houg h milder than loop diuretics when used alone. coadmin-
main action of these drug~. and unpredictable idiosy ncratic istration of thiaz ide with loop diuretics has a synergistic effect.
reactio ns (see C h. 52, pp. 754-755). Dose-related hearing loss because the loop diuretic delivers a greater fraction o f the filtered
(compounded by concomitant use of other ototoxic drugs such as load of Na to the site of action of the thiazide in the distal tubule.
aminoglycosidc an tibiotics) is explained by the main action of Thi:uide diuretics have an incompletely understood vasodilator
loop diuretics: Na+/K+/2 Cl cotransport is important in the action and can cause hyperglycaemia. When used in the treat-
basolateral membrane of the stria vascularis in the inner ear, and ment of hypertension (Ch. 19). the initial fall in blood pressure
babie~ with ~ome fonm of Banter's syndrome (mentioned earlier) result'> from the decrea\ed blood volume caused by diuresis, but
have associated deafness. lt occurs only at much higher doses the later phase is al..,o related to an action on vascular smooth
than usually needed to produce diuresis. because renal secretion muscle. Note that d iazoxide. a non-diuretic thiazide. has powerful
of loop diuretic'> concentrate~ them at their site of action in the vac;odilator effects cau'>ed by activation of KATP c hannels impli-
nephron. a~ explained above. cated in the control of membrane potential in vascular !.mooth
muscle and in in.,ulin secretion (Ch. 4. p. 64). It markedly increases
blood sugar, an effect opposite to that of chemically related
~>u l fonylurea~ such as glibenclamide that inhibit KArP channels
and are used to treat diabetes (see Ch. 26). lndapamide is said to
~such unwanted effect\ an: re-enacted in extreme form in Banter's
lower blood pressure with less metabolic disturbance than related
~ymJrome type I. a ran: auto~omaJ reces,ive single gene disorder of the
Na'/K'/2 Cl tran~portcr. who~c featu res include polyhydramnio,-caused
drugs, possibly because it is marketed at a lower equivalent dose.
by fetal po lyuria- and. po>UlataJiy, renal salt loss, low blood pressu re. Thia:tide diuretics have a paradoxical effect in diabetes
hypo~a l acm ic metabolic alka losis und hypcrcalciuria. ins ipidus, where they reduce the volume of urine by inte1fering 377

Distal tubule


Na \
~ ' .......... __ ....t___ _ _ ...
Fig. 24.8 Salt transport in th e I
distal convoluted tubule, showing LUMEN
I p
the site of action of thiazide
diuretics. The sodium pump (P) In
the basolateral membrane is the
primary active transport mechanism. Th iazides
Sod ium and chloride Ions enter by
an electroneu tral cotransp ort carrier ...
(C,). Some c1 is transported out of '
the cell by a K/CI cotransport '' I
carrier (C2); some leaves the cell I
through chloride channels. Some K ~ ,-"
is transported out of the cell by the c 1--
cotransport carrier (C~. and some
passes back into the tubule lumen
through potassium channels. The
diagram is simplified: the sodium
pump exchanges 3 Na for 2 K.
(Based on Greger, 2000.)

with the production of hypotonic fluid in the distal tubule, and Un wonted effects
hence reduce the ability of the kidney to secrete hypotonic urine Mild unwanted effectl> are common. These re-enact the feature~
(i.e. they reduce free water clearance). of Gire/man 's syndrome, a rare monogenetic disorder due to an
inactivating mutation in the thiazide-sensitive Natcr cotransponer
Phormocokinetic aspects in the distal tubule. The clinical features are milder than Barner\
ThiaL.ides and related drugs are effective orally, being well syndrome (which affects the NatK +/2 Cr cotransporter-see
absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. All are excreted in the urine, above), but as in Bartter's syndrome include renal salt loss, low
mainly by lUbular secretion (see p. 374), for which they compete blood pressure and hypokalacmic metabolic alkalosis; bypocalciuria
with uric acid. With the shorter-acting drugs such as bendroflu- is a feature, in contrast to Bartter's syndrome, and hypomagne
methiazide, the maximum effect is at about 4-6 hours and duration saemia is characteristic. In patients treated with thiazides, symptoms
is 8- 12 hours. Chlortalidone has a longer duration of action. are usually limited to the inconvenience of a mildly increased fre-
The clinical usc of thiazide diuretics is given in Lhe clinical box. quency of micturition. Hypocalciuria may be beneficial as regards
bone metabolism (see above) and stone formation. Hyponatraemia
is potentially serious, especiaUy in the elderly. Hypokolaemia
can be a cau1.e of adverse drug interaction (see above under loop
diuretics) and can precipitate encephalopathy in patiems \\ith
severe liver disea1>e.
Clinical uaea of thiazide diuretics (e.g. The commonest unwanted effect not ob,iously related to the
bendroflumethlazlde) main renal actions of the thiazides is erectile dysfunction. Thi~
emerged in an analysis of reasons given by patients for with-
Hypertension. drawing from blinded treatment in Lhe Medical Research Council
Mild heart failure (loop diuretics are usually preferred). mild hypertension trial, where (to Lhe surprise of the investigators)
Severe resis tant oedema (metolazone, especially, is it was significantly worse than placebo and ~-adrenoceptor antag-
used, together with loop diuretics). onists. Thiazide-associated erecti le dysfunction is reversible; it is
To prevent recurrent stone formation in idiopathic less common with the low doses used in current practice but
hypercalciuria. remains a problem. Other dose-related problems include hyper-
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. uricaemia precipitating gout and hyperglycaemia (which does
not, however, contrai ndicate their use in low dose in patients with

diabetes mellitus: Ch. 26, pp. 402-403). idiosyncratic reactions

Clinical uses of potassium-sparing
(e.g. rashes, blood dyscra~ias. pancreatitis and acute pulmonary
diuretics (e.g. amlloride, spironolactone)
oedema) are rare but can be serious.

With K -losing (i.e. loop or thiazide) diuretics to

Aldosterone antagonists
prevent K loss, where hypokalaemia is especially
S pironolactone and its recently marketed analogue eplerenone
hazardous (e.g. patients requiring digoxin or
(see Weinberger. 2004, for a review) have very limited diuretic
amiodarone; see Ch. 18).
action when u~ed smgly, because distal a-/K- exchange-the
Spironolactone or eplerenone is used:
site on which they act-accounts for reabsorption of only 2CK of
'" heart failure, where either of these improves
filtered Na+. They do, however. have marked antihypertensive
survival (see Ch.19)
effects (Ch. 19), prolong \Urvival in selected patients with heart
in primary hyperaldosteronism (Conn's syndrome)
failure (Ch. 19), and can prevent hypokalaemia when combined
in resistant essential hypertension (especially low-
with loop diuretics or with thia7ides. They compete with aldosterone
renin hypertension)
(p. 372) for its intracellular receptors (see Ch. 28), thereby
in secondary hyperaldosteronism caused by
inhibiting distal Na+ retention and K+ secretion (see Figs 24.4 and
hepatic cirrhosis complicated by ascites.
24.9). Eplerenone differs from spironolactone by replacement of
a 17-a-thioacetyl group with a carbomethoxy group.

Pharmacokinetic aspects
Spironolactone i~ well absorbed from the gut. Its plasma half-life
is only I 0 minute~. but its active metabolite, canrenone, has a J2-16 hours. It i~ partly metabolised in the liver and partly
plasma half-life of 16 hours. The action of spironolactone is largely excreted unchanged in the urine. Amiloridc is less well absorbed
attributable to canrcnone. Con~istenr with this, its onset of action and ha., a slower onset, with a peak action at 6 hours and duration
is sloY.. taJ...ing several days to develop. Eplerenone has a shorter of about 24 hours. Most of the drug is excreted unchanged in
elimination half-life than canrenone and has no active metabolites. the urine.
It is administered by mouth once daily.
Unwanted effects
Unwanted effects The main unwanted effect. hyperkalaemia. is related to the
Aldosterone antagonists predispo<;e to hyperkalaemia, which is pharmacological action of these drugs and can be dangerous.
potentially fatal. Potassium supplements must not be coprescribed, especially in patients with renal impairment or receiving other drugs
and close monitoring of plasma creatinine and electrolytes is needed that can increase plasma K+ (see above). Gastrointestinal disturb-
if these drugs are used for patients with impaired renal function. ances have been reported but are infrequent. Triamterene has been
especially if other drug~ that can increase plasma potassium, such identified in kidney stones, but its aetiological role is uncertain.
as ACE inhibi10rs, angiotensin recep10r antagonists (sanans) Idiosyncratic reactions, for example rashes, are uncommon.
(Ch. 19) or {3-adrenoteptor antagonists (Ch. 18) are also The clinical usc of triamtcrcnc and amiloride is given in the
prescribed-as they often arc for patients with herut failure box on potassium-sparing diuretics.
(Ch. 19). Gastrointest ina I upset is quite common. Actions of
spironolactonc/canrenonc on progesterone and androgen receptors
in tist.ues other than the kidney can result in gynaecomastia. DIURETICS THAT ACT INDIRECTLY BY
menstrual disorders and testicular atrophy. Eplerenone has lower MODIFYING THE CONTENT OF THE FILTRATE
affinity for these receptor~. and such oestrogen-like side effects Osmotic diuretics
arc lcs:. common with licensed do~cs of this drug. Osmotic diuretics are pharmacologically inert substances (e.g.
The clinical u~c of potassium-sparing diuretics is given in the mannitol) that are filtered in the glomerulus but not reabsorbed
clinical box. by the nephron (see Fig. 24.4).6 To cause a diuresis. they must
constitute an appreciable fraction of the osmolarity of tubular fluid.
Triamterene and amiloride Within the nephron, their main effect is exerted on those parts of
Like aldo!>tcrone antagonists, triamterene and amiloride have the nephron that arc freely permeable to water: the proximal
only limited diuretic efficacy, because they also act in the distal tubule, descending limb of the loop. and (in the presence of ADH:
nephron. where only a ~mall fraction of a+ reabsorption occurs.
They act on the collecting tubules and collecting ducts. inhibiting
Na reabsorption by blocking lumenal sodium channels (see
Ch. 4) a11d decreasing K excretion (see Figs 24.4 and 24.9).
They can be given with K-Jo:.ing diuretics (e.g. loop diuretics,
thiaLides) in order to maintain potassium balance.
6 Jn hyperglycacmia, gluco~e act~ as an osmotic diuretic once plasma
Pharmacokinetic aspects glucose exceed;, I he renal reabsorptive threshold {usually approximately
Tria mterene is well absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. Its 12 mmol/1), accou111ing for the cardinal symptom of polyu ria in diabetes
onset of action is within 2 hours. and its duration of action mellitus: sec Chapter26.

Collecting tubule

ADH (vasopressin) Aldoste rone

increases the
Fig. 2 4 .9 Act ions of hormones n u mber
and drugs on the c ollecting
tubule. The cells are impermeable
to water in the absence of Amilo r ide
antidiuretic hormone (ADH), and to
Na in the absence of aldosterone. p
Aldosterone acts on a nuclear
receptor within the tubule cell and
on membrane receptors (see Aldostero n e
p. 372). Chloride Ions exit the tubule
through the paracellular pathway.
Potassium Ions are added to the
filtrate, as Is H' (not shown). The
Na pump (P) in the basolateral
membrane is the main source of
energy for ion movement. The
diagram is simplified: the sodium
pump exchanges 3 Na for 2 K.
(Adapted from Greger, 2000.)

see above) the collecting LUbules. Passive water reabsorption is

reduced by the presence of non-reabsorbable solute within the DRUGS THAT ALTER THE PH OF THE
tubule; consequently a larger volume of fluid remains wi thin the URINE
proximal tubule. This has the secondary effect of reducing Na
It is possible, by Lhe use of pharmacological agents, to produce
reabsorptio n.
urinary pH values ranging from approximately 5 to 8.5.
Therefore the mai n effect of osmotic diuretics is to increase
the amount of water excreted, with a smaller increase in Na
excretion. They are not useful in treating conditions such as heart
failure associated with Na retention but have much more limited Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors alkalinise urine by blocking b1Cat
therape utic indications, including emergency treatment of bonate reabsorption (see above). Citrate (given by mouth as a
acutely raised intracranial or intraocular pressure. Such treatment mixture of sodium and potassium salts) is metabolised vw the
has nothing to do with the kidney, but relies on the increase in Krebs cycle with generation of bicarbonate, which is excreted
plasma osmolarity by solute~ that do not e nter the brain or eye; to give an alkaline urine. This may have some antibacterial
this results in extraction of water from these compartments. effect!., a!. well as improving dysuria (a common symptom ol
In acute renal failure. which can occur as a result of haem- bladder infection. consi!.ting of a burning sensation ~hile
orrhage, injury or ~ystemic infection~. the glomerular filtration pas~ing urine). Additionally. some citrate is excreted in the urine
rate is reduced. and absorption of 'aCJ and water in the proximal as ~uch and inhibits urinary stone formation. Alkalinisation i~
tubule become~ almo~t complete. so that more distal pans of the important in preventing cenain weak acid drugs with limited
nephron vinually 'dry up'. and urine flow ceases. Protein is aqueous !.Olubility, for example sulfonamides (now seldom u'ed
deposited in the tubules and may impede the flow of fluid. Osmotic as antibacterial dmgs but important in treating Pneumocystis
diuretic~ (e.g. mannitol in a dose of 12- 15 g) can limit these effects, infection with high-dose co-tr imoxazole-Ch. 49, p. 71 0---and
at least if given in the earliest stages, albeit while increasing in using sulfasalazine in the management of inflammatot)
intravascular volume and risking left ventricular failure. bowel disease- p. 395, and as a disease-modifying anti-
Osmotic diuretics are given intravenously. rheumatoid drug- p. 239-240), from crystallising in the urine; it
Unll'anted effects include transient expansion of the extra- also decreases Lhe formation of uric acid and cystine stone\ by
cellular fluid volume (with a risk of causing left ventricular fa il ure) favouring the charged anionic form that is more water-soluble
380 and hyponatraemia. 1-leadache, nausea and vomiti ng can occur. (Ch. 7, p. I 00).

tubule by the anion-secreting mechanism (see p. 374). The net

Diuretics result is excretion of approximately 8-12% of filtered urate. The
secretory mechanism is generally inhibited by low doses of drugs
Normally, < 1 % of filtered Na is excreted. that affect uric acid excretion (see below), whereas higher doses are
Diuretics increase the excretion of salt (NaCI or needed to block reabsorption. Such drugs therefore tend to cause
NaHCO:J and water. retention of uric acid at low doses, while promoting its excretion
Loop diuretics, thiazides and K. -sparing diuretics are at higher doses. ormal plasma urate concentration is approxi-
the main therapeutiC drugs. mately 0.24 mmoVI. In some individuals, the plasma concentration
Loop diuretics (e.g. furosemide) cause copious urine is high, predisposing to gout. In this disorder, urate crystals are
production. They inhibit the Na+/K./2 Cl- deposited in joints and !.Oft tissues,' resulting in acute arthritis
cotransporter in the thick ascending loop of Henle. and chalky tophi characteristic of tJ1is condition. Drugs that increase
They are used to treat heart failure and other the e limination of urate (uricosuric agents, e.g. p roben ecid and
diseases complicated by salt and water retention. s ulfinpyr azon e ) may be useful in such patients, although these
Hypovolaemia and hypokalaemia are important have largely been supplanted by a llopurinol, which inhibits
unwanted effects. urate sy nthe1>is (C h. 14, pp. 238-239).
Thiazides (e.g. bendroflumethiazide) are less potent Prob en ecid inhibits the reabsorption of urate in the proximal
than loop diuretics. They inhibit the Natcl- tubule, increasing its excrerion. It has the opposite effect on
cotransporter in the distal convoluted tubule. They penicillin, inhibiting irs secretion into the tubules and raising its
are used to treat hypertension. Erectile dysfunction is plasma concentrati o n. Given orally, probenecid is well absorbed
an important adverse effect. Hypokalaemia and other in the gastrointestinal tract, maximal concentrations in the plasma
metabolic effects can occur. occurring in about 3 hours. Approximately 90% is bound to
Potassium-sparing diuretics: plm.ma albumin. Free drug passes into the glomerular filtrate but
act in the distal nephron and collecting tubules; more is actively secreted into the proximal tubule, whence it may
they are very weak diuretics but effective in some diffuse back because of its high lipid solubility (see also Ch. 8).
forms of hypertension and heart failure, and they Sulfinpy r azon e i~ a congener of phen ylb u tazon e (see Ch. 14)
can prevent hypokalaemia caused by loop with a powerful inhibitory effect on uric acid reabsorption in the
diuret1cs or thiazides proximal tubule. It is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, is
spironolactone and eplerenone compete with highly protein-bound in the pla~ma and is secreted into the
aldosterone for its receptor proximal tubule.
amiloride and triamterene act by blocking the The main effect of uricosuric drugs is to block urate reab-
sodium channels controlled by aldosterone's sorption and lower plasma urate concentration. Both probenecid
protein mediator. and sulfinpyra7one inhibit the secretion as weU as the reabsorp-
tion of urate and, if given in subtherapeutic doses, can actually
increase plasma urate concentrations.
Usual th erapeutic doses of salicylates, in contrast. selectively
inhibit urate secretion, increasing blood urate concentration. They
Alkalinising the urin e increases the excretion of drugs that are
exacerbate gouty arl'hritis and antagonise the effects of more
weak acids (e.g. salicylates and some barbiturates). Sodium bicar-
powerful uri cosuri c agents. (But note that salicylates become uri-
bonate is sometimes used to treat salicylate overdose (Ch. 8).
cosuric th emselves at the very high doses used in the past to treat
Note that Na+ overload is dangerous in cardiac failure, and that
rheumatoid arthritis.)
overload with either Na+ or K+ i~ harmful in renal insufficiency.
Some inorganic agents inhibit secretion of other drugs by the
acid carrier system. Thus probenicid, as specified above, inhibits
AGENTS THAT DECREASE URINARY PH penicillin excretion, and at one time was used to enhance the
action of penicillin anribiotics (e.g. in single-dose treatment of
Urinary pH can be decreased with ammonium chloride, but this
gonorrhoea). It is currently licensed in the UK to prevent nephro-
is now rarely, if ever, U!>ed clinically except in a specialised test
toxicity cauo;ed by cidofovir (Ch. 47), an antiviral drug used to
for renal tubular acidosis.
treat cytomegallovirus retiniris in AIDS patients for whom other
antiviral drugs are inappropriate. It is given with probenecid to
DRUGS THAT ALTER THE EXCRETION OF prevent its concentration within the tubular lumen, and
ORGANIC MOLECULES intravenous hydration, without which it causes tubular toxicity.

Uric acid metaboli!>m and excretion is relevant in the treatment of

gout, and a few points about its excretion are made here.
Uric acid i!. derived from the catabolism of purines. and is
present in plasma mainly as ionised urate. In humans, it passes 7
The di~tribu1ion i& de1ermined by body temperature: crystals come out of
freely into the glomen1lar filtrate, and most is then reabsorbed in solution in cool extrcmilics such as the joinLs of the big toe-the clru,sic ~i1e
the proximal tubule wh ile a s mall amount is secreted into the for acute gout-and the pinna of the ear, a common site for gouty tophi.

mobility but otherwise cause surprisingly few symptoms. Con-

DRUGS USED IN RENAL FAILURE junctival calcification CM cause conjunctivitis ('uraemic red eye')
Calcification of the aortic valve cM cause steno~is. Acme
A huge ~pectrum of congenital and acquired diseac;es damage the
calciphvla.\is is a ~yndrome characterised by abrupt meta~tmic
kidney\. Despite their diversity, these lead ultimately to common
calcification in 1>ubcutaneous tissues and small vessels. leading
end points of acute or chronic renal failure. The management of
to e.xtcn~i\e \Oft ti'>~ue necrosis. Hyperphosphataernia is the maJor
these states depends crucially on various forms of artificial dialysis
trigger for the On\et of hyperparathyroidism in early chronic renal
or filtration. and on renal transplantation. Dialysis depends on
failure. and lead\ to renal osteodystrophy.
anticoagulation with heparin (Ch. 21) and/or epoprostenol
(Ch. 13), and transpiMtation on immunosuppession (Ch. 14). The'>C
Phosphate binders
are outside the scope of this book-interested readers should
These effects of hyperphosphataemia have led to the widespread
consult a nephrology textbook such as the Oxford Textbook of
use of phosphate-binding preparations in renal failure: approxi-
Nephrolo[?y (3rd edition, 2005). Hypertension is both a cause and
mately half of patients on chronic haemodialysis are treated with
a consequence of renal impairment. so its treatment with anti-
such drugs. The Mtacid aluminium hydroxide (Ch. 25. p. 388)
hyperrensil>e drugs (Ch. 19) is extremely important in the context
binds phosphate in the gastrointestinal tract. reducing it; absorp
of renal disease. ACE inhibitors and angiotensin IT antagonists
tion, but may increase plasma aluminium in dialysis patie nt~.
arc used as rcnoprotective agents to prevent progression of chronic
T here is huge sensitivity to this in the nephrology community.
renal impairment in proteinuric patients, where their benefi t is
because before Kerr identified the cause in Newcastle, the u~c of
over and above their effects on blood prcssuJe (see Brunner, 1992,
alum 3!. a water purifier in municipal water supplies led to a
and clinical boxes on ACE inhibitors ru1d sartans i11 Ch. 19). The
horrible and untreatable neurodegenerative condition known a~
excess mortality in patients with chronic renal disease is attri-
'dialysis dementia', and abo to a panicularly painful and refrac-
butable largely to cardiovascular diseac;e, and aggressive mMage-
tory form of bone disease. Calcium-containing phosphate-
ment of dyslipidaemia (Ch. 20) is of great importance. lmmuno-
binding agents (e.g. calcium carbonate) are widely used. The}
Htppressam drug' arc effective in halting the progression of some
are contraindicated in hypercalcaemia or hypercalciuria but until
systemic di\eases (e.g. Wegener's granulomatosis) that can cause
recently ha\'c been believed to be otherwise safe. HO\~e,er.
renal failure. They are covered in Chapter 14. Erythropoietin
calcium salt'> may predispose to tissue calcification (including of
(Ch. 22, pp. 353-354) is used to treat the anaemia of chronic renal
artery \\.all~). and calcium-containing phosphate binder\ rna~
failure. Vitamin D preparations (calcitr iol or alphacalcidol) used
actually contribute to the very higb death rates from cardiO\a'-
to treat the osteodystrophy of chronic renal failure are covered in
cular disease in dialysi~ patients (Goldsmith et al., 2004).
Chapter 31 (p. 468). Amibacterial drugs are crucial in treating renal
An anion erdwnge resin, sevelamer. lowers plasma phosphate.
and urinary tract infections, and are dealt with in Chapter 46.
This i' not abl>orbed and has an additional effect in lowering loll-
Dosing regimens of many drugs must be adapted to prevent
density lipoprotein cholesterol. It is given in gram doses by mouth
accumulation and toxicity in patients with renal failure, as
three times a day with meals. Its adverse effects are gaSLrointe~
described in detai l in clinical texts (see Carmichael. 2005). Here
tinal di~turbance, and it is contraindicated in bowel obstruction.
we cover brieny preparations used to treat or prevent two other
In a 2-year randomised &tudy of haemodialysis patient~. calcium
common and important aspects of chrorric renal fai lure, namely
carbonate was a~sociated with greater progression of arterial cal
ltyperpltosphataemia and hyperka/aemia.
cification than sevelamer (Asmus et al., 2005), and if early report'
of posit ive results on cardiovascular mortality in a randomi\cd
controlled trial of sevelamer (Dialysis Clinical Outcomes Revisited)
arc borne out. thi!. may prove to be of considerable importance.
Phosphate metaboli~m i~ closely linked with that of calcium and
is discus. ed in Chapter 31 (pp. 463-464). Phosphate, at concen-
trations commonly occurring in chronic renal insufficiency, causes
va~cular smooth mu~cle cell differentiation into osteobla~t-like Severe hypert...alaemia is life-threatening. lt is common!~
eel)<.. able to '>U\tain mineralisation. Molecular identification of a\sociatcd with pota<,sium ion retention because of renal failure,
phosphate transporters, transporter regulators. and genes associated especially if there is concomitant hypoaldosteronism (e.g in
with familial and acquired hypo- and hyperphosphataernias has Addison'<; disease: Ch. 28. p. 427) or more common!) becau-.e
transformed current understanding of phosphate homeostasis. of drugs that interfere with renin secretion (e.g. ~-adrenocep10r
Hyperphosphataemia (plasma phosphate concentration > antagonists: Ch. II, p. 180). or with Mgiotensin n formation or
1.45 mmolll) is common in renal failure. It may be asymptomatic, action (i.e. ACE inhibitors and Mgiotensin receptor antagoni-.h:
but an acute increa~e in pla\ma phosphate causes symptoms by Ch. 19. pp. 308-31 0). or blockade of distal tubular potassium ion
causing acute hypocalcaemia. ln chronic hyperphosphataemia, excretion (above. p. 379).
hypocalcaemia is corrected by compensatory mechanisms, but Prompt treatment is indicated if the plasma K+ concentration i,
calcium phosphate precipitates in tissues if the calcium phosphate > 6.5 mmol/1. Cardiac toxicity is counteracted directly by admin-
concentration product (Ca x P) exceeds a threshold of approxi- istering calcium g/uconate intravenously (Table 18.1, p. 287).
mately 5.6 (when the concentration of each ion is expressed in and by measures that shift K+ into the intracellular compartment,
382 mmol/1). Large calcium phosphate deposits around joi nts limit for example glucose plus insulin (Ch. 26, cljnical box on p. 405).

Salbutamol (albute rol ), administered intravenously or by inha- (socially devastating) are functional, and should in principle be
lation, abo cau~cl. cellular K+ uptake and is used for this amenable to drugs acting on urinary tract smooth muscle or on
indication (e.g. Murdoch et al .. 1991 ); it acts synergistically with the nerves controlling thi~. Currently available treatment is,
insulin. l ntravenoul. !>O<Hum bicarbonate is also often rec- however. disappointing. perhaps because it is not easy to prevem
ommended. and moves potassium into cells. Removal of exces!.ive incontinence without causing urinary retention.
potassium from the body can be achieved by carion exchange Nocturnal cnuresi:. in children aged 10 or more may warrant
resins such as sodium or calcium polystyrene s ulfonate admin- desmopressin (oral or nasal: Ch. 28. p. ~26) combined \\ith
istered by mouth (in combination with sorbitol to prevent severe restricting nuid intake, in addition to practical measures such as
constipation) o r a!> an enema. Dialysis is often needed. an enuresis alarm. Tricyclic antidepressants such as a mitrypt) line
(Ch. 39) arc sometimes used for up to 3 months, but adver'e
effects including behaviour disturbance can occur, and relapse is
DRUGS USED IN URINARY TRACT common after stopping treatment.
DISORDERS Symptoms from benign prostatic hypertrophy may be
improved by a 1-adrenoceptor antagonists. for example doxazosin
Bed wetting (enure~is) is normal in very young children and and tamsulosin (Ch. I I, p. 179), or by a S-a-reductase inhibitor
persists in around 5% of children aged JO. Disordered micturition suc h as finastcridc (Ch. 30, p. 453).
is also extre mely common in adults of either sex, and becomes Incontinence in adu lts and caused by neurogenic detru~or
more so with advancing age. Associated structural problems (e.g. muscle instability is mannged by conservative measures such as
prostatic hypertrophy, uterine prolapse) may warrant surgical pelvic fl oor exercises combined with muscarinic receptor antago-
intervention. and urinary infection--<:urable with antibiotics- nists (Ch. 10. p. 153) such as oxybutinin, tolterodine, propivc-
may have been overlooked. However. many ca-;es of incontinence rine or trospium. butt he dose is limited by their adverse effect\.


Ph)~io logkala>pect \ (molecular/cellular) Drug;; and therapeutic aspect; Ca,.IPO, (see also Diuretics section, aho1e)
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The gastrointestinal tract


The innervation and hormones of the THE GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT
gastrointestinal tract 385
The blood vessels and the glands (exocrine, endocrine and
-Neuronal control 385
paracrinc) that comprise the gastrointestinal tract are under both
-Hormonal control 385
neuronal and hormonal control.
Gastric secretion 386
-The regulation of acid secretion by parietal cells 386
-Drugs used to inhibit or neutralise gastric acid
secretion 387 There arc two principal intramural plexuses in the tract: the
-Treatment of Helicobocter pylori infection 390 myenteric plexus (Auerbach's plexus) between the outer, longi-
-Drugs that protect the mucosa 390 tudinal and the middle. circular muscle layers. and the submucous
plexus (Meis~ner's plexus) on the lumenal side of the circular
Vomiting 390
muscle layer. These plexuses arc interconnected. and their ganglion
-Antiemetic drugs 391
cellc: receive preganglionic parasympathetic fibres from the vagus.
The motility of the gastrointestinal tract 393 which are mostly cholinergic and excitatory. although a few are
-Purgatives 393 inhibitory. Incoming sympathetic fibres are Largely postgangli-
-Drugs that increase gastrointestinal motility 394 onic, and these, in addition to innervating blood vessels. smooth
-Antidiorrhoeol agents 394 muscle and some glandular cells directly, may terminate in these
-Antimotility and spasmolytic agents 394 plexuses, where they inhibit acetylcholine secretion (see Ch. 9).
The neurons within the plexuses constitute the enteric nervous
Drugs for chronic bowel disease 395
system and secrete not only acetylcholine and noradrenaline
Drugs aHecting the biliary system 396 (norepinephrine). but also 5-hydroxytryptamine, purines, nitric
oxide and a variety of pharmacological ly active peptides (see
Chs I 0-12, 16 and 17). The enteric plexus also contruns sensory
neurons, which respond to mecharucal and chemical stimuli.

In addition to its main function of digestion and
absorption of food, the gastrointestinal tract is one The hormones of the gastrointestinal tract include both endocrine
of the major endocrine systems in the body and and paracrine secretions. The endocrine secretions (i.e. substances
has its own integrative neuronal network, the released into the bloodstream) are mainly peptidic in nature and
enteric nervous system (see Ch. 9), which contains are synthesised by endocrine cells in the mucosa. Important
almost the same number of neurons as the spinal examples include gastrin and cholecystokinin. The paracrine
cord. It is also the site of many common secretions include many regulatory peptidcs released from special
pathologies, ranging from simple dyspepsia to cells found throughout the wall of the tract. These hormones act
complex autoimmune conditions such as Crahn's on nearby cells. and in the stomach the most important of these
disease. Medicines for treating these is histamine. Some of these paracrine factors also function as
gastrointestinal disorders comprise some 8% of all
prescriptions. In this chapter, we briefly review the Orally administered drugs arc absorbed in the gastrointestinal
physiological control of gastrointestinal function tract (Ch. 7). The main functions of the gastrointestinal tract that are
and then discuss the pharmacological important from the viewpoint of pharmacological intervention are:
characteristics of drugs aHecting gastric secretion gastric secretion
and motility. vomiting (emesis) 385

the motility of the bowel and the expulsion of the faeces

the formation and excretion of bile.

GASTRIC SECRETION Cl --------~ CI - - ---~CI

, __ ~ c
The ~tomach secretes about 2.5 litres of gastric juice daily. The --- -- -
principal exocrine secretions are proeruymes such as prorennin A '-4
and pepsinogen elaborated by the chiefor peptic cells, and hydro-
,-- - K K
;: ~'
chloric acid (HCI) and intrinsic factor (sec Ch. 22) secreted by HC03- HC03 ' --- ~ --

the parietal or o.\yfllic cells. Mucus-secreting cells abound among p

the surface cells of the gastric mucosa. Bicarbonate ions arc also l --- ---


' '-4
secreted and arc trapped in the mucus. creating a gel-like pro- H2C03 H+ w
tective barrier that maintains the mucosal surface at a pH of 6-7
in the face of a much more acidic environment (pH 1-2) in the Cort><m;o
lumen. Alcohol and bile can disrupt this layer. Locally produced PLASMA anhydrase.;~ LUMEN
'cytoprotcctive' prostaglandins stimulate the secretion of both PARIETAL
C02 H20
mucus and bicarbonate. CELL
Disturbances in these secretory and protective mechanisms are
thought to be involved in the pathogenesis of peptic ulcer, and
the therapy of this condition includes drugs that modify each of
these factors.
Fig. 25.1 A schematic illustra tion of the s ecretion of
hydrochloric acid by the gastric parietal cell. Secretion
involves a proton pump (P), which is an W/K ATPase, a symport
THE REGULATION OF ACID SECRETION BY carrier (C) forK and Cl-. and an antiport (A), which exchanges
PARIETAL CELLS Cl- and HC03 . An additional NaJH antiport situated at the
interface with the plasma may also have a role (not shown).
The regulation of acid secretion by parietal cells is especially
important in the pathogenesis of peptic ulcer. and constitutes a
particular target for drug action. The secretion of the parietal
cells is an isotonic solution of HCI ( 150 mmol/1) with a pH less Ga~trin also indirectly increases pepsinogen secretion, stimu-
than I, the concentration of hydrogen ions being more than a late~ blood now and increa~es gastric motility. Release of thi'
million times higher than that of the plasma. The Cl- is actively hormone is controlled both by neuronal transmitters and blood-
transported into canaliculi in the cells that communicate with the borne mediators, as well as the chemistry of the stomach content'
lumen of the gastric glands and thus with the stomach itself. This Amino ~tcids and small peptides directly stimulate the ga'>trin-
Cl secretion i~ accompanied by K+, which is then exchanged for secreting cells, as do milk and solutions of calcium salts, explaining
W from within the cell by a K+/1-1+ ATPase (Fig. 25.1). Carbon ic why it is inappropriate to use calciurn-contaiuing salts as antacid\.
anhydrase catalyses the combination of carbon diox ide and water
to give carbonic acid, which dissociates into H and bicarbonate Acetylcholine
ions. The Iauer exchanges across the basal membrane of the parietnJ Acetylcholine is released from (e.g. vagal) neurons and stimu-
cell for Cl- . The principal stimuli acting on the parietal cells are: lates specific muscarinic receptors Oil the surface of the parietal
cells and on the surface of histamine-containing cells (see Ch. I01.
gastrin (a Mimulatory hormone)
acetylcholine (a stimulatory neurotransmitter)
histamine (a stimulatory local hormone)
Hbtaminc is discussed in Chapter 13, and only those aspecb
prostaglandins E2 and f 2 (local hormones that inhibit acid
of its pharmacology relevant to gastric secretion will be dealt \\Jth
here. Within the stomach, mast cells (or histamine-containing
Figure 25.2 summarise!> the actions of these chemical mediators. celb similar to mast cells) lying close to the parietal cell relcN
a steady basal release of histamine, which is further increa!>ed b}
Gastrin gastrin and acetylcholine. The hormone acts Oil parietal cell H
Gastrin is a peptide hormone synthesised in endocrine cells of the receptor:-., which are re:.ponsive to histamine concentrations that
mucosa of the gastric antrum and duodenum. and secreted into the are below the threshold required for vascular H2 receptor activation.
portal blood. Its main action i11 stimulation of the secretion of acid
by the parietal cells, but there i11 controversy about the precise mech- The coordinated role of acetylcholine,
anism of stimulatory action (discussed below). Gastrin receptors on histamine and gastrin in regulating acid
the parietal cells have been demonstrated using the radioactively secretion
labelled hom1one. These receptors are blocked by the experimental The exact mechanism of ac tion of the Lbree secretagogucs on the
386 drug proglumide (Fig. 25.2), which in hi bits gastrin action. parietal cell is not entirely clear. A general scheme is given in

secretion follow<; after the synergistic stimulation of H~ receptors

Secretion of ga trtc acid, mucu (which increa~e~ cAM P), and M 2 and gastrin receptors (which
and bicarbonate increase cyto!>olic Ca 2 ). Arguing against this is the observation
that cimetidine (an H 2 receptor antagonist) can block the action
The control of the gastrointestinal tract is through of all !>timuli under ~ome circumstances. This was accoumed for
nervous and humoral mechanisms. in tenn~ of potentiati ng interactions at the postreceptor level.
Ac1d is secreted from gastric parietal cells by a According to the alternative. two-ceU hypothesis. which has more
proton pump (K./H ATPase). explanatory power, gastrin and acetylcholine act on parietal cells
The three endogenous secretagogues for acid are but also on a second cell type that then releases histamine that
histamine, acetylcholine and gastrin. further ~timulates the parietal cells.
Prostaglandins E2 and 12 inhibit acid, stimulate This problem has been thoroughly investigated in seveml specie~
mucus and bicarbonate secretion, and dilate and discussed in depth by S hank ley et al. ( 1992). Some inter- and
mucosal blood vessels. even inrraspecie::. :.peciftcity was observed in the histamine depen-
The genesis of peptic ulcers involves: dence of the ga&tri n response. Their overall conclusion is that
infection of the gastric mucosa with Helicobacter both models can operate s ide by side; that hista mine released by
pylori. muscarinic sti mulation or gastrin may integrate the local secretory
an imbalance between the mucosal-damaging and circ ulatory re!.ponses to tbesc hormones; and that interac-
(acid, pepsin) and the mucosal-protecting agents tions between histamine, acctycholine and gastrin regulate H+
(mucus, bicarbonate, prostaglandins E2 and l2, secretion by the parietal cell itself.
and nitric oxide).


Figure 25.2, which ~ummarbcs the two main theories: the 'single-
cell' or penni~~ion' hypolhe!>i!>, and the 'two-celr or transmission'
hypothesis. According to the former concept, the parietal cell The principal clinical indications for reducing acid secretion are
itself has H! receptors for histamine and muscarinic M2 recep- peptic ulceration (both duodenal and gastric), reflux oesophagitis
tors for acetylcholine, a!> well as receptor!> for gastrin itself. Acid (in which gastric juice causes damage to the oesophagu::.) and the



} / j \
Fig. 25.2 Schematic diagram ACh Histamine Gastrin

~\ IV _ ~
showing t he one-cell and two-cell
hypotheses of the act ion of 2
secretagogues on the acid-
secreting gastric parietal cell, )A ,--
anta:-nR G Proglumlde

7 MR.- -t--
illustrating t he site of action of

drugs influencing acid secretion.
Acelylcholine and gastnn act either
directly on their receptors (the one-
cell hypothesis) or partly directly and
partly indirectly by releasing
histam1ne (the two-cell hypothesis).

AA, arachidonic ac1d; ACh,
acelylchohne; C, symport carrier for
K" and Cl ; GR, gastrin receptor;
H2R, histamine H2 receptor; Hist,
... K
histamine; 'MC', mast cell-like c,
histamine-secret1ng cell; MR,
muscarinic receptor; NSAIDs, non- K

steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; P,
proton pump (WtK ATPase); PGE2 ,

l prostaglandin E2 ; PGR,
prostaglandin E2 receptor.

Zollinger-1/ison ~yndrome (a rare condition that is caused by a gradual, and its effect continues for several hours. 2 Colloidal alu-
gastrin-producing tumour). minium hydroxide combines with phosphates in the gastrointes-
The reason why peptic ulcers develop is not fully understood, tinal tract. and the increased excretion of phosphate in the faece\
although infection of the stomach mucosa with Helicobacrer that occurs re~ults in decreased excretion of phosphate via the
pylorit-a Gram-negative bacillus that causes chronic gastritis- lidney. This effect has been used in treating patients with chronic
is now generally considered to be a major cause. especially of duo- renal failure (see Ch. 24, p. 382).
denal ulcer. Treatment of H. pylori infection is discussed below.
T Sodium bicarbonate acts rapid!} and is said to raise the pH of ga,ui<:
Prostaglandin!> (mainly Ez and T2). synthesised in the gastric ju1ce to about 7.4. Carbon dioxide is liberated, and this cau~s eructalll>n
mucosa mainly by cyclo-oxygenase-1, stimulate mucus and bicar- (belching). The carbon diox1de stimulates gastrin secretion and can r.:,ult
bonate secretion. decrease acid secretion and cause vasodilatation, in a ~oecondary ri'e in acid secretion. Because some sodium bicarbonate
all of which serve to protect the stomach against damage. This is absorbed in the intestine, large doses or frequent administration ol thl\
probably explains the ability of many non-specific non-steroidal antacid can cause alkalo~is. the onset of which can be insidiou,. To B\Oid
thi\ po;,ibility. ~odium bicarbonate should nor be prescribed for long
anti-innammatory drugs (NSAlDs: inhibitors of prostaglandin
term treatment, nor should it be given to patients who arc on a ~Othum
formation; sec Ch. 14) to cause gastric bleeding and erosions. restricted diet.
More selective cyclo-oxygenase-2 inhibitors such as celecoxib and
rofecoxib appear to cause less stomach damage (but see Ch. 14 Alginatcs or simeticone arc sometimes combined with an tacids.
for a discussion of this issue). The former are believed to increase the viscosity and ad herence
Therapy of peptic ulcer and renux oesophagitis aims to decrease of mucus to the oesophageal mucosa, forming a protective barrier
the secretion of gastric acid with H2 receptor antagonists or proton (sec also below), whereas the latter is a surface active compound
pump inhibitors, and/or to neutralise secreted acid with antacids that, by preventing 'foanning', can relieve bloating and natulence.
(see Huang & Hunt, 2001 ). These treatments are often coupled The clinical use of antacids is given in the box below.
with measures to eradicate H. pylori (sec Hom, 2000).


The hi:.taminc H2 receptor antagonists competitively inhibit hi'
Antacid!> arc the simplest of all the therapies for treating the tamine actions at all H2 receptors, bur their main clinical u'e j,
symptoms of excessive ga<;tric acid secretion. They directly neu-
tralise acid, thus raising the gastric pH: this also has the effect of
inhibiting the activity of peptic enzymes. which practically Clinical uae of agents affecting
cea'>es at pH 5. Given in sufficient quantity for long enough, they gaatrlc acidity
can produce healing of duodenal ulcers but are less effective for
gastric ulcers. Histamine H2 receptor antagonists (e.g. ranitidine):
Most antacids in common use are salts of magnesium and - peptic ulcer
aluminium. Magnesium salts cause diarrhoea and aluminium salts - reflux oesophagitis.
constipation, so mixtures of these two can. happily, be used to Proton pump inhibitors (e.g. omeprazole,
preserve normal bowel function. Some preparations of these s ub- Jansoprasole):
s tances (e.g. magnesium trisilicate mixture and some proprietary peptic ulcer
aluminium preparations) contain high concentrations of sodium reflux oesophagitis
and should not be given to patients on a sodium-restricted diet. as one component of therapy for Helicobacter
umerous antacid preparations are available; a few of the more pylori infection
significant arc given below. Zollinger-EIIison syndrome (a rare condition
Magn esium hydroxide is an insoluble powder that forms caused by gastrin-secreting tumours)
magnesium chloride in the stomach. It does not produce systemic Antacids (e.g. magnesium trisilicate, aluminium
alkalosis, because Mg2+ is poorly absorbed from the gut. Another hydroxide, alginates):
salt, m agnesium tr isilicate, is an insoluble powder that reacts dyspepsia
slowly with the gastric juice. forming magnesium chloride and - symptomatic relief in peptic ulcer or (alginate)
colloidal silica. This agent has a prolonged antacid effect. and it oesophageal reflux.
aJso adsorb pep:.in. Bismuth chelate:
Aluminium hyd roxide gel forms aluminium chloride in the - as one component of therapy for H. pylori infection
stomach: when this reaches the intestine, the chloride is released
and is reab:.orbcd. Aluminium hydroxide raises the pH of the
gastric juice to about 4, and also adsorbs pepsin. Its action is
Thcre wa\ a sugge~tion-no longer widely believed-that if aluminium was
absorbed, it could trigger Al;heimer's disease. In fact, aluminium is nor
absorbed to any significant extent during administration of aluminium
1Helicobactor pylori infection in the stomach has been classified as a class I
hydroxide, but some perhaps overly cautious practitioners may prefer to U>e
388 (definite) carcinogen for ga~tri c cancer. other antacids.

as inhibitors of gastric acid secretion. They can inhibit histamine-, Unwanted effects arc rare. Diarrhoea. dizziness. muscle pains,
gastrin- and acetylcholine-stimulated acid secretion; pepsin alopecia, transient rashes and hypergastrinaemia have been
secretion also falls with the reduction in volume of gastric juice. reponed. Cimetidine sometimes causes gynaecomastia in men
These agents not only decrease both basal and food-stimulated and, rarely, a decrease in sexual function. This is probably caused
acid ~ecretion by 90% or more. but numerous clinical trials indi- by a modest affinity for androgen receptors. Cimetidine also inhibits
cate that they also promote healing of duodenal ulcers. However. cytochrome P450, and can retard the metabolism (and thus poten-
relapses are likel) to follow after cessation of treatment. tiate the action) of a range of drugs including oral anticoagulants
The drugs used are cimetidine, ranitid ine (sometimes in com- and tricyclic antidepre:.sants. It can cause confusion in the elderly.
bination with bi~muth; ~ee below), nizatidine and famotidine.
The efTect of cimetidine on ga~tric secretion in human subjects is
shown in Figure 25.3. The clinical use of H 2 receptor antagonists
is given in the clinical box on page 388. The first proton pump inhibitor was the substituted benzimidazole
omeprazole, which irreversibly inhibits the H+/K+ ATPase (the
Pharmacokinetic aspects and proto n pump), the terminal !.tep in the acid secretory pathway
unwanted eHects (see Figs 25. I and 25.2). Both basal and stimulated gastric acid
The drugs are generally given o rally and are well absorbed, secre tion (Fig. 25.4) is reduced. The drug is a weak base, and
although preparatio ns for intramuscular and intravenous use are accumulates in the acid e nvironme nt of the canaliculi of the
also available (except famotidine). Dosage regimens vary stimulated parietal cell where it is activated. This preferential
depending on the conditio n under treatment. Low-dosage over- accumulation means that it has a specific effect on these cells.
the-counter formulations of cimetidine, ranitidine and famotidine Other proton pump inhibitors include esomepra1..ole (the (S)
arc available to the general public for short-term uses, without isomer of omeprazolc), lansoprazole, pantoprazole and
prescription. from pharmacies. rabeprazole. The clinical use of these inhibitors is given in the
clinical box on page 388.

Pharmacokinetic aspects and

unwanted eHects
c 4 Clmetldlne Oral adminiMration is the most common route of administration.
although some injectable preparations are available. Omepra70le
~ 3 is given orally, but as it degrades rapidly at low pH it is adminis-
w tered as capsules containing enteric-coated granules. It is absorbed
c: and, from the blood, passes into the parietal cells and then into the
.Q 2 canaliculi. Increased doses give disproportionately higher increases
in plasma concentration (possibly because its inhibitory effect on
'0 acid secretion improves its own bioavailabil iry). Although its
< '
30 60 120 150 180 210

e 4 Clmetldlne
or placebo 100

c: 2
.Q 50

::1 t::f.-~
IC50 -so nmoVI
0. 0 10-7
30 60 120 150 180 210 10-9 10 8
Time (min) Omeprazole concentration (moVI)
Fig. 25 .3 The effect of cimetidine on betazole- Fig. 25.4 The inhibitory action of omeprazole on acid
stimulated gastric acid and pe ps in s ecre tion in huma ns. secre tion from isolated human gastric glands stimulated by
Either cimetidine or a placebo was given orally 60 minutes prior 50 ~mol/1 his tamine. Acid secretion was measured by the
to a s ubcutaneous injection (1.5 mg/kg) of betazole, a relatively accumulation of a radlolabelled weak base, aminopyrine (AP),
specific histamine H2 receptor agonist that stimulates gastric in the secretory channels. The data represent the mean and
acid secretion. (Modified from Binder H J , Donaldson A M
1978 Gastroenterology 74: 371-375.)
I~tandard error of measurements from eight patients. (Adapted
~rom Lindberg Petal. 1987 Trends Pharmacal Sci 8: 399-402.)

half-life is about I hour. a l.ingle daily dose affecS acid secretion Sucralfate
for 2-3 days, because it accumulates in the canaliculi and inhibits S ucralfate is a complex of aluminium hydroxide and \Uifatcd
WfK ATPase irreversibly. With daily dosage, there is an increas- l.ucrose, which relea!.es aluminium in the presence of acid
ing antisecretory effect for up to 5 days, afler which a plateau The residual complex carries a strong negative charge and bmd~
is reached. to cationic groups in proteins, glycoproteins, etc. It can form
Unwanted effects of tnis clasl> of drugs are uncommon. They may complex gels with mucus, an action that is thought to decrease
include headache, diarrhoea (both sometimes severe) and rashe!). the degradation of mucus by pepsin and to limit the diffu\ion of
Dizziness, somnolence. mental confusion, impotence, gynae- H+. Sucralfate can also inhibit the action of pepsin and stimulate
comastia, and pain in mu~cle~ and joints have been reported. !.ecretion of mucus. bicarbonate and prostaglandin\ from the
Proton pump inhibitors should be used with caution in patient:. gastric mucosa. All these actions contribute to ih mu~o,a
with liver disease. or in women who are pregnant or brea't protecting action.
feeding. The use of these drug~ may mask the symptom<, Sucralfate is given orally, and in the acid environment of the
of ga~tric cancer. stomach the polymcri~ed product forms a viscous pa!>lc: about
30% is still present in the stomach 3 hours after administration. It
reduces the absorption of a number of other drugl.. including
nuoroquinolone antibiotiC!., theo phylline, tetra cycline, digoxin
and a mitri ptyline. Because it requires an acid environment for
llelicobacter pylori infection has been implicated as a causative activation, antacids given concurrently or prior to its administration
factor in the production of gastric and. more particularly. duodenal will reduce its efficacy.
ulcers, as well as a risl. factor for gastric cancer. Indeed. some Unwamed effects are few, the mo~t common being con\tipation.
\\-Ould argue that infectioul. gastroduodenitis is actually the chief which occurs in up to 15<k of patients treated. Less common cfi~'Ct'
clinical entiry with ulcers. and gastric cancer its prominent sequela. include dry mouth, nau-,ea, vomiting, headache and ra~hc~. It
Certainly, eradkation of H. pylori infection promotes rapid and -,hould be used with caution in pregnancy, when brea~t feeding,
long-term healing of ulcers, and it i' routine practice to test for or in patients for whom enteral feeding is in progresl..
the organism in patients presenting with suggestive symptoms. If
the test is positive, then the organism can generally be eradicated Misoprostol
with a 1- or 2-week regimen of 'triple therapy' . A further test can Pros taglandins of the E and 1 series have a generally protccti1c
be u~ed to confirm eradication. action in the gastrointestinal tract, and a deficiency in endogcnou'
Triple therapy usually comprises a proton pump inhibitor in prostaglandin production (after ingestion of a NSAID. for example)
combination with the antibacterials amoxicillin and metronidazole may contribute to ulcer formation. M is oprostol is a stable ana
or cla rithromycin. although other combinations are also used. Iogue of prostaglandin E 1 It is given orally and is used to pro-
Sometimes. particularly in the ca..e of the 2-week regimen. bismuth- mote the healing of ulcer\ or to prevent the gastric damage that
containing preparations are added. The antibiotics are covered in can occur with chronic U!.e of NSAIDs. ft exerts a direct action
Chapter 46, and bismuth chelate!> are considered below. While on the parietal cell (Fig. 25.2), inhibiting the basal ~ecreuon of
elimination of the bacillu!. can produce long-term remi~~ion of gastric acid as well as the stimulation of production seen in
ulcers, reinfection with the organi!>m can occur. response to food, histamine, pentagastrin and caffeine. It abo
increases mucosal blood now and augments the secretion of
mucus and bicarbonate.
Unwamed effect:} include diarrhoea and abdominal cramp~:
Some agents, termed cytoprotecti1e, are said to enhance endogen- uterine contractions can abo occur, so the drug ~hould not b.!
ou~ mucosal protection mechanism\> (see above) and/or to provide given during pregnancy (unles~ deliberately to induce a therapeutic
a physical barrier over the surface of the ulcer. abortion; see Ch. 30). Pro~taglandin!> and NSAID~ are discu"cd
fully in Chapters 13 and 14.
Bismuth chelate
Bism uth chelate (colloidal bi<,muth subcitrate, tripotasl.ium
dicitratobismuthate) is used in combination regimens to trent
H. pylori. lt has toxic effects o n the bacillus, and may also The act of vomiting is a physical event that results in the forceful
prevent its adherence to the mucosa or inhibit its bacterial evacuation of gastric contents through the mouth. lt is often
proteolytic enzymes. Tl b a lso believed to have other mucosa- preceded by nausea (a feeling of 'quealiness' or of impending
protecting actions, including coating of the ulcer base, adsorbing vomiting), and may be accompanied by retching (repetitive con-
pepsin, enhancing local prostaglandin synthesis and stimulating traction of the abdominal muscles with or without actual di\-
bicarbonate secretion. The !.mall amount of bismuth that is charge of vomit). Vomiting can be a valuable (indeed life-~a' in g)
actually absorbed is excreted in the urine. If renal excretion ill physiological response to the ingestion of a toxic ~ubstancc
impaired, the raised pla~ma concentrations of bismuth can re~uh (e.g. alcohol). but it is also an unwanted side effect of man>
in encephalopathy. clinically used drugs. notably thol.e used for cancer chemothcmp}
Unwanted effects include nausea and vomiting, and blackening as well as opioids, general anaesthetics and digoXcin. Vomiting also
390 of the tongue and faeces. occurs in motion sickness and during early pregnancy, and also

accompanic~ numerous disease '> tates (e.g. migraine) as well as

bacterial and viral infection!>. The reflex mechanism of vomiting

Emetic stimuli include:

THE REFLEX MECHANISM OF VOMITING chemtcals or drugs in blood or intestine
Vomiting i-, rcgularcd cemrally by the l'omiting centre and the - neuronal input from gastrointestinal tract, labyrinth
chemoreceptor trigger :.one (C7Z). both of which lie in the and central nervous system (CNS).
medulla. The CTZ i-. ~cnsitive to chemical stimuli and is the main Pathways and mediators include:
site of action of many emetic and antiemetic drugs. The blood-brain impulses from chemoreceptor trigger zone and
barrier in the neighbourhood or the crzis relatively permeable. vanous other CNS centres relayed to the vomiting
allowing circulating mediators to act directly on this centre. The centre
CTZ also regulates motion sickness, a condition caused by con- chemical transmitters such as histamine,
llicting spatial signals arising from the vestibular apparatus and acetylcholine, dopamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine,
the eye. Impulses from the CTZ pass to those areas of the brain acting on H 1, muscarinic, 0 2 and 5-HT3 receptors,
stem- known collecti vely as the vomiting centre-that control and respectively.
integrate the visceral and somatic functions involved in vomiting. Antiemetic drugs include:
An outline of the pathways involved in the control of vomiti ng H1 receptor antagonists (e.g. cyclizine)
is given in Figure 25.5 and reviewed in detail by Hornby (200 I). muscarinic antagonists (e.g. hyoscine)
The main neurotran ~ mitter<; are acetylcholine, histamine, 5- 5-HT3 receptor antagonists (e.g. ondansetron)
hydroxytryptaminc and dopamine, and receptors for these trans- 0 2 receptor antagonists (e.g. metoclopramide)
mitters have been demonstrated in the relevant areas (see cannabinoids (e.g. nabilone)
Chs 10-13 and 34). It has been hypothesised that enkephalins neurokinin-1 antagonists (e.g. aprepitant).
(see Ch. I 6) arc also implicated in the mediation of vomiting, Main side effects of principal antiemetics include:
acting po~sibly at b (CTZ) or f.l (vomiting centre) opioid receptors. drowsiness and antiparasympathetic effects
Substance P (<,cc Ch. 13) acti ng at neurokinin-] receptors in the {hyosctne, nabilone > cinnarizine)
crz. and endocannabinoid~ (Ch. 15). may also be invohed. dystonic reactions (thiethylperazine >
general CNS disturbances (nabilone)
ANTIEMETIC DRUGS headache, gastrointestinal tract upsets
Several antiemetic agents are available. and these are generally (ondansetron).
used for specific conditions. a lthough there may be some overlap.
Such drug!> arc of panicular imponance as an adjunct to cancer
chemotherapy, where the nausea and vomiting produced by many
cytotoxics (see Ch. 5 1) can be almoM unendurable. 3 In using drugs
to treat the morning sic I-. ness of pregnancy, the problem of pote n- Clinical use of antiemetic drugs
tial damage to the fetus has always to be borne in mind. In
general. all drugs should be avoided during the first 3 months of Histamine H 1 receptor antagonists (see also
pregnancy, if possible. Details of the main categories of anti emetics clinical box in Ch. 14, p. 236):
arc given below, and the ir main clinical uses are summarised in cyclizine: motion sickness
the box. cinnarizine: motion sickness, vestibular disorders
(e.g. Meniere's disease)
Receptor antagonists promethazine: severe morning sickness of
Many H 1 (~ee Ch. 14). mu~carinic (sec Ch. 10) and 5-HT3 (sec pregnancy.
Ch. I 2) receptor antagonil>tl> exhibit clinically useful antiemetic Muscarinic receptor antagonists:
activity. Of the H1 antagoni!.ts, cinnarizine. cyclizi ne, meclizine - hyoscine: motion sickness.
and promethazine arc the most commonly employed; they are Dopamine 0 2 receptor antagonists:
effective again't mlu'>ea and vomiting arising from many causes, phenothiazines (e.g. prochlorperazine): vomiting
including motion \ickness and the pre ence of irritants in the caused by uraemia, radiation, viral gastroenteritis,
stomach. None arc very effective against substances that act directly severe morning sickness of pregnancy
on the CTZ. Promethatine has proven of particular benefit for metoclopramide: vomiting caused by uraemia,
morning ~icl-.nes~ of pregnancy. and ha~ been used by NASA to radiation, gastrointestinal disorders, cytotoxic drugs.
5-Hydroxytryptamine 5-HT3 receptor antagonists
(e.g. ondansetron): cytotoxic drugs or radiation,
postoperative vomiting.
' It wa~ reported that a young. medically qualified patient being Lreated by Cannabinoids (e.g. nabilone): cytotoxic drugs
combinmion chemotherapy for ~arcoma st~ted that 'the severity of vomjting (see Ch. 15).
at time;. made the thought of death seem like u welcome relief'. 391

Stimulus Input Output

Pain, repulsive :
Sensory aHerents
sights and smells, .......--. Higher centres :----~
and CNS pathways
emotional factors

H 1-receptor
antagonist s, Dopamine antagonists,

muscarinic receptor
antagonists :
5-HT 3 antagonists

Motion sickness~
Labyrinth ~
Nerves to
Vestibular nuclei : CTZ Vomiting somatic and
(H1 and mACh receptors)~ (D2 and 5-HT 3 centre
:: ~~~~ (mACh receptors)
-----+- visceral

Endogenous ~
Blood _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,_____
t t
toxins drugs ....,_,._ r .
' Release of emetogemc
agents (5-HT, prostanoids,
I Muscarinic receptor
Nucleus of the antagonists
free radicals) solitary tract

Stimuli from L Visceral

(mACh and H 1 receptors)
pharyn x and -+-- -
stomach (5-HT3 receptors?)
H 1-receptor

Fig. 25.!5 Schematic diagram of the factors involved in the control of vomiting, with the prob able sites of action of antiemetic
drugs. The cerebellum may function as a second relay or gating mechanism 1n the link between labyrinth and chemoreceptor trigger
zone (CTZ; not shown). 5-HT3, 5-hydroxytryptamine type 3; ACh, acetylcholine; 0 2, dopamine 0 2 ; H, histamine H1; M, muscarinic.
(Based partly on a diagram from Borison H Let al. 1981 J Clin Pharmacal 21: 235-295.)

treat space motion sickness. Drowsiness and sedation, while poss- psychotic phcnothiazines, such as chlorpromazine, perphenazine,
ibly contributing to their clinical efficacy, are the chief unwanted prochlorpcrazine and trifluoperazine, are effective antiemetic~
effects. commonly used for treating the more severe manifestations of
Muscarinic antagonists are also good general purpose anti- these disorders, particu larly the nausea and vomiting associated
emetics. Hyoscine (SCOJ>olamine) is the most widely used example. with cancer, radiation therapy, cytotoxics, opioids, anaesthetic!> and
Tt is employed principally for prophylaxis and treatment of motion other drugs. They can be administered orally, intravenously or by
sickness, and may be administered orally or as a transdermal patch. suppository. They act mainly as antagonists of the dopamine 0 2
Dry mouth and blurred vision are the most common unwanted receptors in the CTZ (see Fig. 25.5) but may also block histamine
effects. Drowsiness also occurs, but the drug has less sedative and muscarinic receptors.
action than the antihistamines. Unwamed effects are relatively frequent and include sedation
Selective 5-HT1 receptor antagonists, including ondansetron, (especially chlorpromazine). hypotension, and extrapyramidal
granisetron , tropisetron and dolasetron , are of particular value symptoml> including dystonias and tardive dyskinesia (Ch. 38).
in preventing and treating postoperative nausea and vomiting, or Other anti psychotics, such as haloperidol and levomepromazine
that caused by radiation therapy or administration of cytotoxic (Ch. 38), abo act as D2 antagonists in the crz and can be used
drugs such as cisplatin. The primary site of action of these drugs for acute chemotherapy-induced emesis.
is the crz. They may be given orally or by injection (sometimes
helpful if nau~ea is already present). Metoclopramide and domperidone
Unwanted effects such as headache and gastrointestinal upsets Metoclopramide is a 0 2 receptor antagonist (Fig. 25.5), closely
arc relatively uncommon. related to the phenothiazine group, that acts centrally on the crz
and also has a peripheral action on the gastrointestinal tract itself,
Antipsychotic drugs increasing the motility of the oesophagus, stomach and intestine.
Phenothiazines are dealt with in Chapter 38, and only those aspects This not only adds to the antiemetic effect but explains its usc in
392 relevant to the control of vomiting will be considered here. Anti- the treatment of gastro-ocsophagcal reflux (see below), and hepatic

and biliary disorders. As metoclopramide also blocks dopamine PURGATIVES

receptors (see Ch. 37) elsewhere in the central nervous system
(CNS). it produces a number of unwanted effects including The transi t of food through the intestine may be hastened by
di orders of mo\'ement (more common in children and young several different types of drugs. including laxatives, faecal
adults). fatigue, motor restlessness, spasmodic torticollis (invol- softeners and stimulam purgatiles. These agents may be used to
untary twisting of the neck) and occulogyric crises (involuntary relieve constipation or to clear the bowel prior to surgery or
upward eye movements). It stimulates prolactin release (see examination.
Ch. 28), causing galactorrhoea a nd disorders of menstruation.
Dompe rido ne i a similar drug often used to treat vomiting Bulk and osmotic laxatives
due to cytotoxic therapy as well as gastrointestinal symptoms. The bulk laxatives include methylcellolose and certain plant
Unlike metoclopramide. it does not readily pene trate the extracts such as s terc ulia, aga r , bran and is paghula husk . These
blood-brain barrier and is consequently less prone to produce agents are polysaccharide polymers that arc not broken down by
central side effects. Both drugs are given orally. have plasma the normal proce~ses of digestion in the upper part of the gastro-
half-lives of 4-5 hours and are excreted in the urine. intestinal tract. They form a bulky hydrated mass in the gut lumen
promoting peristalsis and improving faecal consistency. They may
Cannabinoids take several days to work but have no serious unwanted effects.
Anecdotal evidence original ly suggested the poss ibility of us ing The oslltO/ic laxatives consist of poorly absorbed solutes-the
cannabinoids as antiemetics (see Pertwee, 2001). Since that time, saline purgatives- and lactulose. The main salts in use are mag-
synthetic cannabi nol derivatives such as na bilone have been nesium sulfate and magne5ium hydroxide. By producing an osmork
found to decrease vomiting caused by agents that stimulate the load, these agents trap increased volumes of fluid in the lumen of
CTZ, and are sometimes effecti ve where other drugs have failed the bowel. accelerating the transfer of the gut contents through
(see Ch. 15, p. 253). The antiemetic effect is antagonised by the small intestine. This results in an abnormally large volume
naloxone, which implies that opioid receptors may be important entering the colo n, causing distension and purgation within about
in the mechani~m of action. Nabilone is given orally: it is well an hour. Abdominal cramps can occur. The amount of magnesium
absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and is metabolised in absorbed afte r an oral dose is u ually too s mall to have adverse
many tissues. It ~ plasma half-life is approximately 120 minutes. systemic effect'>. but these salts should be avoided in small
and its metabolites are excreted in the urine and faeces. children and in patients with poor renal function. in whom they
Unll'anted effects are common. especially drowsiness. dizzi- can cause heart block. neuromuscular block or CNS depression.
ness and dry mouth. Mood changes and postural hypotension are While isotonic or hypotonic solutions of saline purgatives cause
also fairly frequent. Some patients experience hallucinations and purgation, hypertonic solutions can cause vomiting. Sometimes,
psychotic reactions. resembling the effect of other cannabinoids other sodium salts of phos phate and citrate are given rectally,
(see Ch. 15). by s uppository, to relieve constipation.
Lactulose i~ a ~emisynthetic disaccharide offructose and galac-
Steroids and neurokinin antagonists tose. It is poorly absorbed and produces an effect s imilar to that
High-dose glucocorticoids (particularly dexamethasone; see of the other osmotic laxatives. lt takes 2-3 days to act. Unwa111ed
Chs 14 and 28) can also control emesis, especially when th is is effects, seen with high doses, include flatulence. cramps, diar-
caused by cytoto.xics such as cisplatin. The mechanism of action rhoea and elec trolyte disturba nce. Tolerance can develop.
is not clear. Dexame thasone can be used alone but is frequently Another agent, mac rogols, which consists of inert ethylene
deployed in combinatio n with a phe nothiazine, ondansetron or glycol polymers, ac ts in the same way.
the neurokinin- ! antagonbt a prepitant (Ch. 16). The rationale for
investigating the last of these for this indication was based on the Faecal softeners
idea that. because substance P causes vomiting when injected Doc usate sodium is a surface-active compound that acts in the
intravenously and is also found both in gastrointestinal vagal gastrointestinal tract in a manner similar to a detergent and pro-
afferent nerves and in the vomiting centre itself. neurokinin-! duces softer faece~. It is also a weak stimulant laxative. Other agents
antagonists could be effective antiemetics. that achieve the \ame effect include arachis oil, which is given
a~ an enema, and liq uid paraffin. although this is now seldom used.

THE MOTILITY OF THE Stimulant laxatives

GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT The stimulant laxative drugs act mainly by increasing eleccrolyte
Drugs that alter the motility of the gastrointestinal tract include: and hence water secretion by the mucosa. and also by increasing
peristalsis- possibly by stimulating enteric nerves. Abdominal
purgatives. which accelerate the passage of food through the cramping may be experienced as a side effect with almost any of
intestine these drugs.
agents that increase the moti lity of the gastrointestinal Bisacod yl may be given by mouth but is often given by
smooth muscle without causing purgation suppository. In the latter case, it s timulates the rectal mucosa,
antidiarrhoeal drugs, which decrease motility inducing defecation in 15-30 minutes. Glycerol suppositories act
antispasmodic drugs, whic h decrease s mooth muscle tone. in the same man ner. Sodium picosulfate and docusate sodium 393

have similar action~. The former i~ given orally and is often used There arc three approaches to the treatment of severe acute
in preparation for inte~tinal ~urgery or colonoscopy. diarrhoea:
Senna and da nt ron are anthroquinone laxatives. The active
maintenance of 11uid and electrolyte balance
principle (after hydroly:.is of glycosidic linkages in the case of
u~e of anti-infective agents
the plant extract, ~enna) directly stimulates the myenteric plexus,
use of spasmolytic or other amidiarrhoeal agents.
resulting in increased peristal~is and thus defecation. Another
member of the family i'> dantron. As this drug is a skin irritant and The maintenance of 11uid and electrolyte balance by mean!> of oral
may be carcinogenic, it i<> generally used only in the terminally ill. rehydration is the fi~t priority. and wider application of this cheap
Laxatives of any type should not be used when there is and <;imple remedy could save the lives of many infants in the
obstruction of the bowel. Overuse can lead to an atonic colon developing world. Many patients require no other treatment. In
where the natural propul~>ive activity is diminished. In these cir- the ileum, as in parts of the nephron, Lhere is cotransport of Na
cumstances. the only way to achieve defecation is to take further and glucose across the epithelial cell. The presence of glucose (and
amounts of laxatives, so a sort of dependency arises. some amino acids) therefore enhances Na absorption and thu\
water uptake. Preparations of sodium chloride and glucose for oral
rehydration are available in powder form, ready to be disso lved
in water before use.
Many gastrointestinal infections are viral in origin, and
Domperidone b primarily used as an antiemetic (as described because those tha t are bacterial generally resolve fairly rapidly,
above), but it also increases gastrointestinal motility (although the usc of anti-infective agents is usually neither necessary nor
the mcchani!>m is unknown). Clinically. it increases lower oeso- usefu l. Other cases may require more aggressive therapy, howe\cr.
phageal sphincter pressure (thus inhibiting gastro-oesophageal Campylobacter sp. is the commonest strain of bacterial organi\m
reflux). increases ga~tric emptying and enhances duodenal peri- causing gastroenteritis in tbe UK, and severe infections may
stalsis. It is useful in disorders of gastric emptying and in chronic require erythromycin or ciprofloxacin (Ch. 46). The most common
gastric reflux. bacterial organi~ms encountered by travellers include Escherichia
Metoclopramide (also an antiemetic; see above) stimulates gas- coli, Salmonella and Shigella, as well a~ protozoa such as
tric motility, cau..ing a marked acceleration of gastric emptying. Giardia and C01>tosporidium spp. Chemotherapy may be nece~'
It is useful in gastro-oesophageal reflux and in disorders of gastric ary in treating these and other more serious infections.
emptying. but is ineffective in paralytic ileus. Other types of antidiarrhoeal drug that mitigate the symptoms of
Now \\-ithdrawn (because it precipitated fatal cardiac arrhyth- the condition include spasmolytic or antimotility agents, adsorb-
mias). cisapride stimulate!> acetylcholine release in Lhe myenteric ent!., and agent~ that modify fluid and electrolyte transport. The,e
plexu~ in the upper ga~trointcstinal tract through a 5-HT4 arc dealt with below.
receptor-mediated efTcct. Thi& raises oesophageal sphincter pressure
and increase!> gut motility. The drug was used for treating reflux Traveller's diarrhoea
ocsophagitis and in disorders of gastric emptying. More than 3 million people cross international borders each year.
Many travel hopefully, but some 20-50% come back ill, having
e ncountered enterotoxin-producing E. coli (the most common
cause) or other organisms. Most infections arc mild and self-
Diarrhoea is the frequent passage of liquid faeces, and this is limiting, requ iring only oral replacement of fluid and salt. as
generally accompanied by abdominal cramps and sometimes nausea detai led above. General pri nciples for the treatment of traveller\
and vomiting. It may be viewed as a physiological mechanism diarrhoea arc detailed by Gorbach (1987). who flippantly (although
for rapidly ridding the gut of poisonous or irritating substances. accurately) observed that 'travel broadens the mind and loosen~
There are numerou~ causes, including underlying disease, infec- the bowels'. Up-to-date information on the condition, including
tion, toxins and even anxiety. It may also arise as a side effect of the prevalence of infectious organisms around Lhe globe as well
drug or radiation therapy. Repercussions range from mild di<;- as recommended treatment guidelines, is issued in Lhe UK by the
comfort and inconvenience to a medical emergency requiring National Travel Health 1etwork and Centre (see web links in the
hospitalisation and parenteral fluid and electrolyte replacement reference list).
therapy. Globally. acute diarrhoeal disease is one of the principal
cause!> of death in malnourished infants. especially in developing
countries where medical care is less accessible.
During an episode of diarrhoea. there is an increase in the motility The main pharmacological agents that decrease motility are opiate'
of the gastrointestinal tract. accompanied by an increased secretion (details inCh. 41) and muscarinic receptor antagonists (detaib in
coupled with a decreased absorption of fluid. which leads to a Ch. I0). Agents in this latter group are seldom employed as primary
loss of electrolytes (particularly Na+) and water. Cholera toxins therapy for diarrhoea because of Lhcir actions on other systems,
and some other bacterial toxins produce a profound increase in but small doses of a tropine are used, combined with diphcnoxy-
electrolyte and fluid secretion by irreversibly activating the late (sec below). The action of mo r phine, the archetypal opiate,
g uanine nucleot ide regulatory proteins that couple the surface on the alimentary tract is complex; it increases the tone and
394 receptors of the mucosal cells to adenylate cyclase (see C h. 3). rhythmic contractions of the intes tine but d.iminishes propulsive

activity. The pyloric, ileocolic and anal sphincters are contracted,

and the tone of the large intel>tine is markedly increased. Its Drugs and gastrointestinal tract motility
overall effect is con~tipating.
The main opiatel> u ed for the symptomatic relief of diarrhoea Purgatives include:
arc codeine (a morphine congener). diphenoxylate and Iope ra- bulk laxatives (e.g. ispaghula husk, first choice for
mide (both pethid ine congeners that do not readily penetrate the slow action)
blood-brain barrier and are used only for their actions in the gut). osmotic laxatives (e.g. lactulose)
All may have unwanted effect<; including constipation. abdominal faecal softeners (e.g. docusate)
cramps, drow iness and diuiness. Paralytic ileus can also occur. stimulant purgatives (e.g. senna).
They should not be Ul!ed in young(< 4 years of age) children. Drugs that can increase motility without purgation:
Loperamide is the drug of first choice for traveller's diarrhoea - domperidone, used in disorders of gastric
and is a component of !.cvcral proprietary antidiarrhoeal medicines. emptying.
It has a re lative ly selective action on the gastrointestinal tract and Drugs used to treat diarrhoea:
undergoes significant entcrohcpatic cycling. It reduces the fre- oral rehydration with isotonic solutions of NaCI plus
quency of abdo minal cramps, decreases the passage of faeces glucose or starch-based cereal (important in infants)
and shorte ns the duration of the illness. antimotility agents, for example loperamide
Diphe noxylatc a lso lacks morphine-like activity in the CNS, (unwanted effects: drowsiness and nausea)
although large doses (25-fold higher) produce typical opioid absorbents (e.g. magnesium aluminium silicate).
effects. Preparatio ns of diphenoxylate usually contain atropine as
well. Codeine and lopcramide have anti secretory actions in addition
to their effects on intestinal motility. Cannabinoid receptor agonist~
also reduce gu t motility in animall>, most probably by decreasing are inflammatory disorders, the latter being a granulomatous
acetylcholine release from enteric nerves. There have been anec- condition especially affecting the terminal ileum and the colon.
dotal reportS of a beneficial effect of cannabis against dysentery Again, both conditions have uncertain aetiology. The following
and cholera. agents are used.
Drugs that reduce spasm in the gut are also of value in irritable
bowel syndrome and diverticular disease. Muscarinic receptor Glucocorticoids
antagonists are dealt with in Chapter 10. They decrease spasm Glucoconicoids are potent anti-inflammatory agents and are dealt
by inhibiting parasympathetic activity. Agents available include with fully in Chapters 14 and 28. The drugs of choice are pred
atropine, hyoscine, pro pa ntheline and d icycloverine. The last nisolone or budesoojde, given orally or locally into the bowel by
named is thought to have some additional direct relaxant action suppository or enema.
on smooth muscle. Mebeverine, a derivative of reserpine, has a
direct relaxant action on gastrointestinal smooth muscle. Aminosalicylates
Unwanted effects arc few. While glucoconicoids arc useful for the acute attacks of inflam-
matory bowel diseases, they are not the ideal for the long-term
Adsorbents treatment (because of their s ide effects). Maintenance of remission
Adsorbent agents arc used exte nsively in the symptomatic treat in both ulccrmive colitis and Crohn's is generally achieved
ment of diarrhoea, altho ug h properly controlled trials proving us ing the aminosalicylatcs, although they are less useful in the
efficacy have not been carried o ut. The main preparations used latte r conditio n.
contain kao lin, pectin, chalk, charcoal, methyl cellulose and
activated attapulgitc (magnesium alumini um silicate). It has been Sulfasalaz:ine
suggested that the e agents may act by adsorbing micro- SulfasalaLine is a combination of the sulfonamide s ulfa pyridine
organisms or toxins, by altering the intestinal flora or by coating with 5 -a minosalicylic a cid. The latter fom1s the active moiety
and protecting the intestinal mucosa, but there is no hard evi- when it is released in the colon. Its mechanism of action is
dence for this. They arc often given as mixtures with other drugs obscure. It may reduce inflammation by scavenging free radicals,
(e.g. kaolin a nd morphine rnixLUre BP). by inhibiting proMaglandin and leukotriene production, and/or by
decreasing neutrophil chemotaxis and superoxide generation. Its
unwanted effects are diarrhoea. salicylate sensitivity and inter-
DRUGS FOR CHRONIC BOWEL DISEASE stitial nephriti . 5-aminosalicylic acid is not absorbed but the
sulfapyridine moiety, which seems to be therapeutically inert in
This category comprises irritable bowel syndrome. ulcerative this instance, is ab!.orbed, and its unwanted effects are those
colitis and Crohn s disease. The first of these is characterised by associated with the sulfo namides (see Ch. 46).
bouts of diarrhoea, constipation or abdominal pain. Approximately ewer compounds in this class, which presumably share a
one-third of patients fall prey to each of these manifestations. simi Jar mechanism of action, include m esalazine (5-arninosalicylic
The aetio logy of the disease is uncertain, but psychological acid itself), olsalazine (two molecules of 5-aminosalicylic acid
factors may play a part. Treatment is symptomatic, with linked by a diazo bond, which is hydrolysed by colonic bacteria)
lopcramide or a laxative. Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease and ba lsalazide (4-aminosalicylic acid). 395

Other drugs 'radiolucent choleste rol gallstones. The principal agen t is

The immuno!.uppre!>~ants azathioprine and 6-mercaptopurine ursodeoxycho\k acid, a minor con~tituenl of human bile (but
(see Ch. 14) are also ~ometimes used in patients with seYere the main bile acid in the bear. hence urso). Diarrhoea i~ the main
disease. Recently, the cytokine inhibitor infliximab (see Ch. 14) unwanted effect.
has been used with success for the treatment of innarnmatory
bowe l diseases. The drug is expensive, and in the UK its use is Drugs aHecting biliary spasm
restricted to severe Crohn s disease that is unresponsive to g luco- Biliary colic, the pain produced by the pa'>sage of galbtones
corticoid'> or irnmunomodulators. The antiallergy drug sodium through the bile duct. can be very intense, and immediate relief
cromoglicate is sometimes used for treating gastrointestinal may be required. Morphine relie\'es the pain effecti\cl). but ll
sy mptom~ associated with food allergies. may have an undesirable local effect because it constricts the
sphincter of Oddi and raises the press ure in the bile duct.
Buprenorphine ma y be preferable. Pethidine has similar
actions, although it relaxes other <,mooth mu!..cle. for example
Drugs used to treat cholesterol cholelithiasis that of the ureter. Atropine is commonly employed to relie\e
The commonest pathological condition of the biliary tract is biliary spasm because it has antispa<,modic action and may be
chole~>tcrol c/wlelirhiasis, i.e. the formati on of gall s tone~ with used in conjunction with morphine. The nitrates (sec Ch. 17) can
high chole~terol content. Surgery is generally the preferred option, produce a marked fal l of intrabiliary pressure and may be used to
bur there are orally active drugs that di-,solve non-calcified relieve biliary spa<>rn.


Seminal und cia sic paper cri1icafll ewmm.-; the on<'cellmrd 1\W<ell He,keth P J ~00 I Potcnual role of the ;\ K, n.'<:cptor
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Dcliniuon and antagomsm of hi'I.Jmine H~-n.-cep1on. vomiting. Suppnn Care Cancer 9.
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'ystematic rc1 rev. of ondansetron rn tn!alment of
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249-257 (Small review on the mle of the ell/eric Blaser M J 1998 Helicobafter pylr>rl and ga.,tric disen,c.
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nrnou.v \ \'Mem in the rmutnl af ~a.ttrointestinal Br Med J ,16: 1507- 15 10 (Sucrrmf t<'l'iew; emplrn~i1
ba,is and phan11acology of motion 'ic~nc": an
mmtlil\, Lnrt'tory liCtil'ill'. bltx><l fln"' and inunmre 011 fi<lllf'l' tlr tlopmems)
update. Br:un Re' Bull 5: 395-406 !Gt><lfi account nj
Sllllllf: ~IJ.\_\ to l't'Od) Hom J H 1000 The proton-pump inh1b110r.: ~unilanue,
lhl! mt!dllllllim.f omdrrl\mg motion ltcAntn and tU
Sanger G J 200t 'leurolinm -.;K and 'K, recepto,... a' and ditTercn<.-.:\ Chn Ther 22: 266-280 CE.tu//~111
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di;ortlcr,andpain. BrJ Phurmacoll-11: 1303 Dl2. Huang J Q. ltunt R H 2001 Phannncotog1cal and Motility of the gu; lrointestinat tract
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pm~ntial jmurt us~s of JU'Iirr)~tnilt antagoni\1\ in antagoni~h and proton pump inhibitor. for the diarrhoea. Aliment Pharmacol Thcr 11; I 373-1378
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Spiller R ~00~ Serotooergic modulatong drug' (or Ga.,uoenterol 15: 355-370 Gorbach S L I 987 Bacterial diarrhoea and II' treauneot.
funcuonall!""roint~tonal di\C3\C\. 8r J Clio Klotz U 2000 The role of :unillO'oahc) late< at the Lancet II: 1371! 1382
Phannacol ~4: 11-20 (An ~\ce/1('111 mul "eliSil\ beginninr, of the new millenmum 111 the treatment of lluizinga J D. Thunebcrg L ct al. 1997 lnteNtllal cell-
dil/ellihl~ artide descnbin11 flu lme:.tlhinking on lire chronic innnmmmory bowel cl1~a\e . Eur J Chn of Cajal as tnrgcl\ for pharmacological intcl"lcntion m
u<e of ~-lmlro.\ylryptamine tll(tmi:.t:. and mllag<mi\1\ PhamlOCOI 56: 353- 362 gawointeslinnl mmnr di>order,. Trend' Ph.trmacol Scr
in 1:01trointcstinal fimclirm; urful dtagrllm<) Pcnwce R G 2001 Cannabinoids nnd the gastrointestinal 18:393-401
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200t Ccntrnl ner.ous S}'tem inH>hement in Rau'" E A J. \an der Hul\t R \\ M 199b Tik: 1 he biliar) S) stem
funcuon.ll !!">lrorntestinat d1\0nler... Be~! Pract Re' management of H p)lori infecuon Br Med J 316: Bate>O M C 1<197 Otic acid re.-.e.~n:h and apphcation'
Cl1 n G:l\trocntcrol 18: 663-68() !Small mi<"<llrat 162-161 (l:d<lorwl.-ommenwrJ) Lancet 349 5 6
focu<t'f on/Ire mle of the CNS 11.1 reealed by Yeoman' N D. Tulassy Z ct al. 199& A comparison of
Useful web resources
ima~:in~ \/tidies-in regu/(}(illlllfO:>troimeslinal omcpm1ole with ranitidine for ulcer. a'<ocialed with
hnp://www.nalhnoc.org (Thi.; i.\ the Wl'.far tlw UK
fimC/iiJn, <1/:.o discuss~\ thf relotwnsltip beMPI'II non"erordol :tnliinnammatol) drug,,/\ Engl J Med
Health Pmteoirm A.t:ency\ Narimwl Tntl'l'l Health
P'.'rlua1ru dtsorrhn and !llllfromt~rlinal dimnlu:. ) 338: 719- 726
Vtno-orl. and Cmm_ Theft' aft' nw ct>m(kmtnts 10 tht
Gastric secretion \ 'om iring .life. 011<' for lm fk"Pf>lt atod antfi~r lk<~llh Jrofnstonal.
Shanllcy N P. \\chh N J, Btacl J W 1992. Histamonc American GMn>enlerological A"oc1atton 2001 Click on tlu lmtcr mul ncnigme m tht Tro,etter.;
dependence of pcotagastnnMimulated acid secretion Technical rcvtcw on natL,ca and vomiung. diarrhoea arud~ for c:ur"trt infonmllum t.md
in rat\. Yale J Bioi Med 65:6 13- 6 19 (Pllper that Gastroemcmlogy I~0: 263-286 advice.)

The endocrine pancreas
and the control of
blood glucose
1.ccrctc a peptide known all islet amyloid polypeptide or amy/in.
Overview 397 which delays gastric emptying and opposes insulin by stimu-
Pancreatic islet hormones 397 l<lting glycogen brc<tkdown in striated muscle. G lucagon a lso
-Insulin 397 opposes insulin. increasing blood glucose and stimulating protein
-Glucagon 401 breakdown in muscle. Somatostat in inhibits secretion of insulin
-Somatostatin 402 and of glucagon. It is widely distributed outside the pancreas and
-Amylin (islet amyloid polypeptide) 402 is also released from the hypothalamus. inhibiting the release of
growth hormone from the pituitary (p. 422).
Control of blood glucose 402
Diabetes mellitus 402 INSULIN
-Treatment of diabetes mellitus 403
Insulin was the fir:.t protein for which an an1ino acid sequence
wa~ determined (by Sanger\ group in Cambridge in 1955). It
consists of two peptide chains (A and B. of 21 and 30 amino acid
residues. respectively).
Insulin is the main hormone controlling intermediary SYNTHESIS AND SECRETION
metabolism. Its most obvious acute eHect is to lower
Like other peptide hormones (see Ch. 16), insulin is synthe!>i1>ed
blood glucose. Reduced (or absent) secretion of
as a precursor (preproinsulin) in the rough endoplasmic reticulum.
insulin, often coupled with reduced sensitivity to its
Preproinsulin is transported to the Golgi apparatus, where it under-
action (insulin resistance), causes diabetes mellitus,
goes proteolytic cleavage first to proinsulin and then to insulin
the prevalence of which is rapidly increasing to
plus a fragment of uncertain function called C-peptide. 1 Insul in
epidemic proportions. The consequences of
and C-pcptide are stored in granules in B cells, and are normally
diabetes are dire-especially complications of
cosecreted by exocytosis in equimolar amounts together with
atherosclerosis, kidney failure and blindness.
smaller and variable amounts of proinsulin. The main factor con-
In this chapter, we describe pancreatic hormones,
trolling the synthesis and secretion of insulin is the blood glucose
emphasising insulin and the control of blood
concentration (Fig. 26.1 ). B cells respond both to the absolute
glucose. The second part of the chapter is devoted
glucose concentration and to the rate of change of blood glucose.
to diabetes mellitus and its treatment with drugs-
Other stimu li to insulin release include amino acids {particularly
insulins and the orally active hypoglycaemic
arginine and leucine), fatty acids, the parasympathetic nervous
agents. Oral hypoglycaemic drugs include
system. peptide hormones for the gut (see below) and drugs that
biguanides, a-glucosidase inhibitors, sulfonylureas
act on \11/[ony/urea receptors.
and other drugs that stimulate insulin secretion,
There is a !>teady basal release of insulin and also a response
and the thiazolidinediones.
to an increase in blood glucose. This response has two phases:
an initial rap id pha~e reflecting release of stored hormone. and
PANCREATIC ISLET HORMONES a slower. delayed phase reflecting both continued release of
stored hormone and new synthesis (Fig. 26.2). The response is
The islet<, of Langerhans contain four main cell ypes, all of abnormal in diabetes mellitus. as discussed later.
which secrete peptide hormones: B (or~) cells secrete insulin. A ATP-sensitive potas~ium channels (KATP; Ch. 4, pp. 63-64)
cells secrete ~:tucagon, D cells secrete somatostmin and PP cells determine the re~ting membrane potential in B cells. Glucose
secrete pancreatic polypeptide (the function of which is
unknown). The core of each i1.let contains mainly the predomi-
nant B cells surrounded by a mantle of A cells interspersed with 'Not to be ccmfu~cd with C-reactive peptide. wh ich is an acute pha;e
D cells or PP cells (sec Fig. 26. 1). In addition to insulin, B cells rcacwm used cl ini cal ly a~> a marker of inflammation (Ch. 13). 397

Digested food

' \
Glucose Fatty ac1ds I
' I I
GIT hormones
'I I I I

$ $ <)
I /
I /
I Parasympathetic
I ''
~ nerves
.J.. (on muscarinic
Somatostatin G receptors)
B cell

Fig. 26.1 Factors regulating

... -
insulin secretion. Blood glucose is
the most important factor. Drugs Sympathetic nerves and
PANCREATIC adrenaline
used to stimulate insulin secretion
ISLET (on a:zadrenoceptors)
are shown in yellow boxes.
Glucagon potentiates insulin release
but opposes some of its peripheral J
actions and increases blood
glucose. GIT, gastrointestinal tract.

enters B cells via a membrane transporter called Glut-2, and its

1st phase 2nd phase subsequent metabolism via glucokinase (the rate-limiting enzyme
~---------- - . that acts as the 'glucose sensor' linking insulin secretion to extra-
cellular glucose) and glycolysis increases intracellular ATP. Thi~
blocks K ATP channels, causing membrane depolarisation and
opening or vollage-dcpeudcnt calcium channels, leading to Ca 2
innux. The resulling increase in cytoplasmic Ca2 triggers insulin
secretion, bul only in the presence of amplifying messengers
Basal including diacylglycerol, non-esterified arachidonic acid (which
20 ~====~~=-------_2T1~yp~e~1~d~ia~b=et~e~
s facilitates further Ca 2 entry), and 12-lipoxygenase products of
arachidonic acid (mainly 12-S-hydroxyeicosacetraenoic acid or
12-S-HI:.TE; !>ee Ch. 13). Phospholipases are commonly activated
0 15 30 45 60 75
by Ca 2. but free arachidonic acid i!> liberated in B cells by an
ATP-sensitive Ca 2-insensitive (ASCI) phospholipase A 1.
Consequently, in B cells, Ca 2 entry and arachidonic acid pro-
Fig. 26.2 Schematic diagram of the two-phase release
duction are both driven by ATP. linking cellular energy status to
of insulin in response to a constant glucose infusion. The
first phase is missing in type 2 (non-Insulin-dependent) insulin !>ecretion.
diabetes mellitus, and both are missing in type 1 Qnsulin- T Many gastrointe~tinal honnones intluence insulin secretion. including
dependent) diabetes mellitus. The first phase is also produced gavtrin, St'(:rttin. cholecystokinin. gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIPJ.
by amino acids, sulfonylureas, glucagon and gastrointestinal glucagon-like peptide (GLPJ and GLP 1 (the amide of a fragment ofGLPJ,
tract hormones. (Data from Pfeifer et al. 1981 Am J Med 70: all of which Mimulate insulin secretion. They are released by eating. Thi>
~588.) explains why oral gluco~e cause:. &>reater insulin release than doe~ the
same amount of glucose admini~Lered intravenously. These hormones (in
particular GlP nnd GLP1) provide an anticipatory signal from the
gastrointe~tinal 1ruc1 to the islets, and offer some novel prospects for
398 treating diabetes.



p p

p p

Endocytosis of Beta subunit Ras ------.. Actions on DNA
insulin-receptor tyrosine kinase complex and RNA
complex activation


! SH2 domain proteins

RecrUitment of Effects on
glucose Effects on kinases and phosphatases and thus: +--- synthesis of
transporters key enzymes
Alteration in the pattern of phosphorylallon
of key enzymes (e.g. MAP kinase and
protein phosphatase 1)

Increased formation Increased Increased Decreased formation of Growth and

of glycogen, protein uptake of utilisation of glucose from glycogen, gene
and fat glucose glucose fat and protein expression

Decreased blood glucose

Fig . 26.3 Insulin signalling pathways . I, insulin; Glut-4, an insulin-sensitive glucose transporter present in muscle and fat cells; IRS.
insulin receptor substrate (several forms: 1-4).

Other metabolic eHects of insulin long-term eHects of insulin

Other metabolic effect!> of insulin include transport inro cells of In addition to it~ rapid effects on metabolism. exerted via altered
K,1 Ca2+, nucleosides and inorganic phosphate. activity of enzymes and transport proteins. imulin has long-temt
actions via altered entyme synthesis. 1t is an important anaboli~
hormone during fetal development. It stimulates cell proliferation
and is implicated in somatic and visceral growth and development.
'This action is exploited in the emergency treatment of hyperkalaemia by T Mitogenic action; of im.ulin are of great concern in the development
400 intravenous gluco5c with in~ulin (see Ch. 24, p. 382). of in~ulin analogues. because these are intended for long-term use and

b<!cau'e mammal) tumour.. develop m rat\ gt' en one long-acting in,uhn

analogue kno"n a_<, B 10-a~p imuljn. Endocrine pancreas and blood glucose

MECHANISM OF ACTION Islets of Langerhans secrete insulin from 8

(or B) cells, glucagon from A cells and somatostatin
ln~ulin binds to a specific receptor on the !.urfacc of its target from D cells.
cel ls. The receptor is a large transmembrane glycoprotein com- Many factors stimulate insulin secretion, but the main
plex belonging to the kinase-linked type 3 receptor superfamily one is blood glucose.
(Ch. 3. pp. 43-46) and consisting of two a and two ~ subunit~ Insulin has essential metabolic actions as a fuel
(Fig. 26.3). Occupied receptors aggregate imo clusters. which are storage hormone and also affects cell growth and
:.ub~equcnt l y internalised in vesicles. resulting in down- differentiation. It decreases blood glucose by:
regulation. Internalised insulin is dcgmded in lysosomes. but the increasing glucose uptake into muscle and fat via
receptor~ arc recycled to the pJa ...ma membrane. Glut-4
T lltc 'ignal transduction mechani'm' that link receptor binding to the increasing glycogen synthesis
biological eiTecL~ of insu li n arc compte,.. Re~:eptor autophosphorylation decreasing gluconeogenesis
- the fir,t ~tep in signal transd uction is a con ~cquence of djmerisation. decreasing glycogen breakdown.
al lowi ng each receptor to phm,phorylate the other, as e,xplained in
Glucagon is a fuel-mobilising hormone, stimulating
Chapter 3.
gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis, also lipolysis
lnwlin receptor subsLrale (IRS) prote in \ undergo rapid tyrosine and proteolysis. It increases blood sugar and also
pho,phol) lation specificall)' in re'>p<ln'>e to insulin and in~ulin- l ike
increases the force of contraction of the heart.
gro" th fa..:tor-1 but not to other gmwth factor.... The best chamcteri..ed
\Ubstratc i\ rRS-1 . which cont.Un!> :!2 tyro\inc re,idues that are potential
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder in
pho,phol) lation 'ite~. It imer.tct> wtth protem\ that cont:Un a so-called whtch there is hyperglycaemia. There are two matn
SH:! domam (..ee Cb. 3. Fig. 3.15). therehy pa~~ing on the insulin '>ignal. types:
Knod.out mice lacking lRS-1 are hyporC\J)(m~ive to insulin (in~ulin type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes, with an
re'>t\lant) but do not become diabetic because of robust 8 -ce ll
absolute deficiency of insulin
compensation with increa\ed insulin ~ccrction. By contrast. mice lacking
IRS-2 fai l to compen~ate and develop overt diabetes, implicati ng the IRS-
type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes, with a
2 gene as a candidate for human type 2 diabetes (IRS protein~ are relative deficiency of insulin associated with
reviewed by Lee & White. 2004). Acti valion of phosphatidylino:-.itol 3- reduced sensitivity to its action (insulin resistance).
l..ina\e by interaction of its SH2 domain with phosphorylated lRS ha'>
">e\eral tmponant effects. including recruitment of insulin-sensitive
gluco\e transponc~ (Giut-4) from the Golgi apparatu~ to the plasma
mcmbrJne m muscle and fat cell\
Glucagon secretion is stimulated by low and inhibited by high
The longer-tenn actions of msuhn entail effect\ on 01'\A and Rl'\A.
mediated panty at least by the Ra~ '>ignalling complex. Ra.<. i~ a protein concentrations of glucose and fauy acid!> in the plasma. Sym-
that regulates ceiJ gro,vth and cycle'> hetween an actjve GTP-bound fonn pathetic nerve activity and circulating adrenaline Mimulate glu-
and an inactive GOP-bound form (~ec Ch'> 3 and 51). Insu lin shifts the cagon release via ~ adrenoceptor!.. Parasympathetic nerve activity
eq uilibrium in favour of the acti ve form. and initiates a phosphorylation also increases secretion, whcrea~ somatostatin. release<.l from D
ca~cadc that resu lts in activati on of mitogen-activated protei n kina;e.
cells adj acent to the glucagon-secreting A cells in the periphery
which in turn activates severa l nuch:ar tra nscription factOrs. leadj ng to the
exprc'>'>ion of genes that are involved bot h w ith cell growth and with or the islets. inhibits glucagon re lea!-e.~
intcnncdiary metabolism. Regulation nf the mte of mRNA transcription
by tnsulin provides an imponant mean\ of modulating enzyme activity.
Insulin for treatment of diabetes mellitus is considered below.
Glucagon increases blood glucose and causes breakdown of fat
and protein. It acts on specific G-protein-coupled receptors to
GLUCAGON stimulate adenylate cyclase, and con ...equently its actions are some-
Glucagon is a single-chain polypeptide of 2 1 amino acid residues. what ~imilar to ~ adrenoceptor- mediated actions of adrenaline.
Un like adrenaline, however, its metabolic effects are more pro-
nouncc<.l than its cardiovascular actions. Glucagon is proportionately
more active on liver, while the metabolic actions of adrenaline
Glucagon is synthesised mainly in the A cell of the i lets. but arc more pronounced on muscle and fat. Glucagon stimulates
also in the upper gastrointestinal tract. It has considerable struc- glycogen breakdown and gluconeogenesis, and inhibits glycogen
tuml homology with other gru.trointe~tinal tract hormones. including '>ynthcsis and glucose oxidation. It~ metabolic actions on target
.\ecretin, msoacti1e imestinal peptide and GIP (see Ch. 25). tissues are thus the opposite of thO'>C of insulin. Glucagon incrcal>Cs
One of the main physiological Mimuli to glucagon secretion is
the concentration of amino acids. in particular L-arginine. in plasma.
Therefore an increase in secretion follows ingestion of a high- "Octreotide. a somatostatin analogue (~cc p. 422). i ~ u~ to treat tht:
protein meal, but compared with insulin there is relatively little 'yndrome (which includes relatively mild hyperglycaemia but profound
change in plasma glucagon concentrations throughout the day. mu~c le ~:ataboli sm) caused by ra re g lucagon-secreting tumours.

the rate and force of contraction of the heart, although less

markedly than adrenaline. CONTROL OF BLOOD GLUCOSE
Clinical uses of glucagon are summarised in lhe box.
Glucose is the obligatory source of energy for the brain, and physi-
ological control of blood glucose reflects the need to maintain
SOMATOSTATIN adequate fuel supplies in the face of intermiueot food intake and
variable metabolic demands. More fuel is made available b}
Somato~tatin is secreted by the D cells of lhe islets. h is also
feeding than is immediately required. and excess calories are
generated in the hypothalamus. where it acts to inhibit the release
stored as glycogen or fat. During fasting, these energy store~
of growth hormone (sec Ch. 28). In the islet, it inhibits release of
need to be mobilised in a regulated manner. The most important
insulin and of glucagon. Oc treotide is a long-acting analogue of
regulatory hormone is insulin, lhe actions of which are described
somatostatin (see above). It inhibits release of a number of hor-
above. Increased blood sugar stimulates insulin secretion, whereas
mones, and is used clinically to relieve symptoms from several
reduced blood sugar reduces insulin secretion. Hypoglycaemia,
uncommon gastroenteropancreatic endocrine tumours, and for
caused by excessive insulin, not only reduces insulin secretion
treatment of acromegaly 5 (the endocrine disorder caused by a
but also elicits secretion of an array of 'counter-regulatory' hor-
functioning lllmour of cells that secrete growth hormone from the
mones, including glucagon, adrenaline, glucocorticoid.~ and
anterior pituitary; see Ch. 28).
growth hormone, all of which increase blood glucose. Their main
effects on glucose uptake and carbohydrate metabolism arc
AMYLIN (ISLET AMYLOID POLYPEPTIDE) summarised and contrasted with those of insulin in Table 26.2.

T The tcnn amvloid rcfe11> to amorphous protein deposits in different

ti~sues that occur in a variety of diseases, including several
ncurodegenerative condition~ (see Ch. 35). Amyloid deposits occur in the
pancrea\ of patient\ with diabetes mellitus, although it is not known if Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder characterised
this i~ functionally mponant. The major component of pancreatic
amyloid s a 37 amino acid residue peptide known as islet amyloid by a high blood glucose concentration-hyperglycacmia (fasting
pol) peptide or amylln. Thi~ is stored with insulin in secretory granules in plasma glucose> 7.0 mmoVl. or plasma glucose > ll.l mmoUI
8 cell\ and 1\ co~ecreted with in~ulin. Amylin delays gastric emptying. 2 hours after a meal )-caused by insulin deficiency, often combined
Supraphy\iological concentrations sumulate the breakdown of glycogen with insulin resistance. Hyperglycaemia occurs because of
to lactate m stnnted muscle. Amylin also inhibits insulin secretion
uncomrolled hepatic glucose output and reduced uptake of glucose
(Fig. 26.1 ). It is structurall) related to calcitonin (see Ch. 31) and has
wea].. calcitonin-liJ..e action~ on calcium metabolism and osteoclast by skeletal muscle with reduced glycogen synthesis. When the
activity. It is aho about 50% identical with calcitonin gene-related renal thre~hold for glucose reabsorption is exceeded, glucose
peptide (CGRP; ~ee Ch. 16). and large intravenous doses cause spills over imo the urine (glycosuria) and causes an osmotic
vasodilatation. presumably by an action on CGRP receptors. Whether diuresis (polyuria), which, in turn, results in dehydration, thirl>t
amylin has a role in the physiological control of glucose metabolism is
and increased drinking {polydipsia). Insulin deficiency causes
controversial. but there is intereM in the therapeutic potential of amylin
agonbt\ (\uCh :u, l>r a mlintid e, an analogue with three proline wasting through increased breakdown and reduced synthesis of
substitutions that reduce its tendency to aggregate into insoluble fibrils}- proteins. Diabetic ketoacidosis is an acute emergency. It develops
scc Schmitz et al. (2004) for a review. in the absence of insuli n because of accelerated breakdown of fat
to acetyi-CoA, which, in the absence of aerobic carbohydrate
metabolism, is converted to acetoacetate and ~-hydroxybutyrate
Clinical uaea of glucagon (which cause acidosis) and acetone (a ketone).
Various complications develop as a consequence of the metabolic
Glucagon can be given intramuscularly or derangements in diabetes, often over many years. Many of these
subcutaneously as well as intravenously. are the result of disea~e of blood vessels, either large (macrovascular
Treatment of hypoglycaemia in unconscious patients disea e) or small (microangiopathy). Dysfunction of vascular
(who cannot drink); unlike intravenous glucose, it endothelium ( ee Ch. 20, p. 321) is an early and critical event in
can be administered by non-medical personnel the development of vascular complications. Oxygen-derived free
(e.g. spouses or ambulance crew). It is useful if radicals, protein kinase C and non-enzymic products of glucose
obtaining intravenous access is difficult. and albumin (called ad1anced glycation end products) have been
Treatment of acute cardiac failure precipitated by implicated. MacrVI'Oscular disease consists of accelerated atheroma
~-adrenoceptor antagonists.
(Ch. 21) and its thrombotic complications (Ch. 22), which are
commoner and more severe in diabetic patients. Microarzgioparh~
is a dbtinctive feature of diabetes mellitus and particularly
affects the retina, kidney and peripheral nerves. Diabetes mellitus
is the commonest cause of chronic renal failure, which itself
represents a huge and rapidly increasing problem, the costs of
lOctreotide is u~ed either short term before surgery on the pituitary tumour, which to society as well as to individual patients are staggering.
or while waiting for radiotherapy of the tumour to take effect, or if other Coexistent hypertension promotes progressive renal damage, and
402 treatments have been ineffective. treatment of hypertension slows the progression of diabetic

T ble 26.2 The effect o f hormon es o n blood glucose

Hormon e M ai n actions M ain stimulus for se c retio n M ain effect

Main regu latory hormone

Insulin t Glucose uptake

t Glycogen synthesis
Acute rise in blood glucose glucose ~ Blood glucose
~ Glycogenolysis


Main c ounter-regulatory hormones

Glucagon t Glycogenolysis
t Glyconeogenesis
Hypoglycaemia {i.e. b lood glucose
Adrenaline (epinephrine) t Glycogenolysis < 3 m mol/1}, (e.g. with exercise, ' t Blood glucose
stress, high protein meals), etc.
Glucocorticoids ! Glucose uptake
t Gluconeogenesis
l Glucose uptake and utilisation

Growth hormone + Glucose uptake

nephropathy and reduces myocardial infarction. Angiolensin- ( vpe 2 diabetes is accompanied both by i nsulin resistance (which
comerting enzyme inhibitors or angiolensin receptor anlagonists precedes overt disease) and by impaired insulin secretion. each of which
are importa nt in its pathogene:.is. Such patient\ are oft en obe:,e nnd
(Ch. 19) are more effective in pre ve nting diabetic nephropathy
usuall y present in adult l ife, the incidence rising progressively w ith age
than other antihypertensive drug~. perhaps because they prevent as B-cell function decline!.. Treatment i~ i nitially dietary. although ornl
fibropro liferative actions of angiote nsin n and aldostero ne. hypoglycaemic drugs u!.ually become ncces'>ary. and about one-third of
Diabetic ne uropathy is a~~oci ated wi th accumulation of patient!. ultimately require iru.ulin. Pro-.pecuve studies have demon.,trnted
o~motica lly active metabolites of glucose, produced by the actio n a relentle:.s deterioration m diabeuc control~ over the ye~.

of aldo~e reductase, but aldose reductase inhibitors have been Insulin secretion in the two main forms of diabetes is shown
disappoi nting as therapeutic drug\ (\ee C hung & Chung, 2005, sche matically in Fig ure 26.2. contras ted with the no rmal
for a rev iew). response.
There are two main types of diabe tes me llitus: There are many other less commo n forms of diabetes mellitus
type I diabetes (previously kno wn as insulin-dependent in addition to the two main o nes described above, and
diabe tes mellitus -IDDM-or juve nile-onset diabetes) hype rg lycaemia can also be a c linically important adverse effect
type 2 diabetes (previo usly known a1> no n- insulin-depe ndent of several drugs, including g lucocorticoids (Ch. 28). high doses
diabetes me llitus-NTDDM-or matu rity-onset diabetes). of thiazide diuretics (Ch. 24) and several of the protease
inhibito rs used to tre at HlV infectio n (Ch. 47).
In type I d iabetes, there is an absolute deficiency of insulin
resulti ng from autoimmune destruction of B cells. Without
i n~u lin treatment, such patie nts will ultimate ly die with diabetic
ketoacidosis. Insulin is essential fo r the treatment of type 1 diabetes. Fo r many
't" fype I diabetic patients arc m.uall y young (children or adolesce nt~) years, it was assumed, as an act of faith , that normalising plasma
and not obese when they first develop symptoms. There is an inherited glucose would prevent diabetic complications. The Diabetes
predisposition, with a 10-fold increased incidence i n first-degree relati ves Control and Complications Trial (American Diabetes Associatio n,
of an index case. and ~trong a&sociation> w ith particular histocompatibi lity
1993) showed that this faith was we ll placed: type I diabetic
antigen~ (HLA types). Studie~ ot' identical twi ns have shown that
genetically predisposed indi\ iduab mu'>t additionally be exposed to an
patie nts were randomly allocated to intens ive or conventional
envtronmental factor such as 'ira! infection (e.g. with coxsackievirus or management. Mean fa~ting blood glucose concentration was
echo' tnt\). Viral infection may damage pancremic B cells and e:>.po.,e
anugens thm initiate a self-perpetuating autoimmune process. The patient
becomes ovenly diabetic only when more than 90'l of the B cells have
been destroyed. Thi s natural hi\tOry provide!. a tantalising prospect of 6 DiabeLic control is not easily e~ti mated by determination of blood gl ucose.
intervening in the prediabetic Mage. and a variety of strategies have been becaU'.e Lhi ~ i s so variable. Instead. gl ycated haemoglobin (haemoglobi n
mooted, i ncluding i.mmunosuppre~>,ion. early i n ~ulin therapy. antioxidants, A 1c) is rnea!our~d . This provides an integrated measure o f control over the
nicotinamide and many others. but so fnr these have di ~appoimed. lifespan of the red cell: approximately 120 day~.

2.8 mmol/1 lower in the intensively treated group. who had a One of the main problems in using insulin is to avoid wide
l.ub~tantial reduction in the occurrence and progression of retino- nuctuations in pla~ma concentration and thus in blood glucose.
pathy, nephropathy and neuropathy over a period of 4-9 years. Different formulations vary in the timing of their peak effect and
These benefit<, outweighed a threefold increase in severe duration of action. Soluble insulin produces a rapid and shon-
hypoglycaemic attad.~ and mode 1 excess weight gain. lived effect. Longer-acting preparations are made by precipitating
The UK Prospective Diabetes Study showed that lowering insulin with protamine or zinc. thus forming finely di\ ided
blood pressure markedly improves outcome in type 2 diabetes amorphous solid or relatively insoluble crystals, which are
(sec above). Optimal control of blood glucose was not achieved injected as a suspen~ion from which insulin is slowly absorbed.
even in intensively treated patient!.. Beuer metabolic control did These preparations include isophane insulin and amorphous or
improve outcome, but the magnitude of the benefit was crystalline insulin tine su~pensions. Mixtures of different forms
di~appointing and Matistically significant only for microvascular in fixed proponions are available. Ins ulin lispro is an insulin
complications. Consequently, realistic goals in type 2 diabetic analogue in which a lysine and a proline residue are 'switched'.
patients arc usually less ambitious than in younger type 1 It acts more rapidly but for a shorter time than natural insulin,
patients. Diet is the cornerstone (albeit one with a tendency to enabling patients to inject themselves immediately before the
crumble), combined with increased exercise. Oral agents arc start of a mc:1l. Insulin glargioe is another modified insulin
used to control symptoms from hyperglycaemia, as wel l as to analogue, designed with the opposite intention, namely to
limit microvascular complkations. Dietary measures and statins provide a constant basal insulin supply and mimic physiological
to prevent atheromatous disease (Ch. 20) are crucial. Details of postabsorptive basal insulin secretion. Insulin glargine, which is
dietary management and treatment for specific diabetic a clear solution, forms a microprecipitate at the physiological pll
complications are beyond the scope of this book. of subeutaneoul. til.sue, and absorption from the subcutaneous
-.ite of injection is prolonged. Used in conjunction with short-
acting insulin, it lowers po!>tabsorptive plasma glucose.
Various dosage regimens are used. Type I patients commonly
Effects of insulin and its mechanism of action are described inject a combination of shon- and intermediate-acting insulin~
above (pp. 399-401 ). Here we describe phannacok.inetic aspects twice daily, before breakfast and before the evening meal. lmpro\ed
and adverse effect..... both of which are central to its therapeutic control of blood glucose can be achieved with multiple daily
use. Insulin for clinical use was once either porcine or bovine but injections of shon-acting insulins with meals, and a longer-acting
is now almost entirely human (made by recombinant DNA insulin at night. insulin pumps are used in hospital and some-
technology). Porcine and bovine insulins differ from human time~. by specialists, in outpatients. The most sophisticated
insulin in their amino acid sequence, and are liable to elicit an form~ of pump regulate the dose by means of a sensor that
immune response, a problem that is avoided by the use of recom- continuou~ly measures blood glucose. but these are not routine!)
binant human insulin. Although recombinant insulin is more available.
consistent in quality than insulins extracted from pancreases of
fresh ly slaughtered animals, doses are still quantified in terms of Unwanted eHects
units of activity, with which doctors and patients are familiar, The main undesirable effect of insulin is hypoglycaemia. Thi'
rather than of mass. is common and, if very severe, can cause brain damage. In one
large clinical trial, intensive insulin therapy resulted in a
Pharmacokinetic aspects and insulin threefold increase in severe hypoglycaemia compared with u~ual
preparations care. The treatment of hypoglycaemia is to take a sweet drink or
Insulin is destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract, and must be snack or, if the patient is unconscious. to give intravenous glucose
given parcntcrally- ullually subcutaneously, but intravenously or or intramu~cular glucagon (see above). Rebound hypcrglycacmia
occa~ionally intramuscularly in emergencies. lntraperitoneal insulin ('Somogyi effect') can follow insulin-induced hypoglycacmia,
is used in diabetic patients with end-stage renal failure treated by becau!>e of the releru.e of counter-regulatory hormones (see above).
ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. Pulmonary absorption of insulin Thi., can cause hypcrglycaemia before breakfast followmg an
occur!., and inhalation of an aerosol is a promising route of admin- unrccogni~ed hypoglycaemic attack during sleep in the earl)
istration, e~pecially for type 2 patients. Other new approaches hours or the morning. lt is essential to appreciate this possib1ht)
include incorporation of insulin into biodegradable polymer to avoid the mistake or increasing (rather than reducing) the
microsphere.,, and its encapsulation with a lectin in a glucose- evening dose of insulin in this situation.
permeable membrane? Once absorbed. insulin has an elimination Allergy to human in&ulin is unusual but can occur. It rna) take
half-life or approximately I0 minutes. It is inactivated enzymicaJiy the form of local or !>yMemic reactions. Insulin resistance a~ a
in the liver and kidney, and 10% is excreted in the urine. Renal con~equence of antibody fom1ation is rare.
impairment reduces insulin requirement. Clinical u.,es of in~ulin are summarised in the box.


Th is could. in theory. provide variable release of insulin control led by the
prevailing glucose concentration, because glucose and glycosylated insulin The main oral hypoglycaemic agents (sec the box on p. 408)
404 compete for binding ~ i tc~ on the lectin. arc metformin (a biguanidc), sulfonylureas and other dmg~ that

Clinical use
Clinical uses of Insulin
Merformi n is u\ed to treat patients with type 2 diabetes. It does
not sti mulate appetite (rather the reverse: see above!) and is
Patients with type 1 diabetes require long-
consequently the d ru g of first c hoice in the majority of type 2
term insulin:
patie nt<; who are obese and who fai l treatment with diet a lone. It
an intermediate-acting preparation (e.g. isophane
can be combined wi th ~u lfonyl ureas. glitazones or insulin.
insulin) is often combined with soluble insulin
taken before meals.
Soluble insulin is used (intravenously) in emergency
The sulfonylureas we re developed following the chance obser-
treatment of hyperglycaemic emergencies (e.g.
vation that a sul fonam ide derivative (used to treat typhoid ) caused
diabetic ketoacidosis).
hypoglycac mia. Numerous sul fonylureas are available. T he fi rst
Many patients with type 2 diabetes ultimately need
used therape uticall y were tolbutamide and cWorpropamid e.
Chlo rpro pa mide has a lo ng duration of ac tion and a substa ntial
Short-term treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes
frac tion is excreted in the urine. Consequently, it can cause severe
or impaired glucose tolerance during intercurrent
hypoglycaernia, e!>pecially in elderly patients in whom renal func-
events (e.g. operations, infections, myocardial
tion declines inevitably but ins idious ly (Ch. 24). It causes llush-
infarc tion).
ing after alcoho l because o f a disulfiram- like e ffect (Ch. 4 3), and
During pregnancy, for gestational diabetes not
has an action like that of antidiure tic hormone on the distal
controlled by diet alone.
ne phron, g iving rise to hyponatraemia and water intoxicatio n.
Emergency treatment of hyperkalaemia: insulin is
Williams ( 1994) comme nts that ' time honoured but idiosync ratic
given with glucose to lower extracellular K+ via
c hlorpropamide sho uld now be laid to rest'-a sentime nt with
redistribution into cells.
which we concur. Tolbutamide, however, remai ns useful. So-called
second-generation sulfonylureas (e.g. g libenclamide, g lipizide;
sec Table 26.3) are more potent (on a milligram basis), but their
maximum hypoglycaemic effect is no greater and control of
blood g lucose no better than with tolbutamide. These drugs a ll
act on the !>ulfony lurea receptor, and glitawnes. Acarbose is an contain the !>ulfonylurea moiety and act in the same way, but
a-gluco~idase inhibitor.
different sub titutiom. result in diffe re nces in pharmacokinetics
and hence in duration of action (see Table 26.3).
Biguanides Mechanism of action
Metfo rmin is the o nl y drug of th is class presently available in The princ ipal action of ~ulfonylureas is on B cells (Fig. 26. 1),
the UK. stimulating insulin secretion (the equivalent o f phase I in Fig. 26.2)
Actions and mechanism and thus reduc ing plas ma g lucose. Hig h-affinity recepto rs for
Biguanidcs lower blood glucose by mec hanisms that are complex sulfony lurcas a re present o n the K ATP c hanne ls (Ch. 4. p. 64) in
and incomple tely unde rstood. They increase glucose uptake and B-ccll plasma membr.mes, and the binding of various sulfonylureas
utilisation in ske letal muscle (the re by reduc ing insulin resistance) para llels the ir potency in stimulating insulin re lease. Block by
and redu ce he patic g lucose produc tio n (gluconeogenesis). sulfo ny lurea drugs o f K~rr channe l activation causes depo laris-
Metformin, while preventing hyperg lycaemia. does not cause ution, Ca2+ entry and insulin secretion. (Compare this with the
hypoglycacmia. Tt a lso reduces low-density and very low-density physio logical contro l of insulio scretion, see p. 398 above.)
lipoproteins (LDL a nd VLDL, respect ively).
Phormocokinetic ospects
Phormocokinetic aspects Sulfonylureas are well absorbed after o ral administration. and
Metformin ha~ a half- life of about 3 ho urs and is excreted most reach peak plasma concentratio ns within 2~ hours. The
unchanged in the urine. duration of action varie~ (Tab le 26.3). All bind strong ly to plasma
albumin and are implicated in interactions with other drugs (e.g.
Unwonted effects salicylates and ~ulfonamides) that compete for these binding
The commonest un wanted effects of metfonnin are dose-related sites (see below and C h. 52). Most sulfonylureas (or their active
gastrointestinal disturbances (e.g. anorexia. diarrhoea. nausea),
metabolites) are excreted in the urine. so their action is increased
wh ich are u ~uall y but not always transient. L actic acidosis is a in the e lderly and in patients with renal disease.
rare but potentially fata l toxic effect, and me tfo rmin should not Most sulfony lu reas cross the placenta and enter breast milk; a'>
be given to patients wi th renal or he patic disease. hypoxic a result, u e of sulfonylureas is contraindicated in pregnancy and
pulmonary disease, heart failure or shock. Such patie nts are in breast feeding w hen d iet and, if necessary. insulin are used.
predisposed to lac tic acidosis because o f re duced drug
eliminatio n or reduced tissue oxygenation. It s hould also be Unwonted effects
avoided in other s ituatio ns that predis pose to lactic acidosis, and The sulfony lurcas arc usuall y we ll to lerated. Unwanted e ffects
is contra indicated in pregnancy. Long-term use may interfere are s pecified in Table 26.3. T he commonest adverse effect is
with absorptio n o f vita min 8 12 hy poglycac mia, w hich c an be seve re and prolonged. Its 405

Table 26.3 Oral hypoglycaemic sulfonylurea d rugs

Drug Relative Duration of action Phannacokinetic aspectsb General comments

potencr- and (half-life) (hours)

Tolbutamide 6-12(4) Some converted 1n hver to weakly A safe drug; least likely to cause
active hydroxytolbutamide; some hypoglycaemia.
carboxylated to inactive compound. May decrease iodide uptake by thyro1d.
Renal excretion. Contraindicated in liver failure.

Glibenclamide 150 18-24 (10) Some is oxidised in the liver to May cause hypoglycaemia.
moderately active products and is The active metabolite accumulates in
excreted in urine; 50% is excreted renal failure.
unchanged in the faeces.

Glipizide 100 16-24 (7) Peak plasma levels in 1 hour. May cause hypoglycaemia.
Most Is metabolised in the liver to Has diuretic action. Only inactive
inactive products, which are excreted products accumulate in renal failure.
in urine; 12% is excreted in faeces.

'Relative to tolbutamide.
bAll are highly protein-bound (90-95%).
"Termed gllburfde in USA.

incidence is related to the potency and duration of action of the oxidase inhibitors, l.Ome antibacterial drugs (including
agent, the highel>t incidence occurring with chlorpropamide and s ulfonamides, trimethoprim and chloramphenicol) and ~orne
glibenclamide and the lowest with tolbutamide. Glibenclamide is imidawle antifungal drugs have all been reported to produce
best avoided in the elderly and in patients with even mild renal severe hypoglycaemia when given with a sulfonylurea. The prob-
impairment becau~e of the risk of hypoglycaemia, becau~e able basi!> of most of these interactions is competition for metab-
several of it~ metabolites are excreted in urine and are moderately olising enzymes. but interference with plasma protein binding or
active. Sulfonylureas stimulate appetite (probably via their with excretion may play some part.
effects on insulin secretion and blood glucose) and often cause Agents that decrea.~e the action of sulfonylureas on blood
weight gain. This is a major concern in obese diabetic patients. glucose include high doses of thiazide diuretics and corticosteroid~.
About 3% of patients experience gastrointestinal upsets. Allergic
Clinical use
skin rashes can occur, and bone marrow damage (Ch. 53),
Sulfonylurcas require functional B cells, so they arc useful in the
although very rare, can be severe.
early stages of type 2 diabetes. They can be combined with
During and for a few days after acute myocardial infarction,
metformin or with thiazolidinediones.
insulin must be ~ubstituted for sulfonylurea treatment. This is
associated with a sub~tantial reduction in short-term mortality,
Other drugs that stimulate insulin secretion
although it remain!. unclear if this is due to a specifically
Several drugs that lack the sulfonylurea moiety but stimulate
beneficial effect of insulin or to a detrimental effect of sulfonylurea
insulin secretion have recently been developed. These include
drugs in this setting, or both. Another vexing question is whether
repaglinide and oateglinide. These act. like the sulfonylurea!.,
prolonged therapy with oral hypoglycaemic drugs has adverse
by blocking the sulfonylurea receptor on KATP channels in
effects on the cardiovascular system. A study in the USA in the
pancreatic B celb. Thus nateglinide, which is structurally
1970s found that after 4-5 years of treatment, there was an
derived from o-phenylalanine ('the first of a new class of insulin
increase in cardiova cular deaths in the group treated with oral
secretion enhancers' according to one piece of promotional
drugs compared with the groups treated with insulin or placebo.
literature), competes with glibcnclamide for specific binding
Blockade of KATI' in heart and vascular tissue could theoretically
sites on B cells. Like sulfonylureas, it inhibits tlux of radioactive
have adverse effects, but evidence for an adverse cardiovascular
rubidium ions (which traverse KATP channels) from B celb
effect is unclear.
loaded with this isotope and blocks these channels in patch clamp
Drug interactions experiments. It is much less potent than most sulfonylureas (with
Several drugs augment the hypoglycaemic effect of the the exception of tolbutamide), and has rapid onset and offset
sulfonylureas. Non-steroidal anti-intlan1matory drugs, coumarins, kinetics. These features, coupled with rapid absorption (time to
406 some uricosuric drugs (e.g. sulfinpyrazone), alcohol, monoamine maximal plasma concentration approximately 55 minutes after

an oral dose) and elimination (half-life approximately 3 hours), in adipose tissue, but also in muscle and liver. It causes differ-
lead to short duration of action and a low risk of hypoglycaemia. 8 entiation of adipocytes (thi~> contributes to the unwanted effect of
These drug~ are adminhtered shortly before a meal to reduce the weight gain), increa!>es lipogenesis and enhances uptake of fatty
postprandial gluco~e ri!>e in type 2 diabetic patients whose acids and glucose. It also promotes amiloride-sensitive sodium
condition is inadequately controlled with diet and exercise. A ion reabsorption in renal collecting ducts, explaining the adverse
potential advantage is that they may cause less weight gain than effect of fluid retention (Guan et al .. 2005). Endogenous agonists
conventional sulfonylureas. Later in the course of the disease, of PPARy include unsaturated fatty acids and various derivatives
they can be combined with other oral agents such as metformin of these, including prostaglandin J2 Thiazolidinediones are exogen-
or thiazolidinediones. Unlike glibenclamide, these drugs are ous agonil>t~>, which cause the PPARy-RXR complex to bind to
relatively selective for KATP channels on B cells versus KATP DNA, promoting transcription of several genes with products
channels in vascular smooth muscle. that are important in insulin signalling. These include lipoprotein
lipase, fauy acid transporter protein, adipocyte fatty acid-binding
Thia:zolidinediones (glita:zones) protein, G lut-4, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, malic
The thiazolidinedione~> (or glitazones) were developed following enzyme and others. It remains something of a mystery that
the chance observation that a clofibrate analogue, ciglitazone, glucose homeostn!>is should be so responsive to drugs that bind
which was being screened for ctTccts on lipids, unexpectedly to receptors found mainly in fat cells; it has been suggested that
lowered blood glucose. Ciglita.wne caused liver toxicity, as did the explanation may lie in resetti ng of the glucose-fatty acid
troglitazone, but there are only rare reports of hepatotoxicity (Randle) cycle by the reduction in circulating free fatty acids.
with currently marketed thiazolidinediones (rosiglitazone and
pioglitazone). Phormocokinetic aspects
Both rosiglitatone and pioglitazonc are rapidly and nearly
Effects completely absorbed, with time to peak plasma concentration of
The effect of thiacolidinediones on blood glucose is slow in less than 2 hour<>. Both are highly (> 99%) bound to plasma pro-
onset, the maximum effect being achieved after only 1-2 months teins, both are subject to hepatic metabolism and both have a short
of treatment. Thi.volidinediones reduce hepatic glucose output (< 7 hours) elimination half-life for the parent drug, but sub-
and increa e glucose uptake into muscle. enhancing the stantially longer (up to 150 hours for rosiglitazone, up to 24 hours
effectiveness of endogenous in1.ulin and reducing the amount of for pioglitazone) for the metabolites. Rosiglitazone is metab-
exogenous insulin needed to maintain a given level of blood olised by CYP2C8 to weakly active metabolites. pioglita7one
glucose by approximately 30%. The reduction in blood glucose mainly by a CYP2C isozyme and CYP3A4 to active metabolites.
is often accompanied by reductions in circulating insulin and free The metabolites of rosiglitazone are eliminated mainly in urine,
fatty acids. Triglycerides may decline, while LDL and high- and those of pioglita.tone mainly in bile.
den~ity lipoprotein (HDL) are either unchanged or slightly
increased, with little alteration in LDL:HDL ratio. The Unwonted effects
proportion of small dense LDL particles (believed to be the mo~t The seriou~ hepatotoxicity of ciglitazone and troglitazone was
atherogenic; Ch. 20) is reduced. Weight gain of 1-4 kg is not encountered during clinical trials of rosiglitazone or pioglita-
common, usually :.tabi lising in 6-12 months. Some of this is zone, and reports of liver dysfunction since their general release
attributable to nuid retention: there is an increase in plasma have been rure. Regu lar blood te&ts of liver function are currently
volume of up to 500 ml, with a concomitant reduction in haemo- recommended. One (unproven) hypothesis is that the hepato-
globin concentration caused by haemodilution; there is also an toxicity of troglita7one is caused by quinone metabolites of its a-
increase in extravascular Ouid, and increased deposition of tocopherol side-chain, which are not formed from the newer
subcutaneous (as opposed to visceral) fat. thiazolidinediones. The commonest unwanted effects of rosigli-
tazone and pioglitazone are weight gain and fluid retention (see
Mechanism of action
above). Fluid retention i[) a substantial concern, because it can
Thiazolidinediones bind to a nuclear receptor called the peroxisome
precipitate or wor!.en heart failure, which contraindicate!.. their
proliferator-actii'CIIed receptor-y (PPARy), which is complexed use. Symptoms of uncertain cause, including headache, fatigue
with retinoid X receptor (RXR; see Ch. 3).9 PPARy occurs mainly
and gastrointestinal disturbances. have also been reported.
Thiazolidinediones are contraindicated in pregnant or breast-
feeding women and in children. It is theoretically possible that
these drugs could cause ovulation to resume in women who are
anovulatory because of insulin resistance (e.g. with polycystic
ovary syndrome).
hlt is 1ronic that these receml) introduced and aggressively marketed drugs
share many of the propertle~ of tolbutamine. the oldest, least expensive Interactions
and least fa<.hionable of the <,ulfonylurea~. Perhaps diabetologists should Thiatolidinediones are additive with other oral hypoglycaemic
tum some of their inve>tigativc effort to Mudying how best to use this drugs. In Europe, both rosiglitazonc and pioglitazone are contra-
Cinderella drug! indicated for usc with insulin because of concern that these com-
Compare with librate> (to which thiazolidinediones are structurally binations increase the risk of heart failure, although in the USA
rcl:ucd), which bind to PPARu (see Ch. 20). thiaz.ol idinediones arc widely used in combination with insulin. 407

Clinical use type 2 diabetes is being investigated (see Ch. 27). There is interest
Because insulin re~iMance is one important component of the in inhibitors of protein ltinase C, for example ruboxistaurin
pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes. and has been implicated in the (LY33353 1), an inhibitor specific for the 13 isoform of PKC,
excess cardiova cular mortality that accompanies lhe common because of evidence implicating activation of this pathway in the
metabolic syndrome' (visceral obesity, hypertension. dyslipi- development of vascular diabetic complications (Aiello, 2005).
daemia. insulin resbtance, etc.), there is a good rationale for
glituones in type 2 diabetes. This probably explains their wide-
spread adoption into clinical practice. especially in lhe USA.
There is, however, as yet no evidence that this optimism is justified
in terms of improved clinical outcomes (see for example Gale,
2001). Clinical trial evidence to date is from short-term studies
and supports their use in combination with metformin or with a
Drugs In diabetes
sulfonylurea in patients whose condition is inadequately con-
trolled on one of these drugs and are unsuited to addition of the
other. It is hoped that evidence to support wider and more useful
Human insulin is made by recombinant DNA
applications (e.g. as monotherapy or as triple therapy with both
technology. For routine use, it is given subcutaneously
metformin and a sulfonylurea) will soon be forthcoming. Poten-
(by intravenous infusion in emergencies).
tial clinical uses unrelated to diabetes, including fatty liver and
Different formulations of insulin differ in their duration
atheromatous disease, arc under investigation.
of action:
fast- and short-acting soluble insulin: peak action
a-Glucosidase inhibitors
after subcutaneous dose 2-4 hours and duration
Acar bosc, an inhibitor of intestinal a-glucosidase, is used in
6-8 hours; it is the only formulation that can be
type 2 patients whose diabetes is i nadequately controlled by diet
given intravenously
with or without other agent~. It delays carbohydrate absorption.
intermediate-acting insulin (e.g. isophane insulin)
reducing the postprandial increase in blood glucose. The com-
long-acting forms (e.g. insulin zinc suspension).
monest adverse effects arc related to its main action and consist
The ma1n unwanted effect is hypoglycaemia.
of flatulence. loo~c stools or diarrhoea. and abdomnal pain and
Altering the amino acid sequence ('designer' insulins,
bloating. Like mctformin. it may be particularly helpful in obese
e.g. lispro and glargine) can usefully alter insulin
type 2 patient~. and it can be coadministered with metfonnin.

Potential new antidiabetic drugs Oral hypoglycaemic drugs

Several agents arc currently being studied, including a~ These are used in type 2 diabetes.
adrenoccptor antagonists and inhibitors of fany acid oxidation. 8iguanides (e.g. metformin):
Lipolysis in fat cells is con trolled by adrenoceptors of the p3 have complex peripheral actions in the presence
subtype (see Ch. I I). The possibility of using selective 133 agonists, of residual insulin, increasing glucose uptake in
currently in development, in lhe treatment of obese patients with striated muscle and inhibiting hepatic glucose
output and intestinal glucose absorption
cause anorexia and encourage weight loss
Clinical uses of oral hypoglycaemic drugs can be combined with sulfonylureas.
Sulfonylureas and other drugs that stimulate insulin
Type 2 diabetes mellitus, to reduce symptoms secretion (e.g. tolbutamide, glibenclamide,
from hyperglycemia (e.g. thirst, excessive urination). nateglinide):
('Tight' control of blood glucose has only a small can cause hypoglycaemia (which stimulates
effect on vascular complications in this setting.) appetite and leads to weight gain)
Metformin is preferred for obese patients unless are effective only if 8 cells are functional
contraindicated by factor(s) that predispose to lactic block ATP-sensitive potassium channels in 8 cells
acidosis (renal or liver failure, heart failure, hypoxaemia). are well tolerated but promote weight gain.
Acarbose (a-glucosidase inhibitor) reduces Thiazolidinediones (e.g. rosiglitazone, pioglitazone)
carbohydrate absorption; it causes flatulence and increase insulin sensitivity and lower blood
diarrhoea. glucose in type 2 diabetes
Drugs that act on the sulfonylurea receptor (e.g. can cause weight gain and oedema
tolbutamide, glibenclamide) are well tolerated but are peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-y
often promote weight gain. (a nuclear receptor) agonists.
Thiazolidinediones are used in patients unable to a-Glucosidase inhibitor: acarbose
tolerate metformin/sulfonylurea combinations or where reduces carbohydrate absorption
either of these classes of drugs is contra-indicated. - causes flatulence and diarrhoea.

Overview 410 BACKGROUND

Background 410 Survival requires a continuous provision of energy to maintain
-Definition of obesity 410 homeostasis even when the supply of food is intermittent. Evol-
The homeostatic mechanisms controlling energy ution has furni shed a mechanism for storing any excess energy
balance 411 latent in food~luffs in adipose tissue as energy-dense trig lyceride~.
-The role of leptin in body weight regulation 411 such that the!>e can be easily mobilised when food is absent or
-Integration of information and effect on energy less abundant. This mechanism. controlled by the so-called thrifty
balance 411 genes, was an obvious asset to our hunter-gatherer ancc~tor,.
-Regulation of food intake and energy expenditure 412 However, in many societies a combination of sedentary lifestyle.
genetic ' usceptibi lity, cultural influences and unrestricted acces\
Obesity as a health problem 414 to an ample ~uppl y of calorie-dense foods is leading to a global
-The pothophys1ology of human obesity 415 epidemic of obesity, or 'globesity' as it sometimes called.
Pharmacological approaches to the problem of
obesity 416
-Orlistat 417 Tfthe 'ideal weight' of an individual is that which maximises life
-Psychotropic drug therapy in obesity 418 expectancy. 'obesity' may be defined as an illness where the
New approaches to obesity therapy 418 health (and hence life expectancy) is adversely affected by exce~s
body fat. 1 But at what point does an individual become 'obese'?
The generally accepted benchmark. as proposed by the World
Health Organil ation expert committee, is the body mass index
( BM[). The BMJ is calculated by dividing the body mass (in kg)
by the square of the height (in metres). Although it is not a
perfect index (e.g. it does not distinguish between fat and lean
mass), the BM I is generally well correlated with other measure-
ments of body fat, and it is widely employed in obesity studies.
OVERVIEW While there arc problems in defining a healthy' weight for a par-
ticular population. it is generally agreed that people with a BMI
Obesity is a growing health issue around the world of< 18.5 kg/m 2 ~hould be classified as 'underweight', and those
and is reaching epidemic proportions in some with a BMl of 18.5- 24.9 kg/m2 are regarded as of acceptable' or
nations. The problem is not restricted to the 'normal' weight. A BMI in the range of25.0-29.9 kglm 2 signifie~
inhabitants of the aHiuent countries, to the adult 'grade I overweight'. If the BMI is between 30.0 and 39.9 kg/m2
population, or to any one socioeconomic class. the patient b deemed to be obese or grade 2 overweight' . \\hile
Body fat represents stored energy, and obesity those with a BMI of > 40 kg/m2 are said to be 'grade 3 0\cr-
occurs when the homeostatic mechanisms weight ' or morbidly obese.
controlling energy balance become disordered or As the BMl obviously depends on the overall energy balance.
overwhelmed. In this chapter, we explore first the another, operational, definition of obesity would be that it i~ a
endogenous regulation of appetite and body mass, multifactOrial disorder of energy balance in which caloric intake
and then consider the main health implications of
obesity and its pathophysiology. W e conclude with
a discussion of the two drugs currently licensed for
the treatment of obesity, and glance at the future 1
'Pcr~on~ w ho are natura lly very fat arc apt to die earl ier than those who arc
410 of pharmacological treatment of this condition. !.lender' observed ll ippocrates.

over the long tem1 exceed~ energy output, resulting in an abnor- regions of the brain that control food intake and energy balance.
mally high BMI. Recombinant leptin ha~ sinular effects in humans (see Fig. 27.1 ).
Lcptin mR A is expressed in adipocytes; its synthesis is
increased by glucocorticoids. insulin and the oestrogens, and it is
THE HOMEOSTATIC MECHANISMS reduced by ~-adrenoceptor agonists. In humans, the concentmtion
CONTROLLING ENERGY BALANCE of leptin in the circulation varies according to the fat stores and
BMT in normal <;ubjects: the release is pulsatile and inversely
A common view. and one that is implicitly encouraged by authors related to hydrocortisone levels. Leptin enters the central nervous
of numerous dieting booh as well as the enormously lucrative system (CNS) by a saturable transport mechanism. in amounts pro-
dieting industry in general. i~ that o~ity is simply the result of portional to the pla-;ma level. It acts on hypothalamic nuclei that
bad diet or wi lful overeating (hyperphagia). Tn truth, however, express specific leptin receptors. Insulin also plays an important
the situation i~ more complex. Many people exposed to the san1e part in regulating energy balance. It strongly stimulates leptin
dietary choices fail to become obese. and the failure rate in such expression in fat cells. But its role as a fat sensor is more complex
diets is high (probably 90%), with most eventually returning to (sec below, pp. 412-413). and it is accepted that leptin has the
their original starting weight, suggesting the operation of some more critical role.
intrinsic homeo:-.tatic system that strives to maintain a particular Today, the adipocyte is regarded not only as a storage depot for
set weight. This mechanism is normally exceptjonaUy precise, fat, but also as an important staging post on the energy informa-
and it has been calculated that it is capable of regulating e nergy tion highway. These cells secrete a host of other cytokioes and
balance to 0.17% per decade (Weigle, 1994). A truly remarkable other autocrine, paracrine and endocrine meruators. leading some
feat considering the day-to-day variations in food intake. authorities to consider that adipose tissue is a dispersed endocrine
Studies of obesity in monozygotic and dizygotic twins have organ (Ahima & Flier, 2000a; Frlihbeck et al., 200 I).
established a ~trong genetic innuence on the susceptibility to the
disease. and studies of rare mutations in mice (and more recently
in humans) have led to the discovery and elucidation of the
neuroendocrine pathway<> that match food intake with energy
expenditure, and to the concept that it is. in fact, disorders of Leptin 's main targets in the hypothalamus are two groups of
trus system that arc re~ponsible for the onset and maintenance neurons in the arcuate nucleus. These have opposing actions, and
of the dil>ea<;c. energy homeostasis depends, in the first instance, on the balance
between the~e action~. In one group, the peptides neuropeptide Y
(NPY) and aJ:ollfi-related peptide are colocalised. The other group
THE ROLE OF LEPTIN IN BODY WEIGHT contains the protein prepro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) and
REGULATION rclca!>es o.-melanocyte-stimulatillg hormone (a-MSH), which is a
At the beginning of the 20th century. it was observed that patients proteolytic product of POMC cleavage. Both groups of neurons
with damage to the hypothalamus tended to gain weight. ln the express 11pecific leptin receptors.
1940s, it was also !.hown that discrete lesions in the hypothalamus Falling leptin levels activate the first group of neurons, resulting
of rodents caused them to become obese. As early as 1953, Kennedy in increased food intake (an orexigenic effect), and synthesis and
proposed, on the basis of experiments on rats, that a hormone storage of fat (anabolism). as well as decreased energy expenditure.
released from adipose tissue acted on the hypothalamus to regu- Conversely, rising leptin levels activate the second group of neurons,
late body fat and food intake, thus setting the stage for future producing the opposite anorexigenic and catabolic effect. The
discoveries in this area. signal transduction mechanisms triggered by leptin receptor
It was well established that mice can become obese as a result activation arc thought to involve the Jak!Stat pathway (Ch. 3) and
of mutations in certain genes. At least five of these have now activation of an ATP-sensitive potassium channel. Orexigenic
been identified- including the ob (obesity), tub (tubby),fat and neurons project into the para ventricular nucleus, and anorexigenic
db (diabetes) genes. Mice that arc homozygous for mutant fom1s neurons into the lateral hypothalamk area. Interestingly, these two
of these genes-o/J/ob mice and db/db mice-eat excessively areas had previou!>ly been identified. using lesioning techniques,
and have low energy expenditure, become grossly faL, and have as 'hunger' and ~atiety' centres.
numerou~ metabolic and other abnormalities. Weight gain in an The integration of the infonnation on fat stores (adiposity signals)
ob/ob mouse is !.uppressed if its circulation is linked to that of a with other nutritional information is very complex. Leptin, although
normal mouse, implying that the obesity is caused by lack of a apparently a crucial coordinator, is only one part of the process.
blood-borne factor. Insulin receptors also occur on both groups of hypothalamic
An important breakthrough came in 1994, when Friedman and neurons, and it is thought that leptin and insulin act in concert at
his colleagues (!tee Zhang et al.. 1994) cloned the ob gene and thi1. important regulatory !lite.
idcntHied its protein product-/epti11 (the word is derived from Some of the exi11ting information on energy balance and the
the Greek lepws, meaning thin). When recombinant leptin was control of body weight and fat depots is shown in Figure 27.2
administered to obloh mice, it strikingly reduced food intake and (see also Friedman, 1997).
body weight. It had a s imilar effect when injected directly into T Numcrou~ factors other !han !hose included in the figure are involved
the lateral or the third ventricle, implying that it acted on the in regu lating food int<Jke and energy e)(penditure, including orexigenic

98th percentile start of leptin
100 therapy 95
- 50th percentile
- 2nd percentile '-.....
80 c
70 75 -

50 60
~ 0 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12
Months of Treatment
Oi 0
"--t: ....~ ..- " ~~an
30 c
IJ) -2
E mass
20 >- 6 ......
!: 10 weight ---.
-..._ Fat
10 Q)
c -14

0 ~------~---~~--~ 18
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Age (years) Months of Treatment
Fig. 27.1 The effect of recombinant leptin on body weight in a 9-year-old severely obese child deficient in endogenous leptin
because of a frame shift mutation in the leptin gene. Although of normal birth weight, the child began gaining weight at 4 months and
was constantly demanding food. When treatment was initiated, the child weighed 94.4 kg. Weight loss began after 2 weeks' treatment,

and her eating pattern returned to normal. She had lost 15.6 kg of body fat after 1 year of treatment. (Data and figure adapted from,
Farooqi et al. 1999 N Engl J Med 341: 879-884.)

faclor<, <,uch as melanin-concentrating hormone. orexins A and B, the gastrointestinal tract are transmitted to the CNS. apparently
galanin, GABA. growth hormone-releasing hormone and ghrelin, as well converging on the nucleus tractus solitarius. Some of these -.1gnal'
a.\ anorexigenic faclor<> \uch as corticotrophin-releasing hormone. the
'cocaine and a.mphctruninc-regulared tran~cript', neuroten~in , tumour
arise from vagal and other spinal affercnts originating in the ga'tro-
necrosis factor (TNI)-a. interleukin- 1fl, 5-hydroxytryptamine. glucagon- inte'>tinal tract. Another important endocrine afferent signal "
like peptide~. bombe~in. ciJjary neurotrophic factor and the sariety facwr cholecystokinin-a peptide secreted by the duodenum m
cholecy<,~okmm. (For more details. see Ahima & Osei. 200 1.) It wiU come re<,ponse to the process of eating and digestion of (espcciall)
a<, no wrpri-.e to learn that many of these are being targeted to produce fatty) foodstuffs. Cholecystokinin acts locally on cholecy\tokmm
nO\CI antiObc\it) drug\ (\ee below).
A receptor.. in the gastrointestinal tract to stimulate vagal affcrents
and may. in its capacity as a neurotransmitter. also act on chol~
cystokinin B receptors in the brain in order to funcuon as a
satiety factor. Studies in rodents show how lhese short-term \3llct)
signals are integrated into the overall context of the body's encrg)
Food intake b of coun,e modified by a multitude of physiological, economy by regulation of meal size. for example. the ~timu
psychological, financial and social factors, and so lhe long-term lation of food intake by NPY is largely attributable to larger mc31
regulation of energy balance by adiposity signals such as leptin siLes, whereas treatment with leptin leads to a reduction in meal
and insulin must of necessity occur against a background of day- sie rather than frequency.
to-day variations in meal size, frequency and content. Food intake As mentioned above, insulin also has a significant role in the
appears to be modu lated by feedback loops in which signals from control of energy metabolism. ll stimulates leptin release from fat

Normal fat stores

Decreased fat stores
Increased fat stores
Weight loss Weight gain
Fig. 27.2 The role of leptin,

insulin and hypothalamic peptides
in the regulation of energy
balance and fat stores. The
primary level of hypothalamic
control is vested in two groups of
neurons, with opposing actions, in
the arcuate nucleus. Both groups
+ Lept1nlinsulin
Arcuate nucleus of
the hypothalamus
t Leptin/insulin
express leptin receptors. In one
group, the peptides neuropeptide Y
I \ I I \~
(NPY) and agouti-related protein
(AGRP) are colocalised, the other ~RP ~ ~GAP
contains the protein prepro- neuron ~euron

opiomelanocortin (POMC), which

releases a-melanocyte-stimulating
hormone (a-MSH). Activation of the
t a-MSH

first group by fall in leptin levels
results in increased food intake and
decreased energy expenditure.
Increased leptin levels following
+Action of
t Food intake /anorexigenic + F0 od . 1 k /
overfeeding activates the second pathways In a e pathways
group and has the opposite effect. +Energy expend1ture t Energy expenditure
a-MSH acts on melanocortin-4
receptors, an action that is inhibited
Size and number of fat cells
~ Size and number of fat cells
by AGRP. Insulin receptors also
occur in both groups. Leptin and Weight "" ~ / Wolghtt=
insulin act in concert on the
hypothalamic neurons, but leptin is
the main regulating factor. Many
other factors are involved in
regulating food intake and energy
expenditure-see text. Normal fat stores

cells, and it decreases food inLake by affecting the actions of PY also stimulates thermogenesis. and the reverse is also true. The
in the CNS (see Fig. 27.2). However. insulin may also. in 1>0mc often dramatic (20-40% increase) thermogenic effects of feeding
circumstances, increase food intake. prel.umably indirectly, by an may provide a partial protection against developing obesity.
effect on blood glucose. Thus patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus The sympathetic nervous system (sometimes in concert with
usually gain weight when treated with insulin or sulfonylureas- thyroid hormone) plays a significant part in the regulation of energy
an effect that is of clinical importance (sec Ch. 26). expenditure in cardiovascular and skeletal muscle function during
Monoamines such as noradrenaline (norepinephrine), serotonin physical activity, as well as in the thermogenic response of
and dopamine also play a role in the modulation of satiety signa b. adipose tissue and the response to cold. Both 'white' and 'brown
oradrenaline is colocaliscd with NPY in ~me neurons and greatly (the colour is apparently caused by the high density of mito-
potentiates its hyperphagic action. Deficit of dopamine impair<; chondria) fat cells (but especially the latter) have a major role in
feeding behaviour, as do agonists at the 51 1T 2c receptor; antag- thermogenesis. Brown fat, which is densely innervated by the
onists at this receptor have the reverse effect. sympathetic nervous system, is abundant in rodents and human
Balancing food intake is the energy expenditure required to infants, althoug h in human adults these cells are generally to be
maintain metabolism, physical activity and thennogenesis (heat found more interspersed with white fat cells. Because of their
production). The metabolic aspects of energy expenditure include, abundant mitochondria. they are remarkable heat generators. pro-
among other things, cardiorespiratory work and the actions of a ducing more heat and less ATP than white fat cells. The ba is for
multitude of enzymes. Physical activity increases all these. as well this, as determined in mice. is the presence of mitochondrial
all increasing energy expenditure by the skeletal muscles. Lowering uncoupling proteins (UCP). Three isoforms, UCP-1, -2 and -3, are
known a nd have different distributions, although all are found in 413
the environmental temperature (e.g. exposure to cold) or feed ing

!A Type 2 diabetes
Energy balance

6 - - Cholelithiasis
Energy balance depends on food intake, energy
5 storage in fat, and energy expenditure. In most
- - Coronary hean dsease

""'~ 4 individuals, the process is tightly regulated by a

homeostatic system that integrates inputs from a
-~ number of internal sensors and external factors.
1U 3
a: Important components of the system include the
2 following.
Hormones that signal the level of fat stores (e.g. leptin).
Increasing fat storage leads to raised plasma lepbn
0 release from adipocytes, which signals through neuronal
s 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
pathways in the central nervous system (CNS).
Body mass index
liD Hypothalamic neurons with leptin receptors sense
6 ~ increased body fat and release a -melanocyte-
stimulating hormone, which activates systems that
5 decrease food intake and increase energy
.>< expenditure. Decreased leptin causes the release
c: 4

from other neurons of neuropeptide Y and agouti-
3 related protein, which have the opposite effect.
a: Along with leptin, insulin has a critical role in energy
homeostasis, but many other factors also play a part:
other hormones, cytokines, autonomic transmitters,
other CNS neuropeptide transmitters, and a variety of
S 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 other mediators released from adipose tissue (which
Body mass index is now regarded as an endocrine organ).

Fig. 2 7.3 The relation between body mass index and

the relative risk of the d iseases specified. !A! The figures for
women, initially 3Q-55 years of age, who were followed for
18 years. B The figures for men, initially 40-65 years of age,
who were followed up for 10 years. (Adapted from Kopelman P
G 2000 Nature 404: 635-643; data from Willet W C, Dietz W H, the USA, Europe and the UK (among others) have increased thr~-e
Colditz G A 1999 N EngI J Med 341: 427-433.) fold ~ince 1980, with figures of 31% being quoted for the USA
and about 25% for many other industrialised nations (Padwal e1
al., 2003). The disease is not confined to adults: some 22 million
children under 5 years old are estimated to be overweight. In
the USA, the number of overweight children has doubled, ami
brown fat. These proteins ' uncouple' oxidative phosphorylation,
the number of overweight adolescents has trebled, since 1980.
so that mitochondria continue oxidative metabolism but produce
Ironically, obesity often coexists with malnutrition in man)
much les!> ATP. thus promoting net e11ergy loss as heat. As one
developing countries. All socioeconomic classes arc affected. In
might anticipate, exposure to cold or leptin administration increases
the poore~t countries, it is the top socioeconomic classes in \\hom
both the activity and (after prolonged stimulation) the amount of
obesity is prevalent, but in the West it is usually the reverse
UCP- 1 in brown fat. Noradrenaline, acting on j3 adrenoceptors
While obe~ity itself is rarely fatal. it brings with it th~ n'k
(mainly B1 ) in brown fat, increases the activity of the peroxisome
of increased susceptibility to a host of metabolic and other disonlcrs,
proliferator-activated receptor-y (PPARy) transcription factor,
the most important of which are type 2 diabetes, cardiO\a~ular
which, together with its coactivator PPARy coactivator (PGC)-1,
conditions, cancers (particularl y hormone-dependent). and
activates the gene for UCP-1. The expression of j33 adrenoceptors
re~piratory and digestive problems. as well a' osteoarthnus
is decreased in genetically obese mice.
Increasingly, !>OCial stigma is suffered by obese indh iduab,
leading to a sen~e of psychological isolation. One commentator
OBESITY AS A HEALTH PROBLEM ( Kopelman, 2000) has remarked that obesity ... is beginning to
replace under-nutrition and infectious disease!> as the most
Obesity is a growing and costly global health problem. According significant comributor to ill health'. The total costs of obe,it)
to the World Hea.lth Organization, there are more than l billion related illness are hard to estimate. Figures in the range of2-7'!
overweight adults, approximately one-third of whom are obese of the total healthcarc budget are often given but are probably an
according to the criteria outlined above. National obesity levels underestimate.
vary enormously, being less than 5% in China, Japan and parts of The risk of developing type 2 diabetes (which represcnh 8Yl
414 Afri ca, to a staggering 75% in parts of Samoa. Obesity levels in of all cases of the disease) rises sharply with increasing BMI. At

one time, thi~ disease was found mainly in the adult population, OBESITY AS A DISORDER OF THE
but it is increa~ingly ~een in obese children, often striking even HOMEOSTATIC CONTROL OF ENERGY
before the on~et of puberty. The World Health Organization BALANCE
repons that 90q. of those diagnosed with the disease are obese.
In a study of the disease in women. the risk of developing diabetes Becau<;e the homeostatic control of energy balance is extremely
\\a\ closely correlated with BMI, incre~ing fivefold when the complex, it is not easy to determine what goes wrong in obesity.
BMI was 25 kglm 2, to 93-fold when the BMI was 35 kglm 2 or When the leptin \LOry unfolded. it was thought that alterations in
above (Coldill et al., 1995). Through several mechanisms. the leptin kinetics might provide a simple explanation. There is a
elevated pla~ma fauy acids. characteristic of the obese individual. considerable interindividuaJ variation in sensitivity to leptin, and
lead to inappropriate secretion of in~ulin and down-regulation of some individual'> seem to produce insufficient amounts of this
in~ulin receptors. Eventually. when the system can no longer hormone. Paradoxically, however, plasma leptin is often higher
compensate. in~ulin resiMance supervenes (see Ch. 26 for further in obese individuals, compared with non-obese subjects, not lower
details of in~ulin actions). as might be expected (Fig. 27.2). The reason for this is that resist-
Cardiovascular disease is also increased in the obese individual, ance to leptin rather than insufficient hormone is more prevalent
partly because of the increased oxygen demand secondary to the in obesity. Such rcsiMance could be caused by defects in leptin
extra ti~suc mass, and the increase in cardiac output that is synthesis, in its carriage in the circulation, in its transpo rt into the
necessary to accommodate this. Secondary structural alterations CNS, in lcptin receptors in the hypothalamus (as occurs in db/db
in the heart. coupled with other vascular changes including an mice) or in postreceplor signalling. There is some evidence that
increased peripheral resistance, may lead eventually to heart failure. the action of a member of the family of suppressors of cytokine
The increased thoracic and abdominal adipose tissue reduces lung signalling, SOCS-3, may underlie or contribute to leptin resistance.
volume and makes respiration difficult. This is especially the Dysfunction of mediators other than leplin could be implicated
case when the patient is lying down and the mass of abdominal in obesity. For example, TNF-a, another cytokine that can relay
fat presses down on the peritoneal cavity, displacing other organs, information from fat tissue to brain, is increased in the adipose
v.hich further reduce the diaphragm and other respiratory muscles. tisc,ue of insulin-resistant obese individuals. Another pathophysi-
Thi~ itself can cause '>erious sleep disorders secondary to changes ological alteration in obesity is a reduced insulin sensitivity of
in blood ga'>es. muscle and fat. and decre~ed ~3 adrenoceptor function in brown
Olx!se subjects have an increased risk of colon. breast. prostate, adipose tissue (see above) may also occur; alternatively, UCP-2.
gall bladder, ovarian and uterine cancer. Numerous other disorders one of the proteins that uncouple oxidative phosphorylation in
are associated \\-ith excess body weight. including osteoarthritis, adipocytes, could be dysfunctional in obese individuals.
h}peruricaemia and male hypogonadism. Gross obesity (BMI A further '>uggestion is that alterations in the function of
over 40 l,.g/m 2) i associated with a 12-fold increase in mortality specific nuclear receptors, such as PPARa. ~ and y, may play a
in the group aged 25-35 years compared with those in this age role in obc~ity. These receptors regulate gene expression of
group with a BMI of20-25 kglm 2 enzymes a1>sociated with lipid and glucose homeostasis, and they
also promote the genesis of adipose tissue. PPARy is expressed
preferentially in fat cel ls and syncrgises with another transcription
THE PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF HUMAN factor, C/EBPa, to convert precursor cells to fat cells (see
OBESITY Spiegelman & Flier, 1996). The gene for UCP (see above) in
In most adult subjects, body fat and body weight remain more or white fat cells also has regulatory sites that respond to PPARa
less constant over many years. even decades, in the face of very and C/EBPa. A new class of agents, the rhiazoladinediones, bind
large variations in food intake and energy expenditure-amounting to and activate PPARy (see Ch. 26). One of these, troglitazone,
to about a million calories per year. The steady-stale body weight is licensed in the UK for treatment of type 2 diabetes. The
and BMl of an individual is, as has been stressed above, the result pathophysiology of obesity could involve disturbance(s) in any
of the integration of multiple interacting factors. and perturbations- of the multitude of other factors involved in energy balance.
either in the direction of increa~e or decrea e-are resisted by
homeostatic mechanisms. How. then. does obesity occur? Why is
it '>0 difficult for the obese to lose weight and maintain the GENETIC FACTORS AND OBESITY
lower \\-eight? Analyses of large-scale (> 100 000) studies in human monozygotic
The main determinant is manifestly a disturbance of the homeo- and ditygotic twin pairs indicate that 50-90% of the variance of
static mechanisms that control energy balance, but genetic endow- BMI can be anributed to genetic factors. and suggest a relatively
ment underlies this disturbance. Other factors, such as food intake minor role for erwironmental factors (Barsh et al.. 2000). This
and lack of physical activity, contribute. and there are, of course, conclu'>ion may seem surprising. but feeding studies using lab-
social, cultural and psychological aspects. We will deal below oratory rodent<, where food intake is held constant have demon-
with the imbalance of homeostatic mechanisms and genetic strated the importance of genetic background to body weight
endowment. and then briefly mention the role of food intake and regulation, and this is especially true for high-fat diets. The pre-
physical activity. The role of social. cultural and psychological vai ling viewpoint is that su1.cept ibility to obesity is largely deter-
aspects we will leave (with a profound sigh of relief) to the mined by genetic factors, while environmental factors detem1ine
psychosociologists. the expression of lhe disease. 4
__1_5_ _

The discovery that spontaneous mutations arising in single expenditure-hal> a much more pos1t1ve role in reducing fat
genes (e.g. the oblob genotype) produced obese phenotype in storage and adjusting energy balance in the obese, particularly if
mice led to a ~earch for equivalent genes in humans. A recent associated with modification of the diet. An inadvertent, narural
review (Perus~e et al., 2005) reported over 170 human obesity cases population study provides an example. Many years ago, a tribe of
that could be traced to single gene mutations in lO different genes. Pima Indians split into two groups. One group settled in M ex1co
Leptin receptor or POMC mutations are sometimes observed, but and con tinued to live simply at subsistence level. eating frugall)
MC4R mutations. however. seem to be more pre\alent (3-5%) in and spending most of the week in hard physical labour. They are
obese patients (e.g. see Barsh et al .. 2000). In general, however, generally lean and have a low incidence of type 2 diabetes. The
human obesity '>hould be regarded as a polygenic disorder other group moved to the USA-an environment v.ith easy acce\'
involving the interaction of many genes. At the time of writing, to calorie-rich food and less need for hard physical worJ.... The)
> 600 genes, marker:. and chromosomal regions are under are, on average. 57 lbs (26 kg) heavier than the Mexican group
investigation for linkage to human obesity (Perusse et al., 2005), and have a high incidence of early-onset type 2 diabetes.
and all information is annually updated on the Obesity Gene Map
Database (http//obesitygene.pbrc.edu).
Other genes that appear to be involved include the ~3 adreno- PHARMACOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO
ceptor and the glucocorticoid receptor. Decreased function of the THE PROBLEM OF OBESITY
~ 3 adrenoceptor gene could be associated with impairment of
lipolysis in while fat or with thenuogenesis in brown fat. A The first weapons in the fight against obesity arc diet and
mutation of this gene has been found to be associated with exercise. Unfortunately, these often fail or show only short-term
abdominal obesity, insulin resistance and early-onset type 2 efficacy, leaving only heroic surgical techniques (such as gastric
diabetes in some subjects and a markedly increased propensity to stapl ing or bypass) or drug therapy as a viable alternative.
gain weight in a separate group of morbidly obese subjects. The attempt to control appetite with drugs has had a long and
Alterations in the function of the glucocorticoid receptor could largely undistinguished history. Many types of 'anorectic' (e.g.
be associated with obesity through the permissive effect of gluco-
corticoids on several aspects of fat metabolism and energy balance.

As Spiegelman & Flier (1996) point out, 'one need not be a Obesity is a multifactorial disorder of energy
rocket scientist to notice that increased food intake tends to be balance, in which long-term calorie intake exceeds
associated with obel.ity'. A typical obese subject will usually have energy output.
gained 20 kg over a decade or so. This means that there has been It is characterised by an excessive body mass index
a daily ex cells of energy input over output of 30-40 kcal initially, (BMI; weight in kg divided by the square of height in m).
increasing gradually to maintain the increased body weight. A subject with a BMI of 20-25 kg/m 2 is considered as
The type of food eaten, as well as the quantity, can disturb having a healthy body weight, one with a BMI of
energy homeostasis. Fat is an energy-dense foodstuff, and it may 25-30 kg/m 2 as overweight, and one w ith a BMl >
be that the mechanisms regulating appetite react more rapid ly to 30 kg/m2 as obese.
carbohydrate and protein than to fat-too slowly to stop an indi- Obesity is a growing problem in most rich nations;
vidual consuming too much high-fat food before th e satiety sys- the incidence-at present approximately 30% in the
tems come into play. USA and 15-20% in Europe-is increasing.
Obese individuals diet to lose weight. However, when a subject A BMI > 30 kg/m 2 significantly increases the risk of
reduces calorie intake. shifts into negative energy balance and type 2 diabetes, hypercholesterolaemia, hypertension,
lo!>es weight, the resting metabolic rate decreases, and there is a ischaemic heart disease, gallstones and some cancers.
concomitant reduction in energy expenditure. Thus an individual The causes of obesity may include:
who was previou~ly obese and is now of normal weight generally deficiencies in the genesis of and/or the response
needs fewe r calories to maintain that weight than an individual to leptin or other adiposity signals
who has never been obese. The decrease in energy expenditure defects in the hypothalamic neuronal systems
appears to be largely caused by an alteration in the conversion responding to leptin or other adiposity signals
efficiency of chemical energy to mechanical work in the skeletal defects in the systems controlling energy
muscles. This adaptation to the caloric reduction contributes to expenditure (e.g. reduced sympathetic activity),
the difficulty of maintaining weight loss by diet. decreased metabolic expenditure of energy, or
decreased thermogenesis caused by a reduction
in ~3 adrenoceptor-mediated tone and/or
dysfunction of the proteins that uncouple
It used to be said that the only exercise effective in combating oxidative phosphorylation
obesity was pushing one's chair back from the table. It is now an important genetic contribution.
416 recognised that physical activity-i.e. increased energy

appetite l>Upprcs!.ant) agent:. have been tested in the past. including in patients who lost more than 10% of their body mass among
the uncoupling agent ONP. amphetamines and fe nfluramine. those taking the drug.
However. these arc no longer used. and the only t\vo drugs In the UK, the drug is licensed for use in periods up to a year,
currently licensed in the UK for the treatment of obesity are and the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence has
sibutramine and orlistat. The two agents work in totally different advised that it should not be given to people who have not
ways. with sibutramine acting on the C S to suppress appetite (a already tried conscientiously to lose weight by other means.
true anorectic effect), while orlistat acts wilhin the gastrointestinal
tract to prevent fat ab'>orption. either should be given without Pharmacokinetic aspects
other concomitant dietary and other therapy (e.g. exercise). A5 might Sibutramine is given orally, is well absorbed and undergoes
be imagined. the que t for funher effective antiobesity agents is extensive first-pass metabolism. The metabolites are responsible
the subject of a prodigious effon by the pharmaceutical industry. for the pharmacological actions. Steady-state blood levels of the
metabolites occur within 4 days. The active metabolites are inac-
tivated in the liver, and 85% of the inactive residues arc excreted
in the urine and faeces.
Sibutramine, originally intended as an an tidepressaot, has shown
promise in the trea tment of obesity. T he drug inhibits the re up- Unwanted effects
take of serotonin and noradrenali ne at the hypothalamic sites that S ibutramine increases heart rate and blood pressure. Regu lar
regu late food inmke. Its main effects are to reduce food intake monitoring of these parameters is essential, and the drug is con-
and cause dose-dependent weight loss (see Fig. 27.4), the weight traindicated if cardiovascular disease is present or if the systolic
loss being associated with a decrease in obesity-related risk or dia~tolic pressure is raised by I 0 mmHg or more. Other unwanted
factors. Sibutramine enhances satiety and is reported to produce effects include dry mouth, constipation and insomnia Interactions
a reduction in waist circumference (i.e. a reduction in visceral fat), with drugs that are metabolised by one of the P450 isoenzymes
a decrease in plasma triglyccridcs and very low-density lipo- can occur.
proteins, but an increase in high-density lipoproteins. In addition,
beneficial effects on hyperinsulinaemia and the rate of glucose
metaboli m arc 1.aid to occur. There is some evidence that the
weight loss is associated with higher energy expenditure, possibly Orli1.tat reacts with serine residues at the active sites of gastric
through an incrca. e in thermogenesis mediated by the sympath- and pancreatic lipases. irreversibly inhibiting the enzymes and
etic nervous system. thereby preventing the breakdown of dietary fat to fany acids and
A recent meta-analysis of three long-tem1 treatment studies glycerols. It therefore causes a dose-related decrease in fat absorp-
utilising sibutramine in comparison with placebo (Padwal et al., tion and a corresponding increase in faecal fat excretion that
2003) concluded that there wa~ a 4.6% loss of weight after I year's plateau~ at some 30% of dietary fat. Given with a low-calorie diet
treatment with the drug. There wa~ a lso a higher ( 15%) increase in obese individuals, it produces a modest but consistent loss of

( 104

100 Placebo
~ 98
"G) 96
>- 94
co 92
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Weight loss Weight maintenance
Fig . 27.4 The res ults of a c linical trial of the efficacy of sibutramine in maintaining weight loss. Patients selected for the trial
had a body mass index of 3o-45 kg/m? and were put on to an initial 6-month treatment programme including oral sibutramine, an

individualised 600 kcal/day dietary deficit programme, and activity and behavioural advice. The results are shown in the 'weight loss'
section of the graph. (Only patients who had lost 5% of their body weight are represented; 467 of the 499 who completed the 6-month
programme.) These responders were then entered into a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind parallel group trial to evaluate the
effect of s ibutramine on weight maintenance. (Figure adapted from James et a t. 2000 Lancet v: 21 19-2125.)

weight compared with in placebo-treated control subjects. In a those with concomitant depres1.ion. respond well to mood-
recent meta-analysis of II long-term placebo-controlled trials altering drugs such as the selective serotonin uptake inhibllol\
encompassing over 6000 patients, orlistat was found to produce (see Ch. 39). A discussion of this whole area is beyond the \cope
a 2.9% greater reduction in body weight than in the control group, of this chapter, and the reader i~ referred to Appolinario et al.
and 12% more patients lol>t I 0% or more of their body weight (2004) for further information.
compared with the con trols (Padwal et al., 2003).
Orlistat is also reported to be effective in patients suffering
from type 2 diabetes and other complications of obesity, to NEW APPROACHES TO OBESITY
reduce leptin levels and blood pressure. to protect against weight THERAPY
loss-induced changes in biliary '>ecretion, to delay gastric emptying
and gastric secretion, to improve several important metabolic Rare cases of leptin deficiency in patients have been '>UCCe~,fully
paran1eters. and not to interfere with the releal>e or action of treated by long-term treatment with the hormone. but thi' i\ an
thyroid !md other important hormones (Curr!m & Scou. 2004). It unusual intervention and unlikely to be of more than limited
does not induce changes in energy expendinrre. use in the future. Many other approaches arc being piloted: in
fact, a recent review of the area estimated that there were more
Pharmacokinetic aspects than 150 novel agents under development (Kaplan, 2005). Some
Virtually all (97%) of orl istat is excreted in the faeces (83% of these aim to exploit the action or production of neuroendocrine
unchanged). with only negligible amounts of the drug or its satiety signals such as cholecystokini n to produce appetite
metabolites being absorbed. suppression, while others aim to alter the C S levels of neuro-
transrniuers such as NPY or melanocortins, which transduce
Unwanted eHects changes in humoral adiposity signals such as leptin (Halford.
Abdominal cramps, narus with discharge !md faecal incontinence 200 I). The tractability of the MC4 receptor it<;e(f as a drug target.
C!m occur, as can intestinal borborygmi (rumbling) and oily sponing. coupled with the observation that defects in MC4 signalling arc
Surprisingly. in view of the possibility of these antisocial effects prevalent in obesity, ha~ attracted much intcrc~t from the
occurring, the drug is well tolerated. Supplementary therapy with pharmaceutical industry.
faHoluble vitamins may be needed. and there has been a report Another approach enti rely has originated from research in the
of decreased absorption of contraceptive pills. carlllabinoid field (sec Ch. 15 ror further detai ls). From the clinical
No significant drug interactions have been noted, except in the (and indeed, anecdotal) observation that marijuana and 6."-
case of ciclosporin (see Ch. 14), where reduced absorption of the tetrahydrocannabinol can stimulate appetite has arisen the notion
latter drug has been reponed. that cannabinoid receptors, especially the CB 1 receptor. may b.:
involved in the control of energy ba!Mce (see Di Marzo 8:.
Matias, 2005; Vicker~ & Kennett. 2005). A selecti\C CB 1 anta-
goni::.l. rimonabant , has been developed (Ch. 15) and i' current!)
OBESITY undergoing phase Ill clinical trial!> for a variety of indicallom.
While they cannot be regarded as specific therapies, a common including smoking cessation, obesity and metabolic ~yndromc
cli nical finding is lhat some subgroups of obese patients, such as (Boyd eta!., 2005).

Clinical uses of antiobesity drugs

The main treatment of obesity is a suitable diet and Many centrally acting appetite suppressants
increased exercise. have been w1thdrawn because of addiction, pulmonary
Orlistat, which causes fat malabsorption, is hypertension or other serious adverse effects.
considered for severely obese individuals, especially Sibutramine is one possible adjunctive treatment of
with additional cardiovascular risk factors (e.g. severely obese individuals.
diabetes mellitus, hypertension).


llod) "eight regulation e.:preuion. awma m lt.\(HJih<llatmu. role;,, merg_1 mt:(lwwn ln\O[,ed ill snmulatitm unJ mhth1twn 1
Ahuna R S. Flier J S 20<Xla Adapo-.c t"'uc a> an endocrine homt'ostmif mul t>tlter 11ctions) jitdmg behavioltr)
organ. Trends Endocrinol Mctnb II. 327- 332 Ahima R S. O'c' S 2001 Molecular regulation of eating l'riedrnan J M 1997 The alphabet of "eight control
(Succmct tmicle on th~ nrw irwr>f atlq>ose tlrsue) behaviour. new '""ght; and prospect~ for future Nature 385: 119-120
Ahimn R S. Aier J S 2000b Le(ltin. Annu Rev Phy,iol strategic,. Trcmh Mol Med 7: 205- 213 (Praiseworthv rrOhbed, G. G6mez-Amllrosi et al. 2001 The ndapvcyk
418 62: .\ 13-437 (Compreltetuile revirw <if leptitJ: its short ,.,.;;w; etcellem jigures cmd useful rabies <!f rltt a model for integration of endocrine and mct,abolc
The pituitary and the
adrenal cortex

lobes, receive independent neuronal input from the hypothalamus,

Overview 420 with which they have an intimate functional relationship.
The pituitary 420
-Anterior pituitary (adenohypophysis) 420 ANTERIOR PITUITARY (ADENOHYPOPHYSIS)
- Hypothalamic hormones 421
-Anterior pituitary hormones 422 The a nterior pituitary (adenohypophysis) secretes a number of
-Posterior pituitary (neurohypophysis) 425 hormones crucial for normal physiological function. Within this
tissue are specialised cells such as corticotrophs, lactotrophs
The adrenal cortex 427
(mammotrophs). .10matotrophs, thy1vtrophs and gonadotrophs,
-Adrenal steroids 427
which secrete hormones that regulate different endocrine organs
New directions in glucocorticoid therapy 435 of the body (Table 28.1 ). Interspersed among these are other cell
typcl>, including the follicu/ostel/ate cells that exert a nurturing
and regulatory innuence on the hormone-secreting endocrine cell,.
Secretion from the anterior pituitary is largely regulated by
factorsol- in effect hormones-that are derived from the h)po-
thalamu-. and that reach the pituitary through the bloodstream.
OVERVIEW Blood ves-,eb to the hypothalamus divide in its tissue to form a
meshwork of capillaries, the primary plexus (Fig. 28.1), \.\-hich
The pituitary and adrenal glands are major sites
drains into the hypophyseal portal vessels. These pas~ through
for the synthesis and release of hormones that
the pituitary stalk to feed a secondary plexus of capillaries in the
profoundly aHect the biochemistry and physiology
anterior pituitary. Peptidergic neurons in the hypothalamus secrete
of almost all cells, and which are crucial to the
a variety of releasing or inhjbitory hormones directly into the
understanding of the actions of many anti
capillaries of dle primary plexus (Table 28.1 and Fig. 28.1 ). Most
inflammatory and other drugs. The pituitary itself
of these regulate the secretion of hormones from the anterior
is controlled by hormones released from the
lobe, although the me lanocyte-stimulating hormones (MSHs) arc
hypothalamus and, in turn, the hypothalamic
secreted main ly from the intermediate lobe.
-pituitary axis orchestrates the activity of the
Negative feedback pathways between the hormones of the
adrenal (and other endocrine) glands. In the first
hypothalamus, dle anterior pituitary and the peripheral endocrine
part of this chapter, we examine the control of
g lands regu late the release of stimulatory hormones and integrate
pituitary function by hypothalamic hormones and
the functions of individual components of the endocrine sy\tem
review the physiological roles and clinical uses of
into a functional whole. In long negative feedback path\~3)\,
both anterior and posterior pituitary hormones.
hormonel> secreted from the peripheral glands exert regulatOI)
The second part of the chapter concentrates on the
actions on both the hypothalamus and the anterior pituitary. The
actions of adrenal hormones and, in particular, the
mediatofl> of the short negati1e feedback pathways are antenor
anti-inflammatory eHect of glucocorticoids. This
pituitary hormones that act directly on the hypothalamus.
should be read in conjunction with the relevant
The peptidergic neurons in dle hypothalamus are themsehe'
sections of Chapters 3 and 14.
innuenccd by odler centres within the central nervous sy,tem
(CNS). This action is mediated through pathways that release
THE PITUITARY dopamine, noradrenaline (norepinephrine), 5 -hydroxytryplamine

The pituitary gland comprises three different structures arising

from two different embryological precursors. The anterior pituitary 1
The word 'factor' wa\ originally coined at a time wben their structure and
and the intermediate lobe are derived from the endoderm of the
function were not known. The~e are blood-borne messengers, and :L~ such
buccal cavity, while the posterior pituitary is derived from neural nrc c learly hormones. Nevertheless, the term factor, however irrational.
420 ectoderm. The main parts of d1e gland, the anterior and posterior lingers on.

Table 28.1 Hormones secreted by the hypothalamus and the anterior pituitary

Hypothalamic factor/hormone Hormone affected in anterior Main effects of anterior pituitary hormone
(and related drugs) pituitary (and related drugs)

Corticotrophin-releasing factor Adrenocorticotrophic hormone Stimulates secretion of adrenal cort1cal hormones (mainly
(corticotrophin, tetracosactide) glucocorticoids); maintains integrity of adrenal cortex

Thyrotrophin -releas1ng hormone Thyroid-stimulating hormone Stimulates synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormones, thyrox~ne
(TRH, protirelin) (thyrotrophin) and triiodothyronine; ma1ntains integrity of thyroid gland

Growth hormone-releasing factor Growth hormone Regulates growth, partly directly, partly through evoking the
(somatotrophin) release of somatomedins from the liver and elsewhere; increases
protein synthesis,lncreases blood glucose, stimulates lipolysis

Growth hormone release-inhibiting Growth hormone As above

factor (somatostatin, octreotide)

Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone Follicle-stimulating hormone Stimulates the growth of the ovum and the Graafian follicle
(GnRH, somatorelin, sermorelin) (FSH; see Ch. 30) in the female, and gametogenesis in the male; with LH,
stimulates the secretion of oestrogen throughout the
menstrual cycle and progesterone in the second half
Luteinising hormone (LH) or Stimulates ovulation and the development of the corpus luteum;
interstitial cell-stimulating with FSH, stimulates secretion of oestrogen and progesterone
hormone (see Ch. 30) in menstrual cycle; in male, regulates testosterone secretion

Prolactin release-inhibit1ng factor Prolactin Together with other hormones, prolactin, promotes development
(probably dopamine) of mammary tissue dunng pregnancy; stimulates milk production
in the postpartum period

Prolactin-releasing factor Prolactin As above

Melanocyte-stimulating hormone a-, ~- and y-MSH Promotes formation of melanin, which causes darkening of skin;
(MSH) releasing factor MSH is anti-inflammatory and helps to regulate feeding

MSH release-inhibiting factor u-, ~-and y-MSH As above

and the opioid peptides, the last of these being found in very high
density in the hypothalamus (see Ch. 16). Hypothalamic control
of the anterior pituitary is also exerted through the wberohypo-
physeal dopaminergic pathway, the neurons of which lie in close
Hypothalamic- apposition to the primary capillary plexus (see Ch. 32). Dopamine
hypophyseal secreted directly into the hypophyseal portal circulation reaches
tract the anterior pituitary in the blood.
Artery_ Intermediate
PITUITARY The secretion of anterior pituitary hormones is regulated by some
Secondary (neurohypophysis) six sets of releasing factors that originate in the hypothalamus.
capillary plexus
The. e are listed in Table 28.1 and are described in more detail
below. Some arc used clinically for diagnosis or treatment, whereas
PITUITARY outflow others are useful research tools. Many of these releasing factor
Venous outflow hormones all.O function as neurotransmitters or neuromodulators
Fig. 28.1 Schematic d iagram of vascular and neuronal elsewhere in Lhe CNS (Ch. 32).
relationships between the hypothalamus, the posterior
pituitary and the anterior pituitary. The main portal vessels to
the anterior pituitary lie in the pituitary stalk and arise from the GROWTH HORMONE-RELEASING FACTOR
primary plexus in the hypothalamus, but some (the short portal (SOMATORE LIN)

l vessels) arise from the vascular bed in the posterior pituitary

(not shown). Growth hormone- releas ing factor (GHRF) is a peptide with
40-44 ami no acid residues. An analogue, sermorello, has been 421

introduced as a diagnostic test for growth hormone secretion. The Lanreotide has similar effects but is also used in the treatment
main action of GIIRF is summarised in Figure 28.2. Given intra- of thyroid tumours.
venously, subcutaneoul>ly or intranasally (generally the former),
it causes secretion of growth hormone within minutes and peak
concentrations in 60 minutes. The action is selective for the
somatotroph'> in the anterior pituitary, and no other pituitary
hormone~ are affected. Utmanted effects are rare. Thyrotrophin-releasing hormone (TRH) from the hypothalamu'
releases TSH from the anterior pituitary. Protirelin is a syntht:tic
TSH used for the diagnosi~ of thyroid disorders (~ee Ch. ~9).
Given intravenously in normal subjects. it causes an incrca-.c in
Somato~tatin il-l a peptide of 14 amino acid residues. Tt inhibits plasma TSJ 1 concentration, whereas in patients with hypa-
the release of growth hormone and thyroid-stimulating hormone thyroidism there is a b lunted response because the raised blooJ
(TSH, thyrotrophin) from the anterior pituitary (Fig. 28.2), and thyroxine concentration has a negative feedback effect on the
insuli n and glucagon from the pancreas; it also decreases the release anterior pi tuitary. The opposite occurs with hypolhyroidi,m.
of most gastrointestinal hormones. and reduces gastric acid a nd where there i~ an intrinsic defect in the thyroid itself.
pancreat ic secretion.
O ctreotide is a long-acting analogue of somatostatin (sec a lso
Ch. 26 and Ch. 51). It is U!>ed for the treatment of tumours secreting
vasoactive intcMinal peptide, carcinoid tumours (Ch. 12), gluca- Corticotrophin-releasing factor (CRF) is a peptide that rc l ca'c~
gonomas and various pitllitary adenomas. It also has a place in the adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH, corticotrophin) and~
therapy of acromegaly (a condition in which there is oversccretion endorphin from the anterior pituitary. CRF acts synergi\ticall)
of growth hormone in an adu It) and of bleeding oesophageal varices. with antidiuretic hormone (ADH; arginine-vasopressin), and lxnh
Octre01ide is generally given subcutaneously. The peak action is its action and its release are inhibited by glucocorticoid.\ ('-t!l!
at 2 houn., and the <,uppressant effect lasts for up to 8 hours. Fig. 28.4, below). Synthetic preparations have been used to te't
Unwamed effect!. include pain at the injection site and gastro- the ability of the pituitary to secrete ACTH. and to assess '~hether
intestinal disturbances. Gallstones and postprandial hypergly- ACT! I deficiency is caused by a pituitary or a hypothalamic defect.
caemia have also been reported. and acute hepatitis has occurred It has also been used to evaluate hypothalamic pituitary funcuon
in a few cases. after therapy for Cushing's syndrome (see Fig. 28.7, belo" ).

( Hypothalamus
Gonadotrophin- (or luteinising hormone-) releasing hom1onc 1\
a dccapeptide that releases bothfollicle-stimu/ating lwmume and
luteini.ving hormone. It is also available as a preparation called
gonadorelin. Its primary clinical uti lity is in the treatment of
inferti lity. and its actions are described in Chapter 30.


Ante rior pituitary
+ The main hormones of the anterior pituil<lry are li\tc.:d in
Somatropin I Table 28.1. The gonadotrophins are dealt with in Chapter 30.
v and TSH in Chapter 29. The remainder are dealt with belo\\
Growth hormone is ~ecreted by the somatotropb cells and ., the
mo 1 abundant pituitary hormone. Secretion is high in the
Liver newborn, decreasing at 4 years to an intermediate level. \\hich i'
+ ' then maintained until after puberty. after which there is a further
IGF-1 ==========:__)
decline. Several recombinant preparations of growth hormone. or
somatropin. are available for treating growth defects and other
~ developmental problems (see below).
Growth of peripheral tissue
Regulation of secretion
Fig. 28.2 Control of growth hormone secretion and its
Secretion of growth hormone is regulated by the action of h) pt)-
a ctions. Drugs are shown in yellow boxes. GHRF, growth
hormone-releasing factor; IGF-1, insulin-like growth factor-1. tha lamic GHRF modulated by somatostatin, as described abmc
422 and o utl ined in Figure 28.2. One of the mediators of growt h

hom1one action. insulin-liJ.e growth factor (IGF)-1. which is Regulation of secretion

relea<,ed from the liver (see below), has an inhibitory effect on Prolactin secretion is under tonic inhibitory control by the
growth hormone secretion by ~timulating somatostatin release hypothalamus (Fig. 28.3 and Table 28.1 ). the inhibitory mediator
from the hypothalamu~. being dopamine (acting on D2 receptors on the lactotrophs). The
Growth hormone rclca!>c, like other anterior pituitary secre- main stimulus for release is suckling; in rats, both the smell and
tion!., il> pubatile. and its plasma concentration may fluctuate the sounds of hungry pups are also effective triggers. Neural
10- to 100-fold. The!>e surges occur repeatedly during the day renexe~ from the brca:.t may stimulate the secretion from the
and night. and renect the dynamics of hypothalamic control. hypothalamus of prolactin-releasing factor(s). possible candidates
Deep l>lecp is a potent stimulus to growth hormone secretion, for which include TRH and oxytocin. Oestrogens increase both
particularly in children. prolactin secretion and the proliferation of lactotrophs through
release. from a subset of lactotrophs. of the neuropeptide galanin.
Actions Dopamine antagonists (used main ly as antipsychotic drugs; see
The main effect of growth hormone (and its analogues) is to Ch. 38) arc potent stimulants of prolactin release, whereas
stimu late normal growth and, in doi ng this, it affects many agonists such as bromocriptine (see below and also Chs 12. 35
tissues, acting in conj unction with other hormones secreted from and 38) suppress prolactin release. Bromocriptine is a lso used in
the thyroid, the gonads a nd the adrenal cortex. Tt stimu lates parki nsonism.
hepatic production of the IGFs-also termed somatomedins-
which mediate most of its anabolic actions. Receptors for lGF- 1 Actions
(the principal mediator) exist on many cell types, including liver There are at least three specific receptor subtypes that bind
cells and fat cell~. prolactin, and these are not only found in the mammary gland but
Growth hormone stimulates the uptake of anlino acids and are widely distributed throughout the body, including the brain,
protein synthe'>is. especially in skeletal muscle. IGF- 1 mediates ovary, heart and lungs. The main function of prolactin in women
many ofthe<,e anabolic effects, acting on skeletal muscle and also is the control of milk production. At parturition. when tl1e blood
on the cartilage at the epiphy'>es of long bones. thus influencing level of oestrogen falls. the prolactin concentration rises and
bone grO\Hh. lactation is initiated. Maintenance of lactation depends on suckling,
which Mimulates a rene~ secretion of prolactin by neural path-
Disorders of production and clinical use ways, causing a I 0- to I 00-fold increase within 30 minutes.
DeficienC} of growth hormone results in pituitary dwarfism. In Together with other hormones. prolactin is responsible for the
this condition, which may result from lack of GHRF or a failure proliferation and differentiation of mammary tissue during preg-
of IGF generation or action, the normal proportions of the body nancy. It inhibits gonadotrophin release and/or the response of
are maintained. Growth hormone is used therapeutically in the ovaries to these trophic hormones. This is one of the reasons
patients (often children) with growth hormone deficiency and
with the short stature associated with Turner's syndrome. It may
also be used to correct chronic renal insufficiency in children.
Satisfactory linear growth can be achieved by giving somatropin - - - - -- Hypothalamus ---- - - - -
~-~_ _ _ _ _, ..............6:...
.,ubcutaneously, six to seven times per week, and therapy is most
successful when started earl y. Humans arc insensitive to growth
hormone of o ther species. so human growth hormone must be
used clinical ly. This used to be obtained from human cadavers,
leading to the spread of Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease, a prion-
mediated ncurodegenerative disorder (Ch. 35). Human growth
hormone i~ now prepared by recombinant DNA technology,
which avoid~ the risk of prion contamination.
An exces'>ive production of growth hormone in children results
in gigantism. An cxcel.sive production in adults, wruch is usually + +
the result of a benign pituitary tumour, results in acromegaly, in
Anterior p!tuitary
which there is enlargement mainly of facial structures and of the
hands and feet. The dopamine agonist bro mocriptine and I

ocrreotide may mitigate the condition, but effective treatment v

demands removal or irradiation of the tumour. Suckling
reflex t
Prolactin - - - - - - - - - '

Prolactin is secreted from the anterior pituitary by lactotroph
l. ._____ Mamma~y glands

(mammotroph) cells. These are abundant in the gland and increase Fig. 28.3 Control of prolactin secretion. Drugs are shownj
in yellow boxes. PRF, prolactin-releasing factor; PRIF, prolactin
in number during pregnancy, probably under the influence of release-inhibiting factor; TRH, thyrotrophin-releasing hormone.
oestrogen. 423

why ovulation docs not usually occur during breast feeding, and \
it is believed to constitute a natural contraceptive mechanism.
r------- Hypothalamus ~-- ----- ~
T According to one rather appealing hypothesis, the high postpartum I
concentration of prolactin reflect~ irs biological function as a parental' I

hormone. Cenainly broodiness and nest-building activity can be induced v I

in btrds, mtce and rabbtll> by prol:tctin injections. It is rather attraCtive to
thmk that it mtght have a ~tmilar action in humans, although this is
conjectural. Prolactin abo exerts other, apparently unrelated, actions.

includmg \llmulaung nutogene~i' in I} mphocytes. There is some evidence I
Long negative Short negative
that it may play a part in regulating immune responses.
feedback loop feedback loop
Anterior pitUitary I
Modification of prolactin secretion I
Prolactin itself i~ not used clinically. Bromocriptine, which stimu- I

lates dopamine receptors, is used to decrease excessive pro lac ti n

secretion (e.g. that results from prolactinomas). It is well absorbed ACtT~ ///'

orally, and peak concentrations occur after 2 hours. Unwanted
reactions include nausea and vomiting. Dizziness, constipatio n -- -
and postural hypotens ion may also occur. Cabergoline is a related
compound wi th similar effects, and quinagolide, havi ng actio ns ,-----__ / \ ________,,% system
I \
simi lar to those of ergot-derived dopamine agonists, may also be I
\ I
used fo r hyperprolactinaemia. \
\ I

'' /
' \
\ I

I \


,"'" cortex ''........... ~
Ad renoconicotrophic hormone (corticotrophin) is the anterior
Glucocorticoids Mineralocorticotds
pituitary secretion that controls the synthesis and release of the
glucoconicoids of the adrenal conex (see Table 28.1 and p. 427). It Exogenous Exogenous
is a polypeptide hormone with 39 amino acid residues derived gluc ocorticoids mineralocorticoids
from the precursor pro-opiomclanocortin by sequential proteolytic (e.g . prednisolone) (e.g. fludrocortisone)
processing. Detail of the regulation of ACTH secretion is shown +
in Figure 28.4.
T Thb hormone occupies (together with cortisone) an important place in Peripheral actions Peripheral acttons
the history of inflammation therapy because of the work of Hench and his (metabolic, anti- on salt and water
colleagues in the 1940s. who first observed that both substances had anti- Inflammatory, metabolism
inflammatory effect~ in patients with rheumatoid disease. The effect of
ACTH wa~ thought to be <,ccondary to stimulation of the adrena l cortex Fig. 28.4 Regulation of synthesis and secretion of
bu t, imeresti ngly, the hormone also has anti-inflammatory actions in its adrenal corticosteroids. The long negative feedback loop Is
own righ t, through activation of macrophage (melanocortin) MC 1 more important than the s hort loop {dashed lines).
receptors (Gelli ng et al.. 2002). Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH, corticotrophin) has only
a minimal effect on minera locorticoid production. Drugs are
Adrenocorticotrophic hormo ne itself is not often used in therapy
s hown In yellow boxes. ADH, antidiuretic hormone
today, because its action is less predictable than that of the corti- (vasopressin); CRF, corticotrophin-releasing factor.
costeroids and it may provokes antibody formation. Tetracosactide,
a synthetic polypeptide that consists of the first 24 N-tenninal
residues of human ACTH, has the same drawbacks but is now

widely used in it!> stead for assessing the competency of the

adrenal conex (see below).
The concentration of ACfH in the blood is reduced by gluco-
conicoids, forming the basis of the dexamethasone suppression
Clinical use of bromocriptine
test (see p. 433).
To prevent lactation
To treat galactorrhoea (i.e. non-puerperal lactation in
Tetracol>actide and ACfH have two actions on the adrenal conex.
either sex), owing to excessive prolactin secretion.
To treat prolactin-secreting pituitary tumours Stimulation of the synthesis and release of g lucoconicoids.
(prolactinomas). This action occurs within minutes of injection, and the main
In the treatment of parkinsonism (Ch. 35) and of bio logical actio ns are those of the steroids re leased.
acromegaly. A trophic action on adrenal cortical cells, and regulation of
424 the levels of key mitochondrial steroidogenic enzy mes. The

los' of this effect accounts for the adrenal atrophy that result!>
from chronic glucocorticoid admi ni ~trati on (see p. 429), The anterior pituitary gland
which suppresses ACTH secretion. and hypothalamus

The main use of tetracosactide is in the diagnosis of adrcnaJ The anterior pituitary gland secretes hormones that
conical insufficiency. The drug is given intramuscularly, and the regulate:
concentration of hyd rocortisone in the plas ma is measured by the release of glucocorticoids from adrenal cortex
radioimmunoassay. the release of thyroid hormones
ovulation in the female and spermatogenesis in
MELANOCYTE-STIMULATING HORMONE the male, and the release of sex hormones
The MSH peptides. a-, ~- and y-MS H, arc peptide hormone~ mammary gland structure and function.
with structural similarity to ACfH and are derived from the same Each anterior pituitary hormone is regulated by a
precur:;or. Together, these peptides are referred to as melanocortins, specific hypothalamic releasing factor. Feedback
because their first recognised action was to stimulate the produc- mechanisms govern the release of these factors.
tion of mehmin by specialised s kin cells called melanocytes. As Substances available for clinical use include:
such, they play an imp011ant part in determining hair coloration, growth hormone-releasing factor (sermorelin) and
skin colour and reaction to ultraviolet light. analogues of growth hormone (somatrem,
Melanocyte-stimulating hormone acts o n melanocortin somatropin)
receptors, of which five (MC 1_5) have been cloned. These arc G- thyrotrophin-releasing factor (protirelin) and
protein-coupled receptors that activate cAMP synthesis. Melanin thyroid-stimulating hormone {thyrotrophin; used to
formation is under the control of the MC 1 receptor, and excessive test thyroid function)
u-MS H production can provoke abnormal proliferation of octreotide and lanreotide, analogues of
melanocytcs and may predispo~e to melanoma. somatostatin, which inhibit growth hormone release
'f" Mclanoconin& exhibi1 numerous other biological effects. For exnmple, corticotrophin-releasing factor, used in diagnosis
u-MS II inhibits cytokine (interleuldn [ILl Ipand tumour necrosis fnctor- gonadotrophin-releasing factor.
u [TNF]) relense. reduces neutrophi l infiltration, and exhibits anti
inflammatory and antipyretic activi ty. Levels of a-MSH are increased in
synovial fluid of patients with rheumatoid anhritis. MC1 and MC1 receptors
mcdinte the immunomodulatory effect of MSH. Agonists at these receprors
wirh polemial anti-inflammatory activit) are being sought.
y-Melanoc) te-srimulating hormone tncrea~es blood pressure. heart rate
and cerebral blood flow follo\\ing tntracerebrovemricular or intravenoul>
injection. These effects are likely mediated by !he MC4 receptor. Central The posterior pituitary gland con~ists largely of the terminals of
injection of a-MSH also cau;c\ change-. in animal behaviour. such a!>
nerve cells that lie in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei
increa~ed grooming and sexual activity a~ well :L~ reduced feeding.
of the hypothalamu&. Their axons form the hypothalamic-
Two naturally occurring ligandb for melanocortin receptors (agouri hypophyseal tract, and the fibres tenninate in dilated nerve endings
.signalling protein and agouti-related peptide, together called the agouri)
have been discovered in human tissues. These are proteins th:H
in close association with capillaries in the posterior pituitary gland
competitively antagonise the effect of MSH at mclanocortin receptors. (Fig. 28.1 ). Peptides, synthesised in the hypothalamic nuclei,
Their preci~c role in the body i; not known. pa:.s down these axons into the posterior pituitary, where they arc
stored and eventually secreted into the bloodstream.
The two main hormones of the posterior pituitary are oxytocin
(which contracts the smooth muscle of the uterus; see Cb. 30) and
Adrenocorticotrophic hormone ADH (aJso called vasopressin; see Chs 19 and 24). Several ~imilar
(corticotrophin) and the adrenal steroids peptides have been synthesi. ed that vary in their antidiuretic,
vasopressor and oxytocic (uterine stimu lant) properties.
Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) stimulates
synthesis and release of glucocorticoids (e.g.
hydrocortisone), and also some androgens, from the
adrenal cortex. Regulation of secretion and physiological role
Corticotrophin-releasing factor from the Amidiuretic hormone released from the posterior pituitary has a
hypothalamus regulates ACTH release, and is crucial role in the control of the water content of the body
regulated in turn by neural factors and negative through its action on the cells of the distal part of the nephron and
feedback effects of plasma glucocorticoids. the collecting tubules in the kidney (sec Ch. 24 ). The hypothalamic
Mineralocorticoid (e.g. aldosterone) release from the nuclei that control fluid balance lie close to the nuclei that
adrenal cortex is controlled by the renin-angiotensin synthesise and secrete ADH.
system. One of the maio stimuli to ADH release is an increase in
plas ma osmolality (which produces a sensation of thirst). A 425

decrease in circulating blood volume (hypovolaemia) i~ another, of action, vasoconstrictor effect is used with local anaesthetics
and here the stimuli arise from baroreceptors in the cardiovascular such a!> prilocaine to prolong its action; see Ch. 44).
system or from angiotensin release. Diabetes insipidus is a Vasopressin is rapidly eliminated, with a plasma half-life of 10
condition in which large volumes of dilute urine are produced minutes and a short duration of action. Metaboli'>m is by ti ssue
because ADH secretion is reduced or absent, or because of a peptida~es , and 33% is removed by the kidney. Desmopressin is
reduced sensitivity of Lbe kidney to the hormone. less subject to degradation by peptidases. and its pla.,ma half-life
is 75 minutes.
Antidiuretic hormone receptors ~ Variou~ ~ynthetic non-peptide agonist~ and antagoni<.t~ ol ADH have
There are three classes of receptor for ADH: V" V 2 and V 3 . V 2 been synthc>ised and are u!.etl us experimental tools. Several oral ly active
receptors, which are coupled to adenylate cyclase, mediate its V 1 receptor antagonis iS arc under study for the trcauncnt of
dysmenorrhoea ( for a review of ADH receptor amagonists and their
main physiological actions in the kidney, whereas the V 1 and V 3
po<,<.ible clinical uses. sec Thibon mer et al . 200 I ).
receptors are coupled to the pho~pholipase C/inositol trbphos-
phate system. Unwanted effects
There arc few unwanted effects if Lhe antidiuretic peptide:. are
Actions administered intranac;ally in therapeutic doses, although intra-
venous vasopressin may cause spasm of the coronary arteries,
Renal actions
with resultant angina.
Antidiuretic hormone binds to V 2 receptors in the basolateraJ
membrane of the cells of the distal tubule and collecting ducts of
the nephron. Its main effect in the collecting duct is to increase OXYTOCIN
the rate of insertion of water channels into the lumenal mem-
Oxytocin is discussed in Chapter 30.
brane, thus increasing the permeability of the membrane to water
(see Ch. 24). It also activates urea transporters and transiently
increases Na 1 absorption, particularly in the distal tubule.
Several drugs affect the action of ADH. Non-steroidal anti-
Posterior pituitary
inflammatory drugs and carbamazepine increase, and lithium,
colchicine and vioca alkaloids decrease, ADH effects. The
The posterior pituitary secretes:
effects of the last two agents are l.econdary to their action on the
oxytocin (see Ch. 30)
microtubules required for translocation of water channels.
antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin), which acts on
Demeclocycline counteracts the action of ADH and can be us~d
to treat patients with hyponatraemia (and thus water retention)
v2receptors in the d istal kidney tubule to
increase water reabsorption and, in higher
caused by excessive secretion of AD! l.
concentrations, on V 1 receptors to cause
Other non-renal actions vasoconstriction. It also stimulates
Antidiuretic hormone causes contraction of smooth muscle, par- adrenocorticotrophic hormone secretion.
ticularly in the cardiovascular system, by acting on V 1 receptors Substances available for c linical use are vasopressin
(see Ch. 19). The affinity of these receptors for A DH is lower and the analogues desmopressin and terlipressin.
than that of the V 2 receptors, and smooth muscle effects are seen
only with doses larger than those affecting the kidney. ADH also
stimulate., blood platelet aggregation and mobilisation of
coagulation factors. ln the CNS, ADH acts as a neuromodulator
and neurotransmitter. When released into the pituitary 'portal
Clinical use of antidiuretic hormone
circulation'. it promotes the release of ACTH from the anterior
(vasopressin) and analogues
pituitary by an action on V 3 receptors (Fig. 28.4).

Pharmacokinetic aspects Diabetes insipidus: lypressin, desmopressin.

Antidiuretic honnone, as well as various analogues, is used clini- Initial treatment of bleeding oesophageal varices:
cally either for the treatment of diabetes insipidus or as a va-;o- vasopressin, tertipressin, lypressin. (Octreotide-a
coru.trictor. The analogues have been developed to (a) increase somatostatin analogue-is also used, but direct inJection
the duration of action and (b) shift the potency between V 1 and of sclerosant via an endoscope is the main treatment.)
V 2 receptors. Prophylaxis against bleeding in haemophilia (e.g.
TI1e main substances used arc vasopressin (ADH itself: short before tooth extraction): vasopressin, desmopressin
duration of action, weak selectivity for V 2 receptor!>, given by (by increasing the concentration of factor VIII).
subcutaneous or intramuscular injection. or by intravenous Felypressin is used as a vasoconstrictor with local
infusion), desmopressin (increased duration of action, Y 2-selective anaesthetics (see Ch. 44).
and usually given as a nasal spray), terlipressin (increased dur- Desmopressin is used for persistent nocturnal
ation of action, low but protracted vasopressor action and enuresis in older children and adults.
426 minimal antidiuretic properties) and fclypressin (short duration

chronic innammatory conditions such as tuberculosis. Because

THE ADRENAL CORTEX of the negative feedback effects that glucocorticoids exert on
ADRENAL STEROIDS ACTH release. a decreased production of endogenous corticoids
also occurs when glucocorticoids are given therapeutically for
The adrenal gland., are !>ituated above the kidneys, and for this prolonged periods. This can result in deficiency when treatment
reason they are sometimes referred to as the suprarenal glands. At is discontinued. and is the reason why glucocorticoid therapy is
a gross level, the gland comprises two components: the medulla, usually tapered off to allow recovery of anterior pituitary function.
which secretes catecholamines (see Ch. 9). and the cortex, which When corticosteroids are produced in excess, the clinical
secrete~ adrenal \teroids. The Iauer structure, which concerns us picture depend~ on which of the steroids predominates. Excessive
in this section. may be divided further on a histological basis into glucocorticoid activity results in Cushing's syndrome. the mani-
three concentric zones: the ~ona glomerulosa (the outermost layer) festations of which are outlined in Figure 28.7. This can be caused
that elaborates mineralocorticoids, the ;:.onafasciculata that elab- by hypersecretion from the adrenal glands or by prolonged
orates glucocorticoids, and the innermost -;.ona reticularis. While therapeutic glucocorticoid regimens. An excessive production of
the principal adrenal steroids are those with mineralocorticoid mincralocorticoids results in disturbances ofNa+ and K+ balance.
and glucocorticoid activity, some sex steroids (mainly androgens) This may occur with hyperactivity of the adrenals or tumours of
arc abo secreted by the gland but will not be considered further the glands (primary hyperaldosteronism. or Conn's syndrome, an
in this chapter. uncommon but important cause of hypertension; see Ch. 19), or
The mincralocorticoids regulate water and electrolyte balance, with excessive renin- angiotensin action such as occurs in kidney
and the main endogenous hormone is aldosterone. The gluco- disca~e. cirrhosis of the liver or congestive cardiac failure
corricoids have widespread actions on intermediate metabolism, (secondary hyperaldosteronism).
affecting carbohydrate and protein metabolism, a~ well as a potent
regulatory effect on our endogenous 'defence reactions such as
the innate and acquired immune response. The adrenal secretes a
mixture of glucocorticoid\, but the main hormone in humans is Synthesis and release
hydrocortisone (also. confusingly. called cortisol). but in rodents Adrenal steroid., are !>ynthe~ised and released as required, under
corticosterone predominate!.. The mineralocorticoid and gluco- the innuence of circulating ACTH secreted from the anterior
corticoid actions are not completely separated in naturally pituitary gland (see p. 424 and Fig. 28.4). ACTH secretion is
occurring Meroid~. ~ome glucocorticoids having quite substantial (positively) regulated by CRF released from the hypothalanllls and
effect~ on water and electrolyte balance. In fact. hydrocortisone vasopressin from the posterior gland, and (negatively) by blood
and aldosterone arc cquiactive on mineralocorticoid recepLOrs, glucocorticoids. The release of CRF, in rum, is inhibited by the
but, in mineralocorticoid-sensitive tissues such as the kidney. the level of glucocorticoids in the blood, and is influenced by input
action of II {3-hydmxysteroid dehydrogenase converts hydro- from the CNS. This functional hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal
cortisone to an inactive metabolite cortisone/ thereby protecting unit is referred to as the HPA axi~.
the receptor from inappropriate activation. With the exception of Glucocorticoids are alway!> present in the blood, but in health y
replacement therapy (sec below), glucocorticoids are most com- human!> there is a well-defined circadian rhythm in the secretion,
monly employed for their anti-inflammatory and immunosup- with the blood concentration being highest early in the morning,
pressive properties. Under these circumstances, all their gradually diminishing throughout the day and reaching a low
metabolic and other actions are seen as unwanted side effects. point in the evening or night. Opioid peptides also exercise a
Synthetic steroids have been developed in which it bas been tonic inhibitory control on the secretion of CRF, and psycho-
possible to separate, to some degree, the glucocorticoid from the logical factors can affect the release of vasopressin and CRF. as
mineralocorticoid actions (sec Table 28.2), but it has not been can stimu li such as excessive heat or cold, injury or infections.
possible to separate the anti-inflammatory actions from the other This is the principal mechanism whereby the HPA axis is
actions or the glucocorticoids. activated in response to a threatening environment.
The adrenal gland is essential to life, and animals deprived of The precursor of glucocorticoids is cholesterol (Fig. 28.5). The
these gland~ arc able to survive only under rigorously controlled initial step, the conversion of cholesterol to pregnenolone, is the
conditions. In humans. a deficiency in corticosteroid production, rate-limiting step and is itself regulated by ACTH. Some of the
termed Addison'.\ disease, is characterised by muscular weak- reactions in the biosynthetic pathway can be inhibited by drugs.
ness, low blood pressure. depression. anorexia, loss of weight Metyr apone prevent:. the f3-hydroxylation at C II, and thus the
and hypoglycaemia. Addison's disease may have an autoimmune formation of hydrocortisone and corticosterone. Synthesis is
aetiology. or it may result from destruction of the gland by blocked at the I 1-deoxycorticosteroid stage. and as these sub-
stances have no negative feedback effects on the hypothalamus
and pituitary, there b a marked increase in ACTH in the blood.
Metyrapone can therefore be used to test ACTH production. and
0ddly. it was cortisone that wm, originally demonstrated to have potent
may also be used to treat patients with Cushing's syndrome.
anri-innammatory activity in the classic studies by Hench and his colleagues
in 1949. The reason for thi:. apparent anomaly i:, that an isofonn of 1 t f3- Trilostane (also of use in Cushing's syndrome and primary
hydroxyqeroid dehydrogenase pre<,cnt in some tissues can transfom1 this hyperaldosteronism) blocks an earlier step in the pathway- the
steroid back into coni sol (i.e. hydrOCOith,onc), thus restoring biological activity. 3~-dehydrogcnase. 427

(although there may be other binding proteins or sites: sec

Glucocorticoid Nonnan et al., 2004). This superfamily (see Ch. 3 for structural
details) also includes the receptors for mineralocorticoids. the
Common drugs used include hydrocortisone, sex steroids. thyroid hom10nes. vitamin D3 and retinoic acid.
prednisolone and dexamethasone. After entering cells (probably by passive diffusion), the gluco-
Metabolic actions corticoids bind to specific receptors in the cytoplasm. Two receptors
Carbohydrates: decreased uptake and utilisation of have been described, termed GRa and GR/3 (highly homologous
glucose accompanied by increased gluconeogenesis; but lacking part of the C terminal). Although it may modulate
th1s causes a tendency to hyperglycaemia. signalling through the GRa receptor under some circumstances.
Proteins: increased catabolism, reduced anabolism. GRt3 docs not appear to function as a glucocorticoid receptor in
Lipids: a permissive effect on lipolytic hormones and vivo and will not be discussed further. GRa has been cloned and
a redistributiOn of fat, as observed in Cushing's contai ns 777 amino acid residues. It has a high affinity for gluco-
syndrome. corticoids and is found in virtually all tissues at a density of
between 3000 and 30 000 copies per cell, the number varying
Regulatory actions be tween different tissues.
Hypothalamus and anterior pituitary gland: a negative Tn its ' resting', unliganded state, the receptor dwells in the
feedback action resulting in reduced release of cytoplas m as part of a complex of proteins that include hear
endogenous glucocorticoids. shock proteins (HSPs) 56 and 90. After binding the steroid, the
Cardiovascular system: reduced vasodilatation, receptor dissociates from the HSPs and undergoes a conforma-
decreased fluid exudation. tional c hange that exposes a DNA-binding domain (see Figs 28.6
Musculoskeletal: decreasing osteoblast and a nd 3.3). Subsequent events have yet to be fully delineated; in the
increas1ng osteoclast activity. best characteri~ed example, steroid-receptor complexes fonn
Inflammation and immunity: homodimers (and possibly heterodimers with the mineralocor-
acute mflammation: decreased influx and activity ticoid receptor too). then translocate to the nucleus possibly u~ing
of leucocytes the cytoskeleton. Here. they bind to positive or negative gluco-
chronic inflammation: decreased activity of corticoid response clements present in the promoters of target
mononuclear cells, decreased angiogenesis, less genes. thus bringing about corresponding changes (induction or
fibrosis repression) in transcription. The receptor is eventually recycled
lymphoid tissues: decreased clonal expansion of T in an ATP-dependent process and combined again with HSPl> in
and B cells, and decreased action of cytokine- the cytoplasm to complete the cycle.
secreting T cells. Several molecular mechanisms by which changes in gene tran-
Mediators: scription are accomplished have been identified, and these are
decreased production and action of cytokines, shown in Figure 28.6. Regulation, particularly repression. is
including interleukins, tumour necrosis factor-a and generally achieved in conce rt with various transcription factor~.
granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor such asAP I and nuclear factor KB. Induction stimulates the fresh
reduced generation of eicosanoids format ion of specific mRNAs, which then direc t the synthesis of
decreased generation of lgG specific proteins. lt is estimated that approximately I% of nuclear
decrease in complement components in the blood genes can be regulated by glucocorticoids using such pathway~.
increased release of anti-inflammatory factors In addition to these ' nuclear' events, it has become evident in
such as interleukin-1 0 and annexin 1. recent years that the liganded receptor itself, in either a monomeric
Overall effects: reduction in the activity of the innate or a dimeric form, may trigger signal transduction events while
and acquired immune systems, but also decreased still in the cytosolic compartment. One of these effects, gem1anc
healing and diminution in the protective aspects of to the anti-inflammatory profile of these drugs, is the rel ea~c.
the inflammatory response. following phosphorylation, of the protein annexin-I (forrnerlj
/ipocortin). whic h has potent effects on leucocyte trafficking and
other biological actions. The significance of such 'receptOr-
mediated, non-genomic' action~ is that they can happen rapid!}
Am inoglutethimide inhibits the initial step in the biosynthetic (within a few minutes), as they do not entail changes in rnRNN
pathway and has the same overall effect as metyrapone. Keto- protein synthel.is that occur over a longer timeframe.
conazole, an antifungal age nt (Ch. 48). used in higher doses also
inhibits steroidogenesis and may be of value in the specialised
treatment of Cushing's syndrome.
General metabolic and systemic effects
Mechanism of action The main metabolic effects are on carbohydrate and protein metab-
The glucocorticoid effects relevant to this discussion are initiated olis m. The honnone!> and their synthetic congeners cause both a
by interaction of the drugs with specific intracellular glucocor- decrease in the uptake and utilisa6on of glucose and an increa~e
428 ticoid receptors belonging to the nuclear receptor supelfami/y in gluconeogenesis, resulting in a tendency to hyperglycaemia

Table 28.2 Comparison of the main corticosteroid agents used for systemic therapy (using hydrocortisone as a standard)

Compound Relative affinity Approximate relative Duration of Comments

for g lucocorticoid potency in clinical use action after
receptorsD oral doseb

Anti- Sodium
inflammatory retaining
Hydrocortisone 1 1 Short Drug of choice for replacement therapy

Cortisone 0.01 0.8 0.8 Short Cheap; inactive until converted to hydrocortisone;
not used as anti-inflammatory because of
mineralocorticoid effects

Corticosterone 0.85 0.3 15 Short

Prednisolone 2.2 4 0.8 Intermediate Drug of choice for systemic anti-inflammatory and
immunosuppressive effects

Prednisone 0.05 4 0.8 Intermediate Inactive until converted to prednisolone

Methylprednisolone 11.9 5 Minimal Intermediate Anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive

Triamcinolone 1.9 5 None Intermediate Relatively more toxic than others

Dexamethasone 7.1 30 Minimal Long Anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive, used

especially where water retention is undesirable
(e.g. cerebral oedema); drug of choice for
suppression of adrenocorticotrophic hormone

Betamethasone 5.4 30 Negligible Long Anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive, used

especially when water retention is undesirable

Deoxycortone 0.19 Negligible 50

Fludrocortisone 3.5 15 150 Short Drug of choice for mineralocorticoid effects

Aldosterone 0.38 None 500 Endogenous mineralocorticoid

Human fetal lung cells.
bDuration of action (half-lives in hours): short, 8-12; intermediate, 12- 36; long, 36--72.
(Data for relative affinity obtained from Baxter J D, Rousseau G G (eds) 1979 Glucocorticoid hormone action. Monographs on
endocrinology, vol12. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.)

(see Ch. 26). There is a concomitant increase in glycogen storage, increasing its excretion by the kidney. This may result in osteo-
which may be a result of insulin secretion in response to the porosis (see below). ln non-physiological concentrations, the
increase in blood sugar. Overall, there is decreased protein glucocorticoids have some mineralocorticoid actions (see below),
synthesis and increased protein breakdown, particularly in muscle, causing Na+ retention and K+ loss-possibly by swamping the
and this can lead to wasting. Glucocorticoids also have a 'permiss- protective ll ~-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and acting at
ive' effect on the cAMP-dependent lipolytic response to cat- mineralocorticoid receptors.
echolamiJles and other hormones. Such hormones cause lipase
activation through a cAMP-dependent kinase, the synthesis N egative feedback e ffects on the anterior pituitary and
of which requires the presence of glucocorticoids (see below). hypothalamus
Large doses of glucocorticoids given over a long period result Both endogenous and exogenous glucocorticoids have a negative
in the redistribution of body fat characteristic of Cushing's feedback effect on the secretion of CRF and ACTH (see
syndrome (Fig. 28.7). Fig. 28.4). Administration of exogenous glucocorticoids depresses
Glucocorticoid& tend to produce a negative calcium balance by the secretion of CRF and ACTH, thus inhibiting the secretion of
decreasing Ca2+ absorption in the gastrointesti nal tract and endogenous glucocorticoid& and potentially causing atrophy of 429
(.) (X)

2l \

Mineralocorticoid pathway Glucocorticoid pathway Sex hormone pathway 0

\ w
27 C=O D D


l 17-a-hydrox .... ;;Q

"'" ~
: Aminoglutethimide J
0 ct)X>
0 ct)X>


3-~-dehy. ~l
Angiotensin II ()
\. \ \ .Jl zG)
( rrllostaner::e:==:;, C=O \. 3-il-dohy. C= O \. 3-jl-dohy.

\ 17-a-hydrox.~ ~
o 0

21-~-hydrox .Jl CH 20H )>

\. . \
C=O \..._21-~-hydrox.~ ' c=o z
'" 17-a-hydrox. ~ --l

11-Deoxycorbcosterone 11-Deoxycortsol

0 a-nvaro CH2 0H
\. ~-~-hydrox. ~1 CH 20H
C=O {Metyrapone~ C=O

, 17-a-hydrox.

0 .....
Aldosterone 0
OriiCOS! Bro"n Hydrocortisone (cortisol)

Fig. 28.5 Biosynthesis of corticosteroids and adrenal androgens. Drugs are shown in yellow boxes adjacent to their sites of action; note that they have selective actions on
different cortical cell types. Glucocorticoids are produced by cells of the zona fasciculata , and their synthesis is stimulated by adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH); aldosterone is
produced by cells of the zona glomerulosa, and its synthesis is stimulated by angiotensin II. Metyrapone inhibits glucocorticoid synthesis, aminoglutethimide inhibits both
glucocorticoid and sex hormone synthesis, and trilostane blocks synthesis of all three types of adrenal steroid. Further details of sex steroid biosynthesis are given in Figure 30.3.
\.__11-~-hydrox. , 11 -~-hydroxylase; 17-B-hydrox., 17-~-hydroxylase; 21-B-hydrox., 21 -fi-hydroxylase; 3-B-dhy., 3-(i-dehydrogenase.



Fos Jun TM


Fig. 28.6 Molecular mechanism of action of glucocorticoids. The schematic figure shows three possible ways by which the
liganded glucocorticoid receptor can control gene expression following translocation to the nucleus. [Al Basic transactivation mechanism.
Here, the transcriptional machinery (TM) is presumed to be operating at a low level. The liganded glucocorticoid receptor (GR) d1mer
binds to one or more 'positive' glucocorticoid response elements (GREs) within the promoter sequence (shaded zone) and up-regulates
transcription. [JJ] Basic transrepression mechanism. The transcriptional machinery is constitutively driven by transcription factors (TF).
In binding to the 'negative' GRE (nGRE), the receptor complex displaces these factors and expression falls. IQJ Fos/Jun mechanism.
Transcription is driven at a high level by Fos/Jun transcription factors binding to their AP-1 regulatory site. This effect Is reduced in the
presence of the GR. ol Nuclear factor ~rB mechanism. The transcription factors P65 and P50 bind to the NF11.B site, promoting gene
expression. This is prevented by the presence of the GR, which binds the transcription factors, preventing their action (this may occur in
1 ~=cytoplasm also). For further details of the structure of GR, see Chapter 3. (Modified from Oakley R H, Cidlowski JAin Gor1ding N J,
"-=wer R J (eds) 2001 Glucocorticoids. Birkhauser Veri.)

Lhe adrenal cortex. If therapy is prolonged. it may take many the initial redness, heat, pain and swelling, but also the later stages
months to return to normal function when the drugs arc stopped. of wound heating and repair, and the proliferative reactions seen
in chronic inflammation (Ch. 13). They reverse virtual ly all types
Anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects of intlammatory reaction, whether caused by invading pathogens.
Endogenous glucocorticoids maintain a low-level anti-inflammatory by chemical or physical stimuli. or by inappropriately deployed
tonus that can be readily demol15trated by observing the immune responses !>uch as are seen in hypersensitivity or auto-
heightened response of adrenalectorniscd animals to even mild immune disease. When used clinically to suppress graft rejection,
inflammatory stimuli. A failure of appropriate secretion in response glucocorticoids suppress the initiation and generation of an immune
to injury or infection may underlie certain chronic inflammatory response mounted against this new ' invader' more efficiently than
pathologies. Glucocorticoids are the anti-inflammatory drugs par an established response in which clonal proliferation has already
excellence, and w hen given therapeutically have powerful anti- occurred. Given that the glucocorticoids are able to modify the
inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects. They inhibit both expression of so many genes, and that the extent and direction
the early and the late manifestations of inf1ammation, i.e. not only of regulat ion varies between tissues and even at different times 431

--(Be"~";"'"'" ";" I
decreased generation of many cytok:ines, including IL- l , IL-
2, IL-3, IL -4, LL-5, l L -6, lL-8, tumour necrosis factor-a, cell
(though sometimes
depression or psychotic adhesion factors and granulocyte macrophage colony-
symptoms, and emot1onal stimulating factor, secondary to inhibition of gene
lability) hypertension) transcription
reduction in the concentration of complement components in
the pla~ma
Moon face, with red decreased generation of induced nitric oxide
(Hypertension) (plethoric) cheeks decreased histamine release from basophils
decreased l gG production
_...-Increased increased synthesis of anti-inflammatory factors such as
Thinning abdominal fat
of skin IL- 10, IL- l -soluble receptor and annexin-1 .
---+:..-<-- (Avascular necrosis
Thin arms of femoral head) Tnnammati on is an important protecti ve response designed to
and legs: ensure the survival of an infected or injured host. Tt therefore strikes
muscle wasting '\- -++--- Easy bruising
many as odd I hat we should not only have potent anti-inflammatory
horm ones circulating constantly in the blood, but that these should
be dramati cally increased during such threatening episodes. A
H--- - Poor wound useful explanatory paradigm is that of Munck et al. ( 1984);
Also: healing according to thi s idea, the anti-inflammatory and immunosup-
Tendency to hyperglycaemia pressive actions may play a crucial counter-regulatory role, in
Negative nitrogen balance that they prevent excessive activati on of inflammation and other
Increased appetite powerful defence reactions, which rnigbt, if unchecked, them-
Increased suscepttbility to Infection selvcl> threaten homeostasis. Certai nly. this view is borne out by
experimental work with adrenalectomised animals. While these
Fig. 28.7 Cushing's syndrome. This is caused by drugs arc of great value in treating conditions characterised by
excessive exposure to glucocorticoids, and may be caused by
disease (e.g. an adrenocorticotrophic hormone-secreting
tumour) or by prolonged administration of glucocorticoid drugs
(iatrogenic Cushing's). Italicised effects are particularly
common. Less frequent effects, related to dose and duration of
therapy, are shown in parentheses. (Adapted from Baxter JD, Mechanism of action of
Rousseau GG (eels) 1979 Glucocorticoid hormone action. the glucocortlcolda
\,__Monographs on endocrinology, vol 12. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.)

Glucocorticoids bind intracellular receptors that then

dimerise, migrate to the nucleus, and interact with
DNA t o modify gene transcript ion, ind ucing synthesis
during disease. you will not be surpri sed to Jearn that their anti-
of some proteins and inhibiting synthesis of others.
inflammatory effects are fearsomely complex. Some prominent
Metabolic actions: most mediator proteins are
acti ons may be highlighted, but these should not be considered a
enzymes, for example cAMP-depend ent kinase, but
complete list.
not all actions on genes are known.
Actions on inflammatory cells i nclude:
Anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive actions:
decreased egress of neutrophils from blood vessels and known actions include:
reduced activation of neutrophils and macrophages secondary inhibition of transcription of the genes for cyclo-
to decreased transcription of the genes for cell adhesion oxygenase-2, cytokines and interleukins, cell
factors and cytokines adhesion molecules, and the inducible form of
decreased activation ofT-helper cells and reduced clonal mtric oxide synthase
proliferation ofT cells, secondary to decreased transcription block of vitamin 0 3-mediated induction of the
of genes for IL -2 and its receptor (see bel ow) osteocalcin gene in osteoblasts, and modification
decrea ed fibrobla~t function. less production of collagen and of transcription of the collagenase genes
glycosaminoglycans. and thus reduced healing and repair increased synthesis and release of annexin-1 ,
reduced activity of osteoblasts but increased activation of which has potent anti-inflammatory effects on
osteoclasts and therefore a tendency to develop osteoporosis. cells and mediator release, and may also mediate
negative feedback at the level of the
Action on the mediators of inflammatory and immune
hypothalamus and anterior pit uitary gland.
responses include:
Some rapid non-genomic effects of glucocorticoids
decreased production of prostanoids owing to decreased have also been observed.
432 expression of cyclo-oxygenase-2

hypcJ;ensiti\ ity and unwanted inflammation, they carry the hazard Pharmacokinetic aspects
that they arc able to suppress the same defence reactions that Glucocorticoids may be administered by a variety of routes.
provide protection to infection and promote healing. Most arc active when given orally, and all can be given sys-
temically, either intramuscularly or intravenously. Most may also
Unwanted eHects be given topically-injected intra-articularly, given by aerosol
Unwanted effects are likely to occur with large doses or pro- into the re~piratory tract, administered as drops into the eye or
longed admini'>tration rather than replacement therapy. Possible the nose, or applied in creams or ointments to the skin. Topical
unwanted effect~ include suppression of the response to infection administration diminishes the likelihood of systemic toxic effects
or injul)': an opportunistic infection can be potentially very serious unless large quantities are used. When prolonged use of systemic
unless quickly treated with antimicrobial agents along with an g lucocorticoids is necessary, therapy on alternate days may
increase in the do~e of '>teroid. Wound healing may be impaired, decrease the unwanted effects. Inhaled or intranasal glucocorti-
and peptic ulccrmion may abo occur. coids are listed in Table 28.3.
Sudden withdrawal of the drugs after prolonged therapy may Endogeno us g lucocorticoids are transported in the plasma
result in acute adrenal insuffic ie ncy throug h suppression of the bound to corticostero id-binding globulin (CBG) and to albumin.
patient's capacity to synthesise corticosteroids? Careful procedures CBG accounts for about 77% of bound hydrocortisone, but many
for phased withdrawal should be followed. Recovery of full synthetic g lucocorticoids are not bound at all. Albumin has a
adrenal function usually lakes about 2 months, a lthough it can lower affin ity for hydrocortisone but binds both natural and
take 18 months or more. synthetic stero ids. Both CBG-bound and albumin-bound steroids
When the drugs are used in anti- inf1ammatory and immuno- arc biologically inactive.
suppressive therapy, the metabolic actions and the effects on water As small lipophi lic molecules, g lucocorticoids probably e nter
and electrolyte balance and on organ systems are considered their target cells by simple diffusion. Hydrocortisone has a plasma
unwanted side effech, and Cushing's syndrome may occur (see half-life of 90 minutes, although its main biological effects have
Fig. 28.7). Osteoporosis, with the attendant hazard of fractures, 2-8 hours' latency. Biological inactivation. which occurs in liver
i~ probably one of the main limitations to long-term gluco- cells and el-;ewhere, b initiated by reduction of the C4-C5
corticoid therapy. The~ drugs innuence bone density by regulation double bond. Cortisone and prednisone are inactive umil con-
of calcium and phosphate metabolism and through effects on ve rted in vivo to hydrocortisone and prednisolone, respectively.
collagen turnover. Given over a long term, gJucocorticoids reduce The clinical ul>e of the glucocorticoids is given in the clinical
the function of osteoblasts (which lay down bone matrix) and box. Dexamethasone can be used to test HPA axis function in the
incre:t'>e the activity of osteoclasts (which digest bone matrix). dexamethasone suppression test. A low dose, usually given at night,
An effect on the blood supply to bone can result in avascular should suppress the hypothalamus and pituitary, and resuh in
necrosis of the head of the femur (see Ch. 31). reduced ACfH secretion and hydrocortisone output, as measured
The tendency to hyperglycaemia that occurs with exogenous in the pla~ma about 9 hours later. Failure of suppression implies
glucocorticoids may develop into actual diabetes. Another limita- hypersecre tio n of ACTH o r of glucocorticoids (Cushing's
) tion is the development of muscle wasting and weakness. Jn syndrome).
children, the inhibitory metabolic (particularly those on protein
metabolism) and hormo nal effects may result in inhibition of
growth if drug treatment is continued for more than 6 months or
so, even if fairly low doses are used. The main endogenous mineralocorticoid is aldosterone. Its chief
Reports of central effects are quite common; some patients action is to increase Na+ reabsorption by the distal tubules in the
experience euphoria, but others may become depressed or develop
psychotic symptoms. In fact. the circadian secretion of hydro-
cortisone may be disturbed in some depressed patients, and the Ta ble 28.3 Inhaled or intranasal glucocorticoids
dexamerhaso11e suppressio11 resr can be used to identify these
indi\'iduals. Other toxic effect.<> that have been reported include Compound Approximate potency"
glaucoma, raised intracranial pressure, hypercoagulability of the
J blood. fever and disorder~ of menstruation. and an increased Beclomethasone 0.59
incidence of cataracts. Oral thrush (candidiasis. a fungal infec-
tion; sec Ch. 48) frequently occurs when glucocorticoids are Budesonide 0.78
taken by inhalation. because of suppression of local anti-infective Flunisolide 2


Triamcinolone 0.45
'Patient> on long-term glucocorticoid theraphy are advised to carry a card
stating, 11m a patient on STEROID TREATMENT which must not be "Fiuticasone = 1.

' SlOpped :tbruptly'.


kidney, with concomitant increased excretion of K+ and H+ (see compartment and a marked decrease in extracellular fluid volume.
Ch. 24). An excessive secretion of mineralocorticoidc;, as in Conn's There is a concomitant decrease in the excretion of K~. re~ulung
syndrome, causes marked Na and water retention, with a resultant in hyperkalaemia.
increase in the volume of extracel lular nuid, hy pokalaemia, alka-
losis and hypertension. A decreased ~ecretion, as in Addison's Regulation of aldosterone synthesis and
disease, cau es net Na loss, which is relatively more pronounced release
than water loss. The o~motic pressure of the extracellular fluid is The regulation of the synthesis and relea~e of aldosterone il>
thus reduced, resulting in a shift of fl uid i nto the intracellu lar complex. Control depends mai nly on the electrolyte composition
of the plasma and on the angiotensin II sy~tem (Fig. 28.4 and
Chs 19 and 24). Low plasma Na or high pla!>ma K+ concentrations
affect the ::.ona gfomerulosa cells of the adrenal directly, stimulating
Clinical use of glucocorticoids
aldosterone release. Depletion of body Na also activates the ren in-
angiotensin system (sec Fig. 19.4). one of the effects of angio-
Replacement therapy for patients with adrenal
tensin II is to increase the synthc~is and relea!>e of aldo~terone.
failure (Addison's disease).
Anti-inflammatory/immunosuppressive therapy
M echanism of action
(see also Ch. 14):
Like other steroid hormones, aldosterone acts through specific
in asthma (Ch. 23; clinical box on p. 364)
intracellular receptor-, of the nuclear receptor family. Unlike the
topically in various inflammatory conditions of
glucocorticoid receptor. which occurs in most tisl>ues. the mm
skin, eye, ear or nose (e.g. eczema, allergic
erafocorticoid recepror is largely restricted to a few tissues, ~uch
conjunctivitis or rhinitis)
as the kidney and the transporting epithelia of the colon and bladder.
hypersensitivity states (e.g. severe allergic reactions)
Cells containing mineralocorticoid receptOfl> also contain the
in miscellaneous diseases with autoimmune and
II ~-hydroxysteroid dehydrogena~e enzyme (see above), which
inflammatory components (e.g. rheumatoid
converts glucocorticoids into metabolites wi th low affinity for
arthritis and other 'connective tissue' diseases,
the mineralocorticoid receptors, thus ensuring that the cells
inflammatory bowel diseases, some forms of
are affected only by bona fide mineralocorticoid hormone.
haemolytic anaemia. idiopathic thrombocytopenic
Interestingly. this en7yme is inhibited by carbenoxolone (used
to treat ulcer s: see Ch. 25) and liquorice. I f thjs inhibition is
to prevent graft-versus-host disease following
marked, it allows corticosterone to act on the mineralocorticoid
organ or bone marrow transplantation.
receptor. producing a syndrome '>imilar to Conn's syndrome
In neoplastic disease (Ch. 51}:
(primary hyperaldosteronism).
in combination with cytotoxic drugs in treatment
As with the glucocorticoid~. the interaction of aldoMeronc
of specific malignancies (e.g. Hodgkin's disease,
w ith its receptor initiates transcription and trans lation of specific
acute lymphocytic leukaemia)
proteins, resulting in an increase in the number of sodium chan-
to reduce cerebral oedema in patients with
nels in the apical membrane of the cell, and subsequently an
metastatic or primary brain tumours
i ncrea~e in the number of NatK ATPase molecule~ in the
basolaleral membrane (see Fig. 24.9). The ensuing increased K
excretion into the tubule results from an influx of K+ into the ceU
by the action of the basal NatK ATPa~e. coupled with an
increased efflux of K+ through apical potassium channels. In
Pharmacokinetics and unwanted actions additi on to the genomic effects, there is evidence for a rapid non-
of the glucocortlcolds genomic effect of aldosterone on Na influx, through an action
on the Na-H+ exchanger in the apical membrane.
Administration can be oral, topical or parenteral.
The drugs are transported in t he blood by Clinical use of mineralocorticoids
corticosteroid-binding globulin and enter cells by and antagonists
diffusion. They are metabolised 1n the liver. The main clinical u!oe of mineralocorticoids is in replacement
Unwanted effects are seen mainly after prolonged therapy. The most commonly used drug i., fludrocortisooe
systemic use as anti-inflammatory or (Table 28.2 and Fig. 28.4), which can be taken orally. Spirono
immunosuppressive agents but not usually with l actone is a competitive antagonist of aldosterone. and it also
replacement therapy. The most important are: prevents the mineralocorticoid effects of other adrenal steroids
suppression of response to infection on the renal tubule (Ch. 24). Side effects include gynaecoma~tia
suppression of endogenous glucocorticoid synthesis and impotence, because spironolactone also has some blocking
metabolic actions (see above) action on androgen and progesterone receptors. It is used in
osteoporosis conjunction with other diuretic~ in the treatment of oedema.
iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome (see Fig. 28 .7). Epler enone has a similar indication and mechanism of action,
434 although fewer side effects.

drugs that were topically applied (e.g. by inhalation for asthmaticl.)

Mlneralocorticolds and that were preferably metabolically unstable, such that any
leakage from the site of topical administration caused minimal
Fludrocortisone is given orally to produce a systemic effects. While these ideas bore fruit, it still was not an
mineralocorticoid effect. This drug: ideal solution.
Increases Na reabsorption in distal tubules and Recently, investigators have taken another tack. As glucocor-
increases K' and W efflux into the tubules ticoids function as anti-inflamrnatories largely by down-regulating
acts on intracellular receptors that modulate DNA genes (e.g. cytokines) that promote the inflammatory response,
transcription, causing synthesis of protein mediators and many of the side effects are caused by over-expression of
is used together with a glucocorticoid in metabolic and other genes (causing. for example. diabetes), and
replacement therapy. because these effects are brought about through different pathways,
researchers have sought steroids that may have one set of actions
without the other. At the time of writing, modest successes have
been achieved with these 'dissociated' steroids (see Schackc et
al., 2002; Schacke & Rehwinkel , 2004), but it is too early to tell
NEW DIRECTIONS IN GLUCOCORTICOID whether they will really make a difference in the clinic.
THERAPY Another approach has been to focus on the actual mechanism
of receptor activation. It is clear that not all glucocorticoids bind
Glucocorticoids are so effective that any further development in to the receptor in the same way, and the dynamics of the resulting
anti-intlammatories would scarcely be required iJ it wasn't for one liganded complex may vary (Adcock., 2003). This could alter the
thing the side effects. While these are ~eldom a problem with ability of the steroid-receptor complex to initiate transcriptional
toptcal administration or short ( 1-2 weeks) courses of oral therapy, and other changes in a way that could be beneficial to the profile
the) ~c,crely limit the usc of these agents in chronic disease. of the drug.
The Holy Grail would be a glucocorticoid possessing the anti- Yet another idea has been to manipulate the histone deacetylase
inflammatory but not the unwanted metabolic or other effecL<>. For enzymes that are responsible for facilitating the transcriptional
many years, the pharmaceutical industry pursued simple strategies regulation of get1es follow ing nuclear receptor binding to response
based on the development of structural analogues of hydrocortisone. elements (Hayashi et al., 2004). One current notion is that there
While this yielded many new active and interesting compounds may be a specific isoform of this enzyme that deals with gene up-
(several of which are in clinical use today), they never achieved regu lation, and that if this could be inhibited, it would lessen the
separation of these actions. An alternative idea was to develop possibility of those unwanted effects.


The hypothalamus and pituitary vasopre~sin receptor antagonists. Annu Rev Phannacol Falkcn;tcin e. Tillmann H C. Christ M et al . 2000
Btmhaumcr ~~ 2000 Vasopressin receptors. Trend~ 41: 175-202 (Autlroriroril~ llccomll ofADll receprors Mu ltiple actions of steroid hom1ones-a focu> on
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R~ I 65-80 (A mi~ COINin~ tht' t tl.\t'tJtit' thlll lromwne rrpluummt rlrerap\' of hlpopituitarism) receptol'i btotog) and clinical relevance. Annu Re'
nmmL< rht' priman rr~ulators of gro.. th tmJ \Vtkberg J E S. Mucemece R. Mandnl..a t et al. :!000 Med 48c 23t-240 <Satccmcrrniew ofgluCCKOrtrcotd
nuwl>tlmn. namely J~rowth honnoflt' and tht' mrulm 1\ew a~pects on the lll(]anoconin~ and their receptor;. mul mmtraiO<orticord l'l'Ct!pton. dijferrnu.1 m
liLt .tnm th facron l Pharmacol Re\ 42: 393-420 (Dnailed m-it'\< of the giU<t><omcmd receptor- and mmeroloconacmd
Drolet G. Ri'N S 2001 Contcotropm.rele;hmg honnone aned brologucttl role of mtlllnocomns and their ~r~ptor..mt'diated transcription and response.!, and
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lc,cJn 'tvO. Peptides 22: 76t-767 Gelling S J, Christian H C, Rower R J. Perrctu M 2002
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secretion. Physiol Re. 80: 1524-t585 (Cmnprehen.rile Adcock t M 2003 Glucoconicoids: new mechanisms and homlonc efficacy in gouty anhritis. Arthritis Rheum
mle11 of pmlllctin and itS rerepmrs} future agents. Curr Allcagy Asthma Rep 3: 249-257 46: 2765 2775 (Original poper rllat demmutmte.v rhat
Jurgen,cn J 0 L. Christiansen J S 1993 Growth hormone (Excellent revien of udi'Dnce,v in glucocorticoid ACT/1/wr intrinsic mui-injlamnuuory actiofll thm tt~
therapy. Lancet3-ll: t247-t248 pharmacology) indertemlenr of the adrena is)
l.Jmbc:n' S W J. \an der Lety A-Jet al. t996 Octn.'Oitde. Ba'll C. Hay>tett J P t992 The cellular acuon of Hayru.hi R. Wada H. Ito K. Adcock t \1 20()4 Effects of
N Engt J '1.1ed 334: 2-t()-254 (A IT"'t'W COI'fftn.~ aldosterone in target epithcha Kidne) lnt 42: 250-264 glucocontcoids on gene transcription. Eur J Ph31Tllacol
'"'""rosrawt rruptors. somatosratm ataalogu~r. and (A derailed""'"" rO\uing the aldosrero11e receptor SOO: 5 I 62 (Good basic rniro ofglucocortrcoltf
trrtl/ment of rumours e.xprrssin.~ soma/OJttl/111 and rrgulation of gm<' etpiTI 11011. aldosrero11e action actton. t'a.n ro rrtuf)
TrctpiOT.\ "llh OCII'f'Oiide) on electrog<'nic and ell'ctn.memrol Na' transpon, atuf 'lonnan A W, \liz~icki M T, Nonnan D P 2004 Sterotd
Okilda S. Kopchick J J 200 I Btologtcat effect\ of growth on I<' and 11' .terretwn) honnone raptd acuons, membrane receptol'i and a
hormone and ats antagonisL Trend\ Mol Mcd 7 Borski R J 2000 Nongemlmte membrane actions of confonnatumal en>emble modeL Nat Rev Drug
126132 glucoconicoids an 'enebr:ne~. Trend\ Endocrinol Di-cov 3: 27-41 (Fairly adanced ~admg b111
llubonmcr M. Coles P, Thibonnier A et at. 2001 The Metab II; 427-436 (A tlloughrpm.,king acNJLmt nf conruin.! man) useful table.r and excellmt dlagmm.r;
ba~ic ond clinical pharmacology of nonpept ide the non-gemJini<' effect.! of [1/ur()rorticoids) well worth tllf t'fforr if this subject interesrs you}
The thyroid

synthesised. glycosylated and then secreted into the lumen of the

Overview 437 follicle, where iodination of the tyrosine residues occurs. Sur-
Synthesis, storage and secretion of thyroid roundi ng the follicles is a dense capillary network, and the rate of
hormones 437 blood now through the gland is very high in comparison with other
tissues. The main steps in the synthesis, sto rage and secretion of
Regulation of thyroid function 438 thyroid hormone (Fig. 29.1) are as follow:
Actions of the thyroid hormones 439 uptake of plasma iodide by the follicle cells
Transport and metabolism 440 oxidation of iodide and iodinatio n of tyrosine residues of
1--- thyroglobulin
Abnormalities of thyroid function 440 secretion of thyroid hormone.
Drugs used in diseases of the thyroid 441
- Hyperthyrotdism 441 Uptake of plasma iodide by the follicle cells
-Hypothyroidism 443 Iodide uptake is an ene rgy-dependent process occurring against a
gradie nt, which is no rmally about 25: I. Iodide is captured from
the blood and moved to the lumen by two transporters: the Na/l-
symporter (NIS) located at the basolateral surface of the thyrocytes
(the energy being provided by the NaJK+ ATPase), and pendrin 1
OVERVIEW (PDS), an net- porter in the apical membranes (Nilsson, 200 I;
Yoshida et al., 2004). Numerous mutations have been discovered
Diseases of the thyroid gland are prevalent, and in in the NTS and PDS genes, and these contribute to thyroid disease
this chapter we deal with drug therapy used to in some patients.
mitigate these disorders. We set the scene by
briefly outlining the structure, regulation and
Oxidation of iodide and iodination of tyrosine
physiology of the thyroid, and highlight the most
common abnormalities of thyroid function. We then
The oxidation of iodide and its incorporation into thyroglobulin
go on to consider the drugs that replace the thyroid
(termed the organification of iodide) is catalysed by thyroperoxi-
hormones when these cease to function
dase. an e nzyme situated at the inner surface of the cell at the
adequately, and the drugs that decrease thyroid
interface with the colloid. The reactio n requires the presence of
function when this is excessive.
hydrogen peroxide (1-1 20 2) as an oxidising agent. The process is
very rapid: labelled iodide ct 25 I) is found in the lume n within 40
SYNTHESIS, STORAGE AND SECRETION seconds of inrravcnous injection. Iodination occurs after the tyro-
OF THYROID HORMONES sine has been incorporated imo thyroglobulin. The process believed
to occur is shown in Figure 29.2.
The thyroid gland secre tes three main hormones: thyroxine (T4 ), Tyrosine residues are iodinated first at position 3 o n the ring,
Iriiodothyronine (T1) a nd calcitonin. T 4 and T 3 are critically forming monoiodotyrosine (MID and then, in some molecules,
important for normal growth a nd development and for energy on position 5 as well. form ing diiodotyrosine (DID. While stiiJ
metabolism. Calcitonin is involved in the control of plasma Ca 2 incorporated into thyroglobulin. these molecules are then coupled
and i~ dealt with in Chapter 31. The term thyroid hormone will in pairs, either MIT with DITto form T1 or two DIT molecules
be used here solely to refer to T 4 and T 1 . to form T4 (Fig. 29.3). The mechanism for coupling is believed to
The functional unit of the thyroid is the follicle or acinus. Each
follicle consists of a single layer of epithelial cells around a
cavity. the follicle lumen. which is filled with a thick colloid con- 1
So called becau!>e 11 ~implicated in the pathophysiology of Pendreds
taining thyroglobulin. Thyroglobulin is a large glycoprotein. each syndrome. named after the eponymous English physician who first
molecule of which contain!> about 11 5 tyrosine residues. It is tle~cribcd this fonn of ftsmilial goitre.

Thioureylenes and
excess I-

r-- ~ I --:,------- ...

NPS C ,, Thyroperoxidase C PDS Uptake of
Fig. 29.1 Diagram of thyroid 1- iodide
hormone synthesis and secretion, ,<' + H20 2 }
with the sites of action of drugs ,/'
stimulates I
used tn the treatment of thyroid transcription

dtsorders. Iodide in the blood is

of the gene I
transported by the carriers NSI and for this
I T TG T - - - - - - T T
MIT } and coupling
pendrin (PDS) through the follicular carrier MIT T MIT
DIT Protein T
cell and into the colloid-rich lumen, I

where it is incorporated into ~I synthesis

thyroglobulin under the influence \
of the thyroperoxidase enzyme \ T Endocytosis
\ T and secretion
(see text for details). The hormones \
\J<,;_ ~
are produced by processing of the p
\ : :=:- _ ..( __ _ - T4 *- 1~
endocytosed thyroglobulin and I

exported into the blood. DIT, j(. T3 '' ).\

dliodotyroslne; L, lysosome; MIT,
monoiodotyrosine; P, pseudopod;
T, tyrosine; T3 , triiodothyronine; T4 ,
L r
thyroxine; TG, thyroglobulin; TSH,
thyroid-stimulating hormone PLASMA FOLLICLE CELL FOLLICLE LUMEN

Secretion of thyroid hormone

_ -e OH
1 The thyroglobuUn molecule is taken up imo the follicle cell by

Thy,.,.,L.. H,O,~
endocytosis (Fig. 29.1 ). The endocytotic vesicles then fuse with
lysosomes, and proteolytic enzymes act on thyroglobulin,

releasing T 4 and T 3 to be secreted into the plasma. The surplus
MTT and DIT, which are released at the same time, are scavenged
OH OH / C by the cell, where the iodide is removed enzymatically and reused.


H2N /H "'-..COOH

H2N / H "'-..COOH
Thyrotrophin-releasing hormone (TRH), released from the
hypothalamus in response to various stimuli, releases thyroid-
stimulating hormone (TSH; thyrotrophin) from the anterior
pituitary (Fig. 29.4), as does the synthetic tripeptide protirelin
Tyrosine Tyrosine radical
(pyroglutamyl-histidyl-prolinc amide), which is used in this way
Fig. 29.2 Iodination of tyrosyl residues by the
for diagnostic purposes (sec p. 439). TSH acts on receptors on
thyroperoxidase-H20 2 complex. This probably involves two
sites on the enzyme, one of which removes an electron from the membrane of thyroid follicle cells through a mechanism that
iodide to give the free radical I"; another removes an electron involves cAMP and phosphatidylinositol 3-k:inase. It controls all
from tyrosine to give the tyrosyl radical (shown by orange dot). aspects of thyroid hormone synthesis, including:
Monoiodotyrosine results from the addition of the two radicals.
the uptake of iodjde by folljcle cells, by stimulating
transcription of the iodjde transporter genes; this is the main
mechanism by which it regulates thyroid function
involve a peroxidase system similar to that involved in iodina- the synthesis and secretion of thyroglobulin
tion. About one-fifth of the tyrosine residues in thyroglobulin arc the generation of H 20 2 and the iodination of tyrosine
iodinated in this way. the endocytosis and proteolysis of thyroglobulin
the actual secretion of T 3 and T 4
The iodinated thyroglobulin of the thyroid forms a large store
the blood flow through the gland.
of thyroid hormone with a relatively slow turnover. This is in
contrast to some other endocrine secretions (e.g. the hormones of Thyroid-stimulating hormone also bas a trophic action on the
the adrenal cortex), whjch are not stored but synthesjsed and thyroid cells; it stimulates the transcription of the genes for thyro-
438 re leased as required. globulin and thyroperoxidase, as wel l as the 1- transporters.


Monoiodotyrosine Oiiodotyrosine Thyroxine (T4 ) Triiodothyronine (T3)


y CH2
y CH2
y 0
Fig. 29.3 Iodinated tyrosine ,
''N,.. H "c
' N ,.. H 'C''
. ly.yl
residues. Two molecules of
iodinated tyrosine are combined to 0 0
produce either thyroxine (T4 ; two
molecules of dliodotyrosine) or
triiodothyronine (T3 ; one molecule
each of monolodotyrosine and I
dllodotyroslne). Monolodotyrosine H2N / H '--co OH
and diiodotyrosine are linked by a
peptide bond as in thyroglobulin.

actions of T 4 and T RH (and probably also somatostatin) on the

Cold Trauma Stress pituitary, although even high concentrations of thyroid hormone
"\~{ do not totally inhibit TSH secretion.
Hypothalamus The other main factor influencing thyroid function is the
plasma iodide concentration. About l 00 nmol ofT4 is synthesised
! daily, necessitating uptake by the gland of approximately 500 nmol
of iodide each day (equivalent to about 70 mg of iodine). A
reduced iodine intake, with reduced plasma iodide concentration,

Anterior pituitary
will result in a decrease of hormone production and an increase
in TSH secretion. An increased plasma iodide has the opposite
effect, although this may be modified by other factors (see below).
The overall feedback mechanism responds to changes of iodide
slowly over fairly long periods of days or weeks, because there is
a large reserve capacity for the binding and uptake of iodide in
the thyroid. The size and vasculari ty of the thyroid arc reduced
by an increase in plasma iodide. Diets defici ent in iodine eventu-
ally result in a continuous excessive compensatory secretion of
TSH, and eventually in an increase in vascularity and (sometimes
gross) hypertrophy of t11e gland. 'Derbyshire neck' was the name
given to this condition in a part of the UK where sources of
dietary iodine were once scarce.
Fig. 29.4 Regulation of thyroid hormone secretion.
Iodide<n is essential for thyroid hormone synthesis, but
excess of endogenous or exogenous iodide (30 times the daily
requirement of iodine) actually inhibits the increased thyroid ACTIONS OF THE THYROID HORMONES
hormone production, which occurs in thyrotoxicosis. Protirelin
as well as recombmant thyrotrophin-releasing hormone (TSH) The physiological actions of the thyroid hormones fall into two
is sometimes used to st1mulate the system for diagnostic categories: tho e affecting metabolism and those affecting growth
purposes, as is the admimstration of 13 11 (see text for details). and development.
T3, triiodothyronine; T4 , thyroxine.
The production of TSH is also regulated by a negative feed- The thyroid hormones produce a general increase in the
back effect of thyroid hormones on the anterior pituitary gland, metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, and regulate
T3 being more active than T 4 in this respect. T he peptide soma- these processes in most tissues, T 3 being three to five times more
tostatin (see p. 421) also reduces basal T SH release. The control active than T 4 in this respect (Fig. 29.5). A lthough the thyroid
of the secretion of TSH thus depends on a bal ance between the hormones directly control the activity of some of the enzymes of

is released and a coactivator complex is recruited, which then

+5 activates transcription-resuJting in generation of mRNA and

~ protein synthesis.
Q -5
a; 15
- 25
Both hormones are transported in the blood bound mainly to
thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG). Plasma concentrations of these
0 4 8 12 16 20 hormones can be measured by radioimmunoassay, and normally
Days after injection fall into the range I X 10"7 mol/1 (T4) and 2 X 10"9 mol/) for TJ.
Fig. 29.5 The effect of equimolar doses of Both arc eventually metabolised in their target tissues by deio-
triiodothyronine (T3l and thyroxine (T4 ) on basal metabolic dination, deaminatjon, decarboxylation, and conjugation with
rate in a hypothyroid s ubject. Note that this figure is meant glucuronic and !:>ulfuric acids. The liver is a major site of meta-
only to illustrate overall differences in effect; thyroxine is not bolism. and the free and conjugated fonns are excreted partly in
given clinically in a single bolus dose as here, but in regular
daily doses so that the effect builds up to a plateau. The the bile and partly in the urine. The metaboUc clearance of T 3 is
apparent differences in potency really represent differences in 20 limes faster than that ofT4 (wllich is about 6 days). The long
kinetics, reflecting the prehormone role of T4 (From Blackburn half-l ife of T 4 is a consequence of its strong binding to TBG.
C Metal. 1954 J Clin Invest 33: 819.) Abnormalities in the metabolism of these hormones may occur
naturally or be induced by drugs or heavy metals, and this may
give rise to a variety of (uncommon) clinical conditions such as
the 'low T 3 syndrome'.
carbohydrate metabolism. most effects are brought about in
conjunction with other hormones, such as insulin, glucagon, the ABNORMALITIES OF THYROID FUNCTION
glucoconicoids and the catecholamines. There is an increase in
oxygen consumption and heat production, which is manifested as Thyroid disorders are among the most common endocrine dis-
an increase in the measured basal metabolic rate. This reflects eases, and subclinical thyroid disease is particularly prevalent in
action of these hormones on tissues such as heart, kidney, liver the middle-aged and elderly. They are accompanied by many
and muscle, although not on others. such as the gonads, brain or extrathyroidaJ symptoms, particularly in the heart and skin. One
spleen. The calorigenic action is important as part of the response cause of organ dysfunction is thyroid cancer. Depending on
to a cold environment. Administration of thyroid hormone results where it is located, tills can affect all aspects of glandular
in augmented cardiac rate and output, and increased tendency to function including iodide uptake, TSH expression and
dysrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation. thyroglobulin synthesis. Many other thyroid disorders have an
autoimmune basis; the ultimate reason for this is not clear,
although it may be linked to polymorphisms in the PDS, TNF-a
or other genes. Regardless of causation, there are two principal
The thyroid hormones have a critical effect on growth, partly by manifestations of the disease.
a direct action on cells, and also indirectly by influencing growth
hormone production and potentiating its effects on its target tissues.
The hormones are imponant for a normal response to parathor-
monc and calcitonin as well as for skeletal development; tl1ey are In thyrotoxicosis, there is excessive activity of the thyroid
also essential for normal growth and maturation of the central hormones, resulting in a high metabolic rate, an increase in !>kin
nervous system. temperature and sweating, and a marked sensitivity to heat.
Nervousness, tremor, tachycardia. heat sensitivity and increased
appetite a ...sociated with loss of weight occur. There are several
types of hyperthyroidism. but only two are common: diffuse
While there is some evidence for non-genomic actions (sec toxic goitre (abo called Grmes' disease or exophthalmic goitre)
Bassett et al., 2003; Lazar. 2003), these hormone act mrunly and toxic nodular goitre.
through a mechanism dependent on occupation of a member of Diffuse toxic goitre is an organ-specific auwimmune disease
the nuclear receptor family. TR (Ch. 3 and Fig. 3.17). Two distinct caused by thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulins directed at the
genes, TRo. and TR~. code for several receptor isoforms that TSH receptor. Constitutively active mutations of the TRH receptor
have distinct functions. T 4 may be regarded as a prohormone, may also be involved. As is indicated by the name, patients with
because when it enters the cell. it is first convened to T 3 , which exophthalmic goitre have protrusion of the eyeballs. The patho-
then binds with high affinity to a member of the TR family. This genesis of this condition is not fully understood, but it is thought
interaction is likely to take place in the nucleus, where TR to be caused by the presence of TSH receptor-like proteins in
isoforms generally act as a repressor of target genes. When T 3 is orbital tissues. There is also an enhanced sensitivity to cate-
440 bound, the receptors change conformation, the corepressor complex cholamines. Toxic nodular goitre is caused by a benign neoplasm

or adenoma. and may develop in patients with long-standing

simple goitre (~ee below). This condition does not usuaJJy have The thyroid
concomitant exophthalmos. The antidysrhythmic drug amiodarone
(Ch. 18) i~ rich in iodine and can cause either hyperthyroidism or Thyroid hormones, triiodothyronine (T:J and
hypothyroidism. Some other iodine-containing drugs. such as thyroxine (T4 ) , are synthesised by iodination of
iopanoic acid and its congeners. which are used as imaging tyrosine residues on thyroglobulin within the lumen of
agents u\ed to vi,ualise the gall bladder. may also interfere with the thyroid follicle.
th}roid function but may have some clinical utility in treating Hormone synthesis and secretion are regulated by
h) perthyroidism. thyroid-stimulating hormone (thyrotrophin) and
influenced by plasma iodide.
There is a large pool of T4 in the body; it has a low
SIMPLE, NON-TOXIC GOITRE turnover rate and is found mainly in the circulation.
A dietary deficiency of iodine, if prolonged, causes a rise in There is a small pool of T3 in the body; it has a fast
plasma TRH and eventual ly an increase in the size of the gland. turnover rate and is found mainly intracellularly.
Thi~ condition is known as simple or non-toxic goitre. Another Within cells, the T4 is converted to T3 , which interacts
cause is ingestion of goitrogens (e.g. from cassava root) . The with a nuclear receptor to regulat e gene transcription.
enlarged thyroid usually mru1ages to produce normal an1ounts of T3 and T 4 actions:
thyroid hormone. although if the iodine deficiency is very severe, stimulation of metabolism, causing increased
hypothyroidi~-om may ~upervene. oxygen consumption and increased metabolic rate
regulation of growth and development.
Abnormalities of thyroid function include:
HYPOTHYROIDISM hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis); either diffuse
A decrea~cd acti vity of the thyroid results in hypothyroidism. and toxic goitre or toxic nodular goitre
in severe cases lll):medema. Once again. this disease is immuno- hypothyroidism; in adults this causes myxoedema,
logical in origin, and the manifestations include low metabolic in infants cretinism
rate. slow speech. deep hoarse voice, lethargy, bradycardia, sen- simple non-toxic goitre caused by dietary iodine
sitivity to cold, and mental impairment. Patients also develop a defiCiency, usually with normal thyroid function.
characteristic thickening of the skin (caused by the subcutaneous
deposition of glycosaminoglycans). which gives myxoedema its
name. Hashimoto's thyroiditis. a chronic autoimmune disease in
which there is an immune reaction against thyroglobulin or some
other component of thyroid tissue. can lead to hypothyroidism Radioiodine is a firM-line treatment for byperthyroidi m (particu-
and myxocdema. Therapy of thyroid tumours with radioiodine larly in the USA). The isotope used is 131 1 (usually as the sodium
(see below) is another cause of hypothyroidism. salt}, and the dose generally 5- 15 millicuries. Given orally, it is
Thyroid deficiency during development, caused by congenital taken up and processed by the thyroid in the same way as the
absence or incomplete development of the thyroid, which is the stable form of iodide, eventually becoming incorporated into
most prevalent endocrine disorder i n the newborn (1 in thyroglobulin. The isotope emits both ~ radiation and y rays.
3000-4000 births) causes cretinism , characterised by gross retar- The y rays pass through the tissue without causing damage, but
dation of growth and mental deficiency. Pendred's syndrome, an the ~ particles have a very short range; they are absorbed by the
autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in the PDS ti ssue and exert a powerful cytotoxic action that is restricted to
tran~porter gene, may cause goitre as well as deafness and other the cells of the thyroid follicles, resulting in significant destruction
&ymptoms (see Hadj Kacem et al., 2003). of the tissue. 111 1 has a half-life of 8 days, so by 2 months its
radioactivity has effectively disappeared. lt is given as one single
dose, but its cy totoxic effect on the gland is delayed for 1- 2
DRUGS USED IN DISEASES OF THE months and docs not reach its maximum for a further 2 months.
THYROID Hypothyroidism will eventually occur after treatment with
radioiodine, particularly in patients with Graves' disease, but is
easily managed by replacement therapy with T 4 Radioiodine is
Hyperthyroidism may be treated pharmacologically or surgically. best avoided in children and also in pregnant patients because of
In general, surgery is used only when there are mechanical potential damage to the fetus. There is a theoretical risk of thyroid
problems resuhing from compression of the trachea, and it is cancer following the treatment.
usual to remove only part of the organ. Although the condition of The uptake of 131 1 and other isotopes of iodine may also be
hyperthyroidi-.m can be controlled with antithyroid drugs, the used diagnostically as a test of thyroid function. A rracer dose of
disea~c is not cured', because the drugs do not alter the under- the isotope is given orally or intravenously, and the amount accumu-
lying autoimmune mechanisms. Furthermore, there is little evi- lated by the thyroid is measured by a y-scintillation counter
dence that these drugs affect the course of the exophthal mos placed over the gland. Another use for this drug is the treatment
associated with Graves' disease. of thyroid cancer. 441


Both methimuole and propylthiouracil cross the placenta and

also appear in the milk, but tbi effect is less pronounced with
The thioureylene group of drugs comprises carbimazole, propylthiouracil. because it is more strongly bound to plasma
methimazole and p ropylthiouracil. Chemically, they are related protein. After degradation, the metabolites are excreted in the urine,
to thiourea, and the thiocarbamide (S-C-N) group is essential for propylthiouracil being excreted more rapidly than methimazole.
antithyroid activity. The thiourcylenes may be concentrated in the thyroid.

Mechanism of action Unwanted eHe cts

Thioureylenes decrease the output of thyroid hormones from the The most important unwanted effect is granulocytopenia (see
gland, and cause a gradual reduction in the signs and symptoms Ch. 22). This is relatively rare. having an incidence of 0. 1 - 1.2~ .
of thyrotOxicosis, the basal metabolic rate and pulse rate and is reversible on cessation of treatment. Rashes are more
returning to normal over a period of 3-4 weeks. Their mode of common (2-25%), and other symptoms. such as headaches,
action i~ not completely understood, but there is evidence that nausea, jaundice and pain in the joints, can occur.
they inhibit the iodination of tyrosyl residues in thyroglobulin
(see Figs 29.1 and 29.2). It is thought that they inhibit the
thyroperoxidase-catalysed oxidation reactions by acti ng as sub-
strates for the postulated peroxidase-iodinium complex, thus Iodine is converted in vivo to iodide (r), which temporarily
competitively inhibiting the interaction with tyrosine. Propyl- inhibits the release of thyroid hormones. When high doses of
thiouracil has the additional effect of reducing the deiodination iodine arc given to thyrotoxic patients, the symptoms subside
of T4 to T3 in peripheral tissues. within 1-2 days. There is inhibition of the secretion of thyroid
hormones and. over a period of 10-14days. a marked reduction
Pharmacokinetic aspects in vascularity of the gland. which becomes smaller and firmer.
Thioureylene!. are given orally. Carbimazole is rapidly converted Iodine is often given orally in a solution with potassium iodide
to methimazole, which is distributed throughout the body water ('Lugol's iodine'). With continuous administration, itS effect
and has a plasma half-life of 6-15 hours. An average dose of reaches maximum within 10-15 days and then decreases. The
carbima7ole produces more than 90% inhibition of thyroid incor- mechanism of action is not entirely clear; it may inhibit iodina-
poration of iodine within 12 hours. The clinical response to this tion of thyroglobulin. possibly by reducing the HP2 generation
and other antithyroid drugs. however. may take several weeks that is necessary for this process.
(Fig. 29.6). This is not only because T~ has a long half-life, but The main uses of iodine/iodide are for the preparation of
also because the thyroid may have large stores of hormone, hyperthyroid subjects for surgical resection of the gland. and 3!.
which need tO be depleted before the drug's action can be fully part of the treatment of severe thyrotoxic crisis (thyroid storm).
manifest. Propylthiouracil is thought to act somewhat more Allergic reactions can occur; these include angio-oedema. rashes.
rapidly because of its additional effect as an inhibitor of the drug fever, lacrimation, conjunctivitis, pain in the salivary glands
peripheral conversion ofT4 to T 3. and a cold-like syndrome.

+40 Drugs In thyroid disease

+30 Drugs for hyperthyroidism

Radioiodine , given orally, is selectively taken up
by thyroid and damages cells; it emits short-range
'#- +20
a: 13 radiation, which affects only thyroid follicle cells.
:E Hypothyroidism will eventually occur.
ll) +10
Thioureylenes (e.g. propylthiouracil) decrease the
synthesis of thyroid hormones; the mechanism IS
0 through inhibition of thyroperoxidase, thus reducing
iodinat1on of thyroglobulin. They are given orally.
- 10 Iodine, given orally in high doses, transiently reduces
thyroid hormone secretion and decreases vascularity
0 4 8 12 16 20 of the gland.
Weeks Drugs for hypothyroidism
lg. 29.6 Time course of fall of basal metabolic rate Thyroxine has a ll the actions of endogenous
BMR) during treatment with an antithyroid drug, thyroxine; it is given orally.
carbimazole. The curve is exponential, corresponding to a

Liothyronine has all the actions of endogenous
dally decrease in BMR of 3.4% (From Furth E 0 et al. 1963 J
triiodothyro nine; it is given intravenously.
Clin Endocrinol Metab 23:1130.)

OTHER DRUGS USED precipitating angina pectori,, cardiac dysrhytbmias or even cardiac
failure. The effects of le~~ ~evere overdose arc more in~idious;
The {J-adrenoc:eptor alltagoni.ltS, for example propranolol (Ch. II), the patient feels well but bone resorption is increased, leading to
arc not antithyroid agents m; such, but they are useful for decreasing osteoporosis.
many of the signs and ~ymptom~ of hyperthyroidjsm- the The use of drugs acting o n the th yroid is summarised in the
tachycardia, dysrhylhmias, tremor and agi tation. They are used clinical box.
during the preparation of thyrotoxic patients for surgery. as well
a~ in most hyperthyroid patients during the initial treatment period
while the thioureylenes or radioiodine take effect, and as part Clinical use of drugs acting on
of the treatment of acute hyperthyroid crisis. Guanethidine. a the thyroid
noradrenergic-blocking agent (Ch. II), is used in eye drops to
ameliorate the exophthalmos of hyperthyroidism (which is not Radioiodine
relieved b} antithyroid drugs); it aw. by relaxing the sympathe- Hyperthyroidism (Graves' disease, multinodular toxic
tically innervated smooth mu\cle that causes eyelid retraction. goitre).
Glucocorticoids (e.g. prednisolone) or surgical decompression Relapse of hyperthyroidism after failed medical or
may be needed to mitigate severe cxophthalmia in Graves' disease. surgical treatment.
Some other drugs (e.g. cho lecystographic agents) or pesticides/
environmental contaminant (e.g. polychlorinated biphenyls) may Carbimazole or propylthiouracil
interfere with the normal production of thyroid hormones. Hyperthyroidism (diffuse toxic goitre); at least 1 year
of treatment is needed.
Preliminary to surgery for toxic goitre.
HYPOTHYROIDISM Part of the treatment of thyrotd storm (very severe
hyperthyroidism); propylthiouracil is preferred. The
There arc no drugs that specifically augment the synthesis or
~-adrenoceptor antagonists (e.g. propranolol) are
relea<,e of thyroid hormones. The only effective treatment for
also used.
hypothyroidism, unless it is caused by iodine deficiency (which is
treated with iodide; see above), is to administer the thyroid Thyroid hormones and iodine
hormones themselves as replacement therapy. T hyroxine and Thyroxine (T4) is the standard replacement therapy
triiodothyronine (liothyronine) arc avai !able and are given orally. for hypothyroidism.
Thyroxine a~ the sodium salt in doses of 50- 100 microgram~/day Liothyronine (T3l is the treatment of choice for
i' the u\ual first-line drug of choice. Liothyronine has a faster myxoedema coma.
onset but a shorter duration of action, and is generally reserved Iodine dissolved in aqueous potassium iodide
for acute emergencies such a:. the rare condition of myxoedema ('Lugol's iodine') is used short-term to control
coma. where these properties are an advantage. thyrotoxicosis preoperatively. It reduces the
Unwamed effects may occur with overdose, and in addition to vascularity of the gland.
the ~igns and symptoms of hypcnhyroidism there is a risk of


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Endocnnol .\1e~nb 86: t853-t860 tDucuiUl till' ~J/I'ct (A ,.,.,.., imef't'stm!( rein ft>tusing on the caniiac (Anmhu rni,.... af thl' t'XJrath~roidal ~ffutj a11d thl'lr
~>/ 1m0~111~ O~t'ntS on th)roid fimuil>n) actimu of thyroid hannonl'.t: muth hwonca/ detail) linJ. to mritJUf ,un fN1thologi~s)
Bra~a-Ba..ana M. Rmgel M D 2003 Clinocal re"e" 158. Kelly G S 2000 Peripheral metaboli\m of lhyroid 'lilwm M 200t Iodide handling by !he lh> ro1d ~fltlhelial
lk)ond rad101odJne: a review of potenual new honnones: a revtew. Ahem \1ed Rev 5: 306-333 cell. Exp Chn Endocrinol Diabetes t09. 13-17 W!~ful
therapeUiic approaches for lhyro1d cancer. J Chn (11ris ll'Vicw fomst's 1111tht mil' cif wripherol and rt!ad<lhlt' mit'k' of iodide hand/m~ by tilt' th\ mid
~.ndocrinol Metab 88: 1947- 1960 (l)acus<l'< somt' nU!tabo/ism 111 th1roid harmOnl' action) gltmdl
nt'w !trategit's that might be ILsed 10 mmmlthvroid Lazar M A 2003 Thyroid hormone ac1ion: a binding P;~~hl.e R, Ludgme M 1997 The thyi'Olropm rccep1or
mrritwma) contract. J Clin lnvc'l 11 2: 497-499 (A shon ond and il ' di\enst's. N Engl J Med 337: 1675 1679
Frnn~hn J A 1995 The managcmcnl of hypenhyrotdism. accessible article dell/in~: with thP main nuclear (Rtiewo~ ll.lf'I'I"I.V of1SH biology and diseaje)
The reproductive system

Overview 445 hormones interact to control reproduction, 1 and

many drugs, including agents used to prevent or
Endocrine control of reproduction and drugs that assist conception, work by influencing negative
influence this 445 feedback mechanisms. Oestrogen replacement
-Neurohormonal control of the female reproductive therapy prevents postmenopausal bone loss as
system 445 well as treating symptoms of oestrogen deficiency,
-Behavioural effects of sex hormones 447 benefits that are oHset by eHects on the breast and
-Oestrogens 447 endometrium, and by an increase in
-Antioestrogens 449 thromboembolism. There is a separate section on
-Progestogens 449 drugs that alter the contractile state of the uterus,
-Antiprogestogens 450 which are important in obstetrics: drugs that
-Postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy 450 stimulate uterine contraction-'oxytocic' drugs-are
-Neurohormonal control of the mole reproductive used to induce labour or abortion and to prevent
system 451 postpartum haemorrhage, whereas uterine
-Androgens 451 relaxants are used, much less eHectively, to delay
-Anabolic steroids 452 labour. There is a section on drugs for erectile
-Antiandrogens 452 dysfunction, which have made a remarkable
-Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone: ogonists and transition from below-the-counter charlatanry to
antagonists 453 medical orthodoxy.
-Gonadotrophins and analogues 454

Drugs used for contraception 454

-Oral con traceptives 454
-Other drug regimens used for contraception 455 INFLUENCE THIS
The uterus 456
-Drugs that stimulate the uterus 456 Hormonal control of the reproductive systems in men and women
-Drugs that inhibit uterine contraction 458 involves sex !.tcroids from the gonads, hypothalamic peptides,
and glycoprotein gonadotrophins from the anterior pituitary.
Erectile dysfunction 458


At puberty, an increased output of the hormones of the hypo-
thalamus and anterior pituitary stimulates secretion of oestrogenic
OVERVIEW sex steroids. These are responsible for the maturation of the
reproductive organs and the development of the secondary sexual
Drugs that aHect reproduction (both by preventing characteristics, and also for a phase of accelerated growth followed
conception and more recently for treating by clo ure of the epiphyses of the long bones. Sex steroids are
infertility) have had profound consequences for thereafter involved in the regulation of the cyclic change~;
individuals and for society. In this chapter, we
describe the endocrine control of the female and
male reproductive systems, because this forms the
'Recognition that negative feedback is central to endocrine control wa> a
basis for understanding many important drugs. profound insight, made in 1930 by Dorothy Price. a laboratory as;istant in
The principle of negative feedback, which is the Univcr,ily of Chicago experimenting on effects of te>tosterone in rat~.
stressed, is central to understanding how She referred to it us 'reciprocal influence'. 445

expressed in the menstrual cycle. and are important in pregnancy.

A '>implified outline of the inter-relationship of these substances
in the physiological control of the menstrual cycle is given in
Figures 30. 1 and 30.2.
The men<,trual cycle begins with menstnwtion, which lasts for
3-6 day~. during which the superficial layer of uterine endo-
metrium is shed. The endometrium regenerates during the follicular
phase of the cycle after menstrual flow has stopped. A releasing B
factor, the gonadotrophin-releasing honnone (GnRH), is secreted
from pcptidergic neurons in the hypothalamus in a pulsatile fashion,
the frequency being about one burst of discharges per hour.
GnRH stimulates the anterior pituitary to release gonadotrophic
hormones (Fig. 30.1 )-follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and
luteinising hormone (LH). These act on the ovaries (Fig. 30.2A) [C]
to promote development of small groups of follicles, each of 1800
which contain s an ovum. One follicle develops faster than the 1500
others and forms th e Graafian follicle (Figs 30. 1 and 30.2E), and
the rest degenerate. The ripening Graafian follicle consists of
thecal and granulosa cells surrounding a fluid-filled centre, within t.s 900
which lies an ovum. Ocstrogens are produced by the granulosa 600
cells stimulated by FSH. from androgen precursor molecules 300
derived from thecal celb !>limulated by LH. Oestrogens are 0 llllilliill~~fliiriiiiia.J
respom.ible for the proliferative phase of endometrial regeneration,
which occurs from day S or 6 until mid-cycle (Fig. 30.2B,F). Progesterone
During this pha'>e. the endometrium increases in thickness and 20


~ ['-_Hy_po_t_h~1-
,1. .am_u_s~ E Ovulation

~ F

0 7
Day of menstrual cycle
Fig. 30.2 Plasma concentrations of ovarian hormones
and gonadotrophins in women during normal menstrual
cycles. Values are the mean :1: standard deviation of 40
women. The shaded areas indicate the entire range of
observations. Day 1 is the onset of menstruation. E and F
show diagrammatically the changes in the ovarian follicle and
the endometrium during the cycle. Ovulation on day 14 of the
menstrual cycle occurs with the mid-cycle peak of luteimsing
'' hormone (LH), represented by the vertical dashed line. A,
' \
arterioles; FSH, follicle-stimulating hormone; V, venules. (After
7' van de W~ele R L, Dyrenfurth 11974 Pharmacal Rev 25: 189-217.)
Progesterone - - - " '

I Act on reproductive tract and other tissues

Fig. 3 0 .1 Hormonal control of the female reproductive
vascularity, and at the peak of oestrogen secretion there is a pro-
system. The Graafian follicle (GF) is shown developing on the lific cervical secretion of mucus of pH 8-9, rich in protein and

left, then involuting to form the corpus luteum (CL) on the right, carbohydrate. which facilitates entry of spermatozoa. Oestrogen has
after the ovum () has been released. FSH, follicle-stimulating a negative feedback effect on the anterior pituitary, decreasing
hormone; GnRH, gonadotrophin-releasing hormone; LH, gonadotrophin release during chronic administration of oestrogen
lutelnising hormone.
446 as or.ll contraception (see below). In contrast, the high cndogenou~

oc~trl)gen secretion just before mid-cycle sensitises LH-releasing

cell<. of the pituitary to the action of the GnRH and causes the Hormonal control of the female
mid-cycle surge of LH secretion (Fig. 30.2C). This. in tum, causes
rapid swelling and rupture of the Graafian follicle, resulting in
O\'Ulation. If fenilisation occurs, the fertilised ovum passes down The menstrual cycle starts with menstruation.
the falloptan tube~ to the uterus, starting to divide as it goes. Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone, released from the
Stimulated by Lll, cells of the ruptured follicle proliferate and hypothalamus, acts on the anterior pituitary to release
develop tnto the corpus luteum. which secretes progesterone. follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinising
Proge~teronc act!>. in turn. on oestrogen-primed endometrium, hormone (LH).
-.timulating the secretory phase of the cycle, which renders the FSH and LH stimulate follicle development in the ovary.
endometrium ~u itable for the implantation of a fertilised ovum. FSH is the main hormone stimulating oestrogen
During thi'> phase, cervical mucus becomes more viscous, less release. LH stimulates ovulation at mid-cycle and is
alkaline, less copi ou~ and in general less welcoming for sperm. the main hormone controlling subsequent
Progesterone exert~ negative feedback on hypothalamus and progesterone secretion from the corpus luteum.
pituitary, dcc rca~ ing the rcleusc of LH. It also has a thermogenic Oestrogen controls the proliferative phase of the
effect, causing a rise in body temperature of about 0.5C at endometrium and has negative feedback effects on
ovulation, which is maintained until the end of the cycle. the anterior pituitary. Progesterone controls the later
If implantation of the ovum does not occur, progesterone secretory phase, and has negative feedback effects
secretion stops. triggering menstruation. If implantation does on both hypothalamus and anterior pituitary.
occur, the corpus luteum continues to secrete progesterone, which, If a fertilised ovum is implanted, the corpus luteum
by ih effect on the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary, prevems continues to secrete progesterone.
further ovulation. The chorion (an antecedent of the placenta) After implantation, human chorionic gonadotrophin
't.'Cretes human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG), which maintains from the chorion becomes important, and later in
the lining of the womb during pregnancy. For reasons that are not pregnancy progesterone and other hormones are
ph}siologically obviou~. HCG has an additional pharmacological secreted by the placenta.
action in stimulating ovulation. As pregnancy proceeds. the placenta
dc\'clops further hormonal functions and secretes a gamut of
hormone variants (often with post-translational modifications),
including gonadotrophins as well as progesterone and oestrogens. The activational effect of sex steroids refers to their ability to
Proge~terone o;ecreted during pregnancy controls the development modify sexual behaviour after brain development is complete. In
of the secretory alveoli in the mammary gland, while oestrogen general, oestrogens and androgens increase sexual activity in the
~timulates the lactiferous ducts. After parturition, oestrogens, along appropriate sex. Oxytocin, which is important during parturition
with prolactin (see Ch. 28. pp. 423-424), are responsible for (see below), also has roles in mating and parenting behaviours, its
stimulating and maintaining lactation. whereas high doses of action in the central nervou!> system being regulated by oestrogen
exogenous oestrogen suppre!>S this. (see Ch. 28).
Ocstrogcns arc dealt with below, progestogens (progesterone-
like drugs) on page 449, androgens on page 451, and the
gonadotrophins on page 454. OESTROGENS
Ocstrogcns arc synthesised by the ovary and placenta, and in small
BEHAVIOURAL EFFECTS OF SEX amounts by the testis and adrenal cortex. As for other steroids,
HORMONES the starting sub"ance for oestrogen synthesis is cholesterol. The
immediate precursors to the oestrogens are androgenic
A~ well as controlling the menstrual cycle, sex steroids affect substances-androstenedione or testosterone (Fig. 30.3 ). There
'exual behaviour. Two types of control are recognised: organis- arc three main endogenous oestrogens in humans: oestradiol,
auonal and actil'tltional. The former refers to the fact that sexual oestrone and oestriol (Fig. 30.3). Oestradiol is the most potent
differentiation of the brain can be permanently altered by the and is the principal oestrogen secreted by the ovary. At the
pre,cncc or ab~ence of ex steroids at key stages in development. beginning of the menstrual cycle, the plasma concentration is
In rats, adminbtration of androgens to females within a few 0.2 nmol/1, rising to -2.2 nmolll in mid-cycle.
day~ of birth re<,ults in long-term virilisation of behaviour. Con-
\ersely, neonatal castration of male rats causes them to develop Actions
behaviourally as female!>. Brain development in the absence of Oe~trogcn acts in concert with progesterone. and induces synthesis
\CX steroid\ follows female lines. but is switched to the male pattern of progesterone receptors in uterus. vagina, anterior pituitary and
by exposure of the hypothalamus to androgen at a key stage of hypothalamus. Conversely, progesterone decreases oestrogen
development. Similar but less complete behavioural virilisation receptor exprc!>sion in the reproductive tract. Prolactin (sec Ch. 28)
of female offspring has been demonstrated following androgen also influences oestrogen action by increasing the numbers of
administration in non-human primates, and probably also occurs oestrogen receptors in the mammary gland, but has no effect on
in humans if pregnant women are exposed to excessive androgen. oestrogen receptor expression in the uterus. 447

Cholesterol - - - ~ Progesterone Oestriol


-.... y
... Androstenedione "

Fig. 3 0 .3 The biosynth etic

pathway for the androgens and
oestrogens, with sites of drug
action. (See also Fig. 28.5.)

Finasteride is used in benign
prostatic hyperplasia, and Dihydrotestosterone Testosterone --------L------~ Oestradiol
anastrazole to treat breast cancer in \.. Sa-Reductase / , Aromatase /
postmenopausal women.

Effects of exogenous oestrogen depend on the state of sexual Preparations

maturity when the oestrogen is administered: Many preparations (oral, transdermal, intramuscular, implantable
and topical) of oestrogens arc available for a wide range of indi-
in primary hypogonadism: oestrogen stimulates development
cations. These preparations include natural (e.g. estradiol, estriol)
of secondary sexual characteristics and accelerates growth
and synthetic (e.g. mestranol, ethinylestradjoJ, stilbestrol)
in adults with primary amenorrhoea: oestrogen, given
oestrogcns. Ocstrogcns arc presented either as single agents or
cyclically with a progestogen, induces an artificial cycle
combined wilh progestogen.
in sexually mature women: oestrogen (with a progestogen) i~
The clinical use of oestrogens and antioestrogens is given in
lhe box.
at or after the menopause: oestrogen replacement prevents
menopausal symptonu. and bone loss.
Pharmacokinetic aspects
Oestrogens have several metabolic actions, including mineralo- Natural as well as synthetic oestrogens are well absorbed in the
corticoid (retention of salt and water) and mild anabolic actions. gastrointestinal tract. but after absorption the natural oestrogens
They increase plasma concentrations of high-density lipoproteins, arc rapidly metabolised in the liver, whereas synthetic oestrogens
a potentially beneficial effect (Ch. 20) that may contribute to the arc degraded less rapidly. There is a variable amount of entero-
relatively low risk of atheromatous disease in premenopausal hepalic cycling, which forms the basis for drug interaction, because
women compared with men of lhe same age. Oestrogens increase broad-~pectrum antibiotic use alters bowel flora and can thereby
the coagulability of blood. and increase the risk of thromboem- render oral contraception ineffective (Ch. 52). Most oestrogens
bolism. This effect is dose-related. are readily absorbed from skin and mucous membranes. They
may be given topically in the vagina as creams or pessaries for
Mechanism of action local ellect. In the plasma. natural oestrogens are bound to albumin
As with other steroids, oestrogen binds to type 4 nuclear receptors
(Ch. 3, pp. 46-48). There are at least two types of oestrogen
receptor, termed ERa and ER/3. the roles of which are currently Clinical use of oestrogen
being investigated using mice in which the gene coding one or and antloeatrogena
other of these has been 'knocked out' (Ch. 6, p. 92). Binding is
followed by interaction of the resultant complexes wilh nuclear
sites and subsequent genomic effects--either gene transcription
Replacement therapy:
(i.e. DNA-directed RNA and protein synthesis) or gene repression
primary ovarian failure (e.g. Turner's syndrome)
(inhibition of transcription). More details are given in Chapters 3
- secondary ovarian failure (menopause) for flushing,
and 28. In addition to these 'classic' intracellular receptors, some
vaginal dryness and to preserve bone mass.
oe~trogen effects, in particular its rapid vascular actions, may be
initiated by interaction with membrane receptors (e.g. Chen et al.,
Prostate and breast cancer (these uses have largely
1999). Acute vasodilatation caused by 17-~-oestradiol is
been superseded by other hormonal manipulations;
mediated by nitric oxide. and a plant-derived (phyto-) oestrogen
see Ch. 51)
called genistein (which is selective for ER~, as well as having
quite distinct effects from inhibition of protein kinase C) is as Antioest rogens
potent as 17-~-ocstradiol in this regard. Oestrogen receptor To treat oestrogen-sensitive breast cancer (tamoxifen).
modulators (receptor-selective oestrogen agonists or antagonists) To induce ovulation (clomiphene) in treating infertility.
448 are mentioned briefly immediately below this section.

and to a ~ex steroid-binding globulin. Natural oestrogens arc PROGESTOGENS

excreted in the urine as glucuronides and sulfates.
The natural progestational hormone (progestogen) is progesterone
Unwanted eHects (see Figs 30.2 and 30.3). This is secreted by the corpus luteum in
Unwanted effects of oestrogens include tenderness in the breasts, the second part of the menstrual cycle. and by the placenta during
nausea, vomiting, anorexia, retention of salt and water with pregnancy. Small amounts are also secreted by testis and adrenal
resultant oedema, and increased risk of thromboembolism. More cortex.
details of the unwanted effects of oral contraceptives are given on
page 455.
Mechanism of action
Used intermiuently for postmenopausal replacement therapy, Progestogens act, as do other steroid hormones, on nuclear
oestrogens cau~e menstruation-like bleeding. Oestrogen causes receptors. The density of progesterone receptors is controlled by
oestrogens (see above).
endometrial hyperplasia unless given cyclically with a progestogen.
When administered to mal es, oestrogens result in feminisation.
Oestrogen administration to pregnant women can cause genital
There arc two main groups of progestogens.
abnormalities in their offspring. Carcinoma of the vagina was more
common in young women whose mothers were given stilbestrol The naturally occurring hom10ne and its derivatives (e.g.
in early pregnancy in a misguided attempt to prevent miscarriage hydroxyprogester onc. mcdr oxyprogesterone,
(see Ch. 53). dyhydrogester one). Progesterone itself is virtually inactive
orall y, because after absorption it is metabolised in the liver,
Clinical use and hepati c extraction is nearly complete. Other preparations
Clinical uses of oestrogens arc given in the box on page 448. arc available for oral administration, intramuscular injection,
In addition, see the section below {pp. 450-451) on postmenopausal or administration via the vagina or rectum.
hormone replacement therapy (HRT).


Raloiliene, a selective oestrogen receptor modulator', has anti-
oestrogenic effects on breast and uterus but oestrogenic effects
on bone. lipid metabolism and blood coagulation. It is used Oestrogen and antloeatrogena
for prevention and treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis
(Ch. 3 1, p. 467) and reduces the incidence of oestrogen The endogenous oestrogens are oestradiol
receptor-positive breast cancer, although its role in therapy of (the most potent), oestrone and oestriol; there are
breast cancer is undefined. Unlike oestrogen, it does not prevent numerous exogenous synthetic forms (e.g.
menopausal flushes. ethinylestradiol).
M echanism of action involves interaction with nuclear
receptors (termed ERa or ERt3) in target tissues,
resulting in modification of gene transcription.
Antioestrogens compete with natural oestrogens for receptors in Their pharmacological effects depend on the sexual
target organs. Tamoxifen has antiocstrogenic action on mammary maturity of the recipient:
tissue but oestrogenic actions on plasma lipids, endometrium and before puberty, they stimulate development of
bone. Tt produces mild oestrogen-like adverse effects consistent secondary sexual characteristics
with partial agonist activity. The tamoxifen-oestrogen receptor given cyclically in the female adult, they induce an
complex does not readily dissociate, so there is interference with artificial menstrual cycle and are used for
the recycling of receptors. contraception
Tamoxifen up-regulates transforming growth factor-~, decreased given at or after the menopause, they prevent
function of which is a'>sociated with the progression of malig- menopausal symptoms and protect against
nancy, and which has a role in controlling the balance between osteoporosis, but increase thromboembolism.
bone-producing osteoblasts and bone-resorbing osteocla~ts (Ch. 31 ). Antioestrogens are competitive antagonists or partial
Tamoxifen is discussed further in Chapter 51. agonists. Tamoxifen is used in oestrogen-dependent
Clomiphene inhibits oestrogen binding in the anterior pituitary, breast cancer. Clomiphene induces ovulation by
so preventing the normal modulation by negative feedback and inhibiting the negative feedback effects on the
causing increased secretion of GnRH and gonadotrophins. This hypothalamus and anterior pituitary.
results in a marked stimulation and enlargement of the ovaries Selective drugs that are oestrogen agonists in some
and increased oestrogen secretion. The main effect of their tissues but antagonists in others are being
antioestrogen acti on in th e pituitary is that they induce ovulation. developed. Raloxifene (one such drug) is used to
It is used in treating infertility caused by lack of ovulation. Twins treat and prevent osteoporosis.
are common, but multiple pregnancy is unusual. 449

Testosterone derivatives (e.g. norethisterone, norgestrel and

Clinical use of progestogens
ethynodiol) can be given orally. The first two have some
and antlprogestogens
androgenic activity and are metabolised to give oestrogenic
product~. Newer proge~togens used in contraception include
desogestrel and gestod ene; they may have less adver~e
effect~ on lipid~ than ethynodiol and may be considered for
with oestrogen in combined oral contraceptive pill
women who experience side effects such as acne. depression
as progesterone-only contraceptive pill
or breakthrough bleeding with the older drugs. However,
as injectable or implantable progesterone-only
these newer drug~ have been associated with higher risks of
venous thromboembolic disease (see below).
as part of an intrauterine contraceptive system.
Combined with oestrogen for oestrogen replacement
therapy in women with an intact uterus, to prevent
The pharmacological actions of the progestogens are in essence
endometrial hyperplasia and carcinoma.
the same as the physiological actions of progesterone described
For endometriosis.
above. Specific effects relevant to contraception are detailed
In endometrial carcinoma; use in breast and renal
on pages 454-456.
cancer has declined.
Poorly validated uses have included various
Pharmacokinetic aspects
menstrual disorders.
Injected progesterone is bound to albumin, not to the sex
steroid binding globulin. Some is stored in adipose tissue. Tt is Antiprogestogens
metaboli~ed in the liver. and the products, pregnanolone and Medical termination of pregnancy: mifepristone
pregnanediol, are conjugated with glucuronic acid and excreted (partial agonist) combined with a prostaglandin
in the urine. (e.g. gemeprost).

Unwanted eHects
Unwanted effects of progeMogens include weak androgenic action'>.
Other unwanted efTecL<; include acne, fluid retention, weight ANTIPROGESTOGENS
change. depre\'>ion. change in Libido. breast discomfort. premen- M ifcpristone i\ a partial agonist at progesterone receptor<;. It
strual ~oymptom~. irregular menstrual cycles and breakthrough sen~iti\es the uterus to the action of prostaglandins. It is gi\'cn
bleeding. There is an increased incidence of thromboembolism. orally and has a pla..ma half-life of2l hours. Mi fepri~tone is used,
in combination with a prostaglandin (e.g. gemeprost: see below).
Clinical use as a medical alternative to surgical termination of pregnancy (see
Clinical u~es are <,ummarised in the box on this page. cl inical box).

At the menopause, whether natural or surgically induced, ovarian
function decreases and oestrogen levels fall. There is a long his-
Progeatogena and antlprogestogens
tory of disagreement regarding the pros and cons of hormone
replacement therapy ( HRT) in this context. with the prevailing
The endogenous hormone is progesterone. wisdom undergoing several revisions over the years (see Davi~ et
Examples of synthetic drugs are the progesterone
al., 2005). Short-term HRT has some clear-cut benefits:
derivative medroxyprogesterone and the
testosterone derivative norethist erone. improvement of \ymptoms caused by reduced oestrogen, for
Mechanism of action involves intracellular example hot flushes and 'aginal dryness
receptor/altered gene expression, as for other steroid prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, but other drugs arc
hormones. Oestrogen stimulates synthesis of often preferable for this (Ch. 31).
progesterone receptors, whereas progesterone Oe~Lrogen replacement does not reduce the risk of coronary heart
inhibits synthesis of oestrogen receptors. disease. despite earlier hope~. nor is there evidence that it reduce\
Main therapeutic uses are in oral contraception and age-related decline in cognitive function (indeed. some trials sugge.,t
oestrogen replacement regimens, and to treat
the reverse). Drawbacks include:
The antiprogestogen mifepristone, in combination cyclical withdrawal bleeding
with prostaglandin analogues, is an effective medical adverse effects related to progestogen (see above)

-, 450
alternative to surgical termination of early pregnancy. increa!>ed risk of endometrial cancer if oestrogen is given
unopposed by progestogen

increa,ed ri\1.. of brea!.t cancer, related to the duration of HRT on Sertoli cells, which nourish and support developing spermatozoa.
use and di,appearing within 5 years of stopping; in women L H, which in the male i\ abo called interstitial cell-stimulating
using combined HRT for 5 years, brea~t cancer is diagnosed hormone ([CSH), \timulates the interstitial cells (Leydig cells) to
m about 4 e\tra ca'e' 111 1000 (British Medical Association secrete androgenl> in particular testosterone. LH/ICSH secretion
and Ro>al Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, 2005) begin\ at puberty, and the consequent secretion of testosterone
increased ri\k of venou' thromboembolism (risk approximately causes maturation of the reproductive organs and development of
doubled in \~omen U!>ing combined HRT for 5 years). secondary sexual characteri!>tics. Thereafter. the primary function
of te<;tosterone is the maintenance of spermatogenesis and hence
ONmgen' used in HRT can be given orally (conjugated estrogens, fertility-an action mediated by Sertoli cells. Testosterone is also
~'tradiol, estriol), vaginally (estriol). by transdem1al patch important in the maturation of spermatozoa as they pass through
(Nradiol) or by ~ub<.:utancou!> implant (estradiol). T ibolon e is the epididymis and vas deferens. A further action is a feedback
marketed for the short-term treatment of symptoms of oestrogen effect on the anterior pituitary. modulating its sensitivity to
deficiency. It has oe~trogenic. progestogenic and weak androgenic GnRII and thus influencing secretion of LH/ICSH. Testosterone
activity, and can be used continuously without cyclical progester- has marked anabo lic effects, causing development of the muscu-
one (avoiding the inconvenience of withdrawal bleeding). lature and increased bone growth, resulting in a rapid increase in
height (the pubertal grow th spurt) at puberty, followed by closure
of the epiphyses of the long bones.
Secretion of testosterone is mainly controlled by LHIICSH,
but FSH also plays a part, possibly by releasing a factor similar
A~ in the female, endocrine secretions from the hypothalamus, to GnRH from the Sertoli cells (which are its primary target). The
anterior pituitary and gonads control the male reproductive system. interstitial cel l ~ that synthesise testosterone also have receptors
A ~implificd outline of the inter-relationship of these factors is for prolactin, which may influence testosterone production by
ghen in Figure 30.4. GnRH controls the secretion of gonado- increasing the number of receptors for LHIICSH.
trophms by the anterior pituitary. This secretion is not cyclical as
10 rnen ... tmating women; in both l>exes, it is pulsatile ( ee below).
FSH 1s re ... pon\ible for the integrity of the seminiferous tubules.
and after pubcrt) i'> important in gametogenesis through an action Testosterone is the main natural androgen. It is synthesised mainly
by the interstitial celb of the testb. and in smaller amounts by the
ovarie\ and adrenal cortex. Adrenal production of androgens is
under the control of adrenocorticotrophic hormone (cortico-
Gypothala~ - - - - ---.... trophin). As for other steroid hormones, cholesterol is the starting
I subMance. Dehydroepiandrosterone and androstenedione are
~ important intermediatel>. They are released from the gonads and
GnRH the adrenal cortex. and converted to testosterone in the liver

cr (see Fig. 30.3).

In general, the effects of exogenous androgens are the same as
those of testosterone, and depend on the age and sex of the
recipient. If administered to boys at the age of puberty, there is
rapid development of secondary sexual characteristics, maturation
Sertoli of the reproductive organs and a marked increase in muscular
cell ~trength. Height increases more gradually. The anabolic effects
can be accompanied by retention of salt and water. The skin
thicken\ and may darken, and sebaceous glands become more
active (which can re!>ult in acne). There is growth of hair on the
face and on pubic and axillar) regions. The vocal cords hyper-
trophy, resulting in a lower pitch to the voice. Androgens cause
mthe a feeling of well-being and an increase in physical vigour, and
seminiferous may increase libido. Whether they are responsible for sexual
tubules Dihydrotestosterone
behaviour as s uch is controversial. as is their contribution to
/i-~ aggressive behaviour.
Secondary sex organs
If given to prepubertal males, the individuals concerned do not
Fig. 30. 4 Hormonal control of the male reproductive reach their full predicted height because of premature closure of
system. FSH, follicle-stimulating hormone; GnRH,
the epiphyses of the long bones.
gonadotrophin-releasing hormone; ICSH, interstitial
cell-stimulating hormone. Administration of 'male' doses to women results in masculin-
isation, but lower doses (e.g. 300 1.1.g/day testosterone patches) 451

re~tore plasma testosterone to normal female concentrations

and improve sexual dysfunction in women following ovari- Androgens and the hormonal control of
ectomy, without adverse effects (Shifren eta!., 2000; Braunstein the male reproductive system
et al.. 2005).
Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone from the
Mechanism of action hypothalamus acts on the ant erior pituitary to release
In most target cells, testo terone works through an active meta- both follicle-stimu lating hormone, which stimulates
bolite. dihydrotestosremne. to which it is converted locally by a gametogenesis, and luteinising hormone (also called
Sa-reductase enzyme. In contrast, testosterone itself causes viri- interstitial cell-stimulating hormone), which stimulates
lisation of the genital tract in the male embryo and regulates androgen secretion.
LH/lCSH production in anterior pituitary cells. Testosterone and The endogenous hormone is testosterone;
dihydrotestosterone modify gene transcription by interacting intramuscular depot injections of testosterone esters
with intracellular receptors. are used for replacement therapy.
Mechanism of action is via intracellular receptors.
Preparations Effects depend on age/sex, and include development
Testosterone itself can be given by subcutaneous implantation or of male secondary sexual characteristics in
by transdermal patches. Various esters (e.g. enanthatc and pro- prepubertal boys and masculinisation in women.
prionate) are given by intramuscular depot injection. Testosterone
undecanoate and mesterolone can be given orally.

Pharmacokinetic aspects Clinical use of androgens and

If given orally, testosterone is rapidl y metabolised in the liver. H antlandrogens
is therefore usually injected. Virtually all testosterone in th.e
circulation is bound to plasma protein-mainly to the sex steroid- Androgens (t estosterone preparations) as hormone
binding globulin. The elimination half-life of free testosterone is replacement in:
short (I 0-20 minutes). It is inactivated in the liver by conversion male hypogonadism due to pituitary or testicular
to androstenedione (sec Fig. 30.3). This has weak androgenic disease (e.g. 2.5 mg/day patches)
activity in its own right and can be reconverted to testosterone, hyposexuality following ovariectomy (e.g.
although approximately 90% of testosterone is eliminated as 300 J..Lg/day patches).
metabolites rather than the parent compound. Synthetic androgens Antiandrogens (e.g. flutamide, cyproterone) are used
are less rapidly metabolised, and some are excreted in the urine as part of the treatment of prostatic cancer.
unchanged. 5a.-Reductase inhibitors (e.g. finast eride} are used in
benign prostatic hypertrophy.
Unwanted eHects
Unwanted effects of androgens include eventual decrease of
gonadotrophin release, with resultant infertility, and salt and
water retention leading to oedema. Adenocarcinoma of the
liver has been reported. Androgens impair growth in children
(via premature fusion of epiphyses), cause acne. and lead to Both oestrogens and progestogens have antiandrogen activity.
masculinisation in girls. Adverse effects of testosterone replace- oestrogens mainly by inhibiting gonadotrophin secretion and
ment and monitoring for these are reviewed by Rhoden & progestogens by competing with androgens in target organs.
Morgentaler (2004). Cyproterone is a derivative of progesterone and has weak pro-
gestational activity. It is a partial agonist at androgen receptors,
Clinical use competing with dihydrotestosterone for receptors in androgen-
The clinical use of androgens is given in the box. sensitive target tissue~. Through its effect in the hypothalamus. it
depresses the synthesis of gonadotrophins. It is used as an adjunct
in the treatment of prostatic cancer during initiation of GnRH
treatment (see below). It is also used in the therapy of precocious
Androgens can be modified chemically to alter the balance of puberty in males. and of masculinisation and acne in women. It
anabolic and other effects. Such anabolic steroids' (e.g. nandro- also has a central nervous system effect, decreasing libido, and
lonc) increase protein synthesis and muscle development, but has been used to treat hypersexuality in male sexual offenders.2
clinical use (e.g. in debilitating disease) has been disappointing.
They are used in the therapy of aplastic anaemia, and (notori-
ously) abused by some athletes. Unwanted effects are described
above. under Androgens. In addition, cholestatic jaundice. liver 2
As with the oestrogen~. very different doses are u~d for these differem
tumours and increased ri. k of coronary heart disease are recog- condition\. for example 2 mg/day for acne, I 00 mglday for hypersexual it),
452 nised adverse effects of high-dose anabolic steroids. and 300 mglday for prostatic cancer.

Fluta mide is a non-steroidal antiandrogcn used with GnRH in Synthetic GnRH is termed gonadorelin. Numerous analogues
the treatment of prostate cancer. of GnRH, both agonists and antagonists, have been synthesised.
Drugs can have antiandrogen action by inhibiting synthetic Buserelin, leuprorelin, goserelin and nafarelin are agonists, lhe
enzymes. Finas tcridc inhibits the enzyme (Sa-reductase) lhat last being 200 times more potent than endogenous GnRH.
con\crts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (Fig. 30.3), which
h;h greater affinity than testosterone for androgen receptors in Pharmacokinetics and clinical use
the prostate gland. Finasteride is well absorbed after oral admin- Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonists, given by subcuta-
istration, has a half-life of about 7 hours, and is excreted in the neous infusion in pulses to mimic physiological secretion of
urine and faeces. ll is used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia, GnRH, stimulate gonadotrophin release (Pig. 30.5) and induce
although a 1-adrenoceptor antagonists. ter azosin or tamsulosin ovulation. They are absorbed intact following nasal admin-
(Ch. II, p. 179), are more effective (working by the entirely iwation (Ch. 7). Continuous use, by nasal spray or as depot
different mechanism of relaxing smooth muscle in the capsule of preparations, Sti mulates gonadotrophi n release transiently, but
the prostate gland). Surgery is the preferred option (especially then paradoxically inhibits gonadotrophin release (Fig. 30.5)
by 'urgcons). because of down-regulation (desensitisation) of GnRH receptors
in the pituitary. GnRH analogues are given in this fashion to
cause gonadal suppression in various sex hormone-dependent
GONADOTROPHIN-RELEASING HORMONE: conditions, including prostate and breast cancers, endometriosis
AGONISTS AND ANTAGONISTS (endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity) and large uterine
Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is a decapeptide lhat fibroids. Continuous, non-pulsatile administration inhibits
controb the secretion of FSH and LH by the anterior pituitary. spermatogenesis and ovulation, raising the possibility (which is
Secretion of GnRH is controlled by neural input from other parts under investigation) lhat GnRH analogues could be useful as
of the brain. and through negative feedback by the sex steroids contraceptives. GoRH agonists arc used by specialists in
(Fig~ 30.1 and 30.5). Exogenous androgens. OCf>trogens and pro- inferrility treatment, not to stimulate ovulation (which is
gc\togcns all inhibit GnRH secretion, but only progestogens exert achieved using gonadotrophin preparations) but to suppress the
this effect at doses that do not have marked hormonal actions on pituitary before administration of FSH or HCG (sec below). It
peripheral tissues. presumably because progesterone receptors in was originally hoped that GnRH antagonists would be useful for
the reproductive tract are sparse unless they have been induced contraception, but this has not been reali ed.
by previous exposure to oestrogen. Danazol (sec below) is a syn-
thetic steroid that inhibits release of GnRH and, consequently, of Unwante d eHects of GnRH analogues
gonadotrophins (FSH and LH). Clomiphene is an oestrogen Unwanted effects of GnRH agonists in women, for example
antagoni~t that stimulates gonadotrophin release by inhibiting the flushing. vaginal dryness and bone loss, result from hypo-
negati\e feedback effects of endogenous oestrogen; it is used to oestrogenism. The initial stimulation of gonadotrophin secretion
treat infertility (see above and Pig. 30.5). on starting treatment can cause transient worsening of pain from
bone metastases in men with prostate cancer, so treatment is started
only after lhc patient has received an androgen receptor anta-
gonist such as flutamide (see above and Ch. 5 1).

PrR h WV\1\

Actions and pharmacokinetics
I GnRH Oestrogen Danazol inhibits gonadotrophin secretion (especially the mid-
cycle surge), and consequently reduces oestrogen synthesis in the
Pulsatile ovary (Fig. 30.5). In men, it reduces androgen synthesis and

spermatogenesis. It has androgenic activity. It is orally active and
metabolised in the liver.

Clinical uses
Ante rior pituitary Danazol is used in sex hormone~ependent conditions including
endometriosis, breast dysplasia and gynaecomastia. An additional
v v specialist use is to reduce auacks of swelling in hereditary angie-
Clomiphene oedema (Ch. 23, p. 365).
antagonists Cyclofenil
Unwante d e Hects
Fig. 30.5 Regulation of gonadotrophin (follicle- Unwanted effects are common, and include gastrointestinal
stimulating hormone, FSH; luteinising hormone, LH) release
disturbances, weight gain, nuid retention, dizziness, menopausal
from the anterio r pituitary. GnRHR, GnRH receptor; PrR,
progestogen receptor. ) symptoms, muscle cramps and headache. Danazol ha~ a virilising
action in females. 453


Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone
Gonadotrophins (FSH , LH and HCG ) are glycoprotcins produced and gonadotrophins
and secreted by the anterior pituitary (see Ch. 28) or chorion and
placenta. Large amount!. of gonadotrophins arc present in the Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone is a decapeptide;
urine of women following the menopause, in whom oestrogen no gonad o relin tS the synthetic form. Nafarelin is a
longer exert~ feedback inhibition on the pituitary, which con- potent analogue.
sequently secretes large amounts of FS H and LH. 3 The chorion Given in pulsatile fashion, they stimulate
and placenta secrete HCG. gonadotrophin release; given continuously, t hey
inhibit it.
Preparations The gonadotrophins, follicle-stimulating hormone and
Gonadotrophins are extracted from urine of pregnant (HCG) or luteinising hormone, are glycoproteins.
postmenopausal women (human menopausal gonadotrophin, Preparations of gonadotrophins (e.g. chorionic
which contains a mixture of FSI I and L H). Recombinant FSH gonadotrophin) are used to treat infertility caused by
(foUitrophi n) is abo available. lack of ovulation.
Danazo l is a modified progestogen that inhibits
Pharmacokinetics and clinical use gonadotrophin production by an action on the
Gonadotrophin preparations are given by injection. They are hypothalamus and anterior pit uitary.
used to treat infertility caused by lack of ovulation as a result of
hypopituitarism. or following failure of treatment with clomiphene;
they are also used by ~pecialists to induce ovulation to enable
eggs to be collected~ for in vitro fertilisation and reimplantation combined preparation!> (second-generation pills) 5 is ethi nylcstra-
into the uterine cavity in women whose infertility is caused by diol , although a few preparations contain mestranol instead. The
mechanical obstruction of their fallopian tubes. For this use, progestogen may be norethister one, levonorgestrel , ethynodjol ,
gonadotrophin is usually administered after endogenous secretion or- in ' third-generation' pills-desogest r el or gestodene, which
of FSH and LH has been suppressed using a continuously admin- are more potent, have less androgenic action and cause less change
istered GnRH agonist (see above). Gonadotrophins arc also in lipoprotein metabolism, but which probably cause a greater
sometimes used in men with infertility caused by a Low sperm ri sk of thromboembolism than do second-generation preparations.
count as a result of hypogonadouophic hypogonadism (a disorder The oestrogen content is generally 20-50 lAg of ethinylcslradiol
that is sometimes accompanied by lifelong anosmia, i.e. lack of or it'> equivalent, and a preparation is choo,en with the lowest
sense of smell). (Gonadotrophins do not, of course. work for oestrogen and progestogen content that ic, well tolerated and
patients whose low sperm count is the result of primary testicular gives good cycle control in the individual woman. This combined
failure.) HCG has been used to stimulate testosterone synthesis pil l is taken for 2 1 consecutive days followed by 7 pill- free days,
in boys with delayed puberty, but tc~tosterone is w,ually preferred. which causes a wi thdrawal bleed. Nonnal cycles of menstruation
u!.ually commence fairly soon after discontinuing treatment. and
permanent loss of fertility (which may be a res~lt of early meno-
DRUGS USED FOR CONTRACEPTION pause rather than a long-term consequence of the contraceptive
pill) is rare.
ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES The mode of action is as follows:
There arc two main types of oral contraceptives: oestrogen inhibits secretion of FSH via negati ve feedback on
combinations of an oestrogen with a progestogen (the the anterior pituitary. and thu~ suppresses development of the
combined pill) ovarian follicle
progestogen alone (the progestogen-only pill). progestogen inhibits secretion of LH and thus prevents
ovulation; it also makes the cervical mucus less suitable for
the passage of sperm
The combined pill
oestrogen and progestogen act in concert to alter the
The combined oral contraceptive pill is extremely effective, at
endometrium in such a way a~ to discourage implantation.
least in the absence of intercurrent illness and of treatment with
potentially interacting drugs (see below). The oestrogen in most They may also interfere with the coordinated contractions of
cervix, uterus and fallopian tubes that facilitate fertilisation and

'This forms the basis for the ~tandard blood test, estimation of plasma
LHJFSH concentration\. to confirm whether a woman i~ po~tmenopau~al.
"The eggs are harYested u~ing laparo><:Op). a technique "'hereby a flexible ~e first-generation pll~. containing more than 50 IA8 of oestrogen. Y.ere
fibre-optic in.,trument is 1nsened under annc~tbesia juo,t belo\\ the umbilicus. shown in the 1970, to be as~ociated with an increu-.cd risk of deep vein
the ovaries inspected at the predicted time of ovulmion, and egg> retrieved. thrombo~is and pulmonary embolism.

Potential unwanted and beneficial effects of Unwan ted pregnancy. carrying a maternal mortality ranging from
the combined pill I in I 0 000 in developed countries to I in 150 in Africa, is avoided.
More than 200 million women worldwide have used this method
\ince the 1960~. and in general the combined pill con1.titutes a The progestogen-only pill
,afe and effective method of contraception. There are distinct health The drugs used in progestogen-only pills include norethis tcrone,
benefit<; from taking the pill (see below). and serious adver.,e efTects levonorgcstrel or eth ynodiol. The pill is taken daily without
are rare. Howe\er. minor unwanted efTect!> constitute drawbac(..s interruption. The mode of action is primarily on the cervical
to it~ use. and several important que~tions need to be considered. mucus. which is made inhospitable to sperm. The progestogen
probably also hinders implantation through its effect on the
Common adverse effects endometrium and on the motility and secretions of the fallopian
The common effects are: tubes (sec above).
weight gain. O\'ving to Ouid retention or an anabolic effect. or Potential beneficial and unwanted effects of the
both progestogen-only pill
mild nausea. nushing. dizziness, depression or irritability Progestogen-only contraceptive'> offer a suitable alternative to
~kin changes (e.g. acne and/or an increase in pigmentation) the combined pill for some women in whom oestrogen i'> contra-
amenorrhoea of variable duration on cessation of taking the pill. indicated. and are suitable for women whose blood pressure
increases unacceptably during treatment with oestrogen. However,
Questions that need to be considered their contraceptive effect is less reliable than that of the combina-
Is there a11 i11creased risk of cardiovascular disease (venous tion pill, and mi\sing a dose may result in conception. Di'>turb-
thromboembolism, myocardial infarctio n, stroke)? With ances of menstruation (especially irregular bleedjng) are common.
'econd-generation pills (oestrogen content less than 50 ~lg). the Only a small proportion of women usc this form of contraception.
risk of thromboembolism is small (incidence approximately I 5 per so long-term safety data are less reliable than for the combined pill.
100 000 users per year. compared with 5 per I00 000 non-pregnant
non-users per year or 60 per 100 000 pregnancies). The risk is Pharmacokinetics of oral contraceptives: drug
greateM in subgroups with additional factors, such as smoking interactions
(which increases ric;k substantially) and long-continued use of Combined and progestogen-only oml contraceptives are metab-
the pill. especially in women over 35 years of age. For prepara- olised by hepatic cytochrome P450 enzymes. Because the mini-
tion' containing the third-generation progestogens desogestrel or mum effective dose of oestrogen is used (in order to avoid excess
gestodene. the incidence of thromboembolic disease is approxi- risk of thromboembolism), any increase in its clearance may
mately 25 per I00 000 users per year, which is still a small absol- result in contraceptive failure. and indeed enzyme-inducing
ute risk that b substantially less than that caused by a pregnancy. drugs can have this effect not only for combined but also for
In general. as ~tated by Baird & Glasier ( 1993). 'the evidence progesterone-only pills. Such drugs include (par excellence)
'uggests that after risk factors (e.g. smoking, hypertension. and rifampicin and rifa butin. as well as carbamazepine, phenytoin,
obesity) have been identified. combined oral contraceptive~ arc griseoful vi n and others. Enterohepatic recycling of oewogen is
,afe for most women for most of their reproductive lives. mentioned above (p. 448). Broad-spectrum antibiotics such as
Is there an increase in the risk of cancer ? One large epi- amoxicillin can disturb this by altering the intestinal nora, and
demiologicall'.tudy suggests that there may be a duration-related cause failure of the combined pi ll. This does not occur with
increase in the risk of breast cancer, the risk being 0.5 excc1.s progesterone-only pills.
cancers per 10000 women aged lt'rl 9. and 4.7 excess cancer\ per
10000 women at age 25- 29. The cancers were less advanced in
pill users. and thu!> potentially more treatable (see Hemrninki, 1996). OTHER DRUG REGIMENS USED FOR
Does the pill increase blood pressure? A marked increase in CONTRACEPTION
arterial blood pressure occurs in a small percentage of women POSTCOITAL (EMERGENCY) CONTRACEPTION
~hortly after starting the combined oral contraceptive pill. This is
a>sociated with increased circulating angiotensinogcn. and dis- Oral admini!>lration of levooorgestrcl, alone or combined with
appears when treatment is stopped. Blood pressure is therefore oestrogen. is effective if taken within 72 hours of unprotected
monitored carefully when oral contraceptive treatment is started. intercourse. repeated 12 hours later. Nausea and vomiting are
and an alternative method substituted if necessary. common (and the pills may then be lost: replacement tablets can
Is there an impainnent in glucose tolerance? Older progestogen be taken with an antiemetic such as domperidone). Insertion of
preparations impaired glucose tolerance, but this is not a problem an intrauterine device is more effective than hormonal methods,
with the newer compounds. and work& up to 5 days after intercourse.

Beneficial effects
The combined pill markedly decreases men!>trual symptom~ o,uch
a\ irregular periods and intermenstrual bleeding. Iron deficiency
anaemia and premenstrual tension are reduced, as are benign Medroxyprogesterone can be given intramuscularly as a contra-
breast disease. uterine libroids and functional cysts of the ovaries. ceptive. This is effective and safe. However, menstmal irregularities 455

The non-pregnant human uterus contracts spontaneously but

Or11l contraceptives weakly during the first part of the cycle, and more strongly during
the luteal phase and during menstruation. Uteri ne movements are
The combined pill depressed in early pregnancy because oe trogen, potentiated b}
The combined pill contains an oestrogen and a progesterone, hyperpolarises myometrial cells. This supprc\'>C\
progestogen. It IS taken for 21 consecutive days out ~pontaneous contractions. Towards the end of gestation, howe' er.
of 28. contractions recommence; these increase in force and frequenC).
Mode of action: the oestrogen inhibits follicle- and become fully coordinated during parturition. The nene
stimulating hormone release and therefore follicle supply to the uterus includes both excitatory and inhibitOr}
development; the progestogen inhibits luteinising sympathetic components: adrenaline, acting on 1:\2-adrenoceptor<;,
hormone release and therefore ovulation, and makes inhibits uterine contraction, whereas noradrenaline, acting on Ct
cervical mucus inhospitable for sperm; together, they ad renoceptor~. stimulates contraction.
render the endometrium unsuitable for implantation.
Drawbacks: weight gain, nausea, mood changes and
skin pigmentation can occur. DRUGS THAT STIMULATE THE UTERUS
Serious unwanted effects are rare. A small proportion Drugs that stimulate the pregnant uterus and are imponant in
of women develop reversible hypertension; there is obstetrics include oxytocin, ergometrine and prosmglandins.
evidence both for and against an increased risk of
breast cancer. There is a small increased risk of
thromboembolism with third-generation pills. OXYTOCIN
There are several beneficial effects, not least the As explained in Chapter 28, the neurohypophyseal hormone
avoidance of unwanted pregnancy, which itself oxytocin (an octapeptide) regulates myometrial activity. Oxytocin
carries risks to health. release is stimulated by cervical dilatation, and by suckling, but
The progestogen-only pill its role in parturition is incompletely understood. Oxytocin for
The progestogen-only pill is taken continuously. It clinical u e is prepared synthetically.
differs from the combined pill in that the
contraceptive effect is less reliable and is mainly a Actions
result of the alteration of cervical mucus. Irregular On the uterus. Oxytocin contracts the uterus. Oestrogen induce~
bleeding is common. oxytocin receptor synthesis and, consequently, the uterus a1 term
i~ highly . ensitive to this hormone. Given by slow inrravcnOU\
infusion to induce labour, oxytocin causes regular coordinated
contractionl> that travel from fundus to cervix. Both amplitude
and frequency of these contractions are related to dose, the uterus
relaxing completely between contractions during low-dose
infusion. Larger doses further increase the frequency of the con-
are common, and infertility may persist for many months after
tractions, and the re is incomplete relaxation between them. Still
cessation of treatment.
higher doses cause sustained contractions that interfere with
Levonorgestrel implanted subcutaneously in non-biodegradable
blood !low through the placenta and cause fetal distress or death.
capsu les is used by approximately 3 million women worldwide.
Other actions.6 Oxytocin contracts myoepithelial cells in the
This route of administration bypasses the liver, thus avoidi ng
mammary gland, which causes ' milk let-down'-the expression
first-pass metabolism. The tubes release their progestogen content
of milk from the alveoli and ducts. It also has a vasodilator action.
slowly over 5 years. Irregular bleeding and headache are common.
A weak antidiuretic action can result in water retention, which
A levonorgestrel-impregnated intrauterine device has contra-
can be problematic in patients with cardiac or renal disea!>e, or
ceptive action for 3- 5 years.

THE UTERUS Clinical use

The clinical use of oxytocin is given in the box on page 457.
The physiological and pharmacological responses of the uterus
vary at different stages of the menstrual cycle and during pregnancy.


Uterine muscle contracts rhythmically both in vitro and in vivo, 60xyrocin receptor~ are found not only in the uterus but also in the brain,
the contractions originating in the muscle itself. Myometrial cells panicul arly in the limbic system. Animal experiments have shown that
in the fundus act as pacemakers and give rise to conducted action oxytocin is important in mating and parenting behaviottr.

pote ntials. The elcctrophysiological activity of these pacemaker 7

Eclam p~ i a i~ a pathological condi tion (invol ving. among other things, high
456 cells is regulated by the sex hormones. blood pressure, swelling and seizures) that occurs in pregnant women.

little e ffect. However, if the uterus is inappropriate ly relaxed,

Clinical uses of drugs acting on ergometri ne initiates strong contraction, thus reducing bleeding
the uterus from the placental bed (the raw surface from which the placenta
has detached). Ergometrine also has a moderate degree of vaso-
Myometrial stimulants (oxytocics) con~trictor actio n per se.
Oxytocin is used to induce or augment labour when The mechanis m of actio n of ergometri ne on smooth muscle is
the uterine muscle is not functioning adequately. It not understood. lt is possible that it acts partly on a adrcnoceptors,
can also be used to treat postpartum haemorrhage. like the related alkaloid ergotamine (see Ch. 9), and partly on
Ergometrine can be used to treat postpartum 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors.
haemorrhage. Carbopro st can be used if patients do The clinical use of ergometrine is given in the box o n this page.
not respond to ergometrine.
A preparation containing both oxytocin and Pharmacokinetic aspects and unwanted
ergometrine is used for the management of the third eHects
stage of labour; the two agents together can also be Ergometrine can be given orally, intramuscularly or intravenously.
used, prior to surgery, to control bleeding due to It has a very rapid onset of action and its effect lasts for 3-6 hours.
incomplete abortion. Ergo me trine can produce vomiting, probably by an effect on
Dinoprostone given by the extra-amniotic route is dopamine D 2 recepto rs in the c he moreceptor trigger zone (see
used for late (second trimester) therapeutic abortion; Fig. 25.5). Vasoconstriction with an increase in blood pressure
given as vaginal gel, it is used for cervical ripening associated with nausea, blurred vision and headache can occur,
and tnduction of labour. as can vasospasm of the coronary arteries, resulting in angina.
Gemeprost, given as vaginal pessary following
mifepristone, is used as a medical alternative to
surgical termination of pregnancy (up to 63 days of PROSTAGLANDINS
gestation). Endogenous prostaglandins
Myometrial relaxant s Prostaglandins are discussed in detail in Chapter 13. The endo-
The ~-adrenoceptor agonists (e.g. rito drine) are used me trium and myo metrium ha ve subs ta ntial prostagla ndi n-
to delay preterm labour. synthesil)ing capac ity, particularly in the second, proliferati ve phase
Atosiban (oxytocin antagonist) also delays preterm of the menstrual cycle. Prostaglandi n (PG) F2( l is generated in
labour. large amou nts. and has been implicated in the ischaemic necrosis
of the endometrium that precedes men~tru ation (although it has
relatively linle vasoconstrictor action on many human blood vessels,
in contras t to some other mammalian species). Vasodi lator
prostaglandins, PG~ and PG12 (prostacyclin), are also gene rated
Pharmacokinetic aspects by the uterus.
Oxytocin can be given by int:ravenous injection or intramuscularly, In addition to their vasoactive properties, the E and F
but is moM often given by intravenous infusion. It is inacti vated prostagla ndins contract the non-pregnant as well as the pregnant
in the tiver and kidneys, and by c irculating placental oxytocinase. uterus. The sensitivity of uterine muscle to prostaglandins increases
during gestation. Their ro le in partu rition is not fully understood,
Unwanted eHects of oxytocin but al> cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors can delay labour (see below),
Lnwaotcd effects of oxytocin include dose-re lated hypotension they probably play some part in this.
(arising from its vasodilator actio n). with a~sociated reflex tachy- Prostaglandins a lso play a part in two of the main disorders of
cardia. Its antidiuretic hormone-like effect o n water excretion by menstruation: dysmenorrh oea (painful menstruatio n) and menor-
the kidney causes water re tention and. unless water intake is rhagia (excessive blood loss). Dysmenorrhoea is associated with
curtailed. consequent hyponatraemia. increal)ed production of PG~ and PGF2(l: non-steroidal anli-
inftammatory dmgs, which inhibit prostaglandin biosynthesis
(see C h. 14), are used to treat dysmenorrhoea. Menorrhagia. in
the absence of uterine patho logy, may be caused by a combina-
Ergot (Claviceps purpurea) is a fungus that grows o n rye a nd tion of increased vasodilatation and reduced haemostasis. Increased
contains a surprising variety of pharmacologically active sub- generation by the uterus of PGI 2 (which inhibits platelet aggre-
~tances (sec Ch. 12). Ergot poisoning, which was once common, gation) could impair haemostasis as well as causing vasodila-
was oflen associated wi th abortion. In 1935, ergometrine was tation. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory d rugs (e.g. mefenamic
isolated and was recog nised as the oxytocic princ iple in ergot. acid ) are used to treat menorrhagia as well as dysmenorrhoea.

Actions Prostaglandin preparations

Ergometrine contracts the human uterus. This action depends Prostaglandins of the E and F series pro mote coordinated con-
partly on the contractile state of the o rgan. On a contracted uterus tractions of the body of the pregnant uterus, while relaxing the
(the normal state following de livery), ergometrine has re lati vely cervix. E and F prostaglandins reliably cause abortion in earl y and 457

middle pregnancy, unlike oxytocin. which generally docs not cause demonstrate that any of the drugs used ro delay labour improve
expulsion of the uterine contents at this stage. The prostaglandins the outcome for the baby. Risk!. to the mother, especially pulmonaJ)
used in obstetrics are dinoprostone (PG~. carboprost ( 15-methyl oedema. increase after 48 hours, and myometrial response is
PGF2...) and gemeprost or misoprostol (PGE1 analogues). Dino- reduced, so prolonged treatment is avoided. Cyclo-oxygenase
prostone can be given intravaginally as a gel or as tablets, or by inhibitors (e.g. indometacio) inhibit labour, but their use could
the extra-amniotic route as a solution. Carboprost is given by deep cause problems in the baby, including renal dysfunction and
intramuscular injection. Gemeprost or misoprostol arc given delayed closure of the ductus arteriosus, both of which arc
intravaginaUy. innuenced by endogenous prostaglandins.
An oxytocin receptor antagonist. atosiban, provides an alter-
Unwanted effects native to a ~ 2-adrenoceptor agonist. 11 is given ac; an intravenous
Unwanted effecL<; include uterine pain. nausea and vomiting. which bolus followed by an intravenous infusion for not more than 48
occur in about 50% of patients when the drugs arc used as aborti- hours. Adverse effect'> include symptoms of vasodilation, nausea,
facients. Dinoprost may cause cardiovascular collapse if it escapes vomiting, and hyperglycaemia.
into the circulation after intra-amniotic injection. Phlebitis can
occur at the site of intravcnou~o. infusion. When combined with
mifepristone, a progestogen antagonist (see p. 450) that sensitises
the uterus to prostaglandins, lower doses of the prostaglandins
(e.g. misoprostol) can be used to terminate pregnancy and side Erectile function depend.;; on complex interactions between
effects are reduced. physiological and p!>ychological factors. Erection is cau~ed b)
vasorelaxation in the arteries and arterioles supplying the erectile
Clinical use tissue. This increases penile blood flow. Relaxation of tmbecular
The clinical use of pro!>taglandin analogues is given on page 457. smooth muscle causes filling of the sinusoids. This compresses
the plexuses of l>Ubtunical venules between the trabeculae and the
tunica albuginea, occluding venous outflow and causing erection.
DRUGS THAT INHIBIT UTERINE During sexual intercourse, reflex contraction of the ischiocaver-
CONTRACTION nosus muscles compresses the base of the corpora cavcmosa,
Selective ~2 -adrcnoceptor agonists, such as ritodrine or salbu- and the intracavernosal pressure c<m reach several hundred milli-
tamol. inhibit spontaneous or oxytocin-induced contractions of metres of mercury during this phase of rigid erection. Innervation
the pregnant uterus. These uterine relaxants are used in <;elected of the penis includes autonomic and somatic nerves. Nitric oxide
patients to prevent premature labour occurring between 22 and is probably the main mediator of erection and is relea~ed both
33 weeks of gestation in otherwise uncomplicated pregnancie!i. from nitrergic nerves and from endothelium (Ch. 17; Fig. 17.6).
They can delay delivery by 48 hours. time that can be u ed to Erectile function is adversely affected by several therapeutic
administer glucocorticoid therapy to the mother so a!> to mature drugs (including many antipsychotic, antidepres<;ant and antihy-
the lungs of the baby and reduce neonatal respiratory distress. pertensive agents). but in long-term randomiscd controlled trials
and to optimise logistics such as making sure the baby is born in an appreciable percentage of men who discontinue treatment
a facility wi th neonatal intensive care. It has been difficult to because of erectile dysfunction had been receiving placebo, and
psychiatric and vascular disease can themselves cause sexual
dysfunction. Furthermore, erectile dysfunction is common in
middle-aged and older men, even if they have no psychiatric or
cardiovascular problems. There are several organic causes. including
Drugs acting on the uterus hypogonadism (sec above). hyperprolactinaemia (~ee Ch. 28).
arterial disease and various causes of neuropathy (most common!}
At parturition, oxytocin causes regular diabetes). but often no organic cause is identified. or the problem
coordinated uterine contractions, each followed by is a result of a combination of organic and psychological factOTh.
relaxation; ergometrine, an ergot alkaloid, causes notably anxiety relating to sexual perfonnance, which can establi~h
uterine contractions with an increase in basal tone. a vicious circle.
Atosiban, an antagonist of oxytocin, delays labour. Over the centuries, there has been a huge trade in parts of
Prostaglandin (PG) analogues, for example various creatures that have the misfortune to bear some fancied
dinoprostone (PGE2) and dinoprost (PGF2,J, contract resemblance to human genitalia, in the pathetic belief that con-
the pregnant uterus but relax the cervix. Cyclo- suming these will restore virility or act as an aphrodisiac {i.e. a
oxygenase inhibitors inhibit PG synthesis and delay drug that stimulates libido). Alcohol (Ch. 43) 'provokes the
labour. They also alleviate symptoms of desire but takes away the performance', and cannabi\ (Ch. 15)
dysmenorrhoea and menorrhagia. can also release inhibitions and probably docs the same.
The ~2-adrenoceptor agonists (e.g. ritodrine) inhibit Yohimbine (an a 2 antagonist: Ch. II) may have ~ome positive
spontaneous and oxytocin-induced contractions of effect in this regard, but even with meta-analysis the number
the pregnant uterus. of subjects randomised is not very impressive. and efficaq
458 somewhat unconvincing. Apomorphine (a dopamine agonist;

Ch. 35) causes erections in human~ as well as in rodents when Mechanism of action
injected subcutaneously, but it is a powerful emetic, an effect Phosphodiesterase V is the isoform that inactivates cGMP.
that is usually regarded as socially unacceptable in this context. Nitrergic nerves release nitric oxide (or a related nitrosothiol),
Dc~pite this rather obvious disadvantage, a sublingual preparation which diffuses into smooth muscle cells, where it activate~ guanylate
ts licensed for erectile dysfunction. 8 Nausea is said to sub~ide cyclase. The resulting increase in cytoplasmic cGMP mediate~
'' 11h continued use-but really! vasodilation via activation of protein kinase G (Ch. 17). Con-
The generally negative picture picked up somewhat when it sequently, inhibition of phosphodiesterase V potentiates the effect
was found that injecting vasodilator drug!. directly into the corpora on penile vascular smooth muscle of endothelium-derived nitric
cavemosa causes penile erection. Papaver ine (Ch. 19). if neces~ary oxide and of nitrergic nerves that arc activated by sexual stimu-
'hith the addition of phentolamine, was used in this way. The lation. Other vascular beds are also affected, suggesting other
route of admini~tration is not acceptable to most men. but diabetics possible uses, notably in pulmonary hypertension (Ch. 19. p. 317).
in particular are often not needle-~hy, and this approach wa~ a
real boon to many such patients. PGE 1 (alprostadil) is often Pharmacokinetic aspects and drug interactions
combined with other vasodilators when given intracavemosally. Peak plasma concentrations of sildenafil occur approximately
It can also be given tran~urethrally as an alternative (albeit still a 30-120 minutes after an oral dose and are delayed by eating, so
somewhat unromantic one) to injection. Adverse effects of all it is taken an hour or more before sexual activity. lt is given as a
these drugs include priapism, which is no joke. Treatment consists single dose as needed. l t is metabolised by the 3A4 isoenzyme of
of a~piration of blood (using sterile technique) and. if necessary, cytochrome P450, which is induced by carbamazepine. rifam-
cautious intraca,ernosal administration of a vasoconstrictor such picin and barbiturates. and inhibited by cimetidine. macrolide
a~ phen) lephrine. lntracavemosal and transurethral preparation<> antibiotics. antifungal imidazoline~. some antiviral drugs (such
are still available, but orally active phosphodiesterase inhibitors as ritonavir) and also by grapefruit juice (Ch. 8). These drugs can
are now generally the drugs of choice. potentially interact with sildenafil in consequence. Tadalafi l ha~
a longer half-life than sildenafil, so can be taken longer before
sexual activity. A clinically important pharmacodynamic interac-
tion occurs with organic nitrates, which work through increasing
Sildenafil, the firM selective phosphodiesterase type V inhibitor cGMP (Ch. 17) and are therefore markedly potentiated by
('ee also Ch) 17 and 19), was found incidentally to influence sildenafil. Consequently, concurrent nitrate use, including use of
erecule function. Tadalafil and vardenafil are also phosphodi- nicorandil, contraindicates the use of any phosphodic~terase
esterase type V inhibitors licensed to treat erectile dysfunction. type V inhibitor.
Tadalafil i1. longer acting than sildenafi l. In contrast to intra-
cavemosal va,odilators, phosphodiesterase type V inhibitors arc Unwanted eHects
not sufficient to cau~e erection independent of sexual desire, but Many of the unwanted effects of phosphodiesterase type V
enhance the erectile response to sexual stimulation. They have inhibitor::. are caused by vasodilation in other vascular beds; these
transfonned the treatment of erectile dysfunction. effects include hypotension, flushing and headache. Visual dis-
turbances have occasionally been reported and are of concern
because sildenafil has some action on phosphodiesterase VI.
which is present in reti na and important in vision. The manu-
facturers advise that sildenafil l>hould not be used in patient~ with
lrooically so, becau~c apomorphine wa~ used as aversion Lherapy' in a hereditary retinal degenerative diseases (such as retiniti~ pigmcn-
ml'!!uided attempl 10 cure' homosexualil) b) condirioning individual'> 10 tosa) because of the theoretical ri~k posed by this. Vardenafil is
a'-ociale homoerouc \llmuli with nausea and vomiLing, during the nol SO
'ery-far-olftimc when homosexualily wa!> classified a.~ a psychiatric
more selective for the type V isolyme than is sildenafil (reviewed
dt-.ease ('only apomorphine cures'-Willianl Burroughs, Naked Lm1ch. by Doggrcll, 2005). but is also contraindicated in patients with
Grove Pre>s. 1966). hereditary retinal disorders.

Bone metabolism


Bone structure and composition 461 The human skeleton consists of 80% cortical bone and 20%
Bone remodelling 462 trabecular bone. Cortical bone is the dense, compact outer part,
-The action of cells and cytokines 462 and trabecular bone the inner meshwork. The former predominates
-The turnover of bone minerals 463 in the shafts of long bones, the laner in the vertebrae, the epiphyses
-Hormones involved in bone metabolism and of long bones and the iliac crest. Trabecular bone. having a large
remodelling 464 surface area. is metabolically more active and more affected by
factors that lead to bone los!. (see below).
Disorders of bone 466 The main minerals in bone are calcium and phosphates. More
Drugs used in bone disorders 467 than 99% of the calcium in the body is in the skeleton, mostly as
-Bisphosphonates 467 crystalline hydroxyapatite but some as non-crystalline phosphates
-Oestrogens and related compounds 467 and carbonates; together, these make up half the bone mass.
-Parathyroid hormone 467 The main cells in bone homeostasis are osteoblasts, osteoclasis
-Strontium ronelate 468 and osteocytes.
-Vitamin D preparations 468
Osteoblasts, which are derived from precursor cells in the
-Calcitonin 468
bone marrow and the periosteum, secrete important
-Coburn salts 469
components of the extracellular matrix-the osteoid,
-Colcimimetic compounds 469
particularly the collagen. They also have a role in the
Potential new therapies 469 activation of osteoclasiS (see below).
Osteoclasts are multinucleated bone-resorbing cells derived
from precursor cells of the macrophage/monocyte Lineage.
Osteocytes are derived from the osteoblasts, which, during
the formation of new bone, become embedded in the bony
matrix and differentiate into osteocytes. These cells form a
connected cellular network that, along with the nerve fibres
OVERVIEW in bone, is thought to have a role in the response to
mechanical loading.
The human skeleton undergoes a continuous Other cells of importance are monocytes/macrophages,
process of remodelling throughout life-some bone lymphocytes and vascular endothelial cells; these secrete
being resorbed and new bone being laid down. cytokines and other mediators necessary for bone
With advancing age, there is an increasing possibility remodelling (see below).
of structural deterioration and decreased bone
mass (osteoporosis). This constitutes a major health The organic matrix of bone is termed osteoid (as mentioned
problem throughout the world, and there are, in above), the principal component of which is collagen. But there
addition, various other conditions that can lead to are also other components such as proteoglycans, osteocalcin and
pathological changes in bone that require therapy. various phosphoproteins, one of which. osteonectin. binds to
In the past decade, there have been significant both calcium and collagen and thus links these two major
advances in the understanding of bone biology, constituents of bone matrix.
which have led to new drugs and may yet lead to Calcium phosphate crystals in the form of hydroxyapatite
further new drugs. In this chapter, we consider first lCa 10(PO~MOH) 2] are depo ited in the osteoid, converting it into
the processes involved in bone remodelling and hard bone matrix.
then go on to describe the pharmacological agents Bone plays a major role in overall calcium homeostasis in the
used to treat disorders of bone. body (see below). 461

lhen gradually settles at 1-3% per year. The loss during lhe
BONE REMODELLING menopause is due to increased osteoclast activity (see below) and
affects mainly trabecular bone; the later loss in both sexes with
The process of remodelling involves the following:
increasing age is due to decreased osteoblast numbers (see
the activity of two main cell types: osteoblasts that secrete below) and affects mainly cortical bone.
new bone matrix and osteoclasts that break it down (Fig. 31.1 ).
the action~ of a variety of cytokines; see Figs 31.1 and 31.2 THE ACTION OF CELLS AND CYTOKINES
lhe turnover of bone minerals-particularly calcium and
phosphate A cycle of remodelling starts with recruitment of the cells lhat
the actions of several hormones: parathyroid hormone (PTH), give rise to osteoclast precursors, and their differentiation to mature
the vitamin D family, oestrogens, growth hormone, steroids, multinuceated osteoclasts by cytokines (Fig. 31.1 ). The o~teoclasts
calcitonin and various cytokines. adhere to an area of trabecular bone, developing a ruffled border
at the attachment site. They move along the bone. digging a pit
Diet, drugs and physical factors (exercise, loading) also affect by secreting hydrogen ions and proteolytic enzymes. Thi~ process
remodelling. Bone loss-of 0.5-1% per year-!.tarts in the 35-40 gradually liberates cytokines such as insulin-like growth factor
age group in both sexes. The rate accelerates by as much as 10-told (IGF)- 1 and transforming growth factor (TGF)-~. which have
during the menopause in women (or with castration in men), and been embedded in the osteoid (Fig. 31.1); these in tum recruit

----------- - - - - ---
OC precursor cell ------@ @ ------ OB precursor cell
~ Recruitment of
OC precursors



0 0

I 0

Osteocyte - @

Quiescent bone Bone resorption Bone formation

I such
Fig. 3 1.1 The bone-remodelling cycle and the action of hormones, cytok ines and d rugs. Quiescent trabecular bone. Cytokines
as insulin-like growth factor (IGF) and transforming growth factor (TGF)-~.
shown as dots, are embedded in the bone matrix. Bone
I resorption. Osteoclast (OC) precursor cells, recruited by cytokines and hormones, are activated by osteoblasts (OBs) to form mobile
I multinuclear OCs (see Fig. 31.2) that move along the bone surface, resorbing bone and releasing the embedded cytokines. Bone
formation. The released cytokines recruit OBs, which lay down osteoid and embed cytokines IGF and TGF-~ in it. Some OBs also
I become embedded, forming terminal osteocytes. The osteoid then becomes mineralised, and lining cells cover the area (not shown).

- .
1 Oestrogens cause apoptosis (programmed cell death) of OCs. Note that pharmacological concentrations of glucocorticoids have the

! effects specified above, but physiological concentrations are required for OB differentiation. BPs, embedded bisphosphonates-these
\_are ingested by OCs when bone is resorbed (not shown): IL, interleukin; PTH, parathyroid hormone.
------ --------------~

Osteoblast Multinucleated osteoclast

resorbing bone
PTH, lls M-CSF

ofOPG '


( r-OPG J
Fig. 31.2 Schematic diagram of the role of the osteoblast and cytokines in the differentiation and activation of the os teoclast
and the action of anti resorptive drugs. The osteoblast is s timulated by calcitriol, parathyroid hormone (PTH) and interleukins (lls) to
express a surface ligand, the RANK ligand (RANKL). RANKL expression is increased by various interleukins, parathormone, tumour
necrosis factor (TNF)-tt, prostaglandin E2 and glucocorticoids. RANKL interacts with a receptor on the osteoclast-an osteoclast
differentiation and activation receptor termed RANK (receptor S!.Ctivator of nuclear factor )Sappa B). This, with macrophage colony-
stimulating factor (M-CSF) released by the osteoblast, causes differentiation and activation of the osteoclast progenitors to form mature
osteoclasis (not shown). Fusion of osteoclasis occurs to give giant multinucleated bone-resorbing cells, which are polarised with a
ruffled border on the bone-resorbing side (shown). Bisphosphonates inhibit bone resorption by osteoclasis. Anti-RANKL antibodies (e.g.
denosumab) b1nd RANKL and prevent the RANK- RANKL interaction. The osteoblast also releases 'decoy' molecules of osteoprotegerin
(OPG), which can bind RANKL and prevent activation of the RANK receptor. Recombinant OPG (r-OPG)-which has this effect-is in
cl1mcal trial. Stromal cells may also function in the manner shown above for osteoblasts. _)

and activate succes. ive teams of ostcoblasts that have been stimu- that OPG itself i'> generated by) and inhibit RANKL's binding to
lated 10 develop from precursor cells and are awaiting the call to its intended receptor. RANK. on the osteoclast precursor cell
duty (sec Fig. 31.1 and below). The osteoblasts invade the site, (Fig. 31.2). (See l lofbauer & Schoppe!. 2004; Roodman, 2004:
~ynthesising and secreting the organic matrix of bone, the osteoid, Theoleyre et al.. 2004: Kostenuik, 2005.)
and secreting IGF- 1 and TGF-fJ (which become embedded in the The ratio of RANKL to OPG is critical in the formation and
oMeoid; see above). Some osteoblasts become embedded in the activity of osteoclasts.
osteoid, forming terminal osteocytes; others interact with and
activate o~teoclast precursors-and we are back to the beginning
of the cycle.
Cytokines involved in bone remodelli ng other than !GF-1 and The main bone minerals are calc ium and phosphates.
TGF-~ include other members of the TGF-B fami ly, such as the
bone morphogenic proteins, a range of interleukins, prostaglandins,
various hormones, and me mbers of the tumour necrosis factor
family. A member of this last family-a ligand for a receptor on The daily turnover of bone minerals during remodelling involves
the osteoclast precursor cell- is of particular importance. The about 700 mg of calcium. Calcium has numerous roles in phy-
receptor is termed (wait for it-biological terminology has fallen siological functioning. Intracellular Ca2+ constitutes only a small
0\Cr it!> own feet here) RANK, which stands for receptor i!Clivator proportion of body calcium, but it has a major role in cellular
of nuclear factor kappa B (NFtcB)-NFKB being the principal function (~ee Ch. 3). An influx of Ca~+ with increase of Ca 2+ in
transduction factor involved in osteoclast differentiation and acti- the cytosol is part of the signal transduction mechanism of many
vation. And the ligand is termed, unsurprisingly, RANK ligand cells, so the concentration of Ca1 in the extracellular fluid and
CRANKL). the plasma needs to be controlled with great precision. The con-
The stromal cell and the osteoblast synthesise and release a centration of Ca2 in the cytoplasm of cells is about 100 nmoVI.
molecule termed osteoprotegerin (OPG), identical with RANK, whereas in the plasma it is about 2.5 mmolll. The plasma Ca1+
which functions as a decoy receptor. In a sibling-undermining concentration is regulated by complex interactions between PTH
process by the two cells (osteoblast/stromal cell and osteoclast and various forms of vitamin D (Figs 31.3 and 31.4): calcitonin
precursor), OPG can bind to RANKL 1 (generated by the very cell also plays a part.
Calcium absorption in the intestine involves a Ca2+-binding
protein whose synthesis is regulated by calcitriol (see Fig. 3 1.3
and below). It is probable that the overall calcium content of the
RANKL is al~o sometimes confusingly termed OPG ligand.
body is regulated largely by this absorption mechanism, because 463

urinary Ca2.. excretion normally remains more or less constant. HORMONES INVOLVED IN BONE
However, with high blood Ca2+ concentrations, urinary excretion METABOLISM AND REMODELLING
increases, and with low blood concentrations urinary excretion
can be reduced by PTH and calcitriol. both of which enhance T he main hormone<, involved in bone metabolism and
Ca2 reabsorption in the renal tubules (Fig. 31.3). remodelling are PTH, members of the vitamin D family.
oestrogens and calcitonin. Glucocorticoids and thyroid hormone~
also affect bone.
Phosphates are important constituents of bone, and are also
critically important in the structure and function of all the cells of
the body. They play a significant part in enzymic reac!ions in the Parathyroid hormone. which consists of a single-chain polypeptide
cell; they have roles as intracellular buffers and in the excretion of 84 amino acids, is an important physiological regulator of Ca 2
of hydrogen ions in the kidney. metabolism. It maintains the plasma Ca2 concentration by
Phosphate absorption is an energy-requiring process regulated mobilising Ca 2+ from bone, by promoting its reabsorption by the
by calcitriol (see below). Phosphate deposition in bone, as hydrox- kidney, and in particular by stimulating the synthesi of calcitriol.
yapatite, depends on the plasma concentration of PTH, which,
with calcitriol, tends to mobilise both Ca2+ and phosphate from
the bone matrix. Phosphate is excreted by the kidney; here PTH 'Over-replacement of thyroxine in hypolhyr01di\m resuhs in o\tcoporo~s:
inhibits reabsorption and thus increases excretion. ;ce Roberts & Laden;on (2004).

A rise in the plasma calcium

concentration act1vates the
Activates the calcium-sensing receptor
( Cinacalcet Jcalcium-sensing
receptor and
on parathyroid cells
which decreases:

A fall in the plasma

calcium concentration
Secret1on of parathormone
from the parathyroid
which causes:
Conversion of
calcifediol to calcitriol
which causes:

Decreased excretion of Increased calcium Mobilisation of

calcium by the kidney absorption in the calcium from bone
which causes: intestine which causes: which causes:

Fig. 31.3 The main factors involved in maintaining the concentration of Ca2 in the plasma and the action of drugs. The
calcium receptor on the parathyroid cell is a G-protein-coupled receptor. Calcifedlol and calcitriol are metabolites of vitamin 0 3 and
constitute the 'hormones' 25-hydroxy-vitamin 0 3 and 1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin 0 3, respectively. Endogenous calcitonin, secreted by the

hyroid, inhibits Ca2 mobilisation from bone and decreases its resorption in the kidney, thus reducing blood Ca2 . Calcitonin is also used
therapeutically in osteoporosis.
----- - ---- --------------------------------------------------------------------------~

which in turn increases Ca 2+ absorption from the intestine and hormones, circulating in the blood and regulating the activities of
\ynergiscs with PTH in mobilising bone Ca2+ (Figs. 31.3 and various cell types (see Reichel et al., 1989). Their main action is
31.4). PTH promote~ pho~phate excretion, and thus its net effect the maintenance of plasma Ca 2+ by increasing Ca 2+ absorption in
i' to increa~e the concentration of Ca2 + in the plasma and lower the intestine, mobilising Ca 2+ from bone and decreasing its renal
that of phosphate. excretion (sec Fig. 31.3). Vitamin Dis really a family of hormones
The mobili'>ation of Ca2+ from bone by PTH is mediated, at (see below) which act on receptors belonging to the superfamily
least in pan. b) 'timulation of the recruitmem and activation of of steroid hormone nuclear receptors (see p. 428 top of right
o,tcodasts. Pathological oversecretion of PTH (hyperparathy- column and p. 45 for details). In humans. lhere are two sources
roidism) inhibit~ o~teobla~t activity (not shown in Fig. 31.1 ). But of vitamin D:
g1vcn therapeutically in a low intenniuent dose, PTH and frag- dietary ergocalciferol (D 2) . derived from ergosterol in plants
ment~ of PTH paradoxically stimulate osteoblast activity and cholecalciferol (0 3) generated in the skin from
enhance hone formation (see below). 7-dehydrocholesterol by the action of ultraviolet irradiation,
Parathyroid hormone is synlhesised in the cells of the para- the 7-dehydrocholesterol having been formed from
thyroid glands and stored in vesicles. The principal factor controlling cholesterol in the wall of the intestine.
~ecretion is the concentration of ionised calcium in tbe plasma, Cholecalciferol (vitamin 0 3) is converted to 25-hydroxy-vitamin
low pl a~ma Ca 2+stimulating secretion, high plasma Ca2+ decreasing 0 3 (calcifediol) in the liver, and this is converted to a series
it by binding to and activating a Ca2 +-sensing G-protein-coupled of other metabolites of varying activity in tbe kidney, the most
surface receptor (Fig. 3 1.3). (See Stewart, 2004.) potent of which is I ,25-dihydroxy-vitamin 0 3 (calcitriol) (see
Fig. 3 1.4).
The synthesis of calcitriol from calcifediol is regulated by
VITAMIN D PTH, and is also influenced by the phosphate concentration in
the plasma and by the caJcitriol concentration itself through a
Vitamm D is a prehormone that is converted in lhe body into a negative feedback mechanism (Fig. 31 .4). Receptors for calcitriol
number of biologically active metabolites that function as true have been identified in vinually every tissue except liver, and it


UV ~-choloste<ol I

I Exogenous
Vit D3 (cholecalciferol) -~' ergocalciferol
(Vit 0 2)
' Kidney
( Alfacalcldol '-4'~--t,.~
. f'!J I- --,.;--- Decreased
Exogenous blood P04-
calcifediol - Parathyroid
+ Decreased
1,25(0Hh03 \ ,;'blood calcium
(calcitriol) \

( \,,, Pam<hymid
Fig. 31 .4 Summary of the
actions of the vitamin 0
endocrine system and the action
n Increased
blood calcium
of drugs. Exogenous ergocalciferol, in blood
vrtam10 (Vit) 0 2 (formed in plants by
ultraviolet, UV, light), is converted to
the corresponding 02 metabolites in
hver and kidney, as Is the 02
analogue dihydrotachysterol (not Biological actions:
t Exogenous

shown). Alfacalcidol (1 a- Intracellular actions: Calcium and

hydroxycholecalciferol) is 25- cell differentiation, phosphate
hydroxylated to calcitriol In the liver. activation of OBs homeostasis
OB, osteoblast. 465

i\ now considered that calcitriol may be important in the func- osteoporosis are postmcnopau~al deficiency of oestrogen and
tioning of many cel l types. age-related deterioration in bone homeo~tasis. It is calculated
The main actions of calcitriol are the stimulation of absorption that , in Englnnd and Wales, one in two women and one in five
of Ca2+ and phosphate in the intestine, and the mobilisation of men over the age of 50 will have a fracture due to osteoporO\is
Ca 2+ from bone, but it also increases Ca 2+ reabsorption in the (Van Swa et al., 200 I ), while in the USA a 50-year-old woman is
kidney tubules (Fig. 31.3). Its effect on bone involve promotion estimated to have a 40% lifetime risl.. of an osteoporotic fracture
of maturation of osteoclasts and indirect stimulation of their (Strcwler, 2005). But osteoporosis can also occur secondary to
activity (Figs 3 1.1 and 3 1.3). It decreases collagen synthesis by conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, and can result from other
osteoblasts, and its effect on these cells is by the classic steroid factors, such as excessive thyroxine or glucocorticoid adminis-
pathway, involving intracellular receptors and an effect on the tration. Up to half the patients on long-term oral glucocorticoid
DNA. However. the effect on bone i'> complex and is clearly not therapy can suffer fracture~ due to excessive bone loss. Becau~e
confined to mobilising Ca 2+. because in clinical vitamin D life expectancy has increased significantly in the developed world.
deficiency (sec below), in which the mineralisation of bone is osteoporosis is now regarded as being of epidemic proportion\.
impaired. administration of vitamin D restores bone formation. and bas become an important public health problem. Drugs that
One explanation may lie in the fact that calcitriol stimulates prevent its development are being actively sought. The treatment
sylllhesis of osteocalcin, the vitamin K-dcpcndent, Ca2+-binding of osteoporosis involves either antiresorptive (anticatabolic) drug~
protein of bone matrix. (e.g. the bisphosphonates. raloxifene) or anabolic drugs that
stimulate bone fonml!ion (PTH, teriparatide) (see Rigg!. & Parfitt,
2005). ewer compounds (e.g. strontium ranelate; see below)
have both actions.
During reproductive life in the female, oestrogens have an Other diseases of bone requiring drug therapy arc osteomalacia
important role in maintenance of bone integrity. They inhibit the and rickets (the juvenile form of osteomalacia), in which there
cytokines that recruit osteoclasts, and oppose the bone-resorbing, are defects in bone mineralisation due to vitamin D deficiency.
Ca2+-mobilising action of PTH. Withdrawal of oestrogen, as and Paget's disease, in which there is distortion of the processes
happens at the menopause, can lead to osteoporosis. of bone resorption and remodelling.


Calcitonin is a hormone secreted by the specialised 'C' cells H ypocalcaemia occurs with hypoparathyroidism, vitamin D
found in the thyroid follicles. deficiencies, congenital rickets and some kidney diseases; hyper
The main action of calcitonin is on bone; it inhibits bone calcaemia with hyperparathyroidism and some malignancies.
resorption by binding to a specific receptor on osteoclasts, also sarcoidosis.
inhibiting their action. In the kidney, it decreases the reabsorption
of both Ca2+ and phosphate in the proximal tubules. Its overall
effect is to decrease the plasma Ca2+ concentra tion. See Figures
3 1.3 and 31.4. Bone remodelling
Secretion is determined mainly by the plasma Ca 2+ concen-
tration. Bone is conttnuously remodelled throughout
life. The events of the remodelling cycle are as follow:
osteoc/asts, having been activated by osteoblasts,
resorb bone by digging pits in trabecular bone.
Physiological concentrations of glucocorticoids are required for Into these pits the bone-forming osteob/asts
osteoblast differentiation. Excessive pharmacological concentra- secrete osteoid (bone matrix), which consists
tions inhibit bone formation by inhibiting osteoblast differenti ation mainly of collagen but also contains osteocalcin,
and activity, and may stimulate osteoclast action-leading to osteonectin, phosphoproteins and the cytokines
osteoporosis. This larter effect is also evident when pathological insulin growth factor (IGF) and transforming
concentrations of endogenous glucocorticoids are present, as in growth factor (TGF)-13
Cushing's syndrome (see Fig. 28.7). the osteoid is then mineralised, i.e. complex calcium
phosphate crystals (hydroxyapatites) are deposited.
Bone metabolism and mineralisation involve the
DISORDERS OF BONE action of parathyroid hormone, the vitamin 0 family,
calcitonin and various cytokines (e.g. 1GF, the TGF-~
family and interleukins). Declining physiological levels
The reduction of bone mass with distortion of the microarchitec- of oestrogens and therapeutic levels of glucocorticoids
lure is termed osteoporosis; a reduction in the mineral content is can result in bone resorption not balanced by bone
termed osreopenia. Osteoporotic bone can fracture easily after formation-leading to osteoporosis.
...r-_ _ _
minimal trauma-and frequently docs. The commonest causes of

Pho~phate deficiency and bypophospbataemia can occur in

nutritional deficiency states (e.g. in alcoholic individuals and Clinical uses of blsphosphonates
patient~ rece1\ ing parenteral nutrition). (e.g. alendronate, pamldronate)
H) perphosphataemia is a conunon problem in patientS with
renal failure, and is treated with phosphate-bonding compounds Paget's disease of bone.
~uch a~ the anion exchange resin sevelamer (Cb. 25). Hypercalcaemia caused by malignant disease.
Prevention or treatment of postmenopausal
osteoporosis (as an alternative or addition to
Prevention or treatment of glucocorticoid-induced
They are under investigation for the treatment of
BP.pho~phonatc~ are entyme-resistant analogues of pyrophos-
cancer metastases in bone.
phate that inhibit bone resorption by an action mainly on the
o~tcoclaM~. After administration, they are bound to bone min-
erals in the matrix and are released slowly as bone is resorbed
by the ostc<>clasts, which are thus exposed to high concentrations
or the drugs.
The main bi~phol.phonates available for clinical use are OESTROGENS AND RELATED COMPOUNDS
alcndronate and r ised ronate. Others are disodium pamidronate
and sodium clodron:.ne. A newer compound, zoledronic acid, which The decline in oestrogen levels is a major factor in postmeno-
j, g1\Cil only once in a '>ingle intravenous infusion, is now used for pausal osteoporosis, and there is evidence that giving hom1one
malignancy and is in clinical trial for Paget's disease and replacement therapy (HRT; ~ee Ch. 30) can ameliorate this con-
o'tcoporosis. dition. But HRT has actions on many systems, and newer non-
hormonal agents have now been developed that exhibit agonist
Mechanism of action actions on some tissues and antagonist actions on others. These
In term' of thc1r molecular mechanism of action, the bisphos- arc termed selectile oestrogen receptor modulators (SERMS).
phonate\ can be grouped into two classes. Raloxifenc is a SERM that has agonist activity on bone and the
cardiovascular system. and antagonist activity on mammary
The \lmplc compounds that are very similar to tissue and the uterus.
p)ropho~phatc arc incorporated into ATP analogues that
accumulate within the osteoclasts and promote their apoptosis.
The potent, nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates-such as RALOXIFENE
alendronatc and ibandronate-interfere with the formation of Actions and mechanism of action
the mflled border at the attachment site of the cell to bone, Raloxifcne produces a dose-dependent increase in osteoblast
pn:\cnting bone resorption (see Fig. 31.2). activity and reduction in osteoclast action.
? 1l1e rutrogen-corHaining bbphosphonates appear to inhibit famesyl It is well absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, and undergoes
dipho>phate ~yntha~e. an cntymc in the mcvalonate pathway. Inhibition extensive first-pass metabolism in the liver to give lhe glucuronide.
olthis enzyme prevents the synthesis of certain lipids rhar are essential (Colestyramine, given with it, reduces lhe enterohepatic cycling
lor the activity of smull GTPase signalling proteins necessary in the
of raloxifcnc by 60%.)
lomMtion of the ruffied border (Rogers, 2003; Strewler, 2005).
Thus bioavailability is only about 2%. ft is widely distributed
It j, now known that bisphosphonates are incorporated into the in the tissues, and is converted to an active metabolite in liver,
bone matrix and ingested by osteoclasis when these resorb bone. lungs, bone, spleen, uterus and kidneys. Its half-life averages
32 hours. It is excreted mainly in the faeces.
Pharmacokinetic aspects
Bl,pho,phonate~ are usually given orally and are poorly absorbed. Unwanted eH ects
Th<!) ma} be given intravenously in malignancy. About 50% of a Hot flu!>hes and leg cramps are common. In a recent clinical trial,
do-e accumulates at sites of bone mineralisation, where it remains, raloxifcne was found to be associated with venous thrombo-
potentiall} for months or years, until the bone is resorbed. The embolism; however, other authorities state that there is less risk
fr.:c drug 1\ excreted unchanged by the kidney. of this adverse effect in younger patients.
Ab~orption b impaired by food, particularly milk, so the drugs
mu,tl:l\! tal.;en on an empty stomach.
Ummnted effectJ include ga!.lrointestinal disrurbances, which
can be severe. and occasionally bone pain. Peptic ulcers have Until recently, there had been little or no clinical use for PTH as
occurred. Alendronate can cau!>e oesophagitis. such, but then it was realised that PTH and fragmentS of PTH
Di-.odium ctidronate can increase the risk of fractures due to paradoxically stimulate osteoblast activity and enhance bone for-
reduced calcification of bone; this is less likely if it is given mation, and they arc now considered to be important compounds
cyclically. in the treatment of osteoporosis (see below). The main compound 46 7

used i~ teriparatide-the peptide fragment ( 1- 34) of recombinant the use of intravenous calcium and injectable vitamin 0
parathormonc. preparations.
The main vitamin D preparation used clinically is ergocalciferol;
Actions and mechanism of action also available for clinical use are alfacalcidol and calcitriol. All
Tcriparatide ha!> anabolic effects on bone. It increase!> bone mass, can be given orally and are well absorbed from the intestine.
structural integ rity and bone strength by increasing the number of Vitamin D preparations are fat-soluble, and bile salts are necess-
o~teob lasts and by activating those o~teobl asts already in bone. It ary for absorption. Injectable forms of calciferol are available.
also reduces oMeoblast apoptosis. ewer vi tamin D analogue'> with le<,s potential to cau~e
It acts o n the G-protein--dependcnt PTH receptor- ! in the hypercalcaemia are the vitamin D sterols 19-nor-paracalcitol
membrane of target cells. and its effects arc mediated through and doxcrcalciferol (Salusky, 2005).
adenylate cycla~e. pho!.pholipase!> A, C and D. and increases in
intracellular Ca 2+ and cyclic AMP. Pharmacokinetic aspects
(See Brixe n et al., 2004: Cappuzzo & Delafuente, 2004; Given orally, vitamin D is bound to a specific a-globulin in
Dobnig, 2004: Quattrocchi & Kourla~. 2004.) the blood. The plasma half-life is about 22 hours, but vitamin 0
can be found in the fat for many month'>. The main route of
Pharmacokinetic aspects elimination is in the faeces.
Given subcutaneously once daily, peak concentrations occur after The clinical use of vitamin D preparatio ns is given in the
30 minutes. The serum distribution half-life is 10 minutes after box on thi ~ page.
intravenous injection and I bour after subcutaneous injection.
Unwanted effects
Unwanted effects Excessive intake of vitamin D causes hypercalcaemia, the mani-
Teriparatide ill well tolerated. a nd serious adverse effects are festations of which include constipation. depression, weakne~~
few. ausea, dizziness, headache and arthralgias can occur. and fati gue. There is a reduced ability to concentrate the urine,
Mild hypercalcaemia, transient orthostatic hypotension, nausea. resulting in polyuria and polydipsia. If hypercalcaemia persists.
ditLiness, headache and leg cramp\ have been reported. calcium \a Its arc deposited in the kidney and urine, causing renal
failure and kidney ~tOnes.
Clinical use Some anticonvulsant drugs (e.g. phe nytoin ; see Ch.40)
The clinical u<,e of teriparatide is given on page 466. Note that increase the requirement for vitamin D.
there is comroversy as to whether or not this drug should be
given seque ntially or in combination with one of the bisphos-
phonates ( Heaney & Recker, 2005); however, a bispho~phonate
!.hould be gi\'en at the end of a courl>e of teriparatide to prevent The main preparation available for clinical use (sec the clinical
tcriparatide withdrawal bone loss. box on p. 469) is salcatonin (synthetic salmon calciwnin).
Synthetic human calcitonin is now also available. Calcitonin is
given by subcutaneous or intramuscular injection. and there rna)
be a local inflammatory action at the injection site. It can also be
This compound, newly introduced for treatme nt of osteoporosis, given intranasally. Its plasma half-life is 4-12 minutes, but ih
is composed of two atoms of strontium combined with organic action lasts for several hours.
ranelic acid, the latter being a carrier for the active strontium Unwamed effects include nausea and vomiting. Facial flushing
component. It inhibits bone reso rption and also stimulates bone may occur, as may a tingling sensatio n in the hands and an
formation. In recent trials. it has been shown to be effecti ve in unpleasant taste in the mouth.
prc\'cnting vertebral and non-vertebral fracture~ in older women The clinical uses of calcitonin are given on page 466.
(see Fogelman & Blake, 2005).
The precise mechani.,m of action is not clear. Strontium is
similar to calcium as regards its absorption in the gastrointestinal Clinical uses of vitamin D
tract. its incorporation into bone and its renal elimination. Strontium
atoms are adsorbed on to the hydroxyapatite crystals, but eventually Deficiency states: prevention and treatment of
they exchange for calcium in the bone minerals and remain in the rickets, osteomalacia and vitamin D deficiency owing
bone for many years. to malabsorption and liver disease (ergocalciferoO.
The drug is well tolerated; a low incidence of nausea and Hypocalcaemia caused by hypoparathyroidism
diarrhoea is reported. (ergocalciferol).
Osteodystrophy of chronic renal failure, which is the
consequence of decreased calcitriol generation
VITAMIN D PREPARATIONS (calcitriol or alphacalcidol).
Vitamin D preparation'> are used in the treatment of vitamin D Plasma Ca2 levels should be monitored during
deficiencies, bone problems associated with renal failure. and therapy with vitamin D.
468 hypoparathyroidism-acute hypoparathyroidbm neces~ itating

binding to RAN K and is in phase Ill trial (Bekker et al. 2004;

Kostenuik, 2005).
Calcium salts used therapeutically include calcium gJuconate and Other potential anabolic agents being considered for future
calcium lactate, given orally. Calcium gluconate is also used for development are IGF-1 and insulin-like growth hormone (see
imravcnou~ injection in emergency treatment of hyperkalaemia Fig. 31.1) and the statins. These last commonly given to reduce
(Ch. 24); intramu cular injection is not used, because it causes blood chole terol (Ch. 20). have been shown to increase the gene
local necrosis. expression of bone morphogenic protein-2, and to increase bone
Calcium carbonate, an antacid, is poorly absorbed in the gut, formation in vitro. Thiazides (Ch. 24) have a small effect in
but there is concern about systemic absorption and the potential slowing bone loss and might be of value in combination therapy.
to cause arterial calcification. An oral preparation of hydroxya- Possible new anti resorptive agents on the horizon include agents
patite is available. related to OPG-a physiological inhibitor of bone resorption.
Unwanted effects: oral calcium salts can cause gastroimestinal
disturbance. Intravenous administrati on requires care, especially
in patients on cardiac glycosides (see Ch. 18).
The clinical use of the calcium salts is given on this page.
Recombinant OPG has been tried in juvenile Paget's disease, with
promising results (Cundy ct al., 2005; Deftos, 2005).
Calcimimctics enhance the sensitivity of the parathyroid Ca2+-
~ensing receptor to the concentration of blood Ca2+. The effect is
to decrease the secretion of PTH and reduce the serum Ca 2+ Clinical uses of calcium salts
concentration. There are two types of calcimimetics.

T}pe I are agonbts, and include inorganic and organic Dietary deficiency.
pol)cations. Hypocalcaemia caused by hypoparathyroidism or
Type IT are allosteric activators that activate the receptor by malabsorption (intravenous for acute tetany).
altering its conformation. One such compound is cinacalcet, Calcium carbonate is an antacid; it is poorly
Y.hich is in clinical trial for the treatment of absorbed and binds phosphate in the gut. It is used
h)perparathyroidism (Nemeth et al.. 2004: Peacock et al., 2005). to treat hyperphosphataemia (Ch. 24, p . 382).
Prevention and treatment of osteoporosis (often with
oestrogen, bisphosphonate, vitamin D or calcitonin).
Cardiac dysrhythmias caused by severe
POTENTIAL NEW THERAPIES hyperkalaemia (intravenous; see Ch. 18).
There i\ growing interest in the possible value of anabolic
compounds that stimulate bone formation-for use al one or in
combination with the antiresorptive drugs (see Rosen &
Bile.c:ekian, 200 1). Teriparatidc, the first anabolic compound
Parathyroid, vitamin D and bone mineral
licensed for osteoporosis, is already available for use. A new
antiresorptive compound, an anti-RANKL antibody named
denosurnnb. is now available; this specifically blocks RANKL
The vitamin D family are true hormones; precursors
are converted to calcifediol in the liver, then to the
main hormone, calcitriol, in kidney.
Calcitriol increases plasma Ca2 by mobilising it from
bone, increasing its absorption in the intestine and
Clinical UMS of calcltonln/salcatonln decreasing its excretion by the kidney.
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) increases blood Ca2 by
Hypercalcaemia (e.g. associated with increasing calcitriol synthesis, mobilising Ca2 from
neoplasia). bone and reducing renal Ca2 excretion. (But,
Paget's disease of bone (to relieve pain and reduce paradoxically, small doses of PTH given intermittently
neurological complications). increase bone formation.)
Postmenopausal and corticosteroid-induced Calcitonin (secreted from the thyroid) reduces Ca2
osteoporosis (with other agents). resorption from bone by inhibiting osteoclast activity.

Chemical transmission and
drug action in the central
nervous system
makes the under!>tanding of dntg effects very much more difficult.
Overview 473 The relationship between the behaviour of individual cells and
Introduction 473 that of the organ as a whole is far less direct in the brain than, for
example, in the heart or kidney. In these latter organs, a detailed
Chemical signalling in the nervous system 47 4 underl>tanding of how a drug affects the cells gives us a fairly
Targets for drug action 475 clear idea of what effect it will produce on the organ (and on the
animal) a~ a whole. In the brain, this is simply not true. Thus we
Drug action in the central nervous system 476 may know that a drug mimics the action of 5-hydroxytryptamine
The classification of psychotropic drugs 477 in it<; effect on nerve cells, and we know empirically that ~uch
drugs often cau~e hallucination~. However, other drugs that enhance
the action of 5-hydroxytryptamine, such as amidepressanl<; (Ch. 39)
affect mood and behaviour in a quite different way. Currently, the
link between a drug's action at the biochemical and cellular level
OVERVIEW and its effects on high-level brain function remain largely mys-
terious. Functional brain imaging is beginning to reveal relation-
Brain function is the single most important aspect
ships between brain activity in ~pecific regions and mental function.
of physiology that defines the diHerence between
and thil> tool i~ being used increasingly to probe drug effects.
humans and other species. Disorders of brain
Neverthele~~. the fairly gros~ (millimetre scale) re!tolution
function, whether primary or secondary to
currently achievable with imaging methods is far from being able
malfunction of other systems, are a major concern
to reveal events at the level of individual neurons and synapses.
of human society, and a field in which
Despite l>U\tained progress in understanding the cellular and
pharmacological intervention plays a key role. In
biochemical effects produced by centrally acting drugs, and the
this chapter, we introduce some basic principles of
increasing use of brain imaging to study brain function and drug
neuropharmacology that underlie much of the
effects, the gulf between our understanding of drug action at the
material in the rest of this section.
cellu lar level and at the functional and behavioural level remains,
for the most part, very wide. Attempts to bridge it seem, at times,
INTRODUCTION like throwing candy tloss into the Grand Canyon.
A few bridge-headr. have nonetheless been established. some
Tilere are two reasons why understanding the action of drugs on more firmly than others. Thus t11e relationship between dopami-
the central nervous system (CNS) presents a particularly nergic pathways in the extrapyramidal system and the effects of
challenging problem. The first is that centrally acting drugs are of drugs in alleviating or exacerbating the symptoms of Parkinson's
~pecial ~ignificancc to humankind. Not only are they of major disease (see Ch. 35) i<; clear-cut. Also reasonably firm is the link
therapeutic importance. 1 but they are also the drugs that humans between the functions of noradrenaline (norepinephrine) and 5-
mo't commonly administer to tllemselves for non-medical reasons hydroxytryptamine in certain parts of the brain and tlle symp-
(e.g. alcohol, tea and coffee. cannabis. nicotine. opiates, ampheta- toms of depre ion (sec Ch. 39). and that between GABA and
mi~ and so on). The second reason is tllat tlle CNS is functionally anxiety (Ch. 37). Less well elttablished is tlle connection between
far more complex than any otller system in the body, and this hyperactivity in dopaminergic pathways and schizophrenia (see
Ch. 38). On the other hand. attempts to relate the condition of
epilep~y to an identifiable cellular disturbance (sec Ch. 40) have
been very disappointing, even though the abnormal neuronal
discharge pauern in epilepsy seems. on the face of it, a much
simpler kind of disturbance than. for example. the altered mood
1n Bntam in 2003, 118 million prescription~ (about 20% or all
prNnptions), costing 1.3 billion, were for CNS drugs as defined by the of a depressed patient. Many CNS drugs are used to treat psy-
Bnu'h Jllntional Formulary. This amounted to nearly two per person across chiatric disorders that arc defined according to tlleir symptoma-
lhe whole population. tology rather than on the basis or causative factors or clinical signs 473

and investigations. What is called 'schizophrenia' or ' depression '

on the basis of particular symptoms is likely to consist of several CHEMICAL SIGNALUNG IN THE
distinct disorders caused by different mechanisms and NERVOUS SYSTEM
responding to drugs in different ways. Much effort is going into
The brain (like every other organ in the body!) is basically a
pinning down the biological basis of psychiatric disorders-a
chemical machine; it controls the main functions of a higher
necessary tep to improve the design of berter drugs for clinical
animal across timescales ranging from milliseconds (e.g. returning a
use- but the ta!>k is daunting and progress is slow.
I 00 mph tennis serve) to years (e.g. remembering how to ride a
In this chapter, we outline the general principles governing the
bicycle). 2 The chemical signalling mechanisms cover a corre-
action of drugs on the CNS. M ost neuroactive drugs work by
spondingly wide dynamic range, as summarised, in a very general
interfering with the chemical signals that underlie brain function,
way. in Figure 32.1. Currently, we understand much about drug
and the next two chapters discuss the major CNS transmitter
effects on events at the fast end of the spectrum- synaptic
systems and the ways in which drugs affect them. In Chapter 35,
transmission and neuromodulation-but much less about long-
we focus on neurodegenerative diseases, and the remaining
term adaptive processes, although it is quite evident th at the latter
chapters in this section deal with the main classes of neuroactive
arc of great importance for the neurological and psychiatric
drugs that are currently in use.
disord ers that are susceptible to drug treatment.
B ackground information will be found i n neurobiology text-
books such as Kandel et al. (2000), and in texts on neuropharma-
cology such as N estler et al. (200 I) and Cooper et at. (2004). For 2Memory of the basic facts of phannacology seems to come somewhere in
exhausti ve coverage, see Davis et al. (2002). the middle of Lhis range (skewed towards the short end).

Timescale Process Chemical mediators Molecular mechanisms

ms Impulse conduction None V-gated ion channels

Transmitter release Exocytosis (Ch. 4)

Fast synaptic transmission Fast transmitters Ligand-gated ion channels (Ch. 3)

(e.g. glutamate, GABA, ACh)

Slow synaptic transmission Slow transmitters

s (e.g. monoamines, peptides, ACh) G-proteincoupled receptors (Ch. 3)
linked to ion channels, ca2\

Neuromodulation Slow transmitters+ others (e.g. NO,
arachidonic acid metabolites)
J1 second messengers
Soluble guanylate cyclase (Ch. 17)

. -

Synaptic plasticity

Delayed pharmacological Many neuroactive drugs

(e.g. antidepressants, Ch. 39) Receptor up/down-regulation
h ? Altered gene expression

Pharmacological tolerance Many neuroactive drugs (Ch. 43)

(e.g. opiolds, benzodiazepines)

St-mt "modollt"g 1 Chemok1nes

1 Cytokines
Growth factors
Kinase-linked receptors
controlling gene expression

? Adhes1on molecules
regeneration and repair
J ? Steroids

(very limited in CNS)

FJg. 32.1 . Chemical signall!ng in th~ n~rvous syst em . Knowledge of the mediators and mechanisms becomes sparser as we move

from the r~p1d events of synapt1c transmiSSion to the slower ones involving remodelling and alterations of gene expression. ACh,
acetylcholine; CNS, central nervous system; NO, nitric oxide.

The original concept of ocurotransnussJOn envisaged a slower timescale than that of neuronal communication. These
sub~tance released by one neuron and acting rapidly, briefly and cells expre!>s a range of receptors and transporters similar to
at ~hon range on the membrane of an adjacent (postsynaptic) tho~c present in neurons. and also release a wide variety of
neuron. causing excitation or inhibition. The principles outlined mediators, including glutamate. lipid mediators and growth factors.
in Chapter 9 apply to the central as well as the peripheral nervous They respond to chemical signals from neurons, and also from
~}stem. It 1\ now clear that chemical mediators within the brain neighbouring astrocytes and microglial cells (the CNS equivalent
can produce l>IO\\ and long-lal>ting effects: that they can act rather of macrophages. which function much like inflammatory cells in
diffuse!). at a con~iderable distance from their site of release; and peripheral tissues). Electrical coupling between astrocytes causes
that the) can produce diverse effects, for example on transmitter them often to respond in concert in a particular brain region, thus
S} nthesis. on the expression of neurotransmitter receptors and on controlling the chemical environment in which the neurons
neuronal morphology. in addition to affecting the ionic conduc- operate. Although they do not conduct action potentials, and do not
tance of the po~tsynaptic cell membrane. This form of signalling send signals to other parts of the body, astrocytes are otherwise
has been termed non-synaptic communication (see ViL.i, 2000). very similar to neurons and play a crucial communication role
The term newvmodufator is often used to denote a mediator. the within the brain. Because they are difficult to study in situ, how-
action~ of which do not conform to the original neurotransmitter ever, our knowledge of how they function, and how they respond
concept. The term is not clearly defined, and it covers not only the to drugs, is still fragmentary. It is an area to watch closely.
dirfu,e ly acting neuropeptide mediators, but also mediators such
as nitric oxide and arachidonic acid metabolites, which are not
stored and released like conventional neurotransmitters, and may TARGETS FOR DRUG ACTION
come from non-neuronal cells, particularly glia, as weU as neurons.
To recapitulate what was discussed in Chapters 2 and 3, neuro-
In general. neuromodulation relate!> to synaptic plasticity, including
active drugs act on one of four types of target proteins, namely
shon-tem1 physiological events such as the regulation of pre-
ion channels, receptors. enzymes and transport proteins. Of the four
~)naptic transmiuer relea<;e or postsynaptic excitability. Longer
main receptor farnilies-ionotropic receptors. G-protein~oup1ed
term ne11rotrophic effects are involved in regulating the growth
receptor~. kinase-linked receptors and nuclear receptor~
and morphology of neurons. as well as their functional pro-
current drugs target mainly the first two.
pentes. Table 32.1 summarises the types of chemical mediator
In the la!>t two or three decades. knowledge about these targets
that operate in the C S.
in the C S has accumulated rapidly, particularly as foliO\\ s.
Glial cells. panicularly astrocytcs. which are the main non-
neuronal celb in the C S and outnumber neurons by 10 to 1, As well a'> 40 or more small-molecule and peptide mediators,
abo play an important signalling role. Once thought of mainly as the importance of other 'non-classical' mediators- nitric
housekeeping cells, whose function was merely to look after the oxide, eicosanoids, growth factors. etc.-has become
fa~tidiou~ neurons, they are increasingly seen as 'inexcitable apparent (see Baraiiano et aL 2001).
neurons' with a major communications role to play (see Bezzi & Considerable molecular diversity of known receptor
Volterra, 2001; Fields & Stevens-Graham, 2002), albeit on a molecules and ion channels (see Ch. 3) has been revealed.

Table 32.1 Types of chemical mediators in the central nervous system

Mediator type Examples Targets Main functional role

Conventional small- Glutamate, GABA, acetylcholine, Ugand-gated ion channels Fast synaptic neurotransmission
molecule mediators dopamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine, etc. G-protein~oupled receptors Neuromodulation

Neuropeptides Substance P. neuropeptide Y, G-protein~oupled receptors Neuromodulation

corticotrophin-releasing factor, etc.

Lipid mediators Prostaglandins, endocannabinoids G-prote1n-<:oupled receptors Neuromodulation

N1tricoxide Guanylate cyclase Neuromodulation

Neurotroph1ns, Nerve growth factor, brain-derived Kinase-linked receptors Neuronal growth, survival and
cytokines neurotrophic factor, interleukin-1 functional plasticity

Steroids Androgens, oestrogens Nuclear receptors (also membrane Functional plasticity


'Most central nervous system pharmacology is currently centred on small-molecule mediators and, less commonly, neuropeptides.
Other mediator types have yet to be targeted for therapeutic purposes.

The pathophysiology of oeurodegeneration in conditions

Chemical transmission In the central ~uch as Altheimer's disease and stroke is beginning to be
nervous system understood (see Ch. 35). and progress is being made in
understanding the mechanisms underlying drug dependence
The basic processes of synaptic transmission in the (see Ch. 43). These advances are suggesting new strategic~
central nervous system are essentially similar to those for treating these disabling conditions. Other area!. of brain
operating in the periphery (Ch. 9). research (e.g. the neurobiology of epilepsy, schizophrenia
Glial cells, particularly astrocytes, participate actively and depressive illnesses) are advancing less rapidly, but there
in chemical signalling, functioning essentially as is still progress to report.
'inexcitable neurons'.
The terms neurotransmitter, neuromodulator and
neurotrophic factor refer to chemical mediators that
operate over different timescales. In general:
neurotransmitters are released by presynaptic
terminals and produce rapid excitatory or /\s we have already emphasised, the molecular and cellular
inhibitory responses in postsynaptic neurons mechanisms underlying dntg action in the CNS and in the
neuromodulators are released by neurons and by pe riphery are essentially similar. Understanding how drugs anect
astrocytes, and produce slower pre- or brain function is, however, made difficult by several factors. One
postsynaptic responses is the complexit y of neuronal interconnections in the brain- the
neurotrophic factors are released mainly by non- wiring diagram. Figure 32.2 illustrates in a schematic way the kind
neuronal cells and act on tyrosine kinase-linked of interconnections that typically exist for, say, a noradrcncrgic
receptors that regulate gene expression and neuron in the locus coeruleus (see Ch. 34), shown as neuron I
control neuronal growth and phenotypic in the diagram, releasing transmitter a at its terminals. Relea~e
charactenstics of a affects neuron 2 (which releases transmitter b ), and also
fast neurotransmitters (e.g. glutamate, GABA) affect\ neuron I by direct feedback and, indirectly, by affecting
operate through ligand-gated ion channels presynaptic inputs impinging on neuron I. The firing pattern of
slow neurotransmitters and neuromodulators (e.g. neuron 2 also affects the system. partly through interneuronal
dopamtne, neuropeptides, prostanoids) operate connections (neuron 3, releasing transmitter c). Even at this
mainly through G-protein-coupled receptors. grossly oversimplified level. the effects on the system of blocking
The same agent (e.g. glutamate, 5-hydroxytryptamine, or enhancing the release or actions of one or other of the tran\-
acetylcholine) may act through both ligand-gated miuers are difficult to predict, and will depend greatly on the
channels and G-protein-coupled receptors and relative stre ngth of th e vario us excitatory and inhibitory synaptic
function as both neurotransmitter and neuromodulator. connections, and on external inputs (x andy in the diagram). Added
Many chemical mediators, including glutamate, nitric to this complexity at the level of neuronal interconn ections is the
oxide and arachidonic acid metabolites, are produced influence o r the g lial cells, mentioned above. A further important
by glia as well as neurons. complicating factor is that a range of secondary, adaptive responses
Many mediators (e.g. cytokines, chemokines, growth is generally set in train by any drug-induced perturbation of the
factors, steroids) control long-term changes in the system. Typically, an increase in transmitter release, or interference
brain (e.g. synaptic plasticity and remodelling), mainly with transmitter reuptakc. is countered by inhibition of tran~
by affecting gene transcription. mitter sy nthesis, enhanced transporter expression or decreased
receptor ex pressiotl. These changes, which involve altered gene
expression, generall y take time (hours. days or weeks) to develop
and arc not evident in acute pharmacological experiments.
In the clinical ~ituation. the effects of psychotropic drugs often
All the receptors and channels are expressed in at least three take weeks to develop. so it is likely that they reflect the adaptive
or four (often more) subtypes. with quite characteristic rcspon!>es rather than the immediate pharmacodynamic effects of
distribution~ in different brain areas. In most cases, we have the drug. This is well documented for antidepressant drugs (Ch. 39)
little clear idea of what this diversity means at a functional and some antipsychotic drugs (Ch. 38). The development of
level, although the study of transgenic 'gene knockouts' is dependence on drugs such as opiates, benzodiazepines and ps}-
beginning to provide some clues. From the pharmacological chostimulants is similarly gradual (Ch. 43). Thus one has to take
standpoint. the molecular diversity of such targets raises the into accoun t not only the primary interaction of the drug with tts
possibility that drugs with improved selectivity of action- target, but also the secondary response of the brain to thi'>
blocking one kind of sodium channel without affecting primary effect: it is often the secondary response, rather than the
others, for example-may be discovered. So far, however, the primary effect. which leads to clinical benefit.
potential of th ese new approaches in terms or improved drugs A furthe r important factor in CNS pharmacology is the exist-
for neuro logical and psychiatric diseases remains largely ence of the blood-brain barrier (sec Ch. 4), penetration of which
476 unrealised. llope, however (and certainly hype), springs eternal. req uires mo lecules to traverse the vascular endothelial cclb


Fig. 32.2 Simplified scheme of neuronal interconnections in the central nervous system. Neurons 1, 2 and 3 are shown
releasing transmitters a, b and c, respectively, which may be excitatory or inhibitory. Boutons of neuron 1 terminate on neuron 2, but
also on neuron 1 itself, and on presynaptic terminals of other neurons that make synaptic connections with neuron 1. Neuron 2 also
feeds back on neuron 1 via interneuron 3. Transmitters (x and y) released by other neurons are also shown impinging on neuron 1. Even

____ J
with such a simple network, the effects of drug-induced interference with specific transmitter systems can be difficult to predict.

rather than going between them. ln general, only small non-polar

molecules can diffuse passively across cell membranes. Some Drug action In the central
neuroacti\e drugs penetrate the blood-brain barrier in !his way.
but man) do so via tran-.porter!>, which either facilitate entry into
the brain or dimini'>h it by pumping !he compound from the The basic types of drug target (ion channels,
endothelial cclltnterior back into the bloodstream. Drugs !hat gain receptors, enzymes and transporter proteins)
ent!) in thi'> way include L-dopa (Ch. 35). valproate (Ch. 40) and described tn Chapter 3 apply in the central nervous
vanou'> ~cdative histamine antagonists (Ch. 14). Drugs that are system, as elsewhere.
excluded include many antibacterial and anticancer drugs !hat are Most of these targets occur in several different
substrates for the P-glycoprotein transporter (see Cbs 4 and 45). molecular isoforms, the functional significance of
Sc\cr.tl'>uch transporters have been identified. and their importance which is, in most cases, unclear.
in relation to drug action in the brain is becoming increasingly Many of the currently available neuroactive drugs are
apparent (see review by Tarnai & T suji, 2000). relatively non-specific, affecting several different
targets, the principal ones being receptors, ion
channels and transporters.
THE CLASSIFICATION OF PSYCHOTROPIC The relationship between the pharmacological profile
DRUGS and the therapeutic effect of neuroactive drugs is
often unclear.
P~ychotropic drug'> are defined as those !hat affect mood and Slowly-developing secondary responses to the primary
beha\ iour. Because these indices of brain function are difficult to interaction of the drug with its target are often important
define and measure, !here is no consistent basis for classifying (e.g. the delayed efficacy of antidepressant drugs,
P')chotropic drugs. Instead. we find a confusing melee of tenns and tolerance and dependence with opiates).
relating to chemical '>tructure (benzodiazepines. butyropheoooes,
etc.). biochemical target (monoamine ox idase inhibitors.
serotonin reuptake inhibitors. opiates. etc.). behavioural effect
(hallucinogens. ps)chomotor stimulants) or clinical use (anti- Anaesthetic agents
depressants. antips)chotic agents. antiepileptic drugs, etc.), Definition: dntg!> used to produce surgical anaesthesia
togc:ther with a number of indefinable rogue categories (atypical Examples: halothane, propofol
antipsychotic drugs, nootropic drugs) thrown in for good See Chapter 36
mea~ure. Anxiolytics and sedatives
However, grumbling about terminology is fruitless. The Synonyms: hypnotics. sedatives, minor tranquillisers
following classification is based on that suggested in 1967 by the Definition: drugs that cause sleep and reduce anxiety
World Health Organization; although flawed, it provides a basis Examples: barbiturates, bcnzodiazepines
for the material presented later (Chs 37-43). Sec Chapter 37 4 77

Antipsychotic drugs (particularly visual hallucinations) and of behaviour in ways

Synonwns: neuroleptic 3 drugs, amischizophrenic drugs, major that cannot be ~imply characterised a!> sedative or stimulant
tranquillisers effects
Definition: drugs that are effective in relieving the symptoms Examples: lysergic acid diethylamide, mescaline and
of schizophrenic illness phencyclidine
ramples: clozapine, chlorpromazine. haloperidol See Chapter 43
See Chapter 38 Cognition enhancers
Antide pressant drugs Synonyms: nootropic drugs
Definition: drugs that alleviate the symptoms of depressive Definition: drugs that improve memory and cognitive
illne~s performance
Examples: monoamine oxida1.e inhibitors, tricyclic Examples: acetylcholinesterase inhibitor::. (e.g. donepezil.
antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors galantamine. rivastigmine (Ch. 10), NMDA receptor
Sec Chapter 39 antagonists (e.g. memantine, Ch. 33), piracetam (improves
Analgesic drugs cognitive function in animal teste;, but not proven in humans).
Definilion: drugs used clinically for controlling pain This is something of a wbhful category, in that several
Examples: opiates, carbamaLe pine classes of drugs that improve learning and memory in animal
See Chapter 4 I tests have not been shown to do so in humans.
Psychomotor s timulants
Synonym: psychostimulants Some drugs defy classification in this scheme, for example lithium
Definition: drugs that cause wakefulness and euphoria (see Ch. 39), which is used in the treatment of manic-depressive
Examples: an1phetamine, cocaine and caffeine psychosis, and ketamine (sec Cb. 36), which is classed as a
See Chapter 42 dissociative anae~thetic but produces psychotropic effects rather
Psychotomimetic drugs similar to those produced by phencyclidine.
Synonyms: hallucinogens, psychodysleptics 3 rn practice, the use of drugs in psychiatric illness frequently cuts
Definilion: drugs that cause disturbance of perception across the specific therapeutic categories listed above. For example,
it is common for antipsychotic drugs to be used as rranquiJiisers'
to control extremely anxious or unruly patienLs. or to treat severe
depression. Antidepressant drugs arc often used to treat neuro-
YJnese '>lntnge terms nrc the remnant~ o f a classification proposed by Javel pathic pain (Ch. 41), and certain psychostimulants are of proven
in 1903. who distingui.,hcd p~ycholeptic' (depressants of mental function), efficacy for treating hyperactive children. The simple-minded
pS)Choanaleptics (~timulanll. of mental function) and psycbodysleptics phannacologist, confronted with the realities of clinical practice,
(drugs that produce dt\turbed mental funclion). The term neurolepttc
(literal ly ' nerve seizing') was coined 50 years later to cle~cribe
may find this confusing. Here we will adhere to the conventional
chlorpromtuinc-like drugs (sec Ch. 38). It gained favour, preswnably by pharmacological categories, but it needs to be emphasised that in
vinue of it\ brevity rather than its literal meaning. clinical use these distinctions arc often disregarded.


Barai13nO 0 E. Ferris CD, SnyderS H 2001 Atyprcal Davr; K L. Charney D. Coyle J T, Nemeroff C (ed') and tfmtrltd standort! tett on neurobioiOfil) lrrtle
ncurolmc"cngcrs. Trend' Ncurosci 24: 99-106 (Short 2002 Neuropsychopharmacology: the lifih genemuon empha <is on pharnwwii>J())
trendy rtr..w 011 some emrbli tired mediator.r. !UI"h as of progress. LippincotL Williams & Wilkins, Nestler P. J, Hyman S E. Malcnka R C 2001 Molecular
nuric o~ule, and some .rpuulatie: ones. such a.\ Phrladelphia (A 2000-page: monster with t!xullmr and neurophannacology. McGmw-Hill. New York (Good
carbon fll(>nll.tide and n-fenneJ authoritotie ani< les on ba.src and clmical aspects) modem tl'llbook)
Beur P. V<lltcrra A 2001 A neuron-glia \ignalhng De Doer A G. van der Sandt I C J, G:ullard P J 2003 The Tarruu I. T\UJI A 2000 Tr.ln,poner-medrated penneauon
networl.. m the acti'e brnm. Curr Opm Neurobiol II: role of drug tran>poners at the hlood-bruin bamer. of drug\ aero tbc hlood- bnun barrier. J Phann Sci
387-394 (G()(x/ ;/um m ilw MlfJhasishrll tire i\rrnu Rev Pharmncol Toxicol 43: 626-629 89: I~72 1388 (Good review of the role of tran.rpon
intercmmmmication between glial cells and nturons- (Comprelremie rt'l'i~ of the moluular trature of tni'C'hllllWIIS 111 detenninin~ transfer oj1lriiRS and
11 topic rti/1 poorly undentooJ but ofgro" rn11 blood-brain barrier transporten and their enda~;en1tut molecules into and ou1 of thl' bram)
importanu) pharmacological ti~mjicanct) Vizi E S 2000 Role of h1gll aflinil) receptvr. and
Cooper J R. Bloom F E. Roth R H 2~ Biochemical Field> R D. Stecn\Grnham B 2002 New insight\ into membrane transpone" rn nonsynapuc comrnunicauoo
ba;i; of neuropharmacology. Oxford University Press, neuron-glia communication. Science 298: 556 562 :md drug action in the central nervou' ~yMem. Pbarm
New York (Excellent 11nd IY!olioble arrormt fo<using Knodel E, Schwam J H, Jesse II T M 2000 Princ1ples of Rev 52: 63- 89 (Comw~henJie rel'ie" of
on basrc ruther than diniml W.fH!CIS) neural science. 4tll cdn. Elo;evier, New York (Excel/em Mun>mt><iulmory muhannm; in the CNSl

-,-.......,._ _4_7_8
Amino acid transmiHers


Excitatory amino acids 479 EXCITATORY AMINO ACIDS AS CNS
-Excitatory amino acids os C NS transmitters 479 TRANSMinERS
-Metabolism and release of a mino acids 480
L-glutamate is the principal and ubiquitous excitatory transmiuer
Glutamate 480 in the CNS (sec Cotman et al., 1995, for general review). Aspartate
-Glutamate receptor subtypes 480 plays a similar role in certain brain regions, and possibly also
-Functional role of glutamate receptors 484 homocysteate, but this is controversial. The realisation of gluta-
-Drugs acting on glutamate receptors 485 mate's importance came slowly (see Watkins & Jane, 2006). By
yAminobutyric acid 487 the 1950s (in the wordl> of Kmjevic, one of the glutamate pioneers,
-Synthesrs storage and function 487 the em of Prehil>tory'). work on the peripheral nervous system
-GABA receptors: structure and pharmacology 488 had highlighted the transmitter roles of acetylcholine and
-Drugs acting on GABA receptors 488 catecholamines. and <ll> the bmin also contained these substances.
there seemed little reason to look further. The presence of
Glycine 490 'Y-aminobutyric acid (GABA: see below) in the brain, and its
Concluding re marks 490 powerful inhibitory effect on neurons. were discovered in the
1950s, and it~ transmitter role was postulated. At the same time,
work by Curti!;~ group in Canberra showed !hal glutamate and
various other acidic amino acids produced a strong excitatory
effect, but it seemed inconceivable that such workaday metabo-
lites could actually be transmitters. Through the 1960s (the 'Dark
Ages'), GABA and excitatory amino acids (EAAs) were thought,
even by their discoverers. to be mere pharmacological curiosities.
In the 1970s (the 'Renaissance'). the humblest amino acid, glycine,
OVERVIEW was established as an itthibitory transmitter in the spinal cord,
g iving the lie to the idea that transmjtters had to be exotic
In this chapter, we discuss the major molecules, too beautiful for any role but to sink into the arms of
neurotransmitters in the central nervous system a receptor. Once glycine had been accepted, the rest quickly
{CNS), namely the excitatory transmitter, followed (the 'Baroque era', an apt phrase to describe the intricate
glutamate, and the inhibitory transmitters, GABA detail that has since been added to the basic discovery). A major
and glycine. It is an area in which scientific interest advance was the disco,ery of EAA antagonists. based on the
has been intense in recent years, producing a work of Watkins in Brh.tol, which enabled the physiological role
prolific literature and, for many of us, a stiff of glutamate to be established unequivocally, and also led to the
measure of information overload. Unravelling realisation that EAA receptors are heterogeneous.
some of the complexities of amino acid receptors To do ju'>tice to the wealth of discovery in this field in the past
and signalling mechanisms has thrown two decades is beyond the range of this book: for recent reviews
considerable light on their role in brain function giving more detail, see Conn & Pin (1997), Dingledine et at. (1999)
and their likely involvement in CNS disease. Drugs and Javitt (2{)()..l). Here we concentrate on pharmacological aspects.
that target specific receptors and transporters have Disappointingly, hardly any therapeutic drugs have yet been
been developed, but translating this knowledge introduced on the basis of EAA mechanisms, 1 despite the many
into drugs for therapeutic use has been very slow
going. Here, we present the pharmacological
principles and include recent references for those 1
Mcmnnt inc, an NMDA antagonist. is licensed for the treatment of
seeking more detail. moderate to ~cvcrc Al1hcimer'~ disea>c (Ch. 35) bu t is no magic wand!
4 79

potential applications that exist. The 'Industrial Revolution' seems (Fig. 33.2). This transport can, under some circumstances (e.g.
to be running late. dcpolarisation by increased cxtr<tcellular K+). operate in reverse
and constitute a source of glutamate relea~c (see Takahashi eta!.,
1997), a process that may occur under pathological condjtiom
~uch as brain ischaemia (sec Ch. 35). Glutamate taken up by astro-
cyte<, is converted to glutamine and recycled. via transporters. bad.
Glutamate is widely and fairly uniformly distributed in the CNS, to the neurons, which convert the glutamine back to glutamate.
where its concentration is much higher than in other tissues. It has Glutamine, which lacks the pharmacological activity of glutamate,
an important me tabolic role, the metabolic and neurotransmitter thus serves a~ a pool of inactive transmiuer under the regulatory
pool!. being linked b)' transaminase enzymes that catalyse the control of the astrocytes. which act a~ ball boys, returning the
interconversion of glutamate and a-oxoglutarate (Fig. 33.1). ammunition in harmless form in order to rearm the neurons.
Glutamate in the CNS comes main ly from either glucose, via the Glutamate uptake is coupled to Na~ entry, and several tran~
Krebs cycle, or glulllmine, which is synthesised by glial cells and portcrs have been cloned and characteri.,cd in detail (see Shigeri
taken up by the neurons; very lillie comes from the periphery. et al.. 2004).
The interconnection between the pathways for the synthesis of
EAAs a nd inhibitory amino acids (GABA and glycine). shown in
Figure 33.1, makes it difficult to usc experimental manipulations GLUTAMATE
of tran~miuer synthesis to study the functional role of individual
amino acids, because disturbance of any one step will affect both
excitatory and inhibitory mediators. On the basis of ~tudies with ~electi ve agonists and antagonists
ln common with other transmitters, glutamate is stored in (Fig. 33.3), four main subtypes of EAA receptors can be dis-
synaptic vesicles and released by Ca 2+-depcndent exocytosis: tinguished. namely NMDA , Ai\lPA . kaina te and metabotropic
specific transporter proteins account for its uptake by neurons receptors (Table 33.l), all of which have been cloned and
and other cells, and for its accumulation by synaptic vesicles (see studied in great detail (see Conn & Pin, 1997; Dingledine et al..
Ch. 9). Released glutamate is taken up by cells in exchange for 1999). The first three arc ionotropic receptors, named according
a (cf. monoamine transporters-Ch. 9). and transported into to their specific agonists. 2 The channel consim of four <,ubunits.
synaptic vesicles, by a different transporter driven by the proton
gradient across the vesicle membrane. l n contrast to the s ituation
with monoamine synthesis and transport (Chs ll and 34), few
drugs (none in clinical use) arc known that interfere specifically
with glutamate metabolism.
The action of glutamate is terminated mainly by carrier-mediated ~A MPA and kaina1e receptors ar.: pharmacologically simil ar and are often
reuptat...e into the nerve terminals and neighbo uring astrocytes lumped toge1her a\ AMPA!kainatl' or non-NMDA receptors.



TRICARBOXYLIC Succinate.......,__ __ _ ___.
Fig. 33.1 Metabolis m of CYCLE
tra ns mitte r ami no acids in the
brain. Transmitter substances are As pa rtate Txaloaceta~t_e_ _
marked with green boxes. GABA-T,
GABA transaminase; GAD, glutamic
~cid decarboxylase.
\.Transaminase )
-,.,- 480


GlnT GlnT
--------- ---\

\.. Glutaminase J

Glu ~ -- - --------
'' Gin

VGiot~ ' I
I Glutamine
Glu I
...._ ~

Fig. 33.2 Transport of I

glutamate (Giu) and glutamine I
(Gin) by neurons and astrocytes.
Released glutamate is captured
partly by neurons and partly by
j I

astrocy1es, which convert most of it Glu ' EAAT


to glutamine. EAAT, excitatory amino '
acid transporter; GlnT, glutamine , ,,'
transporter, VGiuT, vesicular
glutamate transporter. Glu :::::-----------




Glutamate Aspartate GABA Glycine



H 2P0 3


NMDA AMPA Kainate AP-4 Musc1mol Baclofen

Flg. 33.3 Structures of agonists acting on glutamate, GABA and glycine receptors. The receptor specificity of these compounds
1s shown in Tables 33.1 and 33.2. AP-4, 3-amino-4-phosphonopentanoic ac1d. AMPA, a amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propianic
acid; NMOA, N-methyl-0-asparatic acid.

each Y.ith the 'pore loop' !>tructure shown in Figure 3.18. NMDA distinct from. NR ~>ubunits. AMPA receptors consist of combina-
receptor.. arc U\~embled from two types of subunit. NR 1 and NR2 tions of GluR 1 4 3 AMPA receptors lacking the GluR2 subunit
each of which can exist in different isoforms and splice variants,
gi\ing rise to many different receptor isoforms in the brain,
'AMPA receptor subunil'o arc also !.ubject to other kinds of variation,
whose significance is not yet understood-a scenario by now namely alternative \plicing, giving rise to the engagingly namedj7ip and
familiar to our readers. The subunits comprising AMPA and kainate j10fl vuri:mt,, um.l RNA ed iting at the single amino acid level. both of which
receptors, termed GluR 1 7 and KA 12 , are closely related to, but contribute yet more functl()nal diven,ity to this motley family. 481

Table 33.1 Properties of excitatory amino acid receptors

NMDA AMPA Kainate M etabotropic

Subunit Tetramers consisting of NR 1 and Tetramers consisting of Tetramers consisting Dimeric G-

composition NR2 subunits GluR1-4 subunits (variants of GluRs-7 subunits protein-coupled
associated with alternative plus KA 12 receptors
splicing and RNA editing)

Receptor site Modulatory site

Endogenous Glutamate Glycine Glutamate Glutamate Glutamate
agonist(s) Aspartate 0-Serine

Other NMDA Cycloserine AMPA Kainate D-AP4

agonist(s)' Quisqualate Domoate ACPD

Antagonist(s) AP-5, AP-7 7-Chloro- NBQX NBQX MCPG

CGS 19755 kynurenic acid CNQX LY 377770
(selfotel) ACEA 1021 LY 293558
CPP HA-466
LY 235959

Other Polyamines (e.g. spermine, Cyclothiazide

modulators spermidine) Anlracetam
Mg2 , Zn2 Ampakinesb

Channel Dizocilpine (MK801) Not applicable

blockers Phencyclidine

Effector Ligand-gated cation channel Ligand-gated cat1on channel Ligand-gated cation G-protein--<:oupled
mechanism (slow kinetics, high Ca?. (fast kinet1cs; channels channel (fast kinetics, Qnositol trisphosphate
permeability) possessing GluR 2 subunits low Ca2 permeability) formation and release
show low Ca2' permeability) of Ca2')

Location Postsynaptic (also glial) Postsynaptic Pre- and postsynaptic Pre- and postsynaptic
Wide distribution

Function Slow epsp Fast epsp Fast epsp Synaptic modulation

Synaptic plasticity (long-term Wide distribution ? Presynaptic inhibition Excitotoxicity
potentiation, long-term depression) Limited distribution

ACPD, 1-aminocyclopentane-1,3-dicarboxylic ac1d; AP-5, 2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid; AP-7, 2-amino-7-phosphonoheptanoic

acid; CNQX, 6-cyano-7 -nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione; CPP, 3-(2-carboxypirazin-4-yl)-propyl-1-phosphonlc acid; epsp, excitatory
postsynaptic potential; MCPG, CL-methyl-4-carboxyphenylglycine; NBQX, 2,3-dihydro-6-nitro-7-sulfamoyl-benzoquinoxaline. (Other
structures are shown in Figure 33.3.)
structures of experimental compounds can be found in Brauner-Osborne et al. (J Med Chern 43: 2609-2645, 2002).
Ampakine is a term invented to describe a number of compounds that appear to enhance the action of AMPA receptor agonists.

have much higher permeability to Ca 2+ than the other~. which has glutamate-binding site, in contraM to most amine receptors
important functional consequences (see Ch. 4). The metabotropic (class A), in which the agonist binding site is buried among the
receptor:. are G-protcin-coupled receptors linked to intracellular transmembrane helices (Ch. 3).
second messenger systems (see Ch. 3; Conn & Pin, J 997), and Binding studies show that glutamate receptors are most abundant
comprise eight subtypes in three main classes (Table 33. 1). They in the cortex. basal ganglia and ~ensory pathways. NMDA and
arc unusual in showing no sequence homology with other G- AMPA receptors are generally colocalised, but kainate receptor~
protein-coupled receptors. They posses~ a very large extracellular have a much more restricted distribution. Expression of the
"'-....._ _4_8_2 N-terminal tail (class C ; see Table 3.2). which contains the many different receptor subtypes in the brain also shows diMinct

regional differences. but we have hardly begun to understand the They are highly permeable to Ca2, as weU as to other
,ignificance of thi\ extreme organisational complexity. cations, so activation of MDA receptors is particularly
effective in promoting Ca2+ entry.
They are readily blocked by Mi'". and this block shows
marked 'oltage dependence. It occurs at physiological Mg2
The N\IDA rcccpto~ and their associated channels have been concentration~ when the cell is normally polarised, but
\tudied m more detail than the other types and show special disappear~ if the cell i!> depolarised.
pharmacological properties, summarised in Figure 33.4. which Activation of NMDA receptors requires glycine as well as
arc po~tulated to play a role in pathophysiological mechanisms. glutamate (Fig. 33.5). The binding site for glycine is distinct



Channel-blocking Channel-blocking
drugs drugs

NMDA receptor GABAA receptor
Fig. 33.4 Main sites of drug action on NMDA and GABAA receptors. Both receptors are multimeric ligand-gated ion channels.
Drugs can act as agonists or antagonists at the neurotransmitter receptor site or at modulatory sites associated with the receptor. They
can also act to block the ion channel at one or more distinct sites. In the case of the GABAA receptor, the mechanism by which 'channel
modulators' (e.g. ethanol, anaesthetic agents) facilitate channel opening is uncertain; they may affect both ligand binding and channel
sites. The location of the different binding sites shown in the figure is largely imaginary, although study of mutated receptors is beginning
to reveal where they actually reside. Examples of the different drug classes are given in Tables 33.1 and 33.2.

rru Glu
NMOA Gly + Gly Glu + Gly

1100 pA ~
c D
Quis Kal
Quis + Gly Kai +Giy

Fig. 33.5 Facilitation of NMDA by glycine. Recordings from mouse brain neurons in culture (whole-cell patch clamp technique).
Downward deflections represent inward current through excitatory amino acid-activated ion channels. 1A1 NMDA (10 l!mol/1) or glycine
(1 )lmol/1) applied separately had little or no effect, but together produced a response. B The response to glutamate (10 f.!mol/ 1, Glu) was
strongly potentiated by glycine (1 f.!mol/1, Gly). C and D. Responses of AMPA and kainate receptors to quisqualate (Quis) and kainate
(Ka1) were unaffected by glycine. (From Johnson J W, Ascher P 1987 Nature 325: 529-531.)

from the glutamate-binding site, and both have to be

occupied for the channel to open. This discovery caused a
Control APV
stir, because glycine had hitherto been recognised a~ an o.5mVL
inhibitory transmitter (sec below). so to find it facilitating J Before J Before 1oms
excitation ran counter to the prevailing doctrine. The
concentration of glycine required depends on the subunit ~ Vc:-
composition of the NMDA receptor; for some NMDA e- 250
receptor subtypes, physiological variation of the glycine
concentration may serve as a regulatory mechanism, whereas ~ 200
others arc fully activated at all physiological glycine -8
concentrations. Competitive antagonists at the glycine site a 1so
(see Table 33.1) indirectly inhibit the action of glutamate. "' 100
Recently (see Miller, 2004). a surprising molecule, 4 namely .,a.
o-serine, has been found to activate the NMDA receptor via L- Condittonlng tratn
the glycine site and to be released from astrocytes. 0 15 30 45 60
Certain well-koown anaesthetic and psychotomimetic agents, Mtnutes
such as ketamine (Ch. 36) and phencyclidine (Ch. 42). are
selective blocking agents for NMDA-operated channels. The Control CNQX (5j.tmolll)
CNQX (5~tmofl1)
APV (SOj.tmol/1)
experimental compound dizocilpine (codename MK801)
shares this property.
Certain endogenous polyamines (e.g. s permine, s permidine)
-~ _f".- - -
act on a different accessory site to facilitate channel opening.
The experimental drugs ifenprodil and cliprodil block their
Fig. 33.6 Effects of excitatory amino acid receptor
antagonists on synaptic transmission. ~ APV (NMDA
antagonist) prevents long-term potentiation (LTP) in the rat
RECEPTORS hippocampus without affecting the fast excitatory postsynaptic
potential (epsp). Top records show the extracellularly recorded
The AMPA receptors, and in certain brain regions kainate
fast epsp (downward deflection) before, and 50 minutes after, a
receptors (sec Bleakman & Lodge, 1998). serve to mediate fast conditioning train of stimuli (1 00 Hz for 2 s). The presence of
excitatory synaptic transmission in the eNS-absolutely essential LTP in the control preparation is indicated by the increase in
for our brains to function. Kainate receptors also have a epsp amplitude. In the presence of APV (50 ~tmol/1), the normal
presynaptic role (see Huenner. 2003). AMPA receptors occur on epsp is unchanged, but LTP does not occur. Lower trace
shows epsp amplitude as a function of time. The conditiomng
astrocytes as well as on neurons, and these cells (see Ch. 32) play
train produces a short-lasting increase in epsp amplitude,
an important role in communication in the brain. NMDA receptors which still occurs in the presence of APV, but the long-lasting
(which often coexist with AMPA receptors) contribute a slow effect is prevented. [81 Block of fast and slow components of
component to the excitatory synaptic potential (Fig. 33.6). the epsp by CNOX (6-cyano-7-nltroquinoxaline-2,3-dione; AMPA
magnitude of which varies in different pathways. Metabotropic receptor antagonist) and APV (NMDA receptor antagonist). The
epsp (upward deflection) in a hippocampal neuron recorded
glutamate receptors are linked either to inositol trisphosphate
with intracellular electrode is partly blocked by CNQX (5 11mol/1),
production and release of intracellular Cal+. or to inhibition of leaving behind a slow component, which is blocked by APV
adcnylyl cyclase (see Ch. 3). They arc located both pre- and (50 )lmOVI). (From: (A) Malinow R, Madison 0, Tsien R W 1988
postsynaptically, like other glutamate receptors. and also occur Nature 335: 821; (B) Andreasen M, Lambert J D. Jensen M S
on astrocytes. Their effects on transmission are modulatory rather , 1989 J Physiol 414: 317-336.)
than direct, compri!>ing mainly postsynaptic excitatory effects
(by inhibition of potassium channeb) and presynaptic inhibition
(by inhibition of calcium channels).
In general, it appears that NMDA and metabotropic receptors blocked, brain function shut'> down entire!); nevertheless, tbc}
play a particular role in long-term adaptive and pathological too are involved in synaptic plasticity.
changes in the brain, and are of particular interest as potential Two aspects of glutamate receptor function are of particular
drug targets. AMPA/kainatc receptors, 011 the other hand, are mainly pathophysiological importance, namely synaptic plasticity.
responsible for fast excitatory transmission. and if they are fully discussed here, and excitotoxicity (discussed in Ch. 35).


Surpri'>ing. becau!te it i'> the 'wrong' enantiomer for amino acids of higher
- ...____.,___
organ t\m>. Nevcrthcle>'t, vertebrate> pos<,e;,<, spectfic enzymes and Synaptic plasticity is a general tenn to describe long-term changes
transporters for this o amino acid. wbich is abundant in the brain. in synaptic connectivity and efficacy, either following physiological

alterations in neuronal activity (as in learning and memory), or influence the presynaptic nerve terminal. Anandamide, released
n:;,ulting from pathological disturbances (as in epilepsy, chronic by the po\t'>ynaptic cciJ, may also play a role by reducing the
pain or drug dependence). Synaptic plasticity underlies much of release of GABA from inhibitory nerve endings (see Ch. 15).
\\hat \~e call 'brain function'. and understanding it has been a Holy T Two 'pecial propcnie\ of the NMDA receptor and channel underlie its
Grail for neurobiologhts for decades. Needless to say, no single in\'OI\'emem 10 LTP. namely voltage-dependent channel block by Mg~
mechanl'm ts re~pon~ible; however. one significant and much- and ih high Ca~ permeabillt). At normal membrane potemiab. the
'tudied~ component i\ long-term potemiarion (LTP). a phenomenon NMOA chanll<!l i' blocked by Mt: a ~ustained postsynaptic depolari\ation
in \\hich glutamate and NMDA receptors play a central role. produced by glutamme acting repeated!) on AMPA receptors, howe\er,
removes the Mg 2 bloc!... and NMDA receptor activation then allows Ca~
Longtcrm potentiation (see Malenka & Nicoll. 1999; Bennett, to enter the cell. The metabotropic EAA receptor also contribute\ to the
20001 is a long-lasting (hours in vitro, days or weeks in vivo) increase 10 [Ca 2'),. This ri~e in [Ca~l, in the postsynaptic cell activate
enhancement of synaptic transmission that occurs at various CNS prote1n kina-;es. phm.pholipase~ and rtitric ox.ide synthase, which act
..ynapse~ following a short (conditioning) burst of high-frequency jointly (by mechanhm~ that arc not yet fully understood) to facilitate
tran~mi~'ion via AMPA receptors. Initially. during the induction phase of
prcs}naptic stimulation. Its counterpart is long-term depression,
LTP. pho;phorylmion of AMPA receptors increases their responsiveness
\\hich is produced by a longer train of stimuli at lower frequency. to glutamate. Later. during the maimenance phase, more AMPA receptors
These phenomena have been studied in great detail in the hippo- arc recru ited to the postsynaptic membrane as a result of altered receptor
campus (Fig. 33.6). which plays a central role in learni ng and trafficking; later still. various other med iators and signalling pathways arc
memory. It has been argued that ' learning', in the synaptic sense, activmcu. causing structu ra l changes and leading to a pcrmanem increase
in the number of ~yn aptic contacts.
can occur if ~ynaptic strength is enhanced following simultaneous
activity in both pre- and postsynaptic neurons. LTP shows this Although LTP i'> well eMablhhed as a synaptic phenomenon, it~ rela.ion~hip
charactcri\tic; it docs not occur if presynaptic activity fails to excite to learning anu memory remain~ controversial (although the evidence i.,
~ug.ge\uvc). For example. NMDA receptor antagonists applied to the
the po~t'>ynaptic neuron, or if the latter is activated independently.
hippocampu~ impair learning in raL\; al~o. 'satumtion' ofLTP by electrical
tor in<,tancc by a different presynaptic input. Thus LTP initiation \timulntion of the h1ppocampus bas been found to impair the ability of
imohc~ hoth the pre!>ynaptic and postsynaptic components. and rats to learn ho" to navigate a m;ue. Furthermore. LTP-Iike changes ha\'e
11 re,ults from enhanced activation of AMPA receptors at EAA been detected after learning has taken place. Thus there is hope that drugs
')nap'e'. The facilitatory process also appears to involve both capable of enhancmg. LTP may improve learning and memOJ).
pre and po\1\)'naptic elements (although the small-print argument Long-term potentiation i;, ju\l one manifeMation of synaptic plasticit}.
rumbb on ahout whether increased transmitter release does or whereby neuronal connections re~pond to change~ in the activity of the
doe' not occur in LTP): the response of postsynaptic AMPA ner\OU\ sy\tem. Other phenomena. including shon-tenn potentiation and
long term depre\\ion. aho occur. and the} too appear to invohe
receptors to glutamate i'> increased, and so (probably) is glutamate glutamntc reccpto~ ('ce Malenil.a & Nicoll. 1993}. LTP and long-tenn
release. Increased cxpres<,ion and trafficking of AMPA receptors depre\\ion :tre not confined to hippocampal regions involved in learning
to S)napuc \itcs al. o occurs. The following experimental results and memof). but occur throughout the CNS. Glutamate receptors play a
ha\e led to the model ~hown in Figure 33.7, in wh.ich activation central role in al l c:1ses so far studied. but other mediatoN, such a~
of 1\fMDA receptors and metabotropic glutamate receptors endocannabinoiu,, may also be mvolved (see Malenka & Bear. 2~).
indtrccrly sethitiscs AMPA receptors.
NMDA antagonists prevent LTP, without affecting normal, RECEPTORS
non-potentiated transmission (which depends on AMPA
receptors). Disruption of the NMDA receptor gene has the
\ame effect. Much effort, based on the work of Watkins and h.is colleagues.
LTP occur\ only if the postsynaptic cell is depolarised at the has gone into the search for selective glutamate antagonists, partly
time when the conditioning burst of stimulation is delivered. to provide tool!. for better understanding the physiological roles
Blocking AMPA receptors prevents this, and prevents LTP. of the different types of EAA receptor. and partly as potential
Antagoni.,ts at metabotropic glutamate receptors reduce the therapeutic agent<, with which to treat, for example, epilepsy,
duration of LTP; LTP is also impaired in transgenic mice psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders.
lacking the mGiuR t receptor. The main type'> of EAA antagonists are shown in Table 33.1.
Ca' entry into the post:.ynaptic cell is required, and there is They are selective for the main receptor types but generally not for
c\tdcnce that activation of protein kinase C (see Ch. 3), specific l>Ubtype~. Many of these compounds, although very useful
rc\ulting in pho.,phorylation of AMPA receptors. is involved al> experimental tools in \itro. are unable to penetrate the blood-
in the mechanbm of potentiation. brain barrier, so they are not effective when given systemically.
LTP i" reduced by agents that block the synthesis or effects NMDA reccpton.. a<> discussed above. require glycine as well
of nitric oxide or arachidonic acid. One or both of these as MDA to activate them, so blocking of the glycine site is an
medtator:. may be the hitherto elusive 'retrograde messenger' alternative way to produce antagonism. Kynurenic acid and the
through which events in the postsynaptic cell are able to more potent analogue 7-chloro-kynurenic acid act in this way,
as do various compounds currently in development.
Another l>ite of block is the channel itself, where various
s 'A recent review notcu that over 3000 papers on LTP were published during substances act, for example ketamioe and phencyclidine.
tl the 1990.,, nearly one per <.lay. Which i~ a lot! Dizocilpine. remacemide and memantine are more recent 485

- - - - - - - - - -- -- ------ ------
rAJ Normal tran sm iss ion (ru After conditioning t ra in
AMPA receptors only activated AMPA, NMDA, metabotropic receptors activated
Increased [Ca 2],
Activation of PKC and NOS

Retrograde message

- ----"' -- -- -
- --,

Na+ Na+
I, e Mg 2 I

' Met

' ~
;t~: PI IP3 DAG

Depolarlsation Depolarlsatlon _)
{brief) (sustained)

Phosphorylation of
AMPA channels
Arg NO

Long-term <:=:==J Altered gene

changes expression

Fig. 33.7 M echanism s of lo ng-term potentiation . !Al With infrequent synaptic activity, glutamate activates mainly AMPA receptors.
There is insufficient glutamate to activate metabotropic receptors, and NMDA receptor channels are blocked by Mg2 . B After a
conditioning train of stimuli, enough glutamate is released to activate metabotropic receptors, and NMDA channels are unblocked by the
sustained depolarisation. The resulting increase in (Ca2 ] , activates various enzymes, including the following.
Protein kinase C (PKC) phosphorylates various proteins, including AMPA receptors (causing facilitation of transmitter action) and other
signal transduction molecules controlling gene transcription (not shown) in the postsynaptic cell.
Nitric oxide synthase (NOS). Release of nitric oxide (NO) facilitates glutamate release (retrograde signalling, otherwise known as NO
turning back).
Phospholipase A2 (not shown) catalyses the formation of arachidonic acid (Ch. 13), a retrograde messenger that increases presynaptic
glutamate release.
A phospholipase (NAPE-PLD, not shown) that catalyses production of the endocannabinoid, anandamide (Ch. 15). Anandam1de appears
to act on GABAergic inhibitory nerve terminals, enhancing transmission by suppressing GABA release. A, AMPA receptor; DAG,
diacylglycerol; G, glutamate; IP3 , inositol (1 ,4,5) triphosphate; Met, metabotropic receptor; N, NMDA receptor; PI, phosphatidylinositol.

examples. These agents are lipid-soluble and thus able to cross feature of phencyclidine; Ch. 42). Only two NMDA receptor
the blood-brain barrier. antagonists, ketamine (anaesthesia and analgesia; see Chs 36 and
The potential therapcmic interest in glutamate antagonists lies 41) and memantine (Alzheimer's disease; Ch. 35) are in clinical
mainly in the reduction of brain damage following strokes and usc. Glycine site antagonists may have fewer unwanted effech,
head injury (Ch. 35), as weU a~ in the treatment of epilepsy (Ch. 40) and experimental compounds have been tested in cijnical trial\
and of Alzheimer's disease (Ch. 35). They have also been con- for conditions such as stroke and epi lepsy (see Jansen &
sidered for indications, such as drug dependence (Ch. 43) and Dannhan, 2003); the results have been inconclusive. AMPA
schizophrenia (Ch. 38), where the rationale is less clear. Trials receptor antagonists seem unpromising as therapeutic agenL'i.
with NMDA antagonists and channel blockers have so far proved because the available agent~ (as might be expected) produce
disappointing, and a serious drawback of these agents is their overall CNS depression, including respiratory depression and
486 tendency to cause hallucinatory and other disturbances (also a motor incoordination, with liule margin of safety. Only if ~ubtyp.:

-.elcctivity can be achieved i~ this approach likely to succeed.

Again't thb unpromi~ing background, antagonists at metabotropic
Excitatory amino acids
receptor\ may offer the bc~t hope (see Nicoletti et al., 1996), but
'uch compound'> are not yet available for clinical use. Excitatory amino acids (EAAs), namely
0\erall. the promi\e foreseen for glutamate receptor ligands glutamate, aspartate, and possibly homocysteate, are
in the clinic ha\ \imply not, so far, been fulfilled. The problem the main fast excitatory transmitters in the central
may be that glutamate i.., \Uch a ubiquitous and multifunctional nervous system.
mediator-invohcd. it seems. in almost every aspect of brain Glutamate is formed mainly from the Krebs cycle
functton-that attempting to improve specific malfunction by intermediate a-oxoglutarate by the action of GABA
flooding the brain with a compound that affects the glutamate transaminase.
'}'tem Ill some way is just too crude a strategy. There are four main EAA receptor subtypes:
Various agonist~ at EAA receptors that are used experimentally
NMDA, AMPA and kainate receptors are ionotropic
arc ~hown in Table 33. 1. From the clinical perspective, interest
receptors regulating cation channels; metabotropic
centres on the theory that positive AMPA receptor modulators,
receptors are G-protein-coupled receptors and act
\~hich act by reducing receptor descnsitisation, may improve
through intracellular second messengers. There are
memory and cognitive performance. Cycloth iazide, a compound
many molecular subtypes within each class.
related to thiazide diuretics (Ch. 24), acts in this way but is
The channels controlled by NMDA receptors are
toxic: drug~ \uch a~ pir acctam and aniracetam. which are used
highly permeable to Ca2 and are blocked by Mg2.
m dementia (not routinely, at least in the UK) (Ch. 35) also
AMPA and kainate receptors are involved in fast
~n,iti\e AMPA receptors. although it is not certain that this
excitatory transmission; NMDA receptors mediate
accounts for their pl>ychotropic effects. Other so-called
slower excitatory responses and, through their effect
ampakines are in development as possible drugs for improving
in controlling Ca2 entry, play a more complex role in
co~niti\e performance.
controlling synaptic plasticity (e.g. long-term
Competitive NMDA receptor antagonists include AP-5
(2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid) and CPP (3-(2-
GABA 1s the main inhibitory transmitter in the brain. Tn the carboxypirazin-4-yl)-propyl-1-phosphonic acid); the
spinal cord and brain stem, glycine is also important. NMDA-operated ion channel is blocked by
dizocilpine, as well as by the psychotomimetic drugs
ketamine and phencyclidine.
SYNTHESIS, STORAGE AND FUNCTION CNQX (6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione) is a
GABA occurs in brain ti ssue but not in other mammalian tissues, selective AMPA receptor antagonist.
~xccpt in trace amounts. It is particularly abundant (about NMDA receptors require low concentrations of
10 ).lmol/g tissue) in the nigrostriatal system, but occurs at lower glycine as a coagonist, In addition to glutamate;
concentrations (2-S ).l.moVg) throughout the grey matter. 7-chlorokynurenate blocks this action of glycine.
GABA is formed from glutamate (Fig. 33. 1) by the action of NMDA receptor activation is increased by
~lummic acid decarboxylase (GAD), an enzyme found only in
endogenous polyamines, such as spermine, acting on
GABA-synthesi ing neurons in the brain. lmmunohistochemical a modulatory site that is blocked by ifenprodil.
labelhng of GAD is used to map the GABA pathways in the The entry of excessive amounts of Ca2+ produced by
bram. GABA is destroyed by a transamination reaction in which NMDA receptor activation can result in cell death-
the ammo group is transferred to a-oxoglutaric acid (to yield excitotoxicity (see Ch. 35).
glutamate), with the production of succinic semialdehyde and then Metabotropic receptors are dimeric G-protein-coupled
>Uccinic acid. Thi~ reaction is catalysed by GABA transaminase, receptors linked to inositol trisphosphate formation and
\\hich h inhibited by vigabatrine. a compound used to treat intracellular Ca2 release. They play a part in glutamate-
epileps) (Ch.40). GABAergic neurons and astrocytes take up mediated synaptic plasticity and excitotoxicity.
u Specific agonists and antagonists are known.
GABA \Ia spcc1fic transporter:., and it is this, rather than GABA
tran-ammase, which removes the GABA after it has been released. EAA receptor antagonists have yet to be developed
GABA transport is inhibited by guvacine and nipecotic acid. for clinical use.
GABA functions as an inhibitory transmitter in many different
CNS pathways. About 20% of CNS neurons are GABAergic:
te most are ~hort interneurons, but long GABAergic tracts run to
the cerebellum and striatum. The widespread distribution of
d 487
GABA, und the fact that virtually all neurons are sensitive to its

inhibitory effect, suggests that its function is ubiquitous in the DRUGS ACTING ON GABA RECEPTORS
brain. GABA serves as a transmitter at about 30% of all the
synapse in the CNS. GABAA RECEPTORS
GABAA receptors resemble NMDA receptors in that drugs may
GABA RECEPTORS: STRUCTURE AND act at \everal different sites (Fig. 33.4: see Johns10n. 1996)
PHARMACOLOGY These include:
the GABA-binding site
GABA acts on two distinct types of receptor, one (the GABA,.,
!>everal modulatory sites
receptor) being a ligand-gated channel. the other (GABA 8 ) being
the ion channel.
a G-protein-coupled receptor.6 GABAA receptors (see Barnard,
2000) belong to the same structural class as nicotinic acetylcholine There is growing evidence that the different receptor subtype~
receptors (sec Fig. 3.18). They are pentamers, most of them differ in their pharmacological properties but, with the exception
composed of three different subunits (a. ~. y), each of which can of bentodiatepine~ (see below), the picture is far from clear.
exist in three to six molecular subtypes. There arc a great many GABAA receptors arc the target for several important centrally
possible permutaUons. of which one (a 1 ~2y~ is by far the most acting drugs, notably benzodiazepines, barbiturates and
abundant overall, although dozens of other functional variants arc ne urosteroids (sec below). General anaesthetics (Ch. 36) also
expressed in specific regions-a familiar pattern of heterogeneity act on GABAA receptors. as well as on other targets. The main
typical of neurotransmitter receptors. We so far have only a agonists. antagonists and modulatory substances that act on
rudimentary under~>tanding of their functional roles (see Mody & GABA receptors are shown in Table 33.2.
Pearce, 2004 ). Muscimol, derived from a hallucinogenic mushroom.
GABA 11 receptors located postsynaptically mediate fast re~embles GABA chemically and is a powerful GABAA receptor
postsynaptic inhibition, the channel being selectively permeable agonist. A synthetic analogue, gaboxadol (previously known as
to Cl . GABA 11 receptors located perisynaptically are responsible TH IP from its chemkal structure) is a partial agonist in
for slow inhibitory effects produced by GABA diffusing further development as a hypnotic drug (Cb. 37). Bicuculline, a
from its <>ite of release. Thus GABA produces inhibition by naturally occurring convulsant compound, is a specific antagoni\t
acting both a<; a fast 'point-to-point' transmitter and as an action- that blocks the fast inhibitory synaptic potential in mo~t CNS
at-a-distance' neuromodulator. It is possible that different synapses. Gabazin e, a synthetic GABA analogue, is similar
GABAA receptor subtypes are involved in these two modes. These compounds are useful experimental tools but have no
Because the equilibrium membrane potential foro- is usually therapeutic u~>es.
negative to the resting potential. increasing Cl- permeability Benzodiazepines, which have powerful sedative and
hyperpolarise~ the cell. thereby reducing its excitability. 7 anxiolytic effects (see Ch. 37), selectively potentiate the effech
GABA 8 receptor~ (see Settler et al., 2004) are located pre- and of GABA on GABAA receptors. They bind with high affinity to
pomynaptically, and they are typical G-protein-coupled an accessory ~>ite (the 'benzodiazepine receptor') on the GABA~
receptors, but unusual in that the functional receptor is a dimer receptor, in such a way that the binding of GABA is facilitated
consisting of two different subunits (see Ch. 3). Apart from minor and its agonist effect is enhanced. Studies on recombinant
splice variants, only a single isoform is known-also unusual GABAA receptors have shown that a small region of they subunit
among G-protein-coupled receptors. GABA 8 receptors exert confers benzodiazepine sensitivity, and mutations in this region
their effects by inhibiting voltage-gated calcium channels (thus affect the level of constitutive activity (see Ch. 2) at this site, and
reducing transmitter release) and by opening potassium channels its sensitivity to benzodiazepines.8 Association with particular a
(thus reducing postsynaptic excitability), these actions resulting subunits is also required. Thus not all GABAA receptors are
from inhibition of adenylyl cyclase. affected by benzodiazepines. Sedative benzodiazcpines, uch
It is believed that glutamate and GABA, and their receptors, as diazepam , are agonist~ (enhancing the action of GABA).
evolved very early, so these receptors probably represent the whereas convulsant analogues, such as flumazenil (Ch. 37) are
venerable aristocrats from which upstarts such as the neuropeptide antagonbt!-. or inverse agonists.
receptors evolved much later. Modulators that also enhance the action of GABA, but who<.c
site of action is less weJJ defined than that of benzodiazepine~
(shown as 'channel modulators' in Fig. 33.4). include other C'\S
depressants such as barbiturates (see Ch. 37), anaesthetic agent~
A third clas~. GABI\c. has recent!) been proposed (see Bonnann. 2000). (Ch. 36) and neurosteroids. Neurosteroids (see Lambert et al ..
Closely re~embhng GABAAreceptors in their structure and function, 2003) are compounds that are related to steroid hormones but
GABAc receptor.. are con~tructed from a different family of subunits
(tenned p). and ha\e \lightl) different phannacological propenie\. Their
functional \tgnificance remains unknown.
During early bmin development (in which GABA plays an important role). "lntere!>tingly. there is evidence from transgenic animal~. in which <.pccific
and abo in some regions of the adult brain. GABA has an exciunory rather GABA" receptor !.ubuniL~ were knocked out. that the anxiolytic and
than an inhibitory effect, because the intracellular cr concentration is ~cdativc effects of benzodiazepines are separable in terms of their molecular
rclalivcly high, so that the equilibrium potential is positive to the resting wrgcts (sec Rudolph ct al., 200 1), a discovery with imponam implication~
membrane potential. for the development of improved anxiolytic drugs .

'hble 33.2 Properties of inhibitory amino acid receptors


Receptor site Modulatory site Modulatory site

(benzodiazepine) (others)
Endogenous GABA ?Diazepam-binding Various neurosteroids GABA Glycine
agonlst(s) inhibitor (e.g. progesterone ~-Alanine
metabolites) Taurine

Other agomst(s) Muscimol Anxiolytic Barbiturates Baclofen

!. Gaboxadol benzodiazepines Steroid anaesthetics
(THIP", (e.g. diazepam) (e.g. alphaxolone)
partial agonist)

Antagonist(s) Bicuculline Flumazenil Phaclofen Strychnine

J Gabazine CGP 35348 and others
Channel blocker Picrotoxin Not applicable

Effector Ligand-gated chloride channel G-protein-coupled receptor; Ligand-gated

mechanism(s) inhibition of adenylyl cyclase chloride channel

Location Widespread; ma1nly GABAergic interneurons Pre- and postsynaptic Postsynaptic

Widespread Mainly in brain
stem and spinal cord

Funct1on Postsynaptic inhibition {fast ipsp) Presynaptic inhibition Postsynaptic

{decreased Ca2 entry) inhibition (fast ipsp)
Postsynaptic Inhibition
(increased K+ permeability)

1psp, inhibitory postsynaptic potential.

"THIP is an abbreviation of the chemical name of gaboxadol.

that act (hke benzodiazepines) to enhance acti vation of GA B AA of the G ABA 8 receptor. for w hich baclofen is a selective agonist
rcccptol'> a.~ well as on conventional intracellular steroid receptors. (see B owery, 1993). Baclo fen is used to treat spasticity and
Interestingly, they include metabolites o f progesterone and related motor disorders (Ch. 37).
androgens that are fonned in the nervous system, and are believed Competitive antagonists for the GABA 13 receptor include a
to have a physiological role. Synthetic ncurosteroids include number of experimental compounds (e.g. saclofen and more potent
alphaxolone, developed as an anaestheti c agent (Ch. 36). Another compounds with improved brai n penetration, such as CGP 35348).
putati\e endogenous modulator of G ABA-mediatcd transmission Tests in animal s have shown that these com pounds produce only
i' a IJ~:ptide. diazepam binding inhibitor, which occurs in the slight effects on C NS fu nction (in contrast to the powerful
brain and elsewhere but whose physiological role is unclear. convulsant effects of GABAA antagonists). The main effect
Picrotoxin (Ch. 42) is a convulsant that acts by blocking the observed. paradoxically, was an antiepileptic action, l>pecifi cally
chlonde channel associated wi th the GABAA receptor, thu. in an animal model of absence seizures (see C h. 37), together
bkdmg the postsyn aptic inhibitory effect o f GABA. It has no w ith enhanced cogni tive performance. Whether such compounds
lhcmpeutic uses. w ill prove to have therapeutic uses remains to be seen.


T y-Hydroxybutyrate (see Wong et al.. 2004) occurs naturally in the brain
When the importance of GA BA as an inhibitory transmitter was as a side product of GABA \}nthe\i\. As a synthetic drug from 1960
rc:cogni~ed, it was thought that a GABA-like substance might onwards, it has found fa,our with bodybuilders. based on it~ abili ty to
prmc: to be effective in controll ing epilepsy and other convulsive C\Oke the relea1oe of grov. th hormone, and with party-goe~. based on ~~~
,tate:': because GABA itself fails to penetrate the blood-brain euphoric and disinhibitOI) effect>. In common with many abu,cd drug\
(see Ch. 43). it activate.\ 'reward pathways' in the brain. and its usc b now
barrier, more Lipophilic GA B A analogues were sought, one
illegal in most countrie!.. The phannacological properties of GHB are not
ol which, baclofen. was introduced in 1972. U nlike G ABA, well understood, although it b believed to activate GABA8 receptor.,
baclofcn has little pos tsynaptic inhibitory effect, and its ac ti ons partly through conversion to GABA, and may also bind 10 >pecific GHB
Hrc not blocked by bicucullinc. These findings led to the recognition receptor sites, of which lillie is known.

GLYCINE Inhibitory amino acids: GABA and glycine

T Glycine is pre~ent in panicularly high concentration (511JlloVg) in the

GABA ts the main inhibitory transmitter in the
grey matter of the \pinal cord. Applied ionopboreticaiJy to motor neuron.,
or mterneuron\, it produces an inhibitory hyperpolarisation that i' brain.
indi~tingui.,hablc from the inhibitory synaptic response. Strychn ine (sec It is present fairly uniformly throughout the brain;
Ch. 42). a convulsant poison that acts mainly on the spinal cord, blocks there is very little in peripheral tissues.
both the synaptic mhibitOI) response and the response to glycine. Thi~. GABA is formed from glutamate by the action of
together with drrect measurements of glycine release in response to nerve
glutamic acid decarboxylase. Its action is terminated
\Umulation, provrde~ ~trong evidence for its physiological transmiuer
role. ~-Alanine has pharmacological effects and a pattern of distribution mainly by reuptake, but also by deamination,
ve11 similar to those of glycine, but its action is not blocked by strychnine. catalysed by GABA transaminase.
There are two types of GABA receptor: GABAA and
The tnhibitory effect of glycine is quite distinct from its role in faci litating
activat ion ol NMDA receptors (see p. 483). GABAe.
GABAA receptors, which occur mainly
The glyci ne receptor (sec Laube e t al., 2002) resembles the GA BA"
postsynaptically, are directly coupled to chloride
receptor; it is a rnu ltirncric ligand-gated chloride channel, of whi ch a
number of subtype~ have been identified by c\onin11, and mutations of the
channels, the opening of which reduces membrane
receptor have been identified in some inherited neurological di sorders excitability. Muscimol is a specific GABAA agonist,
associated with m u~cle ~pasrn an d re nex hyperexcitability. There arc no and the convulsant bicuculline is an antagonist.
therapeutic drugs that act spccilically by modifying glycinergic transmi;~ion. Other drugs that interact with GABAA receptors and
although it turns out that many of the compounds (such as benzodiazepines
channels include:
and anaest hetic agents) that enhance GABAA receptor activation act
\imilarly on glycine receptors. Teta nus toxin, a bacterial toxi n re~embling
benzodiazepine tranquillisers, which act at an
botulinum toxin (Ch. 10), acts selectively to prevent glycine release from accessory binding site t o facilitate the action of
mhrbrtory intemeurons rn the spinal cord, causing exces\ive reflex GABA
hypcrc;~.citability and violent mu~cle spasnts (lockjaw). convulsants such as picrotoxin, which block the
anion channel
neurosteroids, including endogenous
progesterone metabolites, and other CNS
The study of amino acids and their receptors in the brain has been depressants, such as barbiturates and some
one of the most active fields of research in the past two decades. general anaesthetic agents, which facilitate the
and the amount of information available is prodigious. These action of GABA.
signalling systems have been speculatively implicated in almost GABAe receptors are G-protein-coupled receptors
every kind of neurological and psychiatric disorder, and the linked to inhibition of cAMP formation. They cause
pharmaceutical industry has put a great deal of effort into pre- and postsynaptic inhibition by inhibiting calcium
identifying specific ligands-agonists, antagonists, modulators. channel opening and increasing K conductance.
en;.yme inhibitors, transport inhibitors--desi gned to innuence Baclofen is a GABA8 receptor agonist used t o treat
them. However, despite a large number of pharmacologically spasticity. GABAe antagonists are not yet in clinical use.
unimpeachable compounds having emerged. and many clinical Glycine is an inhibitory transmitter mainly in the spinal
trials having been undertaken, there have been no major therapeutic cord, acting on its own receptor, structurally and
breakthrough1.. The optimistic view is that a better understanding functionally similar to the GABAA recept or.
of the particular fun ctions of the many molecular subtypes of The convulsant drug strychnine is a competitive
these targets, and the design of more subtype-specific ligands, glycine antagonist. Tetanus toxin acts mainly by
will lead to future breakthroughs. Expectations have, however, interfering with glycine release.
undoubtedly dimmed in recent years.


f.'\cltator) a mino acids Kupfer D J (eds) p,ychophannacology: a founh rhe role ofpre and postsynaptic kainare receprofl ar
Blealman D. LodgeD 1998 Neuropharmacolog} of generauon of progn:'' Ra en Pre\\, 1\c"' Vorl., pp. CNS synapses)
AMPA and k.1tnare receptor\. Neurophannacolog}' 37: 75-85 Jansen M. Dannhan G 2003 Antagonist> and agonists ar
187 2~ (Rl'l'""' gimtg molecular cmd fimcllonal Dmgledrne R. Borge., K, Bowre D. Trayncli' S I' 1999 the glycine sire or rhe NMDA receptor for therapeuttc
lftjomwrwrt Oil rlrnl' rtaprors ) The glutamate receptor ion channel ~. Pharmncol Rev applications. Eur J Med Chem 38: 661-670 ( Updart
Conn P J, Pin J. p 1997 Pharmacolog) und functions of 51: 8-6 1 ( Comprelretrstve reie11 fot 1Wil8 Oil ollejfons ro develop glycine sire ligmuJsfor
metllbotroprc glutamate receptor;. Annu Rev molecular aspeers. wirlr ucrion on poremial clinical use)
Phamacol l7: 205 217 rlterapemic applicarion.f) Javin DC 2004 Glutamate as a therapeutic target in
Cotman C W, Kahle J S, MillerS Bet al. 1995 Hueuner J E 2003 K<tinatc receptor; and ~ynaptic psychiatric dhorders. Mol Psychiatry 9: 984-997
- , ____ .,.----- Excitatory amino acid lr<m~mi~sion. In: Bloom FE. transmission. Prog Ncurobiol 70: 387-407. (Review of (Summa ry of gluramOIP receptor \ubt)1W<, wirlt
Other transmitters
and modulators

about the ability of drugs to influence these

Overview 492 systems. Many of the drugs that are discussed in
Introduction 492 later chapters owe their eHects to mechanisms that
are related to these mediators. Amine mediators
Noradrenaline 493 diHer from the amino acid transmitters discussed in
-Noradrenergic pathways in the CNS 493 Chapter 33 in being localised to small populations
-Functional aspects 493 of neurons with cell bodies in the brain stem and
Dopamine 494 basal forebrain, which project diHusely to cortical
-Dopaminergic pathways in the CNS 494 and other areas. These amine-containing neurons
-Dopamine receptors 494 function as ' modulatory aerosols', and they are
-Functional aspects 497 broadly associated with high-level behaviours
r- (e.g. the stereotypic behaviour associated with
5-Hydroxytryptamine 498 enhanced dopamine activity; see below), rother
-5-HT pathways in the CNS 498 than with localised synaptic excitation or
-5-HT receptors in the CNS 498 inhibition. 1 More recently, some ' atypical' chemical
-Functional aspects 499 mediators, such as nitric oxide (NO; Ch. 17) and
-Acetylcholine 500 endocannabinoids (Ch. 1 5) have come on the
-Cholinergic pathways in the CNS 501 scene, and they are discussed at the end of the
-Acetylcholine receptors 501 chapter. The other major class of CNS mediators,
-Functional aspects 501 the neuropeptides, are described in Chapter 16,
and information on specific neuropeptides appears
Purines 502 in later chapters in this section.
Histamine 503
Other CNS mediators 503
-Melatonin 503
-Nitric oxide 503 Although we know much about the many different mediators,
-Lipid mediators 505 their cognate receptors, and signalling mechanisms at the
A final message 505 cellular level, when describing their effects on brain function
we fall back on relatjvely crude terms-psychopharmacologbts
wi ll be at our throats for so underrating the sophistication of
their mca~urements-such as 'motor coordination', arousal',
'cognitive impairment' and 'exploratory behaviour'. The gap
OVERVIEW between these two levels of understanding (the Grand Canyon
referred to in Ch. 32) still frustrates the best effons to link drug
The principal ' amine' transmitters in the central action at the molecular level to drug actjon at the therapeutic
nervous system (CNS), namely noradrenaline level. Modem approaches, such as the use of transgenic animal
dopamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT, serotonin) technology (see Ch. 6) and non-invasive imaging techniques. are
and acetylcholine (ACh), are described in this helping to forge links, but there is still a long way to go.
chapter, with briefer coverage of other mediators,
including histamine, melatonin and purines. The
monoamines were the first CNS transmitters to be 1
They are, if you like. voices from lhe nether regions, which make you
identified, and during the 1960s a combination of happy or sad. <,lecpy or alert. cautious or adventurou~. energeti c or lazy.
neurochemistry and neuropharmacology led to nit hough you do not quite know why- very much the stu ff of menta l
492 many important discoveries about their role, and illness.

~ore detail on the content of this chapter can be found in campus and cerebellum. These nerve terminals do not form
Davis et al. {2002) and Cooper et al. (2003). distinct synaptic contacts but appear to release transmitter
diffusely-justifying the aerosol analogy. The LC is involved in
the descending control of pain pathways (Ch. 41, Fig. 4 I .5).
NORADRENALINE Other noradrenergic neurons lie close to the LC in the pons
and medulla, and project to the hypothalamus, hippocampus and
The basic processes responsible for the synthesis, storage, other parts of the forebrain, as well as to the cerebellum and
relc:ase and reuptake of noradrenaline are the same in the brain spinal cord. A small cluster of adrenergic neurons, which release
a' in the periphery {Ch. II), and the same types of adrenoceptor adrenaline rather than noradrenaline. lies more ventrally in the
are also found in pre- and po tsynaptic locations in the brain. brain stem, projecting mainly to the pons, medulla and
hypothalamus. Rather little is known about them, but they are
believed to be important in cardiovascular control.
Although the transmitter role of noradrenaline in the brain
wa., ~uspected in the 1950s, detailed analysis of its neuronal
di~tribution became possible on ly when the fluo rescence Noradrenali ne applied to individual neurons usually causes
technique, based on the formation of a fluorescent derivative inhibition, and in most cases this is produced by activation
of catecholamines when tissues are exposed to formaldehyde, of f)-adrenoceptors linked to cAMP accumulation. In some
was devised by Falck and Hillarp. Detailed maps of the pathway situations, however, noradrenaline has an excitatory effect,
of noradrenergic, dopaminergic and serotonergic neurons in which is mediated by either a- or ~-adrenoceptors and involves
laboratory animals were produced and later confirmed in other signal transduction pathways (see Chs 3 and 4). See
human brain!>. The cell bodies of noradrenergic neurons occur Ashton-Jones (2002) for a recent review.
tn small cluster., in the pons and medulla, and they send
exten~ively branching axons to many other parts of the brain Arousal and mood
and spmal cord (Fig. 34.1). The most prominent cluster is the Attention has focused mainly on the LC, which is the source
locus comtleus (LC), located in the pons. Although it contains of most of the noradrenaline released in the brain, and from
onI) about I 0 000 neurons in humans, the axons, running in a which neuronal activity can be measured by implanted elec-
dt~rete medial forebrain bundle, give rise to many millions trodes. LC neuron'> are silent during sleep, and their activity
of noradrenergic nerve terminals throughout the cortex, hippo- increases with behavioural arousal. Wake-up' stimuli of an
unfamiliar or threatening kind excite these neurons much
more effectively than familiar stimuli. Amphetamine-like drugs,
which release catecholamines in the brain, increase wakefulness,
alertness and exploratory activity (although, in this case, firing
of LC neurons is actually reduced, by feedback mechanisms;
see Ch. 42).
There is a close relationship between mood and state of
arousal; depressed individuals are usually lethargic and
unresponsive to external stimuli. The catecholamine hypothesis
of affective disorders (see Ch. 39) suggested that depression
results from a functional deficiency of noradrenaline in certain
parts of the brain, while mania results from an excess. This
remains controversial, and subsequent findings suggest that
5-HT may be more important than noradrenaline in relation
to mood.

NORADRENALINE Blood pressure regulation

The role of central, as well as peripheral. noradrenergic synapses
in blood pressure control is shown by the action of hypotensive
dmgs such as clonidine and methyldopa (see Chs II and 19),
Fig. 34.1 Noradrenaline pathways in the brain. The
which decrease the discharge of sympathetic nerves emerging
location of the main groups of cell bodies and fibre tracts is in
solid colour. Light-shaded areas show the location of from the C S. They cause hypotension when injected locally
noradrenergic terminals. Am, amygdaloid nucleus; C, into the medulla or fourth ventricle. in much smaller amounts
cerebellum; Hip, hippocampus; Hyp, hypothalamus; LC, locus than are required when the drugs are given systemically.
coeruleus; MFB, medial forebrain bundle; NTS, nucleus of the Noradrenaline and other aradrenoceptor agonists have the
tractus solltarius (vagal sensory nucleus); RF, brain stem
same effect when injected locally. Noradrenergic synapses in
reticular formation; Sep, septum; SN, substantia nigra; Str,
corpus striatum; Th, thalamus. the medulla probably form part of the baroreceptor reflex
pathway, because stimu lation or antagonism of a 2 -adrenoceptors 493

in this part of the brain has a powerful effect on the activity

of baroreceptor reflexes. Noradrenaline In the CNS
Ascending noradrenergic fibres run to the hypothalamus, and
descending fibres run to the lateral hom region of the ~>pinal Mechanisms for synthesis, storage, release
cord, acting to increase sympathetic discharge in the periphery. It and reuptake of noradrenaline in the central nervous
has been suggested that these regulatory neurons may release syst em (CNS) are essentially the same as in the
adrenaline rather than noradrenaline. Some catecholamine- periphery, as are the receptors (Ch. 11).
containing cells in the brain stem contain phenylethanolamine Noradrenergic cell bodies occur in discrete clusters,
N-methyl transferase (the enzyme that converts noradrenaline to mainly in the pons and medulla, one important such
adrenaline; see Ch. I I ), and inhibition of this enLyme interferes cell group being the locus coeruleus.
with the baroreceptor reflex. Noradrenergic pathways, running mainly in the medial
forebrain bundle and descending spinal tracts,
terminate diffusely in the cortex, hippocampus,
DOPAMINE hypothalamus, cerebellum and spinal cord.
The actions of noradrenaline are mainly inhibitory
Dopamine is particularly important in relation to neuropharma- (~-receptors), but some are excitat ory (a- or
cology, because it is involved in several common disorders of ~-receptors).
brain function, notably Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia and Noradrenergic transmission is believed to be
attention deficit disorder, as well as in drug dependence and important in:
certain endocrine disorders. Many of the drugs used clinically to the 'arousal' system, controlling wakefulness and
treat these conditions work by influencing dopamine transmission. alertness
The distribution of dopamine in the brain is more restricted blood pressure regulation
than that of noradrenaline. Dopamine is most abundant in control of mood (functional deficiency contributing
the corpus striawm, a part of the extrapyramidal motor !>ystem to depression).
concerned with the coordination of movement (see Ch. 35), Psychotropic drugs that act partly or mainly on
and high concentrations also occur in certain parts of the noradrenergic transmission in the CNS include
limbic system and hypothalamus (where its release into the antidepressants, cocaine and amphetamine. Some
pituitary blood supply inhibits secretion of prolactin; Ch. 28). antihypertensive drugs (e.g. clonidine, methyldopa)
The synthesis of dopamine follows the same route as that of act mainly on noradrenergic transmission in the CNS.
noradrenaline (see Fig. 11.2), namely conversion of tyrosine to
dopa (the rate-limiting step), followed by decarboxylation
to form dopamine. Dopaminergic neurons lack dopamine
~-hydroxylase, and thus do not produce noradrenaline. monoamine-containing fibres. The abundance of dopamine-
Dopamine is largely recaptured, following its release from containing neurons in the human striatum can be appreciated
nerve terminals, by a specific dopamine transporter, one of the from the image shown in Figure 34.4, which was obtained b)
large family of monoamine transporters (see Ch. 4). Jt is metab- injecting a dopa derivative containing radi oactive fluorine,
olised by monoamine oxidase and catechol-0 -methyl transferase and scanning for radioactivity 3 hours later by positron
(Fig. 34.2), the main products being dihydroxyphenylacetic acid emission tomography.
(DOPAC) and homovanil lic acid (HVA, the methoxy derivative The mesolimbic/mcsocortical pathways, whose cell bodies
of DOPAC). The brain content of HYA is often used as an index occur in groups in the midbrain and whose fibres project,
of dopamine rurnover. Drugs that cause the release of dopamine also via the medial forebrain bundle, to parts of the limbic
increase HYA, often without changing the concentration of system, especially the nucleus accumbens and the amygdalo1d
dopamine. OOPAC and HYA. and their sulfate conjugates, are nucleus and to the frontal cortex.
excreted in the urine, which provides an index of dopamine The tuber ohyp ophyseal syst em is a group of short neurons
release in human subjects. running from the ventral hypothalamus to the median eminence
6-bydr oxydopamine, which selectively destroys dopaminergic and piruitary gland, the secretions of which they regulate.
nerve terminals, is commonly used as a research tool. Jt is taken
The function s of these systems are discussed below. There are
up by the dopamine transporter and converted to a reactive
also many local dopaminergic intemeurons in other brain regions
metabolite that causes oxidative cytotoxicity.
and in the retina.


Dopaminergic neurons form three main systems (Fig. 34.3).
Two types of receptor. 0 1 and 0 2 (linked, respectively, to
The nigrostriatal path way. accounting for about 75% of the activation and inhibition of adenylyl cyclase), were originall)
dopamine in the brain, consists of cell bodies in the substantia distinguished on pharmacological and biochemical grounds. Gene
nigra whose axons terminate in the corpus striatum. These cloning revealed further subgroups, 0 1 to 0 5 (for review, see Missale
494 fibres run in the medial fo rebrain bundle along with other et al, 1998). The original 0 1 family now includes D 1 and 0 5, while

Dopamine 3-Methoxydopamine

", COMT j



HO ~ --~~--~~-- HO ~

Aldehyde Aldehyde
~ehydrogenas, ~ehydrogenas;;

Fig. 34.2 The main pathways

for dopamine metabolism in the
brain. COMT, catechol-0-methyl
transferase; MAO, monoamine Dlhydroxyphenylacetlc acid Homovanillic acid
oxidase. (DOPAC) (HVA)


Fig. 34.3 Dopamine pathways in the brain, drawn as in
Figure 34.1. The pituitary gland (P) is shown, innervated with
dopamlnerglc fibres from the hypothalamus. Ac, nucleus
~umbens; other abbreviations as in Figure 34.1.

!he D~ family, which is pharmacologically more important in the

~S. consists of 0 2, 0 3 and 0 4 (see Table34.1). Splice variants,
leading to long and short fonns of 0 2, and genetic polymorphisms,
panicularly of D~ (see below), have subsequently been identified.
Fig. 34.4 Dopamine in the basal ganglia of a human
T All belong to the family of G-protein-coupled transmembrane subject. The subject was injected with 5-fluoro-dopa labelled
receptor~ dc.,cribed in Chapter 3. and their signal transduction with the positron-emitting isotope 18F, which was localised
mechan1sm., linked vin adenylyl cyclase and/or phospholipid hydrolysis 3 hours later by the technique of positron emission tomography.
to the control of potassium and calcium channels, arachidonic acid
relea\e, etc.- are similar to those of other such receptors. A key
component in the ~igno l tran~duction pathway is the protein DARPP-32
The isotope is accumulated (white areas) by the dopa uptake
system of the neurons of the basal ganglia, and to a smaller
extent In the frontal cortex. It is also seen in the scalp and
(32-kDa dopamine- und cA MP-regulated phosphoprotein; see Girauil & temporalis muscles. (From GarnettE Setal. Nature 305: 137.)
Greengard, 2004). When intracellular cA MP is increased through 495

Tble 34.1 Dopamine receptors

Functional role 0 1 type 0 2 type

01 Ds 02 03 o.
Cortex Arousal, mood +++ ++ +
Umbic system Emotion, stereotypic behaviour +++ + ++ + +
Striatum Motor control +++ + ++ + +
Ventral Prolactin secretion ++ +
hypothalamus and anterior

Dopamine + (low potency) + (high potency)
Apomorphine PA (low potency) + (high potency)
Bromocriptlne PA (low potency) + (high potency)

Chlorpromazine + + +++ +++ +
Haloperidol ++ + +++ +++ +++
Splperone +++ +++ +++
Sulplride +++ ++
Clozapine + + + + ++
Ariprazole ++ +

Signal Increase cAMP Decrease cAMP and/or

transduction increase inositol trisphosphate

Effect Mainly Pre- and postsynaptic

postsynaptic inhibition
inhibition Stimulation/inhibition of
hormone release

PA, partial agonist.

activation of 0 1 receptors, and protein kinase A, DARPP-32 is

pho~phory l atetl (Fig. 34.5). Phosphorylated DARPP-32 acts as an
inhibitor of protein phosphatascs such as protein phosphatase-! and
cuJcineurin, thus acting in concert with protein kinases and favouring 02
protein phosphorylation-effectively an amplifying mechanism. receptor

Activation of 0 2 receptors opposes the effect of 0 1 receptor activntion.

Dopamine receptors are expressed in the brain in distinct but

overlapping areas. 0 1 receptors are the most abundant and widc- cAMP
~pread in areas receiving a dopaminergic innervation (namely the
~triarum, limbic system, thalamus and hypothalamus; Fig. 34.3),
al. are 0 2 receptors. which also occur in the pituitary gland. 0 3

receptors occur in the limbic system but not in the striatum.
Because dopamine antagonists used as antipsychotic drugs (Ch. 38) Protem
owe their actions to effects in the mesolimbic system but often DARPP-32 DARPP-32 ---<:!)-+ Phosphatase-!

cause motor side effects by blocking receptors in the striatum,
there is interest in targeting the D3 and 0 4 receptors as a means
of avoiding these side effects. The D4 receptor is much more weakly Calcineunn
expres!>ed. mainly in the cortex and limbic systems, but is a focus
of interest because of its possible relationship to the mechanism
of schizophrenia (Ch. 38) and dmg dependence (Ch. 43). ca2+
Fig. 34.5 The role of the neuron-specific phosphoprotein
T The D. receptor di~plays an unexpected polymorphism in humans, DARPP-32 In signalling by dopamine receptors (see text).
with a varying number (from 2 to LO) of L6 amino acid repeat sequences PKA, protein kinase A. )
496 being expressed in the third intracellular loop. which participates in --------------------------~

Gprotein couplmg (Ch. 3). However. neither this polymorphism nor the Many antipsychotic drugs (see Ch. 38) arc D2 receptor
longl,hon \plice variant> in the 0 1 receptor arc associated with antagonists, whose major side effect is to cause movement
'igniticanl change~ in receptor function. Expectations that 0 4 receptor
disorders, probably associated with block of D2 receptors in the
pol}morphl'm might be related 10 the occurrence of schizophrenia in
human' lli:rt di-.appomted after !ieveral ~tudie~ failed to find any correlation. nigro~triatal pathway.
There !IU) be a connccuon w1th auention deficit hyperactivity disorder Transgenic mice lacking D2 receptors show greatly reduced
(-.ee laro~Ji et al.. 2ron spontaneous movement, resembling Parkinson's disease.
Dopamine, like many other transmitters and modulators, acts
Behavioural eHects
pre~)naptically as well as postsynaptically. Presynaptic D3 receptors
Administration of amphetamine to rats. which releases both
occur main I) on dopaminergic neurons, for example those in the
dopamine and noradrenaline, causes a cessation of normal ratty'
'triatum and hmbic system, where they act to inhibit dopamine
behaviour (exploration and grooming), and the appearance of
~)nthc'>is and release. Dopamine antagonists, by blocking these
repeated 'stereotyped' behaviour (rearing, gnawing and so on)
receptors, increase dopamine synthesis and release, and cause
unrelated to external stimuli. These effects are prevented by
accumulation of dopamine metabolites in these parts of the brain.
dopamine antagonists and by destruction of dopamine-containing
They abo cause an increase in lhe rate of firing of dopaminergic
cell bodies in lhe midbrain, but not by drugs that inhibit the
neurons (sec Cooper et al., 2003), probably by blocking a neuronal
noradrenergic system. These amphetamine-induced motor disturb-
feedback pathway.
ances in rats probably reflect hyperactivity in the nigrostriatal
Dopamine receptors also mediate various effects in the periphery
dopaminergic system.
(mediated by 0 1 receptors), notably renal vasodilatation and
Amphetamine also causes a general increase in motor activity,
increased myocardial contractility (dopamine itself has been used
which can be measured, for example, by counting electronically
chnically in the treatment of circulatory shock; see Ch. 19).
the frequency at which a rat crosses from one part of its enclosure
although its efficacy and safety are questionable.
to another. Thi~ effect, in contrast to stereotypy, appears to be
related to the mesolimbic and mesocortical dopaminergic
FUNCTIONAL ASPECTS pathways. There is some evidence (see Ch. 38) that schizophrenia
in humans is as ociated with dopaminergic hyperactivity. Chronic
The functions of doparninergic pathways divide broadly into:
administration of amphetamine to a few rats in a large colony
motor control (nigrostriatal system) produces various types of abnormal social interaction, including
beh:wioural effect\ (mesolimbic and mesocortical systems) withdrawal and aggressive behaviour. but it is difficult to quanrify
endocrine control (tuberohypophyseal system). such effects or to e tablish their relationship to schizophrenia in
Dopamine and motor systems Amphetamine, cocaine (which acts by inhibiting the dopamine
LngeNcdt showed, in 1968, that bilateral ablation of the substantia transporter: Ch. 9) and also other addictive drugs (Ch. 43)
nigra in rats, which destroys the nigrostriatal neurons, causes activate mesocortical dopaminergic 'reward' pathways, which
profound catalepsy, the animals becoming so inactive that they play a key role in drug dependence. The main receptor involved
die of Marvation unless artificially fed. Unilateral lesions produced appears to be D1o and transgenic mice lacking D 1 receptors
by 6 hydroxydopamine injection caused the animal to tum in behave as though generally demotivated, with reduced food
circles towards the lesioned side, because of an imbalance of intake and insensitivity to amphetamine and cocaine (see
dopamine action in the corpus !>lriarurn between the two sides Sibley, 1999).
of the bruin. Conversely. unilateral injection of apomorphine
(a dopamine receptor agonist) into the striatum causes circling Neuroendocrine function
a~my from the injected ~ide. If apomorphine is given systemically The tuberohypophyseal dopaminergic pathway (see Fig. 34.3) is
to nonnal rat~. it cau~es, a~ one would expect, no asymmetrical involved in the control of prolactin secretion. The hypothalamus
pauem of locomotion, but if given systemically to animals with secretes various mediators (mostly small peptides; see Ch. 28),
unilateral le,ions of the '>ubstantia nigra made days or weeks which conrrolthe secretion of different hormones from the pituitary
~arlier. apomorphine causes circling away from the Jesioncd gland. One of these mediators, which has an inhjbitory effect on
''de. Thi\ i' becau'e denervation supersensitiviry (see Ch. 9) on prolactin release, is dopamine. This system is of clinical importance.
one 'ide. following the destruction of dopaminergic terminals, Many antipsychotic drugs (see Ch. 38), by blocking D 2 receptors,
re'ult-. in an a!>ymmetric response to apomorphine. In these increase prolactin secretjon and can cause breast development
ammal\, administration of drugs that act by releasing dopamine and lactation. even in males. Bromocriptine, a dopamine receptor
(~.g amphetamine) causes turning towards the lesioned side, agonist derived from ergot. is used clinically to suppress prolactin
becau~e the doparninergic nerve terminals are present only on the secretion by tumours of the pituitary gland.
nom1al ~ide. This 'turning model' has been extremely useful in Growth hormone production is increased in normal subjects
tme~tigating the action of drugs on dopaminergic neurons and by dopamine, but bromocripline paradoxically inhibirs the
dopamine receptors. excessive secretion re&ponsible for acromegaly (probably
Parkinson's disease (Ch. 35) is a disorder of motor control, because it de~>ensitise!> dopamine receptors, in contrast to the
associated with a deficiency of dopamine in the nigrosrriatal physiological release of dopamine, which is pulsatile) and has a
pathway. useful therapeutic effect, provided it is given before excessive 497


Dopamine is a neurotransmitter as well as The occurrence and functions of 5-HT i n the periphery are
being the precursor for noradrenaline. It is degraded described in Chapter 12. Interest in 5-HT as a possible CNS
in a similar fashion to noradrenaline, giving rise mainly transmitter dates from 1953, when Gaddum found that lysergic
to dihydroxyphenylacetic acid and homovanillic acid, acid diethyl amide (LSD), a drug known to be a powerful hal-
which are excreted in the urine. lucinogen (see Ch. 42), acted as a 5-HT antagonist on peripheral
There are three main dopaminergic pathways: tissues. and suggested that its central effects might also be related
nigrostriatal pathway, important in motor control to this action. The presence of 5-HT in the brain was demon-
mesolimbic/ mesocorttcal pathways, running from strated a few years later. Even though brain accounts for onl}
groups of cells in the midbrain to parts of the about l % of the total body content, 5-HT is an important CNS
limbic system, especially the nucleus accumbens, transmitter (sec Cooper et al., 2003).
and to the cortex; they are involved in emotion In its fo rmation, storage and release, 5-HT resembles
and drug-induced reward systems noradrenaline (see Fig. 12.1 ). Its precursor is tryptophan, an amino
tuberohypophyseal neurons running from the acid derived from dietary protein, the pla!.ma content of which
hypothalamus t o the pituitary gland, whose varies considerably according to food intake and time of day.
secretions they regulate. Tryptophan is actively taken up into neurons, converted by
There are five dopamine receptor subtypes. 0 1 and tryptophan hydroxylase to 5-hydr oxytryptophan, and then
D5 receptors are linked to stimulation of adenylyl decarboxylated by a non-speci fic amino acid decarboxylase to
cyclase. D2, D3 and D4 receptors are linked to 5-HT. Tryptophan hydroxylase can be selectively and incversibly
inhibition of adenylyl cyclase. Most known functions inhibited by p -chJorophcnylal anine (PCPA). Avai lability of
of dopamine appear to be mediated mainly by tryptophan and the activity of tryptophan hydroxylase are
receptors of the D2 family. thought to be the main factors that regulate 5-HT synthesis. The
Receptors of the D2 family may be implicated in decarboxylase is very simi lar, if not identical , to dopa
schizophrenia. The D4 receptor shows marked decarboxylase, and does not play any role in regulating 5-HT
polymorphism in humans, but no clear relationship synthesis. Following release. 5-HT is largely recovered b}
with disease has been established. neuronal uptake. this mechanism being inhibited by many of
Parkinson's disease is associated with a deficiency of the same drugs (e.g. tricyclic antidepressants) that inhibit
nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons. catecholamine uptake. The carrier is not identical, however,
Behavioural effects of an excess of dopamine activity and inhibitors show varying degrees of specificity between the
consist of stereotyped behaviour patterns and can be two. Selecti ve serotonin rcuptake i nhibitors (see Ch. 39)
produced by dopamine-releasing agents (e.g. constitute an important group of antidepressant drugs. 5-HT i~
amphetamine) and dopamine agonists (e.g. degraded almost entirely by monoamine oxidase (Fig. 12.1).
apomorphine). which convertS it to 5-hydroxyindole acetaldehyde, most of which
Hormone release from the anterior pituitary gland is is dehydrogenated to form 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid, which i~
regulated by dopamine, especially prolactin release excreted in the urine.
(inhibited) and growth hormone release (stimulated).
Dopamine acts on the chemoreceptor tngger zone to 5-HT PATHWAYS IN THE CNS
cause nausea and vomiting.
The distribution of 5-HT-containing neurons (Fig. 34.6) resembles
that of noradrcnergic neurons. The cell bodies are grouped in the
pons and upper medulla. close to the midli ne (raphe), and are
often referred to as raphe nuclei. The rostrally siruated nuclet
growth has taken place. I t is now rarely used, as other agents are project, via the medial forebrain bundle, to many pans of the cortex.
more effective (see Ch. 28). hippocampus, basal ganglia, limbic system and hypothalamus.
The caudally situated cells project to the cerebellum, meduiJa
Vomiting and spinal cord.
Pharmacological evidence strongly suggests that dopaminergic
neurons have a role in the production of nausea and vomiting.
Thus nearl y aiJ dopamine receptor agonists (e.g. bromocriptine)
and other drugs that increase dopan:tine release in the brain The majn 5-HT receptor types are shown in Table 12.1. All are
(e.g. l evodopa; Ch. 35) cause nausea and vomiting as side G-protein~oupled receptors except for 5-HT 1, which is a ligand-
effects, whi le many dopamine antagonists (e.g. phenothiazi nes, gated cation channel. All are expressed in the CNS, and their
metoclopramide; Ch. 25) have antiemetic acti vity. D2 receptors functional roles have been extensively analysed. Wi th 14
occur in the area of the medulla (chemoreceptor trigger Lone) identified subtypes, and a large number of pharmacological tools
associated with the initiation of vomiting (Ch. 25), and are assumed of relativel y low specifici ty, assigning clear-cut functions to
498 to mediate this effect. 5-HT receptors is not simple. A detailed account of our present

5-HT6 receptor~ occur only in the CNS, particularly in the

hippocampus, cortex and limbic system. They are considered
potential targets for drugs to improve cognition or relieve
symptoms of schizophrenia, although no such drugs are yet
5-HT7 receptors occur in the hippocampus. cortex, thalamus
and hypothalamus, and also in blood vessels and the
gastrointestinal tract. Likely CNS functions include
thermoregulation and endocrine regulation, as weU as
suspected involvement in mood, cognitive flmction, and
sleep. Selective antagonists are being developed for clinical
usc in a variety of potential indications.
Raphe nuclei The precise localismion of 5-l lT neurons in the brain stem has
allowed their electrical activity to be studied in detail and
Fig. 34.6 5-Hydroxytryptamine pathways in the brain, correlated with behavioural and other effects produced by drugs
n drawn as in Figure 34.1. Abbreviations as in Figure 34.1. thought to affect 5-HT-mediated transmission. 5-HT cells show
an unusual, highly regular, slow discharge pattern, ru1d are strongly
inhibited by 5-HT1 receptor agonist<>, suggesting a local inhibitory
feedbad. mechanism.
'tate of knowledge is gi,en by Barnes & Sharp (1999). Knowledge
In vertebrates. certain physiological and behavioural functions
3h<lUt the nC\\Cr members of the family (5-HT5_7 receptors) is
relate particularly to 5-HT pathways (see Barnes & Sharp. 1999).
ummamcd in recent reviews by Woolley et al. (2004) and
Hedlund & Sutcliffe (2005).
Certam generalisations can be made. hallucinations and behavioural changes
sleep, wakefulness and mood
~-HT 1 receptors are predominantly inhibitory in their effects.
feeding behaviour
'-HT 1 ~ n:ceptors are expressed as autoreceptors by the 5-HT
control of sensory transmission (especially pain pathways;
neurons in the raphe nuclei, and their autoinhibitory effect
see Ch. 41 ).
tends to limit the rate of firing of these cells. They are also
11 idcly distributed in the limbic system. and are believed to
be the main target of drugs used to treat anxiety and Hallucinatory effects
). Many hallucinogenic drugs (e.g. LSD, Ch. 42) are agonists at
depression (see Ch~ 37 and 39). 5-HT 18 and 5-HT10 receptors
h 5-HT 2A receptors and depress the firing of brain-stem 5-HT
arc found mainly as presynaptic inhibitory receptors in the
IS neurons. These neurons exert an inhibitory influence on cortical
ba~al ganglia. Agonists acting on peripheral 5-HT 10
receptors are used to treat migraine (see Ch. 12). neurons, and it is suggested that a loss of cortical inhibition
5 HT, receptors (mostly 5-HT2A in the brain) exert an underlies the hal lucinogenic effect, as well as certain behavioural
excitatory postsynaptic effect, and are abundant in the cortex effects in experimental animals, such as the wet dog shakes' that
and limbic system. They are believed to be the target of occur in rats when the 5-HT precursor 5-bydroxyt:ryptophan is
\'3rious hallucinogenic drugs (see Ch. 42). The use of 5-HT2 administered. Many antipsychotic drugs (Cb. 38) are antagonists
at 5-HT2A receptors in addition to blocking dopamine 0 2 receptors.
re receptor antagonists such as methysergide in treating
ei migraine is discussed in Chapter 12.
x. 5-HT, receptor., are found chiefly in the area postrema Sleep, wakefulness and mood
[~. (a rcg1on of the medulla involved in vomiting: see Ch. 25) Lesions of the raphe nuclei. or depletion of 5-HT by PCPA admin-
Ia and other pans of the brain stem. extending to the dorsal istration. abolish s leep in experimental animals, whereas
hom of the ~pinal cord. They are also presem in certain pans microinjcction of 5-HT at specific points in the brain stem induces
of the corte'<. a-. well as in the peripheral nervous system. sleep. Attempts to cure insomnia in humans by giving 5-HT pre-
The) are excitatory ionotropic receptors. and specific cur<;ors (tryptophan or 5-hydroxytryptophan) have. however.
antagoni~h (e.g. o ndansetron ; see Cbs 12 and 25) are used proved unsuccessful. There is evidence that 5-HT, as well as
re to treat nausea and vomiting. They may also have anxiolytic noradrenaline, may be involved in the control of mood (see Ch. 39),
d- allcch. but thb is les~ clear. and the usc of tryptophan to enhance 5-HT synthesis has been
rir 5-IITJ receptors are important in the gastrointestinal tract tried in depression, with equivocal results.
l4 (M.'e Ch~ 12 and 25), and are also expressed in the brain,
lis particularly in the striatum. They exert a presynaptic facilit.atory Feeding and appetite
to effect, particularly on ACh release, thus enhancing cognitive In experimental animals. 5-HT 1A agonists such as 8-hydroxy-2-
nl performance. (di-n-propylamino)tctralin (8-0H-DPAT) cause hyperphagia, 499

leading to obesity. Antagonil>lS acting on 5-HT2 receptors, including enzyme responsible for ACh synthesis, and the transporters that
several antip)ychotic drugs used clinically, also increase appetite capture choline and package ACh. whjch can be labelled by
and cau~c weight grun. On the other hand. antjdepressant drug immunonuore~cence. Biochemical studies on ACh precurso"
that inhibit 5-I IT uptake (~crotonill reuptake inhibitors; see Ch. 39) and metabolites are generally more difficult than corresponding
cau~e lO!.!> of appetite. ~tudie. on other amine transmitters. because the relevant substances.
choline and acetate, are involved in many processes other than
Sensory transmission ACh metabolism.
After le!.iOn!) of the raphe nuclei or administration of PCPA, animals
~how exaggerated re:.ponses to many fonns of sensory stimulus.
They are startled much more easily. and also quickly develop
avoidance respon~es to stimuli that would not normally bother
them. lt appear~ that the nonnal ability to rusregard irrelevant fonns
of sensory input requires intact 5-HT pathways. The 'sensory
enhancement' produced by hallucinogenic dmgs may be partly due 5-Hydroxytryptamlne In the CNS
to loss of this gatekeeper function of 5-HT. 5-HT also exerts an
inhibitory effect on trans mission in the pain pathway, both in the The processes of synthesis, storage, release,
spinal cord and in the brain, and there is a synergistic effect between reuptake and degradation of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-H1)
5-llT and analgesics such as morphine (see Ch. 38). Thus depletion in the brain are very similar to events in the periphery
of 5-llT by PCPA, or selective lesions to the descending 5-HT- (Ch. 12).
containing neurons that run to the dorsal hom. antagonise the Availability of tryptophan is the main factor regulating
analgesic effect of morphjue. while inhibitors of 5-HT uptake have synthesis.
the opposite effect. Urinary excretion of 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid
provides a measure of 5-HT turnover.
Other possible roles 5-HT neurons are concentrated in the midline raphe
Other putative role!. of 5-HT include various autonomic and endo- nuclei in the pons and medulla, projecting diffusely to
crine function<,, -.uch as the regulation of body temperarure, blood the cortex, limbic system, hypothalamus and spinal
pre. sure and \exual function. Further information can be found cord, similar to the noradrenergic projections.
in Atmitia & Whitaker-A7..mitia (1995) and Cooper et al. (2003). Functions associated with 5-HT pathways include:
Several cla\Se'> of drugs used clinically influence 5-HT-mediatcd various behavioural responses (e.g. hallucinatory
transmission. They include: behaviour, 'wet dog shakes')
feeding behaviour
serotonin reuptake inhibitors. such as flnoxetine, used as
control of mood and emotion
an tidepressants (Ch. 39)
control of sleep/wakefulness
5-IIT 10 receptor agonbts, such as sumatri pta n (Ch. 12), used
control of sensory pathways, including nociception
to trent migraine
control of body temperature
buspirone, a 5-HT 1A receptor agonist used in treating
anxiety (Ch. 37)
5-HT can exert inhibitory or excitatory effects on
5- HT~ receptor antagonists, such as ondansetro n, used as
individual neurons, acting either presynaptically or
antie metic agents (see Ch. 25), which are also active in animal
models or anxiety
The main receptor subtypes (see Table 12.1) in the
antipsychotic drugs (e.g. clozapioe. Ch. 38). which owe their
CNS are 5-HT1A, 5-HT18, 5-HT10, 5-HT2 and 5-HT3
efficacy partly to an action on 5-HT receptors.
Associations of behavioural and physiological
Effort~ arc being made to identify drugs that selectively target functions with these receptors have been partly
other 5-HT receptor subtype~ in the hope of discovering worked out. Other receptor types (5-HT4-7) also occur
improved drugs for usc in different CNS indications. As a result, in the central nervous system, but less is known
many code-numbered compounds have been characterised about their function.
experimentally. but very few have been registered for clinical use Drugs acting selectively on 5-HT receptors or
in recent yean.. transporters include:
'triptans' (e.g. sumatriptan), 5-HT10 agonists used
to treat migraine (See Ch. 12)
ACETYLCHOLINE 5-HT2 antagonists (e.g. ketanserin) used for
migraine prophylaxis (see Ch. 12)
There arc numerous cholinergic neurons in the CNS, and the basic selective serotonin uptake inhibitors (e.g. fluoxetine)
processes by which ACh is synthesised, stored and released arc used to treat depression (see Ch. 39)
the same as in the periphery (see Ch. 10). Various biochemical ondansetron, 5-HT3 antagonist, used to treat
markers have been used to locate cholinergic neurons in the chemotherapy-induced em esis (see Ch. 12).
500 brain, the most useful being choline acetyltransfe rase, the

.t Nicotinic ACh receptors (nAChRs) are also widespread in the

brain but much sparser than mAChRs. They are typical pentameric
Acetylcholine is very widely distributed in the brain, occurring in ionotropic receptors (Ch. 3; ~ce Hogg et al., 2003), assembled
all pan~ of the forebrain (including the cortex). midbrain and brain from a and ~ subunits. each of which come in several isofom1s
.. \tern, although there is little in the cerebellum. Some of the main (Table 10.1). The main ones occurring in the brain arc the
n cholinergic pathways in the brain arc shown in Figure 34.7. heteropentameric a4 ~ 2 subtype (occurring mainly in the cortex)
Cholinergic neurons in the forebrain and brain stem send diffuse and the homomeric a 7 subtype (mainly in the hippocampus).
projecuons to many part~ of the cortex and hippocampus-a Other isoforms occur at lower densities in many brain region~.
panem 'tmilar to that of the amine pathways described above. For the most part, nAChRs are located presynaptically and act to
The-e neurons lie in a discrete area of the basal forebrain, facilitate the release of other transmitters, such as glutamate and
fonmng the magnoce/lular forebrain nuclei (so called because dopamine, although in a few '>ituations they function postsynap-
the cell bodies are con!.picuously large). Degeneration of one tically to mediate fast excitatory tran~mis!>ion, as in the periphery.
ol thc,e. the nucleus basalis of Meynerr, which projects mainly icotine (see Ch. 43) exert'> its central effects by agonist action
to the cortex, is associated with Alzheimer's disease (Ch. 35). on nAChRs of the a4 ~2 subtype.
-\nothcr cluster, the septohippocampal nucleus, provides the Many of the drugs that block nAChRs (e.g. tubocurarine; see
main cholinergic input to the hippocampus, and is involved Ch. I 0) do not cross the blood-brain barrier, and even those that
in memory. In addition, there are-in contrast to the monoamine do (e.g. mecamylamine) produce only modest CNS effects. Variou~
pathways-many local cholinergic interneurons. particularly in nAChR knockout mou~c strains have been produced and studied.
the corpus striatum. these being important in relation to Parkinson'& Deletion of the various CNS-spccific nAChR subtypes generally
dt,ea'e and Huntington's chorea (Ch. 35). has rather little effect. although ~ome cognitive impairment can
be detected.
Acetylcholine has mainly excitatory effects, which are mediated
b) various subtypes of either nicotinic (ionotropic) or muscarinic The functional roles of cholinergic pathways have been deduced
(0-protein~oupled) receptors (sec Ch. I 0). Some muscarinic ACh mainly from studies of the action of drugs that mirn.ic. accentuate
receptors (mAChRs) are inhibitory. or block the actions of ACh, and recently from studies of transgenic
The mAChRs in the brain arc predominantly of the M1 class animals in which particular nAChRs were deleted or mutated
(i.e. M1 M 1 and M 5 subtypes; see Ch. 10). and the central actions (sec Cordero-Erausquin et al.. 2000; Hogg et al., 2003).
of mu-.carinic antagonists and amicholinesterases depend on block The main function'> a!>cribed to cholinergic pathway'> are
and 'timulation of these receptors. re~pecrively. mAChRs act related to arousal. learning and memory. and motor control.
pre,ynapticall} to inhibit ACh relea~e from cholinergic neuron!>, Electroencephalography (EEG) recording can be used to monitor
and mu,carinic antagonists, by blocking this inhibition, markedly the state of arousal in human., or in experimental animals. A drowsy,
in~rea'c ACh release. Many of the behavioural effects a<>sociated inattentive state is a<>sociated with a large-amplirude, low-frequency
\\ 11h cholinergic pathways seem to be produced by ACh acting on EEG record. which switches to a low-amplitude, high-frequency
mAChRs. pattern on arousal by any sensory stimulus. Administration of
physostigmine (an anticholinesterase that crosses the blood- brain
barrier) produces EEG arousal, whereas atropine has the opposite
effect. It is presumed that the cholinergic projection from the ventral
forebrain to the cortex mediate~ this response. The relation~hip of
this response to beha,iour is confusing, however. for physo~tigmine
in humans causes a Mate of lethargy and anxiety. and in rat!> it
depresses exploratory activity, wherea~ atropine often cau!>C~ excite-
ment and agitation in human~ and increases exploratory activity
in rats, effects opposite to what one might expect. In contra~t to
atropine, hyoscine causes sedation in human~ and animals; the
reason for the difference is not known.

T There is evidence thm cholinergic pathways, in particular the

septohippocampal p:tthway. are in,olved in learning and ~hon-term
memory (see Hagan & Morrb. 1988). For eMmple (Fig. 34.8), mtce may
be trained to execute a maze-running manoeune in response to a buuer.
ACETYLCHOLINE and many will remember the correct re'>ponse '~hen reteMed 7 da>' later.
Intracerebral injection ol a mu~arinic agonist. arecoline. 1mmed1atel}
after the training session reduce' the percentage of animal~ that forget the
correct response when rele\ted. whereas an injection of the mu.,cann1c
Fig. 34.7 Acetylcholine pathways In the brain, drawn as antagonist hyoscine ha'> the oppm.ite effect. In the experiment ~hown
In Figure 34.1. Abbreviations as In Figure 34.1. in Figure 34.8, a deliberate bin~ wn~ introduced, in that the mice \elected
for the arecoline test were particularly dim (the fast learner~ having been 501

Acetylcholine In the CNS

100 Arecoline Hyoscine
(nmol) (nmol)
Synthesis, storage and release of acetylcholine
80 ,!? $ (ACh) in the central nervous system (CNS) are
~ essentially the same as in the periphery (Ch. 10).
c: ACh is widely distributed in the CNS, important
;:: 60
~ ..! pathways being:
.2 40 ~ '
~ basal forebrain (magnocellular) nuclei, which send
<fl. ~ c0 .JL a diffuse projection to most forebrain structures,

rT -
20 ~ including the cortex
c0 ~ septohippocampal projection
u short interneurons in the striatum and nucleus
Fig. 34.8 Effect of arecoline and hyoscine on learning.
Mice were trained to perform a behavioural feat in order to avoid
Certain neurodegenerative diseases, especially
an electric shock, and tested for their ability to remember it dementia and Parkinson's disease (see Ch. 35), are
7 days later. Mice in the group that performed least well (left) associated with abnormalities in cholinergic pathways.
were given the cholinergic agonist arecoline by Both nicotinic and muscarinic ACh receptors occur in
intracerebroventricular Injection; at low doses, their the CNS. The former mediate the central effects of
performance Improved markedly, but at higher doses their
performance declined. Animals in the group that performed
nicotine. Nicotinic receptors are mainly located
best in the initial test were given the muscarinic receptor presynaptically; there are few examples of transmission
antagonist hyoscine, which caused a deterioration of their mediated by postsynaptic nicotinic receptors.
performance. (From Flood J F. Landry D W, Jarvik M E et al. Muscarinic receptors appear to mediate the main
1981 Brain Res 215: 177-185.) behavioural effects associated with ACh, namely effects
on arousal and on learning and short-term memory.
Muscarinic antagonists (e.g. hyoscine) cause
Acetylcholinesterase released from neurons may have
C\cluded). and the trainmg was brief, so that lhe forgeuing r:uc in !he comml functional effects distinct from its effects on cholinergic
group "'a.' about 70'7c: an optimal dose of arecoline reduced this to about
15%. The M:Opolamine test was done on the cleverest mice (the no hopers
bcang excluded), and the training was more thorough. so the forgening
rate in the control group was only about 20%. and this wa.~ increased by
scopolamine. More recently, synthetic muscarinic agonists have been
shown partially to restore learning and memory deficits induced in
experimental :utimals by lesions of the septohippocarnpal cholinergic
pathway. Scopolamine also impairs memory in human ~ubjects and causes Acetylcholine;~erase may have. in addition to its primary role of di'>posing
amne~ia when used as prcanaesthetic medication. M1 mAChR knockout quickly of rclcaed ACh, various trophic functions-not necessarily related
mice, however, !>how only slight impairment of learning and memory (see to its enzymic activity-in the regu lation of neuronal growth and >YD~Jl'e
We\s, 2004). formation (see Soreq & Sediman, 200 1). about which we know very little
at present.
Nicotine increases alertnes and also enhances learning and memory, as
can various synthetic agonists at neuronal nAChRs. Conversely. CNS-
active nAChR antagonists such as mecamylamine cause detectable.
although shght. ampairment of learning and memory. Tran~genic mice PURINES
with disruption of brain nAChR~ arc only slightly impaired in spatial
learning ta~k,. In conclu'>ion. both nAChRs and mAChRs may play a role Both adenosine and ATP act as transmitters and/or modulator'\ m
in learning and memory. while nACbRs also mediate beha\ ioural arousal. the CNS (for review, see Dunwiddie & Masino. 2001; Robemon
Receptor knockout mice are surprisingly JinJe affected, suggesting that et al., 200 I) as they do in the periphery (Ch. 12). Mapping the
altematl\e mcchani!.m' may be able to compensate for the IO'>'> of ACh
pathways is difficult. because purinergic neurons are not eastl}
receptor 'ignalling.
identifiable histochemically, but it is likely that adenosine sene'
TrJn'>gemc mtce that overe)(press acetylcholinesterase (and hence ~how as a very widespread neuromodulator. while ATP has more spectfic
impaired cholinergic trans1UThsion) beha\e nomtally but develop a leamang
!>ynaptic functions as a fast transmitter and as a local modulator.
tlelicit after a few month' (Beeri eta!.. 1995). The interpretation b not ~imple.
ho\1.-C\Cr. becau-.e the~ mice also respond poorly to muscarinic and nicOtinic Adenosine is produced intracellularly from ATP (see Fig. 12.4)
agontsls. 'uggeMing that more complex secondary effects were produced. It ill not packaged into vesicles but is released mainly by carrier-
Involvement of neuronal nAChRs in pain transmission 1\ suggested by
mediated transport. Because the intracellular concentration of ATP
the recent finding that epibatidine, a compound extracted from frog skin, (several mM) greatly exceeds that of adenosine, conversion of a
which b a selective agonist at these receptors. ha> powerful ana lge1>ic small proportion of ATP results in a large increase in adenosine.
propertie' in animals (Ch. 41 ), as does nicotine itself. ATP is packaged into vesicles and released by exocytosis as a
The 'ignificance of cholinergic neurons in neurodegenerative cond itions conventional transmilter, but can also leak out of cells in large
502 such <h dementia and Parkinson's disease is discussed in Chapter 35. amounts under conditions of tissue damage. ln high concentrations,
- ~--""".~----

ATP can act as an excitotoxin (like glutamate, see Ch. 33) and cause
further neuronal damage. ll is also quickly convened to adenosine OTHER CNS MEDIATORS
(Fig. 12.4). which exerts a protective effect. These special charac-
We now move from the familiar neuropharmacological territory
teri,tiC\ of adenO\ine metabolism suggest that it serves mainly as
of the cJa<.~ic' monoamines to some of the frontier towns. bordering
a ...Uety mechanism. protecting the neurons from damage when their
on the Wild West Useful drugs are stiJI few and far between in
'iabilit) is threatened, for example by ischaemia or seizure activity.
thi~ area, and if applied pharmacology is your main concern. you
As discussed in Chapter 12. adenosine produces its effects
can safely sJ..ip the next pan and wait a few years for law and
through G-protein-coupled receptor, (A 1 A2A. A28 and A3), while
order to be established.
~TP acts on P2 receptors, PD. being ligand-gated cation channels.
Pn being G-protein-coupled. P2y receptors produce mainly
inhibitory effects, while the P2X receptors are excitatory. producing MELATONIN
both pre- and postsynaptic effects in much tbe same way as
T Melatonin (reviewed by Brnzinski. 1997) is something of a myMery.
nAChRs. All these receptors arc more or less widely distributed It i;,~ynthc>i~ed cxclu;ively in the pineal, an endocrine gland that plays
in the brain. a role in establishing circadian rhythms. The gland contains two
The overall effect of adenosine. or of various A receptor cn1.ymes. not found ebewhere. which convert 5-HT by acetylation and
agonists, is inhibitory, leading to effects such as drowsiness, motor 0 -mcthylmion to melatonin, its hom1onal product. Melatoni n secretion
(in all an imals. whether diurnal or nocturnal in tl1eir habits) is high at
incoordination, analgesia and anticonvulsant activity. Xanthines,
night and low by day. Thi> rhythm is controlled by input from the retina,
such as caffeine (Ch. 42), which are antagonists at A2 receptors, via a noradrenergic rctinohypothalamic tract that terminates in the supra-
produce arousal and alertnel>s. Many synthetic adenosine agonists chiasmatic nucleu~ in the hypothalamu;,, a structure often tem1ed !he
have been developed, because such drugs could be useful in treating 'biological clock', which generates the circadian rhythm. The >upra-
conditions !>uch as epilepsy, pain and sleep disorders. A further chim.matic nucleus controls the pineal, not directly. but via sympathetic
fibre;, <,upplying the gland. This retinal conrrol system serves to inhibit
po'sible u~e is in neuroprotection. because the inhibitory effect of
melatonin \CCrction when !he light intensity is high. It dne;, not iL..elf
adeno~ine on neuronal excitability and glutamate release is able, in
genernte the circadian rhythm. but rnther 'enrrain.s it to !he light-dark
c:xpcrimental models. to protect the brain against ischaernic damage cycle. Circadian rhythm,, including the rhythmic secretion of melatonin.
(-ee Ch. 35). No such drugs are yet available for clinical use. continue C\Cn in the absence of light-dark cues, but u>ually with a
Lmle is J..nown about the function of ATP as a chernicaJ pcnodicU) rnther longer than 24 houn..
mediator in the brain. Because it is quickly metabolised to ADP Melatonin receptor. (a_., you Will have guessed) are widespread, and come
and adenosine, it.s pharmacologicaJ actions are difficuJt to unravel. in different type;,. 1l1e main ones are typical G-protei~oupled receptor,,
and there are few selective agonists or antagonists for ATP receptors. found maanly an the brain and retina but also in peripheral ti~<.ue~. AnOiher
type has been adentified a.'> one of the previou;, 'orphan receptors' (sec Ch. 3),
It may play a role in nociception. because ATP is released by
a member of the rctinoic acid intrnccllular receptor family that regulate;,
u-,.,ue damage and causes pain by stimulating unmyelinated afferent gene tran\cription. We currently know very little about the phy'>iological
nerve terminals. which express P2x receptors. proce,;.e;, that nrc controlled by melatonin. allhough there i'> intense
research activity in this area.
The use of melatonin for medicinal purposes has become something of an
HISTAMINE 'alternative medicine' fad. allhough there are few properly controlled trials of
its efficacy. Given omlly, melatonin i ~ well absorbed but quickly metaboli~ed,
'f Histamine i ~ present in the brain in much smaller amounts than in il!, pla;ma half-life being a few minutes. It has been promoted a~ a means
other tissues. such as skin and lung, but undoubtedly serves a of controlling jet lag, or of improving the performance of night shift worker.>,
neurotram.miuer role (see Brown et al.. 200 I). The cell bodies of ba~ed on its ability to reset the ci rcadian clock, and controlled Mudie'
hi\Lammergic neurons, which al>o synthesise and release a variety of have conlim1ed lhm melatonin given in !he evening can alleviate the eiTect"
\lther tran<,miuc~. are re~tricted to a small pan of the hypothalamus, and of jet lag. A "ingle do~e appear; to have the effect of resynchronising the
thear axons run to virtually all parts of the brain-an 'aerosol' phy;iological "ecre10ry cycle, although it is not clear how this occurs. II
a!Tllngement 'limilar to that of other monoamines. Unusually, no uptake cau..e' \leepinc!>\, and there i' some disagreement about whether ib action."
mechani\m for hi"amine i' pre<,ent. iLs action being terminated instead are di\lingui\hable from tl1ose of con,entional hypnotic drugs {see Ch. 37).
by en1ymac methylation. Claim\ that melatonin produces olhcr effects {e.g. on mood and immune
function) ha\e yet to be confirmed. Synthetic agonistl> and antagoni'>h
Hl\tamine acts on three t) pes of receptor (H 1_ 3; Ch. 13). all of which are have been produced and are being te>ted in a range of indications. main I)
G-protem-coupled re<:eptor. and occur in most brain regions. H1 receptors sleep disorden..
are mainly located po~L\ynaptically and cause excitation: H2 and H3
receptor. are anhibitory. re~pectively post- and presynaptic. H3 receptor\
being inhabilOI') autorecepton. on histamine-releasing neurons. NITRIC OXIDE
Like other monoamine ll'!Ulsmiuers. histamine is in'olved in many different
CNS function<.. Hiqamine release follows a djstinct circadian panem, the Nitric oxide as a peripheral mediator is discussed in Chapter 17.
neuron' being acth e by day and silent by night. H1 receptors in the cortex Its significance as an important chemical mediator in the nervous
and reticular activating system contribute to arousal and wakefulness. and system became apparent only about IS years ago, and demanded
H1 receptor antagoni\t\ produce \edation {see Ch. 13). Other functions a considerable readjustment of our views about neurotransmission
ascribed to histamine include control of food and water intake, and
and neuromodulation (for review, see Dawson & Snyder, 1994).
thermoregulation. but the~e arc less well characterised. Antihistan1ines
are widely used to control nausea tmd vomi ting. for example in motion The main defining criteria for transmitter substances-namely
~ickness and midd le car disorders. suggesting a role for histamine in these that neurons should possess machinery for synthesising and sroring
rellexcs. the substance, that it should be released from neurons by exocytosis, 503

Other transmitters and modulators

Purines which controls the pineal gland via its

ATP functions as a neurotransmitter, being stored in sympathetic innervation.
ves1cles and released by exocytosis. It acts, via Melatonin acts on several types of receptor in the bra1n
ionotropic receptors, as a fast excitatory transmitter and penphery. G1ven orally, it causes sedation and also
in certain pathways and, via metabotropic receptors, 'resets' the biological clock, being used for this purpose
as a neuromodulator. to counter Jet lag.
Cytosolic ATP is present at relatively high concentration Other claimed actions of melatonin (e.g. on mood and
and can be released directly if neuronal viability is immune function) are controversial.
compromised (e.g. in stroke). Excessive release may
Nitric oxide (see Ch. 17)
be neurotoxic.
Neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) is present in
Released ATP is rapidly converted to ADP, AMP and
many central nervous system neurons, and nitric oxide
(NO) production is increased by mechanisms (e.g.
Adenosine is not stored in vesicles but is released by
transmitter action) that raise intracellular Ca2 .
carrier mechanisms or generated from released ATP,
NO affects neuronal function by increasing cGMP
mainly under pathological conditions.
formation, producing both inhibitory and excitatory
Adenosine exerts mainly inhibitory effects, through A 1
effects on neurons.
and A2 receptors, resulting in sedative, anticonvulsant
In larger amounts, NO forms peroxynitrite, which
and neuroprotective effects, and acting as a safety
contributes to neurotoxicity.
Inhibition of nNOS reduces long-term potentiation and
Methylxanthines (e.g. caffeine) are antagonists at A'l
long-term depression, probably because NO functions
receptors and increase wakefulness.
as a retrograde messenger. Inhibition of nNOS also
Histamine protects against ischaemic brain damage in animal
Histamine fulfils the criteria for a neurotransmitter. models.
Histaminergic neurons originate in a small area of the Carbon monoxide shares many properties with NO and
hypothalamus and have a widespread distribution. may also be a neural mediator.
H" H2 and H3 receptors are widespread in the brain.
Lipid mediators
H 1 and H3 receptors are mainly excitatory; H2
Arachidonic acid is produced in neurons by receptor-
receptors are inhibitory.
mediated hydrolysis of phospholipid. It is converted to
The functions of histamine are not well understood,
various eicosanoids and to anandamide.
the main clues being that histaminergic neurons are
Arachidonic acid itself, as well as its active products,
active during waking hours, and H1 receptor
can produce rapid and slow effects by regulation of ion
antagonists are strongly sedative.
channels and protein kinase cascades. Such effects can
H1 receptor antagonists are antiemetic.
occur in the donor cell or in adjacent cells and nerve
Melatonin terminals.
Melatonin is synthesised from 5-hydroxytryptamine, Anandamide is an endogenous activator of cannabinoid
mainly in the pineal gland, from which it is released receptors (Ch. 15) and also of the vanilloid receptor
as a circulating hormone. (Ch.41).
Secretion is controlled by light intensity, being low by The functional role of lipid mediators in the central
day and high by night. Fibres from the retina run to nervous system is still poorly understood.
the suprachiasmatic nucleus ('biological clock'),

that it should interact with specific membrane receptors, and that NO (sec Ch. 17, reaction 17.1) increases disproportionately with
there should be mechanisms for it<; inactivation-do not apply to NO concentration, so low levels of 0 are relatively stable. The
NO. Moreover, it i!> an inorganic toxic gas, not at all like the kind pre ence of superoxide, with which NO reacts (see below).
of molecule we are used to. The mediator function of NO, and shortens it\ hal f-life considerably.
probably also carbon monoxide (CO), is now well established, Nitric oxide in the nervous system is produced mainly by
however (sec Bredt & Snyder, J992; Vincent, 1995; Barafiano et the constitutive neuronal form of nitric oxide synthase (nNOS;
al., 200 I ). NO diffuses rapidly through cell membranes, and see Ch. 17), which can be detected either histochemically or by
its action is not highly localised. Its half-life depends greatly immunolabclling. This enzyme is present in roughly 2% of neur-
on the chemical environment, ranging from seconds in blood ons, both short intemeurons and long-tract neurons, in virtually
504 to several minutes in normal tissues. The rate of inactivation of all brain areas, with prutieular concentrations in th~ccrebellum

and hippocampus. It occurs in cell bodies and dendrites. as well reali~ed that evidence~ to the functional imponance of these path"' a}"'
a~ in axon terminals, sugge~tin g (because NO is not stored, but IS >till \Cry limited.
relca\ed as it is made) that the release of 0 is not restricted to Phospholipid clea\age. leadmg to arachidonic acid production. occur\ in
comentional neurotransmitter release sites. nNOS is calmodulin- neurons in re&ponse to receptor activation by many different mediator~.
dependent and is activated by a rise in intracellular Ca 2+ including neurotransmitlers. The arachidonic acid so formed can act
directly as an imracelluh1r me~senger. controlling both ion channels and
concentration, which can occur by many mechanisms, including
various parts of the protein kina'e cascade (sec Ch. 3). producing both
action potential conduction and neurotransmitter action. Many rapid and delayed effect~ on neuronal fu nction. Arachidonic acid can
'lUdics have shown that NO production is increased by activation also be metabolised to anandamide and to eicosanoids, some of wh1ch
of S) naptic pathways, or by other events, such as brain ischaemia (principally the HETEs) can also act as intracellular me~sengers acting
(\CI! Ch. 35). in the same cell. Eicosanoid., can also exert an autocrine effect via
membrane receptors expre\..ed by the cell. Both arachidonic ac1d it..elf
'litric oxide exerts its effects in two main ways.
and it\ products escape readily from the cell of origin and can all"ect
By activation of soluble guanylate cyclase, leading to the neighbouring structure!>. including presynaptic terrmnal~ (retrograde
'ignalling) and adjacent celb (paracrine signalling). by act1ng on
production of cGMP, leading to various phosphorylation receptors or by acting directly as intracellular messengers. Theoretically,
cascades (Ch. 3). This 'physiological' control mechanism the possibilities arc numerou,, hut there are so far only a few in\tanccs
operates at low NO concentrations of about 0. I [.I.M. where this system is known to play tt significant role. These include our
By reacting with the superoxide free radical to generate old friend long-term potentiation (Ch. 33), one component of which is
pcroxynitrite. a highly toxic anion that acts by oxidising prevented by inhibition of phospholipase A1 , where arach idonic acid
is believed to serve a.\ a retrograde messenger causing facilitmion of
various intracellular proteins. This requires concentration~ of transmitter release by the presynaptic nerve terminal. A second well
I 10 ftM, which are achieved in brain ischaemia. \ludied system is the Aplysia ..ensory neuron. \\here the effects of various
inhibitory mediator,. acting on membrane receptors. are exened through
There is good evidence that NO plays a role in long-term the intracellular action' of arachidonic acid and its products.
potentiation and depression (~ Ch. 33), because these phenomena
are reduced or prevented by NOS inhibitors and are absent in One ~urprio;e in thi\ field ha\ been the di~ovcry that anandamide, be<, ide'
being an agonist at cannab1noid receptors. also activate; vanilloid
tran\gcnic mice in which the nNOS gene has been disrupted. receptors (see Cb. 41 ), which arc invol~ed in the response of peripheral
Ba~ed on the same kind of evidence, NO is also believed to ~ensory nerve terminab to painful stimuli. What role, if any. annndnmidc
play an important part in the mechanisms by which ischaemia has in pain Lransmis~ion remains to be seen.
cau~es neuronal death (see Ch. 35). There is also speculation that
it may be involved in other processes, including neurodegeneration
m Parkinson's disease. senile dementia and amyotrophic lateral A FINAL MESSAGE
-.clerosis, and the local control of blood now linked to neuronal
a'ti' it). If substantiated. the~e theoriel. will open up major new In the last two chapters. we have taken a long and tortuous tour
therapeutic possibilities in some hitherto intractable disease areas. through tbe brain and its chemistry, with two questions at the
T Carbon monoxide is best known a, a poi.,onou~ gas present in ,chicle
back of our minds: What mediators and what receptors play a key
e~hau\t, which binds strongly to haemoglobin. causing tissue anoxia. role in what brain functions? How does the information relate
Ho\\ever, it is also fom1ed endogenously and has many feature~ in to existing and future drugs that aim to correct malfunctions?
common with NO (see Verma et al., 1993; l3arJiiano et al.. 2001). Neuron~ Despite the efforts of a huge anny of researchers deploying an
and other cells contain a CO-generating enzyme. haem oxygenase, and arsenal of powerful new techniques, the answers to these questions
CO. like NO, activates guanylate cycla~e.
seem to remain as elusive as ever. Although transgenic tech-
The rote of CO as a CNS mediator is not well established. but there niques allow specific gene products (i.e. proteins) to be modi fled
" 'orne evidence that it plays a role in the cerebellum and also in
in a much more precise and controllable way than can be achieved
olfa.:tol") neurons. where cGMP-sensitivc ion channels are imolved 1n the
uan..duction process. pharmacologically. behavioural analysis of transgenic animals
has failed to clear the air very much. The array of potential CNS
l"ndoubtedl}. further function~ of NO and CO in the brain remain to be
1denulied. and novel therapeutic approaches may come from targeting
targets-comprising multiple receptor subtypes, many with the
the d11Terem step; in the synthetic and ~ignal transduction pathways added complexity of heteromeric assemblies. splice variant~, etc.,
for these ourprising mediator,. We may have to endure the ponderou~ along with regulatory mechanisms that control their expression
1\himsy of many 'NO' puns. but it should be wonh it in the end. and localisation-continues to grow in complexity. Speculation
about the best target to aim at in order to ameliorate the effect of
LIPID MEDIATORS a particular brain malfunction, such as stroke or schizophrenia,
has become less focused, even if better informed, than it was two
T The formation of arachidonic acid. and its conversion to eicosanoids
tmamly prostaglandins. leukotnenes and hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids
decades ago. In the ensuing chapters in this section, we shall find
(HETEs); see Ch. 13) and to the endogenous cannnbinoid receptor ligand that most of the therapeutic successes have come from chance
anandamide (see Cb. 15) are kno"'n to take place in the CNS. They discoveries that were followed up empirically: few have followed
doubtle,., play an imponant role. although our knowledge in tbh area ts a logical, mechanism-based route to success. The optimistic view
'till fragmentary (for reviews. see Piomelli. 1995; Piomelli et al.. 2000). is that this is changing, and that future therapeutic discoveries
p:111ly because there are few selecuve mhibitors that can be used to probe
the various steps in the rather lengthy biochemical pathways through
will depend less on luck and more on molecular logic. But the
which the mediators are formed and cxen their effects. Figure 34.9 revolution is slow in coming. One of the key problems, perhaps,
\hows a schematic view of the different possibilities, but it should be is that the brain puts cells, organel les and molecules exactly sos

Transmitters signalling

lon channels, signalling
kinases, etc.


Fig. 34.9 Postulated modes of signalling by lipid mediators. Arachidonic acid (AA) is formed by receptor-mediated cleavage of
membrane phospholipid. It can act directly as an intracellular messenger on ion channels or components of different kinase cascades,
producmg various long- and short-term effects. It can also be converted to eicosanoids (prostaglandins, leukotrienes or
hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids [HETEsD or to anandamide (Ana). HETEs can also act directly as intracellular messengers. All these
mediators diffuse out of the cell, and exert effects on presynaptic terminals and neighbouring cells, acting either on extracellular
receptors or intracellularly. There are examples of most of these modes of signalling but only limited information about their functional
significance in the nervous system. Eic, eicosanoids; PL, membrane phospholipid.

where they are needed. and uses the same molecules to perform Ch. 56), but we lack delivery systems able to target them ana-
different functions in different locations. Drug discovery ~dentists tomically even to macroscopic brain regions, let alone to ;,pecific
arc getting quite good at devising molecule-specific ligands (see cells and subcellular structures.


Cenen1l references Missale C, Nash S R, Robin~on S Wet ul 1998 Doparmnc Bloom FE, Kupfer D J (eds) Ps)'chophannacolog)': a
Coop.:r J R. Bloom FE. Roth R H 2003 Biochemical receptors: from structure 10 function. Phy\iol Rev 78: fourth generation of progres\. Raven Press. Ne" Vorl
ba-., of neuropharmacology. Oxford University Press, 19S-225 CComprehen<ll'e retieK article) (General rel'ie.. aniclt')
New Vorl.. (Clear and well" rilletl tutbook giting Seeman P. Van Tolll II M 1994 Dopamine receptor Barnes N M. Sharp T 1999 A review of centrdi5HT
11101'1' tlttailed infomwtian on nwnv topics col'ered in phannacology. Trend, Phannacol Sc 15 264-270 receptors and their function. Neurophannacolog) 'R:
tllrtc'ilaptu) (lntmducrory mie artic/t') 1083-1152 (Detailt>d rompilarion of dalllll'llllm.~ ttl
Da'" K L. Charney D, Coyle J T, :-<emeroff C (eds) Sibley DR 1999 'I:'< in\ighh mto dopanunefl!tC receptor distribution. pharmacoiOJO' and funuitm of 5-HT
2002 'leui'Op'>ychophannacology: the fifth generation function u"ng anu'<!n-.c and geneucally altered tl'<:t'ptors in the CNS: useful ilrfonnation soun-1' 1>111
of progre'~ Llppmcon. W1lhams & Willms. anrmals. Annu Re' Ph:um.1eol To"col 19: 313 '\41 not particular/)- illuminann~)
Pluladtlph1a (A 2000pa.~t monsur "ith exullem and Svennin!!s>On 1'. '\i'h' A, l'i'(lne G et al 2004 DARPP Hedluoo P B. Sutcliffe J G 2004 Functional. molecul.v
uuthtmtatll e artides on bas1c and clinical aspects) 32: an mtcgr.uor of ncurotran\mi~SIOn Annu Re' and pharmacological advances in 5-HT, recepcor
Nestler E J. H) manS E. Malenka R C 2001 Molecular Phannacol Toxicol 44 . 269-296 (Rmt'\0 <rrticle research. Treods Pharmacol Sci 25: 481-486 (Rn 1nu
neurophannacolog). McGra,.. H,ll. ~ew Yorl.. Jeuribmg th<' nmluple roles of tills cflln{l<ment of thl' curll'nt understanding of role of5HT ~'~''"'P"'"
((jliOd mtNI~m tertboak) dopamint .H~nalling path,..ay) includmg data from receptor /cnl~C'Wut mrul
Tarazi F I. Zhang K. Balde,..urinr R J 2004 Dopamme D, WooUey M L. Marsden CA. Fone K C 2004 5-HT
receptors: be)ond ..chi7ophrenia J Reccpt Sgnal receptors. Curr Drug Targets CNS :-<eurol Dt..onl '
A\hton-Joncs G 2002 Nomdrenahne. ln: Davis K L.
Transduct 24: 131 147 COmnirtr< l111k btotwut~ D, 59-79 (Gellt>raltl'vie article focming 011 the mum
Chame) D. Coyle J T. Nemeroff C (eds) 2002
receptor polymorph11nr atUI ;c/ri~ophreflla, s11ggesting poss1ble cliniclll applications of 5-HT6 rtl'tpror
Neurop\ychophannacology: the fifth generation of
possible link with attemion deficit hlptractiwil\ t~gonist.v and antagonists)
prugre". l.ippinwtt, Willinm' & Will.tns, Philadelphia
disonler, imp11lsMry anti Coflnitive function)
Oopumlnc Acetylcholine
Girauh J A, Grceng:ml f' 2004 The neurobiology of 5-Hydroxytryptnmine Beeri R. Andres C. LevLehman E et al. 1995 Tran,gemc
dopamine 'ignalling. Arch Neurol 61: 641-644 Azmilia E C. Whiwl..cr Atrnitin PM 1995 Anatomy, cell expres~ion of human a.cetylcholinestemse induce'
506 (Short nview llrtrcle) biology and pla~ticrty of the sero1oncrgic system. In: progressive cognitive deterioration in mice. Curr Brol

incidence and social impact of neurodegenerative

Overview 508 brain disorders in ageing populations has resulted
Protein misfolding and aggregation in chronic in a massive research eHort in recent years.
neurodegenerative diseases 508 In this chapter, we focus mainly on three common
neurodegenerative conditions: Alzheimer's disease
Mechanisms of neuronal death 509 (AD), PD and ischaemic brain damage (stroke). AD
- Excitotoxicity 510 and PO are the commonest examples of a group of
-Apoptosis 512 chronic, slowly developing conditions that include
-Oxidative stress 512 various prion diseases (e.g. Creutxfeldt-Jakob
lschaemic brain damage 512 disease, CJD, see below). They have a common
-Alzheimer's disease 514
aetiology in that they are caused by the aggregation
of misfolded variants of normal physiological proteins
-Pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease 514 (see reviews by Forman et al., 2004; Mallucci &
-Therapeutic approaches 515 Collinge, 2005). This new understanding has
Parkinson's disease 517 suggested a range of potential new therapeutic
-Features of Parkinson's disease 517 strategies in this important area. To date, though,
-Pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease 517 the available therapeutic interventions are aimed
-Drug treatment of Parkinson's disease 519 at compensating for, rather than preventing or
reversing, the neuronal loss.
Huntington's disease 521 Stroke, which is also a common disorder of
Neurodegenerative prion diseases 521 enormous socioeconomic importance, results from
acute ischaemic brain damage, quite diHerent from
the aetiology of chronic neurodegenerative
diseases, requiring diHerent but equally
challenging therapeutic approaches.
OVERVIEW The main topics discussed are:
mechanisms responsible for neuronal death,
As a rule, dead neurons in the adult central focusing on protein aggregation (e.g. amyloidosis),
nervous system (CNS) are not replaced, 1 nor can excitotoxicity, oxidative stress and apoptosis
their terminals regenerate when their axons are pharmacological approaches to neuroprotection,
interrupted. Therefore any pathological process
based on the above mechanisms
causing neuronal death generally has irreversible pharmacological approaches to compensation for
consequences. At first sight, this appears to be very neuronal loss (applicable mainly to AD and PO).
unpromising territory for pharmacological
intervention, and indeed drug therapy is currently
very limited, except in the case of Parkinson's PROTEIN MISFOLDING AND
disease (PO) (see below). Nevertheless, the AGGREGATION IN CHRONIC
11ti-. rccogni~>ed that ne"" neurons arc formed from progenitor cells in certain Misfolding means the adoption of abnormal conformations, b)
region'> of the adult brain, C\CO in primate~. Whether this occur\ in the certain normally expressed proteins such that they tend to form
cortex. and whether it play~ any role in learning and memory. i'> :t matter of large in~oluble aggregates (Fig. 35.1 ). The conversion of the linear
di,putc (~cc Gros~. 2000: Rakic. 2002). Certainly, it play& liule if any role
amino acid chain produced by the ribosome into a functional
in brain repair. However. teaming how to harness the inherent abi lity of
neuronal progcnitorb hlem cell~) to form new neurons is seen as an obviou~ protein requires it to be folded correctly into a compact confor-
508 approach to treating neurodegenerative disorders. mation w ith specific amino acids correctly located on its surface.

External factors

Native Misfolded Oligomer Insoluble

l m protein


Cellular d1sposa1 Intracellular
chaperones mechanisms depos1ts

Fig. 35.1 Protein misfolding: a

process involved In m any c hronic
neurodegenerative diseases.

Th1~ complicated stepwise sequence can easily go wrong and lead

Protein mlsfoldlng
to nmfolded v;~rian t ~ that are unable to find a way back to the
correct nati\e' conformation. The misfoldcd molecules arc non-
funcuonal with re~pcct to the normal function of the protein, but Many chronic neurodegenerative diseases
,an noncthele.,., make mischief within the cell. The misfolding involve the misfolding of normal or mutated forms of
olh:n mean., that hydrophobic residues that would normally be physiological proteins. Examples include Alzheimer's
buril:d m the core of the protein are exposed on its surface. which disease, Parkinson's disease, amyotrophic lateral
gi\e' the molecule., a strong tendency to aggregate. initially sclerosis and many less common diseases.
a' oligomer,, and then a.-. insoluble microscopic aggregates Misfolded proteins are normally removed by
(l1g. 35.1 ). The} al\o tend to <,ticJ... to cell membranes. The tend- intracellular degradation pathways, which may be
altered in neurodegenerative disorders.
enq to adopt 'uch conformations may be favoured by specific
mutation\ of the protein in question. or by infection with prions Misfolded proteins tend to aggregate, initially as
(\CC beiO\\ ).
soluble oltgomers, later as large insoluble aggregates
\1,,folded conformations can be generated spontaneously at a that accumulate intracellularly or extracellularly as
microscopic deposits, which are stable and resistant
low rate throughout life, so that aggregates accumulate gradually
to proteolysis.
11ith age. In the nervous system. the aggregates often form
di,tinct ~tructures, generally known as amyloid deposits, that arc Misfolded proteins often present hydrophobic surface
v1~ible under th e microscope and are characteristic of
residues that promote aggregation and association
ncurodegcncr:uivc disease. Although the mechanisms arc not w ith membranes.
clear. ~uch aggregates, or the misfolded protein precursors, lead The mechanisms responsible for neuronal death are
to neuronal death. Examples of neurodegenerative diseases unclear, but there is evidence that both the soluble
that are cau~cd by such protein misfolding and aggrcga6on arc aggregates and the microscopic deposits may be
'ho11 n in T;~ble 35.1. neurotoxic.
The bmin pos'>esses a variety of protective mechanisms that
hmit the accumulation of such protein aggregates. The main ones
are the production of 'chaperone' proteins, which bind to newly surrounding tissue. evoking an inflammatory response. Cells can
'}nthe,ised or misfolded proteins and encourage them to fold also die by apoptosis or programmed cell death (see Cb. 5). a slower
COI'rel:tl}. and the 'ubiquitination' reaction. which prepares proteins
process that is essential for many processes throughout l ife.
ior destruction '' ithin the cell. Accumulation of protein deposits including development. immune regulation and tissue remodelling.
occurs\\ hen these protecti-.e mechanisms are unable ro cope. For Apopto~is. as well a., necrol.i~. occurs in many neurodegenerative
rc11ews of the~e mechanisms. see Stefani & Dobson (2003) and disorders (including acute conditions such as stroke and head injury;
Selkoe (2~). for re,iew. sec Jellingcr. 200 1). The distinction between necrosis
and apoptosi'> as processes leading to neurodegeneration is not
MECHANISMS OF NEURONAL DEATH absolute, for challenges such as excitotoxicity and oxidative stress
may be enough tO kill cells directly by necrosis or, if less intense,
Acute injury to cells causes them to undergo necrosis. recognised may induce them to undergo apoptosis. Both processes therefore
pathologically by cel l swelli ng. vacuolisati on and lysis. and represent possible targets for putative neuroprotective drug therapy.
associated with Ca 2 overl oad of the cells and membrane damage Pharmacological interference with the apoptotic pathway may
(sec below). Necrotic cells typically spill their contents into the become possible in the future, but for the present most effons 509

Table 35.1 Examples of neurodeg enerative d iseases associat ed w ith p rotein misfolding and aggregation

Disease Protein Charact erist ic pathology Notes

Alzhe1mer's disease (\-Amyloid (A(\} Amyloid plaques A(\ mutations occur in rare familial forms of Alzheimer's

Tau Neurofibrillary tangles Implicated in other pathologies ('tauopathies'} as well

as Alzheimer's disease

Park1nson's disease <t-Synuclein Lewy bodies u-Synuclein mutat1ons occur in some types of familial
Parkinson's disease

Creutzfeldt-Jakob Prion protein Insoluble aggregates Transmitted by infection with prion protein in its
disease of prion protein misfolded state

Huntington's disease Huntingtin No gross lesions One of several genetic 'polyglutamine repeat' disorders

Amyotrophic lateral Superoxide loss of motor neurons Mutated superoxlde dismutase tends to form
scleros1s dismutase aggregates; loss of enzyme function increases
(motor neuron disease) susceptibility to oxidative stress

"Protein aggregation disorders are often collectively known as amyloidoses and commonly affect organs other than the brain.

are di rected at the processes involved in cell necrosis, and at The mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum act as capaciou\
compensating pharmacologically for the neuronal loss. !>inks for Ca 2+ and normally keep [Ca 21, under control.
Loading of the mitochondrial stores beyond a certain point.
EXCITOTOXICITY however, disrupts mitochondrial function, reducing ATP
synthesis, thus reducing the energy available for the membr.tne
Despite its ubiquitous role as a neurotran~mitter. glutam ate
pumps and for Ca2+ accumulation by the endoplasmic
is highly toxic to neurons, a phenomenon dubbed excitOtoxicity
reticulum. Formation of reactive oxygen specie~ is also
(see Ch. 33). A low concentration of glutamate applied to neurons
enhanced. This represents the danger point at which positive
in culture kills the cells, and the finding in the 1970s that glutamate
feedback exaggerates the process.
given orally produces neurodegeneration in vivo caused consider-
Raised [Ca 2+]. affects many processe1., the chief ones relevant
able alarm because of the widespread use of glutamate as a 'tru,te-
to neurotoxicity being:
enhancing' food additive. The 'Chinese restaurant syndrome'- an
-increased glutamate release
acute attack of neck MilTness and chest pain-i~ well known. but so
-activation of proteases (calpains) and lipa!->es. causing
far the possibility of more serious neurotoxicity is only hypothetical.
membrane d<m1age
Local injection of kaink acid is used experimentally to produce
-activation of nitric oxide !>ynthase; while low concentration'
neurotoxic lesions. It acts by excitation of local glutamate-releasing
of nitric oxide are neuroprotective, high concentrations in the
neurons, and the release of glutamate, acting on NMDA and also
presence of reactive oxygen species generate peroxynitrite and
metabotropic receptors (Ch. 33), leads to neuronal death.
hydroxyl free radicals, which damage many important
Calcium overload is the essential factor in excitotoxicity. The
biomolecules. including membrane lipids, protein'> and DNA
mechanisms by which thjs occurs and lead!> to cell death are as
-increased arachidonic acid release, which increases free
follows (Fig. 35.2).
radical production and also inhibits glutamate uptake
Glutamate activates NMDA, AMPA and metabotropic receptors (site 6).
(sites I. 2 and 3). Activation of AMPA receptors depolarises
the cell. which unblocks the NMDA channels (see Ch. 33), Glutamate and Ca2+ are arguably the two most ubiquitou' chemical
permitting Ca 2+ entry. Depolarisation also opens voltage- signals, extracellular and intracellular, respectively, underlying
activated calcium channels (site 4). releasing more glutamate. brain fu nction, so it is disconcerting that such cytotoxic mayhem
Metabotropic receptors cause the relea<;e of intracellular Ca 2 can be unleashed when they get out of control. Both are stored in
from the endoplasmic reticulum. Na+ entry further contributes dangerous amounts in subcellular organelles. like hand grenade'
to Ca2 entry by Mimulating Ca2+/Na+ exchange (site 5). in an ammunition store. Defence again~t excitotoxicity is clear!)
Depolarisation inhibits or reverses glutamate uptake (site 6), essential if our brains arc to have any chance of staying alive.
thus increasing the extracellular glutamate concentration. Mitochondrial energy metabolism provides one line of defence
The mechanisms that normally operate to counteract the rise (see above), and impaired mitochondrial function, by rendering
in [Ca2...)i include the Ca2 efflux pump (site 7) and, indirectly. neurons vulnerable to excitotoxic damage, may be a factor in variou,
510 the Na pump (site 8). neurodegcnerative condition1., including PD.

-''- -- ~---- --- e e e
---- -----------------

NMDA Calcium
-- .... _

-- ,e ,, receptor channel '

\ antagonists inhibitors ''
' ''

7 ''
, .., 'II
I y
I Ca2+
y I I
I ''
I 3 '' I I I

I \


'' '' I
1 I

' '' '


Membrane~ Inactive
damage products
~ Proteases


'' inhibitors

'' I I
' ' y I y I
,,_ y y
"""------ - - -- ~

Fig. 35.2 Mechanisms of excitotoxicity. Membrane receptors, ion channels and transporters, identified by numbers 1-8, are
dtscussed in the text. Possible sites of action of neuroprotective drugs (not yet of proven clinical value) are highlighted. Mechanisms on
the left (villains) are those that favour cell death, while those on the right {heroes) are protective. See text for details. AA, arachidonic acid;
ER, endoplasmic reticulum; Glu, glutamate uptake; IP3 , inositol trisphosphate; M, MGiuR, metabotropic glutamate receptor; NO, nitric
oxide; ROS, reactive oxygen species; SOD, superoxide dismutase; VDCC, voltage-dependent calcium channel.


The role of cxcitoto.xicity in ischaemic brain damage is wel l SOD (Fig. 35.2) are associated with a progressive form of motor
c1>tablished (see below), and it i~ also believed to be a factor in neuron di!>case known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a fatal
other neurodegencrative diseasc1>. such as those discussed below paralytic di..ease resulting from progressi'e degeneration of motor
(~ee Lipton & Rosenberg, 1994). neurons. and transgenic mice expressing mutated SOD develop
T There arc ~cvcral examples ul ncurodegencrativc conditions cau,ed by a similar condilion. 2 Accumulation of aggregates of misfolded
environmental toxins acting as ugoni!>t!> on glutamme receptors. Domoic mutated SOD (see above) may also contribute to neurodegeneration.
ucid i!. a gluwmate analogue produced by mu'>SCI'>. which wa.~ identified Tt is possible that accumulated or inherited mutations in cn;yme'
a~ the cau-;e of an epidemic of <;evere menial and neurological deterio- such as those of the mitochondrial respiratory chain lead to a
ration in a group of Newfoundlander.. in 1987. On the !\land of Guam. a congenital or age-related increase in ltu~ceptibility to oxida111e
\)ndromc combining !he features of dcmemia, paralysis and PO wa'
traced to an cxcitotoxic an1ino ac id, ~-metbylamino-ulanine, in the !.Ceds stress, which is manifest in different kinds of inhented
of a local plant. Discouraging the consumption of thc'c seeds has largely neurodcgcnerative disorder~ (such as Huntington s disease), and
eliminated the disea\e. in age-related neurodcgcneration.
Several po~siblc targeh for therapeutic intervention with
neuroprotcctive dmglt are shown in Figure 35.2. Disappointing!}
intense effort to find effective drugs for a range of neurodegencraUit
Apoptosis can be initiated by various cell surface signals (see Ch. 5). disorder~ in which excitotoxicity is bel ieved to play a part ha'
The cell is systematically dismantled, and the shrunken remnants arc had very limited success. Riluzole, a compound that inhibits both
removed by macrophages without causing inOammation. Apoptotic the release and the post<.ynaptic action of glutamate, retard\ tc
cells can be identified by a ~taining technique that detects the some degree the deterioration of patients with amyotrophic late~
characteristic DNA breaks. Many different signalling pathway~ sclerosis. Memantine, a compound first de~cribed 40 year~ ago
can resu lt in apoptosis, but in a ll cases the fina l pathway resulting is a weak NMDA receptor antagonist that produces slight improl~
in cell death i~ the activation of a family of protcases (caspase.1). ment in moderate- to-severe cases of AD. and was recent!)
which inactivate various intracellular proteins. Neural apoptosi~ approved for clinical usc.
is nonnally prevented by neuronal growth factor!.. including ncf\c
growth factor and brain-derived neurotrophic factor, secreted
proteins tha t arc required for the survival of different populations ISCHAEMIC BRAIN DAMAGE
of neurons in the C S. These growth factors regu late the expression
of the two gene products Bax and Bcl-2, Bax being proapoptotic After heart disease and cancer. stroke~ are the commonest cau'-1:
and Bcl-2 being antiapoptotic ('>ee Ch. 5). Blocking apopto'>is by of death in Europe and North America. and the 70% that are noo-
interfering at specific point'> on these pathways represents an fatal are the commonest cause of disability. Approximately 85
attractive strategy for developing neuroprotcctive drugs, but one of strokes are ischaemic, ultually due to thrombosis of a major
that has yet to bear fruit. cerebral artery. The remainder are haemorrhagic, due to rupture
of a cerebral artery.

The brain hal- high energy needs. which are met almost entirely
by mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, generating ATP at Interruption of blood supply to the brain initiates the cascade of
the same time a~ reducing molecular 0 1 to H 20. Under certain neuronal events shown in Figure 35.2, which lead in turn to later
conditions. highly reactive oxygen <.pecics, for example oxygen consequence!.. including cerebral oedema and inflammation, 1\hkh
and hydroxyl free radicals and HP2 rna) be generated as side can also contribute to brain damage (see Dimagl et al .. 1999). Furthtr
products of thi!. procc:.s (see Coyle & Puttfarken. 1993). Oxidative damage can occur following reperfusion, because of the production
~tress is the result of excessive production of these reactive species. of reactive oxygen species when the oxygenation is re~tored
They can ai'>O be produced as a by-product of other biochemical Reperfusion injury may be an important component in '>tro~e
pathways. including nitric oxide '>ynthesi!. and arachidonic acid patienh. These secondary processes often take hours to develo.
metabolism (which are implicated in excitotoxicity: see abo\e). providing a window of opportunity for therapeutic intencntion
as well as the mixed function oxidase system (see Ch. 8). The lesion produced by occlusion of a major cerebral artery COil\!\~
Unchecked, reactive oxygen radical& attack many key molecules. of a central core in which the neurons quickly undergo irre-
including en7ymcs, membrane lipids and DNA. Not surprisingly. versible necrosis. surrounded by a penumbra of compromi'led
defence mechani'>ms are provided, in the form of enzymes such tissue in which inflammation and apoptotic cell death de,elop
a_., superoxide dismwase (SOD) and catalase, a-. well as antioxidants over a period of several hour!.. It is assumed that neuroproteCll\(
such as ascorbic acid, glutathione and a-tocopherol (vitamin E), therapies. given within a few hours, might inhibit this sc<:ontlary'
which normally keep these reactive species in check. Some penumbral damage.
cytokines, especially tumour necrosis factor (TNF-a), which is
produced in conditions of brain ischaemia or inflammation
(Ch. 13), exert a protective effect, partly by increa_c;ing the expression 'Surprhingl). the SOD mutation responsible b more. rather tban le'>'. a.:uvc
of SOD. Tran~genic animals lacking TNF receptors show enhanced than the normal enzyme. The mechanism by which 1t causes
susceptibil ity to brain ischaemia. Mutations of the gene encoding neurodegcncrmion is nm clear.

which are otherwise l ikely to die. In animal models involving

lacltotollicity and oxidative stress cerebral artery occlusion. many drug~ targeted at the mechani!>m'
!>hown in Figure 35.2 (not to mention many others that have
Excitatory amino acids (e.g. glutamate) can been tested on the basi s of more far-n ung theories) act in thi~
cause neuronal deat h. wny to reduce the size of the infarct. These include glutamate
Excitotoxicity is associated mainly with activation of antagonists. calcium and sodium channel inhibitors, free radical
NMDA receptors, but other types of excitatory amino scavengers, an ti-inflammatory drugs. protease inhibitors and others.
actd receptors also contribute. It \ecms that almost anything worh . A ltogether. Green et at.
Excitotoxicity results from a sustained rise in (2003) reported that more than 37 such agents had been tc!>ted in
Intracellular Ca2+ concentration (Ca2 overload). more than 114 cli nical triab . and all had failed to show efficacy.
Excitotoxicity can occur under pathological The dispiriting list of failures include\ calcium and sodi um channel
conditions (e.g. cerebral ischaemia, epilepsy) in which blockers (e.g. nimodipine, fosphcny toin), MDA receptor
excessive glutamate release occurs. It can also occur antagonists (selfotel , eliprodil, dcxt rom eth orpban), drugs that
when chemicals such as kainic acid are administered. inhibit glutamate release (adenosine analogues, lobeluzole),
Raised intracellular Ca2" causes cell deat h by various dru gs that enhance GABA effects (e.g. chlormethiazole), and
mechanisms, including activation of proteases, various free radical scavengers (e.g. tirilazad). Green et al (2003)
formation of free radicals , and lipid peroxidation. argue, reasonably enough. that the animal models in use fail to
Formation of nitric oxide and arachidonic acid are replicate the clinical situation, and urge the use of more rigorou1.
also involved. experimental protocols to make animal models more predictive.
Various mechanisms act normally to protect neurons but a c;uccess rate of tero among 37 compounds suggests that the
against excitotoxicity, the main ones be1ng Ca ~
model'> are more deeply na\1-ed.
transport systems, mitochondrial function and the Controlled clinicaltriah on 'ltroke patients are problematic and
production of free radical scavengers. very expensive. partly becau:-.e of the large variability of outcome
Oxidative stress refers to conditions (e.g . hypoxia) in in terms of functional recovery. which means that l arge groups of
which the protective mechanisms are compromised, patients (typically several hundred) need to be observed for ~everaJ
reactive oxygen species accumulate, and neurons months. T he need to start therapy w ithin hours of the attack is an
become more susceptible to excitotoxic dam age. additional problem.
Excitotoxicity due to environmental chemicals may Stroke tTeatment is certainly not- so far at least- one of
contribute to some neurodegenerative disorders. pharmacology's success storie:-., and medical hopes re~t more
Measures designed to reduce excitotoxicity include on prevention (e.g. by controlling blood pressure,3 taking aspir in
the use of glutamate antagonists, calcium and preventing atherosclc ro'i~) than on treatment.
channel-blocking drugs and free radical scavengers;
none are yet proven for chn1cal use.

Glutamate excitotoxicity plays a critical role in brain ischaemia. Associated w ith intracerebral thrombosis or
J,~hacmia causes depolarisati on of neuron),, and the release of haemorrhage (less common), resu lting in rapid death
large amounts of glutamate. Ca!+ accumulation occurs. partly as of neurons by necrosis in the centre of the lesion,
are,uJt of glutamate acting on MDA receptor~. for both Ca + entry
2 followed by more gradual (hours) degeneration of cells
and cell death following cerebral i~haemia are inhibited by drug!. in penumbra due to excitotoxicity and inflammation.
thai hlod.. 'MDA receptors or channel\ (sec 01. 33). 'itric oxide i~ Spontaneous functional recovery occurs to a highly
nl'iO produced in amounts much greater than result from normal variable degree.
!k:unmal activity (i.e. to levels that arc toxic rather than modulatory). Although many types of drug that interfere wtth
excitotoxicity (see Protein misfolding box) are able to
reduce infarct size in experimental animals, none of
these have so far proved efficacious in humans.
1 he only dmg CUITCntly approved for treating strokes is rccom- Tissue plasminogen activator, which d isperses blood
hmant lissue plasminogen acti vator (tl'A). given intravenously. clots, is beneficial if it is given within 3 hours.
llhl~h helps to restore blood now by dispersing the thrombus None of the many neuroprotective drugs that are
~~ Ch. 21). It gives significant, but ~ l ight, functi onal benefit lO effective in animal models are efficacious in the
patient' 11ho survive. To be effective. itmu'>t be given within about clinical trials.
\ hour.. of the thrombotic epi'>ode. Abo. it should not be given
m the 15~ of cases where the caul.C i~ haemorrhage rather than
lhromb<his. Because this can be determined only by brain scanning.
tPA j, actually given to only 1- 2% of stroke victims. ' It i~ no1 obviou~ why hypcrten~ion .,hould predi,pose LO thrombotic a'
A preferable approach would be to u~c neuroprotecti ve agents oppo,cd 10 haemorrhagic wo~c. yel ' ludic., have ~hown that nonnali\lng
aimed at rescuing cells in the penumbral region of the lesion, blood pressure e ffectively el imi nates the increased risk of woke.

that Jach precision and cuts APP at different poin~ in lhe transmembrJJl(
ALZHEIMER' S DISEASE domain. generating Af3 fragments of different lenglhs, including A!Wi
and 42. Mutauons in !his region of the APP gene affect lhe preferred
Loss of cognitive ability with age is considered to be a normal cleavage point, tending to favour formation of AjW2. Mutations of 1M
process who~e rate and extent is very variable. AD was originally unrelated presenili11 genes result in increased activity of "fSI'Cf'l'taU,
becau..e the pi'I'Sellilitl proteins form pan of lhe ')'~ecreta'e compk\
defined as presenile dememia. but it now appears that the same
The-.e ditlerent AD-related mutation;. increase lhe ratio of Af342:Af3-W
pathology underlies the dementia irrespective of the age of onset. '~hch can be detected in plasma. serving as a marker for familial AD
AD refer-. to dementia that docs not bave an antecedent cause, Mutation~ in anolher gene. !hat for the tipid transpon protein ApoE4. al"
such as \troke. brain trauma or alcohol. Its prevalence ri~es pred.-po\e to AD. probably because of expres~ion of abnormal ApoF~
sharply with age. from about 5% at 65 to 9091: or more at 95. proteins that facilitate the aggregation of Af3.
Until recently. age-related dementia was considered to result It is uncenain e~acdy how A~ accumulation causes neurodegeneration.
from the Meady loss of neurons that normally goes on throughout and whether the damage i~ done by soluble A~ monomers or oligomcl"\.
life, possibly accelerated by a failing blood supply associated or by amyloid plaques. There is some evidence !hat the cell~ die b)
apopto~b. although an inflammatory response is also evident. Exprcssi!>n
with atherosclerosis. Studies over the past three decades have,
of Altheimer mutations in transgenic animals cause~ plaque formation
however, revealed specific genetic and molecular mechanisms and ncurodegeneration, and also increases the su~ceptibility of CNS
underlying AD (reviewed by Selkoe, 1997; Bossy-Wetzel ct al., neuron~ to other challenges. such as ischaemia, excitotoxicity and
2004 ), which have opened potential new therapeutic oppor- oxidative strcs~. and this increased vul nerability may be the cause 111
tunities (see Yamada & Nabeshima, 2000). the progressive neurodegeneration in AD. These transgenic modeb will
be of great value in testing potential drug therapies aimed at rctan.ling
the ncurodegencrativc process.

PATHOGENESIS OF ALZHEIMER' S DISEASE The other main player on the biochemical stage i' Tau, the protein 11f
which the neurofibrillary tangles are composed (Fig. 35.3 ). Thetr wle
Al7heimer's di,ease is associated with brain shrinkage and localised in neurodegeneration i~ unclear, allhough similar 'tauopathics occur 10
loss of neurons, mainly in the hippocampus and basal forebrain. many ncurodcgcncrativc conditions (see Lee et a! .. 200 I). Tau is a nonnal
The loss of cholinergic neurons in the hippocampus and frontal con\utuent ot neurons. being a~ociated wilh intracellular mcrotubule'-
ln AD and other tauopalhies. it becomes abnormally phosphol)lated and
cortex is a feature of the disease, and is thought to underlie the
i~ dep<hited intrnccUularly as paired helical jilamems wilh a characteri'uc
cognitive deficit and loss of short-term memory that occur in AD. mcro~opc appearance. When the cells die, these filaments aggregate as
Two microscopic features are characteristic of the disease. namely e"racellular neurofibrillary tangles. It is possible. but not proven. thou
extracellular amrloid plaques. consisting of amorphous extracellular Tau phosphorylallon is enhanced by lhe presence of A~ plaque,. Whether
depo,ih of (3-amyloid protein (known as A~). and intraneuronal hyperpho,phol) lation and intracellular deposition of Tau harm~ the ce
is not cenain. although it is known that Tau phosphorylation impair. la\1
neurofibrillary tangles. comprising filaments of a phosphorylated
axonal tran~pon. a proce~s that depends on microtubule~.
form of a microtubule-associated protein (Tau). Both of these
deposits are protein aggregates that result from misfolding of native
proteins, as discussed above. They appear also in normal brains,
although in smaller numbers. The early appearance of amyloid
deposits presnges the development of AD, although symptoms Alzheimer's disease
may not develop for many years. Altered processing of amyloid
protein from its precursor (amyloid precursor protein, APP; see Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a common age-
Bossy-Wett.el et al., 2004) is now recognised as the key lo the related dementia distinct from vascular dementia
pnthogcnesis of AD. This conclusion is based on several lines of associated with brain infarction.
evidence, particularly the genetic analysis of certain, relatively rare, The main pathological features of AD comprise amyloid
types of familial AD, in which mutations of the APP gene, or of plaques, neurofibrillary tangles and a loss of neurons
other genes that control amyloid processing, have been discovered. (particularly cholinergic neurons of the basal forebrain).
The APP gene resides on chromosome 21, which is duplicated in Amyloid plaques consist of aggregates of the A~
Down's -,yndrome, in which early AD-like dementia occur~ in fragment of amyloid precursor protein (APP), a normal
as~ociation with overexpreS!>ion of APP. neuronal membrane protein, produced by the action
T Amylod depo~it~ con~bt of aggregates of Af3 (Fig. 35.3) containing 40 of ~- and y-secretases. AD is associated wtth
or 42 rc~due\. AjWO i!. produced nonnall:r in small amount\, v. hercas excessive A~ formation, resulting in neurotoxicity.
AjW2 is O\Crproduced lb a resuh of lhe genetic mutations mentioned above. Familial AD (rare) results from mutations in the APP
Both proteins aggregate to form amyloid plaques. but Af3-t2 shows a gene, or in presenilin genes (involved in y-secretase
'>IIOngcr tendency than Af340 to dow. and appears to be the main culprit in
amyloid fom1ation. AjWO and 42 are produced by proteolytic cleavage of function), both of which cause increased A~ formation.
a much l:1rger (770 amino acid) APP. a membrane protein normally Neurofibrillary tangles comprise intracellular
c,.,pressed by many cell,, including CNS neurons. The protea~e~ that cut aggregates of a highly phosphorylated form of a
out lhc Af3 -.cqucoce arc knov. n as secrera.1e.'>. Normally, asecreuue acts to normal neuronal protein (Tau). The relationship of
re lease the large extracellular domain as soluble APP, which serves
these structures to neurodegeneration is not known.
variou!o poorly underblood trophic functions. Formation of Aj3 involves
cleavage m two different points, including one in the intramembrane Loss of cholinergic neurons is believed to account for
domain of APP. by {3- and y-secrerases (Fig. 35.3). ')'Secretase is a clumsy much of the learning and memory deficit in AD.
- 514
.. ..: ...:,_-'. .~--- cntymc- actuall y a large intramembrane complex of several protei ns-

fA] Structure of APP [!!] Processing of APP

APP and presenilin mutations
Cleavage increase Af340 and Af342 formation
by secretases
~ a y


Sites of
amyloidogenic ~cr-.
: Af\ 40/42 I
,, ~42
mutations .. y _ _ _ ApoE4 mutations
. sAPP enhance aggregation

~---- sAPP -----+

Growth factor
~ Tau

l~ .

PLAQUlES r= Paired helical


--- --- --- -- ----- -- -- - ---- ------ -------J
Fig. 35.3 Pa1hogenesis of A lzheimer's di sease. rA Structure of amyloid precursor protein (APP), showing origin of secreted APP
(sAPP) and Afl amyloid protein. The regions involved in amyloidogenic mutations discovered in some cases of familial Alzheimer's disease are
shown flanking the Afl sequence. APP cleavage involves three proteases: secretases a, j3 and y. aSecretase produces soluble APP,
whereas fl- and y-secretases generate Afl amyloid protein. y-Secretase can cut at different points, generating Afl peptides of varying
lengths, including ~0 and ~42, the latter having a high tendency to aggregate as amyloid plaques. ~ Processing of APP. The main
'physJOiogical' pathway gives rise to sAPP. which exerts a number of trophic functions. Cleavage of APP at different sites gives rise to AI\.
the predomtnant form normally being A~O. which is weakly amyloidogenic. Mutations in APP or presenilins increase the proportion of
APP, which is degraded via the amyloidogenic pathway, and also increase the proportion converted to the much more strongly
amyloidogenic form Afl42. Aggregation of Afl is favoured by mutations in the apoE4 gene.

Loss of choline rgic ne urons THERAPEUTIC APPROACHES

Although changes in many transmitter systems have been observed,
Recent advances in understanding the process of neurodegencration
mainly from measurements on post-monem AD brain tissue. a
in AD have yet to result in therapies able to retard it. Currently,
relati,ely selective loss of cholinergic neurons in the basal forebrain
cholinesterase inhibitors (see Ch.l 0) and me man tine (see above)
nuclei (Cb. 34) is characteristic. This discovery, made in 1976,
are the only drugs approved for treating AD. although many
1mplied that pharmacological approaches to restoring cholinergic
drugs have been claimed to improve cognitive performance and
funcuon migbt be fea~ible. leading to the use of cholinesterase
several new approaches are being explored (see Citron, 2004).
inhtbitors to treat AD (sec below).
Choline acetyl transferase activity, acetylcholine content. and
ac~tylcholinestcrasc nnd choline transport in the cortex and hippo- Choline ste rase inhibitors
~:ampu~ are all reduced considerably in AD but not in other Tacrine. the first drug approved for treating AD, was investigated
di.;orders. such a~ depression or schizophrenia. Muscarinic receptor on the basis that enhancement of cholinergic transmission might
lktNl). determined by binding studies. is not affectecl but nicotinic compensate for the cholinergic deficit. Trials showed modest
receptors. particularly in the cortex, are reduced. The reason for improvements in tests of memory and cognition in about 40% of
1he -.elective loss of cholinergic neurons resulting from Af3 AD patients, but no improvement in other functional measures that
lormatioo is not known. affect quality of life. Tacrine has to be given four times daily and 515

produces cho linergi c side effects such as nausea and abdo minal they did a decade ago. Particular developments are wonh mentiomn
cramp~. as w ell as hepatotoxicity in some patien ts, so it i s far fro m (~ee Selkoe& Schenk. 2003. and Citron. 2004. for more details).
an ideal drug. L ater compounds, w hich also have limited e f ficacy l nhtbtto~ of 1}- and y-!>ecretase have been identified and are undergomg
but arc m ore e ffective than tacrine in improv ing qu ali ty o f life, clinical triab. Unfonunately. y-secretase plays a role in other 'ignalling
i ncl ude d on ep ezil, r i vastigmine and galantamine (Table 35.2). pathway' be\tde~ AI} fom1ation. so inhibitors are like!} to produce un\\Olllt<-d
a!> well a.' beneficial effec~.
The~e drug~ produce a m easurable. although slig ht, improvem ent
AD patients. but this may be too sm all to
o f cogn i tive func tio n i n An tngen1ou' ne"' approach was taken by Schenk et al. ( 1999). "ho
be si g nifica nt in terms of everyday life. immum'>Cd AD tran~genic mice with AP protein. and found that thi' 11<1!
There i s !>Orne evidence from l aboratory studies that c ho lin- onl) prevented but also re\ersed plaque fonnation. Initial trial' m hum.m'
had to be tcnninatcd because of neuroinflammatory complication\. but
estera~e inhibiton. may act somehow to reduce the fo rmati on or
work on developing bencr immunisation strategies is continuing.
neuroto xic ity o f Af3, and therefore retard the progressi on o f AD as
w ell as producing ~ymptomatic benefit. Clinical trials, ho w ever, Epidemiological studies reveal that some non-steroidal anti-inflammatul)
drug~ CNSAIDs: see Ch. 14) used routinely to treat anhri ti s reduce the
have sh o wn o nl y a l)mall improvement in cognitive functi on, with
likelihood of developing AD. Ibuprofen and in domctacin ha\e thi'
no e ffect o n disease progression.
effect. although other NSATDs. such as llSpirin , do not, nor do ant1
Other drugs aimed at improv ing cholinergic function that arc inflammatory steroids !>uch as prednisolone. Recent wort.. (see De Stroopcr
bei ng investigated include other cholinesterase inh ibitors and & Ktinig. 2001 ) suggests that NSMDs may reduce A f~42 formation h}
a variety o f muscarinic and nicotinic receptor agoni sts, none of regulating y-secretase, an effect unrelated to cyclo-oxygcnase i nhibition,
whic h l ook promising on the basi s of early cl inical resu l ts. by which NSAI D:.. reduce inflammation. Tt may therefore be po'\ihlc h>
fi nd compounds that target y-secretase selecti vely withou t inhibui n~
cyc lo-oxygena>e. thus avoiding the side effects associated with current
Other drugs NSAI D>. Di>appointingly. cli nical trials with various NSAl Ds have so far
f:ailed to show any effect on cognitive perfom1ance or disease progression
'Y Oih)'droer gotamuine was used for many year; to treat dementia. It in AD patient' (\CC Towni>end & Pratico. 2005).
act\ a\ a cerebml vasodilator. but trial!. showed it to produce l ittle if any
cogniti\e improvement. 'Nootropic' drugs such as piracctam and A~ plaque> bind copper and zinc, and removal of these metal 10~
aniracelam tmprove memory in animal tests, po,sibly b) enhancing promote\ di,;,oluuon of the plaques. The amocb1c1dal drug clioquinol t
glutamate releou.e. but are probably ineffective in AD. a mctal-chclating agent that causes regression of amyloid dcp<hit'
animal models of AD. and showed some benefit in innial climcal trials.
Clioqumol H!>elf has known toxic effects in humans. ~hich preclude us
Inhibiting neurodegeneration routine clinical U>e. but less toxic metal-chelating agent\ are un.ler
'Y For mo\t of the dt\order., dbcussed in this chapter. including AD.
the lloly Grail. which so far eludes us. would be a drug that retard\ Shonage of growth factor~ (panicularly nerve growth factor) rna)
neurodegt:nt:ration. Now that we have several well-characterised targets. contnbute to the loss of forebrain cholinergic neuron\ in AD. Admmi\tcnng
wch "' A~ formation by the f3- and y-secreta!>es, and Af3 neurotoxicity. growth factor.. into the brain i> not realistic for routine thcrap). but
togt:ther with a range of transgenic animal models of AD on w hich alternative approachei>. such as implanting cells engineered to ..ccretc n<ne
compound; can be tested. the prospecl> cen ainly look brighter than growth factor. arc under investigation.

Table 35.2 Cholinesterase inhibitors used in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease

Drug Type of inhibition Duration of action Main side effects Notes

Tacrlne Short acting, reversible - 6 h Few cholinergic side The first anticholinesterase shown
Affects both AChE and effects to be effective in Alzheimer's disease
BuChE Can cause hepatotoxicity Monitoring for hepatotoxicity needed

Donepeztl Short-acting, reversible - 24 h Slight cholinergic side

AChE-selective effects

Aivastigmine Slowly reversible - 8 h Cholinergic s1de effects Gradual dose escalation to m1nim1se
Affects both AChE and that tend to subside wtth side effects
BuChE continuing treatment

Galantamine Reversible, non-selective - 8 h Few side effects Dual mechanism of action postulated
Also enhances nicotinic
acetylcholine receptor
activation by allosteric

AChE, acetylcholinesterase; BuChE, butyryl cholinesterase.

' Similar level of limited clinical benefit for all d rugs. No clinical evidence for retardation of disease process, although animal tests
suggest diminution of Al3 and plaque formation by a mechanism not related to cholinesterase inhibition.

Current!). the only drug!> approved for the treatment of AD are variou'
choline,terJ-.e inhibito~ (Table 35.2) and memantjne. an NMDA receptor Clinical use of drugs in dementia
antagom't bclie,cd to ~>.or!.. by inhibaung glutamate-induced excitotoxicity.
It ha, only maid <;ide eftech. and clinacal trial~ data show it to produce a Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors and NMDA
'hght but <;agnificant improvement an cognitive function in moderate-to-
-.e,ere AD
antagonists detectably improve cognitive impairment
in clinical trials but have significant adverse effects
and are of limited use clinically.
PARKINSON' S DISEASE Efficacy is monitored periodically in individual
patients, and administration continued only if the
FEATURES OF PARKINSON'S DISEASE drugs are believed to be working and their effect in
Parkin~on's disease i~ a progressive disorder of movement that slowing functional and behavioural deterioration is
occu~ mainly in the elderly. The chief symptoms are: judged to outweigh adverse effects.

tremor at rest, u~ually starting in the hands ('pill-rolling' A cetylcholin est erase inhibitors:
tremor), which tends to diminish during voluntary activity examples include donepezil, galantamine,
muscle rigidity, detectable as an increased resistance in rivastig mine
passive limb movement used in mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease.
~upprcssion of voluntary movements (hypokinesis), due partly NMDA receptor anta go nists:
to muscle rigidity and partly to an inherent inertia of the for example m em antine (see Ch. 33, p. 485)
motor system. which means that motor activity is difficult to - used in moderate to severe Alzheimer's disease.
\lop a~ well as to initiate.

Par~insonian patients walk with a characteristic sbuffljng gait.

The) find it hard to '>tart. and once in progress they cannot quickly
'top or change direction. PO is commonly associated with dementia,
probabl) becau ..e the degenerative process is not confined to the
ba,al ganglia but also affects other parts of the brain. more complex neurochemical disturbances of other transmitters
Pa~in.,on 's disease often occurs with no obvious underlying (particularly acetylcholine, noradrenaline. 5-hydroxytrypramine
cau-,e, but it may be the result of cerebral ischaemia. viral and GABA) as well as dopamine. In experimental lesions, two
ell\."\:phaliti~ or other types of pathological damage. The symptoms secondary consequences follow damage to the nigrostriatal tract,
~.an abo be drug-induced, the main drugs involved being those namely a hyperactivity of the remaining dopan1inergic neurons,
that reduce the amount of dopamine in the brain (e.g. r eserpine; which show an increased rate of transmitter turnover, and an
~e Ch. II) or block dopamine receptors (e.g. antipsychotic drugs increa<;e in the number of dopamine receptors, which produces
,uch as chlorprom azi ne; &ce Ch. 38). There are rare instances of a Mate of denervation hypersensitivity (see Ch. 9). The striatum
early-onset PO that runs in families, and several gene mutations cxpres~es mainly 0 1 (excitatory) and D 2 (inhibitory) receptors
have been identified, the mo~t important being synuclein and parkin. (see Ch. 34), but fewer D, and 0 4 receptors. A simplified diagram
Study of these gene mutations has given some clues about the of the neuronal circuitry involved, and the pathways primarily
mechanism underlying the neurodegenerative process (see below). affected in PO and lluntington 's disease, is shown in Figure 35.4.
Cholinergic interneurons of the corpus striatum (not shown
in Fig. 35.4) arc also involved in PO and Huntington's disease.
NEUROCHEMICAL CHANGES Acetylcholine release from the striatum is strongly inhibited by
Parkm..on\ disease affect<; the basal g:mglia, and its neurochemical dopamine, and it is suggested that hyperactivity of these cholinergic
(lngin \\U~ discovered in 1960 by Hornykiewicz. who showed that neurons contributes to the '>ymptoms of PD. The opposite happens
:he dopamine content of the \Ub~tantia nigra and corpus striatum in Huntington's dil.ease, and in both conditions therapies aimed
1-ee Ch. 34) in po\t-mortem brains of PO patients was extremely at redressing the balance between the dopaminergic and cholinergic
ltm (usually less than I Oo/c of normal), associated with a loss of neurons are, up to a point. beneficial.
dopammcrgic neuron'> in the \ubstantia nigra and degeneration
of nenc terminaJ... in the striatum. Other monoamines. such as
noradrenaline and 5-hydroxytryptamine. were much less affected
th3n dopamine. Later !.tudie~ (e.g. with positron emission Parkinson's disease is believed to be caused mainly by environ-
wmography scanning tO reveal dopamine transport in the mental factors, although the rare types of hereditary PO have
,triarum) have ~hown a lo:,' of dopamine over several years, with provided some valuable clues about the mechanism. As with other
')mptom'> of PO appearing only when the striatal dopamine conrent neurodegencrative disorders, the damage is caused by protein
ha.' fallen to 20-40% of normal. Lesion~ of the nigrostriatal tract or misfolding and aggregation, aided and abetted by three familiar
chemically induced depletion of dopamine in experimental animals villains, namely excitotoxicity. oxidative stress and apoptosis
abo pro<.luce symptoms of PD. The symptom most clearly related (see Lotharius & Brundin, 2002; Vila & Przedhorski, 2004).
to dopamine deficiency is hypokinesia, which occurs immediately Aspects of the pathogenesis and animal models of PD are
and invariably in lcsioned animals. Rigidity and lremor involve described by Bcal (200 1).

Motor cortex

Corpus striatum

Fig. 35.4 Simplified diagram of

the organisation of the
extrapyramidal motor system and
the defects that occur in
Park inson's disease (PO) and
Huntington's disease. Normally, PO
activity in nigrostriatal dopamine
neurons causes excitation of
striatonigral neurons and inhibition
of striatal neurons that project to the
globus pallidus. In either case,
because of the different pathways
involved, the activity of GABAergic PC PR
neurons in the substantia nigra is
suppressed, releasing the restraint
on the thalamus and cortex, causing Substantia
motor stimulation. In PO, the nigra
dopaminergic pathway from the

substantia nigra (pars compacta) to
the striatum is impaired. In
~ Dopaminergic neuron STN = Subthalamic nucleus
Huntington's disease, the GABAergic
PR =Substantia nigra (pars reticulata
striatopallldal pathway is impaired,
PC = Substantia nigra (pars compacta)
producing effects opposite to the
changes in PD. PC, substantia nigra
(pars compacta); PR, substantia
.--.e---< GABA-ergic neuron

nigra (pars reticulata); STN,

subthalamic nucleus. ~ Glutamatergic neuron

Neurotoxins ox idation of dopamine gives rise to potentially toxic metabolite,.

New light was thrown on the possible aetiology of PD by a Whclher or not the action of MPTP reflects lhe natural pathogene"'
chance event. ln 1982, a group of young drug addicts in California of PO, the MPTP model is a very useful experimental tool for
suddenly developed an exceptionally severe form of PD (known testing possible therapies.
as the ' fro;.-cn addict' syndrome), and the cause was traced to Various herbicides, such as rotenone, that selectively inhibu
the compound 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine mitochondrial function cause a PO-like syndrome in animal\,
(MPTP), which was a contaminant in a preparation used as a suggesting lhat environmental toxins could be a factor in human
heroin ~ubstitute (see Langston, 1985). MPTP causes irreversible PO, because impaired mjtochondrial function is a feature of th~
deslnlction of nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons in various species, disease in humans.
and produces a PO-like state in primates. MPTP acts by being
convened to a toxic metabolite. MPp+. by the enzyme monoamine Molecular aspects
oxidase (MAO, specifically by the MAO-B subtype: see Ch. 39). Parkinwn, di~ea,e. as well as se,eral other neurodegenerati\'t
MPP+ is taken up by the dopamine transpon system. and lhus act~ diwrdcr.., i~ :l!.~ociatcd with Lhe de' clopment of intracellular prllt(m
selectively on dopaminergic neurons: it inhibitc; mitochondrial aggregate~ known as uwy bodies in ,arious parts of Lhe brain. The)
oxidation reactions, producing oxidative stress (see above). MPTP con~l\t large!) of a-syouclein. a synaptic protein prescm in large amounts

appean. to be !.elective in destroying nigrostriatal neurons and doc!> in normal br.rin~. Mutations occur in rare types of hereditary PO (~ abmt
and 1t i' believed that ~uch mutations render the protein resistant 10
not affect dopaminergic neurons elsewbere-lhe reason for this
degrJdation within cells. caw.ing it to pile up in Lewy bodie\. It i'o po"'bk
is unknown. Selegiline, a elective MAO-B inhjbitor (see below), (~ Lolhariw. & Brundin. 2002) that the normal function of CH)nuclem IS
prevents MPTP-induced ne uro toxicity by blocking its conversion related to ~ ynaptic \esicle recycling. and that the mutated form lo~,e, !his
to MPp+, Selegiline is also used in treating PO (see below): as well functionality. with the result that vesicular storage of dopamine i'> impaired
as inhibiting dopamine breakdown. it might also work by blod.. ing Thi' may lead to an increase in cytosolic dopamine, degradation of -whid
produCe'> reactive oxygen ~pecies and hence neurotoxicity. Con~i,tent with
the metabolic activation of a putative endogenous, or environmental,
the u-,ynuclein hypothesi~. the other mutation associated with PO (parkin)
MPTP-Iike substance, which is involved in the causation of PD. also involves a protein that participates in the in tr.:tcelluh1r degradation of
. ...........
- -- - It is possible that dopamine itself could be the culpri t, because rogue proteins. Other gene mutations that have been identified a\ n;k

ta.:h>r. f~>r carl)'tlO\Cl PO code for proteins involved in mitochondrial of the levodopa do<.e and cause troublesome side effects. is largely
fun,tion. making cell' more ~u\Ceptible to oxidative stress. prevented by the decarboxylase inhibitor. Decarboxylation occurs
Thu,. a p1crure 'imilar to AD pathogenesis is slowly emerging. Mi~folded rapidly within the brain, because the decarboxylase inhibitors do
u-,ynuclein. fa(llitat~'tl by gcncuc mutauo~ or po~sibly by environmental not penetrate the blood-brain barrier. It i~ not certain whether the
factor.. l'llnld' up m the cell a~ a result of impaired protein degradation effect depend'> on an increa~ed release of dopamine from the few
(re,ulung Irom defec:ti' e parkin) m the form of Le"''Y bodies. which. by !>urviving dopaminergic neurons or on a 'flooding' of the synapse
unlno~n me,ham\m\, compromise cell survival. If o:tidati,e stre"~ i'
with exogenous dopamine. Because synthetic dopamine agonists
u,.;rea-ed. a' a rc\ult of j,chacmia. mitochondrial poisons or mutations of
cenam mitt><:hondrial proteins. the re~uh is cell death. (see below) are equally effective. the laner explanation is more
likely, and animal studies suggest that levodopa can act even
when no dopaminergic nerve terminals are present. On the other
DRUG TREATMENT OF PARKINSON'S hand, the therapeutic effectivene~s of levodopa decreases as the
DISEASE disease advances, so part of i~ action may rely on the presence of
functional dopaminergic neurons. Combination of levodopa plus
De..pitc pa~t optimism. none of th e dmgs used to treat PD affect
dopa decarboxylase inhibitor with entacapone. an inhibitor of
the progres\ion of the disease. For general reviews of current and
catechol-0-mcthyl transferase (COMT; see Cb. II ) to inhibit its
future approaches. sec Hagan et al. (1997) and Olanow (2004).
degradation, is used in patients troubl ed by 'end of dose' motor
Currently, the main drugs u~ed are levodopa and various dopamine
fluctuati ons.
agonists. Of less importance are:

\1AO-B inhibitors (e.g. sel egiline) Therapeutic effectiveness and unwanted

drug\ that release dopamine (e.g. am antadine) effects of levodopa
mu..carinic acetylcholine receptor antagonists (e.g. bcnztropine). About 80% of patients show initial improvement with levodopa,
particularly of rigidity and hypokinesia, and about20% are restored
virtually to normal motor function. As time progresses, the effec-
LEVODOPA tiveness of levodopa gradually declines (Fig. 35.5). In a typical study
lt\odopa is the fir-.t-line treatment for PO and is combined with
a penpheral dopa decarboxyla~e inhibitor. either carbidopa or
bensera7ide. which reduces the dose needed by about 10-fold and
dimmt,hes the peripheral \ide effect~. It i s well absorbed from
Lhl! 'mall inte\ttne, a proces!> that relies on active transport. although
much of it i' inactivated by MAO in the wall of the intestine. The
.._.... Levodopa + benserazide + selegiline
pJa,ma half-life is short (about 2 hours). Conversion O dopamine
in the periphery. which would otherwise account for about 95% o--o Bromocriptine
..._.. Levodopa + benserazide

~ 3
Parkinson's dleeaee 8
Degenerative disease of the basal ganglia <0

causing tremor at rest , muscle rigidity hypokinesia, '6

.E 0
often with dementia.
Associated with aggregation of a-synuclein (a protein <0
normally involved in vesicle recycling) in the form of c3 -2
characteristic Lewy bodies. -3~--------~--~------------~
Often idiopathic but may follow stroke or virus 0 12 24 36 48 60 72
infection, can be drug-induced (neuroleptic drugs). Number of months sinoe entry
Rare familial forms also occur, associated with Fig. 35.5 Comparison of levodopalbenserazide,
various gene mutations, including a-synuclein. levodopalbenser azide/selegiline and bromocriptine on
Associated with early degeneration of dopaminergic pro gression of Parkinson's d isease symptom s. Patients
(249-271 in each treatment group) were assessed on a
nigrostnatal neurons, followed by more general
standard disability rating score. Before treatment, the average
neurodegenerallon. rate of decline was 0.7 units/year. All three treatments produced
Can be induced by 1-methyl-4-phenyl- 1 ,2,3,6- improvement over the initial rating for 2-3 years, but the effect
tetrahydropyridine (MPTP), a neurotoxin affect ing declined, either because of refractoriness to the drugs, or
dopamine neurons. Similar environmental disease progression. Bromocriptine appeared slightly less
effective than levodopa regimens, and there was a higher drop-
neurotoxins, as well as genetic factors, may be
out rate due to side effects In this group. (Parkinson's Disease )
involved in human Parkinson's d isease. Research Group 1993 Br Med J 307: 469-472.) .

of 100 patienL<> treated with levodopa for 5 years, only 34 were in about 20% of patients, it causes confusion, disorientation,
bener than they had been at the beginning of the trial. 32 patients insomnia or nightmares.
having died and 21 having withdrawn from the trial. It is likely
that the loss of effectiveness of levodopa mainly reflects the
natural progreSl>ion of the disease, but receptor down-regulation SELEGILINE
and other compensatory mechanisms may also contribute. There Sclegiline is a MAO inhibitor that is selective for MAO-B. \\>hich
is no evidence that levodopa can actually accelerate the predominates in dopamine-containing regions of the C S. h
neurodegenerative process through overproduction of dopamine, therefore lacks the unwanted peripheral effects of non-selective
as was suspected on theoretical grounds (see above). Overall, MAO inhibitors used to treat depression (Ch. 37) and. in contrast
levodopa increases the life expectancy of PO patients, probably to them, does not provoke the 'cheese reaction' or interact so
as a result of improved motor function, although some symptoms frequently with other drugs. Inhibition of MA0-8 protect\
(e.g. dysphagia, cognitive decline) are not improved. dopamine from intraneuronal degradation and was initially used
as an adjunct to levodopa. Long-term trials showed that the
Unwanted effects combination of ~elegiline and levodopa was more effective than
There arc two main types of unwanted effect. levodopa alone in relieving symptoms and prolonging life. Recog
nition of the role of MAO-B in neurotoxicity (see above) suggested
Involuntary writhing movements (dyskinesia}, which do not that selegiline might be neuroprotective rather than merely enhanc
appear initially but develop in the majority of patients within ing the action of levodopa, but clinical studies do not suppon
2 years of starting levodopa therapy. These movements usually this. A large-scale trial (Fig. 35.5) showed no difference when
affect the face and limbs, and can become very severe. They sclcgilinc wa~ added to levodopalbenserazide treatment.
occur at the time of the peak therapeutic effect, and the margin
between the beneficial and the dyskinetic effect becomes
progre~!tively narrower. Levodopa is short acting, and the OTHER DRUGS USED IN PARKINSON'S DISEASE
fluctuating plasma concentration of the drug may favour the Dopamine receptor agonists
development of dyskinesias, as longer-acting dopamine Bromocriptioe, derived from the ergot alkaloids (see Ch. 12), i'
agonist may be less problematic in this regard. a potent agoni~t at dopamine (Ov receptors in the C S. 11
Rapid fluctuations in clinical state, where hypokinesia and inhibits the release of prolactin from the anterior pituitary gland.
rigidity may suddenly worsen for anything from a few minutes and was firM introduced for the treatment of galactorrhoea an
to a few hou~. and then improve again. This 'on-off effect' gynaecomastia (Ch. 28), but is effective also in PO (Fig. 35.51
b not seen in untreated PO patients or with other anti-PO drugs. Its duration of action is longer (plasma half-life 6-8 hours) than
The 'off effect' can be so sudden that the patient stops while that of levodopa, so that it does not need to be given so frequent!).
walking and feels rooted to the spot. or is unable to rise from Tt wa~ hoped that bromocriptine might be effective in patient>
a chair in which he or she had sat down normally a few who had become refractory to levodopa through loss of
moments earlier. As with the dyskinesias, the problem seems dopaminergic neurons, but this has not been clearly established
to reflect the nuctuating plasma concentration of levodopa, The main side effects of bromocriptine are nausea and vomiting,
and it is suggested that as the disease advances, the abili ty of and (rarely but seriously) peritoneal fibrosis, as seen with other
neurons to store dopamine is lost, so the therapeutic benefit ergot derivatives (see Ch. 12). Newer dopamine receptor agon i ~t'
of levodopa depends increasingly on the continuous formation include lis uride, pergolide, ropinirole, cabe rgoline and
of extraneuronal dopamine, which requires a continuous supply pra mipexole. They are longer acting than levodopa and need to
of levodopa. The use of sustained-release preparations, or be given only once or twice daily, with less tendency to cau~~
coadministration of COMT inhibitors such as entacaponc dyskincsias and on-off effects. Their main side effects are
(see above), may be used to counteract the fluctuations in confu<>ion and occasionally delusions, and sleep disturbance,.
plasma concentration of levodopa. Pramipexole may have antioxidant effects, as well as a protccthc
In addition to these slowly developing side effects, levodopa effect on mitochondria. Whether these potentially ncuroprotccll\c
produces several acute effect.<>, which are experienced by most propertie~ are \ignificant clinically remains to be disCO\ereG

patients at fir:.t but tend to disappear after a few weeks. The main Clinical trials have shown linle difference between these drug'.
ones are as follow.
au ea and anorexia. Domperidone. a dopamine antagonist
that works in the chemoreceptor trigger zone (where the '9' Amantadine w~ introduced ~ an antiviral drug and di\CO\enxl b)
blood-brain barrier is leaky) but does not gain access to the accident in 1969 to be beneficial in PD. Many possible mechanism\ for IIi
action have been ~ugge~ted based on neurochemical evidence of increa.;al
basal ganglia, may be useful in preventing this effect.
dopamine relea...c. inhibition of amine uptake. or a direct action on dopammc
Hypotension: postural hypotension is a problem in a few receptors. M<>!.t author~ now suggest. although not with much conviction.ths
patients. increased dopamine release is primarily responsible for the clinical eff~,
Psychological effects. Levodopa, by increasing dopamine
Amantadine is les~ effective than levodopa or bromocriptine. and its actJua
activity in the brain, can produce a schizophrenia-like syndrome declines with time. It~ ~ide effects are considerably less severe. although
(sec Ch. 38) wi th delusions and hallucinations. More commonly, qualitmivcly similar to those of levodopa.

Drugs used In Parkinson's disease

Drugs act by counteracting deficiency of dopamine in (e.g. entacapone) is also given, especially to
basal ganglia or by blocking muscarinic receptors. patients with 'end of dose' motor fluctuations
None of the available drugs affect the underlying - bromocriptine {dopamine agonist; Ch. 28)
neurodegeneration. - selegiline (monoamine oxidase B inhibitor)
Drugs include: - amantadine (which may enhance dopamine release)
levodopa {dopamine precursor; Ch. 11), given - benzatropine (muscarinic receptor antagonist used for
with an inhibitor of peripheral dopa decarboxylase parkinsonism caused by antipsychotic drugs).
(e.g. carbidopa) to minimise side effects; sometimes Neurotransplantation, still in an experimental phase,
a catechol-0-methyltransferase inhibitor may be effective but results are variable.

Acetylcholine antagonists enhanced by the poly-Gin repeat in the mutru1t protein. and this may
account for the neuromil los~. which affects mainly the cortex and the
l' For more than a century, until levodopa was discovered, atropine and ~triatum. rc~u lting in progres;,ive dementia and severe involuntary jerky
rdatcd drug~ ''ere the main ronn or treatment for PD. Muscarinic (choreiform) movement~. 1l1c mutru1t protein is also prone to misfolding
awylcholinc receptor\ c~ert an inhibitory effect on dopaminergic nerve and aggregation, a~ described above. Studies on post-mortem brains
termmal\, wpprc,<.km of which compen!>ate for a lack of dopamine. The showed that the dopamine content of the striatum was normal or slightly
'i<k! cllt' ol mu..carinic antagonists-dry mouth. constipation. impaired increa'>Cd, while there was a 75% reduction in the activiry of glutamic acid
'''i<>n. unnat) retention are troublesome, ru1d they are now rarely u~ed, decarboxylnu, the en1yme rcspom.ible for GABA ~ynthesis (Ch. 34). h is
e\lept to treat parkm\Onian 'Ymptom' in patients receiving anti~ychotic believed that the lo\\ of GA BAmcdiated inhibition in the basal ganglia
drug' (\\hich arc dopam10e antagoni\~ and thu!> nullify the effect of produce' il hyper;lcti\ily of dopaminergic synapses, so the syndrome b in
L..k-.pa >oCC Ch 381. wme \en<oes a mimlr image of PD (Fig. 35.4). The effecLs of drugs that
influence dopaminerg1c tran\mis\ion are correspondingly the opposite of
those that arc ob,en ed 111 PD. dopamine antagonists being effecthe in
NEURAL TRANSPLANTATION reducing the involunl:lf) movements. while drugs such as levodopa and
bromocriptine make them worse. Drugs used to alleviate the mo1or
l' P..~rkm'>tm\ d1-ea-.e 1\ the lir~t neurodegenerative disease for which
symptoms include dopamme antagoms~. such as chlorpromazine (Ch. 38).
fll'llr.ll tran,plantation wa' attempted 111 1982. amid much publicit}.
and the GABA agonl\t baclofen (Ch. 33). These do not affect dementia
\Jnilth tran\plantauon approachc' ha\c tx.-cn tried. based on the injection of
or retard the course of the d1sease. and it b possible mat drugs that inhibit
'-"'""-IJIL-.1 fetal cell' directly into the 'triatum. Trials in patients with PD excitotoxiciry. or po~~ibly neuml transplantation procedures when these
(,.._-e Bjorklund & Lindvall. 2000: Barker & Rosser. 2001) have mainly
become available (~ee above). may prove useful.
illlllllcd injection of midbrmn neurons from aborted human feruses. It
h:h bt..:n \hown that \uch tran-.plant~ are able to survive and esrabl i~h
')"'puc connection' hlll, de~pite report' of miracle cures. controlled
,lUdiC\ 'o far have ~hown little clinical benefit. Some patients have gone on NEURODEGENERATIVE PRION DISEASES
tu de~elop ..criou' dy~ki nesi<l'>. po~sibl y due to dopam ine overproduction.
'Y A group ol human and aninJ<i l diseases associated with a characteristic
!he u'c of fetal material i~. of cour~e. fmught with difficulties (usually
cell' from five or more fctu\es are needed ror one transplant). Hopes for the type of neu rodege nerat ion, known as spongiform encephalopathy
fu1Ure rc\1 mainly on the pos<.ibility of developing preparations of because of the v;~cuolated appeara nce of the affected brain, ha~ recently
1mmorwlised neuronal precur.>or cells that can be multi plied in culture, been the focu~ of i nten~e research activ ity (see Collinge, 200 I ; Prusincr,
Jnd that will dill'ercntinte into functional postmirotic neurons after 200 I). A key feature of the!.e di!.eases is that they are transm issible
lfan,plammion. I lfons are continuing to develop tr.msplantation as a means through an infective agent. although not, in general, across species. The
~~ treJUng other condition\, \uch a\ Huntington~ disease, stroke and
recent upsurge of imere\t has been spurred mainly by the discovery that
ep1lep') a' well a\ PD. but the field remains highly controversial (see the bovine fom1 of the di<oea\e, bovine spongiform encephalopathy
BJ<>t'llund & l.mdvall. 2000: Barker & Rosser. 200 I). <BSE), i\ tran\mi~\ible to human\. Different human forms of spongiform
encephalopathy include CJD (" hich is unrelated to BSE) and the new
variant fom1 (\C'JD). a.\ yet very rare. \\<hich results from eating, or
close comact with. infected beef or human tissue. Another human form
HUNTINGTON' S DISEASE IS k11ru, a ncurodegenemt1ve di,ease affecting cannibalistic tribes in
Papua Ne\\ Gu10ea. These d1<oea.<oes cause a progressi\e. and sometimes
l' Huntmgton\ di..ea.<oe 1\ an mherited (auto:.omal dominant) disorder
rapid. dementia and IO\\ of motor coordination. for which no therapies
rt-oulong 111 progressi' c brain degeneration. starting in adulthood and
currently exl\t. Scrapie. a common disease of domestic sheep. is another
c;~u,mg rapid dctcriorauon and death. As "ell as dementia. it causes
eAample. and it may have been the practice of feeding sheep offal to
IC\en! mlllor \) mptom, in the rorm of involuntary writhing movements.
domestic cattle that initiated an epidemic of SSE in Britain during the
l'hl<-h 3fC highl) di\nbhng. It is rhc commonest of a group of so-called
1980s, leading to the appearance of vCJD in humans in the mid-1990s.
tnnudeoude repeat neurodegenerative diseases. asM>Ciared with the
Although the BSE epidemic has been controlled. there is concern that
cwan'lon of the number of repeats of the CAG sequence in specific more human Ca\CS may develop in its wake. because the incubation
g<n<,, and hence the number (50 or more) of consecutive glutamine
period known to be long is uncertain.
re,idues in the expressed protein (see Gusella & MacDonald. 2000). The
brgN the number of repems. the earlier the appearance of symptoms. The Prion disem.e\ are examples of protein misfolding diseases (see above)
protein coded by the Hunti ngton's disease gene, lumtingtin. interacts with in wh ich the prion protein adopt~ a misfolded conformation that forms
1arious regulatory protei ns, including one of the caspases (see above), wh ich insoluble aggregate~. The infectiow. agent responsible for transm issible
panicipates in excitotoxicity and apoptosi~. Some or these inLeractions are spongiform cncephalopmhics such a~ vCJD is, unusually, a protei n, known 521

a~ a prion. The protein involved (PrJ>') is a nonnal cytosolic con<.titucn t the PrP gene\ of different species. It is possible !hat a mutation of the PrJ>
of the brain and other tbsue ... who\e functions are not known. As a result gene in either sheep or cattle produced the variant fonn that became
of altered glyco,ylation. the protein can become misfolded, fonning the infccuve rn humans.
in"<>luble PrP"' fonn. v.hich has the ability to recruit nonnal PrpC molecules
Thb cham of e'en!\ bears some similarity to !hat of AD. in that the brain
to the mi\folded PrP"'. thus Maning a chain reaction. PrF-the infective
accumulate\ an abnonnal fonn of a normally expressed protein.
agent accumulate~ and aggregates as insoluble fibrib. and i\ re'pon-.ible for
the progrcwve neurodegcneration. In support of !his unusual fonn of There is a~ yet no kno~n treatment for lhi~ type of encephalopathy. but
infecti\ tly, 1t ha'> been '>hov.n !hat injection of PrF into nonnal mtce labomtol') e\penment~ ~uggest !hat two very familiar drug~. namel)
cau-cs \p<lntufonn encephalopalhy. whereas PrP knockout mtce. v.hich quinacrine (an antimalarial drug) and chlorpromazine (a wideI} u..OO anU
are otherwi\C fairly normal, are resistant because they lack the \Ub\trate psychotic drug: Ch. 38). can inhibit PrP"'< aggregation in mou.\C model\. BOlli
for the autocatalyuc generation of PrP"'<. Fortunate!). the infection doe-. are under imesugauon for treating human CJD. Other possible ~tratege'.
not ea\ily cross between species. because !here are difference, between none yet teMed in patients. are discu~sed b) Mallucci & Collinge (20051


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path<>lt>fl.\ ofAI), lrttJUJ(tnic tJnd other ammo/ models. associated ...ith PD. and ho" tilt') ma\ cmunrnttl' to an ealuation of the evidence. Nat Re Keuro-c l
atld therapeutic approatht'S) pothogent'sis) 65-71
To\\lbeod K P. Pratico D 2005 o,cltherapeuuc
Alzheimer's disease Stroke opponuruti~ for AILheimer'' dtsease: focu, on
Citron M 2004 Stratcsic' for d>C:t.\C modfication m Dimagl U. ladecola C. \1o,lc\\ttz \1 A 1999 non\leroidal antiinOammatO!} drugs. FASEB J 19
J\lthcimcr'' th...:a.\C. Nat Re 1\eurosci 5: 677-685 Pathobiology of io;chaemtc \t ro~e : nn integmted vic\\, 1592-160 I (Discussio11 ofpossiblt druR 10'1/ttr fir
(A re\'ie"- 1/tllrrttl/v oplllnistic-<Jf the status of new Trend> Neurosci :!2: 391- 397 (Useful rewew llf treatment ofAD. includin11 animlll sttulit.\ t1nd rltniclll
thuapeutlt rrrUitl/ie fnr rretttinli AD) mechanisms under/linJt lltL<rr>ll<tl dt~ma,qe i11 stmkt) I ria/., dtlta- largely negatie..fO far)

General anaesthetic

In this chapter, w e describe the pharmacology of

Overview 523 the main agents in current use, which fall into two
Introduction 523 main groups: inhalation agents and intravenous
agents. Detailed information on the clinical
Mechanism of action of anaesthetic drugs 524 pharmacology and use of anaesthetic agents can
-lipid theory 524 be found in specialised textbooks (e .g . Evers &
-Effects on ion channels 524 Maze, 2004).
EHects of anaesthetics on the nervous
system 525
Effects on the cardiovascular and respiratory
systems 525 Many drugs, including, for example, ethanol and morphine, can
~ - produce a state of insensibility and obliviousness to pain but
Inhalation anaesthetics 526
-Pharmacokinetic aspects 526 are not used as anaesthetics. For a drug to be useful as an
-The solubility of anaesthetics 527 anaesthetic, it must be readily controllable, so that induction and
-Induction and recovery 528 recovery are rapid, allowi ng the level of anaesthesia to be
-Metabolism and toxicity of inhalation anaesthetics 529 adjusted as required during the coun.e of the operation. For thb
reason, it was only when inhalation anaesthetics were first
Individual inhalation anaesthetics 529 discovered, in 1846, that most surgical operations became a
-Halothane 529 practical possibil ity. Until that time, surgeons relied on being
-Nitrous oxide 530 able tO operate on s truggling patients at lightning &peed, and
-EnRurone 530 most operations were amputations. inhalation is still the
-lsoRurone, desflurane and sevoflurane 530 commonest route of adminiMration for anaesthetics, although
Intravenous anaesthetics agents 531 induction is usually carried out with intravenous agents.
-Thiopental 531 T The usc of nitrous oxide to relieve the pain of su rgery was suggested
-Etomidate 532 by Humphrey Davy in 1800. He was the first person to make nitrous
-Propofol 533 oxide, and he tested its effects on several people, including himself and
the Prime Min i~tcr. noting that it caused euphoria, analgesia and loss
-Other induction agents 533 of consciousness. The u!.e of nitrous oxide, billed as 'laughing gas',
became a popular fairground entertainment and came to the notice of
an American dcnttM. Horace Wells, who had a tooth extracted under
its influence, white he himself squeezed the inhalation bag. Ether also
first gained pubhcny in a dbreputable way. through the spread of ether
frolics'. at which it wa' u-.ed to produce euphoria among the gueMs
OVERVIEW (explo'>ion\. too. one mtght have thought). William Morton, also a denti~t
and a srudem at Han ard Medical School. used it successfully to extract
General anaesthetics are used to render patients a tooth 111 1846 and then \ugge~ted to Warren. the illustrious chief surgeon
unaware of, and unres ponsive to, painful at Ma\~achu\ell~ Geneml Ho~pital. that he should administer it for one
stimulation during s urgical procedures. They are of Warren's operation\. Warren grudgingly agreed. and on 16 October
given systemically and exe rt their main effects on t 8-16 a large audience W:b gathered m the main operating theatre:' after
'orne preliminary fumbling. Morton~ demonstration was a spectacular
the central nervous system (CNS), in contrast to success. Gentlemen. thts i!> no humbug was the most gracious comment
local anaesthetics (see Ch. 44), which work by that Warren could bring htm~elf to make to the assembled audience.
blocking conduction of impulses in peripheral A more wordy appreciation came later from Ol iver Wendell Holmes
sensory nerves. Although we now take them for
granted, gene ral anaesthetics are the drugs that
paved the way for modern surgery. Without them, 1
Now preserved a~ the ether dome. a museum piece at Massachusetts
much of modern medicine would be impossible. Gcncro l llospital. 523

( 1847), the ncurologist-poet-philo~opher who first coined the \l-Ord

anacsthe~ia : 50
carbon tertrafluoride
'The knife is ..earching for disease, the pulleys are draggmg back 10
di\located limb'>-Naturc herself is working out the primal curse whtch Sutturhexafluonde ,
doomed the tenderest of her creature~ 10 the sharpest of her trial~. but Nitrous oxide
the fierce e:memit) of 'uffering has been steeped in the water.. of Xenon
forgetfulne'' and the deepest furrow in the knotted brow of agony has
been \moothed forever: Cyclopropane (.)
Fturoxene 0.1 :E
Monon '>Ub~equently ~ank into an endless and bitter di~pute over the
patent right'>, and contributed nothing more to medical science. In the Ether
~arne year. Jamc!> Simpson. professor of obsteuics in Glasgow, u~ed Halothane
Chloroform 0.01
chloroform to relieve the pain of childbirth. bringing on himself fierce
denunciation from the clergy, one of whom wrote: Methoxyflurane
, - - . -----...,.-J
'----~r--.___--..., 0.001
'Chloroform is a decoy of Satan, apparently offering itself to hie;.~
5000 1000 100 10 0.1
women: but in the end it will harden society and rob God of the deep,
carne~t cries which ari!>e in time of trouble. for help.' 011/gas partrlion coefficient (37C)

Opposition was effectively silenced in 1853, when Queen Victoria gave Fig. 36.1 Correlation of anaesthetic potency with
birth to her seventh chi ld under the influence of chloroform , und the oil:gas partition coefficient. Anaesthetic potency in humans
procedure became known a~ anaestlu?sie a Ia reine. is expressed as minimum alveolar partial pressure (MAC)
required to produce surgical anaesthesia. There is a close
correlation with lipid solubility, expressed as the oil:gas
partition coefficient. (From: Halsey, 1989.)
Unlike mo~t drug~. inhalation anaesthetics, which include sub- membrane lipids, consistent with the suggestion that anaesthe''
~tance~ a!> diverse a!> halothane. nitrous oxide and xenon, result~ from an alteration of membrane function.
belong to no recognisable chemical class. The shape and elec- How the simple introduction of inert. foreign molecules tnt1
tronic configuration of the molecule is relatively unimportant, the lipid bilayer could cause a functional disturbance i~ ncr
and the phannacological action seems to require only that the explained by the lipid theory. Two possible mechanisms. namel}
molecule has certain physicochemical properties. Early theorie'>, I'OhtiiU! expansion and increased membrane fluidity, ha\e been
particularly the lipid theory (see below), were therefore based suggested and tested experimentally, but both are now largel>
on rather general physicochemical ideas. Because we now know di~credited (see Halsey, 1989; Little, 1996), and anention hJ
much more about lhe functional components of cell membranes- swung from lipid1> to proteins. the correlation of potency \\tth
the principal structures affected by anaesthetic drugs-the lipid solubility being explained by the effect of lipid ~olubi lity on
empha~is has shifted towards identifying specific protein targets. the concentration of anaesthetic adjacent to its supposed protein
Accounts of the different theories of anaesthesia are given by target in the hydrophobic region of neuronal cell membrane~.
Halsey (1989), Little (1996) and Franks & Lieb ( 1994).


LIPID THEORY Following early studies that showed that anaesthetics can btnd
Overton and Meyer, at the turn of the 20th century, showed a to various proteins as well as lipids, it was found that anaeslhet1c1
close correlation between anaesthetic potency and lipid solubility affect many ligand-gated ion channels (see Franks & Lieb 1994.
in a diverse group of simple and unreactive organic compounds Rudolph & Antkowiak, 2004). Many anaesthetic agents are able
that were te!>ted for their ability to immobilise tadpoles. This led at concentrations reached during anaesthesia, to inhibit the func
to a bold theory. formulated by Meyer in 1937: Narco~i~ com- tion of excitatory receptors. such as the ionotropic glutamatt
mences when any chemically indifferent substance has attained acetylcholine or 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors, as well ~
a certain molar concentration in the lipids of the cell'. enhancing the function of inhibitory receptors such a!> GAB.\
The relationship between anaesthetic activity and lipid and glycine. The GABAA receptor is the sole target fo
solubility has been repeatedly confirmed. Anaesthetic potency in benLodiatepines (see Ch. 37) and also appears to be a majo
humans is usually expressed as lhe minimal ail'eo/ar concemration target for intravenous anaesthetics. such as thiopental, propofol
(MAC) required to abolish the response to surgical incision in and etomidate (see below). that act at a site on the receptor
50% of subjects. Figure 36.1 shows the correlation between different from the benzodiazepine binding site. Studie~ o
MAC (inversely proportional to potency) and lipid solubility. experimentally mutated receptors (see Rudolph & Antko.... iak,
expressed a.; oil:water partition coefficient, for a wide range 2004) have confirmed this and succeeded in identifying th
of inhalation anaesthetics. The Overton-Meyer studies did not specific 'modulatory sites' through which the anaesthetic drug'
suggest any particular mechanism. but revealed an impressive exert their effects on c hannel function. The 'two-pore domain
correlation, for which any theory of anaesthesia needs to account. potassium channel known as TREK (see Ch. 4) is another
.... _-~.------- Oil:water partition was assumed to predict partition into specifically anaesthetic-sensitive channel. It is activated. thu'

reducing membrane excitability, by low concentrations of

1olatile anaesthetic~ (see Franks & Lieb, 1999). Theories of anaesthesia
In summa!). general anaesthetics inhibit excitatory channels
(e~peciall) glutamate receptors) and facilitate inhibitory channels Many simple, unreactive compounds produce
(p;micularly GABA ., but al~o glycine and certain potassium narcotic effects, the extreme example being the inert
channels). and the~e interactions are targeted at specific gas xenon.
h~drophobic domains of the channel proteins. This is probably Anaesthetic potency is closely correlated with lipid
a ~riou~ overl>implification: al> Little (1996) emphasises. indi- solubility (Overton-Meyer correlation), not with
lidual anaesthetics differ in their actions and affect cellular chemtcal structure.
function in several different ways, so a unitary theory is unlikely Earlier theories of anaesthesia postulate interaction
to bt: .,ufficient, but it does provide a useful starting point. with the lipid membrane bilayer. Recent work favours
interaction with ligand-gated membrane ion channels.
Most anaesthetics enhance the activity of inhibitory
GABAA receptors, and many inhibit activation of
excitatory receptors such as glutamate and nicotinic
acetylcholine receptors.
-\t the cellular level, the effect of anaesthetics is mainly to inhibit
synaptic transmission, any effects on axonal conduction probably
being relatively unimportant.
Inhibition of synaptic transmission could be due to reduction
respiration and autonomic regulation. Therefore it is not possible
(lf tram.mitter release, inhibition of the action of the transmitter,
to identify a critical 'target site' in the brain responsible for all
or reduction of the excitability of the postsynaptic cell. Although
the phenomena of anaesthesia.
311 three effects have been described. most studies suggest that
High concemrations of any general anaesthetic affect all parts
reduced tmnsmitter release and reduced postsynaptic response
of the CNS, causing complete shut-down and. in the absence
are the main factor'>. Reduced acetylcholine release occurs at
of artificial respiration. death from respiratory failure. The margin
p.:ripheral S}nap..,es, and reduced sensitivity to excitatory
between surgical anaesthesia and potentially fatal respiratory
transmitter.. (due to inhibition of ligand-gated ion channels: see
and circulatory depression i~ quite narrow. requiring careful
abmc) occuf" at both peripheral and central synapses.
monitoring by the anaesthetist and rapid adjustment of the level
Inhibitory ...ynaptic tran~mission is usually potentiated by general
of anael.thesia, as required.
anaNhetic~. particularly barbiturates, volatile anaesthetics having
~tmtlar butles-. strong action~ (see Rudolph & Antkowiak, 2004).
The anaesthetic state comprisel> several components. including EFFECTS ON THE CARDIOVASCULAR AND
unconsciou... ness. loss of renexes (muscle relaxation) and anal- RESPIRATORY SYSTEMS
gesia. Much effort has gone into identifying the brain regions on
whtch anae~thetics act to produce these effects. The most sensi- All anaesthetics decrease cardiac contractility, but their effects
tive region\ appear to be the midbrain reticular formation and on cardiac output and blood pressure vary because of con-
thalamic sensory relay nuclei, inhibition of which results in comitant actions on the sympathetic nervous system and vascular
unconsciousness and analgesia, respectively. Some anaesthetics smooth muscle. Nitrous oxide increases sympathetic djscharge
cause inhibition at spinal level, producing a loss of reflex and plasma noradrenaline concentration, and if used alone
responses to painful stimuli, although, in practice, neuromuscular- increases heatt rate and blood pressure. Halothane and other
blocking drugs (Ch. I0) are U!>ed to produce muscle relaxation halogenated anaesthetics have the opposite effect.
r.uher than relying on the anae!>thetic alone. Anaesthetics. even Many anaesthetic~. el>pecially halothane, cause ventricular
tn IOI\ concentrations, cau!>e short-tenn amnesia, i.e. experiences extrasystoles. The mechanism involves scnsitisation to adrenaline.
occurring during the influence of the drug are not recalled later, Electrocardiogram monitoring shows that extrasystolic beat<;
~en though the \ubject was responsive at the time. 1 It is likely occur very commonly in patients under halothane anaesthesia,
that interference with hippocampal function produces this effect, with no harm coming to the patient. If catecholamine secretion is
lxcau'e the hippocampus is involved in short-term memory. and excessive, however (par excellence in phaeochromocytoma; see
C(nam htppocampal synapses are highly susceptible to inhibition Ch. II), there i., a risk of precipitating ventricular fibrillation.
b) anae\thctics. With the exception of nitrous oxide and ketamine. all
:\s the anael.thetic concentration is increased, all brain func- anaesthetics depress respiration markedly and increase arterial
bono, are affected, including motor control and reflex activity, Pco 2 Nitrous oxide has much less effect. mainly because its low
potency prevents very deep anaesthesia from being produced
with this drug (~ee below). Some inhalation anaesthetics. particu-
larly desflurane among agents commonly used nowadays, are
The benzodiazepine lluni traL.cpam. Rohypnol, has achieved a na~ry
nJtoriel) because its amnesia-producing and traoquillising effect led to its pungent and liable to cause laryngospasm and bronchospasm, so
u..e a~ a rapists' aid along with compounds such as kctaminc (Ch. 43) and desnurane is not used for inducing anaesthesia but only for
y-hydroxy butyric acid. maintaining it. 525

Pharmacological effects of Clinical uses of general anaesthetics

anaesthetic agents
Intravenous anaesthetics are used for:
Anaesthesia involves three main neurophysiological induction of anaesthesia (e.g. thiopental,
changes: unconsciousness, loss of response to etomidate)
painful stimulation and loss of reflexes. maintenance of anaesthesia throughout surgery
At supra-anaesthetic doses, all anaesthetic agents ('total intravenous anaesthesia', e.g. propofol
can cause death by loss of cardiovascular reflexes given in combination with muscle relaxants and
and respiratory paralysis. analgesics).
At the cellular level, anaesthetic agents affect lnhalational anaesthetics (gases or volatile liquids) are
synaptic transmission rather than axonal conduction. used for maintenance of anaesthesia. Points to note
The release of excitatory transmitters and the are that:
response of the postsynaptic receptors are both volatile liquids (e.g. halothane, sevoflurane) are
inhibited. GABA-mediated inhibitory transmission is vaporised with air, oxygen or oxygen-nitrous
enhanced by most anaesthetics. oxide mixtures as the carrier gas
Although all parts of the nervous system are affected halothane hepat otoxicity (see Ch. 53) occurs
by anaesthetic agents, the main targets appear to be more often after repeated exposure
the thalamus, cortex and hippocampus. all inhalational anaesthetics can trigger malignant
Most anaesthetic agents (with exceptions, such as hyperthermia In susceptible individuals (Ch. 10).
ketamme and benzodiazepines) produce similar
neurophysiological effects and differ mainly in respect
of their pharmacokinetic properties and toxicity.
Most anaesthetic agents cause cardiovascular
depression by effects on the myocardium and blood older agents. nitrous oxide is still used widely (especiall} u:
vessels, as well as on the nervous system. obstetric practice), and halothane occasionally.
Halogenated anaesthetic agents are likely to cause Anaesthetics, like many other CNS depressantl>, are poteP.
cardiac dysrhythmias, accentuated by circulating tially addictive (see Ch. 43).
An imponant characteristic of an inhalation anaesthetic is til.
speed at which the arterial blood concentration, which govern<
INHALATION ANAESTHETICS the pharmacological effect, follows changes in the concentrauon
of the drug in the inspired air. Ideally, the blood concentration
We next consider the pharmacological properties of general
should follow as quickly as possible, so that the depth of anaesthesr.
anaesthetics; it should be remembered that these are rarely used
can be controlled rapidly. In particular, the blood concentratio~
alone. The anaesthetic state consists of three main components,
shou ld fall to a subanacsthctic level rapidly when administration
namely loss of con.1ciousness, analgesia and muscle relaxation.
is stopped, so that tbc patient recovers consciousness with minimJJ
In practice, these effects are produced with a combination of
delay. A prolonged semicomatose state, in which respiraton
drugs. A common approach for a major surgical operation would
reflexes are weak or absent, is particularly hazardous.
be to produce unconsciousness rapidly with an intravenous
The lungs are the only quantitatively important route b
induction agent (e.g. propofol); to maintain unconsciousness
which inhalation anaesthetics enter and leave the body. Metaboli.
and produce analgesia with one or more inhalation agents (e.g.
degradation of anaesthetics (see below), although important 1
nitr ous oxide and hal othane). which might be supplemented
relation to their toxicity. is generally insignificam in determinin.
with an intravenous analgesic agent (e.g. an opiate; see Ch. 41 );
their duration of action. Anaesthetics are all small, lipid-solub
and to produce muscle paralysis with a neuromuscular-blocking
molecules that readily cross alveolar membranes. It is thcrefo.
drug (e.g. atracurium; see Cb. 10). Such a procedure results
the rates of delivery of drug to and from the lungs, via (respecthely
in much faster induction and recovery. avoiding long (and
the inspired air and bloodstream. that determine the 0\en.
hazardous) period~ of semiconsciousness, and it enables surgery to
kinetic behaviour of an anaesthetic. The reason that anaestheu,,
be carried out with relatively little impairment of homeostatic
vary in their kinetic behaviour is that their relative solubilitie\
blood. and in body fat. vary between one drug and another.
Most inhalation anaesthetics that were once widely used, such
The main factors that determine the speed of induction and
as ether, chloroform. tr ichloroethyl ene, cyclopropane and
recovery can be summarised as follow.
methoxyflurane, have now been replaced in clinical practice,
particularly by the 'flurane' series (enflurane, isotlurane, Properties of the anaesthetic:
sevotlurane, deslluraoe), which have improved pharmacokinetic -blood:gas prutition coefficient (i.e. solubility in blood)
526 properties, fewer side effects and are non-flammable. Of the - oil:gas partition coefficient (i.e. solubiliry in fat).

Phy~iologi cal factor<;: The blood:gas partition coefficient is the main factor that
-aheolar ventilation rate determines the rate of induction and recovery of an inhalation
---<ardiac output. anaesthetic, and the lower the blood:gas parti6oo coeffi ci ent the
faster is induc tion and recovery.
The oi/:gas partition coefficiellf. a measure of fat solubility,
determines the potency of an anaesthetic (as already discussed)
Anac\thetics can be regarded physicochemically as ideal gases: and also innuence the kineti cs of its distribution in the body,
tht:lr solubility in different media is expressed as partition the main effect being that high lipid solubiliry delays recovery
coefficiems, defined as the ratio o f the concentration of the agent from anaesthesia. Values of blood:gas and oil:gas panition
m two ph ase~ at equilibrium. coe ffi cients for some anaesthetics are gi ven in Table 36. 1.

Tlble 36.1 Characteristics of inhalation anaesthetics

Drug Partition coefficient Minimum alveolar Induction/ Main adverse Notes

Blood:gas Oil:gas concentration recovery effect(s) and
(% v/v) disadvantage(s)

Ether 12.0 65 1.9 Slow Respiratory irritation Now obsolete, except

Nausea and vomiting where modern facilities
Explosion risk are lacking

Halothane 2.4 220 0.8 Medium Hypotension In common use but

Cardiac arrhythmias declining in favour
Hepatotoxicity (with of newer agents
repeated use) Significant metabolism
Malignant to trifluoracetate
hyperthermia (rare)

N"1trous oxide 0.5 1.4 100" Fast Few adverse effects Good analgesic effect
Risk of anaemia Low potency precludes
(w1th prolonged or use as sole anaesthetic
repeated use) agent- normally
Accumulation in combined with other
gaseous cavities inhalation agents

Enflurane 1.9 98 0.7 Medium Risk of convulsions Widely used

(slight) Similar
Malignant characteristics to
hyperthermia (rare) halothane, with
less risk of
hepatic toxicity

softurane 1.4 91 1.2 Medium Few adverse effects Widely used as

Possible risk of alternative to
coronary ischemia halothane
in susceptible

Desfturane 0.4 23 6.1 Fast Respiratory tract Used for day case
irntation, cough, surgery because of fast
bronchospasm onset and recovery
(comparable with
nitrous oxide)

Sevofturane 0.6 53 2.1 Fast Few reported Recently introduced

Theoretical risk of Similar to desflurane
renal toxicity owing
to fluoride

'Theoretical value based on experiments under hyperbaric conditions.


absorbed via the l ungs in order to achieve a given panial pre~~ure

INDUCTION AND RECOVERY in the blood. Thus a single lungful of air containing a Joy.
Cerebral blood now is a substantial fraction of cardiac output, solubility agent will bring the partial pressure io the blood clo~er
and the blood- brain barrier is freely penneable to anaesthetics. to that of the inspired air than is the case for a high-solubilit~
1,0 the concentration of anaesthetic in the brain closely tracks that agent. and a smaller number of breaths (i.e. a shoner time) \\i
in the arterial blood. The kinetics of transfer of anaesthetic between be needed to reach equilibrium. The same principle applic' m
the inspired air and the arterial blood therefore determine the reverse for wash out of the drug. recovery being faster with ..
kinetics of the pharmacological effect. low-solubility agent. Figure 36.2 shows the much fa<,ter
If an anaesthetic is added to the inspired air at a concentration equilibration for nitrous oxide. a low-solubility agent. than for
that. nt equilibrium, will produce surgical anaesthesia, the rate ether. a high !>Oiubility agent.
at which this equilibrium is approached depends mainly on the The transfer of anae~thetic between blood and tissues aho
blood:ga1-. partition coefficient. Contrary to what one might affects the kinetics of equilibration. Figure 36.3 shows a very
intuitively !>uppose, the lower the solubility in blood, the faster ~,imple model of the circulation, in which two tissue com-
is the process of equilibration. T his is because less drug has to be partments arc included. Body fat has a low blood flow and

~ ~

'2 100 100

e'E 90 90
CD '2
c 80 .Q 80
Fig. 36.2 Rate of equilibration 8 ~
of inhalat ion anaesthetics in '0
70 'E 70
! CD
humans. The curves show alveolar a.
concentration (which closely reflects . 60
0 60
arterial blood concentration) as a 0 :u
function of t1me during induction 0CD
~ 50
and recovery. The initial rate of c <II
equilibration reflects solubility in 40 (ij 40
""!.'! :.;::;
blood. There is also a slow phase of 'E :s
equilibration, most marked with 30 0 30
highly lipid-soluble drugs (ether and 0 ~
halothane), owing to the slow :u 20 20
transfer between blood and fat (Fig. 0
36.3). A Induction. cJ Recovery. > 10 10

(From Papper EM, Kitz R (eds) 1963
Uptake and distribution of 0- 0
anaesthetic agents. McGraw-Hill, 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
New York.) Minutes Minutes

Alveolar ventilation

Cardiac output

Fig. 36.3 Factors affecting the

rate of equilibration of inhalation
anaesthetics in the body. The body
Slow perfusion

e Fast perfusion

Large partition coefficient Small partition coefficient
is represented as two Slow equilibration e Rapid equilibration
compartments. Lean tissues,
including the brain, have a large
blood flow and low partition
coefficient for anaesthetics, and FAT
therefore equilibrate rapidly with the
blood. Fat tissues have a small
blood flow and large partition
coefficient, and therefore equilibrate
slowly, acting as a reservoir of drug
during the recovery phase.

e often a high anae~thetic solubility (see Table 36.1 ), and

con,titute' about 20~ of the volume of a representative man. INDIVIDUAL INHALATION ANAESTHETICS
r Therefore. for a drug ~uch as hal othane. which is about l 00
The inhalation anac!>thetics currently used in developed countries
) ume' more soluble m fat than in water. the amount present in
are halotha ne. nitrous oxide, enflura ne and isoflur ane. E ther .
I fat after complete equilibration would be roughly 95% of the
now largely obsolete. is still used in some parts of the world. It
n total amount in the body. Because of the low blood flow to
is explosive and highly irritant. and commonly causes postoperative
D adipose tissue. it take~ many hour<. for the drug to enter and leave
nausea and respir:.Hory complications. Methoxyflurane (see
r the fat. which re~uhs in a pronounced slow phase of equilibration
above) is no longer used because of its renal toxicity. Desflurane
r following the rapid phase associated with the blood-gas
and sevoflurane have gained popularity because they overcome
e\changes (F1g. 36.2). The more fat-soluble the anaesthetic and
many of the problems of the earlier drugs. The newer compounds
the fatter the patient. the more pronounced this slow phase
arc all halogen -sub~tituted hydrocarbons of very similar spot
the difference' structure. After 50 years of this kind of musical
Of the physiological factors affecting the rate of equilibration
chairs chemistry, there is a sense that we may have reached the
!.1 of inhalation anaesthetics. alveolar ventilation is the most
end of the line with sevotlurane. Xenon , an inert gas shown
1mportant. The greater the ventilation rate, the faster is cquili-
many years ago to have anaesthetic prope1ties, is making some-
brntion, particu larly for drugs that have high blood:gas partition
th ing of a comeback in the clinic because-not surprisingly for
coefficients. Respiratory depressant drugs, such as morphine
an inert gas-it lacks toxicity, but its relatively low potency and
f\ee Ch. 4 1), can thus retard recovery from anaesthesia.
high cost arc disadvantages.
Reco\ery from anaesthesia involves the same processes as
mduction but in reverse (Fig. 36.2). the rapid phase of recovery
bcmg followed by a slow 'hangover'. If anaesthesia with a highly
faholuble drug has been maintained for a long time. so that the
fat ha, had time to accumulate a substantial amount of the Halothane is a widely used inhalation anaesthetic, but its use is
anae~thetic. this hangO\'er can become very pronounced and the now declining in favour of isofluranc and other drugs (see below).
patient rna) remain drowsy for some hours. Because of these It is non-e\plo-,ive and non-irritant: induction and recovery
kinetic factors, the \earch for improved inhalation anaesthetics arc relatively fa-,t; and it is highly potent and can easily produce
ha' focused on agents with low blood and tissue solubility. respiratory and cardio\'ascular failure. so the concentration
~1!\\er drugs, '"hich l>how kinetic properties similar to those of admini\lercd need'> to be controlled accurately. Even in normal
nitrous oxide but have higher potency. include sevoflorane and anaesthetic concentrations. halothane causes a fall in blood pressure.
desnurane (Table 36.1 ). partly due to myocardial depression and partly to vasodilatation.

METABOLISM AND TOXICITY OF Pharmacoklnetlc properties of

INHALATION ANAESTHETICS Inhalation anaesthetics
\1etabolism. although not quantitatively important as a route of
elimi nation of in halation anaesthetics. can generate toxic metab- Rapid induction and recovery are important
olites. Chloroform (now obsolete) causes hepatotoxicity associated properti es of an anaesthetic agent, allowing flexible
1\llh free rad ical formation in liver cells. Methoxyfluran e, a contro l over the depth of anaesthesia.
halogenated ether, is no longer used because about 50% is Speed of induction and recovery are det ermined by
metabolised to fluoride and oxalate, which cause renal toxicity. two properties of the anaesthetic: solubility in blood
Enflurane and sevoflurane also generate fluoride. but at much (blood:gas partition coefficient) and solubility in fat
ltl\\cr (non-toxic) concentrations (Table 36.1 ). Halothane is the (lipid solubility).
onl> \Oiatile anaesthetic in current use that undergoes sub tantial Agents with low blood:gas partition coefficients
metabolism, about 30'! being converted to bromide. trifluoroacetic produce rapid induction and recovery (e.g. nitrous
acid and other metabolites that are implicated in rare instances oxide, desflurane); agents with high blood:gas
ofhw tOXICity (see below). partition coefficients show slow induction and
The problem of toxicity of low concentrations of anaesthetics recovery (e.g. halothane).
mhaled 0\er long periods by operating theatre staff causes much Agents with high lipid solubility (e.g. halothane)
concern, following the demonstration that such chronic low-level accumulate gradually in body fat and may produce a
e\po\ure (and associated metabolite formation) leads to liver prolonged 'hangover' if used for a long operation.
toxicit) in experimental animals. Epidemiological sn.dies of Some halogenated anaesthetics (especially halothane
operating theatre ~taff have shown increased incidence of liver and methoxyflurane) are metabolised. This is not very
d1,ea~e and of certain types of leukaemia. and of spontaneous important in determining their duration of action, but
abonion and congenital malformations. compared with control contributes to toxicity (e.g. renal toxicity associated
groups not exposed to anaesthetic agents. A Ithough causation has with fluoride production with methoxyflurane- no
not been clearly establil.hed, strict measures are used to minimise longer used).
the escape of anaesthetics into the air of operating theatres. 529

Halothane is not analgesic and has a relaxant effect on the uterus, synthesis, resulting in bone marrow depression that may cau~e
which limits its usefulness for obstetric purposes. anaemia and leucopenia, so its use should be avoided in patients
with anaemia related to vitamin 8 12 deficiency. Bone marro,.
Adverse eHects depression does not occur with brief exposure to nitrous oxide.
In common with many halogenated anaesthetics, halothane but prolonged or repeated use should be avoided. Nitrous oxid~
sensitises the heart to adrenaline, predisposing to cardiac 'sniffers' are subject to this danger.
dysrhythmia. This may be important, notably in operations for Nitrous oxide tends to enter gaseous cavities in the body, causing
phaeochromocytoma (see Ch. II and above). Two rare but serious them to expand. This can be dangerous if a pneumothorax or
adverse reactions associated with halothane are hepatotoxicity vascular air embolus is present, or if the intestine is obstructed.
and malignam hyperthermia. Prolonged exposure to very low concentrations of nitrou'
Halothane hepatitis. One major study of 850 000 anaesthetic oxide, far below the level causing anaesthesia, may affect protein
administrations identified nine deaths from otherwise unexplained and DNA synthesis very markedly, and nitrous oxide has been
liver failure. Seven of the nine patients bad received halothane. suspected to be a cause of the increased frequency of abortion
Subsequent reports suggest that hepatotoxicity is associated and fetal abnormality among operating theatre staff.
with repeated administration of halothane. A study of 62 cases of
unexplained serious liver disease in the UK showed that 66%
were associated with repeated halothane administration.
consistent with an immune mechanism. Halothane metabolism Entlurane is a halogenated ether similar to halothane in its
yields trifluoroacetic acid (see above), which reacts covalently potency and moderate speed of induction. Tt was introduced a\
with protein, especially in liver cells where halothane metabolism an alternative to methoxyflurane, its advantages being that ar
occurs. Fluoroacetylated Liver proteins are believed lo initiate an therapeutic levels it produces less fluoride (and hence less renal
immune response (Ch. 53). toxicity) than methoxyl1urane and is less fat-soluble so that
Malignant hyperthermia. This is caused by heat production in onset and recovery are faster. Its main drawback is that it can
skeletal muscle, due to excessive release of Ca2+ from the cause seizures, either during induction or following recovel)'
sarcoplasmic reticulum. The result is muscle contracture, acidosis, from anaesthesia. In this connection, it is interesting that a related
increased metabolism, and an associated dramatic rise in body substance, the fluorine-substituted diethyl-ether hexafluoroether.
temperature that can be fatal unless treated promptly. Triggers is a powerful convulsant agent, although the mechanism is not
include other halogenated anaesthetics and neuromuscular- understood. Enflurane can induce malignant hype1thennia.
blocking drugs (see Cb. 10), as well as halothane. Susceptibility
has a genetic basis, being associated with mutations in the gene
encoding the ryanodine receptor, which controls Ca2+ release
from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (Ch. 4). Why such mutations
induce sensitivity of the channel to anaesthetics and other drugs lsoflurane is now the most widely used volatile anaesthetic. It i1
is not clear. Malignant hyperthermia is treated with dantrolene, broadly similar to enflurane, but is not appreciably metabolised
a muscle relaxant drug that blocks these calcium channels. and lacks the proconvulsive property of enflurane. Tt is expensi~e
to manufacture because of the difficulty in separating isomer;
formed during synthesis. Tt can cause hypotension and is '
powerful coronary vasodilator. This can exacerbate cardia\
Nitrous oxide (N 20, not to be confused with nitric oxide, NO) is ischaemia in patients with coronary disease, because of the
an odourless gas with many advantageous feamres for anaesthesia, 'steal' phenomenon (see Ch. 18).
and is in widespread use. Tt is rapid in action because of its low Destluranc is chemically similar to isoflurane, but its lower
blood:gas partition coefficient (Table 36.1 ). and is an effective solubility in blood and fat means that induction and recovery are
analgesic in concentrations too low to cause unconsciousness. It faster, so it is increasingly used as an anaesthetic for day ca\e
is used in this way to reduce pain during childbirth. Its potency surgery. It is not appreciably metabolised. It is less potent thac
is low; even at 80% in the inspired gas mixture, nitrous oxide the drugs described above, the MAC being about 6%. At tlle
does not produce surgical anaesthesia. It is not therefore used on concentrations used for induction (about I 0%), destlurane cause,
its own as an anaesthetic, but is very often used (as 70% nitrous some respiratory tract irritation, which can lead to coughing
oxide in oxygen) as an adjunct to volatile anaesthetics, allowing and bronchospasm.
them to be used at lower concentrations. During recovery from Sevotlurane resembles desflurane but is more potent anrl
nitrous oxide anaesthesia, the transfer of the gas from the blood does not cause respiratory irritation. It is partially (about 3~1
into the alveoli can be sufficient to reduce, by dilution, the metabolised, and detectable levels of fluoride are produced.
alveolar partial pressure of oxygen, producing transient hypoxia although this does not appear to be sufficient to cause toxicit)
(known as diffusional hypoxia). This is important for patients Like other halogenated anaesthetics, sevoflurane can cause
with respiratory disease. malignant hyperthermia in genetically susceptible individuals.
Given for brief periods, nitrous oxide is devoid of any serious Many inhalation anaesthetics have been introduced and
toxic effects, but prolonged exposure(> 6 hours) causes inactivation gradually superseded, mainly because of their inflammable nature
530 of methionine symhase, an enzyme required for DNA and protein or because of toxicity. They include chloroform (hepatotoxicil)

and cardiac dysrhythmia'>), djethyl ether (explosi ve and ru ghly

tmtant to the re~pi ratory tract, leading to postoperative compli- Individual Inhalation anaesthetics
cation~). ' in)l ether (explosi, e), cyclopropane (explosive. strongly
dcpn:~'ant to respiration, and hypotensive), trichloroethyl ene
The main agents in current use in developed
(chc:micall) unstable, no special advantages). and methoxyflurane countries are halothane, nitrous oxide, isoflurane,
(,Jo" recm Cl) and renal toxicity). enflurane, desflurane and sevoflurane. Ether is largely
Further information is available in many excellent textbooks obsolete.
of anaesthesia (e.g. M i ller. 1999). As a rare but serious hazard, inhalation anaesthetics
(espectally halothane) can cause malignant
s hyperthermia.
n widely used agent
E1en the fastest-acting inhalation anaesthetics, such as nHrous potent, non-explosive and non-irritant, hypotensive;
O\ide. takt: a few minutes to act and cause a period of excitement may cause dysrhythmias; about 30% metabolised
befon: anac~thcsi a is produced. Intravenous anaesthetics act 'hangover' likely, due to high lipid solubility
much more rapid ly, rroducing unconsciousness in about risk of liver damage if used repeatedly.
2(heconds, as soon as the drug reaches the brain from its site Nitrous oxide:
!> of injection. These drugs (e.g. thiopental, etomidate, propofol; low potency, therefore must be combined with
s 'ce hc:low) arc nonnally U!>ed for induction of anaesthesia. They other agents
It arc preferred by patient ~ because injecti on generally lacks the rapid mduction and recovery
il menacing quality associated with a f ace mask in an apprehensive good analgesic properties
lt indi\idual. risk of bone marrow depression with prolonged
n Other drugs used a-. intravenous induction agents include administration
cenam bcn?Odiat cpine., (see Ch. 37), such as mazepam and accumulates in gaseous cavities.
d midazolam, \\hich act rather less rapidly than the drugs Listed Enflurane :
r. al1o\e. Although intra-.enou!. anaesthetics on their own arc halogenated anaesthetic similar to halothane
)I generall) unsatisfactory for producing maintained anaesthesia Jess metabolism than halothane, therefore less
~cau'e their elimination from the body is relatively slow risk of toxicity
compan:c.l 1\ith that of i nhalation agents. propofol can be used faster mductton and recovery than halothane
m thi' \\a), and the duration of action of ketamioe is sufficient (less accumulation in fat)
that it cnn be used for short operations without the need for an some risk of epilepsy-like seizures.
mh.tlation agent. lsoflurane:
is The combined usc of droperidol, a dopamine antagonist related similar to enflurane but lacks epileptogenic
1d to antip~yc hotic drugs (Ch. 38), and an opiate analgesic such property
e a' fentanyl (Ch. 4 1) can produce a state of deep sedation and may precipitate myocardial ischaemia in patients
rs analgesia (known as neumleplanalgesia) in which the patient with coronary disease
a remain~ responsive to simple commands and questions, but does irritant to respiratory tract.
lC nut respond to painful stimuli or retain any memory of the Desflurane:
me pmctdure. This is used for minor procedures such as endoscopy. similar to isoflurane but with faster onset and
The properties of the main intravenous anaesthetics arc recovery
er ,ummarised in Table 36.2. Propanidid and aJthesin were respiratory irritant, so liable to cause coughing
re 1\ithdra\\ n becau'e of allergic reactions including hypotension and laryngospasm
and bronchoconwiction. useful for day case surgery.
- stmtlar to desflurane, with lack of respiratory
THIOPENTAL irritation.
Thiopental (Ch. 37) is the only remaining barbiturate used as Ether:
an anaesthetic. It hal> very high lipid solubility, and thi s accounts obsolete except where modern facilities are not
1d for the speed and tran~i ence of its effect w hen it is injected available
~) mtra1 cnousl) (sec below). T he free acid is insoluble in water, so easy to administer and control
d. thtopcntal i<. given as the sodium salt. This solution is srrongly slow onset and recovery, with postoperative
.). alkaline and i' un, table. 1.0 the drug must be dissolved nausea and vomtttng
se immediately before it is used. analgesic and muscle relaxant properties
highly explosive
nd Pharmacokinetic aspects irritant to respiratory tract.
tre On intravenous injection, thiopental causes unconsciousness within
ty about 20 seconds and lasts for 5- 10 minutes. The anaesthetic

Ta ble 36.2 Properties of intravenous anaesthet ic agents

Drug Speed of induction and recovery M ain unwanted effect(s) Notes

Thiopental Fast (cumulation occurs, giving Cardiovascular and resp1ratory Widely used as induction agent for
slow recovery) depression routine purposes

Etomidate Fast onset, fairly fast recovery Excitatory effects dunng Less cardiovascular and respiratory
induct1on and recovery depression than with thiopental
Adrenocortical suppression Causes pain at injection site

Propofol Fast onset. very fast recovery Cardiovascular and respiratory Rapidly metabolised
depression Possible to use as continuous infusion
Causes pain at injection site

Ketamlne Slow onset, after-effects common Psychotomimetic effects Prod uces good analgesia and amnesia
during recovery following recovery
Postoperative nausea, vomiting
and salivation
Raised intracranial pressure

Midazolam Slower than other agents Little respiratory or cardiovascular


efTect clo-,cly paralleb the concentration of thiopental in the Actions and side e Hects
blood reaching the brain, because its high lipid solubility allow~ The actions of thiopental on the nervous system are very similar
it to cro-.-, the blood-brain barrier without noticeable delay. to thol:!e of inhalation anaesthetics. although it hru. no analge'i'
The blood concentration of thiopental declines rapidly. by efTecl and can cause profound respiratory depres!-.ion even ir.
about 80% within I 2 minutes. following the initial peal. after amounts that fail to abolish reflex responses to painful stimuli
intravenous injection. because the drug is redistributed. first to Its long after-effect. associated with a slowly declining plasmJ
tissues with a large blood flow (liver. kidneys, brain, etc.) and concentration. means that drowsiness and some degree of
more slowly to muscle. Uptake into body fat, although favoured respiratory depression persist for some hours.
by the high lipid solubility of thiopental, occurs only slowly, Accidental injection of thiopental around, rather than inlo, the
because of the low blood tlow to this tissue. After several hours, vein, or into an artery, can cause local tissue necrosis and ulcer
however, most of the thiopental present in the body will have arion or !>evere arterial spasm that can result in gangrene.
accumu lated in body fat. the rest having been metabolised. Immediate injection of procaine, through the same needle. i'
Recovery from the anaesthetic effect occurs within about 5 the recommended procedure if this accident occurs. The risk is ~mall
minutes. governed entirely by redistribution of the drug to well- now that lower concentrations of thiopental are used for intravenou1
perfused ti<,sucs: very little is metabolised in this time. After injection. Thiopental, like other barbiturates, can precipitale an
the initial rapid decline. the blood concentration drops more allack of pmphyria in susceptible individuals (sec Ch. 53).
-.lowly. over <,everal hours. as the drug is taken up by body fat
and metabolised. Consequently. thiopental produces a long-lasting
hangover: furthermore. repeated intravenous doses cause
progres'>ively longer periodc; of anaesthesia. because the plateau Etomidatc has gained favour over thiopental on account of the
in blood concentration becomes progressively more elevated a'> larger margin between the anaesthetic dose and the dose needeJ
more drug accumulates in the body. For this reason, thiopental to produce respiratory and cardiovascular depression. It i'> al\11
is not used to maintain l:!urgical anaesthesia but only as an more rapidly metabolised than thiopental. and thus less likel}
induction agent. to cause a prolonged hangover. 1n other respects, etomidate i'
Thiopental binds to plasma albumin (roughly 85% of the very !.imilar to thiopental. although it appears more likely to
blood content normally being bound). The fraction bound is less cause involuntary movements during induction. postoperali\t
in stale\ of malnutrition, liver disease or renal disease, which nau~ea and vomiting. and pain at the injection ~ite. Etomidate.
affect the concentration and drug-binding properties of plasma particularly with prolonged use, suppresses the production ol
albumin, and this can appreciably reduce the dose needed for adrenal sleroids, an effect that has been associated with an
-_..,._...t~>.;.-:-.....~--- induclion or ana<.:sthesia. increase in mortality in severely ill patients. II shou ld therefore

not he u~ed in patient\ with adrenal insufficiency. Tt is preferable kctamine. doc~ noL cau~e re'piralory or cardiovascular depres~ion.
to thiopentaltn pat ient~ at risk of circulatory failure. It is oflen u'ed a\ a preoperative sedati ve and during procedure!.
such as endoscopy. where full anaesthesia is not required.

Proporor. imroduced in 1983. is al\o similar in its properties to
thiopental. but it has the advantage of being very rapidly
metabolised and therefore giving rapid recovery without any
hango\er effect. This enables it to be used as a continuous Intravenous anaesthetic agents
mfu~1on to maintain ~urgica l anaesthesia without the need for
an~ tnhalation agent. Propofol lacks lhe tendency to cause Most commonly used for induction of
involuntary movement and adrenocorti cal suppression seen with anaesthesia, followed by inhalation agent. Propofol is
~tonmlatc. ll is particularly useful for day case surgery. also used to maintain anaesthesia during surgery.
Thiopental, et omidate and propofol are most
OTHER INDUCTION AGENTS commonly used; all act within 20- 30 seconds if given
KETAMINE Thiopental:
'f Ketaminc closely rc~cmblc~. both chemically and pharmacologica lly. barbiturate with very high lipid solubility
llhenc}clidinc, wh ich i\ a ~tree! drug' wilh a pronounced e ffecl on rapid action due to rapid transfer across blood- brain
'~n,or) pcrccptit)O (sec Ch. 43). Both dng~ produce a -, imilar barrier; short duration (about 5 minutes) due to
aruc,lhesia- li~c state and profound an alge~ia, bu1 keramine produces
redistribution, mainly t o muscle
.:onsitkrJbl} lc'' euphoria and o.,ensory distortion than phencyclidine
anJ j, thus nmrc useful 111 anae\thesia. Both drugs are belie,ed to act slowly metabolised and liable to accumulate in
b) blcxkmg aCII\allon of one t)'pc ol excitatory amino acid receptor (the body fat, therefore may cause prolonged effect if
~\ID \ receptor; sec Ch. 33 ). given repeatedly
G1'tn intrJ\Cnou'l}. l..etamine take~ effect more slowly (2- 5 minutes) no analgesic effect
than thiop.:ntal. and produce~ a dtfterent effect. known ~ 'dis~ociati\ e narrow margin between anaesthetic dose and
IUIJcsthe,ia'. in \\ hich there i~ a marked ~nsory IO\S and analgesia. as dose causing cardiovascular depression
,.dJ a' amnc,ia and paral)sis of mo\ement. \\ithout actual loo;s of risk of severe vasospasm if accidentally injected
coo...:itJU,ne\\. During 10duction and recovery. involunlary movemem'
into artery.
anJ p.!~uhar \Cn\OI) e>.pcnence' often occur. Ketamine does not act
, impl) as a dcpre\\ant. and it produce~ cardimascu lar and respiratory Etomidate:
ditch qunc different from tho~ of mo\1 anaesthetics. Blood pressure simtlar to thtopental but more quickly metabolised
and hcan rate are U\ually increa~ed. and respiration is lU)a]Jected by less risk of cardiovascular depression
d fCd i\C anaco.,thctic do'e~. Ketamine. unli ke other in travenous may cause involuntary movements during induction
an;lcsthctic drug,, increases intracranial pres~ure. so it ~hould not be
possible risk of adrenocortical suppression.
gi\en 10 pat 1Cill'> with rai~ed int rncran ial pre,,ure or at risk o f cerebral
i...:hacmw. The mo in dra wback of ketarnine. despite the safety assoc iated Propofol:
with a lad of overall deprc,sant acti vity, is that hallucinations, and rapidly metabolised
sometime\ deliri um and irrati onal behav iour. are common during - very rapid recovery; no cumulative effect
recovery. These after-effect\ limit the usefulness of ketamine but are - useful for day case surgery.
>aid to toe lcs~ marked in ch ildren.3 therefore ketam ine. o ften in
Ketam ine:
conjunction wit h a bcntodiut epine, is sometimes still used for minor
procedure' in paediotric<,. analogue of phencyclidine, with similar properties
action differs from other agents, probably related
to effect on NMDA-type glutamate recept ors
MIDAZOLAM onset of effect is relatively slow (2-5 minutes)
~hdazolam. a bent odia; epine (Ch. 37). i s slower in the onset produces 'dissociative' anaesthesia, in which
3Jld oH\ct of ih acLion than the drugs discussed above but. li ke pat1ent may remain conscious although amnesic
and insensitive to pain
h1gh tncidence of dysphoria, hallucinations, etc.
~ cauuon:lf) note: man) ad~ersc en eel\ are claimed to be less marked in
during recovery; used mainly for minor procedures
cblldren. p.!rhap., because the> cannm 'erbali~e their experiences. Until
r~ctntl). mu-cic relaJtants alone were used ~ ithout anaesthesia during
in children
c-anlJac \Utgery in neonate\. The habies d1d not complain of pain. but their raises intracranial pressure.
, culanng atecholamincs reached e:nrcmc levels.

Anxiolytic and hypnotic

strong sedative activity, have been introduced as

Overview 535 anxiolytic agents. Possible new approaches, based
The nature of anxiety and measurement of on neuropeptide mediators, are also discussed
anxiolytic activity 535 briefly.
-Animal models of anxiety 536
-Tests on humans 536
Classification of anxiolytic and hypnotic
drugs 536
Benzodiazepines 536
-Chem1stry and structure-activity relationships 537 The normal fear respom,e to threatening stimuli comprises
-Mechanism of action 537 several component~. including defensive behaviours, autonomic
-Pharmacological effects and uses 538 reflexes, arou\al and alertness, corticosteroid secretion and nega-
-Pharmacokinetic aspects 540 tive emotions. ln atniety states, these reactions occur in an
-Unwanted effects 540 anticipatory manner, independently of external events. The dis-
tinction between a 'pathological and a 'normal' state of anxiety is
Benzodiazepine antagonists 542 not clear-cut but reprel.ents the point at which the symptoms
luspirone 543 interfere with normal productive activities. Despite (or perhaps
because of) this loose distinction. anxiolytic drugs were until
Barbiturates 543 recently among the most widely used drugs in general practice.
Other potential anxiolytic drugs 543 They have fallen out of favour as their uncertain benefit and
definite risks have become evident.
Anxiety disorders as recognised clinically include:

generalised anxiety disorder (an ongoing state of excessive

anxiety lacking any clear reason or focus)
panic disorder (sudden attacks of overwhelming fear occur in
OVERVIEW J association with marked somatic symptoms, such as
sweating, tachycardia, chest pains, trembling and choking).
In this chapter, we discuss the nature of anxiety
Such auacks can be induced even in normal individuals by
and the drugs used to treat it (anxiolytic drugs), as
infusion of sodium lactate, and the condition appears to have
well as drugs used to treat insomnia (hypnotic
a genetic component)
drugs). Although the clinical objectives are
phobias (!>trong fear~ of specific objects or situations. e.g.
different, there is some overlap between these two
snakes, open spaces, flying. social interactions)
groups, reflecting the fact that anxiolytic drugs
post-traumatic stress disorder (anxiety triggered by recall of
commonly cause a degree of sedation and
past ~tressful experiences)
drowsiness. There are, however, many sedative
obsessi1e compulsive disorder (compulsive ritualistic
and hypnotic drugs that lack specific anxiolytic
behaviour driven by irrational anxiety, e.g. fear of
effeds. In high doses, all these drugs cause
unconsciousness and eventually death from
respiratory and cardiovascular depression. ll should be stressed that the treaunent of such disorders generally
Benzodiazepines form the most important group, involves psychological approaches as well as drug treatment.
although anxiolytic and hypnotic drugs from an Furthermore, other types of drug, particularly antidepressants
earlier era are still in use. In recent years, a (Ch. 39) and sometimes antipsychotic drugs (Ch. 38), are often
number of drugs acting on 5-hydroxytryptamine used to treat anxiety disorders, in addition to the anxiolytic drugs
described here. 535
(SHT) receptors in the brain, which do not have

ANIMAL MODELS OF ANXIETY puni,hment wa' in operation. although the -.ubjects reported no change
in the painfulne~~ of the electric ~hock. Subtler forms of tormem anJ
"' In addition to the ~ubje<:llve (emotional) component of human anxiety. reward are not hard to imagine.
there are mea,urable behaviouml and phy~iologtcal effech that aho
occur in e'perimemal animal~. In biological term~. anxiety induce~ a
particular lorm ol beha' ioural inhibition thai occurs in re,pon~ to CLASSIFICATION OF ANXIOLYTIC AND
nmcl em ironmental event\ that are non-rewarding Iunder condnion'
"here reward t\ e'pected). threatening or painful. In animal\, thi\
beha\ iouml inhibition may take the form of immobtlity or ~uppre~~ion
ol;~ heha' tt>ural re,pono.,e \Uch a~ bar pressing to obtain food {see below).
The main groups of drugs (see review by Argyropoulos ct al
To UC\t!lop ne'' amiol) tic drugs. it is important to have animalte\l\ that 2000) arc as follows.
gi'e .1 good gutdc to efficacy in humans. and much ingenuity h"' gone
into dc,clopmg and validating buch tests.
Denzod iazepines. This is the most important gro up, u'cd as
anxiolytic <md hypnotic agents.
For example. a rm placed in "n unfamiliar environment normally re-.pond,
Bus pirone. This 5-HT 1A recepto r agonist is anxiolytic but
by remaining tmmobile a lt hough alert (behavioural suppres<>ion) for a
time, which may represen t an;>.iety' prod uced by the wangc cmiron
no t appreciably sedative.
ment. Thi' immobility i~ reduced if anx iolyric drugs arc administered. ~-Adrenoccplor antagonists (e.g. propranolol; Ch. I I).
The 'dcvmcd cro~; maze is a widely used test model. Two arm; of These arc used to treat some forms of a nxiety, particularl y
the ra i ~cd horitontal cross are c losed in. and the others arc open. whe re physical sympto ms such as sweating, tremor and
Normal ly. rat' 'pend rno'l of the ir Li me in the closed arms and avoid tachycardia are troublesome. Their effcclivencs!t depends on
the ope n arm' (afraid. possibly, of falling off). Admini~tration of
anxiolytic drugs increases the time spent in the ope n anm and aJ!,o
block of pe riphe ral sympathe tic responses rather than on an}
lnCrC;hc;, the actl\ ity of the rats a> judged by the frequenc) of cro,,ing central effects. They are sometimes used by actors and
the imcr-o::ction. m u sician~ to reduce the symptoms of stage fright, but their

Conflict h.:'t' can abo be u~ed. For example. a rat trained to pre~~ a b<tr
use by snooker players to mi nimise tre mor is banned as
rcpc;lledl) to obt;un a food pellet normally achie'e' a high and con,i\lcnt unsport~man l i ke.
re'pon~ mte. A conflict element i~ then introduced: at imen al~. indicated Zolpidem . Thi!> hypnotic acts similarl y to benzodiazepinc~.
hy an audtiOI') 'ignal. bar pre,,ing results in an occasional puni,hment' although chemically di))tinct. but lacks appreciable anxioi}UC
111 the form of an electric ,hock in addition to the reward of a food pellet.
ormall). the mt cease; pre,sing the bar (behavioural inhibition!. and
thu;, a\ oid' the 'hock. "htle the signal i~ ~ounding. The eiTect of an
Barbiturates. These are now largely obsolete. super..eded b)
anxiol)tic drug " to relie\e thi;, 'uppressiH~ effect, ;,o that the rat' bentodtuepincs. Their use is now confined 10 anaesthesia
continue bar pre\\ing for reward despite the 'puni~hment'. Other t)Jl<!' (Ch. 36) and the treatment of epilepsy (Ch. 40).
ol P')chotropic drug are not effective, nor are analge;,ic drug;,, Other Mi-.cellaneou<. other drugs (e.g. chloraJ hydrate.
cvtdence conlim1s that an>.iolytic drug~ affect the level of behavioural
meproba ma te and methaquaJone). They are no longer
inhibit ton produced by the 'conflict ~ituation. rather than -.imply rai\ing
the pain thre,hold.
recommended, but therapeutic habits die hard and they are
occasionally used. Sedative antihistamines (see Ch. 13). ~ud
In other tc;,ts. aggressive behaviour is produced experimentally by lc:-ion~
as di phe nhydra mine, are sometimes used as sleeping pilb.
of the midbra in 'eptum. or by hous ing mice in individ ual cages and then
introducing u ;,trangcr. Anx iolytic drugs reduce the amount of aggn:s,ivc particu larly for wakeful c hildren. They are included in
behaviour displayed. They also increase the amou nt of social' interacti on various over-the-counter preparatio ns intended to improve
occurri ng between pairs o f rats placed in an unfamiliar environment, this c hildren\ s leep patterns.
be ing a 'itu:tti on in wh ich soc ial interaction is greatly decrca~ed in
control animal ~. In many o f these test!>. the response is an incrca;,e in
behuvioura l activity, \O it i;, dear that the anxiolytic drugs are prod uc ing
o.,omcthing more than a non-specific sedation.

The first ben1odiazepine, chlordiazepoxide, was synthesised b)

TESTS ON HUMANS accident in 1961, the un usual seven-membered ring having been

"' Variou' \Ubjccti\e 'an>.iety scale' tests have heen devi,ed based on
\tandard paucnt que~uonnaire~. The~>e have confirmed the efficacy of
man} an~iol)tic drug,. but placebo treatment often al~o produces high!}
Measurement of anxiotytic activity
''gmlicant tc'>JXm,es.

Other h!,ts rely on mea~urement of the somatic and autonomic ellecl\

Behavioural tests in animals are based on
a"octated with an\tet). An example is the gal,anic skin respon~. in measurements of the behavioural inhibition
"h1ch the electrical conducti\ it) of the skin is used as a rnea,ure of "~cat (considered to reflect 'anxiety') in response to conflict
production. Any no~cl sttmulus. whether pleasant or unplea,ant. cau\e~ or novelty.
a rc,ponse. 11tb fom1~ the basi.!. of the lie detector te~t. If an innocuous Human tests for anxiolytic drugs employ psychiatric
\timulus i' repeated at tntervals. the magnitude of the respon~ dccrea'c'
rating scales or measures of autonomic responses
(habituation). The rate of habituation is less in anxiou' patient\ than
in normal \Ubjecls, and i~ increased by anxiolytic drugs. such as the galvanic skin response.
Tests such as these can distinguish between
A human ver~ion of the confl ict test described above involves the
anxiolytic drugs (benzodiazepines, buspirone, etc.)
~ub!>li tution of rnone) for food pellets. and the usc of graded e lectric
~hocks U\ puni,hmcnt. As with rats, administration of d ia?Cpam i ncrease~ and sedatives (e.g. barbiturates).
536 the rate or button pressi ng for money during the peri od , when the

ca.ues of anxiolytic and hypnotic drugs

Benzodiazepines: the most important class, The basic chemical sm1cturc of bcnwdiazepines consiM'> of a
used for treating both anxiety states and insomnia. seven-membered ring fused to an aromatic ring. with four main
Buspirone: a 5-HT,A receptor agonis t w ith anxiolytic subslituent groups that can be modified without loss of activi ly.
activity but little sedation, although o th er side effects. Thousands of compounds have been made and tested, and aboul
~-Ad renoceptor antagonists: used m ainly to reduce 20 are available for clinical u!>e, the most important ones being
phystcal symptoms of anxiety (tremor, palpit ations, li~ted in Table 37.1. They arc basically similar in their pharma-
etc.); no effect on affective component. cological actions, although '>Orne degree of selectivity has been
Miscellaneous other agents (e.g. methaqualone, chloral reported. For example. ~orne, \uch a.'> clo oazepam. ~ho\\ ami-
hydrate) are still used occasionally to treat insomnia com ulsant activity with les~ marJ...ed <iedative effects. From a clinical
(benzodiazep ines are preferable 1n most cases). point of view. differences in pharmacokinctic behaviour among
Barbiturates: no w largely obsolete as different benzodiazepines (see below) are more important than
anxiolytic/sedative agen ts. differences in profile of activity. Drugs witb a similar slntcture
have been discovered rhal specifically antagonise the effect~ of
the bcnzodiazepines, for example flumaL:cnil (see below).
produced as a result of a reaction that went wrong in the labora-
lone' of Hoffman-la Roche. Its unexpected pharmacological
octi1it) Wil!> recognised in a routine screening procedure, and
b.:n11xliazepmcs quite soon became the most widely prescribed Ben7odiazepioes (once thought to be acting as non--.pecific
drug' in the pharmacopoeia. depressants') act selectively on GABAA receptors (Ol. 33).

Tlble 37.1 Characteristics of benzodiazepines in humans

Orug(s) Half-life of parent Active metabolite Half-life of Overall duration of Main use(s)
compound {h) metabolite (h) action

Triazolam, 2-4 Hydroxylated 2 Ultrashort(< 6 h) Hypnotic

midazolam derivative Midazolam used
as intravenous

Zolptdenf 2 No Ultrashort(- 4 h) Hypnotic

Lorazepam, 8- 12 No Short (12-18 h) Anxiolytic, hypnotic


Alprazolam 6-12 Hydroxylated 6 Medium (24 h) Anxiolytic,

derivative antidepressant

Ntrazepam 16-40 No Medium Hypnotic, anxiolytic

Otazepam, 20-40 Nordazepam 60 Long (24-48 h) Anxiolytic, muscle

chlordtazepoxide relaxant
Diazepam used
intravenously as

Flurazepam Desmethyl- 60 Long Anxiolytic


Ctonazepam 50 No Long Anticonvulsant,

(especially manta)

-Triazolam has been withdrawn from use in the UK on account of side effects.
bZolpidem is not a benzodiazepine but acts at the same site. Zopiclone is similar.

which mediate fast inhibitory synaptic transmission throughout clirninmcd in thc5e different mutants. with the interesting rc\ult that
the central nervous system (C S). Benzodiazepines enhance the mutation of the most widely expres~ed variant eli minated the <.edati'e and
amne~ia-productng action<; of ben7odiazepines. as "'ell as dimim,hmg
rc'>ponse to GABA by faci litating the opening of GABA-
the anticonvul\ant effect. whereas mutation of a , (eAprcS\ed mainl) m
activated chloride channels (Fig. 37.1 ). They bind specifically to the hmbtc sy!>lem) eliminated the anxiolytic effect but left the 'edatt\l:
a regulatory site of the receptor. distinct from the GABA-binding efle.:t unaltered. The conclu,ions from this kind of \IUd) suggest that
.,ite, and act allo terically to increase the affinity of GABA for GABA~ receptor.. containing the a \Ubunit account for 'edatJ\-e
the receptor. Single-channel recordings show an increase in the amne,ic and anticonvulsant effects of benzodiazepines. \\.berea~ thole
frequency of channel opening by a given concentration of contatning the u 2 !>ubunit account for the amtiol) tic and muscle rcla'anr
elfects. Thi' 'ugge'" the possibility of developmg no,el drugs 1101
GABA. but no change in the conductance or mean open time, more \electtve effects than e~isting benzodiazepines. "'hich are oo:-
consistent with an effect on GABA binding rather than the selective wtth respect to different a subun it~ (see Whiting. 2003). To this
channel-gating mechanism. Benzodiazcpines do not affect end. un eAperimentnl a 1-5elective benzodiazepine, L 838-117, has b<(n
receptors for other amino acids, such as glycine or glutamate discovered. which ha5 anxiolytic but not sedative actions in laboratory
(Fig. 37 . I). an tmals. a~ predicted from the transgenic animal data. Whether or notth11
will hold true in humans rt!mains to be seen.
T The GABAA receptor is a ligand-gated ion channel (~ee Ch. 3) Pcdphcral bcnzodiazepine-binding sites, not associated with
con~bting of a pelllameric a.\~embly of different subunits, the ma in one
being u. j3 and y, eoch of which occurs in three or more isoforms. The
GABA receptors, arc known to exist in many tissues, but their
pot~n ti:l l number of combinations b therefore huge, but three function and pharmacological significance are unknown.
combinatiom, predominate in the adult brain. namely (t 1 f{ 2y~. n 2j~ 1y, und
et,~ ,y 2 The various combinatiom, occur in different parts of the brain, and
linking thi~ diver~ily with physiological function and pharmacological PHARMACOLOGICAL EFFECTS AND USES
'pecificity prc.,ent~ a difficult. although familiar, problem (sec Whiting,
2003). Progre~., ha' recently been made. however, in understanding the The main effects of benlOdiazepines are:
effect\ of bcntodtiVepine., at the molc:cular le,el (see Rudolph et al.,
2001 ; Rudolph & Mohler. 2QO.t). which may point the way to no,el drug., reduction of anxiety and aggression
"ith more 'pecilic action'>. Sen\itivity to benzodiazepine;, requires the \edation and induction of sleep
pre,cncc of hoth <l and ~ \Ubunits. and mutation of a 'ingle amtno acid reduction of muscle tone and coordination
(hi,tidine 101) tn the <t \Ubunit eliminates benLodia.1epine '>en,itivit). anticonvubant effect
Thi' h:.., been u\ed in an mgemous series of e..:perimems on tran,genic
anterograde amnesia.
mice n \\htch tht\ residue has been mutated in different a '>ubunit~. 1l1c
animal\" ere then tt!Med to determine "'hich benzodiazepine effect~ "'ere
Reduction of anxiety and aggression
Bentodia?epine!> show anxiolytic effects in animal test,, a'
described above. and also exert a marked 'taming' ene,~
allowing animals to be handled more easily. 1 If given to the
dominant member of a pair of animals (e.g. mice or monkc)"
housed in the same cage, benzodiazepines reduce the numbcro
~10mV attack!> by the dominant individual and increase the number of
Con Diazepam Con 1 s attacks made on him. With the possible exception of'alprazolam
(Table 37. 1), benzodia7epines do not have antidepressant effects.
Ben7.0dia7.epines may paradoxicaJJy produce an inc rea~e m
irritability and aggression in some individuals. This appears to be

particularly pronounced with the ultrashort-acting drug triazolum
(and led to its withdrawal in the UK and some other countrie'
and i~ generally more common with short-acting compound,. ll
ic; probably a manifestation of the benzodiazepine withdr.~v.ol
syndrome. which occurs with all these drugs (see below) butt
more acute with drugs whose action wears off rapidly.
BenLodiatepines are used mainly for treating acute anxt~!J
~tates. but their use is declining in favour of antidepressants (Ch 39
Control Chlordiazepoxide
coupled with behavioural therapies in more severe cases.
Fig. 37.1 Potentiating effect of benzodiazepines and The use of benzodiazepines as anxiolytic agents is re\ iewed
chlordiazepoxide on the action of GABA. Drugs were applied
by Shader & Greenblatt (1993).
by ionophoresis to mouse spinal cord neurons grown in tissue
culture, from micropipettes placed close to the cells. The
membrane was hyperpolarised to -90 mV, and the cells were
loaded with Cl from the record ing microelectrode, so inhibitory
amino acids (GABA and glycine, Gly), as well as excitatory
ones (glutamate, Glu), caused depolarising responses. The
potentiating effect of diazepam is restricted to GABA responses, 1
This depends on the ~pecies. Cats actually become more excitable, a~ a
glutamate and glycine responses being unaffected. Con, control. colleague or one of the uuthors discovered to his cost when allempting to
scdmc u tiger in the Baltimore zoo.

Sedation and induction of sleep

BenLlXhaJepines decrease the time taken to get to sleep. and Lormetazepam
mcreasc the total duration of sleep. although the latter effect
occuf\ only in subjects who normally sleep for less than about 6
hou r~ each night. Both effects tend to decline when
bentodia;epines are taken regularly for 1-2 weeks.
On the basis of electroencephalography measurements. several
bds of \Jeep can be recognised. Of particular psychological
i[ ~f'
tmportance are rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. which is u;
a"octatcc.l \\ ith dreaming. and slow-wave sleep. which
rorre,ponds to the deepest level of \leep \\hen the metabolic rate
and adrenal steroid secretion are at their lowe~! and the secretion
of gro"'th hormone is at ilS highest (see Ch. 28). Most hypnotic Treatment (32 weeks)
drugs reduce the proportion of REM sleep, although
Fig. 3 7.2 Effects of long-term benzodiazepine
bentodiazepines affect it Jess than other hypnotics, and zolpidem treatment on sleep quality. A group of 100 poor sleepers
('~c below) least of all. Artificial interruption of REM sleep were given, under double-blind conditions, lormetazepam
cau 'c~ irritabi lity and anxiety. even if the tOtal amount of sleep is 5 mg, nitrazepam 2 mg or placebo nightly for 24 weeks, the
not reduced. and the lost REM sleep b made up for at the end of test period being preceded and followed by 4 weeks of
,u~:h an e'periment by a rebound increase. The same rebound in
placebo treatment. They were asked to assess, on a subjective
rating scale, the quality of sleep during each night, and the
RE.\1 ,leep is ~een at the end of a period of administration of results are expressed as a 5-day rolling average of these
benlOdiazeptne~ or other hypnotics. lt is therefore assumed that scores. The improvement in sleep quality was maintained
RF.\1 ,lcep has a function, and that the relatively slight reduction during the 24-week test period, and was followed by a
ofRLM '>leep by benzodiazepines is a point in their favour. ' rebound' worsening of sleep when the test period ended.
The proportion of slow-wave sleep i<; significantly reduced (From Oswald I et al. 1982 Br Med J 284: 86o-864.)

b\ bcntodiazepines, although growth hormone secretion is

Hgurc 37.2 shows the improvement of subjective ratings o f appreciable loss of coordination. Other clinical uses of muscle
,kcp quality produced by a ben1.0diazepine, and the rebound relaxants are discussed in Chapter 40.
decrea'e at the end of a 32-week period of drug treatment. It is
notable that, although tolerance to objective effects such as Anticonvulsant eHects
reduced ~lcep latency occurs within a few days. this is not obvi- All the benzodiazepines have anticonvul!>ant activity in exper-
ou' in the subjective ratings. imental animal tests. They are highly effective against chemically
Although long-term use of benzodiazepines as sleeping pills induced convulsions caused by pentylenetetrazol. bicuculline
1, undesirable, owing to tolerance, dependence and "hangover' and similar drugs (see Chs 40 and 42) but less so against
etlccts, occasional use (e.g. by shift worker~. plane travellers, etc.) electrically induced convulsions. Bcntodiazepines do not affect
IS cffeCti\C. strychnine-induced convulsions in experimental animals. This
is because strychnine causes convulsions by blocking inhibitory
Reduction of muscle tone and coordination glycine receptors (see Ch. 42). whereas bicuculline and several
Ben1odi:ucpines reduce muscle tone by a central action that is other chemical convulsant agents act on GABAA receptors
md~penc.lent of their sedative effect. Cats are particularly sensi- (Ch. 30). Benzodiazepincs enhance the action of GABA but
UIC to thi\ action, and some benwdiatepines (e.g. clonazepam, not glycine, so the sclectiYity of their anticonvulsant action is
Ounilra7epam) reduce decerebrate rigidity in doses that are explicable. Clonazepam (see above), because of its selectiYe
n u~h \lnallcr than those needed to produce behavioural effeclS. anticonvulsant action, is used to treat epilepsy (Ch. 40). a) b
In other \pecies, the difference is les!> clear. Coordination can be diazepam. which is given intravenously to control life-
te-ted by measuring the length of time for which mice can stay threatening seizures in status cpilepticul>.
on a slowly rotating horizontal plastic rod. or the time taken for
them to escape from confinement by climbing up the inside of Anterograde amnesia
utuhular chimney. Performance in these acrobatic tricks is impaired Benzodiazcpines obliterate memory of events experienced while
b~ ben7odiazepines and other sedatives, but it is not clear that under their influence, an effect not seen with other CNS depress-
~icular drugs show selectivity in this respect in species other ants. Minor surgical procedures can thus be performed without
than the cat. Studies in humans have failed to show differences leaving unpleasant memories.
bet11een benzodiazepines.
lnaeascd muscle tone is a common feature of anxiety states
mhuman~ and may conrribute to the aches and pains, including IS THERE AN ENDOGENOUS BENZODIAZEPINE-
headache, which often trouble anxious patients. The relaxant LIKE MEDIATOR?
effect of benzodiazepines may therefore be clinically useful. A T Whether there are endogenou~ ligands for the bentodiatepine
reduction of muscle tone appears to be possible without receptors. whose function i!. to regu late the action of GABA. is Mill

uncertain. The main candidate is a 10-kDa peptide, dia7epam-binding

inhibitor. isolated from rJt brain. This peptide binds st:rongly to the Benzodiazepine GABA
benlodiaepine-btnding site of the GABA~ receptor. and has the opposite (agonist)
effect to ben1odiucpines. i.e. it inhibits chloride channel opening by
GABA. and ~hen injected into the brain has an anxiogenic and
proconvul\ant ellect. Other pos,ible endogenous modulatOI'> of GA8A~
receptor\ include \tcroid metabolites (see Ch. 33). There is also evidence
that benzodta~cpmes themselves may occur natural!} in the brain. At
pre,cnt. there i\ no general agreement on the identit} and function of
cndogenou' ligands.


T The term imerse agoni.lt (Ch. 2) is applied to drugs that bind
to benJ.odia1.epine receptors and exert the opposite effect to that of
conventional bcntodia1.epincs. producing signs of increased anxiety and
convulo,ion'>. Dia~epam-binding inhibitor is an example, and some
I~ Confo rmational
~ 1 eq uilibrium
hen1.odin~epi ne analogue\ act similarly. li is possible (see Fig. 37.3) to
explain these complexities in terms of t.he two-state model discus~cd
in Chapter 2. by pm.tulating that the benzodiazcpine receptor exists in
rwo di!>tinct conformations. only one of which (A) can bind a GABA
molecule and open the chloride channel. The other conformation (8)
cannot bind GABA. Normally. with no benzodiaz.epine receptor ligand
prc~cnt, there i'> an equilibrium between these mo conformationo,:
l t ~-Carbolines (inverse agonist)
..en~iti\ tty to GABA i\ pre~cnt but submaximal. Benzodiatepine agoni\1'>
(e.g. dialCpam) are po~tulated to bind preferentially to conformation A.
thu'> ~hthing the equilibrium in favour of A and enhancing GABA
..en,itl\ ity. Jn,erse agoni~ts bind selectively to 8 and have lhe oppo'>itc:
effect Competiti,e antagonist~ such as llum azenil (~ee below) bind
equall) to A and B. and consequently do not disturb the conformational
Fig. 37.3 Model of benzodiazepine/GABA recepto r
cqutlibrium but antagonise the effect of both agonisL~ and in' erse
Inte ractio n. Benzodiazepine agonists (e.g. diazepam) and
agoni\t\ Some of the molecular variants of t.he GABA, receptor
antagonists (e.g. flumazenil) are believed to bind to a site on
(\Cc above) seem to \hO\\ different relative affinities for agoni\1\.
the GABA receptor distinct from the GABA-binding site. A
antagont\1'> and inverse agonists. and it is possible that !his renee!\
conformational equilibrium exists between states in which the
difference~ tn the equilibrium between the A and 8 states as a function
benzodiazepine receptor exists in its agonist-binding
of the \ubunit composition of the receptor.
conformation (above), and in its antagonist-binding
conformation (below). In the latter state, the GABA receptor
Bcnwdia;.cpines are well absorbed when given orally. usually
giving a peak plasma concentration in about I hour. Some (e.g.
l has a much reduced affinity for GABA; consequently, the
chloride channel remains closed.

o xazepam, lorazepam) are absorbed more slowly. T hey bind

strongly to plasma protein, and their high lipid solubi li ty causes
many of them to accumulate gradually in body fat. They arc bcnLodiuepine~. which may be used regularly as hypnotics or
agent~ for many years. tend> to increase wilh age, and it is common I
normally given by mouth but can be given intravenously (e.g.
drow~ine~> and confusion to develop insidiously for thts rea\on. 2
diazep a m in status cpilepticus, midazolam in anaesthesia).
Intramuscular injection often results in slow absorption.
Bentodia7epine~ are all metabolised and eventually excreted UNWANTED EFFECTS
as glucuronide conjugates in the urine. They vary greatly in
These may be divided into:
duration of action and can be roughly divided into shon-, medium-
and long-acting compounds (Table 37.1). Several arc convened tox.ic effects resulting from acute overdosage
to active metabolites !>uch as N-desmethyldiazepam (nordazepam), unwanted effects occurring during normal therapeutic uc;e
which has a half-life of about 60 hours. and which accounts for tolerance and dependence.
the tendency of many ben7odiazepines to produce cumulative
effect'> and long hangovers when they are given repeatedly.
The shon-acting compounds are those that are metabolised
directly by conjugation with glucuronide. The main pathways arc
shown in Figure 37.4. Figure 37.5 shows the gradual build-up
1 At the age of 91. the grandmother of one of t.he authors was grO\\ ing
and slow disappearance of nordazepam from the plasma of a
increa~ingly forgetful and mildly dotty, having been taking nitratepam lor
human subject given diat epam daily for IS days. in~omnia regularly for years. To the author's lasting shame, it took a cnnn
T Advancing age affects the rate of oxidative react ions more general practitioner to diagnose the problem. Cancellation of the
540 than that of conjugation reactions. Thus the effect of the long-acting prc:,cription produced u dramatic improvement.

MEDAZE~ ~--------+



~m;&ii Mil-1-----------------------------------+ Glucuronide

F"eg. 37.4 The metabolism of TAfAZOLAir

benzodiazepines. The N-demethylated
metabolite nordazepam is formed from
a number of benzodlazepines, and is
Important because it Is biologically
active and has a very long half-life.
Compounds with pharmacological
activity are shown. Drugs available for
clinical use are shown in shaded boxes. Triazolam withdrawn in UK

Fig. 37.5 Pharmacokinetics
of diazepam in humans.
A Conce<ltrallons of diazepam
and nordazepam following a single E
oral or intravenous dose. Note the ~ 0.1
... --:------. i
very slow disappearance of both
substances after the first

c +'
20 hours. B Accumulation of "'c:
<.> 0.1
noroazepam during 2 weeks' daily
adm1nstrat1on of diazepam, and
..." Oral
slow decline (half-life about ~
3 days) after cessation of Intravenous "'
'E Diazepam 35 11mol/day
diazepam administration. (Data 0.001 z 0.01
from Kaplan SA et al. 1973 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 48 0 4 8 12 16 20 24
J Pharmacal Sci 62: 1789.) Time (hours) Time (days)

Acute toxicity Side eHects during therapeutic use

Ben1odiazepines in acute overdose are considerably less The main side effects of benzodiazepines are drowsiness,
dangerous than other anxiolyti c/hypnotic drugs. Because such confusion, amnesia and impaired coordination, which consider-
agenh are often used in attempted suicide, this is an important ably affects manual skills such as driving performance.
3(hantage. In overdo~e. bcnzodiazepines cause prolonged sleep. B enzodia7epines enhance the depressant effect of other drugs,
111thout -.erious depression or respiration or cardiovascular including alcohol, in a more than additive way. The long and
fun.:tion. However, in the presence of other CNS depressants. unpredictable duration of action of many benzodiazepines is
panJcularly alcohol, benl0dia7epines can cause severe. even life- important in relation to side effectl>. Long-acting drugs such as
lhrealening. respiratory depression. The availability of an nitra7epam are no longer used as hypnotics, and even shorter-
effecti1e antagonist, flumazcnil, means that the effects of an acting compounds such as lorazepam can produce a substantial
acute Ol'erdose can be counteracted.3 which is not possible for day-after impairment of job performance and driving skill.
mo\t CKS deprcs antl>.
Tolerance and dependence
Tolerance (i.e. a gradual escalation of dose needed to produce
the required effect) occurs with all benzodiazepines, as does
dependence, which is their main drawback. They share these
properties with other hypnotics and sedatives. Tolerance is less
In practice. patients nrc usually left to sleep it oiJ. because there is a risk of
1eizure' ~~<ith llumat.enil; however. tlumazenil may be useful diagnostically marked than it is with barbiturates, which produce pharmacokinetic
10 rule out coma of other cau~es. tolerance because o f induc tion of hepatic drug-metabolising

en;yme~ (Ch. 8}-this does not occur with benzodia.zepincs. Such

tolcmncc ru. docs occur appears to represent a change at the Benzodlazepines
receptor level. but the mechanism is not well understood.
The ~Jeep-induc ing effect shows relatively little tolerance Act by binding to a specific regulatory site on
(Fig. 37.2).ln a Mudy with intravenous diazepam given to nonnal the GABAA receptor, thus enhancing the inhibitory
subjects. it~ euphoric effect was not pre ent in those taking oral effect of GABA. Subtypes of the GABAA receptor
diatepam daily. It i<. not clear v.. hether rolerance to the anxiolytic ex1st 1n dtfferent regions of the brain and dtffer 1n their
effect ic, <,ignificant. functional effects.
BentodiaLepines produce dependence. and this is a major Anxiolytic benzodiazepines are agonists at this
problem. In human subjects and patients, sropping benzodia7epine regulatory site. Other benzodiazepines (e.g.
treatment after weeks or months causes an increase in symptoms flumazenil) are antagonists and prevent the actions of
of anxiety. together with tremor and dizziness. Although the anxiolytic benzodiazepines. A further class of
animals ~how only a weak tendency to self-administration of inverse agonists is recognised, which reduce the
bcnt.od i;.wepincl>, withdrawal after chronic administration effectiveness of GABA and are anxiogenic; they are
causes physical symptoms similar to those that follow opiate not used clinically.
withdrawal (sec Ch. 43), namely nervousness, ucmor, loss of Anxiolytic effects are mediated by GABAA receptors
appetite and sometimes convulsions.4 The withdrawal syndrome, containing the u 2 subunit, while sedation occurs
in both animals and humans. is slower in onset than with through those with the u 1 subunit.
barbiturate!>, probably because of the long plasma half-life Endogenous ligands for the benzodiazepine-binding
of mo'>t benlOdiaLcpinc!>. Short-acting benzodiazepines cause site are believed to exist. They include peptide and
more abrupt withdrawal effects. With triazolam, a very short- steroid molecules, but their physiological function is
acting drug and no longer in use, the withdrawal effect not yet understood.
occurred within a few hours, even after a single dose, producing Benzodiazepines cause:
early-morning insomnia and daytime anxiety when the drug reduction of anxiety and aggression
wa<, u<,cd a.<, a hypnotic. sedation, leading to improvement of insomnia
The phy,ical and psychological withdrawal symptoms make muscle relaxation and loss of motor coordination
it difficult for patiems to give up taking benzodiazepines. but suppression of convulsions (antiepileptic effect)
addiction (i.e. severe psychological dependence thai outlasts anterograde amnesia.
the phy.,ical withdrawal syndrome). which occurs with many Differences in the pharmacological profile of different
drugs of abuse (Ch. 43). is not a major problem. benzodiazepines are minor; clonazepam appears to
have more anticonvulsant action in relation to its
other effects.
Benzodiazepines are active orally and differ mainly tn
respect of their duration of action. Short-acting
Competiti ve antagonists of benzodiazepines were first dis- agents (e.g. lorazepam and temazepam, half-lives
covered in 198 1. The best-known compound is t1umazenil. This 8-12 hours) are metabolised to inactive compounds
compound was originally reported to lack effects on behaviour and are used mainly as sleeping pills. Some long-
or on drug-induced convulsions when given on its own. although acting agents (e.g. diazepam and chlordiazepoxide)
it was later found to posse~s some 'anx.iogenic' and pro- are converted to a long-lasting active metabolite
convu lsant activity. Flumazenil can be used to reverse the (nordazepam).
effect of ben1.0diazepine overdosage (normaiJy used only if Some are used intravenously, for example diazepam
re~piration is ~everely depressed), or to reverse the effect of in status epilepticus, midazolam in anaesthesia.
bcntodiatepine!) <,uch as m idazolam used for minor surgical Zolpidem is a short-acting drug that is not a
procedure'>. Flumatenil acts quickly and effectively when given benzodiazepine but acts similarly and is used as a
by injection. but its action lasts for only about 2 hour-.. so hypnotic.
drov\ sines\ tends to return. It is often used in treating comatose Benzodiazep1nes are relatively safe in overdose. The1r
patients suspected of having overdosed w1th benzodiatepine~ main disadvantages are interaction with alcohol, long
even before the diagnosis is confirmed on the basis of a blood lasting 'hangover' effects, withdrawal symptoms and
sample. Convulsions may rarely occur in patients treated with the development of dependence.

numaLenil, and thi!> is more common in patients

tricyclic antidepressants (Ch. 39). Reports that
"Withdrawal ~ymp1oms can be more severe. A relative of one of the author~.
improves the mental state of patients with severe liver
udvi~ed to Mop laking beniOdiatepine:, after 20 years, su ffered h311ucinalion~ (hepatic encephalopathy) and alcohol intox.ication have not
__ 542
.......,.- - - - and one day lore down all the cu rtains, conv inced !hat they were on fire. confirmed in conuoiJed uials.

Barbilllrate\ share with benzodiazepines the ability to enhance

BUSPIRONE the action of GABA, but they bind to a different site on the
GABA, receptor/chloride channel. and their action is less specific.
Bll!lpirone I'> a partial agoni~t at 5-HT 1" receptors (Ch. 12)
As well as being dangerous in overdose, barbiturates induce
311d i~ U\Cd to treat variou~ anxiety disorders. It also binds to
a high degree of tolerance and dependence. They also strongly
dopamine receptor-,, but 11 b likely that its 5-HT-related actions
induce the o,ynthel.is of hepatic cytochrome P450 and conjugating
are important in relation to anxiet) suppression. because
enzymes. and thu\ increa\e the rate of metabolic degradation
related compound\ (e.g. ipsapirone and gepirone. neither of
of many other drugs. giving rise to a number of potentially
11h1ch are approved for clinical u~e. which are highly specific
troublesome drug interactions (Ch. 52). Because of enzyme
for 5HT 1\ receptor'; \CC Traber & Glaser. 1987) show similar
induction. barbiturates are also dangerous to patients suffering
an"ol}tic acti\ ity in e.xpcrimental animals. 5-HT 1A receptors are
from the metabolic disea\e porphyria.
inhib1tory autorcceptor' that reduce the release of 5-HT and
other mediator~. They also inhibit the activity of noradrenergic
IOCU\ cocnrleus neurons (Ch. 34) and thus interfere with arousal OTHER POTENTIAL ANXIOLYTIC DRUGS
r~actmns. llowcvcr, bu~>pirone takes days or weeks to produce
1ts effect in humans, suggesting a more complex indirect Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (see Cb. 39) such a~
mcchani~m of action. Buspironc is ineffective in contJolling fluoxetine, paroxetinc and ser traline are used to treat certain
panic attack\ or severe anxiety Mates. anxiety disorders, including obsessive compulsive disorder and
Bu,pirone has side eiTccts quite different from those of panic. Their action in this context appears to be independent of
henzodia7epines. It doe~ not cause sedation or motor incoor- their antidepre%ant eflects.
dinatum. nor have withdrawal effects been reponed. Its main T Bc\1de' the GABAA and 5-HT 1,.. receptor mechanisms discU\\ed
'1dc cffech are nau~ea, diuincss. headache and restlessness. above. many o1her lran\millel'\ and rcccpton. have been implicated in
11h1ch generally '>cem to be less troublesome than the side effects anxicly and panic di\ordcr.. (~ee Sandford et at.. 2000). particularly
ofhc:n70dla7epinc\. noradrenaline. and neuropeptide~ 'uch a\ cholecystokinin (CCK) and
..ubsrance P. Am.iol)tic drug'> aimed at these targets are in developmem.
but none are \O tar a\a1lablc for clinical use. Variou~ drug~ thai enhance
the effects of GABA. de, eloped primaril) ;c, antiepileptic drug' (see Ch.
BARBITURATES 40). ma) 1\o be cllectl\c m treating amtiet) di~order.. (see Nemcroll.
2003). They include ga ba~ntin. 'igabatrin. tiagabine and valproate.
The ,Jeep-mducing propertie' of barbiturates were discovered
earl~ in the 20th centuf). and hundreds of compounds \\ere 5-HT, receptor antagom\IS wch as ondansetron (Ch. 12) shoow
anxiol) uc activil} in am mal model' but have not proved efficaciou\ in
mJde and te~tcd. Until the 1960s, they formed the largest group
controlled hum:m trial\. A' mentioned earlier. 5-HT uptake inhibi1or...
o h)pnollc'> and 1.edatives in clinical use. Barbiturates all have such a' nuoxelinc. and m1xed 5-HT/noradrenaline up1ake inhibitor...
d~pre,.,ant activity on the CNS, producing effects similar to which are U\Cd as antidepressant drugs (Ch. 39). also show efficacy in
tho'e of inhalation anae~thetics. They cause death from respir- anxicly di~order,.
atOI) and cardiovascu lar depression if given in large doses,
11h1ch bone of the main reasons that they are now lirtle used
a'> anxiolytic and hypnotic agents. Pentobarbital and similar
t)pical barbiturates with durations of action of 6-12 hours are
,till \cry occasionally used as ~> leeping pills and anxiolytic
drug,, but they are less safe than benzodiazcpines. Pentobarbital
"olkn u'>ed a' an anaesthetic for laboratory animals. Barbiturates
Barbiturates that remain in clinical use include pheno-
barbital. '>till occa,ionally used to treat epilepsy (see Ch. 40), Non-selective central nervous system
and thiopental. which is widely used as an intravenous depressants that produce effects ranging from
anac~thetic agent (see Ch. 36). sedat1on and reduction of anxiety to unconsciousness
and death from respiratory and cardiovascular
failure-therefore dangerous in overdose.
Act partly by enhancing action of GABA, but less
specific than benzodiazepines.
1-HTta agonlsts as anxlolytic drugs Mainly used in anaesthesia and treatment of epilepsy;
use as sedative/hypnotic agents is no longer
Busp1rone is a potent (although non-selective) recommended.
agonist at 5-HT lA receptors. Potent inducers of hepatic drug-metabolising
Anx1olytic effects take days or weeks to develop. enzymes, especially cytochrome P450 system, so
Side effects appear less troublesome than with liable to cause drug interactions. Also precipitate
e benzodiazepines; they include dizziness, nausea, attacks of acute porphyria in susceptible individuals.
headache, but not sedation or loss of coordination. Tolerance and dependence occur.

Antagonists of lhc ncuropcptidc CCK (see Cb. 16) have been tested emotion. ha\ been considered as a possible meilimor of panic ana.-l-,
a~ anxiolytie drug~. CCK, which is expressed in many areas of the but non-peptide CCK antagonists have proved ineffective in chmcal
bratn stem and midbrain that are involved in arousal, mood and trials.

Clinical use of drugs as anxiolytics

Many anxiolytic drugs (e.g. benzodiazepines) are Buspirone (5-HT1A agonist; p. 544) has a
also hypnotic. These should be used only for short- different pattern of adverse effects from
term (< 4 weeks) relief of severe and disabling benzodiazepines and much lower abuse potential. Its
anxiety. effect is slow in onset (> 2 weeks).

Clinical use of hypnotics ('sleeping tablets')

The cause of insomnia should be established before can be useful for a few nights when transient
administering hypnotic drugs. Common causes factors such as admission to hospital, jet lag or an
include alcohol or other drug misuse (see Ch. 43) and impending procedure cause insomnia
physical or psychiatric disorder (especially depression). Hypnotic drugs include:
Tricyclic antidepressants (Ch. 39) cause drowsiness, - benzodiazepines (e.g. temazepam, nitrazepam) and
so can kill two birds with one stone if taken at night by related drugs (e.g. zolpidem, zopiclone, which also
depressed patients with sleep disturbance. work on the benzodiazepine receptor)
Optimal treatment of chronic insomnia is often by -chloral and triclofos, which were used formerly in
changing behaviour (e.g. increasing exercise, staying children, but this is seldom justified
awake during the day) rather than with drugs. -sedating antihistamines (e.g. promethazine), which
Most hypnotics act on specific modulatory sites on cause drowsiness (see Ch. 14, and clinical box on
GABAA receptors (Ch. 33, Fig. 33.4) and cause p. 236) and are on general sale for occasional
dependence; they should be used only for short insomnia. They can impair performance the day after
periods (< 4 weeks) and for severe insomnia. They they are used.


t\rgyropoulo' S V, Sandford J J, Null D J 2000 The Trends P harmacol Sci 22: 188 194 (De.vai/Je,, retell/ neurobiology. Phannacol Ther 88: 197-212 (E.rpi<JtOJ
I)>}Chobiology of unxmlylic drugs. Part 2: II'Ork with tr(uogenic mice expres.ing 11111/Uted GABA. bmit1 mechanisms thought 10 underlie actions of
pbnnnacologicalm:mments of anxiety. Phannacol receptors, suggesting that atlxioll'lic and ll'llat/\'1' anxiolytic drugs)
Thcr H8: 211 227 CGr11rmll'l'virw article 011 r/inicallx (U'tiunr of ben;;odinupine\ may be Ufklrtthle) Shader R I. Greenblau D J 1993 Use of ben7odia7ep
u.~td tm.. iolttic drug!) Rudolph U. Mohler II 2004 Analy~is of GABAA receptor in anxiety disorders. New Engl J Med 328: 1398-1
Nemeroll C B 2003 The role of GABA m the function and di;section of the pham1acolo~,ty of Traber J. GlaserT 1987 5-HT,. receptor-related
pathoph)'iology and treatment of anxiety di\Ordcl'\. bentodiat.epine' and general anae,thcuc' through anxiol}tics. Trends Pharmacal Sci 8: 432-437
P')Chophamtacol Bull J7: 133 146 (R~iew artide mouse genetic,. Annu Rev Phannacol Toxicol 44. Whiting P 2003 GABA A receptor >ub!ypes on the l'a::
tli\CII\\inlltlrl' fkllentwl nfariou.~ GABA~nhant:ing 475-498 (Dewiletl ,..,,.,..,. of l'~temire tlatu rt'latinll. 111 a paradigm for CNS drug discO\ ery Drug Do"""'
drUf/.1 11.\ Ull.UUI\tio) GABA . rt'Ceptor mutatiotu 111 trt1111.qenic- miu) Toda) 8: 445-450 ( Uuful summaryof the exttnslrt
Rudolph U. Cre,tano F. \1ohler H 2001 GABAA receptor Sandford J J. Argyropoolo, S V. l':uu 0 J 2000 The data rrlating to GABA rrceptor subtyper m rrlatioll
'ubtH''" d"...:<tmg the: or pharmacologocal functions. fh}Choboology ofanxoOI)IIC drug,. Pan I. ba.-oc w bet~::odia::epine and anaesthetic t>lrannu<bi(t(>)

Antipsychotic drugs


The nature of schizophre nia 545 Schizophrenia (see Lewis & Licbennan, 2000) affects about 1%
-Aetiology and pathogenesis of schizophrenia 546 of the population. Tt is one of the most important forms of
Antipsychotic drugs 548 psychiatric illness, because it affects young people. is often chronic
-Classification of antipsychotic drugs 548 and is usually highly disabling. There is a strong hereditary factor
-General properties of antipsychotic drugs 551 in its aetiology. and evidence '>uggestive of a fundamental
-Mechanism of action 551 biological disorder (see below). The main clinical feature!> of the
-Pharmacological effects of antipsychotic drugs 552 disease are as follow.
-Phormocokinetic aspects 554 Positive symptoms:
-Cim1col use and clinical efficacy 554 --delusions (often paranoid in nature)
- hallucinations, usually in the form of voices which are
often exhortatory in their message
- thought disorder, comprising wild trains of thought,
garbled sentences and irrational conclusions, sometimes
associated with the feeling that thoughts are inserted or
withdrawn by an outside agency
OVERVIEW - abnormal behaviour-., \uch a-. \tereotyped movement~ and
occasionally aggres!>ive behaviour!>.
In this chapter, we focus on schizophrenia and the
Negative symptoms:
drugs used to treat it. We start by describing the
- withdrawal from social contacts
illness and what is known of its pathogenesis,
- flattening of emotional responses.
including the various neurochemical hypotheses
and their relation to the actions of the main types In addition, deficits in cognitive function (e.g. attention, memory)
of antipsychotic drugs that are in use or in arc often present, 2 together with anxiety and depression. leading
development. to suicide in about I0% of Cal>e\. The clinical phenotype varies
Psychotic illnesses include various disorders, but greatly. particularly with respect to the balance between negative
the term antipsychotic drugs-previously known as and positive sympto~m. and this may have a bearing on the
neuroleptic drugs, antischizophrenic drugs or major
tranquillisers-conventionally refers to those used
to treat schizophrenia, one of the most common
and debilitating forms of mental illness.
" Pharmacologically, they are characterised as
dopamine receptor antagonists, although many
of them also act on other targets, particularly
Hydroxytryptamine (S-HT) receptors, which may 1
1n this respect. the study of 'chi1ophrcnia lags some years behind that of
contribute to their clinical efficacy. Existing drugs Alzheimer's disease (Ch. 35). \\here under~tandiog of the pathogene;b ha~
progressed rapidly to the p01nt ~here promi,ing new drug targets can be
have many drawbacks in terms of their efficacy
identified. On the other hand. pragmati~l\ can argue that drug> again>!
and side effects. Gradual improvements are being Al7heimer's disease are \O far ont) margmally effective. w herea; current
achieved as new drugs are developed, but radical anups)chotic drugs deliver great henelil\, even though we do not quite
new approaches will probably have to wait until know how they work.
we have a better understanding of the biological 2Kraepelin. who tim described the condition, used the tcml deme11tw
nature of the disease, which is still poorly praecox (premature dementia) 10 de>cribe the cognitive impairment
understood. 1 ns~ociated with schi.wphre nia.

efficacy of antipsychotic dmgs in individual cases. Schizophrenia the cnl)'me re~ponsible for making o-serioe, an aiJo.,teric modulator
~MDA receptors (see Cb. 33). and G72. an activator of DAAO. -\
can present dramatically, usually in young people, with predomi-
the other genes involved some are thought to affect monoamine tmn
namly positive feature!> such as hallucination!., delusions and
'ion. Ap.lll from focusing auention on glutamate (see Moghaddam. ~
uncontrollable beha,iour, or more insidiously in older patient!. and confirming the likely involvement of amine~ 'uch as dopa
with negative feature!. such as flat mood and social withdrawal. genetic '>tudies have not so far pointed to an} specific neunlChe
The latter may be more debilitated than those with a florid abnonnaht} underlying the '>Chizophrenic phenot}pe.
presentation. and the prognosis is generally worse.
Some environmental influences early in development ha'e be.:
'f' A char.l<:tcmtic feature of ~chizophrenia is a defect in ,electi\e identified a\ po!.sible predisposing factors, particularly materr.
attention Wherea~ a nonnal indi\idual quickly accommodates tO ~timuli virus infection~. This and other evidence suggem tb
of n t;Jmtlmr or incon\Cquential nature. and respond; only to '>timuli that
::.chitophrenia is associated with a neurodevelopmental di,orda
are une~p.:ct.:d or Mgnlficant. the ability of schizophrenic patient'> w
di~criminate between significant and insignificant stimuli 'eem' tO be
affecting mainly the cerebral cortex and occurring in the fiN ft
impaired. Thu-.. the ticking of a clock may command as much anent ion months of prenatal development (see Harrison. 1997). This vie~
a.. the wonh of a companion; a chance thought. which a normal per~on is supported by brain-imaging studies showing cortical atroph)
wou ld di\mi~' a~ incon;equential, may become an inesistible imperative. with en largement of the cerebral ventricles. These structuro
'Latent inhibition' is a fonn of behavioural te.ting in animals, which can
changes arc present in schizophrenic patients presenting for th'
be u~cd u, a model for this type of ~ensory habituation. If a nll i1. expo'cd
to a 'conditioned \t imu iLL'- (such as a bell). followed by an 'unconditioned' first time, and are probably no t progressive, suggesting that the~
stimulu~ (e.g. u foot hock) that it can avoid (e.g. by pressing a bar). it will represent an early irreversible aberratio n in brain deve loprncn
quicl..l) learn to press the bar a~ ~oon a-. it hears the bell-the conditioned rather than a gradual ncurodegeneration. Studies of po~t-mone
re\p<I11\C. But if it has previously heard the bell several times without any schit.ophrenic brains show evidence of misplaced cortic
en,uing foot ~hock. it wil l learn the conditioned respon;e le% quickly.
neurons with abnormal morphology. Tt appears to be through
having learned to dt,regard the bell. Latent inhibition is a mem;urc of the
inhtbitor} effect of pre-exposure to the conditioned \limu)u., on acqui.,i- combination of such genetic and developmental factor' \\ :
tion of the conditioned respon..e. It is often impaired in schitophrenic social and environmental factors that schizophrenia becollk
wbJCCh and in animal\ treated "ith amphetaoune or p~ychotomimctic manife~t in particular individuals. One of the environmen
drug, \uch a' 1)\Crgtc acid diethylamide <LSD). and is re.. torcd by man} factors now thought to play a significant role is consumption of
anttp,ychotic drugs.
cannabii> (sec Ch. 42).
Schizophrenia can follow a relapsing and remitting course, or be
chronic and progre!>~ive. particularly in cases with a later onset.
Chronic ~chitophrenia used to account for most of the patient!> in NEUROCHEMICAL THEORIES
long-stay p<,ychiatric hospitals: following the closure of many of Current ideas about the neurochemical mechanisms in schiLOo
thcl>e in the UK, it now accounts for many of society's outca\ts. phrenia came mainly from analysing the effects of antip!.ychd~~;
and prop!>ychotic drugs-from pharmacology rmher than from
AETIOLOGY AND PATHOGENESIS OF neurochemistry. Instead of neurochemical theory providing the ba''
SCHIZOPHRENIA for rational drug treatment, the opposite occurred: dmgs found b1
chance to be effective have provided the main clues about t~
GENETIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS nature of the disorder. Indeed, an intensive search tor ncurochcmil".J
The cause of schizophrenia remains unclear but involves a abnormalities in schizophrenia proved fmstrating for many yea!\
combination of genetic and environmental factors (see Lewis & no biochemical markers being found either in post-mortem bmin
Lieberman, 2000). The disease shows a strong, but incomplete, material or in o th er &amples from ljving patients. More reccntl1
hereditary tendency. ln first-degree relatives, the risk is about (sec below), imaging studies have succeeded in detcctin~
10K, but even in monozygotic twins, one of whom has neurochemical abnormalities.
schit.ophrenia, the probability of tbe other being affected i\ only The main neurochemical theories centre on dopamine o~ll(j
about 50%. pointing towards the likely importance of environ- glutamate. although other mediators, particularly 5-HT, are al<
mental factor\. Genetic linkage studies have identified a number receiving attention (!>ee Mortimer. 2004).
of \U~ceptibility genes (see Harrison & Owen. 2003), but it is
clear that no single gene is responsible. There arc significant Dopamine theory
as~ociations between polymorphisms in indi,'idual gene~ and the The dopamine theory was proposed by Carlson-awarded 1
likelihood of an individual developing schizophrenia, but many obcl PrUe in 2()()().-{>n the basis of indirect pharmacologJ,
are quite \\eak, and there appears to be no single gene that has an C\ idcnce in humans and experimental animals. Amphetamine
overriding influence. relca\cs dopamine in the brain and can produce in human'
'f' The tirM. and mo" robust. association found wa\ with the gene for behavioural ~yndrome indistinguishable from an acute schill}
111'11/'ef.llllml. a gene involved with ~yn:~ptic development and pl;l',ticity. phrenic episode-very familiar to doctors who treat drug u\el"l
"1th effect'> on NMDA receptor expression. Transgenic mice that In animals. dopamine release causes a specific pattern o
undcrexprcs~ neuregulin-1 show a phenotype resembling human stereotyped behaviour that resembles the repetitive behaviours
'chitophrcnia in certain respect>. This discovery wa:. followed by the
sometimes seen in schizophrenic patients. Potent 0 2-reccpto
identification of about eight other susceptibility genes, several of which
were invo lved in one way or another with glutamate-mediated agonists (e.g. a p omorphine and bromocr iptine; Ch. 341
.,...,.t"'f_..,._~,\"'---- tran-.mis.. ion. 1ltcy include the gene for d-amino acid oxida~e (DAAOJ, produce similar effects in animals, and these drugs, like

r of ampht!laminc. exacerbate the ~ymptoms of schizophrenic during 'JXmtaneou., remt"ion~--<:lcar evidence linking dopamine release
patient\. Funhcnnore, dopamine antagonist~ and drugs Lhat to the ;.ympwmatology.
block neuronal dopamine storage (e.g. reserpine) are effective An increase in dopamine receptor density in schizophrenia has been
m controlling the po~i tive symptoms of schizophrenia. and in reported in .,orne \tUdJe,. but not consi'lently, and the interpretation i;.
(Xl:\enting amphetamine-induced behavioural changes. There is complicated by the fact that antipsychotic drug treaLment i~ known to
increase dopamine receptor expres,on.
a '1100g correlation bct\vccn clinical antipsychotic potency and
:en actl\it} 111 blod..ing 0~-recepto~ (Fig. 38.1). and receptor- The D.-rcce!J(or ha.., alw attrxted attention on account of the high degree
unaging \ludic'> have shown that clinical efficacy of of geneuc polymorphi'm that it show' in buman subjects, and because
nal some of the newer anup;.)'chotic drugs {e.g. clozapine; see bclo\\) mm
hat anup,)chotic drugs il> consistently achieved when Drreceptor
out to have a high uflinit) for this ret.-eptor 'ubtype. Genetic studies have,
der occupanc) reaches about 80%.-' however. failed to ~how any relationship bc!Ween schit.ophrenia and D.-
CW receptor polymorphi.,m. Moreover. a specific 0 4 -roceptor amagonist proved
T There 1\ M C(m\i\tent biochemical evidence for excessive dopamine
ew ineffective in clinical triab.
'}mhc\1\ or rclca\C in \chitophrenia. Furthermore. the production of
by. prolactin, which might be expected to be abnormally low if dopaminergic Another variant of the dopamine hypothesis {see Abi-Dargham &
tral trJJNllh~ion wa' f:tcilicatcd. b normal in schizophrenic patients. One Larucllc. 2005) ~ugge~t~ thm ~chizophreoia reflects an imbalance
Mli~ulty in interpret ing such Mudies is that nearly all schizophrenic patients betwee n exees~ivc activation of Drreceptors in subcortical regions
arc treated with drugs that nre known to affect dopamine metabolism, (causing po~itive symptoms) and deficient activation of cortical 0 1-
wherca\ the nOIHChit:ophrcnic control group are not Even where it has reccptor~ (causing negati ve symptoms). 11 is fair to say that, although
ent ~n pos.,ible to allow for this facto1, however. most findings have proved dopamine i~ undoubtedly involved, the detail~ remain far from clear.
em ncgallle. The hc;.t evidence for mcrea~ed dopamine release in schizophrenic
cal pauenl\ come;. from imaging ;.tudie.-. (Luruelle et al .. 1999). A radioligand
imagmg tcchmquc was used to meru.ure binding of a specific antagonist Glutamate theory
1 a
1rnclopride) to 0 1-reccptor;. in the ;.triatum. Injection of amphetamine Another transmitter implicated in Lhe pathophysiology of
ilh .au...:d dopamine relea~e and lbu dhplaccment of mclopride. measured as schizophrenia is-you will not be surprised to !cam-glutamate
lCS a red~uon uf the \l)_mal inten\11). Thi;. reduction wa' greater by a factor of
(sec GoIT & Coyle. 200 I; Moghaddam. 2003). NMDA receptor
tal 2 (l( more in ~hitophrenic ;.ubjecl.\ compared with in control subjects.
mpl)mg a greater amphetanune-induced relea;.e of dopamine. The effect an tagonist~ ~uch as phencyclidine, ketarn ine and dizocilpine
,.-a., great~'! m '-Chitophrenic indi,idual' during acute auacks, and absent (Ch. 33) produce p~ychotic symptoms (e.g. hallucinations.
thought disorder) in humans. and reduced glutamate concen-
trations and glutamate receptor densities have been reponed in
po~t- mortem schiwphrenic brains-one of the few fairly
~ Jre. ho\\e\er. e.~ception;. to thb 'unple rule. Up to one-third of
consistent findings.
~ehilophreni.:patient'> tail to repond C\CD when D! receptor blockade
e1'etd' 90'l, and clotapine bee Table 38.1) can be effective at much lower .., Although M:hitophrenia i~ difficult to diagnose in a mouse. transgenic
tic k\th ot hh~<:~ . mice in which NMDA receptor expression is reduced (not aboli;hed,
he! 7
1 0- .--------.----------,-----------c-----------~--------~
rs. 4 Promazine
tin Trazodone Chlorpromazine
Jy Clozapine
ng Thioridazine
10-a Mollndone
nd s
.. Tnfluperaztne
10-9 Droperidol
a Fluphenazne
:al Fig. 38.1 Correlation between -- Trifluperidol
ne the clinical potency and affinity
for dopamine 0 2 receptors among Benperidol
antipsychotic drugs. Clinical
o- potency is expressed as the daily 1Q- 10
r.s. dose used in treating schizophrenia, Spiroperidol
of and bmding activity is expressed as /
the concentration needed to
produce 50% inhibition of
haloperidol binding. (From Seeman
Petal. 1976 Nature 361: 717.)
0.1 10 100
Average clinical dose (mg/day)
1000 J
-------- 547

becau~e this i~ fatal) show stereotypic behaviours and reduced ~ocial

interaction that are suggesthe of schizophrenia and that respond to The nature of schizophrenia
antip\ychotic drug~-cvidence that supports the glutamate hypothe~i,.
According to thi~ \ ie\\, glutamate and dopamine exen excitatory and Psychotic illness characterised by delusions,
inhtbnory effecl\. respectively. on GABAergic striatal neuron\. "'hich hallucinations and thought disorder (positive
proJect to the thalamus and constitute a sensory gate' (see below). Too
little glutamate. or too much dopamine, disables the gate, allowing
symptoms), together with social withdrawal, flattening
uninhtbned sensory input to reach the corteJt. It is also suggested that of emotional responses, and cognitive impa~nnent
abnormal glutamate function- specificall) reduced NMDA-receptor (negative symptoms).
activauon-could account for the cognitive deficit that is increa,ingly Acute episodes (mainly positive symptoms) frequently
recogntsed a\ a central feature of schizophrenia. responsible in pan for recur and may develop into chronic schizophrenia,
the negative S} mptom' of the disorder. One possibilit) is therefore that
exces\ dopamme receptor activation is mainly responsible for positive
with predominantly negative symptoms.
symptoms. deficient NMDA-receptor activation for the negat ive Incidence is about 1% of population, with a
symptoms. Although undoubtedly roo simple, this idea is dri ving current significant hereditary component. Genetic linkage
efforts to develop novel anlipsychotic drugs that increase NMDA-rcccptor studies suggest involvement of various genes
activati on. associated with dopaminergic and glutamatergic
transmission, but no single 'schizophrenia gene'.
Other theories Pharmacological evidence is generally consistent with
Other transmi tters that may be important include 5-HT and dopamine overactivity/glutamate underactivity
noradrenaline (norepinephrine). The idea that 5-HT dysfunction hypothesis, supported by biochemical fi ndings and
could be invol ved in schizophrenia was based on the fact that imaging studies, and there is also evidence for
LSD (see Ch. 42) produces schizophrenia-like symptoms, and involvement of 5-hydroxytryptamine.
has drifted in and out of favour many times (see Busatto &
Kerwin, 1997).
M any effective antipsychotic drugs, in addition to blocking
dopamine receptors (see below), also act as 5-H T-receptor and experts argue endlessly about what it actually means
antagonists. 5-HT modul ates dopamine pathways, so the two Remington. 2003). M ost often. it refers to the di
theories are not incompatible. M any 'atypical' antipsychotic tendency of the newer compounds to cause unwanted motor
drugs (see below) produce fewer extrapyramidal side effects than effects (see below). but it is also used to describe "n''""'"'Mi
dopamine-selective compounds, and combi ne wi th 5-IIT 2A- wi th a different pharmacological profile from fi
receptors. Whether 5-HT2A-rcceptor blockade accounts directly for compound!.: several of these newer compounds improve!
their antipsychotic effect<>. or merel y reduces undesirable side negati ve as well as the positive symptoms. In practice,
effect~ associated with 0 2-receptor antagonists. remains
it often serves-not very usefully- to distinguish the large
controverl> ial. of similar first-generation dopamine antagoni!.tS from the
In conclusion. the dopamine hyperactivity theory of schit.o- diverse group of newer compounds described below.
phrenia remains attractive. It is undoubtedly an oversimpli- Table 38. 1 summari ses the m ain drugs that are in clinical
fication, and relates only to the positive symptoms, but it provides
the best framework for understanding the action of antipsychotic
drugs, although effects on 5-HT and other receptors may
contribute significantly to the clinical profile of !.Orne of the
newer drugl:>. The glutamate hypothesi s is. however, gaining Classification of antipsychotic drugs
ground, and there are reasonable hopes that it will lead to the next
generation of antipsychotic drugs (see Javitt, 2004). Main categories are:
first-generation ('typical') antipsychotics (e.g.
chlorpromazine, haloperidol, fluphenazine,
ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS flupentixol, clopentixol)
second-generation ('atypical') antipsychotics
CLASSIFICATION OF ANTIPSYCHOTIC (e.g. clozapine, risperi done, s ertindole,
DRUGS quetiapine, amisulpride, aripiprazole, zot epine'
M ore than 20 different antipsychotic drug!. are available for Distinction between typical and atypical groups is not
clinical use, but with certain exceptions the differences between clearly defined but rests on:
them are minor. receptor profile
A distinction i<> drawn between the drugs that were originally incidence of extrapyramidal side effects (less in
developed (e.g. chlorpromazine, haloperidol and many similar atypical group)
compounds), often referred to as first-generation or typical efficacy (specifically of clozapine) in 'treatment-
antipsychotic drugs, and more recently developed agents (e.g. resistant' group of patients
clozapinc, risperidone), which are termed atypical antipsychotic efficacy against negative symptoms.
548 drugs. The term atypical is widely used but not clearly defined,
~ ~.a~~g~ft[~

Table 38.1 Characte..-istics of antipsychotic drugs

Drug Receptor affinity Main side effects Notes

01 Dz cx adr HI mACh 5 HT2 EPS Sed Hypo Other

First generation
Chlorpromazine ++ +++ +++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ Increased prolactin (gynaecomastia) Phenothiazine class
Hypothermia Fluphenazine, trifluperazine are similar but:
Anticholinergic effects do not cause jaundice
Hypersensitivity reactions cause less hypotension
Obstructive jaundice cause more EPS
Fluphenazine available as depot preparation

Thioridazine + ++ +++ + ++ ++ + ++ ++ As chlorpromazine but does not Phenothiazine class

cause jaundice First drug with lower EPS tendency
Withdrawn because of cardiac side effects

Haloperidol + +++ ++ - + +++ - ++ As chlorpromazine but does not Butyrophenone c lass

cause jaundice Widely used antipsychotic drug
Fewer anticholinergic side effects Strong EPS tendency

Flupentixol ++ +++ ++ ++ - +++ ++ + + Increased prolactin (gynaecomastia) Clopentixol is similar

Restlessness Available as depot preparations

Second generation
Sulpiride - +++ - - - - + + - Increased prolactin (gynaecomastia) Benzamide class
Selective D/ 0 3 antagonist
Less EPS than haloperidol
Poorly absorbed
Amisulpride and pimozide (long acting) are

Clozapine ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ +++ - ++ + Risk of agranulocytosis (-1 %): Oibenzodiazepine class )>

regular blood counts required Potent antagonist at 0 4 -receptors z
Seizures No EPS
Sedation Shows efficacy in 'treatment-resistant' patients -c
Salivation Effective against negative and positive symptoms -<
Anticholinergic side effects Olanzapine is similar, without risk of
Weight gain agranulocytosis, but questionable efficacy in I
treatment-resistant patients I -l

Ul -
-o w




Table 38.1 (cont'd) Characteristics of antipsychotic drugs
Drug Receptor affinity Main side effects Notes <
D, D2 a adr H, mACh 5-HT2 EPS Sed Hypo Other 0
Risperidone - ++ ++ ++ ++ +++ + ++ + Weight gain Significant risk of EPS (/)

EPS at high doses ?Effective against negative symptoms -<

Hypotension Potent on 0 4 receptors -i
Sertindole - ++ ++ - - +++ + + ++ Ventricular arrhythmias (ECG Long plasma half-life (-3 days)
checks advisable) ?Effective against negative symptoms
Weight gain
Nasal congestion

Quetiapine - + +++ - + + + ++ ++ Tachycardia Novel type acting mainly on a adrenoceptors

Agitation Not yet fully evaluated
Dry mouth
Weight gain

Aripiprazole - +++ + + - ++ - + - - Recently approved drug

(PA) Long acting (plasma half-life - 3 days)
Unusual 0 2 PA profile may account for paucity
of side effects
No effect on prolactin secretion
No weight gain

Zotepine ++ ++ + + + + - + - Weight gain

Cardiac dysrhythmias

5-HT2 , 5-hydroxytryptamine type 2 receptor; adr, adrenoceptor; 0 1, 0 2 , 0 3 , 0 4 , dopamine types 1, 2, 3 and 4 receptor, respectively; ECG, electrocardiograph; EPS, extrapyramidal side
effects; H 1, histamine type 1 receptor; Hypo, hypotension; mACh, muscarinic acetylcholine receptor; PA, partial agonist; Sed, sedation.

-;-t;.~"'-;;:;-"'Q ::I !T ::::I ;:;- ;:T f"":!ll n;;np "Q r;;; llllll ;;:> ':' c:Tnnr-:-. V> ...l """F,....,- ,I"" .- :- r"''l ..., M ,...,, - ..,., r.

unwanted motor effects, acts on both !>Cts of dopamine neurons.

whereas clozapine and other drugs (see Table 38. I) that have
much less tendency to cause adverse motor effects affect mainly
The therapeutic activity of the prototype drug, chlorprom azi ne. the ventral tegmental neurons.
m -.chizophrenic patients was discovered through the acute Antipsychotic drugs, like many neuroactive compounds, take
ob"f\ation!> of a French surgeon. Laborit. in I 947. He tested several weeks to take effect even though their receptor-blocking
lanOU\ substance~. including promethazine, for their ability to action is immediate. 4 When antipsychotic drugs are administered
Jile\Jate ~igns of ~tress in patients undergoing surgery, and chronically, the increase in activity of dopaminergic neurons is
nmcluded thai promethazine had a calming effect that was transient and gives way after about 3 weeks to inhibition (Fig. 38.2),
different from mere sedation. Elaboration of the phenothiazine at which time both the biochemical and electrophysiological
'tructure led to chlorpromazine. the antip~ychotic effect of which markers of activity decline.
II.L, demonstrated. at Laborit's instigation, by Delay and Dcniker Another delayed effect of chronic administration of antipsy-
m 1953. This drug was unique in controlling the symptoms of chotic drugs is proliferation of dopamine receptors, detectable
~)chotic patients without excessively sedating them. The as an increase in haloperidol binding (see Seeman. 1987), with
dinical efficacy of phenothiazine~ was discovered long before a pharmacological supersensitivity to dopamine reminiscent of
their mechani~m was guessed at ( let alone understood). the phenomenon of denervation supcrsensitivity (Ch. 9). The
Pharmacological investigation showed that phenothiazines block mechanism(s) of these delayed effects and their relationships to
I11Jil) different mediators. including hi.ltamine, catecholamines. the clinical respon~e are poorly understood.
erylclwline and 5-HT. and this multiplicity of actions led to Antipsychotic drugs show varying patterns of selectivity in
the trade name Largactil for chlorproma7ine. lt is now clear their receptor-blocking effects (Table 38.1 ), some having high
see Fig. 38.1) that antagonism of dopamine is the main affinity for S-IIT2 and/or Orreceptor~ . The connection between
determinant of antipsychotic action. their receptor specificity and their functional and therapeutic
effects, despite a wealth of fine argument, remains hidden. Were
it understood, we might not have to resort to words like 'atypical'
MECHANISM OF ACTION to hide our uncenainty.


The classification of dopamine receptors in the central nervous
')'tcm is discussed in Chapter 34 (see Table 34.1 ). There arc
hve 'ubtypes, which fall into two functional classes: the 0 1 type,
comprising D and 0 5 and the 0 2 type. comprising 0 2 Dl and

D. Antipsychotic drugs owe their therapeutic effects mainly to u
~ 120
blockade of D2-receptors. As stated abo\-e, antipsychotic elfecL'i "0
rtqutre about 80% block of 0 2-receptors. In experimental animals, ~
2 100
anlagonism at 0 2-receptors is reflected in inhibition of c
0 80 Nigrostriatal neurons
amphetamine-induced stereotypic behaviour, and of 0
apomorphine-induced turning behaviour, in animals with !!! 60
nilateral striatal lesions (see Ch. 34). These in vivo effects are Q)
paralleled. in vitro. by inhibition of binding of a radioactive D2 -~ 40
anl3gonist (e.g. s piroperidol) to brain membrane fragments. The 0
0 20
fiN-generation compounds show some preference for 0 2 over Mesolimbic neurons
01-receptors, whereas some of the newer agents (e.g. s ulpirid c, .D 0
E c 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
amisulpride, remoxipride) are highly selective for 0 2-rcccptors. ::l
Clozapine is relatively non-selective between 0 1- and 0 2-, but Weeks of haloperidol treatment
b~ h1gh affinity for D4 Fig. 38.2 Effect of chronic haloperidol treatment on the
In animal tes~. all antipsychotic drugs initially increase and activity of dopaminergic neurons in the rat brain. In both
later decrease the electrical activity of midbrain dopaminergic regions, the activity of dopaminergic neurons, recorded with
microelectrodes from anaesthetised animals, initially increases
1~urons in the substantia nigra and ventral tegmentum, and also
and then declines, reaching a steady level after 3 weeks. (From
the release of dopamine in regions contain ing dopamincrgic White F J, Wang A Y 1983 Life Sci 32: 983.)
nerve terminals (see 0' Donnell & Grace, l 996). These changes arc
pu'sibly associated with changes in dopamine receptor expression
see later). Effects on the mesolimbic/mesoconical dopamine
(llth\\ays are believed to correlate with antipsychotic effects,
11hereas effects on the nigrostriatal pathways are responsible for
!he unwanted motor effects produced by antipsychotic drugs 4-fheir sedating effect i~ also immediate, allowing them to be used in acute
(\l!c below). Thus ha loperidol, a first-generation dmg with marked behavioural emergencies. 551

is, however, easily aroused and can respond to questions accurate!)

Mechanism of action of with no marked loss of intellectual function. Aggressive tendencre
antipsychotic drugs are strongly inhibited. Effects differ from those of hypnotic and
anxiolytic drugs, which also cause drowsiness and confusion bu:
All antipsychotic drugs are antagonists at dopamine with euphoria rather than apathy.
0 2 -receptors, but most also block other monoamine Many antipsychotic drugs are antiemetic (see Ch. 24}, reflecull'.
receptors, especially 5-HT2 . Clozapine also blocks antagonism at dopamine, muscarinic, histamine and possib
0 4-receptors. 5-HT receptors.
Antipsychotic potency generally runs parallel to
activity on 0 2-receptors, but other activities may
determine side effect profile. UNWANTED EFFECTS
Imaging studies suggest that therapeutic effect Extrapyramidal motor disturbances and
requires about 80% occupancy of 0 2 -receptors. tardive dyskinesia
Antipsychotics take days or weeks to work, suggesting Antipsychotic drugs produce two main kinds of motor
that secondary effects (e.g. increase in number of disturbance in humans: acute dystonias and Jardive dyskinesia1.
D2-receptors in limbic structure) may be more collectively termed extrapyramidal side effects. These all rcsuh
important than direct effect of 0 2-receptor block. directly or indirectly from 0 2-receptor blockade. Extrapyramid~
side effects constitute one of the main disadvantages of fir~l
generatio n antipsychotic drugs. The term atypical was originall1
applied to some of the newer compounds that show much le1
tendency to produce extrapyramidal side effects.
PHARMACOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF Acute dystonias are involuntary movements (restlessness, mu-..;lf
ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS spasms, protruding tongue, fixed upward gaze, torticollis, t.
BEHAVIOURAL EFFECTS involuntary spasm of neck muscles resulting in ruming oft:
head, etc.), often accompanied by symptoms of Parkin<;()!
Antip ychotic drugs produce many behavioural effects in disea c (Ch. 35). They occur commonly in the first few weeks,
experimental animals (see Ogren, 1996), but no single test often declining with time, and are reversible on stopping dru.
distingui hes them clearly from other types of psychotropic dnrg. treatment. The timing is consistent with block of the doparninerp:
Antipsychotic drugs reduce spontaneous motor activity and in nigrostriatal pathway, and the relative selectivity of atypict!
larger doses cause catalepsy. a state in which the animal remains antipsychotic drugs for the mesolimbic/mesocortical path\\~
immobile even when placed in an unnatural position. Inhibition could account for the diminished risk of acute dystonias 111
of the hyperactivity induced by amphetamine parallels antipsy- these drugs. Concomitant block of muscarinic acctylcholir.
chotic actions of these drugs, whereas their tendency to induce receptors may also mitigate the motor effects of dopamu~:
catalepsy parallels extrapyramidal symptoms (see below). Antipsy- receptor antagonists, because these two receptor systems oppo
chotic effects probably reflect 0 2-receptor antagonism in the one another (Ch. 35).
mesocorticaVmesolimbic pathway, while extrapyramidal actions Tardive dyskinesia (sec Klawans et al., 1988) develops after
relate to dopamine inhibition in the striatonigral pathways. months or years (hence 'tardive') in 20-40% of patients rrealt\1
T Olher te~l~ reveal effecl~ distinct from motor inhibition. For example, in with first-generation antipsychotic drugs, and is one of lhc mar
a conditioned avoidance model, a rat may be trained to respond to a problems of antipsychotic d1erapy.lts seriousness lies in the factlhll
conditioned stimulus, ~uch a~ a buzzer, by remaining immobile and it is a disabling and often irreversible condition, which often gdl
thereby avoiding a painful shock; chlorpromazine impairs perfonnance
in thi~ tc>t, a~ well as in tests lhat demand active motor responses. In worse when antipsychotic therapy is stopped and is resistant
dO'-C\ too <,mall to reduce spontaneous motor activity. chlorproma7ine treatment. The syndrome consists of involunta.ry
reduces <oocial interactions (grooming, mating. fighting, etc.) and al~o often of the face and tongue, but also of the trunk and
impair. pcrfonnancc in discriminant tests (e.g. requiring lhe animal to which can be severely disabling. lt resembles that seen
respond differently to red and green lights).
prolonged treatment of Parkinson's disease with le"odopa.
All first-generation antipsychotic drugs inhibit amphetamine-induced incidence depends greatly on drug, dose and age (be
behavioural change~. reflecting their action on Drreceptors. Some commonest in patients over 50).
atypical drug~ have less activity on 0 2-receptors and are Jess active in
~uch model~. and also 10 lhe catalepsy model. They are, however, as T There are several lheorie~ about the mechanism of tardi\'e d)'
efficacious a.~ the older drugs in conditioned avoidance tests. Both classic (~ Ca!>ey, 1995). One is lhat it is associated wilh a gradual tncrea:
and atypical drug~. moreover, reduce lhe hyperactivity caused b} the number of Dz-receptors in the striatum. which is less marked ci:!
phencyclidine (a glutamate antagonist: Cb. 33). which cause~ treatment wilh the atypical lhan wilh the first generation of anU(h).:il:li:.
a schizophrenia-like syndrome in humans. Conditioned avoidance and
phencyclidine tests in animals are therefore used as guides to
drugs. Another possibility is that chronic block of inhibitory w--
receptor~ enhances catecholamine and/or glutamate release 10
antip~ychotic activity in humans. srriawm, leading to excitotoxic neurodegeneration (Ch. 35). The rea.
why atypical antipsychotic drugs (e.g. clozapine, olanzapine, sertindolr
In humans, antipsychotic drugs produce a state of apathy and are better in lhi regard is not clear. One possible explanation (see
reduced initiative. The recipie nt displays few emotions, is slow to & Seeman, 2001) lies in differences in lhe rate at which cornpotitr.l!l
552 respond to external stimuli and tends to drowse off. The subject dissociate from Drrcccptors. With a rapidly dissociating compound,
-Vf,-.. ....- - - -

110tor disturbances
d c: 400
MaJOr problem of antipsychotic drug treatment. ~
c 320
g Two main types of disturbance occur: ~
y - acute, reversible dystonias and Parkinson- like o~
0 c:
- slowly developing tardive dyskinesia, often <a~ 160
E 80
Acute symptoms comprise involuntary movements, 2Q)
tremor and rigidity, and are probably the direct (f)
consequence of block of nigrostriatal dopamine
receptors. Injection of fluphenazine
lr decanoate (225mg)
Tardive dyskinesia comprises mainly involunt ary
movements of face and limbs, appearing after
months or years of antipsychotic treatment. It may be
l- associated with proliferation of dopamine receptors
(possibly presynaptic) in corpus striatum. Treatment is 0
generally unsuccessful. 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Incidence of acute dystonias and tardive dyskinesia is Days
less wrth atypical anti psychotics, and particularly low Fig. 38.3 Effects of antipsychotic drugs on prolactin
wrth clozapine, aripiprazole and zotepine. This may secretion in a schizophrenic patient . When daily dosage with
reflect relatively strong muscarinic receptor block with chlorpromazine was replaced with a depot injection of
e fluphenazine, the plasma prolactin initally dropped, because of
these drugs, or a degree of selectivity for the
s the delay in absorption, and then returned to a high level.
mesolrmbic, as opposed to the nigrostriatal,
s. (From Meltzer H Yet al. 1978 In: Upton et al. (eds)
dopamrne pathways. Psychopharmacology. A generation in progress. Raven Press,
c New York.)
bnel -.urge of dopamine can effectively O\ercome the block by
compeution (Ch. 2), wherea.\ with a ~lowly dissociating compound the
le\d of block tllke' a long Lime to rc~pond to the presence of endogenous
e d<1pa111inc. and i'> in practice non-compeLiLive. Adverse motor e!Iects may
1e be avoided if fractiona l receptor occupation falls during physiological Other unwanted eHects
.e 'urge' ol dopamine- an attractive kinetic explanation that remains to be Sedation, which tends to decrease with continued use, occurs
cuntim1ed. Cloznpinc ha.\ relatively high afnnity for D 1 and 0 4compared with many antipsychotic drugs. Antihistamine (H 1) activity is
11illh 0 1 receptors, and also has marked antimuscarinic activity.
a property of phenothiazines and contributes to their sedative and
Appreciable affinity for muscarinic receptors is shared by some other
td antip'>)'Chotic drugs, such as thiori dazlne.5 This pharmacological property
antiemetic properties (Ch. 25), but not to their antipsychotic
n C<1Uid counteract its adverse motor effecb (cf. the use of benztropine action.
at tn reduce ex trapyramidal effects of antipsychotic drugs). Phenothiazines and, to a variable extent, other antipsychotic
ts drugs, block a variety of receptors, particularly acetylcholine
,o Endocrine eHects (muscarinic), histamine (H 1), noradrenaline (a) and 5-HT

"s. Dopamine. released in the median eminence by neurons of the

tuheroh)pophyseal pathway (see Chs 27 and 33), acts physio-
(Table 38.1 ).
Blocking muscarinic receptors produces a variety of peripheral
logical!) to inhibit prolactin secretion via D 2-receptors. Blocking effects, including blurring of vision and increased intraocular
te D.-receptor.. by antipsychotic drugs can therefore increase the pressure, dry mouth and eyes, constipation and urinary retention
g pla,ma prolactin concentration (Fig. 38.3). resulting in breast (see Ch. 10). It may, however, also be beneficial in relation
S'o\tlling. pa10 and lactation, which can occur in men as well as to extrapyramidal side effects. Acetylcholine opposes dopamine
m \\Omen. As can be seen from Figure 38.3. the effect is in the basal ganglia (see Ch. 35), and it is possible that the
Ia '11310tatned during chronic antipsychotic administration, without relative lack of extrapyramidal side effects with clozapine
an} habituation. Ot.her less pronounced endocrine changes have and t hioridazine is due to !.heir high antimuscarinic potency
aho been reponed. including a decrease of growth honnone (see above).
lC secretion, but these. unlike the prolactin response, are believed Blocking a-adrenoceptors causes orthostatic hypotension
)e to be unimportant clinically. (see Ch. 19) but does not seem to be important for their
>n antipsychotic action.
Weight gain is a common and troublesome side effect, particu-
;b 'NO\Io 11illhdrawn. bccaU',e of a tendency to cause ventricular dysrbythmias larly associated with some of the atypical drugs, and probably
a by bloc~ing curdiac potas;ium channels (sec Cb. 18). related to 5-IIT antagonism. 553

Unwented effects of entlpsychotJc drugs 1000 -

Important side effects common to most drugs
are extrapyramidal motor disturbances (see
800 ; ~ effects
Antipsychotic-induced motor disturbances box) and ~
endocrine disturbances (increased prolactin release); c 600

these are secondary to dopamine receptor block. c~

Sedation, hypotension and weight gain are also
8 400 .

Obstructive Jaundice sometimes occurs with 0. 200

phenothiazines. nl No response
Other side effects (dry mouth, blurred vision,
If /
hypotension, etc.) are due to block of other receptors,
0 I

5 10
particularly a-adrenoceptors and muscarinic Dose (mg/kg twice daily)
acetylcholine receptors.
Fig . 38.4 Individual variation in the relation between
Some antipsychotic drugs cause agranulocytosis as a dose and plasma concent ration of chlorpro mazine in a
rare and serious idiosyncratic reaction. With group of schizophrenic patients. (Data from Curry S H et al.
clozapine, leucopenia is common and requires routine 1970 Arch Gen Psychiatry 22: 289.)
Antipsychotic malignant syndrome is a rare but
potentially dangerous idiosyncratic reaction. showed marked ~ide effects, one wac; well controlled and 011(
showed no clinical response.
The relationship between the plasma concentration and the
clinical effect of antipsychotic drugs is highly variable, and the
Various idio!>yncratic and hypersensitivity reactions can occur,
do!>age ha~ to be adjusted on a trial-and-error basis. This is ~
the most important being the following.
even more difficult by the fact that at least 40% of <>chizophren~e
Jaundice, which occur:. with older phenothiazines such a~ patient~ fail to take drug& as prescribed. It il> remarkably fonunate
chlorpromazine. The jaundice is usually mild. associated that the acute toxicity of antipsychotic drugs is slight, given the
with elevated serum alkaline phosphatase activity (an unpredictability of the clinical response.
'obstructive' pattern), and disappears quickly when the drug is The plasma half-life of most antipsychotic drugs is 15-
stopped or substituted by a chemically unrelated antipsychmic. hours. clearance depending entirely on hepatic transformation ~
Leucopenia and agranulocytosis arc rare but potentially fata l, a combinatio n of oxidative and conjugative reactions.
and occur in the first few weeks of treatment. The incidence Most antipsychotic drugs can be given orally or by intr4
of leucopenia (usually reversible) is Jess than 1 in 10 000 for muscular injectio n o nce or twice a day. Slow-release (depoli
most antipsyc hotic drugs, but much higher ( 1-2%) with preparations of many are available, in which the active drug 11
clozapinc, whose usc therefore requires regular monitoring of esterified wi th heptanoic or decanoic acid and dissolved in oil
blood cell counts. Provided the drug is stopped at the first Given as an intramuscular injection, the dmg acts for 2-4 wceh
sign of leucopenia or anaemia, the effect is revers ible. but initially may produce acute side effects. These preparation~
Ola nzapine appears to be free of this disadvantage. arc widely used to minimise compliance problems.
Urticarial skin reactions are common but usually mild.
Exce!>sive \ensitivity to ultraviolet light may also occur.
Antipsychotic malignant syndrome is a rare but serious
complication similar to the malignant hyperthermia The major use of antipsychotic drugs is in the treatment '
syndrome seen with certain anaesthetics (see Ch. 36). Muscle schi:ophrenia and acl/fe behmioural emergencies, but the) ..n
rigidity i!> accompanied by a rapid rise in body temperature abo widely u~ed a~ adjunc t therapy in the treatment of
and memal confusion. It is usually reversible. but death from illnesses, such as psychotic depression and mania. Some rJ
renal or cardiovascular failure occurs in 10-20% of cases. the newer antipsychotic drugs (e.g. sul piride) have been clannt
to have specific antidepressant actions. Phenothiazines Jr..
related dmgs are also useful as antiemetics (see Ch. 25). Mu)(
uses include the treatment of Huntington's chorea (mainly
Chlorprom azi ne. in common with many other phenothiazine~. haloperidol; sec Ch. 35).
is erratically absorbed after oral administration. Figure 38.4 The c linical efficacy of antipsychotic drugs in enablin,
shows the wide range of variation of the peak plasma concen- schizophre nic patients to lead more normal lives has bee~
tratio n as a function of dosage in 14 patients. Among four demonstrated in many controlled trials. The in-patient populatior
patients treated at the hig h dosage level of 6--8 mg/kg, the (mninly chro nic schizophrenics) of mental hospitals decline~
..,,-...---- variation in peak plas ma concentration was nearly 90-fold; two sharply in the 1950s and 1960s. The efficacy of the nclll)

mtroduccd antipsychotic drugs was a significant enabling factor. The newer atypical ami psychotic drug~> may overcome these !>hort-
a' well .J.\ the changing public and profe~sional atlitude5 toward\ comings to some degree, !>howing efficacy in treatment-re!>btant
ho,pitall~ation of the mentally ill. patients and improving negati ve a!> well as positive symptoms.
r\ntip,ychotic drug!>. apart from their \ide effects. have two However, a recent meta-analysis (Geddes et al.. 2000) suggests
main 'honcoming~. that whiJe these newer drugs reduce the ri~k of adverse motor
effects, they are not significantly better in terms of efficacy or
The) are effective in only about 70% of schiLophrenic patients: other \ide effects. The older drugs. Geddes et al. sugge<;t, may have
for an} ~inglc drug, the succe~s rate is lower. The remaining gained a bad nam e for cau~-.ing troublesome side effects because
3011 are cla~sed as 'treatment-resistant' and present a major of the common practice of overdosing beyond the u\cful
thc:t.tpcutic problem. The rea~on for the difference between therapeutic range. Following a detailed review of the available
rc:,pon\ive and unresponsive patients is unknown at present. clinical evidence. the ational Institute for Clinical Excellence
although there i~ some evidence (not conclusive) that (2002) recommend the u!>e of atypical antipsychotic drugs as
pol}morpht\m within the family of dopamine and 5-11T first-line treatment for newly diagnosed schilophrcnic patients,
receptors may be involved (sec Basile et al.. 2002). because of the low level of motor side effech that they produce.
\\ lc the) comrolthe positive symptoms (thought di-.order, although- apart from the use of clozapine for treatment-
hallucination\, delu~ions, etc.) effectively, they are ineffective resistant schizophrenia- there is no evidence that they are more
in reliC\ iog the negative symptoms (emotional nattening, effective than first-generation drug~ in controlling ~ymptoms.
"-JCial isolation).

Clinical uses of antipsychotic drugs

Behavioural emergencies (e.g. violent patients with a compliance w ith oral treatm ent is a problem.
range of psychopathologies including mania, toxic Flupentixol has antidepressant properties distinct
oeurium, schizophrenia and others): from its antipsychotic action.
classic antipsychotic drugs (e.g. chlorpromazine, Atypical antipsychotic drugs (e.g. amisulpride,
haloperidol) can rapidly control hyperactive olanzapine, risperidone) are used if extrapyramidal
psychotic states symptoms are troublesome, if symptom control is
note that the intramuscular dose is lower than the inadequate, or for newly diagnosed patients.
oral dose of the same drug because of Clozapine can cause agranocytosis but is distinctively
presystemic metabolism. effective against 'negative' features of schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia It is reserved for patients whose condition remains
Many chronic schizophrenic patients are treated inadequately controlled despite previous use of two
with first generation antipsychotic drugs. Depot or more antipsychotic drugs, of which at least one is
Injections (e.g. flupentixol decanoate) may be atypical. Blood count is monitored weekly for the first
useful for maintenance treatment when 18 weeks, and less frequently thereafter.


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.,.,I rarl) bmm Jnelopmtm <IS r!rr bam of l!lltle11ce from recent genetic find mg.< . m[lgeMinll the tlopwnine tron.\miulon m 11hhophmria)
~rhophrtnia) tlhnormaliti in ~lutanul/e trallJmi\ \itJIJ nun p((l\' tl
:. Basile V S. Maselli' M. Potkm S G. Kenncd) J L 2002
ltirrual PJ. Owen M J 2003 Gene' for sch1topllrema'! ~ role in nht:ophrenilll Phann...:ogenomiC\ m scht10phrenia: the quest for
Rt>:tm 6n4Jng' ;md thc1r pathophy,iologi,~l Mortm~er A M 2004 No'cl antipsychoucs m indiv11lualiLcd therapy. Hum Mol Genet II:
1mp Jea11<n' Loncct361: 417-419 (Recemlr dentijwd 'thil(lphretuu. Expen Opin lnve"1g Dmgs I3: 2517 2530 ( Re itw of inrtmclusive tlitlerrc~ for 555
Antidepressant drugs


The nature of de pression 557 Depression is the most common of the affective disorders
Theories of depression 558 (defined as disorders of mood rather than disturbances of thought
-The monoamine theory 558 or cognition); it may range from a vcty mild condition, bordering
-Animal models of depression 560 on normality, tO severe (psychotic) depression accompanied by
hallucinations and delusions. Worldwide, depression is a major
Antidepressant drugs 560 cause of disability and premature death. Jn addition to the
-Types of antidepressant drug 560 significant ;uicidc ri~k. depre;sed individuals are more likely to
-Measurement of antidepressant activity 561 die from other cau-,es, such a~ heart disease or cancer.
-Mechanism of action of antidepressant drugs 562 The symptom~ of dcpres;ion include emotional and biological
- Tncyclic antidepressant drugs 562 components.
-Selective 5-hydroxytryptamine uptake inhibitors 566
-Monoamine oxidase inhibitors 566 Emotional '>ymptoms:
-future antidepressant drugs 568 - misery. apathy and pes'>imism
-low self-esteem: feelings of guilt. inadequacy and ugliness
Electroconvulsive therapy 569
-indecisivenes\, loss of motivation.
Clinical eHectiveness of antidepressant Biological -.ymptoms:
treatments 569 -retardation of thought and action
-los!. of libido
Mood-stabilising drugs 569
-sleep disturbance and loss of appetite.
-lith1um 569
There are two distinct types of depressive syndrome, namely
unipolar depression, in which the mood swings are always in
the same direction, and bipolar aj]'ective disorder, in which
depression alternates with mania. Mania is in most respects
exactly the opposite, with excessive exuberance, enthusiasm
and self-confidence. accompanied by impulsive actions, these
signs often being combined with irritability. impatience and
OVERVIEW aggression, and <,ometime-; with grandiose delusions of the
Napoleonic kind. As with depression. the mood and actions
Depression is an extremely common psychiatric are inappropriate to the circum!>tances.
condition, about which a variety of neurochemical Unipolar depres'>ion i-. commonly (about 75% of cases) non-
theories exist, and for which a corresponding familial, clearly a\\Ociated with stressful life events, and
variety of diHerent types of drug are used in accompanied by symptoms of anxiety and agitation; this type is
treatment. It is a field in which therapeutic sometime., termed reactile depression. Other cases (about 25%,
empiricism has led the way, with mechanistic sometimes termed endogenous depression) show a familial
understanding tending to lag behind, part of the pattern. unrelated to external stresses. and with a somewhat
difficulty being that animal models cannot address different symptomatology. This distinction is made clinically. but
the mood change that defines the human condition. there ill little evidence that antidepre~sant drugs show significant
In this chapter, we discuss the current selectivity between these conditions.
understanding of the nature of the disorder, and Bipolar deprcs1.ion. which usually appears in early adult life, is
describe the major drugs that are used to treat it. less common and resuiL~ in oscillating depression and mania over
Agood summary of our present state of a period of a few week~. There is a strong hereditary tendency,
knowledge is given by Wong & Licinio (2001) but no specific susceptibility genes have been identified either by 557

genetic linkage studies of affected families, or by comparison of reasonable ~uppon, there are several examples of drug~ th uri
affected and non-affected individuals. might have been predicted to improve or worsen depre ..,il. in
'>ymptom.... but fail to do so convincingly. It has to be rccogm...: llu
that the ba'b for predicting tbe effects of drugs on mood i,, m
THEORIES OF DEPRESSION be..,t., very !>imple-minded. Thus supplying a transmitter precuM eli

THE MONOAMINE THEORY will not nece ...sarily increase the release of transminer unln ret
availabilit) of the precursor is rate-limiting. Similarly, a drug ths th
The main biochemical theory of depression is the 11wnoamine release.., monoamine~ from normal nerve terminals may farl
hypothesis, propo!>ed by Schildkraut in 1965, which states that do ..,o if the nerve terminals are functionally defective. The
depre~sion i\ caused by a functional deficit of monoamine pharmacological evidence does not enable a clear distincu
tran\miuers at certain ~ite~ in the brain, while mania results from to be drawn between the noradrenaline and 5-HT theorie' d.
a functional exce!>~- For reviews of the evolving status of the depression. Clinically. it seems that inhibitors of noradrcnalir.:
theory. ~ce Baker & Dewhurst ( 1985). Maes & Meltzer ( 1995) rcuptake and of 5-HT reuptake are equally effective a
nnd Manj i et nl. (200 I). antidepressant~> (see below), although individual patients ma1
The monoamine hypothel>is grew originally our of associations respond beuer to one or the other.
between the clinical effects of various drugs that cause or Any theory of depression has to take account of the fact th.
allevime symptoms of depression <md their known neuro- the direct biochemical effects of antidepressant drugs appe;u
chemical effect~ on monoaminergic transmission in the brain. very rapidly, whereas their antidepressant effects take weeks ((
Initially, the hypothesis was formulated in terms of noradrenaline develop. A similar ~ituation exists in relation to antipsychotr
(norepinephrine), but sub~equent work showed that most of tJ1e drugs (Ch. 38) and some anxiolytic drugs (Ch. 37), sugge\tll.
observations were equally consistent with 5-bydroxytryptamine that the ...econdary, adaptive changes in the brain, rather than tl
(5-HT) being the key mediator. This phannacological evidence, primary drug effect, are responsible for the clinical impro\'e!Th:
which is ~ummari'>ed below, gives general support to the Rather than thinking of the monoamine deficiency as cau,rng
monoamine hypothe~i'>. although there are seYeral anomalies. direct changel> in the activity of putative 'happy' or sad' neuroos
Auempts to obtain more direct evidence, by studying monoamine in the brain. we should think of the monoarnines as rcgulatoo
metaboli'>m in depre!>sed patient~ or by measuring changes in the of longer-tem1 trophic effects. whose time course is paralleled
number of monoamine receptors in post-mortem brain tissue. by mood changes (see below. p. 559).
have tended to give inconsistent and equivocal results, and the
interpretation of these studies is often problematic. because the
changes described are not specific to depression. Similarly. inve~
tigation by functional test\ of the activity of known monoaminergic Many Mudie~ have sought to test the amine hypothesis by lookllJt
pathways (e.g. those controlling pituitary hormone release) in for biochemical abnormalities in cerebrospinal fluid, blood or uri~
depressed patients have abo given equivocal results. or in post-mortem brain tissue. from depressed or manic patient'
They have included studies of monoamine metabolites. receptOI'l
ent..ymes and tran!>porters, largely with negative results. The maJCi
metabolites of noradrenaline and 5-HT, respectively. are 3-metho.~)
Table 39. 1 summarises the main pharmacological evidence 4-hydroxyphenylglycol (M HPG) and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acru
supporting the monoamine hypothesis. Although it provides (5-IIIAA). These appear in the cerebrospinal lluid, blood an<

Table 39.1 Pharmacological evidence supporting the monoamine hypothesis of depression

Drug(s) Principal action Effe<:t in depressed patients

Tricyclic antidepressants Block NA and 5-HT reuptake Mood t

Monoamrne oxrdase (MAO) inhibitors Increase stores of NA and 5-HT Mood t
Reserprne Inhibits NA and 5-HT storage Mood~

a-Methyltyrosine Inhibits NA synthes1s Mood Hcalming of manic patients)

Methyldopa Inhibits NA synthesis Mood~

Electroconvulsive therapy ?Increases central nervous system Mood t

responses to NA and 5-HT

Tryptophan (5-hydroxytryptophan) Increases 5-HT synthesis Mood ? t in some studies


ll!llle(>ee Chs 11. 12 and 34). There are two fundmnental problems stimulates pituitary cells to 1.ecrete adrenocorticotrophic hormone
rrbung changes in the concentration of these metabolites in body (ACTH). leading in rum to cortisol secretion. The plao;ma cortisol
fluid~ to changes in transmitter function in the brain. One is that concentration is usually high in depressed patients. and it fails to
HI many ~ccondary factors can affect their concentration, such as respond with the notmal fall when a synthetic steroid. such ao;
or et. tran~port between cerebrospinal fluid. blood and urine; or dexamethasone. is given. This formed the basis of a clinical test
!tlea,c of monoamines from non-cerebral sites. The second is the de.rametha:.om! suppression rest (also u!>ed in the diagnosis of
at 11W many patients receive drug treatment, which affect~ the Cu~hings syndrome; see Ch. 28). Other hormones in plasma are
to m~wbolitc concentrations marked ly. also aiTccted, for example growth hormone concentration i~ reduced
'he Studtes of urinary MHPG excretion in normal and depressed and prolactin is increa~ed. In general, these changes are consistent
on .ltlJCCt~ have shown convincingly that the level is reduced in with deficient monoamine tran\mission, but they are not specific to
of ~polar depressive patients, and i~ lower during the depressive depressive syndromes.
11e d:.m during the manic phase. In unipolar depression, however, Cotticotrophin-rcleasing hormone is widely distributed in the
~IHPG excretion. although highly variable between patients. is brain and bas behavioural effects that arc distinct from its
R) 001 'iniftcantly lower than in control subject!>. so support for endocrine function~. Injected into the brain of experimental
the :nonoamine theory i~ at best equivocal. Plasma noradrenaline animals, CRH mimics some eiTects of depression in humans,
at actually Lends to be higher in depressed than in normal subjects, such as diminished activity, loss of appetite, and increased signs
ar po,,ihly because it renects peripheral sympathetic activity. which of anxiety. Furthermore. CRH concentrations in the brain and
to mcrea!lts \\itb the anxiety that often accompanies depression. It cerebrospinal nuid of depre~sed patients arc increased. Therefore
IC n'hows a cyclic variation in bipolar depressive patients. CR II hyperfunction, as well as monoamine hypofunction, may
g Result\ pertaining to altered 5-HT metabolism arc also highly be associated with depression (see Holsbocr, 1999).
lC 1mable (~ee Maes & Meltzer, 1995). Studies of 5-HTAA in
,mbro-,pinal fluid and urine have generally failed to find any
-lear correlation with depression. Low levels of 5-HIAA occur
mthl! brain and cerebrospinal fluid of suicide victims but may 'Y Recently (!.ee reviews by Duman, 2004; Charney & Manji, 2004) a
!'< a~~iated with violent behaviour rather th<U1 with depression. new idea ha~ emerged. namely that major dcpre!>~ion is as\ocioted with
11etmmal los; i11 rite hippocampus ami prtfmmal corte.\. ;md that
\lore con~istent changes have been reported in the plasma anttdcpres:.am thempi~ of dift"erem kin<b act b) inhibinng or actually
.:oocentmuon of L-tryptophan (the precursor of 5-HT). Although reversing thi!. lo,., by stimulating neurogene,i'>. lllis surprbmg idea is
the resting levels are not significantly different in depressed 'upported by various lines of evidence.
panenL\, the rise in plasma L-tryptophan following an intravenous
Imaging and po'>t-mortem Mudie' sbow shrinl-..age of the hippocampus
-oral dose is reduced, implying lower 'L-tryptophan availability'. and prefrontal cortex of depre~sed patien~. \\ ith 1~ of neurons and
Olhl!r evidence in support of the monoamine theory is that glia. Functional imaging re\eal~ reduced neuronal activuy in these
J.ent' k.nown to block noradrenaline or 5-HT synthesis consist- regions.
en~y revcn;e the therapeutic effects of antidepressant drugs that In animals, the arne effect is produced by chronic stre~~ of various
kincb. or b) administration of glucoconicoid\. mimicking the increased
.w:t ,eJectively on these two tran<,miner systems (sec below).
cortisol \ecretion in human depression. h'cesshe glucocorticoid
In \Ummary, there is considerable circumstantial evidence to '>ecretion in humans (Cu~hing\ ;yndrome; ,ee Ch. 28) often causes
'upport the monoamine hypothesis, although there are ~orne depression.
mcon\i\tencies, of which the most obvious are the following. Antidepressant drugs, or other treatment' '>Uch as electroconvulsions
(see below). promote neurogenesis in these regions. and (a'> m humans)
~either amphetamine nor cocaine has antidepressant actions. restore funcuonal acti' ity. Preventing htppocampal neurogcnesi\
de-pue their ability to enhance monoamine transmission. prevents the bchaviour.U eflcct~ of antidepre\!.anL~ in rat~ (SantareJJi
Some clinically effective antidepressants seem to lack any ct al., 2003).
5-HT. whose action is enhanced by many amidepressanh (see below).
action\ that could enhance monoamine tran~mission.
promotes ncurogenesis during dc\elopment. thi\ effect being mediated
The biochemical changes associated with depression have. in by bmin-deri,cd neurotrophiC factor (801'\F). Antidepre,,ants also
'e\erJI ~tudies. been identical with changes observed in tncrea.~e BDNF production.
mamc patient!>.
'Y Figure 39.1 ~ummarises the possible mechanisms involved. TJ
~hould be stre~..cd that theM: h)pothescs are far from pro,cn. bot the
1\nh improved neuroimaging methods for 1.tudying neuro-
diagram emphasises the \\ay in which the licld ha.~ moved on \ince
:ran,muter function in the living human brain, as described
Chapter 38, some of the gaps and incon~i~tencies may be

\anou:. attempts have been made to test for a functional deficit
ol monoamine pathways in depression. Hypothalamic neurons 1
Ncurogenesis (~ee Ch. 35)-the formation of ne\\ neurons from \tem ceJJ
cuntrolling pituitary function receive noradrenergic and 5-HT
precui""\Or.-occur. to n significam degree in the adult hippocampu'>. and
~h. which control the discharge of these cells. Hypothalamic po~'ibly elsewhere in the brain. contradicting the old dogma that it occurs
celh relca~e corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRR), which only during brain development. 559

the fonnulat ion of the monoamine hypothesis. suggesti ng a range of

pos~iblc target\ for the next generation of antidepressant drugs. 2 Monoamine theory of depression

For now, although it clear ly needs to be modified and elaborated,

The monoamine theory, proposed in 1965,
Schildkraut\ basic hypothesis remains the best basis for under-
suggests that depression results from functionally
~tand ing the action\ of current antidepressant drugs.
deficient monoaminergic (noradrenaline and/or
5-hydroxytryptamine) transmission in the central
The theory was based on the ability of known
T Progre" in unravelling the neurochemical mechanisms is. a.s in so
man} area.\ of p~ychophannacology, limited by the lack of good animal antidepressant drugs (tricyclic antidepressants and
models of the clinical condition. Tilere is no known animal condition monoamme oxidase inhibitors) to facilitate
corresponding to the inherited condition of depression in human\, but monoaminergic transmission, and of drugs such as
variou~ procedu re~ have hcen descri bed that produce in animals reserpine to cause depression.
behavioural \late' (withdrawal from social inreraction, loss of appetite, Biochemical studies on depressed patients do not
reduced motor activity, etc.) typical of human depression (sec review by
Porsoh. 1985). For example, the delivery of repeated inescapable pai nful clearly support the monoamine hypothesis in its
stimuli lend~ to a Slate of ' learned hel plessness'. in which even when the simple form.
animal is free to escape it fails to do so. Mother- infant separation in An abnormally weak response of plasma cortisol to
monkeys, and adminiwation of amine-depleting drugs such as reserpine, exogenous steroid {dexamethasone suppression test)
also produce '> tales thtll superficittlly resem ble human depression. As well is common in depression and may reflect defective
a\ being inherentl y distastefu l, these experiments often req uire elaborate
and expen\ive experimental protocols. and the similarity of
monoamine transmission in the hypothalamus.
these \tate\ to human depre\\ion is questionable. However. the learned Recent evidence suggests that depression may be
he lple;,\nC\\ \late and the effect of mother-infant separation can be associated with neurodegeneration and reduced
reve~d by tricyclic antidepre~sanl!. (TCAs) and increased by small neurogenesis in the hippocampus.
doses of a -methyl-p t)rosine (which inhibih noradrenaline .,ynthe\i\), Although the monoamine hypothesis in its simple
\Ugge~ting a ba. . ic \imilarity to depre;,.,ive illness in humans.
form is insufficient as an explanation of depression,
pharmacological manipulation of monoamine
transmission remains the most successful therapeutic
TYPES OF ANTIDEPRESSANT DRUG Current approaches focus on other mediators (e.g.
corticotrophin-releasing hormone), signal transduction
A ntidepressant drug~ fall into the following categories pathways, growth factors, etc., but theories remain
(Table 39.2). imprecise.
Inhibitors of monoami ne uptake:
- non-selecti ve (noradrenaline/serotonin) uptake inhibitors;
the&e inc lude tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) (e.g.
imipramine, amitriptyline) and more recent antidepressants Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors (MAOls):
such as venlafaxine (somewhat selective for serotonin, - irreversible, non-competitive inhibitors (e.g. phenelzine,
although less so than selecti ve serotonin uptake inhibitors) tranylcypromine), which are non-selective with respcctlo
and duloxetine, which have fewer side effects than TCAs. the MAO-A and -B subtypes (see below)
- selecti ve serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRTs) (e.g. - reversible, MAO-A-selective inhibitors (e.g. moclobemidel
fluoxetine, flu voxaminc, paroxetine and sertraline). Miscellaneous (atypical) receptor-blocking compounds
-selecti ve noradrenaline uptake inhibitors (e.g. maprotiline, whose antidepressant actions are poorly understood (e.g.
r eboxetine). mianserin, trazodooe, mirtazapine). The herbal prcparauc
St John's won. whose main active ingredient is hyperforin.
has similar clinical efficacy to most of the prescribed
antidepressant!>. It is a weak uptake inhibitor but also has
other actions.'

Cynic.. ma)' feel that the\e mechani\m~. in which glutamate. neurotrophic
factors. monoamine;, and Meroid' all interact to control neuronal death,
survival nnd plasticity. arc bemg invoked just as enthusiastically to account
for almost every neurological and psychiatric dbordcr that you can think of.
from ~troke and Parkin\on\ di\ea\e to schi10phrenia. 'A re we missi ng 'Although re latively free of acute side effects, hyperforio activates
something,' they may feel, 'or are all the.,e di~eases basically the same? If cytochrome P450. resulting in loss of efficacy. with serious consequen.;c
so, why are their effect ;o ditTerent'? Is this j ust a scienti fic bandwagon, or of several imponnnt drugs. includi ng ciclosporin. oral contraceptives, '~llil
docs this mechan istic convergence point to some fundamental princi ples of ant i-II IV and anticancer drug,, and oral anticoagul ants-underl ining th(
neural organisation?' We do not have the answers. of course, but it is a field principle that herbal remedi es need to be used with the same degree of
560 worth watching. informed caution as any other drug.

STRESS (!) .. Glutamate NA 5HT BDNF

~ ~ ~ ~
CAF u2 5HT1A TrkB
release receptors receptors receptors

~ I ~ /'\. / I

~ Adrenal cortex
Cortisol Beneficial gene
+ transcription response

Neural apoptos1s Neurogenesis
Prefrontal cortex


Fig. 39.1 Simplified diagram showing mechanisms believed to be involved in the pathophysiology of depression. The main
prodepressive pathways 1nvolve the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, which is activated by stress and 1n turn enhances the
excitotoxic action of glutamate, mediated by NMDA receptors (see Ch. 33), and switches on the expression of genes that promote
neural apoptosis in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex. The antidepressive pathways involve the monoamines noradrenaline (NA)
and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-Hl), which act on G-protein-coupled receptors, and the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BON F), which
acts on a k1nase-linked receptor (TrkB), switching on genes that protect neurons against apoptosis and also promote neurogenesis. For
further detail, see Charney & Manji (2004). ACTH, adrenocorticotrophic hormone; CRF, corticotrophin-releasing factor.

Table 39.4 summarises the main features of these types of drug. reuptake mechani\m of lhe nel"\e terminal is blocked (..ee Ch. II).
Relent updates (Bosker et al., 2004; Pacher & Kecsemeti, 2004) This tc\t gives po<,ithe result\ with monoamine uptake inllibitol"\
but doe~ not reveal MAOI or atypic3l antidepressant activity.
proVIde more detail. Mention should also be made of
Potentiatioll of tile central effects of amplletami11e. Amphetamine
el~ctroconvul~ive therapy (ECT), which is effective and usually
work~ partly by rclea>ing noradrenaline in the brain. and it' action\
0 "more rapidly than antidepressant drugs (see later section). are enhanced both by MAOb and by uptake inhibitors. Some atypical
antideprc.sams 3lso give a positive rcsponM!, making it u useful test for
predicting activity in humans.
MEASUREMENT OF ANTIDEPRESSANT Amagonism of reserpi11e-inducetl depression. Reserpine depletes the
ACTIVITY bram of both noradrenaline and 5-HT. causmg variou' measurable
effecb (hypothem1ia. bradycardia, reduced mOtor activity, etc.) that are
T The clinical effectivenes of the lirst MAOI and TCA drugs was reduced by antideprc~sam drug~. This test oho revea!J, activity among
Ji...:overed by chance when these drug~ were given to patient.~ for other
the atypical antidepressant~.
rt '"II' lpronia:tid. the fiN MAOI. was originally used to treat
Block of amine upt;lke in vitm. Among TCA~. !here 1\ a fairly good
1 loterculo'1' be1ng chem1cally related to isoniazid (~ee Ch. 46); correlation between antidepres~ant activity and potency in inhibiting
imipramine. the first TCA. resemble;, chlorpromazine (sec Ch. 38) and
noradrenaline or 5-IIT uptake, but MAOis and many other antidepres~
"a.' first tried a~ an antipsychotic dn1g. Lmer. the monoamine hypOLhesis ants ha'e no effect.
ol dcpre,,ion produced a biochemical rationale for their antidepres\ant
._'tlOil>. and hence ways of te\ting new compound.\ :l\ a preliminary to A general point that ha.\ to be borne in mind when using in vitro tesll. to
chmcal Lnals. The resu lts of sucb biochemical tew. are succcs,ful in assess potential antidepressants b that many drugs (particularly TCA~)
pR'dicting clinical efficacy for conventional TCA~ and MAOJs. but fail to are metabolised to pharmacologically active ;ub<,tanccs in vivo. and it ;..,
preJct efficacy with many newer antidepressant drug\. Variou~ often unclear whether the parent drug or the metabolite is actually
l'eha1iowal tC\l\ have ~ been used (..ee above), although !here i'> no respon'>ible for the clinical effect.
1mal model that satisfactorily resembles depressive illness in humans.
Sume of tl1e most useful tests are the following. Clinically. the etrect of antidepressant drug i~ usually mea~urcd by a
subjective rating scale such a<, the 17-item Hamilton Rari11g Scale
lhrmtiatu~tr of noratll?naline effect.\ i11 the penplrel). Stimulation of Clinical depression takes man) forms, and the symptom' \ary between
')mpatheuc nerves or administration of noradrenaline causes patienL\ and over time. Quantitation is !herefore difficult. and the many
contraction of ~mooth muscle, wllich i~ enhanced if 1he noradrenaline clinical trial ~ of antidcpressanll. have generally ~hown rather weak effccL'>. 561

respon~e~ to clonidine, tm a 2-adrenoceptor agonist. are redlKd!

by long-tem1 antidepressant treatment. Other receptors have dl
been ~tudied; a 1-adrenoceptors are not consistently affected, b
Main types are: 5-IIT ,-receptor~ are also down-regulated.
monoamine uptake inhibitors (tricyclic How t he~e fi ndi ngs re late to the monoamine hypothe'i'
antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake unclear. Lo~., of f3-adrenoceptors as a factor in allc\iauot
inhibitors and others) depression docs not fit comfortably with theory, becau..c ~
monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors adrenoceptor antagoni!.ts are not antidepressant, although it i-. !It
miscellaneous ('atypical') antidepressants, mainly most consistent c hange reported. Impaired presynaptic inhibit100
non-selective receptor antagonists (e.g. secondary to down-regulation of uradrenoceptors might. l
trazodone, m1rtazepine). is argued. faci litate monoamine re lease and thus faci l it~
Tricyclic antidepressants and selective serotonin transmi1.sion. Con~btent with this possibility i~ the fact that 'iCMn!
reuptake inhibitors act by inhibiting uptake of newer antidep res~ant drugs, suc h as mirtazapine (Table 39.4
noradrenaline and/or 5-HT by monoaminergic nerve arc antagonists at vari ous inhibitory presynaptic receptor"
terminals, thus acutely facilitating transmission. inc luding a 2-adrenoceptors.
MAO inhibitors inhibit one or both forms of brain As described a bove, several antidepressant drugs appear h
MAO, thus increasing the cytosolic stores of pro mo te n et~~ogenes i s in the hippocan1pus, a mechanism th3i
noradrenaline and 5-HT in nerve terminals. Inhibition could account for the slow development of the therape utic effect
of type A MAO correlates with antidepressant
activity. Most are non-selective; moclobemide is
Mode of action of 'atypical' antidepressants is poorly Tricyclic antidepresstmts are l>lill widely used. They are, ho\\Cil'l;
understood. far from ideal in practice. and it was the need for drug~ that u.:
All types of antidepressant drug take at least 2 weeks more quickly and reliably, produce fewer side effect~ and are
to produce any beneficial effects, even though their les'> ha7ardou'> in overdose that led to the introduction of nelltr
pharmacological effects are produced immediately, 5-HT reuptake inhibitor<. and other antidepressants.
indicating that secondary adaptive changes are
important. Chemical aspects
The most cons1stent adaptive change seen with Tricyclic antidepressant~are closely related in srrucrure to !It
different types of antidepressant drugs is down- phenothiaJine~ (Ch. 38) and were initially synLilesised (in 19-19
regulation of tl and a - adrenoceptors, as well as as potential antipsychotic dntgs. Imipramine was found to be ci
5-HT2 receptors. How this is related to therapeutic no use in schi1.0phrenia but effective in depression. so related
effect is not clear. compounds, such as clomipramine. were synthesised. They difftr
Recent evidence suggests that antidepressants may from phenothiazi ncs principa lly in the incorporation of an extra
act by increasing neurogenesis in the hippocampus. atom into the central ring (Fig. 39.2), which twists the structure
so that the mo lecule is no longer planar as in phe nothiazine~.
S imilar changes to Llle structure of thioxanthenc-typc anlip')
after allowance for quite large placebo response;. There i ~ also a high
c hotic dru gs resulted in dru gs such as amitripty line. All LhCIC
degree of individ ual vuri<tti on. wilh 3~0% of patients failing to show compounds arc tertiary amines, with two methyl groups attached
any improvement. (Xl\<,ibly due to genetic factors (sec below).

MECHANISM OF ACTION OF Testing of antidepressant d"'gs

In the ab-.cnce of a l>imple mechanistic theory to account for Animal models of depression include:
antidepressant action (see above). it is u eful to look for learned helplessness model
phannacological effect\ that the various drugs have in common, - reversal of reserpine-induced behavioural syndrome
concentrating more on Lllc slow adaptive changes that follow a - mother- infant separation in primates.
-.imilar time cour.e to the therapeutic effect. This approach has None is a good model for human depressive illness,
led to the d iscovery that certain monoamine receptors, in but they are the best available for testing new drugs.
particular ~ 1 and a 2-adrenocep tors. are consistently down- Biochemical and pharmacological measures include
regulated fo llowing chronic antidepressant rreatment. This can inhibition of monoamine uptake, receptor-blocking
be demonstrated in experimental animals as a reduction in the activity, enhancement of peripheral noradrenergic
number o f bind ing sites, as well as by a reduction in the transmission.
functio na l response to agonists (e.g. sti m ulation of cAMP Clinical testing of antidepressant drugs necessitates
fo rm atio n by ~ -ad rc n occ ptor agonis ts). R ecepto r d own- allowance for large placebo effects.
...,,...____ _
562 regulatio n probably also occurs in humans, because endocrine
uccd adrenoceptor!.. Most TCAs inhibit noradrenaline and 5-HT
abo uptake by brain synaptosomes to a similar degree (Fig. 39.4) but
hut have much less effect on dopamine uptake. It has been suggested
that improvement of emotional symptoms reflects mainly an
I~ j, enhancement of 5-HT-mcdiated transmission, whereas relief of
tting biological symptoms re~ults from facilitation of noradrenergic
- f\- transmission. Interpretation is made difficult by the fact that
; the the major metabolites of TCAs have considerable pharmacological
it lOll activity (in some cases greater than that of the parent drug)
t. it /CH3 and often differ from the parent drug in respect of their
Imipramine - CH 2CH2 CH2 N noradrenaline/5-HT selectivity (Table 39.2).
\ ln addition to their effects on amine upt.ake, most TCAs affect
rne CH3
1.4), one or more types of neurotransmilter receptor, including
Desipramine - CH 2CH2CH2 NHCH3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors, histamine receptors and
5-HT receptors. The antimuscarinic effects of TCAs do not
t to contribute to thei r antidepressant effects but arc responsible
that for various troublesome side effects (see below).
Actions and unwanted eHects
Olbenzcycloheptenes in non-depressed human subjects, TCAs cause sedation,
confusion and motor incoordination. These effects occur also
in depressed patients in the first few days of treatment, but tend
to wear off in 1- 2 weeks as the antidepressant effect develops.
~trc In experimental animals, TCAs produce sedation, but they are
'-'CI able to reverse the depressant effect of reserpine treatment. TCAs
Drug are also used to treat neuropathic pain (see Ch. 41 ).

lH3 Unwanted eHects with normal clinical dosage

Amitriptyline =CHCH2CH2N Tricyclic antidepressants produce a number of troublesome side
the \ effects, mainly due to interference with autonomic control.
9) CH3
Atropine-like effects include dry mouth, blurred vision,
ol Nortriptyline = CHCH2CH2NHCH3 constipation and urinary retention. These effects arc strong with
cd amitriptyline and much weaker with desipramine. Po~tural
Fer hypotension occurs with TCAs. This may seem anomalous for
Fig. 39.2 Chemical structures of tricyclic
drugs that enhance noradrenergic transmission, and possibly
results from an effect on adrenergic transmis!.ion in the
medullary vasomotor centre. The other common side effect is
y- sedation (see above), and the long duration of action means that
daytime performance is often affected by drowsiness and
difficulty in concentrating.
Tricyclic antidepressants, particularly in overdose, may cause
ventricular dysrhytlunias associated with prolongation of the QT
10 the ba~ic nitrogen atom. They arc quite rapidly demethylated
interval (see Ch. 18). Usual therapeutic doses of TCAs increase
tn 1 ivo (Fig. 39.3) to the corresponding secondary amines
the risk of sudden cardiac death slightly but significantly.
desipramine, nortriptyline, etc.). which are themselves active
.md may be administered as drugs in their own right Other Interactions with other drugs
lricyclic derivatives with slightly modified bridge structures include Tricyclic antidepressants are particularly likely to cause adverse
doxepin The pharmacological differences between these drugl> effects when given in conjunction with other drugs (see Ch. 52).
are not \ery great and relate mainly to their side effects, which They rely on hepatic microsomal metabolism for elimination,
are discussed below. and this may be inhibited by competing drugs (e.g. antipsychotic
drugs and some steroids).
Mechanism of action Tricyclic antidepressants potentiate the effects of alcohol and
As discu\'>Cd above, the main immediate effect of TCAs is to aneMhetic agents, for reasons that are not well understood, and
,,od; the uptake of amines by nerve terminal!., by competition deathl> have occurred as a result of this, when severe respiratory
for the binding site of the amine transporter (Ch. 11). Synthesis depression has followed a bout of drinking. TCAs also interfere
of amine~. storage in synaptic vesicles, and release are not with the action of various antihypertensive drugs (see Ch. 19), with
Jirectl) affected, although some TCAs appear to increase potentially dangerous consequences, so their use in hypertensive
transmitter release indjrectly by blocking presynaptic a r patients requires close monitoring. 563

lminodibenzyl lmtpramtne Imipramine N-oxide

C):b-- cDJ --.C):b c~

CH 2CH 2CH2N(CH:J2 '" / CH 2CH2 CH2N-O
Demethylatio/ CH3

,-- Hydroxylation ---., ~

..__ ~ 'l../--NV Desmethylimipramtne


2-Hydroxyimipramine 2-Hydroxydesmethylimipramine


Fig. 39.3 Metabolism of 'l../--NV 'l../--NV 'l../--NV
imipramine, which is typical of CH2CH2CH 2N(CH3)2 CH 2CH2CH 2NHCH
that of other tricyclic
antidepressants. The hydroxylating
enzyme, CYP206, is subject to
genetic polymorphism, which may
1 Co"Jgotlo" l
Glucuronide Glucuronide
account for individual variation in
response to tricyclic antidepressants
(see Ch. 52). Hydroxylatton catalysed by CYP206

Acute toxicity '>Y'>tem and the heart. The initial effect of TCA overdo~agc is
Tricyclic antidepressants are dangerous in overdose, and were cause excitemellf and delirium. which may be accompani~'ll
at one time commonly used for suicide attempts. which wa~ comttfsions. This is followed by coma and respiratory
an important factor prompting the introduction of !>afer la!>ting for some days. Atropine-like effects arc
antidepressants. The main effects are on lhe central nervou!> including flushing, dry mouth and skin. mydriasis, and i
of gut and bladder. Anticholinestemse drugs have been U'>~'ll
counter atropine-like effects but are no longer
Cardiac dysrhythmias (sec above) are common, and
~ Reboxetine death (rare) may occur from ventricular fibri llation.

r - 100

~ Reboxetine NA-selective
Table 39.2 Inhibition of neuronal noradrenaline and
10 -
+- Protriptyline
uptake by tricyclic antidepressants and their metabolites

Drug/metabolite NA uptake 5-HT uptake

a. Amitriptyline lmtpramine +++ ++
1- lmtpramine Non-selective
.;, Desmethylimipramine (DMI) ++++ +
<( Clomipramine
z 0.1 Hydroxy-OMI +++
a: Venlafaxine Clomipramine (CMI) ++ +++
0.01 Fluvoxamine 5-HT-selective Desmethyi-CMI +++ +
Fluoxetine Amitriptyline (AMI) ++
0 .001 Nortrip tyline (desmethyi-AMI) +++ ++

.,.,., / .. 564 l Fig. 39.4 Selectivity of inhibition of noradrenaline and 5-

hydroxytryptamine uptake by various antidepressants. Hydroxynortriptyline ++ ++

Pharmacokinetic aspects
Tricyclic antidcpressarHs are all rapidly absorbed when given Tricyclic antidepressants
orally and bind strongly 10 plasma albumin, most being 90-95%
bound at therapeutic plasma concentration11. They also bind to Tricyclic antidepressants are chemically
t\Lralal>Cular tissues, which accounts for their generally very related to phenothiazines, and some have similar
large distribution volumes (usually 10-50 1/kg; see Ch. 7) and non-select1ve receptor-blocking actions.
l011 rates of elimination. Extravascular sequestration, together Important examples are imipramine, amitriptyline and
11rth \trong binding to plasma albwnin, means that haemodialysis clomipram1ne.
"ineffective as a means of increasing drug elimination. Most are long-acting, and they are often converted to
Tricyclic antidepressants are metabolised in the liver by two active metabolites.
m:un routes (Fig. 39.2). namely N-demethylation. whereby tertiary Important side effects: sedation (H, block); postural
amme> are converted to secondary amines (e.g. imipramine to hypotension (a-adrenoceptor block); dry mouth,
de~methjlimipramine, amitriptyline to nortriptyline). and ring blurred vision, constipation (muscarinic block);
h1droxylation. Both the desmethyl and the hydroxylated occasionally mania and convulsions. Risk of
melabolites commonly retain biological activity (see Table 39.2). ventricular dysrhythmias due to HERG channel block.
During prolonged treatment with TCAs, the plasma concen- Dangerous in acute overdose: confusion and mania,
tration of these metabolites is usually comparable with that of cardiac dysrhythmias.
th~ parent drug. although there is wide variation between Liable to interact with other drugs (e.g. alcohol,
mJ11 1duals. Lnacuvation of the drugs occurs by glucuronide anaesthetics, hypotensive drugs and non-steroidal
conjugation of the hydroxylated metabolites. the glucuronides anti-inflammatory drugs; should not be given with
lll:mg excreted in the urine. monoamine oxidase inhibitors).
The 01erall half-times for elimination ofTCAs are generally long,
mnging from 10 to 20 hours for imipramine and desipramine
to about 80 hours for protriptyline. They are even longer in
elder!} patients. Therefore gradual accumulation is possible,
leading to slowly developing side effects. The relationship between
pla,ma concentrauons and the therapeutic effect is not simple.
to Indeed, a study on nortriptyline (Fig. 39.5) showed that too high a Clinical uses of tricyclic antidepressants
by pl:hma concentration actually reduces the antidepressant effect, and related drugs
ion ;md there is a narrow 'therapeutic window'.
ed, Tricyclic antidepressants (e.g. amitryptyline,
ion Other non-selective uptake inhibitors imipramine) and related drugs (e.g. trazodone) are
to ll'her rela1ively non-selective amine uptake inhibitors used:
d. ..ero~onin/noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors, or 'SNRis' 4 ) include for moderate to severe endogenous depression ,
kn 1enlafaxine and duloxeti n e (see Table 39.4). especially with psychomotor features such as
insomnia (a sedating drug such as amitriptyline is
used) or poor appetite; t razodone has less
marked antimuscarinic effects
for panic and related disorders (e.g.
l!? 6 c lo mipramine for obsessional and phobic states)
0 for neuropathic pain (e.g. postherpetic and other
c: 4 forms of neuralgia; see Ch. 41)
short-term treatment of nocturnal enuresis in older
.Q 2
a; children (Ch. 24).

~ 0
Points to note are as follow.
Onset of action is slow: treatment should be for at
least 4-6 weeks before concluding that an
0 200 400 600 individual drug is ineffective. If there is a partial
Plasma nortriptyline concentration (nmol/1) response, treatment should be continued for
several more weeks before increasing the dose.
Fig. 39.5 'Therapeutic window' for nortriptyline. The
anbdepressant effect, determined from subjective rating scales, Treatment should continue for at least 4 months
s opt1mal at plasma concentrations between 200 nmoVI and following remission. Withdrawal is tapered over
.;oo rmoVl, and declines at higher levels. ____ _) several weeks.
Tricyclic antidepressants cause severe
cardiotoxicity (dysrhythmia) in overdose; suic1de
risk should be assessed before prescribing.
'Don't be misled by a marketing term for a Jcs~> selective drug than an SSR I. 565

SELECTIVE 5-HYDROXYTRYPTAMINE Selective serotonin reuptake

Drugs of this type (often termed selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitors or SSR/s) include fl uoxetine, Ouvoxami ne. paroxetine, Examples include fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, paroxetine,
citalopram and sertraline (M!e Table 39.4). They arc the most sertraline, citalopram. Venlafoxine is a less selective
commonly prescribed group of antidepressants. As well as show- 5-HT uptake inhibitor.
ing selectivity with respect to 5-IIT over noradrenaline uptake, Antidepressant actions are similar in efficacy and time
they arc less likely than TCA!> to cause anticholinergic side course to those of TCA.
effects and are less dangerous in overdose. ln contrast to MAOls Acute toxicity (especially cardiotoxicity) is less than
(sec below), they do not cau\C 'cheese reactions'. They are as that of MAOI or TCA, so overdose risk is reduced.
effective a~ TCAs and MAOh in treati11g depression of moderate Side effects include nausea, insomnia and sexual
degree, but probably less effective than TCAs in treating severe dysfunction. SSRI are less sedating and have less
depression. ll1ey arc at o u-.ed to treat a particular type of anxiety antimuscarinic side effects than the older TCAs.
di!.order known as obsesshe compufsil'e disorder (see Ch. 37). No food reactions, but dangerous 'serotonin reaction
(hyperthermia, muscle rigidity, cardiovascular
Pharmacokinetic aspects collapse) can occur if given with MAOI.
The SSRls are well absorbed, and most bave plasma half-lives of Currently the most commonly prescribed
15-24 hour-. (fluoxetine is longer acting: 24-96 hours). ll1e delay antidepressants; also used for some other psychiatric
of 2-4 week\ before the therapeutic effect develops is similar to indications. Venlafaxine is licensed to treat generalized
that seen with other antidepressant~. Paroxetine and fl uoxetine are anxiety disorder as well as depressive illness.
not used in combination with TCAs, whose hepatic metabolism There is concern about the use of SSRI in children
they inhibit, for fear of increasing TCA tollicity. and aolescent s, due to reports of an increase in
suicidal thoughts on starting treatment.
Unwanted effects
Common '>ide effects are nau'>ea. anorexia, insomnia, loss of
libido and fai lure of orgasm.
ln combination with MAOis. SSRJs can cause a '!>erotonin Other monoamine uptake Inhibitors
syndrome' characterised by tremor, hyperthennia and cardio-
vasmfar co((apse, from which deaths have occurred. Group of noradrenaline-selective (e.g.
There have been reports of increased aggression, and reboxetine) or non-selective (e.g. venlafaxine,
occasionally violence, in patients treated with fluoxetinc. but duloxetine) inhibitors.
these ha"c not been confirmed by controlled studies. The use of Generally similar to tricyclic antidepressants but lack
SSRTs is not recommended for treating depression in children maJor receptor-blockrng actions, so fewer srde effects.
under 18, in whom efficacy i~ doubtful and adver\e effects, Less risk of cardiac effects, so safer in overdose than
including excitement, insomnia and aggression in the first few tricyclic antidepressants.
weeks of treatment, may occur. The possibility of increased
suicidal ideation is a concern in this age group.
Despite the apparent advantages of 5-HT uptake inhibitors
over TCA\ in terms of side efTeCL\, the combined result. of many intere!>t in this class or drug. A lthough several studies have sho\1
trials ~how no overall difference in tenus of patient acceptability a reduction in platelet MAO activiry in certain group> '
(Song ct al.. 1993). depressed patients, there b no clear evidence that aboonn..
5-HT uptake inhibitors arc used in a variety of psychiatric MAO activity is involved in the pathogenesis of depression.
disorders, as well as in depression, including anxiety disorders, M onoamine oxidase (sec Ch. 11 ) is found in nearly all tissue,
panic attacks and obsessive compul!,ive disorder. and exists in two simi lar molecular form~ coded by separate
gene~ (sec Table 39.3). M AO-A has a substrate preference ~
5-HT and is the main target for the antidcpre'>sant MAOI'
MAO-B has a substrate preference for phenylethylamine, aoc
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) were among the first dmgs both enzymes act on noradrenaline and dopamine. Type B is
to be introduced clinically as antidepressants but were largely selectively inhibited by sclcgiline, which is used in the treatmel1
superseded by tricyclic and other types of antidepressants, whose of parkinsonism (see Ch. 35). Disruption of the MAO-A gent
clinical efficacies were considered better and whose side effectS in mice causes increased brain accumulation of 5-HT and. to.
are generally less than those of MAOh. The main examples are le~~cr extent, noradrenaline, along with aggre<;sive bebavia..;
phenelzine. tranylcypromine and iproniazid. These drugs cause (Shih ct aJ., 1999). A family has been reported with an inherite~;
irreversible inhibition of the enLyme and do not di!.tinguish mutation leading to loss of MAO-A activity, whose memberl
between the two main isozymes (!.ee below). Recently, the discovery showed mental retardation and violent behaviour patterns. Mo-t
- S66 of reversible inhibitors that show isozyme selectivity has reki ndled antidepressant MAOls act on both forms of MAO. but clinical

changes occur in peripheral ti,,uel> such as heart, liver and

Tillie 39.3 Substrates and inhibitors for type A and type intestine, and increase!> in the plasma concentrations of the~e
8 monoamine oxidase
amines are also detectable. Although these increases in tissue
amine content are largely due to accumulation within neurons,
Type A Type B
' transmitter release in response to nerve activity is not increased.
Preferred Noradrenaline Phenylethylamine In contrast to the effect of TCAs, MA01s do not increase the

substrates 5-Hydroxytryptamine Benzylamine response of peripheral organ~. such as the heart and blood
vesl.els, to sympathetic nerve !>limulation. The main effect of MAO Is
Non-specific Dopamine Dopamine is to increase the cytopla!>mic concentration of monoamine~ in
substrates Tyramine Tyramine
nerve terminals, without greatly affecting the vesicular stores that
SpecifiC Inhibitors Clorg1line Selegiline fom1 the pool that is releac;able by nerve <;timulation. The incre<L'>ed
Moclobemide cytoplasmic pool results in an increased rate of !.pontaneou'
leakage or monoamincs, and also an increased release by indirectly
Non-spec1fic Pargyline Pargyline acting sympathomimetic amines ~uch a~ amphetamine and
nh,bitors Tranylcypromine Tranylcypromine
tyramine (see Ch. ll). This occurs because these aminel. work
lsocarboxaz1d lsocarboxazid
by displacing noradrenal ine from the vesicles into the nerve
terminal cytoplasm. from which it may either leak out and
produce a response, or be degraded by MAO (sec Fig. I 1.8).
Inhibition of MAO increase~ the proportion that escapes and thus
'tud1c' with subtype-specific inhibitors have shown clearly that
enhances the response. Tyramine thu'> causes a much greater rise
anlldepre\,ant activity. as well ao, the main side effects of
in blood pressure in MAOI-treated animals than in control'>. Thi'>
~L-\01,, 1s associated with MAO- A inhibition. MAO is located
mechanism is important in relation to the cheese reaction produced
mtracellularly, mostly ac;sociated with mitochondria, and has
by MA01s in humans (see later c;ection).
t\10 main functions.
ln normal human subjecL~. MAOls cause an immediate increa~e
Within nerve terminals, MAO regulates the free inlraneuronal in motor activity. and euphoria and excitement develop over the
concentration of noradrenaline or 5-IIT, and hence the course of a few days. This is in contrast to TCAs, which cause
r~lcasable stores of these transmitters. It is not Lnvolved in only sedatiou and confu~>ion when given to non~deprcs~ed
the Inactivation of relea~ed tran1-.mittcr. The biochemical role 1-ubject~. MAOls (like TCAs) arc also effective in reversing the
of ~1AO in noradrenergic nerves and the effect of MA01 on behavioural effects of reserpine treatment. The effects of MAOI~
tran,miuer metabolism are discussed in Chapter 11. on amine metabolism develop rapidly. and the effect of a '>ingle
~lAO i~ important in the inactivation of endogenous and dose lac;ts for several day<.,. There is a clear discrepancy, a'> v. ith
mgc,ted amines that would otherwise produce unwanted TCA<>, between the rapid biochemical response and the delayed
eltcct\. An example is tyramine. an ingested amine that is a antidepressant effect.
'uh.,trate for both MAO-A and MAO-B, and is important in The mechanisms underlying the antidepressant effect~ of
producing some clinically important adverse interactions of MAOls are not well under~tood, but MAOls cause a delayed
MAO!s with foods and other drug!> (see below). down-regulation of ~-adrenoceptor~ and 5-HT2-rcceptors similar
to that produced by TCAs.
Chemical aspects
\!1moamine oxidase inhibitors arc substrate analogues with a Unwanted effects and toxicity
wn phen} leth) !amine-like structure. and most comain a reactive Many of the unwanted effect'> of MA01s result directly from
of group (e.g. hydrazine, propargylamine, cyclopropylamine) that MAO inhibition, but some are produced by other mechani'>mS.
nal enable., the inhibitor to bind covalently to the enzyme. resulting llypoteusion is a common ~ide effect; indeed. pargyline was
m a non-competiti,e and long-la~ting inhibition. Recovery of at one time used as an antihypcnensivc drug. One possible
e~. \lAO activity after inhibition take!. several weeks with most explanation for this effect the oppo<.,ile of what might have been
me drug~. but is quicker after tranylcy promine, which forms a expected-is that amines such as dopamine or octopamine
or k'' \table bond with the enL.ymc. Moclobemide acts a~ a accumulate within peripheral sympathetic nerve terminals and
lis. 1\'Vcr~iblc competitive inhibitor. displace noradrenaline from the ~>torage vesicles, thus reducing
Llld \1onoamine oxidase inhibitors arc not particularly specific in noradrenaline release associnted with sympathetic activity.
IS !he1r actions, and inhibit a variety of other enzymes as well a~ Excessive central stimulation may cause tremors. excitement.
ent \1\0. including many en;ymes involved in the metabolism of in<.,omnia and, in overdose, convul<;ion~.
ne OOier drugs. This is responsible for o,ome of the many clinically Increased appetite, leading to weight gain. can be so extreme
)a unportant drug interactions a~sociated with MA01s. as to require the drug to be discontinued.
)Ur Atropine-like side effect!> (dry mouth, blurred vision, urinary
cd Pharmacological effects retention, etc.) are common with MAOis, although they are less
~fS \lonoamine oxidase inhibitors cause a rapid and sustained of a problem than with TCAs.
st maeasc in the 5-HT, noradrenaline and dopamine content of the MAOis of the bydmzine type (e.g. phenelzine and iproniazid)
~a] bram, 5-1IT being affected most a nd dopamine least. Similar produce, very rarely (less than I in I0 000), severe hepatotoxicity, S67

reversible MAOTs. such as moclobemidc. is that these imeracuoos

Other antidepressant drugs arc reduced.
The cheese reaction is a direct consequence of MAO inhib1tioo
Heterogeneous group including trazodone, and occurs when normally innocuous amines (mainly tyramin:
mirtazapine and bupropion. produced during fermentation are ingested. Tyramine is normaih
No common mechanism of action. Act mainly as non- metabolised by MAO in the g ut wall and liver, and little dicta~
selective antagonists at presynaptic receptors, tyramine reaches the systemic circulation. MAO inhibill<
possibly enhanc1ng amine release. allows tyramine to be absorbed, and also enhances its S\111-
Delay in therapeutic response is similar to that with pathomimetic effect. as discussed above. The result is a~uk
tricyclic antidepressants and monoamine oxidase hypertension. giving rise to a severe throbbing headache ar
inhibitors. Mirtazapine may act more rapidly. occasionally even to intracranial haemorrhage. Although m.. ,
Unwanted effects and acute toxicity vary but are foods contain some tyramine, it appears that at least lO mg of
generally less than with tricyclic antidepressants. tyramine needs to be ingested to produce such a response, and
the main danger i-. from ripe cheeses and from concentrated }e.&
products such as Marmitc. Administration of indirectly acun.
sympathomimetic amines (e.g. ephedrine, a mphetamine) abo
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI) causes severe hypertension in patients receiving MAOls; dirt\:d1
acting agents such as noradrenaline (used for example
Main examples are phenelzine, tranylcypromine, conjunction with local anaesthetics; see Ch. 44) arc no:
isocarboxazid (irreversible, long-acting, non-selective hazardous. Moclobcmide, a specific MAO-A inhibitor, docs nut
between MAO-A and B) and moclobemide (reversible, cause the cheese reaction, probably because tyramine can ~till bt
short-acting, MAO-A-selective). metabolised by MAO-B.
Long acting MAOI: Hype rte ns ive episodes have been reported in patients gi\~n
o Main side effects: postural hypotension (sympathetic
TCAs and MAOis simultaneously. The probable explanation ,
block); atropine-like effects (as with TCA); weight that inhibition of noradrenaline reuptake further enhances d
gain; CNS stimulation, causing restlessness, cardiovascular response to dietary tyramine, thus accentuatinE
insomniahepatotoxicity and neurotoxicity (rare). the c heese reaction. This com hi nation of drugs can also produc,
o Acute overdose causes CNS stimulation,
excitement and hyperactivity.
sometimes convulsions. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors can interact with pcthidint
o 'Cheese reaction', ie. severe hypertensive
(see Ch. 41) to cause severe hyperpyrexia, with restle~snc"
response to tyramine-containing foods (e.g. coma and hypotension. The mechani'>m is uncertain. but it ,
cheese, beer, wine, well-hung game, yeast or soy likely that an abnormal pethidine metabolite is produced bee~
extracts. Such reactions can occur up to 2 weeks of inhibition of dcmcthylation.
after treatment is discontinued. A comparison of the main characteristics of MAOTs and otht1
Interaction with other amines (e.g. ephedrine in antidepressant drugs is given in Table 39.4.
over the counter decongestants, clomipramine
and other TCAs) and some other drugs (e.g. FUTURE ANTIDEPRESSANT DRUGS
pethidine) are also potentially lethal.
Moclobemide is used for major depression and Uncertainty about the biochemical pathogenesis of depres'1
social phobia. Cheese reaction and other drug raises the poss ibi lity of finding new antidepressants acting on
interactions less severe and shorter-lasting than with other (non-amine-related) targets. Many different approach<:
have been taken, and several compounds are in development (
long-lasting MAOis.
MAOI are used much less than other antidepressants Pacher & Kecsemeti, 2004). They include antagonists
because of their adverse effects and serious oeuropeptides- including CRH and substance P-a~ well a
interactions. compounds active on NMDA. acetylcholine and histam1
They are indicated for major depression in patients receptors, and compounds that act on the signal transducti
who have not responded to other drugs. pat11ways responsible for neurogenesis, neural plasticity and
apoptosis. The aim is to satisfy the following criteria:

fewer side effects (e.g. sedation and anticholinergic effects)

lower toxicity in overdose
which seems to be due to the hydra7ine moiety of the molecule. rapid action
Their use in patients with liver disease is therefore unwise. greater efficacy (i.e. more complete relief of symptoms)
efficacy in patients non-responsive to TCAs or MAOis.
Interaction with other drugs and foods
Interaction with other drugs and foods is the most serious So far, although many compounds have ~hown some efficac}
problem with MAOTs and is the maio factor that caused their clinical trials, none appear better than the existing drugs \\
568 clinical u!>e to decline. The special advantage claimed for the new respect to these criteria.

polymorphi'>m of the cytochrome P450 gene. especially CYP2D6 (see

ELECTROCONVULSIVE THERAPY (ECT) Kin::hheiner et al., 2004) which is rt!l>ponsible for hydroxylation ofTCAs
polymorphi'm of mono:unine tr.m~poner genes (see Glan & Reus, 2003).
A iauh: line of rea~oning. namely that schizophrenia and
Up to 104 of white people possess a dysfunctional CYP2D6 gene. and
tptlep') \\ere belieH!d to be mutuaUy exclusive, led to the use con\equcntly may be ~u~eptible to ~ide effects of TCAs and variou\
f mduced com uiSion~ a.\ therapy for psychological disorders in other dru~h (..ce Ch. 51) that are metabolised by this route. The opposite
!he 1930..; although useless in schizophrenia. its efficacy in eft'ect. cnuc;ed b) duplic;~tion of the gene, i!. common in Eru.tem European
tre.lllng C\Cre dcpre!>sion has been repeatedly confirmed. ECT and F.a\t African population~. and may account for a lnck of clinical
human' mvolvcs stimulation through electrodes placed on efficac) in \Oille mdividuab. There is some evidence to suggest that
re<.pon,ivcnc" to SSRI~ i' related to polymorphism of one of the
!her ,jJe of the head, with the patient lightly anaesthetised. serotonin tran'>porter gene<.. but thi' remain~ controversial.
paral)'cd "11h a short-acting neuromuscular-blocking drug
c~ 'u~-cmylcholine; Ch. I 0) so as to avoid physical injury,
Although gcnotyping may prove to be a useful approach in the future
to individuali,ing antidepre\sant thempy. itS pmctical realisation is <;Ome
and artificmll) ventilated. More recently, a technique involving way off.
:m..:ranial magnetic ~timulation , which does not require these
pr~caution!>, has been introduced. Controlled trials have shown Suicide and antide pressants
ECT to be at least as effective as antidepressant drugs, with
,. Vnrious anecdotal reports. and ;,ome defini ti ve studies, have suggested
f'i'J'llnsc rates ranging between 60% and 80%; it appears to be
that antidepressants may increase the risk of 'suicidality' in depressed
the most effective treatment for severe suicidal depression. The patients (sec Licinio & Wong. 2005). The term stdcidaliry encompasses
mam dtsadvantagc of ECT is that it often causes confusion suicidal thoughts and planning as well as unsuccessful attempts; acuml
J memory lo'>s la\ling for days or weeks. suicide, although one of the major causes of death in you ng people, is
The effect of ECf on experimental animals bas been carefully much rarer than suicidality. Clinical trials to determine the relmion,hip
between antidepre~sants and suicidality arc djfficult, because of t.he
al)'cd to see if it provides clues as to the mode of action of
clear a\\ociation between depre~sion and suicide. and have given variable
anudcpre<.,:\llt drugs. but the clues it gives are enigmatic. 5-HT results. with \omc \tudies 'uggesting that suicidality may be increased
. the''' and uptake are unaltered, and noradrenaline uptake is during the first few weeks of antidepressant treatment, although not
on i'
IOOle\lhat increa-.ed (in contrast to the effect ofTCAs). Decreased thereafter. and 'ome ~howing n small increase in the risk of nctual suicide
"' the (;,ec Cipriam et al., 2005). There is no evidence to suggest that SSRJs
adrenoceptor responsiveness. both biochemical and behavioural,
mting carr) an) greater ri\1.. than other antidepressants. Although inconclusive.
t\'tlll\ "tth both ECT and long-tenn administration of anti-
uce the<.e data ha\C cau;,ed the regulatory authorities to issue warning~ about
~-.ant drugs. but changes in 5-HT-mediated responses tend to the u-.e of anudcpressant~. Their caution has been reinforced by detailed
gom oppo,itc directions (sec Macs & Meltzer. 1995). reappmi,al of triab data. ~uggesting that tbe clinical efficacy of anti-
deprC\\llnh b weal..er than previou~ly thought and significant ont} in
ca~es of 'e~ere deprc~~ion. ll1i\ bacl..lash of opinion regarding the u&e
it i\ CUNICAL EFFECTIVENESS OF of antidepressant~ ha~ sparked much controversy, with many clinicians
ANTIDEPRESSANT TREATMENTS arguing that. even if the ~uicide risk is real. for many patients the benefit,
greatly outweigh the risks.
The owall cl inical efficacy of antidepressants has been
N.tblhhcd in many well-controlled clinical trials, although the
J~grcc of improvement i!> limited. 5 Moreover, it is clear that a
IUhstantial proportion of patients recover spontaneously, and that These drugs arc used to control the mood swings characteristic
Jtl-lOtt of patients fail to improve with drug treatmems. of manic-depressive (bipolar) illness. Lithium is most
:ssion ~!though antidepressants produce significant benefit in patients commonly u~ed, but recently anticpileptic drugs such as
~g on "th modcmtc or severe depression, their efficacy in mild cases car bamazepine, valproate and gabapentin (Ch. 40). which
ache' bJs not bt:cn clearly demonstrated. ControUed trials show there have fewer side effects than lithium, have also proved
t (o;ee ~little to choo-.c in terms of overall efficacy between any of the efficacious.
ts of mug' currently in U!>e, although clinical experience suggests that Used prophylactically in bipolar depression. mood-stabilising
ell as l!ldi\iJual patients may. for unknown reasons, respond better to drugs prevent the !>wing!> of mood and thus reduce both the
mine ~drug than to another. depressive and the manic phases of the illness. They arc given
tction over long period'>, and their beneficial effects take 3-4 weeks to
and Pharmacogenetic factors develop. Given in an acute attack. they are effective only in
't' n.e mdi\tdual \Uriation in re~ponse to antidepressants ma) be panly reducing mania. not during the depressive phase (although
due to genettc factoJ'., n~ well as to heterogeneity of the clinical condition. lithium is sometimes used as an adjunct to antidepressants in
T~"O ~eneuc filctor.. have recetved panicular anention. namely: severe cases of unipolar depression).

The psychotropic effect of lithium was discovered in 1949 by
PIJ~ro rt\Jl(lO\CSare pnrticularly evident in antidepressant trials, patient~
cy in "<tnc influenced by the altitude of the prescriber, who is in tum influenced Cade, who had predicted that urate salts should prevent the
with h) daum for the late~t in a long line of dntgs. A nightmare for hospital induction by uraemia of a hyperexcitability state in guinea pigs.
ltlf!nulary commiuccsl lie found lithium urate to produce an effect, quickly discovered 569

Table 39.4 'TYpes of antidepressant drugs and their characteristics

Type and examples Actlon(s) Unwanted effects Risk of overdose Pharmacokinetics Notes


TCA group Inhibition of NN5- Sedation Ventricular 'First-generation'
HT reuptake Anticholinergic effects dysrhythmias antidepressants, still
(dry mouth, constipation, High risk in very widely used,
blurred vision, urinary combination with although newer
retention, etc.) CNS depressants compounds generally
Postural hypotension have fewer s1de
Seizures effects and lower ns.~
Impotence with overdose
Interaction w1th CNS
depressants (especially
alcohol, MAO inhibitors)

Imipramine Non-selective As above As above t1124-18h;

converted to

Desipramine NA-select1ve As above As above t1f212-24h

Amitriptyline Non-selective As above As above t 112 12-24 h; Widely used, also for
converted to neuropathiC pa1n
nortriptyline (Ch. 41)

Nortriptyline NA-selective As above As above Long t 112 (24-96 h) Long duration, less
(slight) sedative

Clomipramine Non-selective As above As above t,/2 18-24 h Also used for anxiety

Other non-selective
uptake inhibitors
Venlafaxine Weak non- As SSRis (see below) Safe in overdose Short t '-~ (-5 h) Claimed to act more
selective NN5-HT Withdrawal effects rapidly than other
uptake inhibitor common and antidepressants, and
Also non-selective troublesome if doses to work better in
receptor-blocking are missed 'treatment-resistant'
effects patients
Usually classed as
non-selective NA/5-
HT uptake blocker,
although in vitro data
show selectiv1ty for

St John's wort (active Weak non- Few side effects Risk of drug t,<2-12h Freely available as
principle: hyperforin) selective NN5-HT reported interactions due to crude herbal
uptake 1nhibitor enhanced drug preparation
Also non- metabolism (e.g. Similar efficacy to
selective loss of efficacy of other antidepressants.
receptor-blocking ciclosporin, with fewer acute side
effects antidiabetic effects but risk of
drugs etc) serious drug
interactions (see text)

Duloxetine Potent non- Fewer side effects than t,/2 -14 h Also used to treat
selective NN5-HT venlafaxine urinary incontinence
uptake Inhibitor Sedation, dizziness, (see Ch. 25) and for
No action on nausea anxiety disorders
monoamine Sexual dysfunction

~, ...... 570

bble 31.4 (c ont'd) Types of antidepressant d rugs and their characteristics

Type and examples Action(s) Unwanted effects Risk of overdose Pharmacokinetics Notes

Boprop1oo Weak inhibitor of Headache, dry mouth, Seizures at high t112 - 12h Plasma half-life - 20 h
dopamine and NA agitation, insomnia doses Used mainly in
uptake depression associated
Mechanism with anxiety
poorly understood Slow-release
formulation used to
treat nicotine
dependence (Ch. 43)

SSRis All highly selective Nausea, diarrhoea, Low risk in

for 5-HT agitation, insomnia, overdose but must
anorgasmia not be used
Inhibit metabolism of in combination with
other drugs, so risk of MAO inhibitors

Fluoxetine As above As above As above Long t 112 (24-96 h)

Fluvoxam1ne As above As above As above t, 12 18-24 h Less nausea than with

other SSRis

Paroxellne As above As above As above t,/2 18-24 h Withdrawal reaction

Crtalopram As above As above As above t,/2 24-36 h Escitalopram is active

S isomer of
Fewer side effects

Sertrahne As above As above As above t,2 24-36 h

uptake inhibitors
Mapro!llme Selective NA As TCAs; no significant As TCAs Long 1112- 40 h No significant
uptake inhibitor advantages advantages over

Reboxetine Selective NA Dizziness Safe in overdose t,/2 - 12 h Safer and fewer side
uptake inhibitor Insomnia (low risk of cardiac effects than TCAs
Anticholinergic effects dysrhythmia)

Inhibit MAO-A
r- and/or MAOB
Earlier compounds
have long duration
of action due to
covalent binding
to enzyme
Phenelzme Non-selective 'Cheese reaction' to Many interactions ''12 1-2 h
tyramine- containing (TCAs, opioids, Long duration of
foods (see text) sympathomimetic action due to
Anticholinergic side drugs)- risk of Irreversible b1nding
effects severe
Hypotension hypertension due
Insomnia to cheese reaction
Weight gain
Uver damage (rare)

57 1

Types of antidepressant drugs and their characteristics

Type and examples Action(s) Unwanted effects Risk of overdose Pharmacokinetics Notes

Tranylcypromine Non-selective As phenelzine As phenelzine t,.? 1-2 h

Long duration of
action due to
trreversible binding

lsocarboxazid Non-selective As phenelzine As phenelzine Long t t.? -36 h

Moclobemtde MAO-A-selective Nausea Interactions less t,/2 1-2 h Safer alternative to
Short acting Insomnia, agitation severe than with earlier MAO inhibitors
other MAO
inhibitors; no cheese
reactions reported

Trazodone Weak 5-HT uptake Sedation Safe in overdose t 112 6-12h Nefazodone and
inhibitor Hypotension mianserin are similar
Also blocks Cardiac dysrhythmias
5-HT2 and H1
NA/5-HT release)

Mirtazapine Blocks n 2 , 5-HT2 Dry mouth No serious drug t112 2Q-40 h Claimed to have
and 5-HT3 Sedation interactions faster onset of action
receptors Weight gain than other

that it was due to lithium rather than urate, and went on to show The biochemicaJ effects of lithium are complex, and it inhibits
that lithium produced a rapid improvement in a group of manic many ervymes that participate in signal transduction pathY.a}
paticnt1>. Adoption of lithium for prophylaxis of mania was Its therapeutic actions are generally ascribed to two mechani'n
delayed in the USA by earlier American experience of lithium as (11ce Phiel & Klein, 200 1).
an over-the-counter salt substitute for patients recommended a
Inhibition of inositol monophosphatase, which blocks the
low sail diet becau1>e of heart failure. in whom it caused severe
phosphat idyl inosito l (PT) pathway (see Ch. 3) at the point
where inositol phosphate is hydrolysed to free inositol,
Other drugs (e.g. antipsychotics) are equally effective in
resulting in dep letion of PI. This prevents agonist-stimulated
trenting acute mania; Lhey acl more quickly and are considerably
inositol trbphosphatc formation through various PI-linked
safer, so the clinical use of lithium is mainly confined to
receptors, and therefore blocks many receptor-mediated effecb
prophylactic control of manic-depressive illness.
Inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase, which phosphorylate
a number of key enz.ymes involved in pathways leading to
Pharmacological effects and mechanism
apopto~is and amyloid formation (see Phiel & Klein, 2001 J.
of a ction
Lithium is clinicaJiy effective at a plasma concentration of Lithium aJ~o inhibits hormone-induced cAMP production illl:
0.5-1 mmoVl. and above 1.5 mmoVl it produces a variety of toxic blocks other cellular responses (e.g. the response of renal tububr
effect~. l>O the therapeutic window is narrow. In normaJ subjccll>. cells to antidiuretic hormone, and of the thyroid to th}roic
I mmoVllithium in plasma has no appreciable psychotropic effects. stimulating hormone: see Chs 24 and 29, respectively). Thi'
It docs. however. produce many detectable biochemicaJ changes. not, however. a pronounced effect in the brain.
and it i<; Mill unclear how these may be related to its therapeutic The cellular selectivity of lithium appears to depend on
effect. selective uptake, reflecting the activity of sodium channel\
Lithium is a monovalent cation that can mimic the role of a+ different cells. This could explain its relatively selective acti
in excitable tissues. being able to permeate the voltage-gated Na+ in the brain and kidney, even though many other tissues u'~
channel~ that are responsible for action potentiaJ generation (sec the same second messengers. Notwithstanding such insights. 0111
Ch. 4). It is. however, not pumped out by the Na+/K+ ATPase, ignorance of the nature of the disturbance underlying the mooo
and therefore tends to accumulate inside excitable cells, leading to swings in bipolar depression leaves us groping for links between
a partial loss o f intracellular K+, and depolarisation of the cell. the biochemical and prophylactic effects of lithium.

Pharmacokinetic aspects and toxicity Thyroid enlargement, sometimes associated with

Lithium i~ given by mouth as the carbonate salt and is excreted hypothyroid ism.
b) !he kidney. About half of an oral dose is excreted within about Weight gain.
12 boUTS-the remainder, which presumably represents hthium
Acute lithium toxicity results in various neurological effects,
lilin up by cells. is excreted over the next 1-2 weekl.. This
progressing from confusion and motor impairment to coma,
1~ ~low phase means thaL with regular dosage, lithium accumu-
convulsions and death if the plasma concentration reaches
~ ~lowly over 2 weeks or more before a steady state is
~ached. The narrow therapeutic window (approximately 0.5-
3-5 mmol/1.
1.5 mmoVI) means that monitoring of the plasma concentration is
e,1ential. Na+ depletion reduces the rate of excretion by
tncreasing the reabsorption of lithium by the proximal tubule,
and ums increa\e:, the likelihood of toxicity. Diuretics that act Clinical use of mood-stabilising drugs
dl,talto the proximal tubule (Ch. 24) also have this effect, and
renal disease also predisposes to lithium toxicity. Lithium (as the carbonate) is the main drug.
The main toxic effects that may occur during treatment arc It is used:
a1 follows. in prophylaxis and treatment of mania, and in the
prophylaxis of bipolar or unipolar disorder (manic
o 1\ausca. vomiting and diarrhoea. depression or recurrent depression).
o Tremor. Points to note include:
o Renal effect!.: polyuri a (with resulting thirst) resulting from there is a narrow therapeutic window and long
inhibition of the action of antidiuretic hormone. At the same duration of action
time. there is some a+ retention associated with increased acute toxic effects include cerebellar effects,
aldosterone secretion. With prolonged treatment, serious nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (see Ch. 24) and
renal tubular damage may occur, making it essential to renal failure
monitor renal function regularly in lithium-treated patients. dose must be adjusted according to the plasma
elimination is via the kidney and is reduced by
llood-stablllslng drugs proximal tubular reabsorption. Diuretics increase
the activity of the reabsorptive mechanism and
1 Inorganic ion taken orally as lithium carbonate. hence can precipitate lithium toxicity
1 Mechanism of action is not understood. The main thyroid disorders and mild cognitive impairment
biochemical possibilities are: occur during chronic use.
- 1nterference with inositol trisphosphate formation Carbamazepine and valp roic acid (sodium channel
- 1nh1b1tion of kinases. blockers with antiepileptic, Ch. 40, and analgesic
1 Alternative drugs (e.g. carbamazepine, valproate, action, Ch. 41) are used, respectively, for the
gabapentin) are gaining favour for treatment of prophylaxis and treatment of manic episodes in
mania, because of better side effect and safety profile. patients with bipolar disorder unresponsive to lithium.


Pllhogtnesis or depreMi>e illness tlrar antideprt'S\tmll arr itrdirec1/y to pmmme (Useful re1 '"" <if""'"'"' models. still mom!! >lllitl
BJ.:rG 8 [)e,..hur~l ~ G 1985 Biochemical lhcone' of n~umgenesif) despite dille)
all'o:llcdJ-cnJcto, ln ONhul'\t W G, Baker G B (e<hl Maes M. Meltz<:r H Y 19951be serotonm h)pothe~o\ of Santarelli L. Saxe 111. Gro'-' C el al. 2003 Requorement
l'1larmaoolberap) of alleclt\'e disorders. Croom Helm. maJOr depresion. In Bloom FE. Kupfer D J (~'d\) of luppocan>J"iil neurogenesis fOf' the heha'looral
BW.Iwn (Useful l'l'llt'\l of ~arliu hypoth~u.l Psychophannacology: the founh gcncr.ltion of progre,s. effects of antidepre"anls. Science 30 l : 805 1!09
rr 1wm~ monoamin~ dllturbtmc~' to 11!()()(/ di;ortlen) Raven Pres,, New York (Reut'\l' showing lro" emp!oa.\i.\ (Study in rots .\ttggrrltn8 tloat gro" tlo of nnv
Ch:tn1e~ DS, Manji J\.1 K 2004 Lfe stres;, gene;, and loas shifted rcmortl> tloe invohement of 5HT. mtlrer lrippocampol neumm is responsible for anritlrpres.mnt
its d<pres,ion: multiple pathways lead to increased risk tloan noradremoline, in tloe aetiology of tlepression ) effects: commetllmy in a me issue of Science.
tn .md new opponunitic' for intervention. Manji H K. Drevets W C. Charney D S 2001 The fl. 757)
ion haj'J/v."'"'Mke.org (l)etmled re>iew of currmt cellular ncuroboology of depres,ion. Nat Med 7: Shih J C. Chen K. Rodd M J 1999 Monoamonc o~ ida-.e:
liN!mtw!dmR if th<' {'llthophvsiology ofdepressron. 541-547 (Spet:ulmi f'l'>iew of the po.uiblt from genes 10 behaviour. Annu Rev Neurmc1 22.
~ ...e noDiasinn~ the rok t>/ n~urol plasticif)' tleuroJ:melil nredu111isms mul role t>/tleurode~:mero/IOII ami 197-217 (Rn1n1 t>frt'UIII,.Ori on trun<~rrnocmtu
ur noptOiis) ~~europlruticoty m tlq>f't'<.lil'e dirordet'$, allempting 11> ,.it/1 MAO mututilln or delnion)
10d lb= RS 2001 Depre"oon: ca<oe of neuronal hfc and IIIOI'l' beyond tlrr mon01urome tioMry) Wong M-L. Locmoo J 200 I Research and trenuncnt
d<..lh' Bioi p,ychiatry 56: 14(}-145 (RI!I'i<'II'J ewlena Porsolt R D 1985 Animal models of afTcctiYe d~>order>. approache> to dcpre>'iOn. Nat Rev Neuro\Co 2:
~gtJtmg tlulllleurmwllou in the hippocampuJ /llod In: Dewhurst W G. Baker G B (eds) Phannacothcrnpy 343- 351 (.1C<'IIe111 ,lummal}' of th~ current
pr<Jronral conex rest It,\ in tlepressive symplom.r. ami o f affective disorder~. Croom Helm, Beckenluun somewhat pat('h.\'-Stme of knowledge llhom the
Antiepileptic drugs

treating neuropathic pain. Many new antiepileptic

Overview 575 drugs have been developed in the past 1 5-20 years
1M nature of epilepsy 575 -one of the most active areas of drug development-
-Types of epilepsy 576 in attempts to improve their efficacy and side effect
-Neural mechanisms and animal models of epilepsy 577 profile. Improvements have been steady rather
than spectacular, and epilepsy remains a difficult
Mechanism of action of antiepileptic drugs 578 problem, despite the fact that controlling
Antiepileptic drugs 579 reverberative neuronal discharges would seem, on
-Phenytom 580 the face of it, to be a much simpler problem than
-Corbomazepine 581 controlling those aspects of brain function that
-Volproote 581 determine emotions, mood and cognitive function.
-Ethosuximide 581 In this chapter, we describe the nature of epilepsy,
-Phenobarbital 582 the neurobiological mechanisms underlying it, and
-Benzodiazepines 583 the animal models that can be used to study it. We
-Newer anliepileplic drugs 583 then proceed to describe the various classes of
-Other uses of anliepileplic drugs 584 drugs that are used to treat it, the mechanisms by
which they work and their pharmacological
[ Muscle spasm and muscle re laxants 584 characteristics. More information on the topics
covered here is given by Eadie & Vajda ( 1999) and
Levy et al. (2002).
OVERVIEW Centrally acting muscle relaxants are discussed
briefly at the end of the chapter.
Epilepsy is a very common disorder, characterised
by seirures, which take various forms and result
from episodic neuronal discharges, the form of the THE NATURE OF EPILEPSY
seizure depending on the part of the brain affected.
Epilepsy affects 0.5-1% of the population. Often, The characteristic event in epilepsy is the seizure, which is
there is no recognisable cause, although it may associated with the episodic high-frequency discharge of
develop after brain damage, such as trauma, impulses by a group of neuron~ in the brain. What stans as a
infedion or tumour growth, or other kinds of local abnonnal discharge may then !>pread to other areas of the
neurological disease, including various inherited brain. The site of the primary discharge and the extent of its
neurological syndromes. Epilepsy is treated mainly spread determine the symptoms that are produced, which range
with drugs, although brain surgery may be used from a brief lapse of anention to a full convulsive fit lasting for
for a very few suitable severe cases. Current several minutes, as well as odd sensations or behaviours. The
antiepileptic drugs are effective in controlling seizures particular symptoms produced depend on the function of rhe
in about 70% of cases, but their use is often limited region of the brain that is affected. Thus involvement of the
by side effects. In addition to their use in patients motor cortex causes convul~ions; involvement of the hypothala-
with epilepsy, antiepileptic drugs are used to treat mus causes peripheral autonomic discharge, and involvement of
or prevent convulsions caused by other brain the reticular formation in the upper brain stem leads to loss of
diseases, for example trauma (including following con:.ciousness.
neurosurgery), infection (as an adjunct to antibiotics), Abnormal electrical activity during and following a seiture
broin tumours and following cerebral infarction. can be detected by electroencephalography (EEG) recording
Far this reason, they are sometimes termed from electrodes distributed over the surface of the scalp. Various
anticonvu/sonts rather than antiepileptics. A separate types of seizure can be recot,'1lised on the basis of the natme and
important use discussed in Chapter 41 is in distribution of the abnormal discharge (Fig. 40.1). 575

'i] Normal [B Generalised seizure (grand mal)

- tonic-clonic type
=~t t:r-t:'L -----------
1 3 4
T - -4.~~ ~
Fig. 40.1
Electroencephalography (EEG)
records In epilepsy. ~ Normal EEG
~--_. ....,.
~-. ..,
~------------~------------- ..._._ -'fi/1 "--\l'-,-.......Jr "'--"'-''-''-"
-~~~ ~i~~ ~--
~ ~,1.:.~ 1~\Nrt ~
recorded from frontal (F), temporal (T)
and occipttal (0) sites on both sides,
as shown in the inset diagram. The a
rhythm (1 0/s) can be seen in the
occipital region . {DJ Sections of EEG
recorded during a generalised @] Generalised seizure (petit mal) [OJ Partial seizure
tonic-clonic (grand mal) seizure: 1, - absence seizure type
normal record; 2, onset of tonic
phase; 3, clonic phase; 4,
postconvulsive coma. I.QJ Generalised
absence seizure (petit mal) showing
sudden brief episode of 3/s 'spike
and wave' discharge. [QJ Partial
seizure with synchronous abnormal
discharges in left frontal and
temporal regtons. (From Eliassen
S G et al. 1978 Neurological
pathophysiology, 2nd edn. Oxford
Untverstty Press, New York.)

TYPES OF EPILEPSY the body. often in the thumb. big toe or angle of the mouth, \\ht
\pread~> and may involve much of the body within about
The clinical classificatio n of e pilepsy define!> two major minute~> before dying out. The patient loses voluntary control rl.
categories, namely partial and generalised seizures, although the affected parts of the body but does not necessarily IO"x
there is some overlap and many varieties of each. Either form conl.CiOu!.ness. In psychomotor epilepsy, which is ofte
is classified as simple (if consciousness is not lost) or complex associated with a focus in the temporal lobe, the attack m~.
(if consciousness is lost). cons ist of s tereotyped purposive movements such as rubbing <r
palling move ments, or much more complex behaviour such"'
dressing, walking or hair combing. The seizure usual ly la~ts 111
a few minutes, after which the patient recovers wi th m
Partial sciwres are those in which the discharge begins locally recol lection of the event. The behaviour during the seizure can be
and often remains localised. The symptoms depend on the brain bizarre and accompanied by a strong emotional response.
region or regions involved, and include involuntary muscle
contractions, abnormal sensory experiences or autonomic
discharge, or effects on mood and behaviour, often termed
psychomotor epilepsy. The EEG discharge in this type of Generalised seizures involve the whole brain, including the reticular
epi lep~y i~ normally confined to one hemisphere (Fig. 40.1 0). system, thus producing abnormal electrical activity
Partial sei.wres can often be attributed to local cerebral lesions, both hemispheres. fmmediate loss of consciousness is characten\lti:
and their incidence increases with age. In complex partial of generalised seizures. Two important categories are tonic-<IOt
seizures, loss of consciousness may occur at the outset of the sei:ures (grand mal. Fig. 40.1B) and absence sei:ures (petit m:.
attack, or somewhat later. when the discharge has spread from itc; Fig. 40.1 C). A tonic-clonic seizure consists of an initial Mroo.
site of origin to regions of the brain stem reticular formation. contraction of the whole musculature. causing a rigid e).ten ...
An epileptic focu~ in the motor cortex results in attacks, spasm and an involuntary cry. Re piration stops, and defecati~
sometimes called jacksonian epilepsy, 1 consisting of repetiti ve micturition and salivation often occur. This tonic phase la~b ~
jerking of a particular muscle group, beginning on one side of about I minute, during which the face is suffused and
blue (an important clinical distinction from syncope, the
disorder from which fits must be distinguished, where the face
After Hughling~ Jack~on. a distinguished t 9th century Yorksh ire
ashen pale), and is followed by a series of violent, synchronou
ncurologbt who published his oul~tanding work in the Annals of rhe Wesr jerks that gradually die out in 2-4 minutes. The patient Sta)'
576 Ridinll Lunatic Asylum. unconscious for a few more minutes and then gradually rccovel\
feeling ill and confused. i njury may occur during the convulsive of interconnected neuron' but is nonnally prevented from doing >o by
ept~t)(k The I:.EG shows generalised continuous high-frequency inhibitor} mechani\m'-. Thu' epileprogenesis can arise if excitatory
tran~mh\10n h facilitated or inhibitory tranSmission is reduced. In cenain
BCUI II} in the tonic phase and an intenniuent di scharge in the
n.>sp..>cts, cpileptogcnc~i!. ~mbl~ long-term potentiation (Ch. 33), nod
lome rha-.c. ~im1lar type~ of u!>e-dcpcndcnt synaptic plasticiry may be in,olved (see
Ab,encc o,ei1ures occur in children: they are much Jess Kulmann et al., 2000). Becau!>C detailed studies are difficult to carry out on
dramauc but may occur more frequently (many seizures each epileptic pauent~. man) d11ferent noimal models of epilepsy ha,e been
dJ}l than tonic-clonic \eitures. The patient abruptJy ceases invesug:ucd (',ec Sarki\lan, 200 I). These include a variet} of genetic
\troin~ that \hO~ cpilcp~y-likc characteristics (e.g. mice that con~ulse
v.h:ue\'er hi! or 'he was doing. ometimes stopping speaking in
briefly m response to certain sounds. baboons that show photically
mxJ.-entcncc. and \tare~ vacantly for a few seconds, with linle induced sei1ures. and beag!~ with no inherited abnonnaliry that clo..ely
or no motor disturbance. Patients are unaware of their re,embles human epilepsy). Recently, several tran~genic mouse ~trains
surroundtng'> and recover abruptl y w ith no after-effects. The have been n:p<lrted that show '>pontaneous seizures. The) include
EF.G pattern show~> a characteri stic rhythmic discharge during knockout mutations of various ion chnoncls. receptors and other synaptic
proteins. It 1\ too early to say whether these will be useful as models of
lhe pcnod of the seizure (Fig. 40.1 C). The rhythmicity appears
human epi lepsy. Local cortical damage (e.g. by applyi ng alumin ium
111 Ill! due to oscillatory feedback between the cortex and the
oxide paste or cryMals of a cobalt >all) re~ults in focal epilepsy. Local
thalamus, the special properti es of the thalamic neurons being application of penicillin crystals has a si mil ar effect, probably by
d~pcndcnt on the calcium channels that they express (see interfering with inhibitory !.ynaptic transmission. Convulsant dmgs such
1\illoughhy, 1999). The pattern differs from that of partial a~ pentylenetetrazol (PTZ : see Ch. 42) are often used, particularly in
1he testi ng of untiepileptic agents, and seizure caused by electrical
'wure,, where a high-frequency asynchronous discharge
stimulation of the whole bru in arc used for the same purpose. It has been
'preads out from a local focus. Accordi ngly (see below), the found empirically that drugs that inhibit PTZ-induced convulsions and
drug' u'cd 'pccifically to treat absence seizur es act mainly by
bkdmg calcium channels, whereas drugs effective against other
l)pc' of epilepsy act mainly by blocking sodium channels or
enhanctng GABA-mediated inhibition. Nature of epllepy
:\ panicularly \e\ere k ind of epi lepsy, Lennox-Gastaut
:ndmme. occurs in children and is associated with progressive Epilepsy affects about 0.5% of the population.
mental retardation, pos~ibly a ren ection of excitotoxic neuro- The characteristic event is the seizure, which may be
J!g~ocmtion (-.ec Ch. 35). About one-third of cases of epilepsy associated with convulsions but often takes other forms.
.ue famtlial, and a few \peci fic gene defects accounting for The seizure is caused by an asynchronous high-
we fonm of the di\order have been identified (see Steinlein, frequency discharge of a group of neurons, starting
I of 2~\. Most of these encode neuronal ion channels closely locally and spreading to a varying extent to affect
osc m10lled in controlling action potential generation (see Ch. 4), other parts of the brain. In absence seizures, the
ten 1U1:h il\ voltage-gated sodium and potassium channels, GABAA discharge is regular and oscillatory.
nay receptor\ and nicotinic acety lcholine receptors. Other genes of Partial seizures affect localised brain regions, and the
or unlml\\n function may also be involved,2 and it is clear that attack may involve mainly motor, sensory or
as ~~:uure' can be the end result of many kinds of disorder at the behavioural phenomena. Unconsciousness occurs
for cllular level. Therefore- a familiar theme in central nervous when the reticular formation is involved. Generalised
no ')stem dmgs- antiepileptic drugs aim to inhjbit the abnormal seizures affect the whole brain.
1 be nturonnl discharge rather than to correct the underlying cause. Two common forms of epilepsy are the tonic-clonic
With optimal drug therapy, epilepsy is controlled completely fit (grand mal) and the absence seizure (petit mal).
mabout 75% of patients, but about 10% (50 000 in Britain) Status epilepticus is a life-threatening condition in
contmuc to have seit.ures al intervals o f I month or less, w hich which seizure activity is uninterrupted.
~t"' ercl} di~rupt\ their life and work . There is therefore a need to Many animal models have been devised, including
~ Jar 1IDpro1c the efficacy of therapy. electrically and chemically induced generalised
OUt Sra1111 epilepricus refer1. to continuous uninterrupted seizures, seizures, production of local chemical damage, and
:;tic rtqutnng emergency medical trealment kindling. These provide good prediction of
'n ic antiepileptic drug effects in humans.
ial. The neurochemical basis of the abnormal d ischarge is
mg NEURAL MECHANISMS AND ANIMAL not well understood. It may be associated with
sor MODELS OF EPILEPSY enhanced excitatory amino acid transmission,
on. Th! underlying neuronal abnonnaliry in epilepsy is poorly understood. impaired inhibitory transmission, or abnormal
for In gellt'1':11. excitation will natumlly tend to ~pread throughout a network electrical properties of the affected cells. Several
'tes susceptibility genes, mainly encoding neuronal ion
!lin channels, have been identified.
1 is Repeated epileptic discharge can cause neuronal
In on~ type. the mutation turned out to be in a ubiquitous e ndogenous
pM~a,einhibitor. cystati n B. prcv iou ~l y un>uspcctcd of any connection death (excitotoxicity).
tys ~nhneuronal function. Comment of an expert in epilepsy genetics, quoted Current drug therapy is effective in 7D-80% of patients.
1rs, mSde11u: ' floy, what a ~urpri sing thing!' 577

rai'>e 1he thre\hold for production of electrically induced seizures are abnormally exagicra1cd and prolonged action of an exci1ow
generally effective again\t ab'>ence sei1ure~. wherea~ those thai reduce lran\miuer. Aclivarion of NMDA receptors (see Ch. 33) produ.
the dural ion and 'pread of electrically induced convubion~ are effective 'pl:ueau-\haped' depolarising responses very similar to lhe PDS. a\ 11
in focal1ypes of epilep\y ~uch ~ tonic-clonic seit.ures. a\ ini1ia1ing 'ei1ure acth lly. Thh membrane response occur.. be..:aw
of the \Oitage-dependenl blocking ac1ion of ~1g1 on channel\ op.:rnttd
The ki11111ing model may approximate the human condition more closely by \IMOA receptor.. (see Ch. 33). Glutamate mus1 undoublediJ
lh<m direcll) e\oked 'e11ure models. Low-intensity electrical stimulation pan1c1pale 111 1he epileptic discharge. but efforts to de,elop glmarn:~t
of ccna1n rcg1on' of the hmb1c S) \tern. wch ~ the amygdala, "ith anlagoni\1\ a\ ant1epilep11c drugs have mel with little succes~- It i\ k0011
implanted electrode\ nonnall) produces no seizure respon..c. If a brief Ihat repealed 'ei1ure acti\ ily can lead 10 neuronal degeneration. Pl"'bly
period of '''mulauon 1~ repeated dail) for several days. however, the due 10 C'CIIOIOXiCIIY (Ch. 35 ).
re~pon'e gradually increa\C~ umil very low levels of stimulmion will
evoke u full 'ei1ure. and eventually seizures begin to occur Studic' on experimenlal epilep~) in the kindling or kainate modeb h.n
spontaneou\1). Once produced. 1he kindled state persbts indefinitely. re~ealed u detici1 111 variou\ biochemical marker~ of GABA-medird
Thio; change b prevented by NMDA recep1or amagoniMs. and may inhibi1ory lrammi~;ion. and an inc~e of markers associmetl "
involve proces\e~ \imilar 10 those that cause long-term potenl iation glulamate-medmed exciralion (see Jarrott. 1999). Human s1Ud1e' lmc
of synaptic trnn,mi~'ion in 1he hippocampus (see Ch. 33 ). Ln human 'hown le~., con~iMent change'>. allhough Mudies on brain ;ampk
focal cpilcp,ic,, surgica l removal of a damaged region of cortex of1en removed at operation \uggesr thm the epileptic focu'> comain., mon
fails IO cure the condition, m, !hough 1he abnormal discharge from 1he glurammc than normal: the GABA content is no1 affec1ed. Pola,\ium-
region of primary damage had somehow produced a seconda ry Mimulalcd gluwmatc release is also increased in the epileptic loc~
hypcrexcilabi lily elsewhere in the brain. Furthermore. prophylac1ic compared with in normal tissue.
1reatmen1 with an1iepilep1ic drugs for 2 years following severe head
Rcccm ~llldie~ (~ee Binder el al.. 200 1) suggest 1.hm IWIImlrophi'
injury reduce~ 1hc ~ub.,equent incidence of posl-lraumalic epilep~y. wh ich
parlicularly hr11in-deri ved nenrot roph.ic factor (BDNF). may pia) 1
~uggesl\ lhat a phenomenon ~imilar to kindling may underlie this form
role in cpilcptogcncsi'>. BDNF, which acts on a membrane reccpll'
of epilep~y.
1yrosinc kina;c (Ch. 3). enhances membrane excitabili1y and al
The kainat~ model emails a single injection of the glutamate receptor \limulalc'> ~ynapse formation. Production and release of BDNF
agoni'l kainic acid IIllO the amygdaloid nucleus of a rat Afler tran\iem increa\ed 111 1hc kindling models. and there is also evidence for
inteno;e ~1imula1ion. ~pontaneou' !>eiure~ begin to occur 2-4 weeh larer. in\OI\cmenl in human epilep~y. Specific blocking agenls repre..cm
and then conunue ndelinilely. It i~ believed that excitotoxic damage to JXl''iblc future \tratcgy for treating epilepsy but remain 10 be idenuficd
inhibi1ory neuron\ i' re\pon"ble, ~..ocialed wilh ~rruc1ural remodelling
of excilatory '> naptic connection\. changes that rna) also be a factor
\leu ron' from "hich the epileptic discharge originates di~pla) an unu\ual
1ype of electrical behaviour 1enned 1he paroxysmal depolarising .1hift
Three main mechanisms appear to be important in the action 11
(PDS). dunng wh1ch the membrane potenlial sudden!) decre~e, by
about 30m V and remains de polarised for up to a few seconds before antiepilcptic drug~ (sec Meldrum. 1996; Rogawsk.i & Loschcr
relurnmg to nonnal. A burst of action potentials often accompanies 1hi' 2004a):
depoluri'>:lllon (rig. 40.2). This event probably results from the
enhancement of GABA action
inhibition of sodium channel function
inhibition of calcium channel function.

~~_M__M__]so l Other mechanisms include inhibition of glutamate release anJ

block of glutamate receptors. Many of the cutTen t antiepilcptic
drugs were developed empirically on the basis of activity i
animal models. Their mechanism of action at lhe cellular level
500 ms mv is not ful ly understood. As with drugs used to treat cardi ...
dysrhythmia!> (Ch. 18). the aim is to prevent lhe paroxysm.!
discharge without affecting nom1al tranSmission. It is clear ()-

'--""k__X properties l>UCh as use-dependence and voltage-dependence~

channel-blocking drugs (see Cb. 4) are important in achie,in
lhis selectivity, but our understanding remains fragmentary.
Fig. 40.2 'Paroxysmal depolarising shift' (PDS) Enhance me nt of GABA action
compared with experimental activation of glutamate Several antiepileptic drugs (e.g. phenobarbital :ml
receptors of the NMDA type. A PDS recorded with an
benzodiazepincs) enhance the activation of GABAA receptor;
intracellular microelectrode from cortical neurons of
anaesthetised cats. Seizure activity was induced by topical thus facilitating the GABA-mediated opening of chloria,
application of penicillin. ~ Intracellular recording from caudate channels (see Chs 3 and 37). 3 Vigabatrin (see below) acts b
nucleus of anaesthetised cat. The glutamate analogue NMDA inhibiting lhe enLyme GABA transamina<;e, which is respon,ibl.
was applied by ionophoresis from a nearby micropipette. Note
the periodic waves of depolarisation, associated with a burst of
action potentials, which closely resemble the PDS. (From: (A)

-;.---- l Matsumoto H, Marsan C A 1964 Exp Neural 9: 286; (B)
Herrllng P Let al. 1983 J Physiol339: 207.)
J Absence sei1ure~. paradoxically, are ofteo exacerbated by drugs thai
enhance GA BA activity (see Manning et aL, 2003) aod beuer treated by
drug~ uc1ing by differcnl mechan i!.mN.

for ma~tivating GABA, and tiagabine inhibits GABA uptake;

beth thereb} enhance the action of GA BA as an inhibitory trans- Mechanism of action of antleplleptJc
mtta Gabapentin (~ee below) was designed as an agonist at drugs
G-\BA, receptor~. but ironically w~ found to be an effective
anuepilepllc drug de~pite ha' ing little or no effect on GABA Current antiepileptic drugs are thought to act mainly
rune recepiOI\ or on the tran,poner; it has high affinity for a particular by three ma1n mechamsms:
ubunit (<t;O) of voltage-gated calcium channels (see Ch. 4), but reducing electrical excitability of cell membranes,
'llk.>cham\m of action remain!> uncertain (see M acdonald, !999). mainly through use-dependent block of sodium
Inhibition of sodium channel function enhancing GABA-mediated synaptic inhibition;
S:wal of the mo~t important antiepileptic drugs (e.g. this may be achieved by an enhanced
phen)toin. carbam azepine. valproate, l am otrigine) affect postsynaptic action of GABA, by inhibiting GABA
mernhrane excitabil ity by an action on voltage-dependent transaminase, or by drugs with direct GABA
,rJium channe l~ (sec Ch. 4), which carry the inward membrane agonist properties
.urrcm neccs'ary for the generation of an action potential. Their inhibiting T-type calcium channels (important in
hloc~mg action shows the property of usc-dependence (see Ch. controlling absence seizures).
4l: 10 other words. they block preferentially the excitation of cells Newer drugs act by other mechanisms yet to be
in>. :hJt <11\! liring repetitively, and the higher the frequency of firing, elucidated.
yu Drugs that block glutamate receptors are effective in
the greater the block produced. This characteristi c, which is
lvr animal models but are unsuitable for clinical use.
rehant to the ability of drugs to block the high-frequency
d1...:hargi! that occurs in an epileptic fit without unduly interfering
ib "1th the low frequency firing of neurons in the normal state,
~~ a
art.IC\ from the ability of blocking drugs to discriminate between
etl. it also acts by inhibiting excitatory synaptic responses, although
~lium channeb in their rcMing. open and inactivated states.
little is known about the mechanism.
Dqx!lari\allon of a neuron (~uch a~ occurs in the PDS described
Phenytoin ha'> been ~tudied in great detail. It not only causes
Jbtllel increa'>C\ the proportion of the sodium channels in the
usc-dependent block of ~odium channels (see above) but also
.nxll\ated '>tate. Anticpileptic drug:. bind preferentially to
affects other aspects of membrane function, including calcium
ch:mnef, 111 th1s '>tate. prevcming them from returning to the
channel!> and po~t-tetanic potentiation, as well as intracellular
of rNang -.tate. and thus reducing the number of functional
protein pho,phorylation by calmodulin-activated kinases, which
er, cr.mncb available tO generate action potentials.
could abo interfere with membrane excitability and synaptic
Inhibition of calcium channels
ewer anti epileptic drug!> such as Jevetiraeetam and
~mal anticpilcptic drugs have minor effects on calcium
zonisamide act by mechanisms that are as yet poorly under-
,hanneb (sec Table 40.1 ), but only ethosuximide specifically
stood, although they have weak effects on several of the targets
block' the T-type calcium channel , activation of which is
discussed above.~
d belimd to play a role in the rhythmic discharge associated with
One theme, which has become familiar in earlier chapters
Itic ~b,encc sci7ures (Khosravani et al., 2004). G abapeotin acts
in th e central nervous system section of thi s book, is that
in on L-typc calcium channels by binding to the o.2 subunit o antagonists at excitatory amino acid receptors have not, despite
>.'e] "l'e below), but whether this is important for its antiepileptic
showing efficacy in animal models, proved useful in the clinic,
iac propc11ic~ b uncertain.
because the margin between the desired anticonvulsant effect and
unacceptable side effects, such as loss of motor coordination,
hat Other mechanisms
is too narrow.
of Tie action of many antiepileptic drugs remains poorly
ng unde~tood (~ee Meldrum. 1996: Macdonald. 1999; Levy et al.,
2002). Phenobarbital i.., a barbiturate (see Ch. 37) that has a ANTIEPILEPTIC DRUGS
grtJter antiepileptic effect and relatively less sedative action
:han other barbiturates. aJthough its GABA-potentiating action The term antiepileptic i~ used synonymously with anriconwdsant
nd ,jmilar. However. phenobarbital is as effective against to describe drugs that are used to treat epilepsy (which does not
electrically induced convulsions as it is against PTZ-induced necessarily cau~ convulsions) as well as non-epileptic convu l~ive
rom ul~ion., in rats or mice, whereas benzodiazepines. which disorders.
XI 'imilarly on GABA-mediated transmission. are without
eltt~:t on electricallyinduced convulsions. Phenobarbital reduce!>
tile electrical activity of neurons within a chemically induced
epilept1c focus wi thin the cortex, whereas diazepam (a
"The highly complex action~ of current anliepileptic drugs are apt !O make
benzodiazepine) docs not suppress the focal activity but prevents
discouraging reading for tho>e engaged in trying to develop new drugs on
1tlrom spreading. The action of phenobarbital cannot therefore simple rational principle~. Serendipity, not science. appears tO be the path to
be due solely to its interaction with GABA, and it i s likely that therapeutic success. 579

Antiepileptic drug!> are f-ully effec6ve in controlling seizures absorbed when given orall y. and about 80-90% of the pla'm
in 50-80% of patient~. although unwanted effects arc common conte nt is bound to albumin. Other drugs, such as salicylate'
(see below). Patients with e pilepsy usually need to take drugs phenylbutamne and valproate, inhibit this binding competiti\t
continuously for many years, so avoidance of side effects is (see Ch. 52). This increases the free phenytoin conccntrati
particularly important. This also explains why some drugs that are but also increases hepatic clearance of phenytoin. so m:ry
largely obsolete because of their adverse effects are still quite widely enhance or reduce the effect of the phenytoin in an unpredictable
used even though they are not drugs of choice for newly diagnosed way. Phenytoin is metabolised by the hepatic mixed functi
patients. There is clearly a need for more specific and effective ox ida. e system and excreted mainly as gluc uronide. It caux
drugs, and several new drugs have been recently introduced for enzyme induction, and thus increases the rate of metaboli'r
clinical use. Long-esrablished antiepileptic drugs (see Table 40.1) of other drugs (e.g. oral anticoagulants). The metabolism 0'
include phenytoin . carba m azepine. valproate, ethos uximjde phenytoin itself can be either e nhanced o r competiti\el)
and phenoba rbital, together with various benzodiazepines. such inhibited by various o ther drugs that share the same hepati,
as diazepa m , clonazcpam and clobazam. Newer drugs include enzymes. Phenobarbital produces both effects, and becau~e
vigaba trin, gahapcntin , la motriginc, fclbamate, tiagabine, competitive inhibition is immediate whereas induction takes
topirama tc, lcvctiracctam and zonisamide. The length of this list time, it initially enhances and later reduces the pharmacological
reflect~ the etTorts being made to improve on the far from ideal activity of phenytoin. Ethanol has a similar dual effect.
prope11ics of the earlier drugs. In general, the newer drugs are less The me tabolis m of phe nytoin shows the characteristic of
likely tO interact pharmacokinctically with other drugs (see Ch. 52) saturation (see Ch. 8), which means that over the therapeutic
and have fewer adverse effects. although their efficacy in controlling plasma concentratio n range the rate of inactivation does nol
seizures is no greater. The selection of drugs from this large increase in proportion to the plasma concentratio n. The
available menu depends o n many clinical factors and is covered consequences of this are as follow.
in specialised textbooks.
The plasma half-life (approximately 20 hours) increases as
the dose is increased.
PHENYTOIN The steady-state mean plasma concenr:ration, achieved when
a patient is given a constant daily dose, varies
Phenytoin is the mo<ot important member of the hydantoin group
disproportionately with the dose. Figure 40.3 shows that, in
of compound\, which are structurally related to the barbiturdtcs. l t
one patient, increasing the dose by 50% caused the stead>-
is highly effective in reducing the intensity and duration of
statc plasma concentration to increase more than fourfold.
electrically induced convulsions in mice, al though ineffective
against PTZ-induced convulsions. Despite its many side effects The range of plasma concentration over which phenytoin 11
and unpredictable pharmacokinetic behaviour, phenytoin is effective without causing excessive unwanted effects is quite
widely used. being effective agai nst various forms of partiaJ and narrow (approximately 40-100 !AffiOl!l). The very steep relation-
generalised seizures, although not against absence seizures, ship be tween dose and plasma concentration. and the man}
which may even get worse. interacti ng factors, mean that there is considerable individual
variation in the plasma concentration achieved with a given
Pharmacokinetic aspe cts dose. A radioimmunoassay for phenytoin in plasma is available.
Phenytoin has certain phannacok.inctic peculiarities that need and its usc has helped considerably in achieving an optimal
to be taken into account when it is used clinjcally. It is well therape utic effect. The past tendency was to add further dntgs in


Fig. 40.3 No n-linear relations hip ~
between daily dose of phenytoin 5 100 -----------
and steady-sta te plasma ~
concentration in five individual cCD
huma n s ubjects. Although the 0 Therapeutic
therapeutic range is quite broad 0 range
(4Q-100 1-1moVI), the daily dose
required varies greatly between
individuals, and for any one individual a:"'"'
the dose has to be adjusted rather
precisely to keep within the
acceptable plasma concentration
range. (Redrawn from Richens A, 2 3 4
Dunlop A 1975 Lancet 2: 247.) Daily dose (mmol) )
- -- ---- up
1la!>ma rue' where a single drug failed to give adequate control. It is depression. causing neutropenia. and other severe forms of
t Late~. 0011 recognised that much of Lhe unpredictability can be ascribed hypersensitivity reaction can occur but are very rare.
itively 1n phannacokinetic variability, and regular monitoring of plasma Carbarnazcpine is a powerful inducer of hepatic microsomal
sation ~:onccntration has reduced the use of polypharmacy. enzymes, and thus acce lerates the metabolism of many other
ma} drugs, such as phenytoin. oral contraceptives, warfarin and
,ctable Unwanted eHects corticosteroids. Tn general, it is inadvisable to combine it with
rJCUOn Std~ effects of phenytoin begin to appear at plasma concen- other antiepileptic drugs. O zcarb azepin c, introduced recently.
:auscs tration~ exceeding I 00 ~A-mol/1 and may be severe above about is a prodrug that is metabolised to a compound closely
!Oiism I~Oitmol/1. The milder side effects include vertigo, ataxia. resembling carbamazcpine, with similar actions but less
;m of headache and nystagmus, but not sedation. At higher plasma tendency to induce drug-metabolising enzymes.
tivel) c n,entrations. marked confusion with intellectual deterioration
epmic t~~:cun.; a paradoxical increase in seizure frequency is a particular
cause Udp for the unwary prescriber. These effects occur acutely and
takes are quickly rever.ible. Hyperplasia of the gums oflen develops Valproate is a simple monocarboxylic acid, chemically unrelated
)gical _r;uluall), 3!> does hirsutism and coarsening of the features. to any other class of antiepileptic drug, and in 1963 it was
which probably resu lt from increased androgen secretion. discovered qu ite accidentally to have anticonvulsant propertie!>
.ic of \legaloblastic anaemia, associated with a disorder of folate in mice. It inhibits most kinds of experimentally induced
>eutic mct.tbolism, sometimes occurs. and can be corrected by giving convulsions and is effective in many kinds of epilepsy. being
"not fohc ac1d (Ch. 22). Hypersensitivity reactions, mainly rashes. particularly useful in certain types of infantile epilepsy, where
The are quite common. Phenytoin has also been implicated as a cause its low toxicity and lack of sedative acrion are important, and
111 the increased incidence of fetal malformations in children in adolescentl> in whom grand mal and petit mal coexist. because
hom to epileptic mothers. particularly the occurrence of cleft valproate (unlike most antiepileptic drugs) is effective against
p3latc, associated with the formation of an epoxide metabolite. both. Like carbamazepinc. valproate is also used in psychiatric
S~1cre idiosyncratic reactions, including hepatitis, skin reactions conditions such as bipolar depressive ill ness (Ch. 39).
.tnd neoplastic lymphocyte disorders, occur in a small proportion
of pauents. Mechanism of action
Valproate works by several mechani~ms, of which the details
remain uncertain (see Macdonald, 1999). It causes a significant
j, CARBAMAZEPINE increase in the GABA content of the brain and is a weak inhibitor
1in i' urbamazepine, one of the most widely uc;ed antiepileptic drugs. of two enzyme systems that inactivate GABA. namely GABA
quite . chemically derived from the tricyclic antidepressant drugs (see transamina~e and succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase, but in
nion- [h, 39) and was found in a routine screening test 10 inhibit vitro studies suggest that these effects would be very slight at
11any dectrically-evoked seizures in m ice. Pharmacologically and cl inical dosage. Other more potent inhibitors of these enzymes
Ju,tl chntcally. its actions resemble those of phenytoin, although it (e.g. vigab a trin; see below) also increase GABA content and
~i\Cn ~Jrs to be particularly effective in treating complex partial have an anticonvulsant effect in experimental animals. There is
ahlc, r.c:~~urcs (e.g. psychomotor epilepsy). It is also used to treat other some evidence that it enhances the action of GABA by a
tima l conditions, suc h as neuropathic pain (Ch. 41) and manic- postsynaptic action, but no clear evidence that it affects inhibitory
gs in cpre-;sive illnes~ (Ch. 39). synaptic responses. It also inhibits sodium channels. but less so
than phenytoin.
Pharmacokinetic aspects Valproate is well absorbed orally and excreted, mainly as the
Carbamazepine is well absorbed. Tts plasma half-life is about g lucuronide. in the urine, the plasma ha lf-life being about 15 hours.
10 hour~ when it is given as a single dose, but it is a strong

mducmg agent. and the plasma half-Life shortens to about 15 Unwanted eHects
'II.AJrs \.\hen it il> given repeatedly. A slow-release preparation Compared with most antiepileptic drugs, valproate is relatively
11 uiCd for patients who experience transient s ide effects coinciding free of unwanted effects. It causes thinning and curling of the hair in
~ th plasma concentration peaks following oral dosing (see about I 0% of patients. The most serious side effect is hepatotoxicity.
~loll) An increase in serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, which
signals liver damage of some degree, commonly occurs, but
Unwanted eHects proven cases of valproatc-induced hepatitis are rare. The few
Carbamazepine produces a variety of unwanted effects ranging cases of fatal hepatitis in valproate-trcated patients may well
1rom drowsines~. dizziness and ataxia to more severe mental have been caused by other factors. Valproate is teratogenic,
ld motor di~turbances. It can also cause water retention (and causing spina bifida and other neural tube defects.
1cncc hyponatraemia; Ch. 28) and a variety of gastrointesti nal
and cardiovascular side effects. The incidence and severity of
theiC effects is relatively low, however, compared with other
tJUg,. Treatment is usually started with a low dose, which is built Ethosuximide, which belongs to the succinimidc clac;s, is another
up gradually to avoid dose-related toxicity. Severe bone marrow d111g developed empirically by modifying the barbituric acid ring 581

structure. Pharmacologically and clinically, however, it is different

from the drugs so far discussed. in that it is active against PTZ- The maJor antleplleptic drugs
induced convulsion~ in animals and against absence seizures in
humans, with little or no effect on other types of epilepsy. It The main drugs in current use are phenytoin,
supplanted tr i methadi one, the first drug found lObe effective in c arbamazepine, valproate and ethosuximide.
absence seizures, which had major side effects. Ethosuximide is Phenytoin:
used clinically for its selective effect on absence seizures. acts mainly by use-dependent block of sodium
The mechanism of action of ethosuximide and trimethadione channels
appcan, to differ from that of other antiepileptic drugs. The main effective in many forms of epilepsy, but not
effect described is inhibition of T-type calcium channels, which absence seizures
may play a role in generating the 3/second firing rhythm in metabolism shows saturation kinetics, therefore
thalamic relay neurons that is characteristic of absence seizures. plasma concentration can vary widely; monitoring
Ethosuximide is well absorbed, aod metabolised and excreted is therefore needed
much like phenobarbital, with a plasma hal f-life of about drug interactions are common
50 hours. It~ mai n side effects are nausea and anorexi a, main unwanted effects are confusion, gum
sometimes lethargy and diu iness, and it is said to precipitate hyperplasia, skin rashes, anaemia, teratogenesis
tonic-clonic seizures in susceptible patients. Very rarely, it can widely used in treatment of epilepsy; also used as
cause severe hypersensitivity reactions. antidysrhythmic agent (Ch. 18).
PHENOBARBITAL derivative of tricyclic antidepressants
similar profile to that of phenytoin but with fewer
T Phenobarbital w~ one of the fiTht barbiturates to be de eloped. and it'>
unwanted effects
anticpileptic propenie~ were recognised in 1912. ln its action against
experimentally tnduced convuhion~ and clinical fonns of epilepsy, it effective in most forms of epilepsy (except
clo~cly rc~emblc> phcnytom; it affects the duration and intensity of absence seizures); particularly effective in
artifictally induced l>Ciure~. rather than tbe seizure threshold. and is (like psychomotor epilepsy; also useful in trigeminal
phenytoin) meflecu'e in treating absence seizures. Primidnne, now rarely neuralgia
uo,ed, act' by bemg metabolised to phenobarbital. It often causes
strong inducing agent, therefore many drug
hyp.:r.en\lti\ ity reaction>. The clinical u~ of pheoobarbital are vinually
the \3me as th<he of phenytoin. although phenytoin is preferred becalll>C of interactions
the ab.,ence of ~edation. low incidence of unwanted effects, principally
sedation, ataxia, mental disturbances, water
Pharmacokinetic aspects retention.
'f' Phenobarbital i'> well ab~orbed, and about 50% of the drug in the blood
i~ bound to pl~ma albumin. It is eliminated slowly from the plasma (half- chemically unrelated to other antiepileptic drugs
life. 50-140 hour~). About 25% is excreted unchanged in the urine. mechanism of action not clear; weak inhibition of
Becau~c phenobarbital j, a weak acid. it> ionisation and hence renal GABA transaminase, some effect on sodium
elimi nat ion arc incrca>cd if the uri ne is made al kali ne (see Ch. 8). The channels
remain ing 75% b mctaboli;cd, mainly by oxidation and conj ugation. by
relatively few unwanted effects: baldness,
the hepatic microsomal enzyme;. Phenobarbi tal is a powerful inducer of
liver P450 Cnlymcs, and it lowers the plasma concentration of several teratogenicity, liver damage (rare, but serious).
other drugs (e.g. steroid>. oral contraceptive. warfarin, tricyc lic Ethosuximide:
antideprcs~nnL-.) to an extent that is cli nically imponanL the main drug used to treat absence seizures;
may exacerbate other forms
Unwanted eHects acts by blocking T-type calcium channels
'f' The mam unwanted effect of phenobart>ital is sedation, which often
relatively few unwanted effects, mainly nausea
occurs at pl~ma concentrations within the therapeutic range for seizure and anorexia.
control. Thi'> t'> a ">eriow. dmwback. because the drug may have to be used Secondary drugs include:
for year. on end. Some degree of tolerance to tbe sedati'e effect seems phenobarbital: highly sedative
to occur. but ob)CCU\e lel>t' of cognition and motor performance show - various benzodiazepines (e.g. clonazepam);
impainncnt C\en after long-tenn treatment Other unwanted efTcctl> that
may occur "'ith clinical d<Nlge include megaloblastic anaemia (similar to diazepam used in treating status epilepticus.
tfult cau-.ed by phenytoin). mild h)'pl!rsensitivity reactions and osteomalacia. Newer agents that are becoming widely used
Li~c other barbitumte\ bee Ch. 52). it mw.t not be given to patient; with because of their improved side effect profile include
porphyna. In overdo\c, phenobarbital produces coma and respiratory and vigab atrin, lam otrigine, felbam ate, gabapentin,
circulatory fai lure, a~ do all barbiturates. pregabalin, tiagabine, topiramate and zonisamide.

Clinical use
T Phe nobarbital i' now ~cldom used in adu lt; because of sedation. For
some year~. it wa!> widely used in children, including as prophylaxis
582 following febrile convulsions in infancy, but it can cause behavioural

dhturllance' and hypcrkine,ia. and is now seldom used at all in newly dnags, with significant efficacy against absence seizures (and is
diag!IO\etl paticm,. also used to treat unrelated psychiatric disorders). Its main side
effccL'> arc nausea. dizLines!. and ataxia, and hypersensitivity
BENZODIAZEPINES reactions (mainly mild ra~hes, but occasionally more severe). IL~
plasma half-life i~ about 24 houn., with no particular pharma-
Dimpam, given intravcnoul>ly or rectally. is used to treat status cokinctic anomalie'>, and it is taken orally.
t rpricus. a life-threatening condition in which epileptic
sttzure, occur almo~t without a break. Its advantage in this
tuauon is that it acts very rapidly compared with other FELBAMATE
antteptleptic dnags. With most ben.wdiatepines (see Ch. 37). the Fclbamate i., an analogue of an obsolete anxiolytic drug,
sedati\C effect i11 too pronounced for them to be used for meprobamate. It is active in many animal seizure models and
matntenance therapy. Clonazcpam and the related compound has a broader clinical spectrum than earlier antiepileplic drugs,
dobazam arc claimed to be relatively selective as antiepilcptic but its mechanism of action at the cellular level is uncertain. ll
drug,. Sedation i~ the main side effect of these compounds, and has only a weak effect on sodium channels and little effect on
Jnaddcd problem may he the withdrawal syndrome, which results GABA, but causes some block of the NMDA receptor channel
tn an exacerbation of sei1.ures if the drug is stopped abruptly. (Ch. 33). Its acute side effects arc mild, mainly nausea, irritabi lity
and insomnia, but it occasionally causes severe reactions resulting
in aplastic anaemia or hepatitis. For this reason, its recommended
use is limited to a form of intractable epilepsy in children (Lennox-
f,ralx>ut 25 years, from the mid-1960s. the inventiveness of the Gastaut syndrome) that is unresponsive to other drugs. lts plasma
pharmaceutical industry in producing improved anliepilcptic half-life is about 24 hours, and it can enhance the plasma
drug' dried up. Around 1985. the muse returned, and a spate of concentration of other antiepileptic drugs given concomitantly.
llC\I drug' was developed over the next 10-15 years (see Eadie
~Vajda. 1999).
Gabapemin was designed a!> a simple analogue of GABA that
would be sufficiently lipid-soluble to penetrate the blood-brain
\igabalrin, the fiN 'designer dnag' in the epilepsy field. is a barrier. It n1mcd out to be an effective anticonvulsant in several
lln)l,ubstituted analogue of GABA that was designed as an animal models but, !>Urprisingly, not by acting on GABA receptors.
tnhtbitor of the GABA-mctabolising enzyme GABA Its main site of action appears to be on T-rype calcium channel
tr.lllsammase. Yigabatrin is extremely l>pecific for this enzyme function, by binding to a particular channel subunit (a2o). and it
and 11ork' by forming an irreversible covalent bond. In animal inhibit!. the release of various neurotransmitters and modulators,
'tuJic.,, vigabatrin increases the GABA content of the brain and but the details remain unclear. The side effects of gabapentin
Jl'o increases the sti mu lation-cvoked release of GABA, (main ly sedation and ataxia) are less severe than with many
nnplying that GABA transaminase inhibition can increase the antiepi leptic drug!>. The absorption of gabapentin from tbc intestine
releasable pool of GABA and effectively enhance inhibitory depends on the amino acid carrier system and shows the property
transmission. In humans, vigabatrin increases the content of of saturability, which means that increasing the dose does not
GABA in the cerebrospinal fluid. Although its plasma half-life proportionately increase the amount absorbed. This makes
" 'hort, it produces a long-lasting effect because the enzyme gabapentin relatively safe and free of side effects associated with
J> blocked irrevcr!>ibly, and the drug can be given by mouth overdosing. Its plasma half-life is about 6 hours, requiring dosing
once da1ly. Evidence of neurotoxicity was found in animals but two to three times daily. lt is excreted unchanged in the urine and
ha' not been found in humans. removing one of the main is free of interactions with other drugs. It bas limited efficacy
quNion mark~ hanging over this drug. when used on its own, so is used mainly as add-on therapy. It is
The main drawback of vigabatrin is the occurrence of depression, also used as an analgesic to treat neuropathic pain (Ch. 4 I). A
3lld occasionally p\ychotic di<.,turbances. in a minority of patients; recently introduced follow-up drug. pregabalin, is more potent
othcrn i-.e, it i., relatively free from side effects. than gabapcntin but otherwise very similar. These dnags are
\1gabatnn has been reported to be effective in a substantial excreted unchanged in the urine, and so must be used with care
proporuon of patients resistant to the established drugs, and may in patients whose renal function is impaired.
n:pre,ent an important therapeutic advance.

Tiagabinc, an analogue of GABA that is able to penetrate the
Lamotngine. ahhough chemically unrelated. resembles phenytoin blood-brain barrier, acts by inhibiting the reuptake of GABA by
Jnd carbamazepine in its pharmacological effects, acting on neuron~ and glia, and was the product of rational dmg design. It
>odium channels and inhibiting the release of excitatory amino enhances the extracellular GABA concentration, as measured in
actds. It appears that. despite its similar mechanism of action, microdialysis experiments. and also potentiates and prolongs
lamotriginc has a broader therapeutic profile than the earlier GABA-mcdiatcd synaptic responses in the brain. It has a short 583

plasma half-life, and its main side effects are drowsiness and
confusion. The clinical u~efulness of tiagabine has not yet been Clinical uses of antiepileptic drugs
fully assessed.
Tonic-clonic (grand mal) seizures:
carbamazepine (preferred because of a relatively
TOPIRAMATE favourable effectiveness:risk ratio), phenytoin,
Topiramate is a recently introduced drug that, mechanistically, valproate
appears to do a little of everything, blocking sodium channels, use of a single drug is preferred, when possible,
enhancing the action of GABA, blocking AMPA receptors and, to avoid pharmacokinetic interactions
for good measure, weakly inhibiting carbonic anhydrase. Its newer agents include vigabatrin, lamotrigine,
spectrum of action resembles that of phenytoin, and it is claimed f elbamate, gabapentin.
to produce less ~>everc side effects, as well as being devoid of Partial (focalj seizures: c arbamazepine. valproate;
the phannacokinetie properties that cause trouble with phenytoin. alternatives are c lonazepam or phenytoin.
Tts main drawback is that (like many antiepileptic drugs) it is Absence seizures (petit mal): ethosuximide or
teratogenic in animals. so it should not be used in women of valproate
c hi ld-bearing age. Currently, it is recommended for use as add- valproate is used when absence seizures coexist
on therapy in refractory cases of epilepsy. with tonic-clonic seizures, because most other
drugs used for tonic-clonic seizures can worsen
absence seizures.
LEVETIRACETAM Myoclonic seizures: diazepam intravenously or (in
Levetiracetam wa!> developed as an analogue of piracetam , a absence of accessible veins) rectally.
drug used to improve cogniti ve function (see Ch. 35), and Neuropathic pain: for example carbamazepine,
discovered by accident to have antiepileptic activity in animal gabapentin (see Ch. 41).
model!.. Unu~uaUy. it lacks activity in conventional models such To stabilise mood in mono- or bipolar affective
as electro~hock and PTZ tel>ts. but is effective in the kindling disorder (as an alternative to lithium): for example
model. It has little or no effect on known targets (ion channels c arbamazepine, valproate (see Ch. 39).
and GABA-related mechanisms). and its mechanism of action
is unl>.nown. It is excreted unchanged in the urine.

plasticity and increased excitability of interconnected populatiom

of neurons, underlie each of these disorders (see Rogawsl>.i &
Zonisamide is a 11ulfonaroide compound originally inte nded as Loscher. 2004b).
an antibacterial drug and found accidcntaJJy to have antiepileptic
properties. It is believed to act by blocking sodium channels but
may well have other effect~. ft is free of major unwanted effects, MUSCLE SPASM AND MUSCLE
although it causes drowsiness, and of serious interaction with RELAXANTS
other drugs. It tends to suppress appetite and cause weight loss,
Many diseases of the brain and spinal cord produce an increase in
and is sometimes used for this purpose. Zoillsamide has a long
muscle tone, which can be painful and disabling. Spasticity resulting
plasma half- life of 60-80 ho urs, and is partly excreted unchanged
from birth injury or cerebf'dl vascular disease, ru1d the paralysi~
and partly converted to a glucuronide metabolite.
produced by spinal cord lesions, are examples. Local injury or
innammation, a~ in arthritis, can have d1e same effect, and chrome
OTHER USES OF ANTIEPILEPTIC DRUGS back pain is also often associated with local muscle spasm.
Certain centrally acting drugs are available that have the effect
Antiepileptic drug!> have proved to have mucb wider clinical
of reducing the background tone of the muscle without serious!}
applications than was originally envisaged, and clinical trials have
affecting iL~ ability to contract transiently under voluntary control
shown many of them to be effective in the following conditions:
The distinction between voluntary movements and 'backgrouna
cardiac dysrhythmiru. (e.g. phenytoin-not used clinically, LOne' ill not clear-cut. and the selectivity of those drugs is n01
however; Ch. 18) complete. Po!>tural control, for example, is usually jeopardi~ed
bipolar disorder (valproate, carbamazepine, by centrally acting muscle relaxants. Furthermore. drug~ that
oxcarbazepine, la mo tr igine. topira m a te; Ch. 39) affect motor control generally produce rather widespread effecb
migraine prophylaxis (valproate, gabapentin) on the central nervous 11ystem, and drowsiness and confusion tum
anxiety disorders (gaba pentin; Ch. 37) out to be very common side effects of these agents. The mam
neuropathic pain (gabape ntin. carbamazepine, la motr igine; groups of drugs that have been used to control muscle tone are:
Ch.4 1).
me phenesin and related drugs
This surpris ing multiplicity of clinical indications may reflect the baclofe n
584 fact that similar neurobiological mechanisms, involving synaptic bcnzodiazcpines (sec Ch. 37)

Tlble 40.1 Properties of the m ain antiepileptic drugs

Drug Site of acti on M ain uses M ain unwanted effect(s) Pharm acokinetics
v Sodium GABAA Calcium Other
I channel receptor channel

Pllenyto1n ++ All types except Ataxia, vertigo Half-life -24 h

absence seizures Gum hypertrophy Saturation kinetics,
Hirsutism therefore
Megaloblastic anaemia unpredictable plasma
Fetal malformation levels
Hypersensitivity reactions Plasma monitoring
often required

Carbamazep1ne" ++ All types except Sedation, ataxia Half-life 12-18 h

absence seizures Blurred vision (longer initially)
Especially temporal Water retention Strong induction of
lobe epilepsy Hypersensitivity reactions microsomal enzymes,
(Also used in Leucopenia, liver failure therefore risk of drug
trigeminal neuralgia) (rare) interactions
Most widely used
antiepileptic drug

Valproate + ?+ GABA Most types, including Generally less than w1th Half-life 12-15 h
trans- absence seizures other drugs
aminase Nausea
inhibition Hair loss
Weight gain
Fetal malformations

Ethosuximideb ++ Absence seizures Nausea, anorexia Long plasma half-life

May exacerbate Mood changes (-60 h)
tonic-clonic seizures Headache

Phenobarbltal0 7+ + All types except Sedation, depression Long plasma half-life
& absence seizures (> 60h)
Strong induct1on of
microsomal enzymes,
therefore risk of drug
interactions (e.g. w1th

Benzodiazepines ++ All types Sedation See Chapter 37

(e.g. clonazepam, Diazepam used Withdrawal syndrome
ng clobazam, intravenously to (see Ch. 37)
j., daazepam) control status
or epilepticus
V~gabatrin GABA All types Sedation Short plasma half-
trans- Appears to be Behavioural and mood life, but enzyme
aminase effective in patients changes (occasionally inhibition is long-
inhibition resistant to other psychosis) lasting
drugs Visual field defects

Lamotrigine ++ 7+ Inhibits All types Dizziness Plasma half-life

gluta- Sedation 24-36h
!d mate Skin rashes
Gabapentin" ?+ Partial seizures Few side effects, mainly Plasma half-life 6-9 h


Table 40.1 (cont'd) Properties of the main antiepileptic drugs

Drug Site of action Main uses Main unwanted effect(s) Pharmacokinetics

Sodium GABAA Calcium Other
channel receptor channel

Felbamate ?NMDA Used mainly for Few acute side effects Plasma half-life - 20 h
receptor severe (Lennox- but can cause aplastic Excreted unchanged
block Gastaut syndrome) anaemia and liver
because of risk of damage as rare
idiosyncratic reaction idiosyncratic reaction

Tiagabine Inhibits Partial seizures Sedation Plasma half-life - 7 h

GABA Hepatic metabolism

Topiramate ?+ ?+ ?+ M ech- As phenytoin Sedation Plasma half-life - 20 h

anism Fewer pharmacokinetic Excreted unchanged
unknown interactions than
Fetal malformation

Levetiracetam Mech Partial seizures Sedation (slight) Plasma half-life - 7 h

an ism Excreted unchanged

Zonisamide + Partial seizures Sedation (slight) Plasma half-life -70 h

Appetite suppression and Excreted partly
weight loss unchanged and
partly as glucuron ide

oxcarbazepine, recently introduced, is similar; claimed to have fewer side effects.

1>frimethadione is similar to ethosuximide in that it acts selectively against absence seizures. Its greater toxicity (especially the risk of
severe hypersensitivity reactions) means that ethosuximide has largely replaced it in c linical use.
cPrimidone is pharmacologically sim ilar to phenobarbital and is converted to phenobarbital in the body. It has no c lear advantages and
is more liable to produce hypersensitivity reactions, so is now rarely used.

botulinum toxin (see Ch. 10); injected into a muscle, this to assist penetration o f the blood- brain barrier, wb.ich is
neurotoxin causes long-lasting paralysis confined to the site of impe rmeable to GABA itself . Baclofen is a selective agonist at
injection, and its use to treat local muscle spasm is increasing presynaptic GABA 8 receptors (see Ch. 33). The antispastic
dantrolene (sec C b. 4). action of baclofcn is exerted mainl y on the spinal cord, where
it inhibits both monosynaptic and polysynaptic acti va tion of
motor neurons. It is effective whe n given by mouth, and is used
in the treatment of spasti city associated with multiple sclerosi1
M ephenesin is an ruomatic ether that acts mainly on the spinal or spinal injury. However. it is ineffective in cerebral spasticity
cord, caus ing a selective inhibition o f polysynaptic excitation caused by birth injUly
o f motor neuro ns. Thus it strong ly inhibits the polysynaptic Baclofe n pro duces various unwa nted e ffects, p articular!)
flexor withdrawal retlex w ithout affecting the tendon jerk reflex, drowsiness, moto r incoordination and nausea, and it may also
w hic h is monosynap ti c, and it abo lishes decerebrate rigidity. Its have behavimLral effects. It is not useful in epile psy.
mechanism o f ac ti o n at the cellular le vel is unknown.
Mephenesin is little used clinically, although it is sometimes
given as an intraveno us injection to reduce acute muscle spasm
resulting from injury. Anecdotal evide nce suggests that smoking cannabis (Ch. 43)
relieves the painful muscle s pasms associated with multiple
sclerosis. A full-scale controlled trial of tetrahydrocannabinol
(see Ch. 15), however, showed no significant effect on muscle
Baclofen (see Ch. 33) is a cbloropheny l de rivati ve of GABA spasm, tremor, bladder control or disability, although the patients
586 originally prepared as a lipophilic GABA-Iike agent in order re ported subjecti ve improvements (Zajicek et a l., 2003).
Analgesic drugs

future, many potential new drug targets have

Overview 588 emerged over the past decade or so as our
Neural mechanisms of pain 588 knowledge of the neural mechanisms underlying
-Nociceptive afferent neurons 588 pain has advanced. We describe briefly some of
-Modulation in the nociceptive pathway 589 these new approaches at the end of the chapter.
-Neuropathic pain 592
-Pain and nociception 592
-Chemical signalling in the nociceptive pathway 593 NEURAL MECHANISMS OF PAIN
-Transmitters and modulators in the nociceptive
pathway 596 Pain is a subjective experience, hard to define exactly, even
~ though we all know what we mean by it. Typically, it is a direcl
Analgesic drugs 596 response to an untoward event associated with tissue damage.
-Morphine-like drugs 596 ~uch as injury, inflammation or cancer, but severe pain can ari..e
-Other opiate analgesics 604 independently of any obvious predisposing cause (e.g. trigemanal
-Opiaad antagonasts 605 neuralgia), or pc~iM long after the precipitating injury has healed
-Paracetamol 605 (e.g. phantom limb pain). It can also occur as a consequence of
-Other analgesic drugs 607 brain or nerve injury (e.g. following a stroke or herpes infectionl
New approaches 607 Painful conditions of the latter kind. not directly tinked to ti\\uc
injury, are very common and a major cause of disability and
diSLre1.S. and in general they respond less well to conventional
a na lgesic drugl> than do conditions where lhe immediate cause is
clear. In these cases, we need to thin k of pa in in te rms of di 'i
ordered neural function, comparable with schizophrenia or epilep'}
rather than simply as a ' no rmal' response to tissue injury. There-
OVERVIEW fo re it is useful to disting uish two compone nts, e ithe r or both of
w hic h may be involved in patho logica l pain states:
Pain is a disabling accompaniment of many
the peripheral nocicepti ve affere nt neuro n, which is activated
medical conditions, and pain control is one of the
by noxious sti mu li
most important therapeutic priorities.
the central mec hanisms by which lhe afferent input generate>
In this chapter, we discuss the neural mechanisms
a pain sensation.
responsible for different types of pain, and the
various drugs that are used to reduce it. The Good accou nt!> of the neural basis of pain can be found m
'classic' analgesic drugs, notably opiates and non- McMahon & Kolt7enburg (2006).
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs;
described inCh. 14}, have their origins in natural
products that have been used for centuries. The
original compounds, typified by morphine and Under normal conditions. pain is associated with impulse acti\it)
aspirin, are still in widespread use, but many in small-diameter primary afferent fibres of peripheral nerve~
synthetic compounds that act by the same (see Raja et al., 1999). These nerves have sensory endings in
mechanisms have been developed. Opiate peripheral tis!>ues and arc activated by stim uli of various kind,
analgesics a re described in this chapter. Next, we (mechanical, thermal. chemical: Julius & Basbaum, 200 I; Julius
consider various other drug classes, such as & McCleskey, 2006). They are disting uished fro m other sort>
antidepressants and antiepileptic drugs, which o f mechanical and therm al receptors by the ir higher threshold.
clinical experience has shown to be effective in because they are norm all y acti vated o nly by s timuli of noxiou1
588 certain types of pain. Finally, looking into the inte nsity-suffic ient to cause some degree of tissue damage.

Rn.'tl ding\ of activity in single afferent fibres in human subjects MODULATION IN THE NOCICEPTIVE
ha1e shown thai stimuli sufficient 10 excite these small afferent PATHWAY
fihre' also evoke a painful sensation. Many of these fibres are
nonm}clinatcd C fibres with low conduction velocities Acute pain is generally well accounted for in terms of
< 1mM: this group is known as C polymodalnociceptors. Others nociception- an excessive noxious stimulus giving rise to an
are fine myelinated (A6) fibres, which conduct more rapid ly but intense and unpleasant sensation. In contrast, most chronic pain
re,pond to ~imilar peripheml stimuli. Although there are some states 1 are associated with aberrations of the normal physiological
pl'tle., diiTcrences, the majority of the C fibres are associated pathway. giving ri!>e to hyperalgesia (an increased amount of
1111h polymodal nociceptive endings. Afferents from muscle and pain associated with a mi ld noxious stimulus), allodynit1 (pain
li,cera abo convey nociceptive information. In the nerves from evoked by a non-noxious stimulus) or :;pontaneou~ pain without
thN tissue,, the small myelinated Ab fibres are connected to any precipitating Mimulus. An analogy ill with an old radio set
h1gh-threshold mechanorcceptors, while the non-myelinated that play~ uncontrollably loudly (hyperalgesia), receives two
Clibrcs arc connected to polymodal nociceptors, as in the skin. stations at once (allodynia), or produces random shrieks and
bperiments on human subjects, in which recording or stimu- whistles (spontaneou~ pain spasms). These distonions in the
laung electrodes are applied to cutaneous sensory nerves, have transmission line are beginning to be understood in terms of
1holln that activity in the Ao fibres causes a sensation of sharp, various types of positive and negative modu lation in the
11dl-localised pain. whereas C fibre activity causes a dull. nociceptive pathway. discussed in more detail below. Some of the
diiiu-.e, burning pain. main mechanisms are summarised in Figure 41.2.
With many pathological conditions, tissue injury is the
immediate cause of the pain and results in the local release of a
m~t} of chemicals that act on the nerve terminals. either
..:111atmg them directly or enhancing their sensitivity to other T Anyone who has suffered a burn or spmincd ankle ha& experienced
form~ of :.timulation. The pharmacological properties of hyperalgesia and al lodynia Hyperalgesia involves both ~ensi tisation of
c. peripheral nociceptive nerve terminals and cemral facilitation of
1 ll:iceptive nerve terminals are discussed in more detail below.
t:ransml\,ion at the le1 el of the dor;al horn and thalamu,~hanges
c The cell bodies of spinal nociceptive afferent fibres lie in defined by the term neuroplasriciry. The peripheral component is due
nl J1Nl root ganglia; fibres enter the spinal cord via the dorsal to the acJion of mediators ~uch u; bradykinin and prostaglandins acti ng
root\, ending in the grey matter of the dorsal hom (Fig. 41.1 ). on 1he nerve tenninals (see below). The central component reflect~
Mo'l of the nociceptive afferents terminate in the superficial
e~ion of the dorsal hom, the C fibres and some Ao fibres
te mnervating cell bodies in laminae J and IT, while other A fibres 1
Defined a~ pain that ourla~ts the precipitating ti\\UC injury. Many clinical
d xnetrale deeper into the dorsal hom (lamina V). Cells in laminae I pain state' fall into thi\ category. The dissociation of pain from noxious
and\' give rise 10 the main projection pathways from the dorsal input is mo;t evident in 'phantom limb' pain. which occur; after
hom 10 the thalamus. amputation' and may be very severe. The pain i; u;ually not relieved by
The non-myelinated afferent neurons contain several neuro- local anac;thetic injections, implying that electrical activity in afferent
fibres i~ not an essentJal component. At the other e>.treme. no,.ious input
pepudes (~ee Ch. 16), panicularly substance P and calcitonin
with no pam. there arc many well-documented reports of mywc~ and
gcntrrelated peptide (CG RP). These are released as mediators at ; howmen who ;ubject themselves to horrifying ordeals with knives, burning
f hoth the central and the peripheral terminals, and play an embers. nai l'> and hooks (undoubtedly cauing masstve afferent input)
Important role in the pathology of pain. ~ithout apparently suffering pain.

---- -- ----l Mechanoreceptor AP-fibres


Fig. 41.1 The termination of

afferent fibres in the six lam inae of
the dorsal horn of the spinal cord.


NOFOriO; r

K, 5-HT, PGs, etc.)

_____' . .______ Inflammation _ _ _ ___,

Fig. 4 1.2 Summary of modulatory mec hanisms in the nociceptive pathway. 5-HT, 5-hydroxytryptamine; BK, bradykinin; CGRP,
calcitontn gene-related peptide; NA, noradrenaline; NGF, nerve growth factor; NO, nitric oxide; NSAID, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
drug; PG, prostaglandin; SP, substance P.

facilitation of synaptic transmission. This has been well studied in the of synaptic contact\. Increased NGF production may be an imp<>ru
dor~al horn (~ee Yak~h. 1999). The ~ynaptic responses of dorsal hom mechani\m by which nociceptiYe transmission becomes facilitareJ b)
neurons to nociceptive inputs di~play the phenomenon of 'wind-up'-i.e. tis!>ue damage, leading to hyperalge.,ia (>ee McMahon, 1996). lncrea~
the synaptic poten tial ~ ~tead ily increase in amplitude with each gene expression in sen.'>ory neurons is induced by NGF and othc.
srimulus when repeated Mimuli are delivered at physio logical inflammarory mediator>; the up-regulated genes include those en~odm
frequencies (~ee Fig. 4 1.3 ). This activ ity-dependent facilitation of va rious neuropeptide precttrsors, receptors and channels, and have lht
lransm i s~ion has features in common with the phenomenon of long-term overal l ciTcct of fitcilitating transmission at the first synaptic relay in tht
potentiation in rhe hippocampus, described in Chapter 33. and the dor~a l horn. Brain-derived neumtmphic factor released from primaT\
chemical mechani~ms underlying it may also be si mi lar (see Ji et at.. afferent nerve tcmlinals activates pathways leading to sen~itisation,
2003). In the do.-.nl hom. the fac ilitation is blocked by NMDA recepror glutamate receptor~. and hence synaptic facili tation. in the dorsal hom.
an tagonists, also by antagonists of subMance P. a slow ellcitatory tran~
mitter relea..ed by nociceptive afferent neurons (see above), and by Exci tati on of nociceptive ~ensory neurons depends, as in other neuron
inhibitor, of nitric oxide \ynthe~is. Substance P produces a slow (\cc Ch. 4), on voltage-gated sodium channels. Certain sodium channd
depolan\tng re<,pon\c 111 the po~~ynaptic cell, which builds up during subtype\ are found in these neurons but not elsewhere, and there i' t>.ld
repetithe '>timulation, and i\ believed to enhance NMDA receptor-medimed evidence (\ee Lai et al.. 2004: Chahine el al .. 2005) that increa-d
expre~sion of rhe~ channeb underlie~ the ~ensitisation ro external \Umuli
rran.,mi~'ion. Thi\ re\ult., in Ca~ inflult and acrhation of nitric oxide
S}ntha~ (<ee Ch. 17). the released nitric oxide acting to facilirarc
that occur, 111 inflammatory pain and hyperalgesia. Consisrem wuh this
tran\mi\\ion h> mechani'm' thar haYe yer to be elucidated. Substance hypothco,io, ~ the fact that man} antiepileptic and antidysrhythmic dJ'ui
P and CGRP relea~cd from primai} afferent neurons also act in the which act by blocr..ing \Odium channels (see Chs 18 and 40) al\0 find
periphery, promoting inflammation by their effects on blood \'CSl>Ch clinical application !1.'> analgc'>ics.
and cell\ of the rmmune ~ystem (Ch. 13). This mechanism. known as
neurogenic inflammation. amplifies and sustains the inflammatory
reacrion and the accompanymg actiYation of nociceptive afferenr fibres. THE SUBSTANTIA GELATINOSA AND THE GATE
Ccmral faci litarion b an important component of pathological hyper-
alge~ia (e.g. that awJC iated with inflammatory responses: see Fig. 4 I .2). Cells of lamina U of the dorsal horn (the substantia gelati1101a.
The mediator~ rc'>ponstble for central faci liration include sub~tance SG) arc mainly short inhibitory intemeurons projecting to lamtnJ
P and CGRP, !1.'> well a~ many others (sec Ji et al., 2003). For eltample,
I and lamina V, and they regulate transmission at the fiN
nerve growth factor (NGF). a cytokine-likc mediator produced by
peripheral tissue~. particularly in inflammation, acts specifically on synapse of the nociceptive pathway, between the primary afferenr
nociceptive afferen t neurons, increasi ng their electrical eltcitability, fibre!. and the spinothalamic tract transmission neurons. Thi'
590 chemosensitivity and peptide content, and also promoting the formation gatekeeper function gave rise to the term gate control theory,


Control NMDA receptor antagonist
NMDA receptor antagonist

------------~ ~-
Substance P
Control 0.5 mV

Substance P 1.0 s

Fig. 41.3 Effect of g lutam ate and substance P antagonist on noci ceptive tr ansmission in the rat spinal cord . The rat paw was
nflamed by ultraviolet irradiation 2 days before the experiment, a procedure that induces hyperalgesia and spinal cord facilitation. The
synaptic response was recorded from the ventral root, in response to stimulation of C fibres in the dorsal root with single stimuli (left) or
repetJttve stimuli (right). The effects of the NMDA receptor antagonist o-AP-5 (see Ch. 33) and the substance P antagonist RP 67580
selective for neurokinin type 2, NK2, receptors) are shown. The slow component of the synaptic response is reduced by both
antagontsts Qett-hand traces), as is the 'wind-up' in response to repetitive stimulation (right-hand traces). These effects are much less
pronounced 1n the normal animal. Thus both glutamate, acting on NMDA receptors, and substance P. acting on NK2 receptors, are
Involved In nociceptive transmission, and their contribution increases as a result of inflammatory hyperalgesia. (Records kindly provided
by L Urban and S W Thompson.)

propo>ed by Wall and Melzack in 1965. According to this view midbrain, a small area of grey matter surroundillg the central
!1ummari~cd in Fig. 41.4). the SG cells respond both to the canal. In 1969, Reynolds found that e lectrical stimulatio n of this
activity of afferent fibres entering the cord (thus allowing the brain area in the rat caused analgesia sufficiently inten-.e that
am1-al of tmpulses via one group of afferent fibres to regulme abdominal surgery could be perfonned without anaesthesia and
the lnlll~tnl\\ion of impubes via another pathway) and to the without eliciting any marked response. on-painful sensations
a.:tivtty of de\Cending pathway (see below). The SG is rich in were unaffected. The PAC receives inputs from many other brain
~oth opioid peptides and opioid recepto rs, and may be an regions, including the hypothalamus. cortex and thalan1us, and is
tmportant \ite of action for morphine- like drugs (see later the main pathway through which cortical and other inputs act to
~ertion). For a more detailed account of dorsal horn circuitry, see control the nociceptive gate in the dorsal horn.
f~eld' et al. (2006). Similar gate' mechanisms also operate in The PAG projects first to an area of the medulla clo:.e to the
the thalamu-.. midline, known as the nucleus raphe magnus (NRM). and thence
From the spinothalamic tracts. the projection fibres form via the dorsolateral funiculus of the spinal cord to the dorsal horn.
'111apses. mainly in the ventral and medial part~ of the thalamus, Two important transmitters in this pathway are 5-hydroxytryptamine
111th cell\ \\hO\e axons run to the somatosensory cortex. In the and enkephalin, which act directly or via intemeurons to inhibit
me(ba] thalamus in particular, many cells rel>pond specifically the discharge of spinothalamic neurons (Fig. 41.5).
d to noxJOU~ Munuli in the periphery, and lesions in this area cause The descending inhibitory pathway is probably an important
analgesia. Functional imaging studies in conscious subjects (sec site of action for opioid analgesics (see below). Both PAG and
Shnilllcr & Ploner, 2000) suggest that the affective component SG are particularly rich in enkephalin-containing neurons, and
. f pam ~n,ation (i.e. its unpleasantness) involves a specific region opioid antagonists such as naloxone (see later section) can
of the ctngulate cortex, distinct from the somatosensor y cortex. prevent electrically induced analgesia, which would sugge:.t that
opioid peptides may function as transmiuers in this system. The
physiolog ical role of opioid pcptides in regulating pain trans-
mission has been controversial, mainly because under normal
~'mentioned above, descending pathways (Fig. 41.5) constitute conditions naloxone has relatively little effect on pain threshold.
one of the gating mechanisms that control impulse transmission Under pathological conditions, however. when stress is present,
mthe dorsal hom (see MiUan, 2002). A key part of this descend- naloxone causes hyperalgesia, implying that the opioid system
mg y~tem is the periaqueducral grey (PAC) area of the is active. 591

Gate control
Tran smission system



- Noradrenaline
. .............'
- - - - -- - - - " ' -- - Mechanoreoeptors

Fig . 41 .4 Schematic diagram of the gate control

syst em. This system regulates the passage of impulses from
the peripheral afferent fibres to the thalamus via transmission
neurons originating in the dorsal horn. Neurons in the
substantia gelatinosa (SG) of the dorsal horn act to inhibit the Fig. 4 1.5 The descending control system, showing the
transmission pathway. Inhibitory interneurons are activated by main sites of action of opioids on pain transmission.
descending inhibitory neurons or by non-nocicept1ve afferent Opioids excite neurons in the periaqueductal grey matter (PAG)
input. They are inhibited by nociceptive C-fibre input, so the and in the nucleus reticularis paragigantocellularis (NRPG),
persistent C-fibre activity facilitates excitation of the which in turn project to the rostroventral medulla, which
transmission cells by either nociceptive or non-nociceptive includes the nucleus raphe magnus (NRM). From the NRM, 5-
inputs. This autofacilitation causes successive bursts of activity
in the nociceptive afferents to become increasingly effective in
activating transmission neurons. Details of the interneuronal
hways are not shown. (From Melzack R. Wall P D 1982 The
allenge of pain. Penguin, Harmondsworth.)
J hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)- and enkephalin-containing neurons
run to the substantia gelatinosa of the dorsal horn, and exert
an inhibitory influence on transmission. Opio1ds also act
directly on the dorsal horn, as well as on the peripheral
terminals of nociceptive afferent neurons. The locus coeruleus
- - - --- --- (LC) sends noradrenergic neurons to the dorsal horn, which
also inhibit transmission. The pathways shown in this diagram
represent a considerable oversimplification but depict the
There is also a noradrenergic pathway from the locus coeruleus general organisation of the supraspinal control mechanisms.
(see Ch. 34), which has a similar inhibitory effect on tran s- Shaded boxes represent areas rich in opiold peptides. (For
more detailed Information, see Fields & Basbaum, 1994.) DLF,
mission in the dorsal hom (Fig. 4 1.5). The use of tricyclic
dorsolateral funiculus.
antidepre~sants to control pain (sec below) probably depends
on thi s pathway.

under normal conditions. Thus physiological stimuli that

sympathetic respon~es can produce severe pain, a phenomeoc
Neurological disease affecting the sensory pathway can produce described clinically as sympathetically mediated pain. Neuro
severe chronic pain-term ed neuropathic pain- unrelated to any pathic pain, which appears to be a component of many types
peripheral ti ssue injury. This occur<; with central nervous system of clinical pain (including common conditions such a~ ban
(CNS) disorders such as stroke and multiple 'clerosis, or with pain and cancer pain. as well as amputation pain). is general
conditions associated with peripheral nerve damage, such as difficuiL to control with conventional analgesic drugs.
mechanical injury, diabetic neuropathy or herpes zoster infection new drug targets are discussed below.
(shingles). The pathophysiological mechanisms underlying this
kind of pain are poorly understood, although spontaneous
activity in damaged sensory neuron~. due to overexpression or
redistributi on of voltage-gated sodium channels (see above), is 1' As emphasised above, the perception of noxious stimuli (tc!'IM
thought to be a factor (see Chahine et at., 2005). The sympathetic nociception by Sherrington) is not the same thing as pain. which ~;
~ubjecti\ e experience and include~ a strong emotional (affect<
nervous system also plays a pan, because damaged sensory
component. The amount of pain that a pantcular stimulu\
neurons can express C1 adrenoccptOrl> and develop a sensitivity depends on many factors other than the ~timulus itselr. A Mabb .
592 to noradrenaline (norepinephrine) that they do not possess scn;ation in 1hc chest will cause much more pain if it occun
various substances that act on cutaneous nerve endjngs. They
lloclulatlon of pain transmission
produced smal l bl isters on the forearm of human subjects, and
applied chemicals to the blister base. recording the degree of pain
Transmission in the dorsal horn is subject to
that the subjects reported. Since then, electrical recording from
vanous modulatory influences, constituting the ' gate
sensory nerves and studies of the membrane responses of neurons
control' mechanism.
in culture. coupled with molecular biology techlliques to identify
Descending pathways from the midbrain and brain
receptors and signal transduction pathways in nociceptive neurons,
stem exert a strong inhibitory effect on dorsal horn
have produced a wealth of new information. and the humble
transm1ssion. Electrical stimulation of the midbrain
nociceptive neuron has bathed in a Limelight that more aristocratic
periaqueductal grey area causes analgesia through
neurons might envy. The current state of knowledge is reviewed
thrs mechanism.
by M cM ahon et al. (2006) and summarised in Figure 4 1.6.
The descending inhibition is mediated mainly by
The main groups of substances that stimulate pain endings in
enkephalins, 5-hydroxytryptamine, noradrenaline and
th e skin are discussed below.
adenosine. Optoids cause analgesia partly by activating
these descending pathways, partly by inhibiting
The vanilloid receptor (TRPVl)
transmission in the dorsal horn, and partly by inhibiting
excitation of sensory nerve terminals in the periphery. T Capsaicin, the substa nce in cbiJlj peppers that gives them their
Repetitive C-fibre activity facilitates transmission pungency, selectively exc ites nociceptive nerve terminals. causing intense
pain if injected into the skin or applied to sensi tive structures such as
through the dorsal horn ('wind-up') by mechanisms the cornca.1 It produce~ this effect by binding to a rccepLDr expressed by
tnvolving activation of NMDA and substance nociceptive afferen t neurons. The receptor, originally known as the
P receptors. vani lloid receptor becau~c many capsaicin-like compounds are based on
the ~tructure of 'anillic acid. is a typical ligand-gated cation channel
known as the tra/1.\ieut ll'Ceptor poteutialmnilloid receptor I (TRPV 1)
(sec Ch. 3). Agonl\t\ such as capsaicin open the channel. which i'
e 'puntaneou'l> in a m1ddleaged man than if it is due to a 2year-old pern1cable to ~a. Ca~ and other cation~. causing depolarisation and
polmj! hun 1n the rib\ "'1th a '>harp Mick. The nociccpti,e component may initiation of action potentials. TRPV I respond~ not only to cap~aicin-like
G) be mu<h the 'arne. but the affective component is quite different. Animal agoni\1\ but alw to other stimuli. including temperature~ in exce'>s
tt''' ot an:llgC!.IC drug' common!) me;c.ure nociception and invohe of about 45 C (the thre~hold for pain) and proton concentrations in Lhe
tNmg the reaction of an animal to a mildly painful stimulus. often micromolar range (pll 5.5 and below). \lohich also cause pain. The
me<hanical or thennal. Such me;c.urcs include the tail flick test receptor thu'> ha\ unu\ual 'pol) modal' characteristics that closely march
s mca,uring the ume taken for a r.u to withdraY. its tail when a standard tho\C of nociceptive neurons. and it is believed to play a central role
rJdiJIIt heat \tlmulu~ i\ applied) or the paw pressure test (measuring the in nociccption (\ee Wang & Woolf. 2005). TRPVI is, like many other
1\lthdm"al thre\hold when a normal or inflamed paw is pinched with ionotropic receptor,, modu lated by phosphorylation, and several of the
m.:rea,ing force). Simi lar tc~ts can be u~ed on human subjects. who pain-producing -.uiNances that act through G-protein-coupled receptor<;
s ''mply 10d1cate when a stimulu~ begin> to feel painful. but the pain in (e.g. brod,tkinin; >CC below) work by ;ensitising TRPV I. A search for
the'e crcu1mtance' l ack~ the affect ive component. Clinically. endogcnou~ ligand'> for TRPV I revealed. surprisingly. that anandamide
'pontaneou' pain :md allodynia of neu ropathic origin is coming to be (u lipid mediator previou;ly identified as an agoniM at cannabinoid
t~Xogni,ed II' particularly important, bu t this is more difficult to model receptor\; \CC Ch. 43) is also a TRPV l agonist, although less potent than
m ~nim:il ' tudics. lt b recognised cli nically that many ana lges ics, capsaicin. Other endogenous lipid mediators, collectively known as
particulnrl y those of the morphine type. can greatly reduce the distress endo\anilloids (van dcr Stell & Di Mart.o. 2004) have since been
a\\OCI3tCd with pai n even though the patient reports no great change identified, bu t their role in nociception is not cu rren tly known.
in the intcn,ity of the actua l sensa tion. It is much more difficult to devise Confirming the role of TRPV I in nociception. it ha~ been found that
tNs that measure thi s affecti ve component. and important to realise that TRPV I knockout mice show reduced responsiveness to noxious heat and
II may be <II !caM a~ &igniticant a; Lhe antinociceptive component in the a l ~o fai l to ,how thennul hyperalge;ia in response to inflammation. The
a.:uon of thc'c drug,. There is often a poor correlation between the Iauer ob~ervati on is interesting, because TRPV I expression is known to
~divHy of analge,ic drugs in animal tests (which mainly assess be increa\ed by inOammation (sec Wang & Woolf, 2005), and th1!.
antinociccpti\C acuvity) and their clinical effectiveness. may be a key mechanbm by which primary hyperalgesia is produced.
en on
~ uro-
The TRPV I channel\ may repre;eot tbe common pathway through
which many pain-producing mediators exert their excitatory effects on
ypes CHEMICAL SIGNALLING IN THE nociceptor.., and are considered to be a possible target for future analgesic
bad: NOCICEPTIVE PATHWAY drugs (sec Krau\e et al . 2005).
ntial Capsaicin and related irritant substances
T Cap~aicin is a potent TRPV I agonist that selectively stimulates
In il o't ca~e~. !>timulation of nociceptive endings in the periphery
nocicepti\'e nerve ending~. as described above. Similar substances exist
t' chemical in origin. Excessive mechanical or thermal stimuli in other pungent plant~ (ginger. black pepper, etc.). but none are as potent
can obviously cause acute pain, but the persistence of such pain as capsaicin. Resiniferatoxin, a compound produced by some plants
nncd atrer the stimulus has been removed. or the pain resulting from
1ha mtlarnmatory or ischaemic changes in lissues, generally retlects
an altered chemical environment of the pain afferents. The field
'!bing wa~ opened up in the 1960s by Keele and Armstrong, who devel- 2
Anyone who htL~ rubbed thei r eyes after cutting up chilli pepper~ will know
ccun. oped a simple method for measuring the pain-producing effect of this. 593

Na channel K channels

PKC ~ prJ

B2 '''"PIO< - Prostanoid [tJlrU other inhibitory

j ap,:::: j~~=

1 Prostaglandins Norepmephrine

Fig . 41 .6 Channels, receptors and transduction mechanisms of nociceptive afferent terminals. Only the main channels and
receptors are shown. Ligand-gated channels include acid-sensitive ion channels (ASICs), AlP-sensitive channels (P2x receptors) and the
capsaicin-sensitive channel (TRPV1 ), which is also sensitive to protons and to temperature. Various facilitatory and inhibitory G
protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are shown, which regulate channel function through various second messenger systems. Growth
factors such as nerve growth factor (NGF) act via kinase-linked receptors (TrkA) to control ion channel function and gene expression. 82
receptor, bradykinin type 2 receptor; PKA, protein kinase A; PKC, protein kinase C.

of the Euphorbia family. who...e \ap causes painful skin irrirarion. is so far from a precursor protein contained in the plasma (reviewed b}
rhe most porenr agonisr l.nown. Dray & Perkins. 1993). Bradykinin is a potent pain-produc10g
There are several inrercsting fearure~ of !he action of capsaicin. substance, acting panly by release of prostaglandins. wluch
strongly enhance the direct action of bradykinin on the nem
The large influx of Ca2+ inro nerve terminals rhar it produce' re~ult~ in
peptide release (main ly substance P and CGRP), causing intense
terminals (Fig. 41.7). Bradykinin acts by combining w1tt
vascular and other physiological responses. The Ca2 influx muy be specific G-protein-<:oupled receptors, of which there are I\\O
enough to cause nerve terminal degenera6on, which takes days or subtypes, B 1 and 8 2 . In nociceptive neurons, B2-receptors are
weeks lo recover. Aucmpts to use topically applied capsaicin 10 relieve coupled to activation of a specific isoform of protein kina~e
painful skin conditions have had some ~uccess. bur !he iniria l ~trong C (PKCE), which phosphorylatcs TRPV I and facilitates opening
irritant effecr is a major disadvantage.
Capsaicin applied to the bladder causes degenerarion of primary
of the TRPV I channel.
afferem nerve terminals, and has been used to treat incontinence Bradykinin acts on B2-receptors but is convened in tissues b)
associated wilh bladder hyperreactivir) in stroke or \pmal mjury removal of a terminal arginine residue to des-Arg9 bradykinin.
patien~. C-fibre afferents 10 the bladder serve a local reflex function. which acts selectively on B 1-receptors. B2 and B 1-receptOf\ art
which promotes emptying when the bladder is distended, the reflex both involved in the pathogenesis of pain and inflammation B
being exaggerared when central control is lost.
Given ro neonatal animal!., capsaicin causes an irreversible loss of
receptors are unusual in that they are normally expressed at vel)
polymodal nociceptors, becau&e the cell bodies (nor just the terminals) low levels, but their expression is strongly up-regulated in inflamed
are killed. The anima l~ grow up with greatly reduced responses to tissues (see Calixto et al., 2004). Transgenic knockout anima),
painful stimu li. This ha~ been used as an experimental procedure for lacking either type of receptor show reduced innammatol')
investigating the role of the~e neurons. hyperalgesia. Specific competitive antagonists for both 8 1 and B
Unlike mammals, bird~ do not respond to capsaicin, because avian
TRPV 1 differs from mammalian TRPV I. Consequently, birds eat chilli
receptors are known, including peptides such as the B2 antagonl\1
peppers and distribure thetr seeds. while mammal~ (orher rhan icatibant (Ch. 13 ), as weU as non-peptides. These show analg~,
humans-the only mn~och1\lic mammal) avoid !hem. and anti-inflammatory properties. and may prove suitable ft
clinical usc as analgesics (sec Marceau & Regoli, 2004).
Kin ins
The most active substances are bradykinin and kallidin (sec Prostaglandins
Cb. 13), two closely related peptides produced under conditions Prostaglandins do not themselves cause pain, but they strongl)
594 of tissue injury by the proteolytic cleavage of the active kinins enhance the pain-producing effect of other agents such as 5

40 ]5omv

~ 20
Brad. Brad.
261-lg 26!tg 5min

Fig. 41 .7 Response of a nociceptive afferent neuron to bradykinin (Brad.) and prostaglandin. Recordings were made from a
noclceptiv? afferent fibre supplying a .muscle, and drugs were injected into the arterial supply. Upper records: single- fibre recordings
showng dscharge caused by bradykmln alone (left), and by bradykinin following Injection of prostaglandin (right). Lower trace:
ratemeter recording of single-fibre discharge, showing long-lasting enhancement of response to bradykinin after an injection of
prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). Prostaglandin itself did not evoke a discharge. (From MensaS 1981 Brain Res 225: 95.)

hydroxytryptamine or bradykinin (Fig. 41.7). Prostaglandins of

lhe E and F ~cries are released in inflammation (Ch. 13) and Mechanlama of pain and noclception
also during ti.,~ue ischaemia. They sensitise nerve terminals to
Other agents panty by inhibiting potassium channels and partly Nociception is the mechanism whereby
e b) facthtating-through ~econd messenger-mediated phos- noxious peripheral stimuli are transmitted to the
phol')lation reaction~ (~ee Ch. 3)-the cation channels opened central nervous system. Pain is a subjective
b) noxtous agent'>. It i~ of intere~t that bradykinin itself causes experience not always associated with nociception.
pro,taglandin relea~e. and Lhus bas a powerful self-sensitising' Polymodal nociceptors (PMNs) are the main type of
etln:t on nociceptive afferents. Other eicosanoids, including peripheral sensory neuron that responds to noxious
P'O'WC)'clin, leukouienes and the unstable hydroxyeicosatetraenoic stimuli. The majority are non-myelinated C fibres
ac1d (HETE) derivatives (Ch. 13). may also be imponant (see whose endings respond to thermal, mechanical and
Samad et al., 2002). The analgesic effects of NSAlDs (Ch. 14) chemical stimuli.
:ing r~'ult from inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis. Chemical stimuli acting on PMNs to cause pain
tich include bradykinin, protons, ATP and vanilloids (e.g.
:rve Other peripheral mediators capsaicin). PMNs are sensitised by prostaglandins,
vith \'anou' metabolites and substances arc released from damaged which explains the analgesic effect of aspirin-like
two or i~chacmic cells, or inflamed tissues, including ATP, protons drugs, particularly in the presence of inflammation.
are !produced by lactic acid), 5-hydroxytryptamine. histamine and The vanilloid receptor TRPV1 (transient receptor
13SC K'. many of which affect nociceptive nerve terminals. potential vanilloid receptor 1) responds to noxious
aing ATP excites nociceptive nerve terminals by acting on P2x3 heat as well as capsaicin-like agonists. The lipid
receptors, a form of ligand-gated ion cban11el that is selectively mediator anandamide is an agonist at vanilloid
'by exprc\,cd by these neurons. Down-regulation of P2x 3 receptors, receptors, as well as being an endogenous
1in, b} antisense D A technology. reduces infiallllllatory pain. 3 cannabinoid receptor agonist.
are Antagoni\ts at this receptor may be developed for clinical use. Nociceptive fibres terminate in the superficial layers
B, \TP and other purine mediators. such as adenosine, also play a of the dorsal horn, forming synaptic connections with
ery role in the dor...al hom, and other types of purinoceptor may also transmission neurons running to the thalamus.
ned re 1arg..:ted b} analgesic drug!> in the future (see Liu & Salter, 2005). PMN neurons release glutamate (fast transmitter) and
1als lo11 pH excites nociceptive afferent neurons partly by opening various peptides (especially substance P) that act as
ory proton-acttl'ated cation channels (acid-sensitive ion channels) slow transmitters. Peptides are also released
B~ nd panl) b) facilitation ofTRPVJ (see above). peripherally and contribute to neurogenic inflammation.
nist 5-H)di'OX}tryptamine causes excitation. but studies wilh antagon- Neuropathic pain, associated with damage to
!~ic ,r~ 'uggeM that it play!> at most a minor role. Histamine is also neurons of the nociceptive pathway rather than an
for excessive peripheral stimulus, is frequently a
component of chronic pain states and may respond
poorly to opioid analgesics.

g ly P." knockout mice are. in contrast. fairly normal in this respect.

5- nre,umubly because other mechanism take over. 595

active but causes itching rather than actual pain. Both these Noradrenaline is the transmitter of the inhibitory pathway
substances arc released locally in inflammation (see Ch. 13). from the locu'> coeruleus to the dorsal horn, and possibly aho
Opioid peptide!> relea!>ed peripherally inhibit nociceptor in other antinociceptive pathways.
excitability, as do cannabinoids. These agents act through G- Adeno-,ine play!> a dual role in regulating nociceptive
protein~oupled receptors that are negatively coupled to adenylate transmission, activation of A 1 receptors causing analgesia, b}
cycla~e. and hence their effects oppose those of prostaglandin!.. acting on both peripheral nerve terminals and dorsal hom
The physiological significance of these mediators in the periph- neurons, while activation of A 2 receptors in the periphel)
ery is uncertain. doe~ the reverse (see Liu & Salter. 2005). There is e\idence
In summary, pain endings can be activated or sensitised by a for descending inhibitory purinergic pathways acting on pain
wide variety of endogenous mediators. the receptors for which tran'lmission through A 1 receptors.
arc often up- or down-regulated under pathophysiological con-
ditions. Neuroplasticity plays an important role in persistent pain
states, irrespective of their primary cause: not surpris ingly, the ANALGESIC DRUGS
signalling pathways have much in common with, and are at least
as complex as, those involved in other neuroplastic ity-based
CNS pathologies discussed in emlier chapters. The strategies for The te rm opioid applies to any substance, whether endogcnou>
deve loping the next wave of analgesic drugs therefore follow or synthetic, that produces morphine-like effects that are blocked
similar lines.~ by antagonists <,uch as naloxone. The older term, opiate, is
restricted to synthetic morphine-like drugs with non-peptidk
strucwrcs. The field is reviewed thoroughly by Herz ( 1993).
TRANSMITTERS AND MODULATORS IN THE Opium is an extract of the juice of the poppy Papaw
NOCICEPTIVE PATHWAY somnifemm, which ha~ been tt~ed for social and medicinal puflX>"'
for thousands of year~ as an agent to produce euphoria, analge,Ja
The family of opioid pcptides (see Ch. 16) plays a key role in
and sleep, and to pre,ent diarrhoea. Tt was introduced in Britam
nociceptive transmission: its role in descending inhibitory
at the end of the 17th century, usually taken orally a~ tincture
controls is summarised in Figure 41.5. Opiate analgesics (see
of laudanum, addiction to which acquired a certain social cachet
below) act on the various receptor!> for these peptides.
during the next 200 years. The sjtuation changed when t~
Another peptide family thought to play a key role is the
hypodermic 11yringe and needle were invented in the mid-19th
tachykinin family (see Ch. 16), of which substance Pis the bcst-
century, and opiate dependence began to take on a more sini\t(r
I.nown member. Substance P is expressed by nociceptive afferen t
neurons and released at their peripheral and central terminals. In
the periphery, it produce!. !\orne of the features of neurogenic
inflammation (sec above), and in the dorsal horn it may be CHEMICAL ASPECTS
invo lved in wind-up and central sensitisation. In animal models,
Opium contains many alkaloids related to morphine. The structure
subst<tnce P antagonistl> are effective analgesic drugs, but clinical
of morphine (Fig. 41.8) was determined in 1902, and since then
trials have failed to confirm this in humans, so the high hopes for
many semisynthetic compounds (produced by chemical modifi
developing a new type of analgesic for clinical use have been
cation of morphine) and fully synthetic opiates have been studied
dashed. The reason for this fai lure is not clear, but it may imply
In addition 10 morphine- like compounds, opium also contain~
that substance P is less important as a pain mediator in humans
papaverine, a smooth muscle re laxant (see Ch. 19).
than in rats.
The mai n groups of drugs that arc discussed in this section are
Other mediators include the following.
as fo llow.
Glutamate (see Ch. 33) is released from primary afferent
Morphine analogues. These are compounds closely related in
neurons and, acting on AMPA receptors, is responsible for
structure to morphine and often synthesised from it. They
fast synaptic transmjssion at the first synapse in the dorsal
may be agonists (e.g. morphine, diamorphine [heroin] and
hom. The re is abo a ~lower NMDA receptor-mediated
codeine), partial agonists (e.g. nalorphine and levallorphan
re~pon<>c, which i'> important in relation to the wind-up
or antagoni'>ts (e.g. naloxone ).
phenomenon (see Fig. 41.3).
Synthetic derivative~ with strucrures unrelated to morphine:
GABA (see Ch. 33) is released by !'.pinal cord intemeurons
- phenylpiperidine series (e.g. pethidine and fentanyl)
and inhibit'> tran~miller release by primary afferent terminals
- methadone series (e.g. methadone and dextropropoxyphellf
in the dorsal hom.
-bcnzomorphan series (e.g. pentazocine and cyclazocine)
5-Hydroxytryptamine is the transmitter of inhibitory neurons
-semisynthetic thebaine derivatives (e.g. etorphine all\
running from NRM to the dorsal horn.

Me ntion should also be made of loperamide. an opiate that doe

not e nte r the brain and therefore lacks analgesic activity. Likt
And, sceptics may argue. face similar obstacles in relation to specificity othe r opiates (see be low), it inhibits peristalsis, and it is used to
596 and unwanted effect~. contro l diarrhoea (sec Ch. 25).
--------- '
also I I \
CH3 _; NCH2 - HC/I
I II ' CH2 I

b) N


Morphine Pentazocine

lous CH 3
ked I
. is


e'ia I
tain I
ure I
::het CH3
9th Pethidine Fentanyl


li fi-


Ill Fig. 41.8 Structures of some

opiate analgesics. Methadone Sufentanil

Morphine analogues sought. It is chemically unlike morphine. although iLc; pharma-

\1orphine is a phenanthrene derivative with two planar rings cological actions arc very similar. Fentanyl and sufentanil (the
and two aliphatic ring wuctures, which occupy a plane roughly latter not u. ed in the UK) are more potent and shorter-acting
~~ right angles to the rest of the molecule (Fig. 41.8). Variants derivatives that are used intravenously. or for chronic pain via
of the morphine molecule have been produced by substitution patches applied to the skin, to treat severe pain or as an adjunct
Jt one or both of the hydroxyl groups or at the nitrogen atom. to anaesthesia.
Methadone eries. Methadone, although its structural formula
)CS Synthetic derivatives bears no obvious chemical relationship to that of morphine,
ike Plrenylpiperidine series. Pethidine (known as meperidine in the assumes a s imilar conformation in solution and was designed
to LSA), the first fu lly synthetic morphine-like drug, was dis- by reference to the common three-dimensional structural
covered accidentally when new atropine-like drugs were being features of morphine and pethidine (Fig. 41.8). Tt is longer 597

acting than morphine but otherwise very similar to it. Dcxtro- subsequent pharmacological studies, later confirmed by receptor
propoxyphcnc is very similar and was used clinically for treating cloning, is that three types of opioid receptor, termed ll band K"
mild or moderate pain (no longer recommended on account of (all of them typical G-protein-<:oupled receptors; see Ch. 3)
cardiotoxiciry). mediate the main pharmacological effects of opiates. a'
Benzomorphan series. The most important members of this summarised in Table 41.1. 6 There is pharmacological evident
clas~ arc penta10cine and cycla.wcine (Fig. 41.8). These drugl> for further subdivi-;ions of each of these three subtypes; it "
differ from morphine in their receptor-binding profile (see possible that splice variants and receptor dimerisation (see Ch. 31
below), and so have somewhat different actions and side effects. can account for this pharmacological diversity. Studies on ttl<
Cychvocinc is not used in the U K, and the use of pentazocine is characteristics of transgenic mouse strains lacking each of th<
declining. three main 11ubtypes (see Law et al., 2000) show that the maJa-
Thebaine derivatives. Etorphine is a highly potent morphine- pharmacological effects of morphine, including analgesia, are
like drug used mainly in veterinary practice. Buprenorphine mediated by the ~t-receptor.
resembles morphine but is a partial agonist (see below); The interaction of various opioid drugs and peptides with Lh~
therefore. although very potent, its maximal effect is less than various receptor types is summarised in Table 41.2. In addition
that of morphine, and it antagonises the effect of other opiates. to endogenous peptides and drugs in clinical use, some agent1
that arc used as experimental tools for distinguishing the differ
ent receptor subtypes are also shown.
The discovery of endogenous opiod peptides (eokephalins, see
Ch. 16) by llughcs and Kostcrlitz in 1972 was quickly followed
by the discovery by Snyder and his coUegues of specific binding
sites in the brain, and the identification of these as specific opioid Ta ble 41 .1 Functional effects associated with the main
receptors, the existence of which had been proposed much earlier types of opioid recept or
to account for the actions of drugs that antagonised the effects of
morphine. Various pharmacological observations implied that JL I) K

more than one type of receptor was involved, the original

suggestion of multiple receptor types arising from in vivo studies Analges1a
Supraspinal +++
of the spectrum of actions (analgesi~ sedation, pupillary
Spinal ++ ++ +
constriction, bradycardia. etc.) produced by different drugs. It Peripheral ++ +T
was al~o found that some opiates, but not all. were able to relieve
wi thdrawal symptoms in morphine-dependent animals, and this Respiratory depression +++ ++
was interpreted in terms of distinct receptor subtypes. The
conclusion (see Dhawan et al., 1996) from these and many Pupil constriction ++ +
Reduced gastrointestinal motility ++ ++ +

Euphoria +++

Dysphoria +++
Oplold enelgealca
Sedation ++ ++

Opioid drugs include: Physical dependence +++ +

phenanthrene derivatives structurally related to
synthetic compounds with a variety of dissimilar
structures but similar pharmacological effects.
Important morphine-like agonists include diamorphine
sA founh subtype, <J, wa.' al\o poMulated in order to account for the
and codeine; other structurally related compounds
'dysphoric' effect~ (anxiety, hallucinations. bad dreams, etc.) produced b)
are partial agomsts (e.g. nalorphine and levallorphan) some opiates. "TheM: are. however, not true op1oid receptors. becau.-.e man~
or antagonists (e.g. naloxone). other types of psychotropic drug also interact with them, and their
The main groups of synthetic analogues are the biological role remain~ unclear (see Walker et al . 1990). Of the opiate
piperidines (e.g. pethidine and fentanyl), the drugs. only bcnfomorphans. such as pentaLocine and cycl:vocine. bmd
appreciably to o receptor,. which is consistent with their known
methadone-like drugs, the benzomorphans
psychotomimetic propcnies.
(e.g. pentazocine) and the thebaine derivatives
l>fhe opiod ~yMcrn is unusual among mediator system directed by G-
(e.g. buprenorphine).
protein-couplcd rccepton>, in that there are many (20 or more) opioid
Opioid analgesics may be given orally, by injection, or
pcplides bul on ly three receptors. In contrast, 5-bydroxytryptamine, for
intrathecally to produce analgesia. example, is a single mediator interacting witb many (about 14) receptor~.
598 which i ~ the more common pal tern.

Oplold receptors Table 41.2 Selectivity of opioid drugs and peptides for
receptor subtypes
11-Receptors are thought to be responsible for
most of the analgesic effects of opioids, and for some fL li K

major unwanted effects {e.g. respiratory depression,

Endogenous peptides
euphoria, sedation and dependence). Most of the ~-Endorphin ++-!- +++ +++
analgesic opioids are ~~-receptor agonists. Leu-enkephalin + +++
ll-Receptors are probably more important in the Met-enkephalin ++ +++
periphery but may also contribute to analgesia. Dynorphin ++ + +++

c ~-Receptors contribute to analgesia at the spinal

Opiate drugs
level and may elicit sedation and dysphoria, but Pure agonists
c produce relatively few unwanted effects and do not Morphine, codeine, oxymorphone, +++ + +
n contribute to dependence. Some analgesics are dextropropoxyphene
relatively 11.-selective. Methadone +++
a-Receptors are not true opioid receptors but are the Meperidine ++ + +
Etorph1ne, bremazocine +++ +++ +++
site of action of certain psychotomimet ic drugs, with Fentanyl, sufentanil +++ +
which some opioids interact.
All opioid receptors are linked through G-proteins to Partial/mixed agonists
Inhibition of adenylate cyclase. They also facilitate Pentazocine, ketocyclazocine + + ++
Nalbuphlne + + (++)
opening of potassium channels {causing
Nalorphine ++ ++
hyperpolarisation) and inhibit opening of calcium Buprenorphine (-.-. ++
channels {inhibiting transmitter release). These
membrane effects are not linked to the decrease in Antagonists
cAMP formation. Naloxone +++ + ++
Funct1onal heterodimers, formed by combination of Naltrexone +++ + +++

different types of opioid receptor, m ay occur and give

Research tools (receptor-
nse to further pharmacological diversity. selective)
DAMGO' +++
U50488 ++-o-
CTOP' +++
Naltrindole, diprenorphine +++
AGONIST$ AND ANTAGONISTS Nor-binaltorphimine + + +++

Opiates vary not only in their receptor specil:icity but aJso in their Note: Blue + symbols represent agonists activity; partial
ctficaq at the different types of receptor. Thus l-Ome agents act agonists in parentheses
a' agonists on one type of receptor, and antagonists or partial Black + symbols denote antagonist activity.
- symbols represent weak or no activity.
goni~b at another. producing a very complicated pharmaco- 8
0AMGO, DPDPE and CTOP are synthetic opioid-like peptides,
lo.ical picture. Some of this complexity may reflect the more receptor-selective than endogenous opioids.
e\i'tence of receptor heterodimers whose functi onal properties bU50488 is a synthetic opiate.
Jiffer from those of the wei !-studied monomeric opiate receptors.
',\g,lni<.t-directed trafficking' (see Ch. 3), whereby different ligands
JCUng on the same receptor can elicit different cellular responses.
may abo account for some of the complexity. Current under-
'tanding of why different opiates have different actions is far
trom complete.
Partial agonists and mixed agonist-anwgonisrs. l11esc drugs,
Three main pharmacological ca tegories arc recognised
typified by nalorphine and pentazocine, combine a degree of
(fable 4 1.2).
agonht and antagonist activity on dilTcrent receptor,.
Pure agoniHs. This group includes most of the typical aJorphine, for example. is an agonist when tel>ted on guinea
morphine-like dmgs. They all have high affinity for !.l pig ileum, but it also inhibits competiti vely the effect of
receptors and generaJiy lower affinity for() and K sites. morphine on this tissue (consi!>tent with a partial agonist
Some drugs of this type. notably codeine. methadone and profile; !>Ce Ch. 2). In vivo, it \hows a similar mixture of
dextropropoxyphene, are sometimes referred to as weak agonist and antagonist actions. Penuuoeine and cyclazocine,
agonists because their maximal effects, both analgesic and on the other hand, are antagonists at ~t-rcceptors but partial
unwanted. are less than those of morphine. and they do not agonists on band K-receptors. Most of the dmgs in this
cau'e dependence. Whether they are tmly partial agonists is group tend to cause dysphoria rather than euphoria, probably
not established. by acting on the K'-rceeptor. 599

Amagonists. These drugs produce very little effect when At the spinal level, morphine inhibits transmission of nocicep-
given on their own but block the effects of opiates. The most tive impul<;es through the dorsal hom and suppresses nocicepure
imponant examples are naloxone and naltrexone. spinal reflexes. even in patients with spinal cord transection It
can inhibit relea!>e of ~ubstance P from primary afferem ter
minals in the do~al hom neurons. but does not appear to do~
in rats when given systemically in analgesic doses, implying th3!
The opiates have probably been studied more intensively than an action on primary afferent terminals may not be imponantm
any other group of drugs in the cffon to understand their power- producing its therapeutic effect.
ful effects in molecular. biochemical and physiological terms, There is abo evidence (see Sawynok, 2003) that opiates inhibu
and to usc this understanding to develop opiate drugs as the discharge of nociceptive afferent terminals in the periphel).
analgesics with significant advantages over morphine. While the panicularly under conditions of inflammation. in which the
receptor biology is well worked out (see Waldhoer et al.. 2004). expression of opioid receptors by sensory neurons is increa-.eJ.
the physiological pathways that are regulated by opiates. which Injection of morphine into the knee joint following surger} tu
underlie their analgesic and other actions, are only partly under- the j o int provides effective analgesia, undermining the age-oiJ
stood. Even so. morphine-described by Osler as 'God 's own belief that opiate analgesia is exclus ively a central phenomenon.
medicine' -rcmains the standard against which any new analgesic
is assessed. For a review on the neuropharmacology of opiates,
sec Yaksh ( 1997).
Morphine is typical of many opiate analgesics and will be ta~en
Cellular actions as the reference compound.
Opioid receptors belong to the family of G-protein-coupled The most important effects of morphine arc on the CNS ana
receptors, and all three receptor subtypes inhibit adenylyl cyclase. the ga~trointestina ltract , although numerous effects of lesser sig
so reducing the intracellular cAMP content (see Dhawan et al., nificance on many other systems have been described.
1996). secondarily affecting protein phosphorylation pathways
and hence cell function. They also exert effects on ion c h<mnels EHects on the central nervous system
through a direct G-protein coupling to the channel. By these
mean!>, opiates promote the opening of potassium channels and
Morphine is effective in most kinds of acute and chronic pair
inhibit the opening of voltage-gated calcium channels. which
although opiates in general are less useful in neuropathic p;un
are the main effects seen at the membrane level. These membrane
syndromes (such as phantom limb and other types of deaf
effects reduce both neuronal excitability (because the increased
ferentation pain, and trigeminal neuralgia) than in pain aS\01:
K+ conductance causes hyperpolarisation of the membrane) and
ated with tissue injury, inflammation or tumour growth.
transminer release (due to inhibition of Ca2+ entry). The overall
As well as being antinociceptive, morphine also reduces tht
effect is therefore inhibitory at the cellular level. Nonetheless,
affective component of pain. This reflects its supraspinal action.
opiates increase activity in some neuro nal pathways (see be low)
possibly at the level of the limbic system, which is probabl)
by suppressing the firing of ir1hibitory interneurons. At the cellu-
involved in the euphoria-producing effect. Drugs such as nalorphin,
lar level, all three receptor s ubtypes mediate very similar effects,
and pent:u.ocine share the antinociceptive actions of morphine
although the heterogeneous distribution of the receptors means
but have much less effec t on the psychological response to pain.
that particular neuro ns and pathways are affected selectively by
different agonists. Euphoria
Morphine causes a powerful sense of contentment and well
EHects on the nociceptive pathway being. This is an important component of its analgesic effec~
Opioid receptors are widely distributed in the brain. and their because the agitation and anxiety associated with a painful rll
relationship to the nociceptive pathway is summarised in ness or injury are thereby reduced. If morphine or diamorphine
Figure 41.5. Opiates are effective as analgesics when given (heroin) is given intravenously, the result is a sudden 'ruo;h
intrathecally in minute doses. implying that a central action can likened to an 'abdominal orgasm'. The euphoria produced b}
account for their analgesic effect. Injection of morphine into the morphine depends considerably on the circumstances. In patient>
PAG region cau~es marked analgesia, which can be prevented by who arc distressed it is pronounced. but in patients who becomt
surgical interruption of the descending pathway to NRM or by accustomed to chronic pain. morphine causes analgesia ll'itl-
blocking 5-hydroxytryptamine synthesis pharmacologically with linle or no euphoria. Some patients repon restlessness rather th11.
p-chlorophenylalanine. This latter procedure blocks the 5- euphoria under these circumstances.
hydroxytryptamine pathway running from NRJvl to the dorsal Euphoria appears to be mediated through ~ receptors, and to
hom. Moreover. systemic morphine is rendered less effective in be balanced by the dy:.phoria associated with K-receptor actr
suppressing nociceptive spinal reflexes by transection of the vat ion (sec Table 41. J). Thus, different opiate drugs vary greatl)
spinal cord in the neck, and the firing of neurons associated with in the amount of euphoria that they produce. it does not occur
the descending inhibitory pathways is increased by morphine, with codeine or with pe ntazocine to any marked extent, and
confirming that there is a s i&'llificant supraspinal component of nalorphine, in doses sufficient to cause analgesia. produces
600 the overall effect. dysphoria.

cp- Respiratory depression EHects on the gastrointestinal tract

1\e Rt,plraiOI) depre~'>ion, resulting in increased arterial Pco,, Morphine increases tone and reduces motility in many parts of
occu~ 1\ith a nonnal analgesic dose of morphine or related com- the gastrointestinal system, resulting in constipation, which may
pound~. Analgesia and respiratory depression are both mediated be severe and very troublesome to the patient. The resulting
b) llrcceptors. and the balance between them is therefore the delay in gastric emptying can considerably retard the absorption
S31Tll' for most opiates. The depre!>sant effect i'> associated with of other drug!). Pressure in the biliary tract increases because
adtaca~c in the sensitivity of the respiratory centre to Pco2 of contraction of the gall bladder and constriction of the biliary
\Mons in Lhe medul lary respiratory centre itself do not appear sphincter. Opiates should be avoided in patients suffering from
it In b.: d1rectly depressed, but opiates applied to the ventral !>urfacc biliary colic due to gallstones. in whom pain may be increa ed
ry. f the medulla in the region where C0 2 chemosensitivity is rather than relieved. The ri'>e in intrabiliary pressure can cause
he mn1mal have a powerful depres~ant effect on respiration. a transient increase in the concentration of amylase and lipase in
d. Re'>pirmory depression by opiates is not accompanied by the plasma.
to J<pr~'"on of the medullary centres controlling cardiovascular The action of morphine on visceral smooth muscle is probably
!ld ll<:llon (in contra'>t to the action of anaesthetics and other mediated mainly through the intramural nerve plexu~es, because
10. ~eneral depressants). This means that respiratory depression the increase in tone is reduced or abolished by atropine. It is partly
produc~d by opiates is much better tolerated than a similar med iated by a central action of morphine. because intraventr icular
de~rec of depression caused by. say. a barbiturate. Nonetheless. injection of morphine inhibits propulsive gastrointeMinal move-
re'p1ra1ory depression is the mo!>t troublesome unwanted effect ments. The local effect of morphine and other opiates on neurons of
.n of thN drugs and, unlike that due to general CNS depressant the myenteric plexus is inl1ibitory, associated with hyperpolarisation
dn1g,, it occurs at therapeutic doses. Tt is the commonest cause resu lting from an i ncreased K + conductance. The receptors
ttl of tk;Hh in acute opiate poisoning. involved in these effects are of the IJ.. K and b type, with much
g- variation between different preparations and different species.
Depression of cough reflex
Cough 'uppression. <,urprisingly, does not correla te closely with Other actions of opiates
!he analgesic and respiratory depressant actions of op iate~>, and Morphine releases histamine from mast cells by an action unrelated
1t' mechanism at the receptor level is unclear. In general, to opioid receptors. This release of histamine can cause local
mcrea\mg substitution on the phenolic hydroxyl group of mor- effects, such a~ urticaria and itching at the site of the injection,
phine Jncreases antitussive relative to analgesic activity. Thus or systemic effccL~. namely bronchoconstriction and hypotension.
codeine suppres~es cough in subanalgesic doses and is often The bronchoconstrictor effect can have serious consequences for
u-.ed in cough medicines (see Ch. 23). Pholcodine is even
more \Cicctive. although these agent~ cau!.e constipation as an
uOI\antcd effect.

Nausea and vomiting

Actions of morphine
~au,ca and vomiting occur in up to 40%- of patients to whom
morphme is given, and do not seem to be separable from the
The main pharmacological effects are:
analgc~ic effect among a range of opiate analgesics. The site of
action is Lhe area postrcma (chemoreceptor trigger zone), a region
euphoria and sedation
of the medulla \\here chemical stimuli of many kind\ may
respiratory depression and suppression of cough
tmllalc vomiting ('ee Ch. 25). 7 ausea and vomiting following
nausea and vomiting
morphtne injection are usually transient and disappear w ith
pupillary constriction
repeah!c.l administration.
reduced gastrointestinal motility, causing
Pupillary constriction constipation
Pupillary constriction is caused by 1J. and K receptor- mediated histamine release, causing bronchoconstriction
~timulntion of the oculomotor nucleus. Pinpoint pupils arc an and hypotension.
mponant diagnoMic feature in opiate poisoning, 8 because most The most troublesome unwanted effects are
other causes of coma and respiratory depression produce pupil- constipation and respiratory depression.
1M) dilatation. Morphine may be given by injection (intravenous or
intramuscular) or by mouth, often as slow-release
Acute overdosage with morphine produces coma and
respiratory depression.
T1e ~h~mically related compound apomorphine is more strongly emetic
lh.m morphine. through it ~ action a; a dopamine agonist; despite its name. it Morphine is met abolised to morphine-6-glucuronide,
,, m...:me on opioid receptors. 11 was a1 one time used as a conditioned which is more potent as an analgesic.
1\ti'IOR therap) for lreating variou\ kinds of unwanled behaviour. Morphine and morphine-S-glucuronide are the active
~exception i~ pethidme, which causes pupillary dilatation becau>oe it metabolites of diamorphine and codeine.
Nrock' mu~carinic receplors.

aslhmatic patients. to whom morphine should not be given.

Pethidjne does not produce this effec1.
Hypotension and bradycardia occur with large doses of most
opiates. due to an action on the medulla. With morphine and similar
drugs, histamine release may contribute to the hypotension.
E Morphine
Effects on smooth muscle otber than that of the gastrointestinal 2:
tract and bronchi are slight, although spasms of the ureters. bladder Jw 40
and uterus sometimes occur. The Straub tail reaction, an improb- Q)
able phenomenon beloved of pharmacologists, consists of a rais- :ca.
ing and stiffening of the tail of rats or mice given opiate drug~. 0
and is due to spasm of a muscle at the base of the tail. It was
through this effect that the analgesic action or pethidine
was discovered. 0 12 24 36 48 60 72

Opiates abo exert complex immunosuppressant effects, which nme after morphine implantation (hours)

may be important as a linl.. between the nervous 1>ystem and Fig. 41.9 Development o f morphine tolerance in mice.
immune function (see Vallejo et al., 2004). The pharmacological The median effective dose (ED50) for analgesia (hotplate test)
significance of this is not yet clear, but there is evidence in produced by subcutaneous injection of a test dose of morphine
(orange line) was measured at intervals after implantation of a
humans that the immune system is depressed by long-term opiate slow-release pellet of morphine, the pellet be1ng removed
abuse. leading to increased susceptibility to infections. 8 hours before the assay in order to allow the circulating
morphine concentration to fall to zero before the test dose was
given. The ED50 increases about fivefold after 72 hours.
TOLERANCE AND DEPENDENCE Simultaneously, the dose of naloxone needed to precipitate
withdrawal symptoms (green line) decreases very markedly.
Tolerance to opiates (i.e. an increase in the dose needed to (From Way E Let al. 1969 J Pharmacol Exp Ther 167: 1.)
produce a given pharmacological effect) develops within a few '-...._
days and is readily demonstrated. Physical dependence refers to
a state in which withdrawal of the drug causes adverse physio-
logical effect!>, i.e. the abstinence syndrome. These phenomena phenomenon of opioid receptor ligands. irre'>pectivc of \\hiC
occur to some degree whenever opiates are administered for type of receptor they act on. Cross-tolerance occurs between dru~'
more than a few days. They must not be confused with addjction acting at the same receptor, but not between opiates that act on
(see Ch. 43), in which physical dependence is mucb more different receptors. in clinical settings. the opiate dose requ1re1!
pronounced and psychological dependence (or craving') is the for effective pain relief may increase as a result of de\'elopm~
main driving force. Addiction is rare in patients receiving opiates tolerance, but it does not constitute a major problem.
to control pain. The opiate withdrawal syndrome can be repro-
duced in experimental animals and appear~ to be closely related Physical dependence
to tolerance. Physical dependence is characterised by a clear-cut ab~tinencr
syndrome. In experimental animab (e.g. rats), abmpt withdr:maJ
Tolerance of morphine after chronic administration for a few days cau\el
Tolerance can be detected within 12-24 hour'> of morphine an increased irritability. loss of weight and a variety of abnonnJ
administration. Figure 41.9 shows the increase in the equianalgesic behaviour patterns. ~uch as body shakes. writhing. jumping all'
dose of morphine (measured by the hotplate test) that occurred signs of aggression. These reactions decrease after a few days. bo
when a s low-release pellet of morphine wa~ implanted abnormal irritability and aggression persist for many week~. Th,
subcutaneously in mice. The pellet was removed 8 hours before signs of physical dependence are much less intense if the opiate
the test, to allow morphine absorbed from it to be eliminated is withdrawn gradually. Humans often experience an abstinenc<
before the test was carried out. Within 3 days. the equianalgesic syndrome when opiates are withdrawn after being used for pam
dose increased about fivefold. Sensitivity ren1rned to normal relief over days or weeks. with symptoms of restlessness, runn)
withjn about 3 days of removing the pellet. Tolerance extend!> nose, diarrhoea, shivering and pi loerection.9 The intensity of the
to most of the pharmacological effect\ of morphine, including abstinence syndrome varies greatly. and dependence rare!) pro-
analgesia. emesis, euphoria and respiratory depression, but affectl. gresses to addiction, in wruch psychological dependence (i.e
the consti paling and pupi 1-constricti ng ac tions much less. craving for the drug) is the predominant feature.
Therefore addict<; may take 50 times the normal analgesic dose Many physiological changes have been described in relation
of morphine with relati\ely little respiratory depression but to the abstinence syndrome. For example, spinal reflex h) per
marked constipation and pupillary constriction. excitability occurs in morphine-depcndem animals and can bt
The cellular mechanisms responsible for tolerance arc dis- produced by chronic intrathecal as well as systemic administration
cussed in Chapter 43. Cenain possibilities can be excluded. such
as increased metabolic degradation. reduced affinity of opiates for
their receptor'>, down-regulation of opioid receptors and inhibition 9
Causing goo~e pimples. This is the origm of the phrase 'cold turke) u-.ed
602 of the release of endogenous opioids. Tolerance is a general to describe the effect of morphine withdrawal.

of morphine. The noradrenergic pathways emanating from the Codeine is well ab orbed and nonnally given by mouth. Most
~u' coerulcus (see above) may also play an important role in morphine-like drug!> undergo considerable first-pass metabolism,
cau,ing the abstinence syndrome. and the aradrenoceptor and are therefore markedly less potent when taken orally than
o; 3rom't clonidine (Ch. I I, p. 170) is sometimes used to alleviate
when injected.
ll ln ammal model\, and abo in humans. the abstinence syn- The plasma half-life of most morphine analogues is ~ hour,.
drome i~ reduced b) giving NMDA receptor amagonists (e.g. Hepatic metabolis m is the main mode of inactivation. usually by
:il Ldamine: 'ce Ch. 33). 10 The rate of firing of locus coeruleus
0 conjugation with glucuronide. This occurs at the 3- and 6-0H
CD II(Uron~ I\ reduced by opiates and increased during the absti- groups. and these glucuronides constitute a considerable fraction
0 nence\) ndrome. Similar changes affect dopamioergic neurons in of the drug in the bloodstream. Morphine-6-glucuronide is. sur-
(ij ~ 1emral tegmental area that project to the nucleus accumbens. prisingly. more active as an analgesic than morphine itself, and
z Thc'e cell\ receive input fro m opioid-containing neuro ns and contribute~ 1.ubstantially to the pharmacological effect. Morphine-3-
etm,ti tutc the 'reward path way' responsible for the stro ng glucuronide has been claimed to antagonise the analgesic effect
r~mforcing effect of opiates (see Ch. 43). of morphine, but the significance of this expe rimental fi nding is
uncertain. Morphine glucuronides are excreted in the urine, so
the dose need ~ to be reduced in cases of re nal failure. Gluc u-
ronides also reach the gut via biliary excretion, where they a re
Table 41.3 summarises the pharmacok.inelic properties of the hydrolysed, most of the morphine being reabsorbed (enteroheparic
mam opiate analgesics. The absorptio n of morphine congeners circ ulatio n). Because of low conj ugating capacity in neonates,
b) mouth i~ variable. Mo rph ine itself is slowly and erratically morphine-li ke drugs have a muc h longer duratio n of action;
as 6h;,omed. and is commonl y give n by intravenous or intra- because even a small degree of respiratory depression can be
mu-cular injection to treat acute severe pain: oral morphine is. hazardous, morphine congeners should not be used in the neonatal
0011e1er. often used in treating chronic pain, and s low-release period. nor used as analgesics duri ng childbirth. Pethidine (see
preparations are available to increase its duration of action. below) is a safer alternative for this purpose.
Analoguel. that have no free hydroxyl group in the 3-position
(i.e. diamorphine, codeine) are metabolised to morphine, which
accounts for all or part of their pharmacological activity. Morphine
Tolerance nd dependence produce very effective analgesia when administered intra-
thecally. and i!. often used in this way by anaesthetists, the
.1 on Tolerance develops rapidly, accompanied by advantage being that the edative and respiratory depressant
)ired physical Withdrawal syndrome. effects are reduced. although not completely avoided.
ping The mechanism of tolerance may involve adaptive Fo r the treatment of chronic or postoperative pain. opiates are
up-regulation of adenylyl cyclase. It is not being increasingly used 'on demand' (patient-controlled analgesia).
pharmacokinetic in origin, and receptor down- The patie nts are provided with an infusion pump that they
regulation is not a major factor. control, the maximum possible rate of administration being
encc Dependence is satisfied by wreceptor agonists, and limited to avoid acute toxicity. Contrary to fears, patie nts show
~wal the withdrawal syndrome is precipitated by p- little te ndency to usc excessively large doses and become depe n-
llSCS receptor antagonists. de nt; instead, the dose is adjusted to achieve analgesia without
m1al Dependence comprises two components: (i) physical excessive sedatio n, and is reduced as the pain subsides. Being in
and dependence, associated with the withdrawal control of their own analgesia, the patie nts' anxiety and distress
but syndrome and lasting for a few days; and (ii) is reduced, and a nalgesic consum ption actually tends to decrease .
The psychological dependence, associated with craving
)iate and lasting for months or years. Psychological
encc dependence rarely occurs in patients being given
pain opoids as analgesics. The main unwanted effects of morphine and related drugs are
DO) Weak, long-acting ~-receptor agonists such as listed in Table 41.3.
' the methadone may be used to relieve withdrawal Acute overdo age with morphine results in coma and respir-
pro- symptoms. atory depression, wi th characteristically constricted pupils. It is
(i.e. Certan opioid analgesics, such as codeine, treated by giving naloxone intravenously. This also serves as a
pentazoc1ne, buprenorphine and tramadol, are much diagno!.tic test, for fai lure to respond to naloxone suggests a
tion less likely to cause physical or psychological cause other than opiate poisoning for the comatose state. 11 There
per- dependence. is a danger of precipitating a severe withdrawal syndrome with
1 be naloxone, becau~e opiate poisoning occurs mainly in addicts.

'The opialc drug dextromethorphan has NMDA receptor blocking aclivity

,, well a! being a ~t-opioi d receptor agon ist. and appears to be less liable For unknown reason. naloxone may be ineffecti ve in reversi ng the effects
~an other opiates 10 induce physical dependence. of weak' opiates such as buprcnorphine or dextropropoxyphene. 603

Individual variability and naloxone may be needed to reverse respiratory dcpres~iO"

in the baby. (Morphine is even more problematic in this regard.
T Individual~vary by as much as I0-fold in their sensi tivi ty 10 opioid
analge~ics.Thi-. i' due to differences in the plasma concentrmion needed
because the conjugation reactions on which the excretion of
to produce a gtven effect. and therefore reflect pham1acodynamic rather morphine, but not of pethidine, depends are deficient in the nell
than pharmacokinetic variability. It may be related to polymorphi'm of born). Severe reactions. consisting of excitement, hyperthel1lll:
the ~H>pioid receptor gene (see Ikeda et al .. 2005). Genotyping could in and convulsions. have been reported when pethidine is gi1en 10
principle be U>ed to identify opiotd-rc\btam individual\. but this
patients receiving monoamine oxidase inhibitors. Thi) \eern-. 10
approach ha~ not yet been te,ted in practice.
be due to inhibition of an alternative metabolic pathway, leadm.
to increased norpethidine formation, but the detai Is arc not known.
Fentanyl and s ufentanil arc highly potent phenylpipcridine
derivatives, with actions similar to those of morphine but 111th
Oiamorphine (heroin) is the diacetyl derivative of morphine. A a more rapid onset and shorter dumtion of action, panicularl)
strong smell of 'inegar commonly provides the lead to illicit sufentanil. Their main use i~ in anaesthesia, and the} rna) lx
heroin producers, at least in fiction. ln the body, it is rapidly given intrathecally. They are also used in patient-controlled
deacetylatcd 10 morphine, and its effects are indistinguishable infusion systems. where a short duration of action i., advan
following oral administration. llowever, because of its greater tageou~>. and in severe chronic pain, when they arc ndm i ni~tereJ
lipid solubility, it crosses the blood brain barrier more rapidly via patches applied to the skin.
than morphine and gives a greater rush when injected intra- Etorphine is a morphine analogue of remarkable potenc.
venously. It is said to be less emetic than morphine, but the more than 1000 times that of morphine, but otherwise \el)
evidence for this is slight. It is still available in Britain for u e as similar in its actions. Its high potency confers no pamcubr
an analgesic, although it is banned in many countries. lh only clinical advantage. but it is used to immobilise wild anima], f(l(
advantage over morphine is its greater solubility. which allows trapping and research purposes, because the required dose. em
smaller volumes to be given orally. subcutaneously or intra- for an elephant, is s mall enough to be incorporared into a dan
Lhecally.ll exctts the same respimtory depressant effect as morphine. or pellet.
and if given intravenously is more likely to cause dependence. M ethadone is also pharmacologically similar to morphine.
Codeine (3-methylmorphine) is more reliably absorbed by the main difference being that it~ duration of action i., con,id~
mouth than morphine. but has only 20'k or less of the analgesic ably longer (plasma half-life > 24 hours). and it i' claimed 111
potency. Furthermore, its analgesic efTect does not increase have lcs~ sedative action. The increased duration !leem~ to OCl'll
appreciably at higher dose lcvcb. ft is therefore used mainly as because the drug is bound in the extravascular compartment and
an oral analgesic for mild types of pain (headache, backache, slowly re leased. One consequence is that the physical abstinence
etc.). Unlike morphine, it causes little or no euphoria and is syndrome is less acute than with morphine or o ther shon-actmg
rarely addictive, <.o is available freely without prescription. It is drugs. although the psychological dependence is no les., prr
often combined with paracetamol in proprietary analgesic nounced. Methadone is widely u'ed as a means of treating mo
preparations. In relation to its analgc~ic effect. codeine produces phine and diamorphine addiction. ln the presence of methadont
the same degree of respiratory depression as morphine, but the an injection of morphine docs not cause the normal euphori.
limited response even at high doses means that it is seldom a and the lack or a physical abstinence syndrome make~ it possible
problem in practice. It does, however, cause constipation. to wean addicts from morphine or diamorphine by giving regula:
Codeine ha~ marked antitussive activity and is often used in cough oral doses of methadone- an improvement if not a curc.' 2
mixtures (see Ch. 23). Dihydrocod e ine is pharmacologically Pentazocine is a mixed agoni'>t antagonist (sec earlier <;eelloo
very similar, having no substantial advantages or disadvantages with analgesic properties similar to those of morphine. Howc1cr,
over codeine. About 10% of the population is resistant to the it causes marked dy!>phoria, with nightmares and hallucinaUolll,
analgesic effect of codeine. because they lack the demethylating rather than euphoria, and is now rarely used.
enzyme that converts it to morphine. Buprenorphine is a partial agonist on !-1- receptors. It i~ b
Pethidine (meperidine) is very similar to morphine in its liable to cause dysphoria than pentazocine but more liable to
pharmacological effects. except that it tends to cause restlessness cause respiratory depression. It has a long duration of action.lb
mther than sedation. and it has an additional antimuscarinic abuse liability is probably less than that of morphine.
action that may cause dry mouth and blurring of vision as side Meptazinol is a recently introduced opiate of unu'Uli
effects. It produces a very similar euphoric effect and is equally chemical structure. It can be given orally or by injection and b.
liable to cause dependence. Its duration of action is similar to a duration of action shorter than that of morphine. It seem~ to bl:
that of morphine, but the route of metabolic degradation is relative ly free of morphine-like side effects, cau1.ing neitk
different. Pethidine is partly N-dcmcthylated in the liver to euphoria nor dysphoria, nor severe respiratory depression. I
norpetbidine, which has a hallucinogenic and convulsant elTect. does, however. produce nausea. sedation and dizziness. and bJ.
This becomes '>ignificant with large oral doses of pethidine.
producing an overdose syndrome rather different from that of
morphine. Pethidine is preferred to morphine for analgesia
during labour, because it does not reduce the force of uterine 1
~he bene fill> come mainly from removing the risks of se lf-injection and
604 contraction. Pethidine is only slowly e liminated in the neonate, the need to linnnce the drug habit through crime.

sion ~tropine-like side effects. Because of its short duration of action N aJtrcxone is very similar to naloxone but with the advantage
gan.l, ;d lad. of respiratory depression, it may have advantages for of a much longer duration of action (half-life about 10 hours). It
n of ~~~tm: analge~ia. may be of value in addicts who have been ' detoxified', because
cw- it nullifies the effect of a dose of opiate should the patient's
Tramadol is widely used as an analgesic for postoperative
m1i.1 resolve fail. lts u~c in other condi tions, :.uch as alcoholi~m and
PJIR. h i~ a weak agonist at 1!-opioid receptors, and also a weak
n to septic shock, is being investigated. although the role of opioid
mhihitor of noradrenaline reuptake. lt is effective as an analgesic
hto peptides in these conditions is con troversial.
and .1ppears to have a better side effect profile than most opiates,
iling Specific antagonists at 1-l b and K-receptors arc available for
although psychiatric reactions have been reported. It is given by
wn. experimental usc (Table 41.2) but not yet for clinical purposes.
Dlllllth or by intramuscular or intravenous injection for moderate
ttl I.C\~rc pain.
be OPIOID ANTAGONISTS The NSAIDs (covered in detail in Ch. 14) arc widely used to
lllcd treat painful inflammatory conditions. Paracetamol (known as
.m- ' alorphine is closely related in structure to morphine, was the acetaminophen in rhe USA) deserves special mention. It was
!rcd fiN \p!!Cific antagonist to be discovered, and provided the first first synthesised more than a century ago, and since th e 1950s
clear C\idencc in favour of a specific receptor for morphine. ha~; (alongside a'>pirin) been the most widely u~;cd over-the-
l'ei.~OIIIOn of which led to the sucee~sfu l search for endogenous counter remedy for minor aches and pains. Paracctamol differs
mcdtators. Nalorphine has, in fact, a more compl icated action from other NSAJDs in producing analgesic and antipyretic cfTccts
than that of a simple competitive antagonist (Table 41.2). ln low while lacl,ing anti-inflammatory effect~. It also lack\ the tendency
dv'~' tt is a competiti ve antagonist and bloch most actions of of other NSAID~ to cause gastric ulceration and bleeding. The
morphine in whole animals or isolated tissues. Higher doses. reason for the difference between paracetamol and other NSAIDs
art boll~\ cr. arc analgesic and mimic the effects of morphine. These is unclear. Biochemical tc~ts showed it to be only a weak cyclo-
etlw~ probably refl ect an antagonist action on !!-receptors, oxygenasc (COX) inhibitor. with some selectivity for brain COX.
nc. o
.:oupled with a partial agonist action on and K-receptors. the M ore recently, it was claimed to act on a novel COX variant
lcr- btlcr causing dysphoria, which makes it unsuitable for use as an (COX-3), which turned out to be a splice variant of the main
to analgesic. Nalorphine can itself produce physical dependence, COX isoform COX-I (sec Ch. 14). There is ~ti ll uncertainty
ur b.lt can al~o precipitate a withdrawal '>yndrome in morphine or about the role of COX -3 in human'>, and disagreement about its
nd d1amorphine addicts. Nalorphine now has few clinical uses. significance as a target for paracctamol (see Graham & Scott,
cc 'lalo-xone was the first pure opioid antagoniM. w ith affinity for 2003: Davies et at, 2004).
ing I hrel! opioid receptors. It blocks the actions of endogenous Paracetamol i ~ well absorbed by mouth, and its plasma half-
TO 1>pioid pt:ptides as well as those of morphine- like drugs, and has life is about 3 hours. It is metabolised by hydroxylation, conjugated
or- been extensively used a'> an experimental tool to determine the mainly al> glucuronide, and excreted in the urine. In therapeutic
he, ph}"nlogical role of these pcptides, particularly in pain tran s-
ia, mt"ion.
lc Gl\cn on its own, naloxone produces very little effect in nom1al
lar 1ubjects but produces a rapid reversal of the effects of morphine
nJ other opiates, including partial agonists such as pentazocine Opioid antagonists
snd nalorphine. It has linle effect on pain threshold under nonmtl
conditions but causes hyperalgesia under conditions of stress Pure antagonists include naloxone (short
ntlammation, when endogenous opioids are produced. This acting) and naltrexone (long acting). They block ~t. b
&.:cur,, for example, in patients undergoing dental surgery. or in and K-receptors more or less equally. Selective
.~mmab subjected to physical stress. Naloxone also inhibits antagonists are available as experimental tools.
~>.~puncture analgesia, which is known to be associated with Other drugs, such as nalorphine and pentazocine,
the release of opioid peptides. Anal gesia produced by PAG produce a mixture of agonist and antagonist effects.
'1mulation is also prevented. Naloxone does not affect pain threshold normally but
The main clinical uses of naloxone are to treat respiratory b locks stress-induced analgesia and can exacerbate
~\'ion caused by opiate overdosage, and occasionally to reverse clinical pain.
r..e ellect of opiate analgesic1>, used during labour, on the respir- Naloxone rapid ly reverses opioid-induced analgesia
auon of the newborn baby. It is usually given intravenously, and and respiratory depression, and is used mainly to
efiws are produced immediately. It is rapidly metabolised t reat opioid overdose or to improve breathing in
by the liver. and its effect laMs only 2-4 hours, which is con- newborn babies affected by opioids given to the
llderably shorter than that of m ost morphine-like drugs. mother.
Therefore it may have to be given repeatedly. Naloxone precipitates withdrawal symptoms in
Naloxone has no important unwanted effects of its own but morphine-dependent patients or animals.
nm:ip1tates withdrawal symptoms in addicts. It can be used to Pentazocine may also do this.
detect opiate addiction.

Table 41.3 Characteristics of the main opioid analgesic drugs

Drug Use(s) Route(s) of Pharmacokinetic Main adverse effects Notes

administration aspects

Morphine Widely used for Oral, including Half-life 3-4 h Sedation Tolerance and
acute and chronic sustained-release Converted to active Respiratory withdrawal effects
pain form metabolite depression not common when
lnjectione (morphine Constipation used for analgesia
Intrathecal 6-glucuronide) Nausea and vomiting
Itching (histamine
Tolerance and

Diamorphlne Acute and chronic Oral Acts more rapidly As morphine Not available in all
pain Injection than morphine countries
because of rapid Considered
brain penetration (irrationally) to be
Metabolised to analgesic of last
morphine resort.
Also known as hei'O!Il

Hydromorphone Acute and chrome Oral Half-hfe 2-4 h As morphine but Levorphanol is
pain Injection No active allegedly less sedative similar, with longer
metabolites duration of action

Methadone Chronic pain Oral Long half-life As morphine but Slow recovery resuhs
Maintenance of Injection (> 24 h) little euphoric effect in attenuated
addicts Slow onset Accumulation may withdrawal syndrome
occur because of
long half-life

Pethidine Acute pain Oral Half-life 2-4 h As morphine, Known as

Intramuscular Active metabolite anticholinergic effects meperidine in USA
injection (norpethidine) may Risk of excitement Interacts wtth
account for and convulsions monoamine oxidase
sttmulant effects inhibitors (Ch. 39)

Buprenorphine Acute and chronic Sublingual Half-life about 12 h As morphine but Useful in chronic
pain Injection Slow onset less pronounced pain with patient-
Intrathecal Inactive orally Respiratory depression controlled injection
because of first- not reversed by systems
pass metabolism naloxone (therefore
not suitable for
obstetric use)

Pentazocine Mainly acute patn Oral Half-life 2-4 h Psychotomtmettc Nalbuphtne is stmtlar
lnjectton effects (dysphoria)
Irritation at injection
May precipitate
morphine withdrawal
(wantagonist effect)

Fentanyl Acute pain Intravenous Half-life 1-2 h As morphine High potency allows
Anaesthesta Epidermal transdermal
Transdermal patch administration
Sufentanil ts similar
Remifentanil is
similar with more
rapid onset and

Tillie 41.3 (cont'd) Characteristics of the main oplold analgesic drugs

Drug Use(s) Route(s) of Pharmacokinetic Main adverse effects Notes

administration aspects

Codeine Mild pain Oral Acts as prodrug Mainly constipation Effective only in
Metabolised to No dependence mild pain
morphine and liability Also used to
other active suppress cough
opioids Oihydrocodeine
is similar

Dextropropoxyphene Mild pain Mainly oral Half-life - 4 h Respiratory depression Similar to codeine
Active metabolite May cause convulsions No longer
(norpropoxyphene) (possibly by action recommended
with half-life - 24 h of norpropoxyphene)

Tramadol Acute (mainly Oral Well absorbed Dizziness Metabolite of

postoperative) and Intravenous Half-life ~ h May cause trazodone (Ch. 39)
chronic pam convulsions Mechanism of action
No respiratory uncertain
depression Weak agonist at
opioid receptors
Also inhibits
noradrenaline uptake

'lnjecllons may by given Intravenously, intramuscularly or subcutaneously for most drugs.

du,es, it has few adve rse effects. However, in overdose

r J.:ctamol causes severe Liver damage. which is commo nly Othe r analgesic drugs
. al hee Chs 14 and 53), and the d rug is ofte n used in aue mpted
~~iddc. Paracetamol resembles non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs and is effective as an analgesic,
but it lacks anti-inflammatory activity. It may act by
OTHER ANALGESIC DRUGS inhibiting cyclo-oxygenase (COX)-3, a splice variant
,. Se, eral other drugs ore used as analgesics. panicularly to treat of COX-1, but probably has other effects as well. In
neur(lp;lthic pain 'tate~. which re~pond poorly to conventional analgesic overdose, it causes hepatotoxicity.
11tug' and po-.e a major chnical problem. Various antidepressants (e.g. amitriptyline), as well as
Thi, group includes the following. antiepileptic drugs (e.g. carbamazepine, gabapentin),
are used mainly to treat neuropathic pain.
Tricyclic tmtitlepressants. panicularly imipram ine and amitript) line
tCh 39). These drug~ act centrally by inhibiting noradrenaline Other drugs occasionally used include the NMDA
reuptake and are high ly effective in relieving neuropathic pain in some, receptor antagonist ketamine and the local
but not all, cases. Their action is independent of their antidepressant anaesthetic drug lignocaine (lidocaine).
t lfecll>. and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor~ are n01 effective.
~ntitpiltptic drugs (Ch. 40). Carbamazepine. gabapeotin and
oc-casionally phenytoin are somelimcs effecti ve in neuropathic pai n.
Carbama1.epine and phenytoin act on voltagegated sodium channels.
The target for gabapentin is !he uzb subunit of the L-type calcium
channel (see Ch. 3).
Ketamine, a dissociative anaesthetic (Ch. 36) !hat works by blocking
T As in other fields of neuropharmacology, increasing knowledge of the
NMDA receptor channels, has analge!>ic properties probably directed
various chemical mediators and >ignalling p;~thways responsible for p;~i n
at the wind up phenomenon in !he dorsal hom (Fig. 41.3). Given sensation '>Uggesb many new approaches to !he conrrol of pain. Currently.
muathecally. its effecl\ on memory and cognitive function are largely opiate~ and NSAID> are !he mainline treatment,, with various other drugs
listed above-all discovered by acc idem rather rhan by de,ign-being
Intravenous lignocaine (lidoca ine), a local anae,thetic drug (Ch. 44)
used for special purposes. Nevertheless. pain lrcatment i ~ currently far
with a shon plasma half life. can give long-lasting relief in neuropathic
from perfect. and several new approaches are being explored.
pam state~. h probably acts by blocking spootaneou'> discharge\ from
damaged \ensory nerve tenminals, but !he reawn for its pe~istem Enkephalinase inh ibuors such a\ thiorphan act by inh ibiting the
analge>ic effect is 1101 clear. metabolic degrad<lt ion of endogenous opioid peptides. and have bee n 607

Clinical uses of analgesic drugs (1) Clinical use of analgesic drugs (2)

Analgestcs are used to treat and prevent pain, Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (see
for example: clinical box on p. 234) including paracetamol are
pre- and postoperatively useful for musculoskeletal and dental pain and for
common painful conditions including headache, dysmenorrhoea. They reduce opioid requirements in
dysmenorrhoea, labour, trauma, bums acute (e.g. postoperative) and chronic (e.g. bone
many medical and surgical emergencies (e.g. metastasis) pain.
myocardial infarction and renal colic) Weak opioids (e.g. codeine) combined with
terminal disease (especially metatastic cancer). paracetamol are useful in moderately severe pain if
Opioid analgesics are used in some non-painful non-opioids are not sufficient. Tramadol (a weak
conditions, for example acute heart failure (because opioid with additional action on 5-hydroxytryptamine
of their haemodynamic effects) and terminal chronic and noradrenaline uptake; p. 606) is an alternative.
heart failure (to relieve distress). Strong opioids (e.g. m o rphine) are used for severe
The choice and route of administration of analgesic pain, particularly of visceral origin.
drugs depends on the nature and duration of the Note that:
pain. the intravenous route provides rapid relief from
A progressive approach is often used, starting with pain and distress
non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), the intravenous dose is much lower than the oral
supplemented first by weak opioid analgesics and dose because of presystemic metabolism
then by strong opioids. morphine is given orally as a solution or as
In general, severe acute pain is treated with strQng 'immediate-release' tablets every 4 hours
opioids (e.g . morphine, fentanyl) given by injection. dose is titrated; when the daily requirement is
Mild inflammatory pain (e.g. sprains, mild arthralgia) is apparent, the preparation is changed to a
treated with NSAIDs (e.g . ibuprofen) or by modified-release formulation to allow once- or
paracetamol supplemented by weak opioids (e.g. twtce-daily dosing
codeine, dextropropoxyphene). Severe pain (e.g. transdermal administration (e.g. patches of
cancer pain) is treated w ith strong opioid given orally, fentanyl) is an alternative
intrathecally, epidurally or by subcutaneous injection. adverse effects (nausea, constipation) are
Patient-controlled infusion systems are useful anticipated and treated preemptively
postoperatively. addiction is not an issue in the setting of terminal
Chronic neuropathic pain is often unresponsive to care
opioids and is treated with tricyclic antidepressants intravenous morphine has a distinct use for acute
(e.g. amitriptyline) or anticonvulsants (e.g. left ventricular failure (Chs 18 and 19).
carbamazeplne, gabapent in). Neuropathic pain responds to drugs that interfere
w ith amine uptake (e.g. amitriptyline; p. 562) or block
sodium channels (e.g. gabapentin or
carbamazepine; p. 583).
Subanaesthetic doses of nitrous oxide (Ch. 36, p. 531)
are analgesic, and self-administration of a mixture of
~h0\1 n to produce analgc>ia. together with other morphine-like effect\,
nitrous oxide with oxygen is widely used during
without cau\ing dependence. labour, for painful dressing changes and in ambulances
The variou~ ion channel> that play a role in nocicepti\'e nerve~ (Fig.
-11.6) may repre..ent u..eful drug targets. They include the TRPV I
r~..-ceptor. for wh1ch antagoni>t~ hae been identified (sec Krause ct al..
2005). and cenain Mldium channel subtypes that are specific for these
nene termmal\ (see L:u et al.. 2004). AgonJM\ at mcouruc acetylcholine receptors. blbed on epibatidint
Variou\ neuropeptide\. ...uch a!- .. omatostatin (see Ch. 28) and alkaloid from frog ~kin. which is a potent nicotinic agoni't
calcitonin (see Ch. 29). produce powerful analgesia when applied une'tpectedl) a potent analgesic a., well). rna) be analg~
mtr.uhecally. and there are clinical rcpons suggesting that they may Dcmative" with fewer side efTecb are under investigation.
hac 'imllar effect\ when used systemically to treat endocrine Agoni't' at cannabinoid receptors, including tetr ahydrocannabi111
di ...ordcr... (Ch. 15) have '>trong analgesic effects in animal models, suppone..
G lut:unatc antag(mi\t\ acting on NM DA or AMPA receptor~ !.how anecdotal rcpons from dope smokers. Cannabinoid receptor. ha1~
ona lgc~ic activit) in animal models. but it has not yet been possible to inhibitory effect on nociceptive afferent termi nals. and al~o on dm
obtain thb effect in humans without unacceptable side effects. horn tmn\m i%ion. Formal trials are in progress to assess the chm,
AntagoniM~ m the metabotropic glutamate receptor mGiuR5 are value o f ' uch compounds.
currentl y in development and have fewer side effects.
Adenosi ne analogue~ and adenosine ki nase inhibitor' could mimic or For more informalion on new approaches, see Sawynok (200!
608 enhance the inhibitory effect of adenosine on nocicepti ve pathways. and Ahmad & Dray (2004).

We \hould recall that analgesia was. for the best part of a example. the efficacy of tricyclic antidepressants in pain
century. a therapeutic need addressed only by opiates and treatment. The long list of new possibilities under investigation
'IS\10,, and the only new drugs to be developed as analgesic~ sugge~ts that the tide of inventiveness may bave resumed after
n recent years have been lookalike:. in these two families. As a long gap, but it is too early to say whether it will lead to beuer
uften happens. clinical observation rather than pharmacological therapies (see HiU. 2006). Morphine is. as expected of 'God's
n1eniiH!ncss ha~ expanded the range by discovering, for own medicine', very hard to beat!


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CNS stimulants and
psychotomimetic drugs

Several of these drugs have no clinical uses but

Overview 610 are recognised as drugs of abuse on the strength
Convulsants and respiratory stimulants 610 of their tendency to produce dependence. This
aspect is discussed in Chapter 43.
Psychomotor stimulants 611
-Amphetamines and related drugs 611
-Coca me 614
Methylxanthines 615 STIMULANTS
Psychotomimetic drugs 616 Convulsants and respiratory Mimulants (sometime~ called
- LSD, psilocybin and mescaline 617 ana/eptics) are a chemically diverse group of sub~tancc1> whose
-MDMA 617 mechanisms of action are, with some exceptions. not well under-
-Phencyclidine 618 stood. Such drugs were once used to treat patients in tenninJ
coma or with severe respiratory fa ilure. but their u. e ha1> huge!.
been replaced by mechanical means of assisting ventilauon.
Although temporary restoration of function could ~ometimes l\
achieved, mortality was not reduced, and the treatment carried t
considerable risk of causing convulsions, which left the patient
OVERVIEW more deeply comatose than before. There remains a very limiteG
clinical use for respiratory stimulants in treating acute vcntilatOI"I IIC'i
In this chapter, we describe drugs that have a failure (sec Ch. 23). doxapram (Table 42.1) being mo'>t common!
predominantly stimulant eHect on the central used. because it carries less rbk of causing com ul!.ion' th.
nervous system (CNS); these fall into three broad earlier compounds.
categories: Also included in this group are various compounds, such a,
strychnine, picrotoxin and pentylenetetrazol (PTZ), which are
convulsants and respiratory stimulants
of interest as experimental tools but have no clinical uo,es.
psychomotor stimulants
Strychnine is an alkaloid found in the seeds of an Indian tree
psychotomimetic drugs, also known as
which has been used for centuries as a poison (mainly \CrtJJ:;..
but also human; it is much favoured in detective stories of a cert.:l
Drugs in the first category have relatively little genre). It is a powerful convulsant and acts throughout the CNS
eHect on mental function and appear to act mainly but particularly on the spinal cord, causing violent extensor spasm;
on the brain stem and spinal cord, producing that arc triggered by minor sensory stimuli, the head being thr011r
exaggerated reflex excitability, an increase in back and the face fixed, we are told, in a hideous grin. The-.e
activity of the respiratory and vasomotor centres effects result from blocking receptors for glycine, which is the l1lillll
and, with higher dosage, convulsions. inhibitory transmitter acting on motor neurons. The action ~
Drugs in the second category have a marked strychnine superficially resembles that of tetanus toxjn, a protc
eHect on mental function and behaviour, producing neurotoxin produced by the anaerobic bacterium C/ostridiumtetar
excitement and euphoria, reduced sensation of which blocks the release of glycine from inhibitory interneuron1
fatigue, and an increase in motor activity. This is very si milar to the action of botulinum toxin (see Ch. 10
Drugs in the third category mainly aHect thought which is produced by another bacterium of the Clostridiw
patterns and perception, distorting cognition in a genus and causes paralysis by blocking acetylcholine relea~.l:
complex way and producing eHects that small doses. strychnine causes a measurable improvement
superficially resemble psychotic illness. visual and auditory acuity; it was until quite recently included
Table 42. 1 summarises the classification of the various 'tonics' on the basis that C S stimulation should restor.
610 drugs that are discussed in this chapter. both the weary brain and the debilitated body.

BicucuJiine, also a plant alkaloid, resemble~ strychnine in its

etlws but acts by blocking receptors for GABA rather than Convulsants and respiratory stimulants
gly~me. lt.s action is confined to GA8AA recepton., which control
Cl permeability. and it does not affect GABA 8 receptors (see This is a diverse group of drugs that have little
Ch. 33). It\ main effect\ are on the brain rather than the spinal clinical use, although several are useful as
cord, and it is a usefu l experimental tool for studying GABA- experimental tools.
mcdiated trml\mission; it has no clinical uses. Certain short-acting respiratory stimulants (e.g.
Picrotoxin (obtained from the fhhberry) al~o blocks the action doxapram) can be used in acute respiratory failure.
>I GABA on chloride channels, although not competitively. The Strychnine is a convulsant poison that acts mainly
pl.!llt'~ name renects the native practice of incapacitating fish by
on the spinal cord by blocking receptors for the
lhro\liog berrie~ into the water. Picrotoxin, like bicuculline. inhibitory transmitter glycine.
... u,e> convulsions and has no clinical uses. Picrotoxin and bicuculline act as GABAA
Pentylenetetrazol acts similarly, although its precise mech- antagonists; bicuculline blocks the GABAA receptor
. ,,m is unknown. Inhibition of PTZ-induccd convulsions by site, whereas picrotoxin appears to block the ion
Jntlepilcptic drugs (sec Ch. 40) correlates quite well with their channel.
effectiveness ngainst absence seizures, and PTZ has occasionally Pentylenetetrazol (PTZ) works by an unknown
"'-en u>ed diagnostically in humans, because it can precipitate the mechanism. PTZ-induced convulsions provide an
pteal EEG pattern of ab-.ence seizure~ in susceptible patient'>. animal model for testing antiepileptic drugs, giving
Ooxapram is similar to the above drugs but has a bigger margin good correlation with effectiveness in preventing
nhafety between respiratory stimu lation and convulsions. [t also absence seizures.
CJ "es nausea. coughing and restlessness. which limit its
leu ~fulne~s. It is rapidly eliminated, and it is occasionally used as
ose an mtravenous infusion in patients with acute respiratory failure.
Jcr- metbylenedioxymethampheta mine (MDMA or 'ecstasy'; see
nal below). Fennuramine, although chemically similar, has slightly
I) PSYCHOMOTOR STIMULANTS different pharmacological effects. All these drugs act by releas-
011. ing monoamines from nerve terminals in the brain (sec Seiden et
AMPHETAMINES AND RELATED DRUGS al.. 1993; Green et al.. 2003). They are substrates for the neuronal
il \mphetamine and its active dextroisomer dextroamphetamine, uptake transporters for noradrenaline (norepinephrine), serotonin
ent lllgether with methamphetamine and methylphenidate, com- and dopamine, and cause release of these mediators, as described
eu p-ea group of drugs with very similar pharmacological proper- in Chapter 34. producing the acute effects described below. With
ry be' ('ee Fig. 42.1 ). which includes street drugs' ~uch as prolonged use, they are neurotoxic, causing degeneration of

Tlble 42. 1 Centra l nervous system stimulants and psychotomimetic drugs

Category Example(s) Mode(s) of action Clinical s ignificance

Convulsants and respiratory

stimulants (analeptics)
~esptratory stimulant Ooxapram Not known Short-acting respiratory
stimulant sometimes g1ven by
intravenous infusion to treat
acute respiratory failure

Mscellaneous convulsants Strychnine Antagonist of glycine No clinical uses

Main action is to increase reflex
excitability of spinal cord
Bicuculline Competitive antagonist of No clin1cal uses
Picrotoxin Non-competitive antagonist of Clinical use as respiratory
GABA stimulant (now obsolete)
Risk of convulsions
Pentylenetetrazol Not known No clin1cat use
Convulsant activity in
experimental animals provides a
n useful model for testing
anliepileptic drugs (see Ch. 40)
6 11

Table 4 2.1 (cont'd) Central nervous system stimulants and psychotomimetic drugs

Category Example(s) Mode(s) of action Clinical signif icance

Psychomotor stimulants Amphetamine and related Release of catecholamines Methylphenidate and

compounds (e.g. Inhibition of catecholamine dexamphetamine used to treat
dexamphetamine, uptake ADHD in children; otherwise
methylamphetamine, very limited clinical use
methylphenidate, fenfluramine) Some agents used occasional.,
as appetite suppressants
Risk of dependence,
sympathomimetic side effects
and pulmonary hypertension
Mainly important as drugs of
Cocaine Inhibition of catecholamine Important as drug of abuse
uptake Risk of fetal d amage
Local anaesthetic Occasionally used for
nasopharyngeal and ophthalmic
anaesthesia (see Ch. 44)
Methylxanthines (e.g. Inhibition of phosphodiesterase Clinical uses unrelated to
caffeine, theophylline) Antagonism of adenosine Az stimulant activity, although
receptors (relevance of these caffeine is included in various
actions to central effects is not 'tonics'
clear) Theophylline used for aclion
on cardiac and bronchial muscle
(Chs 18, 23)
Constituents of beverages

Psychotomimetic drugs LSD Agonist at 5-HT2A receptors No clinical use

(hallucinogens) (see Ch. 11) Important as drug of abuse
MDMA Releases 5-HT and blocks No clinical use
reuptake Important as drug of abuse
Mescaline Not known
Chemically similar to
Psilocybin Chemically related to 5-HT;
probably acts on 5-HT
Phencyclidine Chemically similar to ketamine Originally proposed as an
(see Ch. 36) anaesthetic, now important as
Blocks NMDA receptor-operated drug of abuse and as a model
ion channels (see Ch. 33) for schizophrenia
Also blocks a receptors (Ch. 41)

5-HT, 5-hydroxytryptamine; ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; LSD, lysergic acid diethylamide; MDMA,

amine-containi ng nen e tem1inals and eventually cell death. This locomo10r stimulati on
effec1 is probabl y due 10 the accumulation o f reactive metabolites euphoria and excitemenl
of the paren1 compounds w ithin the nerve terminals. It has been stereotyped behaviour
well documented in experimental animals. and is believed to anorexia.
occur also in humans, possibly accounting for long-term adverse
In addition. amphetamines have peripheral sympathomime
psychological ef fects in habitual users of amphetamine
acti ons, producing a rbe in blood pressure and inhibition
deri vatives.
gastrointestinal motility.
Further information on the pharmacology, uses and dangers o f
In experimental animals, amphetamines cause increa'c
amphetamines can be found in the monograph by Iversen (2006).
alertness and locomotor ac tivity, and increased grooming: illc
also increase aggressive behaviour. On the other hand, systemat1.
Pharmacological eHects exploration o f novel objects by unrestrained rats is reduced b
612 The main central effects of amphetamine-like drugs are: amphetamine. The animals run around more but appear le

of catccholamines (sec C h. 11). does not block the be havioural

CH3 effect~ of amphetamine. This is probably because amphetamine
releru es cytosolic rather than vesicular catecholamines (see
0 CH2CHNHCH 3 Ch. II). The behavioural effects of amphetamine are probably
due mainly to release of dopamine rather than noradre naline. The
Amphetamine Methamphetamine evidence for this is that destruction of the central noradrenergic
bundle does not affect locomotor !>timulation produced by
CH3 amphetamine, whereas destruction of the dopaminc-comaining
nucleus accumbens (see Ch. 34) or administration of antipsychotic
drugs that antagonise dopamine (see Ch. 38) inhibits this response.
Amphetamine-like drugs cause marked anorexia, but with
Methylenedioxymethamphetamine continued administration this effect wears off in a few days and
(MOMA, 'ecstasy') food intake returns to normal. The effect is most marked with
fennura mi ne and its o isomer dexfe nnura mine, which pref-
I erentially affect 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-IIT) release.
Y CH,CHNHCH,CH, In humans. amphetami ne causes e uphoria: with intravenous
injection, this can be so intense as to be described a1> 'orgasmic'.
Subjects become confident, hyperactive and talkative, and sex
CF3 drive is said LO be enhanced. Fatigue, both physical and mental,
Fenlluramine Methylphenidate is reduced by amphetamine, and many studies have shown improve-
ment of both mental and physical performance in faLigu ed, although
Fig. 42. 1 Structures of amphetamine-like d rugs. not in well-rested, subjects. Mental performance is improved for
simple tedious tasks much more than for difficult tasks, and
amphetamines have been used to improve the performance of
.rtenU\e to their surroundings. Studies of conditioned responses soldiers, military pilots and others who need to remain alert
1uggest that amphetamines increase the overall rate of under extremely fatig uing conditions. lt has also been in vogue
re'ponding without affecting the training process markedl y. as a means of helping students to concentrate before and during
Thu1, in a fixed interval schedule where a reward for lever examinations, but the improvement caused by reduction of
pre>,ing t'> forthcoming only after a fixed interval (say fatigue can be offset by the mistakes of overconfidence. 1 The use
10 minutes) following tl1e last reward, trained animals nonnally of amphetamines in sport is described in C hapter 54.
press the lever very infrequently in the first few minutes afler
the reward. and increase the rate towards the end of the Tolerance and dependence
10-minute interval when another reward is due. The effect of If amphetamine is taken repeatedly over the course of a few days.
:unphctamine is to increase the rate of unrewarded response~ at which occurs when users seek to maintain the euphoric ' high' that
he beginning of the 10-minute interval wi thout affecting (or a s ing le dose produces. a state of 'amphetamine psychosis' can
even reducing) the rate towards the end of the period. The e ffects develop, which closely resembles an acute schizophre nic attack
of amphetamine on more sophisticated types of conditioned (see Ch. 38), with halluc inations accompanied by paranoid
respon~e. for example those involving discriminative tasks, are symptoms and aggressive behaviour. At the same time, repetitive
not clear-cut. and there is no clear evidence that either the rate stereotyped behaviour may develop (e.g. polishing shoes or
~f learning of such task:. or the final level of performance that stringing beads). The close s imilarity of this condition to
can be achieved is affected by the drug. Put crude ly, schitophrcnia, and the effectiveness of antipsychotic dru gs in
:unphetaminc makes the animals busier rather than brighte r. control ling it. is cons istent with the dopamine theory of
With large doses of amphetamines, stereotyped behaviour schizophre nia discussed in Chapter 38. When the drug is stopped
t\ UU"S. This consistS of repeated actions, such as licking. gnawing. after a few days. there is usually a period of deep sleep, and
re3Jlllg or repeated movements of the head and limbs. These on awakening the subject feels lethargic, depressed, anxious
Jctilities are generall y inappropriate to the e nvironment, and (sometimes even suic idal) and hungry. Even a s ingle dose of
11ilh increasing doses of amphetamine they take over more and amphetamine, insuffic ie nt to cause psychotic symptoms, usually
:nore of the behaviour of the a nimal. These behavioural effects leaves the subject later feeling tired and depressed. These after-
~ e1idently produced by the release of catecho lamines in the effects may be the result of depletion of the normal stores of
c brain. because pretreatment with 6-hydroxydopamine. which
depletes the brain of both noradrenaline and dopamine,
abolishe!. the effect of ampheta mine, as does pretreatment with
u-methyltyrosine, an inhibitor of catecholamine biosynthesis
-ee Ch. II). Similarly, tricyclic a ntidepressants and monoamine 1
Pay heed 10 the awful warning of the medical \ludent who. it 1\ c;aid.
oxidase inhibitors (see Ch. 39) potentiate the effects of having taken copious amount;, of dextroamphetamine. left the examination
amphetamine, presumably by blocking amine rcuptake or metab- ball in confident mood, having spent 3 hours writing his name over and
olism. Interestingly, reserpine, which inhibits vesicular s torage over again.

noradrenaline and dopamine. but the evidence for thi s is not The limited clinical usefulness of amphetamine is offset b)
clear-cut. A state of amphetamine dependence can be produced many unwanted effects, including hypertension, insomnia, anoreXI3.
in experimental animals-thus rats quickly learn to press a lever tremors, risk of exacerbating schiLophrenia, and risk of dependeoct
in order to obtain a dose of amphetamine, and also become Sudden deaths have occurred in ecstasy users, even aft~r
inactive and irritable in the withdrawal phase. These effects do single, moderate dose. The drug can induce a condiuoc
not occur with fenOuramine. resembling heat troke. associated with muscle damage and rena
Tolerance develops rapidly to the peripheral sympathomimetic failure, and also causes inappropriate secretion of antidturea:
and anorexic effectS of amphetamine, but more slowly to the hormone, leading to thirst, over-hydration and hyponatrnelllli
other effects (locomotor stimulation and stereotyped behaviour). ('water intoxication'). Cerebral haemorrhage has also !Jeff
Dependence on amphetamine appears to be a consequence of the reported after amphetamine use, possibly the result of acute!
unpleasant after-effect that it produces and to the insistent memory raised blood pressure. There is evidence that habitual U\e
of euphoria, which leads to a desire for a repeat dose. There is no amphetamines is associated with long-tem1 psychological effo:L
clear-cut physical withdmwal syndrome such as occurs with opiates. of many kinds, including psychotic symptoms, anxiet)
It is estimated that only about 5% of users progress to full depen- depression and cognitive impairment, although interpretation I'
dence, the usual pattern being that the dose is increased as made difficult by th e fact that drug users generally rake man)
tolerance develops, and then uncontrolled 'binges' occur in which different substances, and the association may reflect increa1cd
the user takes the drug repeatedly over a period of a day or more, drug usc by psychologically disturbed individuals rather than th.
remaining continuously intoxicated. Large doses may be con- psychological after-effects of the drug. Taken in conjunction 111d
sumed in such binges, with a high risk of acute toxicity, and the animal data, however, the human data suggest that amphelanlin~
demand for the drug di!>placcs all other considerations. can cause long-term damage.
Experimental animals, given unlimited access to amphetamine,
take it in such large amounts that they die from the cardio-
vascular effect.~ within a few days. Given limited amounts, they
too de\'elop a binge pattern of dependence. Cocaine (see reviews by Gawin & Ellinwood, 1988; Johan on&
Fischman, 1989) b found in the leaves of a South Amenl.
Pharmacokinetic aspects shrub, coca. These leaves are used for their stimulant properu,
Amphetamine is readily ab::.orbed from the gastrointestinal tract by natives of South America. particularly those in mountainc..
and freely penetrates the blood-brain barrier. It does this more areas, who use it to reduce fatigue during work at high altitu~~.
readily than other indirectly acting sympathomimetic amines Considerable mystical significance was attached to the powel\
such as ephedr ine or ty ramine (Ch. II), which probably explains cocaine to boost the flagging human spirit. and Freud tested
why it produces more marked central effects than those drugs. extensively on hi~ patients and his family. publishing an influentL
Amphetamine is mainly excreted unchanged in the urine, and
the rate of excretion is increased when the urine is made more
acidic (sec Ch. 8). The plasma half-life of amphetamine varies
from about 5 hours to 20-30 hours, depending on urine flow and Amphetamines
urinary pH.
The main effects are:
Clinical use and unwanted eHects increased motor act ivity
The main usc of amphetamines is in the treatment of attention euphoria and excitement
dejicit- hyperactil'ity disorder (ADHD), particularly in children, anorexia
methy lphenidate being the drug most commonly used, at doses with prolonged administration, stereotyped and
lower than those causing euphoria and other side effects. ADHD psychotic behaviour.
is a common condition in children whose incessant overactivity Effects are due mainly to release of catecholamines,
and very limited attention span disrupt their education and social especially noradrenaline and dopamine.
development. The efficacy of amphetamines has been confirmed Stimulant effect lasts for a few hours and is followed
in many controlled trials. Disorders of dopamine pathways are by depression and anxiety.
suspected to underlie ADHD symptomatol ogy. but the mech- Tolerance to the stimulant effects develops rapidly,
anism of action of amphetamines is unclear. although peripheral sympathomimetic effects may
Narcolepsy is a di~abling condition. probably a form of epilepsy, persist.
in which the patient uddenly and unpredictably falls asleep at Amphetamines may be useful in treating narcolepsy,
frequent intervals during the day. Amphetamine is helpful but and also (paradoxically) to control hyperkinetic children
not completely effective. They are no longer used as appet ite suppressants
As appetite suppressants in humans, for use in treating obesity, because of the risk of pulmonary hypertension.
amphetamine derivatives proved relatively ineffective and have Amphetamine psychosis, which closely resembles
been largely abandoned because of their tendency to cause schizophrenia, can develop after prolonged use.
pulmonary hypertension, which can be so severe as to necessitate Their main importance is in drug abuse.
614 heart- lung transplantation.

byih ~nograph in 1884 advocating its use as a psychostimulant.2 A cocaine metabolite i~ deposited in hair, and analysis of its
xi a. Freud\ ophthalmologist colleague, Koller, obtained supplies of content along the hair shaft allows the pattern of cocaine con-
lhe drug and drscovcred its local anaesthetic action (Ch. 44). but sumption to be monitored. a technique that has revealed a much
lhe P'}chor,timulant effects of cocaine have not proved to be higher incidence of cocaine use than was voluntarily reported.
dmrcall) u,cful. On the other hand. they led to it becoming a Cocaine expo~ure in utero can be estimated from analysis of the
.-rde,pread drug of abu<,e in we!>tem countries. The mechanisms hair of neonate!>.
mltn:atment of cocaine abuse are discussed in Chapter 43. Cocaine i~ Mill occasionally used topically as a local anaes-
thetic. mainly in ophthalmology and minor nose and throat surgery.
Pharmacological eHects but ha~ no other clinical uses. It is a valuable pham1acological
l ocame inhibits catecholamine uptake by the noradrenaline and tool for the study of catecholamine release and reuptakc, because
;e of rlopamim: transporters (see Ch. 11), thereby enhancing the of its relatively specific action in blocking noradrenaline and
/teet-. [(npheral effects of sympathetic nerve activity and producing dopamine uptake.
.iety, J marked psychomotor stimulant effect. The lauer produces
on is euphoria, garnrlousncss, increased motor activity and a magni- Adverse eHects
nany n-:ation of pleasure, similar to the effects of amphetamine. Its Toxic effects occur commonly in cocaine abusers. The main
'ased dfecb resemble those of amphetamines, although it has less acute dangers arc serious ca1diovascular events (cardiac
n the tendency to produce stereotyped behaviour, delusions, halluci- dysrhythmias, aortic dissection, and myocardial or cerebral
with OJtions and paranoia. With excessive dosage, tremors and con- infarction or haemorrhage). Progressive myocardial damage
lines .ulsions, followed by ret:.piratory and vasomotor depression, may can lead to heart fai lure, even in the absence of a history of acute
c~:.:ur. The peripheral !>ympathomimetic actions lead to tachycardia. cardiac effect<;.
ll>OCOn,lriclion and an increase in blood pressure. Body Cocaine can severely impair brain development in utero (sec
rrmperaturc may increase, owing to the increased motor activity Volpe, 1992). The brain size is significantly reduced in babies
coupled "'ith reduced heat loss. Like amphetamine, cocaine exposed to cocaine in pregnancy, and neurological and limb
n& ;rocfuce~ no clear-cut physical dependence syndrome but tends malformations are increased. The incidence of ischaemic and
'can IOC'JU'I! depre sion and dysphoria, coupled with craving for the haemorrhagic brain lesions. and of sudden infant death, is also
IC:' drug hee Ch. 43), following the initial stimulant effect. higher in cocaine-exposed babies. Interpretation of the data is
nous \\tthdra\\ al of cocaine after administration for a few days causes difficult because many cocaine abusers also take other illicit
udc:. a marked deterioration of motor performance and learned drugs that may affect fetal development. but the probability is
s of rcha\iour. which arc re~tored by resuming dosage with the drug. that cocaine is highly detrimental.
:d it There i' thus a considerable degree of psychological dependence. Dependence, the main psychological adverse effect of
The pauem of dependence, evolving from occasional use through amphetamines and cocaine, has potentially severe effects on
escalating do~age 10 compulsive binges, is identical to that seen quality of life (Ch. 43).
"11h amphetamines.
The duration of action of cocaine (about 30 minutes when
~ilen intravenously) is much shorter than that of amphetamine.
Various beverages, particularly tea. coffee and cocoa, contain
Pharmacokinetic aspects methylxanthines, 10 which they owe their mild central stimulant
Cocaine is readily absorbed by many routes. For many years, effects. The main compounds responsible are caffeine and
illicrt 'upplic~ consisted of the hydrochloride salt, which could theophylline. The nuts of the cola plant also contain caffeine,
toe gil en by nasal inhalation or intravenously. The latter route which is present in cola-flavoured soft drinks. However, the
produces an intense and immediate euphoria, whereas nasal most important sources, by far. are coffee and tea, which account
rnhalation produces a less dramatic sensation and also tends to
cau'e atrophy and necrosis of the nasal mucosa and septum.
Cocamc use increased dramatically when the freebase form
crack') became available as a street drug. Unlike the salt, this Cocaine
;:an be 'moked, giving an effect nearly as rapid as that of
mtra\enous adrnini~tration. with less inconvenience and social Cocaine acts by inhibiting catecholamine
tigma. The social. economic and even political consequences uptake (especially dopamine) by nerve terminals.
ofthr' 'mall change in formulation have been far-reaching. Behavioural effects of cocaine are very similar to
those of amphetamines, although psychotomimetic
effects are rarer. Duration of action is shorter.
Cocaine used in pregnancy impairs fetal development
In the 186().., a Corsican phnrmacist. Mariani, devised cocaine-conUlining and may produce fetal malformations.
be1tr.~ges. Vin Manan1and The Mariani, wh ich were sold very successfully
As drugs of abuse, amphetamines and cocaine
l\ ronics. Imitator\ ~oon moved in, and The Mariani became the foreru nner

of Coca Colu. In 1903, cocaine wa~ removed from Coca Cola because of its produce strong psychological dependence and carry
growing a\\Ocintion with addicrion and criminality (see Courtwrighr, 2001, a high risk of severe adverse reactions.
ror a lively account). 615

for more than 90% of caffeine consumption. A cup of instant pains, and with ergotamine in some antimigraine preparation
coffee or ~trong tea contains 50-70 mg of caffeine. while filter the object being to produce a mildly agreeable sense of alertne"
coffee contain~> about twice as much. Among adults in tea- and 1l1eophylline b used mainly as a bronchodilator in treating -.e1~
coffee-drinking countries. the average daily caffeine consump- asthmatic attacks (see Ch. 23). Caffeine has few unwanted ~lt.
tion is about 200 mg. Further information oo the pharmacology effects and is c;afe even in very large doses. In vitro tests ,hcJ
and toxicology of caffeine is presented by Fredholm et al. ( 1999). that it has mutagenic ac tivity, and large doses are teratogemc
animals. However, epidemiological studies have shown llli
Pharmacological eHects evidence of carcinogenic or teratogenic effects of tea or coft~
Methylxanthines have the following major pharmacological actions: drinking in human!..
CNS stimulation
diuresi~ (see Ch. 24) PSYCHOTOMIMETIC DRUGS
stimulation of cardiac muscle (see Ch. 18)
relaxation of smooth muscle. especially bronchial muscle Psychotomimetic drugs (also referred to as psychedelic o
(sec Ch. 23). hallucinogenic drugs) affect thought, perception and mOtll.l
without causing marked psychomotor stimulation or depres~iun
The latter two etTects resemble those of j3-adrenoceptor stim ulation
(see review by Nichols, 2004). Thoughts and perceptions ten~
(see Ch. I I). This is thought to be because metbylxanthincs
to become distorted and dreamlike, rather than being mere!)
(especially theophylline) inhibit phosphodiesterase, which is
sharpened or dulled, and the change in mood is likewise more
responsible for the intracellular metabolism of cAMP (Ch. 3).
complex than a simple shift in the direction of euphoria ('II
They thus increase intracellular cAMP and produce effects that
depression. Importantly, psychotomimetic drugs do not cau.;e
mimic those of mediators that stimulate adenylyl cyclase.
dependence or addiction. even though their psychological cffec:.
Methylxanthine~ also antagonise many of the effects of adenosine,
overlap those of highly addictive major psychostimulanh sill.
acting on both A 1 and A2 receptors (see Ch. 12). Transgenic mice
as cocaine and amphetamines.
lacking fu nctionnl A 2 receptors are abnormally active and
P~ychotomimetic drugs fall broadly into two groups.
aggressive, and fnil to !)how increased motor activity in response
to caffeine (Ledent et al., 1997). suggesting that antagonism at A2 Drugs that act on 5-HT transporters or receptors. These
receptors accounts for pan, at least, of its CNS stimulant action. include lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), psilocybin and
The concentration of caffeine reached in plasma and brain after mescaline, which arc agonists at 5-HT2 receptors (sec Ch. I~
two or three cups of strong coffee-about 100 J.(M-is sufficient and M OMA (ecstasy; see above). which acts mainly by
to produce appreciable adenosine receptor block and a small inhibiting 5-HT uptake. MDMA also acts on many other
degree of phosphodiesterase inhibition. The diuretic effect reccpto~ and transporters (see Green et al., 2003), and ha'
probably results from vasodilatation of the afferent glomerular powerful psychostimulant effects typical of amphetamine~..
arteriole, causing an increased glomerular filtration rate. well as psychotomimetic effects.
Caffeine and theophylline have very similar stimulant effects Antagonists at NMDA-type glutamate receptors
on the CNS. I Iuman subjects experience a reduction of fatigue, (e.g. phencyclidine).
with improved concentration and a clearer flow of thought. This
is confirmed by objective studies, which have shown that caffeine
reduces reaction time and produces an increase in the speed at
which simple calculations can be performed (although without Methylxanthlnes
much improvement in accuracy). Performance at motor tasks,
such as typing and simulated driving. is also improved, particularly Caffeine and theophylline produce
in fatigued subjects. Mental tasks. such as syllable learning, psychomotor stimulant effects.
associa tion test~ and so on. are abo facilitated by moderate doses Average caffeine consumption from beverages is
(up to abou t 200 mg of caffeine. or about three cups of coffee) about 200 mg/day.
but impaired by larger doses. Insomnia is common. By comparison Main psychological effects are reduced fatigue and
with amphetamine~. methylxanthines produce less locomotor improved mental performance, without euphoria.
stimulation and do not induce euphoria, stereotyped behaviour Even large doses do not cause stereotyped behaviour
patterns or a psychotic state, but their effects on fatigue and or psychotomimetic effects.
mental function are similar. Methylxanthines act mainly by antagonism at A2
Tolerance and habituation develop to a small extent. but much purine receptors, and partly by inhibiting
Jess than with amphetamines, and withdrawal effects are slight. phosphodiesterase, thus producing effects similar to
Caffeine does not lead to self-adminis tration in animals, and it those of P-adrenoceptor agonists.
cannot be classified as a dependence-producing drug. Peripheral actions are exerted mainly on heart,
smooth muscle and kidney.
Clinical use and unwanted eHects Theophylline is used clinically as a bronchodilator;
There arc few clinical uses for caffeine. It is included with aspirin caffeine is not used c linically.
616 in some preparations for treating headaches and other aches and

ions, LSD, PSILOCYBIN AND MESCALINE effects consistent with increased sensory 'generalisation' (i.e. a
!le\S. tendency to respond similarly to any sensory stimulus) can be
LSD I' an exceptionally potent psychotomimetic drug capable detected in lhis way. One of lhe more bizarre te~~ involves
... ide ofproducang strong effect~ in humans in do!>e!> less lhan I f.Ag/kg. spide~. whose normal elegantly symmetrical webs become jumbled
ho\\ It 1' a chemical derivative of lysergic acid, which occurs in the and erratic if the animals arc treated with LSD.
ic in ~ereal fungus ergot (see Ch. 12), and was fir~t synthesised by

no Hoffman in 1943. H offman deliberately swallowed about Dependence and adverse eHects
ffce ~51lug of LSD and wrote 30 years later of the experience: 'the Psychotomimetic agents (except for phencyclidine; see below)
face' of tho'>e around me appeared as grote!>que coloured ma.'>h are not self-administered by experimental animals. Indeed, in
marked motoric unrest, alternating with paralysis ... heavy contrast to most of the drugs that arc widely abused by humans.
feeling in the head. limbs and entire body, as if they were filled they have aversive rather than reinJorcing properties in behavioural
"ith lead ... c lear recognition of my condition, in which state tests. Tolerance to their effects develop~ quite quick.ly.
I I(Jmettmes observed. in the manner of an independent obl>erver. There is no physical withdrawaJ syndrome in animals or
lhat I 'houted half insanely'. These effects lasted for a few humans.
ltour'l. after which Hoffman fell asleep, 'and awoke next morning There has been much concern over reports that LSD and
feeling perfectly well'. Apart from these dramatic psychological other psychotomjmetic drugs, as wel l as causing potentially
effect>. LSD has few physiological effects. Mescaline , which is dangerous bad trips, can lead to more persistent mental disorder
.kri\ed from a Mexican cactus and ha~ been known as a (see Abraham & Aldridge, 1993). There are recorded instances
tore b:tlluctnogenic agent for many centuries. wa'> made famou~ by in which altered perception and hallucinations have la.\tcd for up
or :\ldou~ Huxley in The Doors of Perception. It is chemically
to 3 weeks following a single dose of LSD, and of precipitation
related to ;~mphetam ine and acts as an inhibitor of monoamine of attacks in schizophrenic patients. Furthermore, it is possible
transport, in addition to its agonist action o n 5HT2 receptors. that LSD may occasionally initiate long-lasting schizophrenia,
1>\iloqbin i~ obtained from a fungus and has very l>imilar although conclusive evidence is lacking. This possibility, coupled
propente' to LSD. The p<,ychotomimetic effects of all three wilh the fact that the occasional bad trip can result in severe
drug, are the same. injury through violent behaviour, means that LSD and other
psychotomimetics must be regarded as highly dangerous drugs,
Pharmacological eHects far removed from the image of peaceful 'experience enhancers'
[be main effects of lhe!>e drugs are on mental function, most that the hippy subculture3 of the 1960s so enthusiastically
!JOL!bl) an alteration of perception in such a way that sights and espoused.
\OOJld' appear distorted and fantastic. Hallucinations visual,
.iUdttory, tactile or olfactory also occur, and sensory modalities
as may become confused, so that sounds are perceived as visions.
Thought processes tend to become illogical and disconnected. MDMA is an amphetamine derivative with complex effects on
lllt 'ubject\ retain insight into the fact that their disturbance is monoamine function ('>ce Green et al.. 2003; Morton, 2005;
drug-mduced. and generally find lhe experience exhilarating. Iversen 2006). It inhibit~ monoamine transporters, principally the
<kcasionally, LSD produces a syndrome that is extremely dis- 5-HT transpot1er, and also releases 5-HT, the net effect being a
lurbing to the subject (the 'bad trip'), in which the hallucinatory large increase in free 5-HT in certain brain regions, followed
e'perience takes on a menacing quality and may be accompanied by depletion. Similar but smaller changes occur in relation to
b) paranotd delusions. This sometimes goel> so far as to produce dopamine and noradrenaline. Simplistically, the effects on 5-HT
homicide or suicide attempts, and in many respects the ~tate has function determine the psychotomimetic effects, while dopamine
teature~ in common with acute schizophrenic illness. Further- and noradrenaline changes account for the initiaJ euphoria and
more. na~hbacks ' of the hallucinatory experience have been later rebou nd dysphoria. MDMA is widely used as a 'party drug'
reported week' or months later. becau~e of the euphoria. loss of inhibitions and energy surge
LSD act' on various 5-HT-receptor subtype<> (see Ch. 12), and that it induces. Although not addictive, MDMA carries l>erious
:n the CNS it is believed to work mainly as a 5-HT :!A-receptor risks, both acute and long term .
gomst (see Nichols, 2004). It inhibit!> the firing of 5-1IT- Sudden illness and death can occur even after small doses
containing neurons in the raphe nuclei (see Ch. 34), apparently of MDMA. The syndrome appears to result from acute
b) acung as an agonist on the inhibitory autoreceptors of these hyperthermia, resulting in damage to skeletal muscle and renal
.ell.,. The action of mescaline is apparently different, however, failure. This may reflect an action of MDMA on mitochondrial
3Dd e~crted mainly on noradrenergic neurons. ft is still quite function, exacerbated by energetic dancing and high ambient
unclear how changes in cell firing rates might be related to the temperature. It appears that certain individuals may be particu-
p;ychotomimetic action of these drugs. larly !)USCeptible to this danger.
The main effects of psychotomimetic drugs are subjective, so
11 1> not surprising lhat animal tests lhat reliably predict psycho-
tomimettc activity in humans have not been devised. Attempt<> to
'You may recall the Beatles' lyric Lucy in tire Sky with Diamonds, aho the
measure changes in perception by behavioural conditioning studies phra~e 'Drop our; tune in; turn on' coined by Tim01hy Leary. whose ashes
have given variable resu lts, but some authors have claimed that were sent into orbi t in 1997.

The after-effects of MDMA persi t for a few days and comprise

depression, anxiety, irritability and increased aggression-the Psychotomimetic drugs
'midweek blues. There is also evidence of lo ng-term deleterious
effects on me mory and cognitive function in heavy MDMA The main types are:
users. in animal studies, MDMA can cause degeneration of 5-HT lysergic acid diethylamide {LSD), psilocybin and
and dopamine neurons, but whelher this occurs in humans is mescaline {actions related to 5-hydroxytryptamme
uncertain. In summary. recreational usc of MDMA cannot be {5-Hl) and catecholamines)
cons idered safe. methylenedioxymethamphetamine {MDMA,
PHENCYCLIDINE Their main effect is to cause sensory distortion of a
Phencyclidine was originally intended as an intravenous anaesthetic fantastic and hallucinatory nature.
agent, but was found to produce in many patients a period of LSD is exceptionally potent, producing a long-lasting
disorientation and hallucinations following recovery of conscious- sense of dissociation and disordered thought,
ness. Ketamine (see Ch. 36), a close analogue of phencyclidine. sometimes with frightening hallucinations and
is better as an anaesthetic, all hough it too can cause symptoms of delusions, which can lead to violence. Hallucinatory
disorientation. Phencyclidine is now of interest mainly as a drug episodes can recur after a long interval.
of abuse ('Angel du t', now declining in popularity). LSD and phencyclidine precipitate schizophrenic
attacks in susceptible patients, and LSD may cause
Pharmacological effects long-lasting psychopathological changes.
The effects of phencyclidine resemble those of other psycho- LSD appears to act as an agonist at 5-HT2-receptors,
tomimetic drugs (see Johnson & Jones, 1990) but also include and suppresses electrical activity in 5-HT raphe
analgesia, which was one of Lhe reasons for its introduction as neurons, an action that appears to correlate with
an anaesthetic agent. It can also cause stereotyped motor psychotomimetic activity.
behaviour, like amphetamine. It has the same reported tendency MDMA is an amphetamine analogue that has
as LSD to cause occasional bad trips and to lead to recurrent powerful psychostimulant as well as psychotomimetiC
psychotic episodes. Its main pharmacological effect is to block effects.
the NMDA receptor channel (see Ch. 33), but it is also an MDMA can cause an acute hyperthermic reaction,
antagoniM at o-receptors, which are activated by various opioids sometimes fatal. It also has severe long-term
of the ben.lOmorphan type (Ch. 41 ). It is believed that the NMDA psychological effects, similar to LSD.
channel-blocking ac tion is primarily responsible for the Psychotomimetic drugs do not cause physical
psychotomimetic effects, which mimic, both be haviourally and dependence and tend to be aversive, rather than
biochemically, the manifestations of human schizophrenia reinforcing, in animal models.
(Morris et al., 2005). Phencyclidine is known to exacerbate Phencyclidine acts by blocking the glutamate-activated
symptoms in stabilised schizophrenic patients, but it is not NMDA receptor channel, and also blocks u-receptors.
known whether habitual use can cause the disorder to develop.


General reference l..edcnt C et al 1997 Aggrel\eness, hypoolge>ta and melhytenedoo') melhamphetamone (MDMA.
Courtwright D T 2001 Forces of habit: drugs and the high blood pressure in moce lacking the ndeno~ine A 21 'Ec;tasy'). Phrum Re 55: 463-508
making of the modem world. Harvard University receptor. Nature 388: 674.-678 (Study of rmns11enic Johnson K M, Jones S M 1990 Neurophannacolo~}ol
PreM;. Cambridge (A /ioe/y hiftorical account of hohit- mirt!. .ohowi11g loss of.<timulanr effect.r of rtifleiriR in phencyclidine: bnic mechanisnh w1d tbempeutoc
formmg dn1~s) miu lackmg A, rueptors} potential. Annu Re Pbarmacol Toxicol 30: 707 'Ill
Nehlig A. Daal J-L. Debry G 1992 Cafftone and the Moms B J. Cochr.ln S \1. Pran J A 2005 PCP from
P>) chostimulants
central nervous sy;tem: mechanistru. of acuon, phannacotogy to modelling -.ch11ophrenia. CUJT
~rcdholm B B. Bauog K, Holmes J et al. 1999 Acuon;, of
biochemical. metaooloc and psycho,timulnnt effects. Pharmacol 5: 101-106 (Rel'ii'H'llf'lltwtg thm N.lllll
caffeine in the hmon with special reference to facton.
Brain Res Rev 17: 139- 170 cluumel h/mk by phencyclidine closely mod1'1.1 /uw!Ql
lhat contribute to its widespread u;,e. Pharmacal Rev
Seiden L S. Sabol K E. Rocaunc G A 1993 schi~ophmria)
51: 83-133 (Compfl'hensie r~ouw article cmuin.~
Amphetamine: effect' on catechol am one ')\terns and Monon J 2005 f'..c,tas): pharmacotog) and neumu
phannacological. ~ha>~Ourtll aTUI mcial aspuu)
beha oor. Annu Re Phann:~eol Toucol 33: 639-677 Curr Opon Ph.mnacol 5: 79 86 (l/s~ful shon m'ln'
Ga"' in F H. Elhnwood E H 1988 Cocrune and other
Volpe J J 1992 Effect of cocnme on the fetus. N Engl J focusing oro ad1erse effen tJf MDMA)
Mimulants. N Engl J Med 3 18: 11 73- 1182
Med 327: 399-107 Nochols D E 2004 Hallucinogens. Phannacol Ther 101
l'ersen LL 2006 Speed, Ecstasy. ritaJin. The science of
t31-181 ( Comwehensie fl'liew article focu.lin~ ,,,
runphelaminc,. Oxford UniveNty Press. (Amlwmarn<' Psychotomimetics
5HT1!1 rt'Ct'pWr.\ OS tht' IO'flt'l of psyc/tO/OIIIimnlf
book on all a1pts of th<' pro{'<'rties. use and abu" of Abr:tham H D. Aldridge A M 1993 Ad,er.e cono;equences
amphetamme.!.) of l)..ergtc acid dteth) lamode. Addiction 88: 1327-1334
Johanson C-E. Fi,chman M W 1989 The phamtacology Green A R. Meehan A 0. El!Jou J M et nl. 2003 The
618 of cocaine related to its abuse. Pharmacol Rev 4t: 3 ~7 pharmacology and cli nical phannacology of 3,4-
Drug addiction,
dependence and abuse

western countries-but very big business,

IOverview 619 nevertheless 1 -except when it is under the direction
The nature of drug addiction 620 of the medical profession. A list of the more
-Reward pathways 621 important ones is given in Table 43. 1. Other
-Biochemical mechanisms 621 ' lifestyle' and 'sport' drugs are discussed in
-Pharmacological approaches to treating drug Chapter 54.
oddtction 622 The reasons why particular drugs should come to
be used in a way that constitutes a problem to
Nicotine and tobacco 622 society are complex and largely outside the scope
-Pharmacological effects of smoking 623 of this book. The drug and its pharmacological
-Phormacokinetic aspects 625 activity are only the starting point, although drug
-Tolerance and dependence 626 taking is clearly seen by society in a quite diHerent
-Harmful effects of smoking 626 light from other forms of addictive self-gratification,
Ethanol 628 such as opera going, football or sex. At first sight,
-Pharmacological effects of ethanol 629 the ' drugs of abuse' form an extremely
-Pharmacokinetic aspects 631 heterogeneous pharmacological group; we can find
-Tolerance and dependence 633 little in common at the molecular and cellular level
between say, morphine, cocaine and barbiturates.
Cannabis 63.4 What links them is that people find their eHect
-Chemical aspects 63.4 pleasurable (hedonic) and tend to want to repeat
-Phormacological effects 63.4 it, an action that reflects the eHect-common to all
-Tolerance and dependence 635 dependence-producing drugs-of activating
-Pharmacokinetic aspects 635 mesolimbic dopaminergic neurons (see below). This
-Adverse effects 635 hedonic effect becomes a problem when:
! -Clinical use of cannabis: o controversial topic 636
the want becomes so insistent that it dominates
the lifestyle of the individual and damages his or
her quality of life
the habit itself causes actual harm to the
OVERVIEW individual or the community.
In earlier chapters, we have discussed several Examples of the latter are the mental incapacity
drugs (e.g. benzodiazepines, opiates, and liver damage caused by ethanol, the many
psychostimulants) that can cause dependence. diseases associated with smoking, the high risk of
There are also many drugs that human beings infection (especially with HIV), the serious risk of
consume because they choose to, and not because overdosage with most narcotics, and the criminal
they are advised to by doctors. Society in general behaviour resorted to when addicts need to
disapproves, because in most cases there is a finance their habit.
social cost; for certain drugs, this is judged to In this chapter, we discuss some general aspects
outweigh the individual benefit, and their use is of drug dependence and drug abuse, and describe
banned in many countries. In western societies, the the pharmacology of three important drugs that
three most commonty used non-therapeutic drugs
are caffeine, nicotine and ethanol, all of which are
legally and freely available. Many other drugs are 1
Giobally. accordmg to UK e\tJmate,. annual \ate . . of illegal drug~ \\ere
widely used although their manufacture, sale and about $800 bilhon in the late 1990s. accounting for 8% of all international
consumption has been declared illegal in most trade, similar to oil 'u les and rollghly three times thm of prescription drugs.

have no place in therapy but are consumed in not addictive, so it io; important to di<>tinguish this type of commonl,
large amounts, namely nicotine, ethanol and observed 'rebound' phenomenon from true dependence.
can nabis. Other drugs with abuse potential are The common feature of the various types of psychoactive drug
described elsewhere in this boo k (see Table 43.1 ). that are addictive is that all produce a rewarding effect. Jn animal
For further information on various aspects of drug studies, where this cannot be inferred directly, it is manife~t
abuse, see Friedman et al. (1996), Karch (1997), positive reinforcement (i.e. an increase in the probability of OO;m
Hyman & Malenka (2001) and Winger et al. (2004). renee of any behaviour that results in the drug being administered ~trc

Thus, with all dependence-producing drugs, ~pontaneous self

administration can be induced in animal studies. Coupled 11-it'
THE NATURE OF DRUG ADDICTION the direct rewarding effect of the drug, there is usual!) aho a
process of habiwation, or adaptation, when the drug is gi1~
Several related terms arc used, sometimes interchangeably, to repeated ly or continuously, s uch that cessation of the drug has <II
describe the consequences of continued administration of hedonic aversil'e effect. negative reinforcement, from which the subject Il-l
drugs. Dntg dependence and the older tenn dntg addiction describe attempt to escape by self-administration of the drug. The ph)''"'
the human condition in which drug taking becomes compulsive, withdrawal syndrome, associated with the state of physical dcpc
taking precedence over other needs, often with serious adverse dence, is one manifestation of this type of habituation; the intcll\11)
consequences. This generally implies a state of physical, as well as and nature of physical withdrawal ~ymptoms varies from onccJa,,
psychological, dependence (see below). Drug dependence can be of drug to another, being particularly marked with opioids. It i' k
viewed as a reversible pharmacological phenomenon. readily important in sustaining drug-seeking behaviour than psychologt..
induced in animals, whereas addiction is a chronic, relapsing human habituation, which is associated with a craving that is not rclat~
condition, as distinct from an acute illness that can be cured by to physical symptoms. A degree of physical dependence is comnn
abMinence. Drug abuse and substance abuse are more general when patients receive opioid analgesics in hospital for several <L.
terms. meaning any recurrent use of substances that are illegal but this mreJy leads to addiction. On the other hand. addicts 1\ho ..
or that cause harm to the individua l. including drugs in sport. nursed through and recover fully from the physical abstincn,,
Tolerance- the decrease in pharmacological effect on repeated syndrome are still extremely likely to revert to drug taking l.tk
administration of the drug-often accompanies the state of depen- Therefore physical dependence is not the major factor in Jon~
dence. and it i~ possible that related mechanism-. account for tenn dmg dependence. In addition to the positive and negat
both phenomena (see below). Withdrawal syndrome or abstinence reinforcement associated with drug administration and withdraii-J
syndrome describes the adverse effects, both physical and conditioning plays a significant part in ~ustaining dru.
psychological and lasting for a few days or weeks, of stopping dependence (see Weiss. 2005). When a particular environment
taking a drug. Several psychotropic drugs. including antidepressant location. or the sight of a syringe or cigarette, becomes associ. ,
and antipsychotic agents, produce withdrawal symptoms but are with the pleasurable experience of drug taking, the anteccJ.:

Table 43.1 The main drugs of abuse

Type Examples Dependence liability Chapter in which discussed

Narcotic analgesics Morphine Very strong 41

Diamorphine Very s trong 41

General central nervous Ethanol Strong This chapter

system depressants Barbiturates Strong 37
Methaqualone Moderate 37
Glutethimide Moderate 37
Anaesthetics Moderate 36
Solvents Strong

Anxiolytic drugs Benzod1azepines Moderate 37

Psychomotor stimulants Amphetamines Strong 42

Cocaine Very strong 42
Caffeine Weak 42
Nicotine Very strong This chapter

Psychotomimetic agents Lysergic acid diethylamide Weak or absent 42

Mescaline Weak or absent 42
Phencyclidine Moderate 42
Cannabis Weak Th1s chapter

!lunulu' iL-elf evokes the response. as with Pavlov's dogs. The same and other techntque' (~ Spanagel & Weiss, 1999). Some stimulate firing
appens in rever~e. o that the antecedents of not taking the of AIO celh. whe~ others, wch a~ amphetamine and cocaine. release
g... drug become aver<;ive. Thil. kind of conditioning is generally dopamine or prevent its reuptake (sec Ch. II). Their hedonic effect re,ull',
from activation of th1~ pathwa}. rot her than from a subjective appreciation
amal roore per'i'tent and lel>S eal>ily extinguished than unconditioned of the diver...e other effects (such as alertness or disinhibition) that the drugs
mnforcemenl. and probably accounts for the high relapse rate of produce. Chem1cal or surg1cal interruption of this dopaminergic path~ay
'lw.med' addictl>. The psychological factors in drug dependence impair~ drug-\eektng behaviours in many experimental situauon\.
are di-cu'>sed by Koob ( 1996) and l>ummarised in Figure 43.1. Deletion of D, receptOr\ in a tmn,genic mouse strain eliminated the
re"' ard propcnics of morphine adnuni,tration without eliminating other
T ~mmal modeh of drug dependence rely mainly on self-adminiwarion opiate effects, and it did not prevent the occurrence of physical withdra\\ al
prtl(JCOI\, in ~hich a do'e of the drug is given in response to a behaviour \)mptoms 10 morphine-dependent animals (Maldonado et al.. 1997).
,u,h a' bar prc,,ing. Some drug\, for example ethanol. are spontaneously !>ugge..,ting that the dopaminergic pathway is responsible for the po<,itive
iven ~lfadmmi\lercd by laborotory animals: others. for example cocaine. reward but not for the negative withdrawal effects. However, Drrcceptor
are -.:It-administered only after dependence has been induced by previous antagonists (antipsychotic drugs: sec Ch. 38) have not been succes~ful in
lllmml\tration of the drug. flu man~. of course, self-administer drugs such treating addiction. and more recent evidence (see Heidbreder & Hagan.
l'ethanol without ncce,sarily becoming addicted. To model the compulsive 2005) suggeM'> that 0 1-reccplors play an important role. Other mediators,
n;uurc of add iction more accurate ly. extensions to the self-administration particularly 5-hydroxytryptamine. glutamate and GABA, have al ~o been
parad1gm may be employed (sec Deroche-Gamonet et al., 2004). Rats treated implicated in the conditioning mechanisms that reinforce drug-seeking
for nshon time wi th 'non-addictive' doses of cocai ne will self-administer behaviour. and a variety of phannacological strategies based on blocking
the drug by bar prcs~ing but Mop bar pressing when a signal is shown to these pathways are being explored (sec Heidbreder & Hagan, 2005). In
1ndicate thm the drug injector is disconnected. or if the dmg injection is th i ~ regard, the field of drug add iction resembles many of the topics
accompanied by punishment in the form of a foot shock. With more discussed in other chapters dealing wi th centra l nervous system (CNS)
mten;e 'addictive pretreatment. bar pressing persists at a high rate under drugs. where many of lhe same mediators appear to be involved. and
a ted ihN condition,. Modeb of this son arc considered more likely to repl icate many of the same pharmacological strategies have been propo;ed to treat
mon the >Huation of addiction in humans. as a ba~is for testing therapeutic addiction. ~o far with limited success (see below).
. )S. Jf'!'rOache,, but in human~ drug dependence represents a srable change in
lnin funcnon ~u~tained by proce\~ that are more complex and long lasting
th.111 the neurobiological change~ ~o far studied in experimental animals. BIOCHEMICAL MECHANISMS
T The cellular mechanisms in1ohed in habituation to the effects of drug\
REWARD PATHWAYS \uch as op101d~ and cocaine have been studied in some detail (see 1\e~tler.
200-' ). Both cla\-,c\ of drug produce. on chronic administrarion, an increase
T \nuall} all dependence-producing drug~ so far tested. including in the acmuy of adenylyl cyclase in bmin regions such as the nucleus
op!Oid,, nicounc, amphetamillCl>. ethanol and cocaine. activate the rl'warrl accumbens. which compensates for their acute inhibitory effect on cAMP
~al'-lhe me\ohmbtc dopaminergic patbwa} (see Ch. 34). which formauon and produces a rebound increase in cAMP when the drug i'
ltor run,,' 1a the medial forebroin bundle. from the ventral tegmental area of terminated (Fig. 43.2). Chronic opioid treatment increases the amount not
the mtdbrain (A 10 cell group in rats) to the nucleus accumbcns and only of adcnylyl cyclase itM:If. but also of other components of the
limbic regton (see NcMier. 2001 ). Even though their primary sites of signalling pathway. including the G-proteins and various protein kinases.
i.knt a11on arc generally cbe"' here in the brain. all the;e drugs increase the This incrca\C in cAMP aiTect' many cellular functions through the
relea'e of dopam1ne in the nucleus accumbens. as shown by microdialysis increa~cd activity of various cAMP-dependent protein kinases, which

.. . . .,r"'"' "
Cues associated with drug withdrawal Cues associated with drug taking
social situation social situation
, non-availability of drug etc. purchase of drug

,' '
Drug withdrawal Drug administration

I ' \
NegatNe conditioning Positive conditioning
Negative Positive
\ reinforcement reinforcement I
\ I

'4 Delayed Immediate "' '
~ABSTINENCE Long-lasting (days) Brief (hours) REWARD Antagonists
~ SYNDROME Response modifiers
Increases wtth Decreases
repetition with repetition

Fig. 43.1 Psychological factors involved in drug dependence. _ _ _j 621


acting on pre~ynaptic A 1-recep10rs, acts to inhibit glutamate rele4~t

e>.citatory ~ynap~e~. and thu\ counteracts the neuronal hypere"iW>Cll
Morphine that occur~ during drug withdrawal, suggesting the possibilit) - IIN
400 clinically proven-that adenosine agonists might pro,e useful in tm!JlC
drug dependence.
E 300 Adenylyl Family \ludie' ~ho" clearly that ~usceptibility to addiction is an m~
0c: cyclase chamcteri~tic. and many candid:ue genes have been reported, \\lth
0 200 expression particular locu~ on gene~ invohed in transmitter metabolism. re.:tpUt_
0 etc. (\ee Mayer & llollt, 2005). The general conclusion is that uriJIIIS
many dillerent gene~ each make a small contribution to the 01
suscepllbiltt) ol an individual to addiction- a familiar o,cenmo
provide\ few pointer~ for therapeutic interYention. Polymorphhms
cthanol-metabolbing genes (~e below) are the best example of gcn~
Time - - - - -- -.. directly affect the tendency to abuse a drug.
Fig. 43.2 Biochemical mechanism postulated to explain
morphine tolerance and dependence. Morphine inhibits
adenylyl cyclase, thus reduc ing cAMP formation (green line). A PHARMACOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO
secondary rise In adenyl yl cyclase expression occ urs (red line), TREATING DRUG ADDICTION
so that cAM P prod uction recovers in the presence of morphine
(i.e. tolerance develops). On cessation of morphine treatment, From th e di scussio n above, it wiU be clear that drug addicti,
excessive cAM P production occurs, causing withdrawal invol ves many psycho!>ocial and some genetic fac tors, as well
symptoms, until the high level of adenylyl cyclase expression neuropharmacological mechanisms, so drug treatment is onl) IJ
returns to normal. Later work has shown that other elements in
the cAMP signalling pathway, in addition to adenylyl cyclase
itself, are similarly affected by chronic drug exposure, in vivo
as well as 1n vitro. (From Sharma S K et al. 1975 Proc Natl
Acad Sci USA 72: 3092.)
J component of the therapeutic approaches that are used.
The main pharmacological approaches (see O'Brien. 19'r
H eidbreder & H agan, 2005) are summarised in Table 43.2.


control the acti\ ity of ion channeb (making the cells more excitable), Tobacco growing, chewing and smoking was indigenous througta:
'" \\CII ao, \anou~ cnLyme~ and rran~cription factors. One particular the American !>Ubcontinent and Australia ar the time that E~
tran~ription factor. cAMP reo,ponse element- binding protein (CREB).
exploren. first vbited these places. Smoking spread through Eul\l'f
"hich io, up-regulated m the nucleus accumbens by prolonged
adminro,trauon of opratc\ or cocaine. play~ a key role in regulating various during the 16th century. coming to England mainly a~ a re,ult
component' of cAMP ~ignalting pathways. and transgenic animals lacking its enthusiastic espousal by R aleigh at the court of Elizabeth
CREB show reduced withdraw:1l symptoms (see Chao & Nestler, 2004). James I strongly disapproved of both R al eigh and tobacco.
The'c changes (o,ee rig. 43.3) probably account for the relatively short-term initiated the firM antismoking campaign in the earl y 17th cent~.
(days to weeks) phenomena or tolerance and dependence. but the long-
with the !>upport of' the Royal College of Physicians. Parliamt
tenn proce\sCs rc~ponsiblc for craving and relapse-the major issues in
human addiction arc very poorly underMood at the neurochemical level. responded by imposi ng a substanti aJ duty on tobacco, there
setting up the d i lem ma (fro m w hich we show no sign of bci1.
Adeno>ine, which i~ an impo11ant CNS mediator (see Ch. 12), has also been
able to escape) of g iv ing the State an economic interest in th
implicated in drug dependence. Withdrawal of opiates, cocai ne or alcohol
resu lts in incrca>cd adcnm,ine production. due partly to the conversion of continua tion of smoking at the sam e time that i ts official expe
high Jc,cl~ of cAMP to adenosine (see Hack & Christie, 2003). Adenosine, advisers were issuing emphatic warnings about its dangers.

( Drug-taking Drug withdrawal

Days-weeks Months-years
Acute _ _ _ _....:...._
State produced: Acute _ __:___ __ _.., Chrome ___,~

drugged state drugged state abstinence abstinence

Effect: Reward Tolerance, dependence Withdrawal syndrome Craving

Mechanism: Act1vat1on of mesolimb1c Adapt1ve changes in receptors. Uncompensated adaptive Not known
OA pathway transporters, 2nd messengers, changes (e.g. ~DA.
? Other reward etc. (e.g. tadenylyl cyclase, DA t glutamate)
pathways t transporter)

Fig. 43.3 Cellular and physiological mechanisms involved In drug dependence showing the relationship between the
immediate and delayed effects of drug-taking and drug withdrawal. DA, dopamine.

Tillie 43.2 Pharmacological approaches to treating d rug dependence

Mechanism Example(s)

Subs! tullon to alleviate Withdrawal Methadone used short term to blunt opiate Withdrawal
symptoms Benzodiazepines to blunt alcohol Withdrawal
2Adrenoceptor agonists (e.g. clonidine, lofexJdJne) to diminish withdrawal symptoms
long-term substitution Methadone substitution for opiate addiction
Nicotine patches or chewing gum

:, that Block1ng response Naltrexone to block opiate effects

Mecamylamine to block nicotine effects
Immunisation against cocaine and nicotine to produce circulating antibody (not yet proven)

Avers1ve therapies Disulfiram to induce unpleasant response to ethanol

Modification of craving Bupropion (antidepressant)

:tion Naltrexone (blocks opiate receptors-also of value in treating other addictions)
11 as Clonidine (a~-adrenoceptor agonist)
Acamprosate (NMDA receptor antagonist) used to treat alcoholism


Unulthe latter half of the 19th century, tobacco was smoked

mp1pe,, and by men. Cigarette manufacture began at the end of Drug dependence
tbt 19th centul). and now cigarettes account for 98% of tobacco
coo..umption. The trend in cigarette consumption in the 20th century Dependence is defined as a compulsive
sho\\11 in figure 43.4. From a peak in the early 1970s, cigarette craving that develops as a result of repeated
rort-umption m the UK dropped by about 50%, the main factors administration of the drug.
l:l:mg increa.-.cd price. adven.e publicity. restrictions on advenising, Dependence occurs with a wide range of
tot .mJ the compulsory publication of health warnings. Filter cigarette!. psychotropic drugs, acting by many different
h I. 11hich gi\c a somewhat lower delivery of tar and nicotine than mechanisms.
and stmJard cigarcucs) and ' low-tar' cigarettes (which are also low in The common feature of dependence-producing drugs
Uf) Ol'Oimc ) cons ti1u1e an increasing proportion of the total. 2 The is that they have a positive reinforcing action
1!111 pmptlrtion of cigarette smokers in the UK is currently about 27%, ('reward') associated with activation of the
by Hh lillie difference between men and women, and has remained mesolimbic dopaminergic pathway.
Jlth1s level since the early 1990s. About I 0% of children aged Dependence is often associated with (i) tolerance to
10-15 arc regular smokers. Curren tly, there are about 1.1 billion the drug, which can arise by various biochemical
'moker' in the world ( 18% of the popu lation), and the number in mechanisms; (ii) a physical abstinence syndrome,
ile1eloping countries is increasing rapidly. Five trillion (5 x 10 12) which varies in type and intensity for different classes
,Jgarettes arc sold each year, about 5000 per smoker. of drug; (iii} psychological dependence (craving},
fur reviews on nicotine and smoking, see Balfour & Fagerstrom which may be associated with the tolerance-
1996) and Benowit7 ( 1996). producing btochemical changes.
Psychological dependence, which usually outlasts the
physical withdrawal syndrome, is the major factor
PHARMACOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF leading to relapse among treated addicts.
SMOKING Although genetic factors contribute to drug-seeking
i~ the only phannacologically active substance in tobacco
\llXJOJlt! behaviour, no specific genes have yet been identified.
smok apart from carcinogenic tan. and carbon monoxide (see

below). The acute effect/> of smoking can be mimicked by injection

~lOOker. adapl by smoldng more low-wr cigarettes so as to maintain their
IJI(oune consumption. of nicotine and are blocked by mecamylamine. an antagonist at
neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) (see Ch. 10).
rn'm the plant Nicotiano. named after Jean Nicot. French ambassador to
Portugal. who pre~cnted ~ccds to the French king in 1560. having been
Jl(l\uaded of the medical value of smol-.ing tobacco leaves by natives of EHects on the central nervous system
S<>uth America. Smo~ing wa~ believed to protect against illness, particularly The central c ffccl!> of nico1inc arc complex and cannot be summed
1he plag11c. up overall simply in terms of slimuJation or inhibitio n. At the 623

Clinical use of drugs in substance

~ 140
Tobacco dependence: c: 120

short-term nicotine is the drug of choice as E 100
adjunct to behavioural therapy in smokers
committed to giving up 8"'
bupropion is also effective but lowers seizure !!! 60
threshold, so is contraindicated in people with risk u
::t: 40
factors for seizures. ::>
Alcohol dependence: ::> 20
long-acting benzodiazepines (e.g. < 0
c hlordiaze poxide) can be used t o reduce 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1~

withdrawal symptoms and the risk of seizures; Fig. 4 3 .4 Cigarette c onsumption in the UK, 1900-1994.
they should be tapered over 1-2 weeks and then Numbers 1, 2 and 3 refer to publication of Royal College of
discontinued because of their abuse potential Physicians reports on smoking and health. Since 1980, the
drop In consumption has closely followed price increases.
dis ulfiram is used as an adjunct to behavioural
Since 1994, cigarette consumption has levelled off. (Data from
therapy in suitably motivated alcoholics after Ashton H, Stepney R 1982 Smoking psychology and
detoxification; it is contraindicated for patients in pharmacology. Tavistock Publications, London; Townsend 1996
whom a hypotensive acetaldehyde-induced Price and consumption of tobacco. Br Med Bull 52: 132-142.)
reaction (p. 632) would be dangerous (e.g. those
with coronary or cerebral vascular disease)
acamprosate can help to maintain abstinence; it
IS started as soon as abstinence has been
Tobacco smoking
achieved and maintained if relapse occurs, and it
is continued for 1 year.
Cigarette consumption in the UK is now
Opioid dependence:
declimng after reaching a peak in the mid-1970s.
opioid agonists or partial agonists (e.g.,
The worldwide prevalence of smoking is now about
respectively, methado ne and buprenorphine)
18% of the adult population, each smoker using on
administered orally or sublingually may be
average 5000 cigarettes per year.
substituted for injectable narcotics, many of
Nicotine is the only pharmacologically active agent ~
whose harmful effects are attributable to the route
t obacco, apart from carcinogenic tars and carbon
of administration
naltrexone, a long-acting opioid antagonist, is
The amount of nicotine absorbed from an average
used as an adjunct to help prevent relapse in
cigarette is about 1-1.5 mg, which causes the plasma
detoxifi ed addicts (opioid-free for at least 1 week)
nicotine concentration to reach 130-200 nmol/1.
lofexidine, an u 2 agonist (ct. c lonidine; Ch. 11) is
These values depend greatly on the type of c igarette
used short term (usually up to 10 days) to
and on the extent of inhalation of the smoke.
ameliorate symptoms of opioid withdrawal, and is
then tapered over a further 2-4 days.

the number of nAChRs (an effect opposite to that produced

cellular level, nicotine acts on nAChRs of the a4 ~ 2 subtype (see sustained adminiwation of most receptor agonists), which r.
Ch. 3-l), which are widely expressed in the brain, particularly in represent an adaptive response to prolonged receptor desensiti\Jll
the corte:< and hippocampus, and are believed to play a role in It is likely that the O\'erall effect of nicotine reflects a baL
cognitive function, as well as in the ventraltegmemal area, from between activation of nAChRs. causing neuronal excitation.
which dopaminergic neurons project to the nucleus accumbens desenl.itisation. causing synaptic block.
(the reward pathway, 1>ee above). These receptors are ligand-gated At the spinal level, nicotine inhibits spinal reflexes, cau'
cation channels located both pre- and postsynaptically, causing, skeletal muscle relaxation that can be measured by elecc
respectively, enhanced tran!>mitter release and neuronal excitation myography. This may be due to stimulation of the inhibit
(sec Wonnacott et al., 2005). As well as activating the receptors, Renshaw cells in the ventral horn of the spinal cord. The htgl
nicotine also causes de11ensitisation, which may be an important level functioning of the brain, as reflected in the subjective ~c
component of it~ effects, because the effects of a dose of nicotine of alertness or by the electroencephalography (EEG) pattern,c
are diminished in animals after sustained exposure to the drug. be affected in either direction by nicotine, according to dose
624 Chronic nicotine administration leads to a substantial increase in circumstances. Smokers report that smoking wakes them up 11ft

~) are drowsy and calms them down when they are tense. and the posterior pituitary cause~ a decrease in urine flow. The plasma
fiG recordings broadly bear this out. 1t also seems that small concentration of free fatty acids is increased. probably owing to
iJse, of nicotine tend to cause arousal. whereas large doses do sympathetic stimulation and adrenaline secretion.
!be re\crse. Test~ of motor and sen<;ory perfom1ance (e.g. reaction Smokers weigh, on average. about 4 kg less than non-smokers,
me measurements or' igilance tests) in humans generally show mainly becau e of reduced food intake; giving up smoking usually
rrmement after smoking. and nicotine enhances learning in causes weight gain associated with increased food intake.
, Some elabomte tests have been conducted to see. for example.
lletherthe effect of nicotine on performance and aggression varies
:~.:.ording to the amount of stress. In one such test. the subject
fiN has to name the colours of a series of squares (low stress). An average cigarette contains about 0.8 g of tobacco and 9-17 mg
:\!then ha\ to name the colours in which the names of other of nicotine, of which about 10% is normally absorbed by the smoker.
u11011ll are v.'litten (high stress). The diiTerence between the scores, This fraction varies greatly with the habits of the smoker and the
n:lk'l:ting the extent by which performance is affected by stress, was type of cigarette.
J1min i~hed by smoking. Some tests border on nasty- mindedness, Nicotine in cigarette smoke is rapidly absorbed from the lungs
~u~h as one in which subjects played a complicated logical game but poorly from the mouth and nasopharynx. Therefore inhalation is
11itb a computer that ini tia ll y played fair and then began to cheat requi red to give appreciable absorption of nicotine, each puff
r.mdom ly, causing stress and aggressio n in the su bjects and a de li veli ng a distinct bolus of drug to the CNS. P ipe or cigar smoke
dtdine in the ir perfonnance. Smoking. it was reported, did not is less acidic than cigarette smoke. and the nicotine tends to be
educe the anger but did reduce the decline in perfonnance. absorbed from the mouth and nasopharynx rather than the lungs.
~icotine and other agoniMs such as epibatidine (Ch. 41) have Absorption is considerably slower than from inhaled cigarette
gmficant analgesic activity. smoke, resulting in a later and longer lasting peak in the plasma
nicotine concentration (Fig. 43.5). An average cigarette, smoked
Peripheral eHects over 10 minutes. causes the plasma nicotine concentration to rise
Tie peripheral effech of small doses of nicotine result from to 15-30 ng/ml (I 00-200 nmoVI). falling to about half within I0
\lllllulation of autonomic ganglia (see Ch. 10) and of peripheral minutes and then more slowly over the next 1-2 hours. The rapid
~en-ol) receptors. mainly in the heart and lungs. Stimulation of decline results mainly from redistribution between the blood and
lbe-ie receptors elicit!> various autonomic retlex responses, causing other tissues; the slower decline is due to hepatic metabolism,
txh}cardJa. mcrcased cardiac output and increased arterial pressure. mainly by oxidation to an inactive ketone metabolite, cotinine. This
mluwon of ga~trointe~tinal motility. and sweating. When people has a long pla\ma half-life, and measurement of plasma cotinine
1111\'ke for the fir~t time, they u~ually experience nausea and concentration provides a lll.eful measure of smoking behaviour.
1om~ume\ vomit, probably becau~e of stimulation of sensory A nicmine patch applied for 24 hours causes the plasma concen-
.~eptors in the stomach. All these effects decline with repeated tration to ri~e to 75 150 nmol/1 over 6 hours and to remain fairly
JNgc. although the cemral effects remain. Secretion of adrenaline constant for about 20 hours. Administration by nasal spray or
JJ1J noradrenaline from the adrenal medulla contributes to the chewing gum resu lts in a time course intermediate between that
,ardiovaseular effects, and release of antidiuretic hormone from of smoking and the nicotine patch.

s0 Cigarette
0 100
Fig. 43.5 Nicotine
concentration in plasma during l
smoking. The subjects were E
habitual smokers who smoked a a:
c~garette, cigar or pipe according to
their usual habit. (From Bowman W
C, Rand M 1980 Chapter 4. In: 0
Textbook of pharmacology. 0 20 40 60 80 100
Blackwell, Oxford.) Minutes after commencement of smoking


Pharmacology of nicotine '),l
As with other dependence-producing drugs, three separate but c,
related processes-tolerance, physical dependence and psy- At a cellular level, nicotine acts on nicotinic I (I
chological dependence-contribute to the overall state of depen- acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs), mainly of the <14 ~ co
dence. in which tal.ing the drug becomes compulsive. subtype, to cause neuronal excitation. Its central 20
The effect'> of nicotine associated with peri pheral ganglionic effects are blocked by receptor antagonists such as
stimulation show rapid tolerance, perhap5 as a result of de~ensi mecamylamine.
tisation of nAChRs by nicotine. With large doses of nicotine. this At the behavioural level, nicotine produces a mixture
deseusitisation produces a block of ganglionic transmission rather of inhibitory and excitatory effects.
than stimulation (see Ch. 10). Tolerance to the central effects of Nicotine shows reinforcing properties, associated
nicotine (e.g. in the arousal response) is much less than in the with increased activity in the mesolimbic
periphery. The increase in the number of nicotinic receptors in dopaminergic pathway, and self-administration can
the brain produced by chronic nicotine administration in animals be elicited in animal studies. ca
(see above) also occurs in heavy smokers. Because the cellular Electroencephalography changes show an arousal II/I
effects of nicotine arc diminished, it is possiblc that the additional response, and subjects report increased alertness in
binding sites represent desensitised rather than functional receptors. accompanied by a reduction of anxiety and tension. thl
The addictiveness of smoking is due solely to nicotine. Rats Learning, particularly under stress, is facilitated by Cll
choose to drink diiULe nicotine solution in preference to water if nicot1ne.
given a choice. and in a situation in which lever pressing causes Peripheral effects of nicotine are due mainly to
an injection of nicotine to be delivered. they quickly learn to ~elf ganglionic stimulation: tachycardia, increased blood
administer it. Similarly, monkeys who have been trained to smoke. pressure and reduced gastrointestinal motility.
by providing a reward in response to smoking behaviour, will Tolerance develops rapidly to these effects. pr
continue to do so spontaneously (i.e. unrewarded) if the smoking Nicotine is metabolised, mainly in the liver, within IO
medium contains nicotine, but not if nicotine-free tobacco is offered 1-2 hours. The inactive metabolite, cotinine, has a
instead. Like other addictive drugs (see above). nicotine causes long plasma half-life and can be used as a measure is
excitation of the mesolimbic rC\\.ard pathway and increased of smoking habits. l/{l
dopamine release in the nucleus accumbcn~. Transgenic mice lack- Nicotine gives rise to tolerance, physical dependence the
ing the ~2 subunit of the acetylcholine receptor lose the rewarding and psychological dependence (craving), and is th)
effect of nicotine and its dopamine-releasing effect, confirming highly addictive. Attempts at long-term cessation pet
the role of tl1is nAChR subtype and mesolimbic dopamine release in succeed in only about 20% of cases. (h)
t11e response to nicotine. In contrast to normal mice, the mutant mice Nicotine replacement therapy (chewing gum or skin
could not be induced to self-administer nicotine. e\'en though they patch preparations) improves the chances of giving
did so with cocaine. Further evidence implicating brain nAChRs up smok1ng but only when combined with active
in the addictive property of nicotine come~ from experiments with counselling.
mecamylamine, an antagonist at nAChRs. If monkeys arc habitu-
ated to tobacco smoking so that they choose to puff 1.moke in
preference to air. administration of mecamylamine causes them
to switch to puffi ng air instead of smoke.
A physical withdrawal syndrome occurs in both human~ and ll
experimental animals accustomed to regular nicotine administration. (in
Its main features arc increased irritabil ity. impaired performance 25
of psychomotor tasks, aggressiveness and sleep disturbance. The to be 40%, compared with 15% for non-smokers. For a ree.
withdrawal syndrome is much less severe than that produced by analysis, sec Peto et al. ( 1996). Smoking is, by a large margin, lh
opiates, and it can be alleviated not only by nicotine but also by biggest preventable cause of death, responsible for about I in Par
amphetamine, a fi nding consistent with the postulated role of adult deaths worldwide. Apart from AIDS, smoking is the on nlln- ~

dopamine in the reward pathway. The nicotine withdrawal S) ndrome major cause of death that is increasing rapidly. Tn 1990. smob;
lasts for 2-3 weeks, although the craving for cigareues persists for was responsible for I 0% (3 mi llion out of 30 million) of dea
much longer than this: relapses during attempts to give up cigarette worldwide; by 2030, this is expected to increase to 17o/r ( 10 millt.
smoking occur most commonly at a time when the physical out of 60 million), mainly due to the growth of smoking in AsL.
withdrawal syndrome has long since subsided. Africa and Lat in America (Peto et al., 1999).
The main health risks are as follow.
Cancer, particularly of the lung and upper respiratory traer
but also of the oesophagus, pancreas and bladder. Smokin.
The life expectancy of smokers is shorter than that of non-smokers. 20 cigarettes per day is estimated to increase the ri-,1. of lu
For example, in a 1971 study of British doctors, the proportion of cancer about 10-fold. About 90% of lung cancers are cauo<..
626 heavy smokers dying between the ages of 35 and 65 was estimated by smoking. Pipe and cigar smoking carry much l es~ risk

than cigarene smoking, although the risk is stiiJ appreciable. for the high cancer ri!.J... It i!. likely that the variou'> irritant
Tar. rather than nicotine. is responsible for the cancer risk. substance are also responsible for the increase in bronchiti!>
Coronary heart disease and other forms of peripheral and emphysema.
ra~cular disease. The mortal ity among men aged 55-64 from Nicotine probably accounts for retarded fetal development
coronary thrombosis is about 60% greater in men who smoke because of its vasoconstrictor properties.
20 cigarettes per day than in non-smokers. Although the Carbon monoxide. The average carbon monoxide content of
increase in risk is less than it i!> for lung cancer, the actual cigarette smoke is about 3%. Carbon monoxide has a high
number of excess death1> associated with smoking is larger. affin ity for haemoglobin, and the average carboxyhaemoglobin
because coronary heart disease b '>0 common. Other kinds of content in the blood of cigarette ~mokers is about 2.51k
\a..cular disease (e.g. stroke. intermittent claudication and (compared with 0.4% for non-'>moking urban dwellers). In
diabetic gangrene) are also !.trongly 1>moking-related. Many very heavy smokers, up to 15q, of haemoglobin may be
'ltudie~ have suggested that nicotine is mainly responsible for carboxylated, a level that affects feta l development in rats.
the adverse effect of smoking on the incidence of This factor may also contribute to the increased incidence of
cardiovascular disease. Another factor may be carbon heart and vascular disease. Fetal haemoglobin has a higher
IIUIIJOxide (see below). Surprisingly, there is no clear increase affinity for carbon monox ide than adult haemoglobin. and the
in ischaemic heart disease in pipe and cigar smokers, even proportion of carboxyhaemoglobin is higher in fetal than in
though similar blood nicotine and carboxyhaemoglobin maternal blood.
concentrations are reached, suggesting that nicotine and Increased oxidative stress may be responsible for atherogenesi.\'
carbon monoxide may not be the only causative factors. (Ch. 20) and chronic obstructive lung disease (Ch. 23).
Chronic bronchitis. Chronic bronchitis is much more
Low-tar cigarettes gi'e a lower yield of bOLh tar and nicotine than
common in smokers than in non-smokers. Nonetheless. in
standard cigarettes. However. it has been shown that smoken puff
contrast to lung cancer, chronic bronchitis has declined in
harder, inhale more, and smoke more cigarettes when low-tar
pre\'alence over the past 50 year!>. This is generally attri buted
brands are substituted for standard brands. The end result may be
to cleaner air and other social changes, and smoking now
a slightly reduced intake of tar and nicotine but an increase in
appcan to be the most important remaining cause. Its effect
carbon monoxide intake, with no net gain in terms of safety.
i ~ probably due to tar and other irritants rather than nicotine.
llannful effects in pregnancy. Smoking, particularly during
the latter half of pregnancy, significantly reduces birth weight
(by about 8% in women who smoke 25 or more cigarettes
per day during pregnancy) and increases perinatal mortality
tby an estimated 28% in babies born to mothers who smoke Most smokers would like to quit. but few succeed.~ The most
in the last half of pregnancy). There is evidence that children successful smoking cure clinics. u!.ing a combination of p\ycho-
bom to smoking mothers remain behind, in both physical and logical and pharmacological treatments, achieve a succe!.s rate of
mental development, for at least 7 years. By I I years of age,
the difference is no longer significant. These effects of
~moking, although measurable, arc much smaller than the
effects of other factors, such as social class and birth order. Harmful effects of smoking
Various other complications of pregnancy are also more
common in women who smoke. including spontaneous Smoking accounts for about 10% of deaths
abortion (increased 30-70% by !>moki ng). premature delivery worldwide, mainly due to:
(mcrea.,ed about 40%) and placenta praevia (increased cancer, especially lung cancer, of which about
25 90%). Nicotine is excreted in breast milk in sufficient 90% of cases are smoking-related; carcinogenic
amounts to cause tachycardia in the infant. tars are responsible
ischaemic heart disease; both nicotine and carbon
10 Parkinson's disease is approximately twice as common in
monoxide may be responsible
nly non-~mokers as in smokers. It is possible that this reflects a
-chronic bronchitis; tars are mainly responsible.
ing protective effect of nicotine. but it could be that common genetic
Smoking in pregnancy reduces birth weight and
ths or environmental factors underlie smoking behaviour and sus-
retards childhood development. It also increases
jon ceptibility to Parkinson's disease. Symptoms from inflammatory
abortion rate and perinatal mortality. Nicotine and
>ia. ho~rel disease may be reduced by cigarette smoking. Earlier
possibly carbon monoxide are responsible.
reports that Alzheimer's disease is less common in smokers have
The incidence of Parkinson's disease is lower in
not been confirmed.
smokers than in non-smokers.
The agents probably responsible for the harmful effects are as

Tar and irritallfs, such as nitrogen dioxide and formaldehyde.

Cigarette smoke tar contains many known carcinogenic 4
Freud tried unsucces;full y to give up cigars for 45 years before dyi ng of
hydrocarbons, as well as tumour promoters, which account ca ncer of the mouth at the age of 83.

about 25%, measured a~ the percentage of patients still abstinent patch. and is about as effective as nicotine substitution in
after I year. The two main pharmacological treatments (sec assisting abstinence. The side effects of clonidine
George & O'Malley, 2004) are nicotine replacem ent therapy (hypotension, dry mouth. drowsiness) are troublesome.
and bupro pio n (also used to treat depression: see Table 39.2). however. and it is not widely used.
icotine replacement therapy is used mainly to assist smokers T ricyclic a ntidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake
to quit by relic' ing the p!.ychological and physical withdrawal inhibitors and mo noamine oxidase inhibitors. u~ed mam
syndrome. Because nicotine is relatively shon-acting and not well as antidcpre~\ants (Ch. 39). The rationale may be that
absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. it is given either in the dcpres!>ivc epbodes. which often lead to resumption of
form of chewing gum. u~ed several times daily. or as a tnmsdcrmal smoJ...ing, are prevented.
patch that is replaced daily. These preparations cause various side Mecamyla mine, which antagonises the effects of nicottne.
effects, particularly nausea and gastrointestinal cramps. cough, not promising. Small doses actually increase smoking.
insomnia and muscle pain~. There is a risk that nicotine may cause presumably because the antagonism can be overcome by
coronary spasm in patients with herut disease. Traosdermal patches increa.,ing the amount of nicotine. Larger doses of
often cause local irritation and itching. The conclusion of many mecamylamine, which abolish the effects of nicotine more
double-blind trials of nicotine against placebo is that these prep- effectively, have many autonomic side effects (see Ch. 10),
arations, combined with professional counselling and supportive and compliance is poor. The rationale is questionable
therapy, roughly double the chances of successfully breaking the because, a lthoug h mecamylamine reduces the reward effect
smoking habit, but the success rate measured as abstinence I year of nicotine, it does not affect the craving associated with
after ceasing treatment is still only about 25%. Nicotine on its own. abstinence.
without counselling and \upport, is no more effective than placebo,
A new approach to the treatment of drug dependence. '0 far
so its u~e a~ an over-the-counter smoking remedy has little justifi-
applied mainly to nicotine and cocaine, is the development
cation. Although of limited value as an aid w abstinence. the
vaccines (see Bunce et al.. 2003) consisting of the drug mokcu
long-tenn u~ of nicotine can significandy reduce cigarette con-
complcxcd to a protein. Antibodie!> produced in respon""<:
sumption by smokers. In Sweden. the use of smokeless tobacco' is
injection of the complex also bind the free drug, there'
encouraged and smoking-related death rate is much lower than
preventing it from reaching the brain. This strategy is effeclt\e
elsewhere in Europe or 1 onh America.
animal model!> involving self-administration, and clinical trial
The identification of the aJ~ 2 nAChR subtype as the putative
humans arc in progrc!>s.
'nicotine receptor' in the brain may allow selective agonists to be
developed as nicotine !>ubstitutcs ""'ith fewer side effects, but this
remains theoretical at present. ETHANOL
Bupropion (Ch. 39). in recent trials, appears to be as effective
as nicotine replacement therapy. even in non-depressed patients. Judged on a molar basis, the consumption of elhanol far exceo
and ha~ fewer side effects. However. bupropion lowers the that of any other dmg. The ethanol content of various drink" ran1,
seizure threshold so shou ld not be prescribed if there are other from about 2.5% (weak beer) to about 55% (strong spirit~). a
risk factors for seitures (including other dmgs that lower seizure the size of the normal mea!>ure is such that a single drink usuall
thre!lhold). It is also contraindicated if there is a history of eating contains about 8- l2 g (0. 17-0.26 moles) of ethanol. It is byn
disorders or of bipolar mood disorder. and is used only with means unusual to consume 1-2 moles at a sitting. equivalent h
caution in patients with liver or renal disease. Because of these about 0.5 kg of most other drugs. l ts low pharmacological poten(.
problems, nicotine remains the pharmacological treatment of is reflected in the range of plasma concentrations needed to prod111.
choice in mo~t ca~e~. pham1acological effects: minimal effects occur at about I0 mmn
Bupropion may act by increa~ing dopamine activity in the (46 mg/1 00 ml), and I 0 time& this concentration may be leth
nuclew, accumben~. It is a weak blocker of dopan1ine and The average per capita ethanol consumption in European countne<
noradrenaline uptake, but it i'> not clear that this accounts for its is about I 0 litre~year (expre!>~ed as pure ethanol), a figure tit:
efficacy in treating nicotine dependence. It is usually given as a ha~ changed little over the past 20 years, the main change ha11
slow-rclca<,e formulation. been a growing consumption of wine in preference to beer
Many other drugs have been tested clinically and shown to be For practical purposes, ethanol intake is often expres<;ed
useful in some ca.,es. They include the following. term~ of unit'>. One unit is equal to 8 g (I 0 mJ) of ethanol. and
the amount contained in half a pint of normal strength lx'er,
Clonidine, an a 2-adrenoceptor agonist (see Ch. II). which mca~ure of !>pirits or one small glao;s of wine. Based on the he;
reduces the withdrawal effect!> of several dependence- risk~ described below, the current official recommendation 11
producing drugs. including opioids and cocaine. as well as maximum of 21 units/week for men and 14 units/week for womct
nicotinc.1 Clonidine may be given orally or as a transdcrmal It b estimated that in the UK, about 33% of men and 131J'
women exceed these levels. The annual tax revenue from dn
amount!> to about 7 bi II ion. whereas the health cost is estimat'
at 3 billion. and the social cost undoubtedly greater. Government
~h also reduce~ po<,tmcnopau;a l flushing. which may represent a in rno!>l developed countries arc attempting to curb alcooo
628 physiological oc~trogcn withdrawal re:.ponse. consumption.

PHARMACOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF ETHANOL the mood tends to become highly labile. with euphoria and melan-
choly, aggression and submi~sion. often occurring successively. The
EHects on the central nervous system association between alcohol and violence is well documented.
T'le main effect<; of ethanol arc on the CNS (see review by Chamess Intellectual and motor performance and sensory discrimination
ttal.. 1989), where its depressant actions resemble those of volatile sho11 uniform impairment by ethanol. but subjects are generally
aM,thetic~ (Ch. 36). At a cellular level. the effect of ethanol unable to judge this for themselves. For example. bus dri1ers were
b pure!) dcprc.,.,ant, although it increases neuronal activi!)'- asked to drive through a gap that they selected as the minimum
pre,umabl) by di'>inhibition- in l>Omc parts of the CNS. notably for their bus to pass through: ethanol caused them not only to hit
mthe mc'>olimbic dopaminergic neurons that are involved in the the barrier' more often at any given gap l>etting. but also to set the
1\ reward pathway described above. The main theories of ethanol gap to a narrower dimension, often narrower than the bus.
action (sec reviews by Liule, 1991; Lovinger. 1997; Tabakoff & Much effort ha~ gone into measuring the effect of ethanol on
Huffman, 1996) are: driving performance in real life. as opposed to artificial tests under
experimental conditions. In an American study of city drivers, it
o enhancement of GABA-mcdiated inhibition, similar to the
was found that the probability of being involved in an accident was
action of bcnzodiazepines (sec Ch. 37)
unaffected at blood ethano l concentrations up to 50 mg/ 100 ml
o inhibition of Cah entry through voltage-gated calcium channels
(I 0.9 mmol/1); by 80 mg/1 00 ml ( 17.4 mmol/1), the probability was
o mhibition of NMDA receptor function
increased about fourfold, and by 150 mg/100 mJ (32.6 mmol/1)
o inhibition of adenosine transport.
about 25-fold. In the UK, driving with a blood ethanol concen-
Fthanol enhances the action of GABA acting on GABAA receptors tration greater than 80 mg/100 ml constitutes a legal offence.
10 a 'imilar way to benzodiazepincs (sec Ch. 37). Its effect is, The rclation~hip between pla~ma ethanol concentration and
bllllever, \maller and lesc, consistent than that of benzodiazepincs, effect is highly variable. A given concentration produces a larger
l!l1d no clear effect on inhibitory synaptic transmission in the CNS effect when the concentration is rising than when it is steady or
h;t, lx-en demonwatcd for ethanol. The beruodiazepine antagonist falling. A subMantial degree of tissue tolerance develops in habitual
numazenil ('>ce Ch. 37) reverses the central depressant actions of drinker\, with the re~ult that a higher plasma ethanol concen-
ethanol, but thi-. appear' to re,ult from physiological antagonism tmtion i'> needed to produce a given effect (see below). In one study,
rather than from a direct pharmacological interaction. The use of gro'>!> intoxication' (a~~es~ed by a battery of tests that measured
rlumazcnil to rcvcr\e ethanol intoxication and treat dependence speech. gait and so on) occurred in 30% of subjects between
Ill' not found favour for several reasons. Because flumazenil is 50 and I 00 mgt I00 ml and in 90% of subjects with more than
.m 10\l!f\C agonist (see Ch. 2) at ben7odiazepine receptors. it carries 150 mg/100 mi. Coma generally occurs at about 400 mg/100 ml,
101~ of causing -.ei7ures, and it could cause an increase in et:hanol and death from re'>piratory failure is likely at leveb exceeding
CllO\Umption and thus increase long-term toxic manifestations. 500 mg/100 mi.
~d., Ethanol inhibih tran-.mitter release in response to nerve terminal In addition to the acute effects of ethanol on the nervous system,
gc" .!.:polarisation by inhibiting the opening of voltage-sensitive calcium chronic administration also causes irreversible neurological effects
md channels in neurons. (see Harper & Matsumoto, 2005). These may be due to ethanol
ully The excitatory effects of glutamate arc inhibited by ethanol at itself, or to metabolites such as acetaldehyde or fatty acid esters.
no concentrations that produce CNS depressant effects in vivo. NMDA The majority of heavy drinkers develop irreversible dementia and
,t to receptor activation is inhibited at lower ethanol concentrations motor impairment associated with thinning of the cerebral cortex
!ncy than are required to affect AMPA receptors (see Ch. 34). Other (apparent as ventricular en largement) detectable by brain-
Jucc effect~ produced by ethanol include an enhancement of the imaging techniques. Degeneration in the cerebellum and other
nol/1 mitatory effects produced by activation of nAChRs and 5-HT3 specific brain regions can also occur, as well as peripheral
,hal. ri.'Ceptors. The relative importance of these various effects in the neuropathy. Some of these changes are not due to ethanol itself
trie" 01erall effect'> of ethanol on C S function is not clear at present. but to accompanying thiamine deficiency, which is common in
that The depressant effects of ethanol on neuronal function resemble alcoholics.
1ing tho'e of adenosine acting on A 1-receptors (see Ch. 12). Ethanol Ethanol significantly enhances-sometimes to a dangerous
11etll culture systems increases extracellular adenosine by inhibiting extent the CNS depres\ant effecL<> of many other drugs, including
::l in ~eno,me uptake, and there is some evidence that inhibition of benzodiazepines, antidepressants. antipsychotic drugs and opiate\.
id j-, !be adeno'>ine tr..tnsporter may account for some of irs CNS effecL<>
one \lelendeL & Kalivas, 2004). EHects on other systems
alth Endogenous opioids also play a role in the CNS effects of ethanol, The main acute cardiovascular effect of ethanol is to produce
IS a ~':lU\C both human and animal studies show that the opioid recep- cutaneou\ va.,odilatation. central in origin, which causes a warm
nen. :or antagonist na ltrexone reduces the reward associated with feeling but actually increa~es heat loss. Paradoxically, there is a
~ of ethanol. positive correlation between ethanol consumption and hypertension,
rink The effects of acute ethanol intoxication in humans are well possibly bccau;,c ethanol withdrawal causes increased sympathetic
lltcd known and include 11lu rred speech, motor incoordination, increased activity. The beneficial effect of moderate drinking on cardio-
ent" ~elf-confidence and euphoria. The effect on mood varies among vascular function is discussed below.
)hoi Individuals, most becoming louder and more outgoing, but some Ethano l increa!>es salivary and gastric secretion. This is partly
becoming morose and withdrawn. At higher levels of intoxication, a retlex effect produced by the taste and irritant action of ethanol. 629

However, heavy consumption of spiri~ causes damage directly to concentration of the liver enzyme y-glutamyl transpcptida~ IS
the ga!>tric mucosa, caw.ing chronic gastritis. Both this and the provides an index of liver damage, although not specific to ethanv
incrca~ed acid ~ecretion are factors in the high incidence of gastric
bleeding in alcoholic\. EHects on lipid metabolism, platelet function
Ethanol produce~ a variety of endocrine effec~. In panieular, and atherosclerosis
it increa..es the output of adrenal Meroid hormones by stimulating Moderate drinking reduces mortality associated with coronJI)
the anterior pituitary gland to ~rete adrenocorticoll'Ophic hom1one. heart di\ease. the maximum effect- about 30% reduction L
However, the increase in plasma hydrocortisone usually seen in mortality overall-being achieved at a level of 2-3 unitvu..
alcoholics (producing a 'pseudo-Cushing's syndrome'; Ch. 28) is (sec Grocnbaek et al., 1994). The effect is much more pronOU!ll.'t<
due partly to inhibition by ethanol of hydrocortisone metabolism (> SO% reduction) in men with high plasma concentration\ d
in the liver. l ow-dcn ~ity lipoprotein cholesterol (sec Ch. 20). 6 Most e'iden,,
Diure!>i'> is a familiar effect of ethanol. It is caused by inhibition suggeMs that ethanol. rather th:m any speci fie beverage, such 61
of antidiuretic hormone secretion, and tolerance develops rapidly, red wine, is the essential factor.
so that the diurcsi~> is not sustained. There is a similar inhibition Two mechanisms have been proposed. The first involves the
of oxytocin secretion, which can delay parturition. Attempts have effect of ethanol on the plasma lipoproteins that are the carrier
been made to use this effect in premature labour, but the dose molecules for cholesterol and other lipids in the bloodstream
needed is large enough to cause obvious drunkenness in the mother. (see Ch. 20). Epidemiological studies, as well as studies on
If the baby is born prematurely despite the ethanol, it too may be volunteers, have shown that ethanol, in daily doses too small
intoxicated at birth, sufficiently for respiration to be depressed. to produce obvious CNS effects, can over the course of a fe~
The procedure evidently has serious disadvantages. wecl,s increase plasma high-density lipoprotein concentrauo
Chronic male alcoholics are often impotent and show signs of thus exerting a protective effect against atheroma formation.
feminisation. This is associated with impaired testicular steroid Ethanol may also protect against iscbaemic heart di3Ca\e b)
symhesi<., but induction of hepatic microsomal enzymes by ethanol, inhibiting platelet aggregation. This effect occurs at ethanol concen-
and hence an increa~ed rate of testosterone inactivation. also trations in the range achieved by normal drinking in hum:m
contribute<.. (I 0-20 mmoVl) and probably re:.ults from inhibition of arachidonit
acid formation from phospholipid. In humans, the magnitudeof
EHects of ethanol on the liver the effect depends critically on dietary fat intake, and it is not yet
Together with brain damage, liver damage is the most serious clear how important it is clinically.
long-term con\equence of excessive ethanol consumption (see
Lieber, 1995). In the \equence of effects. increased fat accumulation The eHect of ethanol on fetal development
(fauy liver) progresse!. to hepatitis (i.e. inflan1mation of the liver) The adverse effect of ethanol consumption during pregnane) oa
and eventually to irrever!.ible hepatic necrosis and fibrosis. Diver- fetal development wa& demonstrated in the early 1970s, when the
sion of portal blood fl ow around the fibrotic liver often causes term fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) was coined.
oesophageal varices to develop, which can bleed suddenly and The features of full FAS include:
cata:,trophically. Increased fat accumulation in the liver occurs,
abnormal facial development, with wide-set eyes, short
in rats or in humans, after u single large dose of ethanol. The
palpebral fissures and small cheekbones
mechanism is complex, the main fuctors being:
reduced cranial circumference
increased release of fatty acids from adipose tissue, which is retarded growth
the result of increased stress, causing sympathetic discharge mental retardation and behavioural abnormalities, often taking
impaired fatty acid oxidation, because of the metabolic load the form of hyperactivity and difficulty with social integration
imposed by the ethanol itself. other anatomical abnormalities, which may be major or minor
(e.g. congenital cardiac abnormalities, malformation of the
With chronic ethanol con~umption, many other factors contribute
eyes and ears).

to the liver damage. One is malnutrition, for alcoholic individuals
may sati-.fy much of their calorie requirement from ethanol itself. A lesser degree of impairment. termed alcohol-relm
Three hundred granlS of ethanol (equivalent to one bottle of whisky) neurode1e/opmenta/ disorder (ARND), results in beha\iour:
provide!. about 2000 kcal but, unlike a normal diet. it provides no problems, and cognitive and motor deficits. often associated \lilh
vitamins. amino acids or fatty acids. Thiamine deficiency is an reduced brain size. Full FAS occurs in about 3 per 1000 111~
important factor in causing chronic neurological dan1age (see births and affects about 30% of children born w alcoholic motht
above). The hepatic changes occurring in alcoholics are partly due Tt is rare with mothers who drink less than about 5 units/da}. aoo
to chronic malnutrition but mainly to the cellular toxicity of ethanol, most common in 'binge drinkers' who sporadically consume mlli.
which promote!> inflammatory changes in the liver. larger amounts. resulting in high peak levels of ethanol. AR\D
The overall incidence of chronic liver disease is a function of
cumulative ethanol consumption over many years. Therefore
overall consumption, expressed as g/kg of body weight per day lrfhis beneficial effect of moderate drinking outweighs the ri sk of adver~e
multiplied by years of drinking, provides an accurate predictor effect~ (e.g. acciden t~. cancers, liver damage) only in men over 45 and
630 of the incidence of cirrhosis. An increase in the plasma women over 55.

~about three times as common. Although there is no clearly PHARMACOKINETIC ASPECTS

dehned ,afe thre~hold, there is no evidence that amounts Jess than
about 2 unillJday are hannful. There is no critical period during Metabolism of ethanol
pt'g11ill1Cy \\hen ethanol con!-.umption is likely to lead to FAS, Ethanol i., rapidly absorbed. an appreciable amount being
ahhough one '>tudy '>ugge~L'> that FAS incidence correlates most absorbed from the stomach. A substantial fraction is cleared by
strong!} wuh ethanol consumption very early in pregnancy, even first-pass hepatic metabolism. Hepatic metabolism of ethanol
before pregnancy is recogni!>ed. implying that not only pregnant shows saturation 1-.inetic<, (see Ch. 8) at quite low ethanol
v.01111:n. but abo \\.Omen who are likely to become pregnant. must concentrations, o the fraction of ethanol removed decreases as
be ;}(hi..ed not to drink heavily. Experiments on rats and mice the concentration reaching the liver increases. Thus. if ethanol
~ugge't that the effect on facial development may be produced absorption i. rapid and portal vein concentration is high, most of
hce \Cl} early in pregnancy (up to 4 weeks in humans). while the effect the ethanol escapes into the systemic circulation. whereas with
a!\ llll ~rain development is produced rather later (up to I 0 weeks). slow absorption more is removed by first-pass metabolism. This
Other adve~e effect!. of chronic ethanol consumption include is one reason why drinking ethanol on an empty stomach
the ga,tritis, associated with increased acid secretion and the direct produces a much greater pharmacological effect. Ethanol is
rier antant effect of ethanol; immunosuppression, leading to increased quickly distributed throughout the body water, the rate of its
mcidencc of infections such as pneumonia; and increased cancer redistribution depending mainly on the blood flow to individual
mk. particularly of the mouth, larynx and oesophagus. ti ssues, as with volatile anaesthetics (see Ch. 36).
Ethanol is about 90% metabolised. 5-10% being excreted
unchanged in expired air and in urine. This fraction is not
on. phamlacokinctically significant but provides the basis for estimating
ltfecta of ethanol blood ethanol concentration from measurements on breath or
b) urine. The rmio of ethanol concentrations in blood and alveolar
en- Ethanol consumption is generally expressed in air, mea~ured at the end of deep expiration, is relatively constant,
... units of 10 ml (8 g) of pure ethanol. Per capita 80 mg/100 ml of ethanol in blood producing 35 !Lg/100 ml in
mic consumption in Europe is about 10 Vyear. expired air, this being the basi~ of the breathalyser test. The concen-
of Ethanol acts as a general central nervous system tration in urine is more variable and provides a le s accurate measure
)l!t depressant, similar to volatile anaesthetic agents, of blood concentration.
producing the familiar effects of acute intoxication. Ethanol metabolism occurs alrno!>t entirely in the liver, and mainly
Several cellular mechanisms are postulated: inhibition by a pathway involving successive oxidations, first to acetaldehyde
of calcium channel opening, enhancement of GABA and then to acetic acid (Fig. 43.6). Since ethanol is often consumed
on action, and inhibitory action at NMDA-type glutamate in large quantities (compared with most drugs), l-2 moles daily
the receptors. being by no means unusual. it constillltes a substantial load on
Effective plasma concentrations: the hepatic oxidative systems. The oxidation of 2 moles of ethanol
threshold effects: about 40 mg/1 00 ml (5 mmol/1) consumes about I .5 kg or the cofactor nicotinamide adenine
- severe intoxication: about 150 mg/1 00 ml dinucleotide (NAD+). Availability ofNAD+ limits the rate of ethanol
- death from respiratory failure: about 500 mg/1 00 mi. oxidation to about 8 g/hour in a normal adult, independently of
Main peripheral effects are self- limiting diuresis ethanol concentration (Fig. 43.7), causing the process to show
(reduced antidiuretic hormone secretion), cutaneous saturating kinetics (Ch. 8). ll also leads to competition between
vasodilatation, and delayed labour (reduced oxytocin the ethanol and other metabolic substrates for the available NAD+
secretion). supplies, which may be a factor in ethanol-induced liver damage
Neurological degeneration occurs in heavy drinkers, (see Ch. 53). The intermediate metabolite, acetaldehyde, is a reactive
caus1ng dementia and peripheral neuropathies. and toxic compound, and this may also contribute to the
Long-term ethanol consumption causes liver disease, hepatotoxicity. A small degree of esterification of ethanol with
progressing to cirrhosis and liver failure. various fatty acids abo occurs in the tissues, and these esters may
ted Moderate ethanol consumption has a protective also contribute to long-term toxicity.
)ral effect against ischaemic heart disease. Alcohol dehydrogenase is a soluble cytoplasmic entyme.
ith Excessive consumption in pregnancy causes confined mainly to liver cells. which oxidises ethanol at the same
live impaired fetal development, associated with small time as reducing NAD.. to NADH (Fig. 43.6). Ethanol metabolism
ers. size, abnormal facial development and other physical causes the ratio of AD to 'ADH to fall. and this has other
and abnormalities, and mental retardation. metabolic con equences (e.g. increased lactate and slowing down
uch Tolerance, physical dependence and psychological of the Kreb~ cycle). The limitation on ethanol metabolism imposed
ND dependence all occur with ethanol. by the limited rate of NAD+ regeneration has led to a11empts to
Drugs used to treat alcohol dependence include find a 'sobering up' agent that works by regenerating NAD+ from
diSUlfiram (aldehyde dehydrogenase inhibitor), NADH. One such agent is fructose, which is reduced by an
naltrexone (opiate antagonist) and acamprosat e NADH-requiring enzyme. Ln large doses. it causes a measurable
(NMDA receptor antagonist). increase in the rate of ethanol metabolism, but not enough to
have a useful effect on the rate of return to sobriety. 631


Aldehyde oxidase


Fig. 43.6 Metabolism of

ethanol. NAD, nicotinamide adenine

Nearly all the acetaldehyde produced is converted to acewte

100~----r-----~---------, in the liver by aldehyde dehydrogenase (Fig. 43.6). Normall).
only a little acetaldehyde escapes from the liver. giving a blool
~ acetaldehyde concentration of20-50 J.lmol/1 after an intoxicaun.
.sc dose of ethanol in humans. The circulating acetaldehyde u~ual
Q has little or no effect. but the concentration may become muc
~c larger under certain circumstances and produce toxic ctlc~t>
g 50 This occurs if aldehyde dehydrogenase is inhibited by drugs SUl~
8 as d isulfiram . In the presence of disulfiram, which produces no
g marked effect when given alone. ethanol consumption is follo\\cu u
by a severe reaction comprising flushing, tachycardia, hyper II
ventilation. and con1>idcrable panic and distress, which is due It n
8ffi excessive acetaldehyde accumulation in the bloodstream. Th1
reaction is extremely unpleasant but not harmful, and disu lfirJOI
4 8 12 16 can be used as aversion therapy to discourage people from taking
ethanol. Some other drugs (e.g. metronid azole; sec Ch.46
produce similar reactions to ethanol. IJllcrestingly, a Chinese herb.
Fig. 4 3.7 Zero-order kinetics of ethanol elimination in p
medicine. used traditionally to cure alcoholics, contains daid7in
rats. Rats were given ethanol orally (1 04 mmol/kg) either as a d
single dose or as four divided doses. The single dose results in a specific inhibitor of aldehyde dehydrogenase. In hamqer (I
a much higher and more sustained blood ethanol (which spontaneously consume alcohol in amounts that \\OU h
concentration than the same quantity given as divided doses. defeat even the hardest two-legged drinker. while remaining. 0
Note that, after the single dose, ethanol concentration declines far as one can tell in a hamster. completely sober), daidLin marl.edh
linearly, the rate of decline being similar after a small or large
inhibit'> alcohol con~umption.
dose, because of the saturation phenomenon. (From Kalant H TO
et al. 1975 Biochem Pharmacol24: 431.)
Genetic factors Tole
In 50% of A~ian people. an inactive genetic variant of one ofltt both
aldehyde dehydrogcn~e isoforms (ALDH-2) is expressed: thN to tl
Normally. only a small amount of ethanol is metabolised by individuals experience a disulfiram-like reaction after alcoht cnnt
the microsomal mixed function oxidase system (see Ch. 8), but and the incidence of alcoholism in this group is extreme!) lo duct
induction of this sy:.tem occur:; in alcoholics. Ethanol can affect (sec Tanaka et al., 1997: Tyndale. 2003).
the metabolism of other drugs that are metabolised by the mixed
function oxidase system (e.g. phenobarbitone, warfari n and M etabolism and toxicity of methanol
steroids), with an inilial inhibitory effect produced by com- T Methanol i~ mctabolbed in the same way as ethanol but prod111
632 petition, followed by enh<mcement due to enzyme induction. formuldchydc i n~tead of acetaldehyde from the first oxidation 11

associated with tolerance to many <macsthctic agents, and alcoholics

Metabolism of ethanol arc often di ffic ult to anac~thcti sc with dmgs such as halothane.
Chronic ethanol administration produces various changes in
Ethanol 1s metabolised mainly by the liver, first C S neuron ~. which tend to oppose the acute cellular effects
by alcohol dehydrogenase to acetaldehyde, then by that it produces hce above). There is a small reduction in the
aldehyde dehydrogenase to acetate. About 25% of den!>ity of GABA, receptor.., and a proliferation of vol tage-gated
the acetaldehyde is metabolised extrahepatically. calcium channels and 1 MDA receptors. T he effect on calci um
Small amounts of ethanol are excreted in urine and channel s has received part icular attention (see Chames:. et al..
expired air. Hepatic metabolism shows saturation 1989). The acute effect of ethanol (~ee above) is to reduce Ca 2
kinetics, mainly because of limited availability of entry through voltage-gated calcium channel s. and thus to reduce
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+). Maximal transmitter release. During chronic exposure to ethanol, Ca2+
rate of ethanol metabolism is about 1 0 ml/hour. Thus entry recover~ owing to a proliferation of calcium channels, ru1d
plasma concentration falls linearly rather than when ethanol i~ withdrawn depolarisation-evoked Ca2+ entry and
exponentially. tran smitter release arc increased above normal, which is possibly
Acetaldehyde may produce toxic effects. Inhibition of associated with the physical withdrawal symptoms. Consistent
aldehyde dehydrogenase by disulfiram accentuates with thi s explanation, calcium channel- blocking dmgs of the
nausea, etc., caused by acetaldehyd e, and can be dihydropyridine type (sec Ch. 19) reduce the effects of cth<mol
used in aversion therapy. withdrawal in experimental animals (see Little, 1991).
Methanol is similarly metabolised to formic acid, A well-defined physical abstinence syndrome devel ops in
which is toxic, especially to retina. response to ethanol withdrawal. A s with most other dependence-
Asian people show a high rate of genetic producing drugs. this is probably important as a short-term factor
polymorphism of alcohol and aldehyde in sustaining the drug habit. but other (mainly psychological)
dehydrogenase, assoc1ated with alcoholism and factors are more important in the longer term. The physical
alcohol intolerance, respectively. abstinence syndrome usually subsides in a few days, but the
craving for ethanol and the tendency to relapse last for very much
The phy.,ical abstinence syndrome in humans. in severe form.
developl> after about 8 hours. l n d1e first stage, the main symptoms
are tremor, nau\ca, c;wcating, fever. and sometimes hallucinations.
!!>. These last for about 24 hours. This phase may be f ollowed by
h Fom1aldehyde io, more rcacti\e than acetaldehyde and reacts rapidly with seizures ('rum fi ts'). Over the next few days, the condition of
protemo,. cauMng the macuv:nion of enzymes involved in the tricarboxylic
0 'delirium tremens' develops. in which the patient becomes confused.
actd cycle. It b convened to another toxic metabolite. fom1ic acid. This.
id unhb.e acetic acid. cannot be ut i l i~cd i n the tricarboxylic acid cycle and i~ agitated and often aggressive, and may suffer much more severe
r- hable to cuu ~e ti!.o,uc damage. Conver,ion of alcohols to aldehydes occurs hallucinations. A similar syndrome of central and autonomic
,o not only in the l iver bu t also i n the reti na. catalysed by the dehydrogenase hyperacti vity can be produced in experimental animals by ethanol
re>pon>iblc for reti nol- retinal conversion. Formnti on of fonnaldehyde in
is withdrawal.
the retina :u.:cnunt o, for one o f the muin toxic effects of methanol. namel y
m A lcohol dependence ('alcohol ism') is common (4-5% of the
blindne'' wh ich can occur nftcr i ngc~tion of a, little as I 0 g. Form ic acid
g pmduction and derangeme nt of the tricarboxy lic ac id cyc le also produce population) and. as with smoking, difficul t to treat effectively.
>) >~:>ere ac itlo~ i ~. M ethanol io, U\Cd o~ an i ndusrrial sol vent and also to The main pharmacological approaches (sec Zemig ct al.. 1997:
uduhcrute i ndu~trial ethanol i n order to make it unfit to drink. M ethanol Table 43.2) are the following.
po1,onmg i' quite common. and it i~ tremed by admi ni;tration of large
dl~ of ethanol. which (ICb to retard methanol metabolism by competition
To alleviate the acute abstinence syndrome during 'drying
or alcohol dchydrogcna,c. Thio, is often done in conjunction with
haemodial)\i\ to rcmO\C unch:tngcd methanol. which has a small volume out'. benzodiazepines (sec Ch. 37) are effective: clonidine
of Ul\tnbution. and propr anolol arc also useful. Clonidine (aradrenoceptor
agonist) is believed to act by inhibiting the exaggerated
transmitter release that occurs during withdrawal, while
TOLERANCE AND DEPENDENCE propranolol (~-ndrenoceptor antagonist) blocks some of the
Tolerance to the effec t ~ of ethanol can be demonstrated in effects of excessive sympathetic activity.
both humans and experimental animal s, to the extent of a two- To render alcohol consumption unpleasant. disulfiram
to threefold reduction in potency occurring over 1-3 weeks of (sec above).
.:ontmuing ethanol administration. A small component of this is To reduce alcohol-induced reward, naltrexone (see above) is
due to the more rapid elimination of ethanol. The maj or component effecti ve.
I> li,sue tolerance, which accounts for a roughly twofold decrease To reduce craving, acamprosat e is used. This taurine
mpotency and which can be observed in vitro (e.g. by measuring analogue is a weak antagonist at NMDA receptors, and may
the inhibitory effect of ethanol on transmitter release from work by interfering in some way with synaptic plasticity.
~)naptosomes) as well a~ in vivo. The mechanism of this tolerance Seventl clinical trial s have shown it to improve the success
~ 633
11 not known for certain (sec Little, 199 1). Ethanol tolerance is rate in achieving alcohol abstinence, with few unwan ted effects.

6 9 -Tetrahydrocannabinol acts on cannabinoid CB 1-receptoo
Extracts of the hemp plant. Cannabis satim. which grows freely (Ch. 15), which are widely distributed in the brain, producing
in temperate and tropical regions. contain the active substance mixture of psychOLomimetic and depressant effects (see lwM
6 9 -tetrahydrocannabinol (THC; Fig. 43.8). Marijuana is the name 2003). together\\ ith variou~ centrally mediated peripheral ..ut
given to the dried leaves and flower heads. prepared as a smoking nomic effects. CB 1-receptors are typical G-protcin-coupl
mixture; ha~hi'>h is the extracted resin. For centuries. these sub- receptors (see Ch.3 ). linked to inhibition of adenylyl cycla\l!.llr
stances have been used for various medicinal purposes and as receptors are abo coupled to potassium channel activation
intoxicant preparations. Marijuana was brought to North America calcium channel inhibition. and thereby exert an inhibit<X)
by immigrants. mainly in the 19th century. and began to be regarded effect on transmitter release. These cellular effects closely re'l!mbl:
as a social problem in the early years of the 20th century; it was those of opioids. CB 1-reccptors arc abundant in the hippocampu
banned during the 1930'>. ft s use increased dramatically in the (memory impairment), cerebellum and substantia nigra (molt
1 960~. and recent figures suggest that about 15% of the adult disturbance), and mesolimbic dopamine pathways (reward),
population in America and Western Europe have taken cannabis well as in the cortex.
at some time, with a much higher proportion (close to 50%) among The main s ubjective effects in humans consist of:
teenagers and young adults. A good scientific account is given by
a fee ling of relaxation and well-being, similar to the effect of
Iversen & Snyder (2000).
ethanol but without the accompanying aggression
a feeling of sharpened sensory awareness, with sounds and
sights seeming more intense and fantastic.
These effects are similar to but usually less pronounced than lh<R
Cannabis extract~ contain numerous related compounds. called
produced by p!.ychotomimetic drugs such as LSD (!.ee CU1
cannabinoid-., most of which arc insoluble in water. The most
Subject!. report that time passes extremely slowly. The frighten
abundant cannabinoids are THC, its precuror cannabidiol and
sensation~ and paranoid delusions that often occur with L~D
cannabinol. which is formed spontaneously from THC. THC is
occur rarely and only after high doses of cannabis.
the most active pharmacologically and also the most abundant.
Central effects that can be directly measured in human 11M
constituting roughly I- lOCK by weight of marijuana and hashish
animal studies include:
preparations. A metabolite, I 1-hydroxy-THC, is more active than
THC i!'>elf and probably contributes to the pharmacological impairment of 11hort-term memory and simple learning
effect. Radioimmunoassays have been developed for cannabinoids, tasks-subjective feelings of confidence and heightened
but they lad. sufficient chemical specificity to be able to distinguish creativity are not retlected in actual performance
TIIC from numerous other cannabinoids found in crude extracts, impairment of motor coordination (e.g. driving perfonnanw
and from the various metabolites that are formed in vivo. Therefore catal ep~y-the retention of fixed unnatural postures, seen
the assay of pharmacologically active THC in biological fluids with large doses of cannabis in animals
still presents a problem. analge!>ia
antiemetic action
increased appetite.
The rna in peripheral effects of cannabis arc:
tachycardia, which can be prevented by drugs that block
sympathetic transmission
vasodi latation. which is particularly marked on the scleral
and conjunctival ve%els, producing a bloodshot appearance
characteristic of cannabis smokers
reduction of intraocular pres:sure
A potent CB 1-receptor antagonist. SRI41716A. produces ellc..
opposite to those of cannabinoid agonists. namely increa...;
locomotor activity and improved short-term memory, as Y.Clltl
enhanced tran~mitter release in peripheral tissues. implying a~
of tonic activation of CB 1-receptors under physiological conditilXli
The effects of cannabis on intraocular pressure, bronchial sm\'~t
Cannabinol Anandamide
(inactive) (endogenous agonist) muscle, pain perception and the vomiting reflex are of potent1
therapeulic value. and certain cannabinoid derivatives, for exampl
Fig. 4 3 .8 Structure of cannabinoids. Anandamide is an
na bilonc. have been developed as therapeutic agents. The pro
arachidonic acid derivative that is present in the brain and
, believed to be an endogenous agonist tor cannabinoid receptors. nounced central effects produced by these compounds, includin,
634 their possible add ictive properties (see below), limit their usefulne"

\' UJCI\! i~ lillie evidence for 1-ubtypes of the CB1-receptor-which

:night offer the possibility of developing ligand\ with more selective Cannabis
:xnual effecl\-lherapeutic developments on this front are
1g a currently \tailed. Main active constituent is 6 9-
sen. A 'econd cannabinoid receptor subtype, CB2. occurs mainly tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), although
mcells of the immune system, controlling cell migration and pharmacologically active metabolites may be
cytof..i nc release. Its importance as a factor in the effects ofTHC important.
and other cannabinoid.<. i ~ not clear. Actions on central nervous system (CNS) include
both depressant and psychotomimetic effects.
OJ] Subjectively, subjects experience euphoria and a
1ble TOLERANCE AND DEPENDENCE feeling of relaxation, with sharpened sensory
pus Tolerance to cannabis, and physical dependence, occur to only a awareness.
)tor mmor degree and maioly in heavy users. The abstinence .<.ymptom~ Objective tests show impairment of learning, memory
3re 'imilar to those of ethanol or opiate withdrawal. namely nausea. and motor performance.
agllation, initability, confu~ion, tachycardia, sweating, etc., but are THC also shows analgesic and antiemetic activity, as
relauvely mild and do not result in a compulsive urge to take the well as causing catalepsy and hypothermia in animal
tlrug. Psychological dependence, accompanied by craving. does. tests.
ho\\e\er. occur to some extent with cannabis, although it is Peripheral actions include vasodilatation, reduction of
m-ufficicnt to classify cannabis as truly addictive. Self-admin- tntraocular pressure, and bronchodilatation.
>tration doe' not occur in animal models, although the CB1-reccptor Cannabinoid receptors belong to the G-
Jntagonist rimonabant given after treatment with cannabis for a protein-coupled receptor family, linked to inhibition of
sc adenylyl cyclase and effects on calcium and
fewdays induces a withdrawal syndrome in rats similar to opiate
2 ). potassium channel function, causing inhibition of
'I.Ithdra\\ al.
mg synaptic transmission. The brain receptor (CB 1) differs
so from the peripheral receptor (CB2), which is
PHARMACOKINETIC ASPECTS expressed mainly in cells of the immune system.
The effec t of cannabis. taken by smoking or by intravenous Selective agonists and antagonists have been
injection, takes about I hour to develop fu lly and lasts for 2-3 developed.
hours. 1\ small fraction is convened to 11-hydroxy-THC. which Anandamide, an arachidonic acid derivative, is an
,more active than THC it\clf, but most is convened to inactive endogenous ligand for the CNS cannabinoid
metabolites. II is partly conjugated and undergoes enterohcpatic receptor; its function has not yet been ascertained.
recirculation. Being highJy lipophilic, TliC and its metabolites Cannabinoids are less liable than opiates, nicotine or
Jre seque~tcred in body fat, and excretion continues for several alcohol to cause dependence but may have long-
d:l)' after a single dose. term psychological effects.
Nabilone, a THC analogue, has been developed for
its antiemetic property.
ADVERSE EFFECTS Although cannabinoids are not available for clinical
In overdose. TIIC is relatively safe, producing drowsiness and con- use, trials are in progress for symptomatic treatment
flliion but not respiratory or cardiovascular effects that threaten life. of multiple sclerosis and AIDS.
In this re~pect, it il> safer than most abused ~ub\tances, particularly
~tatcs and ethanol. Even in low doses, THC and synthetic deriva-
h\C~ such as nabilone produce euphoria and drowsiness, sometimes
JCcompanied by sensory distortion and hallucinations. The risJ.. of cannabis use. Epidemiological studies have suggested an
rood accident~ i~ significantly increac;ed by recent use of cannabi<>. association between heavy cannabi'> usc and poor cognitive
In rodent~. THC produce!> teratogenic and mutagenic effects, function (see Kalant, 2004), but thi~ doc!> not necessari ly imply
and an increased incidence of chromosome breaks in circulating causation, and there is little direct evidence that cannabis can
ts white cells has been reported in humans. Such breaks arc, cause ncurodegeneration or irreversible cognitive impairment
ho\\ever. by no means unique to cannabis, and epidemiological (see Iversen, 2005). The possibility that cannabis can cause
..tudies have not shown any increased risk of fetaJ malformation psychotic illness has received much attention following reports
or cancer among cannabis u~ers. that cannabis smoking during adole\ccnce increased the
Cenain endocrine effects occur in humans, notably a decrease likelihood of schizophrenia more than sixfold (see A r~cnault ct
mplasma testosterone and a reduction of sperm count. One &~ udy al., 2004). The issue is highly controversial, but it il> generally
'howed a reduction of more than 50% in both plasma testosterone believed that cannabis use du ri ng adolescence can cause
and sperm count in subjects smoking 10 or more marijuana cigarenes psychosi~ to become manifest in 'prepsychotic' individuals
per 1\'eek. earlier than it otherwise would. and that it can make the
Recently, major concern has arisen about the risk of long-tenn symptoms worse. 1t has been estimated that elimination of
neurological and psychological disturbances resulting from cannabis use in under- I5s would reduce the incidence of

schizophrenia by 8% (see Arsenault et al., 2004). Whelher in AIDS; and relief of chemotherapy-induced nausea. Current
cannabis can induce psychosis in individuals who would not cannabis products cannot be prescribed for medical use in m
otherwise have become ill remains unclear. countries. 7 There is strong pressure from patient groups to pre~~
The long-running argument over the legalisation of cannabis ahead with licens ing THC for clinical use, and clinical triah
centres mainly o n the seriousness of these adverse effects. in progress in a number of indications. The results so far ha\e bcai
Opponents o f legalisation argue lhat it would be folly to change equivocal, and neilher THC nor synthetic cannabinoids ha\e ~
the law in favour o f the use by lhe public at large of a substance approved for clinical use in Europe or the USA. Cannabi<; appm
that could tum out to have serious toxic effects. Proponents of to have a sig nificant but limited effect in reducing spasticit}
a change argue that the present law is clearly ineffective and pain associated wilh multiple sclerosis, without producing map
encourages crime. and that cannabis undoubtedly carries less adve rse effects, and s imilar results have been reported in other
health ril. k than either ethanol or tobacco. neuropalhic pain states (see Iversen, 2005). Trials are also undef\1
in o ther conditions, including bead injury, Tourette's S)ndromc
and anorexia. Whether crumabinoids will prove to be a therap!:u~.
panacea o r a f1op remains unclear, and passions arc high on bo~
sides of the argument.
Anecdotal evidence s uggests that smoking cannabis may be
efficacio us in a numbe r o f conditions, particularly the following:
relief of pain and muscle spasms associated with multiple sclerosis; 7
Dronabinol (purifi ed T I!C. as distinct from the plant extract. which
relief of other types of chronic neuropathic pain, including AIDS- contain~
other active ~ub;tances) i~ approved io lhe USA for u-eating
related pain; improvement of appetite and prevention of wasting chemotherapy-induced vomiting and to ;rimulate appetite in AIDS pauc~r.


General Mayer P. Hollt V 2005 Geneuc di'po"uon to addictive p01elllia/Jherapeollic ll.fes of nitotilre othu th.m
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for nddict ion-hkc b.:havoour in the rat Science 305: gene expression assoc:iatetlwlllr tlru11 tletJI'IIdence) from ;,molcing worldwide. Br Med Bull 52: 12-21
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factutol irrfomwtitm) reward: pa.\t and current rc..carch. Trend\ Ncuru'ci 22: and the nervous sy~tem. EngJ J Med 32 1: 442-4.~
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approache~ for the treatment of drug addicuon and reward and relap!>C. Curr Opm Phannacol 5. 9 19 leels of drinking, ><-ith incrrase at hiRh ltwls)
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the IIUntt'mrH th~nr~trcolllnttl'.~lf'S, bast'd mainh' on addiction, focusin!l noainll- 011 animal ltU>dels) Curr Opin Pbannacol 5: 73-78 (DescriMs d~lmn~~~~~
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1':nt Re ~euro-.co 2: 695- 705 CRnot'l>.f longtemr biomedical aspectJ) brumter.. Proc Nail Acad Sci USA 90: 100011-10012
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of opiate rewording eH<:ct\ in mice lacl.ing dopamine 45: 157-170 gmcd ion channcb: past pre~nl and future. 1\aun)n
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tminwlr ro tltmnmtrrtll' role of d/J!'(rmiroe receptors in and therapeutics. Annu Rev Phannncol 36: 597-613 (Review corticle arguing that alcoh(}l efft!cll depnod '
636 mwTYI fii1JfJertit,, of opitlle.>) (General reiew ortirlr illrlrulilll: iliformmirm 011 i11teraction with sy11aptic ion channels)
Local anaesthetics and
other drugs aHecting
sodium channels
in this category that arc clinically useful are the local anaesthetic'
Overview 638 vari ous anticpilcptic drugs (see Cb. 40) and class I antidysrhythmK
Local anaesthetics 638 drugs (sec C h. 18).

Other drugs that affect sodium channels 642 History

-Tetrodotoxin ond saxitoxin 642 Coca leaves have been c hewed for their psyc hotropic effects for
- Agents that affect sodium channel gating 644 tho usands o f years (see Ch. 4 2) by South Ame rican Indi an ~. wh.
kne w abo ut the numbing e ffect they produced on the mouth
and to ng ue. Cocaine was isolated in 1860 and proposed a' 1
local anae~theti c for surg ical procedures. Sigmund Freud, 1\~
tried un ~ucces!tfully to make use of its psychic energi\lr.
OVERVIEW power, gave !>ome cocaine to his ophthalmologist friend in Vie~~ 3,
Carl Ko ller, who reported in 1884 that reversible corneal anaesthe-~a
As described in Chapter 4 , the property of electrical
could be prod uced by dr opping cocaine into the eye. The .~
excitability is what enables the membranes of
was rapidly take n up, and within a few years cocaine anaesthc
nerve and muscle cells to generate propagated
was introduced into dentistry and general surgery. A S)ntheuc
action potentials, which are essential for
substitute, procaine. was discovered in 1905. and man) 0100
communication in the nervous system and for the
useful com pounds were late r developed.
initiation of mechanical activity in striated and
cardiac muscle. Electrical excitabiJity depends mainly
Chemical aspects
on voltage-gated sodium channels, which open
Local anaesthetic molecules consist of an aromatic part linked
transiently when the membrane is depolarised.
by an este r or amide bo nd to a basic side-chain (Fig. 44. 1). The)
Also important are the voltage-dependent potassium
arc weak bases, with pK. values mainly in the range 8-9, so thl
channels and calcium channels, which function
they are main ly, but not complete ly. ionised at physiologcal
similarly, although they serve quite different
pi!. This is important in relation to the ir ability to penetrate the
physiological functions and are affected by
nerve sheath and axon membrane; quaternary derivatives, whi(h
different classes of drugs (Chs 4 , 18 and 19). Here
arc fully io nised irrespective o f pH. are ineffective as local
w e discuss local anaesthetics, which act mainly by
anaesthetics. Benzocaine, an atypical local anaesthetic, ha, nu
blocking sodium channels, and mention briefly
ba!>ic g roup.
other drugs that affect sodium channel function.
The presence of the e1>ter o r amide bond in local anaestheu.
There are, broadly speaking, two ways in which
mo lecules i ~ important because of its susceptibility to metaboh,
channel function may be modified, namely block of
hydro lysis. The el.ter-contai ning compounds are usually inacti\atoo
the channels and modification of gating behaviour.
in the pla~ma and t is~ues (mainly liver) by non-specific e~tera~>t
Either mechanism can cause an increase or a
Amide~ are more stable. and these anaesthetics generall) hit\.
decrease of electrical excitability. Thus blocking
lo nge r pl a~> m a half- lives.
sodium channels reduces excitability, whereas
block of potassium channels tends to increase it.
Mechanism of action
Similarly, an agent that affects sodium channel
Local anaesthetics block the initiation and propagation of acuoc
gating so as to increase channel opening will tend
pote ntia ls by preventing the voltage-depende nt increase in 1\J
to increase excitability, and vice versa.
conduc tance (see Fig. 4.5). Although they exert a variety of nor
specific e ffects on me mbrane function, the ir main action i\ ll
LOCAL ANAESTHETICS block sodium chrumcls, whic h they do by physically pluggmt
the tra nsmembrane pore , interacting with residues of the St
Alth oug h many drug~ block voltage-sens itive sodium channels transmembrane helic al domain of the channel protein (<;ec
638 and inhibit the generation of the action potential, the only dru gs Stric hartz & Ritc hie, 1987; Ragsdale et al., 1994; Hille, 200 1).

L ocal anaesthetics

or Bas1c amme
Aromatic region
amide Side-chain



for Tetracaine
vho (amethocaine)
s a
~ ho
n g'
ana. Cinchocaine
_sia (dibucaine)


her CH3 0 CH CH
2 3
II I Lidocaine
2 \ (lignocaine)
- CH3 CHzCH3

yH NHCH 2CH2CH3 Priloca ine

cal CH3


~tic Fig. 44.1 Struc tures of local

,lie anaesthetics. The general structure
ted of lOcal anaesthetic molecules
consists of aromatic group ~eft), Benzocaine
ester or amide group (shaded) and
amana group (right).

'f' Local ana.:\thetic activity i~ \trongl) pH-dependent, being increased at Further analysi' of local anae~thetic action (see Stricharo & Ritchie, 1987)
alkaline pH (i.e. when the proport1on of ionised molecules is low) and has ~hown that man) drugs exhibit the property of 'use-dependent' block
reduced at ac1d pH. Thb I'> bccau~e the compound needs to penetrate the of \O<hum channel\, a.\ \\ell ~ a!Tecting. to some extent. the gating of
~n ncr.e \heath and the axon membrane to reach the inner end of the sodium the channel>. U'>e dependence means that the more the channeb arc
to .:hJnnel (where the local anae\thetic-binding site resides). Because the opened. the gremer the block become~. It is a prominent feature of the
ng 10nl\ed form i'> not membrane-pcrmcant. penetration is very poor at acid action of many cia's I untidysrhythmic drugs (Ch. 18) and anticpileptic
pH. Once inside the axon, it i~ the ionised form of the local anaesthetic drugs (Ch. 40). and occul) because the blocking molecule enters the
S6 molecule that binds to the channel (Fig. 44.2). Th is pH dependence can channe l much more readily when the channel is open than when it is
>ee be clinically important, hccau'>c inflamed tissues arc often acidic and closed. With quaternary local anaesthetics work ing from the inside or the
). lhu' somcwhtll rcsisram 10 local anaesthetic agents. mcmhrunc, the channels nllli>l be cycled through their open slate a few

Exterior Menbrane Interior

B I ,. B ----+----- B

Channel open

Hydrophilic pathway

Fig. 44.2 Interaction of local

anaesthetics w ith so dium BW Channel shut
channels. The blocking site within
the channel can be reached via the

open channel gate on the inner
surface of the membrane by the
charged species BW (hydrophilic
pathway), or directly from the B---t-------B ---+-- --- 6
membrane by the uncharged
species B (hydrophilic pathway).

times before the blocking effect appean.. With tertiary local anaesthetics, can be used intravenously to control neuropathic pain, and o,o~
on the other hnnd. block can develop e\'eo if the channels are not open,
antidysrhythmic drugs (e.g. mexiJetine, tocainide, necainidr.
nnd it i\ likely that lhe blockmg molecule (uncharged) can reach the channel
either dtrectly from the mcmbrnne phase or via the open gate (Fig. 44.2). see Ch. 18) can be used orally (see Lai et al., 2004). although n
The relanvc imponance of these two blocking pathways-the hydrophobic licensed for this indication.
pathway vtn the membrane, and the hydrophilic pathway via the inner
mouth of the channel-varie~ according to the lipid solubility of the drug,
and the degree of u\edependence varies correspondingly. Action of local anaesthetics
As discus~cd in Chapter 4, the channel can exist in three functiona l
states: resting, open and inactivated. Many local anaesthetics bind moM Local anaesthetics block action potential
strongly 10 the innctivaled stale of the channel. Therefore, at any given
generation by blocking sodium channels.
membrane potential, the equil ibrium between resting and inactivated
channels wi ll, in the presence of a local anaesthetic, be shifted in favour Local anaesthetics are amphiphilic molecules with a
of the inactivated stale, and thi~ factor contributes to the overall blocking hydrophobic aromatic group and a basic amine group.
effect. The pa%age of a tra in of action potentials causes the chan nels to Local anaesthetics probably act in their cationic form
cycle through the open and inactivated states, both of which are more but must reach their site of action by penetrating the
likely to bind local anaesthetic molecules than the resting state; thus both
nerve sheath and axonal membrane as unionised
mechanism~ contribute 10 use-dependence.
species; they therefore have to be weak bases.
In general, local anaesthetics block conduction in small-diameter Many local anaesthetics show use-dependence
nerve fibres more readily than in large fibres. Because nociceptive (depth of block increases with action potential
impulses are carried by Ab and C fibres (Ch. 41), pain sensation frequency). This arises:
is blocked more readily than other sensory modalities (touch, because anaesthetic molecules gain access to the
proprioception, etc.). Motor axons, being large in diameter, are also channel more readily when the channel is open
relatively resi~t ant. The differences in sensitivity among different because anaesthetic molecules have higher
nerve fibres. although easily measured experimentally, are not affinity for inactivated than for resting channels.
of much practical importance, and it is not possible to produce Use-dependence is mainly of importance in relation
a block of pain sensation without affecti ng other sensory to antidysrhythmic and antiepileptic effects of sodium
modalities. channel blockers.
Local anaesthetics, as their name implies, are mainly used to Local anaesthetics block conduction in the following
prod uce local nerve block. In concentrations too low to cause order: small myelinated axons, non-myelinated axons,
nerve block, however, they arc able to suppress the spontaneous large myelinated axons. Nociceptive and sympathetic
discharge in sensory neurons that is believed to be responsible for transmission is thus blocked first.
640 neuropathic pain (sec Ch. 4 1). Lidocaine (lignocaine; see below)

The properties o f individual l ocal anaesthetic drugs are CNS effects. This relates to it~ specific effect on monoamine uptake
1ummari~ed in Table 44. 1. (see Ch. 42), an effect not shared by other local anaestheti cs.
Procaine is particularly liable to produce unwanted central effects.
Unwanted eHects and has been superseded in clinical use by agents such as lidocaine
The main unwanted effects of local anaestheti cs involve the (lignocaine) and prilocaine, whose central effects are much
.~ntral nervous system (CNS) and the cardiovascular system , and less pronounced. Studies with bupivacaine (Table 44. 1), a widely
rhey constitute the main source o f hazard when local anaestheti cs used long-acting local anaesthetic prepared a~ a racemic mixture
Jre u-ed clin ically. Most local anaestheti cs produce a mixture of o f two optic al isomers, sugge!>ted that its CNS and cardiac
Jepressant and stimulant effec ts on the CNS. D epressant effects effects were mainly due to the S(+) isomer. The R(-) isomer
predominate at low plasma concentr ations, giving w ay to stimu - (l evobupivacaine) proved to have a better margin of safety and
lation at higher concentrations, resulting in restlessness. tremor and hal> now been introduced .
li.ll11eUmes convulsions, accompanied by subjective effects ranging The adverse cardiovascu lar effects of local anaesthetics are due
from confusion to ex treme agitation. Further increasing the dose mainly to myocardial depression, conduc tion block and vaso-
produces profound C S depression. The main threat to life comes dilatation. Reduction o f myocardial contractility probably results
from respiratory depression in this phase. The only local anaesthetic indirectl y from an inhibition of the Na+ current in cardiac muscle
'Mih markedly different CNS effects is cocaine (see Ch. 42), which (see Ch. 18). The res ulting decrease o f [N a+], in tum reduces
produce~ euphori a at do~cs well below those that cause other intracellular Ca2+ stores (see Ch. 4), and thi s reduces the force

Tlble 44.1 Properties of local anaesthetics

Drug Onset Duration Tissue Plasma Main unwanted Notes

penetration half-life (h) effects

Cocaine Medium Medium Good -1 Cardiovascular and CNS effects Rarely used, only as spray
owing to block of amine uptake for upper respiratory tract

Procaine MediUm Short Poor <1 CNS: restlessness, shivering, The first synthetic agent
anxiety, occasionally convulsions No longer used
followed by respiratory depression
Cardiovascular system: bradycardia
and decreased cardiac output;
vasodilatation, which can cause
cardiovascular collapse

Udocaine Rapid Medium Good -2 As procaine but less tendency to Widely used for local
IQnocame) cause CNS effects anaesthesia
Also used intravenously for
treating ventricular
dysrhythmias (Ch. 18)
Mepivaca1ne is similar

Tetracaine Rapkl Medium Moderate -1 As lidocaine Used mainly for spinal and
(amethocaine) corneal anaesthesia

Bup1vacaine Slow Long Moderate -2 As lidocaine but greater Widely used because of
cardlotoxicity long duration of action
Ropivacatne is stmilar, wrth
less cardiotoxicity
Levobuprvaca1ne, recently
introduced, causes less
cardiotoxicity and CNS
depression than the
racemate, bupivacaine

Prilocaine Medium Medium Moderate -2 No vasodilator activity Widely used; not for
Can cause methaemoglobinaemia obstetric analges1a
because of risk of neonatal

CNS, central nervous system.


of contraction. Interference with atrioventricular conduction can recovery from. anaesthesia (Table 44.1 ). It also affects their u-.c~
result in partial or complete heart block, as well as other types of ne~s a!> l>urface anaesthetics for application to mucous membr.u
dy'>rhythmia. Mmt of the ester-linked local anaesthetics (e.g. telracaint
Va~odilatation. mainly affecting arterioles, is due partly to a arc hydroly~cd by plasma cholinesterase, so their pla~ma hall
direct effect on vascular smooth muscle, and partly to inhibition i~ relatively short. Procaine-now rarely used-is hydrol}'d
of the !.yrnpathetic nervous system. The combined myocardial p-aminobcntoic acid. a folate precursor that interfere~ \\ith lhe
depre!>\ion and va\odilatation leads to a fall in blood pressure, antibacterial effect of sulfonamides (see Ch. 46). The amide-linLzd
which may be 1.udden and life-threatening. Cocaine is an exception drug11 (e.g. lidocaine [lignocaine] and prilocaine) are metaboh\01
in re~pect of it\ cardiovascular effects. because of its ability to mainly in the liver, u~ually by N-dealkylation rather than cli!'JI
inhibit noradrenaline reuptake (sec Ch. II ). This enhances sym- of the amide bond. and the metabolites are often pharmacologiCal.i
pathetic activity. leading to tachycardia. increased cardiac output, active.
vasoconstriction and increased arterial pressure. Benzocaine is an unu~ua ll ocal anaesthetic of very low solubili
Although local anaesthetics are usually administered in such which is used a~ a dry powder to dress painful skin ulcer~. or
a way as to minimise their spread to other parts of the body, throat lozenge!.. The drug is slowly released and produce~ ion_
they arc ultimately ab1-.orbed into the systemic circu lation. They lasting surface anaeMhe~ ia.
may also be injected into veins or arteries by accident. The most The routes o f administration. uses and main adverse cffect\o
dangerous unwanted effects result from actions on the central local anaesthetics are summarised in Table44.2.
nervou ~ and cardiovascular systems discussed above, namely Most local anncsthetics have a direct vasodilator nction, \\htt
restlcssnes~ and convulsions followed by respiratOry depression, increa~es the rate at which they are absorbed into the system .
and hypotcn<oion. or even cardiac arrest. Hypersensitivity reactions circulation, thus increasing their potential toxicity and reduct .
sometimes occur with local anaesthetics, usually in the form of their local anaesthetic action. Adrenaline (epinephrine) i\ ohc
allergic dermatitis but rarely as an acute anaphylactic reaction. added to local anaesthetic solutions injected locally in order t
Other unwanted effects that are specific to particular drugs cause vasoconMriction. although care is needed to avoid adrenal e
include muco<,a) irritation (cocaine) and methaemoglobinaemia induced cardiova~cular changes.
(which occurs after large doses of prilocaine, because of the
production of a toxic metabolite). Future d irections
Blocking 'pecilic sodium channel subtypes is seen as a promi'
Pharmacokinetic aspects therapeutic \trategy for a variety of clinical condition<;. incluJi
Local anae-.thetiC\ vary a good deal in the rapidity with which epilep~y. neurodegenerative diseases, stroke. neuropathic pain
they penetrate tis<,ue\. and thi!. affects the rate at which they cause myopathies.
nerve block when injected into tissues. and the rate of onset of. and Currently available local anaesthetic agents do not di~tingUI b
between different sodium channel subtypes (see Lai et al.. 2!KJ.I
and con1.equently produce a variety of unwanted effects 11hr
given systemically. It is expected that, with a beuer undcrstandin~
Unwanted effects and pharmacokinetics of the role of specific sodium channel subtypes in diiTcrcnl
of local anaesthetics pathophysiological situations, it may be possible to de1clop
selecti ve blocking agents for use in different clinical situation;
Local anaesthetics are either esters or amides. Esters There is much activity in this area, but progress is !.low, as it 11
are rapidly hydrolysed by plasma cholinesterase, and proving difficult to identify blocking agents that are highly sclcctil\
amides are metabolised in the liver. Plasma half-lives for different sodium channel subtypes.
are generally short, about 1-2 hours. Mo!>t local anae!.lhetic~ act for 2-3 hours when injected localh
Unwanted effects are due mainly to escape of local which is often insufficient for pain relief. To increase the dur.ni~
anaesthetics into systemic circulation. of action. special formulations consisting of local anae\thcttCI
Matn unwanted effects are: encapsulated in lipid vesicles (liposomes) are being developed
central nervous system effects, agitation, confusion, slow-relca-.e preparation-..
tremors progressing to convulsions and
respiratory depression
cardiovascular effects, namely myocardial OTHER DRUGS THAT AFFECT SODIUM
depression and vasodilatation, leading to fall in CHANNELS
blood pressure
occasional hypersensitivity reactions. TETRODOTOXIN AND SAXITOXIN
Local anaesthetics vary in the rapidity with which they T We \hOuld not be >Urpri\ed that nature, rather than med.:
penetrate tissues, and in their duration of action. chem1Mry. h:l\ provided the moM potent and selective agents that bh(l
Lidocaine (lignocaine) penetrates tissues readily and \Odium dwnnel\ llf excit:~ble tis~ue~. Tetrodotoxin (TIX) is prcxluced b
:1 marine bacterium and accumu late~ in the tissues of a poisonou' P.~<:J
is suitable for surface application; bupivacaine has a
fi~h. the puffer fi-.h. Ml called becau~e when nlam1ed it intl a1es itself to
particularly long duration of action. almost ;phcrical \pi ny ball. It i ~ evidently a species highly preoccupied 1\iU
defence. but the Japane!.c arc not ea.s il y put off and the puffer hsh 11

Tillie 44.2 Methods of administration, uses and adverse e ffect s of local anesth etics

Method Uses Drug(s) Notes and adver se e ffects

Surtace anaesthesta Nose, mouth, bronchial tree Udocaine, tetracaine. Risk of systemic toxicity when high
(usually 1n spray form), cornea, (amethocaine), dibucaine, concentrations and large areas are
urinary tract benzocaine involved
Not effective for skin"

Infiltration anaesthesia Direct injection into tissues to Most Adrenaline or felypressin often added
reach nerve branches and as vasoconstrictors (not with fingers or
term inals toes, for fear of causing ischaemic
lit), Used in minor surgery tissue damage)
Suitable for only small areas, otherwise
ng- serious risk of systemic toxicity

Intravenous regional LA injected intravenously distal Mainly lidocaine, prilocaine Risk of systemic toxicity when cuff is
s of anaesthesia to a pressure cuff to arrest blood released prematurely; risk is small if
flow; remains effective until the cuff remains inflated for at least
circulation is restored 20 minutes
Used for limb surgery

Nerve block anaesthesia LA is injected close to nerve Most Less LA needed than for infiltration
trunks (e.g. brachial plexus, anaesthesia
intercostal or dental nerves) to Accurate placement of the needle is
produce a loss of sensation important
peripherally Onset of anaesthesia may be slow
Used for surgery, dentistry, Duration of anaesthesia may be
analges1a increased by addition of

Sptnal anaesthesia LA injected into the Mainly lidocaine Main risks are bradycardia and
subarachnoid space (contai ning hypotension (owing to sympathetic
cerebrospinal fluid) to act on block), respiratory depression (owing to
spinal roots and spinal cord effects on phrenic nerve or respiratory
Glucose sometimes added so center); avoided by minimising cranial
that spread of LA can be limited spread
by tilting patient Postoperative urinary retention
Used for surgery to abdomen, (block of pelvic autonomic outflow)
pelvis or leg, mainly when is common
general anesthesia cannot be used

Epidural anaesthesia~> LA injected into epidural space, Mainly lidocaine, bupivacalne Unwanted effects similar to those of
blocking spinal roots spinal anaesthesia but less probable,
ive Uses as for spinal anesthesia; because longitudinal spread of LA is
also for painless childbirth reduced
Postoperative urinary retention
lly. common
LA. local anaesthetic.
'Surface anaesthesia does not work well on the skin, although a non-crystalline mixture of lidocaine and prilocaine (eutectic mixture of
local anaesthetics or EMLA) has been developed for application to the skin, producing complete anaesthesia in about 1 hour.
omtrathecal or epidural administration of LA in combination with an opiate (see Ch. 41) produces more effective analgesia than can be
achteved wtth the opiate alone. Only a small concentration of LA is needed, insufficient to produce appreciable loss of sensation or other
SKle effects. The mechanism of this synergism is unknown, but the procedure is provtng useful 1n pain treatment.

regarded by them a\ a \pec1al deltc:tcy partly because oflhe mild tingling

Accidental TTX poboning i; quite common. nonetheless. Historical reconh.
nal -en,ation that follow\ eallng it~ tlc~h. To ~ervc it in public restaurants,
of long ..ea voyage\ often contained reference to attacks of severe weakness,
~k ho\1 ever. the chef mu\t be regi~tered ~ ~ufficiently skilled in removing the
progre>,ing to complete paraly' " and death, caused by eating puffer fhh.
h) tn\te organ\ (c~pccially l iver and ovarie~) so a~ to make the flesh safe
Itil' 10 e:tl. (The ahernauve ' trategy, of fanning puffer fish so that they do not Saxitoxin (ST X) i' produced by a marine micro-organism that ~ometimes
accumulate the toxi n and then adding a safe do;e of TTX--obtained, say, prol iferate' i n very large number~ and even colours the sea. giving the
lth fmm Sigm:l-~u ftic ient to provide the tingling ensal ion, has never caught red tide' phenomenon. At such ti mes, marine shellfish can accumulate
i~ on, whether l'o r cu ltural or gastronomic rea;ons one can only gues~.) the toxin and become poi sonous to humans.

These toxins, unlike con\entional local anaesthetics, act exclusively potential is prolonged. Spontaneous discharges occur at first, but the :di
from the outSide of the membrane. Both are complex molecules, beari ng eventually become pem1anently depolarised and inexcitable. Alllhett
a positively charged guanidinium moiety. The guanidinium ton i ~ able to substances affect the hean, producing extrasystoles and other dysrllylhm
pem1eate voltage-~ensi ti ve \odium channels. and thi~ part of the 1TX or culminating in fibrillation: they also cause ~pontaneous di\Charge. tn nen:
STX molecule lodges in the channel, while the re~t of the molecu le blocks and mu\cle, leadi ng to twitching and convulston\. The vel) htgb
its outer mouth. In contrast to the local anaesthetics, there is no interaction solubility of substances like DDT makes them effective as ino,ecticido,
between the gating and block mg reaction~ wllh 1TX or STX-1heir the) arc readily abwrbed through the integument. Drug\ io this eli!!'' r.
a\sociation and dl\soctation are independent of whether the channel is useful a;, expcrimeotal tools for studying ~odium channeh but h.t\~
open or closed. Some \Oitage-\ensitive \Odium channels arc insen~itive to clinical USe8.
1TX. notably tho~e of cardiac muscle and nociceptive peripheral ~em,ory
neurons, the latter being of interest as a posstble target for novel analgesic
agents (see Ch. 41 ).
Clinical use of local anaesthetics
Both 1TX and STX are unsuitable for clinical u\e a\ local anaesthetics,
being expensive to obcain from their exotic !.OliJ'Ce~ and poor at penetrating
ti\sue\ becau\C of their very low lipid solubility. They have. however. Local anaesthetics may be infiltrated into soft
been importa nt ll\ experimental tools for the i'>olation and cloning of tissue (e.g. of gums) or to block a nerve or nerve plexus.
sodi um channels (see Ch. 4). Coadministration of a vasoconstrictor (e.g.
adrenaline) prolongs the local effect.
AGENTS THAT AFFECT SODIUM CHANNEL Lipid-soluble drugs (e.g. lidocaine [lignocaine)) are
GATING absorbed from mucous membranes and are used as
T Variou;, substances, rno;,tly complex and ornate molecule~. are known
surface anaesthetics.
that modify 'odium channel gating in such a way a~ to increase the Bupivacaine has a slow onset but long duration. It is
probability of opening of the channels (&ee Hille, 200 I). They include often used for epidural blockade (e.g. to provide
various tox ins, mainly from frog skin (e.g. batrachotoxin). sc01pion or <,ea continuous epidural blockade during labour) and
anemone venoms; plant alkaloids such as ,eratridine; and insecticides ~uch spinal anaesthesia. Its isomer levobupivacaine is
as DOT and the pyrcthrins. They facilitate sodiwn channel activation so that
less cardiotoxic if it is inadvertently administered into
sodium channels open at the nonnal resting potential: they also inhtbit
inactivation. so that the channel' fail to close if the membrane remains a blood vessel.
depolarised. The membrane thu;, becomes hyperexcitable, and the action


lhlle B 2001 Ionic channel~ or excitable membmncs. pmhogenesi.l ofpain. anti rhl' uu tif /O('a/ nnai'Siht'll(' sndium chOJtnl'l ro show rhar IIleal anae\lltetu.v
Sinauer, Sunderland (E\ulltnl, clearly -..nlltn textbool and anrid}srh)rhmi~ drugs in ~onrrolling neuroparllic residues ;, rhe S6 rmnsmembrone <lomam)
for thou wall/ing mo" tluJn th~ basi~ mintmum) JHJin) Slrichart1 G R. Rotchte J M 1987 ~action of loc..J
Lru J. Porreca F, Hunter J C. Gold M S 2004 Voltage- Ragsdale 0 R. McPhee J C, Scheuer T. Cauerall W A anaesthetic' on ton channels or excitable lis,ucs.
gated sodtum clulnnels and hyperalge"a. Annu Re' 1994 Molecular detenninants of ~tate-dependent block llandb Exp Phnnnacol 8 1: 21 - 52(Excel/entrntn
Pharmacal 44. 371-397 (Reie>< summariting rhe role or Na channel; by local aneMhetics. Sctence 265: acrionr of /IJ('a/ anaeuheiiU-(>Ihtr anirlts 1n tilt
ofpanicu/ar sodium channel subi.\'Pe.f in rite 1724-1728 ( Uu of Slltdi"ued mutarions II/ rh~ rami' oluml' coter more rlimcal alpecrJ)



re no




Drugs used in the
treatment of infections
and cancer
important therapeutic advances in the entire
Overview 647 history of medicine.
Background 647 Clearly, the feasibility of selective toxicity
depends on the ability to exploit such biochemical
The molecular basis of chemotherapy 647 differences as may exist between the infecting
-Biochemical reactions as potential targets 649 organism (or indeed cance r cells, our internal
-The formed structures of the cell as potential ' invaders' ) and the host. The bulk of the chapters
targets 655 in this section of the book describe the drugs used
Resistance to antibacterial drugs 655 to combat infections, but in this introductory
-Genetic determinants of antibiotic resistance 656 chapter we consider, very broadly, the nature of
-Biochemical mechanisms of resistance to these biochemical differences and outline the
antibiotics 657 molecular targets of drug action.
-Current status of antibiotic resistance in bacteria 658 Unhappily, our success in developing drugs to
attack these invaders has been paralleled by their
own success in counteracting the effects of the
drugs, resulting in the emergence of drug resistance.
And at present, the invaders-particularly some
OVERVIEW bacteria-seem close to getting the upper hand.
This is a very important problem, and we will
Chemotherapy is the term originally used to devote some space to the mechanisms of resistance
describe the use of drugs that are ' selectively toxic' and the means by which it is spread.
to invading micro-organisms while having minimal
effects on the host. The term also embraces the use
of drugs that target tumours and in fact has now BACKGROUND
come to be associated specifically with that branch
The term chemotherapy was coined by Ehrlic h himself at the
of pharmacology. In this chapter, we use the term
beginning of the 20th century to describe the use of synthe tic
to cover both usages, although, in the public mind
chemicals to de!.troy infective agents. In recent years, the definiti on
at least, chemotherapy is specifically associated
of tl1e term ha~ been broadened to include a ntibiotics-substances
with those types of anticancer drugs that cause
produced by some mic ro-organisms (or by pharmaceutical
side effects such as loss of hair, nausea and
chemists) that kill or inhibit the growth of other micro-organisms.
He re, we broaden it ~till further to include agents that kill or
All living organisms are prey to infection.
inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
Humans, being no exception to this rule, are
susceptible to diseases caused by viruses, bacteria,
protozoa, fungi and helminths. The use of THE MOLECULAR BASIS OF
chemotherapeutic agents dates back to the work of CHEMOTHERAPY
Ehrlich and others and to the development of
arsenical drugs such as salvarsan for the treatment Chemotherapeutic agents then. are che micals that are intended to
of syphilis. 1 The successful development of such be toxic for the pathogenic organism (or cancer cells) but innocuous
agents during the past 80 years, particularly the to the host. Before discussing the molecular basis of such selective
'antibiotic revolution', constitutes one of the most toxicity, we need to defin e what we mean by infectious o rganism.
The word ' microbe' is generall y used to describe bacteria, viruses
and fun gi, and the word ' para!.ite' to describe protozoa and hel-
\1ercury-containing compou nd' were also once used for treating syphil is. minths. However, we are concerned only with those organisms
Ooe mght with Yenu~. u lifeti me wilh Mercury' wus a saying of Lhat time. that cause disease, and the immune response of the human host 647

makes no distinction between the above categories, which are of organisms. Finding agents that affect pathogens or cancers but n01
purely semantic convenience. We will use the term pathogens to other human celll. necessitates finding either qualitative or quan
describe these invade~. It is important to remember that many titative biochemical differences between them.
micro-organisms share our body space (e.g. the gut) without Bacteria cause most infectious dbeases, and Figure 45.1 sbo\11
causing disease (these are called commensals), although these may in simplified diagrammatic fonn the main structure!. and function>
become pathogenic under adverse circumstances (i.e if the host of a 'generalised' bacterial cell. Surrounding d1e cell is the cell wall.
is immunocompromised). which characteristically contain!. peptidoglycan in all fonns of
Living organisms are classified as either prokaryote!>, cells bacteria except mycoplasma. Peptidoglycan is unique to prokaryOO;
without nuclei (the bacteria), or eukaryotes, cells with nuclei (e.g. cells and has no counterpart in eukaryotes. Within the cell 'Wall11
protozoa, fungi. helminths). In a separate category are the viruses, the plasma membrane, which, similar to that of eukaryotic cell>.
which arc not real ly cells at all because they do not have their consists of a phospholipid bilayer and proteins. Tt functions ru; a
own biochemical machinery for generating energy or for any selectively penneablc membrane with specific transport mechanisllll
sort of !>ynthesis. Viru!>es need to utilise the metabolic machinery for various nutrients. However, in bacteria the plasma membrane an
of the host cell, and they thus present a particular kind of problem does not contain any sterols, and this may alter the penetration 0!
for chemotherapeutic attack. There remain those mysterious protein- some chemicals.

aceous agents, the prions (see Ch. 35), which cause disease but The function of the cell wall is to support the underlying
resist all attempts at classification, and for which there is no known plasma membrane, which is subject to an internal osmotic pressure
amjdote at present. of about 5 atmospheres in Gram-negative organi!.m!>, and abol.
In yet another category still are cancer cells-host cells that have 20 atmospheres in Gram-positive organisms (see below). Th.
somehow escaped from the nonnal regulatory mechanisms that limit plasma membrane and cell wall together comprise the bacteria.
cell division. Cancer cells are clearly more s imilar to normal host envelope.
cells than are any of the pathogenic invaders, and this makes the Within the plasma membrane is the cytoplasm. As in eukaryoti
problem of implementing selective toxicity especially difficult. cells, this contains soluble ent.ymes and other proteins. th,

evertheless. major advances have been made. mainly following ribosomes involved in protein synthesis. and the small-molecuk
in the wake of the pioneering work of George Hitchings and intennediates involved in metabolism, as well a~ inorganic ion'
Gertrude Elion. whose 'rational drug design' approach led to the However, unlike the eukaryotic cell, the bacterial cell has no nucleu':
development of many important 'antimetabolite' drugs. including instead, the genetic material, in the form of a s ingle cllromosomt
anti leukaemia agents. comaining all the genetic information. ties in the cytoplasm \\ill
Virtually all creatures, host and parasite alike, have the same no surrounding nuclear membrane. In further contrast to eukat)ob.
basic blueprint-DNA (an exception being the RNA viruses)--so cells, there are no mitochondria-cellular energy i~ generaled bj
some biochemical processes are common to most, if not all, enzyme systems located in the p la!.ma membrane.


Ribosom es

Fig. 4 5 .1 Diagram of the Cell wall Cell membrane DNA (chromosome)
structure and metabolism of a
'typical' bacterial cell. A Schematic
representation of a bacterial cell.
B Flow diagram showing the ~ PO 3-
I 4
synthesis of the main types of
macromolecule of a bacterial cell.
Class I reactions result in the
Hexosamines- Peptidoglycan
synthesis of the precursor molecules <ll
necessary for class II reactions, 0 Q
which result in the synthesis of the Precursor
u 0
co Proteins
molecules-- !!! Aminoac1ds !!!
constituent molecules; these are
then assembled into
~ ~
-<ll RNA
macromolecules by class Ill , VI
co "'<0
reactions. (Modified from , J
Nucleotides 0 DNA
Mandelstam J, McQuillen K, Dawes I
I (eds) 1982 Biochemistry of I
bacterial growth. Blackwell I J I

" -Scientific, Oxford.) Glucose NH4+ so42


Ot Some bacteria have additional components such as a capsule BIOCHEMICAL REACTIONS AS POTENTIAL
and/or one or more flagella, butthe only additional structure with TARGETS
relevance for chemotherapy i~ the outer membrane outside the cell
~all. The nature of this structure is important for aXonomic reasons,
'lS :b it enables bacteria to be classified according to whether they Class I reactiOn!> are not promising targets for two reasons.
ll. take up Gram\ stain ('Gram-positive') or not ('Gram-negative'; First, bacterial and human cells use similar mechanisms (the
of for more detai l!., see Ch. 46). In Gram-negative bacteria, this Embden- Meyerhof pathway and the tricarboxylic acid cycle) to
jc membrane may prevent penetration of antibacterial agents, and obtain energy from gluco c. Second. even if glucose oxidation
IS it also prevent1> cru.y access of lyso<;yme (a microbiocidal enzyme was blocked, many other compounds (amino acids, lactate, etc.)
Is, found in white blood cells, tears and other tissue tluid~ that breaks could be utilised by bacteria as an alternative energy source.
a down peptidoglycan).
ns The biochemical reactions that are potential targets for
e antibacterial drugs are shown in Figure 45. I. There are three groups.
of Class II reactions are better targets because some pathways exist
Class 1: the utilisation of glucose or some alternative carbon
in parasitic but not in human cells. For instance, human cells lack
source for the generati on of energy (ATP) and synthesis of
1g the abi lity, possessed by bacteria, to synthesise the so-called
simple carbon compounds used as precursors i n the next class
re 'essential' mnino acids as well as certain growth factors (termed
of reactions.
ut vitamins in human physiology). Differences such as these represent
Class II: the utili ~ati o n of th ese precursors in an energy-
he a potential target. Another opportunity occurs when a pathway is
dependent synthesis of all the amino acids, nucleotides,
ial identi cal in both bacteria and humans but exhibits a differential
phospholipids, amino sugars, carbohydrates and growth
sensitivity to drugs.
factors required by the cell for survival and growth.
Class 11/: assembly of small molecules into macromolecules-
he Folate
protein~. RNA, DNA, polysaccharides and peptidoglycan.
ale Folate biosynthesis is an example of a metabolic pathway found
l S. Other potcntialtarge~ are the formed structures. for example the in bacteria but not in humans. Folate is required forD A synthesis
JS. cell membrane, or in higher organisms (e.g. fungi and cancer cells) in both bacteria and in human~ (see Chs 22 and 46). Humans cannot
ne the microwbules or other specific tissues (e.g. muscle tissue in synthesise folate and must obtain it from the diet, and specific
ith helminths). In considering these targets, empha5is will be placed uptake mechanisms have evolved to transport it into cells. By
tic on bacteria, but reference will also be made to protozoa, helminths, contrast, most species of bacteria. as well as the asexual forms of
by fungi, cancer cells and, where possible, viruses as well. The malarial protot.oa, lack the necessary transport mechanisms and
clmificmion that follows is clearl y not rigid; a drug may affect cannot make use of preformed folate but must synthesise their
more than one class of reactions or more than one subgroup of own de novo. This i~ a prime example of a difference that has proved
reactions within a class. to be extremely useful for chemotherapy. Sulfonamides contain
the sulfanilamide moiety-a strucntral analogue of p-aminobentA>ic
acid (PABA), which is essential in the synthesis of folate (see
Figs 22.2 and 46.1 ). Sulfonamides compete with PABA for the
enzyme invol ved in folate synthesi s, and thu s inhibit th e
metabolism of the bacteria. They are consequently bacteriostatic
The molecular basis of chemotherapy not bactericidaP (i.e. they suppress division of the cells but do
not kill them), and are therefore only really effective in the presence
Chemotherapeutic drugs should be toxic to of adequate host defences (which are discussed in Ch. 13).
invading organisms and innocuous to the host. Such The utilisation of folate, in the form of tetrahydrofolate, as a
selective toxicity depends on the discovery of cofactor in thymidylate synthesis (see Figs 22.3 and 46.2) is a good
biochemical differences between the pathogen and example of a patl1way where human and bacterial enzymes exhibit
the host that can be appropriately exploited. a differential sem.iti vity to chemicals (Table 45.1). Although the
Three general classes of biochemical reaction are pathway is virtually identical i n micro-organisms and humans,
potential targets for chemotherapy of bacteria. one of the key enqmes, dihydrofolate reductase, which reduces
Class 1: reactions that utilise glucose and other dihydrofolate to tctrahydrofolate (Fig. 22.2), is many times more
carbon sources are used to produce ATP and sensitive to the folate antagonist trimet hoprim in bacteria than
simple carbon compounds. in humans. In some malarial protozoa. this enzyme is somewhat
Class II: pathways utilising energy and class I less sensilive than Lhc bacterial entyme to trimethoprim but more
compounds to make small molecules (e.g. amino
acids and nucleotides).
Class Ill: pathways that convert small molecules
into macromolecules such as proteins, nucleic 2
Whether a drug is bactericidal rather than bacteriostatic is detem1ined on a
acids and peptidoglycan. strict technical criterion. but in practice it can be difficult to differentiate the
two actions du ring therapy.

string bag enclosing the whole bacterium. ln some bacteria (the

Table 45.1 Specificity of inhibitors of dihydrofolate Gram-negative organisms), this bag consists of a single thickn~'\
reductase but for other'> (Gram-positive organisms) there may be as man}
as 40 layers of peptidoglycan. Each layer consists of mul11j:1e
Inhibitor ICso (~tmoVI) for dihydrofolate reductase
backbones of amino )Ugars-altemating N-acerylglucosamine cUI!
Human Protozoal Bacterial N-acetylmuramic acid re~idues (Fig. 45.2)-tbe latter having ,floo
Trimethoprim 260 0.07 0.005 peptide ~ide-chain~ that are cross-linked to form a polymeric latll\.'t
Pyrimethamine 0.7 0.0005 2.5 which i~ wong enough to resist the high internal osmotic pre"lllt
Methotrexate 0.001 -0.1" Inactive and may con.,titute up to 10-15% of the dry weight of the cell
The cross-links differ in different species. In staphylococci. lhC)
"Tested on Plasmodium berghei, a rodent malaria.
consiM of five glycine residues.
To build up this very large insoluble peptidoglycan layer on
the out:, ide of the cell membrane, the bacterial cell bas the problem
of how to tran!>port the hydrophilic cytoplasmic 'bui lding block'
through the hydrophobic cell membrane structure. This i~ accom
sensitive to pyrimethamine and proguani.l, which arc used as plishcd by lin king them to a very large lipid carrier, containing
antimalarial agents (Ch. 49). The relative IC50 values (the concen- 55 carbon atoms, which 'tows' them across the membrane. The
tration causing 50% inhibition) for bacterial, malarial, protozoal process of peptidoglycan synthesis is outlined in Figure 45J.
and mammalian eni'ymes are given in Table 45. 1. The human First, N-acetylmuramic acid, attached to uridine diphosphak
enzyme, by comparison, is very sensitive to the effect of the folate (UDP) and a pentapeptide. is transferred to the C55 lipid carrier
analogue methotrexate (Table 45.1 ). which is used in cancer in the membrane, with the release of uridine monophosphat~
chemotherapy (~ee Ch. 51). Methotrexate is inactive in bacteria This is followed by a reaction with UDP-N-acetylglucosamme
because, being very '>imilar in structure to folate, it requires active resulting in the formation of a disaccharide pentapcptide
uptake by cells. Trimethoprim and pyrimethamine enter the cells complex auached to the carrier. This complex is the ba.'1'
by diffusion. building bloct.. of the peptidoglycan. Tn Staphylococcus aureus
The U'>e of '>equential blockade with a combination of two the five glycine re:,idues arc attached to the peptide chain at thi'
drugs that affect the same pathway at different points, for example stage. The building block is now transponed to the outside of the
sulfonamide'> and the folate antagonists (Fig. 46.2). may be more cell and added to the growing end of the peptidoglycan. the
:,uccessful than the usc of either alone (e.g. in the treatment of
Pneumocysris carinii pneumonia), and lower concentrations are
effective when the two are used together. Thus pyrimethamine
and a sulfonamide (sulfadoxine) are used to treat fa/ciparum
malaria (p. 702). An antibacterial formulation that contains both
a sulfonamide and trimethoprim is co-trimoxazole (p. 664); once
widely used, this combination has become progressively less
effective because of the development of sulfonam ide resistance.

Pyrimidine and purine analogues

The pyrimidine analogue Lluorouracil, which is used in cancer
chemotherapy (Ch. 5 1), is converted to a fraudulent nucleotide that
interferes with thymidylate synthesis. Other cancer chemotherapy
agents that give rise to fraudulent nucleotides are the purine
analogues mercaptopurine and thioguanine. Flucytosine, an Tetrapeptide
antifungal drug (Ch. 48), is deaminated to fluorouracil within fungal _ _...,._ _ _ _ _ _ _:----------._ side-chain
cells but to a much les..er extent in human cells. conferring a degree
of selectivity. 1}-Lactams prevent the Peptide crosshnl<s
cross-linking peptides
from binding to the
CLASS Ill REACTIONS tetrapeptide
As cells cannot take up their own unique macromolecules from
the environment. cia\~ fll reactions are particularly good targets Fig. 45.2 Schematic diagram of a single layer of
for selective toxicity, and there are distinct differences between peptidoglycan from a bacterial cell (e.g. Staphylococcus
mammalian cells and para!>itic cells in the class Ill pathways. aureus), showing the site of action of the ~-lactam
antibiotics. In S. aureus, the peptide cross-links consist of
five glycine residues. Gram-positive bacteria have several
The synthesis of peptidoglycan layers of peptidoglycan. (NAMA, N-acetylmuramic acid; NAG,
The cell wall of bacteria contains peptidoglycan, a substance that N-acetylglucosamine: more detail in Figure 45.3).
650 docs not occur in eukaryotes. It is the equivalent of a non-stretchable

Glycine (gly) residues
I Amino acids of the peptide
side-chain on muramic acid

1on (gly)s
ce, Pi ~::::liS!

ure A
ell. Inside
-C55 1ipid
M ------ C55 lipid
'he Outside
1C. -
~.\, PLactam a ntibiotics, e .g .
~i<, pen icillin s
he cephalos po r in s
mon ob act ams

Fig. 45.3 Schematic d iagram of the biosynthesis of peptidog lyca n in a bacterial cell (e.g. Staphylococcus aureus), w ith the
sites of action of various antibiotics. The hydrophilic disacchande-pentapeptide is transferred across the lipid cell membrane attached
to a large lipid (CSS lipid) by a pyrophosphate bridge (-P-P-). On the outside, it is enzymically attached to the 'acceptor' (the growtng
peptidoglycan layer). The final reaction is a transpeptidation, in which the loose end of the (gly)5 chain is attached to a peptide side-chain
of an M in the acceptor and during which the terminal amino acid (alanine) is lost. The lipid is regenerated by loss of a phosphate group
(Pi) before functioning again as a carrier. G, N-acetylglucosamine; M, N-acetytmuramic acid; UDP, uridine diphosphate; UMP, uridine

acceptor'. with the relea~e of the C55 li pid. which still has two proteins that have transpeptida~e and carboxypeptidase activitie~.
phosphates attached. The lipid carrier then loses one phosphate thus preventing fonnation of the cro~l>-links.
group and thus becomes available for another cycle. Cross-
linking between the peptide side-chain~ of the sugar residue& in Protein synthesis
the peptidoglycan layer then occurs, the hydrolytic removal of the Protein synthesis takes place in the ribosomes. Eukaryotic and
tcnninal alanine supplying the requisite e nergy. prokaryotic ribosomes are different, and this provides the ba::.is
This synthes is of peptidoglycan is a vulne rable step and can be for the selective antimic rob ial action of some antibiotics. T he
blocked at several points by antibiotics (Fig. 45.3 and Ch. 46). bacterial ribosome consists of a 50S subunit and a 30S subunit
C}closerine, which is a structural analogue of D-alaninc. prevent~ (Fig. 45.4), whereas in the mammalian ribosome the subunit!> are
the addition of the two terminal a lanine residues to the initial 60S and 40S. The other elements involved in peptide ~ynthesis
!npcptide side-chain on N-acetylmuramic acid by competitive are messenger RI~A (mR A), ~hich forms the template for
mhibition. Vancomycin inhibit!> the release of the building protein synthesis. and transfer RNA (tRNA). which specifically
block unit from the carrier, thu!> preventing its addition to the transfers the individual amino acids to the ribo!.ome. The
growing end of the peptidoglycan. Bacitra cin interferes with the ribosome has three binding sites for tRNA, termed the A, P and
regencmtion of the lipid carrier by blocking its dephosphorylation. E sites.
Penicillins, cepha losporins and other ~-lactams inhibit the final A simplified version of protein synthesis in bacteria is shown
Lmn~peptidation by fonning covale nt bonds with penicillin-binding in Fig ure 45.4. To initiate trans latio n, mRNA, transcribed from 65 1

A The elements 1nvolved in protein

syntheSIS are shown: a ribosome (with
Anticodon .fJ)
3 b1nding Sites for transfer RNA (lANA):
the P, A and E sites), messenger RNA
(mANA) and lANA. The different mANA
- lANA
Co mpetition with tRNA
codons (tnplets of 3 nucleotldes which for the A site, e.g.
code for spec1flc am1no ac1ds) are tetracyclines; selectivity
represented by dots, dashes and 50S subunit largely through selective
stra1ght or wavy lines and are shown in of nbosome uptake by active
different colours. A lANA w1th the transport into
growmg peptide cha1n (consisting so far prokaryotic cells
of Met -Leu Trp: MLT) IS m the P site.
bound by codon:ant1codon recognition 30S subunit
(i.e. by complementary base-pairing).
The Incoming lANA carries valine (V),
covalently linked.

[J The incoming lANA binds to the A site

by complementary base-pairing.
. - - - - . codon:anticodon leads to
misreading of the
message, e.g.
gentamycin, amikacin, etc.

Inhibition of
C Transpeptidation occurs, 1.e. the
transpeptidation, e.g.
pephde chain on the lANA 1n the
P s1te is transferred to the lANA chloramphenicol
on the A s1te The pept1de chain
Premature termination of
attached to the tRNA m the A site
peptide chain, e.g.
now consists of Met- Leu- Trp-Val
(MLTV). The lANA in the P s1te puromycin , which
has been 'diSCharged', i.e. has lost resembles the amino acid
its peptide. end of tRNA (it also affects
mammalian cells; used as
an experimental tool)

o] The discharged tRNA is now

transferred from the P site to the Inhibition of
E site; the tRNA with the growing translocation,
peptide chain is translocated e.g. erythromycin
from the A site to the P site and (also spectinomycin,
the ribosome moves on one fusidic acid)
codon, relat1ve to the messenger.

E The !RNA from which the

peptide chain has been removed
is ejected. A new tANA, w1th
am1no ac1d (M) attached and
with the relevant anticodon, now
moves into the A s1te, and the
whole process is repeated.

Fig. 45.4 Schematic diagram of bacterial prot ein synthesis, indicating the points at whi ch antibiotics inhibit the process.


the DJ\A template (see below), is attached to the 30S subunit of the gyrase (also called topoisomerase II; Fig. 45.6). During the
nbosome. The 50S subunit then binds to the 30S subunit to fonn synthesis of DNA. nucleotide units--each consisting of a base
. 7051 -.ubunit, which move!> along the mRNA such that successive linked to a sugar and three phosphate groups-are added by base
oodons of the me-;\enger pas'> along the ribosome from the A pairing with the complementary residues on the template. Con-
JXl'IIIOn to the P po~ition. Antibiotics may affect protein synthesis densmion occurs by elimination of two phosphate groups. catalysed
at any one of these Mages (Fig. 45.4 and Ch. 46). by DNA polwnerase.
RNA cxi-;t~ only in ~ingle-~tranded form. Tbc sugar moiety here
Nucleic acid synthesis is riboc,e, and the ribonucleotides contain the bases adenine. guanine,
The nucleic acid\ of the cell are D A and RNA. There are three cytosine and uracil (U).
!)pes of RNA: mR A, tRNA and ribosomal RNA (rRNA). The It is po~l.iblc to interfere with nucleic acid synthc~is in five
la.st of the~e is an integral part of the ribosome and is necessary different ways:
tor it~ assembly as well a~ for facilitating mRNA binding. The
ossembled ribosome al!>o exhibits peptidyl transfera~e activity. by inhibiting the synthesis of the nucleotides
DNA i~ the template for the synthesis of both D NA and RN A. by altering the base-pairing properties of the template
It cxi~t~ in the cell as a double helix, each !>U"and of which is a linear by inhibiti ng either DNA or RNA polymerase
polymer of nucleotides. Each nucleotide consists of a base Iinked by inhibiti ng DNA gyrasc
to a' ugar (deoxyribose) and a phosphate. There are two purine bases. by a direct effect on D A itself.
adenine (A) and guanine (0). and two pyrimidine bases, cytosine
!C) and thymine (T). Single-strand DNA comprises alternating sugar
.00 phosphate groups with the bao;es attached (Fig. 45.5). Specific
h}drogen bonding between G and C and between A and Ton each A
'trand (i.e. complementary ba!>e pairing) is the basis of the double-
\lr.llldcd helical structure of DNA. The DNA helix. is itself further
mk.>d. In the test tube, the coil has I 0 base pairs per turn. In vivo, the
coil is um~ound by about I tum in 20. forming a negative supercoil. -Cell wall
lmtiation of DNA c,ynthe~is requires first the activity of a
protem that causes separation of the strands. The replication
proce" inserts a positive ~upcrcoil. which is relaxed by DNA

D 0 p
Qulnolones , DNA gyrase ;
p 0 ;-{
';---! 0 p
p 0 ;-{
'(-\-G-c-\~)\ chromosome.
0 ';---! 0 p independently

0 Deoxynbose
p 0 ;-{ supercoiled

P Phosphate p- T=A-\~)\I 0 p
Fig. 45.6 Schematic diagram of the action of DNA
Fig. 45.5 Struct ure of DNA. Each strand of DNA consists gyrase: the site of action for quinolone antibacterials.
of a sugar-phosphate backbone with purine or pyrimidine [A Conventional diagram used to depict a bacterial cell and
bases attached. The purines are adenine (A) or guanine (G) and chromosome (e.g. Escherichia colt). Note that the E. coli
the pyrimidines are cytosine (C) or thymine (T). The sugar is chromosome is 1300 mm long and is contained in a cell
deoxyribose. Complementanty between the two strands of envelope of 2 ~1m x 1 J.lm; this is approximately equivalent
DNA Is maintained by hydrogen bonds (either two or three) to a 50-m length of cotton folded into a matchbox.
between bases. lW Chromosome folded around RNA core, and then
(C supercoiled by DNA gyrase (topoisomerase It). Quinolone
and antibacterials interfere with the action of this enzyme.
(Modified from Smith J T 1985 In: Greenwood D, O'Grady F
(eds) Scientific basis of antimicrobial therapy. Cambridge
'You query whether JOS + 50S = 70S'! Yes il does. because we are University Press, Cambridge, p. 69.)
talkmg about Svedbl!l'flllllits. which rnea~ure sed imen tati on rate not mas>.

Inhibition of the synthesis of the nucleotides Inhibition of either DNA or RNA polymerase
This can be accomplished by an effect on the metabolic pathways Dactinom ycin (actinomycin D ) binds to the guanine re~1duv
that generate nucleotide precursors. Examples of agents that have in DNA and blocks the movement of RNA polymerase. th
such an effect have been described under class IT reacti ons. preventing tran1.cription and inhibiting protein synthesis. The dnr;
i-. used in cancer chemotherapy in humans (Ch. 5 I) and also a
Alteration of the bose-pairing properties of the template experimental tool, but it is not useful as an antibacterial age~
Agents that intercalate in the DNA have this effect. Examples
Specific inhibitors of bacterial RNA polymerase that act by binding
include acridines (p rofl avine and acrifl avine). which are used to this enzyme in prokaryotic but not in eukaryotic cells incluu.
topi cally as antiseptics. The acridines double the distance pre'
rifamycin and rifampi cin, which arc particularly useful fort.reaun~
berween adjacent base pairs and cause a frameshift mutation Mycobacterium tuberculosis (which causes tubcrculo,i'>: 't
(Fig. 45.7), whereas some purine and pyrimidine analogues C h. 46). Aciclovir (an analogue of guanine) i~ phosphorylated m
cause base mispairing. cells infected with herpes virus, the initial phosphorylation being
by a virus-specific kinase to give the aciclovir trisphosphate. \\hldl

has an inhibitory action on the DNA polymerase of the herpes \iru

--- ----- --- ---- - (Ch. 47 and Fig. 45.8).

RNA retroviruses have a reverse /ranscriptase (viral TH
ucu uuu cuu ucu... \
mANA AUU GUU R A-dependent DNA polymerase) that copies the viral R.\\
normal) Ser Phe Leu lie Val Ser
into DNA that integrates into the host cell genome as a provirus
mANA ucu UUG ucu UAU UGU uuc... Various agents (zidovudine, didanosine) arc phosphorylated b1
(mutant) Ser Leu Ser Tyr Cys Phe cellular enzymes to the trisphosphate forms, which compete \\lib
the host cell precursors essen ti al for the formation by the 1iral
Fig. 45.7 An example of the effect on RNA and protein reverse transcriptase of proviral D A.
synthesis of a frameshift mutation in DNA. A frameshift
Cytarabi n e (cytosine arabinoside) is used in cancer chemo
mutation is one that involves a deletion of a base or an
insertion of an extra base. In the above example, an extra therapy (Ch. 51). Its trisphosphate derivative is a potent inh1b11
cytosine has been Inserted In the DNA template, with the resu lt o f DNA polymerase in mammalian cells. Foscarnet inhibits \ lral
that when mANA is formed it has an additional guanine (G), as RNA polymerase by attaching to the pyrophosphate-binding 'lte
indicated in orange. The effect is to alter that codon and all the
succeeding ones (shown in blue), so that a completely different Inhibition of DNA gyrose
protein is synthesised, as indicated by the different amino
rigure 45.6 is a simplified scheme showing the action of 0:':.1
acids (Leu instead of Phe, Ser instead of Leu, etc.). A, adenine;
C, cytosine; U, uracil. gyrase. The fluoroquinolones (cinoxacin, ciproOoxacin, nalidixic
'-- acid and norfloxacin ) act by inhibiting DNA gyrase. and the-<

deoxyribonucleoside _ .JSr
trisphosphate ~~\
~ ~ ...... ,' c
S - P- S - ~
1 I ""~'--------
Fig. 45.8 Schemati c diagram of
DNA replication, showing some
Ill II --,I
antibiotics that inhibit it by act ion C T G A T
on DNA polymerase. Nucleotides I I I I I Template
are added, one at a time, by base - 5 - P - S -P- S - P - S -P ~ S - I
pairing to an exposed template --1
strand, and are then covalently Rifampicin and
rifamycin Inhibit the

joined together in a reaction
catalysed by DNA polymerase. The bacterial enzyme;

' "'!"-
units that pair with the aciclovir inhibits the DNA polymerase
complementary residues in the herpes virus enzyme;
template consist of a base linked to cy1arabine Inhibits the
a sugar and three phosphate human enzyme
groups. Condensation occurs with S - P- S
the elimination of two phosphates. I I
The elements added to the template G A C
are shown 1n darker colours and bold Ill II Ill
type. A, adenine; C, cytosine; G, C T G A
guanine; P, phosphate; S, sugar; T, I I I I
-s- p- s- p- s- p- s ---
654 ~ymi~

chemotherapeutic agents arc used particularly in infections with the phospholipid components of the membrane structme, thus
~UC'i Gram-negative organisms (Ch. 46). These drugs arc selecti ve for the killing the cell.
um-. bacterial enzyme because it i!. structurally different from the mam- Unlike mammalian and bacterial cells, fungal cell membranes
jrug malian enzyme. Some anticancer agents, for example doxorubicin, have large amounts of ergosterol. This facilitate~ the attachment
an act on the mammalian topoisomerase II. of polyene antibiotics (e.g. nystatin and amphoter i cin; Ch. 48),
which act a-. ionophores and cau!>e leakage of cation\.
Direct effects on DNA itself
ing Azoles such as i t r aconazol e kill funga l cells by inhibiting
Alkylating agents fom1 covalent bonds with bases in the DNA and
Jude ergosterol synthesis. thereby disrupting the function of membrane-
prevent replication. Compounds with this action are used only in
tmg associated entymes. The azoles also affect Gram-po\itive
c:mcer chemotherapy and include nitrogen mustard derivatives and
~cc bacteri a, their selectivity being associated with the presence of
nurosourcas (Ch. 51). M itomycin also binds covalently to DNA. No
din high levels of free fatty acids in the membrane of susceptible
antibacterial agents work by these mechanisms. Bleomycin, an
!ing organisms (Ch. 48).
anticancer drug, cau~es fragmentation of the DNA strands following
ich free radicul format ion (Ch. 5 1).
iraI THE FORMED STRUCTURES OF THE CELL AS Microtubules and/ or microfilaments
"JA POTENTIAL TARGETS The benzimidazoles (e.g. albendazol e) exert their antihelminthic
. ,, THE MEMBRANE action by binding selecti vely to parasite tubulin and preventing
I b) microtubule formation (Ch. 50). The vi11ca alkaloids vinblastine
\ith The plasma membrane of bacterial cells is similar to that in mam- and vincr isti ne are anticancer agents that disrupt the functioning
ira I malian cells in that it consist!. of a phospholipid bilayer in which of microtubules during cell divi~ion (Ch. 51).
protein~ arc embedded, but it can be more easily disrupted in certain
110- bacteria and fungi. Food vacuoles
ltOr Polymixins arc cationic peptide antibiotics, containing both The erythrocytic fom1 of th e malaria plasmodium feeds on host
iraI h}drophilic and lipophilic groups, which have a selecti ve effect haemoglobin. which is digested by proteases in the parasite food
lite. on bacterial cell membranes. They act as detergents, disrupting vacuole, the final product, haem, being detoxified by polymeris-
ation. Chloroquine exerts its antimal arial action by inhibiting
plasmodial haem polymerase (Ch. 49).
NA Biochemical reactions as potential
ixic targets for chemotherapy
Class I reactions are poor targets.
Some antihelminthic drugs have a selective action on helminth
Class II reactions are better targets:
muscle cells (Ch. 50). Pi per azine acts as an agonist on parasite-
folate synthesis in bacteria is inhibited by
specific chloride channels gated by GABA in nematode muscle.
hyperpolarising the mu!>cle fibre membrane and paralysing the
folate utilisation is inhibited by folate antagonists,
worm; avermectins increase Cl- permeability in helminth
for example trimethoprim (bacteria), pyrimet hamine
muscle-possibly by a similar mechanism. Pyrantcl (now ~eldom
(malarial parasite), methotrexate (cancer cells)
used) and levamisole act as agonists at nematode acetylcholine
pyrimidine analogues (e.g. fluorouracil) and purine
nicotinic receptors on muscle, causing contraction followed by
analogues (e.g. mercaptopurine) give rise to
paralysis (Ch. 50).
fraudulent nucleotides and are used to treat cancer.
Class Ill reactions are important targets:
peptidoglycan synthesis in bacteria can be RESISTANCE TO ANTIBACTERIAL DRUGS
selectively inhibited by ~-lactam antibiotics (e.g.
penicillin) Since the 1940s, the development of effective and safe drugs to
bacterial protein synthesis can be selectively deal with bacterial and other infections has revolutionised medical
inhibited by antibiotics that prevent binding of tRNA treatmenL and the morbidity and mortality associated with these
(e.g. tetracyclines), promote misreading of mANA diseases has been dramatically reduced. Unfortunately, the develop-
(e.g. aminoglycosides), inhibit transpeptidation ment of effective antibacterial drugs has been accompanied by the
(e.g. chloramphenicol) or inhibit translocation of emergence of drug-resistant organisms. This is not unexpected,
tRNA from A site to P site (e.g. erythromycin). because the short generation time of many bacterial species aiTords
nucleic acid synthesis can be inhibited by altering an1ple opportunity for evolutionary adaptation. The phenomenon
base pairing of DNA template (e.g . the antiv1ral of resistance imposes serious constrain~ on the options available
vidarabine), by inhibiting DNA polymerase (e.g. the for the medical treatment of many bacterial infections. Resistance
antivirals aciclovir and foscarnet) or by inhibiting to chemotherapeutic agents can also develop in protozoa, in multi-
DNA gyrase (e.g. the antibacterial ciprofloxacin). cellular para<>ites (see Foley & Tilley, 1997; Martin & Robertson,
2000; St Gcorgiev, 2000) and in populations of malignant cells

of resi~tancc is of limited clinical relevance, possibly because 1M

Formed structures of the cell that are mutants often have reduced pathogenicity.
targets for chemotherapy

The plasma membrane is affected by: EXTRACHROMOSOMAL DETERMINANTS:

amphotericin, which acts as an ionophore in PLASMIDS
fungal cells In addition to the chromosome itself, many species of bactell3
azoles, which inhibit fungal membrane ergosterol contain extrachromosomal genetic elements called plasmid1th
synthesis. exist free in the cytoplasm. These are also genetic element\ th
Microtubule function is disrupted by: can replicate independently. Stmcturally, they are clo~ed loop'
- vinca alkaloids (anticancer drugs) D A that may comprise a single gene or as many as 500 or mn
- benzimidazoles (antihelminthics). more. Only a few pla1.mid copies may exist in the cell but oft,n
Muscle fibres are affected by: multiple copies are present. and there may also be more than unc
avermectins {antihelminthics), which increase Cl- type of plasmid in each bacterial cell. Plasmids that carry gen~,
permeability for resistance to antibiotics (r genes) are referred to as R p/a.smic/1
pyrantel (antihelminthic), which stimulates Much of' the drug resistance encountered in clinical medicine i1
nematode nicotinic receptors, eventually causing plasmid-determined. It is not known how these genes arose.
muscle paralysis.


(discu~\ed in Ch. 51). Here, however. we will confine discussion BACTERIUM
mainly to the mcchanhms of re~il>tance in bacteria.
Amibiotic rc!>il.tance in bacteria spreads in three ways:
Some ~trctche~ of DNA are readily transferred (transposed) from
by transfer of bacteria between people one plasmid to another and al~o from plasmid to chromo><>me
by tran~fer of re. iMancc gene!> between bacteria (usually on or 'ice versa. This is because integration of these egmenl\
plasmids) DNA, which are called transposons. into the acceptor D 'A c..
by tran~fer of re~iMancc gene!> between genetic elements occur independently of the normal mechanism of homologo
within bacteria. on transposons. genetic recombination. Unlike plasmids. transposons are notable
to replicate independently. although some may replicate dunn.
Under!.tanding the mechanisms involved in antibiotic resistance
the proce!>s of integration (Fig. 45.9), resulting in a copy tn both
is cmcial for the ~ensible clinical use of existing medicines and
the donor and the acceptor DNA molecules. Transposons m3)
in the design of new anti bacterial drugs. One by-product of the
carry one or more resistance genes (see below) and can 'hitchhil~
studies of resistance in bacteria was the development of plasmid-
on a plasmid to a new species of bacterium. Even if the plasmtu
based techniques for DNA cloning. leacting to the use of bacteria
is unable to replicate in the new host. the transposon may integmte
to produce recombinant proteins for therapeutic use (sec Ch. 55).


The spontaneour. mutation rate in bacterial populations for any
particular gene ill very low. and the probability is that approxi-
mately only I cell in 10 million will. on division, give rise to a
daughter cell containing a mutation in that gene. However, as there
arc likely to be very many more cells than this over the course of
an infection, the probability of a mutation causing a change from
drug sen~itivity to dmg resistance can be quite high with some
species of bacteria and with some drugs. Fortunately, in most cases,
Fig . 45.9 An example of the transfer and replication of a
a few mutant!> are not l>Ufficient to produce resistance as. despite transposon (which may carry genes coding for resistance
the selective advantage that the resistant mutants possess. the drastic to antibiotics) . .A Two plasmids, a and b, with plasmid b
reduction of the population by the antibiotic usually enables the containing a transposon (shown in brown). ~ An enzyme
host's natural defences (sec Ch. 13) to prevail. However, this may encoded by the transposon cuts DNA of both donor plasmid
not occur if the primary infection is caused by a dnlg-resistant strain. and target plasmid a to form a cointegrate. During this
process, the transposon replicates. ~ An enzyme encoded by
Resistance resulting from chromosomal mutation is important the transposon resolves the cointegrate. [Q] Both plasmids now
in 1.0mc instances, notably infections with methicillin-resistant contain the transposon DNA.
656 S. a11reus (MRSA; see below) and in tuberculosis, but this type

into the new ho~t 's chromosome or into its indigenous plasmid'>. Transformation
Thi!> probably accounts for the widespread distribution of certain A few species of bacteria can, under natural conditions, undergo
of the resistance genes o n different R plasmids and among transformation by taking up DNA from the environment and
unrelated bacteria. incorporating it into the genome by nom1al homologous recombi-
nation. Transformation is probably not of importance clinically.
Gene cassettes and integrons
ia Pla.\mids and trampo~ons do not complete the rally of mechani\ms
at that natural selection ha!> provided to confound the hopes of the BIOCHEMICAL MECHANISMS OF
at microbiologislfchemothcrapist. Resistance-in fact, mu/tidrug RESISTANCE TO ANTIBIOTICS
of resistance--can also be spread by another mobile eleme nt, the
!n ~ene cassette. which consists of a resiMance gene attached to a
m 'mall recognition site. Several cassette~ may be packaged together INACTIVATES THE DRUG
lC in a mu/ticassel/e array, which can. in turn. be integrated into a Inactivation of p-lactam antibiotics
es larger mobile DNA unit termed an integron. The integron (which The most important example of resi.,tance caused by inactivation
~. may be located on a transposon) contains a gene for an entyme. is that of the {3-!actam a/1/ihiotic.\. The enzymes concerned arc
is integrase (recombinasc), which insert~ the casscne(s) at unique sites {3-/actamases, which cleave the fHactam ring of penici llins and
on the intcgron. Thi~ sy~tem-transposonlintegron/multiresi stancc cepha losporins (see Ch. 46). Cross-resistance between the two
cmette array-allows particularly rapid and efficient transfer of classes of antibiotic is not complete. because some ~-lactamases
multidrug resistance between genetic clements both within and have a preference for penicillins and some for cephalosporins.
between bacteria.
T Stapfrrlomcci are the principal hacteria producing ~-lactamao..e, and
the gene~ coding for the enzymes are on plu'>mids that can be tmn~ferred
THE TRANSFER OF RESISTANCE GENES by mmsduction. In '>taphylococci. the cnt.yme is inducible (i.e. it~
synthe~b i' not expressed in the ab~ence of the drug), and minute.
BETWEEN BACTERIA subilthibitory concentrations of antibiotic~ derepress the gene and rc~ult
in a 50- to !!0 fold increase in e~pre.,son. The entyme passe'> through the
e The transfer of rel>istancc genes between bacteria of the same and
mdeed of different species is of fundamental importance in the
bacterial envelope and inactivate~ antibiotic molecules in the surrounding
medium. The grn\e clinical problem po'ed b) l'e\.htant Maphylococci
m 'pread of antibiotic resistance. The most important mechanism in secreting 13-lactamase \\.as tackled by de\eloping 'emi,ynthetic
this context i~ conjugation. Other gene transfer mechanisms, penicillin'> buch as methicillin) and new 13-lactam antibiotic' (the
lc transduction and tramformarion. are of little impo rtance in
lg 'preading resistance genes.

..y Conjugation
Conjugation involve!> cell-to-cell contact during which chromosomal Resistance to antibiotics
d or cxtrachrorno!>omal D A is transferred from one bacterium to
IC another, and is the main mechanism for the spread of resistance. Resistance in bacterial populations can be
The ability to conjugate is e ncoded in conjugative plasmids; the~>e spread from person to person by bacteria, from
are plasmids that contain transfer genes. which, in coliform bacteria, bacterium to bacterium by plasmids, from plasmid to
code for the production by the host bacterium of prote inaceous plasmid (or chromosome) by transposons.
,urface tubules. termed sex pili, that connect the two cells. The Plasmids are extrachromosomal genetic elements
conjugative plasmid then passes across from one bacterial cell to that can replicate independently and can carry genes
.mother (generally of the same specie:.). Many Gram-negative and coding for resistance to antibiotics (r genes).
'ome Gram-positive bacteria can conjugate. Some promiKuous The main method of transfer of r genes from one
plasmids can cross the species barrier, accepting one host as readily bacterium to another is by conjugative plasmids. The
a~ another. Man y R plas mids are conjugative. Non-conjugative bacterium forms a connecting tube with other
pla... mids. if they coexist in a donor' cell with conjugative plasmid,, bacteria through which the plasmids pass.
can hitch-hike from one bacterium to the other with the conjugmive A less common method of transfer is by transduction,
plasmids. The transfer of resistance by conjugation is significant i.e. the transmission by a bactenal virus (phage) of a
m populations of bacteria that are nonnally found at high densities, plasmid bearing an r gene into another bacterium.
a~ in the gut. Transposons are stretches of DNA that can be
transposed from one plasmid to another, from a
Tronsduction plasmid to a chromosome or vice versa. A plasmid
Transduction b a process by which plasmid DNA is enclo:.ed containing an r gene-bearing transposon may code
in a bacterial virus (or phage) and transferred to another for enzymes that cause the plasmid to be integrated
bacterium of the same species. lt is a relatively ineffective mean<; with another. Following their separation, this
of transfer of genetic material but is clinically important in the transposon replicates so that both plasmids then
transmission of resistance genes between strains of staphylococci contain the r gene.
and of streptococci. 657

monobactams and carbapeoems). and cephalo&porins (~uch as and has greatly reduced the therapeutic value of the tetracyclinr'
cephamandole). that are le~~ ~u~eptible to inactivation. The growing in human and veterinary medicine. Resistance of S. aure11.1 I
problem of MRSA ~ di~u~'ed below.
erythromycin and the other macrolides, and to fluoroquinolone'
Gram-negative organisms can also produce (3-lactamases. and is also brought about by energy-dependent efflux.
this i'> a significant factor in their resistance to the semisynthetic There i'> al'>O recent evidence of plasmid-determined inhibitioc
broad-spectrum ~-lactam antibiotics. In these organisms. the of porin '>ynthel>il>. which could affect those hydroph1h,
enZ) me. may be coded by either chromosomal or plasmid genes. antibiotic\ that enter the bacterium through these water-filkd
In the former case. the cruymes may be inducible, but in the latter chan neb in the outer membrane. Altered permeability as a re~ult
they are produced conl>titutivcly. When this occurs, the enzyme of chromo'>omal mutations involving the polysaccharide com-
does not inactivate the drug in the surrounding medium but instead ponents of the outer membrane of Gram-negative organi.,ms ffiJ)
remains attached to the cell wall. preventing access of the drug to confer enhanced resistance to ampicillin. Mutations affectin~
membrane-associated target sites. Many of these (3-lactarnases are envelope components have been reported to affect the accumu
encoded by transposons, some of which may also carry resistance lation of aminoglycosides, (3-lactams, chloramphenicol, peptide
determinants to several other antibiotics. antibiotics and tetracycline.

Inactivation of chloramphenicol THE DEVELOPMENT OF A PATHWAY THAT

Chloramphe nicol is inactivated by chloramphenicol
acetyltransfera.ve, an enzyme produced by resistant strains of
both Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms, the resistance
gene being pla~mid-bome. ln Gram-negative bacteria, the enzyme Resistance to trimethoprim is the result of plasmid-directed
is produced con~titutively. resulting in levels of resistance fivefold synthesis of a dihydrofolate reductase with low or zero affinit) lor
higher than in Gram-positive bacteria. in which the enzyme is trimethoprim. It is transferred by transduction and may be spreaJ
inducible. by transpo~on'>.
Sulfonamide re!.istance in many bacteria is plasmid-mediated aru
Inactivation of aminoglycosides result~ from the production of a form of dihydJvpceroate S)7lllleta..
Aminoglycosides arc inactivated by phosphorylation, adenylation with a low affinity for sulfonamides but no change in affinit} for
or acetylation. and the requisite eruymes are found in both Gram- PABA. Bacteria causing serioul> infections have been found 1
negative and Gram-pol>itive organbms. The resistance genes arc carry pla<;mids with rc:.istance genes to both sulfonamides ar..
carried on plasmid'>, and several are found on transposons. rrimethoprim.


The aminoglycoside-binding site on the 30S s ubunit of the The most disturbing development of resistance has been in
ribosome may be altered by chromosomal mutation. A plasmid- staphylococci, one of the commonest causes of hospital bloodstream
mediated alteration of the binding site protein on the 50S subunit infections, many strains of which are now resistant to almo~t nil
also underlies resistance to erythromycin, and decreased binding current ly avai lable antibiotics. In addition to resistance to ~orne
of nuoroquinolones because of a point mutation in DNA gyrase
A ha~ recently been described. An altered DNA-dependent RNA
polymerase determined by a chromosomal mutation is reported
to be the ba!>is for rifampicin re~istance. Biochemical mechanisms of resistance
In addition to acquiring resistance to ~-lactams susceptible to to antibiotics
~-lactamase, some strains of S. aureus have even become
resistant to some antibiotics that are not significantly inactivated The principal mechanisms are as follow.
by ~-lactamase (e.g. methicillin). because they express an Production of enzymes that inactivate the drug: for
additional f3-lactam- binding protein coded for by a mutated example B-lactamases, which inactivate penicillin.
chromosomal gene. acetyltransferases, which inactivate
chloramphenicol; kinases and other enzymes,
which inactivate aminoglycosides.
Alteration of the drug-binding sites: this occurs
BACTERIUM with aminoglycosides, erythromycin, penicillin.
An important example of decreased drug accumulation is the Reduction of drug uptake by the bacterium: for
plasmid-mediated resistance to tetracyclines encountered in borh example tetracyclines.
Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. In this case. resistance Alteration of enzyme pathways: for example
genes in the plasmid code for inducible proteins in the bacterial dihydrofolate reductase becomes insensitive to
membrane, which promote energy-dependent efflux of the tetra- trimethoprim.
658 cycl ines. and hence resistance. This type of resistance is common

es ~-lacLams through production of 13-lacLamase and the production Enterococci, already multiresistant, have recently developed
to of an additional B-lactam-binding protein that also renders them resistance to vancomycin. This is npparently achieved by ~ubsti
~~. resistant to methicil lin, S. aureus may also manifest resistance to tution of o-A ia-D-Aia with o-A ia-D-Iactate in the peptide chain
other antibioticl> a!> follows: attached to N-ncetylglucosamine-N-acetylmuramic acid (G-M)
)11 during the first steps of peptidoglycan synthesis (!.ee rig. 45.3
to streptomycin (because of chromosomally determined
IC and Ch. 46). Thi~ is becoming a major problem in ho,pitalised
alterations of target site)
~d patients, and in the USA vancomycin resisitance ha~ increa~ed
to aminoglycosides in general (because of altered target site
lit from 0.5% to 18% in less than a decade (Bax e1 aJ., 2000). A particu-
and plasmid-determined inactivating enzymes)
n- lar concem is the possibility of transfer of vancomycin resistance
to chloramphenicol and the macro! ides (because of plasmid-
ty from enterococci to staphylococci. because they can coexist in
detemtined enzymes)
lg the same patient.
to trimethoprim (because of transpol>on-cncoded drug-re~istant
11- Many other pathogens are developing or have developed resist-
dihydrofolate reductase)
le ance to commonly used drugs. Thi~ list includes P:;eudomonas
to sulfonamide~ (because of chromol>omally detennined
aerugino.w, Streptococcus pyogenes. Streptococcus pneumoniae,
increased production of PABA)
Neisseria meningitidis, N. gonorrhoeae, 1/aemophifius injluenzae
to rifampicin (because of chromosomally and plasmid-
and H. durreyi, as well as Mycobacterium, CampyfohtlCIN and
determined increases in efflux of the drug)
Bacremide:, ~pecies. Some strains of M. lttberculosis are now
to fusidic acid (because of chromosomally determined
able to evade every antibiotic in the clinician's armamentarium,
decreased affinity of the target site or a plasmid-encoded
and tuberculo~is. once easily treatable. is now reponed to be
decreased penneability to the drug)
id causing more deaths worldwide than malaria and AJDS together.
to quinolones. for example cipronoxacin and norfloxacin
1r The only antibiotic that seems to defy resistance (at lea~t at the
(because of chromosomally determined reduced uptake).
d rime of writing) is linezolid, a relatively new oxazolidinone
Infections with MRSA have become a major problem, particu- drug with a novel mechanism of action (see Zurenko ct al., 200 I,
d larly in hospital&. where they can spread rapidly among elderly and Ch. 46).
and/or seriously ill patient~. and patients with burns or wound\. Prescriber<; and consumers must aho bear a re!>ponsibility
If In a number of hospitals, surgical wards have been closed becau~e for the burgeoning problem of re.,i,tance. lndiscriminate usc of
0 of the high rates of infection among patients. Until recently, the antibiotics in human and veterinary medicine, and their use in
d glycopeptide vancomycin was the antibiotic of last resort against animal foodstuffs. has undoubtedly encouraged the growth of
MRSA but, ominously, strains of MRSA showing decreased resistant ~trains. Some governmental and regulatory bodies (e.g.
su~ceptibil ity to this drug were isolated from hospitalised patients the European Union) have devised political and social measures
m the USA and Japan in 1997.4 MRSA infections are ri&ing: to curb such excesses. and these have been at least partly successful
Bax et al. (2000) report prevalence in US hospitals as rising from (reviewed by Bax et al.. 2000).
11-13% in 1985/6to 26% in 1998. The issue around declining antibiotic efficacy is. however, not
n The fact that vancomycin resistance seems to have de\'eloped solely to do with bacterial countennea~ures. The fact il> that there
n 'pontaneously could have major clinical implications-and not has been a declining interest in the pharmaceutical industry in
II only for nosocomial (those contracted in hospital) MRSA infections. researching novel antibiotics. Historically, the area hns been
e II had been thought that antibiotic-resistant bacteria were dangerous one of the mainstays of the industry, but most of the drugs
only 10 seriously ill, hospitalised patients, in thai the genetic burden available today arc the result of incremental change& in the
of multiple resistance genes would lead to reduced virulence. structures of a relatively small number of ba..,ic molecular
Di~tressingly, however, there is now evidence that the spectrum structures. such as the f3-lactam nucleus. By common con~ent.
and frequency of disease produced by methicillin-susceptible the days when it was possible to discover new and effective drugs
and methiciUin-resistant staphylococci are similar. in this way arc long gone.
In the past few years, emerococci have been rapidly developing Hubris has also played a part. In I967, the US Surgeon
resistance to many chemotherapeutic agents and have emerged as General effectively announced thai infectious diseases had been
the second most common nosocomial pathogen. Non-pathogenic vanquished, and that the researchers should tum their attention to
enterococci are ubiquitous in the intestine. have intrinsic resistance chronic di:.eases instead. As a result. many pharmaceutical
to many antibacterial drugs, and can readily become resistant to companies scaled down their efforts in the area, and only in the
other agents by taking up plasmids and transposons carrying the pa.<;t few years ha' activity been resumed as the pressing need
relevant resistance genes. Such re::.istance is easily transferred to for novel compounds has been recognised (see Sax et al.. 2000;
invading pathogenic enterococci. BaHett & Barrett, 2003).
However. nature has endowed micro-organisms with fiendish ly
effective adaptive mechanisms for outwitting our be<,ttherapcutic
strategies. and so far several have been effortlessly keeping pace
'Noble et al. have tran~ferred vancomycin resis1ance from enterococci to
\Uphylococci. lf th1~ occured in a clinical cnvtronment, i1 wouJd be with our attempts to eradicate them. This challenging l>ituation
di,:L\II'Ou~. Some microbiologisiS have sugge\ted thai Noble and his team has been reviewed in depth by Shlaes (2003) and Barrett &
lhould be autoclaved. Barrell (2003).

Multldrug resistance

Many pathogenic bacteria have developed resistance and/ or plasmids; such organisms can cause
to the commonly used antibiotics. Examples include: serious and virtually untreatable nosocomial infections
some strains of staphylococci and enterococci some strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis that have
that are resistant to virtually all current antibiotics, become resistant to most antituberculosis agents.
the resistance being transferred by transposons


General rending Tan Y T, Tilleu D J, McKay I A 2000 Molecular diagrams: 1/iis is o11e of 12 papers on resiswnct m1/u
Amye S 0 B 2001 Mngic bullet>. lost hori zon>: the rise strategies for overcoming antibiotic rcsi~1ancc in iss11e of the joumal)
and fall of anlihiot ic\. Tuylor & Francis, l.ondon bacteria. Mol Mcd Today 6: 309 314 ($url'i11r1 articll' Jonc1> M E, Peters Ectal. 1997 Widespread occum:"''
(Thou~lllflf'flmAillfl boo~ hr 11 bat-terioiogist 11 ith reviewing strmegies m np/oit adl'imre.! in moleculw of integrons causing multiple antibiotic resis1ance 1n
widr e.lprrienrt in bnuerial J"l!liMtma anti 8Cnetics: biology 10 develop new ami/JiotiCI 1hat mrrromr bacteria. Lancct 349: 1742-1743
he opim.< 111111 11nln tile pmiJlemof wllt!Jiotic re.~iswnce: useful glo.uary of rele1ant temts) Levy S B 1998a Ami bacterial resisumce: bacleria on the
re<islonu i< .wled m tlte nt'.\1 5 year.l, ,..e are going Zasloff M 2002 Antimicrobial peptide-; of muluecllular defence. Br Med J 7 159: 6 12-{) J3 (Resi.<1a11ce .<m
to slip further imo I he abn:. of uncontrollable organisms. Nature 415: 389-395 (71tOIIflhiJiroi'Okill~ from thr poim of view of the baclerium; thi! is ontD}
infectinn') article abom 1/U' po1e111 hroutls~ctrw!l muimirmhial lPl'f'll editorial arliclt.< on dte subjec/ nf !l'<i<llln"'"'
Bu'h K, "laciclaF "1 2000 'lc-. npproache' 111 the peplides possessed by bmlt animal! and p/m!l.r, 11 lt11'h rlti.r I!..\ Itt' of the JOumal)
treatmem of h3~tcnal tnfecuon,, Curr Optn Chem B1ol are used 10 fend off a ,.;de ron)1e of microbes: 1/1.1 Levy S B 1998b The challenge of antibiOiic re>i<Llnt.-e
-1 -IH-419 (Cnnc t<t tlisn1111cm of nt~ nlllibactt'rinl sugges1ed thai nplnilil!l( 111tre mi~h1/>e nne tlltlll ('r 10 Sci Am \1arch: 32-39 (Simple, clear rerin. b) WI
a)1tIJI.\ 111 phar II t>r plwu II/ trial t)r alf'l'atly the problem of amihtolk t'l'fiJiant e) l'.lpert in I he field: excel/em diagrams)
OJ>proleti) Zurenko 0 E. Gibson J K. Shinaba.rger D I et al 200 I Michel \1, Gutman L 19<)7 Mcthkillin-re'"tant
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chem01her:1p). Pan.,llolog) 114 S1 S 15 Opin Pharm3COI I: 470-476 (A ml'tif htJ~ 11 enterococci: therapeutic realities and pos>ibibun
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pro1o~t>ttl. W<'<'i<lml 11n<l ltl'lmintlt mfrctiotU, "ith Drug resistan ce dial(rom: su~xests schemes for medical ma/111~~
n111li11t of appma<'hr In f'<'Htblt flllllre a~ellls) Barrell C T, Barren J F 2003 Anuhxtcnal\. arc the nc-. of mfuumu cmued by resiswm organisnu)
Knocller LA. Celh J. f'mla) B B 2001 Pathogenoc entries enough to deal "ith the emef1!mg re,i,tance l'oble W C 1992 FEMS Microbiol Leu 72: 195-19~
triclel): deception of ho,t cell p1UC"o;e>. Mol Cell problem? Curr Opm Biotechnol 14 621 626 ((}ond St Gcof1!ic V 2000 \Jcmbmne transporte"' and
B1ol 2: 578 ~S!I (Dw 11\.11'1 bctctnwl ploys 10 s11bert general reiew "'ilh some wmr>ellm.~ l'-wmple! anti a ant1fungal drug resistance. Curr Drug Taf1!ets I.
or hlotJ. m>mml hml al/u/ur r>m<~, e.{. mull irking mwul-up of new tfntg cwuliduu.<) 184-261 (Discusses arious aspects of mulndru~
1ile liRaml\ for hflll ct/1 f'l!tepl<>rl or 11gnal/111g Sax R. Mullan N. Vemoef J 2000 The millennium resistance in tliseasecausing fimgi in 1he l'Onltll of
pmlmun. U.1t}11lli11 uj ewmple;.) bugs-the need for and development of new tar8eted drug del'elopnU'III)
\1anm R J. Rohcn,on A P 2000 Electrophy~iological antibacterials. lnl J Anlimicrob Agent\ 16: 5 1 59 van flclkum A 2000 Molecular epidemiology of
mesugation of anthcltnlllliC rcSt,lancc. Para;itology (Excellent rt!View of 1/te problem of relilllmu anti methicillinresistant Swphylococcus aureus wain.'
120(,uppl): S87 S9-l (U.~t~ J>tlt<il clomp techmque to some of the new nfiellls in the t>lf>elme) 'tale of uiTair> and tomorrow's possibilitie,. M1crob
.\ltldy itm C'hmurrl\ in rt'.\'i\ftmlllnd nmll'('5isltmr Courvalin P. Tricu-CoUI 200 I Min imiting poiCntinl Drug Resist 6: 173-187
nemauu.le li.\we) resistance: the molecular view. Cli n lnfect Dis 33: Walsh C 2000 Molecular mechanisms that confer
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of mobile clement. Microbiology 14 1: 30 15-3027 molecular biology to prel'elltlnfltlte .<pl'('atl of resislant (e.xcellem review amlining the mechanismI ofaaron
(Detoiletlrmuafl<' of/Ius ltllusualmechanism) bacteria) of umi!Jit>lic,, and 1/U' resiswnce f>loy.r of !Jacleria.
Shlac, D M 2001 The uhandonmcn1 of nnli bac~eriak Foley M. Tilley L 1997 Quinoline amimalarial': l'l'l)' good diagronr)
why and wherefore? Curr Opin Pharmacol 3: 470-473 mechanisms of action nnd resistance. lnt J Parn,ilol Woodford N 2005 Biological counter;trikc: amihi04ic
(A .~(1(1(1 rnirw thlll eJ.pl11inf tltt rea1011.1 11ndalying 27: 231-240 (Good. short revinv: u<efu/ resistance mechanisms of Grampositive cocci. ChQ
the 1"1.'\i\/mue (lmhlm1 allfl lhr rr:g,(ulrlry and other diagranL\) Microbiol Infect 3: 2-21 (A useful rl'fl'rl'ltet 1hat
hunl/e{ lila/ null/ br oercoml' befort.' ,,.,. Hawkey P M 1998 The origins and molecular bao;i, of classtfies amibi01ic resis1ance as OIU' of rhe maJor
anul>al'lnialr (IJI~ttr 1111 to/he murkl't: almost antibiotic resisUlllce. Br Med J 7159: 657-{)59 p1tblic health conums of the 2/s/ cemury and
af'<'Callpur m 1011<') (Succinc/ oenie~~ of l"'.'siswnCl'; uuful, .fllnplt tlistusus dm~ lreatmenl for resiWUII Slnltn.<)
Antibacterial drugs

are also highlighted, but it must be understood

Overview 661 that most of these pathogens can produce a
Introduction 66 1 spectrum of illness.

Antimicrobial agents that interfere with the

synthesis or action of folate 663 INTRODUCTION
-Sulfonamides 663
- Trimethoprim 664 Many organisms (see Table 46.1) can be classified as being either

I~lactam antibiotics 665

-Penicillin 665
Gram-positive or Gram-negati1e depending on whether or not they
stain with Gram's stain. 1 This is not merely a taXonomic device,
as it reflects several fundamental differences in (for example) the
-Cephalosporins and cephamycins 666 structure of their cell walls, and thi!> in turn has implications for
-Other ~lactam antibiotics 668 the action of antibiotics.
Antimicrobial agents aHecting bacterial protein The cell wall of Gram-positive organisms is a relatively simple
synthesis 668 structure, 15-50 nm thick. ll comprises about 50% peptidoglycan
-Tetracyclines 668 (see Ch. 45), 40-45% acidic polymer (which results in the cel l
-Chloramphenicol 669 surface being highly polar and carrying a negative charge) and
-Aminoglycosides 670 5-10% proteins and polysaccharides. The strongly polar polymer
-Macrolides 671 layer influences the penetration of ionised molecules and favours
-Streptogramins 671 the penetration into the cell of positively charged compounds such
-Uncosamides 672 as streptomycin.
-Oxalazidonones 672 The cell wall of Gram-negative organisms is much more complex.
-Fusidic acid 672 From the plasma membrane outwards, it consists of the following:

Antimicrobial agents aHecting a peripfasmic space containing enzymes and other components
topoisomerase 672 a peptidoglycan layer 2 nm in thickness, forming 5% of the
-Fiuoroquinolones 672 cell wall mass, that is often linked to outwardly projecting
lipoprotein molecules
1 Miscellaneous antibacterial agents 674
an outer membrane consiMing of a lipid bilayer, similar in
IAntimycobacterial agents 675 ~ome respects to the plasma membrane, that contains protein
-Drugs used to treat tuberculosis 675 molecules and (on its inner aspect) lipoproteins linked to the
-Drugs used to treat leprosy 676 peptidoglycan. Other proteins form transmembrane water-fiUed
channels, termed porins, through which hydrophilic antibiotics
1 Possible new antibacterial drugs 677
can move freely.
complex polysaccharides forming important components of
the outer surface. These differ between strains of bacteria and
are the main determinants of the antigenicity. The complex
OVERVIEW polysaccharides constitute the source of endotoxin, which, in
vivo, trigger various aspect~ of the inflammatory reaction by
A detailed classification of the bacteria of medical activating complement, causing fever, etc. (see Ch. 13).
importance is beyond the scope of this book, but a
short list of common clinically important micro- Difficulty in penetrating this complex outer layer is probably the
organisms is given in Table 46.1, together with the reason why some antibiotics are less active against Gram-negative
principal chemotherapeutic agents in use and a
general indication of their antibacterial actions.
Characteristic diseases caused by these organisms Named after the eponymou~ Danih physician who devised the technique.
1 661

Table 48.1 General choice of antibiotics against common o r important micro-organisms

Micro-organism(s)" First-choice antibiotic(s) Sec ond-choice antibiotic(s)

Gram-positive cocci
Staphylococcus (boils, Infection
of wounds, etc.)
Non-~lactamaseproducing Benzylpenicillin (penicillin G) A cephalosporin or vancomycin
or phenoxymethylpenicillin (penicillin V)
~-lactamase-produc1ng A ~-lactamasErresistant penicillin A cephalosporin or vancomycin, or a
(e.g. flucloxacillin) macrolide, or a quinolone
Methicillin-resistant Vancomycin gentamicin nfampicin Cotrimoxazole, or ciprofloxacin, or a
(rifampin) macrolide fusidic acid, or rifampicin
Methicillin/vancomycin-resistant Quinupristin/dalfopristin or linezolid
Streptococcus, haemolytic types Benzylpenicillin or phenoxymethylpeniclllln A cephalosporin, or a macrolide,
(septic infections, e.g. bacteraemia, an aminoglycoside or vancomycin.
scarlet fever, toxic shock syndrome)
Enterococcus (endocarditis) Benzylpenicillin + gentamicin Vancomycin
Pneumococcus (pneumonia) Benzylpenicillin or phenoxymethylpeniclllln A cephalosporin
or ampicillin, or a macrolide

Gram-negative c occi
Morasella catarrhs/is (sinusitis) Amoxicillin + c lavulanic acid Ciproxafloxacin
Neisseria gonorrhoeae (gonorrhoea) Amoxicillin + c lavulanic acid, or ceftriaxone Cefotaxime, or a quinolone
Neisseria menlngitidts (meningitis) Benzylpenicillin Chloramphenicol, or cefotaxime, or

Gram-positive rods
Corynebacterium (diphtheria) A macrolide Benzylpenicillin
Clostridium (tetanus, gangrene) Benzylpenicillin A tetracycline, or a cephalosporin
Usteria monocytogenes Amoxicillin an aminoglycoside Erythromycin an aminoglycoside
(rare cause of meningitis and
generalised infection 1n neonates)
Gram-negative rods
Enterobacteriaceae (coliform organisms)
Eschenchia coli, Enterobacter, Klebsiella
Infections of urinary tract An oral cephalosporin, or a quinolone Extended-spectrum penicillin
Septicaemia An aminoglycoside (intravenous) or cefuroxime lmipenem or a quinolone
Shigella (dysentery) A q uinolone Ampicillin or trimethoprim
Salmonella (typhoid, paratyphoid) A q uinolone or ceftriaxone Amoxicillin or chloramphenicol or
Haemophifus inffuenzae Ampicillin or cefuroxime Cefuroxime (not for meningitis) or
(infections of the respiratory tract, ear, chloramphenicol
sinuses: meningitis)
Bordetella pertussis (whooping cough) A macrolide Ampicillin
Pasteurella multocida Amoxicillin + c lavulanic acid Ampicillin
(wound infections, abscess)
Vibrio cholerae (cholera) A tetracycline A quinolone
Legtonella pneumophila A macrolide rifampicin
(pneumonia, legionnaires disease)
Helicobacter pylori Metronidazole + amoxicillin + ranitidine<~ Clarithromycin + metronidazole
(associated with peptic ulcer) (2-week regimen)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Unnary tract infection Aquinolone Ant1pseudomonal penicillins
Other infections (of burns etc.) Antipseudomonal penicillins ... tobramycin lm1penem an aminoglycos1de, or
Brucella (brucellosis) Doxycycline + rifampicin
Bacteroides fragilis
Oropharyngeal infection Benzylpenicillin Metronidazole or clindamycin
Gastromtestinal infection Metronidazole, clindamycin lm1penem
Gram-negative anaerobic rods Benzylpenicillin or metronidazole A cephalosporin or clindamycin
(other than B. fragllis)
Campylobacter (diarrhoea) A macrolide or a quinolone A tetracycline or gentamicin
Treponema (syphilis, yaws) Benzylpenicillin A macrolide or ceftriaxone


T1ble 46.1 (continued) General choice of antibiotics against common or important micro-organisms

Micro-organlsm(s)l> First-choice antiblotic(s)c Second-choice antibiotic(s)c

Borrelia recurrentis (relapsing fever) A tetracycline Benzylpenicillin

Bonelia burgdorferi (Lyme disease) A tetracycline
Leptospira (Wail's disease) Benzylpenicillin A tetracycline
Rickettsiae A tetracycline A quinolone
(typhus, tick-bite fever, fever, etc.)
Other organisms
Mycoplasma pneumonlae A tetracycline or a macrolide Ciprofloxacin
Chlamydia (trachoma, A tetracycline
psittacosis, urogenital infections)
Actinomyces (abscesses) Benzylpenicillin A tetracycline
Pneumocyst1s (pneumonia, Co-trimoxazole (high dose) Pentamidine or atovaquone or
especially in AIDS patients) trimetrexate
Nocardia (lung disease, brain abscess) Co-trimoxazole

'This table is not meant to be a definitive guide for clinical treatment but a general indication of the main antimicrobial actions and thus
of the overall usefulness of commonly used antibiotics. For a more comprehensive list, see Laurence et al. (1997).
"Only the marn drseases caused by each organism are mentioned (in parentheses).
':t signifies that an agent is to be used with or without another agent; rf agents are to be used concomitantly, a plus sign only is used.
'An antiulcer drug, not an antibiotic (see Ch. 25).
'Not in the same syringe.

than Gram-positive bacteria. Thi& is the basis of the extraordinary synthesis of folic acid in bacteria. As explained in Chapter 45,
ntibiotic resistance exhibited by Pseudomonas aerugino.m, a folate is required for the synthesis of the precursors of DNA and
ra!hogen that can cau~c life-threatening infections in neutropenic RNA both in bacteria and in mammal-;, but whereas bacteria
patient~ and tho~e with bums and wounds. need to synthesise folic acid, manunals can obtain it from dietary
The cell wall lipopolysaccharide is also a major barrier to pen- sources. Sulfonamides compete with PABA for the enzyme
etration. Antibiotics affected include benzylpenicillin (peniciUin G), dihydropteroate ~)n rherase, and the effect of the su lfonamide
methicillin. the macrolides, rifampicin (rifampin), fusidic acid, may be overcome by adding excess PABA. This is why some
lancomycin. bacitracin and novobiocin. local anaesthetics. which are PABA esters (such as procaine: see
Ch. 44). can antagonise the antibacterial effect of these agents.
The action of a sulfonamide is to inhibit growth of the bacteria,
ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS THAT not to kilf them; that is to say, it is bacteriostatic rather than
INTERFERE WITH THE SYNTHESIS OR bactericidal. The action is vitiated in the presence of pus or
ACTION OF FOLATE products of tissue breakdown, because lhese contain thymidine
and purines. which bacteria utilise directly, bypassing the require-
ment for folic acid. Resistance to the drugs, which is common, is
In a landmark discovery in the 1930s. Domagk demonstrated that plasmid-mediated (see Ch. 45) and results from the synthesis of
11 ~as possible for a drug to influence the course of a bacterial a bacterial e nzyme insensitive to the drug.
mfection. The agent was prontosil, a dye that proved to be an
inactive prodrug but which is metabolised in vivo to give the active Pharmacokinetic aspects
product, sulfanila mide (Fig. 46. J ). Many sulfonamides have been Most sulfonamidcs are readily absorbed in the gastroinlel>tinal tract
developed since, and some are still useful drugs although their and reach maximum concentrations in the plasma in 4-6 hours.
Importance has declined in the face of increasing resistance. They are U'>ually not given topicall} because of the risk of
F.'amples include sulfadiazine (Fig. 46.1 ), sulfadimidine (short sensitisation or allergic reactions.
3\:ung). sulfame thoxazole (intermediate acting), sulfameto- The drugs pass into inflammatory exudates and cross both
p)razine (long acting), s ulfas alazioe (poorly absorbed in the placental and blood-brain barriers. They are metabolised mainly
gastrointestinal tract: sec also Chs 14 and 25) and sulfamethoxazole in the liver, the major product being an acetylated derivative that
tin combination with trimetboprim as co-trimoxazole). In the lacks antibacterial action.
UK. only sulfamethoxazole, sulfadiazine and trimethoprim are
u'ed clinically. Unwanted eHects
Mild to moderate side effects include nausea and vomiting,
Mechanism of action headache and mental depression. Cyanosis caused by
Sulfanilamide is a structural analogue of p-aminobenzoic acid methaemoglobinaemia may occur but is a lot less alarming than
{PABA; see Fig. 46.1 ), which is an essential precursor in the it looks. Serious adverse effects necessitating cessation of therapy 663

,,----- Pteridine ring---- -- ,-- p-Aminobenzoic- -~v' -Glutamic acid--

: : acid (PABA) : :

Folic acid

Sulfanilamide Sulfadiazine
Fig. 46.1 Structures of two
representative sulfonamides and
trimethoprim. The structures
illustrate the relationship between the
sulfonamides and the p-aminobenzoic
acid moiety in folic acid (orange box),
as well as the possible relationship
between the antifolate drugs and
the pteridine moiety (orange).
Co-trimoxazole Is a mixture of
sulfamethoxazole and trimelhoprim. Trimethoprim (dihydrofolate reductase inhibitor)

include hepatitis. hypersensitivity reactions (rashes, fever, turally (Fig. 46. 1), it resembles the pteridine moiety of folate and
anaphylactoid reactions), bone marrow depression and crystalluria. the similarity is close enough to fool the bacterial dihydrofolate
This la~t efrect results from the precipitation of acetylated reductase, which is many times more sensitive to trimethoprim
metabolites in the urine. than the equivalent e nzyme in humans (Table45. 1).
Trimclhoprim is active against most common bacterial pathogen,.
a nd it too is bacteriostatic. It is sometimes given as a mixture
TRIMETHOPRIM with sulfamethoxazole in a combination called co-trimoxazole
Mechanism of action ( rig. 46. 1). Because sulfo namides inhibit the same bacterial
Trimetho pri m is c he mically related to the antimalarial drug metabolic path way, but upstream from dihydrofolate reducta~.
pyrimet ha mine (Fig. 49.3), bo th being folate antagonists. Struc- they can pote ntiate the actio n of trimethopri m (see Fig. 46.2).
ln the UK, its usc is generally restricted to the treatment of
Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, toxoplasmosis and nocardia~~~-

Clinical uses of sulfonamides Pharmacokinetic aspects

Trimelhoprim is given orally. It is fully absorbed from the ga~trolll
Combined with trimeUloprim (co-trimoxazole) testinal tract and widely distributed throughout the tissues ana
for Pneumocystis carinii. body nuids. lt reaches high concentrations in the lungs ano
Combined with pyrimethamine for drug-resistant kidneys, and fairly high concentrations in the cerebrospinal fluid
malaria (Table 49.1), and for toxoplasmosis. (CSF). When given with sulfamethoxazole, about balfthedoseof
In inflammatory bowel disease: sulfasalazine each i~ excreted within 24 hours. Because trimethoprim b a
(sulfapyridine-aminosalicylate combination) is used weak base. it~ elimination by the kidney increases with decreasin~
(see Ch. 14, clinical box on p. 242). urinary pH.
For infected burns (silver sulfadiazine given topically).
For some sexually transmitted infections (e.g. Unwanted effects
trachoma, chlamydia, chancroid). Unwanted effects of trimethoprim include nausea, vormtmg.
For respiratory infections: use now confined to a few blood disorders and skin rashes. Folate deficiency, with rc5ultant
special problems (e.g. infection with Nocardia). megaloblastic anaemia (see Ch. 22)-a toxrc effect related to the
For acute urinary tract infection (now seldom used). pharmacological action of lrimethoprim-can be prevented b)
664 givi ng fo linic acid.

Penicillium, and that bacterial growth in the vicinity of the mould

had been inhibited. He isolated the mould in pure culture and
demonstrated that it produced an antibacterial substance, which
D1hydropteroate ~
synthetase ~ he called pe nicillin. This substance wa::. subsequently extracted
and its antibacterial effect!> analysed by Florey, Chain and their
Folate colleague<, at Oxford in 1940. They showed that it had powerful
chemotherapeutic properties in infected mice, and that it wa<,
The remarkable antibacterial effects of penicillin in human~
were clearly demonstrated in 1941. A small amount of penicillin,
extracted laboriously from crude cultures in the laboraLOrie::. of the
Synthesis of
Dunn School of Pathology in Oxford. was given to a policeman
who had staphylococcal and l>treptococcal septicaemia with multiple
thymldylate etc. abscesses, and osteomyelitis with discharging sinuses. He was in
great pain and wns desperately ill, and although sulfonamides were
available, they would have had no ciTect in the presence of pus. Intra-
Fig. 46.2 The action of s ulfonamides and trimethoprim
venous injections of penici ll in were g iven to the policeman eve1y
on bacterial fo late synthesis. See Figure 22.2 for more detail 3 hours. All the patient's urine was collected, and each day the
of tetrahydrofolate synthesis, and Table 45.1 for comparisons bulk of the excreted penicillin was extracted and reused. After
of antifolate drugs. PABA, p-aminobenzoic acid. 5 days, the patient's condition was vastly improved; his temperature
was normal, he was eating well, and there was obvious resolution
of the abscesses. Furthem1ore, there seemed to be no toxic effects
of the drug. Unfortunately. when the supply of penicillin was
Clinical uses of trlmethoprim/ finally exhau~ted hi~ condition gradually deteriorated and he died
co-trimoxazole a month later.
Although thi~ wa:, the fin,t evidence of the dramatic antibacterial
For urinary tract and respiratory infections: effect of penicillin when given systemically in humans, topical
trimethoprim, used on its own, is usually preferred. penicillin had actuall) been u!.>ed with success in five patients with
For infection with Pneumocystis carinii, which causes eye infections I 0 yearo, previou.o,ly by Paine. a graduate of St Mary's
pneumonia in patients with AIDS: co-trimoxazole is who had obtained some penicillin mould from Fleming.
used in high dose. While the penicillins are extremely effective antibiotics and are
very widely used, they may be destroyed by bacterial arnidases
and ~-lactamases (penicillinases) (see Fig. 46.3).

Antimicrobial agents that Interfere with Mechanisms of action

the synthesis or action of folate All ~-J actam antibiotics interfere with the synthesis of the
bacterial cell wall peptidoglycan (see Ch. 45, Fig. 45.3). After
Sulfonamides are bacteriostatic; they act by attachment to penitillin-bindi11g proteins on bacteria (there may
interfering with folate synthesis and thus with be seven or more type~ in different organisms), they inhibit the
nucleotide synthesis. Unwanted effects include transpeptidation cnL.yme that cross-links the peptide chains attached
crystalluria and hypersensitivities. to the backbone of the peptidoglycan.
Trimethoprim is bacteriostatic. It acts by antagonising The final bactericidal event is the inactivation of an inhibitor of
folate. autolytic en1ymcs in the cell wall, leading to lysis of the bacterium.
Co-trimoxazole 1s a mixture of trimethoprim with Some organisms. referred to as 'tolerant', have defective autolytic
sulfamethoxazole, which affects bacterial nucleotide enzymes and are inhibited but not lyl:>ed in the presence of the
synthesis at two po1nts 1n the pathway. drug. Re~istancc to penicillin may result from a number of different
causes and is discussed in detail in Chapter 45.

Types of penicillin and their antimicrobial

The first penicillins were the naturally occurring ben7ylpenicillin
~ -LACTAM ANTIBIOTICS and its congeners, including phenoxymethylpenicillin. Benzyl-
PENICILLIN penicillin is active againM a wide range of organisms and is the
drug of first choice for many infections (see Table 46.1 and the
In 1928, Alexander Fleming. working at St Mary's Hospital in clinical box). Its main drawbacks are poor absorption in the
l{)ndon, observed that a culture plate on which staphylococci were gastrointestinal tract (which means it must be given by injection)
being grown had become contaminated with a mould of the genus and its susceptibility to bacterial ~-l actamases. 665

( 0
II H s CH3
R 1 -C+N~ /::.~CH3
J B ~
Amidase / N COOH
Fig. 4 6 .3 Basic structures of f}-Lactamase _,}
four groups of ~-lactam

antibiotics and clavulanic acid. Penicillin nucleus Cephalosporin nucleus
The structures illustrate the ~-lactam
ring (marked B) and the sites of
action of bacterial enzymes that
inactivate these antibiotics (A,
thiazolidine ring). Various
substituents are added at R1, R2
and R3 to produce agents with
different properties. In
carbapenems, the stereochemical
configuration of the part of the ~ Monobactam nucleus Carbapenem nucleus
lactam ring shown shaded in orange (tl-lactamase resistant) (high resistance to ~-lactamases)
here is different from the
corresponding part of the penicillin ,- ------------- ----------------~
and cephalosporin molecules; this is I

probably the basis of the ~

lactamase resistance of the
carbapenems. The ~-lactam ring of 0
clavulanic acid is thought to bind
strongly to 13-lactamase, meanwhile
protecting other 13-lactams from the Clavulanic acid
enzyme. (inh1bits many ~-lactamases)

Various scmi~ynthctic penicillins have been prepared by adding in di\'iding organi~m!:>, intermittent rather than continuous expo'ure
different side-chains to the penicillin nucleus (at Rl in Fig. 46.3). In to the drug can be an advantage.
this way, P-lactamase-rel.istant peniciiJjns (e.g. flucloxacillin)
and broad-spectrum penicillins (e.g. ampicillin. pivampicillin Clinical use of the penicillins
and amoxicillin) have been produced. Extended-spectrum Penicillins, often combined with other antibiotics. are cruc1all1
penicillins (e.g. ticarcilin ) with an tipseudomonal activity have important in antibacterial chemotherapy. They are the drug' of
also been developed and have gone some way to overcoming choice for many infections. A list of clinical uses is given in Ilk
the problem of serious infections caused by P. aeruginosa. clinical box and also in Table 46.1.
Amoxicill in is sometimes combined with P-lactamase inhibitor
clavula n ic acid as co-amoxiclav. Unwanted effects
Penici II ins are relatively free from direct toxic effects (other than
Pharmacokinetic aspects their proconvulsant effect when given intrathecally). The matn
When given orally, different penicillins are absorbed to differing unwanted effects are hypersensitivity reactions caused by tht
degree!> depending on their stability in acid and their adsorption degradation products of penicillin, which combine with hOSI
to foodstuffs in the gut. Penicillins can be given by intramuscular protein and become antigenic. Skin rashes and fever are coi11JllQll;
or intravcnou!. injection. but intrathecal administration is a delayed type of serum '>ickness occurs infrequently. Much nm
inadvisable. panicularly in the case of benzylpenicillin. as it can serious is acute anaphylactic shock. which although fonunatel}
cause con\'ulsions. very rare, may in some cases be fatal. When given orall}
The penicillins :1re widely distributed in body fluids. passing penicillins. panicularly the broad-spectrum type, alter the bacter
into joints; into pleural and pericardia! cavities: into bile, saliva and nora in the gut. This can be associated with gasrroimesun:
milk; and across the placenta. Being lipid-insoluble. they do not disturbances and in some cases with suprainfection by othri
enter mammalian cell!> and do not. therefore. cross the blood-brrun penicillin-insensitive, micro-organisms.
barrier unless the meninges are inflan1cd, in which case they readily
reach therapeutically effective concentrations in the CSF as well.
Elimination of mo~t penicillins occurs rapidly and is mainly renal,
90o/c being through tubular secretion. The relatively short plasma Cephalosporins N and C, whjch are chemically related k>
half-life is a potential problem in the clinical use of benzylpenicillin, penicillin, and cephalosporin P, a steroidal antibiotic that resembk'
666 although because penicillin works by preventing cell wall synthesis fusidic acid (sec below), were first isolated from Cephalosporirm. ar..:

Mechanism of action
Clinical use s of the penicillins
The mechanism of action of these agents i s similar to that of the
penicillins: interference w ith bacterial peptidoglycan synthesi!. after
Penicillins are given by mouth or, in more
binding to the 1}-lactam-binding proteins. This is described in detail
severe infect ions, intravenously, and often in
in Chapter 45 and illuJ>Lrated in Figure 45.3. Resistance to this group
comb1nat1on with other antibiotics.
of drugs has i ncrcased because of plasmid-encoded or chromosomal
Uses are for sensitive organisms and may (but may
1}-lactamasc. Nearly all Gram-negative bacteria have a chromosomal
not: individual sensitivity testing is often appropriate
gene coding for a ~-lactarnase that is more acti ve in hydrolysing
depending on local conditions - see below) include:
cephalosporins than penicillins. and in several organisms a single
bacterial meningitis (e.g. c aused by Neisseria
mutation can result in high-level constitutive production of this
meningitidis, Streptococcus p neumoniae):
cn;ymc. Rc~istancc also occurs when there is decreased penerration
benzylpenicillin, high doses intravenously
of the drug as a result of alterations to outer membrane proteins. or
bone and joint infecti ons {e.g. with
mutations of the binding-site proteins.
Staphylococcus aureus): fluc loxacillin
skin and soft tissue infections {e.g . with Strep.
pyogenes or Staph. aureus): benzylpenicillin, Pharmacokinetic aspects
flucloxacillin; animal bites: co-amoxiclav Some cephalosporins may be given orally (see Table 46.2), but most
pharyngitis (fro m Strep. pyogenes): are given parenterally, intramuscularly (which may be painful) or
phenoxylmethylpenic illin intravenously. After absorption, they are widely distributed in the
otitis media {organisms commonly inc lude Strep. body and some, such as cefotaxime, cefuroxime and ceftriaxone,
pyogenes, Haemophilus influenzae): amox icillin cross the blood- brain barrier. Excreti on is mostly via the kidney,
bronchitis {mixed infections common): amoxic illin largely by tubular secretion, but40% of ceflriaxone i s elj minated
pneumonia: amoxicillin in the bile.
urinary tract infections (e.g. with Escherichia coli):
amoxicillin Clinical use
gonorrhea: amoxic illin {plus probenecid) Some clinical uses of the cephalosporins are given in Table 46.2
syphilis: procaine benzylpenic illin and in the clinical box.
endocarditis (e.g. with Strep. viridans or
Enterococcus faecalis)
Unwanted eHects
ure serious infections with Pseudomonas aeruginosa:
Hypersensitivity reactions, very imiJar to those seen with penicillin.
ticarc illin, piperacillin.
may occur, and there may be some cross-sensitivity: about 10% of
This list is not exhaustive. Treatment with penicillins is
penicillin-sen!>itive individual:. will have allergi c reactions to
sometimes started emp irically, if t he likely causative
cephalo!>porins. Nephrotoxicity has been reported (especially with
organism is one th ought to be susceptible to
111) cefrad ine), as has drug-induced alcohol intolerance. Diarrhoea can
of penicillin, while awaiting the results of laboratory tests occur with oral cephalosporins and cefoperazone.
the to identify the organism and determine its antibiotic

lO!'.t fungus. The cephamycins arc ~-lactarn antibiotics produced by Clinical uses of the cephalosporin&
1on: Su-epromrces organi!.ms. and they arc closel y related to the
ore cephalo~porins. Cephalosporins are used to treat infections
[eJ) Semi,ynthetic broad-spectrum cephalosporins have been caused by sensitive organisms. As with other
Ill y. nroduced by addition. to the cephalosporin C nucleus. of different antibiotics, patterns of sensitivity vary geographically,
rial ''<It-chains at R I and/or R2 (see Fig. 46.3). These agents arc and treatment is often started empirically. Many
mal Jicr-soluble and relati vely aci d-stable. They vary in sus- different kinds of infection may be treated, including:
her. ceptibility to ~- lactama!>es. There are now a very large number of septicaemia {e.g. cefuroxime, cefotaxime)
cephalosporins and cephamycins available for clinical use. pneumonia caused by susceptible organisms
Original members of the group such as cefradine. cef al exin fmd meningitis (e.g. c eftriax one, cefotaxime)
cefradoxil have largely been replaced with 'second-generation' biliary tract infection
drugs such as cefuroxime, ccfalcor and ccfproziJ, or 'third- urinary tract infection (especially in pregnancy or
to generation' drugs such as cc fotax ime, ceftazidime and in patients unresponsive to other d rugs)
Jlcs ceftri axone. The acti ons and properties or some of these drugs sinusitis {e.g. cefadroxil).
tll/11 are described in Table 46.2. 667

Table 46.2 Cephalosporins and cephamycins

Categories, w ith exa mple(s) Important properties Similar drug(s)

Oral drugs
Cefalexin (t 112 1 h) An example of the first-generation Cefachlor (t 112 0.8 h) IS a second-generation
compounds that have reasonable activity compound with greater potency against Gram-
against Gram-positive organisms and negative organisms, but it can cause unwanted
modest activity against Gram-negative cutaneous lesions

Parenteral drugs
Cefuroxime (t112 1.5 h) An example of the second-generation Cephamandole, cefoxitin (t112 of both -1 h), good
compounds that show only moderate activity against Gram-negative organisms, resistant
activity against most Gram-positive to P-lactamase from Gram- negative rods, good
organisms but reasonable potency potency against Bacteroides fragilis, bowel flora

against Gram-negative organisms

Cefotaxlme (t 112 1 h) An example of the third-generation Ceftizoxlme (t112 1.5 h); ceftriaxone (t 112 8.5 h),
compounds, which are less active against exc reted largely in the bile; cefperazone (t112 2 h),
Gram-positive bacteria than those of the excreted mainly in the bile, can cause decrease
second generation but more active against of vitamin K-dependent clotting factors.
Gram- negative bacteria. Has some activity
against pseudomonads.

OTHER ~- LACTAM ANTIBIOTICS aerobic rods ~uch as p~eudomonads. Neisseria meningitidis and
Haemophilus influen-;.ae. It has no action against Gram-p<l\itlle
CARBAPENEMS AND MONOBACTAMS organisms or anaerobes.
Carbapenems and monobactams (see Fig. 46.3) were developed to Unwawed e.Dects arc. in general. similar to those of other
deal with ~-lactamase-producing Gram-negative organism:. j3-lactam antibiotics. but this agent does not necessaril) cro'>Hea:t
resistant to penici ll in~. immunologically with penicillin and its products, and sodoe'!kX
usually cause allergic reactions in penicillin-sensitive individual-.

lmipcnem. an exam ple of a carbapenem, acts in the same way as ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS AFFECTING
the other ~- l actams (see Fig. 46.3). It has a very broad spectrum of BACTERIAL PROTEIN SYNTHESIS
antimicrobial activity, being active against many aerobic and
anaerobic Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms. However,
many of the ' methicillin-resistant' staph ylococci (see p. 656) Tetracyclines arc broad-spectrum antibiotics. The group includes
are less suscepti ble, and resistant strains of P. aeruginosa have tetracycline, oxytetracycline, demeclocycline, lymecycline,
emerged during therapy. lmipenem was originally resistant to all doxycycline and minocyclinc.
~- l actamases, but some organisms now have chromosomal genes
that code for imipenem-hydrolysing !3-lactamases. It is sometimes Mechanism of action M
given together with cilastatin , which inhibits its inactivation by Following uptake into l.usceptibJe organisms by active transpon.
renal cntymes. Meropenem is J.imilar but is not metabolised by tetracyclines act by inhibiting protein synthesis. This action li
the kidney. Ertapenem ha.\ a broad spectrum of antibacterial actions described in detail in Chapter 45 (see Fig. 45.4). The tetrac;cli!lel
but is licen!.ed only for a limited range of indications. arc regarded as bacterio\tatic. not bactericidal.
Unwanted effects arc generally similar to those seen with other
~-lactams, nausea and vomiting being the most frequently seen. Antibacterial spectrum
Neurotoxicity can occur with high pla~ma concentrations. The spectrum of antimicrobial activity of the tetracyclines is \c:' gene
wide and includes Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteri: res is
Mycoplasma, Rickettsia, Chlamydia spp.. spirochaetes and ~om: tetra
MONOBACTAMS protozoa (e.g. amoebae). Minocycline is also effective agains
The main monobactam is aztreonam, a simple monocyclic ~ N. eningitidi.l and has been used to eradicate this organism fm Pha
lactam with a complex substituent at R3 (see Fig. 46.3), which is the nasopharynx of carriers. However. widespread resistance u 'Jhe.:
resistant to most ~- l actama.~es. It is given parenterally and has these agents has decreased their usefulness (see p. 658
a plasma half-li fe of 2 hours. Aztreonam has an unusual Resistance is tran~milted mainly by plasmids and, because the gene~
668 spectrum of activity and is effective only against Gram-negative controll ing resista nce to tetracyciLnes are closely associated witb

PLactam antibiotics Clinical uses of tetracyclines

Bactericidal by interference with peptidoglycan The usefulness of tetracyclines has declined

synthesis. because of widespread drug resistance. Most
Penicillins members of the group are microbiologically similar;
The first choice for many infections. doxycycline is given once daily and may be used in
Benzylpenicillin: patients with renal impairment. Uses (sometimes in
given by injection, short half-life and is destroyed combination with other antibiotics) include:
by P-lactamases rickettsial and chlamydia/ infections, brucellosis,
spectrum: Gram-positive and Gram-negative anthrax and Lyme disease
cocci and some Gram-negative bacteria as useful second choice, for example in patients
many staphylococci are now resistant. with allergies, for several infections (see Table
~-Lactamase-resistant penicillins (e.g. flucloxacillin): 46.1), including mycoplasma and leptospira
given orally mixed respiratory tract infections (e.g.
- spectrum: as for benzylpenicillin exacerbations of chronic bronchitis)
- many staphylococci are now resistant. acne
Broad-spectrum penicillins (e.g. amoxicillin): inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone
given orally; they are destroyed by P-lactamases (e.g. by some malignant lung tumours), causing
spectrum: as for benzylpenicillin (although less hyponataemia: dem eclocycline inhibits the action
potent); they are also active against Gram- of this hormone (Ch. 28, p. 426).
negative bacteria.
Extended-spectrum penicillins (e.g. ticarcillin):
gtven orally; they are susceptible to ~-lactamases
- spectrum: as for broad-spectrum penicillins; they magnesium, iron, aluminium), forming non-absorbable com-
are also active against pseudomonads. plexes, absorption is decreased in the presence of milk, certain
Unwanted effects of penicillins: mainly hypersensitivities antacids and iron preparations. Minocycline and doxycycline are
A combination of clavulanic acid plus amoxicillin or virtually completely absorbed.
ticarcillin is effective against many P-lactamase-
producing organisms. Unwanted eHects
Cephalosporins and cepham ycins The commonest unwanted effects arc gastrointestinal disturbances
Second choice for many infections. caused initially by direct irritation and later by modification
Oral drugs (e.g. cefachlor) are used in urinary infections. of the gut flora. Vitamin B complex deficiency can occur, as
Parenteral drugs (e.g. cefuroxime, which is active can suprainfection. Because they chelate Ca2+, tetracyclines arc
against Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus deposited in growing bones and teeth, causing staining and
influenzae, Enterobacteriaceae). sometimes dental hypoplasia and bone deformities. They should
Unwanted effects: mainly hypersensitivities. therefore not be given to children, pregnant women or nursing
Carbapenem s mothers. Another hazard to pregnant women is hepatotoxicity.
lmipenem is used with cilastin, which blocks its Phototoxicity (sensitisation to sunlight) has also been seen. particu-
breakdown in the kidney. larly with demeclocycline. Minocycline can produce dose-related
lmipenem is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. ve tibular disturbances (dizziness and nausea). High doses of
Monobactams tetracyclines can decrease protein synthesis in host cells- an
Aztreonam is active only against Gram-negative antianabolic effect that may result in renal damage. Long-tcrrn
aerobic bacteria and is resistant to most therapy can cause disturbances of the bone marrow.

Chloramphenicol was originally isolated from cultures of
~~nes for resistance to other antibiotics, organisms may develop Streptomyces. The drug binds to the same site of the 50S subunit
C\i\tance ro many drugs simuhaneously. The clinical use of the of the bacterial ribosome as erythromycin and clindamycin,
rtracyclines is given in the clinical box. and acts to inhibit bacterial protein synthesis as descri bed in
Chapter 45 (see Fig. 45.4). The clinical use of chloramphenicol
Pharmacokinetic aspects is given in the box.
Thetetracyclines are generally given orally but can also be admin-
1\tered parenterally. The absorption of most preparations from Antibacterial spectrum
the gut is irregular and incomplete but may be improved in the Chloramphenicol has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity,
h Jbsence of food. Because tetracyclines chelate metal ions (calcium, including Gram-negative and Gram-positive organisms and rickett- 669

Mechanism of action
Clinical uses of chloramphenicol
Aminoglycosides inhibit bacterial protein synthesis (see Ch 45
Their penetration through the cell membrane of the bacteriu
Chloramphenicol should be reserved for
depends partly on oxygen-dependent active transpon by 1
serious 1nfect1ons in which the benefit of the drug
polyamine carrier system, and they have minimal action agai
outweighs its uncommon but serious haematological
anaerobic organi<;ms. Chloramphenicol blocks this transpon S)~tc:m
toxicity. Such uses may include:
The effect of the aminoglycosides is bactericidal and is enhaoca!
infections caused by Haemophilus influenzae
by agent~ that interfere with ceU wall synthesis. Some clinical uses
resistant to other drugs
of the aminoglycosides are given in Table 46.1.
meningitis in patients in whom penicillin cannot be
used. Resistance
It is also safe and effective in bacterial conjunctivitis
Resistance to aminoglycosides is becoming a problem. It occur~
(given topically).
through several different mechanisms, the most important being
It is effective in typhoid fever, but ciprofloxacin or
inactivation by microbial enL.ymes, of which nine or more ar~
amoxicillin and co-trimoxazole are similarly effective
known. Amikacin was purposefully designed as a poor substrmc
and less toxic.
for these enzymes, but some organisms have developed enzyme-
Other possible uses are given in Table 46.1.
that inactivate this agent as well. Resistance as a rcsull of failurt
of penetration can be largely overcome by the concomitant use of IIlli
penicillin and/or vancomycin.
Ill hi

siae. lt is bacteriostatic for most organisms but kills H. injTuen::.ae. Antibacterial spectrum of1
Resistance, caused by the production of chloramphenicol The aminoglyco!.ides are effective against many aerobic Grclr"
acetyltran.iferase (seep. 658), is plasmid-mediated. negative and some Gram-positive organisms (see Table 46.1 ). The
are most widely used against Gram-negative enteric organi~IU}
Pharmacokinetic aspects and in sepsis. They may be given together with a penicillin m ror
Given orally, chloramphenicol is rapidly and completely streptococcocal infections cau!>ed by Listeria sp. and P. aeru~lllllS/l gen
absorbed and rcache'> its maximum concentration in the plasma (see Table 46.1 ). Gentamicin is the aminoglycoside most commoolj ma
within 2 hour\; it can al<.o be given parenterally. The drug is used. although tobramycin i'> the preferred member of this group
widely distributed throughout the tissues and body fluids for P. aemginosa infections. Amikacin has the widest amimicrob
including the CSF. where its concentration may reach 60% of spectrum and, along with netilmicin. can be effective in infecuons
that in the blood. In the plasma. it is 30-50% protein-bound. and with organisms resistant to gentamicin and tobramycin.
its half-life i., approximately 2 hours. About 10% is excreted
unchanged in the urine, and the remainder is inactivated in the Pharmacokinetic aspects
liver. The aminoglycosides are polycations and therefore highly polar.
They arc not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and are usual!) trat
Unwanted eHects given intramuscularly or intravenously. They cross the placenta ba~

The most important unwanted effect of chloramphenicol is but do not cross the blood-brain bruTicr, penetrate into the vitreou~ the
severe. idiosyncratic depression of the bone marrow, resulting in humour of the eye or into most other secretions or body fluid\ of
pancytopenia (a decrease in aJI blood cell elements)-an effect although high concentrations can be attained in joint and pleural
that, although rare, can occur even with very low doses in some fluids. The plasma half-life is 2-3 hours. Elimination is virtual!)
individuals. Chloramphenicol should also be used with great care entirely by glomerular filtration in the kidney, 50-60% of a do-e
in newboms, because inadequate inactivation and excretion of the being excreted unchanged within 24 hours. If renal function i1
drug (sec Ch. 52) can result in the 'grey baby syndrome'-vomiting, impaired. accumulation occurs rapidly, with a resultant increa"
diarrhoe~ flaccidity, low temperature and an ashen-grey colour- in those toxic effects (such as ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity. t
which carricl> 40Ck mortality. If its use is essential, plasma concen- below) that are dose-related.
trations '>hould be monitored and the dose adjusted accordingly.
Hypersensitivity reactions can occur with the drug. as can gastroin- Unwanted eHects
te tinal disturbances secondary to alteration of the intestinal Seriou!., do!.e-related toxic effects, which may increase as treauncol
microbial nora. proceeds, can occur with the aminoglycosides, the main hazards
being ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity.
The ototoxicity involves progressive damage to, and eventual!)
destruction of. the sen~ory cells in the cocWea and vestibular org-...
The aminoglycosidcs arc a group of antibiotics of complex of the car. The re!>ult, usually irreversible. may manifest as vertig11
chemical structure, resembling each other in antimicrobial ataxia and loss of balance in the case of vestibular damage, and aud1
activity, pharmacokinetic characteristics and toxicity. The main tory disturbances or deafness in the ca~e of cocWear damage. An)
agents are genta micin, streptomycin, amikacin, tobram ycin , aminoglycosidc may produce both types of effect, but streptomycin
670 netilmicin and neomycin. and gentamicin arc more likely to interfere with vestibular function.

whereas neomycin and amikacin mostly affect hearing. Nctilmicin against H. injluen:,ae as erythromycin. It is also effective against
5). i' IN ototoxic than other aminoglycosides and is preferred when M1cobacterium alium-imercellulare (which can infect immu-
prolonged usc is necessary. Ototoxicity is potentiated by the con- nologically compromised individuals and elderly patients with
a comitant use of other ototoxic drugs (e.g. loop diuretics; Ch. 24). chronic lung disease), and it may also be useful in leprosy and
The nephrotoxicity consisll. of damage to the kidney tubules. and against Heficobacrer pylori (see Ch. 25). Both the~c macrolides
n. can be reversed if the usc of the dmgs is stopped. Nephrotoxicity arc also effective in Lyme disease.
d 'more likely to occur in patients with pre-exi'>ting renal disea~e
Tin conditions in which urine volume is reduced, and concomitant Pharmacokinetic aspects
use of other nephrotoxic agents (e.g. cephalosporins) increases the The macrolides are administered orally, azithromycin and
n,L.. 1 ote rhat as the elimination of these drugs is almost entirely clarithromycin being more acid-stable than erythromycin.
renal. their nephrotoxic action can impair their own excretion, and Erythromycin can also be given parenterally, a lthough intra-
a vicious cycle may develop. Plasma concentrations should be moni- venous injections can be followed by localthrombophlebiw. All
g ored regularly. S pectinomycin i~ related to the aminoglycosides three diffuse readily into most tissues but do not eros!. the
rc in structure, but its use is confined to the treatment of gonorrhoea blood-brain barrier, and there is poor penetration into syno' ial
mpatients allergic to penicillin, or in those whose infections are fluid. The plasma half-life of erythromycin is about 90 minutes;
cau~ed by penicillin-resistant gonococci. that of clarithromycin is three times longer, and that of
A rare but serious toxic reaction is paralysis caused by neuro- azithromycin 8-16 times longer. Macrolides enter and indeed
mu-cular blockade. This is usually seen only if the agents are given arc concentrated within phagocytes-atithromycin concen-
concurrently with neuromuscular-blocking agents. It results from trations in phagocyte lysosomes can be 40 times higher than in
mhibiuon of the Ca2+ uptake necessary for the cxocytotic release the blood-and they can enhance intracellular phagocyte killing
of acetylcholine (see Ch. I 0). of bacteria.
Erythromycin is partly inactivated in the liver; aLithromycin
is more resi~tant to inactivation, and clarithromycin is converted
MACROLIDES to an active metabolite. Their effects on the P450 cytochrome
For40 years. erythromycin was the only macrolide antibiotic in sy'>tem can affect the bioavailability of other drug., (see Ch. 52).
general clinical use. (The term macrolide relates 10 the structure-a The major route of elimination is in the bile.
many-membered lactone ring to which one or more deoxy sugars
.ue attached.) Several additional macrolide and related antibiotics Unwanted eHects
are now available, the two most important of which arc Gastrointestinal disturbances are common and unpleasant but
darithromycin and azithromycin. Spiramycin and telthromycin not seriou'>. With erythromycin, the following have also been
.lfe also macrolides but are of minor utility. reported: hypersensitivity reactions such as skin rashes and fever,
transient hearing disturbances and, rarely, following treatment
Mechanism of action for longer than 2 week!.. cholestatic jaundice. Opportunistic
The macroJjdcs inhibit bacterial protein synthesis by an effect on infections of the gastroi ntestinal tract or vagina can occur.
tran~location (fig. 45.4). Their action may be bactericidal or
bacterio~tatic, the effect depending on the concentration and on
the type of micro-organism. The drugs bind to rhe same 50S subunit
of the bacterial ribosome as chloramphenicol and clindamycin, Quinupristin and dalfopristin are member, of the streptograrnin
.md the three drugs may compete if given concurrently. The clinical fami ly of compounds isolated from Streptomyces pristinaespiralis.
u'e of the macrolides i:, given in Table 46.1. These agents are characterised by a cyclic peptide structure.
They act by inhibiting bacterial protein synthesis. Individually,
Antimicrobial spectrum quinupristin and da lfopristin exhibit only very modest bacterio-
The antimicrobial spectrum of erythromycin is very similar to that static acti' ity, but combined together as an intravenous injection
of penicillin. and it has proved to be a safe and effective alternative they are active against many Gram-positive bacteria.
for penicillin-sensitive patients. Erythromycin is effective against
Grnrnpositive bacteria and spirochaete.<; but not against mo~t Gram- Mechanism of action
negative organi~ms, exceptions being N. gonorrhoeae and, to a Coadministration of quinupristin-dalfopristin (3 parts to 7 parts.
lesser extent, H. influen::.tle. Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Legionel/a weight for weight) is an effective approach to the treatment of
'P and some chlamydia! organisms arc also ~usceptible (sec serious infections, usually where no other antibacterial is suitable.
Table 46. 1). Re~istance can occur and results from a plasmid- For example, the combination is effective again~t methicillin-
controlled alteration of the binding site for erythromycin on the sensitive Staphylococcus aureus and is also active against
bacterial ribosome (Fig. 45.4). vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faeciwn. The mechanism of
ALithromycin is les'> active against Gram-positive bacteria action is to inhibit protein formation by binding to the 50S subunit
than erythromycin but is considerably more effective against of the bacterial ribosome. Dalfopristin changes the structure
H. influenzae and may be more active against Legionella. It has of the ribosome t.o as to promote the binding of quinupristin,
excellent action again~t Toxoplasma gondii, killing the cym. which probably explains the improved effectiveness of the drugs
Clarithromycin is as active, and its metabolite is twice as active, when administered together. 671

Pharmacokinetic aspects to treat pneumonia, septicaemia, and skin and soft tissue infection
BOLh quinupri~tin and dalfopri~tin are broken down in the liver The drug i~ u~ually restricted to serious bacterial infecuo
and mu~t therefore be given as an intravenous infusion. The half- where other antibiotics have failed.
life of each compound is 1-2 hours. It i~ encouraging to report that, so far, there have been ft
reports of lineLOlid resistance, although there is a risk thi~ m:..
Unwanted eHects develop if patients receive inadequate doses for exten~<
Unwanted effect~ include inflammation and pain at the infu~ion period,.
site. arthralgia. myalgia and nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. To
date. resi~tance to quinupristin and dalfopristine does not seem to Pharmacokinetics
be a major problem. Line?Oiid can be given ora!Jy or by intravenous infusion m
serious infections. After oral administration, peak pla'ma
concentrations are achieved quickly. and the drug has a halfli:
of 5-7 hours. Metabolism is through oxidation of the morpholir..
Clindamycin is active againl:.l Gram-positive cocci, including many ring structure.
penici llin-resistant Maphylococci and many anaerobic bacteria such
as Bacremides species. its mechanism of action involves inhibition Unwanted eHects
of protein synthesis through an action simiJar to that of the macrolides Unwanted effects include thrombocytopenia, diarrhoea. nau,e.
and chloramphenicol (Fig. 45.4). In addition to its use in infections and, rarely, ra~h and diLZincss. Linezolid is a non-selective inhibit
caused by Bacteroides organisms, it is used to treat staphylococcal of monoamine oxidase. and appropriate precautions need to be
infections of bone!> and joints. It is also given topically, as eye observed (sec Ch. 37).
drops. for staphylococcal conjunctivitis.

Clindamycin may be given orally or parenterally and i widely Fusidic acid is a narrow-spectrum steroid antibiotic active maml
distributed in ti~'>ue~ (including bone) and body fluids. although against Gram-positive bacteria. It acts by inhibiting bacteriaJ protem
it docs not cross the blood-brain barrier. There is active uptake synthesi-. (Fig. 45.4 ). As the sodium salt. the drug is well absorbed
into leucocyte~. The half-life is 21 hours; some of the drug is from the gut and is distributed widely in the tissues. Some IS
metaboli\ed in the liver. and the metabolites. which are active. excreted in the bile and some metabolised.
are excreted in the bile and the urine. Unll'allted effect:. such a~ ga~trointestinal disturbances arc fair!)
common. Skin eruptions and jaundice can occur. It is also U'ol'd
Unwanted eHects topically for staphylococcal conjunctivitis.
Unwanted effects consist mainJy of gastrointestinal disturbances.
and a potentially lethal condition, pseudomembranous co/iris.
may develop. Thi~> is an acute inflammation of the colon caused ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS AFFECTING
by a nccrotising toxin produced by a clindamycin-resistant TOPOISOMERASE
organism, Clostridium d(ffirile, which may form part of the
normal faecal tlora. 2 Vancomycin, given orally, 1md metronidazole
(sec below) arc effective in the treatmen t of this condi tion. The fluoroquinolones include the broad-spectrum agent~
ciprofloxacin, le vofl oxaci n, oflo xacin, norfloxa cin and
OXALAZIDONONES moxinoxacin. a~ well as a narrow-spectrum drug used in uri nar~
tract infcctions- naJidixic acid (the first quinolone and n(
Hailed a~ the first truly new class of antibacterial agents to reach fluorinated). The~e agents inhibit topoisomerase Tl (a bactenOL
the marketplace in . everal decades' (Zurenko et al., 2001 ). the DNA gyra~c). the eruymc that produces a negative supercoil in DN.~
oxalizidonones boa't a novel mechanism of action on bacterial and thu'> permit~ transcription or replication (see Fig. 46.4).
protein synthe~is: inhibition of N-fonnylmethionyl-tRNA binding
to the 70S ribosome. Linezolid is the first member of this new Antibacterial spectrum and clinical use
antibiotic family to be introduced. It is active against a wide Ciprofloxacin i~> the most commonly used fluoroquinolone and
variety of Gram-positive bacteria and is particularly useful for the will be described as the type agent. It is a broad-spectru
treatment of drug-resistant bacteria such as methicillin-resistant antibiotic effective against both Gram-positive and Gram-
Staph. au reus. penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae and negative organi'>ms. It has excellent activity again~t tl.
vancomycin-resistant enterococci. The drug i& also effective against Enterobacteriaceae (the enteric Gram-negative bacilli). includin.
some anaerobes. ~uch as C. difficile. Most common Gram-negative many organism~ resiMant to penicillins. cephalosporin-; an
organisms are not sul.ceptiblc to the drug. Linezolid can be used aminoglycoside!>. and it is also effective against H. injluen:ae
penicillinase-producing N. gonorrhoeae, Campylobacrer sp. an"
pscudomonads. Of the Gram-positive organisms, streptocOI:u
and pneumococci are only wcakJy inh ibited, and there is a higb nt A
672 2
This may also occur with snme penici ll ins and ccphal osporins. inc idence of staphylococcal resistance. Ciprofloxacin should b.: hllll

Antimicrobial agents affecting bacterial
protein synthesis
Tetracyclines (e.g. minocycline). These are orally F
~ .... II COOH
ay iT ( "
active, bacteriostatic, broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Resistance is increasing. Gastrointestinal disorders
are common. They chelate calcium and are deposited
in growing bone. They are contraindicated in children
and pregnant women. N
Chloramphenicol. This is an orally active, Ciprofloxacin
fc bacteriostatic, broad-spectrum antibiotic. Serious
toxic effects are possible, including bone marrow
depression, 'grey baby syndrome'. It should be
reserved for life-threatening infections.
Aminoglycosides (e.g. gentamicin). These are given
by injection. They are bactericidal, broad-spectrum
antibiotics (but with low activity against anaerobes,
streptococci and pneumococci). Resistance is
Increasing. The main unwanted effects are dose-
related nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity. Serum levels
should be monitored. (Streptomycin IS an
antituberculosis aminoglycoside.)
Macro/ides (e.g. erythromycin). Can be given orally
and parenterally. They are bactericidal/bacteriostatic. Fig. 46.4 A simplified diagram of the m echanism of
actio n of the fluoro quinolones. [A An example of a quinolone
The antibacterial spectrum is the same as for
(the qulnolone moiety is shown In orange). (PJ Schematic diagram
penicillin. Erythromycin can cause jaundice. Newer of (left) the double helix and (right) the double helix in
agents are clarithromycin and azithromycin. supercoiled form (see also Fig. 45.6.). In essence, the DNA
Clindamycin. Can be given orally and parenterally. It gyrase unwinds the RNA-induced positive supercoil (not shown)
can cause pseudomembranous colitis. and introduces a negative supercoil.
Quinupristin/dalfopristin. Given by intravenous
1nfus1on as a combination. Considerably less active
when administered separately. Active against several
strains of drug-resistant bacteria. Clinical uses of the fluoroquinolones
Fusidic acid. This is a narrow-spectrum antibiotic that
acts by inhibiting protein synthesis. It penetrates bone. Complicated urinary tract infections
Unwanted effect s include gastrointestinal disorders. (norfloxacin , ofloxacin).
Linezolid. Given orally or by intravenous injection. Pseudomonas aeruginosa respiratory infections in
Active against several strains of drug-resistant bacteria. patients with cystic fibrosis .
Invasive external otitis ('malignant otitis') caused by
P. aeruginosa.
Chronic Gram-negative bacillary osteomyelitis.
a1oidcd in methi cillin-resistant '>taphylococcal i nfections. Eradication of Salmonella typhi in carriers.
Clin1cally, the fluoroquinolones arc best used for infections with Gonorrhoea (norfloxacin, ofloxacin).
facultative and aerobic Gram-negative rod'> and cocci .3 Resistant Bacterial prostatitis (norfloxacin).
1trai n~ of Staph. aureus and P. aeruginosa have emerged. Cervicitis (ofloxacin).
further detai ls of the clinical use of the fluoroquinolones are Anthrax.
gi1en in the box.

Pharmacokine tic a spects

\\hen c.:ipmnoxacin was introduced, clinical pharmacologist; and Given orally, the fluoroquinol one~ are well absorbed The hal f-life
mlcmholog~ts <;en<;ibly sugge'>led that it \hould be re~n ed for organi<>m~
of ciprofloxacin and norfloxacin is 3 hours, and that of ofl oxacin
alread> resi<.tam to mher drugs \O a\ 10 prc\cnt emergence of resi<;tancc.
is 5 hours. The drugs accumulate in several tissues. particularl y
Ho11.evcr, by 1989 it was already e;,timatcd that it wa!, prescribed for I in 44
of Americans, so it would seem that the hor~c had not only left the stable in the kidney, prostate and lung. All quinolones are concentrated
in phagocytes. Most fail tO cross the blood- brain barrier, but 673
1>u1 had bolted off into the blue!

onoxacin penetrates the CSF and attains 40% of its serum concen- The clinical u e of vancomycin is limited main!}
tration!>. Aluminium and magne!>ium antacids interfere with the p!>cudomembranous colitis (see clindarnycin. p. 669) and tk
absorption of the quinolone!>. Elimination of ciprofloxacin and Lrcatmcnt of some multiresistant staphylococcal infection~ It
nornoxacin is partly by hepatic metabolism by P450 enzymes also valuable in severe staphylococcal infections in patients all~
(which they can inhibit. giving rise to interactions with other drugs: both to penicillins and cephalosporins. and in some fonn,
see below) and partly by renal excretion. Ofloxacin is excreted in endocarditi!>.
the urine.
Unwanted effect.\ include fever, rashes and local phleb1tl\
the site of injection. Ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity can oo.
Unwanted eHects and hypersensitivity reactions are occasionally seen.
Unwanted effect!> arc infrequent, u!.ually mild, and disappear Nitrofurantoin i!> a synthetic compound active against a ran~
when the drugl> are withdrawn. The most frequent manifestations of Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms. The develop!Th:
are gastrointc~tinal disorders and skin rashes. Arthropathy has of resistance in susceptible organisms is rare. and there i'
been reported in young individuals. Central nervous system cross-resistance. Its mechanism of action is not known. h is gilt
symptoms- headache and diuiness-have occurred, as have, orally and is rapidly and totally absorbed from the gastrointe~tin;.
less frequently, convulsions associated with central nervous tract and just as rapidly excreted by the kidney. The clinicaluscot
system pathology or concurrent use of theophylline or a non- nitrofurantoin is confined to the treatment of urinary tract infcction1.
steroidal anti-innammatory drug. Unwanted e.ffects such as gastrointestinal disturbances ar~
There i1> a clinically important interaction between ciprofloxacin relatively common, and hypersensitivity reactions involving the,~,,
and this drug (through inhibition of P450 enzymes). which and the bone marrow (e.g. leucopenia) can occur. Hepatotoxicir
can lead to theophylline toxicity in asthmatics treated with the and peripheral neuropathy have also been reported.
nuoroquinolones. The topic is discussed further in Chapter 23. The polymixin antibiotic:, in use are polymixin B and coli~tio
(polymixin E). They have cationic detergent properties and e\a:
their antibacterial action by disrupting the cell membm
MISCELLANEOUS ANTIBACTERIAL phospholipids (Ch. 45). They have a selective. rapidly bactenc!d.11
AGENTS action on Gram-negative bacilli. especially pseudomonad-, ani
colifonn organism!>. They are not absorbed from the gru.troint~llml
Vancomycin i' a glycopeptide antibiotic, and tcicoplanin is similar tract. Clinical use of these drugs is limited by their toxicity ~
but longer la\ling. Vancomycin is bactericidal (except against below) and is confined largely to gut sterilisation and topicallll'l
streptococci) and acts by inhibiting cell wall synthesis (see mcnt of car, eye or skin infections caused by susceptible organNm.
Fig. 45.3). It i!> effective mainly again!>t Gram-positive bacteria Unwamed effects may be serious and include neuroto,idt
and has been used against methicillin-resistant staphylococci. and nephrotoxicity.
Vancomycin is not absorbed from the gut and is only given by the Metronidazole was introduced as an antiprotozoal agent(<
oral route for treatment of gastrointestinal infection with C. difficile. Ch. 49). but it is also active against anaerobic bacteria such .
For parenteral use, it i!> given intravenously and has a plasma Bacteroides, Clostridia sp. and some streptococci. lt is effe"11c
half-life of about 8 hours. in the therapy of pseudomembranous colitis, a clostridial infectJN
sometimes associated with antibiotic therapy (see above). and i'
important in the treatment of serious anaerobic infections (e.g.
sepsis secondary to bowel disease).
Antimicrobial agents affecting DNA
topolsomerase II

The fluoroquinolones interfere with the supercoiling of

Ciprofloxacin has a wide antibacterial spectrum,
being especially active against Gram-negative enteric
coliform organisms, including many organisms Miscellaneous antibacterial agents
resistant to penicillins, cephalosporins and
aminoglycosides; it is also effective against Glycopeptide antibiotics (e.g. vancomycin).
Haemophilus influenzae, penicillinase-producing Vancomycin is bactericidal, acting by inhibiting cell
Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Campylobacter sp. and wall synthesis. It is used intravenously for
pseudomonads. There is a high incidence of multiresistant staphylococcal infections and orally for
staphylococcal resistance. It is active orally, with a pseudomembranous colitis. Unwanted effects include
half life of 4.5 hours. ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity. ca
Unwanted effects include gastrointestinal tract Potymixins (e.g. colistin). They are bactericidal, acting
upsets, hypersensitivity reactions and, rarely, central by disrupting bacterial cell membranes. They are highly
nervous system disturbances. neurotoxic and nephrotoxic, and are only used topically.

to entyme that is uniquely found in isoniazid-sensitive strain. of

the ANTIMYCOBACTERIAL AGENTS mycobacteria, disrupting cellular metabolism. Resistance to the
t is drug, caused by reduced penetration into the bacterium, may be
The main mycobacterial infections in humans are tuberculosis
rgJc encountered, but cross-resistance with other tuberculostatic drugs
md leprosy-typically chronic infections caused by Mycobacterium
. of docs not occur.
tuherculosif and M. leprae, respectively. A particular problem with
hoth these organisms is that they can survive inside macrophages
S at Pharmacokinetic aspects
1her phagocytosis, unless these cells are activated' by cytokines
cur. Isoniazid is readily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and is
pnxluccd by T-helper 1 lymphocytes (see Ch. 13).
widely distributed throughout the tissues and body fluids. including
hge the CSF. An important point i~ that it penetrates well into
lent DRUGS USED TO TREAT TUBERCULOSIS caseou~ tuberculous lesions (i.e. necrotic lesions with a cheese-
no like consistency). Metaboli~m. which involves largely acetylation,
For centurie . tuberculosis was a major killer disease. but the
en depends on genetic facton; that determine whether a person is a
mtroduction in the I 960s of rifampicin and ethambutol
inal slow or rapid acetylator of the drug (see Chs 8 and 52), with slow
r~\olutionised therapy, and tuberculosis came to be regarded as
e of inactivators enjoying a better therapeutic response. The half-life
an ea~ily treatable condition. Regrettably, this is so no longer-
;ms. in slow inactivator:. is 3 hours and in rapid inactivators, 1 hour.
the causative mycobacterium has returned to haunt us with a
are Isoniazid is excreted in the urine partly as unchanged drug and
1engennce. and strains with increased virulence or exhibiting
partly in the acetylated or otherwise inactivated form.
multidrug resistance strains are now common (Bloom & Small.
1998). Tuberculosis is again a major threat; the World Health
Unwanted eHects
Organization estimates that one-third of the world's population
Unwanted effects depend on the dosage and occur in about 5%
, currently infected with the bacillus and that I billion people
of individuals. the commonest being allergic skin eruption<;. A
111!1 be newly infected in the period 2000-20. resulting in
variety of other adverse reactions have been reported, including
35 milhon more deaths ( 1.75 million deaths in 2003). Africa
fever, hepatotoxicity, haematological changes, arthritic symptoms
hears the brunt of the disease. partly because of an ominous
and vasculitis. Adverse effects involving the central or peripheral
s}n~rgy between mycobacteria (e.g. M. tuberculosis, M. avium-
nervous systems arc largely consequences of a deficiency of
intercellulare) and HlV. About 15% of HIV-associated deaths in
pyridoxine and are common in malnourished patients unless pre-
the continent are caused by tuberculosis. The disease is out of
at- vented by administration of this substance. Pyridoxal-hydrazone
ctlntrol in many countries. <md it is now the world's leading cause
J11s. formation occurs mainly in slow acctylators. Isoniazid may cause
,,f death from a single agent.
cit) haemolytic anaemia in individual!. with glucose 6-phosphate
Our counter-attack is led by the first-line drugs isoniazid.
dehydrogenase deficiency. and it decreases the metabolism of the
nfamp1cin. rifabutin. ethambutol and pyrazinamide. Some
antiepileptic agents phenytoin. ethosuximide and carbamazepine.
~ond-line drugs available are capreomycin, cycloserin e.
resulting in an increase in the plasma concentration and toxicity
>U"eptomycin (rarely used now in the UK), clarithromycin and
of these drugs.
cprofloxacin. These are used to treat infections likely to be
csi>tant to first-line drugs, or when the first-line agents have to
be abandoned because of unwanted reactions. RIFAMPICIN
To decrease the probability of the emergence of resistant
Rifampicin acts by binding to, and inhibiting. DNA-dependent
organisms, compound drug therapy is a frequent strategy. This
RNA polymerase in prokaryotic but not in eukaryotic cells (Ch. 45).
.ummonly involves:
It is one of the most active antituberculosi~ agents known. and is
an mitial phase of treatment (about 2 months) with a also effective against mo~t Gram-positive bacteria as well as
combination of isoniazid. rifampicin and pyrazinamide many Gram-negative specie<;. It enters phagocytic cells and can
!plus ethambutol if the organism i<; suspected to be re!>istant) therefore kill intracellular micro-organisms including the
a -econd. continuation phase (about 4 months) of therapy tubercle bacillus. Resi~tance can develop rapidly in a one-step
11ith isoniazid and rifampicin; longer-tem1 treatment is needed process and is thought to be caused by chemical modification of
for patients with meningitis, bone/joint involvement or drug- microbial DNA-dependent RNA polymerase, resulting from a
resistant infection. chromosomal mutation (sec Ch. 45).

Pharmacokinetic aspects
ISONIAZID Rifampicin is given orally and is widely distributed in the tissues
Th~ antibacterial activity of isoni:uid is limited to mycobacteria. and body fluids. giving an orange tinge to saliva. sputum. tears
It h3lh the growth of resting organisms (e.g. is bacteriostatic) but and sweat. In the CSF. it reaches I0-40% of its serum concentration.
can kill dividing bacteria. It passes freely into mammalian cells It is excreted partly in the urine and partly in the bile, some of it
!lld ''thus effective against intracellular organisms. The mechanism undergoing enterohepatic cycling. 1l1e metabolite retains anti-
,fits action is not clear. There is evidence t11at it inhibits the bacterial activity but is less well absorbed from the gastrointestinal
>)llthesis of mycolic acids. important constituents of the cell wall tract. The half-life is 1-5 hours, becoming shorter during treatment
pi!Culiar to mycobacteria. It is also reported to combine with an because of induction of hepatic microsomal enzymes. 675

Unwanted eHects Unll'anted e.ffects include kidney damage and injury to the ei~
Unwanted effects are relatively infrequent. The commonest are nerve, with consequent deafness and ataxia. The drug shouldM
skin eruptions, fever and gastrointestinal disturbances. Liver be given at the -;a me time as streptomycin or other drugs th3t
damage with jaundice has been reported and has proved fatal in damage the eighth nerve.
a very small proportion of patients. and liver function should be
assessed before treatment is :.tarted. Rifampicin causes induction CYCLOSERINE
of hepatic metaboli:.ing enzymes, resulting in an increase in the
degradation of war farin, glucocorticoids, narcotic analgesics, Cycloserine is a broad-!>pectrum antibiotic that inhibits the growth
oral antidiabetic drugs, dapsone and oestrogens, the last effect many bacteria, including coli forms and mycobacteria. ft i~ V.!t.:t
leading to failure of oral contraceptives. soluble and destroyed at acid pH. It acts by competitively inh1b1t
bacterial cell wall synthesis. lt docs this by preventing the formatJa:
of o-alaninc and the o-Aia-o-Ala dipeptide that is added to 1!-.i
ETHAMBUTOL initial tripeptide :.ide-chain on N-acetylmuramic acid, i.~.
Ethambutol has no effect on organisms other than mycobacteria. prevents completion of the major building block of peptidogl)'
It is taken up by the bacteria and exerts a bacteriostatic effect after (sec Fig. 45.3). After oml administration, it is rapidly absorb.:,
a period of 24 hours, although the mcchallism by wruch this and reaches peak conccnuations within 4 hours. It is distribuk,
occurs is unknown. Resistance emerges rapidly if the drug is used throughout the tissues and body fluids, and reaches concentrmioo
alone. Ethambutol is given orally and is well absorbed, reaching in the CSF equivalent to those in the blood. Most of the drug 1
therapeutic concentrations in the plasma within 4 hours; it can eliminated in active form in the urine, but approximately 35~
also reach therapeutic concentrations in the CSF in tuberculous metabolised.
meningitis. In the blood, it is taken up by erythrocytes and slowly Cycloserine has unwanted effects mainly on the central nenou;
released. Ethambutol is partly metabolised and is excreted in system. A wide variety of disturbances may occur. ranging from
the urine. The half-life i!> 3-4 hours. headache and irritability to depression, convulsions and P')Ch<n:
states. Its use is limited to tuberculosis that is resistant to other dru.
Unwanted eHects
Un~anted effects are uncommon, the most important being optic
neuritis, which is dose-related and is more likely to occur if renal
function is decreased. It results in visual disturbances marufesting Leprosy is one of the most ancient diseases known to manlinl
initially as red-green colour blindness progressing to a decreased and has been mentioned in texL<> dating back to 600 BC. It is a chru
visual acuity. Colour vil.ion should be monitored during prolonged disfiguring illnes~ with a long latency, and historically suffereflih:o
treatment been ostracised and forced to live apart from their commu111t1.
although. in fact, the disease is not particularly contagious. o~
viewed as incurable, the introduction in the 1940s of dapsoo
and subsequently rifampicin and clofazimine in the 196().
Pyrazinamide is inactive at neutral pH but tuberculostatic at acid pH. completely changed our perspective on leprosy. It is now con~id~ro:
It is effective against the intracellular orgallisms in macrophages relatively easy to diagnose and to cure, and the global figure~ sho
because, after phagocytosis, the organisms are contained in that the prevalence rates for the disea<>e have dropped by 90% sincr
phagolysosomes where the p H is low. Resistance develops rather 1985, und that the disease has been eliminated from I08 out of 12~
readily, but cro~s-re1>istance with isoniazid does not occur. The drug countries where it wa~ considered to be a major health problem
is well absorbed after oral administration and is widely distributed, Today, !>Orne 650 000 new cases arc reported each year (200.
penetrating well into the meninges. It is excreted through the figures). The bulk of these (70%) are in the Indian subconunen
kidney, mainly by glomerular filtration. Multidrug treatment regimen~ initiated by the World HecJ
Organi7ation in 1982 are now the mainstay of trcatmt
Unwanted eHects Paucibacillary lepro~y. leprosy characterised by one to five nu
Unwanted effects include gout. which is associated with high patches, is mainly tuberruloitf in type and is treated for 6 mood:;
concentrations of plasma urates. Gastrointestinal upsets, malaise with dapsone and rifampicin. Multibaci/lary leprosy. characten~
and fever have al o been reported. Historically high doses of this by more than five numb skin patches, is mainly lepromatous
drug were used, and serious hepatic damage was a possibility; type and is treated for at least 2 years with rifampicin, daJ>"one Dap
this is now less likely with lower dose/shorter course regimens and clofazimine. The effect of therapy with minocycline or lbt its 0
but, nevertheless, liver function should be assessed before tluoroquinolones is being investigated. ofb
treatment. .uuJ

CAPREOMYCIN "The ba~b of the dilference between tuberculoid and lepromatou; di~;ea;e
appear~ to be thai the T cell~ from patients with the former vigorously
Capreomycin is a peptide antibiotic given by intramuscular produce intcrfcron-y. which enable~ macrophages to kill intracellular
injection. There is some cross-reaction with the aminoglycoside microbe~. whcrea~ in the latter case the immune response is dominated b)
676 kana m ycin . intcrlcuki n-4, which blocks the action of interferon-"{. See Chapter 13.

treat dermatitis herpetiform is, a chronic bliste ring skin conditio n

Antituberculosis drugs associated wi th coeliac d i ~ease.

To avoid the emergence of resistant organisms,

Unwanted eHects
compound therapy is used (e.g. three drugs initially,
Unwanted effects occur fairly freq uently and include haemolysis
followed by a two-drug regimen later).
of red cells (usually not severe enough to lead to frank anaemia),
First-line drugs
methaemoglobinaemia, anorexia, nausea and vomiting, fever,
lsomaz1d kills act1vely growing mycobacteria within
allergic dermatitis and neuropathy. Lepra reactions (an exacerbation
host cells; mechanism of action unknown. Given
of lepromatous lesions) can occur, and a potentially fatal syndrome
orally, it penetrates necrotic lesions, also the
resembling infectiou mononucleosis has occasionally been seen.
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). 'Slow acetylators'
(genetically determined) respond well. It has low
toxicity. Pyridoxine deficiency increases risk of RIFAMPICIN
neurotoxicity. No cross-resistance with other agents.
Rifampicin is discussed under Drugs used to treat tuberculosis.
Rifampicin (rifampin) is a potent, orally active drug
that inhibits mycobacterial RNA polymerase. It
s penetrates CSF. Unwanted effects are infrequent (but CLOFAZIMINE
s serious liver damage has occurred}. It induces
Clofazimine is a dye of complex structure. Its mechanism of action
hepatic drug-metabolising enzymes. Resistance can
against leprosy bacilli may involve an action on DNA. It also has
develop rapidly.
anti-inflammatory activi ty and is useful in patients in whom dapsone
Ethambutol inhibits growth of mycobacteria by an
causes inflammatory s ide effects.
unknown mechanism. It is given orally and can
Clofazimine is given orally and accumulates in the body, being
penetrate CSF. Unwanted effects are uncommon, but
sequestered in the mononuclear phagocyte system. The plasma
optic neuritis can occur. Resistance can emerge
half-life may be as long as 8 weeks. The antileprotic effect is
delayed and is usually not evident for 6-7 weeks.
Pyrazinamide is tuberculostatic against intracellular
mycobacteria by an unknown mechanism. Given
orally, it penetrates CSF. Resistance can develop Unwanted eH ects
rapidly. Unwanted effects include increased plasma Unwanted effect!> may be related to the fact that clofazimine is a
urate and liver toxicity with high doses. dye. The slo.in and urine can develop a reddish colour and the
Second-line drugs lesions a blue-black discoloration. Dose-related nausea, giddiness,
Capreomycin is given intramuscularly. Unwanted headache and gastrointesti nal distu rbances can also occur.
effects include damage to kidney and to eighth nerve.
Cycloserine is a broad-spectrum agent. It inhibits an
early stage of peptidoglycan synthesis. Given orally, it
penetrates the CSF. Unwanted effects affect mostly The reader is referred to the notes at the conclusion of Chapter 45.
central nervous system.
Streptomycin , an aminoglycoside antibiotic, acts by
inhibiting bacterial protein synthesis. It is given
Intramuscularly. Unwanted effects are ototoxicity
(mainly vestibular) and nephrotoxicity.
Antlleprosy drugs

For tuberc uloid leprosy: dapsone and

rifampicin (rifampin).
Dapsone is sulfonamide-like and may inhibit folate
synthesis. It is given orally. Unwanted effects are fairly
Dapsone is chemically related to the sulfonamides and, because frequent, a few are senous. Resistance is increasing.
lh action is antagonised by PABA. probably acts through inhibition Rifampicin (see Antituberculosis drugs box).
of bacterial folate synthesis. Resistance to the drug is increasing, For lepromatous leprosy: dapsone, rifampicin and
and treatment with combinations of drugs is now recommended. clofazimine.
Dapsone is given orally; it is well absorbed and widely distributed Clofazimine is a dye that is given orally and can
through the body water and in all tissues. The plasma half-life is accumulate by sequestering in macrophages. Action
~-!--48 hours, but some dapsone persists in certain tissues (liver, is delayed for 6-7 weeks, and its half-life is 8 weeks.
kidney, and to some extent skin and muscle) for much longer Unwanted effects include red skin and urine,
periods. There is enterohepatic recycling of the drug, but some is sometimes gastrointesinal disturbances.
acetylated a nd excreted in the urine. Dapsone is also used to 677
Antiviral drugs

repeating s truclllral units and called a capsid (Fig. 47. 1). The
I Overview 679 viral coat, togethe r with the nucleic acid core, is termed the
Background information about viruses 679 nucleocapsid. Some viruses have, in addition, a further external
-An outline of virus structure 679 lipoprotein envelope, whic h may be decorated with antigen ic
-Examples of pathogenic viruses 679 viral glycoproteins o r phospholipids acquired from its host when
-Virus function and life history 680 the nucleocapsid buds thro ug h the me mbranes of the infected
cell. Certain viruses also contain enzymes that initiate their
The host-virus interaction 680 re plication in the host cell.
-Host defences against viruses 680 Viruses arc generally characterised eithe r a~ DNA or RNA
-Viral ploys to circumvent host defences 681 viruses depending on the nature of their nucleic acid conte nt.
HIV and AIDS 681 These two broad categories arc conventio nall y s ubdivided into
some six subclasses, which clru.sify viruses according to whether
Antiviral drugs 684 they contai n single- or double-stranded nucleic acids and how
-Combination therapy for HIV 689 this functions during replication.
-Prospects for new antiviral drugs 689


Vimses can infec t virtually ali living o rganisms. Hum ans are no
OVERVIEW exceptio n, and such infections are commo n.
This chapter deals with drugs used to treat T Some impona nt example~ of the disease~ they cause arc as follow.
infections caused by viruses. We give first some DNA vim~ev: poxvi ruse (-.mall pox). herpe~v iruses (chickenpox,
necessary information about viruses: a simple shingles. cold sores. glandu lar fever), adcnoviruses (sore throat,
outline of virus structure, a list of the main conjuncti vi tis) and papillomaviruses (wart1;).
pathogenic viruses and a brief summary of the life RNA viruses: orthornyxov iru ~es (influenza), paramyxoviruses
(measles. mumps, rcspirutory tract infections), rubella virus (German
history of an infectious virus. We then continue measles), rhabdov iru~es (r:1bies), picornaviruses (colds. meningitis,
with a consideration of the host-virus interaction: poliomyel itis), rctrovirue~ (acquired immunodefi ciency syndrome
the defences deployed by the human host against [A IDS]. T-cell leukaemia). arcnaviruses (meningitis. Lassa fever).
viruses and the strategies employed by viruses to
evade these measures. We then describe the
various types of antiviral drugs and their
mechanisms of action, with particular reference to
the treatment of AIDS, an infection caused by the
~ Lipopmto;o e"""~
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
~77~, ,--....,-- Nucleic acid }
-- : core Nucleocapsid
' '''
(lhe morphological
l1ruses are s mall (usually in the range 20-30 nm) infecti ve protein units
Jgents that arc incapable of reproduction outside their host ceUs. of the coat)
The free-living (e.g. outside its host) virus particle is termed a
Fig. 4 7.1 Schematic diagram of the components of a
rion, and consists of segments of nucleic acid (either RNA or virus particle or virion.
D~A) enclosed in a protein coat comprised of synm1etrical

hepadnaviru<.e~ (~erum hepatitis) and arboviruses (anhropodbome Replication in DNA viruses

encephaliti~ and variou; febrile illne~ses. e.g. )ellow fever).
Viral DNA enter the host cell nucleus. where transcription tnlt
mRNA occur!. catalysed by the host cell RNA polymer.t'<'
VIRUS FUNCTION AND LIFE HISTORY Translation of the mRNA into virus-specific proteins then tak~
place. Some of these proteins are enzymes that then synthe,t>t
As viruses have no metabolic machinery of their own, they have more viral DNA, as well as proteins comprising the viral coat <IBl
to attach to and penetrate a living host cell-animal, plant or envelope. After a'\sembly of coat proteins around the viral D~.\.
bacterial-and use the victim's own metabolic processes to complete virions are released by budding or after host celll}~i'
replicate. The first Mep in this process is facilitated by polypep-
tide binding sites on the envelope or capsid, interacting with Replication in RNA viruses
receptors on the host cell. These 'receptors' are normal Enzymes within the virion synthesise its mR
membrane constituenL~-receptors for cytokines, neurotransmitters RNA template, or sometimes the viral RNA serves as its 011
or hormones, ion channels, integral membrane glycoproteins, mRNA. This is translated by the host cell into various enz}me,
etc. Some examples of host cell receptors utilised by particular including RNA polymerase (which directs the synthesis of more
viruses are listed in Table 47.1. viral RNA), and also into structural proteins of the virion.
Following attachment, the receptor-vims complex enters the Assembly and release of virions occurs as explained above. With
cell (often by receptor-mediated endocytosis), during which time these viruses, the host ceU nucleus is usually not involved in 1irdi
the virus coat may be removed by host cell enzymes (often replication, although some RNA viruses (e.g. orthomyxoviru~e't
lysosomal in nature). Some bypass this route. Once in the host replicate exclusively within the host nuclear compartment.
cell, the nucleic acid of the virus then uses the host cell's
machinery for synthesising nucleic acids and proteins that are Replication in retroviruses
assembled into new virus particles. The actual way in which this The virion in retroviruses' contains a reverse transcriptase enzyme
occurs varies between DNA and RNA viruses. (virus RNA-<Iependent DNA polymerase), which make~ a OK~
copy of the viral RNA. This DNA copy is integrated into the
genome of the host cell, and it is then termed a prol'irus. Th.
proviru~ DNA i!> transcribed into both new viral genome R.\~
Table 47. 1 Some host cell structures that can function
as receptors for viruses as well as mRNA for translation in the host into viral protein
and the completed viruses are released by budding. Man} retn>- ns
Host cell structure Virus(es) viruses can replicate without killing the host cell. dct
The ability of several viruses to remain dormant within. and b: of
Helper T-lymphocytes CD4 HIV (causing AIDS) replicated together with, the host genome is responsible for the to
glycoprotein periodic nature of some viral diseases, such as those caused b)
herpes fahiafis (cold sores) or the varicella zoster (chickenpo1
CCRS receptor for chemokines HlV (causing AIDS)
MCP-1 and RANTES and shingles) virus, which recur when viral replication i'
reactivated by some factor (or when the immune system i1
CXCR4 chemokine receptor for HIV (causing AIDS) compromised in some way). Some RNA retroviruses can
cytokine SDF-1 transform normal cells into malignant cells. gl'l
Acetylcholine receptor on Rabies virus
skeletal muscle a~ t
8-lymphocyte complement C3d Glandular fever virus c.tu
The first defence is the simple barrier function of intact ~ktn the
T-lymphocyte interleukin-2 T-cell leukaemia viruses
receptor which most viruses are unable to penetrate. However. broken tllll.
skin (e.g. at sites of wounds or insect bites) and muco.
~-Adrenoceptors Infantile diarrhoea virus membranes are more vulnerable to viral artack. Should the ltM
gain entry to the body, then the host can deploy both the iniiJl(
MHC molecules Adenovirus (causing sore
and subsequently the adaptive immune response (Ch. 13). 1'he
throat and conjunctivitis)
T-cell leukaemia viruses infected cell presents, on its surface, viral peptides complextd
with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class l molecules
MCP-1, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1; MHC, major This complex is recognised by T lymphocytes. which then ktll
histocompatibility complex; RANTES, regulated on activation, the infected cell (Fig. 47.2). This may be accomplished by th<.
normal T-een-expressed and secreted; SDF-1, stromal VI
release of lytic proteins (such as perforins, granzymes) or b)
cell-derived factor-1. DE
'For more detail on complement, interleukin-2, the CD4
glycoprotein on helper T lymphocytes, MHC molecules, etc.,
see Chapter 13. For SOF-1, see Chapter 22. 1
A virus that can synthc~i;e DNA from an RNA template- the reverse of
680 the normal ~iruation.

Subversion of the immune response

l into Viruses can inhibit the action of the cytokines, such a~
Virus-tnfected host cell
!rase. interleukin-1, TNF-a. and the antiviral interferons (TFNs; sec
takes p. 223), that normally coordinate the innate and adaptive immune
responses. Following infection. for example, some poxviruse'>
Fas receptor MHC-1
lt and product
express proteins !hat mimic the extracellular ligand-binding
;:>"l.\. domains of cytokine receptors. These pseudoreceptors bind
Fas ligand
ysts. cytokines, preventing them from reaching their natural receptors
on cells of the immune system and thu\ moderating
Vtral peptide enzymes the normal immune re~ponse to virus-infected cells. Other
viml viruses that can i11terferc with cytokine signalling include
own human cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, herpesvirus and
me~. CDS+ killer T cell adenovirus.
non. Evasion of immune detection and attack by
Fig. 47.2 The m echanism s w hereby a c os T cell kill s a
With virus-infected host cell. The virus-infected host cell killer cells
viral expresses a complex of virus peptides plus major Once within host cells, viruses may also escape immune
use') htslocompatibility complex class I product (MC H-1) on its detection and evade lethal attack by cytotoxic lymphocytes and
surface. This is recognised by the cos T cell, which then
NK cells in various ways, such as the following.
releases lytic enzymes into the virus-infected cell and also
expresses a Fas ligand. This triggers apoptosis In the infected fnterference with the surface protein marken on the infected
cell by stimulating its Fas 'death receptor'.
t)mC cells essemial for killa cell attack. Some viru!>es inhibit
DNA generation of the antigenic peptide and/or !he presentation of
the MHC-peptide molecules. This turns off the ~ignal that the
The triggering the apoptotic pathway in the infected cell by activation cells arc infected, enabling the viruses to remain undetected.
R~A Llf it\ Fasreceptor ('death receptor': seep. 79). The laner may also Example., of viruses that can do this are adenovirus, herpes
ilh, be tnggered indirectly through the relea..c of a cytokine such simplex virus, human cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus
tro- a' tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-a. lf the virus escapes immune and influenza virus.
detection by cytotoxic lymphocytes by modifying the expression fnterference with the apoptolic pathway. Some viruses (e.g.
IU be ot lhe peptide-MHC complex (see below). it may still fall victim adenovirus, human cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus) can
r !he to natural killer (NK) cells. This reaction to !he absence of subvert this pathway for their own purposes.
by nom1al MHC molecules might be called the 'mother turkey' Adopting the 'baby wrkey' ploy. Some viruses (e.g.
hpox Mrategy (kill everything that does not sound exactly like a baby cytomegalovirus) get round the mother turkey approach of
lfl i ... turkey: see footnote on p. 206). But some viruses also have a NK cells by expressing a homologue of MHC class l (the
Jc11ce for evading NK cells as well (see below). equivalent of a turkey chick's chirping) !hat is close enough
m i'
Within the cell itself, a sophisticated mechanism known as to the real thing to hoodwink K cells.
gene silencing may also provide a further level of protection (see h is evident that evolution has equipped pa!hogenic viruses with
Schutze, 2004). Short double-stranded fragments of RNA, such many efficacious tactics for circumventing host defences, and
b those !hat could arise as a result of the virus's aucmpts to understanding these in more detail is likely to suggest new types
recru1t the ho~t's transcription/translational machinery, actually of antiviral therapy. Fo11unately, the biological arms race is not
cau\e the gene coding for the RNA to be siJenced'- to be one-sided, and evolution has also equipped the host with
'11itched off, probably by DNA phosphorylation. This means !hat sophisticated counrer-measures. In most cases these prevail, with
!Je gene is no longer able to direct further viral protein synthesis, viral infections eventually generally resolving spontaneously,
okcn thu'> mterrupting the replication cycle. This mechanism can be except in an immunocompromised host. The situation does not
'COUS exploited for experimental purposes in many areas of biology, always end happi ly though; some viral infections, such as Lassa
irus .u1d tailored siRNA (small-or short-interfering RNA) is a fever and Ebola virus infection, have a high mortality, and we
mate cheap and useful technique to suppress temporarily expression now discuss a further, grave example of this group: !he HJV
of 3 particular gene under investigation. Attempts to harness !he virus. This is appropriate because I lTV exhibits many of the
xed technique for viricidal purposes have met with some success (sec fearures common to other viral infections, and the sheer scale
ules. 83rik. 2004 ). of the global AIDS problem has pu~hed HIV to the top of the li~t
kill of antiviral targets.
rr by
\crrusc~have evolved a variety of strategies to ensure successful
mfecuon, some entailing redirection of the host's re, ponse for HIV is an RNA retrovirus. Two forms are known. HIV-1 is the
the advantage of the virus (discussed by Tortorella et al., 2000). organism responsible for human AlDS. The HfV-2 organism is 681

-.taggering 10 111 new virus panicles may be produced each da}.

lnlracellular HIV can remain silent (latent) for a long time.

Viruses are small infective agents consisting T The primmg of nat\C T cells to become CfLs during the induction pha
invohe'> interolction of the T-cell receptor complex with antigenic HI\
of nucleic acid (RNA or DNA) enclosed in a protein
pepudc tn assoctauon wuh 'v!HC class I molecules on the surfac-e oC
coat. anugen-pre~nung cell'> (APCs: see Figs 13.3 and 13.4). Priming also
They are not cells and, having no metabolic require' the prc\Cncc and participation of c~ cells. It is thought thai
machinery of their own, are obligate intracellular both types of cell need to recognise antigen on Lhe surface of the ..unr
parasites, utilising the metabolic processes of the APC (Fig. 13.3).
host cell they infect to replicate. The CTI.'> thu' generated are effective during the initial stages of tk
DNA viruses usually enter the host cell nucleus and infection but arc not able to Mop the progression of the di,ease. It 11
direct the generation of new viruses. believed that thh is because the CfLs have become 'exhausted' ~lhl
dy~functional. 1\vo different mechanisms may be involved. :and thN
RNA viruses direct the generation of new viruses,
are ~ummari.,cd in ~imple terms below.
usually without involving the host cell nucleus (the
influenza virus is an exception in that it does involve One possible mechanism has been suggested on the basis of recen
research into a uiff'erent viral infection. The study shows that the
the host cell nucleus).
a~~i~tance of CD4+ cells during tile initial priming process moy b.:
RNA retroviruses (e.g. HIV, T-cell leukaemia virus) essential for the secondary expansion of CTLs on autonomou,
contain an enzyme, reverse transcriptase, which reMimu lotion. The evidence is that, during priming, c04 cells help
makes a DNA copy of the viral RNA. This DNA copy uetermine the ucvclopment of the relevant CTL memory and the al>aht)
is integrated into the host cell genome and directs the of CTL!. to mount a ~econdary response. Without thi~. mo~t Cfl eel\
may, on imeracting with antigen again, themselves become exhau,aed
generation of new virus particles.
and enter apoptosis (Jan,en et al .. 2004). This throws new light on w
role of CD4 cells in the immune response to HIV.
Another po"ible C)(p)anation for CDS T-cell exhau\tion. al'o ba..ed
on recent \\Ork with another \iral infection. is that these cells 01cr
similar to the IIIV- 1 virus in that it also causes immune ex pres~ an apoptotic gene. Admini,tration of an antibod) that bl01:~ed
the interaction bet\\een thi\ factor and its receptor restored the abihty
suppression, bul il is less virulent. HIV- I is distributed around
ofT celb to prohfemte and kill infected cells. thus reducing the ltn:
the world, whereas the HlV-2 virus is confined to parts of Africa. load. Tim nouon al~o sugge>ts a novel and potentially effe.:tne
We will consider them together in this section. immunological ~trategy for treatment of chronic viral infcctiolb ~
as that cau~ed by the HIV 'iruse<, (Barber et al .. 2006).
T In 2004. the World Health Organization estimated that almost
40 million people \\-ere II\ ing with AIDS, and that women and children The HIV virion cannil} attache~ to proteins on the host cell surf..:t 10
constituted upproximately half that total number. During Lhe same year. gain entry to the cell~. The main targets are CD4 (a glycoprotein lll3rl.l!
some 3 million people died of the disease (including 0.64 million children of a panicular group of helper T lymphocytes) and CCR5 (a corecept,Y
under 15 year~). and there were a funher 5 million new cases of AIDS for cenaan chemol.ines. including monocyte chemoattractant protein-)
infection reponed. The epidemic is overwhelmingly centred on sub- and RANTES [regulated on activation normal I-cell ~xpres..ed 4nJ
Saharan Africa. which accounL~ for two-thirds of the total global number ,llecretcd]). c04 cells normally orche~trate the immune response t"
of infected persons. nnu where the adult prevalence is 7.4% (compared viruses. but by entering these cells and using them as virion factorie-..
with 0.3%- in Europe). For a review of the pathogenesis of AIDS, sec II IV virtual ly cripples this aspect of the itmuune response. Figure 471
Mindel & Tenant-Flowers (200 I ). show~ an HIV virion infecti ng a CD4+ T cell. Infected activated CD4 T
cells in lymphoiu tissue form the major source of HIV production in HI\
The interaction of HlV with the host's immune system is complex, infectcu individuals: infected macrophages are another source.
and although it involves mainly cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs,
As for CCRS. evidence from exposed individuals who somehm~ e1Jde
CD8+ T cells) and CD4+ helper T lymphocytes (CD4 cells),
infection indicate~ that this surface protein has a central role in HI\
other immune cell!>, such as macrophages, dendritic cells and K pathogcne.,i~. Compounds that inhibit the entry of HTV into cell\ b~
cells, also play a part. Antibodies are produced by the host to blocking CCR5 are in phase tn clinical trials and may soon be av:Uiabl:
various HTV components, but it is the action of the CTLs and commercially (Charo et al.. 2006).
CD4 cells that initially prevents the spread of HIV. When immune \Uneillance breaks down. other strains of HIV ari-.c
Cytotoxic T lym phocytes directly kill virally infected cells recognasc other ho~t cell ~urface molecules ~uch as CD4 and CXCR4
and produce and releru.e antiviral cytokines (Fig. 47.2). The surface glycnprotem. gpl20. on the HIV en, elope binds to C[).l and
lethal event is lysis of the target cell, but induction of apoptosis to the T-ccll chemokine coreceptor CXCR4. Another viral gi}CO~
gp41. then cau..es fu~ton of the viral envelope with the plasma membntr
by interaction of Fas ligand ('death ligand': see Fig. 5.5) on the
of the cell (Fig.47.3).
CfL with Fas recepto11. on the virally infected cell can also play
a part. CD 4+ cells have an important role as helper cells, and it Viral replication is error-prone, and there are a large number c
is rhe progressive loss of these cells that is the defining mutations daily at each site in the HIV genome, so HIV soo
characteristic of HIV infection (Fig. 47.4). Recent work suggests escapes recognition by the original cytotoxic lymphoqtt\
that CD4 cells may themselves have a direct role (e.g. lysis of Although other cytotoxic lymphocytes arise that recognise the
target cells) in the control of HIV replication (Norris et al., 2004). altered virus protein(s), further mutations. in tum, allow esca~
Once within th e cell, TliV is integrated with the host DNA (the from surveillance by these cells too. It is suggested that wa1~
provirus form), undergoing tran scription and generating new virions after wave of cytotoxic lymphocytes act against new mutanr~ 31
682 when the cell is activated (Fig. 47.3). ln an untreated subject, a th ey arise. gradually depleting a T-cell repertoire alread)

of gp120


... (1 O) New vlrons I

(1) Binding ' I



:nt \

(9) A ssembly and

? budding
CXCR4 Ck receptor


? (8) Protease action 0 __

(3) Uncoating

Inhibito rs
of vir al
Rever se
tra nscriptase
fusion inhibito rs
ch (7)
(4) Reverse transcrlptase by host
makes a double-stranded ribosomes
DNA copy of viral RNA - - - - - - - - - - - - -..,..:-._


(6) Transcription of provirus

i ?
(5) DNA copy (+lntegrue: ) entera nucleua Md CYTOPLASM
lntlgndee with host DNA. forming pnMrul

~10. Fig. 47.3 Sc hematic d iagram of infection of a c o 4 T cell by a n HIV virion, w ith the sites of action of the two main c lasses of
li!IDC anti-HIV drugs. The 10 steps of HIV infection, from attachment to the cell to release of new virions, are shown. The virus uses the CD4
coreceptor and the chemokine (Ck) receptor CXCR4 as binding sites to facilitate entry into the cell, where it becomes incorporated into
host DNA (steps 1-5). When transcription occurs (step 6), the T cell itself is activated and the transcription factor nuclear factor KB
of llltliates transcnption of both host cell and provirus DNA. A viral protease cleaves the nascent viral polypeptides (steps 7 and 8) into
pon structural protetns and enzymes ~ntegrase, reverse transcriptase, protease) for the new virion. The new virions are assembled and released
tes. from the cells, initiating a fresh round of infection (steps 9 and 10). The sites of action of the currently used anti-HIV drugs are shown. __.)
I as
ndy 683

seriously compromised by the loss of CD4+ helper T cells, until virus is replicating. Because the initial phases of viral infecu()n
eventually the immune response fails. are often asymptomatic. treatment is often delayed until lbe
There is considerable variability in the progress of the disease, infection h. well established, and one therefore begins therJpy
but the usual clinical course of an untreated HlV infection is at a tactical disadvantage. As is often the case with infecttoos
shown in Figure 47.4. An initial acute influenza-like illness is diseases, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
associated with an increase in the number of virus particles in Many antiviral drugs are a1ailable, and we cannot disCU\\ all
the blood, their widespread dissemination through the tissues, the~e in detail for space reasons. However. most fall into onl) a
and the seeding of lymphoid tissue with the virion particles. few groups with similar mechanisms of action and often simtlar
Within a few weeks, the viraemia is reduced by the action of side effects too. Table 47.2 shows the commonest antiviral drug,
cytotoxic lymphocytes as specified above. their mechanisms of action and some of the diseases the) are
The acute initial illness is followed by a symptom-free period used to treat. Some common side effects are shown in Table 47.3
during which there b reduction in the viraemia accompanied by We wi ll discuss each group brietly.
silent virus replication in the lymph nodes, associated with damage
to lymph node architecture and the loss of CD4+ lymphocytes
and dendritic cells. Clinical latency (median, 10 years) comes to
an end when the immune response finally fails and the signs and
symptoms of AIDS appear--opportunistic infections (e.g. with This curre ntl y comprises a large group of nucleoside analogue,
Pneumocystis carinii or the tubercle bacillus), neurological disease all of which are phosphorylated by host cell enzymes to g11t
(e.g. confusion, paralysis, dementia), bone marrow depression and the 5' -trisphosphate derivative. This moiety competes with 1M
cancers. Chronic gastrointe)>tinal infections contribute to the severe equivalent host cellular trisphosphate substrates for proviral Dl'iA
weight loss. Cardiovascular damage and kidney damage can also synthesis by viral reverse transcriptase (viral RNA-<Iepcndent
occur. In an untreated patient, death usually follows within 2 years. DNA polymerase). Eventually. the incorporation of the )'
The advent of complex combination drug regimens has changed trisphowhate moiety into the growing viral DNA chain re~uJt, n
the prognosb at least in countries that are able to deploy them. chain termination. Mammalian a -DNA polymerase is rclatilttJ
There is evidence that genetic factors play an important role resistant to the effect. However, y-DNA polymerase in the IIOi1
in determining the susceptibility--or resistance-to HIV (see cell mitochondria is fairly sensitive to the compound, and this
Flores-Villanueva et al.. 2003). may be the ba~is of some unwanted effects. The main utili!} of
these drugs is the treatment of HIV. but a number of them ha1e
useful activity against other viruses also. Some example~ o'
ANTIVIRAL DRUGS nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors are given belo''

Because viruses hijack many of the metabolic processes of the Zidovudine

host cell itself, it is difficult to find drugs that are selec ti ve for Zidovudine is an tmaloguc of thymidine. It can prolong life 1n
the pathogen. However, there are some enzymes that are virus- HlV-infccted individuals and diminish HIV-associated dementia
specific, and these have proved to be useful drug targets. Most Given to the parturient mother and then to the newborn infant, 11
c urrentl y available antiviral agents are effective only while the can reduce mother-to--baby transmission by more than 20%-. It i1

Pnmary infection

Posstble acute HIV syndrome

Wtde d1ssemmation of virus
Seeding of lymphoid organs 1

Cllmcal latency
r------'------. 1
dtseases 1:256
1:128 ~ca
-y II
0 600 Constttubonal
~~ 1:32
0 400 1:16
0 ~-
1:8 II)
Fig. 47.4 Schematic outline of 200 1:4 a:
the course of HIV infection. The 1:2
co4 T-cell titre is often expressed
, --~ 0
as cells/mm 3 (Adapted from
Pantaleo et al. 1993 N Engl J Med 0 3 6 9 12 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

328: 327-335.) Weeks Years j

e Tllble 47.2 Principal classes of antiviral drugs and some common therapeutic uses

Common therapeutic indication(s)

Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors: abacavir, adefovir Mainly HIV, generally in combination with other retrovirals
dtp/vox/1, didanosine, emtricitablne, lamlvudine, stavudine, Lamivudlne and adefovir are also used in the treatment of hepatitis 8
tenofovir, zalcitabine, zidovudine

Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase Inhibitors: efavirenz, HIV. generally 1n combination with other retrovirals

Protease inhibitors: amprenawr, atazanavir, indmavir, lopinavir, HIV. generally in combination w1th other retrowals
nelfinavir, ntonavir, saquinavir

Viral DNA polymerase inhibitors: aciclovir 1, cidofovir", Treatment of herpes!, cytomegalovirus, or hepatitis C and
famciclovir 1, foscamet t, ganciciovir', idoxuridine 1, pencic/ovir1, respiratory syncitial virus infections~
nbvarlnt, valacic/ovir't, valganciclovlr'

Inhibitors of HIV fusion with host cells: enfurvitlde HIV, generally in combination with other retrovlrals

lnh1b1tors of viral coat disassembly and neuraminidase Influenza N or A and B

Inhibitors: amantadine', oseltamivir, zanamivir

810log1cs and immunomodulators: interferon-a. pegylated Treatment of hepatitis B and C, herpes' and respiratory syncitial
lllterferon-a. inosine pranobex', palivizumabt v1rusT

Table 47.3 Principal common unwanted effects of some antiviral drugs

Drug type Principal common unwanted effects Comments

Nucleoside reverse transcriptase Gastrointestinal disturbances including nausea, vomiting, abdominal

nhib1tors: zidovudine, abacavir, pain and diarrhoea
dtdanosine, emtricitabine, lamivudine, Central nervous system and related effects including headache, insomnia
stavudine, tenofovir, zalcatabine and dizziness, and neuropathy
Musculoskeletal and dermatological effects including fatigue, myalgia,
arthralgia, rash, urticaria and fever
Blood disorders including anaemia, neutropenia and thrombocytopenia
Metabolic effects including pancreatitis, liver damage and lipodystrophy

Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase Dermatological effects including rash and urticaria High (15-25%)
inhibitors: efavirenz, nevirapine Central nervous system and related effects including fatigue, headache, incidence of rash
sleep disturbances, depression and dizziness
Gastrointestinal disturbances including nausea, vom1ting, abdominal
pain and diarrhoea
Blood disorders Including anaemia, neutropenia and thrombocytopenia
Metabolic effects including pancreatitis, raised cholesterol, liver
dysfunction and lipodystrophy

Protease inhibitors: amprenavir, Gastrointestinal disturbances including nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain
stazanavir, lndinavir, lopinavir, and diarrhoea
nelfinavir. ritonovir, saquinavir Central nervous system and related effects Including fatigue, headache,
sleep disturbances and dizziness, taste disturbances and paraesthesia
Musculoskeletal and dermatological effects including myalgia, arthralgia,
rhabdomyotysis, rash, urticaria and fever
Blood disorders including anaemia, neutropenia and thrombocytopenia
Metabolic effects including pancreatitis, liver dysfunction and

'Administration of epoietin (erythropoietin) and molgramostim (recombinant human granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor;
see Ch. 22, p. 354) may alleviate these problems.

generally administered orally twice daily but can also be given by near the catalytic ~ite and denature it. Most non-nucleo'
intravenous infusion. The bioavailability is 60-80%, and the reverse transcriptase inhibiton. are inducers, substrates or inhibnt
peak plasma concentration occurs at 30 minutes. Its half-life is to varying degreel., of the liver cytochrome P450 enz)
I hour. and the intracellular half-life of the active trisphosphate Currently available drug!> nevi rapine are and efavirenz.
is 3 hour~. The concentration in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is 65'*"
of the pla~ma level. Most of the drug is metabolised to the Nevirapine
inactive glucuronide in the liver. only 20o/c of the active form Nevi rapine is given orally, its bioavailability is > 90'k. and
being excreted in the urine. CSF level is 45% of that in the plasma. It is metabolised m
liver, and the metabolite is excreted in the urine. eviraptneC3n
Resistance to the antiviral action of zidovudine
prevent mother-to-baby transmission of HTV if given to the
Because of rapid mutation, the virus is a constamly moving
parturient mother and the neonate.
target, thus the therapeutic response wanes with long-term use,
particularly in late-stage disease. Furthermore, resistant strains
can be transferred between individuals. Otherfactors that underlie
Efavircnz is given orally, once daily because of its pJa,t
the loss of efficacy of the drug are decreased activation of
half-life (-50 hours). It is 99% bound to plasma albumin, an
zidovudine to the trisphosphate and increased virus load owing to
its CSF concentration is -1% of that in the plasma. It 1
reduction in the host immune response.
inactivated in the liver.
Didanosine is an analogue of deoxyadenosine. It is given orally. PROTEASE INHIBITORS
is rapidly absorbed and is actively secreted by the kidney tubules.
Tn HTV and many other viral infections, the mRNA tran~cn~
The level in the CSF reaches -20% of the plasma concentration.
from the provirus is translated into two biochemically i~
The plasma half-life i!> 30 minutes, but the intracellular half-life
polyproteins. A virus-specific protease then convert> the
is more than 12 hours.
polyproteinl. into various structural and functional proteim 17;
cleavage at the appropriate positions (see Fig. 47.3). Becau-.etlm
Zalcitabine protease docs not occur in the host. it is a useful target ~
Zalcitabine is a homologue of cytosine. It is activated in the chemotherapeutic intervention. HIV-spccific protease inhibnoo
T cell by a different phosphorylation pathway from zidovudine. bind to the site where cleavage occurs, and their use, in combma!JCI
It is given orally. Its plal.ma half-life is 20 minutes, and its intra-
with reverse transcriptase inhibitors. has transformed the therapj
cellular half-life is nearly 3 hours: the CSF level is 20% of that
of ATDS. Examples of current protease inhibitors are shO\\L
in the pla~ma.
Table 47.2 and are exemplified by drugs such as saquinmir
nelfinavir. indinavir, ritonavir and amprenavir.
Lamivudine is an analogue of cytosine. It is given orally, is well Pharmacokinetic aspects
absorbed and most is excreted unchanged in the urine. The CSF The drugs are generally given orally, saquinavir being subject
level is 20% of the plasma concentration. Used alone, it could extensive first-pass metabolism. CSF levels are negligible wnh
select for HIV mutants that arc resistant to both the drug itself saquinavir and highest with indinavir (76% of the pla1ma
as well as other reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Lamivudine is concentration). Nelfinavir and ritonavir are best taken with food.
also used in the therapy of hepatitis B infection. and saquinavir within 2 hours of a meal.
Unwanted effects are also similar (see Table 47.3).
Stavudine is a thymidine analogue. It is given orally, has a plasma
half-life of I hour, and mo~t is eliminated via the kidney by DNA POLYMERASE INHIBITORS
active tubular secretion. The CSF level is 55% of that in the plasma. Aciclovir
The era of effective selective antiviral therapy began with aciclo1ir
Abacavir This agent is a guanosine derivative with a high specificil) f Ga
Abacavir is a guanosine analogue and has so far proved to be herpes simplex and varicella zoster viruses. Herpes simplex ,,m
more effective than most other nucleoside reverse transcriptase cause cold sores, conjunctivitis. mouth ulcers. genital infectio
inhibitors. lt is well absorbed after oral administration and is and, rarely but very seriously. encephalitis: in immunocom-
metaboli!>ed in the liver to inactive compounds. The CSF level promised patients. it is much more aggressive. Varicella ZO\tet afm
is 33% of that in the plasma.


Vcncreologist~ (now called sexually transmilled disease physician\,
reference~ 10 Vcnu presumably being no longer acceptable) with a tn>te for
Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptasc inhibitors are chemically cynical humour ask 'What is the difference between tme love and genital
686 diverse compounds that bind to the reverse transcriptase enzyme herpes?', their nn,wer being that genital herpes is for ever. h may not be.

11ruses cause shingle~ and chickenpox. Herpes simplex is more

-u-ceptible to aciclovir than varicella zoster. Epstein-Barr virus Clinical uses of drugs for herpes viruses
ta herpewirus that causes glandular fever) is also slightly (e.g. aclclovlr, famclclovir, valaciclovir)
~n,itive. Aciclovir has a small but reproducible effect against
-~tomegalovirus-a herpe~' irus that can affect the fetus with Varicella zoster infections (chickenpox, shingles);
wt~trophic consequences. can cause a glandular fever- like - orally in immunocompetent patients
s~ndrome in adults and severe disease (e.g. retinitis. which can - intravenously in immunocompromised patients.
re,uJt in blindness) in immunocompromised individuals. Herpes simplex infections (genital herpes,
mucocutaneous herpes and herpes encephalitis).
Mechanism of oction Prophylactically;
Aciclovir is converted to the monophosphate by thymidine patients who are to be treated with
Lmase, and happily the virus-specific form of this enzyme is immunosuppressant drugs or radiotherapy and
1ery much more effective in carrying out the phosphorylation who are at risk of herpesvirus infection owing to
than the enzyme of the host cell; it is therefore only activated reactivation of a latent virus
adequately in infected cells. The host cell kinases then convert in individuals who suffer from frequent recurrences
the monophosphate to the trisphosphate. II is the aciclovir of genital infection with herpes simplex virus.
trisphosphate that inhibits viral DNA polymerase, terminating
the nucleotide chain. It is 30 times more potent against the
herpesvirus enzyme than tJ1e host enzyme. Aciclovir trispho-
sphate is fairly rapidly broken down within the host cells,
pre~umably by cellular phosphatases. Resistance caused by
,hanges in the viral genes coding for thymidine kinase or DNA Phormocokinetic aspects
pol)merase has been reported, and aciclovir-resistant herpes Ganciclovir is given intravenously. Tt is excreted in the urine and
,,mplex virus has been the cause of pneumonia. encephalitis and has a half-life of 4 hours.
oucocutaneous infections in immunocomprom.ised patients. Unwonted effects
Phormacokinetic aspects Ganciclovir has serious unwanted actions. including bone
\ciclovir can be given orally. intravenously or topically. When marrow deprc!.sion and potential carcinogenicity, and is con-
1~ given orally, only 20% of the dose is absorbed and peak sequently u!.ed only for life- or sight-threatening cytomegalovirus
pJa,ma concentrations are reached in 1-2 hours. The drug is infections in patients who are immunocompromised. Oral admin-
v.Jdel} distributed, reaching concentrations in the CSF that are istration can be used for maintenance therapy in AlDS patients.
5! of those in the plasma. It i~ excreted by the kidneys, partly
b} glomerular filtration and partly by tubular secretion. Tribavirin (ribavirin)
Tribavirin is a synthetic nucleoside, similar in structure to
Unwanted effects guanosine. It is thought to act either by altering virus nucleotide
These are minimal. Local innammation can occur during pools or by interfering with the synthesis of viral mRNA. Tt
Intravenous injection if there is extravasation of the solution. inhibits a wide range of DNA and RNA viruses, including many
Renal dysfunction has been reported when aciclovir is given that affect the lower airways. In aerosol form, it has been used
mtravenously; slow infusion reduces the risk. Nausea and to treat influenza and infections with respiratory syncytial virus
lleadache can occur and, rarely, encephalopathy. (an RNA paramyxovirus). It has also been shown to be effective
There are now many other drugs with a similar action to in hepatitis C as well as Lassa fever, an extremely serious
aciclovir (see Table 47 .2). This group includes valaciclovir, a arenavirus infection. When given promptly to victims of the
!XOdrug of aciclovir, and famciclovir, which is metabolised to latter disease, it has been shown to reduce to 9%, a case fatality
the active compound penciclovir in vivo. Other viral D A rate previously 76%.
polymerase inhibitor., include the following.
Foscarnet (phosphonoformate)
r Ganciclovir Foscamet is a synthetic non-nucleoside analogue of pyrophosphate
nus acyclic analogue of guanosine is the drug of choice for that inhibitl> viral DNA polymerase by binding directly to the
:~romegafo,irus infection. Thi!. is a frequent opportunistic pyrophosphate-binding site. It can cause serious nephrotoxicity.
mfection in immunocompromised or AlDS patiems and has been Given by intravcnou~ infusion, it is a second-line drug in cyto-
r aformidable obstacle to successful transplantation of organs and megaloviru<; eye infection in irnmunocompromised patients.
hone marrow (which necessitates immunosuppressive therapy).
Like aciclovir, ganciclovir has to be activated to the trispbo-
>phate, and in this form it competes with guanosine trisphosphate
for incorporation into viral DNA. It suppresses viral D A There is only one drug in this group; enfurvirtide. The drug is
replication, but unlike aciclovir it does not act as a chain generally given by subcutaneous injection in combination with
1erminator and has a longer duration of action, persisting in others to treat HI V when resistance becomes a problem or when
infected cells for 18-20 hours. the patient is intolerant of other antiretrovirals. 687

Unwanted effects prevent their attachment to host cells. If used before the o
These include flu-like symptoms, central effects such as of signs and symptoms, it may attenuate or prevent mea>
headache, dizziness, alterations in mood, gastrointestinal effects infectious hepatitis, German measles, rabies or poliom)e
and sometimes hypersensitivity reactions. Hyperimmune globulin, specific against panicular viru..cs,
used against hepatitis B. variceiJa zoster and rabies.
Related in terms of its mechanism of action to immunoglcbl
Viral neuraminidase is one of three transmembrane proteins is palivis uma b, a monoclonal antibody (see Chs 13 and 51
coded by the influenza genome. Infection with these RNA directed against a glycoprotein on the surface of respirah
viruses begins with the attachment of the viral baemaglutinin to syncytial virus. It is used (as an intramuscular injection) in infa.
neuraminic (sialic) acid residues on host cells. The viral particle to prevent infection by this organism.
then enters the cell by an endocytic process. The endosome is
acidified following influx of W through another viral protein, the Interferon
M2 ion channel. This facilitates the disassembly of the viral Inte rfe rons arc a family of inducible proteins synthesised b<
structure, al lowing the RNA to enter the host nucleus, thus mammalian cells and now generally produced commerciall.
initiating a round of viral replication. Newly replicated virions using recombinant DNA technology. There are at least thre.
escape from the host cell by budding from the cell membrane. types, a, ~. andy, constituting a fami ly of horn10nes involved 1
Viral neuraminidase promotes this by severing the bonds linking cell growth and regulation and the modulation of immune reactior'
the particle coat and host sialic acid. fFN-y, termed immune inteiferon (seep. 223), is produced mam
The neuraminidase inhibitors zana mivir and oseltamivir are by T lymphocytes a~ part of an immunological response to b.
active against both influenza A and B viruses, and are licensed viral and non-viral antigens, the latter including bacteria and thro
for use at early stages in the infection or when use of the vaccine products, rickettsiae, protozoa, fungal polysaccharides and a ran:.
is impossible. Zanamivir is available as a powder for inhalation, of polymeric chemicals and other cytokines. IFN-a and IF:\
and oseltamivir as an oral preparation. At the time of writing, are produced by B and T lymphocytes, macrophages and fibrobl
government around the world are stockpiling this latter drug in in response to the presence of viruses and cytokines. The genml
the expectation that it may offer some defence against 'bird flu', actions of the IFNs are described briefly in Chapter 13.
should this mutate into an organism capable of infecting humans.
Mechanism of antiviral action
Unwanted effects of both include gastrointestinal symptom
The lFNs bind to specific ganglioside receptors on host ct
(nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia and diarrhoea). but these are less
membranes. They induce. in host ceU ribosomes, the producu
frequent and severe in the inhaled preparation.
of enzymes that inhibit the translation of viral mRNA into liT
Am a nta dine, 1 quite an old drug (1966) and seldom
proteins, thus halting viral replication. They have a bro
recommended today, effectively blocks the M2 ion channels,
spectrum of action and inhibit the replication of most viruse, 1
thus inhibiting viral disassembly. It is active against influenza
A virus (an RNA virus) but has no action against influenza B
virus. The closely related rimantadlne is similar in its effects. Pharmacokinetic aspects
Pharmacokinetic aspects. Given orally, amantadine is well Given intravenously, JFNs have a half-life of 2-4 hours. \Vit
absorbed, reaches hig h levels in secretions (e.g. sal iva) and most intramuscular injections, peak blood concentrations are reacllt\1
is excreted unchanged via the kidney. Aerosol administration is in 5- 8 hours. They do not cross the blood-brain barrier.
Clinical use
Unwanted effects are relatively infrequent, occurring in 5-lO%
Interferon-a.-2a is used for treatment of hepatitis B infecuoo.
of patients, and are not serious. Dizziness. insomnia and slurred
and AIDS-related Kaposi sarcomas; IFN-a-2b is used I
speech are the most common adverse effects.
hcpatiti!> C. There are reports that IFNs can prevent reacti1clli
of herpes simplex after trigeminal root section and can pre1em
BIOLOGICS AND IMMUNOMODULATORS spread of herpes LOster in cancer patients. Preparations of J.P.\;
conjugated with polyethylene glycol (pegylated IFNs) ha1e a
A number of other agents have been recruited in the fight against
longer lifetime in the circulation.
virus infections, including immunoglobulin preparations, IFNs,
immunomodulators and monoclonal antibodies. Unwanted effects
Unwanted effects are common and include fever, lassitude. head-
Immunoglobulin ache and myalgia. Repeated injections cause chronic malru,..:
Pooled immunoglobulin contains antibodies against various Bone marrow depression, rashes, alopecia and disturbance\ tn
viruses present in the population. The antibodies are directed cardiovascular, thyroid and hepatic function can also occur.
against the virus envelope and can 'neutralise' some viruses and
Inosine pranobex
lmmunomodulators arc drugs that act by moderating the immunt
688 3
Aiso used for its mildly beneficial effects in Parkinson's disease (see Ch. 35). response to viruses or use an immune mechanism to target a viru1

or other organism. Inosine pranobex may interfere with viral

nucletc acid synthe1.is but also has immunopotentiating actions
Drugs for HIV Infections
on the ho~t. It is sometimes used to treat herpes infections in
mucosal ti ssues or on the skin. Reverse transcriptase inhibitors (RTis):
nucleoside RT!s are phosphorylated by host cell
enzymes to give the 5' -trisphosphate, which
COMBINATION THERAPY FOR HIV competes with the equivalent host cellular
Two main classes of antivirals arc used to treat HIV: reverse trisphosphates that are essential substrates for
transcriptase inhibitors and protease inhibitors. A s they have the formation of proviral DNA by viral reverse
different mechanisms of action (Fig. 47.3), they can usefully be used transcriptase (examples are zidovudine and
n combinations and this technique has dramatically improved abacaw); they are used in combination with
the prognosis of the disease. The combination treatment is kn own protease inhibitors.
as highly i\Ctive i\ntiretroviral 1hcrapy (HAART). A typical non-nucleoside RT!s are chemically diverse
H.-\ART combination would involve two nucleoside reverse compounds that bind to the reverse transcriptase
tran~criptase inhibitors with either a non-nucleoside reverse
near the catalytic site and denature it; an example
transcriptase inhibitor or one or two protease inhibitors. is nevirapine.
Using a HAART protocol, HTV replication i1. inhibited, the Protease inhibitors inhibit cleavage of the nascent
presence in the plasma of HlV RNA is reduced to undetectable viral protetn into functional and structural proteins.
levels. and patient survival is greatly prolonged. But the regimen They are often used in combination with reverse
is complex and has many unwanted effect~. Compliance is transcriptase inhibitors. An example is saquinavir.
difficult and treatment is lifelong. The virus is not eradicated but Combination therapy is essential in treating HIV; this
IJe~ latent in the host genome of memory T cell . ready to
characteristically comprises two nucleoside RTis with
reacuvatc if therapy is stopped. either a non-nucleoside RTI or one or two protease
Unwelcome interactions can occur between the three inhibitors.
component drugs of HAART combinations, and there may be
mterindividual variations in absorption. Some drugs penetrate
poorly into the brain, and this could lead to local proliferation
of the viru s. At present, there is no cross- re~istance between Treatment of HIV/ AIDS
the three groups of drugs, but it needs to be borne in mind that
the virus has a high mutation rate-so resistance could be a A consensus on the use of retroviral therapy in
problem in the f uture. The HTV virus has certainly not yet been AIDS has emerged based on the following principles:
outsmarted. monitor plasma viral load and CD4+ cell count
start treatment before immunodeficiency becomes
aim to reduce plasma viral concentration as much
Antiviral drugs as possible for as long as possible
use combinations of at least three drugs (e.g. two
Most antiviral drugs generally fall into the reverse transcriptase inhibitors and one protease
following groups: inhibitor)
nucleoside analogues that inhibit the viral reverse change to a new regimen if plasma viral
transcriptase enzyme, preventing replication concentration increases.
(e.g. lamivudine, zidovudine)
non-nucleoside analogues that have the same
effect (e.g. efavirenz)
inhibitors of proteases that prevent viral protein The choice of drugs to treat pregnant or breast-feeding women
processing (e.g. saquinavir, indinavir) is difficult. The main aims are to avoid damage to the fetus and
inhibitors of viral DNA polymerase that prevent to prevent transmission of the disease to the neonate. Therapy
replication (e.g. aciclovir, famciclovir) with zidovudine alone i s often used io these cases. Another area
inhibitors of viral capsule disassembly (e.g. that requires special consideration is prophy laxis for individuals
amantidine) who may have been exposed to the virus accidentally. Specific
inhibitors of neuraminidase that prevent viral guidelines have been developed for such cases, but they are
escape from infected cells (e.g. oseltamivir) beyond the scope of this chapter.
immunomodulators that enhance host defences
(e.g. interferons and inosine pranobex)
immunoglobulin and related preparations that
contain neutralising antibodies to various viruses. A t the beginning of the 1990s, there were only five drugs
available to treat viral infections; 15 years later, this number 689

has increased some sevenfold. New strategies-based on the (both types) and hepatitis B. However, while there have been
growing understanding of the biology of pathogenic viruses and many clinical trials. the prospect of a vaccine against HIV !01
their action on and in host cells-could well. if vigorously indeed many other viruses) still seems rather remote. Part of tht
implemented, have the potential to target the viruses causing problem is antigenic drift, a process whereby the virus mutate'
most viral diseases (sec de Clercq. 2002). However, the ultimate thus presenting different antigenic structures and minimising the
weapon in the fight again~t the virus is vaccination. This has chance of an effective and long-lasting immune response or the
proved to be ~tunningly effective in the past against diseases production of a vaccine. The whole problem is the subject of
such as polio and smallpox, and more recently against influenza numerous reviews (see Stratov et al., 2004: Tonini et al.. 2005 .



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Antifungal drugs

spectrum antibiotics, which eliminate or decrease the non-

Overview 692 pathogenic bacterial populations that normally compete with
Fungi and fungi infections 692 fungi. Other causes include the spread of AIDS and the usc of
immunosuppressant or cancer chemotherapy agents. The result
Drugs used to treat fungal infections 693 has been an increased prevalence of opportunistic infecJiom, i.e
-Antifungal antibiotics 693 infections that rarely cause disease in healthy individuals. Older
-Synthetic antifungal agents 695 people, diabetics, pregnant women and bum wound victim~ are
Potential new antifungal therapies 696 particularly at risk of fungal infections such as candidiasu.
Primary fungal infections, rare in many partS of the tempemtt
world, are also now encountered more often because of the
increase in international travel.
Clinically important fungi may be classified into four mam
types on the basis of their morphological and other charJC
teristics. Of particular taxonomic significance is the preS<:na
OVERVIEW of hyphae- filamentous projections that may knit together to
form a complex mycelium, a mat-like structure giving the
Fungal infections (mycoses) are widespread in the
characteristic appearance of moulds. Drugs vary in their effic:le)
population; they are generally associated with the
between the groups. and infective agents are remarkably speciti.:
skin (e.g. ' athlete's foot') or mucous membranes
for their preferred location. The main groups are:
(e.g. 'thrush' ). In temperate climates such as the
UK, and in otherwise healthy people, they are yeast~ (e.g. Cryptococcus neoformans)
mainly benign, being more of a nuisance than a yeast-like fungi that produce a structure resembling a
threat. However, they become a more serious mycelium (e.g. Candida albicans)
problem when the immune system is compromised fi lamentous fu ngi with a true mycelium (e.g. Aspergillus
or when they gain access to the systemic fumigatus)
circulation. When this occurs, fungal infections can 'dimorphic' fungi that, depending on nutritional constraints,
be fatal. In this chapter, w e will briefly review the may grow as either yeasts or fi lamentous fungi (e.g.
main types of fungal infections and discuss the HisToplasma capsularwn).
drugs that can be used to treat them.
Another organism. Pneumocystis carinii, shares characteri~tic\
of both protozoa (see Ch. 49) and fungi; however, it is not
FUNGI AND FUNGI INFECTIONS susceptible to antifungal drugs and will not be considered here
even though it is an important opportunistic pathogen in patient>
Fungi are eukaryotic cells and therefore represent a more with compromised immune systems (e.g. those suffering from
complex and evolved organism than we have hitherto considered. AIDS).
Thousands of fungal species, predominantly parasitic in nature, Table 48.1 gives examples of each type of organism and li'b
have been characterised. Many are of economic importance, some of the diseases caused by these agents and the mo'1
either because they are useful in manufacturing other products common choice of drug classes. 1
(e.g. yeast in brewing and the production of antibiotics) or Superficial fungal infections can be classified into th~
because of the damage they cause to crops or to foodstuffs. dermatomycoses and candidiasis. Dermatomycoses include
Approximately 50 are pathogenic in humans. These organisms infections of the skin, hair and nails (onychomycosis). They rue
are present in the environment or may coexist with humans as most commonly caused by Trichophyton, Microsporum or
commensals without causing any overt risks to health. However, Epidermophyton, giving rise to various types of 'ringworm' (not
since the 1970s, there has been a steady increase in the incidence to be confused with genuine helminth infections; see Ch. 50) or
of serious secondary systemic fungal infections. One of the tinea. 7inea capitis affects the scalp; Tinea cruris, the groin
692 contributory fac tors has been the widespread use of broad- ('Dhobic itch'); 7inea pedis, the feet (athlete's foot); and Tinea

Table 48.1 Some common fungal infections and their sensitivity to various classes of antifungals

Organism Principal disease(s) Most common treatment

Polyenes Echlnocandins Azoles Flucytosine

Cryptococcus neoformans Meningitis +++ + +

Yeast -like fungus

Candida albicans Thrush, systemic candidiasis ++ Rarely ++

Filamentous fungi
Trichophyton spp. All these organisms cause skin and nail
non- Mtcrosporum spp. infections and are referred to as tinea or +++
with Epidermophyton floccosum 'ringworm'
ISC of Aspergillus fumigatus Pulmonary aspergillosis ++ + +
Dimorphic fungi
Histoplasma capsulatum Histoplasmosis ++ ++
Coccidioides immitis Coccidiomycosis ++ ++
Blastomyces dermatides Blastomycosis ++ +

r-:r.tte 'Generally used as an adjunct to amphotericin.

r lhe

er to corporis, the body. ln superficial candidiasis, the yeast-like ANTIFUNGAL ANTIBIOTICS
the organism may infect the mucous membranes of the mouth or
1agina (thrush), or the skin. Secondary bacterial infections may AMPHOTERICIN
ific complicate the course and treatment of these conditions. Amphotericin (also called amphotericin B) is a mixture of
In !he UK. the commonest systemic (or 'disseminated') fungal antifungal substances derived from cultures of Streptomyces.
d1~ease is candidiasis. Other more ~crious conditions are crypto- Structurally, these arc very large ('macrolide') molecules
coccal meningitis. endocarditis, pulmonary aspergillosis, and belonging to the polyene group of antifungal agents.
rhinocerebral mucormycosis. Jnvasive pulmonary aspergillosis is
now a leading cause of death in recipients of bone marrow Mechanism of action
tr3llsplant~ or those with neutropenia. Colonisation of the lungs
Like other polyene antibiotics (see Ch. 46). the site of
of patients with asthma or cystic fibrosis by Aspergillus can lead amphotericin action is the funga l cell membranes, where it
ts, to a similar condition termed allergic bronchopulmonary interferes with permeability and with transport functions. It
aspergillosis. probably has more than one mechanism of action, but its most
In olher parts of the world. the commonest systemic fungal important property is probably its ability to fonn large pores in
mfections include blastomycosis. histopla~mosis, coccidiomycosis the membrane. The hydrophilic core of the molecule create!> a
Uics transmembrane ion channel, causing gross disturbances in ion
not and paracoccidiomycosis: these are often primary infections. i.e.
they are not secondary to reduced immunological function or balance including the loss of intracellular K+. Amphotericin has
here a selective action, binding avidly to the membranes of fungi and
ents ahered commensal micro-organisms.
some protozoa, less avidly to mammalian cells and not at all
rom to bacteria. The basis of this relative specificity is the drug's
DRUGS USED TO TREAT FUNGAL greater avidity for ergosrerol, a fungal membrane sterol that is
INFECTIONS not found in animal cells (where cholesterol is the principal
sterol). Amphotericin is active against most fungi and yeasts,
The current therapeutic agents can be broadly classified into two and is the gold standard for treating disseminated infections
groups: first, the naturally occurring antifungal antibiotics such caused by several organisms including Aspergillus and Candida.
1'> the polyenes and echinocandins, and second. synthetic drugs Amphotericin also enhances the antifungal effect of Oucytosine
including azoles and fluorinated pyrimidines. Because many (sec below), providing a useful synergistic combination.
infections are superficial, there are many topical preparations.
~1any antifungal agents arc quite toxic, and when systemic Pharmacokinetic aspects
lherapy is required these agent~ must often be used under strict Amphotericin is very poorly ab!.Orbed when given orally, and this
medical supervision. route is used only for treating fungal infections of the upper
rzea Figure 48.1 shows sites of action of common antifungal drugs. gastrointestinal tract. lt can be used topically with success, but 693

( Azores }-e~--l~+

Terbi nafine
Flucyt osine


--Fungal cell wall

Ergosterol-rich fungal
cell membrane
Fig . 48.1 Sit es of action of c ommon antifungal drugs. Fungi are morphologically very diverse organisms, and this diagram of a
'typical' fungus is not intended to be technically correct. The principal sites of action of the main antifungal agents mentioned in this
chapter On yellow boxes) are indicated as shown.

for systemic infections it is generally administered by slow headache, and about one in five patients vomits. The drug 11
intravenous injection complexed with liposomes or other lipid- irritant to the endothelium of the veins, and local thrombophlebiti'
containing preparations. This improves the pharmacokinetics and is sometimes seen after intravenous injection. Intrathecal injectiOn\
reduces the con!.iderable burden of side effects. Long-circulating can cause neurotoxicity, and topical applications cause a 'km
or so-called 'stealth' liposomes containing amphotericin have rash. The (considerably more expensive) liposome-encapsulated
been used to good effect. and lipid-complexed preparations have no greater efficacy than
Amphotericin is very highly protein-bound. It penetrates the native drug but cause fewer adverse reactions.
tissues and membranes (such as the blood- brain barrier) poorly,
although it is found in fairly high concentrations in inflammatory NYSTATIN
exudates and may cross the blood- brain barrier more readily
when the meninge~ are inflamed, and intravenous amphotericin Nystatin (also called fungicidin) is a polyene macrohd~
is used with tlucytosine to treat cryptococcal meningitis. It is antibiotic similar in structure to amphotericin and with the \allle
excreted very slowly via the kidney. traces being found in the mechanism of action. There is virtually no absorption from th:
urine for 2 months or more after administration has ceased. mucous membranes of the body or from skin. and its U\e -
mainly limited to Candida infections of the skin. muco -
Unwanted effects membrane and the gastrointel>tinal tract. Unwamed effects rna)
The commone!.t and most serious unwanted effect of ampho- include nau!>ea, vomiting and diarrhoea.
tericin is renal toxicity. Some degree of reduction of renal
function occurs in more than 80% of patients receiving the drug;
although thil. generally recovers after treatment is stopped, some
impairment of glomerular filtration may remain. Hypokalaemia Gr iseofulvin is a narrow-spectrum antifungal agent isolated from
occurs in 25% of patients, requiring potassium chloride cultures of Penicillium griseofulvum. It causes a fungistatic action
supplementation. llypomagnesaernia also occurs, and anaemia by interacting with fungal microtubules and interfering with mit0\1\
can be a further problem. Other unwanted effects include impaired Tt can be used to treat dermatophyte infections of skin or nail'
hepatic func tion, thrombocytopenia and anaphylactic reactions. when local treatment is ineffective, but treatment needs to be ve~
694 Injection frequently results initially in chills, fever, tinnitus and prolonged. It has largely been superseded by other drugs.

Pharmacokinetic aspects and relapse is common after apparently successful treatment. It is

Gri-.eofulvin is given orally. It is poorly soluble in water. and we ll absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. It is distributed
ab,orption varies with the type of preparation, in particular with widely throughout the tissues and tissue fluids but does not reach
?aJ'Iicle size. Peal. plal>ma concentratio ns are reached in about therapeutic concentrations in the central nervous system unless
5hours. It is taken up \electively by newly formed skin and high doses arc given. It is inactivated in the liver and excreted in
coocentrated in the keratin. The plasma half-life is 24 hours. but bile and in urine. lt-. half-life in the plasma is 8 hours.
it IS retained in the skin for much longer. It potently induces Unwonted effects
C)tochrome P450 en1ymes and causes several clinically The main ha7ard of ketoconazole is liver toxicity, which is rare
imponant drug interactions. but can prove fatal and must therefore be taken into account
Unwanted effects when deciding on a treatment regimen. Other side effects that
LnMnted eiTects with griseofulvin use are infrequent. but the occur arc ga<,trointestinal disturbances and pruritus. inhibition
drug can cause gastrointe!>tinal upsets, headache and photosen- of adrenocortical Meroid and testosterone synthesis has been
llti\'ity. Allergic reactions (rashe:., fever) may also occur. The recorded with hi gh d oses, the latter resulting in gynaecomastia
drug ~hou ld not be g iven to pregnant women. in some male patients. There may be adverse interactions with
other drugs. C iclos p orin. terfen a dine and aste mi zole all
interfere with drug-metabolising e nzymes, causing increa.~ed
ECHINOCANDINS plasma co ncentratio ns of ke toconazole or the interacting drug
or both. Ri fam picin, histamine H 2 receptor antagonists and
Echinocandins comprise a ring of six amino acids linked to a
an tacids decrease the absorption of ke toconazole.
lipophilic side-chain. All drug:. in this group are based on the
'trucrure of echinocandin B, wh ich is found naturally in A.
mdulans. The cchinocandins inhibit the synthesis of 1.3-~ Fluconazole
Fluconazole is well absorbed and can be given o rall y or
glucan. a gluco<,e polymer tJmt is necessary for maintaining tlle
intravenou'>ly. It reaches high concentrations in the cerebrospinal
structure of fungal cell walb. ln the absence of this polymer,
fluid and ocular fluids, and may become the drug of first choice
fungal cell<. lo<,e integrity and ly:.is quickly follows.
for most type'> of fungal meningitis. Fungicidal concentrations
Caspofungin i., active in \itro agaimt a wide variety of fungi.
are also achieved in 'aginal tio;sue. saliva. skin and nails. It ha!>
and 11 has proved eiTective in the treatment of candidiasis and
a half-life of -25 hours; 90%- is excreted unchanged in the urine
tOr!ns of inva.'>i"e a.-.pergillo~is that are refractory to amphotericin.
and 10% in the faeces.
Oral absorption is poor. and ca!>pofungin is extensively protein-
bound in the bloodstream. lt b given intravenously. once daily, Unwanted effects
and its plasma half-life in human!> il> 9-10 hours. Unwanted effects, which are generally mild, include nausea.
headache and abdom inal pain. However. exfoliative skin lesions
(including. on occa!>ion, Stevens-Jotmson syndrome ) have been
SYNTHETIC ANTIFUNGAL AGENTS seen in some individuals-primarily in AIDS patients who arc
AZOLES being treated with multiple drugs. Hepatitis has been reported,
although lhi; is rare, and fluconazole, in the doses usually used,
The azoles arc a g roup of sy nthe ti c fungistatic agents with a
does not produce the inhibition of hepatic drug metabolism and
broad spectrum of activity based on the imidazole (clotrimazole,
of stero idogenesis that occurs witll ketoconazole.
oconazole. fenticonazole, kctoconazole, miconazole, tioconazole
and sulcoml1'A>Ie) or rria:ole nucleus (itraconazole, voriconazole
and flucon azole).
lt.racon:llole is active against a range of dennatophytes. It may be
Mechanism of action of the ozoles given orall y but, after absorption (which is variable), undergoes
The a7oles inhibit the fungal cytochrome P450 3A enzyme, extensive hepatic metabolism. It is highly lipid-soluble (and
lanosine 14a-demcthyla!>c, which is responsible for converting water-in'>oluble), and a formulation in which the drug is retained
lmo~h!rol to ergosterol. the main sterol in the fungal cell within pocket~ of B-cyclodextrin is available. In this form,
membrane. The resulting depletion of ergosterol alters the itracona1ole can be administered intravenously, thereby
fluidity of the membrane. and this interferes with the action of overcoming the problem of variable absorption from the
membrane-a-.sociated en7ymes. The net effect is an inhibition of gastrointestinal tract. Admi nistered orally, its half-ufe is about
replication. Azoic!. al~o inhibit the transformation of candida! 36 houf'>, and it is excreted in the urine. lt does not penetrate the
)east cells into hyphae-the inv~ive and pathogenic form of the cerebrospinal nuid.
parasite. The depletion of membrane ergosterol reduces the
binding sites for amphotericin.

Ketoconazolc wa~ the firM at.ole that could be given orally to treat 1
Thi~ is a .,cvcrc and u~ually fatal condition involving blistering of the ski n.
systemic fungal infecti ons. It is effective against several different mouth, eyes and ge nital ia. often accompanied by fever. polyanhritis and
types of organism (sec Table 48.1 ). lt is. however. LOxic (see below), kidney failure.

Unwanted effects Uracil is reported to decrease the toxic effects on the bone
Gastrointestinal disturbances, headache and dizziness can occur. marrow without impairing the antimycotic action. Hepatitis ha sf
Rare unwanted effec~ are hepatitis, hypokalaemia and impo- been reported but is rare. h
tence. Allergic skin reactions have been reported (including OJ
Stevens-Johnson '>yndrome; see above). Inhibition of ster-
oidogenesis has not been reported. Drug interactions as a result
of inhibition of cytochrome P450 enzymes occur (similar to Terbinafin e ill a highly lipophilic, keratinophilic fungicidal com-
those described above for ketoconazole). It has been associated pound active against a wide range of skin pathogens. It ts
with liver damage. particularly useful against nail infections. It acts by selectivel}
inhibiting the enzyme squalene epoxidase, which is involved 1n
M iconazole the synthesis of ergosterol from squalene in Lhe fungal cell walL
Miconazole is given orally for oral and other infections of the The accumulation of squalene within the cell is toxic to the
gastrointestinal tract. It has a short plasma half-life and needs organism.
to be given every 8 hours. It reaches therapeutic concentrations When used to treat ringworm or fungal infections of the naih,
in bone, joints and lung tissue but not in the central nervous it is given orally. The drug is rapidly absorbed and is taken up Bla
system, and it is inactivated in the liver. by skin, nails and adipose tissue. Given topically, it penetrates
skin and mucous membranes. It is metabolised in the liver by
Unwanted effects
the cytochrome P450 system, and the metabolites arc excreted in
Unwanted effects are relatively infrequent, those most commonly
the urine.
seen being gastrointestinal disturbances, but pruritus, blood
dyscrasias and hyponatracmia are also reported. There are Unwanted effects
isolated reports of liver damage, and it should not be given to Unwanted effectS occur in about 10% of individuals and are
patients with impaired hepatic function. usually mild and self-limiting. They include ga~trointestina:
di!>turbances, rashes, pruritus, headache and dizziness. Joint and
Other a:zoles muscle pains have been reported and, more rarely, hepatitis.
ClotrimaLOie, econuole, tiocon:uole and sulconazole are used Naftifine is similar in action to terbinafine. Among other
only for topical application. Clotrimazole interferes with amino developments. a morpholine derivative. amoroffine, which IX.
acid transport into the fungu:. by an action on Lhe cell membrane. interferes with fungal sterol synthesis, is available as a nail l

It is active against a wide range of fungi, including candida! lacquer, being effective against onchomycoses.


Flucytosinc is a synthetic orally active antifungal agent that is
lncrea~ing numbers of fungal strains are becoming resistant to
effective against a limited range (mainly yeasts) of systemic
the current antifungal drugs (fortunately, drug resistance is not
fungal infections. If given alone, drug resistance commonly
transferable in fungi), and toxicity and low efficacy also con
arises during treatment, so it is usually combined with
tribute to the need for beucr antifungal drugs. An additional problem
amphotericin for severe systemic infections such as candidiasis
is that new strains of commensal-turned-pathogenic fungi have
and cryptococcal meningitis.
emerged. Fungal infections are on the rise, partly because of the
Mechanism of action prevalence of cancer chemotherapy and transplant-associated
Flucytosine is converted to the antimetabolite 5-fluorouracil in immunosuppression. Encouragingly, new compounds are in
fungal but not human cells. 5-Fiuorouracil inhibits thymidylate development, some with novel mechanisms of action (for review.
synthetase and thus DNA synthesis (see Chs 5 and 51). Resistant see Neely & Ghannoun, 2000), and the prospect of u~ing
mutants may emerge rapidly, so this drug should not be used combination therapies has been explored in more depth.
alone. While not yet available in the UK, new echinocandins such
as micafungin and anidulafu ngin have shown promise in treat-
Pharmacokinefic aspects
ing infections caused by Aspergillus and Candida spp., even m
Aucytosine is usually given by intravenous infusion but can also
patiems who are immunocompromised with AIDS. Unwanted
be given orally. It is widely distributed Lhroughout the body
effects are mild, and their incidence less than that seen \lith
fluid~. including the cerebrospinal fluid. About 90% is excreted
amphotericin. Several 'new generation' triazoles are also in pro,.
unchanged via the kidney~, and the plasma half-life is 3-5 hours.
pect. Posaconazolc and r avuconazole both have good efficaq
The dosage should be reduced if renal function is impaired.
against a wide range of fungal pathogens. Other developrnenl.l
Unwanted effects are beyond the scope of this chapter, and the interested readt.'f
Unwanted effects arc infrequent. Gastrointestinal disturbances, is advised to consult the burgeoning literature on the subject (see.
anaemia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia and alopecia have for example, Boucher et al., 2004).
occurred, but these arc usually mild (but may be more significant Because funga l infections are often secondary to compromised
696 in AIDS patients) and are easily reversed when therapy ceases. host defence, attempts have been made to boost this b}

admmi~tration of t:be cytokine granulocyte macrophage colony with only very limited success in animals, and few fungal
'timulating factor (see Ch. 13) and other factors t:bat increase antigens have been characterised. It is hoped that advances in
ho't leucocyte numbers or function. The possibility of devel- antibody technology will soon transform this dismal outlook.
oping an antifungal vaccine, first mooted in the 1960s. has met

in 'lwnura M. Ca\:lle D. Pepe M, Tafaro A 2001 Immune Dodds E S. Drew R H. Perfect J R 2000 Anufungal Van Spnel A B 2003 Novel unmunothcrapeuhc
~11. lt'j)OII..es to fungal infection~ and thcrapeuuc
unphcaiiOD>. Curr Drug TargeiS Immune Endocr
pharmacodynamtc.: teY~cw of the literature and
clinical applicauons. Phannacothcrapy 20: 1335-1355
\lt:llegtc, for Invasive fungal disease. Curr Drug
Targe~ CardtO\:lSC HacmalOI Di~ 3: 209-217
lht: 'lc!Jho( Dl~rd (; 189-197 (This pa~rdUl'U.HI!S lh~ (Good Tl!>iew of amtfimRa/j tiJtd to lt7al S)'Siemic (AIIOIIt~r pa~r 11101 discusses the roll' of tht! hmt
nfr vj 1hr ho.lt tmmune response m fungal infec/1011 uifeclio~~:;; some>~hat clrnicol m tOni') imuumt rripanst in fimgal infection and examrnl"t
unJ w11nmes 11orel <lrategies for amt{tm~al therapy Gruszecki W I. Gagos M, Hercc M, Kernen P 2003 tW>,IIIro/1'/liesfor anrifungallheropy dru,.mg on
its. Jrn ln,q on tluse da1a) Organization of antibiottc amphotericin B in model lltt"udmo)
up 81Ju I W, Fnu-.er A A 2000 Review of comparative lipid membranes. A mini review. Ce ll Mol 13iol Leu 8: Vermes A. Guchelanr H J, Dankert J 2000 FlucytoMnc: a
cs \lUdic; between conventional and liposomal 161- 170 (I/ you are ifltCI'fSted i11undersumding how review of iL~ phnnnncology. clinical indications.
amphotericin B (Arubisome) in neutropenic p:uicnl< amphotericifl works, lhert lhi.t will he of interest) phannncokinetics, toxicity and drug intcmct ions.
~1th fever of unknown origin and patients with Gupta A K, Tomas E 2003 New anti fungal agents. J Antimicrob Chcmolher46: 171-179 (Thetil/e is ltl/
in ')'temic mycosis. Mycoses 43: 325 -332 (This rr>iew Demtatol Clin 2 1: 565 576 (Quite a comprehensive t!XfJimullory')
als "i1h a comparison ~l,.een nomwl rrview thai deal! mtwtly with thl' newer anrifungals. Wiederhold N P, Lewis R E 2003 The echinocandm
Dmfht>lmcm and lipasotnlll prrparrJiioru) their mechanisms of11Wan anti resiswnce) anti!ungals an ovemew of the pharmacology.
IW."'Icr H W, Groll A H. Cbiou C C. Wahh T J 2()().1 Hoepricb P D 1995 Aoufungal chcn101hernpy. Prog Drug '~-ctrum and clinical efficacy. Expert Optn ln\e,hg
\<\\cr ')'temlc antifungal agents: pharmaco~ineties, Re.. 44: 88-127 (A b11 dmed non bt11 contntns 1'<'1') Drug~ 12: 13H-1333 (AIIOthu mi<'l<' oflh~
S>tety and efficacy. Drugs 64: 1997 2020 (II ll<tfitl dt'toill'd coruagl' of lhl' mom clones of drug: ttch11ux:and11u 1'1!1') comprehe~~:;iw)
"' tt of I he nt'wer echinocandins and ma~okJ chemical formulae, mO<lt' of IIC/1011, phamwcokinetics.
C<mo J \, D1smukes W E 1994 Oral a1ole drug a' adterse ejJec1s) Useful .. eb resources
'}'tcmtc antifungal therapy. N Engl J Mcd 330: Kauffman C A 200 I Fungal infectiOn> m older adults. bllp://www.doctorfungus.org (This is anexctllent me
163 272 (A bit dated now bUI sli/1 worlh reodi1111 fi>r Clio Infect Oil. 33: 550-555 (lmeresting tl(t'num of spon:wnd h)' 11 Nm.wniwn of phomwreutical
tht miew <if~IOCOIIOZOfe, f/IICOIIOZ()/e and itrtr('OIUIZ()/e) fimt~"l infecliOIIS tmd tlttir 11711/mem) rOmfJ{IIIit.f. II coters all aspects offimgaf infection\
Denntng D W 2003 Echinocandin antifunga l dntgs, Neely M N, Ghannoun M A 2000 The exciting future of and drug tl!lrttpy, mul lws ma11y compel/i11g image.<
L.1ncet362: 1142-115 1 (Gmeral reviewmtlhr antifungal therapy. Eur J Clin Micmbio1 Infect Dis 19: a/Ill video clip.<. lli!lhl) recommended-<JIUI fim!)
"htnt><tmtlills,focusing on their cliniettluse) 897-91 4





Antiprotozoal drugs

discuss some general features of protozoa-host

Overview 698 interactions and then discuss the therapy of each
Host-parasite interactions 698 group of diseases in turn. In view of its global
importance, a discussion of malaria will occupy
Amoebiasis and amoebicidal drugs 699 much of the chapter.
Flagellates 700
-Trypanosomiasis and tryponicidol drugs 700
-Leishmaniosis and leishmonicidol drugs 701 HOST-PARASITE INTERACTIONS
-Trichomoniasis and trichomonicidol drugs 702
-Giardiasis 702 Mammal!> have developed very efficient mechanisms for deahng
with invading para~ites. and many of these parasites have. in tum,
Sporozoa 702 evolved clever tactics to evade the defensive responses of the
-Malo rio 702 host. Some of these gambits will be dealt with a~ we discu"
-The life cycle of the molorio parasite 702 each para'>ite in turn, but we also have some general comment'.
-Antimalarial drugs 704 One common parasite ploy is to take refuge within the celh
-Potential new antimalarial drugs 709 of the host, where antibodies cannot reach them. Most protoztX.
Toxoplasmosis and taxoplasmocidal drugs 709 do this, some (e.g. pla~modia species) taking up residence in m.
cells, some (Leishmania species) infecting macrophage'
Ciliates and others 710 exclusively. and some (various trypanosome species) invadin0
New approaches to antiprotoz:oal therapy 710 many other cell types. The host has also evolved counter-
measures to deal with these intracellular parasites, namely cell-
mediated immune responses involving primarily the T-help<r it i
(Th) I pathway cytokines, such as interleukin (IL)-2, LUmour tin
OVERVIEW necrosis factor-o. and interferon-y, that activate macrophages and th
cytotoxic CDS+ T cells (Ch. 14). Activated macrophages kill
Protoz:oa (plural form of protozoon) are motile, intracellular parasites, and cytotox ic T cells collaborate w1th
unicellular eukaryotic organisms that have macrophages by producing macrophage-activating cytokines. orl
colonised virtually every habitat and ecological The Th I pathway res ponses can be down-regulated by Th~ lit
niche. They may be conveniently classified, on the pathway cytokines such as transforming growth factor-p, IL-l tr
basis of their method of locomotion, into four main and IL- l 0. Some imracellular parasites have evolved mech- (I{
groups: amoebas, flagellates, sporozoa and a anisms for manipulating the Th 1- Th2 balance to their 011
further group comprising ciliates and other organisms advantage by stimulating production of the Th2 cytokines thO!
of uncertain affiliation, such as the Pne umocystis down-regulate cell-mediated immune reactions. For example. the.
carinii mentioned in the last chapter. The protozoa invasion of macrophages by Leishmania species is associated
have diverse feeding behaviour, with some being with induction of transfonning growth factor-P. and the im:biO' 111
parasitic. Many have extremely complex life cycles, ofT cells, 8 cells and macrophages by trypanosomes is associ hi
sometimes involving several hosts, reminiscent of ated with induction of TL-10 (see Handman & Bullen, 2002. 3111 as
the helminths discussed in Chapter SO. Sacks & Toben-Trauth, 2002, for further detai ls). Sim1lar
As a group, the protozoa are responsible for an mechani!.m!> occur during worm infestations (see Ch. 50).
enormous burden of disease among humans as Toxoplasma gondii has evolved a different ploy: up-regulation
well as domestic and wild animal populations. of some host responses. The definitive (i.e. where sexual
Table 49.1 lists some of these clinically important recombination occurs) host of this protozoon is the cat, bu1
organisms, together w ith the diseases that they humans can inadvertently become intermediate hosts, harbouring
cause, as well an overview of the drugs used to the asexual form of the parasite. In humans, T. gondii infect1
698 combat infection. In this chapter, we will first numerous cell types and has a highly virulent replicative stage;

Table 49.1 Principal protozoal infecti ons and common d rug treatments

Organism Disease Common drug treatment

Entamoeba h1stolytica Amoebic dysentery Metronidazole, t1nidazole, diloxanide

Trypanosoma rhodesiense Sleeping sickness Suramin, pentamidine, melarpasol,
Trypanosoma gambiense eflorn1th1ne, nifurtimox

Trypanosoma cruzi Chagas' disease Nifurtimox. benzindazole

Leishmania trop1ca Oriental sore
Leishmania donovan! Kala-azar Sodium stibogluconate, amphotericin,
Leishmania brazlliensis Espundia pentamidine isethionate
Leishmania mexicana Chiclero's ulcer

Trichomonas vagina/is Vaginitis Metronidazole, tinidazole

Giardia Iambiia Diarrhoea, steatorrhoea Metronidazole, tinidazole.

Plasmodium falciparum Malignant tertian malaria Amodiaquine, artemisinin and derivatives,
Plasmodium vivax Benign tertian malaria atovaquone, chloroquine, dapsone,
Plasmodium ovale Benign tertian malaria doxycycline, halofantrine, lumetantrine,
Plasmodium malarariae Quartan malaria mefloquine, pnmaquine, proguanil,
pynmethamine, quinine, tafenoquine and
Toxoplasma gondii Encephalitis, congenital malformations, Pyrimethamine, sulfadiazine pentamidine
eye disease isethionate

Ciliates and others

Pneumocyst1s carinii Pneumonia Co-tnmoxazole, atovaquone, pentamidine

es (After Greenwood, 1989.)

r 11 i~ therefore important to the parasite that its host survives. To The infectious cy'oh pa'~ into the colon. where they develop into
ur do thi ~. it stimulates production of interferony, thus modulating tmphowites. Thc;c motile organ i ~ms adhere to colonic epithelial cell~.
utilising a galact(l\econtaining lectin on the host cell membrane, where
d the host's cell-med iated responses. which then promote 1he trophot.oi tcs feed, multiply. cncyM and eventually pass ou t in the
Ill cncystmenl of the parasite in the ti1.sues. faecc:,, thu:, completing the life cycle. Some individuals are 'ymptomless
th Improved understanding of host-protozoon relationships has 'ct~rriers'-they harbour the parasite without developing overt disease,

Opc!ned up new vistas for the development of anti protozoal agents. but the cysl~ ;~rc prci>Cnl in their faece and they can infect other
The possibility of using cytokine analogues and/or antagonists to individual<.. The cyst\ can survive outside the body for at least a week in
a moi~t and cool envmlllmcnt.
treat disease caused by prototoa is already being i1wcstigated
1for review. sec Odch, 200 I). The 1ropho7oitc lyo,eo, the colon1c muco<.al cells (hence hisrolytica) u~ing
~~o n tmwebatmre.> Cpepude., thai form pore~ in cell membranes) or by inducing
hoSI cell apoploo,is. The organi<.m then in,ades the submucosa. where it
l 3l
may -.ccrete facto!'\ that modify the ho~t re~pon~. which would othern i<;e
he AMOEBIASIS AND AMOEBICIDAL DRUGS pro\e lethal to the par.!!>itc. It is this proce~~ that produces the
ed charactcrio,tic blood) d1arrhoea and abdominal pain. although in man)
on The main organi-.m in thi'> group to concern us here is Enuunoeha subJCCt\ a chrome inte,unal mfection ma} be present in the ab-.cncc of
ti hutolytica, the cau\ative agent of amoebiasis. which may manifest dy-;entcl). In o,ome o,UbJeCL\. an an1ocbic granuloma (amoeboma) in 1he
lntC\linal "all ma) be prco,cnt. The trophozoite~ rna) also migrate
nd a~ a severe colili'> (dywntery) and sometimes U\'er abscesses.
lhrough the damaged 1ntc~unal tb~ue 1nto the portal blood and hence the
lar ~ The infecuon t\ encountered around the \\Orld. although it is more li\cr. gh ing ri'c to the moM common extraintestinal symptom of the
often encountered in warmer cltmate\. Approximately 500 million di,casc <~mOCblc liver ab!>Ce~se,.
on people are thought to harbour the &,case. with 40000-100000 deaths
!a\ tlCcurring each year"' a re\ult (St;mley. 2003). It i\ considered to be the The u\e of drugs to treat this condition (see Drugs used in
put second leading cnu'c of death from pant\itic di!>ease~ \\Orldwide. amoebiasis lm.1) dcpcnd11 largely on 1he site and type of infection,
The organi'om ht1s a ~imple life cycle. and humans are the chief hosts.
as different drugs are differentially effective in acute amoebic
cts Infection. generally spread by poor hygiene. follow the ingestion of the dysentery, in chronic intestinal amoebiasis. in extrainteslinal
m;uure cyst' i n wmcr or food that is contaminated with human faeces. infection and in the currier state. The main drugs currently used 699

Dilox anide co
Drugs used In amoebiasis
Both diloxanide itself and, more particularly. an insoluble e~ter. li
diloxanide fu roate. are the drugs of choice for the asymptomau, 1111.
Amoebiasis is caused by infection with
infected patient, and are often given as a follow-up after the de
Entamoeba histolytica, which causes dysentery and
di.,ca~e ha~ been reversed using metronidazole. Both drug\ hal't
liver abcesses. The organism may be present in motile
a direct amoebic ida I action, affecting the parasites before eoc),t
invasive form or as a cyst. The main drugs are as follow.
ment. Diloxanide furoate is given orally. the unabsorbed mOiety
Metronidazole given orally (half-life 7 hours). Active
being the amoebic ida! agent. It has an excellent safety profile.
agatnst the invasive form in gut and liver but not
Other drug~ that are ~ometimes used outside the uK 1 rer-.
the cysts. Unwanted effects (rare); gastrointestinal
treat this disease include iodoquinol, dehydroemetine all( rno
disturbances and central nervous system symptoms.
paromomycin. the
Diloxanide is given orally with no serious unwanted
effects. It is active, while unabsorbed, against the
non-invasive form in the gastrointestinal tract. FLAGELLATES
The principal disease-causing organisms in this group are specie,
of Trypwwsoma, Leishmania, Trichomona and Giardia. We 11-ill
discuss each in turn.

are metronidazole, tinidazole and diloxanide. These agents

may be used in combination. TRYPANOSOMIASIS AND TRYPANICIDAL
The drugs of choice for the various forms of aDlocbiasis arc as DRUGS
follow: 1l1e three main species of trypanosome that cause disease in hum;ms
metronida7ole (or tinidazole) followed by diloxanidc for arc Trypanosoma gambiense and Trypanosoma rhodenmst,
acute invasive intestinal amoebiasis resulting in acute severe which cau~c sleeping sickness in Africa. and Trypanosoma cru:~,
amoebic dy~entery which causes Chagas' disease in South America. About IOOOOJ
diloxanide for chronic inte~tinal amoebiasis new ca'>es of sleeping sickness are reported each year. and
metroniduole followed by diloxanide for hepatic amoebiasis 60 million people in 36 countries are classed as at risk of con
diloxanide for the carrier state. tracting the di!.ea~e. T. rhodesiense causes the more aggre,,il-e
form of ~leeping sid.ness. All forms of the disease have sho11n
Metronidazole signs of resurgence. becau\e civil unrest, famine and AIDS halt
Metronidazole kills the trophozoites of E. histolytica but has no reduced the chances of receiving adequate medication or becau,,
ctTcct on the cysts. It is the drug of choice for invasive amoebiasis patients are immunocompromised. Related trypanosome
of the intestine or the liver, but it is less effective against organ- infections also pose a major risk to livestock and thus have a
isms in the lumen of the gut. Metronidazole is activated by anaer- secondary impact on human health and well-being.
obic organisms to a compound that damages parasite DNA, leading 'Y The vector i I he tset~e ny. In both types of disease, there is an imt1a
to parasite apoptosi~>. local lesion at the ~ ite of entry. wh ich may (in the case of T. rltodesiemr1
develop in to a painful cha ncre. This is followed by bouts of parasilacmiJ
Phormocokinetic aspects and fever a~ the para~ite enters the haemolymphatic ~ystem. Damage'"
Metronidazole is usually given orally and is rapidly and com- organs is caused by tl1c para;itcs and the toxins they release during 1ht
pletely absorbed, achieving peak plasma concentration in ~econd pha~e of the dbease. This manifests as somnolence ijnd
progrc~sh c neurological breakdown when the parasites reach the C"iS
1-3 hours, with a half-life of about 7 hours. Rectal and intra-
(;.lceping sicknC\\), or damage to the heart, muscles and sometime' h1e1,
venous preparation<, are also avai lable. It is distributed rapidly spleen. bone and inte\tine (Chaga!>' disease). Left untreated. \Ucb
throughout the tis~ue<,, reaching high concentrations in the body infection' arc fatal.
fluids, including the cerebrospinal fluid. Some is metabolised,
The main drugs used for African sleeping sickness are suramin
but most is excreted in urine.
with pentamjdine as an alternative, in the haemolymphatic 'tage
Unwonted effects of the disease, and the arsenical melarsoprol for the late 'tagc
The drug has a metallic, bitter taste in the mouth but causes few with CNS involvement (see Burchrnore et al.. 2002; Bum &
unwanted effects in therapeutic doses. Minor gastrointestinal Brun, 2003). Other agents include nifurtimox and eflornithine
disturbance!> have been reported, as have central nervous system Nifunimox i), al~o used in Chagas disease as is benznidazole
(CNS) 11ymptoms (diu.iness, headache, sensory neuropathies). (but in the acute disease only and not in the UK); however. thell
The drug in terfere~ with alcohol metabolism. and concurrent is, in essence, no really effective treatment for thi~ fom1 or
use of the substance should be strictly avoided. Metronidazole trypanosomiasis. LS
should not be used in pregnancy. Dl
Tinidazole is similar to metronidazole in its mechanism of Suramin Th
action and unwanted effects, but is eliminated more slowly, having Suramin was introduced into lhe therapy of trypanosomia~is in
700 a half-life of 12- 14 hours. 1920. The drug binds firmly to host plasma protei ns, and the

complex enters the trypanosome by endocytosis from where it is and subtropical regions. With increasing international travel,
liberated by lysosomal proteases. It does not kill the parasites leishmaniasi<. is being imported into areas where it was not
immediately but inhibits parasite en7ymes, inducing gradual previously seen, and opportunjstic infections are now being
de~truction of organe lle~. such that the organisms are cleared reported (particularly in AIDS patient<;).
from the circulation after a short interval. ~ The insect vector in this case is the sandfly. and the parasite exist'> in
The drug is given by slow intravenous injection. The blood mo forms, a flagellated form (promastigote) found in the gut of the
concentration drops rapidly during the first few hours and then infected \andfl). and a non-flagellated intrnceUular form (amasrigote)
more slowly over the succeeding days. A residual concentration that occur. m the infected mammalian host. where it is harboured b)
remains for 3-4 months. Suramin tends to accumulate in the mononuclear phagocytcs. Within this cell. the parasites thrive in modified
phagolyso~omes and protect themselves from the usual intracellular
mononuclear phagocyte system of the host and is also found in
killing mcchamsms by modif)ing the macrophage\ microbiocidal systems.
the cells of the proximal tubule in the kidney. apparently by deploying a lipophosphoglycan on their surface (Hand man
& Bullen. 2002). The amastigotes multiply, and eventually the infected
Unwonted effects
cell releases a new crop of parasites into the haemolymphatic system,
Suramin is relatively toxic, particularly in a malnourished patient, where they can infect further macrophages and possibly other cells.
the main toxic effect being in the kidney. Other slowly devel-
TI1e diiTercnt species of Leishmania occur in different geographical zones
oping adverse effects repo rted include optic atrophy, adrenal
~nd c~usc different clinical manifestations (see Table 49. 1). Typical
insufficiency, skin rashes, haemolytic anaemia and agranulocytosis. presentations include:
A small proportion of individuals have an immediate idiosyn-
a simple ~kin infection givi ng rise to an unpleasant chancre ('oriental
cratic reactio n to suramin injection that may include nausea,
sore', 'Chiclero's ulcer' and other names) that may heal spontaneously
1omiting, shock, seizures and loss of consciousness. a mucocutaneou\ form ('espundia' and other names). in which there
may be large ulcers of the mucous membranes
a '>eriou\ visceral form ('kala-azar' and other names), where the
Pentamidine isethionate
parasite ~pread' through the bloodstream and causes hepatomegaly,
Pentamidine has a direct trypanocidal action in vitro. It is rapidly splenomegaly, anaemm and intermittent fever.
raken up in the parasites by a high-affinity energy-dependent
carrier and is thought to interact with the D A. The drug is The main drugs used in visceral leishmaniasis are pentavalent
odministered intravenously or by deep intramuscular injection, antimony compounds !.uch as sodium s tibogluconate and
u,uaJiy daily for 10-15 days. After ab!.orption from the injection meglumine a ntimoniate (not in the UK), but resistance to these
'lie, it binds strongly to tissues (especially the kidney) and is agents is increasing and their toxicity is high. Amphotericin (see
eliminated slowly. only 50'* of a dose being excreted over Ch. 48) is a useful back-up. and pentamidine isethionate (see
5 days. Fairly high concentrations of the drug persist in the above) is also u\ed in antimony-resistant leishmaniasis. In some
l!dney, the liver and the spleen for several months, but it does countries, miltefosinc, originally developed as an antitumour drug,
not penetrate the blood- brain barrier. Its usefulness is limited by has been used with success to treat the disease.
lb unwanted effeCt'>-an immediate decrease in blood pressure,
11ith tachycardia, breathlessness and vomiting, and later serious Sodium stibogluconate
toxicity, such as kidney damage, hepatic impairment. blood Sodium stibogluconale is given intramuscularly or by slow intra-
dyscrasias and hypoglycaemia. venous injection in a I0-day course. It is rapidly eliminated in the
A relatively new drug, e tlorn ithine (the only new drug to be urine, 70% being excreted within 6 hours. More than one course
registered over the past 50 years) has shown good activity against of treatme nt may be required. Unwanted effects include
T. gambiense and is used as a back-up for melarsoprol. although anorexia, vomiting, bradycardia and hypotension. Treatment may
unfortunately it has limited activity against T. rhodesiense. The drug also be associated with increased incidence of herpes lOSter.
targets parasite ornithine metabolism. Side effects are common Coughing and substernal pain may occur during intravenous
.md may be severe, but are readi ly reversed when treatment is infusion. The mechanism of action of sodium stibogluconate is
discontinued. A new drug candidate, DB 289. bas shown promise not clear, but the drug may increase production of oxygen free
()~gros et al., 2002), but mcgazol, another useful trypanocidal that radical!>, which are toxic to the parasite.
11as under development, has been dropped because of genotoxiciry Miltefosine (hexadecylphosphocholine) is also effective in the
tNesslany et al., 2004 ). Unfortunately, there are few (if any) o ther treatment of both cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis. The drug
new drugs in the pipeline. and as resistance develops to the may be given orally and is well tolerated. Side effects are mjld
'tandard agent , the number of deaths from this condjtion is set and include nausea and vomiting. In vitro, the drug induces DNA
to rise. Despite work into likely parasjte antigens, the current fragmentation and apoptosis in the parasites (Verma & Dey, 2004).
e prospects for a vaccine look bleak (Naula & Burcbmore, 2003). Other drugs such as antibiotics and antifungals may be given
c concomitantly with the above agents. They may have some action
r on the parasite in their own rigbt. but t.beir main utility is to
control the spread of secondary infections. Current drug usage
and possible future a pproaches to the trt'1 tment of leishmaniasis
There are a variety of Leishmania organisms that cause disease are discussed by Murrey (2000). At pr<~ nt, there is no vaccine
(sometimes fatal) afflicting about 12 million people in 90 countries; for leishmaniasis; an approach to this prCblem using recombinant
there are about 2 million new cases each year, mainly in tropical Leishmania proteins is discussed by Kubar & Fragaki (2005). 701

TRICHOMONIASIS AND TRICHOMANICIDAL el~ewhere U\ing the powerful 'residual' insecticides and the

DRUGS highly effective antimalarial drugs that had become available. a,

the end of the 1950'>, the incidence of malaria had dropptd
The principal Trichomonas organism that produces disease in dramatically. Howe,er, during the 1970~ it became clear that
humans is Trichomonas mginalis. Virulent strains cause inflam- the anempt at eradication had failed-largely owing to tilt
mation of the vagina in female' and sometimes of the urethra in increasing rcsi!>tancc of the mosquito to the insecticide~ and
male~. The main drug used in therapy is metronidazole (p. 699), of the parasite to the drugs. Sadly. it is now the case that malana
although resistance to this drug b on the increase. High doses of hac; re-emerged in several countries where it was pn:,iou'l)
tinida;olc are abo effective, \\-ith few side effects. under control or indeed eradicated. Sporadic ca!>es-the n:'ul
of air travel-arc already quite common in Western Europe an
GIARDIASIS the USA, where the actual risk of transmission is negligible.'

The fina l flagellate we will discuss is Giardia Iamblia. The tro-

phot.oite form of this parasite colonises the upper gastrointestinal
tract, and the cysts pass out in the faeces. fnfection is then spread The mosquito. not the human. it> the definitive host for pia,.
by ingestion of food or water contaminated with faecal matter modia, and it has been said that the on ly function of humans 1s to
containing the cysts. It is encountered worldwide, and epidemics enable the parasite to infect more mosquitoes so that funhcr
caused by bad sanitation are not uncommon. Metronida7ole is sexual recombination can occur. The life cycle of the pami t~'
the drug of choice, and treatment is usually very effective. consists of a se.wal cycle, which takes place in the female
anopheline mosquito, and an asexual cycle, which occurs m
humans (Fig. 49. I and the Malaria box).
Malaria wa-, once considered to arise from marshy land (hence
the name mal aria bad or poisonous air), bur we now recog-
ni'>e that the disea\e i'> cau'>ed by parasites belonging to the genus
Plasmodium. Four '>pecies of plasmodia infect humans: Malana is caused by various species of
Plasmodium l'iva.\, Pla:.modium falciparum, Plasmodium o1a/e plasmodia, which are carried by the female
and Plasmodium ma/ariae. The insect vector is the female anopheline mosquito. Sporozoites (the asexual form
Anopheles mosquito. which breeds in stagnant water, and the of the parasite) are introduced into the host by bite of
disease it spreads is one of the major killers on our planet. the insect, and these develop in the liver into:
The statistics are staggering. According to the World Health schizonts (the pre-erythrocytic stage), which
Organization (WHO). malaria is a significant public health prob- liberate merozoites-these infect red blood cells,
lem in more than 90 countrie:, inhabited by some 2400 million forming motile trophozoites, which, after
people (about 40% of the world's population). The disease development, release another batch of
causes an e~timated 300 million acute illnesses each year and at erythrocyte-infecting merozoites, causing fever;
least I million deaths. More than 90% of these occur in sub- this constitutes the erythrocytic cycle
Saharan Africa, and it is estimated that the disease kills an dormant hypnozoites, which may liberate
African child every 30 secondl.. Even those who survive may suffer merozoites later (the exoerythrocytic stage).
from lasting mental impairment. Other high-risk groups include The main malarial parasites causing tertian ('every
pregnant women, refugees and labourers entering endemic third day') malaria are:
region~. Malaria also impo<.e~ a huge economic burden on countries P. vivax, which causes benign tertian malaria
where the di.,ea\e is rife. 1 P. falc1parum, which causes malignant tertian
The ~ymptom., of malaria include fever, :.hivering, pain in the malaria; unlike P. vivax, this plasmodium has no
joint~. headache, repeated \'Omiting. generalised convulsions and exoerythrocytic stage.
coma. Symptom\ become apparent only 7-9 days after being Some merozoites develop into gametocytes, the
birten by an infected mosquito. By far the most dangerous sexual forms of the parasite. When ingested by the
parasite is P. falciparwn. mosquito, these give rise to further stages of the
Malaria wa-, eradicated from most temperate countries in parasite's life cycle within the insect.
the 20th century. and the WHO artempted to eradicate malaria

Taking into accoun1 lac1or, 1uch a~ ini1ial poverty and economic policy, it 'As an cxnmplc of \Uch 'airport malaria'. the UK registered 236-1 case' of
has been ca lculmcd that co~f1ries wilh inten~ive malaria grow 1.3% less per malaria in 1997, all of them imported by tmveller~. 'Weekend muluria',
per~on per yenr than malariafree wne~. and that a 1. 1% reduction in which occur~ when city dweller~ in Africa spend weekend~ in the
702 maluria i, m.~ociatcd with a (1.3% higher rate of economic growth. countryside. i' also becomi ng more of a problem.



drugs used for

B. Site of action of drugs
used for radical cure
(P. vivax and P. ovale only)

2b t


I 0
- - Liver cell D. Site of action
of drugs which
,.... -.;" 10
9 ~

drugs used to treat

- -A-. -S-it_e_o_f_a_c-ti_o...

"' ( Spo,.,,.,., transmission the acute attack

" \ injected

Fig. 49. 1 The life cyc le of the malarial parasit e and the s ite of action of antimalarial drugs. The pre- or exoerythrocytic cycle in
the liver and the erythrocytic cycle in the blood are shown: 1a Entry of sporozoite into liver cell (the parasite is shown as a small circle
containing dots, and the liver cell nucleus as a blue ova~. 2a and 3a Development of the schizont in liver cell. 4 Rupture of liver cell with
release of merozoites (some may enter liver cells to give resting forms of the parasite, hypnozoites). 5 Entry of merozoites into a red cell.
6 Trophozoite in red cell. 7 and 8 Development of schizont in red cell. 9 Rupture of red cell with release of merozoites, most of which
parasitise other red cells. 10-12 Entry of merozoites into red cells and development of male and female gametocytes. 1b Resting form of
parasite in liver (hypnozoite). 2b and 3b Growth and multiplication of hypnozoites. Sites of drug action are as follow. A Drugs used to
treat the acute attack (also called 'blood schizonticidal agents' or 'drugs for suppressive or clinical cure'). B Drugs that affect the J
exoerythrocytic hypnozoites and result in a 'radical' cure of P. vivax and P. ova/e. C Drugs that block the link between the exoerythrocytic
stage and the erythrocytic stage; they are used for chemoprophylaxis (also termed causa/ prophylactics) and prevent the development of
malarial attacks. D Drugs that prevent transmission and thus prevent increase of the human reservoir of the disease.

~ With the bile of an infected female mo,quito. sporo:oitei-usually following mllollc replication of iL~ nucleus. the parasite in the red cell i!>
fc~ in number-are inoculated into the bloxhtream. Within 30 minutes. tem1ed a fc1Ji:om. and it\ rapid gro~th and division. scfli:ogony. Another
the) di\app.:ar from the blood and enter the parenchymal cells of the liver. ph<I\C of multiplication re~ul~ m the production of further mero;oites.
"'here. during the nc~t 10 14 da)~.they undergo apre-erytlrmcytic stage which are rclea\Cd ~hen the red cell ruptures. Theoe merozoites then bind
of development and multphcatJOn. At the end of this stage. the to and enter fre'h red cclh. and the crythroc) Lie cycle stans all o~er again.
par.t\111\ed h' .:r cell\ rupture. and a ho;t of fresh mero:oites are relea~ed. In cert:un form' of malaria. some ~poroLOite~ entering the liver
The\e hind to and enter the red cell\ of the blood and form motile cell., form lnpno:.oites. or 'sleeping forms of the para'>ite. which can be
intracellular p<lra\IIC\ t.:m1ed tmplw:oites. The development and multi- n:acll\ated month' or year; later to continue an exoerythrocytic cycle of
plication of the pla,modia ~ithin the'>c cell~ constitute> the er)7hrocwic multiplication.
\lll,~e. During maturation within the red cell. the parasite remodel~ the
host cell. 111\erting pam'>ite protein' and phospholipids into the red Malaria para~ite1-. can multiply in the body at a phenomenal
cell mcmbr<1nc. TI1c ho,t\ haemoglobin is digested and tran-,ported to nue-a single parasite of P. l'im.x can give rise to 250 million
the parasite~ foocl '<lCuole. ~here it provides a source of amino acid,.
mero7oites in 14 days. To appreciate the action required of an
Free haem. which would be toxic to the pla:,mooium. is rendered
harmlcs<; by polymcrisation to haemo:oi11. Some untimalarial drugs
antimalarial drug, note that destruction of 94% of the parasites
act by inhibiting the haem polymerase en;yme re:,ponsible for this step every 48 hours will ~>crve only to maintain equilibrium and will not
(sec below). further reduce their number or their propensity for proliferation. 703

Some mero.wites, on entering red cells, differentiate into male

and female forms of the para!>ite. called gamerocytes. These can Antimalarial therapy and the parasite
complete their cycle only when taken up by the mosquito, whe n IHe cycle
it suck!> the blood of the infected host.
Drugs used in the treatment of malaria may have
T The cycle m lhe mosquito tn\'Oives fertilisation of lhe female
several sites of action:
gametoc)'te by the male gametocyte. with lhe formation of a ::;ygore,
v.hich develop' 1nto an oocnr (sporocyst). A further s!llge of di\ is ion and drugs used to treat the acute attack of malaria act
multiplication tal.e., place. leading to rupture of the sporocyst with release on the parasites in the blood; they can cure
of \porotoite), which then mtgrate to lhe mosquitos salivary glands and infections with parasites (e.g. Plasmodium
enter llnother human host with lhe mosquito's bite. falciparum) that have no exoerythrocytic stage
The periodic episodes of fever that characterise malaria result drugs used for chemoprophylaxis (causal
from the synchronised rupture of red cells with release of prophylactics) act on merozoites emerging from
merozoites and cell debris. The rise in temperature is associated liver cells
with a ril>e in the concentration of tumour necrosis factor-a in the drugs used for radical cure are active against
plasma. Relapses of malaria are likely to occur with those fonm parasites in the liver
of malaria that have an exoerythrocytic cycle, because the dOimant some drugs act on gametocytes and prevent
hypnozoite form in the liver can emerge after an interval of transmission by the mosquito.
weeks or months to start the infection again.
The characteristic presentations of the different forms of
human malaria arc as follow (see Fig. 49.1 for details).
an timalarial drugs are classified in terms of the action against the
P. falciparum, which has an erythrocytic cycle of 48 hours
different stages of the life cycle of the parasite (Fig. 49.1 ).
in humans, produce!> malignam tertian malaria-' tertian'
because the fever wa!> believed to recur every third day
Drugs used to treat the acute attack
(actually. it varies), 'malignant' because it is the most severe
Blood schi:omicidal agent:. (Fig. 49.1. site A) are used to treat
form of malaria and can be fatal. The plasmodium induces,
the acute attad. they are also known as drugs that produce 2
on the infected red cell membrane, receptors for the adhesion
suppre!>'>ive' or 'clinical' cure. They act on the erythrocytic forms
molecules on vascular endothelial cells (seep. 000). These
of the plasmodium. In infections with P. falciparwn or P. malarltl
parasitised red cells then stick to uninfected red cells,
which have no exoerythrocytic stage. these drugs effect a cure.
forming clusters (rosettes), and also adhere to and pack the
with P. 1'i1a.x or P. om/e. the drugs suppress the actual anacl.
vessels of the microcirculation, interfering with tissue blood
but exoerythrocytic forms can re-emerge later to cause relap~e~.
now and causing organ dysfunction including renal failure
This group of drugs includes quinolille-metlwnols (e.g. quiniDt
and e ncephalopathy (cerebral malaria). P. falciparum does
and mefloquine ). various 4-aminoquinolines (e.g. chloroquine!.
not have an exoerythrocytic stage, so if the erythrocytic stage
the phenanthrene haJofa ntr ine, and agents that interfere either
is eradicated, relapses do not occur.
with the synthesis of folate (e.g. sulfones) or with its action (e.g.
P. viva.x produces benign tertianmalaria-' benign' because
pyri met hamine and progua nil), as well as the hydrOX)
it is less severe than fa lciparum malaria and is rarely fatal.
naphthoqu inone compound atovaquo ne. Combinations of these
Exoerythrocytic forms may persist for years and cause relapses.
agents arc frequently used. Some antibiotics, such as tet racycline
P. ovate, which has a 48-hour cycle and an exoerythrocytic ~
and doxycycline (sec Ch. 46), have proved useful when combined
stage, is the cause of a rare form of malaria. t
wi th the above agents. Compounds derived from qinghaosu, f<X
P. malariae has a 72-hour cycle, causes quartan malaria a nd
example a rtemether. a rteflene and artesunate, have also pro\ed
has no exoerythrocytic cycle.
Individuals living in areas where malaria is endemic may acquire For a brief summary of currently recommended treatme~ Drl.
a natural immunity. butthi!> may be lost if the individual is absent regimens, see the Antimalarial drugs box and Table 49.~. Son
from the area for more than 6 months. more detailed coverage of the treatment of malaria is given bj h,l\
ewton & White ( 1999) and Baird (2005). !Fig
Drugs that eHect a radical cure hut I
The be t way to deal with malaria is to avoid the disease in the 7issue schizomicidal agents effect a 'radical' (in the sense c \
first place by preventing mosquito bites. striking at the root of the infection) cure by acting on the par.r
T Travcllcn. to mfected area~ ~hould alway~ take ~imple precaution~ sites in the liver (Fig. 49.1, site B). Only the 8-aminoquinolint
!>uch a~ \\Canng clothes that cover much of the skin and using insect (e.g. primaq uine and tafenoq ui ne) have this action. These drug
repellent'> in living. and c~pcc tally in sleeping, areas. because mo,quitoes also destroy gametocytes and thus reduce the spread of infecti011 Tht:
tend to bi te between du\~ and da\\ n. Bed nets sprayed with insecticide\
such as per meth rin can be very effective.
Drugs used for chemoprophylaxis It \-
Some drugs can be used prophylactically to prevent malaria, while Drugs used for c he moprophylaxis (also known as causu agra
704 others are directed towards treating acute attacks. In general, pmphylactic drugs) block the link between the exocrythrocyti, ol thl

Table 49.2 Summary of drugs used for treatment and chemoprophylaxis of malaria

Infections Typic al drug choices fo r Typic al drug choices fo r

acute attac ks c he moprophylaxis

All plasmodial infections except Oral chloroquine or sulfadoxin~ Oral chloroquine and/or proguanil
chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium pyrimethamine

Infection with chloroquine-resistant Oral quinine plus: Oral chloroquine plus:

P. falciparum (i) tetracycline or (i) proguanil or
(ii) doxycycline, oral halofantrine Oi) doxycycline or
or mefloquine (iii) pyrimethamine, Malarone" or oral mefloquine

(Source: British Nat1onal Formulary.)

'It must be appreciated that this is only a summary, not a definitive guide to prescription, as the recommended drug combinations vary
depending on the patient, the area visited, the overall risk of infection, the presence of resistant forms of the disease and so on.
bMalarone is a proprietary combination of atovaquine and proguanil hydrochloride.

'tage and the erythrocytic stage. and Lhu!> prevent the develop-
c Chloroquine
ment of malarial attacks. True causal prophylaxis-the prevention
Chloroquine is an old drug (1940s) but is sti ll a very potent blood
of infection by the killing of the sporozoites on entry into the
schizonricidal agent (Fig. 49. J, site A), effective against the
host-is not feasible with the drug:, at present in use, although it
erythrocytic form!. of all four plasmodial species (if sensitive to
may be achieved in the future with vaccines. Prevention of the
the drug), but it does not have any effect on sporozoite!>, hyp-
development of clinical attacks can, however. be effected by
nozoites or gametocytes. It has a complex mechanism of action
chemoprophylactic drug!> that kill the para'>ites when tbey emerge
that is not fully understood. It is uncharged at neutral pH and
from the liver after the pre-erythrocytic !>tage (Fig. 49.1, site C).
can therefore diffuse freely into the parasite lysosome. At the
The drugs used for this purpose are mainly those listed above:
... chloroquine. mefloquine. proguanil, pyrimethamine, dapsone and
acid pH of the lysosome, it is converted to a protonated, membrane-
impenneable form and is 'trapped' inside the parasite. At high
doxycycline. They are often used in combinations.
concentrations, chloroquine inhibits protein, RNA and DNA
T Chemoprophylactic agent~ are given to indtvtduals who intend travelling synthesis. but these effects are unlikely to be involved in it!>
to an area"' here malaria is endemic. Admtnt\tr:uion should start 1 week antimalarial activity. Probably. chloroquine acts mainly on haem
before entering the area and should be continued throughoUI the May and
r disposal by preventing digestion of haemoglobin by the parasite
for at least a month afterward~. No chemoproph) lactic regimen b I00%
effective, and the choice of drug is difficult. In addition to the normal and thus reducing the supply of amino acids necessary for parasite
criteria used in ~electing a drug, the unwanted effect' of some antimalarial viability. It also inhibits haem polymerase-the enzyme that
e agents need to be borne in mind and weighed again~Llhe risk of a seriou~. polymerises toxic free haem to haemozoin-rendering it harmless
po~'ibly fatal. para!>itaemia. A further problem b the complexity of the
e to the parasite. Chloroquine is abo used as a disease-modifying
regimens. which require different drugs to be taken at different lime,, and
the fact that different agents may be required for different tro~vcl antirbeumatoid dntg (Ch. 14) and also has some quinid ine-like
r de\tinatioos. For a brief ~umrnary of currently recommended regimens of actions on the heart. The clinical use of chloroquine is summarised
d chemoprophylaxi\. ..ee Table 49.2. in Tables 49.1 and 49.2 and the Antimalarial drugs box.

Drugs used to prevent transmission
Plasmodium falciparum is now resistant to chloroquine in most
Some drugs (e.g. primaquine, proguani l and pyrimethamine)
parts of the world. Resistance appears to result from enhanced
have the additional action of de!>troying the gametocyte!>
efnux of the drug from parasitic vesicles as a result of mutations
Fig. 49.l. site 0). preventing transmission by the mosquito and
in plasmodja transporter genes (Baird. 2005). Resi!>tance of P.
thus preventing the increac;e of the human re~cn oir of the diseru.e-
vii'(U' to chloroquine is also a growing problem in many parts of
but they are rarely U!>ed for this action alone.
the world.
We will now look at some of these drugs in more detail.
Administration and phormocokinetic aspects
Chloroquine is generally administered orally, but !>evere falci-
parum malaria may be treated by frequent intramuscular or sub-
The main 4-aminoquinoline used clinically is chloroquine cutaneous injection of small dolte~. or by slow continuous
Irig. 49.2). Amodiaquine has very similar action ro chloroquine. intravenous infusion. FoUowing oral dosing, it is completely
It was withdrawn several yean, ago because it cau~cd absorbed, extensively distributed throughout the tissues and con-
agranulocytosis. but has now been reintroduced in several areas centrated in parasitised red cells. Release from tissues and
of the world where chloroquine resistance is endemic. infected erythrocytes is slow. The drug is metabolised in the liver 705

Quinoline-methanols 4-Aminoquinoline

CH 3
1 1C2 H5
I 'c2Hs


Chloroquine Ra
8-Aminoquinoline llll

Quinine Mefloquine Primaquine

Fig. 49.2 Structures of some quinoline antimalarial drugs. The quinoline mo1ety is shown in orange.

and excreted in the urine. 70Ck- as unchanged drug and 30'k al>
pharmacological action'> on host tissue include a depre'"""
metabolites. Elimination i~ '>low. the major phase having a half- p.ll
action on the heart. a mild oxytocic effect on the menh L v. j~
life of 50 hou~. and a residue persists for weeks or month~.
pregnancy, a slight blocking action on the neuromuscular juncuoo ell
Unwanted effects and a weak untipyretic effect. The clinical use of quinine is gi\en Ta
Chloroquine ha~ fe.,., adverse effects when given for chemo- in Tables 49.1 and 49.2 and in the box.
prophylaxi~. However. unwanted effects. including nausea and Ph
Pharmacokinetic aspects ~~
vomiting, di11incss and blurring of vision. headache and urticarial
Quinine is well absorbed and is usually administered orally a' a
symptoms, can occasionally occur when larger doses arc admin-
7-day course. but it can also be given by slow intravenous infu,loo
istered to treat acute attacks of malaria. Large doses have also
for severe P. fa/ciparum infections and in patients who ar~
sometimes resulted in retinopathies. Bolus intravenous injections Ur,
vomiting. A loading dose may be required, but bolus inrravenou,
or chloroqui ne may cau1-oe hypotension and, if high doses are WI
odm inistration is contrai ndicated because of the risk of cardiac
used, fatal dys rhythmias. Chloroqu ine is considered to be safe for so
dysrhythmias. The half-life of the drug is l0 hours; it is metah
usc by pregnant women. C!-
ol ised in the liver and the metabolites are excreted in the urine
within about 24 hours.
Unwanted effects
The two most widely used quinoline-methanols are quinine and Quinine ha!> a bitter taste. and oral compliance is often poor.' II rc~
metloquinc (Fig. 49.2). i~ initant to the gal.tric mucosa and can cause naul>ea and vomiting Ill
If the concentration in the plasma exceeds 30-60 ~moll1. th<.!
Quinine 'cinchoni~m'--characteri\ed by nausea, dizziness, tinnitu,, hc..J- tc
Quinine io, an alkaloid derived from cinchona bark. It has been ache and blurring of vi~ ion-is likely to occur. Excessive pla~ma un
used forthe treatment of 'fcvcrs'l>ince the 16th century. when the levels of quinine can result in hypotension. cardiac dysrhythmias u~
bark wao, bought to Europe from Peru by Jesuit missionaries. It is and severe C S di~turbance!> !>uch as delirium and coma. chi
a blood schizonticidal drug effective against the erythrocytic Other, infrequent, unwanted reactions that have been reponed
form'> of all four specie~ of pla!>modium (Fig. 49.1. site A), but are bloo<.l dy~cra'>ia~ (especially thrombocytopenia) and hyper
it ha~ no effect on exoerythrocytic forms or on the gametocytes sensiti\<ity reaction<,. Quinine can stimulate insulin release. Pauent'
of P. fa/ciparum. Its mechanism of uction. like that of chloro-
quine. is as~ocimcd with inhibition of the parasite haem polymerase,
but quinine is not so cxten.,ivcly concentrated in the plasmodium
as ch loroquine, so other mechanisms could also be involved. ani
With the emergence and spread of chloroquine resistance. quinine 1
Hcncc the invention of palatable dri nks containing the dn1g, including, of
706 is now the main chemotherapeutic agent for P. falcipamm. Other coun,c. the 'Ionic' drunk together wi Lh gin and other be,erages.

1\ith marked falciparum parasitacmia can have low blood -.ugar came in from the cold. It is active against ~train~ of P. falciparum
for thi~ rca<;on and also because of glucose COihumption by the that arc resistant to chloroquine, pyrimethamine and quinine. It is
parasite. Thb make1> a differential diagnosis- between a coma effective against the erythrocytic form of P. tivax (Fig. 49.1,
caused by cerebr<ll malaria and hypoglycaemic coma-<lifficult. site A) but not the hypnozoitcs. However, it is not usually used
A rare result of treating malaria with quinine. or of erratic and for P. l'ilax malaria because this is generally susceptible to
inappropriate use of quinine, is 8/ackll'aterje1er, a se\ere and often chloroquine. Cro!>\-reSi!>lance bet\\Cen halofanlrine <md menoquine
fatal condition in which acute haemolytic anaemia is associated in falciparum infections has been reported. Its mechanism of
with renal fa ilure. action i.s not known. The clinical use of halofanlrine is given in
Tables 49.1 and 49.2 and the box.
Some degree of resistance is de,cloping. Like chloroquine, re:-.i\t- Phormacokinetic aspects
ance to quinine is conferred by increased expression of plas- Halofantrine is given orally. It is slowly and rather irregularly
mo(lial drug efflux 1ransporters. absorbed. with a peak plasma concentration achieved approxi-
mately 4-6 hour1> after inge'>tion. The half-life is I 2 days,
Mefloquine although its main metabolite, which has equal potency, has a
\lefloquine (Fig. 49.2) is a blood schizonticidal quinoline- half-life of 3-5 day!.. Absorption is substantially incre<lsed by a
methanol compound active against P. falciparum and P. l'il'ax fatty meal, and elimination i!> in the faece!>.
Fig. 49.1. site A); however. it ha., no effect on hepatic form-. of
the parasites, so Lrcatmem of P. l'il'Ox infections should be Unwonted effects
followed by a coun.c of primaquine (see below) to eradicate the Abdominal pain, ga.,trointestinal disturbances, headache, a Lran-
hypnoL.oites. Mefloquine is frequently combined with pyrimeth- siem rise in hepatic enzymes and cough occur. Pmritus i!. repot1ed
amine. The antipara.,ite action is associated with inhibition of the but is less marked than with chloroquine. Halofantrine can produce
haem polymerase; however, becau-.e mefloquinc, like quinine, is change-. in cardiac rhythm (mo\1 notably a lengthening of the QT
no1 as extensively concentrated in the parasite as chloroquine, interval), panicularly if given with other <;imilar drugs, and it
other mechanisms might also be involved. should be used with caution in patients with a history of
dy~rhythmia. II has caused i>udden cardiac death. Rarer reactions
Re.,istance has occurred in P. fa/ciparum in some areas-
oarticularly in South-cast Asia- and is thought to be caused, a<; include haemolytic anaemia and convulsions. Because of such
with quinine, by increased expression in the parasite of drug unwanted actions, halofanlrine is no longer used for 'standby'
efl1ux transporters. The clinical 11se of metloquine is given in treatment of malaria, and il is now reserved for infections caused
Tables 49.1 and 49.2 and the Antimalarial drug1 box. by resistant organi~ms. However, even in this case. decreasing
sen\iti' ity and resistance of P. fa/ciparum have been reponed.
Pharmacokinetic aspects
~lefloquine i~ given orally and i!> rapidly absorbed. It has a ~l ow
onset of action and a very long pla!>ma half-life (up to 30 day.s), DRUGS AFFECTING THE SYNTHESIS OR
ll'bich may be the result of enterohepatic cycling or tissue storage. UTILISATION OF FOLATE
Unwonted effects Anti folate drugs are classified into type I and type 2 compounds.
When menoquine is used for treatment of the acute attack, about The type 1 <mtifolates arc the sulfonamides and the sulfones,
50o/c of ~ubjccts complain of gaslrOintestinaJ diMurbances. Transient which inhibit the synthesis of folate by competing with p-
CNS toxicity-giddiness, confusion, dysphoria and insomnia- aminobenL.Oic acid (see Chs 45 and 46). The type 2 antifolates
can occur, and there have been a few reports of aberrant include drugs !'ouch as pyrimethamine and proguanil, which
atrioventricular conduction and serious, but rare, skin di!>eases. prevent the utilisation of folate in the conversion of dihydrofolate
Rarely, mefloquine may provoke severe neuropsychiatric to tctrahydrofolate by inhibiting dihydrofo/ate reductase. Com-
reaction~. Mefloquine is contraindicated in pregnant women or binations of folate antagonists (type 2) with drugs inhibiting
m those liable to become pregnant within 3 months of stopping folate S) nthesis (type I) cause sequential blockade. affecting the
the drug. because of its long half-life and uncertainty about its same pathway at different points; these combinations thus have
teratogenic potential. When used for chemoprophylaxis, the synergistic action.
unwanted actions are usualJy milder. but the drug should not be Pyrimethamine is a 2.4-diaminopyrimidine (see Fig. 49.3) and
u..ed in this way unless there is a h.igh ri<;l.. of acqutring is similar in structure to trimelhoprim (sec Ch. 46). The structure
chloroquine-resistant malaria. of proguanil is different, but it can assume a configuration similar
to that of pyrimethamine (see fig. 49.3). These compounds inhibit
the formation of tetrahydrofolate and hence DNA synthesis as
outlined in Chapter 51, but both drugs have a greater affinity for
Halofantrine the plasmodial enzyme than for the human enzyme. They have a
Halofantrine is a blood schizonticidnl drug. It is one of a group slow action against the erythrocytic forms of the parasite
of compounds that were studied during the Second World War (Fig. 49.1, site A), and proguanil is believed to have an additional
and found to have antimalarial activity but were not de,elopcd effect on the initial hepatic stage (Ia to 3a in Fig. 49.1) but not
further when chloroquine was brought out of retirement. on the hypno.L.oites of P. vim.\ (Fig. 49.1. site B). Pyrimethamine
However, as chloroquine re!>istance developed, halofantrine is used only in combination with either dapsone or a su lfonamide. 707

,---- Pteridine ring -- - -- ~, p-Am1nobenzoic -,,-Glutamic acid--, de)
: : acid (PABA) : 1
I I ! cd

I gr~.;
lie: I
'---------------------- Folic acid ------------- ------ ''

Fig. 49.3 Structures of some
antimalarial drugs that act on the N
folic acid pathway of the
I - AN
plasmodia. Folate antagonists
(pyrimethamine, proguanll) inhibit (CH3h
dlhydrofolate reductase; the Pyrimethamine Proguanil
relationship between these drugs
and the pteridine moiety is shown in
orange. Sulfones (e.g. dapsone) and
sulfonamides (e.g. sulfadoxine)
compete with p-aminobenzoic acid
H,N-o-SO,-HN--<.:( HN~~-o-~
2~- I I -

for dihydropteroate synthetase
(relationship shown In orange box;
see also Ch. 46).
The main sulfonamide used in malaria treatment is sulfadoxine, Ar:
and the only sulfone used is dapsone (see Fig. 49.3). Details
of these drugs are given in Chapter 46. The suJfonamides and The only 8-aminoquinoline licensed for current use is primaqume
sulfones are active again\t the erythrocytic fom1s of P. falcipanon (see Fig. 49.2). Etaquine and tafenoquine are more acti\e ard
but are less active against those of P. ~iva.x: they have no activity slowly metabolised analogues of primaquine. The mechanism of
against the sporozoite or hypnozoite forms of the plasmodia. action of these comparatively new compounds is not known.
Pyrimethamine- sulfadoxine has been extensively used for The antimalariaJ action of this class of drugs is exerted again'' rc
chloroquine-resistant malaria, but resistance to this combination the liver hypnotoites. and they can effect a radical cure of rho~e da1
has developed in many areas. forms of malaria in which the parasites have a dormant stage i1 (gll
the liver- P. viva.x and P. male. Primaquine docs not affc.:t or
Pharmacokinetic aspects
sporozoitcs and has little if any action against the erythrocytic on
Both pyrimethamine and proguanil are given orally and are well,
stage of the parasite. However, it has a gametocidal action and'' Ar
although slowly, absorbed. Pyrimethamine has a plasma half-life
the most effective antimalarial drug for preventing transmission
of 4 days, and effective 'suppressive' plasma concentrations mi
of the disease in all four species of plasmodia. It is alm0\1 or
may last for 14 day!.; it is taken once a week. The half-life of
invariably used in combination with another drug, usuall) t~nd
proguani I is 16 hours. 1t is a prodrug and is metabolised in the
chloroquine. Resistance to primaquine is rare, although evidenc, art
liver to its active form. cycloguanil, which is excreted mainly in
of a decreased sensitivity of some P. vimx strains has bee~
the urine. It mu.t be taken daily. Details of the phannacokinetics a11
reponed. The pharmacology of primaquine and like drugs ha'
of dapsone are given in Chapter 46.
been reviewed by Shanks et al. (200 I). Ur.
Unwonted effects 'Jh
Phormocokinetic aspects
These drugs have few untoward effects if used carefully in he a
Primaquine i~ given orally and is well absorbed. Its metaboh' 1
therapeutic doses. Larger doses of the pyrimethamine-dapsone \(~
is rapid, and very little drug is present in the body afttl
combination can cause serious reactions such as haemolytic ca
10-12 hour<;. The half-life is 3-6 hours. Tafenoquine is broke~
anaemia. agranulocytosis and eosinophilic alveolitis. The pyri- th
down much more slowly and therefore has the advantage that It
methamine-sulfado>.ine combination can cause serious s!Jn no
can be given on a weekly basis.
reactions, blood dyscrasias and allergic aJveolitis; it is no longer ha
recommended for chemoprophylaxis. In high doses. pyrimeth- Unwonted effects
amine may inhibit mammalian dihydrofolate reductase and cause Primaquine has few unwanted effects in most patients \\hen
a megaloblastic anaemia (see Ch. 22); folic acid supplements used in normal therapeutic dosage. Dose-related gastrointestinal
shou ld be given if this drug is used during pregnancy. Resistance symptoms can occur, and large doses may cause methaemo- lro
to antifolatc drugs arises from single-point mutations in the globinacmia with cyanosis. This antimalarial drug can, howcwr. tu:r.
708 genes encodi ng parasite dihydrofolate reducta~e. cause haemolysis in individuals with an X chromosome-linked

genetic metabolic condition-glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase In rodent studies, a rtcmis inin potentiated the effects of
deficiency-in red cells. When lhi~ deficiency is present, the red mefloquine, primaquine and tetracycline; was additive with
cell~ are not able to regenerate NADPH. its concentration being chloroquine: and antagonised the sulfonamides and the folate
reduced by the oxidant metabolic derivatives of primaquine. As antagoni~ts. For thi~ reason, artemis inin derivatives are
a consequence, the metabolic functions of the red cells are frequently used in combination with other antimalarial drugs:
impaired and haemoly~is occu~. Primaquine metabolites have for example, artemether is often given in combination with the
greater haemolytic activity than the parent compound. The aminoalcohol lum efantrine.
deficiency of the enqme occurs in up to 15% of black males and In randomised trials, the qinghaosu compounds have cured
b also fairly common in some other ethnic groups. Glucose anacks of malaria, including cerebral malaria, more rapidly and
6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity should be estimated before with fewer unwanted effects than other antimalarial agents.
giving primaquine. Artemisinin and derivatives arc effective against multidrug-
resistant P. falciparwn in sub-Saharan Africa and. combined with
mefloquine, against multidrug-resistant P. falciparum in South-
ANTIBIOTICS USED IN MALARIA east Asia. However, the preclinical and clinical data are at present
Some antibiotics, for example doxycycline and tetracycl ine, have insufficient to satisfy the drug reg ulatory requirements in many
a place in the trea tment of the acute attack of malaria and in countries. For a review of this topic, see Olliaro et al. (200 I).
chemoprophylaxis; sec Table 49.2. Detai ls of these antibiotics
are given in Chapter 46.
Atavaq uone is used for the treatment of malaria and can prevent
QINGHAOSU (ARTEMISININ) AND RELATED its development. lt acts primarily to inhibit the parasite's mito-
COMPOUNDS chondrial electron transport chain, possibly by mimicking the
The qinghaosu-based compounds arc derived from the herb natural substrate ubiquinone. Atavaquone is usually used in com-
qing hao, a traditional Chinese remedy for malaria. The scientific bination with the antifolate drug proguanil, because they act
name, conferred on the herb by Linnaeus, is Artemisia.4 together to cause a ~ynergistic antimalarial effect. The mechanism
Artemisinin, a poorly soluble chemical extract from Artemisia, underlying this effect is not known, but synergy is specific for
1~ a fa!>l-acting blood schizonticide effective in treating the acute this particular pair of dntgs, because other antifolate drugs or
attack of malaria (including chloroquine-resistant and cerebral electron transport inhibitors have no such effect. When combined
malaria). Artesunate, a water-soluble derivative, and the synthetic with proguanil, atavaquone is highly effective and well tolerated.
f analogues artemethcr and a r tether have higher activity and are Few side effects of such combination treatment have been reported,
bener absorbed. The compounds are concentrated in parasitised but abdominal pain, nau~ea and vomiting can occur. Pregnant or
r~d cells. The mechanism of action is not known: it may involve breast-feeding women should not take atavaquone. Resistance to
c damage to the parasite membrane by carbon-centred free radicals atavaquone is rapid and result!. from a single point mutation in
tgenerated by the breakdown of ferrous protoporphyrin IX) the gene for cytochrome b. Resistance to combined treatment
or covalent alky lation of proteins. These drugs are without effect with atavaq uone and proguanil is less common.
on liver hypnozoitcs and arc not useful for chemoprophylaxis.
Artemisinin can be given orally, intramuscularly or by suppository,
anemether orally or intramuscularly, and artesunate intramuscularly
or intravenously. They arc rapidly absorbed and widely distributed, Several new drugs are currently under test for antimalarial
and arc converted in the liver to the active metabolite dihydro- activity, with positive results in animals and in preliminary trials
artemisinin. The half-life of a r temisinin is about 4 hours, of in humans. One of these, pyrona ridine, has been used in China
artcsunate 45 minutes and of anemether 4-ll hours. for almost 10 year~. It is active against P. falciparum and P.
vimx, and is al<So active in chloroquine-resistant P. falciparwn.
Unwanted effects
It is effective orally and has low toxicity. The mechanism of
There have been few unwanted effects reported to date. Transient action is unknown. Lumefantrine is structurally related to
heart block, decrease in blood neutrophil count, and brief epi- quinine and is effective against P. fa/ciparwn. particularly when
\Odes of feYer have been reported. In animal studies. artemisinin combined with either mefloquine or artemisinin derivatives.
causes an unusual injury to some brain stem nuclei, particularly
those involved in auditory function; however, there have been
no reported incidences of neurotoxicity in humans. So far, there TOXOPLASMOSIS AND
have also been no reported cases of resistance. TOXOPLASMOCIDAL DRUGS
n The cat is the definitive host of Toxoplasma gondii (i.e. it is the
I only host in which the sexual cycle can occur), and it expels
'The herbs arc no1cd for 1heir exlreme bitterness., and their name derives
from Artemisia. wife and sis1er of the fourth century king of Halicarnassus; the infectious cysts in its faeces; humans can inadvertently
her sorrow on his dcuth led her to mix his nshes wilb wbatever she drank to become intermediate hosts, harbouring the asexual form of the
make it biller. parasite. Ingested oocysts develop into sporozoites, then to 709

Antimalarial drugs
Chloroquine is a blood schizonticide that is Halofantrine is a blood schizonticidal agent ....
concentrated in the parasite and inhibits the haem active against all species of malarial parasite, including
polymerase. Orally active; half-life 50 hours. multiresistant P. falciparum. Orally active; half-life
Unwanted effects: gastrointestinal disturbances, 1-2 days (active metabolite half-life 3-5 days).
dizziness and urticaria. Bolus intravenous injections Unwanted effects: abdominal pain, gastrointestinal
can cause dysrhythmias. disturbances, headache. Serious cardiac problems
Quinine is a blood schizonticide. It may be given sometimes occur.
orally or intravenously; half-life 10 hours. Unwanted Primaquine is effective against the liver hypnozoites
effects: gastrointestinal tract disturbances, tinnitus, and is also active against gametocytes. Orally active; II
blurred vision and, in large doses, dysrhythmias and half- life 36 hours. Unwanted effects: gastrointestinal n
central nervous system disturbances. It is usually tract disturbances and, with large doses,
given in combination therapy with: methaemoglobinaemia. Erythrocyte haemolysis in
pyrimethamine, a folate antagonist that acts as a individuals with genetic deficiency of glucose \r
slow blood schizonticide (orally active; half-life 6-phosphate dehydrogenase. II

4 days) and either Artemisinin derivatives are widely used in Asia and
dapsone, a sulfone (orally active; half-life Africa but are not licensed in some other countries.
24-48 hours), or They are fast-acting blood schizonticidal agents that
sulfadoxine, a long-acting sulfonamide are effective against both P. falciparum and P. vivax.
(orally active; half-life 7-9 days). Artesunate is water-soluble and can be given orally or
Proguanil, a folate antagonist, is a slow blood by intravenous, intramuscular or rectal administration.
schizonticide with some action on the primary liver Side effects are rare.
forms of P. vivax. Orally active; half-life 16 hours. Atavaquone (in combination with proguanil) is used for
Mefloquine is a blood schizonticidal agent active the treatment of acute, uncomplicated P. falciparum
against P. falctparum and P. vivax, and acts by malaria. The drug combination is effective orally. It 1s
inhibiting the parasite haem polymerase. Orally given at regular intervals over 3-4 days. Unwanted
active; half-life 30 days. The onset of action is slow. effects: diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting. Resistance to
Unwanted effects: gastrointestinal disturbances, atavaquone develops rapidly if it is given alone.
neurotoxicity and psychiatric problems.

trophoL.Oites, and finally encyst in the tissues. In most High-dOl>C co-trimoxazole (Ch. 46) is the drug of choice. Ill
individuals. the disease is asymptomatic or self-limiting, although with parenteral pentamidine (sec above) as an alternative. Other
intrauterine infections can severely damage the developing fetus trealmenl regimens include trimethoprim-dapsone, or atovaquone
and it may cause fatal generalised infection in immuno- or c lindamycin primaquine.
suppresl>ed patients or those with AIDS, in whom toxoplasmic
encephalitis may occur. In humans, T. gondii infects numerous
cell types and hao; a highly virulent replicative stage. NEW APPROACHES TO ANTIPROTOZOAL
The treatment of choice is pyrimethamine-sulfadiazine (to be THERAPY
avoided in pregnant patients); trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
This field is a huge challenge. with each protozoa species pos1r.!
or parenteral pentamidine i\ also used and. more recently,
its own distinct problems to the would-be designer of ne\\ ann-
azith romycin ha<, \hown promise.
protozoal drug!>. Where appropriate in this chapter, we ha\'e
indicated possible future avenues for research and development.
CILIATES AND OTHERS but the interested reader is referred to the reading liM and "cb
site~ li'ted below for further information. While there illt
First recognbed in 1909. Pneumocystis carinii was presumed to undoubtedly many technical issues to be surmounted. ironicall)
belong to the protoL.oa, but recent studies have shown that it these do not represent the major challenge to the eradication of
shares structural features with both protozoa and fungi, leaving prototoal diseases. There are a host of socioeconomic problem\
its precise cla~sification uncertain. Previously considered to be a that nlso need to be addressed first.
widely distributed but largely innocuous micro-organism, it now It is abundnntly clear that the diseases caused by the protozo.
causes opportunistic infections in immunocomprornised patients. constitute a major global challenge. but the problems of provi~ion
It is common in AIDS. where P. carinii pneumonia is often the and distribution of new drugs are dau11ting. Managing the cost~
710 presenting symptom as well as a leading cause of death. of research and development in this area is complex. Transnational

tmuativcs (e.g. Drugs for Neglected Diseases lnitiarile) and infra\tructure for the di!>tribution and safe administration of
philanthropic foundations (e.g. lmtitwe for OneWorld Health) the drugs that we already po1>sess. Cultural attitudes. civil war~.
arc proving helpful. but it i\ not \imply a lack of new drugs that famine, the circulation of counterfeit or defective drugs, drought
i~ the problem. For economic rellilons. the very countries and and natural disa\ter\ also exacerbate this problem. At the
population-; one would 1110\t like to target often lack an efficient momem, there '>eem:. no ea:.y way out of this dilemma.


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lehhmania'i'. CUir Opon Infect Di;. 1(): 397-401 welltolermed) terrific starting polm for.furrlter imestij/ation)

Antihelminthic drugs \\h


helminths have been found in humans, and most coloni'e li.

Overview 712 gastrointestinal tract. pr
Helminth infections 712 Helminths have a complex life cycle, often involving se\~ral h:
species. Infection by helminths may occur in many ways, ona hi
Antihelminthic drugs 713 poor hygiene is a major contributory factor. Many enter by mouth Ji
Resistance to antihelminthic drugs 716 in unpurified drinking water or in badly cooked meat from infected
animals or fish. However, other types can enter through the ~km th
Vaccines and other novel approaches to following a cut, an insect bite or even after swimming or walking Cl
antihelminthic therapy 716 on infected soil. Humans are generally the primary (or definitile A
host for helminth infections, in the sense that they harbour !he th
sexually mature form that reproduces. Eggs or larvae then pass
out of the body and infect the secondary (intermediate) ho,l.ln
some cases. the eggs or larvae may persist in the human ho't and
OVERVIEW become encysted, covered with granulation tissue, giving ri'e 10
cysticercosis. This is characterised by encysted larvae in !he
Among the most widespread of all chronic infections
muscles and the viscera or. more seriously, in the eye or the brai
are those caused by various species of parasitic
Approximately 20 helminth species are considered to be chr. h
helminths (worms). For example, it is estimated
cally significant, and these fall into two main categories-tho-t b
that over half the world's population may be
in which the worm lives in the host's alimentary canal, and thw
infected with gastrointestinal helminths. Inhabitants
in which the worm lives in other tissues of the host's bod}. ll
of tropical or subtropical low-income countries are
The main examples of worms that live in the host's alimentm d
most at risk; children often become infected with
canal arc as follow. 0
one or more species almost as soon as they are
born and may remain infected throughout their
Tapeworms: Taenia saginaw, Taenia solium, Hymenolepis p
lives. In some cases (e.g. threadworms), these
nana and Diphy((oborhriwn latum. Some 85 million people <II
infections result mainly in discomfort and do not
in Asia, Africa and parts of America harbour one or other of I
cause substantial ill health, but others, such as
these tapeworm species. Only the first two are likely to be trt
schistosomiasis (bilharzia) and hookworm disease,
seen in the UK. The usual intermediate hosts of the two mo't
can produce very serious morbidity. Because of its
common tapeworms (Taenia saginata and Taenia sofium) are
prevalence, the problem of the treatment of
cattle and pigs, respectively. Humans become infected by
helminthiasis is therefore one of very great
eating raw or undercooked meat containing the larvae. wh1ch
practical therapeutic importance. Worm infections
have encysted in the animals' muscle tissue. H. nana rna}
are also a major cause for concern in veterinary
exist as both the adult (the intestinal worm) and the lanai
medicine, aHecting both domestic pets and farm
stage in the same host, which may be human or rodent,
animals. In some parts of the world, fascioliasis is
although some insects (fleas, grain beetles) can also sene a'
associated with significant loss of livestock.
intermediate hosts. The infection is usually asymptomatic.
Diphylfobothrium latum has two sequential intennediate
HELMINTH INFECTIONS hosts: a freshwater crustacean and a freshwater fish. Humans
become infected by eating raw or incompletely cooked fi~h tf
The helminths comprise two major groups of multicellular worms containing the larvae, and vitamin B 12 deficiency sometime~
that evolved from a common ancestor some 600 million years occurs (see Ch. 22).
ago and diverged into two rather different groups: the Intestinal roundworms: Ascaris lumbricoides (common
nemathefmintlts (nematodes, roundworms) and the platyhelminths roundworm), Enterobius vermicularis (threadworm, called
(tlatwom1s). The latter group is subdivided into the tremarodes pinworm in the USA), Trichuris triclziura (whipworm),
712 (flukes) and the cestodes (tapeworms). Almost 350 species of Srrongyfoides stercora/is (threadworm in the USA), Necator ani

america1111S and A11J.:ylostoma duode11ale (hookworms). t:ltion. termed creeping emption or cuumeous larva migrans. is
Again. undercooked meat or contaminated food is an cau~ed by the larvae of dog and cat hookworms. Toxocariasis or
important cause of infection by roundworm, threadworm and visceral larva migrans is caused by larvae of cat and dog round-
whipworm, whereas hookworm is generally acquired when worms of the Toxocara genus.
their larvae penetrate the skin.

The main examples of worms that live in the tissues of the host ANTIHELMINTHIC DRUGS
are a'> follow.
Mankind has attempted to treat helminth infections since antiquity.
Flukes: Schistosoma haematobium, Schistosoma mansoni, Extracts of herbs or plants such as extracts of male fem formed
and Schi.Hosoma japonicum. These cause schistosomiasis the basis of many early 'cures'. but the 20th cenrury saw the
(bilha17ia). The adult worms of both sexel> live and mate in advent of a new group of drugs ba~ed on heavy metals such as
the veins or venules of the gut wall or the bladder. The arsenic (atoxyl) or antimony (tartar emetic), which were effective
female lays eggs that pass into the bladder or gut and in trypanosome and schistosome infestations.
produce inflammation of these organ!>, resulting in Generally speaking, the current antihelminthic therapies act
hacmaturia in the former case and. occa!>ionally, loss of by incapacitating the parasite by paralysis (e.g. by preventing
blood in the faeces in the latter. The eggs hntch in water after muscular contraction), damaging the worm such that the immune
discharge from the body and thus enter the secondary host- sy~tem can eliminate it, or by altering its metabolic processes
a particular species of snail. After a period of development in (e.g. by affecting microtubule function). Because the metabolic
this host, free-swimming cercariae emerge. These are requirements of these parasites vary greatly from one species to
capable of infecting humans by penetration of the skin. another, drugs that are highly effective against one type of worm
About 200 million people are infected with one or other of may be ineffective against others. Clearly, to be an effective
the c,chi<,tO\Omes. antihelminthic, a drug must be able to penetrate the tough exterior
Tissue ro11ndworms: Trichinella spiralis, Dracunculus cwicle of the worm or gain access to it~ alimentary tract in sufficient
medinensis (guinea worm) and the filariae, which include concentrations to be effective. This in itself may present difficulties,
Wuchereria bancrofti, Loa loa, Onchocerca volvulus and because some worms are exclusively lwemophagous (blood eating),
Brugia malayi. The adult filariae live in the lymphatics, while others are best described as 'tissue grazers'. A further
connective tissues or mesentery of the host and produce live complication is that many helminths contain active dmg efflux
embryos or microjilariae, which find their way into the pumps that reduce the concentration of the drug in the parasite.
bloodstream. They may be ingested by mosquitoes or similar The route and dose of anti helminthic arc therefore important and
buing insects when they feed. After a period of development mu<;t be chosen carefully. because parasitic worms cannot be relied
within this secondary host. the lanae pa's to the mouthparts on to consume sufficient amounts of the drug to be effectjve.
of the insect and arc reinjected into humans. Major filarial Some individual antihelminthic drugs are described briefly
dic,eases are caused by Wuchereria or Bmgia, which cause below, and indications for their use are given in Table 50.1. For
obstruction of lymphatic vessels, producing elephantiasis. a more comprehensive coverage of antiparasitic drugs and their
Other related diseases are onchocerciasis (in which the usc in humans and animals, you are directed to the literature cited
presence of microfilariae in the eye causes 'river blindness') in the bibliography. Several of these drugs (i.e. niclosamide,
and loiasis (in which the microfilariae cause inflammation in albendazole, tiabendazole, levamisole and praziquantel) are
the skin and other tissues). Trichinella spiralis causes available in the UK only on a 'named patient' basis.'
trichinosis; the larvae from the viviparous female worms in
the intestine migrate to skeletal mu1>cle, where they become
encysted. In guinea worm infection, larvae released from BENZIMIDAZOLE$
crustaceans in wells and waterholcs arc ingested and migrate
One of the principal groups of antihelminthics used clinically are
from the intestinal tract to mature and mate in the tissues; the
the substituted benzimidazoles. This group of broad-spectrum
gravid female then migrates to the ~ubcutaneous tissues of
agents includes mebendazole, tiabendazole and aJbendazole.
the leg or the foot, where she may protrude through an ulcer
They are thought to act by inhibiting the polymerisation of helminth
in the skin. The worm may be up to a metre in length and has
B-tubulin, thus interfering with microtubule-dependent functions
to be removed surgically or by slow mechanical winding of
such as glucose uptake. They have a selective inhibitory action,
the worm on to a stick over a period of days.
Hydatid tapeworm. These are cestodcs of the Echinococcus
species for which canines are the primary hosts. and sheep
the intermediate hosts. The primary. intestinal stage does not
occur in humans, but under certain circumstances humans
A relatively rare simatioo in which the ph) \ician ..eeks approval from a
can function as the intermedjate hoM, in which case the phannaceutical company tO use one of their drugs in a named individual.
larvae develop into hydatid cysts within the tissues. The drug i' either a newcomer' thai ha \hown particular promise io
clinical trials but has not yet been liccn,ed or, as in these instances, an
Some nematodes that usually Jive in the gastrointestinal tract of eMabli~hcd dn1g that has not been ticen,cd because the company has not
animals may infect humans and penetrate tissues. A skin infes- applied for a product licence (possibly for commercial reasons).

Table 50.1 Principal drugs used in helminth infections
Helminth(s) Drug(s) used
Threadworm (pinworm) U SL
Enterobius vermicularis Mebendazole, albendazole, piperazine ga~
Strongyloides stercora/is (threadworm in the USA) Albendazole, tiabendazole, ivermectin joi
Common roundworm
Ascaris lumbricoides Levamisole, mebendazole, piperazine by
Other roundworm (filariae) pre
Wuchereria bancroft/, Loa loa Diethylcarbamazine, ivermectin COl
Onchocerca volvulus lvermectin
Guinea worm (Dracunculus medmensis) Praziquantel, mebendazole
Trichiniasis (Trichinella spiralis) Tiabendazole, mebendazole PIA
Cysticercosis (infection with larval Taenia solium) Praziquantel, albendazole
Tapeworm (Taenia saginata, Taenia solium) Praziquantel, niclosamlde PiI
Hydatid disease (Echinococcus granulosus) Albendazole, prazlquantel rou
Hookworm (Ankylostoma duodena/a, Necator americanus) Mebendazole, albendazole
Whipworm (Trichuris trichiura) Mebendazole, albendazole, diethylcarbamazine l'e1
Blood flukes (Schistosoma spp.) ne
S. haematobium Praziquantel
S. mansoni Praziquantel
S. japonicum Praziquantel

Cutaneous larva migrans

Ankylostoma caninum Albendazole, ivermectin, tiabendazole
Visceral larva migrans ef
Toxacara canis Albendazole, tiabendazole, diethylcarbamazine
(Sourced mainly from the British National Formulary 2004.)
being 250-400 times more effective in producing this effect in been reported and allergic reactions (fever, rashes) can occur.
helminth than in mammalian tissue. However. the effect tale~ Mebendazole should not be given to pregnant women or children
time to develop and the worms may not be expelled for several less than 2 years old. N
days. Cure rates are generally between 60 and 100% with most Ni
parasites. tio
Only 10% of mebendat.ole is absorbed after oral admin- wJ
i~tration. but a fatty meal increa~es absorption. It is rapidly Praziquantel is a highly efTective broad-spectrum amihelminthl pre
melaboli!ted. the products being excreled in the urine and the bile drug that was imroduced over 20 years ago. It is the drug of we
wi1hin 24-48 hou~. It is generally given as a single dose for choice for aU form~ of ~chisto'>omia~is and is the agent generdll)
threadworm. and twice daily for 3 days for hoolworm and used in large-scale '>Chi'ito~ome eradication programme\. h 11
roundworm infestations. Tiabendatole is rapidly absorbed from abo effective in cysticcrco:.ill, for which there was pre"iou\l) no
the gastrointestinal tract, very rapidly metabolised and excreted effective therapy. The drug affech not only the adult '>Chi,lL~
in the urine in conjugated form. It i!, given twice daily for 3 days somes but also the immature forms and the cercariae-the form po
for g uinea worm and Strongyloide.\ infestations, and for up lo of the parasite that infects humans by penetrating the skin. int
5 days for hookworm and roundworm infestations. AJbendazolc The drug apparently di~>rupts Ca 2+ homeostasis in 1he para,ite isc
is also poorly absorbed but, like mebendazole, this may be by binding to consensus protein kinase C- binding sites in a I' d!l
increased by food, especially fats. It is metabolised extensively subunit of schistosome vohage-gated calcium channels (Grecnllc!!.
by fir::.t-pass metabolism to the ~ulfoxide and sulfone metabolites. 2005). This induce~ an innux of the ion. a rapid and prolongl'd \0
The former is likely to be the pharmacologically active specie'>. contraction of the musculature, and eventual paralysis and death
Unll'allfed effects are fe\' with albendazole or mebcndatole, of the worm. Praziquantcl also disrupts the tegument of the
although gastroimestinal disturbances can occasionally occur. parasite, unmasking novel antigens. and as a result it rna) D
Unwanted effects with tiabendtvole are more frequent but become more susceptible to the host\ normal immune respon'c' Di
usually transient, the commonel>! being gastrointestinal Given oral ly, praziquantel is well absorbed: much of the drub fil
7 14 disturbances, although headache, di;ziness and drowsiness have is rapidly metabolised to inactive metabolites on first pas,age Di

through the liver, and the metabolites are excreted in the urine. blood circulation and has a limited effect on the adult worms in
The plasma half-life of the parent compound is 60-90 minutes. the lymphatics, but it has little action on microfilariae in vitro. It
Praziquantel is considered to be a very safe drug with minimal has been suggested that it modifies the parasite so that it becomes
'ide effects in therapeutic dosage. Such effects as do occur are susceptible to the ho<,t\ normal immune responses. lt may also
u~ually transitory and rarely of clirucal importance. They include interfere with helminth arachidonate metabolism.
gastrointestinal disturbance. diuiness. aching in muscles and The drug i~ ab!.Orbed following oral admirusrration and is
joint::.. skin eruptions and low-grade fever. Some effects are more distributed throughout the cells and tissues of the body. excepting
marked in patients with a heavy worm load and may be caused adipose tis~ue. It i!. partly metabolised. and both the parent drug
b) products released from the dead worms. Praziquantel is and its metabolites are excreted in the urine, being cleared from
considered safe for pregnant and lactating women, an important the body within about 48 hours.
property for a drug that is commonly used in national disease Umvamed effects arc common but transient, subsiding within
control programmes. Some resistance has developed to the drug. a day or so even if the drug is continued. Side effects from the
drug itself include gastrointestinal disturbances, arthralgias,
headache and a general feeling of weakness. Allergic side effects
referable to the products of the dying filariae are common and
Piperazine can be used to treat infections with the common vary with the species of worm. In general, these start during the
roundwom1 (Ascaris lumbricoides) and the threadworm (Enterobius first day 's treatment and laM 3-7 days: they include s kin reac-
l'ermicularis). It reversibly inhibits neuromuscular trans i1Ussion tions, e nlargement of lymph glands, dizziness, tachycardia, and
in the worm, probably by acting like GABA, the inhibitory gastrointe5tinal and respiratory disturbances. When these symp-
neurotransmitter, or GABA-gated chloride channels in nematode toms disappear, larger doses of the drug can be given without
muscle. The paralysed worm~ arc expelled alive by normal further problem. The drug is not used in patients with
intestinal peristaltic movements. onchocerciasis. in whom it can have serious unwanted effects.
Piperazine i!> given orally and some, but not all, is absorbed. It
1s partly metabolised, and the remainder is eliminated,
unchanged, via the kidney. The drug has little pharmacological
action in the host. When used to treat roundworm. piperazine is Levamisole is efTecti\e in infections with the common round-
effective in a single do e. For threadworm, a longer course worm (A.1cari.1 lumbricoides). lt has a nicotine-like action. stimu-
17 days) at lower dosage is necessary. lating and subsequently blocking the neuromuscular junction~.
Unwamed effects are uncommon. but gastrointestinal disnrb- The paraly~ed worms are then expelled in the faeces. Ova are not
ances. urticaria and bronchospasm occur occasionally, and some killed. The drug i-. given orally, is rapidly absorbed and is widely
patients experience diuiness. paraesthcsias, vertigo and incoor- distributed. It cro~ses the blood-brain barrier. It is metabolised in
dination. The drug should not be given to pregnant patients or to the liver to inactive metabolites. which are excreted via the
those with compromised renal or hepatic function. kidney. Its plasma ha lf-life is 4 hours.
When si ng le-do~c therapy is used, unwanted effects are gen-
erally few and ~oon ~ubside. They include gastrointestinal
NICLOSAMIDE disturbances, dizziness and skin eruptions. High concentrations
Niclosamide is widely used for the treatment of tapeworm infec- can have nicotin ic actions on autonomic ganglia in the mam-
tions together with praziquantc l. The scolex (the head of the worm malian host. There are some rep01ts of encephalopathy associated
with the parts that attach to the host intestinal cells) and a with levamisole usage, but this seems to be a rare side effect.
proximal segment arc irreversibly damaged by the drug; the
worm separate!> from the inte!.tinal wall and is expelled. For
Taenia solitun, the drug is given in a single dose after a Jjght
meal, followed by a purgative 2 hours later; this is necessary First introduced in 1981 as a veterinary drug, ivermectin has
p because the damaged tapeworm segments may release ova, been used with enormous <,uccess in humans as a safe and highly
~ 11hich are not affected by the drug. so there is a theoretical effective broad-spectrum antiparasitic. It is lhe first choice of
h possibility that cysticerco~i~ may develop. For other tapeworm drug for the treatment of filarial infections and is very effective
infections, it is not neces!.ary to give a purgative after admin- in onchocerciasi'l. Over 250 million doses of the drug have been
istration of niclo~amide. There is negligible absorption of the administered around the world :.ince 1990, and it is frequently
drug from the gastrointestinal tract. used in global public health campaigns. Chemically. ivermectin
Unwamed effects are few. infrequent and transient. Nausea and is a semi~ynthetic agent derived from a group of natural
vomiting can occur. substances, the avermecti n~. obtained from an actinomycete
organism. It has potent antihclminthic activity against filaria in
humans, being the drug of c hoice for o nchocerc iasis. which
causes river blindness; it has also g iven good results against
Diethylca rbamazine is a piperazine derivative that is active in W. /Jancrofti, which causes e le phantias is. A s ingle dose kills the
g filarial infectio ns caused by W. bancrojii and L. loa. immature microfi lariac of 0 . volvulus but not the adult worms.
c Diethylcarbamazine rapidly re moves the microfilariae from the fvermectin reduces the inc idence of onchocercal b)jndness by up 715

to 80%. The drug also has activity against infections with some innammatory' cytokines such as interleuldn-10, and is therefon ol
roundworms: common roundworms, whipworms, and thread- favourable to, or at least better tolerated by, the parasites. Th ge~

worms of both the UK (Enterobius vennicularis) and the US mechanism by which this is achieved is complex and is o~l. E.'to
variety (Strongyloides stercora/is), but not hookworms. It is gi"en marginally relevam to the present discussion, so the intere'lt COl
orally and has a half-life of 11 hours. reader is encouraged to pursue the subject separately if ~i\hed \.\i
Jvermectin is thought to kill the worm by opening glutamate- (Pearce & MacDonald, 2002; Maizels eta!., 2004). gr.
gated chloride channel!> (found only in invertebrates) and increasing
cr conductance; by binding to a novel allosteric sire on the
acetylcholine nicotinic receptor to cause an increase in trans-
Ironically, the ability of helminths to modify the host immunt
response in thi~ way may confer some survival value on the
hosts themselves. For example. in addition to the local ann
mission, leading to motor paralysis; or by binding to aminobutyric innammatory effect exerted by helminth infections, rapid wour.-'
acid receptors. healing is also seen. Clearly, this is of advantage to parasites th.,
Unwamed effects include skin rashes, fever, giddiness, headaches must penetrate tissues without killing the host but may abo lx
and pains in muscles, joints and lymph glands. In general, the beneficial to the host as well. It has been proposed that th,
drug is very well tolerated. presence of helminth infections may mitigate some form~ of
malaria and o ther diseases, possibly conferring survival advan
tagcs in popu lations where these diseases are endemic. The
RESISTANCE TO ANTIHELMINTHIC DRUGS deliberate infestation of Crohn's disease patients with nematode'
has even been suggested as a strategy to induce remission of
Resistance to antihelminthic drugs is a widespread and growing the disease, presumably because the Th2 pathways that art
problem affecting not only humans but also the animal health activated during parasite infection down-regulate the Thl
market. During the 1990s, helminth infections in sheep (and to a responses that drive this type of intestinal inflammation (~
lesser extent cattle) developed varying degrees of resistance to a Hunter & McKay, 2004). Certainly, this can be demonstrated
number of different antihelminthic drugs. Parasites that develop experimentally in mice. and there is some evidence arising fJ'OI"
such resistance pass this ability on to their offspring. leading in human studie~ u~ing the whipworm Trichuris suis that thi' rna)
quick succession to treatment failure and the persistence of the indeed be a viable therapeutic option. On the basis that Th2
worm infection. The widespread use of antihelminthic agents in responses can reciprocally inhibit the development of Thl
farming hac; been blamed for the spread of resistant species. diseases. it has also been hypothesised that the comparau1e
There are probably several factors that contribute to the molecular absence of Crohn 's, a~ well as some other autoimmune disea...:'
mechanisms involved in drug resistance. The presence of the in the developing world may be associated with the h1gh
P-glycoprotein transporter in some species of nematode has incidence of parasite infection, and that the rise of these disordel\
already been mentioned, and it has been demonstrated that the in the west is associated with the high level of sanitation and
use of agents such as ve ra pamil that block the transporter can reduced helminth infection! This type of argument is generall)
partially reverse be nzimidazole resistance in trypanosomes. known as the 'hygiene hypothesis'.
However, some aspects of benzimidazole resistance may be
attributed to an impairment of high-affinity binding to parasite
P-tubulin. Likewise, resistance to levamisole is associated with VACCINES AND OTHER NOVEL
changes in the structure of the target acetylcholine nicotinic receptor. APPROACHES TO ANTIHELMINTHIC
Whether such changes are the result of random genetic poly- THERAPY
morphisms or some other facet of parasite biology is not clear.
Of great significance is the way in which helminths evade the Despite the enormity of the clinical problem, there have been fell I
host's immune system. Even though they may thrive in immu- recent small-molecule additions to the antihelminthic arsenal. On
nologically exposed sites such as the lymphatics or the blood- a more positive note, the sequencing of the genome of the free
stream, many are long-lived and may coexist with their hosts for living nematode Caenorhabdiris elegans is now complete, and
many years without seriously affecting tJ1eir health. or in some the genomes of several other helminths have been paniall)
cases without even being noticed. It is striking that the two major sequenced. Thb exciting new resource may make it possible m
families of helminths, while evolving separately, deploy similar the future to create a transgenic species that expresses mutations
strategic!> to evade destruction by the immune system. Clearly. found in resistant parasitic worms, thus providing a better und(r
this must be of major survival value for the species. standing of the mechanisms underlying resistance. In addiuon.
In Chapter 14, we discussed the two main types of inflam- genome databases can be searched for likely opportunitie~ for
matory/immune strategies, termed the Thl and the Th2 responses, therapeutic intervention. The availability of such informatiOI
the latter being characterised by the development of an antibody- also opens the way for other types of antihelmithic agent, such a_,
mediated response rather than the development of a cell-medjated those based on antisense DNA or small interfering RNA (s..-e
immune response. It appears that many helminths can actually Boyle & Yoshino, 2003).
exploit this mechanism by steering the immune system away from But it is in the field of antihelminthic vaccines that the mO\t
a local Th I response, which would be potentially more damaging exciting progress has been made (see Dalton et al., 2003). The
to the parasite, and promoting instead a modified systemic Th2 key here has been U1e development of recombinant DNA
71 6 type of response. This is associated with the production of 'anti- technology. Antigens such as the proteins present on the surface

of the (highly infectious) larval sLage have been identified, the While it is true that helminth infections caused by Taenia ovis
genes cloned, and the transcripts expressed in high abundance in and Taenia saginata tie at the margins of economic or medical
Escherichia coli and used as an immunogen. Using this approach, importance. this progress is encouraging because, if it can be
con iderable success ha~ been achieved in the veterinary field replicated in the case of the more serious helminth diseases such
with vaccines to organisms such as Taenia ovis and Enterobius as schistosomi asi~, it would revolutionise the treatment of these
granulosus (in sheep) as well as Taenia saginata (in cattle) and widespread infections, as well as minimising the problem of
Taenia solium (in pigs), with cure rates of 90-100% often developing dmg resistance and reducing the environmental
reported (see Dalton & Mulcahy, 2001; Lightowlers et al., 2003). burden of residual pesticide residues, which sometimes occurs
Qualified success has also been obtained with vaccines to other as a consequence of overenthusiastic antihelminth control cam-
helminth species. Other potential targets for this type of strategy paigns. Looking further into the future, it may be possible to
nught include secreted proteins cmcial to parasite survival (e.g. develop DNA vaccines against these organisms without having to
the cathepsin protease of Fasciola hepatica and the aspartate produce any protein-based immunogen at all.
peptidase of schistosomes and hookworms).


General papers on helminths and their dise>~SeS Geary T G, Sangster N C, Thompson 0 P 1999 may be oercomJ>IicULed in parts for rloe 11011
Drake L J, Bundy 0 A 2001 Multiple helminth infections Frontiers in anthelmintic pharmacology. Vet Parasitol specialist)
tn chtldren: impact and control. Para\tlology 84: 275-295 (Thoughtful account<>/ tht' diffirultil'f Dalton J P. Mulcahy G 200 I Parasite vaccines-a
e 122 (~uppl):S73-S81 (n,~ mte ,_, utf-~planamory) associated with drug tll"otmenJ) reality? Vet ParW>it 98: I 49-I 67 (tnrerrsting
HortOn J 2003 Human gaw-oonlc\tinal helminth Grecnbe.g R M 2005 Arc Ca~ channels a.ge1s of dtscuwo11 of the promise and pitfalls of \'Occines)
onfections: are 1hey now neglected do\C~>? Trends praziquamel action?lm J Parasuol 35: I 9 Ltghtowlers M W, Colebrook A L, Gauci C G el at. 2003
Para,nol 19: 527-531 CA~aSSLble rrin. 011 helmmth (lmeresring reW.. on provquamal action for thtJU Vacconation against cestode parasites: anti-helminth
infa:tmn! atod their trratmmtt) .. Ito toish to 11<> int<> it i11 depth) accme;, that worl< and why. Vet Parasitol 115: 83-123
\ntihelminthic drugs Liu LX. Weller P F 1996 Amipara.-.uc drug5. ~ L.ngl J (Very comprt!hensie revit!>< for tilt! dedicated rrader!)
Bo)le J P, Y<Xhono T P 2003 Gene manopula110n m
Med 334: 1178-1 184 (~UI/t'nt COI't!ragt' of
anuparasiric: drugs and their clmicaiiiSt') Immune nasion by helminths and its potenUal
pamolic helmonlh; lnt J Par.botol 33: I 259 1268 ther11peutic uses
Prichard R. Tait A 2001 The role of molecular btology on
iDe-als >uth appmacht!.f flldltU antijt!riSt! tht!ropy: for Hunter M \1. McKa) D M 2CJO.I Review article:
the mUrrlted rrader t>nl)) veterinary parasitology. Vet Para~uol 98: 169 194
(Excellent revin. of the application of molentlar helmonth;, a lherapeutoc agent> for inOllllliJI.'Itory
Burkhart C "' 2000 hermecun an W><ie~'ment of ttl. bo"el dosease. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 19: 167-177
biology to undersumding the problem of dru11
pharmacology. mocmboology and -.:tfety. Vet Hum (Fasri11atin.~ revit"W on patell/ialtherapt'utic ustS of
To,icol 42: 30-35 (Uuful pttper that /(}(uses on resistanu multo tilt! developmem of nn.
anthelminthic agents) helmintlu and why they work)
ntl"'m'crm phamwcolog_v) Mallets R M. Balle A. Gome-z-Escobar Net al. 2()().1
Robenson A P, Bjorn H E. Manin R J 2000 Pyrnntcl
CroftS L 1997 The current smtu' of antiparW>ote Helmimh parasites-masters of regulation. lmrnunol
resistance alters nematode nico1inic acetylcholone
chem01hcrnpy. P.drtL>itology 114: S3-S I5 Rev 20 I: 89-116 (Excellent and very comprehensit'e
receptor single channel propenies. Eur J Phnrmac<>l
(Comprrhensi e cmeragt of curre111 drugs mrd outlint' nview tleali11g with mechanisms of imm1me evasion:
394: 1-8
ofapproachl'r 10 po.wblt fiture agents) complicated i11 txms for the nun-specialist)
World Health Organization 1995 WHO model
Dayan A D 2003 Alhcndntolc. mebendatole and Pearce E J, MacDonald A S 2002 The immunobiology
praziquamel. Review of non-clinical toxicity nnd prescribing infonnation: drugs used in parn;,ilic
diseases. 2nd edn. WHO, Geneva of schistosomiasis. Nat Rev lmmunol 2: 499-512
pharmacokinetics. Acta Trop86: 14 1- 159 (Dea/J mainly with the immunology of schisroJome
(ComprthNISile revll'w of rhe plwmwcoki11etic.v ami Antihelminth vaccines lllfections in mice)
wxidty of thtst' importalll drugs) Dalton J P, Brindley P J, Knox D P e1 al. 2003 l lelmimh
fisher M II , Mro7lk H 1992 TI1c chcmiwy and vaccines: from mining genomic information for
phannacology of the avcnnectins. Annu Rev vaccine targets to systems used for protein exprc'>sion.
l'tlannacol Toxicol U: 537-553 lnt J Parasitol33: 621-640 (l~ry comprehensive but

Cancer chemotherapy TH
three people will be diagnosed with cancer during their lifetime ch.tl
Overview 718 and in 200 I (for example) 270 000 new cases were reported m
Background 718 the UK. Cancer is also responsible for approximately one-quarttr
of all deaths in the UK, with lung and bowel cancer comprising
The pathogenesis of cancer 718 the largest category, closely followed by breast and pro\talt
-The genesis of a cancer cell 719 cancer. At first sight, incidence figures for the past 100 yean; 0'
-The special characteristics of cancer cells 719 so give the impression that the disease is increasing in deveiOJll!
General principles of action of cytotoxic countries, but cancer is largely a disea~e of later life, and 1111h
anticancer drugs 721 advance!> in public health and medical science many more pcop.
now live to an age where they are more liable to contract canltr
Drugs used in cancer chemotherapy 722 1l1e tcnns cancer, malignam neopla.1m (neoplasm simply mc:m;
-Aikylating agents and related compounds 723 new growth) and matixnant wmour are synonymous. Both bemg
-Anti metabolites 726 and malignam tumour. manife~t uncontrolled proliferation. but !he c
-Cytotoxic antibiotics 727 laner arc di:.tinguished by their capacity for dedifferemimion. ~
-Plant derivatives 728 their imasi1eness and their ability to metastasise (spread to odler a
-Hormones 729 part'> of the body). In thi~ chapter. we shall be concerned onl} 111th
-Hormone antagonists 729
the therapy of malignant neoplasia or cancer. The appearan~eo(
-Radioactive isotopes 730 these abnormal charactcri~tics reflects altered pauems of gene
-Miscellaneous agents 730 expression in the cancer cells. resulting from genetic mutation\.
Resistance to anticancer drugs 731 There are three main approaches to treating establi\ht~
cancer-surgical excision, irradiation and chemotherapy-and tlk
Treatment schedules 731 relative value of each of these approaches depends on the type o1
Techniques for dealing with emesis and tumour and the stage of its development. Chemotherapy may h: tral
myelosuppression 732 used on its own or as an adjunct to other fomlS of therapy. Olh<r
approaches to cancer treatment, based, for example, on our increa\ TH
Possible future strategies for cancer ing knowledge of the pathobiology of cancer, are being pursuca CE
chemotherapy 732 (sec below) and are beginning to produce results of real value.
Chemotherapy of cancer, as compared with that of bactcna.
disease, presents a diflicult problem. In biochemical terms, micro Sm
organisms are both quantitatively and qualitatively different fror di\i
human cells (see Ch. 45). but cancer cells and normal cells are~ the
OVERVIEW similar in most re!.pects that it is more difficult to find generJI pr<
exploitable. biochernicaJ differences between them. mu
In this chapter, we deal with cancer and anticancer
therapy, emphasising first the pathogenesis of
cancer before proceeding to describe the drugs that THE PATHOGENESIS OF CANCER tha1
can be used therapeutically. Finally, we consider
the extent to which our new knowledge of cancer To under~tand the action and drawbacks of current anticanl't
biology is leading to new treatments. agents and to appreciate the therapeutic hurdles that must bo:
surmounted by putative new drugs. it is important to con~ider
in more detail the pathobiology of this disease.
Cancer cells manifest. to varying degrees. four characterisuc'
that distinguish them from normal cells. These are:
Cancer is a disease characterised by uncontrolled multiplication mil
and spread of abnormal forms of the body's own cells. It is one uncontrolled proliferation prot
718 of the major causes of death in the developed nations: one in dedij]'erentiation and loss of function (sc

itrrasi1eness growth factors. their receptors and signalling pathways

metastasis. the cell cycle transducers, for example cyclins, cyclin-
dcpcndent kinases (cdks) or the cdk inhibitors
THE GENESIS OF A CANCER CELL the Clpoptotic machinery that normally disposes of abnormal
.\ normal cell turns into a cancer cell because of one or more telomerase e;.pre.\sion
mutations in its DNA, which can be acquired or inherited. A local blood ve!>sels, resulting from tumour-directed
good example is breast cancer: women who inherit a single angiogenesis.
defective copy of either of the tumour suppressor genes BRCA I
Potentially all the genes coding for the above components could be
and BRCA2 (see below) have a significantly increased risl. of
regarded as oncogenes or tumour suppressor genes (see Fig. 51.2),
developing breast cancer. However. carcinogenesis is a complex
although not all arc equally prone to malignant transformation. It
multistage process. usually involving more than one genetic
should be understood that malignant transformation of several
change as well as other, epigenetic factors (hom10nal,
components is needed for the development of cancer.
cocarcinogen and tumour promoter effects. etc.) that do not
themselves produce cancer but which increase the likelihood that
Apoptosis and the genesis of a cancer cell
the genetic mutation(s) will result eventually result in cancer.
Apoptosis is programmed cell death (Ch. 5), and genetic
There are two main categories of genetic change that arc
mutations in the antiapoptotic genes are u~ually a prerequisite
for cancer: indeed, resistance to apoptosis is a hallmarl- of the
The activation of J11Vtn-oncogenes to oncogenes. Proto- disease. It can be brought about by inactivation of proapoptotic
oncogencl:> are genes that normally control cell division. factors or by activation of antiapoptotic factors.
apopto!>is and differentiation, but which can be convened to
oncogene-. that induce malignant change by 'ira I or Telomerase expression
carcinogen action. Telomeres are specialised structures that cap the ends of
The inactivation of tumour suppressor genes. Normal cells chromosomes-like the small metal tubes on the end of
contain genes that have the ability to suppress malignant shoelaces-protecting them from degradation, rearrangement
change-termed 111mour suppressor genes (antioncogene~) and fusion with other chromosome:.. Put simply. D1 A
and there is now good evidence that mutations of these genes polymerase cannot ca~ily duplicate the last few nucleotides at
are involved in many different cancers. The loss of function the ends of DNA, and telomercs prevent loss of the 'end' genes.
of tumour suppressor genes can be the critical event in With each round of cell division, a portion of the telomere is
carcinogenesis. eroded, so that eventually it becomes non-functional. At this
point, DNA replication ceases and the cell becomes sene~ccnt.
About30 tumour suppre~sor genes and 100 dominant oncogenes
Rapidly djviding cells, such as stem cells and those of the bone
have been identified. The changes that lead to malignancy arc a
marrow, the germline. and the epithelium of the gastrointestinal
result of point mutations. gene amplification or chromosomal
tract, express telomerase. an enzyme that maintains and ~tabilises
translocation, often caused by viruse!. or chemical carcinogen!..
telomeres. While it is absent from most fully differentiated
somatic cells, about 95% of late-stage malignant tumours do
THE SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CANCER express the enzyme, and it is this that may confer 'immortality'
CELLS on cancer cells.
The control of tumour-related blood vessels
Some healthy cells (such as neurons) have little or no capacity to The factors described above lead to the uncontrolled proliferation
divide and proliferate. whereas other!., in the bone marrow and of individual cancer cells. but we also need to consider factors
the epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract for example, have the that influence the total tumour mass. The actual growth of a solid
property of continuous rapid division. Some cancer cells tumour depends absolutely on the development of its own blood
multiply slowly (e.g. those in plasma cell tumours) and some supply. Tumour~ 1- 2 mm in diameter can obtain nutrients by
much more rapidly (e.g. the celb of Burkitt's lymphoma). It is diffu<,ion, but any further expansion require~ angiogenesis, the
therefore not generally true that cancer cells proliferate fa:.tcr development of new blood 'essels (see p. 77). Angiogenesis
than normal cells. The significant is!>ue is that cancer cells have occurs in response to growth factors produced by the growing
escaped from the mechanisms that normally regulate cell division tumour (see Carmcliet & Jain, 2000: Griffioen & Molema, 2000).
and tissue growth. It is this, rather than their rate of proliferation,
that distinguishes them from normal cells.
What are the changes that lead to the uncontrolled prolifer-
ation of tumour cells? Inactivation of tumour suppressor genes The multiplication of normal cells in a tissue begins with division
or transformation of proto-oncogenes into oncogenes can confer of the undifferentiated stem celb giving rise to daughter cell . These
autonomy of growth on a cell and thus result in uncontrolled daughter cells eventually differentiate to become the mature cells
proliferation by producing changes in several cellular systems of the relevant tissue, ready to perform their programmed
(see Fig. 51.1 ), including: functions. For example, when fibroblasts mature. they secrete 719

I I 1
Proto- 1 Proto-oncogene 1 Cancer 1 Ant1cancer
oncogene : products : drugs
1 I
Genes for I Growth factors Prostate, breast 1 Research n
growth factors : e.g. IGF colorectal, etc. : progress.
- -e.g.
--- for IGF
- I
.J__ __._ ___________ j_ WTS _
I _______

Growth factors 1
Gene for : Her2. Breast : Inhibited by
EGF receptors I (a receptor : trastuzumab
(e.g. c-erbB) : tyrosine kinase) 1(aka Hercept111l
Growth factor
Gene for
Chronic myeloid
: Inhibited by
PDGF 1 (a receptor leukaemia 1 imatinib
(c-s/s) : tyrosine kinase) 1 : (aka Gleevec)
.-- CYTOSOL l r-----------r---------
I e-ras 1 Ras proteins 1 30% of 1 Ras inhibitors
: : all tumours : in clinical trial
Cytosollc Adapter proteins - ., r ---- ----r--------
transducers Kinase 2 abl 1 Abl tyrosine 1 Chronic myeloid 1 Inhibited by
I , Kinase 3 : kinase : leukaemia : imatinib
-- 1 (cytoplasmic) 1 1 (aka Gleevec)
~-- J L - --------1--------

~!~~~~~r !
: Cytoplasmic
I Breast,
pancreas, :

Research in
''-- ____ _ _[:~!~~c-fos i Tra~~~~~~ion
- -~

-- 1
- L c-myc 1 (Jun, Fos, Myc) : Lung, neural tissue :

- - Mutation of the delayed response
Positive regulators Negative regulators nuclear proto-oncogenes...
1 of the cell cycle: can alter expression of the regulators
of the cell cycle:
Cell cycle
cyclins p53 protein of the cell cycle, e.g. more than 50%
transducers Rb protein .,.., , , of human tumours have mutations of
kinases (cdks) cdk inhibitors ', the tumour supressor gene that
-- ' ' codes for p53 protein
Fig. 51.1 Signal transduction pathways initiated by growth factors and their relationship to cancer development A few
examples of proto-oncogenes and the products they code for are given in the table, with examples of the cancers that are associated
with their conversion to oncogenes. Drugs (some available, others in the pipeline) are also shown. Many growth factor receptors are
receptor tyrosine kinases, the cytosolic transducers including adapter proteins that bind to phosphorylated tyrosine residues in the
receptors. Ras proteins are guanine nucleotide-binding proteins and have GTPase action; decreased GTPase action means that Ras
remains activated. EGF, epidermal growth factor; IGF, insulin-like growth factor; PDGF, platelet-derived growth factor; wrs, watch this
space. "Her2 is also termed her2/neu.

and organise extracellular matrix; mature muscle cells are capable mucosa, by comparison, invades other tissues forming the rectum in
of contraction. One of the main characteristics of cancer cells is that and may even invade me tissues of other pelvic organs. Cancer fou
they dedifferentiate to varying degrees. In general, poorly different- cells have not only lost, through mutation. the restrainL~ lha1 ca111
iated cancers multiply faster and carry a worse prognosis man well- act on normal cells, but they also secrete enzymes (e.g ~ll

differentiated cancers. metalloproteinases; sec Ch. 5) that break down the extracellular exJl
matrix, enabling hem to move around. fad
Normal cells are not found outside heir 'designated' tissue of
origin; for example, liver cells are not found in the bladder and Metastases are secondary tumours formed by cells mat have been
pancreatic cells are not found in the testis. T!Us is because, during released from the initial or primary tumour and have reach(u
differentiation and tissue or organ growth, normal cells develop other sites through blood vessels or lymphatics. or as a result of In
certain spatial relationships with respect to each odler. These being shed into body cavities. Metastases are me principal cau'l: in
relationships are maintained by various tissue-specific survival of mortality and morbidity in most cancers and constitute a major C)!
factors that prevent apoptosis (see Ch. 5). In this way, any cells problem for cancer therapy.
that escape accidentally lose these survival s ignals and die. As discussed above, dislodgment or aberrant migration of nonnal
Consequently, although the cells of the normal mucosal cells would lead to programmed cell death as a result of withdrawal I fh
epithelium of the rectum proliferate continuously as the lining of the necessary antiapoptotic factors. Cancer cells that metastasise In
720 is shed, they remain as a lining epithelium. A cancer of the rectal have undergone a series of genetic changes that alter their respon~;es div ~

Chemicals, viruses, irradiation, etc.

Acquired mutations Inherited mutations'

Altered gene express1on

Proto-oncogenes ___. Oncogenes Decreased express100 of tumour
sis, erbB, ras, myc, gene for cychn D, etc. suppressor genes: p53, Rb1, etc.

~Other factors~
Uncontrolled cell proliferation, Decreased apoptosis,
dedifferentiation alterations in telomerase

~ /
Development of primary tumour

Fig. 5 1.2 Simplified o utline of
the g enesis of cancer. The diagram
summarises the information given in Production of metailoproteinases etc.

the text. The genesis of cancer is
usually multifactorial, involving more
than one genetic change. 'Other Invasion of nearby tissue by tumour cells

factors', as specified above, may
involve the actions of promoters,
cocarcinogens, hormones, etc. AngiogeneSIS
which, while not themselves
carcinogenic, increase the likelihood ~
that genetic mutation(s) will result in Metastasis
cancer. 'It is not cancer that IS
inherited but a gene that has
mutated and predisposes to cancer. Development of secondary tumours

to the regulatory factors that control the cellular architecture of cells. Thus a dose that kills 99.99% of cells, if used to treat a
normal tissues, enabling them to establish themselves 'extra- tumour with 10 11 cells, will still leave I 0 million (10 7) viable
territorially'. Tumour-induced growth of new blood vessels locally malignanl cells. As the same principle holds for fast-growing
(see above) makes metastasis easier and more likely. tumours in humans, schedules for chemotherapy are aimed at
Secondary tumours occur more frequently in some tissues than producing as ncar a total cell kill as possible because, in contrast
in others. For example, metastases of mammary cancers are often to the situation Jhat occurs in micro-organisms, little reliance can
found in lung, bone and brain. The reason for this is that breast be placed on the host's immunological defence mechanisms
cancer cells express chemoltine receptors such as CXR4 on their against the remaining cancer cells.
surfaces, and chemokines that recognise these receptors are One of the major difficulties in treating cancer is that tumour
expressed at high level in the e tissues but not in others (e.g. kidney), growth is usually far advanced before cancer is diagnosed. Let us
facilitating the ~elective accumulation of cells at these sites. suppose that a tumour arises from a single cell and that the
growth is exponential, as it may well be during the initial stages.
'Doubling' times vary. being. for example. approximately 24
GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF ACTION OF hours with Burkitt'<; lymphoma, 2 weeks in the case of some
CYTOTOXIC ANTICANCER DRUGS leukaemias, and 3 months with mammary cancers. Approxi-
mately 30 doublings would be required to produce a cell mass
In experimenh with rapidly growing transplantable leukaemias with a diameter of 2 em, containing I 09 cells. Such a tumour is
in mice. it has been found that a given therapeutic dose of a within the limit~ of diagnostic procedures, although it might go
C}10toxic drug' destroys a constant fraction of the malignant unnoticed if it arose in a tissue such as the liver. A further I 0
doublings would produce 10 12 cells, a tumour mass that is likely
to be lethal, and which would measure about 20 em in diameter
The term cytotoxic drug applies to any drug that can damage or kill cells. if it were one solid mass.
In practice. it i~ used more restrictively to refer to drugs that inhibit cell However, continuous exponential growth of this sort does not
division and are therefore potenth11ly usefu l in cancer cbemolherapy. usually occur. In the case of most solid tumours (for example of 721

biology-cell division-but have no specific inhibitory effect on

Cancer pathogenesis and cancer invasiveness, the loss of differentiation, or the tendenc} to
chemotherapy: general principles meta~tasise. In many cases, the antiproliferalive action result,
from an action during S phase of the cell cycle, and the resultant
The term cancer refers to a malignant neoplasm (new damage to DNA initiates apoptosis (see above and p. 7'1
growth). Furthennore, because their main target is cell division, the} 111
Cancer arises as a result of a series of genetic and affect all rapidly dividing normal tissues. and thus they are likel}
epigenetic changes, the main genetic lesions being: to produce, to a greater or lesser extent. the foUowing general
inactivation of tumour suppressor genes (e.g. p53) toxic effect!.:
- the activation of oncogenes (mutation of the normal
genes controlling cell division and other processes). bone marroll' toxicity (myelosuppression) with decreased
Cancer cells have four characteristics that distinguish leucocyte production and thus decreased resistance to infection
them from normal cells: impaired wound healing
uncontrolled proliferation foss of hair (alopecia)
loss of function because of lack of capacity to damage to gastroillfestinal epithelium
differentiate depression of growth in children
invasiveness sterility
the ability to metastasise. teratogenicity.
Cancer cells have uncontrolled proliferation because They can also. in certain c irc umstances, be themselves carci
of changes in: nogenic. Rapid cell destruction also entails extensive purine
growth factors and/or their receptors catabolism, and uratcs may precipitate in the renal tubules and
intracellular signalling pathways, particularly those cau!.e kidney damage. Finally, virtuall y all cytotoxic drug'
controlling the cell cycle and apoptosis produce severe nausea and vomiting, which has been called the
telomerase expression 'inbuilt deterrent' to patient compliance in completing a cour.e
tumour-related angiogenesis. of treatment with these agents (see p. 732). Some compounds h3\c
Most anticancer drugs are antiproliferative-most particular toxic effects that are specific for them. These 1\dl
damage DNA and thereby initiate apoptosis. They be dealt with when we come to discuss individual drugs.
also affect rapidly dividing normal cells and are thus
likely to depress bone marrow, impair healing and
depress growth. Most cause nausea, vomiting,
sterility, hair loss and teratogenicity.
The main anticancer drugs can be divided into the follo11ing
general categories.
lung, s10mac h, uterus and so o n), as opposed to leukaemias
Cytotoxic drugs. The mechanis m of action of these drugs is
(tumours of white blood cells), the growth rate falls as the
discussed more fully be low and summarised in Figure 51.3;
neoplasm g rows. This is partly because the tumour partially
they inc lude:
necroses as it outgrow!> its abi lity to maintain its blood supply, p
-all.:ylaling agents and related compounds, which act by
and partly because not all the cells proliferate continuously. The Ill
forming covale nt bonds with DNA and thus impeding
cells of a solid tumour can be considered as belonging to three
compartments: I:U
-antimetaboliles, which block or subvert one or more of the
compartmem A consists of dividing cells, possibly being metabolic pathways invo lved in DNA synthesis
continuously in cell cycle (p. 72) - cylotO.\ic antibiotics, i.e. substances of microbial origin
compartment 8 consists of resting cells (0 0 phase) whic h, that prevent mammalian cell division
although not dividing, arc potentially able to do so -plant deri1atiles (vinca alkaloids, taxanes. campothecins)
-most of these specifically affect microtubule function
comparrmem C con!>ists of cells that are no longer able to
divide but which contribute to the tumour volume. and hence the formation of the mitotic spindle.
Hormones. of which the most important are steroids. namel>
Essentially, only cells in compartment A. which may form as tm
glucocorticoids, oestrogens and androgens, as well as drug~
little as 5% of some solid tumours, arc susceptible to the main \\
that suppress hormone secretion or antagonise honnone action
current cytotOxic drugs. as is explained below. The cell in com- r~
Miscellaneous agents lhat do not fit into the above categorie,
partment C do not constitute a problem. but it is the existence of
This group includes a number of recently developed drugs
compartment B that makes cancer chemotherapy difficult,
designed to affect specific tumour-re lated targets.
because these cells arc no t very sensitive to cytotoxic drugs and al
are liable to re-enter compartment A following chemotherapy. The clinical use o f anticancer drugs is the province of th~
Most current anticancer drugs, particularly those that arc specialist oncologist, who selects treatment regimens appropriate 11
722 'cytotoxic', affect only one charac teristic aspect of cancer cell to the patient with the objective of curing, prolonging life or in

inhibits adenosine
inhibits DTMP synthesis

damage DNA and
prevent repa1r

inhibit nucleotide MITOMYCIN, CISPLATIN

l cross-link DNA

inhibits DTMP synthesis ETOPOSIDE
inhibit topoisomerase II
inhibits DNA polymerase
inhibits RNA function 1-' -----... inhibit RNA synthesis

intercalates in DNA
inhibits topoisomerase II
inhibits RNA synthesis
(transfer, messenger, nbosomal)
inhibit function of


Fig. 5 1.3 Summary of the main sites of action of cytotoxic agents. For some groups of drugs, only one or two examples are
given. DTMP, 2'-d eoxythymidylate. (Adapted from Calabresi P, Parks A E 1980 In: Gilman A G, Goodman L S, Gilman A (eds) The
pharmacological basis of therapeutics, 6th edn. Macmillan, New York.)

providing pal liative therapy. Such matters are not addressed here; cytosine may also be afrected. A bifunctional agent, being able to
instead, we concentrate o n more phannacological matters suc h react with two groups, can cause intra- or interchain cross-
a~ mechanisms o f actio n and the main unwanted effects of linking (Fig. 5 I .4). This interferes not only with transcription but
commo nly u ~ed antic ancer agents. also with replicatio n. which is probably the critical e ffect o f
anticancer a lky lating agents . Other effects of alkylation at
guanine N7 are excision of the guanine base with main chain
ALKYLATING AGENTS AND RELATED scission, or pairing of the alkylated guanine with thymine instead
COMPOUNDS of cytosine, and eventual !>ubstitution of the GC pair by an AT
Alkylating agents and related compounds contain c he mical pair. T he ir main impact is seen during re plication (S phase),
groups that can fo rm covalent bond<; with particular nucleophilic when some zones o f the DNA are unpaired and more susceptible
'ubstances in the cell. With a ll-.y lating agents themselves, the to a lky latio n. Thi~ re~ult~ in a block at G2 (see Fig. 5.3) and
~ ly
main l>tep is the formatio n of a carbonium ion-a carbon ato m sub!.cquent apoptotic cell death.
with only s ix electron~ in its outer shell. Such ions are highly All alkylating agenL~ depress bone marrow function and cause
reactive and react in~tantancously with an electron donor such as gas tro intestinal diMurbances. With prolonged use , two furthe r
an amine, hydroxyl o r 1.ultnydry l group. Most of the cytotoxic unwanted effects occur: depressio n o f gametogenesis (parti cu-
anticancer alkylating agents are bifunctional, i.e. they have two larly in men), leading to sterility, and an increased risk of acute
alkylating gro ups (Fig. 5 1.4). non-lymphocytic leukaemia and other malignancies .
the The nitrogen at position 7 (N7) of guanine, being s trongly All-.ylating agents arc among the most commonly employed
riate nucleophilic, is probably the main molecular target for alkylation of all anticancer drugs . A large number are ava ilable for usc
1: or in DNA (Fig. 5 1.5), although N I and N3 of adenine and N3 of in cancer c hemotherapy (some doL.en are approved in the UK at 723

A- N _ _...::...;_ __.

alkylatlng agents
can cause ! N: ( :NH
lntrastrand linking
and cross-linking ~ N'l' NH2

DNA chain

N '-..
2 2
CH ;~
~ o NH
Fig. 51.4 The effects of bifunctional alkylating agents on
Loss of the second
Cl in a further set of
-l.~A NH2
DNA. Note the cross-linking of two guanines. A, adenine; C, reactions gives a ~

cytosine; G, guanine; T, thymine. cross-link DNA chain

Fig. 51 .5 A.n example of alkylation and cross-linking of
DNA by a nitrogen mustard. A bis(chloroethyQamine (1)
undergoes Intramolecular cyclisation, forming an unstable
ethylene 1mmonium cation (2) and releasing c1, the tertiary
the time of writing). Only a few commonly used ones will be amine being transformed to a quaternary ammonium
dealt with here. compound. The strained ring of the ethylene immonium
intermediate opens to form a reactive carbonium ion {in yellow
box) (3), which reacts immediately with N7 of guanine {in green
Nitrogen mustards circle) to give 7-alkylguanine (bond shown in blue), the N7
Nitrogen mustards are related to the 'mustard gas' used during being converted to a quaternary ammonium nitrogen. These
the First World War; their basic fonnu la (R-N-bis-(2-chloroethyl)) reactions can then be repeated with the other -CH2CH 2CI to
is shown in Figure 5 1.5. In the body, each 2-chloroethy l side- give a cross-link.
chain undergoes an intramolecular cyclisation with the release
of a Cl . The highly reactive ethylene immonium derivati ve so
formed can interact with DNA (see Figs 5 1.4 and 51.5) and other
Cyclophosphamide is probably the most commonly used Nitrosoureas
alkylating agent. It i!> inactive until metabolised in the liver by the Examples of the nitrosoureas are the chloroetbylnitrosourea'
P450 mixed function oxidases (see Fig. 51.6 and Ch. 8). It has a lomustinc and carmustine. As they are lipid-soluble and cro,,
pronounced effect on lymphocytes and can also be used as an tl1e blood-brain barrier, they may be used against tumoun. of the
immunosuppressant (sec Ch. 14). It is usually given orally or by brain and meninges. However, most nitrosoureas have a se\en:
intravenous injection but may also be given intramuscularly. cumulative deprel>~ive effect on the bone marrow that start\ J.i
Important toxic eiTccts are nausea and vomiting, bone marrow week after initiation of treatment.
depression and haemorrhagic cystitis. This last effect (which also
occurs with the related drug ifosfamide) is caused by the Busulfan
metabolite acrolein and can be ameliorated by increasing fluid Busulfan has a selective effect on the bone marrow. dcpre,,ing
intake and adminbtering compounds that are sultbydryl donors, the formation of granulocytes and platelets in low dosage and of
such as N -acetyl cyst eine or m esna (sodium-2-mercaptoethane red cells in higher dosage. lt ha~ little or no effect on lymphoid
sulfonate). These agents interact specifically with acrolein, tissue or the gastrointeMinal tract. I t is used in chronic granulo-
forming a non-toxic compound. See also Chapters 8 and 53. cytic leukaemia.
Estramustine is a combination of chlormethi ne (mustine)
with an oestrogen. It has both cytotoxic and hormonal action, and Other alkylating agents
is generally u!.cd for tJ1e treatment of prostate cancer. Other Other al kylating agents in clinical usc include thiotepa and
724 nitrogen mustards used are m elphal an and chlorambucil. trcosulf'an.

Fig. 5 1.6 The metabolism of

Cyclophosphamide is 1nactive
until metabolised in the liver by
P450 mixed function oxidases to Cyclophosphamide
4-hydroxycyclophosphamide, Hepatic cytochrome
which (reversibly) forms oxidase
Aldophosphamide is conveyed to
4-Hydroxycyclophosphamide Aldophosphamide
other tissues, where it is
converted to phosphoramide
mustard, the actual cytotoxic Hepatic aldehyde \ Non-en;
oxidase R .zymatic
molecule, and acrolein, which is
responsible for unwanted effects.
The part of the 4-Ketocyclophosphamide Carboxyphosphamlde Acrolein + Phosphoramide
cyclophosphamide molecule that (inactive) (inactiv~
e(cytotoxic) mustard
gives rise to the active - (cytotoxic)
metabolites is shown in the blue
box. Mesna (sodium 2- CH2 Nl H2 / CH 2CH 2CI
mercaptoethane sulfonate)
Mesna II
CH O= P- N
interacts with acrolein, forming a
non-toxic compound. t HO 6H "'CH2CH2CI

Anticancer drugs: alkylatlng agents and Platinum compounds

related compounds Cisplatin is a water-soluble planar coordination complex con-
taining a cemral platinum atom surrounded by two chlorine
Alkylating agents have groups that form covalent atoms and two ammonia groups. Its action is analogous to that
bonds w1th cell subst1tuents; a carbonium ion is the of the alkylating agents. When it enters the cell. Cr dissociates.
reactive intermediate. Most have two alkylating leaving a reactive complex that reacts with water and then
groups and can cross-link two nucleophilic sites such interacts with DNA. It causes intrastrand cross-Linking, probably
as the N7 of guanine in DNA. Cross-linking can cause between N7 and 06 of adjacent guanine molecules, which results
defective replication through pairing of alkylguanine in local denaturntion of DNA.
and thymine, leading to substitution of AT for GC, or Cisplatin has revolutionised the treatment of solid tumours
it can cause excision of guanine and chain breakage. of the testes and ovary. Therapeutically, it is given by slow
Their principal effect occurs during DNA synthesis intravenous injection or infusion. ll is seriously nephrotoxic, and
and the resulting damage triggers apoptosis. strict regimens of hydration and diuresis must be instituted. It
Unwanted effects include myelosuppression, sterility has low myelotoxicity but causes very severe nausea and
and risk of non-lymphocytic leukaemia. vomiting. The 5-11T 3 receptor antagonists (e.g. ondansctron;
The main alkylating agents are: see Chs 12 and 25) are very effective in preventing this and
nitrogen mustards, for example have transformed ci!.platin-based chemotherapy. Tinnitus and
cyclophosphamide, which is activated to give hearing loi>s in the high-frequency range may occur. as may
aldophosphamide, then converted to peripheral neuropathies. hyperuricaemia and anaphylactic
phosphoramide mustard (the cytotoxic molecule) reactions.
and acrolein (which causes bladder damage that Carboplatin i~ a derivative of cisplatin. Because it causes less
can be ameliorated by mesna). nephrotoxicity. neurotoxicity, ototoxicity, nausea and vomiting
Cyclophosphamide myelosuppression affects than ci~platin (although it is more myelotoxic). it is sometimes
I particularly the lymphocytes. given on an outpatiem basis. Oxaliplatin is another platinum-
nitrosoureas , for example lomustine, may act on containing compound with a restricted application.
non-dividmg cells, can cross the blood-brain barrier,
and cause delayed, cumulative myelotoxicity. Dacarbaz:ine
f Cisplatin causes intrastrand linking in DNA. It has low Oacarbazine, a prodrug, is activated in the liver, and the resulting
myelotoxicity but causes severe nausea and compound is subsequently cleaved in the target cell to release an
vomiting, and can be nephrotoxic. It has all-ylating derivative. Unwanted effects include myelotoxicity
revolutionised the treatment of germ cell tumours. and severe nausea and vomiting. Temozolimide is a related com-
pound with a rc~tri cted usage (malignant glioma). 72 5

Pneumonitis can occur. In addition, when high-dose regimen~

arc used, there may be nephrotoxicity caused by precipitation
Folate antagonists of the dmg or a metabolite in the renal tubules. High-do~
The main folate antagonist is methotrexate, o ne of the most regimens (doses I 0 times greater than the standard dose~
widely u!>Cd antimetabolites in cancer chemotherapy. Folates are sometimes used in patients with methotrexate resistance, mu~t be
essential for the l>ynthelli'> of purine nucleotides and thymidylate, followed by rescue' with folinic acid (a form of FH~)-
which in tum are essential for DNA synthesis and cell division.
(This topic is al. o dealt with in Chs 22, 45 and 49.) The main Pyrimidine analogues
action of the folate antagonists is to interfere with thymidylate Fluorouracil, an analogue of uracil, also interferes with DT\fP
synthcsi~. synthesis (Fig. 5 1.8). ft is converted into a 'fraudulent' nucleotide.
In structure. folatel> con!>ist of three e lements: a pteridine ring, jluorodeoxyuridine monophosphate (FDUMP). This interact'
p-aminoben:.oic acid and glufllmic acid (Fig. 51.7). Folates are with thymidylate synthetase but cannot be converted into
actively taken up into cells, where they are converted to DTMP. The result is tnhibition of DNA but not RNA or protein
polyglutamatcs. In order to act as coenzymes, folates must be synthesis. Raltitrexed also inhibits thymidylate synthetase and
reduced to tetrahydrofolate (FH4 ). This two-step reaction is pcmctrexcd , thymidylate transferase.
catalysed by dihydrofolale reductase, which converts the Fluorourac il is usually given parenterally. The main tmwamed
substrate first to dihydrofolatc (FH 2 ). then to FH4 (Fig. 5 I .8). FH 4 e.fj"ects arc gastrointestinal epithelial damage and myelotoxicity.
functions as an essential cofactor carrying the methyl groups Cerebellar dislllrbances can also occur. Another drug,
necessary for the transformation of 2'-deoxyuridylate (DUMP) to capecitabine. is metabo lised to fluorouracil.
the 2'-deoxythymidylate (DTMP) required for the synthesis of Cytarabine (cytosine arabinoside) is an analogue of the
DNA and purines. During the formation of DTMP from DUMP, naturally OCCUlTing nucleoside 2'-deoxycytidine. The drug enters
FH4 is converted back to FJJ 2 enabling the cycle to repeat. the target cell and undergoe& the same phosphorylation reaction'
Methotrexate has a higher affinity than FH 2 for dihydrofolate as the endogenous nucleoside to give cytosine arabino.1idt
reductase and thu!> inhibits the e nzyme (Fig. 5 1.8). depleting trisplwsplwte, which inhibits DNA polymerase (see Fig. 51.91.
intracellular FH.s. The binding of methotrexate to dihydrofolate The main unwanted effects arc on the bone marrow and the
reductase ill\Oive-. an additional bond not present when FH 2 gastrointestinal tract. It a l ~o causes nausea and vomiting.
binds. The reaction most sensitive to FH4 depletion is DTMP Gemcitabinc, a relatively new analogue of cytarabine, ha,
formation. fe\I.Cr unwanted action~. mai nly an influenza-like syndrome and
Methotrexate is usuaJiy given o rally but can also be given mild myelotoxicity. It is often given in combination with Olher
intramuscularly. intravenously or intrathecaiJy. The drug has low dmgs suc h as cisplatin.
lipid solubility and thus docs not readily cross the blood-brain
barrier. It is. however. actively taken up into cells by the folate Purine analogues
transport system and is metabolised to polyglutamate derivatives, The main anticancer purine analogues include flodarabi ne.
which arc retained in the cell for weeks (or even months in pentos tatin, cladribine, mercaptopurine and tioguanine.
some cases) in the absence of extracellular dmg. Resistance to Fludarabine is me tabolised to the trisphosphate and inhibit>
methotrexate may develop in tumour cells by a variety of DNA synthesis by actions similar to those of cytarabine. It i>
mechanis ms (sec below, p. 731). myclosuppressive. Penloslatin has a different mechanism of
Unwanted effects inc lude depression of the bone marrow action. It inhibits adenosine deaminase, the enzyme that
and damage to the epithe lium of the gastrointestinal tract. trans fo rms adenosine to inosine. This action interferes with

, --- Pteridine ring -- -, , -- p-Aminobenzoic --, ---- Glutamyl residues-----
acid (PABA) f

Fig. 51.7 Structure of folic

acid and methotrexate. Both
compounds are shown as Folic acid
polyglutamates. In tetrahydrofolate,
one-carbon groups (A, in orange
box) are transported on N5 or N1 0
or both (shown dotted; See
Figs 22.2 and 22.3.) The points at

726 l which methotrexate differs from

endogenous folic acid are shown
in the blue boxes.

critical pathways in purine metabolism and can have significant

effects on cell proliferation. Cladribine, mercaptopurine and
tioguanine are used mainly in the treatment of leukaemia.

This is a widely used group of drugs that mainly produce their
elfeclS through direct action on DNA ru a rule. they should not
F(glu)11 be given together with radiotherapy. as the cumulative burden of
toxicity is very high.
FH 4 (glu)11 +
one-carbon unit
The anthracyclines
The main anticancer anthracycline antibiotic is doxorubicin.
Other related compounds include idarubi cin, daunorubi cin,
cpirubicin, aclarubicin, and mitoxantrone (miLOzantrone).
DTMP DUMP Doxorubicin has several cy totox ic actions. It binds to DNA
and inhibits both DNA and RNA syntl1esis, but its main cytotoxic
action appears to be mediated through an effect on topoisomerase
n (a DNA gyrase; see Ch. 45), the activity of which is markedly
Fig. 51.8 Simplified diagram of action of methotrexate increased in proliferating cells. The significance of the enzyme
and fluorouracil on thymidylate synthesis. Tetrahydrofolate lies in the fact that, during replication of tlle DNA helix.
polyglutamate FH 4 (glu)n functions as a carrier of a one-carbon
reversible !>wivelling needs to take place around tlle repljcation
unit, providing the methyl group necessary for the conversion
of 2'-deoxyuridylate (DUMP) to 2'-deoxythymidylate (DTMP) by fork in order to prevent tllc daughter D A molecule becoming
thymidylate synthetase. This one-carbon transfer results in the inextricably entangled during mitotic segregation. The swivel'
oxidation of FH4 (glu)n to FH 2 (glu)n Fluorouracil is converted to is produced by topoisomerase U. whjch nic~ botll DNA strands
FDUMP, which inhibits thymidylate synthetase. DHFR, and subsequently reseals the breaks. Doxorubicin intercalmes in
dihydrofolate reductase.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _) the D A, and its effect is. in essence. to stabilise the
DNA-topoisomcrasc JJ complex after the strands have been nicked.
tllus halting the process at this point.

deoxyribonucleoside ..... _!Sr-
trisphosphate ~~\ Anticancer drugs: antlmetabolltes
....'i' _.- c

S - P- S - /'
Antimetabolites block or subvert pathways of
I I DNA synthesis.
G A Folate antagonists. Methotrexate inhibits
Ill II dihydrofolate reductase, preventing generation of
I I I I I Template tetrahydrofolate interfering with thymidylate synthesis.
- S - P - S - P - S ~ P - S - P - S - I Methotrexate is taken up into cells by the folate
__ ,
carrier and, like folate, is converted to the
polyglutamate form. Normal cells affected by high
doses can be 'rescued' by folinic acid. Unwanted
effects are myelosuppression and possible
Pyrimidine analogues. Fluorouracil is converted to a
S - P- S ' fraudulent' nucleotide and inhibits thymidylate
I I synthesis. Cytarabine in its trisphosphate form
G A C inhibits DNA polymerase. They are potent
Ill II Ill myelosuppressives.
I I I I Purine analogues. Mercaptopurine is converted into
- S - P- S - P- S - P- S --- fraudulent nucleotide. Fludarabine in its trisphosphate
form inhibits DNA polymerase and is
Fig. 51.9 The mechanism of action of cytarabine
myelosuppressive. Pentostatin inhibits adenosine
(cytosine arabinoside). For details of DNA polymerase action,
see Figure 45.8. Cytarabine is an analogue of cytosine. deaminase-a critical pathway in purine metabolism.

Doxorubicin is given by intravenous infusion. Extravasation conversion of ribonuclcotides to deoxyribonucleotide~. It 11

at the injection site can cause local necrosis. In addition to mainly used to treat leukaemia but has the familiar spectrum of
the general unwanted effects (p. 722), the drug can cause unwanted effects (p. 722), bone marrow depression being
cumulative, dose-related cardiac damage. leading to dysrhythmias significant. c.~

and heart failure. Thi'> action may be the result of generation of of1
free radicals. M arked hair loss frequently occurs.
Dactinomycin Several naturally occurring substance exert potent C}10to\i,
Dactinomycin intercalates in the minor groove of DNA between effects and have earned a place in the arsenal of anticancer drug'
adjacent guanosine-cytosine pairs, interfering with the movement on that basis.
of RNA polymerase along the gene and thus preventing
rranscription. There is also evidence that it has a similar action
to that of the anthracyclines on topoisomerase II. It produces
most of the toxic effects outlined above, except cardiotoxicity. It The vinca alkaloids are derived from the Madagascar periwinkle.
is mainly used for treating paediatric cancers. The principal member!> of the group are vincr istine, vinblastine
and vindesine. Vinorel bine is a semisynthetic vinca alkaloid
Bleomycins with similar properties that is mainly used in breast cancer. The
The bleomycins are a group of metaJ-cbclating glycopeptide drugs bind to tubulin and inhibit its polymeri sation into
antibiotics that degrade preformed D NA, causing chain microrubules, preventing ~pindle fonnalioo in dividing celts and
fragmentation and relea~e of free bases. This action is thought to causing arrest at metaphase. Their effects become manife~t onl)
involve chelation of ferrous iron and interaction with oxygen, during mitosic;. They also inhibit other cellular acti vities that '11
re!.ulting in the oxidation of the iron and generation of involve the microtubules, such as leucocyte phagocytosis and
superoxide and/or hydroxyl radicals. Bleomycin is most chemotaxis, as well as axonal transport in neurons.
effective in the G 2 phase of the cell cycle and mitosis, but it is The vinca alkaloids are relatively non-toxic. Vincristine ha' c
also active against non-dividing cells (i.e. cells in the G0 phase; very mild myelo!.uppres!.ive activity but causes paracsthe,tal bu
Fig. 5.4). It is often used to treat germline cancer. Tn contrast to (senc;ory changes). abdominal pain and muscle weakness fairl) 01
most anticancer drugs. bleomycin causes little myelosuppression: frequently. Vinblastine is less neurotoxic but causes leucopenia.
its most serious toxic effect is pulmonary fibrosis, which occurs while vindesine has both moderate myelotoxiciry and neuro-
in I O'fl: of patients treated and is reported to be fatal in I lk. toxicity. All membe~ of the group can cause reversible alopecta.
Allergic reaction~ can also occur. About half the patients r
manife!>l mucocutaneou~ reactions (the palms are frequently Taxanes
affected), and many develop hyperpyrexia. Paclitaxel and docetaxel are derived from a naturally occurring
compound found in the bark of the yew tree. They act on h
Mitomycin microtubulcs, stabilising them (in effect 'freezing' them) in the a
Following enzymic activation. mitomycin functions as a 01
bifunctional alkylating agent, binding preferentially at 06 of the ca
guanine nucleus. It cross-links DNA and may also degrade DNA p
through the generation of free radicals. lt causes marked delayed Anticancer drugs: cytotoxic antibiotics
myelosuppression and can also cause kidney damage and fibrosis
of lung tissue. Doxorubicin inhibits DNA and RNA synthesis;
the DNA effect is mainly through interference with
Procarbazine topoisomerase II action. Unwanted effects include
Procarbazine inhibits DNA and RNA synthesis and interferes nausea, vomiting, myelosuppression and hair loss. It
wi th mitosis at interphase. Its effects may be mediated by the is cardiotoxic in high doses.
production of acti"e metabolites. lt is given orally, and its main Bleomycin causes fragmentation of DNA chains. It
use is in Hodgkin's disease. It causes disulfiram-like actions with acts on non-dividing cells. Unwanted effects include
alcohol (sec Ch. 52), exacerbates the effects of central nervous fever, allergies, mucocutaneous reactions and
system depressants and, because it is a weak monoamine oxidase pulmonary fibrosis. There is virtually no
inhibitor, can produce hypertension if given with certain myelosuppression.
sympathomimetic agents (sec Ch. 39). It causes the usual Dactinomycin intercalates in DNA, interfering with
unwanted effects (p. 722), thus it can be leukaemogenic, RNA polymerase and inhibiting transcription. It also
carcinogenic and teratogenic. Allergic skin reactions may interferes with the action of t opoisomerase II.
necessitate cessation of treatment. Unwanted effects include nausea, vomiting and
Hydroxycarbamide Mitomycin is activated to give an alkylating
H ydroxycarbamide (hydroxyurea) i s a urea analogue that metabolite.
728 inhibits ribonucleotide reductase, thus interfering with the

polymerise<! ~tate, achieving a ~imi l ar effect to that of the vinca Glucocorticoids

alkaloids. Pacl itaxel is given by intravenous infusion and Glucocorticoids such ns prednisolone and dexamethasone
docetaxel by mouth. Both have a place in the treatment of br~t have marked inhibitory effects on lymphocyte proliferation
cancer, and paclitaxel, given with carboplatin. is the treatment (see Chs 14 and 28) and are used in the treatmem of leukaemias
of choice for ovarian cancer. and lymphomas. Their ability to lower raised intracranial pressure.
Unll'allled effect\. which can lx: serious, include bone marrow and to mitigate c,ome of the side effects of anticancer drugs. make~
'uppression and cumulative neurotoxicity. Resistant fluid retention them useful as ~upponive therapy when treating other cancers. a!.
(particularly oedema of the legs) can occur with docetaxel. well a~ in palliative care.
H) persensitivity to both compound!> is liable to occur and requires
pretreatment with corticoMeroids and antihistamines. Oestrogens
Diethyls tilbestrol and ethinylocstradiol are two oestrogcns
Etoposide used clinically in the palliative treatment of androgen-dependent
Etoposide is derived from mandrake root. Its mode of action is pro~latic tumours. The latter compound has fewer side effecl~.
not clearly known, but it may act by inhibiting mitochondrial These LUmours are also treated with gonadotrophin-releasing
fu nction and nucleoside transport, as well as having an effect hormone analogues (see below).
on topoisome rase II similar to that seen with doxorub icin Oestrogens can be used to recruit resting mammary cancer
(see above). Unwanted effects include nausea and vomiting, ceiL (i.e. cells in comprutmcnt B: see above) into the proliferating
myclo!>uppres!>ion and hair loss. pool of cells (i.e. into compartment A). thus faci litating killing
by other, cytotoxic drugs.
The campothecins ir inotecan and to potecan. isolated from the Progestogens
stem of the tree Campwtheca acuminata, bind to and inhibit Progestogens such as megestrol. no rehisterone and m edroxy-
toJX>isomerasc 1, high levels of which occur throughout the cell progeste rone have been useful in endometrial neoplasms and
C)cle. Diarrhoea and reversible bone marrow depression occur in renal tumour'>.
but. in general, these alkaloids have fewer unwanted effects than
most other anticancer agents. Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone analogues
As explained in Chapter 30, analogues of the gonadotrophin-
rclea!>ing hormones, such a!> goserelin, buserelin . leuprorelin
and tripto rclin, can. under certain circumstances. inhibit
Tumours derived from hormone-sensitive tissues may be gonadotrophin release. The!>C agents are therefore used to treat
honnone-dependent, an effect related to the presence of teroid advanced breast cancer in premenopausal women ru1d prostate
receptors in the malignant cells. Their growth can be inhibited by cancer. The transient surge of testosterone secretion that can
hormones with opposing actions. by hormone antagonists or by occur in patienl~ treated in this way for prostate cancer can be
agents that inhibit the endogenous hormone synthesis. Hormones prevented by an an tiandrogen s uch as cyp rote rone.
or their analogues that have inhibitory actions on target tissues Analogues of somatostatin such as octreotide and lanreotide
can be used in treatme nt of tumours of those tissues. Such (see p. 422) are used to relieve the symptoms of neuroendocrine
procedures alo ne ra rely effect a c ure but do mitigate the tumours, including hormone-secreting tumours of the gastroin-
symptoms of the cancer and thus play an important part in the testinal tract suc h as YlPomas. glucagonomas. carcinoid syndrome
clinical manageme nt of sex ho rmo ne-depe ndent tumours. and gastrinomas. These tumo urs express somatostatin receptors,
activation of which inhibits cell proliferation as well as hormone

Anticancer drugs: plant derivatives

Vincristine inhibits mitosis at metaphase by In addition to the hormonel> themselves, hormone antagonist:.
binding to tubulin. It is relatively non-toxic but can can abo lx: effective in the treauuent of several types of
cause unwanted neuromuscular effects. hormone-sensitive tumours.
Etoposide inh1b1ts DNA synthesis by an action on
topoisomerase II and also inhibits mitochondrial Antioestrogens
function . Common unwanted effects include vomiting, An antioc trogen. ta moxifcn, is remarkably effective in some
myelosuppression and alopecia. cases of hormone-dependent breast cancer and may have a role
Paclitaxe/ stabilises microtubules, inhibiting mitosis; in preventing these cancers. In breast tissue. tamoxifen competes
it is relatively toxic, and hypersensitivity reactions with endogenous oestrogens for the oestrogen receptors and
occur. therefore inhibit~ the tnmscription of oestrogen-responsive genes.
lrinotecan inhibits topoisomerase I; it has relatively Tamoxifcn is ai<;O reported to have cardioprotective effect~. partly
few toxic effects. by virtue of its ability to protect low-density lipoproteins against
oxidative damage. 729

Unwanted effect)> are ~imilar to thol>e experienced by women to synthe),i.,e ac,paragine. the drug has a fairly selective action and re
following the menopause. Potentially more serious are hyper- has very little suppressive effect on the bone marrow. the muC\N
plac,tic event\ in the endometrium, which may progress to of the gastrointestinal tract or hair follicles. It may cause nau-.ca 0\j
malignant changel>. and the ril>k of thromboembolism. and vomiting, central nervous system depression, anaph}latuc E:
Other oestrogen receptor antagonists include toremifene and reaction\ and liver damage. eli
fulvestrant. Aromata'e inhibitofl> ~uch as anastrozole. letrozole tr
and exemcstanc, which l>Uppress the synthesis of oestrogen from Amsacrine
androgens. are al<.o effective in the treatment of breast cancer. Amsacrine has a mechanism of action similar to that ol
Aminoglutcthim idc. which blocks the generation of all steroids, doxorubicin (p. 727). Bone marrow depression and card1ac
has been largely replaced by the aromatase inhibitors. toxicity have been reported. lr.
Antiandrogens Monoclonal antibodies in
The androgen antagonists, fl utamide, cyproterone and bicalu- Monoclonal antibodies are immunoglobulins, of one molecular p~
tmnidc, may be used either alone or in combination with other typc, 2 produced by hybridoma cells in culture, that react wnh r.~
agents to treat tumours of the prostate. They are also used to defined target proteins expressed on cancer cells. Some are pi
control the 'flare' that i~ seen when treati ng patients with luonanised, meaning that they are hybrids or chimerae of human Ul
gonadorelin analogues (sec above). antibodies with a murine or primate backbone (and hence are le" It
likely to he immunogenic in their own right: sec Ch. 55 for more
Adre nal hormone synthesis inhibitors details). ln some ca\eS, binding of the antibody to its target activate'
Several agents that inhibit synthesis of adrenal hormones have the host's immune mechanisms and the cancer cell il> killed b)
effect~ in postmenopausal breast cancer. Tbe drugs used are complement-mediated ly~is (see p. 204) or by killer cells ('ee
trilostanc and (rarely today) aminoglutethimide (see Fig. 28.5), p. 21 0). Other monoclonal antibodies attach to and inactivate
which inhibit the early \tages of sex hormone synthesis. Replace- growth factor receptors on cancer cells, thus inhibiting the
ment of corticosteroids is necessary with these latter two agents. survival pathway and promoting apoptosis (Fig. 5.5). :II
Two monoclonal antibodies are currently in clinical u'o(: I
rituximab and trast uzum ab . d
Radioacti\e i\otopcs have an important place in the therapy of
Rituximah i~ a monoclonal antibody that is licensed (In
certain tumours; for example, r.ulioaetive iodine ( 131 1) is used in
combination with other chcmothempeulic agents) for treatm~nt
treating thyroid tumours (discussed in Ch. 29).
of certain types of lymphoma. lt lyses B lymphocytes by binding
to the calcium channel-forming CD20 protein and acti\atmg
MISCELLANEOUS AGENTS complement. It abo sensiti&es resistant cells (sec below) to other
chemotherapeutic drugs. lt is effective in 40--50% of cases when
Crisantaspase t~
combined with standard chemotherapy.
Crisantaspase is a preparation of the en~yme asparaginase, II
The drug is given by infusion, and its plasma half- life i'
given intramuscularly or intravenously. It breaks down (;
npproximatcly 3 days when first given, increasing with each
asparagine to aspa11ic acid and ammonia, and i.s active against
administration to about 8 days by the fourth administration.
tumour cells, such as those of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, it
Umvall/ed e.U'ecls include hypotension. chiJJs and fever during
that have lost the capacity to 1.ynthesise asparagine and therefore
the initial infusions and subsequent hypersensitivity reaction'
require an exogenous source. As most normal body cells are able
A cywkine relea~e reaction can occur and has been fatal. The
drug may cxacerhate cardiovascular disorders.
Alem tuzumab is another monoclonal antibody that lyses B 1
Anticancer agents: hormones and
lymphocytes, and is used in the treatment of resi~tant chrome il
radioactive Isotopes
lymphocytic leukaemia. It may also cause a similar C}tokine
rcleal.c reaction to that with rituximab. A
Hormones or their antagonists are used in hormone-
sensitive tumours: Trostuzumob
glucocortlcoids for leukaemias and lymphomas Trastuzumab (Herceplin) is a humanised murine monoclon31
tamoxifen for breast tumours antibody that bind'> to a protein termed HER2 (the human
gonadotrophin-releasing hormone analogues for epidermal growth factor receptor 2). a member of the \\ider
prostate and breast tumours family of rcceptOfl> with integral tyrosine kinase activity (Fig. 51.1)
antiandrogens for prostate cancer There b 1.omc evidence that. in addition to inducing host immune
inhibitors of sex hormone synthesis for
postmenopausal breast cancer.
Radioactive iostopes can be targeted at specific 1
As oppo:.cd 10 the 'pol yclon~ t nntibodies generally produced by the body
tissues, for example 131 1 for thyroid tumours. in rc>ponsc to a foreign antigen, which comprise a complex (and variable)
730 mixture of molecular -.pecics.

responses. trastuzumab induces cell cycle inhibitors p21 and p27

CFig. 5.2). Tumour cell~. in about 25% of breast cancer patients. Anticancer drugs: miscellaneous agents
o'erexpress this receptor and the cancer proliferates rapidly.
Early results show that tra-;tuzumab given with standard Procarbazine inhibits DNA and RNA synthesis
chemotherapy has re. ulted in a 79% !-year survival rate in and interferes with mitos1s.
treatment-naive patients '' ith thi~ aggressive fom1 of breast Crisantaspase is active against acute lymphoblastic
cancer. The drug is often given with a taxane such as docetaxel. leukaemia cells, which cannot synthesise asparagine.
Unwamed effects are !>imilar to thol>e with rituximab. Hydroxycarbamide (hydroxyurea) inhibits
ribonucleotide reductase.
lmatinib mesylate Amsacrine acts on topoisomerase II.
Hailed as a conceptual breakthrough in targeted chemotherapy, Mitoxantrone (mitozantrone) causes DNA chain
imatinib mesylate is a '>mall-molecule inhibitor of signalling breakage.
pathway kina~es. It not only inhibits platelet-derived growth Trilostane inhibits adrenocortical steroid synthesis.
factor (a receptor tyro~ine kinase; Fig. 51.1 ), but also a cyto- Monoclonal antibodies: rituximab and alemtuzumab
plasmic kinase (Bcr/Abl kinase, see Fig. 51. 1) considered to be a lyse B lymphocytes and are used for B-cell
unique factor in the pathogl!nesis of cl1ronic myeloid leukaemia. lymphomas. Trastuzumab targets epidermal growth
ll is licensed for the treatment of this tumour when this has factor receptor and is used for breast cancer.
proved to be resistant to o ther therapeutic strategies, as well lmatinib inhibits tyrosine kinase signalling pathways
as for the treatment of some gastrointestinal tumours not and is used for chronic myeloid leukaemia.
~usceptible to surgery.
The drug is given orally. Absorption is almost complete, but
plasma protein binding is high (95%). The half-life is long, about
physiological role of ?-glycoprotein is thought to be the
18 hours, and the main '>itc of metabolism is in the liver. where
protection of cells against environmental toxins. Jl functions
approximately 75o/c of the drug is converted to a metabolite that
as a hydrophobic 'vacuum cleaner', picking up foreign
., also biologically active. The bulk (81 %) of the metabolised
chemicals, such as drugs. as they enter the cell membrane
drug is excreted i'> the faccel>.
and expelling them. Non-cytotoxic agents that reverse
Unll'amed effects include gastrointel>tinal symptoms (pain,
multidrug rec;istance arc being investigated as potential
diarrhoea. nau!>ea), fatigue. hcadachel> and l.ometimes rashes.
adjuvants to treatment.
A decrease in the amount of drug taken up by the cell (e.g. in
Biological response modifiers
the case of methotrexate).
Agents that enhance the host's response are referred to as
lnsufficiem activation of the drug (e.g. mercaptopurine,
biological response modifiers. Some, for example inte rferon-a:
fluorouracil and cytarabine). Some drugs require metabolic
(and its pcgylatcd derivative). are used in treating some solid
activation to manifest their antitumour activity. Tf this fails,
!Umours and lymphoma!., and a ldesleukin (recombinant
they may be unable to block the metabolic pathways required
interleukin-2) is used in some cases of renal tumours. Tretinoin
to exert their effects. For example, lluorouracil may not be
(a form of vitamin A) is a powerful inducer of differentiation in
converted to FDUMP, cytarabine may not undergo
leukaemic cells and is used as an adjunct to chemotherapy to
phosphorylation, and me rcaptopurine may not be converted
induce remission.
into a fraudulent nucleotide.
Increase in inactivation (e.g. cytarabine and mercaptopurine).
RESISTANCE TO ANTICANCER DRUGS Increased concentration of target enzyme (methotrexate).
Decreased requirement for substrate (crisantaspase).
The resistance that neopla~tic cells manifest to cytotoxic drugs Increased utilisation of alternative metabolic pathways
1s said to be primary (present when the drug is first given) (antimetabol ites).
or acquired (developing during treatment with the drug). Rapid repair of drug-induced lesions (alkylating agents).
Acquired rc~istancc may result from either adaptation of the Altered activity <if target. for example modified
tumour cells or mutation, with the emergence of cells that are topoisomerase II (doxorubicin).
lm susceptible or resistant to the dmg and consequently have Mutations in various gcnel>, giving rise to resistant target
a selective advantage over the sensitive cells. The following molecules. For example. the p53 gene and overexpression of
are examples of variou mechanisms of resistance. the Bc/-2 gene family (several cytotoxic drugs).

Decreased accumulation of cvrotoxic drugs in cells as a

result of the increased expression of cel l surface, energy- TREATMENT SCHEDULES
dependent drug transport proteins. These are responsible for
multidrug re~i~tance to many structurally dissimilar Treatment with combinations of several anticancer agents
anticancer drugs (e.g. doxorubicin, vinblastine and increases the cytotoxicity against cancer cells without
dactinomycin; see Gottesman e t al., 2002). An important necessarily increasing the general toxicity. For example,
member of this group is P-~-:lycop!Vtein (PGP/MDR I). The methotrexate, with mainly myelosuppressive toxicity, may be 731

u~ed in a regimen wi th vincmtme, which has mainly MYELOSUPPRESSION

neurotoxicity. The few drugs we possess with low myclotoxicity,
suc h as cisplatin and bleomycin, are good candidates for Myelosuppression limits the use of many anticancer agen11
combination regime ns. Treatment with combinations of drugs Regime ns contrived to surmount the problem have included
also decreases the possibility of the development of resistance removal of some of the patient's own bone marrow prior tc
to individual agents. Drugs are often given in large doses treatment, purging it of cancer cells (using specific monocloo
intermittently in several courses, with intervals of 2 3 weeks antibodies; see below) and replacing it after cytotoxic !hemp) "
between courses, rather than in small doses continuously, finished. A protocol in which aliquoLS of stem cells, harve,tt\1
because this pennits the bone marrow to regenerate during from the blood following administration of the growth factor
the intervals. Furthermore, it has been shown that the same molgramostim. are expanded in vitro using further haemopo1e11C
total dose of an agent is more effective when given in o ne or growth factors (Ch. 22) is now frequently used. The use of \U~n
two large doses than in multiple s mall doses. growth facto rs after re placeme nt of the marrow has been
successful in some cases. A further possibility is the introduction.
into the extracted bone marrow. of the mutated gene that confer
The possible clinical applications of drug
multidrug resistance, so that when replaced. the marro\\ ceiJ,
action during the cell cycle
(but not the cancer cells) will be resistant to the cytotoxic acuon
Cells that arc constantly replicating constitute the 'growth c~
of the anticancer drugs.
fraction' of the tumour. Anticancer drugs may be classified in
terms of their actions at particular phases on the cell cycle,
as shown below, and it has been proposed that this information
could be of value in selecting individual agents or combinations POSSIBLE FUTURE STRATEGIES FOR an
for clinical use. However. not all authorities agree that treatment CANCER CHEMOTHERAPY Ill

schedules based on the~e principles are better than purely

As the reader will have judged by now, our current approach to
empirical schedules.
cancer chemotherapy embraces an eclectic mixture of drugs and
Phase-specific agents. Ma ny cytotoxic drugs act at different techniques, all designed to target selectively cancer cells. Real
points in the cycle. For example, the vinca alkaloids act in therapeutic progress has been achieved, although 'cancer' a' d
mitosis, whereas cytarabine. hydroxycarbarnide, fluorouracil, disease (actually many different diseases with a imilar outcome)
methotrexate and mercaptopurine act inS phase. Some of has not been defeated and remains a massive challenge for futun:
these compounds also have some action during G 1 phase and generations of researchers. In this therapeutic area. probably
thus may slow the entry of a cell into S phase. where it more than in any other, the debate about the risk-benefit of
would be more susceptible to the drug. treatment and the patient quality of life issues has taken cen~rr
Cycle-specific agents. These act at all stages of the cell cycle stage and remains a major area of concern. Many advanced
but do not have much effect on cells o ut of cycle (e.g. cancers (such as me tastasised lung cancer) re main essentiall)
alkylating agents. dactinomycin. doxorubicin and cisplatin). incurable, and there is a common perception that chemotherapy.
Cycle non-specific agems. These act on cells whether in with its distressing unwanted effect'> and minor increases u
cycle or not (e.g. bleomycin a nd nitrosoureas). longevity, is largely superfluous in such cases. This is n01

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