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Useful Language

Cross the odd sentence out


Asking for opinion I take your point, but I see it

Do you believe/consider that differently. I think
Whats your take on?
Whats your view on? Suggesting
In my opinion Why dont you/we?
Would you agree? Have you thought of?
Youre joking.
To express a strong
opinion Framing an argument
I strongly believe (that) The real question is
I dont know about that I mean, youd have to agree that
I have always believed (that) The point I want to make
What do you think about that?
Agreement Let me just pose a question here
Yes, exactly. Theres no doubt in Id say specifically that
my mind that
Really? Giving opinion
Were exactly on the same page. Im convinced/sure that
I couldnt agree with you more. I think we should consider
I think you are right.
Disagreement My take is
I can see your point, but As far as Im concerned
Yes, but on the other hand Well, if you ask me
Thats OK, I believe.
I really wouldnt put it that way If you are unsure what
because you think
I think you missed one important Im of two minds, but
fact which is I cant make up my mind, but
I disagree.
Disagreeing politely
You are completely mistaken.
Yes, but dont you think that
Perhaps, but I cant help thinking

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