ETP Sustainable Chemistry

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A European Technology Platform For


Executive summary 3

Introduction 4

Chemistry research 7

A platform for chemistry 9

Partnership and organisation of the Technology Platform 14

Annexes 16

References and Notes 23

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A European Technology Platform For Sustainable Chemistry

The establishment of a European Technology Platform for Sustainable

Chemistry aims to boost chemical research, development and innova-

tion in Europe. The Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry is a

joint initiative of Cefic, EuropaBio and the European Commission’s

DG Research.

This document expresses the chemical industry’s views on the rationale,

scope and organisation of the Technology Platform. It is intended to

act as a thought starter, and an invitation to additional stakeholders to

participate in the Platform’s future activities that will ultimately result

in a Strategic Research Agenda and action plan.

“We are responsible not only for what we do, but also for what we do not do.”


Executive summary

Chemistry is ubiquitous and is vital for a European chemical industry driven by Strategic Objectives
the quality of modern life. More and innovation.
better use of chemistry will enable our • To maintain and strengthen the com-
European society to become more sus- Innovation is a key driver for future petitiveness and sustainability of the
tainable. This requires major chemical competitiveness, to enable design and chemical industry in Europe based on
innovations and thus a successful and manufacturing of higher added value technology leadership.
healthy EU chemical industry to cap- products and more eco-efficient chemi- • To help meet society’s needs in terms
ture their value and spread their use. cals manufacturing in Europe that should of food, health, energy and materials in
also result in restored public confidence close cooperation with all stakeholders.
The EU is world-leading in chemicals in the industry’s (new) products and • To boost and sustain chemistry
production. Its chemical industry sup- technologies. Research and Development research in Europe.
plies products to virtually all is a major source of innovation in this • To improve EU framework conditions
downstream industry sectors. More ‘knowledge-intensive’ industry. However, conducive to chemical innovation.
than just a supplier of chemicals, the EU chemical R&D expenditures are
industry - with its continuous supply of decreasing and are structurally lower
product and process innovations - is than in competing regions, which are The Technology Platform should
also an engine for innovation for down- also better organised to capitalise on new provide:
stream sectors. areas of chemistry research.
• A management process to integrate
Whilst the EU chemical industry today There is an urgent need to boost chemi- multiple stakeholder perspectives
appears strong and healthy, the com- cal research and innovation in Europe. into a shared vision of ‘a more sus-
petitiveness of the sector in Europe is It is recommended to establish a tainable future EU chemical industry’.
at risk. This is due mainly to relatively European Technology Platform on • A European strategy for research and
high cost of production, low market Sustainable Chemistry to galvanise and innovation in key chemical technolo-
growth, and delocalisation of customer focus collaborative research, develop- gy areas, i.e. industrial (or ‘white’)
industries. In all but the most opti- ment and innovation activities relating biotechnology, materials technology
mistic future scenarios, the net trade to the European chemicals industry. and reaction & process design.
balance falls and Europe could well • An action plan to implement this strat-
become a net importer of chemicals by egy, including mobilisation of resources
2015! The sector’s role as an enabler of Ambition for collaborative R&D to sustain a
innovation to the downstream industry strong European chemical science base,
is therefore also in danger. The differ- To sustain a successful, competitive, alignment of relevant EU policies and
ence between the most optimistic EU chemical industry with global busi- initiatives, and recommendations on EU
scenario and all other scenarios lies in ness leadership innovation framework improvements.

A European Technology Platform For Sustainable Chemistry


Chemistry is ubiquitous and vital genome; cleaner and more sustainable Chemicals are produced by the
for Europe … energy production, storage and supply; EU chemical industry, which in
reliable and fast high-capacity informa- turn supplies virtually all down-
Chemistry deals with the manipulation tion storage, distribution and stream sectors …
of molecules, its essence lying in the processing; increased food quality and
design, production and transformation production with less demand on arable The chemicals sector produces thou-
of materials. These materials provide land; functional materials that make sands of different products, and
useful functionalities, and their very our vehicles lighter and stronger, hence supplies them to almost all other sec-
usefulness means they are found every- more energy efficient; and safer build- tors of the economy. A major share
where. Chemicals are found in ings with lower energy consumption. (27 %) of chemical products is further
buildings and houses, in appliances
and electronic devices, in paper and
textiles. Chemicals are essential com-
ponents of power-generating and
storage systems. They enable impor-
tant new environmental technologies Figure 1. The share of chemical domestic consumption, including pharma-
such as wind-power and fuel cells. ceuticals.
Chemicals are required in our trans-
port infrastructure in cars, ships and
airplanes. Chemistry is the core science Construction 5.4
Textile & clothing 6.3
for all new drugs and diagnostic tech-
nologies. Chemicals protect and
promote our crops, provide solutions Automotive 5.3
in the areas of hygiene, for example in
disinfectants and detergents, in food Electrical goods 3.9
Paper & printing products 4.5
and cosmetics including flavours and
Office machines 0.7
fragrances. They are an essential part
of modern textiles, colours, print and
Industrial machinery 1.9
painting, computers and mobile
phones. Chemicals are also essential
for fun in fashion, leisure and sporting Metal products 2.5

The last decade has witnessed a dra-

matic progress in chemical knowledge.
Consumer products 30.3
The promise of Chemistry could bring Services 16.4
great positive changes in our society,
but this will only become a reality if the
Chemical Industry succeeds in advanc-
ing breakthrough inventions from the
lab into new products and services in
the marketplace. As far as Chemistry is
concerned, we are convinced that the
best is yet to come: novel anti-cancer,
Rest of Manufacturing 6.1
anti-aging and disease prevention ther-
apeutics based on exploiting the Rest of Industry 10.3

processed within the industry itself. In ers: new materials for improved products, chemical industry is therefore a major
many instances, it is only after several process innovations, and price reduction, net contributor to the manufacturing
processing stages that products are enabling use of chemicals in more and trade balance of the European Union,
delivered to customers1. larger volume applications. representing over 40% of that trade
balance today.
The products range from basic chemi- A recent German study underlined the
cals (37.7%), via specialty and fine disproportionate impact of chemicals The EU chemical industry’s future
chemicals (28.8%) and pharmaceuti- innovation as a driver of innovation in competitiveness is at risk …
cals (23.3%) to consumer chemicals other sectors2, accounting for well over
(10.2%). The biggest industrial cus- 50% of innovation in pharmaceuticals, Whilst industry today appears strong
tomers of chemicals are the metals, textile and clothing, metal and petroleum and healthy, a recent study by Cefic3
mechanical, electrical and electronics processing industries. concluded that the sector’s future
industries, textiles and clothing, the competitiveness is in danger.
automotive industry and paper and The EU is a world leader in chemicals The industry is under great pressure, in
printing products (Figure 1). production, a major employer and a particular on environmental and health
major contributor to the EU’s GDP and aspects. The regulatory framework
The value-added downstream may be trade balance. raises indirect costs while placing high
several orders of magnitude larger expectations for innovation in products
than the chemicals sector itself. For World chemicals production in 2002 and processes. There is now significant
example Organic Light-Emitting was estimated at € 1300 billion exclud- stress on the industry to improve its
Diodes (OLED’s) represent a relatively ing pharmaceuticals. The EU is a poor economic performance.
modest market of € 350 million, but leading global chemicals producing
generate a market in display technolo- area, with € 360 billion or 28 % of
gy 10 times larger, which in turn are world chemicals production. The … leading to potentially less positive
important components in consumer sector's contribution to the EU GDP future prospects for the sector …
products (mobile phones, flat screens, (€ 22 trillion) amounts to 2.4%.
etc.) with a retail value of nearly In addition world pharmaceutical The leading position of the EU in
€ 50 billion! production was € 541 billion with a chemicals manufacturing is already
European share of € 167 billion in 2002. slowly eroding: the EU’s share of
global output has declined from 32 %
… and the chemical industry is a The chemicals sector comprises some a decade ago to 28 % today. This is
catalyst for innovation in down- 25,000 enterprises in Europe. Ninety- reflected within the European economy
stream sectors. eight percent of these have less than as well: output growth in the chemical
500 employees and may be considered industry (2.8%) was slightly lower than
More than just a supplier of raw materials, as SMEs, accounting for 45% of the that of the overall manufacturing
the chemical industry is a major source of sector’s added value. The EU chemical industry (2.9%) during the years
innovation to downstream sectors. industry currently employs 1.7 million 1996- 2001.
people directly, of which 46% are in
There are countless examples of chemical SMEs. While labour productivity has steadily
inventions that have enabled innovations increased over the last ten years,
in other industries, such as polycarbonate In 2002, the EU chemical industry sold employment in the EU chemical indus-
as a base for optical storage media, liquid 71% of its output within the European try has decreased by 16% to 1.7 million,
crystals for displays and aliphatic internal market, 46% of which was and by 40% in Central and Eastern
polyurethane for use in water-based coat- intra-EU exports. The chemical trade Europe to 1 million.
ing systems. Various mechanisms exist by balance has grown from € 14 billion in
which chemical innovations stimulate oth- 1990 to € 42 billion in 2002. The

A European Technology Platform For Sustainable Chemistry

The current climate for chemical chemicals by 2015! This will also have a In terms of the broader ecological load,
investment is not particularly serious ‘knock-on’ effect on the future the industry has made good progress
favourable in Europe because of low viability of customer businesses in in decoupling production growth from
return on investment due to a combi- Europe, such as pharmaceuticals. its emissions, e.g. CO2 and NOx, and
nation of relatively high production energy usage. By 2001, the Chemical
costs, changing regional balance in industry had increased production by
manufacturing in customer sectors, ... and in addition, there are envi- 38% since 1990, but its energy con-
and absence of advantaged feed ronmental concerns … sumption had increased by only 5%
stocks. While investments in the EU and CO2 emissions had fallen by 6%.
have followed the general trend for The usefulness of chemicals derives from These are important developments in
industrialised regions, investments their reactivity and industry’s skill in har- eco-efficiency consistent with the
Commission’s call for more
Figure 2: Chemical industry capital spending in the EU, the SA and sustainable technologies contained in
Japan* : 1993-2003 the Environmental Technologies Action
Plan4. The aspiration should be for
10 evermore sustainable production and


consumption of chemicals in the







future, increasing eco-efficiency







(therefore less waste) and restored



confidence in the industry’s (new)

6 6.1%
5.7% 5.6% 5.8% products and technologies.
5.1% 5.2%
5 4.9% 4.9%
4.6% 4.4%
3 … this leads to a pressing need for
boosting chemical innovation in
There is an urgent need to boost
1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 research, development and innovation
Source: Cefic 2004 in sustainable chemical technologies in
Notes: * including pharmaceuticals Japan USA EU
Europe if the economic and strategic
contribution of the industry is to be
have been structurally lower in Europe nessing this. With this goes the responsi- sustained. The enhancement of
(Figure 2). bility for effective management of risk to innovation efforts are to provide the
The Cefic competitiveness study devel- both health and the environment. In com- technology base for more sustainable
oped four future scenarios with a 2015 mon with many areas of technology there chemicals production, products and
time horizon. In all of them the EU is real public concern about the effective- services, thereby increasing eco-effi-
production share rises slightly, but ness of risk management and the extent ciency and value added, and to boost
transiently, as a result of the EU of our knowledge of the risks. This is investments in Europe by improving
enlargement process, before decreas- founded on a combination of such factors innovation framework conditions.
ing subsequently by 16 to 23%, as major plant incidents (e.g. Toulouse, Innovation will be a major determining
depending on the particular scenario. Seveso), the detection of trace quantities factor to secure the sector’s competi-
of potentially hazardous chemicals in tiveness and consequently the
In all but the most optimistic scenarios, body tissue using biomonitoring, and competitiveness of its vast down-
the net trade balance falls and Europe evidence of endocrine disrupting effects stream customer base.
could well become a net importer of linked to certain chemicals in nature.

Chemistry Research

Research is a major source of Figure 3: R&D Expenditure in the Chemical Industry in the EU, the USA
innovation … and Japan
The chemical industry is particularly

“knowledge-intensive”, and Europe’s
research is competitive in the global

context: Europe is a leader in many key

technology areas, as demonstrated by

the very high share of European scien-

tific publications in the main refereed




journals of this field of science, and by 3.0%


the large number of patents deposited




by European companies and 2.5%



researchers, e.g. in the US (23%).


The European Chemical Industry has 2.0%
an impressive track-record of turning
chemistry inventions into products and 1.5%
process innovations, e.g. the ongoing
development of metallocene-based 1.0%
applications in catalysis and, more
recently, bio-sensors. R&D is 0.5%
recognized by most chemical
companies and downstream users of 0%

chemicals as the single most 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
important element of innovation.
EU usa Japan

… but R&D expenditures are

decreasing and are structurally
lower than in competing regions …
… which are better organized to generally recognised for providing
However, the current focus on financial capitalize on the new areas of more supportive environments for
performance, frequent restructuring chemicals research innovation.
programmes and increasing regulatory
costs are limiting R&D spending in Unlike Europe, both the USA and
industry, which structurally underper- Japan have national strategies and Industry-academia research
forms in comparison to the USA and roadmaps for key chemical technology collaboration is increasingly
Japan (Figure 3). Moreover, since areas to guide their public-private important …
chemistry offers the base for many research expenditures. In comparison,
innovations in other sectors, these European efforts are relatively frag- Traditionally, there is a high degree of
repercussions are much wider for mented, i.e. chemistry research is industry-academia chemistry
European manufacturing. spread over multiple thematic areas, research. For example, 22% of
and public-private partnerships are as German chemical companies are
yet underdeveloped. All of this places engaged with universities compared
Europe at a competitive disadvantage to less than 7% in the overall German
compared to regions which are industry.2

A European Technology Platform For Sustainable Chemistry

Two major incentives for collabora- Figure 4: Chemical and industrial chemicals* graduates in major EU
tion are: improved access to remote countries
expertise, and shorter time-to-market.
Collaboration is increasingly impor- Number of graduates is
tant, driven by the trends towards estimated to decrease by
lean organisations and outsourcing 160
nearly 10% p.a. over
of “non-core” activities. Collaboration the period 1996-2007
is particularly crucial to SMEs, how- 140
ever larger companies tend to benefit
most from this trend.5 In today’s fast- 120
paced marketplace, collaboration
should ultimately save time for all 100
companies.6 Public funding is an
important incentive and facilitating 80
element to get access to academic
partners. 60

… but there is a worrying decline in
chemistry graduates 20

Unfortunately we are also witnessing a

sharp decline in the number of stu- 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
dents graduating in chemistry and this
trend is expected to continue in the Notes: * including pharmaceuticals
foreseeable future. The decline reflects Cefic 2004
the greater attraction of areas such as
services and IT (Figure 4). If the sector
is to remain innovative and growing,
this trend must be reversed.

A platform for chemistry

There is clearly a pressing need for a mechanism to galvanise and focus research and innovation activities
relating to the Chemical Industry and its partner industries in the value chain.

The proposed approach is to create a Platform deliverables order to meet the required pace of
European Technology Platform to • A long term vision for sustainable innovation. This is fully in line with the
achieve this. chemical technologies in Europe EU Lisbon strategy and related EU
• A vision for a competitive and sus- actions defined, for example, in the 3%
tainable chemical industry Action Plan7 and in the Innovation
The vision • Strategic Research Agendas (SRAs) Action Plan (in preparation)8, and fits
and respective implementation plans the perspectives of the future of EU
Our vision is that enhanced chemistry for key technology areas identified Research as recently communicated by
research and innovation, in particular that can catalyse the alignment of EU the Commission.9
in the areas of industrial (or ‘white’) and national initiatives and boost
biotechnology, materials technology research excellence
and reaction & process design, will • Mobilisation of financial support for Scope: Three technology
lead to breakthrough chemical product R&D from public EU and national sub-platforms and horizontal issues
and process innovations and support funds and from private sources, thus
an increasingly sustainable, eco-effi- providing a European dimension to The outputs from the chemical sci-
cient and competitive EU Chemicals research in chemical sciences in ences have such a broad impact,
industry in the next 10-15 years. order to focus and avoid duplication including in life sciences, computation-
Creativity in science will be replicated of activities al sciences, and advanced methods of
in marketing and stakeholder relation- • Identification and elimination of bar- process engineering and control, that
ships, featuring open communication, riers and addressing constraints to research requires discovery activities
and result in enhanced appreciation of chemical innovation, including skills, and invention across the entire
the industry by society at large. innovation transfer, regulation and spectrum of the chemical sciences:
Harnessing chemical technologies societal acceptance from fundamental, molecular-level
effectively will be a key element in • Consensus among stakeholders on chemistry to large-scale chemical
achieving the EU’s Lisbon objectives methods for and interpretation of processing technology and cross-disci-
and the Community’s desire to realise chemical risk assessments plinary collaborations with biology and
Sustainable Development. • Determination of the socio-economic physics, as well as with underpinning
impacts of SRAs and proposed relat- chemical technologies such as
ed actions, including establishing a catalysis and emerging technologies
Technology Platform scope and balance between expected benefits like nanotechnology. 10
objectives and potentially undesirable conse-
quences of the prioritised new Three key technology areas for the
The main goal of the Technology technologies. Chemical Industry and its partners
Platform will be to support the long- have been identified, which are critical
term success of the European The Technology Platform will be instru- and open for further innovation, and
Chemistry supply chain as a whole, by mental in stimulating both public and together they will provide a balanced
providing a major incentive for boost- private sectors in Europe to commit approach towards improved eco-effi-
ing chemical innovation in Europe more dedicated funds to chemical ciency. Furthermore, horizontal issues,
both across the supply chain and R&D, and in addressing major chem- including the financial, regulatory and
across disciplines. istry-specific barriers and constraints in societal dimensions, should also be

A European Technology Platform For Sustainable Chemistry

addressed to boost investment. These Biotechnology is proving its worth as a • Processing of biomass for bulk chem-
are the four challenges facing the technology that can contribute to sus- ical applications including
Technology Platform. Rationales and tainable industrial development thermochemical and (catalytic)
perspectives for each sub-platform and delivering eco-efficiency through: hydrothermal biomass conversion
horizontal issues are briefly depicted • Reduced usage of water and tradi- processes.
below; more details are listed in the tional chemicals.
annexes. • Reduced use of energy, and thus Industrial biotechnology needs to be
lower levels of fossil fuel CO2 emis- nurtured to overcome a number of bar-
Each technology sub-platform will sions. Substitution of a number of riers before its full potential can be
develop its own detailed vision and chemical processes could make a sig- realised. Challenges include the inte-
action plan, based on the views of the nificant contribution towards meeting gration of disciplines such as
respective stakeholder communities the targets set by the Kyoto treaty. biochemistry, microbiology, molecular
involved, and will include relevant • Increased use of renewable genetics and process technology to
existing and future European networks, resources, whether as chemical feed- develop useful processes and prod-
such as ERAnets (e.g. ERA Chemistry) stock or fuels. Growing rather than ucts, based on microbial, animal or
and Networks-of-Excellence. The plat- extracting will reduce the use of fossil plant cells, their organelles or enzymes
form as a whole aims to facilitate fuels and is carbon-neutral. as biocatalysts. Europe is facing fierce
breakthrough developments at discipli- • Production of new materials. Cell cul- competition from the USA and Japan
nary and sectorial interfaces based on tures are unique in their capacity to which have long term plans and large
the interdisciplinary approaches of the make new pharmaceuticals and vac- R&D commitments in place in this
individual sub-platforms. cines which could not otherwise be area. There are additional problems
made. blocking industrial biotechnology’s

Industrial Biotechnology

Industrial biotechnology is an emerg-

ing technology area entering its Industrial biotechnology has been in use now for two decades as laundry
‘growth’ stage. It is increasingly detergent enzymes; it has also been used to make penicillin and an
impacting the chemical sector, alternative to animal-derived insulin, as well as to produce many vaccines
enabling both the conversion of and medicines. Last year, a number of recent cases of industrial use of
(renewable) resources, such as sugars biotechnology were described,11 ranging from relatively small-scale
or vegetable oils, and the more effi- production of vitamins to large-scale bio-based plastics production,
cient conversion of conventional raw including the use of enzymes in textile applications, exemplifying the
materials using biotechnological area’s potential to increase materials and energy efficiency while
processes (including biocatalysis) into reducing emissions.
a wide variety of chemical substances,
many of which cannot be made directly
by synthetic routes.11 These include fine
and bulk chemicals, pharmaceuticals,
bio-colorants, solvents, bio-plastics,
vitamins, food additives, bio-pesticides
and liquid bio-fuels such as bio-ethanol
and bio-diesel.

development. The raw materials or and surface coatings, drug implant Areas of research interest include:
feedstock like vegetable oils and technologies and medical prosthetics • Computer simulation of materials
glucose needed for bioprocesses are using nanotechnological and bio- properties and processes including
expensive and the enzymes used to mimetic materials concepts. advanced processing, manufacturing
convert the material require a high • Intelligent Materials with tailored systems, high throughput experimen-
investment in research and long electrical (e.g. superconducting), tation, and prediction of product
development times. An increased level optical and magnetic properties for properties.
of research and investment in applications in electronic devices • Developing spontaneous self-assembly
developing cheap feedstock and such as displays or sensors, and for techniques as a useful tool for the
powerful enzymes is crucial. the support of quantum computing. synthesis and manufacture of com-
• New sustainable technologies in the plex systems and materials. Mixtures
The Industrial Biotechnology initiative areas of both energy and environ- of chemical components could organ-
has already identified and engaged
with its key stakeholders and is
progressing its vision activities. Nanotechnology is an emerging technology that allows the exact design
of material properties by controlling parameters such as domain
properties at the molecular level. The new technology has the potential to
make a significant impact on our world. Like chemistry it has an enabling
Materials Technology character – it underpins technology clusters of importance to the EU such
as materials and manufacturing. Application areas include construction,
Discovery of new materials with cosmetics, polymer additives, functional surfaces, sensors and biosen-
tailored properties and the ability to sors, molecular electronics, targeted drug release and manufacturing.
process them are rate-limiting to new Design approaches are miniaturisation and molecular assembly.
business development in many indus- Although there is nothing like a single “discipline” called “nanotechno-
tries. The demands of tomorrow’s logy”, the ability to design the properties of many materials on molecular
technology translate directly into scale will be crucial for most high-value applications. The technology
increasingly stringent demands on the development will go hand-in-hand with assessing and managing the
chemicals and materials involved: their balance between benefits and risks.
intrinsic properties, their cost, their
processing and fabrication, and their
ment, which include catalysis and ise themselves into complex
Converging with the various perform- renewable energy sources such as structures spanning the nano scale to
ance demands are a suite of new solar and fuel cell technologies. the macro scale.
technologies and approaches that offer • New methods of polymerization,
more rapid new materials discovery, including catalysis. The confluence of market demand and
better characterisation, more direct innovative technology development will
molecular-level control of their proper- There is a need for enhanced identifica- create many opportunities for new
ties and more reliable design and tion of opportunities, in close enterprises in the materials sector,
simulation. cooperation with partner industries down amongst which will be new high
the value chain, and to coordinate and technology leaders. Moreover,
Application areas of interest include: enhance public-private research to move innovation in this area will drive many
• Functional Materials and bio-(com- beyond the limited nature of industrial innovative, high-value applications in
patible) materials with tailored research programmes and avoid frag- the downstream industries.
properties which include thin films mentation and duplication of efforts.

A European Technology Platform For Sustainable Chemistry

Reaction and process design Reaction and process design is an In reaction process and design, two
overarching technology that can be complementary, yet distinct, approach-
Reaction and process design is of vital applied to all areas of chemistry. The es have to be aligned:
importance for the chemical industry. importance of technology leadership in • A Process Science and Engineering
Product life cycles are becoming this area is even more important due approach dealing with (reactive) dis-
shorter and specialty chemicals to the commercial threat from Asia tillation, crystallization techniques,
evermore rapidly become higher where chemical products are produced reactor design, drying methods and
volume commodity products. at lower costs than in Europe. In many separation and purification tech-
The only way to remain profitable cases, the focus of chemical research, niques that will include process
under these high cost pressure as opposed to pharmaceutical and analysis, modelling and control.
conditions is to keep a high level of agrochemical research, does not lie in • A Chemical approach, dealing with
excellence in the area of process the search for novel structures, but in the development of products such as
intensification. It is of paramount the optimization of production catalysts, novel synthetic routes, new
importance to have the best, i.e. the processes for basic chemicals, interme- reactions and novel solvents.
fastest, cheapest and cleanest diates and fine chemicals known to
production processes. society for many years. The Technology Platform will reflect the
way this field enhances the synergy at
universities between research and edu-
cation in chemistry and chemical
engineering, and will promote the nec-
Catalysis is the chemical and molecular science that focuses on accelerat- essary interactions between these
ing and increasing the material and energy efficiency of chemical disciplines. This sub-platform aims to
reactions. More than 80% of the processes in the chemical industry bring chemical sciences, chemical
(including pharmaceuticals), worth approximately €1500 billion, depend technology and engineering sciences
on catalytic technologies (Source: VCI). Catalysis directly contributes 2 to closer together to result in innovations
3% of the EU’s GDP, and an order of magnitude larger when taking into in reaction and process design.
account industries that depend on chemical raw materials (source:
OECD). There is constant need for improved conversion technologies
and new catalysts including enzymes, coupled with novel reactor and Chemical innovation: Horizontal
process technologies. issues and constraints

A strategic approach to innovation is

required to achieve focus on value cre-
ation from a sustainability perspective
rather than cost reduction or environ-
mental performance only. This is a key
advantage of the Technology Platform
as it can more effectively address the
integration of all the factors under-
pinning eco-efficient innovation.
This is particularly true as the industry
seeks to control the health and envi-
ronmental impacts of new technology
developments within supportive and
effective regulatory frameworks.
Successful innovation is never defined

by scientific and technological aspects contributions made to policy discus-
alone, but equally by other factors that sions as appropriate. The issues
need to be addressed to enhance include:
investments in new industrial • Intellectual Property Rights exploita-
applications. tion and protection
• State-aid for R&D
There are many cross-cutting factors • Technology Transfer Block Exemption
that need to be addressed including: regulation
• Education and skills.
• Knowledge and technology transfer There is a need for a number of other
mechanisms. political and fiscal measures, as well as
• Research on health, safety and efforts to increase the public’s aware-
environment-related issues, such as ness about new chemical technologies,
the reduction of risk assessment for which this Platform can serve as an
costs and animal testing through interface with the European
improved methods. Institutions.
• Research infrastructures and
engagement in EU research funding
programmes including researchers’
• Engagement and alignment with
relevant other (EU) initiatives, for
example the European Research
Council (in preparation); related
European action plans and initiatives
such as the “3%”,7 Environmental
Technologies,4 Innovation8 and
Manufacturing Technologies12 action
plans, and other European
Technology Platforms for which
chemistry is an essential enabling
• Access to venture capital.
• Congruence between effective
regulation and stimulation of innova-
tion; for example the eventual need
for regulation impact assessment.
• Building confidence in new technolo-
gies by raising awareness of the
general public.

A number of general innovation issues,

which are beyond the specific remit of
this Platform have also been identified.
These issues will be monitored and

A European Technology Platform For Sustainable Chemistry

Partnership and organisation

of the Technology Platform

Partnership already considerable in Europe, in par-

ticular among the members of the
The Technology Platform will consist of AllChemE alliance13. We now need to
a network of strategic and intellectual put it to work in a concerted manner.
alliances that bridge academia, indus-
try and relevant additional partners, to
foster the whole innovation process Platform organisation
from idea to product launch.
A high-level ‘Advisory Council’ (AC),
While the Platform will be industry-led, consisting of balanced delegations of
it is imperative that this is a real part- various constituencies, will serve as
nership with other key stakeholders to the Platform’s board.
enable a shared vision to be devel-

Technical solutions to unsolved prob- Figure 5: A possible organisation structure of the Technology Platform
lems can only be achieved by close
collaboration between academic and
industrial research, therefore first rate
academic partners as well as research
councils, in particular through relevant Advisory Council
ERAnets such as ERA Chemistry, will
play a pivotal role in the proposed
research activities. Industrial partners
from across the value chain will have a
key role in relaying their demands for
new chemistry. To enable smooth tran-
sition of an invention into the market,
financial institutions, for example the
European Investment Bank and ven- Horizontal Issues Platform
ture capitalists, also need to be in Mirror Group group secretariat
close contact. Innovation framework
matters can only be effectively
addressed by close engagement with
policy makers and regulatory bodies.

The Technology Platform should have a

transparent structure and this open-
ness will be key to achieving public Industrial Reaction &
trust. The composition of the partner- Materials
Bio- Process
ship may grow or change as the Technology
technology Design
priorities evolve. sub-Platform
sub-Platform sub-Platform

The combination of skills and infra-

structure to support this initiative is

The high-level Advisory Council will A mirror group, consisting of
have the mission to: representatives of Member States and
• Develop an overall long-term vision eventually of additional stakeholder
and general innovation targets. organizations, will allow coordination
• Improve co-ordination and best with national initiatives and projects,
added-value between the sub-plat- ensure a two-way flow of information
forms. from and towards the
• Organise horizontal activities agreed (sub-)platform(s), and act as a
by all three sub-platforms. discussion forum for Member States.
• Form the policy interface on issues The mirror group may articulate its
common to the three sub-platforms. work addressing sub-sector-specific
issues. A discussion with Member
In order to create an efficient and flexi- State representatives should lead to an
ble body the Advisory Council will appropriate organizational structure.
consist of a limited number of high-
level representatives from industry, The Platform will be supported by a
government including the European Platform Secretariat.
Commission, academia and other key
stakeholder organisations, bringing
constructive yet differing views and
having a decision-making mandate.
The Advisory Council members are
nominated by the three sub-platforms
with equal numbers of representatives
per sub-platform. The Advisory Council
should include the sub-group leaders
who together form the board’s
Executive Committee.

Four sub-groups will coordinate the

respective technology areas proposed
• Industrial biotechnology
• Materials technologies
• Reaction and process design
• Horizontal issues

The task of the technology sub-plat-

forms and the horizontal issues group
will be to:
• Develop a long-term vision,
innovation targets and a Strategic
Research Agenda.
• Form the policy interface on specific
• Plan, acquire and manage specific
projects and programmes.

A European Technology Platform For Sustainable Chemistry


Annex 1. Industrial Biotechnology. improvement of current chemical depend mainly on a number of factors
processes as well as allow for the use such as the future technology develop-
Whereas in the past, eco-industries of unconventional renewable raw ment, the overall demand, the
have mainly been associated with end- materials including low value biomass. feedstock (sugar and derivatives e.g.
of-pipe technologies focusing on waste starch, molasses) prices, and the
treatment rather than waste preven- Although a small number of policy framework.
tion, modern industrial biotechnology industries are involved
biotechnologies are preventive, focus- in industrial biotechnology today, its Mc Kinsey estimates that the chemical
ing on cleaner manufacturing contribution will be most keenly felt in industry could generate additional
processes to minimize waste in the the EU’s heavy industries that will added value of €11 to 22 billion per
first place. Industrial biotechnologies increasingly depend on it to remain year by 2010, depending on whether
range from the use of enzymes or competitive. Chemicals, textiles and the uptake is slow or fast.
whole cell systems to catalyse chemical leather, food, animal feed, paper and
conversions of conventional or renew- pulp, energy, metals and minerals and Two sources will contribute to this:
able resources, to thermo chemical waste processing are industries already cost reductions, such as lower costs
and (catalytic) hydrothermal (sub- and using biotechnology processes today. for raw materials and processing,
supercritical water) biomass conver- combined with smaller scale invest-
sion processes for bulk chemical The development of industrial ments for fermentation plants. The other
industry. Some examples are: biotechnology is of great interest to the source is additional revenues from
European chemical industry and innovative products and processes.
1. Vitamin B2 through Bio synthesis agro-industry. Out of the collaboration
resulted in 95% less waste and 40% of these two industries, entirely new The US National Research Council has
costs reduction chemical activities can be created, as produced similar numbers. They esti-
2. Antibiotic production was simplified has already been demonstrated mate that 10% of liquid fuels and 25%
from a 10 step procedure to 1 step, abroad. Also, industrial biotechnology of organic chemicals will be produced
achieving 65% less waste, 50% less may contribute significantly to the from renewable resources by the year
energy consumption and 50% cost future of European agriculture, and as 2020.
reduction such is very relevant for the
3. The application of enzymes in the sustainable development of our society.
textile industry resulted in 25% lower Possible areas for future research
energy consumption and 60% lower A McKinsey study has indicated that
emissions the market share of industrial biotech- The main long-term applications of
4. Use of Bio-polymers derived from nology will strongly increase in all industrial biotechnology within green
corn (renewable) requires 17-55% areas by 2010, but particularly in fine chemistry will be the replacement of
less fossil fuel input (not renewable) chemicals production. The estimated fossil fuel by renewable materials (bio-
5. Fuel and bulk chemistry benefit penetration degree by 2010 is estimat- mass and biomass conversion, organic
greatly from production biomass ed to lie between 30 to 60 % for fine waste), the replacement of a conven-
with total elimination of net CO2 chemicals and between 6 to 12 % for tional, non-biological process by one
emissions. polymers and bulk chemicals. Taken based on biological systems (bio-
over the whole of the chemical indus- processes, metabolic engineering etc),
try, the penetration of biotechnology is and the development of new bio
The prospects presently estimated at 5 % and this is products, including antibiotics and
expected to increase by 10 to 20 % by drugs. Industrial biotechnology is a
Further development of industrial 2010, and strongly increase further multidisciplinary technology and
biotechnology will thus enable afterwards. The penetration rate will includes the integrated application of

disciplines such as biochemistry, The raw materials or feedstock like
microbiology, molecular genetics and vegetable oils and glucose needed for
process technology to develop useful bioprocesses are expensive and the
processes and products, based on enzymes used to convert the material
microbial, animal or plant cells, their require a high investment in research
organelles or enzymes as biocatalysts. and long development times.
An increased level of research and
More interdisciplinary applied research investment in developing cheap
effort is needed in this domain. To feedstock and powerful enzymes is
overcome fragmentation and obtain crucial.
critical mass, research clusters and
networks must be created that can
grow into real centres of excellence.

Important research areas could be:

• The discovery, development and

optimisation of powerful and efficient
biocatalysts, and the design of
proteins and/or enzymes which have
novel functions.
• Low-cost raw materials for
• Metabolic pathway engineering.
• Efficient reaction and separation
• Effective expansion on bio process
and expansion on recycling possible
• Atom-efficient biotechnological
alternatives to conventional chemical

To date, most efforts to develop bio

product and bio energy markets have
focused on increased research. In the
area of biomass, the USA is spending
nearly ten times as much as the EU on
research programmes.

Although research is essential to build-

ing these markets, it is not in itself
sufficient. There are additional prob-
lems blocking industrial
biotechnology’s development.

A European Technology Platform For Sustainable Chemistry

Annex 2. Materials Technology als, luminescent materials for displays The path from electronics to biological
as well as new adhesives, solders and function goes via Chemistry. Sensor
Discovery of new materials with tai- packaging materials. technology provides a connection
lored properties and the ability to between biological function and an
process them are rate-limiting to new Speciality polymer industries would electrical signal. Advanced sensors and
business development in many indus- benefit from ‘intelligent’ composite new microanalytical devices will have a
tries. The demands of tomorrow’s materials based on organic or inorgan- substantial impact on health, environ-
technology translate directly into ic materials and also bio-compatible ment, and individual protection
increasingly stringent demands on the materials to design longer lasting bat- strategies in the coming years. The
chemicals and materials involved – teries, smaller and more stable ability to reliably link biologically active
their intrinsic properties, their costs, sensors, improved fibres for clothes, molecules to a surface will take func-
their processing and fabrication, and prosthetics and implants, and more. tional integration to levels previously
their ability to be recycled. Semi-conducting polymers could save deemed impossible. This provides
our environment and our economies of huge opportunities for improved med-
Materials science deals with the design the large burden due to corrosion ical devices and drug delivery
and manufacture of materials, an area issues. strategies. Another aspiration is the
in which chemistry plays the central design of materials that mimic the
role; there is considerable overlap with In energy production and transportation, behaviour of physiological systems
the field of chemical engineering and new materials with useful conducting such as muscle. In addition, new sen-
physics. Anyone can relate to such sub- and superconducting properties will sor systems could help to detect
stantial contributions as modern have a significant impact on our chemical or biological threats and play
plastics, paints, textiles, and electronic society when they are developed into a an important role as components of
materials, but greater opportunities practical system for the transmission security systems.
and challenges for the future remain. of large electrical currents over long
The materials sector of the chemical distances without energy losses. The chemical industry itself searches
sciences is vital, both fundamentally for new catalysts and many other prod-
and pragmatically, for all areas of sci- New materials with lightweight con- uct classes to meet increasing
ence and technology—as well as for struction will greatly enhance the requirements on performance, cost
the societal needs in energy, environ- efficiency and environmental sustain- and environmental impact of many of
mental protection, transportation, ability of surface and air transport. its products.
security, and medicine.
The most common form of surface
engineering is painting. While paints Possible areas for future research
The prospect prevent corrosion and water damage,
they need to be renewed on a regular The astonishing progress in chemical
It is beyond the scope of this docu- basis, which is costly and labour inten- science and engineering during the
ment to make an exhaustive map of sive. One significant contribution to 20th century make it possible to envi-
the future of this important area of modern life would be the development sion new goals that might previously
innovation. Some examples are: of long-lasting coatings with high have been considered impossible. This
scratch and weather resistance smart Technology Platform will identify the
The electronics industry, which contin- functional packaging materials, and key opportunities and challenges for
ually seeks new materials for even self-cleaning and self-healing Material Sciences, from basic research
superconductors, polymeric conduc- properties. Such surfaces can easily be to societal needs and from resource
tors and semiconductors, dielectrics, cleaned by rain, and have a mechanism utilisation to environmental protection.
capacitors, photo resists, laser materi- to self-repair after any surface damage. It will look at ways in which chemists

in industry and academia can work
together to contribute to an improved
future of our society. The focus of the
activities goes well beyond the limited
nature of industrial R&D programmes.

Nanotechnology: more than just a


Nanotechnology spans many areas,

including nanoparticles, nanocompos-
ites and custom designed
nanostructures that find applications
running from polymer additives to
drug delivery and cosmetics. Europe
has the expertise needed to develop a
technologically competitive advantage
in many of these applications.
Although there is nothing like a single
“discipline” called “Nanotechnology”,
nevertheless the ability to design the
properties of much material by virtue
of controlling domain size at the
molecular level will be crucial for most
high-value applications. A strong
emphasis on these technologies char-
acterises the long-term strategic
direction of government supported
research in both Japan and the USA.
A confluence of market demand and
innovative technology development will
create many opportunities for new
businesses in the materials sector;
amongst which will be new high tech-
nology leaders. Moreover, the
innovations in this area will drive many
innovative, high-value applications in
the downstream industries.

A European Technology Platform For Sustainable Chemistry

Annex 3. Reaction and Process processes for basic chemicals, interme- Areas in which catalysis research could
Design diates and fine chemicals known to provide a long-term solution through
society for many years. integrated cooperative research at the
Reaction and process design is of vital frontiers of knowledge include:
importance for the chemical industry. • Catalytic activation of C-H in alkanes:
The life cycles of products are The prospect This could lead to a breakthrough in
becoming shorter and specialties are As a result of the long tradition in petrochemical production which
transformed rapidly into commodities. process research and engineering, a could be based on alkanes constitut-
The only way to remain profitable great amount of know-how is already ing the major part of natural gas
under these high cost pressure available. The challenge today is to reserves, and not olefins from oil.
conditions is to keep a high level of concentrate engineering research in • Implementation of hydrogen as a
excellence in the area of process non traditional reaction and separation source of energy: A number of chal-
intensification. It is of paramount systems: e.g. plasma and supercritical lenges for catalysis in this area are
importance to have the best, i.e. the media; alternative activations e.g. present, e.g. the search for alternative
fastest, cheapest and cleanest microwave, photochemical, or electro- sources of hydrogen not involving
production processes. chemical; reactive extraction and fossil fuels such as utilising hydroge-
distillation and membrane reactors, as nase enzymes, replacement of
Process Science and Engineering, well as development of new concepts reformer catalysts for direct conver-
including engineering technologies, in flexible manufacturing process tech- sion in fuel cells; substitution of
engineering science, and engineering nology, e.g. the area of micro reactor precious metal catalyst with a lower
design dates back to the 1930’s and it technology, and the development of price CO tolerant catalyst so that the
is the foundation for the development, modular reaction techniques. mass production of fuel cells can
scale-up and design of chemical become feasible.
manufacturing facilities. When effec- • Catalytic methods for transformation
tively integrated with basic science and Possible areas for future research of complex molecules: this topic is of
enabling technologies, this area offers special importance in the area of fine
great potential for a quantitative under- Catalysis chemicals production, the synthesis
standing of chemical manufacturing Catalysis is implemented throughout and immobilization of catalytic reac-
allowing for improved yields, reduced the chemical production processes, tive centres in solid state surfaces;
waste and higher capital utilization. because it is a key technology for the development of new materials by
chemical industry, which through mul- novel paradigms in nanotechnology
Reaction and process design is an tidisciplinary focused collaborative to provide materials with higher spe-
overarching technology that can be research could result in major further cific surfaces. Also, selective
applied to all areas of chemistry. The developments. New approaches in hydrogenation and oxidation, bio
importance of technology leadership in catalysis should help us to move to catalysis (overlapping with industrial
this area has gained even more impor- more efficient, higher yielding chemi- biotechnology initiative) as well as
tance due to the threat originating cal processes, to near zero-waste multi-site/multi-reaction catalysis are
from Asia where chemical products are processes and to more energy effi- of great interest.
produced at lower costs than in cient processes significantly reducing • Feedstock alternatives and new
Europe. In many cases, the focus of energy consumption. For example, sources of energy from biomass:
chemical research, as opposed to phar- there are still a number of current Utilizing catalysts for obtaining a
maceutical and agrochemical research, processes for the manufacture of fine number of products from renewable
does not lie in the search for novel chemicals where as much as 100 kg resources; e.g. biomass, synthesis
structures for active ingredients, but of waste is produced for every kg of gas, innovative developments across
on the optimization of production product. refinery/chemicals interface; unifying

themes (feedstock opportunities) Organic chemistry have been developed recently, yet a
across sectors e.g. bulk and fine/spe- Synthetic organic chemistry is a disci- lot of research has to be carried out
cialty groups. pline that provides a cross-cutting before ionic liquids could be used
• Process aspects of industrial cataly- technology for the production of widely in the chemical industry.
sis, e.g. product-catalyst separation chemical materials and a skill base The separation of the final product
and (metal) catalyst recovery, multi- with the know-how required by the from the solvent is a problem that
site catalysis, multi-phase reactors, industry. still remains to be solved,
fundamental studies on the
More fundamental understanding of Analogous to catalysis, organic properties of ionic liquids and the
catalysis mechanisms and tools synthesis, despite being an old dog, is kinetics and reaction parameters in
for increasing R&D efficiency are learning some new tricks that will have ionic liquids are still unknown.
essential. great impact in the future of the The wide variety of ionic liquids
• Understanding of catalysis: Most of chemical industry. Many key areas con- available and the possibility of having
the results in catalysis originate from cerning novel solvents: a tailored synthesis of ionic liquid for
empirical investigations, it would pro- • Use of water as a solvent: Water is a given applications, e.g. as new
vide a breakthrough in the chemical one of the cheapest and most envi- conducting materials, open a great
research if the activity of catalysts ronmentally friendly solvents; deal of opportunities in this topic.
could be rationally designed and, however, most conventional chemical • New synthetic methodologies: a key
therefore, tailor-produced for a given transformations take place in organic aim for future more sustainable
transformation. Use of molecular and solvents. By contrast, nature carries organic synthesis is to increase ‘atom
quantum mechanical modelling for out chemical reactions with ease in efficiency’ – the minimization of
rational design and understanding of water at pH close to neutral using reaction steps and the use of
catalysts. enzymes and ribozymes. Therefore different chemical reagents. In the
• High Throughput Experimentation new paradigms in research have to be future, enzyme(-based) catalysis will
(HTE) for development of new cata- developed, including biochemistry- be key here. Another aim is to enable
lysts. High Throughput based ones which are included in the the use of renewable resources and
Experimentation poses a great oppor- Industrial Biotechnology sub-platform waste gases like CO, CO2.
tunity for catalysis since it would in order to implement the use of
allow for rapid identification and water in organic synthesis, not only
development of novel more effective dealing with the stability of reagents
catalysts. However, many questions and catalysts, but also with the solu-
still remain to be answered before bility problems of adducts and
HTE can expand. Often we create products.
more data than we can handle or • Supercritical solvent technology:
interpret effectively. How do we trans- supercritical solvents, especially car-
form the data input and database to bon dioxide, offer novel synthetic
provide knowledge of key process options due to their unusual solvat-
parameters such as kinetics? New ing properties (low dielectric
data mining tools and capability constant) coupled with ease of
development together with informat- removal of the solvent, and options
ics are required; the bridging to for phase transfer catalysis.
bigger scales and eventually to manu- • Ionic liquids: Ionic liquids have been
facturing has not yet been tackled described as green solvents, as a
systematically. result of their low vapour pressure,
and some commercial processes

A European Technology Platform For Sustainable Chemistry

Annex 4. Horizontal Issues Regulatory Safety Assessment: Use of initiatives will stifle any attempts to
chemicals requires effective manage- stimulate innovation and competitive-
Successful innovation is never defined ment of any potential risk to both ness. A collaborative role for the JRC
solely by scientific and technological health and the environment. There are and the Cefic Long-Range Research
aspects. Many other factors need to be societal and regulatory concerns about Initiative (LRI) can be envisaged here.
addressed. These include economic or the effectiveness of risk management
financial barriers, regulation and socie- of chemicals that could effectively Animal Testing: Current regulation of the
tal acceptance. Identification and constitute barriers to the adoption of chemical industry mandates the use of
initiation of action for addressing hori- new chemical technologies or the con- animal testing for existing and innovative
zontal barriers to and framework tinued use of existing technologies. chemicals. The chemical industry is there-
conditions for chemical innovation will Potential partner organisations for fore dependent on the use of animals in
therefore be an integral aspect of the addressing such constraints include testing in order to substantiate human
European Technology Platform for the Joint Research Centre (JRC) and and environmental safety of products and
Sustainable Chemistry. the European Chemicals Bureau (ECB). services. However, societal and regulatory
acceptance of animal testing is decreas-
Access to Risk Capital: Access to ven- ing. In turn, this increases pressure on
The Prospect ture capital is a potentially limiting the need to develop alternative methods
factor in the successful adoption and (based on Refinement, Reduction or
Examples of key barriers and frame- implementation of innovation. In par- Replacement i.e., the 3Rs) without jeopar-
work conditions that will need to be ticular, this may be the case for SMEs. dising safety. The European chemical
characterised and potentially Improved knowledge of sources and industry will therefore face major chal-
addressed include: enhanced availability of risk capital will lenges in the near future with regards to
therefore be a success criterion for this the requirements and restrictions placed
Education, Skills and Knowledge Base: Technology Platform. A role for the upon it vis-à-vis the use of animals in
The availability and mobility of an European Investment Bank (EIB), the safety testing. This will constitute a barrier
appropriately qualified and skilled European Investment Funds (EIF) and if left unaddressed and provides the justi-
labour force is essential to the long- private venture capital providers can be fication to tackle these challenges in
term viability and innovative capacity envisaged in this respect. conjunction with partners such as JRC.
of the European Chemical Industry. Areas of activity may include in silico as
The ability to attract high quality well as in vitro approaches and other
human resources and funding for Possible areas for future research efforts focused at refinement of interpre-
chemistry education throughout an tation or reduction in animal use
enlarged Europe is an objective to be Chemical Safety: The support and compared to existing test protocols.
pursued with partner organizations development of appropriate tech-
such as the Alliance for Chemical niques, test methods, tools and Risk Communication: The actual risk
Sciences and Technologies in Europe models for use in effects and exposure from innovative technologies (as
( assessment as part of the risk charac- opposed to perceived risk) also needs to
terisation of chemicals is an be effectively communicated to broader
Industry-Academia Research appropriate activity for the Technology society to ensure societal acceptance.
Collaborations: Collaborative research Platform. Congruence of the Historical failures in this respect have
is an important driver of innovation. Commission’s research policy with shown that societal acceptance is an
Facilitation of cooperation with aca- evolving Community regulatory policy effective barrier to innovative technolo-
demic partners to access remote on chemical safety is a key step in gies. As such this aspect cannot be
expertise and shorten time to market is addressing potential barriers in this ignored in any European Technology
an aim of the Technology Platform. area. Failure to ensure congruent policy Platform for Sustainable Chemistry.

References and notes:

1 Unless stated otherwise, data source is Cefic throughout the document.

2 "Innovation Motor Chemistry: Influence of chemical innovation on other industries", Centre for European Economic
Research (ZEW) and the Lower Saxony Institute for Economic Research (NIW)

3 “Horizon 2015: Perspectives for the European Chemical Industry”,

4 Communication from the Commission: Stimulating Technologies for Sustainable Development: An Environmental
Technologies Action Plan for the European Union, COM(2004) 38,

5 How to Learn in R&D Partnerships? M. Ingham and C. Mothe, R&D Management, 28, 4, 1998, pp. 199-212.

6 Managing learning in informal innovative networks: overcoming the Daphne-dilemma, J.E. van Aken and M.P. Weggeman,
R&D Management, 30, 2, 2000, pp. 139-149.

7 Communication from the Commission: Investing in research: an action plan for Europe, COM(2004) 226 final/2.


9 Communication from the Commission: Science and technology, the key to Europe’s future – Guidelines for future European
Union policy to support research, COM(2004) 353.

10 Communication from the Commission: Towards a European strategy for nanotechnology, COM (2004) 338 final.

11 EuropaBio publication: White Biotechnology, the gateway to a more sustainable future,


13 AllChemE is the Alliance for Chemical sciences, technologies and engineering in Europe, joining industrial (CEFIC),
academical (FECS, EFCE and COST Chemistry), governmental research funding (CERC3) and educational (ECTN)
members of the European Chemistry community.

A European Technology Platform For Sustainable Chemistry

FECS, through its member societies and their 150,000 individual chemical

scientists in academia, industry and government across Europe, welcomes

the initiative to establish the Technology Platform ‘Sustainable Chemistry’.

FECS looks forward to involvement as a major stakeholder in setting the

chemistry research agenda in support of a dynamic environment for

researchers and the future economic prosperity of Europe.

Professor Gábor Náray-Szabó, President, FECS.

The Royal Society of Chemistry welcomes the formation of the platform as

positive support for the essential role that chemical science based technolo-

gies will play in the future success of the European economy.

Professor Sir Harry Kroto, President, RSC.

CERC3, representing the national research councils in the EU member

countries which have responsibility for funding research and related

postgraduate training in basic chemistry, welcomes the announcement of

the European Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry. CERC3 looks

forward to participate in setting a European chemistry research strategy.

Dr. Louis Vertegaal, chairperson-elect, CERC3.

Cefic - The European Chemical Industry Council

For more information please contact


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