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3rd Grade Newsletter
Week of February 20-24, 2017

memory verse spelling words 17. even
Arise, shine, for your light has come, and 1. bungalow 9. stubborn 18. might
2. expedition 10. sulk
the glory of the Lord rises upon you. 19. should
3. regret 11. above
Isaiah 60:1 20. than
4. suitable 12. almost
of the week for encouragement 5. spattered 13. answer
mccarthy 6. intention 14. also
7. spectacle 15. each
of the Month for February
8. humble 16. often

Week in Class:
Bible: Lazarus Lives
Review Unit 4 for quiz and test, Mixed
Read Across America Day and Dr. Seuss birthday is March 2. To celebrate this fun
multiplication Test
day each class in our school has adopted a Dr. Seuss book to be their
Reading: Mr. Popper's Penguins theme for the day. Our class has adopted The Lorax J I think it would
be a fun art project to decorate an orange shirt in class. I am asking
Figurative Language, Subject/Verb
that each student bring an orange t shirt to school by this Friday Feb. 24.
Please write your childs name inside the shirt so we can keep track of
Social Studies: California Native Americans which shirt belongs to which child. We will be decorating them next week in
class. We will be reading the book in school, but the movie is really cute if
Native American Report
you want to watch it at home.

Art: Native American Map
This week we will be working on the first paragraph in our Native

American reports. I will be teaching the students how to research
library books due thursday their information, write notes, and use the notes to write a
paragraph. We will also be working on their maps for their tribe.
no parent helpers this week due to Students will be keeping all their resources at school so that they
have them for their writing assignment.
popper's penguins literature circles Thank you to all who made our Valentines Party so special. Thank you
for all of my wonderful valentines. I felt very loved The students had
a great time.

Homework and Stuff

monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday

No School Music Mixed Multiplication Timed P.E. P.E.

Pre Test Library Books Due Bible Verse Test

Citizen of the Month Chapel Math Quiz Spelling Test

9:00 Math Test
Mixed Multiplication Timed Test
No School Sticky Note Connections Sticky note Connections Spelling pre-test SIGNED Turn in signed pretest!

Finish Native American Math pg. 211 Sticky note Connections Turn in Sticky Note Connections
Google Slide Presentation Study for Math Quiz Unit 4 Study for Math Unit 4
in Google Classroom Lessons 11-18 with Boom Test with Review
Cards Deck Worksheet
Orange t shirt with
name written inside

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