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MWFRS = Main Wind Force Resisting Systems

for Low-Rise Buildings with h 18m

Wind Pressure, P:
P = qh[(GCp) - ( GCpi)] (NSCP 2010,, pg. 2-28)

Velocity Pressure, qh:

qh = 47.3 x 10-6 Kz Kzt Kd V2 Iw (NSCP 2010, 207.5.10, pg. 2-27)

GCp = external pressure coefficients given in figure 207-11 through 207-16
GCpi = internal pressure coefficient given in figure 207-5
qh = velocity pressure evaluated at mean roof height h using exposure
Kz = velocity pressure exposure coefficient given in Table 207-4, NSCP 2010
depending on the height of structure
Kzt = topographic factor as defined in Section 207.5.7
Kzt = 1.0 for all other conditions
K1K2K3 = multipliers in Fig. 207-4 to obtain KZT
Kzt = (1 + K1K2K3)2
Kd = wind directionality factor in Table 207-2.
V = basic wind speed in km/hour
Iw = importance factor from Table 207-3

Values from NSCP:

a. Velocity pressure exposure coefficient, Kz

Roof mean height = 10.1 m
Kz = ?

Portion of Table 207-4 (NSCP 2010, Table 207-4, pg. 2-25)

Height above Exposure

ground level Category
Z=h B (Case2)
9 0.70
10.1 KZ
12 0.76

By Interpolation:
Kz = 0.722

b. Topographic Factor, Kzt

The site conditions and location of the structure do not meet all conditions
specified in

Kzt = 1.0

c. Wind Directionality Factor, Kd

Kd = 0.85 (NSCP 2010, Table 207-2 pg. 2-23)

d. Basic Wind speed, V

V = 200 kph (Zone 2) (NSCP 2010, Table 207-1 pg. 2-23)

e. Importance Factor, Iw

Category V, Miscellaneous (NSCP 2010, Table 103-1 pg. 1-5)

Iw = 0.85 (NSCP 2010, Table 207-3 pg. 2-23)

f. Gust Effect Factor

G = 0.85

g. Wall Pressure Coefficient, Cp (NSCP 2010, Table 207-6 pg. 2-44)

L 36.0
B = 63.0 =

Windward Wall:
For all values of L/B
Cp = 0.80

Leeward Wall:
Value of L/B is equal to 0 to 1
Cp = -0.50
h. Internal Pressure Coefficient
Enclosure Classification (NSCP 2010, pg. 2-42)
Open Buildings
G Cpi = 0.00

Solving for Values:

a. Solving for qh
qh = 47.3 x 10-6 Kz Kzt Kd V2 Iw
qh = 47.3 x 10-6 (0.722) (1.0) (0.85) (200)2 (0.85)
qh = 0.987

b. Solving for P
P = qh[(GCp) - ( GCpi)]
P = (0.987)[(0.85)(0.80) - (0)]
P = 0.671 kPa
P = (0.987)[(0.85)(-0.50) - (0)]
P = -0.419 kPa

Therefore, use P = 0.671kPa

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