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NPM : 11310311




In the morning, I usually wake up at 4.00 and go to pray

tahajud. And than I study subject for this day and I go to pray
again. Before I take a bath, I clean my bed. At 5.30 am I take a
bath. After I finish to take a bath and wear my clothes . Then, I go
to breakfast with my friends. And than, I preapare my book and
another things. The first lecture start an 10.00 am and the second
lecture start at 13.00. the first lecture about metabolism of lipid
and the second lecture is practice about pathology anatomy.

At. 9.15 am, I am ready to go to lecture and I prepare my

bag. The first lecture finish at 12.00 and I go to back my
dormitory. Then, I take a rest for 15 minutes and lunch with my
friends. At. 12.30, I go to laboratory. I always bring my coat if I go
to laboratory. The second lecture finish at 3.00 pm. Before the
practice start, I study for pretest and posttest because I want get
good score.

At 15.30, I take a rest again and listen my favorite music.

And then I tahe a bath. If there is homework for tomorrow, I will
do it. But if there isnt homework for tomorrow I my chat with my
friends and eat snack. I always prepare snack in my bedroom
everyday. At 18.30, I pray and study subject for tomorrow. After
that, I call my boyfriend and we chat anything. Then, I usually go
to sleep at 21.30 because I must prepare my body to do many
activity for tomorrow.

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