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Self-Assessment of Mock Lesson

Name: Jessica Picassinos

Curriculum Expectation/Movement Skill Taught: Soccer Passing

Grade: 5

1. What were your strengths? i.e., what went well

I think that the specific movement skill I chose to teach was specific
enough that it could be attainable in such a short period of time.
Having the students reflect on what struggles they faced during the
minds on passing activity in which a person with a ball passed their
ball to a student without one.
o They were able to identify things that were difficult and
brainstorm possible solutions for making that task easier such as
making eye contact with a partner, or calling out their name.
Another thing that worked well was having the students gather around
to discuss the proper form and skill for passing a soccer ball before
sending them off to practice.
Explaining the proper way to pass a soccer ball- one person even said
that they learned more about soccer in that one short lesson that they
had even learned which I found pretty powerful.

2. What could you improve or build on? i.e., what didnt go so
Something that I would do in the future is ensuring that equipment is
not a distraction while I try to have a discussion with the student.
Students were a little lost and confused about the initial activity in
which half the students passed their balls to another student on the
call of switch! Though they were able to reflect on this activity I
would try to explain in more clearly in the future.

3.What questions do you still have about teaching movement

skills and concepts?

How can you teach movement skills in a fun way? It seems as though
getting the fundamentals of skills down is usually only engaging for a
select number of students.
Is it required to cover each movement skill for each grade in the
Can certain movement skills be applied to a variety of activities?

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