1973 Joint Formation in Ultrasonic Welding Compared With Fretting Phenomena For Aluminium

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3 Joint formation in ultrasonic welding compared with fretting phenomena for aluminium

Joint formation in ultrasonic

welding compared with fretting
phenomena for aluminium
Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven., The Netherlands.

Joints between aluminium sheets have been formed using two different processes. The
first process is ultrasonic welding using a vibration frequency of 20kHz. The second
process is fretting where two sheets are clamped together and an oscillatory relative
movement of small amplitude is applied to them. The frequency is 30Hz and the
amplitude is 5 ,um. After a certain number of vibrations a strong joint is formed
between the sheets. The following parameters were chosen to be equal for both
processes: the amplitude of the relative movement in the contact plane, the contact
pressure and the number of vibration cycles. The joints obtained from both processes
were examined using tensile shear tests, scanning electron microscopy and metallographic
sectioning. We conclude that both types of joints are very similar and consequently
formed by the same mechanism. It follows that joint formation in ultrasonic welding
and in fretting of aluminium must be ascribed to plastic deformation of an interfacial
layer. (In our case about 30 ,um thick). Diffusion and recrystallization do not play
an important role.

Introduction followed cycle after cycle . The growth of the joint can
be studied easily this way .
~ to the joint formation in ultrasonic metal welding no
~ nerall y accepted theory exists. A number of possible b) During frettin g no gross temperature rise occurs, sothat
basic mechanisms, which are mentioned in the literature , melting, diffusion and recrystallization cannot play a role.
are reviewed in the next Section.
ln our experiments the joints formed during the first stage
Fretting occurs between con tacting metal surfaces which of the fretting process were not broken because of the
undergo small oscillatory relative displacements. The relatively low amplitude and the small number of cycles.
firs t stage of fretting i.e. , the formati on of j unc tions The word ' fretting' is connected with the formation of wear
(microwelds) seems to be analogous to ultraso nic metal debris (second stage offretting). We, h owever, use 'fretting'
welding. The main difference is the lower vibration fr e- in the sense of 'the first stage of fretting using relatively
quency of the fretting process, which is roughly x 1000 small amplitudes and few cycles'. (This type of joint
lower than the frequency of the ultrasonic we lding process. formation could b e called 'subsonic welding'.)
To verify this analogy we made ultrasonic welds in aluminium Ultrasonic joining
and compared them with aluminium joints obtained by
In ultrasonic metal welding the parts to be welded are
fretting. The parameters (pressure in the contact plane,
clamped bet wee n a 'so notrode' and an anvil (Fig. 1). The
relative vibration amplitude in the contact plane and
'sonotrode' vibrates pa rallel to the interface of the two
number of vibration cycles) were chosen to be almost equal
parts and after a certain time a joint is formed .
in both the ultrasonic welding and fretting experiments.
The aim of the comparison was to inves tigate the mechanism The frequency of vibration is generally between 15 and
of joint formatipn in ultrasonic welding of aluminium. 100kHz. The vibration amplitude of the 'sonotrode' can
range up to 30 ,urn. The bonding time depends upon
For the study of joint formation the fretting process has
rna terial properties and lies between 0.1 s. and 1 s. The
several advantages:
clamping force is so chosen that the pressure in the interface
a) Because of the low frequency the process can be is about 0.3 times the tensile strength of the material.

Ultrasonics International 1973 Conference Proceedings 43

J. L. Harthoorn

Sonotrode Ainbinder and Tikhomirova [ 1] observed globular oxide

inclusions in copper after a weld time of 2 s. They concluded
that local melting took place. Frisch eta/ (2] reported
material being squeezed out of the interface during welding
of stainless steel in vacuum (time ~ 1 s.) A highly plastic
state of the material is assigned as an explanation.
Weare, Antonovich and Monroe (3] suggested melting but
did not observe any evidence.
Fig .1 A possible arrangement for ultrasonic welding
of sheets. No sign of melting was observed by many others [ 4 to 11] .
This is consistent with temperature measurements in the
ultrasonic bond zone which fall below the lowest melting
In order to join metals, clean surfaces must be brought point of the bond materials (see Table 1).
together within a distance comparable to the interatomic
distance . Interatomic attraction then causes bonding.
Plastic deformation
Such close contact can be obtained in the following ways: In regions where the surfaces are in contact lateral vibrations
1) Melting of an interfacial layer bring about shear forces in the interface during ultrasonic
bonding. Plastic deformation is observed which causes
2) Plastic deformation of the contacting surfaces removal and/ or dispersion of surface films (e.g., oxide layer,
3) Recrystallization of the contacting surfaces. adsorbed gases, lubricant films) [3, 5,15 to 18] . By the same
action clean surfaces are brought close together and metallic
r ~r effects such as diffusion and mechanical interlocking adhesion can occur [3,4,8,9 ,12, 13,19 ,20].
arc also considered as phenomena causing joint formation: Recrystallization
Melting The shape of a surface changes during recrystallization.
With regard to interfacial melting, only a limited number of Hence crystallites can grow one against the other to form
observations suggest that melting occurs. In the majority of atomic contact between two surfaces [21]. Recrystallization
cases however there is strong evidence of the absence of is reported by Okada eta/ [ 14] in ultrasonic joints of Cu,
melting. Zn and AI, Ainbinder et a/ [ 1] in Cu and Jones eta/ [4]

Table 1
Maximum temperatures observed during ultrasonic bonding of different materials

Author and year Bonded material Melting point Maximum

of lowest observed
melting temperature
material T in C.
in C. m

ndin 12 1960 Chromei Aiumel 1400 370

13 1961 Fe-con st antan 1300 600-850
Weare 3 1960 MoneiCu 1080 230
Jones 4 1961 T3 alclad Aluminum 660 470
CP-copper (to itself) 1080 300
Fe (to itself) 1450 660
Ainbinder 1963 AI (to itself) 660 630
Okada 14 1963 AI (to itself) 660 500
Daniels 8 1965 Various materials 40% ofT m
Ginzburg 15 1967 M3 copper 1080 730
Cu-AI 660 250
Hazlett 9 1970 Fe-constantan 1300 260
Cu-constantan 1080 260

Joshi 16 i971 Au (to itself) 1080

Au AI 660
Au -Cu 1080

44 Ultrasonics International 1973 Conference Proceedings

2.3 Joint formation in ultrasonic welding compared with fretting phenomena for aluminium

4-T6 aluminium and nickel. The last authors state

In the first stage, oxide layers and lubrication films
role of recrystallization is by no means established.
are disrupted by the oscillatory relative movements of
diffraction patterns of the welded zone Heymann the contacting asperities. By plastic deformation
[19] could not detect any recrystallization. The clean metal comes into contact and junctions or
re reached during welding does not necessarily microwelds are formed by metallic adhesion [28,29].
the recrystallization temperature (see Table 1). In the second stage of the process, these junctions are
r, the bonding time is, in most cases, short compared broken and wear debris is formed. In a reactive
time required for recrystallization, which of course atmosphere chemical reactions (usually oxidation)
strongly upon the temperature. (In the case of the can occur at the interface; reaction products are then
used in our experiments 30 min storage at 540'C formed. A progressive damage of the surfaces is
cause any recrystallization}. We may conclude that observed.
nee of recrystallization, if any, on joint formation
Ultrasonic equipment
The apparatus for ultrasonic joining was developed in our
. tis evident that intimate metallic contact must occur laboratory and consists of:
diffusion can take place. Hence in ultrasonic
a) a piezoelectric transducer [30]
diffusion must be considered as a phenomenon
about after bonding i.e., bringing surfaces into b) a bicylindrical amplitude transformer which is spherically
thickened at th'e end to form the weld tip (Fig. 1).
dence for bulk diffusion in a Cu-Al joint is given by c) an anvil, which can pneumatically be pressed against the
authors [15,17,22] weld tip
d) a generator with timer unit. The generator is automatically
tuned at the resonance frequency of the vibrating system.
The maximum electrical power is 400 Watt and the
nominal frequency is 20kHz. Voltage and current at
Ginzburg eta! [ 15] remark that it is impossible to account the transducer terminals and amplitude at the weld tip
the observed diffusion phenomena by the measured can be monitored.
They suggest that diffusion is stimulated by
Fretting apparatus
plastic deformation. Kulemin and Mitskevich [23)
investigated the enhancement of diffusion under the For fretting experiments a simple apparatus was built (Fig. 2).
'' influence of ultrasound. The diffusion constant could be The testpieces are two sheets. Sheet 1 (dimensions
. increased by a factor 7. The times, however, are very long 40 x 12 x 2 mm 3, see Fig. 2) is fastened upon an anvil, the
(1-3 hours) compared with ultrasonic welding times. As other sheet 2 (dimensions 40 x 12 x 1 mm 3 ) is fixed to a
yet, therefore, no conclusions concerning diffusion in lever, which has the centre of rotation P. The middle of this
ultrasonic welding may be drawn from this work. plate is situated over a rectangular hole in the lever.
No detectable diffusion is reported by Daniels [8] in a On the other end of the lever a vibrator is mounted (not in
Cu-Ni joint and Joshi [ 16) in a Cu-Au joint; both using the fig.). The frequency is 30Hz. Hence, by vibrating the
microprobe analysis. lever, sheet 2 can make an almost linear movement in the
direction AA. The maximum vibration amplitude at A is
Hazlett and Ambekar [9] observed Cu-constantan joints
40 {J.m. The middle of the moving testpiece 2 is pressed
with the scanning electron microscope. From micrographs
upon the fixed sheet 1 by means of a spherical pin . The
a faint evidence of grain-bounda:-y diffusion could be
radius of the end of the pin is 6 mm. When the lever
concluded. However they did not observe such a
vibrates the pin can follow the motion of the upper test-
phenomenon in a Fe-constantan joi_nt.
piece. At the end of the vibration period a joint is formed,
Mechanical interlocking between the two test-pieces, immediately below the pin.
The amplitude of the vibration is measured at A by means
A phenomenon which can also play a role in the ultrasonic of a "Fotonic Sensor" (a non-contact optical apparatus
joining of metals is mechanical mixing and interlocking. manufactured by Mechanical Technology Inc., Lathem,
This phenomenon is observed with scanning electron New York, USA). The sensitivity is 0.2 {J.m. The shear
microscopy by Hazlett [9) and Joshi [16) . It points to force in the fretting zone is monitored by means of a strain
plastic deformation without appreciable metallic adhesion. gauge.
Fretting Experimental results
When metal surfaces are in contact and undergo minute Experiments
oscillatory relative displacements fretting can occur. The
Aluminium sheet material was used. (A1 ~ 98%. Si ~ 1%,
vibration frequency can go up to about 100Hz and ampli-
Fe ~ 1%; Vickers hardness 38 VPN; tensile strength 120
tudes up to several hundreds of microns. Fretting is a
complex of adhesion, wear phenomena and chemical N/mm 2 .)
reactions [24]. Thomlinson [25, 26] was the first to discuss
The rolled surface did not undergo any treatment except
this phenomenon and called it"fretting corrosion", Later,
degreasing with acetone. Experimental parameters are given
the term fretting was generally used.
in Table 2.
A review concerning the phenomenology and the mechanism
Tensile shear tests
of fretting is given by Hurricks [27]. A very brief outline of
the generally adopted theory follows here: Tensile shear strength of the ultrasonic welds and the

Ultrasonics International 1973 Conference Proceedings 45

J. L. Hanhoorn

I Figs Sc and 6c we see that the interface has disappeared

Sheet 2
over large regions. The related Figs Sd and 6d shows that in
the whole interface severe plas tic deformatio n h as take n
place. The long grains of the rolled parent material are
Strain gauge fragment ed. The thickness of the deformed layer is
15-30 jJ.m, which is confirmed by Figs Se and 6e.
Especially in the ultrasonic joint, the initiation of cracks can
be observed at the periphery of the weld (Fig. Sa) . In a
joint obtained by fretting this is less clear ( Fig. 6a). However,
when in fretting an amplitude of 6.5 jJ.m is used cracking is
also observed.
Some additional experiments, using polished surfaces , show
the growth of the bonds during fretting (Fig. 7). The
increasing number of bonds and their increase in length
Sheet 2 can be seen.
Discussion and conclusions
Analogy between ultrasonic and fretting
Pressure in the contact area and the number of vibration
cycles are almost equal for the two processes (see Table 2).
cig . 2 Top view of the fretting apparatus with a section
The amplitude of the weld tip was 15 ~tm ; the amplitude of
hrough AA'.
the upper plate in the fretting apparatus was 5 jJ.m. In
join ts made by fretting was determin.e d (Table 2) . The ultrasonic welding slip occurs at three interfaces (a) weld
welded area of the joints was estima ted by mean s of a tool- upper joint member ; (b) between the joint members ;
microscope using an ocular with a scale division . (c) lower joint member- anvil. Also elastic vibrations of
the anvil occur.
In fre tting, when using larger amplitudes and/or a greater
number of cycles than in the experiments desc ribed in Thus the amplitude of the relative displacement(= slip)
Table 2 , the joints are broken du ring the fr etting process . between the two comp o nen ts is smaller than the amplitude
a t the weld tip. It is al so plausible that the slip betwee n
Initially a fa tigue stria ti on pa ttern is observe d at the periphery the joint me mbers de creases as the joint grows. As to the
of the fretting"zone in the pee led j oint , resulting in a value of th e slip between the specimen little is kn own. We
reduc tion in joint shea r strengt h . An a mplitude of I 0 }J.m estimate the va lue to be betwe en 2 and 8 JJ.m. The reasoning
an d 5000 cycles resul ts in an almost comple tely dest royed is as foll ows :
joint area (second stage o f fr ett ing).
Fi rs tly, in fr etting experimen ts no me tallic bon ds were
Scanning electron microscopy found when the ampli tude wa s 2 ,urn; with an am pl itu de of
Peeled joints we re exa mined with a scanning elec tron I 0 ,urn and 5000 cycles almost all the bo nds in the j oint
mic rosco pe . The micrograp hs of an ul trason ic weld are were destroyed .
shown in-Fig. 3 . Fig. 4 shows a joint made by fr e tting.
Secondly, a reference [3 1] (quoted by Dip pe [32 ] ) reports a
Th e dar k regio ns in Figs 3a a nd 4 a a re u nt ouched by the value of 8 ,um slip am plitu de between the specimen at th e
"-' rocesses. Oblong ro ughened regio ns, where joining t ook beginni ng of the we ld , dec reasing to 5,um a t the end of the
place , are visible. The lo ngest dim ensio ns of these regio ns welding peri od ; th e ti p a mpli tud e is 12 ,um . By ch oos ing an
is parallel to th e direc tio n o f the movement during the ampli tude ofS ,u rn for the fretting expe riments we ass um ed
processes . These oblo ng junct io ns pa rtl y ove rlap or to uch . that thi s would be close to the mea n value of t he ac t ual slip
A charac te rist ic of a rolled surface is the occurrence of am plitude in ul t ras onic j oining.
'"chan nels and ridges" running parallel to the direction of The f ormation of joints in fretting
rolling. In the " ch annels" n o me tall ic contac t takes place
and hence we see therr, as lo ng dark ve rtical line s on the We base the following pictu re o f the fret ting p roce ss u pon the
microgra phs ( Figs 3a and 4 a) . These are not ob se rved with exper ime ntal obse rva tio ns. Initially the surfaces make contact
specimens which were polished befo re fr etting (Fig. 7). at the aspe ri ties . The la teral vibration cau ses normal and
shear force s in the con tac t zone . Thus the surface layer
The brok en j unctions have the ch aracte r of duc tile broke n (oxide layer, adsorbed gases, contamina tions etc). is locally
material. This is show n in Fig. 3b fo r a n ult raso nic weld a nd broken and /o r disperse d in the parent ma te ri al. At those
in Fig. 4b fo r a joint obtained b y fre tting. For these two points plas tically defo rmed clean metal comes into con tact
micrographs the spec imens we re til ted ab ou t 70 to see the and the firs t bon ds are fo rm ed . The dim ensions o f these
relief of the surfaee. bonds are of the o rde r o f 10f1m (smallest spo ts in fi g.7a).
Metallographic studies These ini tial bonds grow in the direction of t he vibratio nal
moveme nt by repea ted plas tic deform atio n. A t the gro wth
Metallographic sectio ns we re made. The sam pl es we re
" fr o nts" the surface laye r is destroyed by deformation.
vibrato ry polished and imm ediate ly a ft e rwards anodized .
Du ring follow iag cycles new clean material is brou gh t in to
Fig. 5 shows micrographs of ultraso nic joints and Fig. 6 contact and me tallic adh esion occurs. Hence the grow th
shows sections of joints obtain ed b y fre tting. From " fro nts" of the bo nded are as p ro paga te and bonds become

46 Ultrasonics International 1973 Conference Proceedings

2.3 Joint formation in ultrasonic welding compared with fr etting phenomena for aluminium

Table 2 Experimental parameters and results

Ultrasonic welding Fretting

Thickness upper sheet 1 mm 1 mm

lower sheet 1 mm 2 mm

Vibration frequency 20kHz 30Hz

Amplitude of the weld tip 1520 ,urn

Slip amplitude in the interface* about 5 ,urn 5 ,urn

Number of cycles 6000 5000

Clamping force 900 N 60 N

Welded area 17 3 mm 2 1.3 0.2 mm 2

Pressure in the contact area 53 10 N/ mm 2 46 8 N/ mm 2

Tensile shear strength of the jointst 55 + 5 N/ mm 2 50 4 N/mm 2

* See opposite t With standard deviation

Fig. 3a Scanning el ectron mi crograph of a peeled Fig . 4 a Scanning electron micrograph of a peeled joint
ultrasoni c bond in aluminium . Direct ion of observation obtain ed by fretting. Direction of observation perpendi
perpendicular to the joint interface. cular to the joint interface.

Fig. 3b Scanning electron micrograph of a peeled ultra- Fig. 4b Scanning electron micrograp h of a peeled joint
sonic bond in aluminium. obtain ed by fretting.

Ultrasonics International 1973 Conference Proceedings 47

1. L. Hart/worn

.. . . .......
- -~

.. .. ., -.
.. -
. .. . -~ -
: -~ . .
-:-, ... -._:_. ; . -- ' :
.. . .. --.


..~.... .. . . ~ .-...-.--. - . : ....... -- .. . - .'

....- .; - .-~ ,. --..:-:~: :.. ..:.=---::::::.. . .... ._
. -
. - .. "!" . - .
.- . ' ..

:-: - -.~ - ' ~--_:. . . :. . - -- ~-

......... -- "'
:: . .. - . ...... . ~-

..... -

.-... .. - - .....,

... : :
___: .
~ _':"

"'-;..~~a .
--J , .... ... _ ..

........... ~
~ . _:
:_.~ :: - - .
- . ._-..;.
-. :
'a: , .
.... .. .. .

-- . . .-
-i. -
- - -
' ....
-. ....
- -~ - ..:

... so..u-,
.. .I

. . .

. .-
Fig . 5a . Metallographic section of an ultrasonic bond in Fig. 6a Section of a joint obtained by fretting. As Fig. 5a.
Direction of sectioning parall el to th e vibration directio n
during joining.
Oberved using unpolarized light.
'-....... Region at th e periphery of the joint.

Fig .Sb Sect ion of an ultrasonic bond . Fi g. 6b Sect io n of a jo int obta in ed by fretting. As Fi <J ~il.
Direc tion of sect io ning as Fig. 5a.
Observed using crossed po lari zers .
Same reg ion as in Fig. 5a .

. .... _.
. .-...
~ 0

..... . .-_,; .
. . .~

-~- .
-- -._.: . .
--. ~" .. :. .
~ -: ~

- ~. .. -
_... _. ._
: .... <- . ~- --
- -~
.--... _::
....--.... . ..---.-: .. . ............. ~
~ ,_,. .
. - ... . :.. - - -:

... - -
__ ._,.

.. : .:. -
- .:;::J--

. -- ... .......
. .
.:. , .
50 A-
-- .

. :. ~

_.. _ . . -

Fig. 5c Section of an ultraso nic bond. Fig. 6c Section of a j o int obta in ed by fretting . A s Fi g. 5c
Direction of sectioning as Fig. 5a.
Observed us i ng un po lari zed light.
Regio n in t he central part of the joint .
48 Ultrason ics Intern ational 1973 Conference Proceedings
2.3 Joint formation in ultrasonic welding com pared wilh fre tting phenomena for aluminium

Fig . 5d Section of an ultrasonic bond. Direction of sec- Fig . 6d Section of a joint obtained by fretting. As Fig. 5d
tioning as Fig . 5a . Ob se rv ed using crossed polarizers.
Same region as in Fig. 5c.

Fi g. 5e Sect ion o f an u l traso ni c hond. Fiq 6e Sec t ion o f a jo i nt ob t ained by fretting. As Fig . 5e .
D irect io n of sect iorlrrHJ pc rpcnd icular to th e vibrati on
dire ct ion ck11inu io ini r1g
Obse rved usi n~ cross>'d po l;11i ze rs. he:11 \(IL'II;,"IIi , tiJ , e'.\l'lcilc.l' ,,J '''["":'. J, ,, n,kd a reas in
R e~ti on in the central p;crt o f th e ioi111 . '"' ''' tvp'' -" j11i11h :111<1 1l ' ,r,,, .. ,, <ipl:~, t ic":illy deform ed
ll l lc' rlac cs i11 t!tc scc tiu ns. tlut tile ft1111l atinn o f joints in
tiltr~1 Sn11 i r weldini:! :111d d uri n\! tile l'ir\1 s i ~ I \!C t' f fre ttin g
oblo ng in the: dirclli'll uf tile' llll'VL'IIIc rlt (l : ig. 4a and Fig. 7).
c':lll he ,i,c'llllcd [II tile \:lll lc' .. ,,,, .!111,111.
Remuval <lillie ,1;'! ,l. r\ er ",,ur-; 'lliJiili,IIH.' UUSiy wi th the
i!rnw tlt "~'tir e' h"11' 1' \ 'tire' l''''cc'" c ~>t ll illues Jn inc rea sin g lkc-.111,,. "' tliL' !"11 (' 11 \\'l'i : 1 'I tiJ , frc'l lillg e xpe ri-::lCI\ 1
lllllllher "!' J-," " d' _., ,,,c. lllllle'\i , le'~J <.:c lr1 this manne r th e LthiiUI I~ ill \\ in the I'IC\c'! '[ c'\fll'lll lle'llh) . gross tempcr:tlurc
pi~JS t ic~illl del."ilile'cl lliie'JI ~IC I ~il l.ryer I'> C.\tl' lllied an d th e ri :;c dues 11"1 urcu r in frct t;n~ . Su temperatu re effec ts
j 11 iIIi i-; I.e> lllle'ti <:: t: IJ ~'' dillu'>i,ll l ~111d r-cc11 ''JJ iinli "ti .: :~r1 c' \Cr t lit tle
ttilluc nLc u1t thi s pmcc ss . T it ~. onilpuss ib le mec hani sm
Th e bonded ~ r rc ~1s ~ , ,,,,. l,,,, ar ds :1 lc n<z llt ,, f seve ral hundreds
'''' j11 ittl fJJIJ I:Ili u n under t~ti; c" ndi tl n is pL1stic defo rm Jti .1 :1
uf llliL'!'<llll"l''' ( 1- i~s t dtld 7 ) ~Jtld l'in-.ilh l':trt ly ove rl ap . The
as a lr cadv dcscrtbcd.
l::trge r the sl tp a tllplituJ, the l'ii slcr tl1 c gruwtl r. Fretting
c.\p criJIIct lts with an ~unp litu de "f ~U /1111 a nd 200 vi b ra ti on I lie": ct>tl> tde l:tli u ns k :1d t 'ill t'ina l cilllc"l us io n : Joint
eydcs yidd.t c> itll'> l'.tt lt the sa me streng th as the joints J,,,,lu ti<JII 11 1 ult r:JSullic' ll'l'e:111g 'I :illl111illiu111 is caused by
rnull i<mcJ in I .tbk ~I ~ 000 cyLIcs: 5 f1111 ) . pLi.,ltc dchr!JJ:ili"li.

After '>elcnl tl li ' ll\~!rld> "' c\ _lc, II'JtiJ ~111 :llnpli t ude o f 5 fl nl 11 tJ, '"" !. ,,,_.c lll ~ 11 tit : !''.,,., __:11!1 ,k k rme d as pe riti es .
tk,tn!c'liiJIJ "' ti" llcJ,i bc'i!ilh :11 'tile' J'crq>ll cry ( figs 7c a nd d). llltcle' >ill l:icc IJ1e'f\ ~Ill.? 1'1 ,:,. c!h;lc'l,..;d :tn d adhesion
rile Llr:,:c l the: .l:!!plit:.!c'c' ti lL' l,i )lc r tltc destnlct io n. "C: -.''11' . , lie'"' Slli, rli h" 1Hh ~! '''- 11 1 tile dirclt io n o f th e
\i brj ttnv lllOVc' tJW nt. In tlih i.1a1 tire ll'iJole area is weld ed
Compar iso n of the res ults and c o nclus i o n :ilt,' r a c.c rt :ri n num be r of vibut1 u ns and J pl astically de-
Th e resul ts of the tensile sltea r tes ts exa minat ion with the t\ rn Jcd interL1c Ld i:J ycr , 11 itil J tltic:l-.n.css o l' abo ut 30 j.1m ,
scan ni ng ckctmn ln icrusc,Jpc :tnJ rncta ll ug ra ph.ic sec tioning comes into existence. T cm;>ciJturc- ciTecrs such as diffusio n
show~~ strik ing simi!:tit '- b.' tllc'L' Il ultrC~sonic joints and anJ rec rys t:tl!itJ ti on do nut !'b\ J rok in this process. They
l'rctted j<Jints. usi ng :di'lllSt cqu:il p:1ra!nctns in bo th pro- c::lll uccu r d u rin g ultraso ni l' 1:elding but do nut primaril y
ct'ss~.'s . l t is _. ,,11:i .. c.: '":" ..... c: quality uf the tensile ,ausc the furm:tt io n of t he j,_,inr.

Ul trason ics Internat iona l 19 73 Confe ren ce Proceedings 49

= z=wn rrw .. _....,_

J. L. Hart/zoom

a) after 100 vibration cycle s c) aft er 1000 vibration cycles

b) aft er 300 vibration cycles d) aft er 5000 vibration cycl es

Fi g. 7 Scanning elect ron m icrographs of jo i nts obtained by fr etting of pol ish ed specimens. Vibration ampli t ude and pressure
as in T able 2.

Acknow ledgements Couco ub s. A. fi H WL> rk ul trasr,n i, b" ndin . Pro ceedings of

th e 1970 U ccrrr111 i c 0JIIIfiO !I CIII S Con /(nn ~e. \\ .1 shingt;n DC
I e ll tu thad; ~lr II. Peeters for carry ing out the experimen h (l' S.-\1. l 3- 15 \1 :". ( 197 0! . p p. 5-!9-556 .
~~ ' -~
1lr .J .L.C. D:.wms for 111akin g the sc anning elec tron
1> Da nic'ls, li.P.C. Ultra so nic wcldin~. U rraso nics. 3 (1965) ,
tn inllg raph s.
pp. 19 0-196.
I ~1 1 11 in de bte d l\' Dr 1\ . ll ul;;t f" r th e helpful di scussions. 9 ll .l kt t . T.ll. :111 c! -\rn bL'kt r. S .\ 1. \, :ditilllcd < >Jd ies on in te rface
t T~l p~..~ra t ur ~.. ' ~t nd l, Jndin ~ !ll l'L' h anl ' r~h .If
ult- "' n ic weld s
References lt'tl, i l>!g .f,,um a! 49 . (1 970), I'P 196 -20 0 . .. ,

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Ultrasonics International 1973 Conference Proceedings 51

Ul Ultrasonics
73 lnternational1973
Conferer1ce Proceedings
27-29 March 1973
Imperial College, London
sponsored by the journal ULTRASONICS

Published by IPC Science and Technology Press Ltd

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