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4-2-5 Basics Alignment of the DL in a Divorced Front Concept

This is the first post in a series about Basics of the 4-2-5 Defense. Let me start with two

1. I am going to try to use generic terminology when discussing the 4-2-5. There is
no universal terminology in football.
2. This series of posts is not comprehensive. The terms, concepts, and schemes I
am writing about will not cover every 4-2-5 scheme being run everywhere.

So here we go. The 4-2-5 provides the platform to be multiple. 4-2-5 schemes have
roots in 4-4, 4-3, and Nickel defenses. Combining elements from each scheme is what
gives the 4-2-5 its versatility.

Drawing on the schemes nickel roots gives 4-2-5 teams the ability to run a divorced
front concept. The idea is the front 6 align based on front alignment rules.

The DBs align based on secondary alignment rules. Because the front and defensive
backs have independent alignment rules the front is divorced from the secondary.

Looking at setting the front 6 defenders, there are a number of options. For the
following discussion we are going to start with a basic front.
This example is a G front with the DE's in 5 techniques, the DT in a 3, the Nose in a 2i,
the Mike responsible for the A gap, and the Will responsible for the B gap.

Getting the front lined up usually involves a LB making a declaration that tells the front
where to go.

Here the DE, DT, and Mike travel together and go to the call. If the LB calls Liz those
3 players go to the left. The DE, Nose, and Will travel together and go away from the

When the LB calls Rip the DE, DT, and Mike align to the right and the DE, Nose, and
Will go to the left.
This is certainly not the only way to do it. Some teams set the front based on the Nose.

Here the DE, Nose, Will go to the call and the DE, DT, and Mike go away.
I think this choice comes down to how the defensive coordinator thinks. If the
coordinator thinks about the front based on the 3 tech, it makes sense to set the front
based on the 3. If the coordinator visualizes the defense based on the Nose, the front
should get set based on the Nose.

Another choice some defenses make is using a right and left DE instead of them
traveling to and away from the call. A Right and Left system is great for helping the
DEs get lined up. The DEs know where they are going without a call. The DEs also
get to develop the consistency of stance, vision, and muscle memory from always
being on the same side. The drawback of using right and left is the defense has less
control over aligning the DEs where they want them every time. Another consideration
of Call/Away DE vs. Right/Left DE is the similarity of the players at those positions. If
the DEs on a team have similar profiles, a right/left system may be the way to go. If the
DEs have different profiles, the defense may want more control over where they are

When it comes to setting the front the defense can have the LB set the front anywhere
it wants.


Strong - Make the Rip/Liz call to the pass strength (higher number of receivers).
Weak Make the Rip/Liz call away from the pass strength

When setting the front strong/weak the defense must have a plan to deal with a
balanced formation.

Field/Boundary (Some teams call this Wide/Short)

Field Make the Rip/Liz call to the wide field

Boundary Make the Rip/Liz call to the short side of the field.

Tite/Split (Some teams call this Closed/Open)

Tite Make the Rip/Liz call to the TE

Split Make the Rip/Liz call away from the TE

When setting the front Tite/Split the defense must have a plan to deal with when the
offense flexes the TE. The defense must also have a plan to handle TE trade. There
must also be rules to handle two TEs sets.

Heavy/Lite (I have seen a bunch of other names for this concept)

Heavy Make the Rip/Liz call to an offset back

This could be an offset back in the shotgun or an offset fullback.

Lite Make the Rip/Liz call away from the offset back

The defense must consider what to call when there is no offset back (pistol or under
center). Also the defense has to consider what to do against running back motion.

The defensive coordinator can set the front right or left.

If there is another place the defense wants to set the front, all the defense needs is a
word. Because the front is divorced from the coverage the defensive coordinator can
get more from less. With one front (G) and one coverage (3) the defense has the
flexibility of 10+ calls.

1. Field G 3
2. Boundary G 3
3. Tite G 3
4. Split G 3
5. Strong G 3
6. Weak G 3
7. Heavy G 3
8. Lite G 3
9. Rip G 3
10. Liz G 3

These calls fall into 1 of 2 basic categories: guaranteed calls or conditional calls.
Guaranteed calls like Field, Boundary, Rip, and Liz are going to be there no matter
what the offense does. The conditional calls like Strong, Weak, Tite, Split, Heavy, and
Lite are dependent on the how the offense aligns. When calling conditional calls the
defense must have solutions for dealing with an offense who changes the condition
after the defense has set the front.

Take for example a 21 personnel team who has strong TE run tendencies. That may
lead the defense to plan on setting the front Tite. If the offense trades the TE, how will
the defense respond? Here are some of the options.

Nothing The defense has the ability to do nothing. The result is the defense ends up
in the same look it would be in if the front had been set split.
If when the TE trades the defense adjusts very little, it sends a powerful message to
the offense. The offense is looking at how the defense reacts. If the offense moves 1
player and the defense moves 6 in response, you can expect to see the offense
continue to trade the TE trying to make 6 defenders move before every snap. If the
defense doesnt have many players moving on the trade, the offense may decide
trading the TE is not worth their effort.

Reset If the defense wants to get the front to the TE, the defense can reset the front.
Here the original call is Liz. When the TE trades the LB makes a Reset Rip call.

The Tackle and Nose switch and the Mike and Will switch. The DEs stay on their side.
It is often too far of a run to get the DEs reset.

The final result is the defense back to having the front set Tite. Resetting the front may
not be fast enough to deal with the offense.
Slide Slide is an option the defense can use that allows the defense to get a 3
technique to the TE in a different way. Here the LB calls Slide to the DL.

This tells the Tackle and Nose to slide their alignments pre-snap. The Nose becomes a
3 technique, and the tackle becomes the 2i.

The drawback of this solution is the Nose and Tackle now have to play new techniques.
Also the Mike and Will have new run fits when the front is in a slide alignment.

Slant The DL can slant when the TE trades. Here the LB calls Slant when the TE
trades. The Tackle and Nose slant post-snap which gets the defense back to a Tite
front look.

That is the basic concept of a divorced front. Not all 4-2-5 defenses run a divorced front
this way. Not all 4-2-5 defenses choose to run a divorced front at all. Let me know if
this similar to what you are running in the comments. If you do something different
leave that in the comments too.

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