Sahnoune 2011

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Phase Transformation and Sintering Behaviour

of Mullite and Mullite-Zirconia Composite

Article in Advances in Applied Ceramics April 2011

DOI: 10.1179/1743676111Y.0000000004


8 48

6 authors, including:

F. Sahnoune H. Belhouchet
Universit de M'sila University of Mohamed Boudiaf - M'sila


Nouari Saheb
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Min


All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, Available from: H. Belhouchet
letting you access and read them immediately. Retrieved on: 06 October 2016
Phase transformation and sintering behaviour
of mullite and mullitezirconia composite
F. Sahnoune1, H. Belhouchet1, N. Saheb*2, M. Heraiz1, M. Chegaar3 and
P. Goeuriot4
Mullite is one of the most promising engineering materials for applications at elevated
temperatures, but has poor mechanical properties at ambient temperature; therefore, it is usually
reinforced with particles, fibres or whiskers to improve its properties. Among particles added to
mullite are ZrO2 particles which improve its fracture toughness through the well known process of
phase transformation from tetragonal to monoclinic in zirconia particles. The aim of the present
work is to explore the utilisation of Algerian kaolin, a-Al2O3 and ZrO2 to synthesise mulliteZrO2
composites through reaction sintering and investigate phase transformation and sintering
behaviour of the composites. The raw materials were mixed through planetary ball milling followed
by attrition milling. Compacted samples were sintered at temperatures between 1100 and 1600uC
for 2 h. The bulk density was measured by the water immersion method. X-ray diffraction (Rietveld
method) was used to characterise phases present in the sintered samples. It was found that the
zirconia phase retained its tetragonal structure with the addition of up to 16% zirconia. The
formation of primary mullite in all samples was complete at 1250uC. The cristobalite started to form
at 1150uC, and disappeared at 1300uC in the samples of mullite, and at 1250uC when ZrO2 was
added. The zircon compound ZrSiO4 started to form at 1250uC and completely disappeared at
1400uC. The increase in ZrO2 ratio promoted the formation of grains with spherical shape.
Keywords: Phase transformation, Mullite, Alumina, Kaolin, Reaction sintering

Introduction are often necessary to sinter stoichiometric mullite.

Applications of mullite were limited because of its poor
Because of its high melting point, low thermal expan- properties at ambient temperature. As a result, it is
sion, good chemical stability, excellent creep resistance usually reinforced with particles or fibres (whiskers) to
and high strength at high temperature, dense mullite produce composites with superior properties.1,712
(3Al2O32SiO2) is recognised as one of the most A well known process to improve fracture toughness1,2,1316
promising engineering materials for applications at is phase transformation, under applied pressure, from
elevated temperature.1,2 One of the methods used for tetragonal to monoclinic in zirconia particles. This stress
preparation of mullite is reaction sintering of alumina induced phase transformation is accompanied by a
silica, kaolinalumina mixtures or solid state sintering of volume expansion (y4%) and shear deformation
fine crystalline mullite powders. Fine crystalline mullite (y6%).2,17 MulliteZrO2 composites have been prepared
powder compacts require high temperatures (.1600uC) though many routes2,18,19 including sintering of mixed
to sinter to high density.3,4 From the other side, to mullite and ZrO2 powders, reaction sintering of mixtures
maximise properties, a close compositional and micro- of ZrO2 and mullite precursors, reaction sintering of
structural control is necessary.36 Pressure assisted zircon (ZrSiO4) and Al2O3, and crystallisation of rapidly
sintering such as hot pressing and hot isostatic pressing quenched melts in the system Al2O3ZrO2SiO2 with
subsequent sintering. However, the reaction sintering
method remained the most commonly used because of its
Department of Physics, Mohamed Boudiaf University, 28000 Msila,
low cost. In previous works, we synthesised mullite from
Algeria reaction sintering Algerian kaolin and pure alumina20
Department of Mechanical Engineering, King Fahd University of and reported the effect of MgO addition and sintering
Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia
Department of Physics, Ferhat Abbas University, 19000 Setif, Algeria parameters on mullite formation.21 Also, the authors
Department of Special Ceramics, ENSM, 158, cours Fauriel, 42023 investigated the kinetics of mullite formation and
Saint-Etienne cedex 2, France evaluated the temperature of formation, activation
*Corresponding author, email energies and growth morphology parameters.22 The

2011 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining

Published by Maney on behalf of the Institute
Received 7 November 2008; accepted 15 January 2011
DOI 10.1179/1743676111Y.0000000004 Advances in Applied Ceramics 2011 VOL 110 NO 3 175
Sahnoune et al. Phase transformation and sintering behaviour of mullite

1 Micrographs (SEM) of a kaolin powder, b kaolinalumina powder after 5 h of wet milling and c kaolinalumina powder
after 5 h of wet milling and 1 h attrition milling

aim of the present work is to synthesis mullitezirconia where x is a variable. These compositions are located on
composites through reaction sintering Algerian kaolin, a- the straight line defined by the equation
Al2O3 and ZrO2 with three different ratios and investi-
gate phase transformation and sintering behaviour of the Al2 O3 :2SiO2 :2H2 Oz2Al2 O3 zx (ZrO2 )
composites. ?Al6 Si2 O13 zxZrO2 z2H2 O
The shrinkage versus temperature was measured at a
Materials and experimental procedure constant heating rate of 10uC min21. Particles morphol-
Algerian raw kaolin (from Djabal Debagh) was used in ogy and the microstructure of the sintered samples were
this investigation. It was calcined at 700uC for 2 h to characterised using a JEOL scanning electron micro-
yield meta-kaolin. The chemical composition of the scope (model JSM 5600). The compacted samples were
calcined kaolin as determined by X-ray fluorescence is heated from room temperature to different temperatures
shown in Table 1. a-Al2O3 powder (MARTOX TD (11001600uC) at heating rates of 10uC min21 for 2 h.
MDS-6, 6 m2 g21, high purity) and zirconia containing Phases present and their transformations were charac-
3 mol.-%Y2O3 (3Y-TZP CRICERAM, 18 m2 g21, high terised using a Bruker X-ray diffractometer model D8
purity). (with Ni-filtered Cu Ka radiation) operated at 40 kV,
The powder mixtures were prepared to obtain 100/00 and 40 mA with a scanning speed 0?3u min21 and 0?05
of step. Phase compositions of the reaction sintered
(wt-%), 84/16 and 68/32 mullite/ZrO2 composites, and
samples were quantitatively determined by the Rietveld
they are named KA00Z, KA16Z and KA32Z respec-
method using the software package XPert Highscore
tively. The powders were charged into cylindrical
Plus. The retained tetragonal fraction of ZrO2 was
zirconia vials (250 mL in volume) together with 15
obtained from the ratio of intensity of the (111)
zirconia balls (10 mm in diameter). Water was added to
tetragonal peak to the sum of the intensities of the
the mixture at a ratio of 2 : 1. The ball milling
experiments were performed in a high energy planetary (111) and (111) monoclinic and (111) tetragonal peaks.23
The density of sintered samples was measured using a
ball mill (Fritsch P6) and were carried out at room
densimeter model KERN ARS 220-4 and quantified
temperature at a rotation speed of 250 rev min21. The
according to the Archimedes principle.
mixture was ball milled for 5 h followed by attrition for
1 h using ZrO2 balls (diameter of 1?2 mm) at a speed of
1250 rev min21. The addition of 1 wt-% of ammonium Results and discussion
polymethacylate dispersant (Darvan C) and ammoniac Figure 1 shows scanning electron micrographs of
was used to adjust the pH of the suspension with y10?5. kaolin powder before milling (Fig. 1a), kaolin and
The slurry was dried at 110uC, powdered and sieved alumina mixture ball milled for 5 h (Fig. 1b), and
through a 163 mm mesh, then compacted at a pressure of kaolin and alumina after milling for 5 h and attrition
75 MPa using a cold uniaxial press. Cylindrical speci- milling for 1 h (Fig. 1c). It can be clearly seen that
mens of 8 mm diameter were produced. Dynamic particles of kaolin before milling have irregular shapes
sintering studies of kaolinalumina and kaolinalu- and large particle size distribution. Ball milling for 5 h
minaxzirconia were performed using a SETARAM reduced particle size. However, the particle size
Labsys thermal analyser; kaolin/Al2O3/ZrO2 composi- distribution remained broad because of the agglomera-
tions with the following molar proportion were studied tion of small particles to form large particles. This is
due to the fact that ball milling involves repeated
Al2 O3 :2SiO2 :2H2 Oz2Al2 O3 zx(ZrO2 ) welding, fracturing and rewelding of powder particles.
Attrition milling for 1 h reduced the particle size as a
Table 1 Chemical composition of calcined kaolin as result of the breakdown of agglomerates formed during
determined by X-ray uorescence
milling. Also, after attrition particles have more regular
Component Al2O3 SiO2 MnO P2O5 SO3 K2O shape (close to spherical). These characteristics have an
important role in the compaction and sintering
Content/wt-% 44.40 53.05 1.54 0.03 0.02 0.02 behaviour of kaolin when it is used as raw material to
Component Co3O4 NiO ZnO As2O3 CaO Fe2O3 synthesise ceramic materials because of the reduction of
Content/wt-% 0.13 0.09 0.08 0.37 0.17 0.06
sintering time and temperature.

176 Advances in Applied Ceramics 2011 VOL 110 NO 3

Sahnoune et al. Phase transformation and sintering behaviour of mullite

2 Dilatometric studies on unred kaolinalumina and kaolinaluminazirconia samples a shrinkage curves; b rst deriva-
tives of shrinkage curves

Figure 2 shows the linear shrinkage DL/L0 (%) curves exceed 12% for KA00Z sample. At this stage, the SiO2
at a constant heating rate of 10uC min21, and its undergoes different transformations which end with its
derivatives as a function of temperatures for samples transformation to cristobalite.
KA00Z, KA16Z and KA32Z. A sample of a-Al2O3 with Secondary mullite (which results from the reaction of
the same dimensions was used as a reference. Phase the added Al2O3 with SiO2 remaining from the forma-
transformations that may take place at specific tem- tion of primary mullite) starts to form at 1400uC and
peratures are presented in Table 2. It can be noticed that ends at 1540uC with a maximum rate at 1500uC
the linear shrinkage curves for the three samples have (Fig. 2b).30,31 This is accompanied with a linear expan-
five common stages and one uncommon stage. The sion that results from many factors such as impurities
expansion of around 0?4% and 0?2% with increasing present in kaolin like Fe2O3 which transforms at this
ZrO2 for temperature less than 180uC is due to the temperature to Fe3O4. This will lead to an increase in the
dehydration of kaolin and its transformation to volume. The bulk density of the constituents which gives
kaolinite. The relative shrinkages of around 1?4 and mullite (theoretically it is 3?31 g cm23) is less than
1% which start at 500uC and end at 670uC, with a (3?16 g cm23). This decrease in the density is accom-
maximum speed at 600uC, are a result of the loose of panied with an expansion DV/V of y4?7%. After this
water when kaolinite transforms to metakaolinite. The stage, sintering reaches the last step which is the
shrinkages of around 3?6% and 2?9% between 890 and elimination of internal porosity and formation of regular
1040uC with decreasing ZrO2 content with a maximum grains, which will be accompanied with a relative
rate at 970uC are a result of phase transformations that contraction of not more that 2%. In samples containing
take place in metakaolinite to give spinel (SiAl) and ZrO2, there is a six-stage shrinkage that starts at 1340uC
amorphous SiO2.22,2429 The relative shrinkage due to and ends at 1480uC; the shrinkage will be maximum at
the transformation of spinel to amorphous SiO2 and 1475uC with a maximum rate at 1430uC (for sample,
primary mullite starts just after the end of the previous KA32Z). This shrinkage is due to the formation of
step and ends at 1340uC; this relative shrinkage is ZrSiO4 (which will dissolve at a later stage) from ZrO2
maximum for the sample with higher ZrO2 and reaches and SiO2 as it will de explained below.30
14% (DL/L0). This shows the role of ZrO2 in the increase Figure 3 shows the XRD patterns of the three samples
in sintering (pore elimination), while this ratio does not after performing the thermal expansion experiment. It is

Table 2 Phenomena observed during dynamic sintering of samples with different additions of ZrO2

Description 00Z 16Z 32Z Attribution

First expansion peak in 603 602 594 2Al2O3zC.ZrO2zAl2O3.2SiO2.2H2O(Kaolinite)R

shrinkage rate curve/uC 2Al2O3zC.ZrO2zAl2O3.2SiO2 (metakaolinite)z2H2O (vapour)
Second expansion peak in 966 962 969 2[2Al2O3zC.ZrO2zAl2O3.2SiO2 (metakaolinite)]R
shrinkage rate curve/uC Si3Al4O12(AlSi spinel)zSiO2 (amorphous)z2(2Al2O3zC.ZrO2)
Third expansion peak in 1193 1181 1168 3[Si3Al4O12(AlSi spinel)zSiO2 (amorphous)z2(2Al2O3zC.ZrO2)]R
shrinkage rate curve/uC 2(3Al2O3.2SiO2) (mullite)z8SiO2 (amorphous)z6(2Al2O3zC.ZrO2)
Fourth expansion peak in No 1447 1428 2(3Al2O3.2SiO2) (mullite)z8SiO2 (cristobalite)z6(2Al2O3zC.ZrO2)R
shrinkage rate curve/uC 6C.ZrSiO4z(86.C)SiO2 (if 8.6C)z12.Al2O3z2(3Al2O3.2SiO2)
Five expansion peak in 1492 1517 1507 6C.ZrSiO4z(86.C)SiO2 (if 8.6C)z12.Al2O3z2(3Al2O3.2SiO2)R
shrinkage rate curve/uC 6C.ZrO2z6(3Al2O3.2SiO2)
Observation of 16.2 18 21.1
maximum shrinkage/%

Advances in Applied Ceramics 2011 VOL 110 NO 3 177

Sahnoune et al. Phase transformation and sintering behaviour of mullite

at 1100uC (primary mullite that forms from spinel). On

the other hand, the cristobalite started to form from
amorphous SiO2 at 1150uC, and disappeared at 1300uC in
the sample of KA00Z. While for the KA32Z samples, the
cristobalite disappeared at 1250uC. Zircon (ZrSiO4) starts
to appear at 1250uC (sample KA32Z) and dissolves to
give ZrO2 and SiO2 after 1350uC. It has been reported
that zircon forms from the reaction of zirconia with silica
at 1300 and 1400uC.30 Also, it is known that pure zircon
usually dissociates at higher temperature (over 1675uC),
whereas in the presence of impurities, zircon dissociates at
temperature below 1675uC.31 Monoclinic ZrO2 starts to
appear at 1450uC, and ZrO2 stabilisation in the amor-
phous matrix is lost, giving rise to m-ZrO2 formation with
increasing sintering temperature.
Figure 5 shows the weight fraction of mullite formed
relative to mullite and Al2O3, and it also shows the weight
fraction of tetragonal ZrO2 relative to the total ZrO2
(tetragonal and monoclinic). The results were obtained
using the Rietveld method for three samples sintered at
different temperatures ranging from 1100 to 1600uC for
2 h. The fraction of primary mullite formed in the three
3 XRD patterns of KA00Z, KA16Z and KA32Z samples samples sintered at 1100uC is more than 30%. This
after sintering at 1500uC for 2 h: M, mullite; ZS, zircon; confirms that all metakaolinite has been transformed to
Zm, monoclinic zirconia; Zt, tetragonal zirconia; A, primary mullite and amorphous SiO2. The three samples
a-alumina were prepared by mixing of 1 mol of kaolin and 2 mol of
Al2O3, which will theoretically give 33% mullite after the
clear that the reaction between Al2O3 and SiO2 has transformation of the whole kaolin.
almost finished because all clear XRD peaks are of The amount of primary mullite increases with
mullite and ZrO2 with its two phases (tetragonal and increasing sintering temperature. At 1250uC, the total
monoclinic). Alumina was last detected in all samples fraction of mullite exceeds 45% in all the samples. In the
because this temperature is lower than 1600uC and the ZA32Z sample, the amount of mullite decreases until it
short time is not sufficient to form mullite. Figure 4 reaches 25% at 1300uC. This is due to the formation of
shows XRD spectra of two samples (KA00Z and ZrSiO4. The rate of mullite formation in sample KA00Z
KA32Z) sintered at various temperatures (1100 is higher compared with those of the other samples. This
1500uC) for 2 h. It is clear that mullite started to form is due to the role of ZrO2 which prevents diffusion of Al

4 XRD patterns of a KA00Z and b KA32Z samples treated at shown temperatures for 2 h: M, mullite; ZS, zircon; Zm,
monoclinic zirconia; Zt, tetragonal zirconia; A, a-alumina; C, cristobalite

178 Advances in Applied Ceramics 2011 VOL 110 NO 3

Sahnoune et al. Phase transformation and sintering behaviour of mullite

5 Zirconia and mullite formation versus sintering tempera-

ture after 2 h heating: Czm and Czt are concentra-
tions of monoclinic and tetragonal zirconia respectively;
Cm and CA are concentration of mullite and alumina 7 Density of samples AK00Z, AK16Z and AK32Z samples
respectively held for 2 h at different temperatures

and Si to form mullite, and the time of soaking (2 h) is Conclusion

not sufficient for the complete formation of mullite. In The utilisation of Algerian kaolin was found suitable for
the sample KA16Z, the retention of t-ZrO2 transformed the synthesis of mulliteZrO2 composites through its
to m-ZrO2 is relatively smaller, and it does not exceed reaction with a-Al2O3 and ZrO2. Phase transformation
18%. This fraction has an important role in determining and sintering behaviour of the developed composites
the mechanical properties. While for sample KA32Z, the were investigated. It was found that the zirconia phase
retention of t-ZrO2 transformed to m-ZrO2 is relatively retained its tetragonal structure with the addition of up
higher (up to 75%), which leads to the appearance of to 16% zirconia. The formation of primary mullite in all
cracks in the sample when used. samples was complete at 1250uC. The cristobalite started
SEM images of the fractured surface of sample to form at 1150uC, and disappeared at 1300uC in the
KA00Z (Fig. 6a) and KA32Z (Fig. 6b) sintered at samples of mullite, and at 1250uC when ZrO2 was
1600uC for 2 h are shown in Fig. 6. The increase in added. The zircon compound ZrSiO4 started to form at
ZrO2 ratio promoted the formation of grains with 1250uC and completely disappeared at 1400uC in the
spherical shape. sample of KA32Z. The increase in ZrO2 ratio promoted
The ratio between the bulk density and theoretical the formation of grains with spherical shape.
density for the three samples (AK00Z, AK16Z and
AK32Z) sintered at different temperatures (1100 Acknowledgements
1600uC) for 2 h is presented in Fig. 7. The theoretical
density was calculated from all phases present at each The first author is grateful to the technical support from
temperature through quantitative XRD analysis using Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie des Materiaux,
the Rietveld method taking into account the added Universite de Msila, Algeria, and the Department of
Al2O3. It can be seen that the density increases after Special Ceramics, ENSM, France. Also, the correspond-
1250uC with increasing ZrO2 content. Also, it is clear ing author (Dr N. Saheb) would like to acknowledge the
that the relative density reaches 95% at 1500uC and support from King Fahd University of Petroleum and
remains almost constant after this temperature. Minerals, Saudi Arabia.

6 Micrographs (SEM) of fractured surface of sample sintered at 1600uC for 2 h: a KA00Z; b KA32Z

Advances in Applied Ceramics 2011 VOL 110 NO 3 179

Sahnoune et al. Phase transformation and sintering behaviour of mullite

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