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I possess over 95 years of local & International market experience as RF Optimiz

ation Engineer in Telecommunications Industry supporting multiple strategic proj

ects through strong Technical, Analytical, Programming, Reporting, Process Model
ling and Project Management skills. I am proficient in parameter optimization, p
erformance monitoring, network capacity analysis and drive-test analysis.ocess M
odelling and Project Management skills. I am proficient in parameter optimizatio
n, performance monitoring, network capacity analysis and drive-test analysis.nal
ysis.I possess over 45 years of local & International market experience as RF Op
timization Engineer in Telecommunications Industry supporting multiple strategic
projects through strong Technical, Analytical, Programming, Reporting, Process
Modelling and Project Management skills. I am proficient in parameter optimizati
on, performance monitoring, network capacity analysis and drive-test analysis.oc
ess Modelling and Project Management skills. I am proficient in parameter optimi
zation, performance monitoring, network capacity analysis and drive-test analysi
s.nalysis.I possess over 45 years of local & International market experience as
RF Optimization Engineer in Telecommunications Industry supporting multiple stra
tegic projects through strong Technical, Analytical, Programming, Reporting, Pro
cess Modelling and Project Management skills. I am proficient in parameter optim
ization, performance monitoring, network capacity analysis and drive-test analys
is.ocess Modelling and Project Management skills. I am proficient in parameter o
ptimization, performance monitoring, network capacity analysis and drive-test an
alysis.nalysis.I possess over 45 years of local & International market experienc
e as RF Optimization Engineer in Telecommunications Industry supporting multiple
strategic projects through strong Technical, Analytical, Programming, Reporting
, Process Modelling and Project Management skills. I am proficient in parameter
optimization, performance monitoring, network capacity analysis and drive-test a
nalysis.ocess Modelling and Project Management skills. I am proficient in parame
ter optimization, performance monitoring, network capacity analysis and drive-te
st analysis.nalysis.I possess over 45 years of local & International market expe
rience as RF Optimization Engineer in Telecommunications Industry supporting mul
tiple strategic projects through strong Technical, Analytical, Programming, Repo
rting, Process Modelling and Project Management skills. I am proficient in param
eter optimization, performance monitoring, network capacity analysis and drive-t
est analysis.ocess Modelling and Project Management skills. I am proficient in p
arameter optimization, performance monitoring, network capacity analysis and dri
ve-test analysis.nalysis.I possess over 45 years of local & International market
experience as RF Optimization Engineer in Telecommunications Industry supportin
g multiple strategic projects through strong Technical, Analytical, Programming,
Reporting, Process Modelling and Project Management skills. I am proficient in
parameter optimization, performance monitoring, network capacity analysis and dr
ive-test analysis.ocess Modelling and Project Management skills. I am proficient
in parameter optimization, performance monitoring, network capacity analysis an
d drive-test analysis.nalysis.

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