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Acknowledgem ents................................................................................................................................................................................ 3

Editors'Introduction................................................................................................................................................................................ 5

M ethodology............................................................................................................................................................................................ 6




Business History and Economic H istory............................................................................................................................................... 17

Economics, Econometrics and Statistics............................................................................................................................................... 18

Entrepreneurship and Small Business M anagem ent...........................................................................................................................25

Finance.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26

General Management, Ethics and Social Responsibility......................................................................................................................29

Human Resource Management and Employment Studies.................................................................................................................30

Information M anagem ent.................................................................................................................................................................... 31

Innovation............................................................................................................................................................................................... 33

International Business and Area Studies...............................................................................................................................................34

Management Development and Education........................................................................................................................................ 35

M arketing............................................................................................................................................................................................... 36

Operations and Technology M anagem ent..........................................................................................................................................38

Operations Research and Management Science................................................................................................................................40

Organisation Studies.............................................................................................................................................................................. 42

Psychology (General).............................................................................................................................................................................43

Psychology (Organisational)................................................................................................................................................................. 45

Public Sector and Health C are ..............................................................................................................................................................47

Regional Studies, Planning and Environment...................................................................................................................................... 48

Sector Studies........................................................................................................................................................................................ 49

Social Sciences.......................................................................................................................................................................................51

Strategy.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 53


We are hugely grateful to the Editors, Methodologists and members o f the Scientific Committee w itho ut w hom the Academic
Journal Guide 2015 would not be possible.The work they have carried o ut to analyse data, consult w ith subject communities
and find consensus has led to an impressive and robust Guide to the range, subject matter and quality o f journals in which
business and management academics publish their research. With their hard work we have a Guide which is genuinely
based upon peer review, along w ith editorial and expert judgements following from the evaluation o f many hundreds
of publications.

We are also very thankful to the founding Editors o f the Guide.The ABS Guide'was originally created and then published in
2009 through the initiative of Professor Charles Harvey, Aldan Kelly, Professor Huw Morris, and Professor Michael Rowlinson.
Supported by their peer com m unity they have helped produce a very valuable service to the business and management
academic community. This 2015 edition o f the Guide continues and builds on their work.

Finally, we must thankThomson Reuters for the permission to use their JCR data, and Elsevier for the use of their SNIP and SJR
metrics powered by Scopus.

Academ ic Journal G uide M anagem ent Board

Professor Rolf D. Cremer, Dean Emeritus o f CEIBS and Head, Global Bridges China Forum (Chair of the Board)

Professor Angus Laing, Dean of Business & Economics, Loughborough University and Chair, Association of Business Schools

Professor Bob Galliers, Bentley University

Anne Kiem, Chief Executive, Association o f Business Schools

We would like to thank the following individuals:

Co-Editors in Chief

Professor Geoffrey W ood, Warwick Business School

Professor David Peel, Lancaster University Management School

Chief M eth od o lo gists

Professor M arc Goergen, Cardiff Business School

Professor James Walker, Henley Business School

M e th o d o lo g ist

Professor A ndrew Simpson, Sheffield University Management School

Chair o f th e Scientific C om m ittee

Professor Heinz Tuselmann, Manchester Metropolitan University Business School

ABS Academ ic Journal Guide 2015 Acknow ledgem ents - 3


Scientific C om m ittee M em bers

Accounting Prof. Lisa Jack Management Control Association / University o f Portsmouth

Prof. Kevin Holland Cardiff Business School

Banking Prof. John Wilson British Accounting and Finance Association / University o f S t Andrews

Behavioural Science Prof. Wandi Bruine de Bruin European Association for Decision Making / Leeds University Business School
Business & Economic History Prof. G eoffrey G. Jones Harvard Business School

Economics Prof. Robert Taylor Essex University

Prof. Tim Worrall University o f Edinburgh Business School

Enterprise/ Entrepreneurship Prof. M ike W right Imperial College Business School, London

Ethics, CSR and M anagem ent Prof. Stephen Brammer Birmingham Business School
Finance Prof. Marco Pagano European Finance Association / University o f Naples

Human Resource M anagem ent Prof. Pawan Budwar Aston Business School

Innovation Prof. Am m on Salter University o f Bath School o f Management

International Business Prof. Heinz TUselmann Manchester M etropolitan University Business School

Inform ation M anagem ent Prof. Bob Galliers Association fo r Information Systems / Bentley University
M anagem ent Education Prof. Ken Starkey University o f Nottingham

M arketing Prof. Gllles Laurent Fondation Nationale pour I'Enseignement de la Gestion des Entreprises / HEC Paris

Prof. Nina Reynolds Academy o f Management / University o f Southampton

Operations M anagem ent Prof. Cipriano Forza European Operations Management Association / University o f Padua

O rganisational Psychology Prof. Marc van Veldhoven European Association o f Work and Organizational Psychology/Tilburg University
O rganisational Psychology and Prof. David Guest Kings College London
General M anagem ent
O rganisational Sociology Prof. Nic Beech University o f S t Andrews School o f Management
O perational Research and Prof. Juergen Branke Committee o f Professors o f Operational Research / Warwick Business School
M anagem ent Science
Public Sector Prof. Steve M artin Cardiff Business School
Regional & Area Studies Prof. Frank Horwltz Cranfield School o f Management

Regional Studies, Prof. Ron M artin Judge Business School, University o f Cambridge
Planning & Environm ent
Sector Studies Prof. Julie Froud Manchester Business School
Prof. Peter McKleman Strathclyde Business School
Social Sciences Prof. M ark Stuart British Universities Industrial Relations Association / Leeds University Business Schoc

Sports, Leisure and Tourism Prof. Stephen Page Association fo r Events Management Education / School o f Tourism,
Bournemouth University
Prof. John Tribe Association fo r Tourism in Higher Education / University o f Surrey Business School

Statistics Prof. Robert Taylor Essex University Business School

Strategy Prof. Henk Volberda European Academy o f Management / Rotterdam School o f Management

Dr Sotirios Paroutls Strategic Management Society / Warwick Business School

2010 E ditorial Team

We would also like to thank the Editors o f the 2010 Academic Journal Quality Guide ('The ABS Guide 2010*):

Professor Charles Harvey, University of Newcastle

Aidan Kelly, Goldsmiths, University of London

Professor H uw M orris, formally University of Salford, now Welsh Government

Professor M ichael Rowlinson, Queen Mary University o f London

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 Acknow ledgem ents - 4



The Guide is distinctive in that, unlike other journal guides,

The Purpose and Features of the
it is not based purely on some weighted average o f journal
Academic Journal Guide metrics. Rather, the Guide reflects the perceptions o f the
Editors, informed by the Scientific Committee and by expert
Welcome to the Association of Business Schools Academic
peers and scholarly associations w ith w hom they consulted
Journal Guide (the Guide). The Guide is based upon
as to the relative standing o f journals in each subject area.
peer review, editorial and expert judgem ents follow ing
As a consequence, there is no mechanistic metrics based
the evaluation o f many hundreds of publications, and is
formula that will capture the published ratings.
informed by statistical information relating to citation. It is
a guide to the range, subject matter and relative quality of
On occasion, the ratings o f some journals, when based purely
journals in which business and management academics
on such metrics, do not reflect the views o f the relevant
publish their research.
academic community. Our purpose therefore was to produce
a guide that took into consideration this subjective input.
The primary motivation o f the Editors and the Scientific
Committee is to provide a level playing field. Emerging
The subject experts (members o f the Scientific Committee
scholars w ill have greater clarity as to which journals to
representing individual subject areas) were provided with a
aim for, and where the best work in their field tends to be
variety of metrics for each journal (detailed below) and were
clustered. By the same measure, publication in top journals
asked to consult widely within their respective subject area
gives scholars a recognised currency on which career
academic communities. In the case of overlapping fields or
progress can be based; should personal networks deny its
expertise, subject experts worked together in a process that was
currency in one institution, there w ill be others w ho will
distinguished by a collegiate approach. Proposed ratings were
recognise and welcome i t
considered by the Editors and Methodologists.The Editors then
engaged in feedback and consultation with subject experts. On
Good work may o f course be found anywhere, b ut it is
the basis that a disproportionate number o f highly rated journals
a generally held view th a t good w ork is more likely to
undermines the notion o f excellence in any given subject area,
be found in some journals as compared to others. The
as well as comparisons across subject areas, the Editors, in some
Editors recognise th a t any guide th a t seeks to differentiate
cases, were not able to follow the initial advice given, leading to
between journals w ill naturally be contentious. Some o f
a process o f further consultation and compromise.
this w ill reflect th e natural tensions in academia between
shared scholarly identity, exchange and debate, and the
The Guide is not intended to be a fully comprehensive
individual pursuit o f very specialised knowledge that,
one, given, inter alia, the problems o f demarcating what is
when disseminated, is likely to be only accessible to a very
either business and management research and/or relevant
small audience. It w ill also reflect th e tensions between
to it, and what is not. Inclusion in the Guide is wholly at
efforts to com m odify academic labour tim e, and the
the discretion o f the Editors and the Scientific Committee,
acclaim exceptional bodies o f w ork receive across the
and no undertakings have been made that all journals will
scholarly comm unity. W hilst recognising that exceptional
have been included. Non-inclusion in the Guide should not
scholarly work may be found In many places, we similarly
necessarily be taken as a judgm ent o f journal quality, b ut may
accept th a t such w ork tends to be clustered in particular
reflect a wide range o f factors, ranging from the aims and
locales and journals, in a process that may reflect both
scope o f the journal that lie outside the scope of business
the availability o f resources, and accumulated collective
and management studies to, quite simply, the Scientific
human capital. Identifying such locales is a d ifficu lt and
Committee and those they consulted, n ot encountering
fraught process, b u t w e remain convinced th at it is better
sufficient evidence on which to formulate an opinion.
to be done through the involvem ent o f scholarly experts
and their associations than w itho ut. We w ou ld welcom e
As outlined in the m ethodology section, the Guide builds on
feedback and dialogue w ith representative scholarly
the previous ABS Guide 2010; and the Editors o f this Guide
associations that have n o t participated in this iteration,
owe a debt of gratitude to the Editors and Scholarly Experts
w ith a view to broadening th e basis o f representation in
involved in the former.
future iterations o f the Guide.

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 Editors Introduction - 5

in s in i's s s c h o o ls

The brief agreed between the Editorial Team and the Chair V. The Editors put forward the final classification of
o f the Academic Journal Guide Management Board can be all journals included in the Guide, following full
summarised as follows: consideration of feedback on the last version of the
ABS Guide 201 O'and the recommendations made by a
I. The Guide should be designed primarily to serve the
panel o f experts representing the main sub-disciplines
needs of the business and management research
w ithin the field.
community, in terms of both helping authors identify
suitable outlets for their work, and where work o f a VI. The Editors should publish and justify their working
particular level is likely to be clustered. methods and their approach to the issues o f classification
in a written methodology.
II. The Guide should classify journals into four categories
(1 to 4) plus a Journal of Distinction category, which
Whilst acknowledging the excellent work o f their
recognises the quality of those journals ranked as a top'
predecessors, we need to also acknowledge that the Guide
class journal in at least three o ut of five international
differs from the ABS Guide 2010'in that it includes additional
listings consulted.
metrics (e.g. the SNIP), whilst the Scientific Committee
III. The classification process should be stringent is much larger.
and methodical in all cases, embracing five
sources o f evidence:

a. The assessments of leading researchers in each o f the

main fields and sub-fields covered;

b. The mean citation impact scores for the most recent

five-year period (where available);

c. Evaluation by the Editors and Scientific Committee

members o f the quality standards, track
records, contents and processes o f each journal
included in the Guide;

d. The number o f times the journal was cited

as a to p journal in five lists taken to be
representative o f the 'world' rating of business and
management journals; and

e. The length o f tim e a journal has been established.

Note that any newly established journals as well as
more established journals that were not in the previous
'ABS Guide 201 O' enter w ith a maximum rating o f
3 other than in exceptional circumstances.

IV. The Guide should be comprehensive in the coverage o f

research conducted in business schools internationally,
covering a w ide range o f disciplines, fields and
sub-fields w ithin the social sciences and taking an
inclusive approach to w hat constitutes business and
management research.

ABS Academ ic Journal Guide 2015 M ethodology - 6


Rating Definitions and Issues

In Table 1, th e d e fin itio n s o f th e jo u rn a l ratings are set o u t. This draw s on th e previous ite ra tion s o f th e 'ABS Guide'.

Rating Meaning of Quality Rating

Journals o f Distinction. W ithin the business and management field including economics, there are a small number o f grade 4 journals
that are recognised world-wide as exemplars o f excellence. Their high status Is acknowledged by their inclusion In a num ber of
well-regarded international journal quality lists. The Guide normally rates a journal 4* if they are rated in the highest category by at
4* least three o u t o f the five non-university based listings - Financial Times 45, Dallas List, VHB, Australian Deans' List, CNRS. In addition,
journals from core social sciences disciplines th a t do no t appear in those listings may also be rated 4* on th e grounds th a t they are
clearty o f the finest quality and o f undisputed relevance to business and management. In the Guide o f 2015, this applies to three
journals from the fields o f sociology and psychology.

All journals rated 4, whether Included in th e Journal o f Distinction category or not, publish the m ost original and best-executed
4 research. As top journals in their field, these journals typically have high submission and lo w acceptance rates. Papers are heavily
refereed. Top journals generally have the highest citation im pact factors w ith in their field.

3 rated journals publish original and well executed research papers and are highly regarded. These journals typically have good
submission rates and are very selective In w hat th e y publish. Papers are heavily refereed. Highly regarded journals generally have
good to excellent Journal metrics relative to others in th e ir field, although at present not all journals in this category carry a citation
Impact factor.

Journals in this category publish original research o f an acceptable standard. A well regarded journal in Its field, papers are fully
2 refereed according to accepted standards and conventions. Citation im pact factors are somewhat more modest in certain cases. Many
excellent practitioner-oriented articles are published in 2-rated journals.

These journals, In general, publish research o f a recognised, but more modest standard In th e ir field. Papers are in many instances
refereed relatively lightly according to accepted conventions. Few journals in this category carry a citation im pact factor.

Source: Adapted from Harvey e t al. (2010)

A key challenge we have addressed to ensure the credibility w ith the outcom e and that is w hy further input from
o f the Guide is to try to manage the number o f journals scholarly associations will be sought in subsequent
that are upgraded in any subject area and to maintain iterations of the Guide.
proportionate levels o f 3 and 4 rated journals. In addition,
there is an issue surrounding journal downgrades; as many
academics will have already published in such journals, it can
The Process
mean that their work would be viewed in a less positive light.
The m ethodology underpinning the Guide consists of
This makes for strong vested interests against downgrades,
evaluations o f journals not based solely on metrics but
making for strong pressures for ratings to be downwardly
reflecting (to a degree) subject specialists'views. This is a
sticky* Should journals only be upgraded, this would
distinctive feature o f the Guide. While the approach followed
make for ever more 3s and 4s, w ith the 3 rating eventually
that undertaken for the previous *ABS Guide', published in
becoming seen as the "new tw o and w ith work that is
2010, we have endeavoured to engage more widely w ith
genuinely of a 3 level being seen in a less favourable light.
expert peers and scholarly associations in producing the
As a consequence, the Editors had to balance the objective
current Guide.
o f ensuring that representatives o f the scholarly comm unity
had a real say in the ratings, and that as diverse a range of
research as possible is recognised, as well as ensuring the In d e ta il, th e five m e th o d o lo g ica l com ponents
ratings retain credibility. are as follow s.

Nevertheless, wherever an upgrade or downgrade clearly First, an open call was issued for applications for journals
proved to be warranted, the Editors did proceed w ith to be added to those included in the Guide.The members
the upgrade or downgrade. It cannot be said, however, o f the Scientific Committee representing particular areas
that all subject representatives are entirely satisfied ("subject experts ) were then tasked to confirm whether

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 M ethodology - 7

A B S * ^

the expanded list did indeed provide a good coverage of and the Editors were able to reach compromise agreements,
published research conducted in business schools in their o r at least acceptance of the final ratings for journals in their
respective domains. The subject experts were encouraged to respective areas o f expertise.
consult w ith learned societies, professional associations and/
or leading academics in their area.
Evading the Tragedy of the Commons
Second, the Chief Methodologists analysed the data
A key challenge we have faced is trying to ensure that the
collected from: (i) The Web o f Knowledge (WoK) Journal
interests o f as many communities as possible were heard,
Citation Report (JCR); (ii) the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), and
but at the same time avoiding a tragedy of the commons
(iii) the Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP).
outcome. If journals in all areas were to have been upgraded
beyond w hat could clearly be justified by improvements in
Third, evaluations were conducted by subject experts, again
the quality of research, and/or were it to be seen that there are
based on the consultations w ith learned societies, professional
disproportionately too many 3s and 4s in any particular field,
associations and/or leading academics in their area.
there is a risk that schools would not adopt the Guide and
rely on their own methods. In other words, we are treading a
Following this process, the Chief Methodologists, the Chair
narrow path between working to ensure that representatives
o f the Scientific Committee and the Editors met w ith the
of the scholarly community have a real say in the Guide,
Scientific Committee in London on July 11th, 2014. This
and that as diverse a range o f research is recognised as
allowed the Committee as a whole to review the proposed
practically possible, whilst at the same tim e ensuring rigour
ratings o f the journals under consideration in their entirety.
and making hard choices so that the currency is not unduly
The Chief Methodologists explained that inflation o f grades
debased. Disagreements were resolved through negotiation,
was an issue to be avoided, and that we would request
made possible by a shared common purpose o f fairness
further modification o f the proposed ratings in light o f this.
and the need to recognise excellence in the business and
management fields covered by the Guide.The Editors were
Fourth, the Editors then suggested modifications, informed
able to gain further insights into the specific dynamics o f each
by further correspondence and consultation w ith Scientific
field through discussions w ith the experts, and the latter were
Committee members, and a further round o f evaluation
able to gain a better understanding o f the problems of an
o f the metrics. The subject experts were asked to provide
overall tragedy of the commons scenario should too many
further information and possible modification o f ratings on
journals in too many areas be upgraded.
the basis o f the proportion of journals proposed in each
category where this appeared too inflated. Also, further
information was requested to support the proposed rating Why is that Journal Awarded that Rating?
o f particular journals where these were rather different
than implied by metrics. Evaluations were further peer Readers/users are not likely to agree w ith the rating o f every
reviewed by the Scientific Committee to provide additional journal. Indeed, there were cases about which members of
quality control. the Scientific Committee disagreed w ith the Editors. However,
the Editors and the Scientific Committee have spoken to
Fifth, on August 22nd, 2014, the Chief Methodologists, the many individual scholars and scholarly associations and there
Chair o f the Scientific Committee and the Editors m et in is a remarkable general consensus concerning most journals,
Manchester and determined provisional ratings given all the albeit w ith a relatively small number o f difficult, contentious
inputs to that date. These new' ratings were then sent to the cases. These cases require more discussion in the future. One
subject experts for comment. A further round o f discussions or tw o ratings may still appear unusual to readers/users, but
was entered into until agreement w'as reached for each it is w orth considering that the Scientific Committee indudes
subject area. The outcome reflected the Editors'view of many experts w ho are party to a wide range o f information,
w hat appeared a "fair*outcome overall while preserving the that not all may be similarly aware of. More broadly
credibility of the Guide. speaking, we have simply awarded journals ratings, and any
conclusions as to the w orth o f the journal the reader/user
A really positive outcome is that, whilst all areas have had reaches are his or her own. Reviewing the Guide, a critical
to make very hard choices, in each area, the Scientific reader/user may conclude that it is only the 4 rated journals
Committee members (who are listed on page 4 o f this Guide)

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 M ethodology - 8

in s iM - s s s c h o o ls

(or even the JOD category) that are w orth considering for his
or her work. Others may feel that a 2 rating is w hat matters,
as it sets these journals apart from those that are rated 1.
Still others may find that a 1 rating is a useful indicator in that
it indicates the journal meets normal scholarly standards,
including a general expectation o f peer review.

A Note a b o u t Increases in th e N um ber o f Journals w ith

a 3 o r 4 Rating

It is im portant to remember that an additional number o f 4s

or 3s in the Guide will not necessarily mean th at there will
be a similar proportionate increase in the amount of work in
business and management categorised as falling into 3 or 4
w ithin a particular national context. Indeed, the awarding of
a 4 rating to a journal that only carries a very small number
o f articles a year by business and management scholars
will have a very limited effect. In contrast, the award of a 3
rating to a journal that publishes a large number o f articles a
year on business and management topics will have a more
significant one.

Again, the average number of articles carried by a journal

within a particular issue w ill affect how much work is
published in 3 or 4 rated outlets in a particular field. In terms
of categorising research in a particular national context, the
proportion o f work by local scholars typically carried by that
journal is an im portant considering factor; many journals
are dominated by contributors from one nationality, and
not another. For example, the award o f a high rating to a
journal that carries little work by scholars in business and
management w ill have little effect, although o f course,
it may encourage more submissions from business and
management scholars in future. A note o f caution is also
urged in looking at the proportion o f 3 and 4 rated journals
in a particular field; again, the proportion o f 3s and 4s will
to a large extent be a product of the number o f 1 rated
journals included. In very large areas, there is likely to be a
large number of journals w ith low ratings. Hence, readers of
the ABS Guide are cautioned against simply counting the
number o f 3 and 4 rated journals in a particular field, and
comparing the result w ith other fields. Any conclusions that
do n ot take these issues into account m ight be misleading.

ABS Academ ic Journal Guide 2015 M ethodology - 9

B IS IN E S S S C IK K )!^

We hope that the Guide will represent the start of a new impact factor. Its main disadvantage is that it does n ot adjust
process o f dialogue w ith the peer com m unity at large. No for differences in the number o f citations across subject
journal guide is ever definitive. The supposed objectivity areas. In particular, it tends to generate much lower values for
and superiority of purely metrics-based ratings is perhaps an journals in social sciences.
illusion. The Guide is based - also - on the conviction that the
expertise and experience o f successful researchers provides The SJR's main advantages are that it adjusts for differences
rich grounds for including scholarly judgm ent in the rating of in the number o f citations across subject areas and also
academic journals. adjusts for the prestige o f a journal. However, the fact that it
adjusts for prestige also creates a drawback as sources that
We take the concerns o f the peer com m unity very seriously. are cited in more prestigious journals in turn are given more
Hence, the Editors and Scientific Committee would welcome prestige. This may result in self-perpetuating lists o f so called
informed input and feedback. There is room for further prestige journals.
established, relevant and representative scholarly associations
to apply for representation on the Scientific Committee and The SNIP'S main advantage is th at it normalises citations
this would be very welcome. across subject areas and that it does so w ithout relying on
classifications o f subject areas that in turn w ould create
The Board's intention is to update the Guide every three limitations.1 However, as the SNIP does n ot adjust for the
years. It is the hope o f the Editors and Chief Methodologists percentage o f reviews published in a journal it tends to have
that the process will, over time, become even more higher values for journals publishing reviews. It is also more
representative and inclusive, taking account o f the concerns prone to editorial g ame playing via journal self-citations.
across the com m unity o f business and management
scholarship, whilst retaining the principle of differentiation in Bearing in mind that all three impact factors have advantages
research outputs and evading a tragedy of the commons. as well as drawbacks - i.e, no impact factor is perfect - a
strong case can be made for the need to consult all three
impact factors (wherever available) when assessing the
The Three Impact Factors relating quality of a journal.This is the approach adopted for the
to Citation Information Guide. The three impact factors were standardised across
each subject area in a similar way to the 2010 version o f
With regard to the citation information within the second the'ABS Guide'
methodological component it is not the intention of this
document to provide a detailed review o f the methodologies The 2010ABS Guide'used the 2008 two-year JCR (which is
underlying these three impact factors. Nevertheless, in what the number of 2008 citations of papers published in a given
follows we provide a brief description o f these three impact journal during 2006-7) and the five-year mean citation impact
factors, including their advantages and drawbacks. The factor (which is the five-year mean impact factor for 2004-8).
Web of Knowledge JCR was the impact factor underlying The new Guide uses the mean JCR impact factor based on
the Guide, including its last version published in 2010. In the average o f the five-year impact factors for the years 2008
addition to the JCR, the new Guide uses the SJR and the to 2012} This average is then standardised by subtracting the
SNIP. An immediate advantage of using all three impact average for the subject area and dividing this difference by
factors other than just the JCR is that the SJR and the SNIP are the standard deviation:1
available for a much larger number o f journals whereas the
JCR is more selective. Refer to Gonzalez-Pereira et al. (2010)
for more information on the SJR, and Moed (2010) for more
information about the SNIP and how it compares to the SJR.

The main advantages and disadvantages of the three impact

1 Effectively, its s u b le t areas are Tatar-made (Moed 2010 274) which h an advantage
factors are as follows (see Colledge et al. 2010 for a much when dealing w ith cross- and muM-dhdplinary journals
more detailed comparison). The JCR is the most widely used 2 The five-year JCR m pacl(aclorfor2012statesthe2017catom toa)ou>nalof
papers It published during the five pevtous years, I.e. 2007-2011.

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 Conclusion -1 0

iu si\i;sssai(H )is

Journal Im pact Factor - Mean Im pact Factor fo r Subject Area

Standardised Impact Factor =
Standard D eviation o f Im pact Factor fo r Subject Area

Similarly, the'ABS Guide 2010'used standardised JCRs.The been deleted as a result of being merged with other subject areas.
equivalent standardised impact factors are also calculated for There is now a subject area for'Regional Studies, Planning and
the SJR and the SNIP. It should be noted, however, that the Environment', which indudes among others the journals formerly
standardised mean JCR and SNIP are based on the three-year listed under "Social Science! Psychology has been split into tw o
impact factors rather than the five-year impact factors as the homogenous areas, Le."Psychology (General)'and 'Psychology
latter are not available. (Organisational)! "Ethics and Governanceis no longer a separate
subject area and the journals that were in that subject list have
The reason why the Guide focuses on the five-year JCR (and the been merged with General Management! to form'GeneraI
three-year SJRand SNIP) rather than the two-year JCR is that the Management. Ethics and Social Responsibility!lhis reflects the
impact factors can be highly volatile across years. Volatility affects fact that ethical considerations are now integral to business and
in particular smaller journals, i.e. journals that publish less than 30 management research practice. Finally,Tourism and Hospitality
papers (or documents as per Scopus) per year.The reason for this Management'has been merged with'Sector StucSes! with
greater volatility is that a greater number of articles in one year significantly more journals being induded. In addition, given the
can inflate a small journals impact factor in a substantial way (this growing scholarly interest in emerging markets, thelnternational
could be due to e.g. a highly cited special issue). Hence, in addition Business' subject area now also encompasses'Area Studies! to
to the mean standardised impact factors the subject experts were indude some prominent area studies journals
also provided with a'small journal indicator variable.
A number o f individual journals also moved from one subject
It should be noted that there can be considerable variability area to another one based on feedback obtained by journal
between and across impact factors. Hence, these should not be editors, the subject experts (including feedback obtained
used mechanistically and uniquely as a means o f distribution. from their consultations with learned societies, professional
Crucially, this variability underlines the importance of adopting assodations and/or leading academics in their area), the Chief
a four-step methodology. More specifically, the SJR tends to be Methodologists and the Editors.
more volatile (with a higher standard deviation) across journals
than the JCR and SNIP, but this depends on the subject area (e.g, The 2015 Guide covers a much larger number o f journals as
this pattern is more pronounced for Finance than Accounting). compared to the 2010'ABS Guide'.This Guide indudes a total
The subject experts were also provided with the other metrics o f 1,401 journals as compared to only 745 journals covered by
and data items, such as the percentage o f articles not cited and the'ABS Guide 201 O'This corresponds to an 88% increase in
the percentage of reviews per journal, to help them rate the the number o f journals covered. In addition to the expansions
journals in their subject area.The subject experts were asked outlined above, there were many journals added in most
to rate the journals from 4 to 1. A further distinction (Journal subject areas, reflecting the international scope o f the present
o f Distinction) was made for in respect o f a small number of Guide. Table 3 shows the distribution o f journals across the
journals amongst those with a rating of 4.This carries over the subject areas and across the four ratings categories. At the
range o f ratings from the previous'ABS Guide 2010! same time, and also for practical reasons, the Guide is not
intended to be fu ly comprehensive - non-inclusion in the ABS
Guide should not be taken as a judgem ent of journal quality.
Changes in Subject Areas and Coverage in Decisions as to the indusion o f journals in the ABS Guide are
the Guide Compared to the 2010 ABS Guide at the discretion o f the Editors and informed by the advice of
members o f the Scientific Committee. Publishers o f journals
While the number of subject areas has remained at 22, there have not listed can contact the Editors for consideration for future
been some changes (seeTable 2).There are tw o new subject areas editions o f the ABS Guide.
and tw o subject areas from the lastABS Guide 201 O'that have1

1 For example, the 2011 SNi? states the citations to a journal o f papers it pub'ished n
2008.2009 and 2010.

ABS Academ ic Journal Guide 2015 Conclusion -11


Table 2: Subject areas covered by th e n ew G uide com pared to the 'ABS G uide 2010'

Subject areas covered Subject areas covered

Changes made
by the Guide 2015 by'ABS Guide 2010*
Accounting Accounting

Business History and

Business History Merger o f business (broadly defined) and economic history Journals
Economic History
Statistics Journals that were spread across various subject areas in the'ABS
Economics, Econometrics
Economics Guide 2010'(e.g. Journal o f Applied Statistics under Operations Research
and Statistics
Management Science) have now been moved to this subject area
Entrepreneurship and Small Entrepreneurship and Small
Business Management Business Management
Finance Finance
Merger o f Ethics and Governance w tth General Management. The
rationale for this reorganisation h twofold. First, business ethics are now
General Management, Ethics and an Integral part o f general management considerations. Hence, this
General Management
Social Responsibility reorganisation reflects the Increased and still Increasing im portance o f
ethical considerations In management and business studies. Second, the
original Ethics and Governance area counted only 16 journals
Human Resource Management and Human Resource Management and
Employment Studies Employment Studies
Inform ation Management Information Management
Innovation Innovation
International Business International Business
and Area Studies and Area Studies
Management There has been a name change to avoid confusion w ith the General
Management and Education
Development and Education Management subject area
Marketing Marketing
Operations and Operations and
Technology Management Technology Management
Operations Research and Operations Research and
Management Science Management Science
Organisation Studies and
Organisation Studies
Public Management
Psychology (General) Psychology has now been split into tw o separate, more
Psychology (Organisational) homogenous areas

Public Sector and Health Care Public Sector

This Is a new subject which contains, in addition to a small number o f
Regional Studies, Planning
NA new journals, journals that were listed m ainly under Sodal Sciences in the
and Environment
'ABS Guide 2010'
Subject area merged Into Tourism and Tourism and Hospitality Management has been merged w ith
Sector Studies Hospitality Management Sector Studies

Sector Studies now includes a much broader range o f journals, including

those from the Tourism and Hospitality Management area. Apart from
Sector Studies Sector Studies the tourism and hospitality management journals, the new Sector
Studies Indudes journals focusing on particular sectors such as energy,
services and sport

Social Sciences was a highly disparate subject area in the ABS Guide 2010'.
Some o f these journals have now been moved to the new subject area of
Sodal Sciences Sodal Sciences
Regional Studies, Planning and Environment, and to other areas such as
Business History and Economic History

Strategy Strategy
Merged into General Management,
Ethics and Governance Merged w ith General Management
Ethics and Social Responsibility

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 Conclusion -12


Table 3: Data on Subject Areas

Distribution of Journals across ratings

3 2 1 Total
Accounting 6 21 30 23 80

Business History and Economic History 2 5 12 7 26

Economics, Econometrics and Statistics 23 68 120 108 319

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management 3 5 5 7 20

Finance 8 29 38 30 105

General Management, Ethics and Social Responsibility 7 10 12 15 44

Human Resource Management and Employment Studies 5 10 17 16 48

International Business and Area Studies 2 7 14 17 40

Information Management 4 17 31 27 79

Innovation 2 2 14 11 29

Management Development and Education 1 3 16 23 43

Marketing 8 12 21 25 66

Operations and Technology Management 3 9 11 36 59

Operations Research and Management Science 5 22 16 22 65

Organisation Studies 5 4 13 7 29

Psychology (Organisational) 7 13 19 30 69

Psychology (General) 7 13 11 24 55

Public Sector and Health Care 3 10 11 9 33

Regional Studies, Planning and Environment 2 12 8 2 24

Sector Studies 5 10 34 44 93

Social Sciences 9 27 23 3 62

Strategy 1 3 5 4 13

All Subject Areas 118 312 481 490 1401

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 Conclusion -1 3


Colledge, L, de Moya-Anegon, F., Guerrero-Bote, V., Lopez-I Ilescas, C, El Aisati, M. H. and M. Moed (2010),'SJR and SNIP:
Two new journal metrics in Elsevier's Scopus', Serials: The Journal for the Serials Community 23,215-221.

Gonzalez-Pereira, B., Guerrero-Bote, V. P, Moya-Anegon, F. (2010), A new approach to the metric of journals scientific prestige:
The SJR indicator'. Journal o f Informetrics 4,379-391.

Harvey, C , Kelly, A., Morris, H. and M. Rowlinson (2010), Academic Journal Quality Guide, Version 4. London:
The Association o f Business Schools.

Moed, H. F. (2010), 'Measuring contextual citation impact o f scientific journals'. Journal o f Informetrics 4,265-277.

ABS Academ ic Journal Guide 2015 References -1 4




ISSN Journal T itle JCR
2015 2010 2009

0001-4826 Accounting Review 4* 4 4 1.106 2372 2355 3 4

0361-3682 Accounting, Organizations and Society 4* 4 4 0799 1.412 3.139 4 1
0165-4101 Journal o f Accounting and Economics 4* 4 4 1.923 4351 3.126 1 2
0021-8456 Journal o f Accounting Research 4* 4 4 1.320 3323 2.437 2 3
0823-9150 Contemporary Accounting Research 4 3 3 0.072 1.025 1007 6 6
1380-6653 Review of Accounting Studies 4 4 4 0.320 1343 0092 5 10
0001-3072 Abacus 3 0826 -0310 0389 21 IS

33 3
3 3
0001-4788 Accounting and Business Research 3 3 3 0986 -0.142 0.187 17 20
0155-9982 Accounting Forum 3 3 3 -0338 0.092 23 21
0888-7993 Accounting Horizons 3 3 3 0414 0313 7 9
0951-3574 Accounting, A uditing and A ccountability Journal 3 3 3 0.186 0863 10 7
0278-0380 A uditing: A Journal o f Practice and Theory 3 2 2 0327 0320 0850 9 8

> (3 (3
1050-4753 Behavioral Research in Accounting 3 3 3 -0.405 0.174 29 24
0890-8389 British Accounting Review 3 3 3 -0303 0498 20 13
0007-1870 British Tax Review 3 2 2
1045-2354 Critical Perspectives on Accounting 3 3 3 -0097 0313 16 19
0963-8180 European Accounting Review 3 3 3 0.488 0009 0669 11 11

0267-4424 Financial Accountability and Management 3 3 3
1554-0642 Foundations and Trends in Accounting 3 -0011 0335 12 29
1094-1060 International Journal o f Accounting 3 3 3 -0308 0069 25 23
0278-1254 Journal o f Accounting and Public Policy 3 3 3 -0029 0633 14 12
0737-4607 Journal o f Accounting Literature 3

3 3
014S-558X Journal o f Accounting, A uditing and Finance 3 3 3 -0062 0290 15 27
0306-686X Journal o f Business Finance and Accounting 3 3 3 0.772 0025 0274 13 18
1061-9518 Journal o f International Accounting. Auditing and Taxation 3 2 2 0330 0285 22 17

0198-9073 Journal o f the American Taxation Association 3 0359 0.409 24 31
1044-5005 Management Accounting Research 3 3 3 0379 1.213 8 5
0810-5391 Accounting and Finance 2 2 2 0.984 0344 0.056 26 22
1530-9320 Accounting and the Public Interest 2 0328 0.833 40 44
Accounting in Europe
Accounting Research Journal
2 1 1 0.430 0.597 30 37 $S$
2 0357 0785 43 43
Advances in Accounting (incorporates'Advances in
0882-9073 2 0460 0.651 32 39
International Accounting'ISSN 0897-3660)
1475-1488 Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research 2 0782 42
5$ $ $

1474-7871 Advances in Management Accounting 2 0484 0853 37 46

1058-7497 Advances in Taxation 2 -1.084 54
1321-7348 Asian Review o f Accounting 2 0569 0.946 45 48
1608-1625 Asia-Pacific Journal o f Accounting and Economics 2 0.553 0665 42 40
1035-6908 Australian Accounting Review 2 0.470 0594 33 36
1936-1270 Current Issues in A uditing 2 0.458 33
1834-7649 International Journal o f Accounting & Inform ation Management 2 0.615 - 1.011 51 51
International Journal o f Accounting A uditing and Performance
1748-8008 2 1 0488 0.724 38 41
Evaluation (UAAPE)
1467-0895 International Journal o f Accounting Inform ation Systems 2 1 1 0.152 0.444 19 14
1090-6738 International Journal o f A uditing 2 2 2 0004 0344 46 25
1741-3591 International Journal o f Disclosure and Governance 2 0329 0316 41 34
1832-5912 Journal o f Accounting and O rganizational Change 2 1 1 0.610 0869 47 47
2042-1168 Journal o f Accounting in Emerging Economies 2
0967-5426 Journal o f Applied Accounting Research 2 2 2 0013 0.997 49 50
1815-5669 Journal o f Contemporary Accounting and Economics 2 03 01 0324 39 35
1542-6297 Journal o f International Accounting Research 2 2 2 0.477 0.323 35 28
0954-1314 Journal o f International Financial Management and Accounting 2 0397 0.273 27 26

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 Accounting -15



ISSN Journal TWe JCR SJR SNIP journal
2010 2009 rank rank rank , .
(<30 doc
1049-2127 Journal o f Management Accounting Research (AAA) 2 2 2 -0.475 -0.433 34 32 YES
Journal o f Public Budgeting, Accounting and
1096-3367 2 0.611 -1.011 48 51 YES
Financial Management
0268-6902 Managerial A uditing Journal 2 1 1 0398 0380 28 30
0954-0962 Public Money and Management 2 2 2 -1.013 0.148 0300 13 18 16
1176-6093 Q ualitative Research in Accounting and Management 2 1 1 0.614 -1.031 SO 53 YES
1052-0457 Research in Accounting Regulation 2 0.444 0637 31 38 YES
2040-8021 Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal 2 0366 -0.986 44 49 YES
1479-3598 Advances in Environmental Accounting and Management 1 N/A
1041-7060 Advances in Public Interest Accounting N/A
1543-866X ATA Journal o f Legal Tax Research N/A
1834-2000 Australasian Accounting, Business and finance Journal N/A
1262-2788 C om ptabilitt ContrOte Audit N/A
1757-9856 International Journal o f Critical Accounting N/A
1583-4387 Journal o f Accounting and Management Inform ation Systems N/A
2141-6664 Journal o f Accounting and Taxation N/A
1524-5586 Journal o f Forensic Accounting N/A
2165-3755 Journal o f Forensic and Investigative Accounting N/A
1942-9053 Journal o f Forensic Studies in Accounting and Business N/A
2155-3815 Journal o f Governmental & N onprofit Accounting N/A
17596817 Journal o f Islamic Accounting and Business Research N/A
1528-5350 Management Accounting Quarterly N/A
2049-372X M editari Accountancy Research N/A
01140582 Pacific Accounting Review N/A
0884-0741 Research in Governmental and Non-Profit Accounting N/A
Research on Professional Responsibility and
1574-0765 N/A
Ethics in Accounting
0969-160X Social and Environmental A ccountability Journal N/A
1988-4672 Spanish Accounting Review N/A
0210-2412 Spanish Journal o f finance and Accounting -0.477 -0.839 35 45 YES
07366981 The EDP A udit Control, and Security Newsletter N/A
18784917 World Tax Journal N/A

ABS Academ ic Journal Guide 2015 Accounting -1 6

s i\i:s s schools


based on means
Sm al
Journal Tide JCR SJR SN*> journal
2015 2010 2009 rank rank
(<30 doc)
0007-6805 Business History Review 4 3 3 -0398 -0.154 -0.196 6 6 7 YES
0013-0117 Economic History Review 4 4 4 0333 1.427 2.684 3 3 1
0007-6791 Business History 3 4 4 -0.623 -0.218 -0.295 8 8 9
1467-2227 Enterprise and Society 3 3 3 -0.590 0.000 -0.035 7 5 6 YES
1361-4916 European Review o f Economic History 3 1 1.912 2.277 1.415 1 1 3 YES
0014-4983 Explorations m Economic History 3 3 3 0.444 1269 0682 5 4 4
0022-0507 Journal o f Economic History 3 3 3 0.968 2.161 1 796 2 2 2
Accounting History Review (form erly Accounting, Business and
0958-5206 2 2 2 -0.378 -0679 10 15 YES
Financial History)
0148-4184 Accounting Historians Journal 2 2 N/A
1032-3732 Accounting History 2 2 2 -0.223 -0.544 9 14 YES
1467-8446 AustraSan Economic H istory Review 2 -1317 -0.460 -0.740 10 12 16 YES
diom etrica: Journal o f Historical Economics and
1863-2505 2 0568 -0.174 0.593 4 7 5 YES
Econometric History
1161-2770 Entreprises e t Histoire 2 N/A
0967-2567 European Journal o f the History o f Economic Thought 2 2 -1.229 -0.450 -0.338 11 11 10
0968-5650 Financial History Review 2 2 2 -0.585 -0.279 14 8 YES
1053-8372 Journal o f the H istory o f Economic Thought 2 -0.519 -0.492 13 12 YES
0022-5266 Journal o f Transport History 2 2 2 -0.752 -0.496 17 13 YES
0023-656X Labor H istory 2 3 2 -0868 -0.740 -1.017 9 15 19
1744-9359 Management and Organizational History 2 1 1 -0.742 -0.776 16 17 YES
0341-6208 Bankhistorisches Archiv N/A
1362-1572 Historical Studies in Industrial Relations 1 1 N/A
0332-4893 Irish Economic and Social History 1 -0.867 -0.341 18 11 YES
0391-5115 Journal o f European Economic History 1 2 2 YES
135S-252X Journal o f Management History 1 1 N/A
0358-5522 Scandinavian Economic History Review 1 -0.874 -0.943 19 18 YES
0342-2852 Zeitschrift fur Unternehmensgeschlcht# 1 N/A

ABS Academ ic Journal Guide 2015 Business H istory and Economic H istory - 17


ju n o a ra is v a kocm
b iM d on moons
Sm al
Journal TWe JCR SJR SN> journal
2015 2010 2009 rank rank rank
(<30 doc)
0002-8282 American Economic Review 4* 4 4 1.900 0.928 2.253 9 7 8
0090-5364 Annals o f Statistics 4* 1343 0.800 1306 12 8 12
0012-9682 Econometrica 4* 4 4 2.772 1.867 3.498 5 3 4
0022-3808 Journal o f P ofitkal Economy 4* 4 4 3.459 1.758 3342 3 4 3
0033-5533 Quarterly Journal o f Economics 4* 4 4 5.110 2.625 5338 2 2 2
0034-6527 Review o f Economic Studies 4* 4 4 1.924 1.397 2462 8 6 7
1464-3510 Biometrika 4 0373 0.315 0.737 38 27 39
0266-4666 Econometric Theory 4 3 3 -0.185 0.237 0.174 86 33 74
0013-0133 Economic Journal 4 4 4 0.9S5 0.259 1.404 25 31 18
0020-6598 International Economic Review 4 4 4 0.143 0.307 0.549 59 29 44
0735-0015 Journal o f Business and Economic Statistics 4 3 4 0.606 0.253 0.921 37 32 31
0304-4076 Journal o f Econometrics 4 4 4 0835 0.382 1.204 29 21 21
0022-0515 Journal o f Economic litera ture 4 4 4 5.675 1.453 8.162 1 5 1 YES
0895-3309 Journal o f Economic Perspectives 4 4 4 3098 0379 3.475 4 12 5
0022-0531 Journal o f Economic Theory 4 4 4 -0035 0373 0.542 69 23 46
0022-1996 Journal o f International Economics 4 3 3 1038 0.419 1.363 22 17 19
0734-306X Journal o f Labor Economics 4 3 3 1.159 0.589 1.525 19 11 IS YES
0304-3932 Journal o f Monetary Economics 4 4 4 0763 0323 0.753 31 IS 37
0162-1459 Journal o f the American Statistical Association 4 4 4 1.412 0315 1.025 15 28 26
1542-4766 Journal o f the European Economic Association 4 4 3 0.474 0392 0.630 44 19 42
1369-7412 Journal o f the Royal Statistical Society Series B (Methodology) 4 4 4 2.530 0.690 2.235 6 9 9
0741-6261 RAND Journal o f Economics 4 3 3 0.54S 0388 0.926 39 20 29
0034-6535 Review o f Economics and Statistics 4 4 4 1.750 0.620 2.027 10 10 11
1945-7782 American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 3 0894 0376 3.375 27 13 6
1945-7731 American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 3 0.42S 0.231 1.465 45 34 16
1945-7707 American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 3 0.856 0375 0.546 28 14 45
1945-7669 American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 3 0.165 0.402 0.442 56 18 54
0002-9092 American Journal o f A gricultural Economics 3 3 3 -0.003 -0.017 0.264 66 54 63
1941-1391 Annual Review o f Economics 3 0.492 -0.083 0.155 41 78 79 YES
0007-2303 Brookings Papers on Economic A ctivity 3 3 3 1.682 0.467 1.527 11 16 14
0309-166X Cambridge Journal o f Economics 3 3 3 -0.240 -0.131 0.807 94 102 33
0008-4085 Canadian Journal o f Economics 3 3 3 -0.467 -0.128 -0.210 114 100 125
0167-9473 Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 3 -0.163 -0.075 0.021 83 73 94
0012-155X Development and Change 3 0.160 -0.117 0.475 57 93 51
0921-8009 Ecological Economics 3 3 3 1.160 0.008 0.473 18 52 52
0747-4938 Econometric Reviews 3 2 2 -0.151 0.100 0.199 81 42 68 YES
1368-4221 Econometrics Journal 3 3 3 -0344 -0046 -0.041 104 64 104 YES
0013-0079 Economic Development and Cultural Change 3 3 3 0.117 -0.096 0.276 76 83 61 YES
0095-2583 Economic Inquiry 3 3 3 0323 -0.086 0.026 103 79 103
0266-4658 Economic P oky 3 3 3 1.105 0.184 2.141 21 37 10 YES
0938-2259 Economic Theory 3 3 3 -0.494 0.032 -0.066 118 48 106
0013-0427 Economica 3 3 3 0.199 -0.082 0.201 90 77 67
0165-1765 Economics Letters 3 3 3 -0.727 -0.161 -0.476 152 125 178
0140-9883 Energy Economics 3 2 2 1.016 0.018 0.750 24 50 38
0924-6460 Environmental and Resource Economics 3 2 2 0.121 -0.044 0.121 62 63 83
0014-2921 European Economic Review 3 3 3 0.1S8 0.072 0.636 58 44 41
0165-1587 European Review o f Agricultural Economics 3 2 2 0.191 -0.080 0.237 54 75 64 YES
13864157 Experimental Economics 3 2 2 1.415 0326 1.341 14 25 20
0899-8256 Games and Economic Behavior 3 4 4 -0.037 0.121 0.499 70 41 48
1057-9230 Health Economics 3 2 2 0.831 -0.048 0.429 30 66 55
IMF Economic Review (form erly IMF Staff Papers w ith
2041-4161 3 3 3 0.614 0.072 0.180 33 45 72 YES
ISSN 1020-7635)

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 Economics, Econometrics and Statistics -1 8

in sini' ss schools

St andar di s ed scor es
bas ed o n me a n s [ V - - . i ,

Sm al
ISSN Journal Title JCR SJR SNIP journal
2015 2010 2009 rank rank rank
0167-7187 International Journal o f Industrial Organization 3 3 4 -0.159 -0.026 0351 82 56 60
1751-5823 International Statistical Review 3 -0348 -0.192 -0360 124 155 137 YES
0021- 857X Journal o f A gricultural Economics 3 3 2 -0.015 -0.108 0.069 68 89 89
0883-7252 Journal o f Applied Econometrics 3 3 3 0.491 0.138 1.043 42 40 25
0147-5967 Journal o f Comparative Economics 3 3 3 0.056 -0.098 0.388 63 84 58
0304-3878 Journal o f Development Economics 3 3 3 0.614 0.194 1.641 34 36 13
0167-2681 Journal o f Economic Behavior and Organization 3 3 3 -0.066 -0.064 0.056 73 69 90
0165-1889 Journal o f Economic Dynamics and Control 3 3 3 -0.255 -0.052 -0.011 96 67 98
1381-4338 Journal o f Economic Growth 3 2.196 0.370 1.411 7 24 17 YES
0095-0696 Journal o f Environmental Economics and Management 3 4 4 1.028 0.164 1.067 23 39 24
0167-6296 Journal o f Health Economics 3 3 3 1.155 0.073 0.678 20 43 40
0022- 166X Journal o f Human Resources 3 3 3 0.914 0.318 1.156 26 26 22
0022-1821 Journal o f Industrial Economics 3 3 3 0.039 0.053 0.511 64 46 47
1744-1374 Journal o f Institutional Economics 3 -0.019 0.922 55 30
0022-2186 Journal o f Law and Economics 3 3 4 0.403 -0.042 0.364 46 61 59
87566222 Journal o f Law, Economics and Organization 3 3 3 0.344 -0.030 0.213 48 S7 66 YES
0047-2530 Journal o f Legal Studies 3 0.272 -0.089 0.087 51 81 88 YES
0304- 4068 Journal o f Mathematical Economics 3 3 3 -0.797 0.149 -0.440 161 113 171
0047-2S9X Journal o f M ultivariate Analysis 3 -0.287 -0.035 0.141 100 59 81
0933-1433 Journal o f Population Economics 3 3 3 -0.234 0.106 0.050 92 88 91
0047- 2727 Journal o f Public Economics 3 3 3 0.474 0.196 0.772 43 3S 35
0895-5646 Journal o f Risk and Uncertainty 3 4 4 0.374 -0.010 0.274 47 S3 62 YES
Journal o f the Association o f Environmental and
2333-5955 3 N/A
Resource Economists
Journal o f the Royal Statistical Society Series C
0035-9254 3 2 2 -0.101 -0.132 -0.212 75 103 126
(Applied Statistics)
1467-9892 Journal o fTime Series Analysis 3 -0.493 -0.098 -0.023 117 85 102
0094-1190 Journal o f Urban Economics 3 3 3 0.612 0.183 1.095 35 38 23
0927-5371 Labour Economics 3 3 3 -0.206 -0.053 0.160 91 68 76
0023- 7639 Land Economics 3 3 3 0.131 -0.088 -0.019 60 80 101
0305- 9049 Oxford Bulletin o f Economics and Statistics 3 3 3 -0.008 -0.105 0.461 67 87 53
0030-7653 Oxford Economics Papers 3 3 3 -0.095 -0.142 0.184 74 106 71
0048- 5829 Public Choice 3 3 3 -0.397 -0.122 -0.099 107 95 108
1759-7323 Quantitative Economics 3 N/A
1080-8620 Real Estate Economics 3 2 2 -0.247 -0.044 0.482 95 62 49 YES
1094-2025 Review o f Economic Dynamics 3 3 3 -0.060 0.380 0.195 72 22 69
0034-6586 Review o f Income and Wealth 3 3 3 -0.432 -0.146 0.150 112 111 80
0347-0520 Scandinavian Journal o f Economics 3 3 3 -0.265 -0.048 -0.120 98 65 114
1467-9469 Scandinavian Journal o f Statistics 3 -0.150 0.024 0.104 80 49 85
0176-1714 Social Choice and Welfare 3 2 3 -0.672 -0.092 -0302 146 82 123
19336837 Theoretical Economics 3 0.288 0.419 30 56 YES
02586770 World Bank Economic Review 3 3 3 0.611 0.002 0.883 36 51 32 YES
0731-9053 Advances in Econometrics 2 N/A
0169-5150 A gricultural Economics 2 2 2 -0317 -0.156 -0.101 102 116 110
1465-7252 American Law and Economic Review 2 -0.116 -0.016 92 100 YES
1529-7373 Annals o f Economics and finance 2 -0.929 -0.218 -0.826 183 184 250 YES
1370-4788 Annals o f Public and Cooperative Economics 2 2 2 -0.240 -0,428 227 169 YES
1931-1340 Annual Review o f Resource Economics 2 -0.142 -0.165 -0,592 78 128 206 YES
Applied Economic Perspectives and PoScy (form ery Review o f
2040-5804 2 0.021 -0.144 -0.225 65 107 129
A gricultural EconomicsT
0003-6846 Applied Economics 2 2 2 -0.627 -0.187 -0.229 138 150 131
1364-985X Australian Journal of A gricultural and Resource Economics 2 2 2 0,141 -0.144 -0.154 77 108 117
1935-1682 B.E. Journal o f Economic Analysis and Policy 2 -0.625 -0.179 -0.617 136 141 210
1935-1690 B.E. Journal o f Macroeconomics 2 -0.821 -0.158 -0,378 165 122 157

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 Economics, Econometrics and Statistics -19

Sm al

ISSN Journal Tide JCR SJR SNIP Journal
2010 2009 rank rank
(<30 doc)
1935-1704 B.E. Journal o fTheoretical Economics 2 -0.868 -0.180 -0.639 173 144 216
0307-3378 Bulletin o f Economic Research 2 2 2 -0.249 -0834 245 253
0008-3976 Canadian Journal o f A gricultural Economics 2 -0-550 -0.200 -0.547 125 160 198
1612-7501 CESrto Economic Studies 2 -0.626 -0.224 -0.426 137 193 168 YES
1043-95IX China Economic Review 2 2 2 -0.039 -0.157 0.170 71 118 75
1613-9658 Computational Statistics 2 -0.704 -0.223 -0.488 150 190 184
1074-3529 Contemporary Economic Policy 2 2 2 -0.616 -0.221 -0.529 135 187 194
0277-5921 C ontributions to Political Economy 2 2 -0.248 -0.163 243 119 YES
1024-2694 Defense and Peace Economics 2 2 2 -0.758 -0.207 -0.505 156 172 191
0264-9993 Economic M odelling 2 2 2 -0.672 -0.207 -0.375 145 170 156
0013-0249 Economic Record 2 2 2 -0.579 -0.209 -0.304 130 174 145
0939-3625 Economic Systems 2 1 1 -0.201 -0.311 162 147
0953-5314 Economic Systems Research 2 -0.133 -0.213 104 127 YES
2196-1085 Economic Theory Bulletin 2 N/A
1570-667X Economics and Human Biology 2 0694 -0.068 0.011 32 70 95
0266-2671 Economics and Philosophy 2 1 1 -0.551 -0.204 -0.227 126 166 130 YES
0954-1985 Economics and Politics 2 0.125 -0.311 97 146 YES
0272-7757 Economics o f Education Review 2 2 2 -0.182 -0.073 0392 85 72 57
1043-8599 Economics o f Innovation and New Technology 2 2 2 0.205 -0.644 167 218
0967-0750 Economics o f Transition, The 2 1 1 -0359 0.169 -0.119 105 133 113 YES
0377-7332 Empirical Economics 2 2 2 -0525 -0.202 -0.253 120 163 135
1355-770X Environment and Development Economics 2 -0 256 -0.160 -0.384 97 123 160
1618-7598 European Journal of Health Economics 2 0306 -0.192 -0.401 49 154 164
0176-2680 European Journal of Political Economy 2 2 2 0.080 0.155 76 78
1354-5701 Feminist Economics 2 3 3 -0.185 -0.157 0.139 86 119 82 YES
0143-5671 Fiscal Studies 2 2 2 -0.640 -0.195 -0.288 140 157 142 YES
Geneva Risk and Insurance Review (formerly'Geneva Papers on
1S54-964X 2 2 1 -0.692 -0.224 -0.603 148 194 207 YES
Risk and Insurance Theory ' w ith ISSN 0926-4957)
1465-6485 German Economic Review 2 -0.561 -0.190 -0.224 127 153 128 YES
0017-4815 Growth and Change 2 -0.190 -0.154 -0.188 88 114 121 YES
0018-2702 H istory o f Pofitical Economy 2 2 2 -0.983 -0-237 0.042 190 220 92
0167-6245 Inform ation Economics and Policy 2 1 1 -0.415 -0.140 0.157 109 105 77 YES
1742-7355 International Journal o f Economic Theory 2 -0.200 -0.739 159 235 YES
0020-7276 International Journal o f Game Theory 2 -0.734 -0.121 -0.299 153 94 143
1389-6563 International Journal o f Health Care Finance and Economics 2 -0.212 -0.608 178 208 YES
1357-1516 International Journal o f the Economics o f Business 2 3 3 -0.241 -0.751 230 236 YES
1059-0560 International Review o f Economics and Finance 2 -0.192 -0.257 156 136
1931-1465 International Review o f Environmental and Resource Economics 2 -0.208 -0.270 173 139 YES
0144-8188 International Review o f Law and Economics 2 2 2 -0.760 -0.220 -0.570 158 186 201
2193-8997 IZA Journal o f Labor Economics 2 N/A
2193-9039 IZA Journal o f M igration 2 N/A
0889-1583 Japanese and International Economies 2 0666 -0.146 -0J51 142 109 151
0963-8024 Journal o f African Economies 2 2 2 -0-568 -0.182 -0.140 129 145 116
1471-0358 Journal o f Agrarian Change 2 0.168 -0.110 1.000 55 90 27 YES
0162-1912 Journal o f A gricultural and Resource Economics 2 -0.594 -0.175 -0.449 133 138 173
0021-9002 Journal o f Applied Probability 2 3 3 -0.580 -0.126 -0.278 131 99 140
0266-4763 Journal o f Applied Statistics 2 2 2 -0826 -0.232 -0.721 166 210 232
Journal o f Behavioral and Experimental Economics (form erly
1053-5357 2 -0.215 -0.451 180 174
'Journal o f Socio-Economics')
0168-7034 Journal o f Consumer Policy 2 -0.232 -0.496 209 189 YES
0885-2545 Journal o f Cultural Economics 2 0.282 -0.230 -0.363 50 205 154 YES
1569-1721 Journal o f Economic Inequality 2 -0.126 0.091 98 86
0021-3624 Journal o f Economic Issues 2 1 1 -0809 -0.222 -0.417 162 188 166
1350-178X Journal o f Economic Methodology 2 2 2 -0229 -0.640 202 217 YES

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 Economics, Econometrics and Statistics - 20

i u s i \ i : s s s c iio o u s


ISSN Journal T itle JCR SJR SNP
2015 2009 rank rank rank

0144-3585 Journal o f Economic Studies 2 2 2 0.203 0.406 165 165

0950-0804 Journal o f Economic Surveys 2 2 2 0.233 0.069 0.963 52 71 28
0931-8658 Journal o f Economics (Zeitschrift fur Nationalokonomie) 2 -0650 0.226 0697 141 198 226
0936-9937 Journal o f Evolutionary Economics 2 2 2 -0.147 0.161 0.112 79 124 111
1058-0476 Journal o f Family Economic Issues 2 0.211 0.005 177 97
1104-6899 Journal o f Forest Economics 2 -0.167 0.186 0.265 84 149 138

3 83
1051-1377 Journal o f Housing Economics 2 1 1 -0.415 0.167 0.237 110 130 132
1566-1679 Journal o f Industry, C om petition and Trade 2 0.227 0.653 200 220
0932-4569 Journal o f Institutional and Theoretical Economics 2 2 2 -0.855 0.230 0.830 169 203 252
0954-1748 Journal o f International Development 2 1 1 0.211 0.391 176 161
0164-0704 Journal o f Macroeconomics 2 2 2 -0.671 0.185 0.398 144 148 162
1048-5252 Journal o f Non parametric Statistics 2 -0.758 0.167 0.638 157 131 215
0161-8938 Journal o f Policy M odelling 2 2 2 -0.530 0.174 0.099 121 136 109
0160-3477 Journal o f Post Keynesian Economics 2 2 2 -0.858 0215 0.379 170 181 158
0895-562X Journal o f Productivity Analysis 2 2 2 -0.272 0.158 0.037 99 121 93
1097-3923 Journal o f Public Economic Theory 2 2 3 -0.815 0.188 0.494 163 151 188
0922-680X Journal o f Regulatory Economics 2 2 2 -0.402 0.164 0.159 108 127 118
0378-3758 Journal o f Statistical Planning and Inference 2 -0.588 0.124 0.196 132 96 122
1941-1928 Journal o f Time Series Econometrics 2

1365-1005 Macroeconomic Dynamics 2 2 2 -0.684 0.128 0.360 147 101 153
0143-6570 Managerial and Decision Economics 2 2 2 0.183 0.559 146 200
1463-6786 Manchester School 2 3 2 -0.830 0236 0.663 167 218 223
0165-4896 M athem atical Social Sciences 2 -0.820 0.189 0.454 164 152 175
0028-0283 National Tax Journal 2 -0.702 0.119 149 112
1566-113X Networks and Spatial Economics 2 0.114 0.002 91 96

1062-9408 N orth American Journal o f Economics and Finance 2 0200 0351 158 152
0923-7992 Open Economies Review 2 1 1 -0.834 0217 0.611 168 183 209

1360-0818 Oxford Development Studies 2 0230 0.439 204 170
0266-903X Oxford Review o f Economic Policy 2 2 2 0.129 0.148 0.481 61 112 SO
1361-374X Pacific Economic Review 2 -0.773 0203 0.491 159 164 186
1170-7690 PharmacoEconomics 2 1.209 0.078 0.194 17 74 70
1062-9769 Quarterly Review o f Economics and Finance 2 2 2 0233 0.619 213 211 3
1043-4631 Rationality and Society 2 -0.378 0.146 0.239 106 110 133
0928-7655 Resource and Energy Economics 2 2 2 0.208 0.103 0.015 53 86 99
0301-4207 Resources Policy 2 -0.195 0.169 0.088 89 134 87
0305-6244 Review o f African Political Economy 2 0.176 0287 139 141
Review o f A gricultural Economics (continued byApplied
1058-7195 2 -0.472 116
I i

Economic Perspectives and P olicy')

2326-6198 Review o f Behavioral Economics 2
1363-6669 Review o f Development Economics 2 -0.628 0.171 0.300 139 135 144
3 SS

1434-4742 Review o f Economic Design 2 0229 0.806 201 244

1569-5239 Review o f Economics o f the Household 2 0168 0.481 132 179
17506824 Review of Environmental Economics & Policy 2 1624 0.039 0379 13 47 43
0889-938X Review o f Industrial Organization 2 2 2 -0344 0.200 0346 123 161 ISO
0965-7576 Review o f International Economics 2 3 3 -0364 0.162 0.242 128 126 134
1555-5879 Review o f Law and Economics 2 0.238 0.714 224 228
1446-9022 Review o f Network Economics 2 0.184 0.173 147 120 YES
0953-8259 Review o f Political Economy 2 1 1 0.223 0493 192 187
1610-2878 Review o f World Economics 2 2 2 -0439 0.158 0202 113 120 124
0036-9292 Scottish Journal o f Political Economy 2 2 2 -0 708 0.223 0.513 151 191 192
00384038 Southern Economic Journal 2 3 3 -0605 0.175 0139 134 137 115
1742-1772 Spatial Economic Analysis 2 0.179 0400 143 163 YES
1536-867X STATA Journal 2 1.304 0.033 0759 16 58 36
0167-7152 Statistics and Probability Letters 2 0 784 0.179 0421 160 141 167

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 Economics, Econometrics and Statistics - 21

b is i\i:s s s ( ;ii( H ) ls

based on means
Sm al
ISSN Journal TMe JU i
2015 2010 2009 rank rank rank
(<30 doc)
1081-1826 Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics 2 2 2 -0.500 -0.209 -0317 119 175 149 YES
0040-5833 Theory and Decision 2 2 2 -0.670 -0.166 -0.484 143 129 182
0257-3032 World Bank Research Observer 2 2 2 0.519 -0.037 0.791 40 60 34 YES
0378-5920 World Economy 2 2 2 -0.235 -0.155 -0.095 93 115 107
1529-2134 Advances in Austrian Economics 1 -0.633 214 YES
1068-2805 A gricultural and Resource Economics Review 1 -0.233 -0839 212 254 YES
0019-0209 Annales cfEccnomie e t de Statistique 1 N/A
13504851 Applied Economics Letters 1 1 1 0920 -0.231 0721 182 206 231
1351-3958 Asian Economic Journal 1 4*915 -0.251 0666 181 247 224 YES
1535-3516 Asian Economic Papers 1 4)243 -0.659 234 222
0197-4254 Atlantic Economic Journal 1 4)256 -0.894 256 261
0004-900X Australian Economic Papers 1 4)932 -0.261 -0.799 184 261 243 YES
0004-9018 Australian Economic Review 1 -0.971 -0.236 -0.811 188 219 245
1328-1143 Australian Journal o f Labour Economics 1 N/A
0007-4918 B ulletin o f Indonesian Economic Studies 1 4)429 4X225 0.217 111 195 65 YES
0007-666X Business Economics 1 4X242 -0.719 232 230
0888-7233 Comparative Economic Studies 1 1 4X244 -0.314 237 148
0927-7099 Computational Economics 1 4X215 4X581 182 203
1043-4062 C onstitutional P olitical Economy 1 -0.236 -0.656 217 221 YES
0023-4591 Credit and Capital Markets (Kredit und Kapital) 1 N/A
0013-063X De Economist 1 4)747 4)214 -0.489 154 179 185 YES
1593-8883 Decisions in Economics and Finance 1 4X255 -0.814 254 247 YES
2153-0785 Dynamic Games and Applications 1 4X057 105 YES
0094-5456 Eastern Economic Journal 1 -0254 -0.694 253 225
0012-8775 Eastern European Economics 1 -0.912 -0251 -0.846 179 248 256
2225-1146 Econometrics (MDP1) 1 N/A
0012-9984 Economic and Social Review 1 4)241 -0.481 231 179 YES
Economic Change and Restructuring (form erly
0013-0451 1 1 1 4)258 -0.864 257 257 YES
'Economics o f Planning')
1363-7029 Economic Issues 1 2 2 N/A
0391-5026 Economic Notes 1 4)252 -1.049 249 266 YES
22544380 Economics and Business Letters 1 N/A
1435-6104 Economics o f Governance 1 1 4)219 -0.481 185 181 YES
2212-0122 Economics o f Transportation 1 YES
2227-7099 Economies (MDPI) 1 N/A
1025-5508 Ekonomia 1 N/A
03408744 Empirica 1 4)240 -0.619 228 212 YES
1432-847X Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 1 -0247 -0.926 242 263 YES
European Journal o f Economics and Economic Policy:
2052-7772 Intervention (form erly'European Journal o f Economics and 1 N/A
Economic Policy*)
0929-1261 European Journal o f Law and Economics 1 -0240 -0.721 229 232
0015-2218 FinanzArchrv 1 -0.951 -0242 -0.813 185 233 246 YES
1558-9544 Forum fo r Health Economics and Policy 1 N/A
0736-0932 Forum fo r Social Economics 1 N/A
1551-3076 Foundations and Trends in Econometrics 1 N/A
2073-4336 Games (MDPI) 1 N/A
1524-5861 Global Economy Journal 1 0.234 -0.574 215 202
2047-8747 Interdisciplinary Journal o f Economics and Business Law 1
0020-5346 Intereconomics 1 1 -0.259 -0.882 259 259
1083-0898 International Advances in Economic Research 1 0262 4X828 263 251
1016-8737 International Economic Journal 1 0.259 4X949 258 264
0219-1989 International Game Theory Review 1 0244 4X823 236 249

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 Economics, Econometrics and Statistics - 22

in s i n i - s s sc h o o ls

| Ratings




2015 2010 2009 rank rank rank j um * 1
(<30 doc)
International Journal o f Computational Economics
1757-1189 1 N/A
and Econometrics
0973-7537 International Journal o f Ecological Economics and Statistics 1 N/A
2049-2790 International Journal o f Happiness and Development 1 N/A
0891-1916 International Journal o f Political Economy 1 N/A
0306-8293 International Journal o f Social Economics 1 1 1 -0.245 -0.786 239 241
0269-2171 International Review o f Applied Economics 1 2 2 -0.226 -0.456 197 176
2193-9012 1ZA Journal o f European Labor Studies 1 N/A
2193-9020 IZA Journal o f Labor & Development 1 N/A
2193-9004 IZA Journal o f Labor Policy 1 N/A
0021-4027 Jahrbucher fu r Nationalokonomie und Statistik 1 -0.966 -0.237 -0.875 187 221 258
0922-1425 Japan and the W orld Economy 1 -0.861 15.238 -0591 172 1 205
1352-4739 Japanese Economic Review 1 0.868 -0.233 -0.630 174 211 213
2329-194X Japanese Political Economy (torm ertyJapanese Economy) 1 N/A
1614-3485 Journal for Labour Market Research 1 N/A
1542-0485 Journal o f A gricultural & Food Industrial Organization 1 -0.207 0,538 169 195 YES
1074-0708 Journal o f A gricultural and Applied Economics 1 N/A
0969-6997 Journal o f A ir Transport Management 1 0.291 0.156 0.180 101 117 72
1514-0326 Journal o f Applied Economics 1 0880 0.246 -0.733 176 241 234 YES
1049-0078 Journal o f Aslan Economics 1 0.222 -0.449 189 172
1387-6996 Journal o f Bioeconomics 1 -0.207 -0.371 171 155 YES
0022-037X Journal o f Developing Areas 1 2 2 N/A
2156-6674 Journal o f Econometric Methods 1 N/A
0022-0485 Journal o f Economic Education 1 -0.952 -0.246 -0.557 186 240 199
1225-651X Journal o f Economic Integration 1 N/A
1860-711X Journal o f Economic Interaction and Coordination 1 -0232 -0.382 208 159 YES
0148-6195 Journal o f Economics and Business 1 1 1 0226 -0.522 199 193
1751-8008 Journal o f Gambling Business and Economics 1 N/A
1948-1837 Journal o f G lobalization and Development 1 N/A
0926-6437 Journal o f Income D istribution 1 0261 -1.117 260 270 YES
Journal o f Industrial and Business Economics - Econorma e
0391-2078 1 N/A
Politics In d u s tria l
0260-1079 Journal o f Interdisciplinary Economics 1 1 1 0268 -1.112 265 269 YES
0963-8199 Journal o f International Trade and Economic Development 1 -0.912 -0245 -0.787 178 238 242
0899-7764 Journal o f Media Economics 1 -0.750 -0238 -0.715 155 223 229 YES
1354-7860 Journal o f the Asia-Pacific Economy 1 -0.972 -0251 -0.757 189 246 237
2196-9647 Man and the Economy 1 N/A
2195-4623 Mathematical Economics Letters 1 N/A
0026-1386 Metroeconomica 1 1 0.106 84 YES
2191-2203 Mineral Economics 1 N/A
0027-9501 National Institute Economic Review 1 2 2 0238 -0.587 222 204
0028-0739 Natural Resources Journal 1 -0.860 0256 -0.841 171 255 255 YES
1385-9587 Netnomics 1 0206 -0.646 168 219 YES
0077-9954 New Zealand Economic Papers 1 0266 -0.774 264 240 YES
1554-8597 Peace Economics. Peace Science and Public Policy 1 0248 -0.894 243 262 YES
1617-982X Portuguese Economic Journal 1 -0.901 0232 -0.817 177 207 248 YES
1463-1377 Post-Communist Economies 1 1 1 -0.870 0238 -0.545 175 225 197 YES
1752-8925 Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis in Social Sciences 1 N/A
1098-3708 Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics 1 -0.252 -0.707 250 227 YES
0049-8599 Quarterly Journal of International Agricultural 1 -0254 -0.968 252 265 YES
1090-9443 Research in Economics 1 0253 -0.885 251 260 YES
0739-8859 Research In Transportation Economics 1 0233 -0.766 214 238
0889-3047 Review o f Austrian Economics 1 0235 -0.498 216 190 YES
1973-3909 Review o f Economic Analysis 1 N/A

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 Economics, Econometrics and Statistics - 23


Sm al
ISSN Journal TMe journal
rank rank rank
(<30 doc)
1058-3300 Renew o f financial Economics 1 1 1 -0.225 -0.484 196 182 YES
0486-6134 Review o f Radical Political Economics 1 -0.244 -0.541 235 196
1869-4187 SEWEs (replaces Spanish Economic Review1ISBN 1435-5469) 1 -0.531 122 N/A
0038-2280 South African Journal o f Economics 1 1 1 -0.913 -0.239 -0.773 180 226 239
1391-5614 South Asia Economic Journal 1 -0.270 -1.081 266 268 YES
1944-012X Strategic Behavior and the Environment 1 N/A
1086-7376 Studies in Economics and Finance 1 1 1 -0.262 -1.071 262 267 YES
0303-9692 Swiss Journal o f Economics and Statistics 1 N/A
2162-2078 Theoretical Economics Letters 1 N/A
0040-747X Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie 1 -0.468 -0.176 -0.468 115 140 177

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 Economics, Econometrics and Statistics - 24




ISSN Journal TWe

|H )
1042-2587 Entrepreneurship, Theory and Practice 4 4 4 1.009 1.522 1 541 2 2 2
0883-9026 Journal o f Business Venturing 4 4 4 1.464 2.878 1.776 1 1 1
1932-4391 Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 4 3 0.582 -0.544 -1.055 3 12 14 YES
0898-5626 Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 3 3 3 -0.838 0.101 0.170 6 6 7
0894-4865 Family Business Review 3 2 2 0.512 0.258 0.697 4 4 5 YES
0266-2426 International Small Business Journal 3 3 3 -0.989 -0.016 0.368 7 7 6
0047-2778 Journal o f Small Business Management 3 3 3 -1.020 0.204 1.021 8 5 3 YES
0921-898X Small Business Economics 3 3 3 -0.719 0.660 0.887 5 3 4
1355-2554 International Journal o f Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research 2 2 2 -0.524 -0.016 10 9 YES
1465-7503 International Journal o f Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2 2 2 N/A
1877-8585 Journal o f Family Business Strategy 2 -0.538 -0.598 11 12 YES
1462-6004 Journal o f Small Business and Enterprise Development 2 2 2 -0.696 -0.587 14 11
Venture C apital' An International Journal o f
1369-1066 2 2 2 -0.458 -0.533 9 10 YES
Entrepreneurial Finance
1554-7191 International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 1 1 1 -0.356 0.069 8 8
02184958 Journal o f Enterprising Culture 1 1 1 N/A
0971-3557 Journal o f Entrepreneurship 1 1 1 -0.861 -1.237 15 15 YES
1570-7385 Journal o f International Entrepreneurship 1 1 1 -0589 -0.914 13 13 YES
0827-6331 Journal o f Small Business and Entrepreneurship 1 N/A
1750-8614 Social Enterprise 1 1 1 N/A
World Review o f Entrepreneurship Management and
17560573 1 1 1 -1.040 -1.588 16 16 YES
Sustainable Development

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management - 25


Sm al
ISSN Journal TMe journal
rank rank rank
3 0 d o c)
0022-1082 Journal o f Finance 4* 4 4 3.485 5.377 4.413 1 1 1
0304-405X Journal o f Financial Economics 4* 4 4 2857 3.819 3.400 2 2 2
0893-9454 Review of Financial Studies 4* 4 4 2290 3.784 3.189 3 3 3
0929-1199 Journal o f Corporate Finance 4 3 3 0347 0.296 0477 6 12 16
0022-1090 Journal o f Financial and Q uantitative Analysis 4 4 4 0389 1.151 0930 5 4 7
1042-9573 Journal o f Financial Interm ediation 4 3 3 0.180 0.657 0607 8 6 14 YES
0022-2879 Journal o f Money, Credit and Banking 4 4 3 0.160 0.585 0764 9 7 8
1572-3097 Review o f Finance (form erly European Finance Review) 4 3 3 0.959 0616 5 13 YES
1941-1375 Annual Review o f Financial Economics 3 -0815 -0.126 -0347 32 25 41 YES
0964-8410 Corporate Governance: An International Review 3 3 3 0396 -0.226 00 14 4 29 27
1354-7798 European Financial Management 3 3 3 0223 -0066 0 284 19 21 20
1351-847X European Journal o f Finance 3 3 3 -0.402 0466 46 48
0949-2984 Finance and Stochastics 3 3 3 0.018 0.437 1648 13 11 4 YES
0015-198X Financial Analysts Journal 3 3 3 -0.496 0.014 0154 22 16 22
0046-3892 Financial Management (USA) 3 3 3 0.132 0257 0274 10 14 21
0963-8008 Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments 3 3 3 -0.448 0300 54 51 YES
0800-3564 Financial Review 3 3 3 -0362 0.870 70 63 YES
0167-6687 Insurance, Mathematics and Economics 3 2 2 -0.177 -0813 0.638 16 18 12
1076-9307 International Journal o f Finance and Economics 3 2 2 -0.690 -0293 0263 28 32 37 YES
1057-5219 International Review o f Financial Analysis 3 3 3 -0376 0291 42 39
0378-4266 Journal o f Banking and Finance 3 3 3 0.257 -0.002 0 958 7 17 6
0927-5398 Journal o f Empirical Finance 3 3 3 -0.037 0386 20 19
1479-8409 Journal o f Financial Econometrics 3 1 -0.057 0.473 0658 14 9 10 YES
1386-4181 Journal o f Financial Markets 3 3 3 -0.180 0326 0464 17 8 17 YES
0270-2592 Journal o f Financial Research 3 3 3 -0220 0 345 27 40 YES
0920-8550 Journal o f Financial Services Research 3 3 2 -0255 0076 31 30 YES
1572-3089 Journal o f Financial S tability 3 1 -0217 0128 26 23 YES
0270-7314 Journal o f Futures Markets 3 3 3 -0 698 -0302 0234 29 34 34
Journal o f International Financial Markets,
1042-4431 3 3 3 -0352 0.170 39 33
Institutions and Money
0261-5606 Journal o f International Money and Finance 3 3 3 -0.205 0.067 0.641 18 15 11
0895-5638 Journal o f Real Estate Finance and Economics 3 2 2 -0.505 -0.107 0.435 23 23 18
0022-4367 Journal o f Risk and Insurance 3 2 2 -0.264 -0.113 0.490 20 24 15
0960-1627 Mathematical finance 3 3 3 0.022 0.460 1618 12 10 5
1469-7688 Quantitative Finance 3 2 2 -0.474 -0.297 0.092 21 33 31
2045-9939 Review o f Asset Pricing Studies 3 N/A
2046-9136 Review o f Corporate Finance Studies 3 N/A
0924-865X Review o f Quantitative Finance and Accounting 3 3 3 -0.359 0351 40 42
1614-2446 Annals o f Finance 2 1 1 -0.323 0.491 36 50 YES
0960-3107 Applied financial Economics 2 2 2 -0.387 0393 44 43
1387-2834 Asia-Pacific Financial Markets 2 -0486 0.711 60 57 YES
0515-0361 ASTIN Bulletin: Journal o f International Actuarial Association 2 2 0357 -0024 0040 25 19 25 YES
Corporate Governance:The International Journal of
1472-0701 2 1 1 -0.421 0463 52 46
Business in Society
1544-6123 finance Research Letters 2 -0.364 -0715 41 58 YES
1567-2395 Foundations and Trends in Finance 2 0280 0057 13 24 YES
1018-5895 Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice 2 2 1 -0.960 -0.414 0378 34 51 52
1554-964X Geneva Risk and Insurance Review 2 -0.741 -0.412 0.477 31 50 49 YES
1044-0283 Global finance Journal 2 2 2 -0.464 0.635 57 54 YES
1755-3849 International Journal o f Banking, Accounting and finance 2 -0.495 0.943 61 66 YES
1741-802X International Journal o f Business Governance and Ethics 2 1 -0301 0.860 62 62 YES
1815-4654 International Journal o f Central Banking 2 -0.455 0269 55 38 YES

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 Finance - 26


based on m
Sm al
ISSN Journal T itle JCR SJR journal
2010 2009 rank
(<30 doc)
1743-9132 International Journal o f Managerial Finance 2 -0502 -0.968 63 68 YES
0219-0249 International Journal o f Theoretical and A pplied Finance 2 2 2 -0328 -0.465 37 47
0927-5940 International Tax and Public Finance 2 2 2 -0557 -0 246 0035 24 30 26
1810-4967 Investment Management and Financial Innovations 2 1 1 -0 545 -1212 67 71
1520-3255 Journal o f Alternative Investments 2 1 1 -0.458 0908 56 64 YES
1470-8272 Journal o f Asset Management 2 2 2 -0527 0802 65 60 YES
1745-6452 Journal o f Banking Regulation 2 -0523 -1.115 64 70 YES
1074-1240 Journal o f Derivatives 2 2 2 -4676 -0389 0238 27 45 35 YES
1753-9641 Journal o f Derivatives and Hedge Funds 2 -0535 0988 66 69 YES
0972-6527 Journal o f Emerging M arket Finance 2 2 2 -0545 0857 68 61 YES
1059-8596 Journal o f Fixed Income 2 1 1 -0.439 0926 S3 65 YES
0954-1314 Journal o f International Financial Management and Accounting 2 2 2 -0.464 0644 58 S5 YES
1042 444X Journal o f M ultinational Financial Management 2 2 2 4.404 0399 48 44 YES
1744-6740 Journal o f Operational Risk 2 -4725 30 N/A
1474-7472 Journal o f Pension Economics and Finance 2 1 1 -0.467 0619 59 S3 YES
0095-4918 Journal o f Portfolio Management 2 2 2 -0882 -0330 0.447 33 38 45
1465-1211 Journal o f Risk 2 0104 11 N/A
1092-0277 N orth American Actuarial Journal 2 1 -0066 0.015 22 28
0927-538X Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 2 2 2 -0318 0.142 35 32
0378-4371 Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 2 1 -0107 -0324 0 0 51 IS 28 29
0275-5319 Research in International Business and Finance 2 2 2 0377 0251 43 36 YES
1475-7702 Review o f Accounting and Finance 2 -0568 0672 71 S6 YES
13846645 Review o f Derivatives Research 2 2 2 -0.402 0797 47 59 YES
1879-9337 Review o f Development Finance 2 -0559 0.961 69 67 YES
1945-497X SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics 2 -0 648 -0.407 0.727 26 49 9 YES
1605-9786 African Rnance Journal YES
0002-1466 Agricultural Finance Review N/A
0005-4623 Bancaria The Journal o f the Italian Banking Association N/A
1357-3217 British Actuarial Journal 1 N/A
2044-1398 China Finance Review International N/A
1727-9232 Corporate Ownership and Control 1 N/A
2164-5760 C ritical Finance Review N/A
2164-9480 Economics and Rnance Research N/A
1055-61SX Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management 2 2 N/A
International Journal o f Islamic and M iddle Eastern Finance
1753-8394 N/A
and Management
1757-6385 Journal Financial Economic Policy N/A
1078-1196 Journal o f Applied Corporate Finance 2 2 N/A
22146350 Journal o f Behavioral and Experimental Finance N/A
1460-1559 Journal o f Com putational Finance N/A
17446619 Journal o f Credit Risk N/A
1756-3615 Journal o f Energy Markets N/A
1475-1283 Journal o f Finance and Management in Public Services 1 N/A
2282-717X Journal o f Financial Management, Markets and institutions N/A
20495404 Journal o f Financial Market Infrastructures N/A
1358-1988 Journal o f Financial Regulation and Compliance 1 1 N/A
2047-1246 Journal o f Investment Strategies N/A
20744658 Journal o f Islamic Economics. Banking and Finance N/A
1754676X Journal o f Prediction Markets N/A
1S265943 Journal o f Risk Finance 1 1 N/A
1753-9579 Journal o f Risk Model Validation N/A
0307-4358 Managerial Finance 1 1 N/A
1096-1879 M ultinational Finance Journal 2 2 N/A
1755-4179 Q ualitative Research in Financial Markets N/A

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 Finance - 27


Sm al
ISSN Journal TMe journal
2015 rank
2010-1392 Q uarterly Journal o f Finance N/A
1940-5979 Review o f Behavioral Finance N/A

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 Finance - 28



lu tin g s

ISSN Journal TMa JCR SJR SNIP journal
2015 2010 2009 rank rank rank
(<30 doc)
0001-4273 Academy o f Management Journal 4* 4 4 2.114 3.118 1.957 2 1 3
0363-7425 Academy o f Management Review 4* 4 4 2.400 2.919 2.780 1 2 2
0001-8392 Adm inistrative Science Quarterly 4* 4 4 1.139 2.822 1.064 3 3 5
0149-2063 Journal o f Management 4* 4 4 0.910 1.383 1313 4 4 4
1045-3172 British Journal o f Management 4 4 4 0.412 -0.110 0.032 9 11 13
1052-1 SOX Business Ethics Quarterly 4 3 3 -0.587 -0.137 0.044 13 12 12 YES
0022-2380 Journal o f Management Studies 4 4 4 0300 0.744 0.766 5 5 7
1553-9080 Academy of Management Perspectives 3 3 3 -0.460 0.162 0.600 11 6 8
0007-6503 Business and Society 3 3 -0.326 -0.444 15 20
0008-1256 California Management Review 3 3 3 -0.384 -0.010 0.217 7 8 10
1740-4754 European Management Review 3 3 1 -0.095 -0.403 10 19 YES
0017-8012 Harvard Business Review 3 4 3 -0.430 -0.318 2.853 10 14 1
1460-8545 International Journal o f Management Reviews 3 3 3 0.150 0.026 0.947 6 7 6 YES
0167-4544 Journal o f Business Ethics 3 3 3 -0.702 -0.336 -0.203 15 16 15
0148-2963 Journal o f Business Research 3 3 3 -0.491 -0.084 0.170 12 9 11
1056-4926 Journal o f Management Inquiry 3 3 3 -0.793 -0.362 -0.643 17 17 24
1532-9194 MfT Sloan Management Review 3 3 3 -0.590 -0341 0.572 14 13 9
0962-8770 Business Ethics: A European Review 2 2 2 -0370 -0.941 31 34
0007-6813 Business Horizons 2 1 1 -0366 -0.218 18 16
0825-0383 Canadian Journal o f Adm inistrative Sciences 2 2 2 -1.023 -0.555 -0.782 18 29 30
1024-5294 Com petition and Change 2 2 2 N/A
0955-534X European Business Review 2 2 2 -0311 -0.620 25 23
0263-2373 European Management Journal 2 2 1 -0.408 -0.233 20 17
0020-8825 International Studies o f Management and Organization 2 2 2 -0.586 -0.778 34 29 YES
0306-3070 Journal o f General Management 2 2 2 -0.520 -0.751 26 26 YES
1469-1930 Journal o f Intellectual Capital 2 -0.435 -0.011 22 14
14766930 Journal o f Revenue and Pricing Management 2 -0.485 -0807 23 31
0025-1747 Management Decision 2 1 1 -0.390 -0.432 -0.379 8 21 18
0956-5221 Scandinavian Journal o f Management 2 2 2 -0.752 -0.402 -0.557 16 19 22
0277-2027 Business and Professional Ethics 1 1 1 N/A
2051-8757 Business, Peace and Sustainable Development 1 N/A
0955-808X European Business Journal 1 1 N/A
International Journal of Knowledge. Culture and
1447-9524 1 1 0.607 -1.046 35 35
Change Management
0813-0183 International Journal of Management 1 1 N/A
1462-4621 International Journal of Management and Decision Making 1 1 1 -0306 -0.837 24 33 YES
1753-8378 International Journal o f Managing Projects in Business 1 N/A
1649-248X Irish Journal o f Management 1 1 N/A
1470-5001 Journal o f Corporate Citizenship 1 N/A
1385-3457 Journal o f Management and Governance 1 1 1 -0338 -0.762 28 27 YES
14766086 Journal o f Management. S pirituality & Religion 1 -0373 -0.821 32 32 YES
2040-8269 Management Research Review 1 -0360 -0.762 30 28
1368-3047 Measuring Business Excellence 1 -0323 -0.546 27 21 YES
0129-5977 Singapore Management Review 1 1 2 -0.578 -0672 33 25 YES
2044-4087 Social Business 1 N/A

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 General Management, Ethics and Social Responsibility - 29



2015 2010 2009 rank rank rank .C Z T V *.
| (<30 doc)
0007-1080 British Journal o f Industrial Relations 4 4 4 0.773 1.226 1541 6 5 2
0090-4848 Human Resource Management (USA) 4 4 4 1.325 1.462 0707 2 4 8
0019-8676 Industrial Relations: A Journal o f Economy and Society 4 4 4 1.727 0.651 0657 1 8 9
0950-0170 Work, Employment and Society 4 4 4 1243 1.166 1524 3 6 3
0954-5395 Human Resourco Management Journal (UK) 4 3 3 0 983 1 162 7 5 YES
0019-7939 Industrial and Labor Relations Review 3 3 3 0662 1.802 1.127 8 2 6
0959-6801 European Journal o f Industrial Relations 3 3 3 0262 0.427 0593 9 10 10 YES
0968-6673 Gender, Work and Organization 3 3 3 0788 0.512 0864 5 9 7
1053-4822 Human Resource Management Review 3 2 2 1.713 1.771 3 1
0305-9332 Industrial Law Journal 3 3 3 -1.032 0697 26 21 YES
0019-8692 Industrial Relations Journal 3 2 2 N/A
0958-5192 International Journal o f Human Resource Management 3 3 3 0679 0396 0039 7 11 16
0268-1072 Now Technology, Work and Employment 3 3 3 0120 0320 0432 12 16 11 YES
0730-8884 Work and Occupations 3 3 3 1.171 1.973 1258 4 1 4 YES
0143-831X Economic and Industrial Democracy 3 3 3 06 05 0614 0771 14 19 22
1038-4111 Asia Pacific Journal o f Human Resources 2 2 2 0.436 0.752 -1.014 13 23 27 YES
1362-0436 Career Development International 2 1 1 0305 0254 12 18
0889-4019 Career Development Q uarterly 2 0.171 0019 0164 10 14 13 YES
0142-5455 Employee Relations 2 2 2 0042 0946 24 2S
1367-8868 Human Resource Development International 2 2 2 N/A
1044-8004 Human Resource Development Quarterly 2 2 2 0303 0169 17 17 YES
1534-4843 Human Resource Development Review 2 2 2 N/A
0143-7720 International Journal o f Manpower 2 2 2 0.656 0371 0.813 16 25 23
1468-2419 International Journal o f Training and Development 2 N/A
0020-7780 International Labour Review 2 3 2 0.634 0679 0.139 15 20 14 YES
0022-1856 Journal o f Industrial Relations 2 2 2 -1.012 0603 03 91 18 18 19
0195-3613 Journal o f Labour Research 2 2 2 0.999 0.706 0.974 17 22 26 YES
1030-1763 Labor Studies Journal 2 2 2 N/A
0048-3486 Personnel Review 2 2 2 0.121 0.137 0.010 11 15 15
0034-379X Relations Industrielles/lndustrial Relations 2 2 -1320 -1.236 -1.621 19 28 29
00380296 Sociologie du Travail 2 2 2 -1.476 0693 0.424 20 21 12
Zeitschrift fu r Personalforschung (German Journal o f Research
0179-6437 2 -1.664 -1.491 -2.136 21 30 30 YES
in Human Resource Management)
0742-6186 Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations 1 1 N/A
0311-6336 Australian B ulletin o f Labour 1 N/A
1328-1143 Australian Journal o f Labour Research 1 N/A
02610159 Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: an International Journal 1 1 N/A
03090590 European Journal o f Industrial Training 1 N/A
2049-3983 Evidence-based HRM: A Global Forum fo r Empirical Scholarship 1 N/A
0964-9425 Gender in Management: An International Journal 1 1 N/A
0199-8986 Human Resource Planning 1 N/A
International Journal o f Comparative Labour Law and
0952-617x 1 N/A
Industrial Relations
1039-6993 International Journal o f Employment Studies 1 1 1 N/A
1121-7081 Labour: Review o f Labour Economics and Industrial Relations 1 1 1 -1.244 0352 29 20
0742-7301 Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management 1 N/A
0734-371X Review o f Public Personnel Adm inistration 1 1 1 0.090 -1.187 13 28 YES
0379-8410 South African Journal o f Labour Relations 1 N/A
1352-7592 Team Performance Management 1 -1.100 0.908 27 24 YES
0019-5308 The Indian Journal o f Industrial Relations 1 N/A

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 Human Resource Management and Employment Studies - 30


Sm al
tSSN Journal H tte JCR SJR SN*> journal
2010 2009 rank rank rank
(<30 doc)
1047-7047 Inform ation Systems Research 4* 4 4 1.562 2.629 1.204 2 2 6
0276-7783 MIS Quarterly 4* 4 4 4.485 5.134 3313 1 1 1
0742-1222 Journal o f Management Inform ation Systems 4 3 3 0.623 1.479 0609 5 3 17
1536-9323 Journal o f the Association of Inform ation Systems 4 3 3 0.194 0.790 0748 10 10 IS
0747-5632 Computers in Human Behavior 3 -0.095 0.352 0372 17 17 22
0167-9236 Decision Support Systems 3 3 3 0.128 0.952 1007 12 7 10
0960-085X European Journal o f Inform ation Systems 3 3 3 -0092 0494 -0091 16 14 29
0957-4174 Expert Systems w ith Applications 3 3 3 0092 0.352 0930 13 16 11
074O-624X Government Inform ation Quartorty 3 -0267 -0.245 1.130 19 31 7
0378-7206 Inform ation and Management 3 3 3 0957 1.322 1299 4 5 5
1471-7727 Inform ation and Organization 3 3 3 0.233 -0117 20 31 YES
0197-2243 Inform ation Society 3 2 2 -0555 -0.321 0070 25 33 25 YES
1387-3326 Inform ation Systems Frontiers 3 2 2 -0849 -0.430 -0378 31 35 36
1350-1917 Inform ation Systems Journal 3 3 3 0203 0652 0 587 9 11 19 YES
0959-3845 Inform ation Technology and People 3 2 2 -0516 -0773 39 45 YES
1086-4415 International Journal o f Electronic Commerce 3 3 3 0.081 0269 -0.037 14 19 27 YES
1071-5819 International Journal o f Human-Computer Studies 3 3 3 -0.060 0.533 1.510 15 12 4
1083-6101 Journal o f Computer Mediated Communication 3 1.190 1.434 1.690 3 4 3
0268-3962 Journal o f Inform ation Technology 3 3 3 0.523 -0.136 -0.273 6 27 33
0963-8687 Journal o f Strategic Inform ation Systems 3 3 3 0.216 0.138 0.167 8 23 23 YES
Journal o f the American Society for Inform ation Science and
1532-2882 3 3 -0.142 0.945 0.755 18 8 14
Technology (JASIST)
0268-1102 Inform ation Technology fo r Development 2 -0.746 -0.772 52 44 YES
00664200 Annual Review o f Inform ation Science and Technology 2 2 2 0.242 7 N/A
0144-929X Behavior and Inform ation Technology 2 2 2 -0.753 -0303 -0.122 30 32 32
0007-1013 British Journal o f Educational Technology 2 2 2 -0.542 0342 0.382 23 18 21
Business & Inform ation Systems Engineering (BISE, includes
1867-0202 2 N/A
0001-0782 Communications o f the ACM 2 3 3 0.173 0340 2.580 11 9 2
1529-3181 Communications o f the Association for Inform ation Systems 2 2 2 -0384 -1.070 48 56
0010-4620 Computer Journal 2 2 2 -0.913 -0.130 -0.093 33 26 30
0925-9724 Computer Supported Cooperative Work 2 1 1 -0.080 0.010 25 26 YES
0095-0033 Database 2 2 2 N/A
1567-4223 Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 2 -0.476 -0.178 -0.083 21 29 28
02664720 Expert Systems: the Journal o f Knowledge Engineering 2 2 2 -0654 -0.836 44 50
1471-1842 Health Inform ation and Libraries Journal 2 -0.910 -0.491 -0.496 32 38 39
2047-6965 Health Systems 2 N/A
0263-5577 Industrial Management and Data Systems 2 1 1 -0.562 -0.141 -0.354 26 28 3S
0306-4573 Inform ation Processing and Management 2 3 3 -0.450 0.496 1.112 20 13 8
1617-9846 Inform ation Systems and e-business Management 2 -0.576 -0380 41 40 YES
10580530 Inform ation Systems Management 2 2 2 -0.608 -0666 43 41
0953-5438 Interacting w ith Computers 2 2 2 -0.583 0.070 0808 27 24 13
02684012 International Journal o f Inform ation Management 2 2 2 -0.550 -0.231 0.112 24 30 24
Internet Research: Electronic Networking
1066-2243 2 2 2 -0.739 -0.447 -0.315 29 36 34 YES
Applications and Policy
0887-4417 Journal o f Computer Inform ation Systems 2 2 2 -0.452 -0.782 37 46
17410398 Journal o f Enterprise Inform ation Management 2 1 1 -0.607 -0.806 42 47
1062-7375 Journal o f Global Inform ation Management 2 2 2 -0.667 -0338 -0.692 28 34 42 YES
1097-198X Journal o f Global Inform ation Technology Management (JGfTM) 2 -0.974 -1.068 59 55 YES
0165-5515 Journal o f Inform ation Science 2 2 2 -0.513 0.157 0.602 22 22 18
0164-1212 Journal o f Systems and Software 2 0.174 0.504 21 20
1540-1960 MIS Q uarterly Executive (MISQ-E) 2 0.985 0.613 6 16 YES

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 Information Management - 31


based on means


ISSN Journal Title JCR SJR SNI>
2010 2009 rank rank rank

1943-7544 Pacific Asia Journal o f the Association fo r Inform ation Systems 2 N/A
0947-3602 Requirements Engineering 2 0.370 1023 15 9 YES
0905-0167 Scandinavian Journal o f Inform ation Systems 2 0.759 0.920 S3 12 YES
1944-3900 AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction 1 N/A
1039-7841 Australasian Journal o f Inform ation Systems -0.966 1.148 58 57 YES
1533-2454 Communications o f the IGSA N/A
1528-8234 e-Service Journal N/A
1572-8439 Ethics and Inform ation Technology 1 0.739 0488 SI 38 YES
0968-5227 Inform ation Management and Computer Security 1 1 -0.725 0939 49 52 YES
1368-1613 Inform ation Research 1 -09S0 -0.S39 08 24 34 40 49
1040-1628 Inform ation Resources Management Journal 1 1 -0.735 -1220 SO S8 YES
15480615 International Journal o f Cases on Electronic Commerce N/A
International Journal o f Inform ation Technology
1741-5179 1 -0.991 1 509 60 61 YES
and Management
12460125 Journal o f Decision Systems 0.956 -1.474 57 60 YES
1539-2937 Journal o f Electronic Commerce In Organizations 4)855 -1.393 56 S9 YES
15266133 Journal o f Electronic Commerce Research YES
1554-1908 Journal o f Emerging Technologies in Accounting -1.034 0.963 61 S3 YES
0888-7985 Journal o f Inform ation Systems 4)659 0.411 45 37 YES
1055-3096 Journal o f Inform ation Systems Education
2043-8869 Journal o f 1nform ation Technology - Teaching Cases N/A
1042-1319 Journal o f Inform ation Technology Management N/A
1532-4516 Journal o f Inform ation Technology Theory and Applications N/A
Journal o f Inform ation. Inform ation Technology,
1557-1327 N/A
arvd Organizations
1546-2234 Journal o f Organizational and End User Computing 1 4)765 0.815 54 48 YES
1091-9392 Journal o f Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce -0675 -1.034 47 S4 YES
Journal o f Theoretical and Applied Electronic
0718-1876 -0.787 0.893 SS 51 YES
Commerce Research
14778238 Knowledge Management Research and Practice 1 1 -0669 0.725 46 43
0957-6053 Logistics Inform ation Management 1 1 N/A
2325-4688 Online Journal o f Applied Knowledge Management N/A
1560883X South African Journal o f Inform ation Management N/A

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 Information Management - 32



ISSN Journal TWe

2015 2010 2009
m m |j C j
0737-6782 Journal o f Product Innovation Management 4 4 4 1-241 1 834 1311 2 2 2
0048-7333 Research Policy 4 4 4 1.76S 2.323 2077 1 1 1
0033-6807 R and D Management 3 3 3 01S8 0.876 0863 5 4 6
0166-4972 Technovatlon 3 3 2 0270 0812 0904 4 S S
0963-1690 Creativity and Innovation Management 2 1 1
1366-2716 Industry and Innovation 2 2 2 0.209 0052 9 10
1447-9338 Innovation: Management. Policy and Practice 2 -1677 -0936 0995 11 18 17 YES
1363-9196 International Journal o f Innovation Management 2 2 2 -0686 0528 14 14
0923-4748 Journal o f Engineering and Technology Management 2 -0451 0.009 0089 8 10 9 YES
1047-8310 Journal o f High Technology Management Research 2 -0.770 08 07 IS IS YES
0892-9912 Journal o f Techology Transfer 2 1 -0 490 0.552 0.177 9 6 8
0810-9028 Prometheus 2 2 2 -0.922 -0886 17 16 YES
Research Technology Management: International journal of
0895-6308 2 -1312 -0.576 0295 10 13 12
research management
2243-4690 Science & Technology Studies 2 N/A
0162-2439 Science, Technology & Human Values 2 0497 0249 1.003 3 8 4
0138-9130 Sclentometrlcs 2 0101 1372 0.612 6 3 7
0306-3127 Social Studies o f Science 2 -0102 0.488 1.427 7 7 3
0954-349X Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 2 1 -0.495 0.331 12 13 YES
1460-1060 European Journal o f Innovation Management 1 1 1 -0.495 0.103 11 11 YES
International Journal o f Entrepreneurship and Innovation
1368-275X 1 1 1 -0.963 -1.133 19 19
Management (IJEIM)
1740-2824 International Journal o f Foresight and Innovation Policy 1 -0.906 -1.036 16 18 YES
International Journal o f Innovation and N/A
0219-8770 1
Technology Management
1741-8194 International Journal o f Technology and Globalization 1 N/A
1740-2840 International Journal o f Technology Intelligence and Planning 1 -0.982 -1.307 21 21 YES
International Journal o f Technology Management and N/A
1474-2748 1 1 1
Sustainable Development
1741-5292 International Journal o f Technology Policy and Management 1 -0.977 -1.187 20 20 YES
International Journal o f Technology Transfer and N/A
1741-5284 1
2213-7149 International Technology Management Review 1 N/A
1746-8779 Journal o f Technology Management in China 1 N/A

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 Innovation - 33





2015 2010 2009 rank rank rank ^
0047-2506 Journal o f International Business Studies 4* 4 4 2.947 3.849 2.457 1 1 2
1090-9516 Journal o f World Business (form erly Columbia JWBI 4 3 3 0.968 0.797 0.991 3 5 S
1468-2621 African Affairs 3 0.108 1.613 2.741 6 3 1
0217-4561 Asia Pacific Journal o f Management 3 2 3 1.982 0.742 2 8
0969-5931 International Business Review 3 3 2 0.457 0.309 0.407 4 9 12
0021-9886 Journal o f Common Market Studies 3 3 3 0.129 5 N/A
1075-4253 Journal o f International Management 3 2 2 0.978 0.596 0.201 2 7 14 YES
1740-8784 Management and Organization Review 3 1.025 0.801 4 7 YES
0025-181X Management International Review 3 3 3 0.357 -0.068 8 17
1360-2381 Asia Pacific Business Review 2 2 2 -0.591 -0.631 22 23
1472-4782 Asian Business and Management 2 -0.464 -0.620 -0.675 11 23 25 YES
0305-7410 China Quarterly 2 2 2 -0.054 -0.172 0.465 7 IS 10
1742-2043 Critical Perspectives on International Business 2 1 1 -0.551 -0.819 20 28 YES
1566-0141 Emerging Markets Review 2 1 1 -0.219 0.006 16 16 YES
1538-7216 Eurasian Geography and Economics 2 -0.164 0.302 0.848 8 10 6
0966-8136 Europe-Asia Studies 2 2 2 -0.645 0.026 0.431 13 12 11
0022-216X Journal o f Latin American Studies 2 -0.549 -0.351 1.367 12 17 3
0022-278X Journal o f Modem African Shxftes 2 -0.308 0.739 1.201 9 6 4 YES
1011-6702 Journal o f W orld Trade 2 2 2 -0.948 -0.486 -0.519 14 18 20
1525-383X M ultinational Business Review 2 1 1 N/A
0143-6597 Third W orld Quarterly 2 -0.436 0.096 0.627 10 11 9
10964762 Thunderbird International Business Review 2 2 2 -0.645 -0.776 25 27
1014-9562 Transnational Corporations 2 2 2 -0589 -0.554 21 21 YES
1746-5265 Baltic Journal o f Management 1 -0.630 -0.751 24 26 YES
1352-7606 Cross Cultural M anagement An International Journal 1 1 1 -0540 -0.475 19 19 YES
1751-6757 European Journal o f International Management 1 1 1 -0.775 -1.182 29 32
10974954 Global Business and Economics Review 1 1 1 -0544 -1.209 32 33 YES
1470-5958 International Journal o f Cross C ultural Management 1 1 1 -0.098 0.337 14 13 YES
International Journal o f Indian Culture and
1753-0896 1 1 1 N/A
Business Management
1059-9231 Journal o f Asia Pacific Business 1 -0503 -1.135 31 31 YES
1476-5284 Journal o f Chinese Economic and Business Studies 1 1 1 -0.433 18 YES
0949-6181 Journal o f East European Management Studies 1 1 1 -1.028 0.687 -0576 16 26 22 YES
1066-9868 Journal o f East-West Business 1 1 1 0.783 -1.115 30 30 YES
1547-5778 Journal o f Transnational Management 1 0546 -1.215 33 34 YES
0305-6244 Review o f African Political Economy 1 -0.014 0.069 13 15
2078-5585 South African Journal o f Business Management 1 -0.991 0.759 -0.891 15 28 29 YES
0019-5286 The Indian Journal o f Industrial Relations 1 N/A
0019-5308 The Indian Journal o f Labour Economics 1 N/A
1746-8809 The International Journal o f Emerging Markets 1 N/A
0885-3908 The International Trade Journal 1 -0.688 -0.671 27 24 YES

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 International Business and Area Studies - 3 4


Sm al
ISSN Journal Tide JCR SJR SN> journal
2010 2009 rank rank rank
(<30 doc)
1537-260X Academy o f Management Learning and Education 4 3 3 5.852 1986 1.568 1 2 4
0141-1926 British Educational Research Journal 3 3 3 0308 1-821 1.462 5 5 6
1350-5076 Management Learning 3 3 3 1302 0856 0-561 2 7 8
0307-5079 Studies in Higher Education 3 3 3 0.788 1901 1.726 4 3 2
0963-9284 Accounting Education 2 2 2 -0918 -0.435 28 19
1523-4223 Advances in Developing Human Resources 2 2 2 -0 769 -0897 26 27
0306-9885 British Journal o f Guidance and Counselling 2 2 2 -1381 -0623 -0.478 10 21 21
0018-1560 Higher Education 2 -0.030 1.260 1.117 6 6 7
0952-8733 Higher Education Policy 2 -0.100 0.032 14 13 YES
0951-5224 Higher Education Q uarterly 2 2 2 0.152 0.223 12 10 YES
1532-0545 INFORMS Transactions on Education 2 N/A
1470-3297 Innovations in Education and Teaching International 2 2 1 -1.145 0383 0032 9 8 13
0739-3172 Issues in Accounting Education 2 2 2 -0861 -0.548 27 23
0748-5751 Journal o f Accounting Education 2 2 2 -1020 -0906 29 28 YES
1363-9080 Journal o f Education and Work 2 2 2 -0.258 -0.139 15 17 YES
0268-0939 Journal o f Education Policy 2 2 2 -0.038 1377 1639 7 4 3
0022-1546 Journal o f Higher Education 2 2 2 1 182 2393 2857 3 1 1 YES
1052-5629 Journal o f Management Education 2 2 2 -0.693 -0645 24 25
0273-4753 Journal o f Marketing Education 2 2 2 -0565 0.123 18 11 YES
1356-2517 Teaching in Higher Education 2 1 0203 0057 8 10 16

1476-7333 Action Learning -1049 29 YES

1469-7874 Active Learning in Higher Education 1 1 0217 1.472 9 5 YES
Advances in Accounting EducationiTeaching and
1085-4622 N/A
Curriculum Innovations
1540-4609 Decision Sciences Journal o f Innovative Education -1.476 -1.444 30 32 YES
0040-0912 Education and Training 1 1 -0.702 0368 25 18
1741-1432 Educational Management Adm inistration and Leadership 1 0202 0.047 11 12
0950-4222 Industry and Higher Education 1 1 N/A
1472-8117 International Journal o f Management Education (UME) 1 1 YES
1360-3736 International Journal o f Training and Development 1 1 -0378 -0802 16 26 YES
2326-3296 Journal fo r Advancement o f Marketing Education N/A
1098-0482 Journal o f Advertising Education N/A
1649-5195 Journal o f Business Ethics Education N/A
0309-0590 Journal o f European Industrial Training 1 1 N/A
0309-877X Journal o f Further and Higher Education 1 1 -1205 31
1360-080X Journal o f Higher Education Policy 0144 -0040 13 15
0262-1711 Journal o f Management Development 1 1 -0693 -0.539 23 22
1649-7627 Journal o f Organizational Behavior Education N/A
1363-6820 Journal o f Vocational Education and Training 1 1 -0665 -0442 22 20
13665626 Journal o f Workplace Learning 1 1 -0.617 -0551 20 24
1052 8008 M arketing Education Review N/A
1649-7082 Operations Management Education Review N/A
0968-4883 Q uality Assurance in Education 1 -0467 0326 17 9 YES
1358-3883 Tertiary Education and Management -0605 -1.068 19 30 YES

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 Management Development and Education - 35


based on me
3 Sm al

ISSN Journal TWe JCR SJR journal
2010 2009
(<30 doc)
1057-7408 Journal o f Consumer Psychology 4* 4 3 0574 0735 0.405 7 9 16
0093-5301 Journal o f Consumer Research 4* 4 4 1.163 2254 2.058 2 4 2
0022-2429 Journal o f Marketing 4* 4 4 3340 4525 4547 1 1 1
0022-2437 Journal o f Marketing Research 4* 4 4 1.035 3.111 2.006 3 2 3
0732-2399 M arketing Science 4* 4 4 0591 2.752 1.093 6 3 8
0167-8116 International Journal of Research In M arketing 4 3 3 0644 0712 0.767 10 11 11
0022-4359 Journal o f Retailing 4 4 4 1.024 1253 1748 4 6 5
0092-0703 Journal o f the Academy o f Marketing Science 4 3 4 0678 1621 1986 5 7 4
0309-0566 European Journal o f M arketing 3 3 3 -0571 -0134 0.349 18 19 18
0019-8501 Industrial M arketing Management 3 3 3 -0 l 112 0196 0640 11 14 12
0265-1335 International Marketing Review 3 3 3 -0526 -0.052 0.402 17 17 17
0091-3367 Journal o f Advertising 3 3 3 -0424 0239 0.903 16 12 9
0021-8499 Journal o f Advertising Research 3 3 3 -0930 -0289 0.177 21 26 32
1094-9968 Journal o f Interactive Marketing (form erly JDM) 3 2 1 0147 0749 1.134 9 8 7 YES
1069-031X Journal o f International Marketing 3 3 3 0211 0721 1.307 8 10 6 YES
1062-726X Journal o f Public Policy and Marketing 3 -0417 0010 0.480 14 16 13 YES
0923-0645 Marketing Letters 3 3 3 -0792 0113 0.177 20 15 22
1470-5931 Marketing Theory 3 2 2 -0.431 -0.352 33 37 YES
0742-6046 Psychology and Marketing 3 3 3 -0419 0228 0812 IS 13 10
1570-7156 Quantitative M arketing and Economics 3 2 1 1642 0290 S 19 YES
1526-1794 Academy o f Marketing Science Review 2 2 2 N/A
0915-5524 Advances in Consumer Research 2 2 2 -1.270 63
1025-3866 Consumption, Markets and Culture 2 2 2 -0.089 29 YES
1019-6781 Electronic Markets 2 1 1 -0554 -0.729 45 47 YES
0265-0487 International Journal o f Advertising 2 2 2 -0262 -0.190 0.477 12 22 14
14706423 International Journal o f Consumer Studies 2 1 1 -0282 -0589 -0495 13 48 42
I470-78S3 International Journal o f Market Research 2 2 2 -1216 -0429 0072 24 32 23
0959-0552 International Journal o f Retail and D istribution Management 2 1 1 -0312 -0.052 27 27
1350-231X Journal o f Brand Management 2 1 1 -0417 -0276 31 33
0885-8624 Journal o f Business and Industrial Marketing 2 2 2 -1048 -02S8 -0299 22 2S 35
1051-712X Journal o f Business-to-Business M arketing 2 2 1 -1.193 -0.468 -0.818 23 38 50 YES
17456606 Journal o f Consumer Affairs 2 -0613 -0153 0.466 19 20 15 YES
1472-0817 Journal o f Consumer Behavior 2 2 2 -0524 -0.303 44 36
0276-1467 Journal o f Macromarketing 2 2 2 -0249 0275 24 20
0267-257X Journal o f Marketing Management 2 3 3 -0605 -0.779 51 49
10696679 Journal o f Marketing Theory and Practice 2 -0183 0228 21 21 YES
0885-3134 Journal o f Personal Selling and Sales Management 2 2 2 -0096 -0.153 18 31 YES
09696989 Journal o f Retailing and Consumer Services 2 1 1 -0330 0.029 28 25
08876045 Journal o f Services M arketing 2 2 3 -0240 0.048 23 24
0965-254X Journal o f Strategic M arketing 2 2 2 -0.610 -06S4 54 52
1352-2752 Q ualitative Market Research: An International Journal 2 1 1 -0437 0392 35 40 YES
1474-7979 Advances in International Marketing -0.481 -1041 40 60 YES
1320-1646 Australasian M arketing Journal 1 1 -0618 -0.941 57 57
13563289 Corporate Communications: An International Journal 1 1 -0.477 -0.368 39 38 YES
1363-3589 Corporate Reputation Review 1 1 -0500 -0.700 42 45 YES
0735-9683 Health Marketing Q uarterly -0587 0863 47 54 YES
0265-2323 International Journal o f Bank M arketing 1 1 -0359 0083 30 28 YES
1477-5212 International Journal o f Internet M arketing and Advertising -0609 0.712 52 46 YES
International Journal o f N onprofit and Voluntary
1479-103X 1 N/A
Sector Marketing
1865-1992 International Review o f Public and N on-profit m arketing -0660 -1.052 60 61 YES

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 Marketing - 36



Sm al

Journal TWe JCR SJR SN*> journal
2015 2010 2009 rank rank
3 0 d o c)
International Review o f Retail, D istribution and
0959-3969 1 1 1 -0 625 -0.760 58 48
Consumer Research
0736-3761 Journal o f Consumer M arketing 1 1 1 -0358 -0535 29 26
1475-3928 Journal o f Customer Behavior 1 1 1 N/A
1361-2026 Journal o f Fashion Marketing and Management 1 -0.458 -0.113 37 30
1363-0539 Journal o f Financial Services Marketing 1 1 1 -0.612 -1.081 55 62 YES
0891-1762 Journal o f Global Marketing 1 -0633 -0827 59 51 YES
1046-669* Journal o f marketing channels 1 -0599 -0949 SO S8 YES
1352-7266 Journal o f Marketing Communications 1 2 2 -0.435 -0.426 34 41 YES
0884-1241 Journal o f Marketing fo r Higher Education 1 -0.484 0.692 41 44 YES
1049-5142 Journal o f Non-Profit and Public Sector Marketing 1 1 1 -0593 -0.863 49 53 YES
1061-0421 Journal o f Product and Brand Management 1 1 1 -0.443 -0.295 36 34
1533-2667 Journal o f Relationship M arketing 1 -0510 -0.870 53 55 YES
0263-4503 Marketing Intelligence and Planning 1 1 1 -0515 -0.372 43 39
1546-5616 Review o f Marketing Science 1 -0565 -1.010 61 59 YES
1533-2969 Services M arketing Quarterly 1 -0512 -0.929 S6 56 YES
1524-5004 Social M arketing Q uarterly 1 -0579 -0.681 46 43

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 Marketing - 37




Sm al

ISSN Journal TMe JCR SJR SN*> journal
2015 2010 2009 rank rank
(<30 doc)
0272-6963 Journal o f Operations Management 4* 4 4 2296 3855 3.087 2 1 2
International Journal o f Operations and
0144-3577 4 3 3 0.933 0.572 0870 9 8 11
Production Management
105*1478 Production and Operations Management 4 3 3 1.069 2221 0801 7 3 9
0166-3615 Computers in Industry 3 0896 0479 2110 10 9 3
0018-9391 IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 3 3 3 0827 0 232 0641 11 13 12
0925-5273 International Journal of Production Economics 3 3 3 1.090 1.458 1276 6 4 5
0020-7543 International Journal of Production Research 3 3 3 0618 0255 0222 15 12 17
1094-6136 Journal o f Scheduling 3 3 3 0724 1.151 1.288 13 6 4
1523-2409 Journal o f Supply Chain Management 3 1 1 4947 1275 0.619 1 5 13 YES
1523-4614 M anufacturing and Service Operations Management 3 3 2 1039 3.497 1.113 8 2 6
0953-7287 Production Planning and Control 3 3 3 0418 -0273 -0530 19 24 38
1359-8546 Supply Chain M anagem ent An International Journal 3 3 3 1 265 0319 0.385 5 10 IS
1463-71S4 Business Process Management Journal 2 1 1 -0266 0245 22 16
0360-8352 Computers and Industrial Engineering 2 2 2 0796 0700 0.918 12 7 8
09S1-192X International Journal o f Computer Integrated M anufacturing 2 2 2 0.422 -0208 -0172 18 20 26
International Journal o f Physical D istribution and
09600035 2 2 1 0152 0.130 15 18
Logistics Management
0263-7863 International Journal o f Project Management 2 2 2 0161 0936 14 7
0265-671X International Journal o f Q uality and R eliability Management 2 2 -0300 0150 26 25
0267-5730 International Journal o f Technology Management 2 2 2 0286 -0.577 0756 23 36 40
0735-3766 Journal o f Business Logistics 2 2 2 N/A
0733-9364 Journal o f Construction Engineering and Management 2 2 0479 0.140 0.720 17 16 10
1478-4092 Journal o f Purchasing and Supply Management 2 2 2 0.089 0.039 17 20 YES
1478-3363 Total Q uality Management and Business Excellence 2 2 1 0340 -0.419 0.421 21 32 34
1463-5771 Benchmarking: An International Journal 1 1 1 -0337 0.105 30 23
1531-2003 Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications 1 -0266 -0 257 23 29 YES
0969-7012 European Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 1 1 N/A
Flexible Services and M anufacturing Journal (form erly 0920-
19366582 1 2 2 N/A
6299 International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems*)
Foundations and Trends in Technology. Inform ation and
1571-9545 1 -0242 -1.021 21 46 YES
Operations Management
0737-0024 Human-Computer Interaction 1 1 2036 0274 3.113 3 11 1 YES
1741-9174 International Journal o f Agile Systems and Management 1 1 1 N/A
1368-4892 International Journal o f Business Performance Management 1 1 1 -0760 -1 166 44 47 YES
1562-3599 International Journal o f Construction Management 1 -0876 -1.585 49 51 YES
1847-9790 International Journal o f Engineering Business Management 1 -0926 0.528 50 37 YES
1748-1260 International Journal o f Enterprise Network Management 1 0854 -1506 48 SO YES
1748-5045 International Journal o f Industrial and Systems Engineering 1 0571 0.682 35 39
International Journal o f Industrial Engineering
2217-2661 1 YES
and Management
17516056 International Journal o f Internet M anufacturing and Services 1 0712 0.918 41 44 YES
0957-4093 International Journal o f Logistics Management 1 2 2 0.472 35 YES
1367-5567 International Journal o f Logistics: Research and Applications 1 2 2 O 6S8 0.909 39 43 YES
International Journal o f Productivity and
1741-0401 1 1 1 0416 0302 31 30
Performance Management
1756669X International Journal o f Q uality and Service Sciences 1 N/A
1744-2389 International Journal o f Services and Operations Management 1 0619 0 8 20 38 41
1741-S39X International Journal o f Services Operations and Informatics 1 0 762 -1.174 45 48 YES
17566525 International Journal o f Shipping and Transport Logistics 1 0611 -0702 0497 16 40 36 YES
1741-5365 International Journal o f Value Chain Management 1 0.744 -1217 43 49 YES
0956-5515 Journal o f Intelligent M anufacturing 1 0648 -0064 0.533 14 18 14
02786125 Journal o f M anufacturing Systems 1 0291 0500 0 3 04 22 34 31 YES

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 O perations and T echnology M an ag em en t - 38

A B S *^
ih s in c s s s c h o o ls

Standardised scores
based on means
Sm al

ISSN Journal Title JCR SJR SNV> journal
2015 2010 2009 rank rank
(<30 doc)
Journal o f M anufacturing Technology Management (form erly
1741-038X 1 2 2 -0.278 0.178 25 27
"Integrated M anufacturing Systems")
1355-2511 Journal o f Q uality in Maintenance Engineering 1 -0.470 -0353 33 32 YES
1092-4604 Knowledge and Process Management 1 1 1 -0.796 -1020 46 45 YES
0960-4529 Managing Service Q uality 1 1 1 0.337 0022 29 19
Operations Management Research: Advancing Practice
1936-9735 1 -0.581 -0074 37 21 YES
through Theory
Proceedings o f Institute o f Mechanical Engineers Part B: Journal
0954-4054 1 1 0.283 -0.334 -0371 24 28 33
o f Engineering Manufacture
8756-9728 Project Management Journal 1 2 2 1.844 -0.825 0229 4 47 28 YES
0748-8017 Q uality and R eliability Engineering International 1 0379 -0.112 -0075 20 19 22
0033-S24X Q uality Progress 1 0.732 0876 42 42
2164-3970 Service Science 1 H/A
1625-8312 Supply Chain Forum: an International Journal 1 N/A
1754-2731 The TQM Journal 1 -0.309 -0121 27 24

ABS Academ ic Journal G uide 2015 O perations and T ech no log y M an agem ent - 39
A B S *^


Sm al
Journal T itle JCR SJR SNP jo urnal
2015 2010 2009 rank rank rank
0025-1909 Management Science i* 4 4 1.990 2354 1.143 2 4 10
0030-364X Operations Research 4* 4 4 0890 2634 1.130 8 2 11
0377-2217 European Journal o f O perational Research 4 3 3 0.760 1301 1062 10 9 12
1089-778X IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 4 1 4.27S 2820 4663 1 1 1
0025-5610 M athem atical Programming 4 3 3 0.940 1 983 1.418 7 5 5
1049-3301 ACM Transactions on M odeling and Computer Simulation 3 -0.440 0.691 0320 31 46 16 YES
0254-5330 Annals o f Operations Research 3 2 2 -0316 0.181 0266 26 31 32
0926-6003 Com putational O ptim ization and Applications 3 -0095 0.028 0.105 21 22 22
0305-0548 Computers and Operations Research 3 2 2 0542 1.601 1312 13 8 7
0011-7315 Decision Sciences 3 3 3 1607 0.670 0262 4 14 19
1063-6560 Evolutionary Computation 3 1932 0.762 1834 3 12 3 YES
1568-4539 Fuzzy O ptim ization and Decision Making 3 0208 0.153 0280 17 21 18 YES
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (form erly 'IEEE Transactions
1094-6977 on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part C (Applications 3 1 0723 0.423 1.844 11 17 2
and Reviews)*)
IEEETransactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems
1083-4427 (form erly IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - 3 2 0652 0556 1.185 12 15 8
Part A: Systems and Humans")
0740-817X HETransactions 3 1 0.043 0.438 0078 20 16 23
1091-9856 INFORMS Journal on Computing 3 3 3 -0029 0.799 0384 19 10 14
0169-2070 International Journal o f Forecasting 3 3 3 0413 0.098 0323 IS 28 IS
1381-1231 Journal o f Heuristics 3 0028 0324 0.106 18 18 21
0022-3239 Journal o f O ptim ization Theory and Applications 3 2 -0279 0061 0.071 2S 2S 29
0160-5682 Journal o f the Operational Research Society 3 3 3 -0218 0371 0.336 24 20 37
0364-765X Mathematics o f Operations Research 3 3 3 -0.125 0.775 0 286 22 11 17
0894-069X Naval Research Logistics 3 3 3 -0 348 0318 0379 27 19 33
0305-0483 Omega: The International Journal o f Management Science 3 3 3 1597 2.411 1588 S 3 4
0171-6468 OR Spectrum 3 3 3 0 237 0.738 0.115 16 13 20
0951-8320 R eliability Engineering and System Safety 3 3 3 0498 0.081 1290 14 27 6
1052-6234 SIAM Journal on O ptim ization 3 0761 1626 0997 9 7 13
0041-1655 Transportation Science 3 3 3 1.159 1.712 1.179 6 6 9
1619-4500 40R 2 -0.431 0 3 47 0486 30 32 42 YES
0166-218X Discrete Applied Mathematics 2 -0 690 0.1 SS 0034 41 29 27
1572-5286 Discrete O ptim ization 2 -0752 0 0 76 0318 43 26 36
0305-215X Engineering O ptim ization 2 -0404 0 5 90 0.343 29 40 38
0926-2644 Group Decision and N egotiation 2 3 3 -0364 0 6 80 0.554 28 45 44
1386-9620 Health Care Management Science 2 0488 0.241 36 31
1471-678X IMA Journal of Management Mathematics 2 2 2 0 6 49 0.990 43 60 YES
0092-2102 Interfaces 2 2 -0510 0156 0393 33 30 35
1382-6905 Journal o f Combinatorial O ptim ization 2 1 -0654 0320 0376 40 33 39
0277-6693 Journal o f Forecasting 2 3 3 -0607 0587 0.473 36 39 41
0167-6377 Operations Research Letters 2 2 2 -0392 0045 0387 35 24 34
0257-0130 Queuing Systems 2 -0520 0 020 0071 34 23 28
1569-190X Sim ulation Modeling Practice and Theory 2 06 15 0633 0044 38 42 24
0883-7066 System Dynamics Review 2 2 2 0.188 0 722 0.011 23 48 25 YES
1092-7026 Systems Research and 8ehavloral Science 2 2 2 0861 0870 0827 47 57 52
00405833 Theory and Decision 2 2 2 08 42 0501 0697 46 37 49
0217-5959 Asia-Pacific Journal o f Operational Research 1 -1036 0.722 0937 SO 49 56
1435-246X Central European Journal o f Operations Research 1 08 64 0 7 23 0862 48 SO 54
1619-697X Com putational Management Science 1 0 6 55 0760 44 51 YES
0196-9722 Cybernetics and Systems 1 08 38 0.715 0 568 45 47 46
1545-8490 Decision Analysis 1 0987 0705 60 SO YES
0315-5986 INFOR: Inform ation Systems and Operational Research 1 0882 07S 7 1027 49 52 62 YES

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 Operations Research and Management Science - 40
A B S *^
iu si\i;sss( iiooi s

ISSN Journal TWe JCJt SJR SN> journal
2015 2010 2009 rank rank rank
(OO docJ
0308-1079 International Journal o f General Systems 1 -0647 -0 590 -0601 39 41 43
1745-7653 International Journal o f Operational Research 1 -0812 -0832 54 53
International Journal o f Operations and
1082-1910 1 -1 069 -0831 63 26 YES
Q uantitative Management
0969-6016 International Transactions in O perational Research 1 2 2 -1.122 0.457 64 40 YES
1547-5816 Journal o f Industrial and Management O ptim ization 1 -0607 -0.474 8.656 37 35 48
1099-1360 Journal o f M ulti-O iteria Decision Analysis 1 YES
1747-7778 Journal o f Simulation 1 -0804 8.146 S3 30 YES
0368-492X Kybemetes 1 -1.190 -0955 8.979 52 58 58
1432-2994 Mathematical Methods o f Operations Research 1 -0817 -0655 8558 44 38 45
1109-2858 Operational Research: An International Journal 1 -1.064 -1.168 62 63 YES
0030-3887 Opsearch: Journal o f the OR Society o f India 1 -1.033 8.989 61 59 YES
Optim ization: A Journal o f Mathematical Programming and
0233-1934 1 -0733 -0.450 8603 42 34 47
Operations Research
1348-9151 Pacific Journal o f O ptim ization 1 -0843 8933 56 SS
0101-7438 Pesquisa O perational 1 -0982 -1.213 59 64
0399-0559 RAIRO - Operations Research / Recherche Operationnelle 1 1168 -0842 -1.012 51 55 61 YES
TOP - An O fftdal Journal o f the Spanish Society o f Statistics and
1134-5764 1 -0607 -0735 8.959 32 51 57
Operations Research

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 Operations Research and Management Science - 41
A B S *^

Standardised scores
based on means
Sm al
ISSN Journal Tide X.R SJR
2015 2010 2009 rank rank rank
(<30 doc)
1047-7039 Organization Science 4* 4 4 2.190 3.371 2106 1 1 1
0018-7267 Human Relations 4 4 4 0.060 0.113 0372 7 8 8
1048-9843 Leadership Quarterly 4 4 4 1-201 0.861 1.544 4 4 4
0170-8406 Organization Studies 4 4 4 0.571 0.634 1.205 5 5 5
1094-4281 Organizational Research Methods 4 3 4 1650 1.760 1.655 2 2 3
1059-6011 Group and Organization Management 3 3 3 0251 0.540 0492 6 6 7 YES
1350-5084 Organization 3 3 3 0.011 -0.046 0188 8 9 9
0191-3085 Research in Organizational Behavior 3 3 3 1 399 1.640 1999 3 3 2 YES
0733-558X Research in the Sociology o f Organizations 3 2 3 N/A
1475-9551 Culture and Organization 2 2 2 -0.757 -1.273 25 24 YES
1089-2699 Group Dynamics: Theory, Research and Practice 2 2 2 -0555 -0.412 -0.490 11 12 16 YES
1368-4302 Group Processes and Intergroup Relations 2 2 2 -0.102 0.177 -0.310 9 7 11
1552-6879 Journal o f Applied Behavioral Science 2 1 -0368 -0.361 11 13 YES
1367-3270 Journal o f Knowledge Management 2 2 2 -0342 0.609 10 6
0160-8061 Journal o f Organizational Behavior Management 2 2 2 -0.847 -0.679 -0.280 16 21 10 YES
0953-4814 Journal o f Organizational Change Management 2 2 2 -0.838 -0602 -0.475 15 15 15
1742-7150 Leadership 2 1 -0.671 -0.602 -0.563 13 19 20 YES
0893-3189 Management Communication Quarterly 2 2 2 -0.522 -0.458 -0.512 10 13 17
0748-4526 Negotiation Journal 2 2 1 -1.124 -0.685 -0.830 17 22 22 YES
1086-0266 Organization and Environment 2 2 2 -0.670 -0.498 -0.525 12 14 18 YES
0090-2616 Organizational Dynamics 2 3 3 -0.757 -0651 -1.287 14 17 25
1094-429X Systemic Practice and A ction Research 2 2 2 -1.125 -0.676 -0.826 18 20 21
1476-7503 Action Research 1 1 1 -0.699 -0.366 23 14 YES
1521-3250 Emergence Journal in Complexity Management 1 1 1 -0.707 -1.169 24 23
1473-2866 Ephemera: Critical Dialogues on Organization 1 1 N/A
0143-7739 Leadership and O rganizational Development 1 1 1 -0696 -0.552 18 19
0969-6474 Learning Organization 1 1 1 -0618 -0.350 16 12
1746-5648 Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management 1 1 1 N/A
1532-5555 Tamara: Journal o f Critical Postmodern O rganization Science 1 1 N/A

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 Organisation Studies - 42

A B S *^
insiM-ss schools


Sm al
ISSN Journal TWe JCR SJR SNIP journal
2010 2009 rank rank rank
(<30 doc)
0066-4308 Annual Review o f Psychology 4 4 4 4.816 4.649 5373 1 1 1 YES
0022-1031 Journal o f Experimental Social Psychology 4 4 3 0.085 0.633 0.072 8 9 13
0022-3514 Journal o f Personality and Social Psychology 4 4 4 1.147 2.141 1.292 4 4 4
0146-1672 Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 4 4 4 0.240 0.661 0.225 7 8 9
0033-2909 Psychological Bulletin 4 4 4 3.955 3.182 3.380 2 2 2
0033-295X Psychological Review 4 4 4 2.212 2.230 1.567 3 3 3
0956-7976 Psychological Science 4 4 0.912 1.356 0.683 5 5 5
0007-1269 British Journal O f Psychology 3 3 4 -0.021 -0.230 -0.111 11 23 19
0144-6665 British Journal o f Social Psychology 3 3 4 -0.046 -0.036 0.056 12 15 14
0963-7214 Current Directions in Psychological Science 3 0.529 0.782 0.434 6 7 6
0046-2772 European Journal o f Social Psychology 3 3 3 -0.127 0.068 -0.152 19 11 23
0894-3257 Journal o f Behavioral Decision Making 3 3 3 -0.062 -0.031 -0.133 13 14 20
0022-0027 Journal o f C onflict Resolution 3 0.036 0.899 0.264 10 6 8
0022-0221 Journal o f Cross Cultural Psychology 3 0.090 0.111 0.073 16 17 12
1930-2975 Judgment and Decision Making 3 0.163 -0.286 -0.271 20 26 32
0191-8869 Personality and Individual Differences 3 3 3 -0.124 0.128 -0.178 18 21 26
03400727 Psychological Research 3 0.084 0.042 -0.227 15 12 28
0361-6843 Psychology o f Women Quarterly 3 0074 0.115 0.027 14 18 16
0033-3123 P5ychometrika 3 -0.218 0.296 0.114 23 10 10
1747-0218 Quarterly Journal o f Experimental Psychology 3 4 -0.119 0.031 -0.208 17 13 27
0002-9556 American Journal o f Psychology 2 -0.400 -0.496 -0.490 37 38 44
0888-4080 Applied Cognitive Psychology 2 2 -0.189 -0.232 -0.108 21 24 18
1040-0419 Creativity Research Journal 2 -0.303 -0.406 -0.271 31 32 31
0090-4392 Journal o f Comm unity Psychology 2 -0.276 -0355 -0.271 28 30 33
0167-4870 Journal o f Economic Psychology 2 2 2 -0.260 -0.121 -0.090 27 20 17
0261-927X Journal o f Language And Social Psychology 2 -0.397 -0.461 -0.168 36 35 25
0022-2496 Journal o f Mathematical Psychology 2 -0.224 -0.120 0.045 24 19 15
0191-5886 Journal o f Nonverbal Behavior 2 -0.200 -0389 -0.160 22 27 24 YES
0036-5564 Scandinavian Journal o f Psychology 2 -0.293 -0.432 -0.385 29 33 38
1532-3005 Stress and Health 2 -0.381 -0.562 -0.489 33 43 43
2190-8370 Zeitschrift fu r Psychology - Journal o f Psychology 2 -0.409 39 N/A
0002-7642 American Behavioral Scientist -0.415 -0.536 -0.382 42 40 37
1742-9536 Australian Journal o f Psychology -0.409 -0.566 -0351 40 44 48 YES
Canadian Journal o f Behavioral Science-Revue
0008-400X -0.450 -0.577 -0306 43 45 45
Comedienne des Scie
0708-5591 Canadian Psychology-Psychologie Canadienne -0.246 -0.435 -0.146 25 34 22
1046-1310 Current Psychology -0.498 -0.616 -0.644 46 49 53 YES
1016-9040 European Psychologist -0.247 -0.398 -0370 26 31 30
0147-1767 International Journal o f Intercuttural Relations -0.296 -0.323 -0.146 30 29 21
0020-7594 International Journal o f Psychology -0.367 -0.544 -0.447 32 41 42
0021-5368 Japanese Psychological Research -0.555 -0.644 -0649 49 52 54
1072-0537 Journal O f Constructivist Psychology 2 2 -0.483 -0.491 -0300 44 37 35 YES
1389-4978 Journal o f Happiness Studies -0.151 0.093 22 11
1834-4909 Journal o f Pacific Rim Psychology -0.605 -0.677 -0.637 52 55 50 YES
1743-9760 Journal o f Positive Psychology -0.304 -0.247 28 29
0022-3980 Journal o f Psychology -0.384 -0.577 -0.426 34 45 41
0022-4545 Journal o f Social Psychology -0.391 -0.515 -0.357 35 39 36
1901-2276 Nordic Psychology -0.603 -0.669 -0.640 51 54 51 YES
0214-9915 Psicothema 0,409 0.476 0,386 38 36 39
0048-5705 Psihologija 0.611 0.643 -0.715 53 51 55 YES
0033-2941 Psychological Reports -0,554 0.617 -0.632 48 50 49
0952-8229 Psychologist 0.578 -0.666 0.642 50 S3 52

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 Psychology (General) - 43

A B S *^

Sm al
rank rank rank
0885 7466 Social Justice Research 1 -0.283 0.294 25 34 YES
0081-2463 South African Journal o f Psychology 1 0306 0.592 0333 47 47 47
1138-7416 Spanish Journal o f Psychology 1 0.413 -0.557 0.398 41 42 40
1421-0185 Swiss Journal o f Psychology 1 -0.492 -0.593 0.518 45 48 46 YES

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 Psychology (General) - 44

A B S *^



ISSN Journal T itle
2015 2010 2009

0021-9010 Journal o f Applied Psychology 4 4 4 3380 4.783 3.494 1 1 1

0963-1798 Journal o f Occupational and Organizational Psychology 4 4 4 0.432 0.138 0336 13 19 22
1076-8998 Journal o f Occupational Health Psychology 4 3 2 1373 0932 1 266 5 6 6
0894-3796 Journal o f Organizational Behavior 4 4 4 1640 1.626 1.017 3 4 13
0001-8791 Journal o f Vocational Behavior 4 4 4 1j077 0.772 1.174 8 8 8
0749-5978 Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 4 4 4 1357 2.143 1.141 6 3 9
0031-5826 Personnel Psychology 4 4 4 3874 3 788 2565 2 2 2 YES
0001-4575 Accident Analysis and Prevention 3 0396 0488 -0 043 14 12 30
0269-994X Applied Psychology: An International Review 3 2 2 0652 0186 1093 10 16 12
0014-0139 Ergonomics 3 3 0116 -0005 0357 21 25 20
1359-432X European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 3 2 2 0578 0.001 0534 11 24 16
Human Factors: Journal of Human Factors and
0018-7208 3 3 0048 -0646 -0329 18 49 37 YES
Ergonomics Society
0895-9285 Human Performance 3 3 3 -0064 -0.191 1.921 20 30 3
0342-5282 International Journal o f Rehabilitation Research 3 -0778 -0613 -1735 38 59 64
International Review o f Industrial and
0886-1528 3 3 3 -0666 0296 62 21 YES
Organizational Psychology
1076-898X Journal o f Experimental Psychology-Applied 3 0 045 -0.111 0379 9 16 7 YES
0268-3946 Journal o f Managerial Psychology 3 1 1 -1.135 -0303 -1064 48 58 58
0022-4405 Journal o f School Psychology 3 0997 1340 1.413 9 5 5
1351-0711 Occupational and Environmental Medicine 3 -1.123 -0314 -1.606 47 60 63 YES
0355-3140 Scandinavian Journal o f Work Environment and Health 3 1.195 0379 0.543 7 13 15
0267-8373 Work and Stress 3 2 3 1429 0372 1.240 4 7 7 YES
00036870 Applied Ergonomics 2 -0.163 -0.144 0.481 23 28 18
17580846 Applied Psychology - Health and Well Being 2 0.331 0.113 -0.074 16 20 31
01466216 Applied Psychology Measurement 2 -0.262 0.154 0.196 27 18 23
1362-0436 Career Development International 2 0.033 0.090 22 26
0963-8288 D isability and Rehabilitation 2 0.100 -0322 -0.134 17 41 32
International Archives o f Occupational and
0340-0131 2 0653 1.096 9 10
Environmental Health
1072-5245 International Journal o f Stress Management 2 1 0.030 -0.174 23 33
0021-8863 Journal o f Applied Behaviour Science 2 0566 0.390 10 19
0021-9029 Journal o f Applied Social Psychology 2 2 2 -0.535 -0317 -0376 34 40 55
0889-3268 Journal o f Business and Psychology 2 2 2 -0.291 -0378 0.034 28 36 27
1069-0727 Journal o f Career Assessment 2 -0.241 -0254 -0.444 24 33 41
1076-2752 Journal o f Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2 -1352 49 H /A

1053-0487 Journal o f Occupational Rehabilitation 2 0506 0.192 -0.006 12 15 29

1866-5888 Journal o f Personnel Psychology 2 -0515 -0302 0592 33 38 14
0748-7711 Journal o f Rehabilitation Research and Development 2 0363 0252 1.481 15 14 4
0022-4375 Journal o f Safety Research 2 -0.010 -0.274 -0354 19 35 38
2041-3866 Organizational Psychology Review 2 N/A
1479-3555 Research in Occupational Stress and Well-Being 2 H /A
1046-4964 Small Group Research 2 2 3 -0.247 -0.149 1.096 25 29 10
1532-4834 Basic and Applied Social Psychology 1 -0.468 -0.201 -0.45S 31 31 42
1435-5558 Cognition Technology and Work 1 -0.283 -0517 37 43
1366-8803 Community, Work and Family 1 -0.303 -0.193 39 34 YES
European Review o f Applied Psychology-Revue Europeenne de
1162-9088 1 -0.794 -0.677 -0790 39 51 51
Psychology Appliquee
1464-0643 European W ork and Organizational Psychology in practice 1 -0.761 -1.202 54 60 YES
0921-5077 Gedrag and Organisatie -0.736 -0.939 S3 57
Human Factors and Ergonomics in M anufacturing and
1090-8471 1 -0.859 -0576 -0.719 41 45 49
Services Industries

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 Psychology (Organisational) - 45

A B S *^

Standardised scores
based on means
Sm al
ISSN Journal Tide JCR SJR
2015 2010 2009 rank rank rank
(<30 doc)
Industrial and Organizational Psychology-Perspectives on
1754-9426 1 -0.609 -0.235 -0633 35 32 45 YES
Science and Practice
0251-2513 International Journal for Educational and Vocational Change 1 -0.271 -0371 34 39 YES
1050- 8414 International Journal o f Aviation Psychology 1 -1.000 -0.712 -0.846 43 52 54 YES
0169-8141 International Journal o f Industrial Ergonomics 1 -0.460 0.527 0526 30 11 17
1077-3525 International Journal o f Occupational and Environmental Health 1 -0.393 -0.102 -0005 29 26 28
1060-3548 International Journal o f Occupational Safety and Ergonomics 1 -1012 -0.885 -1494 45 63 61 YES
1382-340X International Negotiation: A Journal o f Theory and Practice 1 -0.462 -0798 43 52 YES
0894-8453 Journal o f Career Development 1 0479 -0.638 0827 32 48 S3
0022-0787 Journal o f Employment Counseling 1 -1.011 -0.777 0.691 44 SS 47
0022-4154 Journal o f Rehabilitation 1 -0854 -0.592 -0.711 40 46 48 YES
0899-5605 M ilitary Psychology 1 -0.618 -0.495 -0.735 36 44 50
0962-7480 Occupational Medicine 1 -0.124 0.167 27 24
1420-2530 Psythologie du Travail et des Organisations 1 -1.021 -0.837 -0.570 46 61 44 YES
0034-3552 Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin 1 -0.759 0.789 -0.281 37 56 36 YES
0090-5550 Rehabilitation Psychology 1 -0.120 0.038 -0.673 22 21 46 YES
0034-8910 Revtsta de Saude Publica 1 -0.258 0.166 0.092 26 17 25
1937-1918 Social W ort in Public Health 1 -0.663 -0.928 50 56 YES
0258-5200 South African Journal o f Industrial Psychology 1 -0.633 -0.236 47 35
2157-3905 S port Exercise and Performance Psychology 1 N/A
1972-6325 Testing. Psychometrics. M ethodology in Applied Psychology 1 N/A
1051- 9815 Work - A Journal o f Prevention Assessment and Rehabilitation 1 -0.420 -0.384 42 40
0932-4089 Zertschrift Fuer Arbeits - Und Organisabonspscyhologie 1 -0.962 -0.796 -1.122 42 57 59 YES

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 Psychology (Organisational) - 46

A B S *^
insiM-ss schools



Sm al
ISSN Journal Title JCR SJR SNIP journal
2015 2010 2009 rank rank rank
(<30 doc)
1053-1858 Journal o f Public Adm inistration; Research and Theory 4 4 4 1.284 2.947 2348 2 2 2 YES
0033-3352 Public Adm inistration Review 4 4 4 0.226 0.835 1.024 4 5 5
0033-3298 Public Adm inistration: An International Q uarterly 4 3 3 0.098 0.530 1.125 7 8 4
0263-774X Environment and Planning C Government and Policy 3 3 3 -0357 -0.025 6.100 10 12 15
Governance: An International Journal o f Policy, Adm inistration
0952-1895 3 3 3 0.241 0.594 1.437 3 7 3
and Institutions
0017-9124 Health Services Research 3 1.580 0.931 3 6
0020-8523 International Review o f Adm inistrative Sciences 3 -0.700 -0.172 6.150 14 16 17
1350-1763 Journal o f European Public Policy 3 3 3 0.144 1.004 0.882 6 4 7
0276-8739 Journal o f Policy Analysis and Management 3 0.173 0.485 0.647 5 9 8
0887-378X Milbank Quarterly 3 4 4 3.255 3.218 3.132 1 1 1 YES
0305-5736 Policy and Politics 3 3 3 -0.685 -0.677 0.308 13 28 10
1471-9037 Public Management Review 3 2 2 -0.300 -0.104 -0.116 9 14 16
1746-5983 Regulation and Governance 3 -0,033 0.493 -0.265 8 19 19 YES
0095-3997 Adm inistration and Society 2 2 2 0.434 0.179 -0,278 11 10 20
0361-6274 Health Care Management Review 2 0.037 -0.076 11 14
0168-8510 Health Policy 2 0.196 0.404 18 9
1096-7479 International Public Management Journal 2 0.616 -0,245 6 18 YES
01906692 International Journal o f Public Adm inistration 2 0832 -1.189 32 33
0300-3930 Local Government Studies 2 2 2 -0.813 0500 -0.656 16 20 24
Policing: An International Journal o f Police Strategies
1363-951X 2 2 2 -0.860 0513 -0.735 17 22 27
and Management
0144-2872 Policy Studies 2 2 2 0.610 -0.535 23 21
0271-2075 Public A dm inistration and Development 2 2 2 -0.776 0507 -0.575 15 21 22
0952-0767 Public Policy and Adm inistration 2 2 2 0.640 -0.644 25 23
0144-5596 Social Policy and Adm inistration 2 3 3 -0.465 0.192 0.229 12 17 12
1744-2648 Evidence and Policy 1 0.673 6.704 27 26
0951-4848 Health Services Management Research 1 1 1 0.770 6.886 31 31 YES
0951-354X International Journal o f Educational Management 1 1 1 0649 6.776 26 29
0952-6862 International Journal o f Health Care Q uality Assurance 1 1 1 0.735 6.882 29 30
International Journal o f Healthcare Technology
1741-5144 1 1 -1.012 -1.445 33 34 YES
and Management
0951-3558 International Journal o f Public Sector Management 1 2 2 0.627 6.739 24 28
1355-8190 Journal o f Health Services Research and Policy 1 1 1 0.037 0.273 13 11
1477-7266 Journal o f Health, Organisation and Management 1 1 1 0.743 6.693 30 25
1530-9576 Public Performance & Management Review 1 -1.192 -1.176 34 32 YES

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 Public Sector and Health Care - 47
A B S *^


Sm al
ISSN Journal TMe JCH SJR SN*> journal
2015 2010 2009 rank rank rank
(<30 doc)
0308-518X Environment and Planning A 4 4 4 -0.025 0593 0.199 5 5 10
0263-7758 Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 4 4 4 0.143 1562 0.768 4 3 6
1090-0836 Business Strategy and The Environment 3 -0.405 -0.059 16 15
1752-1378 Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 3 -0328 -0.104 -0351 9 12 16 YES
1462-9011 Environmental Science and Policy 3 0.013 0.156 10 12
0013-936X Environmental Science and Technology 3 2.620 1.033 1 3
0969-7764 European Urban and Regional Studies 3 3 3 -0319 -0.230 0347 10 15 8 YES
0959-3780 Global Environmental Change 3 3.018 2.177 2354 1 2 1
0301-4797 Journal o f Environmental Management 3 -0.178 0.924 13 5
0022-4146 Journal o f Regional Science 3 3 3 -0349 0.141 0343 12 8 9
0743-0167 Journal o f Rural Studies 3 3 4 0325 0.314 1.025 3 6 4
0166-0462 Regional Science and Urban Economics 3 3 3 -0338 -0.048 0.182 11 11 11
0034-3404 Regional Studies 3 3 4 -0.115 0.069 0.107 6 9 13
0042-0980 Urban Studies 3 3 3 -0.199 0.286 0.580 7 7 7
0570-1864 Annals o f Regional Science 2 2 2 0.967 -0.941 -0992 14 21 21
0144-6193 Construction Management and Economics 2 2 2 -0.613 -0989 17 20
0965-4313 European Planning Studies 2 2 2 OB95 -0.755 0787 13 19 18
1543-5075 International Journal o f Green Energy 2 -1.130 -1.513 23 23
0309-1317 International Journal o f Urban and Regional Research 2 2 -0306 0.873 1.037 8 4 2
1088-1980 Journal o f Industrial Ecology 2 2 2 -0.223 0.048 14 14
0269-0942 Local Economy 2 2 2 -1.316 -1.697 24 24
0041-0020 Town Planning Review 2 3 3 -1.059 -1.266 22 22
Corporate Social Responsibility and
1535-3958 1 1 1 0.955 -0.745 -0.586 2 18 17
Environmental Management
1359-7566 Regional and Federal Studies 1 -0.900 -0.964 20 19

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 Regional Studies, Planning and Environment - 48
A B S *^


ABS ABS SNB> * * - -

ISSN Journal T itle JCR SJR
2010 2009 rank
rank iS X )
0160-7383 Annals o f Tourism Research 4 4 4 0.985 2.005 1393 8 4 5
1094-6705 Journal o f Service Research 4 3 3 2.099 1.974 1361 1 5 4 YES
0047-2875 Journal o f Travel Research 4 3 3 1.925 1.128 7 10
0261-5177 Tourism Management 4 4 3 1.147 2.261 3424 5 3 2
0191-2615 Transportation Research Part B: M ethodological 4 4 4 1.297 3377 3.150 4 1 1
0195-6574 Energy Journal 3 3 3 0392 13
1618-4742 European Sport Management Quarterly 3 -0.678 -1.239 48 68 YES
0306-9192 Food Policy 3 2 2 0.475 0351 1.107 12 13 12
0959-6119 International Journal o f Contemporary H ospitality Management 3 2 2 -0.199 -0.237 30 37
0278-4319 International Journal o f H ospitality Management 3 2 2 0.603 0.536 15 19
0966-9582 Journal o f Sustainable Tourism 3 1 1 1.174 0.706 10 17
0899-7640 Non-Profit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 3 3 3 -0.675 -0397 0.288 25 36 24
0965-8564 Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 3 3 3 0.751 2.487 2040 10 2 3
1361-9209 Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 3 2 -0.209 0367 0.764 19 20 16
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and
1366-5545 3 3 3 0.591 1.972 1.630 11 6 6
Transportation Review
0961-3218 Building Research and Inform ation 2 1 -0.450 0359 0.415 22 21 21
0010-8804 Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Adm inistration Quarterly 2 1 2 2.052 2 N/A
1368-3500 Current Issues in Tourism 2 2 2 -0378 -0.444 35 43
0301-4215 Energy Policy 2 2 1.001 1.179 1.251 7 9 8
0364-152X Environmental Management 2 1 -0.010 0.047 0.078 16 24 30
1525-9951 Event Management 2 -0.522 -0.667 42 48 YES
2042-7913 H ospitality and Society 2
1099-2340 International Journal ofTourism Research 2 2 2 -0363 -0.244 33 38
0301-4797 Journal o f Environmental Management 2 2 2 1.078 0.494 1.243 6 18 9
1096-3480 Journal o f H ospitality and Tourism Research 2 2 2 -0.106 -0.071 28 31 YES
0742-597X Journal o f Management in Engineering 2 2 1 -1.052 0.098 0.189 31 22 26
1757-5818 Journal o f Service Management (form erly IJSIM) 2 2 2 -0.629 -0356 0.167 24 32 27 YES
0888-4773 Journal o f Sport Management 2 2 1 -0.792 -0.162 0.626 26 29 18
1527-0025 Journal o f Sports Economics 2 -1.074 -0380 -0.179 32 44 36
0022-5258 Journal o f Transport Economics and Policy 2 2 2 -0.792 0.404 0.374 27 19 22 YES
0966-6923 Journal o f Transport Geography 2 2 2 0.928 0.985 1364 9 11 7
1054-8408 Journal o f Travel and Tourism Marketing 2 -0.406 -0309 39 S3
0149-0400 Leisure Sciences 2 -0.408 0087 0.091 20 23 29
0261-4367 Leisure Studies 2 2 2 1.427 -0368 -0.107 3 37 33
0308-597X Marine Policy 2 2 2 -0.043 0.531 0.490 17 17 20
0260-4779 Museum Management and Curatorship 2 2 2 N/A
1502-2250 Scandinavian Journal o f H ospitality and Tourism 2 -0.934 -0741 -0.839 29 52 54 YES
0264-2069 Service Industries Journal 2 2 2 -OB23 -0.641 -0.495 28 47 45
1441-3523 Sport Management Review 2 -0747 -0.774 53 52 YES
1083-5423 Tourism Analysis 2 2 2 N/A
1479-053X Tourism and H ospitality: Planning and Development 2 2 2 N/A
1354-8166 Tourism Economics 2 2 2 -0.041 -0.442 26 42
1461-6688 Tourism Geographies 2 2 2 -0.202 -0122 31 35 YES
0250-8281 Tourism Recreation Research 2 1 N/A
1468-7976 Tourist Studies 2 2 2 -0.614 -0321 45 40 YES
0967-070X Transport Policy 2 2 0.097 0.883 1061 15 12 13
0144-1647 Transport Reviews 2 2 1 -0177 0.685 0883 18 14 14
0049-4488 Transportation 2 2 2 0.27S 1.545 1.118 14 8 11
Voluntas: International Journal o f Voluntary and Non-
0957-8765 2 2 2 -0.634 0345 46 41
P rofit Organization
1745-3542 Advances in H ospitality and Leisure 1

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 Sector Studies * 49

A B S *^

Standardised scores
based on means
Sm al
ISSN Journal Tide JCR SJR SNV> journal
2015 2010 2009 rank rank
Anatolia; An International Journal o f Tourism and
1303-2917 1 N/A
H ospitality Research
1094-1665 Asia Pacific Journal o f Tourism Research 1 -0.722 0.939 50 56
0007-070X British Food Journal 1 1 1 -0.949 -0.542 0.254 30 43 39
0969-998X Engineering. Construction and Architectural Management 1 1 1 -0.400 0.740 38 51
0263-2772 FadSties 1 1 -0.688 0.557 49 46
0739-7011 F1U H ospitality Review 1 N/A
International Journal o f Culture, Tourism and
1750-6182 1 YES
H ospitality Research
1758-2954 International Journal o f Event and Festival Management 1 N/A
1352-7258 International Journal o f Heritage Studies 1 1 1 -0.803 0.095 57 32
1525-6480 International Journal o f H ospitality and Tourism Adm inistration 1 -0.811 -1.071 58 60
2152-7857 International Journal o f Sport and Society 1 N/A
1558-6235 International Journal o f Sport Finance 1 -1.556 -0.766 0.649 34 56 47 YES
1546-234X International Journal o f Sport Management 1 N/A
1475-8962 International Journal o f Sport Management and Marketing 1 -1.007 -1.049 66 59
1940-6940 International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics 1 N/A
1464-6668 International Journal o f Sports Marketing and Sponsorship 1 -0.939 -1.020 63 57 YES
1938-8160 Journal o f China Tourism Research 1 N/A
1547-0148 Journal o f Convention and Event Tourism 1
1472-4049 Journal o f Ecotourism 1 -0.275 0.478 34 44
1537-8020 Journal o f Foodservice Business Research 1 -0.915 -1.126 61 64
1096-3758 Journal o f H ospitality and Tourism Education 1 N/A
1447-6770 Journal o f H ospitality and Tourism Management 1 1 N/A
19368623 Journal o f H ospitality M arketing and Management 1 -0.748 -1.029 54 58
1473-8376 Journal o f Hospitality. Leisure. Sport and Tourism Education 1 1 1 -1.776 -0.903 0.903 35 59 55 YES
1533-2845 Journal o f Hunan Resources in H ospitality and Tourism 1 -0.920 -1.074 62 62
1940-7963 Jounal o f PoScy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events 1 -1.072 61 YES
1528-008X Journal o f Q uality Assurance in H ospitality and Tourism 1 -0.998 -1.275 65 69
1477-5085 Journal o f Sport and Tourism 1 -0.912 -1.131 60 65 YES
0040-5000 Jounal o f Textile Institute 1 1 -1.300 -0.412 0.132 33 40 28
1302-8545 Jounai o f Travel and Tourism Research 1
1356-7667 Jounal o f Vacation M arketing 1 -0.758 0.679 55 49
1360-6719 Managing Leisure: An International Journal 1 1 1 -1.055 -1.083 68 63 YES
0738-1360 Marine Resouce Economics 1 1 -0.517 -0.412 0.117 23 41 34 YES
1479-2931 Maritim e Economics & Logistics 1 0.557 0.196 16 25 YES
1048-6682 Non-Profit Management and Leadership 1 1 1 -1.139 -1.376 69 70 YES
1061-6934 Sport M arketing Quarterly 1 N/A
2042-678X Sport Business and M anagement An International Journal 1 N/A
0308-5961 Telecommunications Policy 1 2 2 -0.428 0.022 0.860 21 25 IS
1098-304* Tourism Culture Communications 1 0.740 -1.233 51 67 YES
1660-5373 Tourism Review 1 YES
1332-7461 Tourism: An International. Interdisciplinary Journal 1 -1013 -1.164 67 66
0957-1787 UtiibesPofccy 1 1 -0.066 0.292 27 23
1064-5578 V isitor Studws 1 0.990 0.732 64 50 YES

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 Sector Studies - 50

A B S *^

Standardised scores
based on means
ISSN Journal T itle JCR SJR SNIP journal
2010 2009
(<30 doc)
0002-9602 American Journal o f Sociology 4* 4 4 2.363 3.169 2321 3 2 3
0003-1224 American Sociological Review 4* 4 4 2.773 3.703 3.221 2 1 2
0360-0572 Annual Review o f Sociology 4* 4 4 2841 2.591 3349 1 3 1 YES
0013-0095 Economic Geography 4 4 4 1370 1.185 0.512 6 6 12 YES
1468-2702 Journal o f Economic Geography 4 4 4 1.9S8 1.586 1.235 5 5 6
1460-3799 Risk Analysis: An International Journal 4 4 4 0343 -1.122 -1.407 11 54 56 YES
0277-9536 Social Science and Medicine 4 4 4 1.210 0.341 0.290 7 14 16
0038-0385 Sociology 4 3 3 -0.007 0.268 0.362 21 15 15
0141-9889 Sociology o f Health and Illness 4 4 0.4S7 0.013 0.084 9 23 22
1467-8330 Antipode 3 0.192 0.543 0.053 15 9 23
0007-1315 British Journal o f Sociology 3 3 3 0.281 -0.242 0.255 12 29 17
1467-7660 Development and Change 3 -0.159 -0.218 0.127 24 27 21
0308-5147 Economy and Society 3 3 3 0.169 0.438 0.830 18 10 7 YES
0261-3794 Electoral Studies 3 -0.351 0.027 -0.788 27 22 46
1468-2672 European Sociological Review 3 -0.103 23 N/A
1471-0374 Global Networks - A Journal o f Transnational Affairs 3 0.005 0359 0.426 20 13 14 YES
0960-6491 Industrial and Corporate Change 3 3 3 0.186 0.1 S7 -0.187 17 19 31
0022-0388 Journal o f Development Studies 3 3 3 -0.603 -0.476 -0.473 35 35 35
0958-9287 Journal o f European Social Policy 3 3 3 -0.177 0.090 0.458 25 20 13
0047-2794 Journal o f Social Policy 3 3 3 -0.513 -0388 -0.224 31 32 32
Journal o f the Royal Statistical Society Series A
0964-1998 3 3 3 0.186 0.169 0.143 16 18 18
(Statistics in Society)
0023-5962 Kyklos 3 3 3 -0.538 -0333 -0.270 32 31 33
1356-3467 New Political Economy 3 2 2 -0.675 -0391 -0,730 39 39 44
0032-3292 Politics and Society 3 -0.102 0.082 0.743 22 21 9 YES
0309-1325 Progress in Human Geography 3 1.977 1.727 1.394 4 4 4
1537-5331 Public Opinion Q uarterly 3 0.994 0.649 0.787 8 8 8
1554-0626 Quarterly Journal o f Political Science 3 -0.295 0.708 -0.148 26 7 30 YES
0969-2290 Review o f International Political Economy 3 3 3 -0.437 -0.107 -0.136 30 25 29
1534-7605 Social Forces 3 0.266 0.433 0.008 13 11 24
1475-1461 Socio-Economic Review 3 2 2 -0.013 -0.116 24 28
0081-1750 Sociological M ethodology 3 2 3 0.386 0374 0.673 10 12 11 YES
0038-0261 Sociological Review 3 3 3 0.562 -0.5S7 -0.639 33 38 42
0040-1625 Technological Forecasting and Social Charge 3 3 3 0.158 -0.237 -0.107 19 28 27
0263-2764 Theory Culture and Society 3 3 3 -0.631 -0.274 0.134 38 30 19
0140-2382 West European Politics 3 -0.365 0.196 -0.102 29 17 26
030S-750X W orld Development 3 3 3 0257 0.201 0.685 14 16 10
0002-9246 American Journal o f Economics and Sociology 2 2 2 -1.227 -0.962 -1.180 49 51 53
0309-8168 Capital and Class 2 2 2 -1.266 55 YES
0261-0183 C ritical Social Policy 2 2 -0365 -0.401 -0.031 28 33 25
0268-5809 Current Sociology 2 0.761 -0.688 -0.563 41 43 38
1356-3890 Evaluation 2 2 2 -0.784 -0.307 47 34 YES
0016-3287 Futures 2 2 2 -0.615 -0.595 -0.615 37 40 39
0018-7259 Human Organization 2 2 2 -0.927 -0.913 -1.205 45 50 54
1369-118X Inform ation, Communication and Society 2 1 1 -0.410 -0.480 34 36
0011-3921 International Sociology 2 -0776 -0.637 -0.515 43 41 37
0021 9460 Journal o f Business Law 2 2 2 N/A
1753-0350 Journal o f Cultural Economy 2 -0.800 47 YES
0263-323X Journal o f Law and Society 2 2 2 -0.899 -0.882 -0.840 44 49 48 YES
1366-9877 Journal o f Risk Research 2 2 2 -0.680 -0.703 -0.927 40 45 49
0031-2290 Parliamentary Affairs 2 2 2 -1.002 -0301 -0.631 46 37 40
0032-3179 Political Q uarterly 2 2 2 -1.171 -0.717 -0.958 48 46 51

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 Social Sciences - 51

A B S *^


ISSN Journal Tide journal
rank rank rank
3 0 d o c)
0032-3217 Political S trides 2 2 2 -0.602 -0.151 0.129 34 26 20
0956-2029 Research Evaluation 2 1 -0.611 -0.477 -0.698 36 36 43
0034-6764 Review o f Social Economy 2 2 2 -0.878 -1.025 48 52 YES
0036-8237 Science & Society 2 -1.163 -1.052 -0.780 47 52 45
0302-3427 Science and Public Policy 2 2 2 -0.659 -0.936 42 50
0971-7218 Science, Technology and Society 2 -1.072 -1.373 53 55 YES
1746-5680 Society and Business Review 2 2 2 N/A
0961-463X Time and Society 2 2 2 0.773 -0.701 0632 42 44 41 YES
0144-333X International Journal o f Sociology and Social Policy 1 1 1 1.303 5 YES
1095-9262 International Journal of Sociology of Law 1 1 -1.283 so N/A
2151-5581 Journal o f Trust Research 1 N/A

ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 Social Sciences - 52

A B S *^

Journal Tide journal
2010 2009 rank
0143 2095 Strategic Management Journal 4* 4 4 IB M 2,534 2354 1 1 1
2042-5805 Global Strategy Journal 3 N/A
0024-6301 Long Range Planning 3 3 3 4J.206 -0.009 0318 3 4 2
1476-1270 Strategic Organization 3 2 2 0.438 0.036 -0304 2 3 7 YES
0742-3322 Advances in Strategic Management 2 3 3 -0.899 6 N/A
0964-4733 Business Strategy and the Environment 2 2 2 -0.288 0354 S 4
1058-6407 Journal o f Economics and Management Strategy 2 3 3 -0313 0.119 0.486 4 2 3
1086-1718 Strategic Change 2 2 2 N/A
0953-7325 Technology Analysis and Strategic Management 2 2 2 -0634 -0.449 0.202 5 6 6
0955-6419 Business Strategy Review 1 1 1 -0.715 -1.068 9 9
1463-6689 Foresight 1 1 1 -0.527 -0.199 7 5
1469-7017 Journal o f Change Management 1 1 YES
1286-4692 M@n@gement 1 -0.701 -1.005 8 8 YES

ABS A cadem ic Journal G uide 2015 Strategy - 53

A B S *^

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