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To the members of the Industrial Policy Committee

To the Coordinators of the EWCs

To all industriAll European Trade Union affiliated organisations

Brussels, 13 February 2017

Dear colleagues,

Save the date: Conference - Competitiveness of the European rail supply industry 2 March 2017

For some time, industriAll European Trade Union has been actively involved in lobbying for the idea
of an industrial action plan to support the European rail supply industry which is an important
stronghold of European industry with 400,000 employees. We contributed to the European
Parliament resolution (with German SPD-MEP Martina Werner as rapporteur) in support of this
sector. After that, we tried to convince the Commission to turn this resolution into action. It took
some time but finally the Commission is willing to take action as it aims to set up a permanent forum
to discuss challenges and actions for this industry. A kick-off conference will be organised on 2

We encourage all of you who are active in the sector of railway equipment to participate in this
event in order to be visible as an industrial trade union and to support the development of the
industrial action plan.

P.S. A final invitation will follow at a later date.

Kind regards,

Luc Triangle,

International Trade Union House (ITUH) - Boulevard du Roi Albert II 5 (bte 10) - B-1210 Brussels
Tel: +32 (0)2/226 00 50

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