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Correlation — Slides Petrophysical Modeling Correlation + Correlate between variables + Co-simulation as secondary variable + Ensures consistent model @enabied : Schlumberger Co-simulation with secondary variables usually assumes that the second variable s avaliable in collocated form (ie., avaliable atthe same cel location or positions to be simulate), ‘The linear correlation coefficient assumes normal distribution of both variables, so transformation is necessary before the simulation, Cross plot analysis and computation of corelation coefficients can help identify useful secondary attributes (or rule those out that show litte or no correlation), The magnitude of the correlation ‘coefficient i the thing to look for (a strong negative correlation is OK; the relationship does not have to show a positive corelation to be usel. Petrophysieal Modoling Property Modeling Course For example: if we cross plot porosity vs, permeabily with no facies consideration we might see something similar to the centr image. When we take facies into account we often see stong corelation such a the image onthe right Petrophysical Modeling Correlation Coefficient vs. No. of Data Pairs + The number of data pairs is significant when defining a correlation between two variables For example: A low correlation coefficient in a case of 100 pairs of points is better than a high one in case of 10 pairs Schlumberger ‘The correlation between the two variables will be significant atthe given probability level f your calculated correlation coefiient value exceeds the tabulated value (see table 1), Note 1: the correlation coefficient value ALWAYS lies between ~1 and 1. If your calculated correlation coefficient value is more than 1 (or less than -1) then you made an error in your calculations. "Note 2: Ifyou cannot find the required degrees of freedom, use the next lowest one or interpolate a value from the two nearest existing probability values, Property Modeling Course Petrophyaical Wodeling » 267 Table explanation: Probability value: Minimum threshold value for accepting a correlation between the two variables. The three probabilities means statistical confidence 99.9% sure, 99% sure and 95% sure. Under the assumption of 99.9% statistical confidence the correlation coefficient must go cover a higher threshold, Degrees of Freedom: Number of data pairs minus the numberof variables. A statistical term meaning the total number of data minus the possible relations: Practically it is very often the rrumber of samples minus 1 in a two dimensional world ‘This correlation source is:,himitCorrelaion’s20oveficient ‘The lable soures is: http: helios.bto,ed, 2c. ukibto/staistis/table6. Reference: THE REALLY EASY STATISTICS SITE Produced by Jim Deacon Biology Teaching Organisation, University of Edinburgh \#Correlation®420coeffcient 268 Pevvophysical Modeling pery Modeling Gourse Degrees of Freedom Probability,» 005 oT ‘O00 T 0897 1.000 1,000. z (0.950 0.380 0.999 3 (0.878 0.959 0.991 4 ‘att ost ora 5 (0.755 (0.875 0.951 6 (0707 0.834 0.925 7 (0.668 0.798 0.898 8 0.652 0.765 0872 3 0.602 0.735 ‘dT 0 0576 0.708 (0823 1 0.553 0.684 ‘0.801 17 0.532 0.861 (0.780 3 0514 Oat (0.760 14 0497 0.623 0742 5 0.482 0.606 0725 16 0.468 0.590 0,708 7 0.456 0575 0.693 16 0.444 0.564 0679 19 0.433 0.549 0.585 20 0.423 (0.457 0.852 B 0.381 0.487 0.597 30 0.349 0.449 0.554 Ed (0.325 0.18 0519 a 0.304 0,383 0.490 45 0.288 0.372 0.485 3 0.273 0.364 0.443 fa 0.250 0325, (0.408 7 0.232 0.302 (0.380 0 0217 0.283 (0357 0.287 0254 Property Modeling Course Petrophysical Modeling Correlation — Permeability vs. Porosity @onabled This slide ilustrates porosity vs. permeability cross plot showing a strong correlation. The Permeabilty axis is shown as a logarithmic scale (Le., the strong correlation is a semlog relationship). 270+ Petrophysical Modeling Petrophysical Modeling Correlation ~ Porosity vs. Acoustic Impedance Acoustic Impedance @enabled ‘Schlumberger ‘This slide ilustrates acoustic impedance vs. porosity cross plot showing a relatively weak correlation. However, the color is controled by facies. When facies is taken into account you wll Notice that each facies shows a different correlation. n addition, while the overal cross pot (Le, all facies combined) shows a relatively weak corelation, some facies actualy reveal @ reasonably good correlation. Notice the blue point representing the lobe facies. The red represents channel, yellow is levee, and gray is shale. Peirophysical Modeling » 277 Pause for Exercise @enabled ‘Schlumberger {272- Pewophysical Modeling Property Modeling Course Correlation - Exercises ‘The correlation between two parameters can be captured when doing petrophysical modeling Correlation analysis can help the user understand the relationship between two parameters and define the correlation coefficient ‘Since the correlation coefficient can be automatically estimated during petrophysical modeling for each facies, this exercise is aimed at getting an understanding ofthe correlation between Porosity and permeabilty Exercise Steps 41. Open a Function window. 2. Inthe Properties folder, toggle on Phi for X-axis and Perm for Y-axis, and toggle third parameter (Facies_objct) for color. 3. Use log transform for Y (permeability) axis 4. Click on Make Linear function from crossplot| — icon to get the correlation coefficient ‘and add a best fitlinear function through the data poinls. 5. Deselect Phi, Perm, Facies_Object and the correlation ne {the correation ine is placed at the bottom of the Input tab) and toggle off the log transform for ¥ axis 6. Check he correlation between Al and Phi by toggle on Phi as X axis and Al as Y axis. A negative correlation can be observed. ‘Property Modeling Course

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